#let people relax in five-star hotels!
respectthepetty · 11 months
The office ladies in You Are Mine manipulating Shun Yu into asking the General Manager for a nice work retreat in a five-star hotel, so they don't have to go on another camping trip is an extra reason in a long list of reasons why I love these ladies.
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When the GM got Shun Yu food, he immediately wanted to share it with his office crew, which upset the GM, but that's how I know they have each others' back.
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Office crew > Boss man
70 notes · View notes
taexual · 8 months
sleepwalking ● 18 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
summary: due to unfortunate circumstances, you ended up managing your ex-boyfriend’s band. you thought you’ve both made peace with it, but suddenly he’s very eager to prove to you that first love never dies.
genre: rockstar!jungkook / exes to lovers
warnings: explicit language, mentions of violence, descriptions of smoking, ANGST, some fluff, SLOW BURN
words: 13.9k
read from the beginning ○ masterlist
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chapter 18 ► if everything i said was true, then why am i paralysed?
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You and Jungkook spent the rest of Rated Riot’s day off in your hotel room in Manchester.
People kept coming to check on you, including Minjun, who made a hesitant appearance but brightened up immediately when he heard you and Jungkook laughing just before he opened the door to your room. And after the last visitors—the rest of the Rated Riot members, who had accidentally knocked over a lamp and broken the wardrobe door within fifteen minutes of entering the room—had left, you and Jungkook found yourselves alone in the room again.
You both reached a compromise to lie on the bed and talk since you refused to sleep, and he refused to let you out of the room.
It wasn’t exactly a pillow fort that you’d built for yourselves—really, it was more of a loose, cosy blanket hut—but it still brought back memories of the nights you’d spent in your dorm room years ago. And after last night’s conversation, you couldn’t help but think about all the nights that hadn’t happened because Jungkook was trying to do something more for you.
Really, this was all you needed—back then and, as it turned out, right now: some pillows for comfort and Jungkook laughing next to you.
He rolled onto his side, and you mirrored his position until you were facing each other. Suddenly, you both had to strain very hard not to laugh again. But the story that had amused you at first—about Jungkook and Hoseok’s failed attempt to bake a cake for Yoongi’s birthday the previous year, which was another thing Jungkook hadn’t mentioned to you after nearly setting his apartment on fire—had almost faded from your mind.
You were just happy to be in the moment.
You felt dizzy from the vitamins you’d received over the past few days. And from the shower you’d taken half an hour ago. And from the fact that lying here on the hotel bed with Jungkook was almost overwhelming. It felt a little like you had lost an important piece of yourself—just dropped it somewhere absentmindedly—and now you’d accidentally found it, fully intact.
But at the dark corners of your mind, there were worries. You couldn’t help it—not even the star-shaped pattern reflected in his dark eyes could distract you from the inevitability of the Future. And of Consequences.
What did this mean?
All the thoughtful gestures, the well-meaning mishaps, the inevitable insecurities, and the constant presence of his friends that the two of you had talked about last night. And the bet, too.
What would happen next?
You were about to pull away and succumb fully to your anxiety, but Jungkook reached out a hand—his tattoos blurred in the shadows of your dark room—to sweep a strand of hair from your cheek, and you discovered that, despite everything, your body had not relinquished its instinctive response to his touch.
You felt your breath slowing down, your muscles relaxing. His fingertips gently brushed over the skin of your cheek, and the goosebumps on the back of your neck ran wild. You closed your eyes and exhaled.
Five minutes, he’d once asked you. Five minutes that won’t mean anything once they’re over.
“I feel,” he spoke up softly, and you opened your eyes again, “a bit like we’re back in Amsterdam.”
Hesitantly—against his wishes, really—he withdrew his hand and placed it on the pillow under his cheek.
“We’re, uh—we’re very far from Amsterdam,” you replied.
You didn’t mean the physical distance, of course. You meant the moments from leaving the bed in Amsterdam to being in this bed here, in Manchester—with your arm still slightly stinging from the catheter.
“I know,” Jungkook said. You rolled onto your back, your eyes fixed on the ceiling, even though your mind kept shouting at you to look at him. “But I’m scared to leave this room because I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
You pressed your lips together and ran your tongue over them. You wondered if his fear matched yours, or if they were two opposite sides of the same coin.
You turned your head. “What do you mean?”
He observed you for a moment. The lines of laughter hadn’t faded from your face yet, and you looked breathtaking.
He realised that it was much harder to admit things in the daylight than at night. Arctic Monkeys had made a good point.
“I mean, I don’t know if you’ll be okay,” he said. “If—”
“I will be,” you cut in.
He swallowed. “I don’t know if you’ll talk to me again.”
The look in his eyes was hopeful but uncertain, and you turned back to the ceiling. There was something comforting about the smooth tiles above. They didn’t make you feel like your chest was exploding into millions of little pieces, each with his name inked on it.
“I’m talking to you now,” you managed to say, even after your voice broke on the third syllable.
“Right,” he said. “But I mean about things that really matter.”
“Well,” you inhaled, “we talked about a lot of them last night.”
“Yeah, but that was—you know.” This time, it was Jungkook who rolled onto his back and clasped his hands on his stomach. “Things that happened years ago.”
“Yeah, but they’re new to me,” you pointed out.
“Sure,” he agreed. His foot twitched as he tried to find his words. “But I’m—we haven’t decided if that changes things. Not that I’m—I mean—”
“It changes things.”
He turned his head to look at you. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you said. “I don’t know what to say because my mind is just, sort of… well, I don’t know. What I do know is that I like being here with you, and I don’t want to think about leaving.”
Jungkook thought that feeling this way was impossible.
After the existential fever that he’d gone through—and all the cigarettes he’d smoked to stay on his feet—his chest and lungs and, really, about three-quarters of his entire body should have turned to ash by now.
But lying next to you and hearing you say that you liked being here with him made him feel more alive than ever before.
“I don’t want to think about it, either,” he admitted in a hushed tone, as if he was revealing a secret. “B-but—we—we’ll have to leave, though.”
A small smile formed on your face. “You sound like me.”
He smiled, too. “I try.”
You snorted and looked away. There was a time restriction on how long you could look at him and keep your brain functioning.
“I know we’ll have to,” you said. “But here’s a, um—an unconventional suggestion. How about we don’t do this right now? How about we don’t talk about the bet, or about us, or about what anything means, and just—let’s just not talk.”
He could do that. He could just not talk.
But it would kill him—having five, fifteen, even thirty minutes of ignorant peace with you. That was simply not enough time.
He didn’t just want an hour with you. He wanted a lifetime.
“Okay. So,” he started, scratching a spot between his knuckles, “what do you want to do?”
“I want,” you replied, swallowing your inner disquiet, “not to have to make any decisions.”
“About us?” he asked. The slight hint of panic in his voice made you tap your restless fingers against the blanket beneath you.
“About anything.”
The room lit up as a car pulled into one of the side alleys behind your hotel room window.
“Reconnaissance?” he said—not really a statement, but not quite a question, either. The name of the band that he’d loved so much suddenly sounded like the start of a curse. “Have you—have you decided if you’re leaving?”
You squeezed your eyes shut, almost nauseous from the sudden surge of stress. It seemed like every aspect of your life required your immediate attention and demanded an answer to a crucial, life-altering question. It felt like everything was slipping away—and you were trying to catch it all at once, and couldn’t catch anything at all.
You really didn’t want to leave this room.
“I haven’t decided how I’m getting out of this bed,” you finally said, your groan muffled by something thick lodged in your throat. You shifted your body to face him but kept your eyes closed. “I don’t know what to tell you, Jungkook. I’m so—I’m just—”
“Okay,” he cut in hastily. He didn’t like the wrinkle between your eyebrows—he preferred the wrinkles by your lips. “Well, look—we don’t—we don’t have to talk about anything that makes you uncomfortable. If you want to go back to work, we can do that. If you want to avoid me, then I’ll—well, I—”
“I don’t want to avoid you,” you said.
“Okay,” he said again because that was the only word he trusted himself with. Hesitantly, he added, “so… truce, then?”
You opened your eyes. “Truce?”
“Yeah,” he said. “Let’s stop avoiding each other. And let’s just focus on our work.”
It sounded a little like another one of his five-minute promises—driven by the urgency to make it so, to drown out the doubts that this was weak. That it wouldn’t work. That you could never go back and expect everything to be okay without making any real decisions about anything: not your relationship, not your future, not even what you’d do tomorrow.
“Can we actually do that?” you asked anyway—and because you did, Jungkook nodded enthusiastically.
“Of course,” he assured. “We can do anything.”
You needed to hear that—even if it wasn’t true. Even if it was temporary.
Knowing that someone was willing to take the responsibility for a decision away from you was good enough for the moment.
“Okay,” you said. “Truce, then.”
He nodded. “Okay.”
“We’ll talk,” you promised quietly, closing your eyes again. “Just not right now.”
You could almost feel the unease settling into a slumber deep inside your mind. It would wake eventually.
All the words, all the feelings—all of it had been left unsaid. Some of it unthought. But it was still there, hovering on the hazy edge of your subconscious, and fighting—the more you resisted—to break out.
But then Jungkook asked if he had ever told you about Taehyung walking in his sleep when he had the flu on tour last year, and all the anxious spaces inside of your chest eased. You smiled as you listened, and you had all you needed—and nothing less—right here again.
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The next morning, you left your hotel room feeling a little lighter.
You haven’t fully processed—or adjusted to—the things that Jungkook had revealed to you, but you’d found somewhat of a common ground with him. You could tolerate each other’s presence with surprising ease despite the weight of all the decisions looming over you.
You returned to your duties as soon as you left the hotel. You saw a new text message from Nick on your phone, but you had no time—or wish—to deal with Reconnaissance right now.
At such short notice, the best solution you could find for Jungkook’s black eye was an eye patch. Fortunately, you didn’t have to go far from the venue to find one before Rated Riot started their soundcheck.
Even more fortunate was the fact that the band and the staff all found the eye patch so amusing that they kept making pirate jokes—much to Jungkook’s growing annoyance—and it distracted everyone from your fainting spell and the two days you had spent in bed.
The eye patch was black to match his outfit, or at least that was what you told him. In reality, the only place near the venue where you could buy eye patches was a costume shop.
When you returned to the venue with a dark costume bag, Namjoon happened to be passing by in the corridor. He had no choice but to become an accessory to your petty crime as you grabbed the eye patch and hid the rest of the costume in Namjoon’s suitcase.
There was no reason for Jungkook to know about the rest of the costume, and Namjoon—once he stopped laughing—agreed.
You figured that as long as the patch covered the bandages and discolouration around Jungkook’s eye, it would be okay.
Jungkook, of course, had a different opinion.
“I look stupid,” he insisted when you and Jimin were double-checking the sound equipment. The two of you wanted to make sure no damage had been done to it when the venue staff cleaned up after the flood.
“Should’ve thought about that before you got a black eye,” you mumbled half-heartedly, too preoccupied with the list of electronics that Jimin had handed you. You didn’t recognise most of the devices on the list and couldn’t even read what some were called in the awful lighting backstage.
Meanwhile, Rated Riot’s temporary opening act finished her set, allowing Seokjin to go out and prepare the stage for the band. Expectant cheers from the audience lifted your spirits as you followed Jimin’s list.
Maggie had been the one who secured this up-and-coming artist to open for the band tonight. Her name was Ivy, and she had tattoos of ivy vines all over her arms, which may have been the initial reason Maggie chose her. But as soon as Ivy started to sing, there was no question about her talent.
“Hey, Jungkook!” Seokjin called out ten minutes later, and you glanced up just as he walked down the steps from the stage. “Serious question: what has six eyes, six legs, and six arms?”
You guessed the punchline before Jungkook could even open his mouth. “How is that—”
“Six pirates!” Seokjin answered, and his endearing—and so contagious that it was almost ungodly—windshield wiper laugh made you chuckle as well. Jimin hiccupped and turned away from everyone, presumably to conceal his own laughter.
“That’s it, I’m taking this off,” Jungkook declared in frustration, reaching for the string that secured the patch.
You stopped laughing and jumped up, shouting a panicked “no!” and quickly grabbing his wrist.
He looked up, momentarily stunned by your touch.
“If you go on that stage with your bandages and a black eye underneath, the label will send us straight home,” you said. “I don’t care how much you sweat or how many pirate jokes these guys make. You’re wearing this.”
He pouted, exaggerating his reaction, but there was genuine discomfort in his healthy eye, even if it was drowning in black eye shadow. He knew it would be unprofessional to get on stage without covering up his wounds, but he worried the eye patch was a worse alternative.
“I look fucking stupid,” he said, and to be fair, he did look silly—to say the least. But you had seen him at the soundcheck. When he performed, his make-up and accessories faded against his voice and stage presence.
“You don’t,” you reassured him again. “You’re a rockstar. You can pull off an eye patch.”
He continued to watch you, his pout becoming more dramatic when he scrunched his nose. You felt a smile spreading on your lips. He had looked at you like this on purpose many times—usually to convince you that he couldn’t possibly survive without seeing you right this instant, even though you had to study for exams—and your chest immediately warmed.
You managed to nod again to reaffirm what you’d just said. Finally, he sighed and let go of the patch. You released his wrist and took a step back.
Just then, Jimin emerged from behind one of the amplifiers to your left. You couldn’t see the wide grin on his face, but Jungkook could, and he reached for Hoseok’s drumsticks right away.
“Ready when you are, Captain,” Jimin said and then quickly ducked as Jungkook tossed the drumstick at his head.
“Fuck off,” he grumbled, ignoring Jimin’s laughter and allowing Yoongi to guide him to the stairs that led to the stage.
“Do you really think he can pull this off?” Jimin asked you as the band members walked towards the dimly lit stage entrance.
All four of them stumbled over their feet at least once, but you didn’t react—you’ve been their manager long enough to know that tripping before a concert was almost a good luck charm.
“Because I assume,” Jimin went on, “that he was trying to divert attention from his eye patch by applying all the black eyeshadow he has to his other eye.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, suspecting the same. “Up close, he sort of looks like Captain Hook and Edward Scissorhands had a baby.”
“Oh my God, he does,” Jimin whispered in awe and grabbed onto your shoulder to steady himself as his laughter erupted in violent waves. “Someone needs to get him a wig, so—so he could wear Captain Hook’s hat, too—with the—with the feather and everything—”
The image finally made you lose your composure, too. Seokjin looked up when he heard your laughter and approached to learn what was so funny. After Jimin panted through an answer, the stage manager joined in.
The three of you laughed so hard that you transcended noise and just wheezed voicelessly like malfunctioning dog whistles.
Suddenly, Jungkook turned to look at you from the side of the stage as he inserted his earpiece. You had half a second to pull yourself together before he lost confidence and threw the eye patch away.
Quickly, you raised your hand and formed an ‘O’ with your fingers to signal that everything was okay—even though you had tears in your eyes and the laughter of the two boys did not help you keep a straight face.
Jungkook had doubt in his eyes—well, eye—but you bit your lip and gave him another reassuring nod. Despite your amusement, you could tell he looked ready. And from this far, his eyeshadow didn’t look all that threatening.
As you watched the intense concentration on his face, it was hard to imagine there being anything in this world that could make him look bad. Neither the eye patch, nor the heavy make-up truly managed it.
Jungkook took a step forward just as Taehyung played the first note on his bass. The audience greeted the band with explosive cries that reached you at the back of the stage.
“I have to go,” you told Seokjin and Jimin while they continued to gasp for breath—because they started laughing every time they looked at each other. “Someone has to make sure the eye patch doesn’t fall off during the show.”
“We should find him a bottle of rum,” Seokjin said, and Jimin threw his whole body backwards as he laughed.
“A parrot,” he managed between wheezes, prompting Seokjin to clap in vigorous approval as his face contorted with near-painful laughter.
You were still snickering when you walked away to watch the show from the venue.
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Fortunately, Jungkook’s eye patch stayed in place throughout Rated Riot’s performance. What surprised you, however, was the effect it had on the audience.
Unlike everyone backstage, the fans didn’t find the eye patch funny or ridiculous. They loved it.
Granted, you probably should have seen this coming. When Jungkook took off his shirt in the second half of the show, which had become almost a tradition at this point, the eye patch—along with his tattoos, dishevelled hair and messy make-up—did, sort of, make your breath catch in your throat as well.
But as luck would have it, you couldn’t concentrate too much on what was happening on stage because your friends—bless them—kept giving you worried looks. It was very sweet of them, of course, but you started to feel sicker than you really were.
As the show approached its conclusion, you realised that you were feeling slightly lightheaded, after all. It usually got very hot very quickly this close to the stage, so you weren’t too worried. Still, you decided to miss the last few songs just in case.
You returned backstage just as Rated Riot started their encore. You hoped to have a few minutes alone with your thoughts and a bottle of water. However, as soon as you walked through the corridor towards the waiting area, you nearly collided with Minjun.
You pulled back, startled. “Hey. What are you doing here?”
“Headache,” he said, holding up his beer bottle as if that was his solution to the problem. “What about you? Do you—do you maybe happen to have a minute?”
You were surprised that Minjun would need any of your minutes at all.
“Uh—” you glanced back, even though the noise of the concert was loud enough to hear without turning around. “Sure. What’s up?”
“I wanted to talk to you,” he explained, putting his bottle on the table near the dressing room. He shoved his hands in his pockets and paused before turning around. “Uh, first of all, um—are you okay?”
Your polite smile seemed to hide a deep weariness. The corner of your lip fluttered treacherously.
“Yeah,” you said. “I’m fine.”
“I heard that’s your default answer,” he remarked sheepishly.
You hadn’t expected that. Unlike Sid, who only asked questions to fill the silence, Minjun observed you in a way that Jungkook often did—with a quiet determination to get you to admit the truth.
Your expression softened.
“I mean it,” you said. “I really do feel better. Just a little dizzy, but I guess that’s because it’s really hot out there.”
“Yeah—oh, can I get you water? A beer?” he asked. You sensed guilty undertones in his offer; as though he wanted to do something nice for you to redeem himself.
“Water would be great,” you said. “But I can—”
“One second!”
He hurried into the dressing room and returned half a minute later with a bottle of water from the mini-fridge, its plastic cloudy from condensation.
“Thank you,” you said. “Do you want to sit?”
You gestured towards the couch, pushed against the far wall of the corridor. He nodded in response, and the two of you sat down in complete—and a little awkward—silence.
“So, was that… what you wanted to talk to me about?” you asked, unsure what to make of his discomfort as he fiddled his fingers next to you. He looked like he was about to shed his skin.
“No, um—it’s not,” he said. “Uh… I wanted to talk about Jungkook. I meant to do it earlier, but, well, you weren’t feeling well, and I didn’t want to—”
“That’s okay,” you said, hoping to hide your impatience with another polite smile. “Talk to me.”
You took a sip of your water, which was far too cold to feel refreshing, while Minjun collected his thoughts.
“Well—h-he fucked up,” he said profoundly.
You nodded, not quite present in the conversation because you were trying not to open your mouth and hah-hah-hah from the cold water like you would if your throat was burning.
“Sure,” you said.
Minjun looked a little thrown off by the word. Given the extent of Jungkook’s suffering after he told you about the bet and couldn’t convince you to hear him out, Minjun assumed you would refuse to even hear a word about it.
“Sid had a lot to do with that,” he added, crossing his arms and stretching his denim jacket.
You nodded again, still as nonchalant as before. Minjun was a little perplexed.
But really, you’ve already talked to Jungkook—and Luna—about this. Not extensively, but it was enough for you to accept that it had happened, and that you didn’t possess a watch that could magically turn back time and make different choices.
Sid had proposed the bet, and Jungkook had played along with it. It was done. And now there was no reason to scream or storm out.
“He always does,” you said.
“That’s—well, that’s very true.” Minjun looked at the ground. He knew what he wanted to talk to you about, but your reasonable responses had left his thoughts in disarray, and now his mind was throwing random, incomprehensible bits of his rehearsed speech at him. “Jungkook, um—he thinks Sid likes you.”
You were already nodding once more when you froze, frowning instead. “Excu—what?”
“Yeah,” Minjun said, feeling a little more collected now that you finally reacted as he’d expected. “Apparently, he believes that Sid pressured him into making this bet because of that. To sabotage your relationship, I guess.”
You couldn’t help a scoff. “That’s dramatic.”
Minjun arched his brow. “Have you met Sid?”
“I didn’t say it didn’t fit his personality,” you said. “I just said it’s dramatic. And unnecessary”
“Well,” he shrugged one of his shoulders, “those are his middle names.”
“I don’t think it’s true, though,” your answer was quick. As if you hadn’t needed any time at all to think if this was possible. The very idea that Sid liked anyone other than himself was laughable.
“You don’t?” Minjun asked. He didn’t seem surprised by your disagreement. Merely curious to hear your reasoning.
“No,” you said. “If he liked me, he would have done something about it. I’ve known you guys almost as long as I’ve known Jungkook. And all that Sid’s done in this time, is make my life difficult.”
Minjun lowered his head. Those were his first assumptions as well. Sid wouldn’t stay on the sidelines that long. If he wanted something, he went to great lengths to get it.
But on the other hand, if Sid couldn’t get something, he often acted as if he’d never even wanted it, and harboured a deep resentment towards the object of desire at the same time.
Minjun sighed.
“I think I agree with you,” he said.
You turned to look at him. “Yeah?”
“Mmhmm,” he said. “I don’t know if Sid ever really liked you, but I think the real problem is that Sid’s jealous of Jungkook and everything Jungkook has. He’s inferior to Sid, you know? That’s how Sid sees it. And yet, Jungkook is in a rock band. He has shows almost every night. He has real friends, real talent, real support. And he has a girl he loves more than anything. All Sid has is money. He probably doesn’t even understand how it’s possible for money to matter so little.”
You bobbed your head in contemplation. Money held such a massive significance in this world. The fact that Sid had it in abundance and still couldn’t find contentment only proved how pitiful he truly was.
“I thought the same thing,” you admitted. “I always assumed there must be some tension between them now that Jungkook is more than just Sid’s friend. Or, really, his sidekick.”
Minjun nodded. “Exactly, yeah.”
You exhaled and stretched your legs. You wondered what Minjun’s logic was, since he knew what Sid was like, but did not do anything to rid himself of him.
“Why are you, by the way?” you asked. “Sid’s friend, I mean.”
Minjun’s sad smile confirmed to you that there was something more here. No one would have willingly chosen to keep Sid in their lives.
“I’m doing a community service to rescue Jude from his claws,” he said in a very serious tone. “And to leave Sid alone and miserable.”
“I admire your mission,” you said with an amused smile. “But seriously. Why?”
He sighed. He preferred the silly, made-up versions of his story.
I’m an undercover FBI agent collecting information on Sid so we can lock him up for good.
I’m writing a book on insufferable psychopaths. Sid is my primary research subject.
All of these made him appear like he had some control over his choices. They made him feel less pathetic.
“It’s a family thing,” Minjun said, closing his eyes and pulling the corner of his lip into his mouth. “I don’t...”
He let the sentence trail off, and you interjected softly, “you don’t have to tell me everything.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” he said, giving you an apologetic look. “It’s just… stupid. My family—well, my parents—they’ve been business partners with Sid’s mum for a long time. She bought my parents’ company, and they signed some partnership agreement that was supposed to guarantee that my parents retained full control of their business. But, uh, you know.”
“They still answer to Sid’s mum in the end,” you finished.
Minjun clicked his tongue. “Yeah. It’s… they used to send me off to play with Sid, and they would tell me to be nice to him. Because if I upset him and it gets to his mother, my parents are the ones who suffer for it.”
“That’s—that makes no sense,” you said, lacking a better description for something that sounded ridiculous and, frankly, surreal.
“I know,” he agreed. “But Sid’s mum is—he’s her only kid. And she really, really wanted to have kids. I don’t know the whole story—I never cared—but from what I’ve heard, Sid’s parents tried everything they could for a very long time to have children. They have the money for it. Still, nothing worked. And then, all of a sudden, Sid. Their miracle baby. Their little angel. Maybe if they hadn’t treated him like he was king, he would have turned out differently. But his mum doesn’t even hear the way he talks to her sometimes.”
You tsked, unimpressed. “I’m not surprised. Nothing’s sacred to him.”
“Yeah. He doesn’t care about others. And still, his mother is ready to unleash hell if anyone wrongs him,” Minjun said, reaching to brush some invisible dust from his upper arm. “The ironic thing is, though, everyone in my parents’ company was very happy when Sid was born. His mum was—well, understandably, she wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around when she was going through… all that, you know? And I say that respectfully. She threatened to bankrupt my mum after she got pregnant with me and tried to talk to Sid’s mum about parental leave.”
You’ve never met Sid’s parents, but you’ve had the misfortune of meeting Sid, and it wasn’t hard to imagine where he got his personality from.
“Ah,” you said. “So, the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree, huh?”
Minjun snickered and shook his head.
“Hmm, it doesn’t. But Sid’s mum found out a few weeks later that she was pregnant, too. And from then on, she was a real saint,” he said. “So, my parents were hoping that I could be the leverage if something went wrong in their business. ‘Oh, but our sons have always been almost like brothers’ kind of thing. That way, they won’t lose all their money if Sid’s mum has a sudden change of heart.”
“Fuck,” you concluded.
“Yeah. They would have gotten him and me engaged, too.”
“I’m surprised they didn’t, actually.”
A small, ironic smile had crept onto Minjun’s lips.
“I’m sure they’ve thought about it,” he said, looking at the bottle of beer he’d left across the room. He’d put it there because he didn’t want to drink if you weren’t drinking, but now he was regretting his manners. “Unfortunately, Sid isn’t my type. My parents had the decency to respect that, at least.”
You chuckled, and Minjun brightened a little, too.
“To be fair,” you remarked, “I don’t think Sid is anyone’s type.”
“Good point.”
You looked at the floor tiles and considered this. You wanted to know if it had happened before—something to convince Minjun that he should obey Sid as much as possible, or his parents would face the consequences—but you didn’t think it was fair to ask him to elaborate.
The way Minjun looked right now, with all colour drained from his eyes as he tried to keep smiling, it seemed like he knew exactly what Sid’s mum could do if her son said one word to her.
So, the two of you sat in silence for a little while longer, while shouts of excitement from the concert echoed around you.
“And, uh—what about Jude, then?” you asked after a minute. “Why does he stick around?”
Minjun didn’t make jokes this time.
“I honestly think Jude just doesn’t know any better,” he said. “He’s known Sid the longest. Their mothers were friends before Jude’s parents got divorced and his mum moved abroad. He just doesn’t know a different life.”
“You mean he’s too used to Sid to see that he is bad for him,” you summarised.
“I think he sees it,” Minjun said, analysing the plaster on the walls of the waiting area. “He just doesn't care.”
“Ah.” You nodded your head. “He needs help.”
“Lots of it.”
That about confirmed to you that Sid had always been the problem. The poisonous leech.
Jungkook saw the problem, even if it took him a while. And Minjun saw it, too. It was just absurdly unfair that there was nothing he could do about it.
And then you wondered if Jungkook could do anything about it. He’d fought Sid and banned him from Rated Riot shows. But would that accomplish anything?
This was Sid. Sometimes it seemed like all it took for him to be summoned was just the mention of his name. He had to be at least half-demon.
“Kind of sad, when you think about it, isn’t it?” Minjun spoke up then. You thought he was referring to himself before he added, “that Sid doesn’t have one real friend.”
You grimaced.
“I’m—not sure if I’d call it sad,” you said. “I don’t think he deserves to have real friends.”
“Yeah, no, that’s true,” he settled. “Still, though. He acts like a king. And all he really has is just paper.”
You considered yourself a compassionate, caring person. But you didn’t think you were capable of genuinely pitying Sid.
“Did you come here to make me feel bad for him?” you asked. “Because if that’s the case, we might be here for a while, and I’m not sure either of us has the time.”
“No,” Minjun said, chuckling awkwardly. “He’s the last person you should feel bad for. I’m just saying… he’s miserable and he likes to make others miserable, too. Especially Jungkook.”
He gave you a look, and you turned away, realising that you were circling back to his original reason for talking to you.
You took another sip of water. It had warmed a little and tasted less violent in your throat.
“Yeah, well.” You popped your lips. “Pretty much everyone who knows Sid knows that.”
“Yeah, and I… I should have found you earlier,” he said, lowering his head in a manner reminiscent of all the times you had seen him avoid your gaze when you entered the room. “Sid made sure Jungkook couldn’t tell you, but I wasn’t—I could’ve told you about the bet.”
“That would have—well, it would have saved us a lot of, uh, time,” you said and gave him a kind smile that was supposed to let him know you weren’t really angry. But Minjun only felt worse after he saw it.
“I’m sorry,” he said. He looked up as he spoke and the regret in his eyes added a deeper significance to his apology. “I was… afraid, I guess. I don’t know how else to—well, it’s not a good excuse, but—”
“I get it,” you interrupted. “And thanks. It’s not really your mess to clean, though.”
He didn’t think it was. Still, he felt like he had let Jungkook down.
After seeing you two laughing together in your hotel room, Minjun hoped that Jungkook had explained his decisions—no matter how backwards they were—to you. So, now it was time for Minjun to say something, too.
“Jungkook, uh… he made the stupid decision to play Sid’s game,” he said. “And now you’re both suffering because of it. I don’t think you should give Sid that much power.”
You contemplated this for a minute and gave a slight shake of your head.
“See,” you said, “I think Jungkook is the one suffering because of Sid’s game. And I’m in this because of the consequences of a stupid decision that Jungkook had made.”
“True enough. He shouldn’t have cared about Sid that much,” Minjun agreed. The pounding in his head doubled as he tried to think of how to phrase himself next. “It’s not really my place to say, but um—I’ve been friends with Jungkook for most of my life, so I think I know him pretty well. He’s—he has always been in love with you. He’s just… blinded by a lot of irrelevant things. And I think he realises that now. He was really shaken up after the bet, and that’s when these things happen, isn’t it? Something massive strikes and it makes you rearrange your priorities. Well, his priority is you.”
Minjun felt your body tense next to him on the couch. He had never said anything like this to you—and Jungkook had never soberly told Minjun that he loved you, either—but it was about as obvious as your warm eyes and clenched jaw.
You knew it, too. You just didn’t want to acknowledge it.
“He made a really stupid decision,” Minjun reiterated. “And I think he knew that right away. Except you know Sid. He couldn’t let him off the hook, especially when he saw how miserable this made Jungkook.”
You hummed, incapable, suddenly, of a verbal response.
The shouts around you grew louder. Rated Riot were finishing the final song of the encore—and it started to sound like another band member had removed a piece of clothing.
“The bet and his feelings for you,” Minjun continued, “those are two separate things. So, I just—well, which one of them do you feel upset about?”
The anxiety in your lungs didn’t have much room to spare for oxygen, but the question still knocked all breath out of you.
“No, actually,” Minjun said, closing his eyes and drawing back, “you know what? This isn’t something I should be asking you. I’m sorry. It’s something you should talk to him about. When you’re ready, of course.”
You still looked near panicked when Minjun glanced at you, and you hurried to respond in a way that would end the conversation, because the staff and the band would soon join you backstage. You needed another bottle of water before you could return to your job.
“Yeah. Uh, I’ll—I’ll see about that,” you ended up saying, which wasn’t much, but Minjun wasn’t going to push. “I’m, uh… they’re about to get off stage—I—I have to go check on them.” You stood up. You still hadn’t made eye contact with him. “We have an eye patch situation as you’re well aware, I’m sure.”
Minjun smiled courteously.
“I know,” he said. “But make sure to think about what I said, okay?”
“I will,” you said, trying to nod, but your head felt too full. You were worried that if you moved it, all of your uncertainty and fear would spill out.
You had hoped to delay talking to Jungkook about everything a little longer, but something in your universe was pushing against that.
“Thank you,” you said almost as an afterthought.
“Hm?” Minjun raised his eyebrows. “For what?”
“For staying with him.”
Minjun’s eyes warmed as his smile spread.
“He’s my oldest friend,” he said. “Of course, I’m staying.”
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The usual lines of people waiting to meet Rated Riot at the merch stand after the show had tripled tonight. It appeared that almost everyone who had bought a ticket stayed back for the band.
You didn’t know if the eye patch had anything to do with it, but Maggie’s Instagram post with preview pictures from tonight’s show, half-jokingly titled “Rockstar Pirate”, quickly became the most-liked post on her account.
However, before Jungkook could go out and meet the fans, his bandages had to be changed. The intense jumping and sweating had not been good for his wounds, and the ten-minute shower after the performance had not been enough to prevent some fresh bleeding.
But that was to be expected. Some of his cuts were narrow but appeared deep.
What was unexpected, however, was his insistence that he was fine. He would just put the eye patch on and head right back out.
“Do you have any idea,” you scolded as you forcefully sat him down on the counter next to the sink in the bathroom of the venue, “what sort of problems I’d have if these got infected?”
You brought the cotton swab over the scrapes above his cheek, and he gritted his teeth as the antiseptic burned his skin. “It sounds like it’d be me who would have problems.”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “Maybe even sepsis. But I could get sued for not doing my job.”
“Hmm. And if I die?”
“Then I’d have a funeral to plan on top of that, too.”
He snorted and rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry my death would inconvenience you so much.”
“It would,” you said, pulling back. “So, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t die, seeing as I already have a lot to do.”
He grinned, always thrilled to tease you back. However, this time, he took the opportunity when you weren’t looking at him to ask, “how are you feeling?”
You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye, equally as determined to insist that you were okay and that the last two days hadn’t happened.
“I’m fine, of course,” you said.
“Of course,” he repeated dryly.
“I really mean it,” you said as you struggled to open the glass bottle of ointment. Jungkook had informed you earlier that the nurses at the hospital ‘had used something similar’ when he went there the other day, so you felt a bit more confident about this procedure. “I got eight hours of sleep two nights in a row. That’s unheard of.”
“I’m glad,” he said.
You finally got the bottle to open. Jungkook frowned and drew back.
“Well, can you be glad without moving?” you asked, approaching him with the ointment and a few cotton pads. You’d hoped the antiseptic had soaked into his skin by now. You didn’t have time to wait.
“Is that even necessary?” he asked, pouting and pulling his head back until he hit the mirror behind him. “This stings like a bitch.”
You were nearly leaning over him with all your weight to reach his face. One of your palms pressed into his thigh as you fought to keep your balance, and Jungkook stilled, but did not shut up.
“T-the cuts are not getting infected,” he insisted. He paused and bit into his lip ring when you exhaled and he discovered that he could feel your breath against his cheek. As soon as he realised that he didn’t actually pass out for a minute there, he continued, “do I really need bandages if I wear the eye patch? I personally think I’m—”
“You’re sweating under it,” you cut him off, your eyes narrowed in concentration as you traced the cuts on his cheekbone with the pad. You continued to speak distractedly, “and it’s a rental, in any case. You can’t put that on a bare wound.”
He blinked and jerked his head to the side, nearly causing you to topple over him.
“Jungkook, come on—”
“It’s a rental?” he repeated, his face twisted in a comical expression of disbelief. “How—how do you mean?”
You sighed. You shouldn’t have let that slip.
“I’m sure they disinfect the costumes after they’re returned, so, don’t worry about that,” you said. “Now please—”
“It’s part of a costume?!” he shouted, but you grabbed the back of his neck with your free hand to keep him in place. He felt a sudden shiver ripple down his spine. “Wait, w-what—a-am I a joke to you?”
The corners of your lips quivered as you tried to resist a smirk. You dabbed the cotton pad onto the bruise around his eye and did not speak until you finished applying the ointment to every cut and scrape you could see.
“No,” you said then. “You’re not very funny.”
Locked in place by your cold hands on the back of his neck, Jungkook realised he did not have any reflexes left whatsoever. He did not have much of anything, to be honest, aside from a severe case of hot, violent wings in his stomach.
“Not very f—I’ll—oh, I’ll show you funny,” he finally managed.
He grabbed your wrist, halting your movements. Surprised—and, honestly, amused—you tried to pull back from him, but found yourself trapped in his grip as he jumped off the counter.
You pressed your lips together to stifle a laugh. He tried very hard to glare at you, but his lips were pursed in an obvious attempt not to smile back and his cheeks were tinted with the softest shade of pink.
A part of you was glad, actually, that he was restraining you right now because you weren’t sure if you would have found it in yourself to resist the urge to bring your hand over his flushed cheeks.
After a loaded minute, Jungkook finally released you and shook his head, turning his back to you in a dramatic demonstration of defiance.
“Jungkook,” you said. He could hear the playful lilt in your voice. “Come on, sit down. I’m almost done.”
“I’m wearing a pirate costume!” he protested.
“You’re not wearing a costume. It’s just an eye patch. Sit down.”
He shook his head again, but turned around, mustering as much irritation as he could. You were smiling and he was hardly capable of being angry about that.
“I look like Jack Sparrow’s long-lost, half-blind cousin,” he accused half-heartedly.
He looked almost scandalised when you laughed at this.
“You wish,” you teased, peeling off the adhesive tape from the new bandages that Namjoon was kind enough to buy earlier in the day.
“Excuse me?” Jungkook raised his eyebrows. “Now you’re going to tell me I’m not good enough to be related to Jack Sparrow?”
You were glad he did not move when you approached him again and carefully applied the adhesive pad to his bruises.
“That’s Captain Jack Sparrow,” you said.
He glowered, but his image crumbled the second he saw your grin.
“You nerd,” he said, breaking off into a soft laugh. His eyes were fixed on you as you gently tapped the edges of the bandages to make sure they stayed in place.
“Hey, now,” you warned, pulling back to give him a look that was about as stern as your tentative touch. “You’re the one who forced me to watch the films.”
Jungkook felt his smile spread—impossibly so. He thought he looked a little like one-eyed Joker now as he remembered watching films in your dorm room. He remembered how the two of you had complained about the slow wi-fi, which kept reducing the film quality to 240p. Remembered pretending not to cry when one half of the couple in the film died. Remembered getting distracted by the look in your eyes as you got immersed in the plot. Remembered kissing you. Remembered making you smile as you gently pushed his chest away and told him to ‘look at the screen.’
And then he remembered where he was now, and the dim bathroom brightened under your smile as you packed up your medical kit.
“Hey, so, um…” He swallowed, watching you walk away to dispose of the waste. “Can we talk, then? Later?”
Your head was still heavy, and you had a startling realisation that the only time the weight on your shoulders lightened was when you were with Jungkook—when you were smiling at each other like middle-schoolers on a clumsy first date.
“We’ll talk,” you said while trying to quiet down your thoughts that insisted that this moment here was a sign. That this was the decision. “When the time is right.”
Jungkook looked almost ready to protest, but then he realised you were teasing him for having said the same thing to you before.
He remembered how that conversation went—he remembered everything and with such clarity that his palms tingled and his heart pounded.
“3 AM, then?” he asked, grinning. “Will you come find me?”
You smiled back. “I’ll come find you.”
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When the members of Rated Riot returned backstage after meeting fans, the drinks had already been finished. Everyone was leaving for the bus.
Jungkook knew better than to stay in the dressing room by himself—despite having banned Sid from his shows and being across the continent from him—so he asked Taehyung to wait for him.
Then, as he was unplugging his charger by the bathroom door, his phone vibrated with a text message—from Jude, of all people. Throughout their friendship, Jungkook didn’t think Jude had ever texted him personally, and not in their groupchat.
The text read, “come outside to the smoking area? Sid is fuming bc he can’t enter the venue.. gotta talk.”
Right away, Jungkook felt a sense of unease in the pit of his stomach.
He’d kicked Sid out in Cologne. What the fuck was he doing in Manchester?
For a brief moment, Jungkook toyed with the possibility of saying he was busy. He did have to return to the bus in case you would look for him, after all. However, he knew that not answering Sid’s call—because, really, Jude was just the proxy here—could have ugly consequences.
Why’d he fly to the UK? What was wrong with him?
It wasn’t that Jungkook felt afraid of him. He was annoyed more than anything—he’d blacklisted Sid, and still couldn’t escape him.
But Jungkook was afraid of the impact that his inescapable connection to Sid could have on you and your relationship.
“You know what?” he said, raising his head to look at Taehyung. “Maybe you should go ahead without me. There’s something I need to take care of first.”
Taehyung glanced at the younger member’s phone, then back at his face. “You sure?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s nothing,” Jungkook said as he typed back a “K” to Jude. “It’ll just be a second.”
Taehyung merely shrugged. This reaction was so casual that Jungkook automatically assumed it to mean that the older member was going back to the bus.
“I can wait then,” Taehyung said instead.
Jungkook did a surprised double-take before he put his phone away. He realised suddenly that he was embarrassed for Taehyung to witness whatever would happen in the smoking area.
“No, it’s—I have to talk to Jude,” he said, hoping that the name would deter him, but the older boy stood his ground even more firmly.
“All the more reason for me to stay with you,” he said, making it clear that one black eye was already too much.
Jungkook knew they could continue to argue about this while Sid raged outside the venue. And he knew that if he refused Taehyung’s company again, the older boy might seek you out instead.
“Okay,” Jungkook decided. “That’s fine. You can wait here. Jude’s right outside in the smoking area, so—”
“Great,” Taehyung said, taking the first step towards the door of the dressing room. “I’ll come with.”
Jungkook watched him open the door. “Why? For the fresh air?”
His bandmate gave him a sarcastic half-smile. “To make sure you won’t need a whole blindfold for your performance tomorrow.”
Aware that he’d been outwitted, Jungkook rolled his eyes and left the dressing room with a protective Taehyung following behind him.
Sid, Jude, and Minjun were all gathered in the smoking area. Sid and Jude were standing tall—with Sid towering over the other boys, of course—while Minjun looked more like he was crouching. His eyes were downcast, and his posture reflected his wish to be anywhere but here.
Fortunately, Mick, the head of security, was there, too.
“What’s going on here?” Jungkook asked, his voice surprisingly firm—as if these people had never been his friends.
“This gentleman refuses to leave,” Mick reported, casting a scornful glance at Sid. Sid, in turn, responded by raising his middle finger. “I think that calling the police will resolve this issue faster.”
Jungkook would have loved to see Sid in the back of a police car.
But he was worried that this would only cause you more problems with the label. The executives were okay with Rated Riot embodying the rockstar stereotypes, but they probably wouldn’t approve of any police involvement.
On the other hand... why not get rid of Sid once and for all? If he continued to preach his truth without listening to anyone else, it might do him good to spend the night at the station. And if he was high, too, or happened to have something on him—both were likely, Jungkook decided when he glanced at the pockets of Sid’s puffy jacket—then he might stay in a cell for a while longer.
“Give me a minute, Mick, please,” Jungkook asked, taking out his phone. He’d decided to try to handle this quietly, but he still wanted the option of calling the police.
Mick looked at Taehyung for confirmation—which irked Jungkook, because he didn’t like being reminded of his young age and relative lack of authority here.
After Taehyung nodded, the bodyguard turned back to the vocalist.
“Alright,” Mick said. “I’ll be right inside.”
Minjun raised his eyes suddenly, and Jungkook expected to see relief on his face. He saw anxiety instead. Minjun regretted that Jungkook was getting involved again.
After Mick left, Sid finally stepped into the light from the neon sign above the exit. Immediately, Jungkook started to feel more confident about his eye patch, because Sid’s face was red, black, and blue, and so swollen that he could have auditioned for the role of the pumpkin in Cinderella.
“You have one minute to state your business and get your ass out of here,” Jungkook told him. “Or I’m calling the cops.”
Sid scoffed. Challenged by the doubt in his eyes, Jungkook unlocked his phone.
“I’ll pretend I don’t know that you’ve blacklisted me,” Sid snapped, ignoring Taehyung’s presence—which was alarming, because that had never happened before. Sid typically only showed his true self to those closest to him. Or to total strangers. “But it has come to my attention that Minjun broke the rules of the bet, and I can’t ignore that.”
Of course, Jungkook thought. Of course, he would follow him to a different country, even after their fight. Sid thought they had unfinished business.
“Technically,” Minjun said, “the rules don’t apply to me, seeing as I’m—”
“Seeing as you’re the one supposed to enforce the fucking rules,” Sid finished for him, feral rage dripping from every single word he spoke. “What should I make of that, hm? You’re picking sides?”
“I’m not—”
“Your parents won’t like that, I’m sure,” Sid added because he couldn’t help but always assert his dominance with veiled threats.
Minjun clenched his jaw. He remembered the repulsion in your eyes when he told you about this earlier. He felt himself gain strength from your reaction.
“Grow some balls,” he rasped, “and keep our parents out of the shit that you pull. We’re not in kindergarten.”
Sid narrowed his eyes and took a threatening step closer to him.
Meanwhile, Jude leaned over Jungkook to provide an unnecessary explanation, “Sid knows Minjun gave you back the keys.”
Jude smelled of booze and of something intentionally sweet. Ignoring him, Jungkook kept his gaze on Sid.
“It’s just a bet, dude,” Jungkook said before Sid decided to raise a fist. Minjun had never fought anyone before. Jungkook didn’t like his friend’s odds. “Let it go.”
Sid turned his head in what seemed like dramatic slow motion.
If there was a worse thing that Jungkook could have said, he hadn’t found it yet—Sid looked about ready to bite his head straight off and tear it into little pieces before feeding the remains to baby cheetahs or whatever scavengers he undoubtedly raised in the backyard of his family’s mansion.
“That narrative works out awfully well in your favour, doesn’t it?” Sid sneered. “Considering you walk out of here with the girl, after all, hmm?”
“The girl,” Jungkook countered, “was mine to begin with.”
Sid laughed, throwing his head back. “You were ready to give her up for a game just a few weeks ago!”
Jungkook clenched his fists. He couldn’t help but notice that it was “the girl” in particular that Sid brought up as unfair.
Taehyung watched the younger boy’s body language. He knew what might happen next: Jungkook had nothing to say to that, so he seemed intent on shifting the conversation to a more physical level. A level that would likely result in more black eyes and knocked-out teeth.
God, when did he and Luna become babysitters?
He let out a sigh and took a step forward. “We should go, Jungkook. The bus is leaving soon.”
Grounded by his voice, Jungkook glanced at the older member. Taehyung nodded and Jungkook took a deep breath to relax his muscles. He turned around.
There was no point to any of this. He had nothing left to prove to Sid.
“Oh, that’s right,” Sid called out as soon as Jungkook started to walk away. “You don’t have shit to say, so you leave. Fucking typical. Once a loser, always a loser.”
Like any rational person, Taehyung groaned and opened his mouth to suggest calling the police since Sid clearly didn’t want to go away quietly.
But the older member wasn’t able to react quickly enough when Jungkook suddenly whipped around and marched back towards Sid, his expression not just determined, but downright murderous.
Minjun widened his eyes and stepped into the gap between the two boys.
“Drop it, Sid,” he said, facing away from Jungkook. His voice sounded nervous, but he pushed Sid’s chest to prompt him to take a step back.
Sid stepped back—and then took another step to give the impression that he had pulled away voluntarily.
“Why should I be the one to drop it?” he demanded.
“Because you’re the only one who still cares about it,” Minjun said.
“And I’m one part of the bet,” Sid argued. “So, it’s hardly fair, isn’t it? I won the bike.”
Jungkook calmed down when he lost sight of Sid. Instead, he noted that Jude hadn’t objected once.
Technically, three people had made the bet, but Jude seemed to consider himself part of Sid now. Or he simply didn’t care about being involved anymore.
Taehyung lingered by the door, keeping quiet as Minjun handled the unfolding situation.
It was difficult not to say anything, however, because they seemed keen on having a discussion here, yet no one was bringing up the thing that seemed the most obvious to Taehyung: the real reason why Sid cared about the Katana so much, considering that he could have easily bought twenty of them if he wanted.
Just then, Jungkook chuckled sardonically.
“You just want to win for the sake of winning,” he said, giving Minjun a grateful pat on the back and stepping out from behind him.
Taehyung was taken aback by the statement. He had assumed—perhaps unfairly—that Jungkook would resort to violence to make his point. He wasn’t expecting the younger boy to voice everything that he’d been thinking.
“You don’t care about the bike,” Jungkook continued. “You just want me to suffer. Or—oh, that’s right. She’s the one that you really want. That’s what this is about, isn’t it?”
Everyone in this empty lot behind the building, including the stray cat that monitored the scene from across the street while licking its paw, watched Sid hesitate.
Probably for the first time in his life, Sid was confronted with the unexpected increase in his heartbeat.
He scoffed. Then scoffed again. Then once more, so that everyone and their mothers would understand that he found the accusation ridiculous.
And everyone understood, really. But Sid’s fidgeting wasn’t making the point he thought it was.
“I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re implying,” he retorted. “I’ve—I always get what I want. Why the fuck would I play games about—I never fucking grovel for girls. I don’t care how hot they are—”
“Right. But not this time, hm?” Jungkook countered. “You couldn’t get what you wanted, so now you’re doing everything you can to make sure I don’t either. You want to make us both miserable.”
Sid was embarrassed, Minjun realised as he watched his jaw tighten. He was utterly humiliated that someone would accuse him of having a crush.
“No. No, that was you. You made yourself miserable,” Sid deflected. “I had no part in that.”
How pathetic, Jungkook thought—but there was a satisfied smirk on his lips. He’d seen through Sid. And he’d forced him to lose his composure. Forced him to defend himself.
Jungkook remembered your description of Sid’s appearance last night; namely the comparison to a sewer rat—which was, honestly, very unfair for the rodent in question—and couldn’t hold himself back.
“Seeing your face every day actually brings me nothing but misery,” he said to Sid, “so you can’t escape the blame there.”
Taehyung looked away and puckered his lips to hide his reaction to the immature remark. Even he had to give a point to Jungkook here. Childish or not, it was clever enough to make Sid squint his eyes and hesitate once more.
“Don’t change the subject,” Sid said, which made Jungkook smile wider. “You broke the bet. The bike is mine.”
Minjun cut in with a groan.
“Sid, for fuck’s sake,” he said, tired of listening to the same thing over and over—and over—again. “It’s just a bet, so just fucking drop it. We’ll pay off the Katana if you care so much—”
“No.” Jungkook reached out a hand to touch Minjun’s shoulder, cutting him off. He glared at Sid. “You know what? You can keep the fucking keys to the bike,” he said as he pulled the keychain from his pocket, removed it, and tossed the keys roughly at Sid’s chest. The older boy scrambled to catch them. “Choke on them for all I care.”
Despite the venom in his words, Jungkook did not lose the sneering smile, and Sid’s eye twitched when he looked at him.
It didn’t feel satisfying when he held the motorcycle keys, but Jungkook was the one who looked like he won.
Jungkook turned away before Sid could come up with another mocking comment to make him stay, and headed towards Taehyung, who looked a little confounded.
The bassist needed a moment to process that the conversation had ended because Jungkook had decided it was over.
Taehyung felt quite proud of him, and when Jungkook looked at him, he reached out to tousle his hair affectionately. Jungkook backed away from his touch with a groan but still gave him a grateful look.
Instead of entering the venue, Taehyung led Jungkook to the side of the building, gesturing at the pack of cigarettes he had in his pocket.
A puzzled Minjun caught up with them a moment later.
“Why did you do that?” he asked while Jungkook turned to watch Sid and Jude walk away—both of them looked a little awkward, like they weren’t sure if the show they’d started was really over. “Why did you give him the keys?”
“He can keep the bike,” Jungkook said. “He’s never getting anything that really matters anyway.”
Minjun and Taehyung exchanged a look. They had both heard Sid stumble over his words earlier. They could tell that Sid had hoped the bet would end with Jungkook losing you, and not just the motorcycle.
Minjun still wasn’t sure if Sid’s actions were motivated by his wish to make Jungkook suffer, or if he really had feelings for you.
But he supposed it didn’t even matter anymore. Jungkook seemed ready to go to war for you either way.
“So, what—what are you going to do?” Minjun asked.
Jungkook shrugged and stuffed his hands into his now-empty pockets.
“It’s too late to do anything,” he said, smiling at his friend. “There’ll be other bikes. I don’t—it’s not what I’m worried about.”
Minjun nodded. He knew Jungkook wasn’t thinking about Sid actually trying to make a move on you. You’d snap his neck if he tried, and leave his body for the crows and pigeons to enjoy. Everyone knew it, and they would have wholeheartedly supported your reaction.
No, what Jungkook was really worried about was that Sid might have already done irreparable damage to your relationship. Minjun had hoped to help Jungkook by talking to you, but he wasn’t sure if it was any help at all.
“Good riddance,” Taehyung said slowly. “Sid, I mean.”
“Oh, yeah,” Minjun agreed right away. “Fuck him.”
“I can’t believe he’s here, though,” Jungkook said. He turned back to make sure that Sid had really left. “You think he’ll come to Glasgow, too, just to fuck with me?”
“Honestly, he might,” Minjun admitted. “He’s got the bike, but he can tell he didn’t actually win. He might want to retaliate.”
Jungkook groaned. Despite his hopes, he feared that Minjun was right.
“What can he do, though?” Taehyung asked, taking out the Marlboro pack from the pocket of his oversized leather jacket. “He’s alone.”
“Yeah.” Minjun pointed at him in agreement. “It’ll be a while before he finds someone who will follow his orders.”
“Well,” Jungkook said as Taehyung passed his cigarettes to both boys, “Jude might.”
“Jude can’t wipe his own ass unless he’s high as a kite,” Minjun said—his vowels softened by the cigarette between his lips. “I’m fucking pissed that he left with Sid, but—I mean, there’s nothing we can do.”
Taehyung opened his engraved Zippo lighter with a crisp click. He lit his own cigarette, then did the same for Jungkook and Minjun.
“If he shows his face anywhere near us again, I’m calling the cops,” Jungkook decided, shakily inhaling the smoke. “Tonight was the last time. I gave up the bike. I don’t care whether he thinks that’s enough. There’s nothing that he can hold against me anymore. We’re done.”
Minjun smiled at this.
Truth be told, he felt a little giddy from the significance of this moment. He’d never spent any time with Jungkook’s bandmates, and he knew it was because of Sid. Taehyung would not have offered them cigarettes if the obnoxious menace had been here, so this moment felt a bit like the start of something new. Something better.
Minjun exhaled the smoke while Jungkook confessed, “I don’t know what it’ll be like with him gone, though.”
Taehyung scoffed so vehemently that the smoke from his cigarette nearly got caught in his throat.
“I know,” he said. “Better.”
Minjun smirked and Jungkook nodded in agreement, but he still looked a little pale and wide-eyed as he toyed with the cigarette between his fingers.
“We’ll be fine,” Minjun promised. “Might get bored much faster because Sid won’t be here to think of ways we could kill ourselves, but honestly, I’ll take it.”
“Yeah, no—definitely.” Jungkook tried to smile, but there was something else on the tip of his tongue. He took a deep drag and slowly blew out the smoke before speaking. “This is, um—kind of weird, I guess. I don’t think I’ve ever said this to you, but, uh—thank you. For being… for being yourself.”
Taehyung looked away, exhaling smoke into the parking lot to give the two boys more privacy without actually walking away from them.
Minjun was smiling, too. “Who else would I be?”
“You could have tried to be Sid,” Jungkook pointed out.
“Fuck no.”
They both laughed, and Taehyung stopped trying so hard to hide his smile.
For a minute, Sid’s absence was very palpable and it felt absolutely blissful.
“You’re welcome,” Minjun said, just when Taehyung offered, “another one?”
He pulled out another cigarette for himself and passed the rest to Minjun. While the two of them lit up another round, Jungkook finished his first one.
He was restless all of a sudden. This tended to happen to him, especially lately—the longer he was away from you, the harder it was not to think of you.
You’d told him you’d find him so you could talk.
What if you were looking for him? And he was wasting his time dealing with Sid’s temper tantrums again?
“I’m going to go,” he announced to the other boys as soon as the thought crossed his mind. He dropped the cigarette and stepped on it, twisting the sole of his shoe to put it out. “If those two come back, knock them out or call the police, I don’t care. I’ll see you on the bus, yeah?”
Taehyung chuckled, much calmer to let Jungkook wander off on his own now that he’d seen Sid leave with his own eyes.
“Sure,” he said, blowing smoke out. “You’ll be alright?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
As he walked towards the door, Jungkook remembered what you’d told him in Stockholm. You’d been right back then.
If he surrounded himself with people who genuinely cared about him, he would have enough voices to keep his mind calm. He would have someone to call if he was alone.
He would be okay.
Jungkook came to a sudden stop in the corridor when he heard your voice inside Rated Riot’s dressing room. The door was ajar, and he could see your profile as you leaned against the dressing table and talked to someone. He bent down to listen and recognised Luna’s voice in there, too.
“Did Nick text you again?” Luna was asking you. “After that time on the bus?”
Naturally, Jungkook froze on the other side of the door.
He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, really.
But who in the great fuck was Nick?
As quietly as he could under the circumstances—his heart had flat-lined for a second or two before breaking into the most passionate beating he’d ever experienced—Jungkook stepped to the side so you wouldn’t spot him through the gap in the door, and strained to listen.
“Yeah,” you replied with a sigh. Were you always this quiet when you spoke, or was he going deaf from his rapid heartbeat? “He texted me this morning. I didn’t reply, I was—well, with Jungkook.”
Now, Jungkook thought as he paled to match the plaster on the walls of the corridor, what—the absolute fuck—was that supposed to mean?
“But, uh, he said he’d like to arrange a formal meeting with me,” you continued, and the dressing table creaked as you moved away from it, “when he comes back from Australia with Reconnaissance.”
The terrified lightbulb at the end of the corridor flickered erratically as Jungkook frowned.
Nick Zhou—your supervisor at your first internship after graduation—returned to his memory. Jungkook had heard enough to understand that Nick managed Reconnaissance now.
That probably meant that you weren’t seeing anyone else. But Jungkook wasn’t sure if he was relieved by this.
“Are you going to go to this meeting?” Luna asked.
Good question, Jungkook thought. And then, immediately after—please say no. Please say no. Please say no.
“I… I don’t know. I think I should,” you said. Jungkook dug his nails into the pillows of his palms. “All our conversations about this had been over the phone, you know? I think it might be good to hear him out properly, face-to-face.”
“So, you’re really considering this then, huh?” Luna said.
You were quiet for a very long time.
Jungkook measured each second of your silence in the beats of his heart: bang-bang-bang, one, bang-bang-bang, two, bang-bang-bang, three.
“I guess I am,” you finally said. “N-not because I suddenly decided I don’t want to work with Rated Riot anymore. I just—well, in light of everything that happened, I think that hearing Nick out just seems like a… reasonable thing to do.”
Jungkook decided he’d heard enough.
He thought he knew what you would say next. He knew what happened. He knew what this “everything” was.
His immaturity. His constant dependence on you.
His tendency to fail at everything that he tried to do for you.
His inability to prove that he deserved another chance with you.
Finally, the bet.
So, there it was, then. He’d always been terrified of letting you down, and he did that anyway.
Exhaling shakily, Jungkook turned around and crossed the corridor toward the main exit where the tour bus was parked.
You were supposed to talk. Now he wasn’t sure if he’d find what to say.
If Jungkook hadn’t walked away, however—if he’d stayed for a minute longer—he would have heard what Taehyung caught as he returned to the dressing room, biting on the filter of a new cigarette.
“If it really came down to it, then—you know,” you were saying, “I-I couldn’t be with him, and still be his manager at the same time.”
The door creaked.
“Oh.” Taehyung stopped in the doorway, not sure if he was more surprised by your words or by the unexpected noise from the door. “Sorry, am I—? I can leave.”
You had been cleaning up backstage when Luna joined you after she lost track of Taehyung. That made you realise that you hadn’t seen him or Jungkook in a while. But now that Taehyung was here, the two of you looked at him as if you had never seen him before in your lives.
The expression on Taehyung’s face was not at all ambiguous. He knew what he’d just heard. You hadn’t used Jungkook’s name, but he was everywhere in this room and in your eyes.
Noting your expression and the way the can of beer in your hands began to tremble, Luna slid off the couch and walked over to her boyfriend.
“We were looking for you!” she exclaimed with far more anger than she actually felt. “Where were you?”
“I was—Jungkook and I just—we stepped outside for a second,” he said as he pulled his cigarette out of his mouth and tucked it behind his ear. “Sorry.”
“You could have texted,” Luna said, her voice rushed. She glanced at you over her shoulder. “We were just about to head back to the bus, weren’t we? That’s what we were discussing.”
“Right,” Taehyung said. “Well, I didn’t hear anything else.”
God, you thought. The three of you were the main cast in a poorly scripted tragicomedy all of a sudden.
“Yeah, we should go,” you said, hoping that the warmth you felt all over your body didn’t show on your face—it didn’t. But your panicked gaze still gave you away. “We’re leaving in half an hour. Is he on the bus?”
Again, the pronoun that did not need an explanation—Taehyung nodded right away.
“Yeah, he—he was on his way there,” he said.
“Okay,” you replied. “You can go. I’ll pack the rest of our things first.”
“We’ll help,” Luna offered. “You need to rest as much as possible.”
You were afraid she would say that. But she and Taehyung began to gather the empty paper cups and the staff members’ forgotten phones before you could object.
Stunned momentarily, you realised—like Jungkook had before—that you were surrounded by people who loved you.
And you were afraid, suddenly, to lose this if you left to work with Reconnaissance. Just like you were afraid of what would happen between you and Jungkook if you didn’t leave.
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The hopelessness of the situation stayed with Jungkook as he got on the bus.
He chose not to wait for you, and instead went to the mini-fridge to find Jack Daniels. And while looking for that, he also befriended Jim Beam and Johnnie Walker. Jose Cuervo was, sadly, already almost empty.
When you opened the door of the bus half an hour later—surprised (and a little concerned) to see that it was empty—Jungkook was already feeling a pleasant buzz. He wasn’t quite drunk, but he definitely wasn’t sober as he stumbled a little while trying to climb out of his bunk and stretch his legs outside before the trip.
The alcohol had dulled the pain a little—as it was notorious for doing—but he still flinched when he saw the door open and heard your voice outside the bus.
“You need help standing?” you asked—louder than he had anticipated—and he spun on his axis, gripping the stair railing to steady himself.
He was happy to see you. And so tremendously hurt.
“Nope,” he said, licking his lips. “I’m perfect.”
“Where’s everyone else?” you asked.
“Flat tire,” Jungkook mumbled, slurring the consonants as he joined you outside the bus. “Driver said we’d be here for another hour. He doesn’t have a spare. Everyone else went—for a smoke, I don’t know.”
His eye patch had slid off and was caught in his messy hair. But the bandages around his eye had remained in place.
His scent was whiskey, but the look in his eyes was sober pain.
You were a little afraid of him like this because you didn’t know what he would tell you next.
“Mmhm,” you said. “And, uh—how come we’re drinking tonight?”
“Ah.” He chuckled. “We have our reasons.”
You waited for him to continue by counting the dark pebbles under your shoes. He leaned his back against the metal railing of the bus steps and gave you a long look.
“Sid’s here,” he said.
You looked up, aghast. Terror was the first thing you felt, and aggravation followed shortly after.
“What?” you questioned. “How?”
“He followed me to Manchester for the Katana,” Jungkook explained. “Minjun had given me back the keys, and Sid found out about it.”
“I thought you had—”
“I had,” he confirmed. He’d triple-checked with Mick to make sure Sid was really banned. “He couldn’t enter the venue, so Jude texted me to come outside. Mick suggested calling the police.”
You liked Mick. Everyone did. He was the quiet backbone of this entire tour.
But you didn’t like that Jungkook seemed to disagree with Mick’s suggestion.
“Why didn’t you?” you asked slowly. You thought you understood why Jungkook decided to finish off the most expensive bottles of whiskey that you had on the bus. Sid’s unexpected reappearance was a good reason to drink.
“I would have,” he said. “But I gave Sid the keys and he left. He’s got no reason to come back now. We’re done.”
You appreciated the cold wind on your face, because learning that Jungkook had given up his Katana willingly—to get Sid off his back for good—was painful. It felt heavy in your chest and in your lungs.
“Oh,” you managed.
“I really mean it. If he decides to show his face again despite that, I’m—I’m letting Mick handle it,” Jungkook promised. “He can call the cops or do whatever else he wants. Sid wanted to win the bet, well, he won it. I’m not going to see him again. I really mean it.”
His voice grew in volume despite getting hoarse. He was so distressed that he was nearing hysteria.
It occurred to you that he thought you would blame him for this. Like it was his fault that Sid was so dedicated to his craft of being a pest that he travelled across Europe for it.
“I’m not saying one word to him ever again,” Jungkook continued, all his words coming out in one breath. “I’m—I’m done. I swear. I’m not going—”
“I know,” you cut in softly before his panicked rambling could get worse. “I believe you.”
“I—” he stopped. His face regained some liveliness. “Thank you.”
“Is that your reason for drinking?” you asked, even though, deep down, you knew it wasn’t. “I thought we were supposed to talk.”
“I thought so, too,” he said, then inhaled sharply and plopped down on the bottom step, banging his thigh against the metal railing and wincing in pain. “Shit. But then I thought—I thought I’d rather get drunk than have my heart shattered. So here we are.”
Your stomach plummeted and the muscles all over your body jolted awake.
“What—what are you talking about?” you asked, looking around. Taehyung and Luna wanted to grab some snacks at the corner shop across the street, but you were still worried they’d catch you here.
Jungkook rested his head against the door frame.
“I’m... really, I’m tired of everything,” he said with a sigh. “I shouldn’t have messed around. I should have been honest with you about—about everything right away.”
You leaned your hip against the side of the bus. You appreciated him talking to you now, but you both knew that this hadn’t always been the case.
“You... should have been,” you concurred awkwardly.
“But I wasn’t,” he finished. “And now I’m too tired to keep trying. To keep knocking on a—the door is closed. Locked. I get it. You say you believe me, but I know the truth. I really fucked up. Not just with the—with the bet. I never treated you right. You do so much. You take care of everyone in your life.” He paused to take a breath. “And I’ve always been another fucking burden. I won’t—I won’t be that anymore. You won’t need to take care of me anymore. I promise.”
You looked at him with a worried wrinkle between your brows. “Jungkook, I’m your manager—”
“You’re my everything,” he cut you off and brought goosebumps to the surface of your skin. “But I’ve been fucking awful to you. You deserve so much better. I’m so—I’m so sorry. I have no right to—to expect you to come back to me. B-but I want to show you that I can be different. I want to show you the guy that I am without Sid. You know that guy. You know what he’s like. I want to show him to you again.”
You swallowed as your eyes drifted from his face to the rough gravel under your shoes, to the door of the venue, and eventually settled on your own crossed arms.
You felt tired, too, but this wasn’t what you were expecting to hear from him. You wondered what brought this on so suddenly.
“I really don’t want you to leave,” he continued. You straightened, realising what this was about. “But I… I understand if you will. I’ve always been selfish when it comes to you, but if I want—I want you to see that I’m growing. And because of that, I can’t hold you back.”
Your heart was beating too much, too intensely, too desperately for you to respond.
It felt—and, evidently, your heart realised it before your brain did—like Jungkook was making the decision about the rest of your life for you. A decision that you didn’t want to make.
“It’s over,” he said. “I get it. But the band loves you. We need you. You’re our—we’re nothing without you. We’re not Rated Riot. But we—the guys wouldn’t force you to stay. And I know I can’t do that, either. So, if leaving the band is the right choice for you… then you should go. You should always do what’s best for you. I wish I was what was best for you, but I’m not. Actually, I don’t think there’s anyone who would be good enough for you in my eyes, but—”
“Jungkook, please,” you finally whispered—the words painful on your numb tongue.
“Right, sorry,” he pulled back. You were afraid that if you closed your eyes, you wouldn’t be able to hear him anymore. “What I mean is, you deserve the best, and I’m so fucking far from it. I love you so much, but I don’t know if that’s enough. I just—I want you to know that if you decide to stay with us, I’ll never let you down again. But if you choose to go… I-I would understand. Ultimately, it’s your choice, as it should be.”
He stopped talking and allowed the night to fill the silence.
You didn’t know what was going to happen next.
He’d told you a lot over the past few days. He brought back a lot of memories, a lot of mistakes. And now he was taking action, too, to make sure to fix those mistakes. To make sure he didn’t repeat them.
He made a bet with Sid.
And this bet tried to prove that he still hadn’t changed, that his friends were still his main priority. But he black-listed Sid from Rated Riot’s shows and gave up his bike to make sure Sid didn’t come back.
The bet tried to prove that the two of you still couldn’t communicate. But he told you everything that he had been too afraid to say in your relationship.
The bet tried to prove that he didn’t really care about you. But he stayed with you when you were feeling your best and when you were at your most vulnerable.
The bet tried to prove that he only cared about himself. But after telling you how much he loved you, he was letting you go.
Again and again and again his words echoed in your head.
The determined I’ll be here, and the tentative It’s a song about my favourite thing in the world.
The terrified I can’t lose you, and the confident I’ll always love you.
You didn’t want to believe him when he had told you he loved you—and that was what this was about.
You were afraid of what it would mean—of what would happen—if all that there was to it, if all that hid under your uncertainty, was just your love for each other.
Minjun had made a reasonable point when he asked whether you were upset about the bet or about Jungkook’s feelings.
Perhaps the bet had quickly turned into an easy excuse not to be together. It was bad, it was awful, it was so terrible—but all it really did was provide a comfortable cover for your own fear and anxiety about him. About yourself. About you, together.
In retrospect, probably the worst repercussion of the bet was that it returned the two of you to the same place you were in before you learned about it. The place where you both wanted each other—so much—but you couldn’t.
As the silence continued to envelop the bus, competing with the night for dominance, it swallowed the sounds of the distant chatter of the people nearby.
You pulled back from the bus. It was time to stand up. Time to go.
“Come on,” you said quietly. “It’s getting cold.”
Jungkook looked at you from the bottom step by the door, and you realised that he’d been wrong that night in Manchester when he said that your favourite thing in the world was the night sky.
It wasn’t.
It was the stars—whole constellations, each formed after a specific moment in life—and the moon, and half of an entire galaxy in his eyes.
It was the way they brightened when he smiled at you, and the way they narrowed when you teased him. It was the way they stilled when he was listening to you speak, and the way they softened when he saw you at every venue. At every practice. Every soundcheck. Every concert. Every hotel. Every empty European street. Every night, and every morning. Year, after year, after year, after—
Your hands trembled as you watched him, realising with a startled burst in your chest that he loved you. He has loved you for as long as you’ve known him.
And against all odds, against all rational thoughts and fateful coincidences, against all wishes upon stars, you realised that you’ve always loved him, too.
“Yeah,” Jungkook said, standing up. “Let’s go.”
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chapter title credits: the devil wears prada, “salt”
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an-idyllic-novelist · 8 months
Angel Dust with Violet Evergarden!reader platonic fluff scenario
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Warnings: spoilers up to episode 4, possible triggers. If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please leave now and read something much more pleasant.
For everyone else, welcome to this small piece of fluffy goodness! You guys might know me from my other blog, @forbidden-sunlight . You have sent me your ideas for future Violet Evergarden!reader scenarios for Hazbin Hotel, and here is one of them! :)
Sit back, relax, and let us dive into a chaotic afterlife, where even a bit of reprieve from dishonesty and hypocrisy isn’t possible…until now.
Angel Dust's first impression of you is the following: a cute weirdo who dressed like a doll and didn’t smile much. What was even more tragic is that you actually believed there is a chance for sinners to be redeemed, and that the only to do that is complete Charlie’s half-assed rehabilitation program. You still do, even your progress hasn’t gotten you one step closer to Heaven’s pearly gates and the next Extermination is in six months. Five months actually, but who's counting?
That was around the time when he had to go back to work. He didn’t want to, but he knew if he didn’t…well, he didn’t want to think about it. Valentino is a psychopathic freak. He promised to make him, Angel, a big star in Hell’s entertainment industry, and instead fucked him over six ways from Sunday with false promises.
Long hours, shitty pay. No time to even take a nap in his dressing room because of course Big Daddy Val had his favorite toy’s schedule booked until he couldn't walk anymore and needed a stiff drink. When his afterlife seemed to take a nosedive for worse, and after Husk knocked some sense into him, he started finding letters under his door.
At first glance Angel could tell that they weren’t from his fans. No one’s gonna go out of their way and buy expensive paper to type it on, shove in an envelope, and put a wax seal on it just to praise him for his acting skills and share their wildest fantasies starring yours truly. No. This was….someone else.
He honestly didn't know how to describe the context of these letters because he had never received something like this from anyone who did not expect anything from him in PS or PPS. The sender would write either a short or long letter. The short letter was about half a page long; the sender would ask how he was feeling and ask him one question. What was his favorite food? What is the color he would never wear? The sender included a little about themselves too, as if to encourage him to respond. The longer ones started the same, with a greeting and almost the same stuff written in the shorter ones, but they shared how their day went with him, even the stupid, mundane shit they do every day as a part-time clerk at an antique shop and when they come home. The longer ones were at least two pages long. Some stuff made him roll his eyes, made him laugh…but it was the closing sentences, even as they vary from letter to letter, always jerked his heart in a way which made him both sad and happy at the same time.
I’m happy I’ve met you.
Thank you for being here.
Good night and have pleasant dreams.
You are stronger than you think, Angel.
I hope I can receive a letter from you someday.
You made a lot of progress today in Charlie’s exercises. I’m proud of you.
You’re doing great.
Angel might be a bit of a dummy….but he could tell right away who had been sending him the letters. The bit about Charlie’s exercises…there were only a few people attending that day. Vaggie, Sir Wet Noodles, and you. Vaggie wouldn’t write this kind of shit, and definitely not the wannabe overlord. You. You’ve helped him get through it with these letters and you never expected him to reply back. It’s as if you just wanted your words to reach him through Val’s sickly red smoke and hold his hand in your gloved one.
Naturally…the best way he can say thanks…for caring about him in your roundabout way…is to write a letter back. Maybe have a drink at Husk’s bar and talk about shitty coworkers or why Smiles never stops smiling? He’s not sure, but he’ll figure it out somehow. Sex isn’t the only thing he’s good at. And he’d like to get to know you a little more too.
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384 notes · View notes
marcelllyn · 5 months
Just one bed.
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This is kind of a continuation of the previous fanfic but it could also be a standalone story. (My obsession with him still hasn't passed.)
Dean and reader are traveling and they stop at a Motel and it only has one bed.
Warnings: Naked people, cute.
This was written very quickly and revised once and remembering English is not my first language.
Dean was a terrible driver when he was sleepy, but he refused to let me drive. After I agreed to go with him to Sam's college, for some reason, Dean had taken the long way around.
— Are you sure you don't want to let me drive?
—I have. — He yawned.
He looked at me heavily, it was clear that tiredness had taken over. My butt hurt from sitting so much, and my urge to pee only increased.
— I think we'd better stop at a hotel. — I stopped the loud music playing on the radio. — I can't stand spending so much time in this car anymore.
— Fresh. — He coughed.
I opened a smile.
—What did you say? — I raised my eyebrows.
—Nothing, I think you're so tired that you're hearing voices. — He squeezed my knee. — Search the map for the nearest hotel or motel, please.
I took the map from the glove compartment, the closest one is a good few miles away.
— I think we'd better stop and sleep in the car. — I showed him the map.
— It's not very safe. — He yawned.
— Dean, I think driving while drowsy isn't safe either.
—Two rooms? — He rolled his eyes. — We want a room, please.
I pinched her arm lightly when the little lady turned to pick up one of the only keys left.
— It's thirty-five dollars. — The lady's crow's voice made my body tremble.
I took the money from my jeans pocket and placed it on the table.
We went up the stairs, room two, I looked through a long hallway of doors with jumbled numbers.
— Why a room? — I whispered.
— There's no need to whisper here. — Dean stopped walking and the silence revealed the sounds of moaning, among other things. — Why spend money on two bedrooms? We might as well share a bed.
I remembered the last time we shared a bed, he snored like a pig.
—Do you snore. — I sighed with relief when I found the room. — He snores very loudly.
I turned the doorknob and entered the room, a heart-shaped bed, bathtub in the corner of the room and two lamps. A sudden change of scenery compared to the reception.
— This is like a five-star hotel. — Dean went ahead. — I'm going to take a shower first.
— Could you be a gentleman and let the ladies go first? — I closed the bedroom door and threw my backpack on the floor. — Don't be long, I need to use the bathroom.
He rolled his eyes and entered the bathroom, slamming the door. I looked at the hot tub. — A massage wouldn't go amiss now — I turned on the bathtub.
I took off my red tank top, which was very dirty, thanks to my little Coca-Cola incident earlier, and threw my jeans somewhere in the corner of the room.
I only put the tip of one foot in the water, the temperature was perfect. I turned on the hot tub. As soon as I got into that warm water, I swore I could feel my soul relaxing at that moment. Paradise must be like that.
It was a few minutes before the bathroom door opened, I slowly turned my face away out of pure instinct.
Dean had the towel wrapped around his waist. That man was divine.
—Is having fun? — He gave a smug smile.
— Relaxing is the right word, you should do the same.
—Sure, why not?
My eyes widen when he drops the towel and climbs into the bathtub naked.
— This is like paradise.
My cheeks burned, he opened his arms, stepping between the edges of the tub and throwing his head back.
— What silence, the cat got your tongue? — He complained, still with his eyes closed.
My brain was completely behind in processing my thoughts. It wasn't a big deal, well, it was a big deal.
— You're pale, you look like you've seen a ghost. If you see one, you better let me know. — His smug smile bothered me.
—Is nothing. — I snorted. Lies have never been my strong suit. — I'm going to go take a shower — I rested my hand on the edge.
Dean laughed rudely.
— You don't have to act like you've never seen me naked. — He mocked.
I rolled my eyes. He was always presumptuous to levels beyond heaven. Even if he was right, I never got used to seeing people naked in front of me.
I got out of the bathtub and headed towards the bathroom.
The shower was terrible, the hot water didn't work, I had to take a lukewarm shower that was more like ice cream. The toilet, of course, was filthy. I put on sweatpants, after all, no one deserves to sleep in jeans.
When I came back, Dean was dressed, apparently he also minded sleeping in jeans. — Sleeping on the floor.
I thought about how stupid he was for not lying in bed.
I poked him with my foot.
—What it was? — He murmured.
—Are you a dog by any chance? You can lie down on the bed!
— I don't want to bother you with my snoring.
His concern was cute, but I wouldn't be able to sleep if he stayed on the floor.
— Your snoring is like music to my ears. — I poked his thigh three times with my foot, he grabbed it tightly and made a noise of dissatisfaction. — If you don't go to bed, I'll sleep on the floor too.
As soon as he let go of my foot and stood up, his gaze was like a dagger in my chest.
— How boring you are. — He threw himself onto the bed, lying face down. — Satisfied?
—Very. — I patted him lightly on the back.
I turned off the light and lay down, his snoring was really unbearable, but it was better to see him sleep on the floor.
He was so cute as he slept peacefully, even though he was snoring like some kind of monster.
Over time, my eyes felt heavy, my blinks were slow. Soon he falls asleep.
Apparently, we forgot to close the curtains, the daylight did me the favor of waking me up, it was so good to sleep in a bed again.
I slowly opened my eyes, tried to get up, but Dean's heavy body was holding me back. He was hugging my body with one of his legs on top of me and his face between my neck.
His hot breath tickled, there was no snoring or drooling.
—Dean. — I whispered.
He mumbled something indecipherable.
— Dean!
—What it was? — He mumbled.
— We need to go, it's daytime and we don't want to hit traffic.
He walked away and sat down. I got up and picked up the pants thrown next to the t-shirt and put them in my backpack, grabbed the toothbrush and ran to the bathroom.
As soon as I got back, Dean was ready, sitting on the bed.
— Aren't you going to brush your teeth? Using the toilet?
— No. — He braved.
Any happiness left in my body drained away when I realized he was in a bad mood.
I guess I should say that I have a profile on Ao3, and on Wattpad, well on Ao3 I post basically the same things as here so...
I'm working on an arranged marriage fanfic, Sirius Black x Female Reader.
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johaerys-writes · 17 days
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Ch. 6: now i'm ashamed
Read on AO3 | Read from the beginning
They arrive at their new hotel a little before noon. It’s one of those bland and boring airport hotels with no colour or personality, but a slightly fancier version of that because, of course, Achilles wouldn’t stay in a hotel sporting anything less than four stars. A bellhop is already waiting for them by the time their cab pulls up in front of the entrance to help them out of the car and carry their bags out of the trunk. 
It is the least of Patroclus’ problems, but it rankles that Achilles booked a suite with a double bed without even asking him first. Not that Patroclus really expected him to, but it still bothers him. Despite everything that’s happened between them in the past few days, Achilles has no right to pretend that they’re a couple. No matter how fun it was at first, it was extremely unwise and very irresponsible, and whatever spell Achilles has cast on him has thoroughly been broken now. None of the excitement of their illicit adventure remains. It feels wrong and dirty for them to continue this play-pretend; Patroclus wants none of it. 
The room is as bland and colourless as the rest of the hotel: there’s a beige cover on the bed and the furniture is also beige, and there’s a painting in beige tones above the bed. The bed itself, at least, is big and looks comfortable, and the tub in the bathroom has a hydromassage setting and is big enough for three people, let alone two.
Not that Patroclus will be using that, no matter how badly he may want to. He’s got a lot of work to do, and besides that, even if he does use it, it won’t be with Achilles. And he doesn’t care a fig how much Achilles grumbles and pouts about it. Patroclus is done catering to Achilles’ each and every whim. 
“This rug is awful,” Achilles complains, kicking off his shoes and putting on the disposable slippers that housekeeping left for them. “It’s so ugly, and the texture? It’d feel better if I were walking on packed straw. For the kind of money they’re charging, it is unacceptable to be greeted with this eyesore. I should lodge a complaint with the hotel’s interior designer.” 
“Knock yourself out,” Patroclus mutters irritably, pulling out the desk chair. He takes his laptop out of its case and connects to the wifi, steeling himself for the mountain of emails he’ll have to go through today. It’s close to the end of the workday in Greece, but a few of his team are still there, working on a new client project, so there will a lot for him to review before closing for the evening. Just because he’ll be arriving in Greece later than he’d thought doesn’t mean he can put off doing his work until then. He’s done more than enough of that in the past week; he absolutely cannot shirk his responsibilities any longer, not for Achilles or anything else. 
Peleus’ name flashes on his phone screen as soon as he switches it on, wishing them a safe flight and asking Patroclus to contact him as soon as they stop at Qatar for their connecting flight. Patroclus shudders when he is reminded that he still hasn’t come up with a good enough lie to justify the extension of their trip to Peleus. He doesn’t think there’s any excuse that would be believable enough to explain this whole mess.
He jolts a little when Achilles leans over him, his arms coming around Patroclus’ shoulders from behind. 
“Why don’t you come and take a bath with me, hm?” he whispers, lips caressing his ear. “We could relax, have a cocktail… Continue where we left off.” 
A flash of rage blinds Patroclus for a moment. He shrugs Achilles off, staring resolutely at his laptop screen.
“Get away from me,” he growls warningly. “I’m busy.” 
“Well, you don’t have to be,” Achilles tells him, a little miffed. “We won’t be going back home for another week, at least. Technically, you’re still on holiday.” 
“A week?” Patroclus turns around to pin him with a glare. “We’re leaving, Achilles. Tomorrow.”
Achilles purses his lips in a pout. “Five days.”
“Fine, four days. And a half.” 
“I’m not bargaining with you! We’re leaving tomorrow and that’s final. I’m booking the tickets right now.” 
“No, you’re not.”
“Watch me,” Patroclus says, turning back to his laptop and pulling up a flight booking page.  
Achilles’ hand shoots over his shoulder, but Patroclus catches his wrist on reflex; there’s a brief struggle where they both try to get their hands on Patroclus’ laptop, and Patroclus seems to be winning until Achilles basically climbs over his lap and onto the desk, slamming the laptop screen shut and sitting half-way on top of it. 
“Get off, you’ll ruin it!” Patroclus shouts, trying to catch Achilles’ legs and pull him off the desk, while Achilles kicks at him and clings onto the desk for dear life. It is all so comical and ridiculous that Patroclus is glad no one is around to see them right now. He throws his hands up with an angry huff. 
“Achilles, you fucking asshole—” He takes a step back and glares at him, sweating beneath his suit. He tries not to worry about Achilles’ weight that’s currently probably crushing his poor laptop as he says, “You’re like a child. You know that? A stubborn, arrogant, spoiled brat. Things always have to go your way, otherwise you’ll throw a fit and make it everyone's problem. I’m done with you, you hear me? I’m done with your bullshit. Done.”
“You weren’t done with me when you were doing me this morning,” Achilles retorts haughtily, tilting his chin up in defiance, and Patroclus has to use every ounce of willpower he possesses not to walk over to the desk and strangle him.  
“I'm never going to be doing you again after all this,” he says through gritted teeth. “Believe you me.”
Read the rest on AO3!
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vixentheplanet · 1 year
five star hotel
"I think you should come and visit. I someone else who isn't you pulling up in a minute."
shuri x black!reader | 18+
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Summary: You've recently completed a press tour and a phenomenal award season for your latest film. To celebrate and unwind, you and your friends fly to Mauritius, an island in East Africa. You realize your relaxation time, but you're missing a thrill that can only come from one person. The only problem is that they need to be here.
inspired by five star hotels. by raye
word count: 7.1k
themes: actress reader, dom/sub undertones, this is very filthy...
warnings: smoking, drinking, possessive!shuri, dom! shuri, dom/sub undertones, dirty talk, car sex, shotgunning, thigh riding, fingering, orgasm denial, begging, established safe words, body licking, rough sex, penetrative sex, spitting, choking, throat fucking, wall sex, oral sex
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hi - i’m in the process of re-uploading everything so anyone who wants to read can have easy access to find my works which is going to take some time but this was the easiest to post (it’s me not some random person lmaooo) 😔
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Mauritius. A small Indian Ocean island nation famed for its beaches, lagoons, and reefs. It was your holiday destination of choice. You'd just returned from a press tour for your new film, Sounds of the Vanished, and you'd finished the awards season as the most-awarded actress for your performance. The response and success to your performance had been magnificent, but with so much traveling and busy schedules, you were relieved to be on vacation.
The island was your destination for relaxation. Liza, Kali, Jade, and Evangeline were among your closest friends. You'd only been here for three of the fourteen days you'd planned, but you were having a great time going on different excursions during the day, such as hiking, snorkeling, and deep-sea diving. At night, you could be seen mingling with both residents and tourists at any number of vibrant outdoor bars and clubs. You were having a great time until last night when you had a little too much to drink.
As an actress, you were a natural social butterfly. You were the life of the party, captivating everyone who came across you. People are scared of your confidence. That was something you'd built up to prepare for audition rejections, award losses, and unfavorable critiques in this line of work. These qualities made up your character and personality that the public loved and adored, but you may be intense for those who didn't know how to handle it. As a single, young, attractive, and accomplished woman, such vibrant, charismatic energy drew a lot of attention, but most people realized they were too intimated by you. All except her.
You and Shuri, the Queen of Wakanda, had been seeing each other for a few months. The two of you discovered a pleasure in one another that you couldn't find anyplace else, which is why you found yourself phoning her the night before. You and your four friends were lounging on the patio of a bar, taking in the atmosphere and the warm climate. With the breathtaking ocean scenery, string lights twinkled above you as the waves crashed against the shore.
You'd been drinking a lot of flights, trying out various whiskeys and margaritas. The more the alcohol affected your bloodstream, the more lustful you became. Feelings that only she could control. You knew she'd make time for you if you asked, but when you slipped away to a quieter corner of the bar to call, she didn't answer.
Even when she's working, Shuri always answers your calls. It was too late for her to have a council meeting, and if she were out on business or Panther duties, she'd let you know so you knew she wouldn't be available, so her phone not answering meant she was busy fucking someone else. You and Shuri had similar lifestyles, both busy, and neither of you liked being tied down. She slept with whomever she wanted, and you did as well.
Who’s that bitch you’re fucking?
I know you’re fucking her.
You texted, which seemed to tease, but the attitude was evident. You were the top priority over any of those other bitches.
She texted back an hour after.
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That was the end of the conversation last night. This morning, you awoke, smirking all the way to breakfast with your companions. You didn't care enough to "apologize," you both knew you weren't sincere, and everything you said was true.
You missed her body, and you know she missed yours.
She should be here. Nobody can fire her up as you can, and she's told you that several times.
You and Shuri had choices, and you both occasionally explored options before settling back on each other. Sex is sex, but sex with Shuri is unrivaled. Perhaps it's because she has no problem putting you in your place. Neither your fame nor your demeanor could faze her, maybe because you were a challenge to her. In turn, you weren’t intimidated by her being the Queen of Wakanda or the Black Panther.
The entire morning you went on a sightseeing and boat tour. You pause to take pictures with fans or sign autographs for any who happen to pass by before hurriedly exiting the location. Your security was concerned that word of your and your guests' whereabouts would spread shortly. You return to your room in the middle of the day. Jade retreated to her room to nap while Liza, Kali, and Evangeline went to the spa, but you returned to clean your room in preparation for Shuri's arrival.
It was time to get ready for tonight by the time you finished. You prepared by taking a shower, applying skincare and makeup, and grabbing your outfit from the closet—a Dolce & Gabbana black spandex mini dress with sleeves from the 2003 spring collection. When you reunited, Kali whistled, "Yeah, ma, do a spin for me,” She took out her phone and began recording an Instagram story. To humor her, you do a whole spin shaking your ass a little before turning around and laughing.
You know it's just a matter of time before your fans discover it and go crazy for the dress, but this is the only chance they'll see you wear it. Though things were quiet on Shuri's end, you knew she'd come through. “Save it for the club!” Angie yells as your bodyguard holds the SUV’s door open.
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You're dancing in the midst of a club, but you can't recall his name. He had approached you, star-struck, and asked if you wanted to dance; why not? Something he might later brag about to his buddies. You left Liza and Kali at the table, watching everyone's drinks. Jade and Evangeline had long disappeared after hearing a few members of the Golden State Warriors were in the lounge: “When Basketball Wives gets rebooted, trust I’ll be there. Let’s go, Angie!” So there you were, grinding back on a nameless man, his hard-on pressing onto you. You didn't mind because he was handsome enough. It was a nice ego boost and even better knowing he'd be dissatisfied by the night's end.
He couldn't keep up with you even now, dancing timidly, because his energy didn't match yours. Nervous. Consider what would happen if a famous actress told him, "I need you to choke me and pound me until I can't walk tomorrow." In all likelihood, he'd flee, leaving you to obsess about the person in your fantasies. You see Kali strolling through the crowd after leaving the VIP section upstairs as if angels answered your prayers. Her phone is in your hand, and her face is filled with worry. You break away from your dancing partner to focus solely on your best friend, and he backs off. "What's the matter, babe?" You yell over the music as she hands you your phone.
"Your phone hasn't stopped ringing!" She yells in your ear, attempting to come as close as possible to you. "You have something like a hundred notifications. I don’t know if something serious happened,” she exaggerates, handing you your phone.
As you check your phone, you find ten missed calls and two texts from 'DP.' Because calling back while the music vibrated the floorboards was pointless, you read the text first.
Come outside.
Smirking, you bite your lip and glance at the screen, no longer interested in your dance partner. She arrived. You knew 'bet' wasn't a joke. Shuri was one of the most brilliant minds in existence, with access to the most cutting-edge existing technologies. She was undoubtedly aware of your whereabouts before you enticed her to come hunting for you. You told her to come looking for you, and she did. You can't help but wonder how long she's been hiding on the island, waiting for the right opportunity to surprise you.
When you look up, Kali looks at you suspiciously, questioning, "Who the fuck is DP, and why are they blowing up your phone?" She wonders aloud. You wrinkle your eyebrows at her assertiveness, "None of your concern, one. Two, I'm heading out."
Kali's eyes show she wants to push you farther, but secrets are unusual between you, so she knows your secrecy is for a reason. "You'd better be at brunch. That’s all I know!” She demands, abruptly changing the subject. You grin as you lean down to kiss her cheek.
“I will, baby. Tell Liza I’m leaving; you know she worries.” Liza was the eldest and only married woman with two gorgeous children. She knew how to have a good time and party, but on nights like this, with everyone split up, drinking, and in a foreign country, she was bound to be extra careful despite your protection. Her maternal instincts were likely in overdrive, especially with Jade and Angie. In a way, you're one less person to be concerned about.
You gaze down at your phone once more. Shuri's text message arrived seven minutes ago. "Yes, yes. Leave before I come outside with you and start interrogating."
Knowing she's dead serious, you wrap up the conversation. "Love you, and make sure one of them doesn't wind up taking Tristian Thompson to the hotel," you joke, referring to Jade and Angie’s quest to be WAGS. Kali's eyes widen as you joke.
“Girl! You’re messy—get out of here," she giggles, nudging you along.
Moving stealthily through the crowd toward the exit, you keep your head down. The cool night air hits your exposed skin as you scan the area for your target. There's a black unmarked Rolls Royce with dark tints that are probably illegal. Bingo. Once it’s safe to do so, you cross the street and peer across the back to see a familiar figure pressing up against the passenger door.
You're confident none of the dark and disoriented individuals inside and outside the club are paying attention to the fact that the queen of Wakanda is standing out in the open, waiting for you. As you take her in, your lip catches between your teeth. She is dressed casually in black athletic shorts and a white tee shirt. There was no use in putting effort into an outfit that would wind up on the floor, but she looked impressive in whatever she wore.
She didn't bother turning her head to look at you as if she sensed you. "I found you," she says. Her tone is somber and absent of the usual playfulness. She did not find your antics the night before amusing. "Found me," you say as you stroll up the sidewalk to Shuri. Even though she seems off, being in the Wakandan Queen's presence causes your skin to tingle with anticipation. Your body is all too familiar with her.
When you stand before her, she uncrosses her arms, and you naturally fall into them, staring up at her as her arms wrap around your waist. "I thought I'd have to drag you out of there." You bring your arms around her neck, pulling her in.
“Mm,” you hum at the thought of Shuri being rough with you. “Wouldn’t want you to cause a scene to scare away all my potential late-night guests,” you teased. Instead of responding verbally, Shuri takes one of her hands off your ass and brings it back in a disciplining slap. You almost moan as the offensive force increases your eagerness.
You close your eyes, wincing slightly before letting out a breathy sigh. "Why are you upset? I can be with whoever I want, right.” You mock her, peering up at her through your lashes with false innocence. As if you didn't know, your words would provoke that reaction from her.
Shuri looks down at you. She rubs your ass with the hands she used to punish you for soothing the pain. “You can fuck whoever you want, but you still beg me to come out here.”
The reunion is over as she releases you, pushing off the car. Her authoritative nature consumes the air around you, nearly suffocating. "What's your problem?" you questioned as if you hadn't drunk-texted her, telling her she needed to be here.
Shuri sucks her teeth. "My problem is you," she declares emphatically, not caring how you react. “I didn’t come here to argue with you.” There were two choices: retaliate with an equally slick ass statement, or listen and behave. For now, you’ll behave as you decide to reach to open the door.
Shuri's presence is behind you, grasping the handle before you can, "Don't act brand new," she says. When you get inside the Rolls-Royce, you're surprised Shuri can see out the black windows—admiring the starlight headlining. She stays silent after that, getting into the driver's seat. She continues to drive without even trying to pay attention to you. You were aware that you might be a brat sometimes; all that confidence and energy made for a toxic combination now and then. One way Shuri exerts power is by ignoring you. Sometimes it would work, shifting your headspace to a more submissive one. You're too busy being a good girl, begging and pleading for Shuri's praise and care, to be bothered with talking back. Other times, you make her work for your submission, not letting up until she is inside of you, manipulating your body into any position she desires while fucking you senseless.
You knew exactly what you needed tonight. Shuri parks her car in a beach parking space near the hotel and turns off the engine. Silence fills the air as Shuri reclines her seat, and you wait impatiently. You wonder why she stopped here instead of the main lot.
You get your answer as your eyes follow her movements as she reaches in and pulls out a pre-rolled joint, sparking the lighter. Shuri’s gaze lingers on you as she takes a hit of the cannabis. Exhaling, the smoke fills the air around you. You expect her to open her mouth to speak now, but instead, she returns the joint to her lips. Starting to get agitated with her ignoring you, cross your arms, and face her back against the door. "Did you drag me out of the club to watch you smoke?"
"Didn't you text my phone acting crazy? Stop being impatient."
You raise an eyebrow at her comments as if she didn’t want you as much as you wanted her. “You’re acting like if I told you couldn’t hit this anymore, you wouldn’t lose your mind. It doesn’t matter who you’re laid up with. They aren't me." Many women were willing and waiting for Shuri to give them a chance, but she came here to be with you in less than twenty-four hours.
Shuri sucks her teeth and is not pleased with your delivery as she refuses to accept the truth of your words. “You keep talking to me like you lost your mind,” she asserts, frowning in confusion. “I don’t know who else you’re dealing with that lets you talk to them like that, but not me,” she warns.
"I wouldn't be talking if we were inside," your voice whines. Neediness has taken over. She was right here, but she was still too far away.
Shuri grins. "Would you like me to bring you inside? I might use you how I please for my own satisfaction. Have you just lay there and take it? Is that what you want?”
"You wouldn’t do that."
“I wouldn’t?” Shuri challenges, passing the joint to your outstretched fingers.
“Coming all this way and not playing with me,” You inhale in small puffs, pull the smoke into your lungs, and exhale. “Sounds like more of a punishment for you than me.” Your body was something she couldn't resist. Even when she attempts to avoid touching you in order to drive you insane, she always breaks. You didn’t need to dominate to control her.
You return the blunt to her, and she accepts it. "Come here," she says as she pats the empty space in her lap, and you climb over. She absorbs another blow at the same time. Her hand is on your thigh, gradually moving the fabric of your dress up, exposing the skin of your ass to the cool temperature that the AC is trying to maintain.
As you approach her, the effects of the high are visible in her eyes. Your gaze falls to her lips, and without hesitation, you lift your hands to her face and draw her to you. Shuri's free hand pulls you closer in an instant, pressing you even harder against her lips, finally giving in to what you both desire. Shuri's teeth dragged at your lower lip, causing you to part your lips. Instinct took over as you felt the Wakandan royals' tongue glide between your lips. Heat runs through your body all at once, and the hunger building up with the distance causes you to devour each other, leaving you gasping as she pulls away.
You give her a single breath before lowering your lips again. Shuri took the lead this time, more demanding and rough, brushing her tongue over your lips and drawing it between her teeth in the most sinful way possible, your brain shutting down completely as you makeout.
It's your turn to take a breath away from the kiss, and Shuri tries to distract herself by going down towards your collarbone.
"Uh, uh," you pull Shuri's mouth away from your neck, revealing her face. "I know exactly how you get, and I have a lot of skimpy bikinis to wear." Shuri took great pleasure in seeing all of her marks on you. Everyone who fucked you next would be distracted by thoughts of who gave them to you, unable to enjoy themselves to the fullest. Constantly wondering and fascinated as to who had so much claim over you.
"People can't admire me if they're too focused on what's on my skin." Shuri's eyes narrow, not amused by your comment. To console her, you caress the side of her face, beckoning her to lean closer with a finger. You teasingly bite her lip, returning to meet her icy stare again.
"Don't make that face," you mock, knowing Shuri was irritated by the image of you with other people you were trying to paint in her mind. There was no commitment, but neither of you liked being reminded of previous sexual partners when you were together. You give her lips another light peck, humming with excitement at the satisfaction of riling her up. "You can still hit it like it's yours," you whisper, your angelic eyes drowning in seduction.
Shuri finally gets tired of your arrogance and lifts your chin tightly, forcing you to look up at her. "It is mine.” She almost growls in your ear. Your smirk fades as you let out an audible moan, getting off to the sound of her voice, knowing the severity in her tone assured you a long night ahead.
Shuri makes a pleased sound, and her suppressed groan enhances your desire for her. “I love this little attitude you’re putting on. You want to know why?” She asked, waiting for you to respond.
“Mm, why is that?” You take a deep breath, feeling the tension and temperature in the car rise. You desperately wanted to remove that extra layer of clothing between you two. You were aching for her despite your best efforts to appear unaffected.
Shuri relaxes her hold slightly to bring her thumb to your lower lip, her dark gaze following the way your tongue teasingly peaks out to lick the tip of her finger. "Because I get to fuck it out of you," she continues. “Make you my good girl again." Her words penetrate your core, and you feel walls clench around emptiness, knowing she'll make you complete soon.
"You're insatiable, and no one can tame you as I can. Huh, baby,” You nod, unable to speak because your mouth is busy. "That's exactly what I thought. Now move.” Move? You wrinkle your brows as you begin to rise from Shuri's lap, disappointed, not seeing the point of having you get up from your seat in the first place before a bruising hold on your waist stops you. “Move.” She repeats more forcefully, and you realize what she means. You adjust a little so that one of Shuri's thighs is between your legs, then press down until your clit is firmly against her. You're confident she can sense how wet you are for her, dripping on her skin.
"Get nice and wet for me, but you can't cum," Shuri instructs as you roll your hips. You begin cautiously, attempting to follow Shuri's warning not to cum yet. You won't overwhelm yourself if you proceed slowly.
Time passes. Shuri rotates the rest of the blunt between you two, bringing it to your lips for each inhalation. Your hands are gripping the back of the seat. It's hot, and you can feel sweat clinging to your skin, but you don't mind. You're far too mellow. Dazed and whirling, your hips are in sync with the smoke filling the air illuminated by the stars on the ceiling. Using Shuri's body to get off feels like something out of a dream.
Massaging your clit against Shuri’s thighs, a little gasp leaves your lips when the sensation gets too much. Shuri takes one last, deep drag. A hand comes to the back of your neck, pulling you close to her until your foreheads are touching. Before opening your mouth, you purse your lips, pushing a whimper to the back of your throat. Shuri presses forward, your lips touching as she, little by little, blows the smoke into your mouth. You accept everything, inhaling the marijuana and moving in for a kiss.
Her hand goes from your neck to your folds, inserting her middle finger inside till it brushes against your clit. The slightest touch of her fingertips causes your hips to stutter and your rhythm to come to a halt as your thighs tighten around her wrist. "Shuri," you exhale, rocking gently in her embrace.
Your face flushed at the slick sounds as she played in the results of your sexual desire.
"You're not being fair," you protest. Shuri commanded you not to cum while making it more difficult for you. It was easier when you had a choice over your pleasures, but Shuri used her expert fingers to take you apart while expecting you not to cum. Your stomach tightens as you strain to suppress your climax, letting out a few quiet grunts.
Shuri doesn't care what you think of her games. “I don’t have to be fair. I make the rules, and you have to follow them.” Her dominant tone is coming through, making you even wetter. The low, seductive timbre of her voice might set you off. She increases the pressure on her finger, and you're practically writhing in her lap, desperate for the woman to stop. You could feel the euphoric tension rising and—
"Fuck," you scream, curling in on yourself in relief as Shuri comes to a stop, denying you release verbally and now physically. You mistakenly assume she was finished, not realizing she never removed her hand. You could have thought things were over, but now she's moving again.
“Are you going to come?” She questioned. No words are coming out of your mouth, so you frantically shake your head from side to side. Your body betrays you, starved of orgasm and searching for it. On Shuri's fingers, your hips swivel down. Shuri grins with amusement as she watches you break.
The weed always lets you get out of your thoughts and into your body, which was good because it amplified sex sensations when high. Yet, it also proved a disadvantage as you fought to keep it together. "Are you sure?" With a wicked expression on her face, she pushed.
You felt helpless, wanting to obey Shuri yet lacking the strength to resist your release. "Please, please, please," you beg, attempting to escape her. But you're no match for Shuri, and she doesn't back down, aware that if you genuinely wanted her to stop, you'd use the safe word you established.
Your pleading must have worked because a few seconds later, Shuri pauses, preventing you from having an orgasm yet again. Relieved, tears well up in the corners of your eyes as you realize you can break free. She removes her hands this time, and you can see the sticky substances coating her fingers. “Always so messy,”
Shuri raises her fingers to your mouth, and you accept them to clean yourself off her. You look up at her with sparkling eyes as you conduct such wicked acts. She groans as she feels your lips suction around her, tongue circling each finger, properly licking yourself up. “Good enough for me to taste later,” you nod, still sucking.
A humming sound emanates from her lips as she muses, "I'll think about it if you can listen to me. You'll now return to your room while I park the car." Shuri continues to speak. "I want you naked on the bed. If you understand, nod." You do as directed by gesturing your head like a good girl. Shuri kisses you briefly before releasing you.
Faithful to her sadistic nature, she has added one extra obstacle for you to get to your suite. You shakily exit the car, pausing to remove your heels as you walk through the sand. You reach the patio and cross the hotel gardens, cursing Shuri silently. You try to multitask by removing your dress's sleeves. You cross the bridge into the area of the private spaces a few minutes later, smiling at the Hotel personnel as you rush.
You unlock the suite door and kick your heels to the side of the entryway before proceeding to the room. A touchscreen pad on the wall controls multiple functions in the room. You press the center button, which dimly illuminates the room. You rush into the restroom to wash the sand off your feet. Fucking Shuri. On the short walk, you've probably cursed her ten times.
You run into the kitchen, needing a drink. You opened a bottle of wine the other day but never got around to drinking it. You remove the cork and pour two glasses, one for yourself and one for Shuri. You down the smooth red liquid. You understand that the alcohol would quickly combine with the THC in your system. "Fuck," you mutter as you realize you're losing time. Shuri was almost certainly on her way inside.
You hurriedly slip your dress over your head and slide your soaked panties down your legs, throwing both things on the couch at the end of the bed, leaving the bottle and glass of wine you poured for Her on the bedside table. You climb into bed, your head resting in your hands, your elbow propped up, anticipation beating through your skin.
Shuri emerges from the corridor a few minutes later, placing a bag on the carpet. Her pupils dilated as lust darkened her irises, and her eyes took you in. The number of times she's seen you undressed doesn't matter; she's always stunned, unable to speak. She walks around to the other side of the bed and finds the treat you've left for her. “You want to be nice to me now?” Shuri said as she looked at the wine.
"You expect me to show compassion for you just because you pour me a glass of wine?" Shuri reaches out her tattooed hand to stroke your chin. "I'm not," she laughed, tilting her head to the side. "But it was thoughtful of you."
You gasp sharply at her words. You can't wait for her to take off her clothes. You desired her inside of you after being denied two orgasms. "I never asked you to be," you said sarcastically. H oping she'd hurry up and fulfill her promise to fuck the arrogance out of you.
Shuri laughs again, aware of the game you were playing. “You have such a mouth on you.” She takes a couple of sips from her glass. "Lie on your back," she commands, and you do what she says—looking up at the chandelier while resting flat on your back.
Shuri holds the glass at an angle such that the red wine drips between your breasts and down to your stomach from above. The chill the unexpected sensation leaves on your skin causes your breath to catch. Your body stiffens as you try not to move and disturb the liquid on your body. Shuri gets on the bed face to face with the lower half of your body, still completely clothed, admiring her work. She brings her mouth to your heated skin from beneath your belly button, carefully licking up the mess she made.
She stops between your breasts, placing her lips on one of your nipples, and you moan, feeling her tongue circle around the sensitive bud—the bitter chill of the central air hardens it. Shuri moves on to the next one, repeating the technique and sucking until the sensitive buds are tense.
As she approaches, you whimper and finally come face to face. Shuri places two fingers between your legs, just outside your entrance. She was right where you needed her, but not quite near enough. "You're always so pretty and tight for me."
"Shuri," you whine. She was ignoring your desires. "No, that's all you're getting for now.” You sigh and roll your eyes. Shuri catches the action. “Again, with the attitude. That’s okay. We’re about to correct it right now.”
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Shuri spreads your legs apart and bends them at the knee. “I advise that you keep your legs like this.” Though it didn’t seem like a complex request, you knew you would feel it in your abdomen the longer you held it. "Wide open, ready for me," Shuri observed, staring intently at your warm and inviting pussy.
You bite your lip as Shuri sinks inch by inch, and by the time she's entirely inside, you're gasping, your eyes shutting abruptly as your face twists in ecstasy. Shuri emits a noise of dissatisfaction, “No, open your eyes. I want you to watch it. Watch while I take you apart.” Her eyes had a sinister glint to them. She pushed in and out a few times to get you acquainted with the sensation of her.
The delayed start provided a false sense of security. Shuri's speed soon became ferocious fucking into you, and all you could do was lay there and receive it as her hips slapped into you. "Fuck!" you yelled, flinging your head back. Your thigh muscles were aching from retaining the position, but you were determined not to obstruct Shuri's entry to you.
Shuri slows her desperate strokes, stilling inside you, giving you a short reprieve. She goes for the bottle of wine and tilts her head back, taking a long sip. You can see her throat bob as she swallows it. It's quite seductive. "Open," she urges, holding the bottle above you, and you do it without question.
You feel like a goddess being poured wine while naked, high, and blissed out. This is why having sex with anyone else will never be the same as having sex with Shuri. Hair in all directions, body sticky from sweat, and the residue of the wine sipped off your skin. You swallow the wine, letting the smooth liquid ease the scratchiness in your throat. "Open," she says again, and although the bottle is nowhere to be seen, you open your mouth wide, putting your tongue out, waiting. Shuri spits directly into your mouth, and you tighten your grip on the strap. It should be disgusting, yet it's hot, and you fucking love it as her saliva hits you. “Such a whore, you know that? Letting me fuck you, ruin you.”
Her hands are widening your legs. "You love that, don't you?"
“Yes, yes, yes,” When she puts her finger to your clit, she doesn't let up until she makes you scream, clutching the sheets while screaming and moaning. Shuri is captivated by the noises you make and how her name slips off your tongue as she abandons you absolutely and completely undone.
"Yes, please make me cum for you," you plead, all the toying and teasing had left you ravenous, and all you wanted to do was reach orgasm. "Fuck me like that, fuck me so good," you scream, your fingers tightly wrapped around Shuri's neck, forcing her to stare at you.
"You always fuck me so good—feel so good in me," You’re babbling, half out of your mind. Loving when you’re vocal in bed. Your word has Shuri double her efforts, her strokes sinking deeper. You gasp in response to a powerful thrust pressed up on your g-spot. "There- right there—don't stop, don't stop, don't stop- "
“Don’t stop, huh?” She asks. "Will you let me have you like this all the time? Fuck you nonstop. Never let you go. Constantly have you naked and ready in my bed."
"I'd let you fuck me again and over," you say, maintaining eye contact.
“You’d let me, wouldn’t you? I'll keep you in Wakanda just to fuck you. Make you cum again and again." Shuri was slamming relentlessly into you. As the dominant continued to drive into you, you shouted. Being treated this way, like Shuri's own whore, made you feel amazing. She treated you like an irresistible toy.
“You want to cum?”
“Yes, please, baby.”
"Do you believe you deserve it?" Shuri continues, not interested in your point of view. "I'll be nice, baby," she says, her voice raspy and low. “I’ll let you come. I'll let you come all over me, then fuck it right back into you so you can give it to me again." You can hear the headboard hitting the wall, moving in tandem with the intensity of Shuri's push, mixed in with Shuri's dirty obscenities. Your moans, her filthy words, and the snap of hips against you all contribute to your symphony. The most sinful thing ever composed. After being denied orgasms, you were going to come, but you still needed more. You grab Shuri's wrist and pull her over to your neck. "Shit baby," Shuri says, recognizing your request. Breath play always intensified your orgasms, and you knew you were on the verge of cumming. Permission had now been obtained.
As the hand around your neck squeezes, power is exchanged. A release from control, you giving it to Shuri and her receiving it. The dominant and submissive. Daddy Panther and her darling. As your airway tightens, you ease into the touch, becoming calmer, more carefree, and wholly trusting.
You finally achieve your high at that instant for a million reasons: the smoke, wine, and the taste of yourself on her tongue. Your body arches as everything stops, and you cry out Shuri's name like a litany as you come. The intensity of your climax causes your thighs to quiver. Shuri fucks you through it. Grabbing onto the headboard to plunge harder into you, a forceful stroke presses you farther into the mattress. You hear a crack that sounds like the wood of the headboard in Shuri's hands, but she does not stop. She continues to fuck you, never letting up on her pace falter. When your nerves are on edge from being too sensitive, she stops.
Shuri pants above you. You lay there for a second, attempting to regain your composure while looking up at Shuri with tearful eyes. "There she is, my girl," Her hand brushes some of the hairs stuck to your forehead. "It's all right, darling. I know she needs a break,” Shuri says, wiping the tears from your eyes. Your pussy had its own heartbeat, pulsing from the rough treatment. The thrill is intoxicating.
Shuri pulls out and stands up, and you whine about the absence of contact. She's now standing at the foot of the bed. "All fours, come here," she ordered firmly. As much as your body protested moving so soon after such an intense orgasm, you were committed to doing the right thing for Shuri. Follow her instructions. She meant it when she said she'd restore you to your former self as her good girl, your attitude replaced by a desire to please her. "Look at the mess you've made." You stare down at the glistening strap coated with your release. Shuri gathers your hair in one hand, the other holding the strap's base.
You get down on your elbows, ass up, spine beautifully curved. Shuri thrusts in, her hand holding your hair and keeping you in position as she shallowly rocks her hips. You bob your head, working more quickly, saliva gathering at the corners of your mouth. “That’s it, baby, tasting my pretty girl.” Shuri breathes, tone rough.
"Are you going to let me fuck your throat?" You give her permission by humming around the object in your mouth. The hand in your hair stops your movement, and Shuri takes charge. When she thrusts, it feels like she's scratching your throat, and your throat feels full and tight as if it's been expanded. Occasionally she goes deeper, triggering your gag reflex and making your eyes water. “You’re working so hard. I can't wait for you to ruin it again." She starts sliding you along the shaft of the strap with your hair. As the strap tip strikes the back of your throat, you make a choked moan. Shuri knows this isn't the first time you've done this, so she keeps you there for a second before pulling you off. You're gasping, spit is dripping down your chin, and your eyes are burning. The sight truly amazes Shuri.
"You look fucking beautiful right now. Can you do it again for me?" Shuri requests. You nod. The harsh treatment ignited the fire in your stomach. "Then I'll fuck you again," she informs you.
Shuri pushes you, slipping the tip in your throat again and securing you in place. You calmly breathe through your nose, but your throat convulses around the strap, and you choke. "Take a breath," Shuri orders, and you listen, your throat spasming before Shuri lifts you back up. You gaze up at Shuri, tears streaming down your cheeks, your chin messier than before. “So perfect for me,” Shuri gasped, and you moaned at the adoration you found in her expression.
“Are you okay?” She asks, checking in.
“Yes,” your voice is hoarse, fucked out. Waiting for Shuri’s next move.
Shuri is effortlessly lifting you from your position and collecting you in her arms, hands under your legs to support you. You tightly wrap your legs around her. Shuri moves through the room. As your body is pressed against the plaster, you kiss her, and the strap slides back into you, undoing all your hard work cleaning it. Your fingers clasp Shuri's shoulder as your arm loops around her neck, keeping her close to your chest. You interrupt the kiss to groan loudly, and your head collides with the back wall. "You're doing well, baby. Taking everything I give you," she says proudly.
That was something you admired about her. She never takes anything from you and always gives you all you need.
Shuri pins you between the well and her chest; sweaty bodies push together. Your heartbeats are racing. "Damn baby, you fuck me so good," you moan, glancing down to where the strap disappeared and reappeared in you.
You have no choice but to accept it as she continues with the fierce, sharp thrust. Her strength is exhilarating, tearing you apart and never wavering, giving it to you hard and fast. "Yes, like that, exactly like that," you pant, encouraging her to keep going, reminding her that her "good girl" can receive anything she has to offer.
This time, you get to your second climax much more quickly. The harder Shuri fucked you, the louder your moans became, unconcerned about who heard. "When you cum, I want you to scream my name," Shuri demands. She couldn't stop herself. She seized your hips and drilled relentlessly into your pussy. “Say it. I need to hear you say it.” It was fascinating to see her lose control. And when you feel the familiar wave of overpowering euphoria pour over you, you give her exactly what she wants. “Panther!” You scream, your walls squeezing the strap while you cum, but there's no time to recover.
Shuri is flinging you on the covers, and she's crawling back between your legs for the second time tonight. Shuri adores the taste of you. You recall her spending nearly an hour spreading you open and licking leisurely, not to make you come but to satiate her thirst. She couldn't stop herself from making you cum on her tongue to end this round.
Her lips are on your abused clit, sucking hard as her tongue licks at it, demanding more. You're going to give it to her because you can't bear the thought of disappointing her. Shuri gave you what you needed to give her what she wanted: your submission, your cum, your moans, your pleasure; it was all hers. She wrecked you for anyone else. There will never be someone who knew your body as well as she did and demonstrated it every time you were together.
You try to get free from her grip by twisting your body to the side, but your efforts are unsuccessful. Shuri pulls your body straight, pinning you on the bed by your waist, uninterested in your overstimulation. She was on a mission to watch you cry and beg for mercy.
Tears cloud your vision as the experience begins to overtake you. It's fantastic—too much of a good thing. "Oh my goodness, baby!" you exclaim. You were taken aback as you felt the release exit your body. Your palm reaches for your mouth to muffle the ugly sobs rattling your body. Your orgasm's shakes and spasms were tremendous, moving your entire body with intensity. The whole thing was extremely sensitive. You can't help but grin with the contented numbness of coming down from a high.
You press your sweating brow against your forearm, your unfocused gaze seeking Shuri. She's to your right, observing you cautiously, knowing she's put you through a lot. And you wouldn't want it any other way, of course. You smile at her in satisfaction. “Perfect, Oscar winner smile.” Shuri is delighted. "My star, you did an amazing job for me, baby."
“Always, Daddy Panther.”
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comfort-person · 1 year
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Publicity stunt
This GIF IM SORRY WHAT?!!!! 😩😩😩😩 anyways moving on this story is based on the ‘one bed’ trope. Yes I’m obsessed. I hope you all enjoy!!
Synopsis: you and Harry are forced to be a publicity stunt. He is your boyfriend for one year. A signed contract. But one problem… you hate each other.
Harry styles x fem! Reader
The lights of the paparazzis blinded you and Harry, Harry’s head bowed as his arm was wrapped tightly around you giving the impression of a protective boyfriend protecting his girlfriend his slender fingers wrapped around your hip as you both walked towards the doors of the five star hotel. Fans were screaming, shoving pictures and cd’s towards him attempting to get his attention but all he wanted to do was relax… what a day it had been. He was chewing a piece of gum, curly hair messy but driving the girls and guys wild as usual. His other hand was holding his water bottle, his sunglasses and his car keys… yes he did in fact have pretty big hands.
Once inside of the hotel, away from the eyes of the public you pulled away from Harry not saying anything to him as you walked to your guys’ hotel room. Eventually once at the right room you slid the card in before pulling it out abruptly the green light flickering slightly letting you know it had been unlocked before you pushed the door open, not holding it open for the man as instead it slammed into his arm “thanks.” He spoke sarcastically, you would’ve said something even more sarcastic if it wasn’t for the issue that had now made itself apparent to you… one fucking bed. Great! Just your luck, right? “Are you serious? Harry didn’t you say you got two separate beds?” You asked Harry dropping his stuff onto the desk
“Yes. I did. But clearly they didn’t listen… it isn’t my fault.” He spoke and you glared at him “not your fault? Pfft.” You scoffed, Harry’s cold green eyes boring into you as he stared an annoyed unimpressed look on his face “and earlier you called me childish. Grow the fuck up y/n.” He spat out, your attention now on him, a steamy angry emotion in both of you as you glared into each others eyes “it’s. a. bed. If you’re so unhappy with it sleep on the floor.” He muttered annoyed before sitting down on the bed, the outside world was already dark, and harry was just about ready for bed. You couldn’t believe what he was saying and hated the fact that he just didn’t seem to care… he was truly a fucking asshole. Gods could your life get any worse? “People describe you as a gentleman… apparently you’re not. Because if you were you would’ve offered to sleep on the floor… cliche but if you did I might actually like you.” You spoke, yet didn’t even get a response from him. He just ignored you. Blatantly ignoring you. It pissed you off. Yet you watched as he soon grabbed a hold of a pillow neither of you would use before he stuffed a pillow in between the already laid out pillows- the one pillow standing up right creating an invisible equal line down the middle of the bed, “there… better princess.” He spoke sarcastically and you glared at him annoyed “you stick to your side. I stick to mine.” He spoke and you just nodded your head, before hurrying into the bathroom with your pyjamas, Harry getting changed himself before the both of you decided to wind down for the night.
Harry’s back was facing you, your back facing him too, the pillow being a lot of help actually yet you couldn’t get comfortable whatsoever. It was as if something was bugging you… and you forced yourself to believe it was him that was bugging you. But in reality it was this whole entire situation… you liked harry… and hated the fact that you both had to go around hiding these stupid fucking lies. You had been fidgeting nonstop for a good hour and a half, Harry’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the wall blankly… he was really biting his tongue. But that’s when your cold foot touched the back of his leg his body jumping
“Jesus Christ y/n! You’re freezing… stop fidgeting and go to sleep” he spoke, voice laced with tiredness the deepness making his voice crackle slightly. “Okay. ‘m sorry.” You muttered before rolling onto your stomach before attempting to sleep again, Harry’s eyes fluttering shut as he sighed softly, relaxing all until a minute later you were moving again- bed creaking, foot colliding with Harry’s ass “ow!” He rolled onto his back neck craned to look at you “will you stop? You’re certainly doing that on purpose.” He spoke, your brows furrowed in discomfort “I’m sorry… I can’t sleep… can’t get comfortable. I miss my home… my own bed…” you murmured Harry’s eyes opening slightly wider as he listened to you “well… you’ll be able to go home sooner once you fall asleep.” He spoke before attempting to roll back over and sleep only to be grabbed by your gentle hand eyes full of sadness and worry
“Harry…” you whispered “y/n.” He spoke in the same tone “hold me.” Those words practically stumped Harry, as he froze, blinking- utterly baffled. Did he just hear you right. “What?” “Hold me Harry. Please… I- I can’t sleep unless close to someone… or something…” usually you had your back pressed against the wall but there was no wall either of the sides of the bed. All apart from Harry. Harry closed his eyes, exhaling quietly before shaking his head “fine.” He rolled over to face you, you rolling over again so your back was facing him before you backed up into his warm embrace- back pressing against his chest, his arms lightly wrapping around your waist hands closed into fists to make sure to not touch you without you wanting him to, your body soon relaxing as you closed your eyes, Harry relaxing too as slowly but surely the both of you fell into somewhat of a peaceful sleep.
Hours passed before eventually it was morning again, 6am to be precise. You would’ve slept in longer if it wasn’t for the fact that Harry’s fans were screaming his name… one side yelling ‘Harry’ another yelling ‘styles’ it was continuous. Annoying. Frustrating.
Your eyes fluttered open confused, a soft groan leaving your lips, yet that soon became the least of your worries as you soon realised you were not facing a wall anymore… but rather Harry himself… your chest pressed against his, face inches from his, your eyes widening slightly in shock…. You must’ve really gotten comfortable last night… Jesus. You stared shocked but didn’t attempt to move as you soon instead found yourself admiring him… his lips… his nose…. The way his eyelashes brushed against the tops of his cheeks… his hair sprawled out onto the pillow lips slightly pouted, arms still wrapped around you tightly and securely. His defined jawline and cheekbones making your stomach flutter. So much so you carefully reached your arm behind you grabbing your phone as you quickly but efficiently took a picture of him asleep, immediately posting it to Instagram keeping your eyes on him but also your phone to make sure he didn’t see you doing such a… romantic? Thing.
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A sudden “you know it’s rude to stare,” making you jump a small lazy smirk on Harry’s lips as he stared at you. You quickly turned your phone off dropping it by your side as you stared at him “sorry..” you smiled softly staring at him the feeling you had towards him was now of fondness rather than resentment. “Want to hear a joke?” He asked softly voice lazy and amused and you hummed watching as he smirked “right… okay.. what do you call a dinosaur who constantly kicks you up the bum?” You shook your head not knowing “a megasoreass…” your lips immediately upturned into a smile as you laughed “that’s so fucking stupid Harry.” You giggled out “okay okay I’ve got one…. What do you call someone who crosses the road to find a chicken?” Harry stared confused “uh I don’t know.” “Harry styles.” You spoke, Harry’s eyes narrowing as he glared at you playfully “well who’s the one who likes chicken here? I only eat fish… soo… I guess it’s really y/n y/l/n hm” he smirked at you your smile remaining yet both your faces began to relax as he began leaning in, you moving closer to him as well before the inevitable happened…
Your lips met with his, the pillow that once kept you both from being close to each other now was a place for both your heads to rest, Harry’s hand coming to cup your cheek, thumb brushing against your cheek bone as he kissed you deeply but passionately, eyes fluttered shut, growing more heated, his free hand sliding down your waist and your hands grasping onto his shoulders tightly hands soon curling into his hair, tugging slightly before eventually you were both forced to pull away…. Breathing heavily… looking into each others eyes as Harry stared at you
“Shit…” he murmured
“Shit.” You repeated after him studying his eyes silently… there’s no going back now, right? “Fuck it.” You whispered, lips colliding with his again as you kissed him passionately, the kisses messy and sloppy as his hands travelled down your waist, until eventually you were pulled on-top of him the filthy make out session continuing… and well….
The rest is history.
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Publicity stunt
This GIF IM SORRY WHAT?!!!! 😩😩😩😩 anyways moving on this story is based on the ‘one bed’ trope. Yes I’m obsessed. I hope you all enjoy!!
Synopsis: you and Harry are forced to be a publicity stunt. He is your boyfriend for one year. A signed contract. But one problem… you hate each other.
Harry styles x fem! reader
©️ please do not copy or translate my work.
The lights of the paparazzis blinded you and Harry, Harry’s head bowed as his arm was wrapped tightly around you giving the impression of a protective boyfriend protecting his girlfriend his slender fingers wrapped around your hip as you both walked towards the doors of the five star hotel. Fans were screaming, shoving pictures and cd’s towards him attempting to get his attention but all he wanted to do was relax… what a day it had been. He was chewing a piece of gum, curly hair messy but driving the girls and guys wild as usual. His other hand was holding his water bottle, his sunglasses and his car keys… yes he did in fact have pretty big hands.
Once inside of the hotel, away from the eyes of the public you pulled away from Harry not saying anything to him as you walked to your guys’ hotel room. Eventually once at the right room you slid the card in before pulling it out abruptly the green light flickering slightly letting you know it had been unlocked before you pushed the door open, not holding it open for the man as instead it slammed into his arm “thanks.” He spoke sarcastically, you would’ve said something even more sarcastic if it wasn’t for the issue that had now made itself apparent to you… one fucking bed. Great! Just your luck, right? “Are you serious? Harry didn’t you say you got two separate beds?” You asked Harry dropping his stuff onto the desk
“Yes. I did. But clearly they didn’t listen… it isn’t my fault.” He spoke and you glared at him “not your fault? Pfft.” You scoffed, Harry’s cold green eyes boring into you as he stared an annoyed unimpressed look on his face “and earlier you called me childish. Grow the fuck up y/n.” He spat out, your attention now on him, a steamy angry emotion in both of you as you glared into each others eyes “it’s. a. bed. If you’re so unhappy with it sleep on the floor.” He muttered annoyed before sitting down on the bed, the outside world was already dark, and harry was just about ready for bed. You couldn’t believe what he was saying and hated the fact that he just didn’t seem to care… he was truly a fucking asshole. Gods could your life get any worse? “People describe you as a gentleman… apparently you’re not. Because if you were you would’ve offered to sleep on the floor… cliche but if you did I might actually like you.” You spoke, yet didn’t even get a response from him. He just ignored you. Blatantly ignoring you. It pissed you off. Yet you watched as he soon grabbed a hold of a pillow neither of you would use before he stuffed a pillow in between the already laid out pillows- the one pillow standing up right creating an invisible equal line down the middle of the bed, “there… better princess.” He spoke sarcastically and you glared at him annoyed “you stick to your side. I stick to mine.” He spoke and you just nodded your head, before hurrying into the bathroom with your pyjamas, Harry getting changed himself before the both of you decided to wind down for the night.
Harry’s back was facing you, your back facing him too, the pillow being a lot of help actually yet you couldn’t get comfortable whatsoever. It was as if something was bugging you… and you forced yourself to believe it was him that was bugging you. But in reality it was this whole entire situation… you liked harry… and hated the fact that you both had to go around hiding these stupid fucking lies. You had been fidgeting nonstop for a good hour and a half, Harry’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the wall blankly… he was really biting his tongue. But that’s when your cold foot touched the back of his leg his body jumping
“Jesus Christ y/n! You’re freezing… stop fidgeting and go to sleep” he spoke, voice laced with tiredness the deepness making his voice crackle slightly. “Okay. ‘m sorry.” You muttered before rolling onto your stomach before attempting to sleep again, Harry’s eyes fluttering shut as he sighed softly, relaxing all until a minute later you were moving again- bed creaking, foot colliding with Harry’s ass “ow!” He rolled onto his back neck craned to look at you “will you stop? You’re certainly doing that on purpose.” He spoke, your brows furrowed in discomfort “I’m sorry… I can’t sleep… can’t get comfortable. I miss my home… my own bed…” you murmured Harry’s eyes opening slightly wider as he listened to you “well… you’ll be able to go home sooner once you fall asleep.” He spoke before attempting to roll back over and sleep only to be grabbed by your gentle hand eyes full of sadness and worry
“Harry…” you whispered “y/n.” He spoke in the same tone “hold me.” Those words practically stumped Harry, as he froze, blinking- utterly baffled. Did he just hear you right. “What?” “Hold me Harry. Please… I- I can’t sleep unless close to someone… or something…” usually you had your back pressed against the wall but there was no wall either of the sides of the bed. All apart from Harry. Harry closed his eyes, exhaling quietly before shaking his head “fine.” He rolled over to face you, you rolling over again so your back was facing him before you backed up into his warm embrace- back pressing against his chest, his arms lightly wrapping around your waist hands closed into fists to make sure to not touch you without you wanting him to, your body soon relaxing as you closed your eyes, Harry relaxing too as slowly but surely the both of you fell into somewhat of a peaceful sleep.
Hours passed before eventually it was morning again, 6am to be precise. You would’ve slept in longer if it wasn’t for the fact that Harry’s fans were screaming his name… one side yelling ‘Harry’ another yelling ‘styles’ it was continuous. Annoying. Frustrating.
Your eyes fluttered open confused, a soft groan leaving your lips, yet that soon became the least of your worries as you soon realised you were not facing a wall anymore… but rather Harry himself… your chest pressed against his, face inches from his, your eyes widening slightly in shock…. You must’ve really gotten comfortable last night… Jesus. You stared shocked but didn’t attempt to move as you soon instead found yourself admiring him… his lips… his nose…. The way his eyelashes brushed against the tops of his cheeks… his hair sprawled out onto the pillow lips slightly pouted, arms still wrapped around you tightly and securely. His defined jawline and cheekbones making your stomach flutter. So much so you carefully reached your arm behind you grabbing your phone as you quickly but efficiently took a picture of him asleep, immediately posting it to Instagram keeping your eyes on him but also your phone to make sure he didn’t see you doing such a… romantic? Thing.
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A sudden “you know it’s rude to stare,” making you jump a small lazy smirk on Harry’s lips as he stared at you. You quickly turned your phone off dropping it by your side as you stared at him “sorry..” you smiled softly staring at him the feeling you had towards him was now of fondness rather than resentment. “Want to hear a joke?” He asked softly voice lazy and amused and you hummed watching as he smirked “right… okay.. what do you call a dinosaur who constantly kicks you up the bum?” You shook your head not knowing “a megasoreass…” your lips immediately upturned into a smile as you laughed “that’s so fucking stupid Harry.” You giggled out “okay okay I’ve got one…. What do you call someone who crosses the road to find a chicken?” Harry stared confused “uh I don’t know.” “Harry styles.” You spoke, Harry’s eyes narrowing as he glared at you playfully “well who’s the one who likes chicken here? I only eat fish… soo… I guess it’s really y/n y/l/n hm” he smirked at you your smile remaining yet both your faces began to relax as he began leaning in, you moving closer to him as well before the inevitable happened…
Your lips met with his, the pillow that once kept you both from being close to each other now was a place for both your heads to rest, Harry’s hand coming to cup your cheek, thumb brushing against your cheek bone as he kissed you deeply but passionately, eyes fluttered shut, growing more heated, his free hand sliding down your waist and your hands grasping onto his shoulders tightly hands soon curling into his hair, tugging slightly before eventually you were both forced to pull away…. Breathing heavily… looking into each others eyes as Harry stared at you
“Shit.” He murmured
“Shit.” You repeated after him studying his eyes silently… there’s no going back now, right? “Fuck it.” You whispered, lips colliding with his again as you kissed him passionately, the kisses messy and sloppy as his hands travelled down your waist, until eventually you were pulled on-top of him the filthy make out session continuing… and well….
The rest is history.
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blondie20000 · 2 years
Everywhere - David Rice x Reader
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David has taken you everywhere.
Italy, France, London you and David have travelled the world. He loved to spoil you. He would take you to the most fanciest restaurants, buy you the most expensive gifts and he would pick five star rated hotels where you and him would go and fuck passionately all through the night.
You would ask him about money but he would respond with a smirk and pat his bag where he stored his cash. Cash he stole from the banks. You always expressed your concerns about the stolen cash but he would kiss you and assure you that everything is going to be okay and they were not going to get caught. He then joked if he was caught he would escape anyway nothing can keep him locked up forever. Despite the worries you trusted him you felt safe around him you knew he wouldn't let anything bad happen to you.
One day he took you to Haiti. After booking into a villa the couple made their way down to the beach.
The view is breathtaking.
You smiled as you removed your flip flops and let your feet sink into the golden sand. David grabs a surf board and offers you to join him but you decline because all you wanted to do is relax under the sun.
After David went out into the ocean you slip on your sunglasses and lie down on the towel. You sigh and tilt your head back letting the sun shine down on your face. You laid there for a while and let your mind drift off. You let yourself go in a relaxed, mediated state.
The call of your name brought you out of your trance. You sit up and push your sunglasses on to your head.
Suddenly your eyes widen when you see him coming towards you.
David walked towards you with the surf board under his arm. He glowed under the sun. His smile is full of warmth and his sky blue eyes sparkled. Water rolls down his muscular, toned body towards his shorts.
Shorts you wanted to rip off him right here right now because God David Rice looked absolutely gorgeous.
You quickly cross your legs not wanting people to notice your sudden desire for him.
David runs his fingers through his wet strands as he sits next you.
"What a wave." He chuckled as he grabs the towel and dries his hair. "That was a big one."
You managed to put on a smile.
"You look like you had fun."
His lips tug upwards when he notices the pink creeping up your cheeks.
"You should have joined me." He says.
"Na." You shake your head. "I'm not into surfing."
He shrugs.
"Your loss."
He puts the towel next to him and leans back on his elbows. He then brushes his hand against your thigh. You look up sharply at him. He pretends to act dumb.
"Something wrong?"
Another brush against your thigh. You glare at him.
"Is the sand bothering you?" He asked with an innocent expression.
You saw through the act he was putting on you can see the mischief in his eyes. He can sense your desire for him and he is winding you up because of it he wanted to see how quickly you will give into him.
As much as you didn't want to admit it he is doing a pretty good job so far.
David gets closer to you. His leg hooks over yours. His body is pressed against yours. His face is inches away from yours. He then leans forward and kisses you on the lips.
"David." You scolded at him. "This is a public place."
"What?" That innocent expression is back on his face. "Am I not allowed to kiss my girlfriend?"
His hand lands on your stomach. You then tensed up as his hand moves under your shorts.
"David." You whispered.
He places a magazine between them both.
"Nobody is gonna know." He leans his head on your shoulder. "They will think we are reading..." He narrows his eyes. "How to make the Kalalou the haitian gumbo." He smiles. "We are just getting into the Haitian culture. Right Y/N?"
You gasp as he sticks his finger inside you. Your legs tighten as he sticks another finger inside you.
"Hmm." He buried his head into your neck. "This is a good read makes me wanna do some cooking right now." You bite your lip as he picks up the pace. "I can't wait to taste it." He whispered into your ear.
You grit your teeth to stop yourself from screaming.
He continued to fuck you with his fingers. He smirks as your face now turns red. He can see you are frustrated and you are struggling to stay quiet. Your reaction encouraged him to carry on. He kept going until you spilled yourself all over his fingers. You bit down hard on your lip as you cum on to him. You groan as your panties turn soaking wet.
"Damm it." You cursed under your breath.
He laughs and removes his fingers from you. He raises his hand to his mouth and smirks.
"Bon Appétit."
He licks his fingers clean. As he licked them his eyes locked on to yours. His tongue sucks up every last ounce of you. He then licks his lips in a seductive manner. You felt the burning heat of desire returning between your legs again.
"Salty...but sweet." He nodded with a grin.
"I need to go and change." You said as you stand up.
"But wait." He raises his eyebrow. "What about dessert?"
He gives you a knowing look. Your eyes trail down his body again. You then look back up at his face. He wanted you and you wanted him. You couldn't resist him anymore so you decided to give into your desires.
"Let's go."
He grins and stands up. He takes your hand and leads you behind the trees. In one swift movement you suddenly found yourself falling through the sand on to the bed. You gasp as your back hits the mattress.
He appears on top of you and gives you a smirk. You shake your head. Although you have teleported many times the experience of it all still surprised you.
"You okay?" He asked.
You nod and smile at him.
"Saves getting the keys out right?" He smirked as he started to remove your shorts followed by your panties.
You remove your bikini top and you toss it on to the floor. He pushes his shorts down followed by his boxers. He then climbs on to the bed.
"So beautiful." He mumbled as his lips lock on to yours.
He started of soft and tender but then it became more passionate and eager.
You respond and push your tongue inside his mouth. He moans as his tongue rolls alongside yours.
David eventually pulls away and goes to your neck. He leaves a trail of kisses along your collarbone and bites down on your nipple. You moan. David moves to the other breast and sucks hard on your nipple. You cursed as he sucked and teased you.
His tongue goes down your stomach towards your legs. You moaned his name as his wet tongue made contact with your hot sweaty skin. When he reached your cunt he latched on to the folds and sucked hard at it. He then pushes his tongue in and hungrily licks you up and down.
You push yourself against his face as he continued to lick you down there.
After a few more strokes David removes his tongue and smirks at your flustered face.
"So nice and wet baby." He rubs your clit up and down with his thumb. "All for me." He then goes up and positions himself between your legs. His eyes then widen. "Almost forgot."
Within a second David teleports to his bag and grabs a packet of condoms out. You blink and David is back in front of you again. He rips open the package and gets the condom out. After he puts the condom on he returns to his position between your legs.
"All good?" He asked.
You nod.
Suddenly a gasp escapes your lips as he comes inside you. You arched your back as he started to thrust you.
"God AH!" You cried out loud.
Each thrust started to send you over the edge. You grip on to your boyfriend's hair and tug at it hard. David responded with a growl.
"Damm Y/N."
He then increased the pace. Your other hand goes to his back. Your nails dig into his skin. He gasped with pain and pleasure. His reaction made you weak to your knees.
As he continued to rock you, you started to feel that familiar heat down there becoming more intense and the need to release started to consume you.
You hold on to your boyfriend tight and you buried your head against his chest. You suddenly cried out as you again spill yourself all over him. Seeing you fall apart made him let go. He let out another growl as he let's it all out.
You loosen your grip and drop your head back on to the pillows. David stands up and goes to the bathroom.
You sigh and stare at the ceiling. You blink a few times to clear your vision. You then felt the mattress shift as David joins you on the bed again. He kisses your cheek and wraps his arms around you. You lean on his chest and smile at him.
"Never gets old."
He nods.
"Yeah." He runs his fingers through your hair and smiles. A few moments later David sits up. "I'm gonna take a shower." He raises an amused brow. "Care to join me?"
You smirk at him.
"I think you know the answer."
He grins and pulls you in. Within a second you are against the tile wall. David slides the door shut and switches the shower on. Your lips then return to his. You kiss each other as the water beats down on your shoulders.
"Damm I fucking love you Y/N!" David mumbled into the kiss.
You grin into the kiss.
"And I love you too David. "
The End
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kushblazer666 · 1 year
I walked into a Hotel and after going through the menu,🗒️ I ordered some food.
After about 20 mins⏲️ a group of Guys and Ladies walked in & ordered theirs.🗒️
To my dismay and utter disbelief, these folks got served first.😯😮😲 I watched👀 as they began to eat & laugh heartily.😀😃😁 I even overheard one of them bragging about how connected he is to everyone in the Hotel and I felt mocked.😯😮😲
I decided to leave.🚶🏿‍♂️ Unable to take it anymore , I called the Waiter.
He calmly told me:
"Yours is a special order Sir, being prepared by the Chief Chef himself.🔪🍠🫚🥬🍅🍖🧀💯
Their orders were prepared hurriedly by Students on attachment because the top Chefs are busy with yours Sir.🙏🏿
That's why they were served first. Please have some juice as you wait Sir, I'm sure they should be done any minute from now".🆗
I calmed down & waited patiently, while sipping on my bribery juice.🧃
Shortly after, my meal was served by 6 Waiters.🍽️🍲🥗🍛🥘🌽🍗🍰🥃🍺
Unknown to me, the Owner of the Hotel (who happened to be an old long lost Friend of mine) saw me when I entered and decided to surprise me.
She changed my simple meal to a five-star meal.😍🥰🥰
The party at the other table were shocked.🫢🫢 They couldn't stop staring.👀👁️👀 Suddenly they were the ones murmuring, asking why they didn't get that kind of service and meal.🤷🏿‍♂️
Such is life my dear Friends ❗ Some people are ahead of you and are eating now (let them eat),✅ some are laughing at you (let them laugh)✅ and talking about how they are smarter,✅ wiser✅ and better than you (let them be),🆗✅ how they are well connected (close proximity to Leadership),✅ blessed,✅ have money and are enjoying life (it's their turn, let them enjoy).✅
You are waiting tirelessly wondering why it's taking so long to breakthrough.🤷🏿‍♂️ You endure mockery and humiliation.🫵🏿😂 Maybe you have contemplated suicide,🥹 gone through depression or suffered severe mental anxiety.😭😭
Do not worry❗ Worry not my dear Friend❗The OWNER of the World has seen u & doesn't want you to be served a simple meal like those making a mockery of you.🆗
You're waiting long because yours is a special meal❗ It takes time to prepare. And only the Chief of Chefs is preparing it.🆗🆗🆗
Wait for your meal and relax. When it comes that laughing party will be silenced for good❗🤫🤐🤐
#Namanje I'm still the People's Coach and ngiyanincanywa Mzansi 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦 #coach0
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stardustedsins · 1 year
Heat Wave
Reader/Polnareff (gender neutral reader)
(This is a silly little summer fic with the crusaders hanging out together. It’s not my best work, but I had fun writing it, so I thought I’d share it.)
“It’s so hot.” Polnareff complains, fanning himself with a magazine.
“It’s the heat.” You mumble in reply, and he groans and swats lazily at you with the magazine.
“Don’t meme at me, I’m dying.”
It is really hot, so much so that you’re all sitting around in as little clothing as possible. Polnareff flung his shirt off into the corner long ago, and even Jotaro has taken his coat off.
“That’s it.” Joseph claps his hands together. “We’re going swimming. Everyone go get changed and meet back down here in five minutes.”
He sets an example by leaving the rest of you and retreating to his room. Swimming sounds great in this heat, so you peel yourself off the cool floor and return to your own room to change, everyone else doing the same with varying levels of grumbling (mostly Polnareff).
The group reassembles in swimsuits, carrying towels and a volleyball Kakyoin had found somewhere in the house.
Seeing the pool, you’re glad once again that Joseph had booked this rental instead of hotel rooms for your little reunion trip. The water looks perfect, but–you snag Polnareff’s arm when he tries to pass by you and jump straight in.
“Sunscreen first.” You remind him, shaking up the spray can. Everyone applies sunscreen, helping get each other’s backs, and then it’s finally time to swim. Kakyoin dives right in, Avdol uses the stairs to acclimate to the cold water more gradually, and Joseph pushes Jotaro in before jumping after him. Iggy lays down at the side of the pool, apparently not interested in swimming.
You decide to follow Avdol’s lead and use the steps, since the water is cold. You don’t make it far before Polnareff snatches you up.
“Where are you going?” He cackles as you squirm in his arms. “Come join us in the deep end, chéri!”
“No, wait! Jean!” You laugh, then shriek when he nearly drops you.
“Better close your mouth!” He tries to throw you in, but you manage to cling to his arms, and the shift in weight overbalances him and drags him in with you. You hit the water together, resurfacing right next to each other.
No one bothered to style their hair this morning just to hang around at the house, so Polnareff’s long hair is stuck to his face now that it’s wet. It’s kind of cute, actually.
Kakyoin’s volleyball lands between the two of you with a splash.
“Look, there’s a net we can set up. Let’s play!” He calls out, and you quickly divide into two teams. You end up with Polnareff and Joseph, with Avdol preparing to serve first for the other team.
It doesn’t last long.
You don’t know why you expected a normal game. None of you are really “normal” people. Joseph had hit the ball a little too high, and Kakyoin had used Hierophant to reach up and whip it back at your team. Once stands got involved, the game couldn’t possibly last long. You’d used your stand’s ability to speed up Polnareff’s shot, and Jotaro had returned it with a spike from Star Platinum that was so powerful it had popped the ball.
“I was going to complain about not being able to use Chariot, since, y’know, sword. But apparently I’m not the one we needed to worry about.” Polnareff teases, retrieving the deflated remains of the volleyball and tossing it next to everyone’s towels at the side of the pool. Iggy snorts in amusement.
“Sorry.” Poor Jotaro looks awkward as he apologizes, but Joseph ruffles his hair (earning him an irritated look).
“Don’t worry about it, we all got pretty into the competition there. I’ll pay for the ball when we check out.”
“Let’s just relax for a while.” You suggest.
It’s nice just to float on the water, or sit on one of the bench-style ledges in the pool. The water is cool and refreshing, and you can chat with the group now that you’re all just hanging out more quietly. Joseph tells a story from his youth that you’re not sure is entirely true (there’s no telling with him), and Polnareff tells jokes (some of which no one gets, but he assures you are very funny in French).
As the sun goes down, and the heat of the day starts to fade, you get out of the pool and dry off. Joseph brings an armful of drinks from the fridge, and you sit on the patio furniture and enjoy them together.
“We should have a barbecue next time.” Avdol suggests. “I could make kofta.”
“I could probably manage yakitori.” Kakyoin adds. “I don’t cook much, but grilling isn’t too hard.”
“Let’s do it!” Joseph agrees, and Iggy licks his lips in anticipation. “Next time we’ll all plan a grocery list and get a grill. I’ll make steaks and asparagus.”
Next time sounds delicious. You’re already thinking about side dishes to accompany the grilled fare. You’re often able to meet up with one or two of the group, especially with several of you traveling frequently to help the Speedwagon Foundation, but it’s always special when all of you can be together. Letters and phone calls aren’t quite the same as being in the same room.
You sit in companionable silence for a while before Kakyoin breaks it.
“Hey,” He gets your attention with a suspiciously innocent look on his face. “When are you and Polnareff going to stop dancing around your feelings for each other?”
“Oh, perhaps we should give them a chance to talk privately about it.” Avdol chimes in, grinning.
“Yes, let’s go inside.” Joseph stands from his chair with barely contained mirth on his face and ushers everyone into the house. “Goodnight, see you tomorrow, lovebirds!”
“Wait!” You don’t make it to the door before he locks you out. An awkward silence descends as you turn back to Polnareff. His cheeks are lightly dusted with pink, but he sounds confident when he speaks.
“Well… I wanted to wait until I could arrange something more special, but…” He says your name softly, almost reverently. “Kakyoin was right, I do have feelings for you. I also deeply value our friendship, so if you don’t-“
“I do!” You interrupt, not wanting to let him go on thinking you don’t return his feelings.
“Oh! Then you won’t mind if I take you out to dinner after this trip?”
“I’d love that.” You’ve had dinner together plenty of times, but this time will be special nonetheless as your first date with him. You’re already looking forward to it.
“Then I’ll have to come and sweep you off your feet with the perfect dinner date! Prepare to be romanced!”
You’ll have to prepare something special yourself, then. He deserves romancing, too.
But first…
“Is Joseph going to come back and unlock the door for us?” You ask, looking in through the glass at the empty room on the other side.
“If he isn’t, then he can pay for the lock.” Polnareff summons Silver Chariot, who spears the whole lock assembly on his rapier. With the core removed, the remains of the bolt fall out of place immediately, allowing the door to open.
“After you, chéri.”
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regenderate-fic · 2 years
When I Run Away (You're Who I Run To): Chapter 21
main post read on ao3
Word Count (Chapter): 2,484
NOTES: oughhh i haven't been writing as much lately and i'm catching up to myself… i'm writing chapter 29 right now. it's near the end though!! the wip doc is at like 85k, i'm still debating whether or not i think it'll hit 100k. there's so much and yet so little that still needs to happen… vwoo…
It was a quick bus ride back to the hotel, but still, Yaz found herself exhausted by the time she wound up back in their room. She kicked off her shoes and fell back on the bed, not even bothering to take off her leather jacket. A moment later, Rose was next to her, interlacing their hands, and then the bed dipped and Yaz realized Penny had sat down awkwardly at the edge of it. Without thinking, she reached out, tugging at Penny’s arm until Penny was lying there too, her face inches from Yaz’s.
“You’re still wearing your coat,” she said.
Yaz frowned. “What?”
Penny gestured at her jacket. “Doesn’t look comfortable.”
“Guess it’s not.” Yaz sat halfway up, struggling to get the jacket off. Finally, Penny sat up to slip it off her shoulders, her fingers grazing Yaz’s sleeves with all the care and delicacy one might use with fine crystal. With the same care, Penny folded the jacket and laid it on the nightstand, and then she flopped back down, her hair falling across her forehead. Yaz matched the pose. Falling onto her back, she found herself staring up at the ceiling, feeling totally and completely drained. But then Rose’s arm wrapped itself around her, and Penny inched tentatively closer, and Yaz let herself relax into her exhaustion. She felt a tear falling from one eye, and she didn’t stop it— a second later, Rose’s cool fingers were wiping it away. 
“How are you?” Rose asked quietly.
“I—” Yaz swallowed. “I’m not sure.” 
“That’s okay,” Rose murmured. “Can we do anything?” 
Yaz hesitated. “Just— be here?” 
Rose nestled closer, her chin hooked on Yaz’s shoulder. “We can do that.” 
“It’s been a while since we had a meal, hasn’t it?” Penny added. “D’you want food?”
“Might be nice,” Rose said. She prodded Yaz. “Any requests?”
Yaz tried to think. She couldn’t. “Er— no.” 
“That’s all right,” Penny said. She sat up, rummaging around in her pockets until she found her phone. “Think I can find something we all like. D’you know, I’m very good at Yelp?”
“I bet you are,” Rose replied, her head still buried in Yaz’s shoulder. 
“Oh, don’t take that tone with me, Rose Tyler.” Penny was poking at her phone screen now. “I’m brilliant, I am. See? Here’s a place. Five stars. And it’s Chinese, and I already know what you’ll like.” She glanced at Rose. “Except they don’t deliver.”
“That’s all right,” Rose said immediately. “I can pick it up.” 
“I’ll come with you,” Penny offered.
“Nah,” Rose said. “Been a long day. You ought to rest.”
“Oh, thank goodness.” Penny gave a dramatic sigh. “Don’t know what I would’ve done if you’d actually wanted me to go walking around.”
“Penny,” Rose said, lifting her head to look at her, “have you been letting people push you past your limits?”
Penny grunted in a way that was definitely not an answer.
Rose sighed. “If I’m about to push you like that, you’ve got to tell me, all right?”
“Yeah, all right.” Penny didn’t exactly sound committed, but Rose didn’t say anything. Penny passed the phone to Rose, their hands hovering for a moment over Yaz’s chest. “Here, put in your order.” 
“‘Kay.” Rose held the phone above her and Yaz, tapping at the screen. “Yaz, did you want egg drop soup?”
“Don’t care,” Yaz said.
“Right, that’s going to be a yes, then.” A few moments later, Rose passed the phone back to Penny.
“That’s done, then,” Penny said, dropping her phone on the bed. “Pickup’s in twenty minutes.”
“Where is it?” Rose asked.
“Just around the corner, looked like.” Penny picked up the phone again. “I’ll text you.”
“I’ll set a timer,” Rose said. “Fifteen minutes.”
Those fifteen minutes passed in relative silence: Rose sat up against the headboard, fiddling with Yaz’s braid until finally Yaz pulled her hair tie out and let the hair come loose. Penny, for her part, had laid back down next to Yaz, her eyes closed. When Rose’s alarm went off, all three of them jumped, and Rose clambered to the foot of the bed to slip on her shoes.
“Back soon,” she said. 
Yaz sat up to watch her go. Penny followed her lead, scrambling backwards until she was leaning against the headboard, and Yaz glanced at her.
“I didn’t ask,” she said. “How are you doing?”
Penny waved a hand. “Not about me, is it?”
“Is a little bit,” Yaz said. “You only came here ‘cause of your mum, and I’ve just made you sit in a hospital waiting room for hours. And I know you’re not exactly good with hospitals.”
“I’m all right in waiting rooms,” Penny said immediately. “It’s the exam rooms you’ve got to watch out for. And the ones with the— with the beds.” She shrugged. “Anyway, I didn’t only come ‘cause of my mum, you know.”
Yaz frowned. “What do you mean?” 
“Wanted to help, didn’t I?” Penny let her head fall back. “Not that I’m all that much help, really. But you and Rose have been so good to me, and it sounded like you needed support.”
“I have Rose,” Yaz pointed out. “I wouldn’t have been alone.” 
“Yeah.” Penny kicked at the blankets. “But, y’know. You need everything you can get, don’t you? I wanted—” She cut herself off.
“Suppose I wanted to give you what I could,” Penny said. She glanced at Yaz, then quickly away. “Sorry. If you didn’t want that, I mean.”
“No,” Yaz said. “It’s definitely— I mean, I do want you here. I like having you here. I just don’t want to put too much on you. Especially when you’re already sick.”
“I’m always sick,” Penny said. “I mean, I’ve been in a bit of a flare-up, but even when I feel well, I’m sick. Can’t stop trying to help my friends just ‘cause I’m sick.” She shrugged. “Anyway, this sort of thing doesn’t take too much of my energy.” She paused, then added, “Although the hospital could stand to turn down the overhead lights, wouldn’t you say?”
Yaz surprised herself by laughing. “I was thinking the same thing.” She was quiet for a moment, and then she processed another part of what Penny had said. She shifted, turning to face Penny on the bed. “Penny, if you can’t be in the hospital rooms— if my nan wants to meet you, d’you need me and Rose to make excuses? ‘Cause we will, if you need it.”
Penny considered for a moment. “I don’t know,” she finally said. “D’you really think she’ll want to meet me?”
“She likes meeting my friends,” Yaz said. “And I don’t visit that often.”
“Okay,” Penny said. “I think I could do a short time. If there’s a chair. And as long as no one sticks anything in me.”
Yaz shook her head. “Why would they stick anything in you?”
“You never know. Doctors can be sneaky.”
“Well,” Yaz said, “I promise no one will stick anything in you.” She hesitated. “They can’t do anything without your permission, anyway. Even when you are the patient.”
“Right,” Penny said. “‘Cause we’re adults.” She nodded to herself. “Yes. I could do a short visit. Quick introduction, bit of small talk. I’m brilliant at small talk.”
Yaz rolled her eyes. “‘Course you are.”
“Oi, are you doubting me?” 
Yaz fell sideways so that she was lying across Penny’s lap. “No. Don’t have the energy to doubt you.”
“Oh. That’s all right, then.” Penny hesitated. Yaz could feel her hands hovering just above her hair. “Can I braid your hair?”
Yaz shifted. “Er— yeah. If you want to.”
“It’s not going to look good, mind,” Penny said, her hands already sifting through Yaz’s hair. “I just like to occupy my hands, is the thing.”
“I don’t mind,” Yaz said. “I’ll probably just redo it before I go to bed.” She hesitated. “Or I’ll make Rose do it, more likely.”
Penny laughed softly. “Yeah. All right.” Yaz could feel Penny’s hands in her hair, separating a chunk into three strands, her fingers moving quickly as she formed the braid. Yaz let her eyes slide shut.
By the time Rose got back, Penny had finished four thin braids— no small feat, considering the length of Yaz’s hair. Yaz, for her part, was halfway to dozing off, but when she heard the door open, she pushed herself into a sitting position.
“I come bearing food,” Rose announced, dropping two plastic bags on the bed before sitting down herself. “Very nice place, by the way.”
“Told you.” Penny was already pulling cartons out of the bags. “I’m good at Yelp.” She offered Yaz a Styrofoam container. “Egg rolls?”
“Thanks.” Yaz pulled up the lid to reveal the two egg rolls. She set the container on the bed and pried open the sauce before picking up one of the egg rolls and nibbling at the edge. She wasn’t all that hungry, but she had to eat. She didn’t want to wind up passing out and causing her family’s second medical emergency of the week. 
It took her most of the next two hours to eat what she considered a meal’s worth of food— and even then, they had almost half their order left over. Rose stashed it in the hotel’s minifridge, saying, “We’d better not forget that’s there.”
“We can have it tomorrow,” Yaz said. She reached out a hand towards Rose, and Rose got back on the bed and crawled towards her, catching her hand. Yaz pulled until Rose fell onto her lap, curling against her chest. 
“Bedtime?” she asked.
“Well, I’m exhausted,” Yaz said. She stretched, pushing Rose off her lap so she could crawl to the edge of the bed and flip open the lid of her suitcase. She pulled out her flannel pajama pants and one of Rose’s tank tops— it might as well have been Yaz’s by now, considering that she didn’t think twice before packing it for herself. She took the clothes into the bathroom to change and brush her teeth. 
“Hey, Rose,” she said when she came back out. “Will you braid my hair for me?” She still had the braids Penny had done, there among her loose hair, but to sleep she needed all her hair in one big braid so it wouldn't get tangled. 
“Yeah, of course.” Rose was already sitting up. “Come sit.”
Yaz moved to sit in front of Rose, nestling between her legs— and then she noticed Penny’s eyes on her arms. Belatedly, she realized she hadn’t worn anything short sleeved in front of Penny before: she’d never really had reason to. She mostly only wore short sleeves if she’d stolen the clothes from Rose, after all, and almost always in the privacy of their home. She wondered whether she ought to say anything, but then Penny made the choice for her by saying, “I like the bird. When’d you get that?”
Yaz glanced down, trying to see the tattoo without moving her head too much. It was a sparrow, perched on a stick. “Seven years ago, maybe? Rose’s design, Dan’s execution.” She paused. “Rose, was that the first one you drew for me?”
“Don’t think so,” Rose said. “First one was the hearts, wasn’t it?” 
“Oh, right.” Yaz glanced at Penny. “Other arm.” She raised the arm in question, showing Penny the inside of her wrist. The tattoo was simple, just two blue hearts next to each other— but Rose had drawn it, technically, for Dan to tattoo. 
“Yaz did one on me to match,” Rose said, pausing the braiding just long enough to show Penny her left wrist. Her hearts were pink, a warm blush against her skin. 
“Oh, that’s cute.” Penny tilted her head. “Bit of a commitment, isn’t it, matching tattoos?”
“Worked for us,” Rose said easily. Her hand went back to Yaz’s hair. “‘Course, we weren't really close yet when we got them. Just happened to both want the same design.” Her hand twisted a hair tie around the end of Yaz's braid, tugging gently at her hair, and then Yaz felt a kiss against the back of her head. “Okay. Done.”
Yaz leaned back against Rose’s chest. “Thanks.”
“Now get off me so I can get at my clothes,” Rose said, pushing at Yaz. Yaz rolled her eyes and moved away, and Rose slid off the bed, grabbed clothes out of her suitcase, and disappeared into the bathroom. 
“D’you mind if I get dressed in here?” Penny asked, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed.
“No.” Yaz glanced at her. “Nothing I haven’t seen before, anyway”
Penny grinned back. “Suppose not.” 
Yaz turned away anyway, mostly out of politeness. She heard the rustling of fabric, and then the bed dipped, and Yaz turned back to see Penny in one of her striped T-shirts, wiry arms bare, with a pair of blue basketball shorts dwarfing her legs. A second later, Rose came out of the bathroom, shaking out her hair, and Penny went in with her toothbrush. 
Rose sat up at the head of the bed, tucking her legs under the covers. She lifted an arm, and Yaz curled against her side, her eyes drifting shut. When Penny came out of the bathroom, Yaz opened her eyes again: she was standing in the middle of the room, her eyes traveling from Yaz and Rose to the other as-yet-untouched bed. Yaz made a split-second decision.
“Stay here with us,” she said, lifting her own arm. “I mean, if you want to.”
Penny stared at her. “What?”
“She’s right,” Rose said. “No sense leaving one person out, is there?” 
Penny took an unsteady step forward. “You— I mean, you’re sure about this?”
“‘Course we are,” Yaz said. “Come on.” 
Penny took the two more steps to reach the bed. The second she got there, she fell against Yaz like a rag doll. Carefully, her arm still around Penny, Rose’s arm still around her, Yaz slid herself down until her head was on the pillow; Rose and Penny came with her. Rose’s arm was around her waist, an anchor, her breath pleasantly warm against Yaz’s ear, but Penny, once invited in, held on to Yaz like a koala, one leg wrapped around Yaz’s, her head buried in Yaz’s neck. Yaz breathed out a laugh.
“When’s the last time you had a proper cuddle?” she asked, affectionate.
Penny froze. “Sorry, is it too much?”
“‘Course not,” Yaz said, tightening her hold on Penny. “It’s nice. Honest.”
“Oh.” Yaz could feel Penny’s muscles relax. “Sorry.”“Nothing to apologize for.” Yaz turned onto her side, pulling Penny closer as Rose nestled against her back. She felt herself smiling, despite the day she’d had, despite her exhaustion, despite all her lingering worry. She felt surrounded, in the best possible way. And finally, easily, she drifted off to sleep.
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noro-noro-noro · 1 year
dreams again 1. i had to take our pet dog to school in my car 2. getaway gang 2.5. it continued but the original gang is gone
1. my mom told me I needed to take our family dog (nonexistent) to school with me where I worked, but max was only a puppy. he was like a year old so decent sized and a black dog and he knew his name but that was all. he was so stupid. he'd bark like crazy. I kept insisting that it wouldn't work out, and I definitely couldn't keep in him in the car all day, ht she made me do it. max kept escaping. the car was also weird - I think every part of it was clearlr customizable there were different themes but some of the themes covered the windows. which is a no no. I had to be like Hey Google, Remove Star Patterned Tarp From Outside Of Windows. and google would do that. silly.
there was an at high school scene as well - I ended up getting stuck in a classroom doing their end of year chill celebration but max kept escaping.
2. being part of this heist gang group. I think me & the leader guy had some on again off again thing going on. I don't actually know what my role in the group was aside from running really fast but we excelled at making getaways so we were frequently conmissioned by other groups to help em out. which is what we were doing. there was some dispute with them - the second group didn't know our slang so when leader dude was like "give us a handle" which meant open one door of the car we're chasing so we can throw people in, they kept fucking it up. the car only had 5 seats for the 6 of us anyhow & the stereotypical fat hacker guy from the 2nd group was having a hard time keeping up, so I had to physically pick him up & throw him into the car, but he opened the door and got out the other side..why bro . they had a decent getaway driver on their team as well - he was the one who called us in actually. and he was just like nate. whenever nate shows up in my dreams recently I mostly just feel guilty. happy pride. anyway we were able to get things more settled. I think since I was the fastest runner I was usually the person who coordinated the handles and which doors were open z so I had to tell the people how to get in & etc.
eventually I got their team I & swung up front with not nate & we had a good conversation. fsr the front of the car wasn't enclosed it was like riding a carriage or something lol so he kept trying to hold on to me to keep me from falling until I was like you can relax man I didn't get here by being bad at holding onto things or by falling off cars at 90 mph. they were breaking rhese kids out of unethical facility before they got experimented on, and as soon as we got to a safe spot we let them out.
but they saw us again somehow- I think through the TV's. so we had to run again. technically our contract was over but we have ethics we're not gonna let kids get experiemented on.... so we floored it & drove our vehicles straight into a mall. like directly through some of the doors & then scattered.
2.5 scene shift - still inside the mall, but now the mall is absolutely huge and mazelike and part hotel? it's a mix of college students + little kids. we're still being chased but I don't remember why aside from the news was branding us all as terrorists. fortunately most shoppers didn't care it was just heavily armored security guards, who were in bluish gray armor to contrast the Mall's red and gold color scheme. our group was being led by A, the executive assistant from my work.
as we walked up a staircase after losing them briefly, A gave us the rundown - if we all ran in a group we'd be so obvious. we were going to disguise ourselves and walk and hide when necessary. there was an asian guy named wuen holdover from the heist dream master of disguise. he'd somehow snatched enough clothes from the store we walked through to change some of us up a bit, & he gave me my purple turtleneck that my friend gave me& also braided my hair into two plaits. In five seconds. I was seriously impressed.
then we were hiding in the second floor changing rooms for a little bit - the shop in the first floor was kind of open floorplan & had no walls or roofso customers could walk in and out at ease, & this was a hallway with railings to overlook it jn one side. some of the younger kids weren't taking this seriously even though I was really scared - they thought it was just a game and were climbing around, screaming, scaring each other, popping out, despite everyone's attempts to quiet them. I decided right then that I would think only of myself if it came down to the wire.
anyway. we weren't found. out of nowhere A shouted for us to run,so we scattered. I sprinted through the perfume section fully expecting to feel a bullet between my shoulder blades any second now, but the ladies working in it seemed so lazy. they didn't care if I knocked their stuff onto the grounf or pulled their displays to slow my pursuers so I ended up doing that.
after a lot of stressful chase sequence, eventually we regrouped at this secret hotel like area. I thought it wasn't well hidden but A was confident that we'd have some time here & told everyone to finish packing. I'd been completely packed already & wanted to go go go get out rn since I thought the longer we waited the worse it would be...... but she was insistent. it really wasn't that well hidden - the employee only hallways in one place led past a defunct changing room to an intersection with no light & arrowd pointing to evertu path with random titles. the northernmost path led to our rooms. not hard to find at all for the number of people they were surely sending after us.
I thought briefly of climbing out the window to hide in a bush until we were ready to go since I didn't trust in our safety, but halfway out the window I remembered the one million cameras. they would see me out there. maybe they already saw me. I went back inside, but s girl in the main room was frowbing and saying the news says security's caught the terrorist's scent already, & I thought oh fuck it's bc of me isn't it. heart racing.
then I realized oh I don't actually have to experience the consequences for that & woke up.
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doingthedirtydishes · 2 years
Moving to Europe during Covid-19; Becoming poor and homeless in New York City.
After the success of my first book, Unbreakable Mind, endless projects were offered to me but none were a good match. There were many extremely attractive proposals. One was a second book, traveling to ten cities in the world, writing from an injured person’s perspective; an additional for NYT, to travel to 52 countries in 52 weeks, in a wheelchair; and, yet another, to create a travel TV show – but not any were the right fit, not one idea resonated with my soul.
Which avenue to further explore remained unclear until one fateful conversation in early May. I was on the phone with a friend from Amsterdam, a Norwegian-Dominican up-and-coming rap star, David AKA Big Mill, and he had an idea to share. “David,” I asked, “let me guess, another TV show idea.” He replied, “Yes, but this one is distinct.” Well, it was unlike all prior options – different to the point where I loved it. It made sense; it clicked with me – it felt right inside.
The other missing pieces to the puzzle would fall into place shortly thereafter. The morning of the 14th of May, my birthday, for some reason I was nudged to write an old classmate and friend, Adam, now living with his wife and four-year-old in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He was recently laid off as an AV Director, a high position in the non-profit world of museums, now in search of a project to develop. I shared my idea for a new travel TV show with him and the rest is history.
After a seven hour conversation, going over every detail possible for how the project could ostensibly work, determining key people and positions needed to make a production company and TV show successful, and agreeing on a pilot location abroad (Amsterdam), we were off to the races. Since Covid-19 has affected so many business-people and investors globally, we were unable to raise the necessary funds. All agreed, signing on to the project on a shoestring budget.
One week later, with all airplane tickets and hotels reserved, my wheelchair supercharged by Gary Gilberti and his amazing team at Numotion Mobility, we were set to start filming pilot footage in Amsterdam in July and August. As I already live part-time in Amsterdam, I was planning on moving to Europe for two to five years. With everything [assuredly] in place, and not being a fan of storing items that others less fortunate could better utilize, especially during a global pandemic, I decided to give away my home, car, all my belongings to those in dire need.
What type spiritual person or leader would I be if I did not practice what I preached, helping others in life anytime one is able, truly living out the words I guide and ask of others to live, if I cannot do so myself? There was no need for me to store away furniture, clothing and other household items while others in my immediate presence were suffering from the current health and economic catastrophe. For two weeks friends and strangers came and took what they wanted.
Everything was going fine, just as planned. My home was donated, flights ready, bags packed and ride to airport sorted. Before flying out to Europe I planned to spend four days in NYC with an old friend, Georgie-boy, who lives across the Hudson River in Jersey City. George is an old and dear classmate from my irascible undergraduate days at Rutgers College; also the General Counsel for our production company. He has a thriving law practice in nearby Newark, NJ.
It was great to be back in NYC, my old stomping grounds in the late 1990s. There is nothing like “The City” – one of a kind, no other place like it on the planet.  We spent an afternoon sunning on the spacious waterfront in Hoboken, NJ, a nice day playing Frisbee in Central Park West, eating amazing Mamouns Falafel and Prince St. Pizza in Greenwich Village. Though it was expected to see murals and damage from prior fortnight’s rioting, it was eerily strange in person.
It was Sunday, a day of respite before flying to Europe on Monday. George and I spent the day having a relaxing lunch at Iberia outdoor café in the Little Portugal section of Newark, NJ. The next morning we were up bright and early, soon off to the airport. When we arrived at Newark International Airport it was nearly empty. There was not but one person at the check-in counter – moi. The Delta terminal was empty. It was June 15th and Covid-19 was in full effect. Wow!
Having never seen such a normally super busy airport terminal this empty in my life, it did not give me pause. George, on the other hand, had a different feeling, and decided to stay with me until I was ticketed to board. After finding a way to get my heavy bags checked in with no fees I thought we were on plan. Then a hiccup: “Sorry Mr. Quigley, you are unable to board the flight to Amsterdam. Dutch Immigration in Holland is denying you entry without proper permission.”
Well, that was a first, and not only a huge surprise but a major setback to a monumental project.  Oh shit! What do I do now? Thank goodness Georgie stayed with me; and thank goodness he was able to put me up at his place until this mess was all sussed out. It was an absolutely horrid situation; and to add salt to the wound, I was right smack in the middle of a Covid-19 USA EU political Visa predicament; whereas the EU would review country entry list every two weeks.
George was gracious enough to see me through the immediate emergency until it began looking like my delay would be a bit longer than originally anticipated. The EU placed a travel ban on Americans’ travel to Europe. And it would not be reviewed again until July 1st.  My new ticket was issued for a direct flight from JFK, NY to Amsterdam, Holland, July 1st. This being the case, and since George had a life to live, I moved to a Hilton close by to JFK airport in Queens.
What started as a journey by giving away all my belongings in order to chase a dream project and move to Europe was swiftly turning into a situation that could easily result in me becoming poor and homeless in NYC. Hotels are not cheap in NYC – nothing is inexpensive in the Big Apple – you pay through the nose. The costs were quickly adding up and what small financial safety net I had set aside was speedily disappearing. I could not last long in a hotel in Queens.
The hotel itself was of no help to my stress and anxiety levels. They had me on the sixth floor, all the way down the hall, in the far corner, in a room that was a very tight fit for a wheelchair, and could only be reached after struggling down one hundred twenty feet of carpet. As if that was not enough, one week into my stay the GM, Tracy Kass, awoke me early in the morning to inform me I would reach my 14 day hotel stay limit after this registration renewal, and she was calling to inform me they could not extend it any further. I was astounded, appalled. Unbelievable!
Miss Kass, later when challenged, changed her story, informing me I did not let her finish, she had more to say on the call – that there was, in fact, no 14 day limit. Three days and three voicemails later, and no reply arrived from the normally overly pugilistic General Manager. Only once it was elevated to Hilton Honors corporate office level did she return my call. This was after numerous emails asking her to send me a copy of the policy. She refused. It does not exist.
Upon complaint to NY State AG, their attorney replied that I did not let her finish, that it was actually a 28 day limit. That is total utter bullshit! Firstly, then why call me only after seven days? Secondly, I met two people outside the hotel who received the same inhuman treatment. Thirdly, all her staff, including her Director of Operations, apologized profusely to me in person for her insensitive, cruel call. It should be noted that all other staff were caring and supportive.
Later that week, while in the bathroom, the grab-bar broke off from the wall while attempting a toilet transfer, sending me straight onto the hard tile ground, injuring my neck and back. Do you think the hotel or GM did anything to help address the issue, let alone make some changes to mitigate a more comfortable stay? No! The room was a disaster for a wheelchair user. My stay in Queens was quickly morphing into its own mini crisis. I was stuck in a cement jungle without any stores. I had only one friend to assist me – Sunita in Boston. Hilton corporate has yet to reply.
With every door opening but quickly closing, I was running out of viable options, rapidly. The immediate future looked grim.  Running out of money (and patience), with no home to move to, with no home to return to, life was proving overly difficult. It allowed my mind to get the better of my heart, lulling it into anxiety, sadness and no hope for the future. Life was grim; I was not a happy camper. After nine years of struggle, I figured this project would run smoothly. Silly me!
After time searching deep inside, meditation and prayer, chats with mentors, close inner-circle friends and spiritual advisors, I decided that I would face the universe’s tests head on. It was time to truly practice my words – taking my hands off the wheel of life, as the universe has it under control. It was another example of ‘Doing The Dirty Dishes’ of life – the Buddhist principle that if you want to get anything done in life you first must put in your effort, getting your hands dirty.
In May, when the project began coming together, one night while deep in meditation, an angel came to me and told me: “Steven, after 46 years of white-knuckling the wheel of life, you can now finally remove your hands [from the wheel], let go, give up control of life (as if you ever had any in the first place) – the hardest lesson for most to learn, aside from reaction and attitude, or living through love – I am now at the wheel, in full control. Wake up each morning and relax.  Forget about your past; do not worry for your future; live in the present moment – the now.”
It all sounded great until I awoke on June 15th, only to be denied entry to a plane that represented my life’s work and dreams. Or did it!? What was the universe trying to tell me through stranding me in NYC? What was the lesson? It did not come at first, but it did not take long to figure it out. The universe was sending me bigger struggles to overcome. Why? 1.To truly test if my hands were off the wheel of life, wholly trusting in the universe 100% ; and 2. At length, it still had to break and broke me before my dream could be realized. I am grateful to both my teachers, the universe.
Three days later a friend from Portland Maine came down to NYC to rescue me. As soon as I stepped into her car I felt an immense 800 lb gorilla freed from my back. Off to Maine.
To be continued….Click here to read part II.
Travel Blog: Click here.
Spiritual Blog: Click here.
Book: Unbreakable Mind. (Print, Kindle, Audio)
Doing The Dirty Dishes Podcast: Watch or listen to episodes and subscribe: Spotify, Apple Podcast, Buzzsprout.  Also available on Google Podcast, iHeart, Tunein, Amazon Alexa and Stitcher.
Doing The Dirty Dishes YouTube channel – watch and subscribe.
Social Media links: Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin.
Travel Blog links: Covid-19 stranded in NYC JFK and Maine – also travel stories on Ireland, Spain, Sweden,  Belgium, Iceland, Colombia (Espanol version), Amsterdam, Germany, New Hampshire, TN and NYC.
Personal Website link where you can also find my book, photos of my travels and updates on current projects.
Thank you for your love and support.
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seanlewisdraws · 2 years
Enjoy a Relaxing Vacation at the Beach!
If you're looking for a place to get away from it all and relax, then why not try out one of the many beach resorts around the world? You can enjoy the warm sand between your toes, take in the stunning views of nature, and just take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. What more could you ask for? Let's take a look at some of the best beach resorts that are sure to have something for everyone.
The Caribbean Islands: If you're looking for an exotic getaway with endless sunshine and crystal-clear waters, then why not check out one of the Caribbean islands? With its powdery white beaches and vibrant culture, there is no shortage of places to stay. From all-inclusive resorts to boutique hotels, there is something here for even the most discerning traveler. Whether you want to go snorkeling or just lounge on the beach, this is an ideal spot to spend your vacation.
Hawaii: Who doesn't love Hawaii? The beautiful blue waters, lush green landscape and amazing sunsets make this island paradise an ideal destination year-round. With so many activities available like surfing, kayaking or snorkeling and plenty of accommodations ranging from luxurious resort hotels to budget hostels - Hawaii has something for everyone! Plus, there's always plenty of delicious local cuisine to enjoy while you're here.
Australia: Australia's famous beaches are some of the best in the world. With its stunning white sand beaches and turquoise waters - it's easy to understand why so many people flock here every year. From hip backpacker hostels in Bondi Beach to luxury five-star resorts on Hamilton Island - Australia has something for every type of traveler. Plus, don't forget about exploring Great Barrier Reef or going on a camel ride through Cable Beach!
There are so many incredible beach destinations around the world that offer something special for everyone! Whether you're looking for adventure or relaxation or both - there is sure to be a perfect beach resort waiting just for you. So what are you waiting for? Get packing and start planning your dream beach vacation today!
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