#leves ocs
levemetal · 5 months
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You know what, time for me to post random memery I drew while I was on travels. Characters are all my silly OCs from one my own concepts.
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sadalmostlesbian · 1 month
For those of you who’ve read Just As It Was, I present yet another mood board because I can’t stop making them.
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magnus-land · 2 months
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okame-art · 1 year
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I’ve return !!!!
OMG ! One year I didn’t post anything ! it’s terrible ! ;w;  So here, some of my drawing this last years ! I’ve improved a lot  ! (I think) 
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iamyounicorn · 9 months
I don't know where I am.. my wish is to go back.. but now what's left.... and what awaited me.. was a heaven nobody promised me... and I would no longer be.. anyone else's happiness.... just mine...... just mine.... TAAAKE MEE AWAY NOOOW WHAT AWAITS US OUT THEEREE IS MORE THAN WE DREAM OF, MORE THAN WE KNOW OF..
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stardustdiver · 1 year
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Vix Moshantu, freshly arrived on the Source from the Fourth reflection, enquiring about any crafting or repair jobs that have been requested
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cxttlefishcxller · 11 months
Dahlia Jeyne -- The Voice of Hope County
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I mentioned somewhere that coming into a game years after the hype train died down is like being one of the trash puppets in Labyrinth. I'm just puttering around the junkyard finding cool shit and putting it on my back. And as Far Cry 5 is my current hyperfixation, that means that I'm building fics and reblogging posts and essentially making myself a nuisance, so why not like. Actually post about the stuff I'm writing. Accountability and all that!
Anyways, this is Dahlia Jeyne, my latest BlorbOC that I've shoehorned into this game for no better reason than to get these brainworms out of my head. Fic facts and character stuff under the cut!
Name: Annabeth Dahlia Jeyne
Age: 32
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Dahlia is a journalist searching for the story that finally puts her name on the map. What she had originally started as a piece on the correlation of herd mentality and religious influence led her to mentions of a doomsday cult deep in the Montana mountains, and right to the doors of Eden's Gate. She spins a story about wanting to write about life on the inside of their commune to combat rumors and accusations from the locals that the group is nothing more than moon-eyed followers of a gibbering madman, and receives an invitation to stay in the compound and receive a firsthand education as to what the Project is doing from none other than their leader: Joseph Seed.
The people of the Project stand at the opposite end of her moral compass, but she's moved by their sheer belief in a better, fairer world. The rest of the county is painting them as traitors, devils, or even victims of the Seeds' manipulation, but Dahlia finds them to be kind, sincere, and unfaltering in their faith in the man and the family that they think will lead them from the jaws of destruction. Unwittingly she's swept into Joseph's machinations, falling deeper into his plans with every step she makes to figure out just what his game is...and if he truly thinks of himself as Noah saving his people from the oncoming flood.
I actually have 5 pages of this fic started which is on brand for me because I'd set out to write about my Deputy OC and John instead. Funny how the yearning rats have smaller attention spans than I do dudhsbbsbd
Anyways I will. Attempt to post things here to mark my progress, I guess? I figure it couldn't hurt any, and I ought to have some way to keep all of my thoughts together anyways. 😂
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zberrieart · 2 years
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“I feel I am letting go And that makes me angry Because I'm not who I want to be It seems like I'm fading And that makes me terrified Because I'm not who I want to be”
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“I like to be in control When I'm feeling overwhelmed 'Cause I'm just now who I want to be I will not apologize When I'm at my happiest 'Cause I'm just now who I want to be”
Art of 2 of my characters from my upcoming series Spirit Garden, Levee (Top image) and Engelram (Bottom image; Pictured when they were younger)! I drew both of them with lyrics in mind from the song Demons by MISSIO !! They both have oh so many problems its insane and they make me insane
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malkaviian · 1 year
Hoy mientras estaba tratando de dormir la siesta y desde hace un par días que tengo ganas de darle un mini glow up a Seba, quizás siendo un poquito más bastardo(?)
#no nivel eris obviamente pero sí de contestarle más a sus padres#el tema de fox quizás le tocaría hasta más sensible pero cuando le demuestre su antipatía saltaría un poco más#en lugar de simplemente aceptarlo. es porque lo quiere a pesar de todo por el simple hecho de ser su papá biológico#con el que nunca tuvo mucho contacto y le da curiosidad conocerlo más. pero no#golden sufre porque le gustaría meterse incluso cuando lo único que hay es leve disconformidad. pero no#aunque si seba llegara a explotar o el tener que meterse para que le bajen los humos en plan 'seguridad' podría ser... bonding????#más interacción de la que antes tenían seguro; que simplemente se le quedaba mirando cada tanto de forma disimulada#y siempre 'vigilaba' durante sus visitas que no más era una excusa para compartir espacio por lo menos lol#muy triste su vida con su hijo y en general xd#pero volviendo al tema. quizás también un cambio de peinado leve. el color es todo lo mismo but quizás un poco distinto#el buzo lo seguiría usando pero quizás use más jeans rasgados y eso. o con algunos parchecitos#(lo que me da la idea de él usando algún parchecito que haga deya o algo wkskdkwñdk pero no nos adelantemos)#tendría que probar cómo le queda but. quizás algo de delineado o sombra de ojos en algunas ocasiones :3#yyyyyy me gusta la idea de los crop tops también en general#diría que no hay tanto cambio en cuanto a personalidad tho. sólo es un poco más bastardo con gente que se lo merece#con gente que sí sigue siendo un dulce uwu 💕#oc talk
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levemetal · 9 months
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Honestly, humanoids creachers are more of my drawing niche, never drew furry before cotl so I'm still figuring shit out. In the mean time, have some light painting doodle to get back into the swing of things, with one of my own OCs.
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asterdeer · 1 year
flopping back and forth between publishing one story or other on royal road (legitimate, easy to use, not embarrassing, also very intimidating, i am terrified of taking up space in a Legitimate Arena) OR wattpad (humiliating, i do not value myself but even i think i'm above that, but also much less stressful because i know i'll probably be in the top 10% of writers by virtue of not being 16)
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maxladcomics · 5 months
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Someone told me that OFC meant "Of Fucking Course" so I took the logical route and drew a comic. (It doesn't mean that, it can't be shortened to OC)
Papyruses in order of appearance after Undertale:
Papirate (Undercurrent) @undercurrentau
Delta (Rivertale) AU: @official-rivertale-au
Levee (Riverfell) AU: @official-rivertale-au
Amber (Gemknight) AU: @gemknightau
Meander (Riverswap) AU: @official-rivertale-au
Rust (Shortout) AU: @shortoutau
Sharp (Gemknight Fell) AU: @gemknightau
Imago (Reveritale) AU: @dark-imagine-robots
Static (Noxiatale) AU: @ask-ufpapyrus
Fellswap @fellswap-au
Underfell (About to murder me)
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lacharapita · 5 months
ᴇɴᴢᴏ ᴠᴏɢʀɪɴᴄɪᴄ
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Inspirado em
Miranda Kassin & Andre Frateschi
(Link da música tá ali em "dê" lindas)
{Mas confesso que escrevi mais pelo vídeo do Vladimir Brichta recitando essa no ouvido da Adriana Esteves [cliquem aqui porque vocês não vão se arrepender]}
Smut / confort - Enzo Vogrincic x female OC! Lucía Scarone
Sex, oral [F! Receiving], comfortable
relationship, love love love!
"𝐃𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫
𝐃𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐱𝐚𝐨"
— Os corpos enrolados um no outro, as cobertas floridas espalhadas sobre o colchão que sustentava os dois. Enzo e Lúcia dormiam tranquilamente naquele nascer de manhã de outono. A temperatura agradável o suficiente para permitir que os dois continuassem agarrados como se fossem um. Enzo abriu os olhos suavemente quando sentiu um feixe de luz iluminando o quarto pintado em azul. Lúcia ainda dormia um sono gostoso em seus braços, sua respiração fraca e quente chegava em seu peito, fazendo com que Enzo se arrepiasse por inteiro. Ele não se atreveria a acordar ela. Não agora. O olhar dele demonstrando amor, demonstrando paixão. Demonstrando tudo, tudo que ele sentiu, sentia e sentiria por ela.
"𝐃𝐞 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚
𝐃𝐞 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚"
— Lucía chorou baixo quando as investidas dele dentro dela ficaram demais. Pediu por favor, com desespero em sua voz, para que ele deixasse ela atravessar aquela enorme onda de prazer. Suas mãos seguraram a parte de trás da cabeça de Enzo, onde os cabelos levemente molhados com o suor estavam, puxando-o até que os lábios úmidos dela chegassem perto, até demais, do ouvido dele. Sussurrando, implorando, a voz fraca e dengosa fez Enzo vacilar em seus movimentos. "Dentro de mim." Ele choramingou. Os olhos escureceram. O quarto ficou mais quente. As mãos adornadas com anéis de Lucía acariciaram os cabelos dele enquanto as mãos dele buscaram segurar o corpo dela ainda mais firme. Com uma última investida profunda, ele lhe deu o que ela havia pedido. "Dentro de você."
"𝐃𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐫
𝐃𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐠𝐨"
— A lixa de unhas que ela usava foi jogada no chão do banheiro. Talvez estivesse debaixo da pia, talvez perto do chuveiro, não importava. Enzo, vestindo apenas uma toalha branca enrolada em seus quadris, se mantinha ajoelhado entre as pernas de Lucía. A morena de cabelos rebeldes gemia, o prazer oral que lhe estava sendo proporcionado era demais. As mãos seguravam os cabelos escuros de Enzo, pedindo de forma silenciosa para que ele nunca saísse daquele lugar. Enzo era a chama que derretia a tinta da pintura extraordinária que ela era. O calor do banheiro tornava a pele de Lúcia levemente úmida e avermelhada. As mãos grandes de Enzo deslizavam pelas coxas torneadas dela, puxando-a o mais perto que ele conseguia. E parecia que ele sempre conseguia deixar mais perto. Os olhos dele estavam sempre no rosto dela, observando cada detalhe do que ele estava fazendo ela sentir. Os lábios entre abertos, olhos fechados, pele tintada em um vermelho suave, respiração pesada e um leve tremor em suas pernas.
"𝐃𝐞 𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐚
𝐃𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨"
— A luz fraca do sol de fim da tarde iluminava os dois. Sobre a canga colorida, Enzo e Lúcia, deitados olhando para o céu, ouviam o barulho das ondas. Os silêncio não era constrangedor, era confortável e tranquilo. Para Lucía, tudo com Enzo era confortável e tranquilo. A brisa suave fazia com que pequenos e milhares de grãos de areia se juntassem com seus fios de cabelos. Enzo preferiu olhar para sua visão favorita: Lucía. A moça parecia encantada com a cor que o céu ficava, um amarelo alaranjado de final de tarde. Logo o olhar dela encontrou o de Enzo. Um sorriso bobo surgiu nos lábios dos dois e de repente eles estavam sozinhos no mundo.
"𝐃𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦
𝐃𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨
𝐃𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐨"
— Lucía tinha as maçãs do rosto vermelhas. Os risos que escapavam dela eram incontroláveis e únicos, e faziam Enzo rir ainda mais. Ele continuava a contar a história hilária de sua infância, mas se desconcentrava em algumas partes porque seu olhar se perdia em Lucía. - "Mas sabe, apesar da desgraça, foi nessa história que conheci o amor da minha vida."- O sorriso bobo que surgiu nos lábios da moça fez os olhos de Enzo brilharem. Fran olhava para eles com carinho. - "Ai babaca, tão lindos juntos!"- Fran diz, o tom de deboche carinhoso em sua voz faz Lucía rir ainda mais e acaba fazendo com que Enzo a admire ainda mais.
"𝐃𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫
𝐃𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚"
— O olhar desesperado de Lucía assustou Enzo. Elevadores, o maior medo da moça uruguaia. E naquele momento era a única opção para subir todos aqueles andares. – "Nena, tudo bem?"– Enzo perguntou. A apreensão em sua voz enquanto Lucía encarava as portas do elevador. Ela acenou com a cabeça e entrou no elevador o mais rápido que pode, com Enzo seguindo-a. – "Vem aqui. Vou te proteger, te prometo."– Os braços esticados indicaram o caminho que Lucía deveria seguir. Segurando os corpos com firmeza, o rosto de Lúcia estava colado no peito coberto do namorado. Os olhos fecharam com força e a respiração ficou pesada quando o elevador começou a subir. Enzo segurava o corpo menor com força enquanto sussurrava as palavras mais carinhosas que poderiam sair de sua boca, querendo demonstrar segurança para Lucía. Quando as portas do elevador se abriram Enzo deixou um beijo no topo da cabeça dela, indicando que o medo tinha chegado ao fim.
– "Te amo, nena."–
– "Te amo mais."–
"𝐃𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚 𝐧𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚
𝐄 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐚
𝐃𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚
𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚"
— Enzo agarrou os quadris de Lucía com força. A mão descendo a curva da cintura até o quadril repetidamente. A respiração dele abaixo do ouvido dela tornava o sono da moça mais leve. Enzo, ainda meio dormindo, podia ouvir os murmurinhos suaves de Lucía, aqueles que formam palavras, especificamente o nome dele. Os olhos da uruguaia se abriram tranquilamente, sentindo-se cheia de Enzo, como se ele estivesse dentro dela. Foram poucas horas de sono, menos que duas com certeza, então ela ainda estava com a mente meio lesa, talvez de tesão, talvez de sono, talvez de Enzo. O uruguaio abriu os olhos devagar, sentindo a movimentação leve de Lucía. – "Bom dia, nena."– O sussurro foi acompanhado de beijinhos doces sendo deixados na lateral do pescoço dela.
– "Bom dia, meu amor."– Lucía diz baixo. O corpo cor de bronze se vira suavemente na cama, fazendo os rostos de ambos ficarem próximos. Lucía pensava que a qualquer momento ela podia morrer de Enzo Vogrincic. Sabe? "Ai, morreu de quê?" "De Enzo." Acompanhado de uma carinha triste. Nos pensamentos bobos do cérebro recém ligado ela pensava sobre como ele havia amanhecido dentro da cabeça dela. Como pode um homem ser o primeiro pensamento matinal de uma mulher? Lucía riu boba com seus próprios pensamentos, mas logo foi tirada de seus devaneios, sentindo o peso corporal de Enzo sobre ela. O sorriso no rosto dele juntado com o feixe de luz deixa a cena fantasiosa para ela. Nem ela conseguia acreditar o quão lindo ele era. Os fios de cabelos pretos e rebeldes adornavam o rosto dele enquanto ele olhava para Lucía, fazendo a moça levar os dedos quentinhos para colocar aqueles cabelos atrás da orelha de Enzo. Os lábios dele se aproximavam do rosto dela para deixar beijos por lá, em seguida descendo para o pescoço e colo do peito. A risada abafada dele fez cócegas em Lucía, fazendo-a rir leve. De repente Enzo se levanta da cama. Puxando as pernas nuas da morena uruguaia até que ela estivesse na beirada da cama, ele a pegou no colo rindo e olhando em seus olhos azuis. As risadas bobas dos dois foram seguindo por muitos minutos, talvez até horas. Quem liga?
Nada mais importava.
Tudo que Enzo precisava era Lucía.
Tudo que Lucía precisava era Enzo.
Nós mulheres lobas que temos um medo do caralho de elevador🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
Quase chorei escrevendo esse pq eu daria muita coisa pra ter um relacionamento assim, tipo, confortável sabe?
@imninahchan loba, lembrei de você quando escrevi esse😭😭
Sejam solidários comigo e me digam o que vocês acham da minha escrita pq sou muito insegura com ela, beijos manas💋💋
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myladysapphire · 1 year
His Sapphire princess (III)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 1,444
CW: mummy issues, incest, mentions of death, daddy issues, neglicent parents
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire charecters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all charecters are his  except for my OC    
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The week spent at Dragonstone was dull, the sky was grey as was the mood. Her brothers missed the keep and she missed Aemond. She begged her mother day in and day out to visit him, to fly to the keep if only to stay for dinner. But to no surprise her mother refused her. She did not think she would see him for years, that was until the news came. She should not have been happy, but she was to see him, her Aemond, her betrothed.
But the context of seeing him was sombre, her Aunt Laena had passed in the child bed, her child with her. Her father was inconsolable, driving himself further and further into his cups. She seemed to be the only one, aside from Ser Qarl, who cared for him. Her mother and brothers morning the tragic deaths of the Strongs, or for her brothers their father. She was the one to make sure he was fed and bathed for those few days they prepared to leave. And once that was done, she would give her mother comfort. Her mother refused to see her brothers after she heard the news, so Visenya was whom she clung to, whom she hugged and cried with. Visenya was mourning too but was forced to put it behind her, she had no relation to either of the death and though Harwin had been a true father figure to her, her brothers had lost their real father, though Luke did not know that. For four days she wiped their tears, kissed their cheeks, saw them feed, bathed, and put to bed. And not once did her mother thank her.
They left for Driftmark five days after receiving the news, her mother a new woman, putting the death of her lover behind her, and being there for her sons, not her daughter whom she shunned once again, pushing her towards Laenor. He was depressed, once they reached Driftmark it only made matters worse.
Now standing at the cliffside of Driftmark Vaemond Veleryon droning on in Valyrian, in what was meant to be a tribute but instead became a way to mock her mother and brothers.
“We join today at the seat of the sea to commit the lady Leana of house Veleryon to the eternal waters…” she tuned him out, uninterested in the scathing glares, only focusing once again when a man, whom she guessed to be her Uncle Daemon, began to laugh. At his wife’s funeral, smirking as if it was all one huge joke. He only stopped when he made eye contact with her, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.
She looked away, searching the crowd for Aemond.
A week and a half apart had been an utter tournament, for Aemond. Aegon had refused to levee him be, chasing after him nagging in and on about both of their betrothals, begging to swap even.  
“We have nothing in common” Aegon whined, downing his fifth cup of the day.
“she’s our sister” he reminded, searching for Visenya over the sea of people.
“You marry her then” Aegon sneered, “then I would get to marry Visenya, me and her have much in common” Aegon spoke voice in a daze and began searching in the crowd for her.
“I would perform my duty if mother had only betrothed us,” Aemond said “but I am to wed Visenya and that shall not be duty, brother, but love,”  he said it so surely, as if it was written in the stars, perhaps it was.
His brother scoffed, having always had some preference for Visenya, he was four when she was born and refused to leave Rhaenyra’s side out of fear of losing sight of her. And when she began to walk, he followed her everywhere, and never truly stopped. But it was Aemond she shared a coat with, a wet nurse and their lessons. Whilst Aegon followed, and he and she ran hand in hand.
As they got older Aegon began to court her in a way, finding flowers and gifts to sway her. There was unspoken tension between the brothers, both what to have her, to show her who was better for her. But Aemond had won, he and secured a way to forever untie them, marriage. But Aegon’s new interest in wine and the discovery of brothels made him have altered his motives, Aemond was unsure of what exactly, but Aegon had found a new pursuit of Visenya, one he as of yet had no contest in.
“It would strengthen the family, keep our Valyrian blood pure” Aemond reminded him, wanting to take his brother’s attention off Visenya.
“she’s an idiot”.
“she’s your future wife” Aemond retorted, “you should show her some semblance of respect”.
“We do have one thing in common,” Aegon said,  sparring Helaena a small glance as she played with her bugs, whispering words they did not understand, “we both fancy creatures with very long legs” Aegon’s eyes had once again found Visenya, before running off to chase one of the serving girls.
“Aemond” Visenya nearly shouted. walking quickly up to him once the service was ended. she pulled him into a hug, mumbling into his hair “I missed you”
“Me too” he hugged her back, refusing to let her go.
“how have you been” “did you like my letters” they spoke at the same time,.
“I’ve missed you too much, the keep is too quiet without you and i now understand why Aegon hates to attend his lessons, they are so full without you there”?
“Oh course, maester Arychn does not know the meaning of the word fun” Visenya giggled,  “Dragonstone is beautiful, but the sky is grey and it is cold and all we eat is fish. Aemond, I hate fish” she made a gagging sound “before I did not like it so much but now it is revolting”.
Aemond laughed, grabbing her hand.
“I meet Rhaena and Baela earlier” Visenya started, turning to face Aemond “did you know their mother Laena claimed Vaghar when she was five and ten”.
He nodded, of course, he did, having no dragon all he did was read of them and their riders “she was the dragon of Visenya Targaryen, the oldest living dragon, the queen of dragons” he nodded, speaking in awe
“Rhaena fears her, she spoke of how her mother intended to pass Vaghar to her but” she leaned in to whisper in his ear “she still remains unclaimed, imagine me on the king’s dragon and you on the queen of dragons”.
And he did, them flying through the sky, hands reaching for each other at impossible distances.
“I know her mother has only just passed but a dragon is not inherited”. 
Aemond nodded, already forming a plan.
“Is that Dameon?” he then questioned looking over at the silver-haired man staring at Visenya.
“yes” Senya  nodded “Is he waving at me?”
“I think so” Aemond agreed “I have heard stories of him, they call him the rouge prince, and of how he defeated the crab eater in the steppestones” Aemond blabbed “you should talk to him, he seems to want to speak with you”. 
she nodded, letting go of his hand and hesitantly walking forward.
“Prince Daemon” she greeted, before looking back at Aemond to see the reassuring smile on his face.
Daemon was leant against a wall, looking her up and down before smiling and releasing a small chuckle, “Visneya, was it?” 
“Yes,” she mumbled
He hummed, moving forward, “You are the spitting image of my mother, aside from your eyes” he spoke, stroking her cheek and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “You have my eyes” he spoke, tilting her chin up.
She didn't want to meet his yes, she knew what he meant, she looked down, catching a glimpse of dark sister and letting out a small gasp “is that dark sister?” 
He chuckled again, letting go of her chin, “yes, do you want to see it?” 
She nodded, a smile gracing her face. It was beautiful, pure Valyrian metal, the sword of her namesake. “Ser Harwin had started to train me” she mumbled “Mother refused to let me learn with my brothers, so Harwin used to sneak me lessons whenever he could”
Daemon nodded, a smile filling his face “and are you any good?” he teased
“I could knock you on your arse given the chance” she joked, daemon let out a loud chuckle, humming.
“im sure you could”
“Visenya!” she heard her mother call, walking up to her “go to bed”
“But its earl-”
“Go to bed” Looking down, she nodded, “yes, mother”
next chapter
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hayladuane1346 · 17 days
⟩>..Meu oc do Mundo do Torajo..<⟨
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Fiz esse Oc na zoeira mesmo, não leve a sério
Peguei um base no Chrome de Torajo modelo
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evesetchings · 6 months
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Decided to make a separate post for my space riders au Oc Dream Eater. The original post with all the info about their backstory and personality is here, if you wanna read that. (Once again, pronouns are they/it)
I actually have way more thoughts about this guy than I posted about before, either hadn’t thought about it yet or just straight up forgot to put it in the other post, so I’m putting it here. It’s mostly just worldbuilding that I thought of though, just thought I’d share them.
So Dream Eater’s species is, as stated before, a type of parasite called a somnivore that latches into the nervous system of a host and sucks the chemicals that are produced by the body during sleep. They require hosts to survive and usually can’t last long without one, around a month, and reproduce asexually through budding. Somnivores actually have the intelligence leves of humans and other space faring creatures, but haven’t formed any sort of society due to their lifestyles. This can lead to situations where the parasite can communicate with hosts and others and maybe even a more mutualistic relationship where the somnivore only takes the chemicals require to survive and helps the host with tasks while they sleep, but not always, because like other beings, their personalities can vary a lot, not necessarily all malicious, but can be difficult depending on the individual. They were actually fairly localized on their planet with the exception of a few accidental interplanetary hitchhikers (like Dream Eater) until the planet was invaded by the Prototype and his cult. Now because somnivores are so dependent on chemicals from their hosts, it also makes them insanely vulnerable to the red smoke, which can kill them quite easily, so now with the entire planet overtaken by the cult, the only surviving somnivores are the ones that left on interstellar hosts.
“Wait,” you might be asking, “but if they die when exposed to the smoke, how is Dream Eater still alive?” Well, Dream eater isn’t exactly a normal somnivore. In order to fit in with the cult, they needed some…”enhancements”. This included a higher capacity for the red smoke and a much, much larger size (the typical somnivore is only around a couple centimeters in length and maxes out at about 50), so they could not just survive, but also be a much deadlier weapon for the Prototype.
The space riders au was made by @onyxonline, go check out their stuff as well as all the other stuff made by other talented people!
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