#life goes on (negative) and life goes on (positive)
shimmershy · 7 months
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Buttercups and Golden Flowers
#i drew this mostly because i noticed that a lot of people mistake buttercups and golden flowers as being the same thing.#so i wanted to try drawing them like. distinctly different in the same image.#it's not a big thing but i do think the fact that they're different has some significance. or at least like. symbolic meaning.#my art#undertale#chara#chara dreemurr#safeutdr#something about the fact that they both look similar at least in color but one of them is poisonous.#the way golden flowers are clearly a positive symbol throughout the game and clearly heavily associated with Chara.#contrasted with the very negative connotations buttercups have. with asgore getting sick and chara using them in their plan.#you never see buttercups in the game. which makes it even easier to mistake the two. because we've only seen one kind of#golden/yellow flower. who's to say 'golden flowers' aren't just referring to buttercups? well.#why would there be golden flower tea if they were poisonous? why would chara want to see the golden flowers from their village if they're#the same kind of flower? they clearly have buttercups in the underground.#it feels almost intentional the way golden flowers are so easily mistaken for buttercups. or at least that the difference is so subtle.#it goes well with the way they're associated so strongly with chara who's also a very subtle yet important part of the narrative.#from a surface-level perspective the flowers that took their life and the one's they actually like/are important to them are the same thing#but when you pay closer attention to the narrative you can see the different symbolic meanings.#well. uhh I've thought about it too much don't mind me.#see i think about it from the perspective of chara being super adamant about them being two different flowers#and frustrated when anybody gets it wrong. because clearly. CLEARLY they're not the same.#'STOP confusing buttercups and golden flowers. i literally used buttercups to kill myself do you think i would still like them after that?'#'do you think i want to be associated with them? they're not the same!!'#<number one golden flower enjoyer number one buttercup hater.#i need a badge that says 'i have strong opinions about chara dreemurr because i kin them. i apologize for the wall of text' at this rate.
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chuplayswithfire · 9 months
Nuance is something that can be soooo hard for online spaces to hold onto. Hell, offline spaces too, for that matter. Today I'm thinking about kink and the concept of kinkshaming, when I think about nuance: that people should be allowed to enjoy and engage with kink, especially in fictional and fandom spaces where even bad kink etiquette can't actually harm anyone should be a given. Personally, as long as someone is tagging correctly and creating with self awareness, anything goes in a fictional space, you do you, your content deserves to exist online. I have personally created a variety of kinky works, both publicly available and not, and would really not have a leg to stand on trying to declare otherwise. In a time where people are cracking down heavily on kink and trying to decry it as deviance that shouldn't exist, being kink positive can be a very important, good thing.
At the same time though, the people have squicks, and when it comes to kink and a good culture towards sex in general, people have to be allowed to have squicks. If anyone's hearing the term for the first time, a squick is essentially a concept that just grosses you right out, you do not want to see it, you do not want to learn more, maybe it even distresses you to see it, but not to the extent that you would consider ot triggering content. A couple of common tend to bodily excrement: piss and shit, alongside guro (extensive bodily mutilation combined with sexual imagery). A squick doesn't have to be extreme, it doesn't have to be unusual, it's just something that grosses an individual out, and they don't want to see it. (And because this is tumblr and it must be said: no, racism is not a squick.)
Sometimes, we lean so heavily into the negative that we refuse to allow positivity. Sometimes, we get so into positivity, that we refuse to acknowledge negatives. People are allowed to talk about their squicks. If people see something that grosses them out, they don't have to shut up about it just because it's someone else's kink. Kinkshaming, the idea that someone would go up to someone else and tell them they're gross for their kink, is something people shouldn't do in general. But expressing disgust and distaste for a kink in general isn't kinkshaming - that's just talking about your squick.
Your Kink Is Not My Kink And That's Okay is about not hating on other people or demanding their works not exist because you hate the kink, not pretending that you find every kink, fetish, or sexual concept totally wonderful and would never react with disgust towards one. This idea in fandom that if you don't like something you should never say anything publicly because what if someone does like that thing, and is upset that you publicly don't like that thing, is ridiculous, and it has been for a while. Negative emotions have a place in fandom, especially in regard to sexual content. You shouldn't harass people who share a kink (especially when their content is tagged this is why everyone should read the tags) - but you also shouldn't go around saying people aren't allowed to use their own online space to process their disgust.
I've been seeing a lot of people lately saying anyone discussing how much they dislike a kink concept is just a kinkshamer, an anti, the purity police, and it's getting beyond ridiculous. We have the right to engage in kink, to write about kink, to make kinky art, create audio for it, and to in general delight in all kinds of kinky works. We also have the responsibility to make sure we're tagging correctly. Others have the right to dislike kink, including our own kinks, and to talk about how much they dislike those kinks. They have the responsibility to make sure they're curating correctly, that they're reading the tags and warnings on a work, and that they work out their negative responses in their own space.
Multiple things can be true: kink is a great way to explore sexuality and desire and a wide range of topics. people deserve to share their interest in kink without harassment or being belittled. one person's joy can be another person's squick. people deserve to share their squick without harassment or being belittled.
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pingo1387 · 2 months
what i want to know is what kind of cold meds are you guys taking that make you have visual hallucinations
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emometalhead · 27 days
#having a day full of mixed feelings#I suppose this is how life goes#I'm officially done with my Bachelor's degree as of today#obviously I'm proud of myself for the accomplishment and I was excited to be celebrated today#it was a long and difficult road and there were many times where I didn't think I'd live to see it through but I made it#I'm the first person in my family to get this degree and I was really looking forward to having today be my day#I had a really lovely morning and then things kind of waned#there were a few arguments. someone I spent the day with repeatedly made negative comments about something I care about#it felt awful. I know it was intended as more of a playful jab than anything but I directly asked for the comments to stop and they didn't#it especially hurt that it was a fandom thing and the person is so invested in their own fandoms yet they felt it fair to step on mine#even though I've never done that to them#then people kept talking over me and acted like I was wrong for trying to interject to finish my own sentences#also as I said in the last post I was deeply upset by how my family members spoke of my 12 year old cousin#she's just a kid and some of our close family members have such a nasty opinion of her. she's so young and she's had a rough few years#but it seems like no one except my brother and I are willing to give her any grace#I think everyone else has forgotten what it feels like to be a kid and feel as if the world is against you#on a more positive note. I had a decadent slice of chocolate cake. it was heavenly#unfortunately I was really too in my head to fully enjoy it#literally every day for 3 weeks I've been talking about the lunch I planned to have today#I knew exactly what meal and dessert I wanted from the restaurant. it's my absolute fave and isn't available at any other local restaurant#I was totally starving by time we got to the restaurant. we were out all morning and I ate a tiny breakfast in anticipation of this meal#when we got there we found out they removed what I planned to order from the menu. I was devastated.#I know it's stupid but like this was the one part of my day that I've had planned for MONTHS and I've been thinking about it for weeks#we had a 40 minute car ride where I mentioned my excitement for the food no less than 10 times so this crushed me#also I'm just really picky in general and typically restaurants only have one or two things I'm able to eat#I offered to just eat the dessert while everyone else ordered food because they were all really hungry too but they wouldn't allow it#we left the restaurant and I still feel horrible for walking out. if I had known the item was removed we wouldn't have even gone there#it happened so recently though and I feel dumb for not even thinking to check the menu online beforehand#so we went to another restaurant and I barely ate anything and now I have no appetite for dinner and I feel bad for ruining the afternoon#even though it's my day and my celebration and I feel like I'm entitled to a slight amount of unreasonableness
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
#what does one do when their perception cannot b trusted? im so physically and emotionally exhausted#and i can go from feeling hopelessly terminally bad to completely normal for no apparent reason. and on occasion i can go from normal to i#think i can stay up all night. i never have to sleep again. look how great i can focus. i could kill god.#and i have no emotional object permanence so it feels so stupid when im normal. i cant sympathize with myself in altered states of mind#and it doesnt matter but it makes me crazy the idea that i might not b bip0lar but i just push myself so far that under pressure my mind#splits into the catastrophically positive or negative. but i feel like this is how i have to live. i have to b perfect or pay a blood debt#and thats just how it is. and thats how its been. so at this point ive spend thr last idk 15 years of my life being d#some measure of miserable for no reason. i dont kno y i do this to myself and im 26 now and idk how to stop bc even pushing myself as hard#as i can im so far behind. how am i supposed to do less and not#and not just quit. im compulsive for a reason. there's a fundamental barrier between myself and understanding language but if i do more and#more and more then i can at least try to keep up with everyone else. idk im so tired. and im 26 and im afraid im stuck like this#and i cant even... its like ive split my head in 2 to cope. ive created distance within myself so that i cant fully feel how terrible i make#things for myself. half my brain is always like lol suffer idiot. it throws off my therapists bc i cant take my own pain seriously. ill#laugh and smile while im like yea i feel horrible like most of the time and i dont kno what to do lol. idk so it goes. i think im gonna stop#with the birth control tho. as it doesnt seem to help with my sadness levels. idk if ite making ot worse or not. guess well find out#itll b easier once i dont have to b trained on things. then i wont have to ask a question and burst into tears on my lab mate 🙄#unrelated
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christ's postmortem
(inspired by this art by @frankcuntstein)
Son of God, huh? well, let's see what you're made of.
the first incision, right down the Savior's sternum and blood spills out as freely as always. well, he bleeds like a human. a comforting thought. Doctor spreads the incision wide, show me your heart malice in his voice and he's getting greedy with it, hands groping desperately for the Savior's heart. i bet you're not fucking pretty on the inside till he pries open the curtains of his chest and
the divinity bursts out of him, blood-soaked sunlight searing Doctor's hands. it drips down the chest it is beautiful and terrifying in the way all divine things seem to be. Doctor grits his teeth and swells with pride as his hands close around the Savior's heart still warm. odd. he removes it from the body and now Doctor holds the world in his hands. she glistens with blood but underneath the coat of red there is no doubt that Doctor is cradling the earth herself, the heart. Doctor plays God, which is not uncommon, but he is amazed as he watches the Savior's heart spin on its axis, blue skies and white clouds smeared sanguine.
in his hands, the globe seems to throb. it did not die with the Savior, for here she spins, alive as ever. she was made to be cradled.
Doctor glances at the Savior's empty chest. beams of warm, clean light are bursting from the cavity and oh. the weight of the world is making his hands ache. that is where it belongs. Doctor lays the heart – the world – back into the chest of Christ and stitches the incision back together. the light has diminished but it seems reluctant to go, as tiny tendrils of light peek out between each suture hoping to escape.
Doctor's gloves are bloody. i have the blood of Christ on my hands. he wants to suck his fingers clean he wants Christ in him inside him he wants his body to know the taste he wants to taste that which grants everlasting life but he is humbled now, having held the world with his own two hands. he is not worthy of the drink and he would rather thirst for eternity than know his lips, unclean, had lapped up the Savior's blood like a desperate dog.
Doctor removes his gloves tosses them in the Hazardous Waste bin wheels the Savior to his mortuary cabinet metallic and cold. a tomb of sorts.
before shutting the door, he gazes down at Christ. a handsome face. a full heart. who could resist falling in love with you?
he shuts the door with a snap.
and inside the chest of Christ, the world carries on.
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attiredpan · 8 months
Nog is a girls boy.
Source? Trust Me Bro.
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touyasdoll · 2 years
literally we’re all here to talk about pixels we find attractive & some of y’all always wanna start shit or find problems where there are none. this is like. supposed to be fun. I’ve taken a step back for the past week or so and it seems like every time I open this damn app there’s just more weird bullshit going on. stop it. I do not get it. who is getting their rocks off to nonsense. give positivity a chance, please.
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Am I grateful for all the changes and growth that I've made while loving people? Yes. Am I still a little sore grieving the lost loves I've acquired in the processes of that? Also yes. Am I terrified of what will result of me if I lose the one that's currently changing me? Absolutely... Where was I going with this
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iii-days-grace · 1 year
I feel like at least some part of the fear of getting older comes from the feeling that you'll be dealing with "older people" as the age you are now, rather than as a fellow older people.
it's difficult to imagine making friends as an adult, and you don't want to be buddies with those old farts the same way you are with your peers now, so adulthood seems like it's going to be a pretty desperate and lonely place.
i saw it said somewhere that there's no real starting line for true adulthood, just the ability to say well, I've been through this before, i can do it again.
and i wish that when i was younger i could imagine what a relief it would be to be able to find other people who have been through it too
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gayday · 2 years
#chronically lonely and not havingn a good time#time to rant#long whiny probably triggering tags below youve been warned#im so fucking alone and its never gonna get better#nothing has ever been okay and nothing will ever be okay and tumblr post by people with so much privilege they have no idea#cant convince me life is ever gonna be okay because its not its just not thats a lie by people who already had money and friends and#stable lives at my age#‟youre too young to know‟ too bad i know how data analysis works and based on almost 18 years of data Nothing ever gets better and it rly#only ever gets worse#im not good at anything and no one likes me and no one ever will. or i will get abandoned by anyone i think i can trust because thats just#the way it always goes#the only escape and the only rational solution at this point is to put a bullet in my head#‟suicide doesnt solve anything‟ what is it not solving. I am the only reason i have problems#if i was not there to experience the problems I have. the problems would not exist#and theyre never gonna get better#if i remove myself from the equation ill never experience a negative emotion or a problem ever again therefore making there no problem#no one would miss me if i was gone and i serve no purpose besides being an annoying burden and a waste of resources#everything would be better without me#oh also i experience no positive emotions that last long enough to matter or that dont get tainted by 10x more negative ones#so staying around to experience positive things doesnt work bc i literally only feel numb or angry or hopeless#btw im in therapy and on 3 psych meds i think im just a lost cause#no point!#this is not a suicide note i have no means of doing so I'm just really frustrated and nothing is okay at all so i needed to rant ok byeeee
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witchwhaat · 1 year
my patience is being tested fr
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gobbluthbutagirl · 2 years
there is like a high probability that i will wind up getting this lead position at my job because my talk with the store director went really well and the problem with this is that i feel the exact same way about this that i did when i got my GED four years ago. and the way that i feel is the way that talk show host by radiohead sounds. which is empty(and nothing. nothing. nothing. nothing)
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the-dot · 1 month
having a thought but dont have words and don't want to open myself to disk horse and i'm too tired to really be coherent. thoughts in tags because i'm a coward. this post was originally about how e*rovision trying to say their event isn't political is idiotic. it kind of got away from me because i've slept maybe 6 hours in the last 2 days
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yana125 · 2 months
Me @ Fucking Life, just because something sounds interesting in a fic doesn't mean I want to experience it in real life 🙃
#(I made this unreblogable I hope it works EDIT: it works :D)#it's friends to 'friends'(???) to slowburn but speedrun maybe enemies what the fuck#you know the feeling when you know someone longer and better than almost everyone around you#and they are going through this change to the worst but you don't think it was that severe at first#because you two are still in good terms with each other#and you DO know each other almost to the core like you have this deeper understanding between the two of you#and they act like usual around you with every good and bad aspect of their personality because you DO KNOW them#and know the causes and causations of their mood and behaviour and you can maneuver through it because YOU KNOW THEM#and you accepted them WITH the GOOD AND the BAD#and you know EXACTLY what toppled the first domino in this negative change because YOU JUST KNOW THEM THAT DAMN WELL#and you KNOW they think highly of you because your opinion matters to them#because whenever you had a disagreement and you knew you were right and they knew you were right and you were disappointed in them#they were ashamed because you were disappointed AND you BOTH knew that because YOU KNOW EACH OTHER#and with every good and bad and positivity and negativity and agreement and disagreement and arguement#they are the most influential person in your whole damn life even if they have no clue about it because without them you wouldn't be you#because they were at the center of life changing realizations about yourself and you will be forever grateful for that#but then as time goes by and as you try to explain to others why this person does what they do BECAUSE YOU KNOW THEM#and the negative changes are getting closer to people close to you and trying to explain starts to sound like a broken record#you get to a point when you get tired of explaining and it hurts you so damn much that the person you knew is slowly but steadily#getting replaced by this new person you don't want anything to do with#and you are standing up for the people close to you they hurt and they are getting angry at the person you stood up for#because how dare these people turn you against them because they feel ashamed that you are disappointed in them#but in reality this new person they are is the one who turns you against them#and you are getting this 🤏 close to your breaking point#and FUCK my life they are STILL important goddamnit.........#I don't want my life to be a latin american soap opera but I know the pattern of our relationship and a confrontation is imminent#love and peace on planet earth
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floral-hex · 8 months
maybe we don’t tell my therapist tomorrow that I stayed up late getting high and then browsing through old friends on facebook until my self esteem collapsed
#cmon everyone makes mistakes at 2 in the morning#I don’t make good mental health decisions after midnight#dumb dumb dumb#whatever. time isn’t real. it’s done. I didn’t marry some college sweetheart have kids & settle down. too late for that. whatever. ya butt#trying to keep a mellow head#it’s just.. blegh. all these people I used to know. they all lived their own little lives. I was just a footnote. whoosh. gone. blegh#why did I even start snooping?#I don’t even like fb! it’s terrible! I never use it#but I do miss waaaay back when it was only for students. it had like games and you could blog on it#and of course I had friends and I was young and everything just felt so alive#oof I swear I’m not trying to fall into sad old man mode#I guess I’m just always going to wish I’d.. ya know.. had a basic normal life#partner. a kid or two. married and happy and in a home with a career and bowling with friends on the weekend#I know it’s still a possibility. but I always feel like the end is near#like I’m in the end days and I can feel it. the lights are going dark. the world is almost over#I’m just crawling around on its cooling corpse#but this is…. way too pessimistic#life goes on. my outlook is bleak and that affects my worldview. if I were happy and in love and whatever of course I’d be more positive#sometimes you just have to tell yourself to stop being so fucking negative and chill out#life could be good. maybe soon. maybe sooner than you think.#and if the world does end I’ll just highjack a dunebuggy and live out my mad max fantasies. whatever dude. fuck it#so yeah anyway I got really high earlier and then uhhhhhhjackedoff a lot and then crashed and got nostalgia fucked#it’s not that serious#you can ignore this#text
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