#like I’ll do however many years for whatever specialty I pick
nerdgirlnarrates · 3 years
I’m genuinely very torn between family med/IM and neurosurgery right now. I realize this sounds insane. I’ve made a little pros and cons list for now to help me sort it out.
Disclaimer 1: I know that FM and IM are different, but a lot of the things that appeal to me about them are common to both specialties, so they’re lumped together for this list.
Disclaimer 2: this is based on incomplete information since I’ve only shadowed neurosurgery and have yet to do the elective. Though I shadowed for a stupid long time, it’s still not the same as the elective.
Breadth and variety - get to know every organ system, treat lots of different pathologies
Relationships with patients - I get all kinds of warm and fuzzies from gaining someone’s trust and helping them manage an illness/improve their health/etc.
Much more obvious connection to public health - I feel like my medicine-adjacent interests of sexual violence prevention and health education fit much more neatly with these specialties, and I’d probably run across more opportunities to be involved in public health in these specialties
Community health research - along the same lines as above, these specialties fit better/more easily with community health research, which I love
Mix of primary care and hospital work - I enjoy both settings a lot, so it’d be nice to have a little of both
Better lifestyle? - I think in theory I would have more time outside of work in FM or IM. But I’ve also read that PCPs work an average of 60-70 hours per week, so I’m not convinced of this. And truthfully, I don’t care that much. If I’m in a specialty I like, I will happily work long hours the rest of my life. This one barely made the list.
No surgery - I really love surgery, and I would be really sad to give it up. I know you can do procedural stuff or procedure-heavy subspecialties, but it’s really not the same as surgery, like scrubbing in and spending hours in an OR. Plus, most of the procedure-heavy subspecialties don’t hold a lot of appeal for me, and they would require me giving up the breadth that’s a lot of the appeal of FM/IM in the first place
Potentially having to refer the most interesting stuff to specialists - obviously this is necessary, but I still love a good zebra
The Crushing Weight of the American Healthcare System ™ which falls smack on the shoulders of primary care - it’s really difficult to be constantly kneecapped in your ability to care for patients by insurance companies and a general lack of funding for preventative care
Setting - I think I would greatly prefer to work in an academic setting for the aforementioned access to research as well as the potential for zebras. I feel a little embarrassed admitting this, but I worry I would get bored too easily of the bread and butter stuff. And I’m just not sure I could swing an academic job.
Surgery! - Once on gyn surg they let me place a trochar and it was the greatest high of my life. Surgery is just so thrilling to me, even when it’s something I’ve seen dozens of times, even when we’ve been in the OR for 8+ hours. I really love that surgery offers both intellectual and physical challenges; you work on your clinical reasoning alongside a sort of craftsmanship. Plus, I love anatomy (especially neuroanatomy. Yes really.) Surgery is super engaging, stimulating, and rewarding for me.
The brain - the brain is my absolute favorite organ, and I find it endlessly fascinating. I would love to know everything there is to know about the brain, and I can easily see myself studying it forever.
Neuroscience research - related to the above, I love neuroscience research, although truthfully I don’t know if I love it quite as much as community health research, and I’m definitely not as good at it as I am at community health research. Still, I enjoy it a lot, and I would like to be better.
I love the bread and butter - I really think everything in neurosurgery is cool and interesting and I would love to do it. I can see myself satisfied in pretty much any practice setting doing anything neurosurgery.
Narrower focus - I would be trading breadth of knowledge for depth, and I worry I would really miss the rest of medicine. This is a big question for me when I take the elective: how much medicine will I get to use in neurosurgery?
Less clear connection to community health research/health education work - I don’t know that it’d be impossible to do this work, but I definitely think my opportunities would be limited, and it would be more difficult to incorporate this into my career.
No primary care - obviously
Please feel free to chime in with any thoughts.
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
M’Baku’s Love- Chapter 3
Let me know if you want to be tagged, and make sure you check out my masterlist HERE for chapters 1& 2 and my other stories. 
Also, just so y’all know, the last scene has paraphrased lines from the movie (which you should definitely go watch if you haven’t yet.)
Word count: 2392
The day of the open house was upon them and M’Baku was more than excited to get to work with Monae some more. The workday crept by and as soon as the clock struck 5 he hurried out of his office and down the two flights of stairs to the arts wing. He wasn’t entirely sure where he was going, but he followed the sound of drums coming from one of the rooms. He walked up to the door and peeked in, seeing Monae teaching a class full of children West African dance. He leaned up against the doorframe and took in her graceful form and mesmerizing hips. He could have stood there and watched her move forever until one of the kids turned and saw him off to the side.
“Hi Mr. M’Baku!”
Monae and the kids turned towards him and greeted him. Monae’s smile was the brightest in the room.
“Hello children, Miss Monae.”
She sent him a small wave as the children surrounded him, all talking at once and all wanting to show him their moves.
“Alright, kiddos, lets all show M’Baku what you’ve been working on before you get out of here, Ok?”
The drummers started back up and the kids started to dance, the looks on their little brown faces making Monae smile at their joy. She watched her students with pride as they finished the number and took their bows. She and M’Baku both erupted in applause.
“Very good, class! Ok y’all can go on home now. If you come to the open house make sure you stop by and say hi, Mr. M’Baku here is going to be my assistant for the evening.”
The kids grabbed their bags to head home, some of them stopping to hug Monae and M’Baku on the way out to their guardians. M’Baku was taken aback since he had not had enough experience around young children to know they have no concept of personal space. Monae laughed at the confused look on his face, a near permanent fixture he was becoming used to by being in this new land. He was just happy he could make her smile. 
After the last child ran out, almost tripping over her shoelaces, Monae introduced M’Baku to her drummers Kehinde and Rodney. They bonded for a bit before Rodney slid out of the way to let M’Baku play his drum.
Monae couldn’t help but move with the way he struck the beautifully made instrument.. Her feet and hips took on a life of their own and she let the beat carry her however it saw fit. M’Baku already thought her choreographed dances were beautiful, but this? Her natural movement called to him as he moved her body with each stroke of his hands. Neither one of them were sure how long they were going for, but Rodney had to clear his throat to break the trance.
“Hey so I uh, I gotta head out. Sorry to interrupt whatever that was.” He pointed between the two, obviously picking up on the chemistry.
“Yeah, no, y’all get outta here. It’s late anyway. See you tomorrow?” 
“Of course.”
“See ya Monae, byyyeeee M’Baku.” Rodney and Kehinde snickered as they left the room.
“So, what first?” M’Baku asked, still coming down from the high he just experienced with her.
“Woo, sorry, let me uh catch my breath real quick...you’re good.” She gestured towards the drum.
“So are you,” he gestured towards her body and she cracked a smile.
“I’m aware.” She walked around him to the other side of the room to start straightening up the space. He joined in and the room was spotless in minutes.
“So,” she clapped. “I figured since the kids love you so much you’d be great at keeping them busy while the adults talk to me. Nakia brought us a bunch of Wakandan children’s books, so how about you read to the kids? You have to do voices though, if you don’t do voices I’m putting you somewhere else.” She was dead serious.
“What kind of monster does not change their voice to read to children?” M’Baku asked incredulously.
Monae’s mind flashed to two years ago when she asked Derrick to do something similar at the after school program where she volunteered. He just read it straight like it was a speech, and the kids were restless. It was a nightmare.
“You would be surprised. Ok so take a look through these and see if any jump out at you,” she handed him the crate full of books and he thumbed through them.
“I do not see any Jabari books,” he pulled out a small notepad and began scribbling his thoughts down.
“You don’t use the beads like the others?” 
“I could, but it is unnecessary technology for the most part.”
Monae nodded, remembering that the Jabari preferred to live analog. 
“Let me run this by you real quick, and you tell me what you think,” Monae started as he turned to give her his full attention. “I have sooooo many Wakandan beads I need to get rid of, so how about I set up a jewelry station across the hall? Just some beads and string, nothing too fancy. Then over in the paint lab I was thinking of using these extra textile scraps and old magazines to make mixed media collages. For the last station I have like a million gourds for the kids to paint, and I figured they could do that next door. I have three volunteers set up at each station, so don’t worry, you’ll have help with the kids. I wouldn’t just throw you to the wolves like that.” She winked at him as M’Baku nodded along, processing everything she said.
“This is not my specialty, but that sounds like a good plan to me.”
“What is your specialty?”
“I am a man of many talents, as you can see, but I am a warrior above all else.”
Her cheeks felt hot as she tried to quiet the damsel in distress inside her brain. She cleared her throat and changed the subject.
“You mentioned that there aren’t any Jabari stories in here. You don’t have to use the books if you’d rather go off the cuff with it.”
M’Baku’s gap toothed smile shone through as his theatrical side woke up from its slumber. 
“You might regret that later.” 
The children loved M’Baku so much they barely touched the crafts Monae had set up for them. He regaled the kids, and the adults, with Jabari folktales about snowmen and giant gorillas and how the Jabari came to be.
“And then the Jabari left for the mountains. For centuries, the Jabari and the rest of Wakanda were angry at each other until-“
“Why?” interrupted a kid with his front two teeth missing.
“Well because the Jabari cared more for tradition and old ways, but the Wakandans wanted everything shiny and new. They argued so much they had to move away to keep the peace, and that is when Hanuman guided the Jabari to the mountains.”
“Who’s Hanuman?” asked a little girl with beaded cornrows.
“The god who guides and protects us.”
“My mama says theres only one god and his name ain’t Hanuman,” she responded with an attitude. Some of the parents and kids nodded along in agreement. 
“Well, you see, your mother is simply wrong-”
“Ok, that's enough for now. Let's give Mr. M’Baku a round of applause for storytime, huh?” Monae interrupted before things got too heated, and the crowd clapped for their griot. 
People wandered in and out of the room for the next couple hours, enjoying the crafts and M’Baku’s storytime. Monae kept everything running smoothly, including refilling M’Baku’s water bottle multiple times to keep his voice strong.  Shortly before closing time T’Challa wandered into the room and sat with the children listening to the same stories M’Baku had told so many times that night Monae could recite them herself. When it was over and the last guest had left the center all the staff and volunteers breathed a sigh of relief. 
“I think that went well!” M’Baku said, his voice hitching from overuse.
“Drink some more. Oh yeah, they absolutely loved you. You know T’Challa recorded your dramatics while he was here? You could win a Tony with that performance.” Monae gushed, proud of her, uh, friend. 
“It's an award for stage actors. I’ll make you a list like the one Captain America had.”
“What sort of list?”
“Of pop culture and historical things you should know. He spoke about it in an interview a few years ago and I thought ‘that’s brilliant, I’d do that too’ but I never had the chance...until now.”, her excitement was palpable. 
“That is a good idea, I will have to commend him on that the next time I see him.”
Monae froze.
“I’m sorry, you know Captain America?”
“Well yes, he and some other Avengers have been to Wakanda a couple times.”
Monae was speechless. She’d had a huge crush on Steve Rogers ever since he defrosted.
“I- what’s he like?” she asked, barely forming words.
M’Baku found her obvious fawning amusing and wondered if this is how she would look if she spoke about him to others. 
“He is nice,” M’Baku said before leaning in a little closer. “Especially for a colonizer.”
Monae cackled and they continued to straighten up the room. Once the area was sufficiently cleaned for the night, the two headed out to their cars. Monae yawned as they packed her little electric car full of art supplies.
“It seems it is past your bedti-” he was cut off by the sound of his stomach trying to climb out his body. “Well, then.”
They broke out into laughter, only subsiding when her stomach answered the mating call.
“Would you like to accompany me to dinner? It will be my treat. I was planning on going to The V Spot for some more jackfruit tacos.”
“Mmm, they have these vegan nachos that I would sell my arm for, but I’m so tired I’ll probably fall asleep on you. Next time?” she sent him an apologetic grin. 
“Next time it is, then.”
Monae turned to get into her car before stopping and turning back around to face him.
“You know what? I think I have one good hour left in me. Let’s meet there.”
Both of them were too tired to speak, especially since M’Baku had done enough talking that night to warrant a week of silence. M’Baku paid for their food and they left, still in comfortable silence until reaching the sidewalk.
“Let me walk you home, you should not be out here by yourself.”
“M’Baku I can literally see my building from here.”
“And? Anything could happen between here and there. I would never forgive myself!”
The butterflies in her stomach were in full flight mode, and her face grew hot. She playfully rolled her eyes at him and turned away to mask her blushing face.
“Ok fine.” She said with faux reluctance. She wanted nothing more than to spend every moment she could with this man, but the ring weighing down her finger made it challenging. She knew she shouldn’t feel this way, but Derrick is always out of town on business and she can feel the relationship slipping away. Even before M’Baku swooped in, her feelings for her fiance had started to dwindle. However, she did enjoy spending time with M’Baku and she figured there’d be no harm in taking the short stroll between The V Spot and her place.
“So, which direction?” M’Baku asked and Monae pointed to the right before they slowly took off down the street, arm in arm, in silence once again before Monae spoke up two minutes later.
“Well, this is me.” 
They both just stood there, not knowing how to end the night.
“I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow?”
“Of course...I will say though, where I am from when you walk someone home from a date there is usually a goodnight kiss involved.”
She was stunned at his forwardness, and she could feel her pulse all over her body.
“But I guess this was not really a date, huh?”
“Um, n-no. M’Baku you know I’m engaged.” She said, looking down.
“Yes, but do you?” his eyes narrowed and he tilted his head as stepped closer to her. She didn’t move away, so he took another step forward so that their bodies were almost pressed together. 
“It was date-like.” she conceded.
He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her in tight, closing the tiny gap of space left between the two of them. Her hands found their way to his chest and his other hand came up to tilt her chin upwards before he placed a light kiss on her lips and let her go. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked over his face. She took in his prominent brow and his strong jaw, his pillowy lips and his soft eyes. He was a giant wall of a man and she couldn’t get enough of how he felt up against her, 
“That’s it?” she teased before pulling him back and making him lean down into a deeper kiss. His hands rested respectfully at the small of her back despite his desire to explore her body more, and hers rested around his neck for the same reason. They broke away quickly when the door of the apartment building opened and an older man walked out with his dog, undoubtedly to go on a nighttime walk around the neighborhood before retiring for the night. He looked at them and shook his head before mumbling something under his breath about heathens. 
They looked back at each other and broke out laughing. 
“You should go,” Monae said softly while fiddling with his collar.
“I do not want to,” he whispered.
“I know, but-”
“You are engaged. I know,” he took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “Goodnight Monae.”
“Goodnight M’Baku, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He waited for her to get inside before turning around and heading back the way they came to make the short journey to his temporary home. The entire walk back, he hummed along to an unwritten love song in his head with a goofy smile on his face. He could still taste her and, by Hanuman, he wanted more.
Next Chapter
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taltostrinkets · 3 years
SHOP UPDATE ☀️ September 2021
During the summertime I got really nostalgic for the kind of summer that you spend outside in the sun. Even though I’m not the most outgoing person, still I miss spending time with friends and family in person, and obviously I’m not the only person on earth right now who feels that way, but these were the thoughts and feelings that I poured into the creation of the newest semi-regular update. It is summery, candy colored, and full of delicious forbidden snacks that will stick with you permanently and you can carry them with you wherever you want, whatever time of the year. Mostly based on fruits, ice cream, cocktails, and other foods and drinks, as well as summery weather. 🥰 If you like anything of what you see and want to grab your own, you will find the link to my shop in the description.
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First of all, let’s start off the update, as all days should begin, with a delicious breakfast. Go ahead, grab a sweet treat, you have earned it! This is a pair of earrings in which one half is a donut, and the other half is a bottle or box of milk. There are many combinations, flavors if you will, but some of them are rather limited edition so take a look and grab your favourite as soon as possible. It tastes best while it’s still warm! 😉
Maybe when you are reading this, it’s rather towards lunch or dinner time, and you crave a more savory bite. The entirety of my food pantry is like an open buffet to you, from which you can mix-and-match your new quirky little set in this new collection of “choose your own adventure“ jewelry. I pre-listed a few combinations that I think would work well, like pizza in a matching pan, or a waffle with a cup of coffee. However, I’m pretty sure you could come up with something even better, so feel free to pick the custom option and mix away. I always love to see what you guys come up with.
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Can I offer you a liquid refreshment perhaps? 🍹 These earrings are not only inspired by the look of cocktails but are also completely hand-mixed by me from scratch and are therefore extremely customizable. You just pick your favourite sprinkle (let me tell ya, the selection is HUGE), choose a shape, maybe some additional colors, and I’ll even drop a little glitter in if you’d like (highly recommended, it looks great). I made a few variations for the sake of the photoshoot but the “test samples“ are also available for purchase if you like them. Of course, the consumption of the house specialty mushroom flavored cocktail is extremely at your own risk only and Táltos Trinkets is legally not liable for any health hazards or spiritual revelations caused. 🍄
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The thing is, that I became really obsessed with boba teas recently... and it used to be my dream to own something like a café or a teahouse, offering the widest possible selection of colors and flavors to visitors from all over. And I kinda feel like this is what I’m doing right now albeit in miniature and more permanent form. I have truly scoured the earth for the finest boba tea charms, and thus you can have them not only in a myriad of colors but also two different shapes, and both as an earring or a pendant. Depending on stock, you may even be able to get a matching set.
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In my search for adorable forbidden candy, I found this peculiar type of flat charm with a pattern printed on - some are translucent while others have a bit of shimmery sparkle. I liked these quite a lot, so they will be a new, but likely permanent, addition to the store. Starting with these two collections, each of which are based on popular fast food snacks - their styles are a little bit different but both of them are really cute in my opinion. At the moment they are only available as earrings, but that could change if there’s any interest.
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I also have some really cute fruits and vegetables, if that’s more what you are going for. And the ice creams, of course! What’s special about these popsicles is that you can also get them in necklace form, with a new type of chain that is cheery, extremely colorful, and a little bit eclectic. I wanted to make chains that are not just there to support the pendant but is equally important to the aesthetic, and in future updates you will see more of these.
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Where would a summer update be without ice cream, and don’t worry one second, I will bring you an abundance of it in many shapes and flavors. 🍨 The popsicles are also flatback, but much more three-dimensional, and the cone ice creams are fully rounded. The flurry shapes are earrings only, but the other two types also come in necklace form.
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If the ice cream didn’t help you to cool down quite enough, why not look for some shade. Cue these pairs of earrings inspired by summer rain. The cloud charms get a little opallic shine from iridescent sprinkles, and the effect is quite hard to catch on photo but looks amazing in motion, especially if light shines through it. On top of me assembling them, the cloud shapes are also  handmade by me from scratch. They come in two variations, one with blue accessories and silver findings, the other purple-pink-iridescent with antique bronze findings.
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Okay, I don’t have a really clever segway here, and I’m not even sure if I can connect it to summer because the stars are always there, no matter what. But take a look at this absolutely adorable space themed collection. They are also made from flat charms, in shapes of all sorta things that you can find in the sky, so maybe there is a possible segway there with the summer sun, rainbows, and falling stars. In fact I made myself a set from the falling star charm because that’s my favourite, but don’t worry, there’s enough left for you if you want to get your own.
Thank you very much for looking, and since the spooky season is almost upon us... see you very soon with an even tastier (if you can believe it?!) nay, FRIGHTENINGLY delicious Halloween update! 😈🍬👻
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ftcoye · 4 years
For 2k/200, I think the Naruto fandom deserves more Karin/Hinata, and you're one of the few that ever writes content for them. I keep going feral over the sheer potential they'd make as a power couple. Like, Karin would definitely help Hinata find a way to eradicate the Caged Bird Seal. And chakra chains plus lion fist/gentle fist? Deadly.
[Ao3 Link.]
“Do you think you can do it?” Hinata asks. Her voice is hushed – barely a breath, even though the two of them are alone in Karin’s apartment. There’s enough seals plastered everywhere to keep out even Naruto, if Karin so wished it, but it doesn’t change the tension that hangs in the air, the frightening details that lay between them on the table.
Karin presses her lips together. “Maybe,” she says. Medical seals are her specialty – everything to do with biology. She picked up a lot, some reluctant some not, from Orochimaru. This, ironically enough, does fall under that category. Despite what it’s used for, it is a medical seal. It affects the wearer’s biology, is hooked up directly to their neural pathways and possibly their chakra ones as well, and that means it’s something that Karin can maybe, maybe deal with.
She looks up from the papers and meets Hinata’s eyes square on. “It won’t be pleasant,” she warns. “I’ll need a test subject, and it might be painful.”
Hinata hesitates. “Would it… would it be deadly?”
Karin scoffs at that, shaking her head and wrinkling her nose. “What do you take me for, some amateur? Painful, sure, but never deadly. I’m no Orochimaru.”
Hinata pales. “I didn’t- I didn’t mean-“
“I know,” Karin interrupts, not wanting to hear whatever apology she’s stuttering out. Mostly because it’ll take forever. “I didn’t take it like that. But don’t worry, seriously, whoever plays test subject won’t be in that kind of harm.” She’s not a monster, geeze.
After a moment, Hinata nods. “I think… Neji-nii will be okay helping,” she says quietly.
Good. Perfect. “Can you activate the seals?” she asks.
Hinata looks startled. “What?”
“Can you activate the seals?” Karin gestures at the rough sketch on the table before them, and Hinata somehow looks even more nervous.
“Um, I can…” she says, which is great.
“Perfect,” says Karin, and Hinata stares at her like she’s insane. Except like, polite about it? It’s weird. “I’ll need your help, too. I need to see how it works.”
Hinata stares at Karin for a long moment. “That’s… what you mean by painful,” she whispers.
Karin nods. “Among other things. You still in?”
She waits, only semi-patient, while Hinata seems to mull it over. “If… if Neji-nii agrees,” she says, not quite meeting Karin’s eyes. “Then I’ll help.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Neji agrees.
“Explain it… again, please,” Hinata says, almost begging Karin. Despite the weariness she feels in her bones, she can see the terror on the other girl’s face, and she sighs.
“Neji’s got a diagnosis seal on him,” Karin says – and indeed, the longsuffering boy has a paper seal stuck to his cheek. “I want you to activate the Caged Bird Seal, just for a little, so I can get a proper look at how it’s affecting him and where it has its hooks in.”
Hinata nods, very slowly. “You can do that with the seal?”
Karin waves a hand. “And I can sense his chakra fluctuations. It’s fine, trust me.”
“Neji-nii?” she asks softly.
He meets her eyes. “Hinata,” he says, simply. “I’d rather just have it be done.”
Karin can’t exactly blame him – she’s not sure how painful it is, or even if Neji has had to endure it before, but it’s apparently bad enough to terrify Hinata and make her shake, and make Neji tense and ready. But that solidifies it for Hinata, because they both agreed and they’ll have to do it no matter what, so she might as well do it. There’s no use prolonging it.
She nods, and opens her mouth.
Neji screams. It’s horrifying. That kind of scream would be horrifying from literally anyone, but somehow it’s even worse than it would be because it’s coming from Neji.
He screams, tears springing to his eyes as he clutches his head and falls to his knees and it’s over with in less than a minute, maybe 30 seconds of it at most but Karin thinks she’s going to hear that ringing in her ears for the rest of her life, see the way his chakra ripples every time she closes her eyes.
Hinata runs to her cousin, pressing hands to his shoulders as she calls his name, frantic with worry, and Karin tries to pull herself together.
She’s seen awful things. Experienced awful things. Hell, she’s done awful things to many of the strays that Orochimaru brought home, things she doesn’t want to remember she’s done because they’ll make her stomach turn.
But she’s never quite heard anyone scream like that.
Karin refuses to show weakness, breathing in and out and then dropping to her knees as well. She pulls the seal paper off of his face, rolls up her sleeve and shoves her arm in his face. “Bite,” she orders, and shaking, he does.
Fortunately, the data is enough.
Karin can see where the seal has sunk its claws in – can tell what neural pathways its hooked in, see how it destroys them.
(It would take maybe ten minutes of the seal, and you could completely destroy someone’s mind. It’s a really good thing she’s never met Hinata’s father because she’s very positive she would just start swinging on sight.)
Unfortunately, she doesn’t think she’ll be able to take the seal off. It’s sunk deep enough in, burned its way into Neji’s mind, and attempting to remove it could cause major damage. That’s the case with most seals like this, so she can’t exactly say she’s surprised.
What she can do, however, is negate it. Slap another seal on top to stop any possible damage. Even if it’s activated, make it so it does absolutely nothing – that’s doable. That’s something Karin is sure she can do.
The issue here, though, is test subjects.
Karin can’t test this on people. Not that she has… qualms about it, honestly, because she’s done a lot of shit throughout the years, but she can’t exactly go testing this on random Hyuugas and possible cause them to go accidentally braindead or something like that.
One, she’s like, extremely positive that’s illegal here in Konoha. Two, it will definitely attract a ton of attention and the Hyuuga head will find out what they’re doing and put a massive stop to it, probably by rendering Neji braindead. Three, it’ll make Hinata sad as all hell and that’s something definitely to be avoided.
So Karin reverse engineers the Caged Bird Seal until she can apply it on her own and key it into her own chakra signature and promptly tests it on animals.
Wild ones, of course – Konoha has a plethora of nin animals and summons so she always has to be careful whenever she catches one, but fortunately her chakra sensing comes into super huge handy. Nin animals and summons always feel different to her, so she makes sure she’s only getting wild ones. Squirrels and birds and other things, where she can apply the Caged Bird Seal and then apply her own work-in-progress seal as well as a diagnosis one, to test and check and see how everything’s going.
That’s where Hinata finds her, one day.
Or night, actually – it fell into darkness at some point, and Karin had been so absorbed in her notes and testing that she hadn’t even noticed. She’s muttering to herself, jotting down notes in her notebook, dead bird by her foot, when Hinata walks up.
“Karin?” she asks softly, and Karin’s so absorbed in her work she almost jumps. “Have you been here all day?”
It’s when Karin has to squint slightly at her to see her in the dying light that she realizes what time it is. “Oh,” she says. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Hinata’s brow creases in concern. “You shouldn’t work yourself this hard,” she says softly. “When is the last time you had… had a good night’s sleep?”
Karin is fully aware she doesn’t look the best. She will admit it! It’s been awhile since she’s had a good night’s sleep, but how can she rest when there’s a massive group of people who could literally have their brains destroyed at any moment? God, that scream…
She has morals! Maybe not a lot, but she still has some!
“I need to get this done,” Karin tells Hinata frankly, because surely the other girl is on the same page and understands why this is so important to get done as soon as possible.
Hinata doesn’t waver. “Come on,” she says, and she holds out a hand. Karin stares at it blankly, and Hinata repeats herself. “Come on,” she says again. “We’re going to the bathhouse, and then you’re going home and sleeping.”
“But-“ Karin protests, even as she takes the hand and lets Hinata pull her up.
“No,” she says, firm. “My father won’t do anything different in a single day that he hasn’t done so many times over. If… If you don’t rest, you’ll make mistakes.”
The dead bird can attest to that. Karin grimaces, and caves. “Fine,” she says, and Hinata doesn’t let go of her hand.
“Do you trust me?” Karin asks.
Hinata doesn’t hesitate. “Yes,” she says.
When his cousin has replied, Neji gives a nod as well. “Yes,” he says. “If you are positive this will work, let us try.”
“Right,” Karin says, very carefully not letting her voice shake at all.
She paints her seal over Neji’s forehead – definitely doesn’t tattoo it, not yet and not when she’s not super accomplished in something like that. It’ll work, or it won’t, painted or not. If it does work, then she’s got it. She’s finished, she’s done, and they can figure out what to do from there. If it doesn’t work, then Neji’s going to be in pain very soon and it’s back to the drawing board and god, Karin does not want to hear him scream again.
His forehead looks strange – Karin’s black paint over the lines of his permanent seal, marking it and messing it, but Neji meets her eyes steadily. “If it works,” he says, “Then… we will be forever in your debt.”
He’s very serious. Karin snorts. “I don’t do debts,” she says. “Treat me to lunch or something.” With that, she glances at Hinata. “Ready,” she says. “Do it.”
Hinata breathes in and breathes out. Meets her cousin’s eyes, and she speaks.
Nothing happens.
There’s no screaming. No pain, no screaming, just the slightest chakra fluctuation at his forehead that Neji doesn’t even appear to feel. When nothing happens, Hinata speaks again.
“Nothing,” says Neji. “I don’t… feel anything,” he says, and his eyes are damp.
Hinata stares at him, and then her gaze drags over. Karin is fully aware she’s grinning like a lunatic (or like her cousin – actually, that’s basically the same thing, let’s be honest here), but can’t bring herself to care because holy shit she did it, she actually fucking did it-
And all of a sudden Hinata is kissing her.
It’s open-mouthed and desperate and overwhelming and it’s done way too quickly before Hinata is pulling back, cheeks dark and not meeting her gaze. “I’m sorry,” she says. “I shouldn’t have- I-“
Karin is gaping, she realizes, her mouth hanging open as she stares at the other girl. “Don’t you dare fucking apologize for that,” Karin says, and she grabs her for another kiss.
It’s so much and what she’s been craving for far longer than she’d ever admit to herself, and quite honestly Karin could suck her face for literally forever but Neji coughs after a little bit. “I’m still here,” he says, but he sounds amused, and Hinata pulls back with an embarrassed squeak.
Karin laughs a little. “Right,” she says, but she doesn’t apologize because that would be a big fat lie. “Rain check, Hinata? We’ve got a hell of a lot of Hyuuga to mark up.”
Hinata takes a deep breath, cherry pink, but manages a nod. “Rain check,” she says, soft but smiling, and yeah, okay, all three of them are grinning like lunatic cousins. “Let’s… do this.”
Hell yeah.
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 4 years
My Little Secret part 9
Summary: Your next date with Arthur takes an unexpected turn when Sam invites the both of you to Saint Denis for the night.
Warnings: Alcohol mention
Friday evening arrived before you knew it. You powered through your schoolwork and got a few hours’ worth of studying in. It was early evening before you turned your attention elsewhere, nighttime would be soon and that Arthur would be arriving shortly afterward. You weren’t sure if it was to be a date or just…hanging out, you supposed it could be both. You debated on whether to dress up or keep yourself as is.
You also didn’t want to bore Arthur by just asking him a bunch of questions all night. You had a decent DVD collection and a few more movies on demand, and wondered what kind of genres he was into, if he were into movies at all. It was a different setting; normally you reserved dates at home for later into the relationship. Then again, you weren’t in a normal relationship.
Not much more time passed when you heard the ring of your doorbell, and you pranced forward in excitement to answer. You opened the door to find Arthur was standing there patiently, greeting you with a smile.
He was wearing a dark red button-up shirt, though some of the top buttons were left open to give you a nice view of his chest with just the right amount of hair peeking through. The sleeves were rolled up, and his hands rested on the belt that held up his dark jeans. Jesus did he look good.
“How do you manage that?” was the first thing that left your mouth.
He tilted his head in curiosity. “What?”
“Look so damn fine,” you answered, reaching out to selfishly run your hands on his chest without second thought. He felt solid beneath your fingertips. “Like some sorta model.”
He chuckled in response, his own hands reaching for yours to hold them and entwine his fingers with you. Stepping closer to you, he drew you in for a gentle kiss. Had it lasted longer than a few seconds, you would have melted right then and there. “Could say the same about you, ya know.” He murmured.
You glanced down at yourself. You wore a pair of form-fitting yoga pants hugged your legs and a loose fitting t-shirt that had the school’s logo printed across it. Your hair had been pulled into a loose bun. It occurred to you just then and there you definitely should have changed into something much more decent. “You like this look?” you asked him.
“I like you,” he answered sincerely. “Don’t matter what you’re wearin’, sweetheart.”
Heat of a blush flared in your cheeks as you smiled bashfully, and you tugged him in past the threshold. “Then tell me more how pretty I am inside.”
He laughed in response, keeping in step with you as he entered your apartment. You released his hands and glanced behind you toward the couch. “So, you wanna watch something?” you ask.
“I thought you wanted to ask more questions.” He pointed out.
“I do, but I don’t want that to be the basis of our whole relationship, ya know? We might as well try some other things, like a regular couple would.” You explained. “And then I’ll ask after.”
“Fair ‘nough,” he said with a nod. “Sure, I’d love to watch somethin’.”
You smile and gestured toward the couch, to which he sat down on while you moved over to your shelf of DVDs. You picked out something easy: a simple action movie that didn’t involve too much blood or gore. Could a vampire be sickened by that sort of thing? Or perhaps it would remind him of a time of his outlaw days. Either way, you were testing the waters. Plucking it from between the other cases, you straightened back up and faced him. “How often do you watch movies, Arthur?”
He shrugged. “As much as any other person. I’ve seen that movie before, nice choice.” He approved.
You let out a mental sigh of relief and moved over to the TV to place the disk in before you sat on the couch. Just as the movie started, your phone rang. Sighing heavily and apologizing to Arthur, you pull out your phone and glanced at the screen. You hit the answer button. “What is it, Sam?” you ask, keeping your voice as light as possible.
“Hey girl, wanna head to Saint Denis tonight?” Sam greeted off the bat. “I’m bored as hell and everyone else is busy.”
“Sam, I’m with Arthur at the moment.” You answer.
“So bring him along! I wanna get to know the guy dating my best friend.”
“I don’t think he –”
“Ask him,” Sam interjected. “C’mon, just try. I can pick you guys up and we’ll do whatever.”
You sighed again and turned your attention to Arthur. “Sam wants us to go to Saint Denis with her, you wanna go?” you ask, although already knowing he’d refuse, remembering what he said to you when you ran into him last time in the city.
“Saint Denis?” he repeated, rubbing his chin in thought. “I ‘spose it’ll be okay for a bit.”
You blinked in surprise, taken completely off guard by his response. “You sure?” you mouthed to him, and when he flashed you a small smile, you answered Sam. “Alright, I guess we’re going.”
“Awesome, I’ll come by in a half hour.” Sam bid you a goodbye before hanging up.
You placed your phone down, and gave Arthur a look of curiosity. “I thought you didn’t like Saint Denis.”
Arthur shrugged again. “She said she wanted to get to know the guy who’s dating her best friend, might as well.”
“Yeah but I just wanted a night in.” you murmured, standing to your feet. You definitely had to get dressed now.
“You coulda said no.” Arthur reminded you, his voice rumbling with a laugh.
“I know I could have, but Sam’s too damn persistent. If I don’t do it tonight then she’ll keep pestering me to bring you around sooner or later,” You explained while you rolled your eyes. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright, Y/N. We’ll still have many more nights ya know.” he flashed you a smile.
Your smile mirrored his. “True, let me go get dressed. You hang tight.”
You opted to change into a low-cut shirt and a pair of skinny jeans that had metallic studs running up the sides of your legs. Taking your hair out of the bun you put into a high ponytail, and completed the look with a denim jacket and a pair of high-heel ankle boots. You didn’t feel like dolling completely up, but at least it was something to make you feel a little sexier in front of Arthur.
You stepped back out into the living room, catching his attention. He peered you up and down with a gleam in his eye that you caught easily.
“You…” he averted his gaze shyly before clearing his throat and turning his attention back to you. “Sorry, you look amazin’.”
You giggled, stepping closer to him. “Thought I might as well give you something prettier to look at.” You said.
“Darlin’, you could be wearin’ a potato sack and I still think you’re the prettiest woman in the room,” He spoke. “Not that I’m complainin’.”
With a few minutes of downtime you gave Arthur a baseline of what to expect from Sam. She’s been your best friend since your undergrad days and always loved to learn more about the guys you dated. Even if it seemed overwhelming, she was always good at sniffing out those who were worth more time than others.
A little more time passed before Sam texted to inform you she was outside. Together you and Arthur made your way out of the apartment complex, stepping out into the humidity to see the large SUV idling at the curbside with Sam leaning against it, waiting expectantly.
She was as enthusiastic as ever, greeting Arthur excitedly before ushering you into the car. Arthur offered to take the back seat while you took the front passenger seat. Sam pulled away from the curb and you were on your way.
The first few minutes were full of Sam’s chatter, getting to know Arthur more herself. She asked him easy questions before moving on to inquiring about how he was treating you. You interrupted then to assure her he was treating you just fine. She however insisted Arthur answer the question, only satisfied when his answered mirrored yours.
“Sorry Arthur, grilling people is a specialty of hers.” You mentioned, which only prompted Sam to laugh.
“Only when my best friend breaks her own vow to not date while still in school. You must be one hell of a guy,” She joked. “You’re cool, though. I’ll back off.”
“Appreciate it,” Arthur chuckled. “Uh, mind if I ask ya somethin’?”
“Sure,” Sam answered. “If you’re wondering how hard a partier she is, I’ll tell you that –”
“Sam.” You warned.
“Nah, nothin’ like that,” Arthur continued, resting his hand on your arm. “It’s ‘bout you, Sam. Is your last name Marston, by any chance?”
Sam glanced back at him. “Holloway. But my mother’s maiden name is Marston, why?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a small smile cross Arthur’s lips. “Think I might’ve met your family at some point. You jus’ remind me o’ them.”
“Really? Most of my family are in the Blackwater area, you’ve been?” Sam responded.
“Plenty o’ times.” He confirmed.
You turned your head to look at Arthur fully, only he leaned back into his seat. You wondered if he really did know her family, though you suppose it could be possible.
The rest of the ride consisted of you and Sam talking or jamming out to music on the radio. Arthur was mostly quiet, and you attempted to bring him into the conversation a few times. You didn’t want to intentionally leave him out. He didn’t speak too much, although the look on his face told you he was just fine where he was. His immortal age aside, he was still a 36 year old man in the company of 27 year olds. He was more than likely allowing you two to chatter amongst yourselves about your own interests.
That however didn’t stop you from reaching over and taking his hand in yours. He smoothed his thumb over your skin rhythmically the entire time.
Soon the dark sky broke to the amber lights of Saint Denis. The city was bustling as usual, multiple people out and about enjoying the night.
“So, any ideas for our entertainment tonight?” Sam asked.
You hummed in thought, considering what would be enjoyable for the three of you. Since Arthur couldn’t eat nor drink, your usual suggestions flew out the window.
“How ‘bout I treat ya both to dinner?” Arthur suddenly spoke up.
You blinked in surprise, turning to look at him.
“Both of us?” Sam questioned. “That’s not necessary.”
“Yeah, you don’t have to do that.” You agreed.
Arthur shrugged. “Repayment for drivin’ us. It ain’t exactly a short trip.”
A smile crossed Sam’s lips. “Y/N’s right, you really are a gentleman.”
Arthur chuckled in response. “No reason not to be.”
Twenty minutes later found yourself in one of the less populated diners of the city. Both you and Sam were enjoying delicious meals while Arthur sat with you. Sam had asked why he didn’t order anything himself, and he answered with the same lie he told you on your first date: food intolerances. She didn’t question it further, instead brought the conversation elsewhere. He was more talkative then.
When your food was finished, the three of you stepped back outside. The night was still fairly young and alive, prompting you to ponder what else you could do.
“So what’s next?” Sam spoke out, voicing your thoughts. “How about our favorite bar?”
You opened your mouth to answer, only to have Arthur speak over you.
“You two can go on ahead, I’ll join ya in a bit.”
You gave him a look of confusion, catching his eye to notice an emotion you couldn’t detect. “Where are you going?”
“Jus’ gotta take care o’ somethin’. I’ll meet ya there.” He answered, stepping forward to plant a quick kiss on your forehead. While his lips were pressed against your skin, his voice dropped to a low mumble. “Be careful, alright? Remember what I said ‘bout… others.”
As he retreated giving you a subtle but pointed look, it only then occurred to you what he meant. You remembered what he told you about “other” vampires, ones that drained their victim’s blood without second thought. Somehow you’d forgotten about what happened here in this same city. But by the amount of people that still roamed the streets, it was clear the concern over it was pushed to the wayside.
It then led you to your next thought: what was Arthur doing? Perhaps he needed some blood himself, and you reminded yourself that he only went after bad people. At least so he said.
Your thought was cut short when Sam tugged on your arm. She pulled you toward the direction of the bar, which was only a few blocks away.
The place was as busy as you expected to be, the air conditioned building stuffy with the amount of bodies. You procured a drink and kept off to the side, swaying your hips to the music that played overhead. Time wore on and your vision slowly grew more unfocused with the influence of liquor. A half hour had passed and Arthur hadn’t returned, this solidifying your suspicion from earlier. He most likely was looking for a blood meal, hopefully tracking down some fool with less than pure thoughts for that night.
Unless something else happened.
You shook your head and mentally scolded yourself. Arthur was more than capable of handling himself. After witnessing him crush Tom’s hand with little effort in protecting you, and the fact that he was once a gunslinging outlaw.
You smiled to yourself. That little reminder of you dating a once-famous outlaw still sent your heart into a tizzy. How many others would be able to say that? Hell, how many others could say they’re dating a vampire?
Sobriety soon began to slip through your fingers with even more time passed. You moved through the bar, observing others and occasionally holding a small conversation with Sam or a stranger. With more people filing in every once in a while, the air is was beginning to grow stuffy. Another drink down and you stepped outside. Not that the weather was much different, it provided you with a little space. There were a few others standing around, smoking cigarettes or just chatting. You craned your neck to see if Arthur was among these faces, and sighed in disappointment. Did it really take that long just to acquire a blood meal?
You shuddered with that thought. It certainly wasn’t a normal thought to cross your mind. You instead shifted your focus elsewhere. Your eyes slowly drifted back and forth between others; young couples out and about, not a care in the world with their faces bright and cheerful.
Your attention was soon broken when someone had stumbled in front of you. Stepping back in time to avoid being trampled on, you blinked and watched an obviously drunk man clamor his way down the sidewalk. You grimaced as he smacked his hand onto a light pole, but he paid no mind as he turned down an alleyway next to the bar.
Somehow this concerned you. He was clearly too inebriated to really walk straight, and you wondered if he knew what direction he was going in. You also wondered if he was alone or possibly had friends. Either way, you didn’t want him to accidentally injure himself or get lost.
You scurried toward the alley. The sound of metal trashcans slamming to the ground told you he was thankfully still there. His drunken yelp was to follow. He certainly felt that more than the pole, somehow.
You rounded the corner to face the alleyway. The cans were on their sides with bits of trash strewn about. The poor fool kept stumbling haphazardly further in, and you quickened your pace.
“Hey, stop!” you called after him, but he either ignored you or just didn’t hear. Up ahead he turned and disappeared again. You grumbled and started to jog, or as much as your shoes would allow. “Sir, hang on!”
You rounded another corner he disappeared to, spotting him on the far side of that conjoining alleyway. You were impressed by how far he’d already gotten despite being absolutely shitfaced.
Until he tripped over his own two feet and landed face first onto the concrete below. You sighed heavily, partially in relief. You made your way toward him, squinting into the ever growing darkness. As your eyes adjusted you could see him struggling to get to his feet. He was moaning in pain and slurring under his breath.
“Sir?” you called out gently. “Hey, you okay?”
The response you’d gotten sounded like a cross between a yes and some other incomprehensible stuttering. You stepped up next to him and bent down to help him to his feet, realizing he was heavier than he looked. He grunted and leaned his body weight against you to straighten up.
He muttered a thanks, the liquor strong on his breath as he began to stumble off in the direction he came in. You moved to follow him when something caught your attention out of the corner of your eye. You only had time to turn your head a fraction of an inch when a blurred figure suddenly appeared in front of you, slamming into the drunk.
You jumped as the sound of his body smacking against the wall echoed in the alley. Your eyes took a moment to adjust what you were seeing in front of you. A figure had him pinned against the wall in an embrace that almost seemed intimate. It was too familiar to you, knowing it was anything than a kiss.
“Arthur?” you spoke automatically.
A disgusting squelch sounded when the figure pulled their mouth from the drunk’s neck. The smell of fresh blood tainted the air as they turned their attention toward you. Even in the dark you could see the reflection of a predator in their eyes. A gaunt face framed with thick dark hair told you this was not Arthur.
This new vampire opened his mouth wide, revealing a pair of long razor sharp fangs.
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squirrelly831 · 3 years
Kidnaps Her [Jaehwan and Sanghyuk]
This is a yandere au! A bit more on the darker side of things. It strays away from the idea of love and more to control and so I leave you with that as my warning. There’s violence and lots of it for some members. You’ve been warned.
I’m not playing… There’s violence. Not for the weak hearted or easily triggered by violence.
He was her best friend. The one who she could confide in or cry to, but there were other benefits too. They weren’t unfamiliar with each other’s bodies, the heat that they received from the other, the heated kisses that would lead nowhere the next day. He had done things to her that only other men could dare dream to do as he would severe any ties she had with another man at a drop of a hat. They were lucky to make it passed first base, but he made it clear that second and third were reserved for only him.
She was clueless to the obstacle he made himself in her relationships. She always thought they left because they found better or that she was lacking. Each break up hurt more than the last and she found herself in her best friend’s arms time and again upset and defeated. But, he always had a way to cheer her up--he always knew how to help her. 
And there she was again, wrapped up in his arms as her heart ached. He combed a hand through her hair as she cried in his chest. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes towards the back of his skull. He didn’t understand why it made her so upset. She should be thankful that those creatures were out of her life, that they left before they could dig their claws into her. He whispered comforting words as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. His lips lingered on her forehead long enough to draw her attention to him. She tilted her head up to see him uncaring of the tear-stains down her cheeks. Even with those stains, she looked like a goddess to him. He wasted no time capturing her lips with his. He was cleansing her--purifying her. He shifted his weigh, pushing himself over her as his hand pressed her on the mattress. He wanted more--needed more of her.
However, her tiny hands pressed against his chest in a feeble attempt to push him off. An action that alerted him--she had never denied him before. He pulled away from her to see fresh tears escaping her. “Sorry” her voice shook as she rubbed her eyes with her forearm. “It’s just--I slept with Jayden three days ago and for him to just break up with me afterwards. It feels disgusting--I feel disgusting.”
“You what” he hadn’t meant for how harsh his voice came out, but this rage was something he couldn’t put a lid over. A growl sounded as he jumped off of her like she had struck him with thorns. He ran his hand through his hair as his eyes darkened. “You slept with that-that thing like some whore” He shouted. 
A flash of pain crossed her face as she slipped off his bed. She bit her bottom lip as more tears blurred her eyes, “So, I’m some whore now?” Her bottom lip quivered. “Maybe I am--Maybe I am just some cheap whore. But, you continued to sleep with me too, so what does that make you?” She turned away from him and ran out of his room. Never stopping until she was out his apartment complex not knowing of the destruction that was soon to follow.
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Jayden went missing. Gwen should have saw the signs when her ex disappeared without a trace. Everyone questioned her--believed it was her. She didn’t understand it. Jayden wasn’t the type to run away especially when his life wasn’t the one in ruins after sleeping with her. Friends began to withdraw from her, people she didn’t even know now whispered about her and how she had gotten away with hurting Jayden. It was a rumor even police looked into and yet she was clear from any suspicion. However, no one made any attempt to console her. Jayden hit it and left, but that didn’t mean she didn’t care for him. She really thought he was the one. 
Her head shot up from the textbook she was studying from for psychology. It was a subject she enjoyed, picking the brains of others and observing all she could about people was her specialty--which made her question how she didn’t see his signs. 
Jaehwan grinned widely as he approached her at the library table and threw himself in the chair across from her. “How many of your so called friends stayed with you after the dumbass’s disappearance?”
Her head jerked as his words repeated in her head. “It was you--” she stated, a tone of disbelief wrapped around her words. “You caused everyone to--” her throat ran dry, “to hate me.” 
Jaehwan smiled a loving smile. One he flashed her often, “I didn’t make them hate you. I was showing you that no one would love you lik--”
“Don’t touch me!” She swatted his approaching hand and stood quickly. She gathered her belonging. “Don’t ever come near me again, Jaehwan. OR I’ll call the fucking police...”
“How dare you!” Jaehwan growled as he shot up from his chair and chased her down. She neared the stair rail exit of the library to escape him, “You think I’d just let you leave?” He reached out and grabbed her hair. A yelp left her lips as he yanked her away from the stairs, her one way of escape. 
“You’re a fucking psycho” she tried to claw at his hand as her materials fell from her hand. Jaehwan released her but her relief was short lived as he shoved her violently down the stairs. 
“I’m psycho?” He let out a cruel laugh as he took the steps slowly. “I’m the psycho? Then what the fuck are you? You teased me and used me for your personal pleasure, but I’m the crazy one?” Gwen tried to move, but he kicked her down. He proceeded to step on her until her head hit the concrete and she began to lose consciousness.
When Gwen came to, she found herself on Jaehwan’s bed. She sat up and a sharp pain , her head spun as she tried to recall what happened. 
“Oh, good. You’re up” Jaehwan entered the room with a cup of water. He smiled at her as she attempted to stand up. She swayed as Jaehwan reached out to help her stand, “Ah ah ah, I wouldn’t do that. You probably got a concussion.” 
Gwen swatted his hand from her only to be shoved to the ground. “Don’t you ever stop me from touching you!” He snapped. Jaehwan slammed down the cup of water and took a seat in his chair. His fingers interlaced with one another as he looked away from her in annoyance. “After all I’ve done for you over the years and this is how you treat me? Apologize.” 
She moved back from him still on the ground, “You think I’ll apologize to you? You’re a crazy fu--”
He stood from his seat, her words died on her lips as he approached her. His aura frightened her as he loomed over her. Jaehwan was waiting for her to finish, “Well finish what you were saying.” His demeanor was different from the one she saw in class.
Jaehwan’s face remained unchanged as he looked at her, “Get on your knees and apologize. You’ve been really rude” his hand reached down and pulled her chin up to see him. “If you do it right, I won’t have to punish you again” his voice caused shivers down her spine.
“I’m sorry--” she yelped as his hand pulled her hair with a force. She got on her knees as she tried to ignore the pain, “I’m sorry I was being disrespectful” her voice quivered. “Please, I’ll be good. I swear.”
Jaehwan’s hand loosened before it was extracted from her hair, “See, that wasn’t so hard.” He knelt before her and pinched her cheeks in his hand. His eyes darkened, “You still have a lot to learn, but I’ll train you well, kitten. As long as you do what I say, nothing bad will happen to you.”
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It had been days since Melody saw Sanghyuk. She had made it a point to avoid their favorite place on campus. She got her coffee from the pod stations near her class that never had anything but cold day old black coffee. Her meals in the cafeteria were no longer with Sanghyuk but with a group from her art class that had begged her for months to join them. She began to really live--Sanghyuk was no longer attached to her him and suddenly more people surrounded her. 
But she was never really without Sanghyuk. Sanghyuk bided his time, waited for her to have a moment alone before he spoke to her. Except, that never came. Day in and day out, Melody was with someone. A classmate, a new friend, or a new interest. It made Sanghyuk pissed. Why did these people think it was okay to come between Melody and him? He’d call her phone as he hid in the shadows and he watched how she pulled out her phone, saw his number, and silence the call before placing it back in her bag. 
Months had passed, Melody would be lying if she said she didn’t miss Sanghyuk. He was her best friend, the guy who helped her through everything from her heartbreaks to studying for an exam. He was her anchor, but he hurt her too... She pulled out her phone to call Sanghyuk, maybe she could talk things out with him. Maybe they could move passed whatever this was... They could go back to being friends-no strings or benefits. 
However, before could call him, her phone rang and the name of one of her art friends flashed on the screen. She picked it up with a bright smile as they spoke about have a gathering at Patricia’s home to celebrate the end of term. Melody hung up and headed to catch a cab to Patricia’s apartment. All thoughts of Sanghyuk were put on hold, she didn’t want to keep thinking about it when it only upset her more.
When Melody arrived to Patricia’s apartment, she was surprised to see the door cracked open and no sound inside. She pushed the door open more to see a gathering of shoes in the doorway which only made her more curious. “Patty? Nico?” She called out as she entered the apartment. The eerie silence that followed gave her shivers. She headed down the hallway to the living room where she was met with a horrific surprise. Melody let out a shriek as she scampered back to the archway of the hallway. The living room was painted with the blood of her friends and some others she didn’t know. They were all lifeless some slumped on the other while others were more mutilated.
In her frightened state, she didn’t hear the footsteps behind her. “This is your fault” his voice was cold and dead of emotions. 
She pushed herself from the archway as she turned to see Sanghyuk covered in blood. “H-Hyuk? Wha-what is---” her eyes trailed down to his hand where the blood covered knife rested and her words died. 
“You did this” he took a step towards her ignoring the blood he stepped in. “You left me for these-these things.” His hand shifted the knife to point it at her. 
Melody didn’t stay to find out what he would do next. She took off further in the apartment hearing the sound of his boots close behind. She ran straight into Patty’s bedroom and slammed the door just as Hyuk’s hand hit the wood. The sound of the knife driven into the door echoed as Melody fastened the lock. 
A cold laugh sounded, “You think this will keep me away, Mel?” He banged on the door harder, “You think you can keep me away from you?” Melody looked around the room before deciding to slip under the bed and hid herself behind the couple containers she found. 
It was only minutes before Hyuk broke down the door as he slammed his body into it. The wood snapped under the pressure and he made his way inside. “Mel, come out... We can talk.” His voice was calm--it was the voice of the Hyuk she knew. “I’m sorry I called you a whore--Really, Melody I am. I was just hurt. I love you. I’ve always loved you and I wanted to be your boyfriend for so long...” He confessed. 
Melody held her breath as she saw his shadow near the bed. She squeezed her eyes shut as she prayed that the containers around her shielded her from him. She held her breath as the room went quiet. 
“I didn’t want anyone else to have you. I know I should have just told you how I felt, but I thought I made it obvious.” He continued. His voice ventured further from her as the creak of a door sounded. Melody let out an almost silent shaky breath. Her eyes widened as something grabbed her leg and yanked her violently from under the bed. The room spun as her head hit the container and soon she found herself looking up at the dark eyes of her former best friend. His lips twitched as they shaped upward.
”Found you.” 
Taekwoon and Wonshik|| Hakyeon and Hongbin
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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socksual-innuendos · 5 years
Fallout OC Companion Meme
Ok so I’m redoing this and adding perks and personal quests. General is up top, companion quest is under cut.
Name: Emilia Vazquez
Location: Atomic Wrangler
Emilia can be hired as a companion after completing the side quest “Strangers in the Fight”
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(art by @courierspikeee​)
Companion Wheel
I think we should travel together: “Oh, you really want me to come along? No promises I’ll behave.”
Use Melee: “So you want to see an old lady get her ass beat. Haha, so would I.”
Use Ranged: “Don’t worry if I disappear, you don’t have to see me to know I’m still around.” /  “Good idea, the further I am the better I work.”
Open Inventory: “Ayayay! Use your own pockets and don’t bum off me!” / “Ah, the Lord has blessed me with a companion that will carry my shit for me— no? Well, worth a try.”
Stay Close: “Trust me, you do not want me up your ass”
Keep Distance: “Listen, whatever you’re smelling, it wasn’t me”
Stealth: “Aah, my specialty.”
Back Up: “Oh? You want to stand here? Fine.” / “My knee only works in so many directions, mijo/a”
Be Passive: “Your call, but when things get hairy I’m doing best for me.” / “If I hear shots, I will start shooting. Never doubt this.”
Be Aggressive: “Shoot them before they shoot us? That’s the most sound thing I’ve heard from you.” / “Good, they’ll be dead before they even know we’re there.”
Use Stimpack: “You ever need anything stronger, hahaha, you let me know...” // “Aaah...I could use another of those.”
Wait Here: “If that’s what you want. No promises I’ll still be here when you come back.” // “If I bore you, just say so.”
Follow Me: “Oh so now you want me back.”
Send her to the Lucky 38: “Perfecto. I’ve been wanting a shower.”
Send her Home: “Alright, you know where to find me.” (can be found in the atomic wrangler)
Injured: “Aagh, my other knee—!” / “I’m not getting paid enough for this...”
Death: (before personal quest) “I can’t...not yet...” / “Aaah, sorry Camila.” -- (after personal quest) “Always knew I’d die on the job—“ / “Mi renacuajita— mama will see you soon.”
Aggression: aggressive
Confidence: brave/foolhardy
Assistance: helps friends and allies
Like the other companions, Emilia has a starting perk that is replaced by another depending on how the player completes her personal quest.
Desierto salvajísimo: Weird things happen in the desert and with Emilia by your side they just got weirder! Something was definitely in that peyote...(Compounds on Wild Wasteland perk.)
Should the courier convince Emilia to apologize to her sister, she will gain Thy Brother’s Keeper perk.
Thy Brother’s Keeper: When the player falls below half health, Emilia will prioritize enemies around the player and gain a 25% damage increase.
If the courier convinces Emilia to let go of her sister, she will gain the Gone Rogue perk.
Gone Rogue: Stealth kills now do 25% more damage and enemies lose interest faster while sneaking. 
El Silbón - Emilia’s sniper rifle. Unscoped shots have a 25% increase to critical chance.
Tattered Journal - A small journal that contains memoirs and recipes. Who is it for?
Froggy Grenades - Smoke bombs painted to look like frogs. Activating them will halve the chance of limbs being crippled and lower time it takes for enemies to lose sight of the user.
Quests and Recruitment
Strangers in the Fight
“You’ve been tipped off about an assassination that is suppose to happen tonight at The Aces. You aren’t sure who the mark is, but you’d gain some reputation and caps if you prevented their death.”
The courier can approach this quest in two ways. Either they hunt down the assassin or figure out who the mark is and warn them. Should the courier try and hunt down the assassin, they will be knocked unconscious backstage and fail the quest. Should they chose to investigate and warn the mark, the mark will thank them and leave The Aces that night. Later, the courier can find the mark dead in an alley the morning after they complete the quest. In either case, the quest will complete and the next time the courier enters the Atomic Wrangler they will find Emilia. Walking close enough to her will trigger an audio clip where she drunkenly berates the courier for causing trouble ‘the other night’. 
Talking to her will give the courier a few options of dealing with her. Without perks, the courier can initiate dialogue that will lead to either recruitment or casual conversation. Recruiting can be done in two ways, either the courier can hire her for 300 caps or pass a speech check of 55. Passing the speech check makes her a permanent companion and allows the courier to access her personal quest, while hiring must be repeated if the courier dismisses her. If her health drops too low while on the road, she will dismiss herself and return to the Wrangler. If the courier has the terrifying presence perk, they can start a bar fight with Emilia in which killing her will not net a large loss in karma.
When she is recruited as a permanent companion her personal quest becomes accessible. To trigger it, the courier must complete quests for the ghoul Camila found in The Aces. The quests can be completed prior to recruiting her, but they must be completed to Camila’s approval. Once Emilia is recruited, a new quest from Camila will be available. Completing it requires Emilia to be in your party and when turning it in Camila will comment how her sister “Can’t seem to stop looming” and needs to let her “find her own way”. She will request that the courier doesn’t bring her around the Tops again, but thank them for their time. Officially, this is the start to Emilia’s personal quest.
 A Tale of Two Sisters
“It seems as though Emilia is experiencing some family troubles. She’s not the type to open up about things, but if you travel with her she may let details slip. Keep her in your party and don’t push things.”
To do Emilia’s quest, the courier must keep her in their party when completing certain quests around the Mojave. Quests do not have a specific order to be completed in, however turning them in before acquiring Emilia as a companion will lock out completing her personal quest.
In Memoriam
“Elaine and her family are survivors from a Legion raid. Lately her eldest son has been closed off and she’s worried it’s because they left his father’s possessions behind while evacuating. Head down south to their old farm and see if you can find anything to bring back.”
Within the Bitter Springs camp a refugee named Elaine can be found. Talking to her reveals that she is worried about her son, who has been closed off since they evacuated their ranch. She says although their family was lucky enough to get away in one piece, she had lost her husband a few years prior. Their son was particularly close to him and he would often ‘talk’ to him after his passing. Since coming to Bitter Springs, those talks have lessened and he’s grown more distant. She suspects that their abrupt move caused some disconnect. Go down to what remains of their ranch and find something of her husband’s to bring back.
Heading southeast of Novac, the courier will eventually find a pillaged farmhouse. Going inside, the courier can pick up either a journal, a pocket knife, or a charred Dinky Dinosaur. Taking any will complete the objective, but each gives a slightly different dialogue when returning to Elaine. She will explain the value behind each item and thank the courier for their help. The quest will complete but to trigger the dialogue with Emilia, the courier must talk to Elaine’s son. He will recognize the courier and thank them, opening more dialogue options to talk about his father. Completing all dialogue paths and then talking to Emilia will allow her to comment on the boy’s outlook of grief. She will chastise how freely he talks about his father to the strangers, saying that loss can’t be fixed by just remembering someone and how it isn’t worth upsetting oneself again. The courier can respond to her in two major ways. They can either agree with her, saying that repressing grief is the only way to reign it in or they can try to convince her that closure sometimes requires vulnerability. 
Take Us Back
“Change is nature. Some accept what life hands them, while others push back.”
Take Us Back can be a quest obtained by talking to a server named Charlie in the Ultra Lux. When talked to, the Courier can chose a dialogue path where she will tell them that she heard the news about Primm and that she is glad the town is now safe. Talking with her more, she will confess that she is worried about a friend who lives in Primm and that she has yet to hear from her since the attack. The Courier can then offer the check up on them, to which Charlie will express surprise that they would be willing to be so charitable with their help. The Courier can say they are either happy to help, or that they weren’t intending on doing this for free. Charlie accepts either option, and the Courier receives the quest Take Us Back.
The quest will take the Courier to Primm where they will meet Atta and her wife. The Courier can tell Atta about Charlie and her concern, to which Atta will say that she intended on sending a letter but that she had missed the last courier that came into town. She will be grateful for Charlie’s concern and that the Courier came to check up on them. Atta will then ask that the Courier take her letter back to Charlie, and will give them a small amount of caps for their trouble. The Courier can then pass a barter check to get more caps from Atta. If the Courier talks to Emi after this exchange, she will sarcastically mention how sweet it is that the Courier is passing notes around in class.
Upon returning to Charlie, she will read Atta’s letter and grow annoyed while reading. The Courier can then inquire as to what is upsetting Charlie. and Charlie will then bitterly remark that Atta always mentions her spouse, how those two are inseparable, and that it is the spouse’s fault that Atta moved to Primm. The Courier can then tell Charlie she needs to reevaluate herself and to pay up which will end the quest, or they can pry further. If asked, Charlie will admit how much things changed since Atta met her spouse, and that she has always been bitter at being second place since. She will then make a comment about how if she could get rid of the spouse, things might go back to how they were. The Courier can ask how serious she is about that comment, and she will mention that if she could find an assassin, she’d be very serious. The Courier then has the option to accept her offer, or lie and pretend to accept her offer. 
If the Courier chooses to lie, they are given the option to tell Atta about the plan. Although she will not believe it at first, the Courier can pass a small speech check that allows them to convince her. She will be shocked, but thank the Courier for warning her. If the Courier takes the job they can kill Atta’s spouse anyway they chose so long as they do not get caught and do not kill Atta. Either choice requires the Courier to return to Charlie and tell her what they have done. Both choices lead to Atta sending Charlie a letter, though what is said will differ.
If the Courier decided to tell Atta, her letter will tell Charlie to never contact her again, and Charlie will become angry at the Courier for lying. Whatever the Courier says, Charlie will remain angry, and tell them to leave. After, if the Courier talks to Emi, she will joke that Charlie had it coming for being so trusting of strangers and that she should have been smarter about interfering with others’ lives. The Courier can either agree, which will end the conversation with Emilia laughing, or they can explain that people have lives outside of others and that should be respected. 
Should the Courier follow through with the assassination, Atta’s letter will tell Charlie about her loss, and that she is considering coming to stay with her a while after funeral preparations are made. Charlie will thank the Courier, saying how glad she is that things will go back to normal after this. The Courier can talk to Emi afterwards, and she will make a comment about how she’s seen similar scenarios in the past, and that they never work. If the Courier asks what she means, she will say that murder can be a tool to fix things, but often its just a wrench being thrown at a broken water pipe. She will then say that she can’t blame Charlie for feeling the way she did, that she too understands what it feels like to have someone slip away, but she will be critical of how Charlie handled the situation saying that its better to prevent change before it happens as once it does things hardly return to how they were.
Friends Like These
“Problems don’t have to be dealt with alone. In times like these, it is nice to have friends.”
This quest requires that the Courier has taken Raul through his personal quest. It doesn’t matter which path Raul took so long as Old School Ghoul is completed. Travelling with Emi for a while after completing either Take Us Back or In Memorium will trigger her to talk to the Courier. She will say that she’s enjoyed their company despite not being fond of companions and will mention how travelling has been her entire life. She will then go to say how things seem to be coming to a slow in her life but that she isn’t quite ready to retire yet, and the thought of such an abrupt change leaves her anxious. Emilia will then joke, asking if the Courier could ever see her living a mellowed life, and the conversation will end. 
Later, with Emilia as a companion, if the Courier talks with Raul a dialogue option mentioning a friend will appear. Choosing this the Courier will tell Raul about Emilia and he will joke about the introduction, asking what brought it up. The Courier can say that they thought those two would get along, and Raul will make a few more jokes. Ending the dialogue here will progress the quest, though a few more options will be present. After, Emi will comment on the introduction, joking that she can find her own hookups. The Courier can then say that if she is worried over retirement, to talk to Raul. She will consider this, and thank the Courier for remembering their conversation. After a time, Emilia will talk to them, again thanking the Courier for introducing her to Raul. 
Completing a Tale of Two Sisters
Once the courier has completed the three quests, Emilia will ask to talk with them. If the courier accepts, she will inquire about them, asking if they’ve ever been responsible for someone before. The courier can say yes, no, or that they don’t remember, and Emilia’s response will depend on what is chosen. Ultimately she will come back to asking the courier what they thought of if they weren’t needed or wanted. The courier can ask if this is about her sister, and Emilia will get defensive, but confirm that is who she’s referring to. The courier can ask for details, and Emilia will tell them how she has been responsible for Camila’s well being for most of her life but recently she has been asserting her independence more and more. Emilia confesses that while she knows her sister will have to survive without her and is glad that she is finding her own way, she herself feels lost. The courier can then pry more, and Emilia will admit to expressing her frustrations through anger at her sister and that this is causing the strain on their relationship. If the courier tells her to apologize, Emilia will get defensive and end the conversation, but if they say that perhaps their relationship is coming to an end, Emilia will sadly acknowledge it and ask to be left alone. Later, regardless of what was picked, Emilia will ask the courier if they meant what they said. The courier can either say yes or change their answer. If the courier confirms that they think she should apologize Emilia will thank them, saying that she will need to think more on what to say to her sister. If the courier reassures her that all relationships eventually see a close and that this might mark the end for theirs, she will reluctantly agree with them and say that she needs some time to come to accept this. 
Depending on what the courier chose, Emilia will gain a new perk. If the courier tells her to apologize, Emilia will gain Thy Brother’s Keeper perk. Later, the courier can talk to Camila in The Aces and she will thank them for their help, saying that she’s ready for both of them to start healing. If the courier tells Emilia to let her sister go, she will gain the Gone Rogue perk. Camila will not be in her usual spot in The Aces after this and if the courier asks Tommy Torini about her, he will mention that she has asked for time off. 
El Silbón
“Legend tells of a lost spirit who wanders the world searching for revenge. His presence is only announced by a whistle.”
Upon killing Camila, the courier receives this quest with no map marker. If the courier had Emilia in party while attacking her sister, she permanently leaves the courier and can no longer be found at The Wrangle. For the rest of the game, the courier is being hunted. Emilia becomes a hostile random encounter that does not make herself known aside from a quiet whistle before she attacks. She will not stop attacking until the courier is either dead or they drop her health below 2/3, in which she will drop a smoke bomb and disappear. Emilia will continue to hunt the courier down until she is dead. Hiring a companion will lower her encounter rate, however if she is aggroed by more than one NPC she will try to escape. Upon killing Emilia, she will have three special items on her possession and two randomized chems. Her special items are her sniper rifle (El Silbón), a Tattered Journal, and Froggy Grenades.
Ending Slides
If Emilia dies (and El Silbón is not activated)
The life that had claimed so many had finally met its end, but for all Emilia’s infamy there was still one who mourned her. Camila grieved for her sister and all the things that were left unsaid between them but, refusing to let loss consume her, continued singing at The Aces. 
If Camila is killed (and Emilia is not killed in El Silbón)
The Wasteland doesn’t discriminate in which lives it takes, and neither did the Courier. Camila, killed within the safety of New Vegas walls, left behind a distraught sister. Unable to handle the loss of her only remaining family, Emilia was overtaken by grief. She squandered what caps she had at the Wrangler and when her debts became too much to repay she was found overdosed in a Freeside alley.
If Emilia is killed in El Silbón
With nothing else to live for, Emilia hunted the Courier down. The murder of her sister was a trespass to be repaid in kind, but the assassin was not invincible. Unable to best the Courier, Emilia fell in battle. For all her anger and pain, she could finally find peace in death.
If Emilia’s personal quest is never completed
Despite all that the sisters had been through, New Vegas had strained their relationship like none before. Camila, though wishing to assert her independence, could not shake the control her sister had on her life. Once their business in the Mojave had been completed, Emilia left the Courier’s company, uprooting her sister once again to wander the Wastes. Although she had once held hope for a future, Camila no longer felt that ambition and remained silently by her sister’s side.
If the Courier sides with Legion and...
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her to make up with her sister
Seeing that the Mojave was no longer safe, Emilia uprooted her sister one last time. Fleeing north, then east, Emilia’s age caught up to her when the pair reached Indiana. Still determined to keep her sister safe, she pushed on further until they reached the Ohio-West Virginia border where the two were then ambushed by raiders. Overwhelmed by their numbers and worn from her travels, Emilia fell in battle with her sister following suit.
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her that she and her sister should part ways
Despite the courier’s words that their paths were diverging, Emilia would not let her sister remain in New Vegas when the Legion took the Dam. Uprooting her once more, Emilia led her sister north, then east. Determined to not be controlled by her sibling any longer, Camila fled when the pair reached Minnesota. With her age catching up to her, Emilia was unable to track her sister down. Camila had finally found her freedom.
If the Courier sides with NCR and...
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her to make up with her sister
Although NCR occupation of Vegas did not sit well with Emilia, it assured that her sister would remain safe. While Camila would go on to be a beloved addition to The Aces, Emilia’s infamy grew with the NCR forcing her off The Strip. Undeterred by her bounty, the assassin would often sneak back into Vegas to enjoy the night life, frequenting The Tops to hear her sister sing. 
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her that she and her sister should part ways
Although NCR occupation of Vegas did not sit well with Emilia, it assured that her sister would remain safe. Employed at The Aces, Camila was able to support herself and was a welcomed addition to The Tops. Taking the Courier’s words to heart, Emilia slipped out of her sister’s life, allowing her the independence she so desired.
If the Courier sides with House and...
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her to make up with her sister
With Vegas safe from either NCR or Legion influence, the sisters could focus on resolving things between them. Emi, realizing how much independence meant to her sister, finally eased the grip she had on her life. The two were able to come to an understanding and for the time being the pair could call Vegas home.
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her that she and her sister should part ways
With NCR and Legion no longer a threat on Vegas, Emilia could finally take the Courier’s words to heart and slip from Camila’s life. Although no longer side by side, the sisters both remained in Vegas. Camila continued singing at the Tops while Emilia continued her work and havoc in Freeside. While Camila grew to be a beloved addition to The Aces, Emi went on to grow infamous, leading her to being incarcerated several times.
If the Courier makes New Vegas independent and...
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her to make up with her sister
Along side New Vegas, Camila celebrated her own independence. Now free to follow her own path she became a beloved addition to The Aces. Emilia, though still afraid of what the future would hold for them, proudly watched as her sister blossomed. For the two siblings, Vegas could be called a home.
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her that she and her sister should part ways
With Vegas free to rule itself, Camila continued her career at The Tops.  While happy for her sister, Emilia took the Courier’s words to heart and removed her presence. But, no matter how far she traveled Emilia would find herself back on The Strip, sitting in the crowd at The Aces listening to her sister sing.
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Survey #333
“imaginary chain  /  the one you never break  /  seething all alone”
Do you have any fears you would rarely admit to anyone? Nah, I'm pretty open about what I'm afraid of. What website do you spend most of your time on? YouTube. What class in high school did you struggle with the most? I honestly don't remember with certainty, but it was probably math or economics. At least, I think econ was my senior year. What could you talk about for hours? Mark, meerkats, a few game franchises... maybe a couple more topics. Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? I wouldn't know. Do you salt your popcorn? Yes. Do you have a Steam account? Yeah, but I don't have many games on there and rarely touch the ones I do. Do you like gaming? I do, but not as much as I did for most of my life. I mostly just play WoW now, and even that I'm not that into anymore. Part of it though comes from not buying any new games that I'm interested in because 1.) no money and 2.) no proper console, and you can only replay games so many times before you're just... yeah, done. Do you like reading books? Some days. Do you like religion? All things considered? No. Do you like Grand Theft Auto V? Y'know, growing up, I actually liked watching my younger neighbor play one of those games, but I don't remember which. Though he never actually "played" it... just ran around wreaking havoc, lol. I do however think GTAV was the one that Jason and Jacob started playing together when we moved into the apartment, and I thought the story was okay; I don't think they ever got far into it, though. Definitely wasn't Jason's sort of game, and I don't think it was too much up Jacob's alley, either. Can you twerk? I haven't tried and you will never see me try either, lmao. Do you have a Spotify account? Yes, but I almost never use it. If the last person you kissed tried to kiss you again, would you start kissing them back? Yes. If your best friend of the opposite sex tried to kiss you, would you start kissing them back? No. Have you ever kissed someone who has previously kissed someone you hated? Yes, because of how badly she hurt him. I don't have any negative feelings towards her now, though. We're actually friends, haha. The irony. Are you an easy lay? What weird wording. But whatever, quite the polar opposite actually. When’s the last time you said you were sorry? A few days ago. Are there any songs you listen to everyday? No. Would you like living on the coast? As someone who lives in a state hit by hurricanes usually every year and has seen the incredible damage they usually bring to the coast, no. I don't like the smell or gritty feel of salty air, either. When’s the last time you were really late to something? No idea. That's usually not a problem with me. Why did you stop liking the last person you liked? The last person I actually stopped like-liking would be Girt, and that would be because I just came to the realization I saw him too much as my brother instead of boyfriend. It just always felt awkward. Do you still talk to that person? Yeah, we're good. No hard feelings or anything between us. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? No. Do you trust easily? Fuck no. I'll be cautious, at least to some degree, about new people for a while. What is the last song to make you cry? Since I've actually behaved and not listened to any trigger songs, it's been a long while, but it was probably "Another Life" by Motionless In White. Last person you hung up on? I'm sure some automated message. I barely ever answer the phone to numbers I don't recognize, though. Where was your last car ride to and from? To Wal-Mart w/ Mom to pick up our order and then back home. Next big outing? *shrug* Do you find it difficult to stay invested in online relationships? Not really, no. Considering I'm by far my most authentic self online, I actually tend to appreciate virtual friends more, if I'm being honest. I try to keep up with those people. Are you the type of person who pays close attention to the release dates of movies, music, etc., and will, for example, go see a movie or buy an album on the date it is released? If so, when is the last time you did so? Not really, no. I think I saw Warcraft the day it came into theaters, though. Do movies often make you cry? What kind of films/scenes make you tear up most? Yep. Tragic romance tends to do it the most, I think. Do you use any apps to track your health or medications? I have one to track my menstrual cycle as well as another that tracks my daily caloric intake, but I'm bad at using it because it's tedious if I actually have to measure something. Whose opinions/recommendations do you value most? Ummm if you mean like, in general, probably my mom's. But this most certainly depends on the subject I'm taking feedback on. What is something society "expects" you to do that you don't want to do and/or don't plan on doing? Shaving my legs came to mind first. Granted, I will if there is almost any chance of someone seeing them, but otherwise, I just don't care. We respect women with body hair on this account and see them as no less feminine. Are you interested in architecture? Is there any particular style that you're drawn to? I think it's cool, yeah. I should have an answer for this, given architecture was a massive focus in Art History the last time I was in school... Roman architecture comes to my head first, if that says anything. What was one of your favorite things from the nineties? BOY OH BOY, SO MUCH!! I'm probably gonna say the toys. There was some dope shit, man. Do you collect things pertaining to an animal? ANYTHING and EVERYTHING featuring a meerkat!!!!! :''') Do you wish that people were kinder to spiders? Well, yes. I hope everyone in their heart wishes this, even if they're afraid of them. They're very important to our ecosystem, and none are out there to harm us; their existence does us a favor. Where do you normally order pizza from? Domino's (my favorite) or LIttle Caesar's for the price. Did your parents keep anything of yours from when you were a baby? Oh yes, loads of stuff that's stored away somewhere. Do you own one of those "____ For Dummies" books? No, but I feel like we had one at some point? What was the last VHS tape that you watched? Yikes, who knows. Did you watch Boy Meets World back in the day? I actually didn't, no. Our old neighbor though loved it so much that she named her daughter Tapanga (deliberately spelled that way). Who is your favorite Scooby Doo character? I never really had one. Maybe Thelma. If I were to give you a coloring book, what would you want its theme to be? Animals. Have you ever won a stuffed animal at a carnival? Possibly a small one. I can tell you I did however accidentally stab the guy who ran the dart-throwing booth though, lmfao. He was obviously fine, and it wasn't a bad wound. I felt SOOOOOO bad. Are you a fan of narwhals? I'm a fan of any animal. Narwhals are definitely fascinating creatures. Grape or orange soda? Orange. Grape-flavored soda ain't my thing. Have you ever wanted to vlog? Noooo. My life is so painstakingly boring and repetitive. Did you have a favorite Disney movie as a child? It was and still is The Lion King. Do you or have you ever owned a portable gaming console? Yeah, a GameBoy Advance and Nintendo DS. Is shyness cute? It definitely can be. Have you ever had alcohol poisoning before? No. Do you like to gossip, or do you prefer to keep your mouth shut? I'm not a gossip fan. Have you ever vandalized someone else’s property before? Most definitely not. Are your parents divorced? Yes. Have you ever been under suicide watch for 72 hours in a psychiatric ward? Yes; at least here, that's protocol when you're admitted for suicidal thoughts/tendencies. Have you ever gone through your significant other’s phone or social media accounts, or do you respect their privacy? Absolutely not. That shit pisses me off so badly. Do you wear any sort of clothing for religious reasons? No. What's something you worked extremely hard to get? My sanity back. Sounds so dramatic, but I'm literally not kidding. Have you ever been labeled negatively or otherwise been called something extremely derogatory? Not that I remember. How many kids do you want to have? I don't want kids, but to entertain the question, when I did, I wanted three. It's fuckin wild to imagine for even a second that I once wanted that. Do you believe that being gay is a sin? *eye roll* Are you any good at photography? If so, what’s your specialty? I mean it with modesty, but I think I'm pretty good. My favorite thing to photograph are animals, but I generally take most pictures of people by request or pay. Judging by my deviantART account, my nature pics definitely get the most attention. Have you ever been a member of a gang before? Fuckin yikes, no. An infamous gang tried breaking into my childhood home once, so you can probably gather that I would never take part in their "big bad guys" bullshit. Have you ever felt like you were neither male nor female? No, I'm comfortable as a cisgender female. Do you like oatmeal raisin cookies? NO. Anything with raisins = NO. Do you think you’re attractive? No. Has a teacher ever caught and read a note you were passing in class? No, not that I really passed notes to begin with. I'd be mortified, regardless of what it was about. Would you rather live in a tropical or arctic climate? Arctic. Do you have an older brother? Yes. He's technically my half-brother, but I don't see "half"s. Have either of your parents ever been to jail? No. Are your collarbones prominent? Bitch I wish so I could get the damn dermal piercings I've wanted for years. Have you ever in your life worn overalls? As a kid, yeah. So ugly. Do you love yourself? It's... weird. Therapy is making me realize that a part of me, maybe even the bigger one, doesn't, but at the exact same time, I know I have worth just like every other human. I just don't treat myself like I do. What TV shows do you keep up with? None, until Meerkat Manor returns this summer. :') When’s the last time it snowed where you live? A couple months ago we got a little bit of it. Is your belly button pierced? No, but it would be if I was actually skinny. Just in my personal opinion, I don't at all think that that piercing would look nice on someone as overweight as me. Even if my damn dreams come true and I lose all the weight I want, my stomach will never look "normal," even after I get the excess skin removal surgery that will be very high on my priority list for my own self-image that's been nothing but loathsome since 2016. What is your favourite dinosaur? Spinosaurus is the obvious answer. What do you remember the most about your childhood? Lots of imagination. Parents arguing. Playing with my little sister. What age did you get your first hair cut? I have no idea. Do you have a favourite toy from childhood still? No. I wish I hadn't gotten rid of it. Have you ever made bread? No. Would you ever consider shaving your head? Nah. Would you like to live in a realm where the zombie apocalypse is possible? Who says we don't now? Zombifying parasites already exist among insects and such, so like... it's not unimaginable to one day see one developed enough to infect humans. I sure as fuck hope not, but. What do you use to dry your clothes? (Tumble dryer, radiator, etc) We have a dryer. Do you ever play the built-in games on your computer? Which ones? Nah. What was the last spontaneous thing you did? I did this many, many months ago, but I guess watch an episode of The Witcher by my own volition. I don't really do spontaneous things with how routine I am, but I had a random urge to check it out one morning. How loud can you whistle? Not very loud at all. Does anything on your body hurt or itch right now? My knees really hurt. They're getting worse. When was the last time you built a sandcastle? There's noooo telling, it's been many years. Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull? No. Well, not a *real* one, anyway. Just the little ones for kids. If you had to appear on a game show, which one would you choose? Family Feud. What is your favorite hot beverage? Hot chocolate. Do you have an alter ego? Describe them: No. Food: Are you adventurous or do you stick to what you know? I absolutely stick to what I know. I am SO picky. Is there anything (out of the obvious) that makes you feel really ill? I'm not immediately sure, but there's probably something. Do you bump into things often? Yes. I've always had this weird habit of like... drifting when I walk, so I do this easily. I just kinda wander to the sides a bit without realizing it. What design is on your calendar this year? I don't have a current one. Did you enjoy playing Hop Scotch when you were younger? I did. Do you feel uncomfortable going to the movies by yourself? Nah, not really. I did that with Warcraft and it was actually pretty chill. When thinking about your dream home, what do you think would be your favorite thing to shop for? The ~g o t h i c~ decor. Do you ever listen to those lo-fi hip hop/study music playlists on YouTube/Spotify? No. Are you likelier to work harder if you’re being paid? If not, what drives you to give your best effort? I mean, yeah. I'd assume that's pretty normal. Does the fashion sense of a potential partner matter to you? No. Is there anything that you prefer to write down rather than type? I'm unsure. If you download/torrent things, do you remember the first thing you ever torrented? Oh, the Limewire days of music pirating... but no, I don't remember. What was the last thing you posted on Instagram? Something photography-related, but I don't feel like checking. What do you wish your hair looked like? I wish I could pull off pastel pink hair rn. It also desperately needs a trim. Do you still feel anything for the first person you fell in love with? I'm sure I always will, at least a little. Do you get any magazines in the mail? No. Have you ever paid for any kind of online membership? Uhhhhh have I? I don't think so. Who’d you last see in a tux? Probably the groom of the last wedding I shot. Do you record any TV shows and watch them later? No, but I used to do that big time because I loved "rewatching" stuff when I was on the computer. Out of everyone you know, who was the most heart? My mother, big time. Who’s the bravest person you know? Also my mother. Or Sara. What profession do you admire the most? Teachers might just win. The patience that must take, among so many other things. Have you ever made a fake profile, for any reason? No.
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d3-iseefire · 4 years
She Walks in Shadow Chapter 18
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The scar on Bilba’s back hurt, and it was pissing her off.
Largely because, up to that point, it had been about the only thing that didn’t hurt.
Having her younger body, free from scars and other wounds she’d picked up over the years, had been nice at first but the appeal was quickly fading. Every muscle hurt from her attempts to get back in shape, and the gait of the pony constantly reminded her that this body had virtually no riding experience whatsoever.
It was a miserable experience, and all of it was compounded farther by the ever-present feel of eyes boring into her back.
She shouldn’t have slept with him.
She knew that, obviously. She’d known it then and knew it doubly now. It was just that, at the time, the idea had been that she’d be the one suffering the consequences for it.
It had never occurred to her that he’d have any lasting hang-ups.
Just further proof of how little she’d known him to begin with.
In any event, sleeping with him had not had the desired effect. She’d expected it to settle her down, prove that neither of them was the same person. She’d expected it to help her stop wondering, cheapen it all even. Take it from the lost fantasy in her mind to the grounded reality, to the knowledge that what was lost could never again be found.
She’d expected it allow her to move on.
Or at least…she thought that was what her intention had been.
Instead she’d just ended up hurting him which, in hindsight, shouldn’t have surprised her. That was what she did, after all, wasn’t it? Hurt him. Failed him when he needed her most. It only made sense that ---
Bilba cursed quietly. Stop it, she ordered herself. Stop thinking of him as him. Even if he felt the same, smelled the same, even if the sun brightened his hair to the same burnished gold and his smile lit the same fire she’d felt back then.
It wasn’t him.
 He was gone, and he wasn’t coming back.
 Now if he’d just stop staring at her all the damn time.
He was probably still convinced he’d gotten her pregnant.
He hadn’t, of that she had no doubt. She’d been sent back to accomplish a task, and it wasn’t to give her a second chance. The Valar didn’t care a single, small hobbit and, even if they did, that hobbit certainly was never going to be her.
She was there to accomplish a task. A pregnancy would get in the way of that task which meant, simply put, she wasn’t pregnant.
He’d relax eventually, breathe a sigh of relief and place the entire incident in the back of his mind, under the label of “Mistakes Not to Be Repeated.” His interest would wane and turn elsewhere and…that would be that.
The discomfort in her back spiked unexpectedly and she tensed, unconsciously pulling her shoulders back as if she could somehow squeeze the pain out of her body.
“Are you all right?” Dwalin asked quietly from where he rode next to her.
“I’m fine,” she said shortly.
Dwalin’s gaze went to the horizon where the sun was in the process of sinking toward the earth. “We should be stopping soon.”
Bilba tsked. “I don’t care.”
He chuckled. “Sure you don’t.”
Bilba considered throwing a knife at him, but decided it wasn’t worth losing the progress she’d made in trying to gain Thorin’s trust. She’d ridden next to him nearly all day, simply chatting and trying to forge a relationship. If she wanted to get anywhere with him in the future, if she wanted any hope of changing things, having his trust and respect would be vital.
Dwalin settled back into silence next to her. He knew better than to try and push her, especially when she was in a bad mood.
The pain in her back spiked again, like a severe pinch she couldn’t relieve, and she let out an annoyed hiss. Her younger body was fast proving to be more of an irritant than her battle scarred one had been.
She forced herself to study the landscape, watching for potential threats. There hadn’t been anything this early the first time around but, then again, there hadn’t been orcs in the Shire the first time either.
They were still traveling through a mostly open plain and would continue to do so until they reached the Trollshaws.
The Trollshaws, and the actual trolls they’d met there the first time. Bilba still hadn’t decided what to do about them. As things stood at present, she had the advantage of knowing everything that was coming. The second she started to change things she would lose that advantage and be as blind as if she had been back then.
Movement came up on her left side and she turned her head to see Bofur riding alongside her. He grinned and reached up to tap his hat. “Lovely day we’re having.”
“It’s no different than the one that came before,” Bilba said, pain making her temper short, “or the one that will come after.” At least until they got closer to Erebor and winter began to set in. A cold breeze seemed to rush through her veins and, in the back of her mind, echoed the splintering sound of ice cracking on a frozen river.
She tensed, and her fingers curled around the reins.
Beside her, Bofur was chattering about something or other and she struggled to focus on him in the hopes it would take her mind off where it was trying to go.
It took her only a few minutes to become completely enthralled.
He was just so…alive.
It was such a stark contrast to how he’d been the last time she’d seen him. There’d been no light in his eyes then, and the few smiles he’d managed to dredge up were brittle and false.
None of them had come out of that last battle unscathed.
From Bombur who’d lost himself in the monotony of work, to Ori who’d found a second quest and followed it to the same bitter end as the first. Nori who’d given himself to the streets, Dori to the dark halls of his mind, and Balin who’d fled Erebor in search of something he could never find. Even Gloin who’d come out the best of them all with family and fortune awaiting him back in Ered Luin. He’d never spoken of the quest after returning, and stories she’d heard from others spoke of his struggle with nightmares, moodiness and flashes of temper.
It made her wonder sometimes, just what they had all hoped for that first time around. What would drive someone to set out on a mission where, going in, they knew the most likely outcome was death. Was it loyalty? Hope? Desperation?
What was it that had driven her to go? To give up the comforts of home and hearth to set out with a lot of strangers on a quest doomed to fail?
Whatever the case might have been, there was one thing she knew without question and that was that all their hopes, dreams and fears had been bound up in the figure of Thorin Oakenshield.
Bound with him, and died with him, and as Thorin had gone so had they all.
She rode now with a company of ghosts.
Fourteen souls had marched to Ravenhill, and eleven husks had left it.
Bofur cleared his throat awkwardly next to her. “Ah, I’m sorry, Lass. I didn’t mean to bother you. I’ll leave you alone.”
Bilba blinked in confusion, and then reached out and put a hand on his arm before he could drop back. “No, wait.” She hesitated as something inside her almost overwhelmed her, nearly desperate to replace the last image she’d had of Bofur with the one riding beside her now. “I’m the one who should apologize. I’m not used to riding. It’s put me in a foul mood.”
He grinned; a genuine one that poked at some dark corner of her heart and threatened to open a door she’d long since shut. “Well, it just so happens cheering up pretty lasses is a specialty of mine.”
The barest hint of a smile tugged at Bilba’s lips. “Is it?”
He nodded sagely. “That it is. If you’d like, I’d be happy to do my best to get your mind off—” he stumbled slightly, face reddening slightly, “—other things, that might be distressing you.”
He made a vague gesture in the direction of her saddle and, again, Bilba felt that ghost of a smile along with an almost desperate desire to recapture, if even for only a moment, some small piece of what that first journey had been.
Minus Thorin glaring at her every five seconds. That she was happy to do without.
But, as for the rest, what little of it that could be recaptured…that she was happy to entertain for however long it might last.
They traveled for several more hours, finally stopping only as the light began to change to the brilliant oranges and red of sunset.
By that time, she’d gathered quite the little group around her. Apparently, her willingness to have Bofur riding next to her had made various members of the company decide she was…approachable.
It wasn’t that she didn’t like them, or that she didn’t want to spend time with them. It was just that she was so out of practice. Out of practice with small talk, being in groups, being around more than just herself and her own thoughts. Before, she could go weeks without seeing someone, days without remembering to say a single word and then only to her pony.
She was out of practice with hospitality. She’d been bad at it to begin with and was worse now. Knowing when to smile and laugh and make small talk, thinking of questions to ask or answers to give. She had tried, a little, at first. There were just so many of them, though, and they were all crowded about her and it felt like the air was being sucked out even though they were all outside.
She’d eventually stopped trying and lapsed into silence, eyes focused on what little of the landscape she could see through the people around her. They hadn’t really noticed, or perhaps had simply allowed it, their conversation flowing around and over her in a cacophony of sound she couldn’t begin to follow.
Thorin finally called a halt on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the forest that lay before Rivendell and the foot of the Misty Mountains. Said mountains loomed before them even now, a craggy rock face rising up hundreds of feet into the air. When she’d been younger, her mother would sometimes take her on trips to see the elves and Bilba had always loved the sight of the mountains. They called forth a feeling of mystery and romanticism that would have her awake late into the night dreaming up epic tales of what fantastical sorts of creatures might live there.
She’d never told anyone but at least a tiny part of her decision to go on the quest had been a desire to finally set foot on those rocks and see for herself what lay beyond.
The answer, she’d soon found, was apparently rocks. Giant, rude rocks that couldn’t be bothered to tell you when you were standing on them and that liked to play catch…with other rocks.
She really was not looking forward to a repeat of that. Judging by the look on Dwalin’s face as he gazed up toward the not-so-distant peaks neither was he.
They set up camp under a low overhang very near to the edge of the cliff. Bilba had a vague memory of it from the first time but it was overshadowed by everything else that had happened and was preparing to happen again.
She did remember the sight of Fili and Kili huddled up under the overhang, mostly because she could recall being mesmerized by how the firelight played off Thorin’s oldest nephew.
The reality now, when compared to the memory still lurking in her mind, did not disappoint.
She waited until most everyone else had set up their bedrolls before unfurling hers on the edge near where Thorin’s was. It was far from the chatter of the rest of the Company and, after listening to them for the entire day, she could understand his desire for some peace and quiet, as much as could be found under the circumstances.
She wasn’t surprised when Dwalin dropped his bedroll next to hers.
He headed off to speak to Thorin and Bilba wandered over to drop down next to where Gandalf was seated on a large boulder.
“Are you all right?” he asked as she dropped down next to him.
Bilba’s eyes tracked over the company, watching as they laughed and chatted amongst themselves, joking and carrying on as if they were on a lark and not a suicide mission. “No,” she said finally, eyes going toward where Fili lounged against the rock shelf next to his brother, “but sometimes I wish I was.” Her voice dropped to a near whisper on the last, but she wasn’t surprised that Gandalf caught it anyway.
“And, what, pray tell,” he prodded gently, “is keeping you back, my dear?”
Fili’s eyes shifted toward hers, as if he knew she was looking, and Bilba turned away. “You know the answer to that, old man.” She pushed to her feet. “Neither of us is who we once were.”
“And is there a reason you can’t begin again?” his voice questioned from behind her. “As you both are now?”
Bilba didn’t answer. Instead she went to stand at the edge of the cliff, overlooking the forest far below. Night had fallen and there was little to see but a black void stretching out beneath her feet.
“What’s so fascinating about the dark?” an amused voice asked from behind her.
Bilba barely reacted. She’d felt him approaching, like a too tight string suddenly going slack.
Fili moved to stand next to her, arms crossed in an unconscious mirroring of her pose. A breeze coming up from below brushed an errant strand of hair over his shoulder and she had to clench her teeth against a surge of irrational jealousy.
It physically hurt to not be able to touch him. She’d ridden ahead of him all day, and had barely seen him outside of rest stops, but she’d been aware of him every second. She was convinced that, if pressed, she could have turned and pointed to his exact position without a moment’s hesitation.
“What will you do at the end?” The words came out of nowhere, born from a sudden need to give him a reason to keep standing beside her as long as possible. “After reclaiming Erebor?”
He shrugged. “Same thing I’m doing now, I suppose, just in a different place.”
“Oh.” She forgot sometimes that Fili already had a life well before he ever met her. That he’d been a prince in his own right, helping to rule Ered Luin alongside his uncle. In her mind, only the journey had existed. An independent world separate from the rest of Middle Earth.
She’d never met Fili outside of that. Had no idea about his life in Ered Luin. What his daily responsibilities had been, things that had annoyed him or made him happy, what he’d done in his free time.
If there had been a girl he’d had his eye on.
How she could have gone nearly an entire year without knowing any of that showed just how shallow their relationship must have been.
Just a dream, one that would never have survived the light of day. If they had retaken Erebor, he would have realized it. Seen just how poorly she measured up against those he’d left behind, just how out of place she was in the life he’d long ago established.
He’d have grown tired of her, and she’d have ended up in the same place she had the first time around.
But at least he’d have still been alive.
She’d have traded it all for him to have still been alive.
Would have traded it then and would trade it now.
“What are you planning to do?” Fili asked, breaking into her thoughts. “I heard that you sold your house before leaving.”
“I haven’t decided,” Bilba lied. “Perhaps I’ll go stay with the elves.”
“Because life in the Shire wasn’t boring enough?” Fili’s lips twisted. “My apologies, that was uncalled for.”
Bilba surprised herself by chuckling. “But fair. Life in the Shire isn’t exactly known for excitement. As for the elves—” she frowned. “I’ve been to Rivendell and I have to say that I have no idea what it is they do all day.”
“Right?” Fili asked. “Perhaps they simply wander about and practice looking pensive.”
Bilba’s lips quirked into a smile. “Perhaps, and let’s working on sounding grave and mysterious.” She shot a glance over her shoulder. “I wonder sometimes if Gandalf might not be part elf.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Fili said dryly. “He does seem incapable of simply speaking straight. I think we could be in mortal peril and he’d waste time trying to cryptically tell us how to defend ourselves.”
“So he would,” Bilba murmured. Her good spirits flagged a bit at the thought of them being in mortal peril. They would be going through that soon enough.
Her eyes went to Thorin who was still resting against the edge of the stone. The last time around he had been the one standing here, staring out over the darkness while Balin had recounted the story of how he’d gotten his title, Oakenshield.
Disquiet moved through her. Why was it different? She tried to think back, and a hazy memory began to form. He’d been asleep back then too, but then he’d awakened…for dinner? No…it had been something else, but she couldn’t remember what.
Beside her, Fili raised an eyebrow. “Problem?”
“No.” Bilba shook her head. She was being ridiculous. She was so used to living in constant danger, so used to paranoia, that she was seeing danger where there wasn’t any. Everything was fine. It was a miniscule change that could have been caused by any number of small, infinitesimal actions. It didn’t mean that –
A loud screen came from somewhere behind them, off in the darkness, and both she and Fili half turned to look.
“Looks like an owl got its dinner,” Fili mused.
“I suppose,” Bilba said slowly. The memory of their first trip pressed forward again.
A screech, she remembered. There had been a screech that time too, but from down below, in the valley. Fili and Kili had made a joke about orcs and that had…
She twisted back to look down into the darkness that masked the valley floor. Why would that have changed? She could understand other things, things that might have changed because they rode at a different pace or she said something different or a host of other things. She, Dwalin and Gandalf all remembered the first trip, it made perfect sense for some things to change no matter what they did or did not do.
But not this.
Nothing had delayed them that long, and they were in the same place so what could change –
Realization hit.
Ice ran through her veins and her heart thundered so hard in her chest it was a wonder it didn’t burst right through.
She spun, mouth opening to raise the alarm…and it was already too late.
Dark shadows stepped into the flickering firelight, and quickly resolved into orcs.
At least a dozen of them, if not more.
A shout rang out, she had no idea from whom, and then a flurry of activity broke out as everyone dove for their weapons at the same time. Thorin went from sleeping to standing at ready, sword clasped in hand all in one, simple move.
Bilba stood frozen. Her blood thundered in her veins and her heart threatened to burst right out of her chest. She felt cold, ice cold, and her eyes remained helplessly fixed on the empty spot between two of the larger orcs.
Orcs didn’t travel alone, and they didn’t travel without a leader. The bigger the group the more important the leader and for this one to be here…to be here when they shouldn’t be, when they hadn’t been…
Please don’t be him, she thought desperately. Please don’t, not yet. I’m not ready yet.
A new orc stepped into the light. One bigger, and stronger than any she’d seen in a very long time.
An albino, a condition so rare and unique amongst the species he was often referred as the pale orc.
One she hadn’t seen outside of her nightmares, in what felt like an Age.
One she’d have been grateful to never see again.
Follow on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16547237/chapters/38767136
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sapphosclown · 5 years
Treat You Better - Tyrus AU
pt. IV: He’s Not Here Is He
part 1 / previous part
Cyrus and TJ have their first work session outside of school, it doesn’t go exactly as Cyrus plans.
i feel like the more parts of this i write the longer each part will get
The Goodman house was filled with the scent of clorox wipes and lemon soap on this fine Sunday morning. Cyrus had been frantically running around trying to get his house under control, although, his house was rarely far from under control. But today he felt like it needed to be perfect.
Cyrus pulled out a candle from a cabinet and set it in the center of their dining table. He found a lighter in a drawer full of miscellaneous objects and papers. The aroma of cinnamon and apples began to overtake the scent of cleaning products when the doorbell rang. The sudden sound caused Cyrus to jump, but his brief fear was quickly replaced with a different sense of panic when he realized who was waiting on the other side of that door.
Cyrus looked out the peephole and sure enough TJ Kippen was standing there, wearing a green and black sweatshirt, the kind with a quarter-zipper at the top, paired with some jeans. Cyrus became suddenly very aware of the sweat beginning to coat his palms. He wiped them on his own jeans and grabbed the door handle with a deep breath.
When Cyrus opened the door, TJ had his hand halfway through his hair and was looking off at some of the other houses. However, he quickly turned his attention to Cyrus, his face lighting up and a smile spreading across his face. Cyrus let go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding and couldn’t help but smile back, a strange sense of relief running through him.
“Hey!” TJ beamed at him.
He didn’t mean to stare at TJ, just something about the way TJ’s hair had been flopping freely recently had gotten the better of Cyrus. Or maybe it was his eyes, his eyes always ran his train of thought off their tracks, (which was not very much appreciated). Today especially for some reason, his green eyes were causing Cyrus to relax every muscle in his body. Something was so comforting about them that he just couldn’t describe.
“Can I,” TJ smiled as he pointed into Cyrus’s house.
“Oh, yeah, right. Sorry.” Cyrus stuttered as he moved himself and the door to the side, allowing TJ to enter.
As he stepped in his head slowly surveyed the interior of Cyrus’s house. It was a fairly large place, it had high celings with a very open floor plan, every room flowed into the other. Grey and blue walls complemented each other and were accompanied with Cyrus’s baby pictures as well as many family portraits. Cyrus couldn’t help but notice the slight awe on TJ’s face.
“What is it?”
“Huh? Oh nothing it’s just your house is,” TJ gesticulated randomly. “Bigger, than I expected, I guess.”
“Oh.” Cyrus hadn’t really thought much of it before. Both his parents had fairly large houses, what with the whole family in the medical field, he supposed they made a pretty decent living.
TJ’s eyes finally landed on Cyrus and he settled back to his casual demeanor.
“So, should we get started?”
The two boys had been sitting at Cyrus’s kitchen table for what was probably a little over an hour and had gotten a lot of their work done, granted, they still had plenty to go. TJ had been very helpful which had honestly suprised Cyrus. Maybe it’s just years worth of ingrained stereotyping having taken control on Cyrus but he just kind of assumed TJ was the kind of kid who slacked off and cheated on tests, but he seemed genuinely interested in the work. Well, for a while at least.
“I’m bored.” TJ suddenly announced. The break in silence startled Cyrus for a moment as he had also started to lose concentration.
“Yeah. Me too.”
“Let’s go do something.” TJ closed the notebook he had been taking notes in and stood up.
“What? We still have work to do.” Cyrus protested.
“We have weeks to do work. Come on, if we don’t give ourselves a break then our work is going to become sloppy, and we can’t have that can we?” TJ was wearing that mischievous smile again. He wore that smile a lot now that Cyrus thought about it, but he wasn’t complaining.
If he’s being honest, Cyrus agreed with him. He was beginning to think he was loosing brain cells rather than gaining them at this point and he could feel that he was getting antsy. But a part of him still wasn’t sure if it was the best idea.
“I don’t think Dylan would like that...” Cyrus said quietly, looking back down at his own notes. He had subconsciously started picking at the corner of his notebook, which was already rather run down from all the times he had done so previously.
TJ’s smile didn’t fade one bit, if anything, he looked more mischievous. He leaned a little bit closer to Cyrus from across the table.
“Dylan isn’t here, is he.”
Cyrus looked up at TJ and they locked eyes. TJ raised his eyebrows as if inviting him one more time. Cyrus felt himself start to smile and turned his head so he was now looking at the glass doors leading to his backyard.
“I can’t believe you.” He said shaking his head, smile still stuck on his face.
“That sounds like a yes to me.” TJ stood up straight again and walked around the table to wear Cyrus was sitting. He reached out a hand to which Cyrus just glared at, although whatever emotion he was attempting to convey hadn’t quite reached intensity.
“What’s life without a little adventure, right?” TJ teased.
Cyrus stood up from his seat, pointedly not accepting TJ’s hand. “Don’t push it.”
“Whatever you say.” The blonde raised his hands in surrender causing Cyrus to roll his eyes, despite of the smile that still refused to leave his face. He walked over to his front door, TJ close behind.
Once they were on the sidewalk Cyrus asked, “So, where are we headed.”
TJ shrugged.
“You don’t know?”
“You didn’t come up with a plan before we left?”
He shook his head. “I like just going wherever the universe takes me.”
“That sounds incredibly stressful.”
“Only if you make it incredibly stressful.”
“Making things more stressful than they need to be is kind of my specialty.”
“Well, making things less stressful than they are is my specialty, so it balences out.”
Cyrus wasn’t sure why that made him smile so much. He liked the idea of having someone to balance him out. He thought that would’ve been Dylan but he kind of eclipses him entirely.
The two boys continued to walk aimlessly around Cyrus’s neighborhood. It was a rather beautiful day, small blue patches poked out from in between fluffy white clouds, it was slightly windy but there wasn’t any bite to it. There weren’t too many days like this anymore seeing as the end of fall was nearing, but it was nice. Cyrus was happy with their decision to leave the house.
They had made their way to the main part of town where all the local shops were set up. Personally, Cyrus loved it. He loved watching small business thrive and people greeting each other as they make their ways into stores. Everything just felt so connected.
As they looked through the store windows, TJ would make item-based puns about things for sale, and try as he might, Cyrus couldn’t help but laugh. There were few times he even gave in and made a few puns himself. Dylan thought puns were stupid so Cyrus stopped saying them, but TJ laughed like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard every time Cyrus made one. It was refreshing.
“Oh I love this place!” Cyrus stopped on the sidewalk outside of Nine Lives, the local thrift store. Most of his statement pieces were from there, but he hadn’t been going recently as Dylan had expressed his distaste for thrifting.
“Do you wanna go in?” TJ asked.
“Oh, I don’t know. Dylan says—”
“You know, you care a lot about the opinion of someone who isn’t here.” TJ pointed out. “If you want to go in let’s go in!”
Cyrus pauses for a moment and then smiled. “Yeah. let’s go in.”
The scent of the fabric was one that Cyrus didn’t know he had missed so much. There were various racks of clothes scattered about and shelves of knick knacks lining the walls. For a second, he forgot why he stopped coming.
But then he remembered and got sad. But it only lasted a second, less than a second, because he was there with TJ, not Dylan. He had been laughing all day with TJ, yet he couldn’t remember the last time he ever laughed around Dylan. Had he ever laughed around Dylan? Now that he thought about it, Dylan wouldn’t have done basically any of the things TJ had done all day. It got Cyrus thinking, maybe he should just break up with—
“Cyrus look!” TJ called from across the store as he somehow managed to balence 5 hats on his head at once, but as soon as Cyrus looked up at him they all flew to the ground, causing Cyrus to roll his eyes fondly.
“You’re a disaster.” He laughed.
TJ opened his mouth and covered his heart with mock offense. “I can’t imagine why you would say such a thing.” He bent over to pick up the hats which caused a bunch of shirts to fall off their rack. Even Cyrus couldn’t quite figure out how that happened, but it didn’t stop him from laughing.
“Are you sure you don’t want that shirt because I’ll pay for it it’s not a big deal—” TJ rambled as the two boys exited the store.
“Seriously, I’ll just come back another day with money it’s not a big deal.” Cyrus assured.
“Fine. But I’m hungry, can we stop for lunch somewhere?” TJ asked.
“Sure, the Spoon is right over there.”
The bell chimed as they opened the door to the diner. It was about as busy as one might imagine a diner to be at 2pm on a Sunday. Nonetheless, the two of them walked up to the counter and sat down on the last two stools.
“Ok, what do you want?” TJ asked while they waited for a someone to take their order.
“Huh?” Cyrus responded, confused.
“What do you want to eat?” TJ repeated.
“Oh I wasn’t gonna get anything since I don’t have money.” Cyrus stated simply.
“Don’t worry about it, what do you want?” TJ persisted.
“I’m really not that hungry, honestly.” Cyrus tried to dismiss the conversation again but TJ didn’t look convinced.
“When was the last time you ate?”
Cyrus opened his mouth to answer but quickly realized that he may have a point. Last he recalls, the last time he ate was the previous night at dinner. He was going to eat breakfast this morning but he had gotten so proccupied cleaning and then working and then they went on that walk, and now he was suddenly a lot hungrier than he thought he was.
“That’s what I thought.” TJ smirked. “Baby taters and a shake?”
Cyrus really wanted to try and protest again, but his stomach started rumbling at the sound of baby taters. He let out a defeated sigh.
“You got it.”
When they finished their (reletively late) lunch, the two of them began their walk back to Cyrus’s house.
“Thanks again for lunch, I can pay you back though seriously,”
“Cyrus. It’s okay, you don’t have to pay me back. I don’t mind paying for stuff, and I’m getting paid this week too so really it’s not a big deal.” TJ cut him off.
“Getting paid? You have a job?” Cyrus asked, suddenly more interested in this new topic.
“Yeah, at the kids gym not too far away from the Spoon.”
“You work at a kids gym?” Cyrus repeated astonished.
“Yeah. Why? Are you suprised?” TJ laughed.
“Maybe a little bit. Why did I not know this?”
“Because you never asked.”
The sun was setting at this point, thanks to daylight savings the sun was pretty much done after 5pm. The sky was still covered in a dusty pink with colorful clouds striping across it. Fall always had gorgeous sunsets, Cyrus liked watching them. He’d sit on his front porch and just watch the colors slowly fade into black as the sun fell. It was relaxing, no other thoughts crossed his mind, it was just him entranced by the sky.
In fact, he must have spaced out thinking about it because suddenly they were back at his house and reality was setting in again.
“What time do you need to be home?” Cyrus asked TJ, suddenly realizing he forgot to ask earlier.
“Probably no later than 6:30.”
“Do you need a ride? It’s going to be pitch black out pretty soon and probably not the best condition for walking.”
“Nah, I’ll just text my mom. She said she was out running errands anyways.”
“Ok, well should we try to do some more work until then?”
“I think we’re already significantly ahead of most other groups.” TJ chuckled.
“I know, but we spent the majority of today doing just about anything other than work.”
“That’s not entirely true, we worked for a good hour and a half, I say that’s pretty solid.”
“Right.” Cyrus said sarcastically as he unlocked his front door and swung it open. He moved off to the side, allowing for TJ to enter first.
“If you really want to do more work we can do more work.” TJ offered. Although, now that he was home, Cyrus felt a lot more tired than he expected to be at almost 6pm on a Sunday afternoon.
“You know, I think I’d rather just watch TV instead.” He said.
“I’m down for that too.” TJ smiled. Cyrus liked his smile, it made his eyes sparkle just a little bit more and softened his face ever so slightly. It was cute endeering.
“Cool.” Cyrus snapped himself out of his own thoughts and led the other boy into his living room where the TV was mounted on the wall. He kind of zoned out as he sat down and picked out a show. Well, correction, TJ picked the show, Cyrus just had the controller. They were sitting next to each other on the couch and TJ’s knee was touching Cyrus’s, making him realize they were sat rather close together considering the how large and empty the couch was. Cyrus moved his knee out from TJ’s contact but he still found him self feeling sad at the movement.
Today with TJ had been odd. Not in a bad way, it was actually a good day, a great one even, but that’s why it was so strange. Today Cyrus laughed harder than he had in a long time, his cheeks were still sore from smiling so wide. His legs were aching from all the walking and his skin felt cold to the touch, but he was warm inside. He was happy, and it was weird.
It was also weird because just about everything they had done that day was up to Cyrus. Sure, TJ had proposed all of the ideas, but he left them for Cyrus to act on. He didn’t pressure him into choosing one option or another, he didn’t try to get him to do anything he really didn’t want to do. TJ gave him options. Dylan never did that. Andi and Buffy sometimes did but he mostly went along with what they were doing. TJ seemed like he just wanted Cyrus to have a good time, and it was weird; he wasn’t used to being put first.
“Oh, my mom’s here.” TJ said suddenly whilst looking down at his phone.
“Oh, let me walk you out.”
TJ stood up first and walked over to where his stuff was still displayed on the kitchen table. He quickly gathered it all and stuffed it into his bag. Cyrus then led him to the front door even though he knew where it was at this point.
“Thanks for having me over.” TJ said as Cyrus opened the door for him. Just as Cyrus had predicted, it was pitch black out other than a few illuminating street lamps and his moms car lights reflecting off the Goodman house.
“Yeah, no problem.” Cyrus replied. He felt kind of sad. Why’d he feel sad?
“Are you free to meet up after school tomorrow to do some more work?” TJ asked, almost hopefully.
“I can’t tomorrow, but I think Wednesday should work.”
“Cool. I’ll look forward to it.” TJ smiled and walked onto Cyrus’ porch. Before he realized it, Cyrus heard himself calling after him. The blonde turned back to face him from the sidewalk that led from the door to the driveway.
“Um, I- Thank you, also.” Cyrus stuttered rather awkwardly.
TJ’s brows furrowed together but his smile remained in tact. “What for?”
“I don’t know, it just— I had fun... is all...” He continued, still not entirely sure why he was talking.
But TJ smiled fully again, and that smile was worth his stupid blabbering.
And with that TJ walked off and got into the car. Cyrus watched from his doorway as the lights slowly faded off into the distance. So many thoughts raced through his head, but he suddenly felt like he hadn’t slept in decades. He closed the door and made his way up to his room and flopped down onto the bed.
His thoughts can wait. Right now, he just needs a nap.
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a-mandala-rose · 5 years
Angry, Angry, Angry, Pie
Words:  1474
Summary:  After overhearing a conversation between Sam and Cas, Dean Winchester talks about his feelings... kind of.
“Hey, Cas.  Why the long face?”
Blue eyes squint in confusion as the angel touches a tentative hand to his own cheek. 
Sam smiles.  Even after all these years, his friend can still be so literal at times.
“What’s wrong?”  he clarifies.
Cas’ eyes widen briefly in understanding before the despondent look that prompted Sam’s question in the first place finds its way back onto his features.
“I believe Dean’s angry with me again.  I’m not precisely sure what I did wrong this time, but I must have done something.”  Cas pauses.  “It seems like he’s always angry with me.”
Sam frowns.  He’s not sure what the hell is up his brother’s emotionally repressed ass this time, but he is certain that whatever it is isn’t Cas’ fault.
Sighing, he readies himself to clean-up the emotional fallout of Dean’s poor coping skills.  Again.
“Look, Cas, what you have to understand about Dean is that sometimes when he’s angry, he’s not really angry.”
Cas looks more confused by this than by the “long face” question.
“I’m an Angel of the Lord, Sam.  ‘Holy wrath’ is something of a specialty of ours.   I am more than capable of recognizing anger when I see it.”
“No, what I mean is…” Sam hesitates and looks up at the ceiling, thinking of how to best explain the complex emotional tapestry that is Dean Winchester.  “Sometimes when Dean acts, and looks, and sounds angry, he’s actually feeling something else.” 
Another pause.
Another round of confused angelic squinting.
“Okay, so there are four basic emotions, right?  Anger, fear, sorrow, and joy.  Most people express those emotions in very different ways.  But Dean…  not so much.”  Sam takes a seat on the table next to where Cas is seated in one of the sturdy library chairs and leans forward, starting to warm to his subject.  After all, he’s spent his entire life studying his older brother and Cas is a singularly captivated audience when it comes to all things Dean.  “For Dean, there’s the angry that means he’s angry, the angry that means he’s scared or worried about you, the angry that means he’s sad… And then there’s pie.”  He sits back in his chair, quietly satisfied with his analogy.
Cas stares at him a moment before saying slowly, “So… you’re saying that Dean’s four emotional states are angry, angry, angry… and pie?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“That makes… a surprising amount of sense.”
“Really?”  Sam’s eyebrows raise in surprise.  Understanding straightforward emotions was a struggle for Cas at one time.  Emotions masked as other emotions?  He hadn’t expected the angel to catch on so quickly.
Castiel nods, angelic countenance thoughtful.
“Human emotions can be… overwhelming.  When I first began experiencing them, I sometimes felt like I was going to explode from the sheer force of what I was feeling.”  Castiel stares at a spot above Sam’s shoulder, clearly picturing something in his mind.  “Dean Winchester is the Righteous Man, Sam.  True righteousness cannot exist devoid of emotion.  There have been many men who could have been considered righteous based on the logic of their actions and yet, while benefiting the masses, those actions bestowed horrors upon a select few.”
“The ends don’t always justify the means and the needs of the many don’t always outweigh the needs of the few.  Right,” Sam agrees while scrunching his forehead in confusion.  He’s not quite seeing how this ties back to his brother acting like an asshole caveman.
Cas’ eyes find his again. 
“What constitutes ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in terms of human conscience is shaped by the values and customs of a particular society.  It changes over time.  Righteousness is universal.  It’s rooted in the empathy that exists between all souls.  A soul as bright, as righteous, as Dean’s must be anchored deeply in emotion, consumed by it even.  To feel things so deeply, far more deeply than other humans… perhaps that explains why Dean constantly appears on the verge of exploding.”
Sam blinks.
“You got that from ‘angry, angry, angry, pie?’”
“Yes.  Thank you, Sam.  Our talk was very enlightening.”
Still feeling a little lost, Sam runs a hand through his hair and shrugs.
“Uh, sure.  Glad I could help, I guess.”
He pretends not to notice Dean listening from the doorway.
“Hey, Cas.”
“Hello, Dean.”
Hearing his brother and Cas in the library, Sam continues his trek toward the stairs without saying hello, hoping to squeeze in a run before dinner.  His steps slow, however, and take him back toward the library door when he hears Castiel’s next words.
“Are you finished being… angry with me?  I apologize if I unintentionally did something to upset you.”
“What?  I wasn’t ‘angry with you!’” Dean barks out sharply.
From where he’s standing next to the doorway, he can just make out Castiel’s eyebrow arching in challenge at Dean’s tone. 
He probably shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but since Sam’s the one that’ll undoubtedly be cleaning up Dean’s mess if he screws things up with Cas (again), he feels justified.  It’s not spying.  It’s completely reasonable and defensible reconnaissance.  Commendable even. 
“I wasn’t angry with you,” Dean repeats in a softer tone, before slumping into the chair across from Cas and ducking his head to catch the angel’s eyes with his own.  “Look, just because I’m angry, don’t mean I’m angry at you,” he explains before adding hurriedly, a finger jabbing toward the angel, “Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I really am pissed at you.  You’ve done some really stupid shit, man.  We both have.”
Cas nods in silent agreement.
“But most of the time,” Dean leans back in his chair and runs a hand through his hair, “I’m just angry about you.”
“About me?”  Cas asks quizzically, tilting his head in classic Cas confusion.
“Yeah.  Like, angry about you not being here.  Or angry about you getting yourself killed.  Again.” Dean rolls his eyes.  “Or angry about you thinking you can handle shit on your own, instead of coming to me and Sam.  Angry about you thinking that you have to handle shit on your own.”
“But none of that is you being angry at me,” Cas says doubtfully.
“Nah, not really.”
Dean taps his thumb nervously on the arm rest of the wooden library chair, his entire body radiating anxious energy.
“Dean?”  Cas asks, shooting a pointed look at Dean’s fidgeting fingers.
“I uh, heard you talkin’ to Sam earlier,” Dean blurts out, “about my feelings or whatever.”
“About the way you express emotions?” Cas clarifies with raised eyebrows. 
“Yeah.  That.”  Sam rolls his eyes.  Turns out the only thing more painful than talking to Dean about his feelings is listening to him talk about his feelings with someone else.
“And he ain’t exactly wrong.”
“So, you’re saying that earlier today, you weren’t angry angry?”
“So, which angry were you?”
Dean rolls his eyes.
“I don’t know.  One of the other ones.  Just pick one.”
“So you were s-,” Dean shoots a warning glare at Cas, who quickly amends, “one of the other types of angry, but not angry angry, about me, but not at me?”
“Exactly,” Dean grins and leans back in his chair, fingers laced across his stomach.
“Okay.  Thank you for telling me… that.”
“No problem.”  Dean clears his throat.  “So, uh, that stuff you said.  You know, the soul stuff.  Was any of that true?”
“I believe it all to be true, Dean.”
“Yeah, okay.”  Dean swallows and looks down at the table before finding Cas’ eyes again.  “Doesn’t give me the right to take it out on you though.  Doesn’t give me the right to be an asshole.  You gotta call me on that shit, man.  Don’t just take it.”
“I appreciate you saying so.  The next you seem angry with me for no apparent reason, I’ll try to remember to ‘call you on your shit.’” 
Sam grins as he watches Cas make air quotes around the end of his sentence.  He can’t see Dean’s eyes, but he does see Dean’s entire head move with what he’s sure is a very affectionate eye roll.
“Yeah, you do that.”  He stands, hands stuffed in his pockets awkwardly.  “So, we good?  You don’t still think I’m mad at you all the time?”  he doublechecks, taking a few backward steps toward the door.
“I… no, Dean.  I no longer think you’re angry at me all of the time,” Cas says, looking as bemused as Sam had felt after their earlier conversation.
“Good,” Dean says, “That’s good.  Because, Cas?  Just so you know, the way I… the way you make me feel?”
Dean pauses.  Takes a breath. 
“You’re pie.”
The last thing Sam sees before he makes a hasty retreat are the corners of Cas’ mouth ticking up in a smile that, while small now, looks like it’s on verge of exploding.
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taki118 · 5 years
Different Paths (A DA2 Personal Challenge) Merrill & Anders
Reposting some of my favorite ficlets from this on going writing challenge of my own making read the rest here  this one has a bit of a tw for implied sducidal thoughts.
Maybe it was nostalgia that made Merrill come this way, a rumor leading her to a run down path, why she could hear Varric’s raspy voice complaining if she closed her eyes. Or perhaps she was being childish, being what was essentially a keeper to her group of elevan followers was more taxing than she’d anticipated and indulging in such childish curiosity was a rarity. Whatever the reason that lead her down the old path Merrill could hardly say mattered much when she saw him there.
The rumors said a ghost had taken residence deep in the woods, that it glowed an unnatural color and was fierce in protecting the forest. But such a thing was not what Merrill found.
“Anders?” She called carefully. Were it not for the ripple of that blue magic swirling his form she’d hardly recognize him. Even from so far away she could see he was thin, alarmingly so, his hair a tangled long mess, and those black feathers she’d once admired looked as though they’d molted, dirt and blood clearly visible on the black fabric. One thing was certain as she approached he was not well.
“LEAVE!” The magic forced her back, were she not a mage Merrill would never have withstood it. This force would surely frighten anyone away but she knew this magic well.
“Hello Justice.” She spoke calmly to the spirit. Though at a glance he might have looked fearsome merrill could see whatever had befallen Anders was effecting him too.
“LEAVE WITCH!” The spirit roared but that seemed all he could manage now. His breathing ragged and legs shaking so much merrill was sure he would not be able to stand were it not for the staff.
“You are unwell.” She replied calmly walking ever closer, from here she could see the glimmer of healing magic under Justice’s aura. Anders was injured in some way, a way magic could not heal. Her green eyes searched for the source, only then noting how much he was sweating. “I can help.”
“I DO NOT NEED YOUR MAGIC.” Justice tried in vain to force her back once more but faltered losing his footing. Grasping the staff tighter his breathing growing more ragged, just how long had they been this way?
“No magic can fix this.” But it seemed Anders had known this at least at first. Around the small camp the elf saw many potions and ingredients to treat the illness, but none looked right as though the mage was making due with what he had. “You are ill I have supplies at my camp that can help you I just need to...”
“LEAVE...” Justice sounded so weak, it crushed her heart a little. The spirit was so strong before seeing them like this....
“Please Justice just let me help.” Merrill pleaded softly standing so close she could touch him if she dared. “If this keeps up you’ll be nothing but a walking corpse!”
“GO!” For a moment the elf wondered why she was trying so hard? It wasn’t as though they’d been particularly close in Kirkwall and even if he were aware Anders would never accept her help. Or anyone’s. In fact it seemed as though....
“He wants this, doesn’t he Justice?” The spirit stilled and Merrill had her answer. This was just like after the Chantry seeking retribution for his actions. Merrill wondered why he felt this way, if it was for the same act or something new? Maybe he thought it a poetic end.
His body flinched as she palmed his forehead, it was so hot and clammy she was shocked anders was even alive.
“Please let me help him.” She spoke softly her fingers lightly brushing his loose hair back. “There’s so much good he could still do... No, that he needs to do.” Once the words left her the glow faded and a small smile appeared on her face. “Thank you, I’ll get Anders help.”
As Merrill made her way back to her clan to help bring anders someplace safe to rest she realized what had brought her out here and why she was trying so hard. She’d been lonely. Lonely for a long while.
Merrill hadn’t told her clan members who anders was only that he was a man in need of help. And that was very true. It looked like every second was painful to him. At the very least he had no wounds to make it worse. But he was far skinnier than she’d expected.
As she worked on his medicine anders stirred. He wasn’t awake per-say, he was too weak for that, but he muttered some words. Not coherent enough for it to mean anything to Merrill but his expression told her he was afraid.
“Rest.” She cooed, gently rubbing the balm she’d mixed over his forehead. “All will be well.” Slowly his brow relaxed “See feeling better already.” The elf smiled gently it was so odd being the one to care for a healer. An odd luxury she knew as he’d never allow it were he conscious.
Anders awoke slowly feeling oddly good. The serenity of waking however was quickly replaced with fear. This wasn’t the woods, it was a tent, how did he get here? Did Justice... his head hurt too much to concentrate. All the man knew was that he needed his staff and he had to leave.
He tried to get up off the small cot but found his limbs to weak from atrophy and over use of magic. Justice had warned him of this and now he wished he’d listened. The sickness itself wasn’t helping matters.
As he tried to move Anders was vaguely aware of sounds from outside the tent. People a good lot of them going about their business. He had no idea how he might make an escape with so many walking about so he stopped trying to move allowing himself to rest.
If he was to die so be it, that was the plan anyway.
“Oh good you’re up.” The familiar chipper voice of Merrill called. Anders had not expected to see that she was the one who moved him.
“Merrill how did..” He asked before doubling over in pain as he tried to sit up.
“Oh no! here let me help.” Placing her bowls down she carefully helped him sit up, glad he was conscious. “You’re still ill not to mention all that magic you used, it’ll be a bit before you’re body can support you again.”
Merrill looked older Anders noted to himself as she went to retrieve a bowl, it was something in her eyes mostly rather than her face that still seemed youthful. But there was a tiredness to her, more cautious less excitable.
“Here try to eat something.” She offered with a spoonful raised and ready for him to eat. Anders hadn’t seen real food in what felt like years and the porridge she offered smelt wonderful, but...
“I can feed myself.” His reply was met with a soft chuckle.
“You’re shaking hands say different.” Merrill was right and she knew it, still it felt a little odd for Anders he wasn’t a child. “Cmon now I can’t give you more medicine on an empty stomach. And feeding you asleep was no good.” Carefully she blew on the food as Anders chuckled in dismay at the idea.
“Are you serious? Why would you..” Was all he could get out as the spoon was shoved in his mouth.
“There not so bad right?” She had a smug look on her face and while he normally would have retorted that what she’d done was dangerous all he could say was,
“That’s really good.” Gladly opening his mouth for another spoonful, given more gently this time.
“It’s mushroom porridge, Karah’s specialty.” She giggle enjoying this act of feeding someone else.
“How have I never had it before?” Another eager mouthful and another sweet giggle.
“It’s a Daelish dish that’s why.”
“Then we Shems are missing out.” They both laughed at that, while she scooped more.
“I’m glad. That you can still laugh.” If she took away the tent and the longer hair and the obvious lack of eating Merrill could almost pretend they were back in Kirkwall. “I was worried when I found you like that....”
A person with more tact might have told Merrill ‘thank you’ or reassured her worry. But then Anders was never very tactful.
“How did you get me out of there?” Was what Anders asked with a bitter tang of suspicion. One so obvious even Merrill picked up on it.
“Well I didn’t use blood magic if that’s what you’re inferring.” One thing she never wanted to relive was Anders constant nagging on the subject why he was worse than the keeper. “I just had a talk with Justice then got some help carrying you is all.” Her matter of fact tone struck him for a moment.
“What do you mean you had a talk?” Justice wasn’t the sort to be reasonable on the best days. But Merrill wanted the subject changed and shushed him with the porridge.
“Come now it’ll get cold and I’d like to eat my share as well.” Anders found he had to relent there for good manners if nothing else. He was alive and recovering due to her charity even if he’d have rather...
“They dont know who you are.” she spoke up once he finished eating getting her own bowl.
“My clan.” She explained between mouthfuls. “They just think you’re a human I know.”
For a moment he considered what she just told him, lying to the clan that he was sure she was running wasn’t that....
“Alright then, time to get to work.” She announced abruptly taking the empty bowls as she moved.
“Um Merrill about your clan...”
“Oh yes isn’t it great!” She exclaimed with a glee she hadn’t shown since Kirkwall. “I never thought I’d be with a clan again let alone be the keeper of one. I’ll introduce you to everyone once you can walk again.”
Anders panicked a little at that promise causing him to feel dizzy for a moment. His body steady at the feeling of Merrill’s small hands over his, a small vile placed inside.
“Do you think you can manage to drink this?” She asked gently, worry clear in her eyes. Carefully he nodded, he’d already imposed enough on her. “Good. Drink amnd get some rest.”
After doing as she bid Anders fell into a deep restful sleep, waking up hours later once more to the smell of food. A comfort he hadn’t known for a long time.
“Merrill there’s something I have to ask....” Anders interrupted the meal with some reservations.
“Don’t worry I was the one who changed them.” Merrill reacted quickly enjoying her food.
“Your clothes. I was the one who changed them so don’t worry.”
“That’s not what I... Wait you what!?!?”
Anders had been too tired to notice before but sure as day his old worn clothes had been replaced with a loose pair of slightly short linen clothes. His cheeks turned red at the realization then that his underclothes were as well missing.
“Oh don’t be so embarrassed you don’t have anything I haven’t seen before.” Yet even as she said this a hint of red could be seen on her cheeks. “Though I must admit it was a bit....different from what I expected...”
“WHAT?!” His head raced trying to understand why she even had expectations about his, neither regions.
“Oh well you know from the way Isabela use to describe it.” She giggled at the memory while Anders frowned. Isabela was hardly accurate in her story telling and while a part of him wanted Merrill to clarify what she meant another did not want to know.
“You are aware Isabela only saw it once right?” He grumbled taking a large bite of the cooked fish she offered him, glad to have control of his hands once more. Still Merrill only giggled to herself.
“I miss her you know, she sends letters but... it’s not the same.” She sighed looking off from her seated place beside him. “I’ve been missing a lot of things lately...”
Silently Anders had to agree there was, after all, a time back then when he was actually happy in Kirkwall. A hazy warm glow of comfort that no one could take from him, not even himself.
“Oh but you wanted to ask me something.” Merrill chirped once finished moving to a chest at the other side of the tent to remove her bulkier armaments.
“Yes I just....” For once Anders wanted to think of his words carefully looking down to poke at his food in thought. “Look I’m grateful for everything you’ve done but...why did you do it?”
“You needed help so I helped you.” Was her simple response as it was a simple question.
“Can’t you see you’re putting your clan in danger?” He shouted maybe a little louder than he had intended, but couldn’t she see how foolish she was being? Then again to Anders Merrill seemed to regard he choices far too simply.
“I’m not about to have you lecture me on what is and isn’t dangerous.” Her voice never raised but there was an edge to it that told Anders to drop whatever point he was thinking of making. In an odd way it reminded him of Aveline. With an almost maternal sort of care Merrill took the plate Anders and long since ignored.
“If however you feel indebted then there is something I wanted to ask of you once you’re well.” She spoke in her normal tone. An olive branch that Anders nodded to take. “There’s a young girl here with us, a mage.”
“You’re more than capable of teaching her.” He spoke up for all his taunting he knew Merrill to be an excellent mage. But she softly shook her head.
“Not for what she wants to learn. Her mother was a healer and she wishes to follow in her footsteps.” And then Anders understood. “I never really had a knack for it, I’ve taught her the basics but....what she wants to learn i can’t teach her.”
“But I could.” With a soft smile she nodded. This wasn’t the reason she’d helped him but she’d never turn it down.
“The clan would benefit greatly if you taught her your skill.” She’d always been impressed by his healing magic, he made it look so easy.
“Would a daelish really want to learn from a Shem though?”
“Oh that’s not a problem, she isn’t dalish.”
“You’ll see when you meet her, but for now sleep.”
While Anders wanted to know what exactly merrill meant but that the question was dropped as the elf crawled onto the other side of the cote.
“Is this where you’ve been sleeping?” He had wondered that briefly before as there was only one in the tent.
“Where else would I sleep?” She replied with a yawn settling in as she’d done the nights before. As her head rested though she felt his body move. “What are you doing?”
“I....well I just thought...” it felt wrong taking so much from her.
“It’s not a problem Anders besides...” her hand reached out tugging him back in place. “It gets cold at night.”
With that he relented lying down with ease beside her. As he began to relax he felt a pair of hands on his back. Gentle and warm.
“I joked earlier but.....” she moved her hands in soothing circles that mirrored her voice. “The scars, they’re very old aren’t they?”
“....yes” there were a million things he could say, that he wanted to say but they all failed in comparison to her gentle care.
“I’m sorry.” At that Anders let out a bitter little laugh.
“Oh did a blood mage make those? Could’ve sworn a Templar did.” But Merrill didn’t take his bait only snuck her arms around him in a loose embrace.
“Someone ought to apologize.”
He didn’t fight her after that, she was right it got cold at night.
To say Anders was confused by the sight of Merrill’s clan once he finally made a recovery was an understatement. He viewed them as they went about their day curiously, not that that was the odd part. Amongst those clearly elvan dalish or otherwise there were humans and quite a few half elves or those with elvan blood. He’d seen dalish clans take in those of their blood but humans? Never.
Merrill found herself rather amused at his surprise, after Kirkwall she doubted she could ever live among only the dalish again.
After helping the elves of Kirkwall many chose to stay with her some out of respect others out of a desire to understand the old ways. It grew slowly over the years, dalish like herself frustrated with the rules came to join and humans who found themselves the lover of an elf sought her to take part for them. There were even some humans with a genuine interest in the old ways and living simply that were welcomed.
“I suppose it’s a clan of odds and ends that just don’t fit anywhere else.” She explained and Anders thought it suited her well.
She introduced him to the girl that would be his student, a young half elf. The girl was quick to study and eager to learn the task Merrill had given him hardly a challenge.
Months passed as he taught the girl not that they were ever at a loss for practice. The clan was by no means small and there was always someone with a problem to attend to. Not to mention word slipping out of a new healer in the woods. And that’s all he was here a human healer.
Anders days were spent in anonymity, teaching those you wanted to listen and assisting where he could. It was in these days he saw the troubles of the elvan, troubles he chose to ignore when Merrill had told him back in Kirkwall. It shamed him a little his past self, he wondered if it was Justices tendencies for fixation or his own.
Merrill enjoyed watching Anders go about his day, he looked well and truly alive. But if she were honest she was truly grateful for the nights. It was nice to speak so casually with someone, to complain and whine without worry. Sometimes it shocked her how much the little things piled up. As nice as it was though she rather expected this conversation to come.
“Merrill I heard your idea about moving the clan....”
“Can I braid your hair!” She blurted out quickly causing great confusion to him.
“It’s just it’s soooooo pretty and I’ve wanted to ask you since back in Kirkwall
I just could never figure out a good way to do it. So I figured why not just ask.” Before she’d lose the chance to.
“I um I suppose that’s alright.” He shrugged he never thought his hair all that special but the glee in her eyes told him otherwise.
“Oh thank you! You won’t regret it.”
Quickly she got her supplies before settling herself behind him all the while Anders laughed softly at her. A kind good natured laugh he’d almost forgotten he could make and she rather enjoy coaxing out.
Merrill was slow in her work and careful, her comb and fingers gentle as they worked the knots out from the day. Anders couldn’t help but sigh contently at the treatment.
“It occurs to me that this is the first time someone has combed and braided my hair for me.” He confessed, when he was a boy it was much too short for his mother to have done as such. If he remembered right.
“That’s so sad..” she replied gently parting the hair as she made her way.
“Is it?” He’d never really thought of it before but...
“If you like I could do it for you once a week.” It was a kind offer, not meant as true temptation but it was one all the same. Merrill was not very good at hiding her intent.
“Merrill...” He signed out. “You are aware I’m nearly done teaching Karel.” It wasn’t a question it was a statement, they both knew she was very aware.
“Oh! Well that’s good.” She avoided his insinuation easily pretending to be focused solely on her task.
“And I heard about your suggestion to use a nearby deep roads for travel.” She tugged a good deal tighter in her work then. “Hey! Not my fault you’re bad at being sneaky.” That only earned him another harsh tug at his hair and silence. “Honestly What were you planning to do after that?” To that merrill finally replied.
“I hadn’t planned that far ahead.” She confessed.
Anders had a dozen different questions or accusations for the elf that continued to fuss with his hair. But one ate him more than any other and had for some time.
“Why do you always do this?” He let out causing her to stop in confusion.
“Braid your hair?” He snorted at that.
“No. Not braid my bloody hair. This! This...” he tried desperately to vocalize what exactly it was. “Helping me, protecting me, acting like I’m something....like I’m something worth saving....when I’m not.”
The tent grew quiet then save for the noise outside. Neither moved or spoke at his words. Even Merrill was at a loss for what he’d confessed to feeling. Of course she’d thought this the case but never that he’d say it. Carefully she set back to her work weaving a simple braid around his temples.
“Because you are.” She said softly and earnestly, only for him to scoff.
“No I’m not, everyone knows it. Even Hawke...” he could still remember that day so clearly the look in her eyes still haunted him.
“Hawke was just hurt,” She corrected him weaving the two braids together at the middle.
“I would have died that day if not for you.” His tone was filled with resentment at that. “I saw it in her eyes if you hadn’t spoken out for me...”
“She would have regretted it.” She tried to ignore what his tone meant, tying off the end of the braid. “Hawke misses you so does Varric and if you would just...”
“Why did you speak for me then?” He turned to look at her confused face. “I’ve wondered that for years. We were never close, I undermined you at every turn, we’re the positions reversed I’d have told Hawke to kill you.”
There was no surprise on her face at his words Merrill had always know this to be true. The look of sympathy for him in her eyes though, that had him unable to look at her pacing about the tent to try and focus on anything else.
“I just...it would be better for everyone if..”
“If what? If your perished and Justice walked about in your corpse?” It was the first time she snapped back at him Anders wasn’t sure what surprised him more. Her tone or that she knew what he was thinking.
“Yes it would.”
“Well I disagree.”
“Why?” He growled back not wanting to shout and wake everyone.
After a moment of thought she answered. “I suppose it’s because you’re a lot like the Eluvean.”
“Well that stings.” He laughed bitterly kicking the dirt underfoot. “But accurate, a cursed thing of magic that should be left to rot....” she frowned at him.
“That’s not what I meant.” Merrill replied sternly.
She closed the distance between them quickly. Long delicate fingers hooking under his jaw to force him to look in her eyes as she spoke. For she refused to let him sully her words in self depreciation.
“You are a lovely broken thing Anders, and there’s still good you can do in this world.” Her words were sure and strong, and so very gentle as her thumbs made soothing circles on his cheeks. “I see it, Justice sees it, he’d have never let me help otherwise. It pains me so that you can’t see it.”
He was in awe of her words and sighed in defeat, his own hands covering hers.
“This coming from the elf who saw her own life worth less than a mirror?” He tried to joke.
“Well I suppose we both have trouble seeing our own values.” She replied with a soft laugh, enjoying the feel of his hands.
“Even if I stay Merrill....it wouldn’t be for long. The taint will catch up with me if nothing else....” he couldn’t say if he was trying to scare her off or convince himself to leave but she only smiled.
“Then it’s a good thing you have a blood mage sleeping by your side.”
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rosehvney · 4 years
              ☾ . *   have  you  seen  OPHELIA  OH  around  campus   ?   i  hear  they’re  a  FIRST  YEAR  WINTER  witch  with  a  specialty  in  RITUALS  /  SEANCES.  i  almost  never  see  them  without  their  ARCTIC  FOX.  if  they  ever  want  to  be  a  SCHOLAR  someday  they  should  ease  up  on  being  TIMID  &  FUSSY.  at  least  you  can  say  they’re  POISED  &  DILIGENT,  too.
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              hi  hi,  it’s  diana  again,  introducing  my  second  character  ophelia   !!!   if  you  like  this  post,  i’ll  come  to  you  for  plots  asap   !!   hopefully  eventually  i’ll  make  a  plots  page  for  her  because  it’s  sm  easier  to  keep  track  of  everything,  but  anyway  enough  rambling,  u  can  read  about  little  ophelia  under  the  cut  <3
☾ . *    𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔    !
full  name :  ophelia jane oh
nickname(s)  :  lia
zodiac  :  capricorn  sun,  pisces  moon   (  click  )
sexuality  :  bisexual
alignment  :  lawful  neutral
pinterest  :  click
☾ . *    𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅    !
being  the  youngest  came  with  many  privileges,  which  ophelia  learned  early  on  (  she  is  the  younger  sister  of  ivy’s  muse  rosa  btw  ).  ophelia  witnessed  her  parents  scrutinize  her  older  sister  and  hold  her  to  high  standards,  but  when  it  came  to  ophelia,  these  standards  did  not  apply.  she  was  their  baby,  and  being  quite  a  few  years  younger  than  rosa,  they  had  softened  over  time
ophelia  looked  up  to  her  sister  in  many  ways,  so  although  her  parents  did  not  expect  the  world  of  her  like  they  did  of  rosa,  she  expected  it  from  herself.  she  did  not  want  to  grow  up  in  her  sisters  shadow,  rather,  she  wanted  them  to  be  seen  as  equals,  so  she  worked  hard  to  be  deserving
she  spent  her  summers  with  her  grandparents.  they  were  the  traditional  type,  and  did  not  baby  ophelia  the  same  way  her  parents  did.  they  instilled  in  her  a  work  ethic  that  allowed  her  to  succeed
she  took  after  her  grandmother  and  picked  up  piano  at  a  young  age  and,  with  the  help  of  private  lessons,  she  taught  her  everything  she  knows.  she  dedicated  herself  to  two  things  only:  her  studies  and  piano
she  went  to  private  school  her  entire  life,  which  gave  her  access  to  the  best  resources  to  become  the  talented  witch  she  is.  however,  this  also  made  her  spoiled,  although  she  does  not  realize  it
her  interest  in  rituals  and  seances  began  during  her  teen  years.  she  liked  that  it  had  a  “darker”  feel  to  it  than  other  types  of  magic.  she  loves  school  and  learning  so  much,  which  is  why  she  wants  to  be  a  scholar
☾ . *    𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚    !
ophelia  is  extremely  reserved.  growing  up,  she  did  not  put  effort  into  making  friends  because  she  was  so  busy  with  school  and  piano,  so  it’s  hard  for  her  to  be  sociable  now
she  comes  off  quite  cold  and  distant  (  as  many  winter  witches  do  ),  but  once  you  get  to  know  her  you  see  her  softer  side  and  she  is  actually  very  friendly,  but  maybe  a  little  socially  awkward  because  she  never  had  many  friends
she  is  a  huge  perfectionist.  she  has  high  standards  for  just  about  everything  in  her  life.  bouncing  off  this,  she  can  be  very  picky.  she  also  wants  everything  to  be  done  in  a  particular  way
she  is  extremelyyy  hardworking  and  driven.  she  would  be  the  best  and  worst  person  to  work  with  for  a  group  project.  she’d  be  the  best  because  she’d  put  so  much  work  into  making  it  perfect,  but  the  worst  because  she  would  be  very  controlling  and  end  up  doing  everything  herself
ophelia  does  not  pay  much  attention  to  romantic  matters.  she  has  never  been  in  a  relationship  and  feels  like  they’re  a  distraction  /  a  waste  of  time.  she  secretly  loves  the  attention  of  someone  liking  her  or  being  obsessed  with  her,  but  she  never  really  returns  the  sentiment
she  is  a  little  spoiled.  growing  up  in  a  wealthier  family,  she’s  used  to  the  finer  things  in  life  and  can  be  quite  the  snob  sometimes.  she  tries  to  control  it,  but  sometimes  she  cannot  help  what  she  is
tbh  she  is  kinda  lonely.  even  though  she  pretends  to  be  okay  with  not  having  many  friends  and  brushes  it  off  by  saying  friends  are  distracting,  she  craves  friendship  on  the  inside.  she  spends  most  of  her  time  alone  and  this  is  why  she’s  extremely  clingy  to  her  sister 
☾ . *    𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅  𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔    !
confidant  -  someone  who  confides  in  her  or  someone  she  confides  in,  or  they  confide  in  each  other.  they  don’t  necessarily  have  to  be  the  closest  friends  ever  since  ophelia  is  a  more  distant  person,  but  they  get  along,  trust  each  other,  and  maybe  they  talk  more  in  private
rivals  -  they  don’t  like  each  other  for  whatever  reason,  which  we  can  plot.  maybe  it’s  envy,  or  their  personalities  clash,  but  for  whatever  reason  they  do  not  get  along.  someone  who  brings  out  ophelia’s  competitive  and  more  nasty  side
frenemies  -  they’re  friends,  but  maybe  they’re  always  trying  to  one  up  each  other.  there’s  a  competitive  element  to  their  friendship,  and  they  might  gossip  behind  each  other’s  backs
bad  influence  -  someone  who  is  a  bad  influence  on  her.  pleaaase  i  need  this  for  her.  ophelia  is  literally  all  work  and  no  play,  i  need  someone  who  will  take  her  out  of  her  comfort  zone,  take  her  to  parties,  expose  her  to  college  life
good  influence  -  someone  she  can  be  a  good  influence  on.  maybe  she  gets  your  muse  to  focus  on  their  studies  more  or  just  keeps  them  out  of  trouble  in  general
unlikely  friends  -  they  are  from  different  houses  maybe  and  have  extremely  different  personalities,  but  for  some  reason  they  get  along.  they  can  expose  each  other  to  new  things
best  friends  -  someone  close  in  age  that  ophelia  has  come  to  consider  her  best  friend.  she  doesn’t  have  many  friends,  so  this  is  a  huge  deal  and  she  must  feel  extremely  comfortable  around  them
mentor  -  an  older  winter  witch  she  looks  up  to  as  a  mentor.  someone  who  can  take  her  under  their  wing  and  help  her  navigate  uni
study  buddies  -  can  be  from  the  same  or  different  houses,  but  they  always  study  together.  mutually  beneficial  relationship  where  they  help  each  other  study  and  motivate  each  other  to  do  their  best
coworker  -  ophelia  works  as  a  library  helper,  so  if  your  muse  works  in  the  library  too,  this  is  how  they  could  have  become  acquainted.  they  can  like  each  other,  dislike  each  other,  or  maybe  feel  neutral  towards  one  another
meet  me  in  the  library  -  someone  who  comes  to  the  library  a  lot  and  maybe  keeps  her  company  while  she’s  working.  maybe  they  keep  coming  so  often  partially  to  see  ophelia,  and  they’re  someone  ophelia  looks  forward  to  seeing.  we  can  plot  it  however
school  girl  crush  -  someone  ophelia  has  a  crush  on,  but  there’s  not  really  much  of  a  chance  of  it  actually  going  anywhere.  she  has  a  surface  level  infatuation  with  them,  maybe  they’re  a  little  older  or  unattainable  in  some  other  way
unrequited  crush  -  someone  ophelia  has  a  crush  on,  or  maybe  they  have  a  crush  on  her.  ophelia  does  not  get  crushes  often,  but  your  muse  managed  to  bewitch  the  ice  princess.  or  maybe  your  muse  has  a  crush  on  her,  and  she  is  not  aware  or  is  thinks  it’s  a  distraction  so  she  tries  not  to  pay  it  any  attention
requited  crush  -  they  have  crushes  on  each  other,  but  maybe  they’re  too  afraid  to  do  anything  about  it.  we  can  plot  however,  but  something  cute  and  soft
u  have  now  reached  the  end  of  my  intro,  ty  for  tuning  in  <3  i  would  absolutely  luv  to  get  plotting,  so  like  this  post  and  i’ll  come  to  u,  or  u  can  message  me   !!!  also,  i’m  going  to  plug  my  discord  again  bc  i  do  prefer  it,  but  im’s  are  fine  too   !!   it’s   i miss fromis9 </3#5522
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escapingpost · 5 years
The Heartbreak Club (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3: The Butterfly Effect
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previous: chapter 2
“What? You invited her?” Hangyul groans. “Just because you can deal with her doesn’t mean everyone else has the same patience.”
It was the evening of the gathering at Bonchon.
“But she’s always alone.” Yohan looks down at his shot glass of soju.
“Doesn’t she choose to be alone? What can you do?” Wooseok leans back and shrugs.
“Wooseok-oppa, Hana might be a little rough, but you just need to have a little more patience with her.” Minju says looking at her friends.
“Patience? She thinks anyone who isn’t in her department is an idiot.” Seungyoun crosses his arm. He was part of the College of Music.
Wooseok lightly messes up Minju’s bangs, “You’re too nice.”
"Whatever it is, the minute she starts being a brat, I’m leaving.” Hangyul takes a shot of soju and eats a side dish as a chaser.
Yohan sighs. Being a brat was Hana’s specialty.
Seungyoun picks up his glass to drink soju, but a customer enters the chicken restaurant. He slightly sits up to get a better look and raises both his eyebrows, “Speak of the devil.”
You enter the restaurant with eyes darting around to look for Yohan. You feel the eyes of a certain group of people and realize that Yohan was part of it, “Yohan.”
Yohan turns around and slightly opens his mouth in surprise.
You walk to the table and give a weak wave to everyone, “Hey.”
Yohan gets up quicker than he should have and offers you a seat.
“Thanks.” You sit down and look down at your lap because you were aware of the stares from everyone.
Minju was the first one to break the silence, “I like your outfit, Hana. You look really cute.”
You give a small smile, “Its a little different from my usual clothes, huh?”
“A little? I thought you were a black and white film with your wardrobe.” Seungyoun says.
You see everybody looking towards you and your heart starts to race. This was the first time in awhile that you were out with friends, or just people in general. A part of you felt hesitant to speak or even move. Plus, they were Kim Hana’s classmates. You knew exactly how they felt about you, Kim Hana.
“Where did you get your t-shirt?” Minju softly asks.
“It was in my closet.” You answer.
Minju cocks her head and lets out a chuckle, “Of course you did. I mean, where did you buy it?”
You observe all of Minju’s movements. ‘Even her gestures are pretty. As expected of the female lead.’
Kim Minju and Kim Hana have known each other since elementary school. After that, they always ended up at the same school and in the same class for the rest of their middle school and high school years. It was no surprise the two of them ended up going to the same University. In the beginning, they proved that opposites attract by becoming best friends.
It wasn’t until Kim Hana started getting bullied that the two started to drift apart. Despite Minju’s happy-go-lucky attitude, she carried a huge guilt that involved Kim Hana. It was never mentioned in the drama or, at least, you did not watch that far into the drama to find out. Whatever it was, Kim Hana did not think, even for one second, to forgive her.
Again, you had no ill feelings against Kim Minju so everything was fine.
“Ah, I forgot. Its a really old shirt.”
Minju made an ‘O’ with her mouth and looked down.
Yohan started to pour you a shot of soju, “Starter?”
You take the shot and make a face. ‘This is part of the college experience.’ you assure yourself. You watch everyone at the table interact with each other.
Despite Kim Wooseok’s confident actions, you knew he was in the middle of a self conflict because of the female lead.
Kim Yohan had a slight interest in Kim Hana and he was too naive to figure out why.
Hangyul and Seungyoun were still the best of friends, unaware that the two would fall for the same girl.
‘Knowing everyone’s story and fate kinda sucks the fun out of a get-together.’ You think. You had no questions that you did not already know the answer to.
“Do you guys want to play a drinking game?” Yohan suggests.
“Sure.” Minju agrees.
“I’m really good at games so no sore losers, please.” Seungyoun says, slightly looking at your direction.
“Yeah, yeah. Pretty sure you came back to our apartment wasted last weekend because of your skills.” Wooseok teases.
Hangyul nods, “And he’s going back wasted this weekend.”
Yohan looks at your direction.
“To be honest, I’ve never played a drinking game.” You scratch your head, “But I’ll try.”
The drinking games began and after losing consecutive rounds, you become buzzed. You look down at the shot in your hands. You lost once again.
“Hey guys, lets go easy on Hana, its her first time playing.” Minju says.
You shake your head, “I’m having a lot of fun. Thanks for inviting me.”
Actually, drinking with friends was not as great as you thought it would be. But, at least this was one less thing to cross out in your bucket list.
“You can sit out on the next few rounds.“ You watch as Hangyul takes the shot in your hand and drinks it. He looks towards your direction and you give him a soft smile, “Thanks.”
“Kim Hana, you might be really drunk. I’ve never heard you say ‘thank you’ so many times. Or at all.” Wooseok says.
That was right. Kim Hana did not appreciate anybody but herself.
You pour yourself a glass of water and drink it. "I’ll just stick to water for now.“
A good hour passes by and you knew exactly what would happen. It was time for you to go. You start to gather your stuff.
“You leaving?” Yohan asks in concern.
You nod, “I don’t want to miss curfew at the dorm.”
To be honest, you were trying to avoid conflict. The night was not suppose to end well for Kim Hana.
You get up a little tipsy. Yohan offers to leave with you, but you reject him. You were at a restaurant walking distance from the university.
A part of you still felt empty. You got exactly what you wanted and hung out with friends, but were you actually happy?
You stagger out the restaurant and accidentally bump into a stranger, “Sorry.”
“Hana?” The stranger lightly touches your shoulder.
You look up and squint your eyes.
‘Han Seungwoo.’
“It is you. I almost didn’t recognize you with your new style..” He gives you a smile until he realizes your half-lidded eyes and pink cheeks, “Are you drunk?”
You brush off his question, “Everyone was waiting for you. I have to catch curfew.”
“You live on campus, right? I’ll walk you there.” Seungwoo says.
“I’m good to walk by myself.” You give him a ninety degree bow. ‘
“No you’re not.”
You see Seungwoo determined to make sure you get home safely.
Of course, that was expected of the male lead.
Han Seungwoo, like Kim Minju, was naturally good natured. Starting out as a performing arts major, he was probably the University’s most well-known student. Almost all girls swooned when he passed by and guys wanted to be him. It only took one broadway-like performance for Kim Minju to fall for him.
However, like every melodramatic drama an accident causes him to be unable to stand on stage and he changes to a more knowledge orientated major.
Disappointed, Kim Minju does her best to help him get over his trauma. As for Kim Hana, she only knew him as an engineering senior. At first she is turned off by his friendliness, but he slowly melts her cold personality. Just when Kim Hana finally finds a new interest in Han Seungwoo, Kim Minju and him fall for each other.
Love was timing and Kim Hana was too late.
“Sunbae, I’m really okay.” You back away from him.
Seungwoo looks in the restaurant then back at you, “Hana, I know that the past gathering you went to didn’t end well.”
Of course he did. Wooseok talked to him about it.
“But, I was really glad to hear that you were coming today.”
There it was. It was one of the phrases that made Kim Hana unable to hate him.
“I’m sure some other people feel the same.” Seungwoo pats your head.
You stare at him in awe. How can anyone not fall for him?
“I hope you can be more friendly with the others in our department.”
“I can do that.” You assure him.
“Hey Hana, over here!” Yohan gets up from his chair and excitedly jogs to her.
Hana looks at Yohan and then the table. “Where is he?”
Yohan patted Hana’s back in assurance, “He’ll be here. Just sit down for now.”
Hana and Yohan pull up a seat at the large table.
Seungyoun watches Hana’s body language turn away from the table. He scoffs and takes a shot of soju.
“Do you guys want to play a drinking game?”
“No.” Hana quickly answers and raises her arm to call for a waiter. “Can I have a glass of water?”
“I’ll play.” Minju smiles at Yohan.
Yohan returns her smile and everyone follows Minju’s lead.
Hana waits for a good hour, but he does not come. Just when her patience was about to run out someone enters the restaurant in a hurry.
“Hey sorry, guys.” Seungwoo pants and grabs a chair for support.
A little buzzed Hangyul raises his hand, “Hey there big guy! You’re just in time.”
Seungwoo laughs, “What did you just say? Are you talking informally to your sunbae?”
Seungyoun quickly puts a chicken leg to Hangyul’s mouth, “Sorry, hyung.”
Seungwoo takes a seat next to Hana and right across Minju.
“Now that Seungwoo-hyung is here, how about we play the truth game?” Hangyul suggests. “If you can’t answer, you have to take a shot.”
Wooseok half chuckled, “Sure.”
“C’mon guys, I just got here.” Seungwoo half jokes.
Hangyul starts off the game and although most questions were silly, nobody had any real problem answering the questions.
“I’ll go next.” Seungyoun tries to look for a chance to spice everything up. He looks around the table and his eyes stop at Yohan. “Yohan, do you have a crush on Kim Hana?”
Hana gives Seungyoun a sharp gaze and then looks away from the group. She does not look at anyone until she hears wolf cheers.
Yohan had taken a shot.
“Isn’t not answering just admitting you like her, Yohan?” Wooseok nudges him.
Hana lets out an annoyed sigh. Why did she even come in the first place? She gives Seungwoo a quick glance.
Seungyoun does not take Hana’s reaction lightly and puts down a shot glass on the table with a loud clank, “Why did you even come, Hana? You’re not playing any of the games. You won’t even talk to anyone.”
“Seungyoun, Hana’s just a little shy.” Minju says.
It feels like Hana’s eyes darken and she turns to Minju, “I have a question for you, Minju.” Hana purses her lip. “To be honest, you have victim’s mentality? True or false.”
“Victim’s mentality? That’s you, Hana.” Wooseok sits up.
Hana ignores Wooseok and gets up. She looks down at Minju who became quiet, “Why don’t you say something, Minju?”
“Why does everything end so confrontational with you?” Hangyul shakes his head.
Hana looks at Seungwoo one more time before gathering her belongings and storming out.
That night, Minju left the bar with a fake smile and Seungwoo followed her. They walked down a stone path and sat on a bench where they talk to each other about their worries.
The melancholy music played and you see Hana in her room. She is sitting on the window sill looking up at the night sky. She feels even lonelier in the single room without her father’s kind words to lift her up.
Hana closes her eyes and wishes that she would wake up gone.
next: chapter 4
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shreddedparchment · 6 years
You’re My Mission Pt.09
I Almost Killed You.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 6,538
Warnings: Language, angst, feels
A/N:  So part of this chapter I’d written a while back when the idea came to me. I had to readjust a portion of it so that it would make more sense with what the character were doing and feeling now. It was fun adjusting it and finding just how much my vision changes with every chapter. Bucky and the reader are doing their own thing at times and although they hit all the big marks that I want them to hit, as I’ve said before, their development seems to be out of my hands. I hope you love this chapter too! As always, if you happen to reblog, thanks for helping me spread my work. It is much appreciated! xoxo
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You’re not sure how long you sleep. You’re suddenly just aware that something is tickling your hand. You try to move it, but a sudden stinging pain stops you.
It’s so quiet you’re half sure that you’re in your hut but then a deep sigh touches your cheek.
You feel fingers grip strands of your hair and carefully lift them to move them away from your face.
“You're such a pain in the ass.” Hot breath touches your temple.
You recognize Bucky’s slightly lazy tone; his even tempo is languid with slight resistance. Almost as if it's difficult to talk and get the words out. It's how he always sounds but for some reason right now, it’s so much clearer to your ears than ever before. It's so unique you could pick it out in a crowded room.
With his voice however comes the sudden flashes of why you’re feeling such sharp pain in your right hand.
You see him charging at you, slamming a wooden staff down on you, knocking you to the ground where you're vulnerable to his crazed attack.
A sharp wooden point flies at your face and you see red as it pierces your hand.
These sudden and violent flashes make your hand twitch as they assault your previously peaceful mind.
Maybe he might have noticed the twitch, but he’s suddenly distracted.
“Buck?” Steve's even voice is unnaturally strangled with fear.
You feel Bucky's heat disappear from beside you.
“Down here.” He calls, his voice is louder and more controlled. Whatever emotion he'd been feeling when he told you that you were annoying just a minute ago is gone. What was it? You'd need to hear it again and see his face to decipher its meaning.
You open your eyes, they flutter for a moment and you turn to where you just heard him. He’s changed, wearing a pair of blue jeans, a white cotton long sleeve tee rolled up to his elbow with the top two buttons left open. His dark hair is pulled back into a bun with a few strands falling to frame his scruffy face.
He looks so good you’re sure you must be dreaming. He stands with his hands shoved into his pockets, his shoulders hunched as he stares at the floor lost in thought.
You see Steve come around the corner and then your eyes shut again. You can’t stand to keep them open for more than a few seconds at a time.
“Buck?” Steve's voice is slightly panicked and then you feel him beside you. He moves around your head to your right side and pulls your hand up to look at it. “What the hell happened?”
When Bucky speaks his emotions are dead. Not off. You know what he sounds like when he’s trying to concentrate and focus on anything but how he’s feeling. Right now, though his voice still moves in that strangled way as if he’s trying to keep from spilling at the seams, it’s guarded and full of disappointment.
“I attacked her. She uh…we were training and the alarm in the building went off. I guess the lights did something to my brain because the next thing I know I’m stabbing her through the hand with a wooden rod.”
“Buck…I known what you’re thinking,” Steve begins but Bucky sighs heavily, silencing his friend.
“I oughta be pinched, shoved in a cage where I can’t hurt anyone again. Maybe stay under for good…” He says the last bit so quietly that you struggle to hear him.
“Hey,” Steve chastises. “We knew this was going to be a work in progress, right? So, you mucked up, big deal.”
“Big deal? Look at her, Steve. I did that.” Silence. “And that.” Your bruise maybe?
“Bucky, I know this is tough. No one knows better than I do what it’s like to wake up and find yourself in a strange world where nothing is like you remember it being-"
“But they didn’t take your mind away from you, Steve. You woke up and you were still you. I have trouble remembering my favorite flavor of ice cream-”
“So, ask. I know with things being the way they are I come and go often but I’m here Buck. You told me once that I didn’t have to do it alone. Neither do you. This,” You feel Steve's hand on your injured one, the other on your bruised elbow. “this is gonna take time. And it's not your fault.”
“I can’t train her anymore.” Bucky states, a strange sorrowful yearning in his voice. “I’ll hurt her again.”
“You don't mean that.” Steve says, a small amount of disappointment filtered into his words. “I know you’re stuck on her and this is probably your worst nightmare but-"
“My worst nightmare is I kill her, Steve. That’s what almost happened today. Have you gone to see the training room? Go look at it and tell me that I’m wrong for pulling out of this.”
“She won't let you, Buck. You really think she’s going to sit by and let you abandon her?”
“It’s not like she really cares.”
“Really, Buck? I know you see what we all see when she looks at you.” Steve argues.
“You can train her. She looked pretty happy with you this morning.” Bucky reasons, trying desperately to find a way to push you away. Your semi-conscious heart aches painfully at the thought of not training with him.
“She was getting by. Don’t do this, Buck.”
“It’s just a crush. She’ll get over it.” Bucky says. Your mind doesn’t seem to be able to filter the words properly because you hear him but you don’t understand what he’s saying.
“I won't let you do this. She's good for you.” Who is good for what?
You confused mind is muddled and you can’t make sense of their conversation for a bit.
“Damn it, Steve, I’m not going to be alone with her anymore. I won’t risk it.”
You hear Steve sigh in frustration. “Fine. I’ll stick around. I was going to take over the Golden Panthers for a few weeks anyway. We'll all train together.”
A seemingly unending silence follows. You teeter on the edge of unconsciousness again but never fall over. You can still hear them breathing around you. Bucky doesn’t come close to you again. Steve checks on your hand several times.
“Nat'll be here next week. She and Sam took down another hidden Hydra hideout. They're getting smaller. I think we're getting closer to the end but the closer we get the closer they get.” The U.S. government? The U.N.? Stupid Sokovia Accords ruined everything.
“What are you going to do?” Bucky wonders.
“Lay low for a bit. That’s why I’m taking over the GP squad for a bit. King T'Challa is sending Ayo out on mission and I told him I’d help pick up the slack.”
“Golden Panthers…?” Bucky lapses into silence again and when he speaks the curiosity in his voices and his question in general sends a wave of dread washing over you and a dagger through your heart.
“That’s Kara’s squad isn’t it?”
Steve shifts beside you. “I believe so.”
“Good.” Bucky says.
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How do you describe the discomfort of waking up every morning, knowing that you get to eat a fulfilling breakfast, laugh with your friends, and then go train with the man you have a crush on and the woman he's apparently seeing?
Not that it's official. You’ve asked Sergeant Barnes several times whether he and Karabo Smit are an item and he swerves the question every damn time.
But he’s with her every lunch hour, underneath that stupid Warka tree.
You and Sergeant Barnes are not fighting either. Still constantly on each other's nerves sure, but not fighting. Whatever passion he’d been feeling when he yelled at you and fought with you seems to have disappeared.
You do your morning runs and workouts with Steve and the GP squad. It's slightly intimidating considering most of the women—because the GP squad happens to be all women—have been training for years to be honored with a position among the Dora Milaje. The selection process is grueling, and you don’t envy them their desire though you do think it’s very respectable and amazing that they devote themselves to such excellence. Of course, Kara is part of the group and you’re glad that after your morning run and stretches you and Sergeant Barnes break away from the group to do your own thing, in close proximity to Steve of course. They’re always just a short distance away.
You and Sergeant Barnes focus mostly on hand to hand without weaponry now. You can see the hesitation to train you in his lackluster sessions. You try not to think about the conversation that you’d overheard in Shuri’s lab. There were so many different implications in their exchange and mostly what you took from it is that Sergeant Barnes was being forced to train you and he was glad that Kara was much closer now. You also know that he doesn’t want to hurt you. Which confuses you, but you chalk it up to the fact that underneath the grumbling and scowling, Sergeant Barnes is a good man.
You know there’s a more important part of the conversation that you heard but you can’t remember it. It’s like your brain wiped it.
Boxing is his Sergeant Barnes’s specialty and although he’s well versed in many other forms of fighting, that’s what he focuses on. You’re pretty sure that the reason for that is because it’s the one with the least amount of contact.
For a week that’s all the two of you do. You box. You get really good at it too. You can never truly hurt Sergeant Barnes, but you at least surprise him constantly with the adjustments you make to his training and what you’ve learned from Steve.
One particularly beautiful day, you and Sergeant Barnes pull away from each other, breathing heavily as you lower your fists and wipe the sweat from your forehead on your sleeve.
“We need to test you with someone else.”
“What’s the matter? Don’t you trust your skill as an instructor?”
“I know I’ve taught you well, whether your brain can absorb it and apply it to unfamiliar strategies is a different thing altogether.” He smirks, pleased with his masked insult. He’d just called you stupid, right?
You glare at him and shrug. “So then get someone over here. Oh! I can call Aman over. He’ll be glad to train with me.”
You flatten your hand and your comm bead begins to roll towards your palm but before it has a chance to reach its intended position to place the call, Sergeant Barnes lunges forward and closes the distance between you again, yanking the bead from your hand.
“No. I think we’ll leave your friend to train with his own squad.” He slowly stands up straight and keeps the bead within his metal fist.
“Fine. How about Steve then?” You point towards the GP squad in the distance. They’re lounging about, resting after another tough session of agility training. They’re going to start sparring soon too.
You watch him stare at Steve. He seems to really be considering it before he nods. “Fine.”
He turns and jogs towards Steve and you see him gesturing as he speaks.
You wish things were easier between the two of you. Sure, you’re not really fighting, and you seem to be as annoying as ever to him. He glares at you every time you chuckle or laugh at your own mistakes. He gets frustrated with you when you complain about the heat or being tired. He’s taken to calling you ‘princess’ again when you whine. Which honestly, you don’t blame him for that one. You’re just not used to the intense heat now that summer’s almost upon you.
Despite this sense of normalcy, you know that things are so not okay between the two of you. The day after the attack Sergeant Barnes actively avoided you. You sought him out and finally managed to corner him by his hut because you had no choice but to ambush him since he wouldn’t give you the time of day.
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Bucky’s in the distance, by the pen of goats that you’d seen the night after the nightclub. The goats are not in there anymore, instead they wander about randomly but seem to know to stick to the immediate vicinity. One disappears into the hut closest to the pen and after seeing this, Bucky quickly rushes into the small building. A few seconds later the goat scampers out through the doorway and races to rejoin the others as Bucky, with a rare smile on his face, moves back towards the pile of hay he’d been breaking up.
He stops, noticing you as you approach. Slowly his smile falls, replaced by a pained scowl and then just his regular scowl as you finally reach speaking distance.
“I’ve been looking for you all day.” You admit, scratching at your right palm. You’re wearing a strange red glove that Shuri says will promote the skin to grow again. Your nerves she was able to repair but because you’d been in such a rush to find Bucky, she’d fitted you with the glove and forbade you from taking it off. It itches a bit.
Bucky reaches for a long wooden pitchfork then throws it into the pile of hay as his eyes follow your hand’s movements to the red glove.
“What are you doing here? I thought I told you dropping by uninvited was a shitty thing to do?” He picks up the pitchfork and begins to scoop the hay onto the same cart you’d seen the night of your bruising.
“We need to talk.” You reply, weakly because you don’t like the way this conversation has started. Your heart aches for the pain you’d seen in his eyes the night before. The tears that he’d cried and the resolve to never train you again because he doesn’t want to hurt you.
“What for?”
“Bucky don’t shut me out.”
“I wasn’t aware that I ever let you in.” He stops his spearing and turns to look at you, his eyes cold.
You weren’t going to let him push you away. You bite down on your bottom lip however because his words hurt, even if he’s doing it to put some distance between you.
“What happened yesterday?” You move a few steps closer and he drops the pitchfork, not startled, but angry apparently with the way he shoves it away from himself.
“I said I don’t want to talk about it, kid.”
“I know what you said. I don’t care.” You move closer, leaving only three feet between you. You can see the clear blue of his eyes and it strangles you to think of the way he’d pushed the hair from your face the night before. “What-happened?”
“I almost killed you. That’s what happened.”
“Why? Because the lights messed with my treatment, that’s why.”
“You know that’s not what I mean.” You say angrily.
“What do you want me to say, Y/N? Huh?” He moves towards you, angrily taking two steps to reduce the distance between you. “You want me to tell you about how I killed people? Lots of them? Hm?”
Your anger disappears, replaced by an agony for him. He was so clearly refusing to deal with his past that it kept coming back to haunt him. He raises his metal arm, holding his hand level with your neck. He stretches the metal fingers and you eye them warily.
“You want me to describe to you what it feels like to crush someone’s larynx? Or I can tell you about the sound that most people make when they realize they’re about to take their last breath. Is that what you want me to say?”
“Stop calling me that.” He growls and turns to walk back towards his cart. You follow, unwilling to see the distance renewed.
“It’s your name.” You argue. “I know, I heard you last night. I know you don’t want to hurt me.”
“Oh, and what? You think that makes you special?” He turns his cold gaze on you and you frown at him. He’s hurting you and your patience is starting to wear thin. He might be in agony, but your pain is just as valid as his. “You think, what? That I care about you? Get a grip, doll, I don’t give a rat’s ass about you. I just don’t want your blood on my hands. I’ve had enough of that in my life. You’re nothing to me. You’re no one. Just my current mission.”
“Bucky, why can’t you just-”
“I said stop calling me that!” He screams, so loudly that the nearby goats bleat and run off towards their pen in fear.
You’re breathing heavily, angry and your heart in pieces not even truly understanding why it’s hurting so much.
“Do you want me to go?” You ask, your voice breaking near the end.
“You know,” He turns to look at you, eyes narrowed. “That’s the first smart thing I’ve heard you say since I met you.”
Asshole. “Fine. I’ll see you at training, Sergeant Barnes.”
You turn around and leave him to stew in his anger and self-hatred, determined to forget him and any kind of affection he’s inspired in you.
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Sergeant Barnes and Steve turn back towards you and the two of them walk slowly, chatting happily. You watch Sergeant Barnes’s face, wondering if the man you’d fought with outside his hut and this smiling man are really one and the same. Maybe he has an evil twin?
“So, I hear you wanna fight me.” Steve says, amused as he stops with his hand on his hip.
You smile and laugh once. Your Captain Rogers looks good wearing a pair of plain grey workout pants and a tight white t-shirt. “No other man I’d rather train with.”
Steve’s eyes tighten slightly, noticing the way you make the comment sound like a jab though obviously not aimed at him. “Right. Well, let’s see what you can do.”
Sergeant Barnes moves a few feet away, taking shade underneath the Warka tree he loves so much. You and Steve remain out in the sunlight, cooking. You take your jacket off, tossing it onto the ground to the side, and take your stance.
The fight starts without a countdown. Suddenly Steve lunges towards you throwing a right hook then a left when you manage to avoid the first. You grab his wrist with your left but realize that unlike Aman, you may not be able to flip Steve over your head, so you push his hand away from you towards his chest and spin around his left arm your elbow finding the soft flesh covering his ribs.
“Ow,” He says, though you know it doesn’t really hurt him. Still you smile, happy because he must have been surprised by your choice of move. “I thought we were boxing?”
“I never said boxing.” You smile.
“Alright, cadet, you’re on.” Steve turns and immediately reaches for your right arm. He catches it easily and pulls you towards him. You use the momentum of his pull to leap up, wrapping your legs around his waist and lead his arm up around the back of his head. You use your free hand to punch at his right ribs and hear the audible thud as your fist makes contact a few times.
Steve laughs, it infuriates you a little that your puny hits don’t really hurt him.
“This sucks!” You exclaim.
You laugh too because it’s so unfair to fight Captain America knowing you won’t make a dent.
Steve wraps his arms around your waist and throws himself down on the ground, rolling sideways so that when he stops you’re lying on your right side and he’s kneeling over you. You roll onto your back just in time as he brings down his arms. You block them, shove your own hands between his wrists and with great effort you push outwards and his arms go flying apart. You wrap your legs around his stomach—he’s so freaking long!—and pull him towards you at the same time. He puts his hands out on either side of you, catching himself so that he doesn’t fall flat on top of you. Your hands find the center of his chest, punching as hard as you can. It hurts your hand more than it probably hurts his chest, but he still grunts when it hits.
“Ow.” He adds, surprise painting his tone. His blue eyes sparkle down at you, clearly impressed with your progress. Okay, I give.” He reaches back and taps your left thigh and you relax the hold you have on him with your legs. If there was one thing you were glad that Sergeant Barnes did, it’s to strengthen your thighs into steel. Even if your punches didn’t hurt him, you know that your grip around his torso with your thighs must have startled him with its strength.
You and Steve are both so busy laughing you don’t realize the death glare that Sergeant Barnes is giving the pair of you.
“When you two are done flirting, I think the GP are ready for their next drill, Steve.”
Steve looks to his friend and smirks, finding something funny. You’re less impressed by Sergeant Barnes.
When Steve is on his feet and offers you his hand, you take it and let him help you up.
“How would you know what my flirting looks like?” You ask Sergeant Barnes pointedly.
“That’s a fair question.” Steve mutters.
“Since you two train so well together, maybe you should take over starting tomorrow, Steve?”
Before Steve can reply, you glare at Sergeant Barnes, irritated by his teasing. “I think that’s a good idea.”
In the distance the GP begin to stretch, readying themselves for their next drill. “I think I’ll try and keep up with the GP squad, see if I can’t phase you out altogether?”
“You-” Sergeant Barnes begins, annoyed with you but he stops when your beads begin to ring. You hold out your hand and your comm bead slides up into place where Shuri is then displayed.
“Captain Rogers?” She asks you.
“He’s here.” Steve moves over to stand beside you and looks down at Shuri’s projected bust.
“Captain are you not wearing your Kimoyo beads?” She wonders.
Steve holds up his hand and shows her that he is indeed wearing them. “I am.”
“Something must be wrong with them. We received a call from the Black Widow, she says she and Falcon are inbound if you’d like to meet them in thirty minutes in the hangar.”
“Oh, okay. Yeah. I’ll meet them there.”
“Good. And Captain? Try calling someone with your beads. If the call does not go through, come and see me so that we can get you fixed up. We can’t have Captain America of all people out of touch.”
“Right.” Steve agrees and watches as Shuri fades out and your bead slides back into place.
“Let me try calling you, Y/N.”
“Okay.” He slides out his bead and after a bit of waiting your own beads begin to glow and ring. “it works fine.”
“Hm.” Steve sighs. “Well, at least I don’t have to bother Shuri with anything.
You suddenly remember that Sergeant Barnes had been fighting with you and you look to find him still scowling at you. Without another word you jog to stretch with the GP squad.
For several minutes you’re stretching in silence, avoiding looking over at Kara because you’re good at ignoring things that hurt. You’ve seen her face now and you know she’s beautiful. But you don’t need to be reminded of it. Suddenly, your quiet stretching is interrupted by a faint mumble that steadily grows loud enough for you to actually make out what is being said.
“We’ll have to wait and see. Things aren’t going well on the outside. They’ve been closing in on us and we may have to really start running soon. Which means I won’t be able to come see you anymore.”
“You, Nat, and Sam do what you need to do. You know, funny thing is, you’re on the run because of me and they’re not even looking for me.” Sergeant Barnes sounds a little sad, but he seems to also genuinely find it funny.
Uh oh.
Does Steve know that his comm is still on? You can hear them so clearly that it’s like you’re standing beside them. It makes you sad to think that Steve might be leaving soon. It also makes you sad because it means that he and Sharon will also be parting ways. If he has to go on the run, there won’t be much time for dating. Since your crush on him is hopeless, you at least want him to be happy.
You keep your eyes on your feet, stretching as far down as you can go. You actually manage to lay yourself flat over your legs. You’re so much more flexible now thanks to all your training with Sergeant Barnes. You also don’t trip over your own feet as much anymore which is definitely a good thing. Of course, he still finds things to be annoyed by, but at least it’s less about mistakes you’re making in your line of duty and more based on your personality.
Which is worse?
“Buck, will you just go talk to her?” Steve suddenly asks.
“Who?” Sergeant Barnes replies confused but distracted, as if his mind is on other things.
“Y/N, you’ve been staring at her for the past ten minutes.” Steve says, a smile in his voice.
Your stomach suddenly twists as you become instantly nervous. You slowly begin to push yourself up and back into a sitting position. Your hands go slowly numb and you grab them, holding them, squeezing them to see if maybe it’s just a circulation problem. But your heart is also pounding. When you’re sitting up completely you turn to look towards the two men, standing across the field, still underneath the Warka tree. Sergeant Barnes—Bucky—is looking in your direction.
He suddenly turns to Cap who, even at this distance, you can see is smirking. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you crazy? Why would I be staring at the walking nightmare?”
“You’re looking right at her.” Steve insists, still amused.
“You’re insane! I’m looking at Kara, idiot.” He actively points over your head and you lean down again as if you’re stretching but turn your head and look to where he’s pointing.
Your heart clenches painfully as you see her, and despite your anger and hatred (though really, she’s done nothing to hurt you), you admire her looks. She’s got tanned peachy skin, freckles that fleck her slender shoulders which she currently has exposed underneath a light grey tank top. Her long dark brown hair is pulled up into a high ponytail that as she does her jumping jacks, swings back and forth from shoulder to shoulder. She’s walking sin, Kara. Her curves are to die for and her eyes are a shocking blue.
“Oh. Sorry, I just thought-”
Your heart falls and you’re so confused by it that you hide your face between your knees. You want to cry and you’re not really sure why. After what happened outside the hut you knew that you meant nothing to him. And still you got your hopes up when Steve said Sergeant Barnes was staring at you. For a long moment you wonder what you could have possibly done—what can you do now to get him to look at you the way he’s looking at Kara?
“What the fuck is wrong with me?” You say to yourself, forgetting that your comm is still on.
“What was that?” Steve suddenly asks.
“What was what?” Sergeant Barnes wonders, looking away from Kara to Steve.
“Shit.” You mutter, embarrassed.
As stealthily as you can you reach over and touch your comm bead and watch as the color fades. You swallow hard and slowly sit up, hands on your knees as you chance a glance at the two men again.
Your stomach twists when you find Steve staring at you, his brow narrowed as he clearly puts two-and-two together. You quickly look away and after some careful consideration—okay, not really you just straight up panic—you spring to your feet and race back towards your hut, eager to be hidden in the safety of your room.
“Hey! Where are you going?! We’re not finished!” You hear Sergeant Barnes yell at you, but you don’t stop. You run until you’re in your hut, door shut, and you’re sitting on your bed.
You think things through carefully. Clearly the comm being on was an accident. Steve just forgot to turn it off or maybe it was really malfunctioning and because you’re an idiot you decided to eavesdrop to find out about your friend and his impending departure to run from the U.S. government. Of course, you got more than you bargained for. Not only does Sergeant Barnes think you’re a walking nightmare, it does really seem that he likes Kara and for some reason this information has your heart aching so painfully it takes your breath away. You reach up, grabbing at your chest to try and suppress the pain.
Why would you care if you didn’t, on some level, actually like him? Not a crush but a serious attachment? You’d been unwilling to admit it before. Is that why you’re so obsessed with figuring him out? You know what you’ve been feeling. The yearning, the desire to be around him. The need to find out what is really happening with him. You know all of this, but you’ve never sat and really thought about what it means to you. Why is it so important? Do you like him?
“Bullshit.” You tell yourself as you come to the conclusion.
You decide you just don’t like being insulted. But he always tells you crap. It’s never bothered you before. Not really. It makes you angry but that was just you and him. That was how you two got along. It was stressful sure and it was irritating but it was normal.
How long do you sit there thinking about Sergeant Barnes and the implications of the pain in your chest? You’re still so nervous that when someone knocks on your door your hands are still numb. You’re so out of it that rather than pretend like you’re not in, like you should, you answer.
The door opens, and you shut your eyes, hating yourself for not thinking of pretending to not be home sooner. You don’t want anyone around during this revelation.
“It’s just me.” Says a smooth monotone.
You open your eyes because that voice, you’d know it anywhere. Steve shuts the door and then stands there staring at you with his thoughtful gaze and the smallest smirk on his lip.
“Oh.” You smile up at him nervously. It’s such a fake smile that his own smirk widens as he watches you deliver it. “Hi.”
“You got anything you wanna fess up to?” He wonders, crossing his bulging arms over his wide chest.
You stall by pretending to look confused. “Uh…no?”
“You were listening to our conversation earlier, weren’t you?” Steve says. He’s not really asking you because he knows and he’s just giving you a chance to confess.
You look down at your hands, held on your lap, in shame. “Yeah.”
Your heart gives another painful ache and you give him a small grimace when you look back up at his face.
Cap moves in and sits beside you on your bed. He’s so massive you don’t think he’d even fit in it if he tried to lay down.
“Why would you eavesdrop on us, Y/N?” He wonders, a little more serious now, the implications of where this conversation is headed in his tone. It makes you even more nervous.
“I didn’t mean to, really. I was stretching, and your voices suddenly came over the comm. I don’t know if you accidentally turned it back on or if it’s really malfunctioning, but you started talking about having to leave permanently and I needed to know.” You sigh, hating yourself for spying on them but Steve is your friend. How could you not want to know if he was going to leave? Plus, even through your current revelation, you know you still have a tiny crush on him.
“Y/N, I uh…” He doesn’t know how to broach the subject and you know you should help him out but you’re happy watching him fumble with the words. He’s cute nervous. “I…er…I know that you-Um.”
He looks away from you and shakes his head.
“I know that you know I have a crush on you. Sergeant Barnes’s voice carries. That morning in the west field a few weeks ago, I know he told you.” You shrug. It really isn’t a big deal anymore. You know where he stands and you’re starting to see where you really stand. You hate yourself for it and it mars your happy time with Steve.
“Oh.” He smiles. “Well aren’t you full of surprises?”
“I just-You were there for me when I lost my parents. You were kind and when I begged you to give me purpose you did. I can never repay what you’ve done for me, Steve. And yes, I have a crush on you, but I know you have a girlfriend and I know you love her. That’s honestly the only reason I kept listening. I’ll miss you, but I also wish there was a way that you and Sharon could be together without you having to go on the run. That’s gonna suck.”
Steve sighs heavily, listening to each word as you speak it and when you finish he nods. “It is. And I appreciate the sentiment. You’ve come a long way since I brought you here. That fight earlier was no joke. Really. And I know he doesn’t show it but Bucky’s proud of you, too.”
You roll your eyes. An involuntary reaction to Sergeant Barnes's name associated with anything positive and you at the same time.
“Right, the walking nightmare doesn’t trip over her own feet anymore. Such pride.” You don’t mean to sound sad and bitter as you repeat what he called you, but you do, and your mind shoots to Kara again. It’s so unfair! She was born to look like that. You’ve seen her eat a whole pizza in one sitting. You’ve never spoken to her and you know you’re being unfair and she’s probably a nice person but…ugh!
“Did that really bother you that much?” Steve asks, his brow narrowed again.
“No. Not really. He’s called me worse. But at least when he says it to my face, I know he’s saying it. Telling other people when I’m not there…” He’s talking about you behind your back. It’s rude and hurtful and why do you keep thinking about Kara and the way Sergeant Barnes was staring at her?!
Was he telling her you were a nightmare too? Making disgusted faces when your name is mentioned? Does he call you the pitiful cadet that is so weak and needs so much special training that he has to help you because he feels bad for you? Because he’s being forced? Were all those tender moments, the towel? The shoelaces? His anger at bruising you, the way he held your hand in the medical center? His tears when he hurt you? Was it all really nothing? Did it mean nothing?
You want to ask Steve because out of everyone you know, Steve would know Sergeant Barnes better than anyone else.
“Don’t take it personally, Y/N. Bucky’s just…a little tired? He’s still getting used to being himself again. Be patient with him. I know he seems strong, but he’s been through a lot. Just like you. Only different.”
“Like what?” You ask eagerly, turning your pained gaze on Steve. He shakes his head, staring at the floor in front of him.
“That’s not my story to tell, Y/N. All I can say is that with a little more patience I think you’ll both get what you want.”
What the hell is he talking about? You’re so confused as it is that his words mean nothing to you except that he knows why Sergeant Barnes refuses to let you in.
Steve gets to his feet and you sigh lightly.
“When are you planning to leave?”
“Not for a while still, hopefully. Besides it’s Nat’s birthday in two days and we’re throwing her a surprise party at one of the smaller nightclubs here in town. You’ll come, right?” He moves to the door, his voice hopeful.
“Of course.” You nod. You and Natasha get along very well.
“Great.” Cap says, happily.
“It’s not a themed night again, is it?”
“Well the eighties one went so well-?”
“Eighties again, really?!”
“It’ll give me an excuse to dance with you. I’ll request our song.” He smiles, meaning well but your memories of eighties night are not as fun as his.
“Hey, Cap?” You broach carefully.
“Yeah?” He turns to look at you from the doorway, his hand on the knob, his face curious because you haven’t called him Cap in so long.
“Back when Sergeant Barnes was himself, was that the kind of girl he was into? Girls like Kara?” You’re so nervous you’re surprised you manage to get the words out. You’ve hardly admitted that you think you like him to yourself that asking this kind of question aloud and to Sergeant Barnes’s best friend, you’re giving yourself away.
“Um…” Steve seems to really think about it and as he turns a furrowed brow to you, he nods. “Yeah, I guess he’s always preferred a more luxurious woman. Bucky always did like a betty.”
When he sees your confused expression, he laughs once.
“Oh, sorry, uh, a betty, means like a really attractive girl.”
“Right.” You reply, and look down at your hands again, that ache taking your breath away.
“Y/N? You’re not fa-”
“I really should get to sleep. Sergeant Barnes wants me in the west field at O-six hundred again. If I don’t go to sleep now, I won’t be able to get up in the morning.” You get up and walk towards him, ushering him out because you know what he’s going to ask, and you don’t want him to ask because you don’t want to answer. You won’t admit it aloud to anyone, not even yourself.
“Okay. Good night, Y/N. Chin up.” Steve says before he makes his exit.
You shut the door and once again lapse into thought until eventually you make your way to your bed and fall into a restless sleep, knowing that you can’t hide it from yourself anymore. You like Bucky. You like him a lot and you really want him to like you back.
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dxmedstudent · 5 years
do you know or know of any junior doctors who quit medicine and took a different path? If so, what routes did they take. I'm a 2nd year medic and being a doctor is looking pretty depressing- I'd like to know that if med doesn't work out, I can still do other things which are equally as fulfilling. What about you, where do you hope to be in five years time? Sending lots of love and I pray your week treats your kindly.
Oh friend, it has been a rocky few days for me personally, and I feel a bit sad today. But that’s very sweet of you to say. I hope your week is lovely, too.
I think it’s common (and not unhealthy) to look at your other options; there are lots of interesting jobs out there! Many of which we probably won’t know about until we get out there. Don’t forget that there are also lots of specialites which are all very different from each other.
Here’s a few things I’ve seen:
Some medics leave to work in pharmaceutical research or related industries, in medical and nonmedical roles. because medical knowledge is pretty useful in general.
Some work in high powered fields that aren’t medical; there’s a longstanding joke about how many medics decide medicine is too hard and go into investment banking or something else like that.
Some go into medicolegal law.
Some go into research, and drift away from the clinical side of practice or give it up altogether.
Some go into medical education and focus on teaching med students; I always thought this might be pretty rewarding.
Sports medicine. Technically doctors, but almost not because it’s so different from working in the NHS.
Some work for locum agencies and are still doctors, just not on the NHS.
Some work for telemedicine companies, or other aspects of medical tech; there are lots of ways to still be involved in medicine from the other side.
If you are happy to train in IT, there are lots of ways that health and IT intersect and your medical skills would be useful.
Some people take the entrepreneurial route and set up their own companies, often medicine adjacent, but not always. This is good for people who always wanted to get their teeth stuck into business.
Some just do something totally non-medically related. A medical degree is generally seen as an incredible asset which proves you can work hard and apply yourself, are highly literate, good at processing large amounts of information, etc.
I actually attended the ‘Alternative careers fair’ for medicine a year or so ago; it’s quite an interesting experience, even though I was keen on staying in medicine at the time. It’s a great idea and allows medics who are looking to diversify to network and look for ideas.
I’m really not sure where I will be in 5 years’ time, that’s a tough question to answer. I hope I’ll be settled somewhere in one place, having picked a specialty I enjoy. I really want to stay in medicine, but I also want to be happy and avoid burning out. Perhaps with a partner, or even further down the line, perhaps a family; that’d be nice. However, though I  I have little idea if things will turn out as I hope they will. Medicine is full of uncertainty, which means we all have to take things one step at a time and see how they go.
Good luck, I know you’ll be great at whatever you choose to do, and I hope you’ll find a path that makes you truly happy.
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