#lex 💜
lover-of-mine ¡ 5 months
anna now i'm having the awful thought of. their relationship is going to be a mess..... in a not fun way..... neither of them understand the concept of consent when it comes to themselves so really how the fuck are the two of them supposed to have a healthy sexual relationship......
Lex, baby, I'm right there with you. They have a very intense relationship emotionally already and I think when it turns sexual it would also get very intense, but both of them have a bad relationship with sex and will probably have next to none experience with men, assuming Tommy will be the only guy for Buck and and the very real chance that Buck will be the only guy Eddie will be with, you can have them be a dumpster fire sexually. Because Eddie knows Buck is a very sexual person, so there's that pressure, and Buck would never pressure Eddie but Eddie would pressure himself, and do we trust them to sit down and talk? Be like "hey this is a new layer, how are we navigating it?" Because I think they would go from zero to all the way very quickly, maybe not all the way but from just kissing to some sort of sexual thing happening quite fast, but once the intensity of a first time wears off, where are we putting them? And if that first time doesn't happen quickly, can we trust Eddie to bring whatever he's feeling about sex to the table? Can we trust Buck not to spiral if they're not having sex? I know that if either one of them were like "I don't wanna do it right now" the other would absolutely be like "great let's cuddle" and it would not be a problem, but can we trust Eddie to say no if he's not feeling it and can we trust Buck to not equate his value in the relationship with sex and therefore not freak out if Eddie sex drive is lower than his? Also does Buck know he can say no to Eddie and that wouldn't make him love him any less if he's not feeling it? Because I can see Buck freaking out at the idea of fucking up his relationship with Eddie with sex and being scared to do it, but can they navigate the emotional layer that's gonna be attached to sex with it comes to them? Can we really trust them to not let sex become a problem? Do they even know sex is supposed to be fun and it can be a great way to feel close to your partner and it's not just something you do with your body? Can we even trust the show to acknowledge they are creating problems that would have to be addressed? This is stuff I never thought to think about because them actually getting together was a distant dream but now it's a real possibility and I'm sitting here like "how would the switch from platonic to romantic to sexual actually look like with them?" and standing in the corner all 🧍🧍because i don't know
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trekkingaroundasgard ¡ 1 year
Yes I did change my pfp! It used to be Carol Danvers on the ace flag haha, I recently redid my whole coloring aesthetic on this account and updated the photos etc so it IS different than how you probably last saw it lol. ANYHOO…. glad to hear from you again! I’ve also just been being, I get it haha. I think the last thing I wrote was the Bucky piece for your picture based prompt challenge 😅 the good news is that I’m officially a year free from college and am waiting to hear back on a job or two (part-time, while I struggle to find an art based career in this day and age 🫠). Now that I’m done with school, I’m trying to really push myself to get more into the swing of writing because I have all these ideas/outlines fully noted down, I just never had the time to do something with them, but I might have a Hobbit one in the chamber soon :)
LEX when on earth did you send this god I promise I wasn't ignoring you ahaha
I KNEW I wasn't going crazy ahaha yes ahh poor Carol we miss you (will she make a reappearance when The Marvels comes out? It's literally the only MCU project this year that has made me even remotely excited, I cannot wait) Anyway, I love the new theme especially the gay grim reaper, what a guy xD
Did you hear back from the job?? I hope it was good news?? I totally feel you on art based careers these days. Why are we living now when 500 years ago we could have been artists at a royal court or paid to entertain one single noble that loved our work? Sigh
And the trees! Oh the trees were amazing. I loved the forest but it did not love me xD I left the nature park with over 35 bug bites and some of them went really interesting colours ahaha
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inairbinad ¡ 1 year
summer challenge fic in the wip titles? am I allowed to ask about that one? 👀
it only exists because of you babe, you can ask whatever you want!! 💜💜
Admittedly my dialogue prompt ("That look in your eye terrifies me") didn't inspire a plot as quickly as I wanted beyond what Eddie would say in response ("There’s a fine line between terrified and turned on, Stevie”). But I've finally got one going!
I wanted to really lean into the summer vibe so we've got a roadtrip, stargazing, and an amusement park all smushed into one fic. And since it's the Spicy Six Summer Challenge, I couldn't help myself and I had to throw in some Ronance and Jargyle on the way to setting up the Steddie.
Longer snippet under the cut!
ask me about my wips
“Hold the phone…” Eddie said, placing a gentle hand on Steve’s forearm and pulling him back. Reluctantly, Steve lifted his chin and faced Eddie. “Are you jealous?”
“Well—” Steve tried, but Eddie was too busy getting worked up to even let him answer.
“Oh my god,” he practically hooted. “I knew you had a thing for Byers!”
“What? No, I—”
“Unless you don’t, and you’re actually into—oh my god,” Eddie was apparently not only interrupting Steve, but himself now too. “Are you crushing on Argyle?”
“No,” Steve said more forcefully, but Eddie was already talking. Again.
“Because I’d totally get it, man. He’s very pretty. Got those flowing locks you could just—” Eddie mimed grabbing onto something with both hands, “get your fingers in.”
“Jesus Christ, do you ever shut up?” Steve sighed, completely exasperated. If he didn't shut this down, he was pretty sure Eddie would accuse him of being in love with everyone but the person Steve actually had feelings for. The idiot sitting next to him.
“My name’s Eddie, actually, but I don’t mind the comparison. He also had good hair, that Jesus guy—”
“I’m not into Jonathan or Argyle!” Steve did the interrupting this time, raising his voice probably a little too loudly for the thin walls to contain. He didn’t care much if the occupants of the other rooms heard him over their other activities, it wasn’t like he was trying to keep who he didn't like a secret.
It had the added bonus of shutting Eddie up, anyway.
“I'm happy for them, really, but I guess I am a little jealous,” Steve admitted, quietly now. “But not because I want them. I just want…someone.”
Eddie’s posture softened again, and Steve braved looking him in the eye. They seemed warmer now, somehow, like the summer heat had melted their striking brown shade like chocolate. Eddie squeezed where he still had a grip on Steve’s arm and smiled a little sadly.
“Yeah, I get that, Stevie.”
eta: I also posted this snippet last week that probably got eaten in the Great Tumblr Imprisonment of 2023.
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wise-blue-cookies ¡ 4 months
If Tim had succeeded in creating clones specifically timkon superbaby clone, his siblings r never going to leave him alone for 'pulling a lex',,,,
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loveydoveylex ¡ 11 months
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Too much is too much, and Ramon breaks down in front of his lover. AKA Lex Really Wanted To Hug And Comfort Ramon So He Wrote Fanfiction About It. ~1,7k words. I pretty much wrote this in one go, but I had a lot of fun with it! As always, please enjoy!
The sudden sound of a certain blonde vigilante’s gruff and scratchy voice made Lex’s antennae perk up, briefly lighting up the otherwise dark and dull alleyway the two were currently taking up as a temporary hideout. Lex tilted his head ever so slightly to the side, his gaze fixed on his conversation partner–none other than Ramon, of course–before he softly spoke up.
“Why… what?”
“Why are you still here?”
Lex swallowed a lump in his throat, unsure of how to answer, and instead chose to let the question linger in the cold, freezing air. He glanced at the ground, observing as the rainfall from above came into contact with the concrete below, leaving its mark in the form of various small puddles scattered throughout the passageway. He let out a throaty sigh, his breath visible in the cold air. No reply was given, and Lex merely looked the other way, his cheeks dusted with a faint rosy color.
“Look at me,” Ramon sneered, his teeth gritted and his eyes so focused and sharp that they could practically pierce through Lex’s skin; however, his scowl and bitter expression were quick to vanish at the sight of Lex's gaze drifting back to look at him–the corners of his mouth turned upwards–and it didn’t take long for Ramon’s tough facade to get washed away in the rain. That damn smile.
“...Sorry,” Ramon mumbled, kicking a few pebbles to the side. A couple of them stuck to his shoes, which were soaked and muddy from the weather. He slid down the brick wall he had been standing up against, letting himself fall to the ground.
“I just don’t understand.”
Lex frowned, his mouth slightly agape as if he wanted to say something, but couldn’t get the right words out. He scratched the back of his head, internally cursing himself out for not knowing what to do. Eventually, after a minute or two of uncertainty, he joined Ramon on the ground, scooting closer to him. The two sat like that for a while, the only sound around them coming from raindrops that tapped against the surrounding buildings.
A long moment of eerie silence passed by, before Lex finally opened his mouth to say something; his throat–figuratively speaking–felt dry and sore, and his voice came out strained. “...Do you, um… do you need to be alone? Do–do you want me to leave?”
This caught Ramon’s attention, whose eyes widened as he felt his heart sink. But he couldn’t show it. Not now. Nevertheless, he felt a ringing in his ears begin to drown out the rain.
“Well–it’s, uh–it’s just that you seemed… you seemed… I guess…”
Lex fumbled with his words for a few seconds, repeating himself as his throat felt like it was getting more and more dry for every second that passed. For every word he spoke, he found it becoming harder and harder to breathe.
“I–I guess, uh… you seemed… uncomfortable? You seemed uncomfortable… that I’m still here. I–I can leave, no problem. I get it. Really.”
A sharp pain hit Ramon right in the chest; he barely even registered it, but before he knew it, he was clutching Lex’s gloved hand in his own, squeezing so tightly that it almost hurt. As if he let go, even for just a second, he would never get to see him again. The strength of his grip caused his knuckles to turn white, and he let out a sharp breath through clenched teeth.
“D–Don’t leave.”
Ramon’s voice was soft-spoken–nearing the same high pitch it once used to have before he had broken down from all the lies. From all the deceit. From all the bullshit.
“I don’t want to be alone again.”
He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t go through that loneliness again. For crying out loud, in all the years that Lex had been hiding in the shadows from the hands of Eden, Ramon had thought he was dead. Now he finally had him back, and he was absolutely petrified that at any moment, he could slip away again. That he could blink and he’d be gone without a trace. And he’d have no way of knowing what would happen to him if he did. His thoughts were racing, and he didn’t even realize he was trembling until he felt the warmth of another person pressed up against his own body, wrapping him up in a comforting embrace–and it didn’t take long for him to completely melt into the touch as he felt Lex’s face nuzzling against his own. 
With anyone else, his first instinct would have been to flinch and get ready to defend himself. But with Lex… he could never even dream of even getting anywhere near close to harming him. Not in a million years. All he could do now was let all of the tension in his body get washed away, instead overtaken by butterflies in his stomach and warmth in his heart.
A hug. When was the last time he had been hugged? He’d… he’d surely hugged someone in all those years without Lex, right? He had friends. He had… he had the Board of Directors, he had his fans… those were friends, weren’t they?
Weren’t they?
Oh, fuck it. He was a sad, lonely, self-loathing sack of shit with no friends who hadn’t felt actual honest physical touch with another person for so long that he had almost fucking forgotten what something as simple as a hug felt like.
All that lost time… he should’ve been there for Lex. He should’ve protected him. He failed him. And yet here he was, enveloping him in his arms–or lack thereof–and rubbing circles on his back.
Why was he still here?
Ramon couldn’t keep it together anymore. He felt like such a pathetic low-life. And thus, the tears began to fall. What he had hoped to hold in as a few gentle sniffles turned into full-on ugly sobbing as he clutched onto Lex for dear life. He wasn’t supposed to see him like this. No one was. But if he had to let his guard down around anyone, he’d rather it be Lex.
Maybe it was okay to be vulnerable. Just this once.
Lex stayed put, his grip on Ramon tightening as he gently rocked him back and forth in his embrace, letting him cry as much as he needed to cry. He held him so close that he could feel Ramon’s heartbeat as if it were his own, and his tail emitted a low, comforting glow as it wrapped around Ramon’s body, providing just a tinge of warmth–a shimmer of security amidst the cold, hard outside world.
They stayed like this for a few minutes–Ramon seemed like he’d been holding that in for a long time–before the sound of sobbing grew quiet, eventually dying down completely. Ramon didn’t even dare move his hand to wipe the remaining tears away. Not like it mattered, anyway–the downpour was still heavy, and it really didn’t make a difference whether he was crying or not. He just wanted to stay like this for a little longer. He needed this right now.
“...I promise,” Lex began, his voice barely above a whisper, “I’m never letting you go, Ramon. Never. Okay?”
Ramon didn’t respond, but his expression softened, and he let out a heavy breath that he didn’t even know he was holding in.
“If… if you’ll have me, I’m yours. Forever. I know I would love nothing more, heh.”
Ramon couldn’t help but crack a weak smile at the way Lex’s words trailed off into a chuckle. He didn’t deserve him. He really didn’t.
“If… if I had known you were alive, I would’ve–”
Ramon didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before Lex cut him off with a delicate kiss, gently cupping his cheeks–which only grew hotter and hotter the longer the moment went on. Oh, he had missed this. Having someone love and care for you so unconditionally. It was an incredible feeling. He closed his eyes, savoring the moment for as long as he could, before they both had to break apart to catch their breath. Lex–who was lightly shivering from the coldness of both of their chapped lips, though he didn’t mind at all–planted a small peck on Ramon’s nose, making him emit a low, genuine chuckle for the first time in who knows how long. Lex felt his own face light up in response. He wanted nothing more than for Ramon to be happy. And he felt like the luckiest guy on Earth to be able to be the source of that happiness.
“Ramon… please–don’t dwell on the past, okay? We can’t–we can’t live life like that. We’re in the present now. And we’re together. That’s–that’s all that matters,” Lex cooed, placing his hand on top of Ramon’s–who wasted no time in intertwining their fingers together. “You know, I watched you. All that time when I was in, uh–when I was in hiding. I saw every single one of your shows.”
Ramon snickered, rolling his eyes. Deep down, though, he was genuinely appreciative and flattered–even if he didn’t show it verbally. “Yeah? I’m surprised you tuned in to that stupid shit.”
“...It was kind of stupid, yeah,” Lex couldn’t help but snort. “I just wanted to see you. And–and hey, you did look really cute in that suit.”
“That thing was at least three sizes too small,” Ramon grinned, his face heating up even more at the notion of Lex having missed him that much. His snickering had turned into full-on laughter, making Lex’s heart flutter. And for a moment, he just took in the sight of Ramon in that state; actually smiling and laughing. 
God, he was lucky. 
He shook his head before he got too carried away–though a deep blush continued to coat his cheeks, despite the freezing weather–and stood up to get back on his feet, still holding Ramon’s hand in his, who hopped up alongside him. Lex's tail remained in the same position, however, still enveloping Ramon's body. Letting him know he was loved.
“And speaking of the present–we’ve gotta get out of this rain before, uh–before we catch a cold,” Lex muttered, scanning the environment for any kind of shelter, even if there wasn’t much to make out during the dark evening hours.
“Eden’s cops are on our tail, and your biggest worry is getting a little sick?”, Ramon scoffed– though it was meant lightheartedly–and after a moment, he let out a content sigh, giving Lex’s hand a firm squeeze. Despite the circumstances… he actually felt happy.
“Never change, Lex. Never change.”
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plushchimera ¡ 8 months
ROAN ❤️ obviously who can resist him? And then the second pt can be any version of Lex I lov them all.
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Roan’s pt is a fun romance with a fancy fire-magic-man who may or may not be an actual dragon. People are still speculating, fan theories are wild. There is going to be at least one fancy event he suggests to ditch not even halfway through. Roan also wouldn’t mind if you decide to romance another character at any point of the game, or so he says. Please don’t break his heart, he’s not used to it.
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For your Lex pt prepare to consult some guides, a lot. People on forums complain that they always end up in a friendship route instead of a romantic one. While it’s actually pretty easy to start Lex’s romance, it’s also easy to get locked out at any point of the game. For those who still want to try and get that last steam achievement, Lex is a pillar of support, cool under pressure and surprisingly affectionate. Every version of Lex has something to do with music, be it career or hobby. Their main love language is physical touch. If they are angry with you, you will know.
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knightzp ¡ 5 months
(About The forgotten lyre - your fic)
Hey mikiii I am not really sure if I should send this as an ask but my ao3 isn't working and I just HAD to let you know asap 😭
I loved your fic sm <33 😭 I really enjoyed reading it !! It had such an interesting plot that I genuinely thought I was reading a published novel...I was immediately spamming "next chapter" at the end of each one!!
For me, since I am not part of the fandom, I didn't know the characters so they were more like ocs to me but their personalities and dynamics were very clear through your writing :D
I am pretty sure I would love it even more if I was in the fandom and actually knew the characters (which means I must get into it now :D) but regardless I have grown to love them bc of your writing ^_^
Also I am a sucker for riddles and prophecies...so the moment the prophecy was revealed I was sold <3 and it was really satisfying when it was completely resolved :D
There were so many specific scenes I loved too...for example your descriptions of the various places and settings were very good :0 also there were quite a few dialogues I liked too but I'll keep my rambling short for now haha
Keep writing miki I'd love to read more from you!! <3
Also on that note, I have a question!
Is there a fic that you have written...that is your personal favorite? Basically what do you recommend I read of yours after this lol :]
[ALSO The artworks were so beautiful...it really set the scene so appreciation to the artist from my side <3]
AAAAA LEX OHMYGOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY READING THIS MADE ME im really really glad you liked the fic that much!!!!!!!
"I genuinely thought I was reading a published novel" YOU FLATTER ME 🥺​🥺​🥺​ i love knowing you liked the plot of the fic!!! i also Love prophecies and riddles in stories so much but its difficult to do them right so i had to think quite well abt them and im glad you think i did a good job writing them in the end !!
and abt the characters i know you arent into enstars so for you to have read this long fic abt them really means a lot to me <33 im glad you say their personalities and dynamics were easy to understand through my writing and that you got interested in them thanks to it!!! now that i think abt it the characters do have a lot of nicknames depending who is calling them so i hope that part wasnt confusing aldksfk (and omg if you do get into enstars in the end you have to tell me :3)
aaaa i actually love writing description so im happy that you pointed out you liked those scenes 🥺 and there are also some dialogues that im quite proud of so thank you!!!
and im Overjoyed that you really want to read more of my writing like !!!!!! to answer your question im quite proud of every season is full of memories of you with me , and Pink & Blue is quite a short one but is very dear to me too! also idk if youve watched hxh? but i have quite a few fics abt it too. i really like a lot False Steps which is a dancing au !! but well you can just go through my ao3 page and just pick whichever if theres any other that piques your interest!!
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stevethehairington ¡ 2 years
do you LOVE stranger things fanart?
do you LOVE gorgeous colors and incredible textures and fantastic lighting?
do you LOVE new and fresh ideas and super creative concepts?
if you answered yes to any (ALL) of the above then you should ABSOLUTELY STOP WHAT YOURE DOING RIGHT NOW AND GO FOLLOW MY BESTIE @artbean for all the beautiful, incredible, wonderful, mindblowing art of all your faves and so much more!!!! ✨️💜✨️💜
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sidekick-hero ¡ 1 year
oh oh oh tell me more about Suitcase of Memories? 🥰
Awww Lex, my dear, thank you for making me talk about @legitcookie and I's big bang 🫶
So, it's basically a star-crossed lovers story. They met in a different life but their love is doomed from the start. But many centuries later, Steve has those weird dreams that seem almost too real. About two lovers finding and losing each other. And they start just when he meets this really cute guy who feels so familiar even if they never met before. They click instantly and Steve can see himself falling in love with Eddie. And that thought terrifies him.
Have a very special moment under the cut because I love you friend💜
A melody, hauntingly familiar, reaches his ears. It's coming from further up the sidewalk, and he picks up his pace, his feet almost moving on their own in their hurry to find the source of the song before it stops. Turning the corner, he's greeted by a beautiful man with an acoustic guitar, and the sight steals the breath from his lungs.
The man has long, curly brown hair, and his face is softly pinched as his thick, ringed fingers idly strum the instrument. Watching him play is mesmerizing, the gentle melody like a long forgotten memory. It's as if the man has cast a spell over Steve, drawing him closer and closer until Steve is standing right in front of him.
The man must have noticed him approaching because when he lifts his head he looks right at Steve. As their eyes meet, Steve feels an electric charge running through his body. He gasps softly at the overwhelming wave, and the eyes of the guitarist widen at the same time.
"Hi," says the breathtaking figure before him, friendly and curious.
Of course, Steve acts like an idiot, because instead of answering like a normal person, he just keeps staring at the man, mouth probably open, eyes wide. After a long moment he catches himself and replies in a breathless voice, "Hi.”
They look at each other for a moment before the man's lips curl into a small smile. "Like what you hear?"
Steve clears his throat and nods a little too forcefully. "Uh, yeah, man. It sounds great."
The man strums the same chords again, and goose bumps start to rise up Steve's arms. He can't help but ask, "It sounds really familiar. What is it?"
"Oh, it's nothing. Just something that popped into my head," the man shrugs, his eyes moving sideways, finally breaking eye contact, and he starts fidgeting with his rings. There's something so familiar about the way the man talks and moves, but Steve can't put his finger on it.
"Have we met?" Steve asks, eyebrows furrowed. He's still staring intently at the man with the guitar. It's like he's listening to an old record, one he used to know by heart but hasn't listened to in a long time, and it's just skipped a few beats and he doesn't know where he is in the song.
"Pretty sure I'd remember you if we did," the man replies, his eyes shifting sideways and back to Steve, giving him a wink and grinning widely, white teeth flashing behind full lips. Oh fuck, he has dimples too.
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stranger-awakening ¡ 1 year
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trekkingaroundasgard ¡ 1 year
LEX MY DEAR it is SO good to hear from you
Even when they try to banish me I come back, Just me and the pals just hiding under the rock. I’ve been…. Being ahaha doing the best I can. Trying to find the motivation to write again, something, anything at all. Out of that, work is kinda shite and the weather is miserably hot and humid but I saw a big tree at the weekend (and by big tree, I mean a Big tree; the forest I hiked in was full of mega trees that are over 700 years old) which was honestly wonderful
But anyway how are YOU!!?? It’s been absolutely ages tell me everything
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frootyrooties ¡ 2 years
would you spend christmas with any of your mutuals if you could?
if i’m gonna be honest, the only mutual i would wholeheartedly spend Christmas with is @fancycolours ☺️💜 i could see her and i vibin at a Chicago christmas show or something ✨ 🤩
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dengswei ¡ 1 year
i’m grateful for the years we had together
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loveydoveylex ¡ 6 months
Good Morning Sunlight
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Still not quite used to life in the Glade of Dreams, Lex wakes up and has some trouble taking everything in. Raylex sweetness that I forgot to post. <3 1.026 words. Also on AO3!
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The early hours of the morning were starting to creep up on the Glade of Dreams, as its two suns rose to provide warmth and light to all of its inhabitants. Many creatures had already awoken from their slumber, pacing through the greenery of the jungles and forests to start their daily errands.
This, of course, was far from the case for two limbless lovers, who were tangled up together in a sleepy cuddle, covered in soft, fluffy blankets amidst the tall grass surrounding them.
The blankets in question–all of which had various warm, muted colors and were decorated with nature-inspired patterns–had been handknitted by Betilla the Fairy, given to them as a present on their wedding day. Perfect for a couple of sleepyheads. 
The shorter of the two–that being Lex, of course, the alien Stargazer–faintly mumbled some incomprehensible gibberish, lost in whatever he was currently dreaming about. His grip on his lover–Rayman, who else?–tightened in his sleep, as he clung onto him like a koala bear.
As the morning began to set in, Lums illuminated the air, flapping their little wings and humming softly. While most of the Glade’s inhabitants were used to these tiny creatures and their general presence, Lex was still growing accustomed to them after having lived most of his life in deep space. Sure, he didn’t remember much–if anything–of what that was like, but his body sure did, and it acted accordingly.
Space was quiet. The Glade, though it didn’t seem like anything out of the ordinary to most folks, was not.
Lex stirred in his sleep, feeling his eyes begin to open ever so slightly. He groaned–he was barely awake, and yet all of his senses were already being overwhelmed at full blast. Too many bright lights. Too many loud noises. God, it was… a lot.
He buried his face deeper into the fabric of Rayman’s hoodie, nuzzling his chest in an attempt to let it calm him down enough to go back to sleep. Of course, though, said attempt was unsuccessful, and he wasn’t going back to dreamland anytime soon.
Not long after, he felt the familiar touch of gloved fingers delicately stroking his back, and he couldn’t help but feel a smile make its way onto his face.
“G’morning,” Lex whispered, bringing one of his hands up to caress Rayman’s cheek, getting a silent chuckle out of the hero.
“Morning, snugglebug,” Rayman replied–his voice deep and hoarse as he adjusted to the feeling of being awake after his slumber. Lex’s smile brightened and a heat rapidly rose to his face. No matter how many times he’d heard it before, he never got tired of that adorable, sleepy voice. It was like music to his ears… if he had any ears. It was like music to his, uh, antennae. Which were, speaking of, twitching at every little sound vibration in the air.
Rayman let out a long, drawn-out yawn, smacking his lips for a while afterwards. Though he looked like he was more than ready to go back to sleep, he pulled his beloved closer, fighting his body’s urge to close his eyes once more. “Something caught your attention?”
Lex shook his head against Rayman’s body, merely letting out an unsure hum. “Not… not really, no. Just… I dunno. It’s way too early in the morning for the world around us to be, uh, this active. This loud… and bright.”
“You overstimulated, sweetheart?”, Rayman muttered, continuing his embrace with delicate strokes on Lex’s back. “‘Cause I think it’s real quiet and peaceful. But I know you’re a bit more sensitive to all of this stuff than I am.”
“Mmmm… maybe,” Lex sighed, pulling their shared blanket higher up in a feeble attempt to block out the rays of the suns.
“We’ll crash somewhere closer to the shade next time, bud. Sorry about that.”
“You… you don’t have to apologize, silly. It’s not–it’s not your fault.”
“Aw, but it is. I’ve gotta protect you, y’know?”
An amused snicker escaped Lex. What had he done to deserve this man?
“You can’t… you can’t protect me from everything. But I love you anyway.”
“Still gonna try… only the best for the love of my life,” Rayman softly mumbled, lightly nuzzling his nose against the top of Lex’s head. And at a sentence and gesture like that, Lex couldn’t stop his entire face from heating up.
“...You’re too nice to me,” Lex muttered meekly, letting out a quiet yelp as he felt his lover begin to sit up, dragging Lex up with him in the process as the two were still tangled up in each other’s–hypothetical–arms.
“Y’wanna grab some grub?”, Rayman yawned, rubbing his eyes. “All this sleeping is making me hungry… and we could go somewhere more quiet. Could make you some blueberry pancakes.”
Lex grinned, looking up at Rayman as he sighed contently. “Blueberry pancakes do sound pretty nice right about now. You–you spoil me, y’know that?”
Rayman, finally starting to fully awaken, ruffled Lex’s hair–being careful not to be too rough, considering how fragile his antennae were–and let out a hearty chuckle. “Yeah, but I like spoiling you. Seeing the way your face scrunches up when you get happy is the highlight of my day.”
A shy, squeaky giggle was all that Lex could come up with in response, and Rayman could’ve sworn he practically felt his pupils turn into hearts at the display. He pulled him closer, rocking him back and forth for a bit as he traced his finger across the smile on Lex’s face.
“That’s exactly what I mean…���, he cooed, kissing the top of his head one last time before he finally stood up, letting the pile of blankets fall to the side and stretching his body as best as you can without any limbs. Lex wasted no time in getting up along with him, grabbing the soft blankets and nuzzling his face against them one last time before the two lovebirds headed deeper into the forest, hand in hand. Next on the agenda; blueberry pancakes… and maybe another nap.
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leonsliga ¡ 1 year
Bri, I forgot to tell you!! I went to a restaurant this weekend and look what team they support!!
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Lex omg this made my day!! It’s definitely a classy establishment by default 🤷‍♀️ you can’t go wrong with such good taste in clubs!!
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just-otter-thoughts ¡ 3 months
Элли и Мейсон ДОМ 💜
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