#lets just say the group shots were a lot easier to come by
pftones3482 · 1 year
We all know my pinned post:
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May I now present, a spectacle most of this evening in the making:
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And if you can't pick between the brothers? Well, don't worry!
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But wait, you didn't think I'd forget Candace, now did you?
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"But Bex, I love ALL THREE OF THEM!" So does Perry, you just know he keeps this on his desk:
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Did I reuse some photos here and there? Yes, yes I did. Some of them were too cute not to.
Feel free to use these as you please, I made them to be shared.
And ofc, a bonus, because I couldn't not make Stacy one:
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bimbo-baggins86 · 5 months
Stalker Anakin Skywalker Headcanons
☆…━━━━━·:*☆…━━━━━·:*☆…━━━━━ ☆…━━
CW: 18+ MDNI! Use of Y/N at least once (I’m sorry!!), Manipulation, stalking (obvs), toxic behavior, mastubation (m & f), afab language, lots of cum, (does this qualify as dead dove do not eat..?) and there’s probably more I’m forgetting .-.
A/N: This has been on my mind heavily lately (especially after watching Saltburn which is what inspired this). I got carried away with this.. Also I’m picturing Modern!Ani with this..Hope you enjoy!<3
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Stalker!Ani first saw you because you both went to the same college. You caught his eye immediately and from that moment he knew you were his.
Stalker!Ani would make a point after that moment to learn your schedule, devising a plan on how to get closer to you. He’d make you notice him one way or another.
Stalker!Ani “accidentally” coming across you one day while biking back to his dorms. You’re sitting in the grass, your own bike laying beside you.
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Anakin stops peddling, braking with the handbrake. “Hey, everything alright?” He asks. You look up to see who’s talking to you, and he mentally rejoices seeing your beautiful eyes finally finally trained on him.
You sigh and shake your head, “I’ve got a flat tire and my class is on the other side of campus.” You explain in a frustrated huff.
He hums in acknowledgment. With zero hesitation he climbs off his bike. “You can borrow mine.” He offers
Your eyebrows raise in surprise and he feels a small sense of pride seeing some of your worry ease. “Are you sure?”
He immediately nods his head, “Yeah of course don’t even worry about it. Just return it to the bike racks outside of the Sloan building. I know your face now if you don’t.” He says with a smile.
Your face lights up and you push yourself to your feet, brushing off any grass or dirt from your pants. He lowers the seat and the handlebars for you so you can reach easier. “You’re a lifesaver. Thank you. I’m Y/N by the way.”
His smile widens. He already knew but it’s nice to hear it from your lips. “Anakin.”
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Stalker!Ani would find it even harder to resist you after finally getting the smallest crumb of your attention. If anything it only fanned the flame of his obsession.
Stalker!Ani who just so happens to coincidentally see you at the bar with a group of your friend the weekend after letting you borrow his bike. He barely pays attention to anything else. When he gets up to get himself another pint, he catches your eye.
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Your gaze drifts up from your friends towards the bar and you notice Anakin. Maybe it’s the alcohol that helps to calm your nerves but you get his attention. “Anakin! Hey!”
He smiles to himself, his plan was already going smoothly. He wipes the dopey grin from his face to turn around and see you, feigning surprise. “Oh hey, Y/N, right?”
You nod your head, “Yeah, that’s me. I um, I was wondering if you’d like to come join my friends and I for a couple rounds?”
How could he say no to such a sweet offer?
☆…━━━━━·:*☆…━━━━━·:*☆…━━━━━ ☆…━━
Stalker!Ani who watches in disdain, his jaw clenched as you’re hit on by some random guy when you go up to order another round of shots for the table. His hands clenched into fists, leaving nail marks in his palm from how tightly he’s squeezing them, watching as you feed into the attention.
Stalker!Ani makes sure to play it off as a lightweight to get your attention back on him. Your trusting nature makes it easy, almost too easy to the point he should feel bad, but he doesn’t. Not when you’re helping him back to your dorm because he’s just “too drunk” to remember where his dorm is. And especially not when he’s laying on your couch, covered in a blanket that smells like you.
Stalker!Ani can’t help that he’s painfully hard, listening to your soft breaths after you’ve fallen asleep in your bed just a few feet away from him. Before he’s fully aware of it, his hand is already stroking his cock. Seems like you’re a heavy sleeper because you don’t stir when he grunts or groans. It makes his mind spin with the possibilities.
Stalker!Ani who finds himself sneaking into your room quite often afterwards. He loves to lay in your bed, breathing you in. He holds a pillow, imagining it’s you he’s curled into. His favorite time to go though is when you’re there and asleep.
☆…━━━━━·:*☆…━━━━━·:*☆…━━━━━ ☆…━━
Anakin stands at the head of your bed, looking down at your relaxed face as you slumber. Reaching out, he gently strokes your cheek, you don’t even budge. He grins to himself, pulling his phone out he opens the camera, pressing record as he undoes the drawstring of his sweats and shimmies them down along with his boxers enough for his dick to spring out. He can’t help but to tap your cheek a couple times with it before he gathers some of your drool in his hand and lets it mix with his precum to lube himself.
He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth to suppress any moans, his brows draw together tighter with each stroke. His eyes stay laser focused on your pretty face, imagining what it would be like to have you choking on his length.
Before he can redirect himself, he spurts hot cum all over the side of your face. He doesn’t know how, but he doesn’t question it, you don’t wake up. He takes a moment to admire his handiwork, making sure to get a close up with his phone camera.
Grabbing a pair of your discarded panties from your dirty laundry he does his best to use them to clean up your face before burying them in your hamper.
☆…━━━━━·:*☆…━━━━━·:*☆…━━━━━ ☆…━━
Stalker!Ani who is found by your side a lot more frequently since the night at the bar. It had been the invitation he had been waiting not so patiently for.
Stalker!Ani knows your other friends aren’t fond of him. He knows they think he’s weird and oddly clingy already but it doesn’t matter as long as you still find him charming.
Stalker!Ani makes it routine for him to sneak into your room while you’re sleeping just to jack off by you, making sure to video it every time because enjoys replaying them.
Stalker!Ani who has a couple keepsakes (a few pairs of your dirty panties) from his nighttime “adventures” tucked away in his room.
Stalker!Ani who’s favorite thing is to either keep a pair pressed to his nose, inhaling your delicious scent as he beats himself off, or to use a pair to stroke his cock.
Stalker!Ani gets a little more confident the longer this goes on, opting to slide your panties down your legs as you sleep so he can cum in them and slip them back on for you, patting the cum soiled crotch against your pussy.
Stalker!Ani has you lulled into a fake sense of security with him. You confide in him that you’ve noticed some of your more personal items have gone missing, or things are out of place when you get home. Or the one time your bed was warm like someone had been laying in it.
Stalker!Ani offers to stay with you whenever you feel unsafe and you very happily take him up on that offer. You poor little naïve thing.
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“I really appreciate this, Anakin, thank you.” You say as you’re grabbing a spare blanket and pillow for him. He happily accepts them when you pass them to him.
He shakes his head and waves a hand dismissively, “Don’t even mention it. I don’t want you feeling unsafe at all.”
The smile you give him is enough to make his heart beat spike. You’re making this way too easy for him.
“Just make yourself comfortable, I’m going to take bath.”
☆…━━━━━·:*☆…━━━━━·:*☆…━━━━━ ☆…━━
Stalker!Ani tries to actually be well behaved for just this once. But then after you’re in the bath for awhile he hears something.
Stalker!Ani tiptoeing over to the bathroom door and pressing his ear firmly against it. His eyes widening. He had heard correctly. Your soft moans and whimpers go straight to his cock immediately.
Stalker!Ani debates about just throwing the door open. You’re so close to him while you’re naked, it’s not fair. But he holds back, allowing himself to listen for just a little bit longer before forcing himself to sit back on the couch.
Stalker!Ani plays it cool once you come back out, acting none the wiser to what you were just doing in there.
Stalker!Ani excuses himself to the bathroom. With the door shut behind him, he climbs into the still draining tub and dropping onto his knees, slurping up whatever he can of your dirty bath water as it slips down the drain, groaning happily at the taste. If he could, he’d collect it in a jar and save it for whenever he wanted another sip.
Stalker!Ani finally has gotten a literal taste for you and it only sent him into overdrive.
Stalker!Ani starts to get more ballsy, sneaking into your place more often when you’re home, hiding under your bed just to hear that delicious squelching of your fingers curled deep inside of yourself, completely unaware that he’s there. He knows that you’re probably struggling to reach where you need it the most, something he could easily help you with if you just let him.
Stalker!Ani shows an incredible amount of self restraint when he hears ‘Ani’ fall from your lips in a whimper.
Stalker!Ani listens in feigned concern as you come to him once you start getting calls from blocked numbers, the only thing to be heard on the other line is heavy breathing, sometimes accompanied by lewd sounds.
Stalker!Ani finds a sick gratification in subjecting you to listening to him jerk off.
Stalker!Ani welcomes you into his place with open arms when you show up one night wanting to stay because you didn’t feel safe. He listens as you explain it seemed like someone had been there again and recently. You were right though..it was him
Stalker!Ani agrees to run back to your place to get you an overnight bag because you didn’t feel safe enough to go back.
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“Yeah, of course I’ll do that sweetheart. Just stay here and relax okay? Make yourself comfortable.” He says brushing a hand gently through your hair, his thumb swiping comfortingly against the side of your head.
You nod your head and offer a small smile in ‘thanks’ as you watch the door shut behind him. You let out a shaky breath in relief as your nerves start to calm down, feeling a false sense of security.
After a little, you find yourself feeling bored, doom scrolling on your phone can only do so much after awhile. Walking around his place absentmindedly, you find yourself in his bedroom. You smile at the few photos he has, and notice one of you two from one of your times at a bar together, his arm strung casually around your shoulders. You pick it up and examine it closer, your grin growing. He was sweet.
Your phone buzzes with a text. At the same time you hear a ‘ping’ on his MacBook that’s open on his desk. Weird. You don’t think much of it, it’s purely coincidence right? You check the text on your phone, sending one back.
Another message buzzes on your phone, and again his laptop gets a notification. Once is a coincidence, but twice is suspicious. Maybe if your senses weren’t already on edge you wouldn’t have thought about it but your feet are already leading you to it.
Sitting in his desk chair, you swipe your finger on the mousepad, the screen turning back on. Before your eyes is a copy of all of your texts, phone calls, contacts, apps, everything, plain as day on his laptop. Your heart sinks to your stomach.
A couple more clicks of curiosity and you fight the urge to puke. Countless pictures and videos in a hidden file of you sleeping, and his cock in his hands as he strokes himself. Numerous thumbnails and stills of your face covered in his cum. Your face contorts in disgust. He’s the reason your stuff has gone missing, he’s the one sneaking into your place, following you, calling you. And you’re in his bedroom.
Your thoughts are racing as it puts the pieces of the puzzle together, to the point you don’t even hear the door open, or his footsteps down the hall.
The color drains from your face as your blood runs cold.
“Well well well. I really wish you didn’t go snooping, sweetheart.”
Liked this? Check out my other work here
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kinzis-writing · 6 months
Better than Revenge | M.R [4]
It had been almost two years since Y/N and Mattheo had been best friends. Y/N had decided that it was time to face her past and deal with whatever consequences would follow.
This chapter will probably contain a lot of Soft! Mattheo, which is ooc but i hope you enjoy.
Pairing(s): Mattheo Riddle x Y/N Nettleby, Ex! Theodore Nott x Y/N Nettlby.
Warning(s): order of the phoenix spoilers (a bit), mentions of sexual activities, degrading/slight abuse by parents,
iv. “this is why we can’t have nice things, darling”
Chapter Four
*Gif not mine* *not edited or proofread*
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It had been approximately four days since the Slytherin party and Y/N had tried her best to avoid Mattheo and his friends. It was easier to avoid the Slytherin friend group compared to Mattheo, as it seemed that he looked for her in every class, between every class, and at every meal. She had shaken him off every time and ignored him as much as possible, but that did little to stop him.
"Y/N!" The voice of Hermione had torn through the silence of the library. The Granger girl hurriedly making her way over to her housemate. "Lorenzo told me to come find you, Riddle is fighting Nott." she spoke fast.
Y/N shot up from her chair quickly, leaving her items and headed to where Hermione was taking her. It wasn't long before the two Gryffindor girls were stopping where their friend group was trying to break them up and other houses just watching. "Hey!" Y/N yelled as she walked towards the fight.
"Y/N." Sean warned as his sister shrugged him off and went towards the fight again since he had stopped her.
"Mattheo Riddle!" Y/N yelled breaking the boys apart as she carefully pushed them away from each other, her hand staying on the one she had called. "Stop it, both of you!" she yelled again. The Slytherin friend group cleared the hallways since the fight was under control and they didn't have to worry about their friends killing each other. "What in merlin's name happened?" she asked, looking at each one of the boys.
Mattheo stood their breathing heavy and glaring at Theo, who didn't dare look at anyone. Veronica wore a proud smile on her face, unknowingly being caught by the rest of the group. "Theo was insulting you." Enzo stated simply, not wanting to go into detail in such a public place.
"If she would put out-" Veronica started before Theodore shook his head indicating her to stop when he noticed Mattheo go to step forward, but Y/N held him back. The Nettleby girl was afraid that he would not be afraid of punching a girl right now.
"Let's go." She muttered pulling Mattheo along with her and not giving any of the Slytherin's her attention. She quietly led the boy to her dormitory and straight to the shared bathroom.
She didn't say anything as she sat him down on the toilet and started using some healing spells that she knew to heal him the best she could. Some of his wounds and marks were still there, but truth be told Theo looked worse.
"This was a bad idea." Y/N stated as she avoided Mattheo's gaze and walked out of the bathroom, him following her, once she had finished the healing spells. "This plan was rubbish, especially when it makes you and Theo fight. Merlin, you two were best friends before me." she muttered.
"He won't disrespect you s'long as i'm around." Mattheo mumbled as he took a seat on the girl's bed not knowing what to expect from her next.
Y/N shook her head as she stopped pacing and turned to face the boy that she had known very well since first year. "What was the fight even about?" she asked, knowing that it had to do with the issue between her and Theo.
"that bitch seems to have an influence on Theodore." Mattheo spoke as he eyed the girl in front of him. "Veronica started first, saying how our relationship must be draining because lack of activities, your ex then going on to say that there's better lays."
Y/N nodding, even though she didn't quite understand why her not having sex with him would be this big of an issue. Maybe it was an insecurity problem, or maybe it was the only thing he truly wanted from their relationship. Whatever the case, she knew that they were not worth her breath. Yet something had to give, because she was not finishing the next two years at school and dealing with the two wizards fighting.
"Come on," Y/N spoke as she grabbed Mattheo's hand and led him out of her dorm and made her way towards the Slytherin common room. She was going to settle this once and for all, whether it made people mad or not. "Pureblood." she spoke the the door and entered the common room as the door opened, Mattheo trailing behind her.
Just as she had suspected, the friend group had skipped class after the fight had broken out. The couple joined the group, as they caught everyone's attention. Veronica looked pissed and unhappy that they had decided to show up, when they were probably getting scolded by the friend group.
"I'll leave after I say this because I am done with how immature you two are acting," She started as she pointed to her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. "also the fact that the fights between you two," pointing at Mattheo and Theodore. "are absurd." she finished causing everyone to agree with those statements that had been made.
The girl turned to Theo before giving him a look, "You honestly want the truth? Because I have a feeling you won't want it once I started confessing." She asked the man that she used to have feelings for. When no one said anything, she looked at Mattheo to see if he had any feelings about people finding out about them. "It's true that I didn't sleep with you" She admitted to the group but kept her gaze locked on Theo's so he would know she was telling the truth. "I was going to the night you broke up with me," She admitted making Mattheo rolled his eyes and her brother look away not wanting to hear that.
"I didn't have sex with Theodore, but I wasn't a prude." Y/N looked straight in the eyes of Veronica as she spoke those words knowing that it showed who she truly was. "I lost my virginity to Mattheo the day before my birthday, 5 months before Theodore and I started dating." She told the group honestly. Sean looked sick because he didn’t want to hear that about his best friend and sister, Theo was angry and Veronica was surprised. The others not saying anything and just absorbing the information. “Besides there was other things done besides…” she trailed off before shaking her head and deciding against saying it.
Theo’s angry eyes burned right into Mattheo’s as he stood up and rushed towards the boy. Enzo pulling Y/N out of the way knowing what was coming. The Nott boys wand pressing against the neck of Mattheo. Of course, everyone thought that he wouldn’t do anything but it’s the fact that he would go that far.
“I should hex you.” Theo spoke dangerously low to his housemate and best friend.
“Now, why would you do that Nott?” Mattheo spoke calmly. Knowing nothing was going to happen and if it did that he could control the situation.
Y/N spoke up, knowing that it may make things worse but she hoped it made it better. “There’s no reason for that Theodore.” She spoke calmly, but her nerves were going wild for Mattheo. She knew he could handle his own, knowing where he came from. Still didn’t make her worry any less.
“This is rubbish, Theo.” Veronica started as she stood up and went over to rub his arm. “She isn’t worth it.”
Theodore shook her off and continued his hard glare at his best friend. “you took that from me.” He muttered causing the Riddle boy to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. “I was suppose to get that experience.”
Mattheo’s gaze darkened at what his housemate was meaning, “I didn’t take anything away from you. What experience were you wanting exactly? What claim did you think that you’d have on her?” He asked dangerously low, the patience in his voice wearing thin.
Y/N had enough of all this, she had left the common room without being noticed by Mattheo or Theodore. Who did Theo think he was, being entitled to her and what she had to give. It didn’t make any sense to the girl as to why he was acting like that. Pushing that behind her, she went back to the Gryffindor common room to hopefully have some normal time with her friends.
"Hey guys." Y/N greeted sitting her bag down beside of her and sitting down beside Hermione. Her friends greeted her back before they gave each other knowing looks. They weren't sure if their friend was aware of everything that was going on. "Are you all okay? You're acting strange..."
Hermione glanced around the group before turning her attention to the Nettleby girl, "Have you heard anything about Riddle? or has he told you anything?" she asked cautiously to not make the girl uncomfortable.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head, "No, why?"
"You know about everyone shunning Harry because of... his father and how his mother has escaped from Azkaban, and they haven't found her." Ginny explained to the girl trying to get her to understand their concern and everything about the situation.
Ron looked at Harry before turning his attention to the girls, "Harry said that they think his followers are planning something."
realization dawned on Y/N as her friends continued talking about the situation at hand. It was true about Bellatrix had escaped from Azkaban and she had completely forgotten to ask Mattheo how he felt about it, seeing as it made headlines. Y/N knew that his father was also back, or at least trying to make a comeback. Not only because she trusted her friends but because she could feel it. Coming from a family of death eaters allowed for this stuff to make sense.
"My parents are hosting a dinner that my brother and I have to attend." Y/N spoke making the golden trio and Ginny turn towards her. "I bet it has something to do with him." she added as she looked around her friend group.
"Please tell me you're not going." Harry begged in his own way to his friend. They all knew that Y/N's family was pureblood Slytherin's and death eaters, the Weasley's were even a bit unsure when Ron invited her over for the holidays when he found out that she refused to go home. Now it was clear that she was nothing like her family and wanted a different life, fighting for the good side of things.
Y/N shrugged, "I have to, or they will literally track me down." she mumbled as she noticed the tension in the room.
It was the time that she had dreaded for the past two weeks. The dinner that her mother had excitedly written to both of her kids about. To make matters worse for the Gryffindor girl, she knew it would be a death eaters meeting, seeing as almost everyone in Sean and Mattheo's group would be there.
"They're going to murder me." Y/N whispered to Sean as the youngest twin sat on her brother's bed as he laid out his suit. "I am a bloody Gryffindor, and everyone that's going to be here is Slytherin death eaters." The twins were still not close, but they were closer than previously due to her connection with Mattheo and after how Theo had treated her.
"I'll go down with you if they try anything." Sean promised as he noticed how distraught his sister looked. "Mattheo won't let anything happen to you either."
Y/N scoffed slightly at what her older brother had said, It was true that Mattheo was far from his parents when no one was around. But how would he act when multiple of his family's allies was in the same room? He had always acted a big stuck up or cold towards the girl whenever the Netteby's hosted Christmas parties and everything. "Our parents like you more, they'll make sure you live. They'll place the unforgivable spell on me."
"You'll survive." Sean promised before shoving his sister out of his room so he could get ready.
Y/N rolled her eyes before going to her room and getting ready. To blend in with everyone that was going to be at Nettleby manor, she had decided on another green dress. Something that would make her look mature but attractive at the same time. She quickly straightened up her hair and makeup before taking a couple deep breaths and heading downstairs to meet whatever fate was waiting for her.
"Y/N, you're late." Mrs. Nettleby scolded her eyes glaring at the girl in front of her. "You don't need to be a bigger disappointment than you already are." she muttered. A few of the other death eaters laughed at the mother's comment.
Y/N held her head high and stood up straighter, "Sorry mother." she muttered before stepping around her mother and going into the kitchen in her house.
"You don't walk away until I say I am done with you!" Mrs. Nettlby spoke harshly as her heels click-clack every time she stormed towards her daughter. "You should be grateful for the life that you have with us, we would have kicked you out if we didn't have a plan for you." she spoke in her normal harsh tone.
Y/N's eyes narrowed slightly as she starred at her mother, "Plan for me?" she asked wanting to know what the group of death eaters planned to do with her.
Mrs. Nettleby gave her daughter a wicked smile before she grabbed her daughter by the shoulder and pushed her out to where the group was waiting for her. "Our daughter wants to know what her main purpose is, I think it's time we elaborate."
Sean's expression changed as he noticed the harsh grip that his mother had on his sister. He knew that his family treated her different since she was sorted into Gryffindor, but he did not understand why. He went to speak up before Lucius Malfoy stepped in front of the group of Slytherin boys. "I think it's time for you to let the adults talk." He spoke monotoned to the group of boys.
"What are you going to do to my sister?" Sean asked the father of his friend. His glare was hard as he tried to figure out what the death eaters wanted with his sister.
Lucius gave him a dark look, "that is between us and her, Mr. Nettleby." He spoke before ushering the boys out of the room.
After the boys had left everyone gathered around the table, the grip Mrs. Nettleby had on her daughter tightened as discussion started around the group of his army. "Here is what you must do."
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“They wouldn’t hurt her, would they?” Sean asked nervously as he waited for the adults to break the spell on the door.
Draco scoffed, “they would.” He spoke monotonously.
Theodore had been ignored by Mattheo and Sean, but he was even look nervous now. He may have a grudge held against his best friend, but he would admit that Y/N didn’t deserve to be tortured by the groupies in the den.
Before anyone could speak up the doors opened and Mr. Nettleby threw his daughter out before closing the doors again. The girl’s shoulders were already turned slightly purple from the grip and fingernails of her mother. Her once neat hair was how messy and her makeup was smudged. A red mark shaped like a handprint laid across her right cheek.
Y/N didn’t dare say anything, all she did was take her heels off and raced to her room. Sean went to follow her but was held back by Draco who knew that Mattheo would want to follow the girl. After all, it was the boy’s father’s followers that did whatever damage to the girl.
Y/N rushed to her room and quickly got her duffle, whatever she had left at home was going back with her to Hogwarts. There was no one she could risk coming home again.
“Y/N,” Mattheo’s voice spoke softly from the doorway of the girl’s bedroom. “What’s going on?”
“I’m leaving.” She whispered hoping that they couldn’t curse him to get it out of him. She knew her parents would find her at hogwarts, which made her worried. “I can’t stay here, not with what they’re expecting me to do.”
Mattheo cautiously stepped into the bedroom that he was slightly familiar with. He didn’t want to startle the girl seeing as she was in a vulnerable state. “What did they do?” He asked carefully, he noticed the way her eyes squeezed shut and a tear fell down. “Let me help you.”
Y/N turned to him fully, so he got the full view of her. Her cheek now a slightly different color due to the impact of whoever slapped her across the face. “You can’t help me, Teo.” She whispered on the verge of breaking.
“Let me try,” he pleaded, hating seeing the girl the way that she was currently. “I’ll try to fix it.”
“I have to get out of here,” she told him. “I have to go into hiding or something.” She mumbled as her eyes finally fully met his.
Mattheo stepped forward again and carefully reached out and grabbed her hand in a comforting way. “Tell me what they want you to do.”
“They want me to spy on Harry,” she whispered. His hand gave hers a big squeeze. Knowing that she was best friends with him, sure he hated Harry. Most of it being because of his father and everything that happened. “They want me to spy on the the Weasley’s as well.” She added her heart breaking as she spoke.
“Maybe we can figure something out,” Mattheo tried to reason but they both knew better. Death Eaters showed no remorse for anyone, not even their own kids. At least, the Nettleby’s didn’t. “We can find a way for you to make them happy but keep your friends safe.”
Y/N shook her head as more tears fell down, “that’s not the worse part.” She muttered as his hand went to rest on her cheek.
“I’m sure we can get through it.” Mattheo reassured, his thumb wiping away the tears as they fell.
“They’re going to force me to become like them.” She told the guy that she cared deeply for in front of her. Mattheo paled, knowing exactly what she meant. It was exactly what his father and mother had been planning for him since the plan to get his father back. “They’re forcing me to join your fathers army.”
That sentence was enough for Mattheo to fear for the girl in front of him. It was enough to feel his own heart break. Because someone so sweet, caring, and willing to help others did not deserve to have that life that he was destined to live.
Little note: hi! It’s been longer than I hoped and I’m sorry many things got in the way but here’s an update. I hope you enjoyed and we’re getting to the juicy stuff. I did change the plot a bit since this went from a George Weasley x reader (rough draft) and I did a full switch to Mattheo Riddle x reader. I think I’m going to start adding a word count at the beginning of my chapters just so I can keep track of how many words I usually write per chapter. Next update should be out soon! I’ve started writing requests but I’ll catch up with blogmas first! 🥰
Tag list: @yoichiislovie @justhavingsomefun1 @lafrone @julesandro @prongprincessworld @bruher @mattiesgirl @itsamusical4lifee @frogtape @blueeweeb @harrysnovia @kiwi475 @wildlyobserving @devotedlycrookeddonut @oi-itse @dear-fifi @grandtheoristpeach @dory-98 @lovesanimals0000 @supernatural-lover @joekbff @ivy-34 @jasmine2105 @cmervns @jetblackpayne @b4b3tte @xmadigurlx @thecraziestcrayon @whoknowsbut
I think I added everyone! If i missed someone or I tagged the wrong account and you wanna be untagged just let me know. 🫶
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peachhcs · 1 month
going to worlds
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
with worlds coming up, tensions get high in the hughes’ household between luke and samy.
2k words
so this is actually more samy x luke more than samy x will but here’s the sibling angst i mentioned a few days ago! i feel like we don’t see a lot of samy’s relationship with her brothers so i wanna try and write that more but i will be writing more about worlds between will and samy as it plays out! :))
au masterlist
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“no, absolutely not,” luke immediately shook his head as he walked out of the kitchen. samy was hot on his tail as she followed him into the living room, watching as he plopped himself onto the couch, remote in hand. 
“why not? it’s not like i’m gonna be bothering you,” the younger hughes argued, hanging herself over the couch so she was right in her brother’s face. 
the boy pushed her away, “but it will be a bother when i have to look after you the entire month there. i’m not doing that shit. i’m not gonna be some babysitter at my own hockey tournament,” luke was being harsh which samy sort of expected, but not this bad.
“i’m 19 years old. you don’t need to look after me,” the girl fired back. 
“that’s not what mom and dad will say. plus, i kind of do because we’re in a fucking foreign country and i’m not that stupid to let you wander around czechia by yourself,” luke shot back even harder. a frustrated groan escaped samy’s lips. this brother was supposed to be easier than her other two. 
“i won’t be by myself. plus, i went to sweden and mom and dad were fine,” samy mumbled sheepishly. 
“what do you think you’re gonna do when we’re at practice almost the whole day? sit in the hotel? that’s gonna get boring real quick,” the curly-brunette shook his head, already very over the conversation and disregarding what his sister said.
“you’re being such a brat. i’m not 12 years old anymore, luke. i can take care of myself, you know. you’re not even 21 yet so right now it’s a one year age difference.” 
“why do you even wanna go? don’t you have your own shit to do instead of follow me to czechia,” the middle hughes rolled his eyes. although, his words hit a nerve. 
samy drew back off the couch, a frown settling onto her lips. sure, her and luke had their fair share of fights and arguments, but for some reason, his words hurt even more than any of those combined. 
“jesus, when did you turn into such an asshole?” now her words hit luke’s nerve this time. the older boy whipped around so hard samy swore he gave himself whiplash. his lips were set in a straight line along with his eyebrows pinched together. 
“who are you calling an asshole right now? you’re the one who needs to grow up right now,” the boy shot back quite harshly. 
“so me going to every single one of your ntdp games, home games at umich mean nothing to you? you just think i’m following you around?” the girl frowned, her hurt showing more than she anticipated as her voice wavered. 
“i- i..that’s not what i meant, sam. i just..it’s gonna be a bother and you just wanna go to make out with your boyfriend anyway,” luke defended himself, but his words didn’t sound any better than before. 
those words hurt samy a lot more than a few minutes ago. luke never called her sam ever. the siblings stared at one another, the silence engulfing them while luke awaited a response. “so that’s what you think? you’ve just forgotten that will’s still my best friend and i’ve been supporting him since we were kids along with you? you just think i wanna go to be some bother to you and have sex with my boyfriend?” samy’s voice finally rose to the point where they both knew she was angry. 
“i mean..am i wrong?” the wrong responses kept falling from the middle hughes’ mouth. 
“yes! you are wrong, luke! haven’t you and will always wanted to play on the same team together since we were kids but never could because you weren’t ever in the same age group? and now that it’s finally happening, i can’t go and support my brother and best friend who are playing for the same team because all you think is that i’m going to have sex with him all the time and be some fucking bother. i only asked you because i knew mom and dad would only let me go if you said yes and i thought you would because you’d want your sister there cheering you on like i have been for your entire life. maybe this whole fame thing really did get to your head,” samy stormed off before luke could even respond. her heavy footsteps carried all the way up the stairs until the boy heard her bedroom door slam shut. 
“woah, someone’s mad..” jack came out from the downstairs bedroom. his hair looked absolutely insane like he’d just woken up despite it being 2 in the afternoon. 
“i don’t know what’s up with her,” luke rolled his eyes, settling back into the couch like nothing happened. 
“she’s got a point, you know. you were kind of being an asshole,” jack shrugged as he wandered into the kitchen. 
“oh come on, not you too. if she goes, i’m just gonna have to look after her!” luke exclaimed, head falling back onto the couch in frustration. 
“she’s not some kid anymore, moosey. she’s 19. you’re not even 21. she can handle herself. she did in sweden,”  jack stuck up for their little sister. 
“that was different because everyone was there already. this isn’t the sam, jack. mom and dad will put me on babysitter duty because they aren’t there,” the younger brother continued his defense. 
“i don’t think it would be babysitting. more like making sure she’s okay. checking in? plus, i doubt she’ll even be in the hotel room that much anyway. she’ll wanna hang with smitty and leno,” jack started making himself a sandwich with the little ingredients in the fridge. apparently, ellen and jim hardly grocery shopped when they didn’t have four kids in one house anymore. 
“yeah and then that will lead to them having sex and then that becomes a whole thing,” luke rambled on. 
“is this really about not wanting samy there or is it about you thinking she’s taking away your moment if she’s there?” the older hughes brother proposed a new idea. he always saw through to his siblings hidden emotions they were trying to conceal. a beat of silence passed between the brothers and jack took the silence as his answer. he stopped making his sandwich for a moment to find a seat on the couch beside his brother. luke’s gaze stuck to the ground. 
“come on, rusty. talk to me,” jack nudged his brother’s knee. 
“it just feels like i never get to hang out with will because samy’s always there. or..he chooses her instead of hanging with us nowadays. being able to play on team usa together has been our dream since we were kids. i love that samy’s happy and so is will..i just..i really hoped this could be a just us thing. i don’t know. sounds selfish, i know,” the younger boy mumbled almost ashamed. 
“it’s not selfish, lukey. i get it. i’m still getting used to their whole dating thing too here and there. it is weird seeing one of your close friends date your sister,” jack sympathized. “i’m sure if you talked to samy she’ll understand. she’s always been your #1 supporter, luke. i know she’s not trying to come with you to wedge her way in between you guys. maybe set some boundaries?” 
“maybe i just feel so disconnected because i went to college and then was hardly ever around. feels like i don’t even know her sometimes anymore or will, you know? he used to be attached to our hips as kids and now..it’s just..not the same,” the curly-haired boy’s voiced faded off. a frown appeared on jack’s lips, rubbing his brother’s arm in a soothing manner. 
“talk to her, lukey. this can be your chance to reconnect with both of them the month you’re there,” the older boy encouraged. 
luke finally took to his words, agreeing as he got up and shuffled upstairs to hopefully reconcile. samy’s room sounded quiet the closer he got, so he gently knocked on the door.
“go away,” he heard lowly.
“please? just wanna talk,” luke mumbled from outside. 
a beat of silence passed until there was a small click and his sister’s gaze appeared through the crack, “about what?” 
“me being an asshole,” the older boy admitted in defeat that she was right earlier. the door opened wider, an indication that he could go in. 
luke’s gaze flicked around the room that he really hadn’t seen in..years almost. it was so similar, yet it felt so different in his eyes. so much time seemed to pass in samy’s room.
“you have five minutes to give me a good explanation,” the girl crossed her arms, snapping her brother back into reality. 
the guilt crept across luke’s face as he struggled on where to start. he was never the one to admit his feeling outright like this. “first, i’m sorry. i was an asshole about the whole thing,” he began.
“yeah, you kind of were. that really hurt, luke,” samy said seriously and the boy sighed. 
“i know..i don’t know why—i think i just…” he stumbled over his words and everything he just admitted to jack downstairs. “feels like i don’t really know you anymore just because i’ve been away and i hate that. we used to be so close and now it feels like we just don’t talk..same with will. i dunno. i guess i just didn’t want you there because i was being selfish and just wanted will and i there together. i realize now that you deserve to be there too to support us,” the boy continued in a long ramble that probably made no sense. 
he watched samy’s expression soften up a little, “you think we aren’t close anymore?” 
“i mean..not as close as we used to be. college and everything else seems to have made us drift..same with jack. same with quinn.”
yes, the hughes siblings were close, but not nearly as close when they all lived under one roof. one by one as each brother left, their bond slowly dissipated. texts became littler and littler. the time changes weren’t easy to work around sometimes. 
in some ways, samy saw where luke came from because quinn and jack missed a lot of big milestones in samy’s life yet she was there for all of theirs. 
“i-i’m sorry. i didn’t know you felt that way,” the girl frowned. 
“no, no, it’s not your fault. i just..have been feeling weird lately. i think having you there will be really fun. maybe it can even make up for some of the time we’ve lost,” luke offered a smile. 
“no, i don’t have to go. you’re right. it’s a you and will thing. something you’ve been waiting for since you were kids,” the girl shook her head.
“no, no, i want you there. i promise. plus, i think smitty would actually fight me if he knew i wasn’t letting you come. i’m serious. we can catch up. have fun in czechia together. i’m sure mom and dad would love our sibling bonding,” the two shared a laugh. 
“are you sure?” 
“positive. i’ve missed hanging around you,” luke opened his arms for a hug. the youngest hughes stepped into his arms and they shared a tight hug in what felt like forever. 
“we’re gonna have so much fun there. i already have an intinerary planned for your off days,” the girl grinned widely when the two pulled away. 
a laugh escaped luke’s lips, “of course you do. we’ll talk to mom and dad tonight, yeah?” 
samy nodded and she let her brother squeeze her shoulders one last time before leaving her alone for now. she excitedly called will next to let him know the good news that they’d be able to spend the next few weeks together. 
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zoeykallus · 3 months
Hi, Zoey! Are your requests open? I had an idea after watching Kenobi.
There’s a scene in Kenobi where the Inquisitors show up to a market place in search of Jedi. They throw a knife at the shop owner knowing that the Jedi hiding among the patrons will stop the knife from harming him. It would be interesting to see that with Hunter.
Maybe Hunter and Cid’s bartender have a relationship. Bartender was weary of the clones at first but warmed up to them and liked Hunter. They just started dating when Inquisitors show up. They use the knife trick on someone (maybe even Omega) and bartender is forced to expose themselves as a former Jedi.
I’d love to see how Hunter would react to that.
oh oh oh oh... I got something in my head!
*Running in circles*
I actually had a scene like this in my head for a while now, I put the whole batch in there but focus on Hunter as a love interest.
Hunter x Jedi/Reader - One-Shot - The Things We Do For Love
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Warnings: Angst/Canon Typical Violence/Blood/Fluff
No one knows about your past with the Jedi order. You are forced to drop your cover, when you try to save Hunter's life.
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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It's strange, life after Order 66 - hiding, pretending to be someone else. And it doesn't get any easier every day as you'd hoped, at least not at first. Cid's Bar, that's where you ended up at some point. You work behind the counter. You serve all kinds of strange clientele. Cid's Bar is like a meeting place for all kinds of scum in the Galaxy. Life has changed, a lot. Priorities change. The code after you've lived so long is nowhere near as important as surviving and belonging somewhere so you're not completely alone in this universe. But you can't open up to anyone, not exactly the most decent people come and go here. So you keep a low profile. You even flirt here and there to keep up appearances, but at the same time, you keep everyone at a distance. And then, to make matters worse, these clones turn up. Automatically, every alarm sounds inside you. Order 66 flares up in your memory, sharp and painful. It takes so much willpower to stay calm, to not let anything get to you, so much trauma hangs in every thought of clones. No one knows who you are, no one even suspects that you were part of the Jedi Order.
And yet these men surprise you, especially one of them who leads the group. He is so thoughtful, so serious. Hunter always seems to be lost in thought, trying to keep everything under control, to ensure safety. He rarely leans back and really takes a breath. He's almost always worried and tense, you can feel it in the Force. But eventually, he thaws out, you somehow strike up a conversation, and you quickly learn how much depth and kindness lie beneath that brooding, skeptical exterior. Hunter can even be funny, very observant and above all else, he's decent, probably one of the most decent people to ever come and go in this bar. You catch yourself admiring him. Your eyes meet more and more often, you talk to each other more often, even flirt. But this flirting is different, it's not fake, it feels real, exciting and for you, with your past, completely new and almost reckless. You are both obviously interested in each other, just as you are both shy and cautious in a certain way. Weeks, even months go by before your hands touch for the first time, and he asks you out.
You can see it in his face, he can hardly believe it himself, hidden behind his smile is a nervous boy who is incredibly afraid of being rejected by you. The big, brooding leader has a great weakness, you. Of course, you say yes, you can hardly resist this special man, clone soldier or not, Hunter has so much good in him, he attracts you like a magnet, not to mention his good, bold looks do the rest.
It starts like any other evening. More or less. After your first date, Hunter usually comes into the bar smiling, automatically seeking your gaze as soon as he walks through the door. You can't help it, you smile back every time, accompanied by a warm tingling in your stomach, warmth rising in your cheeks and ears.
But something is different today. There is a presence in the room, dark, determined, hard as stone, surrounded by sharp edges. You sense this presence in the Force, its intransigence. You look around in alarm. The bar is a little busier today, your gaze wanders more or less inconspicuously around the room. Then you see him. You meet cold eyes, eyes as blue as sapphires, their gaze steely and sharp, so intense that you automatically lower your own gaze and distractedly clean a glass. But you know this person has already noticed you. Right now you're feverishly thinking about your next steps and how to get out of here alive without putting anyone in danger. Hunter frowns worriedly, watching you. He can tell something is wrong. Tech is talking to him, but he is focused on you right now. He leaves the table where he was sitting with his brothers and is about to come over to you when he hears a voice say clearly and distinctly, not shouting but loud enough, "CT 9901"
You feel hot and cold, a shiver runs down your spine, you're sure Hunter feels the same way, you can see it on his face. All the heads at the Bad Batch table look up in surprise, shock and alarm. Hunter turns to the voice that seems to be coming from one of the other tables a few meters away. A man suddenly stands up, slowly, unhurriedly, confidently. Like a predator who is sure of his prey, who has no reason to be afraid, no need to hurry. Neither you nor Hunter like the body language. What surprises you, however, is that this man, in his strange, dark uniform, is not looking for you as you expected, but obviously for Hunter and presumably his brothers. "All 99ers in one room, this must be my lucky day. And not only that, I feel like I'm getting a little something extra on top of that," the somber stranger says, his voice deep and clear, almost melodic.
The room falls silent, as if the presence of this man demands it. With a confident little smile, the man pulls a knife from his belt, the first movement is slow, almost sluggish, but the throw comes so suddenly that you barely have time to react. It has become so quiet in the bar that you could hear a pin drop. But when the blade suddenly seems to stop in mid-air barely a centimeter from Hunter's eye, a murmur goes through the room. You're sure you can hear someone whispering the word Jedi.
Hunter only lets out a quiet, "What the hell", he can't help but stare at the blade for a moment. He should be dead, he realizes, that vibro blade should have drilled into his skull, but there it is, hovering right in front of his face. Out of the corner of his eye he sees your outstretched hand, your concentrated gaze, and he begins to understand. You stopped the blade from killing him, you stopped it in its tracks. The stranger's cool voice draws you both back to him. "I knew I sensed a Jedi in the room, and I knew you couldn't resist to show yourself" In the next moment everything happens very quickly, there is no time to think, to process, to make plans. The man reaches out his hand, and you feel his grip on you in the force. You are swept over the bar counter, with a pull on your body, trough the force, knocking over two tables on your way to the floor. Everything around you happens in a haze, you hear Hunter cursing angrily, blaster shots, the distinctive buzz of an awakening lightsaber, screams from the other patrons. A red glow fills the room. The smell of burned flesh.
Your left side hurts. You landed hard on the tables when the Sith Force-wrenched you over the counter, maybe you cracked a few ribs. There are shards on the surrounding floor from the glasses that went down. As you try to pick yourself up, you accidentally reach in and cut your right palm. The pain is sharp, clear and distinct, bringing you back to reality from your surprise. You jump to your feet, skillfully, supported by the force that flows through and envelops you. It's been a long time since you've used the Force and your abilities in this way, but it's as if you've never let it out of your fingers, the lightsaber sliding into your hand, its blade glowing blue with its characteristic hum. Blood runs down the hilt of your weapon from the open cut on your hand, it burns, but you ignore the pain. You feel Hunter's gaze, he is still confused. He knows what you are now, but he certainly hasn't processed the news yet. At the moment, you all have other things to worry about. Did the Sith come alone? Are there Stormtroopers waiting for you outside the bar?
You concentrate on the force, on the intentions of your opponent. Everything you feel emanating from him is sharp, dark, glowing hot. He is driven by rage, and the moment your lightsabers cross, you feel all the hatred in his attacks, which are admittedly much stronger than you expected. You've never fought a real Sith before. The first touch of your lightsabers is like an electric shock, an incredibly hard impact, a wave of fury that seems to roll over you from your opponent. The hilt of your weapon is slippery with your own blood, you have to grab it hastily with both hands so that the sword doesn't slip from your grasp or your opponent will decapitate you. For a moment, Hunter's concern penetrates your perception, but you shut him out and have to concentrate. A quick exchange of blows follows, attack, parry, retreat, attack, parry... The handle of your weapon becomes increasingly slippery with your own blood. Then it happens, another hard blow, you parry, the impact of the blades causes your weapon to slip away.
You hear Hunter yell out, hear the shock in his voice, the terror in that simple word, "No!" His blaster lies on the ground, sliced in half by the Sith's blade. Hunter has pulled his knife from his belt in a split second, lunging in the Sith's direction. The blade of your attacker hovers just in front of your neck, you hold the Sith and his weapon in this position with all the strength you can muster with body and force. Your heart races, adrenaline flows through your body. There are only millimeters between your life and death. Millimeters before the red lightsaber could sever your head from your shoulders. Hunter reaches an arm around the Sith's neck and jabs his knife into his side. The sergeant's voice is dark and smoky as he rasps, "Not on my watch"
The red lightsaber goes out and falls to the ground. Hunter kicks it aside, away from the Sith's hands, and lets the mortally wounded attacker slide to the ground. You see Hunter's chest rise and fall, still electrified, while your adrenaline suddenly subsides and your hands begin to tremble a little. You concentrate on the force, your center, and banish the trembling from your limbs. With a sigh, you look at the man on the ground, who is taking his last breaths, his cold, sapphire eyes still looking up at you with hatred, but there is also reluctance in them, surprise, defiance. Echo kneels down next to him, feels his pulse. "Quite dead," he says dryly, and with a glance at your extinguished lightsaber, he asks, "Care to explain?" "Take it easy, Echo. I guess it's obvious why we're only finding out now, it would have been dangerous to reveal the truth," Hunter says calmly and steps closer, carefully grabbing your hand and looking at the cut.
"That needs stitching," Tech says with a sideways glance and adds, "I can do it when we get to the Marauder, we should get out of here, more will come" The others lead the way, Hunter and you follow at a slight distance. You can't quite believe it yet. CF99 accepts you into their midst, no ifs, no questions, yet. Admittedly, Echo is still a little skeptical, but he always is. But you're part of it now, you're no longer alone. The thought spikes a feeling of euphoria in you. "Looks like Clone Force 99 has its own Jedi now," Hunter says with a wry smile. You crack a smile, liking the idea, forgetting for a moment your bleeding hand and the drops of blood that fall to the ground and on your tunic. Crosshair, who is walking ahead of you, casts a jaunty glance over his shoulder and says dryly, "Just don't expect me to follow your orders, General." He says it with a wink, even if his words sound a little hostile, he is friendly to you, you sense his intentions in the Force.
You say quietly, "I wasn't going to give you orders, you have a working system as a group, I wouldn't dream of changing it" The Sniper laughs softly, "Clever Jedi" Hunter drops back a little, and you do the same, sensing that he has something to say to you. After a little while, on your way to the Marauder, he says seriously, "You gave up your cover to save my life, thank you" You chuckle and say softly, "The things we do for love" Hunter listens in surprise and asks, "So our dates aren't part of your cover?" You've opened up to him in the force, feeling his pulse, the tingling under his skin as if it were your own. "I would never play with your feelings, not even as a cover," you say seriously. Hunter breathes a sigh of relief and asks, "So nothing will change between us?" "I'd like us to continue our relationship and see where it takes us," you reply with a warm smile. You feel his relief, his affection, and you breathe a sigh of relief as well.
"That's what I want too," he says, carefully grabbing your hand and taking another look at the wound. "That looks really bad," he says, frowning. Wrecker comes rushing up and murmurs, "Now hurry up, or our Jedi will bleed to death!" Impatiently, he grabs you and lifts you off your feet to carry you to the Marauder. You make a small, startled noise. "Wrecker," Hunter says softly, admonishing. "What? The little Jedi got hurt!" Wrecker returns unperturbed and carries you to the Marauder. "It's just a cut on my hand," you say, waving it off. "It's bleeding a lot," Tech comments as Wrecker sets you down next to him and points at your stained tunic. Tech already has medical supplies ready, including a needle and thread, but first Echo cleans the wound. You grit your teeth, because the cleaning stings a lot. Echo says knowingly, "Don't worry, it'll be done in a minute"
Wrecker asks curiously, "Is the Jedi officially with us now?" Hunter sits down opposite you and watches as your wound is taken care of, he says, "I think so" "But I'm not really a Jedi anymore. There is no longer a Jedi order and I haven't been following the code for a while now, at least not to the letter," Hunter's eyes meet yours at the last words. Your heart beats faster as a smile twitches at the corner of his mouth. "We're not really regular clones either, we're not really soldiers anymore," Tech says lightly. Crosshair sticks a toothpick in his mouth and mutters, "Welcome to the defect squad, I have a feeling you'll fit in perfectly here"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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avastrasposts · 1 year
The Pilot and his girl
ch. 1 - TLoU AU
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Frankie Morales meets the love of his life and starts creating a new life for himself, her and his little daughter. But things are about to change in ways no one could've imagined with the outbreak of the cordyceps infection.
Series Master List
The idea of putting the guys from Triple Frontier in to The Last of Us was a random thought I had a few weeks ago. I really wanted to explore what Frankie Morales would do, who he would turn into, if he had to experience the outbreak, fighting to protect himself and those he loves in a whole new way.
I'm having so much fun writing it and I really hope you'll enjoy reading it! The first hints of TLoU pops up in chapter 9.
No age gap, our reader and Frankie are the same age, no use of Y/N, no physical descriptions.
Edit: Making this easier to navigate - Chapter 2
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Frankie’s at the corner of the bar, his back to the wall, as she walks in. The boys, Pope, Ben and Will, are arguing about some finer point of something or other, he’s not really paying attention anymore, so he’s the only one who notices her. A bachelorette party tumbles through the door first, the bride to be wearing a tall plastic tiara on her head, and her friends trailing behind, all wearing Friends themed t-shirts that say “The one where Lizzy marries Steve”, cackling loudly and making “wooohoooo” noises. The boys immediately turn and check out the girls but one look at how far gone they all are, this is probably the only bar in town that will still serve them at this level of intoxication, they turn back to their conversation. 
She’s trailing behind her friends, coming in after the others and just about hiding the t-shirt under her jean jacket, looking a lot more sober than the rest of the hen party.
Frankie can’t help but stare, the way the black jeans are hugging her curves makes his heart rate pick up, but when she pushes her hand through her hair and smiles at her friends it feels like it stops in his chest, pausing a second before racing again. He swallows, tugging at his cap, pulling it down deeper over his eyes as he tries to look without staring. She glances around the room as her friends occupy one of the large booths next to the jukebox and start a giggling argument about what songs to play first. Somehow her eyes catch his and he feels heat creeping up his throat as he quickly looks away, down at his drink, over at Pope, anywhere but at her.
Against your will you’ve been talked into ending your friend’s bachelorette party at a local dive bar in a part of town you and your friends usually don’t hang out in. Your usual hang out had refused to serve your friends, seeing as they certainly were about four tequila shots too far gone, and you’d been ready to call it a night then. Bachelorette parties weren’t even really your thing but as Lizzy was the last of your friends to marry, apart from yourself, you couldn’t really back out when she begged you to come. So after failing to get into three clubs, Lizzy had bribed the bouncer to tell her of a bar that would let them in and he’d told them to try The Outback Bar across town. 
So here you are, pushing open the door to a place that was decorated to look like something out of a Crocodile Dundee set while your friends squealed over the stuffed plush kangaroo by the jukebox. The bar is half empty, mainly regulars scattered around the place, some playing pool at the back. This neighborhood isn’t exactly the best so you scan the place for any potential troublemakers but one of the booths is filled with three middle aged ladies sipping on some sort of cocktails and it makes you feel a bit more calm. How bad could a place be if a group looking like local high school librarians were drinking at it? 
At the bar you spot four guys involved in an animated conversation. Well, three of them are, the fourth one is looking at your but ducks his head the second you catch his eye, his hand shooting up to rub his neck under a mop of dark curls that stick out under his cap. His eyes are shaded but you can make out his curved nose and nervous smile as he glances over at his friends, still rubbing his neck before his hand slides down and rubs his patchy beard instead. He quickly shoots a glance your way and you feel like you’ve been burnt when your eyes meet just for a second, his face softens into a quick smile before he drops his gaze again. Before you can help yourself you smile back and you hope he saw it before he looked away. Smiling at random men in bars was dangerous business but this man had such a sweet, soft smile that he’d pulled a smile in return from you before you’d even realised what was happening. 
Your friends call you over to the booth and then order you to the bar for a pitcher of beer and tequila shots, deciding you’re the only one sober enough to order for the table. You shake your head and laugh at their loud demands for more liquor but you decide a pitcher of beer won’t do much damage this late in the game anyway. 
The bartender is busy serving another patron so you lean on the counter and try to sneak looks at the man at the other end. The bar is a big rectangular shape, wrapping around the open shelving system in the middle and it lets you peek through the opening towards the four friends at the opposite corner. Two of them are blonde and blue eyed, similar enough looking to be brothers, and both conventionally handsome, you know your friends would be all over them. The third man has shorter dark hair and even at this distance you can see the grey around his temples. He’s handsome and something about him tells you he’s probably very aware of how good he looks. He’s waving his hands around, trying to make some animated point to the blonde guys, as they both laugh and shake their heads. 
The fourth man, the one with the cap, seems to be listening with only half an ear as he tilts the liquid in his glass around the rim. Out of the corner of your eye you try to get a closer look at him. His hair is curling around his ears as well as around his neck, and as he smiles at something his friend says you see a dimple in his cheek, his eyes crinkling at the corners as the smile all but transforms his face into something warm and soft. He’s got a scruffy looking beard over his jaw and chin but a thicker moustache that seems to be trimmed just above his top lip. The cap that’s pulled down securely on his head is well worn and beaten and it seems to be a permanent fixture on his head the way he tugs on it every now and then. You can’t help but wonder if he’s hiding a bald patch under there but his dark curls are thick even when he swipes the cap off his head, smooths them down and pulls it on again. 
As Frankie tugs again on his cap he looks over the bar towards the booth the bachelorette party has occupied but he can’t see her. Quickly he scans the bar and feels heat shoot through him as he meets her eyes through the bottles and shelves. This time he doesn’t duck his head straight away, her eyes hold on to him as she gives him a smile before dropping her own gaze to the drinks menu in her hand, still smiling. He keeps watching her, unable to pull his eyes away, and when she lifts her eyes towards him again he feels his lips pull up in a smile that he can’t even seem to control. This woman is gorgeous and she’s looking at him with a smile so sweet he’s losing his breath. Before he knows what he’s doing he lifts his hand from his glass and gives her a quick wave. 
The movement draws Pope’s attention and he’s immediately looking over Frankie’s shoulder, trying to see who his friend is waving at. Catching sight of her Pope exclaims; 
“Damn, Frankie, she’s cute, go talk to her, man!” 
“Shut the fuck up, Pope, dammit.” Frankie sighs as he sees her look away. The bartender has come to take her order and she starts talking to him. 
“I’m serious, Fish, she’s into you, go talk to her, get her number. If you don’t I wi..ll.” Pope makes a show of standing up from the stool and Frankie grabs his shoulder and pulls him down again while Pope laughs at his friend’s awkward glance back at the woman. Ben and Will have also turned, craning their necks to see what the fuss is about and Ben gives a low whistle as he sees her leaning on the bar. 
“Pope’s right, Fish, go talk to her, she’s hot!” 
“Na, na, I changed my mind,” Pope laughs, slapping Frankie’s shoulder. “Frankie here will run headlong into enemy territory with his balls out, but what he doesn’t have the guts for, is to talk to someone like her.” 
“Just shut up, Pope, seriously,” Frankie grumbles as he downs the last of his drink and pushes it across the counter. 
“I’ll bet anything you don’t have the cojones to go over there and get her number, buddy.” Pope grins, enjoying riling his friend up as a red flush creeps up over his throat. 
Frankie glances over at her again, she’s waiting on her order at the bar. As he looks her eyes flick to him again and when she meets his gaze she stays locked on him for a second before she looks down at the counter, a shy smile creeping across her face. No doubt she noticed how all of them now seem to be focused on her. 
“Ok, Pope, what’ll it be, what do I get if I get her number?” 
“A hundred bucks, I’ll give you a hundred bucks because that’s how certain I am that you don’t have the balls to ask for her number.”
“You’re on.” Frankie says as he slides off the stool, “You’re gonna pay for my first date with her.” 
You can tell you’re suddenly the topic of conversation among the friends on the corner and heat is creeping up your cheeks as you feel four pairs of eyes on you. You glance over again, looking for the man with the cap and when your eyes meet him you can’t help but smile again. 
The bartender brings you the pitcher of beer you ordered, no tequila shots, and two baskets of fries. You pay and start grabbing the order and throw a quick glance over at the corner again but this time the man with the cap isn’t there. 
“Hi, sorry, do you maybe wanna hand with that?” 
You suddenly hear a low voice behind you and you turn to see the man with the cap standing in front of you, a shy smile on his face, his hands stuck deep in his jeans pockets. 
“Yeah, sure, that would be great, thanks,” you return his shy smile as he grabs the pitcher and the tower of glasses from you. You take the fries and lead the two of you over to your friends’ booth. They all cheer as you arrive, immediately grabbing the food and drinks. You turn back to the bar, two large jugs of water are waiting for you on the counter and the man follows you back. 
“Thanks for that” you smile at him and he gives you another shy one back. 
“I’m Frankie, Francisco Morales,” he says, his hand seemingly by its own accord shooting up to rub the back of his neck while you give him your name. His smile widens as you lean on the bar counter, not grabbing the water straight away and he mirrors your action, putting his arm on the counter and standing close enough for you to smell his body wash and the warm cotton of his t-shirt that’s stretched tight across his broad shoulders. The dimple is back and you notice how he’s got small bald patches in his scruffy beard that’s dappled with grey in places. 
“So, bachelorette party, huh?” he asks and nods his head towards your friends who are now toasting in beer and howling along to “I want it that way” by The Backstreet Boys on the jukebox.  
“Yeah, I’m the designated “get them all home in one piece” person tonight,” you sigh with a crooked smile at them. “They are a bit too wasted to still be drinking but you know…” you shrug your shoulders and give Frankie a grin, “been there, done that too.” 
“Got the t-shirt,” he smirks, lifting the edge of your jean jacket with his finger tips to show off the “The one where Lizzy marries Steve” t-shirt you’re sporting under it. 
“To add to my collection,” you reply, laughing as you look down at the print. “I think this is the 8th one. Lizzy is the last one to be married. The couple from the first one has already gotten divorced and remarried so we’re getting through them.” 
“Any of them yours?” Frankie asks and you notice how he’s frowning his forehead, his brow knotting as he looks at you as if he’s nervous for the answer. 
“No, none of them mine,” you can’t help but smile, his face is adorable as his expression drops into a shy smile. His dark brown eyes are very expressive, crinkling again at the corners as he steps a little bit closer to you, giving the busboy room to collect the glasses from the bar behind him. The music from the jukebox suddenly turns off as the softer lights of the bar are replaced by harsher bright lights. 
“Closing time!” the bartender calls from behind the bar as your friends boo and jeer, sinking the last of their beers. “I’m taking these fries to go!” you hear Lizzy slur and you cringe inwardly as Frankie glances over at them. 
“So, seeing as I’m running out of time,” Frankie begins, still standing close enough for you to feel the heat coming off of him, “I wanna ask for your number, maybe?”
“You’ve got to earn that privilege, Frankie,” you look up at him. “I don’t usually give my number out to guys I’ve just met at random bars on Saturday nights.” 
“Yeah, no, I get that, probably a smart strategy too,” he falters. “I would’ve bought you a drink first and maybe we could’ve talked a bit more but you know, I didn’t want to not ask anyway.” He scratches at his beard absentmindedly and shoots a quick glance over his shoulder at his friends who are all eagerly still watching the conversation. “Maybe we can catch up here sometime, do you ever come by this place?” he asks. 
“This is my first time here, it’s really on the wrong side of town for me,” you admit, starting to regret not giving him your number but old habits are hard to shake, not giving out your number to random guys being one of them. 
“Oh, ok, I get it.” Frankie looks down and scuffs the toe of his boot on the bar’s skirting board before looking over at his friends again. “I should just go then, get them home too.” 
He starts to move away as you see his dark haired friend make a gesture as if he’s rubbing imaginary money between his thumb and fingers while smiling at the two blonde guys. 
“Did your friend make a bet with you about getting my number?” you ask him, suddenly putting two and two together. 
“Yeah, kinda, it wasn’t serious or anything, he was just, just, kinda pushing me to work up the nerve to come over and talk to you.” Frankie stutters slightly and your heart contracts as his hand shoots up to rub the back of his neck again, his dark curls becoming ever more unruly with each pass of his hand across them. 
You suddenly feel arms wrap around you from behind and a wave of perfume and tequila washes over you. Lizzy is giggling in your ear, tugging you away from Frankie. “Sorry, lover boy,” she squeals, “She’s mine tonight!” 
You shoot Frankie an apologetic look as Lizzy pulls you over to the booth where the exasperated bartender is trying to convince your friends that it’s time to leave. Frankie gives you a small wave before stuffing his hands in his pockets and turning back to his friends. You turn to the tasks of gathering your friends together and calling for an Uber to get you all home safe.  
As you leave the bar with the bachelorette party, getting them out the door is like herding cats, you spot Frankie and his friends making their way across the parking lot. Frankie’s got his back to you but you can still make him out, his unruly curls sticking out from under his cap, backlit by the flood lights in the lot. A smile suddenly creeps across your face and you call out to him. 
“Frankie, wait up!” 
He turns as you make your way towards him, and his friends all turn too, immediately breaking out in wide grins. The dark haired one gives Frankie a quick shove as to motion him towards you and Frankie picks up his feet. You meet him halfway across the lot. 
“Give me your phone,” you say and hold out your hand towards him. 
“Why?” he says with a confused look, but he still fumbles in his back pocket to pull out an old iPhone with a cracked screen. 
“Let me win that bet for you,” you grin as he taps in the pass code and hands you the phone. 
Frankie’s confused look changes into a wide grin as you add yourself as a new contact in his phone and hit “save” before handing it back to him. 
“Make sure your friend pays up what he owes you now,” you smile before turning back to your friends who are yelling at you to hurry the fuck up as the Uber you ordered pulls up to the curb.
As you walk back across the lot you suddenly hear Frankie’s fast footsteps approaching from behind. Turning back towards him you stop as he puts his hand on your arm, his calloused fingers are dry and warm against your bare skin, his grip gentle, just resting against you. 
“Does that mean I can call you too?” he asks, his dark eyes barely visible under his cap, but you can see the shyness from before returning. 
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t,” you smile before reaching up and pressing your lips to the bare patch in his beard, giving him a quick kiss. Behind him you can hear his friends whoop loudly and cheer, someone yells, “Go, Fish!” and when you pull back from Frankie a blush is creeping up his throat, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he grins. You smile again and pull away from him, letting his hand slip down along your arm before his hand gives your fingers a small squeeze and lets you go. Turning back to your friends, who are still yelling at you to get a move on, you hide an even bigger smile. As you quickly make your way over to the waiting Uber you feel butterflies flutter in the pit of your stomach. The light scratch of Frankie’s beard still on your lips and his warm hand imprinted on your arm. 
Later that night, or early morning more like, your phone pings as you're brushing your teeth, getting ready for bed. It’s a number that’s not saved in your phone but as you pick it up you have a good feeling about who it might be from. 
“hope i didnt wake you. just wanted to give you my number too so you didnt think i wasnt serious and only did it for the bet. sleep well.”
As you read the message your phone pings again and you tap to the new message.
“sorry, it’s frankie, i forgot to say”
You can practically hear his voice through the message, see his frown as he curses himself for forgetting to sign off with his name in the first message and it makes you smile, thinking of how his brow had knitted together as he first talked to you in the bar, that soft, shy look under the peak of his cap.  
Quickly you save his number as a new contact in your phone and reply to him. 
“Hi Frankie, you didn’t wake me, I’m still up :) Thanks for your number. Did your friend pay up?”
You finish brushing your teeth as you watch the three dots move, indicating that Frankie is typing a reply.
“ye he did, although he’s not convinced you didn’t give me a fake number so i guess i have to show him this to prove it.” 
You smile to yourself as you type, moving towards your bed. 
“I guess I have to keep it clean then.”
Frankie’s reply comes quickly this time. 
“that line alone is going to get me into trouble…” 
You giggle to yourself as you tuck yourself in, holding your phone up as Frankie keeps typing. 
“so i have all my winnings to spend and its only fair that I share them with you. can I maybe take you out someday?” 
“I’d like that, call me tomorrow and we can maybe work something out?”
Frankie’s reply is almost instant. 
“i will, sleep well, hermosa”
“You’re making me blush… Sleep well, Frankie”
You feel yourself grinning like a fool as you put your phone on your bedside table and close your eyes. Trying to not let your mind run away with you, you squash down an excited little squeal as you burrow yourself into the pillow.
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oblique-lane · 1 month
Sniper tf2 mentality
Today I will be talking about Sniper's personality because I often see people portraying him DRASTICALLY different abd I wanted to understand what's going on and why all of the interpretations are correct (in my opinion)
Let's name the most prominent thesises:
Sniper is shy and introverted.
Sniper is unhinged and bloodlusty and is annoyed by people.
Why do i think that these aren't exactly contradictory?
I think at this point it's safe to assume Sniper is autistic (I mean lol this is easier to prove than to disprove). As an autistic person myself, I can see why he could be perceived like that.
Sniper doesn't talk to people and mostly observes them and the situation. Very in tune with his profession. That, however, might be perceived as being shy or very introverted or both. People love talking and expect others to share information, yet Sniper never says half of the things he's thinking about.
But let me tell you, it's NOT because he's shy. If he was shy, it would show in his body language as being stiff and rigid. He's not. His body is pretty relaxed and takes enough space. Still crosses his arms, but in a "don't bother me" way, not a "please don't judge me" way.
He's just disinterested.
I relate to it a lot in real life! People at my job think I'm too shy to talk to them, but no, I just DON'T WANT TO. I'm not scared of any if you, there's just nothing to talk about. I don't know your business, you don't know mine, our interests don't collide. If I talked to you about my interests you wouldn't listen anyway. Small talk? Ew, are y kidding me?
However, I like to listen. I'm an extrovert personally (unexpected huh) so I love being around people, but it doesn't mean I have to takk to them. I'll just sponge the information they are babbling about so I know my community better. When I meet new group of people where everyone knows eachother but me, I'm not going to feel awkward, it's perfectly fine to observe.
Sniper seems to fit into this kind of behaviour too. So he's not shy in a social anxiety sense".
Yeah you all know his in-game voicelines. You feel either horny or assaulted after he rolls these sadistic words on his tongue. Yes I said sadistic, are you gonna argue?
"We professionals don't give speeches we just take a shot" he says in the comics. OH YEAH? IS THAT WHY YOU HAVE THE MOST FUCKING VOICELINES OF ALL OF THEM??
Have you ever noticed how much attention he puts into saying how 'professional' he is? Like, yeah no shit, they all kinda are. But why, unlike other mercs, he insists on calling himself a professional with standards and morals, detached from emotions and feelings, so much???
There's literally no reason to be ashamed of being a killer and to admit that you enjoy killing people, you were hired to Mann Co. for that specifically!!!
My assumption: it's a personal disgust towards himself and his anger issues. I've said it before already and I will again.
His so called 'shadow side' that he suppresses so much. It loves to cause people pain, it loves releasing the inner anger, it is being feral and impulsive in nature. Sniper cannot let himself be like that for whatever reason. He's already built a clear picture of what he is in his head and he doesn't want to destroy that.
The only time he allows himself to be a monster is in the battle because it comes naturally. However, when it's not a situation of adrenaline rush, when people want to talk about his persona face to face, he starts to defend himself and bury his face under the lies he believes in.
And THIS is anxiety. To be scared to be truly perceived. Not like many people tried, but I assume he wouldn't like it.
Bro really thinks he doesn't have feelings lmaoooo imagine being so emotionally immature the only way to process your emotions is to shot a human dead.
So, is Sniper anxious? Yes. Is this social anxiety? No, he's not shy. Is he an unhinged murderer? Yes. Does he identify as one? No. It's really a little bit more complicated than the two thesises from the beginning.
He's a person. Obviously not mentally healthy. High dimensional. Can be potentially broken or healed in terms of a good character study.
I might be very wrong though and most of the assumptions are simply guessing by grasping the patterns, but usually when I analyze someone like thus, it turns out mostly right. But correct me if you feel like it.
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Yandere Neighbor Wars: Less Than Safe
Tomura Shigaraki 🎮✋🏻 vs Dabi 🪡🔥
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🎮✋🏻🪡🔥You knew your neighborhood wasn’t the safest  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥If the hole-y walls and cheap rent weren’t enough to prove that  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥The raucous sounds of criminal activities would do the trick 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥And while this wasn’t the neighborhood to confront your neighbors for anything  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥You seemed to have an odd tendency for this to happen 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Hey gorgeous you come here often?” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“I live here…obviously.” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Doubt it. There’s no way a goody-two-shoes actually lives here.” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Oh? Then it wasn’t this goody-two-shoes' wall you shot 4 stray bullets into?” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥You’re lackadaisical neighbor covered in tattoos, piercings, and stitches: Dabi  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Who doesn’t care all that much for your safety until he puts two and two together 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Suddenly he’s smoking a blunt on your shared block  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Or outside your workplace 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“What’sa matter babe, I’m just here ta protect ya don’t mind me.” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Your other neighbor isn’t so forward 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Uhm I think they gave me, your package.” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Ugh of course those morons would do that! I’m going to kill that—Whoa!” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“...Uh sir…hello?” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“....Yeah…” 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥After your meeting you find yourself plugging in more of these mysterious holes 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥And having to deliver more packages that are delivered to you 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Even the ones that possibly contain human remains+ 🎮✋🏻🪡🔥“Yeah this is definitely going to keep happening so just let yourself in, it's easier to acclimatize you that way.”  🎮✋🏻🪡🔥Though it seems your neighbors already butt their heads quite a lot it gets even worse when they both seem keen on changing your situation:
“Where is this breeze even—Dabi!? What the heck, man!? What’d I say about breaking in through the window?” You dropped your coat and work uniform to dash across the little space to close the window, passing by the intruder who was much more interested in penning a new name onto his ankle. You didn’t wait for a response, continuing to talk as you did your usual perimeter check. 
“You’re practically making my place open season for all the weirdos with an open window like that!”
Dabi scoffed, “Babe, your open season because you’re you. I’m in fact holding down the fort.”
You shook your head putting your dropped things back in place. 
“Riiight. And it doesn’t have anything to do with eating my food?”
The man put a scarred hand to his chest feigning pain as his familiar smirk spread across his face. 
“Aww babe, you think so low of me?”
“I think low is an understatement. They think you’re dirt.” 
The blunt and gravelly voice of Tomura Shigaraki rang throughout the bedroom growing louder as he shuffled into the living room, a portable game in hand. You did a double take as you were sure you walked in there but you shrugged letting him make himself at home. After all, this was normal for you to be the host to your no doubt criminal neighbors.
“That’s awfully bold of you, packrat. (Y/n) loves me don’t you babe?”
“Don’t call them that and don’t let everyone know how delusional you really are. (Y/n) attracts enough creeps already.”
“Well King Incel,” “I’m not a–” “Yes you are, and I’m the least of their problems. In fact, I’ll be their precious hero, ain’t that right baby?”
You chuckled while shaking your head before beginning to close your bedroom door. Sticking your head out when they got up to follow you.
“Ah ah I’m taking a shower and no this isn’t a group activity! If you come in I’ll stab you, got it?”
“Got. It?”
“Fine, fine.” “Maybe next time sugar.”
With the slam of the door and a click of your lock, a tense silence fell over the room. The only sound was the cries and screams and the sound of bullets from Tomura’s game system. When the sounds abruptly stopped Tomura was the one who spoke.
“Their hero, huh? You’ve got plans or something?”
Dabi sucked his teeth, dubiously grinning at Tomura’s glaring pair of eyes.
“I thought you were a gamer no? Aren’t you supposed to wait for my big reveal?”
Tomura growled, clutching the game in his hands.
“Forget that. You’re going to do something stupid and everyone knows you don’t leave the dumb to their devices. So what’s your plan.”
At Dabi’s silence, Tomura felt a surge of anger slamming his game into a nearby coffee table. He gritted his teeth and banged his fist.
“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!? I’ll figure it out eventually so you might as well tell me!” 
Dabi groaned, he would have laughed had it been anyone else but he wasn’t so stupid to poke the bear cub. 
“(Y/n) and I are going to get out of here. This crap apartment isn’t good enough for them and they're way too lax. I’m just taking care of them so don’t get your panties in a twist.”
For some reason that didn’t seem to soothe Tomura who stood to his feet with closed fists. Angrily shaking them as he visibly scowled at Dabi. 
“Y-you stole my idea!”
“Your idea? Please in the real world, kid, it’s called being smart.”
“No it’s called being a scheming b-”
Your bedroom door swings open as you make your way into the kitchen. All it takes is a curious tilt of your head in Tomura’s direction that has him sitting back down and begrudgingly returning to his game. You simply shrugged passing by a smirking Dabi as you made your way to the kitchen.
“So boys what’s for dinner?”
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willowser · 5 months
i received this lovely lovely lil thought from a lovely lovely anon in response to this question, and i think we ALL should get to enjoy it 🥹🩷
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(Tw:Abuse / Manipulation (kind of; it's not overly gratuitous, but better safe than sorry))
Will! !! So I was thinking about your "would Bakugou chase after you, even after you're engaged" post (loved it! spinning it around in my head), and while I do think he'd probably let you go if you were truely happy with this other person, y'know what might change that? If this other person wasn't making you happy. (I’M SO SORRY FOR THE INCOMING WALL OF TEXT – please just delete if I’m being annoying!!) To explain; I think in this scenario, maybe you're still getting over a long-time unrequited crush (👀), and you're looking for something with a normal, sweet guy to help get over it. He's not the type you would usually go for, but he's nice enough (idk, maybe he has blonde hair, or red eyes, and maybe that makes it easier). And while you initially thought this would just be a short fling, it just kind of... gets away from you? A few dates turn into a few more, and then lots more and before you know it things are getting Serious. He's talking about moving in together, and you're taken aback by it (weren't you just starting to go out together? Isn't this too soon?). But it's not like you have anything real to complain about! He's not horrible to you or anything! He treats you well enough! It's just that you don't seem to feel anything... deep? for him. You don't daydream about a future together, you don't go out and wish he was there with you; Honestly, if he's not there with you, you don't think much about him at all (not the way you used to with him 👀). And hey, maybe sometimes (frequently) you end up doing things you didn't want to do, maybe he knows what to say to get you to acquiesce to his wants and needs, without coming across as manipulative. Or maybe you're just nervous! He isn't "rushing you long term commitments, which would dissuade you from leaving", the two of you are just caught up in a Whirlwind Romance! /Sarcastic. Being honest, that kind of thing grinds a person down after a while; you bend much more easily to his whims. He is, after all, so Normal and so Sweet - and how often do guys like that turn up? You'd be a fool to dump him now, now he knows you so well, and really. What are you expecting? Some Prince Charming(👀) to come and sweep you off your feet? Get real. So you get the flat together, and later on (though sooner than you'd like), you accept his proposal.
1 / 7 (I'm so sorry)
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2/7 To my mind, this is the kind of diverging path for Bakugou. I think, if this was a genuine whirlwind romance, and it was recognised by the people around you, he'd probably back off. For all his brashness, he wouldn't want to hurt you by ruining your wedding day to the person you actually love. TBH I can kind of see him pining for you for the rest of his life, and hoping you become a widow/er so he get another shot to confess his feelings lmao. In that situation he could write off his own negative feelings towards your fiance as his own jealousy, right? If the fiance were actually bad for you, at least one other person from your respective friend group would notice. But!! I think that would change if his opinions were backed up by his friends (because it would demonstrate that it isn’t just his jealousy tarnishing his opinion of your boyfriend) Let's imagine that maybe he isn't the only one to think something Weird is going on. Maybe he's hanging out with Denki and Sero, because he's so obviously miserable about not confessing in time, and they're trying to cheer him up (it's been a month and he's mouldering. He is suffering). In walk Eijiro and Mina, who - while they were out getting snacks that Bakugou would never even consider eating if he wasn't in the depths of despair - just so happened to run into you and your new... boyfriend? Kind of? You seemed kind of reluctant to say the two of you were dating, but he seemed nice. Eijiro thinks he's kind of bland, and Mina knows you can do better (which she says both for Bakugou's ego, and because it's true), but nice enough. And you know, maybe, for the first time in a month, Bakugou stops sitting so rigidly. He doesn't slouch per se, no. He relaxes in the same way that tiger might relax before pouncing, in the way that a hunter might breathe out before pulling the trigger. A month of dating, and you still won't call the guy your boyfriend? When you'd introduced them to each-other (after your third date), Bakugou assumed it was his jealousy that made him hate the guy. Kind of boring, kind of pushy (a/n: no, he wouldn't clock the fact that he looks like off-brand Bakugou). He didn't think it would last too long, but it still felt bitter that that was the guy who beat him to the punch.
But seriously; a month of dating, and you still won't call the guy your boyfriend? That's... interesting >:)
3/7 So months roll by, and Bakugou keeps his eye on you. He flipflops between anguishing over his jealousy, and making sure that your “boyfriend” is treating you right. Of course, it’s made harder by the fact that he doesn’t see you that much any more. Your other friends notice it too; You’re not being kept inside your (shared) flat, but you always seem busy, and a bit tired. Ochako and Iida can usually grab you for lunch, Momo swings by your flat pretty often, but your social calendar seems so full now. Full of dates and outings with your new boyfriend. Apparently, you barely have a minute for someone you’ve been friends with since childhood.
It pisses Bakugou off to no end, but he’s keeping his distance (for now). Because the thing is, Bakugou – above anything else – respects you. If you want to waste your time on some loser, he’s not going to presume that he knows better for you! Bakugou’s many things but he’s not “fuckin’ presumptuous”. Besides, if you really were in dire straights, or needed help, you’d reach out. It’s not like you don’t still send him little messages every other day; memes you think he’ll like, little scenic photographs of your dates (conspicuously, your boyfriend is missing from every single one👀). He’s Fine. He can Be Patient. (Reader, he’s been seething for months).
4/7 HOWEVER. Flashing forward to The Proposal. I think it shakes him; firstly because the person he loves is getting married to another man, and he somehow thought you’d have ended it by now. But secondly because everyone else seems to agree that it’s weird! It’s way too soon for marriage to a guy that you don’t even seem to like all that much, and while everyone gently float their concerns to you that maybe it’s just a teeny tiny smidge too soon to get married (which you rebuff half-heartedly), the group-chat is popping the fuck off. It’s definitely too soon, this guy is Too Normal in a very weird way, they barely know him, the wedding is taking place really soon, they should stage in intervention (Eijiro&Tsuyu&Sero), they should kidnap you until you realise what a mistake it would be (Mina&Denki), they should kill him (Deku&Ochako&Iida), etc. It’s pretty weird, then, that Bakugou comes in as the voice of reason; you’re a grown up, and you can make your own decisions. If you really, genuinely want to marry him, that’s up to you; After all the freedom to make your own decisions comes with the responsibility to accept the consequences. (a/n: obvs it would be phrased in a far more Bakugou-esque fashion, but you get my point). So they relent, although they’re still concerned.
So maybe a few days before the wedding he sends you a message (because it’s tricky to get a hold of you in person); he just wants to know what you see in your fiance. He wants to know if you’re really serious about him, or if you’re just settling. It’s not phrased cruelly, but it’s blunt. The message he sends isn’t nice and sweet, but it’s honest, and it comes from a place of concern.
You read it and you don’t reply.
Flash forward again, and it’s the night before the wedding. Wedding Eve, if you will. Bakugou’s in a sour mood and tries to ease his pain by heading to a bar, but it doesn’t really get any better throughout the night. He’s conflicted now more than ever; Is this guy actually awful and bad for you, or is he just jealous? Is he not stepping in because he wants to be respectful of your wishes, or because he’s afraid that by doing so he’ll reveal his own feelings, and suffer the consequent (possible) rejection? Why didn’t he just tell you how he felt before this mess started? He has a few drinks to many, and falls into a dreamless sleep.
5/7 MERRY WEDDINGMAS. It’s the day of the wedding, and because of he hit the bottle too hard last night, Bakugou’s overslept (for the first time in his life, probably). He goes to check his phone – maybe he can still make it to the wedding the venue on time?-
He didn’t realise, but last night you finally replied to his message: You don’t know if you want to get married to this guy.
It’s a long, winding message, but what it boils down to is this- You threw yourself into a relationship with someone you know you don’t really love (you like him well enough, but there’s no spark), because you’ve been spending years muddling your way through a hopeless crush on someone you think will never like you back. So you’ve let yourself go along with this guy, but now you’re on Wedding Eve, and you’ve never been so uncertain of yourself! Your fiance’s a sensible choice (He’s Bland, and he’s Pushy, but he’s Nice, and he’s Normal, but maybe you’re losing yourself in your relationship with him, but maybe you just have cold feet), but you’re not sure that you care any more, and it’s now or never, and it’s ‘You, Bakugou, It’s always been you’, and you’ve been too afraid to tell him, because when does real life play out like the films? When does the years long pining, the roller-coaster of emotions, the ‘I’ve been in love with you since the moment I saw you’, have a happily-ever-after in the real world?
The next message was sent a few hours later. Evidently, you’d calmed down somewhat, because you tell him that you’re sorry for sending him all of that on Wedding Eve, that you’ve had feelings for him for a long time, but if he doesn’t feel the same it would be the kind of closure you’d need to move on. If he doesn’t want to attend the ceremony, you’ll understand and leave him alone. But if he wants to “talk” (👀!!!), then you’ll be waiting for him.
Bakugou feels raw after reading your confession; All this time, and the two of you – despite sharing the same feelings – were so afraid, and for what? The relief, the fear, the hope, all spur him into action.
He’s hungover, he’s in his pyjamas, but all the same he’s rushing towards his expensive, fuel-efficient car as fast as he can, because he has a fuckin’ wedding to stop.
6/7 Meanwhile, you’re stressed, mentally twisting into knots. Bakugou didn’t even read the messages you sent last night, which is both a relief (now you can just get married and move on) and a heart wrenching disappointment (because if you’re being honest with yourself, you were hoping he’d stop you).
You’re wearing an outfit you don’t really like, and your fiance’s family are beaming at you, although you don’t really know them so well. The venue is pleasant but not what you would’ve chosen for yourself. As you walk down the aisle, the band sounds kind of off. Your family and friends are… what? Grimacing? Smiling? Both Smimacing? You aren’t sure.
The ceremony passes in a kind of blur, and you go through the all motions. Mostly, you think of the messages you’d sent to Bakugou. You’d felt so courageous when you finally – finally! - confessed your feelings to him, so hopeful that maybe instead of replying, you’d hear a knock at your door, and he’d sweep you off your feet and- then hours had passed without a word, and you’d been left wondering. Conflicted, and unsure.
As you wait for your fiance to finish his vows (that he wrote himself, but sound like he stole them from a Pinterest board), however, you have a mild epiphany. Did it really matter so much if Bakugou loved you back? Sure, it’d break your heart, but one day you’d heal from it. Besides, he wouldn’t want to settle for some nobody! Bakugou was loyal to his friends, and he wanted the best for them, and that was one of the things you loved most about him! Surely, you owed it to both him, and more importantly, yourself, to put an end to this madness!!
You steel yourself as it gets to That Part of the wedding. The officiant turns to you, and asks if you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband. You face your fiance, and open your mouth to say “Actually…. I DON’T” when-
The doors slam open, and who’s standing there in a matching pair of pyjamas, still holding his car keys? It’s Bakugou, and you only have to lock eyes with him for him to shout – in true romcom fashion – ‘I FUCKIN’ OBJECT’.
7/7 Everyone’s stunned, although the guests on your side of the venue look more thrilled than scandalised.
In truth, I wouldn’t normally peg Bakugou as the “Objecting at a wedding” type, but in this scenario – when the two of you have been pining for so long, when he knows you’d appreciate the spectacle, when he gets to show up that nobody who wasted your time for so long – I think maybe he’d make an exception. Maybe he wouldn’t make some long, protracted speech about how much he loves you, but he MIGHT run to the alter full tilt, and tell you that you’re making a mistake. I do think MAYBE he’d hold out his hand to you, a silent question in his eyes, all while your fiance sputters and rants.
Idk, maybe you say something to the effect of “Looks like he beat me to the punch – I object, too :)”, tell your ex-fiance you’re sorry, but you can’t do this. PERHAPS – after all of the years of wondering, and stressing about whether Bakugou would reject you – you’d just quietly take his hand. And maybe to two of you would scamper off down the aisle to the raucous applause of your friends and family, get into his hatchback or w/e, and drive off into the sunset, certain in the knowledge that – yes, there would be ramifications to running off together like this, but that whatever might come your way you’d face it together! MAYBE.
Idk, I just feel like if he was going to confess his feelings for you after you’d already been engaged, it might be in the form of kissing the back of your hand, pulling off your cheap, shitty engagement ring, throwing it out of the car window, and going for a long drive so you two can finally Talk.
Listen, this really got away from me, and I’m so sorry for flooding your inbox like this. I was just really caught up in the scenario, and wanted to share it with you. Much love 💖
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luimagines · 1 year
How about a reader who seems to have no experience with a weapon, but come to find out is terrifyingly good with a bow.
Like not on Wild's level but definitely better than the majority of the chain.
Ooooooohhhh! I like that idea! Let's see if I can make something of it!
Content under the cut!
You were beginning to suspect that the boy were getting annoyed with you.
Not that they were ever to say that to your face, but you didn’t want them to come to your rescue all the time... and you didn’t think that they wanted to either.
That being said, you had asked to learn self defense. Sky was the one who more or less made the Master Sword and he’s had proper training in how to use it. You thought he would have been perfect to teach you.
And for all intents and purposes, he had been more than willing to help. He was patient and kind and what he said and how he did it made a lot of sense. The things is, after being thrown to the ground over twenty times and you did try for multiple days- bordering multiple weeks- you gave up.
You footwork was screwy at best. Your grip on the sword was subpar and frankly, you weren’t close to being as psychically strong as Sky to throw him off.
The next option was maybe something magical. Legend and Warrior have their magic sticks and stuff. You didn’t know what you were doing but you figured it was easier to just throw things at the monsters and let it stick than have an actual strategy.
That was shot down. Instantly.
Warrior tossed you the fire rod on a whim and you nearly burned the whole forest down. So naturally, you’ve been banned from touching all, if not, most magical items.
The boys were more than happy to agree, especially those who don’t really fancy the magic stuff anyway.
You thought about a boomerang. A lot of the boys had those and it wasn’t bladed or magical (at least it didn’t have to be) so you thought that would work just fine.
Hyrule agreed and tried to show you the basics. And for the most part, it seemed simple enough. Until you nearly took Time’s head off in the process and you were afraid of touching it ever since.
At this point you were running out of options. While the boys seemed to understand your willing to learn, they didn’t want you get hurt. You suspect that they just didn’t want to get hurt in the process of you learning. Which stung a little, to be honest.
You had thought of one last weapon that you could learn and you knew just the person to ask.
“Wild.” You whisper. “I wanna ask you something.”
Wild pauses and nods, standing up to follow you away from prying eyes and eager ears. “What is it?”
“Please show me how to use the bow.” You bow.
Wild blinks and tilts his head. “We told you that we could-”
“Please?” You ask again, cutting him off. “I have to try.”
Wild sighs and shakes his head. With one hand, he unhooks his sheikah slate and takes out a simple wooden bow. “If anyone asks, you say you just found this.”
You nod and take it gratefully.
Wild also takes out some of his normal arrows, handing a few to you. “We have at least an hour before the others start to worry about the two of us being alone.”
You bounce on the balls of your feet. Feeling giddy, you start to move the bow in your hands and play with the strong, getting a feel for it. 
Wild moves away and you see him set up a small tower of ice in one of the puddles nearby. You gape. How did he do that?
“Ok.” He says, hooking the slate back to his belt. “You see that? That’s your target.”
You notice it’s in the opposite direction of the group.
Wild comes in close and guides your hand to where they should rest on the bow. It feels right in your hands. You adjust your feet accordingly and steady yourself
Wild look pleased and hands you an arrow, setting it up against the notch and gently placing your fingers to hold it without injuring yourself. “Ok, there. Now aim and let go.”
You nod and look at the ice pillar in front of you. Pulling the arrow back again just like you’ve seen the boy do before, you let go.
It hits it.
You scream and jump in place. Your first reaction is you bring Wild into a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I did! Look! I actually hit it!”
He laughs. “Good job. Do it again.”
You bounce back and take out on the arrows Wild gave you. You set yourself up just like before and fire again.
You split the arrow in twain.
You don’t react this time. You stare in shock just as Wild runs over to inspect it. He gets a stupid grin on his face and comes back to punch your shoulder. “Do it again.”
So you do.
“O-hohoho.” Wild looks giddy. “We have to show the others this. They’re never going to believe it.”
You look at the bow in your hands in shock. “I am a god.”
Wild starts laughing. “Please do against Twilight. I need to see him go down.”
You grin and nod. Do actually think you’ll be able to do so? No, not really. But Wild’s energy is contagious and it’s nice to have something work as nicely as this has after so many failed attempts.
So when you eventually set up a few target and go off against Twilight- recreating your first attempt. Legend losses a bet, Sky gets his money back and Time lets you set up the opportunity to practice with the bow you’ve more of less stolen from Wild at this point.
Given the smile on the Champion’s face when he turns to mock Twilight for not being able to do what you did, you don’t think he minds one bit.
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morganas-pendragons · 3 months
how long | the master chief
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people have been digging up my master chief fanfiction with the release of halo season 2. so. here's a new one shot ft my favorite shot of the show! Spoilers for episode 1!
this will be multiple parts as we span throughout season 2. this is loosely associated with you're losing me by Taylor Swift!
A couple of tags for people who've come my way recently wanting Chief fic... @silverpelt3600 @embarrassedauthornerd (who is still getting a Game!John fic at some point) and I know there were more but I literally can't remember :(
Being a part of Silver is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. It’s a team. A unit. You aren’t forced to rely on old instincts of survival on your own when you have Master Chief Petty Officer Sierra 117 covering your back.
John. Your John.
My beloved.
He hadn’t been the same since Cortana was removed from his head. You knew why. It was like losing a crucial part of himself, and no one still knew where she was. You both felt her loss so acutely.
You still sometimes turned to call out, “Little love?” In the darkness of your quarters, and waited for “Soles..” to echo back at you. The nickname she’d given you herself.
She’s not dead, but she might as well be.
You had initially suspected that Parangonsky had something to do with it. The woman was as conniving as Halsey, choosing to own the facade of the imperfect military leader with a world of decisions on her shoulders to bear. Her own cross. Just like Halsey.
No one bothered asking though, so neither did you. You and Kai continued to work as The Master Chief's shadows as the months passed. Mission after mission became civilian evacuation after evacuation. ONI was not letting you into combat.
May have something to do with the fact that the entirety of Silver has taken out their inhibitor pellets.
You repositioned yourself between Kai and Vannak as the three of you peered out over the cliff face you were occupying on Sanctuary. "Babysitting duty," Vannak muttered. "Aren't we better than this?"
You snorted and flexed your finger against the trigger of your assault rifle. "We're here to keep an eye on Chief. And this complaint is coming from the guy who indulges in documentaries for fun," You mutter, to which Kai also breaks out into laughter. "And feeds his pigeons."
"I'll have you know-"
Kai nudged your shoulder as John and Riz approached the group of civilians where Captain Shepherd was currently trying to coax their leader, a native priestess, into evacuating. "Shut up and pay attention you two," She teased. "Looks like Captain Shepherd is trying to work on his negotiation skills."
The UNSC had sent the five of you to Sanctuary to evacuate before the Covenant arrived to glass it. That had been happening to a lot of colonies recently.
More often than not, you found yourself huddled next to John in his cot on the nights that the dead just would not stop screaming. It was easier to deal with when you were The Lone Headhunter. When you had your pellet.
When you were more machine.
"This would be so much easier if Cortana was around." You whisper to yourself, thankful that neither of them pay attention to your statement. The AI had become a welcome friend and presence in your life since you'd found yourself becoming closer to The Master Chief. Since you'd found yourself loving him. Loving John.
John hadn't been John in... six months. And you missed him.
They never did say loving from afar was easy.
By the time you were properly paying attention again, John was communicating his position through TEAMCOM as he took off toward the upward cliff face that would lead to where Bravo Team was at. A nagging feeling gnawed at your stomach as you stood to your feet.
"Where is he going?"
"To retrieve Bravo," Vannak replied as he pressed his hand against the side of his helmet. "Comm signal is static. Can't get a clear answer. Seems like there's some type of interference from the relay."
You were already on your way towards John’s location being displayed in your HUD. There was no way you were going to let him do something like that on his own. Especially with his emotions being at such a heightened state since Cortana’s removal, you didn’t quite trust him to make a logical decision right now.
You stopped at the base of the cliff. The fog above loomed above menacingly, like a bad omen waiting to make itself known. You still couldn’t shake the sinking feeling in your stomach.
“Silver One, this is Silver Five. Come in.”
Cursing under your breath, you steadied your feet and activated the grapple shot recently installed to your Mjolnir. The tech’s had done it per The Chief’s request. Something about needing his most lethal and stealthy team member to be able to utilize that skill to the best of their ability.
Quick, quiet.
The grapple shot up into the fog and took you along with it.
How long has it been?
You ask yourself this question every night you sneak into his bunk while Silver sleeps on either side of you. John sleeps at the far end, prone with his arms at his sides, hazel eyes cast toward the ceiling. This is your curse. You cannot sleep without hearing the screams of those you know who have died.
Those you failed to save.
How long has it been since I've seen John? The real John?
You wordlessly settle at his side when his arm comes up to allow you to tuck yourself into him. Despite being only a few inches apart in height, you automatically feel safer with your cheek pressed against his chest and the bulk of his muscle sheltering you from any outside threat.
It's the whisper of your name that catches you off guard. "Soles.." John's voice cracks in the darkness as you lift your head high enough to meet the gaze that stares back at you. Despite how much he's changed since losing Cortana, you can still see remnants of the very broken man he has been trying so hard to hide. "When does it end?"
"When does what end, John?"
"The war."
You know very well he isn't talking about the Human-Covenant War. He's talking about the internal war that Spartans face when they're able to feel too much. The conflict of being made to be more machine then man. More soldier. Being forced to execute orders despite knowing they're morally wrong.
"I don't know.. but I don't think it ever will."
How long has it been, since the two of you had been able to just enjoy each other? To be at peace?
Too long.
You were barely able to get your footing before a hand was wrenching you into the dark. Your visor tipped upward to meet the glowing gold of The Master Chief's before you, just barely concealing the lone marine who stood petrified behind him.
"You shouldn't have come, Silver Five."
You shrug noncommittally. "I don't care, Chief. Sitrep." You remarked sharply as the two of you moved to pull the girl between you. It was the only way she'd be protected without any kind of armor to shield her from the threat in the fog.
"Something's in the fog. The Covenant were here before we were-"
It's only then that you see the Elites lingering in the shadows. Decades of instincts and training immediately kick into gear as you remove your weapon from your belt - a newly obtained energy sword, courtesy of the last high ranking Elite who'd tried to rush you - and activated the blade before charging at your nearest opponent.
Blood spattered against your armor while John continued to cover you from behind. They yell at you. Mock you. Call you Demon. You know enough to understand that singular word in their mother tongue.
You cut them down anyway. You are Sierra-343. You are built for this.
But ONI is determined to keep you from it.
The glassing beam is terrifying. You haven't quite been afraid for your life in a long, long time... but the stinging heat that comes from it sears the back of your armor as you sprint across the field to the Condors.
The Priestess was not about to let The Master Chief leave the planet without prophesying over him.
"Find your faith, Spartan. I have seen your death." Her eyes slowly shift to your fingers wrapped around The Master Chief's wrist, desperately urging him forward to the Condors where Kai and Vannak were waiting for you. "You are not long for this world. It comes soon. "
How long?
You're running against the clock as the three of you sprint into the Condor just in time for it to take off. Breathless, you cast aside your helmet to stare at the amber hue of fire as Sanctuary is overcome by the glassing beam from the Covenant Carrier.
Ackerson spent the first several days of his time in ONI working on you. As his Lone Headhunter, he saw you as an asset to utilize with a skill that far outweighed Silver Team combined.
"Do you think that at his core.. The Master Chief is broken?"
Unarmored and dressed in your civilian clothing, you stared out at the open expanse of Reach City right beyond the window.
“I think that The Chief is a human being who had undergone a significant amount of trauma in a very short amount of time. I think ONI overlooks that because the only use he has to them is to be the hero you need on the front lines of a war we’re not going to win,” You replied coldly, turning around to face Colonel Ackerson with your hands neatly folded behind you. “Do you have any other questions that pertain to my role in Silver Team or my history as a Headhunter, sir?”
“I am not your enemy here. You know that. You’ve undergone some of the most extensive types of torture under covenant hands from your time on The Exalted.” You froze at the remark, disdain and anger flashing across your gaze as you met his eyes. “You are remarkable. Resilient. I want that for the future of what we have here. I do not wish for such contempt to come between us.”
“Then I would prefer you keep my past and my trauma out of conversation.” You motion towards the door to ONI’s main office. “Am I free to go?”
Ackerson flashed a tight-lipped smile. He knew you would be the most difficult to crack on Silver Team. Kai had said as much. Given your involvement with the Spartan Two program and how quickly you'd taken to working with a team, he'd anticipated you would be loyal to them.
He hadn't anticipated the extent of how loyal you'd be to The Master Chief though. There must've been something there. Something else the others didn't know about.
"Yes, you are. Thank you for speaking with me."
You bit the inside of your cheek so hard that you tasted blood as you and John locked eyes passing one another in the main doorway of the ONI office.
He'll have questions for you later.
Kai caught John's gaze wandering to you as you and Riz continued working on your hand-to-hand on the gym floor. There was just something so graceful about the way you moved, and the way you looked...
"Hey, Chief," Kai's voice broke through his reverie as John turned away from you to gaze at the monitors near the lockers. "Come take a look at this."
You narrowly avoided an uppercut to the jaw as you attempted to tune into Keyes speech where he was awarding Talia Perez a Colonial Cross. You knew the truth though. A truth that Ackerson was not hearing, and a truth that John had attempted to get Ackerson to reveal during their meeting.
He didn't breathe a word. And unfortunately, when he'd intercepted you an hour later, neither did you.
How long since you stopped trusting me, Soles?
"Turn it off." Vannak demanded. "I've heard enough from this guyat debrief."
"What questions did he ask you?"
The main point of conversation between you both again rang in your ears as Riz moved to sweep your legs out from beneath you. Do you think that The Master Chief is, at his core, broken?
Dread bubbled in your stomach. Did he know?
Did Ackerson know about you two?
You didn't have enough time to react as Riz swept your legs out from underneath you just as Cobalt Team walked into the room. You didn't bother learning any of their names. You just knew you hated the blonde one the most.
Riz extended a hand to you just as she approached you both. "You see, this is why you don't go taking your pellet out. Makes you emotional." Cold blue eyes regarded you as you both stepped into her space. "Makes you weak."
Your eyes narrowed. "You know, for someone who's barely encountered The Covenant.. Tell me. Who endured torture at the hands of high-ranking Elites aboard a Covenant Cruiser for months before I got myself out?"
"And who's to say you're not a whining Covenant sympathizer now?"
Rage flashed behind your eyes as you lunged and very nearly caught Val, had it not been for John winding his arms through yours to keep you from making a rash decision.
You weren't paying attention to anything else that was said until Cobalt was gone. John bent to whisper in your ear, "Stop trying to get yourself killed, Soles."
You wrenched yourself from his grasp and jabbed your finger into his chest angrily. You weren't mad at him, persay. You were mad at the place that loving him had put you in. That loving him was now a way to be exploited. And you swore you wouldn't be in that position again when Halsey was gone. When you became part of Silver.
"Then stop trying to protect me, Master Chief."
But they had spent years telling you a very simple truth: You were a machine created to serve a singular purpose. Machines were not conditioned to feel.
And they certainly did not love.
You didn't come to John's bed that night. You didn't come for quite a while after that, and he then determined that you were the one thing he feared you to be.
A liar.
And he didn't understand why you were hiding it. Why were you hiding what happened on Sanctuary, and why were you avoiding Ackerson? What had he asked you?
Why were you running?
He wasn't expecting this. The whole point of coming to this place was to find some semblance of her, something that offered comfort in the way Cortana would have if she were here.
She wasn't dead, but she may as well be.
He swiped his credit chit and sat down with his hands in his lap. "I don't really know what people say to each other. And the one person I want to talk to right now is..." John swallowed the knot in his throat. "Isn't themselves. And I'm-"
"Yeah. I think there might be something wrong with me. That's why they ran. They figured out there's a part of me that's missing. Sometimes there's a sound like something in my head is there that doesn't belong. And maybe it's part of you that got embedded in me."
"Oh, sweetie... You miss them, don't you?"
John grimaced. He did. He did miss you and Cortana. He'd give anything to go back to that medical table where he'd kissed you the first time.
He was so deeply engrossed in his memory of Sanctuary, of seeing Makee, of hearing her voice, that he didn't even notice you come in. You stood in the doorway with your hood concealing your face and slowly lowered it as John stared up at you in shock.
There wasn't just shock there though. There was... desperation.
How long since you willingly let someone in?
"John. We need to talk."
part two?
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gennyanydots · 1 year
Oh how the turntables
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Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x f!reader
Part of the “Spitfire Universe”. Can be read alone but makes most sense if you’ve at least read “Forced to go to the strip club”
Summary: Bob’s bachelor party had to be shut down by your best friend last night. Since your best friend is with you there’s nobody to shut your bachelorette party down so you guys can be as crazy as you want, right?
Bob laughed seeing the “SOS” text in the group chat on his phone. They planned for this. After last night they realized they needed a plan for the bachelorette party. Granted, all the guys knew it wouldn’t be as wild as theirs (well they hoped but who knows with Hangman’s wife), but they wanted a plan in place for when the night got too crazy or when the night needed to end. Can’t party forever.
Since his cousin, Jackson, sucked so badly the night before, he was sent with the girls to be less of a babysitter this time and more of a lookout. Any sign of trouble Jackson was to let the guys know and they would handle it since he clearly wasn’t capable.
Hangman’s wife was the typical “admiral” of the group, always making everyone fall into line, but she’s the one getting drunk and partying tonight so they had to come up with a plan.
Unlike Hangman’s wife the night before, Bob had Hangman take up Mav’s offer to watch Eli, he even took their dog, Radar, to make it easier on Jake. Penny was out with the girls but Maverick was always itching to have Grandpa Mavvie time with Eli. Penny’s daughter, Amelia, was also home for the night so Eli and Radar were all handled for the evening. Two less things for the group to worry about.
The guys had decided on a divide and conquer sort of plan. There were more of them than women they have to wrangle up so it seemed like the best plan. Plus, Bob is positive the only person who would be able to handle Hangman’s wife drunk is Hangman, he’s had years of experience. In a pinch Bob feels like he might be able to do it but why make things hard if he doesn’t have to?
They planned to spend the evening and night together so they wouldn’t have to wait around for the other guys to get there if they needed to intervene. A sort of guys night in like the girls had the night previous. Video games, pizza, and naps at Hangman’s house.
Bob texted his cousin back, “Which SOS?”
They’d planned for a few different scenarios:
- If one of the girls started throwing up
- If one of the girls started throwing hands
- If one of the girls tried to leave the group
- If one of the girls started dancing on the tables
- If someone approached the girls and they were unwanted
- If it was time to go and the girls didn’t want to go
The last one was kind of an inevitable one. They were being collected by their assigned Dagger whether they wanted to be or not. Bob, Hangman, and Rooster had come up with the assigned list earlier.
Bob and (soon to be) Mrs. Floyd
Hangman and his wife
Rooster and Halo
Coyote and Pheonix
Payback and Fanboy were both on Penny duty (not that only one of them couldn’t handle it, Bob just thought it would be more respectful of them to not to be alone with one of them, plus one can keep the other in line… hopefully)
Yale and Bob’s future sister in law
The other guys were all on stand by in case backup was needed.
“It’s gotten a little wild and they just took a lot of shots and one is dancing on the bar” Jackson texted back.
Well. Fuck.
“Guys! We gotta go!” Bob yells as he jumps up.
“Oh for fucks sake!” Bob hears Hangman yell from somewhere in the house before seeing the man pulling a shirt on and storming through the kitchen. Must have been napping.
“You say that because it’s probably your girl doing it?” Rooster asked while laughing as he slipped his shoes on.
Hangman glared at him because truth was if anyone was going to be dancing on the bar it was going to be Hangman’s wife.
Bob snickered to himself as he grabs a ball cap and placed it on his head. This was going to be fun. He hopes his girl is on the bar too. She deserves to be having as much fun as possible. Bob tried to send Hangman’s wife with his credit card but she just laughed and handed it back to him before pulling out Hangman’s from her back pocket and blowing Bob a kiss then skipping away to the Uber.
Speaking of cards however he quickly sends a text to his cousin telling him to close out their cards for the night and that the guys would be there soon.
Bob ended up with Hangman in the ‘mom mobile’, Hangman’s wife’s three row SUV along with Fanboy and Payback. Rooster and Yale were in the Bronco. Finally, Coyote was in Hangman’s truck with Fritz as backup. They left Harvard and Omaha back at the house in case they were needed. None of them really trusted Jackson to be able to help any. For good reason apparently.
Maybe twenty minutes later they were pulling up to the bar Jackson said they ended up at.
Bob grinned as he got out.
“Do you know what we’re walking in to?” Rooster asked as he and Yale came over to Bob.
Bob shook his head, “Nope, but should be exciting.”
Bob laughed when he heard Hangman sigh from beside him.
“Is this the first time you’re trying to get your wife down off a bar?” Bob asks Hangman.
Everyone laughed as Hangman grumbled, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Bob had wondered for a while just where Hangman’s limit was with his wife. He knows Hangman loves his wife more than anything but Bob’s always wondered just where the line was of how far she could push him. Apparently it’s been found. At least for tonight. Poor guy has been hungover all day.
Bob put a hand on Hangman’s shoulder, “It’ll all be over soon. Get in, get the girls, and get out.”
You were having the time of your life. Never in a million years did you think you’d be dancing on a bar but here you were with your best friend doing exactly that. The bartender was very supportive of it which probably would have surprised you if you weren’t really drunk.
Your sister, Penny, Natasha, and Callie all thought this was hilarious. Many pictures were taken. Natasha made sure the jukebox was playing all the best songs so you were having the most fun scream singing to all the words, currently scream singing along to Shania Twain “Man! I feel like a woman!” and Natasha said something about the Backstreet Boys being next.
Shania Twain was fitting due to the shirts you and your friends were all wearing. Yours was white and said “Man, I feel like a bride” while everyone else’s were blue and said “Let’s go girls!”
The door to the bar opened and you squeal excitedly when you see who walked in. Bobby! Your Bobby! You missed him! It’s been so long since you’ve seen him! And he brought his friends! Yes! Now, it’s one big party! This is so much fun!
“Bobby!” You yell and wave your hand in the air to get his attention because obviously he would have never seen you what with you standing on the bar and all.
“Dammit!” Your best friend says from beside you, immediately crossing her arms over her chest with a pout. You wonder what her problem is, you’re excited to see Bobby, shouldn’t she be excited to see Jake?
“You’re grounded!” You hear Jake say sternly while pointing at his wife as he and Bobby along with the rest of the guys come over to where you all are. Yeah, you can see how your best friend would have a problem with that.
“You can’t ground me! I’m an adult! I’m your wife!” Your best friend says stomping her foot.
You watch as Jake walks straight towards his wife and moves the bar stool out of his way to wrap his arms around her legs and lift her up. He then slides her down until he can get her comfortably over his shoulder and practically marches his way back out of the bar, the whole time his wife is yelling, “No! Stop! This isn’t fair! Help! No! Jacob! Stop! I hate you! Ow! Jacob! What the fuck?! This isn’t funny! You’re getting me chicken nuggets! And fries!” (The “I hate you” was met with a swift swat to her butt)
You giggle as you watch the two of them, then grin when you look down and see Bob standing in front of you, seeing he moved a bar stool out of the way to get to you too.
“Hi baby,” Bob says sweetly, as he looks up at you.
You feel your cheeks heat up, “Hi Bobby.”
He holds his arms out to you, “Can I help you down? I sure don’t want to wrestle you off there like them.”
“Okay,” you say and he wraps his arms around you and takes a step away from the bar then slides your body down along his until your feet are safely back down on the ground.
“Hi,” Bob says with a smile then kisses your nose sweetly which makes you giggle and reach up to rub your nose and purse your lips instead which Bob quickly kisses as well.
“Hi,” you say back happily. “I missed you so much!”
Bob hugs you close and kisses the side of your head, “I missed you too, baby. Did you have fun?”
You pull back a little to be able to look at him, “I had so much fun! What are we doing now?”
Bob looks towards the door, “Apparently we’re getting chicken nuggets and fries. You ready to go?”
You nod and Bob takes you by the hand leading you to the Seresin’s SUV.
Jake unlocks it when you two get to the door and immediately relocks it once Bob gets the door open, not once taking his eyes off his wife who is sitting in the front seat pouting with her arms crossed over her chest.
You climb in and see Mickey, Reuben, and Penny in the back back seat and you wave at them. Bob gets in after you and closes the door, sitting in the bucket seat next to yours.
“Chicken nuggets now?” Your best friend asks in a quiet voice looking over at her husband, batting her eyelashes at him, knowing he’s a pushover for her.
Jake sighs as he starts the car, “Yeah, chicken nuggets now.”
You laugh as she perks back up and starts to do a happy wiggle in her seat, “With honey! Don’t forget the honey. I’m gonna be so upset if you forget.”
“When have I ever forgotten? You’ve seared it into my brain, darlin. I know you want honey. And fries. And a Sprite. Ain’t my first time appeasing my drunk princess,” Jake said as he drove.
“Aww Hangman you’re so cute with your wife,” Penny says from the back row.
Jake just shakes his head as he drives towards the fast food restaurant.
“Do you want anything, baby?” Bob asks you, reaching over to clasp your hand in his, and brings the back of your hand up to his lips.
You nod, “Ice cream sundae?”
Bob smiles against your hand, “Whatever you want.”
“We want nuggets and fries!” Penny calls to Jake from the back row.
Jake pulls into the drive through and holds his hand out to his wife who smacks it in a high five. He stares at her, “Card please. You stole it.”
She pouts then wiggles a bit to get into a better position then pulls her wallet from her back pocket and gets out the card to hand to Jake, “You gave it to me.”
“I know,” Jake said with a smirk then wraps his hand around his wife’s hand as she went to hand him the card and pulls her forward so he could kiss her. “But teasing you is too much fun.”
You giggle watching her stick her tongue out at Jake who then snaps his teeth at her, pretending to bite at her.
From the backseat Mickey yells, “Down boy! We don’t need to see that. We are delicate babies and should not be subjected to such imagery.”
Bob rolls his eyes and turns towards him, “What you mean is you’re single and jealous.”
“What I mean is you’re mean, Floyd!” Mickey yells back.
You giggle and turn towards the two, “Now children, we don’t fight.”
Bob wrinkles his nose at you and lightly pinched your thigh which makes you scream.
“Hey!” Jake yells. “I am trying to order, you hooligans. Quit it or nobody is getting nuggets!”
“But!” His wife starts but he turned towards her, “Nobody but you, darlin. I would never stand between you and your nuggets.” She smiles and settles back down.
You can hear Mickey grumble in the backseat while Payback laughs at him. Penny has her eyes closed with her head leaned against the headrest.
It didn’t take long to get through the drive through. You passed back the large bag of nuggets and fries along with some sodas. You were happily handed your ice cream. You even shared and let Bob have a bite or two.
On the way back to the Seresin household, Jake dropped Penny off at her house. He told Fanboy and Payback that he had half a mind to leave them there as well but his wife told him no.
When you all got back, pretty much everyone was passed out. Your sister was asleep in Jake’s recliner with a blanket haphazardly thrown on top of her. Bradley was sleeping practically spread eagle in the middle of the living room floor using one arm as a pillow even though a throw pillow was next to his head, a blanket thrown on top of him as well. Natasha, Yale, and Callie each had their own little area on the U-shaped sectional each with a throw blanket that your best friend usually kept in a basket in the living room. Javy was seated at the kitchen table eating some goldfish crackers which explains the blankets thrown on everyone.
You yawn as everyone meets in the kitchen, your best friend trying to decide where to put everyone else.
Bob doesn’t give her a chance to tell him anything as he scoops you into his arms bridal style and heads upstairs while he says loud enough for the group to hear, “Guest room. Dibs. Called it.”
You giggle as you wrap your arms around his neck.
He pushes the door open when he gets to the room and gently sets you on the bed before he jogs back out of the room. Less than a minute later he reappears with two water bottles and sets them on the nightstand then closes the door.
“Do you want me to see if you can borrow some pajamas?” Bob asks you as he pulls his shirt off and throws it on the floor.
You shake your head and pull your jeans off then wrestle yourself out of your bra before slipping under the covers, “I think I’m all good like this.”
He nods and lets his pants fall, then steps out of them. He sets his glasses on the bedside table then turns off the light and climbs in bed beside you, gathering you up in his arms and curling his body around yours. He nuzzles into your shoulder and lightly places a kiss on it, “Next weekend at this time you’ll officially be Mrs. Floyd.”
You smile and wiggle back against him, which earns you a groan, “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Floyd. It’s going to be such a great day.”
You can feel Bob’s smile against your skin, “It could be the worst day in the world and I wouldn’t even care. The only thing that matters is that we’ll be together, married. Then nobody can take you away from me.”
You laugh, “Is there a chance of that now?”
“Well…. No…. But still! Let me be possessive, baby,” he mumbles against you.
“I’m always yours, Robert Floyd, till death do us part,” you quietly say and glance back at him in the dark before yawning.
“I love you,” he whispers. “Go to bed, baby.”
“K. Love you. Night night,” you mumble as your eyes fall shut.
You feel a kiss against your shoulder and hear a soft, “Night.”
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 5
Eliza and Bob consider adoption.
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Nicknames: Bob = Sleek, Eliza = Jumble
With the kids in bed Eliza set about doing a few chores that needed her attention. Bob was always happy to let puddles dry themselves but Eliza liked a clean floor, I don’t know what her excuse for mopping the puddle outside was… After she settled in to relax and cross stitch, choosing to try a fox pattern. She settles to try talking to Bob about adoption, he might like the idea.
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Eliza: How was your shift
Bob: Busy but fun. That critic didn’t show up again thank goodness, I swear he’s a plague on the restaurant
Eliza: Sleek, I was talking to Kayleigh about wanting a third kid, because I do want one, and she suggested adoption
Bob: Adoption? I thought we were going to try properly once Fergus is a teen
Eliza: I know that’s what we agreed to but- would you consider us adopting a little girl instead of me having another pregnancy
Bob: Of course! I love you Jumble. Whether our kids come from us or not, they’re going to be our kids
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Eliza: *sighs* oh thank goodness because I did not want to go through labour again
Bob: *laughs* Fergus did take his sweet time coming into the world, longest 48 hours of my life
Eliza: I know the waitlists can be long but... you could talk to Aaron? As a lawyer maybe he could put in a good word somewhere
Bob: I’m sure he would. Besides, giving birth has already done wonderful things to your body
Eliza: *blushes* I’m pretty sure it’s your food that’s done it but... care for an inspection
Bob: Don’t have to ask me twice Mrs critic
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Eliza: We should let the kids know what we’re doing
Bob: And you think we can request a girl
Eliza: Jumble, who does the cleaning? I know all about your stash of pink infant clothes you’ve been making since we got married. Just try and get them to stop me making that money well spent
Bob: I mean I know they might grow up to not be a girl but while they’re small and can’t complain I do want to wrap them in pink
Eliza: *chuckles* You’re such a softie
Bob: Oh here they are, morning stack!
Fergus: Stack?
Bob: Because we’re a group of Pancakes
Onyx: I will not be including that in a comedy set
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Eliza: Listen, your dad and I have been talking and… we’re going to try an adopt an infant. How would you two feel about that
Onyx: Would I get babysitting money
Fergus: Can we do adorable photoshoots
Bob: Well one of us would try be home with her while she’s an infant but maybe once she’s a toddler you can help out
Fergus: It’s going to be a girl?
Eliza: We hope so but it will depend on who out there needs a home
Their parents leave and Onyx and Fergus continue to chat for a while. Overall, they think a little sister could be cute, and photography loving Fergus wants to take a bazillion pictures already.
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Onyx: Maybe having a cute baby around will make it easier to convince mother to buy me a horse
Eliza: I heard that! We are thinking on it dear, just keep walking Ginger for now
In the kitchen Bob decides to make some French toast to keep, he loves having leftovers in the fridge. Down beside him Ginger is being assistant chef, barking her approval now and then and finishing off a piece Bob deemed too well cooked to go in the pile.
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Eliza: So you can fit us in this morning? Yes my husband’s shift doesn’t start until the afternoon so we’d be happy to come in for the interview. Do we need to bring anything
Onyx: Hey dad
Bob: Yes?
Onyx: I just wanted to say, and this isn’t about getting a horse I promise
Bob: Okay
Onyx: I hope you and mother can sort it out. You’re always kind to me and I think any kid would benefit from being raised by the two of you
Bob: Thanks kid, come here *hugs*
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School time! Can I finally get a shot of the lot in the sun? Nope. Too cloudy *sighs*. Carson is spending the time before class on the computers resting his asthma while Artemisia is making use of the workout equipment upstairs. To my complete and utter shock the principal is actually using his office!
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Onyx feels like studying for the exams, can’t let their grades slip if they want to earn a horse. They’ve just finished off the chapter when a girl enters the room looking very confused.
Onyx: Hi can I help
Scarlett: Classes haven’t started already have they
Onyx: Nope, I just find that math class is usually a quieter place than the library before school. Are you lost?
The girl furrows her brow and sits on the desk beside them.
Scarlett: A little. It’s my first day
Onyx: Happy belated birthday
Scarlett: *laughs* Thanks
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Onyx: My younger brother is starting this week, he might be in your class
Scarlett: I’ll look out for him. What’s his name
Onyx: Fergus
Scarlett: Got it. Do you know where I go to get to art class
Onyx: Sure do. So out the door if you head towards the lockers, turn left before the stairs then take the next left and you’ll be in the art corridor
The bell rings and Scarlett thanks Onyx before dashing out of the room as students begin to drift in.
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
May I request a Wolfwood X Gn reader, for the reader doesn’t show emotion, but when their childhood friend Nicolas is hurt that’s when they let their emotions out ?
Like say Nicolas wasn’t thinking and jumped right into danger in the heat of the moment and it pissed reader off cause he almost died💥💥
And could this be friends to lovers as well?
Thank you so much, i hope you’re having a good day/night stay hydrated! <3 and please take your time there’s no rush :))
Hello! <3 Thank you for the request! <3 Also I’m so sorry these are always so long, I am incapable of writing anything less than 800 words it seems. Okay Im always going to be a Vash girly, he has my heart. But lowkey writing all this Wolfwood stuff is kinda turning me into a Wolfwood girly as well.
'Bad ideas, and big guns'
Nicholas D. Wolfwood x Reader
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This was a bad idea, you knew Wolfwood could feel your glare on the back of his head. This was a bad idea ever since he got sideswiped by that reporter's car. You always followed without complaint, you knew he had his missions and you didn't ask what they intended. You didn't ask a lot of questions these days, just secretly happy to be at Nicholas's side again. Both growing up in that orphanage, you left first. It was by happenstance that you got away and never looked back. 
Running into Wolfwood again was quite the shock, maybe it was the guilt of abandoning him to his fate that kept you at his side. He didn't seem to mind, he tried to keep you out of it all. But you could fight, and you could kill, it made you use when needed. However, your opinion apparently didn't matter to Wolfwood, you thought it was dangerous to get too caught up in it all. It was getting too personal with Vash and his ragtag group; you knew it and Wolfwood knew it too.
Expect the stubborn ass wasn't listening, and was ignoring you now. It didn't matter, he wouldn't be able to tell what you were thinking anyway. You always had your emotions locked down, it made surviving easier when you could turn it all off. With a sigh you turned your gaze away, this town was like every other one you’d come across. Wolfwood and Vash were at the bar, Roberto was out having a smoke and you were sitting with Meryl at a table in the corner. 
You don't know how it starts, but it always happens too quickly. Guns are drawn on Vash, he doesn’t want to fight and it causes an uproar. You lose sight of Vash and Wolfwood as you drag Meryl out of the bar for some cover, you curse shoving Meryl out of the way as bullets rain down on the two of you. 
Moving behind some crates you bring out your own weapon, these small fries would be easy to handle. No, the real problem was the guy with the tank rolling in, you sigh leaning your head back. One normal day would be nice, just one. You hope Meryl is in a safer spot when you lean out of cover to start shooting. 
You don't get to hide for long when the tank is turned toward you. Your eyes widen as you scramble to your feet to get away. The sound is deafening, you drop to the ground. Nearly avoiding the hit, someone grabs you by the back of your shirt and hauls you to your feet. You bring your gun around to backhand them only for it to be blocked by Wolfwoods large weapon, you frown he smirks. “That’s the thanks I get for saving ya?”
“We’re not out of this yet.” You hiss, at him as he drags you behind a building. “Stay here, one blast from the punisher and it’ll bring it down.” Wolfwood doesn’t look at you as he says this, you yank on his arm to get him to turn. “That’s a stupid idea, you might not be able to a charged shot. Don't jump in without a real plan!” Wolfwood shoves you back hard, and you stumbled catching yourself on the building. “Worry about yourself.” 
You watch him take off weapon in hand, spinning it to engage its laser mode. You hate when you are right, it takes a moment too long to charge the tank fires first, Wolfwood second. The shots meet in a giant explosion. You're forced to move back behind the building, covering your eyes from all the dust and debris falling. 
The town goes silent, you leave your hiding spot. Heart-racing Wolfwood had to be directly in the blast, “Wolfwood” you called out, trying to keep your voice calm, you noticed a building in the back now has a large hole in it. Racing over you search through the debris, “Nicholas!” your voice definitely rose an octave higher as you dropped to your knees beside him, shoving wood off of him. 
He was knocked out and bleeding badly, your hands searched through its pockets finding one of the vials he carried around. Snapping the end off, you forced the liquid down his throat. Sitting back on your heels with a sigh as his wounds began to heal. You place your hand on his cheek, “Wolfwood? Can you hear me?” You ask it softly, his eyes open to your smiling face. 
“See one shot is all it took.” Your smile turns to a frown when you grab him sharply by the shoulders and begin to shake him. “You asshole! Would you just listen to me once!” you snapped out, your voice shaking with slight fear. “God I just want to hit you! Don't you ever think?” Wolfwood looks at you in shock, grabbing both of your wrists to stop your assault. “Worried about me?” he says it with that stupid smirk of his, now you really want to hit him. 
You shove him back hard, and he yelps, “I’m always worried about your dumbass!” You stand, turning to leave you don't get very far when Wolfwood grabs you by the ankle causing you to fall. You catch yourself on your hands, kicking him forcing him to let go and he yells out a ‘hey!’ 
You huff turning over to sit and look at him, “And just what was that for?” he's giving you an odd look one that unfortunately makes your heart race, Wolfwood sits up, leaning his arms over his bent knees he smirks as you. “I like this side of you, the fight.” You groan, face heating up at his words. 
“You bring out the worse in me.” You say it with a light laugh.
“I think you bring the best out in me.” He says it too seriously. 
You pause at his words, he’s staring at you openly now “Careful now, sounds like you care about me.” You say it lightly, allowing him to pull back if he needs to, you smile as he looks away nervous. Wolfwood always put on such a show for other people, but to you, he’d always be that awkward kid back in the orphanage who tried to get you to laugh. God how the two of you had grown. 
“And if I do?” He turns back to you, grinning now. Ah, so it looks like he's not going to pull back, good. You sit up on your knees in front of him, leaning in. “I would say the feelings are mutual.” You smirk grabbing him by the collar of his shirt roughly and pulling him towards you. “You ever pull that shit again I'm killing you myself got it?” 
“Got it.” He grabs you by the back of your head and pulls you in for a kiss. You roll your eyes, leaning into the kiss, at least you got to wipe that smirk off his face.
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be-co-me · 1 year
Trigonometry Trouble
Bokuto Koutarou
A/N: There's some confusing math involved, but I hope I explained it well!
2.2k Words
Summary: The out of your league volleyball captain needs your help with math, and in exchange, teaches you a thing or two in return.
You tended to stick to yourself in classes, only talking to others when it was necessary for a group project or whatever you had to do. So it came as a surprise when the hotshot of the volleyball team wanted to talk to you. You didn't dislike him, in fact, he seemed like a very happy-go-lucky person that didn't have a problem with the world. Except for trigonometry that is...
"Hey, smarty." you heard, not thinking you were being talked to.
"Smarty. Hey." he repeated. You felt a nudge on your shoulder with what felt like the eraser of a pencil coming from the left of you. You looked up and met eyes with him.
"You understand this stuff right? I'm so bad at math." he confessed, brushing his hand through his hair and laughing nervously. You kinda felt bad for the guy. In order to stay in sports, your grades had to be immaculate. You couldn't really afford to get a bad grade in any class.
"Yeah. Trigonometry is honestly my best subject in math. Why? Are you having trouble understanding?" you asked, leaning over to peer at his paper. Not one answer or equation was written out, but only remnants of the messed-up equations were faded into the paper.
It was practically a free period where you could finish your homework in class, so you decided you would help him with his paper as you were almost done anyways. You scooted your desk closer to his so it was easier to see what he was doing.
"Okay. Let me draw a model for you. It might make it easier to visualize what's happening." you said, drawing a triangle on the corner of his paper and labeling the different sides and angles.
"So the way I learned it the easiest was in forensic science. Like crime scene stuff you know?" you asked him. He nodded in response.
"What part of it?" he asked.
"The blood part. Blood spatter analysis. It's essentially taking the angles of each drop of blood and seeing where they meet together to find the point of impact. So let's say a person gets shot right here," you said, pointing to a corner of the room, his sight following yours. "There would be spatters of blood right?" you asked. He nodded once again.
"So you have to measure all of those to see where the victim and where the perpetrator was when the victim was shot, which can uncover quite a lot about a crime scene, but that's not the point. We're just pretending to measure the spatters." you said.
He paid attention closely as you explained how to measure blood spatter using a right triangle and trigonometry. He seemed to be understanding okay. You then took the first problem on the paper and drew it out as if it was a blood spatter. 
"Okay, so the way I would explain this since we are finding the height, your angle is 60º, right? And the drop was found 14 feet away from the source. Find the height that the blood drop fell from. Remember the height is the opposite, and the feet is the adjacent, so the tangent of 60º equals the opposite over 14 feet." you said. He nodded, slowly but surely, getting to work.
After a couple of minutes, he looked up, excited he possibly even came to a conclusion on the answer. You viewed his answer and your eyes widened slightly at seeing it was correct. You truly didn't think that explaining it in the way you did would make it any easier on him but it did.
"Sooooo... Break the news. Did I get it right?" he asked. You looked back up at him and he nervously awaited your answer. You analyzed the work he did one more time and nodded.
"Yeah! Great job! Now just take the rest of the problems and put them into the equation like that. Makes it a lot easier to find. You must be a visual learner." you said, turning to finish the last problem on your own paper.
"Yes! I wish more people could understand that." he said. You continued on with class, pulling out a book to read on while the time passed. Once the bell rang, signaling your school day was over with, you gathered your belongings preparing to leave.
"Hey, smartie pants." you heard Bokuto say. You looked up at him, curious as to what he needed. "Do you have any plans right now?" he asked. You shook your head. You had already finished your homework for your classes and just planned to watch TV the rest of the evening.
"Nope. Nothing that comes to mind." you replied, shrugging your shoulders.
"Well, it's my off day from practice and... if you don't care to, I really need some more help with homework. Would you care to tutor me for a little bit?" he asked. Your heart fluttered with excitement. Out of all the people he could ask, he asked you. Maybe the rest of his volleyball friends sucked at math too and couldn't help... Or you could help them too...
"Yeah! I don't mind. But in exchange for tutoring you, I would like to learn a little bit about playing volleyball. All I do after classes is sit in my dorm and watch TV so I've been wanting to join a club, especially since I used to play sports I thought it would be nice to do something different." you said. 
"Sounds like a plan! Now how's the cafeteria sound? We could get some coffee and hopefully, I won't fail this exam." he responded.
"You won't fail if I'm the one teaching you and you work hard." you said. You made your way to the cafeteria and ordered some coffees. He was nice enough to pay for yours as well. It kind of made you feel bad. People didn't buy things for you and you were used to paying for your own things, but he insisted.
For the next few hours, you taught him about not only trigonometry, but some of the other subjects he said he was having trouble in. The sun had already set. This was probably the most fun you had in a while. You didn't have a roommate in your dorm and not too many friends, so even if this was a one-time thing, it was still a good break from the usual.
"Well, thanks for all your help! Now it's my turn to teach you about volleyball!" he said. His homework was now finished for all of his classes and you honestly wanted to find a good excuse to keep on hanging out with him. 
You weren't wearing the most ideal clothing to play volleyball in, but you weren't about to turn his offer down.
"Can we play with only two people?" you asked.
"We can practice some beginner stuff, but if you really wanna play and see how it's done. I might be able to gather some people to play last minute." he said, muttering about how they don't have lives anyways. He pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket and dialed a number, putting the phone to his ear. He paused for a second.
"Hey Akaashi, whatcha doing? Are you down for some volleyball tonight? The guys too? I've got a noob that wants to learn how to play." he said, throwing a smile your way. You smiled back, a little embarrassed. You knew the school's team was good. Especially Bokuto as one of the top ace positions in the nation. It felt surreal to be studying and goofing around with him.
"Alright. They said they wouldn't mind playing some tonight! The more practice the better." he said. He stood, throwing his bag over his shoulder. "You ready?" he asked. You nodded in response.
You made your way to the gym and once you walked inside, you looked around in awe. You never realized how big this gym actually was. It looked quite small from the outside. You followed him and set your bag and jacket down next to his own. He grabbed a volleyball and began explaining some basics to you. Then he began passing the ball to you. How to receive it, set it, spike it. Even serving. 
You stood behind the line, ready to try and hit a serve over the net. You opted for the underhand serve as that's what seemed would get the ball over the net for you personally. You didn't think you would have the strength to get an overhand serve over.
"Remember what I showed you and just go for it!" he said. You nodded, taking a deep breath and getting into position, then hitting the ball. He made it look so easy. You watched nervously and it barely went over the net but made it. You turned around to him, jumping and smiling. He high-fived you at your success.
"Wanna try and set the ball to me now?" he asked. You nodded eagerly. This was a lot of fun and you never wanted this day to end, so of course you did. You weren't great at first but began getting the movement correct. You finally set the ball close to perfectly and watching him spike it felt like one of the most amazing things you had ever witnessed. Sure, you'd seen them play games a couple of times, but seeing it up close, it was like nothing could compare.
"That was amazing!!" he shouted, jumping around in victory for your correct set. You smiled, laughing a little bit.
You heard the gym door creak open and looked over. A group of unfamiliar faces walked in, and you realized it was some of his teammates. He introduced you to the small group and you began trying to play with them. They were all really good and even then you could tell they were taking it easier on you since you were new.
"How about a three on three? We've got enough people." Bokuto offered. You nodded along with the others. They were all warmed up now. You were on a team with Bokuto and his friend Akaashi. You started off in the back, receiving and you assumed Bokuto was going to be the spiker and Akaashi the setter.
The other team started off serving and you got ready for it. You needed the ball to go to Akaashi. The ball bounced off your forearms, making its way to Akaashi's general direction. It wasn't great, but hey, you were a beginner. It was good enough for you and definitely good enough for them to recover. 
You sat back for a second and watched Akaashi set the ball to Bokuto and then he spiked it down. It looked surreal. It was now your turn to serve. Maybe you could pull off another one like you had done earlier. You made your way behind the back line of the court, standing right off of it, remembering everything Bokuto had taught you. You held your breath, then let it out.
"Get a good serve (Y/N)!" Bokuto shouted. You smiled, nodding.
You then hit the ball, watching it in hopes that it would go over the net. It hit the top of the net, then tipped over. You cheered, coming back onto the court. This was amazing. You were actually doing decently. You loved it.
This continued on until your team beat the other. Of course with one of the best setter/spiker duos in the nation, you weren't surprised. Everyone began packing their things, sitting for a second to cool down. 
"Want me to walk you to your dorm?" Bokuto questioned.
"You don't have to. You've already done so much." you replied. He really had. This totally beat sitting at home and watching TV all afternoon. 
"Nah. I'll walk you there. It's dark outside." he responded. You smiled and nodded, grabbing your packed belongings and making your way there. You wouldn't turn down hanging out with him longer if he insisted on it.
Once you arrived, you didn't know what to say. You had so much fun and never wanted it to end.
"Soooo... I wanna do this again. Today was really fun. You made math tolerable. No! School in general." he said. He ran his hand through his hair again, laughing. He must do that when he's nervous.
"Me too! How about next week?" you asked, hopeful you could play again soon.
"That sounds perfect." he responded, his hand coming back to his side.
"Let me give you my number. Gotta have a way to communicate." you said. He took his phone out of his pocket, handing it to you. You typed in your number and gave the phone back to him. He smiled, putting it into his pocket.
"I'll text you when I get home." he said, a big smile across his face. You couldn't help but to also smile. 
"Well, till trigonometry next week." you said. He nodded, turning with a wave. You waved back, opening your door and going inside. You did a little victory dance. He was amazing.
Who would have known a simple trigonometry question could blossom into a friendship? (And possibly more...)
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cosmicanamnesis · 1 year
he tastes like chocolate pt.6
[part 1] [part 5] [part 7] [read on ao3]
Steve felt a little stupid knocking on his own front door, but better safe than sorry. He waited a beat before opening it, bracing for indecent noises. Instead, he heard the TV going.
“Steve?” Robin yelled from the living room. He took that as his cue to step inside more so she could see him. Sitting cross legged next to her on the couch was a very pretty redhead that Steve vaguely recognized as Vickie, Robin’s latest dating app match.
“I’m not staying,” Steve felt the need to clarify for Vickie’s sake, despite the fact that she seemed fully engrossed in whatever they were watching and barely even noticed that someone else had come inside. Robin gave him a thumbs up as he turned down the hall to his room to grab his stuff.
He grabbed a pair of pajama pants and his phone charger and debated for a minute whether he should bring his meds with him or just take them while he was there. Easier to just take them then, he figured. Then he wouldn’t have to worry about forgetting them in the morning, or having to explain why he takes antidepressants for migraines.
It would just be easier.
He grabbed his toothbrush out of the bathroom and quickly ducked into the living room to kiss Robin on the top of her head before leaving for the night. 
Eddie was on his phone when Steve got back out to the idling van, handful of items tucked under one arm.
"Hellfire?" Steve asked, catching a glimpse of Eddie's screen as he got in the van.
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Group chat. There's some party planning happening now but it's just the guys I play D&D with." Eddie slipped his phone back in his pocket and waited for Steve to get settled before pulling out of the parking lot.
"Oh, not you too," Steve groaned. Eddie couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.
"What, is that a deal breaker?" Eddie laughed. "The metalhead stuff is fine but the nerd shit is too far?"
"No! Just sometimes feel like me and Robs are the two people on the planet who don't play."
"I mean, if you wanted to learn you could join my-" Steve cut him off by burying his face in his pajama pants and screaming quietly. Eddie laughed so hard he very nearly ran a red light, braking hard at the last second. "So that's a no, then?"
"Fuckin' hell… Yeah, I'm gonna pass this time I think. I've got a reputation to uphold here."
"Oh, and what reputation is that? No, waitwaitwait, let me guess!" Eddie put a hand up to keep Steve from talking, fortunately not taking his eyes off the road anymore.
"Oh god…" Steve sighed, sinking down in his seat.
"Youngest of seven," Eddie started, counting on his fingers as he listed things out. "Used to babysit, and you still hang out with him. Not about the college life. You don't do nerd shit, you don't listen to metal, but you get along with people who do. You smoke, let's say socially…"
There was a long pause. Steve could practically hear the gears turning in Eddie's head. He was chewing on his lip while he thought.
"Got it!" Eddie snapped his fingers and pointed at Steve accusingly. "Washed up golden child."
Eddie knew he was right on the money when Steve made a noise like he'd been shot.
"Ouch, dude. Jesus," Steve choked out, hand over his heart like it was the most hurtful thing he'd ever heard. "Y'know, all of a sudden staying home with Robin and Vickie tonight doesn't sound so bad."
"I was right?" Eddie grinned.
Steve sighed, chewing the inside of his cheek. "They used to call me King Steve in high school."
Eddie laughed again, long and loud, relishing in this new knowledge. Steve shrunk into himself a bit more
"Aw, c'mon Stevie, have a sense of humor. Here, do me."
"Do- what?" Steve stuttered, trying to ignore the innuendo.
"Guess my reputation!"
Steve stared at Eddie for a moment, rolling what little he knew about the man around his head. An artist and a musician, shitty parents were practically a given at that point, lives with his uncle partially for definitely-not-school reasons, obviously queer, clearly a metalhead, plays D&D. Scary looking, at least according to him, but considerate to a fault.
"High school drop out?" he ventured, aiming for snarky but landing closer to judgey.
"Close!" Eddie yelled, smiling wide, tapping his hand on the steering wheel. He didn't seem to mind Steve's tone at all. "They made me do this program for kids who are having trouble graduating cause I was gonna get held back my senior year a second time. So instead, I took college classes for high school credit and did not, technically, drop out."
"Huh. That's kinda cool. My second guess was theater kid."
"Oh, you cut me deep, Stevie. Reading me like a fucking book."
"The D&D thing gave it away. Not an actor, though. Sound or stage crew."
"You seem awfully knowledgeable in the realm of high school theater, Steve. Do you have something you'd like to share with the class?"
"I- okay, it was one play, alright? It was a stupid little two act thing and my English teacher was giving extra credit to anyone who auditioned, cause she was also the drama director, right? So, extra credit to anyone who auditioned and an automatic passing grade to anyone who made the cast."
"That seems dubiously ethical," Eddie interjected.
"Oh, totally. But I was bad at English - I mean, really bad - so I'd take all the help I could get."
"You auditioned?"
"Got the lead role."
"Oh, fuck you. Of course you did. Fuckin' hated guys like that, no experience, getting the lead on the first try. The egos on those people, Christ." Eddie laughed his way through his tirade, but he was only half joking.
"Damn, I'm sorry I guess," Steve laughed with him. "If it helps, I really think she cast me out of pity. I wasn't good."
"Nah, I'm sure you did fine."
“I one hundred percent did not do fine. There’s a reason I did sports instead of drama.”
“What sports?”
“Basketball and swim.”
“Shit dude, you guys had a swim team? That’s cool!”
“I’m sensing sarcasm.”
“Nah, for real! My high school was way too poor for that shit! Like, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t really, uh, vibe, I guess, with the sorta… jock athletic types. But I was an openly gay teenager, man, I was walking the mile with the scene girls watching the track guys do their thing during gym.”
“Oh, you were one of those,” Steve said, nodding knowingly. 
“Yeah I was one of those,” Eddie replied emphatically. “If we had a swim team, I wouldn’t have survived.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I’m a simple man, Steve. A simple man with simple wants, and against all odds, athletes do it for me.”
“Good to know.”
“Well, what about you? What was King Steve chasing?” Eddie caught himself being weird, again, and quickly changed the subject.
The way Eddie said King Steve made Steve want to gag. The nickname was fine when he first got it. He liked that people liked him and looked up to him. It almost made up for the way his parents treated him. But it stopped being fun his junior year, and by senior year when the new guy showed up, he was quick to let himself be dethroned. It was just so much pressure. The same kind of pressure he was getting at home.
“Ugh. Don’t ever call me that,” Steve cringed. “But no, I uh… I really just kind of cycled through girls in high school. Well, no, that’s not true, there was this one girl I dated for a while, but. After her, the King Steve shit sort of ended and no one wanted anything to do with me anymore.”
“Oh… Just girls?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Nothing, you just said… About your wingman trying to hook you up with-”
“Oh! Yeah, no, I realized I was bisexual after I met Robin. Apparently the normal amount for straight people to be attracted to the same gender is, uh. A lot closer to zero than what I was experiencing.”
Eddie tried to not make his sigh of relief too obvious. He believed Nancy, and he had a feeling that she was the girl Steve was talking about, but it felt like a weird time to bring up the fact that he was friends with Steve’s high school ex. He just wanted the confirmation from Steve that he was, in fact, bisexual, and he hoped he hadn’t laid it on too thick with the liking athletes thing. It was true, of course, and knowing Steve was a jock in high school definitely wasn’t doing Eddie’s impulse control any favors, but Eddie wasn’t a man known for his subtlety. He just… He didn’t want to scare Steve off. He wanted this. He didn’t want to fuck it up by being weird and gross.
They pulled back into the trailer park to find Wayne standing at the foot of Murray’s porch steps, smoking with Murray and another man Steve didn’t recognize. Eddie didn’t bother turning the engine off before he got out.
The men paused their conversation as Eddie got out of the van.
“Gotta go?” he asked, walking up to Wayne. He could hear Steve getting out of the car behind him.
“Yep,” Wayne nodded. 
“We were just talking about your boy there,” Murray said quietly, waving to Steve as he joined the circle.
“He’s not-” Eddie started before realizing Steve was practically at his side already. “Hey. Wayne’s gotta take the van to work. I can take you home in the morning when he gets back.”
“Sounds good,” Steve nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
The man Steve didn’t recognize said something in a language he also couldn’t identify.
“Da,” Eddie replied. “If that’s okay, I mean.”
“Of course, Eddie,” Murray smiled, giving Eddie a suggestive look. Steve had no idea what was going on.
“Cool. We’re gonna go,” Eddie said, jerking his thumb back at his own trailer. He hooked his arm around Steve’s and dragged him along before Murray and Wayne could embarrass him any more.
“Who was Mr. Gibberish there?” Steve asked once they were out of earshot.
“Hm? Alexei? He’s Russian. Doesn’t speak a lot of English.”
“You speak Russian?” Steve asked, shocked, as Eddie let them into the trailer. Eddie laughed.
“Not if you ask Alexei. But yeah, living next to them for so many years, I’ve picked up a little.”
“Are they… I mean, him and Murray-”
“Gay? I have no fucking idea, dude. They’ve lived here at least as long as I have and I literally could not tell you. Frankly, I don’t wanna know.”
“Yeah, that’s… That’s fair. I don’t think I actually want the answer.”
“Good choice.”
“What did he say to you?”
“Huh? Oh, don’t worry about it. Normal neighbor shit, y’know?”
Eddie had started wandering back towards his bedroom as they talked so he could toss his coat. Steve followed him into the room, leaving the door open behind him, and started looking around.
Much like the rest of the Munson trailer, it was a far cry from what Steve had grown up with. There was so much personality in it. The walls were almost entirely covered with posters, photos, drawings, and a giant bedsheet tapestry that read CORRODED COFFIN in a sharp sort of font. There were guitars and amps lining the room and clothes all over the floor. Eddie’s bed wasn’t made, and his desk was covered in books and papers and tiny pots of paint and other art supplies. One tall bookshelf was packed entirely full of books and minifigures and empty water bottles.
Eddie sat down on his bed and pushed himself back so he could lean against the wall, growing more and more self-conscious as Steve examined his room, realizing how messy it was, how much trash was on the floor, everything that might be off-putting.
“The hell- Do you speak German, too?” Steve asked, tapping on one of the books on Eddie’s bookshelf, a German edition of the Lord of the Rings.
“Oh, actually yeah. I mean. Enough to read it at least, and listen to music. I could probably hold a conversation if I had to, but uh, I’ve never had to.”
“Dude. How many languages do you speak?”
“I swear that’s it. English, a little German, a little Russian.”
“How the fuck did you get held back in high school twice?”
“Because the American public education system as an institution is an intellectual sinkhole that only aims to teach you how to take tests and follow instructions and be a perfect little cog in the machine, and not actually retain or comprehend new information or foster a love of learning or, god forbid, think for yourself… And also I have, like, a lot of ADHD.” Eddie pushed a hand through his hair, nervously rubbing at the back of his neck.
Steve laughed and sat down on the edge of Eddie’s bed, holding his bundle of stuff in his lap.
“That makes sense,” he said. “That’s so cool, dude. I took Spanish for two years in high school and retained fucking none of it. Robin speaks all sorts of languages. She keeps trying to teach me, but like, again, bad at English and it’s the only one I know.”
“Well, at least you’re pretty,” Eddie laughed. He didn’t mean to make Steve blush, but he could see Steve’s whole face flush red as he pushed his hair back, smiling bashfully but looking away from Eddie. “Anyway,” Eddie cleared his throat. “Um. It’s late so we should probably, like. Sleep. We’ve got a party tomorrow after all.”
“Oh. Right, yeah.”
"So, the couch is like, crazy uncomfortable, my bed's not much better, and I don't care where I sleep so you pick."
"Pick… dude, I'm not gonna make you sleep on the couch in your own house! What kind of dick move is that?"
Eddie shrugged, leaning forward to untie his boots. "You're the guest," he said plainly. 
"Okay, I'm not gonna commandeer your room, though. What kind of friends do you have that they make you sleep on the couch?"
"Oh, no, if my friends stay over, we just all cram on the bed or make a pillow nest on the floor. But like, I dunno, you… We don't know each other that well, I didn't want to throw that option out and make you uncomfortable." Eddie could feel this face heating up, and started quickly working his fingers through his curls, instinctively trying to hide behind his hair.
"Oh good, you are normal," Steve laughed.
"The fuck does that mean?" Eddie giggled in mock offense.
"Nothing! Just, that's what me and all my friends did. Robs and I still sometimes share a bed, or like, we'll drag my mattress out into the living room and have a movie night like that."
"Aww, that's so cutesy I could vomit. And you wonder why people think you're dating?"
"No, I know why," Steve sighed.
"Well, it sounds to me like you’re trying to sleep with me on the first date," Eddie smirked, waggling his eyebrows in a way that couldn't be taken as anything but goofy. He leaned over into Steve's space, all but crawling into his lap. Steve didn't lean away, but he put his hand against Eddie's forehead to push him back.
"Oh, fuck off. I’m saying we're both adults, and I don't care if you don't," he sighed, laughing like Eddie was wrong. Innuendo aside, there really wasn’t anything Steve wanted more right then than to share a bed with Eddie. He hadn’t really expected to get the chance so soon.
Soon, like Steve hadn't spent the better part of three months pining after the guy, flirting his little heart out all December.
Eddie smiled at him and backed off, scooting to the edge of the bed to actually take his boots off. He glanced sideways at Steve, partially obscured by his hair. 
This very pretty boy was all but begging to share a bed. This pretty, kind, hilarious boy, god, he even smelled good. Eddie caught the scent of his cologne while he was making a fool of himself. They'd had each others' numbers for not even twelve hours and Eddie was already throwing himself at Steve.
"I'll take the couch," Eddie smiled, deciding not to dig his pit of embarrassment any deeper tonight. He stood up and glanced around his floor for anything resembling pajamas. "I’m sure you saw the bathroom on the way in. There's an outlet there behind the nightstand. And don't snoop, there's shit in here I don't want to have to explain."
"I'll try to resist the urge," Steve chuckled, working so hard to keep the disappointment out of his voice. Eddie clicked his tongue, flashing Steve a smile and double finger guns before grabbing some clothes off the floor.
"I'll be in the living room, holler if you need anything," Eddie said, turning to go.
"Hey Eddie?" Steve called after him before he got too far out the door.
"Thanks, again, for letting me crash here."
"No problem," Eddie shrugged. 
"Yeah, but still." For a moment, Eddie almost reconsidered sleeping on the couch. Despite how exhausted he looked, Steve was adorable. Like a kitten falling asleep sitting up or something.
"Good night, Stevie," Eddie smiled, only rolling his eyes a little bit.
"G'night, Eds."
Eddie bit his tongue and nodded, turning to leave for real this time and closing the door behind him. The nickname and Steve's sleepy smile were all he could think about as he killed all the lights and flopped down on the couch in the living room. He took his jewelry off and set it all in a pile on the coffee table, but didn't bother changing into the clothes he'd grabbed, just stretched out on the couch and tried not to think too much about the man in his bedroom.
Steve, on the other hand, did change clothes, because god help him he could not sleep in jeans. He plugged his phone in and hit the lights and crawled into Eddie's bed and, likewise, tried not to think too much about the fact that he was in Eddie's bed. It was an impossible task. In the quiet trailer as Steve drifted off, all he could focus on was how close and still so far away Eddie was, like he was holding Steve at arm’s length on purpose, and Steve didn’t know why.
i know ur all excited for the nye party after that reveal lol i appreciate ur patience. this should be up on ao3 soon
tagging: @original-cypher @avacrebs @dangdirtydemons @rainydays35 @changenamelater @phantypurple @alienace @renaissan-vvitch @krazyperson @steddiereid @kittsu-makes-glass @i-must-potato @jaywhohasthegay @henderdads @mightbeasleep @straight4joekeery @sharingisntkaren @micheledawn1975 @thehumblefigtree @goodolefashionedloverboi @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @potentialheartofdarkness @dreammetheworld08 @steveisabicon @biatcgh @alittlegreyfish @r0binscript @estrellami-1 @shitnshit
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