#lesbian romance novel
ofdinosanddais1 · 5 months
Me: ah yes, a cheesy romance novel
The book: *has a scene where the love interest takes off the main character's glasses* "ah yes, you look so beautiful withou—"
Me: *throws book across the room in rage*
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deadflytrachea · 1 year
I am so dead serious when I say this, sapphic romance novels with a trans lead need to stop having her have had bottom surgery to make the idea of a trans lead more palatable to cis lesbians
let the trans lead's voice give her away, let her not have had bottom surgery, straight up just let her not pass as cis, let her be visibly trans, let the cis lead reconsider how she defines womanhood and sex and gender because of the love that blossoms with the trans lead
let the two of them grow stronger in their identities because of the ways in which their bodies interact, the way their thoughts and ideas of the world have been reshaped by their love
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robinschadel-author · 2 years
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One year ago today, I released an accidental "Hallmark romance with vampires, lesbians, and murder" in Carmilla's Ghost. So, as we enter the holiday season, those looking for a warm and fuzzy read with a dark, gothic edge might want to consider this book (available at all online booksellers in paperback and eBook).
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raemcdaniel-author · 2 years
No Fun...
No Fun…
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mylesficfavs · 1 year
Eliza Lentzski has a special talent for writing icy/aloof, hot characters 😍. There's one in this delightful mile high club tryst 🥰.
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madi-konrad · 2 months
It is the curse of ADHD that, at least for me, I'm always running to the next project, and then the next, chasing the new shiny thing. And that has served me well in my creative endeavors, as much as it has stymied me. But I really do think that I caught something special in my first novel, A DEMON'S NAME UPON YOUR LIPS. And thanks to how my brain works, I rarely ever promote it! Which seems unfair for how much effort I put in, alongside my friends who patiently helped me edit it.
It's a sapphic romance between a (newly minted) Duke and the demon she summons. It's a fantasy which takes place in a secondary world loosely based on Victorian-era Europe, though without any of the queerphobic, or even sexist, hatred endemic to its real-world counterpart (or even to our modern day). It's fast paced, gay as fuck, and I poured my heart and soul into it.
I'd be honored if you picked it up; it's only $5.99. About the price of a Latte.
Grab it at the following places:
itch.io (PDF, ePub, and mobi all included!)
Kobo link (ePub version)
Apple Books, Smashwords, and a few others (ePub version)
Amazon (Kindle version)
Barnes and Noble (ePub
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Synopsis below the cut:
Lucia is a succubus, a demon with the power to shape the emotions and passions of mortals. Summoned often into the world of Melodia, she takes pride in upholding her demonic contracts to the best of her abilities. She likes to think she does her job well … though a string of recent failures say otherwise.
Talia, the recently elevated Duke of Fallmire, summons Lucia for a simple reason: to pose as her wife and fulfill marital obligations to the satisfaction of Parliament. All to say, just a few weeks of walking around the estate and playing nice with the neighbors before a conveniently tragic death. Quick and easy.
But immediately, Lucia smells blood in the water. Behind closed doors, the Duke plots vengeance upon those who killed her father—and the demon wants in. Revenge, after all, is much more fun … and more lucrative, to boot.
But can Lucia predict how hard she’d fall for the Duke? (Not a chance). And can the Duke find it in her vengeful heart to love?
Spice Level: lightly described nudity, fade-to-black sex.
64,000 words.
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 4 months
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‘I will be your champion. Your Knight of Stars. I am not valorous or virtuous, and I am not a . . . a lord, or a nobleman. I am not even a knight. But I will be your champion, Johanna. My Lady. If you will have me. If you will keep me.’
All The Painted Stars, Emma Denny
Art in the middle by @felrija 💖
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celepom · 1 year
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It’s Pride 2023! Time to put up some more comic recs!
This time I’ve put together some stories about discovering one’s own queer identity, outlining a family history of queerness, and several stories where being queer isn’t the focus - queer characters are simply allowed to be.
Belle of the Ball By Mari Costa
High-school senior and notorious wallflower Hawkins finally works up the courage to remove her mascot mask and ask out her longtime crush: Regina Moreno, head cheerleader, academic overachiever, and all-around popular girl. There’s only one teensy little problem: Regina is already dating Chloe Kitagawa, athletic all-star…and middling English student. Regina sees a perfectly self-serving opportunity here, and asks the smitten Hawkins to tutor Chloe free of charge, knowing Hawkins will do anything to get closer to her. And while Regina’s plan works at first, she doesn’t realize that Hawkins and Chloe knew each other as kids, when Hawkins went by Belle and wore princess dresses to school every single day. Before long, romance does start to blossom…but not between who you might expect. With Belle of the Ball, cartoonist Mariana Costa has reinvigorated satisfying, reliable tropes into your new favorite teen romantic comedy.
The Moth Keeper By Kay O’Neill
Anya is finally a Moth Keeper, the protector of the lunar moths that allow the Night-Lily flower to bloom once a year. Her village needs the flower to continue thriving and Anya is excited to prove her worth and show her thanks to her friends with her actions, but what happens when being a Moth Keeper isn't exactly what Anya thought it would be? The nights are cold in the desert and the lunar moths live far from the village. Anya finds herself isolated and lonely. Despite Anya's dedication, she wonders what it would be like to live in the sun. Her thoughts turn into an obsession, and when Anya takes a chance to stay up during the day to feel the sun's warmth, her village and the lunar moths are left to deal with the consequences.
Hollow By Shannon Watters, Branden Boyer-White & Berenice Nelle
Isabel "Izzy" Crane and her family have just relocated to Sleepy Hollow, the town made famous by—and obsessed with—Washington Irving's legend of the Headless Horseman. But city slicker-skeptic Izzy has no time for superstition as she navigates life at a new address, a new school, and, with any luck, with new friends. Ghost stories aren't real, after all.... Then Izzy is pulled into the orbit of the town's teen royalty, Vicky Van Tassel (yes, that Van Tassel) and loveable varsity-level prankster Croc Byun. Vicky's weariness with her family connection to the legend turns to terror when the trio begins to be haunted by the Horseman himself, uncovering a curse set on destroying the Van Tassel line. Now, they have only until Halloween night to break it—meaning it's a totally inconvenient time for Izzy to develop a massive crush on the enigmatic Vicky. Can Izzy's practical nature help her face the unknown—or only trip her up? As the calendar runs down to the 31st, Izzy will have to use all of her wits and work with her new friends to save Vicky and uncover the mystery of the legendary Horseman of Sleepy Hollow—before it's too late. 
Until I Meet my Husband By Ryousuke Nanasaki & Yoshi Tsukizuki
The memoir of gay activist Ryousuke Nanasaki and the first religiously recognized same-sex marriage in Japan. From school crushes to awkward dating sites to finding a community, this collection of stories recounts the author’s “firsts” as a young gay man searching for love. Dating is never ever easy, but that goes doubly so for Ryousuke, whose journey is full of unrequited loves and many speed bumps. But perseverance and time heals all wounds, even those of the heart.
Is Love the Answer? By Uta Isaki
When it comes to love, high schooler Chika wonders if she might be an alien. She’s never fallen for or even had a crush on anyone, and she has no desire for physical intimacy. Her friends tell her that she just "hasn't met the one yet," but Chika has doubts... It's only when Chika enters college and meets peers like herself that she realizes there’s a word for what she feels inside--asexual--and she’s not the only one. After years of wondering if love was the answer, Chika realizes that the answer she long sought may not exist at all--and that that's perfectly normal.
M Is for Monster By Talia Dutton
When Doctor Frances Ai's younger sister Maura died in a tragic accident six months ago, Frances swore she would bring her back to life. However, the creature that rises from the slab is clearly not Maura. This girl, who chooses the name "M," doesn't remember anything about Maura's life and just wants to be her own person. However, Frances expects M to pursue the same path that Maura had been on—applying to college to become a scientist—and continue the plans she and Maura shared. Hoping to trigger Maura's memories, Frances surrounds M with the trappings of Maura's past, but M wants nothing to do with Frances' attempts to change her into something she's not. In order to face the future, both Frances and M need to learn to listen and let go of Maura once and for all. Talia Dutton's debut graphic novel, M Is for Monster, takes a hard look at what it means to live up to other people's expectations—as well as our own.
Golden Sparkle By Minta Suzumaru
Himaru Uehara’s first year of high school is off to a good start, minus one problem—he keeps having wet dreams. With only his mom and sister at home—and having skipped health class in middle school—he thinks it means there’s something wrong with him. Thankfully, a new friend has just the remedy and teaches Himaru exactly how to deal with those pesky dreams! But his solution only leads to more confusion, and the two find themselves navigating feelings they’ve never felt before.
Thieves By Lucie Bryon
Ella can’t seem to remember a single thing from the party the night before at a mysterious stranger’s mansion, and she sure as heck doesn’t know why she’s woken up in her bed surrounded by a magpie’s nest of objects that aren’t her own. And she can’t stop thinking about her huge crush on Madeleine, who she definitely can’t tell about her sudden penchant for kleptomania… But does Maddy have secrets of her own? Can they piece together that night between them and fix the mess of their chaotic personal lives in time to form a normal, teenage relationship? That would be nice.
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic By Alison Bechdel
Meet Alison's father, a historic preservation expert and obsessive restorer of the family's Victorian home, a third-generation funeral home director, a high school English teacher, an icily distant parent, and a closeted homosexual who, as it turns out, is involved with his male students and a family babysitter. Through narrative that is alternately heartbreaking and fiercely funny, we are drawn into a daughter's complex yearning for her father. And yet, apart from assigned stints dusting caskets at the family-owned "fun home," as Alison and her brothers call it, the relationship achieves its most intimate expression through the shared code of books. When Alison comes out as homosexual herself in late adolescense, the denouement is swift, graphic -- and redemptive.
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat By Sakaomi Yuzaki
Cooking is how Nomoto de-stresses, but one day, she finds herself making way more than she can eat by herself. And so, she invites her neighbor Kasuga, who also lives alone. What will come out of this impromptu dinner invitation...?
Kasuga and Nomoto promised to spend their Christmas and New Year’s together. Now, they find themselves learning more about each other’s families through the food sent by Nomoto’s mother. Cute character bento, salmon and rice, stollen, fruit sandwiches, roast beef…Nomoto and Kasuga warm up to each other over a cheerful holiday season.  
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careydraws · 10 months
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VERY excited about these new romance novel cover prints I'll have at Flamecon table K119!! Hard to capture in photos, but they're on a really nice pearl linen shimmer heavy stock, so they've got a little texture and a fun silvery shimmer to them. Full flamecon menu post coming soon!! I haven't been at a con in three years, I'm nervous but excited!!
I'll have these at Flamecon, SPX, and MICE, and if I have any leftovers after that I'll put them up for sale online- I'll be sure to let folks know here /insta/twt/bsky (careydraws everywhere) when that happens!
Can you BELIEVE these """just weren't the right tone"""" for the GN series covers*, I don't see the problem, the main trio are CLEARLY visible on every cover,,,
*as always, this is a joke!! I made these as a special treat for me to stay sane during the actual GN cover process, nobody else ever got to see them to reject them; the entire GN team and the entire team at :01 are incredibly powerful & I feel very lucky to get to work with them!!
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kaceypink · 7 months
Check Out Leah!!
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If you were reunited with your lost love would you pet her? Even if she smelled like wet dog?
Checkout my Novel Sanctuary: Crossing the River here: pinkkacey.itch.io/sanctuary-crossing-the-river ((The uncensored image is there too, done by Adabear_Bones)) Obviously based on this image you can expect an adult content. Its a romance novel, featuring werewolves, trans bodies, and lesbians.
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ofdinosanddais1 · 1 year
Just got my order for Knit, Purl, a Baby and a Girl and it seems like a fun read.
I love babies and I also love sapphic romance novels. I don't normally choose slice of life novels but babies? I love babies. They're so cute and adorable.
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bookcub · 10 days
queer romance novels
happy pride month!! here are the queer romance novels i enjoyed
take a hint, dani brown by talia hibbert- after social media fame, dani and zaf fake date as a way to solve both their problems. friends to lovers and bi mc
satisfaction guaranteed by karelia stenz-waters- cade, an accountant, and selena, an artist, inherit a sex toy shop together. grumpy/sunshine, lesbian and bi mcs
hold me by courtney milan- youve got mail but in grad school with science nerds, brothers best friend, trans and bi mcs
sorry bro by taleen voskuni- "we were on a break and i found someone better," "i must recconnect with my culture," bi mcs
something to talk about by meryl wilsner- boss/assistant, celebrity romance, lesbian and bi mcs
a guy like him by talia hibbert- friends to lovers, fake dating, demisexual mc
how to be a normal person by tj klune- small town romance, dorks to lovers, asexual and gay mcs
mrs. martin's incomparable adventure by courtney milan- revenge comedy, novella, two older women destroy a man's life, sapphic mcs
a marvellous light by freya marske- historical fantasy mystery, annoyances to lovers, gay mcs
ben and beatrice by katalina gamarra- much ado about nothing modern day au, pansexual mc
honorable mention: girl gone viral by alisha rai- bodyguard romance, friends to lovers, the main characters never define themselves as demisexual and demiromantic but they are to me
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husbandogoddess · 7 months
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It's almost midnight at the Red Clover Tavern, and Kate unfortunately finds themselves working there tonight. Though, this is due to their own accord. After a co-worker called them in a panic, Kate couldn't say no. They didn't have the heart to turn down someone in need. But, they wish they did because now, they find themselves working a busy shift on a Saturday where they're hounded by customers nonstop. That is... until a pretty woman sits down in front of them.
This bright-eyed woman refuses to give out any information about herself, including her name. Yet there's just something about her that draws Kate in. Who is this woman? Can she make Kate's night into something memorable? And most importantly... Is this someone Kate can trust?
12k words
3 Endings
 4 CGs
Accessibility Options (Font Options, Self-Voicing, Image and Sound Captions)
An original soundtrack
A one brain cell protagonist
A ton of easter eggs peppered in the background
A game that supports women's rights and wrongs
Content Warning
Intoxicating contains:
Sexual content
Please be advised while playing, and take care of yourself.
Play Now!
You can download and play Intoxicating for free on itch!
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raemcdaniel-author · 2 years
Happy Pride!!! and a quick note...
Happy Pride!!! and a quick note…
Hey there! Happy Pride everyone! I always look forward to this time of year, getting to spend time with other LGBTQIA persons and being able to be ourselves. It’s a feeling like no other and is never more fully felt than at a Pride event. Will you or have you been to a Pride event this year? Post a comment and tell me all about it. Pictures are a bonus! Photo by Marta Branco on Pexels.com Also,…
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mylesficfavs · 1 year
Mushy and soft: yes give me more now please. This one hits the spot right on ❤️.
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madi-konrad · 4 months
My Lesbian Fantasy Romance novel A DEMON'S NAME UPON YOUR LIPS is going on sale for Valentines Day! From Feb. 7 - 14, you can grab it for $3.85, which is precisely $2.14 off the list price!
Here are the links!!
Apple Books, Smashwords, others
Barnes and Noble
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Synopsis below the cut!
Lucia is a succubus, a demon with the power to shape the emotions and passions of mortals. Summoned often into the world of Melodia, she takes pride in upholding her demonic contracts to the best of her abilities. She likes to think she does her job well … though a string of recent failures say otherwise.
Talia, the recently elevated Duke of Fallmire, summons Lucia for a simple reason: to pose as her wife and fulfill marital obligations to the satisfaction of Parliament. All to say, just a few weeks of walking around the estate and playing nice with the neighbors before a conveniently tragic death. Quick and easy.
But immediately, Lucia smells blood in the water. Behind closed doors, the Duke plots vengeance upon those who killed her father—and the demon wants in. Revenge, after all, is much more fun … and more lucrative, to boot.
But can Lucia predict how hard she’d fall for the Duke? (Not a chance). And can the Duke find it in her vengeful heart to love?
Spice Level: lightly described nudity, fade-to-black sex.
64,000 words.
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