#let derek hale be happy
casually-eat-my-soul · 2 months
Can someone please write a fic about that one scene where stiles grabs Derek’s face in magic bullet.
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Where although he was out of it Derek could feel stiles fingers trail across his face. He could feel how softly and careful stiles was in that one moment. It had been the first touch from a human, from anyone, that did not cause Derek pain.
And when Derek wakes up he’s just obsessed with being touched by stiles again because he remembered how good it felt, how finally someone touched him and it didn’t hurt. Derek refused to wash his face for like three days after this because stiles had unknowingly scent marked him, and he couldn’t make himself get rid of the scent. How it made Derek feel like he wasn’t alone.
This action makes Derek’s wolf believe that stiles is pack, (stiles is the first pack Member!!) and he just keeps ending up in embarrassing situations trying to get stiles attention and his hands and him.
He probably just ends up blurting it out at stiles one day. Or maybe after killing Peter, he just get handle the weight of being alone, of killing the last member of his family, of being touched by Kate, of being hurt.
So he drags his body to stiles house and just gets on his knees and begs stiles to touch him, to make it stop hurting.
And stiles knows how hard it is to lose a family member so he does. He doesn’t think this will happen again, he just understands that Derek needs comfort. But Derek comes back over and over again and every time begs stiles to touch him. And stiles does, every time.
It becomes a comfort thing for the both of them, stiles running his fingers over the planes of Derek’s face. Derek gets to relax in the one place he’s safe, listening to stiles humming or muttering and the beat of his heart. It becomes a need, but soon stiles touching Derek isn’t enough, Derek wants to touch stiles. He wants to return the favour, he wants to scent mark stiles back. So everyone will know that stiles is claimed, that he is protected by an alpha who would kill for him. And he gets the chance to on the anniversary of stiles mother’s death.
Stiles is just so tired, his dad is working, will be all night. Scott is with Allison, and stiles doesn’t have the energy to beg him to pick him tonight. So he goes to Derek; Stiles isn’t really sure what this arrangement that he and Derek have but tonight he is the one who needs. He drives to the hale house and ends up sobbing by the time he gets there. He’s just sitting in the jeep in front of the hale house and he can’t move. And suddenly Derek is there.
Derek was already worried when he could hear the engine of the jeep pull up but when it turned off and all Derek could hear was stiles crying, he moved without thinking. He yanked the driver side door open and his heart broke. Stiles was sitting there trying to calm himself down, rubbing the tears from his face but nothing was working. So when stiles turned his head to him, eyes pleading and whining, Derek picked him up and carried him bridal style into the house. Derek just holds him for hours, memorizing the way stiles feels under his fingertips.
In the aftermath Stiles makes one joke about being a blushing bride (due to the blush on his face and being carried bridal style) and Derek is just hit with a vision of being married to stiles. Of being about to always be allowed to touch stiles and blue screens. Unfortunately Derek wolf takes this as expressed agreement that stiles is mated and married to them.
Derek buys rings the next day. Sure it takes him a few more years to propose but it’s the thought that counts. (Cocky Derek hale who flirts with stiles by calling him his pretty little wife, just to see stiles blush a pretty pink for him. But one day stiles responds that he doesn’t have a ring, so Derek just gives it to him.)
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gray-licious · 1 year
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isn't this just sterek things?
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emo-nova · 3 months
Update time for some good ol' Teen Wolf, ig? i'm on episode 7 of season 2, and now I am definitely seeing some clips that i saw that was making me interested in the show as well as aspects within the fandom spaces.
Never understood the whole idea of Pack mom Stiles thing until I saw Stiles basically be the first to clock that 1, she is in seizure, 2, she may have an issue with the kanima venom (more than others) and 3, to be able to help her he needs to go to Derek cause Scott defo doesn't know. I didn't see it in the beginning, but I can see what people are seeing in it.
Another aspect, Stiles predicting Matt as the villain was such a rewarding scene. Mainly because I have been spoiled, I don't mind them, sometimes I actively look for them to see how the writers handle certain characters plus a summary isn't always true to what actually happened depending on interpretations.
You know what wasn't? Stiles' dad not being told. Or Melissa. Can these two be in on it now? Please? I'm mildly done with the charades on both ends mainly because the friction between two parties is simply miscommunication, plus it would be interesting to have Stiles' be open to this now so that we can see more of a struggle for the Stilinski family when the Sheriff *carries on* heading into danger when he knows. Same with Melissa, I think it would help create more stakes, but it will needed to be handled with care, that she can notice when a patient might have been involved with the supernatural which she can tell the sheriff. It'll make a good feedback loop for the adults, me thinks.
Onto Scott and Alison, I am noticing the writers are now ramping up a more heaviness to their relationship. This is no longer about puppy love but genuine wanting to carry on together, on both ends. And the touch with Jackson being used as the mouthpiece of the writers to foreshadow something more sinister lurking within Alison's future and her decisions. I honestly can not wait for Alison's either degression or progression as a character, as an aspiring writer who likes to study stories of any kind, I would have her digress to create a more nuance version of her character especially with her and Scott creating friction between each other. The friction I'm talking about is Alison's fear of being truly hopeless, unable to actually help herself out of a situation, this could be due to her being raised to be independent and to be a leader within the Argents. Scott on the other hand has a total Hero Complex, wanting to save as many people as possible, yada yada (mild affection now, he's grown on me), wants to be there for Alison *always* which contradicts Alison's want of independence.
Derek, so far, has been following a characterisation I would do for him (after that abysmal training set) cautious and careful with his betas, almost paranoid about their safety with mild disregard for his own in time of the full moon. I would like to see more Boyd though, you have an entire episode on him, and he doesn't get to appear in that scene??? BS, I want Boyd, Erica and Isaac have a moment of annoyance at Derek for being so careful with them. Would I have Derek explain to them why he's so cautious? Not fully, no, I would have Derek explain simply "I am your leader, I look after you and train you. And I need to look after you by ensuring you don't get caught between the Kamina and the Hunters."
Let Derek be a vague, paranoidly responsible Alpha that noticed that his first method didn't help for shit and changing the curriculum for these three because Scott's training was a *mess* and not some fucking dictator alpha guy. But knowing the writing team they most likely will mishandle Derek's character like a child given a machete in the garden which is disappointing.
That's all I got so far, but enjoy my ranting about what happened so far.
Also thank you to the kind soul that told me the timeline of season 1 and 2, I didn't realise that it was such short periods of time! Thank you again :)
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brunette-from-hell · 2 years
I know people are hating on the teen wolf movie but think of all the sterek fix-it fics that will flood ao3 now!
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blue-the-hedgehog · 4 months
I will play with the chronology here but:
Just imagine Stiles Stilinski, sophomore in college still in the FBI program going on spring break with the pack. They decide to go in south California because
« It’s were celebrities and surfers and pretty girls go!! »
So they end up in Neptune!
And obviously they came across problems before Stiles arrives because chaos always follow the pack. Like… in the middle of the bombing arc in the S4 of VM but the mortals one were already at the beach when the motel exploded and line Scott, Derek and Jackson were badly hurt but obviously they survived and heal so fast. And as Stiles was trying to find a way to get his very broody boyfriend from the sherif station he met a certain Veronica Mars . She wanted to ask him question because obviously someone had hired Mars investigation to search on the mess his pack mates had put themself into. He avoided her successfully for a while and she was impress really. But at some point Derek and Logan met and they kind of bond over some fighting in a bar. Stiles was in awe when he discover what Veronica’s work was and you know… one a sherif’s kid the other one is a former sherif’s kid Stiles ended up going with Veronica and solve the case, made her open her eyes on the supernatural.
And that’s how Stiles was not sure if he wanted to be in the FBI or more a PI and have all those free will.
And obviously Logan will not die >.>
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martusia714 · 2 years
they couldn’t possibly be showing us a scene that is a prelude to derek dying. however, if they are and something fatal happens to my boy in this gd movie after he apparently FINALLY stopped being used, abused and has a family of his own… i might go a bit berserk.
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Hii!!! Your blog is literally so perfect. Love it.
Could you recommend some more angsty fics where either Derek or Stiles is really insecure and has low self esteem? Happy ending only, if that’s alright. I really appreciate it!
Aw thanks anon! There's already an insecure!stiles tag so I focused on insecure!derek.
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The (Tell-Tale) Heart Doesn’t Lie by novemberhush
(1/1 I 100 I General I Sterek)
After a little gentle teasing unexpectedly hits a nerve with Derek Stiles is quick to reassure him that he knows there’s more to the handsome werewolf than just being really, really, really ridiculously good-looking.
I Know the Pieces Fit by shealynn88
(1/1 I 2,700 I Teen)
It’s Derek’s voice, quiet in the dark with the low hum of the pack behind him.
Derek's the hardest one for Stiles to understand. Sometimes he thinks…but then it becomes clear, it’s not like that. Derek tolerates him. Appreciates his loyalty, at least. The way Stiles appreciates the brave hiss of a kitten. Cute. Admirable. But not equal.
And Dwell Beneath My Shadow by lielabell
(1/1 I 8,695 I Mature)
Derek is not stupid. He gets why Stiles puts up with him. It's clear every time Stiles looks at him, the spicy scent of lust and arousal Stiles's body can't help but put off. It doesn’t surprise him. Not at all. Derek knows what he looks like, knows that his face and his body are more than enough to compensate for his shitty personality. Stiles wants him more than he is annoyed by him. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not anything to be amazed over, nothing to write home about. Stiles isn't the first-- and most likely won't be the last-- hormone soaked teen who has panted over Derek.
Cliche by adult_disneyprincess (orphan_account)
(2/2 I 9,305 I Teen)
It’s cliché as shit, Stiles thinks. The nerd in love with the punk. He figures he wouldn’t want Derek Hale so much if he didn’t have those fucking tattoos everywhere, didn’t give a shit what people thought about him, and didn’t wear those stupid leather jackets. They’re not the same jacket either, Stiles has counted at least four different ones that the resident punk owns
Cross a Canyon (with a broken limb) by theroguesgambit 
(1/1 I 18,010 I Teen)
“You never graduated,” Stiles says, just to say it. To test it out in the open air. That's... huh.
Stiles spends his senior year battling troll-gremlins, taking on an unexpected tutoring job, and definitely not falling for a certain sourwolf (even though everyone else seems to think he is).
Defying Convention by rororowyourboat
(13/13 I 24,331 I Teen)
Stiles is a newly certified fully-trained Spark, and he's on the market to chose a werewolf pack to act as Emissary for. The biggest problem? Almost every pack in North America wants him, and he's supposed to choose a pack at the 3-day conference. But how's he supposed to get to know any of the likely candidates when they're just being so damn polite and respectful?
Derek and his sisters are at the conference with bleak hopes: their pack was decimated by hunters years ago and their caustic attitudes have turned away most potential applicants.
Rarity by peanutbutter4lyfe
(8/8 I 29,837 I Explicit)
Derek let's the guys throw a party for Stiles' 18th at his loft and instantly regrets it. During the party Derek starts acting strangely, his senses going wild. He reads the signs and thinks Scott is his mate. It drives him crazy when Scott doesn't feel the same, until he figures it out... with a little help from Peter.
Thanks for Thumper, But I Prefer Cheeseburgers by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(1/1 I 58,399 I Teen)
The wolf’s head whipped around so fast, Stiles felt like he was watching The Exorcist.
Stiles wondered if he could just stand still enough to make the wolf think he was a tree. A very bright red and jean-clad tree. He doubted it, but one could hope.
He knew it was a lost cause when the wolf turned fully, lips pulled back from its sharp teeth—so very sharp, good fucking Lord!—and began walking towards Stiles.
“I didn’t see anything!” Stiles shouted, both hands out in front of himself and sweat instantly breaking out across his skin. “I swear to you! I didn’t see anything! I didn’t see anything! I won’t tell anyone! I won’t! I’ll keep this to myself, until the day I die! I promise! I promise!”
You're stronger than you know by Littleredridinghunter
(15/15 I 234,195 I Not Rated)
Stiles survives his encounter with Gerard and his goons, but it isn't easy.
The pack are letting him down again, his dad is not speaking to him, his life is just generally falling apart.
Until he has to get a bronze dagger to kill a siren and his whole world gets flipped on it's head!
My summaries are rubbish but I hope you'll still give it a chance!
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christinesficrecs · 10 months
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Happy Saturday! Enjoy these brilliant fics. 🩷
I don’t know why, but I guess it has something to do with you by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 17.8K
“You smell like me,” the guy says, scowling as he crowds in and Stiles staggers back between the coats and finally hits the wall. “Why do you smell like me?”
He barely lets out a garbled sound as the blood rushes to his cheeks. “No reason,” Stiles yelps, struggling to get his footing and grasping at a whirlwind of puffy fur.
His Only Defense by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 78.7K
Stiles had just accidentally challenged an alpha.
Oh God, and Scott had just stood by and let him do it. He was the worst best friend ever. Stiles was going to kill him. Except, oh right, the alpha was going to kill him first. Like beyond dead, ripped into tiny little pieces dead. So far dead that his dad would not be able to identify him, dead.
Laying Groundwork by  LunaCanisLupus_22 | 10.9K
The one where Scott and Stiles go clubbing and there’s this broody Bouncer out to get Stiles-
Or get into his pants. Thank God it’s the latter.
Give you that thing you can’t even imagine by  LunaCanisLupus_22 | 10.9K
The one where mateless Derek thinks no omega can affect him like they do other alphas and he’s about to find out he’s very, very wrong.
Shot Through The Heart by  LunaCanisLupus_22 | 64.8K
The one when Stiles and Derek work for rival assassin companies and are sent to kill each other. It definitely doesn’t go as planned.
Foolish devouring things, build your castle in me by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 23.1K
“I will marry you,” he declares. “But should any more harm come to my father or my people, I will raze the earth itself until I feel the lifeblood drain from your corpse and paint my skin with it.”
It is not an idle warning, but from the princeling it has none of the desired effect. Derek feels no fear, but in this instance at least diplomacy triumphed over the spilling of more blood. It is all the same to him anyway. But Regent Peter was most insistent they avoid a drawn-out, gruelling war.
“Then we have reached an accord.”
Oh baby give me one more chance (to show you that I love you) by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 54.7K
“You like Derek,” he says slowly. “Derek Hale.”
His father grimaces at the accusation there. “Look, Stiles it’s complicated-“
“So when I was married to him,” he continues, voice rising. “He wasn’t good enough. He was taking advantage of me. ‘He’ll never be able to love you like you want, Stiles’. That’s what you said-“
Or the Sweet Home Alabama AU that nobody asked for.
I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 11.4K
“All in favour of Derek not dating for a full year so he can get his shit together and stop romancing people who want to kill us?”
Everyone raises their hands. Every single pack member.
Or the one where the pack insists Derek can't date anybody for a year but he ends up finding romance much closer to home anyway.
I know that you love me, even when I lose my head by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 135.5K
“We’re not mates, Cora,” he insists. “I mean look at him-“
“Ouch,” the kid says, no longer pushing that shit eating grin.
“He’s- he’s,” Derek tries, at a loss of how to explain why this can’t be possible. Why it shouldn’t be possible.
When sparks fly by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 87.5K | Abandoned
“Derek,” Stiles thunders. “Were you ever going to tell me your house is trying to hook us up?”
Derek’s head snaps up, eyes wide and scenting the evident crackle of magic in the air.
I'll wrap up my bones, And leave them by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 65.1K
The sign on the cage actually reads Beware: The Beast! in that crappy horror movie red paint that trickles down the paper in a failed attempt to appear like dripping blood.
And it would seem stupid if not for the living supernatural creature currently trapped behind its bars. Little hard to dismiss the big, hulking werewolf as a poorly constructed horror movie prop.
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Dude, cannot catch a break.
How long have I been on the hunt for you? by LunaCanisLupus_22 | 20.3K
“Well I guess accidental kidnapping is not so bad then,” Scott decided brightly after the others had finished describing their ordeals. “All’s well that ends well, right?”
“HAHA,” Stiles practically shouted, loud and unsettling enough that everyone turned to look at him. “I mean, yep. For. Sure.”
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gremlinbabe · 2 years
Like I know we’re all talking about FBI stiles coming back from top-secret high priority FBI mission to rain hellfire on Beacon Hills for Derek.
But imagine this
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We just get a soft grown grieving stiles. There’s no anger at first. He’s always known that Derek was a martyr. He just needs to see himself.
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We just get to see a Stiles comfortable & settled for once in his body. He’s powerful, happy with himself, with his life, & his magic. Only to physically feel the love of his life taken from him thousands of miles away. It’s only hurts more to know he’s most likely went by fire. Stiles has grown into a beautiful, full bearded , sad eyed man with a ring on his hand that was given to him as a gift by his love. He only came back to beacon hills to confirm he was really gone. Only to find a son he didn’t know of, that will need his help. And of course stiles helps. Aside from the boy being a spitting image of himself and Derek, stiles finds out the nematon is calling him & the boy. And there’s was no way he was going to leave the boy with a weakened true alpha who let his pack bonds deteriorate and a huntress who’s mentally 17 & who’s aunt murdered the child’s entire extended family.
After tearing the hales an immediate new one for leaving Eli in Scott and Allison’s care. Stiles makes arrangements to move back into beacon hills.He raises Eli and reestablishes the pack and acts as their alpha. And eventually we will see stiles go through all different stages of grief until he gets to anger and he snaps and is ready to not only beat everyone’s ass (except Eli and his dad) but also literally go into superhell and pull the love of his life outta bardo no matter what the cost is (most likely his powers) When he realizes if there still a chance to save him.
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sterekminibang · 3 months
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Take a Glorious Bite Out of the Whole World (34271 words) by ArtaxLivs Art by @angeleyz4ever For @sterekminibang 2024 Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, The Hale Family (Teen Wolf), Jordan Parrish, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Tattooed Stiles Stilinski, Emissary Stiles Stilinski, Alive Hale Family, Mention of Kate Argent - Freeform, Mentions of Jennifer Blake - Freeform, Angst with a Happy Ending, Let me repeat that - HAPPY ENDING, Don't forget that part, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski & Jackson Whittemore Friendship, Sassy Erica, Full Shift Werewolves, Pining, Sappy Love Songs, Oh there's sex in this fic too - I almost forgot, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Language of Flowers, Background Relationships, Spark Stiles Stilinski, Digital Art
Summary: Derek’s heart trips over itself in his chest. It aches. His hands yearn to reach out and touch Stiles but he just can’t make his limbs move. His voice is rough and shattered when he insists, “I didn’t hate you…I didn’t even know you existed.” Stiles snorts, flopping his weight on his back so he can bounce the ball of light in an arc from hand to hand, “Surprisingly, not helpful." OR Stiles has known that Derek was his soulmate since he was ten years old. He's been waiting twelve years for Derek to know it, too. It might be too late, though.
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casually-eat-my-soul · 4 months
So like I understand the whole Derek freaks out when he realizes that he’s in love with stiles thing. Cause, sure, valid after everything he been through.
But like I also feel that he would be so relieved. That it’s stiles. Stiles is someone who is safe to fall in love with. Not in the sense of “oh he loves me back so I won’t get my heart broken” (he does) but like in the sense of it won’t be used against him.
Stiles has saved his life over and over again, has kept his secrets and defend him. And Derek cannot help but feel relief of the fact that it’s stiles who has his heart . Because it’s entirely safe with him. Stiles would not abuse him like any of his past relationships. It’s not something the Derek has to worry about. And that just makes it easier to fall deeper in love with him.
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patolemus · 1 month
Uuuuuh here's my take on a Teen Wolf movie fix-it, because god do we deserve it.
“Stiles, think of her father! He finally has her back!”
“Think of his son! Scott, he’s a child,” Stiles’ voice breaks as he thinks of Eli, young and alone after losing his only parent. He thinks of himself, and who he might have been had he lost his dad at Eli’s age.
Mostly, he thinks of Derek. Selfless, martyr, stupid Derek who still thought he was disposable after all these years, after raising a son and settling down and getting the quiet life he always wanted. Stiles thinks of Derek, and he feels himself falling apart at the seams because why is it that life still likes to punish kind, battered souls like Derek Hale’s? Why couldn’t it decide that he’d had enough, why did it have to kill him before letting him rest?
Stiles can’t accept it. He won’t accept it. He’s going to bring Derek back from whatever kind of shit afterlife he’s in, and he’s going to force him to live out his quiet life with his son if it’s the last goddamn thing Stiles ever does. That is the only ending he’ll accept for this beautiful, broken man.
Fuck everyone who wants to stop him.
“Stiles, he’s gone. You can’t— he’s gone,” Scott says, voice softening, obviously trying to be placating. Stiles doesn’t care for it.
“You can keep your head in fucking Allison land all you want, Scott. Get your child bride, fuck off back to wherever it is you left Beacon Hills for. But don’t you dare tell me what I can and cannot do. If you want to keep her, you’ll do it far, far away from here,” and Stiles thinks maybe this is the moment Scott finally gets it. That he is not the same boy who left after high school graduation. Whatever soft spot Stiles had for Scott is gone, went away with time and therapy and the realization that Scott would never care for him the way Stiles did for him, that he was kept close for his usefulness until it ran out and he became disposable.
So yeah, Scott can keep Allison. Stiles will be happy for him, even. But if he dares interfere with his own plans, Stiles will put them both in the ground himself.
It’s not like it’d be the first time he’s done so.
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sourmiguel · 5 months
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Couldn't find the words by Tails89 (wc21896, teen)
Summary: John stands, holding out his hand for Melissa. “I never thought I’d be happy to see my son dating Derek Hale." “They’re good for each other.” Melissa lets John pull her up onto her feet. “I’m happy for them.” a.k.a Five times someone thought Stiles and Derek were dating (plus one time they finally used their words and were!)
This is so good. I love how everyone just accepts it, because duh - they're perfect together.
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kitchenisking · 5 months
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April Fic Rec
Hello everyone! happy spring! I just want to say thank you to everyone who enjoys my recs. I was thinking of taking a break from posting the last two months but then I thought 'fuck it'. the response that I got from you guys showed me how much my recs are enjoyed! so to everyone that reblog and likes the recs - I see you! I see your names pop up every months and it brings me such joy! and to all the new follower - it makes me happy that new people are finding my recs and are enjoying these amazing stories written by these amazing authors!
please don't forget to kudos and comment for our authors and ill see you soon😘
Knot My Favorite Smell by KnottheWolf - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,470, sterek)
Day 1-Scent Marking: Derek just missed his mate, Stiles, so he decides to visit Stiles at college. Only to grow upset when his mate’s room doesn’t smell like him anymore.
Just Stopped Working For Me by dedougal - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 11,447, sterek)
Stiles never expected to meet Derek Hale. He definitely never expected the movie star to slide into his cab and ask for his help.
Clueless by IgnorantofTime - (Rating: G, Words: 1,775, sterek)
Scott comes to the realisation that his best friend is in love with Derek Hale. Now he just needs to make them realise it.
an awful curse by blinkiesays - (Rating: T, Words: 6,253, sterek)
Isaac is asleep in a chair. The angle of his neck makes Derek wince in sympathy.
"Isaac," Derek says.
Isaac snaps awake immediately.
"Where's Stiles?"
"Stiles?" Isaac asks.
Jesus. It's not like they know more than one.
"That’s fate." by EvanesDust - (Rating: G, Words: 2,256, sterek)
…the one where Stiles meets his future husband.
That I Miss You by Noname109 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,741, sterek)
The pounding of the water against the tenseness of his muscles makes Stiles let out a long, drawn out groan of pain and pleasure. After a hard day’s work, the proof of it is shown in the coil and rigidity of his shoulders, torso, and legs. 
And it’s not like he doesn’t love interning under his dad and getting to help out solving crimes and chasing down the bad guys, but at the end of his shift it leaves him gone to the world unless it involves a shower.
He’s so relaxed five minutes into it that he doesn’t even jump when two arms snake around his waist. Stiles just hums contentedly and lets his body go slack.
Things We Know, Unsaid by uraneia - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 6,036, sterek)
Inspired by this Tumblr post, and written for lupinus's birthday.
Stiles accidentally finds a trunk full of Derek's professional dom gear from when he lived in New York. They don't talk about it. Then Stiles turns eighteen, and they do.
If he thought Derek would be angry or embarrassed at Stiles finding a trunk full of quality BDSM gear in his closet, he’d have been wrong. “I used to do it professionally, in New York,” Derek says easily, and Stiles—Stiles doesn’t know how to process that. Because he’s seventeen and has eyes and an unfortunately vivid imagination, and if he lets it go there he’s not going to get any use out of any body part except his dick for several hours.
Cravings, Pack and Angry Sex by Jumping_Jess - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,953, sterek)
It's a Pavlov response okay?! Pregnant Stiles + Angry Stiles = Horny Derek
Little Red Prince by SterlingAg - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 48,974, sterek)
Running from a group of bandits, Stiles finds himself injured and on the land of none other than the Shifter Derek Hale. But what is a Shifter? Is this Derek a friend or foe? What about the secret Stiles himself is keeping? What will become of the odd pair in this tale set in a fantasy world?
Basketball Shorts and Highlighters by sffan - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,720, sterek)
The UST between Derek and Stiles finally reaches a tipping point.
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Little Rascal
The pack discovers that Peter has a life that he cares about hidden in Beacon Hills. A wife and a son that they have never before met (1.4k)
Warnings - fluff, pet names, dad!Peter, brief mention of murder and sex, Peter’s secret little life, threats, season 4 based yet loosely different with how Peter goes about working with Scott, deadpool
peter hale masterlist main masterlist more teen wolf
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To say that Peter was glad to be home, away from all of the chaos that he contributed within the McCall pack, was a dangerous understatement. He hates being away from his own little world, for he cared for those he had in it, and he was a whole different person whilst he was there.
Home, it was the first time in a long duration of such where he felt as though he could call a place that. But it wasn’t just the environment, it was also those that lived in it alongside him, he loved the mundane aspects, how he could relax on the sofa and not have to worry about the ghosts that were in his scorned past.
“Honey Bee.” Peter called out to his sentimental lover; the only one he could love other than his troublesome young son. The dismissive clatter of dishes reached his ears as they were placed in the kitchen basin, and his love came to stand before him as he was seated on the couch, a tiny monster of his own creation clasped with his arms around his mothers legs.
“Yes darling?” She spoke softly to him, combing through her son’s dark locks with her maternal fingers, and the sight made the big bad wolf smile a real smile, one of happy content. Y/N’s head was cocked to the side as she enquired on why he called for her presence, and the man stood, untangling his child from around his wife’s legs and brought him up into his arms.
Taryn was weightless, yet he weighed down Peter’s heart heavy with loving adoration. He could not wait until he and Y/N procreated another little critter that would run around their home just the same as the one he held did. It was the best thing to ever happen to him, being a father.
He had not watched Malia grow up, and that was nothing short of a shame, but now he had the chance to do better and be there as he was more than well aware of the ever encompassing presence of his youngest child.
“I-“ before he could speak on what he had planned, there was an ever so stiff knock rattling on the front door to his secret haven. A derelict sigh made the man roll his tortured eyes as he steadied Taryn more securely upon his hip, pressing a firm peck to his wife’s temple before stepping towards the entrance to their home and unlocking the barrier that protected all that he cared for to onlooking eyes.
And there on the other side was formidably confused pack members, of which he occasionally aided, his only surviving nephew included. His arm propped more securely around his son as he glared with lack of impression, bemused about his unexpected visitors.
They shouldn’t have been here, he hadn’t even let them know the whereabouts of his address, and thus they must have tracked his scent to here. “Can I help you?” The old alpha scowled, his expression creasing even more when Derek dared to take a step closer. “That’s your son.” His raven haired nephew stated, picking up on the boy’s familiar scent.
“You have a kid, other than Malia?” Stiles retorted, feeling rather glad that his werecoyote girlfriend had not accompanied them to their destination. Scott too was rather surprised, he had expected that Peter had nothing driving his life other than a blood lust for power, however it appeared that they had all been wrong. There was a piece of him that was surprisingly human, and it was something that none of them had ever expected to uncover.
After all he had done, perhaps he had committed his wrong doings for another reason than vengeance; he was protecting his own little pack. “Peter, we need your help.” Scott stated with his soft alpha demeanour, understanding if he were unwilling to give his aid at this particular time. He had never been a fan of Peter, not after changing him to be a werewolf against his will, and especially not after threatening the lives of those he cared about, but he had to admit, he conditioned a heart felt feeling for the man. It wasn’t quite happiness, but it wasn’t not happiness either.
“I guess you’ve caught me in a good mood.” It was something the pack members had rarely witnessed, Peter was hardly generous, but he wanted to try and be a good example for his son. “Come on in - but don’t make yourselves at home. I’d prefer for this to not take too long.”
At least his blunt honesty wasn’t peculiar behaviour, and thus with wary footsteps Stiles was forced by Scott’s hand upon the back of his shoulder to enter the home of Peter Hale. “What’s your kid’s name?” Derek asked, curious about his newly discovered cousin. The kid shyly bowed his head, his locks falling before his eyes as Peter placed him like a feather on the floor.
Taryn was preferable to remain in Peter’s shadow. Tucking his hands around his father’s legs as he adapted to the strangers that his father had invited inside. Without hesitancy, despite the company he had, Peter crouch’s down and comforted his son. “It’s okay, you can introduce yourself. These are… some friends of mine.” He’d have rather proclaimed them as acquaintances however that would unsettle Taryn, and it wasn’t exactly the truth.
“My name is Taryn.” The spawn of Scott’s first enemy quietly spoke, making his father proud for doing so. “Why don’t you go to your room son, I’ll be right in after talking to my friends.” The boy needn’t be told twice, he was shy, especially around the rare amount of strangers he had met, and so he gladly trotted off down the hallway, giddy for his ‘daddy’s friends’ leave.
Peter stood up straighter and cleared his throat. “What is it that you needed from me?” His stoic demeanour returned as he expectedly awaited an answer to those that brought constant chaos into his now calm life. “Perhaps to know who would have a child with you, the mass murderer that went around the town killing only for it all to be blamed on a mountain lion.” Stiles scoffed, shocked that someone would willingly procreate with such a monster.
“That would be me.” A voice startled the sarcastic boy, one of feminine grace and beauty which astounded Stiles whom was gasping at the sight of the goddess like creature that stalked in the room before them. “Do we have a problem here darling, or do I need to rip a tongue or two out to bring some quiet back to our home?” Her eyebrows raised as she glowered upon the folk that were crowded in the entryway, looking to her husband for confirmation.
“It’s fine Y/N.” It wasn’t very often that Peter called her by her name, however he was on edge for the seriousness that was contorting the faces of the pack members. “But what I am wanting to know is what isn’t fine, since I assume that’s what you lot were going to tell me.” Derek inhaled through his nose as Scott stepped closer, understanding that the threat was far larger to Peter than he had earlier anticipated.
“There’s a dead pool for supernatural creatures. They are going to try and kill us for money, your money in fact. And I’m willing to bet your family are on the other parts of the list; so, are you willing to help us protect our kind, or will you run, like you always do? I’d understand if you did the latter, I never knew you had a son and a…”
“Wife.” Y/N finished the sentence for Scott, crossing her arms as she stood closer to her husband. “If you need help, you have mine, I will do anything to protect my son.” It was unexpected however Derek nodded in appreciation for her words. Peter weaved his fingers through hers as he ogled worryingly at his beauty, and he was the beast, a beast that was to be hunted and fighting for the life of his family.
“Our son.” He spoke humbly, becoming protective as he thought of all he had to lose. “Just tell us what you want us to do Scott, but remember, our priority is Taryn, his life is more important than any other to us. I will not save a life if it means risking his, but we will do our best.”
“I understand.” Scott said harmlessly, for the first time gracing his maker with a smile. None of this would have tied the alpha up in this mess if Peter had never bitten him, however there was nothing for him to do that would erase that past. “And thank you, I’m glad that we’re on the same side when it comes to this.”
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whackk-kermitt · 1 month
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We Weren't Together
Warning: Pack Mom Stiles(mostly Off screen), Derek is the Alpha, Everyone is Alive, Derek is Jelly, Mild Angst, Misunderstandings, Significant Background Character, Lydia is the best Meddler, Happy Ending Summary: Derek and Stiles are not a couple. Simple as that. Not really sure where I was going with this one. It might be total shit. Womp Womp. NOT PROOFREAD
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"I didn't cheat!"
"You so did! How else would you have all that money when you own two properties!" Erica flung a shoe. All Stiles could do was laugh until his ribs ached.
"Okay," Lydia sighed setting her cards down and backing from the coffee table to lean against the arm of the couch. Allison looked on unimpressed, but only because she knew Stiles cheated.
"Oh come on," Scott groaned. "This is why I never play Monopoly."
"Who's Idea was this?" Isaac threw his cards down and looked around, a scowl due for the culprit.
"Yours." Lydia supplied with an unimpressed expression and a tilt of the head.
Derek sat back with a privet smile. It had been a while since he had gotten to work bringing the old Hale house back to a livable condition. And once the majority of it was done, the pack, without being asked, began coming over every Saturday to spend time all together. He'd see individuals pop in throughout the week, but he loved when they'd all be here together.
"No," Isaac defended. "I said we have, Clue, Uno, Scategories, and Monopoly. I never said I wanted to play this one."
"The way you said 'and Monopoly', made it sound like you did." Stiles offered with a look in his eye Derek couldn't place. "And who could say no to that adorable ridiculous scarf." He teased with kissy lips and a pinch to Isaac's cheek. Isaac swatted his hand away but his cheeks went red.
"If nobody wants to play I'd rather not waste my time." Boyd piped up, the first thing he's said since he reluctantly agreed to play this.
"Okay, we wanna do a different game or a movie?" Stiles offered starting to clean up the pieces into the box.
"Movie!" Erica cheered. "Who's turn is it to pick?"
Derek, who was already up and walking into the kitchen, stopped and checked the calendar on the wall. It was a calendar bought from the vet clinic with different dogs for every month, posing in costumes related to that month's holiday. You can guess who bought it.
Thinking of a name that rhymes with Biles Bilinski.
Who took the commitment to go through the calendar and alternate the pack's names on every Saturday, to mark their turn to choose. Since nobody could ever agree.
"Erica." Derek grinned with his back to the living room while Erica and Lydia cheered, while most of the boys groaned. Whenever it was either of them, they teamed up to find a movie literally only girls would like- according to Jackson. They've been made to watch The Notebook five times, The Princess Bride three times, and 10 Things I Hate About You four times.
Derek leaving the girls behind to settle on what to torture the boys with, he pulled bowls from the cabanit and a pot. Oiling the bottom of the pot, pour in corn kernels to coat the bottom. He covered the pot and let it heat up, turning to get butter from the fridge. But a hand was already on the fridge pulling it open.
Stiles always had a smile on his face when he was at the house, just as happy to be here with everyone as Derek was. Derek watched as Stiles took out the butter opened two sticks into a bowl from the dish rack and plopped it in the microwave. While the corn began popping Stiles and Derek danced around each other in the kitchen, working in perfect synchronicity to stock the large tray with canned drinks, bottles of water, and other various snacks.
Derek eyes all the sugary garbage on the try without making a sound. He had a sweet tooth sure, but he preferred actual baked goods, not the overly processed Debbie cakes and Oreo cookies they kept in the snack cabinet. Just as he was about to settle for just popcorn and water Stiles's hand came into view as he wordlessly put a bag of homemade cookies on the tray. Sharpie scrawled out 'sourwolf' with a smiley face on it.
Derek said nothing, watching Stiles turn and ready the three big bowls for the popcorn to be sorted into. Things like this made Derek feel like a very lucky man. Stiles never even thought about it, just did things like this. Not only for Derek but for the rest of the pack as well. Always taking one extra step to make sure everyone was happy.
Derek knew when Stiles was overthinking things; his nose would scrunch up, sometimes just the slightest bit, and he'd fidget a little more than usual. Derek knew what Stiles had to think before he did something, he never stopped to think about this stuff.
Stiles was a good friend, and Derek was happy he was pack.
After getting the popcorn buttered and evenly distributed they scooped everything up and brought it to the living room. Everyone was finding their seats on the two couches and the armchair, with a movie called Clueless qued up on Netflix.
Derek set the tray down, grabbed a water bottle and his cookies, and found his stop on the end of the couch he always takes. Stiles passed out the bowls of popcorn and settled in. Derek had gotten distracted watching Scott and Isaac fuss over who gets the last can of coke. He snorted dryly and turned to look at Stiles, who always and something to say about their childlike bickering.
Except when he turned to his left, it was the body that sat next to him. Boyd wasn't even paying attention to him. Huh, odd.
Derek looked over to the other couch where Stiles was squished in between Lydia and Erica who were explaining all the reasons Stiles was gonna love this movie. Stiles was smiling at the girls and chuckling, amused at how excited Erica was.
He was confused for a moment about why he assumed it would be Stiles sitting next to him. It didn't matter though, Stiles can sit anywhere, it's not like it matters.
He thought about it while everyone quieted down and the movie started.
Derek thought about all the previous times they settled in for movie night, and from what Derek recalled, Stiles sat by him every time. Derek thought about it for a moment and found himself amused.
If he told Stiles about it he knew what Stiles would say. Something about Pavlov, and Derek subconsciously thinking Stiles would always be next to him when they watched a movie because up until now he was.
But it didn't really matter where anyone sat, Derek convinced himself. He is just as happy sitting next to Boyd as he would be next to Stiles, or anyone else for that matter.
But as the movie went on, and Erica and Lydia both started leaning more onto Stiles, laughing at the funny parts and basically snuggling together, Derek decided he didn't like it.
Something in him became unsettled when by the second half of the movie Stiles started dozing off like he did almost every movie night, his head laying on Lydia's shoulder.
If Stiles were sitting over here, his head would fall onto Derek's shoulder like it always did. Stiles would wake up after the movie was over, everyone going home, and say something along the lines of 'good flick'. To which Derek would tease him for sleeping through most of it and use the drool on his shirt as evidence.
Derek didn't have a word to describe the feeling, didn't have the slightest clue as to what caused it, because it really didn't matter. The pack is pack, he was happy to see Stiles and everyone getting along so well, being so close, but it still bugged him.
After the movie was over, everyone did their share of cleaning up, said goodnight, and was out the door. Erica and Boyd being the last to go, as soon as the door was closed and locked, Derek sighed and his smile fell. This pit in his stomach only twisted more, when Stiles only gave him a one-word goodbye and offered Lydia a ride him.
"So," Isaac awkwardly swayed a little as Derek entered the kitchen. "Are you and Stiles fighting?"
"What?" Derek paused his stride through the room to stare at him.
"Well, tonight you guys," He studdered for a bit, the awkwardness he was feeling just asking very prevalent on his face. "Seemed off tonight. I don't know."
"No," Derek shook his head. "We're fine."
"Okay," Isaac clearly didn't believe him and bound up the stairs to his room.
Derek stood there for a moment and shook it off. He stuffed the feeling down like he did with almost anything unpleasant and went to bed.
It was 11:43 pm. It was slightly rainy and cold out. Stars and the moon shone over the preserve, eliminating the front yard.
Derek stood in the kitchen leaning against the counter, watching out the window at the driveway. Sparing a glance at the clock every few minutes.
Isaac was late. Super late. Not answering his phone, not sending a single text.
He was about to give up waiting for something, anything when a familiar jeep rolled up the long dirt road and onto the gravel driveway.
"Man," He heard Isaac's faint voice from outside. "He's still up. I'm in deep shit."
Isaac followed with dragging feet as a very amused Stiles him and Scott up the front steps.
When they entered they kicked off their shoes and joined a very disappointed-looking Derek. He stood tall with his arms crossed over his chest. The three gathered in front of him awaiting hell to rain down, except Derek didn't fail to notice the subtle grin on Stile's face.
"You're late."
"Sorry, we lost track of time." Isaac pouted like a picked puppy.
"You have a phone."
"It died." He shrugged.
"Neither of you have phones?" Derek glared at the other two.
The three looked between themselves and gave each other the "why didn't we think of that" look.
Derek sighed pitifully, "If I ask you to be home by a reasonable hour I don't think that's too much to ask. Full moons right around the corner and-" He groaned pinching the bridge of his nose. "Don't worry me like this again, " He waved the topic away.
Issac nodded shamefully and muttered an apology. The fear of being reprimanded stayed firm in his eyes and stiff body. It almost made Derek feel guilty for being upset in the first place, but he knew he had every right to worry.
"It's fine." Derek shook his head. "I just need to know where you are or at least be able to get in touch with you if something happens. I was worried Isaac, I'm not mad."
Isaac nodded, taking a breath and relaxing his shoulders.
"How was the party?" Derek didn't care really, he just wanted Isaac to feel comfortable.
"Fun, the whole team was there. We got bored when everyone else was too drunk to even talk to so we bailed and got some food and Mami's Diner." Scott smiles recalling the evening.
"Yeah, parties aren't as fun when you can't get tipsy with everyone else."
"Too bad for you guys." Stiles sighed with a goofy grin. They all took their spots at the breakfast bar.
"You didn't drink a drop tonight though." Isaac pointed out.
"And trust one of you to drive my baby?" Stiles accused as if the two were actively planning a first-degree murder in front of him. They all merely chuckled at his dramatics and moved on from that.
"Derek," Scott started with a grimace. "Can I stay the night? Moms working a double and I don't wanna wake her getting home this late."
Derek shrugged, indifferent. He'd gotten the guestrooms ready from the rest of the back. Hell, any of them could show up wanting to spend the night, with no excuse or reason, and he'd be happy to have them. It's why the rooms are there.
"Me too!" Stiles piped up. "I have no reason, just too lazy to drive I guess."
Derek chuckled a little and welcomed them both to a guest room of their choosing.
Isaac excused himself to the bathroom to shower, as Derek led Scott and Stiles up the stairs. He showed off the finished rooms and let them pick and choose. Stiles picked the one next to his room, claiming dibs because the other room had a draft.
"How much work left is there?" Stiles asked mindlessly looking down the hall at the section of the house still covered in plastic to protect the new wood flooring. Tools, wood varnishes, and cans of paint sat out in the hall.
Derek motioned him down the hall as Scott, uninterested, entered the room on the other end and settled in for bed.
Stiles followed Derek into an unfinished bedroom and took a look around. Derek flicked on the lights he'd just wired and put in the other day. The drywall was fresh and the whole room was covered in plastic, tape guarding the fixings and crown molding. The room was nearly ready to be painted and furnished.
"Just need to fix the wiring to the other room, mount the shelving, and this window," Derek strolled over and giggled the latch. "Needs to be fixed or replaced at some point. It won't open."
Stiles nodded looking around and smiling to himself.
"Other than that, it's just fixing up the back porch and the half-bath downstairs." He turned to look at Stiles. "What?"
"Nothing," Stiles shrugged, smile never fading. "I'm just happy."
"About what?" Derek asked curiously approaching Stiles like he was about to get a pie in the face.
"I don't know. Just in a good mood tonight, I guess."
When Derek was close enough he stopped, twisting his head and pouting at a smell invading his nose. Stiles almost made a kicked puppy joke until he saw that something was defiantly bothering Derek.
"What is it?"
"You smell weird."
"Well, I was just at a party with about sixty or seventy drunk teenagers, so."
"No, it's," Derek stepped closer slowly, leaning in just enough into Stiles's personal space to not make him uncomfortable but close enough to get a good whiff of the insulting aroma. "You smell like-" Derek stopped and his face dropped a little, leaning back and eyeing a very confused Stiles.
"Never mind." He shook his head and turned the lights off as he walked out. "Goodnight, Stiles." He left Stiles standing there completely bewildered.
Derek locked himself up in his room and changed into sweats before climbing into bed. All with a deep frown dragging his features down.
Stiles smelled like arousal. Like sex. But it clearly wasn't Stiles's scent.
Stiles smelled like someone else's arousal.
Derek racked his barian all night who that prick could've been. Why was that prick all riled up and close enough to rub his lasting odor on him? Was Stiles dancing with someone at the party? Did Stiles make out with someone at the party?
At that question, his mind supplied him the images of Stiles bumping and grinding with some random dude, hands on Stiles's hips, moving and swaying with him. The creep Kissing up on Stiles's neck and lips and offering to go somewhere private.
Derek turned onto his side and shoved his head in under the pillow, hiding from the thoughts as he let himself be taken by sleep.
But that night all he dreamed about was chasing some faceless vermin through the woods; hunting him like he was nothing more than a feral wild wolf, despite still being completely human in the dream.
Danger came to Beacon Hills in the shape of Faeries.
Tiny winged spirits with a knack for trickery and mayhem. Derek wasn't sure how they ended up in Beacon Hills if they've just been migrating this way, or if someone let them loose. But people were getting hurt by their 'pranks' so they had to put a stop to it.
Tricking Faries was not an easy job in the slightest. But they managed it after a long night of chasing and fighting, finally trapping the three in silver cages and handing them over to Deaton; who swore he knew how to handle them and remove them from Beacon Hills safely.
The pack headed separate ways and most of them followed Derek back to the house. They arrived home just as the sun began to come up. Derek, still too anxious and worked up to sleep, went straight to work on the downstairs bathroom. He began preparing the grout to lay the tiles in place on the floor.
As he was checking the leveling of the pitch, he heard Stiles, "Need some help."
"Not really," Derek shrugged. It was a small bathroom, only enough room for one person to stand comfortably in between the sink and the toilet. Stiles sighed and started backing away.
Derek frowned and shook his head, not meaning to have come across as cold as he did.
"Actually, you can pass me tiles?" He offered, trying to brighten his tone. Stiles was plopped down just outside the doorway in a second. He smiled v\softly, almost unnoticeable, if it hadn't been for the fact that Derek noticed every detail about Stiles.
"You all grumpy with me for not staying behind like you said?"
"I'm not grumpy." He defended. Stiles gave him a look. "Yes." He sighed as if he was admitting to something as embarrassing as wetting the bed until you're fifteen.
Stiles chuckled, watching him work.
"You're not the only one that worries about everyone you know." Derek spared him a loot while reaching for a tile. "I know I'm human, der. You don't have to remind me that I don't heal, and I'm in more danger than most of you, but I still get this feeling that if I'm not there-"
Derek paused what he was doing to sit back and give Stiles his attention. Stiles started at him for a bit before continuing.
"I want to be there to look after you guys too. We've had close calls before, and nearly lost people. If I cared any less I'd listen to you when you tell me to stay back and out of the way, but I just have thing feeling that I need to be there in case something happens."
Derek gave him a sad smile. "And what if that something happens to you?"
Stiles frowned and lowered his head, shrugging. "If I can help, there's not really anything you can do to stop me from trying."
"Yeah," Derek nodded. "So I've learned."
Stiles chuckled and handed Derek another tile, smiling at him as he took the subtle hint the conversation had ended and turned back to laying the tiles in place. Stiles watched him intently, adoring the alpha.
"You got any plans tonight?" Stiles sighed when he was bored of the quiet.
"Back porch is fixed up, might get someone to help me put together the table, and cheers I ordered. Maybe fire up the grill?"
"That sounds fun." Stiles nodded, a look on his face like he was considering his options.
"You got a better idea?" Derek teased, because Stiles always had something to say about the activities Derek came up with.
"No, I just," He paused and thought to himself a moment. "I met this dude at the party the other night, and he texted me earlier asking if I'd be down to meet up later tonight."
Derek's heart sank a little. Oh, that prick.
"Oh," Derek nodded. He didn't wanna ask questions, he didn't wanna know. So Stiles just nodded.
"If it doesn't take too long I'll swing by after." Stiles delivered the empty promise with a grin. "Save some food for me."
Derek only nodded.
Stiles never showed.
Derek was in a bad mood.
Everyone in the house felt it and kept to their best behavior.
He didn't scowl or glare, he didn't yell or stomp around, he just kept his head down and mouth shut.
It was a Thursday night, and his betas had come over after the Lacross game like they always did. Boyd having joined the team, came along with the other players plus Erica, after every game. Although Jackson never showed, he only made an appearance when Lydia did.
Except tonight was different. Stiles hadn't come.
Apparently, Stiles was invited by the guy he met at the party to hang out after the game. A date.
He got all this from Erica who told him with a look of pity and confusion etched into her feature. Derek said nothing, just nodded, and went on making dinner for those who did show.
After eating they settled into the living room and watched a movie Derek wasn't paying attention to. He'd been on autopilot half the night, stuck in his head wondering about where Stiles was and what he was up to.
He didn't understand why he felt sick in his gut that Stiles was out with someone else.
It just made him feel dizzy with something he didn't have a word for. Every time he pictured Stiles laughing at the guy jokes, playing footsy under the table, holding hands on the walk back to the car, kissing on his front step- his chest tightened painfully.
He knew what this disgusting feeling was now, and he felt pathetic for it.
Derek stood and without a word went up to his room and crawled into bed.
Summer break had officially arrived and Derek was having the boys help him set up the pools in the back yard.
He hadn't seen Stiles in the past few days and it's been both wonderful and absolute agony. He was grateful to have a break from seeing Stiles's smile and shining eyes, hating knowing it was never for him. But he missed it all the same.
Either way, the space between them allowed Derek the room he needed to rebuild his walls. If Stiles was dating this other guy fine, Derek hadn't had a chance anyway. He'd very his heart and settle for just being pack.
The girls sat on the front steps far enough away from the guys on the other side to not hear their conversation. Even with super wolfy hearing.
"So, what happened?" Allison eyed the two who clearly knew more than she did. Both of them are closer to Stiles and Derek, respectively. "I was under the assumption they'd be giving us invitations to the wedding by graduation."
Erica chuckled sadly, "I don't know. But you should've seen Derek when I told him Stiles ditched us to go hang out with Markus."
"I don't know what's gotten into Stiles," Lydia grumbled, she hated being left out of the loop. "Just last month I was giving him advice on how to woo a man. Mind you, Markus was not the man I thought he'd be running off to woo."
"I don't think anyone thought that." Allison sighed.
"It's weird," Erica grumbled. "The past few days honestly feel like my parents are divorced. I only see either or, Stiles gets us on the weekends." Lydia laughed.
"How does that work?" Allison questioned.
"I don't know," The blonde shrugged leaning back on her hands. "I've never really asked. But it's all sort of instinctual. Like Derek is the alpha, he gives orders and dishes out punishments. Stiles is there to comfort our wounds and give Derek a smack upside the head if he's too hard on us."
"Instinctual?" Lydia grimaced. "Wait, like even your wolf thinks Stiles and Derek were on the road to being a thing?"
"Well," Erica sat up and frowned. "Honestly, before Stiles ran off with Merkus after the game and I told Derek about it, I thought they already were. It just made sense. Isaac said something a little while ago when I came over cause 'Mom and Dad are fighting again'. We all just kinda felt it I guess."
"Huh," Allison thought. Lydia smiled, the other two girls eyeing her suspiciously.
"What are you thinking?" Allison asked carefully.
"Oh," She smiled watching a blur jeep pull up the driveway. "Right on queue. Follow my lead ladies."
The two spared a look at each other before watching Stiles climb out of the jeep plastic bag in hand and a box-taped shut- under his arm.
"Hey, where is everyone?" Stiles eyed the house while approaching the girls.
"Outback." Erica supplied with a nod of her head.
"Surprised to see you showed up." Lydia offered, standing and going inside without giving him a chance to respond.
Allison followed without a word and Erica, slightly confused, gave him a quick look before rushing to follow. She didn't understand what Lydia's plan was but he didn't exactly wanna be left alone with him. She was not a fan of awkward situations.
Stiles stood there slightly hurt and very confused.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked following the girls into the kitchen. "What did I do now?" He busied himself unpacking the baked goods into the snack cupboard and the sunscreen he'll be needing later on the counter. He took a second to tuck the box off the side in the corner out of the way.
"It's nothing, Stiles." Lydia sighed, as though she was more hurt than anything else. The other two followed her mellow demeanor and avoided looking at Stiles.
"Okay," Stiles groans, getting a little paranoid. "So either I did something stupid and you're angry with me, or I did something really stupid and hurt your feelings?"
"Stiles," Lydia warned, lifting her hand to stop him from talking. "I don't wanna talk about it here, it's not my place."
"Heh," Stile let out a dry chuckle. "Since when is it not your place to talk about things I did to hurt you?"
"Cause you didn't exactly hurt me." Lydia put up a good front of being frustrated and emotionally exhausted.
The two were so focused on each other, that no one but Allison saw Erica's eyes widen and head start to shake as she motioned to the doorway leading out the back of the house.
"So I did do something stupid and hurt someone's feelings." Stiles nodded like he was finally getting to the bottom of it. "What happened?"
"Stiles," Lydia gave him a firm glare like it was supposed to be obvious what he did. Stiles just freaked out a bit at the knowing accusation in her tone and shrugged exasperated. "You broke things off with Derek!" She said louder than she really needed to.
Stiles blinked, obviously confused. "What?"
Erica cleared her throat, making the two look towards her and Allison who just started at something over their shoulders shifting awkwardly.
Stiles, mouth still slack with complete and utter confusion followed their gaze and looked to see Isaac and Derek standing there looking just as awkward. Well maybe, that was more Isaac.
"Um," Isaac cleared his throat daring a glance at Derek who stood completely still and stoic. "Pools ready."
Stiles looked around at each face in the room, all of them looking at him with uncertainty and then to Derek with sympathy.
"What?" Stiles asked again more exasperated. He gave everyone a look one last time before addressing the room as a whole, "There wasn't ever any breaking things off, me and Derek were never together."
"You weren't?" Issac asked completely unsure, looking to Derek for confirmation.
"Yea-" Stiles rolled his tongue along his lips and put his hands on his hips like an offended mother. "I think I'd remember being all up on that." He motioned to Derek who only raised a brow.
"Oh," Isaac nodded, still unsure. "You hen you and Markus... " He trailed off.
"Huh," Now Stiles looked really offended. "As if."
Lydia laughed at the unintended reference before she quieted herself and motioned the girls to ditch the awkward air with her. They all, as though if they moved too fast someone would be angry, stepped out into the hall and went the long way around back, through the front door.
"What is happening?" Stiles looked to the two completely bewildered as to where any of this was coming from all of a sudden.
"Um," Isaac looked to Derek who hadn't moved an inch. "I'm gonna-"
"Hold it!" Stiles raised his hand and pointed an accusatory finger at him. Isaac stopped in his attempt to back out of the room, frozen in place. "What the hell is all this drama about?"
"Say 'um' one more time, I'm gonna burn your scarf."
"Wh-" Isaac pouted for a moment before awkwardly shuffling between his two feet. "We kinda all thought you and Derek were, um-" He froze and dared a glance at a very unamused Stiles and an increasingly amused Derek. "Together, and you've been spending a lot of time with that Markus guy so we figured you two split-"
"That's enough." Stiles waved him away. Isaac was grateful and ran out back without a second glance.
Stiles sighed, facing Derek with a blank stare. Derek looked even more amused about all of this now that everyone was gone.
"You think this is funny?"
"I didn't realize that's the conclusion the pack came to." Was all he said.
"Well, we should probably make some things clear before the kids side with you in the divorce." Stiles scored playfully trying to hide his nervousness. He really didn't expect this to be the way he ended up addressing his and Derek's relationship.
"You think they'd take my side?" Derek raised a brow. "You're the one that spoils them."
Stiles just laughed, it's all he could do. They were standing ten feet apart, dancing around the subject.
Derek took a whiff of the air and smiled at the scent of stiles that became more and more permanent every time he came over. If it weren't for the past few days, and Isaac living here, Stiles was here the most out of everyone.
"So," Derek tried to think of the jerk's name, "Markus, you guys aren't," He made and gesture with his hands, looking away from Stiles.
"No, god no."
"Right," He nodded, "Cause when you came home from that party, you smelled like. . ."
"What?" Stiles tilted his head. He remembered being left in the dark room wondering what made Derek look so uncomfortable, and actually a little angry. He had a hard time trying to sleep cause his mind kept asking questions.
"A stranger, and sex." Derek put it bluntly. Stiles's eyes bulged out of his head and Derek almost laughed.
"What? No," Stiles recoiled in shock, not expecting him to say that.
"Then you started leaving us behind to go hand out with this guy you met at the party." Drek shrugged.
"The dude I met is not-" He stopped himself from saying the word, it sounded too absurd. "I met Markus, he was DD'ing for his friends, we got to talking. He offered to pay me to help him study. That's it!"
Derek nodded in understanding. He didn't need to hear Stile's heartbeat to tell that was the truth.
"Must have been a good amount of money for you to ditch the pack twice," Derek said, not really making it a question. Stiles chewed on his lip as Derek approached the kitchen island and leaned on it. "What?"
Stiles sighed turning to grab the box and placing it on the island and slinging it over to Derek. "The allowance I get from Dad every now and then wouldn't have been enough."
Derek stared at him for a moment before turning his attention to the box curiously and carefully opening it.
"It's just a housewarming gift," Stiles shuffled in place, looking anywhere but Derek.
Derek looked down in the box at stacks of plates and bowls, cups, all individually wrapped. Derek took a plate and gently tore it free from the plastic wrap, examining the intricate royal blue patterns along the edges, and the vibrant red and yellow flowers painted in the center. The flowers are arranged in the vague shape of a wolf, with leaves surrounding it like a nest. The dish was glossy, polished, and shinny, and smelled of somewhere old but clean. turning it over he saw painted in very neat handwriting, "The family is One of Nature's Masterpieces. Proberty of Hale, made by A. Bartosz."
Derek looked up to Stiles who started at the plat in his hands.
"Um, they're hand-painted, I went to a place out in Allens Town. A polish place. You've been using paper plates and stuff so I figured," Stile trailed briefing a look at Derek before returning his gaze to the plate. "In Poland, there's a belief that the beauty of the dish enriches the flavor of the food. You're always cooking for everyone so I thought-" Stiles cut himself off with a sigh and scratched the back of his neck.
Derek carefully set down the plate and walked around to Stiles who was still looking anywhere but him.
Next thing Stiles knew, he was warm. Really warm. Warm around his waist from Derek's arm, warm in his cheek where Derek held, warm on his lips where Derek kissed.
Stiles melted against him with a relieved sigh. It felt like he was in a dream he never wanted to wake up from. A dream the never thought would come true, no matter how many times Lydia told him to go for it.
He lifted his hands and placed them firmly on Derek's chest, one sliding further up to the base of his neck. He had no idea what he was doing, and he was fairly certain Derek knew it based on the rumble of laughter in his chest. But he followed Derek's lead and soon found a rhythm that made Stiles's knees weak.
When Derek finally pulled away, Stiles straight-up whined in protest, earning a chuckle from the alpha.
"Thank you," He smiled softly stroking Stiles's cheek with his thumb.
Stiles was giddy at the affection, smiling dreamily up at Derek. It made something in Derek stir back to life. The walls he tried to build back up the past few days crumbled down around him as Stiles pushed up into another kiss, hands coming up around his neck and into his hair. Derek hugged and his waist and pulled his impossibly closer, sighing in contentment.
"No," They heard a sudden shout, pulling apart and looking to the back door. Erica was moving away with her back to them heading back into the yard. "They're busy eating each other faces!"
"Oh, my god." Stiles groaned. Derek only chuckled turning back to Stiles and pulling him back in.
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•Kermitts Masterlist•
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