#lemon thoughts
lemonadier · 8 months
Gale x Astarion where they start out hating each other because Gale chose to be alone with his books and Astarion finding that ridiculous after being trapped for so long.
Astarion: Why would you ever choose to be isolated? Sounds completely insane to me.
Gale: Sometimes the sound of a books page turning is all I need to be entertained. Sometimes it’s a useful skill to have too.
Astarion then feels embarrassed because he understands the need to feel entertained when others don’t provide that for him. Flirtacious hi-jinks insue.
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dead-eyes-roll · 6 months
me: oh baby don’t worry, i’ll pay
*pulls out this bad boy*
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party-lemon · 1 year
Saw Across the Spider Verse today
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lemonbee420 · 1 year
A lot of people want Zuckerberg and Bezos and Elon to go on the next Oceangate trip but you should know they wouldn’t pay $250,000, they’d pay *more* cause they’re that level of rich. At least one of these dudes wanted to be shot into space and spent millions of dollars so it’d be no big deal. I feel like they’d each pay more and more to one up each other
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jeonginnieswifey · 2 months
Also when I sit under the table and play with his shoelaces it lowkey looks like I'm giving him a blow job. I mean not like don't want to anyway...
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sharkshenanigans2 · 7 months
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toytulini · 1 month
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selenedistress · 6 months
It's funny how Lemon Demon and Will Wood fans seem to intersect, because the way I see it, they're artists with completely opposite sensibilities.
Will Wood sings about serious topics in an irreverent way, whereas Lemon Demon sings about silly topics in a sincere way.
Will Wood's themes are often intellectual and deep, whereas Lemon Demon's are often nerdy and frivolous.
Will Wood often borrows words and images from mental health terminology to spirituality, less to provide a specific meaning, but to create a general vibe.
Lemon Demon on the other hand will often focus on a specific topic and thoroughly explore it. Exhaust the kind of things that could be said about it.
They both make bangers though.
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lemon-wedges · 2 months
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hes bragging about something idk
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lemonadier · 4 months
I think I'm slowly favouring rarijack over appledash but at this point I'm too afraid to admit it...
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dead-eyes-roll · 9 months
i’m making another picrew chain lol
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and anyone else who wants to join! :)
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party-lemon · 1 year
Everything Everywhere All at Once: *literally received critical acclaim and is the most awarded film of all time*
Me, finally getting around to watching it: Who was gonna tell me this movie was so good??
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lemonbee420 · 1 year
It's so funny to me how book snobs think they're so much better cause they're reading literature, girl you're staring at paper and using your imagination we are the same
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jeonginnieswifey · 2 months
Lemme simp over someone who is not innie
So his code name is lemon cuz yes. He is such a gentleman and omfg he treats people so well wtf. Especially women. I love talking to him and just like listening to him talk about his life. My social battery is very low so I often just sit there and listen to him yap. Our classrooms are really cold so whenever my friends and I would gather around at his table to talk I would sit under his table and play with his shoelaces. Omfg and when he smiles I feel something flutter in my heart guys it not even funny anymore. And also did I mention he loves kids?! I want 2 kids and he wants kids too. Bro wife me up rn pls. Omg that man makes me have baby fever. It like the way he talks about kids so lovingly makes me wanna drop to my knees and beg him to breed me.
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plistommy · 2 months
Eddie likes to draw a lot.
He doodles on everything, his school books, magazines, his guitars or even his own hands.
He drew his tattoos for himself before getting them.
Steve thinks he’s really talented, and loves to stare at Eddie drawing for hours, but Eddie is still a bit shy about it, so Steve doesn’t sometimes get to see what he has drawn.
But one day when he was going to Eddie’s room to get his boyfriend's hoodie for himself - thanks to winter and its cold weather - he accidentally knocked Eddie’s sketchbook to the floor.
Couple of pages dropped out of it and as they were all spread out, Steve realized they were all drawings.
Drawings of him.
He crunched down to pick them up, but couldn’t keep his curiosity at bay and before he knew it, he was going through all of them.
Eddie made him look so… pretty.
He drew his face, his smile, his eyes so beautifully that Steve couldn’t even believe that the drawing’s were of him. Eddie even remembered all of his moles.
A dopey smile creeped up to his face as he went through them all, piling them back into a neat pile to put back inside the sketchbook. But when he picked up the last one, his eyes grew wide and he felt himself going red from head to toe.
There were several sketches of him, of his nude body with ringed hands, Eddie’s hands, touching him. One was of him laid on his stomach with a soft look on his face, but then the second one was more… intimate.
It was of him, legs spread wide and dick resting thick and hard on his stomach while a finger was pushing inside him. His face was scrunched up, mouth open in a ‘o’ shape and the knowledge that Steve probably looked like that when Eddie was doing it for him made him bite down onto his bottom lip.
He flipped the paper around and a whine got caught in his throat as he stared down to a drawing of him riding Eddie.
They had never done that before. But now, he really, really wanted to do it.
Steve’s head snapped up to stare at Eddie, who was staring down back at him with a worried look.
He was leaning against the door frame, hair up in a ponytail and old band shirt on, looking like a dream, but when he saw what was going on, his eyes grew wide.
”Shit, sorry!” he panicked, crunching down next to Steve. He snatched the drawings and his sketchbook away from him and hid them under his mixtapes, acting like Steve hadn’t already seen all of them.
He was letting out these small apologies and Steve had no idea what he had to even apologize for, but when he saw Eddie blushing and not being able to catch his eyes, Steve understood that he was embarrassed.
”I didn’t, um - you didn’t mean to see those… sorry.”
Steve just stared at him dumbfoundedly before letting out a soft laugh and getting up. He moved his hands to Eddie’s face and held them there.
”I dropped it accidentally and I was the one snooping around, Eddie. I’m the one who should be apologizing, not you.”
Eddie sighed. He still couldn’t meet Steve’s eyes and it made him frown.
”You’re not creeped out?”
That question surprised Steve.
”Of the drawings? No, Eds. I think they’re cool.”
Then, Eddie finally looked at him with the biggest puppy eyes ever and Steve wanted to kiss him.
”You sure? I didn’t know what you’d think about them. I know they're a bit—”
”Amazing? Incredible?” Steve smiled softly and pushed Eddie’s bangs back, ”You’re so talented, babe. I don’t think I’ve ever seen myself like the way you draw me. I like it.”
Eddie looked like he was offended and pinched Steve’s hip, ”You are really pretty, sweetheart” he reassured Steve with a smile.
”Yeah, yeah. Says you.” Steve smiled and Eddie snorted a little before leaning in to kiss him.
When they pulled apart, both out of breath, a small grin grew to Steve’s face as he tugged Eddie’s hair, letting it fall out from it’s lazy ponytail.
”I have an idea…”
”And what’s that?”
Steve grinned more.
”Can I ride you?”
Eddie’s breath hitched and Steve laughed loudly as his boyfriend looked at him like he’d grown another head.
He loved to rile his boyfriend up, and this was the perfect time for that.
”You… really?” Eddie sounded so out of breath, more than he was before.
”I think it would look pretty great, right?” Steve purred, glancing towards the hidden pile of drawings, Eddie’s gaze following his.
All Eddie could do was answer a breathy ’Fuck yeah’ before Steve was pushing him down to the bed and straddling his hips.
Eddie didn’t hide his drawings anymore after that.
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lemon2099 · 6 months
18+ Minors DNI (yes that includes looking)
Four AM and my vibe’s dead so have this. May edit in the morning if someone reminds me and I have the time.
Imagine you and Miguel are spending some much needed quality time together in a hot shower. It starts sweet enough. Miguel turns on the big rain head and lets it get all nice and warm for the both of you.
You grab your soap, all ready to clean up, but before you can even start, he silently takes the soap from your hands and smears some on his. He rubs the soap on your back and shoulders as you relax under the warm water. He savors your little whimpers and sighs of pleasure as he lets his soapy hands run over your chest and down your stomach. He takes gentle care of your hips, lightly squeezing and rubbing them, before turns back a bit to grab more soap. You’re too busy relaxing in the hot water to notice him taking one of your thighs in both of his hands, gripping and rubbing it tenderly. As his hands trail down, he lets himself rest on his knees, rubbing the soap down from your calf and shin to your ankle and foot. He then grabs some more soap and starts over again, starting this time from the bottom, and washing and massaging his way to the top.
He invited you in for a steamy kiss, which you happily accept. Both of your faces and hair are soaked, but it’s a little hard to care when Miguel’s tongue is in your mouth. Once you part for air, Miguel starts to sit down on knees in front of you. Before you can even register why he’s down there, he looks deep into your eyes, and let his sweet tongue spoil your little pussy. He starts with a long slow lick from the bottom of your opening all the way up to your clit, then begins to suckle on the little nub. His tongue flicks over it a few times, before pulling away.
“Miguel~” you whimper, looking down at him. He gives your clit a little kiss goodbye, before placing his tongue onto your slit. Without wasting time, he lets his slip into your walls. Your moans only egg him on more as he devours you, making sure to leave no crevice untouched.
Your legs shake feverishly, only being held in place by his massive hands tightly gripping your thighs. He buries his face in you, his tongue slamming that sweet spot inside you as his nose rubs your clit. You feel that familiar warmth in your core and your brain goes fuzzy. With a loud groan, your legs buckle. You slam your hands outwards, one on the stone wall of the shower, one on the glass of the door.
“Easy, cariño, easy.” Miguel warns. He quickly pulls away and effortlessly picks you up, sitting you down on the bench towards the back of the shower.
“Are you okay?” He asks. You pant out a “yeah” and nod.
“Do you want me to keep going?”
“Yes please.” You reply, spreading your legs wider for him. Miguel smiles and nods, before kneeling in front of you once more. He wastes no time burying his face inside of you, roughly lapping up your sweet little cunt. He moans against you, the vibrations hitting your clit, making you throw your head back and sing your own horny song as you grip the bench of the shower. He pauses for a moment to chuckle.
“Que rica.” He whispers. You don’t even have time to register what he’s said before your mouth is lolled open and you’re screaming in bliss. His tongue somehow gets more aggressive, forcing you to grip his hair for support. No words can come out of your mouth, only babbles and grunts, which eventually devolve to whimpers. You can feel his smirk again your labia. Miguel doesn’t acknowledge your wanton whines, only devouring you faster and harder. You feel your muscle tense and your toes curl tight.
“Ahh, Mig, hmph hmmmm~” you groan out, your thighs clamping around his head.
“Come on, almost there. Thats it.” He whispers to your pussy. You cum instantly. Your brain is far too fuzzy to process everything clearly, but you can make out a faint “good job” and “good girl”. You take some steady deep breaths as Miguel thanks your pussy with gentle kisses, front slit to clit, as well as your inner thighs, licking up the sweet mess he made out of you.
“You’re too good to me, Miggy” you manage to say after a few moments, looking down at his soft rugged face.
“I take care of my lady.” he whispers to you, kissing your forehead before sitting next to you. He wraps his arm around your waist, letting enjoy the heat of the water and your intimacy. You cup his face and bring him in for a soft kiss that quickly escalates into you both making out.
Until you get an idea. Your lips were light as a feather, trailing down his neck and chest. Your hands followed, smoothing the chiseled muscle below it, resting on your knees in front of him. You lick your lips at the very big and very hard sight in front of you.
“And I take care of my man~”
Hope you enjoyed my word vomit. My ask box is always open so come talk to me!
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