#sigh . woes of having food as a love language
themagnificentmx · 2 years
sigh . craving potatoes
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mxyirin · 1 year
Yandere! Chuuya Nakahara
▸port mafia's strongest fighter - chuuya nakahara
▸everyone knew him, everyone was wary of him
▸a god who kneeled in front of no one but one
▸[last name] [name]
▸an important executive in the mafia itself
▸a great ability with a great mind
▸you were the hidden gem among the double black
▸working through the shadows like your ability
▸though unlike dazai and chuuya who worked in the front lines, you simply preferred the security of the back
▸the comfort it brought you
▸ah, [name], the head of the financial department of the port mafia who also had a part in the intelligence section
▸a true ace
▸it was only natural chuuya would meet you
▸you were three years older than him and first met when he was sixteen
▸and for some reason, he couldn't help but feel this irreplaceable connection with you
▸it was cute to see someone follow you around but you had no interest in dating, not to mention he was sixteen while you were nineteen
▸you aren't leonardeo di caprio after all :)
▸rejection wasn't going to stop the ginger who had been rejected for his entire life ouch
▸either way, he was ready to woe you
▸he was determined and he was such a sweetheart
▸never forcing you to do anything you didn't want, putting you over him
▸you didn't accept him until he was twenty and you were twenty-three
▸it wasn't like you could do anything about your trust issues right? after all, you were in the port mafia
▸in the end, you did feel his genuine feelings for you and accepted him
▸did anything change?
▸perhaps not, perhaps...
▸every chance he would get, he would bring your favourite flowers all wrapped up nicely
▸take you to fancy restaurants and always made sure that the food was according to your taste
▸gifts were something you never lacked
▸it was his way of showing you affection while he craved affection in the form of words and action
▸and you didn't mind giving him what he wanted
▸but did that mean that your relationship wasn't flawed?
▸oh, it was far from perfect built on rotten wood
▸ everyone had their bad days, his included being insecure whenever you gave a bit of attention to someone apart from him
▸he would get all angsty, glaring at the person
▸it was worse when the man was your business partner and if it weren't for your amazing persuasion skills you would have lost the deal
▸as soon as the meeting was over, you dragged your little lover with you into your office
▸"what was that about, chuuya?"
▸your voice was calm with a soft smile but there was a sense of danger surrounding you and how sharp your eyes got
▸body language may say that you aren't angry and yes you weren't
▸you were downright pissed
▸it was such an important business deal and could cost you your life if it was messed up
▸yet chuuya decided to be a brat and glare at your business partner
▸"he was staring at you too much," he looked away from you and crossed his arms
▸"that's it? that's the reason?" you asked to confirm
▸when you saw him nod, you took a deep breath in order to not let your emotions control you
▸you knew he was like this but it was ok for him to do this to the lower-ranked members
▸or on some other occasions where the business wouldn't be disrupted
▸ you've seen enough bloodshed from the man to know how far he would go for you
▸from purposely picking fights so they would be sent to the hospital, putting them in suicide missions and whatnot
▸you ignored it since it didn't matter to you as long as your work wasn't affected
▸but now...
▸"get out."
▸you managed to say without raising your voice
▸"get out." you repeated and your eyes contained such fury that chuuya felt tears leave his eyes
▸"fine!" he rushed out of the room with an ugly loud cry
▸did you love chuuya? yes, you did
▸did your heart hurt seeing him cry? yes
▸closing your eyes, you sighed and moved to the chair to do your work so you could take your mind off the mess that had just happened
▸it was midnight when you got a call
▸"hello, chuuya?"
▸"excuse me, this person just jumped down from the building in front of-"
▸and you could hear nothing but the fast beats of your heart
▸grabbing your overcoat, you rushed out to the location where the ginger was
▸parking your car, you slammed the door shut and ran like like your life was in danger
▸when you saw the dark area, you saw a man anxiously looking around and then you gulped
▸there was chuuya, his white shirt all bloody with a miserable look on his face
▸it was a pathetic sight
▸one which didn't suit someone who was a port mafia executive
▸"chuuya?" you stood in front of him and his head flopped up to look at you
▸"[name]..." he cried out and jumped onto you
▸you hugged the man in your arms and thankfully nodded at the man who called you
▸"that man told me you jumped off the building." your voice was as calm as the time you fought with him except this time you were softer, more gentle
▸chuuya continued on clinging onto you as he sobbed his heart out
▸"i thought you didn't like me anymore, i got drunk and then wanted to die cause..." he hugged you tighter, "i would die without you by my side..."
▸"i love you, chuuya." your confession made him still in your arms
▸looking at you with his eyes which were surrounded by tears, he hesitated before he asked
▸you stayed like this for a while and enjoyed each other's warmth
▸if it weren't for the fact that he was a god, you would've immediately rushed to the hospital but even then you couldn't let your little lover be in pain now, could you?
▸using your ability, you sealed his wounds so he was no longer bleeding
▸"does this mean i can kill that man?" he asked in a meek tone
▸"...sure" you agreed
▸"only after the deal is settled and you won't do anything without informing me, got it?"
▸chuuya snuggled closer to you
character: chuuya nakahara anime name: bungou stray dogs requested: none, my birthday special
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defectivehero · 1 year
Could you please write about a hero struggling with an eating disorder? And villain who's love language is food, and helps them start a great relationship with food again?
yes, i absolutely can! thx for the request <3
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warnings: mentions of disordered/unhealthy eating & food
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The hero is sitting at their dining room table and absentmindedly scrolling through an app on their phone when they hear a loud crash. They immediately push themselves to their feet and grab their weapon—they have several hidden around the house in case of events like this. The hero apprehensively turns to look down their hallway, only to find a shadowed figure.
“Get out of my apartment,” the hero demands. The figure freezes. The hero’s unsteady breaths echo in their ears. 
“No.” Their voice is painfully, annoyingly familiar. The hero begins to piece everything together. The villain, their enemy, has broken into their house. They can’t quite hide their simultaneous frustration and relief. 
“You scared the shit out of me,” the hero remarks, once they feel normal again. Their newfound company walks down the shadowed hallway and stops in the doorway, which finally brings them into view. The villain is dressed in all-black—unsurprising, the hero thinks. What is surprising, however, is the noticeable lack of weapons on their person. 
The villain notices their staring and shrugs, before grinning and walking past them. They move with a strange familiarity, as if they’re confident in their movements. The hero doesn’t want to think about what that means. “Just figured I’d stop by and pay my favorite hero a visit.” 
“Well, thanks,” the hero responds wryly. “But, um... do you really have to look through my kitchen?” The villain freezes from where they’re standing in front of the pantry. There is a pause of silence and the hero momentarily wonders if their remark was unheard. 
“Obviously,” the villain remarks, their back still turned. They continue to rummage through their pantry with no regard for their privacy. The hero finds themselves thankful that they’re only interested in their kitchen—their enemy won't find much of interest in here. Sure enough, the villain backs away a moment later with a sigh. “Wow, you have hardly anything in here.”
“I appreciate your company, but if you’re just going to judge me for my eating habits, then you can leave,” the hero snaps, before they can adjust their tone. The remark comes out far harsher and snappier than intended. 
The villain turns around to stare at them. Their eyebrows furrow. “Apologies,” they murmur, so quietly that the hero thinks they imagined their remark. It takes them a few moments of reflection to realize that their enemy did indeed apologize. 
“Well, I’m ordering takeout,” the villain announces apropos of nothing. “You like Chinese?” The hero’s stomach churns at the thought of food, but they nod instinctively. They hate that they can’t speak up from themselves, can’t utter the words that will betray their feelings. They’re forced to watch in tortured silence as their enemy calls a local Chinese restaurant and orders food. They’re forced to watch mutely as the villain answers the door and comes back with two overstuffed bags of food. The hero’s stomach turns just looking at them. 
“I know you’re hungry; don’t bother lying,” the villain remarks, unbagging their spoils of war and pushing the takeout container towards them. The hero doesn’t know what to say. The smell of the food is amazing, but the thought of eating it makes them want to cry. This sentiment must be evident on their face, because clarity passes over the villain’s face. 
“Oh, I see,” their enemy says, evidently realizing that the hero has a rather... tumultuous relationship with food. The hero’s heart races in their chest. They wait for pity, judgement, sympathy, disgust... They wait for the villain to mutter a cynical remark or force them to eat. A few minutes pass and nothing of the sort occurs. 
“Woe is me,” the villain then remarks dramatically, staring at the hero. “There’s no way I’ll be able to finish this food all by myself. What a shame... If only there were someone else that could eat this food with me.” The hero grits their teeth and stares at their enemy, who stares back without hesitation. 
“Are you guilt tripping me?” The hero eventually manages to say. The villain takes a bite of their food and chews thoughtfully. 
“Yes,” their enemy answers, once they’re finished chewing. They stab their fork into the food with unnecessary vigor, before leveling the hero with an intent gaze. Despite everything surrounding these circumstances—how exactly they managed to find themselves in this situation, they haven't the faintest idea—the only sentiment the hero can feel is guilt. Gods, who knew they would start to feel sympathy for the villain, their sworn enemy? 
“I can’t believe I’m falling for this.” The hero sighs and grabs the takeout container defeatedly. They grab a paper plate and dole out an admittedly small portion onto their plate. It smells rather good, they must admit. Their stomach hurts but they know they need to eat this food—if only to make their enemy happy.
“Falling for what?” The villain asks innocently. The hero resists the urge to stab them with their fork and instead turns their attention to their plate. They clench their utensils with shaking hands, as they begin to feel the pressure weighing them down. It’s just one bite. It’s just food, they try to convince themselves. They’ve stared down many more horrifying and dangerous things. “Hey, you don’t have to force yourself.”
The villain’s voice breaks the hero out of their thought process. The hero looks up at their company, only to find that their enemy has a slight hint of concern drawn in their features. The hero hates that concern, hates that they’re the reason for it. They take a deep breath and slowly bring a bite of food to their mouth. Amazingly enough, they don't hate it. Actually... it’s really good. They look at their enemy in disbelief.
“Good, right?” The villain grins victoriously. The hero rolls their eyes and hesitantly takes another bite, well aware that eating too much or eating too fast could easily make them sick. They dole out another small portion onto their plate before pushing the container back towards the center of the table. The irony of the entire situation isn’t lost on them—sitting across from the villain, peacefully eating dinner. It certainly isn’t normal, but it doesn’t feel wrong. In fact, the entire affair just feels... friendly. Perhaps even vulnerable. The hero has shown their enemy a side of themselves that they are used to hiding. The thought is freeing, in a strange way. 
“Well, that's enough for today,” the villain announces, cleaning up their plate and boxing up the rest of the containers. The hero watches as they amble about in the kitchen, finding containers to put the food in. They’re struck with a faint sensation of... longing. This was certainly just a one-time occurrence and the hero is surprisingly saddened at the thought. The villain turns around—almost as if sensing their sudden spiral into negative thinking—and smiles. “I’ll be back tomorrow; leave your window unlocked.”
“Otherwise you’ll break it?” The hero grimaces at the thought; although, they're unable to entirely hide the smile on their face. The last thing they need right now is another thing to fix in their apartment. They can’t quite suppress the instinct to roll their eyes. Their enemy doesn’t seem to mind, as they respond with an equally infuriating eye-roll of their own before getting to their feet. 
“You know me so well,” the villain smirks, sending them a wink. They retreat back into the hallway and, within a few moments, they’re out of sight. The hero looks down the empty hall and turns back to the dining room, half-convinced that they hallucinated that entire interaction. Takeout napkins lie in a neat pile on the table, proving that the impromptu dinner with their enemy wasn’t a dream. 
©2023, @defectivehero​ @defectivevillain​ All Rights Reserved. 
endnotes below!
hey, folks! thanks for reading! i like this concept. i hope that it went over in the way i intended... i don’t have any experience with eating disorders, but i tried to make my depiction of it as accurate as possible. i didn’t want to go into too much detail, though, since the topic is triggering to a lot of people. 
if you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, i encourage you to reach out for support. as cliche and patronizing as it may sound, there are many people in this world that care about you <3 [including me!]
onto lighter topics. did y’all notice the new layout? i rly like it! i had that dark layout for so long,,, it felt good to change things up. :0
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angryinternetduck · 3 years
Bet On It
HELLO i’m back again with not only another fic but another friends to lovers!!! here’s 5.9k on hotel mishaps, long-term bets, and falling in love. featuring harry styles x reader with just a few warnings of explicit language and alcohol consumption.
masterlist | ask
Five Years Ago
If you hadn’t met him an hour before in the bar of the hotel, you would’ve said no. Share a hotel room with a stranger just because the hotel fucked up and double booked a room? No. Absolutely not.
Except -
His name was Harry. He was very cute. And sweet. He complimented your shoes in the bar, dimpling at you all cutely before holding out his hand and introducing himself. He let you prattle on for way too long, laughing at all your jokes and nodding gravely when you started getting serious.
And surprisingly, when you said you had to go, he didn’t ask you out or try to kiss you. He just told you it was nice to meet you with a smile. Problem was that that wasn’t the last you saw of him; when you went up to the desk to get your key card, the receptionist informed you of the mistake.
“We’ve double booked it. You’ll have to work it out amongst yourselves,” they said. “We can suggest other places to stay, or you can sleep in the lobby. Or - of course, you can always share. He’s over there. Guy in the pink shirt.”
You looked over, and lo and behold…
“We meet again.”
“Was this your doing?” you joked. “All that to get me in a room with you?”
Harry grinned. “I wish I were that smart.”
“So just coincidence?”
“Or perhaps fate,” Harry replied with a shrug.
“Did you know?” you asked. “When you, uh - introduced yourself?”
He shook his head and said, “Not that it was you.”
“Well, now that you do, what do you say? Share the room?”
Harry tilted his head from side to side, pondering. “Let’s prove it was fate,” he decided, meeting your gaze with a grin. Your brows furrowed, and he clarified. “Rock, paper, scissors. I win, we’ll share. You win, I’ll find somewhere else to stay.” He held out his fist.
“Won’t make me find somewhere else?” you asked, smiling a bit. “Would rather share?”
He shrugged.
“Alright, then.”
Both of you counted silently, in your heads -
Rock, paper, scissors…
Harry grinned, and you made a fist from your scissors to bump his rock.
“Fate it is,” you said.
Fate proved to be in your favor; that night, you had the most fun you’d ever had in your life. To your surprise, however, the fun didn’t involve sex. Just talking. You sat on the bed drinking booze from the minifridge and talking until dawn with this Harry Styles.
It came up at one point, sex - or at least kissing did - but neither ever happened.
It was around three, when the exhaustion had set in, when you were lying down, gazing into each other’s eyes, half asleep. “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?” he’d whispered, and you grinned at him. “I should be asking you that, don’t you think?”
He looked confused. “Why’s that?”
“You’re the one in love with me,” you told him.
He giggled, rubbing his eyes. “And what makes you say that?”
“You wanted to share!” you exclaimed, like it was obvious, because it was.
“Sharing is caring.”
You bounced your brows. “Caring. Loving.”
Harry laughed and insisted, “Not the same!”
“I’d bet a million bucks you’re in love with me,” you murmured, tapping his nose.
“Then a million bucks you’d lose.”
“You will be,” you said, nodding slightly.
“Yeah?” Harry asked, a smile growing on his lips.
“Do you have a million bucks to give me on my deathbed when I still only care?” he said.
“Do you have a million bucks to give me when you confess?” you said back.
He stared at you for a second. His eyes were very green, his smile very wistful. “A kiss.”
“A kiss?” you echoed.
Harry nodded. “I will bet you one kiss that I will never fall in love with you.”
“You’re gonna want a lot more than one kiss when you inevitably do,” you whispered.
“At least one kiss,” he amended.
“At least one kiss,” you agreed.
“Shake on it?”
You both shifted around in the bed so you could shake hands without sitting up.
“It’s a bet,” Harry said.
And so it was.
Present Day
“Give it to me straight, Styles,” you greet Harry, plopping down at your table with a sigh.
He hesitates for a moment, drawing out the suspense, and then breathes, “Care.”
You shake your head disappointedly. “Unbelievable, how bad you are at lying, you -”
Harry interrupts, “What’s really unbelievable is your tardiness -”
Then you do: “Your annoyingness -”
He pouts and fires back, “Your vocabulary -”
“Your lack thereof -”
“That’s not proper English.”
You stick your tongue out at him. “You’re not proper English.”
“I promise you I am,” he replies with a smirk.
“I’ve always thought the accent was fake.”
“If it were, I’d be the greatest impersonator to walk the earth.”
“Impersonator?” you repeat. “And tell me, what is an impersonator but a talented liar?”
He gives you a grin. “I’ll take the compliment of talented, thank you.”
Leveling his gaze, you smile back and take a sip of your drink. “You know, I think that actually was proper English,” you muse. “Lack thereof. Your vocabulary - or lack thereof.” Harry bites his lip, eyes narrowed, staring at you, and you’re tempted to joke that his focus is lust when he replies, “It’s still wrong. I was saying your vocabulary is naive, and by saying I have none, you’re fundamentally saying the same. It’s redundant.”
Clearly satisfied with himself, he sits back, smiles smugly, and takes a sip of his coffee.
“Harry Styles,” you say, “I’m going to smack that smirk right off your pretty face.”
“Second compliment in a day!” Harry exclaims. “Someone alert the press.”
You roll your eyes, taking a sip of your own drink. “Why, they’d have a field day.”
The little cafe you’re in is absolutely adorable. It’s midway between your place and Harry’s, and after that fateful night in the hotel (during which you learned you live so close to each other), you began a tradition of meeting here once a week.
Tradition doesn’t end with just the location and time. Each meeting is almost exactly the same. You’re always late, and you always greet him the same way: some variation of “Have you fallen in love with me yet?”
And his reply is always the same: negative.
From there, the conversation wanders as much as it ever does, with one asking about the other’s week and the response being long and filled with complaints and woes and lamentations. The question is echoed back, and the response is - again - long, filled with complaints, woes, etc.
Despite the moaning and groaning, the mood never falls too low. It’s impossible to feel down around Harry Styles; just one look at those dimples makes a smile of your own appear on your face.
Your friendship with him has certainly blossomed. It’s a wonder he hasn’t fallen in love yet (or maybe he has, you’ll never know unless he says), and a greater wonder still that he hasn’t turned the question around on you.
Because the answer would be yes. You have, in fact, fallen in love with him.
Deeply, madly, in love.
But he’ll never know, because you’ll never say.
“I love you,” you tell Harry breathlessly, looking up at him lovingly. “Most ardently.”
Harry shakes his head. “No, no - I’m just a girl! I’m just a girl, standing in front of -”
“I’ll always be there for you!” you cut in excitedly. “All the love in my heart, Llo -”
“Michael, I love you!” Harry gushes. “Choose me, marry me, let me make you happy!”
You jump up and jut a finger at him dramatically. “We live in a cynical world!” you exclaim. “A cynical world, and we work in a business of tough competitors. I love you! You - you complete me!”
Harry jumps up to match you and begins, “I hate that -” then shakes his head and restarts, “I hate the way you’re always right, I hate it when you lie - I hate it when you make me laugh and - and - and even worse when you make me cry - I hate the way - I hate it when” - he’s grinning big now, jumping with excitement and passion - “you’re not around and the fact you didn’t call - but - but mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you, not even a little bit, not even at all!”
It all came out in a rush of jumbled words and you’re so impressed you can’t help but sit back down and clap for him. Bright red, Harry takes a bow and collapses onto his couch next to you. “That took way too much effort,” he says, out of breath.
“It was worth it,” you tell him. “That was dazzling, really. You should go on the road.”
Harry nods. “One man show. Shakespeare. All of his long monologues, then bam - a poem better than all the others combined.” You giggle and fall into him, leaning against his chest with a sigh. “I’ll come with you,” you say. “Follow you to the ends of the earth and hold my breath to Pluto.”
“What’s that from?” Harry asks.
“That’s all me, baby.”
“Maybe the poem better than all the others combined could be yours.”
“Impossible,” you say immediately. “Nothing will ever beat Kat Stratford.”
“I’ll manage.”
You scoff. “You?”
You shake your head. “There’s no ‘we’ in genius, Styles, but there is an I.”
“And a U!” Harry replies.
You look up at him.
Snickering, you sit up and stretch your arms towards the ceiling. “Stick to memorization, maybe. Leave the heavy lifting to me. You need some practice on that speech, anyway - I counted at least three errors, not to mention the stuttering.”
“Practice makes perfect,” Harry sings. “What do you say, can I confess my love to you every night for the sake of practice?” You shake your head, standing up again and grabbing an empty container of food to throw away. “Not without losing the bet.”
Harry follows you, cleaning up as he goes. “Just for the one man show!”
“No exceptions.” You grin at him, grabbing your stuff and heading for the door. “Thanks for the food, Styles. I’ll see you Sunday?” Harry nods and blows you a kiss, which you catch and put in your pocket. “I’ll save that for when you lose the bet,” you tell him.
“Get outta here,” Harry laughs.
You stick your tongue out at him and stick a post it note on the door frame as you leave.
Harry usually wakes up to a few texts. Maybe a call every so often. Notifications from social media aren’t uncommon. The only days he wakes up to nearly a hundred texts are the nights you decide to go to the outlook.
Whether or not you like staying up late normally, you stay up until the wee hours of the morning to go to this place you found about three hours outside of the city. It’s a bit of a drive, but it’s completely worth it.
There’s a little woods out there, and a while ago you went a bit off path and found an outcropping of rocks that look out over the city. At night, stars are visible. There’s nothing you love more than lying for hours on the cool stone, gazing up at the heavens above.
The first time you took Harry to the outlook, you asked a question, and Harry’s answer to that question was one of the only lies he’s ever told you. You’d asked, “You’re not afraid of heights, are you?”
And Harry had said, “Of course not!” when in reality, he’d been looking for an opening to mention that very fear for the twenty minutes before, while you’d been climbing steadily uphill through the trees.
In his defense, there was no way he could’ve said anything different. You were just so happy, glowing with excitement and practically buzzing with energy. Plus, you’d grabbed his hand at the moment you asked to pull him up the last ridge and he was still a bit startled.
He never came to regret that lie. He grew out of the fear, anyway, so it wasn’t a huge deal. In fact, he’s almost come to love heights. He loves the thrill, the burst of happiness, the insane phenomenon of a racing heart and the feeling of being totally at peace all at the same time.
Incidentally, he also feels that way around you, whether the two of you are a hundred feet up or not. He’s always enjoyed spending time with you, and even just seeing you makes him happy. It’s what makes you a good friend.
Harry’s gone with you a few times to the outlook, but it’s usually pretty late by the time you want to go. Sometimes you’ll call him and he’ll pick up, and you’ll talk on the phone until one of you falls asleep.
You went last night, apparently, because Harry scrolls through seventy-two text messages this morning. It takes a while, since he reads all of them and then replies, but he woke up early anyway so it’s fine.
It’s Sunday, so he’s headed to the cafe to meet you. He has a cup of coffee even though he’ll get one at the cafe, too. There’s a sticky note on the coffee maker - Note to self: tell Harry there’s a snickers bar in his sweatshirt pocket - which you probably left a few days ago.
Harry smiles at the note, then frowns, sticking his hand in his pocket. There is, in fact, a Snickers bar in there, and Harry throws it out. It’s from almost a month ago, when you and him had an August Halloween. The sun is just a little too bright. Harry listens to music in the car, humming along and tapping his hands against the wheel in time.
You’re late, of course, so he orders his second cup of coffee and reads a newspaper on the shelf while he waits. Today it’s five minutes until you arrive, which is actually more on time than usual, and Harry throws you a large brimmed hat he found in his closet when you approach the table.
“What say you, Harry Styles,” you greet him, catching the hat and placing it on your head. “Make a jester laugh” - you form a heart with your fingers - “or make a jester cry?” Your heart cracks in two as you pout at him.
Breaking a finger-heart of his own, Harry grins. “Laughing clowns were always creepier to me,” he tells you. You trace a finger down your cheek like a tear and sit down across from him, sliding a menu from its place on the wall and beginning to read it over.
You look up at him, half smiling, a joke on your lips, and then -
Harry blinks.
Just like that, something’s changed.
You snap in front of his face. “Hello? Anything? You could at least pretend to laugh.”
“Christ, sorry,” Harry breathes. “What’d you say?”
Raising a brow, you lean forward and inspect him. “You alright, there, Styles?”
“If I were any better and it’d be obscene,” Harry answers easily, tapping your nose.
Grinning, you sit back. “Fantastic. Tell me, then, how it’s been. Fill me in.”
“It’s a lot better seeing you in that hat.”
“Oh, I forgot!” you exclaim, looking up at it.
Harry giggles and asks, “You wanna know what one hat said to the other?”
“Oh, boy.”
“I’ll see you on a-head!”
Groaning dramatically, you throw the hat at him and bury your face in your hands.
"This is getting embarrassing, Styles,” you say as you walk up to Harry.
He turns around, a smile already on his face, and begins, “What’s -”
He stops when he sees you, because you’re all dressed up. You look absolutely stunning, which was on purpose, because of course you want to see his reaction, whether he loves you or not. And it’s very satisfactory, this reaction.
“You look fantastic,” Harry says softly.
You clear your throat, a little put off by how serious he’s being. “That was the goal.”
His eyes float back up to meet yours, a small smile on his face. “Thank you for coming.”
“You’re welcome,” you chirp. “But don’t let your head get too big - I only came for the free food and movie.” Finally, the glaze over his eyes fades, and he grins at you. He takes your arm, and as you walk, he asks, “You started a thought, you know, about something embarrass-”
You scoff. “You asked me on a date, Styles!”
“I did not!” Harry insists. He shakes his head. “My date ducked out at the last second -”
Smirking, you cut in, “Wonder why, Mr. Pink Suit.”
“- we were going to match, thank you - but really, she ducked out, and I wasn’t about to waste two perfectly good tickets. Thus… here we are.” He nods, like he’s pleased with his answer, but you raise a brow at him. “That’s a terrible excuse. You can just say you love me. I’ll accept.”
You arrive at his car. “Not yet,” he says, and then he gets in.
He starts the car, and for a moment, you gaze out the window.
Then, breaking the silence, you say, “I like the suit.”
“I like the look.”
“Thanks, I came up with it all by myself.”
You wait a moment, and then ask, “What inspired the pink?”
“She said she wanted a pink rose.”
Frowning, you begin, “I thought you said pink roses are -”
“Yeah, they’re not my favorite,” he mumbles.
You snicker a little. “Oh, what a bad date in high school can get you…”
“Hey, don’t tease,” Harry whines with a pout.
“Sorry, sorry,” you murmur. “You’re nice to dress up anyway. No rose, though?”
Sheepishly, he tells you, “I… forgot.”
“You forgot?” you laugh.
“Well, um… well, it’s the thought that counts.”
Harry pulls into the parking lot and parks the car, then unlocks the doors. “Come on,” he says, but you frown at him, confused. “You know you pulled in the wrong way?” you ask, but he just beckons with his hand and opens the trunk.
You hadn’t even looked - there’s pillows back there, and candy, and blankets, and he flicks on little fairy lights. “Harry Styles, you romantic!” you gasp, enthralled. “Wow, I gotta meet this girl, if you’re doing all this for her…”
He sits down and pats the space next to him, then grabs a pack of candy - your favorite. He hands it to you, which you take with a slow smile. “Her favorite too?” you ask. “Nope,” Harry replies, shaking his head as he opens his own pack of candy. “Forgot to ask her, but when I called her in the store she wouldn’t pick up so I just… got yours.” He clears his throat and hands you a bag of popcorn. “There’s this, too.”
“Thanks, Styles.”
On the huge screen in front of you, the movie begins to roll. You take a risk, sliding a little on the seat so you’re leaning against Harry, head against his chest. You can feel him breathing, his heart beating, his arm around your waist, thumb gently moving back and forth over the fabric of your clothes.
You fall asleep for most of the movie.
When you wake up, you’re leaned against a pillow, not Harry. Frowning and out of sorts, you sit up and rub your eyes. He’s leaned against the car outside, on the phone, and you can just barely make out what he’s saying.
“... I know, it’s… Yeah, I - I’m sorry you couldn’t make it, love. I missed you…”
The familiar feeling of tears building behind your eyes horrifies you, and you have to turn your back to him as tears start slipping down your cheeks. You’d somehow managed to convince yourself that it was all a ruse, that he’d meant it to be you from the start, that there was no other girl, that all along it was -
“Hey,” Harry says.
You cough, palming away the tears on your face and yawning like you’d just woken up. “Oh, hey… How’s, um - how’s she doing? Or - whoever - I mean -” You squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head. “Sorry,” you whisper.
“She’s fine,” Harry tells you. “How are you? Took a pretty long nap there…”
“Yeah,” you murmur. “I was… I’m tired.”
“C’mon, then, let’s get you home.” He smiles at you, dimpling adorably, and holds out his hand. You take it and slide off the back of his car. “Thanks,” you say. He nods and shuts the trunk while you get into the passenger seat.
You don’t say anything as he starts the car, as he backs out and heads for your place. He glances over at you, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, and eventually turns on the radio. You fold up a sticky note and covertly slide it into the center console.
“I’ll see you Sunday,” you tell him when he stops the car.
He nods. “See you then.”
You hold his gaze for a second, and then get out of the car. As you’re shutting the door, Harry says, “Hey!” and you stop. “Hey, er - thank you. For coming tonight. I know it was a little… It was a bit much.”
“Not too much at all,” you say softly. “Bye, Harry.”
You shut the door.
The sticky note business began about a year after Harry met you. He’d mentioned something about refrigerator magnets being the most charming form of communication ever invented, and the next day he found a sticky note on his mirror that said, Note to self: find a more charming form of communication than refrigerator magnets.
Harry doesn’t find the sticky note in his console until the next night, when he’s driving home after working late and he’s trying to find his phone. It’s ringing, and it’s your ringtone, which is really, really annoying because you set it to the worst song you could think of so he’d be motivated to pick it up fast.
It’s not in the center console. It’s actually in his pocket. He picks it up.
“Harry, you gotta tell me now,” you say immediately. “Do you love me?”
“I -”
“Love or care, Styles.” You sound breathless. “L or C. Lover or Cunt. Tell me now.”
“Cunt,” Harry says reflexively, and then shakes his head. “I mean -”
“You don’t love me.” You don’t sound upset at all. You’re just clarifying.
Harry frowns. “I… What’s going on?”
“Well, I think I love this guy, Styles, and I’m about to fuck him, so I’ll talk to you later.”
And then you hang up.
Harry stares at his phone for a moment. Then he puts it down, frowning at the street in front of him, and thinks for a while until he gets home. When he does, he’s shutting the center console, which he’d left open, and he sees the little post it note.
Note to self: buy a pink rose for h to make him like them bc they’re pretty
Sitting in his car, staring at the note, Harry can’t help but think he’s messed it all up.
Sunday. You don’t show up.
Another Sunday. Harry orders a coffee and reads the newspaper.
You don’t show up.
You answer a text.
He asks if you’re okay, and you say, Yup!
You send a text.
Hey, Styles? Can you bring me a flower?
He should’ve gone to your place first, Harry’s thinking. He should’ve checked there, and then gone here. But it’s too late now. He’s stepping out of his car, trekking through the forest, and he’s finally here, and -
You’re on your back, staring at the stars.
“You know, I really thought he was the one.”
Harry bites on his lip and fiddles with the flower in his hands. “Did you?”
There’s a beat of silence. Then you sigh and sit up. “No.”
“He didn’t - you’re not… You’re okay, right?”
“Nothing’s broken but my heart,” you murmur. “Physically, I’m fine, emotionally, I’m…”
You fade off, and Harry sits next to you and hands you the flower.
“Yellow,” you whisper. You look up at him, eyes wide in the moonlight. “Why yellow?”
“Color of your shirt the first time I met you.”
Smiling, you murmur, “Memory of an elephant.”
“I couldn’t remember her favorite candy,” Harry says impulsively. He shuts his eyes, exhaling softly. “Sorry. Wrong thing to say.” You shake your head, looking forward again. “It’s fine. How’s she doing?”
“Wouldn’t know.”
Surprised, you glance at him again. “You mean you -?”
Harry shrugs. “She said my priorities weren’t right. Then she said goodbye.”
“We’re just a coupla broken hearted fools, aren’t we?” you say quietly.
“Broken hearted, yes,” Harry replies, “but I’m not a fool. Don’t know about you.”
You scoff, hitting his chest with the back of your hand. “We’re having a moment here!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Harry says, but he’s laughing so the apology is moot.
There’s a beat of silence, and then you say, “I would’ve known about her if I hadn’t missed all our Sundays. I’m sorry.” Harry shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it. Did you have fun, at least? With Mr. Heartbreak?”
You giggle. “So much fun.”
“Well… that’s good, at least.”
He looks at you, really looks, and for a moment, he forgets himself.
You’re looking up at the stars, your head tilted up, your lips curved upwards in a smile.
Harry’s expression matches yours. It’s one of quiet awe, of happiness and joy and adoration. He’s smiling, too, but it’s not as conscious. It’s more reflexive, something he can’t help but do whenever he catches sight of this view. He’s not looking at the stars, though - his gaze is focused on you.
“Come on!” you exclaim suddenly, jumping up. “This is the perfect excuse to watch The Notebook again.” Harry blinks, standing up and following you back to his car. “You took the words right out of my mouth,” he says.
Ideally, on the anniversary of your meeting Harry, you’d both rent a hotel room and get drunk on the minibar, talking nonsense until morning, to properly reenact that first night together. Problem with that is that hotel rooms cost money.
So instead, you have a sleepover. Last year it was at your place, so this year it’s at his. The good thing about not being in a hotel is that you can buy normal size bottles of booze, rather than the teeny ones from the minibar.
He’s grabbing everything from the kitchen while you’re queueing up the movie on the TV in his room. It’s not cooperating, though, and you’re rooting through all the wires in the back to try and find something that’s supposed to be connected.
“Harry, if you don’t get in here this second!” you shout at him.
“Did you get the other remote?” he shouts back.
You groan and whine, “Just come in here!”
“I haven’t gotten everything yet! Look for the second remote. It’s in one of the drawers.”
“Which drawers?” you yell.
He doesn’t reply.
So you ruffle through the drawers closest to the TV. Books, papers, chargers. No remotes. You go further and find his record collection. A few photo albums. You stick a sticky note on the top one that says, Note to self: go through these. There’s more books. A few DVDs.
And then - a folder. It has a yellow flower on it.
Frowning, you glance at the door behind you and then flip it open. What must be a hundred post it notes fall out. Your jaw drops, just slightly, because they’re all from you. Every sticky note you’ve ever left him is in this folder. He kept them all.
“Did you find it?” Harry shouts.
You ask, “Find what?” but your voice is too soft and he doesn’t hear you.
He shouts your name again, and you quickly shove the folder back where you got it. You clear your throat, then yell, “Harry, I can’t find it!” Finally, he comes in, arms full of food and drink, and tugs open the top drawer on his bedside table with his foot.
And there it is.
“Have I got to do everything around here or what?” he jokes.
You give him a laugh and set up the TV, which works just fine now that you have the right tools. Harry sets everything down and puts his hands on his hips, raising a brow at you. “You alright?” he asks.
“Yeah, fine,” you tell him. “Just grew a few white hairs waiting for you to come back.”
He sticks his tongue out and tosses a bag of chips at you. “Ha, ha, very funny.”
Finally, the movie’s set up, and you lean against his bed, sighing in contentment as the opening credits start to play. Harry hands you a glass and holds his own out, which you knock against your own. “Cheers, Styles,” you say. “To five years.”
“And counting.”
Grinning, you drink up and then settle back to watch the film.
His voice is thick.
Like honey.
It drips off his tongue, catches on his lips, slides down the column of his throat and glistens in the dim light. It’s rich. Deep. It turns to crystal in the cool air around you as his words fade off. You want to reach out and feel it on your fingers, want to taste it on your tongue, want to feel it slide over your lips, down your throat…
“... and then, suddenly, I was flying out the window with the worst pain I’ve ever -”
“Harry,” you interrupt with a giggle, “this is the third time you’ve told this story tonight.”
“It’s a good story!”
“Lemme see,” you say, crawling forward, and you’re on his lap now but you can’t really bring yourself to care because this is for scientific purposes. Harry grins and puts his hands on your waist and you giggle again and put your fingers on his jaw. “Lemme see your tongue.”
“Wanna see it or touch it?”
You smirk and reply, “How ‘bout lick it?”
“That’s gross!” Harry exclaims with a delighted laugh.
“I know!” you exclaim back, equally delighted.
“It’s broken,” Harry says, but he’s opening his mouth so it comes out all warbled. “I’m broken, you know -” You peer at his tongue, but it doesn’t look very broken. “No, you’re not,” you tell him.
“On the inside,” Harry says, pouting at you.
You laugh and wrap your arms around his neck, nestling your head on his shoulder in a hug. “You’re warm,” you say, “that’s what you are.” Harry nods against you, running his hands up and down your back. “You fix me,” he slurs into your neck.
“That’s so romantic!” you giggle.
You sit there for a second, breathing him in, feeling happy, and then suddenly -
“I’m roasting,” Harry says, and it’s morning.
“I’m so hot,” you groan, “and my head hurts so bad…”
Harry grunts and pushes against you. “Get off me.”
You open your eyes, squinting in the sunlight, and fall off of him and onto the floor.
He stands up, moaning and groaning, and walks out. You may have fallen asleep again because when he comes back in and hands you a glass of water and some medicine you’re blinking back awake. “Thanks,” you mumble, downing both.
“That was something,” Harry says.
“Something for sure,” you say.
“I can’t move,” Harry says.
“Me neither.”
So you don’t. The day drags on, and when you’re both coherent enough for food you go to the kitchen. Harry cooks something up, and you eat it, sitting next to him at the kitchen island. You feel his foot against yours, and you play a half-delirious game of footsie as you finish eating.
Once you’re all done, Harry stands up and starts to wash the dishes. You watch him, watch his back and his arms and the way he moves, and stand up and stand next to him, grabbing a dish towel and holding out your hand. He hands you the plate, and you dry it.
It’s comfortable, the silence, and it’s more than peaceful, standing there drying dishes with Harry in the early afternoon. There aren’t many dishes, but you both take your time, and eventually he breaks the silence and the productivity to put on some music.
And then, suddenly, you’re dancing, a smile on your face that you can’t seem to get rid of curving your lips as you float around the kitchen with him. He’s bopping along to the song, hand in yours, dish towel over his shoulder after he stole it from you.
The dancing carries you to the living room, where he twirls you out so you can collapse onto the couch. He does the same, and you put your feet on his lap, head on the armrest, looking at him.
“You’re staring,” he says.
“You’re in front of me.”
“Excuses, excuses.”
You raise a brow, smiling and still holding his gaze, and then sit up. “Staring contest, go.”
Instantly, he blinks, and you laugh, “Fuck’s sake.”
“No, no, again,” he demands, grinning, and he blinks quickly a few times before declaring, “Go.” The staring begins. Your eyes begin to sting, and you bite your lip, trying to keep your eyes open.
“We should watch Bird Box,” Harry whispers.
“Saw it last week.”
“I saw it,” he corrects. “You hid behind your hands the entire time.”
“You were the one screaming like a baby.”
“I prefer rom-coms, you know that.”
“Sometimes you need a little variety in life.”
“I lost the bet.”
You blink.
“Victory,” Harry says, a bit weakly, blinking too.
Your brows furrow. “What?”
“Victory,” Harry repeats, smiling sheepishly.
“No, no, before that,” you insist, shaking your head.
“I lost the bet,” Harry repeats softly.
You swallow thickly. “What bet?”
Harry bites his lip, concentrating, and then stands up and walks away. You scoff, following him, and ask again. “What bet?” He shakes his head, quiet, and opens his refrigerator, looking for something.
“Harry, for the love of -”
He holds out a kiss. A chocolate kiss.
Your eyes widen.
He steps closer, holding the kiss out on his palm. “I lost the bet,” he says. “I fell in love with you.” Your breath catches in your throat. “I don’t know if you feel the same,” he goes on, “so I… I don’t want to kiss you. I mean - I do, but -”
He holds the kiss closer to you. “I lost,” he finishes quietly.
You can’t find the right words.
So instead, you close the distance and kiss him.
The chocolate kiss falls to the floor, and fireworks erupt behind your eyelids.
After a moment, the words come.
And then, when you pull away for a moment, you both speak at the same time -
“I love you.”
Laughter bubbles from your lips, and Harry grins, kissing you again.
“So I guess I didn’t lose after all,” he murmurs.
You smile against his lips. “Let’s call it a tie.”
AHHHH there it is!!!! i actually did write this in like . two days . which was ! great haha but i hope u liked it!!!! if u did, feedback and a reblog would be much appreciated 💜
thanks for reading!
masterlist | ask
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liddolwhynot2000 · 4 years
Summary: Cause Levi can't help falling in love with you.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman X Reader
Levi sat on a log, elbows on his knees and hands clasped together, staring at nothing in particular. The sun was setting, but he hardly cared to watch it, too lost in thought.
When Kenny had taken him under his wing all those years ago, he had taught Levi plenty of things. How to use a knife, how to make ‘friends’. Some lessons he preferred to forget, while others he latched on to as a way of life. There was one lesson in particular that he would spend the rest of his life following, almost religiously.
Violence is always the answer.
Hungry? Threaten someone into giving you food. Being held at gun point? Kick the crap out of them. Not getting the answers you want? Torture. Rip out their nails. Break their back.
That was the guideline for surviving in the underground. Dominate everyone using brute force. Make a reputation so fierce that only senseless morons would challenge you. Admittedly, it had worked well for him. He had become the top dog in that dreary, dark hell. Able to eat three times a day, wear decent clothes. He, Farlan and Isabel had survived well for a good amount of time. That is, until they had their first taste of sunlight.
In hindsight, taking that mission had been a foolish mistake. He had lost his cherished friends, and while he now got along with his cormades, it just wasn’t the same. Other parts of his life, however, continued to remain as before.
The surface may have lacked the unhinged lawlessness of the underground, but Levi still utilized his usual methods of living, albeit more legally.
In his years in the military, he had used his superior physical strength to instill fear and discipline. Cadets, high ranking members of the military, even the Queen often cowered before him in fear. Any other man would enjoy the thrill of it, reducing the most powerful people in his country into meek versions of themselves, unable to properly look him in the eye.
And he did. A part of him would always be smug about it, solely because underground filth like him, who had been expected to waste away his life, had managed to climb to a position at the top that no else held.
But it was tiring now. He had become so.. lonely. Everyone he had let into his heart left him. His sweet mother, crazy Kenny, his siblings in all but blood, Farlan and Isabel. Here he was, surprisingly wealthy and popular, but missing his precious people.
Alas, he would never let someone in like that again. The rest of his life was destined to be spent alone, threatening everyone in hearing range and dying on the battlefield. And, with a sigh, he accepted this miserable fate.
What he didn’t know was that meeting you would lead to him burning down his self established fate to ashes and dust, with his very own hands.
Why you had even thought about approaching him was incredulous, Levi mused to himself. An exhausted soldier sitting in the dark of a room, staring mindlessly at the table. He had showed no expression on his face but still, normal people would have been scared off just at the sight of him. You weren’t, and that’s how the two of you met.
You had made him some nice herbal tea and brought it to him. Giving him some plain biscuits along with the beverage. He had eyed you suspiciously, not willing to entertain you with even a thank you. Your intentions had been unclear to him at the time.
What was a beautiful woman like you, even Levi privately admitted to double taking at the sight of you, doing offering tea to him of all people. Kindness didn’t exist in people, he had never seen it in anyone besides his mother and Isabel. So you probably had a hidden motive. Maybe you needed a favour? Or were trying to integrate yourself in with the higher ups for better pay? Or maybe one of those dumb admirers that thought they could change him?
Once you left, after giving him another smile and telling him you hoped he would enjoy the tea, he decided to dismiss all thoughts of you. He wouldn’t help you with shit.
He did enjoy the tea though.
For the next two months, he began seeing you everyday. Not by choice, he told himself. He had accidentally made it a habit to sit in that room, all by himself, everyday, at the exact same time.
And everyday, without fail, you would bring him tea and biscuits. Sometimes there was a cake slice, or cookies, or even a nice meal, like rice with boiled vegetables.
He learned about you in that time. Your name, for one, which sounded oddly pleasing on his tongue. You were a garrison cook, tasked with making meals for the garrison engineers, whose office had been established right next to the Survey Corps headquarters. It explained why he kept seeing you everyday. A part of him had been strangley thrilled to hear that, as if the idea of seeing you everyday was something he actually wanted.
You never flinched around him or stuck around to talk to him for too long. Bringing him his tea with that sweet smile, asking about his day, wishing him well. You never made a face or took his obvious reluctance to talk to heart. His short answers and grunts, his crass language, they all had no effect on you. It was clear you really wanted nothing from him. No favours, no urge to get close. You were just being… kind.
And as someone who had hardly experienced genuine kindness in his life, he would let you continue. Besides, it was the first time someone was behaving around him without Levi having to force them. It was too refreshing for him to stop.
Levi eyed the tray in front of him warily. There was a cup of steaming tea, some sugar cubes he could add, a few biscuits and two sandwiches. He hadn’t touched it yet, even though he knew it would taste amazing, much like everything else you made. But he was rather preoccupied, unable to make sense of what he was feeling.
You hadn’t showed up today. He had waited, expecting that knock on the door, your light footsteps as you entered the room, your cheery voice to greet him. Instead, it had been another cook. Levi had scowled as the girl had blushed and stuttered around him, putting the tray on the table, not quite able to talk to him, or look him in the eye.
‘C-captain I was told to give this to you-’
His irritation had shot up through the roof and with his usual impatience, he snarled at the girl, asking for your whereabouts. Initially, he got no solid response out of her, because she didn’t know. But in the end, as she made to leave, terrified beyond belief of him, she said something that had his heart inexplicably stopping.
‘Sh-she might be o-on a date. That’s why- why she didn’t bring it today. I think’
Now here he was, eyeing the delicious spread infront of him. Except he didn’t have much of an appetite. His mind was jumbled up, unable to comprehend why he felt so.. Hurt?
Were you actually out on a date right now? Allowing some shitty lowlife to woe you? He felt resentful, unsure of himself. It shouldn’t matter to him. It wouldn’t matter to him. He refused to allow it to.
With a grimace, he put his feelings aside and began eating. He knew better then to waste good food.
The next day, when you came with the tray, you told him you had gone to visit your cousin who had given birth to a baby girl. The relief he had felt, knowing that you hadn’t been making goofing off with some hormonal piece of shit, had stunned him. He continued to suprise himself, by behaving like he had been possessed. As evidenced by how before you could leave, his hand shot out to grab your wrist and the words escaped his mouth before he could stop them.
‘Oi, stay. Let’s…eat together. ’
Your eyes had widened, no doubt shocked that he actually wanted you around. With a tentative smile, you nodded in agreement, taking the seat next to him. You carried the conversation, with him silently listening and interjecting his own opinion. Somehow, he had even managed to make you giggle, causing a warmth to spread in his chest. Before the two of you knew it, the tray had been emptied of its contents, yet neither of you made to leave for at least an hour more.
Later, while sitting in his chair, preparing to sleep, Levi thought back to when he had held your wrist. He marvelled at how soft and delicate you had felt in his grasp, wondering what it would feel like to have those arms hold him. Would you feel just as soft, pressed up against him? He could tell you would be gentle, he knew you possessed no mean or rough bone in your body.
Fantasising about you, and yearning to feel more of you, he drifted off to sleep.
He hated being on sick leave. Abhorred it. He felt useless, couldn’t do shit. Yet here he was, on a one month leave and it was all becuase of his dumbass titan brat.
Eren had been practicing hardening in his titan form, but had positioned himself wrong. He had gotten out of the crystal carcass too soon, and the damn thing had toppled over the entire crowd of soldiers standing near by. Which included him. Most had made a get away with their gear, but Erwin, having only one arm, hadn’t been fast enough. Leading to Levi having to save him in the nick of time. And fracturing his left arm and spraining his right leg.
The doctor had banned him from strenuous activity and had made it clear that he would have to spend at least a month taking it extremely easy. His Ackerman bloodline meant that, unlike other normal people, he would be completely okay within a month.
That hadn’t been enough to stop Levi from grumbing or threatening Erwin or calling the doctor an old hag. Once his fury had partially subsdided, he grudgingly accepted that he needed the rest.
He had thought of going to live at the modest house he owned, which was near headquarters. It had been a gift from the Queen, for his part in taking down Zeke Yeager. The new beast titan shifter had gained all his memories and had been instrumental in them winning the war against Marley. Last he checked, Connie had been appointed to the Northern branch, his power better utilised there in case of attacks from behind.
Erwin hadn’t allowed him to leave, insisting he had no one to take care of him and that he would probably start doing push ups after resting for a day. Which was true. Damn that bastard for knowing him so well.
So here he was, stuck in his room, waiting on the annoying brats to give him food three times a day. There was a knock on the door, probably a soldier with his breakfast, having no idea they were about to be on the recieving end of his ire. And God help Eren if he was dumb enough to be standing out that door. He called them in, only to freeze at the sight.
There you stood, that precious smile on your face, holding a tray of food in one hand and a basket. He couldn’t care less about anything else, all he could focus on was the fact that you were standing infront of him. He felt enchanted, he hadn’t seen you the entire week he had been forced to spend at the hospital.
I missed her, Levi realized.
‘Good Morning Levi!…’
You began chattering, asking for his well being, handing him the tray of food. You had brought him a care package full of goodies, which included lemon cookies, his favorite flavour.
‘Why are you here?’
The question had been asked with his usual bland tone, but there was an emotion behind it only he could identify. There was an excitement welling up in him, as though he knew the answer already.
When you told him you had heard about his injury and had wanted to visit him, he had felt pleased and touched. When you continued on and told him that you had offered Erwin to personally take care of him with your usual duties, so that all the other soldiers wouldn’t have to divide the work between them, Levi was stunned.
’.. Since we’re friends, I figured this way I could help you out and.. ’
Levi took a sip of his broth, which tasted far better then the stale soup the kitchen usually served, watching you move around his room. Anyone else would have been physically hauled and thrown out the window by now, doctors orders be damned. Yet he felt okay with you neatly folding his blanket, straightening out things that he hadn’t been able to because of his injury, comfortably taking charge of his room.
For a brief moment, he saw a vision of you taking care of him like this in his house, as his wife.
As you sat before him, drawing him into conversation, Levi decided that having the month off wasn’t going to be as miserable as thought it would be.
And he was right.
Seeing you three times a day, enjoying meals with you, you fussing over him because you caught him doing pull ups, your bell like laughter that rang in his ears long after you went back to work, it all made him feel more then he could ever define.
Remembering you bandaging his arms everyday, your hands gentle, expression sympathetic as you shyly avoided staring at his bare, muscular chest, Levi decided he would have to acknowledge what he was feeling after all.
He was in love with you.
Levi leaned into his chair, setting down the pen had had been writing with. The realization had struck him suddenly and he needed to process it. He had never felt so alive, so amazed.
It had been a year of knowing you, and without even trying, you had made him fall in love with your very existence.
He cherished any moment of time he could spend with you, and you often haunted his thoughts when he couldn’t see you. You were the one he wanted to see first after getting back from a mission, becuase he knew if anyone gave a fuck about him being alive, it was you.
Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to smile, remembering how you had hugged him that one time. He had seen you straight after a deadly battle, covered in blood and small wounds. You had been so concerned, grabbing him by the hand, dragging him to his room.
He recalled how you had been applying alcohol on the injury at the corner of his mouth, causing him to hiss in pain. Frowning, you had applied it more carefully, then brought your mouth closer and lightly blowed air on the wound to reduce the sting. You had either been too caught up in worrying about him or had pretended not to notice, but his eyes had defintiely darkened at having you in such close proximity. Your lips only inches away from his, a hand resting on his shoulder, it had been an effort to not tug on your wrist and seat you in his lap and starting something he had been craving to. Once you had finished helping him and had decided he was in better condition, you had hugged him, a moment he could never forget.
You were shorter then him, so your head rested on his chest as your arms wrapped wrapped around his back. His arms had a mind of their own, immediately taking the oppurtunity to rest on the small of your waist.
Breathing in your scent, burying his nose in your hair, he had savoured the moment. When you pulled away from him, he had frowned, not liking the tears welling up in your eyes.
‘N-never be so reckless again! I got so worried and..’
You had buried yourself in his arms again, silently crying, berating him for being so careless. Your soft form had been pressed against his rough stature, he had never had someone be so gentle with him, care about him this much.
Back in the underground, doctors often had to be threatened into treating him. He had always used force, but there was no need to use any on you. There never had been. And hopefully, there never would be.
Knock knock
Startled, he snapped out of his day dreaming, chuckling to himself. To think he had gotten so lost in his memories with you..you really had become his everything
Expression neutral, he regained himself and called the soldier in.
Now, if only he could somehow tell you.
A/N: I hope y’all enjoyed this! Maybe I should do a part 2? For the confession? Does anyone want that? Constructive criticism is always welcome. My asks are open so pls send requests. Till next time!
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Real Life Tasks With Ransom Drysdale
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An Advent Calendar of 24 Normal Human Tasks As Performed By A Huge Man Baby.
Day 10: Shop Till You Drop
Warnings: Bad Language words
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N:  Instalment 10 of mine, @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ and @jennmurawski13​ ‘s telling of Ransom’s quest to become a normal human being. This time Ransom takes on a Supermarket…
Series Masterlist. 
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“Will you stop!” You sighed, exasperatedly.
“Stop what?” Ransom frowned, tossing another box of Pop Tarts into the trolley he was pushing round the Supermarket
“Loading the trolley full of crap!”
“Because we don’t need it.”
“So?” he shrugged “I want it.”
You let out another groan “That’s all it ever boils down to with you isn’t it?”
“What the fuck is eating you today?” he snarked back, folding his arms across his chest. “Or is it more a case of nothing has eaten you, if you get my drift?”
“God you’re a fucking…” you growled and shook your head, “frankly the thought of you going near me at the moment makes me wanna puke. I’m tired. I have back ache and my legs are sore. We came in with a list and it should have taken us twenty minutes tops but oh no, you just keep stopping for a load of shit we don’t need and it's taking us twice as long and I just want to go home!”
The last word broke as you began to sob, the damned hormones flooding your system and Ransom’s eyes flew open in panic. He was used to your little outbursts thanks to his spawn growing inside of you, but this was the first time you’d had one in public.
“Y/N, stop.” He urged you, moving round the trolley towards you. He hesitated, before he opened his arms, clearly not sure if you were going to slap him or not but you didn’t have the energy. Instead you let him pull you to him, pressing your face into his sweater, breathing in his heady scent. His hands gently ran up your back as you fought for control, eventually pulling away as you looked up at him. His large hands cupped your face gently and he pressed his lips to yours, smirking a little “And you say I’m a brat?”
“Fuck off, Ransom.” You pulled away.
“Okay, okay!” he chuckled. “Look, why don’t you-“ he fished into his jeans pocket and handed you the keys to the Merc “-go wait in the car? I’ll finish up.”
“You’re going to finish getting the groceries?”
You blinked, before you shrugged “Fine, but don’t forget anything on that list or I swear to God you’ll be couched for a week.”
“Jesus, Y/N.” He plucked the list out of your hand, rolling his eyes “Just go for fucks sake.”
You glared at him once more before you turned on your heel and left him in the middle of the aisle, without so much as a look back. As you left through the exit, you took a deep breath, instantly feeling calmer and you felt a little guilty at your outburst as he hadn’t actually been doing much wrong. He had always been a pain in the ass when it came to shopping and you’d tried so hard to get him to stay at home, but he was insistent that he came to help. You should be grateful really, you knew that, he was only trying to ensure you didn’t do too much but all it resulted in was him getting on your last nerve and an emotional outburst like the one you’d just had.
True to form he’d been a complete fucking tool from the moment you set foot in the shop. Completely ignoring you and piling anything and everything he liked the look of into the trolley, even if you knew half of it would go to waste. But that was him and his damned family all over. More money than fucking sense.
Fuck it, he could deal with it. You were going to take a nap in the comfy passenger seat whilst he finished. And woe betide him try anything when you got home later on that evening, if he so much as made a single amorous advance towards you that night you’d rip his cock off.
Ransom watched Y/N stalk off away from him an exhaled, loudly, whilst also giving himself a mental pat on the back for being smart enough to tell her to go and wait in the car. Allowing her to rest whilst he complete the shopping was most certainly going to put him in her good books. And, if he played his cards right and even unloaded the groceries at the other end, he’d most certainly get a bit of bedroom fun later on.
Yup, Ransom Drysdale was a clever bastard.
That said, he did feel a tad guilty. He knew she’d been struggling the last few days with her back and seeing her burst into tears in the middle of Whole Foods had made him realise just how much energy she was using growing their baby. Maybe he had been a bit of a pain in the ass, but he hadn’t meant to be. He just liked what he liked and seeing as money wasn’t an issue why shouldn’t he get it?
He glanced down at the list, there wasn’t that much left on it. So he hastily made his way around the store allowing himself only one little detour for an unlisted item- some Lavender and Camomile bath salts for Y/N which he intended to use later when he drew her a bath to help her relax- and then made his way to the check outs.
This was the bit he hated, with a passion. Unloading and then waging a war with the damned items at the other end whilst he tried to bag them as quickly as the checkout ninja scanned them and slid them down to him. However, as luck would have it, today’s ‘ninja’ was more of a ‘nan-ja’, and to his relief the coffin-dodger took her time, having to bend so close to the screen to see the items her nose might as well have been touching it. This allowed him enough time to bag everything as Y/N did- raw meats separate, then chilled, frozen, fresh and tinned. He paused, as the final bag containing the 3 bottles of his preferred wine and a 4 pack of beer felt a little strained and he pondered double bagging. But decided against it. It was only going in the back of the car from the trolley, he’d just make sure to support it underneath.
Eventually the woman, who now he studied her must have been the same age as his fucking Great-Nana Wanetta, scanned the last item which was a bar of Y/N’s favourite chocolate he’d picked up from the stand at the end of the checkout, and turned to him smiling. She read out the total and he passed his card over, looking around as she scanned it and pressed a few buttons. Finally, the ordeal was over and he took his card and receipt before making his way back outside.
Job well done, even if he did say so himself.
He pushed the trolley over the car park, stopping only to hurl abuse at some absolute moron in a Toyota who nearly took him out when he skidded round the corner, and opened the trunk to the car. He loaded the bags, took the trolley back (well, he pushed it to the spare space besides the car because fuck walking over to the Trolley Park, that’s what they paid the simpleton in the hat and hi-viz to do) and made his way to the driver’s door. He dropped in besides his girl and she turned to face him, a smile spreading across her face as he handed her the Hershey’s.
“Feeling better?” he asked.
“Yeah. I’m sorry.”
“Its ok baby.” He smiled at her as she leaned over to give him a soft kiss “Cooking my boy is zapping it outta you huh?”
“Just a tad.” She shrugged “But I shouldn’t have snapped. Thank you for finishing up.”
Ransom shrugged “No big deal.” he gave her another quick kiss before he put the car in reverse and drove towards the parking lot exit, a soft smirk playing on his handsome face
Yup, he was off Santa’s Naughty List for sure.
“Go and put your feet up, I got this.” Ransom assured you as you made your way to the trunk to help unload the shopping.
"You sure?"
“Positive.” He nodded, his arms wrapping around you from behind, large hands sweeping over the front of your jacket, softly caressing your bump. “It won’t take me long to unload and put it all away. Then we can curl up and I’ll order us that pizza you’ve been talking about all day.”
“Extra olives?”
“Whatever you want.” He pressed a kiss to your neck and you bit your lip. You had to admit, that did sound like a damned fine idea. And, to be honest, he was pretty good at unpacking groceries, that was one area he was actually trained in after years of you whipping him into shape.
“Okay.” You tilted your head round to look at him, giving him a quick kiss “Can you keep the mincemeat out for tomorrow’s dinner and the rest of the meat-“
“Can go in the freezer, yeah, I know.” He stepped back, reaching for a bag “I’m not a complete moron.”
“Debatable.” You muttered, ignoring the eye-roll that came your way as you stepped away from him. You headed to the front door, your pace slow as your baby was doing what felt like the tango in your belly. He seemed to be doing that a lot recently, especially when Ransom had touched your bump and spoken to you, almost like he was reacting directly to his Daddy. When you’d told Ransom so the previous night, he’d positively beamed at you with pure unadulterated love on his features, something which you were sure no one but you ever saw. You rubbed your belly, a soft smile on your face, telling your unborn son to quieten down a little, and you’d just unlocked the door when you heard a loud yell, followed by the smashing of glass and a string of expletives from your husband.
“Mother fucking, asshole, bastard crap bag!”
You spun round to see Ransom stood with a carrier bag in his hand, the bottom flapping as it had completely given way. Green and brown glass littered your drive way as a pool of red-wine and beer swam around his expensive chukkas. He screwed the bag up, tossing it into the trunk as he ran a hand through his hair, growling in annoyance.
“How much did you just drop all over the drive way?” you asked and he peeked up at you and grimaced.
“Eighty bucks worth. That was some quality merlot.”
“Well, maybe next time you’ll remember to double bag.” You shook your head, before you nodded to it “Make sure you clean that up. I’d hate to reverse over it and get another flat. Woe betide we have a performance like last time.”
“Oh, I dunno.” He quipped, a smirk spreading across his face “I happen to think the performance last time was pretty good. You certainly didn’t have any complaints once I got you back inside and sat on my face.”
You blinked, before you scoffed and shook your head “Do you know where the brush and dustpan is or should I draw you a map?”
“Fuck you.” He shot back, his eyes narrowed in a glare and you grinned, shrugging.
“Maybe later.” and with that you headed inside leaving him to grieve for his precious alcohol, which had been taken from him far too soon…
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 4 years
The Red Witch
Jasper Hale x Reader part 3
A/N: Part 3 is here you beautiful people! Sorry it this is long! I will be working on part 4 soon! And if there’s anyone who wants to be a part of the tag list, let me know so I can make a list. Thanks lovelies! 😊💕
Summary: Imagine being an immortal witch from the Middle Ages and being the previous love of Jasper before he was turned. You two were separated under certain circumstances and cross each other’s path once again, years later in the present era.
Warnings: Language. Violence and gore. Brief mentions of past abuse. Horror elements.
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 4 , Part 5
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It wasn’t long after till you arrived to your home with Harper. It was a gorgeous Victorian style manor that you fell in love with right when you laid your eyes on it. The way it loomed over when you looked up at it, to the dark brooding trees with twisted branches that resembled gnarly hands that seemed to lunge at you, down to the immaculate details that you couldn’t help but admire that covered the house. It reminded you of a life you once lived. When you were a child, your mother would tell you stories of how old houses, these old and beautiful things, in time, would somewhat become a living thing. She’d mention how they had bones and skin, were able to feel and breathe, and how they have seen many things. That phrase always used to spook you as a child. You used to think that your house was always watching you wherever you went. But now, you believe that if you took care of your home, “this living thing”, it would in turn take care of you, and become your safe haven.
You opened the door to your home and inhaled deeply, taking in the interior and the evocative scent that you managed to surround your place with. You loved to lay candles and incense about, filling your home with notes like pumpkin, sandalwood, dragon’s blood, musk, almonds, cinnamon, frankincense, and roses. It always made you feel more at home.
“Maleficent!” You called out as you took your shoes off as Harper did the same.
You saw movement in the far corner, seeing a small blur of black fur before you feel it rub against your legs.
“Hi Maleficent.” You cooed as you picked up your black cat with your gloved hands and held her to your chest, smiling with your eyes closed in content as she nuzzled against your scarf covered neck.
Maleficent let out a little mew as she stared up at you with those adorable big bright green eyes of hers, her purring vibrating through her chest as her abnormally large fangs poked out of her mouth. Times like these were sweet but heartbreaking. You loved Maleficent with all your being but you could never truly pet her. Thus your curse.
Harper geeeted Maleficent as well while she was still cuddled in your arms as you went into the living room, walking up to the large metal birdcage to greet your familiar, a Raven.
“Hi Edgar.”
“Well look what the cat dragged in.” He squawked as he stared at you with those mischievous black beady eyes.
“Oh please behave yourself Edgar.” You rolled your eyes before handing him a treat.
“I don’t need your assistance human.”
“Oh?” You raised your brow. “I don’t remember you sprouting a pair of arms to help yourself, unless, if I’m mistaken, your wings can magically turn into hands.”
“Well if I wasn’t stuck in this form I would be able to do as I wish, but woe is me.”
“I can’t believe you have a stupid bird as a familiar. Wish you got something cooler instead.” Harper rolls her eyes at Edgar as she passes by on her way to drop her things in her room.
“How dare you.” Edgar held his head high. “I am not just any bird. I am a great poet! A writer!”
My goodness, the drama on this bird. You had only met Edgar Allan Poe once, but now it looks as if the fame had got into his head.
“Harper! Make sure to do your homework.” You turn to call after her, only to hear her mimic your English accent.
“Did you just mock me?” You asked with a scoff.
Maleficent hissed at Edgar, which made him spread his wings and squawk in threat. “Get that thing away from me!”
“Maleficent is harmless.” You rolled your eyes as you set her down. “Besides, it’s not as if she’s going to tear through your cage.”
“I get no respect around here.” Edgar let out a little huff before turning away from you, obviously giving you the silent treatment.
I swear to god this raven is the biggest brat.
“Suit yourself.” You shake your head before making your way to the kitchen to see Melanie preparing a meal.
“Smells delicious.” You tell her as you stand next to her. “Is that vegetarian shepherds pie?”
“It is! I know how much you like those.” Melanie smiles at you, before turning back to her food and gesturing to the the little strawberry tarts.“Et voici, tarte aux fraises. I hope they’re as good as the ones mama makes.”
“They look absolutely wonderful Melanie. And I bet they taste just as great as your mother’s.” You squeeze Melanie’s shoulder before you call out to your sister as you set the table. “Harper! Dinner!”
“Alright! I’m coming!” She shouts back at you, making you smile and shake your head.
“So I’m guessing you’re fine?” Melanie eyes you while finishing up her dish.
“I took care of it. I’m much better now, thanks.”
“And what about him? What about Jasper?”
“Jasper?” You look up at her, feeling that same tightness in your chest from the mere mention of him.
“Mon amie.” Melanie rolls her eyes lightheartedly. “I’m not stupid. I know how much he meant to you. I just want to make sure you’re okay, you know, after seeing him when it’s been so many years.”
“I was just, shocked, if anything. I never expected to come across him again.” You look down at your hands, playing with the loose threads on the sleeves of your sweater. “But, he doesn’t remember me, so I’m fine. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“If you say so.” Melanie sighed, she knew you weren’t okay, and she knew how much his presence ate at you. But she didn’t want to pressure you into focusing on this subject.
The dinner that Melanie made that night was delicious, the perks of having a best friend that was French and a kitchen witch. You had to remind Harper not to scarf down her food so she wouldn’t choke, only to receive a glare, as always. After dinner you and Harper retired to your rooms while Melanie went back to her little cottage that she preferred to stay in that was right next door to your manor. Maleficent decided to sleep with Harper that night. You were already changed out of your clothes and into your long white nightgown, cuddling into your blanket to do your nightly reading of classic literature before crashing out from exhaustion.
The night was dark and foreboding, and the skies were pitch black like the ink of a pen, and the air was crisp as the wind blew sharply through the trees. The thick clouds blanketed the sky, concealing the stars of their beauty and stripping away any form of light besides the moon. It was a full moon that night. And despite the stormy clouds that desperately tried to overpower the moon, the moon still managed to cast some light, illuminating part of your bedroom in this haunting glow. You were lying in your bed, buried beneath your blanket in a deep sleep with the windows slightly down to let in the cool breeze. You had a few candles lit to add some light to your darkened room, when suddenly, your clock struck 3. The wind came to a stop, and your room became disturbingly still. Not a moment later the candles in your room strangely went out all at once, leaving you in complete darkness. There wasn’t the slightest sound, not even the hooting of an owl, nor the sound of a leaf falling to the ground. Everything was as silent as the grave.
Then, as if on schedule, the temperature in your room dropped drastically, and you shivered, clutching your blanket closer to you. Still in a state of deep sleep, you began to have a nightmare. You remember seeing yourself in a beautiful wedding dress. You were waiting for someone, but no one came. The scene slowly shifted around you, then all you could see was fire, this bright and threatening fire. You looked around but the flames were the only things you saw, it completely obscured your vision. The flames seemed to surround you, enveloping you in this smoldering heat. You felt yourself sweat profusely while desperately choking for air, but to no avail, the smoke burned your lungs, you couldn’t breathe. And then there it was, that horrifying noise. That blood curdling scream of a woman in pain. It was your own. Your agonizing screams pierced your ears and the stench of burning flesh stung your nose. It was your own. You looked down in horror to see the flames licking at your flesh, leaving behind these gruesome wounds. You were being burned. Your screams never ceased to stop, but they were muffled by the chants of others. You tried to cry out for help, but no one came. No one cared. You couldn’t even see the faces of the voices. You could only hear those chants, over and over again. It was only a nightmare. And yet, the pain felt real. It all felt too real.
You woke up abruptly from your nightmare. It felt as if your whole body was set on fire in this excruciating pain. You were drenched in sweat resulting to your hair being matted to your face. You tried gasping for air, you tried to scream. But no sound came out. You tried to move but you stayed frozen to your bed, you could only move your eyes. Your eyes shifted frantically around your room and widened in horror at what they saw. You saw your mother in the corner as she stared at you with these white, dead, lifeless eyes. A rope was tied around her bruised neck which was bent at an unnatural angle. Your heart pounded in your chest as you tried to cry out for help but you couldn’t, the only sound that came out was a whimper as you watched her walk towards you, wailing your name. Tears pooled in your eyes and fell down the sides of your face as the furniture in your room started to shake. You then saw your father appear before you, those cold and calculating eyes stared back into yours. You had his eyes, those cold heartless eyes, and that sinister gaze that terrified you as a child become your own. You watched as your father’s cloaked figure brought out his hands, displaying a whip in one and a heated branding iron in the other.
“(Y/N!) You insolent child!” He boomed in his raucous tone that made you tremble with fear. Bloody boils began to appear on his skin, gradually turning into decay as pieces of his flesh began to fall off, one by one, revealing the bone underneath. “Look at what you’ve done to me! You demon! You bitch!”
You shut your eyes against the terrifying image, your breathing growing more rapid by the minute. He wasn’t real. He died many years ago. He can’t hurt you. And yet, the pain that you now felt said otherwise. The long slashed scars that covered your back and the brand on the left side of your chest still burned as if they had just been inflicted.
There was a knock on your bedroom door, making you open your eyes back up.
“(Y/N?)” you heard Harper’s muffled voice on the other side. “What’s going on?”
She tried to open the door, but couldn’t. The door was locked. You tried to cry out for her, but you couldn’t. You still remained frozen. Your parents had disappeared, but now another ghostly figure stood at the foot of your bed. It was you. You saw yourself standing at the foot of your bed, wearing that same wedding dress from your dream with your face barely hidden behind the white veil.
You heard Harper call out for you again, struggling with the door handle, but your eyes remained glued to the apparition of yourself.
“We deserved this. We are monsters.” The face of this manifestation of yourself was blank and conveying no emotion, yet it was filled with such heartbreak and pain. You saw yourself erupt into flames, the veil burning away to reveal your scarred face as it reached a skeletal hand out towards you. “He could never love a thing like you. No one can.”
Tag List: @shakespeareanbooty @justine-en @5sosfanforever2001 @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem @holyhumorliteraturelight @toomanybandstocare @twilight-kpop @cricketlicket @ashdab2611 @pancake-pages @elisemurphy06 @ineffabledears @seraphpheonix @bella-stenbakken
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hieromonkcharbel · 3 years
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Weep over your sin: it is a spiritual ailment; it is death to your immortal soul; it deserves ceaseless, unending weeping and crying; let all tears flow for it, and sighing come forth without ceasing from the depths of your heart.
In profound humility I weep for all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, covert and overt, great and little, committed by word and deed, in thought and intention, day and night, at every hour and minute of my life.
I weep over my pride and my ambition, my self love and my boastfulness; I weep over my fits of anger, irritation, excessive shouting, swearing, quarreling and cursing;
I weep for having criticized, censured, gossiped, slandered, and defamed, for my wrath, enmity, hatred, envy, jealousy, vengeance and rancor;
I weep over my indulgences in lust, impure thoughts and evil inclinations; covetousness, gluttony, drunkenness, and sloth;
I weep for having talked idly, used foul language, blasphemed, derided, joked, ridiculed, mocked, enjoyed empty gaiety, singing, dancing and every pleasure to excess;
I weep over my self indulgence, cupidity, love of money and miserliness, unmercifulness and cruelty;
I weep over my laziness, indolence, negligence, love of comfort, weakness, idleness, absent-mindedness, irresponsibility, inattention, love of sleep, for hours spent in idle pursuits, and for my lack of concentration in prayer and in Church, for not observing fasts and not doing charitable works.
I weep over my lack of faith, my doubting, my perplexity, my coldness, my indifference, my weakness and unfeelingness in what concerns the Holy Orthodox Faith, and over all my foul, cunning and reviling thoughts;
I weep over my exaggerated sorrow and grief, depression and despair, and over sins committed willingly.
I weep, but what tears can I find for a worthy and fitting way to weep for all the actions of my ill fated life; for my immeasurable and profound worthlessness? How can I reveal and expose in all its nakedness each one of my sins, great and small, voluntary and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, overt and covert, every hour and minute of sin? When and where shall I begin my penitential lament that will bear fitting fruit? Perhaps soon I may have to face the last hour of my life; my soul will be painfully sundered from my sinful and vile body; I shall have to stand before terrible demons and radiant angels, who will reveal and torment me with my sins; and I, in fear and trembling, will be unprepared and unable to give them an answer; the sight and sound of wailing demons, their violent and bold desire to drag me into the bottomless pit of Hell will fill my soul with confusion and terror. And then the angels of God will lead my poor soul to stand before God 's fearful seat of judgment. How will I answer the Immortal King, or how will I dare, sinner that I am, to look upon My Judge? Woe is me! have no good answer to make, for I have spent all my life in indolence and sin, all my hours and minutes in vain thoughts, desires and yearnings!
And how many times have I taken the Name of God in vain!
How often, lightly and freely, at times even boldly, insolently and shamelessly have I slandered others in anger; offended, irritated, mocked them!
How often have I been proud and vainglorious and boasted of good qualities that I do not possess and of deeds that I have not done!
How many times have I lied, deceived, been cunning or flattered, or been insincere and deceptive; how often have I been angry, intolerant and mean!
How many times have I ridiculed the sins of my brother, caused him grief overtly and covertly, mocked or gloated over his misdeeds, his faults or his misfortunes; how many times have I been hostile to him, in anger, hatred or envy!
How often have I laughed stupidly, mocked and derided, spoke without weighing my words, ignorantly and senselessly, and uttered a numberless quantity of cutting, poisonous, insolent, frivolous, vulgar, coarse, brazen words!
How often, affected by beauty, have I fed my mind, my imagination and my heart with voluptuous sensations, and unnaturally satisfied the lusts of the flesh in fantasy! How often has my tongue uttered shameful, vulgar and blasphemous things about the desires of the flesh!
How often have I yearned for power and been gluttonous, satiating myself on delicacies, on tasty, varied and diverse foods and wines; because of intemperance and lack of self-control how often have I been filled past the point of satiety, lacked sobriety and been drunken, intemperate in food and drink, and broken the Holy Fasts!
How often, through selfishness, pride or false modesty, have I refused help and attention to those in need, been uncharitable, miserly, unsympathetic, mercenary and grasped at attention!
How often have I entered the House of God without fear and trembling, stood there in prayer, frivolous and absent-minded, and left it in the same spirit and disposition! And in prayer at home I have been just as cold and indifferent, praying little, lazily, and indolently, inattentively and impiously, and even completely omitting the appointed prayers!
And in general, how slothful I have been, weakened by indolence and inaction; how many hours of each day have I spent in sleep, how often have I enjoyed voluptuous thoughts in bed and defiled my flesh! How many hours have I spent in empty and futile pastimes and pleasures, in frivolous talk and speech, jokes and laughter, games and fun, and how much time have I wasted conclusively in chatter, and gossip, in criticizing others and reproaching them; how many hours have I spent in time-wasting and emptiness! What shall I answer to the Lord God for every hour and every minute of lost time? In truth, I have wasted my entire life in laziness.
How many times have I lost heart and despaired of my salvation and of God's mercy or through stupid habit, insensitivity, ignorance, insolence, shamelessness, and hardness sinned deliberately, willingly, in my right mind, in full awareness, in all goodwill, in both thought and intention, and in deed, and in this fashion trampled the blood of God 's covenant and crucified anew within myself the Son of God and cursed Him!
0 how terrible the punishment that I have drawn upon myself!
How is it that my eyes are not streaming with constant tears?.. If only my tears flowed from the cradle to the grave, at every hour and every minute of my tortured life! Who will now cool my head with water and fill the well of my tears and help me weep over my soul that I have cast into perdition?
My God, my God! Why hast Thou forsaken me? Be it unto me according to Thy will, 0 Lord! If Thou wouldst grant me light, be Thou blessed; if Thou wouldst grant me darkness, be Thou equally blessed. If Thou wouldst destroy me together with my lawlessness, glory to Thy righteous judgment; and if Thou wouldst not destroy me together with my lawlessness, glory to Thy boundless mercy!
St. Basil the Great
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Real Life Tasks With Ransom Drysdale
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An Advent Calendar of 24 Normal Human Tasks As Performed By A Huge Man Baby.
Day 10: Shop Till You Drop
Warnings: Bad Language words
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N:  Instalment 10 of mine, @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ and @ohthankevans13​ telling of Ransom’s quest to become a normal human being. This time Ransom takes on a Super Market…
Series Masterlist
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“Will you stop!” You sighed, exasperatedly.
“Stop what?” Ransom frowned, tossing another box of Pop Tarts into the trolley he was pushing round the Supermarket
“Loading the trolley full of crap!”
“Because we don’t need it.”
“So?” he shrugged “I want it.”
You let out another groan “That’s all it ever boils down to with you isn’t it?”
“What the fuck is eating you today?” he snarked back, folding his arms across his chest. “Or is more a case of nothing has eaten you, if you get my drift?”
“God you’re a fucking…” you growled and shook your head, “frankly the thought of you going near me at the moment makes me wanna puke. I’m tired. I have back ache and my legs are sore. We came in with a list and it should have taken us twenty minutes tops but oh no, you just keep stopping for a load of shit we don’t need and its taking us twice as long and I just want to go home!”
The last word broke as you began to sob, the damned hormones flooding your system and Ransom’s eyes flew open in panic. He was used to your little outbursts thanks to his spawn growing inside of you, but this was the first time you’d had one in public.
“Y/N, stop.” He urged you, moving round the trolley towards you. He hesitated, before he opened his arms, clearly not sure if you were going to slap him or not but you didn’t have the energy. Instead you let him pull you to him, pressing your face into his sweater, breathing in his heady scent. His hands gently ran up your back as you fought for control, eventually pulling away as you looked up at him. His large hands cupped your face gently and he pressed his lips to yours, smirking a little “And you say I’m a brat?”
“Fuck off, Ransom.” You pulled away.
“Okay, okay!” he chuckled. “Look, why don’t you-“ he fished into his jeans pocket and handed you the keys to the Merc “-go wait in the car? I’ll finish up.”
“You’re going to finish getting the groceries?”
You blinked, before you shrugged “Fine, but don’t forget anything on that list or I swear to God you’ll be couched for a week.”
“Jesus, Y/N.” He plucked the list out of your hand, rolling his eyes “Just go for fucks sake.”
You glared at him once more before you turned on your heel and left him in the middle of the aisle, without so much as a look back. As you left through the exit, you took a deep breath, instantly feeling calmer and you felt a little guilty at your outburst as he hadn’t actually been doing much wrong. He had always been a pain in the ass when it came to shopping and you’d tried so hard to get him to stay at home, but he was insistent that he came to help. You should be grateful really, you knew that, he was only trying to ensure you didn’t do too much but all it resulted in was him getting on your last nerve and an emotional outburst like the one you’d just had.
True to form he’d been a complete fucking tool from the moment you set foot in the shop. Completely ignoring you and piling anything and everything he liked the look of into the trolley, even if you knew half of it would go to waste. But that was him and his damned family all over. More money than fucking sense.
Fuck it, he could deal with it. You were going to take a nap in the comfy passenger seat whilst he finished. And woe betide him try anything when you got home later on that evening, if he so much as made a single amorous advance towards you that night you’d rip his cock off.
**** Ransom watched Y/N stalk off away from him an exhaled, loudly, whilst also giving himself a mental pat on the back for being smart enough to tell her to go and wait in the car. Allowing her to rest whilst he complete the shopping was most certainly going to put him in her good books. And, if he played his cards right and even unloaded the groceries at the other end, he’d most certainly get a bit of bedroom fun later on.
Yup, Ransom Drysdale was a clever bastard.
That said, he did feel a tad guilty. He knew she’d been struggling the last few days with her back and seeing her burst into tears in the middle of Whole Foods had made him realise just how much energy she was using growing their baby. Maybe he had been a bit of a pain in the ass, but he hadn’t meant to be. He just liked what he liked and seeing as money wasn’t an issue why shouldn’t he get it?
He glanced down at the list, there wasn’t that much left on it. So, he hastily made his way around the store allowing himself only one little detour for an unlisted item- some Lavender and Camomile bath salts for Y/N which he intended to use later when he drew her a bath to help her relax- and then made his way to the check outs.
This was the bit he hated, with a passion. Unloading and then waging a war with the damned items at the other end whilst he tried to bag them as quickly as the checkout ninja scanned them and slid them down to him. However, as luck would have it, today’s ‘ninja’ was more of a ‘nan-ja’, and to his relief the coffin-dodger took her time, having to bend so close to the screen to see the items her nose might as well have been touching it. This allowed him enough time to bag everything as Y/N did- raw meats separate, then chilled, frozen, fresh and tinned. He paused, as the final bag containing the 3 bottles of his preferred wine and a 4 pack of beer felt a little strained and he pondered double bagging. But decided against it. It was only going in the back of the car from the trolley, he’d just make sure to support it underneath.
Eventually the woman, who now he studied her must have been the same age as his fucking Great-Nana Wanetta, scanned the last item which was a bar of Y/N’s favourite chocolate he’d picked up from the stand at the end of the checkout, and turned to him smiling. She read out the total and he passed his card over, looking around as she scanned it and pressed a few buttons. Finally, the ordeal was over and he took his card and receipt before making his way back outside.
Job well done, even if he did say so himself.
He pushed the trolley over the car park, stopping only to hurl abuse at some absolute moron in a Toyota who nearly took him out when he skidded round the corner, and opened the trunk to the car. He loaded the bags, took the trolley back (well, he pushed it to the spare space besides he car because fuck walking over to the Trolley Park, that’s what they paid the simpleton in the hat and hi-viz to do) and made his way to the driver’s door. He dropped in besides his girl and she turned to face him, a smile spreading across her face as he handed her the Hershey’s.
“Feeling better?” he asked.
“Yeah. Sorry.”
“Its ok baby.” He smiled at her as she leaned over to give him a soft kiss “Cooking my boy is zapping it outta you huh?”
“Just a tad.” She shrugged “But I shouldn’t have snapped. Thank you for finishing up.”
Ransom shrugged “No big deal.” he gave he another quick kiss before he put the car in reverse and drove towards the parking lot exit, a soft smirk playing on his handsome face
Yup, he was off Santa’s Naughty List for sure.
***** “Go and put your feet up, I got this.” Ransom assured you as you made your way to the trunk to help unload the shopping.
“Positive.” He nodded, his arms wrapping around you from behind, large hands sweeping over the front of your jacket, softly caressing your bump. “It won’t take me long to unload and put it all away. Then we can curl up and I’ll order us that pizza you’ve been talking about all day.”
He pressed a kiss to your neck and you bit your lip. You had to admit, that did sound like a damned fine idea. And, to be honest, he was pretty good at unpacking groceries, that was one area he was actually trained in after years of you whipping him into shape.
“Okay.” You tilted your head round to look at him, giving him a quick kiss “Can you keep the mincemeat out for tomorrow’s dinner and the rest of the meat-“
“Can go in the freezer, yeah, I know.” He stepped back, reaching for a bag “I’m not a complete moron.”
“Debatable.” You muttered, ignoring the eye-roll that came your way as you turned around. You headed to the front door, your pace slow as your baby was doing what felt like the tango in your belly. He seemed to be doing that a lot recently, and you were convinced he was reacting to Ransom’s voice, something which you’d told him the previous night making him positively beam at you with pure unadulterated love on his features, something which you were sure no one but you saw. You rubbed your belly, a soft smile on your face, telling your unborn son to quieten down a little, and you’d just unlocked the door when you heard a loud yell, followed by the smashing of glass and a string of expletives from your husband.
“Mother fucking, asshole, bastard crap bag!”
You spun round to see Ransom stood with a carrier bag in his hand, the bottom flapping as it had completely given way. Green and brown glass littered your drive way as a pool of red-wine and beer swam around his expensive chukkas. He screwed the bag up, tossing it into the trunk as he ran a hand through his hair, growling in annoyance.
“How much did you just drop all over the drive way?” you asked and he peeked up at you and grimaced.
“Eighty bucks worth. That was some quality merlot.”
“Well, maybe next time you’ll remember to double bag.” You shook your head, before you nodded to it “Make sure you clean that up. I’d hate to reverse over it and get another flat. Woe betide we have a performance like last time.”
“Oh, I dunno.” He quipped, a smirk spreading across his face “I happen to think the performance last time was pretty good. You certainly didn’t have any complaints once I got you back inside and sat on my face.”
You blinked, before you scoffed and shook your head “Do you know where the brush and dustpan is or should I draw you a map?”
“Fuck you.” He shot back, his eyes narrowed in a glare and you grinned, shrugging.
“Maybe later.” and with that you headed inside leaving him to grieve for his precious alcohol, which had been taken from him far too soon…
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livingcorner · 3 years
‘Paradise Lost’: How The Apple Became The Forbidden Fruit
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Left: Title page of the first edition of Paradise Lost (1667). Right: William Blake, The Temptation and Fall of Eve, 1808 (illustration of Milton’s Paradise Lost) Wikipedia hide caption
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You're reading: ‘Paradise Lost’: How The Apple Became The Forbidden Fruit
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Left: Title page of the first edition of Paradise Lost (1667). Right: William Blake, The Temptation and Fall of Eve, 1808 (illustration of Milton’s Paradise Lost)
This month marks 350 years since John Milton sold his publisher the copyright of Paradise Lost for the sum of five pounds.
His great work dramatizes the oldest story in the Bible, whose principal characters we know only too well: God, Adam, Eve, Satan in the form of a talking snake — and an apple.
Except, of course, that Genesis never names the apple but simply refers to “the fruit.” To quote from the King James Bible:
And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.'”
“Fruit” is also the word Milton employs in the poem’s sonorous opening lines:
Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit
Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal taste
Brought Death into the World, and all our woe
Read more: Papergarden
But in the course of his over-10,000-line poem, Milton names the fruit twice, explicitly calling it an apple. So how did the apple become the guilty fruit that brought death into this world and all our woe?
The short and unexpected answer is: a Latin pun.
In order to explain, we have to go all the way back to the fourth century A.D., when Pope Damasus ordered his leading scholar of scripture, Jerome, to translate the Hebrew Bible into Latin. Jerome’s path-breaking, 15-year project, which resulted in the canonical Vulgate, used the Latin spoken by the common man. As it turned out, the Latin words for evil and apple are the same: malus.
In the Hebrew Bible, a generic term, peri, is used for the fruit hanging from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, explains Robert Appelbaum, who discusses the biblical provenance of the apple in his book Aguecheek’s Beef, Belch’s Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections.
“Peri could be absolutely any fruit,” he says. “Rabbinic commentators variously characterized it as a fig, a pomegranate, a grape, an apricot, a citron, or even wheat. Some commentators even thought of the forbidden fruit as a kind of wine, intoxicating to drink.”
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A detail of Michelangelo’s fresco in the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel depicting the Fall of Man and expulsion from the Garden of Eden Wikipedia hide caption
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A detail of Michelangelo’s fresco in the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel depicting the Fall of Man and expulsion from the Garden of Eden
When Jerome was translating the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,” the word malus snaked in. A brilliant but controversial theologian, Jerome was known for his hot temper, but he obviously also had a rather cool sense of humor.
“Jerome had several options,” says Appelbaum, a professor of English literature at Sweden’s Uppsala University. “But he hit upon the idea of translating peri as malus, which in Latin has two very different meanings. As an adjective, malus means bad or evil. As a noun it seems to mean an apple, in our own sense of the word, coming from the very common tree now known officially as the Malus pumila. So Jerome came up with a very good pun.”
The story doesn’t end there. “To complicate things even more,” says Appelbaum, “the word malus in Jerome’s time, and for a long time after, could refer to any fleshy seed-bearing fruit. A pear was a kind of malus. So was the fig, the peach, and so forth.”
Which explains why Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel fresco features a serpent coiled around a fig tree. But the apple began to dominate Fall artworks in Europe after the German artist Albrecht Dürer’s famous 1504 engraving depicted the First Couple counterpoised beside an apple tree. It became a template for future artists such as Lucas Cranach the Elder, whose luminous Adam and Eve painting is hung with apples that glow like rubies.
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Eve giving Adam the forbidden fruit, by Lucas Cranach the Elder. Wikipedia hide caption
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Eve giving Adam the forbidden fruit, by Lucas Cranach the Elder.
Milton, then, was only following cultural tradition. But he was a renowned Cambridge intellectual fluent in Latin, Greek and Hebrew, who served as secretary for foreign tongues to Oliver Cromwell during the Commonwealth. If anyone was aware of the malus pun, it would be him. And yet he chose to run it with it. Why?
Appelbaum says that Milton’s use of the term “apple” was ambiguous. “Even in Milton’s time the word had two meanings: either what was our common apple, or, again, any fleshy seed-bearing fruit. Milton probably had in mind an ambiguously named object with a variety of connotations as well as denotations, most but not all of them associating the idea of the apple with a kind of innocence, though also with a kind of intoxication, since hard apple cider was a common English drink.”
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It was only later readers of Milton, says Appelbaum, who thought of “apple” as “apple” and not any seed-bearing fruit. For them, the forbidden fruit became synonymous with the malus pumila. As a widely read canonical work, Paradise Lost was influential in cementing the role of apple in the Fall story.
But whether the forbidden fruit was an apple, fig, peach, pomegranate or something completely different, it is worth revisiting the temptation scene in Book 9 of Paradise Lost, both as an homage to Milton (who composed his masterpiece when he was blind, impoverished and in the doghouse for his regicidal politics) and simply to savor the sublime beauty of the language. Thomas Jefferson loved this poem. With its superfood dietary advice, celebration of the ‘self-help is the best help’ ideal, and presence of a snake-oil salesman, Paradise Lost is a quintessentially American story, although composed more than a century before the United States was founded.
What makes the temptation scene so absorbing and enjoyable is that, although written in archaic English, it is speckled with mundane details that make the reader stop in surprise.
Take, for instance, the serpent’s impeccably timed gustatory seduction. It takes place not at any old time of the day but at lunchtime:
“Mean while the hour of Noon drew on, and wak’d/ An eager appetite.”
What a canny and charmingly human detail. Milton builds on it by lingeringly conjuring the aroma of apples, knowing full well that an “ambrosial smell” can madden an empty stomach to action. The fruit’s “savorie odour,” rhapsodizes the snake, is more pleasing to the senses than the scent of the teats of an ewe or goat dropping with unsuckled milk at evening. Today’s Food Network impresarios, with their overblown praise and frantic similes, couldn’t dream up anything close to that peculiarly sensuous comparison.
It is easy to imagine the scene. Eve, curious, credulous and peckish, gazes longingly at the contraband “Ruddie and Gold” fruit while the unctuous snake-oil salesman murmurs his encouragement. Initially, she hangs back, suspicious of his “overpraising.” But soon she begins to cave: How can a fruit so “Fair to the Eye, inviting to the Taste,” be evil? Surely it is the opposite, its “sciental sap” must be the source of divine knowledge. The serpent must speak true.
So saying, her rash hand in evil hour
Forth reaching to the Fruit, she pluck’d, she eat:
Earth felt the wound, and Nature from her seat
Sighing through all her Works gave signs of woe,
That all was lost.
But Eve is insensible to the cosmic disappointment her lunch has caused. Sated and intoxicated as if with wine, she bows low before “O Sovran, vertuous, precious of all Trees,” and hurries forth with “a bough of fairest fruit” to her beloved Adam, that he too might eat and aspire to godhead. Their shared meal, foreshadowed as it is by expulsion and doom, is a moving and poignant tableau of marital bliss.
Meanwhile, the serpent, its mission accomplished, slinks into the gloom. Satan heads eagerly toward a gathering of fellow devils, where he boasts that the Fall of Man has been wrought by something as ridiculous as “an apple.”
Except that it was a fig or a peach or a pear. An ancient Roman punned – and the apple myth was born.
Nina Martyris is a freelance journalist based in Knoxville, Tenn.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/paradise-lost-how-the-apple-became-the-forbidden-fruit/
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razmahdaz-art · 4 years
One of Those Rare Nights
A Geraskier oneshot where Geralt is incredibly soft and Jaskier is incredibly tender. Enjoy this 1700 word comfort fic! That’s all it is! Woo!
Tonight was one of those rare nights. Once a year, maybe twice, Geralt was be blessed by some ancient being with nights like tonight.
A night where the hunt went easier so no potions were used. A night where his swords were sharpened and his armor was taken care of. A night where he had a room at an inn with a large bed, bath, and plenty of food.
It was a rare night where Geralt of Rivia, famous Witcher, had absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to be.
After he had dinner and Jaskier was left to attend his audience, Geralt made his way up to their shared room, made his way under the warm water of a lovely bath, and then found his way into that oh-so large and comfy bed in the middle of the room, where he sits now In some loose pants, reading a book that was left on the nightstand.
It was none of Jaskier’s, no. Geralt had already thumbed through most of his collection. And to make it any more obvious, the tale that these adventurers go through were obviously not written anyone that had actually seen the monsters in real life. The way that sword duels were written, the way that wyverns were described, Geralt couldn't really help but knit pick his way through each chapter. Nonetheless, he was calm and refreshed and...Gods be damned, Geralt found himself maybe relaxing for the first evening in many many months.
Jaskier, sadly, didn’t seem to be having a similar night.
He walked through the door a few hours after Geralt had left him. And he looked like an absolute mess. His hair was disheveled, there were deep bags under his eyes, and he was practically dragging his lute across the floor as he made his way to the vanity. If Geralt wasn't worried before, then he certainly was when the bard haphazardly dropped his instrument and began shucking off his brand new and very expensive pastel pink doublet, letting it join his lute on the floor.
“Rough night?” Geralt asked, his eyes glued to the slumped over shadow of his bard.
“Rough Crowd,” the younger man replied as he gave himself a lookover in the mirror. He wasn’t covered in rotten food or someone else's drink, but he definitely hated how those frown lines were etching their way into his face. He let out a low and long sigh as he began to ramble.
“Couldn’t seem to please anyone,” he began as he started pacing across the room, his usual boisterous posture traded in for more of a slump. “Not a ballad, nor joke, nor poem. It seemed everything I did or said either went over their heads or was disregarded. I got heckled, Geralt! Heckled! The last time I got heckled was my first year at Oxenfurt!” Jaskiers arms waved around as he went on his rant, and his hands eventually did begin to unlace his breeches.
Geralt had closed his book and pushed it to his side, preparing to move to make room for his companion. He listened to the poor bard go on about his night, and the Witcher couldn’t help but feel a little bad he hadn’t stayed to at least support him through it. He recalled he did hear laughter here and there, but since he was lost in reading, Geralt assumed that it was because Jaskier had told a very good joke. But if there was anyway Geralt knew how to get through evenings like this, where Jaskier swore the whole world was against him, than he’d have to rant it out of his system before he went to bed. ‘Bad ends to the day make for bad dreams’ the bard always claimed. And Geralt listened to all of it without any reservation.
He sat up straighter as he watched Jaskier step closer to the bed, and as he got through the long rampant prows of his woes, Jaskier started to quiet a bit, his face falling farther than it had before. It made Geralt’s eyebrows knotch.
“Had the audacity to call me a waste of a man. Told me to find a ‘real’ profession,” Jaskier almost whispered as he stomped his way out of his boots and breeches. Those words made Geralt’s heart sink into his gut. To have your own life, your own hard work, be called a waste...Well, he could only be empathetic. And he knew especially how hard Jaskier let words hit him, especially when it came to anything he was passionate about. He’d seen the bard take criticism, but outright unshielded hatred always seemed to take that shine out of his eyes.
The Witcher pushed back the large and heavy blanket down, and started to shift to give Jaskier his corner of the bed beside him. But before Geralt could escape, one of the bard’s long and lazy, gangly legs swung over to the opposite side of his thigh, and in one solid swoop, Jaskier had planted himself in Geralt’s lap. This was hardly the first time his bard has done this, not even hiding the action in public, but every time the Witcher finds himself pinned, his breath can’t help but hitch. His hands did come up to massage the outside of his thighs trying to do his best to comfort the man.
“I’m sorry that I tried to bring a little light to this disgusting po-dunk town,” Jaskier mumbled as he began taking off the necklace he had decided to wear. “Sorry that I wanted to give the people something prettier to look at besides the Cows,” he continued as he plucked each finger clean of his rings.
Jaskier attempted to reach out to place the collection onto the little nightstand, but he found himself just falling short. As Jaskier leaned close, one hand came up to his back and pulled him close into the crook of the Witcher's neck, while the other collected the jewelry and gingerly placed it onto the wooden table. The bards arms came up to hook around the broad shoulders he was being pulled into, and his whole torso became flush with Geralt’s. Everywhere Jaskier’s skin connected felt absolutely searing against the Witcher’s naturally cold skin, and vice versa for his companion.
“Those people are a rarity,” Geralt almost purred, the rumble of his voice making Jaskier’s chest vibrate. “You are the only bard I've seen win over even the worst of crowds. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an audience that you couldn't swoon.”
“Geralt, dear?” Jaskier asked.
“Hmm?” He responded.
“You do remember that when we met, I was literally being pelted with bread by a crowd that hated me,” the bard reminded, but Geralt could feel the smile the other was muffling into his skin.
“Like I said,” The Witcher responded with a huff of a laugh. “A rarity.” Jaskier’s head turned harshly, and his forehead was burrowing into the line where his neck met his shoulders, his messy hair tickling him a bit. 
Geralt’s arms moved again, one holding him like he was not but a tired toddler, and his other coming up to run his calloused fingers through those soft brown locks. His thumb circled just near his temple, relieving the stress that was bundled there and the rest of his fingers just scratched and lightly tugged at Jaskier’s scalp. It’s what he did when Geralt got back from long hunts, his body thrumming with potions and his muscles being pulled taught like bowstrings. And everytime Jaskier’s lovely fingers tangled their way into his messy and gut slick hair, Geralt felt like he was melting under that warm touch. And from the way Jaskier’s breathing was slowing and his shoulder began to loosen, He knew he was doing the right thing.
He felt one of Jaskier’s eyes flutter open, before shutting again. “Were you reading?” the bard hummed lazily against his collar bone.
“I was,” Geralt replied simply.
“I’m sorry,” Jaskier drawled, seemingly genuinely apologetic. “For Interrupting.”
Geralt’s head just sank onto the top of Jaskier’s, his white hair being brushed back a lazy hand that wasn’t his. “Don’t be. You’re far more interesting. Whoever wrote that is surely below you. They’ve probably never seen any of the beasts the book describes in their life, if how they describe their fights is anything to go by.”
While the Witcher spoke, he felt the bard sink deeper into him, like the warmest and thickest quilt on the continent had just been thrown on top of him. The tension in Jaskier’s face had completely scurried away, his once-knotting back gone slack under the strokes his hand had been repeating for minutes. Jaskier was close to sleep if his body language was anything to go by. But if he had learned anything from his bard’s doting, it’s that necessities should be met before bed.
“Need anything?” Geralt asked against the other's skull, his lips just grazing Jaskier’s head. “Water? Food?”
“This,” Jaskier stated, his arms giving a light squeeze around the Witcher’s shoulders. “You,” he meekly mumbled as he placed a lighter than breath kiss to Geralt’s throat. The Witcher couldn’t hear his stomach growling, and predicted that the bard would be getting up in the night to wet his worn throat with water. But right now, Jaskier seemed content as he was, and so did his body.
Geralt rolled over a bit to his side, keeping Jaskier’s head on his shoulder so as to not disturb the poor man. The hand that was tangled in the others hair was now reaching down to pull the heavy blanket over the both of them. Once it was in place, that same hand came up to brush lightly over the place on Jaskier’s chest where his heart was just beneath flesh, his fingers delicately brushing over the gentle beat that Geralt had started to associate with home. The calming scent of lavender filled his senses as he knew the bard was falling into unconsciousness.
“You’ve got me,” Geralt hums as he places a kiss on Jaskier’s forehead. The hand on his bard’s back does a gentle wave, and with a small use of Igni, all the lights were banished from the room. “You always will.” Geralt almost missed it, but his ear picked up the gentlest of ‘hmms’ from Jaskier’s tired throat.
And with that little response, Geralt could feel Jaskier slip into a comfortable unconsciousness. And if it dared to be disturbed by whatever remnants of this bad night that has permeated the bard’s gentle dreams, then Geralt would work him into this same state, over and over again.
This was certainly a rare night, for the better or the worse. But nonetheless, Geralt knew it’d be a night he’d hold close to his heart for decades to come.
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originofjaehyun · 4 years
Prelude: After Story | Part 1 | Punch
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Prelude: After Story Masterlist
Word count: 2,929
Warnings: None
Part 1 | Punch
“‘Cause I’m a clean fighter.”
Read Interlude: No More Drama
Tag list: @justineasian​ @elauniesdream 
“Make sure you tell him how you felt.”
The remark only received a giggle from the other party. “I’m not promising anything, Yuta. It will take time.”
Yuta took a final glance. There’s a hint of despair in the way he looked at her. “You packed everything?”
She nods. “I think so. Let me know if I left something. Well, that if you don’t mind. Else, you can throw them away.”
“Alright, I’ll let you know.” He smirked. There’s a pregnant pause before he continues. “I’ll see you when I see you, [Y/N]. Until then, please be well.”
Yuta could see she welled up, holding up her tears. He wished he could hug her and tell her that it will be fine, but that only contradicted the brave front he showed to her.
She finally waves her final goodbye, closing the door. It is a signal for Yuta to finally embrace his sadness. Legs gave in, he immediately crouched down, sighing.
“Damn, who would’ve thought I could fall for someone this much?” Brushing the hair that covers his forehead, he asked himself, with no one to answer.
Yuta walked to his bathroom, thinking that he would cool his head by taking a brisk shower. He took off his shirt, pausing in front of the sink before he entered the shower booth. He stared at his own reflection, blankly. No thoughts, head is empty. He just needs his time to process and to cope with his own heartbreak.
There are few objects that don't belong to him, and by then he noticed that she forgot to visit the bathroom when she cleared her stuff, leaving her toothbrush behind. He curled one side of his lips up, sighing regretfully before throwing the toothbrush to the trash bin nearby.
This is so I can forget about her faster.
Yuta taught to himself, before spotting another foreign item.
A pair of rose gold stud earrings. Yuta knows his pieces of jewelry because he never took off his. The simple design of the earrings is also a bit too plain for his liking, and the owner of them is no other than the person who just left this place.
He grabs it, about to throw them away. But hesitates, gripping the earrings inside his palm. 
Yuta looks at the earring once more.
Maybe, just maybe, this is the only part of you that I could keep?
Days pass per normal for Yuta. Except that the people around him notice that he’s anything but it.
“You alright, bro?” Doyoung tapped his shoulder, waking Yuta from his daze.
“What do you mean?” Yuta leans to the wall, inhaling his IQOS.
“I don’t know man, you’re off these days.” Doyoung took a sip of his grapefruit drink. “It seems like you have something on your mind. Have you talked to [Y/N] about it?”
Ah, so she hasn’t told him.
Yuta thought to himself, not responding to Doyoung as he drew out a translucent smoke.
“She might not be the best at giving advice, cause even she had a hard time figuring out herself. But I promise she’s a good listener, I’m sure she'll be able to give you some sort of comfort.”
Yuta just nodded to his statement.
He nodded because he himself knew how comfortable it was to be around her.
Yuta holds grudges. It was hard for him to admit it at first, but eventually, he accepts the annoying part of his personality. Fast forward five months after she left, Yuta still refused to go out. This clearly weirded everyone out since Yuta is the social butterfly. For him to reject their offer to visit the bar after office makes the lines on their foreheads more apparent than ever.
Yuta just needs some time, alone. He doesn’t know for how long, but what he knows is that he’s just not in the mood to put on a fake happy smile when his own heart is like a shipwreck.
So he spent another night in at his apartment, opening a bottle of rye whiskey. Truthfully, Yuta prefers sweeter booze –something that is more fruity like his usual Cassis Orange. However these days, those cocktails couldn’t shred his woe. He needs something stronger. He needs to be able to feel the burning sensation on his chest, replacing the pain of his heartache.
He went off to flump into the leather couch, putting down the glass of whiskey. He grabs the remote, browsing through the Netflix catalog. He stops, at one move named Kimi no Na wa.
He probably already watched this for million times. He loves this movie. Not only because of the well-executed animation and storyline, but it also reminds him of home.
And it painfully reminds him of her too. How she loved anime, and how her eyes glimmered every time Yuta told her a fun fact about Japanese culture.
“Did you know there’s a trivia behind her name?”
“Who? Mitsuha?”
Yuta nods, “Her name means three leaves. Funnily enough, it started from her grandmother, Hitoha which means one leaf. And you guessed it, her mother’s name, Futaba, means two leaves and her little sister, Yotsuha, is four leaves.”
“Whoa!” She shrieked excitedly. “That’s cute!”
Yuta laughed at the sight of her getting excited over something simple like this. It’s nothing much for a Japanese man like him, but for her it’s something new and Yuta finds it very adorable.
If she was still here, he would cross his arm over her shoulder. Cuddling her.
But right now, all he could do is to rest his arm on the backrest of his couch. The only warmth that he could feel is from the whiskey.
Unable to focus on the movie, so he diverted his attention to see his phone.
Oh, how he regrets it.
He saw her social. She was with a group of people that Yuta knew from that party. But his finger reactively clicked on one of the tagged name’s profiles.
Just to see him posted a photo of her. It was a candid photo, the person captured in the picture seemingly asked the photographer to stop. Her hands were blurred because she attempted to cover her mouth.
But she wasn’t quick enough to stop the photographer from capturing her smile. A smile so bright Yuta knew he wasn’t able to create. A smile that Yuta definitely misses.
The agony he felt amplified once he read the capture below the photo.
“I was yours, before I knew; and you have always been mine too.”
Yuta rolled his tongue over his front teeth. He knew he shouldn’t feel this way, not when he is the one who let her go. But he is pissed, throwing his phone away. 
He moves his palms to cover his eyes, resting his head. He lets out another sigh, but no matter how much he exhaled, no matter how much alcohol he drank, the rain cloud seems to follow him around.
“Fuck this shit.” He hummed to himself.
He took his phone again, this time opening a different app. It took him a bit longer this time, but at least whatever he was doing, managed to put a smile on Yuta’s face.
He then proceeds to dial a number.
“Hello, Doy? I’ll take a week off. I’m flying to Osaka tomorrow.”
“How could you come back home without noticing us?”
Yuta puts down his bag, worn out from the flight, “I can’t even visit my own home now, Nee-san?”
“What I meant was,” His sister crossed his arm. “Last time you visited Osaka, you’d stay at the hotel because you wouldn’t stay long. Mostly due to your business trip. What makes you suddenly miss home?”
“I just feel like taking some days off, Nee-san.” He replied without looking at this sister, busy unpacking his stuff. “Also, Imouto has been texting me, telling me to bring her some signed goods from TVXQ.”
“Well if you said so,”  Her sister knows how stubborn Yuta is, so she decides that she won’t press him further. “Come down when you’re ready. If only you told us you were coming earlier, mom would’ve cooked us Nabe. But we don’t have the ingredients, so you have to settle with curry tonight.”
Yuta finally looked back to smile at his sister, “Curry sounds great, Nee-san.”
It’s great to be home, Yuta thought to himself. 
The familiar road. People talking in his mother language. Food that is catered to fit his taste buds. He loves Korea, and everything it has to offer, but nothing could replace home.
“My, Yuta is that you?!” An elderly woman called for him, snapping him from his day daze.
“Oh, Baa-chan!” Yuta subconsciously lets out his signature radiant smile. “How are you? I hope your back is fine now.”
“Oh, you’re as sweet as I could remember, Yuta!” She giggled. “You never visit your home, this Baa-chan misses you a lot, you know? I don’t know how to use… what do they call those these days? Line?”
Yuta laughed. “Yes, Line, Baa-chan.”
“Right, I can’t contact you! You should come home more often. I could write you a letter but I don’t know your address in Korea.”
“I miss you too, Baa-chan. Sorry, I promise to visit again.”
Baa-chan sells taiyaki in his neighborhood. Yuta is her regular customer, and she has witnessed how much Yuta grew from a small boy who aspires to be an Ultraman to a successful businessman he is right now. Yuta settled on the bench in front of Baa-chan’s store, filling her with the missing information pieces where Yuta finally left home for his career.
“Now take this,” She offered him a bag of taiyakis.
“Oh, no Baa-chan. Let me pay,” He rustles his pant pocket, trying to find his wallet.
“My dear Yuta!” She pushes the paper bag to him, “This is a gift from me, as a thank you for visiting this old lady. Next time, bring your friend here so they can pay instead. Baa-chan wants to see your friends, I want to make sure they are good people.”
He lets out a soft chuckle. Baa-chan is always kind, and it touches his heart. Yuta treats her like she’s her own grandmother. “I’ll note that, Baa-chan.”
He waves goodbye to her and marches his way to a nearby park. The park used to be so big for the small Yuta. He used to think it would take forever to catch a ball that flies after his friend kicked it too high. But now that he’s a full-grown man, he even wonders how the hell he was able to play soccer with his friend in this field. 
He sits down at the bench, taking a bite of the fresh taiyaki. Baa-chan’s taiyaki is the best. It might be a biased opinion, but every bite is like a memory lane for Yuta. The irreplaceable taste of childhood.
The dusk is near, and there is no child laughter at these hours since all of them have their curfews. With nothing to keep him entertained, he unlocked his phone, casually browsing through his social before pausing his munching at one post.
“Can’t believe this man asked me to spend the rest of my life with him while I’m about to throw the trash away. I hope your future daughter will experience a much more romantic proposal, you weirdo.”
Involuntarily the red bean paste from his bread squirted out, due to the fact Yuta unconsciously squeezed them. Was it out of anger? Out of disappointment? Or out of regret?
His blood is boiling, and with nobody around, nothing stops him. Yuta is usually calm, but right now he just wants to transfer the excessive anger somewhere. Heck, the tree next to him can be his punching bag.
My mom always told me to finish my meal so you’re not leaving until you eat everything.
But right now, Yuta is unable to take another bite. He even forced whatever he had left on his mouth down to his throat.
Why did I let you go?
He scoffed, mocking his own thought, “Damn, what a pathetic person you are, Yuta.”
Your first impression on Yuta is probably how strong his aura is. His gaze is sharp, complemented with a well-chiseled jawline. So you would never think that the same person has a sensitive soul. Ever since his trip to Japan, the Nakamato residence in Seoul is always decorated with fresh flowers, handpicked by Yuta himself. This is his way of finding peace. He always wanted to have a pet, but his busy schedule makes him unable to own one. Instead, he’s been paying more attention to greeneries in his home. He said it was a therapy for him, and having a living plant makes the place alive, so he claims.
The bell on the door jingles after Yuta pushes the door open, cueing the staff who were busy arranging a bouquet to greet him.
“Welcome to Paradise!”
Yuta nods at the staff, telling her to continue with her arrangement and let him browse the flower catalog by himself.
Soon after, the bell jingles once more —only to reveal a young man with a sparkly eyes.
“Sorry, __! Taeyong left his apron behind so I have to make a visit to Kitchen Beat first.”
The person at the counter chuckled, “Don’t sweat it, Mark. We’re not that busy today anyway.”
“Let me put my bag first, then I’ll help to cut the stems of the carnations—“ Mark’s eyes grow bigger once he sees the familiar figure. “Yuta-hyung? Ah, I mean, Sir!”
Yuta turned at the sound of his name. “Oh, if it isn’t Mark!”
“Didn’t expect you to come here, Sir.”
“You can talk to me comfortably, Mark. We’re no strangers.” Yuta smiles. “Fancy seeing you here, too. Are you part-timing here?”
Mark nods. “Other than my job as an English tutor, working here actually calms me down. Maybe the flower gives the peaceful atmosphere?”
Yuta hummed, agreeing with his statement.
“Also, I can rest a bit because working here is not as busy as working at a cafe.” Mark continues, “Though we’re going to be busy pretty soon since Jaehyun-hyung ordered so many orchids for his wedding. Man, not just any orchid! If only he knows how difficult it is to obtain—“
Mark stopped at the sight of Yuta’s awkward face.
“Shit, Mark, how could you forget that he was your Noona’s ex-lover.”
He whispered to himself, but the store was fairly quiet with only faint instrumental song in the background —enabling Yuta to listen to each of his words clearly.
Your noona.
“Mark, go change to your uniform.” A female voice breaks the tension, flinching Mark who reactively gives Yuta a deep bow afterward.
Yuta definitely needs time to process what just happened. Pressing his lips together while occasionally biting the skin.
“A cheerful young boy, isn’t he?”
Yuta woke up from his daydream following her calm voice. “Mark is energetic, and I love how positive his energy is. Though sometimes, that can cause him to be slightly dense, too.”
Yuta couldn’t help but to let a single soft chuckle.
“So please forgive him, yeah? I’m sorry I couldn’t help but to overheard your conversation. Don’t take it to the heart, Mark was probably too excited. He didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I know. No offense is taken. I just need some time to digest it.”
“Take your time,” she continued with her bouquet, tying up the ribbon as the final touch. “Though, if I could suggest, I think our daffodils are very pretty today.”
“Yes, the yellow ones on that corner,” she pointed at a bunch of yellow flowers. “I’ll help you with a bunch. It’s on a house, as an apology from making you uncomfortable just now. Are you going to put it on a vase like the usual or are you going to give it to someone?”
Yuta widened his eyes, quickly shook his head, “Oh please no need, I’m not offended by all means.”
“As the owner of this shop, I insist, Sir.”
Yuta hesitates, but eventually gives in. “The usual. Actually, a single bloom is fine. I would feel bad, you know, if you're going to give me a bunch. Business is still business after all.”
His remarks only caused the other party to scoff, “Our business is doing well, Sir. So please don’t fret on it. Anyway, it would mean a different thing if I don’t give you in a bunch.”
“Different thing?”
“Ah,” She closes her mouth with her hand. “Don’t mind too much on it.”
After spending the whole day outside, all Yuta needs is a refreshing shower to wash down his sweat. He placed his new floral arrangement on his dining table, before taking his shirt off when he walked towards the bathroom. He threw his shirt to the laundry bag, and unlocked his phone, ready to play his shower playlist.
Bunch of daffodils?
He suddenly remembered how the florist mentioned the different meaning of daffodils. He quickly changed the tab, typing the question on Google.
Smirk appeared on his face, after so many days shied away from the surface.
“Rebirth and new beginnings, huh?” He said to himself. “How cheeky.”
He puts down his phone on the countertop, resting his arms at the sink before looking at himself in the mirror.
Yuta is determined.
He picks up his phone once more, dialing a number.
“Doyoung, do you know the best hair salon here?”
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A/N: We’re back with this!! I’m so so excited to continue this hehe~ To be honest... continuing this series gives me a lot of anxiety. What if the audience don’t like it? What if the one who loves Interlude won’t like my approach on continuing the story in Yuta’s POV? At some point it was difficult for me to write this, but as I persistently write this, it became more and more enjoyable and eventually those thoughts don’t appear as much!
Another thing to note, to prevent any confusion, the reader for Prelude will be ___ instead of the usual [Y/N]. [Y/N] belongs to Interlude! So think of her as another character for Prelude!
Also again, I’d like to remind you guys again since there’s only three additional songs, this would be a mini-series instead of a full series like Interlude. But hopefully, you would still give Prelude tons of love too!
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Toffee: Chapter 3
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Gordon, Scott, John, Grandma, Tracy Family
Not quite such a long wait for the next instalment this time.  The next chapter of my response to @gumnut-logic‘s #irrelief prompt “toffee on the couch”, and the second of my three fic offerings for Thunderbirds Day, we have a little more scheming and Scott’s tale of woe continues.
<<<Chapter 2
The explosion of expletives from his eldest brother were clearly audible even from where Gordon was floating in the pool. It didn't take a genius to surmise that Scott had just discovered the toffee on the chair, and probably by sitting on it.
As far as pranks went, it was simple but effective. No-one had been in the room when Gordon had slipped the small chunk of toffee, warmed in the microwave under his watchful eye and Grandma's carefully blind one, onto the seat just after dumping his mud-lathered uniform off in Scott's despairing arms. Barring Grandma, none of the island residents had any idea that the toffee hadn't just slipped out of Scott's pocket earlier a la the first incident style, and both Grandma and their ever-watchful Eye in the Sky were firmly on his team. It had been John that had struck a conversation up with Alan to keep him out of the way, after all.
Grandma's voice carried clearly from the kitchen as she hollered up at Scott about minding his language. There was the vague threat of washing his mouth out with soap in there, and Gordon could well imagine the look on Scott's face as he called an apology back down.
He suspected Scott was already sick of soap. The washing machine had been a stroke of genius, even if he did say so himself. A little bit of toffee in Scott's jean pockets wasn't even suspicious, not when toffee in his pocket had been the start of it all. Add in an unaware Alan proving him the perfect alibi, and there was nothing to even suggest it wasn't an accident. Still, there was revenge and there was cruelty, and even Gordon had limits. Virgil would get the machine repaired by the end of the day, as long as no more rescues cropped up, and Gordon wasn't about to keep crippling it.
Scott wouldn't be the only one getting suspicious if it kept breaking, and he had no plans to get Virgil on his back, especially as his older brother was clearly annoyed about having to fix it the first time. If he realised it was intentional rather than accidental, well, that would probably be the end of a squid. No, Gordon had to keep things fluid, unsuspicious. Neither John nor Grandma were providing ideas, but as long as they kept providing the means and alibis (when an innocent Alan didn't do the job for him), he had a week to prank with his brother with no fear of retribution.
Scott's toffee stash would last a week, easily. Even if he turned to it as comfort food. Gordon hoped he did; it would be much easier to pull off his plan if Scott continued to eat the stuff. He had John on Scott-watch for that exact reason. True to form, John hadn't told him where the stash was, but he had suggested where a really good hiding place away from younger brothers might be, and sure enough, Gordon had found a whole mountain of the stuff there.
It was a literal mountain. Gordon had no idea how Scott's teeth hadn't all rotted yet. His ached just looking at it.
Above him, it sounded as though Grandma had gone to investigate the cause of Scott's language, because she was still berating him for it. As tempting as it was to go up and see the scene with his own eyes, Gordon had been a prankster long enough to know that returning to the scene of the crime automatically made him suspicious. Content that Grandma had it all in hand, he rolled over onto his front and continued his laps.
He eventually left his beloved water at a call for dinner. Reluctantly, of course – the call had come from Grandma, and just because she was helping him prank Scott didn't mean she'd suddenly become a competent cook. Unfortunately, the pool was right by the kitchen, and with his grandmother standing just under the eaves, there was no way for him to pretend he hadn't heard the call.
At least none of his other Earthbound brothers were escaping, either. John was invariably munching on some dehydrated just-add-water feast above their heads, and not for the first time Gordon thought it thoroughly unfair that he had the better deal. Dehydrated food was not supposed to be better than good old fashioned home cooking.
Maybe that was why Dad had spent so much time in space. Gordon could hardly blame him.
None of them even dared to hazard a guess at the name of the concoction on their plates, but with Grandma seated firmly at the foot of the table and watching them all closely, they had no choice but to tentatively take their first bites before simultaneously reaching for large mugs of their preferred drink.
Alan mumbled something uncomplimentary into his juice, and Grandma sent him a sharp look. Virgil chose that moment to speak, and Gordon knew the timing wasn't coincidental.
"I've got the washing machine fixed," he said, sending Scott a glare. "Don't break it again."
"I don't plan to," Scott groaned in response, throwing back his squash to get rid of the taste from his latest mouthful. "I'd like to see something other than laundry this week."
"Speaking of the laundry," Grandma interrupted. "I want that chair spotless, young man."
"What chair?" Alan asked, fixing their eldest brother with a suspicious stare when he groaned. "Is one of the chairs dirty again?"
"Some toffee appears to have found its way onto the desk chair," Grandma explained. "Your brother found it by sitting in it." Virgil stiffened.
"If that washing machine experiences another death by toffee, I am not fixing it," he threatened. Scott sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked tired, not that Gordon blamed him after that hell of a rescue. They were all tired from trudging through mud and then cleaning it off of Thunderbird Two once they got home.
"I'll handwash them," he promised. "I have no idea how toffee even got there."
"You mean it didn't fall out of your pocket this time?" Alan chipped in.
"I didn't have any in my pocket for it to fall out, Alan," Scott defended himself. Alan shrugged as though that wasn't a factor that needed considering.
"You had some in your pocket yesterday, maybe it fell out then?"
Gordon watched a look of uncertainty flicker across Scott's face, before his shoulders slumped.
"I guess that's possible," he admitted.
"You're quiet, Gordo," Virgil commented, and he looked at him.
"Something wrong?" Toffee incident(s) forgotten, Scott was straight into smothering older brother mode. Annoying, except when it was useful. He poked at the concoction on his plate dubiously.
"I don't think I feel too good." It was hardly a lie; he loved his grandmother but he could also really do without her cooking.
"Try a few more mouthfuls, dear," the wicked witch of the kitchen said. "Some good food should help."
"I don't see that here," Alan muttered under his breath, but Gordon gave her a patented Believable Fake Smile and prodded at his plate some more, reluctantly forcing himself to eat a few more bites. She beamed at him, and he gave her a polite smile back, all too aware that his alliance with her was just as tentative as his alliance with John, and therefore relied on keeping her sweet.
Which, right now, meant consuming as much of her latest cooking disaster as he could stomach.
Scott – oldest, bravest, sacrificial lamb on behalf of his brothers – was the first to cave, begging off on a full stomach and a reminder of the jeans he now had to handwash. His plate was mostly empty, although when he'd managed to stuff that much in his mouth Gordon had no idea, and after a moment of silent contemplation on Grandma's side he was given permission to wash his plate up and leave.
Gordon loved it when his brothers made things so easy for him. He shoved the concoction on his plate around for another few minutes, occasionally taking mouthfuls, before putting his cutlery down with a groan.
"Sorry, Grandma, I don't think I'm going to eat any more." She peered at him closely before standing up and walking around the table to get to him. He wasn't expecting her to press a hand to his forehead, and jumped when she made contact.
"Well your temperature's normal," she mused, and inwardly he groaned. Please let me leave the table, Grandma! "But if you're really not up to eating, off to bed with you." Yes! Grandma you are The Best!
"Sorry," he said out loud, standing up slowly and picking his plate up. "I'll just get this cleared up-"
She whisked it out of his hands.
"I said bed, young man," she scolded. "I can do your dishes for one evening, but I'll be up to check on you once I'm done and I don't want to see you out of bed." She steered him towards the stairs and, once out of sight of his brothers, gave him a wink. He grinned back, before starting the climb to the bedrooms – and, more importantly right now – Scott's toffee stash.
Having Grandma for an ally made a real difference to pranking.
He kept up the pretence all the way to his room, just in case he met Scott. He didn't, but Gordon had long since learnt not to take that for granted. Shutting himself in his bathroom, he called John.
As predicted, the ginger was munching away on cardboard-flavoured food that Gordon would do a lot to have instead of his grandmother's cooking.
"Scott's in the laundry room," his brother told him without preamble. "Brains and MAX are in their lab, and Grandma has Virgil and Alan pinned in the kitchen." Not for the first time, Gordon was pleased Kayo was off doing agent-y things with Lady Penelope for the week. Her allegiance was harder to secure than John's, and even when he had it she was liable to tell on him to Scott or Virgil at any time. Sneaking past her was also much harder. "I'd estimate you have five minutes before any of them move from their current locations."
"Roger that," he grinned. "It'll take me two."
Scott's hiding place was brilliant in its simplicity. It was both somewhere no-one, not even Gordon, would think to look, but so easily accessible that the chances of being caught in the act of retrieving some were close enough to nil – barring John and his All-Seeing Eyeness. Unfortunately for Scott, now that John had Not-Shared it with Gordon, those same factors made it child's play to steal from.
Gordon was careful not to take too much – Scott was the sort of person to know exactly how much toffee he had, and would very quickly put two and two together if toffee kept appearing in places he didn't remember having any and he noticed it vanishing from his stash. Besides, too much and the game would be up before it even began. He took a couple of small pieces from near the back, ones with identical wrappers to many others. Scott would have to be particularly observant and calculating to notice the disappearance of those.
Prizes obtained, he found his way back to his room and connected with John again.
"Grandma's on her way up," his brother warned, and despite having Grandma as an ally, Gordon figured it would be best to throw on some pyjamas and slink into bed regardless – after depositing the toffee in his bathroom cabinet inside one of his boxes of tablets.
Empty tablet boxes that had not yet reached their expiry date made fantastic hiding places for small objects. With the prescription declaring them for the sole use of one Gordon Cooper Tracy, none of his brothers had any cause to ever touch them. Not even John knew about that hiding place. Probably. You could never be too careful with the Eye in the Sky.
"You decent, kid?" Grandma asked, knocking on the door. John flickered out of sight, and Gordon made a noise that was probably an affirmative from under the covers. She took it as such and his door hissed open. Footsteps crossed his floor, and the bed dipped near his head. He looked up to see her grinning back down at him. "As you're in bed, I assume you've done what you needed to?"
He grinned back at her.
"Yup," he admitted.
"Good, good," she said. "I must say, it's a nice change to see your brother away from that desk more. Toffee or not, he was starting to stick to it."
Gordon laughed and she ruffled his hair.
"Now get some shut eye. Your brothers will have questions if you're out and about after I sent you to bed, and with you boys' job, it's something you're all lacking anyway. If I catch you out of bed again, I'll be dragging you back in here by your ear, got it?"
"Yes, Grandma," he agreed; sleep was nice, even if he'd rather be doing a few more laps in the pool. Ah well, sometimes sacrifices needed to be made in the name of pranking.
"I'll see you later," she told him, kissing his forehead – he made a face – before leaving the room.
So, Grandma didn't want to see him out and about? Well, that was what John was for.
"Hey, John?" he called once the door was shut. His brother appeared immediately, and Gordon suspected he'd never actually left, just culled visual. "Let me know when I have another five minutes free on this floor?"
"Sure thing," his brother agreed. "What's your next plan?"
Gordon grinned at him.
"You know the story of the Princess and the Pea?"
Chapter 4>>>
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the-sunshine-dims · 5 years
spending time with your dark famILY
deceitber Day 4: Spending time with his dark family!!! @dragonindigo245     also this is pretty long so its going under the cut
*~warnings~* Remus being Remus, food, strong language, insomnia mention, Remus putting fruits in the pan with pancakes,
pairing(s): platonic dlampr, background logince (re, vi, and de are platonic but if you want to say its romantic or a qpp/qpr be my guest)
words: 1739
characters: Virgil, Remus, deceit, Logan, Patton, roman,
ao3 link
also this is long so its going under the cut
it was nearly Christmas, or- it was in the Christmas month but that doesn’t sound as cool, anyway Virgil had decided he was ganna spend time with his dark family. he promised them 
it was a rather cold day which Virgil knew meant that everyone was probably huddled up in blankets and sweaters, Virgil smiled at the thought as he stared up at the ceiling of his room. he sat up and sighed “ok gotta get a hoodie on” he said absently as he stood up and tried to find a comfy hoodie in his closet, his normal one was getting washed since roman had somehow gotten ketchup on it, his eye cought on a ugly charismas sweater Patton gave him, it was grey and purple with a big Christmas tree on the front and it said ‘ya better watch out’ a bunch with the words reaching the bottom of the sweater, he smiled and put it on 
he headed to his door and opened it, he went down the hallway trying to find Patton or Logan or even roman just so he could tell them he wasn’t ganna be around today, he finally went down stairs after not finding anyone upstairs, he saw roman, Logan, and Patton hanging out in the kitchen, Patton was making what could be assumed was hot coco, roman was talking fast and excitedly waving his hand around, Logan gave a gentle smile at whatever roman was saying or maybe he was just smiling at roman 
Virgil gave a smile and sighed gently shook his head, he headed down the stairs he got to the bottom before deciding to talk
“hey guys i’m not ganna be around the rest of the day, I might be gone for a bit tomorrow too, just letting you know” Virgil said facing the others 
“oh kiddo where are you going?” Patton asked tilting his head like a confused puppy
“oh i’m ganna hang out with the darksides ” 
Patton made a hum of acknowledgment before smiling “oh! I just remembered I have some left over snickerdoodles I was ganna give them to them but haven’t got the chance!” Patton opened the fridge and grabbed a Tupperware with around 6-10 cookies to hand to Virgil “can you give them to them for me?” 
Virgil gave a small smile and nodded taking the Tupperware and giving his signature two fingered solute before sinking out
  Virgil plopped himself into the darkscape and gave the barely decorated room a small gentle loving head shake, he walked around to see if anyone was around or he would have to go to their rooms to get them, he gently walked around making sure not to stomp. he looked over the couch and saw a sleeping deceit, he smiled to himself before walking around trying to remember exactly where Remus’s room would be, apparently he didn’t have to because after a minute or so of aimlessly walking around he felt someone run over and hug him from behind
he made a surprised yelp before his brain processed that it was most definitely Remus, he gave a small airy laugh as he turned around to confirm what he pretty much already knew, it was in fact Remus, he readjusted the cookies in his hands and hugged him back
“hey Remus how’s it goin’” Virgil gave a small smile
Remus pulled away from the hug with a big smile “oh its been fine! I’ve even made some cooler parody’s of Christmas songs!”
Virgil smiled “ok, I saw that dee is asleep wanna help me wake him up? and then we get cookies.” 
Remus was practically bouncing at that “hell yeah! he’s ganna be so mad! or maybe not! either way it’ll be fun!” Remus laughed as he skipped down the hall back to the living room
Virgil gave a small pleasant sigh as he followed Remus in suit. when Virgil and Remus got there Remus started loudly screeching and Virgil just sat down next to deceit quietly trying to nudge him awake, and that actually did kind of work to get him half conscious 
deceit mumbled something incoherent before sitting up and rubbing his eyes “mmm y-you guys better-” deceit yawned “y-ou better have a reason for waking me up”
Remus laughed “cookies!! also Virgil's here! but I think the cookies are a little more important” Remus gave a shit eating grin towards Virgil and Virgil just abrupted into laughter 
“pfft yeah i’m here and i’m a little sorry I woke you up” Virgil grinned
“ehhh your lucky you don’t have cookies other wise I wouldn’t end you all” deceit said and yawned again and leaned over and put his forehead on Virgil's shoulder
Virgil gave a small laugh “if you fall asleep Remus will eat all the cookies”
deceit gave a small noise of protest “noooooo” deceit complained, causing Virgil and Remus to laugh a little bit more
“ok come on dee you have to eat breakfast, both of you do, because I know for a fact you guys haven’t ate” Virgil said trying to pick up deceit as Remus made a small offended gasp “come on dee wake up” causing deceit to make a noise of protest as he dug his head into Virgil's shirt he heard him mumble 'warm’, Virgil gave a laugh
“oooh we should do a prank if he doesn’t wake up!” Remus said happily
Virgil laughed “as fun- as that would be I don’t want a angry snek, actually if I just put him down he’ll probably wake up by the time the food is done” 
“eh maybe,” Remus shrugged “but if he doesn’t can I try and wake him up?” Remus asked eagerly 
“sure but its your funeral” Virgil lied down deceit on the couch only to hear a small noise of protest, Virgil chuckled and went over to the kitchen to cook- err try to cook, he was hoping there was pancake mix, that was easy and tasted good
deceit had finally fully woken up to the smell of pancakes, the absence of Virgil’s warmth, and the sound of Virgil screaming and Remus laughing manically, deceit sat up and rubbed at his eyes as he turned back to the kitchen to see what Virgil was screaming about
what he saw was Virgil trying to stop Remus from putting what looked like a couple apples (but with Remus who knows) into the pan with the pancakes as Virgil tried to stop him, deceit looked over to the counter and saw a cooked apple that Remus had probably killed a pancake to make, deceit smiled at the sight of the others Shenanigan’s, deceit got up and lazily walked over to the kitchen,
Remus turned his head to deceit but was still fighting to put fruits of all kinds in the pan with the pancakes “hey double dee! your awake!” Remus twirled causing Virgil to be off guard and he plopped a tomato in “HAH I WIN” he screeched
Virgil made a unhappy noise “unfair” he muttered “dude i’m making your breakfast,” Virgil abruptly turned around when he processed that Remus said ‘hey double dee’ “oh! dee good morning, ya sleep well” Virgil said the last bit with a shit eating grin
deceit flushed “fuck you” he muttered only succeeding in getting a laugh from Virgil
“anyway breakfast is taking a bit longer then I thought due to-” Virgil turned and gave a death glare at Remus “-technical issues”
Remus laughed “your just mad I won”
“IT WAS YOUR BREAKFAST” Virgil screeched 
“yeah, yeah,” Remus rolled his eyes causing an annoyed screech from Virgil
deceit laughed “oh I have an idea to keep Remus from interfering” deceit made grabby hands at Remus “Remus your ganna be my heat pack for a bit” 
Remus laughed, happily hopping into deceits arms letting him use his warmth, Virgil laughed
“thank you dee, I think they’ll be done in a minute” Virgil said 
deceit nodded putting his chin on Remus's shoulder just chilling for a bit before Virgil eventually finished the batch of pancakes, after the pancakes were eaten they wandered back to the couch and all of them got comfy and turned on the nightmare before Christmas in the background 
“hey remember the cookies? its after breakfast so you can have some” Virgil said handing the Tupperware to the side lying his head on his lap
“thank you” deceit said grabbing two and headbutting Remus with the container 
“rude!” Remus said with an offended gasp and took the cookie container causing deceit to just laugh
“I don’t know” deceit said with a chaotic smile
Virgil laughed mumbling something undecipherable 
“what was that storm boy?” Remus said with a grin
Virgil laughed “nothin’~” he grinned
“come on what did you say?” deceit asked leaning his head  so he could see Virgil's face
Virgil laughed again “nuh uh I aint tellin’” Virgil smiled 
“whyyyy” Remus complained  
Virgil just laughed again “because” 
“that’s not a reason!” Remus complained once more
“eh I don't give up on this quest” deceit deadpanned and just lied his head back down and grabbed Remus, bringing him to lay down as well
“noooo not fair!” Remus squirmed but gave up
“oh no I cant move my legs are ganna fall asleep” Virgil deadpanned
deceit laughed manically “this was my plan all along” he patted Virgil's waist with one hand “pat pat”
Virgil sighed dramatically “oh woe is me how shall I ever recover” he said causing the other two to abrupt in giggles (Remus more maniacally) Virgil laughed “you two are such dorks”
Remus laughed “whal-” 
“-nope none of that” deceit interrupted causing more laughs, 
 Remus laughed and summoned a blanket and spreaded it the best he could in someone's arms and muttered something unintelligible before drifting off to sleep
“how did he just fall asleep?” Virgil asked baffled
“its because he is an insomniac like you”
“I mean yeah but why you got to drag me?”
deceit laughed “its cold and unpleasant…” he muttered readjusting himself before drifting off as well
“seriously? i’m the only one not asleep? wack” Virgil muttered only now realizing that him too is having trouble keeping his eyes open and not falling asleep, he carefully grabbed the container of cookies from Remus and put it on the coffee table just in reach, he gave a yawn and summoned another blanket and then he too drifted off into unconsciousness 
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kasplode · 5 years
Cool, Sweet Summer
My piece for the @katsukitchen zine! Don’t hesitate to check it out, leftover sales close on the 1st of March! All proceeds go to charity :D
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia, for the non-weebs)
Words: 1,000
The air is thick with humid summer heat, echoing with the woes of the poor souls trapped in it. Stuck in the dorms for the day, Mina and her friends deal with the weather maturely: they’re sprawled before the television, acting like children as they waste the day away.
Mina does them all a favour and makes something to help them beat the heat.
The air is thick with humid summer heat, echoing with the woes of the poor souls trapped in it. Stuck in the dorms for the day, Mina and her friends deal with the weather maturely: they’re sprawled before the television, acting like children as they waste the day away.
Eijirou moans, sprawled over the couch. “It’s too hot! I hate Japan, I’m gonna live with Santa at the North Pole.”
“Santa isn’t real,” Hanta mumbles from the floor, “and he isn’t Japanese, anyway.”
Denki sits up on the recliner, squinting. Strands of hair stick to his face with sweat. “How can he be not Japanese and not real? It can’t be both.”
Mina sighs to herself as they debate the precise language that might imply Santa is real. She’d laugh along, but the weather has her feeling too lethargic to; instead, she rises from her spot on the floor and wanders to the kitchen for a drink. Its tiled floor is cool, and Mina considers collapsing on the spot to starfish over the blessedly cool tiles.. But that would be super weird. And weird is Denki’s job, not Mina’s.
Mina basks in the waft of cool air the fridge releases, considering her options. Nothing appeals to her; everything they’ve got is so boring... And she’ll die if she can’t find something!
Then, she spots a packet of strawberries; her only hope. On her phone, Mina finds the recipe and makes her decision. She licks her lips, and eagerly collects what she needs.
But first, a sample. She pops a strawberry into her mouth, enjoying its cold firmness before biting through the flesh. Sweet acidity bursts through her mouth, cool on her tongue as she chews and swallows the yummy fruit. They’ll be perfect for what she’s making.
She chops, juices and blends, spoons servings of the mixture into ziploc bags, places them in the freezer. She washes her hands, sticky from juicing lemons, and returns to her friends.
When she returns to the t.v. area, Katsuki and Kyouka have appeared. Katsuki is spread obnoxiously over the couch beside Eijirou, and Kyouka is laughing at Denki as he rants passionately about Santa and grammar. Mina gets a round of greetings as she enters the room, taking her place on the couch beside a snorting Kyouka.
“Where were you?” Kyouka asks after she recovers.
Mina winks and raises a finger to smiling lips. “It’s a secret!”
Conversation is relaxed and steady as they lounge about, taking up all the space of the living room. Usually they’d lay over each other, all comfortable and familiar. But today, it’s too hot to contemplate touching another person, so they’re sure to leave room for Jesus as they suffer through the heat. Before long, Mina must excuse herself from the relaxed little group so that their drinks-to-be don’t become literal blocks of ice.
Mina learned this recipe a few weeks ago, when the heat of summer show itself and she’d complained about it one too many times. The next thing she knew, she was dragged to the kitchen with Katsuki chopping fruit. “You like acidic foods, yeah? I’ve got a recipe you’ll like. It oughta stop your whining.”
Mina had blinked at him, then, surprised by his friendliness and consideration. When the recipe was done, a slushy served in a nice glass with a pretty pink strawberry on top, Mina tried it and she saw god. ...Or, well. She didn’t—it wasn’t that phenomenal—but it did taste really good, and Katsuki had admitted the recipe was inspired by her, and the whole thing kinda made her cry.
Katsuki, the awkward little shit, just patted her uncomfortably as she hugged him like a teddy bear. Once she pulled away, he looked away, very obviously unable to cope with affection. When he calmed down again, he told her one last thing. “Make this stuff when summer hits, and you’ll have the idiot parade wrapped around your fingers before you can say ‘Alien Queen’.”
Mina remembers that day rather fondly.
With only a few trips to the freezer, the liquid freezes to a slushy consistency. She tastes a spoonful, hoping it’s good enough for the so-called idiot parade—and it is. It melts in her mouth, cold, sweet and tangy, tasting of freshness, of sunlight baking beach sand, of condensation rolling down a glass. She prepares a serve for everyone, making it all nice and pretty, topping each one with a strawberry. A glorious treat, if she says so herself.
Mina announces herself with a boisterous call, wearing a giddy grin and vibrating with excitement. “Bow before your benevolent master, peasants!”
After a moment of shock; “Yes Master!” Denki and Eijirou call, running to her. Hanta follows on their heels, staring at her tray of cold, fruity goodness with greed in his eyes.
“Big words for someone with a tiny brain,” Katsuki mutters, appearing behind the other boys.
“Down, boys!” Mina laughs, “There’s plenty to go around.” They back off enough for everyone to take a cup. She fixes Katsuki with a glare as reaches for his, “Dunno if someone as amazing as you can appreciate the work of someone with such a small brain.”
Katsuki crosses his arms. “This is my recipe.”
“Fine! My benevolent, lovely self will let your disrespect slide. Just once.” Mina turns away with a dramatic huff, and Kyouka and Denki giggle somewhere out of sight.
“Thanks,” Katsuki rolls his eyes, smiling.
“Thanks Mina!” Hanta grins. “Cheers, guys!”
“Cheers!” they call, and then Eijirou is swallowing his strawberry whole and choking, while everyone else tries their drinks. Sounds of delight and praise fill her ears as Mina laughs at Eijirou’s choking.
It isn’t so hot and stifling anymore, Mina notices as she flops onto the couch to enjoy her drink. The air, filled with chatter and happiness and home, is just right. And what do you know, Katsuki was right. Her favourite idiots are looking at her like she hung the moon.
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Texting Strangers
Author: Kennedy
Characters: Fem!Reader and…?
Story: Y/N, who’s going through a rough patch, texts a random number in search of a friend.
Rated PG-13 for language, mention of drinking
Warnings: Reader is going through a rough patch, but I tried to keep it on the lighter side. Also, use of language.  
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“Are you lonesome tonight? Do you miss me tonight? Are you sorry we drifted apart?”
The lilting voice of The King floated in through the open window as Y/N sat at her desk, staring at the blank screen in front of her. There was plenty of work to be done, sure. But what was the point now. She hated her job, her coworkers, the tiny cubicles, the sound the water cooler made every time an air bubble floated up. And here she was on a Saturday working from home to try and finish whatever dry, boring project her boss had saddled her with, knowing that Y/N was the only person who would actually get it done. Nevermind that Marc had ten years of experience on her two, or that it was actually Kayla’s department that was in charge of this particular project. Or the fact that Y/N was still technically an intern.
“Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare? Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there?”
And to throw a cherry on top of this hate-my-life sundae, today marked the official six month anniversary of Jeremy moving out. Break ups were always tough, of course. But things could have certainly been easier if he hadn’t literally picked up and left in the middle of the night. It seemed as though the past year had been one big non-stop “fuck you”. Work? Terrible. Relationship? Long-dead. Family? Radio silence. Friends? Moved away. Apartment? Actually starting to feel like a cave.
Y/N glanced around the room at the stack of empty takeout boxes, the pile of paperwork, the week-old laundry. Motivating oneself to clean up seemed an immense task when the overwhelming feeling in life was ‘why bother?’
“Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?”
The sad song was just too ironic to handle at that moment. Her neighbor across the courtyard was a huge Elvis fan, and listened to old records nearly every night. For the most part it was nice to have the soft music as a background when she was home, but tonight it was a glib reminder of how lonely she actually was.
“This is bullshit,” Y/N muttered to herself and closed the laptop.
It was saturday night and she wasn’t about to stay at home and mope her way through another weekend. No sir. And so with all the energy and false confidence she could muster, Y/N grabbed an outfit out of the closet, threw on some makeup, and headed out on the town.
Okay, so maybe the nightclub scene wasn’t what she was after. Thirty minutes to get in, twenty waiting for a drink, then a whole lot of sitting around on garrish plush furniture waiting for someone to walk over and strike up a conversation. The closest she came was two drunk girls telling her they liked her shoes before stumbling off into the sweaty fray. And now this overpriced, watered-down drink was going straight to her bladder.
Y/N set the now empty cup on a table and headed off for the line to the bathrooms. Surprisingly, she only had to wait for two people before she got in and locked herself into a stall. The walls were as high as the ceiling and provided a satisfying amount of privacy. Behind the safety of four walls, Y/N finally had a chance to breathe. And once again the stress of the past months settled in, despite the cheap liquor pumping through her bloodstream. She leaned her head against the wall next to her and sighed, tracing the faded graffiti.
“Satisfaction guaranteed. Call now!” and a number scrawled below, along with a doodle of a stick figure with a ‘censored’ bar over its lower half. Giggling to herself, Y/N snapped a picture and tucked her phone back into her purse. With a defeated groan she clicked back out to the sinks.
“Oh my GOD, couch girl!”
The shrill voice cut through the bathroom, and Y/N (along with everyone else) turned to glance at its owner.
“Come here, come here,” the blonde girl from earlier gripped Y/N’s hand and dragged her out into the club again, “Come dance!”
And then the evening descended into a blur.
Y/N woke to the bright morning sun pouring through the window of her own bedroom. Her head was pounding, her feet ached, and her stomach felt sour. Last night had turned into a long, drawn out drunken dance fest with her two new friends (whose names and numbers she had never managed to get), and in the cold light of day Y/N vowed to never try and drink her woes away again.
After much groaning, she managed to shuffle to the kitchen and set the hot water on, all the while cursing her past self. Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed her phone and checked the screen. One unread text.
“Dammit,” she groaned.
Work never stops. Reluctantly, she opened the message.
“If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to drop me a line again.”
An unknown number, great. Y/N scrolled back up through the rest of the conversation. And was surprised to find several hours worth of back-and-forth with the mystery person. Somehow, in her intoxicated state, she had poured out her heart to a complete stranger, telling them all about the stress and sadness and heartache over her life. In turn, they had offered support and humor, and if she hadn’t known better she would have assumed this was a conversation between close friends.
“What the-”
Y/N recalled the number from the wall of the club bathroom. In a panic, she checked the photos on her phone. But the number didn’t match the one she had texted. At least not exactly. Somewhere during her night out she had attempted to text this mystery man but instead had hit up some poor clueless stranger and had a long drawn-out conversation over the course of the evening.
With an exasperated sigh, Y/N tossed her phone on the counter and retired to the couch in defeat.
“You look really tired,” Kayla’s brunette locks appeared above the edge of Y/N’s cubicle.
Y/N nodded; “It was a long weekend.”
“Did you finish the projection project?”
“I put it on his desk this morning.”
“Ah man,” Kayla sighed. “I was hoping I could hand it in to him. I have some, um, stuff I had to go over.”
“Like taking all the credit?” Y/N thought to herself.
“Oh well, I’ll get the next one. Thanks!”
Then she bounced away, heels clicking loudly against the floor.
Y/N leaned her forehead against the desk and groaned.
Her phone buzzed and Y/N sat up, rubbing her temple, and pressed the notification.
“Hope they aren’t giving you too much crap today.”
Y/N frowned; it was the stranger from the night before.
“I’m sorry, who is this?”
It was only a moment before they replied; “You mentioned you might say that!”
“Ha ha sounds about right. But that doesn’t answer my question.”
“A friend.”
“Okay,” Y/N whispered to herself, frowning. “Is this being cute? Or shady…”
“A friend with a name?”
“I thought you said we weren’t doing names?”
“Of course drunk me would say that,” Y/N thought.
“Okay friend. Tell me a little about yourself.”
“I’m a member of a secret organization who kept me in a lab for the first part of my life in order to mold me into a super weapon. Now I spend my free time saving the world.”
“You’re funny.”
“You don’t believe me?”
Y/N smiled to herself; “Okay ‘friend’ I’ll leave it be for now. You’re a superhero.”
“Really just a run-of-the-mill hero.”
“Mm-hm, I’ll take your word for it.”
“If you didn’t have to do your job, what would you want to be?”
The question caught Y/N off guard; she hadn’t thought about it in so long. She had been fully focused on getting through school, then getting a job that could get her out of her parents  house and on her own. She hadn’t thought about what she actually wanted to be.
“Um, idk”
“That’s not good.”
“I have a job. That’s what really matters,” she paused, then added, “Do you like your job?”
“I love it.”
“You’re lucky.”
“What do you like to do?”
Y/N sat for a few minutes and considered this.
Another text came through: “???”
Finally she typed, “I love to cook. I actually took a bunch of cooking and culinary arts classes in school. But I would hate being a chef. The hours are outrageous and it gets stuffy in the kitchen.”
“What about a food truck? You could make your own hours, drive to different places every day, you could even travel.”
Y/N actually laughed aloud to herself. She had never considered cooking for a living. She had worked as a waitress when she was in highschool and the kitchen staff were always miserable and overworked. Not to mention kind of mean. She had written off cooking for a living right then and there.
“I’d never thought of that.”
“What is your favorite thing to cook?”
“Breakfast food and baked goods, mostly.”
“That is perfect food truck food!”
“I suppose it is…”
“You should check this out,” they replied, then sent a link to an article titled ‘Considering Opening a Food Truck? Read these fifteen true stories from other chefs who did the exact same thing!’
“I’ll check it out, thanks!” Y/N name typed back, still smiling to herself.
“Hey friend, can I text you tomorrow? I have to go save some kids from a bus on fire.”
“Of course. Be safe, Superman!”
“Hm, nah. Call me ‘Batman’.”
“Okay, be safe Batman.”
“Read that article; I’ll ask you about it tomorrow!”
Y/N chuckled as she pressed save contact and typed ‘Batman’ into the name.
To be continued... 
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