luvrxbunny · 3 months
guys there’s this dad in this new show that i’m watching and i stg if he doesn’t stop being such a wonderful father..? im gonna ride him into oblivion
like it’s actually getting so bad guys. (my daddy issues)
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Bruh I’m sorry but I am not ok after watching the glory like there are so many lines in that show that hit hard but can y’all just imagine
Sokka: has anyone ever told you that you’re crazy?
Zuko: as crazy as you need me to be.
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set-wingedwarrior · 6 months
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Something something, lesbians be breaking up when they're not even dating yet
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aceoflights · 4 months
Oh my god! Something incredibly exciting just happened. But I have to give background first (well I don't have to, but it wouldn't have the same impact if I didn't)
So, I've been working in a craft workshop (sorry, weird translation) for disabled people since October. As part of my voluntary social year.
We attend/guide the people in the creation of clay things (mostly spheres and bowls. But also other stuff like little ones or signs) as well as felt bags, mobilees and a bunch of other stuff. And we then sell those things.
We also sometimes sell stuff that we didn't produce. Like socks that an old friend of my coworkers knits.
A few days ago I noticed a quilt, that was being displayed (for 200€. Which is actually fairly cheap). Today I asked my boss about it. He told me that his mom made it (he comes from an Irish family). We talked a bit about it and about quilting. And I was really excited, because quilting is so fucking cool.
He then asked me what I would do with it (I assumed he'd offer it to me at a cheaper price). I told him, that I would probably just use it as one would use a blanket. But that I wouldn't get it because I already have too many blankets at home (which is true).
At some point later he got it down and showed me that the back actually also had a pattern. And I was fucking fawning over this blanket.
And he just... gave it to me. When I said no, he said it should be something to remember them by after my voluntary social year is over.
I am still so overwhelmed by this. This is such a kind act. I'm gonna fucking cry again.
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groupwest · 7 months
when she sends you a picture of the knife you made her resting in her lap
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yourstrulyriley · 10 days
currently babysitting my 8(?) y/o niece and their extremely hyper dog that my old man dog hates with a passion and it’s 12 and i can’t go to sleep until 12:45 (when my aunt gets home & picks them up & leaves) and then i have to wake up at 8:30 to get my friends cat that i’ll be taking care of for 2-3 days wish me luck chat i feel like dying
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Is this weird? I keep this Steph panel for when I feel like dropping out of uni; not to like wallow in the misery of it all (and it is miserable) but to like feel some sort of solidarity, I think. It somehow makes me feel better and more determined to keep going with it.
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I dunno if I'm wording it correctly but eh, I just really treasure Batgirl (2009) for so many reasons, you know?
Source: Batgirl (2009) #5
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musical-chick-13 · 1 month
I think that, if I have recognized that something is a compulsion and not an Actual Necessary Action, the desire to do it should go away. It should just disappear. That's what I think. It's only fair.
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jocelynships · 2 months
I’m almost done with my current rewatch of WATXM and man. MAN. I’m never forgiving Marvel for canceling this show
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leondxs · 3 months
my house is almost done and when I get moved in I’m going to be so active I swear
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brucewaynes · 8 months
the people at work are weird. like one will proudly say they're a snitch and they'll tell on you bc you're not doing your job supposedly even though i know they're talking about us apprentices. but. its hard??? working full time and studying full time???? i'm gonna use my time wisely and if it's slow at work you better believe i'm gonna use that time to study and so have the other apprentices lol and the majority of techs were literally apprentices before becoming techs so they know the struggle and are okay with us studying....
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awkwardlyaaron · 8 days
Just got a violin upgrade
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royalfrostrose · 20 days
Pov: school is over and you plan on being productive and shit but life said fck you and gave you an operation for all your 4 wisdom teeth so you can spend your new free time with suffering and a closed throat to prevent you from drinking water and stuff✨️✨️✨️
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father just told me i’m not trans. excuse me wtf do you think i am?
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caffeiiine · 3 months
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marfromthestars · 4 months
i have a desire to be weird but my desire to fit in is even stronger
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