#let me pretend love exists for a moment ok
wispedvellichor · 2 days
And what if..... it already exists?
And what if it is
Okay, hear me out. Hear me out.
We know that one of the most important distinctions between Crowley's confession and other confessions is that here, the angst is not
"Do you love me?"
They know they love each other. Have known for AGES.
Instead, the true question was
"Do you love me enough to commit to me? To choose me? Over heaven?"
And uh.... well
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"We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I"
Azi is NOT a stranger to love. He knows all about the rules and etiquettes and the Jane Austen balls. Way better than Crowley, may I add.
Crowley wants full commitment. He wants to get away, just.... be an us.
And Azi's never getting this from any other guy. They're a team, a group a group of the two of them. Crowley is the only one who understands, and is immortal enough to fully commit anyways.
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That was him, the entire monologue. He realised that he could not keep his feelings secret anymore. He just needed Azi to understand.
"I think I understand a whole lot better than you do."
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This part is obvious.
Crowley would never hurt azi.
He'd never desert him. *Cue Crowley going back to Azi the moment Beelzebub threatened him with the Book of Life*
He'd never say goodbye. Not really. He'd try but he never could leave his angel behind, could he?
And hes never hurt Azi. He braved hellfire for him. And he would do it again.
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"We've known each other a long time. We've been on this planet for a long time. I mean, you and me."
But you're too shy to say it?
"And we've spent our existence pretending that we aren't."
Inside, we both know what's going on
They do know what's going on. It's obvious. They love each other, there was no question about it.
"I mean, the last few years, not really."
They know the game. They've been playing it for eternity, a hide and seek of sorts. Letting their true emotions slip through, just for a second. Then pulling the armour back up.
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"Listen. Do you hear that?"
"I don't hear anything."
"That's the point. No nightingales."
@apollos-dodgeball-target @the-cat-demon @weirdly-specific-but-ok tagging yall cuz you need to see this <3
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chase-prairie · 2 years
Shout out my main man bupropion, who just got a dosage increase and just made me draw for fun for the first time in months!!
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mvltisstuff · 7 months
how to never stop being sad - e.b
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summary: bucks parents believe they can just forget what they put him through as a child, but y/n won’t let them.
evan buckley x reader.
og gif
a/n: i realized that buck found out about daniel way later than i thought… my image was the dinner for buck begins, and then my dumb brain thought he knew abt daniel for a while 😭 just pretend he knew while you read :))
bucks mother and father somehow think that evan doesn’t remember everything they did. they think he doesn’t care about every scream, every argument, every neglectful moment between him and his sister. but, really, buck remembers all of it.
he loves his parents and he always has, but he doesn’t understand why they make it so hard to like them. he craved love and affection from them, only to be met with their hand in his face and their words in his mind. he knows all about grief, it makes you a different person. he feels awful for his parents, but he wishes they could deal with it better than leave him in the dust.
on a brighter side, buck was finally able to stop begging for adoration. when y/n came into that station, his entire purpose was changed around. he knew he was made for loving her, and he was finally accepted. buck finally felt smart, loved, important to someone.
y/n left a mark on buck from the moment they met. he could tell by her bubbly but confident personality that they’d fit together like stars in the sky. whenever y/n was around, he never once felt like he was asking for the compliments or love she showered him with. she looked genuinely proud to call him her boyfriend, and it melted the heart of the little kid inside of him that just wanted someone to tell him that he was important.
she gave him everything his parents never did and she never once complained. y/n have buck a definition of love, and when someone asked him what it meant, he’d say her name.
now, even years after they’ve been dating, y/n never once spoke to bucks parents. maddie had told them he was in a healthy, happy relationship, but they never cared to check in on him. the days had drastically changed, along with the life of his sister.
she’s becoming a mother, so their parents are becoming grandparents. y/n didn’t really think it would be a problem that they came to visit, until it quickly backfired.
buck quickly realized that they weren’t here for him, and they he barely existed in their book. he hoped that maybe he was overthinking it, but noticed the lack of care they had of his life and the severe amount of judgement in their words. it’s like when they walked in the door, buck felt like the small boy standing at the top of the stairs for his parents again, or the teenager sitting at the table taking every insult they had.
their parents pulled out maddie’s “baby box”, but they must’ve left bucks at home to collect dust, if there was even anything to leave. they crazed over maddies belly and the life she was carrying, praising her for the life she had built for herself. buck just sat there, just wanting to go home and lay in y/n’s arms and get his own comforting.
the night of the dinner came rapidly, buck critiquing everything about himself in the mirror before he went, perfecting his words and his appearance before y/n came grabbing his hand. “it’ll be ok.”
“i know, it’s just been so long and i don’t want them to be rude to you, too,” buck sighs, turning to face y/n.
“they don’t hurt me, you know that. i just don’t want you to get upset.”
“let’s get this over with, yeah? and then we can come home?”
“don’t have to tell me twice.”
y/n and buck arrived soon after his parents, seeing them stand from off the couch with his mothers hands clasped together in front of her. maddie pulls y/n into her grasp from not seeing her due to a busy schedule. chimney and buck hug casually, even though they’d just seen each other. he notices his parents standing there, looking at y/n as she cautiously steps over.
“oh, mom, dad, this is y/n,” buck tells them, his hand landing on her waist. “my girlfriend.”
“it’s nice to meet you guys.” y/n says, exchanging awkward glances with his parents. they nod politely.
“y/n, we got your favorite!” maddie grins, holding a bottle of wine in her hands and looking at it long-fully. y/n laughs, walking over to take the bottle from her as they converse.
“maddie, i’ll make the table for you, sweetie.” their mother says, grabbing plates and napkins for everyone as she starts placing them by the seats.
“here, mom, i’ll help you,” buck says, offering a hand to his mother as y/n stands besides his father.
“so, y/n,” the tall man with the glasses speaks. “what do you do for work?” he asks, sipping his beer.
“oh, i work at the fire station with b-evan and howie.” she remembers the little things, the dislike of nicknames and how buck and maddie never had one. y/n can see the slight disappointment in her fathers face, but can’t quite place why.
“i see.” he says, his voice raising slightly but she can tell he’s slightly unimpressed. y/n just keeps pouring wine into her glass. maddie can already sense the tension, silently cursing her dad for the reaction he had.
“dad.” maddie whispers so buck doesn’t hear.
“yes, maddie?” he questions back, not understanding his tone toward the woman besides him that he’s known for twenty minutes.
“nothing, it’s fine.”
“hey, honey,” buck whispers in y/n’s ear, placing his hands on the counter in front of him.
“hi! how are you feeling?”
“i’m fine, it’s only been like a half hour.”
“i know, just checking in.” she places a hand on his cheek, making maddie smile at the affection she has toward buck.
the food had eventually been delivered, and everyone sat around the table to finally eat. buck pulled out y/n’s chair, letting her sit and then taking the one next to her. chimney sat with maddie, and then their parents took the other end of the table.
the conversation turned almost immediately into the subject of work, maddie talking about some of her calls and chimney speaking about paramedic duties. it seemed they had no interest about buck, not finding much impression in the details about his job, despite it being one of the strongest.
“well, speaking of hospitals, i’ve heard that evan has been spending a lot of time in them.” bucks dad speaks up, placing his napkin folded on the table.
“you’ve heard?” buck mutters under his breath, not wanting to cause a scene but secretly hoping they heard it. y/n could feel the burning tension between buck and his parents, so she ran his hand over his thigh, trying to find his hand that rested near his knee before locking fingers with him. “you could’ve seen for yourself.”
“oh, evan you know how-“
“you don’t like hospitals, got that.”
“i don’t like seeing my children in them.” the womans eyes start to water, thinking back to all the horrific times in the hospital. maddie mumbles to her mother before shaking her head, bringing her moms statement to a close. “we never lost hope on you, evan.”
“yeah, like you did on maddie?” he snaps, leaning back in his seat and staring down his parents.
“evan, let’s not do this.” maddie says, the discomfort clear in her face as everyone’s heart races, fearing the conflict in the room.
“you guys didn’t even go to her wedding, let alone go back for her when she made a mistake and you cut her off!”
their parents barely look at buck. “maddie, we didn’t know he was hurting you, i swear-“
“you should have! you should’ve known, but it checks out because you never knew what was going on even when we was living with you!” he stands up.
“buck, c’mon,” y/n speaks, attempting his hand before he gets too far away. he manages to slip out of her grasp, leaving her to rest her head in her hands as he continues.
“you think my job is dangerous- i have walked through fire every single day of my life because of you. that is why i’m in therapy! because nothing i ever did was good enough!”
“we tried! you guys didn’t make it easy on us” their dad speaks up, making y/n shoot her head up at the older couple at the table next to her.
“we were supposed to? we were kids.” maddie says sadly.
so, buck stands there, begging for love in the center of the room, feeling like a circus act. if he didn’t know better, he’d think they’d all be pointing and laughing at him. besides one. y/n sat there, staring at his parents before looking back at him. she stands up, letting buck try and grab her hand and walk out. if he wants to leave, she will always follow him.
he opens the door, and he steps out, unable to hear the next sentence from his mother.
“neither of you think about how hard it is for your father and i! you only think about yourselves!”
y/n stops in her tracks, “buck, go wait by the car i’ll be out in a minute.” he just goes out, not wanting to waste another minute in that room that he could be spending alone with y/n. “only think about themselves?”
“what?” their mother whimpers out.
“you’re insinuating that you have selfish children, and it honestly checks out considered how much you’ve missed. did you forget what your kids do? did you forget about the lives they save on a daily basis? maddie is the reason half of our calls come out successfully, and buck is one of the highest ranked for his position. and you want to call him selfish? you don’t get to call him anything until you take an actual look at his life. you don’t see him walk out of these buildings with scared and hurt children or people yelling in pain and he can somehow manages to give them hope! you don’t see the effect you have on him and it honestly breaks my heart for him. you don’t see how you casually ripped him up and expected other people to put him back together. you don’t deserve to just come back here and act like you’re completely innocent! you sit here and act like you are angels. truth is that evan did everything on his own and didn’t deserve the shit he got from you. the person he is today has nothing to do with you and you don’t get any credit for how he became the man he is.”
y/n doesn’t stay long enough to see the effect of her words on his parents. she can imagine the tears from the confrontation that their mother can’t handle. it infuriates her that they think they can fix the damage they did in a day, if they even think they did any.
she storms down the stairs, eager to see buck outside and make up for all the loving he missed previously. she sees him leaning against y/n’s passenger door, staring at the concrete with his arms crossed. his hair is lightly blowing in the wind along with his sweater being pressed against his body. y/n can see the subtle shimmering in his eyes as he looks at the ground and she can almost hear the cracks in his heart. it’s like they managed to add another wound to him, just confirming that they didn’t care about him.
y/n steps on the cement sidewalk toward him, her heels clicking loudly against the ground so he could hear her coming. he doesn’t look up. he keeps his eyes glued to the ground in almost a shameful way. he hates that he can’t stand up to his parents, and he hates that y/n had to do it for him, but he needed it.
“let’s go home, baby.” y/n says, standing at the front of the car. “buck.” she speaks his name again, anger still radiating off her body as she waits for him to look up at him. his head tilts up, looking at her as her gaze softens at his expression. she doesn’t hesitate to walk over and grab onto him, letting his body fall into her, taking some of the weight off his shoulders.
“i know, it’s ok.” she whispers into his ear sweetly as the tears run down his face. he doesn’t want to be sobbing in the parking lot with in his girlfriends arms, but he can’t help it.
he doesn’t bother to say anything, he just lets himself feel. he lets himself feel her hand rubbing his back and the other wrapped around his shoulders. he lets himself listen to the gentle words escaping her lips and allow them to soothe his mind. he lets himself tower over her and almost fall into her grasp and he lets her take over. he knows that she has him, and the safety net beneath him was built by her.
he might not have his parents support or their faith through his life, but the surplus that y/n gives to him is enough to fill every ocean in the world.
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satocidal · 9 months
𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ Using Geto Suguru as your personal Chair<3
— a/n: Based on the request here by @illogicallyx (I know it’s not properly what you asked for jaan, but bear with me😭)
— tw: Non-sexual PDA; geto cross dresses (non-sexual) as Rapunzel 💀; mentions of jealousy; swearing (once)
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A Gentleman. Suguru could be described to be nothing less, the word itself dropping an understatement — to the way he showed his love to you. It wasn’t extravagant in honesty, nor obnoxious—it was for you, purely and entirely. A post on Instagram every two months perhaps, and a hand on your waist as you walked through the crowded streets—that was all but a reminder to people that you were his. But within the carcass of just the two of you? He reminded you that he was yours—in all forms of him existence.
“And you know what she said next?” He hummed, thumbs drawing slow circles on the small of your back as he stared at your face, listening intently to every piece of information you dropped—“Wait,” he called out—“Isn’t this the girl who was constantly liking your stories?” He inquired, face dropping in pretend horror as you nodded with a smile.
“What a bitch,” he muttered—never once his fingers stopping as you continued drawing mindless doodles on your back.
You could only chuckle in response, “Exactly,” you drew out, “Shoko trained you well I see,” you laughed—a smile adoring his lips too as shook his head.
“Shoko didn’t do shit alright?” A deep rumble you felt, pressed against his chest—“It’s all coming for you, from here,” index pointed onto his chest, where his heart should be, he grinned.
A scrunch of your face and a whine from him—“Cheesy much?”
“Never again am i being cute with you,” you laughed because it was the third time that week that he said it (and it was only Thursday).
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A small pout rested on your lips, an amused smile on his—“C’mere,” he mumbled, rough hands ever so soft as they pulled you into his embrace—“Wanna talk?” He inquired, hands patting your head to comfort.
A shake of your head and a nod in acceptance, he continued doing what he did best—holding you so long so you felt fine, felt ok.
You see, his heart ached, everytime he saw you such— even if it was over something small, you’d called it stupid once and he’d spent an entire afternoon teaching you that nothing you did, anything that made you feel wrong—it could never be stupid, not to him.
And so, it was but obvious that he pulled you closer still, hands wrapping around your waist, pulling your legs up to be wrapped around him—he treated you good, he treated you well—hell, he worshipped you in ways.
Silent was the way he carried you—beats synchronous to how close you lay—face smushed against his face and that was how he preferred it—perfection, he deemed it. And perhaps it was too, you could be as you pleased with him—no fake smiles or laughs and he let you be as well.
Basking slowly in your presence, in your grief and your radiance—Suguru was simply obsessed in ways that you loved best.
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He could be rowdy at times- plenty of times.
Suguru was a decent man, men had needs, you acknowledged that. You weren’t the jealous type ped se either, but in the way his eyes remained stuck onto that certain girl in the club? You would’ve excused it too, had he not been one to be at your head, teasing you the moment you stared a moment too long at any other person besides him.
“Was it the hair or the boobs?” You grinned, settling on to the seat beside him on the couch—guilty eyes instantly trailing onto you.
“I’m not mad Su’” you giggled, he didn’t—“No I shouldn’t have,” he confessed, adorable with the little pout, as if upset that you found out.
“It’s fine,” tipsy you were, slightly, him too.
“No baby,” he concurred, brows furrowed in captivity as he turned his body to face yours—“it’s not- I- shouldn’t have- you know,” you watched him struggle and giggled all the more.
“You’re cute, you know that?” And in moments such, he wasn’t the one pulling you in—no, you simply moved over, straddling his lap—his face held in your hands softly, “I love you yeah?”
He hummed, “love you too—a lot,” he whispered, large hands wrapping around you, body leaning forward until it was his head resting on your chest—an inhale of your scent, of the perfume he bought you everytime, and it was all ok for him—so long as you were around.
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“Hold still,”
“You’re literally about to pull my hair off—”
“—shut up or I will,” a roll of his eyes, a huff of yours.
A contemporary silence too—regret? His, amusement, yours.
“Just trust me, you’ll look so pretty,” you giggled, your fingers worked craftily, fast—“I’m not exactly planning on looking pretty—wait, don’t tell me you—on lords,” he groaned in the end, the strings of the brain finally pulling enough to make sense—your giggles only increased, exponentially.
“Ok listen alright, you’ll be the sweetest and hottest Rapunzel—ah! Hey!” You squeaked in the moment, eyes widening and brows furrowing as he pinched the supple flesh of your waist.
He grinned, “If I’m suffering, I’ll make sure you suffer too,” his hands lifted you slightly—you could only wonder ay how easy he made it seem, lifting you and readjusting you on his lap while you continued working.
You nodded in satisfaction, finishing up the last bits of his braided and styled-perfectly hair—he grinned, “You’ll be going as that lizard of mine?”
“Lizard?” You exclaimed—another laugh he pulled out of you as he grinned, “It’s a damn chameleon Su’” you mumbled under your breath as you looked at your piece of work with pride.
“Same difference,” he shrugged, rocking you slightly on his lap—bouncing you—“also,” you paused, eyes squinting up at him, “don’t mess the tales up—I don’t want you messing your lines-”
“-lines my ass,” he snorted, “wasn’t Rapunzel blonde?” His fingers were quick in the way they worked simultaneously, sighting off his name every few inches on your skin, pulling at the hem off your shorts—he was annoying when he wanted to be.
“You want me to dye your hair?” A smirk—his silence and then your grin.
Ps: Suguru did in fact look like the prettiest princess in the party—with Satoru as the horse and Shoko as Eugene (they did make you the chameleon after all)
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All of this work is entirely original and my own—please refrain from copying or reposting.
Likes and Reblogs highly appreciated!
Taglist: @isentsworld @rizzmin @4sat0ruu @gojoismybitch @lavendervogh @mistyheart @spaceisfarfarawayy @kazoomas @myrand0mfand0mbl0g @playboicartina
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Ok but can we have some hcs for Jason and heras daughter if he survived (because he did obvs ToA don’t exist????) because there’s so much cuteness potential we could have
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ I Am My Father's Son
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content: jason grace x daughter of hera! reader fic warning: minor thoughts about like impending doom but mainly fluff!! author's note: THIS IS MY FORMAL APOLOGY I WOULD TAKE BACK WHAT I DID BUT IT WAS TOO MUCH FUN AND CAUSED TOO MUCH CHAOS TO SAY I DIDN'T ENJOY IT JUST THE SLIGHEST BIT!!
to say jason wasn't worried about the quest, would be a lie. his darling girlfriend's worry was slowly eating away at his ease, leaving his own mind racing with thoughts of funerals and leaving her alone. late at night, when she was fast asleep and curled up into his side, he couldn't help but picture her hearing the news, ungodly noises of grief falling from his lips and tears screaming down her beautiful face. every time, he'd pull her a little bit closer, wanting to feel her warm skin against his warm skin.
but, he'd never let her see it. she was doing enough stressing for the both of them, she didn't need to know he was stressed too, thinking over the chances of him not coming home to her. so he'd wave off her worries with comforting kisses and tight holds around her waist, pretending he hadn't thought over the same scenario mere moments before.
the day finally came, the two getting dressed in jason's cabin silently, for jason knew if he talked too much she would burst into tears. and maybe he would too. jason tugged on a sweater, the dainty smell of her perfume filled his nose and he couldn't stop the upwards twitched of his lips. once ready, he held his hand out to her and she made quick steps, stretching her hand out to link it with his faster than the speed of light. she scrunched up against jason's side, where he leaned down and pressed his lips to your temple. he lead you outside before halting at the steps that signaled the end of cabin one, your grip on his hand tightening. he could make out the vague shape of nico far away and knew he had to be quick, as that boy waited for no man. even one in love.
"don't go," you tried, one last time, whispering it softly for it to be carried across the small breeze that ran through your bodies, "please."
"i'll be back. i'm always going to come back to you, my precious girl. can't leave you waiting, it'd kill me in worse ways than any god or monster," jason mused, his voice just as soft but a small smile splayed across his lips. you darted your eyes down to the ground, refusing to cry but your resolve was slowly crumbling. jason gently lifted your head back up, forcing you to lock eyes with his shocking blue ones.
"i love you, so so much. i'm coming back, it's happening. i can't die without marrying you," he breathed out and your breath hitched but you shallowly nodded your head. you wanted him to believe he'd won you over, eased your worry into nothingness, in hopes it would ease his own worry.
without another word, jason pressed his lips to yours. he pretended not to notice the salty taste of your tears and you pretended not to feel the rapid beating of his heart under your palm. jason was committing this to memory; if he was going to die, he'd spend every last breath thinking of this kiss, it needed to be a damn good one.
"i love you and nothing will ever change that," you muttered against his lips as you guys parted and you could feel jason smile softly at your words. he took a few steps back, your linked hands stretching like a bridge between the two of you.
"i'll see you later?" jason offered, like he was departing on a life or death question. another step back, the bridge stretched further and raised slightly higher.
"you better, jason grace," you replied, quirking what you hoped to be a lighthearted smile. jason stood still for a moment before, without much desire to do so, taking another step back and the bridge of lover's arms crumbled and collapsed. your hand left his and found a home over your heart, warm fingers spreading to add a layer of protection to the delicate and thudding muscle.
jason thought of you every day on that quest. really, you never seemed to leave his mind. midbattle?? yeah, he's thinking of you. while nico goes over some plans that are probably important?? yup, youre on his mind. in the middle of dinner, everyone talking about their days?? he's thinking about you, undoubtably, and hoping youre having a good day. but, you'd never been more present in his mind then his near run in with death. he nearly got stabbed, nico coming in just in time to save his ass, and instead of thinking of a way out or thanking whatever god just saved his ass, he was thinking of you...and how badly he just wanted to go home. he just wanted to see you again, prove you wrong, prove that he'd always come back to you. the nick on his side proved that one day, that statement wouldn't be true. but today? today it would be.
jason was basically running over half blood hill, his bones settling into the camp and feeling like he can finally breath again. the place reeked of memories of you and it would have smelled like you too, but jason had been gone so long your perfume was fading from his clothes. that all changed today, he wouldn't need the sweaters or shirt because he'd have you, tucked back under his arms, where you belonged. you had seen him and he'd seen you, heaving chests and tear-soaked smiles. on wobbly legs, you slowly made your way from the zeus, struggling to breath in the best way as your pace picked up. jason shrugged his backpack off, sure it would just slow him down, before also running towards you.
the son of jupiter and daughter of hera slammed together, the boy easily lifting his girl off the ground and spinning her around, tightly held to his chest. her sob ridden giggles were enough to have the boy grinning up a storm, her chest pressed to his and her soul reaching out to touch his. he returned her back to the ground, his hands desperately reaching up cupping the back of her head and keeping her close. she wiggled around his hold, her arms looping around his neck before pulling his head down and slamming their lips together. another collision, this one just as sweet - if not more.
"i told you i'd come back," jason muttered against your lips and you couldn't help but laugh, cupping the boys cheek and looking up at him with a surge of love.
"that you did, jason grace, and when have you ever lied to me?"
"never. and i've got forever to prove that to you."
naturally, upon leo's return from the land of the dead (-ish), jason was overjoyed. that was his best friend, after all! but, he also had a minor ulterior motive. whenever you were busy, jason would race off to bunker nine and met with leo, the only topic of conversation being what would be your ring. leo slaved away over it, jason being more than picky with it. finally, when jason deemed it perfect enough to rest on his lovers finger, he took it and shoved it into his pocket.
jason carried that damn ring around for weeks. every moment either felt perfect or not good enough. he was growing frustrated with the fact that he'd yet to it. all he wanted was to marry you, that's it. why was this so hard? one night, with you fast asleep in his bed, jason couldn't take it anymore. he gently ran his hand over your back and combed his fingers through your hair, trying to wake you.
"hmm?" you hummed into jason's pillow, your eyes still shut and sleep within your grasp.
"y/n, honey, wake up," jason whispered, gently, and you huffed out of your nose, pushing against the bed and focing yourself to sit upright, a yawn leaving your lips.
"what's up, jase? couldn't it wait till the morning?" you questioned through your yawn, your eyes still blurry with sleep.
"no, i don't think i can wait any longer. plus, i don't think you'd be very happy with me if we waited till the morning," jason replied, laughing lightly at the inside joke he was making with himself. you frowned at his words, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
"jason-" you went to ask more questions as your vision cleared but they all died on your tongue as you took in the sight before you. jason was kneeling at the edge of his bed, his glasses haphazardly set on his nose and his blonde hair spiked up from him passing his hands too many times. oh, and a wedding ring proudly held in his hand and presented to you.
"i- i've had this ring on me for the past two weeks. two weeks and nothing ever felt right. but, i just- you looked so peaceful while you were sleeping and i thought 'i can't believe i get to wake up to this every morning for the rest of my life.' and realized that if i went another moment without you having my ring, i'd go crazy. so, y/n l/n will you-"
"yes. yes. of course, yes. stupid question, get over here," you cut in, instantly, tears forming and a watery smile on your lips as you pulled jason back on to his bed, allowing your lips to slide against his. during this kiss, jason found your hand and slid the ring onto your finger. and it was a perfect fit, because jason just knew you so well. you couldn't help but tangle jason up in your arms and he replied in a similar manner, his hands lost under the back of your sleep shirt.
tucked back under the covers and with jason's breath slowly evening out to fan across your neck, you freed one of your hands from the tangle of limbs. you pulled it up to your chest and pressed your newly bedazzled hand there, right over your ribs which encased your heart. and you breathed out a slow breath, feeling the metal warm between your skin and the skin of your lovers. and you were able to sleep, peaceful and warm, knowing jason grace was yours forever more and you'd be his for equally as long.
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frozenmoonshine · 6 months
Headcanon - Hanma Shuuji as your boyfriend
Ok, I hate myself for writing this, 'cause I hate this bitch just as much as Pissaki, but I've been fighting my intrusive fluffy thoughts about him and they won, sooo here they are:
Beware of insinuated hetero relationship, f!reader, and common terms of endearment.
He's a flirt, definitely. He knows he gets lots of attention from the fairer sex simply for being tall and good looking, but he also loves the fact that he's a smooth talker and can get pretty much any girl to fall for him. And he's not better than doing just that, simply because he needs some amusement in his life. Talk about being a piece of shit, going around breaking hearts for fun.
‌However, if he genuinely falls for someone, he basically does a 180⁰ turn and is the most loyal lover you could get! He will, most definitely and undeniably, try to make his SO jealous by casually flirting left and right, just because he can, and he enjoys seeing your frustrated, annoyed, jealous face. However, if you get jealous or hurt for real, he will genuinely freak out, and will try his best to reassure you that he loves you and that he was just messing with you. You are the only one for him, after all, his safe haven and his light! If he realizes that he stepped overboard with his "jokes", he will change his behaviour immediately. Idk why, but he just gives me the vibe of someone who perfectly understands boundaries, and he will choose to honor his commitments.
‌He himself is not jealous at all, and no matter what you may do, he wouldn't get jealous. The bastard is just so cocky and aware of his desirability (even tho he overestimates himself quite a lot), it's unnerving! But unless he straight up catches you "red handed" with another guy, he won't be jealous in the slightest. And if that happens, if you do cheat on him, then he might just beat your side piece to a pulp, and walk out on you like you never even existed. He will be heartbroken about it for a long time, tho.
‌Don't do him dirty, even as annoying and flawed as he is, he is still worth it! He can be super loving and affectionate in private, and he will be your no. 1 cheerleader, in whatever you're aspiring to achieve. Tell him all about your adventures tho, he loves a good story!
‌He gets too easily bored, so he would fall head over heels for someone who can engage him in deep and interesting conversations, and be a bit of a tease as well, just enough to always keep him on the edge of his seat, but not to overdo it. After all, he is the tease one in the relationship, and he doesn't like the idea of giving up that title.
‌Speaking of him being a tease... yes, he's absolutely insufferable! In every sense. (Yes, that too!)
‌Dates with him are always so random and spontaneous, like, he'd take you on a bike ride to the beach at 3 AM, and you'd make sand castles in the dead of the night, just because. It's totally not because he's secretly a hopeless romantic and wanted to watch the sunrise with you, btw. Or he might get you out of your school/work just to take you to the rooftop of the highest building in his neighborhood, where you guys can throw water baloons on the passers-by down there, and photograph their reactions. Or you two would be in a middle of a rollercoaster ride and he'd scream into your ear: "Babe, let's go have a picnic in the woods, this ride is boring!" The worst best part - his idea of a "picnic" is pranking hikers by making weird noises. At least one thing is for sure with him - there is never a single dull moment!
‌But even as the chaos elemental that he is, he is actually looking for (inner) peace. He would want to feel safe and taken care of in a relationship, and I can picture him falling for his childhood friend. If not that, then he'd definitely go for the cozy, domestic, girl-next-door type. Despite what he shows to the outer world, he just craves familiarity and warmth.
‌His friend-turned-girlfriend definitely calls him Shuu-chan. He pretends it annoys him, but there's nothing he loves hearing more. And I will die on that hill if need be!
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anama-cara · 5 months
The Healer: Bargaining finale (part 5/5)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. Joel Masterlist
Raider!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: You finally reach the doctor's house with Joel and your sick little brother and you show Joel your appreciation. Reader's thoughts in italics. Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: 18+ mdni, sickness/fever, age gap, unprotected PIV
a/n: I wasn't sure how to end this. At first I had a much darker ending but I decided that I liked these characters too much so I added some *feelings*. Please let me know what you think
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You had awoken to the sounds of birds chirping and soft breathing. Joel’s arm was draped over your waist and his hand rested on your stomach. It was pleasantly warm. In your mind you pretended that you were sleeping next to someone who actually cared. You imagined it was real. That you could have a companion that loved and protected you, that you could wake up like this next to them in the mornings. It was a nice daydream, but just that. That kind of dream didn’t exist in this new world, nothing good survived. And you certainly had no hope of finding a good man like that to love you.
Joel’s arm twitched in his sleep and you were pulled from your daydream and into your memories from the night before. How his lips felt on your neck, how his hands felt on your body, how his voice sounded as he said your name, how his fingers felt inside you.
For a moment you keep your eyes closed to the world and sink into the comforting feeling. Listening to the songbirds, letting the first rays of sunlight filtering through the tree dance over your closed lids, feeling Joel’s chest rise and fall against your back. You draink it all in, you hadn’t experienced a moment this peaceful in a long time.
There’s a rustle from the sleeping bag across the fire and you jump. Shit. What are you thinking?
You remind yourself that this is Joel, the leader of the band of raiders that terrorizes your countryside. He is not a good man, even if he is helping you, which he really isn’t, this is on just his way.  Suddenly you feel shame, you can’t believe that you let him make you cum, let him hold you, sleep beside you. You curse yourself for being so foolish and letting yourself go last night.
Sleeping beside a fucking criminal, a bully, a killer. A fucking menace. What the hell were you thinking?
You wriggle out of the bag and jump to your feet. To your relief your little brother just rolls over, still sounds asleep. You let out a breath.
“Scared of getting caught?” Joel’s voice is rough with sleep but you can hear the smile on his lips.
“Come on get up,” you kick him in his sleeping bag. “The sun is up we gotta go.”
“Ok bossy,” he grumbles as he rubs his palms over his eyes with an exaggerated yawn.
You wake up your brother as Joel packs up the camp and you’re heading out for the last leg of your journey before the sun is fully risen.
You’d been diligently following a few yards behind Joel, carrying your brother in your arms. He seems to get weaker with every step. In the last mile he doesn’t even respond to you when you call his name. He’s just limp in your arms and you can feel his fever burning through his clothing. You make a desperate sound as you try to shake him awake.
Joel’s head whips back. “What’s wrong?” He turns and retreats back to you.
“He won’t wake up,” your voice trembles as you’re trying not to panic. You hold back the tears that threaten to brim over.
“Jesus sweetheart why didn’t you say somethin.” He moves to take the boy from your arms but your grip tightens.
“What are you doing?” There’s fear in your accusation.
His eyes rack over your face, reading your expression. “You don’t trust me,” he says flatly but his expression almost looks hurt. He takes a breath and a hard expression returns to his face. “We gotta move a whole lot faster. If you don’t want him to die we gotta get to the house and get this fever to break.” Joel takes your brother from your arms and you don’t fight him this time. He takes off in a jog and you run after him, trying to keep up.
The house looks similar to yours, farmhouse style with a big front porch. Its white paint is peeling and there are a few cracked windows on the top floor but in all its still in good condition. As you come up the dirt drive you see a thin man in his late 60s watching from the window. After he sees the boy Joel is carrying, he disappears from the window only to reappear in the doorway. He sets his rifle down on the table and comes out onto the porch to meet you.
“Joel,” the man gives a stiff nod in greeting. His eyes dart to you then back to Joel.
“Doc,” Joel gives a nod. There’s respect but no friendliness there. Joel dips his head in your direction, “This here’s one of your neighbors, and this is her little brother. He’s got a bad fever and needs your help.” The doctor narrows his eyes at you and Joel, but when he looks down at the child in Joel’s arms his expression softens. “Of course, bring him in.”
You follow the him inside and Joel sets the boy down on the couch. The old man looks at you, “I’ll require a payment of course. What supplies have you brought to offer?”
“What I don’t, I-“ you stammer in a panic but Joel interrupts you.
“You and I will discuss payment later. You help him first.”
The man’s gaze shifts from you to Joel, he pauses a moment then nods in agreement. “Very well. But if he needs antibiotics the price will be doubled. Upstairs.”
Joel carries your brother upstairs and sets him in the bathtub. “Out,” the doc instructs him then turns to you. “You, undress him and fill the bath. Lukewarm. We’ll try to bring his temperature down. I’ll go get him a glass of water, we need to keep him well hydrated.” You tend to your brother for hour before the fever finally breaks. You help dress him and carry him to a bed in one of the guest bedrooms on the top floor. You go to sit beside him but the doc shoos you from the room. “No, he needs rest, out, out.” Exhausted you return downstairs and plop down onto the couch.
You must have been drifting off because you’re startled when the cushion sinks as a weight sits down next to you.  
“Doc is gonna give him some medicine, says he’s got pneumonia. You didn’t hear him coughing?”
You blink, quickly trying to gather your thoughts. “Umm, yeah, I did, I just thought it was part of a cold, you know cause its winter, I mean he always starts coughing when it gets colder. I didn’t think much of it, I was just thinking of his fever. I should have paid more attention.” Your voice tightens.
“No, sweetheart that’s not what I meant,” he trails of looking frustrated then leans back into the couch. “Doesn’t matter, it’s gonna be fine, he’ll get better now.”
“Joel, how much did he ask for? He said the medicines were expensive.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“I said don’t worry about it. I took care of it.”
You swallow, “thank you.”
His head turns to look at you, and eyebrow raised in surprise.
Tentatively you reach out and lay a hand on top of his, trying to express your appreciation. “I’m serious Joel. Thank you.”
The corner of his mouth twitches and he turns to face forward again. He lets out a sigh and leans his head back into the couch, closing his eyes and casually relaxing. You’ve never seen him like this. “Doc also said the boy needs rest so we’re gonna stay the night and leave tomorrow. Said we can sleep upstairs in the other guest room down the hall. I think he likes ya’ never seen him so generous before.”
You blink. We? “What about your mission? I thought you were supposed to meet up with your men today for a job?”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “They’ll assume I got held up. They can do it without me.”
“Joel if you need to leave-“
He opens one eye to look at you. “There’s no place I’d rather be right now sweetheart.”
You swallow and gather some courage. “Joel,” you say hesitantly. “Why are you helping me? Why tell us about the doctor, why escort us, why pay for the medicine, why be… nice to me?”
He turns to face you fully now, his hand strokes your cheek then returns to grip your hand. You instinctively tense and go to pull your hand away but you stop as his eyes lock on yours. “Don’t you get it sweetheart?”
“What?” you reply a bit breathlessly. His eyes are making you nervous.
“I care for ya.”
You feel your heartbeat quicken and you’re silent for a moment as you let his words sink in. What the fuck?
“I know, I’m sorry for how we first met, I shouldn’ta done that, but-“
“Y-you care for me?” You can barely get the words out.
Joel shakes his head. “I shouldn’ta said nothin.” He moves his hand from yours. “No, wait-“ you reach out and grip his retreating hand. Why are you holding his hand? Why is your heart aching? Why do you want him to stay?
But despite the thoughts running through your head your body is acting. You shift closer to him and your hand that reached out to hold his is now slowly moving up his forearm in a gentle caress. Joel closes his eyes for a moment at your touch. You silently urge him to continue.
“Sweetheart I know I fucked up. You were so good to me and I didn’t treat you right. I know I don’t deserve ya.” He is looking into your eyes now, desperation in his eyes. “But I swear I wanna do right by ya. I wanna be there for you, protect you, be with you.”
You don’t break away from his gaze as you move closer still. You’re just inches away from him, almost touching his chest as he stares down at you.
“I want you” he whispers.
And finally you speak the truth that you know is in your heart. “You already have me Joel.”
Your hand glides up his arm and presses against his hard chest as you lean forward to press a gentle kiss to his lips. It’s tender and sweet and like nothing either thought you’d ever experience again in this fucked up world.
You lift your body from the couch to move fully into his lap now, straddling him. Your hands wrap around his face and you lean into him, deepening the kiss and pushing him back against the couch. His hands grip at your hips and you can feel his bulge underneath you. Instinctually you rock your hips into him and he groans in your mouth. You break the kiss and nip at his neck before sliding out of his lap and onto the floor between his feet. You kneel between his legs and look up at him, one hand rubbing circles over his knee. He’s looking down at you, slumped in the couch. You smirk as you watch his tummy rise and fall with each heavy breath. He spreads his legs more and you shuffle closer to him on your knees.
A wicked smile curves on his lips, “You gonna show me just how grateful you are now? This how ya thank me?”
You nod vigorously and reach out for his belt just as you hear the floor creak upstairs. You jump up and throw yourself onto the couch, lounge back and trying to act casual. Joel lets out a barking laugh at the panic in your eyes. “I didn’t know anyone could move that fast sweetheart,” he laughs as he pats your knee. Your heart is beating fast, you completely forgot there was someone else in this house. You were about to suck Joel off in the middle of someone else’s living room while they were just a few rooms away and could walk in at any moment.
Joel smirks and grabs your hand, pulling you up. “Come on.”  He leads you up the stairs and down the hall to the guest bedroom. “Goodnight doc, see you tomorrow,” he calls out loudly then winks at you as he shuts the door and pulls you towards the bed.
He pushes you down with his hands on your shoulders. He stands before you, tall and strong, dark eyes looking down at you and you feel yourself start to get wet. He reaches for his back and grabs his flannel, pulling it off over his head. Quickly he undoes his belt and drops his boxers and jeans in one go. He steps out of his pants and stands before you, completely naked, looking like a freaking god. You’ve never seen his body before, usually he tells you to strip and he remains fully clothed. This new imbalance has your blood pumping and your core clenching. You gulp as he closes the gap between you and scoops his hands under your arms to lift you and push you all the way up onto the bed. He lays over your body, face just a few inches above yours, dark eyes scanning yours. His hand reaches down between you to undo your pants and he pulls back for just a moment to pull your pants and underwear from your body. You take this opportunity to quickly shed your shirt before he’s back over your again. He rests on his elbows and his hands come up to cradle your face, fingers intertwining in your hair as his lips crash into yours, desperate and needy and hot. You whimper against him and he pulls back after a moment.
“Joel I need you, now.”
“Sweetheart I don’t wanna hurt you again. Lemme help stretch you first, get ya ready to take me.” His hand reaches down, trailing over your skin as he moves down your body.
“Joel, I’m ready now.”
His hand moves between your legs and he grins as his fingers reach your wetness. He rubs against your clit with two fingers. “Yeah you are. So wet for me already, fuck.” He plants a kiss to your neck, sucking at your soft skin as his other hands wraps around his cock and guides it to your entrance. You suck in a breath, tensing as you brace for the pain and the stretch, used to Joel shoving into you. But this time he doesn’t. He takes his time, slowly pushing into you inch by inch, letting your body adjust. He groans, fully inside you and you can’t help looking down between you. You watch as he moves his hips and slides in and out of you easily. He catches you staring and smirks, “like that? Want it faster sweetheart?” You nod, unable to speak, and he jerks his hips, hitting something deep inside you causing your head to fall back into the pillows. Your back arches as he sets his new pace and you groan. It doesn’t take long for you to feel your orgasm building. Your hands are gripping the sheets and you’re shaking your head and moaning as it takes over you. Your body spasms under Joel’s and he holds you down with his forearm across your chest. “Fucking bronco, hang on sweetheart I’m almost there.” He continues thrusting into you as you come down from your high and after a few more deep movements he’s spilling inside you, warmth spreading through your core. His breathing is ragged and he collapses on top of you, bodies flush against each other. He tucks you in his arms then rolls both of you to the side so he’s lying behind you, cradling you in his arms.
He kisses your hair from behind. “So fucking good.” He murmurs.
You lay together like that for a long time until your both starting to drift off.
“Joel, I-, I”
“I know sweetheart, everything will be just fine now.”
You smile to yourself as you drift off, comforted by the idea that for the first time since the world fell apart you think the next day will be a better one.
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Ello o/, I really like your writing style. May i req the reader pretends to be a client but actually a member of the agency but the ADA doesn't remember the reader because they have an ability to make anyone/everyone forget they exist and used it to protect the agency also dazai is the only one who remembers them.
I'm so sorry I took so long to get to this request I've been busy with life and all of that lame stuff
Also, I hope you don't mind but I changed it a Lil to be a two-parter with Ranpo as well, I feel like he would figure it out pretty quickly
Scenario: reader visits the ADA pretending to be a client. Dazai is the only one who remembers them working for the agency. (Dazai, Ranpo)
Part 1; Dazai
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"So what brings someone as lovely as you to the agency today?"
Dazai was standing in front of you, giving you his best smile. He was holding your hand and reciting his lines as if you were in a play - although between the two of you, he looked like he was giving a performance for the ages.
"Dazai, you can't flirt with everyone that comes into the agency. You know this."
Kunikida had walked over from his desk, making sure to check up on your conversation. He just wanted to ensure you actually got the help that you needed and weren't swept away by Dazai's antics.
A part of you missed this.
"Oh, we're fine Kunikida. In fact, Dazai was just going to lead me to your consultation room so he could help me with my case."
You were covering for Dazai. Old habits die hard you suppose.
"You know, you shouldn't stress out so much Kunikida, you'll get grey hairs. Actually? I think you have some already!"
Dazai took this as his chance to poke around Kunikida's head, 'showing' him his gray hairs. You had to put a hand over your mouth to stop your laughter as you watched the two of them argue.
"I'll be in the room waiting on you Dazai. I don't have all day, you know?"
You walked out of the room, leading yourself through the building. Nothing really changed since you'd been there, although you could spot a couple of new faces among those working at their desks.
It was nice to see the agency moving on and continuing to grow.
The room was a bit different as well. They had finally replaced the old chairs that had been torn in a fight.
They were now a softer, blue fabric. The room seemed more softer, especially for what the room always brought with it.
"So, you finally decided to come back?"
Dazai appeared behind you, closing the door to the room - giving the two of you some much-needed privacy.
The curtain had closed on your little play.
"Well, only to visit. I'm leaving Yokohama tomorrow so I thought I'd stop by beforehand and see how you were all doing."
You looked behind you to see Dazai smiling. Although, you could clearly tell it wasn't a happy one.
"Let's sit down, I feel like you're going to want to know a bit about where I've been. I'll tell you if you promise to keep it a secret, ok?"
You had already moved to sit down on the small office chairs in the room - they were cozy enough for what would essentially be an interrogation.
Dazai wanted answers from you. Knowing him, he was going to get them one way or another - no matter how nice he was about it.
It was hard to stay silent anyway. He was the only man who really knew your predicament. You had hunches about everyone else, but it wasn't like they could escape your ability.
Even if they had this feeling about you, they couldn't escape the gap in their memories. No matter what, you were just a blindspot to them. The moment they met you, they would forget about you once again.
"You want to know why I left the agency, right?"
The most you left behind was a vague sense of unease. Not knowing why you had a sense of dejavue over a certain book and wondering why you know so much about something.
It was a great ability to have for a vagabond.
Dazai shook his head, placing it between it on his folded hands.
"You caught me there. I know how you did it, but I don't know if I can really figure out your why."
You looked to the window.
"Why did you leave when you were happy? Is it some form of punishment? It's got me really curious."
The view was perfect. Nothing would come and distract you from having to respond to the question.
He caught you, like a bird in flight.
"Because I don't have a choice. The longer I stay anywhere, the more dangerous I become. Right now I am just a ghost - I'm sure the president knows I exist, but can never really put a thumb on it."
You tried to wiggle around in your seat, looking as if you were in complete control.
"But if I stayed, eventually the feeling of being forgotten would wear off. It's painful being ignored, but when it happens all the time I can never feel the pain - I'm numb. But the agency?"
You let a watery smile out. Being in the room, finally talking to someone that wasn't a stranger. Talking to Dazai, who actually remembered you no matter how many times you activated your ability.
It was refreshing.
The walls that you had built up were breaking down.
"We got close. But eventually, I saw that their memory would get spotty, and it was happening again. I can't stand to see the people I love to forget about me, I don't want to become a stranger to them."
You hid your eyes behind your hands, trying to shield them from the sun. That's why they were dripping tears. Telling yourself this helped stave them off.
"So you left before that could happen, right?"
You felt an arm wrap around you, pulling you close.
Dazai's jacket wasn't exactly the softest, but you stayed close as you tried to push back your tears. You knew this visit would be hard, that you would have a hard conversation - but you didn't want to break down.
You tried to mumble out some sort of excuse or apology but your words were failing you.
Which left you with nothing but silence.
"Dazai. Thank you for not forgetting about me."
You took the lapels of his jacket in your hands, pulling him closer. You hadn't hugged someone who wasn't a stranger in so long. This was a feeling you definitely missed since your departure from the ADA.
Dazai pulled away, bending down so the two of you were face to face. He cupped your face with his surprisingly calloused hands, analyzing you with his soft brown eyes.
He let out a breath, in some emotion that you couldn't really place.
He backed away, wiping away his serious demeanor with a Cheshire smile.
"Besides. It's not like I have a choice in it. You know, you leave quite the impression on people!"
There was something behind those words. You felt it. The way he missed you, how it was unsaid in the air but was shown in the way he kept eyeing you.
He still kept his hands on you, as if the moment he let go, you would once again fade into a burning memory that only he was cursed to hold. Like so many other moments in his life.
A part of you wanted to stay, just for him. The feeling of his hand on your shoulder as he led you throughout the building, keeping you around so you could talk to the members one last time.
But your mind was unfortunately set.
He was nice enough to introduce you to the new members who had joined in your absence - it was a smart ploy.
He was trying to bide time, keeping an arm wrapped tightly around you while he joked around with Atsuhi about some memories they had a while back.
You could see how he tried to make you seem as if you never had left. As if you were always here.
It was a really smart ploy. It almost made you want to cancel your ability just so you could see everyone understand the inside joke that Dazai had said. One that only now you two understood.
If he was quiet after you had gone, staring at the papers at his desk - well that was, unfortunately, a secret only he would know.
Part 2; Ranpo
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You were set to depart Yokohama in less than an hour. In the meantime, you were meandering the train station, biding your time.
After having visited the ADA again, you felt a bit lost. You truly did want to stay - but you felt that the ramifications of that action would be worse than if you continued living as a vagabond.
Your ability altered people's memories to the point that they themself would forget about your existence one day - the curse of being able to run away at a drop of a hat.
You can always run, but seemingly never stay. Somehow, they would always forget about you. Either gradually or suddenly, you knew that it would happen.
Freedom was a blessing, but it always came at a high price.
"Is this line A? I don't really know the system around here well."
Ranpo had sat next to you, making you jump in shock.
He was looking at you, waiting for your answer. He didn't seem to recognize you - not from earlier in the day, and not from when you had worked together.
It was a blessing, you supposed.
You took a breath to calm down.
"Yeah, you have the right one. It's not coming for an hour or so though, so you have time."
You hoped he would walk away. Being near anyone from your past always made you hurt in some way or another.
He seemed stubborn though, drapping his shoulders across the back of the bench and spreading his legs out in front of him - like a starfish on a rock, leaving himself out to sunbathe.
"I think I know you from somewhere. Do I?"
That made you stop.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I just mean - have we met before? You seem familiar. I have a feeling I met you, kind of like..."
He put his hand in his pocket, unwrapping a lollipop.
"I can't put my finger on the word..."
He stuck it in mouth with a loud pop.
You supplied it to him, hoping he would go away. A cold, sinking had settled into your gut.
"Yeah! That's right!"
He looked at you, smiling wide. You realized your mistake when you saw that he had his glasses on.
"That's your ability name, right, Y/n?"
This was when you realized how unsettlingly quiet this station was. The announcement on the intercom felt like it was ringing in your ears.
Ranpo was still staring at you, waiting for you to piece a sentence together.
"Do you remember me?"
The man shrugged, settling back down. He was comfortable enough to take up more of your space than you had realized - his legs brushing up against yours.
"No. But I know that I could - if you let me. The ADA is a detective agency, Y/n. You can't exactly run forever when you have us on your tail."
Ranpo didn't wait for you to comprehend what he was saying. He leaned in close, your noses brushing up against each other.
"You're going to keep coming back."
"So. What are you going to do then?"
He said it in a monotone voice, as a simple statement.
"And even you think we won't find you - I will. I'm the best detective. No mystery is beyond me, not even your ability."
He waved up some papers. They were notes, photos and documents.
He was tracking you.
Ranpo smiled.
"I could go for some coffee."
"I dunno. You want to stay. I'm pretty hungry right now."
He was waving the documents around in a small circle, still refusing to give you space.
It was subtle, but you weren't going to get away from him without a chase.
I'm leaving the ending super open-ended, but Ranpo catches everyone in his life in weird ways so I feel like he'd do it this way too cause if you can somehow escape him once you're on his mental list
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miffysrambles · 9 months
Hello there! Call me cake anon!!
Can I get a Wukong with an fem s/o who had nightmares all day night?
Ty and have a good day!
Wukong with an S/O who has nightmares
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You woke up gasping for air as the pressure in your chest was excruciating, tears rolling down your cheeks as you cried in your sleep mere moments ago.
Your boyfriend Wukong awoke soon after you as he shifted slowly from your swift movements.
He sat up quickly, holding your hands gently as he tried to help you calm down.
“Hey peaches, it’s ok it’s just a nightmare. You’re safe, I’m here.”
His words were laced with genuine comfort and love as the tip of his tail slightly caressed you back.
He smiled as a way to show you everything was alright, “Can you try to breathe for me?”
He showed you an exaggerated example by dramatically deeply breathing in and out, earning a laugh from you (and a small smile from him, he loved seeing you laugh) as you tried to regulate your breathing.
You looked at him as you breathed in and out, your trembling form returning almost to normal as you examined every feature on his face.
You took in every facial feature of his, from his small fangs to the peach-colored marking around his eyes as it was very much distracting you from the night terrors you were experiencing mere minutes beforehand.
“That’s my (Name), you’re doing so good peaches. Just keep breathing.” His regular cheeky self was almost non-existent, it being replaced with a gentle aura as he smiled at you, his thumbs caressing the back of your hands.
You were finally able to form coherent sentences as you pulled him close, his arms wrapping around you as you both breathed softly in sync, your chests softly colliding into one another.
“Was it the same nightmare?” His voice softly asked you, caressing your back.
“Mhm…’ You nodded your head, making a sigh escape his lips.
“I’m sorry sunshine, damnit I wish I could make them go away already.”
You were plagued with nightmares for a while now so this wasn’t the first time he had helped you.
“You think with me being the Monkey King and all, I could do more than help you breathe.” He chuckled softly.
You laughed in response to his remark as you wiped your eyes, kissing his cheek as your lips curled into a smile.
“That’s the best thing you can do honestly, just being with me is enough. Thank you.” 
He beamed as he pulled you down back onto the bed with his arms still wrapped around you, making you lay on top of him.
You let out a soft squeal as he kissed you on the lips, caressing your face with his hand as the other still rested on your back.
He pulled away from your lips with a grin and a half-lidded gaze, his fangs poking out of his lips, “I will always be right next to you whenever you need me peaches, I swear that’s a promise.”
You blushed as you looked at him with a loving stare, kissing him once more as his tail wagged softly under the both of you.
He looked at you with a bold grin, wanting nothing more than to see you laugh again, “I think I deserve a lot more kisses than that (Name)!”
He tried to cover your face with kisses as you playfully pushed his face away from you, making you roll over on your back as he was now on top of you.
You laughed as he made loud ‘mwah’ sounds, trying to get closer to your lips.
“Never! Now you don’t get any more kisses forever.”
He gasped dramatically as he clutched his heart, pretending his heart was breaking.
“My heart! You got me where it hurts (Name), that was too far!” He had a fake sad expression as he looked away from you.
You tried to suppress your giggles as you rolled your eyes, “Fine, you can have more kisses since you’re a great boyfriend.”
He grinned as he leaned down to your face, your noses touching as he raised an eyebrow, “The greatest?”
You finally let the laugh escape as you nod, “The greatest ever.”
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
I bring you come Ethically Sourced Bones (antlers) and thing written at approximately 4 am. Apologies for typos or ramblings, as it is currently 4 am.
Timothy Drake is not a human. He may look it and act it, but he is not. With those he trusts he does not pretend he is human. He let's none of his features show but he will freely tell them, "I am not a human. I have never been a human. If I am ever seriously injured, allow me to tend to myself. Would be best for everyone if I did so."
None of his family believe that last part. Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Jason, Cass, Steph, Duke, and even Damian do not believe for a moment that Tim is better off locked in the Drake Manor by himself to heal on his own, no matter what he insists.
Tim does not tell them what he is. They all have asked at least once but Tim always tells them the exact same line. It is delivered with a smile and cheery tone that has undertones of something more sinister, "some secrets are best left as they are, for everyone's saftey."
Tim is not human. But this body he uses is, sort of. This body is actually a fake. It is something he constructs using psychic powers to walk and talk among People as People Do. He can only make one at a time and should this one be rendered inoperable well. It's a simple matter of concentration and a few days to remake the body from scratch. This is made easier by the fact that only one body sleeps at a time, his consciousness simply jumping between his Human Shape and his True Form.
Though sometimes, if Tim isn't paying attention and is feeling Very Relaxed, his forms will... blend some. Mostly just streaks of color appearing in his hair or on his skin, his body taking on a strange texture, or on a few extremely rare occasions long tentacles will peak out from under his shirt or jacket, wiggling and waving to show he content he is, like a dog wagging it's tail.
Far, far away, deep under the ocean his True Body rests, many colorful limbs wrapped tightly around the downed nuclear sub he dragged into his nest dozens of years ago. Tim's True Form is Large and Old. So large it hurts to imagine. He knows that in a hundred years he will miss this family dearly, but accepts this fate. He will always love them and cherish them and if they called for True Help.
Deep in the ocean, a smile spreads across the face of Titanus Na Kika as he thinks of his family so far away, yet so close as he brushes a shoulder against Jason.
Ok so according to a quick google search, this is Titanus Na Kika:
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And my dude, I absolutely adore this.
Even if Tim DOES tell his family what he truly looks like, he knows that they’ll never see his true self. He’s far too deep underwater and far too dangerous to comprehend visually without any barrier to their vision.
The Batfamily knows that something is slightly off though. Superman has mentioned to Bruce that Tim’s vocal range seems to reach far higher and far far lower than a human should be able to speak. These strange guttural drones and clicks are combined with his speech like it’s simply apart of how he talks.
I’d like to think that eventually when he tells everyone, they grow used to Tim’s more relaxed form. Obviously he isn’t the true behemoth colossal creature from the deep, but he certainly no longer resembles a human in this state. They accept Tim’s strange hums and chitters and clicks as vocal inflections to his speech, they’ll high five a tentacle as they walk past Tim and hand another tentacle a hot coffee that said tentacle lifts towards a mouth that previously didn’t exist and pours the nearly boiling beverage into its open maw without flinching from the scalding heat.
Tim is a bit strange and weird, but he’s their Tim.
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The writers of the SaB show seem to be pulling the exact same shit that lb did in the books. because there’s no way they think ignoring everything the grisha have been forced to endure, pretending that the darkling is the beginning and end of their issues and ravka’s, making sure alina never understands what she’s actually fighting for, etc is going to do anything except make me root for the darkling even more.
The entire second season gives me flashbacks to that insane trilogy because somehow they managed to be even worse than the books. they have alina telling the darkling that he doesn’t understand sacrifice?? really??? a man who has spent centuries of his life fighting for the betterment of his people doesn’t understand sacrifice?? the person who literally made protecting grisha his life goal doesn’t understand sacrifice??? does alina realize that the only reason she wasn’t killed the moment she was discovered was because of him?? because of the work he has done??
They had time for baghra to tell stories about her crazy family and how she killed her sister, but there was no time for her to say “this is what life was like before my son decided he was going to make it better for our kind?” if anything, they just pissed me off more because how the fuck is it possible that they are pretending the biggest issue they have is the darkling?? not the monarchy that has exploited grisha and ravka, not the fjerdans who hunt and kill grisha, not shu han who experiments on them??
Sigh, I can’t even write out my thoughts coherently because I’m so irritated by pretty much everything that happened this season. I’m irritated that instead of telling a complex story, we got this dumbed down garbage that tells us nothing, accomplishes nothing beyond “guy in black is bad.” the narrative condemns him for using merzost because he was so desperate to save his people, he tried forbidden magic, but 20 seconds later the hero is using that same forbidden power to bring her boyfriend back to life??? With zero repercussions?? I want to scream!!
If the narrative is so sure they are right, if they are so sure the darkling is wrong about everything, then why are they so afraid to expose the hero to the suffering of her people?? Let her see what they have to deal with, let her truly understand then. She has been a grisha for less than a year, and somehow she knows what’s best for them?? She doesn’t even know them. The show writers literally spent this season making her chase Mal around. Look what happened when they were going after the seawhip, two people died because she didn’t want to kill it, but they moment it went after Mal, suddenly killing it was ok. Her side of the war got attacked and instead of checking to make sure everyone was ok, including her friend’s brother who was literally about to lose his arm, she was screaming about Mal. You want to tell me about sacrifice?? She only cared about one person, and he was perfectly fine at the end. What does she know about sacrifice?? Why oh why is this fucking story just so determined to make her make all the worst possible decisions??
Incase you haven’t noticed, I haven’t talked about the crows at all, because I hate their presence in this story. They are a distraction!!! The grisha are fighting for their right to exist, Ravka is in the middle of a civil war, I do not have the time to follow the shenanigans of a group of criminals from a different country. I still don’t understand their purpose in this story, except comic relief?? 🤦🏽‍♀️
I love Alina, I really do, but jfc you cannot girl boss your way out of real solutions. They have her basically serving the monarchy and the whole time I kept thinking, if I were grisha, I wouldn’t follow her. She’s the leader of the second army but she’s wearing a first army uniform, she’s more interested in protecting the Lanstov throne than she is in protecting her people. She’s so blinded by everyone saying “the darkling is bad, the fold needs to go” she’s not stopping to say “what happens when the fold is gone?” “What happens after the war?” Because surely, she isn’t naive enough to think the people who started killing grisha as soon as they thought the darkling was gone are going to live peacefully with them now?? It took 2 seconds after the darkling died for Fjerda to send an assassin on jurda parem into ravka. Now that there’s no fold to stop them, what will stop Fjerda or Shu Han from sending an army?? Ignoring everything else the crows did, Kaz was right when he said “when they stop looking at her with gratitude, they’ll start to wonder if she hasn’t overstayed her welcome.” Which is basically what Aleksander kept saying btw, they are not going to love you for long, they are going to hate you eventually because they are afraid of what they don’t understand.
I don’t even know what the point of this was, but yeah, I guess it was a rant about how Fucking ridiculous season 2 of shadow and bone was.
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pairing: teacher!reader x larissa weems
word count: 809
notes and warnings: ok so I loveee this request but I edited the plot just a bit,, I’ve made it so that reader and her students are pranking Larissa w pretending they started a fr cult lol
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You had never really intended for any of it to go this far.
It had started as a joke between a few of your students, that you were so infatuated with Larissa Weems that you would be starting a cult for her. Larissa had found out, and after ensuring that you were just embarrassed enough, she had let it go. You were sure she had already forgotten about it.
The semester was soon to be ending. After the incident with Marilyn Thornhill and the Hyde, everyone was a bit shaken up, and classes would only be continuing for another week or so. You had determined that your students were in desperate need of some fun — everyone was still so jumpy, and your classes were unusually quiet.
Every year, at the end of the semester, the principal of Nevermore was required to observe each class to check the teachers’ performances. Students were also meant to submit review forms for each professor, which had been submitted the week before.
Today was your day of inspection. Larissa would be sitting in on your last class of the day, for which you had prepared little homework for the students to do.
Instead, you had gone into Jericho and bought 25 black capes and 25 black masks. They were now in one of the drawers of your desk, waiting to be revealed as all of the students of your last class of the day filed into the classroom.
Once everyone was seated, you looked at the clock — you had only a few minutes before Larissa would arrive.
“Good afternoon,” you said, and within moments the classroom grew silent. “Today I’ve prepared for you all an extra special assignment.”
Murmurs erupted through the class, whispers about quizzes and essays. You held back a laugh, for your plans were so much different than what they had suspected.
“Some of you have been spreading jokes about a Goddess Weems cult. While I know it may be disappointing that such a thing does not and likely will not exist at Nevermore, Principal Weems will be joining us for this class period, and I think we’re all due for a bit of fun,” you explained, beginning to take the capes and masks out of your desk. “Today we’re going to be pranking our favorite principal.”
Larissa knocked lightly on the door to your classroom, giving everyone a moment to settle before she crept in.
She furrowed her eyebrows — the lights to the classroom were off, and the students stood facing her as shadowy figures, dressed in cheap Halloween masks and Dracula-esque capes.
Larissa flipped on the lights, and upon seeing you at your desk in a Jack O’Lantern mask and cape, she could hardly stifle a laugh. “Am I being initiated into a cult or something?”
A few of the students broke into quiet laughter, for which they got scolded by some of their classmates. After a moment everyone said in unison, “All hail Goddess Weems. We pledge our loyalty to the wearer of Crimson Lipstick Number 10 from Walmart. May her followers be blessed.”
Larissa glanced around in disbelief, crossing her arms. “Well, I suppose it’s about time you all realized how wonderful a principal I am.”
At this you broke, in hysterics as you took off your pumpkin mask. “We haven’t even gotten to the choreographed dance yet! Was it at least a bit creepy when all the lights were off and we were just standing there?”
“Oh, this was meant to scare me?” Larissa teased, coming to stand across from you at your desk.
“I thought it was very terrifying!” Said Eugene as he took off his zombie mask. “I haven’t been this thrilled since half of my bees flew away and battled an enemy tribe.”
“That’s…. so very interesting,” you nodded, attempting to picture how bees would have a ‘battle.’
“Class is dismissed early today,” Larissa announced, and your class broke out in excited whispers.
When you nodded, they all began to rush out into the halls.
“I’m not sure if I should be flattered or concerned,” Larissa teased. “I must admit, I’ve never been pranked by a teacher before.”
“I’m honored to be the first,” you teased, taking off your cape before going over to wrap your arms around her.
“I could fail your faculty inspection for cult activity.”
“You could, but then I’d get fired, and you’d have no one to bring you coffee to your office every morning.”
“I could get an assistant,” she teased.
“Yes, but they would buy the cheap coffee grounds. I splurge for the whole $7 pack.”
Larissa laughed, her voice airy and angelic.
“Besides,” you added with a small smile, “you like having me around.”
“What do you mean? All I did was marry you.”
You shook your head, grinning. “And now we have an entire cult.”
taglist: @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @goodeday2u @traumatisedfangirl @mayfair-fleur
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midmourn · 7 months
drivers license
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title drivers license
pairing huang renjun x gender neutral!reader
summary you don’t know how he can be so okay when you’re not.
warnings angst, post break up
word count 1308
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“I hate him, but I miss him. How is that even possible?” You murmur into Karina’s shoulder, the dark haired girl frowning in sympathy as she wrapped her arms around you. A cold breeze flew through the air, making you shiver and Karina held you tighter, as if she was the only thing holding you together.
“Love sucks,” is all she had to offer. The two of you have already gone through this so much throughout the last month since you and Renjun broke up. She didn’t know how someone could love and miss and hate the same person all at once. You talked even more about the boy than you did when you were still dating. She thought it was bad enough back then, now she missed that time more than ever. She never thought she would.
“I wish …” You sniffed, feeling tears sting at your eyes. No, you weren’t going to cry. Not again. “I wish I never met him.”
Karina didn’t say anything. She was too distracted by the fact that the bane of your existence and the object of your desires all at once walked in, a familiar blonde girl walking in front of him. You heard her inhale sharply, pulling you away and grabbing your face in her hands. You frowned, looking at her in confusion as tears gathered in the corner of your eyes.
“Let’s go to a Rage Room,” she smiled, desperately trying to keep your eyes on her. She always did. “Get all our anger out there.” She then added, “Legally.”
Despite the tears, you laughed and wiped under your eyes, “OK. Let’s go.”
Karina didn’t tell you that Renjun was there, or that his eyes followed you out of the diner. She was terrible for it; but she couldn’t let him hurt you again.
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After finally getting your driver’s license, you willingly drove everywhere. More often than not, you were out and about instead of wallowing in your room. Your friends would ask for rides in an attempt to distract you, but very rarely would it work. Especially when you always somehow found yourself driving through the same streets you once went to almost every other day. But instead, you weren’t the one driving back then— Renjun was.
The car slowed down as you drove past a familiar home, and you found yourself searching through the windows and yard for even a glance of Renjun. When you did, you regretted it immediately.
At the side of the house, Renjun wore swim trunks and held a pool floatie in his hand, looking behind him. Your heart soared at the sight of him in betrayal, before it dropped when you saw what he was looking at.
As soon as you saw the familiar, long, blonde hair, your foot pressed down on the gas and sped away from the house. Tears blurred your vision, blinking repeatedly to get them out as you could see as you drove. You hope he didn’t know what car you drove. You knew he didn’t.
How could he be so OK after you were gone? Did he never actually care? If he did care, he wouldn’t still be hanging out with the girl that broke the two of you up.
Your lips trembled, blinking furiously as your chest rose up and down at a pace that was concerning. A broken sob ripped out of your chest, making you immediately pull to the side of the road and park your car.
“Oh, come on, just show me!” You laughed, not understanding why Renjun was so worried for you to see the notebook in his hands.
“No! It’s embarrassing,” Renjun laughed in embarrassment, clutching his notebook to his chest tightly.
“Do you think I’ll laugh?” You tilted your head, looking at him with a soft smile. You then understood it was a vulnerable moment for him. “I won’t. I love everything you do.”
Renjun stared at you for a moment before relenting, slowly placing the notebook on the table, “OK, but … If you hate it, don’t tell me. Just pretend you like it.”
“No need to pretend,” you grin, sliding the notebook to your side of the table and flicking through it until you got to the last page that was written on. Your eyes carefully read through the lyrics, spotting your name with hearts decorated around it adorably on top. You swore your heart stopped beating for a moment before it rapidly increased in beats. When you finished, your face was blank and you didn’t say anything for a moment.
He sighed, throwing his head back as he closed his eyes in embarrassment and dread, “See, I knew you’d hate it. Why do you never listen to me—” He whined cutely, trying to change the topic so you two never had to speak about the damn song again.
“Shut up,” you cut him off, reaching over the table to grip his cheeks lightly, making him stare you in the eyes. “Huang Renjun, I love you. I love this song. And …” Your grin grew bashful, “I want us to be together forever, too.”
Guess he didn’t mean that.
For the next thirty minutes, you sobbed and screamed in the driver's seat of your car. You were sure you looked like a mess to the other people in their cars, but you didn’t care. Not at the moment, anyway.
Your crying fit was interrupted when red and blue lights shone through the car. You hadn’t realized how quickly it got dark in the past thirty minutes. Cursing when you saw the police car parking behind you, you threw your head back in frustration. It didn’t matter if Renjun didn’t love you anymore, because your parents would kill you if you got a ticket this early into your driver’s license.
You rolled down your window as the officer walked up to the car, his flashlight shining at the car.
“Everything alright here?” The brown haired man asked, glancing around inside the car before looking outside the car.
Clearing your throat, you forgot you had been crying and your eyes and face were flushed red. Your swiped at your face almost discreetly, but you knew he saw. “Um, yeah, I’m fine, Officer. Sorry, just …” You paused, unsure how to go about this. Law enforcement made you nervous. “Got some bad news.”
He nodded slowly, your eyes glancing down to his badge to read JUNG on the name tag. “I’m sorry to hear that. Alright, well … It’s dangerous out at night around here, you should get on home.”
“Yes, sir, thank you,” you forced a smile, nodding. Officer Jung stared at you for a moment before nodding once and walking back to his car. You watched him start to leave, the red and blue lights blinding you momentarily.
For a moment, you swore you could see Renjun’s face in the lights. You blinked, and he was gone. You scoffed at yourself in disbelief after pausing in shock, shaking your head and turning your car on. Were you going crazy?
It wasn’t abnormal for you to see Renjun’s face in everything. You’d think you saw him across the room, and almost give yourself whiplash trying to find him. He was never there.
You exhaled, glancing around as you came up to the street that held Renjun’s favorite cat cafe. You stopped at the red light just before you’d turn, thinking. Did you really want to drive past the cafe? Knowing you’d just torture yourself by being reminded of all the memories.
When the light turned green, you did an illegal U-turn and ignored the furious honking behind you. You sped down the street, letting out a breath of relief once you were away from the street.
You’d just find another way to get home. Even if it was longer.
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sour masterlist. main masterlist.
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: OK OK HEAR ME OUT; What if in your most recent post of Alcina lost child Au, both Alcina and Miranda encounter Y/N again but... plot twist they where adopted by a corporation that experimented in childs to become them in the perfect soldier, completely loyal and emotionless, they are in the village for a mision to see if the residents in there are dangerous to the outside world and in case of so, they have the order to kill them all. Imagine the guility and heartbroken they might feel since their little child became just another weapon...
Alright, so this was requested a loooong time ago. I finally got around to it XD This was inspired by my Alcina’s long lost child AU.
You were taken and experimented on relentlessly by Umbrella as a baby. The corporation had found your file and knew your origin. The product of two powerful bioweapons… It was too good of an opportunity for them to pass up.
You didn’t even know who your parents were and yet… You hated them. It was their fault that you were being tortured. Your every waking moment for the first few years of your life was excruciating. Needles, imaging, testing. Was this truly all you were meant to be? Some… Lab rat?
You grew up with no affection. Just sterile and generic questions. “How have you felt since we did the last test? Any symptoms?”
You tried to reach out to other people. To talk to them and ask them questions. To build some semblance of a human connection… But it was useless.
Nobody gave a shit.
So… You started shutting down.
No tears, no smiles. What was the point? People didn’t care. You learned to shut off that part of yourself fairly quickly.
Thankfully, once it was clear that you did not possess the powers that your parents did (Or any, for that matter), The experiments began to lessen and eventually stopped.
Shortly before Umbrella began to crumble from the inside out, the B.S.A.A. liberated you and put you into protective custody within the confines of their organization. You knew a lot about the inner machinations of Umbrella and were a vital source of information for them.
While the people with B.S.A.A. were largely nicer than the scientists at Umbrella, it was soon clear that they also wanted to use you.
Thankfully, a kind agent decided to take you under his wing. His name was Chris Redfield. He was appalled at everything you had been through and made a silent vow to protect you from then on.
While you were still closely monitored by B.S.A.A., Chris raised you at his house alongside his little sister, Claire. She was a few years older than you, but she always tried to include you in whatever she was doing. She was sweet.
However… It was too late to save you from the psychological damage you sustained.
You have no compassion, no empathy. Your brain just doesn’t work like that anymore. It’s been programmed to survive that way.
You actually hate being around other people. They’re weak. Their self-centered and petty little lives are a joke. They pretend that their existence has some higher meaning. That they are worthy of respect, admiration… Love.
It’s ridiculous.
Other people may have been fed bullshit their entire lives, but not you. For as sucky as your childhood was, it opened your eyes to the truth. You understand firsthand that greed is how the world actually works. Everyone is in it for themselves.
Money. Power. Influence. That’s what people secretly desire. However, nobody seems to have the balls to come out and say it so plainly. They want to hide behind their beliefs and “Morals”.
That’s okay. You couldn’t give less of a shit. Let them delude themselves.
Your only true loyalty lies with Chris and Claire. Even though you are unable to form any real attachment to them, they are the only people you would even consider helping if they needed it. Chris got you out of the shitty situation you were living in and you would spend the rest of your life trying to repay that favor.
Chris knew that you wanted to do what he did for a living. He would have much preferred to protect you from the horrors of bioterrorism, but… Well, you’re pretty much the embodiment of it. So, he reluctantly agreed. If you wanted something this badly, then he was going to do his best to make it happen. He started training you in marksmanship.
You became skilled. Very skilled. You devoted all of your time to it. Only taking necessary breaks to eat or sleep. Then, it was back to training.
Chris pretty much molded you into the perfect agent… And now, here you are. On your first mission together.
You and Chris are being flown to a rural area in Romania. There is intel suggesting the possible presence of B.O.W.s and it’s on you to determine if they are a threat… Or might become one.
Hound Wolf Squad were flown in a few hours earlier and are currently in a holding position, waiting for you and Chris.
Chris, never one to bullshit you, sits down next to you on the helicopter. “Looks like there might be some big action, kid. Rolando’s been scoping out the area and… It’s pretty hot with B.O.W.s,” He says quietly. “I just want you to know that it’s… Okay to be worried, Y/N. Many experienced agents still have jitters before a mission.”
You’re currently cleaning one of your guns. “Obliterate the target or die trying. It’s all the same to me, Redfield,” You tell him, not even turning to look at him.
Chris breathes out a laugh at this. You’re truly one of a kind. He pats your arm before standing up again. “Good talk, Y/N,” He says.
It’s true, though. So what if you die? It can’t be much different than living. You finish up before the pilot announces that you’ve arrived.
The helicopter lands in an abandoned field and you and Chris hop out.
“Alright, you and me will head into the village and Hound Wolf Squad will be tailing us,” Chris instructs.
You nod silently at this.
“We want to be able to get information out of them, so we’ll try the, uh, non-violent path first,” He says. “Who knows… Maybe it’ll be as simple as sitting down and having some coffee with them?” He smiles.
You almost feel a small fondness tugging your heart at Chris’s statement. After all he’s been through, he always tries to see the good in people.
You two make the trek into the village and Chris is able to get in contact with Hound Wolf Squad. They’ll be here to offer backup if you need it. All seems to be going according to plan.
However… The closer you both get to the center of the village… The more you get this weird… Sensation. It’s like your very being is thrumming.
Something about this place… Is drawing you in. Wanting you to be here.
For the first time in years you feel… A stab of panic. What is happening to you? This isn’t normal.
But… You don’t say anything. Whatever this feeling is, it’s your problem to deal with. You’re not going to drag Chris down with you.
You two look around at the ramshackle buildings in town.
Chris whistles. “What a shit hole,” He murmurs.
You try to shake off the warm pulse that is flowing through you. “It looks completely deserted,” You remark.
Chris nods in agreement. “You’re right,” He says. He looks off in the distance and spots the castle. A gentle light is emanating from the windows and smoke is billowing out of its chimney. “I think that may be our best bet, kid. Let’s go check it out,” He says, pointing at the ornate building.
You nod silently and the two of you begin the journey up the side of the mountain. It’s rather uneventful, and that’s a welcome change. This place is kind of freaking you out, a feat you didn’t even know was possible.
But… What awaits you is about to change your life forever. You’re about to learn the story of where you came from.
Whether you want to or not.
Note: Cliffhanger! Let me know what you thought and thanks for reading!
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lmaopuli · 8 months
To Give Him Something Back
“I want to tell you something, but I don’t know how you’re gonna respond.”
Mason peered up at you in confusion. He had been in and out of sleep all evening, happy to be back in the arms of his girl. Yeah, the loss in Istanbul had been defeating, frustrating even. He replayed the match in his head over and over on the flight back, wondering what would’ve happened if he had been there or there in time. What would’ve happened if he took that chance. But nothing compared to the feeling of coming home to you. No matter how mad he was at himself, you were always there for him. Just a few minutes of your condolences and praises made him think, you know what, everything’s gonna be ok.
“You can tell me anything baby.”
And that was true. In the few months you’d known Mase, you quickly realized that how trustworthy he was. You could make an absolute fool out of yourself, and he wouldn’t judge you.
Like when you were over at his place for dinner for one of your first dates. He was adamant on making it fun and memorable with homemade pizzas. To your luck, you opening the jar of pizza sauce somehow led to it exploding all over your new white blouse and jeans. At that moment, your face was a brighter red than the pizza sauce. You wanted to escape his house, stat. Better yet, escape the country and legally change your name. Anything would be better than dealing with the embarrassment of making a fool out of yourself in front of the most handsome man you’ve ever laid eyes on. He was already way out of your league. You were just a normal girl who worked in the medical team at United. Not some Instagram model he’d typically go for. Those girls would never embarrass themselves like this, you thought.
However, in those few seconds you were questioning your entire existence, Mase beamed at you. To him, you were you. You weren’t pretending to somebody else. You weren’t talking to him to one day gain thousands of Instagram followers. Yes, you carried yourself extremely well, had incredible style, and were so gorgeous he went weak in the knees the first time he saw you. You’d easily knock those models out of the park. But you also cared about helping others, were super close with your family, and had hobbies and interests of your own. You were what he needed in a girl. So no, being covered in pizza sauce could never make him lose interest in you. In fact, Mase found you even more endearing in that moment. He just chuckled and mumbled, “let’s get you cleaned up baby”.
Moments like that proved to you how good of a man Mason was. In the entirety of your short relationship, he was adamant on showing you how serious he was. He was the one who made the first move. He was the one you asked you out. He was the one who planned all the dates so far. He was the one who made sure you felt comfortable at all times. He made you feel wanted, and most importantly, safe. Tonight, you wanted to give him something back. Something to show him that he meant so much to you too.
You sucked in a deep breath. “I don’t want you to feel like you need to say anything back. I just want to tell you.”
Mase brought up his hand to your face, thumb stroking your cheekbone to comfort you. He could practically sense the overthinking happening in your brain. “Go on, love”.
You couldn’t make eye contact with him anymore, your mouth suddenly going dry. Just say it! you thought to yourself.
“I’m in love with you” you blurted out. Unsure if you said it too fast for Mase to even catch what you said. Did I say this too soon? Was this a mistake?
You finally caught his eyes once you were brave enough to look at his face again. And once you did, you never wanted to forget the way he looked at you in that moment. His beautiful, big brown eyes were wide and glossed over. This wasn’t a look of shock or disgust. This wasn’t the look you were dreading. No, this was a look of love. He didn’t need to say anything back because in that moment, you already knew how he felt.
But of course, he managed to make this night even better. With his thumb still grazing your cheekbone and his voice slightly shaking he whispered, “I’m in love with you too angel. So, so much”.
Soooo, this is me hard launching myself on Mason Tumblr 🙃 I’m by no means a fic writer, but this is just a little blurb/concept I’ve been thinking about. I’ve been a silent reader for so so long, and I was just really inspired by all you amazing writers on here. Likes, reblogs, and messages are so appreciated. Idk if I should keep doing these 👀anyways I’m so soft for this man lol 🫠
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n3xii · 2 years
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Hey! This is a continuation of my icon series. This is the second installment. This pick a card explores HOW you're forgetting your icon status at the moment. I really like this reading because it addresses the ways you may be dismissing your self worth and value in the world. Check my pinned post for personal readings , I do not do free personal readings or free exchanges.
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Pile one
I feel like people who chose this pile have facilitated a major transformation in their lifes for self improvement. You're ambitious and know that willpower is how you're gonna reach the end goal you have in mind. But spirit is showing me that you want everything to go your way, you feel that if you even embody who you were in the past even in the slightest then you're completely derailed off your path. This is not true. The goal isn't to hate who you once were and pretend it never existed. Change is an act of self love, don't use it as an act of self resentment. You can still be you and change, you can still have habits you don't like and still be on your path to success. The advice spirit has for you is that you're not alone, acknowledge the people who came before you in your ancestors and honor them. There may be a small quantity of people here who feel ashamed of where they came from and feel the need to change themselves in order to blend in. Your ancestory is beautiful, your culture is beautiful. Don't ignore or try to push this part of you away for the comfort of others
Pile two
Vulnerability scares this pile. Keeping things inside and letting others try to guess and figure you out is how you cope with a fear of vulnerability. But spirit is showing me that you may end up hiding yourself and your light because of this. Opening up can be scary, and reverting back to your innerworld is what feels safe, but no one has the power to dim your light. You've been hurt in the past, you've seen others hurt. Keeping to yourself and not letting people figure you out is a response to this idea that the more people who see who you really are, the more likely you are gonna be hurt or have your light dimmed. You may feel like you have to dim your light in order to be fully accepted. You gatekeep yourself because you don't know who is accessing your energy and what implications that has. youre releasing soul patterns and past life's, in a past life I'm feeling you had many close connections but one in particular that scared you. In this life youre healing from that and learning to extend yourself to others fully. there's nothing wrong with gatekeeping yourself from people who may not deserve you, that actually aligns with the patterns your releasing on a soul level. But don't avoid connection so much that you never let you light be seen. You're forgetting your icon status by letting past hurtful experiences inform how you engage with vulnerability
Pile three
Youre always waiting for the right moment, the right push and the right feeling. You're waiting for your calling. You wait and preserve your energy when you could be using it to set your purpose into action. spirit is letting you know that you don't need permission to act. Stop reserving momentum for the "right moment" THERE IS ALWAYS A RIGHT MOMENT TO SET SOMETHING INTO ACTION. You're gonna feel in your soul when something is right and when it's not, and you are constantly waiting to receive that feeling of "ok now is the right time" you don't need to do that. You will know in your spirit, you don't need outside permission or an external signal. It's all within you. Your forgetting your icon status by always handing off permission to act and initiate a desire to spirit. You are guided in spiritual relams. You may feel lost and like you don't belong but you're actually here for an important purpose. Everyone is. You are always waiting for that purpose to be extended to you but it's up to you to go out there and experience the world. You don't receive purpose by sitting there and waiting for it.
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