#let them live ... let them make gay jokes.. I personally live for them so SMOOCH for gyubi
jisungshotfirst · 9 months
it's always infuriating when I am pissing myself over something and then I turn around and people r crazy mad over it
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
i love that some jikookers and solos were full-on defending jimin’s virtue or w/e yesterday saying How Dare You Imply He Would Give A Hickey To Another Member/Anyone Other Than Jungkook only for him to plant a smooch on hoseok’s neck first thing today 😭😭😭😭😭 he cracks me up
(to be clear i know it’s a sore subject and i also dislike the image this fandom has of him but those jokes were all pretty innocuous imo)
people are insufferable. jimin can't even kiss hobi on the neck a little bit without people complaining that jikook is hated and treated like brothers when we all know jikookers only defend jimin in their ship's honor. tiring. let the man kiss whomever he wants to. along with people saying that jk and jm are now omitting the full truth with what they say to their audience, jimin can't even do things without shippers explaining his thought process for him. we're in the trenches.
The second ask is pretty much what I was thinking about the whole thing.
First of all, I admit I'm not that much into army_twitter but I honestly didn't even see the joke tweets. I only saw people complaining about it, and that's how I found out what was going on.
Secondly, I can't take jikookers seriously on that. I just can't because I see right through them. I've been here all of these years and taekookers, blinks, "antis", have been calling Jimin the things they call him for years. Since 2019 taekookers have been saying that Jimin was in Paris picking up minors, hooking up and drinking with escorts, all sorts of things, that he was lying about being in Korea for Jungkook's bday. The thing jikookers defended the most? Jimin traveling back to Korea for Jungkook's birthday. To hell with everything else they were saying about Jimin, but thinking that he wasn't at JK's birthday party was the biggest crime.
After the vminkook live in 2021 I said I didn't care that they called Jimin a thirdwheeler and there were some people who got mad at me because it's so offensive!!! How can they call Jimin a THIRDWHEEL???!!! I kept saying, it's a joke that the fandom makes about literally all the members, it's a word middle schoolers use. There's nothing to be upset about, why are you not worried about all the other things they call him?
Now, again, they're only speaking up because they don't want the "Jimin gives hickeys to all the members" thing to spread. And that's okay, that's magnific. I also don't like when people spread lies, whatever the type. But they're not fooling me, they're only fighting back because of the ship and not Jimin particularly. Otherwise, we would see their outrage more often.
For all the years since 2018, I could literally count on one hand the jikookers I've seen actually upset and "fighting" back against the things people call Jimin on a daily basis, and not only when it's about defending the idea of a romantic relationship. I only ever see pjms engaging with taekookers and calling them out for their lies about Jimin.
Blinks are another issue, too. They're not going to stop. It's a "what came first, the egg or the chicken?" kind of situation because armys also say the nastiest, most horrible, dehumanizing things about the blackpink members as well. Most blinks are taekookers, by the way. They really are.
This is also the curse of the fandom being so big, like... things spread quickly, and there are thousands different opinions about the same thing, and debates can be fun, but also they can turn into this. Jokes that are taken out of proportion and are taken too seriously by some people. Then there's the people who can absolutely not understand a joke, and to them everything they read is the truth. What are we gonna do about it? We can't joke because people might not get it?
Also, most armys probably have an eye on Jimin because of his suspicious sexuality, so they do these jokes that they probably wouldn't do about other members because they're not actually gay enough.
I personally don't think jokes are the problem. We should be allowed to joke, and some people will like them and others won't. I've talked plenty about jokes before actually, and right now I keep thinking about it again. It was the time Jungkook got that question on IG if they could kidnap Jimin and Jungkook said #ofcourse. Literally no jikooker liked that. Everyone was uncomfortable with his answer. But in the end, it was just a joke.
This is actually the reason why solos hate when BTS members themselves make jokes about each other (Jimin, in this case). Because they're also hand-feeding punchlines and insults. To this day people still use clips of Jungkook calling Jimin the ugliest member, or "singing" like him. I use jikook examples because they're the ones I've been most interested in, the ones I have the most memories of.
I've talked about this before too, but when pjms started joking about Jimin and Eunwoo being "real", jikookers got angry. I said back then why weren't they angry about the hopekook boyfriends jokes, or the Jungkook and his boyfriends jokes. Armys were seriously having a blast with Jungkook and his six boyfriends jokes after Las Vegas concerts. Now that I think about it, Hoseok even posted a couple of IG stories with JK being really close to his face. Not to mention that JK has kissed Hoseok's neck before. I guess the difference is that they never had to "gatekeep" anything like that about jikook if JK did it with other members because he still has never put himself that close to Jimin's face. Like, if we're talking about fandom widespread narratives that downplay jikook's interactions, then it's a lost cause because that's already been done. Armys will always prioritize ot7 because it's what they've been mass-taught to do.
I think it has never been common to see Jimin being like this with anyone else other than Jungkook. Contrary to the popular narrative, Jimin is not a flirt and he's not a tease. He's just affectionate (and gay). He's actually very selective about the people he loves and cares about, and it was never a habit or regular ocurrence for him to get so close to members that weren't Jungkook (except vmin a few times), much less actually kiss them on the neck/face. But well, it is happening now.
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local-trashmouth · 3 years
Bowers Gang with a FTM s/o
There isn't near enough Trans content on Bowers Gang so I'll make it myself :), I don't know how to make posts look good, but that's not what you are here for, so let's begin!
(MTF version coming soon!)
Warnings: unsupportive parents?, Patrick is a warning himself, altho I prefer fluffy Patrick lol, mention of sex
Henry Bowers
alright, look, he'll need a lot of time.
I can imagine you'd be scared to come out to him CUZ I WOULD BE TOO
of course he doesn't get violent with you since he still loves you, but he'll probably yell at you while throwing slurs at ur head
feel free to run away n get time 4 yourself because he'll need to distance himself for a couple days to think about it
he argues with the point that Butch will kill him if he finds out that Henry is now suddenly gay
but after he made (somewhat) inner peace with himself, he'll approach you again and be much softer with you
he'll give you some of his clothes, but he barely has any himself :')
he'll be shy with PDA, afraid of ruining his reputation (although nobody really cares, Derry's got enough problems)
when anybody looks at you funny while shopping or generally in Public he'll beat the shit outta them
protective boi
overall he accepts it, and is somewhat supportive but expect some offensive jokes here & there. If he notices they really hurt you he'll apologize tho
Patrick Hockstetter
he doesn't care
as long as he gets to have sex with you he's happy
"what do you mean you don't care?"
he just shrugs
altho he'll steal a binder for you & give you his old stuff since his mom's bugging him about them anyways
if you have unsupportive parents, he'll wash your clothes/binder at his place
just, if your parents are unsupportive prepare to practically live at Patrick's place
he doesn't care for long you stay, it just means more sex and cuddles to him
if ur parents get handsy with you (in sense of beating) he'll make sure that never happens again ;)
he won't struggle with ur pronouns
being with Patrick also gives you the privilege of having ur personal scarecrow
people tried calling him the F slur, or you all kinds of names, but they never make it out alive or at least not severely injured
he gets even more protective of you
if you want to cut ur hair but ur parents don't allow it, he'll just cut it for you at his place
cuz ur parents ain't got control of you there <3
Belch Huggins
he's very supportive
cuts ur hair for you, gets you clothes & a binder, he doesn't care what people call you two :)
he's proud of his man!
he'll be so giddy and excited when you get ur first Testosterone shot
at first he struggled a little with ur pronouns, but he got the hang of it quickly
you two vibe to AC/DC, Metallica and K I S S :)
he lets you paint his nails, I am not taking any arguments
takes you on roadtrips at night when you need space from home
he comforts you every time when someone called you something
probably the rest of the gang would go after that person
I can imagine you two also listen to The Cure and Madonna in private
u can't argue with me
Victor Criss
He needs some time to consider
in sense of some minutes to process
but he's supportive!
He'll get a haircut with you (because he doesn't trust himself with the scissors to not make you look hideous)
and buy you a binder
go shopping with you <3
he'll struggle a bit with ur pronouns but that's it
he's a little shy with PDA when many people are around, but when there are only a few he doesn't care about holding hands or giving you a smooch
he's also proud of his man :)
he lowkey predicted it ngl
very wholesome
makes sure you only wear ur binder in healthy ways
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
HLVRAI Oneshot: Blankets and Burritos
I am weak, I crave gay fluff and family fluff...
Word count: 3428
Summary: Sometimes, Benrey has nightmares. It's a good thing Joshua has a plan to help out!
Gordon had long since accepted that Benrey was a naturally disruptive being. Between how absolutely chaotic he could be at times to his naturally blunt and occasionally abrasive attitude, the second he had moved in Gordon knew that his home would never be peaceful again. 
Granted, he had been surprised when Benrey began showing restraint when interacting with people, especially Joshua as the last thing he wanted was to upset the young boy. His jokes also lacked the more intimidating edge they held while they were in Black Mesa. Overall, his more destructive qualities had been toned down and he seemed to be far more at peace than the last time Gordon had seen the ex-guard. 
It was… nice, and while he had been hesitant at first to welcome Benrey into his home, he did not find himself regretting that decision. 
This did not mean that things were perfectly fine, of course. 
Benrey was… not the best at acting human, and it showed. There had already been several instances of Gordon getting up for a midnight snack and seeing at least two glowing eyes staring down at him from the ceiling. 
Absolutely horrifying. 
Plus, he had been forced to give Benrey a crash course on how humans acted and that no, he could not try and swallow the milk carton whole and please don’t walk up the side of a building and lean into a window to ask someone to play Smash Bros with you. 
Y’know, pretty simple things. Things that honestly would have made Gordon’s life a living hell if it was not for how accepting and understanding his neighbors were. 
Marguerite, a lovely, partially deaf old lady, had been especially happy to learn that Benrey had moved in with him, although Gordon was pretty sure that this was simply because she thought they were dating. She had been a huge source of help after his divorce, especially during some rather rough days. 
She had constantly pushed him to find something, or someone, that he could be happy with. Whether that was a hobby or a partner. 
He would never forget how scandalized he had felt when she first visited and saw Benrey. How she had looked the ex-guard up and down before turning to Gordon and winking at him. Her words forever burned into his mind. 
“This one will keep you busy, hands and mind.”
It had been one of the few times he had heard Benrey genuinely laugh, too. A loud, somewhat wheezing noise that made him curl up in a ball as he tried to control his laughter. It sounded nice and was something he wanted to hear more often.
And then... there were the nightmares. 
Moments where Benny's joy was smothered by something else, something he never expressed a desire to discuss. Gordon honestly had no clue what their source might be, whether caused some traumatic moment in Benrey’s past, or even the final fight between them, but whatever it was it could get bad.
Fortunately, these instances of nightmares were fairly quiet with Joshua never having woken up during them. Less fortunately, Gordon tended to be the one being startled awake since the ex-guard often slipped into his bed after he went to sleep, not that he cared all that much. In the beginning it had been a bit annoying to wake up and find Benrey downright spooning him, getting all into his personal space, and it had been a source of combat for several days until he and Benrey managed to sort things out. 
… Not that there was much of a conversation or anything like that. It was more so him listening to Benrey quietly insisting that he “needed someone”, and the gamer body pillow he purchased after that conversation had not helped in this regard. 
He loathed to think about it now, the wide eyes and flirtatious pose. Every so often it would move locations, going from being stuffed away in a closet to ominously being attached to the back of a door, and he was fairly certain Benrey was the one responsible for such a thing. 
Especially since Joshua claimed to have never seen it before, and he knew for a fact that the ex-guard was diligent in preventing Joshua from being exposed to more… mature jokes. 
Anyways, with Benrey continuing to seek out Gordon as a cuddle buddy and Gordon accepting his fate, and enjoying it, a solution to the nightmare problem still needed to be found. Aside from the growling, hissing, thrashing, and mutterings in some other language, Gordon had also nearly been crushed at one point after Benrey had, without warning, grown larger at some point during the night. 
He was thankful that the bed had not broken due to the sudden increase in weight. 
Currently, the physicist was seated in the living room, trying to put together some sort of solution that might help Benrey. Notepad in hand as he absent-mindedly chewed at the end of his pencil, thankfully lacking an eraser, he wrote down all the methods he had tried so far and what he might try next. 
Lists had always helped him keep his thoughts organized, and this was especially helpful given the mild chaos going on beside him. 
Otherwise known as Joshua and Benrey playing a racing game. 
Naturally, Joshua was currently speeding ahead of the ex-guard, throwing the occasional item back in an attempt to increase the distance between them. Unfortunately, with some quick maneuvers and calculated tricks, Benrey was able to dodge the attacks. 
“vroom, vroom, better watch out.”
“beep, beep!” 
“you... you gotta go fast little dude, it’s the only way.”
“I am!” 
“gotta go faster.” 
“faster, faster!” 
Gordon chuckled to himself as he listened to the pair break out in song, reciting the lyrics to some cartoon that they both watched. Saturday mornings were Benrey and Joshua’s designated bonding time as Benrey “educated josh bro on some pro gamer cartoons.”
As the race reached its conclusion, Joshua winning overall, the young boy carefully placed his controller down and then scrambled over to his father. He flung himself onto the sofa and leaned against Gordon’s side. Wide, eager eyes took in the notes. 
“Is this some work stuff?” Joshua asked, his eyes lighting up upon seeing the mention of blankets and pillows. “Are you guys gonna have a sleepover?! I can show you how to make an awesome pillow fort!”
“naaaaah,” Benrey casually slid into the conversation, both literally and figuratively. He perched on the armrest of the sofa, a smug grin on his face as he poked at the notepad. “he-he’s just writing ‘bout his crush.”
“Ooooh, so he’s writing about you?” 
Gordon snorted and lightly thwacked one of Benrey’s fingers with the pencil, causing the ex-guard to let out a yelp before nursing the wounded digit. The exaggerated pout on his face made the physicist chuckle. 
“C’mon, don’t tell me that hurt you-”
“You gotta kiss it better, dad!” Joshua interrupted, placing his hands on Gordon’s leg and pushing himself up into his father’s face, eyes wide and pleading. “Like you did when I hurt my arm! Kisses make everything better!”
“yeah, feeman you-you gotta give me a biiiiiig old smoocher.” The smug grin had returned to Benrey’s face, and it grew wider at the exasperated look Gordon sent towards him. “it’s... it’s a joshie law, feetman, you gotta.”
After rolling his eyes, Gordon ultimately relented. He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss against Benrey’s wounded finger. Despite how smug he had been about the entire situation, there was no denying the heat that took over his face. 
Was Benrey flustered? Yes, but he would never admit to it!
“u-uh…. nice smooch there, feetman. g-gotta give it a perfect score.”
Joshua giggled at the look on Benrey’s face, from the happy smile to the warm glow in his eyes, it was good to see the ex-guard so happy. When Benrey was happy, his dad was happy, and that made him happy! It was perfect!
However, speaking of his dad…
“So, what’s those notes for, then?” He asked, poking at the notes once again. “Benrey’s definitely wrong-”
“owie, ouch, your-your words hurt my bones, little joshie dude.”
The young boy stuck his tongue out at Benrey before he focused on his father and continued speaking. “Is it for work stuff? Or something else?”
It was impossible to miss the look the two adults exchanged upon hearing Joshua’s question, and it made him suspicious. Was this some adult thing he was not supposed to know? Oh, like that thing his classmate Danielle had mentioned-
“Erm, Benrey has been having some trouble sleeping at night and I’m trying to figure out how to help him.” Gordon explained, snapping Joshua out of his thoughts. “These are just some of the ideas I had that might help him relax.”
Joshua blinked, understanding what his father was saying but also wanting confirmation from Benrey. “So, you have nightmares and stuff?”
“uh... yeah.” The ex-guard shrugged as his hands twitched and knit themselves together, an expression of the general anxiety he felt towards the situation. Talking about himself, something he was always uncomfortable with despite the problems it caused. “like... i got some rank e dreams, little bro. i... i keep getting t-posed on and… stuff.”
“Oh!” Joshua lightly clapped his hands together, an idea immediately coming to mind on what he could do to help. “Stay right here, I’ll be back!”
As the young boy rushed to his room, Gordon and Benrey exchanged a confused look. 
“you... you, uh, know what joshie’s doing?”
“Nope, no idea.” Gordon shrugged before sending a smile Benrey’s way. “It’s nice to see him helping us out with this.”
Benrey looked down towards the ground, casting more of his face and the associated blush in shadows. “yeah. h-he’s a good kiddo, feetman.” 
“Damn right he is.”
Not long after this short conversation reached its conclusion, the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard and Joshua rushed back into the room with something rather large and bulky held in his arms, the ends of it dragging across the ground. 
It was his blanket, his weighted blanket to be specific. 
From a young age, Joshua had suffered through many bouts of nightmares and periods where he struggled to feel comfortable when going to sleep. This ultimately culminated in both his parents, who had been separated at this point, agreeing to take him to a sleep therapist and figure out what they could do to help. One of the methods they had been recommended to try was getting Joshua to use a weighted blanket to help him feel more secure and relaxed. 
While not solving all of his problems, he still occasionally visited the same therapist when dealing with a particularly bad bout of nightmares, the blanket, and the other coping methods he had been taught, had certainly helped. 
But the blanket continued to remain his primary source of comfort and seeing Joshua rush over to Benrey and hold the blanket out for the ex-guard to take made Gordon’s heart feel like mush. 
It was such a wholesome sight, and even if Benrey did not know the details behind why Joshua had this blanket, he was honored to see that Joshua wanted to use something of his to try and help. 
“awwww, little dude, you didn’t have to get this for me.” Benrey said, voice strangely soft and quiet. “you-you really didn’t need to.”
Joshua swiftly shook his head and once again thrust the blanket towards him. “This helped me a bunch, and now I want it to help you! Try it!” 
After sending an uncertain glance Gordon’s way, and being met with a reassuring thumbs up, he reached out and carefully took the blanket. He studied it for a moment, unaware of Joshua rocking back and forth in front of him and rubbed the material between his fingers. 
It felt… nice. Soft, but not too soft. 
The blanket was quickly wrapped around Benrey, and the ex-guard closed his eyes for a moment as he took in the sensation. It felt… comfortable. The added pressure of the blanket as it was draped across his shoulders did help him feel a bit more relaxed, reminding him of that.
That which he would never speak of. Old memories and forgotten places, a history that he never wanted to come to light, a name before Benrey. 
He quite liked the name Benrey, anyways. 
“Oh, oh dad!” Joshua suddenly shouted as he turned to look at his father, eyes shining with excitement. “How about you make a Benrrito!”
“... a wha?”
“Y’know!” Joshua spun to face Benrey as he made a rolling motion with his hands. “Burritoing! Dad does it to me a bunch!” 
Upon seeing the somewhat panicked look on Benrey’s face, Gordon quickly stepped in. He stood up, the action helping to calm the other two down, and gestured towards the floor. 
“If you wanna try it, we’re gonna need space.”
“you... you coming on to me, feetman?”
Joshua giggled at the banter, not quite getting it but happy to see that his father had managed to get Benrey to relax a bit. He watched as the blanket was spread on the ground, patted out so there were no wrinkles before Benrey laid down on top of it. 
… Actually, Benrey looked a bit smaller than he normally did! Joshua knew most people would find such a thing strange, but he had long since gotten used to the occasional shape shifting that the ex-guard tended to do. 
Be it helping him reach food that was too high on the shelves or giving him piggyback rides, Joshua instinctively associated Benrey’s shape shifting with fun, unlike his father. 
Perhaps it was quite fortunate that Gordon was unaware of the shenanigans that these two sometimes got into. 
Regardless, as soon as Benrey was set up and ready to go, Gordon got to work. He flipped the edge of the blanket, so it was covering Benrey, and slowly started to roll the other man up. As he was turned over and over, the ex-guard’s smile began to grow larger and larger. 
Oh yes, he could just feel the potential chaotic energy. 
Once the burritoing process was complete, Gordon stepped back to admire his handiwork. At this point, only Benrey’s head and feet were sticking out of the burrito, and the constant glowing of his eyes seemed a bit duller than usual. A stream of pink to red sweet voice floated into the air. 
Joshua giggled and immediately started playing with the bubbles while Gordon lifted a brow and crossed his arms. “What’s that mean?”
“bbbbbbbb,” The string of noises made Gordon smile as he patiently waited for Benrey’s response.
“pink’n red means… i’m gonna bed.” Benrey yawned. Okay, chaotic energy replaced by exhaustion, which was… strange to say the least. 
And clearly Gordon agreed with that thought as his brow lifted higher in surprise. “Really? A burrito did you in?”
“ya.” Benrey bluntly replied as he wiggled around a bit, smushing his face into the blanket. “s’nice, cozy… me likey.”
“Operation Benrrito is a success!” Joshua cheered, high-fiving his father in victory. He then let out a sudden gasp and started bouncing in excitement.
“Dad, this means we gotta help him get a blanket! Can we go shopping tomorrow? Please? Pretty please? I can show Benrey all the super cool patterns they have, and the special stuffed animals too!”
Gordon spared a glance at the absolutely blissed out Benrey, who was currently radiating the energies of a content cat going for a nap, before smiling at his son and nodding. “Looks like we’re going to need to.”
“Yay!” Joshua exclaimed and crouched down in front of the ex-guard. “There’s a whole buncha space patterns and stuff like that one! There’s also ones that’re swirls of colours and they look super cool!”
“bbbbbbbbbb.” Benrey grinned, sharp teeth glinting in the light. “Alright then, little dude. let’s... let’s goooooooooo.”
And with that, Benrey slowly started inching towards the door as Gordon and Joshua watched on. The young boy took a step forward, thoroughly intending to join him before his dad placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him back. 
“No way we’re going out now.” He frowned. “It’s busy, and-”
“the karens are out?” Benrey cheekily added. 
“... Yeah, the last thing I want to deal with.” Gordon sighed, placing his face in his hands as he recalled the various interesting encounters he had at that specific mall. It was located in the more affluent section of the neighborhood, and the customers tended to reflect that. 
Ugh, with his luck he would probably end up running into her there-
“Joshie, I know you’re excited, so we’ll go tomorrow as soon as the store opens.” He exhaled as he lifted his face out of his hands and opened his eyes. To his surprise, Joshua did not seem disappointed in the slightest despite how enthusiastic he had been earlier. 
Granted, it definitely helped that Joshua had been the one to suggest going shopping tomorrow. It was not unusual for his father to forget minor details after experiencing some stress and recalling those lovely interactions has certainly been stressful. 
But the young boy felt there was no point in mentioning it, so he didn’t. 
“It’s okay, dad!” Joshua chirped. “But you should probably stop Benrey from escaping.”
“Wha?!” Gordon whirled around and noticed that Benrey had continued to inch towards the door and was now pressed up against it. Probably trying to clip through it since his arms were stuck at his sides. 
The physicist sighed once more, this time in annoyance, before striding over to the door and looking down at Benrey. “What’re you doing?”
“uhhhhhhhh.... y-yo mama.”
“I...there’s no words to describe how disappointed I feel, and you can’t go out like that anyways.”
“i’mma worm off the string, man. look at me gooooooo.”
“You’re not a worm! You’re a burrito!” Joshua chimed in, leaning around his father and smiling at Benrey. 
“noooooo, m-my evil plot… has been foiled.” Benrey dramatically, and somewhat lazily, wailed. He started rolling over to emphasize his apparent defeat. “i’m worming, woooooorming.”
At this point, Joshua had broken down into a fit of laughter and even Gordon had a small smile on his face. Deciding to play along with Benrey’s shenanigans, the physicist made his move. 
Now, it goes without saying that Gordon was not a weak man. Even without the added benefits of the HEV suit, he was no stranger to some forms of exercise. 
Primarily lifting Joshua up into the air as his son loved to feel like he was flying. 
In other words, without warning Gordon crouched down and scooped Benrey, in all his burrito’d glory, up. Rather than being slung over his shoulder, as the ex-guard was still heavier than Joshua and the last thing Gordon wanted was to potentially hurt his shoulder or back, he opted for an easier carry. 
Bridal style. 
Of course, he had not completely thought his plan through, so when he suddenly found Benrey’s face very close to his, his response was immediately and instinctive. 
He blushed, badly. 
Upon seeing this blush, and realizing his sudden proximity to Gordon’s face, Benrey smirked and made a move of his own. 
By leaning forward and quickly kissing the tip of Gordon’s nose. 
Needless to say, at this point both men were blushing. 
Joshua could be heard happily clapping his hands together in the background, and it was this noise that snapped Gordon out of his stunned state. He, somewhat awkwardly, shuffled over to the sofa and plopped Benrey down on it. The, still blushing, ex-guard did nothing except try to sink into the blanket burrito further. 
It was obvious he had no intention of being unburrito’d, for now. 
Gordon sighed and looked over at Joshua. “You okay with using your other blanket tonight?”
“The cowboy one?”
“Mhm!” The young boy quickly nodded. “Can you wash it first, please? I don’t want it to be smelly and gross.”
“You got it.” Gordon replied with a thumbs up. As he left to go and fix up Joshua’s other blanket, Joshua could be seen joining Benrey on the sofa and huddling beside him, quietly discussing the different kinds of blankets he had seen and how comfy some of them were. It was quite an adorable sight, and one that held potential. 
The potential for Gordon to make two burritos today, that is. 
It was actually kind of a struggle to finish this oneshot off, it kept getting longer and longer and my muse keeps spitting more ideas at me XD
Also, 10 bonus points to whoever gets the cartoon reference I added in!
I hope you all enjoyed reading!
- ImmortalCoelacanth
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stardust-and-blades · 4 years
Hi love! I was wondering if you took emergency requests? I know you mostly do Klance, and I love them! But, a week ago I was verbally sexually harassed by my friend. It made me self conscious about my sexuality. (I'm a lesbian btw) and last night I had a nightmare that my friend...r**ed me. Do you think I can have Keith and Lance comforting the reader after waking up from this nightmare. Maybe Keith reminding her that there's nothing wrong with being gay? If you can't I understand. Thank you sm!
Hello there! First, I wanna say how sorry I am you had such a horrid nightmare and dealt with being harassed. That is not okay from anyone, even if they are your friend. I hope they leave you alone. I am a bisexual woman and though I have not experienced your exact situation, I have dealt with judgement from family. It isn’t fun and can do a lot of damage.
Secondly, I do not normally take reader requests. Personally I am not a fan of second-person. Like you have seen, I write mostly fanfiction from a third person point of view, and occasionally first person. I do not consider myself skilled in said POV, it is hard to convey, a bit confusing, and not my cup of tea. HOWEVER, I will try my best with what I can come up with!
Do be lenient with me, this may be a disaster >_< But if it’ll help, I’ll lend my hand to you.
Remember, you are not alone and there is nothing wrong with you. Love is love. 
Now, *cracks knuckles and bREAKS NECK* Lets try this out
When you wake up, you’re in a cold sweat. The air around you is stifling. The blankets heavy, and for a moment you wonder if your bed is actually a coffin, ready to bury you away and suck the life from your bones until all that remains is a shell of a human.
You wipe your brow, slick with the remnants of the nightmare still lingering, a vivid, broken record player repeating the same horrible fear your so-called friend instilled in you.If you could reach in your head and pull out memories, you’d do it in a flash, removing the filthy, disgusting, wretched thing daring to plague your thoughts. It was real. Far too real. Yes you have been stressing about the incident for awhile, but you didn’t think it would be bad enough to enter what one would usually call a solace. A safe place among a reality ruled by chaos.
You switch on the light by your bedside, driving the shadows licking at your feet back to where they came from. You move out of the covers, feeling suffocated, and sit there, hearing nothing but the hum of the lamp and your erratic heartbeat.
You have closed your eyes, trying to think of something else. Something happy and comforting, but you just can’t get rid of this sense of...wrongness. The feeling of being and outlier and wondering if the nightmare lead to a truth.
You are so into your head that it takes you a couple minutes to realize you aren’t alone.
A red and blue hue glimmers against your eyelids. It is not harsh like the notifications of your phone, nor bright enough to make you assume your overhead lights were switched on. You peak through your dark eyelashes, sleep lingering at the corner of your eyes and a curiosity pushing aside the demons for a bit.
When you look, two very familiar boys stood before you. One with dark hair curving at the nape of his neck and eyes resembling the cluster of stars amidst a dusk night. The other with a darker skin color, tall and lanky, and the irises mirroring the seas of the beautiful and unknown. They smile, posing no threat or ill-intention. You do a double take, seeing if they would disappear the moment you blink, their bodies translucent. But they remain, the taller boy’s smile broadening ever slightly.
“Lance,” he winks. “And this fireball is Keith. We heard your distress.”
“My...distress,” you say carefully. “This--this isn’t real. You guys are fictional. I must be dreaming still.”
“No, no dream.” Lance shakes his head, pointing to the window. “We are from the stars. I was going to come alone, but Keith over here is a sad pup whenever I leave.”
Keith rolls his eyes, nudging him with his elbow. “You know why I’m here, jackass.”
“Because you love me?”
“Literally not the point.”
“So you DO love me.” Lance’s eyes were practically sparkling.
Keith rubs his eyes, sighing. “I question my taste in men.”
Lance juts out his bottom lip, ocean blues big and watery. “How rude! And after I gave you a cute purple lion at the faire.”
You couldn’t help it, you giggle. It is funny to see the interaction take place, your focus less on your nightmare and more at the boys bickering, though with love placed in their hearts. It was nice, seeing something so natural. Sweet, even. It makes you feel less abnormal, though the slithering thing in your gut turned to remind you of why you are awake in the early hours of morning.
You cringe from the reminder, the boys noticing and quiet their conversation. They ask what is wrong, and you tell them as best you could without breaking into tears, though it proves challenging.By the time you’re finished, they are sitting by you, attentive and sympathetic, Lance offering his hand for you to take and Keith telling you you do not have to go into details. That is the great thing. They listen. Not once do they interrupt, shame you, or display signs of disappointment. They care not of why they were called, but genuinely concerned, the pain all too familiar.
You spill everything out. Even your insecurities. How you love girls rather than boys, your worry if the friend was right, whether there is something wrong with you or not. If you are someone in need of fixing; in need of divine intervention like so many have preached on television and on the streets. If you should force yourself to like boys rather than girls, and if you are deserving of love if you go against the hetero-normative standard friends and family kept badgering for.
They listen. But more importantly, they care.
“It’s scary,” Keith starts. “Not knowing if you belong. Being different. There is this whole expectation of you built up the moment you’re born, and if you don’t fulfill those expectations, it’s a gamble to be you. You don’t want to lose people, because you love the idea of being accepted. But you hate denying who you are, because it’s like slowly dying.”
“You love being loved. it’s a lot easier, but the closet you shoved yourself into becomes cramped.” Lance adds softly.
“I’m not you, and you are not me.” Keith says, looking to the sky. “We are very different. But if there is one thing I learned in my short life, being loved for all of you is the best feeling in the world. Being who you are, being what is right in your heart, it’s the wings you need to fly.”
He moves his gaze to you, and gives a warm smile. “Being gay--being you--is okay. There is nothing wrong with loving girls. You deserve to find love, even if it’s in a girl. Which would you rather be, feigning a marriage to a man and be miserable, or kicking the big man in the balls and smooching the hell out of the girl next door?”
“Keith, a true man of wisdom and words.” Lance jokes, earning him a flip of the bird. Lance smirks, it melting into understanding and kindness as he turns to you. “He is right, though. Honestly, that friend of yours can take a hike. You don’t need that negativity in your life. You deserve way better. And I mean five star better, not the bare minimum. Do not settle for less, go on and kiss the girl of your dreams. If I were to have remained closeted, I sure wouldn’t have been able to be with that man over there.” 
He points to Keith, the dark haired boy blushing. Lance then grabs some tissues nearby and wipes away your tears. Keith brings you water, and they remain by your side until you felt comfortable and sleepy enough to curl back into the covers. The boys tuck you into bed, and you are hit with a wave of melancholy, for you know they are about to leave.
‘Don’t look so sad. Chin up, buttercup.” Lance rustles your hair. “We aren’t leaving forever. We will be with you every step of the way. When the hours are late and all seems frightening, just know we are beside you. You may not be able to see us, but we are there.”
Lance grabs Keith’s hand, Keith squeezing back and not letting go. “you’re not as alone as you think you are.” Keith says. “Your found family is out there, excited for you to enter their lives. Hold onto that hope.”
“And no one is going to hurt you.” Lance continues. “Guard yourself and stay away from that friend of yours, if you can call them that. You are not a toy. You are a human being, and you should be treated like one.”
“Call on us if you need anything.” Says Keith. “We will be there.”
And so they were until you closed your eyes, filled with nothing but sweet dreams and a sense of a weight being lifted from your chest.
I really hope this helped a little bit, dear reader. If you feel in danger, please contact someone you trust or report it. The behavior of your friend is not acceptable and should not be tolerated. I’d deck them in the face if I could 
You are loved. You are strong. You are a badass.
Sincerely, Shania
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Not the same anon as before, but could we get some getting together erasermic headcannons?
Okay so i’ve been putting these off under the guise that I’ve been busy--which, in truth, i have been--but part of the real reason i’ve been putting them off is because i don’t actually have concrete headcanons on how Hizashi and Shouta get together D:
So like 99% of these are probably just gonna be Life-After-Getting-Together headcanons and not actually Getting-Together headcanons. But uuhhhhhhhhhh let’s try this anyways!
As much as I love the idea of Hizashi and Shouta being highschool sweethearts, I feel like. They’re too dumb?? To recognize their feelings for each other until they’re in their twenties??
Mic definitely wakes up in a cold sweat one night like “oh shIT I LOVE HIM”, whilst Aizawa’s descent into lovesickness was more subtle and more drawn out, with him just kinda realizing with every sweet thing Mic does for him making his heart beat faster until he’s actively trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with him
They’re both nervous af around each other; but Mic deals with his issues with humor whilst Aizawa deals with his issues by pretending they don’t exist
Assuming Aizawa doesn’t just flat out tell Mic about his feelings immediately (which is something i honestly kind of expect that he would do), he would throw himself into his work to the point of which the only time he ever comes home to their shared apartment is when Mic is out for his radio show or is sleeping
Mic definitely misses him, and tries to rearrange his schedule in response just so he’ll have some time to spend with Aizawa, much to Aizawa’s simultaneous dismay and reluctant pleasure
As he grows a bit bolder with his crush, Mic offhandedly flirts with Aizawa. 
Aizawa always takes his nice comments as just that--nice comments. Cuz. Mic? The one with hair silkier than some rich dude’s designer scarf?? Complimenting his rat’s nest of a bedhead tied in the messiest braid ever woven by human hands??? Calling it cute???? ‘Mmmmm i dunno know about that one scoob’
Shouta snuffs out the hope that maybe Mic actually means the nice comments pretty quickly. He’s dumb like that.
Eventually Mic’s flirting and touchiness get to be too intense, and as he’s gushing about how cute and cuddly Aizawa is when he’s sleepy Mic ends up accidentally spilling the beans with a “--and that’s why I’m in love with you!”
He’s mortified to say the least. But also--Mic was super obvious with his crush, how could he expect Aizawa to not read into his comments/actions?
Joke’s on him. Cause Aizawa’s a dumb motherfucker who’s just now realizing his hopeless crush is reciprocated
“......Oh. Well now I feel like an idiot.”
They have a good laugh about how dumb they both were dancing around each other with their feelings, and then they smooch. Happy end.
They’re dating is pretty subdued. Because of current society and because of Mic’s status as a famous celebrity and Aizawa’s as an unknown, they keep their relationship a secret from everyone except for a handful of people: The teachers at UA, Tensei Iida, The Wild Wild Pussycats, Detective Tsukauchi, and eventually Miss Joke after Aizawa gets tired of her ‘advances’
in truth, Miss Joke could tell the two were practically married a mile away, and had no real intention of barging in on that. And, like Aizawa, she is also hella gay, and thinks the idea of her and him dating is the funniest fucking thing on the planet
Mic’s pretty sad that he’s not allowed to proclaim his love of Aizawa to the entire world, but he respects Aizawa’s privacy more than his disappointment, and does an ace job at keeping their relationship under wraps
In truth, it’s Aizawa who actually ends up revealing more about their relationship
I’ve mentioned this before in previous headcanon posts but feel like it needs to be put here too: Aizawa’s lack of complaint and lack of suplexing Mic to the ground whenever he so much as lays a finger on him is very telling of how much Aizawa likes Mic.
They don’t partake in PDA because of the secrecy of their relationship, but Mic has a workaround for that: his own personal loophole--he’s touchy with everyone. So he has a perfectly viable excuse to throw himself all over Aizawa in public, pulling Aizawa into hugs, touching Aizawa’s face, running his hands through Aizawa’s hair, clasping Aizawa’s hand in his.
And nobody gets the idea Aizawa’s getting special treatment because Mic is like this with everybody.
Mic could plant a big wet kiss on Aizawa’s cheek in front of a roaring crowd and everyone would just be like “Yeah, that’s normal. That’s just how Mic is.’
Mic most certainly alludes to his #1 Listener on his radio show on a consistent basis.
There are conspiracy theories going around on who Mic’s #1 Listener might be. None of them are even close to being correct.
They all make their way to Mic, and it’s honestly his favorite form of entertainment to read through just how involved some of the conspiracies get
Mic and Aizawa get married at twenty-four, with Aizawa proposing
Their wedding is ridiculously small, per Aizawa’s request, with no more than 20 people showing up.
(this one is courtesy of the 18+ erasermic discord): Mic definitely played keytar for Aizawa during the ceremony. It’s one of two times Aizawa allows himself to cry in public
Mic is the one who brings up the idea of adopting a child. Aizawa kind of dismisses it, joking that they already have a bunch of children in the forms of their students. He then takes the suggestion more seriously and tells Mic that he thinks its a bad idea: they’re both pro heroes who are very rarely at home, they have no time to raise and take care of another human being. Aizawa also expresses concerns for their hypothetical child’s safety in a world of quirks and heroes and villains, where personal attacks on a hero’s family are very much a thing
Not to mention, Aizawa just. Doesn’t think he’d be a very good dad. Mic? Yes, without a doubt. But him? If his reputation as a teacher is anything to go by, he would not be an enjoyable dad
Mic gets what Aizawa is saying. He’s disappointed to say the least, but he comes around to understanding Aizawa’s concerns, and eventually just drops the idea.
The parenting suggestion doesn’t come up between them again until years later, when Eri comes into their lives
Then it’s Aizawa suggesting they adopt her, because 
1. Villains could still potentially be after Eri, and who better than Pro Hero Parents to protect her?
2. Aizawa doesn’t know the people who Eri might get adopted by! What if they’re villains in disguise? Aizawa doesn’t trust them, no matter how nice they seem. 
3. Eri’s already comfortable with them, and she’s comfortable with everyone in the dorms who she lives among. Why take that away from her and force her to acquaint herself with strangers?
4. What if Eri’s quirk starts acting up, and she’s unable to control it? Ain’t no other person gonna be able to safely cancel it out!
And 5...... Aizawa may have gotten attached to her during his role of Care Taker
Mic is quick to jab at Aizawa’s earlier reluctance of adopting, but in truth is very welcoming of the idea of making Eri a part of their family. So he helps Aizawa out with filing the adoption papers, and soon they’re the proud parents of a sweet innocent bby
They end up adopting Shinsou as well, after Shinsou’s dad is killed after a villain attack and he’s left as an orphan
They adopt him mostly to give Shinsou some stability after it was ripped away from him so suddenly. They just want to make sure he can spend his last 3-5 years of dependence in peace, with a place to call home and people he can be comfortable around
Neither Aizawa nor Mic expect him to consider them parental figures, considering how close Shinsou was with his biological dad, but they welcome him into their family with open arms anyways
Aizawa and Mic are very proud of their little family, no matter how shoddily it may have been put together
That ended sad. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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thewincestgospel · 5 years
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 Possessive/ Jealous Dean & Jensen Recommended Fics
  5 Times Dean Threatened People who Hit on Sam by keepaofthecheez  5 Things prompt -  5 times Dean threatened people who hit on Sam.
143 Alice Grim Lane by runedgirl: Sam Winchester changed his name before he got to Stanford. Now Samuel Francis Wesson is a rising star at a California law firm with a reputation for championing the underdogs and bringing down the bad guys. He and Jess have a neon blue hybrid with a bike rack on top, and a cozy red stucco house with built-in bookshelves and hanging baskets of bougainvillea on the front porch. Sam Wesson has everything he ever wanted, except for the one thing he knew he shouldn’t. Dean is still a Winchester, still a hunter, still in love with Sam and determined not to admit it. Years of avoiding each other and their true feelings have left Sam and Dean strangers.  But when Sam’s luck changes and tragedy finds him, he turns in desperation to the older brother he walked away from years ago, hoping that the bond forged between them in childhood will prove strong enough to bring them back together.
After the Fire  by mznaughty01   “So, there’s something that I’ve been wanting to ask you,” Jensen replied with a smile that was more a lecherous leer than anything else. It still caused Jared’s heart to thump in triple time. “Are you religious? Because, I swear, you're the answer to all my prayers.”And... what? That come on had been bad even in Jared’s book and Jared was well aware of his penchant for being a giant doof. He huffed out a laugh. “Dude, really?”            
All That’s Done’s Forgiven  taelynhawker Adam POV: The angels told Adam a lot of things about his brothers—he hadn’t thought for a minute this part was true. (Slight AU from 5x18 in which they get Adam out before Michael shows up.)
(Baby Let Me Be Your) Last First Kiss by wincestplease  Sammy’s got his first date tonight. And damn if Dean isn’t fucking pissed.
Eyes on the Prize by soulmatecest  This is not how Jared wanted to start his first semester at college. And definitely not how he expected to end up hooking up with the hot RA who lives right in front of him — the one that Jared likes a little too much and may have been crushing on for several weeks —.But, as Chad likes to put it: when life gives him lemons, Jared ends up sucking Jensen Ackles’ dick in the laundry room.             
Fall Into Place by bewaretheides15  Possessiveness isn’t something Dean’s particularly familiar with
A Flood of Blood to the Heart  by brokenlittleboy Dean makes Sam flirt with the sole witness of a murder that they’re looking into. He meant it as a joke, but Sam gets really into it with Mr. Carraway, and Dean finds himself ridiculously, unshakably jealous of the two of them. Things heat up and escalate– not just for Sam and the witness, but for Sam and Dean. Warning for copious wincest smoochings. Also Sam might be a tease.
Green Eyed Dean by ladyrhyanne: Protect the innocent by any means possible has always been one of the Winchester rules and when Dean realizes that a potential witness who could become the next victim is attracted to Sam, it seems the easiest in they’ve had in awhile.  But Sam isn’t the only Winchester who doesn’t like to share but Dean’s not jealous, he doesn’t do jealous.
Heat of the Blood  by queerly_it_is Summary: While camped out at a motel in a roasting Texas summer, Sam makes a new friend. Dean really isn’t happy about it.
I do believe that we are practicing the same religion by rhythmsextion  With Dean, the only way is the hard way.
Jealousy by: FiwiKruit  Sam flirts, Dean gets jealous. PWP, explicit Wincest. All because I wanted cheering up.
Like Brothers On A Hotel Bed by cherry916 Sam is a horny drunk, a happy drunk, a spiteful drunk, a whiny drunk, an adorable drunk but Sam is also Dean’s drunk.
Lime Green Jello by xd_fic Dean gets jealous when one of their male clients flirts with his boy.
My Green-Eyed Monster  by fallenforsupernatural  Jensen doesn't dislike Stephen Amell. He just wishes he and Jared weren't so close.            
Night Moves by claimedbydaryl by Dean’s always been overprotective of his little brother, and it’s completely normal if he’s jealous of Sam hooking up with another guy that looks exactly like him, right?
Oh Baby, No Baby by ghostboi Dean realizes he doesn’t like watching his brother flirt with some stranger in a bar. It’s time to go.
Sam’s First Love by JAYJEN11  Dean was Sam’s superhero, his protector, he taught him everything. It only made sense Sam loved him but then he thinks he fell in love with him and Dean had taught him everything else so why not this too? This is not a love story. This is real life and sometimes real life sux.
Somewhere near the end of the world by dollylux Sam and Dean reunite with Sam’s old flame, Dom. (Time stamp for the Invisible Boy series.)
Stranger Than Fiction by nyxocity Meta-comedy/drama set immediately post-4x18, The Monster at the End of This Book. Dean can’t stop wondering why people would write gay porn about him and Sam. Research takes him to interesting places; re-reading novels for subtext, visiting message boards, and a really freaky place called LiveJournal. What he discovers is a sick fascination with fanfiction, more about gay sex than he ever wanted to know, and an even deeper obsession with understanding why people write this stuff. Meanwhile, they’re hunting a mysterious monster that takes the form of a person’s truest love to kill them slowly, the lines between fanfiction and reality are starting to break down, and they still have to stop Lilith and save the world.
Turnabout By: Jedi Sapphire   Dean's sometimes a little insecure about his place in Sam's life. Especially when old Stanford buddies show up. And then things go wrong. Set around Season 1.
We Belong (A Custom Fic) by  Justine Samulet Delarge Prompt: Set around season 4 or 5, with Sam and Dean fighting, with Sam jealous about Cas even though there’s nothing to be jealous over, trying to make Dean jealous with Ruby, fighting his urge to jump into Dean’s arms. And knotting. And bottom!Sam. And poppers. And a plug as “punishment.”
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enochianghost · 5 years
SU Movie thoughts
I’m basically live blogging it but in only one post
I love that the diamonds seem to be struggling with this new way of doing things. I was a little :/ about them accepting everything quite so quickly. It makes sense they’d still be tripping up! they’re like that person who only just now discovered wokeness but don’t know all the Problematic things yet and they keep saying garbage things and then being like “oh wait no”
i love when ppl remember their characters powers and make them use them in little ways that was so unnecessary, for example steven floating gently onto his bed instead of flopping and casually rolling around in a bubble. it’s the little things.(rereading this now after i’ve watched the movie and this was prob just establishing that he had powers but i love how they did it anyway)
is him just climbing out of lars’ hair just a thing now? he just does that all the time? with no warning? lmao poor lars
A song full of feels straight out the gate, of course. amazing way to remind everyone/introduce all the characters. hell yeah
holy shit i am in love with this new villain idek her name yet but she a rubber hose lovely and im <3333333 her weapon is a SCYTHE???? holy fuck i love her so much who is she girl be poofing ppl all in one swipe hell yeah! get ‘em!
oh fuck did she reset them all?? my GIRL I should be rooting for the good guys here probably but dont @ me im gay
okay but her reverted form omg she’s so bouncy and cute she IS my best friend and i love her so much. she gives off such pinkie pie vibes
okay i havent said anything yet about them so i will now. i LOVE the rebooted crystal gems. do we get to watch them become theirselves again? i cant wait
the backup crystal gems casually joking about how much they wanted to kill steven lmao
“i could’ve lost all my character development!” lmao you think she’s breaking the fourth wall but she just really into TV shows and she views the world like that now. still kinda fourth wall break but, like, explained within the show? love that
oh my god spinel is so annoying i love her so much what a little shit
backup crystal gem remix nice
oh my god spinel is such a dumbass, an annoying bouncy dumbass. just like me bitch let’s be friends
oh cool another lesbian anthem from garnet
oh haha she’s a clingy one like me too oh no
of course amethyst would be first to get back to her normal self, she’s such a good egg. I really do think she knows herself better than the other two tbh. she’s somehow the most mature of the bunch
sadie you’re doing amazing sweetie
oh oof spinel is giving off the same mood as toy story. im not allowed to get bored of anything i’ll hurt it’s feelings lmao her obsession with pink reminds me of pearl. i hope she gets the same amount of independence in the end(after watching it seems like they just gave her someone else to cling to, which i....have mixed feelings about thinking of it now. i want to see her become her own gem, but i think she also needs someone to show her she can be loved first, if that makes sense? like she needs a confidence boost. idk how well the diamonds can do that correctly tho. white especially still seems pretty obsessed with everything being Just So)
oh hell yeah bring back her “evil” version im love no, not evil version, emo version. hell yeah
oh no its pulling on the abused kid abandonment issues heartstrings. im projecting hard, my dudes. sometime im gonna feel found. anyways im crying
oh ouch at her thinking the same thing i was, what if steven ditches her the second she does as he wants
climbing the oceans to talk to lapis vibes
okay so i cried at steven’s song but anyway
“you cant just make everything better by singing some stinkin song” lol get his ass but also, like, yeah the fuck he can he’s steven fucking universe. that’s how it be on this show and that’s why i love it
oh no everything she’s saying is such an abused/neglected kid mood “i was never good enough for you and now im not good at all” ouch my heart
“staying hydrated is very important when it comes to smooching” more amazing advice from the ultimate lesbian 
THIS BITCH JUST GOT 3 NEW MOMS! girl i only got one and she’s the source of my abandonment issues. fucking SHARE. she’s as bad as steven. hoarding all the moms
so anyway im in love with everything about spinel, i love seeing everyone in their happily ever afters, i loved seeing the main crystal gems discover themselves again, the music is beautiful, i cried a couple times, all in all a good steven universe movie
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The Roasted Bean Coffee Shop (Reddie ch. 1)
Description: If IT never existed in Derry. Eddie is in his senior year and openly gay. Excited to leave Derry because of the homophobes and his mother. Eddie runs into a long lost friend, Richie Tozier and Richie just so happens to take an interest in the smaller boy once again. 
A/N: Constructive criticism is very appreciated, but please no rude comments. I am very new to this. Let me know if you want to be added in the tag list! Thanks! :)
Aged up to 17/18 – senior year
Word count: 1,328 (Kind of a short first chapter but they will get longer and hopefully more interesting :/ )
 Parts: 1/?
Tag list:  @get-fcking-reddie  LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED IN THE TAG LIST WHEN I POST!!!!
Have you ever wanted to run away? Ever wanted to pack up all your shit and run far away from everyone and everything? Away from the hurt and the trouble. All your problems. Eddie desperately wanted to leave. As far as he was concerned, this town was cursed. From the homophobes in the town that hated Eddie for his sexual identification, to his own mother who constantly was breathing down his back and telling him to take his pills.
His fake pills. He knew they were fake, but he had been so attached to the pills from the constant fear of disease. He could survive without them, he knew that his phobia was irrational, but nonetheless that didn’t help his mind change course. He despised the town and the people in it. Just one more year, one more year of absolute hell, then he could run far away from all that hurt that this town had caused him.
Grabbing his black back pack off his wooden floor, Eddie ran down the stairs. Reaching for the doorknob, there was a voice behind him. He was foolish to think he could possibly scurry away that quickly from his mother. A complete and udder fool to think it would be that easy.
 “Eddie! You better not be leaving without saying goodbye to your dear mother!” His large mother said from the kitchen. She was a plump woman in her forties who treated Eddie like a child. Like he was incapable of tying his own shoes, chewing his own food. And even, breathing his own air.
“Sorry mommy, I just forgot.” He lied directly to his delirious, bulky mother’s face. He huffed out a large breath knowing that the crazy lady wouldn’t let him leave without the everyday, endless kiss on the cheek. It’s not that he didn’t love his mother because, he did. Of course he did. But, she was piece of work, she probably thought the same of him. 
Dragging his feet along the floor, the boy smooches a big, fat wet kiss on her cheek. He could feel the cheap pink blush that was coated on her face and well, now on his lips. The germaphobe could only think about how the hell he was gonna get this off his lips without offending his mom’s poor feelings.
 Retracting as fast as possible, Eddie says a quick goodbye once again and makes his way out the door. After closing it, he tries to breathe. A huff that he had no idea was stuck in his throat was finally released. Being in his town made him feel like he was constantly suffocating and dying. A slow and agonizing death.
Eddie began dragging his feet along the side walk to school. Luckily, he only lived a short 10-minute walk from and to Derry High school. There was just one stop before school, as always. When he was younger, he used to ride his bike everywhere. Up until last year when his mother decided that it was too threatening and unsafe for a boy like him. At the rate, she was taking things from him for being ‘unsafe’, he eventually won’t even be able leave the house at all. Sometimes he thinks about just defying his mother entirely. All hell would probably break loose.
Getting bored, he began counting the number of steps he took and he lugged himself along. It was still warm outside, summer just ending. Too bad, it going to get cold. Though Eddie hated the bitter weather, always tugging and biting at him as he walked, he hated summer. Not for the weather, but rather the loneliness.
Since Eddie had come out as gay right before high school, in the eighth grade, not many people talked to him. He had his couple of friends Bill, Stan, and Mike. They were really excepting for him. They weren’t around much though; Bill and Stan were always off doing something. Most of the time they talked was at school where they were safe and away from Eddie’s frightening mom. But Mike was a home schooled kid. They got along well because Mike got made fun of for that and well, his skin color.
But, they rarely ever got to hang out anymore. As he pondered, Eddie made a turn in the opposite direction of the school. Coming to the coffee shop everyday of high school, well everyday he wasn’t in the hospital for some god-forbidding disease his mother thought he had. Seeing the small Roasted Bean sign in bold black letters he swerved to the door. He pulled open the warm metal handle and slid in.
 This was Eddie’s favorite place, he felt as though he could escape from his life here. Not many of people came to this little place. It was just down the road from the school. You would think most students would come here in the mornings, but no. This place wasn’t cool enough for the annoying high schoolers.
Every morning the short boy would tell his mom that he was going to a early morning study session but rather, he was just coming to this old place and sitting alone in a booth. Usually just looking out the window and drinking his coffee silently. The only part that he thought was enjoyable about Derry. The silence.
He took in a long inhale of grounded coffee beans and instantly felt relaxed. Coffee was Eddie’s favorite drink. It was one of the first things you would learn about him. Well, that is if they ever take the time to get to know him. Most don’t. They see him as a queer, asthmatic freak. They look at him and heavily judge who he is as a person. Thank god he met Bill and Stan when they were younger, they were so innocent and thought nothing much of him. Just wanted to make some friends.
 That’s how the people in Derry are, judgmental. Eddie always supposed it was because they felt invalid as people and so they take it out on the odd one out. Who just so happened to be Eddie. Fulfilling his morning ritual, he walked up to the counter to get the same drink he always does. A black coffee. His mom doesn’t let him drink coffee, says it’s bad from him. But something was off, something was not like normal.
The barista wasn’t the normal lady with the dark brown hair and bright blue eyes in her forties who usually took his order and didn’t say much. The lady with the dark bags that plainly didn’t care what he had to say because I was too early to care. He could recognize that face from a mile away though. The dark chocolate curls the hung low on his face and the freckles that reminded him of a galaxy of stars. Oh, and let’s not forget the thick glasses that shielded this pretty eyes that were full of light.
Richie Tozier? Trash mouth? He and the boy in the apron at the register used to be the best of friends. They were closer than most. They would share secrets and would sneak into each room’s every single night. But all the shared secrets and midnight talks stopped when Richie’s parents became more and more abusive. But, to top it all off, Eddie was gay. Richie’s parents didn’t like that very much at all.
It’s not that Richie had ever said that was one of the reasons but, it didn’t need to be said. The two drifted apart and now they seemed to being lived on different planets. They could see each other but, they never spoke. Just glances in halls and small one word exchanges if only absolutely nessesary. Eddie had almost forgot about the annoying boy who made him realize his sexuality.
Oh yes, the pain and agonizing truth. Eddie had always had a thing for the trash mouth growing up. His gross ‘your mom’ jokes and such. Snapping out of his trance of shock and confusion, Eddie walked to the counter. Richie looked equally confused and distraught by seeing the boy in the coffee shop.
It threw them off like a broken roller coaster that went off it’s tracks.
“So what can I get you, good looking?” The annoying boy said in a British accent wiggling his eyebrows in almost a mocking manner. Oh boy.
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romcomathon2016 · 7 years
A Christmas Prince (USA, 2017)
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And now, a special bonus edition, not for any actual occasion, but just because we freaking felt like it. God bless you, Netflix, for this glorious season when all the worst Hallmark movies ever made arise out of the depths for easy streaming upon demand. Happy holidays, Romcomathon readership! (We will also be watching an equally terrible non-Netflix movie, it looks like, on actual Christmas. Prepare yourselves.)
Predictions: Alex, having read the description, knew that it was about a reporter and a prince, perhaps falling in love through a house of lies. Kat, not having read the description, predicted that Christmas was a place as well as a time, and perhaps the Prince of Christmas -- A CHRISTMAS PRINCE, IF YOU WILL -- was looking for a bride. At Christmastime. Perhaps the Kingdom of Christmas only merges with the regular world at Christmastime!!!! Who can say.
Plot: Uh… Kat was joking, but may not have been entirely mistaken. Whereas she was picturing some sort of seasonal magical fairy kingdom, Aldovia is instead a supposedly real country that crowns its monarchs at the Christmas Eve Ball???? But let's back up a bit and explain.
Rose McIver is a "junior editor," aka peon?? at a fashion magazine in "New York" (a whole variety of skylines were used here, though...huh), who inexplicably gets sent to a foreign country to cover the possible abdication of a playboy prince, Ben Lamb. Obviously he turns out to not really be a playboy; she assumes a fake identity by accident (is mistaken for the princess's soon-to-arrive new American tutor); and she immediately finds her way into both his good graces and those of his wayward, overprotected little sister -- who, by the way, has spina bifida AND is super sad about their father's death a year ago. There was literally not a heartstring that this movie did not attempt to tug, y’all; we are shocked that there wasn't a baby animal of some kind wearing a ribbon around its neck at a pivotal moment.
Anyway, Prince Ben Lamb just doesn't know if he wants to be king, guys. Can he handle it? Can he handle it?? No, kind of seems like he can't, tbh, but since his scheming cousin, next in line, seems like a truly terrible person, he should probably try. But wait! Plot twist! Rose McIver stumbles across an incredibly poorly-hidden secret compartment in the king's hunting lodge -- after having been rescued by Prince Ben Lamb from a wolf in the snowy woods, mind you (...yes) -- and discovers SECRET ADOPTION PAPERS. PRINCE BEN LAMB IS ADOPTED, AND NOBODY KNEW!!!! Well, except his parents, presumably.
Naturally, Scheming Cousin and his lady friend (actually Prince Ben Lamb's former lady friend, but let's not get into it) discover this as well, because Rose McIver is the worst undercover reporter in the world, and they decide to keep this information under their fancy evil hats until the Right Moment. When is the Right Moment, you ask? Obviously, at the Christmas Eve Ball/coronation. Yes, two for the price of one. The Aldovian monarchy is v. practical and/or thrifty that way! They also have the Prime Minister do the ceremony (perhaps not wanting to spring for a priest), and he (perhaps having never before seen a coronation?!) runs the whole thing like a wedding. Does anyone object to the prince's crowning, he asks, or forever hold your peace?? Guess who doesn't hold their peace, guys -- lol, it's Scheming Cousin. THE PRINCE IS ADOPTED!!!!!!!!
Man, what unfortunate timing, now that Prince Ben Lamb has finally gotten his act together and agreed to be king. Also unfortunate: the scheming duo reveals the truth about Rose McIver's identity. WHAT IS EVEN LEFT FOR PRINCE BEN LAMB TO BELIEVE IN???? He doesn't know who Rose McIver is! HE DOESN'T KNOW WHO HE IS EITHER. Also, the Prime Minister clearly has no mind of his own, and the Queen somehow has no power???? (We suppose that makes sense, though, since this nation is apparently stuck in like the 1100s or something, because girls still can't inherit and the line skips right over Prince Ben Lamb’s sister??) Anyway, they're all just like, welp, it's Christmas Eve, so we couldn't possibly wait a day to reasonably discuss our nation’s future, and instead we absolutely must crown Scheming Cousin immediately. All is lost.
Rose McIver, meanwhile, is at the airport headed home, all dejected and stuff, when she has a sudden epiphany about the secret poem the prince showed her in the hunting lodge. (SO MUCH SECRET STUFF IN THIS HUNTING LODGE, YOU GUYS. WHAT WAS EVEN GOING ON WITH THE KING. WHY DID HE SHARE NOTHING WITH HIS QUEEN OR HIS COUNCIL????) She rushes back to the castle and breaks open the homemade acorn Christmas ornament that the dead king left for the queen (...yeah), and lo and behold, a secret decree naming his adopted son worthy to be king. The king even took care to mention that it wasn't about blood or anything, but rather about Prince Ben Lamb's good character, which incidentally, Prince Ben Lamb was worried about. HOW PRESCIENT OF HIM. (Though not as prescient as if he had done the normal thing and publicized this before his death and avoided this whole debacle. :|)
Rose McIver bursts into the SECOND coronation; the Prime Minister again has no trouble accepting this latest sudden, poorly-verified turn of events; and Prince Ben Lamb gets properly crowned. Rose McIver goes back home to “New York” and writes a very schmaltzy story about how great he is. Her editor, surprisingly, does not want to publish this CRAZY STORY that she paid for Rose McIver to get, so Rose McIver quits and starts a weirdly successful blog instead. Then, on New Year's Eve, King Ben Lamb turns up on the doorstep of her father's diner and proposes to her. YUP, YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY, READER. THE KING OF A NATION PROPOSES TO A WOMAN HE KNEW FOR ONE WEEK UNDER AN ASSUMED IDENTITY. THE END.
Best Scene: It is impossible to choose, perhaps because there was not a single scene in this glorious Christmas masterpiece that did not seem like it had been ripped from another film and spliced into this one in iMovie. The number of lines that we predicted out loud before they were said on screen was, shall we say, astonishing, but then again, not astonishing at all.
Worst Scene: All of the best scenes were the worst scenes, and all of the worst scenes were the best scenes.
Best Line: "You haven't thought about this. I mean, we barely know each other." -- Rose McIver, saying what we are all thinking. I mean, who would marry this royal idiot?? HE HAS BAD JUDGMENT AND WILL SOON BE DEPOSED, AND THEN WHERE WILL YOU BE?? Points for having good sense for once, Rose McIver. Points lost for capitulating moments later.
Worst Line: "A palace is a lonely place for a king without a queen." -- King Ben Lamb, during his proposal speech, all of which was awful, just to be clear. Although we did enjoy how his answer to pretty much all her objections was, money can solve everything! I mean. He's not entirely wrong. The royal family is probably very rich from all the money they've saved on coronations.
Highlights of the Watching Experience: Ummmm, reading the article that Entertainment Weekly wrote about it?? This article, a journalistic tour de force of the sort Rose McIver could never compose, addresses all of the concerns that we could not fit in this blog post. It is accurate and hilarious. Read it here.
Also, this whole watching experience was a highlight of our year. Literally the tropiest film we've ever watched. Cannot believe how many different clichés they managed to cram into one movie.
How Many POC in the Film: Like...2-4? One of her two friends was black (the other was a gay man, of course), a jerk reporter at the magazine was also black, and there may or may not have been an Asian person or two sprinkled in in Aldovia, with hardly any lines. Not awesome, for 2017.
Alternate Scenes: So, how did Rose McIver end up needing to be rescued from a wolf, you ask? Well, it's because she stole a horse from the stables to stalk Prince Ben Lamb, and then it threw her and left her in the snow, à la Beauty and the Beast. Only this low-budget cinematic wonder could only afford one wolf, evidently. Excitingly, though, in the moment before this wolf came on screen, we were wondering if it was going to be a werewolf, and if this movie was REALLY going to take a turn. Truthfully, readers, we kind of wish that had happened. We would watch that alternate film. Possible titles -- iWerewolf? A Christmas Wolf?
Was the Poster Better or Worse than the Film: BETTER. Now, we know we’ve suggested that no film could be better than this one, but this badly-photoshopped family holiday card is clearly the poster for a movie about the Prince of Hell, who rises out of his pentacle in a tower of flame to claim as his bride Rose McIver, who happens to love Christmas. Whereas of course the Prince of Hell hates Christmas, because it's Jesus’s birthday, and he is the Prince of Hell (duh). Hijinks ensue; eventually they overcome their differences, and maybe the Prince of Hell abdicates his hellish throne in order to live on Earth with Rose McIver. The final scene is, of course, them in their charming living room, enjoying Christmas. The Prince jokingly puts a devil-themed ornament on the Christmas tree (yes, they make those; we double-checked). "Oh, you!" says Rose McIver. They giggle together. Pan out into the snow.
Score: 4 out of 10 pasted-together-out-of-a-random-Hallmark-plot-generator smooches. Soooooo bad, you guys. Probably zero actual-movie smooches. But 10 out of 10 smooches in our still-laughing hearts!
Ranking: 72, out of the 109 movies we’ve seen so far. Sadly, we would rather rewatch this than a shocking number of other things. IT WASN'T GOOD, JUST TO BE CLEAR. NOT GOOD AT ALL. Yet...what a grand old time we had. This is the most perfect terrible movie we have ever watched or could ever imagine watching.
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cananybodysea · 7 years
yo,, hit me up with them sweet sweet jared x reader headcanons
u asked for it BETCh i love my meme boy
(these aren’t laid out like normal headcanons i know but i’m not even sure if they are headcanons?? they’re kinda just big chunky paragraphs what i think dating jared is like,, also i’m p sure all the readers pronouns are gender neutral ! correct me if i’m wrong :) )
ok so jared is like,,, an ass,, but like the best kind ?? it doesn’t even make sense let me explain so like: you’ll be sitting running ur hands through his hair and you’ll say something really lovey and sweet and jared will just narrow his eyes and say “don’t be gay”
a relationship (platonic or romantic) with him would be the most fun somebody could ever have, because he’s just so ?? silly ?? here’s an example: on his snapchat story, he’ll put up a video and it starts off as the wall and then the camera slowly pans round until it’s on you and he zooms in on u dabbin,,, mask off is playing in the background (it’s stupid shit like that that makes your relationship so much more enjoyable) ((i live for couples that share the same humour))
his kisses are so soft,, and so sweet, and sometimes they’re short and quick like whenever you pass eachother in school - but then sometimes they’re long and his hands are on your cheeks and HNNNNNGG he loves kissing you. Also, he wiLL moan like crazy if you tug on his hair while kissing him (kinky), or doing other things….
he also loves when you run up to him and grab his face and smooch his cheeks. he LOVES THAT. (do it more often)
you two like to watch tv shows like ‘my strange addiction’ and ‘keeping up with the kardashians’ or something like that and just make fun of the people on tv,, jared does an alarmingly accurate kim impersonation,,
if you ever have a fight (very rarely) he doesn’t give silent treatment, he’s just extra sarcastic and he doesn’t answer anything you say, he kinda just grunts. and it makes u 😠
his parents adore you, just saying…and they’re constantly like “when are you gonna bring your s/o back for dinner? you know they’re welcome anytime jared”
he’s actually a big softie, underneath all the humour and sarcasm, like he really loves when you play with his hair, or place your hands on his cheeks and give em a big squish!! he says he hates it but he doesn’t want u to stop. ever.
jared kleinman is a chubby tol bear and despite his demure he LIVES for your cuddles. he doesn’t like to admit it, but he loves when he comes over to your house and just being able to sink into your arms after a long weekend,,,, CUDDLE HIM.
his favourite thing to do is just sit on the couch watching tv or playing games (video games, cards, charades, whatever) with u. because he loves watching how your eyes light up when you laugh and he is so so smitten it’s terrifying to him.
he first realised he was in love with you when you called him one morning, it was a saturday, and you knew that was when him and evan were having a little rough patch in their somewhat friendship. and you just pretty much said “wanna stop being gloomy and come hang with your amazing lover?” and he was just. he couldn’t describe it. his heart started beatin real fast and he was just like “this person wants to cheer me up and i loVE THEM”
zoe murphy takes a ridiculous amount of candid pictures of you two when you’re out with the squad. usually it ends in jared yelling something along the lines of ‘fuCkInG STOP IT MURPHy’ !! she has a video of jared kissing you but she had the flash on so he just turns around and faces the camera,, givin the deadpan as she zooms in and u think it’s the funniest thing ever
i feel like jared does that thing,, where you two are walking together and as you’re speaking and he just laces his pinky finger with urs and gradually takes hold of ur hand and rubs his thumb across your knuckles im LIVING
silliest arguments over everything like ?? last week he tried to fight with u and evan about lamps ?? (giving no context with this one cause i low-key couldn’t think of anything to say so o just said lamps lmao,, create ur own scenario if u like)
he first told u he loves u over video chat and i actually headcanon that he had a bit of difficulty saying i love you for the first time,, he was very scared to do it in person incase u were like “nO” so videochatting you meant that he could just hang up right away if things went wrong.
you’d only been dating a couple of weeks and you were laughing about something then he kinda just stopped talking for a while and you were like ‘are u okay babe?’ and he took a big deep breath in, fixed his glasses and was like:
“i think you’re the most beautiful person in the world and my stomach flips every time you look at me or i look at you and i love kissing you and i’m pretty sure that i love you. yeah, i love you” all in one breath and it was the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
if he has a bad day, he’ll text u if he can come over and he’ll just get to your house and lay his head in your lap, angrily ranting about whatever’s bothering him and he only calms down when you kiss his lil forehead and run ur hands through his hair.
around october, most of your conversations consist of u saying; “nO JARED i will NOT DRess up as LOLA BUNNY”
jared is v much in love with you and his social media is just pretty much full of images of u, or you and him, or all of the squad. (and memes.) he likes to put captions underneath pictures of u such as, ‘look what the cat dragged in. again’ but everyone knows he adores u and ISSA JOKE
lov the cronch.
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Personal Pride Story
Since June is Pride month, I felt like sharing my own LGBTQ+ experience.
Firstly, let me start off by saying that my uncle (the brother of my mother) is gay. I can’t exactly remember the time he came out to our family, I was only between 6-8 years old; I do remember my mom telling my brother and I that our Uncle Pat isn’t going to get married to a woman like his older brother did and that’s about it. I love my uncle dearly and we are quite close, even though he lives out of town. I always say that it’s fun having a gay uncle, because I have someone to talk about hot male celebrities with lol - like Hugh Jackman (my uncle loves Hugh Jackman and really who could blame him?). He’s been with his partner Tyler for about 13 years now and it’s fantastic, I love them both.
Now on to me. Before I begin, I just want to come clean and say that I am not as familiar with sexuality and orientations as many others - I actually only started learning the terms and about gay rights and pride probably when I was in high school; for me, that’s when my eyes were open, so to speak, about how people have different orientations and preferences and such. I knew what being gay meant because of my uncle and I was familiar with what lesbianism was, but other terms like pansexual, demisexual, transgender, asexual, etc... I was not so familiar with. And honestly, I’m still not. I’ve been determined to learn to educate myself so not to offend or upset anyone because that’s one of my biggest fears as perhaps anyone who knows me or has spoken to me knows.
But here’s what I do know about myself: I openly consider myself bisexual. Have I been with a woman? No, not yet - but I believe that doesn’t mean I can’t be bisexual, because I would date a woman just as much as I would date a man. I don’t care about gender. I care about personality and behavior; I want a partner who is genuinely kind and compassionate, who loves me for me even with my faults, and who will understand my insecurities and anxiety and would be my support and my rock when I need them. In return, I will be the same.
So here’s how I came to discover my sexuality: it happened while I was still in high school, one of my friends (who is, to this day, still my best and one of my most dearest friends) who is a girl asked me to be her girlfriend. It took me by surprise because a) anyone that’s ever ‘asked me out’ was only faking it to be mean to me (I dealt with a lot of bullying as a kid and this was one of the recurring themes when someone found out I had a crush on them and they didn’t like me back, they would use my feelings to make fun of me) and b) I’ve never been asked out my a girl before. I asked her if I have a few days to think about it and she said yes, so I thought about it and I came to the realization that yes I would totally be her girlfriend because she was so great and had the qualities I was/am looking for - she was a great match for me I think. But before I did anything, I sat down and spoke with my parents about it. I told them about my friend and about how I felt, and then I broke down crying and asked them if they would still love me if I dated a girl. They....were completely shocked - not by the fact their daughter was talking about dating a girl but by the fact that she thought they would love her any less for it. They talked me down and told me no, they wouldn’t - they would love and support me no matter what because I am still their daughter; my mom even reminded me (because in my emotional conflict, I had forgotten oops) that my uncle is gay and everyone loves and treats him just the same. I am lucky to have parents that would support me, and I would hope that anyone who comes out will have the same positive reaction because that’s all you deserve is love and support. 
I ended up not giving my friend an answer and the topic was forgotten about until much later when it was brought up again, and both my friend and I agreed to what I had thought about when I decided to simply forget about it - even though I realize now that I should have given her an answer, we both had it in our hearts that it’s better off for us to remain friends because we have such a great friendship that if we were to date and possibly go through a break up that could have ended terribly - poof, there goes our friendship. Like I said above, to this day, we are still the best of friends and I do love her, just more as a sister than a romantic interest. But the point of all of this is that my friend opened my eyes and made me realize who I was and pretty much introduced me to a wider view of sexuality and orientation. I’ve thanked her before for helping me see that gender doesn’t matter to me, I would fall in love with a man or woman, all I want is a partner to share my life with. I like to joke with her and say, “You turned me half-gay,” - I’m honestly not sure if that’s offensive or not, I really don’t mean it to be and I’m sure she knows that. 
I’m bisexual and proud!
Happy Pride Month!
All of you are amazing and beautiful people!
Smooches and hugs!
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((Some more drama with a @jack-rabbot kinda RP dealie! Now that Scourge is back, we’ve got a hell of a lot more to worry about :3c))
Manic had no reason to stay at his old apartment building now that Scourge had returned. And now that things had begun to get figured out with Scourge and Jack, the option was obvious. Manic and Scourge moved in with Jack. Sometimes they'd sleep on the couch, or the guest room, or in Jack's bed, they didn't have any kind of permanent sleeping space, but they didn't care. It was much nicer than Manic's old place, and now that he had converted some small backroom into a practice space, his lovers wouldn't have to hear him practice whenever he wanted to play. Manic got to have a healthy relationship with Scourge, and with Jack.
But the same couldn't be said for the two of them. Scourge wasn't outwardly annoying, and he was willing to sit with Jack and cuddle up to him. But the rooms of the house had started to get a bit messier. Now that Scourge had moved in, cups and bottles were being left all over the house, and all the furniture was starting to look just a little more worn. Not to mention the ways he loved to tease Jack. Some of them turning out worse than others.
The small padded envelope he put in the mailbox was addressed to Manic, with the return address only being a kiss mark and the seal not glued shut. Scourge quietly waited in the main room, listening to his music loudly and waiting for Jack's response when we went to get the mail.
Jack didn’t mind Manic and Scourge moving in with him, he was quite happy to have his lovers live with him. He would often snuggle up to Manic in his bed or the guest room when they slept and he had no use for the small back room, so he was glad Manic could use it himself. Although he was okay with Scourge he did notice things getting more and more messier as time went on. He did his best to clean up and thankfully Manic helped out where he could.
Jack put up with most of the teasing, knowing Scourge didn’t mean all of it in a bad way, or Jack put up with it for Manic’s sake. When Jack had finished cleaning for the time being and went to check the mail he was surprised when he saw the kiss marked envelope. He wondered who would send manic this, a fan maybe? He was curious of what was inside as he took it and the other mail inside to the kitchen as he wondered if he should open it. It sat on top of the stack of mail, tantalizing Jack like a little devil whispering in his ears. The flap was already open. He could just take one quick peak into the envelope, see what it was. He wouldn't have to know, no one would ever know. Fate decided for him. The envelope wasn't sealed, and with the stack of letters tilting just the wrong way, the contents spilled out onto the floor. Scourge was very careful with how he pulled it off, taking the object from Manic's sister after she got her news, and getting that thief woman Manic knew to kiss the envelope for him. All he had to do was wait for the inevitable shock when Jack found out Manic was sent a positive pregnancy test. While Jack was curious he didn’t want to invade Manic’s privacy and betray his trust by going into his mail. He was walking away when the letters came falling down. He started picking up the letters and brushing them off before seeing the contents of the envelope. Jack was shocked to say the least, he didn’t know what to say or what to think, Manic got someone pregnant? Did that mean he was cheating on Jack and Scourge? Jack knew that Manic could do what he wanted as long as he told him but this was a complete shock.
Things had just started working out, something like this could really bring problems if Scourge found out. Jack quickly put the test back into the envelope and tried to seal it up, a part of him felt a little heartbroken at this point. Things were going so well and now Manic got someone pregnant? Jack left the envelope on the side and quickly went to his room, doing his best to look like nothing was wrong as quickly hid in his room. Scourge just grinned at Jack's reaction. He'd figure it out soon enough. It was too ridiculous to be true. Right? Jack his in his room and Scourge waited in the main room for a while longer, practicing a bit on an unplugged bass guitar to whatever songs might come on. Just something to keep him entertained while he waited for- "Hey, dude." Manic said, walking in with a plastic bag from some strange store Scourge and Jack had never heard of. He left the bag on the counter as he leafed through the mail, seemingly amused by the padded envelope. "What, did Rouge drop something off?" He asked on seeing the kissmark, sliding the seal open with his finger. The moment he saw the contents, he dropped the envelope and gave Scourge a sassy look. "You know I'm gay, do you really think I'd get Rouge pregnant?!" Scourge grinned at him, fessing up to his little joke. "You did try her out once~" Manic laughed and smiled, grabbing his bang and specifically walking over just to punch Scourge in the arm. "You turd. I'mma be in the backroom again, you keep Jack outta there for a bit. And don't go giving him any pregnancy tests." He said, half serious. He took his walk to the backroom again, not quite sure if he should have been concerned Scourge somehow got a positive pregnancy test. Jack just stayed in his room the whole time. He never once considered what he saw a joke, he wouldn’t think something like that could be used to prank someone, so he truly thought Manic got someone pregnant and it tore him up inside. How was going to talk to Manic about this? It wasn’t like when Scourge came back when they were engaged. Manic now had two boyfriends and now apparently had gotten someone pregnant as well, what was going to happen now? Would Manic keep going to this mysterious person? What would happen to Jack if he did? What kind of promise did Manic make to them?
He lost his chance to be married to Manic thanks to Scourge showing up, he was a little sore over that but not enough to do or say anything about it, what would happen now? Would Manic just leave Jack for this person? Scourge might stay just to have a free place to live unless he left with Manic, then Jack would be left all alone, the rabbit wouldn’t be able to handle all of that if it was true. He just sat on his bed in the corner of his room feeling worse and worse the more he thought about it. It wasn't going to be long before Manic was finished in the backroom. "Hey, you know where Jack's gone?" He asked Scourge. "His car's still here, ain't it?" "Think he's up in his room," Scourge said as he tightened some of his guitar strings. "Stupid A string ain't goin' on right... ..." Manic took the short walk upstairs and towards the bedroom he would normally share with Jack. "Hey, babe," Manic greeted as he pressed the door open. "I just finished up my stuff. Hey, that bakery was having a sale on that cheesecake you like, I got you a slice." He reached into his now almost empty plastic bag and pulled out a piece of cake in a triangular plastic takeout container. He walked over and handed it to the rabbit with a smooch on the forehead. He pulled back. He wasn't relaxed, not even a little bit. "You doing alright?" Manic sat down next to the rabbit. "You dealing with your trauma again, baby?" Jack was stuck on his thoughts until he heard the door open, making the rabbit flinch when he turned and saw Manic at the door. “H-hey Manic, o-oh thank yeh Manic.” Jack replied as he gently held the container and placed it on the side for later. Jack gulped quietly as Manic asked him if he was okay, should he tell him? What would happened to them if he did? Would there be an argument between them? Jack wouldn’t be able to take it if there was, he was really scared but he needed to know, after all, it could be a mistake, right?
“N-no, not today Manic, u-um who sent yeh that envelope? A-ah mean, ah didn’t mean to look inside, I-it wasn’t sealed and and it fell over.” The rabbit feeling more and more guilty over the whole thing the more he talked about it. “I-it’s not true is it Manic? Y-yeh didn’t get someone pregnant did yeh?” Jack was starting to shake a little in both fear and guilt, he was just overcome with negative thoughts that came from nothing, he was close to tears as he asked his boyfriend that question as he waited for an answer. The more that Jack shuddered, the closer Manic moved to him. And once the words were out, Manic chuckled. "No! No, babe, don't worry!" Manic held Jack close to his chest and smiled as he spoke. "Dude, if I was sleeping with anyone else, I'd let you know. I know you don't like where the whole relationship's gone, but I'm not gonna screw it up any more! Besides, dude, I'm gay. Even if I slept with someone who was trans, you know I'd take like fifty steps to make sure that didn't happen. I'm not gonna get someone pregnant, babe." Another kiss to Jack's forehead. "There's only one person I'd ever wanna have a kid with... and I'm like, ten percent sure that's not possible for us." Manic made his normal goofy face. "I'm pretty sure that test was from my sisters pregnancy announcement thing?" he said, trying to keep an upbeat mood. "That was just Scourge being a dick. Don't you remember the time he got that soda siphon just to carbonate a gallon of milk and put it back in the fridge?" He scratched behind Jack's ears and smiled at the sight of his lover. "Don't let him get to you, mate." Jack was shaking like a leaf as Manic held him close, he was terrified of what Manic might say before hearing what he did say. The more Jack listened the worse he felt for ever doubting Manic in the first place, how could he ever think Manic would do something like that? Manic was a better person then Jack deserved and Jack just held onto Manic as he buried his face into his lover’s chest still shaking as he did. Jack felt like crying at this point, how could he let Scourge trick him so easily and made him doubt the person he truly loved above all else?
After a short time after Manic finished speaking, Jack looked up at Manic still trembling in his lover’s arms. “A-Ah’m sorry Manic, a-ah wasn’t thinking straight, a-ah just didn’t know, a-Ah’m sorry.” After apologizing constantly to Manic, he buried his face into into Manic’s chest once more as he felt absolutely terrible. Out of all the jokes that been played on him so far this one had crossed a line somewhere, at least with the carbonated milk the worst that happened was Jack needed to clean the floor and take a quick shower, but this tore at his feelings which were fragile enough without Scourge using Manic to play head games with. "I get it, mate." Manic reassured him, holding onto him and petting him to hopefully ease some of his tension. "And if I get any more super suspicious packages? Just blame Scourge first, he's probably to blame." Manic said, only half joking. Manic was easily more used to Scourge's brand of teasing than Jack was. "Are you feeling any better, babe?" Manic stood up and smiled. "Hey, I've gotta go to that store again. I'll chew Scourge out for you later. Just relax, babe, we'll be fine." Another kiss to his forehead. "And try not to get pregnant while I'm gone." Down in the main room, Scourge was practicing between moving his fingers between certain chords. They moved fine individually, but they all seemed to clunk on these certain diminished chords. He didn't have time to worry about technical nonsense, because by the time Manic walked downstairs, he was already going up to Scourge and giving him a playful punch. Not serious, but serious enough that Scourge knew he'd messed up. Manic was already gone while Jack came back downstairs. "Hey, Jack." Scourge said on seeing him. "You still have that sewing kit?" Jack gently held onto Manic as his lover petted him. He did feel a little better but he still felt bad about the whole thing and wasn’t sure how to make it up to Manic for doubting him, even if it was a joke in the first place. Jack had trouble sometimes telling when things were just a joke or if they were serious which probably made him a good target for Scourge’s pranks. Jack nodded a little when Manic asked if he was feeling better. “O-okay Manic.” Jack blushed a little then more at the comment. “A-ah won’t.”
After Manic left it took Jack a little while to calm down before heading downstairs to get a quick drink before returning to his room and have that cheese cake Manic got him. When Scourge called to him while he was downstairs, Jack flinched a little before looking over to Scourge before answering him. “Y-yes ah do, what happened?” Jack asked as he wondered what Scourge would need with his sewing kit besides his jacket. "Trying to get something on my jacket," Scourge said, confirming Jack's suspicions. His jacket was laid out on the table back up, showing off a wall of monochromatic patches of various band logos and vaguely punk symbols. There was an open envelope next to it with a patch for one of those foreign bands Manic listened to. He definitely wasn't in a rush to get it attached if he was just laying around and practicing his guitar. "You know where it is?" Scourge followed Jack briefly. He'd heard the test fall out of the envelope, but he didn't see the reaction. Maybe it was time he started pushing his luck a little more. "Rouge always has one, but she hates my guts. Not Manic, though. Hell, they've been hanging out a lot more lately. Somethin's telling me they're getting a little closer than friends~" “Ah see, okay ah’ll go get it.” Jack replied before going off to find his sewing kit, soon enough he found it and headed back to sew the patch onto the jacket before Scourge started to speak.
“Ah see.” Jack listened to what Scourge said as he sat down and got his kit out before he took the patch and started to sew it onto an empty space on the jacket. Jack bit his as he sewed and listened to Scourge, he guessed what the other male was up to and didn’t want to answer as he tried to focus on the sewing for the time being.
Soon enough Jack had finished sewing the patch onto the jacket before putting his kit away and getting up. “All done, ah hope it’s good enough for yeh.” Jack said before making his way to put his kit back where he had it from. He didn’t want to say anything about what Scourge was pushing for, even though Manic himself said it was a joke. Jack still felt fragile and didn’t want to give Scourge the chance to tease him again. He didn't need to explicitly say anything, the short answer was enough for Scourge to know what he was thinking. He was surprised Jack was willing to sew on a patch after everything he'd said, unless he hadn't figured it out yet or was just far too forgiving on his jokes. But the stitching was solid, he didn't have to do any of the work himself, and Jack wasn't pissed at him to his knowledge. He did know it was a joke... right? He smiled and laughed before Jack was out of the room. "Alright, kid," Scourge said with a smile. "That pregnancy test was just a joke. You know he's gay, don't you?" He chuckled. "It's fun watching you get all scared over this stuff... You make all kindsa cute squeaks." He'd embarrassed him enough, he decided. Scourge leaned back onto the couch, not noticing how much his bad apology cast blame onto Jack. Jack was willing to try and forgive Scourge and ignore his bad taste in jokes for Manic’s sake, it didn’t entirely mean he didn’t have to like it very much. At the least Scourge would be kept happy if his jacket was sorted so he did and when Scourge spoke Jack stood and listened before speaking himself. “Y-yeah, ah know he is, o-okay then.” After Scourge finished going on, Jack took his sewing kit and his drink before returning to his room.
He wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be an apology or if he was bragging about his poor sense in pranks. It did leave Jack a little more worse then he already was but he was going to get Scourge back somehow. Maybe keep Manic for himself tonight? He didn’t want to do too much but he did want to snuggle up to Manic as soon as he came home, as the rabbit sat on his bed and took a small bite out of the cheesecake Manic got him. And Jack would get that chance soon enough. Manic was out of the house all day. Shopping, stopping at his usual venue, just small errands that kept him away. Scourge didn't know about the soft spot he had his Jack, he just thought he'd made a silly joke that he took a bit too seriously. So the day carried on, with Scourge trying to text Rouge and get her to agree to some kind of follow up to the prank, to little avail. By evening, Manic was home, Scourge was done practicing, and all three had gathered around to sit, munch on some popcorn and watch some movie Scourge had found online. It wasn't a masterpiece or anything - in fact, it was the kind of horrendously low budget monstrosity Manic loved to watch and riff on. He was sitting between Jack and Scourge, leaning casually against Jack and letting Scourge hold one arm around his shoulder. Jack stayed in his room and out of the way as Scourge did his thing while he waited for Manic to come home. Soon enough when Manic did come home, Jack made Manic’s favourite meal for them that night before they watched the movie. It was a little way of apologizing to Manic for doubting him, plus he was happy to make Manic’s favourite foods. It was also a quiet way of saying he loved Manic.
Jack didn’t really care about the movie, he watched a little bit but was more concerned of snuggling up to Manic as much as possible, his head gently nuzzling Manic’s shoulder while his body rested against Manic’s. If it wasn’t for Scourge, Jack would just straight up snuggle Manic the whole night, but for now he was happy with this for the time being. Scourge had certainly noticed the meal, but he said nothing. He certainly noticed the light cuddling, but said nothing. Sharing a boyfriend meant sharing him, after all. Manic didn't seem to care too much about that at the moment. The movie wasn't low budget enough to be funny or cringey, just bad. Not super laughably bad, either. And Jack's cuddling was always more than good. The moment Scourge took his arm off Manic's shoulder to grab some popcorn, Manic shifted closer to Jack. "Any movies you wanna watch instead next time?" Manic said, holding him near his chest briefly. "This thing's kind of a bust." He leaned toward Jack and let him rest on the back of the sofa, nuzzling the silk fur on his chest and kissing him gently. Jack certainly didn't mind, even if Scourge was pretending not to watch them from the corner of his eyes. "You're so cuddly today," Manic told him. "What, you trying to keep me all to yourself?" He joked, not realizing that was actually true in a way. Jack tried not to make it obvious but he wasn’t as good at subtlety as Manic was. Jack welcomed Manic shifting closer with more cuddles and snuggles as he kissed Manic’s cheek before replying. “Ah don’t mind at all Manic, anything is good when we watch it together.” The cuddly rabbit replied, returning the nuzzling and kissing as he loved every second of it.
“Was Scourge a jealous person?” Jack thought to himself as he didn’t want to push his luck too much as he pampered Manic with his favourite meal and the endless amount of love he had for Manic. Hearing Manic’s comment, he blushed a little and shook his head. “A-ah wouldn’t do that Manic, yeh’re just so warm and just so wonderful to cuddle up to.” Jack wasn’t sure if his reply was good enough for Scourge, but he did his best to restrain himself a little bit with the cuddling and kissing afterward. It was lucky for Jack that Manic had brought it up, instead of having Scourge come to that conclusion. Everything Manic said tended to come out as a joke, with eased the blow considerably. That wasn't to say he didn't believe it. He just didn't believe it quite as strongly as he would have otherwise. The point made a little too much sense to be false, and even if their kisses and cuddles were cutesy and not sexual, the comment seeming to rub in how nice it was to snuggle up to Manic certainly didn't help. He kept watching out of the corner of his eyes, now more blatantly since both of the two seemed to be caught up in kissing one another. Scourge looked away quickly, but they both knew what the moment meant. Jack had noticed Scourge staring... and Jack was looking right back. Jack was definitely trying to make Scourge jealous, and Scourge was petty enough that he was willing to take revenge on the revenge. He didn't have to pretend he wasn't looking anymore, as he was busy searching for something on his phone. Jack gulped quietly when Manic made his joke. Even if Manic didn’t mean it, it meant that whatever subtlety Jack had was pretty much out the window by now as Jack tried not to make eye contact with Scourge whenever the bigger male stared at them. Whatever part of him that made him want to try this was almost instantly replaced by regret as he knew for sure that his cover was blown.
Jack started to become worried and nervous of what Scourge might do. All he would have to do was wait until Manic was gone and then he could do whatever he wanted. Jack stayed close to Manic and tried to relax in his lover’s arms, even though the fear and dread of Scourge was quickly overwhelming him as the other male looked at his phone. Oh, Scourge had an embarrassing plan in mind, alright. The moment the audio started, Manic's face went white. He shot up off of Jack, but the recording of some night he'd spent with Scourge was still playing. He quickly gripped at Scourge's phone and turned off the mood-breaking audio as Scourge leaned back and laughed wildly. "Scourge, dude." Manic said seriously. "You ain't subtle, you're kind of being a dick right now." Scourge grinned back. "Don't you love it?" "No, seriously. Look at Jack, does he look amused right now?" "He's a guy, he can handle it. You're fine with it, ain't you? They're just jokes!" Scourge said, not quite seeming to get what jack was really thinking. Jack flinched as Manic shot up. He didn’t quite understand at first but hearing that audio he kind of got what Scourge was doing. While Jack was good for cuddling and unconditional affection, it was Scourge that tended to Manic’s needs more often. Scourge encouraged Manic’s stealing, the heists, something Jack could never do. Scourge brought out the best of the worst in Manic while Jack could only try to love him the best he could and hearing the audio it was clear who was better for Manic in the bedroom, too.
Jack pretty much felt outclassed in every way by now just from hearing that, he didn’t even register the small talk between Manic and Scourge before he had to reply. “O-oh y-yeah I-it’s fine, it’s just a joke.” Jack wasn’t very convincing at all, he slowly got up before speaking. “A-ah’m gonna get some sleep, ah’ve got some work ah need to get done so ah’m gonna rest up now.” Jack said before gently kissing Manic’s cheek before leaving the room and going to his room in defeat and flopping onto his bed, regretting ever trying to win Manic’s affection while Scourge was there. Seeing Jack walk off like that was heartbreaking. That was the last straw. "Alright, SCOURGE." Manic yelled, loud enough to let Jack hear it. "Look, if you wanna be jealous, fine, feel jealous and let us know. If you wanna play jokes, fine, play your pointless milk stunts. But you know he doesn't like that crap! What happened, man, I thought you stopped that crap after the whole Fiona incident! I thought you tried to change, what happened, man?!" "I did change!" Scourge yelled back. "I didn't wanna fuck up Jack!" "Well, you did. And if you're acting like five years ago, you're getting treated like five years ago." He slammed the keys in Scourge's hand, and almost pushed him out the door. "Don't come back before morning. And don't come back 'til you've got a real apology. From Jack's bedroom, he could see Scourge reluctantly pull out of the driveway, and away from Jack's house. Jack almost hid for cover when he heard the shouting, he didn’t know what was going on but trauma instincts kicked in and he stayed out of sight the best he could until the shouting eventually stopped and the door slammed shut. When it did jack peaked out the window to see Scourge drive off, Jack felt worse then before. He of course blamed himself for all of this happening, he had to try and make Scourge jealous, he had to take the joke from the morning seriously and now this.
Jack just stayed huddled under his bedsheets feeling the worst he’d ever felt in a long time, was this really going to work out? Would it be better if Jack stepped down and just let Scourge have Manic? Would it stop the shouting? Jack had no clue and he didn’t want to think about it as he stayed curled up in his bed under the sheets, hoping for this awful day to be over. Manic was tired of Scourge's nonsense, and Jack had put up with far too much. It was time to play therapist and get some wounds healed. Manic knocked gently and entered the room. "Hey, Jack, sorry you had to hear that." Manic said. He was holding something strange. Was that... an amplifier? He put it down near the base of the bed, not mentioning it just yet. "I'm sorry you had to feel that. I know you hate loud noises. But Scourge is heading out for the night, we ain't fighting any more." The nuzzle against Jack was less cuddly, instead comforting. "Look... Scourge is a dick. Don't be too harsh on yourself, babe, I thought Scourge wouldn't be that blunt. He was trying to get you angry and scared... and he's not coming back in here 'til he promises not to pull that crap anymore." Manic had laid down and let Jack curl up against him for comfort. "Are his games still getting to you, babe? I ain't judging, I just wanna help. You're too cute to be mad at, anyways." Jack flinched a little at the knocking, as he was still on alert before sighing in slight relief as he heard Manic’s voice. At times like this he can completely forget that he’s more then capable of putting his foot down or defending himself if needed. It was a very bad side affect of his trauma and he constantly forgets he has the strength to punch through metal, which was probably why he put up with this for as long as he did. Jack didn’t notice the amp as he slowly looked up to Manic from under the covers.
“I-it’s okay, a-ah’m sorry this happened, it was mah fault.” The rabbit replied sadly as he weakly nuzzled back. He pretty much took full blame onto himself for this night and it would take a lot of convincing from Manic to tell him otherwise. “A-ah’m no better, ah just wanted to give yeh more love today, make yeh favourite food and just cuddle with yeh during the movie, a-ah didn’t mean to make him jealous.”
Jack soon curled up to Manic as soon as he laid down. “A-ah don’t know, m-maybe but ah probably deserved it somehow.” Jack was a wreck by now, he probably would’ve broke down if Manic wasn’t there to comfort him. "Think about who you're talking to," Manic said, gently delivering every line. "Scourge is all kinds of criminal and a dick. I'm a thief who steals all kinds of valuable crap. But you?" He kissed Jack's forehead. "You're a trauma survivor. You gave your limbs to save lives, you're a loyal, perfect kinda rabbit." Another kiss, a bit lower. "If anyone earned this drama, it was me and Scourge... you're perfect." He even grinned a little at this point. "Everyone likes making a little mischief... He pushed you too far. I love you, babe, I just want you to love yourself, too." More cuddling. He could just see some of his old self doubt in Jack's whimpers and defenses. "Tell me how you feel, angel. What's really hurting you?" Manic said. "I can handle it. You know I've been there... I was there for years. I can help you, okay, Jack. Can you trust me?" Jack listened to every word Manic said. He couldn’t love Manic enough than he did then, Manic was just so kind and caring for Jack, he didn’t know what he’d do without him. He blushed a little at the kisses as he continued to listen to Manic speak. Jack wasn’t completely sure he could love himself, after everything that had happened to him, loving himself was more difficult the it sounded. Jack cuddled Manic and never let go as his lover spoke.
“A-at the moment a-ah don’t know, ah’m not sure ah can.” Jack held onto Manic and never let go as he looked at his lover while blushing as Manic called him angel, it was one of Jack’s favourite pet names from Manic. “A-ah feel like ah’m dragging us down, a-ah can’t give everything that yeh want that Scourge can, a-and now yeh’re fighting because of meh.” The rabbit replied holding onto Manic tightly. “Y-yes, a-ah trust yeh, c-could yeh help meh take mah limbs off please? T-they’re starting to hurt and ah want to be close to yeh without them on.” "Of course," Manic said. The limbs were supposed to be difficult to remove, but with time, Manic had gotten pretty fluent at taking them off. His legs and arm were laid gingerly on the other side of the bed. "The self love thing... I wish I could help more than I can." Manic admitted, curling up to his partner. "It's still real hard for me, too... We might have to get you help, babe. But we aren't fighting because of you. We're fighting 'cause Scourge is a dick. He was always kind of a dick. Look, we did this all the time. Scourge is being too awful, I leave for a while, and I don't mess with him 'til he changes. We're gonne survive this, we've had hella worse fights." Jack still looked uncertain. Manic gave him another kiss, this time on the lips. "And I don't date you for the reasons I dated Scourge. He's a horrible person in the best ways, spending time with him's this strange, dangerous high. But like, you aren't dangerous. You're so goddamn... good. You always thank me for being there, I don't thank you enough. It's like every time you tell me something new, there's something new that's brave, or respectable, or just good about you. Of course you ain't Scourge, you aren't a villain." He smiled at Jack. "You can't be replaced. And Scourge definitely couldn't replace you." This time, there was a longer, more passionate kiss. "Hey, Jack... can I show you something with that amp?" Manic said, pulling away so he could sit up. "I think it'll make you feel a little better." After his limbs were removed, Jack cuddled up to Manic with his one arm and listened to everything he said. Jack nodded a little after listening to Manic but still felt unsure of if he was the reason why they were fighting. He still felt like he was getting in between them and making Scourge act like he did to make himself the main boyfriend. Jack still felt terrible for making them shout like that, but Jack listened and nuzzled Manic lovingly as he did.
Jack blushed at the kiss and swooned a little as he stayed close in Manic’s arms. “Y-yes manic, what is it?” Jack asked as he looked up at Manic and wondered what he wanted to show him with the amp. Manic sat up, and lifted the amp into his lap. "Me and Scourge have been going on a lot of thefts, babe." He started, taking a small screwdriver out of his pocket and undoing a few screws that already appeared to mostly be out. "They aren't our normal kinds, either. Y'know, I don't think Scourge really gets how left out you've been feeling, but I know what you're saying. I've been there a lot of time. So I wanted to try and make it up to you, but I didn't know what I could do. So I thought I'd ask you." He took off the front of the amp, and placed it down. "You know, that store I keep talking about... it's for gem collectors." The opened amplifier was tilted towards Jack. It actually had all of the circuitry removed, instead with a series of small display boxes, all containing a fist sized gemstone. Red, Azure, Yellow, Pink. Bright, vibrant colors that seemed to glow faintly and gave off a strange energy. "They're chaos emeralds," Manic introduced them to his surprised partner. "I wasn't joking when I said I'd make your wildest dreams come true, I'm trying to get the stuff to make that happen." He pulled out the yellow stone and cuddled up to Jack again, holding it between them both. "What can I do to prove that I love you? That you're irreplaceable to me? I'll do whatever you want... I mean it, Jack. What'll prove that I'm all yours?" Jack watched and listened as Manic spoke and started to slowly unscrew the amp on his lap. Jack wondered what he was doing as he sat up a little while he watched. When Manic was finished Jack’s eyes widened as he stared at the gem stones, Jack couldn’t believe what he was looking at. He cuddled up to Manic once more as he looked at the yellow stone between them. Manic would go so far to make him happy, Jack knew Manic loved him and he loved Manic more then anything, but he hated asking Manic for things feeling like he was being selfish whenever he did, which was why he didn’t ask for much from his beloved boyfriend.
“A-ah know yeh love meh Manic, and ah love yeh more then anything, a-all ah want is to be with yeh, to be yeh'r angel, yeh'r prince or princess, whatever yeh want meh to be. That’s all ah ever wanted Manic, a-ah do also like the dresses and jewellery yeh give meh.” He said, kissing Manic softly and admitted the last part shyly. "You're a guy, ain't you?" Manic said, cooing into the soft hair on Jack's head. "Why'd I ask you to be a princess then? You know me, I might like a king here and there... but what kinda fairy tale ends with them living happily ever after with the KING? They always get the handsome, perfect prince..." Manic actually backed up a little and laughed at himself. "Wow, that was SO corny," he had to admit. He gave Jack a goofy smooch to own up to the point and try and help him a little more. "Well, I mean... I've already got a whole bunch of jewels, but I want to... Honestly? Adventure with you. Of course Scourge'd come along, and of course I'd wanna see it with both of you... but you see things in such different ways. He like the exciting things, but you can appreciate all kinds of quiet things. It's like, whatever we'd see, one of you'd love it, at least." He held Jack close. "I just want something new, something bold and big. I wanna change all of our lives... but tonight, let's just play some chill songs and lay together." Manic only left for a few moments, putting on a calm record and letting Jack bury his face into his chest, knowing he loved the comfort and protection. "I don't need a prince, or even a king." Manic said, taking off his vest and just wanting to cuddle. "I've got something even better... an angel~" Jack blushed a little and held onto Manic as he cooed. “T-true.” Jack said as he watched Manic back up for a moment, blushing from the kiss. Jack returned the favour with a kiss of his own, he laid there and listened toMmanic speak and what he wanted to do. Could they really do something like that? It could be interesting to try, still, he didn’t mind what they did as long as he could stay with Manic.
“I-if that’s what yeh want Manic ah’ll do mah best to help make it happen, ah’ll always try and make yeh happy.” Jack said as he stayed close to Manic. He looked up and nodded as Manic spoke and left for a short time. Jack held onto Manic as he took his vest off and cuddled him. Jack blushed at Manic’s words and cuddled him with much love and affection for his lover. “A-ah love yeh Manic, ah love yeh more then anything.” The feeling was mutual. The two just held tight to one another, and forgot about their problems for a little while. They just wanted to be happy, and Manic had a plan to make Jack happy when morning came. It wouldn't take long after waking up for Manic to bring Jack downstairs and repay him for his dinner stunt... to the best of his abilities. Jack's stuffed pasta shells were perfectly prepared to the recipe. Manic's style of cooking was less... accurate. Sure, there was going to be some burnt toast in the garbage, a bit of egg burnt to the pan, some uneven and sloppily cut berries. But Jack would find himself being served an amateur but perfectly good full breakfast. Toast with jam, scrambled eggs, and waffles with whipped cream and berries. Even if Manic wasn't a good cook, he clearly put his heart into not ruining it for once. Breakfast would be interrupted a big by Scourge's arrival. But Manic was quick to brush it off and pinch Jack's cheek. "Enjoy it, babe. I'll be right back." Manic walked to the door, knowing exactly who it was. "Hey, Scourge, can we talk outside? I've gotta tell you something..." They talked for longer than anticipated. Jack held onto Manic the whole night as they slept. When morning did come he woke up slowly to see Manic not with him. He wondered where he had gone until Manic eventually returned and took the rabbit downstairs for breakfast. Even though cooking wasn’t Manic’s strong point jack loved it nonetheless and kissed Manic happily before he ate with his wonderful lover. Jack was slightly nervous when Scourge returned but as long as Manic was fine then that was the main thing. He watched Manic leave and continued to eat. Jack soon finished and wondered what was taking them so long.
They were just talking right? Jack cleaned up and washed up the dishes and the stuff Manic used to cook while he waited for the two to come back, wondering what they were talking about. When they finally opened the door, Scourge seemed more than pleased. His grin was smug and warm. This all disappeared a bit when they saw Jack standing around the kitchen, dishes more or less cleaned. "Ah, man- Jack, that was a surprise for you!" Manic said, walking up to him with a smile. "Dude, you didn't have to- You're too good to me, dude." He pulled in Jack close for a brief but tender smooch right on the lips. The kiss was broken and Manic was at the sink, not even giving Jack a chance to interject before he started scrubbing the pan for him. "I'll finish up here, dude. Uh, Scourge has to talk to you." Scourge waited by the door, trying to hide his discomfort while Jack approached him. "Hey, kid." Scourge said, trying to find the humility to say what he was going to say. "I... shouldn't've said that shit." Scourge tried to speak genuinely, but had to hide his face behind his hand to get any amount of humility out. "Jus' tell me when my jokes are going too far, I'll cut that crap." He danced around saying sorry, but the word never escaped his mouth. "Manic said he had some plan for us... to make sure we ain't as jealous?" Scourge asked loudly, trying to get Manic to hear him. Jack didn’t mind doing the cleaning, he was used to it and when it was done, it meant there was more time for them to do more things together. “It’s okay Manic, ah don’t mind doing the dishes for yeh.” Jack replied before blushing at the kiss, until he realized that Manic was now at the sink doing the pans. After he listened to Manic he slowly walked up to Scourge, slightly nervous but hopefully things will go better today, right?
Jack listened to what Scourge said. He could kind of understand what Scourge was saying. “O-okay, ah will.” Jack replied, trying to make it easier on both of them since this was clearly awkward for the two of them. When he head Scourge mention of what Scourge said about Manic Jack nodded a little. “Y-yeah, he said he wanted to go on an adventure with us, see and do big and bold things.” Jack replied, telling Scourge what Manic had told him the night before. "'Ts one way 'a putting it..." Scourge sassed at Manic from a distance. "It's gonna be some kinda adventure, alright." "Uh, come on, let's sit down, guys." Manic told them, leading the three into the main room of the house. He sat down between Scourge and Jack on the sofa, excited to finally tell his plans. "I can't marry two guys, and I don't wanna pick sides, right?" Manic started. "So I was thinking I'd do something just as big for you guys, as our kind of adventure. You know, something you guys'd really love, and I think I've got a plan." He looked at Jack and leaned closer to Scourge, the larger green hedgehog wrapping his arm around Manic's waist. "I told him I showed you the emeralds. We don't just have those... Scourge has always wanted to see his super form. It's- Those four gems took us years to get. If he wants to meet Super Scourge, I'm gonna help him steal all those gems." When he leaned forward, he could see a disbelief in Scourge's face. He knew what was coming. "This is gonna sound fucking insane to you. I just need you to roll with it, alright? Trust me, it's gonna work, okay?" Jack listened to Scourge as he sassed Manic before going with them to sit down. Jack nuzzled Manic a little before sitting up and listening to what Manic’s plan was for the two of them, Jack nodded a little to Manic’s first question and wondered where he was going with this. It was only until he had heard that Manic was going to help Scourge steal more gems, how was this going to be good for all of them? Jack thought, to be fair this sounded like it was more for Scourge then anyone else.
“O-okay but if yeh’re gonna help scourge steal gems then how do ah fit into it?” Jack asked, he wasn’t expecting Manic to ask him to help them steal gems too but what else could Jack do to a part of this big plan that Manic had? Was he just going to stay in the van while the two stole? Was he going to keep watch? Any way he looked at it Jack couldn’t see how he’d fit into this picture without being a part of the crime. "You don't," Manic said with a smile. He leaned forward some more. "Maybe I ain't wording it right. I'm gonna do something different for both of you. That's all for Scourge. But for you..." He seemed a little flustered at the thought, he was actually proposing this in person. Scourge didn't seem to think it was a great idea, judging by his face. "It's just insane... but Scourge knows this guy, he's a doctor. He's a maniacal doctor, but he's a genius. I mean, he can do anything. And like, I've been talking with him for a little while, I wanted to make sure it was something he could do. Like, we'd have to pay him a bit, but I could get the payment easy. He knows the body better than anyone. I've been thinking we could go in, and get some surgery done, and..." Another flustered pause. "He could make it so one of us could... carry a kid. Like, not with someone else's eggs, but a body all our own, babe." His eyes pleaded with Jack's. "I know it's outta nowhere, but... I don't just wanna be a couple. I wanna start a family with you, angel." Jack listened and started to understand better after Manic explained it a little more. That was fair enough, as long as Manic was safe while doing it Jack didn’t mind what he did to make Scourge happy but what wer they going to do, he thought to himself? As jack listened to Manic speak he had no idea where Manic was going with this and Scourge’s face didn’t help him figure out what Manic had planned. As Jack listened and Manic explained what he had in mind for the two of them, Jack soon became flustered himself. Did he hear that right?
“A-are yeh serious Manic? Y-yeh really want to do that?” Jack was taken back by the extreme change of subjects. Manic was going to steal a few gems to make Scourge happy but he was going out of his way to get one of them an operation to let them have a family? Was that even possible? Jack looked at Scourge with eyes begging him to let them have just a few tender moments while he was there before looking back to Manic. “M-manic, I-if it’s possible then a-ah would love to start a family with yeh Manic.” He said tearing up a little and kissing Manic’s cheek softly. Scourge was surprised at first, they were BOTH on board with this scheme? He didn't say a word, though, and let them have their moment. He knew Finitevus could pull it off if he was paid right. But were they really willing to do this to themselves? And how much was being 'paid right'? He looked away as he thought these things, letting them have their moment anyways. He'd try and talk about this with Manic another time. Besides, he had going super to look forwards to himself, he had his own big gift to work for. When Jack pulled away his kiss, Manic looked at him for a moment... and went in straight for a kiss on the lips. "He's done it before, Jack." Manic told him between kisses. "I wouldn't do this if there was any kind of risk. I love you, Jack... I can't wait to meet our kid." Their kiss ended with Manic leaning Jack against the sofa and cuddling up against him. Scourge looked back at them, happy that they were at least enjoying the moment. At some point Jack didn't catch, his face went silly again. "Take away your tears, and Scourge was exactly the same way when I told him about my plans~" "Manic." Scourge said as a joking threat to get him to stop. Jack could see just a bit of embarrassment in the way his tail stopped moving and the stressed ear position. Jack blushed a little as Manic straight up kissed him on the lips as he held his lover close, was this really going to happen? How will it work and will it work out? For now, Jack just kissed Manic back and stayed close to him as he hoped for the best. “A-ah love yeh too Manic, so much.” Jack replied as he leaned against the sofa with Manic cuddling him, Jack was happy enough that Manic was happy.
He looked over to Scourge when Manic spoke about him and Scourge spoke to Manic. Jack eased off on the cuddling when he saw how embarrassed Scourge was getting. “S-sorry Scourge.” The rabbit said to the other male as he looked over to him while staying close in Manic’s arms. "YOU don't have to apologize," Scourge told him, glaring at Manic while the other hedgehog glared back with his smarmy, smug gaze. "Alright, FINE." Manic faked annoyance and motioned for Scourge. "You can cuddle with us too. I might not even mock you again, maybe." It was always tricky to figure out how to have all three of them cuddling with each other comfortably. They fell back on the easiest option. Scourge spooned Manic, Manic held Jack to his chest and nuzzled up to his head. They all had their new adventures ahead of them, and even if they failed horribly- No, they WEREN'T going to fail, Manic was certain of that. Both arms around Jack held him tighter against the thief's chest. There was soon a third arm on Jack's side, gently scratching into his fur. Scourge was desperate to make amends, and he knew his charming, toothy smiled always helped get through to Jack. "If you need any help getting that baby made, I can help you two~" Jack looked and listened as the two hedgehogs spoke before moving with them so all three of them could cuddle together. Jack nuzzled into Manic’s chest as the thief held him close, Jack was happy enough being close to his lover as all of them stayed close and let everything that had been said sink in. This should work out for the best, right? Scourge was getting what he wanted first which was fine, and then Jack and Manic would be able to have a kid together after some kind of miracle surgery.
The question was who would have the child? If push came to shove, Jack would be happy to do it so Manic could continue getting money or pulling heists with Scourge if he wanted to. That thought left the rabbit’s mind as Scourge made his comment and left the rabbit blushing once again. “A-ah’ll keep that in mind, thank yeh Scourge.” Scourge smiled and laughed, patting Jack on the shoulder. He just wanted to make amends. That's all he could wish for. "Hey... I know this sounds bizarre," Manic admitted. "We'll figure it out. If I get to have a kid with you..." Jack got a silly smooch right on his nose. "I don't care what it takes." The three of them cuddled in place for a short while longer, before Manic finally sat up. He held Jack's hands and leaned near him, not sure what to think. Now that it was out there, it was serious. They were actually planning this. "Come on, Jack." Manic told him. "Let''s get talking, we've got a hell of a lot to plan..."
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bubwagon · 7 years
this weekend was a trip
i went to oregon again
i spent this weekend feeling anxious and nervous about whether or not someone i used to sign off with an “i love you” to wants me around, likes me, or cares about me. yes, that’s the wrong tense. i’m too nervous to place it in past tense.
anyways, that’s probably indicative of a bad relationship, but i don’t think my relationship with ian was ever bad, just not exactly what either of us needed at the time. i definitely need someone who’s more emotionally available, and he needs someone who doesn’t live so far away from him. it’s fine that we broke up. i’m emotionally intelligent. i don’t really want to pine for what i can’t have right now, or what isn’t good for me. but i love him. i always love people. it’s pretty unfortunate. my gay ass just wants to emotionally connect with everyone i meet. i don’t know what circumstances led me to choose someone so closed off and emotionally distant, but they happened. i love him! and i’m comfortable loving him as a friend but i just need that reassurance that he feels the same way.
which, like, i received. i had another serious fucking conversation with him (his favourite)
i was like, hey, i really value you, and i don’t want to lose you, and i don’t know how i’m gonna still gonna be friends with you if you respond to facebook messages at a rate of 1 every 4 days.
and he gave me this whole thing about how his closest, oldest friends are ones that he speaks to once or twice a year. it’s not a big deal for him. he doesn’t feel the need to reassure people that he likes them, and people who he’s friends with don’t need that. which is fine, if that works for him. i’m a huge talker. i wanna connect all the time. it’s not about not needing to talk to someone to prove that you like htem, it’s about liking them and /getting/ to talk to them for me, because you like doing that. we both admitted that part of the problem was that we went from 0 to dating in a snap and we never sussed out the “friend territory”. at the same time, i don’t need to be update with the minutia of his life. i don’t need him to change the way he maintains friendships for me, because, well. probably because i view it as either i play by his rules or i lose him completely, because he’d never acquiesce to mine. which sucks, but it’s….. just what happens with my life sometimes. maybe a lot of the time. but, i don’t need to talk to him every day.
he assured me that he wouldn’t just ghost me and that he wants to still be my friend. he even said that some day in the future he’d want to revisit dating if our lives ever lined up. he said something about “not wanting to take it off the table completely”. don’t get me wrong, i love his skinny white ass. and i’m really happy that he likes me enough that he’d consider doing this all again. he’d have to do some like, character growth before i could see myself dating him again. he’d have to value people slightly more than WoW. He’d have to be a little better at reaching out, and be a little more comfortable with emotions. the binary of not seeing each other/living together meant that i always craved intimacy when we were apart, and he’d crave space when we were together. anyways, that’s a tangent. the point is: he /must/ like me if he’d want to date me again, especially considering we broke up. he /must/ not ghost me or lose contact with me forever because he said he wouldn’t. right?
when i approached him about this i waved for him to come over because i needed a hug and he did give me a really nice hug. he kinda joked about being exasperated, it hink. but he held me for like the amount of time i needed. and he let me let go first.
(warning gross intimate stuff comin right now just skip this paragraph)
i slept in his bed this whole weekend which some people (read: everyone) think is weird. it was honestly really nice. he’s shit about communicating vocally, but he’s not bad physically. he’s pretty cuddly, which is funny because he’s not the kind of person who craves physical intimacy. on the last night i laid my head on his stomach in bed and he put his hand on my shoulder and kept his other (the reddit phone hand) on my head. it was just kind of a tentative shy touch, but he did it because he wanted to, which was relaxing. later, when we were getting ready for bed i asked if he’d be the big spoon for a minute, because i normally spoon him. and he did and it was nice. he always puts his arm under my neck and i hold his hand. he kinda scoops me in with the other. sometimes we’d switch and i’d lie with my head on his shoulder and his arm around me. every few minutes he’d hold me extra tight for a second. he’d press me into his body in a half hug. i don’t know why because he had class the next day and shoulda been trying to sleep. eventually, i spooned him, and he like, nestled his body all the way flush with mine. i don’t remember him doing that when we did date. he reached behind him and stroked my leg. sometime during this whole night i got half up to adjust a pillow and to give him a kiss. i propped myself half up and dipped to give him a lazy little smooch. to my surprise he held me there and we ended up having some really bomb sex. since i’m getting all the way confessional here: he does this thing i fuckin love where it’s like doggy but he keeps his back flush against mine, one hand around my neck, the other on my clit and his heads close enough to growl in my ear and it’s like, a slow burn of a fuck sorry guys i’m really writing this so i remember what happened and well, THIS HAPPENED. oh, another thing thta happened: i was going down on him and i kissed my way down his chest and he would not stop shaking so i asked him if he was cold, he said a little so i threw a blanket on top of him, but he kept shaking it was satisfying. honestly i’m proud of him he’s gone from a shakin little vigin boy to Fun to Fuck in the span of a few months. @the next girl he dates: YOU’RE WELCOME. god imagine if the next girl he dates is still me.
okay the main point of that was he would not have held me if he didn’t like me. he wouldn’t have hugged me when he was trying to go to sleep if he didn’t care, because he cared enough to lose sleep making me feel good. or making himself feel good. especially because we talked about just, physical affection in general, and how ian is not the kind of person who CRAVES it. like, he’s very cuddly when it’s presented, but he doesn’t seek it out and doesn’t feel the need to do it when it’s presented. so like, he’s because he wanted to, right? it’s not because he was craving touch, he wanted to touch me? sounds dumb to say. ian’s not the kind of guy who is gonna spend a lot of time talking about how he feels about you. (before, when we were on honeymoon high he’d tell me every night that he thought i was funny, and cute, and pretty, and nice, and beautiful, but that was ALl the Way Back TheN) but maybe he’s more comfortable expressing it physically. i guess it’s fucked up that i need to reassure myself he likes me or that he cares about me. i thinik today in the car i was trying to be like “well that’s just how he is” and ellis was like “fuck that do not make excuses for him” which i fucking appreciate. i guess my insecure newly anxious ass needs to write this all out and point to evidence that tells me that without a doubt in some ways he feels about me the way i feel about him.
that’s honestly all i ever want! just to feel like someone feels about me the same way i feel about them. i rarely feel like i get that because i feel like i love everyone way too intensely. which is like, stupid, because i don’t know how people feel. they could like me exactly as much exactly as much without showing it in the way i do (i.e: with no subtlety) or care about me exactly as much without having the resources i do to be generous about showing it (i’m a people person, it’s easy for me to be there for people, it’s easy for me to care, it’s easy for me to lend people financial, physical, and emotional resources because i have access to them) and that’s just a thing i have to deal with and get over. and it can suck? because i feel like i’m the one compromising or lowering my expectations or ignoring my own needs for the sake of others. it’s not their fault, but it’s not mine either. like, i’m being dramatic, this isn’t EVERYONE, but it’s been one of the mainstay problems i’ve had throughout my life that i’ve never been able to fix because it feels like the answer is “love less and be more selfish” and even though i’m certain it’d make my life easier i don’t wanna do it!!
some other things i want to remember:
he looked out for me in small ways. if i laid my head down and turned off my phone he’d turn off the light. when it came to dinner plans i had mentioned i didn’t want curry, ellis walked in and when we asked him what he wanted he said curry. we had been going on for so long about what we wanted to eat i wasn’t gonna say anything but ian spoke up and said “bob say she doesn’t want curry”. we were talking about some stuff and it went kind of like:
me: i was gonna say something shitty
him: what
me: it’s not shitty in a way that’s going to be fun for you
him: i can take it
me: (bitterly) something about how i’m glad i was useful, like a tool. like a screwdriver, or a good shotglass.
him: right, like that’s all you were here for. could you give yourself some more credit PLEASE?
me: can you not say this gay shit to my face liike this?
him: you’d be more like a hammer
me: why?
him: it’s like a tool that kindergarteners would know
here’s another thing i should remember: nick told me ian said he was stressed about dealing with someone being so sad all the time. he doesn’t have a lot of bandwith for stuff like that, and he got busy in school, and he just got out of a deep depression a little big ago. he needed to be further away from it, not closer. i told nick that it was because i was more depressed this year than i’ve ever been before, and it’s because i had a breakup w/ a boyfriend who was always there for me. my life was just More Stressful and instead of getting more support, i was getting less, and that that was making it worse. i just needed to feel like someone cared. and it coulda been in little stuff.  if once a day ian asked me how i was, i guarantee it wouldn’t have been like this right now. anyways, this not a big deal. i said, it’s not his fault, but it’s not mine either. and nick said, it sounds like it’s more his fault than yours. O one last thing I was like worn out about dealing w/ emotions and he was like, yeah I can tell, so even if he doesn't speak up he notices?
a lot of this sounds like he just didn’t… really…. care in any significant sense. and it’s kinda weird? a lot of the stuff that people have told me about him line up with what i know. he’s emotionally distant. he shuts down. he doesn’t know what feelings are. he doesn’t know how to be there for other people. he experiences friendships and relationships on a surface level. he’s shitty at girls, sometimes to girls (holla @ my girl erica) he won’t get real with you. he’s shitty at communicating. the way i met him was with us talkiing for 10 hours a day about whatever shit was going on. we’d trade traumatic life event stories as a way to bond. one night, i told him that after i was raped 3 times in my freshman year and just the way i dealt with it and thought about myself afterwards, that i had self confidence falling out of my asshole, but i didn’t give a shit about myself either. if i died i wouldn’t care. and later he admitted he cried after hearing that, because it made him so sad. we used to skype a lot, and if i was upset i wouldn’t look into the webcam because i don’t meet people’s eyes when i’m sad. when i did finally look at the screen, he’d always be looking at me. not at his phone or other screen, which is what he usually did. but at me. not saying anything, but it was all i needed to feel like someone was connecting to me and that they cared. all of the stuff i know from him int he beginning is out of line with what i’ve learned about him now and from this weekend. maybe this means i’m special (never the conclusion i really want to draw) or that he tried. honestly, i do think he tried his hardest. 
this has been an astoundingly long post. i’m at a friend’s house in seattle and he pulled an all nighter so he’s in bed so i’m just in his guest room waiting to feel tired.
i’m gonna tl;dr it:
what i want:
- reassurance that ian likes me, cares about me, and wanted me at his house this weekend
- the comforting knowledge that this won’t be the last time i ever see him and that he cares enough to continue our friendship. i want him to want to see me again.
- to visit corvallis again and see my cool new friends and maybe while i’m there continue this friends-with-benefits thing which will hopefully be easier with more emotional distance from our breakup (sorry i’m a huge ho lmao it takes me so much effort and trust to find someone i’m comfortable hooking up with i don’t wanna stop a good thing you know!!)
- reassurance that my relationship with ian was a positive thing in his life, and that he enjoyed his time, and maybe learned something about himself or people
- and maybe one day, to date him again when he’s worked out some stuff on his end
what i know:
- he told me he wants to be my friend still. he told me he would want to try dating again. i asked him several times if he still wanted me to come over, and he said yes every time. he held me at night which is a language i can loosely translate to mean i value your company, i want you here, and i care about you.
what i need:
- to accept our new relationship in whatever form it takes, and to do it with as much grace as i possibly can
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cryptidofthekeys · 4 years
Jason and Dean prompts!
1: Jason and Dean struggling to find each other in a crowded place (more like Jason struggling to find Dean's stupid ass). Fortunately, Jason knows just the thing. (prompt number one comin right up! Gonna put a keep reading here just in case)
Dean and Jason were out and about, they had needed some stuff from the grocery store, of course... Jason didn't exactly like going to this particular grocery store because there were so many crowds, so many people... It irritated him, luckily though... Dean was with him, so he had something to focus on to keep him distracted, he was listening to Dean ramble off some of the items they needed, and every so often Dean would go off topic and be rambling about something else, they eventually got to the aisle they needed to be in and started gathering some snacks and various other foods, Jason had went into the other aisles to grab some of the extra stuff Dean told him to get. After they had gotten everything they needed, they headed for the checkout immediately, Jason rolling his eyes when he noticed the cashier's fear, he looked away from them and just let Dean do everything, after the stuff was paid for they both hurriedly headed out, Jason already seeming more relieved to be away from all those noisy nuisances, his relief was short lived however when he noticed there was a large crowd formed in the streets, Dean seemed confused "Th' fuck is all this shit?" He then took notice of the floats beginning to pass by and he seemed interested actually "Ooh! A parade, huh?" He sped off into the crowd, leaving Jason behind to sigh "...So much for getting home quickly..." He muttered to himself, casually walking towards the direction Dean headed in. However he got lost in the crowd after trying to search for him, whatever this parade was in regards to it definitely had gathered a rather large crowd, after a bit of searching, Jason had gotten fed up and stopped dead in his tracks, for a few moments he was silent until he spoke "Dean's a lil bitch!" He yelled out, not caring if he got a few weird looks because as if right on cue, there was someone yelling out profanity and pushing his way through the crowd "What the fuck did you just say about me you fu-" He paused after he pushed the final person out of the way only to see Jason standing there with his arms crossed "You got a problem, buddy?" He joked, grinning down at Dean who only rolled his eyes "You lookin' to get your ass kicked today? Because I can definitely oblige" Jason only laughed at that "I'd love to see you try pipsqueak... But, more importantly... Let's get our groceries home before we fight, I'm not going back in there again" Dean nodded "Yeah, good point... Let's go" And with that being said, Dean and Jason finally headed on home to put the groceries away, they will probably most certainly fight afterwards but nothing actually serious of course. (got no better way to end that bc im not doing a fight scene rn) 2: Imagine the big, bright smile on Jason's face when Dean finally says ‘I love you’ for the first time. (prompt number two babey) Dean had told Jason he was going to go out for awhile, to keep watch of the place while he was gone which Jason didn't mind doing, he really didn't feel like dealing with people today, which luckily for Dean that makes his plan much more easier... He went out to an area only he really knew about, its a place he never told Jason about... He was going to forge the other a new weapon, a hook and chain something that isn't usually common... It'd be the perfect gift to build this up considering he knew Jason really loved unique weapons and he really needed more time for what he wanted to say, for once he wasn't feeling as confident as he usually was, this always occurred when he wanted to just go for it and tell Jason how he REALLY feels about him. Dean took a deep breath at the thoughts, the fear of how he thought Jason would react is what scared him the most, he knows its just his mind overthinking things but... He can't shake the feeling of Jason either not feeling the same or worse... He'll make fun of him even for... Having these emotions, either way... He was going to try and admit to it today, he just shook his head and tried to ignore the bad thoughts as he began to forge Jason's new weapon, he was lucky that Jason didn't know he could also forge and make weapons, Jason was the one who collected random stuff and turned into weapons, he still remembers the day Jason gave him the handcrafted weapons he had made and admittedly that had brought a smile to Dean's face, he loved how creative Jason could be, some of the stuff he's brought in before Dean didn't even think it COULD be made into a weapon but somehow the other made it work. After a long and exhausting while of forging, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a deep breath, it was complete... "Hopefully he likes it..." Dean muttered to himself, testing the hook and making sure the chain it was attached to wouldn't snap or nothing went wrong with it, once he made sure it was sturdy and strong enough he had grabbed the wrapping paper he brought with him and placed it into a large box, he then proceeded to wrap it up rather... poorly but listen, Dean can only do SO much... He's not good at EVERYTHING, once it was wrapped up enough to him, he turned and headed back to their 'house', his nervousness was starting to become more intense with each step he took... After awhile he had finally made it back and crept inside, noticing Jason was nowhere in sight so he must've been in his little area for the evening... Dean took a deep breath, his heart was racing as he called out "Yo! Jason! Can you uh, c'mere a sec?" He hid the box behind his box and his heart had almost sank when Jason came out of the darkness and then the other was standing right in front of him, arms crossed as usual "What do you want?" He didn't sound irritated or as if he were in a bad mood right now so that was a good sign... Dean however was not doing so well right now, his heart was pounding in his chest and he was obviously nervous "I uh... Um... W-Well..." He mentally cursed himself for stuttering and making it more obvious than he needed too, meanwhile Jason merely rose a brow "...Well? Spit it out already..." Dean shook his head and scoffed "G-Give me a minute! Th...This... isn't... is... um... uhhh.. isn't easy!" This made Jason fall silent and he was now waiting patiently, he even uncrossed his arms, he seemed... Interested as to what Dean was going to say. Dean was beginning to shake and panic internally, he took a deep shaky breath and pulled the box from behind himself "U-Uhh... here.... I... I made ya something..." He quickly shoved the box into Jason's arms and turned away, he couldn't do it... He just couldn't... Jason looked confused as he glanced down at the box and opened it up, his eyes widened as he grabbed what was inside, the chain clanking against itself, he looked over the chain itself and then the long sharp hook that was attached to it, he felt the tip and winced at how sharp it was, it had actually drawn a bit of blood from his finger even! He looked up at Dean "...You...? Made this...? Yourself?" He was... absolutely shocked, he had no idea Dean could make stuff like this... Watching as the other nodded "Yeah, uh... hope you like it..." He was about to walk away before he stopped dead in his tracks, he sighed... No... No, he would NOT do this again... He would NOT let his fear destroy another opportunity... He turned around and walked back up to Jason "No, that's not all... I'm... Jason... I.... I-I've... I've got... to tell you something...!" Jason fell silent and placed the hook back inside the box and set it to the side, he then stared down at Dean and waited for him to speak, he was... Somewhat hopeful this was going to be what he thinks it was... He knew his hope was probably false but, still... Maybe... Just maybe... Dean proceeded to jump in place and wiggle his arms around and even clench his hands into fists occasionally "Fuckin' hell why is this so hard?!" He shouted, mostly at himself, rubbing at his face with his hands, he was becoming angry with himself, why couldn't he just do it?! Why couldn't he just say it?! He looked up at Jason, the other still said nothing and just waited for him to speak... He's taken so many deep breaths and now he's taking another one "...Jason... I.... I'm.... I uh... umm... I lo... looo..." His heart pounded louder than it did before, he then shouted it out really quickly "ILOVEYOU!!" Dean squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the worst outcome to befall him, he waited... and waited... and waited... But there was just silence in place, he slowly opened his eyes but he didn't look up at Jason, he couldn't look at the other's expression... He was afraid of what he'd find until he heard Jason speak up, his tone becoming softer, well... As soft as a voice like his could be "...Dean... Look at me..." Dean took yet another deep breath and slowly shifted his gaze up to meet Jason's, he was shocked at the other's expression... It looked... Softer, loving even... "...You have no idea..." He paused, before smiling "How long I've waited to hear you say that..." And now Dean was REALLY shocked, he didn't expect that in the slightest "Yo...You aren't... like, upset or angry at me or anything?" Jason shook his head "Angry? Why the hell would I be angry for you loving me? Truth be told... I've felt the same way for so long... I was... You know me, I'm not afraid of anything but I was... Always afraid of you finding out and making fun of me for like, being gay..." Dean's eyes widened before he shook his head and grinned, tears were in his eyes now... "Nah man, We both know I'm an asshole for sure... but I'm not THAT type of asshole, so wait... Y-You... You feel the same...?" Jason immediately scooped Dean up and chuckled, he also had tears in his eyes right now "Yes, yes I do... and thank you for the weapon... I love it, and I damn sure love you..." Jason immediately pressed his lips against Dean's, giving him a nice little smooch which made Dean blush intensely, the moment Jason pulled away he noticed this and laughed "You're blushing~!" Dean then scowled and gave the other a swift punch to the arm "S-Shut the fuck up! ....Wait..." He had finally noticed and cheekily grinned at Jason "You're also blushing too ya smartass!" The other merely grumbled and rolled his eyes "Whatever..." He couldn't hide the smile on his face "...I'm glad you feel this way... I'm glad we... both finally... admitted it... This is.... the happiest day of my life..." Dean couldn't help but smile, he gave him another smooch, this time on the cheek "Same here babe... Same here..." (two gay punks finally admit love for each other! y o w i e w o w i e! ...im sorry for using that quote- but onto the final prompt) Horror movie night with the lads! Dean sighed and slumped down on the couch "Jason, I'm fuckin' bored...! There's nothing on TV!" He exclaimed, which led to Jason standing up from his spot and walking over to one of the shelves, he quietly skimmed through it until he pulled out a certain movie "Let's watch this..." Dean looked over at the movie Jason had in his hands... It was See No Evil... Dean rose a brow "...Never seen that one before? What's it about?" Jason shrugged "The plot and backstory is a bit... Plain but honestly, the gore is pretty good... Think you can handle it hotshot?" Dean only laughed "Pah! Are you kiddin'?! It's just a silly movie, I can handle ANYTHING!" Jason scoffed "We'll see about that..." He popped the dvd into the player and then immediately set back down on the couch, it was a good night for a horror movie night anyways... It was quiet as could be, pitch black out and there was even some thunder on occasion. (listen... I k n o w- that horror movie isnt very good to many people but hey... I love it and want to reference it so shh- also it kinda fits for reasons being Dean gave Jason a hook as a present so just shsh-) Once the killer came on screen, Dean actually looked surprised "Damn... A pretty tall dude that one is..." Just then, he watched as the killer sank his hook into one of the victim's leg and this made Dean whistle "W o w... Pretty interesting weapon, don't see a hook used TOO often..." Jason nodded "Yeah..." He glanced over at the other, noticing he wasn't terrified or even scared in the slightest yet, if anything he looked excited for the gore... After awhile and halfway through the movie, Jason had gotten a great idea... He smirked for a moment before getting up "I'll be right back, gotta use the bathroom..." He then walked off, leaving Dean alone for a good bit... He walked into his room and grabbed his own hook and chain, he wanted to test something... He didn't know if this would scare Dean or not but he was somewhat hopeful that would be the case. Jason slowly crept out of his room and stood a good bit back from the couch, he'd have to make sure NOT to hook the couch, he didn't want to tear it anymore than it already was... He stood there for a few moments and then he threw it, right beside Dean, upon hearing the loud clank Dean yelped and jumped back, which led to him falling off the couch, he then noticed Jason holding the chain and snarled "You fuckin' asshole! What the FUCK?!" Jason couldn't help but laugh at this situation "Oh man... You look like you saw a ghost...!" He continued to laugh and then he pulled his chain back and grabbed it, he then walked over towards Dean who immediately tackled him onto the couch and began throwing (fake) punches to which Jason only chuckled at that and placed his hook against Dean's back "You wouldn't last five seconds in a horror movie if this is what you're going to do... I think you forgot... About my weapon" He gave Dean a little poke with the sharp end of the hook, he noticed Dean only grinned at that however "Oh... You're gonna get it... I'm GONNA get you back... Shoulda never given that stupid hook to you, knew you'd pull some bullshit with it!" Jason sneered and chuckled "I'd love to see you try..." Dean only gave him a final 'punch' and scoffed "When you least expect it big boy... Is when I'll strike..." Oh yes... Dean would get him back, he'd just wait until Jason never expected it... (aint got a better way to end this either but bam, three prompts donezo! Next up for story wise is gonna be a full length one and not "quick fire prompts" its gonna be a werewolf au in fact with these two lads, which should be fun to plan out but here's some quick fire prompts and some references to a movie I really love even if it isnt the best plot/backstory-wise)
0 notes
kevoreally · 6 years
#BuffyAt20 - S03E04 “Beauty and the Beasts”
This is specifically is an episode I do not like, which I think is understandable. But it was trying to do something brave, and I respect that. Season 3, Episode 4, “Beauty and the Beasts.”
> Gonna be upfront: I don’t love this episode for a couple of different reasons. But at least it's not “Inca Mummy Girl.”
> Also worth noting: Hulu lists this episode as "The Beauty and the Beasts." Which. NO. Also: Beauty And The Beast was one of my favorite Disney Renaissance films. Okay. Now go.
> All of the “Call of the Wild” stuff felt very pertinent to my life at the time, because we were covering it in English then.
> Xander’s pants are way too red to be believed.
> “Aren’t we reading the Cliff’s Notes for this in English?” Psh, Xander, if you were a real slacker, you wouldn’t be reading anything at all. 😎
> That leather-bound edition of “Call” is intense. Clearly not school-issued.
> Xander’s arms look great in this scene. 😍
> “Half? Which half?” Does Xander think they went pantsless first?
> Xander immediately lying down after Willow leaves is supremely unfunny. Can’t you create conflict without making these demon-fighters behave irresponsibly?
> “Smooch spot.” Edgy lingo. Love it.
> Eliza’s still working through that Southie accent.
> Oh wow, I really love Buffy and Faith being WAY more friendly this episode.
> “All men are beasts, Buffy.” Classic.
> “I was hoping not to get that cynical until I was at least 40.” That’s only a year-plus away! WHAT! 😯
> Faith isn’t wrong, though. I mean, they’re not all JUST in it for the chase. But yeah. Men are messed up, yo.
> Gosh, it was such a pleasure to watch this show evolve live. This was such a different era of television production. Not to knock the one we’re in now, it’s great in a different way. But pre-streaming feels like a wild trip now.
> Ooh, there’s a really great shot of the awning opposite the courtyard fountain that we don’t normally see. It’s clearest in “Graduation Day” when the cavalry arrives. I do love this set.
> Unf, I had the biggest crush on John Patrick White as a kid. AJ’s Time Travelers. Tassel Guy from Can’t Hardly Wait. (He’s a lawyer now!)
> “He’s just bein’ Oz.” “Pretty much full-time.” Hero. 🤩
> “Are we up to flowers?” Hasn’t it been, like, one week? Barely longer, if at all? What is with these kids?
> “Jeff? He was - I knew him.” Seriously, Oz is so underrated, I can’t stop gushing about him. Couldn’t Willow still have been a lesbian even if we kept Oz?
> Xander is like a TGIF Sitcom Character on this horror dramedy sometimes. Like, he has no place here.
> “I rested my eyes now and then.” You LITERALLY CLIMBED ON THE TABLE and used Willow’s book AS A PILLOW, you LITTLE LIAR.
> “When I…” “WOKE UP??” I used to think Giles was a little too harsh here. Not 20 years later.
> I don’t see how they could’ve ever thought it was Oz, though. He went out, had a snack, and came back to his cage? Unlikely.
> It’s Mr. Moseby!! I’ve always loved this actor. Especially as Chandler’s boss on Friends. (And now he won’t stop saying the word “friends,” haha.)
> This guy would’ve been a great recurring character for Buffy to interact with. Way better than a murder victim.
> “Everybody has demons, right?” “Gotta say, I’m with you on that.” Oh, okay. 🤭
> Like, I get the metaphor they were always going for with Angel, him “changing” and all that, but he literally did lose his actual soul.
> “Oz ate someone last night.” Welcome to Cordelia Shouldn’t Speak Theater. Never been more grateful for Lydia Martin.
> This shot of the Scooby Gang sitting on the Library steps was used in a lot of promo stuff.
> “What, you’re having a Slayer watch me? Oh, good, we’re not overreacting.” Dude, I know you’re upset, but they literally just said she’s the only person available.
> “Get away from me.” Oz, you’re being such a dramatic little pupper.
> I love the implication that Angel has been running naked and feral around the woods for as long as Buffy has been dating Scott.
> Is Willow examining a maued corpse when she’s probably not yet 18 funny or horrifying? Maybe both. They are all portrayed as horrified. So there’s that.
> “Let me just get a few stray hairs from the body, they could be from the attacker.” And - what will you do with them, Willow?
> Haaa, I love Buffy tossing Drusilla’s dolls aside.
> The giant ash outline of Angel on the floor is deeply silly.
> I mean, it’s kind of irresponsible that Faith was listening to music so loud that Buffy snuck up on her. But. I also get wanting to drown out the wolf? And she did react very quickly, so, she was fine.
> Buffy romanticized the idea of staying up all night for me.
> Buffy ALSO FELL ASLEEP on watch, but no one is screaming at her, just saying. Sidenote: why isn’t Giles pulling more shifts as the adult? (Reasonably also the only one with a job.)
> Pretending she dreamt Angel came back was a pretty clever way to talk about it, what with her prophetic dreams and all.
> “There’s no record of anyone returning from a demon dimension” - that feels like a lie, we just saw Buffy do it for one thing.
> "In my experience, there are two types of monster. The first can be redeemed or, more importantly, wants to be redeemed." "And the second type?" "The second is void of humanity. Cannot respond to reason... or love."
> Willow, if you were actively awake, why wouldn’t you come help keep watch? These kids, I swear…
> There’s a recurring musical motif in this episode that will later be used in “Amends,” FYI, and I am loving it.
> Omigod, I know this is bad to say because of the episode’s plot, but Scott’s friends are kind of terrible. Debbie is rude and Pete makes an ugly gay joke. Forget these kids.
> “Actually, I think he makes his own drums.” Heh.
> Scott is a weirdly sweet and attentive boyfriend. Buffy actually does sort of push him away. (I know, who am I to talk? 🤣🤭)
> “Check out Scotty, liking the manic-depressive chick.” Were we EVER supposed to root for Pete??
> WHOA, Angel lashing out at Buffy actually did jump-scare me, lol.
> “So you’ll be late but happy.” I really doubt whatever you’re delaying this girl for would be satisfying, Pete, even if it wasn’t hardcore abuse.
> So, Pete kept his Jekyll-and-Hyde serum in a janitor’s closet? What?
> This scene where Buffy goes to Platt is really beautifully acted but, like. What did Buffy think this man could do for her? And then he’s dead. Sigh.
> “You know how you get.” These kids sort of talk like they’re in the 50s.
> Ugh, this scene is so uncomfortable, because you could lift out the supernatural stuff and it could still play 100% the same on a regular drama. Like, too real.
> We weren’t ever supposed to feel like Pete was a good guy and that this was something being done to him, right? Like, he’s 0% victim.  
> Fun fact that I just learned: thanks to Daylight Savings, the only time of year when sunset can really be at 5:30pm is end of January / beginning of February.
> “They used to mess around.” “They were screwing?” “...I don’t think so.” Faith was too real for these kids.
> As the Scoobs dole out assignments, I find myself wondering, where are Xander and Cordelia? And I go on to wonder, if it’s maybe best that they aren’t around. Sigh.
> Buffy is way too aggressive on an abuse victim. It’s pretty fair for Willow to say they “broke her.” Kind of insensitive language tho, lol.
> This episode had a special message attached to it, right? It must have.
> I love how completely unconcerned Oz is for his safety when it comes to Pete. He knows his wolf can easily take this dude, even when he transforms.
> “Did you kiss that whore? Did she like it?” Goodness gracious.
> “Time’s up, rules change” is a little dramatic but whatever. Seth Green sells it.
> “Oh, right, bloody priceless.” Classic Giles.
> Buffy just wailing on this aggro abusive boyfriend is hella cathartic atm.
> I think Willow and Faith have better potential as friends than Willow and Cordelia, seriously.
> Okay, I try to support Buffy’s fashion decisions, but sometimes - like when she’s jumping from a roof - the heels are a little bit not great.
> I do not love that Angel is the one to get Pete. Like, on a couple of levels? I get that it couldn’t have been Buffy. But Pete had to die if Debbie did. Ugh. Just an awkward episode.
> This vampire-to-human transition shot of Angel got used in a lot of stuff.
> Hmm. I’m going to be doing some deep examining of how I feel about the Buffy/Angel relationship this year, I think.
> Someone thought it only took two eight iced cafe mochas to make Pete a murderer? That’s some strange understanding of caffeine.
> This is a lot of expo-logue (exposition dialogue) to cap off the episode.
> “Great, now I’m going to be stuck with serious thoughts all day.” Cordelia is literally Amber from Clueless. That’s such a weird archetype to include in this show, and make such a major character. And then pivot into what she becomes on Angel! Oy.
> Dude, poor Scott Hope. I’m pretty hard on him most of the time, but his friends’ deaths would’ve hella messed him up, no wonder he dumped his super-secretive girlfriend. (But he spread rumors about her so Faith doing that about him is fair game.)
> There’s a lot less “Call of the Wild” in this episode than I remember there being 20 years ago, lol.
> Okay, parts of that weren’t as bad as I usually remember. It’s definitely very real, which makes a lot of sense from the co-creator of #Unreal. Marti Noxon does not shy away from hard topics. Respect.
One more left!
0 notes