#lego superhero au
waterghostype · 7 months
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call me lucky ‘cause in the end
im a six and she’s a ten
she’s so fit, i’m insecure
but she keeps coming back for more
(repost, had to fix smthn)
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science-lings · 19 days
I used to not like batman bc he was the epitome of dudebro edgy comic guy, like a Deadpool fan but like... Worse, but after Pattinson turned him into an awkward antisocial pathetic man I have come to reconsider.
I think he's fun as long as he's not this hypermasculine grumpy man and instead a guy that writes goth poetry and wears so much eyeliner that he looks like a raccoon and hates talking to people so he just stands around threateningly barely saying anything, and also he's a dad who grew up almost completely in a mansion after experiencing major trauma who chronically adopts fucked up kids and teaches them how to throw a punch. I think that is cool. Like he's still so emotionally repressed but he loves his kids and it's messy but ultimately he's good. People just think he's secretly a vampire or a demon but he's really just a college dropout with several unidentifiable issues and one of them is Too Much Money.
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Request if you do or don't do request draw human puppycorn with human unikitty
this has been sitting in the inbox for a year and i just did it today ⚰️⚰️⚰️
anyways, hooman ver of Unikitty and Puppycorn (aka Katie & Maxx aka superhero au unikitty & puppycorn) hfjsdhfg
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ask-burgys-aus · 2 years
here are all the guys that y'all can ask:
Roleswap AU
-Dan / Dangervest
-Lexi Lucy Brickowski
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(Roleswap AU) Vale's timeline
-Vale Wyldstyle
-Emmet / Em
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Ghost AU
but bad
-VG Rex / "Emmet"
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Superhero AU
-Rex / Hero / Breaker
-Lucy / Darkstorm
-Emmet / Ember / The Special
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Character Swap AU
-Benny Brickowski
-Sweet / "Mayhem"
-Rob Dangervest
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Angels & Demon AU
-Lucy Angel (or just "Angel")
-Eric / Hybrid Emmet
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maxphilippa · 1 year
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nymexyl · 3 months
Masked AU Red Son
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About the AU
The masked AU is a Lego monkie kid AU of mine where, rather than gods and fun mystical happenings, you have a corrupt government and secret identities! Two versions of this AU exist from me, the one I am writing on Ao3 (on a small pause while I fix chapter 1 and plan it out a little more), and one in my lego monkie kid fan server!
This AU contains lab experimentation, trauma, secret identities, the works! I'll probably be posting about it more in detail later. If you'd like to join the rp for it, a link to the server is in my pinned post^^ (or if you would like to just hang out and not rp, you can still join)
About the art:
I don't often experiment with rendering, and Red Son's hair and clothes here were a... challenge, to say the least. So I left it in a sort of half-rendered style that I think works well. When creating it, I didn't intend for it to be rendered, so not all of it was shaped to have texture. That's why it's a bit of a mix. I'm not super proud, but I'm learning to appreciate things that take me hours, and to focus more on what I did right instead. Here's the OG version:
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omgjayaaa · 1 year
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Art dump (sketchbook addition)
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Rating superhero/villain dynamics on how gay they are
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do i even have to say it. Usually they have a pretty one sided thing with Joker being high-key obsessed with him but Batman has no interest in that at all. Way overhyped imo. bonus points for the Lego Batman Movie 7/10
Superman/Lex Luthor
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despite many factors and the fact they have a son together, there’s not a lot of tension. Plus Lex gives major homophobic vibes, (he’d make pride lexcorp merch while backing don’t say gay bills)
2/10 for kon
Green Lantern(Hal Jordan)/Sinestro
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oh my god. They have the whole friends to enemies thing that you could swap for lovers to enemies so easily. The worst exes you’ve ever seen. I think they’re actually a couple in some comics (prolly an AU). That one episode of DC Super Hero Girls (the new one) where Hal fights both Sinestro and Carol and they’re said to be on the same level. good shit
Wonder Woman/Cheetah
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it depends on the comic. Sometimes they’re very flirty and suggestive and other times they’re tearing each other’s clothes off bc the male author thought it’d be hot. I think that goes for a lot of woman/woman dynamics in comics tho. I honestly don’t get sometimes why they’re fighting bc they seem to have a lot in common.
6/10 they should just date
Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson
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Jesus Christ guys wtf are y’all doing. They have the funniest dynamic in all of DC comics. Old ass ‘nam vet picks fight with 15 year old who he blames his son’s death on. While I adore the 2003 teen titans show, they got the dynamic so wrong. Their dynamic only becomes homoerotic once Dick is an adult. They have profound respect for each other but they also fucking hate each other. They’re enemies, they’re friends, they’re co-parents, they’re the least mentally stable people you’ve even seen.
20/10 unparalleled
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tweekweek2024 · 2 months
Tweek Week 2024!
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What is Tweek Week? ☕ Tweek Week is an annual character appreciation week dedicated to Tweek Tweak from South Park! 2024 marks our second year running and we can't wait to see what everyone brings to the table. Tag us with your art, fics, playlists, memes, headcanons & more—if it's Tweek related, we want to see it! Tweek Week runs from August 11 - August 17! ❗Tag your posts #TweekWeek2024❗If we somehow missed your post, please shoot us an ask!
📝 Fic writers! You can also add your stories to our AO3 collection under "TweekWeek2024". 📝 Links: Carrd ☕ Guidelines ☕ Twitter/X ☕ 2023 Fic Collection
🎉☕ Thank you to all who participate and enjoy, and here's to another successful Tweek Week! ☕🎉
Below the cut is a written list of prompts with examples ☕
✩ DAY 1 ✩
SUMMER: beach, summer outfits, pool party, fireworks
FIRST DATE: either with a specific partner or ever! Any pairings welcome
✩ Day 2 ✩
SLEEP: napping, pajamas, cuddling
HORROR: zombies, vampires, demons, aliens, yandere, disaster, apocalypse, ghosts, etc.
✩ Day 3 ✩
BAND AU: musician Tweek—in a group or solo!
Y2K: 90s/00s AU, fashion, turn of the century party, etc.
✩ Day 4 ✩
GENDERBEND: different genders or forms of expression!
SUPERHEROES: Wonder Tweek, Superman—Tweek as any hero, magical girl, or even guy rescued by a hero
✩ Day 5 ✩
ANIMALS: pets, familiars, animal/human hybrid AU (like Beastars), anthro
FANTASY AU: Stick of Truth, Barbarian Tweek, witch Tweek, dragon Tweek, Robin Tweek
✩ Day 6 ✩
HOBBIES: sports, art, gardening, arts and crafts, legos, origami, baking, fishing, meditation
POST COVID: old man yaoi
✩ Day 7 ✩
BIRTHDAY: parties, celebrations, anything birthday-related!
FREE DAY: anything you'd like!
Thank you everyone for submitting prompts! We hope you like what we went with!
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
okay so I think I recall an ask here about Jason and Tim who got JJ'd having to work with an alternate Good Joker and it got me thinking about those actor AUs where canon is just a live-action piece of media, specifically this post
So now I'm thinking of Actor!Joker having just left the bar after a good day of drinking, not drunk enough to not get home by himself, only to get non-lethally isekaied into DC
From his perspective, one minute he was walking home, the next he started seeing himself playing the most lucrative role in his career. Dissassociation if he had to guess. He might need therapy
Oh, the Joker he plays is trying to kill him. Self defense it is-- he killed him. well he can't fault himself for it if he never learned self defense now can he :/
Is that a camera? Oh yeah, Joker and loads of his other roles break the fourth wall, and improvisation is expected of him
He looks straight into the camera, the audience, "this is why we don't method act kids. hallucinations" he points at not-him with that final word
"but you all see me pointing at nothing, don'tcha?"
Fuck it, for added humor, the minute Batman gets on the scene & Actor!Joker lays eyes on him, he say "now I'm hallucinating my fiance's role too, what a day," and also Jason and Tim and Duke are there for maximum psychic damage
Hey maybe the three were hostages because the Joker wanted to torment the top three bats he fucked up the most on live television for all of Gotham to see only for Actor!Joker to ruin everything
But also the three seeing this go down through the screen would be funny as shit too
Actor Universe lore; Actor!Joker and Actor!Bruce met through previous roles, kicked off a friendship that became a relationship and soon to be marriage and thats how Actor!Joker met Actor!Bruce hoard of children
this would lead to much of the quote on quote Batfamily Plotline being concieved, through Actor!Joker and Actor!Batkids scheming together to make the most drama-filled superhero story they could
So Actor!Joker and Actor!Batkids would cook up the most gutwrenching ideas, building of eachothers ideas, and cheered eachother on as the Batfamily lore became more and more emotionally devastating
Actor!Bruce can testify because years later into Batman, he still cries fountains of tears when he reads the script and something awful happens to the roles his kids plays, or Bruce Wayne is a shit father
actor!joker: my love, I have propositions the directors will grovel for
actor!bruce: oh no
his kids: daddy I have a new idea for my role >:3
actor!bruce: OH NO!
I think it goes without saying that the actors and characters they play don't have the same name, but I can't be bothered to come up with any mysel lol
Yo!!! This is a wicked cool idea. I dislike Joker/Batman (unless it's the Lego Batman), but I am vibing with this one.
To add on, what if Bruce and Joker became directors specifically so they could sort of adopt their kids? They would be those actors that also direct and screenwrite their own movies.
I want to see Crystal Brown being on set (not necessarily on scene) whenever Steph is, and Bruce and Joker chatting with her when they aren't working. Arthur Brown makes plenty of jokes and pulls pranks on his daughter.
Willis and Catherine cheer on Jason (and sometimes *can't* be on set when certain scenes play out) and smother him in affection after he's done.
The Drakes have their own careers they have to pursue while Tim is filming, but they try to make it on set at least once a week and watch every premiere with Tim. They are good friends with the other parents and only allow Tim to be on set without them because they trust Bruce and Joker.
The Graysons are acrobats in real life as well. Dick wanted to pursue a career in acting instead. They support their son, and he often does performances with them.
Would Damian still be Bruce's kid? If so, I wonder what Joker and Talia's relationship is like. Talia is obviously a fierce but loving mom in this AU. She viciously protects Damian, his privacy, and his ability to stop acting at any time. Damian enjoys acting and being on set with his dad. I also hc that Talia is famous as well. Maybe a model, maybe another actor, or maybe something else. Ra's is the owner/head of a really famous entertainment business. It has branches all over the world, including America.
The Thomases take turns with who's on set with Duke. They both work as well so that a majority of the income Duke makes goes towards his savings or his own spending.
I didn't talk about Barbara or Cass or Alfred or Kate or etc., but feel free to add more!
Actor!Joker would be appalled and disgusted with Batman. Actor!Bruce was playing a role. Yes, the role was somewhat based on Bruce, but he would never harm his kids. He would rather kill than allow them to come to harm.
When Actor!Joker gets transported to that universe, his distaste for Batman is the truly jarring piece of it all. He's not obsessed like their universe's Joker. Actor!Joker shows understanding for their hatred/distance from him. He accepts their boundaries and considers their feelings (in his own very weird way). He doesn't torment. He killed the other Joker.
Just Joker's mannerisms of "whelp, what can you do?" as he murders the other Joker. He still laughs a lot, does harmless pranks, and makes a ton of jokes. Somehow, he does this while lecturing Batman on treating his kids better.
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minniebbang · 5 months
! everything you read doesn't reflect the actual characters of the members. These stories are fiction. I would appreciate your reblog and feedback. I hope you enjoy the stories I write!
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within the forest [14 chapters]; fantasy au, angst, fluff, strangers to best friend au – The king had envied the fairies for a long time for their abilities until he killed all of them for good. What will happen when the sole heir to the kingdom decides to be friends with those warned to avoid? only us[0.4k words]; fluff, drabble – Reading beside your boyfriend was an impossible task. "dad will always be here"[1.8k words]; angst, zombie apocalypse au
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random wip what the clouds feel like[0.7k words]; fluff – You are always curious about the clouds, and Minho has an odd answer to your question. photograph ; fluff
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train to nowhere[1.8k words]; angst – a meeting with a stranger on the train, nothing will go bad, they said. It's a train to the hereafter, one way or another you'll meet a person who was part of your life.
100 reasons to <3 u[socmed au + written series] ;fluff, childhood friends to lover
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"the world is cruel but I still love you" [2.9k words]; skz x aot au, fluff, angst – one month after the rumbling, everything started to return to normal, including the man who destroyed the humanity outside the walls, Hwang Hyunjin.
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Uh oh[1.4k words]; spiderman au – Your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, Han Jisung was running late and still had to save the day. Unfortunately enough, his superheroic action was caught in action by someone.
13; fluff, angst scattered music sheet, messy feeling; angst anywhere but home; fluff
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lego dates; fluff
who are you; a slight angst, reunited lover trope
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back to him[0.9k words]; fluff – after a long day at work, nothing excited you more than going home.
miles away; fluff,angst
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Lily; drabble
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divider by: @benkeibear
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Rex and Emmet
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Breaker and The Special
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that's it, that's the whole post
btw, credz to my brother for shading this thing
he said he was just tryna test stuff and i liked it so i held him hostage and made him do it to the other piece
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ask-burgys-aus · 1 year
I'm not sure if you've been asked this already, but where did you get all these scars Ember?? (can be answered by op as well tho im just curious)
"Oh.. should’ve expected that question sooner or later.. uhm.. ok uh"
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"well, i got these scars because of.. b-because of.. um…"
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Long story short..
I got possessed not that too long ago..
by who?
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"..you may or may not know.."
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maxphilippa · 2 years
"But it wasn't him."
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I wanted to redraw the first edit I ever made from @burgycreeper405-blog 's SuperHero AU!
You can see the original post here!
I'm... so normal about him...
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Tricky Questions Or Treat (W.M)
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Fem! Reader ; Billy and Tommy Maximoff (Modern AU)
Summary: You are going to see Wanda's boys for the first time and things get a little tricky with some treats.
A/N: Yay! The second fic from the Halloween event! I hope you enjoy this fluff with Wanda and the boys! Reblogs and comments are appreciated. Thank you @imdoingsortagay for helping me with the legos information.
Warning: None. Just fluff, fluff and fluff. Well, a teeny tiny angst if you squint.
Requested: Yes.
Halloween Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Costume, checked. Mask, checked. A bouquet of roses, checked. Two sets of legos as gifts, checked. You fix your hair quickly, take a deep breath to reduce your nervousness. Slowly exhale through your mouth before you give a short pep talk to yourself under your breath “Everything’s gonna be okay. The boys will like you, y/n.”
You are standing in front of Wanda’s door, feeling edgy. You and Wanda have been seeing each other for almost half a year and get quite close. Wanda already told you that she wants to take everything slow in the first place since her messy divorce from her now ex-husband. The feelings you get whenever she is around, her laughter, her care and her gentleness makes you fall for her harder and faster than you thought. So you tried your luck and asked her to take things a step further together. The answer Wanda gave you was that she wants you to meet her twin sons first and she will decide from there.
You can’t blame her for that. You understand that she wants to make sure if they will like you or if you are good enough for them. You agreed and Wanda thinks that taking the boys to trick or treat-ing will be the best way to avoid any awkwardness to either of you or them.
You think that it’s a really sweet plan and when Wanda shows a matching costume idea for all four of you, you jump on board without even thinking twice. The Incredibles has been one of your favorite animation movies. So when Wanda tells you that all four of you will be the famous red and black superheroes family and you will be the female version of Mr. Incredible, you were so thrilled.
You rang the doorbell, a few seconds later the front door slowly opened and your stomach knotted but seeing Wanda’s smile greets you really brings warmth in your heart and it drags the worry out of you.
“Oh, hi Y/n.” Your heart stops for a second when you see Wanda in that spandex costume and dark hair wig as the elastic Mrs. Incredible, smiling at you excitedly that you finally arrived. Her heavenly perfect figure catches your breath, then she kisses your cheek.“H-Hi, Wanda. You–uh–you look great.” You stuttered as you handed her the roses you brought.
“Roses! My favorites! Aw thank you, y/n. You make a cute ‘Mr. Incredible’ “ said Wanda with an adorable teasing smile. “And you are such a gorgeous superhero, Mrs. Incredible.” Your response easily gains a little laughter from her. She opens the door wider to let you in.
“Boys! Come down here. I want you to meet someone.” Wanda announces. Despite the nervous feeling, you can’t wait to meet them. Wanda talks a lot about them. She loves her sons dearly, she even told you everything including all the funny things they do. You adore Billie and Tommy so much even before you meet them.
You hear their running steps upstairs and you see both of them walk down the stairs.
"Tommy, Billy, this is Y/n.” The redhead introduces you to them. “Oh, hello, y/n. I’m Billy.” says the brown haired boy. “I’m Tommy.” Billy’s older twin brother adds.
“Hello boys. Nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you two from your mom. I brought—'' You greeted them and before you get the chance to give them the gift, Billy lets out his thinking words. “So you are the person who wears the extra costume mommy got.”
You laugh a little while you answer him and you ask him as well. “Yes, I am and you are Dash or Jack Jack?”
“Yeah, he is Jack Jack and I’m Dash. I got to pick Dash because I’m older.” Tommy answers for his brother and teases him at the same time. “You are only a few minutes older than me. It’s not fair.” Billy complaints and pouts.
“No, Billy, Mommy let Tommy get to pick because you boys agreed that whoever one of you wins the rock, paper, scissors thing can get to be Dash.” Wanda reminds Billy.
“Okay, Mom.” Billy agrees in defeat. You watch the cute conversations in front of you with such adoration. “But mom, Tommy says that you want me to pull my hair up like Jack Jack. Is it okay if I don’t do it? I don’t like it and it looks bad.” 
“Of course, Billy. You don’t have to because I didn’t say that at all. Tommy, stop messing with your brother please.”
You smile looking at the three of them. “I’m sorry, y/n. This whole Dash and Jack Jack costume thing has been going on for the whole week since I told them about it.” Her soft voice apologizes to you as she gets the boys’ trick or treating bucket and then gives them to her sons.
“Oh no, it’s okay, Wands.” Then you crouch to Billy’s eye level. “So Billy, if I were you, I would pick to be Jack Jack. Do you want to know why?” You lure his attention as you try to make him feel better. He looks at you and asks why.
“Because he has so much more cool power than Dash. He can teleport, manipulate objects and matters with his mind, he can levitate too. I know he is just a baby, with weird hair but imagine how much stronger his powers could be when he is Dash’s age?” You pat his shoulders and his pouts quickly replaced by a smile. “Oh yeah! I forgot about that, you are right, y/n! Thank you!” He exclaimed.
“You are welcomed, buddy. Also, I have something for you and Tommy.” You tell him with excitement and Wanda gets surprised about it. So she called Tommy to come. She loves seeing how easy you break the ice with her sons.
“Okay, I heard from your mom that you both love Star Wars and Legos. Soooo, I got both of you these.” your hands hold both sets of legos.
“Oh my god! It’s the Mandalorian! And Obi Wan Kenobi vs Darth Vader Legos! These are awesome!” Both of them cheered.
“Ah ah ah. Before y/n gives them to both of you, I don’t want any argument who got which legos. Billy, you got to pick this time.” Wanda decides. This time the twins switch expressions.
"Mom, why did Billy get to pick?" Tommy complains.
"Because you got to pick the costume, Tommy. You both have to learn about taking turns." Wanda answers gently yet a little sternly and leaves no room for her boys to talk back.
"Okay, mom." They answer her in unison.
"Okay, don't forget to thank Y/n for the gift and put them on the table because we gotta go now."
"Thank you, Y/n" they both say it in gratitude. "You are welcomed boys."
"Okay, boys, we will start from this house and we'll walk all the way to that blue house in the corner and we'll walk back up here on the other side." Wanda tells the boys.
"So, just walk the neighborhood in a circle, mom?" Billy asks. “Yes, mommy’s little smart boys. Now let’s go.” As Wanda finishes her sentences, all four of you start trick or treat-ing.
The first few houses, the boys are focusing on trick or treating. You and Wanda talk with each other about random things and stuff at work. As much as you want to engage more with the twins, you don’t want to force further ice breaking.
As all of you walk away from the fourth house, you and Wanda joke around about your hair then she gently fixes it. Both of the boys notice how much Wanda laughs with you and how she is with you.
It doesn’t take long until Billy pitches an unexpected question that leads to more questions. “Y/n, are you and mom dating?” He asks and brings his gaze to you.
Not gonna lie, your heart drops a little to your stomach from the question you heard. You look at Wanda and she is as surprised as you are. She gasps. “Billy, what’s with the question?” Her eyes rounded and blush showing on her skin.
You clear your throat. “It’s okay, Wands. Uh-your mom and I are a few steps more than just friends and both of us are on the same page to be closer.” You answered with a smile, thinking your answer got you away from their curious question but you are wrong. This was just the beginning.
“Oh, so you are not dating mom yet but you will?” Tommy chimes in to reassure what your answer meant as his eyebrows furrow. “Uh-that’s actually depends on time and things between us." Once again, you answer it very well. This time you are saved by literally the bell of the neighbor’s house that Wanda pressed.
All Wanda can do is laugh at what just happened. After they are done from the fifth house, they remember to continue with their questions.
“Do you love our mom?” Tommy’s question definitely makes your face reddened. “Oh my God, Tommy. That was a personal question, sweetheart. You shouldn’t be asking y/n that.” Wanda’s face flushed and she tried hard holding her smile.
“But mom, we need to know. Don’t you want to know about it?” Billy whines a little.
Wanda fake coughs a little to cover her other surprise reaction caused by her son’s question despite she already knows how you feel about her. “Oookaay, both of you, march. Let’s go to the next house. You snorted a little laugh as you looked at her with a knowing look. “Do you want to know about it, Wands?” You tease.
“No, because I already know your answer.” The red haired taller woman answers you followed by a playful eye roll.
When Billy and Tommy are walking away from the neighbor’s door as they check out their candies, you decide to answer their previous question. Just to be fair.
“Billy, Tommy, to answer your question, Yes, I love your mom and I care about her so much.” You glance at Wanda with a little smile while you let them know your answer.
Tommy and Billy falter their steps and turn around to you and Wanda. "Oh? You love her so much that you won't make mommy sad like our dad did?" Tommy questions you one deep question.
You see Tommy's and Billy's innocent yet concerned face. Then you avert your eyes to Wanda only to find her mixture of surprise and sad expression, your heart wrenches.
"Aaw my babies.." was the only thing Wanda could say as her smile quickly dropped to a sad frown. She pulls them for a hug.
Once again, you crouch down to their eye level. “Uh- boys.” They let go of their hug of Wanda and turned to you.
“Yes, I love your mom so much and I won’t ever make her sad. I’m here to love her, to make her happy and if you both let me, I will love you as much as I love her.” Your gaze jumping around between them two.
“Promise?” Billy tries to get more reassurement from you.
“I promise.” You offer your hand for a playful handshake with them but both of them hug you and it instantly spreads warm in your heart. Wanda’s hope on you rose and joy welled up in her heart. She joins in the hugs with you and her sons.
Right after the hug was broken and all of you continue trick or treating, Tommy declares one more thing. “I’m sorry y/n. Billy and I were just trying to protect our mom.”
“Aww. It’s okay, bud. It’s good that both of you were being protective over your mom.”
“Yeah and it’s not just us. Uncle Pietro and Auntie Natty are protective over mommy too.” Billy nonchalantly adds. “And they can fight.” Tommy giggles as he remembers how Pietro and Nat said it.
You look at Wanda perplexedly. You see the twins' mom batted her lashes in surprise. “Did they teach you and tell you to say that to Y/n?”
“Yeah.” They reply to her mom at the same time.
“Pietro? Natty?” Your puzzled expression looked crystal clear as you ask. A line formed between your eyebrows as they puckered.
Wanda sighs, her eyes roll playfully. “Pietro, my twin brother and Natty or Natasha, my best friends.” She pressed her lips trying to suppress a laugh.
“Oh yeah, right right. Okay. Well then, boys, you can maybe help me arrange a meeting with them so I can prove to them just like I did to you,  that I won’t make your mom sad.  Is that a deal?”
“Deal!” Once again, the twins speak in unison as if they have the same brain.
Wanda is enjoying the view of Billy and Tommy holds each of your hands as the three of you talking and laughing together. Even though Billy and Tommy acted unexpectedly at you, She feels relieved that the boys love you because that definitely helps her to answer your question. To tell you that she loves you and she is ready to be in a relationship with you.
Her spirit soared and she felt drunk with happiness looking at the three most important people in her life.
A/N: Welp, that's it for today peeps! Let me know what you think. See you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd 
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writer-or-whatever · 4 months
The body swap WIP! I love that trope🤭
It's a good fucking trope! Although currently that fic sort of exists just as a bulleted list type outline, not any concrete scenes yet (despite the fact that it has been nebulously floating around in my brain for like a year). Anyway, please enjoy the concept:
AU where soulmates swap bodies for 24 hours. This happens when one of them needs the other most instead of some arbitrary age. Peter, of course, is alone in NYC post-nwh and after Ned and MJ go away to college. 
The bodyswap happens on a completely mundane Tuesday. Peter hasn’t even had any kind of big spiderman fight, and MJ isn’t in any kind of trouble beyond the six courses she’s taking this semester (it’s slightly too many, or so Ned keeps saying, but she needs to keep herself busy to keep her mind off the gaping hole she feels in her life but can’t really get her head around) 
When they swap, Peter does his best not to panic. He goes through his day, doing his best to channel his inner MJ (which, shouldn’t be too hard. He is in her body) and not clue anyone in. He finds her class schedule, goes, takes notes, and lays low so she doesn’t fall behind. He makes it almost all the way through the day before Ned finally catches up to him and almost immediately clocks that he is, in fact, not MJ. Cue the great grilling for information.
Ned is so excited for MJ, for both of them honestly—even though he doesn’t know Peter—and Peter feels so so bad for clamming up and skirting around so many of his questions, giving just the most perfunctory answers and trying not to break down at having his best friend’s enthusiasm aimed at him again. Ned assumes that MJ is the one who needs her soulmate, he knows about her unease and the feeling that she’s missing something big—knows about her lists and drawings of a boy they don’t know (but that looks so familiar somehow) and the feeling of loss that she tries to play off every time he asks. 
Peter feels like he’s been punched in the solar plexus for the entire conversation. He had no idea that MJ was feeling like this. He hadn’t realized that everyone that forgot him had a Peter Parker sized hole in their lives. He didn’t realize it was possible for anyone to miss him so much, especially when they never even knew he was missing. Peter gets so worked up about this that he actually vomits. Ned is so so worried, but before Peter can really say anything one way or another, he’s back in his own body. 
Meanwhile MJ is having quite the Tuesday. She wakes up in this sad tiny cramped apartment back in New York. It takes her approximately five minutes to come across the spidey suit, which is draped over the shower curtain rod drying. It takes her even less time to find the picture of her, Ned, and the boy whose face she is currently wearing. 
She gets that same sick feeling in her gut and buzzing in her head that she’s had for months, every time she tries to figure out what the hell is missing. She still doesn’t know all the details, or any of them really, but the weird holes in her life and in her and Ned’s friendship seem to be adding up to the shape of this boy—of fucking spiderman apparently (and why does that information give her a bit of smug satisfaction? Not that her soulmate is a superhero but rather the fact that she’s figured out that this boy is spiderman). 
She digs around his entire tiny one-room apartment and lays out everything she finds and deems another important piece of the puzzle. She finds a few more photos of them, a lego star wars figure (notably one of the ones that Ned has complained he’s missing from one of his sets), and then the fucking note. The one he wrote to practice telling them who is he is. The one where he tells them all about who he is (Peter Parker), and who he was to her and Ned. Upon reading this, she has a vague memory of this guy walking into the diner she used to work at and giving her his whole name with his order of a single small black coffee before he left. 
Suddenly she is so so angry. It comes from somewhere deep inside her, deeper than the well of the strange sadness she’s been dealing with for months. She doesn’t remember knowing Peter, but somewhere deep inside her she remembers being devasted by something he’s done. 
It’s almost midnight, so she doesn’t have time to do much other than leave him a short note that she leaves on top of all of the other things she’s dug out over the course of the day. It just says ‘You owe me an explanation, Peter’ and her phone number. 
This is, of course, a bad things happen bingo prompt fill so I'm leaving the ending a bit open. So yeah. That's the bodyswap au WIP. Thanks for asking 🥰
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