#like I didn’t think I’d live this long so I’ve just been winging it
ffive-by-fivee · 2 years
I miss London and I miss Paris and I miss LA and I miss Denver and I miss my new friends and I miss my grandpa and I miss my girl and I miss my best friend and I miss my other best friend and I miss being on a plane and I miss my band and I miss not having arthritis and I miss my old coworkers and I miss wn and I miss that feeling in my chest when I experience something beautiful for the first time and I miss
#SO many good and exciting things and beautiful trips coming up but going down memory lane rn#sometimes planning so many things at once can be overwhelming so I have to take a step back#like I am literally planning my dream trip rn and as exciting as it is#planning 14 days is taxing and I just want to be there already#also been itching for a major life change that allots me more flexibility and I might actually pull the trigger in the next like……18 months#idk we'll see#like I didn’t think I’d live this long so I’ve just been winging it#but I think I know what I want my life to look like now#or more so the feeling I know I want to feel#and I know the steps to get there#so now it’s just a matter of making it happen#shoutout to my therapist for teaching me that grief doesn’t shrink but that instead we grow around it#and my friends for holding my hand#and my partner for being patient#the world is massive and there’s so much to discover and to live for#and there’s love everywhere#and sometimes you have to admit to yourself that the way you love means that you will never let things go entirely#but carry them with you into the beautiful new phases of your life#and appreciate them for what they were but not allow them a seat at your present table#we can’t change what is#only what will be#this was my long winded way of saying that loss sucks but there’s a whole world out there#go see it#let it change you#and maybe things will come full circle in the end#I hope you’re well
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Fated Mates 1
Ao’nung x Human AFAB! Reader
Warnings!⚠️: Mentions of Character death, sex- duhh, sex pollen just to speed the plot up, p in v, oral, use of Na’Vi words, Ao’nung Makto, please don’t ask I thought it was funny asf. I’m my own beta reader so pls excuse anything thats written wrong or doesnt make sense.
English words are stricken through whenever anyone says them
This is only part one, I’m currently unsure of how long this fanfic will be but it’ll deff be multiple chapters. As of right now I’m halfway through the second one, but please don’t rush me. My ideas flourish when I put myself in place of Y/n lol.
Translation station
Tawtute: Sky person (human)
Toruk Makto: Rider of last shadow (used to talk abt Jake)
Vrrtep: Demon
Tewng: Loincloth
Yawne: Beloved
Tìyawn: My love
Sa’nu: Mommy (but I used it thinking it meant “mama”)
Yawntutsyìp: Darling
Word count: 12.7 K … I got carried away
“You might need to sit down for this.”
I’d always visited Neteyam since the night he’d passed. I’d often done so on my free time late at night when everyone else was asleep and wouldn’t reprimand me for going without a diving partner- I just didn’t want anyone asking invasive questions about my visits. He had a habit of being in the forest, the humid environment not really being one I cared for, but never said anything because I knew it brought him comfort.
“You remember the two tawtute who came to live with my family?” He asks me although I’m sure he knew the answer.
“Yes.” I stated curtly.
Toruk Makto had to plead his case for them to be taken in under his wing. Everyone hates the two tawtute being a part of the clan, yet somehow they managed to get my sister and Rotxo to like them. The boy seems to have a thing for the forest girl- Kiri- and for some reason I believe Rotxo might like the girls company too much. The thought of them staying here made me shiver.
“I’ve been keeping a secret from you about Y/n.” He stated and I’d just made a confused face. He smiles and shakes his head to himself.
“The girl, Y/n, thats her name. You should use it to address her from now on.”
“Why?” I asked again, wondering where this conversation was headed
He seemed too nervous for my liking and all I wanted to know was what he was hiding. He never hid much from me since I apologized to him for how I’d acted throughout the time they spent with us. I’d taken it upon myself to ask Lo’ak and Kiri for forgiveness for my actions in the past as well.
“Spit it out.” I stated firmly as I continued standing and crossed my arms across my chest as I waited for him to find the courage to tell me what he needed to.
“I have chosen her as your mate.”
I could only tilt my head as I look at his face and let out a small laugh.
“I’m serious.”
“No you aren’t.” I stated firmly and could felt uneasy, my knee’s felt weak and I knew I had to sit down, but I wanted to remain standing to appear unbothered. But he could read me like a book.
“Eywa stated that she needed my help with- with your temper- and trust me it’s a lot.” He stops looking at me and turns around. “She said she needed someone who would tame that side of you and the only person I could think of was Y/n.”
“What?” I asked loudly, not registering I’d basically yelled at him.
“She’ll be a guarded at first, she’s sassy when she needs to be, but she’s a sweet heart under it all.”
“Neteyam-“ I try cutting him off as my mind starts going through this process quickly, I’m unable to think, and I suddenly feel dizzy, maybe I should sit down.
“Trust me when I say this is the best outcome for you and she needs someone like you in her life-“
“Neteyam!” I yell his name to get him to stop rambling and a look of disbelief washes over my features as I look at him. There was no way Eywa would have accepted this- my mother surely wouldn’t, she despised the tawtute, voiced her opinion loudly to my father, but he ignored her and let them stay.
“How do you even know all of this?” I asked again once He’d stopped talking and thats when his face changes to one I’ve never seen before, one that mimics a child begging for forgiveness before they explain what they did.
“Before I died…” He stops and finds the courage to look up at me again, his yellow eyes meeting mine, he sighs before beginning again.
“Before I died, we were courting. She is captivating in every way possible, a wonderful person-“
“What?” I asked in disbelief at this revelation as he’d never shared with any of us- at least to my knowledge- about his love life.
“A Na’Vi and a Tawtute?” I asked aloud again.
“My mother was against it, yours will be too-“
“No.” I cut him off again, I understood how rude I was being but there was no way I could allow myself to be mated to a tawtute.
“Tawtute cannot mate with us. They can’t form a bond, they can’t experience Eywa like we can, they can’t have our children, and I heard they die quickly.”
“It’ll be a tight fit but it works. They can’t bond the way we can but you could mark her. She’s a sensitive person already and I have seen her face- in awe- at every celebration. You can have children together if you’re fated mates and once you actually mate with her for the first time, Eywa said her age would become compatible to yours. I’m not sure how but-“
“No, Neteyam. No!” I yelled again. “This is crazy, I refuse to allow this to happen. I’m done here.”
Before he could explain any further I’d yanked my kuru from the spirit tree thus breaking my connection with Neteyam. The trip back home was a blur as all I could think of was everything he’d told me.
I decided to put a stop to the nightly visits to the Spirit tree and kept a distance from it in fear that he’d tell me this was something I had to do. I was already under my parents intense instructions as to how I need to live my life to take over once my father passes, I didn’t need another person telling me what I needed to do with my life.
I’d purposely avoided hanging out with the group knowing the tawtute would be there, I didn’t need to be reminded of everything Neteyam said, but that avoidance lasted too little for my liking, cutting myself off from them meant cutting my social circle completely, I had nobody to talk to and couldn’t bring myself to stay busy the entire day.
Two weeks seemed to be my limit.
I’d always been nervous to join the group of friends that Lo’ak and Kiri had made. Spider had no problem fitting in, but he was always down for whatever, plus he had no shame in anything. But the one who I disliked having any interaction with, was the bully. Kiri didn’t hesitate to fill me in on everything he’d put them through- including his apology to them, but I still disliked him.
Upon walking up to the group I typically nervously hid behind Kiri or Spider, or even Tuk since she was taller than me, but I’d spaced out on the way over and didn’t have time to do so.
“Hey Y/n,” Rotxo saves the day by noticing me and sweetly getting my attention. I smile back at him and give a shy wave, I could feel the scrutiny of Ao’nungs judgmental stare and chose to ignore him.
“Hi,” I stated shyly at the teal man who’d greeted me first. Rotxo had a pretty cool tattoo covering his shoulder down his bicep, it was a tribute to his iknimaya, and his tulkun brother has a similar one- or so he stated.
“My favorite tawtute!” Tsireya smiles toward me and I return one just like it.
“Does this mean I’m your second favorite?” Spider teases and I pick up Kiri’s light giggle as she elbows my brother in the ribs. Apart from Jake, who appeared -and earned his title- as a Na’Vi, Spider and myself were the only tawtute Tsireya knew. Sure she’d seen Max and Norm, but she’d never hung out with them like she does with us, and she’d only seen them once.
I only turned to look at Spider and rolled my eyes, he was a skxawng, always getting too comfortable with speaking in Na’Vi and never thinking about what he says. Yet I followed behind him as the giggle rips through my own mouth as well the more I thought about his comment.
“That still makes you the least favorite human.” I responded as he playfully pushes my head forward, letting the English phrase slide past my tongue subconsciously.
“Whose excited for today?” Tsireya asks and I could feel my nerves return, I bit my bottom lip and looked at the sand worriedly. I looked back up to Tsireya who was giving me a look.
“Whats wrong?” She asks sweetly and I shuffle in the sand a bit.
“She keeps saying she has a bad feeling about today but we’ve told her nothing bad will happen.” Kiri explains and places her hands on my shoulders giving me a comforting squeeze.
“The weather is fine, the sun is out, the wind is not strong-“ Rotxo states as he looks back into the water we’d yet to go in.
“It’s just-“ I stop myself and cover my face with my hand before sliding that hand back in my hair. “The last time I had this feeling, Spider and I were caught by the avatar’s. And we can see how badly that ended.” I pushed out.
“Hey, that won’t happen again, y’know that, right?” Lo’ak is quick to answer as he steps by my side, squatting on his toes to reassure me, Spider also coming up on my other side and hugging me. Kiri remained behind me as she comforted me by holding me by my shoulders, gently rubbing them, I was surrounded by great people.
I nod weakly at his direction but couldn’t shake the feeling.
“Y’know what dad says, right?” Lo’ak asks again and I turn to look at him. I let out a short sigh from my nostrils, just knowing where this conversation is going.
“Sully’s stick together.” Lo’ak, Kiri, and Spider stated and I looked up toward Kiri then toward my other side at Spider.
“Really?” I’m asking them in general.
“Say it back, Y/n/n.” Spider says with a playful smile on his own lips and I roll my eyes as my own smile appears.
“Sully’s stick together.”
There was a total of four Ilu going, meaning everyone was paired up, or almost everyone was. Kiri and Spider were going together and so were Lo’ak and Tsireya- no surprise there. We’d already planned for me to go with Rotxo and everyone decided it was best to leave Ao’nung alone. But in order to get to the Spirit tree, we had to dive under the retaining wall, and it was quite a long breath hold. Up until this point the Ilu had been treading above water, Rotxo had to hold one hand on the harness and the other on my hip, Kiri did the same with Spider.
“H-how long?” I asked Rotxo with a nervous voice and I could tell he knew.
“Long, but we’ll get there as fast as we can, I promise.” He states gently and uses his thumb to rub my side as a means to calm me. “Just breath in using your belly, yeah?” He says again and I nod, doing just that, taking in a breath using my diaphragm. I hold on to the harness as well, knowing that once we dive our bodies will essentially float off of the Ilu.
“Here we go,” He states as he too takes in a quick breath and we dive.
The sea floor was never really something we came close to seeing, but the vivid colors of the coral that popped up every now and again were beautiful and caught my attention. I’d come to realize we were actually pretty close to the retaining wall as Rotxo lifted one of his hands to touch the bottom part of it, I refrained from doing the same since I didn’t want my skin to shred off of my finger, I didn’t know how fast we were going and decided not to risk it. The space between the retaining wall and the sea floor wasn’t huge, but it was just enough to let the migrating tulkin come for a visit, a cute story they all shared with me from when Neteyam was alive.
I caught a couple different fish swimming around us and heading up toward the little pools of water that were at the top of the retaining wall. The Natives made sure to feed the fish that came up and only occasionally take some as to not scare them all off. I had no idea the variety of shimmering colorful scales there were but looked at them in awe. I was tapped on the shoulder twice and knew we were about to resurface and as soon as we did all eyes were on me.
“That was so beautiful!” I basically yelled and giddily jump on the Ilu. “All of the pretty colors, and the different fish, and the coral!” I squeal at it and can hear a couple of them laughing, my face felt warm and I just knew a blush was covering my cheeks.
“We’re not that far away-“ Lo’ak breaks the silence and everyone continues on the path.
I’d spent the majority of these past two weeks picking up extra work and making sure I could keep my mind off of what Neteyam had told me just to circle back so easily toward our group just because I couldn’t stand not having a social life.
I knew they’d planned an excursion of some sort, Tsireya had mentioned it to me in the hopes that I hung out with them again, and I wanted to- but I didn’t really want to because of the girl.
I knew I wasn’t in the mood to be carrying anyone with me on the Ilu, but seeing Rotxo with his hands all over her made me feel weird. Surprisingly she’d managed to hold her breath long enough to get past the retaining wall, but her child-like excitement at what she’d seen was something that made something in my chest tighten, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to understand it as I dived and headed off to where we were meant to be.
I’d been the first to arrive near the petals of the spirit tree and slid off my Ilu. I was tempted to connect myself to the tree but refrained as I knew the rest would be coming soon and I’m certain Tsireya would be upset that I’d done so without a diving partner. Just as I’d lifted myself up on the make-shift bridge I can see the rest of them coming in through the entrance, and the awe-struck face of the girl caught my attention once more.
She’s a sensitive person already and I have seen her face- in awe- at every celebration.
Neteyam’s voice rang through my head as I see the tears slide down her cheek.
“Awe, Y/n,” Tsireya coo’s and reaches over to wipe the girls face.
“She cries all the time,” Spider stated and gets hit upside the head by Kiri, I have to look away to stop myself from laughing. I figured I already had a terrible reputation with the girl and doubted they’d think I was laughing at her brother’s misfortune.
“She cries when she see’s beautiful things, skxawng.” Kiri rolls her eyes at the human in front of her.
“So,” Spider slides off the Ilu. “All the time?” He jokes and swims away from Kiri’s hand, she almost managed to slap him that time too.
“Do you want me to drop you off at the walkway?” Rotxo offers and affectionately places his hand on the humans head and I have to look away again. Some stupid part of me wanted to hiss at the action just then.
“I’ll swim.” Her tiny voice speaks up as she too slides off the Ilu. Splashing away before catching up toward the other human and smacking him on the head.
“Hey!” Spider yells as she manages to reach the walkway, pulling herself up, and twisting her body to sit as the water cascades back down.
“This is a sacred place, Spider, stop being petty in front of Eywa.” She scolds him as he grabs onto her leg and tries pulling her back in the water.
“I’ll take Eywa’s rath over you being right any day-“ He huffs as he yanks once more, knocking her off the bridge and back into the water.
I shake my head, they acted like literal children, and it didn’t help that they were already smaller than we were. Well the girl was smaller, the boy was pretty tall for a tawtute.
It didn’t take long for them to partner up, for obvious reasons Lo’ak and Tsireya were partnered up as well as Kiri and Rotxo. Kiri said she didn’t want to risk connecting to the spirit tree below water to prevent what happened last time and she’d offered me the opportunity to partner up with Rotxo instead but I declined.
The tawtute were huddled on the walkway too close for my liking as they spoke in their native tongue. I had no idea what they were saying and I didn’t want to learn their stupid language.
“Hey, fish lips-“ My ears flicker at the Na’Vi being spoken my way, I roll my eyes and ignore him.
“He has a name, Spider-“ I could hear the girl say in a hushed tone. I still ignored the two and refused to turn to look at them, focusing my stare down at the others connected to the spirit tree.
“Then yew azk hm,” I heard the retched language again.
“Uh-“ I heard the unsure voice of the girl and could hear foot steps getting closer. I turn with an unenthused look on my face but it turns to one of surprise when I realize it’s the girl.
“Sorry to bother you,” she stated so quick I almost didn’t understand what she had said. “But do you not have anyone you want to visit?” She asks so sweetly.
“Is that really your business?” I sneer at her and see her thin her lips immediately.
“N-no, not really. I just-“
“Then stop bothering me.” I answered before turning my head.
“Thats the last time I try being nice to him.”
“That was the only time you’ve spoken to him.” Spider states as he moves his legs in the water, the rest of his body sitting on the magnetic rock.
“Because he’s rude. He’s a dick.” I sat back down and sigh heavily. I can feel the wind pick up and the hairs on my arm stand to attention, goosebumps covering my body.
“Hey, Spider-“ I stated in a serious tone and he looks up at me.
“What is it?” He asks with a raised brow and I can feel the tingle in my body.
“I felt it.” I stated seriously and his face falls at the realization. He looks up above my head and I turn to look behind me at the black clouds that were starting to cover the sky.
“Hey- hey, It’s going to be okay, we’ll make it back safe.” He reassures me but I shake my head as all I can do is think back to what happened the last time I got this feeling.
“Hey, fish lips, we need to call everyone back!” Spider yells for him and all I can do is get lost in thought about what could possibly happen. I’d never been in the sea during a storm. The waves start picking up by the tree but only a little.
“Everything is fine, we don’t need to-“ Ao’nung starts talking but pauses when he turns around. He jumps into the water immediately and leaves us on the surface.
“Spider we need to leave, now!” I yelled and could feel myself breathing heavily.
“Look at me, look-“ He grabs my face harshly but I couldn’t really feel it. “We got out of dad’s grasp we can get out of this too, yeah?”
All I could do was nod and at that point everyone had emerged from the waters, calling over the Ilu.
“Y/n, come here-“ Rotxo is quick to call me as his Ilu strides over. I’m shaking at this point and struggle to lower myself on the walkway and toward his Ilu.
“Hurry up!” Ao’nung yells and the waves start picking up, splashing over the walkway
“Bro, shut the fuck up.” Lo’ak speaks and it comes as a shock to everyone. He’s holding onto Tsireya but his look would definitely kill, he turns to me and his face is full of worry as he too makes his Ilu come closer.
“C’mon Y/n/n, lower yourself to sit on the walkway, we’ll help you.” He stated and I nod, I lower myself on the walkway to sit.
“Rotxo, grab her hips and sit her on the Ilu, she doesn’t weigh much.” He reassures the teal guy as he does exactly what Lo’ak says and Spider dives into the water, popping up by Kiri, who offers her hand as she helps him sit on the Ilu she was on.
“We’ll need to try to do the trip under water as much as possible, just tap on my hand when you need to breathe, okay?” Rotxo reassures me and I nod trying to take a deep breath but failing to do so as the tears start.
“You’re okay, Y/n, they won’t take you again. You have all of us here to protect you,” Rotxo states and gingerly pats my tummy, I take a few quick breaths before taking a huge breathe and we dive.
Its crazy how the top of the waters were roaring crazily, waves crashing around as the sea had her mood swings, but everything below the surface remained calm. Rotxo signs to ask me if I’m okay and I sign back that I could use another breath, then tap his arm twice with my own.
“I’m sorry-“ I stated as we reached the surface and I can feel the rain splashing on us harshly, the black clouds had caught up to us and the wind was sharp.
“It’s okay, are you ready?” He asks as he takes a breath of his own and we dive once more.
The group had all resurfaced a little further ahead of us but joined soon after. I knew my intuition was right, but I wanted to have a nice outing today and was hopeful that I was wrong, but after the bad feeling I get in my gut it usually goes away after being proven right but it was still there. I felt a warm presence beside me and in the blink of an eye I flung from the Ilu.
I could feel Rotxo reach out to grab me but he’d failed to as I was already pretty far away. I’d managed to let out a huff of air as I was unexpectedly swept away and held my breath since I couldn’t resurface, waiting for the dizzying current to stop and could feel my vision going black as my eyes felt heavier. Maybe now I would join Neteyam.
For some reason, I had a voice in my head telling me to swim behind everyone else and make sure they got home safe before I did. It might have just been from my fathers training in becoming a great leader, so I shook it off.
We were technically halfway to the retaining wall and the sea water above us was rambunctious. I’m unsure what had caused this type of storm but it was happening for a reason, maybe because we brought them with us to a sacred place.
Before I could think any further I could see Rotxo reaching back to grasp the human that had surprisingly flung off his Ilu. I see how quickly her body was passing by and could only conclude she’d been swept away by a current.
Go home, I’ll get her, I’ll see you there when this is over.
I signed to Rotxo but didn’t wait for his answer as I’d already made my Ilu swim into the current to follow the human. It didn’t take long for me to reach her but she felt limp, I couldn’t resurface and check on her so I swam to the closest place I knew wouldn’t be affected.
Resurfacing in the cave where the water was much calmer helped tremendously. I’d settled the human on the make shift level ground in the middle. I tried remembering what Rotxo said Neteyam had done to Kiri when she swallowed sea water as well. I lean down slowly and turn her body toward the side and she spits up a lot of water. She opens her eyes and sits up quickly, backing away once she see’s me.
“What happened?” She asks immediately as I had placed my hands up to show her I meant no harm. She seemed to have touched a plant as she scooted backward and looks back at her hand as she does and rubs it against her leg.
“You were swept away from a current, I followed after. I couldn’t resurface with the storm so I brought you here to make sure you were fine.” I admit and felt myself confused as to why I was giving her so much information.
“Wheres everyone else?” She asks and coughs a bit.
“I told them to keep going home and we’d meet them there eventually, but we have to wait for the storm to pass.” I explained.
“Why did you save me?” She asks and confusion settles over her face.
“Because I felt like I needed to.” I admit and she lets out a small hum. She looks around in the cave and rests her back against one of the walls.
“Is this your secret place?” She asks and I look back at her raising a brow.
“I come here to think.” I admit and look back toward the natural waterfall that separates the entrance of the cave and where we sat. Water surrounded the make-shift island until where she sat with her back to the wall, the water was shallow near her though.
“It’s pretty, the lights make me feel calm.” She states and points to the bioluminescent walls as some of the plants are blooming around it. I nod absentmindedly as I stare at the plants and the realization hits me.
“Oh no,” I stated and stood up to inspect the flowers. “No, no, no,” I repeated as I rubbed the pollen between my fingers and could smell its sweet aroma.
“What? Whats wrong?” She asks and gets up, wiping her hand on her cheek, I turn and grab at her hand quickly, looking at the pollen on her hands and cheek.
“Ao’nung-“ She pleads.
“I didn’t know they were in bloom- I, I swear I didn’t do this on purpose.” I could feel myself freaking out for the first time in a while.
“You’re freaking out over flowers?” She laughs a little. “I thought this was something serious.”
“It is serious. The pollen reacts with us in a negative way and it-“ I stop myself and look at her. “I have no idea how it would affect you.”
“Is this a kind of joke to get me scared over a flower?” She asks and sits back down.
“Not to tell you what to do but could you hug me or something? You guys are usually very warm and humans are sensitive to temperatures, being wet and in a cave isn’t really good for me.”
“I’m not touching you,” I stated firmly.
“I could die if I’m not warm and no I’m not lying about that. It’s either hug me now or face Jake and Neytiri later.”
I hadn’t woken up from my sleep completely because I’d kept my eyes closed but felt warmer than I usually did. I tried moving to allow myself more ventilation and it wasn’t until now that I felt an arm wrapped around my waist, my back was pressed against someone’s chest.
“Too warm-“ I stated sleeping and tried pushing against the hand on my waist to no avail.
“S’what you wanted.”
I opened my eyes immediately and try pushing with more force but every swipe of my body against his felt good.
“Ao’nung,” I whined but bit my lip at how I’d sounded.
“Y/n,” He retorts back sleepily and pulls me back against his chest.
“So you are capable of calling me something other than Tawtute and Vrrtep.” I try pushing myself away again and feel something else poking into me and he groans. Oh shit.
“Stop moving,” He groans but keeps a tight grip on me.
“Stop holding me against you.” I try getting away and feel his arm tighten around me, not allowing me to move.
“You said-“
“I know what I said, but its hot, I’m sweating. And your hands aren’t helping.”
“So it affects you too.” He states and I turn to look at him- or turn as much as I could.
“Are you going to tell me what that flower does?” I asked and he groans.
“You’ve felt the affects of it already, but I know what you’re thinking and you can’t fix it on your own. I’ve tried before and failed and waiting it out lasts three days. It’s unbearable but I won’t do anything you don’t want to.” I could feel his breath on my neck and bite back a whimper. His finger moves aimlessly around the edges of my tewng, near the bow I used to tie it.
“So we can agree we’re doing this to help each other out right?” I ask and he grunts as an answer, his fingers tugging one of the strings within the bow to untie it.
“I’ll stop when you say, even if it pains me, but you need to understand that you can’t do this by yourself.” He states and kisses my shoulder.
And with that the string is untied and my tewng is pushed off of my body, my neck is being peppered with many kisses and his hand is rubbing up against my thigh. Grasping it and lifting it up and over one of his own, letting it dangle, and it wasn’t until now that I felt how wet I’d become.
“You smell amazing,” He comments and a blush covers my face. The hand that had been on my thigh is now on my belly, sliding down slowly.
“Shut up,” I gasp as his fangs tug on the skin of my neck just right.
It doesn’t take long for his hands to reach the place I needed them in and I gasp at how gentle he’d been when sliding his hands across my aching cunt.
“What do you like?” He asks while collecting some of my slick and rubbing it on my hardened clit.
“That, I like that-“ I whine as I find it hard to think in Na’Vi since all I could focus on was the pleasure he was providing me at the moment.
“You smell so damn good-“ He groans and takes his fingers away from my cunt, shoving them in his mouth, and I’m mortified, but he groans at the taste. “-and you taste divine,” His fingers move back to where they were.
“Oh fuck,” I whine at the feeling and throw my back.
“I have no idea what you’re saying but I know they’re naughty words, you shouldn’t speak like that, Y/n.”
“Ao’nung go faster, please.”
“You’ve been fingered, right?” He asks.
He carefully places one inside and the stretch was welcomed, but strange, I hadn’t had anyone do this since just before being captured in the forest. But I couldn’t help myself sliding against it. He snakes his other hand around to hold my clothed breast in his hands.
“You’re close aren’t you, I can feel it.” He whispers and kisses my cheek. I could only throw my head back between his beck and shoulder while shamelessly riding his finger, my bottom lip stuck between my teeth.
“No,” he pulls on my chin with the hand that was on my breast. “I wanna hear you, little one.”
I couldn’t help but allow myself to moan loudly at his words and actions. It doesn’t help that my back was against his chest but I needed my mouth on his.
“Can you take another one?” He asks.
“Yes,” I answer mid moan in plain English and I’m happy he understood as he shoves a second finger in, the stretch wasn’t painful, it felt so good to have someone else doing this again.
“Too wrapped up in pleasure to think in Na’Vi?” He teases and I nod my head.
“Ao’nung, I’m coming-“
“It’s like I can understand you, even with your demon language, come on my fingers, little one.”
Her orgasm gripped my fingers ferociously, her smooth velvety walls were greedily sucking my fingers in at the same time and her moans were making the experience sweeter. I couldn’t help but bite my own lip to prevent the whimper from coming out but failed at doing so as I watched her body react to my fingers alone.
I slid my fingers out of her dripping cunt and could see how well she’d covered them with her juices. I sit up bringing them up closer toward my mouth and taste her again, groaning in pleasure at her taste, she was addictive.
“Let me help you-“ she’s breathing heavily, chest rising up and down as she shakily turns to look at me.
“Why?” I asked her in confusion but wanting to kick myself in the face for turning her help down.
“Because you helped me, now it’s my turn to help you.” I hadn’t noticed before since it was dark in the cave but her pupils were blown wide, yet she was acting sweet.
“You’re acting kind,” I stated in a state of shock and she just nods.
“If we continue I will not be kind, the pollen makes us-“ she places her hand on my mouth to stop me from talking.
“Fuck the pollen, no wait, fuck me, but also fuck the pollen.”
Lo’ak had said that word has two meanings but I seemed to have understood her completely at that moment. I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander down toward her mouth and back up at her face again.
“Has he put his in your mouth before?”
“Yes,” She answers plainly as her little fingers greedily move their way to untie my tewng. And the relief flooding through my body as soon as my cock sprang free.
“Woah-“ She comments and just stares, is she disgusted?
She carefully uses a finger to trace it from the head back to the base and wraps that hand around it, her entire hand couldn’t wrap around it completely and I could feel my pride grow.
“So Metkayina men are bigger in every aspect.” She glides her hand back up toward the head and a shudder leaves my body, she slides it back down.
“What about you?” She asks, I hadn’t realized I’d closed my eyes until I find hers on mine when I open them. “What do you like?” She repeats the question I’d asked her earlier as she glides her hand back up toward the head. I place my hand on her head after she asks me the question, ruffling her hair.
“Whatever you’re comfortable with, little one.”
And with that she smiles, using her other hand to collect slick from herself and placing it on top of the one on my cock, I couldn’t help but thrust my hips up in her hands after she’d done that. She doesn’t hesitate to run her thumb over the head and I tried to hold it in but-
“Please-“ I beg and thrust myself into her hands again.
“Please what?” She asks in such a tiny voice I felt so out of place but I thrust in her hands again, whimpering at the sensation.
“Awe, come on, use your words.” She teases her thumb over the head again.
“I want-“ I thrust again and moan “-to come,” I huff and thrust myself faster.
“Not yet,” She seemed to be having fun with this as she moved her hands faster.
“Will you stop being mean to me if I let you come?” She asks and it catches me off guard.
“W-what?” I asked as my hips move on their own, just to feel her sweet hands at work, she had such a gentle touch.
“You heard me.”
“I’ll do anything you want if you let me come,” I moan and my breath hitches at her pace.
“Y/n, I’m close-“
“I know,” She leans down to fit the head in her mouth and the warm sensation was what threw me overboard as I came while moaning at the suckling she’d done, losing control of my hips and pushing in the slightest bit.
I’d detangled my hands from her hair, not remembering when it was I’d done that, and her mouth slides off my cock. She has drool and cum dribbling down her chin and I can’t help but use my thumb to clean her up a bit, only to shove it back inside her mouth and she clamps it shut around my finger, sucking it clean without my asking.
“You’re filthy,” I spoke in shock feeling my cock pulse at her actions. “I want to taste you,” I added and she stops sucking, looking back at me with wide eyes, letting go of my thumb she only stares up at me.
“Okay,” she sounds shy all of a sudden but all I can do is smile.
“You’re very beautiful,” I said in a serious tone and she only looks down. I grasp her jawline gently between my pointer finger and thumb, moving her face up to look at mine and lean down to kiss her. She kisses back and wraps her arms around my neck, making my cock twitch back to life.
“How do I take this contraption off?” I tug at the shirt she wore, it was an off the shoulder that came above her belly, but I had no idea how my sister made it or how she took it off. She turns around and moves her hair and I see it tied together.
“How are you ready to go again?” I asked once I turned. I had meant to grab his face to kiss him but felt a little curious.
“Lay down for me,” He orders and I could feel myself clench around nothing but sit on my bum, looking up at him, I was nervous. Sure Neteyam and I had done things with our hands to each other, we’ve also done oral, but we never got to the full act of sex, so I was still a virgin even when Neteyam’s fingers popped my cherry. And there was something taboo about getting head from my friends bully.
“Are you okay?” He asks and I felt the nerves in my belly act up. His hand had come to my face and it felt warm.
“Just nervous.” I nod and turn my head to kiss his hand, his face softens and he leans down to kiss me again.
“I can kiss the nerves away, little one.”
And it surprises me that he does. The heat from the stupid pollen had returned as it made its way throughout my body but with each kiss he’d given me down my neck and onto my collar bones I could feel myself cooking down again. He doesn’t waste any time massaging my bare breast with his massive hands, making sure to pay attention to my nipples.
“You’re a tease-“ I gasp and he hums in agreement placing one of them in his mouth. Twisting his tongue around my nipple.
“Damn,” I mutter breathless.
He switches over toward the other nipple and gives it the same attention and I could feel the slick again, moaning at the sensation of his hand gliding down my side and onto my thighs. Lowering himself as he peppers kisses down my stomach and settles between my legs, making sure his arms are holding my thighs apart, hooking them around and holding me in place.
I swear I can hear him purring but he doesn’t really move, I peer over and notice he’s sniffing my cunt and I moan at the sight. He starts placing kisses on my inner thigh, trailing them up toward his prize and I’m a whimpering mess.
“I’m going to enjoy this more than you are,” He comments and licks teasingly around my lips, but with how sensitive I am down there he may as well have been licking my clit.
“St-stop teas-ing,” I manage to mutter but he doesn’t care since he does it a second time, ripping out a moan from me. I gasp as he licks a fat stripe on my cunt, I buck my hips as much as I can with how still he’s holding me and it makes me feel feral.
He takes his time licking around my already sensitive and puffy clit, kind of like french kissing my cunt, but I couldn’t help myself as I bucked my hips in his mouth, although I hadn’t succeeded much in moving my lower half. I could feel my orgasm approaching and needed to hold onto something- so my hands flew up to his hair. I can hear him laugh into my pussy as he continued eating.
“Fuck, please let me come.” I whine and feel him tapping on my belly with one hand. I struggle to look down and his face is buried in my pussy, but he signs instead.
Go ahead and come.
And with his permission I seize up under his tongue working his magic on me, he’d let go of my thigh as he signed and I humped the ever living fuck out of his face as I came. Once he comes up for air I can see how shiny his nose down to his chin look. I let out a tired giggle upon seeing his face and have come to realize his pupils are blown wide.
“I think I’m addicted to you,” He kisses my tummy on his way back up and plants a kiss on my forehead.
“How?” I asked out of curiosity.
“The way you smell,” He kisses me on the mouth and I could practically feel the emotion.
“The way you taste and the sounds you make,” Another kiss.
“How sweet you are,” Another.
I don’t hesitate to take my hand down toward his penis as he kisses me a third time and he hisses. I run my hand as low as I can and back up, squeezing the head to tease him a little as his hips jerk into my hand.
“I thought I was filthy?” I teased and purposely let go of him.
“You can be,” He leans down and kisses me again.
“Have you ever had- this, with anyone else before?” I asked him.
“Are you getting jealous?” He smirks and I roll my eyes.
“No, skxawng,”
“Yes, but this is also as far as I’ve gotten with them. But I want to go further with you, if you’ll let me.” He seems shocked at his own words but his face is serious. “Have you and-“
“This is as far as we’ve gotten too.” I admit. “But-“ I stop myself and catch his eye.
“I want you to be my first, pollen or not, I want to make you feel good, Ao’nung.” I stated seriously. And his hands find my face gently caressing my cheeks.
“I want you to feel good, but I need you to tell me if it hurts, I’m not sure how much of me you can take or if I’ll hurt you in the process.”
“I took two of your fingers pretty well, I’m sure I can handle you.” I stated and he kisses me again, so much passion and emotion running through me I felt dizzy again.
We found ourselves lying in missionary and he’d been biting his lip the entire time, working his way up to sticking his penis in.
“Look at me Yawne,” He asks and sounds scared as I look over. “You promise you’ll tell me?” He asks and his concern is adorable.
“Yes, I promise, but the burning feeling of the pollen is starting to come back pretty bad,” I whined slightly and he nods. He bites his lip in concentration and places the head against my waiting hole covered in slick. I gasp at the feeling of his head spreading me and it felt massive.
“Fuck-“ He states in pure english and I’m shocked at how he’d used the word correctly. His chest is rising a little faster than before but his eyes were closed.
There was no way this entire thing was going to fit into me and not hurt me, there was no fucking way! I tried to breathe through it to calm my heart but I should have known he would have sensed something was off.
“Talk to me little one, how does it feel?” He asks with such composure I feel surprised he managed to speak so calm.
“Uncomfortable but only a little,” I groan.
“Do you want to stop?” He asks and I keep my head laid down but move my eyes to look at him, shaking my head.
“I’m okay, keep going,” I urge him, he does go in more and he groans. I let out a long exhale as I try mentally preparing myself for this. I let out a cry as soon as I feel his fingers stroking my clit, unintentionally thrusting my own hips, taking more of him in.
“Figured I should help you out a bit,” He teases while running many circles over my already abused bud.
“How much of you is inside?” I asked through clenched teeth.
“About a third,” He states. “Are you okay?” He asks and I nod weakly.
“Just keep doing that,” I grasp onto the hand he has between my legs gingerly and he speeds it up.
“Ah~” I hiss and thrust against him, taking more of him in again. But just then he hit something that made me see fire works.
“That felt so good Tìyawn,” He moans and I could only figure I’d unintentionally clenched around him.
“Do that again,” I gasp as he slides out partially but slides back in. I throw my head back and arch my back slightly feeling the tip rub against me deliciously.
It eventually doesn’t take long for him to grasp my arms and hold them above my head as he thrusted in me without mercy. Both of us had been lost in the pleasure and our moans were echoing in the cave, I’d almost forgotten the Ilu had been on the other side of the waterfall.
“Oh my Eywa,” He states as soon as his hips collide with mine.
“Y/n- ugh- wow!” He struggles to stay consistent and I’m in a world of pleasure. I lift my head up to look at his face but this man is straight up biting his lips and his eyes are closed. It doesn’t take me long to look down and see the bulge in my belly as he moves and I contract around him.
“Agh-“ He hisses.
“Let me touch you, please-“ I couldn’t find it in myself to speak in Na’Vi so I didn’t.
But just as he happened to understand me earlier, he understood me again and releases my hands from his grasp. It was only a hypothesis but I had to test it out, as his body leaned over me I grasped the tips of his ears and rolled them between my thumb and pointer finger.
“Wanna come so bad, please let me come,” His hips stutter in deliciously against mine and he’s become a whimpering mess. I smile weakly at my victory and rub his ears faster and he’s moaning loudly, I had no idea he could be this vocal.
“Please little one, I need to come,” He begs again and his hands are on my hips, I could feel it too.
“Feel s’good, warm, tight, fuck!” He growls out the last word in English.
“Come, please come!” I whined and he leans down to bite the skin between my neck and shoulder at the exact moment I contract around his girthy cock. Hot spurts of his come coaxing my womb generously, most of it coming back out.
“Wait-“ She places her hands on my arms as I dipped her into the water carefully, holding her body close to mine as I washed my come off of her.
“I’ll be quick, just need to clean you up,” I stated as my hands gently went between her legs to clean her up, her hiss is what stopped me in my tracks but I continued even slower.
“Is the storm over?” She asks and my ears flicker at the question, it hadn’t occurred to me to check the weather but didn’t hear the splatter of rain drops on the cave.
“Yes, we should head home soon before they send a search party.” I admitted and she nods. I slowly lift her out of the water and place her on the little island, pulling myself out of the water and sitting next to her, I’d already put my tewng back on and stood her up to place hers on as well. I held on to her hip to steady her as her legs kept shaking and managed to wrap hers on her body and tied it off.
“How do you put this back on?” I asked as I grasped the shirt she wore and she yanks it from my hands, placing it on herself, moving her hair out if the way so I could tie the back of it.
“We should probably go now, how far away are we?” She asks.
“Not too far, about halfway.” I stated and called the Ilu over, it emerges from the waterfall blocking this area from the entrance of the cave and I sit on it, holding a hand for her to take.
“I’ll go above water but you’ll need to hold your breath when we get to the wall.”
“Okay,” She’d responded and we spent the entire way back in silence. I wouldn’t call it comfortable but it wasn’t terrible, I figured she needed to rest her mind somewhat before talking, and I granted her that silence until we got back to the retaining wall.
“Ready?” I asked.
“Not really,” She responded. I’d placed my hand on her belly to feel her take her breath and she seemed to understand as she slowly inhaled deeply. Once she stopped I gave the Ilu the instruction to dive. I’d already seen the familiar faces of my parents and her family waiting for us to arrive as soon as we’d come back up.
“I was worried when the storm let up and I hadn’t seen you, what took you so long!” My mother’s voice was the first to speak once we got closer.
“I wanted to make sure she was okay to dive again.” I answered and out on the best face I could to convince her. As we got closer I placed my hand on Y/n’s hips and lifted her off the Ilu and straight into Toruk Makto’s hands, who lifted her up with ease.
“We were worried for you, kid.” He speaks to her as he kneels to check if she is injured.
“Whats this-“ He asks and reaches for her neck, she immediately hides my marking from him and covers it with her hair.
“Nothing.” She stated nonchalantly and he gives her a look before his eyes find mine. I look away immediately, I didn’t want him reading into my soul.
“Is the tawtute hurt?” My mother asks and takes a step closer to her.
“M’fine. I didn’t get hurt, your son took care of me, sorry for worrying you.” She stated so plainly and starts to walk away, I furrow my brows and hop off the Ilu, disconnecting myself from him and stepping onto the walkway myself.
“Wait a minute, Kid,” Jake speaks up after her and she stops but doesn’t turn around.
“Thank you for waiting for me, but I’m tired, I need to rest now.” She speaks and walks once more, Jake following after her.
“What did you do?” My mother hisses at me as I watch Y/n walking away.
“What? Nothing. I went after her when she was swept away from a current and made sure she was feeling better before we came back here. We waited the storm out in a cave nearby.” I omitted some of the truth but that was something she didn’t need to know about.
She only glares at me but takes my word for it as she turns and starts walking back herself, but not without stopping at the many people who had gathered around. It seemed like she was working on gathering a search party for us.
“What happened?” Neytiri asks me so calmly I had not really expected this from her. Jake and I had just arrived at the entrance of the marui where she stood. I had no idea what to say but also didn’t want to have this conversation.
“All that matters is that she’s fine and needs her rest. Right kid?” Jake cuts in and I’m thankful he does.
“Y/n!” Tuk shouts happily from behind Neytiri and runs up to hug me.
“Hi TukTuk,” I smile at her and hug her back.
“Holy shit, she lives!” Spider comes out after hearing Tuk yell, I’m sure, but comes up to hug me either way.
“Don’t cuss in front of the child Skxawng!” I smack the back of his head and he laughs.
“Holy shit! Y/n!” Lo’ak is the next out of the tent followed by Kiri who all join in on the hug. I’m appalled at him cussing too and attempt to smack his head but hit his neck instead.
“Dad, Y/n just tried assassinating me,” Lo’ak whines.
“Good, somebody has to,” Jake jokes and Lo’ak frowns.
“Mom?” He asks and she just laughs at our antics but it wasn’t always like that with her.
When Neteyam had told her about how he was courting me for the longest time behind her back she went ballistic. She’d come up to hells gate- unannounced- asking for me specifically. I knew it couldn’t have gone well and she’d called me every name under the sun.
She had wondered what kind of corruption I’d set upon her son and wanted me to stop seeing him immediately. She’d told me that nobody would want someone they couldn’t bond with, that I was the biggest mistake he’d ever made, and he’d come to realize it soon. I’d been a mess of tears afterward and wondered why I’d allowed myself to fall for him.
He visited me after I hadn’t shown up to dinner and I begged him to choose someone else. He assured me that not even his mother would stop him from loving me, and that was the first night we ever did anything sexual. But he was gentle and sweet, and his words of affirmation made me feel so fuckin happy. It was after that night that Neteyam had stood up to his mother and told her to never talk to me the way she had again. It took a while before she wasn’t glaring at my presence but she grew to love me.
“Your mom likes me more,” I joke as soon as the hug was broken. He only places his hand gently on my head, scrunching his nose at the joke, my face fell and my eyes filled with tears at the gesture. Neteyam did that often, and I hadn’t planned to, but I started bawling.
“Oh, Kid,” Jake stated sadly and pulls me in for another hug.
“Lets go sleep, Y/n/n.” Tuk tugs on my hand while keeping herself close to comfort me.
“Come on, we can sleep like how we used to, right mom?” Lo’ak asks, his hand on my shoulder and I feel myself nodding against Jake.
I’d found it weird that Kiri, Lo’ak, and spider had shown up without Y/n. But I didn’t want to comment on it since according to them we don’t get along, much less ask everyone where the other person is so I silently prayed that someone would ask where she was.
“Where is Y/n?” Rotxo was the first to ask and I guess I should have asked Eywa to let Tsireya notice instead but it was too late for that. Rotxo had no business wondering where she was.
“She wasn’t feeling well and had to stay in the marui resting.” Spider stated his explanation and I was wondering why she wasn’t feeling well. She did act a little weird last night after we’d gotten home and none of the family showed up for dinner. Had I done something wrong?
I’d been too worried on Y/n to really focus on my tasks today. I wasn’t up to par with my teasing of the darker toned family and found myself wondering how I could fix whatever problem the tawtute had. I’d been too unfocused that my dad took notice and told me to visit my mother to check up on me.
“What is wrong?” She asks as soon as her face lands on mine and I gulp, was it that evident on my face?
“Nothing,” I answered too quickly.
“I could hear your father asking where your focus has gone. And can only imagine you are sick, which you do not appear to be, or there is someone consuming your thoughts. So, who is she?” She asked so calmly as she finishes mixing some kind of drink together, refilling one of her bottles, but looking back at me as she finishes.
“Sa’nu,” I try stopping her but knew I was blushing. It was very rare for us to be affectionate in public, but we were always digging into each others personal lives every day. We often teased Tsireya about Lo’ak and their courtship. Tsireya and I often made fun of our parents, sometimes being grossed out by their kisses, but it felt different now that I was older.
“You cannot hide anything from me ma’itan,” She smiles at me and motions for me to come closer.
“You need to make clear with this girl what it is you want. If you want to court her do so, we do not need you filling your mind with doubt or worry. If she rejects you she wasn’t meant to be yours and was a loss cause anyway. You are perfect in my eyes and you will be perfect in hers.”
“Thank you,” I said at her words. She was always willing to comfort me at any given time and she was a wonderful mother. She kisses my forehead and caresses my face, moving the strands of hair off to the side, smiling widely at me.
“Introduce us to her when you are ready, until then, I will not pry. But pretend to focus for your fathers sake, hmm?”
“Okay,” I answer with a chuckle.
“Am I to expect you for dinner, or?” She leaves the question open and I blush at her words looking away from her gaze. “I will not.” She nods her head and goes back to her liquids.
Dinner could not have come soon enough as everyone gathered around to eat together. I’d been patiently waiting for the Sully’s to show up, I’d sat with my family to keep up appearances but was too nervous to eat, I could see the small human sitting with her family looking rather upset, her eyes had been puffy like she’d been crying, and my heart sinks at the sight of her.
It doesn’t take long for someone to start the festivities with some music and dancing. Others gathered around as some told stories and I’d chosen the perfect opportunity to hide away. Waiting for the moment when Y/n separated herself from her family to go back to their marui.
As she stands up and waves at little Tuk, who’d finally left her side to go with Rotxo’s younger sisters, I take the opportunity to follow closely behind her as soon as she’s far enough from the crowd. I grasp her arm gently and she jumps as she turns.
“Have you been avoiding me?” I ask with a smirk.
“Yes.” She stated before turning around to walk away.
“Hey, whats wrong,” I follow beside her as she continues walking.
“Aren’t you supposed to be off somewhere bothering someone else?” She asks and crosses her arms while stomping closer toward the marui’s.
“Please stop.” I asked her and she does.
“I do not understand. Have I upset you?” I ask and make my way around to face her but she’s looking at the floor. I could feel my face softening at her. “Please let me fix my mistake-“
“No, you have not upset me.” She cuts me off and her words should make me happy but her refusal to look at me is not comforting.
“Then why are you avoiding me?” I asked in a serious tone. She nervously looks up at me and looks away again, sighing.
“Can we talk somewhere nobody will hear us?” She asks and I nod. Heading off toward the wooded area we had on the island. We often took fruits from here and found special things my mother uses for healing. I could hear the sounds of her feet following behind me and didn’t need to turn around to make sure she was there- she walks pretty loudly.
We manage to reach a clearing closer to the center of it all, the grass and flowers growing wildly, but not too tall, it was enough to tickle my feet but I’m sure being in the forest climate meant she’d been around grass her entire life. Just as I reach the clearing I turn and sit so she can face me, but pat the grass beside myself so she could sit by me. I felt like I needed her close, I missed her touch, her smell, her, I just really missed her. But Eywa must have been on my side because she sat where I’d instructed and it brought a small smile to my face.
“Why are you upset, little one?” I asked with genuine curiosity.
“I might say a lot of words in english, and I apologize because I don’t know the Na’Vi equivalent or it just doesn’t have a translation. But please let me talk and ask questions when I’m done.” She states and I nod giving her my undivided attention, ears flickering toward her.
“I feel guilty for what happened at the cave. Not because I got caught in a current but because of the sex, I’d never mated with Neteyam, but sex is the next best thing and I didn’t even experience that fully with him. I want to say I was under the influence of the pollen, but a part of me really wanted to please you-“ She stops as she looks directly at me and looks away rather quickly.
“I feel like I’m taking things too fast and betraying Neteyam. Lo’ak did something yesterday, something ‘Teyam always did, he put his hand on my head and wrinkled his nose, and I absolutely lost it and started crying. I’ve never felt so guilty for what I did with you, but I also enjoyed it, I feel torn, and dirty.” She hugs her knee’s close to her chest.
“I also figured once we got back here, you’d just go back to being mean and ignoring me, I didn’t know what else to do except avoid you today.”
“I’m done now,” She stated sadly and I’m bringing her onto my lap immediately, hugging her.
“I want to correct you. It is not what you did, it is what we did, I was a part of it too and I need you to know I enjoyed every second of the time we shared. I also want to stupidly point out that I did tell you I’d do anything you wanted if you made me come, and I came.” I admitted and could feel her pull away with a blush covering her face. I use my fingers to hold her chin to look directly at me, suddenly feeling bold.
“I selfishly want it to happen again, and again, and again. I can understand your guilt but moving on is a part of the healing. Trust me when I say we all miss him, you will miss him forever, I do not blame you.” I stated and lean down to capture her lips with mine, I could feel my fangs poking her a bit.
“Can I make you feel good again, little one?” I ask as I connect our foreheads together, her cute tawtute nose poking mine.
“I feel guilty for wanting to say yes,” She stated, her eyes closed tightly.
“Stop feeling guilty and allow yourself to be happy, Yawne.” I mumble.
“Yes, yes I want you to make me feel good,” She whispers with her eyes still closed and I smile. Leaning down to kiss her again, carefully caressing her hips with one hand and her cheek with the other, sure it was an awkward angle but I didn’t mind.
In the midst of our make out I swipe my tongue on her bottom lip and she accepts by opening her mouth. Her tongue was soft against mine and allowed me dominance. She moans into the kiss grinding herself on me and I bite back a groan.
I remembered the way her shirt comes off and reach around to untie it as I kiss her jawline, managing to slide the loops away from each other as the shirt loosens around her, I kiss down her neck and let go of the string, bringing my hands back over toward her arms where the shirt was, tugging it off of her without breaking my concentration. I take both breast into my hand and play with her nipples as I kiss her collarbones.
“Your hands feel so good,” She allows herself to moan and the sound goes straight to my cock.
“It makes me happy that I can please you with only my hands,” I speak in a much lower tone as I hungrily take in her body.
“I want you to lay down, little one, you can do that for me, can’t you?” I asked and she nods and does just that. My hand slides down to untie her tewng, throwing it off to the side to join her shirt, letting my other hand trail down her thigh, grasping it gently behind the knee, squeezing myself between her.
“I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again, I’ll enjoy this way more than you will,” I kiss down her stomach, making my way down her thigh.
“Ao’nung~” She moans and I hum at her, looking up at her breathing heavily, a primal surge going through me.
I gently kiss her inner thigh from where her knee is, but end up kissing and sucking my way up her thigh, leaving marks on her as she writhes beneath me.
“Please,” She begs and I’m in awe of how raw her voice sounded.
“Please what?” I ask as I huff my breath into her cunt, knowing it drover her crazy.
“Fingers, please,” She whines and I hum.
“I was going to use my mouth,” I started and she cries out.
“Use both!”
“So demanding, Tìyawn, but we can work on your manners later.” I delve one finger inside her and feel how warm she is just as she moans for having it placed inside her.
“I love your sounds, Tìyawn,” I stated sweetly and she moans, I could watch her like this for the rest of my life and be satisfied.
“I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t taste you now, little one, forgive me if I lose my composure, yeah?” She lets out a guttural sound similar to a growl and it turns me on more. I dip my head to finally taste her, letting my tongue run all over her engorged bud and finally swallowing the first of her sweet slick.
“Don’t stop please, don’t stop-“ She mutters as her hands hold onto my hair, I let a chuckle bubble out as I continue eating her sweetness. I didn’t plan on stopping any time soon and I think she knew. I decided now would be a perfect time to stick a second finger in and she wails loudly. Had it not been for how loud everyone else was being I might have told her to hold back, but her sounds were just as addictive as her taste, and the sight before me.
“S’good, s’good, fuck, fuck-“ Her hips were snapping at their own pace as I continued.
“Holy fuckin’ shit-“ She seizes uncontrollably and my face gets covered in wet liquid, I stop and stick my face back up to see her with a confused expression on my face.
“I’m so sorry-“ She backs off of my fingers and has a hand over her face. I slide my fingers into my mouth and close my eyes as I savor the taste.
“I don’t know what that was but I want to see you do that again,” I leaned back down before she stops me.
“I want to return the favor-“ She starts.
“I said I wanted to make you feel good, not the other way around, Little one.” I kiss her as she sits up on her elbows.
“Then make me feel good, please,” She starts sitting up but I place my hand on her chest, feeling her heart almost bursting out of her chest.
“Please,” She asks again.
“You don’t ever have to beg for that Tìyawn, never.” I backed off as I untied my tewng and see her face relax.
“Look at me, pretty girl, I want to see your face.” I state as I get back down between her legs, lining myself up, pushing slightly.
She moans at the contact while biting her lip and her eyebrows bowed. I lean down to kiss her as I push in slightly and she groans.
“Does it hurt?” I asked as I stand still while inside her and she nods a little.
“Let me help you-“
“No,” She stops my hand. “It feels so good at the same time, please move,”
“Little one,” I warn but she manages to slide herself onto me, moaning as she does so while knitting her brow together, tears forming in her eyes.
“Hey,” I start to worry before she cuts me off again.
“Oh fuck s’good-“ Her eyes shut as tears stream down her face, her little hips thrusting and her sweet gummy walls clenching me tighter. “Please pleas please move, Ao, please-“
“Whatever you wish, yawntutsyìp,” I start moving my hips slow to ease her pretty cunt.
“Lay down, please, lay down!” She rushes her words and I barely understand but I stop all movement to look at her.
“Lay down.” She states firmly and I try pulling out but she stops me. “No, lay down inside me,”
“What are you planning?” I asked her.
“Ao’nung Makto, now move.” I couldn’t help but laugh but get myself into position, she unexpectedly slides down all the way once she’s on top and she places her hands on my belly to stabilize herself while moaning.
“Oh fuck-“ She moans.
“Yes-“ I hiss and hold on to her hips, the bulge in her belly is prominent and I bite back a moan.
She surprises me by planting her feet on my hips and sliding up from my cock, and slamming herself back down and moaning incredibly loud.
“If you keep that up I won’t last long,” I admit to her feeling her warmth engulf me so well. Moaning as she slams herself back down on me, I grip her hips harsher and she moans as well.
“I’m close, Ao’nung, fuck,” She whines and slams herself back down again. The tears sliding down her face again. I allow myself to meet her thrusts and her tears stream freely and I feel something soft against my head.
“Fuck!” She yells and she comes the same way she’d done earlier. But watching, hearing, and smelling her had made me come inside her as I grasped her hips harshly. She falls straight onto my chest while I was still inside and I slide her upward so I can slip out of her.
“What was that?” I ask her calmly after I’d caught my breath.
“It’s called squirting, it happens when someone is being pleasured very well.” She speaks into my chest out of embarrassment.
“Ao’nung makto?” I ask and laugh after the words leave my lips.
“I can’t think well in Na’Vi when I’m distracted.” She admits and I gently pet her hair.
“Do we have to keep hiding this from the others?” She asks and I knew what she meant. “I did it with Neteyam for a while, I can hide things well-“
“No, little one, theres no need to hide it.”
“So we can tell your mom?”
“Okay, maybe hide it from some people,” I agreed and she laughs a little.
“I told you I could walk on my own,” I laughed as he holds me like a child, I assume my height plays along with that, I held our clothes on my hands and they covered me from the cold winds of the night.
“But I like carrying you, my prize, my little tawtute,” He smiles happily as we walk closer toward the shores of the sea, I toss our clothes near the dry sand as he steps into the sea.
“Is the water cold?” I asked as he steps in further.
“A little, but if it gets to be too much I could always hug you again,” He offers and the water touches my toes, causing me to yelp, pulling my feet back up and he chuckles.
“No wait, maybe I want to smell like you-“ I started before he steps over once more and my body is submerged in the cool water. I pop up from the water and start shivering.
“Sorry-“ He laughs as he watches me struggle to wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to warm up. “-theres a slope right here, I didn’t do that on purpose Tiyawn.”
“Come here,” I said and spread my arms out for him to fit around. As he swims over I push his head down under water and laugh as he comes back up.
He tugs me closer to him and kisses my face all over. Holding me by my waist.
“We should get back to our marui’s soon-“ I admit but he places his hand on my lips gently to shush me.
“My mom knows theres someone I’m trying to impress so she’s not expecting me back any time soon.”
“Are you seriously that horny?” I asked and he seems to bite his lip as his eyes widened and this is the first time I’d seen him look anything like Tsireya.
“Ao’nung-“ I state and he smiles.
“What was that word you used earlier?” He asks and seems to find it before I could think. “Have you ever had sex in the water before?” He asks.
“You’re ready to go? Already?” I asked in disbelief as he trails one hand down my spine, the other holding my bum.
“I’m sure you know this but we like to fuck several times a night with our mate.” He whispers in my ear and I could feel a sudden tingle in my pussy, I let out a short and quick sigh.
“As long as you take it slow, I’m a little sore from before-“
“We don’t have to, Tìyawn.”
“Believe me, I want to, you just have to go slow.” I kiss him feverishly.
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exactlymaximumgarden · 2 months
what i did for love (jschlatt x reader fic)
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chapter 2: new guy
summary: after endless chatter about the so-called "new guy," you finally have a less than ideal run-in with him. word count: ≈2.0k warnings: fem!reader, use of (y/n), kinda angsty later on a/n: hi chat. this chapter is kinda tea so i hope you like it lol song: again and again - the bird and the bee
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You never thought you’d be more grateful for a lunch break in your life. The cast had been dismissed for an hour just after running the emotional monologue from the character Paul, which promptly followed your solo dance number. Teching your routine wasn’t too much of a hassle, but the actual choreography was beyond grueling. You were more than ready for a breather.
Surprisingly, Schlatt, during the run, wasn’t a bother at all. You could’ve sworn you caught him glancing at you from the wings at certain points, and you couldn’t say for sure whether or not he had seen any of your solo at all, but during the monologue afterward in which everyone in the cast was offstage save for your castmate Mateo, Schlatt was nowhere to be found. 
Not that you had a problem with that, anyway. Hell, you didn’t care what all he fucked off to do as long as you didn’t have to be there for any of it.
Now, you could only do your best to rid your mind of all thoughts related to him as you sat in your dressing room, which you shared with Victoria and two other castmates, Sierra and Lola. Aside from your already established bond with Victoria, you’d taken it upon yourself to build a closer friendship with Sierra and Lola since they played the characters Maggie and Bebe respectively, so naturally you would have to stand near them in the chorus line formation. That was also partially the reason the four of you had been grouped together to share a dressing room, so it was only beneficial for you to have a good rep with both.
The four of you were plopped in a circle on the dressing room floor, accompanied by your other castmates Ari, Mateo, and Dante. All seven of you picked at your lunches, more interested in the conversation at hand than actually eating. However, the topic quickly shifted to the oh so mysterious new guy, and as much as you wanted to shut your brain off than have to listen to speculations about Schlatt, you were also insanely hungry. So, you simply forced yourself to sit there and listen.
That was just like Schlatt, you couldn’t help but think sourly. Always the center of attention, even when he wasn’t in the room.
“Has anyone actually gotten a chance to talk to him yet?” Lola asked, her amber eyes twinkling with curiosity as she scanned the group. 
“I accidentally bumped into him after we teched my scene,” Mateo piped up. “He was pretty nice. Apologized to me and all. Even though it was totally my fault.”
“Can I say he’s kinda hot?” Sierra was next to chime in, her silvery voice quickly filling the silence. A quiet laugh promptly rippled through the group, although it took a bit of willpower on your behalf to keep your own from sounding too forced. “Like, respectfully? I’d smash.”
“You’d smash anything that breathes.” Ari, seated behind her on the dressing room counter, nudged her teasingly with his leg.
“Hey, can you blame me? I’ve tried every dating app there is. I’m debating whipping out the last resort any day now.”
“No. Becoming a nun.”
“Okay, but do we know why they brought in someone new so late in the process?” Victoria interrupts. “What happened to the old stagehand? What’s-his-face?”
“Who cares what his name was? He got fired, and good thing.” This heated answer was spat from Dante, who had been cast in the show as the lively tap-dancer Mike. His heavy Brooklyn accent was interwoven through every syllable as he continued, “He was a fuckin’ idiot, not to mention a total dick. Always actin’ like he knew everything, being a shit to Vanja and all. I’m surprised she didn’t kick his ass out sooner. But I heard they put out an open call for someone to fill in for ‘im. Anyone with at least basic knowledge of allat computery shit. I guess that’s how they roped the new guy in. Shat, or whatever he’s called.”
Of course. He made perfect sense for the job. He’d wanted to go into computer science before he’d gone down the rabbit hole of his own career. “Schlatt.” You couldn’t keep the correction from spilling from your lips. You weren’t all too thrilled to discover the way his name still tasted like acid on your tongue.
“Yeah. That.”
“Well, at least he seems nice.” Victoria shrugged. “Upgrade from the last dude.”
“Nice and sexy!” Sierra giggled, earning another nudge from Ari.
Despite yourself, you opened your mouth. You had the insatiable urge to say something, maybe a cryptic, biting remark directed towards Schlatt. Something about how nobody here knew what he was really like, how he was the furthest thing from nice, how he’d ruined everything. However, you were promptly interrupted by a knock on the dressing room door.
“Hello?” Lola called out, craning her neck to snag a better view of the visitor.
The door creaked open, and Lacey poked her head in. Lacey was a petite, curvy girl, her hair tied up in pigtails and extravagant eyeshadow powdered against her lids. She’d been cast as Val, so she figured going over the top in her stage look would fit the character. Nobody had the heart to tell her she looked clownish.
“Just wanted to tell you guys we have five minutes until we’re back,” she explained in her typical squeaky tone, a toothy grin spreading across her lips. “Vanja’s giving us a bit of extra time to get settled, though. She just finished introducing herself to Jay.”
For whatever reason, Lacey first-naming Schlatt created a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach. Nobody ever did that. Not in his circle, anyway. But you couldn’t necessarily fault her for that. She didn’t come from his circle. That was a you problem.
“Thanks, Lacey.” You quickly hopped to your feet, stashing what was left of your lunch back with your belongings. “I’m gonna go to the restroom real quick. Will someone let Vanja know in case I’m not back in time?”
“I got it,” Victoria instantly volunteered, to which you shot her a grateful smile.
“Go piss, girl!” Ari murmured, resulting in a collective snort among the group. He elicited a grin from you, too, but you’re already out the door by the time you clocked it.
Wandering through the twisting hallways of the backstage area reminded you of yet another thing you’d never get used to regardless of how long you’d been performing. It never seemed to fully register that the older the theatre, the more historic the building, the dingier the backstage was. And right now, you might as well have been traversing a maze.
All this for a piss.
You couldn’t tell how long it took you to actually locate the bathrooms within the labyrinthine hallways, and you could only imagine that, with your luck, it’d be even longer before you found your way back to the stage. And of course that proved to be true. Before you knew it, you were lost. It wasn’t your fault, you kept telling yourself. This is why you exclusively used the restrooms out in the theatre’s foyer. At least those were easy to find.
You were instantly snapped out of your daze as you collided with someone’s larger frame. You stumbled backward from the impact, but whoever you ran into quickly clamped their hands around your biceps to keep you from completely falling on your ass.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry, I-” Your vision refocused, your voice instantly trailing off as you gazed upward at the person before you. Schlatt’s eyes bore into yours, hints of both concern and amusement evident in his gaze. Suddenly, the grip on your arms turned from something relieving to much more revolting.
The corners of his lips tilted upward in the faintest of smiles as he let go of you, stepping back. You could feel his gaze raking over you, taking you in. “Hey, stranger,” he greeted, leaning against the wall beside him.
You wanted to walk away, turn your back on him this instant. But you couldn’t. You felt paralyzed. Rooted to the spot.
“Hi,” you muttered in return.
“How’s it goin’? Been a while, huh?”
“Yep.” No shit, it’s been a while. I never wanted to see you again. “I’ve been fine. Been busy with the show and all.”
“I can imagine. Seems like a lotta work already.”
“It’s Broadway. Of course it is.” Your tone came out a bit more biting than intended. Schlatt quickly seemed to catch on, his brow quirking up in a slight smirk.
“You’re right. Stupid thing of me to say.” He held up his hands in mock surrender. You huffed out a scoff, but it was clearly forced. “Well, uh, hey,” Schlatt tried once more after an awkward silence ensued. “I saw you dance a little bit. From the wings. You did… good.”
“Good, huh?” You folded your arms across your chest, a bit exasperated with how the conversation was going nowhere.
“Yeah. You did good,” he repeated, his eyes still glued to you. It was growing increasingly hard not to shudder under his stare, feeling like prey beneath him. Your stomach churned, and you could practically hear your heart’s frenzied beating within your eardrum. For a moment, he fell quiet once more, and you swore you saw his expression falter. Whatever air of confidence was there before seemed to melt, devolving into something softer, something unreadable… disappointment, maybe? Regret? “You look good, (Y/N).”
It felt like the world stopped at that. You had to fight every fiber within you that wanted to bark out an incredulous laugh. “Really?” you instead asked, bewilderment of his utter audacity clear in your voice. “Is this a joke?”
Schlatt instantly straightened, no longer leaning on the wall. An air of defensiveness flickered over him. “What? Can I not say you look good?”
“Are you actually asking me that?” It shouldn’t have been so easy for him to rile you up, get under your skin.
Schlatt’s lips flattened into a straight line as he heaved a heavy sigh. “(Y/N), come on. Listen, I know these aren’t ideal conditions, but-”
“Like hell they aren’t!” You ran a hand through your hair, feeling like you might as well have been on the brink of tearing every single strand out. “Just stop. Not now. Don’t do this to me.”
“Why not now? Look, we gotta talk at some point.”
“There isn’t anything to talk about. You made things very clear when you decided you were done with me,” you spat. Schlatt opened his mouth to protest, but you quickly interrupted. “Can you please just do me a solid and point me back to the stage? I’ve got more important things to focus on right now than this.”
He stopped dead in his tracks. His usually soft expression was icy, and it was evident by the way his eyes flitted all across your face that he was seriously debating what to do next. However, to your relief, he jerked his head over his shoulder. “Straight ahead behind me. Take a left, up the stairs, take a right. You'll find your way.”
You didn’t wait to say anything more. No sooner did the words escape his lips than you practically bolted past him, reciting the directives he’d given you over and over to occupy your mind. To anyone else in the cast, your exchange with Schlatt would have seemed entirely random. Up until this moment, you two hadn’t interacted once. How could it have bubbled up to this so quickly?
That was something only you and Schlatt knew. The history between you two. And yet, knowing that history like the back of each other’s hands, he still wanted to act like things were normal. He still wanted to try and pass off as if nothing happened. As if everything was fine. Tearing your heart and stomping on it, over and over and over again.
Furiously wiping your eyes as your feet pattered up the staircase he’d guided you to, you couldn’t help but ponder. He was so clearly over everything. Over it enough to feel confident enough to act all casual, anyway.
So why the hell couldn’t you be?
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norinenglish · 6 months
Stardew Rancher AU - Intro cutscene
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Here's my first piece for the Stardew AU challenge.
If you want to take part too, use the #traffic stardew au tag (You can also use the banner I made). On my blog, I will be using #stardew ranchers au as well.
The writing is under the cut.
>> Next Part
I hate this life.
Jimmy doesn’t remember a day in the last year he has not thought this. He’s staring at a computer screen, as he has been for the last seven hours, when it hits him. He hates this life. In fact, it could barely be qualified as a life. 
He misses nature. Running around in the grass, playing, talking to people… He turns his head around to look at the window, but there isn’t even any on the office walls. He looks around him and only sees rows and rows of cubicles with other lifeless people slaving all day. The clicking of keyboards and mouths, the buzzing of the neon lights, it’s all too much.
I can’t stand it anymore, he thinks to himself. I need a way out.
Suddenly, he remembers a conversation he had with his grandpa, when he was young, about the burden of modern life. He hadn’t really realised what it had meant before today. Jimmy, like his parents, had dismissed it as the stubbornness of an old man who was made to live in the countryside. But it must have stayed on the back of his mind, because he kept the letter. 
In fact… 
He opens the drawer of his desk and there it is. A fancy old letter with a fancy purple seal. 
(He’s definitely not going to think about the fact that he kept it in his drawer at work and the possible implication of that. Nope.)
With shaky hands, he breaks the seal and opens it. The swoosh of the paper unfolding is the loudest sound he’s ever heard in his life. 
The letter says: 
Dear Jimmy, 
If you’re reading this, you must be in dire need of a change.
The same thing happened to me, long ago. I’d lost sight of what mattered most in life… real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong. 
I’ve enclosed the deed to that place… my pride and joy: The Ranch. It’s located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It’s the perfect place to start your new life. 
This was my most precious gift of all, and now it’s yours. I know you’ll honour the family name, my boy. Good luck. 
Love, Grandpa. 
PS: If the Sherrif is still alive say hi to the old guy for me, will ya? 
He puts the letter down and looks up at the ceiling for a second. 
In all the emptiness he feels, it’s like he’s just grown wing. 
🌿 loading🌿
The bus startles to a stop and Jimmy wakes up. 
“Pelican Town!” The driver screams. 
Jimmy looks around. There’s no else on anymore. He quickly grabs his travel bag and gets out. He says his thanks to the bus driver who just hums unhappily. Guess he really didn’t want to go that far out for just one person. 
On the side of the road is just a small clearing, with broken fences and dirt path. Someone is waiting for him, though. A man with cyan blue hair and an easygoing smile. 
“Hello, you must be Jimmy,” he sayswith a cheerful voice. “I’m Scott, the local florist. Mayor Grian sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home. He’s there right now, tidying things up for your arrival.”
It takes a second for Jimmy to find his words. The reality of what he’s done hitting him finally. He quit his job. He moved out of his appartment. He sold his things and bought a ticket for this small town in the middle of nowhere to become a farmer. 
“Nice to meet you, Scott,” he says after swallowing. “I…”
Gosh, he cannot screw this up. This isn’t like in the city. The people he meets are going to be the community he’s going to live with. He wants to make a good impression. 
Scott smiles, tilting his head to the side. He looks Jimmy up and down with mischief in his eyes in a way that makes Jimmy blush a little. He must be tired. 
“The farm’s right over here, if you’ll follow me.”
Jimmy nods and follows him on the dirt path until they reach an area with a… house. Supposedly. 
“This is the Ranch,” Scott announces, waving his arm around to show the land that stretches before them.. 
The Ranch is an old building made out of wood. It looks like it’s been built in the last century. The farmland around, which was included in Scott’s gesture, is littered with some kind of forest. There are different types of trees, dead wood on the ground, bushes, and even some rocks! Is this really the farm his grandfather loved ? 
“What’s the matter?” Scott asks in a light voice. He’s got his arms crossed in front of him and an air of challenge about him. “Sure, it’s a bit overgrown, but there’s some good soil underneath that mess! With a little dedication, you’ll have it cleaned up in no time.”
He turns back towards the house itself. Jimmy notes that there’s plenty of firewood on the side of the house. Someone must have stacked it for him. That thought settles in his chest, fluttering like a bird. He won’t sleep in the cold tonight, and that’s thanks to strangers. 
“... And here we are, your new home,” Scott says. 
Just like his words summoned him, a man opens the door and gets down the few steps of his porch to stop in front of them. He pulls the sleeves of his red sweater back to his writs and offers his hand to Jimmy. 
“Ah, the new farmer! Welcome, I’m Grian, the Mayor of Pelican Town.”
Jimmy shakes his hand and introduces himself. Grian nods, seemingly satisfied. 
“You know, everyone’s been asking about you. It’s not every day that someone new moves in. It’s quite a big deal.” He turns to look back at the house. “So… you’re moving into your grandfather’s old cottage. It’s a good house… very ‘rustic’.”
“Rustic?” Scott chimes in. “That’s one way to put it… ‘Crusty’ might be a little more apt, though.”
“Rude,” Grian says under his breath, his eyebrows frowning. “Don’t listen to him, Jimmy. He’s just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of Gem’s house upgrades.”
“Gem?” Jimmy asks.
“She’s the local carpenter. She lives north of the valley, near the mountain.”
Gem, the local carpenter. Jimmy tries to mentally catalogue. She makes house upgrades.  He turns his eyes towards Scott. He doesn’t remember if he said what he was doing. 
“Anyway… You must be tired from the long journey,” Grian says, looking back at the house. “You should get some rest. Tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself. The townspeople would appreciate that.”
He turns to leave and sees the box placed next to the mailbox. 
 “Oh, I almost forgot. If you have anything to sell, just place it in the box here. I’ll come by during the night to collect it. Well… Good luck!”
They are gone before Jimmy can really say anything else. But it might be for the better, because he’s exhausted. 
“I’m here,” he says to no one. Maybe to himself. Or maybe to his grandfather. 
Going into the house is a blurr. He barely have time to register the small table with one chair, the fireplace that was lit up for him and the bed. He just melts into the mattress and passes out.
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silverbladexyz · 5 months
Tears to Shed
It's a coincidence how this is posted on Chuuya's birthday. I hope you guys enjoy! This is a Corpse Bride!AU, and I highly recommend that you watch this to get the gist of what is happening.
TW: Mentions of death, implied cheating (?), female reader. It all makes sense once you read the fic and watch the video. Massive thanks to @justcallmesakira, @saelique and @my-amaz-fanfics for proofreading this :)
“Oh my! I’ve spent so long in the dark… I’d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.”
The cool night air went unnoticed as you stood on the snow. A small perk of being dead was that the cold wasn’t an annoyance anymore. 
A breeze blew through the trees, sending a ghastly shiver up their wooden trunks. Their ancient roots dug into the ground that was blanketed with a soft layer of snow. Gnarled branches twisted into the sky, much like the claws of a cat. The entire forest seemed eerie- but to you, it was like home.
Your bony hand tightly grasped around a warm palm. The exact same hand that slid the wedding ring onto your finger with so much love and passion that you immediately burst forth from the grave with a ‘yes’. There were a few murmurs of disapproval in the Underworld, but nobody could deny the fact that you two truly loved each other. Afterall, why would your husband choose to marry you if he disliked you in the first place?
A butterfly fluttered past, catching your attention. You admired the beautiful, complex patterns that swirled on it’s wings, prompting an involuntary chuckle from you. The land of the living sure was a breath of fresh air sometimes. Thanks to the gracious Elder of the underworld, you were able to go back up and meet your lover’s parents. 
You let go of your husband’s hand, and started to do an elegant dance on the snow. Despite being dead, the dancing lessons you took were not for nothing. Why, you could probably even surpass the best dancer of the 1800s! Excitement filled you as you imagined yourself waltzing with your lover, showing him everything that you were capable of. Many men loved a talented woman, and you weren’t about to let yours down.
Perhaps you were a bit too immersed in your daydream, because your foot got caught under a tree branch and snapped your entire lower leg off.
You let out a small yelp, tumbling onto the soft, thick snow. Horrified, you looked up towards your husband still standing on the snow- you couldn’t let him freak out over a small accident!
But he didn’t seem to realise what had happened; instead, his back was faced towards you.
Embarrassed, you quickly reconnected your leg, and resumed your graceful twirl around him. The wedding dress that you always donned flowed behind you, adding extra elegance to your dance. You felt his eyes on you- he was definitely intrigued by your charm.
The next moment, warmth landed on your shoulders, and your husband gently sat you down on a fallen log in the snow. 
If you had a heart, it definitely would’ve skipped a beat. His gorgeous blue eyes and stunning ginger hair must have been a gift from the gods themselves. Chuuya Nakahara sure was a man admired by many, and he chose you. Life finally seemed to favour you this time.
“... I think I should prepare my parents for the big news of our marriage. I’ll go ahead, and you can wait here.”
His azure eyes stared into yours, patiently waiting for your response. His hands had lifted off from your shoulders, but you didn’t pay it any mind. Just simply being with your spouse was enough for you.
“Perfect! I’ll stay right here.” You smiled at Chuuya with the innocence of a child. He looked taken aback for a moment, but it was gone as quickly as it came. 
Seizing this opportunity, the male quickly stalked off through the forest, running towards the only person that he knew would help him. You giggled a little at his rush; you weren’t going anywhere, afterall. The thought that the male wanted to introduce you to his parents as quickly as possible brought a smile to your face.
The minutes slowly dragged by. What once was gleeful anticipation soon turned into bored waiting, with nothing changing in your surroundings. With your cheek propped in your hand, you let out a small sigh, wondering what on earth was taking Chuuya so long.
“This is the voice of your conscience. Listen to what I say. I have a bad feeling about that boy.”
Your pupils widened a little at the sudden voice, but you quickly rolled your eyes once you realised who it was. Lifting your hand towards your head, you knocked a fist against it several times. It didn’t take long for the culprit to tumble out.
“You know he is a little- AGH!”
The culprit being a small green string-like thing that shot out of your ear and into the snow. 
It was your close friend, Maggot, who lived inside your head ever since you died. And quite literally, too. You couldn’t recall a day in the Land of the Dead without him interjecting with sarcastic remarks that only you could hear.
“Go chew someone else’s ear for a while. Chuuya’s got to see his parents, just like he said.” 
You were a tad bit irritated at what Maggot implied. How could he think that your dear husband was a liar? Chuuya was anything but that. Your friend, however, clearly thought otherwise.
“If I hadn’t just been sitting in it, I’d think that you’ve lost your mind-”
“I’m sure that Chuuya has a pretty good reason… for taking so long.” 
You sighed a little, and that didn’t go unnoticed by Maggot. You’d never admit it, but you were starting to wonder if the worm was right in some regard. What if Chuuya got attacked or ran into trouble?
You brushed that thought off. Your husband was obviously stronger than most men around; why, he probably could defeat an opponent twice his size without breaking a sweat. But that still didn’t stop the slight bit of panic that settled within you.
“Well, why don’t you go ask him?”
Maggot’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, and you gazed back at him indignantly. 
“Alright, I will.”
If he was so desperately insisting that Chuuya was a liar, then you’d have to prove him wrong.
Oh, how naive you were to not believe a word of what he said.
The fire crackled in the hearth, casting it’s pleasant heat into the room. Coldness could not come near it, for the flame merely devoured the frost before continuing to burn as brightly as before.
Not a word was said between the individuals that sat in front of the fireplace. Countless thoughts were running in Chuuya’s mind, mashing together in one confused heap. It didn’t help that butterflies fluttered in his stomach at what he was planning to say next.
“Yasuko… I must confess that I was terrified of marriage this morning.”
The female blinked. Sensing her confusion, the male continued speaking.
“But upon meeting you… I felt that I should be with you always. And that our wedding couldn’t come sooner enough.”
It was the truth, afterall. Even when they had just met each other, the spark of attraction between them could not be denied. She was surely the yin to his yang, the key to his heart, and his complete other half that he had been searching for his whole life.
“Chuuya… I feel the same.”
The girl whom he was properly betrothed to smiled at him. A real smile, one that was full of life and not death. Despite being born to snobby aristocratic parents, she was a true diamond amongst the rubble. Kind, polite, and courteous- whoever married her would strike gold.
“Yasuko…” He murmured, his gaze not leaving hers.
Slowly, she started to lean in, closing her eyes. 
Chuuya’s heartbeat quickened as he unconsciously drew her in. They were so close… their breath upon each other’s lips. Just a second away from getting lost in the bliss of love and forgetting everything that stood in their path. 
Suddenly, Chuuya stiffened, turning his face towards the window. 
Yasuko’s lips met his jaw instead, and her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Opening her eyes, she noticed that her lover’s gaze was focused on something behind her. But before she could turn her head around, Chuuya’s warm hands cradled her face. 
Cerulean blue eyes met lovely brown ones, each having their own questions to ask.
“Yasuko, you must understand that this is all rather unexpected-”
He was cut off by the booming sound of lightning. Both individuals turned toward the window, which was forced open by none other than… you. Stepping into the room, you lifted the wedding veil from your face, hope evident in your demeanour.
“Darling, I just wanted to meet-”
Two pairs of eyes stared back at you in horror. Like you were a monster- an unwanted being who was the object of disgust.
You noticed the girl standing behind Chuuya, and your eyes widened to the same size as hers. No doubt shocked at how accurate Maggot was about the male.
“... Darling, who’s this?”
Barely containing your anger, you sauntered over to your husband, clinging onto his arm. If you had blood, it would definitely be boiling by now- but you weren’t going to embarrass yourself in front of Chuuya today. No, you absolutely had to stay calm and show the woman who she was messing with!
“Who is she?!”
Looks like she didn’t have an inkling about you either. Well, no matter. Letting go of Chuuya’s elbow, you presented your bony arm in front of you with a proud smirk.
“I’m his wife.”
Your gold ring shone brightly on your fourth finger, a signet of the vow that bound you with Chuuya forever.
The girl looked towards him in disbelief.
“Yasuko, hold on, you don’t understand. As you can see, she’s dead. It was clearly a misunderstanding-”
A misunderstanding?
He was cut off as you yanked him towards you, eyes narrowing in ire at this ‘Yasuko’ girl. Your husband wasn’t off the hook, but for now, you couldn’t risk Yasuko stealing your love away from you. Heartbreak was not an option this time.
A shadow loomed over your face, lightning striking the sky as if in response to your fury. 
You uttered the word that could bring this madness to an end.
A murder of crows immediately surrounded the two of you, magic already working upon the utterance of the order. Amidst the chaos, you didn’t fail to notice how Chuuya called out to Yasuko, his arm outstretched towards her. 
Your feet touched the solid ground of the Elder’s office, the last of the crows flying away after their duty was finished.
With all your might, you pushed Chuuya away from you, hands curling into fists at your sides.
“You lied to me! Just to get back to that other woman!”
The male merely lifted his hands up, gesturing towards you.
“... Don’t you understand? You’re the other woman.”
It was as if a sudden jolt of electricity had zapped you, only leaving behind your stunned self. Eyes widened in stupefaction stared at the one you once thought loved you.
In your incredulity, you desperately attempted to convince him otherwise.
“No! You’re married to me; she’s the other woman!”
Clear, salty liquid brimmed in your eyes, blurring your vision to be a mixture of jarring colours. You turned away from him, unable to hold it in any longer.
“A-and I thought… I thought that this was all going so well!”
Your sobs filled the air- great convulsing gasps that masked the sound of teardrops hitting the ground. Nobody said or did anything, and quite frankly, you didn’t care. The last thing that you wanted was pity from the one who betrayed your trust.
“Look, I’m sorry, but this just can’t work.” Chuuya approached you cautiously, not wanting to provoke you any further.
“Why not?” You spun around to face him, stifling your tears.
“Under different circumstances, then probably it can work out. But we’re just too different. I mean, you’re dead.”
“... You should’ve thought about that before you asked me to marry you!”
Shaking his head, Chuuya throwed his hands up with exasperation.
“Why can’t you understand that it was a mistake? I would never marry you.”
Silence filled the air. Time seemed to stand still, as if preparing the moment for a camera to photograph. And how you wished that everything could just freeze in place- to suspend those feelings that tore you inside out.
Chuuya himself seemed dumbfounded at what he just said. He knew that he should apologise, offer you a better explanation than that; but he found that he couldn’t form any words. No amount of lies could ever cover up the truth once it was exposed.
He readied himself for your shouting, your tears, your unbridled anger at the nerve of him daring to go back to the one he truly loved. And he deserved it, because nothing could excuse the fact that he hurt you. Even when it was all just one big misunderstanding.
But instead of reacting in the way he expected you to, you merely sighed in defeat and walked off. Not noticing the way Chuuya gazed at your disappearing self.
It didn’t take long for you to find a place to be alone. The dead may be many, but the underworld was vast. You could always sit down on an empty coffin with nobody in a ten metre radius from you. Perfect for a broken-hearted lonely soul.
Bringing the bouquet of flowers beside you up to your face, you gazed at the blossoms with disdain. Their beautiful patterns only seemed to mock your ugly fate, cursed with never being loved as someone’s bride. Life, which was mostly cruel, decided to trample you under its feet. Always waiting for the perfect opportunity to crush your dreams and hopes in a single second.
With a scoff, you lifted your other hand, and started to pluck away at the florets one by one. The petals fell freely through your fingers, landing onto the ground without a care in the world. Becoming nothing but a nuisance in someone else’s path.
“Roses, for eternal love. Lilies, for sweetness. Baby’s breath…” You inhaled shakily, fighting back the lump in your throat. 
With a sigh, you tossed the bouquet away, head lowered down in melancholy.
“Maybe Chuuya’s right. Maybe we are too different.” You muttered sorrowfully, looking at your palms. One of old flesh, and one of bone.
“Maybe he should have his head examined. I could do it.”
Maggot crawled onto your shoulder, looking earnestly into your eyes. You didn’t even have the heart to roll your eyes at his statement.
“Oh, but he does belong with her. That little miss living, with her beautiful cheeks… and her beating heart.” Propping your head in your hands, you gave a bitter chuckle.
Hope. Something that was desired by all- both alive and dead.
Most people hoped for a happy and stable life. Some aspired to be wealthy and successful. Others wished to keep what they had as of present.
You had simply hoped for a husband who truly loved you.
That dream made you scoff now. Every last bit of hope you harboured had vanished alongside your ‘husband’s’ love and concern. He was no better than your previous lover, who had promised you a lifetime of joy and fondness if you’d run away with him.
How foolish and naive you were to believe that he was genuine. It was only after he had left you for dead did you realise that you’d played right into his trap. A bride whose dreams were stolen from her, and who never got the chance for proper justice to be delivered.
You’d have thought that Chuuya would be different- that he was finally the one to fulfil your hopes of being married. Being loved and cherished by him for eternity as you shared wonderful experiences together as husband and wife. Modelled as the perfect couple whom the souls in the Realm of the Dead smiled at, commenting on how cute the two of you were. Were things as common as those too much to ask for?
You wanted to be the girl that Chuuya looked at with genuine love in his eyes. Just like that ‘Yasuko’ girl you met earlier- whose stupidly beautiful eyes and sickly sweet face had captivated your lover in the first place. Just what did she have that you didn’t have double? Good looks? A lovely personality? Simply being alive? She probably couldn’t dance half as well as you did. 
Yasuko wasn’t even wearing his ring. The very same ring that you now held in your palm, begging to be placed back on the hand of its rightful owner. Did it matter that you were the one who Chuuya said his vows to? Not anymore, because he clearly adored his other woman more than you.
You slowly laid down in the coffin, your vision going blurry once again. Although you didn’t have a physical heart, you could certainly feel it breaking. Even when you were dead, it seemed that you still had some tears to shed.
Maggot watched you worriedly, but he didn’t know how exactly to comfort you or cheer you up. Nothing he said or did could deny the obvious truth. The truth that sat on the tip of your tongue, just waiting to be let out.
You loved Chuuya, but he wasn’t yours. Because…
“I’m always the bridesmaid, never the bride.”
Would really appreciate feedback on this ❤️ Not too proud on how I wrote this tbh
@circinuus @little-miss-chaoss @sariel626 @rusmii @atlasnessie @luvfy0dor-main (sorry if I forgot to tag you ;w;)
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sl-newsie · 10 months
Snow Day (Carlos de Vil x Silvermist Daughter) *Christmas Special* 🎄
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'Can I request a Carlos descendants holiday fic with friends to lovers/everybody knows but them tropes? But the reader is an AK, adopted daughter of Silvermist.’ Here we go!
“No! Cut it out, Elvin!” I shout as I sprint through the icy wind. “You know I don’t like the cold!”
The white-blonde boy behind me jumps up to lean off a lamppost. “What’s the matter? Too afraid to have fun?”
I give an annoyed huff and hug my cape around me tighter. “Just because you’re the son of Jack Frost doesn’t mean you have to make my life a living nightmare with your pranks! Now for the last time, leave me alone!”
In a final effort I let out a water blast that sends Elvin flying into a snowbank, then dash down the street to hide inside Miss Muffet’s Bakery. 
“Oh- Sylvia! Hi! What’s going on-?!”
In my haste I almost run into a familiar face, though this is one face I am always excited to see!
“Shh!” I hold up a hand to silence Carlos. “I’m hiding!”
His eyes widen. “Oh!” He joins me behind the cookie display. “May I ask from whom?” Carlos whispers back.
“Ugh. It’s Elvin Frost. Son of Elsa and Jack Frost, and an icy pain in my side. He’s visiting from Arendelle, and has become the reason why I hate snow days.”
“Hate snow days?” Carlos laughs. “How could anyone hate snow days? I mean, look around!” He gestures to the billowing snow swirling around the window. “It’s so- so…”
Ever since Carlos came to Auradon last summer, I’ve always been fond of his childlike energy. Not many kids in Auradon appreciate the little things like he does, so it goes without saying that we’d become friends. Mom’s always so busy controlling the water elements she didn’t have time to look after me, so she sent me to be adopted by Jack Beanstalk. But like Carlos, I’ve learned to enjoy other things. However, snow isn’t one of them.
“My wings can’t stand the bitter cold. If I stay outside too long, they freeze and wither away. It also doesn’t help that my water powers freeze in the winter. Water and cold do not mix well for me.”
Carlos’ face falls. “Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t think of that.”
I wave it off. “It’s alright.”
“It’s just that… we didn’t get snow on the Isle.”
That’s why he loves the snow. I can’t be mad at him for that. How could he have known anyway? It’s his first Christmas in Auradon, so he wouldn’t know.
“I guess if you’ve never seen it, snow can be very magical,” I attempt a cheerful smile. “I’m glad you enjoy it! You should go play outside.”
Carlos still isn’t convinced. “But it’s not as fun if you’re not there, Sylvia. Would you maybe wanna stay here for a hot chocolate?”
My spirits lift and my wings start fluttering. “That sounds wonderful! I’d love to!”
“Great! Um- maybe we could sit down instead of hiding behind the counter?”
I nod eagerly and start flying to a nearby table, too excited to remember not to use my wings indoors.
“Oh- right.” I flutter down, and my height difference shows. Since I’m the descendant of a fairy, I’ve been short my whole life.
“That never gets old,” Carlos comments with a grin.
I tilt my head in confusion. “What?”
“Your wings. I think they’re beautiful.”
His kind words send us both into blushing messes, so I try to change the subject.
"Where's Dude?"
Carlos chuckles. "He hates the cold, so he's currently sleeping in front of the fire in my dorm."
By now a waitress shows up to take our order.
“What’ll it be, hon?”
I don’t miss a beat. “A large old-fashioned hot chocolate extreme with peppermint dust, whipped cream, and marshmallows, please!”
Carlos’ jaw drops. 
I roll my eyes. “It’s my favorite holiday drink, I don’t care if it gives me a heart attack.”
“It sounds fantastic! I’ll have one too!” He smiles at the waitress, who just nods and walks off.
This snow day just got so much better!
Evie’s POV
“We’ve got to get them together!” I huff as I pace the dorm room.
“But they are together,” Jay states bluntly. “Haven’t you seen them around?”
I roll my eyes. “I mean, they need to know that they love each other, right? It’s like they’re completely oblivious to it!”
Jay lazily gets up from the couch and walks over to the window. “I wouldn’t say they look too upset.”
I dash over and peer through the frosted glass to see Carlos and Sylvia walking hand-in-hand through the snow, each holding to-go mugs.
“Oh my God. Are they on a… date?”
Jay shrugs. “Guess we don’t gotta step in after all.”
I’m still unconvinced. “No, no. It’s been going on like this for months! They look happy hanging out together, but won’t confess their feelings! Come on!” I grab Jay’s sleeve and start dragging him out the door. “I want to see this for myself!”
Sylvia’s POV
Ok, if all snow days involve drinking hot chocolate with Carlos then I want one every day! 
“What’s been your favorite snow activity?” I ask Carlos, who keeps looking at the snow outside as if we’re in a real-life snow globe.
“Definitely making snowmen. Or snowball fights! Wait- have you ever ice skated?”
I let out a carefree laugh as I sip my cocoa. “Yes, it comes very naturally when I can control water.”
“What’s your favorite snow activity?”
I come to a stop in the flurrying snow, remembering how much I used to love winter as a kid.
“I… I liked making snow angels,” I whisper.
Carlos gets an unreadable expression. “Why don’t you now?”
I shake my head and gesture to the frozen ground. “I don’t like risking direct snow contact with my wings. Plus, all the snow that melts under me begins to freeze to my cape.”
The freckled VK looks distant for a second, then seems to get an idea. 
“Wait a sec!” He quickly slides off his own coat and lays it on the fluffy snow. “Now you have a double cover!”
I smile sadly at his thoughtful gesture. “Carlos, that’s really sweet. But I’m not sure-”
“Come on, it’ll only be for a second!” Carlos takes my hand and pulls me closer. “We’ll head straight back indoors, I promise.”
I must admit, Carlos’ pleading eyes combined with the sparkling snow is all too taunting to pass up despite my usual refusals.
With a deep breath, I hug my cape tighter around me and turn around to gently lie down on the soft blanket of snow. The cooler surface is refreshing, flooding my mind with childhood memories. Slowly, I bring my arms out to form the angel, and when I do I feel Carlos lay down beside me.
“Are you having fun?” He asks sincerely.
“Yes,” I answer in a relaxed tone, then seem to rethink something. “Carlos… Do you like spending time with me?”
Carlos doesn’t take more than 2 seconds to respond. “Of course! You’re always so full of fun ideas, and having a water balloon fight with you is one of the best things ever!”
I nod. “Does that mean… you enjoy my company? You like… me?”
By now we’ve both realized where this conversation might be going, but thankfully Carlos doesn’t seem weirded out by it and doesn’t slide away.
“Ok, don’t water-blast me for this,” Carlos takes a deep breath. “Would you be mad if I said I did like you? Maybe… as more than a friend?”
Is this what I think it is?
“So is this a date?” I stand up and my wings start getting excited, threatening to shake loose from my cape. “Oh no- I can’t be out too long!”
Carlos sees my panicked face and stands up with me to dust the snow off my cape. Then out of nowhere, he sweeps me up bridal-style and rushes me across the grounds to the dorm building entrance. We don’t speak, there’s no need to. I trust him not to drop me. Through speaking with actions Carlos shows me just how much he cares, and it sends my spirits soaring. I don’t know if it’s the sugar in the hot chocolate or my dilated emotions, but my heart’s racing like a rabbit!
When we get inside and the warmth engulfs my wings again, Carlos gently lets me down.
“I supposed I did mean for this to be a date,” Carlos admits. “I’m sorry you got too cold.”
For some reason my stubborn eyes can’t leave his cute face. “It’s my fault, I got too excited. I just wish I could stand the cold longer so I could enjoy it with you,” I say in a sad tone.
“I’d keep you warm.” Carlos leans in closer and wraps his arms around me, firm enough to show his affection but not too tight to damage my wings.
Using what courage I can muster, I turn my head up. “I know you will.” And with that, I press a soft kiss to his cheek.
Carlos’ face goes as red as a cherry, and immediately I regret being so bold.
“I’m sorry! God, I’m so bad at this- I just messed everything up- and now you’re mad-!”
Carlos cuts me off by leaning in to kiss my lips and my eyes close on instinct. If it weren’t for my wings going into hummingbird mode, this would be a really tender moment. 
When we break apart to breathe, I hear Carlos let out a surprised gasp.
“Sylvia, um… As much as I love your wings, would you mind letting me down?” He jokes.
My eyes pop open and I look down to find that my wings have lifted us up a good 5 feet in the air.
“Oh! Right. Sorry about that,” I gush as I lower us down, with Carlos still hugging me to him.
“Does this mean we can have more snow dates?” I ask in a timid voice.
Carlos grins. “That sounds fun! I think I just found my new favorite snow activity!”
I mirror his happiness with my own smile and grip his hand. “I think we’ve had enough snow for today, so how about watching a Christmas movie?”
Carlos starts leading me back to his dorm, and when we pass by Evie and Jay in the hallway I swear I hear Evie mutter “It’s about time.” 
God, I love snow days!
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vnti-vntiety-recs · 18 days
Hi again! If I may, I’d like to req one of Johnny as F2L mentioning “no one’s gonna wanna keep trying to bully the fairy hybrid (we’ll say for the sake of this moment that it is not a common one) when her best friend/betrothed is an Apex-predator” hybrid (thinking jaguar since Johnny is a big cat lol) BUT I just wasn’t sure how creative is too out-there & since I mentioned various creatures in my initial asks, so if that’s too out-there I can request something else •w•
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My lovely bugs it was a pleasure writing for you once again. It got a little dark in the middle but this was so much fun to write holy cow. Also I see your Dark Hyuck fic and i will DEFINITELY be writing that just give me some time I got chu
Bullying and physical assault
Jaguar hybrid!Johnny x Fairy!Reader
Hiding them was no easy feat. You had wished upon countless stars—maybe even a hundred—to make them disappear, but here they remained. You despised your wings; unlike other winged hybrids, there was no way to conceal them. Fairy wings were too delicate, too sensitive. You couldn't simply tuck them behind your back or under a shirt. They would itch and cramp, demanding attention. You had to stretch them for at least an hour before you could take flight again.
“Why hide them at all?” people often asked. Your wings were stunning, sparkling like gold in the right light. But you hid them to fit in. Hybrids were still adjusting to life in society after emerging from hiding. Living among humans required you to blend in; as long as you stayed out of their way, they weren’t that bad.
Many hybrids navigated this world successfully. Take your best friend Johnny, for instance. He was a jaguar hybrid, with sharp teeth, keen eyes, and a tail he could fully conceal. While everyone knew he was a hybrid, he managed to blend in. His relaxed demeanor made others feel comfortable, despite being near a born predator.
You, on the other hand, hadn’t been so fortunate. Your mother insisted it was jealousy that drove them. Humans, she said, would rather destroy what they couldn't have than allow someone else to possess it. Perhaps that explained why your kind was so rare. And so here you were, feeling the weight of that destruction, the very essence of your existence threatened by the envy of others.
“Freak!” The word cut through the air with sharpness, echoing the feelings you fought to suppress. You’d grown accustomed to such insults, but it never hurt less. Each time a part of you cringed, hoping for a day when people would see you as more than just an anomaly. But Johnny made everything a little bit better. As long as he was by your side, no one dared to mess with you.
“You sure you’re okay walking to your next class? It’s halfway across campus,” Mark, the tiger hybrid from your philosophy lecture, asked with concern etched in his features. “You know I’ve got your back if anything happens.”
Mark was genuinely kind and always looked out for you—all the hybrids on campus had formed a protective pact. Still, they couldn't always be there, and you didn’t want to burden anyone with your problems.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want to make you late again,” you replied, waving him off with a smile that felt a little forced. You appreciated his concern, truly, but you desperately wanted to prove you could handle things on your own, even when the world seemed determined to remind you of your difference.
“Alright, but be careful, okay? Text me if you need anything,” Mark replied, a hint of worry still present in his tone. You nodded, and as he hurried off, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the trek across campus, one foot in front of the other, determined to reach your next class without incident.
You were managing just fine, your earphones in place, and your wings tucked in tightly against your back as you made your way to the next class. "Almost there," you repeated silently to yourself, the words a mantra that helped keep the anxiety at bay. But then someone called out to you, and your heart sank when you recognized the voice.
“Haein,” you muttered under your breath, as the familiar figure approached. Haein thrived on bullying you, choosing moments like this—when you were alone, vulnerable—to unleash his cruelty. You could already feel the tension coiling in your chest, the usual fear taking hold.
“Where are you going, Tinker?” he sneered, a cruel smirk spreading across his face. Your stomach twisted, and for a moment, you felt frozen in place, the familiar dread washing over you. You wanted to muster the courage to stand up for yourself, but his sharp gaze made it hard to breathe.
Words failed you as panic coursed through your veins; you knew that anything you said would only escalate the situation.
“Nothing to say? Well, we'll see about that,” Haein taunted, grasping your arm and pulling you with a force that left you reeling. Your heart raced as you scanned your surroundings, desperately hoping someone would notice, someone would help. But the looks you received only reinforced the truth: no one cared.
He dragged you to the old gym, the creaking doors creaking ominously as he threw you onto the dusty ground. Instinct kicked in; you tried to scramble to your feet, but in a swift movement, he stepped down hard on one of your wings, pinning it beneath his boot.
A scream tore from your throat, the searing pain echoing in the empty space around you. You felt like a moth with its wings pinned—a fragile creature trapped in the grip of a predator, vulnerable and alone. Desperation surged through you, but all you could do was writhe in agony, hoping to somehow break free from the nightmare.
“I knew you could talk,” Haein said with a twisted grin.
“Let go,” you grit out, your voice barely above a whisper but laced with defiance.
“I think I like you down there; it’s where you belong. Crawling around in the dirt like the insect you are,” he sneered. “You know what I heard? I heard one scale from those wings of yours could go for hundreds.”
In response, you did the only thing you could do. You screamed.
“No one's going to hear—”
But before he could finish, an animalistic growl cut through his words, and suddenly the weight on your wing lifted. You winced as you sat up, blinking in confusion as you processed what had just happened.
Johnny stood over Haein, sharp fangs bared and glowing yellow eyes locked onto him. He looked ready to pounce.
“Johnny, no! Let him go!” You shouted, panic rising in your throat. While a part of you relished the thought of watching Johnny tear Haein to shreds, your concern for Johnny overshadowed your desire for revenge. You knew Haein’s family was wealthy and powerful, and they would undoubtedly press charges if Johnny struck. It wasn’t just your life at stake; it was his future too.
Johnny’s gaze flickered to you for a fleeting moment, his eyes shifting back to their familiar warmth before he turned back to confront Haein. The tension in the air crackled like static electricity.
“If I ever see you near her again…” Johnny's voice dripped with menace, his smile revealing sharp teeth that only seemed to emphasize his threat. Haein’s bravado crumbled under the weight of Johnny's fierce presence, and with a final desperate gulp, he scrambled to his feet and fled.
As soon as he was gone, you finally managed to stand up, relief flooding through you, and Johnny was at your side in an instant.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” His voice was laced with concern, inspecting you for any sign of injury.
You offered him a brave smile, grateful for his presence. “I’m okay now, thanks to you.”
Johnny’s frown deepened, a look of regret clouding his features. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here faster. I didn’t know the bullying was that bad.”
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, placing a hand gently on his arm. “I can’t expect you to always be there for me.”
Johnny shook his head firmly, the intensity in his gaze softening as he spoke. “No, I will always be there for you. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something ever happened to you.” He paused, a teasing glint appearing in his eyes. “Besides, who’s going to mess with the fairy hybrid when her big, scary jaguar boyfriend is always by her side?”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, and heat rushed to your cheeks at the revelation. “Boy—boyfriend?” you stammered, your heart racing at the word.
You had always harbored a crush on Johnny, but you had dismissed the whispers from your friends that he felt the same way. This moment felt surreal, leaving you momentarily speechless.
“Oh, my bad,” he said, a playful smile creeping across his lips. “I should probably take you out on a date first.”
The butterflies in your stomach took flight, and you couldn’t help but grin at him, the earlier tension fading into something sweeter. “A date, huh? Are you asking me out?”
“Absolutely,” he said, his expression turning earnest. “I’d really like to. Just us, no bullies, no drama—just a chance for you to see how amazing you are without anyone bothering you.”
Your heart swelled at his words, and you found yourself nodding, excitement bubbling within you. “I’d love that.”
Johnny’s smile widened, his joy infectious. “Great! Then it’s a date.” He paused for a moment, his expression turning serious. “Just remember, no one messes with my girl.”
With those words, your earlier worries faded, replaced by the warmth of possibilities. Maybe with Johnny by your side, you could finally take a stand against the bullies—and even take a step toward something more beautiful than you had ever imagined.
As you stepped out of the old gym, the crisp air felt refreshing against your skin, but it was Johnny's presence next to you that brought the most comfort.
“They are beautiful, you know,” he began, casually glancing sideways at you as you walked together.
“Hmm,” you softly hummed, your thoughts still lingering on what had just happened.
“Your wings,” he said, his voice sincere and warm. “I think they’re probably my favorite part about you.”
You hadn’t noticed the tears streaming down your cheeks until Johnny leaned in closer, his expression shifting to one of gentle concern. With tenderness, he wiped away a tear with his thumb, his touch soft like a feather. "Hey, it’s okay," he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur, filled with kindness.
Without thinking, you leaned into his touch, feeling both vulnerable and safe. “I just… I never knew how much those words could mean.” Your voice trembled, choked with emotion as you struggled to maintain composure.
Johnny’s gaze softened, and he moved closer, creating a cocoon of warmth around you both. “You deserve to hear that, and so much more. I’ll always be here to remind you,” he promised, his eyes steady and reassuring.
Feeling the flutter of your wings, you realized that this was a turning point—not just in your connection with Johnny, but in how you saw yourself. Maybe you weren’t just a target for bullies; you were someone deserving of love, protection, and admiration. And for the first time, emboldened by Johnny’s words, you felt like you could fly.
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Warning: Spoilers of Nightbringer. In the mood for some NB angst. GN!reader x Lucifer. English is not my first language.
The end of another exhausting day as the brothers’ assistant. Lucifer had dismissed you quite late tonight. You were saying your goodbyes when you passed the music room. Something pushed you to go in and sit in the small bench in front of the piano. The memories started flowing and pouring over you. All those nights playing that same instrument for the brothers. Playing in the background for Satan as he read his favorite novels. Teaching Levi how to play his favorite openings. Lulling Belphie to sleep while his twin looked at you with adoration. The way Mammon and Asmo always found their way there while you practiced. The countless nights playing for Lucifer when he wasn’t feeling like himself, neither of you saying anything, a mutual and wordless agreement. Absentmindedly you started to pay the melody you used to play to Lucifer. You don’t know for how long you had been playing or when the the demon with those silky black wings had placed himself in the doorframe until he called your name.
-”I thought I said you could go home.”
-”I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstay my welcome. I’ll get going.”
-”Wait. What is that melody?”
-”Oh, it’s a song I used to play for someone I held very dear.”
-”Used to? What happened?”
Your mind went back to the day you were taken from them all. Your eyes swelled with tears as you remember the fight you’ve had with Lucifer. The things said by both of you, you don’t even want to think on how he must be feeling with your disappearance.
-”We fought. I say nasty things and he did too. And now I can’t take them back, no matter how hard I‘ve been trying.”
-”He must be a fool for being mad at you. You have been nothing but patient and caring with my brothers and me.”
-”It’s not his fault. The world just decided we must suffer being apart from each other for a while. Maybe it’s just trying to teach me a lesson.”
The tears that stained your face made Lucifer’s heart feel heavy. Why was he feeling so bad? Why was his heart weeping? He’d never admit it, but everything in him was telling to run to you and to catch you in his arms, to tell you he would never let you suffer like that. Instead, he asked a single question.
-”Could you play it for me? I’d love to hear the entirety of it.”
-”Of course. Whatever you wish.”
Once again you sat next to the piano and let your fingers move slowly to the sound of the song. You started to sing the lyrics under Lucifer’s careful gaze.
-”Telling myself I won’t go there
Oh, but I know that I won’t care
Tryna wash away all the blood I’ve spilt
His lust is a burden that we both share
Two sinners can’t atone from a lone prayer 
Souls tied intertwined by pride and guilt.”
The words of your song struck a chord inside of Lucifer. The lyrics seemed crafted for him, he felt it deep inside of his chest.
-”There’s darkness in the distance
from the way that I’ve been living
but I know I can’t resist it.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and i drink the poison from the same vine.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Hiding all of our sins from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time.”
It clicked on Lucifer’s mind. By the way you were playing, by the tone in your voice, by the history you gave him. This was a love song. A love song between you and somebody else. Someone stupid enough to allow himself to loose you. He felt a lot of things, pity for the idiot who couldn’t realise what he had, jealousy for the fact that even after all you were still looking back, longing for you.
-”Telling myself it’s the last time
Can you spare any mercy that you might find?
If I’m down on my knees again.
Deep down, way down, lord I try
Try to follow your light but it’s nighttime
Please don’t leave me in the end.”
The words touched something so deeply buried. Those words felt so very his. It was like those lyrics had been born from his deepest core. It shook him, it frightened him, it comforted him.
-”There’s darkness in the distance.
I’m begging for forgiveness
But I know I might resist it.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time 
You and I drink the poison from the same vine.
Oh, i love it and I hate it at the same time
Hiding all of our sins from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
Oh, i love it and I hate it at the same time.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and I drink the poison from the same vine.
Oh, i love it and I hate it at the same time
Hiding all of our sins from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
Oh, i love it and I hate it at the same time.”
The final note hanged in the air for a second, and it felt like an eternity when your eyes met Lucifer’s. There was something in his red hues, something that reminded you of your Lucifer, something that wasn’t there before. 
-”It looks like whoever this song is for is deeply adored by you.”
-”He is. He is one of the most important people in the world to me. I love him with everything I have. I actually risked my life for him, because of how much I loved him.”
Lucifer felt the weight of your words in his heart. Deep inside he knew what it meant, he wanted to be that man, he was jealous of that unknown individual who had stolen your heart. He wanted to be the person you loved with that abandon, but he couldn’t.
-”It’s been a very long day MC, go home and rest. I’ll need you on your best moment tomorrow.”
You knew him like the palm of your hand. He kept quiet but his body speaked a million words. You could see how he swallowed a little harder as before saying those words, trying to hold back his tongue. You saw the way his eyes looked at you. You knew him so well, even this far back, he was still the demon you fell for.
-”You are right. I’ll see you tomorrow Lucifer, rest well.”
But you were just like him. His sin shinned in your eyes, the pride too strong for you to admit how much you missed him.
I apologize for the emotional distress this might have caused. It's just one of those nights.
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duskandcobalt · 1 year
Lover, Please Stay
The Shadowsingers’ usually perfect posture is nowhere to be seen - his broad shoulders are dropped, wings almost dragging on the floor behind him as if he didn’t have the energy to hold them up. His beautiful face, those emerald flecked hazel eyes, hold such sorrow that Elain feels her own heart crack in response.
Kinktober? More like sadtober! I’ve had this song on repeat and it just screams sad boi Azriel so one thing led to another and this is the result.
The first installation of my little music series.
1.5k words.
As always, let me know what you think and also, sorry in advance 🥲🥰
Read on AO3
Elain never would’ve heard him enter the townhouse if it wasn’t for the squeak of the front door opening and closing and the scent of cedar that’s slowly drifting towards her, into the kitchen. A scent that she’s become so keenly attuned to that it overpowers even the smell of the peach tart she just pulled out of the oven minutes ago.
The soft smile that forms on her lips at the anticipation of seeing this particular surprise visitor quickly dissolves into a grimace as she looks down at herself, taking in the state she’s in. She hadn’t been expecting anyone.
It’s late, just past midnight - her dress is dirty, handprints of flour all over the lilac skirt, dark droplets of juice from the peaches she’d been cutting are splattered all over the bodice. Strands of her brown hair have come loose from her braid and the curls are plastered to her sweaty forehead. Despite the relatively cool summer night, the kitchen is almost overwhelmingly warm from the oven - the cold tiles beneath her feet are the only relief from the heat.
All concerns about her appearance cease to matter, however, when she turns around to see Azriel just as he steps into the kitchen. A knot forms in her chest as she surveys him.
The Shadowsingers' usually perfect posture is nowhere to be seen - his broad shoulders are dropped, wings almost dragging on the floor behind him as if he didn’t have the energy to hold them up. His beautiful face, those emerald flecked hazel eyes, hold such sorrow that Elain feels her own heart crack in response.
“I didn’t know anyone was here.” Azriel refuses to look at her, his words barely a whisper as he stares at his feet. He’s dressed in his usual leathers. His heavy black boots, Elain notices, are flecked with dark dried blood.
“Thought I’d let Rhys and Feyre have a night to themselves. Not that their activities change whether I’m there or not. I assume you know what that’s like… living with Cassian and my sister.” She attempts a joke, desperate to lighten his mood.
It doesn’t work. In fact, she fears it’s had the complete opposite effect as she watches him further retreat into himself. His hands flex at his sides before one comes up to brush aside the strands of dark hair over his forehead. She watches as he musters the energy to lift his eyes up to hers for the first time.
“I should go.” Three words and she can feel him slipping away before she’s even had the chance to help.
Elain’s moving then, crossing the kitchen until she’s standing directly in front of him. She reaches for him but he flinches away from her touch. She draws her hand back immediately.
The action hurts but she’s not offended. It’s been awhile since she’s seen him like this. She doesn’t need to ask any questions. She knows exactly what this is. Knows exactly what he’s feeling. He’d sensed the same sorrow in her not all that long ago.
They’d always been this way - so in tune with each other that they never needed words. So fluent in each other’s brand of silence that one look between them said everything that needed to be said.
She meets his eyes again, holds his gaze. Let’s him see that she isn’t looking at him with pity but with understanding.
Azriel doesn’t flinch when she reaches for him the second time.
Elain reaches up, carefully wraps her arms around his neck, draws him down to her slowly. Gives him time to move out of her grasp if he wants. She breathes a sigh of relief when his arms wrap around her waist in return, the weight of his body settling against hers. Elain lets her fingertips drift up to his hair, presses him closer to her.
She knows he needs this, knows how much he wants this. To be touched, to be held. She knows how desperately he craves physical affection even though he’d never dare to ask for it.
“Come upstairs.” The words are muffled, her lips grazing his throat from the way she’s tucked her face in between his shoulder and neck.
She loosens her grip on him, bends back a bit in his arms so she can look at his face - sees the question in his eyes. “There’s no one else here. It’s just us tonight.”
Elain takes his hand in hers, leads him slowly up the stairs - into her room and straight into the attached bathing chamber.
The enchanted fae lights along the wall come to life as they enter, casting the tiled room in soft golden light. She doesn’t say anything as she leaves him standing in the doorway and makes her way over to the large sunken tub. She turns on the tap and pours in an oil that has the air filling with the rich scent of almonds seconds later. She undoes her braid quickly, wraps the length of hair into a knot on the top of her head.
Elain reaches back to undo the laces of her corset but Azriel has made his way to her, his hands softly brushing hers aside as he takes over - fingers slowly uncrossing the laces until her gown is loose enough to slip off. She pushes the mass of fabric behind her with her foot before she turns to face him..
His hazel eyes have softened slightly, those emerald flecks catching the light as he takes in the sight of her bare body, watching her as she begins to undress him.
She removes his jacket and his shirt with a bit of assistance - still not quite used to the workings of the secret flaps that accommodate his wings. She places both hands on his tattooed chest, feeling the warmth of him under her skin. She presses her lips to his heart once, and then lowers herself to her knees. She pulls at the laces of his boots, ignoring the blood there, and waits as he steps out of them. She’s still on her knees when she reaches up and unlaces his leathers, pulling them down and pushing them to the side before she rises and leads him into the bath.
The warm water engulfs them both as they make their way to the centre of the tub. Elain bites her lip at the way Azriel audibly exhales as he finally releases some of the tension in his body. His large hands reach for her hips, callused fingers splaying out over her skin as she presses her palms into the muscles of his chest, his shoulders - massaging out the tight knots she finds as she begins bathing him.
She cleans him thoroughly - his body, his face, his hair. Washes him as if she’s washing away the sins he seems to believe he’s committed. Absolves him with each pass of her hands over his scarred skin. Allows the weariness to pour out from him. Doesn’t say anything when a tear slips from his eye at the gentleness of her touch.
It’s utterly silent save for the echo of the water and the occasional rustling of curtains swaying in the night breeze. Neither of them say a single word until she finishes, until she presses her body against his, places a hand gently on either of his cheeks - the need to feel his skin against hers, to feel close to him, is almost overwhelming.
“Whatever you want, Azriel. Whatever you need from me. It’s yours to take.” Elain tells him quietly.
She means every word.
She would give him anything he asked. Would do anything he asked. She’d offer him her time… her body…. her heart. Anything he wanted. If it would only make him feel better.
Azriel’s arms tighten around her, pulling her impossibly closer. He kisses her cheek but makes no move to take anything further.
“Stay with me.” Elain returns his kiss, her own lips pressing to the underneath of his jaw. “Stay with me tonight. Please.”
Her heart beats a little faster, anxiously awaiting his answer as he goes still in her arms for a split second before he nods slowly.
They’ve never spent a night together. They’ve never had this before - never had the luxury of time. Have only ever taken the rare moments that they find themselves completely alone to quickly, desperately familiarise themselves with each other’s bodies. Neither of them willing to let a single second go to waste.
So tonight they take their time. They dry off, not bothering with clothes before they climb into Elain’s bed. She holds him against her for a while - traces the planes of his face with her fingertip, runs her hands through his hair until his breathing slows and he’s almost asleep, his long eyelashes brush against her chest as his eyelids flutter shut.
The last thing he says before he drifts off to sleep in her arms, only the third thing he’s said to her tonight, is whispered so softly she almost doesn’t hear it over the rustling of sheets as he nestles in closer to her.
“I don’t deserve you.”
Elain’s heart breaks all over again.
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c-t-r-l14 · 8 months
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The Song A Dove Sings
Synopsis: You sing Xanthus a beautiful song; one he won’t forget for as long as he lives.
Warning: Mentions of blood.
As dawn made way for the morning rise, with the orange, pink and red hues rolling over into a sky blue, your eyelids fluttered open to the golden rays of sunlight poking its way through the curtains, and the gentle chirps of the birds roosting in nearby trees. The rays of sunlight that woven its way through the balcony window painted the room in an ethereal golden glow. You were enveloped in the warmness of the blankets, the strong hold of the man you loved most, and the faint, lingering smell of cologne and coca butter. You focused on the hushed sound of his breathing, and the warm air of his breath dancing on your neck. You looked at his peaceful expression, the way his blonde hair fell messily over his pale face, and those long, beautiful eyelashes that so perfectly complimented those stunning ruby red eyes you’ve adored so much. Like most people, you weren’t a fan of mornings—and it’s not for the typical reasons. Before you and Xanthus found each other, you woke up to a gaping cavity in your heart, suffocated by the air of solitude that filled the room. It didn’t matter how brightly the sun shined, how blue the sky was, or how loudly the birds sang; mundanity always hung above your head like a dark storm cloud. Seeing your partner’s face reminded you that you were not alone anymore. With every rise and fall of his chest, with every hushed breath that entered the atmosphere, you were reminded that your melancholic days were fewer and far in between. And so, with your eyelids getting heavier and heavier, yielding to the gentle call of sleep—you nestled further into the warm embrace of the one you loved most in this world.
Until you heard a familiar cooing sound. A familiar chirp—one that echoed in the air; its sound fluttering through the wind, just like the wings of the bird it belonged to.
A familiar song.
Your eyes popped open—any trace of fatigue and weariness melting away. As much as it pained you leave the serenity of Xanthus’ arms, you had to. So, with a quiet groan and a lot of caution, you slowly crept out of bed and tiptoed to the balcony window. And sure enough, there it was.
A Mourning Dove.
Your stomach swirled with nostalgia, and your chest felt heavy. It had been ages since you saw one, and even longer since you’ve heard its hauntingly beautiful call. As the bird sang, you took a moment to admire its muted colors—its little body covered in beige and light gray hues. The corners of your mouth quirked up fondly as you watched the dove’s chest and throat puff out to make each sound.
“Love?” A groggy voice groaned behind you.
You turned around to see Xanthus sitting upright, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“There’s a mourning dove outside,” you replied.
He got out of bed and walked over to the balcony window.
“Ah. So there is. I haven’t seen one in so long, which makes sense—they aren’t native to the U.K.”
You didn’t answer. You merely watched it sing some more. And although, for a time, the silence between you two was very comforting, you could practically feel Xanthus’ inquisitive gaze.
“I take it that you really like this bird?”
“Yeah. A long time ago, back when I used to live with my parents—a dove that looked just like this one would perch on a ledge outside my window, and sing— once in every blue moon. I know a lot of people think that it sings a sad song, but I never thought so. I always felt comforted, and even a little joyful when I’d hear its song.”
“Is that so?”
You hummed. “I’ve always envied them.”
“Because they’re free; they have peace. I didn’t have that growing up. For my entire life, I was forced to live in fear—always looking over my shoulder, always flinching at every corner. I never let myself fully trust people because I never knew what their true intentions were. It felt like I was…trapped in a cage. And since everyone was out to get me and family, I never really got a chance to actually live my life.”
The cage might’ve been spacious, filled with all the luxuries one could ever ask for—it might’ve been familiar, and full of the people you loved, but…
A cage is still a cage, nonetheless.
“Do you feel free now?” Xanthus asked.
You hummed and rested your head on his shoulder. Dontis was an absolute saint for opening up his home to you two. He’s helped you guys out in more ways in one. You certainly weren’t ungrateful for everything he’s done for you two, but at that point it’d been months since you’ve left his penthouse. Months since you’ve got to try new food, or interacted with new people. Months since you were able to live your life.
Yes, his house was full of luxuriously plush couches, beautiful paintings, and wide flat screen T.Vs, but you still weren’t free. A cage is still a cage. But even after everything you’ve been through, if there was one thing you’d gained—-it was peace. You’ve found peace with Xanthus, and that was enough for now.
“When I die, I think I wanna become a mourning dove.”
Xanthus turned his head toward you. “What?”
“I remember you telling me something about the jokes vampires make when they die. You told me that if you died, you’d come back as a bat. So, I’m telling you now that when I die, I’m gonna come back as a mourning dove. So make sure to keep your ears open;
‘Cause I’m gonna sing you a beautiful song.”
No matter where he went or where he tried to hide, death followed Xanthus everywhere—but it never really bothered him until he met you. Humans lives were fleeting compared to his own, and as fragile as a porcelain tea cup, teetering dangerously on the edge of a high shelf; one nudge away from shattering into numerous irreparable pieces. He never liked thinking about your death, or what’d it be like if you were gone—so he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, and cherished your presence while you were still around.
But ever since you and him had that conversation, he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
He didn’t stop thinking about it when he held your broken and bloodied body in his arms—your face drained of any color, your eyes dull and lifeless.
He didn’t stop thinking about it as he tore Audric to shreds after what he did to you. He could still feel the warmth of his blood dripping from his fingers.
He didn’t stop thinking about it when he gave your eulogy, or when he and your loved ones walked to the graveyard.
And he most definitely didn’t stop thinking about it when they lowered your coffin 6 feet into the cold, dark ground.
He couldn’t bring himself to leave your grave—even after everyone left. He couldn’t bring himself to speak, or to mutter any sort of apology for getting you into this mess. For being so careless. For being so damn weak. All he could do was sit in front of your grave, with his face buried in his hands, and sob inconsolably. He’d lost the person he was supposed to protect; his lover, a piece of his soul. And now, he felt incomplete—broken, even. So, all he could do was sit there, and cry until there were no tears left to shed.
Until he heard a familiar coo. A familiar chirp.
A familiar song.
He took his face out of his hands, and looked up; the red, bloody tears still streaming out of his wide eyes. And sure enough, there it was, perched on your headstone:
A Mourning Dove.
Its little body was bathed in beige and light gray hues, its throat and chest puffed out as it sang. And Xanthus watched quietly in disbelief until it was over. He reached his hand out, and the dove perched on his finger. And as soon as the bird made contact, he felt it.
It was you.
You came back to say goodbye to him, one last time.
The dove cooed once more, and flew away—the faint flapping sounds of its wings fading further and further away. He watched as the dove flew toward the sky.
You were finally at peace. You were finally free.
A/N: Ever since part 8.1–when Xanthus jokes about dying and being reincarnated as a bat, I couldn’t stop thinking about what kind of animal listener would end up being. I really, really love mourning doves, and I’ve always thought that they’d be a good fit for listener.
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clickerflight · 2 months
Clove: Part 33 - Home
Author's note: We're almost to the end. The next chapter will be the epilogue. I have so many feels. It will feel good to finish writing a story.
Masterlist - Part 32
Content: Vampire whumpee, vaguely referenced sexual abuse, emotional angst, lost time
Hyrum ran ahead of the group through the trees, still in that huge wolfdog form, barking and howling with excitement, tail wagging behind himself as he bounded over streams and logs. Ephraim, who had Benny’s arm over his shoulder, felt his energy coming back just watching the pup enjoy the sun streaming through the leaves. 
Kortops and Halia walked, arms linked, deft flaps of their wings getting them over obstructions. 
Benny had been very quiet since waking up and Ephraim assumed he needed some time to think while he healed from the fight they had. Ephraim didn't mind. He needed time to think as well. 
Besides, it was wonderful to look at the normal plantlife, hearing the soft sounds of birds and water, no mists to obscure their vision. It looked like time had moved strangely while they were in the fae realm. That was to be expected. It was well into summer, now, when it had been autumn when he left. He hoped everyone was okay. He hoped that Margaret was still alive. 
“How long has it been?” Benny asked softly, apparently having a similar thought process. 
“About 53 years if it’s July now,” Ephraim said, and Benny’s head hung a little lower. “It’s not your fault.”
“Feels like it,” he whispered. “If I had been a little stronger. I knew what was happening was wrong. I didn’t even like being her husband, but-”
“You were charmed,” Ephraim said firmly. “And now we can move on. We’re home. You’re home.”
Benny lifted his head, and Ephraim felt sick to his stomach seeing the tears streaming down his cheeks. “Ephraim, I don’t think I belong here anymore. I’m…. I’ve been….”
Ephraim could see the words that wouldn’t come out. Defiled, disgusting, corrupted, sickened, a completely different man lost in a familiar world.
Ephraim sighed. “Benny, do you remember what I told you after you’d recovered from being turned?”
Benny frowned, trying to remember, but his charm-addled mind had caused the memory to completely leave him. His shoulders hitched with a sob as he shook his head. 
“That’s okay. I want to tell you,” Ephraim said warmly, trying to keep any worry out of his voice, rubbing his thumb over Benny’s neck. “We live for a very long time, Benny, if everything goes well for us. That gives us a lot of time to change. We are never going to be the same person as we were a decade ago, okay? And that’s okay. It takes a lot of bravery to face that, to try and keep up with the ever changing world and with the change within ourselves. We will live to see horrors beyond anything most mortals can comprehend, and we have to learn how to handle it, okay? I am so sorry it happened so early. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you from being taken that day, but we have to take this in stride and we have to keep going.”
Benny was silent for a long moment and Ephraim took another breath. “You know that I was a gladiator once. A long time ago.”
Benny nodded. He felt more awake, especially at the mention of the part of Ephraim’s life that the older vampire quite often refused to talk about. It was still hard to imagine Ephraim as a gladiator. Maybe that was just because Benny had seen him plant too many sunflowers. 
“I didn’t want to be a gladiator,” Ephraim sighed. “I had been captured for being a vampire and sold around until I ended up in a gladiator ring. I was trapped there for years, Benny. Fighting and killing just so I could have a meal once every few days. I was sick, but still stronger than the humans they kept sending in to fight me, trying to slay me like some monster…. It took me a long time after I’d won my freedom to figure myself out. I couldn’t make friends for a long time, I acted like the monster they’d trained me to be, and I didn’t even have a safe place to sleep. I know how you feel, and you have to remember that you are the only one in charge of your emotions and actions. You have to take your life into your hands and make it what you will.”
“But I don’t know what-”
“You don’t have to right now. And I’ll let you in on a secret. You never will. You just have to decide what you like from life, what you think it would be fun to be, and go for it.”
Benny thought about that for a moment. That seemed easier said than done, and he didn’t like how lost it still made him feel, but Ephraim was right, Ephraim was almost always right. He’d been around long enough to know things like this. 
“Thank you. For the advice and for….. Getting me out of there.”
“Not sure how much help I actually was for that,” Ephraim said with a chuckle. “There’s the cottage.”
Benny looked up and his knees nearly gave out, seeing the beautiful cottage, the garden fairly well tended. It seemed Ephraim had been away for a while but someone had taken the time to put the garden in order. 
He saw Hyrum run into the garden, sniffing at everything, stopping to roll in the grass before getting up and dashing into the house, turning into a human on the way in through the door. 
Benny could hear voices inside and soon enough Hyrum came back out, wrapped in a blanket. It seemed that his clothing got shredded when he took his large wolf form. 
“Eef! Margaret is here!”
Benny perked up, gathering his energy to let go of Ephraim, walking on his own as a man who smelled like herbs and teas stepped out, surprised. Benny felt a pang of sadness, realizing this man was old enough to have kids, but he couldn’t have been alive when Benny left. He would only know the old members of the village. 
He pushed that thought inside. He needed to see Margaret. 
He stumbled up, past the garden, past the two fae who stopped to look at the flowers, giggling to one another, past the pup and to the cottage stoop, leaning hard on the railing. 
He faintly heard Ephraim commenting on everything new as the man stepped aside, surprised. 
Benny stepped up onto the stoop, which hadn’t been there before, and through the door. 
He looked around so quickly, it made him dizzy. Finally, he spotted a wizened old woman on the couch, only the faintest traces of who she had been marked on her face. 
“Margie?” he whispered, looking at who was once his younger sister. Younger? Really? How could he possibly be older!?
She looked up from the medicine pouches she was assembling with a deep frown, only for her eyes to dull with confusion when she looked at him. 
“Who…. no…. Benny?”
Benny nodded with a sob, stepping across to the couch where he sat down heavily, wrapping his arms around his sister, kissing the thinning grey hairs on the top of her head. 
She grabbed his arm with a gnarled claw, grunting as she weakly pushed him off. 
She looked him over more critically. “In the name of Lady Death, Benjamin Ashmaker. What are you wearing?”
He looked down at the tight leathers, split and torn in places from his fight and smelling of werewolf slobber. “I…. I’m not sure, anymore. I’ll change as soon as I can.”
Ephraim stepped through the front door, a tired little smile on his face and Margie looked angry at him more than anything. “There’s the slacker. Where in the world have you been, then? Something to do with Benny here?”
“Yeah. That Sorcerer, Jack, he kidnapped Hyrum and we ended up in the fae realm. Your brother’s been playing spouse to the Queen all this time. Good thing he did, too, or he would have been killed.”
Ephraim came to kneel on the floor, taking Margie’s spotted hands. Benny swallowed hard against tears that tried to rise up when he saw that. She was so…. Old. Lady Death was standing behind her, practically. Ephraim had warned him about this part of being a vampire, and he had been ready to handle it when he thought he would be able to spend all of these years watching these people, his sister, grow old. But no. He’d been taken, gone for what felt like 16 years and came back to find his sister about to return home to the great beyond. 
There wasn't enough time.
Margie turned her eyes back to Benjamin, hardened with time and grief, but still the same woman who always called him foolish and a ‘man who attracts trouble like seeds attract birds.’ And despite the pain he saw there, he was glad to see her eyes and mind were clear. “Benny…. I have an apology to make to you and to Ephraim. I had thought you dead. I had lost hope. I am sorry. I should have believed…..”
Ephraim put a hand on her knee. “Don’t you worry, Margie. Hope is painful, and I hoped enough for the both of us.”
“If it helps at all,” Benny said, almost in a whisper, “I… I didn’t feel abandoned.”
“PSHAW! Probably because you were charmed out of your mind!” she said in a high croaking voice. “Foolish man! Trouble maker, that you are. Spouse of the Queen, indeed. Foolish. So very foolish!”
Tears were spilling from her eyes, following the creases and wrinkles as she slowly leaned forward, bones popping and creaking as she wrapped her arms around Benny. 
Benny buried his face in her shoulder, the tears and sobs fully escaping. He didn’t want to mourn the lost time. He needed to focus on the time he had now with his sister, with his mentor. But it just wasn’t fair. He’d lost so much time, so much blood and memory, so much innocence, so much of himself, and for what!? For what!?
He felt Ephraim rub his back as he cried. Ephraim understood. He always seemed to understand. It was a small comfort in the abyss of grief and confusion Benny found himself in. 
And maybe it would be enough. He wasn’t alone. Not anymore. And he still had time with Margie. He was so very lucky to have been found before she… before-
The man he’d passed at the door cleared his throat. “So, ah, are those fae out in the garden with Hyrum?”
Ephraim started. “Oh, yes. I’ll need to explain that. You two catch up, alright? I’ll come bug you later, Margie. Looks like there’s no rest for the wicked.”
“I should hope not,” Margie huffed. “Making us all worry all winter and spring. You have a lot to answer for.”
Ephraim left with a laugh and a wave, and the door closed on Benny and Margie, years apart and yet still as close as the day Benny was taken to the fae realms. 
Hey you! Yes you! I want to have a sort of askathon about this story once this is done. Have questions about this story? Meta or clarifications on cannon? Please send them so I can answer some as a celebration of finishing this series. Thank you so so much for reading this series, and I hope you will enjoy the epilogue. If you are reading this way after the series is over, still feel free to send in asks. It is good for a writer to remember the stories they have created, even if they are over. <3
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff 
@honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps @mj-or-say10 @percy-frayer 
@currentlyinthesprial @scoundrelwithboba @whumps-and-bumps @hellodecisionparalysis @scatteriskity
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hana-bobo-finch · 17 days
teleports in here for ask game purposes. asking this one again bc I like this question
🌼 what's your favorite thing about your oc !! any of them! whichever one(s) you wanna talk about 🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥
OOOOOO HELLO!!! That’s a tough question I got no idea 🦅🦅💥💥 I love everything about my ocs but I will attempt to answer!!!
I have a ton of ocs a majority of which I have never and may never post about so I’ll try to stick to the ones that I have shown to the world (though I’ll briefly summarize those too because i doubt anyone remembers them) but I might sprinkle in some of my Super Scary Secret Ones as well
• OC NUMBER ONE!!! TERRI (the dumbass pikmin oc with the moth I posted about yesterday I think? Was it yesterday? I must admit I have been completely out of it this week and I have lost any concept of time but REGARDLESS)
I HAVE NOT DONE MUCH WITH HER SO THERE IS NOTHING TRULY DEEP TO HER CHARACTER. BUUUT I like how she was my first real oc based on a preexisting franchise. for a loooong time I was in the horribly toxic mindset of “heheheh oc? that’s so cringe hehehe” so a few months ago I made her as a big middle finger to that previous mindset. YES I made a pikmin oc YES she’s the sibling of a preexisting character YES I posted it on tumblr and NO I do NOT give a damn!!!
Or if you want a more basic answer I like how I made it so her hair kinda looks like butterfly wings cause it looks really goofy but she probably thinks it is So Awesome heeheehee
• OC NUMBER TWO!!! PUTTERS AND GAF (counting them as one)
I just think they are very silly. If I had to choose a favorite aspect it’d be how they influence other characters, like the pure, blinding jealousy and rage that Putters brings upon her owner’s husband. You either love putters and gaf or you want to see them dead and there is no in between
actually in my original post bout her I didn’t fully mention some of her personality traits. I was focused more on her relation to the Turtlemeister but there’s more to her. Not a whole lot more admittedly but yea. If I had to pick my favorite though I’d sayyyy her brashness. I feel like I didn’t get that across well in the original post but she is intense. She will speed down the road at speeds way over the limit (and in this universe driving is already a taboo unless you have good reason for it) while blaring music, she tried to start the “sequel to the ice bucket challenge” (the boiling water challenge, it did not go well) and has zero filter. She’s not completely insane (I think if she was constantly like that it’d be way too much) but those aspects are definitely my favorite
fear not if you have no idea who this is! You aren’t simply forgetting or weren’t around for me mentioning her, I have just never mentioned her existence! She’s putter’s owner. I could go wayyyy into her but then we’d be here all day and I’ve already been typing this out for way too long soooo. It’s incredibly hard to pick one favorite aspect soooo I’ll just go with:
she’s prooooobably the most emotionally intelligent of the ocs in this universe…….not to say she’s a complete saint by any means, hell she’s kinda the catalyst for a LOT of problems with some Really Bad Decisions but she actually owns her fuck ups (except for the time she accidentally killed someone and was too horrified to tell anyone so she staged an accident and lived with the guilt the rest of her life but shhhhh) and tries to improve. Which by the end she does! Yippee (SHE IS NOT OK BY THE END) (SHE WON BUT AT WHAT COST)
She’s also just one of the nicest characters, you wouldn’t get that from my brief description but she actually is. She’s forgiving to a fault, like she got back with her ex husband MULTIPLE times on and off despite the fundamental disagreement that caused them to break up in the first place never being resolved, and tries to be the best parent possible (uhhh she might’ve failed with her…fish daughter….crap I haven’t mentioned the fish people….uh BUT SHE TRIED HER BEST AND WORKED THINGS OUT WITH SAID FISH DAUGHTER AND THEY ARE A HAPPY FAMILY NOW YAYYYY)
once again you are not crazy I have just never mentioned her before. And yes her name is French for “two mice” you will see why that is. Brief summary, she’s French (shocking) and joined the police force at a young age and was on path to be an incredibly successful and talented officer (much to the chagrin of her…grandmother I think? Yeah it’s her grandmother, who attempted to do the same as her but failed miserably and ended up being a lifelong traffic cop in a region where there is like. No traffic) but then!!! Had to go on a rescue mission and ended up getting. Extremely traumatized in the process! But she rescued the fellas she had to (said fellas losing their eyesight in the process uhhhh don’t ask) and got all sorts of medals for her bravery but she was like. Nah screw this I’m quitting (again to the chagrin of her grandmother, HOW COULD YOU THROW AWAY YOUR CAREER LIKE THIS I WORKED SO HARD AND I NEVER EVEN—) and spent the rest of her life in a group called the “two blind mice and one seeing eye mouse” with the people she rescued where she was the, well, seeing eye mouse! She didn’t actually have to do much work guiding them because the other “mice” in the group were incredibly adaptive and could pretty much function independently immediately but she stuck around anyway. Let’s pretend the story ends there heehee she had a happily ever after mmmhm nothing bad happened after that ahahaha. Um way too much exposition for a simple point but! My favorite thing about her! She carries a soundboard everywhere so she can make goofy sound effects for certain situations. She also plays the horn. Like a car horn. She will make music with car horns. She does a very good job at it surprisingly
I could yap so so so much more but I will restrain myself. Final oc who I am obligated to mention but I will be So Vague about: i won’t say his actual name but. Some call him pumpkin daddy. He has been haunting my thoughts for over 2 years now. He is not even an oc. He is not original. He is someone else’s old oc but when I mentioned he was my favorite part of his original universe, the original creator randomly gave me full ownership of him. So technically he is mine now I suppose. I changed him beyond belief, the only remnants of his old life being his name and appearance. I’m speaking of him like a cryptid lmao my favorite thing about pumpkin daddy is everything. That is all
I am still awaiting the shadowban lifting but pretend that I sent in an ask to you asking the same question!!! @starlightswordfight What’s your favorite part of your ocs!!!
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beefromanoff · 1 year
Project Mockingbird Ch. 3
summary: the first official encounter with James Buchanan Barnes is...not exactly love at first sight.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
author's note: let me know what you think! thanks for reading, xox!
tag list: @bangtanxberm (let me know if you want to be added <3)
chapter list
I was exhausted. 
For my first full day, we’d toured the entire facility, and I still felt like there was so much I hadn’t seen. There were rooms full of screens with dozens of agents talking on headsets, rooms with mechanical arms and welding sparks flying, rooms with so many weapons I felt like I was on a military base. It seemed to go on forever. Hangars, shooting ranges, labs, even an extensive medical wing for mission or training injuries. Natasha and Steve had been more than accommodating, staying with me through dinner. I’d met a few other Avengers, ones I recognized from either the news or online. It felt like a strange, high-tech college dorm, with ultra-powerful roommates. Not that I knew what that was like. 
I’d spent what should have been my college years in living hell. Not something I wanted to think about at that particular moment, though. I was just glad to be back in my room. Just glad to have a room to call my own, really. I twisted on the bed, my back sinking into the plush bedding. The feeling of a comfortable bed after a hot shower would never lose that euphoric feeling. Not when I’d gone so long without it before. 
This room was unfamiliar, yet strangely comforting. Soft light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the walls. The bed felt good beneath me, oddly similar to those of the luxurious suites I’d grown so accustomed to in Vegas over the past few weeks. 
A shiver tore through my body as an unwelcome thought reminded me of the cold, rickety hospital bed I’d spent so many nights sleeping on before my escape. How long ago was that? Years? Decades? I shook my head, willing the thoughts to fall out of my ears and never return. There was so much I still didn’t remember. 
Taking a deep breath, I focused on something good. A friend. Natasha had assured me this was a safe place, but could I really trust it? Could I trust her?
I squeezed my eyes shut and tried again to silence the doubts swirling in my mind.
This room, it's like a cage that's too comfortable to be real. How did I end up here? How did Natasha convince me to trust her, to trust them? I’ve spent so long avoiding people, avoiding connections. And now, I’m here, surrounded by... superheroes? I’m supposed to believe they have no other motive? 
She said I don’t have to work with them, I don’t have to fight. Why would she say that if it isn’t true? To get me to come with her. God, I’m so dumb. Of course they’ll want me to fight. Why else would they want me here at all. The only thing I can do is fight. 
At least if I’m here, I’d be fighting for the good guys this time. At least, I hope so. 
Natasha, she’s different. Right? I saw it in her eyes. She understands what it means to fight against the darkness. She told me the Avengers are a family, a team. She had no one before them. I have no one now. Can I really have that too? Would they accept me if they knew…knew everything?
Closing my eyes tighter, I try to push away the memories of the experiments, the pain, the fear. Flashes of white, hot anger and blinding rage. 
Natasha said they'd protect me. She said I could start anew here. But how can I trust these people I barely know? What if this is just another trap, another illusion to get me to do someone’s bidding?
I feel a lump forming in my throat. 
I have to give it a chance, don't I? I have to believe in something. Believe in someone. Maybe this room, this bed, is more than just a comfortable cage. Maybe it’s a sanctuary, a haven where I can rebuild what HYDRA took away from me.
Maybe I can have a life here. 
Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that I'm not alone anymore. I'm not that scared, fragile girl they took to their labs so long ago. I’m not the angry, violent assassin who escaped them. 
I’m Charlotte Rossi, and I survived. I survived all of it. I survived for a reason.  
Maybe, just maybe, I can learn to trust these Avengers. Maybe I can find a new purpose here, a reason to fight back.
As sleep started to claim me, I took a shuddering breath, making a promise to myself:
I'll give them a chance. I’ll trust them. For Natasha. For me.
And with that, I let the darkness take me, hoping that when I woke, I'd find the strength to face this new chapter of my life, whatever it may bring.
The night had been turbulent, the remnants of my nightmares still lingering in the corners of my mind like cobwebs. I had always found solace in the quiet hours before dawn, where the world seemed to hold its breath, and the horrors of the past felt momentarily distant. 
Slipping out of bed, I padded through the dark common room to the balcony, my bare feet cold against the smooth tiles. Like everything here, the balcony was pristine and expanse. It stretched in a large semi-circle, boasting the best view of the entire compound. Except maybe the one you’d get from any of their impressive aircraft. 
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The first hints of sunrise painted the sky in soft hues of pink and orange, casting a serene glow over the lake. As I settled into a chair, the tranquility of the morning wrapped around me like a comforting blanket. Nightmares weren’t new to me, but I never quite learned to quickly bounce back from them. There was still a cold sheen of sweat on my chest as I leaned back, taking in my surroundings. 
My attention was drawn to the trail surrounding the compound's lake, where a figure emerged from the early morning mist. I tensed out of instinct. He moved with a surprising amount of grace for someone of his size, every step purposeful and powerful. Even from a distance, I recognized him - James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. 
There was an undeniable magnetism about him, something in the way he carried himself, a nearly predatory confidence that was both captivating and intimidating. A shiver ran through me as I watched him turn a corner and disappear from sight. 
I knew I’d see him eventually, it was inevitable. Some part of me found peace in the kindness of the rest of the team. If there was going to be an issue with my being here, surely I’d have picked up on it by now. Why would they have even brought me here if anyone had a problem with it?
Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice Steve approaching until his shadow fell over me. He held out a steaming mug of coffee, the aroma rich and inviting. "Couldn’t sleep either?" he asked, his blue eyes kind and understanding.
I accepted the coffee with a grateful nod, the warmth seeping into my hands as I wrapped them around the mug. "Thank you," I murmured, taking a tentative sip.
"Want something to do today?" Steve’s voice was casual, inviting. "I have a training session with some of the agents. You're welcome to watch. Might give you a sense of what we do here."
I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the prospect of witnessing their training firsthand, but cautious about any hidden motive. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not trying to rope you into participating.” Steve lowered his own mug. “I don’t like ulterior motives. If there’s ever something I think, you’ll know it. I’m just a guy who was new here at one point too, I know the first few weeks can be a little…aimless.” 
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Chuckling, I nodded. “Yeah, you could say that. I was hoping for some kind of activities list, like at summer camp.”
“You went to summer camp?” He looked incredulous. 
“I’ve seen movies.” 
“Ah,” He sipped his coffee. “That’s where I learned about -” He gestured vaguely. “Everything, I suppose.”
There was a moment of silence as he decided if he was going to address the obvious. 
“I had a lot to catch up on, too.” He spoke softly. “For a while, I had to write down everything new about the world that I wanted to remember. I watched a lot of movies, probably not historically accurate, but I definitely enjoyed learning that way.” He smiled, looking back at me. “Not a lot of people can relate. Just know I’m here.” 
“Thanks, Steve.” I pressed my lips together in a small smile. 
“For what it’s worth, you’re much more well-adjusted than I ever was. You must catch on quick.”
“You have no idea.” 
We leisurely finished our coffee before going to our respective rooms to get dressed. I had returned to my room to find a small pile of folded black clothes on the bed beneath a handwritten note.
‘In case you don’t feel like wearing sequins all week - xo, Nat’
I grinned, pulling out a set of black workout tights and a matching long sleeved top. It was chilly out here, which I guess was to be expected from upstate New York in October. Not nearly the balmy temperatures of Nevada. I did a quick change, laced up my sneakers, and met Steve back in the common room so we could make our way to the training wing. 
The moment I stepped inside, I was awestruck by the high-tech setup. The room was a marvel of modern design, sleek and functional, with state-of-the-art exercise equipment lining the walls. Rows of punching bags hung from the ceiling, several sparring rings placed throughout the massive room. 
The sound of bodies moving and the echo of instructions filled the air. Agents in SHIELD uniforms were scattered across the training mats, engaged in various forms of combat. Steve led me to a vantage point where I could observe the proceedings without being in the way.
A small group of six agents stood around one of the mats, waiting for him. They paused their stretching to greet him as we walked up. 
“Team, this is Charlotte. She’s going to be around for a while, I trust you’ll all make her feel welcome.” Steve’s words were met with nods and various greetings towards me, to which I smiled and tried to look as non-threatening as possible. Maybe they’ll think I’m just someone’s long-lost cousin, here to visit for a few months. 
Steve’s movements were a symphony of precision and power as he demonstrated different combat techniques to the agents. His punches were lightning-fast, his blocks seamless. Each motion was deliberate, a testament to his expertise. The way he moved, the way he fought, it was both beautiful and awe-inspiring. I could tell he was pulling his punches, using as much effort to go easy on the agents as they were to try and land a single blow on him. Super soldier strength was no joke. 
I watched, captivated, as he guided the agents, offering corrections and encouragement in equal measure. There was a quiet intensity about him, a dedication to his craft that was impossible to miss. At that moment, I understood why he was the leader of the Avengers, why he was Captain America. He was confident, not arrogant. Kind, yet firm. He had their respect but he so clearly respected them as well. He was the kind of guy you’d want to follow into battle. 
As the training session continued, I found myself drawn into the rhythm of their movements, the energy in the room palpable. Despite myself, I felt familiar patterns happening within me. My eyes tracked their movements, clocking every position, every wince, every shift of weight from one foot to the other. With an almost computerized precision, my mind began to catalog the fighting style of all six agents and the super soldier right in front of me. 
Later that day, I retreated to the workout facility in the Avengers’ building. It was smaller, but equally as nice. There were small modifications, clearly for accommodating superhumans. For starters, the ceilings were much higher, likely to accommodate for those who could clear a 30 foot tree in a single jump. The weights ranged far beyond the standard 45 lb plates and 100 lb dumbbells, which was where the other facility capped out. 
I punched a few buttons on the treadmill and worked up to a moderate pace. The row of treadmills faced the lake, already one of my favorite things to look at. I focused on the trees, the wind rustling through them. I controlled my breathing, thankful for the peace and quiet. The solitude lasted a good half hour before I heard the door slide open. 
“Hey stranger,” Natasha’s familiar rasp announced her presence. 
“Long time no see,” I tugged the safety cord out of the treadmill and let myself slide off the back, landing on my feet. 
“Heard you got to see Rogers in action today?” She strode over and took a seat on the bench nearest me. 
I shrugged. “The basket weaving class was full.” 
“Well, if you want to see the more exciting training sessions, I help out with weapons and hand-to-hand a few days a week.” She winked.
“If I had known that, I wouldn’t have wasted my first training session on Steve!” I mocked a tantrum. 
“Hey, super-soldier hearing here.” Steve strode through the door, right on cue.
“Beat it, Rogers, we’re having a girl talk.” 
Dropping his bag, Steve pulled out a roll of tape and began wrapping his hands for what I assume would be a round of sparring, either with the punching bag or an actual person. “You’re just mad I set the bar so high with Charlotte’s first training experience.” He grinned. 
Raising my eyebrow, I watched as Natasha rolled her eyes and grinned. There was so clearly something between them, it took me less than 48 hours to pick up on it. I wondered if it was something they’d explored yet, or if they lived in denial. 
Before I could make a snappy remark, the doors opened again and in strode the one man I wasn’t sure I was ready to see yet. 
Blue eyes snapped up to look at me, and he stopped in his tracks as the door slid shut behind him. Based on the way his jaw clenched, I don’t think he was quite ready to see me either. The world felt like it slowed to half speed, I felt my thoughts get muddled. I was slipping away from reality. No, please no, not here, not now -
White hot light exploded in my skull as I collapsed to my knees, fighting against myself.
“Charlotte!” Natasha was at my side instantly, holding my arm.
“Stop…Me…” My breathing was labored, I spat each word out through gritted teeth as I felt myself losing the internal battle for control.
“What do you mean, what’s going on?” She gripped my upper arm tightly, looking at Steve in concern. He hovered over me, halfway crouched. 
Then it all went black. 
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Steve looked from Natasha to Bucky, still frozen by the door. Charlotte had collapsed to her knees, face contorted in pain. In the few seconds since she’d cried out, sweat had already broken on the back of her neck. 
“Stop…Me…” Her voice was somewhere between a growl and a plea. 
“What do you mean, what’s going on?” Natasha asked, looking up at Steve. Before anyone could react, Charlotte sent them both tumbling backwards. In one fluid movement, she’d rolled forward and closed the distance between her and Bucky. Her momentum carried her from the roll straight into a fighting stance. Before Nat or Steve could scramble to their feet, she’d swung into a roundhouse kick straight at Bucky’s head. 
He ducked, eyes wide with surprise but movements instinctive. Charlotte went straight from her kick into a crouch, swinging her leg to sweep his out from under him. He landed on his back and rolled away from her as she advanced. Left hook, right jab, knee to the ribs, Bucky narrowly blocked each one. She was quick. 
For a split second, Bucky took his eyes off of her fists and looked at her face. A chill nearly paralyzed him as he saw the blank expression on her face, the unseeing and glassy eyes. His pause was costly, and he felt the full weight of that when her foot collided with the side of his head. He spat blood on the ground just as Steve’s feet stepped between him and Charlotte. 
Steve blocked her jabs as rapidly as they came, with Natasha running up from behind. 
“Get the hell out of here!” He yelled at Bucky, still on the ground as blood pooled from the cut on his eyebrow. “Go!” 
Bucky didn’t question it, rolling to his feet and sprinting out the door. 
Natasha came from above and wrapped her legs around Charlotte’s neck, throwing her to the ground. Without releasing her, she continued to squeeze. Steve dropped down, pinning her arms as she writhed against Natasha. After a violent resistance, she went limp as she finally passed out. 
“What…the hell just happened.” Nat fell back on her elbows, breathing hard. 
“I have no idea,” Steve held a hand out, helping her to stand. “Do you think she needs medical?” 
“Well, I don’t think we should just go tuck her into bed after this.” Natasha rubbed her sleeve across her forehead, wiping sweat off. “You go check on Barnes, I’ll call up to the room and see if anyone’s here to help me take her in.”
Nodding, Steve took off in a jog after Bucky, following the trail of blood splattered on the ground.
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celandeline · 8 months
Summer of Like // Farleigh Start x OC (3)
It takes me a few days to be able to find my way around Saltburn without Venetia’s help. The room I’m staying in - across the hall from Venetia’s - is tucked away in the eastern wing of the house, which makes it easy to get to the dining room and the kitchen, but hard to get to the library (which I don’t know why it’s called a library when it’s very obviously a living room). In a house as lavish as Saltburn, you’d think there’d be plenty of landmarks to guide me, but all of the portraits look the same when they’re not my relatives. 
Still, by the third day, I manage to make it down to the library after changing out of my bikini without getting lost. 
Venetia is lounging on the couch when I come down the hall, and I plop down beside her, letting my head fall nicely onto her shoulder. “Hey.” The scent of vanilla wafts over me, and I find my eyes drifting to the necklace that hangs on her collarbones. “You’re more done up that usual - should I go back upstairs and put something nicer on?”
She gives me the up-and-down that totally means I should go back upstairs and put something nicer on. “No, that’s cute. It’s not like anything - Felix and Farleigh are supposed to get in today, is all.”
“Ah, yes Felix.” I say. The brother that I’ve heard so much about, but not yet met. I feel like I know him just about as well as Venetia does, just from how much she talks about him. If she hadn’t told me that he was her brother, I’d think he was her long distance boyfriend. “I can’t wait to put a face to all the stories I’ve heard.”
“Farleigh will be so excited that he’s got another American to talk to.” She says. 
“Yes, you’ve been saying.” I say, making myself more comfortable against her side. It sort of feels like she’s already trying to pawn me off on her cousin so that she can spend more time with her brother, but I shouldn’t take it personally - she’s just missed him, I think. And after being surrounded by pretentious Brits at Cambridge for a year, having another American to talk to does sound pretty refreshing. 
She rests her head on top of mine. “You have to promise me something, Evie.”
“Yeah, of course.” I say.
“You can’t fall in love with Felix.”
The seriousness that she says it in almost makes me laugh. “V, I’m not going to fall in love with your brother. You’ve told me stories about how he used to piss his pants on purpose to have to come home from elementary school.”
“Primary.” Venetia corrects, and I can feel her cheek move against the top of my head as she grins. “Yeah, I did, didn’t I? You can’t tell him I told you that.”
“Cross my heart.” I say. “And cross my heart that I’m not going to fall in love with him either?”
I don’t get a chance to answer before the sound of the massive front doors creaking open filters through the room, and Venetia shoots up from her seat beside me, brushing her hands down her front before heading out of the library. Not wanting to be left behind alone in the library, I quickly follow along. 
Ahead of me, Venetia moves through the house with ease, breezing down the hall towards the massive foyer, blonde hair fluttering out behind her from her own breeze. I keep up a few steps behind her, and try to calm my nerves. I’ve already met her parents - so why am I nervous about meeting her brother? Just because Venetia thinks so highly of him doesn’t mean that I will, but after hearing all the stories, it’s a little infectious, her reverence of him.
As we round the bend into the foyer proper, Venetia squeals, rushing forward towards a very tall boy who I can assume is Felix. He grins wide when he sees her coming, and scoops her up into a hug when they crash together. He looks like her in the way that all siblings look like each other - and it makes me think that maybe beauty just runs in the family. I can see why Venetia was worried about me falling in love with him. 
Another voice to the right draws my attention away from Venetia and her brother. Another boy, just as tall as Felix, stands a few feet away, a halo of curls around his head and a wry smile on his face. Everything about him exudes confidence, down to the little smudge of glitter sticking out of the collar of his tee shirt, like he simply hasn’t bothered to wipe away last night’s partying. 
By process of elimination, I can assume this is Farleigh. 
“Hi.” I return, shooting him a smile back. 
It’s as if my voice jolts Venetia back to reality. “Oh- Felix, Farleigh, this is my friend Evie, from school. She’s staying the summer with us-” She steps back from her brother. “Where’s yours, Fi?”
“Oh, Ollie?” Felix asks. “Yeah, he’ll be down in a few days, poor lad got stuck with the last round of exams so he’s still at Oxford.”
“Poor lad.” Farleigh repeats, exaggerating his pout. 
Venetia grins. “You don’t like him, Far?”
Farleigh returns her smile, and leans forward to flick her on the tip of the nose. “Not in the slightest.” When he rights himself, his gaze turns to me. “Venetia says you’re American.”
“I am.” I say.
“Where from?” He asks. 
“New York.” I say.
He cocks his head, and grins. “Brooklyn?”
I can’t help but smile back. “Is it that bad?” I laugh. “What about you, where are you from?”
“Rhode Island. Bristol.” He says. “But I lived in Manhattan for a little while with my dad.” 
My attention is stolen when Felix sticks his hand out to shake. I grin as I take his hand, and he returns the gesture. “Lovely to meet you Evie. It’s so exciting that Venetia’s brought a friend for the summer - I’m always worried she gets sick of all the testosterone by the end of holiday.”
“I was starting to think you didn’t have any friends, V.” Farleigh adds, his eyes flicking over to Venetia. 
“Shove off, Farleigh - when was the last time you brought someone back for the summer?” Venetia says, taking her brother by the hand and starting back towards the library. Farleigh and I follow along in their wake, Farleigh’s nose wrinkling up as he frowns. “You know Mum and Dad would let you if you asked.” She says. 
Farleigh just rolls his eyes. 
“Where are Mum and Dad anyway?” Felix asks, tilting his head like they might be hiding in one of the rooms we pass. 
“Mum went off with Pamela to town, one of the boutiques, I think, and Dad should be around here somewhere.” Venetia says. “Probably got lost in a book. Anyway- you’ve got to catch me up, it’s been months since Christmas, tell me everything!”
Farleigh rolls his eyes again, but this time it’s playful, and he looks at me pointedly, like I’m in on the joke. And in a way - I am. I know exactly what he’s thinking. I’m beginning to see it myself now that Felix and Venetia are in the same room, and I smile back, sympathetic.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 11 months
🗡️ Clipped Wings: Chapter Five
Clipped Wings: After living a life in seclusion due to an over protective father, you sneak away to experience life as it really is. Slowly building up the woman you always wanted to be, your quiet life is interrupted when you meet a rather elastic boy and his crew. This is just the beginning of trouble and your carefully crafted life starts to crumble around you. The past never really stays in the past, and now it has come knocking. In more ways than one.  
Warnings: Explicit Language, Explicit Material, Clumsy Raw Blow Job Scene, RAW.
To Note: Dracule Mihawk x Reader, NAMED!FemReader, Some physical features have been given (hair & eye color).
Word Count: ~2.4k
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“Is it really that unusual?” You questioned while you slowly walked back to your hotel with Mihawk by your side. You weren’t exactly sure how you ended up walking back with him as company but he had mentioned something about the pirates wanting retribution for you stabbing one of their men. Well, no one had attacked you but you sure had some angry men glaring at you as you ignorantly walked away from the tavern lost in your own thoughts.
“Yes,” Mihawk replied, eyeing your scrunched face. He’d notice that you did that when you were thinking hard about something or confused. There were a great many nuances he’d noticed while sitting in your presence, like the way you controlled your facial expressions but not the emotions within your eyes. Or how your eyes sparkled like polished amethyst when you began talking animatedly about an experience you had. Such an unusual woman. Event the most menial of life events seemed to be incredible to you. To live.
“Hmm, but— surely there are others like me who haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing things like going to a market, or picking out your first blade, or even being on a boat.”
“I fear that you are an enigma, Vee,” Mihawk said, further eyeing your confused face. “And I think I would like solve you.”
“How do you do that when not even I can figure that out?” You questioned, toeing a rock out of your way.
“I have my ways,” You snorted at his words and tone, he was so sure of himself. You actually kind of liked that.
“Tell me when you figure me out, then.” You stated wryly before smirking. “I’d sure like to know why I’ve never been kissed before.” A small giggle poured from your lips and you snuck him a glance. “Of course you’re welcome to change that if you wish, but I digress…”
You continued walking as Mihawk came to a standstill, shocked by your candid words. Did you reallynot know who he was?? You’d been offhandedly flirting with him in such a teasing manner since he’d bought you that glass of wine so clearly you had no idea he was a Warlord or a pirate. You weren’t bothered by the massive sword on his back and you’d already called his eyes beautiful. Enigma indeed. There was an air of innocence caused by your lack of life experiences, but behind your violet eyes was a sophisticated well read woman that knew exactly what she was doing. An incredible combination that piqued Mihawk’s attention in more ways than one.
You had made it only a few paces forwards by the time Mihawk started walking once more. His long legs carried his tall frame to you in seconds and with nothing but a light touch upon your wrist he had you spinning around and pressed up against the wall of a nearby building. Your breath caught in your throat when his face was in yours, your noses touching and the rim of his hat sheltering both your faces from the light of the moon. For a moment you wondered if your words had bothered him. So you parted your lips to tell him that he wasn’t inclined to just because you had said so, but the man had already made up his mind.
Taking your chin in hand, Mihawk pulled it up just enough so that your lips brushed and proceeded to swallow the words you were about to speak. You were caught off guard the moment lips met yours and didn’t know what to do, but that didn’t matter because Mihawk was more than happy to be the one in charge. He expected it to be that way. Pushing his lips against yours, Mihawk urged your lips apart further and swept into your mouth with a seductive tongue. You flushed with a tremble, one hand grappling the wall of the building while the other twitched in his grasp.
Your lips were kissed with the gentleness of the sun just barely touching the horizon of a new day, and tongue drawn into a swirling dance. The surprise within you waned and for a few precious moments you found yourself clumsily kissing back. But those precious seconds were all that you had to experience that gentle kiss for the Warlord was soon turning possessive with your lips, ravaging them with a hunger that you couldn’t quite place but were more than welcome to sate.
There was a sting in your bottom lip and your lips parted wider as you softly moaned. Mihawk nipped at your lip again, finding the noise you made sweet and beautiful, and welcoming more from his lips and tongue. He kissed you deeper now, ensuring to imprint the memory of having one of your firsts. Not just anyone could’ve that honor. Mihawk had every intention of pirating a kiss from your lips that you would never forget.
At this rate you wouldn’t be able to get it out of your mind for weeks.
You’d had the misfortune of wandering into a red light district early on in your travels, so you had seen many explicit things that had made your cheeks flush with embarrassment then. Luckily a few sex workers had hustled your naive person off the streets and into their personal living quarters to ensure that you wouldn’t be taken advantage of. You’d gotten the lecture of the birds and the bees, and had witnessed many sexual actions on accident. But not a kiss like this.
With possession build upon a gentleness that made you truly enjoy kissing someone for the first time. You certainly liked the heat you could keep from his body and especially enjoyed the way his neatly trimmed facial hair scraped your cheeks. Even the grasp upon your wrist was migrating to your palm, pressing into your flesh and pulling your body further against Mihawk’s. You sighed against his warm lips and your eyelashes fluttered. To kiss someone was really quite nice. You were beginning to feel lightheaded and your chest was hurting when your lips finally broke apart.
You stared at Mihawk with wide eyed and labored breaths for several seconds, reveling in his beautiful yellow gaze. How could it be that the intimacy you’d gone your entire life not knowing its comforting and bedeviled touch, was something so sweet and warming you felt like you would wither without?
“Well that’s one unknown down,” You murmured to yourself, your eyebrows scrunching slightly. Mihawk’s own rose at your comment. “Thank you, that is a curiosity that I no longer have to wonder about.”
“I think I am beginning to think you are not nearly as complex as you think yourself to be,” Mihawk spoke, observing your flushed face and swelled lips. Ah to taste them whenever he wished so would be a dream. You scoffed at his words and rolled your eyes.
“I am not that simple,” You argued back, nose scrunching. “And I doubt that you can figure me out just by kissing me. It’s a technicality, that doesn’t count as there are many other things my body hasn’t experienced before. You can’t solve a puzzle with only one piece,” You boldly stated before slipping free from his grasp and continuing your way to your hotel room. It wasn’t far, perhaps a few more doors down. A thought popped into your head. “Of course you’re also welcome to change that,” You called with a laugh, digging the hotel key out of your pocket. You had the door to your room halfway open when you got your answer.
Mihawk, tempted by your complete and utter mysteriousness and intrigue, hadn’t taken long to consider your words. He’d already indulged himself in your lips, why not the rest of you? He was a possessive man and liked the idea of having yet another one of your firsts. So following in your footsteps, he easily caught up to you and placed it hand upon your waist. In one smooth push he had you spinning around while stepping into your hotel room and shutting the door behind him. When your world stopped moving, your back was pressed the door. Mihawk was standing in front of you, eyes staring intently into yours.
“Very well little one,” The seductive drawl of the man made a shiver run up your spine and in the back of your mind, a flickering thought resonated: perhaps you had finally gotten yourself into something you might not be able to handle.
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Mihawk had gotten you down onto your knees, looking up at him with the most innocent yet devilish eyes he’d ever seen. How could one so untouched look as impish as you? He desired that innocence and planned on ruining it with his own twisted pleasure. He was a decidedly selfish man that liked to live his life the way he saw fit and dining upon such untouched flesh would be an absolute delicacy. But first he wanted to see what that mouth of yours could do for after he had partaken in your lips, they were swelled and further inviting.
Your fingers traced the dip along his pants as you admired the tone of his muscles. Clearly he spent a great time tending to his physical condition. A lingering thought of wanting to trace each line with your finger overtook your conscious. Would the rest of his body look just as refined and cared for? Long fingers lifted your gaze to that of Mihawk, who had his eyebrow raised.
“Distracted already, little bird?” Your cheeks warmed and your lashes fluttered.
“You have very nice muscles,” You blurted out. “And since when am I not allowed to appreciate that?”Amusement flickered through Mihawk’s eyes.
“Since I gave you an order,” The look on his face made a shiver run down your spine, but not a bad one. Your fingers deftly unraveled the belt buckle at his waist and when your fingers brushed finely trimmed hair your body finally caught up to the situation you were in. Heat boiled beneath your skin as Mihawk dragged his fingers along your cheek, ultimately sliding them into your hair. “Your mouth is sharp and quick witted, let’s see if it has any other uses. Pleasure me with it.”
You obediently did as he asked, your fingers pulled his pants down until fingertips brushed neatly trimmed hair. You didn’t pause nor did your eyes stray from his as you stroked warm taut skin. In all honesty, you might have stumbled upon intimate actions on Gliss Island, but you still felt naive and unsure of your actions. That, however, didn’t stop you from lowering your gaze to Mihawk’s cock and gently taking it in hand. You copied the actions of the woman and men you’d seen doing (because you’d been skirted off to a private room by some very concerned sex workers) and felt the fingers in your hair curl.
It was apparent that he was waiting for your mouth, but your hand was soft and touch silken light… and you were clearly fascinated by what your own actions caused. Mihawk drew his thumb along the curve of your jaw while you continued to stroke him, marveling at how his cock reacted to your simple touch. It was rather addicting to have such control. On impulse you leaned down and pressed your lips against the side of the head. A soft sigh departed Mihawk’s lips from the beautiful warmth of your lips and bunched more of your hair within his grasp.
Your lips tantalized the swordsman, running up and down his length with the occasional dart of tongue. You may be inexperienced in many a thing, but you were a rather quick learner with a devilish tongue. Clumsy your tongue may be, but its touch and heat was more than enough to give Mihawk the pleasure he sought. Then you parted your lips and tentatively bobbed your mouth over the tip. This time a beautiful moan slipped passed the man’s lips and you found that you liked that sound very much. So the next time you pushed your head down further, trying to relax your throat from Mihawk’s impressive girth.
“It seems you are a woman of many talents little bird,” Mihawk drew out, fingers clenching around midnight strands and tugging them. The sounds coming from your mouth made your cheeks flush, for it sounded lewd and rather wet. But you didn’t even have the time to take in that when on the next bomb of your head he pushed your head down until you fully took him down your throat. You choked and gagged, your free hand landing on Mihawk’s thigh when your eyes watered. For a moment you thought to pull back and glare, but the sweet and deep moan that graced your ears was hypnotizing.
Well, you did glance up but not to glare. The moment your amethyst eyes caught sight of the exquisite look upon his face. Mihawk’s pretty eyes were gone from view, but his head was tilted back in and the picture of ecstasy was painted ever so beautifully across his features. Pleasure was a stunning experience you were definitely adding to your collection of firsts. Sucking a little harder, the grip on your hair became painful and his hips began bucking up, pushing his cock to the back of your throat every time your head bobbed.
Your mouth was an intense warmth and source of pleasure that toppled Mihawk over the cusp of organ and it washed through his body in an electric twist. A surge of heat flooded your own throat and you almost choked on it as his seed poured down your throat. Not knowing what else to do, you swallowed, feeling that burn carry over to your belly and remain.  You were more than just lightheaded now, now your body throbbed in need and you tumbled backwards.
Falling back onto your rump, Mihawk’s cock slipped from your lips and you heaved in heavy breaths. Your face was flushed and blistered with heat. Your eyes were round and shimmering. And your mind was spinning in circles like a hurricane. Pleasure was so delicious to give. But what did it feel like to receive? Mihawk’s own glimmering gaze was fixated on you with such intensity that you knew you wouldn’t not be leaving this room without finding out. You were an innocent indulgence that he was going to have all to himself for the night, and that pleased him greatly.
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Date Published: 10/21/23
Last Edit: 10/21/23
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cloudyswritings · 3 months
Vessel Biology: I genuinely have no idea how many of these I’ve made…
y’all know the drill(although you’ll need to forgive me if some of these headcanons don’t match with my previous ones, it’s just genuinely been that long.
Abilities: So I’ve seen this idea around that each vessel was born with some inherent or unique ability, I really like this actually because it explains some things about the vessels that escaped, as well as things you experience in games. It’s also a bit useful for plugging some gaps in the lore/our knowledge.
Little Ghost: So I’ve got two ideas for what their ability specifically would be, the first one and the one I like the most, is that they are incapable of taking fall damage. It seems really simple, and it is, but it explains how they specifically survived the fall when all of their siblings didn’t. Second is that they have so power tied to the idea of void being “the power opposed”, specifically to it being the power opposed to time. Realistically this power would be how they get sent back earlier in time after completing and ending. Overall I’m not a huge fan of that so my personal HC version of ghost is just immune to fall damage.
THK/Hollow: I absolutely love the idea that their unique power is the ability to shield their thoughts completely from higher beings. This would explain how the Pale king, the literal god of soul and mind, didn’t realize they could think. It also explains why the radiance did realize, aside from them being literally stuck together, she figured out because she was in their dreams instead of their conscious mind.
Broken Vessel: I was tempted to say they had some sort of ability related to their jumps and crazy hangtime in their fight but that really seemed more like the radiances influence to me. I think their power would be the ability to survive long term as just a shell. I’d be willing to bet that they died in the abyss, and cracked their heads falling, but then woke up without a shade like ghost(this condition in my mind is unsustainable for ghost in the long term and it’s why they track down and reclaim their shade immediately) this didn’t really big BV so they just sorta lived like that. I figure that this power specifically has its roots in the ability of Wyrms to shed their forms and survive otherwise lethal damage, I imagine if the radiance hadn’t infected them they’d probably have continued to grow and eventually become a relatively normal if still void tainted higher being. I bet they are more susceptible to higher beings and their influence like that however, because they don’t have a light of their own.
Greenpath Vessel: this is pure speculation at this point because we know nothing about them, but I imagine that they had some sort of ability to directly manipulate their biology(kinda like the passive permeability to light other vessels have) and incorporate traits from other bugs as long as they understand them. This would be how they got the mothwing cloak , they probably met a moth and incorporated their wings, but didn’t completely understand them and so didn’t quite gain the power of flight.
Nosk/Deepnest vessels: the ones that looked alike all had a minor mental ability to know where one or all of the others were, how these abilities manifested varied vessel to vessel. Nosk recognized this, or at least that they were drawn to each other and used this to lure them in.
Other Details: These abilities run from being relatively minor to quite powerful and that power level doesn’t really match with the overall strength of the vessel. What does match however is the vessels impurity/flaw, which helps to inform the shape the power takes. For example THKs flaw being perfectionism pairs with their ability which prevents them from being perceived as anything but the perfect vessel, while Greenpaths wanderlust ties abstractly to their ability and the desire to deviate or “wander” from their base biology.
Okay so how’d these abilities happen then? The short answer is vessels are fucking weird, the long answer is that these abilities all reflect a quality of the light/godhood they would have had if the void hadn’t devoured that potential, those vessels least effected by the void may not even have an ability but instead might retain elements or even the whole(albeit dimmed) of their light!
As always if you like my headcanons feel free to snatch them for your own nefarious purposes(also it’s great to be back doing hollow knight stuff here, damn I missed it)
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