#let’s see how this goes lmao
I’m giving up alcohol for 2023. I haven’t drank in a while and I feel so healthy and good, so that’s my New Year’s resolution.
What’s yours :)
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
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💦 3tan reads thirst tweets 💦
‼️ MINORS DNI. respect the author’s wishes pls<3
💭 all 3tan characters and author are fair game, any combination of ppl can read twts!!
💧link to form hereeeeee and i’ll convert responses into fake tweets (unless you link me a real one lmfao)
🗯 3tan will read thirst tweets on saturday, 221105!!
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cleric4vampire · 3 months
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Baby, baby, baby, I want it to be different with you
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jazzajazzjazz · 11 months
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I hate love this beautiful bastard
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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When in doubt, tiddies out.
Treat me ~ Tip me
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rosy-crow · 9 days
Alright….because I’m a little unhinged, bored, and a journalist that likes to “network” in fandoms like a weirdo, I went and messaged a few Japanese fans about the stream for some answers and asked a buddy to translate for me.
Here’s what I got:
The summary of episode 2 was vague as hell, and they made no definitive statements about what it would include. They said Masamune’s origin and the friendship of Angeal and Sephiroth would be seen, but it was all left ambiguous in terms of what else would be shown or if these key points were all that would be shown. The most passionate fan I spoke to made it clear that what was frustrating was the lack of explanation of what else episode 2 would cover and when.
It sounds like they’re all more frustrated that the discussion of the episode was so short and there were clearly some tight-lipped shenanigans going on. They’re all wondering about Genesis too, but are fairly certain he’ll show at some point because the game opened with his disappearance.
Anyway, no explicit statements were made about the second episode ONLY focusing on Angeal and Sephiroth. We have no idea if Gen’s gonna be there or not. We’re all in ambiguity central until further notice, fam.
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simelune · 1 year
guess who’s writing a legacy challenge 💃
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darlingod · 1 year
Cardan being Cardan and sending Jude a matching outfit:
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searihart · 4 months
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Imma make doodles for everyone because I can. Also Fuuta mains the Blaster in Splatoon
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pacifistcowboy · 6 months
there is honestly nothing more fun than drawing an official character for the first time and deciding how Fucked Up you want your design of them to be
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oogaboogaspookyman · 9 months
Quick! Howl for no reason!
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dykeomania · 1 year
i don't really mean to ruin your day, but like (not proofread),
made sleepy by unforgiving winters and a population of people who were only young, once, the carnival reminds modern!ellie’s small wyoming town of what it’s like to be youthful, and alive.
tellingly so, people in her town consider this the happiest event of the year. but if it’s just between ellie and god, the significance of multicolored fair rides or the sun beaming hard enough to scorch the morning dew off of joel’s front lawn faces no match against the hatchling of your smile, once made dormant under the hazy coat of november through april, and defrosted by the month of july.
it’s the 4th. and amongst a spectacular of beams and fireworks slashing through a sky made thick with clouds, ellie swears that tonight she will kiss the girl of her daydreams. 
she has also sworn this, for the past three summers.
for the past three summers, she has ridden the same rides with you in almost identical order – familiar of every trough, and yet screaming with you through every loop. you take the same edibles, and you get the same order of fried concoctions, from the same stand and share the same $7 lemonade, from the same cup and the same swirly straw. 
it’s the same saccharine fling, bubble-wrapped in infatuation, and spared the harm of teeth sinking into its flesh in fear of eviscerating the bond that lies underneath.
but she swears, she will kiss you. this time, she will. she swears, she will.
with tongues coated with carbs and a mind made dizzy with sugar, you make the decision to ride the ferris wheel. she buries herself in the brash cackle of your laugh as she nearly rocks the cart off of its hinges. as you settle, belly and chest full of brightness, ellie watches you. your back is slumped against the metal, your head is thrown, and a hand is splayed over your stomach. the neons of the park flicker and change as you the two of you pass through them. ellie watches as they paint your body, electric; this way, she can see the symptoms of summer, highlighted, right on your cheekbones. beaming brightly, adding a shimmer to your smile, like a sparkle on a wink. ellie always has a tendency of falling in love with girls who are nothing like her. in the summer, ellie just burns. but not you. you have always glowed. 
the fireworks break through the sky, booming through the city like miniature cannons. the only unpredictable thing of all this, is the show. pop, a red firework. pop, a green one. pop, pop, sizzle. this one, a cluster of both.
the familiar crust of a hill climbs up ellie’s throat and it’s an act of strength to swallow it all down. “wow,” she hears you remark, completely airless, a loopy grin stretching across your lips. “that’s so pretty.”
ellie nods, damning the fireworks and instead only looking at you. “yeah..” ellie swallows, again, hearing the croak that lines her own voice. “well, you’re pretty, too.”
there’s a silence that hangs, like your eyes, onto hers. and then it’s broken -- shattered not by combustion, but by a giggle turned spitting cackle, tumbling uncontrollably from your lips.
ellie’s furrows her eyebrows, “are you.. are you okay?” and starts laughing with you, only half-nervous, but like–
sizzle, sizzle,
“no.. no.. well– like yeah. like, no, yeah i’m just..” you lick your lips, close your eyes,
grin, and shake your head,
“i’m just really glad that you’re my friend.” 
the firework burns and dies in the iris of ellie’s eye, and brings with it ellie’s reminder to blink. or to do anything, really.
ellie has a tendency of falling in love with girls who are completely different from her. who want different things, and go at different paces,
who are her best friends.
she smiles. tight.
“yeah..” ellie concludes. “yeah, me too.”
she holds your hand on top of her lap, and halfheartedly thumbs over your knuckles. she lets you slot your fingers into hers, the same as you always do. and she squeezes, like normal. lets you rest your head on her shoulder, and rests her forehead atop of yours, like usual.
pop. pop. pop.
this year, she chalks her excuse up to.. loitering in opportunity. wading in questions she knows the answer to.
sizzle. sizzle. sizzle.
maybe, she’ll try again next summer. 
or maybe, it’s better that she doesn’t.
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moonchild-in-blue · 2 months
Thank you for the tag @tonguetyd! My spoons are indeed low but my sleep schedule is GONE so. Random burst of energy let's go.
I didn't know what artist to pick because I didn't want an obvious (?) one, so I'm going super niche and choosing Bright Eyes because it's been a minute since I've talked about them, and they're one of my favourites 💙
Artist: Bright Eyes
How do you feel: Nothing Gets Crossed Out
What is your gender: Bowl Of Oranges (obviously funny but also it's a beautiful song! poetic storytelling!)
If you could go anywhere: Lua
Favorite mode of transportation: Driving Fast Through A Big City At Night (yes that is the title)
Your best friend: First Day Of My Life 🥹
Favorite time of day: Sunrise, Sunset
If your life was a tv show: A Line Allows Progress, A Circle Does Not
Relationship status: I Won't Ever Be Happy Again 🥲
Your fear: Waste Of Paint
Idk who made this or not so I'm tagging randomly, no pressure to do this whatsoever! @dearscone @corviisquire @hookedhobbies @politemagic (hi!) @leonsleftbicep @melit0n
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newlacesleeves · 11 days
going to the record store to buy TEE SHIRTS DO NOT LET ME BUY MORE RECORDS EVERYONE
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tacky-optic · 8 months
I've been cooking, folks. Grilling. Simmering. Boiling. Various other synonyms. About *JigZeni* of all things. My fixation ship just HAD to be a rarepair, didn't it?? I tried to condense pretty much all of my thoughts into one post and I might have gotten a *bit* carried away, oops. It's probably not THAT long, but still. I regret nothing.
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- I imagine (in a general sense, headcanons aside, characters as base as can be) that if Lupin were to never make a move and continue with the coy "will we won't we" shit with Jigen and Zenigata, that they would get fed up to a point where they might attempt to seek solace with each other on a somewhat frequent basis.
It'd probably happen on accident at first; a chance meetup at a bar, the gang gets split up, Zeni has Jig cuffed in the back of a squad car just-another-day-of-the-week style, and one gets to talking while the other decides to humor for once. And I doubt either would be against chatting again after, and lord knows these two like their seedy bar trips, so why not let fate decide when?
- This can be to varying degrees of intimacy!! I love how all of the ships let you do that in some capacity, but JigZeni feels like one of the more flexible ones.
Whether it be as simple as complaining over drinks for a few hours or taking things a step further and heading back to some motel to "get it out of their systems" in "other" ways, ahem ahem.
Either way, they find that they enjoy the other's company and, to their abject horror, whatever weird friendship thing they've developed ends up turning into something genuine and (even worse) autonomous from Lupin.
Because what are they without him? What would they become?? They sure as hell don't know!! But hey, at least there's one other human being on this planet who GETS it.
- And I say that with relative confidence because I see Jigen and Zenigata being on the more (since a better word escapes me) *monogamous* side?? Like they put a lot of weight into a few singular relationships.
They have acquaintances, yes, but how many can they truly call a friend? How many can they trust, *beyond question*, to have their backs, to keep their secrets, to protect their lives, even?? Because trust is a big thing for these two!! Losing someone close hits them way harder than most, to a point where it's actively harmful and discourages them from pursuing anything concrete (also doesn't help that their luck with partners is absolute *shite* and things rarely ever end on a decent/ non-tragic note).
Jigen got SO lucky with Lupin. They ooze trust for each other, and the same goes for Goemon, too. And for a guy like Jigen, having not one but TWO whole-ass people he can depend on is absolutely WILD to him. They're all he needs, really. Zenigata still hasn't found something that concrete yet (on HIS side of the law, at least), and given the nature of the series and his role within it, there's an incredibly low likelihood he ever will.
But at least Jigen knows that pain. He's been there! He can relate! He can console! And Zenigata KNOWS it's legit because he's read, like, *so* many files about this guy. He's Lupin's not-that-much-better half ffs. Zenigata knows Jigen's Been Through It and the fact that Jigen even TRIES to relate despite his rough-ass persona really gets through to him in a way that no one else can.
- All of that baggage would bleed into why they're hesitant to blatantly pursue Lupin. Even though they know that Lupin CAN and WILL reciprocate (enthusiastically, even), Jigen and Zenigata, deep down, also know that he'd never be able to give "all of himself" to them like they are willing to for him.
Jigen is dissatisfied (probably even jealous) of Lupin and Fujiko's goings-on even though he knows it's a *consensual* sort of give-and-take, and you CANNOT tell me that Zenigata isn't the slightest bit jealous of Lupin's tight-knit camaraderie with his crew. "I could treat you so much better", "I wish I could have that attention all to myself" sorta vibes. Don't even get me STARTED on how the excluded party would feel about JigLup/ LuZeni, yeesh.
- Lupin loves them profoundly, no doubts there, but Lupin also loves *everyone*. Which basically turns into if they can't have all of *him*, then at least they can have all of *each other*, y'know??
Even if their friendship (or something more) lasting is impossible, at least they can pretend for a little while.
At least SOMEONE gets it, and that someone also happens to look pretty damn handsome in a fedora, too.
Plus Zenigata is Jigen's type. End of discussion.
now that you're down here in the trenches with me we can hold hands and enjoy overanalyzing hat trick together <3 <3
I DO wanna hear other people's thoughts, though! I can't help but think I'm missing SOMETHING despite writing them for so long (and there's only a handful of people out there who know I have been *writing them*, hooh boy). Hopefully I'll be able to get some of that stuff out there one of these days, but MAN am I a slow writer. Fingers crossed.
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freakystinky · 6 months
stsg, ns4w
Geto finds Gojo touching himself in one of the many empty classrooms at the school one night and never stops returning to watch his best friend indulge in his favorite little secret.
The first time Geto finds him, he’d been strolling around the school for some time, unable to sleep and too cold for a proper walk outside. He silently wandered through familiar hallways, only pausing when he heard noises from a closed-door during one of his passes on the second floor. He eased it open cautiously, revealing a scene straight out of a fantasy.
When he lays eyes on Gojo, his stomach swoops in sudden arousal. He’s at a desk near the windows on the back wall, grinding over his arm, which is tucked between his legs, gripping the edge of the seat with white knuckles. Eyes closed, and head bowed, he fucks against his wrist here, quietly, alone in one of their many shared spaces.
Suguru’s quick to look away, but his resolve crumbles devastatingly quickly as he lingers at the doorway.
It’s a dangerous game to play with the current heir of six eyes. Still, after seeing his best friend bathed in moonlight, whines whispered out like prayers, Suguru risks it, concealing his cursed energy and peering into the dark classroom to watch him unravel further.
He's rewarded with the sight of Gojo rearranging himself, switching arms and unknowingly giving his viewer a slightly better perspective of his body. The arm facing the door now grips the edge of the seat beneath his butt for leverage to grind harder against the arm between his legs. The shift opens his body and allows Geto to see his face unobstructed now, and his eyes trail further up, pausing to watch his adams apple bob with a swallow.
Small gasps and whines fall from Gojo’s mouth, and Suguru’s eyes land on the way his pouty bottom lip shines with spit in the bright light of the moon that fills the classroom. The clear night sky is merciful, casting more than enough light to allow Suguru full view of the scene before him and making Satoru’s white hair practically glow. He feasts on the visual details of Satoru falling apart before him, ignoring the throb between his legs as time passes and Gojo’s desperation increases.
Every thrust of his hips against the seat is paired with a huff, and occasional whines and quiet moans fall between his lips as he tumbles into oblivion all on his own. Geto knows he's about to cum by the way his breaths pick up and his thrusts turn into a quick, frantic grind. He’s practically sitting on his arm now, his body chasing the delicious pressure with gravity, and Geto’s own hips hump the air unintentionally as he takes in the debauched man before him.
Geto watches Gojo’s orgasm hit him like a man witnessing God. Satoru shakes, body quaking in pleasure as the tension snaps and he falls apart. His hips stutter against his arm from the effort as he releases one long, pretty whimper, riding out the feeling of cumming in his pants whorishly. His hips continue to roll, a content look on his slightly debauched face as he savors the gross squish in his boxers, making Geto’s stomach clench intensely with need as his minds races with questions, possibilities, and a new level of excitement he's never experienced before.
The next time it happens isn't an accident, and neither are any of the times after. It always goes the same, and Geto eats up every single second of Gojo’s acts of exhibitionism.
It's not just the first ecounter; he's always whiny and desperate like that. He never touches himself directly, favoring the pitiful kind of humping he’d witnessed the first time. The fourth time he finds him, Satoru uses the corner of the desk to get himself off, and Suguru is nearly destroyed with want. Gojo’s horny endeavors contrast his pompous, bratty behavior so much that it gives Geto a mouth-watering type of whiplash every morning after it happens.
He's surprised by his own lack of guilt or shame as he hurries back to his dorm every time to touch himself to the thought of Satoru grinding against him that pathetically. It's almost as if Satoru wants to be put in his place- his actions practically beg for it bi-weekly (or more). He wants to be made to hump Geto’s shoe while he tells him how pitiful he looks, to beg to be allowed to cum, all showcased by actions and whispered pleas during this private confessional hour in the classroom.
Geto decides that if that's what he really wants, then he fully intends to be the one who gives it to him.
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