#leia's not thrilled but she gets why he did it
byfulcrums · 2 years
The idea of Anakin trying to “fix” what he did as Vader (or more like redeem himself, since what he did can't be ‘fixed’) by helping people all over the galaxy as a Force Ghost does something to me
#anakin skywalker#darth vader#star wars#like. he goes to tatooine to help children find their way home when there's a sandstorm#he helps the slaves find food and water#when the empire returns he stays with the child soldiers they're using to give them company#he eventually becomes famous#leia and luke hear about this and go investigating#leia gets herself stuck in a shipwreck somehow and anakin helps her fix it without telling her who he is until she's finally safe#anakin regularly talks to luke and tells him stories about his mother. he doesn't see obi wan much but they're way better than before#leia doesn't forgive him (she never will) but after a while she's willing to listen to him#anakin is happy. leia will never forgive him but she can at least try to get to know him better bc that's what they both deserve#anakin is scared of interacting with ben solo bc he doesn't want him to end up the same way he did#still when ben gets lost in the woods he goes to help him. other children used to make fun of ben for never seeing the blue ghost#until he shows himself in front of them and says hi to ben like he knew him from forever#leia's not thrilled but she gets why he did it#anakin is being blocked from talking to ben when he Falls. he promises leia that he'll try to get through him but it's just not working#when ben dies anakin scolds him. that's when ben realizes that “YOU are darth vader??”#“i sure fucking am”#he helps rey and finally gains the courage to talk to ahsoka and apologize to her#just imagine the possibilities#avis talks#avis' post
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drowsyr · 11 months
top ten stobin halloween costumes:
10. barbie and ken. well actually ken and ken bc there was some miscommunication over who was going as who (steve figured robin was going as barbie bc Girl and robin just wanted to go as ken and figured it would be a better costume if they swapped dolls and then did not communicate this to steve) however nobody knew who they were supposed to be bc there was no iconic ken outfit at the time
9. garfield and odie. just made up of dog/cat ear headbands, yellow/orange shirts, and new name tags on their family video vest. lazy perhaps
8. jonathan + argyle. universally panned by the party bc neither of them had long enough hair to effectively be argyle. esp bc robin went as argyle and had just recently gotten a buzzcut in a panic the week before and the funky patterned pants and button up combo artfully curated at the salvation army could not compensate. however steve’s costume included constant comments abt the smiths, the who, the clash etc which did go over especially well with nancy and argyle
7. marty mcfly. steve tried to convince robin to be the love interest from the movie but only got as far as saying love interest before robin interrupted and asked if he even knew her name (he didn’t and neither did she) and said her dad already had the vest so she should get to be marty mcfly!! at which point steve was like ugh fine. and thought about admitting that he could ask dustin for a lab coat to borrow or ask max to steal one from the science lab but didn’t bc he couldn’t stand the thought of wrecking his hair to look like doc brown. so they just ended up both going as marty mcfly. dustin was doc brown
6. luke and han solo. actually accidental they independently showed up to a party while having a minor fight and realized they were still in matching costumes. drunkenly cried in the upstairs bathroom and made up. this was pre robin’s haircut and was one of the Incidents she gave as evidence for why she needed to cut her hair
5. batman and robin. robin was able to successfully bully steve into being robin. done before robin-with-pants became recognizable so they settled on green-dyed denim shorts (a lovely contribution from the goodwill). robin strangerthings had a fully decked out utility belt lovingly rendered in cardboard and acrylic paint by will with oversight from max. max herself has gone as batman as well (and wonder woman obviously) and used the same utility belt.
4. luke and leia. only successfully coordinated movie costume. this was post robin’s haircut so she went as luke and steve went as leia. obviously went as the classic versions to match even more.
3. their dnd characters as portrayed in an epic six week campaign run by erica sinclair the summer of 1987. caused chaos in the party who had not known about said campaign at the time of it being played and were only slightly devastated by the fact that they hadn’t been informed. only erica and dustin knew who they were dressed as but erica was thrilled :)
2. butterfly + caterpillar. robin dated an art/sculpture student while in college who was really into papier mache. she made them overly elaborate costumes to model for a final project + and they took them back from her dorm after the brutal breakup brought on by a disagreement over joan jett. steve was the butterfly and robin was the caterpillar. they were theeee most inconvenient costumes to wear to a party but they got a lot of compliments and it was a great story to tell people
1. each other obviously. repeated at least four(/“five”. it’s disputed) times, including twice in one year when they were trying to hit as many costume parties as possible in one week. they still argue that the year where halloween was just on a tuesday and they swapped name tags for their shift totally counts. this is not one of the four times.
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tierneysodegaard · 2 years
Baby Pink - Max Verstappen x reader - Part Three
Read Part Two here
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Max Verstappen x female!reader
Summary: After falling pregnant with your best friend's child after a drunken one night stand the two of you part ways. After four years Max finally sees you again and realsies how badly he messed up. He spends years getting you back and becoming the Dad he was supposed to be and now he has his family back.
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, pregnancy
Max had now been back in the picture for four years. Leia was now eight although there were times when she acted more like a sixteen-year-old rather than an eight-year-old. Max and you were now married and had been for two years now and although you could ever forget what happened eight years ago you could forgive him and move on and that’s exactly what happened. The pair of you found a new place, sold off your last homes and moved in together. Leia couldn’t be more ecstatic that she had a large garden with a pool to play in and that wasn’t the last of her smiles. 
Without you knowing Max had decided to buy a Golden Retriever puppy for you all. You came home from work to find Max asleep on the sofa, Leia cuddled on his left side and a very sleepy puppy cuddled on his right side. At that moment you couldn’t even be mad at him that he didn’t talk it through with you because right in front of you was your perfect little family. 
It was currently Halloween and the dog now known as Senna was currently being turned into Yoda. Leia was determined to go as Max, something which thrilled him and made him smugger than he normally was. He even spent several nights making a trophy-shaped trick or treat bucket with ‘World Champion written on the front. You and Max had decided to go as Morticia and Gomez Addams. Uncle Daniel had also planned to join the four of you. 
“What is that?” You frowned at Max. The three of you were all carving pumpkins before Daniel was set to arrive. 
“The Red Bull logo.” He held it up proudly. “Why what did you think it was?”
“Looks like the Loch Ness Monster.” You tilted your head to try and see how it was supposed to look. 
“How does that look like the Loch Ness Monster?” 
“Look that’s the neck, that’s the face -”
“That’s a bull!”
“Is that what it’s supposed to be? What, did Red Bull change the logo to some magical monster.”
“It’s so clear what it is!”
“Maybe to Stevie Wonder.”
“That’s just cruel.” He pouted but a small smile crept from his lips as he left his seat and moved to stand behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he leant his head on your shoulder. “Yours is an easy design.”
“Still looks better than yours.” You turned your head to face him allowing him to place a tender kiss to your lips just as your front door opened. 
“Uncle Daniel!” Leia screeched, running towards him holding her arms out for him.
“You’re getting so big!” Daniel took her into his arms lifting her up with a smile. 
“And what are you supposed to be?” Max arched his eyebrows at his friend. 
“I’m Count Dan-ula!” Daniel smiled brightly before showing off his vampire outfit. 
“Very creative…” Max eyed him with a small smile. 
“Senna is Yoda!” Leia laughed as the dog with rather large green ears plodded over to you. Senna sat by your feet, looking up at you with a large grin.
“He’s been acting like a weirdo recently.” Max huffed. 
“How?” Daniel asked, setting Leia down as he called Senna over. The dog happily plodded over to him, wagging his tail and licking his face. “He seems fine to me.”
“Watch.” Max stepped over to you, sliding his hand around your waist before planting a kiss on your cheek. Senna snapped his head around, barking at Max loudly as he made his way back over to you. He pushed Max out of the way, creating distance between the two of you as he eyed Max. “What’s your problem?” Max asked as if the dog was going to reply. “She’s my wife!” Senna barked back at him. 
“He’s just protective.” You ran your hands through his fur. 
“Too protective, he’s never been this bad.”
“Maybe you’ve annoyed him.”
“How? I give that dog everything.” 
“Maybe he doesn’t like you, Daddy.” Leia giggled as she hugged the dog. 
“Thanks for your input love.” 
The four of you headed out for a couple of hours, more than enough time for Leia to gather enough sweets that’ll last her until Christmas. Daniel currently had her on his shoulders as they walked out in front of you both. Max had his hand laced in yours whilst you held Senna’s lead. 
“Are you okay?” He suddenly sparked up a conversation. 
“You know from this morning…” 
Your mind went back to that morning. You’d told Max just as he’d left to take Leia to karting practice that you weren’t feeling good, your stomach felt horrendous. Max said it could have been the takeaway the two of you shared last night, maybe he was right but when he left you threw up and your mind started to wander to other conclusions but you were yet to tell him that.
“Oh yeah,” You gave him a smile. “I feel better.”
“Good.” He squeezed your hand. “We have Leia’s race coming up in a few days and I don’t want you to miss out on that.” He grinned as he leaned in for a sweet, quick kiss. 
“I wouldn’t miss that for the world.” You looked back at her and Daniel. “She has your attitude.”
“That’s a good thing.” 
“To an extent. Not when I get a call from the school telling me she pushed a boy into a bush because he said you were a shit driver.”
“That’s my girl.” 
“I swear she only acts up when you aren’t here.”
“She’s a daddy's girl that’s why, knows I’m the one who takes her karting -”
“I take her karting when you’re not here!”
“Yeah but I’m a Formula 1 driver so that makes me the cooler parent.” He winked, letting out a laugh. 
“Shame she was never a Hamilton fan.”
“Because she knows who the best driver is.”
“When you win seven world championships then you can talk.” 
“Won more than you.”
“Maybe I could have won a few if I wasn’t a single parent for four years.” You laughed at his pissed-off face. 
“That was low.”
“But I’m right.”
“Please, I don’t even want to think back to my own stupidity.” You only laughed at his words, leaning into his touch as he wrapped his arm around you which earned him a low growl from Senna. “Piss off Senna.” Max snapped. 
“Leave him be! He’s just a baby -”
“We’ve had him for a year now -”
“Still a baby.” You cooed the dog which only annoyed Max. You looked up and grinned at his unamused expression. “Are you jealous of the dog?”
“Jealous you let him sleep on your boobs more than me.”
“They’re pillows for him, he’s always rested his head on my chest -” “I know but I didn’t get him so he could steal my wife from me.”
“Stop sulking.” You grabbed his jaw as you pulled him in for a sweet kiss. Max snaked his hands around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he deepened the kiss. He would never bore of the feeling of you in his arms, he wished he could stay like this forever but your daughter had other plans. 
“Mummy! Daddy!” Leia called to the pair of you, breaking you apart. “This house!” She pointed to a large house which was decked out in Halloween decorations. 
“Makes our house look shit,” Max muttered as he led you towards your daughter.
“Well, I thought your decorations looked perfect, although…” You gave him a teasing smile. “Your pumpkin looked shit compared to mine.”
“You just carved some basic pattern and I carved the Red Bull logo, do you know how hard that is?”
“Still looked shit.” 
Max smiled and pulled you into his side, smiling as he kissed your forehead. Leia had just knocked on the door as she waited for someone to answer whilst you and Max stood beside Daniel. 
“Trick or treat!” She yelled, a smile on her face as the man opposite her knelt down and held out a bowl of sweets. 
“World Champion huh?” The man noticed her trick or treat bucket Max had made. “But Lewis Hamilton doesn’t drive for Red Bull.”
“But my Daddy does!” Leia pointed at Max. The man looked up and was evidently taken back that Leia was actually talking about Max Verstappen and he was in fact standing before him. 
“And Lewis isn’t the only one on the grid with a world Championship.” Max spoke in a smug tone. “In fact I’m sure you’ll remember that Sebastian won with Red Bull, more than once I might add.”
“Sure but he’s no Hamilton.”
“No he isn’t but why would he want to be like him?”
“Because he’s won seven times!” The man let out a laugh. 
“True but why win seven when you can be like me and aim for eight?” Max smirked before reaching for Leia’s hand. “Come on princess, it's getting late.” He led her away from the house as you and Daniel tried to suppress your laughter. 
“Bloody hell Max can’t even go Trick or Treating with you without you finding a way to bully another driver.” Daniel smirked. 
“He needs to learn his place.” Max shrugged, letting go of your hand to pick Leia up. She leant her head into his neck, evidently tired from the night she’d had. The four of you all went back to your place, Daniel passed out on the sofa. He planned to stay the night so he and Max could take Leia to karting practice in the morning. Leia was arguably one of the talked about kids at the races, not only for her talent which Max had clearly passed on but for the number of Formula 1 drivers that would come and watch her race. 
The next morning Max did his normal routine, got up and had a quick work out before making Leia and you breakfast and then he’d make sure Leia was ready for training. The pair of them would come into see you and Senna to say goodbye before leaving. Normally you would take Senna for a walk to the track so you could watch her last laps before returning home but like yesterday you felt awful.
Max had already left and Daniel had gone with him, leaving you alone to throw up your guts with just Senna by your side. You trudged to the bathroom, throwing up with Senna whining beside you. 
“Fucking hell.” You pushed your hair back, looking at the dog with a small smile. “I’ll be okay honey.” 
Your eyes fell to the cabinet in the bathroom. You had those thoughts in the back of your head for a few days now. It could be possible… but what would Max think? Especially after what happened last time. Taking a deep breath you grabbed a pregnancy test from the cabinet and took the test, your nerves getting the better of you as you sat on the floor with Senna. His head was laying in your lap as you waited.
The time was up and you grabbed the test. 
You leaned your head back against the wall, tears pricking your eyes which only distressed Senna. The dog stood up and licked your face, letting out another whine as he walked closer to you. You wrapped your hands around the dog, crying into his fur before pulling back. “We’ll be okay buddy.” 
Now you were currently waiting for an emergency ultrasound just to make sure you were in fact pregnant. Realistically you didn’t know why you were so scared of what was happening. You’d already had one child and managed to go through all of that on your own and now with Max by your side, it would be easier, right? The thing was you were still worried that when Max found out he’d get scared again and run off. He hadn’t been there when Leia was a baby and things are different when they’re younger, maybe he’d get stressed and leave again. 
“Mrs Verstappen?” The nurse called you into the room. The memories of when you had Leia all came back, the feeling was a happy one, she was your entire world and although things had fallen apart between you and Max you wouldn’t change it because he came back and worked for what he had, he wouldn’t give it up, would he? 
“And there the baby is, that small little circle.” The nurse pointed to the screen. “So I can confirm that you are pregnant, congratulations.” She smiled at you. “Does your husband know?”
“No, I’m going to tell him later.” You gave her a quick smile. 
“That’s lovely, you’re about eight weeks.” She smiled as she printed a photo of the scan off. “And this is your second baby yes?”
“Yeah, I had my first eight years ago.” 
“Wonderful, you had no problems last time?”
“No, things went well thankfully.”
“Good so you won’t be on our high-risk list. You can come back in about eight weeks and we’ll start running tests and do another scan.” She handed you the photo. 
“Thank you.” You smiled as you took the photo, cleaning yourself up before bidding her goodbye and driving home to take Senna to the track. 
With the photo in your pocket you took a deep breath as you approached Max. “Hey.”
He spun around and smiled brightly when he saw you. “Good morning love.” He planted a kiss on your lips. “How are you?”
“Good, where’s Daniel?” Your eyes started to scan the track. 
“There.” He pointed to Daniel who was currently speaking to Leia. “He’s giving her a pep talk.” Your heart warmed at the sight before turning back to Max. Your husband picked up on your expression, he turned his body towards you, giving you his full attention. “What’s wrong?”
“I have news…”
“What?” Max took your hands in his but you only let him hold onto one as you pulled the ultrasound from your pocket before handing it to him. 
“I’m pregnant Max, that’s why I felt so ill -”
“We’re having a baby?” His eyes widened. 
“I can’t believe it!” He grabbed you in his arms, spinning you around before kissing you all over your face. “We’re having another baby!”
“Yes we are.” You let out a small grin but your eyes were welling up with tears. 
“What’s wrong darling? Don’t cry -”
“I’m just scared -”
“But why?” He cupped your cheeks. “You told me everything went well with Leia, why are you scared?”
“Because I don’t want you to leave again…” His heart sank at your words. Max wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest before planting a kiss on your head. 
“I’m not making the same mistake twice my love. I promise you. I love you and Leia and I wouldn’t work this hard if I didn’t. I can never say sorry enough for what happened but this time I will get it right for you and for our little one.” Max knelt down and kissed your stomach. Hello little man.” His words making Senna growl at him. “Fuck off it’s my kid.” Max hissed at the dog.
“Little man?” You questioned. “We don’t find out the gender for a while yet.”
“I know but I have a feeling.” His smile grew. “We’re gonna have another little racer in the family.”
“Think they’ll take after you again?”
“Why wouldn’t they? When their Dad is as cool as I am -”
“What if they prefer Uncle Daniel.” 
“Then Uncle Daniel can raise them.” Max teased as he kissed your stomach again which made Senna bark. 
“I think that’s why he’s been so aggie with you.” Max stood back up on his feet as he looked deep into your eyes. “They say they know before you do, and evidently he knew.”
“He’s becoming a pain.”
“He’s just protective.”
“That’s my job.”
“I’m aware but when you go away he looks after us.”
“He better, do you know how many weeks you are?”
“Eight.” You leaned into his touch. “So the baby should be due in May… again.”
“Maybe we should call him Luke.”
“So adamant that it’ll be a boy, huh?”
“I have a feeling… he’ll have my eyes and your looks.”
“You think so?”
“Leia is a perfect mix of us, just has more of my attitude but I think he’ll be more like you with my eyes.”
“We will see.” The pair of you shared another kiss, this time Max deepened it rather fast, holding you close to him whilst he tugged on your bottom lip, smirking as you slightly moaned, his ego growing that he always had that effect on you. 
The two of you pulled back but still kept your gazes on one another. “I guess we’ve got to tell Daniel that he’s going to be an Uncle again.” Max spoke.
“And Leia is going to be a big sister.”
This time he would be around for everything.
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Crack/Crangst idea you want to share?
Once again, a perfect anon, because in anticipation of Star Wars Day, my brain came up with a crack Star Wars AU and now I have an excuse to share it (it’s more crack than Crangst, but I hope you like it!)
This crack au features Anakin and Palpatine as semi-problematic grandparents in an au where Anakin never turns, but Palpatine is never discovered and keeps evilly plotting and cloning himself a son while Anakin and Padme raise their family together. Eventually, Anakin and Padme become grandparents to Ben and Palpatine becomes Rey’s problematic boomer grandpa who shows up at his son’s house on Jakku holidays in order to try to bribe is granddaughter with presents to get her to join the darkside.
Details of this AU include the following in no particular order:
Palpatine cloning himself a son and asking everyone not to question who the boy is or where he came from
Anakin and Padme congratulate Palpatine on his son. Even though Palpatine is fuming because his son is powerless but of course Anakin’s children are some of the most powerful in the galaxy, he has to pretend to be a good father, for the sake of public appearances. He’s really bad at it.
Palpatine initially plans on naming his son “clone attempt 53” or something until his advisors tell him it will look bad if he doesn’t give his son an actual name. Palpatine lazily picks the first name he thinks of and then forgets it and continuously calls his son by the wrong name.
Palpatine’s adult son has to give his dad multiple talks about boundaries and why he shouldn’t be telling his ten-year-old granddaughter Sith legends as bedtime stories
Palpatine (reading a bedtime story to five year old Rey): “Tell me child, have you ever heard of the tragedy of Darth Plageuis the wise? It’s not a story your weak and powerless father would tell you.”
Rey’s Father (yelling from the hallway): “Dad, you know I can hear you, right?”
When it comes to Rey, Palpatine is thrilled that his creepy evil Sith experiments FINALLY created a grandchild with the power he desires, only to discover that power comes with a force bond to, you guessed it, another Skywalker. (Palpatine’s hatred for the Skywalker family grows with every passing generation he fails to turn to the dark side).
Han would for sure make a comment about Sheev being old and say something like “isn’t it weird this guy never seems to die even though he was like super old when Anakin was a kid? And how does he randomly have a son? Where did that guy even come from?” These comments drive Palpatine crazy, but Han is Leia Organa (or Leia Skywalker in this AU)’s husband so he gets away with it. (Also Han regularly almost exposes Palpatine’s plans by making casual jokes. This is not on purpose, Han has no clue what’s going on, and he just sort of roams around the senate building while his wife is in meetings causing trouble and speaking out of turn without a care in the world, but Palpatine grows weary of him and constantly has to change his plans because he thinks Han must be onto him but really Han is just snooping around cause he’s bored).
To Palpatine’s utter disappointment, Rey loves the Jedi. An elderly Anakin specifically takes her under his wing, as she reminds him of a young Ashoka. Plus they both grew up in poverty on a desert planet (because Rey’s dad moved out as soon as he could) so I think they’d have a lot to talk about. I can see Anakin showing up to Luke’s Jedi school specifically to take the kids on fun and dangerous missions and Luke can’t say anything against it because it’s his own dad doing this. I like to imagine Anakin and Rey, impulsive little sand orphans that they are, running around on Jedi missions getting messy and ruining their clothes while Padme and Ben (who would bond over their love of fashion and dramatically stylish capes) always look like they’re trying to be on the cover of a fashion magazine. Also you can’t tell me Padme wouldn’t dress her little grandson, baby Benny, up in the cutest little outfits.
Little Ben, Finn, and Rey go to Jedi training together and Palpatine tries his best to get Rey to spill secrets on Luke and his other students to figure out how to turn them. He teaches her to use force lightening and tries to get her to use it against her classmates but instead Rey teaches her new trick to her friends, who accidentally zap Palpatine in the face. He is not amused. Han accidentally makes jokes about his appearance at a senate meeting in front of a microphone that was left on.
In a last ditch desperate effort to get his apprentice, Palpatine invites himself to Luke’s Jedi school, and when Luke is distracted, he tries to bribe Ben, Rey, and Finn into joining the dark side using the promise of things kids like, including toys and candy. He tried the same thing with Luke and Leia when they were young and it fails both times
There is a point where everyone (eventually) figures out Palpatine is evil, but by then, Palpatine is so old and out of it, it doesn’t really matter. There’s one time where he dramatically tries to stand up and take the energy from Rey and Ben’s force bond at a family party, but then his old man knees give out and he topples over and falls asleep in his chair. I’m not much of a Reylo shipper, but I do think it would be funny if he tried this during the objections portion of their wedding and Poe and Finn have to awkwardly and uncomfortably escort him out like wedding bouncers. I also think it would be funny if during this he yelled something like “Fools! I am all the Sith!” or “You will find that it is YOU who are mistaken!” or “Stand together… die together!” with zero context and shoots forth the teeniest weakest little flash of force lightening he can muster and everyone just writes him off as being an old person who’s starting to lose it.
Might add more later but I hope this finds its target audience.
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padmeanddorme · 1 year
Rewatching the Star Wars Movies Part 1!
and now I notice the little details seeing as I am older!
Damn I hope there do be no typos in this rant I spent so much time and energy on….
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….
I watched Star Wars the Phantom Menace again- one of my favourite movies of all time! And I realised that I could notice more details than usual and reflect on the meaning of particular scenes this time around!
- Padmé’s first ever entrance proves she is all business, is a fashionista and is a powerful woman who will not let any force of evil ruin innocent people’s lives
- I am so amazed that I am able to tell the difference between Sabé and Padmé now! I really want Keira Knightly to return as Padmé. Perhaps this is far-fetched- but in the Ahsoka series?!
- Otoh Gunga- the long shots of Obi and Qui swimming after Jar Jar towards the glowing Cory is gorgeous- but I wonder- how long did the city take to build? And how did they get all the resources down there? Why are the outside materials not rusting??!
- The way Obi-wan walks with his large robe sleeves makes him look so cute and tiny
- Ric Olié is such a dedicated, skilled pilot- I love how he is like Ani’s first mentor who teaches him the terms of the cockpit
- Obi-wan and his tendency to be like “picked up another pathetic life form” is 😂
- Ani being so respectful to his mumma is so cute. Shmi is so gentle- yet she will be forthright with her opinion and stubborn when she’s needs to protect Ani- she would have been an amazing grandma- and she would have shipped Anakin and Padmé so hard! I can just imagine the flustered, embarrassed 19 or 20-year-old Ani when they head to Tatooine after Anakin’s nightmares and Shmi is sharing embarrassing childhood stories about Anakin to Padmé. And the soft smile that would etch itself on her face when she walks in on Anakin and Padmé snuggled close to each other as they stay a night at the Skywalker-Lars homestead. Yes it just so happened that there were not enough beds so Anakin and Padmé had to share one- both were so nervous yet secretly thrilled to cuddle each other as they fell asleep 😴
- That conversation at the dinner table about how Anakin wants to finish a device to detect the slaving transmitters in the back of slaves’ necks makes me wish he and Padmé lived happily ever after on Naboo. They would go on fun adventures with their many children- Luke, Leia, Mila (after Milaflower), Jinn and another baby on the way, going to the snowy world of Hoth and swimming in the lakes of Naboo. When Anidala would want their hard-earned date week every 2 months or so, they would drop the kids off for 1 week with Sabé and the handmaiden gang (or Obi, Rex and Ahsoka?) so they could have a romantic vacation on Tatooine. But at the same time Anidala were investigating the slave situation and were being updated on the progress Sabé and Tonra had made by shipping freed slaves off world.
- The fluffy beard makes Ki-Ado seem like space Santa is swear
- I just noticed how upset and guilty Padmé appears when she suggests a vote of no confidence for poor, confused Valorum- she wants to immediately aid her struggling people but also feels wrong for ruining the career of confused Valorum
- Like frick off Palpatine he’s all smiling and like “I am going for Chancellor Yipee” and Padmé does not want to hear it! She realises there is more significant issues to worry about- *cough* and a *cough* “our people are dying in labour camps”! Ahah her feminist and stubbornness is shining through like a beacon!
- How soft Padmé’s features are and how gorgeous and intricately detailed her queen outfits are enhance her beauty yet symbolise how young she truly is
- Mace’s head shines so much at night time I swear
- I love how Qui-gon brushes off Obi’s negativity all the time and knows where how to focus his attention on the present and his passiona
- I actual burst out laughing when Ani was like ‘Qui-gon, Sir, I don’t wanna be a problem…”
- The elegant yet purposeful way the handmaidens stride onto the silver ship is so beautiful
- In the scene where Nute Gunray communicates with hologram Palpatine, I only just noticed the beautiful sculptures. These sculptures prove how much the Naboo people value art and express their creativity by surrounding themselves with decorations that have meaning
- Swampy Naboo giving Endor vibes damn
- I adore the bewilderment of Ani, Jar Jar and my Jedi boys when Padmé reveals herself as queen and everyone is like “what the the frick???”
- Maul’s staring into my soul! Ghost Padmé save me from the scary boy
- The strategic mind of Padmé is so inspiring- I love my intelligent gurl. She’s like- “ we make a diversion, we will use pilots to knock out the droid ship and we have Artoo’s strategic plan saved in his data bank—-”
- The fog and creepy bird noises as the Gungans march out onto the fields of Naboo builds some awesome suspense
- The droid army tanks moving sound like airplanes damn
- The handmaidens in battle action and being able to see their intricate hair buns is pretty sweet- I believe Eirtaé is the only blond handmaiden!
- Rest in peace that poor pilot who immediately crashed in the grassy Naboo fields
- ooh! I love how one of the Bravo pilots was a woman! Look at Naboo letting all genders be empowered, go my favourite planet!
- I love them oversized, glowing blueberries Jar Jar is still learning to throw
- Oh my Force! Sith are such dramatic turds I swear 😂 Darth Maul standing there menacingly, slowly lifting his eyes to death glare Obi and Qui-gon, alongside the music is killing me
- Maul flashing his teethies like a dog is hilarious 😆
- Maybe Jar Jar do be a sith… I mean, when his foot got tangled in the wiring of a battle droid and as he clumsily tried to escape the wire snaking around him- he managed to shoot many droids…
- Artoo is like man why the hell I gotta babysit this blond beach boy when I could be destroying the space station in like 2 minutes
- Qui-gon being stabbed brought me on the verge of tears. But I could not help but notice that, in the close up after he was stabbed so cruelly, his eyes sparkled a really deep blue- I never noticed he had sky blue eyes until then damn
-I love how prepared Padmé is with blasters resting in her secret throne compartment
- It was like a Star exploding seeing the Trade Federarion ship go BOOM
- The love in Qui-gon’s eyes as he strokes Obi’s cheek- I MISS HiM YOUR HONOUR
- SASSY PANAKA- “I think you can kiss your Trade franchise goodbye.” gIVes ME LiFE
- My favourite handmaiden outfit is the golden hooded robe after the end of the Invasion of Naboo
- Yoda is so scary when he frustrated DAMN! Agree with you the COUNCIL DOES NOT!!!
- In the funeral scene, I never noticed George Lucas’s little sneaky camera close up. After Mace exclaims- “but which was destroyed- the master or apprentice?” It zooms in on Palpatine’s face and fuzzes out everyone else- Foreshadowing is impeccabile here! Never noticed it when I was younger!
- Mwhaah- I noticed in a scene a few seconds before the movie ends that there was a handmaiden standing behind Obi in a beautiful, silverish, grey cloak. At first I was like- “hey that looks like Sabé!” I then had to skip back to the scene once the credits started rolling- and I took a picture of the face! I think I am right- the face seems to boast the features of Keira Knightly! Take a look for yourself:
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Now enjoy some of my favourite moments and some aesthetic gifs from this amazing, underrated, family- feel good movie:
We will begin with incredibly blond and happy Anakin- poor Ani deserved to realise that little Luke, Leia, Jinn, Mila and his other kids looked like mini versions of him and Padmé….
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So if you have made it to the end of my very long post….thank you!
Feel free to chat to me in the comments about anything Star Wars and positivity related.
May the force be with us all 🌌💖
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The Reckoning
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark’s Daughter OC
A Dark AU Fic
Chapter 5
Author's Note
This chapter contains explicit sexual content including dirty thoughts, dirty talk, fingering, touching, PIV sex, unprotected sex, etc. as well as other mature content. Here's your warning. This story is only going to get more mature. I highly suggest minors DNI. The italic lyric sections are from the song posted at the beginning of the chapter. You can also get the song info from the playlist. - Leia
Come cover me with you
For the thrill
till you will take me in
Come comfort me in you
Young love must
Live twice only for us
Alexa awoke feeling herself cocooned in the warmth of a pair strong arms. She was still laying on a very muscular chest. She looked up to see Steve's blue eyes looking back at her. She felt a little sore from the sex and knew it was normal. However, the rest of what she was feeling was still like a blissful high. She smiled as she snuggled into him. Steve was bringing her nothing but pure happiness. He was giving her hope for so many things she use to not have any for at all, like the existence of real love. She felt him kiss her forehead and her smile grew bigger. She'd never felt so happy in her life.
"Good morning, sweetheart," he said softly.
"Good morning," she responded with a smile.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Best sleep ever. You?"
"I can definitely say the same."
He leaned down and kissed her. The kiss was lingering and passionate as used his arms to pull her completely on top of him. Their lips stayed locked together as the kiss deepened. She wanted more. She was naked and ready to be touched. This was worse than a craving. It was a need. She reached a hand down and began to gently strike the shaft of his semi-erect member causing him to half growl as he broke the kiss.
"Do you have any idea what you're doing to me right now?" Steve asked her.
"I do," She answered with a smirk. "I need you, Steve."
"Fuck, Alexa!"
She released his now hard cock as she placed her hands in his shoulders. He used one of his hands to first check to see if she was wet enough to take him. He had barely touched her and she was already drenched. It was going to take every ounce of control he had to not fuck her into oblivion. He had his other hand on her hip while he moved the one to guide his cock into her dripping heat. She let out a pleasure filled cry from her lips as she spread her legs out further to completely straddle him before shifting her body so that she was just slightly upright. She moaned again, this time it was a little more breathy as he now had a hand on each of her hips. He barely had to move to be fully sheathed inside of her tight, slick pussy and it felt like heaven on earth to him. The way she cried out when he thrust into her drove him crazy. She had told him that she needed him. Why did he have a feeling he'd made Alexa into an insatiable little succubus?
"Steve..." she half whispered as she rocked her hips against him. "God don't stop!"
He thrust himself up into her, "Oh, Alexa, you have surprised me."
"Fuck! Your cock is like a drug."
"You're my drug, sweetheart."
"Please don't stop!"
"Your wish is my command, baby."
He continued to thrust upwards into her as she kept grinding her hips against his with each thrust. He had both hands gripping her hips firmly. She was crying out loudly, making it known just how good he was making her feel, right before she leaned down and kissing him. The kiss was needy, hungry, and one that drove him further into his current desire for her. What was she doing to him?
"Are you wanting me to fuck you, Alexa?" He questioned as she placed her hands on his shoulders.
"Yes I am, Steve," She purred into his ear. "I want you to fuck me all day long."
"Then we are barely going to leave this bed today."
"Good because I'm addicted to this and you."
"Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea how hooked I am to everything about you."
"Fuck, Steve! Oh god please don't stop because you're making me feel so fucking good!"
He caressed her face with one of his hands as he had not stopped his hard thrusting into her, "I don't plan on it. Fuck! Alexa, do you know how good you make me feel?"
Alexa cried out, a scream of pleasure as she kept grinding her hips against him. Her desire for him was near animalistic, just as his was for her. They couldn't stop. Between kisses the two of them for moaning and breathing heavily as their movements didn't cease. Steve's needed for her body was just as great and desperate as hers for him. They weren't going to be able to stay away from each other at all, not ever. The touch, the contact, the sex, all of it was now like a requirement for survival for them both.
Natasha walked into Sam's room and turned on the light without warning. She'd already sent Bucky to the kitchen for coffee and the remainder of the beignets after they discovered Steve wasn't home. She was certain she knew where he was but needed Sam to give her that confirmation, since he was the only one that could. Clint was already in the study working like nothing was going on, which was all too typical of him. This was why he ran things when Steve wasn't available. He was the responsible one. What was she doing? Her usual chore is babysitting Sam and her husband since they both refuse to completely grow up. She found it irritating but clearly must have accepted it since she did marry Bucky.
"Wake up and get your ass out of bed, Sam!" She half shouted. "Be in the study in fifteen minutes. I told Bucky to bring coffee and the rest of the beignets."
"Damn, woman!" Sam exclaimed in response. "Can't I sleep?"
"Not when Steve mysteriously disappears."
"Oh hell! He went to her place after he had me take her home. That dumbass!"
She put her face into her hands. She knew it! She knew him too well. This means he also slept with her. He never listens!
"We all told him not to think with his dick," She muttered.
"He doesn't listen," Sam remarked in response.
"I know that!"
"Leave my room, Natasha, so I can get dressed."
"Barton's here so hurry up if you want food."
Natasha left Sam's room laughing and made her way back to the study where she found Clint sitting behind Steve's desk doing paperwork and Bucky sitting in his usual spot in the sofa eating a beignet. Bucky handed her a mug with coffee in it, fixed just the way she liked. She took the mug from her husband, flashes him a smile, and took a sip of the hot liquid. Clint finally looked up from his task and the look on his face was one of irritation. Natasha wasn't sure if it was the paperwork or something else.
"Is he getting his ass up?" Bucky asked about Sam.
"He'll be in here shortly," Nat answered. "What's wrong, Clint? The look on your face says a lot. Is it Steve, Sam, or something else?"
"A combination of I'm being honest," Clint responded. "Do you know where Steve is?"
"We had a feeling when we found him gone this morning," Bucky replied. "Just don't know for sure."
"Sam pretty much confirmed it," Nat added. "He's certain Steve went to her place after he had him take her home, and in all honesty, it makes sense."
"That stupid punk."
Bucky laughed as he shook his head. He wasn't sure if he should be disappointed or proud. Natasha took her seat next to him as they both observed a very confused Clint. It was then they realized he didn't have a lot of details about Alexa yet or Steve's date with her, if any at all.
"Wait a minute. Who is she?" Clint inquired.
"Oh, right!" Bucky realized as he and Nat laughed slightly. "We need to fill you in. Steve met Alexandra Stark earlier this week and they flirted. Then, last night he had her here for a dinner date."
"Did you just say Alexandra Stark?"
"Yes he did," Nat smirked. "She goes by Alexa and is really quite something."
"He went to her place? He's with her?"
"Oh he has to be," Sam said as he walked into the room and sat down in his usual seat. "They'd obviously been messing around when he came to get me to take her home."
"Oh I need details!" Nat practically commanded in an almost eager tone.
"Of course you do, Natasha."
"Steve won't give me any!"
"She's right, Wilson," Bucky stated. "Now talk."
"Steve was only wearing his pants," Sam began to divulge. "Alexa no longer had in lipstick though it was on his lips and her hair was unpinned."
"That's the look of we didn't have sex, but we definitely did more than make out," Clint proclaimed as they were all trying not to laugh.
"Well he was gone when I got back."
"Oh yeah he went there. Stark is so going to flip out when he discovers Steve is fucking his daughter."
"She's not a fan of her Dad, Clint," Nat revealed. "As stupid as this may have been on Steve's part, I've seen the way they look at each other."
"This could still start a war despite what she wants. Tony Stark is a ruthless man with no principles."
"And if Steve has feelings for her then we go to war."
"I've always told him that I'm with him until the end of the line," Bucky affirmed. "This is no different."
"She's obviously feeling the same for him. I'm behind this," Sam chimed in. "Especially if she's got no true loyalty to her dad."
"Then I look forward to meeting her," Clint commented. "It sounds like he may have found the best thing for him."
"I couldn't agree more," Nat concurred as she began to serve the beignets. "What else is going on, Clint?"
Before Clint could answer, the phone on the desk started to ring. He looked at the ID to see it was a Los Angeles phone number. That means one thing and one thing only, that it was speaking of the devil himself, Tony Stark. He groaned loudly and motioned for Natasha to come over there as the phone continues to ring. She quickly walked over behind the desk and stood next to Clint by the phone, with one arm on his shoulder. She took one look at the number on the ID and rolled her eyes.
"Answer it on speaker," she directed. "Let's see what this asshole wants."
Clint pressed the button for the speaker phone and spoke, "Rogers, Inc., this is Barton."
"Hello, Barton," came the voice of Tony Stark, one they were all too familiar with. "Is your boss available?"
"Steve happens to be unavailable right now, Stark. How can I help you?"
"Can you ask him to give me a call?"
"What do you want, Stark?" Natasha asked in an almost forceful tone. "Is it so important that you must talk to Steve?"
"Oh, Natasha, my favorite Russian beauty. I never thought you'd speak."
"Cut the crap and answer me."
"And stop trying to flirt with my wife!" Bucky exclaimed, making sure his tone came off as a threat.
"Nice to hear your voice, Barnes," Tony remarked sarcastically. "My daughter, Alexandra, moved to Manhattan a week ago..."
"Good for her to get away from you," Natasha interrupted, causing both Sam and Bucky to have to stifle laughter.
"She's there for school, despite it not being to study what I had preferred for her and no other reason."
"And you want to speak to Steve because?" Clint inquired.
"To make sure Rogers stays away from her."
Natasha started laughing, "You need to get a grip on your control issues, Stark, and besides Steve's got a girl."
"Well, in that case, I wish him luck and all that good stuff."
The phone suddenly disconnected and the room filled with their laughter. They'd gotten Tony Stark to wish Steve well in his relationship that was with his own daughter. Natasha was notoriously good at pulling plays like this but they all had to admit that this was her best one yet. When the truth about Steve and Alexa did come out, things were going to get interesting for all of them.
Alexa and Steve had barely left her bed all day. They'd order take out to be delivered, enjoying the food break between rounds of sex and power naps. They truly couldn't keep their hands off of each other. They had, also, spent time talking and getting to know each other more. Alexa laid in Steve's arms and felt happier than she'd ever felt in her life. It wasn't just the way he touched her. It was the way he listened to her. It was the way he looked at her as they talked. She could tell he was truly listening to every word she spoken this was something Alexa wasn't used to, having someone who truly care about her thoughts and feelings. She spent much of her life alone and when her Dad was around, it was never because he cared for her. No, her Dad just cares about controlling her and Pepper was basically his minion. Rhodey was basically her rock growing up and she met Wanda at school. These feelings she had now, as she lay curled up in Steve's arms, were something brand new to her but all she wanted to do was explore them more. She kisses him softly as he felt herself getting lost in his kid eyes again. It was something more than happy, more than safe she felt felt as his arms wrapped tightly around her. Alexa just wasn't sure if she was ready to name this feeling yet.
Steve stopped counting after round three. They truly were addicted to each other almost instantly. It wasn't just something about her physically that drew him to Alexa. She has a beautiful soul. Her heart and mind amazed him. As they talked and she revealed things about her past, it only made him hold her closer. Damn Tony Stark for all of the pain he had caused her. She'd been neglected instead of loved. Steve vowed then that he would make sure that Alexa never felt like that again. She deserved to feel loved because that's what she was worthy of, being loved. He'd never felt like this, felt so deeply for anyone until she came into his life. Steve wasn't sure what this was but he wanted to delve further into this relationship. He wanted to never let her go as he sweetly kissed her lips again. He was now determined to do more than make her happy. He wanted to help her heal her scars and see her never hurt again. Was he falling in love with her already? If he was, then he knew he was truly doing it for the first time in his life.
"Sweetheart, what do you think of getting a shower and going to my place?" He inquired.
"I like that idea," She answered. "Do you want me to stay the night?"
"Do you want to?"
"I'm a little spoiled to this already."
"I think I'm going to enjoy spoiling you even more, Alexa."
"Oh, Steve! Don't threaten a girl with a good time."
They both began to laugh with their happiness evident in their eyes and faces. Whatever was happening between them was completely real.
"You can bring some things to leave there so always have something there," he said softly.
"You're saying that like I'll be there a lot," she quickly replied.
"Well, I'd be shocked if you're not."
"I get this feeling that if I'm not there that you'll be here. In that case, you can leave some things here so you're not resorting to wandering around naked."
"I thought you didn't mind."
"I don't, Steve. I just have a best friend with a tendency to show up unannounced and I much prefer it if Wanda never sees you naked."
"Ok. I get your point. I wouldn't want Sam or Bucky to see you naked either."
"Bucky would send his wife into the room first to make sure I'm decent."
Steve laughed at how quickly Alexa had figured out Bucky and Natasha. It could become obvious very quickly that nothing and no one scared Bucky more than his wife.
"You caught into that quickly," he noted still laughing.
"She also has a reputation," Alexa giggled. "My Uncle Rhodey thoroughly enjoyed telling me about her rejecting my Dad."
"We all wish we had that on video because it was amazing to witness."
"I do really like her."
"She's a great person and friend."
"Steve, I love the idea about keeping things at your place."
"I'll keep some here too."
"And, I'd love to go back to your place."
"So, shower?"
"Are you going to teach me what shower sex is like?"
"Sweetheart, I'll teach you about anything that relates to pleasure and your body that you want to learn.”
"Then teach me, Steve. I'm your willing student."
"Oh, Alexa, if you only knew what all you do to me."
For me
For you
Time devours passion's beauty
With me
With you
In war for the love of you
Tonight any dream will do
Author's Note
I'm so sorry this took so long! Chapter 6 is written just have to get it snapped. Tony has appeared via phone. What's in store next? Stay tuned! - Leia
Read more by visiting my main Masterlist or the Steve Rogers Masterlist
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hungrydolphin91 · 9 months
[Insert some kind of Xillia 2 catchy tagline here about how my sister and I are playing this game]. I don't even remember what chapter we're on at this point, but we did all the fun Victor stuff
Victor only took as three tries: we got very close the first time, the second one doesn't count because he confused the whole party and we all murdered each other, but by the third we had grinded a little and bought some better weapons and armor
Since we had to rewatch the cutscenes she picked different dialogue choices just to see what changed, except for the one about Ludger's cooking vs. Victor's. Sis: "I won't concede, mine's still better."
Sorry I don't have much to report about the reactions, since my sister pretty much already knew what was about to happen. She wasn't thrilled about being Elle's father, but she did feel bad for Elle finding out her father was using her, and watching him get killed, too. It's a lot for a kid to go through 😭
There's a bonus scene with Jude helping Ludger make a new pot of soup after Elle spills the first, but he mostly just stands there. Me: "YOU SHOULD BE HELPING, NOT HURTING."
My sister slapped a pair of goofy glasses on Alvin right before his character chapter so we got to enjoy all the emotional close ups with his 😏 expression. I'm surprised Presa didn't return the ring just from that 😂
Leia: "Agria, watch over me." Me: "Agria is probably flipping you off from Hell."
Why is it that Alvin's chapters are much more interesting to me than the others. I mean I'm probably super biased cause I like him but still I like how they explore more of his struggles at improving himself and what could have been based on his past, compared to, I don't know, buying a bunny doll or reading Muzet's thoughts. Maybe I'm just an angst fan.
We started prime Milla's chapter in a new session, and the second the cutscene started my sister left to go get snacks. We have a fundamentally different way of playing these games 😅
Hilariously, the cutscene was halted so Ludger can make a dialogue choice, one of them being "Sounds like I missed something." 😂
I forgot this was a Milla chapter and not a Jude one, with the iconic gay bird spirit that's acting like a clingy ex 😂
While hunting elite monsters, Milla died right at the end of a battle and didn't get the exp, but characters who weren't in the party still did. Sis: "Alvin's probably waking up from a nap like 'Guess who just got stronger?'"
We made paid the bank 150,000 with Ludger's reward money, and all we got was kitty krisps and a skill for Alvin, who again, wasn't there. Cue both of us saying "Guess who just got stronger?" and laughing.
I forgot proceeding with the plot in Marksburg triggers a boss battle with Chronos. Oops, we weren't fully healed.
Julius shows up and defends Ludger, aww. Sis: "When do we tell him he's technically an uncle now?"
I couldn't remember how many times the Chronos fight looped but it wasn't too bad really, the game's going easy on you at this point since it's scripted.
Bisley shows up to interrupt the fight. Sis: "Who are you?" Me, with utter exasperation: "...Do you seriously not know who he is?" 😩 (She did, she just didn't know why he was helping)
My sister was a lot more worried about Julius taking Ludger's place to fight Chronos one on one over the appearance of Bisley or the disappearance of Elle. I can't blame her, Julius's love for his brother is so sweet and he's frankly more compelling than most of the other original characters
Elle runs away because she suddenly doesn't want to go to Canaan anymore (it IS pretty creepy I'll give her that), and the rest of the party is somehow fine with letting this child run around unsupervised except by Spirius agents?? Even my sister who hates Elle pointed out that Ludger is kinda her closest living relative in this dimension so he should probably not let her wander off??
The SECOND that cutscene ended, Nova called. "Ludger, I know you just fought the god of time, but he gave you money, didn't he? You can't pull a fast one over the bank!"
Next time is... whatever happens next. My memories are a little fuzzy but I think we're gonna do that stuff in Spirius's basement soon, and then... oof. Hoping for a bad end, ngl 😅
[Masterpost link here, eventually.]
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peach-and-bugs · 2 years
leia organa + robot? plz + ty!
🌿Robot - Leia Organa x Enginer!Reader🌿
Fanfiction master list
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Summary: After the destruction of the empire, you take Leia with you to buy some broken down droids for you to work on in your newfound spare time. while you shop, Leia comes across a little droid that reminds her of a time long ago
Warnings: very minor spoilers for Obi-Wan! minor mention of childhood poverty
Word Count: 1,676
A/N: Another single word request has been finished up and I was so excited to write this one! Leia has been my absolute favorite character of all time ever since I was a child and I was thrilled to get requests for her! I also waited a bit on this one to make sure it would work out with Obi-Wan. Also please watch Obi-Wan! it's become my favorite Disney+ series so fast it's amazing. Leia and Obi-Wan have been my top two favorite Star Wars characters since I watched the originals as a kid and to realize that they did in fact have a relationship that was quite close meant so much to me. but with that out of the way, please enjoy some mushy fluff featuring two crushing idiots and as always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading! 🌿
Leia Organa Tag List:
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
“Why did you need to land here again?” Han called back to you as he reached up, flipping numerous switches in the Falcon’s cockpit after making a solid landing. You poked your head into the cockpit as you organized your bag of knickknacks. 
“I wanna find some good droids to work on and this is one of the best trading posts still running”
“But we don’t need droids. The resistance is finished, remember?” you rolled your eyes, neglecting to respond or entertain the pilot's inflated ego.
“Some of us happen to have hobbies, flyboy,” you heard Leia yell from down one of the halls. You snickered as Han argued and ran towards the door.
“We’ll be back in an hour or so!” you yelled, nearly tripping over a cord thrown on the floor as you got to the door. Leia managed to grab your upper bicep and you laughed. 
“You better be or I’m leaving you both here!” Han managed to retort as you both scurried off the ship. The trading post wasn’t much of a walk away and gave you time to chat with Leia, but you didn’t. Instead, you mutually enjoyed the scenery around you. All around you were nearly untouched greenery. It was an unexpected location for a droid trading post, but you had no reason to complain. After spending the last few years surrounded by war and incoming death, the green was a beautiful and welcomed alternative. 
But your eyes always seemed to wander to your companion even amongst the shimmering environment. You purposely prayed that she hadn’t noticed, but there was never telling with Leia and you know it. She was one of, if not the most observant person you know and she was good at hiding it. Chances were she already knew just how much you liked her and was letting your keep it to yourself till you gathered the courage to admit it already. 
Most of the crew had figured it out by now. Even Luke had asked you if you liked his sister and there had been no point in hiding it from him. He was a Jedi after all. Honestly, it was laughable how obvious your affections were, yet you insisted there was no point in telling her. You could be satisfied with stolen glances and that fluttering feeling you got in your chest when she touched your hand. 
“So, what exactly are we looking for?” Leia asked, interrupting your mumbling thoughts. You put on a relaxed, neutral expression and shrugged as you ducked under a low-hanging tree branch, holding it over your head and gesturing for Leia to pass in front of you. 
“I dunno. I’m primarily interested in some new projects,”  
“And what might those look like?” she asked again, arching a brow as she smiled. You scoffed and followed behind her. The trading post was within your sights now. 
“Just droids that look fixable, but still challenging,” you heard Leia chuckle. “I’ll know it when I see it,” you insisted, trying to sound somewhat dignified, but your smile pushed seriousness away. The sound of the trading post grew louder as you approached and were greeted by a familiar face. 
“Rharo! Good to see you, old friend,” you said with an outstretched hand as the owner of the post approached you both. 
“You know him?” Leia leaned in to whisper, her breath tickling your ear and the top of your neck. 
“Oh, I know y/n very well, as I know of you, General,” you friand said after shaking your hand, promptly extending his to Leia to do the same. 
“Rharo specially supplied is with new droids that were guaranteed to fly under the empire’s radar,” you explained. 
“And I’m very pleased to see it was of use,” your engineering friend said with a wide smile of praise. “Now, what can I do for you?” he asked, turning the conversation fully to you. You went on mutually babbling about robotics and models of droids that Leia couldn’t fully understand for some minutes when a strange noise in one of the trading tents caught her attention. 
She wandered away from your side, brushing the curtain of the tent out of her way to find a neatly organized stall of small droids. After further observation, she concluded that they were all child droid models. Small starters for kids to understand the mechanics and uses of droids before investing in a full one. She recognized a few from her childhood, but it wasn’t ill she heard the sound again when memories fully formed in her head again.
She turned around and found it in a crate tucked neatly in the corner of the tent. She crouched down and scooped it up, smiling softly as it continued to flash its lights and chirp in her hand. While hers had been read, this was was blue with defective lights and chipped paint. Its movements were stalled and hesitating, but it worked with all its efforts to be the toy that it was. The sight of its efforts where charming, but they still saddened the general, causing her smile to droop slightly at the corners. 
“Hey, whatcha find?” a voice behind her asked, interrupting the melancholy that formed in her chest. She stood abruptly, cupping her hands around the droid that squeaked and jumped at the sudden darkness. The general began to shake her head and insist it was nothing when you took her hands between yours, halting any words from falling from her lips. “Oh cool! An LO model. I haven't seen one of these in years,” you chuckled as the droid bounced between your palms. 
“You look like you could use some work, huh little buddy,” you cooed. You heard Leia hum a laugh, but something was off about the way it reverberated from her lips. Looking up, you caught the solemn shade and glassiness in her gaze. She folded her arms around her middle and appeared to have taken a step away from you. The blue droid in your hand bounced up and down, facing the general with a similar worry to your one. “Hey, you alright?” the general began to shake her head and insist that nothing was wrong, but when she looked up at you, she could lie. She sighed with a mellow chuckle and shrugged. 
“I had one as a kid is all,” you nodded but a swirling feeling in your gut wouldn’t let you be fully convinced. Leia seemed to sense this in you like she always did and after reaching to rub the back of her neck she confessed. “My father gave her to me when I was a little girl and she was tucked in my pocket from then on. She saw most of the good in my life, as well as some of the bad,” 
“Did she have a name?” you blurted. It didn’t feel like the right question to be asked at that moment, but the awkwardness needed to be filled with something for your sanity. Leia paused before smiling again, her nose scrunching as she let go of a relaxed laugh. 
“Lola,” she nodded and let go of a warm sigh. “LO-LA59, but I called her Lola. She was also red,” she admitted, looking down at her feet as she kicked at the dirt to hide her smile. You nodded, looking down at the blue droid in your hands. You pushed a button on his head, shutting him off as you looked back at the general. It hadn’t dawned on you, but at this moment she was behaving quite vulnerably with you. It wasn’t much, but Leia had rarely admitted anything like this to anyone in your unit. She didn’t share when it came to her childhood. You cleared your throat quietly and smiled again.
“I always wanted one of these growing up,” you ran your thumb over the now quieted droid, using the cool metal to relax your building nerves. Leia looked up with a questioning glance and you shrugged. “We were pretty poor and something like this would have been a luxury,” Leia’s brow knit with discomfort as though she worried she’s made you uncomfortable somehow, but you went on.
“But, I think if I’d had it then, I wouldn’t have tried building my own. And I wouldn’t have fully discovered my love of engineering and droids,” Leia’s discouraged expression melted into a smile again and she bit her bottom lip in an attempt to hide it. 
“You tried to build your one droids?” You nodded, tilting your head with an awkward laugh. 
“Yeah, I did. They weren't ever much, but my mom always loved them,” Leia chuckled and looked as though she had more to say but Rharo knocked on the wood posting of the tent. 
“There you are! I have your haul ready for you,”
“Great! Thanks again, Rharo,” you said. Turning to Leia you nodded to the exit. “Why don’t you go on ahead. I’ll be just a minute,” she seemed to hesitate for a second, but eventually compiled. 
“Lovely meeting you, Rharo,” 
“And you, general,” your seller said with a kind smile till she left and he could turn back to you. Your gaze had returned to the compressed, sleeping LO model tucked in your palm. “Have something on your mind, y/n?” your friend asked, his tone far more knowing than you would have liked for it to be. 
“Can we add this one to the bunch?” you asked rather sheepishly, not taking your eyes from the chipping paint that stuck to your fingertips. 
“Of course, my friend,” you smiled tenderly, tucking the droid in your back pocket rather than adding it to the cart where it could be seen. “I think she’ll like it very much,” Rharo added as you passed him to leave the tent. You felt your skin burn at the thought and you shot him a glare that only made him laugh at you. But in your head, you were still smiling, hoping that he might be right.
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Obi-Wan has a flashback of Satine ( how it could happen diff scenarios for introducing Satine)
Personally I thinking it would be soo good for Darth Vader to bring her up to Kenobi, just as another sign of how much he resents him. It would also be incredibly awesome if someone asked him why he’s called Ben.
The Scenes:
Darth Vader stands in front of Kenobi, who’s sweating, with his lightsaber on guard. Vader wants to fight, but before, he wants to try Obi-Wans rage. He want to make his master angry, frustrated, he wants to see him loose his manners ( which Anakin finds annoying) . He wants him to suffer.
After Vader has attacked a population searching has killed a friend of Obi.
- You never manage to save the people you love, Kenobi.
Obi Wan raises his head and stares at him.
- You lost Satine. You couldn’t save her.
Obi Wan squeezes his saber, you can see the sorrow in his eyes. 
He closes his eyes and  he could see her, standing before him, her blue eyes stuck on his. Kenobi could still feel her hand turning cold stroking his cheek, how he leaned on it. He could still hear her voice saying "Remember, my dear Obi-Wan. I loved you, always. I always will”.
Kenobi begins to feel the pain from her loss again, even the anger bc his own Padawan is using it against him. He knows this feelings will only get him far from the force.
- You failed. - says Vader. Obi- Wan opens his, eyes, enraged.
Then he remembers what she’d also said.
“ No matter what happens, don’t let go of what you believe in”.
You can see in his eyes he’s beginning to calm down. He tames his feelings.
 - And yet perfect Obi-Wan didn’t turn to the dark side.- Vader continues.- But what about me? You didn’t  help me. You coursed me!. You should’ve understood why I didn’t want to loose Padme.
- You brought it upon yourself, Anakin. - he replies, in a calm tone. 
After his encounter with Vader, his words keep lingering in his mind. Obi-Wan is meditating, the flashbacks of the past haunt him at first but then they give him strength.
He sees Satine, fighting alongside him for peace, he remembers the warmth of the hug she gave to him when he helped her break out of the cell, he recalls the thrill of her hands, stroking his beard.
He shakes his head and sighs.
- Satine...- he whispers to the air.- Thank you.- he says, for once more she has shown him he must remain on the side of the force and fight for peace, no matter what. He must be stronger than his pain.
- Why Ben?.- asked Leia.
- Why not?- replies Obi-Wan, trying to avoid the question. She looks at him with her intense brown eyes.
- You’re lying. I know you are.
- When you speak like that, I forget you are 10, Leia.
- It means something doesn’t it?.
- Not exactly.- he says.
- Not exaclty?- she insists.
- It’s a nickname someone gave to me a long time ago, Leia.
- Someone?.- she repeats.
- Someone, very important to me... It’s something intimate, that she gave me, only she used to call me that.
- ¿SHE?.- she exclaims, with a cheeky smile.
Obi- Wan laughs and stands up, far from Leia.
- Her name, was.- he makes a pause.- Satine.
- ¿And what happened?.
- She died in my arms, I couldn’t save her.
- Oh I am so sorry.- she says, running up to hug her. He smiles and hugs her with his arm. Leia can feel the intensity of his feelings for her in that hug, how they have lingered after all this years. The she looks up at him and asks.
- You had feelings for her didn’t you?.
He looks down and sighs.
- Did she kn..
- Leia. Somethings, are better left unspoken. - he replies, letting her go and walking towards the door. - Yes.- he says, turning back to look at her.- She knew me too well.
And then he walks away.
Hope you guys like and I even more hope the amazing Debora Chow gives us a flashback.
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tophsazulas · 1 year
Can I please have a Gwikki (Gwen x Nikki) endgame post please?
Like I said, I suggest not reading if you hate spoilers.
In my verse, I already started by having them interact in my rewrite of "The Rave" with some post Rave-pre Step by Step interactions and kept their interactions in "Step by Step" along with some implications and background moments in "The Birthday Girl". In "Boyfriend Day 1", Nikki would confide in Gwen about Nate would be acting (i remember u mentioning something about a while back). Gwen would roll her eyes and how ridiculous he's acting. At this point, they are friends and have feelings for each other but kinda in denial about them.
They'd also have really cute background moments and scenes that show their friendship and how much they care for each other. And then on the day Gwen catches Leia and Nate almost kiss, she tells her about her feelings for Nikki and their secret friendship. Leia asks her not to tell Nikki as she wants to do it herself. Gwen is torn because Leia has been her best friend since childhood, but at the same time, Nikki deserved to know.
There’d be some moments where Nikki would wonder why Nate was distant and Gwen would be very close to telling her right away. (This is off topic but related to the events going on but Leia would choose neither of them because she wants to focus on herself (tho she’s in love with Jay and with Nate, she thinks he’s nice, but Jay is the one who makes her heart beat. Nate would also say that it was a faze and escape and agree.)) One day, Gwen and Leia would be on a phone call and Leia would tell her about everything and Nikki is coming in to see Gwen but then overhears them talk about the almost kiss.
Nate would come in and Nikki would confront him and get angry at him and at Gwen for not telling her and then break things off. Nikki then sleeps with Jay out of anger and vengeance. Betsy would catch them and help cover for them. She’d also help Nikki with picking out clothes. Nikki would then explain everything and express her hurt. Betsy would catch on to the fact that she seems more hurt that Gwen didn’t tell her than anything else. Nikki would then tell her about how she feels about Gwen but thinks Gwen doesn’t feel the same way.
Gwen and Nikki sorta make up (idk) but basically, Betsy wouldn’t but into their business but at the same time, she wouldn’t say anything either. Jay and Leia would be talking a lot more and he’d tell her. Leia wouldn’t be thrilled about him and Nikki, but at the same time, she’s like ‘He’s single. He can sleep with who he wants.’ She’d tell Gwen, who get a little jealous.
Betsy would overhear their conversation and tell Gwen about what Nikki told her, encouraging her to be honest. Gwen would head to Nikki’s house. She’d be about to tell Nikki, but since Nikki would still be hurt, she’d tried to put her walls up and attempt to push her away. Gwen would be hurt and express that, which would then break down Nikki’s walls. She’d cry and tell her how hurt she was humiliating it was for her to find out about the almost kiss the way she did and how hurt she felt that Gwen lied so easily.
Gwen would rebut that it wasn’t easy for her to lie to Nikki. Nikki would look down, about to reveal her feelings but at the same time, didn’t want to be humiliated. Gwen would insist on wanting to hear what she has to say, moving closer to Nikki. They’d end up having sex right there. They’d end up saying how much they missed each other. Gwen would start to apologize about the whole thing but Nikki would stop her and say she doesn’t have to and that she understands why Gwen didn’t tell her. Gwen would still insist that she wished Nikki didn’t have had to find out that way. Basically, there’d be a lot of fluff.
After that, they’d see each other in class, glancing and smiling at each other. Nate would be going on trying to ‘win her back’, making them roll their eyes. Gwen and Nikki would then talk alone and decide to start dating. They want to tell other people, but want to protect themselves and figure their relationship out. They’d also overhear Hyde talking about his relationship with Jackie and it all started, making them even more hesitant on telling others. It also wouldn’t help that Nate acted like a total tool when finding out about Jay and Nikki just having sex. (Just for a minute though)
They wouldn’t be super good at keeping the secret tho lol. Betsy would catch them making out in the closet and Jay would see them on a date. They’d both agree to keep it a secret and do such but Nate would catch them kissing outside the house (similar to Kelso catching Hyde and Jackie). In anger, he’d reveal that to the whole gang and would do some petty things to Gwen and try and hit on Nikki repeatedly for a while but it wouldn’t stop them from being together.
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redrascal1 · 2 years
There's nothing quite like Star Wars.
Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek....hardcore sci fi with a touch of mysticism...but SW is - or was - a fairytale, a LOTR style fantasy set in space. Just looking at the stills from the Obi Wan series reminds me of that.
We had a dark sorcerer, a pirate, a would be knight, a feisty princess, a dark knight....all set against a contemporary space background. I'll never forget when I first saw ANH at the tender age of 12. Those words..
'A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away'....they gave me a thrill which forty odd years later has stayed with me.
But SW isn't just a 'good/evil' fable. Our heroes were fallible, human, they made mistakes. And as such we could relate to them. And the villains...yes, we had some truly evil ones, but we also had villains that were once good, whose fall from grace was because of their humanity. SW gave us bad guys we could relate to, that could be redeemed. It gave us hope.
Then we got TROS.
I'm one of those people who defended the ST. Yes, TFA ripped off ANH a lot, but it also gave us new twists. A heroine who wasn't a 'royal', or a leader, just a girl from nowhere who wanted nothing more than a family. A sidekick who fled the bad guys army and wanted nothing more than to escape.
Most of all a tragic 'anti villain' who turned out to be the last scion of the Skywalkers...and also the most fascinating and relatable character in the sequels.
Then we got TLJ...and Rian Johnson's wonderful film, which took each character and made them grow, and learn. That threw all kinds of possibilities into the mix, and left us with a terrific cliffhanger. I was so very hyped for TROS.
And it turned out to be the most disappointing cinematic experience I have ever had.
It was as if TLJ had never existed. Instead we got a tired rehash of ROTJ, mixed with obvious rip offs of several other, better films, no decent plot and dialogue so cringeworthy it made the acting look bad.
Worst of all...the character assassination of its principal cast. Rey, our likeable, relatable heroine, turned out to be neither, a lofty self important 'fembot' without a soul who was unrecognisable as the young woman we all embraced in TFA. Finn, her sidekick, had his character growth in TLJ trashed (along with his love interest) and became a creepy obsessed stalker whose purpose was nothing but following Rey around like a dog following a bitch in heat. Leia, whose character was destroyed beyond repair in order to make Rey look good.
But worst of all.....Ben/Kylo. The most interesting, promising character in the entire ST is reduced to a cardboard cut out villain for most of the film, then has a rushed redemption for the last 20 minutes in order to fulfil his purpose.....donating his life force as 'giving Rey back to the galaxy' was apparently all he was good for. The last Skywalker, in the last ever chapter of the Skywalker saga, reduced to Rey's 'organ' donor.
And to finish it off...Palpatine returns and Rey's his granddaughter. The Last Skywalker dies saving the last Palpatine ...and she eagerly takes everything that was his as her due, without even acknowledging what he did for her.
What really hurts is all this was the work of Disney, the company which once made fairytales real. Who gave us such beautiful, romantic works as Beauty and the Beast (original), Bambi, Once Upon A Time the series....all stories based on love, and hope and redemption.
They've crushed me. They've broken the hearts of thousands of fans. And why? Because they are ashamed of some of the less savoury parts of their history, and now want to prove how 'woke' they are? How can throwing away Finn/Rose, a lovely inter racial love affair, be 'diverse'? How can turning Rey into a heartless creature who promptly forgets the other half of her soul because he's seen as 'unworthy' promote 'strong women'?
And how on earth can erasing the entire Skywalker family, the heart and soul of Lucas's epic, and replacing them with the villain's 'get' be hopeful? A satisfying end to the Skywalker saga?
How in the name of sanity can this satisfy anyone, other than the toxic harpies who think 'reylo' is racist and the fanatics who think women need no one to be happy?
Disney haven't just destroyed SW - they have destroyed themselves. I am no longer interested in anything they put out...I'm a depressant who wants something that makes me feel good, not a wrist slitting suicide glorifying obscenity.
My only regret is that I defended them.
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themattress · 1 year
The Sequel Trilogy Rewatch
I watched all the movies again recently, and here are my insights after getting to experience the trilogy as a whole unit together, separated from the context of the previous two trilogies.
The Force Awakens - As I’ve said recently, it’s overrated and suffers the most from being derivative. Every rehashing of A New Hope is eye-roll inducing and threatens to take me out of the movie; by the time Starkiller Base enters the picture (”It’s another Death Star!”) it’s really grinding my gears. I understand completely why it was done, but with the thrill of the initial theatrical release gone, the movie suffers for it more and more. The Phantom Menace is a worse film by far, but at least Lucas’ stance of “it’s poetry, it rhymes” wasn’t taken to such a literal extreme there as it is here, making it feel like a more unique, if bad, trilogy opener.
But with that said, let’s give this movie the credit it’s due: everything about the new characters and elements and how they interact with the updated old characters and elements is done legitimately brilliantly. Rey, Finn, Poe, BB-8, Kylo Ren, General Hux and Maz Kanata are all just so captivating and interesting and enjoyable to watch on screen, as are the aged Han, Chewie, Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2 and - at the very end - Luke. The actors are giving it their all and the characters come alive as a result; you connect with them and want to follow them. And even though we all know they were made as Mystery Boxes, J.J Abrams truly is a master at making you want to know what’s in those boxes all the same. Who are Rey’s parents and why did they leave her on Jakkuu? Why is Rey so proficient in the Force right away? Is Finn Force-sensitive? Who is Snoke, how did he turn Ben Solo to the Dark Side and what’s his beef with Luke, the Jedi and the Light Side in general? What exactly are the Knights of Ren? Is there some kind of deeper connection between Kylo Ren and Rey? Why did Luke go to Ach-To and split the map that leads there? What’s the deal with Maz? How did she recover Luke’s old lightsaber? What in the fuck was that Force vision Rey experienced when she touched said lightsaber? And just why did C-3PO get a red arm grafted onto him? OK, that last one’s a joke, but you get my point. Questions are raised, and you want to see them answered even if Abrams himself isn’t completely firm on what those answers even are.
Also, this movie has the best pacing in the trilogy. It opens where it needs to, progresses in a natural flow, and ends at exactly the right point it should. Hats off to the editors on this one, and to Lawrence Kasdan, whose experience with writing Star Wars movies helped greatly.
The Last Jedi - I guess this movie is destined to always confound me. Throughout it, I just keep asking “Why?” Why did Rian Johnson do so exceptionally well with the storyline surrounding Luke, Rey, Kylo Ren, the Force, the Jedi, Ach-To and Snoke, only to then do...whatever the Hell he did with everything else in the movie? I love returning characters like Finn, Poe, Maz and Leia, and I love new characters like Paige, Rose, Holdo and DJ. but the story they are a part of and the things they are used to make happen is so dumb. And to quote Rian Johnson’s later (and stronger) work, it’s not “so dumb, it’s brilliant” - it’s just dumb! Seriously, I cannot believe Kathleen Kennedy signed onto what he did with Leia in this movie. If the reasoning was it would be made up for with her in the following film, then...um, whoops. This also creates a huge pacing problem, dragging the movie out longer than usual for Star Wars and having two climaxes. Cutting down on the dumbness would have done wonders.
That’s not to say everything in the better half is perfect, mind you - Luke is way too unlikable before he agrees to teach Rey and I totally agree with Mark Hamill’s concerns about this, some good decisions are marred by bad ones (ex: killing off Snoke so that Kylo Ren can ascend, which is good, without offering the remotest hint as to what his deal even was, which is bad), and God bless Daisy Ridley for keeping Rey an engaging heroine you follow and root for since her writing is a lopsided mess: she fucks up and fails miserably yet is also just perfect as is and needs no real training, she is drawn toward the Dark Side and a big deal is made over it only for her to have zero actual temptation to join Kylo Ren when he offers it, and the revelation of her parents being nobodies who abandoned her for no good reason is meant to be the most devastating thing she can hear yet then her next scene has her happily manning the Falcon’s guns cheering “Woo! I like this!”, and the parents are never brought up again and Rey simply partakes in a happy ending that just feels phony all things considered.
And yeah, doing either nothing with those Mystery Boxes from The Force Awakens or giving them the most purposefully anti-climactic answers possible was...a choice. I can’t entirely blame Johnson, since Lucasfilm didn’t have a firm plan in place and he wasn’t under any obligation to answer anything in any specific way, but it’s still odd that he goes this far in subverting expectations, to the point where it actually shuts off avenues for the subsequent film to explore. He’s treating the middle chapter of a trilogy like a standalone; it’s so bizarre. 
But hey, what’s done right is done so very right. The cinematography is the most gorgeous to ever be in a Star Wars movie, the atmosphere in every scene (particularly the good scenes) is on point, the action in the film’s last hour is amazing, and as I said before the writing for the film’s core narrative is strong. I especially adore Luke’s character arc once it really gets going; him feeling like a failure because he didn’t live up to “the legend” built around him is the kind of development that makes perfect sense both in-universe and out-of-universe, and seeing him finally learn to embrace himself as the failure of a person he is and as the legend he is regarded as because he recognizes that both are valuable to saving the galaxy...it’s perfect.
The Rise of Skywalker - So, watching it again, did I finally see how bad this movie truly is? Am I ready to eat all my words about enjoying it and defending it? Am I ready to accept that the critics and fandom are right in it not sticking the landing and being a bad conclusion?
Seriously; the editing (especially in the first third) is wonky just to fill a mandatory runtime despite the previous film running overlong, the exposition is often laborious and cringy (“Somehow Palpatine returned.”), and what it all amounts to is just so over-the-top stupid and crazy it’s almost hard to believe. It’s a big, bloated, popcorn movie shlockfest and I love it!
There are three huge things to consider with this movie. One: it had the rawest deal of the trilogy production-wise for multiple reasons and you need to take that into account when considering any choppiness; honestly with the situation J.J Abrams and co. were in, it’s amazing the film came out as coherently as it did! Two: is any disappointment you feel really this film’s doing, or is it the whole trilogy’s and Lucasfilm’s lack of an overarching creative vision for it? Because it feels like most detractors are actually experiencing the latter kind of disappointment and then pinning the blame on this movie for making them realize it. When applying logic, The Force Awakens which started the trilogy with a lack of a firm plan in mind and The Last Jedi which tossed aside all set-up and veered off into a wildly different direction that left the following film facing something of a dead-end have more share of the blame.
And three: this movie actually IS “so dumb, it’s brilliant”. If you read any interview with J.J Abrams and/or Chris Terrio, you’ll see they did their homework. They weren’t interested in trying to conform to an endlessly unpleasable fandom’s serious business vision of what Star Wars is / should be, they were just going to work with what Star Wars actually was when conceived: a goofy hodge-podge of film serials, B movies, comic books, fairy tales and ancient myths, given the most basic of spiritual undertones, and packaged as a feel-good entertaining thrill-ride for all audiences, particularly the young and the young-at-heart. Only as this was the conclusion of a nine-film saga, they took it a step further and made it primarily a goofy hodge-podge of previous Star Wars movies and even some other Star Wars projects like TV shows and comics. They deliberately brought Star Wars full circle, because they knew and loved Star Wars as it truly exists, not as the sacred thing so many fans build it up as. George Lucas himself said it: they’re just movies, you’re just meant to have a good time with them and not think too deeply about it, even if the movies do offer you things to think about (which is how/why expanded universe projects are made). You’re just meant to have fun.
That’s why this movie will always by my favorite one in the trilogy, warts and all. It’s so fun.
But on that note, yeah, the Sequel Trilogy is fun. It’s flawed and uneven, but so are the other trilogies, which also received histrionic flak in their days. I find it morbidly laughable that people, whether they be Star Wars fans or professional film critics, have learned nothing after all this time. Those who don’t learn from history truly are doomed to repeat it, I suppose.
SIDE NOTE: There is one consistency in the Sequel Trilogy that I really feel deserves more appreciation, and that’s Kylo Ren. He gets criticized for us not getting to see his backstory compared to Anakin’s three movies and a TV show showing how he became Darth Vader, and for making some wild swings in terms of actions and plot usage depending on the movie, but I believe that Adam Driver’s performance combined with him being one of the few things in the new trilogy that did have something of a road map attached to him from the beginning counteracts that. He truly is Darth Vader in reverse, and that creates an entirely different sort of antagonist: not a cold, machine-like being that used to be human and became this way as a psychological response to his feelings causing him great trauma and tragedy, but a human who desperately wants and is actively trying to be a cold, machine-like being to escape all the pain that his feelings cause him. And as close as he gets to successfully crossing that line, he never fully does. In the end, he not only surpasses Vader by betraying his master and ruling his empire, but he also surpasses Anakin: rather than his mother’s death leading him down a path that ends in a fiery damnation, his mother’s death directly leads to a watery cleansing and salvation, which culminates in him actually saving the woman he loves from dying rather than trying to do so only to end up killing her. He’s a wonderful character and I adore him.
(Also: these skits. How can you not love the guy for these?)
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tessiete · 2 years
11, 12, and 17 for the salty asks?
HA! Yes, going in. You're fantastic! THANK YOU!
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
THIS is where my answer is Korkie Kenobi. Look. LOOK. Idec, I'm not pretending I don't think it was real and intentional anymore. And here's the thing - Korkie genuinely has more screen time than Cody. Okay? OKAY? This kid got three episodes dedicated to him. Do not tell me that this was not intentional. Don't. Don't look at me and LIE.
Anyway, he's super unpopular in fandom for a bunch of reasons, most of which boil down to the fact that A Lovechild Gets in the Way of My Ship, imo. Like, there's literally nothing wrong with this kid. He's the least annoying child character SW has ever introduced.
And I *love* him because I genuinely, genuinely think he's a fantastic foil or complement for almost EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER in the GFFA. Obviously, his relationship to Obi-Wan and Satine is self-explanatory. But for Anakin? He's the sort of mirror-self, the way Maul is for Obi-Wan. For Maul, he's a reflection of his past. For Bo, he's a reminder of her sister, and a symbol of her work. For Palpatine, he's another generation of Kenobis loololol. For Luke and Leia, he's what they *could* have been born into (ie. he lived under the Empire, instead of liberating it). And on and on and on. His story touches or could conceivably touch almost EVERYONE and bring out something unique in ALL of them. Like.........WHY ARE WE NOT ON - oh, right. Who would we even ship him with.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Honestly, anything with Satine. I just - okay, like, I wasn't thrilled with a love interest either, and honestly, I'm not in it for the romance. But I just think it's SO clever, and so funny, and so genuinely, actually subversive that GL looked at his universe and looked at what people expected a Mandalorian to be, and went "Actually, no. They're pacifists led by a woman."
It's the same thing he did with Vader - "Actually, he's a whiny kid."
And I think that Satine is SUCH a clever foil for Obi-Wan (probably more than the writers even understood) because she's an antagonist without being a villain. Neither she or Obi-Wan are wrong, but she forces us to question why Obi-Wan chooses what he does, and whether or not it's the best choice, or the least harmful choice, or if there even is a good choice. It forces him to clarify his values, and for us to see exactly where we align ourselves. I think that's kind of threatening for people bc we want Obi-Wan to be the BEST guy.
So I love the Mandalore Plot, I love him calling her hysterical and her just shutting him down. I love the whole assassination ploy, and like, I ALSO like Korkie's Academy arc.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Ugh, so much. SO MUCH. I can't think of a specific sequence of events, mostly because it's not often plot points that bother me, but like, story choices? If that makes sense. But I'll pick a random one. I would have....I would have had AotC START with the Clone Wars, and had that whole film be more about Obi-Wan and Anakin shifting from father/son to brothers. I think AotC really suffers by having Obi-Wan and Anakin spend the whole movie apart from each other without somehow otherwise keeping them connected.
I think assassin Padme would have also been fun.
Man...I have to think about this one!
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Sinfully Armored
Summary: After Din Djarin had lost everything: his ship, his child, his way, and found himself as rightful leader of the Mandalore, he’s glad when an opportunity arises to escape all of his responsibilities. Grogu doesn’t seem to adapt well to his destined life in the New Jedi Order and handling the little rascal is simply too much for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who has to rebuild the entire Jedi Order and help in the founding of the New Republic. As a last resort, he contacts the mysterious Mandalorian, who seemed to have formed a strong bond with the Jedi foundling, to help Grogu accept his Jedi heritage and finally let go of the past. What Mando didn’t know is that on top of being given the chance to escape his duties, he’d meet you.
Notes: see ‘Sinfully armored’ on AO3
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Chapter 1 - Strange Revelations 
It has been the Maker knows how many days since you arrived at this desolate planet in the Outer Rim. The planets where you had to scout for Imperial Scum all started to blend into one after weeks and weeks on this expedition. The same dreary landscapes, shady people and shabby buildings on every single one. The Empire has left its dirty imprints throughout the entire galaxy and its people, including you.
The rundown bar you found yourself in right now must have seen better days as well. You swirled your drink lazily and scowled at the remaining dregs. This next part of your job was always the worst, impossibly done sober. You absolutely despised any kind of peaceful interaction with sympathizers of the Empire, even though you knew hate was not an emotion you should feel as a Jedi.
You drowned your glass in one big swallow and smoothly slid the it across the counter with a few credits. Before the bartender even reacted to your movement, you were already gone. The mud made an unsatisfying, squelching sound under your boots as you maneuvered through the narrow streets of Wakuda. Your nose scrunched at the mere smell of the place. Why the secret underground organization you were supposed to track down chose this of all places to build their base is beyond you, but you guessed it fit their morals.
As you neared the location you tracked the Imperial scum down to, you noticed a few snipers on the roof of the half-ruined building in your peripheral. Deep down you hoped they’d be skilled just so that you’d have a bit of a challenge as a distraction. They weren’t, since they didn’t even notice you until you were too close. Maybe their stupid helmets blocked their vision, you couldn’t even blame them. A quick swipe of the force knocked them out and you proceeded with your task.
Through a crack in the roof, you could spy on the meeting taking place underneath you. You leaned down a bit to get a better view and watched the scene unfold.
There were 6 people assembled in the room, but the woman at the head of the table stuck out especially to you with her glowing red hair. When she raised her voice, everyone went quiet. This woman clearly had an air of authority surrounding her. She began in a conspiring tone: “Fellow members of the First Galactic Empire, I have called you here today because troublesome news reached me. The New Jedi Order of Luke Skywalker keeps gaining more and more power. If the New Republic is backed by such a strong force of Jedi knights, our chances of rebuilding the Empire are slim to none.” The woman surveyed the room full of expectant eyes. No one dared to interrupt her. “So, we must take action. I have already contacted Grand Admiral Thrawn…”
The rest of her sentence didn’t reach your ears as you heard that name. As far as you knew, the notorious man died during the Battle of Endor with most of the other Imperial generals. If there was any truth to her claim that he was still alive, the New Republic and everything you stood for was in great peril. The old hatred started to boil up inside of you once again and it was all you could do to not jump down there and finish all of them in your fit of rage. To calm yourself, you reached deep into the Force as Luke had taught you. You reminded yourself that it was him and the Jedi’s goal of a peaceful galaxy you were doing all of this for and the discussion that broke out beneath you abruptly caught your attention again.
“That’s absolutely impossible! How would we even train those children? It’s not like we have a Sith Lord to train them!” a small man with shockingly pale skin exclaimed. “Leave that to me and the more experienced generals, we have everything under control. All you need to do is collect the force sensitive children from the systems I’ll send you out to,” the woman answered. The small man nodded once and the woman seemed satisfied. She pulled out a little device, flipped a switch and a holographic map appeared at the center of the table. As you glanced at the map, something pocked at the back of your mind. Why did it look so familiar?
But before you could observe it more closely and identify the feeling, the comm at your wrist vibrated. Luke always had such an unfortunate timing for someone so in tune with the Force. You cursed under your breath and accepted the transmission. After all, he wouldn’t contact you if it wasn’t important.  
“Report back to the Jedi Temple immediately,” he stated. “What? But I’m in the middle of a mission! I just made a discovery of great importance,” you protested. “Alright, but get back as soon as possible. May the Force be with you.” The connection snapped and you focused on the meeting again.
“Do not disappoint me,” the woman commanded. That was an obvious dismissal. After cursing Luke’s awful timing once again, you decided to track the leader of the meeting, which couldn’t be too hard, considering her hair was shining like a beacon. However, as you scaled down the building and looked down the street, she and her co-conspirators had vanished into thin air. How odd. But it was a blessing of sorts because you were eager to get off this planet and return to the Jedi Temple. Thrawn was alive?  It was all you could think about as you cut through the winding streets of Wakuda once again. The man who had taken so much from you had not been avenged? A sick part of you was thrilled about the opportunity to get revenge yourself, but it was outweighed by your general anxiety.
The sudden gleaming of a hull caught your eye and your pace quickened. As you turned around the corner, the magnificent ship arising before you obscured the view of your tiny, wreckage of an X-Wing. The rusty ship had accompanied you on many missions and despite its state, you had grown quite fond of it, but couldn’t be bothered to clean it. It wouldn’t matter anyway; it would just get dirty again in the next place you landed. You climbed into the cockpit and took off.
As you activated hyperspace, you tried to shake Thrawn off your mind and it quickly filled with other enigmas. You reconsidered the strange Déjà-vu you felt when you saw the map. You were sure you had seen it before sometime, but when and where exactly? Why would you have seen an imperial map? And how could they have left without a single trace? Who was the strange woman?
After pondering about these questions turned out to be futile, you began to wonder what could have been urgent enough for Luke to call you back from your mission. While you would have been jumping at the chance to finally leave these shitty systems under normal circumstances, the situation just got interesting and all you wanted to do was track the Imperial scum down and kill them one by one before they could do any more harm. But Luke had to lecture you on discipline far too many times and this mission was your chance to show him that he could trust you.
Still…How would you ever find out where they had gone now? You should have damned Luke’s orders and followed them somehow when you still could, what if they got to the children first? Shit, why didn’t you think straight? It seems like all of your focus and composure had left you once Thrawn’s name had perturbated your thoughts. All of the old grief and hate resurfaced again and threatened to drown you.  
You took a deep breath and pushed those emotions as far back as you could. The logical action right now would be to contact Luke immediately, he needed to send out someone else to stop the bandits. While you were short on Jedi, the New Republic would sure have someone to take care of the problem. If only you knew where they went, they’d be long gone if the Republic needed to investigate their whereabouts first. You sighed and called Luke.
“What’s wrong?” His hologram appeared in front you instantly. “A lot,” you responded dryly. “You’ll not be pleased about what I just discovered – before I was so rudely interrupted by you, that is.” He frowned at your sarcasm, this was obviously not the time for it, but you couldn't help it. It had become a sort of coping mechanism for you, a way to shield yourself from issues lest they touch you personally. “Grand Admiral Thrawn – or some doppelgänger of him – is still alive and in direct contact with the leftovers of the Empire.”
Luke was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. “That is bad news indeed, I’ll need to inform Leia and Han so that they can alert our troops. Your assistance has been most valuable to us,” he replied finally, oddly formal. Still, you nodded curtly at the approval.
“Wait,” you intercepted as he was about to disconnect. “Unfortunately, there’s more. I overheard that they plan to rebuild the Sith Order, but on a far grander scale. I only caught a glimpse, but they had some map that directs them towards force-sensitive children all across the universe. While I have no clue as to how they would train them – unless they had a secret Sith Lord up their sleeves as well – we cannot let them take the children. The Jedi Order needs them.”  This time, Luke’s silence lasted even longer, to the point where it was almost painful. You forced the words forming on your tongue to fill the silence back – yet another nervous habit of yours – and mirrored his quiet. Until you gave in and broke it: “I did not disappoint when I warned you that I had some bad news, huh?”
Luke gave you a no-nonsense-look. “No, you did not. Do you think you can recall the map and lead us to the children?” he inquired. “Um…I’ve tried, but to no avail. However, the map looked oddly familiar. No idea where I could have seen it before, but I trust my instincts.” You shrug, though it doesn’t reflect your sentiments in the slightest.
“You said this map leads them to force-sensitive children?” he repeated slowly, more to himself. “Yeah.” – “In that case, I might know just where to look.” Before you could ask him what he meant by that he was gone. You let out an exasperated sigh. He took the whole mysterious Jedi image way too seriously, in your opinion.
You spent the rest of the flight dissociating in space, as one does. In a way, you were doing the meditation exercises Luke taught you. Time bent around you, it could have been minutes or hours until you arrived back at Coruscant. The blinding lights of the capitol made you snap back to reality as you swiftly descended.
You spotted Luke, facing the wall, quickly as you entered the council chamber, which was empty except for him. The few other “Jedi” seemed to be on missions as well. The “Council” consisted of a bunch of half-trained Jedi knights and one other survivor of Order 66, Master Vamora who appeared too fragile to still be an active fighter, but he was a stubborn old bastard. Not that it wasn’t an immense blessing to have at least one Jedi of the Old Order in your midst who was fully trained. He was extremely cranky and righteous though.
Luke turned back around to you. You did a double take as you took him in, seeing what the hologram had concealed. At first you noticed his eyes and the black rings underneath them, then the hollow of his cheekbones, his general paleness and crouched stance. He looked really exhausted, to say the least. Not being able to hold yourself back, you commented: “What happened to you? You look like you went through some shit.” At that, you earned a small grin from him that made some of the color reappear on his face.
Your heart jumped a little at the sight, you had to admit he was quite handsome, especially when he smiled. It wasn’t just ideological reasons keeping you in his Jedi Order after all, although you felt a twinge of guilt every time your stupid, horny brain produced these immoral thoughts. It was absolutely illegal for a Jedi to harbor such feelings, much less act on them, at least according to your set of morals. Luke himself had been conceived out of such an improper relation and since he did not grow up learning about the old set of Jedi rules, he had seen no use in implementing any such rule in his Jedi Order (much to the displeasure of Master Vamora, who had quite a lot to complain about today’s youth). You, on the other hand, had been indoctrinated the old set of rules from a small age on and you tried to stick to them in honor of those who saved you from your horrible fate and the sacrifices of those who had not been as lucky as you. But Luke did have a point. He claimed that love was not a crime or a weakness to be punished but rather a virtue that differentiates you from those who strayed to the Dark Side. Frankly, he was just a little too horny for his own good. He was well known for his bohemian lifestyle, sharing his bed with both men and women.
“That’s why I had to call you back here. I am being tormented endlessly by a little green monster,” he replied with a smirk on his face, pulling you out of your thoughts. You raised an eyebrow, but before you could inquire further, the door slid open behind you and you snapped around.
This day just kept getting weirder, or maybe you were extremely sleep-deprived as well. There was a Mandalorian with a little green creature that eerily resembled Master Yoda (if he were young and cute instead of old and wrinkly as he had appeared the last time you saw him) cradled in his arms standing in front of you. His armor was unlike any you had ever seen before, pure beskar and shimmering as it reflected the bright city lights. He looked exactly like the legendary warrior race of Mandalore you had only ever heard rumors about, straight out of a myth. Considering those rumors, didn’t they absolutely despise the Jedi? Suddenly alarmed, you pulled your lightsaber from your belt. The Mandalorian didn’t move, only cocked his head to the side. Even though you couldn’t see his face underneath the helmet, you felt like his eyes were piercing you. You stared right back at him, not moving an inch, thumb resting on the switch of your weapon, ready to activate it should he attack. Not that your lightsaber could do much damage to him, as he was dressed in beskar from head to toe. But what about the child in his arms? Maybe he wasn’t up for a fight after all. With a sick disappointment – how challenging would it be to fight such a legendary warrior? – you put your weapon back on your belt again. The Mandalorian kept staring at you, standing still as a machine.
This time it was Luke who broke the silence, as you were too entranced to say anything at all.  “There is the source of my eternal torment.” He strolled up to you in a relaxed manner. It was his calm posture and the underlying humor and fondness in his voice that kept you from attacking the strangers. The green creature turned its head and stared at you innocently with its huge, black eyes. You sensed it suddenly through the Force and did a double take in surprise. It reached its small arms out to you, but the Mandalorian took a step back from you rather than let the child closer to you. “This…this is why you called me back?” You shot Luke an incredulous, slightly offended look, to which he returned another wicked grin. “Yes.”
“Elaborate, please?” You didn’t even try to hide the annoyance in your voice. “This is my good friend…” He gestured to the Mandalorian. “Um, I actually don’t know his name, I just call him Mando. Everyone does.” He smirked at the warrior. “And this little fellah is Grogu, a Jedi foundling I took upon me to train.” The look Luke gave the child was so full of love that it seemed almost too intimate to witness. “Mando saved him from the Empire and took great care of him. Frankly, he cared for him too well. Grogu has formed such a strong attachment to him that it’s nearly impossible to train him. The little rascal is incredibly stubborn if his daddy isn’t around.”
A bit more enlightened, but still unaware of your place in this family drama, you waited for Luke to continue. “Since I have a ton of obligations, I don’t have time to train the little one and detach him from his savior.” Oh no. You hoped this wouldn’t be heading in the direction you thought it was. “You, on the other hand, have less responsibilities.” Fuck. "So, I decided that you should train him. And let his dad tag along until he can let him go.”
No fucking way. “I am not a damn babysitter! Neither do I care to get involved in this clearly complicated family structure! I have a mission, Luke. I need to get to those…,” you paused, suddenly all too aware that you had an audience, “…thieves and stop them.” Luke grinned at you, as if he expected that answer from you. “Isn’t it super convenient that our friend Mando here is a professional bounty hunter, eager to earn a few credits from the Republic?”
You shifted your gaze back to the silent warrior and the kid. “I am supposed to train this rip-off Yoda while on a mission? That’s just pointless, I won’t have time to teach him anything at all!” you pointed out. You were not interested in training another Jedi, especially not one that resembled Master Yoda and everything you lost so much. “You’ll have plenty of free time while traveling through space and he can learn a lot more in real situations than I could ever teach him,” Luke argued. “You want us to take him along on a hunt?” a modulated voice interjected. “No way, that’s far too dangerous for him as long as he’s untrained!” Luke wasn’t kidding about the bond, the man in armor clearly cared deeply for the child. Interesting.
“You need to stop being such a helicopter parent if you want him to live an independent life,” your Jedi companion retorted. You couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped your throat and a visor turned back to you. “I don’t trust her with my child”, the Mandalorian stated curtly. You scowled at him. “You shouldn’t have brought him to the Jedi if you had a problem with him being in the custody of a Jedi,” you snarled at the intruder, suddenly not caring that you didn’t even want this child in the first place and simply wanting to disagree with him. “It’s not the Jedi I don’t trust, it’s you and your attitude.” – “Is it because I called him a ‘rip-off Yoda’?” You flashed him a sweet smile.
“I see you two’ll get along just fine,” Luke said, the corners of his mouth quirking up slightly. “You could leave for the first child tomorrow.” At that, your attention snapped back to him. “What do you mean? Did you find the map?” – “Of course, as it was our map they stole in the first place.” Now your Déjà-vu made complete sense and you cursed yourself for not having come to this conclusion earlier. Obviously the Jedi had a map with the locations of force-sensitive children – possible new Jedi. The situation was even graver than you expected. “Get some rest now, you seem to need it almost as much as I do.” Luke winked at you. Accepting defeat for now and realizing how exhausted you truly were, you gave Luke a short nod before departing from the room and retiring to your chambers to finally get some well-deserved sleep.
Chapter 2
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forcefully-awoken · 3 years
Disruption of Nowhere
Chapter One: It Happened One Night
Read on ao3
Summary: You were a mechanic just trying to make it in the resistance, working on the Falcon. A confrontation between you and Rey leads to one of the most thrilling moments of your life. You two fall into each other, and into a relationship that explores the darkest parts of each other. Set during The Rise of Skywalker, though I will be playing fast and loose with canon.
A/N: This was originally posted to my ao3, I’m in the process of moving it over here as well.
Warnings: force choking, horny dreams.
Word Count: 3,019
Pairing: Rey x Reader
This wasn’t the first time you had been called to work on the Falcon, not by any means. But this was the first time you had been called by name for it. It was the first time someone had seen something in you. Now you would be in charge of servicing possibly the most important vessel in the resistance.
At least that’s the mantra you repeated to yourself as you walked down to the Falcon, making sure not to trip over any of the vines criss-crossing on the ground. The jungle was alive around you, the gentle hum of all the machinery blending in with the distant animal noises. It frightened you when you first arrived on Ajan Kloss, the thought that there could be anything out there, but nothing had ever happened. This was your biggest moment to date-- now you would have the chance to prove yourself in your own right, that you were not a leftover from parents who were better and more skilled than you. Now you would be able to prove that you were a skilled mechanic in your own right.
And then someone bumped into you, barely even glancing back to see if you were okay. You huffed, adjusting the supplies you were carrying before moving forward once again. You didn’t want to let anything ruin your day: this moment was yours. That was, however, before you saw the condition that the Falcon was in. It looked like someone had tried to make the Kessel run in it again and failed miserably.
“POE DAMERON!” you shouted, momentarily forgetting all pretense of professionalism, as you knew the so-called daring pilot and incredible pain in your ass had to be around here somewhere. The call had come to you quickly as the Falcon needed immediate repairs. “I know you are around here somewhere!”
“IT WAS FINN’S FAULT!” came Poe’s immediate reply as he quickly came around from the back of the Falcon. He pointed accusingly at the man following him. “He distracted me and I’m only so good, you know!” They both looked about like the Falcon on a good day- just slightly scuffed up.
“I did no such thing!” the former stormtrooper shouted, pointing his own accusatory finger right back at Poe. “I heard you yell at Poe last time!” Both of them were distracted by the approach of Rey and Leia. The approach of the General and the last Jedi forced them to quickly abandon their argument.
You rolled your eyes as you marched forward to the Falcon. You made small notes on your datapad and annoyed noises under your breath as you took in the damage, of which there was a lot. You sighed when you realized that it would take a week to fix everything. Maybe less if you worked through the night, which you were often asked to do. The Falcon was a symbol to the resistance: the ship they toted out the most. It would have to look as good as it could and fly like new.
“Get out of here and let me get started,” you muttered before looking around to see that there was nobody else around now. You wondered what you had missed now, stuck in your own little mechanical world. With a small shrug, you went about the first and easiest round of repairs. Despite these repairs being the easiest, they still kept you working well past dinner. You were only aware of the passage of time when your stomach began to growl. You blinked a couple of times, in an attempt to wet your eyes again. You came to a stopping point and rolled your shoulders, forcing yourself to release the stress that had gathered there.
With your most recent repair finished enough not to explode or ruin anything else, you made your way back through the jungle to the main camp. The one tent that had been designated as a cafeteria was barely even a quarter of the way full of people. You grabbed some food off the table, not caring what you got. You sat down at a table alone like you did most nights, even when the caf was full of people.
It wasn’t necessarily that you wanted to be alone, but people were complicated. Especially now, with everything seeming so dire after everything that happened on Crait. You thought there was a rumor of a spy going around camp, but that side of the resistance was foreign to you. Another reason why you often ended up eating alone--too busy thinking about the next repair to try to carry on a conversation.
“You’re working on the Falcon,” a voice said, jarring you out of your thoughts as you ate. You looked up to see Rey. You knew of her, of course, having been rescued by her along with everyone else, but this was probably the first time Rey had spoken to you. You were struck very suddenly by how close she was to you, and for the first time you truly saw her face up close. There was something about her eyes that sent a pang to your cunt. They were dark, and there was something that looked like anger in them. You couldn’t figure out why she would be angry at you
“I, uh, I am,” you managed to mumble out, swallowing hard to clear away any nerves before you dared to speak again. Rey had her Jedi powers, which was frankly intimidating, but from all accounts she was a decent enough person to not use them on you. “I am working on the Falcon. Why? Was there something you wanted me to do?”
“I want you to not break it,” Rey immediately fired back, a frown on her delicate features. “That’s Han’s ship, you know; you have to be careful with it.” You were taken aback by the hostility in her voice. You two had never spoken before, and you had been making smaller repairs on the Falcon for ages before someone finally noticed you doing more than the average mechanic and called for you. Where did she get off with this superior attitude?
“I’m well aware of whose ship it is! I was in this fight long before you showed up,” you replied, not bothering to watch your tone with her. New Jedi Order be damned. Suddenly you weren’t that hungry anymore, and the food on your plate looked less than appetizing. You stood up, forcing her to back slightly away from you. Rey was taller than you, you realized now, by a few inches. You had to look up at her. Your eyes met, and you could see something in her eyes--curiosity? You imagined almost everyone on the base naturally deferred to her, but you had been here for years with your parents, and quite frankly, you didn’t care about her weird powers.
“I’m going back to my repairs now,” you told her. You were forced to move around her when she stood directly in your way. Your arms brushed for just the briefest of moments, and there was no denying there was a spark this time.You made sure not to wince when Rey jerked herself away from you. You told yourself you didn’t feel her eyes on the back of your head as you walked away, thankful there was nobody else around to see you.
You made your way back to your tent in a haze, trying not to read too much into the interaction. You knew what desire felt like, having had previous partners. But never had you felt anything from someone intentionally trying to antagonize you. Part of you wanted to turn around and go back to apologize. The other part of you wanted to go back to demand an apology from her. You did neither.
It was only when you had gotten back and your roommate commented on it that you realized you still were holding your dinner. You put away your leftovers, in case your appetite returned later. You sat on your bed, scrolling through your datapad and prioritizing the remaining repairs, adjusting the list until you were happy with it. The leftovers would give you an excuse to skip breakfast the next morning and get back to work faster. With a plan decided on in your mind you set the datapad aside to finally sleep. As you tried to settle into bed it seemed impossible to quiet your mind enough to drift off to sleep. Your thoughts compounded upon themselves, and you tossed and turned until you were too exhausted to keep your eyes open a moment longer.
Her lips were soft but insistent upon yours, parting your mouth with ease, pressing her tongue in right after. You moaned into her mouth, eagerly trying to grab at her, only to find your wrists held down by some invisible force. You struggled against it, your naked torso needing any sort of stimulation, but the woman in your dreams only pulled away from you and chuckled, her voice dark.
“You’re a needy little thing, aren’t you?” she asked, the voice sounding so familiar to you, but in your lust you could not place it. Her face was obscured by some sort of mist, and you were only able to focus on her mouth. You nodded, agreeing to whatever she wanted, desperate to get her hands or her mouth back on you. The woman laughed again, and it sounded dangerous.
Without warning, her hands shot between your legs, pressing them apart so she could settle herself between them. She reached up to part your lips, her fingers going immediately to your clit. The sensation of her fingers there shot pleasure through you like lightning. Her touch was not yet quite what you needed, too light to truly send you into an orgasm, and you threw your head back with a loud groan.
“Please,” you begged, looking down into brown eyes as the woman’s face finally swam into focus, “please, Rey..”
You woke up with a jolt, breathing heavily, trying to ignore the lingering tingling between your legs. You couldn’t believe you had had a dream like that about Rey. It had been a while since you had been laid, but to have a wet dream about a stranger was completely outside the norm for you. Your thoughts tended to stray towards previous encounters, or the intense novels you kept hidden on your datapad.
You were too keyed up to go back to sleep, though, and decided to work through some of your dream-induced lust with some more delicate repairs on the Falcon. When working, you were free to drop into a peaceful, thoughtless zone. Your hands would be the thing you had to worry about. Just the parts in your hands, and nothing else. The focus of doing repairs on the Falcon would help you ignore your dream.
You slipped through camp as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake anybody else at this time of the night. You had barely dressed, only tugging on proper pants with your night shirt to give the appearance that you weren’t running naked through the night. You didn’t need to add any gossip that you were having a secret tryst. You wanted to focus on yourself in the wake of everything that had happened.
It was the best time of night. Everybody had finally gone to sleep; even Poe and Leia had ceased their battle planning for some much needed rest. The two were prone to working late hours, with others coming and going as they planned out as much as they could. The camp was as quiet as it could be despite strange creatures making their strange noises all around you in the forest. There was an undercurrent of mechanical whirring, something that usually lulled you to sleep. But now it only reminded you that there was still more work to be done to get the Falcon to rejoin the symphony.
Everything in the Falcon sounded too loud when there was nobody else around. The hiss of the ramp as it went down. The lights as they clicked on. It all sounded like it would wake the whole camp and bring them running. You made your way up the ramp, fingers tracing over the familiar paneling as you made your way towards the cockpit. The Falcon was something you could see--and had seen before--in your dreams. It was beneath your eyelids when you blinked after you had worked on it so often. You weren’t sure when its repairs had become your job, but they had. Today was the first day of many, you were sure, when they would call for you to focus on it until you had fixed everything. You were one step closer to your goal of becoming a lead engineer.
You settled into the pilot’s seat, picking up a couple of frayed wires, as you reached around into the toolbox. You weren’t sure what the hell Poe had gotten into this time, but it must have been bad for the Falcon to have such extensive damage. You didn’t like to think about all the dangerous missions the others went on while you were stuck planetside. You had known Poe nearly your entire life, thanks to your parents. But that had been before everything changed. For a time you had wanted to be out there too, risking your life, but you knew deep down you would be better working on the ships rather than flying them.
Time slipped past you as you worked methodically, checking and double checking your work as you went. You were on the very last of the cockpit repairs when you realized you could hear someone else on board the ship. You figured it was another engineer, someone else who couldn’t sleep and wanted to be useful rather than toss and turn. The footsteps came closer, and you thought about pausing to see who it was, but decided that if they truly needed to talk to you, they would.
“What are you doing?!” Rey demanded, her voice harsh. Before you could reply, you were thrown out of the chair and slammed into the wall beside you. Her lips twisted into a snarl and she threw her arm out in front of her, using the Force to keep you suspended above the ground. You felt pressure around your throat, like her hand was there, squeezing it.
“Who said you could do this?!” Rey asked, though it didn’t seem like she was interested in an answer as she increased the pressure around your throat with a twitch of her fingers. You tried to gasp, fingers flying up to claw at the invisible hand around your throat--your lungs screamed for air. As they burned, your head started to swim. Everything combined to bring you teetering to the edge of pleasure.
She leaned in close to you, her eyes ablaze. Unbidden, your lips fell open, and your tongue darted out. Rey’s eyes immediately traced it as it happened, and they darkened in a different way. She changed the pressure on your throat yet again, and you moaned.
With that, the vice around your throat disappeared and the moment was broken. Rey jerked away from you like she had been burned. You took a long breath, sinking to the floor as she released the Force pressure that had held you in place. You felt a throb between your legs that you ignored as you looked up at Rey with wide eyes. Her face was completely red, a deep blush coming up from her neck. Her eyes were wild in a different way now; there was nothing but fear in them as she stared at her hand in horror.
“I-I-I’m sorry!” Rey burst out, running from the cockpit as soon as she realized you weren’t terribly hurt. You knew there would be a bruise forming tomorrow. You struggled to your feet with blood rushing back up to your head. You wanted to call out after her, but you weren’t sure what you would say. You didn’t think you should apologize for your reaction, but something nagged at you. Maybe it was the look on her face.
You finally made your way out of the Falcon a few moments later, as soon as you were totally sure you would be alone again. You rubbed at your throat lightly, trying to make sense of the reaction to the Force being used on you. You had never experienced anything like it before.
The sex you liked before always had been a bit on the rougher side, but there was something dangerous about adding the Force into the mix. You were forced to totally surrender yourself to something in that moment--you had no control over anything that was happening at all. It thrilled you.
But, besides, even if you had liked it--what about Rey? The look on her face had been horror struck; she seemed afraid of what she had done. You knew nothing about Rey and her previous experience. A new fear crawled into your mind--was Rey afraid of what she had done or was she afraid of the reaction you had given?
Sleep evaded you for the rest of the night, and you tossed and turned in your bed. Your mind raced with the different possibilities. Should you seek Rey out? Would she come to you? Were you to simply ignore everything that had happened? Part of you wondered if you should tell someone else that Rey had so easily lost control of herself. Nothing about this had an easy path out.
You heard your roommate stir when it was time to get up for the day, but you buried yourself in your blanket and waved her away, mumbling some vague excuse about not feeling well. You knew someone would eventually come to check on you, but you hoped to be asleep by then.
After a few more attempts to get comfortable and push the thoughts of your night out of your head, you were finally able to drift off, and thankfully, your dreams were pure nothingness.
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cora-vizsla · 3 years
Into The Dark- Chapter 1
Pairing: Jedi!OC x Sith!Obi Wan
Word Count: 4.5K+
Story Rating: E (18+)
Chapter Rating: Just assume they’re all E at this point.
Warning: Swearing. Threats of violence. Mentions of death/dying. Mention of war. Drugging. Snark. Angst. (I mean seriously if you know me you know angst is gonna happen)
A/N: This is the beginning! If you haven’t read Hypnotic this story isn’t going to make much sense to you. If you have read Hypnotic, welcome back! I hope you’re ready to be sad lol. Anyway, enjoy and let me know if I missed any tags!
“Darling, you can’t be serious. There is no way that you’re going.”
“I am being serious, and I am going. This isn’t really a discussion. I’ve already made up my mind.”
“Explain it to me. Please?”
Zara sighed and sat down next to her husband. Obi Wan smiled at her softly, brushing her hair back.
“Mace called me. Palpatine got loose which shouldn’t surprise anyone. I wouldn’t care but.. he took Cody.”
“Cody? Who the hell is Cody?”
They both looked up to Anakin walking in, a four-year-old Leia on his hip.
She slipped down Anakins leg and bolted into Zara’s arms. She laughed and giggled as Zara held her close and spun her.
“Oh, my beautiful little Leia. Couldn’t let your daddy go without you?”
“Nope! Gotta watch him. Mama says so.”
Anakin rolled his eyes but laughed.
“I came here to help you, Obi Wan, but if that slimeball took Cody there is no talking her out of it.”
“The clone?”
“My friend.”
Zara snapped and glared at the blonde. He held his hands up defensively and sat back, crossing one leg over the other.
“Yeah, Oh-bee. Her friend!”
Zara laughed and kissed the girls cheek.
“That’s right. You get it. We protect our friends, no matter what.”
“No matter what!”
Zara set Leia down who immediately ran around the room getting into everything. Anakin sighed but Zara motioned for him to let her go. Out of the two, Leia was the well behaved one. She was busy but it was more out of curiosity than breaking anything. Luke was more likely to break things just to see how they worked.
“The question I have is why you didn’t call me to help you.”
“Mace was very clear that neither you nor Obi Wan were welcome on this mission.”
“So, you’re working for the Jedi. Again.”
“No, sweetheart. I am helping them get my friend to safety. We all know how dangerous Palpatine is.”
“All the more reason for me to be by your side.”
“Can’t say I disagree with the Sith, Zar.”
Zara rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
“No. Both of you will stay here. Anakin you have a family now. Your kids and wife are top priority. I’m not letting you get dragged into Jedi shit again. And you, my love, don’t play nice.”
“How rude, darling.”
“Rude, but correct. You don’t play nice with the Jedi and frankly I’m not letting you get near Palpatine again. He controlled you once.”
“So, you don’t trust me.”
Anakin cleared his throat and called for Leia. She ran over and jumped into his arms, holding on tightly.
“C’mon sweetheart. Aunt Zar needs to talk to her domesticated Sith.”
“Mama says you need to be nice to uncle Oh-Bee.”
“Well, mama isn’t here.”
“Good thing I am so I can tell her how mean you are to Aunt Zar’s husband who she loves very much.”
“It’s complicated, Leia.”
“Nope. Everyone duh-serves forgiveness, daddy. Plus, he makes Aunt Zar happy.”
Anakin sighed and looked at Zara for help, but she crossed her harms and shrugged.
“And don’t say its com-pluh-cated. You made Aunt Zara cry before. She forgave you. So, you should be nice.”
“You sound a lot like your mother.”
“Good! She’s the smartest person I know.”
Zara chuckled as Anakin sighed, defeated, and left the small home. She turned back to Obi Wan who had been watching her.
“We have a good life, Zara.”
“I agree.”
“Then why are you leaving?”
She sighed and let her shoulders slump slightly.
“Obi Wan, Cody meant a great deal to me. We worked together for a long time. I know that you don’t really work with anyone or play nice. It’s just when you work with someone for so long they become like family to you.”
“Not to be rude, but you left him before.”
“I left the entire order. I trusted the Jedi to keep the clones safe. They were to have their inhibitor chip removed and retired with honor. That isn’t what happened.”
“Well, your first mistake was trusting the Jedi.”
She sighed in frustration and got up off the couch. She put more things in her bag before turning to look at her husband.
“I need you to trust me. I need you to understand that a friend needs help.”
“And I need you to understand, my darling, that I know Sidious better than anyone on the Jedi counsel. What do you plan to do? Waltz in and tell him to give you your clone back and go back to jail?”
“Of course not.”
“Then what are you doing, Zara? This is reckless.”
“You wouldn’t save a friend if they were in danger?”
“I don’t have friends.”
“You wouldn’t save Anakin?”
“Absolutely not.”
Zara scowled and crossed her arms.
“You could have picked anyone else we know, and I would have at least hesitated. That’s on you for choosing Anakin. It’s not like we’re the best of friends.”
“You wouldn’t save Padme? The twins?”
“I wouldn’t save them without you. I wouldn’t even dream of going without you.”
“Palpatine controlled you once.”
“Sidious had control; it was not over me. If you recall I convinced him not to kill you and tricked him into thinking that you were becoming my obedient little plaything. I tricked him at every corner, and he had no idea until the very end. Tell me I am wrong.”
She fell silent, looking at him with sadness written all over her face.
“Then tell me what the true problem is. Tell me that you’re afraid I’ll feel the dark side too strongly and go back. This has nothing to do with me not playing nice. It has everything to do with the Jedi playing into your fear of the very darkness that I carry inside of me and using it to control you. How can you not see that?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Which part?”
Zara looked down at her feet and chewed at her bottom lip.
“None of it. Cody needs my help. If I want the help and the resources needed to help him, I must do it their way. I love you with all my heart. I truly do. Is there some truth to what you said? Yes. I think I’ll always be afraid of you turning fully to the dark and not needing me anymore. The darkness does scare me. I’ve never said anything contrary to it. Your darkness doesn’t scare me though.”
“If you trust me, then you have to also trust that darkness, Zara.”
“I have to do this, Obi Wan.”
“You really don’t. You can’t change my mind of this.”
“Then I guess we’re at an impasse.”
Obi Wan stood up and walked to her, placing his hands gently on her arms.
“I know nothing that I say will stop you from going. I’ve known the entire time we’ve discussed this. Just know that I strongly think you should take me with you. We’re stronger together. Always have been, even if we didn’t want to admit it at the time.”
“I have to do this.”
He nodded and kissed her forehead, holding her close to him.
“Come back to me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of not coming back to you.”
“Don’t make me come looking for you either.”
She laughed and wrapped her arms around his torso, resting the side of her face on his chest.
“I mean it, Zara. I will tear this galaxy apart before I let anyone, or anything keep us apart.”
“I believe you.”
“Good. Just don’t ever let yourself forget that.”
Zara stepped down the ramp of her ship and pulled her saber into her hand, igniting it. She looked at the burned orange hue of it and thought of the man waiting for her. When she had settled onto Naboo, one of the first things she did was make a saber with the crystal he had given her at the ball.
Now she was glad for it. It reminded her of him and everything that she was always fighting for. It wasn’t as beautiful as his eyes, but it was close enough to bring her some peace. She wasn’t thrilled about not having him there, but she knew it was the best thing she could do.
She thought about their argument quite a bit on her trip. Obi Wan had been right about her fear. She feared losing him more than she feared losing her own life. The last thing she wanted to happen was for Palpatine to get his hands on him again. She couldn’t risk it.
The same went for Anakin. He had already twisted him beyond breaking once. He had no training with the darkness that he now carried. She had wondered if Obi-Wan could teach him but never brought it up. They didn’t get along and it came down to how much the darkness scared her.
It hurt her heart how much Obi-Wan was hurting. She didn’t do it to harm him, but it didn’t change that it did. Zara desperately wanted to get Cody to safety and go back to her life. They both deserved to be done fighting and yet there she was fighting another battle for the Jedi.
She made her way down the hallway and felt through the force. She sighed when she felt a familiar signature and moved into a wide-open room. In the middle of the floor was Cody, hands bound in front of him. Zara looked around to check for any traps but when she didn’t see any, she walked to her old friend.
“Just Zara, Cody. I’m not a general anymore.”
“You.. you shouldn’t have come.”
“Of course, I did. You’re my friend. As soon as I found out you were missing, I came.”
“You don’t understand, General. That’s exactly what he wanted.”
“Who? Palpatine?”
“I’m so sorry.”
She knelt down to look at him and picked his head up to look at her gently. Her eyes widened when she saw that he had tears brimming his eyes.
“Cody, why are you sorry? We’ve talked about this in depth. I don’t care that you’re a clone. You mean-“
“I’m not the only one that knows your soft spot for clones, General. I can’t.. I’m so sorry.”
Before Zara could ask him what was wrong, she felt a jab in her arm. She looked down to see Cody sticking a syringe into her arm and push the plunger down all the way. She yanked her arms away and fell backwards onto her butt.
“I told you.. you shouldn’t have come. I’m so sorry, General.”
The binders fell off Cody’s wrists and he stepped forward, pulling Zara up into his arms. The world was spinning so she shut her eyes, desperately wanting it to stop.
“I have her, sir.”
“Very good, CC-2224. Just as I expected. Bring her here. Destroy her ship before you do.”
“Yes, sir.”
Zara lost consciousness as Cody carried her to his ship. He set her down gently, placing her saber on his waist. Once she was settled, he walked over to her ship and looked through her belongings. He pulled out a few holo pictures that he clicked on. A small smile spread on his lips when he saw Anakin alive and well with Padme and two children. The other ones were of her and the Sith that had taken her. He had been worried when he first heard she had left the order with him but was assured it was her choice.
“You look so happy, General. Exactly what you should be.”
He closed his hands around the holos and slipped them into his pocket. He glanced at the dashboard and saw the emergency signal. He hesitated then reached past it, “accidentally” hitting the emergency button. When he stood up walked outside and waited.
“Stars, I hope that signal gets to someone.”
After a few moments he stepped back and shot at the fuel tank, exploding the ship as instructed. Once he made his way back into the ship and checked on Zara, he hit the coordinates for where he needed to go.
“I know you can’t hear me, General. I just hope you know I wouldn’t do this unless I had any other choice. I’ll do what I can to keep you safe. Hopefully General Skywalker and your Sith can find you in time.”
Once they were into hyperspace, he pulled her saber from his waist and looked at it. It was new from what he remembered, but still beautifully made. He expected nothing less from his former General.
He thought back on the first time he saw her. She showed up to command his troops with a smile on her face. He initially thought that she was going to be a weak leader and weakness meant death to clones. He had been so wrong.
She was the first Jedi to show compassion towards him and his men. She grieved their deaths just as much as he did. Nights when he was up wrestling with the pain of losing someone, she was always right by his side. She didn’t need to; the mission was always finished. She wanted to. She wanted them all to know that they were all individual people to her, regardless of where they came from.
She made it easy to run into the heat of battle. It wasn’t that he didn’t ever want to. He believed in his own fighting and trusted his brothers. It just came down to the fact that he wasn’t fighting for her. He was fighting alongside her.
He ignited the blade and widened his eyes when a new color came out. He didn’t know the particulars of the Jedi and their blades, but he had never seen a blade that color before. Cody looked down at his hand holding the hilt and frowned.
He had hurt her. What was even worse was the possibility that she would never forgive him for what he did. The chip had been deactivated before Order 66 could be initiated but somehow Sidious still had a hold over him. He had gotten close enough to him to activate it just enough to make him obedient. He glanced back at Zara asleep and shook his head.
“We will find a way to get out of this, General. We always do. Somehow, we will get you back to your happiness. Maybe I’ll even find a bit of it myself.”
He chuckled to himself and shook his head again.
“Look at me, thinking a clone can be anything more than a tool. You’d think I’d learn by now. Although you’d be yelling at me for even thinking that. Stars, General, I hope you don’t hate me forever for this.”
Mace sat in the council chambers alone. The last thing he wanted to do was call up Zara, but he didn’t see any other option. Once the war was ended, the Jedi no longer had the authority to do anything without the government’s approval. He knew that they wouldn’t send them for a single clone. As far as they were concerned Palpatine was no longer a threat. Not that the Jedi agreed with that at all.
When his coms went off with Zara’s emergency signal, he felt his chest get heavy. It ended just as quickly as it was received, but he knew the longer it took for her to message or call him, the worse that was. She had a propensity to bump into buttons, but she always called. He tried to call and was met with no answer. Master Yoda walked into the room and looked at him.
“Her signal went off then immediately went dead.”
“Feel it, do you? A great darkness, there is.”
“Yes. I feel it. It has to be Sidious.”
“Mmm. Yes. Suspect him, I do.”
“I’m going to have to reach out to Anakin and Veth.”
“Go. In much danger, she is.”
Obi-Wan sat in his home, reading the same book for the third time. As much as he wanted to reach out to Zara, he didn’t want her to think he was trying to distract her or force her back home. It was killing him though. Even just hearing her voice would make him feel better. He looked up from his book when he heard a ship land close by. Before he could stand up, Anakin was bursting into the house.
“Sith, it’s the Jedi.”
“Is Zara with them?”
“It’s only Master Windu.”
He followed the younger man outside just in time to see Windu walking closer. He clenched his jaw, not wanting to see the Master Jedi at all.
“Anakin. Veth.”
The three men looked to the side as Padme and the twins came running out of their home.
“Wow, even your children are strong with the force.”
Anakin stepped in front of Mace and set his jaw; his hands balled into fists at his side.
“Don’t even look at them. They will never be hurt by you or the council.”
“I’m not here for your children, Anakin.”
“Where is my wife.”
Mace turned to look at Veth who was standing with his arms crossed over his chest. He still looked just as cocky to Mace as he had when he was a child, but the darkness swirling around him was new. It was the first time they had faced each other, other than through a holo communication.
“We should go inside. Small ears don’t need to hear this conversation.”
Anakin glanced over at Obi-Wan, who nodded back at him. Anakin looked back at Padme and gave her a tight smile before following Obi-Wan into the house. Once Mace made it through the door, Obi-Wan used the force to slam it behind him, smirking when the master Jedi jumped.
“If it weren’t for the children, you wouldn’t be welcome in this home. Now tell me, where is my wife and why is she not here with you?”
“She made it to where we though Sidious was with the clone trooper.”
“His name is Cody. You sent my wife to find him and don’t even have the courtesy to use the name she knows him by.”
Mace rolled his jaw and sighed.
“Cody. My apologies. She made it there safely and sent a communication she was heading inside the building. From there, we lost contact. Soon after, her emergency signal reached us and turned off within a few seconds.”
“And nothing since?”
“Sidious has her. That emergency signal was a mistake. Where is she.”
Obi-Wan was seething. Her being taken was exactly what he was afraid of, and he was completely powerless to change what was happening. The more he thought about how terrible Sidious was and how much she could be hurt, the more the room started swirling with darkness. Mace put his hand on his own saber and took a step back.
“Please calm down, Veth.”
“You called up my wife, the woman that I love more than anything in the galaxy and asked her to go on a fool’s errand with no backup. Then you come here and tell me that Darth Sidious, the most dangerous man I have ever met likely has her. Now you expect me to calm down. After everything you’ve done to me you’re lucky you’re still breathing. Let alone what you’ve done to her. She came to me broken, Master Windu. She came to me lost and afraid that she had lost every bit of her life and soul because she couldn’t live with your lies anymore. You nearly forced her to kill her best friend. Now you sent her into the hands of a madman. Tell me, why in the galaxy should I calm down?”
“I understand that you’re upset.”
Obi-Wan barked out a laugh and crossed his arms again.
“You don’t understand anything that the Jedi didn’t shove down your throat. Tell me where she is. I will go bring her back home where she belongs.”
“I’m going with you.”
Obi-Wan looked at Anakin and frowned. He could feel how unstable Anakin felt. The normal darkness around Obi-Wan he was used to, but the pure rage he was harnessing was drowning him. It wasn’t ever something that was discussed but he would never be able to fully get away from the dark side. It just wasn’t possible.
“You aren’t stable enough, Skywalker.”
Obi-Wan shot his finger out to point at Mace, shaking his head.
“You don’t get to tell him what to do, Mace. The audacity that you Jedi have. It is absolutely astounding that you thought you could walk into my home and tell anyone under this roof what to do.”
“You know he isn’t stable. I can’t be the only one who feels it.”
“What he is or isn’t is no problem of yours. Just give me the coordinates and I will take care of getting Zara back.”
“I want to help.”
“You have done enough. Now, if you will, I have much to do and none of that involves catering to you being in my home. You’re tarnishing the air and I won’t have it a moment longer.”
Mace sighed and shook his head, setting down a data stick with the coordinates and information about the ship she had been using. He thought about asking him how he planned on helping him, but he thought better and walked through the door. Once he left Anakin huffed out a frustrated sigh and grabbed the stick.
“Alright let’s go.”
“You aren’t going.”
Anakin spun around to glare at Obi-Wan.
“You just said-“
“I said he doesn’t get to come into my home and tell anyone what to do. That does not mean I don’t agree with him. You’re unstable. You have been for a long time.”
“I’m fine.”
“Tell me that my darkness didn’t affect you then.”
Anakin opened his mouth a few times and shut it, without uttering a word.
“Exactly. You have a family here that needs you.”
“Zara is my family too, Veth.”
“Stars above I wish you’d stop calling me that.”
Anakin smirked and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Why do you think I call you that?”
“You’re insufferable. I pity your former master. You wouldn’t have lasted five minutes having been my padawan.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that. I’m a lot stronger than you think I am.”
“I gladly would have tossed you off the first cliff we found. I considered it when we found you if I’m being entirely honest. Ungrateful brat that you are. You’re lucky when I shoved you it was to your safety.”
“I still don’t fully believe that was you. I don’t remember you being so smug.”
“No need for you to. It wouldn’t be the first time that you ignored the reality around you to construct fantasies that mean absolutely nothing to anyone else.”
“You’re an ass, do you know that?”
Obi-Wan barked out a laugh as he started gathering his supplies.
“Oh, I’ve been told. The fact of the matter is that you are not stable enough to come with me. I need to focus on Sidious and whatever he has planned. I can’t babysit you through your temper tantrums, reckless behavior and propensity to disobey any form of authority within a parsec of your location.”
Anakin frowned and huffed out a sigh.
“Then teach me.”
“Teach you? If Padme can’t control you, I highly doubt anyone else can.”
“I’ll listen! I’m not asking you to turn me to the dark side. I just.. I’m the only person in this situation that even remotely trusts you. If you would just help me, I can help you then we both can help Zara.”
He sighed and looked at the younger man in front of him. He meant what he had said to Zara: if given the choice he would not save him. He had a point though. He was someone he could trust to at least want to help his wife. After considering it for a moment he sighed and tossed his hands up in the air.
“Fine. Only if you go tell Padme that it is entirely your idea and that I was opposed to it from the beginning. You will listen to me and do as I tell you to. I will teach you how to control yourself at least enough to help Zara. Beyond that, just stay out of my way.”
“Yes! I’ll go grab my bag and let Padme know what is going on.”
Anakin head towards the door but paused when Obi-Wan spoke to him.
“And Anakin? The first time you aggravate me I’m shoving you out the airlock. Don’t think that I won’t either. I’ve killed for less.”
Cody carried a still unconscious Zara into a dark room, only having the very center lit up dimly.
“CC-2224 I see you have returned successfully.”
“Yes, sir.”
The shadow of a man stepped forward, using the force to push Zara’s hair from her face. Cody thought that she looked almost peaceful curled up in his harms, her face resting against his chest.
“You have pleased me, trooper. Now the next part of my plan begins. Take her to her chambers. She is not to leave unless I command it.”
“Sir, am I permitted to stay with her?”
“Yes. Keep her calm. Give her a reason to stay here. Though I don’t expect her to be on board with everything I say, at first, this entire plan is contingent on her falling in line.”
“Yes, sir.”
Cody turned, walking down a long hallway. Once he entered Zara’s chambers, the door shut and locked behind him. Normally it would have made him uneasy, but he was calmer knowing that he wouldn’t be separated from his former general just yet. He placed her down gently into the bed, careful to ensure she would be comfortable.
He pulled up a chair and sat down next to the bed, crossing his arms over his chest. He glanced down at the black armor that he now wore, unsure of how he liked it. He always wore armor, so it wasn’t new. It just made him uneasy at how dark it was.
When he shifted, he felt the holo pictures that he had taken from her ship. He pulled them out and turned on their display, looking at Zara’s family. He felt so much guilt and pain knowing that he was part of the reason she wasn’t home with them. Cody knew that nothing good was going to come from Sidious getting his hands on Zara, but he was determined that he wouldn’t let her forget where she belonged.
“I can’t let you forget something that you always deserved to have, Zara. I just can’t.”
Zara continued to sleep while Cody sat next to her. He was caught between his loyalty for her and his obligation to follow Palpatine. He wanted her to wake up, but he also was afraid of what she was going to say once she realized he had betrayed her.
“You’re so strong, General. If anyone can fix this, it’s you. I believe in you so much. Please have just a little bit of faith in me.”
Tag List:
@mapplestrudel @cannedsoupsucks @musubabii @mascaracoffee @ahsoka-padme
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