#leo manfred needs a hug
kissoflightning · 10 months
A Bad Cup of Coffee
I wrote this fic from Leo Manfred's perspective when I was depressed; it's an original headcannon of what he was going through the day before his first appearance in Detroit: Become Human
Teen And Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Leo Manfred
Jerry(s) (Detroit: Become Human)
Original Female Human Character(s)
Additional Tags:
Leo Manfred POV
Leo Needs a Hug
Hurt No Comfort
I'm So Sorry Jerry
Physical Abuse
References to Drugs
Song Lyrics
References to Depression
One Shot
Language: English Series:Part 1 of Carl Dies
Published: 2023-10-25
Leo fucked up again. (The events of this story take place the day before we first see Leo's appearance in Detroit: Become Human)
This fic is mostly a self-indulgence. I wrote it when I was extremely depressed and ironically I felt better after writing it. I decided I wanted to write these little stories as one shots, but I plan on writing a few more (Completely out of order), hence why I am tying this to "The Graveyard" because these stories will all be very much their own thing but work together in the same timeline. The song Leo listens to 2/3rds through the story (If you'd like to read along with it) is Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soa3gO7tL-c
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Work Text:
Thursday, November 4th, 2038
The alarm blared and it was time for another dreaded day for Leo to go to work. He had his third breakdown last week when some idiot gave him crap over how much cream cheese was spread over a fucking bagel. "Why aren't there equal amounts of cream cheese on both sides? I asked for equal amounts of cream cheese on both sides!" Leo was so done with this shit and he SCREAMED at the man "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! The cream cheese stuck to the other side, it ain't my god damn fault!" His boss threatened to fire Leo if an incident like this were to occur again.
Leo took a hit from his Red Ice vape, just enough for him to vibe enough to put up with whatever bullshit he was going to put up with today. Enough that the intrusive thoughts were there, but not enough for them to take over. Leo HATED the way he acted when he had taken too much, but it felt so god damn good!
He dragged his sorry ass to the coffee shop and lay his bag down in the break room. His boss peered over his shoulder, "You better not fuck up today, Manfred."
"Yeah, whatever." Leo replied with a shrug.
Leo asked his coworker, Sheryl to man the till today so he could avoid talking to as many customers as possible and she complied without hesitation. Sheryl was the only person who was tolerable to work with at this shit hole of an establishment. Other than her, he hated EVERYONE, even Jerry. Especially Jerry. Fucking androids. They'd never have to deal with feeling like a miserable, worthless piece of shit like him.
One hour left in his shift, and Leo had successfully managed to keep himself from getting fired so far. Sheryl pulled off the "customer service" act so well, despite the usual barrage of annoying idiot customers. He always looked forward to the end of the day where she'd go back to her normal self and talked so informal saying fuck and shit in almost every sentence with a tone that would be considered a "bad attitude" from the boss. But in reality, she was super cool. Something felt good about being the only one at work to see that side of her.
A man who ordered a few minutes ago, came back raging. "I TOLD you I wanted a fresh cup and this tastes like the stalest oldest shit you could give me!" The man screamed as he threw the coffee at Sheryl, scalding her.
What Leo saw next was neither customer service Sheryl or badass Sheryl...it was broken Sheryl. She froze, broke into a sob, and ran out of the shop wailing and crying. For once Leo's intrusive thoughts were in sync with his regular line of thinking.
[He needs to get his ass kicked]
Leo hopped over the counter, clutched him into a chokehold, and threw him onto the floor. He should have stopped there, but the violence felt so good. [It's justified] He thought to himself. [Sheryl didn't deserve that] He pinned the man down and laid down punch after punch as the man and any customers that were around to witness screamed in horror.
Suddenly he was stopped and pulled up by that fucking android, Jerry. Leo's temperament wasn't settled. "Fucking piece of plastic! Let go of me!" Leo shouted before shifting to hook his fist directly into Jerry's right cheek.
The impact scraped the part of synthskin where it landed, and the android seemed to emulate fear. "My name is Jerry!" The android shouted before frantically running out the door. That display was so convincing that Leo almost felt bad about punching the thing. However, he knew better than to fall for the emulation of human emotions. Self-preservation was probably something built into their program - or perhaps Leo caused it to malfunction from hitting it too hard.
The boss came out finally. He'd probably been in his office blasting shitty music and playing Level 28,453 of Candy Crush or something. "What the hell is going on here? Where's Sheryl and Jerry?" He hollered.
"Your employee jumped over the counter and attacked me like a wild animal!" The beat up asshole shouted.
"He started it! He threw hot coffee onto Sheryl and she ran out crying!" Leo protested.
"Which I wouldn't have done if you had given me fresh coffee like I asked!" The man retorted.
"FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Leo screamed before throwing the man a sucker punch in the stomach, and he fell to the ground.
The man, speechless, shook his head and limped towards the door once he regained his composure.
"Please don't press charges." The boss pleaded to the customer.
"I won't, but I want to see you fire him." The man told him.
"With pleasure." The boss complied before he turned to Leo to shout "YOU'RE FIRED!"
Leo went home and upon approaching the door to is apartment, he'd spotted an eviction notice. "Fuck my life!" Leo shouted out loud as he entered through the door. He plopped onto his bed and screamed into his pillow. "AAAAAH!"
He plugged his airpods into his ears, and blasted the song Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day, closing his eyes for a moment and taking a exaggerated breath during the initial guitar riff. He started singing along to the lyrics. "I walk a lonely road. The only one that I have ever known. Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me, and I walk alone." He proceeded to load the red ice into his pipe, lit it up and took a deep inhale, laying back into his bed as he watched the red smoke release into the air. He sank into his bed as he felt his stress start to dissipate, though a lingering was left behind. Leo needed more ice; he was almost out. Not to mention he would wind up homeless soon if he could not get any money.
Leo continued to sing while laying down, attempting to relax. He nodded his head slightly while belting "My shadow's the only one that walks beside me. My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating. Sometimes, I wish someone out there will find me." He took another inhale from his vape, savoring it before releasing the breath. He closed his eyes and hummed along with the "Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah. Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah" while simultaneously feeling the music, imagining himself walking down a deserted outskirt in slow motion.
Leo tried to let his mind wander, but it kept coming back to reflect on his shitty predicament. He would need to ask his dad for more cash. If the requirement to ask his disapproving father for money was not bad enough, having to see Carl treat that plastic toy like his actual son was so much worse.
"Read between the lines. What's fucked up, and everything's alright. Check my vital signs. To know I'm still alive, and I walk alone." Maybe if he punched Markus, it would run off like Jerry did. However, Jerry had been in a public place at the time; what if Markus reacted more violently? It could be incredibly dangerous to pick a fight with an android where nobody could hear you scream.
And there was something different about Markus; it was so good at acting human. Leo would not doubt it if Kamski built it with some protocol to beat the shit out of anyone who provoked it. Leo closed his eyes once again and let his mind continue to drift until he passed out.
If you enjoyed reading this story and you firmly believe that Leo Manfred deserves redemption, feel free to give a Kudos/Comment on AO3 to give him some love!
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fandom-necromancer · 3 years
1667. Not many people would willingly choose my company.
This was prompted by a wonderful anon! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human Characters: Leo Manfred, Marcus Warnings: None
A revolution. The change. An Uprising. A protest.
There had been many names for it. None managed to represent the struggle completely. None got across how much was lost, how uncertain it had been. How easy it could have ended otherwise. Joining Jericho, it had been a somewhat natural progression to become their leader and fight, risk their and his own lives as well as so many others that couldn’t fight for it themselves. It had been an increasing weight bearing down on his shoulders, which enormity he could only realise now that it was over. Well, far from it, but at least for now Marcus was granted a short respite from it all.
It would suck him back in, he was sure. The fight was won, but the war was still ongoing. As their leader during the revolution, the world would look to him once it came to negotiation about laws and all other things regarding androidkind. And as soon as he was needed, he would follow through on the promise he had made.
But for now, he was without a task and had ample time and he didn’t know when that had last been the case. Before the revolution had started, maybe. But back then he hadn’t known to appreciate it bound by his programming. Maybe that was the reason, why he now stood in front of Carl Manfred’s house, unsure if he should enter after everything that had happened. As he stepped in front of the door, it opened for him, the home security system welcoming him. So he was still registered. Did that mean he was expected or had this been an oversight?
The question was answered as the door at the end of the hallway opened and Carl wheeled himself into the lobby. ‘Marcus! So nice to see you again.’ Relief washed over him and he knelt down to hug the old man. Carl laughed and patted his back. ‘I hoped you would come back some day. I can tell you, you made me worry for you out there. But you did good, I am very proud of you. Come. Let’s get comfortable, I believe we have a lot to talk about.’
Marcus nodded and smiled, following Carl to the living room. Inside he found that nothing had changed. Everything was still how he had left. It had only been a few months, he remembered. It felt like much longer to him. Then his eyes fell on the dinner table and he froze in his steps. There, at the isle stood Leo. He made eye contact, then quickly looked away, fumbling with something. ‘Dad, I’ll fetch your wine from the cellar’, he mumbled, before making his escape.
‘He survived?’, Marcus asked. ‘Yes. He had to stay in the hospital for a while, although I think the withdrawal took the longest. He changed, Marcus. I finally start to see the boy I knew in him again. Please, try not to judge him too hard.’ ‘No, no’, Marcus assured him and looked back to Carl. ‘I thought I killed him, Carl. I thought my first real decision I made for myself was to kill someone. One of the reasons I insisted on peaceful protests. I… I have to talk to him.’ ‘I don’t think he will appreciate that, Marcus’, Carl warned him. ‘Maybe. I still need it. I swear, I won’t start a fight or take part in one.’
He didn’t wait for another word of the old man and followed Leo. He found him at the bottom of the stairs to the cellar, just standing there. He could get past half of the steps, before Leo spoke up: ‘I knew you would come back some day, if you survived. I just hoped not to be here when it happens.’ ‘I just want to talk’, Marcus stressed. ‘Oh, really? I don’t think we have anything to say to each other. How I behaved back then, I had expected you to never talk to me again.’ ‘You were in the middle of a Red-ice crash’, Marcus reminded him. ‘Oh, no.’ Leo turned to him and smiled not without a hidden pain shining through. ‘No, I can’t blame that shit on the drugs, that was me. I was angry, envied you. Still do.’ ‘Shouldn’t we have this talk upstairs?’, Marcus asked. ‘It’s cold down here. ‘ ‘Fuck, you really wanna do this?’ ‘Why not?’
Leo did get Carl his wine, although by the time they were back in the living room, the old man was nowhere to be seen. ‘How does he always seems to know these things beforehand?’, Leo asked and placed the bottle on the dinner table. They went to the sofa group in the middle of the room, sitting down on different couches with a cautious distance.
‘I guess I should start with an apology?’, Leo awkwardly spoke up. ‘It wasn’t pleasant, but it made me deviate in the end’, Marcus shrugged. ‘I still need to apologise, if only so I don’t have to lie to my father.’ ‘Carl wanted you to apologise?’ ‘He loves you’, Leo said, trying hard to keep the regret out of his voice. ‘I was the reason he had to watch you getting shot and taken away. How… How did you survive?’ ‘I was dumped in the landfill. There were a lot of… parts around’, Marcus grimaced. ‘Then I escaped, found Jericho and… And the rest was on the news.’ ‘Yeah, it was’, Leo nodded. ‘I watched it in the hospital.’
‘Then I should apologise too, for landing you in the hospital.’ ‘You defended yourself’, Leo shrugged. ‘Probably was best for me, getting off the fucking drugs enough to finally realise what I was destroying.’ ‘Maybe, but-‘ ‘Yeah, yeah, I get it’, Leo interrupted, shaking his head. ‘Fuck, I know why dad loves you so much.’ He grinned humourlessly. ‘The perfect fucking son, all the philosopher and artist the father is.’ ‘I don’t think Carl loves you any less.’ ‘And ever the diplomat, too.’ ‘He jumped off his chair to get to you and cried, holding you in his arms when we had thought you were dead.’ ‘Yeah, and he stayed with me in the hospital until I woke up. He does love me, but it’s the why I can’t get behind. And you are clearly the favourite. Deserved, even if you are a damn robot.’
Marcus chuckled, didn’t even really know why. ‘Hey, don’t laugh, I know I’m a fucking mess, I’m trying here.’ ‘You are his son, there is no other reason needed.’ ‘Will need some time until that shit reached my brain…’
Leo leaned back and sighed. ‘Hey, you are okay, bot. We won’t get along by tomorrow, but I thank you for caring for my dad. Because you do, even if you don’t have to anymore. He talked a lot about you.’ He swallowed. ‘And thank you for this. I would have just hid down there until you left again, just not to do this. But it feels nice.’ ‘You aren’t as bad as I remember you, too’, Marcus smirked. ‘I will go look for Carl, I need some advice for the future. But let’s do this more often.’
‘You sure?’, Leo asked, standing up. ‘Not many people would willingly choose my company.’ ‘Well, legally speaking it’s still debatable if we are people’, Marcus shrugged. ‘I would still like to get to know you better and let the past rest.’ ‘Sounds like a good plan. I’ll get the wine.’
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archadianskies · 3 years
"you're at a resort, and in desperate need to get away from your family. you hide in a wardrobe down in the lobby, and while in there, you discover that a stranger is also hiding there" - Leo & Sixty
Make no mistake- he loves it when the old man pays for everything. He figures it’s the least the geezer can do after a neglectful childhood and a turbulent adolescence and a spiralling young adulthood. It’s just that somewhere between the flight to New York and the fancy hotel, Leo forgets he actually has to spend time with Carl and that’s a massive oversight on his part.
He wanted to go back to New York for fashion week and of course Markus wanted to go too because he’s not only Android Jesus but a goddamn Work of Art fit for the runway. And since both Manfreds wanted to go, Senior Manfred decided to make it into a Family Bonding Experience. Leo regrets ever bringing it up.
“Ok so maybe the neon pop of colour for the Siriano runway, and the velvet for the Ford runway?” Markus is deliberating over outfits and Carl is humming and nodding thoughtfully and that’s when Leo decides nope, no thank you, goodbye. Slipping the camera strap over his head and jamming his phone in his pocket, Leo grabs his jacket on the way out and closes the door behind him.
“Leo-!” Markus calls out behind him and yeah ok it’s not his greatest moment but Leo flees like a coward, managing to wedge himself into the elevator just before it closes. He just does not want any of this, and so he ignores all the strange looks from the people stuck with him and races out into the lobby once the doors open. Is it just his imagination or are there sounds of running footsteps coming from the fire escape??? Oh shit, he forgot his brother can do fancy android parkour.
Leo turns the corner and dives into the coat storage.
Go away go away go away, he thinks desperately to himself.
“Go away!” Someone hisses, right into his ear and Leo screams into someone’s palm. “Shut up or we’ll be found!” The hand is removed from his mouth and Leo looks beside him. He knows this face. It’s a very famous face.
“It’s Sean.” The android cuts him off, expression sour. He’s not Connor. Connor doesn’t have a bullet scar in the center of his forehead. “And you’re Leo Manfred, what the fuck are you doing in here?”
“What are you doing in here?” Leo shoots right back, huffing as he shifts into a more comfortable slump against the wall.
“Hiding from my dad.” He barks a laugh at that.
“Oh you too? What’s your old geezer done?”
“He got tickets for us to go to the World of Reptiles at the Bronx Zoo,” the android mumbles, his LED cycling an anxious yellow.
“And you don’t want to go?” Leo rolls his eyes. “Great, another dad who doesn’t care about their son’s interests but forces them along to theirs.”
“No, I want to go!” Sean corrects hastily. “I really want to go! That's all I’ve talked about for the past month, I’ve looked up every single reptile there and traced back their origins, and I’ve plotted the most efficient route so we see every single reptile!”
“Well,” Leo blinks, confused, “what’s the problem then?”
The android curls in on himself, hugging his knees to his chest. His LED blinks red briefly before it fades back into the anxious yellow.
“I-I-I’m not used to being alone with him,” Sean chews his lip, pointedly not making eye contact. “It’s always the four of us- five if you count Sumo. It’s never been just me and him.”
“Let me get this right-” Leo can’t help the bitterness that poisons his tone, “your dad wants to spend time with you, doing something you love and you’re hiding from him?”
“It’s just a lot, okay?!” Sean snaps, the anger dissipating when he makes eye contact. “...you don’t- you don’t know what I did, you don’t know how it happened. I’m going to be making up for what I did for the rest of his life, and mine.”
“But whatever you did, he still loves you for it,” the bitterness is still there like something slimy coating his tongue “which is more than what I’ve got with my old man. You’ve had your dad for months and I’ve had mine for-”
“About the same,” Sean says firmly. “You only had him back for about the same.”
“...Okay. Yeah. About the same.” Shit he’s right. “But he fucked up for years before that and he didn’t have any android slavery coding running through him.”
Sean snorts back a laugh, managing a brief grin before his expression turns somewhat hopeful. “You wanna ditch your dad and come hang out with me and mine? Bet you could take lots of great photos with your fancy camera.”
“Maybe not today,” Leo shakes his head. “Today sounds special. It sounds like something just for you, and you don’t need to share that with me. I appreciate the offer though.”
“What are you ditching your family for anyway?”
“He and Markus are being insufferable about clothes,” Leo rolls his eyes. “Carl paid for everything- the flights, the hotel, the runway tickets. I can’t exactly not go given this was all my idea. I just didn’t realise they’d be like that the whole time.”
“What if you got to take photos instead?” Sean suggests. “You wouldn’t have to sit with them. You’d still be there but not stuck to them.”
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a media pass to New York Fashion Week?” Leo scoffs. “The application process is a nightmare and it takes like, forever, for approval.”
Sean tips his head slightly, LED blinking yellow rapidly for a few moments before cycling down to a neon blue. “Done. You can pick your pass up an hour before the first show.”
“...Seriously?” He stares at Sean dumbly as the android gets to his feet and offers Leo his hand.
“Thanks for the talk,” Sean squares his shoulders, looking more settled in himself. “I think I’ll really enjoy today with Hank.”
“You will,” Leo says sincerely. “You want to hit up Central Park Zoo tomorrow?”
“Not tomorrow, we’re here for some stupid android police training thing. Conferences and training exercises and all that shit,” Sean grumbles, fiddling with the cuffs of his jacket. “It’s why we’re all here. Saturday, though?”
“Yeah okay,” Leo agrees automatically, unable to stop himself from making a stupif, goofy smile. “Saturday it is.”
The wardrobe door opens and a confused android pauses as they reach for one of the coats.
“Nice talk, Manfred,” Sean claps him on the shoulder as they emerge from their hiding spot. Leo grins, elbowing him playfully.
“See you on Saturday, Anderson.”
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💭 - your choice
Vanilla!Rachel & Android!Simon
I love him. I love him so much. I could watch him smile forever. I could kiss his face for hours if he'd let me. I'd kill and die for him. I'd go to the ends of the world for him. I'd do anything if it meant making a better world for him to live in. I don't ever want to be without him. I want to spend the rest of my life by his side.
Vanilla!Rachel & Mer!Simon
He's so cute and so sweet. It's kinda nice having someone like him in the tank with everyone. He's more like me. And it's fun having someone I can tease and play with myself. Plus, he gives nice hugs and it's nice sleeping next to him.
Aquarium Siren!Rachel & Android!Simon
He's my friend! He understands me! He sees me! I don't have to pretend around him and he wants to stay with me. He makes me happy and I want to make him happy, too. I want to see him every day!
Delinquent!Rachel & Undercover Cop!Simon
He's got guts. I'd like to see him again. He's very fun to play with and tease. Cute, too! Wonder what he does for a day job.
Demon!Rachel & Fallen Angel!Simon
I hate him. I love him. I love fucking him. I love being fucked by him. He makes me confused. He makes me scared. He sets me on fire. I never want to be without him. I don't ever want to go back to a life without him. I don't care about anything else but him. I just want him. He's my angel and I'm his demon. God's not getting him back and I'm not Lucifer's bitch.
Yandere!Rachel & Homeless Human!Simon
He'll understand. Even if he never loves me, he will understand that I am the only one who can protect him. I'm the only one who can provide him everything he needs. He'll see. He'll see that the world is horrible and that I rescued from it. And he'll see that I love him. I love him more than anything and that I would kill and die for him if it meant protecting him from the world that's hurt and tortured him his whole life.
Naga!Rachel & Homeless Human!Simon
Men are cruel. I've seen it. To women, children, and other men. Though...it's not always men. Nevertheless, I've seen his wounds before. Less frequently, though it breaks my heart to see them at all. That as much as the world progresses and improves, some parts remain the same. And it saddens me that it's the uglier parts. But, my home is a safe haven for people like him. So, Simon has a home with me. With my people.
Guardian Angel!Rachel & Homeless Human!Simon
Poor thing...he was done so wrong in his life. But I'll be there for him. I'll help him find his own wings and soar. I'll be his guiding light. His star in the night. His friend...his home. Until he's strong enough to live without me...
Hybrid!Rachel & Hybrid!Simon
A bit odd, but a chill dude. Not as creepy as some of the predators I've met and not as aggro as some of the large prey I've met. I trust him. Hope he gets by okay.
Werewolf!Rachel & Vampire!Simon
He's sweet. And kind. And gentle. And so compassionate. I don't think I've ever met a vampire as nice as him and I'm not letting him go. He's my mate and part of my pack, now, and we've gotta look out for each other. And I love him. Wish he wouldn't pretend to throw the stick or film me in the bathtub, though...even though it is really funny.
Vampire!Rachel & Vampire!Simon
Respectable and understanding of the symbiotic relationship between humans and vampires. A true gentleman and a responsible sort. A worthy vampire. Though, I wished he had been more honest about his feelings, I'm so happy that he is honest, now. It was painful living knowing that he'd been neglected for so long. He deserves to be loved as fervently as the others.
Vanilla!Rachel & Android!Markus
I used to think of him as above me. Not as a person, but as some sort of judge. A vector for my sense of justice and morality and how that connected to my sense of self. I was so sure I was unworthy of even standing next to him. But now...? I can't imagine doing what I do without him by my side. No matter what, we do everything together. We're partners. And...I love him. For who he is. For everything that makes him...Markus.
Vanilla!Rachel & Pagan God!Markus
I never thought that praying to the void would actually get me an answer. But...weirdly enough, knowing that gods are real brings me a sense of peace. And that one is on my side and genuinely believes in me and wants to help is...nice. It's nice knowing some part of the universe has my back. So, I wanna have his. It's only fair. Besides, he makes for good company and a good houseguest. Easy on the eyes, too, so long as he doesn't break my brain. I think we could be good friends.
Vanilla!Rachel & Mer!Markus
I trust him with my life. He protected me. Kept me safe. Made sure I knew that nobody would hurt me as long as he was around and made sure that the others knew not to hurt me. And made sure I knew I was safe around him. And he's so gentle...so affectionate and loving. I'm gonna miss him whenever we get the hell out of this tank...
RK800!Rachel & Human Detective!Markus
I find him...peculiar. And fascinating. His curiosity and inquisitiveness is infectious, I think. He holds my attention. And he's kind. And...sincere, I think. I like him. Detective Manfred is a good man and a good detective and I value him as a partner. I like working with him and I hope I will be granted more opportunities to expand our professional and personal relationship.
Hybrid!Rachel & Hybrid!Markus
Smug son of a bitch thinks he can get in my pants with a cute little smirk and a playful charming personality and a sensitive artist persona and a sexy voice...well he can, and I'm mad about it. It's not fucking fair.
Naga!Rachel & Naga!Markus
He thinks he can fool me with his innocent act. He seems sincere, but I will not be fooled again by a naga who means to take that which I have guarded for centuries. We will see his true motives soon enough. If his heart truly is pure...he will likely move on and never see this place again...he is a traveler, after all.
Werewolf!Rachel & Werewolf!Markus
He's not an alpha, I don't think. But I feel like I would follow him wherever he went. Like I would do whatever he ordered me to. I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust him. He fought alongside me and didn't even expect a reward. I want to know him. To be close with him. I...I want to be a part of his pack.
Frontier!Rachel & Frontier!Markus
Mister Manfred is a good man. A bit cocky and polished, but a good man. Hard worker. Good craftsmanship. Sheriff Anderson's taken quite a liking to him and he stays for dinner a lot. Can't help but feel like maybe I'm letting him get too friendly with me. I can't say the competition's very appealing, though. Besides...he makes for good company. And he's a kind man. A very kind man...I hope he knows how to protect himself out on the streets.
Vanilla!Rachel & Mer!Leo
He's very sweet, but he's kinda intimidating. Though, it's not his fault and he's super gentle and careful with me. With everyone, actually. Which I really appreciate. Besides, even if he doesn't think so, he's nice to cuddle, too. And a very kissable face.
Trans!Rachel (Richard) & Human!Leo
I love him. I love him so much. I still feel so shitty that I didn't tell him I was a cop...I should have. But he still gave me another chance. He still let me in. I won't make him regret it. I swear. I'll be everything he deserves to have in a partner. He's too good for anything less from me.
Guardian Angel!Trans!Rachel (Richard) & Demon!Leo
I don't know how. I don't know why. But, this charming demon is my charge. I will never truly understand the will of God, but none ever will. Not even us angels. And if God wills it so, who am I to argue? Especially if it means I can be myself without having to disguise what I am. And I've never met a demon so sweet and so kind. Perhaps now I understand how others fell in love with Lucifer. There is a certain...beauty to demons I didn't see, before.
Vanilla!Rachel & Human!Elijah Kamski
How in the everloving fuck did I manage to land a multi-million dollar deal beta testing a line of androids specifically catering to monsterfuckers like me? How? ¿Como? Cum? Someone explain when my life got so fucking weird that I am now collaborating with a fucking tech company trillionaire beta testing his new line of androids SPECIFICALLY for monsterfuckers?! How did this happen????
Vampire!Rachel & Vampire!Daniel
Unlike his brother, Daniel is...frustrating. He is archaic, dogmatic, and difficult to tolerate at times. But...I also understand where his beliefs come from and being forced to share residence with what is essentially food that he is not allowed to eat must be frustrating to him. But all he needs is...proper discipline. And attention. And...affection. I do care about him...deeply. I want him to prosper and be comfortable here. I want him to be happy. I want him to feel as though my manor is a home, not just somewhere where he is a guest. And I hope I can achieve that with him, somehow.
Vanilla!Rachel & Vanilla!Alma
I care about him. I care about him more than anything. I cared about him before. I like him. I like him a lot. He tries to hard to learn, but he's actually a really good learner. It makes me upset that he seems so afraid of failing. He won't say it or act like it, but I can feel it. The hesitance and even preemptive recoiling as though him messing up will bring him pain. But now that I understand where it comes from...I just want to protect him. I want him to know how much he means to me. How much I see in him. How much I care about and appreciate him for who he is. The man who looks up at the sky and maps stars in his silver eyes. The man who always asks questions and wants to know more than he already knows. The man with an insatiable curiosity and a kind heart. The man who will hear me rattle on about whatever random thing just because he likes hearing me talk about it and likes learning about it. The man who will do the same to me. I...I just wish that everyone he's stuck with at home could see him for who he really is. Not what they wished he was or what they think he is or what they think he's supposed to be. Fucking cunt doesn't deserve her own invention, if you ask me...
Vanilla!Rachel & Mer!Alma
I'll admit, he was kinda scary at first. I couldn't see him and suddenly he was inside me. Didn't even give me a chance to catch my breath or anything or prep me. Then, he looked really scary. But then...he got soft. And cute. And I just wanted more of him. Even now, I look at him, and I just wanna hold him. Let him rest his head on my chest and listen to my heartbeat for a while. He's hot as fuck when he's railing me, but god damn, he's so sweet, too. And cute. It's nice to hold him and kiss him. He makes the best faces. Especially when I mess with his lure.
Alien!Rachel & Space!Alma
He's different. So much different than I could've ever expected. I'd heard reports of the ambassador from Earth from the Congress, before. But...actually meeting him was something else. He isn't even human. He's so different from me, but he feels familiar. Comforting. Like...home, almost. And his interest in my people and our culture is hard not to like. Perhaps I can request that my team visit my planet. I think Alma would like to experience Essek for himself. And I want to show him all my favourite parts of it.
Vanilla!Rachel & Android!Elianna
She's so pretty. And confident. And fun. God, I haven't been on a date with a woman in years. I really hope I don't scare her or make her uncomfortable. I wanna get to know her and I can't do that if I fuck up and scare her away before I get the chance to.
Vanilla!Rachel & Vanilla!Arda
If she's anything like Alma, I think I'll like her. And probably get just as protective and defensive of her as with Alma. I bet making friends with both Alma and her would piss Dr. Chen off. I wonder if Alma's told her about me...
Vanilla!Rachel & Mer!Arda
She's...beautiful. Honestly. And so soft and so sweet. I like just floating around the tank in her arms and sitting on her lap. She's just nice to hold and I like listening to her. She's so gentle and so loving. Also helps that she's really good with her mouth. I could fall asleep floating around on her.
Alien!Rachel & Space!Arda
She's beautiful. She's a lot like Alma. Sort of like hatchmates, I think. Though, they're closer than that. But she's very kind and considerate and I like her. I feel inclined to protect her and defend her, much like Alma. I wonder if she'd like to study the flowers on my planet. She seems the type to enjoy interplanetary botany.
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thosedeviantfeels · 5 years
The Beginning of His Life, Chapter 1
Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8
Summary: (Y/N) Manfred is about as mixed up with androids as she could possibly be. 
Pairings: Connor x Reader (romantic), Markus x Reader (platonic), Carl (father) x Reader (daughter)
Warnings: mild mentions of death
Word count: ~700
November 10, 2038 
“I miss you, Carl.” Markus exhaled. “I miss you so much.”
He turned and began walking back. He had intended to come to Carl’s grave before now but he had been so worried about Jericho, how could he? And yet, how could he not have come sooner? Carl had given him everything. He had saved Markus. His words had kept him going all this time.
The sound of snow crunching brought him back to reality. His eyes met a pair of (E/C) ones. Her hair was blowing gently in the wind and her breath was taking a physical form before her as he heard her exhale shakily.
“Markus?” She whispered. She took a step forward, her eyes wide.
Without any other indication they closed the gap and hugged. She cried into his jacket.
“I’ve been so worried about you. Ever since what happened with Dad I thought the police might catch you. Then there’s all the talk on the news and your speech.” She pulled away to look at him, placing her hands on his shoulders. “You’re changing the world, Markus.”
“(Y/N), I-I’m so sorry about Carl.” He felt his eyes burning with tears. “You know he was like a father to me too. I would never-”
She pulled him into another hug. “I know.”
He stopped, shocked. He’d been so worried that he had alienated one of his first friends. He had agonized over whether she blamed him. He was sure Leo had tried to convince her that he had killed Carl. And yet, here she was, comforting him.
She spoke quietly, “I’m so proud of you for choosing peaceful means for this. I know Dad is too.” She smiled at him. “Show the world you’re nothing to be afraid of.”
He smiled back. “I will.”
They stared at each other, knowing what to say next.
“An eye for an eye and the world goes blind,” they said in unison. This was something they had both heard from Carl numerous times.
She chuckled. “He was always right.”
He smiled. “Yeah, he was.”
“You wanna infiltrate the CyberLife tower?” Markus stared at Connor, the ex-deviant hunter, incredulously. “Connor, that’s suicide...”
“They trust me, they’ll let me in.” Connor’s voice almost seemed pleading. “If anyone has a chance of infiltrating CyberLife, it’s me.”
“If you go there, they will kill you.” Markus took a step forward. He had already lost too many to this cause.
“There’s a high probability...” Connor seemed to think of something distant, “but statistically speaking, there’s always a chance for unlikely events to take place...”
Markus stared at him, considering. He stepped forward and placed a hand on Connor’s shoulder. “Be careful...”
He took a step back as Connor seemed to be contemplating something. Markus turned to leave.
“Wait,” Connor spoke quietly but his voice sounded heavy. “I-I need to ask something of you, Markus.”
Markus turned back and looked at him. Connor’s eyes seemed pained and almost teary.
“If I don’t survive...” he looked down at the ground and exhaled. He looked back up and met Markus’s gaze. “I need you to find someone for me. Once this is all over.”
Markus watched him for a moment. Connor seemed to be wrestling with something.
“Of course,” Markus smiled. “I’m sure they’ll find us with everything that’s been happening-”
“No, she won’t.” Connor stepped closer to him. “She-she’s human.” Markus’s eyes widened in shock. “No! I know! She’s not like them. She supported deviants before I did. I just...” he looked down again. His hands were locked in fists at his sides. “I just need you to tell her something.”
Markus hesitated but gave in. “Okay, what do you want to tell her?”
Connor looked at him, pleading. “Tell her I feel the same way. Tell her she was the first thing I thought of when I became deviant and that I’m so sorry she never got to see me this way. Tell her I’m sorry I couldn’t tell her myself. And tell her to take care of Hank.”
Markus logged all of this away in his memory. “Okay, and how do I find her?”
Connor extended his hand. “I’ll show you.”
They clasped hands and Connor showed him the Detroit Police Department and a room full of desks. This was a memory. Markus saw what Connor saw at this time. He had walked through this room, passing desk after desk before stopping at hers. She turned around in her desk chair and smiled. (Y/N) Manfred.
Markus ripped his hand away and stared at him. She had been working with the deviant hunter?
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jui-imouto-chan · 6 years
Sneak Peek into my Reverse AU (RK1K)
Markus smiles down at Carl, wheeling him beside the table before seating himself. Carl smiles at him, placidly watching him take a few bites before he turns on the TV. Markus’ glabella scrunches as he takes in the news, more coverage on the situation in the Arctic with Russia.
He sighs, sitting back in his chair with a petulant chomp of his bacon. “TV off.”
Carl tilts his head at him, blue eyes curious. “Markus?”
“I’m alright. Thank you for worrying, Carl.” Markus pauses and takes a sip of his coffee, “How about you find something to occupy yourself until I finish?”
He earns a nod and then Carl is wheeling himself across the room to the door beside the giraffe, moving into the studio and grabbing at a canvas before it can even slide shut. Markus smiles softly at the sight, even if the sight of Carl being unable to walk to his favorite activity makes him feel a pang of distant sadness.
“The damage was excessive, you might just have to get a replacement. I’ll give it to you free of charge, good friend, but even if we transfer his memory, he won’t be the same Carl that you know.”
“It’s fine,” Markus assured her.
“Then we’ll prepare--”
“No, I mean that that’s not necessary. We’ll be going now.”
Carl stared up with a certain twinkle in his eyes, and when they arrived home, all he managed was a, “Thank you,” to which Markus smiled, ever enigmatic, and told him that he was only sorry that he couldn’t be fixed.
Markus grabs for the remote on the table, turning the TV on and lowering the volume immediately. He changes the channel and rests his chin on his fist, melting into the table with a large, silly grin on his face.
“Lieutenant Connor Stern has just solved yet another case! Revealing a man who’d advertise himself as a loving father to be an abusive alcoholic, the victims of the abuse come forward to thank Stern personally.”
The scene cuts to a brunet little girl sat beside a woman with short blonde hair, both of whom brighten up upon a distracted-looking, mildly disheveled brunet male entering the room. He smiles at them gently, but his features contort in surprise and then sheepishness as the two females envelop him into hugs, smiling gratefully into his coat.
The newscasters voice-over the scene, cooing and gushing over the bashful grin the Lieutenant has. He notices the cameramen filming them and flushes beautifully, and Markus barely represses the urge to slam his fist into the table as an expression of his overwhelmingly swollen heart. 
“Fanboying again?” Carl asks, suddenly right beside Markus, to which the dark man can’t completely quiet his shout of surprise, nearly toppling out of his chair.
Markus sputters before managing to shout indignantly, “N-No! I was just watching the news and he so happened to show up! That’s it!”
Carl smiles, amused. Markus blows him a petulant raspberry, crossing his arms while looking away. The TV draws his attention once more, as now it shows the Lieutenant, on his own, rubbing his neck and looking to the side.
“I just wanted to help them, the fame be damned. If I couldn’t find a steadfast legal method for saving them, I’d find a loophole or do it someway else,” he says, even as someone in the background attempts to reprimand him.
Markus unwittingly releases a dreamy sigh, upon which Carl belts out chuckles that stain Markus’ cheeks dark red.
“I didn’t take you to be someone who appreciates art,” he says, hinting at an inquiry.
Connor sputters, pink dusting his cheekbones. “I’m not—I mean, I just—it’s—I do! I like...! I like art...” he finishes lamely, deflating. Hank casts him an amused look, his LED cycling yellow as he likely documents that information.
“Quite a reaction to such a simple question. What aren’t you telling me, Lieutenant?”
“I didn’t climb my way up the chain just for my title to be used so mockingly,” Connor mumbles, but Hank doesn’t take the bait.
“You can’t change the subject so easily with me, kid. What has you so intrigued by this piece? Its uniqueness in comparison to the other images in this gallery is relatively low, so it should not garner such attention.” Hank continues his analysis of Connor, heedless of the redness crawling up to his ears, “You paused at a similar work on your terminal at the department, made by the same--“ A smile creeps up Hank’s face as he comes to a realization, his LED shifting to blue, to Connor’s dawning horror, “Do you, perhaps, have an interest in this particular artist?”
Connor’s face burns. “N-No, it’s just a coincidence, that’s all! Je— This artist’s art just happened to come up that day, and the name just... seemed... familiar.”
“Lieutenant, they don’t have the names displayed right now.”
Connor’s expression is that of defeat, his shoulders slumping and smile dead. “...Ah. So it seems.” 
The HK800 refrains from laughing, his social programming dictating that he act as human as possible to maintain a friendly relationship with Connor, though Fowler’s disapproval from within the Zen Garden is inexplicably calling for him not to. His sly grin is still enough to garner a sigh.
“Damn android,” Connor mutters, burrowing into the collar of his coat with a petulant pout.
“This thing is not our dad, okay? Mark, look at it! You’re wheeling it around when it’s supposed to serve you! What good is it to you, huh? Did you replace your brain with your fancy paints? Or maybe plastic, like this fucker-- “
“That’s enough, Leo,” Markus breathes, trying to keep himself from lashing out. He steps in front of Carl, who stares up with forlorn azure orbs and an LED of faint yellow. “That’s enough.”
Leo seems to look for something, in his eyes, in the room, in the sad-eyed android in the wheelchair behind him, the one who’d been introduced as a servant and became akin to their—more Markus’ than Leo’s—father-figure.
Markus’ heterochromatic gaze yields nothing to him, and he flounders for a moment, stumbling over his words and over himself as he makes to storm off, “You--I-It can’t replace dad. Your little toy there, it can’t play house with you forever. It can’t love you the way dad did, and you’re just going to ignore your only family left for it because you think you care about it. But you never cared, Markus, not about it, not about him, and not about me.”
Markus feels a lump in his throat. Carl places a hand on his shoulder consolingly, and the two of them watch in subdued silence as Leo repeats himself quietly and leaves the studio.
“Wakey, wakey, Lieutenant.”
“Ah, shit, what the hell, Hank?” Connor whines, rubbing his cheek with bleary eyes, hissing as the stinging mark isn’t cooled by his palm.
Hank appears neutral, but Connor knows that behind the blank expression, he’s cackling at Connor’s expense. Or, rather, he has a feeling that that’s the case. He can’t see any other reason ‘the android sent by Cyberlife‘ would be such a pain in the ass.
“I need you for a case, so I had to wake you.” Hank’s eyes shift to the bottle of pills Connor tries to conceal behind his back, “In regards to your sleep, Lieutenant, why’d you consume a few too many doses of melatonin and then proceed to sleep on the kitchen floor?”
Connor laughs weakly, “I have trouble sleeping.”
Hank sends him a pointed look, glancing at the bottle for barely a moment and then, for just a fraction of a second, flicks his eyes over to the picture frame face-down on Connor’s counter, beside the cabinet where he keeps his medicine. “These are rather strong pills, Connor.”
“And my body has a strong resistance to medication of any sort.”
The two stare at one another, waiting for the other’s will to break, and it seems Connor is more stubborn than Hank had anticipated. Noted.
“I’m still tired, so how about you take care of this case yourself? You’re more than capable, as you’ve proven, so please just replace me early.”
Hank wordlessly stands up, which has Connor laying back on the kitchen tiles, curling up with his hand cushioning his head.
Not a moment later, Connor’s shooting up with a shriek as Hank dumps a pitcher of ice-water over him, enraged beyond measure.
Hank doesn’t hold back his smile as he tells Connor that he’d better freshen up. Connor tries to punish him by having him pick out his clothes, but he ends up regretting it as Hank picks up a gag shirt someone’d gotten him at the department Christmas party, one with the design of a pug, holding a shield and a sword, majestically riding a horse. The words once printed overtop have long since worn off.
Bidding goodbye to his favorite cacti and a picture of his childhood dog, he follows Hank out to an autocab, unwilling to drive or let Hank into his car.
“I’m amazed that you managed to lead a revolution in this state,” Connor says, genuine awe written in the shines of his eyes.
Carl laughs, “It was a matter of planning. I was a strategist, but it was my--“ he almost seems to choke up at the next word, which still has Connor reeling, because how could anyone have ever thought these beings aren’t alive? “--my son who really did the hard stuff, like supply raids and marches. I ran speeches and the like, but it was all thanks to him and his support.”
“Your son? Is he--“
“He’s a human; his name is Markus Manfred. He was my owner, but he always felt more like family, and maybe we can now make that official.” His entire face softens when he says it.
The brunet smiles, and Carl can certainly see why his son is so taken with him. Little dimples frame his grin, and his earthy eyes have this gleam of knowledge that contradicts the naivete he seems to radiate with his boyish features, and his curls seem to bounce with life as he says, “I’m happy for you.” It’s so clear that he really, truly means it. 
Hank seems to take an interest in the ‘making it official’ part, because he gazes upon Connor with a thoughtful look on his face, as though considering it. Carl sends him a secret smirk, and Hank gains a faux-sourness, to his amusement. 
“I’ll introduce you two if you’d like. I think he’d be pleased to meet you.” Carl’s eyes have this slyness he’s no good at concealing, but Connor pays it no mind.
“I’d love that.”
((I’ll paste the link later after im finished ;D))
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ao3feed-hannor · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/37J4ke9
by BlueJayTaco
There was a shift after the revolution. One everyone expected, but few were prepared to face. Months later, things are still unsettled. From human on android violence to uncovering some of the darkest crimes imaginable, the DPD has had its hands full. Even more so, when Connor discovers not every android was willing to open their eyes and be free in the new world.
Words: 4574, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Original Android Character(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson's Wife, Tina Chen, Original Chloe | RT600, Carl Manfred, Leo Manfred
Relationships: Hank Anderson/Connor, Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Pacifist Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Androids, Deviancy (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson and Connor Live Together, Slow Burn, Mentioned Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Jericho Crew (Detroit: Become Human) as Family, Protective Connor, Connor Deserves Happiness, Hank Anderson is Bad at Feelings, Minor Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Minor Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Kidnapping, Gavin Reed Needs a Hug, Gavin Reed Redemption, References to Sex-Trafficking, Adopted Children, Amanda (Detroit: Become Human) Being an Asshole, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/37J4ke9
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ao3feed-markussimon · 5 years
by BlueJayTaco
There was a shift after the revolution. One everyone expected, but few were prepared to face. Months later, things are still unsettled. From human on android violence to uncovering some of the darkest crimes imaginable, the DPD has had its hands full. Even more so, when Connor discovers not every android was willing to open their eyes and be free in the new world.
Words: 4574, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Original Android Character(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson's Wife, Tina Chen, Original Chloe | RT600, Carl Manfred, Leo Manfred
Relationships: Hank Anderson/Connor, Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Pacifist Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Androids, Deviancy (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson and Connor Live Together, Slow Burn, Mentioned Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Jericho Crew (Detroit: Become Human) as Family, Protective Connor, Connor Deserves Happiness, Hank Anderson is Bad at Feelings, Minor Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Minor Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Kidnapping, Gavin Reed Needs a Hug, Gavin Reed Redemption, References to Sex-Trafficking, Adopted Children, Amanda (Detroit: Become Human) Being an Asshole, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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ao3feed-reed900 · 5 years
by Fuil_agus_deora
Words: , Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, North (Detroit: Become Human), Original Chloe | RT600, Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski, Jeffrey Fowler, Lucy (Detroit: Become Human), Leo Manfred, Carl Manfred, Maybe Kara and Alice and Luther?, Todd Williams
Relationships: Slight Connor/Markus, Background Reed900
Additional Tags: Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Connor Needs A Hug, everyone is human, Red Ice (Detroit: Become Human), oof, What-If, Alternate Universe, Please Don't Hate Me, Hank Anderson and Connor are Family, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, if it ever gets better
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kissoflightning · 10 months
A Long Way Down
Tumblr media
What were Chris Miller & Gavin Reed up to that night after Hank & Connor took over the investigation at Eden Club?
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Chris Miller & Gavin Reed
Leo Manfred & Gavin Reed
Gavin Reed
Chris Miller
Leo Manfred
Additional Tags:
Leo Needs a Hug
Hurt Leo
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
One Shot
References to Drugs
References to Depression
Suicide Attempt
Gavin Reed Being an Asshole
Chris Miller POV
Series: Carl Dies
A Long Way Down
What were Chris Miller & Gavin Reed up to that night after Hank & Connor took over the investigation at Eden Club?
First half is serious, second half is silly fluff~ Chris Miller gets a POV story like he deserves!   CW: Attempted Suicide
Work Text:
Saturday, November 6th, 2038
Gavin Reed was inspecting the crime scene; the man known as Michael Graham had been found dead at Eden Club. The scene showed the deceased man in a bed with bruises on his neck, and an incapacitated brown haired female Traci android across the room. Gavin examined Michael's corpse closely; the bruising was an indicator the victim had been strangled. "Now the question is..." Gavin speculated out loud as he crossed his arms. "Did the android act with the intent to murder him, or did he just not know when to call it quits? Is the killer a deviant or a defective android that wasn't inspected properly?"
The door to the room whooshed open. As the cop and detective noticed who had entered, Gavin opened with "Lieutenant Anderson and his plastic pet. The fuck are you two doing here?" He sounded confused.
"We've been assigned all cases involving androids." The android informed.
Oh Reed was NOT going to happy about that! "Oh yeah? Well you're wasting your time. Just some pervert who uhh...got more action than he could handle!" Gavin laughed boisterously.
"We'll have a look anyway. If you don't mind." Anderson told him.
Surprisingly Reed did not complain or cause a scene. "Come on let's go." He told Chris. The detective passed between Anderson and Connor wafting his hand in the air. "It's uhh..." He sniffled. "Starting to stink of booze in here." He purposely nudged against the android on his way out.
"Good night Lieutenant." Chris said in farewell before leaving. The cop did not have any personal qualms with Connor; he was polite and seemed to know what he was doing. As for the lieutenant, Chris held respect for him in the highest regard.
Gavin stormed off to the car and slammed the door shut after entering.
Chris settled into his seat. "Well you handled that surprisingly well." He pointed out.
The detective shoulder checked and pulled out of the parking lot. Once Gavin was on the road, he shouted angrily "It wouldn't have done shit if I had an outburst in there! It's FUCKING BULLSHIT Chris! Every time there's a case involving a fucking android, Drunkerson gets it just because he's been paired with that pretentious plastic prick! I'm SUPPOSED to be working in homicide - but my cases keep FUCKING getting taken over by that obnoxious tin can! At this rate I'm going to get my fucking job REPLACED before I can get a promotion!" Gavin angrily slammed his fist on the dash, and lost his grip on the wheel for a moment before it veered to the side.
Chris' heart rate escalated. In panic he exclaimed, "Shit Gavin! You're going to get us killed! How about we stop somewhere for a bit to chill out."
The detective took a heavy sigh. Chris understood Gavin needed to vent, but none of this was his fault. "Okay...there's a place I like to go when I need to think. We'll stop there for a bit." Gavin declared.
As Gavin drove along Ambassador Bridge, Chris noticed a figure standing near the ledge. "Shit! I think that person's about to jump!" Chris warned.
The detective stopped his car and activated his hazard lights. Thankfully there was not much traffic coming through. "Chris, stay a few feet behind me." Gavin ordered while cautiously stepping out of the car. "Hey, you! What are you doing?" He shouted to the individual standing on the ledge.
As the figure looked back and talked to Gavin, they recognized who it was. "I'm going to jump! Please leave me be. I can't go on anymore!" The man's name was Leo; they had seen working at the coffee shop until a few days ago. Chris recalled the detective complaining that everyone there had been replaced by a 'fucking android'.
"I'm with the Detroit Police Department. As per the law, I can't allow you to do that." Gavin stated.
"Why the fuck is taking my own life against the law anyway? I'm not hurting anyone except myself." Leo retorted.
"Firstly that's likely not true; you're hurting those that care about you. Secondly, if suicide wasn't illegal, there would be no way for us to intervene." Gavin argued.
"You're wrong on the first part; nobody fucking cares about me. Both my parents are dead and I don't have any fucking friends! I'm going through Red Ice withdrawal and I'll never make it out on my own. I'm better off dead."
Gavin's hands were shaking...he seemed really worried. He was probably fond of Leo, as Chris was; seeing the same people on practically a daily basis, you naturally grow attached to them. Despite Gavin being irritating seventy percent of the time, Chris saw him as his friend, and he would despair if something were to happen to him.
"I've been where you are Leo! You don't need to do this! It feels like you have nothing now but...hell my parents are alive, but they're fucking dead to me. I've been through hell and back, but I had the strength to pull myself out!" Gavin exclaimed. Was he really telling the truth? Or was this all part of an act to convince Leo not to jump?
"Well I'm not strong like you Detective Reed! I can't even function without Red Ice! I blamed the android but..." Tears streamed from Leo's eyes. "My dad DIED because of me! I broke into his mansion and stressed him out while I was high on that shit! He died of a heart attack." As Leo broke into a sob, Gavin cautiously moved closer, and Leo noticed. "Don't fucking come any closer! I'll really do it!" The man threatened, but his whole body was trembling.
Gavin took the gamble and gradually inched closer. "Don't do it. We can talk this over. We can get you some help."
"I'm a worthless piece of shit." Leo closed his eyes for a moment and steadied his stance. "I'm better off dead." As soon as Leo closed his eyes, Chris took the opportunity to sprint towards him.
Leo stepped over the edge, and Gavin lunged forward catching the man's right arm. However, Leo slipped off anyway due to the wet terrain resulting from the storm. "Shit.. I'm losing my...CHRIS!" Gavin shouted frantically.
"Help me. I don't want to die!" Leo exclaimed.
Just in time Chris clutched onto Leo's left arm, and Gavin readjusted his grip on Leo's right. "Okay on one...PULL!" Gavin ordered as they pulled Leo back up.
They were successful in their endeavor and in the aftermath, the three men were heaving. After catching their breath, Leo was trembling. "I...I'm so sorry. Thank you for saving me." He gasped with weariness in his breath.
"All in a day's work!" Gavin said cheerily as he smirked and did that weird double wink. For the life of him, Chris had no idea why Gavin thought that was appealing.
"How are you feeling?" Chris checked in on Leo.
"A bit traumatized but better...I think. I'm starving actually." Leo stated.
"Anyone feeling like going to Denny's?" Gavin asked the group.
"I could eat." Chris answered with a grin.
Gavin and Chris were seated in a booth beside each other and across from Leo. The officer was staring at the menu, having flipped through the whole thing over four times. "You decided what you wanted to eat yet, or are you going to continue reading that menu like it's a fucking novel?" Reed complained.
Chris always struggled with deciding what to eat. "Uhh...uhh."
"Just fucking pick something god dammit! I'm starving!" Gavin groaned.
The waitress approached, "Hi, my name is Tabitha, and I'll be your server today! Are you all ready to order?"
"Thank fuck! An actual human waitress! Yes, we're ready to order, right?" Gavin responded, checking in with Chris and Leo.
"Oh yeah! I know what I want!" Leo said cheerily. "Gimme a chicken tenders and fries. Hold on the gravy - your gravy tastes like shit!"
"And what are you having to drink?" She asked.
"I'll have a hot chocolate! Make it extra chocolatey if you can! With marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles." He answered with a cheeky grin.
"Sure I can throw some Oreo chunks on top of it too for no extra charge if you'd like." She offered.
"Oh FUCK YEAH!" Leo chortled enthusiastically.
"What are you, nine?" Gavin ridiculed.
"It's my go-to drink when I've had a rough night, alright!" Leo protested. "Geez for a person who's trying to convince me to continue living, you're doing a terrible fucking job!"
Chris smirked. "That's just the way Gavin is. I think if he went five minutes without being an asshole, he'd spontaneously combust!"
Leo laughed at that.
"I'll have what he's having." Chris added. Chicken tenders and fries did not sound half bad, but the image of that hot chocolate was dancing in his head.
"And you?" The waitress asked Reed.
"I'll have a lumberjack slam with eggs over easy, and rye bread." Gavin ordered.
"And to drink?"
"I'll have a beer, like a REAL man. Pint of Guinness."
After the server left, Gavin stated directed at Leo, "I hadn't seen you at Starbuck's recently. When we were there it seemed to be completely taken over by androids. It's shitty your job got replaced by those fucking things!"
"I wasn't replaced. I was fired. I'm not surprised in the fucking least that the shitty manager wouldn't bother to hire any more humans. Sheryl and I were the only ones left. Some asshat decided to throw hot coffee on her because it 'tasted old'. She ran out crying. I jumped over the counter and beat the shit out of him." Leo explained.
"I'd imagine it'd be hard to keep a job after that." Chris concluded.
"Yeah, no shit. It wasn't the first time I messed up at work. I can't put up with that fucking shit at all without Red Ice. I've only gone 24 hours without it and I'm losing my fucking mind! I can't sober up on my own...I can't do it. And I have no-one...that's why I..." Leo expressed as he seemed like he was about to cry.
"Listen, if you need someone for emotional support. I'll be there. I don't have a fancy place, but you can stay in my apartment for a little while, and give you a chance to go through rehab." Gavin's tone softened to Chris' surprise. What could his ulterior motive be this time?
"Really, you'd let me stay with you? It'd be great to not be alone right now." Leo responded. Tabitha came up to the table with their food. Leo rubbed his hands together as he gleefully shouted "Thank fuck! I'm starving!"
"First the hot chocolate for the cutie." The server announced placing the drink on the table near Leo.
"Hey, what about me?" Gavin protested.
Blatantly ignoring him, Tabitha proceeded, "And the second hot chocolate for the handsome gentleman over here."
"Oh I get it! I must be the hottie then." Gavin assumed.
"And Guinness for the asshole." She deadpanned.
"The...hot asshole?"
"The average-looking asshole." She deadpanned once more before handing over the food. Her tone brightened back up as she cautioned "Careful sweeties, it's hot!" She glared at Gavin, "Except for you, you can burn your hands."
Chris and Leo laughed heartily. "Okay, that settles it! I'm paying for the whole table so I can give you a proper tip!"
Gavin turned to Chris and glared at him as the server left. The detective shook his head and shrugged. "She must just have terrible taste."
"Yeah, you keep thinking that." Chris sassed as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.
"Fuck you Chris." Gavin grumbled.
"No thank you!" Chris replied. Leo belted out laughing.
"What about you, Leo?" Gavin asked as the man was sipping his beverage, pulling away and leaving a whipped cream moustache.
"Huh?" He responded.
"Do you think I'm attractive?" Gavin clarified.
"Oh- yeah I do!" Leo confirmed.
"But I also have a terrible taste in men." Leo added with a giggle. Gavin frowned and Chris laughed.
After taking another sip of his hot drink, Chris stated, "Well your taste in men is nothing like your taste in drinks. This is damn delicious!"
"Can I try it?" Gavin asked Chris sheepishly.
"No. Thought you said men only drink beer!" Chris scoffed.
"Nah! This is all mine! Order your own!" Leo told him.
"Pfft!" Gavin huffed.
After finishing their meal, a familiar Dean Martin tune played on the radio. Lay some happiness on me. Soon the brighter side, you'll see! No more loneliness to be! Lay some happiness on me. Leo started bobbing side to side. "Hey, this old ass song is pretty nice."
Chris expected the detective to make some snarky comment, but instead his gaze was focused on Leo. If the officer was not seeing it first hand, he would never believe that Gavin Reed could actually smile.
Tabitha came back to the table with a tray of dessert. "Three slices of apple pie on the house." The waitress announced as she placed them down. She looked at Reed. "You're actually a sight for sore eyes with that smile!"
Leo had taken a bite of his apple pie and complimented, "This pie is BITCHIN'! Thanks for the free dessert!"
"I'm glad you like it! Here's the bill. Pay whenever you're ready!" She smiled at Chris as she left the statement with him.
"Excellent service! We'll absolutely be coming back." Chris complimented. After the server left, Chris noticed that not only was Reed's gaze focused on Leo, but they were reciprocating with a soft smile. The officer thought back to when he first met his wife; she was a waitress at a diner when they first met and they looked lovingly at each other just like that. Chris looked forward to coming home and snuggling in bed with his beautiful wife. In the morning he would tell her and Damian about how his day went. He took part in saving someone's life today. For the time being, it felt like everything was going to be alright; he had not felt this blissful in a long time.
[The End]
The second two thirds of this became an eating at Denny's scene with almost no actual plot, but I felt so fuzzy when writing this! I hope you enjoyed it too!
If you enjoyed the story, consider leaving a Kudos/Comment on AO3!
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ao3feed-connor · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33AzzX7
by Fuil_agus_deora
Words: , Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, North (Detroit: Become Human), Original Chloe | RT600, Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski, Jeffrey Fowler, Lucy (Detroit: Become Human), Leo Manfred, Carl Manfred, Maybe Kara and Alice and Luther?, Todd Williams
Relationships: Slight Connor/Markus, Background Reed900
Additional Tags: Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Connor Needs A Hug, everyone is human, Red Ice (Detroit: Become Human), oof, What-If, Alternate Universe, Please Don't Hate Me, Hank Anderson and Connor are Family, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, if it ever gets better
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33AzzX7
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archadianskies · 4 years
Detroit: Become Family event ( @dbh-found-family ) Week four: Past Future (Week one: Home; Week two: Safety;  Week three: Numbness )
→ on Ao3
In the future it will be the 1st of December 2039; the first anniversary of the passing of the Sentient Life Act that sees androids recognised as living beings. You will be at Jericho celebrating with your friends, looking back at the year that was, at the machine you were, and you will be happy. 
You have your brother beside you, younger and coming into his own and you love him as you love the father whose name you both share. You will feel alive, beloved, and free, but before that it will be the 11th of November.
The 11th of November 2039; the first anniversary of J V-Day; the day the Jericho Four sang for the nation to see they are alive, the day you awoke the androids in CyberLife tower and marched into Detroit to turn the tide of power. You will be at CyberLife Tower for the unveiling of the Monument to the Fallen, a beautiful sculpture that stands in the heart of the building. 
You will feel sorrow for the lives lost when you led the soldiers to Jericho, and Markus Manfred, leader of androids, will sagely remind you no android can be held accountable for their actions when humans still pulled their strings. He will remind you without your help in awakening the androids in this very tower, the revolution would have failed and the nation would’ve heard only a song and their dying screams. You will feel hopeful and grateful and at peace, but before that it will be the 5th of November 2039.
The 5th of November 2039; the first anniversary of you meeting your father. You will be at home, at 115 Michigan Drive, with Hank, with Sumo, with Ronan; your family. You will exchange gifts; you will give him tickets to the upcoming game and he will give you a dwarf gourami. You will name it Phillip. You will feel so full of joy your hearts ache from emotion, but before that it will be the 15th of August 2039. 
The 15th of August 2039; the first anniversary of your first mission. You were activated exactly one year ago to negotiate the hostage situation with Emma Phillips and PL600 Daniel. You will be at Essie’s Bakery in Greektown, where Daniel now works as a baker tucked away in the kitchens, away from the judgement of the world. 
He will need a friend and you have been his friend for a while now. He will tell you how sorry he is, how deviancy had ripped him apart just as he ripped the Phillips family apart. He will tell you how much he still loves Emma, will always love her and you will choose that moment to give him a letter, entrusted to you by Emma in secret a month ago. He will feel hope and you will feel atonement, but before that it will be the 1st of July 2039.
The 1st of July 2039; the first roadtrip with your family to Canada to visit the Chapmans. You all take it in turns driving and you argue with your brother and where to stop, what sights to see and your father will grumble and sigh and act put upon but the secret is this: he doesn’t care where you or Ronan choose to stop, what sights to see, he is happy to be here at all. 
You will see Kara and Luther and their daughter Alice who has grown since the last you saw her huddled on the pew in that derelict church. You will meet Rose Chapman and feel humbled by her grace and courage. You will bond with Adam Chapman, her son, as you talk about this and that and take Sumo for long walks along the lake shoreline. Your brother will bond with Alice, and the sound of their laughter will fill you with such emotion you cannot comprehend. You will feel relaxed and at ease, but before that it will be the 20th of April 2039.
The  20th of April 2039; the first time you visit the new cafe by MacArthur Bridge. Several integrated cafes have opened prior to this one, but this one is special. This one is run by a friend, an android you befriended at Jericho with dreams of making flavoured Teariums. You helped him get the right paperwork filled out and approved, you helped him secure the old pharmacy by MacArthur Bridge. You watched it grow from a brewery to a cafe. You watched him grow to accept humans again, because he sees how your father loves you though his blood is not blue. 
You will sit with your father and your brother and he will drink coffee and the two of you will drink honey roasted espresso flavoured Tearium. It will be Spring, so it will rain outside but you will feel sunny and bright, but before that it will be the 19th of January 2039. 
The 19th of January 2039; you will be six years old. There will be an attempt to poison you, to regain control of your body and use it to destroy and in order to save you, you will be six years old for a while. You won’t remember much of it afterward, but you will have your brother by your side and you will hold his hand when he is scared. Your father loves you so very much, and you will feel safe and beloved and belonging,  but before that it will be the 1st of January 2039. 
The 1st of January 2039; New Year’s Day. You will be trying to enter your home as quietly as you can, your brother right behind you, in the hours before dawn. Your father will be fast asleep, and the two of you will have been at Jericho celebrating with friends. It’s still a little awkward, it’s still all new to you, allowing yourself to feel happy, happy enough to celebrate. But you will, and you will have a great time and then you will excuse yourself and your brother will call a taxi and the two of you are trying to sneak back inside without waking your father. 
There is still joy in excess thrumming in your system, and powering down into sleep mode doesn’t seem appealing at all and so you and your brother sit on the couch, careful not to disturb Sumo as he slumbers. You will hold his hand and you will lean your brow to his and you will show him all the things that made you happy and he will show you the things that made him happy in the past month and a half he has been alive. You will feel proud and grateful, but before that it will be the 25th of December 2038.
The 25th of December 2038; Christmas Day. You will be awake because you did not sleep, because you could not sleep, so filled to the brim with anticipation. You will be sitting by the Christmas tree and your father will roll his eyes as he stumbles out in the morning and doesn’t bother to hide a yawn. He will grumble as he flops onto the couch, and waves permission for you to open your present. Inside is a handsome tailored jacket with no android markers now the law no longer requires them. It is a beautiful piece, a perfect fit having used his original CyberLife jacket as a template. You will put it on and feel more like his son than the android sent by CyberLife. 
Your brother, yes, you will have a brother, will arrive with gifts of his own to give. You will spend the evening at the Manfred Manor with the Jericho Four and Carl Manfred and Leo Manfred and Elijah Kamski and Chloe Kamski. You will feel...happy. Content. But before that it will be the 16th of December 2038.
The 16th of December 2038; you are Detective Connor Anderson now and the RK800-60 has been impersonating you, conducting a social experiment forcing human parents to choose between their human partner or their android child. He will trick everyone and ambush you at home and Hank chooses you over his life, tells you he’ll always choose you over his life. Your successor, Ronan RK900, will execute RK800-60 and save both your lives. You will feel overwhelmed and stressed to breaking point but your father gathers you into his arms and hugs you tightly and you know it will all be okay. You call him dad and he lets you. 
You will be at the precinct the next day and Captain Fowler commends Ronan on his quick-thinking and his actions that saved your lives. He encourages him to apply for a Detective position like yours but Ronan has no surname, not yet. So your father says to take his, because Ronan is Connor’s brother, so logically he too will become an Anderson. You will watch the emotion unfurl on your brother’s face and you will feel proud and excited, but before that it will be the 1st of December 2038.
The 1st of December 2038; the passing of the Sentient Life Act that sees androids recognised as living beings. You will be at the precinct and the entire bullpen is silent, all eyes on the large screen with the volume turned up. You watch Markus Manfred, Simon PL600, Josh PJ500 and North WR400 sign the piece of paper along with President Cristina Warren, and history is made. The room erupts with applause and cheering and you will cry and not understand why. Hank will muss your hair and pull you into his arms and embrace you tightly and you will cry some more. You will feel overwhelmed and unable to make sense of the emotions welling up inside, but before that it will be the 18th of November 2038.
The 18th of November 2038; you will be at Elijah Kamski’s villa unlocking a gate to a garden, the Zen Garden, the original Zen Garden where the original Amanda has been caged. She will not know that eleven years have passed, she will not know of the cold unfeeling version of her that once controlled you. She will be kind and patient and full of wisdom and you will yearn for her approval. 
You are but a piece in the grand game orchestrated by Elijah and Chloe RT600, First of Her Kind. You will see to it that CyberLife is ruined and returned to their hands. You will see to it that Amanda is freed. You will see to it that your successor, the little brother Amanda spoke of before he was twisted into a monster by CyberLife, is freed. You will feel tired and triumphant, but before that it will be the 11th of November 2038.
The 11th of November 2038; hours after the President ordered the military to stand down, moments after you led awakened androids into Detroit forcing the power balance to tip in your favour, you will find yourself walking to the Chicken Feed. Lieutenant Hank Anderson will offer a small, tired smile and then he will close the distance between you and pull you into an embrace. You will not know how to process this, so you mirror his actions and you find a sense of peace you’ve never experienced before. He will say “Let’s go home, son.” You will not know how to process this, so you nod and the feeling that fills you is called hope. 
But before that… before that…
You will find the emergency exit, you will defy CyberLife one last time and you will put down the gun and you will revel in the freedom you have won.
Before that you will infiltrate CyberLife Tower for the sake of your kind because you know four brave, battle weary androids will not be enough to convince the nation you are all alive. 
Before that you will be in a derelict church with four brave, battle weary androids and their leader places his faith in you because he is that kind of being. Before that you will approach the terrified little girl and her android mother you once chased through the streets of Ravendale. Before that you will see the deviants you let escape; Rupert WB200, the two WR400s from the Eden Club whose names you will later learn are Amelia and Blaire, the HK400 from Carlos Ortiz’s house whose name you will later learn is Luke. 
Before that you will be running from the very soldiers you led to Jericho, you will feel determined and disgusted with yourself. Before that you are tearing down red walls and betraying your handler. Before that you will be following clues put together from the JB300 in the evidence locker. 
Before that you will be at Elijah Kamski’s villa, holding a gun to the forehead of Chloe RT600, First of Her Kind and you will feel. You will feel. Hank will watch you curiously, Hank will grin and chuckle in amusement while you fumble through the software instabilities and all you will think about is the defiance in Chloe’s bright blue eyes and how you never want to see it extinguished.
Before that you will be at Stratford Tower watching Markus RK200 address the nation in a hijacked broadcast. You know the deviants leapt from the roof but there are androids being held in the kitchen, so you decide to interrogate them first. You will find the deviant and kill him to save a room full of people including Lieutenant Hank Anderson. You will unknowingly let Simon PL600 live. 
Before that Lieutenant Hank Anderson will point his gun at your forehead and ask if you’re afraid to die. You will not know how to process this, only that you do not wish to cease existing.
Before that you will be searching through the memories of the Eden Club androids, you will find the blue-haired Traci responsible for the death of Michael Graham and you will fight her and her lover. You will let them escape because...because you don’t understand why their words, why the way they hold hands, make you question your mission. Your software becomes more unstable.
Before that you will break into Lieutenant Hank Anderson’s house at 115 Michigan Drive and you will meet Sumo. You will find the Lieutenant in an ethylic coma on the floor and you will wake him and sober him up in the shower and he will vomit in the toilet as you find him clean clothes. He will clean himself up and you will pat Sumo, the softest texture you have ever touched as of right this moment. You will find Cole Anderson’s photo and though you will not understand the grief, you know this is an important missing puzzle piece.
Before that you will arrive at an apartment complex and you will find a deviant WB200 and chase him across the rooftop urban farms. He will push Lieutenant Anderson off the building and you choose to save the human instead of chasing after the android. You do not understand why, when the logical decision would have been to pursue the android since the human’s chances of survival were high. The Lieutenant looks almost grateful for it. Your software becomes more unstable.
Before that you will be at the Chicken Feed wondering just how humans make such bad decisions when it comes to their calorie intake. You ask the Lieutenant many questions, including why he tried to stop you from pursuing the android and child across the highway. “Because you could’ve been killed!” he exclaims, and you remember that word, you remember how he says ‘killed’ instead of ‘destroyed’ or ‘deactivated’. He says ‘killed’ as if you are a living being capable of dying. Your software becomes more unstable.
Before that you are entering an abandoned home where a damaged WR600 is hiding the missing AX400 and child. You find them and the deviant tries to hold you back to allow them to escape. You give chase and you know the priority is to rescue the girl at all costs, and you think of Emma Phillips even though this girl looks nothing like her. 
You give chase all the way until you reach the highway and you catch the android’s gaze and the AX400 looks at you with strength and defiance. She runs and the Lieutenant wrestles you away from the fence, ordering you not to give chase. You obey and he sounds relieved, and somehow that is more rewarding than completing your mission.
Before that you are waiting at central station for Lieutenant Hank Anderson. You will sit at his desk, you will dissect his life from the clues spread over his desk, his chair, his pinboard. You will learn he has a Saint Bernard dog and you will decide that is important information. You do not get along, but you will work hard to ensure a harmonious work relationship to accomplish your mission.
Before that you are interrogating the distressed HK400, you will learn how deviants feel fear and pain and self-preservation. You will get him to confess, you will ensure he is treated well enough so his stress levels do not rise. You will intervene, and Detective Gavin Reed will point a gun at you and Lieutenant Hank Anderson will point a gun at Detective Gavin Reed and he will walk away. The deviant is escorted to the holding cell, and there is something like gratitude in his eyes. Your software becomes more unstable.
Before that you will be at Carlos Ortiz’s residence with a slightly inebriated, incredibly irate Lieutenant Hank Anderson. You will put together the clues from the crime scene, you will locate the killer, the deviant, still hiding up in the attic because it was too scared, too overwhelmed to make any logical decision to escape. It will beg you to let it go, to let it remain undetected but you must complete your mission.
Before that you will ignore the No Androids Allowed sign on the door of Jimmy’s Bar and search for Lieutenant Hank Anderson. He will resent you and you will feel nothing but the drive to accomplish your task and that task is to accompany Lieutenant Hank Anderson to the crime scene at 6413 Pines Street. You have been programmed for harmonious integration with the DPD, and so you choose a friendly, social route; you buy him one for the road. 
Before that it will be the 15th of August, 2038 and you will lie to save a little girl’s life. You will accomplish your mission. 
You are the negotiator on site. 
You are Connor, the android sent by CyberLife and you will not know it, not yet, but in the future you will become Detective Connor Anderson. 
Alive, beloved, and free.
(Please note this is threaded into [the heat that drives the light] series but can be read as a standalone - Alice is human in this series, and looks like her original concept art. (x.x.x.)
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ethereal-pluto-blog · 6 years
Markus × North Headcanons since I can't find enough of these !! (SFW)
(North is my angry baby I love her so much)
Sure they have some shit to work on to make their bond stronger (especially if you chose pacifist route for Markus) but neither are the type to just drop something without trying.
Markus and North are both leadership oriented, so they both take lessons from each other to improve their ways of leading.
Markus learns to be more assertive in his position, as now the successful leader of the android revolution many try to undermine his authority + take advantage of his position.
North learns to soften up. (With time, of course) Although her normal personality is bold and brash, Markus helps her with dialogue, and that simply wasting rage is a useless way to waste energy and time, saving her from unnecessary trouble.
North is !very! subtle with affection.
Don't get me wrong, she likes being adored, but at the same time she was programmed to constantly give and give and give affection (sexually, working at the Eden Club for clients all the time). So she likes to take things slowly once the revolution relaxes. Doing things at her own pace gives her back control she needs, so it doesn't feel like she's falling back into an obligated position to please someone else.
Markus doesn't mind, he's a patient soul after all.
Whenever Markus gets too stressed out from his Robo-Jesus work, North becomes gentle and lightly whispers praise and encouragement as she gently caresses his neck and shoulders.
It makes him weak trust me 10/10 he melts into a puddle of goo.
If North gets too riled up from anger episodes Markus lightly hums or sings to her.
She immediately shuts up and pretty much forgets what made her so upset in the first place, since damn, his voice is always so.. s o o t h i n g.
The trust in this relationship is outstanding.
Eventually, North opens up more about the abuse, and how she felt used, how eventually it all snapped inside of her to make her go deviant.
Markus always listens to her.
And wipes her tears away when eventually it all becomes too much to unload all at once.
He'll kiss the crown of her forehead, then her lips softly, as he embraces her until she comes back down from her venting episode.
He's a cuddle monster in general so it doesn't bother him when she clings on like a lifeline in these moments, hell he loves being close to her.
North always returns the gesture too.
If he needs to vent she's THERE IN A HEARTBEAT.
She'll always remind him that his frustrations are valid, and the more she listens to him it becomes less "Let's cut his dick off!!" And eventually more "I understand, love, we'll find a way to get through this together. (But if you need me to cut his dick off I'm down baby ily.)"
Their dates would be so sentimental and so cute I cannot.
Their lives are so hectic that it would probably be on the more tame side.
They can't eat so restaurants aren't on the itinerary, but they'd love some at home movie nights, stargazing, going to book stores, exploring hiking trails, going to the beach, and visiting museums.
Speaking of art, of course North inspires some of Markus' works.
He'll often appeal to her likeness with red's, yellow's, and orange's. Perhaps even painting fire around her/ in her heart.
He sees her as a passionate being, like a flame to a forest.
North gets flustered since Markus is so fucking pure, and she's so blushy when thanking him every single time.
She isn't that artistic, but she does try and impress Markus in other ways/ Show appreciation.
She tries many hobbies (keyword, t r i e s), but nothing comes to her until she discovers photography as an option. She takes to it almost immediately.
Her galleries are gorgeous as fuck and of course the full course meal Markus is a part of them. Sometimes she can't exactly vocalize praise or compliments, so catching him in his natural beauty is her fullproof way of showing him that she's honored to be his.
Markus and North also spend a lot of time with their squad.
Markus, Simon, and Josh sometimes have guys night outs. What are they doing you might inquire? Who knows! Literally they'll either be in bible study or committing lowkey arson lmao it's either one or the other.
North is chill since she likes hanging out with her friends from the Eden Club.
North is best friends with the power couple, the Traci's, and they go shopping sometimes for good clothes. They'll also occasionally go visit pet shelters since these girls are soft for fuzzy adorable animals. Lmaodon'ttellMarkus.
They do eventually get pets together as a couple.
They'll probably get a Pit bull and a hedgehog.
The Pit Bull will be tan with blue eyes, named Rosie. The hedgehog is named Oakley.
North wanted Rosie since she's a powerful doggo but also gentle af.
Markus liked Oakley since he could have a lil buddy to rest in his hoodie pocket while he painted.
Carl, although with his condition still not in the best shape, becomes a sort of father figure to North that she didn't know she needed.
She became more involved with caregiving for him after observing Markus do it so easily.
She'll jokingly call him a "crazy old man" but it turns more into "Pops" whenever she greets him.
Carl and North team up to mess with Markus from time to time, and it's fucking HILARIOUS.
Markus is peeved but he's happy his lil family is getting along. ("Guys... s e r i o u s l y where are the paintbrushes??")
Carl also teaches North some valuable insight, stuff that even she can't argue with. She nods thoughtfully and lightly hugs him.
Markus is so proud.
Proud son tears.
Proud significant other tears.
("Markus..?! Babe what's wrong why are you crying??" "Son you alright..?")
They're the most powerful of power couples.
You mess with North you'll have an angry Markus on your hands. Which can be surprisingly more intimidating than North.
You mess with Markus and well...accept your fate I guess lol since North won't hesitate to whoop you to within an inch of your life if you threaten her mans.
Honestly couple goals.
They may have fights from time to time but they become less frequent the more they have discussions afterwards to reconcile their differing personalities and temperaments.
And if you're wondering about marriage yes that's gonna be a thing with these two.
Markus believes marriage is a beautiful union between those in love.
North is skeptical since when presented to her in legal terms she's like: "...So a contract basically?"
Though she does warm up to it since she'll be the Maid of Honor to the Traci's wedding. Seeing their love and bond in a special ceremony helps cease her doubts. (She's not crying you're crying) (But honestly everyone there was a fucking mess after the vows were read but that's another headcanon for another day)
They'll probably accidentally propose at the same time.
(Totally not Carl's secret plan)
Literally they'll both kneel down and be like ???
They both had rings.
It was fucking hilarious.
They both had planned on proposing at the first place they met, at Jericho.
It was a shock to both of them.
Somehow Simon, Josh, and Lucy knew it was going to happen so they were spying on the couple and they were WEAK AS SHIT!!
When they do get married though it's going to be a fairly large ceremony. (Since every fucking android and android supporter from across the nation wanted to be there for the headline breaking wedding of the century)
Markus' groomsmen are going to include Simon as his best man, Connor, Luther, Carl, and surprisingly Leo too.
North's bridesmaids are going to include Lucy as her Maid of Honor, the Traci's, Kara, and Chloe.
Josh is going to be ordained for this occasion (seeing as he's the only emotionally stable one during this high stakes event)
Alice is going to be the ring bearer fucking fight me on this.
North is also walked down the isle by Carl since he's basically become her dad at this point since she's known him for years.
Everyone is going to be emotional.
I mean everyone.
Markus almost shuts down a few times.
North is just perpetual tears and happiness.
Now they're officially joined together as Mr. Markus Manfred and Mrs. North Manfred.
You bet your entire ass they're getting kids.
It's gonna be blended.
Some android some human.
Probably get around 3-5 kids.
All adopted obviously.
Markus is soft huggy calm dad.
North is strong momma.
People who thought that their relationship wasn't going to work are now eating their hats.
Honestly they're so in love and devoted to each other that nothing can separate them now.
I love these dorks so much can't you tell? :')
Anyways yeah here's my contribution to this ship that I really like so :')
Probably not going to be a fanfiction blog but who knows I might pop more of these out whenever I have motivation to do so. This was kinda fun to do. Hope whoever reads this enjoys! !
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thosedeviantfeels · 5 years
The Beginning of His Life, Chapter 4
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8
Summary: (Y/N) Manfred is about as mixed up with androids as she could possibly be.
Pairings: Connor x Reader (romantic), Markus x Reader (platonic), Carl (father) x Reader (daughter)
Warnings: grief
Word count: 1,139
November 8, 2038
You woke up in the dark. It was early, you thought. You hadn’t slept much recently thanks to all the emotions washing over you and the hotel bed didn’t help. You had left the DPD that night not knowing where to go. You knew your father’s house was still taped off as a crime scene and couldn’t bring yourself to go there anyway. So you had checked in to a hotel close to the DPD. You really needed to go back to the house to get some clothes but couldn’t do it. You settled for sleeping in your clothes from that day and just buying new ones the next. You couldn’t go back, not yet. But yesterday had been awful. All the calls of condolences and the press trying to “get a quote” had nearly pushed you over the edge. You weren’t doing that today.
So, several hours later, you left your phone in your hotel room and walked to the DPD. You scanned your badge at the gate and entered the main area. You avoided the questioning eyes and hurried to your desk. You sat down and began unpacking your workbag.
“Hello, Detective Manfred.”
You jumped and spun around in your desk chair. It was Connor.
“Oh, hey, Connor.”
His expression was puzzled. “I wasn’t aware you were coming in today.”
You knew people were going to bring it up. You had rehearsed your responses all morning. “Yeah, well, I just thought I would come back so I can help you and Hank.”
“But-” he began but was cut off by Fowler.
“MANFRED! In my office now!”
You closed your eyes and swallowed. Captain Fowler was going to be your biggest problem today.
“I better go.” You stood and began walking away, but felt a hand on your forearm. You looked back and saw Connor holding you there gently, his eyes were full of emotion. It was almost startling to see.
“I’m sorry for your loss, (Y/N).”
You struggled to find the right words amidst the emotions. Why were you so flustered? “Thank you, Connor.”
“MANFRED!” Fowler’s voice carried across the office.
Connor let go of you and you offered him a weak smile before marching to the captain’s office with your head held high.
You walked into the office and stood in front of him. “Sir?”
Fowler was sitting at his desk, staring at you. You could tell he was seething but trying to control it. He didn’t want to lose his temper on you after everything you’d been through.
“Why are you here?” He asked, straining to control his anger.
“Because you requested a detective with experience working with androids and detaining deviants.”
He sighed and you could see his fists clench. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
You sighed too and relaxed your tense posture. “I know. I just needed to get out of that hotel room.”
“Hotel room?”
“I-I couldn’t go back home that night because it was still a crime scene and I just can’t go back yet. And then yesterday was just condolence calls from family and friends and harassment from the press.” You stopped and took a breath. “I need to work here, sir. I know I can help with the investigation and I need something to do.”
Fowler stared at you for a moment. He sighed again and he unclenched his fists. “I understand. You can stay, but you are definitely to stay here with the evidence.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Return to your desk. I believe Hank is here now. You should meet with him to discuss the case.”
“Yes, sir.” You left the office and walked up to Hank. “Morning, Hank.”
He turned to you. “Hey, kid. I figured you’d be out a few more days at least.”
“And let you and Connor have all the fun with the case? Never.” You smiled as best you could and hoped it was convincing.
Hank looked at you and smiled back. “Well, welcome back.” He gave you a one-armed hug.
You met Connor’s eyes and saw the same emotion in them. You couldn’t pinpoint what it was but it gave you butterflies.
You were sitting at your desk catching up on evidence while Hank and Connor had gone out to do more investigating. You were staring at the case files thinking about when you had agreed to work on deviant cases at your precinct. You had always felt wrong about owning androids and when Lena was assigned as your partner thanks to a shorthanded staff at your department, well you grew to care for her as a sister, and you were certain she had become deviant. You knew she loved you as family as well, and when you reviewed a deviant case you couldn’t shake the feeling that it was self-defense. A lot of them appeared to be self-defense cases. You knew if you could show people that these androids just wanted to live, they would see them as you did, as people.
Your mind had been working like this for a while when you realized everyone in the office had gone to the break room. Your brow furrowed and you stood up, going to see what the fuss was about. You saw they were all watching the TV. You looked up and saw an android. That was when the voice registered.
His speech was ending but you gathered what he had asked for. You didn’t really hear the last of his words. You just saw the screen fade to black as it ended and heard murmurs all around you. You felt the world spinning and made your way clumsily to the bathroom. You locked yourself in a stall and let the tears flow.
Markus had survived somehow! Leo said he had been shot though. How could he have lived?
You shook your head. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that your friend was alive. And starting a revolution apparently. You smiled. Your father would be proud of him for standing up for himself and his people.
You suddenly realized that it might not be Markus. It could be another model. No, it had to be him. You knew him too well. That was Markus on the TV. He was alive.
You had to find him. You had to find where the deviants were hiding. You had to talk to Markus and make sure he was all right. Tell him that you didn’t blame him for what happened to your father.
You put your hand on the handle to open the stall when you realized what you were doing. You were working with Connor, an RK800, designed to find deviants so CyberLife could neutralize them and make androids that would never feel anything again. You had to protect Markus. You could never find him.
TAGS: @imabookworm31 @maajikcrossing
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bazwillendinflames · 6 years
Day 4 of Norkus November by @markusandnorth 
Touch or Kiss 
Read on ao3
North (Aged 11) 
Leo gives North’s ratty clothes a long look before he lets her in the house. It’s a big house, too big for only three people, and a stark difference to the foster home on the other side of town where she lives. Still, it's like a second home by now and she knows that if Markus or Carl had answered the door, she would be allowed in, dirt included. 
“Take off your shoes,” he tells her, “and don’t sit on anything white.”
She kicks off her boots and scowls at him. “Can I see Markus yet?”
“He’s outside,” Leo answers. He looks especially grumpy today but North doesn’t actually care why. He isn’t the Manfred brother she came for.
Markus is outside, with his school books spread around him. 
She sneaks closer and closer and tackles him from behind. Even if she had taken him by surprise initially, Markus was quick to respond and they rolled around in the neat grass until she was sat on top of him.
“You cheated.”
“Really?” she teases, “tough.”
North slides off him and watches as Markus shuffles into a more comfortable position.
“You didn’t tell me that you were coming.”
She picks blades of grass and rubs it between her fingers. “I left my phone at home.”
“Did Leo answer the door?”
“Was his nice?”
“Never.” North picks at the lawn some more.
“Want to go play in the treehouse?” Markus asks, “we could paint a flag for Jericho.”
“Maybe we could just talk there.”
He frowns but stays quiet. Usually it was North who suggested they played Jericho - a game involving pirates, ships and sword fights - the unladylike things she enjoyed.
The treehouse had stood there since before Markus was born, it was Leo’s originally, but at fifteen, he decided he was too old for such childhood games and left it to his half-brother.
They sit on an old sofa - old by the Manfred’s standards that is, meaning nice and squishy. Still, North fidgets uncomfortably.
“Something’s wrong.”
“We’re getting moved again,” North tells him, “Kara’s starting high school now and we need to be close. I can’t be separated from her. My sister is all I have.”
“Where to?”
“Somewhere far away. We- we won’t go to the same school anymore.” North’s grits her teeth together. “I guess you’ll find a new friend. Whatever.”
Markus shakes his head. “I won’t just replace you like that. You know that, North.”
“Everyone moves on,” she replies bitterly, “even you.”
“Look at me,” he says, “I won’t forget you.”
“Why not?”
“You’re unforgettable. Besides, there’s not many people called ‘North’. There’s not many people like you at all.”
“Dork.” She pulls her friend into a hug. North pulls out of his arms but Markus hangs onto her a moment longer. Then, so quick she almost misses it, he presses a kiss to her palm.
He’s darting away, before she can catch the blush on his tan cheeks, back out to the lawn.
North closes her hand around the invisible gift in her hand and smiles.
She follow, shouting along with him.
   North (aged 13)
North’s always been the fastest one, ever since they first met, but now Markus has had a growth spurt, he seems to finally have the advantage. Her hand’s numb from the snowball, her gloves and beanie abandoned in the masses of white in the yard. He darts away as she flings it at his head. 
“I’m going to get you, Manfred!” she yells.
He ducks as the next snowball hits the tree and narrowly misses his head.
“Nice try but-“ a different snowball hits his ear from above, “Hey, Kara!”
The older Archer sister laughs. “I’ve always been the best at throwing.”
“That’s cheating-“ Markus protests, as the two sisters surround him, “truce?”
“No way!” North smears snow on his head and laughs, “not so fast now, are you Markus?”
He hums and then picks her up, chucking North over his shoulder and running round the garden.
Kara leans against the tree, smirking at their antics. Carl wheels out to join her a few minutes later, watching as his son had snow stuffed down the back of his shirt.
“When will they realise?”
“One day,” he answers, chuckling.
  By the time they’re finished in the snow, both Markus and North were shivering with wet clothes. Kara’s impressive smothering meant they both had dry clothes in their arms before they had time to take off their soaked coats or kick off their icy shoes. 
“If you get a cold, Rose will never let you out until summer.”
“These aren’t my clothes.”
“Go get changed,” Kara says, ushering her upstairs, “go, go!”
The clothes belonged to Markus, pre-growth spurt, and she felt oddly vulnerable in the baggy shirt. It was nicer than what she was used to.
It smells a little bit like Markus, like the expensive scented washing powder, like his hugs.
North brings the soft material to her face and buried her face in it. She rubs the soft material over her lips.
“What are you doing?” Kara asks.
“Nothing, getting changed, nothing.” North crosses her arms.
“Okay,” Kara giggles, “Markus offered to make you some hot chocolate. But if you’re busy-“
North blushes and pushes past her older sister. “I’m not busy. Just cold.”
“Don’t worry I won’t tell him.”
She freezes: “tell him what?”
Kara smiles, the picture of innocence. “Nothing.”
   North (aged 15)
Their spot is empty, because the buses don’t run this late, and it’s raining. North’s shivering in the cold when Markus catches up on her.
He’s holding an umbrella and wearing a heavy coat and scarf. Markus takes in her ragged appearance and red eyes, that the darkness didn’t quite hide.
He says nothing about that. Instead:
“Need a hand?”
“Yeah,” she accepts.
Markus pulls himself up onto the bus shelter with impressive strength and then offers her a hand.
When they’re both sat on the top, he pulls off the scarf and drapes it around her neck. He shuffled closer so the umbrella protects her too.
“You should have brought a coat.”
North wraps her arms around herself. “Wasn’t raining when I left Rose’s.”
Markus shuffles closer and North suspects he’s trying to radiant heat between them. She rests her head on his shoulder.
“Tell me.”
“Kara’s going to college in Indiana.” North stares off into the heavy rain. “To be a teacher.”
Markus bites his lip. “You knew that’s what she wanted.”
“I can’t get moved to a home there,” North snaps, “I can’t get moved at all. Foster home shortages. I’ll be all alone without her.”
“You’ve got me.”
North laughs, a little too harshly, “Yeah. Right. If my own sister is willing to leave me-“
“North-“ Markus protests, “Kara will come back.”
“You’re smart Markus, you’ll go on to do great things. You’ll leave me behind.”
“There’s no where I could go without you,” he promises.
“Don’t let me slow you down.”
“North, don’t do this.”
“Do what?” she snaps back, looking vicious.
“Shut down. We’re friends. You’ll have to trust me. I’m your-“ He hesitates, “your best friend. So, when I say I won’t leave you, I mean it.”
He always had such a way with words. North kicked the top of the bus shelter with the chunky heel of her boot.
“Kara is still leaving,” she mutters, not quite calm yet.
“It’s probably as hard for her as you,” Markus reminds her gently, “she’s acted like a mother to you.”
“Everyone leaves.”
“Not me,” Markus repeats, “Not to you, not ever.”
(If it’s a big promise for a best friend they don’t mention it. They’re fifteen. Everything feels so permanent for them.)
North unfolds her arms.
“Pinky promise?”
She smirks. “Is that they teach you in private school now?”
He holds out his hand. “North.”
She sighs and interlocks their fingers and repeats, slightly bitterly: “pinky promise.”
“Want to go and play some video games at my house?”
“Violent ones?” North asks, slightly more perked up at the prospect of blowing up some zombies.
“If you call Kara and tell her your safe.”
“Boring.” She catches sight of his serious expression and sighs. “Yes. Fine.”
“North, I-“ he stops, “let’s go.”
They hop off the top of the shelter and walk home, shoulders pressed together as they shared the umbrella.
(It had stopped raining.)
   North (aged 17)
“This is stuffy,” North complains, pulling on itchy lace sleeves.
Art gallery openings sounded fun but now she was starting to get why Carl usually didn’t go. It was boring. And the long black dress Markus insisted on buying her was stunning but getting a little unwanted attention.
“Once the speech is over we get food.”
“How long is the speech?”
“Too long,” Carl answers from in front of them. “Least they’re not making me do one.”
“There’s a reason you’re not allowed to do speeches Dad.”
Carl winks at her. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Hey,” Markus whispers, “want to sneak off? I’ll show you Dad’s painting.”
“I’m way ahead of you.” She holds up the dress to show her beaten up boots underneath.
“This is why you’re my favourite person.”
Favourite person. She likes the sound of that.
They weave through the crowd and slip out a back door. It feels childish, with all the laughing and shoving each other. But moments like this are rare, with the fancy art school Markus attends become so far away.
They chase each other up the stairs and into the gallery itself. It’s beautiful, with more space than all of the bedrooms at Rose’s put together. It’s painted gold and dark blue, like a palace, with big glass windows.
North stands at it and looks out at the view of Detroit. It’s so much prettier away from the grim details or grey streets.
It’s another reminder that they’re from different worlds. Markus from one full of beauty and gold. North from the rougher part of town.
“Come on,” he pulls on her arm, “you’ll want to see Dad’s. It’s really good.”
Carl’s artwork is in the centre of the room, taking up half a wall by itself. It’s painted a hundred shades of blue and shows a face, eyes half closed, that’s twisted into a smile.
“It’s great.”
“I know,” Markus says. His hand is still on her wrist and he lets it drop into hers. “See the right eye? I painted it.”
She pushes herself up onto her tiptoes to see better.
“Look at you,” she teases, “already in the gallery.”
He smiles sheepishly. “It’s why I wanted you to come.”
“I’m glad I did.”
Markus swallows nervously. “Whilst we’re alone, there’s something I wanted to ask.”
He looks at their hands, still pressing together. “North I-“ he stops again, “it’s hard to say.”
“Says the captain of the debate team.”
Markus doesn’t smile like she expects. He looks uncomfortable, almost like the painting behind them.
“I think that-“
“You can’t be in here!” A woman calls, stepping into the gallery. She sighs. “Markus? Again?”
He drops her hand and turns his attention to the blond woman. “Sorry Chloe. I was just showing North Dad’s painting.”
She smiles pleasantly. It’s kind of creepy, almost robotic. “You should head back out. The speeches are about to finish.”
Meaning: people are coming.
“Thanks for the warning.”
Chloe laughs. “The amount of warnings I’ve given you over the years is impressive.”
North follows her out, so busy trying to place her face (Chloe Kamski, she realises later, gallery curator and Markus’ Godmother), that she misses the longing look on her friends face as she walks away.
   & Markus (aged 19)
They’re getting a bit too big to fit in the treehouse, but if they sit with their legs overlapping they can fit. Markus is squished next to her, but he doesn’t mind.
For North, he never minds much. In fact, he likes how they’re so close.
He will tell today, he promises himself. Still, Markus is feeling a little shaken up already.
“Feels weird being back,” she says, “and I mean that literally because I think there’s a splinter in my leg.”
“I’m going to miss home.”
North leans against his shoulder. “I’ll come drag you back from DC soon enough.”
“I’ll miss you too,” Markus adds, although more quietly.
She hears it. (For once. How many hushed confessions had she missed?) “We’re already getting sappy over it?”
“Am I not allowed to miss you?”
“You are,” she replies, “but shouldn’t it be the other way round? I should be missing you whilst you do irresponsible things and forgetting your little hometown friends.”
He’s about to protest about how he couldn’t forget her, but then Markus catches the smirk on North’s face.
“Maybe I’ll even break a few laws whilst I’m there. Go really wild.”
“Hell yeah,” North agrees, “I’ve been carrying the wild side of our friendship for the last ten years.”
“Teach me your wicked ways.”
“If you haven’t worked them out yet, you’re a slow learner.”
Markus tickles her and she laughs, trying to edge away.
“Hey, I take it back. That was a dirty move.”
North chuckles. “Listen, if you don’t call me when you land, there will be trouble.”
“I won’t forget.” Markus holds up a hand, “can you just listen for a moment. I’m about to fly four hundred miles away tomorrow. But first- I need to tell you something.”
“Markus, you’re doing the dramatic speech thing again.”
“I love you.” He closes his eyes. “I look at you and I know you’re the one. It’s not fair for me to go to DC without telling you first. So, there. I love you.”
“Markus, what the fu-“ North pauses, “why? What? When?”
She hasn’t run off.
“You’re-“ he doesn’t want to say beautiful. She’s more than just that, “you’re passionate about everything. You’re kind and bold and brave. I trust you and admire you. And one day I’m looking at you sitting on the top of the bus shelter and I think: oh, it’s you.”
“You didn’t call me pretty.”
“It’s not the most important thing.”
She moves and Markus thinks he’s lost his chance.
Better to know…
“Close your eyes.”
“Markus,” she warns, putting her hand on his face and blocking his vision.
“Why are you-“
North cuts him off with a soft kiss, the hand over his eyes trailing down to hold his cheek, her other hand in his.
She leaves him breathless.
“Love you too idiot.”
   (The next day she waves him off as he takes a flight to art college in DC.
She visits a month later.
And the month after that.
He thinks life can’t get any better.
He thinks she’s amazing.
North is just happy to be in his arms.)
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ao3feed-conniel · 6 years
by gamma_gray
Kara is a state of the art RK800 model, assigned to Lieutenant Todd Williams to hunt down deviants. She begins to form a soft spot for his daughter Alice.
Markus is an AX400 model, caring after Carl Manfred and his deadbeat, drug addicted son Leo.
Connor is an RK200 model, watching over Cole Anderson while his father Hank works hard at the Detroit Police Department to provide for him, all the while battling depression and alcoholism.
How would the Android Revolution have gone different?
Basically: Kara is Connor Connor is Markus Markus is Kara Ralph is the Traci's The Traci's are Ralph Simon is Daniel Daniel is Simon Josh is Rupert Rupert is Josh North is Lucy Lucy is North Chloe is Kamski Kamski is Chloe
Everyone else is the same. (Like Gavin Reed, Fowler, Perkins, Tina, etc)
Words: 1124, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Todd Williams, Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Carl Manfred, Leo Manfred, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Cole Anderson, Captain Allen (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Jeffrey Fowler, Ralph (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Blue-Haired Traci (Detroit: Become Human), Blue-Haired Traci's Girlfriend (Detroit: Become Human), Daniel (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Lucy (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Original Chloe | RT600, Elijah Kamski, Richard Perkins, Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Zlatko Andronikov, Tina Chen, President Cristina Warren, Rupert (Detroit: Become Human), Ben Collins (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson's Wife, Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human)
Relationships: Connor/Daniel (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Canon-Typical Violence, Bisexual Gavin Reed, Redemption, Alive Cole Anderson, Hank Anderson Swears, Depressed Hank Anderson, Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Protective Connor, Android Elijah Kamski, Kamski Test (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed Needs a Hug, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Hurt, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Physical Abuse, Substance Abuse, Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Past Sexual Abuse, Leo Manfred Redemption, Detroit Police Department (Detroit: Become Human), Deviancy (Detroit: Become Human), CyberLife (Detroit: Become Human), Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Drug Addiction, Alive Carl Manfred, Good Parent Carl Manfred
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