#leon kennedy x self-insert
[This has nothing to do with my other Leon x Reader works. I just need something comforting rn. And I'm writing in first person. Because it might as well be a self-insert hahaha... :') ]
Please, Just Hold Me
I miss him.
He has a very important job, which takes him away from me so often. Not his fault. Not his choice. He got dealt a shit hand in life and does the best he can with what he has. I shouldn't complain. I haven't suffered nearly as much. He's suffered so much and yet he's able to keep going without doubting his every move.
I wish I could be more like him and less like me.
Honestly, I don't deserve him. I'm grateful for him choosing me, for his love, for his lowered standards letting me be his one and only. A man as great and perfect as him settling for a woman as painfully underwhelming as me...I don't understand it, but it's the one good thing I got going for me.
Nothing's happened. Nothing in particular. Yet today feels...hard. Harder than it has been. I hardly want to get out of bed, even though I barely do anything once I'm up. I need to shower, but I somehow lack the energy and mental motivation to pick out some clothes and stand under the hot water. It's not easy to explain why I'm like this. All I know is I've been unwell for most of my life. At least since fifth grade, though officially diagnosed at thirteen. But it's all in my head. All in my head and affecting every other aspect of my life.
Damn, I could really use something right now.
No, not something. Someone.
But he's not here. He's gone away on a mission for the people. He can't tell me much about it, but he promised to come home safe to me as soon as he can. I hope that's sooner rather than later. I hope he returns in one piece, safe and sound. Not just for me, but for him. More for him than me. He doesn't belong to me, after all.
I do belong to him, though. He doesn't claim I do, but I do.
I've never been more at home than I am with him. You see, people try to say home is a place, a building, where you live. It's not. Or, it's not only where you live. It's where you belong. A feeling, not simply tethered to some inanimate shelter or objects. People make a home just as well.
And he is my home.
I think he's still looking for his, however. I wish I could be his. But I don't feel I'm good enough to be more than a paperweight in the office of his home. Or an old, forgotten, dusty bookend on a shelf in that very same office. Just being able to be in the same space as him is enough for me...usually.
Not today, though. Even if we were in the same room, I'd need more. I'd need him to be closer in the same space, as in right up against me, right up against me until we're almost one and the same. Not in a sexy way. In a "I'm a touch-starved loser who needs physical comfort" way. Maybe later in a sexy way, if I'm feeling less gross and still need some kind of release.
But first, I need him here.
I'll stare at the ceiling, roll onto my side, cuddle up to my old blue whale stuffed animal that's a bit ratty but has been in my life for longer than my love, close my eyes, pretend I'm actually where I belong. In his arms, in deep slumber, or even dead. Not sure which yet. It'll happen when it happens, and then I'll know the answer. I won't cry. It takes a lot in real life to bring on the waterworks. Fiction and stressful video games have a slightly easier time. They know how to tug on the heartstrings and wash away the levies holding back the rivers without much trouble, because the minds behind them are trained to create such masterful work with little trouble.
There's sound from the front door. A key in the lock. A twist of the knob. It opens and closes quietly. The door is locked again. Footfalls approach our room. Another closed and locked door. I'll have to get up to change that. Let him in. Let him come.
It's so hard pushing myself to stand up from the bed, though if someone saw it, they wouldn't think so. They would just assume I'm lazy, I'm sure. Maybe I am. I turn the lock and twist the knob and push. There he stands. My home, in all his handsome glory.
He looks how I feel. Shitty. I've never been more attracted to him. I think that every time I see him, to be honest. Falling even more in love, I guess some might say. He gently touches my face with one of his big hands. There's no smile on his lips, but the warmth in his blue eyes proves he's more than happy to see me again. My heart flutters.
Why couldn't I look better for him? I haven't showered in two days. I probably stink, and if he stays close enough to get a whiff, he might find me too repulsive to touch. As I start to pull away, his other hand raises up to touch the other side of my face, and I cannot bring myself to move away anymore. He makes me look at him, as if to say, "Look, I'm dirty, too. It's okay." But it's different. I'm gross because of dumb mental issues. He's filthy because of being a hero. I'm not reassured, despite his efforts. He knows this.
He guides me back to the bed. I'm to sit here until he comes back, he says, and then he heads into the adjoining master bathroom. I hear running water shortly after he disappears. A bath? But there's no way I can fit in our tub with him. I'm fat and he's muscles. I'm too broad and wide for it to be comfortable for either of us. Yet I remain silent. He might just be running it for himself. He most certainly deserves a bit of rest after whatever he's been through. It's selfish of me to assume he means for us both to be in there at the same time.
When he returns, he takes me by the hands and leads me into the bathroom. He strips down to nothing with ease. I don't make a move. Why would he want to see me naked when he just got here? The lights are on. It's the middle of the day. We only make love in the dark because of me. He sees me covering myself with my arms despite still being dressed and gives me a little smile. If I'm not going to strip myself, he says, then he'll have to do it for me.
I'm red and still covering myself by the time he removes the last bit of clothing from me. My eyes are firmly shut so I don't have to see his reaction to my rolls, my stretch marks, my hideous body. He takes my hand and leads me to the tub, climbing in first and then tugging me in afterwards. He made sure to add bubbles. I guess it's to help me feel more comfortable. He has me practically on his lap, my head against his shoulder and just out of the way of his gorgeous face.
"Missed you," he whispers into my ear.
"Missed you more," I say.
"Rough day?"
I shrug. "Not...Not really. Just..."
"A bad day, then."
He softly kisses my neck. Goosebumps rise in the wake of his lips. "Want to talk about it?"
"N-No...There's nothing to talk about. It's just one of those days, you know...?" I can't explain what's wrong with me. I don't know, aside from the broad explanation of, "Depression and anxiety are a bitch."
"What do you need me to do?"
I sigh, laying my back against him while being careful not to crush anything with my heavy weight. "Please, just hold me. Hold me and don't let go."
Those wonderfully strong arms of his wrap around me, pulling me as close to him as possible and as tightly as possible without hurting me. I lean my head back, letting him rest his chin against my neck. His warmth, the warmth of the water, and the warmth of his love begin to help me relax. He feels tense, too, and I realize I've yet to ask him about his day. I haven't asked him anything. How selfish.
"Stop that," he murmurs into my throat. Before I can ask for clarification, he says, "Stop thinking what you're thinking. We've got plenty of time, babe. There's no rush to do anything. Calm down. Relax."
"What about you?" I ask.
"I'm...working on it," he says rather sheepishly. He's always had a bit of trouble winding down after being forced to do life-threatening missions, so this isn't anything new. He nuzzles my neck. "You relaxing will help me relax. So don't worry your pretty little head about me, okay?"
I sigh. "I'll try, but I make no promises."
I feel him smile against my skin. "That's all I ever want...for you to try."
Fuck, I really don't deserve this man. He's so perfect and amazing and understanding...How did I ever get this lucky?
When a man as attractive as Leon S. Kennedy approaches you, you don't turn him away. You listen, you nod, you try your hardest not to make a fool of yourself. You somehow endear yourself to him. You don't regret choosing to leave your house that day, one of the rare times you ever get out. He asks for your number. You reluctantly tell him you don't own a cellphone and you're terrible with talking on phones, anyway. He compromises, unwilling to let this be the first and last time you communicate, giving you his home address. You can't stop smiling every time you look at that slip of paper, even if your parents and siblings won't stop teasing you for it.
A random encounter led to an exchange of addresses, an exchange of letters, an exchange of hearts. The biggest change of my life, all from one little meeting.
Eventually, he and I make proper use of the bath, washing ourselves and helping the other with the hard to reach places. His broad back, so firm and well-shaped, feels great under the washcloth as I use it to clean him. I can't stop myself from running my hands all over, making him chuckle. He loves when I touch him, regardless of the intention. My back isn't anywhere near as wonderful, but he won't let me refuse his assistance here, either.
I wash his hair, massaging his scalp in the process. God, he just melts, a few pretty little sounds escaping his perfect lips. A smile creeps onto my face, the biggest and most genuine I've had in what feels like forever. He looks up at me...Fuck, I can't describe what this angelic face does to me. It's incredible. He tilts his head up and captures my mouth with his. It's a bit awkward because it's like we're Spider-Man kissing due to how our heads are, but I don't mind.
After he returns the favor by washing my hair, we go back to the bedroom and get dressed in our nightclothes. In the absence of the hot water and silly bubbles, my mood starts to dip again. He knows this. In a blink, his arms are around me as he lifts me off my feet, effortlessly holding me bridal-style despite how much I weigh. A little yelp escapes me, which I try to stifle with my hand. He just grins, apologizing for surprising me, as he puts me on our bed and tucks me in. The fan is turned on--I have issues with heat and the sound is somewhat soothing--before he joins me, lying down so we're facing one another.
"Don't forget this little guy," he says, reaching behind me to grab my blue whale stuffed animal and offer it to me.
I shake my head. "I don't need Lurker now that I have you, Leon."
He holds the whale with one of his arms, extending the other to me. "I don't want him getting jealous. I owe him a lot. He takes good care of you while I'm gone, after all."
"You're such a dork."
I slide forward, letting the whale get crushed between our two bodies as we embrace. My head finds its place on his chest and his rests on top of mine. Legs entangle. We get comfortable...as comfortable as we can, given we're tightly holding onto each other. I feel so, so safe. So loved. So...
Well, not happy, exactly. Mental illness doesn't disappear just because Leon is with me. I was depressed and anxious long before he came into my life, and I'll be depressed and anxious no matter what. He doesn't expect me to recover just because he's a part of my life. I don't expect him to recover from his mental problems, either. We can only be here for each other, to offer comfort and love and ourselves.
"I love you, sweetheart. Never forget that," he says.
"i love you, too."
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maxstix · 2 months
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hai… ignore the selfship and look at his face hes so kyute I wanna kill him
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h20milk · 1 year
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put me in a room with six leons and we're all coming out different
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r0ttingj3lly · 1 year
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What’s this?
I’m posting Leon again?
Vendetta Leon can get it.
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dragon-teaparty · 1 year
“ I Love You Too ” - Leon Kennedy x Reader
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ok so first off, i'm so fucking MAD bc tumblr didn't save my draft when it suddenly closed the app to update so i have to rewrite this ENTIRE THING
i'm actually so mad about it, i swear i was about to just not write this. i'm gonna rip my hair out i swear
anyway, i'm back with another story :3 this time it's more wholesome and fluffy
summary: you and leon become even closer than before (gn reader btw)
It was nearly sunset. You and Leon were in his backyard, just enjoying the weather. You had begun to play fight, something that was common amongst you both.
Usually, it would be typical banter but you'd always say something that would set Leon off, and now was one of those moments.
You said something about his driving and teased him about every time he crashed a vehicle. Of course you had to make some snarky comment about his license.
Before you could bolt off, Leon grabbed you by the waist, causing you to yelp and giggle.
He swept you off your feet and held you in his arms bridal style. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Hey, c'mon!" You laughed, wiggling in his grasp. "You're like 80 tons of muscle, it's no fair!"
Leon chuckled. "Can't take what you dish out, huh?"
You and Leon were very close. Your connection was obvious to those who even glanced at you. You weren't dating, no, but a lot of people sure thought you were.
It was clear how much Leon genuinely cared for you. You had been his light in the darkness of the horrors he's seen in Raccoon City and the mission to Spain to save the president's daughter. It was difficult for him to let people in and the trauma only made it worse.
Of course, Ada had to do something with this as well. Her betrayal all those years ago still weighed heavy on Leon's heart. He was still confused, hurt, and angry all the same. Although he was glad to see Ada alive, he couldn't help but have a taste of bitterness for her. A bitterness that just wouldn't wash off of his tongue no matter how much the mercenary tried to make things better.
You were different. So much different than any other person he'd ever known.
Everything about you was perfect in Leon's eyes. Your laugh, your smile, your sense of humor, the way you'd look away and squeal when you were excited about something. It made him smile.
You had successfully torn down the walls Leon had built and he was more than happy about that. Of course, the initial part of getting to know you was rather irritating for him, he didn't want to talk about his feelings or let anyone see this side of him. You had been a ray of sunshine on his cold heart.
"Put me down!" You squeaked, squirming around.
Leon let out an exasperated huff. "Okay, okay!" He chuckled and then gently placed you back down on your feet. He immediately pulled you into a hug to which you happily accepted.
Your love for Leon was just as strong as his love was for you. You always had more romantic feelings for him but you never admitted it in fear of ruining the special bond you two had.
"I missed you while I was away," Leon spoke up, still holding you against his chest.
You smiled at this. "i missed you too." You said, your voice becoming quiet. "I always miss you."
Leon felt a pang in his heart when you said that. His job was dangerous and there was always the risk of losing his life. He knew how much you worried and he hated it.
He never really thought much about how dangerous being an agent is since he was so used to it at this point. Seeing you worry made him feel guilty.
"I know," he replied softly. "But you know I'll always come back to you, right?"
You nodded, burying your face into his chest.
As much as Leon reassured you that he'd always come home safe, you couldn't help but have the thought in the back of your mind.
When he was away, your nights were often sleepless and you found it difficult to get things done from how worried you got sometimes.
The thought of losing Leon was crushing and you couldn't stand it.
"Hey," Leon spoke, pulling away a little to look at you. "I promise." His expression was soft and his tone sweet and reassuring.
You couldn't hold it back. As you looked up at him and heard his words, tears swelled in your eyes and they began spilling. Leon pulled you back into his arms and you hugged him back once more. He shushed you quietly, running his fingers through your hair and murmuring soft reassurances.
The two of you had stood there in each other's arms for quite a while. By the time you two parted, the sun had finally dipped below the horizon. The moonlight shines through the branches and leaves of the tree you were under, illuminating you both.
Leon couldn't help but admire you. You looked so beautiful underneath the soft glow of the night sky. Your eyes always appeared to sparkle in the light but they looked especially like stars here. He found himself not being able to tear his eyes away from you.
You looked back up at him and into his pretty blue eyes.
He reached over and gently cupped your cheek with one hand. "I'm never leaving you, y'know." He whispered, once again reassuring you with a genuine smile spreading across his face. "You can't get rid of me that easy."
You smiled back, your heart fluttering as you leaned into his touch, placing your hand on his own.
"Oh, I know," you said, your tone turning more playful. "You really don't know when to quit, Kennedy."
Leon laughed, a genuine laugh that you and you alone had ever heard. He looked back at you, a comfortable silence suddenly falling upon you both.
You felt yourself get lost in Leon's eyes. The baby blue was so mesmerizing to you.
The way you looked at him didn't help either, it made his heart jump out of his chest.
The way you looked at one another was undeniable. The fondness and love in your eyes, like you were a golden treasure in the middle of the rubble in both of your minds.
As Leon looked at you, he had an overwhelming urge to just admit his feelings. He loved you so much and he wanted to shout it out loud, pour out his heart to you.
Instead, he simply leaned in, his lips softly pressing against your own.
Your eyes widened, not expecting the sudden gesture at all but you melted into the kiss, your eyes closing shut.
It felt like fireworks had gone off in your brain, butterflies swarmed your tummy, tickling your insides. You almost couldn't believe this was happening.
Leon held the kiss for a little while longer before he pulled away, looking into your eyes. His expression was so soft and loving.
"I love you," you finally spoke, blurting out the words as you were unable to hold them back anymore. You surprised yourself, a blush quickly creeping across your cheeks.
Leon smiled. For the first time in years, he actually felt complete, he felt so loved and safe. This feeling was almost enough to drive him to tears. Never in his life had he ever felt this way about another person before.
He pulled you close again and planted another kiss on your lips before he pulled away again, looking down at you with a grin that he just couldn't get rid of.
"I love you too."
phew! this one is definitely not as good as the one i originally had and that upsets me a lot :'c
i hope you all liked it anyways! love u guys <3
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HI MY ANGELS. So here’s a little talk before you read this story i wrote.. this was a request but i twisted it (as i always do) and didn’t wanna somehow notify the anon incase they’d be uncomfy with what i wrote!! I love you guys so much and i’m writing the part 2 for apple pie as we speak hehe
Agent!afab reader x Re5/after re5 Chris Redfield
Warnings: SOMNO!! please be advised it’s not for everyone so please read at your own caution! (Somno should be done with a partner or somebody you trust and meant to be consented by on both ends) Mentions of fighting and extreme injury! Obsessive and overprotective Chris Redfield, rough sex and multiple creampies! PREGNANCY! again please continue only if you have read this!
Again! please continue at your own risk <3
Word count: 2,451
Chris vows before every mission to keep you completely safe. There have been too many close calls; he knew he had trained you exceptionally well, and your hand-to-hand combat improved daily. His eyes watched as you swung at the rookie in front of you, grunts coming from both of you as he dodged your attacks. Chris let out a whistle as the rookie slammed you to your back, a groan leaving your lips as you sat up, rubbing at your shoulders.
“Sharper, you have to be. No way you let a rookie knock you to the ground.”
You snarled at Chris as you stood up, staring at him as you reached for your water. Being signed to the B.S.A.A was a blessing yet a curse. The blessing being you met Chris, your life savior. He was an angel on earth, he protected you over everything. Your first big mission with Chris was ruled out last week; it sprung on two of you so quickly that you barely had time to prepare. Chris was always prepared, but he’s been in this field for a very long time. You haven’t. Though you were agile, your stamina wasn’t up to Chris’ criteria. He checks everything before you even board the plane, he double-checks all your armor, your buckles, all your guns, and their ammo. His number one rule is he always walks in front of you. His hands tug at your straps before he looks at you, that beautiful smile appearing on your face as you nod your head at him, already knowing what he will ask. Your hand comes up to the side of your face, pressing at the earpiece
“Yes, Chris, I can hear you.”
His lips pressed against your forehead, his hands still resting at your straps before he turned his back to you, his head tilting side to side to crack it.
How did you get into the position you are in now? You could hardly recall. You and Chris took punches at Jill, who was much faster; her speed was so scary. Chris watched as Jill kicked your gun out of your hand, you and her exchanging multiple swings before she kicked you to the ground, a loud yell leaving your lips as the throbbing in your head had already started. Wesker knew Chris’ weakness, you and Jill. Wesker had Chris wrapped around his finger. Your weak attempt to get up was stopped by Jill pushing her foot into your back, her eyes glaring back at Wesker, who just smiled at Chris. Your vision was still swaying from your body, smashing against the concrete as you reached for your gun, firing it at Wesker, and even Chris was shocked when it hit.
Everything was confusing after that moment, you don’t remember much other than getting back up and fighting Wesker as Chris attempted to save Jill. The two of you were struggling, you thanked your lucky star that Sheva showed up, but when your attention looked towards where Sheva entered, your body flew, smashing into one of the pillars.
Chris stayed by your side the whole two weeks, you swung in and out of sleep so often, only waking up to drink water and take small bites of soup, your lips lazily pressing against Chris’ cheek. Your recovery was slow, but Chris was there to help- always. His hands hold your arms, resting you to sit on the toilet as he leans over to start the tub's water. He can’t help but turn to you, his lips curling into a small smile as his hand reaches up to touch your cheek, caressing at your smooth skin before he helps you stand, pulling your pajama shorts down and tugging his shirt, he lets you use off your body.
“Step in, carefully.”
Your smile spreads as you step into the water, Chris hand-holding at the small of your back to help you sit down.
He does this for weeks on end, washing your hair, feeding you, changing you. His love for you was undeniable, but when he got your paperwork back into the forces, he wanted to crumble it and throw it into the shredder in his office. You were undoubtedly getting better, walking around the house, folding Chris’ laundry again. You had a one-month grace period before you started retraining again, and it made Chris’ blood boil how you were just so easy to go back after working so hard to keep you safe and nursing you back to health.
Your cheek laid against the cold pillow, your hair slightly in your face as you curled up into the sheets. Chris just couldn’t sleep, lying next to you, his hand rubbing up and down your waist as he watched you twist. He couldn’t think of anything, absolutely no way to get you out of going back. It simply wasn’t safe anymore, and he needed you. Chris licked his lips as he looked down at your sleeping body, your pretty white tank top resting so nicely against your skin, your chest rising and falling. His careful hands lift at the blanket, feeling himself growing harder as his hands reach down, rubbing against the smoothness of your thighs. He curses under his breath as you squirm under his touch. He sits up carefully, trying not to make the bed creak, shifting your body so you’re laying flat on your back. His fingers carefully run over your nipples through your t-shirt, smiling at how responsive your body is even when you’re fast asleep. Chris’ body leans down, hovering over your much smaller frame as he gently tugs down the thin fabric, the groan rumbling in his throat as he stares down at your now bare chest. His tongue runs over his bottom lip, feeling selfish that he has to ravish you to make his anger subside- even if it meant you cried drowsily below him. He was tired of thrusting into his hand in the bathroom late at night, thinking about how cute you look when you lean on the counter watching him make dinner. You were his everything, his life. He could continue to be a captain but not with you by his side, he knows he can’t protect you from every single thing, but he can try.
Chris' eyes trail down at you, wanting nothing more than to wrap his lips around your pretty nipples and suck at them till you wake up whining his name with your messy hair and sleepy eyes. That wasn’t his motive, though. Chris let out a strained groan as he tugged his boxers down, the feeling of the fabric rubbing against his hard cock was already too much. He would hate to hurt you, his fingers pulling your panties to the side, his thumb rubbing into your slit as his fingers held your pink panties. He studied your face, just praying you don’t wake up, he would hate to have to explain his plan to you. He loved that you got so wet for him no matter the situation, his thumb pressing down more as your legs rub against his as he sits between your opened legs. Chris’ hips shift forward, his thumb still lazily drawing circles into your clit as he presses himself into you quickly, his large hand gripping your thigh a little too hard. He cursed under his breath, gently rubbing at the thigh he had just grabbed at. His thrusts are slow at first, trying not to let out a long moan as he pulls apart your folds to watch your needy hole sucking him in. His eyes squeeze shut as he tilts his head back, biting at the inside of his cheek as he swallows the groan that was about to pour from his lips. The small moan from your lips snaps him back to you, his thrusts stopping as he looks down at your sleep form. How cute, you were dreaming of him, he gave in, letting out a shaken moan as you grew wetter around him, your walls randomly squeezing at him, causing him to almost collapse forward. He quickly catches himself, his arm holding him up as he lifts at your hips, allowing him deeper access into you.
“Gonna pump you so full..”
Chris mumbled against your ear, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. He didn’t care if he woke you up anymore, it’s not like you weren’t his. He was showing you who you belong to. And you know he loves you so much, You’ve never complained when it came to your sexual needs with Chris.
He leaned back on his knees, smirking down at you, still sleeping.
He whispered to himself as he brushed some hair from your face. He wanted you so close, the way your walls were hugging made the coil in him burn much quicker than he would have liked. His hands reach under your legs, your thighs loosely hanging from his arms as he lets out a moan as his hips smack into yours.
Your eyes fluttered open due to that burning feeling in your lower stomach, your vision was blurry from just waking up, but when your hands rubbed into your eyes, you couldn’t help but let out a long whine as you watched Chris above you.
Chris shook his head down at you as his hand came down, clamping over your mouth tightly as he groaned again. He looked so good, holding at your leg, the muscles in his arm popping from the way he’s holding your jaw.
“You want me to stop? You shake your head, I'll stop.”
Even in his mind full of pleasure, he still cared. He watched you lay still, your hands resting against your stomach as you moaned against his hand, your eyes rolling back slightly.
“That’s my fucking girl..”
Chris’ husky voice rang through your ears as he yanked you further down the bed, your weight was nothing to him. His hands pushed down on your lower stomach with immense pressure, his eyes squeezing shut, a smirk plastered across his face as he heard you gasp as he cums inside you, his hips stuttering as he is sure to leave fingerprints on your hips.
“Chris, what-“
Yet again, he cuts you off, pulling himself out of you and grabbing at your waist, flipping you onto your stomach. You hear him whispering small strings of curse words as his hands hold at the fat of your ass, he leans forward to pull your hips up, helping you very carefully arch your back because he knows it sometimes still gets sore. The noise of his cock pushing into you fills the room as both of you fall silent, your toes curling at the sensation. You were too sensitive still, he doesn’t understand how big he is. Your hand reaches back to press against his hips as you whine out his name, which is quickly shut up but him fucking into you, grabbing at your wrist and shoving it into your back. He grumbles a small “Stop whining” as he pulls you up, your back pressing against his chest as he pushes his hips into you gruelingly.
“C'mon, be a good girl for me and take it.. take it. I know you can, baby; tell me you want it.”
Chris kissed the shell of your ear as his arms wrapped around your waist, his breaths more shallow and shaky as he felt himself growing close again. He’s fucking into you so hard you can feel him everywhere, your hands clawing at his arms as you lean your head back, nodding it eagerly into his shoulder as a loud moan leaves your slick lips.
“I wan’ it so bad, baby please, give me more please.”
Your cries were music to his ears, a groan that you could feel against your back rumbles through his chest as he cums again, slamming you back into the mattress as he slowed his pace down, your face tilting to the side as you gripped at the black sheets.
“See? See how easy it is just to take it when you know you want it so bad? Look at you begging for my cock, you’re so- mm.. you’re so fucking cute.”
Chris’ words were slurred as he shushed your small whines, wiping at the saliva that had slipped from your lip. His hand reaches below you, his three digits immediately finding your clit and rubbing slow circles into it, causing your eyes to squeeze shut.
“There you go. It’s okay you can let it go.”
Chris cooed in your ear as his thrusts sped up again, your whines going silent as the only sound filling the room was his hips slapping against your skin.
Chris can’t help but let out a quiet “Oh fuck..” as you cum around him, your hands desperately clawing at the pillow your head is resting on. He smiled at your silence, pulling himself out of you with a small “Mmph..”
He stood from the bed, pulling his boxers up from his ankles as he turned you back onto your back, lifting your back so you could sit up. Still so pretty and all fucked out, a yawn leaves your lips as his fingers reach up to wipe the tears from your eyes.
“Come on, time for your bath.”
His plan worked too. Like the smart man he is, of course, it did. Chris and the other captains sign your discharge paperwork from the force. He couldn’t help but feel satisfied with himself as he got into the car, he couldn’t wait to see you.
He took a mental note to lecture you on the unlocked door all day, giving him complete access to walk in without his keys. He called out your name, setting his paperwork and keys on the coffee table as he shrugged his jacket off, sighing as he hung it on the rack over by the front door. He heard small steps being taken down the stairs, grabbing at the small ball at the end of the staircase as he watched you walk down the step, one by one with your hand on your stomach.
“Hey, pretty girl.”
Chris mumbled in admiration as he kissed you softly, helping you down the last step. He couldn’t help but smile as you let out a small huff of exhaustion, last year you would’ve hated you now. Tired constantly, begging Chris to massage your back, your big stomach not allowing you into any of your favorite tops.
It didn’t matter to him though, he could listen to you complain all day long. As long as it meant you would be with him, safe, only with him.
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forgetminot · 1 year
Three questions
~ Leon Kennedy x gn reader ~
[ Warnings ; profanities (just one) slight angst if you squint, other than that just plain old fluff! ]
A/N ; This is my first ever fanfiction! (on tumblr anyway) I've had a lot if inspiration from multiple writers and really wanted to have a go! Enjoy ♡♡
Prompt/Drabble idea - "I have three questions for you..." - "Are you being professional? Are you oblivious? Or are you just not interested?"
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You lean back onto the cold metal railing as Leon pushes the button, jolting forwards as the platform begins to raise. Looking up your eyes connect with Leon's as you send him a small smile. "I have three questions for you..."
He raises his left eyebrow. "Ask away."
"Are you being professional? Are you oblivious? Or are you just not interested?" You glance towards the floor staring at the small grey rock that hides on the corner of the platform, it's a good distraction while you wait for Leon to respond.
"What?" He lets out a small laugh as you lift your head, your eyes connecting with his once again.
"Oblivious" You mumble quietly to yourself.
"Oblivious to what?" He questions, shit- he heard you.
"Oh, you know, the constant flirting." You push forward from your position against the railing. "The compliments, the eye contact..." Leon looks at you, confused as ever and you close your eyes wishing you had never asked. "Forget it." The platform comes to a stop, the gate making an awfully loud scraping noise as it opens. "C'mon, let's finish the mission." You nod towards the opening, Leon following close behind you; he grabs your hand turning you to face him.
"Professional." He says. "At least, trying to be." You smile as he reaches his hand out to your cheek, brushing his thumb across it softly.
"You don't have to be." You reply. He nods, slowly leaning forward to close the gap between you both.
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leonsecretsanta · 29 days
interest check for Leon x reader secret santa!
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Hi! Before we kick this account into full swing, we're looking to get a general gauge of how many people would be interested in participating in such an event! So please help get the word around to all x reader and x oc writers and artists that you think would be interested in such an event to vote down below!!
please reblog to get the word around and follow to keep up with updates!
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prettygaltater · 11 months
Gripping his head and pushing him down into the soft mattress pillows and blankets sprawled everywhere as you thrust into his tight hole moaning loudly from the overstimulation.
Pulling his head up so he can see himself in the mirror and how much of filthy dirty whore he is. He looks like a mess tears rolling down his eyes and sweat rolling down his body cum smeared on his stomach.
Aw he looks so cute
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blessedjael · 11 months
Papa Leon: Sims 4
So, of course, papa Leon stuff is like, the biggest hell yeah in my sims games and in art, so I present to you more cuteness with Leon, Elianna and my self insert. (Also new Leon sim look out for that.)
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maxstix · 26 days
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h20milk · 1 year
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oh to comfort leon kennedy.
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fionalexin · 3 months
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Listen listen listen 🧍‍♀️☝️🧎🪑
This was just a practice,warm up practice so i can beat the shit outta my artblock,it has nothing to do with this twitter post that smacked my motivation from a coma and made me draw these two being silly IT WAS JUST PRACTICE I SWEA-
I'm a huge sucker for ocxcanon wether its my OCs/SIs or other people's so pls i just i-🪦
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turretistrying · 1 year
Getting Boba with Leon!
No particular version but i’ve only played RE2R so.. take that how you will ahha. I still suck at writing but I wanted to let this thought run wild
You off-handedly remark that, “god i’d die for some boba right now” while on the couch with Leon watching something random and uninteresting, there just for noise ya’know?
He turns to look at you with a look that just screams ‘what?’ before asking out loud to you;
“What’s boba?”
you turn to him with an incredulous look, like ‘huh???’. you swear you’ve talking about the miracle drink that is boba tea to leon at least once before.
you tell him that and he just shrugs, so you describe the drink and he gives a response like “sound weird, eh.”
so you decide something then and there-
“we’re gonna get boba together for our adventure of the day!!”
So you grab him and drag him to nearest boba/coffee shop and sit him at a table while going up to order some boba
You get two boba drinks, a sweet chocolate milk tea with chocolate boba and a blueberry fruit tea with rainbow boba and mango jellies in the shape of stars with luster dust (both of these are based on bobas from a boba cafe in my town!) so he can choose which one he likes better
you get to the table and put both drinks down with the straws “pick one!”
He takes a bit but he picks the chocolate one, and then tries to peel the top off
you stop him, obviously, and tell him that you’re supposed to poke a hole with the straw, you demonstrate with yours, using a moderate amount of strength you use the straw to poke the top
he watches and then tries it himself
unfortunately, he forgot his own strength and the drink splatters a bit on him and yourself
you both chuckle and he apologizes
after a bit you offer to trade drinks so he can try the fruit tea, he accepts and you swap drinks
you’re about ask him how he likes the fruit tea and you see he’s nearly finished it
“oh.” *chuckle*
you both finish your boba drinks and go back home, you’re content that you got to share something with leon and he seemed to like it :D
BONUS ART! (I did my best to make the reader gender neutral..)
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dragon-teaparty · 1 year
Safe and Sound - Leon Kennedy x reader
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hai pretty people! am back but with a leon story :3
i will try to write as much as i can here
also this story is kinda long sorry XD
cws: mention of ptsd, a bit of gore
other tags: gn reader, re2 leon cuz he's a cutie<3 based on the song safe & sound from taylor swift
summary: leon wakes up from a nightmare and you are there to comfort him
based off of this cover :3
His throat felt stripped of its tissue as he screamed out but there was barely a sound.
Leon stood in the ruined police department. He couldn't move no matter how hard he tried, he was stuck in place.
He watched as his coworker was torn apart and eaten alive. He wanted to run over and help his coworker, he wanted to pull out his gun and blow that zombies brains across the tile floor.
But he couldn't. He could only watch, tears streaming down his face. Leon was angry, he was desperate as he tried to move even an inch but it was as if every bone in his body was broken, crippling him.
The rookie cops screams turned into sobs, coming out at as short heaves. It was all he could do.
The undead crouched at the other officer's body slowly stood up and turned to Leon. Its skin was grey and rotting off of the bone, the eyes a milky blue color. It held a chunk of flesh in its mouth before choking it down like some sort of bird. It began to limp towards him.
Leon began to panic. He felt like he couldn't breathe as his heartbeat thumped hard against his chest.
"Move! Move! Move!" The thought rattled in his head as the zombie approached, but any effort was futile.
Before Leon could even blink, the rotting reanimated corpse lunged at him.
Leon jolted up in bed in a cold sweat. He took a moment to look around and take a few deep breaths.
He was safe, he was in his apartment. He tried to control his breathing as he wiped sweat and tears from his face.
He then sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He wasn't sure how much more of these nightmares he could take... They seemed to get worse each night.
It suddenly hit him that his close friend was downstairs on the couch. They were drinking and his friend got a little too drunk to drive home safely so he allowed them to stay here.
Leon stood up and quietly crept downstairs. He spotted your sleeping form on the couch, slowly moving up and down as you breathed.
"Don't be afraid to wake me up if you have another nightmare." Y/n's voice echoed in his head. It wasn't the first time y/n had comforted Leon through nightmares or panic attacks. Leon always felt bad about it but you were more than happy to help him and calm him down.
The young man stopped and contemplated for a moment. He didn't want to wake you up but, at the same time, he really needed you right now.
With a deep breath, Leon walked over to the couch and gently shook your shoulder. "Y/n..."
Slowly but surely, you stirred awake and your sleepiness faded as you saw Leon before you.
"Hey, Lee," you said, your voice a little raspy from sleep. "Another nightmare?"
Leon nodded and sighed. "I'm sorry, I really don't want to be alone right now."
You shook your head and opened your arms. Leon immediately crawled on the couch and buried his face into your chest.
"I told you to never apologize." you said as you wrapped your arms around your friend. "You've done absolutely nothing wrong."
Leon relaxed in your arms. He already felt so much better being here with you.
You were used to Leon coming to you about his nightmares and flashbacks but it wasn't very often that you actually spent the night at his apartment. Usually, if you weren't with him, he would call you and vent to you about his bad dreams.
"Y/n?" Leon spoke up, his voice slightly muffled as his head rested on your chest.
"Mhm?" You hummed in response.
Leon hugged you just a little tighter. "Can you sing that song? Y'know, the one you sing to me when I call you?"
You smiled sweetly. "Of course." You replied.
You and Leon laid down on the couch. Leon's face nuzzled into your neck and your hand found its way to his hair.
After you knew that you both were comfortable, you began to sing softly.
"I remember tears running down your face when I said I'll never let you go..."
Your fingertips gently grazed Leon's scalp as you ran his hand through his hair.
"When all those shadows almost killed your light..."
This song was very special for both you and Leon. You had chosen this song because it perfectly described the way you felt about Leon and how much you cared about him.
"I remember you said, don't leave me here alone..."
Leon's muscles relaxed and he closed his eyes, admiring your soft voice.
"But all that's dead and gone tonight..."
Memories flashed through your mind as you sang. The song brought back memories of you and Leon. The way he'd melt in your embrace and the way he stopped crying when you sang to him.
"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down..."
The comfort you gave Leon was unbelievable to him. You were his person, his light. If it weren't for you, he'd be drowning himself in alcohol. Your touch alone was enough to help him calm down. He had to admit that he loves you, he really loves you but he didn't want to admit his more romantic feelings for you.
"You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now..."
You two weren't even dating but you might as well have been. It was normal for you two to hug and cuddle up next to each other. To tell the truth, you loved Leon, maybe more than you should've. Feeling the way he buries his face into the crook of your neck makes your heart flutter. You didn't admit your feelings in fear of ruining your friendship if he didn't feel the same.
"Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound..."
Leon was drifting off, all worries and fears from his nightmares slipping out of his mind. You smiled at this. It was usually at this point in the song that he'd begin to fall asleep. Your hand gently ran through his soft hair, lulling the young man even further into sleep.
"I love you." Leon mumbled quietly before he finally fell asleep in your arms.
You were surprised but it was a welcome one. You smiled and held Leon closer as a light blush crept onto your cheeks.
"I love you too."
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HIHIHIIHI!!! i luv luv LUVVVV your writing!! you're one of my favorite writers on this app fidhuhgseuhsdfsifj ><
may i request some fluff (or smut; whichever you prefer!) with leon wherein the reader is an artist, and she has this lil notebook filled to the brim with sketches (whether that be normal sketches or... spicy ones) of leon but she hasn't shown leon the notebook BUT he ends up finding it and teasing her??
keep up the good work with all the writing you do!! you're an amazing writer, and i hope you have a great day :>
Hello my angels!! Thank you guys again for 400 followers im forever grateful for you guys. i was so fond of this little plot i HAD to write but it’s def not my best. Happy monday <3
DISCLAIMER: This is an 18+ blog! If you are underaged or don’t have an age indicator in your bio, please don’t interact!
AFAB Artistic reader x Pre Re4 Leon
Warnings: Leon’s a little tease. Mentions of ripping clothing, couch sex, Leon’s pretty soft in this :)
Word count: 3,050
Meeting Leon was just a lucky coincidence, almost four years ago now. The worst job you swore you’d ever had, but that changed once you met Leon. Instead of typing the files in the computer, your foot tapped against the marble flooring.
“That’s really good.. Do you draw often?”
You slammed your notebook shut, scared your boss had caught you again. Your eyes glanced up to the man peering over the desk, a tight gray t-shirt on and a pair of cargo pants.
“So sorry, sir. Are you here for training?”
Your fingers pressed against the keys of your desktop as you stared up at him, waiting for an answer. He looked like his ego had been beaten down when you didn’t reply to him, nodding his head at you.
“Yeah, um, Kennedy, Leon.”
You wrote his name down on the paper, handing him the small slip with a grin.
She was new, I think. Her hair was pulled into that pretty bun, dazed as ever. Pretty pencil skirt and an off-white long sleeve. Beautiful handwriting, too, Leon’s thumb brushing over the slip in his hand, pulling out his wallet to shove the slip inside.
The next day he hoped you’d be sitting there, looking bored out of your mind. His arm pushed against the heavy glass door; he couldn’t help but smile seeing you at your desk. Why is he smiling?
“Busy day?”
Leon couldn't help but smile as you jumped in your seat, slamming the notebook shut- again. Your little smile tugged at your glossed lips as you held at the pen, scribbling his name.
“Goodbye, Leon.”
Your teasing voice made the hairs on the back of his neck stand. He grabbed the red slip in your hand, dragging the bag off your desk as he walked down the hall again.
For days, even weeks after. Leon would always ensure he showed up early, fascinated by your presence and the way you scribbled his name on the notepad on your desk when he would say something to make you blush.
“Hey, so… remember that sushi restaurant I told you about?”
Leon’s first words as he walks up to the desk, placing his bag on your file as you roll your eyes, nodding up at him as you type something into the computer.
“What about it?”
You ask as you push your rolling chair back, waiting by the printer as it turns on. Your head leans back as you look at him. He looked handsome as ever today. His training was working, that’s for sure, his shoulders being so much broader and his arms becoming so defined with muscle.
“Well, today is my last day of training. Did you want to go out with me as a celebration?”
It wasn’t for celebration; Leon just finally had an excuse to ask you out. Spending almost three months talking to you and getting to know you, yet he has never asked you to dinner. Your face lit up as you rolled back to the computer, stapling the papers together and using it as an excuse to cover the bright red that invaded your cheeks.
“Sure- what time?”
You asked up to him, clearing your throat as your hand rubbed your cheek to make it seem like you weren’t blushing. Cute, Leon thought as his tongue brushed over his bottom lip.
“Seven? I can pick you up.”
Even offering to pick you up? Your heart was in your throat as you nodded shyly, smiling as you wrote your address on a sticky note and handed it to him.
“I’ll be ready.”
You handed him his pass along with the sticky note of your address, his eyes reading over the number over and over before he smiled at you, tapping your desk a few times and walking down the hall as he does every single day.
Why so shaky? The knocking on your door echoed through your living room, your hands brushing through your hair again as you did a small circle in your mirror.
You thanked god you wore heels, quickly glancing through the peephole to see Leon. He made your heart jump just by standing there. You swore he looked you up and down when you opened the door- but this was one-sided. You were so in love with him. Your coworkers make fun of you when you’re on your break, eyes following him from the expansive open training rooms.
Obsession was a strong word- but even you could admit it was getting to the point of obsession. You hoped after he left the facility, you wouldn’t have to see him again, especially since it was his last day, but he just had to ask you to dinner, didn’t he?
“Are you ready?”
Leon asked as he looked around your apartment, scanning all the books on your shelf. You wanted to say yes, but your hand reached up, your eyebrows frowning as you noticed you weren’t wearing the necklace your brother had gotten you.
“Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be back.”
He couldn’t help but watch you walk down your hallway, fingers tapping at your sides like at work. Snoopy, maybe. His eyes darted down to the notebook on your coffee table. It’s the one you always have on your desk. Light purple with random stickers all over the front and back. His fingers traced over where your name was carved before he looked down to the hall to check if he was clear to look through it. The first few pages are drawings of the statues at work, the plants, yourself, and your glossy lips. His eyebrows frowned at the empty pages, going on for almost five before he finally saw it. His name was written in your pretty cursive; below was the soft sketch of his face, his handsome smile, and the small indent in his chin. Sketch after sketch of him leaning over your desk with the cheekiest smile.
The next page sketches his lips, his tongue darting out slightly through the corner in one and pressed together in another. Sketches of the way his eyes sparkle next to them.
His slender fingers traced the page looking at the sketches of his arms, some with his knife in his hand, some just holding a water bottle. He peeped his head down the corner of the hallway again, hearing the echo of your voice on the phone. His fingers moved before his eyes as he flipped the page, his cheeks flushing a deep red at the sketches of his hands rubbing up your waist. Now he was paying attention, graphics of his fingers in your mouth, your legs thrown over his shoulders, his head thrown back, and his Adam’s apple more than prominent.
You stuttered, your heart pounding against your chest. Your breath feels so caught in your throat, your eyes staring at his hands holding the spine of your notebook. You blink into reality, snatching the notebook from him as you firmly have it against your chest.
“Why.. would you go through my things..”
You laughed, embarrassed, as Leon stared at you. His presence was now super overwhelming. He just.. stared at you. Great, now he hates me? He thinks I’m so weird…
“Why’d you just leave it out?”
What? Jesus fucking Christ, what?
“It’s my apartment; what do you mean..”
You laugh bitterly as you push the notebook onto your shelf, your hands slightly shaking.
“I didn’t draw any of that. I left it at work for a few days, so maybe it was stolen or something.”
There we go. Perfect excuse. Leon’s feet shuffled till he was standing beside you, pulling the notebook off the shelf next to you.
“Alright, that’s understandable. If they aren’t yours, you wouldn’t mind me looking through them again.”
Your face flooded with embarrassment. Your back turned to him as your eyes squeezed shut at the sound of him flipping through the pages.
Leon felt his pants grow tighter at the sketch of your pretty folds wrapped around his cock, then the illustrations of just your pussy made his cock grow painfully harder, your eyes shifting between the notebook and the bookshelf. There were pages after pages of just Leon and you, sometimes just Leon, small notes here and there. The last page is a sketch of the two of you hugging and a small note
“Seven, Leon’s sushi place”
Leon, yet again, closed the notebook, laying it on the shelf as you held your arms, sighing at his silence. His hand rubbed your arm softly, taking your hand in his. He rocked behind you, resting his cheek on the side of your head.
“Cmon’ let’s go eat.”
The drive back to your apartment was so silent. Your head spun as you looked out the window, admiring the pretty night sky. Leon’s handheld at your thigh, his thumb rubbing small circles on your smooth skin. Biting at your nails nervously, your head turns to Leon. Why did he have to be so handsome? Hand gripping the steering wheel, hair perfectly rested against his cheek. The white button-down he wore fit him so perfectly. He believed you, right? You felt guilt in your heart, thinking about how you sat at your desk, legs crossed so close together at the thought of Leon fucking you stupid. It’s not everyday you meet a man like him. You craved him, but you would never tell him that. Leon’s car stopped, your daydreaming stopping as he pulled his keys and shoved them in his pocket. What a gentleman, he opens your door for you, holding his hand out. Your hand grabbed at his as you stepped out, holding your purse to your side as you whispered a small thank you to him as you reached for your keys.
The two of you stopped in front of your door, your heart starting to ache at the thought of never seeing him at work again, all the conversations you guys have had. The silence was uncomfortable now; you looked up at Leon with a slight frown before you reached up and brought him in for a tight hug, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as he hugged you back.
“I’m going to miss seeing you every day.”
You laugh into his shoulder. He laughs back in response as he pulls away from the hug, your hand reaching to unlock your door as he watches you. You step inside your dark apartment, looking at him from the door with a gentle smile still on your face.
“I’ll call you, I promise.”
Leon speaks as he watches you stand against the door frame.
“Bye, Leon.”
The door slams. Why are you going to cry? Is it because he thought you were a massive creep? You held onto the wall as you kicked off your heels, sighing in frustration as you threw your purse to the ground. Your body jumped at the pounding at the door. Though you were taught better, you swung it open. Leon stood his hands on his hips, staring at the ground.
Leon pushed his way into your apartment, his perfect hands cradling your face as he smashed his lips into yours. Your feet struggled to keep up with him moving you back into your living room. Where did this come from? His hands hungrily gripped at your hips, your thighs hitting the arm of your couch. Leon's head dipped down your neck, pressing his tongue to the softness of your skin.
“Leon, wait..”
Your eyes flutter open as you reach down, grabbing his face. Leon stared up at you, his breathing labored.
“What happened?”
Your thumb rubbed across his cheek as he stood, pulling you in closer to him.
“You think I don’t want you? Do you know how hard it was not to bend you over this couch after flipping through that notebook?”
He grumbled as he turned you around, pressing his palm up your back as he bent you against the arm of your sofa. Your back arched in response as you looked back at him with red cheeks.
“Every word I've ever said to you makes you blush like that, you know.”
He’s right. But it’s hard not to blush when he compliments your every detail. Leon’s fingers dragged the zipper down your back, his lips following. So much softer than you had imagined. He stood again, tugging at your sleeves, smiling at your bare back. You gasped as you heard a slight tearing, your head flying back to see Leon had ripped your dress. Leon chuckled as the fabric of your dress dropped to the ground, his hands brushing over your hips.
“I’ve always loved watching you grab papers, your hips swaying.”
Leon smirks against your shoulder, his lips pressing against your neck again, your breathing shaky as he sucks at your skin. His pretty lips leave red patches all over your skin that will later be small purple markings that’ll be so prominent. Leon lifts himself, grabbing you to lie on your sofa, smiling down at you as his fingers work at unbuttoning his shirt.
It all felt like a dream, Leon’s shirt dropping to your floor as he tugged his dress pants down his legs. Hypnotized by him, the way his arms flex when he comes to hover over you, his hands holding at your thighs as he drags you further down the couch, his lips pressing against yours again. Leon’s lips ghosted over your skin as he stared at you through hooded eyes. Your eyes roll slightly when his fingers press over your clothed clit, rubbing small circles into you as he licks over your chest, leaving his marks on you there too. Your hips buck into his hand, a laugh coming from his lips as he pulls back, staring down at you as he pushes your panties aside, his fingers slipping into you with ease. Your mouth hangs open slightly as you stare at him.
“So wet.. all for me?”
Leon’s voice was so husky, so different than it usually was; you couldn’t help but let out a moan as his fingers dragged over your walls, your body lifting onto your shoulder as you looked down, your hips tilting up slightly to watch his fingers push in and out of you. The feeling was intoxicating, your head throwing back as he used his other hand to rub at your clit.
“You like watching? Watching how greedy this little pussy is..”
Leon couldn’t help but moan himself as you tightened around his fingers, his eyes staring down at you, sucking in his fingers. He groans as he tugs his boxers down, a whine leaving your lips at the feeling of his fingers no longer filling you. His hands grab at the back of your knees, holding them with one of his larger hands as his other hand grabs ahold of his cock, which was painfully hard. His lips parted slightly as he pressed himself into you, his grip around your leg tightening at the feeling of you squeezing him. He was so thick, so much bigger than what you could handle, a whimper leaving your lips as he pushed himself into you more. His hand drops your legs resting against his waist as he leans over you, grabbing at your jaw to pull you into a sloppy kiss, his tongue pressing into your bottom lip as he fully bottoms himself into you, causing you to gasp into his mouth. Leon let out a soft whimper as he leaned up, holding at your thighs as he rocked into you. You looked so beautiful finally lying below him; he had waited for this too fucking long.
“You look so fucking beautiful taking me like this..”
Leon groans down at you as your hands reach for his shoulders, pulling him back down to press his chest against yours as his speed increases. His face comforts your shoulder as your hands grab at his back, your nails scraping at his back as he lifts your hips, the new angle making him hit that perfect spot.
“I- Leon!”
Leon nodded his head as he looked down at you, forehead glistening with his sweat and his hair sticking to his skin.
“I know, baby, I know.”
He knew because you were gripping him so tightly, he was fighting his hardest not to let himself go inside of you, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he watched you squirm beneath him, warmth flooding your stomach and your breaths increasing as he pushed his palm into your stomach. Random babbles leave your lips as your arm comes up, covering your face as you cum around him, your walls fluttering against him, causing a loud groan to escape his lips as he pulls himself out of you, moving your hand from your stomach as his cum splatters all over your soft skin.
You two stare at each other, catching your breath. His arms reach forward, moving your arm from your flushed face.
“There you are.”
He mumbles as he kisses you softly, standing up and reaching down to pull up his boxers. He’s gone for almost two minutes, yet you’re still lying on the couch, eyes studying the ceiling.
“You organize your laundry room weirdly.”
Leon’s voice makes you tilt your head, watching him walk back into the living room. He leans over, wiping your stomach with the small rag in his hand, your lips tugging into a smile as you reach forward, touching his face. He peers down at you, smiling back as he helps you sit up, his fingers pushing your hair behind your shoulders.
“You want a shower?”
He asks softly as he sits beside you and wraps his arm around you as you lean your head against his shoulder.
“I just want to be with you.”
You mumble, your eyes closing as you wrap your arms around his waist.
“I’m not leaving anytime soon; I think you’re stuck with me.”
Leon speaks as he lifts your chin, kissing your forehead softly before he stands up, lifting you over his shoulder, causing a loud squeal to leave your lips as he taps the skin of your thighs with a smile.
“Let’s shower. Then you can show me more drawings, yeah?”
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