#less than 200 word drabble
126simp · 2 years
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Original picture by @tarlosweeklyprompts
Gifts for Toddlers are the Best!!
(A/N: I know this is very short...sorry)
Tarlos Fic for @tarlosweeklyprompts March Daily One-Word Prompt Event!!
March 8th Word: Gift
Tags: Fluff, Carlos and TK love their niecie, Charlie is everyone's favorite
Warnings: TK has trauma, PTSD, Touch hypersensitivity, Using hot water as a way to self harm (not-explicit), Alex is warning all his own!
Relationships: TK/Carlos, TK & Carlos & Charlie
Characters: TK, Carlos
“Hun, we need to go to the grocery section now.” I hear Carlos tell me from behind me while I get distracted by another pretty dress. I pick it off the rack and show him, it’s a peach colored dress with tuft at the bottom and can see Charlie wearing it. As I look up to see my husband’s reaction he is shaking his head, and says, “Babe, haven’t you already gotten a lot of clothes for her?”
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panpanicatmha · 4 months
!!Fics For Gaza!!
Hi all! My dear friend rin ( @socalledsomethingorother ) sent me a link about a blog on here that is using fic writing as a way to raise money for families in need in Gaza.
I will be accepting customized My Hero Academia fic prompt requests in exchange for proof of at least a $1 donation to one of the families displayed on https://gazafunds.com/.
My rate will be $1 for 125 words. The more you donate, the more words the prompt will get (ex. if you send proof of a $5 donation, I will write a 625-word drabble/oneshot for your specified prompt).
In terms of guidelines of what I will be accepting in requests, I will need the following:
relationships/characters you want to be included
the specified prompt/topic you want written (prompt must be less than 200 words)
specific details/headcanons you would like included
In terms of what I do not accept/will not write:
NSFW prompts (beyond suggestive jokes/implied sexual themes).
Adult/minor and/or incest ships.
Any character bashing prompts that aren't the following characters: Tomura Shigaraki, All For One, Hisashi Midoriya, Endeavor, Monoma Neito.
Romantic Izuku x Ochako (platonic is completely fine).
Canon x OC, OC x OC, x reader, x Y/N, or self-inserts
Of course, I will also NOT be accepting any prompts that are insensitive towards the atrocious war crimes happening in the genocide in Palestine.
Beyond that, I am more than happy to discuss specifics. Please feel free to send proof of donations to my ask box and/or DMs!
Again, this is in partnership with @ficsforgaza , whose blog I definitely suggest you check out! I strongly urge for all my fellow writer mutuals (and reader mutuals) to join this cause.
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theewritingroomm · 4 months
A Wasteland Reunion
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Summary: It's been more than 200 years since you've last seen your cowboy. Pairing: Cooper Howard x Reader Word Count: 1,070 (a drabble? what's that?) Warnings: mentions of violence, swearing, A/N: Part of The Cowboy & The Movie Star series, a part 2 if you will. Let me know what y'all would like to see from this series. What snapshots would y'all like to see?
I do NOT consent to my work being translated or published onto third party sites - including AO3 and Wattpad.
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A layer of dirt and grime covered every surface of the Red Rocket Gas Station. Outside the sun blazed down, covering the Wasteland in a blazing heat. The wind gave an occasional whistle as it blew more dirt into the gas station’s broken windows. Though you were paying attention to none of that, you were focused on the sound that should not be there. 
The thumping of heavy footsteps on broken concrete. 
So with your back against the checkout counter you reload your gun and cussed Ma June. If this ‘simple favor’ didn’t kill you, you were going to ring the older lady’s neck. 
As the heavy steps get closer your finger tightens around the trigger of your gun. The old bell chimes above the door and heavy footfalls turn into light steps as the newest customer to the Red Rocket navigates around the debris littering the floor. The footsteps grow quieter as the person heads towards the other end of the gas station. 
Taking the opportunity, you slowly crawl towards the open door a few feet to your right. The manager’s office was threadbare, a simple desk and chair sat in the middle of the room with a few filing cabinets sitting behind the desk. It did not offer many hiding places, however you had no interest in hiding. You were interested in getting the piece of tech Ma June was searching for and getting the hell out of the Red Rocket. 
After waiting a moment, with bated breath for the sound of footsteps to draw closer. You were surprised when they never did, coming to the conclusion that the person must have left. Likely abandoning their search when they came up empty handed. Not that you minded, The less people here, the less bullets you would have to use to make it back to Filly. 
Pushing the other person from your mind, you began going through the drawers of the desk. Where you found a handful of plastic forks, a loose cigarette and four caps. With another glance to the open door and a pause to listen for steps, you turned your attention to the filing cabinets behind you. 
The first cabinet was a bust, holding nothing but trash. You had moved onto the second cabinet, only starting to pull the first drawer out when the hairs on the back of your neck rose and a pit of dread opened in your stomach. Before you could turn to inspect, the hammer of a pistol was pulled back. The click echoed off the walls of the dusty gas station. 
“My, my,” A low voice drawled out behind you. “What’s a pretty little thing like you doin’ all alone out here?” 
The voice was low, gravely, distinctly a man’s voice. It trickled down your spine like ice water, setting off every nerve ending within you. But deep down, there was a familiarity in the voice. A familiarity that had your heart tightening in your chest. 
“Just surviving,” you replied., hand tightening around your own pistol. “Wasteland’s a rough place.” 
You tried to keep your voice level, not wanting to give away any of your intentions or give the stranger a reason to pull his trigger. At this point you were ready to call this mission a bust, sure that the tech Ma June was after was not worth your life. 
“Stand up, leave your gun on the ground” the man demanded, leaving no room for arguments. 
Complying with the man, you left your gun in the dirt and stood. Muscles aching and protesting from being squatted for so long. Once fully stood you began to turn around. Wanting to see the man who was likely going to shoot you down. 
The man, no, the ghoul in front of you was menacing from looks alone. A long, leather trench coat covered the rest of his outfit, an ammo belt stretched across his chest, and a weathered cowboy hat was pulled low on his head. A sneer stretched his lips across yellowing teeth and fire burned in deep brown eyes. 
As you locked eyes with the Ghoul a weight of emotions crashed into your chest. If silence hadn’t consumed the gas station you would have thought he shot you.
“Cooper?” The name fell from your lips before you could stop it. 
The sound bubbled in the space between the two of you. Growing with the tension in the room before popping with a deep growl from the man. 
Quicker than you could realize, he was on you. A heavy arm pushing against your throat as he slammed you against the hard metal cabinets behind you. A handle dug harshly into your hip, surly going to leave a bruise. However, you could not find it in you to care. Not when Cooper Howard was standing before you two hundred years after you had seen him last. Two hundred years after you were sure he had died.  
“How do you fuckin; know that name?” He growled, pushing his forearm harder against your throat.
“Coop, please,” You coughed out, struggling to breath past the pressure Cooper was putting on your neck. “It’s me.”
His eyes darkened, a predator staring down at you. “Bullshit.” 
The arm not holding you to the cabinets began to raise, The metal of his gun was cold as he placed it to your temple. 
“I’m only gonna ask one more time.” He pulled the hammer back with a sickening click. “How do you know that name and why are you wearing her fuckin’ face?” 
He was nearly shouting at the end of his question. Fury beginning to take over his composure. 
Knowing you only had one more chance to prove to Cooper that you were standing in front of him, you dug into your memories with Cooper. Going back to a place you had long wished to go back to.
“I told you I loved you for the first time the day the bombs dropped,” you choked around the words, “I had a meeting at the studio and you were getting ready for a birthday party. We were standing in the driveway and you were wearing that damn cowboy getup, but I couldn’t wait anymore so I blurted it out.” 
The fire in his eyes diminished as another emotion took over. With a small sigh, your name escaped his lips in a whisper. Like a prayer he had long since forgotten.
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daetko · 1 month
CASTLE ARCHITECTS ; send me a character and i’ll write a fluff drabble about building sandcastles together!
could i request denki one ples and thankyou 🫶🫶
AND HI TALIA CONGRATULATIONS ON 200!! YAYZIES!! in your inbox now like i said i would be 😈😈
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ⛱️ castle architects ; denki kaminari
⊱ cw ; gn reader (no pronouns mentioned), fluff, 980 words
⊱ a/n ; HELLOOOO STAROOMF!!! thank you for it request and sorry if it took too long i’m on vacay rn :,) i wrote this on a roadtrip tho so i had a little fun with it, i hope it meets your expectations! i feel like this and the touya one can do great as fanfics too!
⊱ masterlist , event navigation
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the ride to the beach wasn’t the most enjoyable to say the least, with your boyfriend fast asleep and drooling on your shoulder. it was a 45 minute bus ride, and barely seven minutes in, there he was—blonde hair tousled, leaning against you with a small stream of drool tickling your bare skin, making you shiver.
however, as soon as the bus arrived, it was like he’d never been asleep at all, all excited and bursting with energy. he leaped off the bus with a grin, taking off his shirt mid run and diving straight into the water with sero and kirishima. you chased after him, stopping at the shore, watching as he resurfaced gasping for air , shivering from the cold of the water. sighing, you watched as he approached you, all pouty and quivering, before you took his hand and walked him back to your deckchairs.
“I told you to wait, ‘ki. you jumped into the water without any sunscreen or even taking a cold shower first, and now you’re complaining about the cold,” you scolded, rolling your eyes as you looked down at your pouting wet cat of a boyfriend. with a sigh, you wrapped a towel around him like a baby, and he tilted his head, extending his neck in a silent plea for a kiss. you did so with a quick cheek peck before getting up.
“sunscreen,” he mumbled, still shivering. you paused and blinked at him for a moment as you reached into your bag for the sunscreen. “are you warm yet?” you asked, receiving a nod in response. gently, you removed the towel and started applying sunscreen to his back, then moved to his stomach, legs, and finally his face, placing with a soft kiss on his lips when you were done.
somehow, just a minute later, the two of you were sprawled out on the sand, trying to shape it into a base for your sandcastle. your efforts however, were less than successful—horribly failing— at least only you were. when you glanced over at denki’s side, it was flawless. “what the— how the hell are you already done?” you asked, genuinely taken aback. he shrugged, a confused expression crossing his face. “It’s easy? No?”
you stared at him with disbelief, then turned your gaze back to your own sandcastle, trying to reshape it to match his. denki was already finishing up the first floor of his sandcastle while had you barely started. glancing over at his castle and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was secretly some sort of architecture prodigy. “denki. denki kaminari. where’d you learn this from.” your voice was filled with genuine curiosity.“Huh? it’s really easy… you just gotta do this…” his hands were moving skillfully through the sand, “then that,” sweeping his finger across a perfectly smooth line of damp sand “and then… just like that!” he finished with a wide, proud smile as he completed the base of the castle. you were baffled yet so captivated. you found it cute how he just has these random skills he never talks about or didn’t probably even realize he has. your moment of admiration was interrupted, however, by the mischievous grin spreading across his face. oh no no no, you knew that look all too well. “a little zap! you know, for added effects, and to make our castle the greatest in the history of this beach!” he declared, giggling like a maniac with his index finger pointed up, ready to use his quirk. you sighed for the umpteenth time as you knew there was no talking him out of this. you backed away slightly as he put his finger through the opening at the top of the castle and “1 Million Vol—“ “denki. you’ll zap up the whole beach.” you said flatly, cutting him off. he pouted but unwillingly toned it down, releasing just a small spark of electricity through his finger. “WOAHHHHH!!!! I DID THAT!!!” he shouted, eyes sparkling with excitement. “i didn’t think about this!” you said, equally excited looking at the formerly sand, now glass sandcastle. it only makes sense, sand becomes glass when faced with high temperatures, such as electricity. though the smiles and sparkles didn’t last long when your boyfriend wanted to readjust his position and accidentally knocked the glass castle over with his toe, shattering it into pieces.
“Fatass toe.” “SHUT UP! i’m really upset about this y/nnn” he whined, his voice filled with more sass than you’d ever heard, as he sulked on the bus ride home. you scoffed, with a faint smile.
the glass castle was cool though.
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getting to the other requests soon i love u all mwah mwah mwah
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A/N: A Dean Drabble requested by @wings-of-a-raven to help me write... SOMETHING. Thank you for the prompt baby, ILY
W/C: More than the 200 words requested, but less than 500
@kazosa @lovealways-j @deanwinchesterswitch
Summary: Dean takes you to get ink
“Sweetheart, I promise you, it’s not going to hurt.”
“Doubtful,” you muttered as you looked out the passenger window of the Impala, watching the buildings slowly going by on Main Street.
Dean pondered your response and cleared his throat. “Alright, well… it won’t hurt as bad as a demon using you as a meat suit.”
You turned and gave him a rueful glare before looking back out the window as Dean maneuvered his baby into an empty spot in front of the neon sign that flashed “TATTOOS”.
“Besides, I don’t know why you’re acting so afraid of a little pinch. I’ve seen you get tossed across the room half a dozen times. Watched your bones break and still pulled off beheading a vamp. Hell, last month alone I sewed you up at least five times, and you didn’t flinch. Once.”
“I know… this is just… different.”
Dean turned off the Impala while his gaze continued straight ahead. “That’s crap. There’s a reason you’re scared and I wanna know why.” He turned to look at you. When you didn’t acknowledge him, he gently took your chin between his fingers and guided your face so you would be looking at him. “C’mon, I thought we were past all this and that you trusted us. Trusted me.”
“I do trust you, Dean. This just feels so permanent.”
Dean snorted a laugh and sighed. “Well, yeah. Tattoos are pretty permanent.”
“No… I mean getting this tattoo is a permanent link to hunting; to living this crazy ass life that I don’t know if I am ready to live. Also,” you paused, knowing the ridicule you were about to endure, “I hate needles, a lot.”
"C'mon, I promise you everything will be okay. And ya know, if you ARE in pain afterwards, I have plenty of ways to keep you distracted." Dean paused, a devilish smirk on his lips.
That smile–there was no way you could resist it. You slid closer to him, your fingers lightly stroking the back of his neck and your lips hovering close to his. "Would you even do that thing I love?" You asked softly, raising a seductive brow. 
"God yes."
"Okay," you whispered, then kissed him tenderly. "Let's get this over with so we can get home and you can take care of me."
You glided your hand down his arm, and to the top of his thigh. Just the hint of of what was to come made his jeans snug.
"Heh, yeah… um, why don't you head on in. I'm gonna need a minute."
Unable to hide your amusement, you got out of the car, paused, and bent down to say one last thing before closing the door.
"Just for the record, I'm scared to death of this life, but it's worth every second, long as I do it with you."
With that, you closed the car door and headed in, ready to be branded a hunter for life.
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roguishcat · 6 months
BG3 Fanfiction Masterlist
Mostly Astarion x female Tav or Astarion x my OC, although other characters do make appearances.
Conversations with a vampire
Summary: Astarion's eyes shot open and he scowled at the child crouched near him. This had to a trick. Because there was no way that a child dressed like a noble would be in a back alley behind the Flophouse at this time at night offering him salvation in the form of a potion of superior healing.
Rating: Teen. Mild language, mentions of abuse in later chapters, canon compliant violence.
Setting: Set before the events of the game.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Art - chapter 5
Chasing perfection
Chasing perfection is not only impractical but mostly unattainable. Instead of boosting our achievements, it shrinks them. Why? Because when we aim too high, "failure" becomes the norm, chipping away at our self-confidence bit by bit. But then again, maybe perfection is overrated.
Rating: Mature. Mentions of abuse, violence, mature themes. Chapters with smut will be marked red.
Pairing: Astarion/(Fem)Tav
Setting: Act 1 and Act 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Clumsy - Pairing:Astarion x female Tav. Set in Act I, before Astarion confesses to being a vampire. Tav has always been a little clumsy, but it was nothing too inconvenient until Astarion came along. Since then, whenever Tav’s blood would spill, he would be there.
Part of his plan - Pairing: Astarion x female Tav. Set in Act II, just after the tiefling party. Astarion was sure that being indispensable to Tav was the best way to secure his place by her side. And this is where his sewing skills would come in handy.
A welcome distraction - Pairing:Astarion x female Tav. Set in Act II. Astarion was not nice. Nothing about him was even remotely nice. Such a bland, plain word that carried little to no meaning. But perhaps, given the right incentive, he could be persuaded to be nice to the one person who he felt deserved it most.
Honeycomb - Pairing:Astarion x female Tav. Set in the beggining of Act II. Astarion had a brilliant, fool-proof plan. And nothing, especially not a piece of honeycomb, would get in the way.
Yours, if you'll have me - Pairing: Astarion x female Tav. Set in Act II. Astarion found the letter on the ground between his tent and Gale’s earlier this morning. Not thinking much of it, Astarion swiped it, hoping to get a piece of juicy gossip. Gale having a secret admirer, how fun! He didn’t realise that the contents were meant for him. And from their leader, no less!
Upon reflection, I find you perfect - Pairing: Astarion x female Reader. Set post-game. You find a way for Astarion to see his reflection for the first time in over 200 years.
Brunch - Pairing:Astarion x female Tav. AU two-shot (no Cazador, elf Astarion). Another, better emotionally equipped male would probably just ask Tav out. Like on an actual proper date at a nice venue rather than sticking to their monthly meeting for brunch as a pathetic excuse for spending time with her. But that was the crux of the problem. Astarion had absolutely zero clue as to how to be in a relationship.
Batstarion Week 2024
My headcanon is that spawn Astarion can turn into an adorable bat. Here are some drabbles exploring your and Astarion's life post-game for Batstarion Week 2024.
Batstarion Week 2024 - Day 1 - Falling asleep in unusual places
Batstarion Week 2024 -Day 2 - Cuteness aggression
Batstarion Week 2024 - Day 3 - High fashion
Batstarion Week 2024 - Day 4 - Cameo with another character
Batstarion Week 2024 - Day 5 - Feeding your Batstarion
Batstarion Week 2024 - Day 6 - Bat cuddles
Batstarion Week 2024 - Day 7 - Any prompt (Happily Ever After)
Augustarion 2024
Interconnected drabbles and one-shots celebrating our favourite rogue. Mostly reader (You) x Astarion.
Augustarion Day 1 – Strawberries 🍓
Augustarion Day 2 – Pool Party 🌊
Augustarion Day 3 - Apron 18+ MNDI
Augustarion Day 4 - Mythologies
Augustarion Day 6 - Cream
Augustarion Day 7 - Underwear
Augustarion Day 14 - Protective
Augustarion Day 15 - Shirt that goes hard
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bowtiepastabitch · 8 months
One more day to contribute to fandom science, and if you've already submitted your response here's some fun facts about Good Omens fic on ao3 for you:
Prior to the release of the first season, there were 3,574 fics on ao3 under the Good Omens book fandom tag. Especially compared to current numbers, they are almost overwhelmingly general and teen. Popular tags included fluff, humor, crossover, established relationship, romance, and drabble.
The "anal sex" tag did not make its debut on the top tags list until January of 2024. The ratio of explicit fics is also much higher than any month since the s2 release. Y'all nasty (I love you).
The longest fic under the GO Tv tag is 1,041,533 words with over 200 chapters and is published in spanish. The second place is at 500k, also in Spanish. The third, and the longest english fic, is 479,886 words and 56 chapters, and it's a rarepair Crowley/Gabriel with Aziraphale as the villain. Interesting choices were made here, major respect for the author. Takes guts.
There are 150 pages of fic, or about 3,000 fics, with less than 50 words (my cutoff for calculating average wordcount). That's 3k archived works consisting of podfics, artwork, and short poetry. Very cool!
Y'all are all simps and suckers. With the singular exception of August 2023 (Neil you know what you did), the top tag accross all dates I pulled data from was always fluff.
As I said, if you haven't already PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO VOTE to contribute to the biggest survey of Good Omens fanfic statistics made to date, and maybe give this or the poll a reblog to get it in front of more writers.
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Bonus fun fact: In the time it took me to type this post, 4 more fics were posted.
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makeyoumine69 · 2 years
for your celebration, could you do size kink and dacryphilia? tysm and congrats on 200! <33
◥ PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Reader
◥ SUMMARY: Patrick is jealous and he's gonna punish you for that.
◥ CW: 18+/ NSFW │rough prone sex, degradation kink, clothed sex.
◥ WORDCOUNT: ~ 500
◥ A/N: Thank you so much for your request! It seems like I can't write short drabbles, I hope you like it! 🥰
◥ LINKS: │Bingo Writing Challange Masterlist│ │Main Masterlist│
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Something felt definitely wrong, you had noticed it from the moment you and Patrick got into the cab as you were going to his apartment. He seemed irritated more than usual, his perfect jawline would tick whenever you tried to look at his face. What the fuck happened to him? Fidgeting in your place, you were trying to find the answer by replaying the last hours you have been together, but it didn’t work.
Later, when you crossed the threshold of his apartment, situation became even more tensed. Without saying a word, Patrick pulled you against his broad chest, leaving your tiny body completely breathless. Looking at you from above, Bateman licked his lips before he lifted you so easily and soon, you found yourself whimpering beneath his huge frame. Patrick didn’t care about undressing both of you, he just unzipped his pants and pulled up your skirt, while his free hand was working on ripping your panties. The sight of your blushing pussy made him exhaled with hunger and then, he was suddenly fucking you roughly from behind, pressing you against his white couch.
“Pat…Patrick, it hurts! Please…” You whined, feeling yourself used each time his beefy cock was ramming into you.
“Now you're talking,” he groaned into your ear, trapping your hips between his legs. “You wanted to test me, huh? You damn little whore!”
Patrick made a low growl, setting up the pace and holding you still. His big palms were squeezing your fragile waist so harshly, leaving red marks on your tender skin; tears began to form in the corners of your eyes. You had no choice but to whimper, begging him to slow down and damn…he liked it. The way you were sobbing against the expensive material of his couch, and your body trembling from his rough thrusting–all of this was setting him on fire.
Panting, Bateman forced you to lay flat on your abdomen, so he could penetrate you even deeper. “I saw how that bastard was looking at you…” he sneered in a husky voice through his greeted teeth. “Do ya really think he can fuck you better than me?”
“Mmmhm, I beg you…” your high-pitched wails bounced against the walls of his living room as you were struggling so hard to adjust to his size. “It’s so…S-so deep, please…”
Moaning softly, Patrick wrapped your neck as he was listening to your desperate pleas, enjoying each cry you were making. “Maybe next time you’d be less dumb and more careful…” he mocked, squeezing your jaw and forcing you to look at him. “Such a poor little girl…Moaning so sweetly from the way I’m ruining her tight little hole….”
Damn, he was so big, stretching you from the inside, pressing you down and holding you there with his whole body. It felt so wrong, but yet so warm to be beneath him, held by him and conquered.
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kikohao · 6 months
ᅠᅠᅠᅠヽ` . 100 WITH KIKOHAO ( •͈ ꒡ •͈ )
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i am extremely happy to note that i've reached 100 follows on here! its an incredible milestone for me to reach so many followers in just less than a month after restarting my dead account <3
i am genuinely really happy that i've decided to write again, and, especially for my ults, seventeen. i may start writing for other groups but seventeen will always, and forever, be my top priority in both writing, and just in general <3
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so, now, after all the sentimental-ness, i'll be having 2 mini events :)
event 1; closed!!
send an ask mentioning an intro about yourself (it can be very short, or very detailed!) where you can mention your interests/hobbies and anything else that comes to mind!
after, i'll be shipping you with a member from the group (i'll include why i ship you with them, how they'll be, etc etc)
you can send the asks on/off anon :)
event 2; closed!!
send an ask with a member of choice and any quote of choice (no smut) and i'll write a fic/drabble having about 200-1k words depending on the quote and inspiration. [some quote references if you want 🐬 🎀 💐 🐸 💌 💥 🌱 🧸 these are just examples, feel free to send me your own <3 ]
feel free to add some thoughts/ideas/pictures/songs along with it :)
if you would like to spread the word about this event, feel free to reblog <3
i haven't yet thought about how long this event will be but let's see how it'll go !! :D
taglist; @nonononranghaee @abodyhasbeenfound @staranghae send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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126simp · 2 years
Warm to Your Cold
(Cold to Your Warm Part 2 - Carlos's POV) *Less than 200 Word*
Tarlos Fic for @tarlosweeklyprompts March Daily One-Word Prompt Event!!
March 2nd Word: Touch
Tags: Short fic, Drabble less than 200 words,
Relationships: TK/Carlos, TK/Alex (Past Relationship)
Characters: TK, Carlos
I feel like all I can do is just fall further and further for this man and everything that he is. We just work together, even though we are opposite in so many ways, but our opposites kind of work together. For instance, the fact that I always run warm, it works with the fact that he always runs cold. I can be the comfort he seeks when he is cold, tired, or sad, hurt, or anything else. From all he has been through all I want to do is be his safe place and one of the people he is not afraid to go to even at the worst moments.
So, yes I am warm and he is cold, but we work best because of that fact.
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lale-txt · 5 months
for the longest time i've plagued myself thinking i need to write long fics, "proper fics", as if anything below 3k words was just a warm-up and nothing more, an appetizer before the actual meal. the longer the fic, the better, yada yada.
life became more freeing when i allowed myself to find joy in small drabbles and headcanons too, without brushing them off as something minor or something i write in between. it's fun and challenging trying to tell a whole story in less than 200 words! it fills my heart with joy just thinking about silly headcanons and writing them down, just gathering my scattered thoughts and letting them bounce around! it doesn't make you any less of a writer when i don't meet a certain word count that you probably made up in your own beautiful but cruel mind.
shake off the shackles you put on yourself, baby
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mcverse · 2 years
Hello! May I request a Yuma × fem!reader drabble where summer is coming, and she's started to wear more revealing clothes without a bra? Not necessarily sexual ones per se, but just how her showing more skin looks appealing to him and what his reaction(s) to that would be. Thanks!
I've tried making it as detailed as possible since I read that's what's most helpful to you, but please feel free to infuse your own headcanons about the character (if you have any)– I'd like to know the writer's perspective too💞💞
If no one told you that you’re amazing today, I’m telling you now that you are!
Pairings: Yuma x F! Reader
Type: Drabble
Word count: 200, more or less
Warnings: Slight suggestive theme, wholesome feels, man in love
Side bar: My first ask! Thank you very much 😭 I agree with your last statement, that’s mainly there so it can have all the parts you want included into the story so it’s to your liking. Otherwise my imagination will run wild! Anyways I hope you like it and feedback is always appreciated!!
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately.
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The sweltering heat may be influencing my thoughts, but it's frustrating how you always look impeccable.
Yuma loved the summer. The blooming flowers plays a good part, but it doesn’t compare to seeing you walk around in the thinnest tank top and no bra. It made it hard for him to focus on his garden, your shimmering skin the greatest distraction.
To be fair, everything about you was. He could never put it into words the affect you have on him, and today just made it more difficult for him—clear proof that he was still a man, regardless of his abilities.
You didn’t know he was coming until he embraced you from behind, burying his nose in your hair. In that millisecond, he felt that if heaven really existed it’ll be in the embodiment of you.
Yuma was grateful for very few things in all his life; you being at the top of the list no questions. Something about you always stirred something in him every time. Keeping his hands to himself was out of the question. He needed you more than he can comprehend how you made him like this.
“I know you do this on purpose, kitten.” he holds you tighter, his hands moving upwards slowly, “How can I teach you a lesson..” he teased, licking a strip up your neck.
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DL Masterlist
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drabbles-mc · 6 months
JJ Maybank x GN!Reader
With the help of This Prompt List by @creativepromptsforwriting and my trusty Wheel of Names with every character I’ve ever written for, I’m aiming to write a fic in 500 words or less every day of March.
Prompt: tulip
Word Count: 200
A/N: it's been so long since i've written for JJ! a fun little double-drabble for him 🥰
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“I told you,” you chastised him. “I told you there was no way we were gonna make that turn at that speed.”
JJ was trying not to roll his eyes since you ended up being right this time. He allowed you to help him get his bike back off the ground from where the two of you had wiped out, someone’s garden full of tulips and daffodils now flattened. “I’ve done it a million times before.”
You laughed. “You’re so full of it.”
He smirked as he brushed the dirt off his knees. “Am not.”
You were smiling even though you knew that you shouldn’t be. “You’re not winning this argument.”
Throwing his leg back over the bike, he held out his hand. “You gonna get back on the bike?”
You made a big show of waiting, of thinking it over. Finally, you put your hand in his without saying another word.
The grin on his face said more than your words ever could have as he helped you onto the bike behind him. He waited for your arms to slip around his middle before getting ready to take off again, the last thing he said was, “Definitely won it.”
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cascigarette · 8 months
hi pals i wanna promo my two latest ao3 series!!!
my current one is my spn kink bingo! I currently have 7 out of 9 done and my goal is to do all 9!! some destiel, some rarepairs, some sam-centric ships :)) also very smutty so mind the tags
also my last one was 20 drabbles in 20 days which I completed on the first of the year!! all less than 200 words, mostly spn centric ones but also sprinkled in some doctor who and ofmd ones too <33 none are explicit and most are prose/poetry-esque
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domoz · 1 year
Or, alternate funny version to the previous: any combination of Uchiha watching Tobirama fight and discussing their observations (gossiping/oogling shamelessly), after peace exists and they SHOULD technically probably help him, but... Tobirama can clearly handle it, no need to get in his way
I once read that a drabble is 200 words or less. I will never beat those allegations.
The ability to share memories with the sharingan really isn't meant to be used this way, but that's never actually stopped anyone.
"I swear to you," Says Madara with a snicker, "He slapped himself in the face with a water whip. Acted like it never happened, but I saw it."
The scene is a bit more endearing than that, when Madara shows it. Tobirama is sparring with his students and one of them can't quite dodge in time. That jutsu can break skin and cut through muscle if it hits right, but rather than hurt one of his students that badly, Tobirama jerks it back. He breaking the whip's momentum but loses a good portion of control and,  indeed, slaps himself in the fact with it. He looks rather akin to a wet cat.
Madara and Izuna both break out into another fit of laughter, but Hikaku just shakes his head fondly.
"I've seen him do that on purpose, actually." He says after the laughter has died down a bit. It's not exactly the same -- the memory he calls up had been recorded on accident. It had been in those early days of peace, when seeing Tobirama move water about had made him call up the sharingan on instinct, back when they'd be so concerned that he'd break peace that he wasn't allowed to go off on missions alone.
I'd been rather rote mission -- dealing with bandits who had thought they could take advanced of the disorganization of a new village. It had had been hot, the summer temperatures soaring high and uncomfortable, and they'd both been sweat soaked and sticky by the end of it.
"Excuse me" Tobirama had said the moment he'd cause sight of a source of water. He'd let himself jump in ankle deep instead of standing on top, raised an arm, and proceeded to dump an honestly excessive amount of water over himself. Of course, his mastery over water let him pull water out of his clothes until he was just the right amount of damp without any effort-- Hikaku had been and still is jealous over it -- and even back then, eyes lingered on where wet clothes stuck to well-defined muscle.
Thankfully no one comments. The sharingan's tendency to show the exactly what was seen means they've all shared unintentionally embarrassing moments. Plus, Hikaku knows he's not the only one who's done that exact thing.
"Oh, sensei will do that for us, if we ask!" Chimes in Kagami, thankfully too young and oblivious to understand why his cousins are giving Hikaku the side eye. He launches into a memory of his team begging and pleading to be allowed to train on the water on another hot day. His sensei had crossed his arms, unimpressed, and said he knew that the lot of them had all mastered water walking already…
…But that if the lot of them managed to prove they could do their D-rank mission without complaining, he would think of a way to cool them all off. In Kagami's young memory, the cool mist Tobirama had raised from the pond of the garden they'd been weeding had been the most refreshing thing he'd ever felt.
"…He's too soft on you." Madara says, without any real heat.
"He's something." Izuna responds dryly. "Sometimes I forget, none of you have ever seen what it's like when he really wants to get something done."
Without warning, Izuna calls up the memory of a fight. No… A spar, but a bloodthirsty one. Probably one of the first ones they'd had since they were allowed to again, after peace was called. A mixture of pent up frustration and the fact that they were no longer supposed to kill each other had both of them showing off -- Izuna was prone to do it, regardless, but this was the first time he'd seen Tobirama opt for techniques that were more flashy than practical. A water dragon with mutliple heads split apart into multiple, chasing Izuna through the trees, each one eating one of the multi-fireballs Izuna hurls out to counter them.
Tobirama did not hesitate, leaping out from the steam and twisting his fingers. The droplets of water in the air shimmered and twisted until everything was an indistinct haze.
Not that it stops a sharingan. But something about the scene -- the way the light hit the mist, haloing Tobirama with a sort of rainbow -- or maybe the way he's smirking -- makes Izuna pause.
Oh, he thinks.
Oh, thinks everyone else.
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lost-technology · 11 months
Hello, fellow Trigun fan who's way older than me! So you're a Trigun fan since the early 2000s, what was it like back then?
From what I can remember of it, just as weird as it is now. I can remember it being slightly less sexualized? There was plenty of horny-obsession with the characters then, but it seemed like there was a little more room for general stuff. Vash x Meryl and Wolfwood x Milly were more popular ships then than they are now. Vash x Wolfwood was wildly popular (all the yaoi / slash ships were, Vash with Wolfwood, Vash with Knives, Knives with Legato), but there was more attention on the het ships, as well. The het ships were actually as popular as the slash ships. When all we had was the '98 anime, but invested fans knew of the manga, there were a few people who had access to the manga who could read Japanese who would do their own scans and translations of various...and dubious quality. We waited for bits and pieces with bated breath, but never knew how wonky the translations were or how much of a personal bias toward their own fan-theories / ships /whatnot any given translator was putting into their uploaded scans. This continued on even after Dark Horse translated and printed the manga officially in English, because those of us who were collecting the print-manga were still looking up scans to see the rest of the story that hadn't come out of Japan yet. It was a time before the social media giants we know today, so fandom was on message boards, BBS boards and forums dedicated either to general anime or to Trigun in particular. There were also fan-groups on places like Livejournal. I remember being a part of a Livejournal called "100 Bullets," which was for "drabbles" - fanfiction of exactly 100 words. People would throw out prompts and writers were challenged to create little 100 word fics from it. There is a such thing called a "double drabble," which was 200 words, but "100 Bullets" confined things to 100 (no more, no less) as a challenge. I see the young 'uns (in all fandoms) throwing out the word "drabble" to just mean short fic and then writing something that's 700 words or so and I am just inwardly screaming "No! This is NOT how that works! This not how that works at all!" On a board I went to, Trinut, we had a little writing contest to make up our own ending for the manga before the ending came out. I wrote a story that I still kind of like (over on fanfiction.net) where Vash and Knives killed each other and the area of their last battle was haunted by their ghosts / energy. I might bring that one over to Ao3 someday... That kind of thing was pretty much how we expected it all to end. Some people were actually ANGRY that the manga got a happy-ish ending. There was one jagoff and his friends who created a BBS that got popular because he had "inside information from a friend in Japan" that Trigun was getting a revamped series like Hellsing Ultimate that was going to fit more with the manga (this was back in 2009 or so). People followed him for information. His handle was MillionsLivio if I am recalling correctly. He was rude and stuck up and not many people on Trinut or other boards liked him at all, but loads of people flocked to his board (I forget the original name of it, but it eventually shifted to all-anime and rebranded as Blue Panda). I joined it briefly because a friend wanted to do a roleplay and preferred me as a Vash-roleplayer over their resident one. I quickly quit after I realized that MillionsLivio's ACTUAL NAZI RHETORIC and racism WEREN'T him doing a fake "early 2000s Internets' edgy" persona, but were his actual viewpoints - shared by his core circle of friends. Like I said, I couldn't stand the guy, but a lot of people thought that people like that were faking it just to get a rise out of people, you know, reddit-troll types. In hindsight, here in 2023, we know by know that all of those edgelords were...the real thing. Yes, I met an early alt-righter in Trigun fandom of all places. (At least he actually hated Vash. He was a Knives and Livio fan, but you know, I don't understand how anyone could like Trigun at all and be... like that). The world is weird.
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