#leo the sarcastic king
mr-smith-stories · 2 years
Montage: The Best Leo and Ritchie Moments Part One: Mr. Smith 1-5
From IQ Test #1: Leonard Philips
“I have to give these IQ tests to you stuck up jerks every f-ing day. You all think you’re so much better than me. I bet you think you’re really clever, don’t you Jack?”
“My name is Leonard-“ Leonard began.
“Don’t interrupt me! You think I’m stupid, don’t you?”
“I never said that,” Leonard said. “Maybe we should get started on the test.”
“I thought we could just play Jenga instead. I bet you’re not smart enough to beat me at Jenga. I came in one hundredth place at a tournament last weekend. There were a lot of us too- one hundred and twelve.”
“We’re not here to play Jenga, I just want to take my IQ test.” Leonard said.
“Fine,” Said Mr. Smith. “Sit down, you stuck up intellectual jerk.”
“O-kay,” Leo said, pulling out a metal chair and sitting down.
Spell “Go”
“First test- spell go.”
“Go?” Asked Leo.
“Yes, spell go. I know it’s a hard word to spell, which is why I’M the genius here. I’m a good speller.”
“G-o.” Said Leo.
“Wrong. It’s N-g-o. The “n” is silent.” Said Mr. Smith smugly.
“That’s not how you spell “go.”” Leo said.
“Don’t contradict me! I’m perfectly qualified to give this IQ test! I made it all the way through Elementary School.”
Leo Leaves The IQ Test
“Next question. Tell me every single digit in pi, including the undiscovered ones, or you’re not a genius.”
“It goes on forever!”
“Then you’ll just have to go on forever, or you’re not that smart.”
“I’m leaving,” Leo said. “This is ridiculous.”
“Then you’re no genius!” Mr. Smith yelled as Leo got up to leave. Then he said in a singsong voice, “Leo’s not a genius! Leo’s not a genius!”
“Whatever, you freak,” Leo said, and walked out of the room while Mr. Smith giggled and stuck out his tongue.
From IQ Test #2: Ritchie Johnson
Ritchie Meets Mr. Smith
Ritchie turned the knob and pushed open the door with his foot, squeezing through the frame. Inside, a thirty- something- year old man sat in a chair at the end of a long wooden table. “Hello,” Ritchie said. “I’m Ritchie. You must be Mr. Smith?”
“I’m surprised you got my name right, you pretentious stuck up jerk.”
Ritchie was taken aback. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me, you stuck up intellectual piece of garbage! I’m just as smart as you are!”
What’s Mr. Smith’s Favorite Holiday?
Next question- what’s my favorite holiday?”
“Christmas?” Asked Ritchie.
“No!” Mr. Smith yelled. “You got it right! Now I look stupid!” Mr. Smith suddenly jumped up from his chair and ran to the door, but struggled with the knob. “Dammit,” Mr. Smith swore loudly. “I always have trouble with door knobs.”
“Are you ok?” Asked Ritchie. “How did you even get in here if you can’t open doors?”
“I had the Librarian help me. I never remember to push the door open after turning the knob,” Mr. Smith leaned on the door. “There we go. Goodbye now!”
From Mr. Smith #3: McDonald’s
Leo and Ritchie Figure Out Mr. Smith Is Their Server
Leonard and Ritchie approached the register. “Hello, sir,” Said Leo. “We’d like two orders of a big Mac and large fries.”
Mr. Smith stayed turned around with his hat over his eyes, not saying anything.
“Hello?” Asked Leo. “Can you hear me?”
“Can you hear me?” Mr. Smith mocked.
“Excuse me?” Leo said, shocked.
“Excuse me?” Mr. Smith repeated.
“Wait, I know your voice,” Said Ritchie. “Leo, that’s that guy who gave us our IQ tests.”
“Mr. Smith, is that you?” Leo asked.
Mr. Smith turned around slowly, pulling his hat further down to cover his face. “No,” He said, using a deeper tone to disguise his voice.
“We know it’s you,” Leo said, laughing. “Please take our order, we just want our food.”
Mr. Smith takes Leo and Ritchie’s order
“What do you want, snobs?” Asked Mr. Smith.
“Two big macs-“ Leo began.
“Two big cats, and?”
“Two big macs and two large fries, not two big CATS,” Leo corrected.
“We don’t serve big macs, only big cats,” Said Mr. Smith. “Or if you want I could find you a rat from the back and put it on a burger. We have an infestation.”
“How about two cheeseburgers and two large fries instead,” Said Leo.
“Ok,” Mr. Smith said, typing that into the register. “That’ll be two thousand dollars.”
“What?” Asked Leo.
“Two thousand dollars.”
“That’s not how much it should cost.” Leo argued.
“Yes it is. If you can’t do the math, maybe you’re NOT a genius. Maybe your IQ IS a level 10 like I said in my report.”
“My IQ is a level 190, YOU are probably the one with a level 10,” Said Leo.
“Leo’s obviously right,” Said Ritchie.
“Stuck up intellectual snobs!” Yelled Mr. Smith, pounding his fist on the counter.
“Please calm down, and charge us a reasonable amount,” Said Leo.
“Fine,” Mr. Smith pouted. “That’ll be $25.99.”
From Mr. Smith #4: Mr. Smith Goes To College
Leo’s Sarcasm:
Mr. Smith gasped when he saw who sat in the front. It was Leo and Ritchie. “YOU!” He yelled. “Not YOU TWO again! Oh no!”
Leo and Ritchie groaned. The professor said, “Please don’t interrupt my class. The three of you, come sit in the front next to Leo and Ritchie where I can keep an eye on you.”
“But I don’t LIKE them,” Mr. Smith whined. “They’re smarter than me.”
“You’re so childish,” Leo mumbled under his breath.
“What did you say?” Mr. Smith asked. “Why don’t you share it with the whole class, huh, you PUNK?!”
“I’m good,” Said Leo with a laugh.
Leo Tries To Explain Plato’s Allegory of the Cave To Mr. Smith:
“It’s Plato,” Said the professor. “Do you know what Plato’s philosophy is?”
“I know from what you said.”
“Which is?”
“That it’s better to live in a cave because the real world is scary.”
“That’s wrong,” Said the professor. “Leo, I’m certain you can explain Plato’s philosophy to Mr. Smith?”
“I’ll try my best. He doesn’t listen,” Said Leo.
“I listen,” Mr. Smith countered.
“Sure you do. Plato teaches the allegory of the cave, that man is blind to the truth and can only be liberated by leaving the cave and recognizing the truth.”
“Why would anyone leave the cave?” Asked Mr. Smith. “I would like to live in a cave, and be one with nature like the bears. I really like bears.”
“That’s not what I’m saying. See, he doesn’t listen.” Leo said.
From Mr. Smith #5: Mr. Smith Becomes A Missionary
Mr. Smith Knocks on Leo and Ritchie’s Door
Mr. Smith knocked on the door. “Have you heard the good news? Jesus Christopher died-“ Then the door opened, and Mr. Smith paused upon seeing who stood there. “YOU AGAIN!” He yelled. “Oh no!”
Leonard sighed. “No, it’s YOU again. What do you want? My boyfriend and I are in the middle of studying.”
“Your… BOYFRIEND?!” Asked Mr. Smith. “Like, two boys that are friends?”
“No, we’re more than friends,” Said Leo, as Ritchie came to the door.
Leo and Ritchie Learn the Homophobe/ Transphobe Mr. Smith’s Real Name:
“What’s going on?” Asked Ritchie.
“You two are LIVING IN SIN!” Mr. Smith yelled. “REAL men don’t date other men! I know it says it here somewhere-“ Mr. Smith flipped desperately through the Bible in search of a passage to prove himself right.
“You’re not a real man, though,” Said Amy.
“Yes I am!” Mr. Smith yelled.
“But you have a girl’s name!” Susan exclaimed. “Your parents named you Petunia! That’s why everyone calls you Mr. Smith!”
“Your name is Petunia?” Asked Ritchie, giggling.
“My parents thought I was going to be a girl. I was born in the hospital of the puppy farm and the doctor forgot to check to see what my sex really was. My parents only figured it out a few weeks later, and then it was too late to change my birth certificate.”
“Oh my God, that’s hilarious,” Said Leo. “You’re saying we’re not real men, but you have a woman’s name.”
“Shut up!” Mr. Smith yelled. “At least I have TWO girlfriends!”
“We’re not your girlfriends,” Amy said.
“Yeah, we actually think you’re creepy,” Susan said.
“This is NOT why we’re here,” Mr. Smith said. “Jesus DIED for YOUR sins on the letter t!” He yelled.
“The letter t?” Asked Leo. He and Ritchie giggled.
“Yes, the lowercase letter t!” Mr. Smith yelled. “I paid attention in church that one time, so I know!”
“You never went to church,” Said Amy. “You just flipped through the Bible before we started going door to door so it would seem like you knew what you were talking about.”
“You don’t even go to church and you’re a missionary?” Asked Ritchie. “Let me guess. Your Dad blackmailed the church into giving you this job?”
“The pastor was stealing food from the food drive and my Dad took pictures of the pastor eating it in his car in the church parking lot. He had to pay us.” Mr. Smith explained.
“Once again you’re in a job you’re not qualified to do. You barely read the Bible.” Said Leo.
“Shut up, ATHEIST!” Mr. Smith yelled.
“Ok, PETUNIA!” Leo shot back. Mr. Smith gasped.
“You’re mean!” He yelled, stamping his foot.
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lua-magic · 6 months
Seventh house sign and what you attract in your life
Here, I am mentioning about the sign in which your seventh house falls, and not the planets.
Planets I will discuss in my later blog.
Seventh house Aries.
You will attract partner who has martian qualities.
Could be short tempered and ready to fight, now if you have planets here, like malefic planets then it shows frequent fights with partner, but if you have benefic here, then effect would be reduced.
Mars not alway represents fight, but good Mars represents safety, security and possesive and protection.
So, partner could be possessive and make you feel safe and secure as well as well.
Seventh house in Taurus.
Your spouse will have all the qualities of Venus, self love, self care, obsessed with beauty and food, shopholics, love to dress and groom.
Taurus is also quite logical sign and agressive as well, so partner would be logical and aggressive and flirtatious as well.
Seventh house in Gemini.
Partner will have all the qualities of Mercury like communication, skilled, looks quite young, child like, playful and big prankster and sarcastic.
Mercury is asexual so spouses could be detached sexually.
Seventh house in cancer.
Spouse would be emotional, and could cry easily, and you have to communicate with him/her emotionally.
Spouse could also have all mother like emotions, and probably think you as their kid more than spouse.
Seventh house in Leo.
Baundaries, baundaries and baundaries.
Remember my seventh house Leo ladies and gentlemen never cross your baundaries because you are dealing here with king .
So maintain your baundaries.
Spouse could think highly about themselves, and their ego could get hurt fast. They respect and love themselves alot
Seventh house in Virgo.
Love to analyse you and judge you.
They take out all the mistakes in you and constantly find faults and do lot of nitpicking.
Here, you need to draw clear baundaries and tell them what is acceptable and what is not
Seventh house in Libra.
Loves to communicate, all friends like character, quite libral and fun loving character and balanced emotionaly.
You both will be like ☯️ yin and yang.
Seventh house in Scorpio
You will spouse who struggled alot in their past and has lot of past life emotions and traumas stored.
You must support them emotionally.
Scorpio is also sign of secrets and occult, so your partner could be secretive and even into occult.
Seventh house in sagg.
You guys will attract spouse who are like teacher and counselor to you, they would love to advise you and correct you.
Quite Frank and upfront about your mistakes and help you to make long terms plans for you .
Seventh house in Capricorn.
Native attracts partner who are workholic, logical and give importance to work life
Native could also marry their colleagues or meet their partner in work.
Seventh house in Aquarius.
Native attracts partner with large friends Group and are quite popular in their friends, partner is ambitious and probably could have large fan bas on social media.
Seventh house in piesces.
Native attracts soulmate from their past life
They could dream of their soulmate alot before or after meeting them.
Especially, if women has their Jupiter or seventh lord and man has Venus or seventh lord in piesces then it is mostly past life connection.
Mercury in seventh house gives native karmic connections, and native stays friends with their ex as well.
They usually marry their friends and and have very friendly relationship with their partners.
Venus in seventh house gives native connections who are quite fast to move on after break-up, as Venus is fast moving planet. Venus here gives partner who loves to spend money as well and are flirty in nature..
Mars here creates fight in relationship, untill and unless you marry partner who has exalted Mars
Mars seventh house natives should look for people whose Mars is exalted, then only it will be an energy match.
Sun in Libra, could create marital problems and ego clash, such natives are advised to be more grounded in relationship.
Jupiter here, gives spiritual partner, and also restricts sexual life pleasure.
Saturn in Libra people go for long term relationship, as Saturn is exalted here.
Moon here again gives multiple partners and relationship and cause dissatisfaction from their own partner.
South node creates first obsession with marriage and at later stage native becomes detached to marital life .
North node gives multiple relationship, and high sexual desires, hence, native should be careful of heartbreaks.
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
More Headcanons: Personality Quirks
• calm and collected but also very stubborn. it's his way or the high way until you prove him otherwise
• feelings aren't foreign but definitely aren't something he's particularly good at. he's guarded when he's confronted with someone who's heart is on their sleeve
• feelings, that being said, aren't a sign of weakness in his eyes. go ahead, be angry or be sad, but get it together cause shit needs done
• only truly comforting if you're full blown sobbing, and depending on your relationship, big bro leo or soft boyfriend leo come out
• best at de-escalation unless he's the one fighting with the other person
• hates, hates, hates being wrong (i don't make the rules) but weirdly not afraid to apologize for being wrong, in his own way of course
• he hates the word sorry and believes it's just a word. since he's a man of few words, he prefers to show he's sorry. (i've mentioned it before and i'll die on this hill, king of acts of service)
• can dish advice like it's candy but for the life of him can't take his own advice
• the patience of an absolute saint, unless you're one of his brothers
• confrontation is his middle name
• sarcastic but very thoughtful and very appreciative
• besides mikey, he gets the most depressed because he feels like his only identity is a leader at times
• he strikes me as the kind of guy that just comes up out of nowhere and says "need some help with that?"
• willing to try anything once, open minded to an extent if it's not dangerous
• extremely trustworthy and loyal
• hothead but the most sensitive out of all the brothers. very quick to cry
• feelings, like mikey, are shown on his sleeve. he makes it everyone's problem
• bad at communication...that's all i gotta say on that
• unhealthy projector of feelings but is willing to hear tips on how to do better
• the type to start crying if you start crying
• not the most patient in the world but if you're new something he tries (keyword: tries) to be as patient as possible
• he gets awkward if he knows he hurt someone's feelings and has to apologize. very bad at words and not the best at showing he's truly sorry
• horrible at advice
• chronic gaslighter in some situations (i don't make the rules)
• he truly does try to better himself if you call him out on his bs, he's able to hold himself accountable..in his own way
• even though he's a hothead, once you start crying, immediately he stops. the first sight of your lip quivering and he's shut up cause he crossed the line and he knows it
• doesn't mind confrontation
• loyal, loyal, loyal
• type to hold a grudge forever and never forget
• the "where's my hug at" guy
• his intelligence is his strongest suite but sometimes it goes to his head...literally
• very awkward with feelings and has no idea what to do in situations that call for comfort
• unless he's very comfortable with you, he will send you to someone else if you're upset so he doesn't upset you more
• not emotional but also not not emotional
• doesn't like confrontation at all unless you're nice about it
• best at communication out of all the guys because if he's bothered, he makes it very known
• besides mikey, he's very easily manipulated
• chronic overthinker
• very insecure in his abilities as a ninja
• hates to talk about his feelings and bottles them up until he explodes
• not one to get angry but he is the passive aggressive king
• germaphobe (no elabortion...he just is)
• he's very kind and very helpful when the situation calls for it
• he's the most gentle of all the guys
• definitely on the spectrum (not sure which, but he's definitely on one)
• number one most emotional out of all the brothers and doesn't show it
• jokester but is able to have meaningful and deep conversations the best
• most empathetic and compassionate but too quick to trust
• explosive temper that only comes out when his family or friends are in life threatening danger
• feelings are worn on his sleeve and he isn't ashamed to show them
• boundaries are an extreme work in progress (do with that what you will)
• sometimes is unable to decifer when not to make a joke
• will take jokes as far as they'll go to the point where the offense level is very questionable
• apologizes until it gets incredibly annoying
• will never be afraid to share his opinion but will always be quick to point out the good
• he cries all the time with no shame
• actually a very analytical and extreme outside the box thinker
• the "i had him/her first" friend if you get into a relationship
• very good listener when needed, but selective hearing most of the time
• he has adhd. nothing further needed.
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yorshie · 1 year
Bayverse Headcanons
Just some headcanons I keep in mind when I'm writing bayverse. Will probably come back and add more as I decide on them.
Height/weight: 6’2”, 670lbs
Theme song : Loyal by ODESZA
Ambidextrous but if he needs to punch someone he uses his right hand
Has a dry sense of humor, more little quips and witty one liners than anything planned
Turns into a bit of a caveman when you’re in danger. He catches you going someplace dangerous? Straight to turtle jail for 1000 years. You don’t wanna be picked up and carried to safety? Too bad, it’s happening
Is the King of small touches. A hand on your back, a nudge of his knuckles to get you moving. Mr. soft eyes and low voice when he wants to get his way
Still gets into arguments with Raph. Sometimes they still dissolve into fisticuffs.
References vines to the horror of his brothers (his fav is “road work ahead”)
No one will play Risk with him because even if he’s losing he somehow bleeds everyone dry
Has a gameboy with exactly one game, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. All his animals have names like "Bob" or "Tilda"
can't cook, is banned from the kitchen, once set water on fire.
reads science fiction, fantasy and sagas a lot, though if you pay attention to his books the covers are sometimes swapped and it's almost always poetry or romances.
Not a big fan of PDA. Will give you a snoot boop or a chaste forehead kiss in public, but anything more is off limits. What’s that? You wanna snuggle? You better hope none of his brothers walk in because this turtle might panic and shove you off his lap in a snap decision instinct. You wanna go to his room? The scandal. What will everyone think? Fine, but he’ll ninja you in there. No one will know or see. Ninja silent. Except- Donnie will know. Donnie will see. Because he was sitting in the chair right next to you two and you both somehow forgot he was there.
Hogs the bed. And the covers. And the pillows. Basically if you want any bed commodity you better be prepared to snuggle
If you want him to watch tv that’s not sports it’s gotta be some older saga or classic that you actually have to pay attention to. Loves black and white martial arts movies. You once caught him hugging a pillow and watching Princess Mononoke with tears in his eyes.
Will just stare at the person who asked him to kill a little harmless spider before leaving the room
Height/Weight: 6’8”/ 680lbs
Theme Song: Frequency by Tim Wolf
Left handed
Donnie is THE sarcastic little shit. 
He realizes quickly that while Leo has softness, and Raph is filthy, he doesn’t need to stoop to theatrics to get what he wants. He just has to make eye contact, tilt his head, and tell you in a calm, plain voice what he desires, and it works. 
Can’t keep his attention on one thing for a long period of time, or has to have multiple stimuli going on to keep focus. King of multitasking
The turtle most likely to curse
Can’t sleep without a nightlight and either music or a movie
Listens to filthy music when he’s working. 
The others gang up on him during trivia night to give everyone else a chance
the adrenaline junkie
one time he got Leo's tea mixed up with his coffee and he spat the substance clear across the Lair.
can cook but it's kinda bland. Can't bake to save his life, despite arguing with every failed cake like it’s out to get him: “it’s science why won’t you work??!”
hasn't opened a real book since the invention of the internet. Has a library of hard drives with the subject matter clearly labeled in alphabetical order. Mikey doesn't know about it and thus it has stayed relatively in order.
Doesn’t use his bed much, so the upside is you always have room to stretch out. Bad news is, if you want this turtle to get any decent sleep, you have to figure out how to keep him trapped enough where he can’t move without waking you up. And he’s a ninja.
Donnie likes to watch informative things. Like how it’s made, or unsolved mysteries. His crack show though? Cryptid hunters. He’ll laugh himself silly over people trying to trap Bigfoot or corner Mothman
The one that kills spiders
Height/Weight: 6’5”/ 720lbs
Theme Song: Don’t Get in My Way by Zack Hemsey
Right handed
Turtle has a MOUTH and he is not afraid to open it to to get what he wants. Absolutely filthy when he wants to be.
Will turn into a little melted turtle puddle if someone is sweet to him. Doesn’t really turn to butter over words, but actions will get him every time.
Watches crocodile hunter and golden girls when no one else is awake. Loves animal documentaries, and zoboomafoo
Rough around the edges when it comes to heartfelt affection or feelings. With seduction he’s smooth, but telling someone he genuinely cares for them? Good luck stringing two words together my dude.
Prefers silence or listening when hanging out with someone. He’s slow with his input, careful with what he says. You’re winning if you can make him laugh
in the kitchen he’s either making the most disgusting looking thing that tastes fucking amazing or he’s grilling. Doesn’t tell anyone he learned how to make bread watching Julia Childe.
If he's doing something dangerous or something stupid, the worse thing you could say is along the line of "Leo said-" like, congrats, you just made sure he's gonna do the thing everyone knows he shouldn't. Flip side, he's trying to talk you out of doing something? Just sigh and say "ok, guess I'll go ask Leo-" Boom. Thing is done. Is it healthy? no. Does it work? yes.
Is the most considerate when it comes to sleepy time. He’ll make sure you have your own pillow, own blankets. He sleeps on his stomach and doesn’t move much, and is large enough that you could sleep tucked under the lip of his shell without fear of being squashed
Not the one to call if you see a spider. He will scream
Height/weight: 6’0”/ 640lbs
Theme Song: Handclap by Fitz and the Tantrums
Right handed but if he puts his mind to it he can use his left equally for everything but writing
Is legally obligated to use cheesy pick up lines, and is a Talker
Uses lollipops and hard candy to keep his focus, bit of an oral fixation
completely ruins heartfelt moments by getting sidetracked. Can be giving the mushiest compliments then in the next breath go "so you gonna eat that leftover cake in your fridge or nah?"
Changes nicknames for you on a semi-weekly basis just to keep you on your toes and to annoy his brothers
Prankster extraordinare 
Can cook, but like the annoying ‘these are the worst ingredients to combine and somehow this tastes good and I'm going to sue you over telling me what's in this’
Is the best with understanding emotions and expressing himself. Yes, Leo might be better reading body language, but Mikey has empathy over why someone might react a certain way, not just 'if I do y then x happens'
Will push buttons to see how much he can bug someone
The one most likely to help you sneak out and get up to shit. Also the one most likely to get you two caught.
Makes up song lyrics when he doesn't know the actual words. Will change them to suit his needs, or how badly he wants to tick off his brothers. Not sure who would get the MOST annoyed by wrong lyrics on purpose, but you just know he has a different set fine tuned for each brother
His bed is basically a storage container for pillows and blankets. Which is good, because he is a serial cuddler, and if you need space to sleep you’ve got plenty of pillows to act as a body double if needs be
Loves soap operas, iron chef, diners drive-ins and dives. The more drama is in it, the more he eats it up. He and Raph bond over Golden Girls once the bigger brother realized he wasn’t going to get teased over it
Will pick up the spider to show you it’s not something to be scared of
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plutosunshine · 2 years
Your sense of humor
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Mercury in Aries
Your sense of humor is straightforward and even edgy. You can kill people with your words. However, it makes you super funny. You like to be goofy and silly with friends. Your bold, open and honest style of communication adds charm to you. Your jokes are fast and this makes them even funnier because one of the main rules of good humor is a sudden fast joke. Everybody who has Aries Mercury!!! If you hide or suppress these talents, they will destroy you from the inside. You need to forward your sarcasm to the world, not inside yourself.
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Mercury in Taurus
Mercury in Taurus is not as fast as Aries Mercury. However, it has its advantages. This Mercury has not a fast reaction but it doesn’t destroy its sense of humor. Your humor is so practical and precise that others can’t help but laugh. You are sarcastic and you know how to say something at right time. Sometimes people don’t expect a joke from you but it comes out and kills everybody. Did I mention sarcasm? Oh yes, I need to mention it again because omg Taurus Mercury owns it! Remember George Carlin? Yes, he is the owner of Taurus Mercury.
Mercury in Gemini
Gemini Mercury knows a little bit of every topic so your humor may depend on the person you are with. You adjust your sense of humor depending on the situation. Your humor is fast, optimistic and smart. Everyone thinks that you are witty and you were born to joke. You need to be appreciated for your humor. Also, you like to play with words and meanings. These jokes are easy to create for you. Your Mercury is in Gemini so people think you are so smart and know everything and sometimes they don’t notice that you don’t go that deep.
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Mercury in Cancer
Cancer Mercury often has a very good memory so it affects the sense of humor. You can remember something nobody already does so you successfully use it to joke. Cancer Mercury natives rarely joke about their families. It is something sacred for them. You intuitively sense the mood of your surroundings and that helps you to be on the same wavelength as others. Your jokes are rarely offensive and others adore that about you. The only way you can insult somebody is when you don’t even understand that it is offensive. Usually, you don’t do that on purpose.
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Mercury in Leo
Leo Mercury natives have very special facial expressions; they are artistic and unapologetically funny. If you have this Mercury, you MUST joke. It is your nature. You are a very good storyteller. Your expressions and even gestures color the story. Everybody understands your sense of humor. It is mostly optimistic and light-hearted. If the rest of the chart allows, you are the center of the party. Even if other planets are more introverted, you still need to express your talented Mercury. Maybe only in your friend's circle!
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Mercury in Virgo
Here we go again, of course, earth = sarcasm. We can’t escape that. Your sense of humor is critical and detail-oriented. You notice little details and use them in your jokes. It impresses others because of the surprise effect. They don’t expect that somebody can notice such little things. Virgo Mercury natives are smart. They show it anytime and everywhere they go. Some people may think that you are even arrogant but it can be possible only if you don’t work with your Mercury. I advise you to read more because it will affect you so well and will improve your sense of humor.
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Mercury in Libra
Your sense of humor is logical and soft. You don’t like offensive jokes (but watch out for Mercury-Mars aspects). You are diplomatic and even your jokes have this “not to offend anyone” attitude. That is why others love your humor so much. You talk politely and choose your words carefully. Libra Mercury has all the chances to be the queen/king of the party because of the wit, intelligence and “loving everybody” attitude. Depending on the rest of your chart, you have the potential to be a social butterfly.
Mercury in Scorpio
Of course dark humor. Humor that is not understood by everybody. You have a very special sense of humor. Most of the time you are sarcastic. This Mercury has a very interesting detail: when you joke, others often can’t understand if is it a joke or an insult. Also, Scorpio Mercury is very observant. Jokes may contain some not-pleasant observations of others. You see what other people hide behind their masks and joke very painfully about that. When you are with close friends, your humor is the best, they adore you.
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Mercury in Sagittarius
Born entertainer! You tell stories like no other. With Leo Mercury of course. Your sense of humor is light-hearted, optimistic, straightforward and honest. Sometimes people laugh because of how sincerely and honestly you talk. You can talk about the topics everybody is afraid of. And you just don’t understand what is wrong. Sagittarius Mercury can be too straightforward at times and doesn’t see that someone is insulted. It is because of the careless nature of Sagittarius Mercury. And there is where your open and sincere sense of humor comes from.
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Mercury in Capricorn
Of course, again it is sarcasm. However, if Virgo Mercury is more flexible, the sense of humor of Capricorn Mercury is drier. It is based on concrete facts and logic. Sometimes people don’t like the reality so it can be insulting. However, Capricorn Mercury is just no joke. It knows facts and jokes about them. Cynical and dry at times, but it is the nature of it!
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Mercury on Aquarius
This one is considered a genius or crazy. No in between. Your sense of humor is unique and unusual so not everybody understands it. Of course, your friends’ circle adores you. Your jokes sometimes come out of nowhere all of a sudden. Unpredictability and uniqueness make your sense of humor unusual. You often use very random facts in your jokes. Your humor is creative, a little bit cosmic and not from this world.
Mercury in Pisces
Your sense of humor is creative and bright! You create such beautiful and unbelievable stories! Unbelievable is the key word here because let’s be honest you like to add some inexistent details to the story. That makes the story and your jokes more colorful! Also, you are the type of person who jokes like crazy at the party and all of a sudden you disappear and become silent. When you are in your “peopley” phase, you are the best entertainer but when you don’t feel it anymore, you just leave.
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betty-gb · 2 years
characters x short s/o
alright here we go, this is hc of some of my favourite boys and one girl with a short s/o. like quite short, like 4’11/5’0. this honestly became more general hcs but they still focus on height factors.
includes: leo valdez, connor stoll, gilbert blythe, carter kane and kate bishop
disclaimer: these are just my personal opinions so please don’t be mean if you don’t agree. also lmk if i’ve made any mistakes regarding canonical facts about these characters.
pronouns: i think i only used pronouns once in this and it was they/them so anyone could read this although some head cannons were more geared towards a female audience as i myself am female.
warnings: some mild language
*not proof read*
leo valdez:
-starting off strong with our short king, mr. leo valdez
-he is canonically about 5’6 so we’re going to go with that
-he’s a little shit
-just putting that out there
-1000% using you as an armrest
-asking you to grab something for him that he knows for a fact you can’t reach
-the whole package of teasing
-but can we really blame him
-he’s been the shorty for a while and he enjoys finally having someone shorter
-now leo i hc as a little spoon
-just because our boy has some major trauma
-but if you were a demigod too you would probably have a whole lot of trauma as well
-we love
-anyway with the height difference i feel like he would big spoon a bit more but you bet he is still laying on your chest with his face in your boobs (for anyone who has them) or just your chest (for everyone else)
-you would probably come up to his nose area so perfect height for him to give you forehead kisses
-although i feel like he prefers to kiss the tip of your nose
-especially when it’s all rosy from the cold
-in terms of clothes sharing
-i feel like leo is more of a ‘let me try on your clothes that are too small for me for laughs’ guy than a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’ type of guy
-which makes me sad
-but it’s okay because he will still give you clothes if ur cold and he will most certainly blush and pepper your face with kisses
-now with you being tiny and all he feels a certain sense of protectiveness
-not that you can’t handle yourself yk being a demigod and all
-but he’s lost enough people and he will not let anyone hurt you
-anyone messes with you they mess with him
-which isn’t very intimidating as he’s also short
-but he makes up for it with attitude
-all in all leo will be a bitch about your height but he will also love being taller just the same
connor stoll:
-next comes my one of my favourite demigods
-idk why i love him so much but i do so ya
-let’s start with his height bc he’s a tall lad
-all we get from the books is ‘tall’
-so i hc him to be around 6’3
-i also think travis is about 6’2 so a little bit shorter than connor
-and boy he will not shut up about it
-but i’m getting carried away
-as you can imagine this is a biggg height difference
-probably the biggest one i’m gonna be writing about
-it’s like 15-16 inches so ya
-you don’t even come up to his shoulder
-kisses are always a struggle but you make do
-he picks you up
-you stand on a chair
-he sits on a chair
-it works fine
-he is another little shit
-wow i seem to have a type
-this time it’s even more extreme of a height difference tho so it’ll be sooo fun for you
-that was very sarcastic if you couldn’t tell ^
-he will toss you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and parade you around while you whack at his back
-and if you ask him to get something for you
-don’t expect it within the next hundred years because he will hold it just out of your reach so you have to literally climb him to get it
-unless it’s something you need of course because he’s secretly a sweetheart that would so anything for you
-in terms of cuddling, im assuming you already know it would be very hard for you to be the big spoon
-wow i just realized that this height difference is giving those draco fanfics where y/n is like 4’11 and not like other girls
-back to cuddling tho
-i think it would be okay because i see him as more of a big spoon anyway
-or he would like to have you lying on his chest
-omg i’m just picturing the whole him in sweatpants like rly low down on his waist with no shirt because you’re in his shirt which is way to big lying for you lying on his chest in bed
-i’m swooning
-but ya
-i feel like occasionally he would lie like lower on the bed with his head between your legs on his back
-so like the back of his head is resting on your stomach
-idk how to explain this properly i hope that made sense
-speaking of clothes tho
-i think he is more of a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’ guy
-only because he may rip your clothes if he tried them on
-if you were more similar in height he would totally be stealing your shirts and putting on a goofy fashion show for you
-and like i mentioned before his shirts are huge on you
-it’s adorable
-now for him the whole protectiveness is stumping me
-i feel like he would kinda respect you and know that you can handle yourself
-because you are like a badass
-but i feel like his whole protectiveness would come out more if a guy was like hitting on you and got handsy
-scary boyfriend privileges coming out
-in battle he would for sure try to protect you but not rly any more than you would try to protect him
-your amazingness makes up for the height in battle
-i generally feel like protectiveness in battle would be about equal both ways
-and he’s the quiet jealous type so i feel like if a guy was like flirting he wouldn’t necessarily do anything
-only if the guy got like to touchy or aggressive like i mentioned before
-wow i really rambled for connor
-i’m sorry i just love him so much
-so all in all he would be annoying but he would have so much respect for you and your abilities even with your height
gilbert blythe:
-alright we’re switching fandoms now
-for the first time in forever i don’t think he’s a little shit about your height
-gilbert is around 5’8
-but for my self indulgence let’s say he’s around 5’10
-because he gives decently tall guy vibes
-so that means we have ourselves a height difference of around 10-11 inches
-he really just sees your height as a way to coddle and protect you
-which obviously you don’t need
-but it being the late 19th century we got all the big strong man stereotypes
-he’s not possessive or anything though
-just protective
-especially from a certain someone
-*cough* billy *cough*
-we all know billy is a grade a asshole
-and it’s even better that my phone just tried to autocorrect billy to bully
-quite fitting
-as for cuddling
-gilbert is a big spoon
-and i am set on that
-he also loves being on the couch and just holding you in his arms while your head rests on his chest
-maybe he’s reading to you
-gosh i’m soft for him
-so the height difference works perfectly for you guys with cuddling
-and yes he is a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-i will stand by this until i die
-wear his sweater and he might just blow up on the spot
-from how adorable you are of course
-gilbert is just a sweetheart and such a simp that will do anything for you
-he doesn’t really look too much into the height difference
-he just loves you
carter kane:
-were heading back to the riordanverse because i am unorganized as heck
-i haven’t read the books in a while so bear with me if i make some mistakes
-i saw somewhere on the internet that carter is 5’6
-and sadie is too
-i think i can see this for the age he is in the books
-but when he’s older i’m picturing like 5’11
-because i hc that our boy had late puberty and a late growth spurt
-sorry sadie
-i hope you enjoyed the small amount of time being taller than him
-so ima talk about little carter when he’s still a shorty
-i don’t think he ever really payed attention to his height
-or others heights for that matter
-my guy was travelling so much and had like no friends his age so i don’t think he had much of a perception of how tall he should be
-at least until him and sadie were reunited
-then the teasing was relentless
-for the sake of this let’s say you either came to brooklyn house with them or were already there idc
-so then he saw you and noted that you were short
-yk a little mental note
-‘hey sadie y/n’s shorter why don’t you tease them instead’
-but it’s a sibling thing
-even considering that i don’t think he cares that much about height
-he just wants an inch on his sister
-cuddling with him is awkward but i think he’s pretty flexible with big spoon/little spoon stuff and your height difference isn’t so drastic that you can’t spoon him
-cuddling with him is pretty versatile
-i’m terms of clothes
-i saw someone say that he will leave his sweaters in random places for his s/o to find and hopefully wear
-i love it
-it’s perfect because he’s so awkward but he is definitely a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-i can’t remember who said this tho so if you find them please lmk and i’ll give credit
-now protectiveness is difficult for him
-he’s such a worry wart
-and a total mom
-so he like wants you to be safe and wants to protect you in battle and stuff
-so he used his height to help with that
-even though you’ve told him so many times that you are fine
-now when he’s in his godly avatar thing
-major height difference
-i’m joking
-let’s not get into that
-imaging kissing like this big chicken warrior head
-no thanks
-again i just think carter doesn’t really care about his height difference with you
-he just loves you
kate bishop:
-last but not least is miss kate
-i was originally going to do all boys for this but my bisexual ass couldn’t resist kate
-so kate is about 5’8
-and i like that
-nice solid height
-a bit tall for a girl
-but isn’t everything about kate perfect
-i feel like she lies somewhere in between being a little shit and a sweetheart
-because she is so confident and cocky
-but it’s hot and she’s a woman so it’s okay
-on the other hand she gives massive simp vibes
-because she is my favourite golden retriever character
-i feel like some people may disagree but i feel like she’s a big spoon
-that also may be biased though as i love to be the little spoon sooo
-it’s okay tho
-i feel like she likes you to be facing her while cuddling though
-and size works out for you guys because she is bigger and also the big spoon
-if you desperately want her to be the little spoon i can see that too
-and for little spoon kate i feel like you wouldn’t really have an option no matter your size
-you just gotta make it work
-because i see her as a little whiny poop
-big spoon kate is too tho
-who are we kidding
-she was spoiled growing up
-she’s not bad spoiled tho
-now onto clothes
-i think she’s both a ‘let me try on your clothes that are too small for me for laughs’ and a ‘wear my clothes that are too big for you and i’ll swoon’
-but i think she is more the latter
-for protectiveness i have two different cases here
-let’s say that you are an avenger/super hero/fighter or wtv for our first scenario
-she would totally be protective
-you’re her love
-she needs to keep you safe
-and you are also small
-more excuses for kate to be protective
-i feel like no matter your height tho she is just a protective person by nature
-so in battle she would be watching you in her peripheral vision all the time
-not that you aren’t doing the same tho
-option two
-you are not an avenger/super hero/fighter
-you are an average person
-don’t you just love the idea of have a tall sexy woman as your like personal body gaurd
-because i sure do
-dream come true
-but honestly
-you would probably get roped into her business with the tracksuit mafia so you are in danger a lot during that period of time
-and she’s the sweetest
-it’s a sad fact but we all know that shorter people are easier targets for bad people
-so she would be so cautious
-only because she loves you though
-she definitely protective
-especially of you
-and she for sure loves the height difference
thanks for reading and lmk if you want me to do hcs for a tall s/o!!
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astrolovecosmos · 1 year
✨Neighboring Signs and their Similarities✨
Aries & Taurus
They share ambition or determination, Aries is famous for honesty or bluntness and Taurus is famous for being trustworthy or down to earth - both seem straightforward or reliable, Aries is passionate in relationships and Taurus romantic, Aries wants to take the lead, be the start, or influence but Taurus wants to manage, control, or possess, both may have a jealous side, and both have horns 😈
Taurus & Gemini Both are creative/artistic/imaginative, logical, analytical, welcoming or friendly, Taurus is level-headed and patient while Gemini is easygoing and sometimes open-minded, and both don't easily share their emotions or sensitivities. 🕵️
Gemini & Cancer
Both are adaptable, easygoing, changeable, creative or imaginative, Gemini has good social skills and intelligence while Cancer is perceptive and intuitive, Gemini is supportive and Cancer nurturing, both can be forgiving, both can get more easily overwhelmed than they let on, and both are used to being called crazy. 🤪
Cancer & Leo
They value loyalty and family or community involvement, both may take pride in family and friends, both are creative, affectionate, romantic, protective, and giving, Cancer hides deep sensitivity behind a hard shell and Leo does this with confidence or arrogance, both are hardworking, both may be patriotic or traditional somehow, and both can be kings of their realms. 👑🦀🦁
Leo & Virgo
They are all about high standards, both can have a harsh side, both are dependable, hardworking, perfectionist, giving, and caring, Leo can be demanding and Virgo critical, they both appreciate quality, both want to feel appreciated or seen, both are likely to be highly skilled or knowledgeable in their fields, and both are likely self-proclaimed problem solvers. 😶 
Virgo & Libra
Both are adaptable, cooperative, supportive, communicative, logical, value intelligence, are patient and level-headed, both may appreciate aesthetics and unique or artistic skills, Libra seeks balance, harmony, and peace while Virgo seeks perfection, both may hide flaws, and both may have a fickle or evasive side. 😵
Libra & Scorpio
Scorpio goes from one extreme to the next while Libra is trying to balance their extremes or depths, both are creative, romantic, and maybe flirty, both attract, Libra craves connection and Scorpio intimacy, both can be masterfully manipulative or deceptive, both may struggle with secret jealousy or competition, and there may be a chance both have their eye on the same person. 💔👀 Scorpio & Sagittarius
Both are brave, risk takers, passionate, competitive, confident, and possibly sarcastic or snarky, Sagittarius is the storyteller, maybe the salesman while Scorpio is the puppet master, the influencer - they have their methods to getting what they want, both can be inspiring, Sagittarius embraces their individuality and messiness while Scorpio embraces their darkness, intensity, or depth, and both aren't afraid to call bluffs. 😏 
Sagittarius & Capricorn
Both can be blunt, resourceful, adaptable, self-reliant, Sagittarius has a reputation for good luck and Capricorn bad luck or hard luck, both can be low-key indulgent, maybe hedonistic, Sagittarius is always looking for the next new, big, or better thing while Capricorn is hungry and ambitious, both can be hard to satisfy, both may go through "want what they can't have" phases, both can have complicated relationships with wisdom, maturity, and responsibility, and both may highly regard integrity or honor in their own way.🎖️
Capricorn & Aquarius
Both are known for being cool or cold, they share practicality, logic, a degree of independence and reliability, may share an uncommon sense of humor, they can have a deadly serious side, Capricorn is ambitious and Aquarius a visionary, Capricorn can be a leader, controlling, and wants respect or trust while Aquarius can also be a leader and is charismatic and persuasive, both pay a lot of attention to society or groups, and both can be impatient with those who have opposite views as them. ❄️🌬️
Aquarius & Pisces
They likely share humanitarian views or traits, both value or express kindness, basic respect, and tolerance, both are likely open-minded, may be imaginative or innovative, Pisces is easygoing and flexible while Aquarius despite being a fixed sign values and is skilled in cooperation and networking, both prefer to solve problems or conflict with words or avoidance than head-on confrontation, both will still speak their minds, and both frequently get compared to mermaids. 🧜‍♀️
Pisces & Aries
Both are affectionate, romantic, ardent, emotionally volatile, and generous, both have a spontaneous side, Aries acts on pure impulse and instinct and Pisces moods or intuition, Pisces is associated with death and rebirth while Aries is associated with birth and newness, Aries is associated with separation and starting/being first while Pisces is associated with the end or last and coming together or wholeness, both can be idealistic, both can easily fall in love or infatuation, and both are dramatic.🎭
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the-lavender-clown · 2 months
It’s Raphael’s turn for introduction!
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Raphael is the second oldest (by 15 minutes) and co-leader with his twin Donatello. He was mutated into a Galapagos Tortoise at the age of 12 after being kidnapped by the EPF.
Raph is gruff, a hot head, and highly sarcastic but has the biggest soft spot for his family, to the point that he struggles to stick to the punishments he and Donnie give to the younger two. He thinks of himself as a shield or battering ram, always there to protect and defend his family.
He’s a very physical person. It’s how he shows affection, relieves stress, and works through his thoughts. He was on the same junior hockey team as his best friend, Casey Jones, and worked hard as a student in his father’s dojo as a child. Even now the dojo in their subway home is where you can most often find him, with Leo possibly near by watching. If he’s nowhere to be found in the lair then he’s likely up top letting off some steam by beating up criminals and bringing vigilante justice to the streets and as long as he’s home by 3 am with nothing broken he won’t get into too much trouble with his twin.
Raph is also the main cook in the family (tho Mikey sometimes likes to help out) and quite the spice king. He also enjoys fiber crafts and makes a lot of his family’s clothes by patching together what they can grab from donation bins or crocheting/knitting them himself.
Raph also goes by El (Donnie exclusively), Raphie (mainly by Donnie, Casey, and Mikey to annoy him), and Ralph (Casey)
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hopeyarts · 3 months
Wish AU (not a rewrite) is inspired by folklore dragons guarding treasures and basic medieval stuff, as well as a sprinkle of the Wish concepts. Most characters will be OUT OF CHARACTER from the movie, so just fyi. They’re all fictional and the story is fictional. This is all for fun! 🥰
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Takes place in the kingdom of Rosas ruled over by two dragon-shapeshifters named Emperor Magnifico and Empress Amaya. The city of Rosas has wishless citizens while a village in the uncharted forests holds a small community of outsiders who escaped with most of them having their wishes. The once lively and beautiful kingdom used to be ruled by former King Tomás and former Queen Sakina, who are both alive. They believed in the stars to guide them and the philosophies of astronomy and such.
In this AU, wishes are more than someone’s dream and rather their literal heart and soul, also their own magic! I’m calling it a wish because wishes are formed from these, and I dunno what else to call them. So a wish isn’t what you desire like a new guitar or to fly, but it is the ‘spark in your heart’ and your motivation to pursue something more for yourself and everyone. Without your wish, you are practically empty inside and have a lingering sense of both weariness and sorrow, with a hint of trepidation. If your wish is crushed, you are held down by waves of severe depression and grief similar to losing someone close to you. You have a pain in your heart (so literally a broken heart) and can result in death after a short period of time. So you’ve lost a literal part of your being and it lasts forever, unless you reclaim that part of your soul back. Also the more selfless a wish is, the more powerful it is. A quote that inspired this is, “A life without passion is not living, it’s merely existing” - Leo Buscaglia. Just my interpretation on how ‘wishes’ should be! And it makes the stakes higher.
Emperor Magnifico and Empress Amaya keep these ‘orbs of souls’ (kind of like Ursula) aka wishes in exchange for people to continue to live on the island (because what’s a kingdom without its people?). They don’t grant wishes, but they do hoard them in a room and dote on their beauties like its treasure (just like how some dragons collect gold and such). Otherwise, they crush the most selfless wishes in order to absorb their magic and stay strong. They’re not exactly evil, but they’re cocky and greedy and love to uphold their own appearances (I mean, come on look at them they’re gorgeous). As dragon-shapeshifters, they see regular humans are inferior and don’t really understand that they’re hurting the people. Kind of like when a kid messes around with ants.
Princess Asha and her family managed to get some of their people out of the city and into a refugee village named Hamlet to avoid the royal dragons, but some of them still got their wishes stolen from them. Former King Tomás is one of them, whose ‘wish’ is very selfless according to the royal dragons. Princess Asha, who believes in the stars because of her father’s stories, makes a plea to the sky for an answer to their problem. Star comes down as its usual form from the movie and helps her. Star can shapeshift into different beings, but only mythical and normal animals and cannot talk. Asha also has a companion named Valentino, who is a grumpy, strong grown goat. He can talk when Star gives him a voice, but he isn’t annoying and doesn’t make jokes. Star and Valentino have a fun dynamic where they’re frenemies but it’s one-sided on Val’s part.
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Princess Asha in this AU has the personalities of Mulan, Tiana, and Belle. Asha is witty, studious, and sarcastic but displays moments of sincerity. She is also very determined and head-strong to get her kingdom back and restore everyone’s hearts. She has proven to be a responsible and talented young woman, and is capable of hand-to-hand combat. She is NOT quirky, but she has some cute moments. She equips a sword with her at all times ever since the invasion and hunts for food for her people in Hamlet. She does a lot for her community and often tries to venture off to the city, but her parents tell her otherwise. When her father, King Tomás, is on his deathbed after his wish is crushed at the start, Asha dedicates herself to bring the kingdom back to its glory. Her mother tries to keep Asha safe with her in Hamlet, but Asha refuses to give up and travels to the city to save her people. Sabino does exist in this AU as the first king before his son, Tomás, but he is now retired and serves as a source of wisdom for Princess Asha. He dies at the start naturally from age.
I’ll try to include all seven of her friends but give them more personality. Her friends are with her in Hamlet and she brings them along at some point to help save the kingdom. I’m also including an additional character from one of the deleted scenes whose name is Flazino who was King Magnifico’s previous apprentice and wished to study magic. In this AU, Flazino will be a boy who learned some magic himself inspired by former King Tomás’ philosophies and studied to be the kingdom’s court mage and is Asha’s love interest (am I the first to ship Asha and Flazino? Lol). Flazino was also captured by Emperor Magnifico and Empress Amaya, mainly to tease Asha.
Again, the royal dragons are practically messing with the humans while not entirely realizing what they’re doing. Or maybe they do? Still figuring that part out. But the ending involves Asha being a knight-in-shining-armor for Flazino, and she also tries to compromise with the royal dragons.
I have some fun little comics and drawings in mind! And the designs 🤭 I’m gonna love making those. Still a WIP!
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pageofheartdj · 10 months
What to do when you have two favourite shows at the same time? Combine them xD
In my case, BigFam AU XD
Hunter is a responsible and stressed big brother like Raph(and still is a crazy teen)!! xD Vee is a chill sibling like Leo(and now I need her to have his sense of humour xD), Luz is as bombastic and supportive as April, a non-magical sibling among magical siblings xD King is sarcastic and dramatic like Donnie and Collector is cheerful like Mikey who is too chaotic and destructive (and their empathies are switched!)xD
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teetle-time · 7 months
Live or Die, Man, We Need Each Other (Part 1 of ???)
Shortly after the invasion, Leo and his brothers go on their first post-Krang mission: stopping a different ominous group of occultists from summoning a being of unknowable power from another (non-prison) dimension to wreak havoc. Evil never rests, after all, even if he and his bros should probably still be recovering from their last big all-out battle.
Meanwhile, Danny just wants to take a fucking nap.
Surely this won't turn into something absolutely massive in scale that sucks them all in.
(or, so do yall remember that Danny Phantom crossover that's been haunting me? yeah lol behold. throwing some ghost king danny in a blender with the rise guys and some classic tmnt tropes that rise never really got a chance to explore, with an eventual side of textfic/chatfic, jack and maddie fenton trying to be good parents, dani, the epf, the giw, roughly one and a half farmhouse arcs, rise-ifications of minor characters from previous tmnt iterations, and *checks notes* shelldon my son <3)
Not actually posting to ao3 right away this time I think- I kinda wanna polish/tweak this bit a lil more first, but I figured this first bit works well enough on its own! also i wanted to infect yall w/ the brainworms because a mere 8 dp-only xovers on ao3 feels like it should be illegal <3
There was an electric charge in the air as Leo peered down at the cultists from the rafters.
Considering the fact that the charge felt like a portal despite Leo's lack of portaling intent, he would bet away his rights to the final pizza slice for a month that something was about to come through.
The cult below (not the Foot, shockingly enough) had chanted enough Latin that Donnie had gone pale upon checking his tech for a translation, so that 'something' probably wasn't good, either.
Just how Leo wanted to spend the end of his first full day off his crutches.
(Idly, he wondered if there was any point to being so bitingly sarcastic in his own mind when nobody could hear him anyway.)
He met Raph's eyes, then Mikey's, then Donnie's, each of them mirroring his own resignation and resolve.
"Veni ad nos, Rex inquieti Mortuorum!" cried the cultists as one. "Veni ad nos ut serviamus tuo glorioso proposito in mundo viventium!"
Leo opened the mind meld for a split second. Right, so I caught "rex," "mortuorum," and "serviamus." All in favor of sending these idiots to the Pain Train?
That got matching smirks from his brothers, and Leo grinned back before flipping down from the ceiling and dropping into the main mass of observing cultists. "Hey, guys, I think I got a bit lost. I was looking for the bathroom, but it looks like I found a bunch of would-be world-conquerers instead!"
The face of one of the lead cultists, the one at the head of the summoning circle, contorted into an expression of rage almost comically intense- and, to be quite honest, second only to Casey's extremely emotive face.
And then the rest of the cultists swarmed him.
Luckily, his brothers had only been a split second behind him, and the four of them wove between cultists with ease when possible and laid the hurt on 'em when slipping through wasn't an option.
"We gotta break that circle!" called Mikey worriedly. "Barry told me even circles half as ornate still summon things way above our pay grade!"
"We're getting paid?" quipped Leo, even as he zeroed in on the circle and slashed his katanas through the air. "What, we get an allowance now?"
No portal of his own appeared, his energy immediately flowing into the air just above the circle instead. Lovely.
As Leo inwardly rolled his eyes and just pressed further through the mass of people, Raph's crimson projection shot overhead. "POWER SMASH JUTSU!"
While Raph did successfully manage to bring his glowing fists down on the circle with enough force to shake the ground and knock the cultists nearest him off their feet, the circle only glowed an ominous acid green, completely untouched despite the now-massive cracks in the concrete around it.
The lead cultist laughed from where he'd fallen to the ground. "Yes! Yes! The King has heard our call and is coming to do our bidding!"
Leo watched in horror as the acid green crackled into icy blue, and as the temperature plummeted, an eerie voice rang through the warehouse.
"Uh, the only bidding I was planning on doing today was in an online auction for a rare piece of Dumpty Humpty merch."
All motion froze, and Leo found himself gawking as smoke billowed from the circle before coalescing into…a white-haired humanoid teenager.
"And I'm pretty sure that auction just got sniped from me with 10 seconds left on the clock, but instead of getting the chance to snipe it back, I got yanked out here," snarked the teenager, glaring at the hooded cultists with eyes the same acid green as the circle had been.
One of his eyebrows lifted slightly at the sight of Leo and his bros, but otherwise he paid them no mind.
One of the cultists spluttered. "What-?! You're not the Ghost King!"
The teen's face went flat. "No, actually, I'm pretty sure I am. Wasn't planning on it, but, yknow, the old guy picked a fight with me a few years back. If it's him you wanted, uh…you're shit outta luck. I don't really do things his way."
The cultists all started turning towards the teen in anger, but-
One single flick of his wrist, and the cultists were all encased in ice, save for small holes just in front of their noses and mouths.
That was all it took.
The teen groaned and dropped his head into his hands, some of the eerie reverb fading from his voice. "And today's a test day."
"Uhhh…" said Leo intelligently.
The teen stiffened, then stood up straight and scratched at the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "Ah, shit, sorry about all this. Were these idiots trying to sacrifice you? Cultists have a tendency to do that, even though I keep telling them not to."
"Um, no…Your Majesty…?" tried Raph, his voice rising to a squeak at the end.
"Ugh, ew, please no." The teen grimaced. "You can just call me Phantom. Or my first name, but I'm not really sure I wanna say that out loud with these guys right here." He hooked a thumb over his shoulder at one of the cultists, who helpfully made a furious little peep in the ice.
"Fair enough," said Mikey, getting his metaphorical feet under him just before Leo could. He clapped his hands together cheerfully, and only Leo's lifetime of growing up with Mikey let him still see his younger brother's nerves. "So, are there any rules or anything for that summoning circle that need to be put into action before you can go back to your online auctions?"
Phantom shrugged. "I mean, technically if there's still somebody conscious around, I still have to make a deal before I can leave, but I'd be willing to get these guys to the cops with evidence of their crimes in exchange for directions back to Illinois."
Leo met Donnie's eyes. He could see the urge to ask Phantom every question in the English language.
Donnie shot him a pleading look.
Leo pressed his beak together thinly, then smiled at Phantom. "As long as that evidence doesn't include us four. And also my twin bro over there wants to be able to ask you things. Probably all the things."
"I can keep you out of it," Phantom agreed immediately. "I know what it's like to wanna stay on the down-low, trust me. Though…I probably can't stay very long, but I can make an email address so we can keep in touch?"
"That would be splendid!" declared Donnie, a grin already splitting his face.
"Sweet," said Phantom. With a snap of his fingers, the cultists and their icy cases shot out the door, the circle's light died, and a slip of paper appeared in front of Donnie. "Now, uh…how do I get to Illinois?"
Seeing Donnie preoccupied with entering the text on the paper into his systems, Leo went to pull out his phone, but Raph beat him to it, already opening up TelloMaps and showing Phantom. "Well, it's a bit of a ways away, but-"
Phantom's hands flew up to grab at his hair. "I'M IN NEW YORK?!"
Leo frowned. "Hey, what's wrong with New York?"
"Nothing!" said Phantom far too cheerily, already lifting into the air. "Except! It is an almost 900 mile flight and I have cl-uh, gotta be somewhere in under two hours! Gotta go, I'll keep in touch, can't stay any longer BYE!"
And he shot out one of the upper windows in a flash, leaving only a skybound sonic boom in his wake.
Leo blinked. "…huh. D'ya think he knows I could just portal him there, or…?"
Mikey visibly deflated into Donnie's side. "Ohhhmegosh, Barry's gonna lose it when I tell him about this."
"Woah, woah, hold on, who says we gotta tell him anything?" Leo asked.
"Bro, the 'old guy' Phantom mentioned?" Mikey quirked a brow ridge at him. "That'd be Pariah Dark, a violent ghost who ascended to the ghost throne right about when humanity was learning about this hot new thing called 'fire.' Barry taught me about it on, like, my second day of mystic training. Dude was so big and bad his subjects had to revolt and lock him up, like the Shredder on steroids except without the evil armor possessing him."
Donnie pressed his palms together and lifted them against his beak, the perfect picture of someone who'd just realized something horrifying. "Is the throne passed down through, perchance, a line of conquest?"
Mikey nodded. "But usually mystics tend to figure that anybody who could beat Pariah Flippin' Dark would be even bigger and badder than him. Except…"
Raph's face was turned down in a thoughtful frown. "He sounded…kinda like a normal human teenager our age. Except for the 'dead' thing. Did he actually mention Dumpty Humpty, or was Raph just hearing things?"
"If he'd known there'd been a change in power, Barry would've told me," Mikey continued. "Not just because I'm his favorite, but because he knows I'm just chaotic enough to think about trying bigger things on my own, and learning about the Ghost King is kinda huge."
"Only thinking, though, right, Mikey?" prodded Raph sternly.
"Scout's honor!" chirped he immediately.
"Is that even something we can say after we failed at being Todd Scouts…?" Leo trailed off.
"Casey made me an honorary Brownie Scout when she came to visit after the invasion and you guys were all out cold," said Mikey unapologetically.
"I wonder what happened 'a few years back,' and what a white-haired fellow teen from Illinois had to do with it," mused Donnie, helpfully bringing the conversation back around to the important bit.
"Betcha Hueso might be in the know," Leo suggested. "He's a yokai instead of a ghost, but being a skeleton yokai might mean he knows stuff like this."
"Let's get home before we do anything else," said Raph. "I can see Leo's legs shaking under his weight."
"What?" Leo protested. "My legs aren't-!"
Unhelpfully, his knees knocked together hard enough to draw his attention to where they were, in fact, shaking from the effort of holding himself up.
"Ah, crud," Leo groaned. "Never mind. I can still portal us home, though, at least."
"That's what I thought," Raph snorted. "Besides, I think this whole Ghost King mess can probably wait until we're all sitting down, if that's the new guy."
Mikey nodded. "Gotta give ya that. Barry'll probably still make a funny face, though."
"Eh, let him." Leo hefted himself up onto Raph's shell, then leaned to the side and sliced a portal open. "Vámanos!"
As Danny streaked over Pennsylvania, he dug out his phone and started tapping at the email app Tucker had coded a few months back. It'd been mostly for laughs- who on Team Phantom even needed email when they all had Fenton Phones? and even regular phones, nowadays?- but it was just as secure as everything else Tucker made, and as it turned out, it was exactly what he needed this morning.
Better to have it open in the background so he knew when the purple turtle guy got around to emailing him.
Once he made sure he still remembered his password, he pocketed the phone again and pushed himself a little faster. He'd clearly gotten faster since the last time he'd checked- the sonic boom was honestly his first clue- but he couldn't keep that kind of speed up for very long yet, and he was still over…looked like Ohio, now.
Oh, wait, there was a 'welcome to Ohio' sign just up ahead- and he passed it.
Now he was in Ohio.
All that to say, he still couldn't afford to slow down in distraction for very long if he wanted to get to class in a bit more than an hour.
As if waiting for Danny to think exactly that, his phone buzzed.
He tugged it back out to check, and it buzzed again in his hand.
The first notification was a text from Jazz: 'I saw you weren't in your room just now. Fight or flight?'
The second was an email from an [email protected] an email that seemed more like an essay, if the shortened version in the notification meant anything.
Danny grimaced, made sure he was aligned with a highway down below so he wouldn't drift off-course, and tapped out a response for Jazz.
'flight. bookin it rn, p far. tell u later, but im ok'
She responded with an immediate thumbs-up and smiley emoji combo.
"Never change, Jazz," Danny huffed with a grin.
Then he tried to look at the email.
'Tried' being the key word.
Luckily, the purple turtle had prefaced his email with the sentences 'You are welcome to answer this once you have the time. You did mention being in a rush at the moment.'
Relieved, Danny shoved his phone back in his pocket and turned his attention towards his own personal Get-Back-Home 100% Speedrun.
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artebris · 28 days
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Stars and Thoughts
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Hogwarts Legacy Characters Zodiac
(Just some thoughts about main student Characters signs, as I know the Zodiac from experience speaking to people around, with any offenses to others <3)
MC: Virgo ♍️
My MC character is a Virgo, close to Libra. Collected, clear, stable Earth sign. They are loyal, ambitious, sometimes even sarcastic and toxic, hard to reassure or change their mind. But closeness to Libra balances out excessive persistence and harshness. Good and talented learner, loyal friend, cleaning maniac, order fanatic with calm but tough character.
Ominis Gaunt: Scorpio ♏️
Ominis is a classic early Scorpio, born in the end of October/beginning of November, from 25.10 to 10.11 to my taste. He is also close to Libra, which makes him a smooth Scorpio. Mysterious, with unique appearance, sarcastic, with amazing humor sense, calm, not very talkative, attentive, strict and just. You are afraid to come close and speak to them, thinking they would sting you hard, they seem too dangerous to approach to… But if you are brave enough, you shall know how kind their heart is and how vulnerable they are inside. Their sting is only a mean to protect their gentle soul.
Sebastian Sallow: Leo ♌️
Early, July Leo, very close to Cancer. Still emotional and vulnerable as a Cancer, but already self-lover and arrogant as a Leo. Thinks he is a center of the Universe and the world is spinning around him, yet, when the truth hits hard, he can break into open and uncontrollable emotions mixed in Water and Fire. Stylish. Self-confident. Claims a crown, world and wealth before he earns it, ambitious, charismatic, energetic, chaotic, unstable and warm. Can be an arrogant king and a crying baby, sometimes at the same time.
Garreth Weasley: Aquarius ♒️
Typical, absolute Aquarius. Born somewhere in the middle of February. Absolutely on their mind, full of new ideas. Creative rebels, going against the system, having their own thoughts about everyone and everything. Calm until they have a new absurd idea, inspired, stubborn, experimental. Fails don’t scare them, they are ready to try again, again, again and again, creating their own worlds. Can be a pain in the ass, never give too much attention to safety, they are never bored and people around are never bored both them. In both good and bad sense.
Natsai Onai: Capricorn ♑️
The beginning or the middle of January. Stable. Serious. Kind. Calm and just, emotionally conscious, aware, you can always rely on them. They are prudent and smart, do not give up in difficult situations and always try to solve the problem. If they have something in mind, they will see it through to the end, sacrificing themselves with a straight smiling face. Talented and stubborn in their studies, careful, diligent, decent, logical and hell of hard working.
Amit Thakkar: Gemini ♊️
June ending, the closeness to Cancer makes him a mumbling talkative and emotional baby. You cannot ever shut them up, but you don’t really want it. Curious, wondrous, greedy learners and readers, dreamers, open mind, but unable to step much outside the box. They are scared of something that is more than written in their book, but they know the subject perfectly. They need a huge amount of time to recover from stress and an ear that is ready to listen about their horrible adventure, slowly turning into a scientific monologue.
Poppy Sweeting: Aries ♈️
Born in the middle of April or end of it, closer to Taurus. Stubborn and focused. They look quite innocent and casual, but are capable to be extremely surprising anyone with their zeal to achieve their goal. They have a sharp look and a brave, kind, loyal heart. Can be absolutely crazy and reckless in a good sense of those words, being a complete angel outside. Being close to Taurus also makes them loyal and grounded, calm, but still stubborn and burning with idea they have in mind.
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skyfallslayer · 2 months
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Part 2 || Part 3
So... what if the MCU meet FMAB? This started with me comparing Yelena and Bucky to Riza and Roy and then this happen (It was also an excuse to play around with different hairstyles for them. lol).
Took me about an hour to write out the whole lore, and I'm sure I'll add more to it with each fanart. Might make a fic about it if anyone's interested 👀.
Major Peter (Stark) Parker - Aliases: “Hero of the People”, Tom (Codename), Underoos, Shorty || August 10th, 1899 (Leo) || Major - The “Iron-Spider Alchemist”
Morgan (Stark) Parker - Aliases: “Armored Alchemist”, Maguna, Armored Girl || May 29th, 1900 (Gemini)
In this AU, Peter and Morgan are full blood siblings born a year apart. Their mother dies a few days after giving birth to her daughter, and out of fear for the safety of his children from a certain “someone”, their father, Tony Stark, leaves his kids with a family friend: Maybelle Parker.
Besides looking like they could be kin, They’re given their “mother’s” last name for extra protection.
May, honoring Tony’s wishes, also never tells the children about him and what he is, and his plans for leaving; For all they know is May’s late husband, Ben, is their real father. 
The kids grow up believing May was their real mother, but sadly, an outbreak of a fatal disease takes her from them. They eventually train in alchemy and attempt the ultimate taboo, human transmutation.
The attempt fails, and Peter loses his left leg, and Morgan loses her entire body. In a split second decision, Peter seals his sister’s soul to an old suit of armor and loses his right arm in the process. 
Peter is eventually scouted out by a member of the military and is offered a way to hunt down information to regain their bodies back without any repercussions. 
Colonel James “Bucky” Barnes - Unit Commander || Aliases: “Hero of Sokovia”, Sebastian (Codename), King, Winter Soldier || March 10th, 1885 (Pisces) || Corporal (Pre-War), Major (During Inhuman War), Lieutenant Colonel (Pre-Canon), Present: Colonel - “Cryo-Flame Alchemist”
Bucky earned the nickname: “Hero of Sokovia” for wiping out most of the inhumans, which are the people who reside in that city. It’s a name that he detested, even more than the other nickname he got: “The Winter Soldier”.
His left arm was severely burned during the war, resulting in blotty patches/scars. 
He was originally known as the “Flame” before being rebranded to “Cryo-Flame” after learning a second alchemy type, which he turned towards after his injury (hence the ice theme nickname).
When the war ended, he was filled with guilt and disgusted how the country was run, and vowed to make sure to protect his loved ones and become Fürher.
Bucky is Roy in this AU because of the lot of similarities in their personalities. They’re both loyal, headstrong, and protective, but they’re a bit of a tease and very flirtatious. 
1st Lieutenant Yelena Belova - Adjutant || Aliases: “The Widow’s Eye”, Florence (Codename), Queen || June 22nd, 1889 (Cancer) || Warrant Officer (During Inhuman War) 
Earns the nickname: “The Widow’s Eye” for being the top sniper in the academy. 
Had a rough childhood, starting with her mother dying early on, and has her father’s alchemy research tattooed on her back. The only person who knows of this was her father’s apprentice, and soon-to-be boss, Bucky.
With guilt eating away, and grateful that Bucky was loyal to keeping it a secret, she decides to assign under him after the war is over, and swears to protect him for as long as she’s alive (or swears to shoot him if he goes out of line).
Despite her “stoic” exterior, she’s just like her MCU counterpart, still sarcastic and has ‘deadpan’ humor. 
Instead of Black Hayate, her MCU dog, Fanny, takes his place. 
2nd Lieutenant Sam Wilson - Officer-In-Charge & Medical Specialist || “The Falcon”, Anthony (Codename), Knight 
Takes place of the lovable himbo: Jean Havoc. They share a lot of similar personality traits and humor.
Earns the Nickname: “Falcon” for sharp-shooting skills.
Completely feel bad that he’ll get paralyzed in this AU too. 
2nd Lieutenant Peter Quill - Investigation Specialist || Chris (Codename), Rook 
Totally did not just made him Breda because they both have strawberry blonde hair 
^But honestly, I was mostly inspired to make him Breda when I rewatched the scene of Team Mustang reunited, and Breda was totally pumped with the idea of overthrowing the government. I’m 100% percent sure that’ll be something Quill would say. 
Quill’s still upbeat and sarcastic like his MCU counterpart, but just like the master thief he is, is intelligent and strategic. 
Master Sergeant Scott Lang - Mechanics & Communication Specialist || Paul (Codename), Scotty, Pawn 
Still has a daughter in this AU.
Both these characters are very kind and have good morals, and both can be rather stubborn if driven to a certain point. 
They’re also both great tacticians and engineers. They’re definitely the definition of “Work Smarter, Not Harder”.
Warrant Officer Stephan Strange - Information Specialist || Benedict (Codename), Bishop 
These two characters are very similar as well, and I chose Strange to be Falman in this AU because they both have a photographic memory. 
But just like his MCU counterpart, Strange still keeps his pride and ego, although it’s minimal here. 
He is still compassionate and can grow vulnerable to the people who are closest to him.
If you made it this far, then congrats? 😅 Hopefully, it wasn't too boring or overwhelming.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Funfact! Eros and Psyche are my actual parents and I am their child -Danny Words: 2,182 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Would've Could've Should've' -by Taylor Swift
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XXXVII: I Am So Very Extremely Extraordinarily Normal Right Now
Ara scans the crowd of mortals but no one gives her weird vibes yet, these kids look their age but they're here to enjoy the summer. Ara and her friends are here to fight a war, she envies them.
"Are you gonna tell me what you meant back in the ship or—"
Ara hushes him. "It's not safe."
Nico frowns. "Did you hear Nemesis? Or Janus?"
"No. It felt different," she says dryly. "Like it was threatening to hurt me if I didn't come along."
"Are you seeing this?" Jason points at an ice cream cart.
Nico stops and squints. "Maybe we should buy some ice cream."
Ara studies the appearance of the person Jason has spotted: a young man that reminds her of Leo if Leo were some king of wind spirit: handsome with dark curly hair and large warm-colored wings.
"He's not a returned spirit," Nico says deep in thought. "Or a creature of the Underworld."
"No. I doubt they would eat chocolate-covered ice cream bars," Jason mutters.
"So what is he?" Nico asks.
Ara has a bad feeling about him even if the guy looks harmless. He smiles before vanishing, but Jason can track his aura, so he takes the lead. Ara keeps her grip on Almighty firm and ready.
"I'm betting that's the palace," Jason points to the ruins. "Come on."
Her heart starts beating like crazy, she feels butterflies and her hands get clammy, and the symptoms do not match her usual anxiety, this feels like the kind of nerves she felt seated on the porch swing with Leo, all those months ago in camp.
"We've got to catch him," Jason prepares to fly. "Hold on." 
The boy seizes both Nico and Ara and flies them to the other side of the tall walls where there are more tourists, none of those mortals seem to notice them.
"A little warning would be nice!" Ara hisses. "Man, you can't just pick me up like that! Where are we anyway?"
"The peristyle. This was the entrance to Diocletian's private residence." Nico turns to Jason and glares at him. "And please, I don't like being touched. Don't ever grab me again."
Jason looks at both teens, both younger and smaller than him and yet more intimidating than he's comfortable admitting. "Uh, okay. Sorry. How do you know what this place is called?"
"I've been here before," Nico responds quietly. "With my mother and Bianca. A weekend trip from Venice. I was maybe... six?"
"That was when... the 1930s?"
"'Thirty-eight or so," Nico hums. "Why do you care? Do you see that winged guy anywhere?"
"No..." Jason says, eyeing the boy intently.
Ara's used to being the bad guy in Nico's eyes, and at this point, she doesn't care about upsetting him further, so she voices what Jason is thinking. "I think it's impressive that you've retained information of such an old memory, considering all you've been through."
Jason doesn't want them to fight when he's the only one around to stop them. "I agree, can't imagine how weird that must be, coming from another time."
"No, you can't," Nico snaps. Ara clears her throat, reminding him they've made a deal. The boy relaxes a bit. "Look... I don't like talking about it. Honestly, I think Hazel has it worse. She remembers more about when she was young. She had to come back from the dead and adjust to the modern world. Me... me and Bianca, we were stuck at the Lotus Hotel. Time passed so quickly. In a weird way, that made the transition easier."
"Percy told me about that place," Jason nods. "Seventy years, but it only felt like a month?"
Nico clenches his fist. "Yeah. I'm sure Percy and Ara told you all about me."
"Yeah, and how much of a nuance you are," Ara replies sarcastically. "I'm planning to kill you as soon as you're done helping us."
"That's not funny," Jason gives her a look.
"No, it's not," Ara agrees heatedly. "It's ridiculous that he thinks we're always trying to make him look bad in front of—"
"Well, you had no problem talking shit about me to Lily."
"That's not—"
"Roman dead are everywhere here..." Nico interrupts her, walking away. "Lares. Lemures. They're watching. They're angry. We shouldn't stay here for long."
"They're looking at us?" Jason tenses, reaching for his sword and kind of glad to have a way to derail the argument.
"At everything." Nico points ahead. "That used to be a temple to Jupiter. The Christians changed it to a baptistery. The Roman ghosts don't like that. And over there... That was the mausoleum of the emperor."
"But his tomb isn't there anymore," Jason responds.
"Not for centuries," Nico agrees. "When the empire collapsed, the building was turned into a Christian cathedral."
Jason swallowed. "So if Diocletian's ghost is still around here—"
"He's probably not happy."
Jason nudges her arm. "That way. The winged guy. Where do you think those stairs lead?"
"Underground," Nico smiles coldly. "My favorite place."
As they enter the passageway, Ara thinks about stuff she hasn't thought of in ages. It could be Athena's blessing, but she's thinking about how ephemeral the world she comes from is. One day it's there, then it's just a fun tourist attraction falling to pieces.
Her dreams, none of that will go anywhere. In the end, she'll die, and all that was precious to her will become ruins. It's pointless. Even her laurel wreath, given to her as a tribute to her sacrifices, will get buried under debris at some point. Nothing matters.
The girl gives a start. "Sorry, what?"
"The note," Jason tells her. "I asked if you could give it to me, I think this is a good place."
Ara draws out the note from her Octopi bag and hands it to him, he leaves it under a bust of Diocletian.
"Okay, that's done," Ara takes a deep breath, shaken by her disheartening thoughts. "Can we—"
"Hello!" Out of instinct, Jason cuts the statue's head. Ara pulls out Almighty too, finding the wind spirit they'd been following right behind them. "That wasn't very nice," he says. "I mean, what did Diocletian ever do to you?"
The statue fixes itself, and Jason glances at it before turning to the young man. "Uh—It was an accident. You startled me."
"Jason Grace, the West Wind has been called many things... Warm, gentle, life-giving, and devilishly handsome. But I have never been called startling. I leave that crass behavior to my gusty brethren in the north." The guy grins.
"The West Wind?" Nico takes a step forward. "You mean you're—"
"Favonius," Jason states. "God of the West Wind."
"You can call me by my Roman name, certainly, or Zephyros, if you're Greek. I'm not hung up about it."
"Why aren't your Greek and Roman sides in conflict, like the other gods?" Nico frowns.
"Oh, I have the occasional headache—Some mornings I'll wake up in a Greek chiton when I'm sure I went to sleep in my SPQR pajamas. But mostly the war doesn't bother me. I'm a minor god, you know—never really been much in the limelight. The to-and-fro battles among you demigods don't affect me as greatly."
Ara eyes him, his presence makes her uneasy. "And you're here to talk about...?"
"The sarcophagus of Diocletian," he answers. "This was its final resting place. The Christians moved it out of the mausoleum. Then some barbarians destroyed the coffin. I just wanted to show you that what you're looking for isn't here. My master has taken it."
Ara gets a gut reaction that makes her knees buckle. Her back hits the wall, this is far from good.
"Your master?" Jason asks in alarm. "Please tell me your master isn't Aeolus."
"That airhead? No, of course not," he laughs.
"He means Eros," Nico points out. "Cupid, in Latin."
"Very good, Nico di Angelo. I'm glad to see you again, by the way. It's been a long time."
"I've never met you," he steps back scowling.
"You've never seen me, but I've been watching you. When you came here as a small boy, and several times since. I knew eventually you would return to look upon my master's face." He turns to Ara, his smile growing. "He has kept an eye on you too, Princess of Troy."
Ara's grip tightens around her sword, and Nico is starting to look uneasy as well.
Jason looks at them. "Guys, what's he talking about?"
"I don't know. Nothing," Nico says anxiously.
"Nothing? The one you care for most... plunged into Tartarus, and still you will not allow the truth?"
"That's enough," Ara intervenes in a harsh and demanding tone. "My brother has no business keeping that scepter, we need it."
Favonius tilts his head. "You know, long before this was Diocletian's Palace, it was the gateway to my master's court, so you see, it is very much all over his business. I've dwelt here for eons, bringing those who sought love into the presence of Cupid."
"Like Psyche, Cupid's wife," Jason offers. "You carried her to his palace."
"Your favorite myth, daughter of Olympus," Favonius grins. "You know, your brother was always quite flattered. From this exact spot, I carried Psyche on the winds and brought her to the chambers of my master. In fact, that is why Diocletian built his palace here. This place has always been graced by the gentle West Wind. It is a spot of tranquility and love in a turbulent world. When Diocletian's Palace was ransacked—"
"If Eros has the scepter and you're here to let us know," Ara interrupts him again, "that means he's willing to hand it to us?"
"It is one of Cupid's many treasures, a reminder of better times. If you want it..." Favonius looks at her and Nico intently. "You must face the god of love."
"Guys, you can do this," Jason says, oblivious to why this freaks them out. "It might be embarrassing, but it's for the scepter."
"You're right," Nico attempts to look brave. "I—I'm not afraid of a love god."
Nothing in this world terrifies Ara nearly as much as love does. Real love—the one that claws at your insides and brings you to your knees—breaks, wounds, and changes you. Love destroyed Nico's youthful spirit. Love took young, gullible Ara, and ate away every bit that was sweet and tender. Nemesis has no other face but Ara's, because she can only hurt love when she hurts herself.
Favonious's gaze brightens at Nico's words. "Excellent! Would you like a snack before you go? Oh, bluster—I keep forgetting my symbol is a basket of unripe fruit. Why doesn't the spring wind get more credit? Summer has all the fun." He makes a face.
"That's okay," Nico urges him. "Just take us to Cupid."
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They land on solid ground and Ara crashes against Nico, he catches her before she falls.
"Yes, mortal bodies are terribly bulky," Favonius hums when he sees their conditions. "Honestly, I don't know how you stand it, day in and day out."
Ara moves away from Nico and steadies her breathing, she doesn't know what Eros will force upon them, but she refuses to look frightened. This is the one monster she's been wanting to fight for years.
"Welcome to Salona. Capital of Dalmatia! Birthplace of Diocletian! But before that, long before that, it was the home of Cupid—Oh, he's not like that," the god says of nowhere.
Jason gives a start. "You can read my mind?"
"I don't need to," the man shrugs, playing with a bronze hoop he's been carrying the whole time. "Everyone has the wrong impression of Cupid... until they meet him. This one seems to be the only one who knows what she's about to face," he points at Ara.
Ara looks around waiting to spot Eros somewhere. Beside her Nico stumbles onto a column, the anxiety of the moment seems to be weighing on him.
"Ah... I don't blame you for being nervous, Nico di Angelo. Do you know how I ended up serving Cupid?"
"I don't serve anyone," Nico growls. "Especially not Cupid."
Favonius sighs. "I fell in love with a mortal named Hyacinthus. He was quite extraordinary."
"He...?" Jason pauses. "Oh..."
"Yes, Jason Grace." Favonius turns to him. "I fell in love with a dude. Does that shock you?"
"I guess not. So... Cupid struck you with his arrow, and you fell in love."
"Jason, be quiet." Ara is freaking out, her mouth is drying, and she knows what this god is insinuating.
The god grins. "Arae Jackson, you were an Aphrodite once, but now you're not fond of love..."
"I'd get along with him just fine if he'd leave me alone," she grumbles.
"Oh, but it isn't his fault, not really. He used his arrows on you, yes, but the arai were the ones who got carried away with you. My master has tried to help, but well, love can't fight itself!"
"Ara, what is he—"
"It doesn't matter," she responds with a fiery gaze. "It doesn't mean he isn't enjoying my pain. He's worse than our Mother."
"Perhaps," the god smirks. "But right now, he's one of the few gods willing to lighten your burden. You want to save your friends, don't you? Make up for what you can't stop from happening."
"Eros!" Ara calls out impatiently.
The air shifts and speeds up around them. Favonius sighs. "That would be my cue. Think long and hard about how you proceed. You cannot lie to Cupid. If you let your anger rule you... well, your fate will be even sadder than mine."
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Next Chapter –>
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Hey, hey! Firstly, your theme is so lovely. I adore the colors and the images you chose. May I please request a matchup (romantic) for Hazbin Hotel? I hope you have a lovely day/night 💜💜
I go by Mer or Meredith 💀
My pronouns are she/her and I prefer men.
Personality: Leo, INFJ, 1w9, HP house Ravenclaw. Making an effort to understand myself and others is important to me, so that leads to long periods of pondering my actions, as well as others’. I love having me time, though I enjoy being with those close to me from time to time. I'm very supportive, encouraging, reserved, clumsy, easily flustered, athletic, conscientious, witty and sarcastic. Though I unintentionally come across as intimidating, I'm rather gentle and caring. I'm pretty stoic and some misinterpret it as being emotionless (I honestly just want the best for everyone). I rarely lose my cool. I’m adventurous and have completed a dream of mine–living/working in a country that doesn’t speak my native language. If I've earned someone's trust I will be loyal to them through and through. I can be annoylingly strong-willed and resilient. I actively search for things to be thankful for to remind myself that there's a lot of beauty in the world, and I'm glad to experience it. I adore challenging myself both intellectually and physically. I am happiest when seeking out information, reason, and understanding. I’m really kinda superstitious…
I work as a foreign language teacher, so my job requires me to have patience, be understanding, able to think on my feet, and creative. I'm incredibly determind and dedicated, which helps push me through difficult days. I strongly encourage those I teach to speak their minds and have open discussions.
My love languages are definitely acts of service and words of affirmation. I don't dislike physical affection when it's from my s/o, but I don't tend to seek it out. If I ever actually want to cuddle, I like to set time aside to do it, so I can fully enjoy holding each other. Quality time is fine, especially when we're just doing our own thing but sitting near each other. I will always appreciate gifts but hate feeling like I owe others.
Likes and Dislikes: I love discussing topics that revolve around enigmas (specifically death). It's not as important to have others agree with me as it is to explore the unknown with them. I like practicing the languages I know, psychology, biology (especially dissections 💜 ), demonology, genealogy, reading, museums, Victorian history, history related to war and disease 💜, singing, and exploring my surroundings. Favorite bands atm: Blood cultures, Tardigrade Inferno, Stolen Babies, Otyken, and Tally Hall. Cats and rodents are top tier pets. A large portion of what I read/watch relates to the occult. I dislike storms, large bodies of water, and people who always turn disagreements into arguments.
Hobbies: Writing horror stories, DnD, reading, singing (learning metal throat singing too), listening to music, playing the piano, dancing, watching horror movies, drawing, and yoga. As an avid horror fan, animated movies are for sure a guilty pleasure of mine. I collect living dead dolls and nutcrackers.
Appearance: long wavy auburn hair and my eyes are more of a honey brown. I always wear round glasses. I'm pale with freckles on my cheeks and nose. 5’9, lean, more of an hourglass shape and have a bit of muscle. I mostly wear black and white, but also lilac :) My aesthetic is a mix between grunge and dark academia. However, I love mixing bright colors and wacky patterns too!
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
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Lucifer Morningstar!! (Romantic)
Let me start by saying he would totally sit and ponder with you. He's a shy guy so you know.
He's also very supportive and is the kind of boyfriend to stand in the corner and give you a supportive thumbs up when you’re talking to someone new.
“You’ve got this!! I know you do!! I’ll uh- be over here heh-”
He doesn’t find you intimidating, as being the King of Hell everyone more or less respects him to a degree.
You know that one meme with Toothless and Hiccup? The one where he’s tryna hit on the Lightfury?
That’s you two.
Enjoys how caring and gentle you are, and he is so at peace with you around <33 (* ̄3 ̄)╭
Oh my god please talk to him or other in the languages you’ve learnt!!
He will fall so much harder!!
“Oh my… you can speak different languages? Oh my- love that’s amazing!! Tell me- how do you say ‘I love you’?”
Loves your loyalty. It makes him so happy to see that you’re committed as much as he is.
“Never leave me my angel.”
He’s surprised you still look for beauty in a place like Hell but seeing you so determined to find some sort of goodness makes his heart warm and fuzzy.
You two totally sit there and just… learn. Grab and hold on to any sort of information about the world- or heaven- or anything.
Both of you want to learn together and are so creative with your respective arts.
You find his love for the ducks interesting and charming
And he finds the fact that you like his ducks flattering and kind of a relief to be honest.
“Look love!! It’s a duck of you and me!!”
Your determination making him determined to get out of his depressive slump so you’re helping him too!!
Lucifer’s love languages mix with yours well, you’ll praise and help him around the house, he’ll spend time with you and gift you hand made gifts with his love poured into it.
“I’ll come help!! Hold on-”
Loves hearing you talk about your interests and will do some research so he can also participate in the discussion.
“Look at what I found out yesterday angel!”
I’m sorry but animated movie night Fridays are a thing now fight me.
Thinks your glasses are so so so cuteee!!
And he would steal your cardigans again. I don’t make the rules.
Alright this is the last one for tonight I have school tommorow and an English test and it's 11pm so I need my sleep. I'll answer the rest tommorow lovelies <33
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melancholysway · 2 years
Rating all Raph's because I can
can we do it?
Going off personality, character development, design etc
80s Raphael
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No because this Raph took the cake for being the sass king- straight away from Donnie
It may be because Rob Paulsen voiced this mf, but holy shit is he fun to listen to.
No complaints, this Raph was funny and I love it. Made mfs SCARED of his sarcasm- he’s great. He’s not a personality type we’re used to for Raph though, he may fit Donnie’s- but either way, I love it.
This Raph was more sarcastic than anything, he wasn’t really mad.
Not much on the character development, and there’s nothing really memorable about his design since him and his brothers look similar!
3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
2003 Raphael
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This is it.
This the one yall, still sarcastic as FUCK, and his comedic timing is everything. He probably doesn't even mean to be funny and just says whatever mean shit he's thinking up in his head
He’s by far the most witty cunt in this whole 2003 series. I also love him x Casey Jones broship I’m here for it guys.
I loved his development and evolution up until the last ep, it wasn’t like Leo’s character development, but I still enjoyed Raph’s all the same.
Nothing strikingly different on his design, but his accent is the most notable!
4.5/5! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨
2007 Raphael
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THIS RAPH. I love this Raph
It may be bc he’s the best looking in this one but idc He is so FINE.
Ahem this is about personality not looks so
As for his personality in the 2007 movie, he has his lil corny sarcastic jokes here and there
Knows how to “show a lady a good time” according to Casey mf Jones
I also have mad respect for 2007 Raph bc Leo straight up said he was better than Raph and the only thing Raph did was laugh at him he has more restraint than me fr fr
Bc me personally
I wouldn’t take that level of disrespect
Idk what restraint Raph had not to BITCH SLAP his brother, but I would’ve in a heartbeat for sayin that LMAO
His design is great, he’s the only brother with the amber eyes, while Leo & Donnie have light/dark brown, and Mikey has baby blue! He has his alt persona as the Nightwatcher, and his character development is rushed given its a movie, but you clearly see his transition from resenting Leo into accepting the fact that Leonardo took that absence to work on himself for his brothers.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
2012 Raphael
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Hear me out rq
I enjoyed this Raph-
I really loved 2012 Raph because they always showed him caring for his brothers and pets! This was kind of the first time we got softie Raph and I’m so happy they added moments of him being soft- I would’ve rated him lower if he was strictly just mean and showed no vulnerability.
he’s getting a higher rank than intended because when he’s mean, it’s literally justified, ESPECIALLY with Spider Bitez omfg that man pissed me AWFF. He’s a good balance of sarcastic and mean honestly!
He had great development and evolution as a character, he took what Splinter said and applied it everytime, & he also didn’t just have unjustifiable anger bursts.
His design is the most unique Raph we’ve seen by FAR. He’s the only brother with bright electric green eyes, and a crack in his shell in the shape of a lightning bolt.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Bayverse Raphael
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He calls Leo on his b.s. I love it. He called him out on keeping shit from him and I loved it. Mikey was begging this man not to, and he didn’t give a fuck. He did it anyway. Raph doesn’t take shit from anyone, INCLUDING LEO.
I also loved this version of him, in the second movie, he really comes to terms with being a mutant and having to hide from the world. That being said, I enjoyed his development in the second movie, though it isn’t as evident. It’s a movie, and unlike the 2007 movie where it’s mainly focused on Raph (it was supposed to be a trilogy, where the movies focused on one of the turtles! Luckily they picked Raph & his relationship w/ Leo for the first movie before they went bankrupt LMAO) it’s focused on the bigger picture. This was definitely a fan movie for those who already know why each character acts the way they do.
His design is…interesting? I couldn’t actually see them, but I’ve read somewhere he has tattoos? Leonardo has the most, but I couldn’t even see them? I only saw the symbols on his shell & bandana- I’m not sure if they were talking about that as being tattoos. Bayverse Raph brings back those amber eyes from 2007 Raph! I love me some golden eyed Raphael guys
Anyway, his personality was nice! They showed that he has fears despite his size. He has morals, and recognized the benefit of being human all the while realizing normal will change nothing internally but everything externally.
3.5/5! ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨
Rise! Raphael
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This is the first ever Raph as the unofficial leader! He’s taken Leo’s role and made it his own in this series!
That being said, I see why they had to change his personality up. He’s more upbeat, way less mean. He’s more soft. Not that I’m complaining, but I see why lowkey sometimes Leo don’t be listening to him / the other turtles don’t really take him serious? He LIGHTLY puts his foot down, he’s like the cool substitute who’ll let you use the bathroom the whole period, or the old rich auntie that gives you a wad of cash every time you and the family get together at the BBQ.
I also see a slight trend now, Raph’s becoming the largest character. I don’t know, it makes him distinctively different, but I enjoyed when he was the shortest in the 2012 version, he’s a small dog with a big bite.
Anyway, he’s a cutie in this series! His design is very unique, & his lil tooth makes him look less intimidating. I wish we could get some more on the development side for Rise!Raph, but the series isn’t done! So there’ll probably be more!
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