#let Leo get a pet 2023
excali8ur · 4 months
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So there's this AU,
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keypaa · 10 months
Astrology Observations No.4
<3 TW
I use the whole sign system
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Mars-Saturn hard aspects struggle with sexual encounters at first and have a poor relationship with intimicy.They may loose their virginity later than others and that‘s good yk never loose sahahah
Mars in leo/degrees can be known for their drive (that one girl in my class is super intelligent and everyone knows that) Since leo rules fame it makes more than sence✮⋆˙
Moon in cancer (if developed) can talk about that they just cried over an quite little duck running around without being ashamed of pointing out their own vulnerability (ma sweethearts) That is because cancers ruler is moon
Venus in aquarius always have something to do with animes and they live for video games and their friends. Nevertheless you can be their partner but sometimes they put their friends first 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
Mercury in taurus thinkkkk before they talk, might talk slow and come of as seriøs
Wait jupiter in 3rd house just get a lot of money from family members $♡
Venus in 11th house post their favorite things online ( your pets, your playlists…) 💋
4th house in aries: your home environment is wild, full of chaos and passion at the same time ✮⋆˙
Saturn-Pluto: The relationship to your father changed or transformed you. Some people with this placement are not in contact with their father anymore or just see him once in a while
Moon-Jupiter individuals get lucky if they show their emotions (others try to emphasize with them or they get help) also depends on other aspects ☼
Trust me libra mercury knows how to charm others or themselfes out of uncomfy situations with their words
Mercury in aries try to help you through telling you the solution to your problem (you might get mad but they just wanna help) lovely cookies of mine
Lilith-Mc no one believes that you are innocent. Oh you are a virgin,they will assume you have stds because apperently they assume that you fucked around the town and bānged your friend friends their exes and boyfriends/girlfirends plus their grandfather-mothers
Uranus-Venus positive =tip try to work if problems in relationships accure
How Uranus-Venus hard aspects behave= They may jump to the next person and think that working on relationships are not worth it if you have serious problems or if they don‘t see growth quickly. But that doesn't mean that they will leave you just that they do not have time for bullshit
Venus in pisces need a lot of time to recover if they get hurt but they will die for you
Sag moon have the opinion that getting distracted is good (especially with friends,loved ones). These folks don't believe in telling you their feelings that much
Specific but scorpio pluto in leo degree are known for their dark deep feelings and pain
Jupiter in libra generation loves money, some more others less ˗ˏˋ✩ˎˊ˗
Please listen Mercury-Asc people in combinition with Venus tense aspect with Mars, you are not ugly people always talked about your appearence and that makes you always think about how you look. Mercury=thoughts,Asc=Appearence. TW! Body dismorphia can be the case, if so I hug you and advice you to get help¡
Why do aries individuals often have some type of allergy it isn't normal anymore hahaha
TW! Most borderliners have intense aspected moons or gemini, leo or aries moons. Gemini moons have a maze of mind and will overthink everything and then turn into an empty minded person in one split second (typical for BPD), leo moons suffer from people pleasing and having a high opinion of themselfes turn into low low self esteem issues, and them aries moons show their emotions impulsifly or act on them impulsifly. I am not a professional but I am here to make you aware, I observed it in soo many charts, you know best if you show signs! It is more than important to get help :)
Neptune-Asc everyone seems to guess your age differently
Let me know if you would like to have a more dark astro observation next time
Luuuuuv muah
03:02 PM
© 2023 the content is subject to the copyright and responsibility of the author
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
Who is coming into your life in 2023 💞
( could be platonic or romantic)
Masterlist ✨ paid services
NOTE : I'm offering new year readings for different topics. link here. If you're interested in getting one, please DM me. Have a nice day!
This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest ;)
1 2 3
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A very rich man is coming into your life soon. This person might be an air sign or leo. They have heavy fire influence in their chart with a little earth, air and water. They might have their rising and sun or moon in fire and the rest in water or air. I'm picking up Pisces too. You might meet them online or they will be from a different place than you. I don't think this is a romantic relationship more like a business partnership but it might result in something more in the future. But at the starting period it'll be a partnership. If you're into spirituality, tarot or the occult then this person will be money minded and materialistic but in a good or vise versa. Also I'm also seeing a new pet for you, a kitten to be more precise.
For some people here I'm getting a child, so if anyone around you is pregnant they'll give birth to a healthy child soon or in January 2023 . The child will bring a lot of abundance in your family. This child is very intuitive.
Also I'm seeing a new relationship forming with someone you had a beef with. Like a enemies to lover relationship. But this could be more like a enemies to friends relationship. Take how it resonates. I feel like you guys have been in the hermit mode for too long and now the universe is sending new people in your life.
Random messages : Rose ( romance) , American, frenemies, Daisy ( innocence) celebrity or famous, kitten / cat, Lily ( purity ) , innocent face, mole on their hands, money path, older woman, a man, heart, long torso.
( please reblog)
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Hey pile 2 ! I feel like you have recently cut ties with someone or just lost someone close to you. I'm sensing an older male like a grandfather or a father. And you're not in a very good place right now. I can literally feel your energy and it's very heavy. The message I'm getting is that you have to give yourself time for recovery before starting something new with someone new. I feel like your past was not the best and it has given you someone insecurities about yourself like if someone will ever love you fully or you have the fear that people will leave you. However you have to let go of this mindset because it's not true.
I'm seeing new romantic cycle begining for you but it'll be in the last months of 2023 . And this person is your Divine counterpart. So give yourself time to recover in this year. Spend on yourself. Buy things for yourself. Do things that you love. This is random but if you recently got your eyebrows pierced or changed your hair color , it looks good on you.
Let me tell you pile 2 , year 2023 is all about self love for you. You have to let go of the old toxic patterns and that toxic mindset. And it's all about you building confidence , gaining achievements etc.
I see a person coming into your life to help and guide you on your journey . I'm sensing both male and female energy. So it could be male for you or female, take how it resonates. I'm getting that a lot of you are going to have a great transformation more like a rebirth.
(I feel like some of you were attracted to pile 1 too)
Random messages : a year from now, recovery, ask your angels, water lily, divine feminine, wild flowers ( strength) , destiny, I love you - fs, Vietnam, poker face Alien to me, message, Dimples / pretty smile, colored hair, curly/ wavy hair, younger, broad shoulders, good luck, dolphin.
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I feel like a lot of you manifested a rich male partner into your life or had a relationship with an older male. At first the things were going great but after sometime to know that they were actually cheating on you or just not being honest with you and you had to cut things with them. And now you're waiting for someone new or just waiting for them to come back, but at the same time your scared to meet someone new because of your past relationship.
I'm sensing that a younger male is coming into your life and this person has a lot of love to give and is emotionally available . This can be a friend of yours or someone you know of. This person is a water sign. But I'm also getting that you'll be confused about what to do because you don't want to get in a relationship after your past relationships not working out the way you wanted them to. So pile 3 let me give you an advice, when you don't know to choose, choose yourself. Listen to your intuition.
I'm sensing that some of you are manifesting your ideal partner and they are coming into your life soon. But i feel like you're very concerned about your situation will improve. And don't doubt yourself. Doubting yourself with slow down your manifestation results.
There is going to be a new romantic cycle but you'll have to recover yourself.
Someone is travelling to see you and this is going to be a surprise for you. ( sorry to spoil your surprise) maybe they study in a different city or country. But yeah you won't notice at first.
Random messages : Peaceful resolution, 1111 , square face, street style, fair skin, older, e-boy / e-girl, Hazel eyes, tall height, tattoos, oval face , Dimples, lotus, Power, singer , dancer, beetle, handshake, stepping towards success, Poppy, heart, romance.
( please reblog)
Hope you enjoyed it and please ignore the typos!
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seafoamreadings · 10 months
week of december 10th, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: you're in for a week that's a bit chaotic, but mostly in a good way. i've often said that although aries is represented by a ram it's got more of a baby goat energy, which definitely involves a lot of chaos. it's you, so go forth and thrive in it!
taurus: this is a great time for philosophical pursuits. the big key will be remaining receptive. if you're not open to receiving new knowledge, you'll doom yourself to remain in ignorance, which is not auspicious these days. so whatever piques your intellectual interest, approach it with an open beginner's mind.
gemini: upheaval in your closest relationships is on the menu this week, especially ones in which you share resources, split rent, or get tax benefits. upheaval isn't always bad but it isn't always fun either.
cancerians: the new moon in sagittarius is a good time to set intentions around health and wellness, routines and rituals, and your daily life and work. so if you're the type who sets new year's resolutions, consider doing that a smidge early and starting at least to plan it out with this moon! plus a mercury retrograde beginning this week affects your committed partnerships for the next month or so.
leo: sagittarian activity all week including a new moon zests up your fun and romantic life. be creative and glamorous. meanwhile mercury retrograde can throw your routines for a loop, so try to be flexible about such things.
virgo: this is a great week for you to make changes around your home, welcome a new roommate or pet, decorate, etc. meanwhile for you, this IS the type of mercury retrograde that 'brings exes back,' so be prepared for that. you ARE allowed to talk to them but make sure that's something you actually would WANT before the 'opportunity' arises... or slaps you in the face, as the case may be. plan before acting! stick to your boundaries!
libra: while many don't think of librans as particularly intellectual beings, you know otherwise and it shows during a week like this one. you consume information voraciously and store it away for critical analysis and beneficial applications at a later time. a mild chaos in the home may occur but fortunately, you know just how to handle it and prevent a crisis.
scorpio: money goals are blessed from this new moon. but you will need to consciously avoid debt, forgive others what they might owe you, and strive for financial independence. meanwhile communication errors are likely in writing, so double check texts and emails before sending. maybe triple check them. maybe don't send them at all if possible. avoid signing contracts if you can.
sagittarius: new moons in your sign are glow up vibes, but also come with some shaking up in your relationships with others. try to let that be novelty rather than disagreements. your mercury retrograde warning this time around is to watch your money, be prepared to call your bank to resolve errors, and maybe wait until february or so for major purchases or serious accounting that isn't strictly necessary.
capricorn: although you can get through and over anything, it's not always fun to have to. but this is not an easy week for capricorns, as a mercury retrograde occurs in your sign immediately after a 12th house new moon. set spiritual intentions from the beginning of the week, knuckle down and strive onward but don't expect perfection or swiftness. be proud of yourself just for carrying on!
aquarius: this week's new moon and broader sagittarian vibes are great for your social life and any networking you need or want to do. you're friendly and people want to be around you! at the same time, though, mercury retrograde in your 12th house can tend to at least partially cancel out this vibe, making things seem a bit gloomy, maybe fixating you on surmounting an obstacle of some kind.
pisces: old friends, new friends, fictional friends, friends you only know from the dream realm all have the potential to resurface or disappear under this week's influences. you transcend time of course, so this need not be a huge worry for you, although small comings and goings can be emotional in the moment. feel it and let it pass through you, then continue. be on the lookout for helpful people who don't seem real. they may not be, but the help they provide is.
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kissoflightning · 10 months
A Long Way Down
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What were Chris Miller & Gavin Reed up to that night after Hank & Connor took over the investigation at Eden Club?
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Chris Miller & Gavin Reed
Leo Manfred & Gavin Reed
Gavin Reed
Chris Miller
Leo Manfred
Additional Tags:
Leo Needs a Hug
Hurt Leo
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
One Shot
References to Drugs
References to Depression
Suicide Attempt
Gavin Reed Being an Asshole
Chris Miller POV
Series: Carl Dies
A Long Way Down
What were Chris Miller & Gavin Reed up to that night after Hank & Connor took over the investigation at Eden Club?
First half is serious, second half is silly fluff~ Chris Miller gets a POV story like he deserves!   CW: Attempted Suicide
Work Text:
Saturday, November 6th, 2038
Gavin Reed was inspecting the crime scene; the man known as Michael Graham had been found dead at Eden Club. The scene showed the deceased man in a bed with bruises on his neck, and an incapacitated brown haired female Traci android across the room. Gavin examined Michael's corpse closely; the bruising was an indicator the victim had been strangled. "Now the question is..." Gavin speculated out loud as he crossed his arms. "Did the android act with the intent to murder him, or did he just not know when to call it quits? Is the killer a deviant or a defective android that wasn't inspected properly?"
The door to the room whooshed open. As the cop and detective noticed who had entered, Gavin opened with "Lieutenant Anderson and his plastic pet. The fuck are you two doing here?" He sounded confused.
"We've been assigned all cases involving androids." The android informed.
Oh Reed was NOT going to happy about that! "Oh yeah? Well you're wasting your time. Just some pervert who uhh...got more action than he could handle!" Gavin laughed boisterously.
"We'll have a look anyway. If you don't mind." Anderson told him.
Surprisingly Reed did not complain or cause a scene. "Come on let's go." He told Chris. The detective passed between Anderson and Connor wafting his hand in the air. "It's uhh..." He sniffled. "Starting to stink of booze in here." He purposely nudged against the android on his way out.
"Good night Lieutenant." Chris said in farewell before leaving. The cop did not have any personal qualms with Connor; he was polite and seemed to know what he was doing. As for the lieutenant, Chris held respect for him in the highest regard.
Gavin stormed off to the car and slammed the door shut after entering.
Chris settled into his seat. "Well you handled that surprisingly well." He pointed out.
The detective shoulder checked and pulled out of the parking lot. Once Gavin was on the road, he shouted angrily "It wouldn't have done shit if I had an outburst in there! It's FUCKING BULLSHIT Chris! Every time there's a case involving a fucking android, Drunkerson gets it just because he's been paired with that pretentious plastic prick! I'm SUPPOSED to be working in homicide - but my cases keep FUCKING getting taken over by that obnoxious tin can! At this rate I'm going to get my fucking job REPLACED before I can get a promotion!" Gavin angrily slammed his fist on the dash, and lost his grip on the wheel for a moment before it veered to the side.
Chris' heart rate escalated. In panic he exclaimed, "Shit Gavin! You're going to get us killed! How about we stop somewhere for a bit to chill out."
The detective took a heavy sigh. Chris understood Gavin needed to vent, but none of this was his fault. "Okay...there's a place I like to go when I need to think. We'll stop there for a bit." Gavin declared.
As Gavin drove along Ambassador Bridge, Chris noticed a figure standing near the ledge. "Shit! I think that person's about to jump!" Chris warned.
The detective stopped his car and activated his hazard lights. Thankfully there was not much traffic coming through. "Chris, stay a few feet behind me." Gavin ordered while cautiously stepping out of the car. "Hey, you! What are you doing?" He shouted to the individual standing on the ledge.
As the figure looked back and talked to Gavin, they recognized who it was. "I'm going to jump! Please leave me be. I can't go on anymore!" The man's name was Leo; they had seen working at the coffee shop until a few days ago. Chris recalled the detective complaining that everyone there had been replaced by a 'fucking android'.
"I'm with the Detroit Police Department. As per the law, I can't allow you to do that." Gavin stated.
"Why the fuck is taking my own life against the law anyway? I'm not hurting anyone except myself." Leo retorted.
"Firstly that's likely not true; you're hurting those that care about you. Secondly, if suicide wasn't illegal, there would be no way for us to intervene." Gavin argued.
"You're wrong on the first part; nobody fucking cares about me. Both my parents are dead and I don't have any fucking friends! I'm going through Red Ice withdrawal and I'll never make it out on my own. I'm better off dead."
Gavin's hands were shaking...he seemed really worried. He was probably fond of Leo, as Chris was; seeing the same people on practically a daily basis, you naturally grow attached to them. Despite Gavin being irritating seventy percent of the time, Chris saw him as his friend, and he would despair if something were to happen to him.
"I've been where you are Leo! You don't need to do this! It feels like you have nothing now but...hell my parents are alive, but they're fucking dead to me. I've been through hell and back, but I had the strength to pull myself out!" Gavin exclaimed. Was he really telling the truth? Or was this all part of an act to convince Leo not to jump?
"Well I'm not strong like you Detective Reed! I can't even function without Red Ice! I blamed the android but..." Tears streamed from Leo's eyes. "My dad DIED because of me! I broke into his mansion and stressed him out while I was high on that shit! He died of a heart attack." As Leo broke into a sob, Gavin cautiously moved closer, and Leo noticed. "Don't fucking come any closer! I'll really do it!" The man threatened, but his whole body was trembling.
Gavin took the gamble and gradually inched closer. "Don't do it. We can talk this over. We can get you some help."
"I'm a worthless piece of shit." Leo closed his eyes for a moment and steadied his stance. "I'm better off dead." As soon as Leo closed his eyes, Chris took the opportunity to sprint towards him.
Leo stepped over the edge, and Gavin lunged forward catching the man's right arm. However, Leo slipped off anyway due to the wet terrain resulting from the storm. "Shit.. I'm losing my...CHRIS!" Gavin shouted frantically.
"Help me. I don't want to die!" Leo exclaimed.
Just in time Chris clutched onto Leo's left arm, and Gavin readjusted his grip on Leo's right. "Okay on one...PULL!" Gavin ordered as they pulled Leo back up.
They were successful in their endeavor and in the aftermath, the three men were heaving. After catching their breath, Leo was trembling. "I...I'm so sorry. Thank you for saving me." He gasped with weariness in his breath.
"All in a day's work!" Gavin said cheerily as he smirked and did that weird double wink. For the life of him, Chris had no idea why Gavin thought that was appealing.
"How are you feeling?" Chris checked in on Leo.
"A bit traumatized but better...I think. I'm starving actually." Leo stated.
"Anyone feeling like going to Denny's?" Gavin asked the group.
"I could eat." Chris answered with a grin.
Gavin and Chris were seated in a booth beside each other and across from Leo. The officer was staring at the menu, having flipped through the whole thing over four times. "You decided what you wanted to eat yet, or are you going to continue reading that menu like it's a fucking novel?" Reed complained.
Chris always struggled with deciding what to eat. "Uhh...uhh."
"Just fucking pick something god dammit! I'm starving!" Gavin groaned.
The waitress approached, "Hi, my name is Tabitha, and I'll be your server today! Are you all ready to order?"
"Thank fuck! An actual human waitress! Yes, we're ready to order, right?" Gavin responded, checking in with Chris and Leo.
"Oh yeah! I know what I want!" Leo said cheerily. "Gimme a chicken tenders and fries. Hold on the gravy - your gravy tastes like shit!"
"And what are you having to drink?" She asked.
"I'll have a hot chocolate! Make it extra chocolatey if you can! With marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles." He answered with a cheeky grin.
"Sure I can throw some Oreo chunks on top of it too for no extra charge if you'd like." She offered.
"Oh FUCK YEAH!" Leo chortled enthusiastically.
"What are you, nine?" Gavin ridiculed.
"It's my go-to drink when I've had a rough night, alright!" Leo protested. "Geez for a person who's trying to convince me to continue living, you're doing a terrible fucking job!"
Chris smirked. "That's just the way Gavin is. I think if he went five minutes without being an asshole, he'd spontaneously combust!"
Leo laughed at that.
"I'll have what he's having." Chris added. Chicken tenders and fries did not sound half bad, but the image of that hot chocolate was dancing in his head.
"And you?" The waitress asked Reed.
"I'll have a lumberjack slam with eggs over easy, and rye bread." Gavin ordered.
"And to drink?"
"I'll have a beer, like a REAL man. Pint of Guinness."
After the server left, Gavin stated directed at Leo, "I hadn't seen you at Starbuck's recently. When we were there it seemed to be completely taken over by androids. It's shitty your job got replaced by those fucking things!"
"I wasn't replaced. I was fired. I'm not surprised in the fucking least that the shitty manager wouldn't bother to hire any more humans. Sheryl and I were the only ones left. Some asshat decided to throw hot coffee on her because it 'tasted old'. She ran out crying. I jumped over the counter and beat the shit out of him." Leo explained.
"I'd imagine it'd be hard to keep a job after that." Chris concluded.
"Yeah, no shit. It wasn't the first time I messed up at work. I can't put up with that fucking shit at all without Red Ice. I've only gone 24 hours without it and I'm losing my fucking mind! I can't sober up on my own...I can't do it. And I have no-one...that's why I..." Leo expressed as he seemed like he was about to cry.
"Listen, if you need someone for emotional support. I'll be there. I don't have a fancy place, but you can stay in my apartment for a little while, and give you a chance to go through rehab." Gavin's tone softened to Chris' surprise. What could his ulterior motive be this time?
"Really, you'd let me stay with you? It'd be great to not be alone right now." Leo responded. Tabitha came up to the table with their food. Leo rubbed his hands together as he gleefully shouted "Thank fuck! I'm starving!"
"First the hot chocolate for the cutie." The server announced placing the drink on the table near Leo.
"Hey, what about me?" Gavin protested.
Blatantly ignoring him, Tabitha proceeded, "And the second hot chocolate for the handsome gentleman over here."
"Oh I get it! I must be the hottie then." Gavin assumed.
"And Guinness for the asshole." She deadpanned.
"The...hot asshole?"
"The average-looking asshole." She deadpanned once more before handing over the food. Her tone brightened back up as she cautioned "Careful sweeties, it's hot!" She glared at Gavin, "Except for you, you can burn your hands."
Chris and Leo laughed heartily. "Okay, that settles it! I'm paying for the whole table so I can give you a proper tip!"
Gavin turned to Chris and glared at him as the server left. The detective shook his head and shrugged. "She must just have terrible taste."
"Yeah, you keep thinking that." Chris sassed as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.
"Fuck you Chris." Gavin grumbled.
"No thank you!" Chris replied. Leo belted out laughing.
"What about you, Leo?" Gavin asked as the man was sipping his beverage, pulling away and leaving a whipped cream moustache.
"Huh?" He responded.
"Do you think I'm attractive?" Gavin clarified.
"Oh- yeah I do!" Leo confirmed.
"But I also have a terrible taste in men." Leo added with a giggle. Gavin frowned and Chris laughed.
After taking another sip of his hot drink, Chris stated, "Well your taste in men is nothing like your taste in drinks. This is damn delicious!"
"Can I try it?" Gavin asked Chris sheepishly.
"No. Thought you said men only drink beer!" Chris scoffed.
"Nah! This is all mine! Order your own!" Leo told him.
"Pfft!" Gavin huffed.
After finishing their meal, a familiar Dean Martin tune played on the radio. Lay some happiness on me. Soon the brighter side, you'll see! No more loneliness to be! Lay some happiness on me. Leo started bobbing side to side. "Hey, this old ass song is pretty nice."
Chris expected the detective to make some snarky comment, but instead his gaze was focused on Leo. If the officer was not seeing it first hand, he would never believe that Gavin Reed could actually smile.
Tabitha came back to the table with a tray of dessert. "Three slices of apple pie on the house." The waitress announced as she placed them down. She looked at Reed. "You're actually a sight for sore eyes with that smile!"
Leo had taken a bite of his apple pie and complimented, "This pie is BITCHIN'! Thanks for the free dessert!"
"I'm glad you like it! Here's the bill. Pay whenever you're ready!" She smiled at Chris as she left the statement with him.
"Excellent service! We'll absolutely be coming back." Chris complimented. After the server left, Chris noticed that not only was Reed's gaze focused on Leo, but they were reciprocating with a soft smile. The officer thought back to when he first met his wife; she was a waitress at a diner when they first met and they looked lovingly at each other just like that. Chris looked forward to coming home and snuggling in bed with his beautiful wife. In the morning he would tell her and Damian about how his day went. He took part in saving someone's life today. For the time being, it felt like everything was going to be alright; he had not felt this blissful in a long time.
[The End]
The second two thirds of this became an eating at Denny's scene with almost no actual plot, but I felt so fuzzy when writing this! I hope you enjoyed it too!
If you enjoyed the story, consider leaving a Kudos/Comment on AO3!
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hccn-overseer · 1 year
Issue 23, 9/21/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
Weekly Weather Report
By Lydia
Temperatures are represented using Celsius. Sorry, Americans!
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 21 degrees and a low of 15 degrees. It will be slightly windy and mostly sunny, with wind speeds of 15 miles per hour.
Thursday: Temperatures will reach a high of 24 degrees and a low of 13 degrees. Winds will be slow with a speed of 2 miles per hour. It will be mostly cloudy with occasional shockwaves tearing through the sky, causing clouds to be torn apart and scattered.
Friday: Temperatures will reach a high of 30 degrees and a low of 20 degrees. Skies will be mostly cloudy with expectations to clear up in the afternoon.
Saturday: Temperatures will reach a high of 32 degrees and a low of 23 degrees. Skies will be mostly clear with windy conditions reaching 25 miles per hour.
Sunday: Temperatures will reach a high of 27 degrees and a low of 18 degrees. Skies will be rainy throughout the afternoon but clear up quickly. Gusts of hot air will blow through the server, accompanied by occasional wisps of flames.
Monday: Temperatures will reach a high of 29 degrees and a low of 16 degrees. Skies will be cloudy throughout the entire day with higher humidity today than throughout the rest of the week, making the air feel more like 35 degrees most of the day.
Tuesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 32 degrees and a low of 25 degrees. Dust storms will be prevalent throughout the day and skies will be sunny.
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 30 degrees and a low of 22 degrees. Skies will remain sunny throughout the entire day with low wind speeds. Clouds in the shape of spiderwebs will be scattered throughout the sky.
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Now onto other news under the cut!
Astrology Corner: DeckedOutScopes
By Corundumcat
Have you been feeling without guidance? Do you look at your birthday, look up your star sign, and wonder, “Will I immediately be eaten by Tango’s Cough or Pumpkin” “Am I going to embrace my inner Ethoslab Season 1?” Don’t worry, here at The Overseer, we can help you.*
Aries:  You will max out clank and dance around all of the problems and chaos in the ✨dungeon✨.
Taurus: You are an unpaid worker who has found some great friends, and while this will look great on your resume, it’s not the same as volunteering at music festival, is it?
Gemini: You, like your namesake, are really excited to play. HOWEVER, unlike your namesake, you do not venture in as you like the waiting room.
Cancer: You got to meet Mrs. Tango in your last run… let’s just say she didn’t like you.
Leo: You are in charge of naming pet ravagers and you were asked if you could name it Tango’s Hug. You were confused, so you did. (They paid in frost embers).
Virgo: You are the actor in the dark room who gets to congratulate the successful runners.
Libra: You are trying to adopt Pumpkin.
Scorpio: You are there as the person who hugs the friends who were unsuccessful and got taken by Tango’s Cough. 
Sagittarius: You have a custom Decked Outfit and are trying to win the fashion contest. 
Capricorn: You are the mad lads who are doing the spreadsheet analysing everyone’s scores
Aquarius: You listen to “Better When I’m Dancing” whilst running the dungeon.
Pisces: You are going to end up on the news channel for starting with the hardest difficulty and doing really well.
All star signs: come by my cryptids corner if you have the chance. 
*Ignore how blatantly specific these are. Nothing bad will happen to you. You just may get a tad lost
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Lost and Found
By Lydia
All of the following items have been brought to The Overseer staff’s office for safekeeping until they are claimed. If you recognize one of these items as yours, please visit us to receive your items, or contact us at [email protected]. Lost items will be sent to Twinkly Trash if not picked up after two weeks. Thank you! *Not a real email address.
Item 1: A heavy backpack full of amethyst This backpack is dyed a bright orange with blue accents and is filled with two stacks of amethyst. Basic diamond mining tools were also found inside the pack, along with three stacks of torches.
Item 2: A necklace of animal teeth This necklace appears to be made out of the teeth of several Ravagers and is painted with intricate spiraled patterns.
Item 3: A pile of shoelaces with frayed ends These shoelaces appear to have been made a few years ago and were found in a small pouch. They come in several bright colors and are very short, as if they were made for children’s sneakers. There were no aglets on these shoelaces and the ends are very frayed.
Item 4: A box of pavement chalk This box of chalk was found in the Shopping District next to a series of chalk drawings lining the paths. These drawings resemble large chasms, out of which are bursting colorful lightning bolts. There are also several circles, inside of which are written, “Bad Luck Spot.”
Item 5: A pack of playing cards This pack of cards was found near Grian’s rocks and is designed with characters from several 1980s arcade games. They were found scattered in the area.
Item 6: A necklace with a locket This was found in the woods and gave the finder an electric shock when they attempted to open it. There is a distant ticking sound coming from it and an engraving on the back, written in galactic. Half of the engraving is scratched off. The finder suggests taking it as far as possible or finding a way to destroy it completely.
Item 7: A set of tools and weapons in an overgrown box This set includes a sword with Riptide 3, an axe with Feather Falling 2, a pickaxe with Blast Protection 3, a bow with Thorns 5, a shovel with Aqua Affinity, a fishing rod with Flame, and shears with Swift Sneak 3 and Soul Speed 2.
Item 8: A life-sized crocheted office printer plush Stuffed with cotton, it is scented like that of a fresh book. The finder believes whoever made this took “Your workplace is your home,” quite literally.
Item 9: A shipment of merchandise to be released This was found via a motorcycle delivery driver crashing into someone’s garden. The items include subtly designed Warden hoodies, frosty mugs resembling frozen shards, Collector’s Edition Decked Out 2 Cards, relic charms, and two dozen shirts that say, “I survived the burning dark and all I got was this lousy t-shirt,” with one of the dozen being colored to resemble a Ravager and the other colored like that of a Warden. The apparels are made with moderately thick fabric, making them ideal for both warm and cool weather.
Item 10: An indestructible 25-ounce goose-shaped mug This goose-shaped mug depicts the goose’s neck as the handle. It says, “FLIGHT, FRIGHT, FIGHT!” in the font of Another Danger by The Branded Quotes, written in vibrant red letters. It has Unbreaking 5 and Mending. It has been dropped eight times on the finder’s way to the office and not a single chip or dent has formed.
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Fun and Games
This week's fun and games are once again brought to you by Lydia and Azure!
Word Search and Crossword by Lydia
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Brain Teasers by Azure
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And that's all for this week folks! Have a wonderful week y'all!
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katbrando · 2 years
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✽ "what the fuck is a dinokat ??"
it's spring of 2022, stars align as a burnt out artist watches a british herpetologist expertly feeding an alligator at the local zoo, his thick accent and toothy smile taking root in her mind and haunting her every waking thought. after a series of visits, the two gradually begin talking, only to realize their interests and humor align almost perfectly. a friendship develops, then much stronger feelings. mutual pining in full swing, they both try to ignore their desires for fear of ruining the bond they have. most of the people in diego's life only know him at a surface level; he's always struggled with developing close relationships even now in his mid-20s. and kat? a series of trauma renders her nearly impossible to connect with at a deeper level. it's on a quiet night in the heat of the summer when the tension gets unbearable. sitting in diego's car, overlooking the city, the pair finally let go and give in, sharing a kiss tinged with the spice of dr pepper and the sweetness of watermelon la croix. that night marks the beginning of a relationship unlike anything either of them have ever experienced. months of awkward adjustment drag on; arguments erupt over miscommunication, difference in intimacy levels, and the drastic contrast of their core personalities. it takes a while, but eventually they settle into a healthy rhythm. diego learns patience, gives a dash of humility a shot, and adjusts to the unfamiliar feeling of nervousness. kat's walls gradually fall and give way to hesitant trust, her self-confidence slowly grows and intimacy becomes easier, bit by bit. fall of 2022 they move into a cute little house in the middle of the suburbs together, something that neither of them ever envisioned for themselves, especially so quickly after beginning a relationship. but they've found home in each other, and their bond only strengthens as they meld their lives together. during the summer of 2023, diego is plagued by a constant desire to further the relationship. fear still holds him back, but the question is inevitable. it's just a matter of time. finally, on october 8th, standing on a hill overlooking his childhood neighborhood, diego drops one knee into the wet grass and pops the question. their wedding is set for october of '24 and due to diego's blossoming career and job opportunities, a potential move is in their future.
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✽ modern au diego brando
⋗ age: 26 ⋗ birthdate/zodiac: august 19th, leo ⋗ occupation: herpetologist, runs the herpetarium at the local zoo ⋗ moodboard & soundtrack ⋗ backstory ⋗ other details: born in manchester, diego grew up closely bonded with his mother who unfortunately passed when he was only 13. his father was verbally and physically abusive, driving diego to spend most of his youth sneaking out and getting into trouble. his father pressured him to study law, but diego (a perfect student with flawless grades and an above average iq) had an endless list of opportunities and sought out other avenues. his father later disowned him when he realized diego wouldn't be following in his footsteps. coming to the US to study abroad was diego's way of escaping his father's influence for good, though without his only parent's financial support it proved difficult to settle in for a while. he gained his stand powers from a mysterious lizard that bit him while he was still in university. though he mostly pursued herpetology due to a love of reptiles in general, he was also desperate to learn more about the abilities he'd gained. in this universe his powers are much more subdued; he is able to manifest a tail, claws, and sharp teeth, but he cannot fully transform into a dinosaur. he still has the capability to transform other living things, but he mostly uses his powers for innocent, domestic purposes. no need for scissors in this household. has a pet bearded dragon named anguirus (namesake from the godzilla franchise), they are best friends and rarely seen apart if both are at home will frequently insist he was involved with alex turner of arctic monkeys when he was younger and still living in the UK. whether this is true or not it leads to some very interesting stories drives an orange 1973 BMW which he, oddly enough, calls "silver bullet" (most likely a continuation of the beloved silver car he previously owned in the UK but tragically couldn't bring to the states) interests include reading nonfiction books, watching the sunrise every day, morning jogs, occasionally writing poetry, collecting vinyls, films, playing strategic board games, and keeping up with fashion trends
✽ fics & drabbles
main lore fic / currently 3.1k (major wip) father's day '23 / 1.7k roadtrip car sex / 4.7k my birthday '23 / 10.9k valentine's day '23 / 3.9k circus date / drabble
✽ dynamic details (based on this post) -
(these need to be updated!) basics, attraction, romance, interests, preferences, daily life, situations, difficulty, differences, relations, future
✽ additional posts -
NSFW alphabet ship soundtrack "meet my otp" meme date day/night moodboard wedding moodboard
[ updated may 20 '24 ]
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twwpress · 2 years
Weekly Press Briefing #25: December 11th - 17th
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from December 11 – December 17, 2022. Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing!
The following is a roundup of open challenges/prompts. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
The December 20 prompts in 20 days are up on Tumblr.
@JessBakesCakes and @thefinestmuffin are hosting a fic reading challenge running through January 7, 2023. Details in this thread.
@flowersinapril_ posted a 30-Day Christmas Challenge with holiday prompts. 
Here’s what was posted from December 11 - December 17.
Bradley Whitford posted a photo of his pets. 
Josh Malina posted a photo of himself with Annie Cross backstage at Thrilling Adventure Hour.
Josh Malina posted a photo live from the stage of Thrilling Adventure Hour.
Amy Landecker posted photos of herself and Brad out to dinner and at a sound bath in the Mojave Desert.
Rob Lowe posted a video of himself skiing.
Melissa Fitzgerald posted photos of her vacation to Miami 1 | 2
Donna Moss Daily: December 11 | December 12 | December 13 | December 14 | December 15 | December 16 | December 17
Daily Josh Lyman: December 11 | December 12 | December 13 | December 14 | December 15 | December 16 | December 17
No Context BWhit: December 11 | December 12 | December 13 | December 14 | December 15 | December 16 | December 17
@JanelMilfoney: December 11 | December 14 | December 16 
psych intro but it’s the west wing by schwifts [VIDEO EDIT]
#JoshLyman: President Bartlet’s Bulldog by _liberal_lion [VIDEO EDIT]
it’s his congresswoman moss-lyman suit by sinistercherubs [VIDEO EDIT]
#JOSHDONNA help me hold on to you by joshlymoss [VIDEO EDIT]
Creator Spotlight:
Each week we ask a different fandom creator the same ten questions, as well as questions from you submitted on Twitter! This week our featured creator is @donnamossburner on Twitter (WitchyPrentiss on AO3!). You can find the spotlight on Tumblr or on Twitter. 
Happy birthday to Twitter user @JessBakesCakes! You can find her works here. 
 This Week in Canon:
Welcome to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 1, Episode 10: In Excelsis Deo aired on December 15, 1999.
Season 3, Episode 9: Bartlet For America aired on December 12, 2001.
Season 4, Episode 11: Holy Night aired on December 11, 2002.
Season 6, Episode 9: Impact Winter aired on December 15, 2004.
Season 7, Episode 9: The Wedding aired on December 11, 2005.
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Editor’s Choice:
Holy Night premiered twenty years ago this week! We’re rounding up some of our favorite Holy Night AUs and post-ep fics to mark the occasion!
sin and error by carolinaa | Rated T | C. J. Cregg & Toby Ziegler, Toby Ziegler & Leo McGarry, Andrea Wyatt & Toby Ziegler | Complete | Josh would kill to have a living father, Toby reminds himself.
It’s what he’s been repeating to himself over and over for the better part of an hour, the whole taxi ride home and up into his apartment and he’s not sure when he’s going to stop, but his jaw still tightens every time he feels his dad looking at him, so. Not yet.
and you know for me, it's always you by thotsandfeelings | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | “Josh,” she hums and she moves her hands to his hair so she can hold him in place. “We’re making out in your office.”
 Adeste, Fidelis by auditoryeden | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | "Christmas isn’t, in my experience, a holiday that you spend with a person you like. It’s a day you spend with the people you love. Now, I’m not telling you how to live your life, but you don’t have to get on that helicopter."
Something a little different.
the soul felt its worth by hufflepuffhermione | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Josh seeks out some advice about his Christmas stress from a stranded Stanley Keyworth, who shows him that his problems are more romantic than psychological.
a Holy Night au
 ‘cause you could be the one that i love by hanyolo for pumpkinpatch95 | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | What follows after that is four years of flirting and yearning, of endless support and kindness, of warm eyes and soft affection. Four years of butterflies and heartache and missed opportunities.
Her point is, Josh is everything she never knew she was looking for in a man. And it pains her to know he’ll never feel the same.
So when she meets Jack Reese on a cold Novembers day, it’s all too easy to convince herself that Jack has what it takes to fill the Josh Lyman sized hole in her heart.
// inspired by the prompt: ‘something, anything that makes donna not get on the helicopter to go see jack’
or: holy night: the rom-com
at the scene of all i've left unlearned by joshatella (shuuuliet) | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | “Is there--,” Donna hesitates, taking a deep breath. “Is there…can you give me any reason why I shouldn’t…why there’s somewhere else I should be, instead of going away with Jack?”
A Holy Night AU.
I Just Want You For My Own by JessBakesCakes | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Between her brain working on overdrive and Josh’s… whatever he’s got going on, she’s got a lot to analyze. It's not what it looks like? What was that supposed to mean? What was it supposed to look like? Of course, for a second, she thought that maybe if she challenged him a little, pushed back just enough to make sure he knew she wasn’t trying to corner him, maybe he’d… let her in? Tell her what was going on, at least. He’d been acting strangely ever since Jack came into the picture, and she couldn’t figure out why.
A Holy Night story!
Any Sparks? by bklynleo77  | Rated M | Danny Concannon/C.J. Cregg | Complete | “CJ if I had the chance to be with the woman that I love I would be there with her in a heartbeat and no person or conflict of interest would stop me.”
“I think that you deserve to be happy. Even if it’s for one night.”
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own. If you are so inclined, please be sure to leave the authors some love in the form of kudos or comments. Be mindful of posted warnings/tags for each story.
but as long as you love me so (the festive drabbles) by flowersinapril | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
How Will He Find Me by Shinyrosa | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
The Theory of Entropy by Jane_3yr3 | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Festive Drabbles 2022 by WitchyPrentiss | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
i’ve got a blank space baby (and i’ll write your name) by sam_writes_fics for JessBakesCakes | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
The Hoya by hufflepuffhermione for JessBakesCakes | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
it’s just a water view (and what a view) by mikaylawrites for JessBakesCakes | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
Even on the Bad Nights by kabnd | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
wild thing by swancharmings | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Go write down what you see, see how far it can go by miabicicletta for Luppiters, onekisstotakewithme | Rated G | Danny Concannon/C.J. Cregg | Complete
And now I’m jumping the canyon, after years of planning and planning by miabicicletta | Rated G | Danny Concannon/C.J. Cregg | Complete
 Other Pairings/Gen Fic
The Language of Tomorrow by silasfinch for justdreaming88 | Rated T | Ellie Bartlet/Original Female Character(s) | In Progress
A Different Life by PreppyPrincess5103 (Jag crossover) | Rated M | Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie/Sam Seaborn | In Progress
Figures of Speech by Darsynia | Rated T | Toby Ziegler/Original Female Character | In progress 
 Multiple Pairings
Something Else Hoc by send_methemoon | Rated T | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Helen Santos/Matt Santos, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Leo McGarry/Annabeth Schott, Zoey Bartlet/Charlie Young, Mallory O'Brien/Sam Seaborn, Will Bailey/Kate Harper, Will Bailey/Sam Seaborn | In Progress
No Corners to Hide In by Chinesepapercut | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Helen Santos/Matt Santos | Complete
A True Blue Miracle by mlea7675 | Rated T | Helen Santos/Matt Santos, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Not Quite the Parent Trap by eowyn_of_rohan | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn | In Progress
An Unexpected Gift by mlea7675, Spybaby47 | Rated T |  Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Helen Santos/Matt Santos | Complete
all that heaven will allow by rearviewmirror | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Jed Bartlet/Leo McGarry, Jenny McGarry/Leo McGarry | Complete
Twitter: @TWWPress
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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alaezasmystery235 · 1 year
hey😭😭. I hope you're doing well 💗
I really hope you're spicy ask game is still open, I saw it like 4 hours back but my phone has been having problems lately so after I reblogged you pass and was planning on sending the ask my phone just switched off and it didn't want ro switch on until it was fully charged 😭😭💔. But regardless here's the asks and exchange <3.
My initials are: BLM 💞
My juno sign: Leo in 8th House, 27° 🍭
Something I find interesting in my preferred gender: I don't know if it's just me but I've noticed that when guys like you; they always 'show off' throughout pictures on thier phone and they'll even go as far as sharing stories behind pictures you didn't even ask about. I find this very adorable 🤭. I also find it adorable how men make the silliest/cutest faces when they're confused or shocked .🤭😂
Channeled messages from your future spouse's :
I love your beautiful skin
I wish you were here right now
Oh the things I would love to do to you baby
I want to cum in you
I want to make love to you
And show you the world
I want to hear your beautiful moans screaming my name
I love your breasts so mucg they're such a turn on.
I want passion, aggression and love.
I want to make you feel so good that you start seeing stars.
You're all mine, that pussy is all mine.
I can't wait to bend you over and make you scream
Squit all over me please.
I love watching your body.
You're absolutely gorgeous my love
Ride my face, I want to suffocate
Ride my dick till I can't feel it anymore,
I want you so bad mama.
Here's a moodboard of your fs vibe too:
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He reminds me of jungkoook from bts
He's very attractive
Holyyyy shitttttttt------ you channeled more than you should have but omg my fs screams like my dream Man. I love love who knows foreplay is important and passion and aggressive sex is something I like . And most importantly Jungkook is my bias 🤣😅🤭. Thank you for this ❤.
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Let's dive in the energy of your future spouse, shall we ....
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Okay hear me out I'm getting your fs to be more of like a laid-back person . Buy it doesn't mean they are boring . They just want to spend their time in home taking care of their home . I've had a vision of a man taking care of their sheeps and basically petting them . It's soo cute 😍. Okay they definitely prefer countryside to city . But they are earning good and aim for earning more too . I'm hearing they are happy with whatever they are getting as long as they are satisfied with their job . Also they may prefer more neutral colours over dark and always have a greaan or white handkerchief with them ( weird ik but I swear they just showed me 😅 ) .
Some messages from them :-
I want to pull you on my lap and finger you until you cum for atleast 5 times
Let me give your clit a good suck they deserves
What about having sex under the sunlight and fresh air ?
Mark my back and show others who own me
Dirty text , morning call are my fantasies
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↛ ғᴇᴇᴅʙᴀᴄᴋ ɪs ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴜʟsᴏʀʏ ↚
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* Bow divider credits to @thedivineart * * @alaezasmystery 2023 *
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dianawinchester03 · 38 minutes
-ˏˋ⋆ get to know me ⋆ˊˎ-
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hi beauties!✨this post is just some random facts and stuff about me. feel free to skip again if you’d like, but i love connecting with my readers/audience and i love getting to know everyone. so don’t be shy! dm me, comment, reblog, hell- send me an anonymous message lol. i promise i don’t bite hard XD
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for starters, my name is diana, you can call me ‘di’, ‘annie’, ‘ana’ or just ‘diana’. it’s totally up to you and whatever you’re comfortable with. those are just names my family call me, and i consider all of you sexy people to be my family lol🫶
i consider myself a new writer because i’ve been writing consistently a little less than a year now. my main series consists of a supernatural series rewrite with a female reader (y/n) added to the plot.
for now, i mainly do (y/n) fics, paired with my comfort character, dean winchester💚 but i’ve been getting more verse with jensen ackles’ characters that he has played so i will never say never to possibly writing a solider boy or maybe even russell shaw fic at some point.
i’m from the beautiful twin islands of trinidad and tobago🇹🇹born and raised in trinidad in 03’ (BIG UP WE, DROP AH COMMENT IF YOU ISSA TRINI LOL). i am of indo-caribbean descent/east-indian from the west indies but i love to call myself a ‘desi girl’ lol. my star sign is leo, rising libra and moon scorpio. i’m an avid reader myself, but i mainly read fanfiction when i do get the time. i’m also a directioner (harry girl for life) and a hugeeee wwe fan. love me some rko (just one of my many wwe crushes hehe)
i’m currently twenty one years of age but i’m still mentally sixteen haha. my favorite color is yellow💛and my favorite flowers are dandelions and sunflowers (i’m a basic bitch LOL) i tend to call people by pet names a lot, so I say “babes”, “honey”, “love”, “darlin”, “sweetie” etc etc. that’s just me and how i’ve always been. my main name for my lovely readers are “beauties”❤️
i understand that it can make people uncomfy even though i don’t mean it in any type of way, feel free to let me know if you’re not comfy! you’re feelings are valid, so tell me if you don’t feel okay with it, i just want to make everyone feel safe on my blog.
i am not very religious, i have a complicated relationship with religion on the whole. i grew up in a strict hindu household and but due to my own….experiences, i now identify as agnostic.
i am the ‘b’ in lgbtqia+💖💜💙 so as a raging feminist and bisexual, things i don’t tolerate in general are homophobia, misogyny, sexism, support for genocide, fascism, classism, fat-phobia, transphobia, acephobia…you get the memo :)
this is a no hate zone!🫶 also, i write smut now so this is an 18+ blog, minors do not interact!
now for the hard stuff and over sharing LOL. i’m a strong advocate for mental health because at the ripe age of 18, i was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. as someone who has been in and out of psych wards for most of her teenage life and now as a young adult in the modern world, i hate how romanticized it is in our generation.
seeing how it is portrayed in the media ERKS me on a daily. don’t get me wrong, there are the few influencers who bring proper awareness to our disorder but the ones who say stuff like “need me a girl with bpd” BROTHER EUGH. WE👏ARE👏NOT👏HERE👏TO👏FULFILL👏YOUR👏DUBIOUS👏DESIRES👏👏👏
i’m a smoker, been smoking consistently about 9 years now (yeah, i started young unfortunately) though if i could go back to the past and snatch that first cigarette out of 12 year old me’s hand. i would do it in a heartbeat. it’s not a habit i scorn on other people or myself obvi, but it’s habit i wish i can quit.
sorry, i went off track a bit there lol (told you i overshare haha). by my blog, you can tell i’m a big spn fan though i haven’t been in the fandom for long. i started spn in march of 2023 and finished around june-julyish (can’t remember the date but it was around that time frame) joining this fandom had brought me back into the wonderful world of fanfic/fan art and i wouldn’t have it any other way because i’ve been in a lot of fandoms and this is by far the least toxic and most welcoming crew.
i love the spn fam so much because it truly feels like home and we live by “family dont end in blood” through and through. so to everyone who pushed me to write, to watch it and to openly express myself, thank you so much. i wouldn’t be blessed to have a growing family day in and day out who support my crazy bullshit and the journey of the old testament (if you’re new here, that’s my fic, if you’d like you should check it out!)
my inbox is always open to anyone who wants to rant/talk/yap. whether it’s about my book, your book, your own personal struggles, anything. i’m always open to listening and giving my support as someone who has been through the world of crap. hoping to see some lovely inboxes at any point🥰
okay, that should be all, thank you for reading and getting to know me!! xoxo
bottom border by: @roseschoices
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0 notes
reba-ceres · 1 year
A Dog is a Dog
FFXIV Write 2023 Prompt 2. "Bark"
Summary: Leo recounts how he became a Gamer Dog to his Masters and their game of “Fourteen.”
A Dog is a Dog, but Leo knows that there are all kinds of Dogs. His Mama told him so before he left to be with his now not so new Masters.
There are dogs out there who have Masters that don’t demand or ask anything of them. These Masters allow their companion to sit on the couch or floor, get fat, and eat all the Human food they could ever desire. Lap Dogs get to be taken everywhere, even places where Humans usually don’t allow Dogs, because their Masters are very demanding, or just ignore The Rules. While this may sound like a good life, his Mother warned him that there was Diabetes and Pancreatitis that can happen, which can put a Lap Dog’s life in danger. 
“What are those?” Leo had asked.
“Painful Things,” his Mama had answered, licking his little eyes to clean them. “They make you have to go to The Vet, and The Vet is Bad. We don’t like the Vet.”
“Okay, Mama,” Leo had replied with a little puppy grunt.
Another fate a Dog can have is becoming a Yard Dog. These Dogs usually work as security for their Humans, alerting them to the approach of anyone even in sight of their territory. While such a thing sounded noble to Leo, his Papa cautioned him that not all Yard Dogs have good Masters, and they can end up tied to a chain in all kinds of weather with only a rickety dog house to call shelter. He let Leo know that these Masters would sometimes forget to bring water to the Yard Dog in summer, or extra blankets to go in the dog house for winter. Because of the chain, the Yard Dog can’t go somewhere else for warmth or go looking for food or seek comfort and companionship from another Human. They are stuck where they are by a chain either in the ground, on a tree, or attached to the dog house. The most a Yard Dog in such a state could do was pull and bounce and bark and beg to be touched, fed, loved, but such good things are completely up to The Master, and not all Yard Dogs have a good life.
There are better fates, of course, or else Leo wouldn’t have been excited to meet his people and get his name. There are Service Dogs who work to help their Humans, detecting seizures, blood sugar drops, offering mobility assistance, even being eyes! There are so many jobs a Service Dog can learn to do, and the Humans who become their patients are ever grateful for them. Leo really wanted to be a Service Dog, but his Mama told him that such things were up to The Master, and The Master had decided he would be a Pet and not a Worker. Leo was disappointed at first, but that was alright. The more he and his sisters heard about the different things that Dogs got to do, the more excited he got to meet his new Masters.
A Dog is a Dog, and a Dog loves completely and unconditionally. Things would be alright if he became a Pet Dog, and simply lived his life offering company to the Humans he would call family. There could be cuddles, and good food, and so many games of fetch! No matter what happened, he looked forward to meeting his people.
So he counted himself lucky that he ended up being a special kind of Dog and not just a Pet Dog. Even at a young age, he realized his life was going to be different from what other Dogs got to live. His Mama and Papa had taught him as much as they knew about the different dogs and different roles, and he had taken them in, knowing that the people who came over to meet with The Master and visit with him would one day become The Masters instead. Yet even with all the people that came in and out of the kennel, visited the home, or talked with The Master, he had never heard of a Gamer Dog.
A Gamer Dog had a unique sort of role to play in the life of their Master. The biggest job was Snuggle Duty. A Human could go into playing their game on a Computer or a Television for hours, and they had to be kept warm and soothed, so part of his job was curling up on legs and laying on bare feet for the hours they spent gaming. Next came Emotional Support. If their human was having a rough time in their game, getting angry or upset, then it was up to the Gamer Dog to distract them, leaning up on their chair and offering gentle licks and nosing the hand for some pets to remind the human that all was well, and that they would succeed at their game, no matter how many times they had to try at the Mechanic. That part of being a Gamer Dog was kind of like being an Emotional Support Dog, a Working Dog, but with less training required.
There was one game that Leo’s Masters really loved. The Hit MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV With New Extended Free Trial… and he forgot the rest. There were a lot of words! Leo wasn’t sure what those words meant. He only knew that Fourteen, as his Masters called it, was a very special game to them, and how it had affected their life for the better. 
As he lived with them, being a Good Dog and fulfilling his duties as a Gamer Dog, he learned that Pumpkin (his female Master) and Boo (his male Master) had met because of Fourteen. He didn’t really know numbers, except that anything with -teen in it was a lot when it came to treats, and very little when it came to kibbles. Fourteen must be a human treat, then, because his Masters were always so happy playing that particular Game on their Computers. 
He also felt like Fourteen was more than a number, and that maybe it meant Love, because his Masters found each other because of Fourteen. The two of them really did love each other, that love only growing, and he was so happy they chose to share it with him, of all Dogs! What he did know of Fourteen was that his Masters would have never met had it not been for that game.
He was all the more blessed to get to be a part of his Masters’ Married! From what he could understand about Married - though sometimes they called it Marry (he wasn’t sure which one was right) - it was something very special to humans, where they sort of become each other’s Master, which for him as a Dog was a very special position in his life. He was all the more happy that he got to be a part of the Married, carrying The Special Item for the Married after Boo walked down the isle, but before Pumpkin.
So he would spend his days, hearing the voices of the people his Masters spoke to calling him Hildibean, his Gamer Dog monogram, and offering comfort when Savages, Roulettes, and Trials didn’t go the way they had initially planned.
A Dog is a Dog, but there are all kinds of Dogs. And Leo got to be a Gamer Dog.
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My phone has the setting on that rotates through landscape scenes and pet photos i have. I notice when I see any of my other pets I look at their faces with a fond happiness. When I see Stella's I don't feel that same peace. And that's because every other fur baby i've lost has been to sickness. Which means they were "ready" to go, to release the suffering and sickness.
but not for Stella, she had countless years in front of her. Except for my mistakes. I feel like i'm fine for a lot of the time and then suddenly i'm bawling. but, i guess it's good to feel the pain. someone's reels were just telling me that she gets through all the tragedies and trials in her life because she actually lets herself feel them. I think that's the opposite of what i usually do. Usually i ignore, i avoid, i busy myself to not think about whatever it is.
I didn't cry this much over my my failed marriage. but maybe i should have.
so much terrible stuff happened i didn't even get to write about any of the good stuff that happened prior. Leo's Bachelorette party weekend. Marathon training going good and actually running with my old friend.
i had Taylor Swift on repeat a bunch today, all the posts about people going to her Eras tour puts her in my mind lol. I can't wait till this tour shows up on netflix lol. though since she's touring in 2024 still, who knows when that will happen now :( I was lucky to get to see her Reputation tour.
Anyways this song came on and the Lyrics made me cry for obvious reasons, though I'm sure they meant something else to her when she wrote them
Taylor Swift - Bigger than the Whole Sky:
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye You were bigger than the whole sky You were more than just a short time And I've got a lot to pine about I've got a lot to live without I'm never gonna meet What could've been, would've been What should've been you
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Love Reading 🧿 - March 2023 - Taurus
Overall energy: The Sun
How you will meet: 4 Cups
How they will treat you: 8 Swords
Long-term Potential: Strength
You have a sneaky background supporter, and I don’t even know why they’re coming out here, because nothing is happening with this person. In the past, you felt like sunshine to them, you had some sort of a connection where you both were happy together, celebrated together, not sure if you were “together” though. You meet them at a time where you’re generally disgruntled & complainy, and they are too, you two probably bond over similar annoyances. It’s not romance though, this is a friend, maybe a really good one. They watch you, and don’t say anything, they see you rising in your career with your cards. You probably intimidate them, with their vibe, but they see you as sunshine ☀️ So you enter the room and it lights up, which is cute, not sure you’re aware of them even being around though, not like that. Long term potential is nothing, they’re holding back, possibly staying single on purpose because they’re hoping you’ll look their way or give them a chance. You don’t seem focused on anything except your career. I asked what the hold up is with this person and pulled Ace of Wands & 9 Wands…sexual inexperience? This person could be young, shy, anxious, or just intimidated by you, they don’t have the confidence to actually say something. Well, there’s some stalkery person around you that is like 🤩 when you walk by, maybe pay attention 🧡
Messages -
Their side:
- What other people say matters too much to me.
- Light of my Life 💡
Your side:
- BOSS 😎
- $$$
Signs you may be dealing with:
Leo 💯 Gemini & Cancer
Overall energy: Page of Cups
Current: 8 Pentacles
Challenge: The Hierophant rev
Potential: The Magician rev
Your person is a trickster, liar, schemer, they’re good at fooling everyone, not just you, but you’re onto them. You do love them or you wouldn’t have gotten this far, but you don’t trust them, which is important. Page of Cups is what they’re offering, The Hierophant rev is your challenge. They’re over here lying like a rug and then tossing you crackers like that’ll appease you to stay. Taco Bell packets of “Be Mine.” Page of Cups is bare minimum, flirting, cutesy messages letting you know they like you, but there is no real commitment with this person. They’re probably trying to work their way back in again, Ace of Cups, and Pentacles, they want a new start with you. You seem to be focused on leaving this behind, concentrating on what’s new, what you love, what you’re passionate about. If you’re living together, it could be hard splitting up finances or figuring out how to maneuver that, especially if everything is joint, work & money definitely plays a role in this. You’re becoming more interested in real potential, you want something that lasts, that you can trust.
Getting away officially is taking longer than you’d hoped, there is no clear path ahead of you and you’re afraid of what comes next. Most of us feel that at a new beginning. Potential here is this fool lying to you some more, trying to manipulate your mind and feelings to get their way, whatever that is. With 9 Swords following, I get an energy of guilt trips, maybe attacking your self esteem, you can’t make it without them & stuff like that. The problem is you may believe them and hang on out of fear. 2 Swords & The Tower show you’re afraid to rock the boat and make a big decision, because there’s no going back and your whole life will change. But also…under the smoke and mirrors, it’s just a Page. Like The Wizard of Oz, they’re a fraud 🙏🧡
Messages -
Their side:
- Pet Lover 🐸
- Please give me another chance.
Your side:
- I love our walks together.
- Curvy girl/boy
Oracles -
Their side: Remember, you can’t expect something for nothing, especially love. You have to give it out to get it back.
Your side:
Like the characters in the movie Pay It Forward, do three good deeds every day. It’s contagious and makes you feel good.
Don’t try to gain love by being someone’s slave. Remember that you matter too.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Virgo, Gemini & Pisces
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astrologyfactzzz · 3 years
This weeks astrology & how it will affect you
May 23rd - 30th
(Check Sun/rising)
Saturn Retrograde 13° Aquarius - Sunday
Super Moon Lunar Eclipse 5° Sagittarius - Wednesday
Mercury Retrograde 24° Gemini - Saturday
- a door closes -
This is a week of self-evaluation, truth telling, full disclosure and the removal of outgrown circumstances. A Super Moon lunar eclipse at 5° Sagittarius on the karmic South Node of Fate on Wednesday May 26th is bracketed by Saturn Lord of Time and Karma turning retrograde on Saturday May 29th. The triple event opens a season of dealing with whatever needs to be faced and sorted.
Themes of truth, lies, fake news and lost in translation communication are entangled with Mercury retrograde conjunct the eclipse.
At this total lunar eclipse, you are permanently closing a door behind you ready to open a new one at the 19° Gemini Solar Eclipse on June 10th 2021. Lunar eclipses are emotional as they create final endings. They can make you sentimental, more aware of the passage of time. Memories and dreams come up to the surface. Look back to the last Sagittarius lunar eclipse in June 2002, then 2012 when the Nodes of Fate were reversed, to help you to join the dots in what’s now come full circle in your own life.
Remind yourself that this deep space eclipse wave is not head stuff - it’s somatic, physical, integrative - and be diligent about grounding. Energy will be magnified as this is a Super Moon Eclipse with the moon at its closest to the Earth. It heralds a geo-cosmic storm potential along with turbulence in geo-politics and the financial markets that extends from May 23rd - 29th.
New! In June, as yet more veils are lasered away by the June Solar eclipse and the Cancer Solistice, your life stream is going to hit some turbulence.
♈︎ ARIES ♈︎
It’s a big week. On Wednesday, the Super Moon lunar eclipse overshadows your 9th / 3rd houses. A course of study may be completing or a mentor leaving. Circumstances changing around you beyond your control are nudging you to update your thinking and discard old beliefs that distort the accuracy of your inner map of the world. Now is the time to gently let an outgrown relationship or contract go, to leave a group you no longer fit into and clean up your social media contacts.
Be proactive.
♉︎ TAURUS ♉︎
Think back to June 2002, the last Sagittarius Lunar eclipse, to notice what you bought, sold or invested in. This cosmic wild card is activating your money axis of both earned income and joint or inherited resources so, as both Saturn and Mercury are turning retrograde, don’t make any large commitments, sign any important contracts or buying anything expensive. Your emotions will be running high and you may lose your perspective in the heat of the moment. Wait until the dust settles after the June 10th Solar Eclipse.
Channel this supercharged energy into getting your finances in order.
♊︎ GEMINI ♊︎
Happy Birthday Gemini, whenever it arrives. Your month opens dramatically with a Super Moon lunar eclipse bracketed by both Saturn and Mercury retrograde. Emotions usually run high under lunar eclipses and you may be drowning in nostalgia or missing someone gone from your life. This cosmic wild card closes a door permanently on a relationship. It could be romantic, professional or a friendship that is beyond fixing. Eclipses reveal what you haven’t seen before - the truth comes out and it’s impossible to ignore. Wether someone breaks up with you or you break up with them, move on and see it as creating space for new people to enter your life.
Don’t try to rekindle the ashes.
♋︎ CANCER ♋︎
On May 26th a doozy of a Super Moon lunar eclipse activates your 6th / 12th houses - your axis of well-being and retreat. It will close a door on aspects of health, routines and self-care that have been undermining or sabotaging you, whether you realized or not. It’s time to break any toxic habits cold turkey and to replace them with healthier alternatives. That might include leaving a job that stresses you instead of inspiring you. Since both Saturn and Mercury turn backwards at this eclipse, double check all you communications before you press send.
Clearing your own ecology.
♌︎ LEO ♌︎
It’s set to be an intense and emotional week with a Super Moon lunar eclipse bracketed both Saturn and Mercury turning backwards. For you a solar Leo, your 5th / 11th house of self-expression are in the frame for change. A door will close on one of your pet projects, plans or passions - you might have completed it, run out of juice or simply given up on it. All the better to start envisioning something new and more exciting at the June 10th Solar eclipse. In the 2 weeks between these powerful cosmic wild cards, back things up, upgrade your communications and clear the decks.
This is a permanent closure.
♍︎ VIRGO ♍︎
For you as a Solar Virgo, this week’s powerful astrology is all about family. On Wednesday, a Super Moon lunar eclipse closes a door permanently on some part of your home life. It might be a changing of the guard when someone leaves or someone arrives. You might realize - finally - that you have had enough of where you live and need to find somewhere more harmonious. Or you decide to move to another city or country. Expect to feel emotional, nostalgic for good times go by and allow yourself time to grieve and then release sad memories.
Home is a state of mind, not a place.
♎︎ LIBRA ♎︎
Wednesday’s potent Super Moon lunar eclipse is falling across your 3rd / 9th house of communication. it’s not going to be business as usual as the cosmic wild card is sandwiched between Saturn and Mercury turning backwards. Your 3rd house is about siblings and neighbors so tread carefully, aim to tie up and resolve any problems and leave them behind permanently. You might be finishing a study program or deciding to drop it altogether if the juice is gone out of it. Make sure you double check emails, texts and social media posts before you press and send.
Lost in translation.
A Super Moon lunar eclipse on Wednesday 26th bracketed by both Saturn and Mercury turning retrograde are going to ratchet up your emotions. Lunar eclipses can be very nostalgic, reminding you of good times gone by and of people who are no longer part of your life. If you need to, treat yourself gently and take time to grieve. For you as a solar Scorpio, changes are going to affect your finances, both your income and your shared assets. A door may shut permanently on one source of income or you may decide its time to pull the plug on a professional contract. Keep in mind that Trickster Mercury is unreliable and don’t make any big commitments to investments for at least another 3 weeks.
Sealing financial leaks.
Something big is week comes … you’re about to experience a lunar eclipse in your own sign for the first time since summer 2002. For more clues to which part of your life is coming full circle, you could also think back to eclipses in 2012 when the Nodes of Fate were reversed. Expect to feel more emotional than usual, and if you need to unburden yourself, find a trusted friend to confide in. This cosmic wild card is taking you through a door way then closing the door behind you where your personal vision and plans for the future are concerned. It will shine a light on what and who needs to be left behind so you can create a new and bigger dream for yourself.
If circumstances shift around you, don’t try to cling on them - better times await.
Cut yourself some slack, it’s going to be an intense and emotional 2 weeks. On Sunday May 23rd, your won Planet Saturn turns retrograde until October in your 2nd house. Your finances are slowly and inexorably being restructured until March 2023, so collaborate with the process, add to your savings, cut debt and ask for money owed to you. On Wednesday, a Super Moon lunar eclipse shines a light into the engine room of your chart, the deeply private 12th House. It might excavate old memories, bring on nostalgia for people and times past or reveal where your blind spots are. People around you may seem irrational, so keep a low profile and give yourself time to reconnect with your ancestry, your dreams and your spiritual life.
Glimpses of the unseen.
It’s a fast moving, intense week when events and circumstances change around you beyond your control with a domino effect in your own life. First on May 23rd, your co-ruler Saturn turns backwards until October. See it as an opportunity to review your support systems - relationships, where you live, work, finances - and strengthen your foundations so you are both flexible and resilient. Wednesday’s eclipse is a Super Moon on steroids and emotions will run high. It is closing a door permanently in your 11th House of friends, groups and networks. You may leave an association behind or drop a friendship that you’ve outgrown or, conversely, someone may drop you.
Take some quite time mid-week.
♓︎ PISCES ♓︎
It’s set to be an emotional week so make sure you have some quite time to yourself. A Super Moon lunar eclipse on May 26th falls at the top of your chart activating your career and public image and closing one door permanently. A promotion you hoped for might fall through or someone at work might leave creating a vacancy or you might find an unexpected golden opportunity to move on elsewhere. If you do, seize it with both hands. It looks as if you’re more then ready for a new challenge and the next eclipse on June 10th might just deliver it. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde from May 29th so use the time to dig for information, check out helpful contacts and do some detective work.
Full circle in your career.
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kolsmikaelson · 3 years
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about me
-> hello and welcome to my blog! you can call me c, but i am okay with pet names. my zodiacs are leo sun, aquarius moon and libra rising. my pronouns are she/they, i’m a seventeen year old and i live in the u.s ( cst ). i’m a multifandom blog but i do mostly post about hockey! i post things such as stranger things, tsitp, marvel, top gun and various other interests of mine!
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hockey things
-> my main ( nhl ) teams are the new york islanders, philadelphia flyers, and colorado avalanche.
-> as for college hockey the only one i care for is university of michigan! (umich)
-> i liveblog for these teams and if you don’t want to see these posts block these tags. #isles lb #flyers lb #avs lb and #umich lb.
-> i do post/liveblog a multitude of other teams and tag my posts as such so again, if you don’t wanna see those posts please, block the tags.
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writing things
-> i do not give anyone permission to repost or translate any of my works on any other platform. however i very much appreciate reblogs and comments!
-> i try and write and post requests quickly but please do not rush me!
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writing links + other important links —
who i write for misc. characters
request rules
taglist form
anon list
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do not interact —
(hockey) if you like/support am34, trevor zegras, jake virtanen, ekane, pkane. (if i’ve forgotten someone let me know)
(general dni) support jkr or tom felton, over 23 or under 15 (current moots okay)
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tags i often use —
#˗ˏˋ cait speaks ´ˎ˗ — personal things/random thoughts i post.
#ೃ⁀➷ you’ve got mail 💌!— when i answer any asks i get
#◜ caitee’𝗌 works ✎ ˚✧ ꜝ & #—🪼 fics — every fic that i post
#umich hockey — lets be honest i probably post them the most
#q — queued posts so that if i’m not posting i’m not completely gone
#not hockey — anything i post that isn’t hockey related
#football tag — i don’t use this as often but when i do it’s usually about joe burrow
#fic recs 🔖 (previously c’s fic recs!) — almost any fic i read/reblog often tagged with the character / players first and last names (block #smut fic recs🔖 if you’re not into nsfw fics.)
#edit recs — instagram edits/fancams etc
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other socials —
twitter user — rhettabbotts
pinterest user — alicentargaryen
© kolsmikaelson 2023
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zodiacrant · 6 years
Birth chart as a kingdom (part 2 outer planets)
Jupiter: how does your kingdom develop
Aries/1st house: uncompromising and great need to explore and challenge its own capabilities. demands gifts as a sign of gratitude, sells weapons and armor.
Taurus/2nd house: fulfilling the people’s needs, always developing the kingdom infrastructure. best clothes and luxurious items, food.
Gemini/3rd house: black mailing, finds out the secret to each kingdom’s development. the best inns in all the kingdoms, makes money off bribery and selling secrets.
Cancer/4th house: high agricultural technology, always listening to what the people have to say. selling commodities and all the necessities, livestock and pets.
Leo/5th house: increases and upgrades leisure buildings, the roads are safe and well kept. Must be gifted as a sign of respect and allegiance, best fabric, provides protection for a price.
Virgo/6th house: education is key, tea houses and gardens attracts the wisest from all over. wide range of books, best medicine, alchemy supplements.
Libra/7th house: always finds a new way to produce something at a faster pace, used entertainment to attract wealthy tourists. The very best vanities,decorations, flowers.
Scorpio/8th house: have the best and most advanced technology, always on top with the structural durability.assassinations, engineering, wine.
Sagittarius/9th house: goes around the kingdoms to see what’s new, gets paid to protect caravans. selling horses and meat, would do some one else dirty work.
Capricorn/10th house: plays monopoly, makes sure everything is up to part, enforces the rules.a working force, the bank, has a hidden mine of gold,Everything goes through their kingdom.
Aquarius/11th house: Always onto a scheme, uses the power of manifestation to get all that they need. Gives magical services, knows the real history of everything, have unique and rare items.
Pisces/12th house: Only needs a bed and everything would be fine, explores the depths of the worlds. Best ships and navigators, knows the weather and the land, doesn’t take money but expects a favor in return.
Saturn: what would be the fall of the kingdom
Aries/1st house: constant clash between the leaders, the need to always win, doesn’t know when to stop, bad at diplomacy, won’t admit and face weaknesses.
Taurus/2nd house: fear of unfulfillment and danger, doesn’t know how to deal with change, becomes unstable during crisis.
Gemini/3rd house: no true intentions, no real friends, doesn’t know how to rely completely on it’s on.
Cancer/4th house: lack of communication with the other kingdoms, would hold grudges over small incidents that happened with other kingdoms decades ago, won’t admit for its need for others.
Leo/5th house: look up too long and you would find yourself falling off the mountain, made many enemies by humiliating, doesn’t like to change, pride and delusions of past glory.
Virgo/6th house: won’t ask for help, no one likes them anymore, be too hard on your people and they would leave you in battles, doesn’t want to progress and modernize.
Libra/7th house: doesn’t know how to fight their own battles, looked down upon, won’t admit and take responsibility, would rather run and hide over facing the issues head on.
Scorpio/8th house: untrusting, too prideful to admit they can’t do everything on their own, big walls don’t only keeps things out but they also keep things in.
Sagittarius/9th house: wouldn’t back down, won’t admit it when they’re wrong, civil wars that started over petty jokes.
Capricorn/10th house: dont push your people too hard because then you’ll learn the hard way that they’re the reason behind your success, doesn’t know how to go in battles physically, pessimistic.
Aquarius/11th house: living far away have its benefits but the curse is too big to bear, no one knows where they’re, won’t find someone to help them, god complex mentality would be their biggest demise.
Pisces/12th house: no one knows who are they, doesn’t know what to do, easily manipulated, would be hard on themselves if one of them got hurt.
Uranus: What are the kingdoms are legendary for
Aries/1st house: Natural leaders with true confidence, they’re known for their might at battles, some of the most ruthless tyrants came from this kingdom.
Taurus/2nd house: Major cities talked about all over, Majestic castles , good memories and stories about fierce and kind rulers that kept the kingdom stable and rich for centuries.
Gemini/3rd house: metropolis cities buzzing with people from different places, diversity, a kingdom known for their stories and traveling tales wither they were real or a myth everyone enjoyed them or have feard them.
Cancer/4th house: A city of revival, no matter how manny hurricanes and storms hit they always get up, a place where traditions and celebrations never die, their rulers are known for their generosity and helping those in need.
Leo/5th: cities of grace where the legends and the gods resides, parties to be remembered, iconic styles and costumes, their queens beauty is always talked about, people name their children after this kingdom rulers.
Virgo/6th house: everyone read a book from there, the most prestigious schools and institutions, where the wise come together, always remembered for its precision in aesthetics and lifestyles.
Libra/7th house: their flowers and forests are envied for their beauty, many popular sweets originated from there, very nice people, known for their simplicity and elegance.
Scorpio/8th house: feared and loved , many beautifully detailed weapons and Chinas, many legends and myths about them but none are true, their kingdom is known for winning wars without actually fighting.
Sagittarius/9th house: always there for their friends, defends the weak, best horse trainers and archers, their skills in battle and winning without plans and small numbers are always talked about and emulated.
Capricorn/10th house: a major power than shifted the path of all the lands and kingdoms. A big manufacturer. Was part of every war. Didn’t give their enemies a break. Their rulers are known to be the most strict and controlling.
Aquarius/11th house: the kingdom that rebelled against the powers. Won a long lasting battle that would shape many generations.
Pisces/12th house: wasn’t part of any war, but helped the refugees. The leaders of explorations and inventions that changed the world. Were seen as Gods by some people for their heroic efforts.
Neptune: what will be the state of the land during each kingdom reigning period
(since Neptune changes every 10 years most people in present day have their Neptune from Libra (1953-1963) until Aries(2013-2023) Im only going to put the signs from Capricorn (1983-1993)to Aries).
Aries (2013-2023): very intense and competitive atmosphere. Anger is the overall reaction. Lack of sympathy towards those who need help. High sensitivity and quick and irrational thoughts. Many wars and conflicts would take place during their reign.
Pisces (2003-2013): a very creative and out of the box era. Much of major changes in culture would happen. A much more passive and benevolent time. Very underrated era.
Aquarius (1993-2003): rebellions and revelations against past rulers created this kingdom. A period where heritage and traditions were left and a more diverse and eccentric lifestyles were adapted. A period of major changes that basically split the history in two.
Capricorn (1983-1993): a period where work was the most important thing. Money and success was what everyone strived for. Much of the social constructs and traditions were in forced during this era. An era where rulers were considered above the people.
Pluto: what’s the rulers of each era is like
(Pluto changes every 15 years so I’m going to only put from Scorpio (1978-1993) until Capricorn (2008-2023).
Scorpio (1978-1993): untrusting, highly intuitive, harsh sentences, cruel, distracting themselves away from weaknesses with vanities.
Sagittarius (1993-2008): rebellious, all of society’s beliefs and heritage will be destroyed, culture and traditions would be radically changed, self righteous, good means bad ends.
Capricorn (2008-2023): getting things back in order, work and money and progress that what matters, very strict but linear, unconventional and abstract things and ideas will be abandoned or criminalized.
(I hope you guys love this one, the outer planets have been very difficult to translate and describe. I’m going to do the other aspects in the chart such as (descendants, Lilith, nodes etc.....) so let me know if you’re interested in that. please follow and share your dirt on the signs ☕️. )
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