anothanobody · 2 years
Yes her hair 😭 I’m so sleepy tbh so good night.
Here’s a tiny story of angst Nunkasa not giving up
Murmurs of a prayer being uttered inside of a dim room as a shadow of a kneeling figure could be seen. A nun exactly, as she basks in the solitude finishing her duties and prayers. Slender fingers clutching the beads of the rosary, with closed eyes passionately chanting the practice of the virtues.
“debita nostra sicut et nos
dimittimus debitoribus nostris” the woman passionately continues. She’s a beauty, some says even comparable to their beloved Virgin Mary herself. Thick and dark wispy lashes framing her eyes ever so nicely, with a silver irises greeting everyone once they’re not hidden behind her lids anymore. Lips, pouty and glossy, resembling a doll. And a face, where she’s going to look more and more gorgeous the longer you stare at her. And that woman is no other than Mikasa Ackerman.
“et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libira nos a malo. Amen” Mikasa then ended it with a small smile forming on her lips and opened her eyes. Looking up at the cross in the center, she then started another prayer. “It’s been almost eight years that have passed ever since he died. And during those years I felt so alone, but not once where I did not lose hope that one day, he will be in my arms again, laughing along at the joke that I made. So please God, help me… take me to his path. I know that you never abandoned him, like you did with me”. She then nodded to herself with assurance. Face looking bright as a new wave of hope settles within her.
broooo this is so good. but wait is eren there? wasn’t eren there? 🤔🤔🤔🧐🧐🧐 i need more but at the same time i need more. lol the last paragraph was so good tho. and her described as a doll is pretty perfect tbh. she looks like one.
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Another of my and @hunnybel‘s mixed grubs, and this is Pasiba (pah-see-bah) who is an Azgiri kid
Knight of Mind
Prospit and Derse Dreamer
No lusus (raised by his ancestor-dads)
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rougejungle · 5 years
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@rougejungle X KHADIJAH
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trulymadlysydney · 5 years
I’m a Gemini raised by a Libra and a Taurus, does that say anything?
I mean based on sun signs only it’s likely you’re closer to the Liibra parent, but there’s a lot that could go into it, like more than  I could say! 
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kartamisu · 3 years
Cerita baru <3
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sebtember5 · 2 years
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sciatu · 2 years
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Comi fa a campari cu nun mivi vinu? senza u sangu da terra nte so vini senza da fozza chi nto bicchieri chinu leva ogni pinseri e tutti i so spini?
Senza vinu nun c’è missa o vita a notti nun aviria amuri o stiddi saria na poesia mai capita saria na campagna senza ariddi!
U vinu inveci cancia ogni cosa a tutto ci dugna n’autru sapuri na fichidigna diventa na rosa na zita laida, pari nu ciuri.
Ntra terra e celu nasci u vinu da matri avi beddu surrisu du patri fozza e sensu divinu chi pigghia e libira d’ogni pisu.
U maistrali, friddu ci potta a riscina nica mi si difenni s’inchi i zuccuru e suppotta gelu e nivi chi parunu etenni
Eccu l’estati arriva patruni i cocci niri e chiddi ndurati brillanu tra alivi e lumiuni mentri i butti su zuffarati.
Accussì u vinu ridennu nasci e l’autunnu diventa na festa chi nta di butti, chiusi chi fasci da terra e cielu, l’amuri, resta
Come può vivere chi non beve vino? senza il sangue della terra nelle sue vene? senza quella forza che nel bicchiere pieno leva ogni pensiero e tutte le sue spine? Senza vino non c'è nessuna messa o vita, la notte non avrebbe amore e stelle, sarebbe una poesia mai capita, la campagna senza il canto dei grilli. Il vino invece cambia ogni cosa, a tutto dona un altro sapore; un ficodindia diventa una rosa, una fidanzata brutta ora sembra un fiore. Il vino nasce tra cielo e terra, della madre ha il sorriso, del padre la forza, il senso di divino che ti prende e ti libera da ogni peso. Il vento maestrale porta il freddo e la piccola uva per difendersi si riempie di zucchero e sopporta il gelo e la neve che sembrano eterni. Ecco che l'estate arriva da padrone, i chicchi neri e quelli dorati, brillano tra gli olivi e i limoni, mentre le botti vengono pulite con lo zolfo. E' così che il vino nasce, e l'autunno diventa una festa, perchè nella botte chiusa con le fasce, ci resta l'amore del cielo e della terra.
How can someone who does not drink wine, live? without the blood of the earth in his veins? without that strength that in the full glass raises every thought and all its thorns? Without wine there is no mass or life, the night would not have love and stars, it would be a poem never understood, the countryside without the song of crickets. Wine, on the other hand, changes everything, it gives everything a different flavor; a prickly pear becomes a rose, an ugly girlfriend now looks like a flower. Wine is born between heaven and earth, from the mother has a smile, the father's strength, the sense of divine that takes you and frees you from all burdens. The mistral wind brings the cold and the small grapes to defend themselves are filled with sugar and withstand the frost and snow that seem eternal. Here is the summer comes as a master, the black and golden grains shine among the olive trees and lemons, while the barrels are cleaned with sulfur. This is how wine is born, and autumn becomes a celebration, because in the barrel closed with the bands, there remains the love of heaven and earth.
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ultimavoce · 5 years
Caso BuzzFeed: perché la Russia c'entra sempre
Alcune considerazioni sul caso #BuzzFeed e sull'impressione che la #Lega viva quel momento d'oro in cui potrebbe letteralmente prendere i #soldi dai portafogli delle persone e uscirne comunque fortificata
Buzzfeed pubblica e trascrive l’inquietante audio dell’incontro tra Savoini, collaboratore di Salvini, e tre uomini dipendenti del Governo russo. Dopo gli attacchi hacker ai siti delle ONG del Mediterraneo, gli sbarchi fantasmi con scafisti russa, le trattative con la Libia, cosa vuole la Russia da noi?
Il caso era stato anticipato qualche mese fa da un’inchiesta de L’Espresso,ma la vera bomba è…
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hju-myn · 8 years
Libira visi, forma hjumyn, ovel gevv nue lif, brier ztar quenzitv dol kattfex demond xjem
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sciatu · 4 years
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Perché noi siamo fatti così (nui, semu accussì) amiamo la vita e amiamo a la terra (a terra chi jè matri) perché la vita è il grembo in cui viviamo (a vita è u focu c’avemu) e siamo il vento che viene dal mare (i spini di fichidinnia a rascina di viti i spighi du ranu), siamo l’abbraccio che mai finisce (l’amuri che mai mori, i lacrimi chi nuddu asciuga, u curaggiu chi mai si stuta), siamo la ricchezza di un mercato, i suoi colori e le sue voci (semu u suduri, semu i caddi nte mani i cui u miccatu aricchiu), siamo l’urlo del pescatore che avvista il pescespada e fa iniziare la caccia (semu u sangu du piscispada chi scupmpari ntall’ acqua comi tanti di nui scumpareru pu munnu), siamo la lava che scende, che brucia e che copre ogni cosa (Sant’Aiita n’aiuta, sant’Aita ni scampa e libira), siamo i grandi tribunali costruiti nelle grandi città (semu i motti, semu cu parroi, semu cu dinuncioi, semu cu muriu ammazzatu comu nu cani, ma libiru, finalmenti, libiru du scantu e da vigogna). Siamo la nostra lingua, sta parrata figghia da nostra storia che nasci cu nui e nta nui resta, lava che mai finisci, sangu chi mai si peddi, vita chi non si svinni. Tuttu chistu semu, tuttu chistu ristamu e pi chistu vivemu.
Because we are like this (nui, semu accussì) we love life and we love our island (our island that is our mother) because life is the womb in which we live (the life is the fire that we have inside) and we are the wind that comes from the sea (the thorns of fichidinnia rascina di vines the ears of wheat), we are the embrace that never ends (the love that never dies, the tears that nobody dries, the courage that never end), we are wealth of a market, its colors and its voices (we are the sweat, we are the corns in the hands that enriched the market), we are the scream of the fisherman who sees the swordfish and starts the hunt (we are the blood of the swordfish that disappears in the water as many of us have disappeared in the world), we are the lava that descends, that burns and that covers everything (Sant'Agata helps us, Sant'Agata saves us and frees us from evil), we are the great courts built in big cities (we are the dead, we are who spoke, we are who denounced, we are who died killed like a dog but finally free you from fear and shame). We are our language, this language daughter of our history that is born with us and remains in us, it is lava that never ends, blood that is never lost, life that does not sell out. We are all of this, all of this we remain and for this we live.
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kartamisu · 5 years
"Mengakhiri yang telah berakhir"
Aku telah kembali, setelah hampir mati dibunuh rasa tidak percaya dengan sebuah takdir. Dua hari lalu aku putuskan untuk mengakhiri sesuatu yang harusnya sudah berakhir sejak 4 tahun lalu. Yang waktu itu ketidakikhlasanku menimbulkan rasa penyesalan yang tiada arti. Namun hari ini aku berhasil bangkit, dari cinta yang tak pernah sempat terucap. Dari rasa yang tak pernah saling memberi pengakuan, tapi bertahan pada sebuah kepastian, kepastian yang tak nyata, namun ada.
Untuk keenan seseorg yang penuh romantis namun terpisahkan benteng yang begitu tinggi, maaf telah menghabiskan waktumu terlalu lama untuk bertahan dengan keraguan. Dan untuk Libira, yang selalu istimewa seperti kota kesayangannya Jogja, namun berpaling disebabkan hati yang lebih dulu dimiliki yang lain. Terima kasih telah mengajarkan aku untuk bisa mencintai tanpa meminta dia menjadi orang lain.
Terima kasih untuk keduanya. Kalian indah, meski sudah bukan milikku lagi.
Juga Untuk Anesta, -walau ini tak lagi bisa kau baca-, tapi cerita ini selalu untukmu. Kata maaf tak kunjung lepas saat mengenangmu. Maaf tidak pernah mengerti bahwa wanita itu adalah aku. Maaf tidak sempat mengatakan "Mau" saat kau benar-benar ingin mendengarnya dariku. Maaf karena telah mengingkar janji untuk terus berada di Jakarta saat kau tiada. Maaf karna telah memilih menghabiskan sisa hidup ini bersama hati yang baru. Juga maaf karena akan memulai cerita yang baru tanpa dirimu. Terima kasih, telah berani memilih aku untuk tempat terakhir dihatimu.
Aku tahu, Allah selalu punya alasan tersendiri untuk mengirim setiap orang dihidup kita, begitu yang kau ajarkan padaku waktu itu. Setiap orag yang datang, entah ingin menetap atau pergi lagi, akan selalu mengajarkan kita sesuatu. Seperti kamu, terima kasih telah mngajarkan aku bahwa hidup itu selalu indah, dan hidup tanpa ujian adalah hambar.
Ingatlah aku, walau sesekali. Seperti yang aku lakukan. Sebab aku, hatiku, hari ini tepat jam 9 pagi nanti, akan dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh orang lain, dengan ikatan yang diridhoi. Seperti niatmu, yang kini akan dilanjutkan orang lain. Tidak akan pernah ada kata selamat tinggal untukmu, sebab kita tidak pernah merencanakan perpisahan. Jadi,,,,, sampai nanti. Sampai bertemu lagi, dikehidupan yang lain.
Aku sempatkan menulis, semua pengakuan yang nyata hari ini. Sebab setelah ini, tiada lagi aku yang merengek semalaman dengan rasa kehilangan. Hari ini, seseorang berdarah Aceh yang sering disapa Syafie akan datang meminang, lalu duduk disampingku. Pria yang baru aku temui dua bulan lalu. Yang sebelumnya tidak pernah bisa merubah tempatmu disisiku. Namun tidak untuk hari ini. Pagi ini, separuh bahkan semua dariku telah sepenuhnya akan menjadi hak untuknya. Maaf jika semua ini terlalu cepat.
Kau sudah (akan) tergantikan. Tiada lagi Anesta, diceritaku selanjutnya. Kau telah terkubur dengan ribuan rindu dan bunga dilubuk hati yang tak lagi aku kunjungi, mungkin sesekali.
Untukmu, yang gagal menikahiku.
Dariku, yang akan dinikahi orang lain.
- Last chapter of #TitipJakartaSebentar #Mynewnovel
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