#like . someone taking the time and energy to make smthn ?? for me ??
themagnificentmx · 2 years
sigh . craving potatoes
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alyimoss · 11 days
horrortale king papyrus "ending", aka what happens if horror joins nightmare
i was thinking of making this into a fic or smthn but idk when ill get to that so. nevermind that im just gonna make a post. lotta yapping ahead. (word count: 1972)
so, i see a lot of people, when including horror in nightmares pantheon, say that he was either a) abducted against his will, or b) coerced by food, both for himself and his world. and i dont have much against the first interpretation, but the second… something's bothered me about it for a while, and its the simple fact that canon horror isnt that selfless. if nightmare were to offer him a deal, he would first and foremost be thinking about his own interests (he has already proven to be this kind of person in the comics).
so i instead think that were nm to offer him a deal, horror would only agree to a specific multi-part deal. and the first part? undyne's death.
we already know the whole "eating humans" thing was moreso to spite undyne and foil whatever plans she has than to help the residents of snowdin, shown by the fact that sans himself doesnt eat humans and that he urges everyone to keep this a secret from undyne and the rest of the underground. if a mysterious, powerful entity suddenly appeared and asked horror for his servitude in exchange for something he wants, a "mutually beneficial deal", i guarantee you that first and foremost he would think of undyne. of the traitor who sacrificed him "for the greater good".
and he would get that. i dont know if he would prefer to kill her himself or let nightmare to the dirty work, but either way, its not a hard thing for someone as powerful as him to do. only after his final act of revenge is certified does he think about everything else. with undyne gone, the underground would be left without a ruler, and things would likely get even more chaotic than usual. plus, they would still be left without food and without power.
i think hed ask for their CORE to be repaired or something else to be done about the power and magic situation going on in the underground first, but. i see this as something out of nightmare's range. hes not exactly a mechanic, and he doesnt want to waste time and energy getting someone who is just for another underling. so horror compromises on just food. regular deliveries of enough to feed all the monsters left in the underground. and this is a bit tedious, but still doable, and nightmare would likely agree.
but theres still one more part to the deal, and that is an opportunity to set a plan in motion.
with undyne out of the picture, someone would need to take control. and sans has the perfect idea of who.
the monster who has kept snowdin fed for years; who reported to undyne and mediated when her temper flared up; who kept up the puzzles and security around snowdin; who tried to keep the others' spirits up even when times were darkest…
thats right. he wants papyrus in charge.
i often see ht papyrus being portrayed in fandom as kind of a dope. someone innocent despite his creepy appearance and still rather incompetent. and this frustrates me because hes anything but. hunger, death, murder… all have taken their toll on him, and hes certainly not fine or completely sane. but id say hes arguably the sanest out of all the monsters weve seen in the comic so far (other than flowey and mettaton, i suppose… though mettaton is uncertain since weve only seen him in the past). hes also shown handling a lot of responsibilities, like the previously-mentioned providing of food and mediating when undyne goes too far. this applies to his brother, too, who was also known for having a temper. horrortale papyrus is still pretty cheery, but hes less idealistic, more responsible…
anyway, all that to say that 1) horrortale papyrus is horribly underrated and idk why because i love him dearly, and 2) between the reasons above and the fact that he's his brother, i think sans would consider him a perfect next-in-line. plus, all this power and respect and recognition… werent these all things he yearned for?
so before he leaves with nightmare, he does a little manipulating of the playing field. i dont know what this would be, honestly. talking papyrus up to others? making sure other monsters are aware of his capability and his kindness and his resolve? i dont know. but he does it. and after hes gone and undynes death is discovered, papyrus is chosen as the next king.
and you know what? i dont think he would want that.
because hes already gotten a taste of his "respect and recognition" via being an important figure in snowdin, and its been nothing but hell the whole time. hes exhausted. hes not one to be lazy or give up, but even a guy like him has his limits, and frankly hes probably reached them a long time ago. but the people desperately need a leader… and he cant exactly deny them. reluctantly, he agrees.
maybe a week into his rule, a miracle happens. food appears.
no-one knows where its from, but no-one can really care. "dont look a gift horse in the mouth" or whatever. the royal guard has to tear ravenous monsters away from the food in an attempt to save some to be rationed out. some guards undoubtedly succumb to the temptation themselves. but a good amount is saved and rationed. and the people look to papyrus with a new kind of reverence.
because how is it possible? under undynes rule, everything went to shit, and despite the years of promises, nothing was ever fixed. but as soon as papyrus take control, they get food, a good, livable amount of food, for the first time in years. theres hushed whispers that there must be a higher power involved. some seem to view papyrus himself as that higher power. the support for him grows from acceptance to wild endorsement. parents able to save their children thanks to the food cry and promise him unyielding loyalty. monsters who had all but accepted their deaths and met with a miracle instead fall at his feet. some compliments are backhanded: "i thought you would just be a useless stand-in, but youve actually saved us!!"
and papyrus smiles tightly at them all as panic mounts inside him. what will happen once this food runs out? will more appear? what if it doesnt?
but it does. it appears consistently, on a schedule. the people rejoice every time. but papyrus still finds himself fearing every day. barely able to rest amidst his panic. being king is a lot of responsibility, and he finds himself constantly overworking, so, so tired… but hes still putting on a smile for the public and assuring them that everything is okay.
with a consistent source of food, hes able to focus on other problems, such as getting monsters treatment for the effects of this hell that theyve been living in for so long and restoring the core. he's constantly meeting with different monsters, doing paperwork, handling this matter and that…
hes not alone. toriel would help him, i think. she knows what being a ruler is like, after all, and he is her good friend. but i dont know if other monsters, who rejected her as their queen, would be thrilled to have her even as an advisor. if mettaton is still sane, perhaps he would help, too, in whatever ways that he can. but papyrus still feels this… absense.
because his brother isnt there.
he never told anyone where he was going or what was happening. the most papyrus knows is that hes sure this all has to do with him somehow. but nothing else. not how, not to what extent. not whether hes even alive.
and for this one reason i think he would be so much more tired, so much more miserable. hes lost his only family, his support. the brothers' relationship in horrortale is pretty clearly strained, but theyre still shown to be close because, well, theyre family. theyve always been close. always helped each other. they were always there when the other needed to get something off his chest or get help. they kept a lot of secrets even from each other, yes, but im willing to bet that number's a whole lot less than the number they keep from others. what im getting at is that sans and papyrus are extremely important parts of each others lives, and one losing the other is a huge and unbearable change.
…and yet, with growing pangs of horror (ha) and guilt, papyrus finds that he doesnt know if its really much different now.
hes lost his biggest support, the one person he could tell almost anything to. but really he lost him years ago. for a long time, hes kept more secrets, done more work, put up with so much not to agitate his brother… even through his love, i think there was a mounting resentment and aversion to him… and he finds that with sans gone, he really gets about the same amount done. maybe more, actually, now with food and with toriel's help. and its a horrifying realization to him because thats not how he wants to think of his brother!
he did his best. he did help them, even if it was through backhanded and frankly horrible methods. his personality was a result of the hunger and that wound. if he was here, hed likely be more like his old self now that food is finally available. his brother isnt a bad person. he cant be, because papyrus cant handle that thought. but that resentment is unresolved. he feels abandoned. he doesnt know what emotion to feel. he prefers to just not think about it after a certain while.
and its the same with undyne. he misses her, he misses his friend. but she's been gone for years, too. when he thinks of her, he cant help but feel fear and anger. and thats not what he wants, either. he doesnt think of her, either.
and so hes left to rule in misery. roaming the unnaturally empty underground with the entirety of monsterkind praising his empty step. he has help, he has friends, but he still tries to handle everything himself. hes so tired that he doesnt even lie down because he doesnt know if he'll be able to get up. hes so stressed. even though they now have food, he barely eats. his eyesockets seem to sink somehow deeper into his skull. for the leader of a people finally recovering from devastation, he looks like hes only getting worse, and really he is. every day drains him more and more, and though he pushes himself to persevere for the sake of the people, he doesnt know how long he can go on.
doing what he thought was best, sans doomed his brother. if he ever goes back to his au to visit or something, he would see that first-hand. i think he'd struggle to accept it. would just run away. try to convince himself that he did what was right even as the guilt burns at his ribs.
this deal turns out more beneficial for nightmare than horror. nightmare gets a servant and a new source of negativity through ht papyrus (and though it would also spread a lot of positivity, i think its so little when compared to the whole mutliverse that nm finds it an acceptable trade and that some "positive" feelings, like the kind of god-like reverence some monsters in horrortale have for papyrus, are actually quite negative and feed him still), and horror gets to better his underground by sacrificing the only monster he probably bothered to care about: papyrus.
anyway. horrortale king papyrus. thats it thats all im gonna say goodnight
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pony's most apparent symptom is his inattentiveness. his head is always up in the clouds, and he spends a looot of time daydreaming
very very very forgetful, mostly about his own needs. he'll go days without brushing his teeth if darry doesn't remind him
pony has a bad habit of zoning out while looking directly at people, so they just look over and his eyes are like wide and glazed over and staring into their souls. it especially freaks steve out for some reason. "QUIT STARING AT ME LIKE THAT!!" "huh?"
he can't get himself to do his homework in a timely manner. he works best under pressure and so he'll just procrastinate it until the night before it's due and then he locks in
when he does lock in like that, he's practically dead to the world. bro forgets to eat and drink and move his body for like hours at a time until darry or soda makes him get up and he's just like "ow. ow. ow. everything hurts"
he's still hyperactive though and it drives darry crazy sometimes. when he's with the rest of the gang is when it really spikes, and he'll start running all around the house with them. darry can tell though when he needs to get his energy out because he'll just start following darry around the house and bounce around or drum his fingers on every single thing he can. when he gets like that, darry will ask him if he wants to go for a run or play football or smthn so that he can get his energy out
bro WILL hyper fixate on every single thing he's interested in, his consistent ones are books and movies, but sometimes he'll just spend hours a day thinking about one specific book or drawing one character from the latest movie he's seen
it's always a 50/50 on whether he's going to have lots of fun or get super overstimulated in different places. like in grocery stores, after a half hour he's ready to start crying and he'll usually just get quiet and not leave darry's side until they leave. but he thrives in other places like fairs and festivals, and enjoys the bright lights and loud music
he doesn't have great control over his temper. he gets frustrated super easily and will get snappy over the smallest things, but almost every time without fail it ends with him crying and feeling bad
this man may just be the most hyperactive person ever
he will NOT stay in one place for more than five minutes at a time. he's always running around the house, and when he does stay in one spot, he's shaking/bouncing his leg the entire time
like pony though, he gets his moments where he locks in and they're the only times that he doesn't break focus no matter what. he'll go from talking nonstop to just being dead silent as he tries to fix something on a car at work and it freaks steve out
he's so bad with rejection :( even if it's something as small as someone saying they don't like his favorite car, or they're not in the mood to talk about horses, he'll get so sad and feel like his interests are stupid
he cries a lot no matter what he's feeling. if he gets frustrated, angry, or scared, he'll start crying and his energy goes through the roof
soda is easily the most forgetful person any of the gang has ever met. he'll forget what day it is, to put shoes on, to take food out of the oven, everything. it's mostly a short-term memory issue. however, his memory will be really good for oddly specific things. steve: "remember that time I got a cold or something in like elementary school and-" "oh yeah that tuesday in october in first grade when you were wearing that red shirt and you kept sneezing during story time :)" "why do you remember that??" "I dunno"
when he gets overstimulated it's BAD. it doesn't happen often, but when it does, he'll break down in tears and refuse to speak to anyone. darry's the only one who can ever calm him down
he stims a lot, usually by playing with the hair on the back of his neck or rubbing whatever shirt he's wearing
although it may not be as obvious, darry's also on the hyperactive side. he loves football, running, swimming, anything that's high intensity and lets him get his energy out. when he doesn't have a chance to do those things, he'll usually just pace around or do a quick workout
he will drum his fingers every single time he's thinking, he's even worse than pony with it. and if he has a pen in his hand, you better believe he's clicking it nonstop. the amount of dirty looks he got in school for it was crazy
even though he gets on pony for it a lot, darry also zones out a lot. he's usually better at hiding it though, like people will be having full conversations with him and they don't realize that he was zoned out the whole time until they ask him something and he just goes "huh?"
his biggest hyper fixation has always been football. he could talk for hours and hours about any player, team, or game if someone lets him
he did great in school, but he always had to find obscure ways of remembering things for tests and quizzes, he especially did a lot of those acronym things. whenever someone asked him how he did something or remembered something, he would explain his weird system and they would be even more confused
this poor man cannot cope without a schedule. that's a part of the reason why he gets so bothered when pony isn't home at the right time, because it throws off his schedule and then his whole day is ruined
whenever he reads, he can only focus if he sort of murmurs the words the whole time, and he almost always plays with the edges of the paper to keep his focus
when he gets overstimulated, he gets snappy and loud and doesn't want a single person to touch or talk to him
he's big on vocal stims. he hums or mumbles to himself or makes random noises whenever he's trying to focus on something
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
hiii^^ could i request romantic miles x male reader where reader is really shy and quiet (+ has social anxiety if you're okay with writing that)
and (as a result of being quiet) has headphones on 24/7 and draws a lot?
(maybe add a part where he's caught drawing miles! so cliche><)
miles morales w/ an artistic boyfriend riddled with anxieties
sorry to call anyone out in the title, had a giggle about it
im holding this specific anons hand for a minute if they’ll let me, they radiate energy that makes me joyous (hi anon !!!)
established relationship
warnings: none
pairing: miles morales x male!reader
requests: check status on the masterlist
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
he likes to think that he’s all suave and chill, but everyone knows he’s sheepish when met with certain situations
man can’t take a compliment, he can’t give a compliment, dates make him shake in his boots and having a boyfriend is something that’s entirely over romanticised in his head thanks to media, let’s be honest
social encounters weren’t a massive problem to him though, we’ve all seen how outgoing he is and friendly
plus, he grew up in a community where everyone knew everyone, wether you liked it or not
so he’s the “he asked for no pickles” half while you stand behind him shitting ur pants
he notices how shy you get while you’re out in public in comparison to in private, and he’s okay with that
doesn’t suddenly baby you though, just likes to check in on you every now and again until you’re back home
literally the most discreet “you good?” while stood in line or something
miles can absolutely understand coping with music, he’s the exact same way
you two share some interests, music and art ! it’s cute
he likes to suggest sharing some earphones either out in public or in private, it’s just one of those things that makes you two feel closer (he’s mad sheepish when suggesting it at first, but it eventually becomes one of those silent exchanges if ur cool with sharing) his version of romance
if he sees you with your headphones on, he won’t actively try to talk to you - from personal experience he can understand how stupidly frustrating it feels and wildly overstimulating
unless it’s something important, then he’ll try grab your attention by like tapping your shoulder or smthn,, a lil wave
makes bangin playlists for you, some to share and would be very happy if you did the same
he’s happy to do anything for his boyfriend to make him feel more comfortable in social situations.
you’re quiet, he doesn’t mind it as long as you have some kinda way to communicate with him - your needs and such
hold hands, your hands got stuck together once thanks to his spider-man-ness
if you didn’t know he was spider-man then, that’s how you found out
he’s a massive fan of drawing you and loves to see your own drawings
he’s a huge fan of you guys doing literally anything and catching you drawing with some bizarre medium without fail
caught you drawing him once- and then a lot more times
luckily, you were wearing headphones at that moment, so he got to have a lil victory emote without you noticing before acting like he never saw anything
does a very obvious, obnoxious greeting in the most cheesy way to clearly convey he never saw a thing
if by some unfortunate twist he is caught watching, man panics and is like “Hoh! I- didn’t see you there?? what’chu up to??” play it cool and smile it off miles “Wow that’s- that’s crazy how you.. caught me”
he’s been caught so many times in the past and he knows that internal feeling of dread
but anxiety am i right
will not snatch your sketchbook or whatever you draw on suddenly UNLIKE SOMEONE
completely respects your privacy when it comes to your drawings, he can relate too much
that’s not to say that he isn’t curios, he sometimes likes to tease about peaking but never would without permission
if you’re both into graffiti then he’s takes you to insane spots to tag, especially once you find out he’s spiderman
likes to suggest collaborating on pieces all of the time
miles is great anatomy practice, with all his funky spider-man poses
i cant actually imagine he would hide being spider-man from you if you were dating beforehand, it’s a different conversation if it’s a new relationship
but hey, young love, am i right ?
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
hello dear author may i get ur opinion on genma. perhaps even genma/kakashi. perhaps. mayhaps. i just think they r neat and if u put them together that's double the neatness.
I love Genma so much actually, I think he's one of my favorite supporting characters to see in fics. Whenever I need a character to fill the roll of "random shinobi" I tend to default to him bc of biases (also his senbon is cool!! I love characters w a gimmick of just having like a toothpick in their mouth, and he has that but w a lethal presumably poisoned needle!! Love that for him)
I don't know how much canon actually provides for him character wise (never actually interacted with canon media lmao, I'm all fanfic) but I feel like there's honestly a lot of wiggle room with him
One of my personal favorite takes that (if I remember right) stems from a couple of @ blackkatmagic's fics is that he comes from a very small clan, distantly related to Orochimaru's own super small clan, the Orochi. Similar to how the Hyuuga and Uchiha are related
I lovee the mamma bear hc with him, I also love seeing him and Kakashi be any kind of friends. Currently I think one of my favorite takes on his and Kakashi's dynamic can be found in @vodkassassin's fic, Ear to the Wall.
Gemna only really shows up for a little bit, but the scenes he did get left a really big impact on me and how I see him (also the fic itself is amazing and is a very large inspiration for Orochimaru's involvement in Chasing Shadows, 10/10 read I HIGHLY recommend it, its a time travel fic but honestly even if time travel isnt your thing I'd still reccomend it bc its just one of those fics that fucks so hard you don't even care ab how you got here to start)
(<- spoken as someone obsessed with time travel fics)
Anyways, Genma/Kakashi!!
Actually thinking about it, I don't think I've seen any real fics about that pairing? I've run into it a few times as a past ship, like they hooked up once or twice or were fwb before the main pair gets together. But never one where they're the focus. That's tragic and needs to change immediatley
I love the idea of Genma being part of Kakashi's class when he graduated stupid young, never really interacting w him but like, existing. He wasn't Gai when it came to trying to hang out and around Kakashi, but he was certainly around.
No idea what he is in canon but I like to hc him as an information / infiltration specialist. So along with being around, he was also the kind of kid to really notice and keep tabs on stuff. (Konoha gossip king Gemna is THE hc to have sorry but I love it sm)
He didn't really approach Kakashi outside of any sort of casual nods or polite "hey"'s till after his whole team imploded.
I can kind of see him interacting with Kakashi in that in-between time where he was ANBU under Minato. But he was still mostly a very observant spectator, no real interaction
So then Minato dies and Kakashi goes off the deep end REAL hard, and Genma finally steps in. Maybe he joins Gai in trying to forcefully pry Kakashi out of his death spiral, maybe he approaches on his own, maybe he notices smthn or bumps into Kakashi alone while he's having a panic attack or smthn and there's a specific moment for that "final straw" where he finally decides to step in
But anyways that's when they start to get to be friends fr
I think Genma would be interesting and good for Kakashi at that point, bc he isn't a stranger, he knows what happened, he can make a lot of very good guesses at Kakashi's triggers and traumas and know what to avoid talking ab. But he's not Gai, who was sort of in the middle of it for a good portion of the drama, having a front row seat to it all. Which also comes with it's own emotional baggage.
Genma is a good middle ground, if that makes sense?
Also I think his calmer carefree energy would be good for Kakashi, especially at that point
They're pretty cute together!! If nothing else they make for very compelling friends when you really sit down to think ab it, and I can for sure get behind them as a real ship
Suddenly I need to go looking for fics with them as a pairing, I might come back and actually write something for them as a ship later
What's their ship name btw? I honestly don't know
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sherrendipities · 2 months
lola's post fr has me thinking what kind of pet i ammmm 🥺 i always likened myself to a puppy bc when i get so excited n giddy (ie every time Daddy or Sir talk to me hehe) i Feel in my SOUL like a lil pup that's jumping on their owner in excitement. also tail wagging. if i had a tail she'd be wagging aggressively every time they so much as look at me !!
buuut. that said. hard agree with lola that i'd yellow at being told to bark. idk that's like. blegh :p doing it, i mean!!! i love seeing other adorable lil subs barking, but i think i'd just feel weird for me.
fetch is smthn i never even considered? i've always thought it'd be cute to be asked to fetch things for a Dom, just in the sense of being able to service them in day-to-day life. like if we're snuggling and you ask me to "be a good girl and fetch my phone/a glass of water/ etc," i'd jump up n be soooo eager to serve 💕 though if what ppl mean is the inherent act of playing fetch as erotic play then idk it'd feel silly and it'd take me out of the moment lol. i think it'd be super fun to watch another sub do it!!! ugh now i'm imagining laying my head on Daddy's lap, his hand gently petting my head, while he makes another of his subs play fetch hehe 🥰 one of our common friends is the world's cutest lil puppy (u kno who u are xoxo) and it'd be such an adorable look on her!!!
that said, i'm a giant cat person n i have some cat tendencies lol. genuinely the more im thinking of it the more im like ohhhh i rly am kitty. i could make a list fr. like hear me out:
nuzzlinggggg omg. yk how cats rub their cheeks on things incl their owners as a scent marking thing?? v me core. wanna feel his cock rubbing against my cheeks before i start licking n taking him into my mouth 🥰 but also i love love love hands cradling n caressing my face!!! i always thought of it as a hand fetish thing (it is lol) but it also lowkey feels like i'm a lil kitty getting her cheeks pet
i love making biscuits!! sort of lol. but fr one of my most frequently recurring fantasies is laying down with someone, our legs tangled together, my head in the crook of their neck, n my hand running up and down their chest 💕 n now that i think abt it, very kitty coded. we've all had a kitty snuggling us n started purring n making biscuits. bonus points that i dont scratch u while doing it (well, maybe a little if u want 😋)
i am a purring machine lol. am i vastly disappointed i can't make the exact sound of a purring cat? deeply. but when i'm rly relaxed n cozy n very horny, i have to actively hold myself back from mewling nonstop 🥺 just tiny lil whines every time i sigh out a breath. n i for one think i deserve sooo many pets n that i shouldn't have to suppress that urge ever !!!
i 1000% have the energy of a kitty that loves snuggling. like why would i sit anywhere except ur lap?? if ur sitting anywhere i'm right there fr.
last but not least is the obvious fact that i own multiple sets of kitty headbands lol. they're just so cute n i used to wear them out all the time !!! i have puffy curly hair n i always loved the look of two cute lil kitty ears poking out from the bushes hehe
bonus point: my aforementioned fav puppysub mutual n i are both Daddy's pets, n i think the image of Daddy owning a kitty n a puppy who like to play with each other is tremendously cute. i rest my case your honor.
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husbandomail · 2 months
OKAYYY heres the request! Can we please get an venoct x reader (pref romantic but platonic is fine) oneshot where a powerful yokai like dame deadtime or smthn idk is plotting to do something terrible to reader because she is seen as a threat, so he has to help her. But when he meets up with reader, he has to double take because surely not?? Reader is girly, pretty and decked out in hot pink + zebra print combo. (If you catch my vibe) Bro was expecting a 45+ incredibly wise, gruff man to be this apparent yokai master not this random girl?? Thank you in advance 💕💕
I hope this is okay!! it made me want to replay the first game again dfghgfd
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It’s not the kind of thing that can be explained to someone who’s never experienced it. A pull in Venoct’s chest— a thread that drags him forward, from the yokai world back into the midst of humanity. Some nights, it’s annoying; he has other things he could be doing. The inexplicable ties to the yokai watch are nothing but a distraction.
On nights like this, though, he should probably be glad it makes his job a little easier.
“This way, this way!” Springdale is covered in the thick, swirling fog that signals Terror Time— the air is split with the roar of an angry oni intent on eating whoever is walking through nightmares, and Venoct doesn’t have any time to assess the person he’s rescuing. All he can do is trust that ache in his chest brought him to the right person.
Keen eyes finally catch sight of the door that materializes in the dark; Venoct slides to a halt, nimble fingers catching on the ethereal frame and dragging the door open. There’s a flash of light, a pulse of energy, a sigh of relief from a voice he doesn’t know, and Terror Time dissipates.
All at once, the night is far too quiet. The air is crisp and clear as it invades his lungs, and the ringing roar of the nightmare oni has been replaced with the loud buzzing of cicadas in trees.
Even a seasoned yokai needs a moment to readjust after adrenaline-fueled escapes, so Venoct is caught up for a moment, chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. A strange energy thrums through his body as well; he can’t usually say he’s nervous, but he also can’t remember the last time he interacted with a human. Besides, if Mckraken is scared of the person with the yokai watch, they must be very—
“You’re— not—”
“What you were expecting? Yeah, I’ve been getting that a lot lately.” Absently, you spin the dial on your yokai watch, the hands ticking rapidly as they spin. You don’t even sound winded, after that chase through the town, and Venoct tries to bury the baffled amusement that bubbles in his chest. The young man— well, the yokai— in front of you tilts his head and narrows his eyes. For yet another moment in his long unlife, Venoct is glad most people can’t see him. 
He doesn’t want to be seen next to you.
Venoct’s face scrunches up as his gaze travels your body. You’re very— well, pink, as he’d first noticed. And a lot shorter than he’d been expecting. And— a girl. Very much a girl. Mckraken is scared of this—?
“Are you going to keep staring, or did you actually need something?” Your voice bursts through his thoughts, and Venoct isn’t sure he likes the way his heart turns in his chest. He scoffs back at you, arms crossed, the serpentine heads on his scarf snapping vaguely at the air around him.
“You’re not the hero type,” he states plainly. His gaze pointedly narrows on your shoes— as bright as the rest of you, they glow whenever you take a step, and he can’t help but assume that might be what really set the oni off before the chase. “Just because you have the watch doesn’t mean you’re the kind of person I’ve been looking for.”
“Oh, shut up,” you snort back, planting your hands on your hips. “Yeah, you may’ve saved me this one time, but I seem to recall defeating Slimamander by myself.”
Venoct falls silent at that; no wonder the big, ugly yokai had come slinking back home the other day. And a girl did that—?
He must’ve taken too long to respond, because you’re turning on your heel and waving at him as you begin to walk. “Well, thanks for the help— I’m on a time limit, though.” You hold the yokai watch up in a way that almost seems like a challenge, the glass dome glinting in the moonlight. “I’m sure I’ll see you again. It looks like this thing attracts trouble.”
There it is again, that tug in his chest. Most yokai had assumed it was a big, important deal to feel such a draw to wherever the watch is on Earth; now that he knows it attaches him to you, though, Venoct isn’t sure how he feels about that “honor.” His heart hasn’t pounded this hard for centuries. “—I just saved you. Are you calling me trouble?”
“Only if it means I’ll see you again.”
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butchviking · 2 years
I'm not arguing with you obviously you know yourself best and are in the best place to figure out your own business! I hope you are able to access the best option for you.
I do want to say that my personal experience is that even long-held convictions can change pretty dramatically as we get older. I had such a different perspective after my twenties than during them. It's not like I was a completely different person of course, but my view widened and I saw more solutions and nuances to things. It is very easy to feel stuck with only a few options when younger. I don't think older people knew how to say this to me when I was younger so I wanted to try to offer that to you as an additional thought.
I'm sorry people are prying so much and making you feel interrogated. It is very hard for most to have the maturity to realize that they can't (and shouldn't) get that involved when someone is making a decision they disagree with. Especially when you're not even that close!
Anyway I hope you feel you can take a break from people asking you about it when you need to.
ive considered this but tbh at this point it feels like a gamble worth taking. i could not do anything, and in 10 years could find that i have other ways to deal or that dysphoria isn't a problem for me anymore... or i could waste 10 further years of my life and find that nothing is all that different. and there's no way of knowing which situation i would b in, its the kind of thing that can only come thru hindsight.
the thing that made my mind up on this particular concern was this: rn i feel ive wasted.. idk, sometimes it feels like a decade bc that's when i first identified as trans and wanted surgery, but obviously i shouldn't have been getting it back then anyway bc i was only 16. but ive wasted at least however many years (not WASTED, ive had a very fulfilling life in other ways, but u know what i mean) being unhappy nd going back n forth and just. having a significant amount of mental energy dedicated to smthn that it doesn't need to be. and even if i woke up tomorrow and everything was all better, that time would still be gone. and even if i don't get surgery and i wake up at 36 and everything is all better... that'll be near 20 years of my life where i wasted so much time not being happy. im literally always saying this but i don't wanna kill time like it doesnt matter. i don't want to take that risk any more i don't want to wait out my life hoping it'll all be better one day. i want to live now. this time matters just as much.
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kunikinnie · 3 years
as young children
featuring: some ADA + no abilities
a/n: so I've been rewatching The Return of Superman because someone needed a little bit of wholesome comfort and the first Naeun episode where the male MC was like, "daughters wake up their dads with kisses while my son wakes me up by slapping my face" I was like, sounds like smthn Fukuzawa would say
In an alternate timeline where Fukuzawa Yukichi's hobby of adopting and taking care of kids is his day job. (Or not really a job. He still doesn't get paid for it). And no. He doesn't get woken up with kisses either.
Edogawa Ranpo
Wakes Fukuzawa up by sitting on his face (and possibly farting)
100% whiny kid who will only be quiet when stomach is full OR when suddenly put in a group of strangers of the same age
Social anxiety goes up higher than his ego
Fukuzawa is convinced Ranpo's been drinking juice his entire life just because of how much he consumes it. He breathes sugar
Messy kid but surprisingly not destructive. When alone, he sits in one corner eating his snacks in peace. When playing with others, well he plays around like a normal child
It's scary how much he both understands and does not understand about life (especially adult life) it's almost scary
Fukuzawa taught him go, not thinking much about it. Ranponot only destroyed his ass but also his pride (in one go pun not intended). After an entire day of trying to beat him, Fukuzawa never brought it up again. Peace was never an option
Yosano Akiko
Wakes him up by pinching his nose so he can't breathe
Yeah she's scary like that. A lot of boys her age are intimidated by her (because she can be such a brute) but otherwise she's pretty sweet
She likes cutting up things (paper things) with Kyouka. Paper flowers and other similar projects are her favorite
Favorite sweets are traditional Japanese treats. The three of them (Fukuzawa + Kyouka) eat those together pretty often
Opposite of Ranpo when it comes to cleanliness. Tidies up very often but can get destructive every now and then (especially when she's chasing someone)
When she's outside, she likes staying in the garden where the flowers are and observe any butterflies flying about. I think she even has a small book on butterflies just because of how much she likes them
Kunikida Doppo
At first, he tries to wake up Fukuzawa normally. "Wake up you should be awake now!!" If that doesn't work, he'll repeatedly smack his face until he gets up
Yeah no he's not a law-abiding obedient child. 100% rebel kid from the day he was born, and only listens to certain grownups like Fukuzawa
Similar to Yosano on the tidiness aspect. Neat freak but can get surprisingly destructive when with a certain other someone
It's cute tho how he tries to be more mindful of his surroundings since Fukuzawa scolds him so much (and he tries to tell the others to keep it down every now and then). But again a certain other someone just manages to tempt him so easily
Spends most of his time in physical games with other active kids because he has so much energy. When he gets tired he likes to scribble on paper and practice writing (since Fukuzawa has neat handwriting, he tries to copy it)
Actually he tries to copy Fukuzawa in a lot of things. You'll see him stick to him quite often
Dazai Osamu
Oh dear it's always a surprise with this one
Usually he doesn't wake Fukuzawa up and makes someone else do it, but when he does it's always some prank or another *cue tiny evil laugh*
Spends most of his time reading and annoying Kunikida. Physical/outdoor activities aren't his thing since he gets injured/tired quite easily
Doesn't clean and had wrecked the place more than enough times.
Ropes Atsushi into the stupidest and most dangerous things you could imagine a child doing. The number of small fires and broken things that Fukuzawa had to clean is staggering
When adults come over though, he's surprisingly well-behaved. But to be more specific it's more like he's intently observing them and analyzing their movements like a not-child would do
His favorite time is bath(tub) time and he sticks there longer than anyone should. He can throw a tantrum if taken out too early
Tanizaki Jun'ichirou
"Wakes" him up by gently pushing his shoulder. If it doesn't work, he gives up and leaves
Because of this he gets into a lot of dangerous (self-inflicted) scenarios. Trying to reach food in a high place, answering the door when he doesn't know who's on the other side, trying to reach a ball that got stuck on a tree
Really he should just wake Fukuzawa up/call an adult when he needs help. He may be shy yet independent, but it's still worrying how much he does on his own
Speaking of being on his own-
He does play with the other kids but most of the time no one knows where he is (unless he's with Naomi)
When he's with others, he's usually Yosano and Naomi's slave lol
His way of bonding with Fukuzawa is by finding and petting (and almost adopting) stray cats
Miyazawa Kenji
Wakes Fukuzawa up by a not-so-gentle squeeze on the arm
The most carefree of the bunch. He happily does whatever he wants and rarely gets into trouble
Except when it comes to lifting things. Fukuzawa nearly had a heart attack the first time he tried to reach a toy under the cabinet and tried (and almost successfully) lifted the thing with his two little hands
Ranpo eats the most frequently (and the most unhealthily) but Kenji eats the most number of bowls per meal. Beef gyudon is his favorite but any other rice bowl is going to get devoured just as much
He and Tanizaki are the most likely to sing/dance to music. It's cute how they just vibe with each other
The reason why he's so peaceful tho is that no one can beat him in a fight. And I mean no one. He may be one of the smallest/youngest but he has proven himself once and that was enough to scar everyone's minds (except the adults. They have no idea what actually happened)
Goes to the garden frequently with Yosano, but not because he likes the flowers. He likes the soil. It's weird but very cute
Nakajima Atsushi
Wakes Fukuzawa up very similar to Tanizaki. Only difference is that he lasts longer
Never gets into trouble because of that, though. He waits patiently for him to wake up and reach for food he's been craving, holds in his pee for as long as he could (even thought it's a bad idea), etc.
The only reason why he has so many "battle scars" is because someone keeps tricking him into doing dangerous things. Otherwise, it would've been safe to leave him with the other kids unsupervised
Has this toy plushie white tiger that he hasn't parted with since the day he arrived here. One time Fukuzawa tried to take it from him since it was dirty, but Atsushi cried so much it felt like Fukuzawa was committing a war crime
Eats rice bowls (especially chazuke) just as much as Kenji does
Most of the time he's sitting in front of the TV. He plays with other kids too but once his eyes are glued to the screen there's no going back
Izumi Kyouka
Wakes him up by poking some metallic object at his face
Spends a lot of her time inside, drawing and doing crafts with Yosano
The rest of the kids are noisy as heck which is why Fukuzawa was wondering if Kyouka is just really shy or uncomfortable. Turns out she's just really quiet and stoic (so much so she passes of as Fukuzawa's granddaughter)
It's not obvious but she eats just as much sweets as Ranpo does. It's quite alarming, actually
Hides in cabinets and/or clings to someone during a thunderstorm
Plays with Atsushi the most and follows him around. Will not tolerate anyone saying/doing anything bad to him
Like Atsushi has a toy stuffed rabbit she refuses to part with. It was one of the first things Fukuzawa gave her as well so maybe that's why
She's the most active at night. No one knows why but she just can't sleep easily at night (naps during the day are no problem) so Fukuzawa always puts her to bed last
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peachyninjago · 2 years
I don't know how exactly, but in this, Lloyd ended up dying some time before Crystallized, but after MOTO (thinking around Prime Empire??). his death led to him falling into the Departed Realm
now. As we know close to nothing about the Departed realm in canon, let me tell you about some of my many hcs for it first.
Unlike the Cursed Realm, the dp has a bluish/purple color palette, its residents sharing that trait. its appearance.. how to say? it's as if random pieces of time were blipped into it. There was a solid 'society' on the floor, so gravity existed in Some form, but there were people just milling about on the floating relics that drifted above, too.
On one side of a street, you could see a building from 3000 years ago. and, right across from it, a pizza place that was destroyed during the revival of Lord Garmadon. The Departed realm is a place made for all who end up there to rest and reflect and think. a place to p much just vibe into eternity in.
…Or, well, it was Supposed to be.
It was before it was forced to take in (most) of the occupants of the Cursed Realm, too. (not all, though. some were forced to remain back with the Tiny preeminent) 
And, unfortunately, that's the version of the departed realm Lloyd fell into. one quite literally in the middle of a war.
He was recognized almost immediately (whenever a new person enters the dp [which doesn't happen much anymore. very few are worthy], a wave of energy/something akin to a wave of energy is passed over the whole dimension) i mean. god's grandson just kicked the bucket, do you KNOW how much power that gives off?? enough to get EVERYONE running towards him, thats for sure.
And, unluckily for Lloyd, he landed smack-dab in the middle of what I would call 'Cursed Realm territory'.
Now.. lloyd couldn't really fight back against the swarm of vengeful, angry ghosts that suddenly hounded him. (he Just died. be nice to him.) beaten, bloody, and bruised, he was dragged to the 'Heart' (aka the middle) of the dp.
This was the only place that hadn't been claimed by one of the sides. Both the cr and dr inhabitants knew the importance of it, so they fought an uphill battle that only resulted in casualties on both sides.
Now, you might be asking, 'how are the ghosts fighting a war if they're already dead??' and to that I answer; remember how I said the dr has many different pieces of time within it? old buildings like, idk, hospitals, libraries, prisons…
…Weaponries that are overflowing with Deepstone tools. buildings that are overflowing with water.
And it just so happens Lloyd was kidnapped by a gaggle of ghosts who had too many Deepstone tools to count. Wow, it's almost like he's experiencing sm bad luck for a plot device! crazy!
Anyways, back to Lloyd in the Heart, the cr ghosts thought process was smthn like 'yoo this guy fucked us up and is on the Departed realms side, right? and he's super strong, right?? so hb we kill him in broad daylight as a show of power, making the dr inhabitants finally retreat out of fear?' '..yeah sure why not?'
So. they do that. (not elaborating bc I have a fic idea for this that I don't wanna spoil) BUT, just before a Deepstone sword is brought down upon Lloyd's neck, someone swoops in from above; kicking his captor directly in the face. Because Lloyd was barely conscious (he almost just died AGAIN, please PLEASE be nice to him) he couldn't see who rescued him. oh, it's also bc they were covered by a huge cloak, btw.
Then, two other figures appeared, the second freeing Lloyd so the third could carry him away. The first figure opted to stay behind, beating the shit out of his captors.
Before he blacked out, Lloyd took note of how strangely comfortable he felt in his rescuer's hold.
It almost felt familial.
Uhhh time skip. Lloyd and the three musketeers were in a safe space. Lloyd wakes up and Gasp! the ones who saved him are morro (cloak #1) rumi (#2) and garma (#3). what a twist
My head do be beginning to go empty, but in summary, Lloyd learns the basics of what's going on around here and then sticks to his dad like a LEECH. he is NOT letting that mf leave his sight. absolutely not.
He doesn't know how to feel abt morro and rumi. His dad says they're trying to make up for what they've done, and that even if Lloyd can (understandably) not forgive them, he should at least Try to work with him. they're both… fragile. in many more ways than one.
Lloyd, being Lloyd, agrees to do so. albeit reluctantly.
again. yada yada, more time passes, lloyd slowly gets the hang of being Dead and crawls out of the depressed hole he's dug himself in. He runs across some once lost friends while there (Mystake, Akita [<yes, she's dead. it's been a long time since lloyd left in the Never realm. time passes very quickly there, y'know], and even a few previous ems) and slowly forms a small army fighting on the side of the Departed Realm.
He can still fight. All he has to do is get to the center- the Heart. he'd figure it out from there.
…or, so he told himself.
but in actuality, he wasn't ready for the true test of the Departed Realm. the test of the Mourners. (ayo congratulations to my d.w. peeps for already knowing what those are ahaa.) BUT, for those who don't, here's a quick explanation;
'Mourners. The people in the Departed Realm who are nothing more than empty shells of their past selves. They're so lost in the delusions and false hope that the setting provides that they suddenly become akin to a wandering husk, trapped behind spoon-fed lies of a better life.
Those who remain sentient just ignore them, milling about the rest of eternity with a solemn sense of peace. Now, that might seem cruel, but it's just not possible to awaken a Mourner. No matter what you do, when they're gone, they're gone.
You could scream in their face, hurl them around, maybe even pour water on them (There's no water down here to be able to try that one.) and they still wouldn't wake up.'
YES i copy and pasted from my own fic. What abt it?
but yeah that's basically what Mourners are. and Lloyd, who really misses his other family, begins to fall into the Departed Realms trap.
this is where the mind, body, soul aspect comes in w garma, rumi, and morro
there's a whole bunch to it, but again, not getting into too much detail bc i already have plans (and i'm also getting tired lmaoo)
garma 'saves' his mind. Whenever he sees Lloyd drifting off into his memories, he snaps him back to reality. Garmadon grounds him- he keeps Lloyd from falling apart all while somehow managing to keep him in the moment
rumi 'saves' his body. Lloyd forgets that he still needs to take care of himself in this shell of a beating heart. and rumi, who's (/platonic) love language is Literally physical touch, always reminds him. she reminds him in many ways- ranging from a quick touch to the shoulder, all the way to a hug that they (both) need. 
and Morro 'saves' his spirit. Lloyd begins drifting away mid-spar? Morro will knock him upside the head, reminding him of what he's fighting for. Lloyd says that he's reaching his breaking point? Morro tells him that he's not alone here. not anymore.
and, finally, when all of this is said and done. when the battle of the Heart is over;  Lloyd's team stands victorious. Yes, they did it! they won! they Won!
…didn't they..?
There's a soul crushing moment, then. where Lloyd realizes that it's Over.
It's Over. They Won. Lloyd can Finally go home- to his family 
and, to do so, he'd have to say goodbye to the new members of it he just made. how cruel.
But, as Lloyd was getting ready to say his goodbyes, the Heart (aka portal out of the dp) suddenly opened. opened Wide.
There was a moment of flurried panic where almost everyone there bolted towards it, people trampling on another in their desperation to just Get Out.
But, funnily enough, none of them could get through. they all hit the portal (which has a clear view of Ninjago City on the other side of it, btw) like flies on a window.
and that's because the portal would only allow four people through right now.
The Mind.
The Body.
The Spirit
and The Heart.
(ahaha see what i did there. by making Lloyd the heart, too? omg im so poetic <3<3)
they all proved themselves through one another. apart, they are nothing more than old legends. tales of heroes and villains that one day might have been.
but, when together, they are so much more.
and so, with that realization and a few heart-felt 'see you laters' to the rest of the Departed Realm team, our main four re-enter the realm of Ninjago.
OKAY THATS IT. for now lol. still have no idea what the ghost gang is coming back to (imagining… Lloyd coming back to life, excited to see his family…. just to find out they've gone their separate ways bc Nya turned into the fucking Sea.
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kvrlsefni · 2 years
-`, — WHEN IN COSPLAY !! ꒱ ↷
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♤ tears of themis: luke, vyn, marius, artem.
♤ info: the tot characters w a gf who likes to cosplay as a hobby >:))
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✧.* 𝐥𝐮𝐤𝐞
— honestly though, despite y’all knowing each other for like, a really long time and the fact he’s already aware of most of the fandoms ur into, he'd still be a little surprised. but more of the "i'm home what do you wanna get for dinner- oh mY GOD YOU LOOK GREAT!" kind of way
— he loves ur cosplays sm n would take so many pics of u n he'd become ur personal photographer ! he'd help u pose n w the lighting and bro believe me when i say, it makes him so proud n happy <33 he'd probably pull a "my gf cosplayed (this character) & she looks amazing" !!
— BUT if you asked him to cos with u, he'd start to malfucntion 26JSjswu!@$$
— couple cosplays make him so <33 or even if y'all aren't even specifically like a couple, he'd still love to regardless! he knows that cosplaying makes you happy, so he's happy that he gets to do smthn u love w u !!
— would volunteer in helping u make props if ur character had props ^^ would also help u find stuff u need, so there might ber andom texts throughout the day where he goes like "omg guess what i just found" "that wig u needed !! and it's CHEAPER than online CAN U BELIEVE THA T"
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✧.* 𝐯𝐲𝐧
— tbh he wasn't that surprised?? he knew about the fandoms you were into and he knew it was only a matter of time before you caved and started cosplaying as someone from there.
— idk if u could ever rope him into cosplaying if it's not for an event like halloween or smthn. maybe u could get him to cosplay w u for a con if u bugged him enough times and get him to swear to go with you dressed up. it's not bc he thinks it's silly or stupid, but it's mostly because he thinks ur much better suited for it
— fr fr he thinks ur so perfect for it like bro istg he like worships u n he ?? wants the spotlight to be on u bc he thinks u deserve it sm
— tbh he would actually fsr ?? like it if he was the guy following you around carrying your stuff while people asked for pictures with you TvT he likes supporting you from the side BUT if you ever did want him to be there with you like NEXT to you, he won't hesitate to walk over there B)
— would also take pics for you !! he wouldn't be the best at it tho T—T but he's trying his best !! istg just see jksdjksd late at night when he thinks ur asleep but u like open ur eyes just a bit to see him looking up cosplay photos and photos in general to see how people angle that stuff and take good pics so he can do the same for u ;D
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✧.* 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬
— marius would fund ur cosplays regardless but he’d be so excited n happy if u cosplayed sum of his fave characters n he’d also offer to
— omg bro he'd radiate luke energy but not on the same wavelength
— he'd be like eRM "oH you're (this character) from (this fandom). why didn't you tell me??" because he accidentally walked in on you putting on your wig
— would immediately know who ur going as KDJKSJ he thinks u look so good too!! he'd ask if you need help with fixing the wig or putting on the cosplay itself or the props (esp if it's of character with complicated attires)
— he'd ALSO omg omg he'd fund ur cosplays !!! esp omg if ur cosplaying someone from his favourite fandom (or his fave character from there) he'd ask you what you needed and if you don't tell him, idk how but he'll find out one way or another what it is you DO need and he'll get it for you so u kinda just go home one day n see it on ur bed n ur like >:0
— btu you know, regardless of whether ur his fave character or not, he'd still happily do all that stuff anyway! oh and also best believe he'd hire professional photographers to help take photos of you ;D like it ends up being a full blown photoshoot omg
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✧.* 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐦
— artem would be okay w the idea but he didnt know u were actually going to go thru w it then he comes home earlier than u tot n ur filming tiktoks on ur phone and he kinda just walks in and u both stare at each other but he starts to smile n hes like ur rlly pretty n offers to take pics for u
— i imagine artem would come home earlier than you expected and when he opens the door to the bedroom you both share, he certainly did not expect to see you standing there in full cosplay in front of the mirror with your phone in your hand
— it'd be so funny PLS DIJSDK his hand would still be on the door and he wouldn't say anything at first and u thought he didn't like it until he put his case down and LEGIT went "why r u taking pictures there? the lighting's bad. do you want to go to the balcony?? i'll take the pictures for you"
— JHDJSH he actually was just shocked from coming home and momentarily thinking someone 2d had broken into his house djksadj but fr he's so supportive of ur hobby !!!
—like luke, he'd become ur personal photographer and he'd also be the one who randomly sits down next to you with his laptop in hand and be like "hey isn't this the set for (this character ur planning to cosplay)" and u'll be like "yeah but i haven't saved up enough to buy it yet-" then he literally orders it on the spot 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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a/n: unedited n kinda did this on the spot so erm HWJDJ
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ilyjerome · 2 years
cute things to1 does <\3
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members included - boyf og!to1 x gn reader
genre; fluffiest fluff
new members not included ! i don’t know them well enough to write for them (i will in the future :))
(seongmin’s are copy&pasted since i did something like this for him individually - you can find it on my navigation post (pinned) :D
not writing 4 chanhyuk because of his situation.
chihoon (fm) ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
loves when u sit on his lap . not sexually ! just having u there when he’s working or smthn.. but he does need his alone time !! but he finds it calming and sometimes you fall asleep on him and it just makes him so happy <33
plays w ur hands … idk why but !!!! i can see him doing this often , just sitting by each other and plays w ur hands ? it relaxes him a bit and you love it so u’re just giving him a extra reason bcz he loves pleasing you like if ur sitting w the rest of the members theres a 98% chance ur hand is in his lap and he’s playing w ur fingers <3
nose / forehead kisses .. now if you were in public i’m not so sure since chi doesn’t seem like the pda type (excluding the holding hands ofc) but if you two were alone i feel like he would do this as a sign of affection and be all shy abt it :((( just being so cute :((( and he gets all giggly after awww i can’t - and esp if you were sitting on his lap while he’s working he’d just give u a kiss from time to time :(
jaeyun ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
 this boy is a romantic idc. superrr sweet in everything he does n always cares for u. <33 like he gives random affirmations like “you’re so beautiful” n looks u up n down or smthn lmaooo loves loves lovesssssss making u feel loved. always does little things for you like make u meals or little acts of kindness like tying ur shoe laces :((
cannot take his eyes off u sometimes like it makes you so flustered but he’s always like “but u’re so pretty” i can’ttt tell u how much of a romantic this man is i will say it everytime !! u catch him staring a lot. he’s just super happy to have someone who loves him as much as u bcz he loves u so much :(
always holding hands ! jaeyun isn’t a very touchy type but i feel like he would just like to know you’re .. there ?? idk how to explain but always holding ur hand would make him feel happy and give him energy <33 like if ur in public you’d just be walking around holding hands and you showing him things and he squeezes ur hand when he laughs or smthn :( and sometimes he rubs ur thumb or swings ur hands a teenyyyyyy bit !!
head pats !! like . if you get all excited about something he’ll give u a head pat or if you do well in something you’ll get a head pat and it’s !! so !! adorable !! he follows it up w a giggle 99% of the time <\\3 like he finds u so cute / is so proud of you and gives u a head pat . this is so cute i can’t - prolly ruffles n messes up ur hair too and u’re busy trying to fix it and he’s laughing at you :(( just a little thing in his love language
donggeon ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
kisses. he loves having all of his senses filled with you, touch, smell, taste, everything. even if its a small peck on the cheek or a whole ass make out idc i tell u this boy is the most caring n sweetest boy u’ve ever met. and and !! he will s h o w e r u with kisses if u haven’t seen each other in a while !!! and if ur squirming he’ll just keep going <33 i see donggeon as the cutest member within this typa stuff u cannot tell me otherwise !!!!!!!!!!!!
so we all know he loves working out atp. like on bubble he always tells us when he’s leaving to go workout and he’s gone for a couple hours .. but he’s gonna be all sweaty after right ?? you’ll be waiting for him @ the gym or wtv like “u’ve been working out for ages c’monnnnnn” and he’ll try to hug u like “okay okayyy” or mock u while giggling and u’re trying to push him away cause he’s all sweaty but he’s trying to hug u .. that’s just so cute like he wont stop until he can hug u . he finds it so adorable when you start pushing his chest bcz he’s so sweaty and u don’t wanna smell bad JDNEJDH
A F F I R M A T I O N . similar to jaeyun, this boy will not stfu about you. calls you pretty every second. smiles like a lil kid on xmas day while staring at you. genuinely thinks you’re the prettiest person he’s ever laid his eyes on but he loves it when you give them back he gets all shy and prolly hits ur shoulder AJJEJWIE he’s just so sweet to you and cherishes you so much please give this boy lots of love <3 he will give it back 101% more
jisu ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
holding ur face ! i don’t think jisu is very open to touchiness like he needs to be in a certain mood to accept it well but .. if ur both just laughing or you do something cute he kinda just leans in and holds ur face like cheek area ?? idk how else to explain HELP but his thumbs behind ur ears n :(( like he’s so happy in that moment he just does it and you love it sm but sometimes he gives u a peck on ur nose :(( he just loves you so much pls love him
pulling you into hugs - now hear me out i’ve noticed jisu is quite touchy w daigo recently so this is just .. so cute to me . he does this sometimes and it’s so ;(((( like u two could just be talking and he’d start by just playing w ur fingers and rubbing ur hands swinging them a lil and he just pulls u into him !!!!!!! ;(((((((( and if ur sitting down he’ll pull you into his lap by ur waist and tap his fingers on ur waist dips :( he loves talking to u while doing this just having your skin touching he loves it
matching plushies . like the squirtle ones ? yeah he gets those for you both like it can be little keychains or those super big ones you see on tiktok vacuum sealed JSUDJF but no whenever you have a movie night or whatever you bring your plushies or jisu tells you too it’s so cute it’s just a little thing you two have <33
minsu (fm) ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
feeding you . even if its a grape or a whole ssambap he will do the airplane for you JDNDID he does this kinda (?) often with the members so i can easily see him doing it w his s/o and he just love love lovezzzzzz seeing ur cheeks fill up w food he thinks you look so adorable and he’s smiling so wide asking u “is it good?” - “do u want more?” SJAJSJ he’s so caring to u and wants u to eat well <333 (p.s do it back even if he says no he loves it secretly.)
this boy is so touchy indoors. when it’s just you two , he wants to be all over you he wants to cuddle and give you kisses all over your face !! he finds your presence so healing and just wants to hold you and maybe watch youtube or tell you about his day or listen to yours .. definitely cooks something for you both too just so he can feed you ^^^^^^^^ he wants to be your jacket istg :(
jeyou ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
the subtle things . even if its just giving u a small massage or bringing u a drink he loves subtly taking care of you seeing a smile on your face cause he brought you greek yoghurt too when you weren’t expecting it brightens his whole month icl :( even squishing your cheek for a second ahh he will melt he loves u sm ;( coming back from going out w his members 99% of the time he’s gotten you a little gift wether that be food or even a pair of matching socks. he wants to pamper you <3
he whines JUST to seem cute .. like if you wanna cuddle or something he’ll be like “ah y/n seriously” and complain but he’s literally walking with you to cuddle ?? he whines and pouts basically for your attention PLS he’s so annoying BUT he acts completely clueless when you call him out for it like ???? he’s doing it just so you wanna do those things MORE he knows you love him being cute </3
he’s gonna squish your cheeks wether you like it or not :/ he just finds it so cute with your cheeks puffed out and lips are pouting ugh . it’s so cute it’s gross . but he’s gonna do it out of the blue all the time and probably pull on your cheeks and tease you about it … *cries*
kyungho ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
holding ur waist !!!! he just loves holding u ;( he prolly walks w u while doing it too LMAO - like if ur just standing doing smthn he’s 101% holding u by ur waist or he randomly snakes his hands around u and squeezes u JDBRJD kyungho doesn’t seem like he’s always up for affection but i think this is just a cute lil thing he does w u :’) probably rubs ur waist dips too asking u abt your day and occasionally u get a kiss on the cheek if he feels like it
F O R E H E A D K I S S E S . this man is so cute ?? like he’ll grab the back of your head and pull you closer to kiss your forehead :((( he does this so often too like if your waiting in line to get drinks he’ll do that and probably hug you by putting his arm around the back of your neck <333 he leans on u too … he’s such a big teddy bear pls
seongmin (fm) ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
he’s definitely got a lot of pet names for you but more alongside the basic ones like “baby” or “darling” he literally calls jaeyun darling ?? and he calls jeyou “my pretty baby” stopppp be prepared to get showered in pet names and compliments if you look good (to him u look good everyday even if u just got out of bed and have a severe case of bed head) <33 prolly showers u w kisses too or the tightest hug ever :p - you can’t breathe so you’ll have to slightly tap him like “seongmin .. i can’t breathe “ JDBEJD definitely exaggerates his gasps to make you feel better if your showing him a new outfit his eyes widen and he covers his mouth he’s in awe over u rn
randomly intertwines ur hands …. :( like you two could be having a conversation and (example) ur sitting in his lap facing him telling him about your day he will just grab ur hands and intertwine them w his and he’s nodding listening to everything u have to say but if ur days bad he’ll order food or cook some for you ;( or you two can just cuddle while watching a movie as long as your there he really doesn’t mind *crying*
loves making sure you eat well !! will feed you and do the airplane whatever it takes to make you eat and the airplane just adds cuteness and we all know seongmin is a sucker for cute things +10 points for a jordy spoon FHJRJR lovezzzz eating with you or just cooking a simple meal for you both and he loves it when you join in cooking so <33 but u two always need something sweet after so sometimes you go out to the convenience store to get snacks or ice cream ;(( like a lil date
woonggi (fm) ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
is obsessed with your hair ? like even if he’s just touching it playing with it or literally braiding it he loves touching your hair and finds it so fascinating <33 gives you new hairstyles and asks if you can sit in front so he can play with it JFHRJR you love it tho <\33333
WILL join in on gossip. like you could be telling him what’s happening within ur friend group and he’s over here giving the most dramatic responses the neighbours can probably hear him gasping and going “REALLY???” ugh hes so fun
café dates <33 going out for a drink and just talking and even getting to walk around is just you two . like that’s you !! especially if one or the other has been busy and you can easily catch up and tell each other about what’s been going on :))
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asmolemmeeatyouout · 4 years
The boys with Autistic! MC! part two ! SFW
(Bc I’m self indulgent and like 5 ppl wanted it so yesyesyes)
(Had my first proper spoonie day in a while today so imma finish this after what 4 months? Whoopsie. Sorry if any of the points overlap I’ve not re read my last post, please shoot me an ask if you want anything clarified/expanded on !)
Has to stop his brothers from constantly bothering you when you’re overwhelmed (they’re just worried)
You very quickly learn his office is the safest place to be when overwhelmed due to the dim lighting and the brother deterring curse on his doorway
He has a record player and SO much classical music for when you need background noise
This leads to impromptu slow dancing when you insist he needs a break and there’s music playing
If you have your own records, the *smoother ones will end up mixed in with his
*smoother as in less staccato /distracting because he is most likely working
Very much enjoys spending time in silence with you, he finds it comfortng to just exist with someone without having anything needed of him
Especially if you’re both doing your own thing, like you just being in the room with him (playing a game or reading or smthn) while he does his paperwork is so soothing to him
Have you seen his horns? They’re so smooth and shinyyy, a+++ stimming material
He loves head pats so he’ll willingly put his head in your lap when you watch movies
he’s very proud of his demon form but also kind of shy so it’ll take some coaxing to get him to let you touch his horns but when he sees how content it makes you? It’s his new favourite hobby letting you play with his hair and horns during movies
(That said they’re very sensitive (like him) so be gentle)
He WILL adopt your love language and mannerisms:
if you bump people he will start knocking into you constantly, (wrists, hips, shoulders, head, any and all on random repeat)
if you like to collect and give things to people he will a. Hoard them in a little shrine (that he Denys. having) and b. Start looking for things he can give you back
If you rub textures you like you’ll find him stroking your arms/face/jumper right back (sometimes with his face, but only ever in private because he feels vulnerable using such a soft form of affection)
You cannot tell me this man isn’t autistic
Communication is SO! EASY!
Then even If you don’t understand you can just ask. You can just ask and he’ll tell you. None of this ‘figure it out yourself’ nt bullshit
Our baby has anxiety anyway so he’s probably ‘over’ explained it before you can say anything
(Over explained in the sense of nt, personally I love it when ppl get really detailed)
In that case he gets embarrassed about how much he’s talking so it’s your turn to reassure him that he’s not boring you
The solace you get in realising you like all of his autistic traits soothes your own insecurities
That being said your anxiety (if you have it) is matchy matchy so don’t expect him to talk to the cashier for you
He’s very chill with you being non verbal because either he’s absorbed in his own game/anime/show or it means there’s more room for him to talk about his interests
That being said if your special interests/ hyperfixations don’t line up on any given day? The bickering over who’s turn it is to infodump gets intense (this is the one source of all your arguments)
All the other brothers are kind of terrified/jealous of your relationship, especially when they see you talking about a shared special interest because you talk rapid fire and very in-depth. to them it’s almost like you’re talking in code or another language because they know all the individual words but what the everloving fuck are you on about
Has specific outfits he wears when he wants you to hug him (which is always). They’re made out of the softest material, or any clothing of his you’ve expressed a texture interest in.
Finds it so amusing when you come rushing over to rub your face against his chest bc mmmmm softsoftsoft
Likes to text you in the morning to see how you’re feeling (and how sensory sensitive you are because god forbid his outfit with chains and jangles stops him from seeing you)
Understands better than Anyone that affection and love can be shown in a whole barrage of ways not just physically
Figures out how you show affection faster than any of the other brothers
Immediately starts reciprocating it (partly bc he’s selfishly trying to make you love him most)
Will learn about your special interests so he can engage you on the topic
Is the ONLY person in the house you can talk about any special interest with, no matter how niche because he loves learning (although he does prefer the *academic* side of them rather than pop culture but he will listen to both)
*academic* as in something involving learning about something or crafting or *how* to do something, not just like, maths
You’re pretty much the only person who can keep up with him in terms of knowledge and enthusiasm (even if it’s only for very specific things) and thus you become the person he talks to about his interests
Originally kind of annoyed by how absentminded you are (because you forget several dates) but once you get settled into a routine he starts to find it cute how habitual you are, and then realises it could work to his advantage.
He then schedules a date into your weekly routine (or biweekly depending on your energy levels) so you start to get upset if it’s missed bc it’s part of your routine. (Satan is ridiculously smart and is very much willing to manipulate your routine to his (and yours) advantage, he is a demon after all)
Gives the best squishes. He’s just so big he can literally envelope you (in other news he is terrified of hurting you so he’s very nervous at first, he’s used to huggin ppl very gently bc he is a muscle mountain)
Maybe don’t use chew stims around him (unless he’s eating) because seeing you use them will either make him hungry, or he’ll ask to see it and oops it’s been swallowed hope you didn’t want that back (he’s very apologetic he really didn’t mean to but it was in his mouth and chewed before he could think)
Literally the kindest man in the universe, if you have issues with shame or *guilt* (especially if it creeps outta nowhere or it relates to not being able to do something) he will a. Reassure you and give you cuddles until you feel okay (or one on one bonding time if you’re too touch sensitive) then b. Go help with whatever task was too much so you don’t have to worry
Have I mentioned the stuffies? This boy definitely has a stash of soft toys that all have names and personalities. This originally stemmed from the fact he was locked alone in an attic for a year, he needed some form of company or he was gonna go crazy, and sleeping alone is meh in his opinion. But then he became attached and after you showed him yours? And you weren’t ashamed of your teddy bears or how much you loved them he confided in you about his. (And you had a tea party)
Problems sleeping ? (Me too bud it’s 3.44 am lol) nonononno baby boy has got you, just snuggle up to him and you’ll be snoozing in no time (I HC that being around belphagor just makes you a little sleepy and the longer you’re there the stronger the urge to sleep gets)
You’re at rad (or out in public and can’t leave) and get overstimmed? Belphie has got you! He keeps sunglasses on him so he can secretly sleep when he’s not supposed to. Also (imo) he’s the king of hoodies, both his main outfits have a hood (and you can’t convince me he doesn’t wear one of them over his uniform as soon as lucifer dips), my boy will slip his hoodie on you and wrap you in a hug to get you away from the noise/sights
(I am now too tired to write anymore, hope yall enjoyed!)
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animayelmao · 3 years
Inumaki and Curse Seals
JJK Chapter 137 Theories/Questions
I noticed something about Inumaki while reading and.... I’m a little confused about what the implications are? So, naturally, I wrote up this super long post exploring different theories, lmao
Spoilers primarily for chapter 137 of the manga, but there are definitely spoilers for further chapters. 
so... what’s going on with the bandages used on Inumaki’s injury?? When I first saw this panel, I was immediately suspicious bc his bandages/wrappings look exactly like a seal: 
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I even went back to chapter 1 and the markings on Inumaki’s bandages look nearly identical to the seal on Sukuna’s finger:
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The previous uses of these type of seal/talisman have been to “seal curses and mediate cursed energy,” and I can only assume that this is a possible use for the seals on Inumaki’s injuries as well.  
 So, I guess my real question is: why would they seal Inumaki’s injury? I thought about it a little more, and have come up with some possible solutions as to why:
The first (and weakest) theory is:
1. Shoko’s healing techniques use curse seals to function. Or, she just uses curse seals as bandages for injuries done by curses, as a means of preventative care. Meaning, she wrapped Inumaki’s wounds in talisman in order to ensure that no adverse reactions would come from Sukuna injuring him. 
This theory is like, the least satisfying. But it would also be super funny if it was correct, because then it would mean that I’m really just overthinking this whole thing. However, knowing Gege Akutami’s storytelling methods, it feels more important that Inumaki is wrapped up in curse seals than just “Shoko is being a cautious, good physician.” 
Additionally, Shoko’s technique apparently allows her to “restore destroyed limbs” (not sure how true this is, given that we haven’t seen it in the manga), so... why isn’t Inumaki’s limb restored?
This question leads me to my second theory:
2. Sukuna’s Domain Expansion in Shibuya really fucked Inumaki’s shit up (y’know, past the whole ‘cutting his arm off’ thing) and has left him with some bad cursed symptoms. Since his injury is sealed, this theory assumes that Sukuna’s use of his “Cleave” attack during his Domain Expansion is leeching Inumaki of his cursed energy. These paper seals, in this case, would be to “fend off poison with poison by using one curse [the talisman/seal] to seal another [Sukuna’s hypothetical Domain Expansion curse].” 
The issue with this is that nowhere in the manga has Sukuna’s “Cleave” attack left symptoms on its victim.... besides death. Cleave is a slashing attack that adjusts itself depending on the target's toughness and cursed energy level, and it usually cuts its opponent down in one fell swoop. Clearly, this was not the case with Inumaki, who seemed to have barely been in range (literally just his left arm, poor guy) of Sukuna’s Doman Expansion: 
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So, is it possible that Sukuna’s use of Cleave on Inumaki’s arm is leeching him of his cursed energy and this is the reason why he needs to seal it? I’m not sure; it seems like Inumaki is literally the only survivor of Sukuna’s Cleave attack that we know of. It’s a possibility, and maybe the most probable explanation? This could also be a great explanation/justification as to why Shoko (or even Yuuta?) is unable to restore Inumaki’s limb (again, this is assuming that the jjk wiki is right in claiming that Shoko’s abilities can restore limbs)
However, I have more theories. My third (and most complex) theory is:
3. The elders/higher-ups of the Jujutsu world are terrible (duh) and are using Inumaki as an incentive for Yuuta to act according to their will. The following pages in the manga (chapter 137) seem to support this idea:
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This chapter begins with Yuuta killing curses to prove to the elders that he can be trusted as Yuuji’s executioner, and that he will follow their commands. But why would Yuuta even need to gain their trust? Couldn’t they get someone else to execute Yuuji? Clearly not, if they choose Yuuta over anyone else; in my mind, this means that Yuuta is the only person strong enough to execute Sukuna’s vessel, and so, the elders need to be completely certain that Yuuta will kill Yuuji instead of joining his side. In their minds (and rightfully so, lmao), if Yuuta and Yuuji are on the same side and against them, it can mean serious trouble. 
So, clearly, the elders need to ensure that Yuuta will kill Yuuji. They even have Yuuta enter a binding vow with them to be certain that he kills Yuuji. In my mind, using Inumaki in his injured state is a perfect incentive to make sure that Yuuta follows their orders. As of right now, the specifics of the binding vow that Yuuta enters haven’t been disclosed; so, perhaps Inumaki is part of said vow? 
Binding vows with others have to benefit both parties; if Yuuta kills Yuuji (benefitting the elders), then Yuuta must also benefit from the other party in return. Given the fact that Yuuta brings up Inumaki and his injury right after proposing a binding vow, I want to assume that Yuuta’s profit from the vow would involve Inumaki in some way. Perhaps he gets access from the elders to heal Inumaki? The possibilities are endless. 
For a boy who values the relationships he has with his friends (arguably his closest friend?), using a threat towards Inumaki/the promise of helping Inumaki is the perfect motivation for Yuuta to kill Yuuji. 
Personally? This is my favourite theory because it’s angsty and I live for this kind of stuff. Not only this, but it also feels like a possibility because of the strife that’s going on in the Jujutsu world right now. If the elders can’t trust Yuuta to perform his duties as Yuuji’s exorcist, then it makes sense that they would use Inumaki as leverage to ensure that Yuuta does what he’s told to.  
But, then, even more questions are raised at this point: 
1. what do the curse seals do to Inumaki, if they are put on him?
In this case, it seems like the curse seals wouldn’t be used in the same way as the previous theory (which is to fight a hypothetical Sukuna curse off). Rather, these curse seals would probably be used to stop Inumaki from using his cursed energy entirely; just like how they stopped the cursed energy in Sukuna’s fingers early on in the story.  
This theory would explain why neither Shoko nor Yuuta could heal Inumaki’s arm-- assuming that the talisman isn’t there directly because of something that Sukuna is doing to Inumaki. We see in Volume 0 that Yuuta’s reversed curse technique saves Maki’s incredibly mangled leg and fixes it to its original state. Additionally, even more recently in Chapter 143, Yuuta uses the same technique to heal Naoya: 
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This theory leads me to believe that Yuuta can (again, assuming that Sukuna isn’t actively leeching Inumaki’s cursed energy or something else) heal Inumaki’s arm, but is unable to do so because of the higher ups in the Jujutsu world. If they are using Inumaki as a pawn to ensure that Yuuta kills Yuuji, of course they wouldn’t let Yuuta heal Inumaki. (Now, this is all assuming that Yuuta is able to fix injuries hours or days after they occur, as we’ve only seen him heal injuries right after they have been done. This could be another reason why Yuuta can’t heal Inumaki’s arm, lmao).
My biggest counter to this is: what happens if Inumaki just... takes the curse seal off? wouldn’t they stop being effective?
So, (and this makes the most sense, tbh), perhaps the curse seals are there because of some funky Sukuna business (as mentioned in theory 2), which serves as a primary motivator for Yuuta to enter a vow with the elders in the first case. In this way, theory 2 and 3 would be combined. If Sukuna is hurting Inumaki in some way, the elders can be using this to coerce Yuuta into a binding vow that would help Inumaki once Yuuta carries out his executioner duties.
One of the possible problems I have with this theory is that it is maybe very contingent upon where the fuck Inumaki is even at. In chapter 144 when everyone is reunited with Maki, Inumaki isn’t there. But, Inumaki is (probably) awake and recovering from his injuries in the single panel we see of him in chapter 137. So... where is he? If he is anywhere besides at Jujutsu High, I assume he is in the possession of the higher ups. Which would explain a lot, and how particularly downtrodden Inumaki looks in the panel (besides the fact that he got his arm cut off, obviously). Yet, nobody seems too concerned about him, which maybe means that he’s probably (hopefully?) with everyone at Jujutsu High-- just offscreen with Panda or smthn). 
But, to defend this theory, Yuuta seems to be in contact with both the elders and Jujutsu High, so maybe it’s the same deal with Inumaki? Inumaki doesn’t necessarily need to be in the possession of the higher ups in order for them to infringe upon him. Especially in tumultuous times like these, in which Gojo and Principle Yaga are not there to protect the students, and there is now some sort of Culling Game going on?? Essentially, what I’m getting at is that the higher ups are extremely in power right now. Even if Inumaki isn’t with them physically, they still may have a large influence over what happens to him.     
One of the actual problems I have with this theory is that Yuuta “killing” Yuuji and being unable to supply his body would mean trouble for Inumaki. In chapter 143, Naoya gets healed by Yuuta in exchange for promising to tell his superiors that Yuuji is dead... but, would they believe this without evidence (aka, Yuuji’s body)? If they do, then good! Yuuta saves both Yuuji and Inumaki, and all is well. But if they don’t believe this and demand Yuuji’s corpse, then Inumaki is definitely in danger once the higher ups find out. Or, if the binding vow didn’t register Yuuji’s temporary death by Yuuta, that would mean great harm would be done to Inumaki, probably. 
I’m just not sure if Yuuta would even bargain Inumaki like that? But, the fact that Yuuta makes Naoya tell their superiors, rather than reporting directly to them himself seems to prove that Yuuta believes Naoya’s word is enough. Regardless, Yuuta seems confident that the binding vow he made with the superiors was completed by “killing” Yuuji-- regardless of whether Inumaki is involved with the vow or not.
Granted, it seems that Yuuta has changed a bit since coming back, so we’ll see. Maybe he is extremely confident in himself now, to the extent that he is willing to bargain something like Inumaki’s wellbeing in a binding vow. Who knows?
Of course, I have to confess that I understand that I am giving little mind to translation when giving these theories; I read the English translated version of the manga, so I can only make assumptions with the material I have. Maybe I’m missing something crucial because of this?
Anyways. These are the theories I have right now! I know this post was extremely long-winded, but if I didn’t write all this out, I was going to Explode. This is literally all I have been thinking about since I saw the panel with Inumaki. If anyone else wants to talk about this by adding to my ideas or poking holes in them, PLEASE do. I need to know that I’m not the only person thinking about this, omg.
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jadeee · 3 years
Totally unrelated to what I mainly post but I feel like someone needs to hear this.
Lessons I learned last week:
1. Just do what you can with the time and energy you have. 
If you can't do it today, you just can't do it and thats okay. It doesn't mean you're stupid, lazy, or not enough. It just means you can't do it at this time and in your current state.
2. I allow time to take time. 
It's taken me the longest time to realize that some things don't happen right away and most times it's for a good reason. There are other factors working on your behalf and for your benefit. Just trust it.
p.s.: this was from an affirmations podcast on a free app (you can purchase content in the app) called "Dare". i srsly recommend it for ppl who have anxiety, panic attacks, or depression. its helped me some.
3. It's all about how you handle what you've been handed. 
So this was from lovelink 😂 which is a romance rpg but its good advice okay!! It makes me think of that saying "work with what you got". Everyone doesn't get a good deck of cards but we can win the game!
4. Take time to recharge. 
THIS IS IMPORTANT !! Socializing, working, schooling, just living can be exhausting so pleeaasssee take a break. I have hw! Take a 5 - 10 min break before you start or in between sessions. Shut your eyes and just breathe. I can't take off. When you get home do what you love most! Take a hot bubble bath, blast your favorite music, make a good meal. Smthn as simple as stretching in the morning or before bed makes the biggest difference.
5. Listen to your body. 
Bc if you don't you will shutdown. Idk how or when but it will happen and you prob wont feel good :( so if you feel tired, take a nap if you can or just lay down. If your sad try to figure out why, text someone who you think will be able to help you through this. And please drink water 🥺 your body is like a plant and I heard plants like that stuff.
6. The obstacle is the lesson. 
Again, this is from Dare lol (I told yall this works for me!) I really like this bc its easy for us to get frustrated when things don't go our way but there's a lesson there. So take a deep breath, work through it and figure out what do I need to learn from this? And also don't feel like you brought it upon yourself bc sometimes we go through stuff so we can learn about other ppl and their true colors (*big self insert here*).
7. Only compare yourself to previous versions of you. 
As someone who's struggled with insecurity this is a big one for me. I still struggle with it sometimes but I always say everyone is different, we're all on different time tables and we're all going down different paths of life. You never truly know what someone's life is like until they open up so please please learn to appreciate your journey and your individuality bc no one else is you.
I know no one asked for this but I thought it was important okay? 🤧 Anyway, message me if yall ever wanna talk (literally about anything) life is crazy and I know none of us asked to be here and if we had a say so we'd change that but there's a reason behind all of the tears, anger, hurt, and frustration 💕 i love you i love you I love you, you matter and you are important, you are loved and deserve to be loved, and you are here bc you need to be - no ifs, ands, or buts about it 🥰 take care
With love, Jadeee 💓
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
lets talk about donald and the boys
so the triplets very obviously and very purposefully take different things from their parental figures, namely Donald, Scrooge and Della. (Webby does as well, but it’s a bit different cus she grew up in a diffrent enviroment/has mrs beakly so i’d rather do a sperate post for her) 
anyway, when it comes to the boys they’re a mix of diffrent aspects of their parental figures + new stuff thats just them. and i think that’s really great how the crew made them such multi dimensional characters like that! 
but, when it comes to donald at least these similarites between him and the boys aren’t quite so explicit like it is when it comes to scrooge and della. which makes sense, theres alot of missed time w/ both of them and they’re learning about eachother and noticing these things for the first time. plus the things donald passed down are the most subtle, i think bc he’s the one who raised them 
so i kinda wanted to call attention to the similarities between don and the boys!! i might do one w/ the similaraties between the triplets and the others asp, we’ll see lol 
so! lets begin.:) 
- i think the similarities between him and don are kinda the most obvious, but lets go through them anyway 
- obvi the parental/careing nature 
- and the anger :P 
- that expression in rumble for Ragnarok
- they both wear hats and i think thats cute  
- i feel like theres not too much to say which kinda sucks!! bc i love their relationship!! and like they’re getting a whole ass season for the two of them (like how we had dewey + scrooge and louie + della) im just. idk theres not too much to say that hasn’t been noticed but i love their relationship 
- a bit opposite to huey, i think their relationship is kinda the most looked over one 
- which sucks!! pls frank give us don/dewey bonding plsss 
- anyway 
- for one, smthn that i was ECSTATIC to see in ‘rumble for ragnorock’ was dewey’s determination being put to the test. i don’t know how to gif but y’all how have you not done a parallel of that to don in house of the lucky gander??? dewey’s always been super determined (see his determination to adventure in the first few eps, determination to find out about della, etc) and that 100% comes from his dad/uncle!!! 
- i think the main reason ^^ that particular similarity is overlooked is bc dewey and don use their determanation in very diffrent ways. dewey more for adventure, and don more to keep everyone safe. 
(ik that della is also super determined and it could come from that, but i like to think it comes from both of them! don and della are very similar and alot of their influence overlaps. like, the adventuring spirit is smthn usually atributed only as a dewy-della thing (or a della/scrooge w/ the kids thing) but i think that comes a  little from don too!! he used to love adventuring b4 della was lost. sure he was more cautious, but he loved it just as much as they did!!) 
- sorry for the tangent!! next thing! 
- both have an affinity for the color blue and water :). on a related note, the way they were so happy making mermaid tails together gives me life 
- both feel the need to prove themselves!!! this is a huge one!! and idk how noone has called it out sooner?? 
- don has shown alot that he feels insecure with who he is and worries about not being enough for the people around him. see: house of the lucky gander, town where everyone was nice, and just the whole thing w/ his voice 
- dewey is alot the same! super desperate to prove himself and be liked (see: everything,,,, but specifically: Atlantis/first ep, his dream in nightmare on killmonter hill, literally all of the new ep, the seed vault, so much other stuff omg, etc) 
- anyway i really hope these 2 get a bonding ep and get to work through this together. it’s a flaw they both have and i hope they can help eachother with it!! especially bc i think it’s a thing others may not be able to help them w/ bc they need someone who really Gets it u know? 
- pls just let these bois be confident they deserve it 
- baby boi 
- ok, first one i feel like may be kinda controversial but lets go anyway 
- i think that their biggest similarity is their shared emotional maturity 
- and yeah ik huey is mature but he’s not mature in the same way that louie and donald are 
- like.... u know at the end of shadow war how don gets the boys to decide to go back? and how louie is just.... so often the one to build up the others in his fam/give them a pep talk? i really think that comes from donald 
- also- they’re both the only ones to actually scheme lol. donald kinda accidentally (he tries not to encorage louie’s sceming even if he kinda does the same thing at times) like w/ how he lies to the caballeros and how he tricks the kids into showing up during shadow war 
- also they share how they’re both more cautious and a bit more scared even if they come along anyway 
- also also just about the only characters besides scrooge who care about money. ik it’s because don is broke and the other two don’t really care but idk... i think the fact that they grew up relitivly poor and don is struggling w/ money in like half of his plots makes the similarity mean a bit more 
- willingness to sacrifice for fam- see harp be gone for louie doing this, and just... everything for don. they both value fam over everything even what’s important to them, which is true for about every character but they don’t seem to get tested as much on it as the two of them 
All three: 
-just wanted to add some random small details that all three have that are similar to don :) 
- first- love of fam/willing to do anything for them. kinda already mentioned it w/ louie, and again it’s smthn shared by most characters but i wanted to mention it again :) 
- their cynicism!! The boys all have their cynical moments and i think it’s cute they’re influenced by don’s more dry humor
- and this last one isn’t really a similarity but I just wanted to point out how in tune they are w/ don and eachother bc it makes me super happy :)
- there’s probably more but I’m out of energy sry y’all. Feel free to add ur own tho I’d love to hear what y’all noticed!!!
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