#like at the dinner table if we have guests and they sit there i'll move
spookykestrel · 2 years
As someone who gets irrationally angry when people (esp my family who know I have to sit in the same spot) take my seat, I really want to know what other people feel
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hyunjinsjeans · 2 months
He knows (Chan ver.)
Lee Know ver. | Changbin ver. | Hyunjin ver.
Synopsis: Chan is your husband and he knows you want to start a family, but how does he know? And what happens when he tells you he knows? This. This is what happens.
Type: Fluff 🧸, SFW 👍
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy
Word count: 1140
AN: this is my first piece of writing for anything K-pop-related on this site, please be kind! No proofreading, sorry!
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You are married to this man. He defines himself by his job. He lived for it though, after working so hard to get to where he is he also enjoys it so much. So you can’t complain. But he does have one more thing he wants on his instagram bio. So far he is producer, singer, rapper and dancer. As of a year ago he is also husband. He knows the time is right. He knows you don’t want to pressure him but whenever you’re together he can sense the unspoken words flying around in the air between the two of you.
Oh yes, Chan knows. He knows how to read people, and you are top of the list of his favorite ones. He will read you like a book. He will understand even the things you don’t say, he will know the second you are ready. He will, however, wait for the right moment. Sometime when he knows he will have the energy, the free time and the emotional availability to do it.
He owes you his full attention if you are doing this together.
And once he seizes the opportunity he is going in for the kill. He proposes it in a serious tone. If it asn’t just the two of you, it would seem you were having a “family meeting”. He is straightforward about it.
“We should have a kid, Y/N. I think it’s time, I’m ready and you’re ready.”
And the words get caught in your throat because what the hell? You were incredibly ready. He knew this, you knew this. Your friends probably knew this.
From the way you cooed at any and every child under 5 whenever you spotted one, how little kids gravitated toward you at the park or at the movies and you always had a kind smile to offer them along with the helping hand finding their parents, to the way you seemed to constantly be handed strangers' babies at the grocery store or at airport lines.
It was no news. You always loved kids and after getting married and moving to your own home, you made it a point to have a guest room and an empty room. Chan had noticed. Why leave a room completely empty? “Just in case we need it someday” you had shrugged when he asked. But it was painfully obvious a few months into the move that you visited that room and stared at the empty walls with bright shiny eyes, with a smile that tugged at the corners of your lips in a way so subtle it was almost imperceptible, you always left the room with a sigh and a bowed head as if ashamed to have the plans you had for that room. Chan had witnessed it enough times to have you figured out. It brought a warmth to his heart, seeing how eager you were about the subject and yet you kept quiet because you didn't want to put any pressure on him, thinking he already had a lot to deal with as the leader of a very successful group.
So of course, the second he said those words you couldn’t help yourself. “Oh I was waiting for you to be ready!”
Chan lets out a joyful laugh, his eyes become tiny as his cheeks grow puffy with the glee in his reaction.
“I know!” He exhales, “but you didn’t say anything and I’m tired of it. When you want something -anything, please just tell me!” His expression softened "I'll always have time to listen to you, and there's nothing you can ask of me that I wouldn't give you."
He is leaning on the kitchen table while you’re sitting opposite him. You push yourself back on your chair and look at him with a side smile on your face, the rice cooker making its beeping sound to signal dinner is ready.
“How am I supposed to drop that one on you?!” You laugh as well, it’s clear you are not really arguing “Am I supposed to say “hey Chan, I want a baby” or what?”
“Well… yeah.” He scratches at his neck, “that’s okay, it’s a good way to start talking about it.”
You huff and look away, but ultimately you are pretty happy he brought it up. He knows this as well; there is no hiding your enthusiasm, you're practically buzzing.
“I do want to have a baby, Chan” you lean forward on the table, your elbows on the hard surface while you hide your smile behind your hands.
Chan sighs, stilling his laughter as he pulls the chair back to take a seat and stare at you. He poses his arms and hands the same as yours, mirroring your actions.
“I want that too”, he mumbles, shy but true.
“Can we have that?” You wonder, your eyes falling on his hands, soft yet strong.
Chan has held you many times, and supported you through different times. You know he can be a perfect constant to hold on to, but you wonder if his career can take this. If he can be there for you for this. Because if you are honest, your biggest fear is that he will put too much pressure on himself if he tries to be a leader and a good partner to a pregnant wife at the same time. You have always known him to be the kind of guy to step up without anyone asking him to. You have learned from him to be the same, to grow stronger for Chan to have someone to support him as well...but this time you have to be realistic, how much can you share the weight of things once you are also worried about the safety of a baby? How much stress can you take from him while getting ready to have a kid.
He drops his hands on the table, you have moved your gaze from his eyes to his hands to the table. You are doubtful, you are pulling away from him as you speak.
“We can.” He assures you, reaching out to pull your hands in his. “We can do this.”
Chan brings you back with his words, his tone is honest and bright. His eyes are full of joy and excitement.
You feel the warmth of his skin on your skin and look up with hope, your trust in him is so complete you nod, you don’t even think about it as you reply. You would die for your husband. You would take all the pain, all the responsibility, and hardships for him. And so would he for you. This is why doubting what you two can accomplish together is ridiculous, you shake your head from all those doubts and squeeze his hands between your own.
“Let’s do this.” You whisper.
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munson-blurbs · 7 months
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Living After Midnight (Failed Rockstar!Eddie x Motel Worker!Reader)
♫ Summary: Eddie lowered his guard during a late night conversation, revealing crucial details about his past. But was it enough for you to reciprocate? (4.3k words)
♫ CW: slowburn, strangers-to-lovers, angst, drug use, parental conflict, poverty, homelessness, brief mention of neglect, brief mention of sex work, eventual smut (18+ only, minors DNI)
♫ Divider credit to @hellfire--cult
chapter four: show me yours, i'll show you mine
If convincing Eddie to take the job wasn’t enough of a struggle, you still had to explain the situation to your parents.
Hi Mom and Dad, I invited a guest to help fix up the motel. The same one who stole a blanket–but don’t worry, I got it back. Oh, and he’ll be staying here for free.
They were understandably taken aback by your decision, especially without consulting them first, but you’d mustered up a strong argument: Eddie was young, he was easy to get along with, and he showed a basic sense of personal responsibility. Not to mention that the place could certainly use the repairs; peeling wallpaper was just the tip of the iceberg. Lightbulbs needed to be replaced, carpets needed to be scrubbed, and the outside of the building desperately needed to be power washed. 
“Plus, summer break doesn’t start for another few weeks,” you hastily added. “We won’t need to worry about renting out Eddie’s room until then.”
Mom arched an eyebrow at the newfound ascription—not room four, but Eddie’s room—but said nothing, only looking at your father for his seal of approval. 
He breathed out, long and low, trying to do the calculations in his head. Your heart flip-flopped when his gaze dropped to the ground, his signature move when he was about to tell you no. 
“If he doesn’t help out, he can’t afford to stay here anyway. It’s not like we’re losing money if he keeps the room for a bit.” You winced at the slight whine in your voice, the opposite of the infallible exterior you’d wanted to present. 
Dad laughed, not unkindly, but belittlement panged in your chest nonetheless. “Except for the water, air conditioning, and electricity he uses,” he pointed out, ticking off each item on his fingers. “Unless he plans to only sit in the dark, sweat, and never shower.” He sighed as unmistakable disappointment weaved into your eyes and filled them with tears. 
Now you’d have to tell Eddie that the offer was off the table, that he was shit out of luck, that you’d let him down. You never should’ve opened your big mouth in the first place. Captain Save-the-World, except you only ever made things worse. If you wore a cape, it would get snagged on tree branches each time you tried to fly.
“You have a good heart,” Mom spoke up, trying to nurse your wounded feelings, “but kindness doesn’t pay the bills.” She glanced at Dad again, her mouth set in a straight line. “Maybe we can discuss this further.”
You fought to ignore the hope that bloomed from her words, but the corners of your mouth turned upwards before you could rein it in. “Thank you,” you murmured, offering them both a grateful smile. 
People called you a ‘bleeding heart,’ teasing you about your constant attempts to solve problems beyond a reasonable scope. At last year’s Thanksgiving dinner, your uncle had informed you—unprompted—that he would never vote for you for President because “you’d just give all my money to the poor.”
While your parents were more realistic with their goals than you were, they did their best to encourage your compassionate spirit; there was no doubt that you got your sense of morality from them. After deliberating on Eddie’s fate for a few hours, they had finally relented—with one stipulation. 
“Your mother and I are not going to supervise him, so he’ll have to work night shifts with you,” Dad had said sternly. 
“Really?” You clapped your hands in celebration. “Thank you! I mean, um, Eddie thanks you.”
Dad gave your shoulders a quick squeeze; it was his version of you’re welcome. “Yeah, well.” He played it cool, keeping his tone breezy. “It’ll be good practice for when you take over the place.”
You’d nodded in response, your insides twisting in a clashing mix of excitement and shame. Eddie wouldn’t have to live on the street, but it required you to continue lying to your parents. 
I’ll tell them the truth once Eddie finds a real job and gets his own place. I can only handle one crisis at a time. 
That was how you’d found yourself spending your Tuesday evening with Eddie Munson. The motel was otherwise empty, save for your parents, a middle-aged trucker in room 7, and Phyllis in her usual digs.
You and Dad had spent the end of his shift covering the floor with giant flimsy drop cloths. They hadn’t been used in years, evidenced by the thin layer of dust that coated them when you’d dug them out from the back of the supply closet. You’d tried your best to shake it all off but instead sent yourself into a sneezing fit. 
Eddie sauntered into the lobby at a quarter after ten. Gray sweatpants sagged at his waist, the drawstring noticeably missing from the elastic band, and his white cotton undershirt had a tan stain that spread across his left pec. 
“Coffee,” he explained with a shrug, rolling a hair tie off of his wrist and pulling his curls into a messy bun at the nape of his neck. He looked at you blankly and waited for you to instruct him, but you had already dove into your schoolwork. “Um, is there a ladder? Tools?” He pursed his lips and scanned the room with indifference.
“Oh! Right, yeah.” You could have smacked yourself for not having everything set up for him. “We don’t have a ladder per se, but this step stool should work fine.” You pulled it out from behind the desk along with a scoring tool, a spray bottle filled with a vinegar and water solution, and a putty knife. “I also grabbed the clock radio from my room if you wanted to listen to some music. Might help pass the time.”
Eddie nodded, watching carefully as you switched the radio on and tuned the dial to a Top 40 station. He shook his head the moment the electric beat of Haddaway’s “What is Love” played through the tinny speakers.
“Absolutely not,” he said with a scoff, dropping the supplies right where he stood, footsteps heavy even with the cloth underneath him. Without another word, he spun the knob past the static until the sound of an electric guitar crackled through. He bobbed his head a few times, finding the rhythm. “This’ll do.” 
“Not a Eurodance fan?”
His back was turned to you as he returned to the task at hand which left him unable to see the sarcastic smirk you sported. “Fuck no.” He stepped up on the tool and began cutting into the old wallpaper, puffing out an irritated laugh. “I can’t believe—scratch—you voluntarily—scratch—listen to that–scratch–shit.” His biceps flexed with each flick of the blade in a consistent rhythm. 
Drumming your fingernails on the desk, you twirled your pen in your free hand as you reread your own handwriting. You’d stayed at the library and filled notebook pages with bullet points about early childhood development until a squirrely librarian kicked you out at closing time. The choppy sentence fragments begged to be fleshed out into a fully-formed essay, but you couldn’t bring yourself to focus.
Write words. Make edits. Add a comma. Do something, anything, dammit.
Almost an hour passed without you making an iota of progress on your paper. The words swam on the page until they just looked like inky squiggles with no real meaning, your brain blank as if you’d never written anything in your life. Cool air tickled your nose as you exhaled through your lips. Why couldn’t you just concentrate?
“It’s this music,” you muttered to yourself, too low for your company to hear. Your temples throbbed with frustration, and you reached over and snapped back to the previous station. 
Eddie’s head whipped around at the sudden change, frowning when he heard pop music instead of the metal that had just been playing. “Seriously?” He leaned one hand on the wall and threw the other up in exasperation. 
“Yes, seriously,” you bit back, teeth clenched in annoyance. “I can’t focus on my writing with that on.”
Eddie grumbled something unintelligible but went back to work, the scratching serving as a strange backdrop to the song. 
Janet Jackson faded out to a too-chipper deejay. “You folks know what time it is!” His voice reminded you of old-school toothpaste commercials, over-exaggerated and unnaturally polished. “That’s right; it’s time for Rad or Retch—where I play a song from a new artist, and you call in and let me know whether you think it’s rad or if it makes you wanna retch!” 
Eddie rolled his eyes, adding an exasperated “Jesus H. Christ,” under his breath. 
“This one’s called ‘Watch Me Leave’ by Death’s Echo, a grunge group from—”
The announcement came to an abrupt end as Eddie nearly leaped from the stool to the desk and yanked the plug out of its socket. The two-pronged head hit the floor with a soft thud. 
“Hey!” Your eyes widened in confusion and then disbelief, flickering over to where he stood. You expected him to wear a scowl that matched your own; instead, he looked like he’d just taken a knife to the gut, and you took a step back. “Whoa, you okay?”
Eddie tensed the moment he detected your sympathetic tone, shoulders pinched and jaw rigid. “‘M fine.” He pressed the heel of his left hand atop his right knuckles until they cracked. “Sorry.” He bent down and gently plugged the cord back into the wall, but you immediately flicked the power button to the off-position. 
It was silent for a full minute, save for the scorer against the wall and the scratch of pen on paper. When Eddie finally spoke, his voice was so soft that you barely heard it.
“That was my band.”
Confusion creased your brows. You set down your pen and stole a glance at him. His body remained facing the wall, but he was no longer working, hands lamely at his sides. “What?”
“Death’s Echo was, uh,” he shook a rogue curl from his eyes, “that was my band.”
“Oh.” Awkwardness seeped into the room and filled every crevice as you wracked your brain for a suitable response. “But…not anymore?”
Eddie clicked his tongue. “Nope.” The p sound popped softly as though signaling the discussion’s end, but there was a pregnant pause before he started removing the wallpaper again.
“Why not?” The question sprang from your tongue, curiosity getting the best of you.
A hesitant chuckle accompanied his sigh. “I thought you didn't make small talk with strangers.” He climbed back on the step stool and ripped off a strip of paper.
“I thought we weren’t strangers anymore,” you quipped back, not missing the smile that ghosted his lips.
“Fair enough.” Eddie conceded easily, not at all angry to be proven wrong. He bit the inside of his cheek and stared up at the yellow-tinged lighting overhead before slicing into the wallpaper. “Sometimes you think you want something, but it turns out to be a steaming pile of horseshit.” The last word was punctuated by a grunt, and the last panel of wallpaper fluttered to the ground. “That’s the music industry in a nutshell.”
You nodded in agreement despite an obvious lack of knowledge.
“They sign your band,” he continued, aiming the spray bottle nozzle at the wall and pulling the trigger, “and you think it’s because they like you. Or at least your music, your sound, whatever.” He wrinkled his nose as he got an unexpected whiff of the vinegar solution’s pungency. “But you’re really just a front for whatever they want to sell. Which, apparently, is grunge.” 
You had too many questions. They probably referred to record producers or agents or some other bigwigs, you surmised, but what did they do that made Eddie so cynical? 
That was far too loaded to ask, at least in that moment, so you opted for a more humorous follow-up. “You mean it wasn’t all sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll?” you joked, but Eddie didn’t share in your lightheartedness. 
“At the beginning, when we first got signed, yeah.” His brown eyes exuded wistfulness, remembrance of better times. He blinked twice and snapped himself out of it. “We put out a few albums that didn’t completely flop, I guess. And we were the opening act on a couple of tours. Got a good chunk of money in the bank.”
That explained the Calvin Klein underwear he was wearing on that first night. You capped your pen and leaned in, trying not to be overly inquisitive but unable to contain yourself. “So…what happened?” What led you here?
“We get called into a meeting, and we’re all thinking that the label’s gonna tell us we’re headlining, right? Maybe not, like, The Garden, but bigger venues than we usually played. But, uh…” he trailed off and rubbed the tip of his nose with an open palm, “it was an ultimatum: shift from metal to grunge, or get dropped.”
You listened intently as Eddie relayed the ordeal. The label executives had cited the increasing popularity of Nirvana and Pearl Jam along with decreasing interest in heavy metal bands. “Cobain’s selling; Ozzy isn’t,” they’d explained. If Death’s Echo wanted to play to packed arenas and have their music on mainstream radio, they had to adapt to the times.
“I told them we weren’t sellouts and to kiss my ass,” Eddie said to you, huffing out an annoyed breath. “But the rest of the band didn’t give a shit about that; if those suits told them to jump, they’d say ‘how high.’ So, I quit and waited for them to come crawling back.” 
He didn’t elaborate after that. He didn’t need to. Because if they’d done as Eddie had hoped, he wouldn’t be performing manual labor just to live in a struggling motel, basking in the gloominess that he wore like a second skin.
“If you could go back and do it differently, would you?” You grimaced at your own intrusiveness. “Sorry, that was—”
“It’s fine.” Eddie didn’t give an answer right away, his teeth grating against his lower lip. “Y’know, I’d like to say no, but losing your record deal, your apartment, your girlfriend, your so-called ‘friends,’ and every nice thing you own can make a guy kinda cynical.”
It was far from the most dire item on that list, but it needled at you. Maybe it was the mental image of Eddie watching everything get taken from him and then adding heartbreak on top of it all. 
“How about you?”
His voice yanked you from your thoughts and had your heart in your throat. “Huh?”
“You. Your whole deal.” He gestured at you with the scraper. “Why you’re always doing homework like a little nerd.” You couldn't detect a note of taunting in his teasing, only playfulness, just as it had been that very first night. 
You scowled for only a second before a smile broke through. “Don’t you have wallpaper to remove?”
Eddie snorted out a laugh. “I see how it is: when it’s my shit, I’m free to talk. But when it’s your shit, I’m a lowly employee.” He held up both hands in mock surrender. “My deepest apologies, Heiress.”
You didn’t bother to argue, choosing instead to pivot to a new subject altogether. “How long does this take, anyway?” Walking out from behind the desk to inspect his work, you ran your finger down the wall. Once you got past the stench of vinegar, he was actually doing a pretty good job.  
“You think you could do better?” He saw your gentle ribbing and upped the ante, holding out the putty scraper as if saying, be my guest.
Plucking it from his grasp, you smirked and chose a spot right at eye level. Challenge accepted. 
Though the glue had softened considerably, removing it still required decent muscle. You put your bodyweight into it and pushed through the resistance, but you only managed to pull off a little bit. 
You heard Eddie laugh through his nose as he stood behind you, watching you struggle. “Harder than it looks, huh?” He ignored your middle finger and stepped a half-inch closer. “Let me help.”
One calloused hand dwarfed yours, his fingers wrapping around where your fist held the scraper. The other found purchase on the bicep of your free arm where your T-shirt’s cuff met skin, stabilizing without entrapping you. You could easily get out of his grasp if you wanted. 
You stayed there. 
He tightened his grip around yours and made short, downward strokes, admittedly taking off far more glue than you had. “There ya go,” he murmured. His breath was warm on your neck, gooseflesh rising when he spoke. You hoped he wouldn’t notice. “Just like that.”
Butterflies beat their wings in your stomach, a result of the unexpected proximity compounded by an unmet need for connection that starkly contrasted the night shift’s normal solitude. A loose tendril of his hair tickled against your ear, and the realization of how close your bodies actually were shattered whatever spell had been cast. 
Eddie pulled away quickly, the air cooling where his hand once rested. Did he also feel that sudden loss of contact, or was it all in your head?
With a shaky breath, you stepped aside and silently returned the tool to him. “Should probably leave this to the expert,” you muttered, forcing nervous laughter. “I have to get back to writing anyway.”
His eyes bored into you as you walked back to the desk, but neither of you said another word. You glanced over at him every so often, noting the perspiration dampening his collar and under his arms as he toiled away at the glue and wished you had a water bottle to offer him.
Maybe next time. 
You got halfway through the first body paragraph when Eddie spoke again.
“You’re really not gonna talk?”
You looked up to see him swipe his forearm along his brows as he shot you a tired grin.
“We just had a whole conversation,” you pointed out, returning your attention to your essay. 
“About me,” he said. He wiped his palms on his pants, leaving behind a sweaty print, and traipsed over to you. “I mean, every time I see you, you’re either going to school or coming back from school or doing work for school…” 
You shrugged, no big deal. “Okay, yeah, I go to school.”
“For what?”
Shit. “Hospitality and hotel management.”
“Really.” Eddie leaned over and snatched up your paper. You reached out to grab it back, but it was too late. The bridge of his nose scrunched as he read the opening paragraph to himself. “Doesn’t look like hospitality to me.” Amusement raised his brows. “Care to explain?”
It was the last thing you wanted to do, but you felt strangely obligated. He’d confided in you, so you should at least moderately indulge him. 
“Fine,” you relented, “I’m studying psychology.” That might have been the first time you’d ever said those words aloud in the motel lobby; it was oddly freeing. 
Eddie nodded and continued to scan the paper. “You wanna be a shrink?”
“Social worker.” 
He let out a low whistle. “That’s a tough gig. Especially if you’re working with kids.” He shook the essay pages for emphasis. 
“Yeah. I know.”
“Right.” He shoved one hand in his pants pocket. “What made you decide to be a social worker?”
You breathed out a laugh. “You want the easy answer or the real one?”
He didn’t hesitate before answering. “Real one. Always.” He returned your essay and rested his un-pocketed hand on the desk. Inquiring eyes beckoned you to continue.
With less trepidation than you’d anticipated, you tell him the story of that fateful day in the summer of 1987, just two years after you’d graduated from high school.
You were still working the afternoon shift, and summer break brought its usual influx of guests. People came and went in blurs of luggage, but there was one particular patron who had made her presence known.
You peered over the desk to find the source of the lively greeting. A young girl, no older than five, stared back at you, syrupy grape stickiness surrounding her lips. The cause was most likely a popsicle, as evidenced by the purple stained stick clenched in her right hand.
“Um, hi,” you said with a smile that was, for the first time in a long while, not encased in customer service insincerity. “What’s your name?” And where did you come from?
Unfazed by your bewilderment, she introduced herself as Izzy and asked you if you wanted to play. “We just have to stay here, or else my mommy will get mad,” she explained with urgency.
You nodded slowly, sorting through the information without raising any alarm. “And where is your mommy?”
Izzy’s hazel eyes darted back towards the hallway. “In our room. She’s with a friend so I can’t go in.” She dropped her voice to what she considered a whisper, but it was still clear as day. “Her friend is a boy.”
Your stomach turned. Of course. Instead of watching her child, this mother was probably shooting up with her boyfriend of the week. 
“I can’t play right now, but you can sit here with me until your mommy and her friend come back out,” you said. “I have paper and pens if you wanna draw.”
This satisfied her, and she plopped down on the floor and patted the spot next to her. That day hadn’t been particularly hectic, so you obliged and sat.
“What’re you gonna draw?” Izzy asked, reaching for a blue pen. You didn’t have time to answer before she proudly announced, “I’m gonna draw a flower. Do you like flowers?”
Izzy smiled as she surrounded a circle with swirling loops. “You can draw a flower, too. Maybe a rose. Or a sunflower!”
Her excitement at the latter option was all you needed. “Sunflower it is, Miss Izzy.” You drew a circle of your own and filled it with a cross-hatched pattern, curating pointed-tipped petals around it. 
“D’you have crayons?” she asked, not looking up from her own flower.
You put down your pen and offered a pitying frown. “No, I’m sorry.”
“S’okay. You should get some, though. ‘Cause you can draw prettier flowers with crayons.” 
The two of you stayed on the floor for ten minutes. All the while, she quizzed you on your favorite color, animal, food, and TV show. She was halfway through a heated explanation of why Friend Bear was superior to Share Bear when a frantic voice called out her name. 
“Mommy!” Izzy practically flew into her mother’s arms. You watched as the woman’s entire body sagged in relief, pulling her daughter in close. A man trailed behind her, discreetly zipping up his fly and walking out the front door. 
“Izzy, I told you to sit in the hall and eat your ice pop,” her mom gently scolded, words muffled by her lips being pressed to Izzy’s scalp. 
Izzy scrunched her nose in confusion. “But I finished it.” She pointed at the empty stick, now on the ground where she’d been sitting, as proof. In true childlike fashion, she jumped to a new topic without waiting for the first conversation to conclude. “Mommy, you wanna see what I drawed?”
“Of course, baby.” She easily feigned excitement as Izzy presented her with a series of scribbles that were meant to be various flowers, people, and farm animals. “Wow! I think you’re gonna be an artist one day.”
The little girl continued chatting, blissfully unaware of the panic she’d inadvertently caused. Her mom allowed herself to look away for just a moment to glance at you, mouthing a tiny “thank you” and blinking her tear-filled eyes.
“And…I don’t know,” you lamely supplied as you wrapped up the story. “I guess I realized that I had all of these assumptions, this sort of preconceived notion that this woman was a deadbeat parent, but she obviously loved Izzy more than anything.” You picked at your thumbnail nervously. “No one should have to sell their body for money just to survive. She deserved better than that.” 
Eddie stayed quiet for a moment, absorbing everything you’d thrown at him. “And you wanted to help her,” he finally said.
“Yeah.” You thought back to the way her gaze simultaneously held gratitude and guilt. Her daughter was safe, but she knew that this was not the final time she’d be in this predicament.
The experience had awakened a realization in you: working at the motel was never your dream, but it kept a roof over your head and food in your belly. You weren’t left to navigate the world on your own. Independence was a privilege, not a mandate.
“For what it’s worth,” Eddie broke in, “I think you’ll be a great social worker someday.” He rapped his knuckles on the desk twice and slipped back to the awaiting task; despite insisting that you talked to him while he worked, he hadn’t touched any of the tools while you spoke.
Your smile was a thank you, and you tuned the radio back to the metal station Eddie had chosen earlier. He didn’t say anything else, but you noted the subtle tap of his toe against the drop cloth.
Eddie worked for a few more hours until he’d stripped the wall of all paper and glue. “All right,” he said, balancing the step stool on two fingers. Sleepiness softened his own smile, all lips and no teeth. “Let me know when the new wallpaper comes in. You, uh, know where I live.”
“Will do.” Your thumb absently grazed against the words you’d just written, smudging them. You rubbed at the black ink seeping into your skin, silently chastising your own carelessness. “Good night, Eddie.”
He stretched and scratched at the U-neck of his collar, exposing a sliver of chest hair. 
“Sweet dreams, Heiress.”
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the-broken-truth · 7 months
Last Meal - Jamil Viper [Yandere] [Female Yuu] [Mini-Series?]
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Summary: After spending a year in Twisted Wonderland, Crowley finds a way to send Yuu back to her Original world; while she is happy with this news, a certain serpent servant is not. How does he cope? By making a very special meal - their last meal together.
[Notification: New Message from Jamil Viper 🐍]
Jamil Viper 🐍: I heard the news... Crowley found a way to send you back home, correct, Prefect.
Prefect: Yeah! I'll be able to head home tomorrow morning. I'm actually glad you texted, I wanted to take you for everything you've done for me, Jamil-senpai.
Jamil Viper 🐍: I see... What about Dinner?
Prefect: Dinner?
Jamil Viper 🐍: If tonight is going to be your last night in Wonderland, I would like to make dinner for you and we can talk one last time. I already prepared the food and I'm currently on my way to Ramshackle. Is that alright?
Prefect: Sure! I would love to have one last meal with you!
Jamil Viper 🐍: Yes... One Last Meal.
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About 5 minutes after the last message was received, there was a knock on Ramshackle's Front Door. Yuu placed her phone in her pocket, left her room, walked down the stairs, and opened the front door to reveal Jamil Viper standing on the other side of the door with two large bags in his hands while dressed in his casual clothing, his signature hoodie on display for the Prefect of Ramshackle to see.
"Hello, Jamil-senpai!" Yuu said as she moved to the side to allow Jamil to walk in.
"Good evening, Prefect." Jamil said before looking around as if trying to find something, "Is Grim around?"
"No. Grim decided that he was going to head to Heartslabyul and stay with Ace and Deuce; it was kinda weird because it was as if he was hiding something." Yuu said as she closed the door behind her before walking over to Jamil, looking down at the bags in Jamil's hands. "What did you bring?"
"Some high-grade steaks and some other sides that would best compliment the steaks." Jamil looked into the eyes of the Prefect before smiling at her," This is going to be a lovely dinner. Just for the two of us."
Yuu looked into Jamil's eyes - an unknown emotion, mysterious but dangerous. Something within her was telling her that something was not right with Jamil, however, Yuu knew that Jamil was always a mysterious person and that could just be how he currently was since he wasn't too happy about Yuu leaving in the morning.
Jamil walked into the Dining Room and began to set the table after collecting plates and wine glasses from Ramshackle's Kitchen Cabinets; Jamil brought the crystal wine glasses with him. Yuu watched as Jamil placed the food on the plates before pulling her chair out for her, waiting for her to sit, and pushing her chair in before walking to the other side of the table and taking a seat. The two of them said a prayer to the Great Seven before they started eating while enjoying conversation about their past adventures.
After dinner, Jamil was washing the dishes while Yuu was enjoying the dessert that Jamil made for her: It was a Strawberry Parfait with whipped cream and some small fruits that resembled seeds; she felt like she had seen something like that before but she couldn't place her finger on it and ate the dessert before turning to Jamil who was placing a plate in the drying rack.
"Jamil-senpai, you don't have to wash the dishes; ya know?" Yuu asked.
"I just want to be a good guest. This is your dorm after all." Jamil said, not turning to face Yuu, but the tone in his voice was...different; she remembered that tone when she met him when he was hiding his true intentions.
"It won't matter in the morning... I'll be gone." Yuu said.
Jamil was silent for a while before he spoke again.
"Prefect... In your Original World, do you have any Mythology that originated in Greece that you are familiar with?" Jamil asked while he was drying a wine glass.
"Greek Mythology? I mean, they taught us some but I don't remember everything. Why?" Yuu asked.
"I am curious if your Mythology matches with our own." Jamil answered.
"Hmmm...." Yuu pondered for a moment before answering with the first thing that came to mind, "Oh, I remember this one rule: Do not eat food in the Underworld, otherwise you will not be able to leave! Oh, and avoid pomegranates unless you are offering them to Lord Hades!"
"I see... Your Knowledge is similar to our own in regards to the King of the Underworld, but there are a few...differences." Jamil said as he placed the glass on the drying rack; that was his last dish but he kept his back turned to Yuu for a moment, "Our myth is about food, but it's more about cooking it there."
"Huh?" Yuu questioned.
"Here is our myth: If you consume food that has been cooked in the Flames of the Underworld, regardless if you are in the Underworld or the Mortal Realm when you eat the food, you will die if you are not from a host of high power." Jamil explained, "However...if you consume pomegranate seeds before the effects of the tainted food take effect, you will survive but... your soul will be...reborn. Everything you once were will be erased and you shall be a new template; ready to be shaped. It is a painful process...painful but necessary."
"That's rather...brutal. Why are you telling me this?" Yuu asked.
Suddenly, Jamil's Phone started ringing; the Viper pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked to see who was calling before telling Yuu that he needed to take this before walking out of the kitchen, and out the front door to have his conversation in private.
Yuu sat there for a while when she felt a light tightness in her chest before using her fist to lightly hit her chest as if she was trying to bring up a burp, but a cough came up instead; she instinctively covered her mouth and violently coughed into it before removing her hand from her mouth and looked down at it - her eyes widened as her eyes landed on a crimson stain on her palm of her hand...
"Blood?" She questioned herself before she coughed once again, even worse this time, and her heart was hurting even worse; as if something was pulling her apart from the inside. She tried to stand up but her body suddenly felt weak as she fell to the ground, causing her phone to fly out of her loose pocket and slide across the floor.
Yuu continued to cough up blood, the pain getting worse and worse with each passing moment; she clenched her shirt over her heart as she looked at the door, she wanted to call out for Jamil but her voice was hurting; she couldn't speak. She looked around, her vision starting to blur when her eyes landed on her phone. She pushed through the pain and crawled to the device, she reached out for it, only for a tan and to reach down and pick up the phone before she could grab it. Her eyes landed on familiar tennis shoes as she weakly looked up and landed in the face of Jamil Viper, watching as he placed her phone in his hoodie pocket. Yuu attempted to speak through her blood-stained lips but Jamil knelt beside her and gently caressed her face while shushing her.
"I know. I know it hurts, My Diamond... It's so painful but necessary." Jamil whispered.
Yuu's eyes widened.
The story.
This pain.
Everything made sense: Jamil fed her food that had been cooked using the flames of the underworld.
She was dying...
"No, My Diamond, you are not dying; you are being reborn. Your dessert is making sure of that." Jamil said while smiling at her before gently holding her in his arms, not caring that her blood was getting on his hoodie.
"I never wanted to do this, none of us did, but we could not all you to turn to the world you came from; you belong here in Wonderland but you never understood that. You wanted to leave me and the world we were building together, but I couldn't allow that to happen. I need you, My Diamond, just as you need me." He gently kissed her forehead, "You will experience more pain in the coming days, but everything will be for your betterment, and once everything is said and done... We shall have our Happily Ever After. Rest, My Diamond, don't fight it... Let the rebirth happen and I shall be there to guide you."
With those words, the pain became too much for Yuu to bear and she slipped into an unconscious state of mind. Jamil looked at her body for a while before pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialing a number, putting it up to his ear.
"It's done. Prepare the room and get everyone together." Jamil said.
"Understood." The other persona said before hanging up.
Jamil looked at Yuu's face before pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiping the blood from Yuu's lips, "Everything is going to be alright, My Diamond in the Rough; once everything is done, no one will be able to take you from me again...nor will you escape me. Everything will be as it is supposed to be." Once her face was clean, he placed a tender kiss on her lips, "I love you. I love you so much."
The front door opened and Jamil looked behind him at the eyes watching him. He lifted Yuu in his arms and carried her out of Ramshackle before the door slammed behind him, leaving the Prefect's Dorm in darkness.
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tarisilmarwen · 2 months
RobStar Week 2024, Day 5 - Date
(My Florida Man Flying Graysons agenda continues, also I may have been inspired by my own 10-year anniversary vacation. Enjoy!)
"Not that I don't appreciate Bruce doing this for us," said Dick, stirring his straw in the glass of cool bourbon sitting on the table in front of him, "but I'm still not sure about leaving the kids with him. At least, not for a whole week."
Kory nudged her own drink—an orange fruity cocktail—to the side and reached to take his hand. "Alfred has assured me that Jake and Mar'i are already having a wonderful time. The last message we exchanged I believe they were making batches of cookies."
Still agitated, Dick leaned back in the pool deck chair, making it creak underneath him. He tried to relax and enjoy the warm sea air, wafting over the top of the cruise ship as it prepared to cast off—seven days in the Western Caribbean, a full-expenses-paid trip gifted to them for their tenth anniversary—but anxious what-ifs still chased themselves around inside his head.
What if something happened while they were on vacation? What if some villain decided to attack the Manor, or target the kids for their connection to Bruce? What if Mar'i convinced Jake to sneak out on patrol with her, and what if they got hurt? What if—?
Kory squeezed his hand tighter, pinching with her Tamaranian strength, breaking him out of his thoughts.
Eyes on her and deliberately taking a long deep breath, Dick forced his anxieties away.
"Sorry," he said. "I'll stop spiraling now, I promise."
"Mmm?" Starfire prompted, with a tilt of her head.
Dick took another breath and verbalized his mental counterarguments.
"Mar'i and Jake will be fine. Bruce promised us he would keep them safe. He is not taking them on any missions or patrols and has shelved most of his active cases so that he's not too occupied to spend time with them. There are emergency procedures in place arranged with Alfred if anything happens to him while he's out on patrol. The Titans are on hand for anything else."
Kory smiled. "Feel better?"
His lips quirked. "Yeah, actually."
She squeezed his hand again, gentler this time.
They sat in comfortable silence a moment, watching the upper deck fill up with more guests, eager to watch the ship sail away from a good vantage point.
"Should we move to to prow or is this still a good spot for you?" Kory asked at length.
He had a few more sips of the bourbon in him and it was starting to put him in a better mood. "Let's go to the stern," he decided, standing and pulling her along by the hand. "We can usually spot dolphins trailing after the ship's wake."
Her eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh!" she gasped. "Yes please, I would love to see them!"
He smiled and paused so she could grab her drink and then they ambled on leisurely towards the back of the ship. The breeze picked up, warm and refreshing, promising clear summer weather and a hint of salty spray. It rustled the hem of Kory's long white skirt around her ankles, caught strands of her vibrant red hair, and whistled through Dick's scalp like a gentle caress.
He had to admit it; this was really nice.
They found a spot at the rail at almost the very back of the ship. The engines rumbled to life shortly, stirring excited flutters from the other guests as the wake churned white and they began slowly drifting away from the dock.
"What are you looking forward to the most, on this trip?" Kory asked him.
He thought for a moment, then replied, "I think the shore excursion to the historical downtown, when we reach Jamaica."
"That is a good one," Kory agreed.
She gave a coy smile that sent shivers through him, eyes glinting mischievously. "Let us just say I have illicit plans for us after dinner on formal night," she said, almost purring the words in his ear, leaning close.
Now he tingled with excitement, already imagining his wife wrapped in the slinky black number she'd brought along for the trip and then mentally undressing her.
"Are you ah..." he said, licking his dry lips, "...opposed to giving me a little preview? After we're fully away?"
"Indeed not," she murmured, lips nipping at his ear, skin so warm he forgot how to breathe for a second. "I for one am planning on thoroughly enjoying my time with my husband."
He tilted his head and captured her mouth in a searing kiss. Heat and passion flamed between them for a moment until Kory broke away with a happy gasp.
"Oh!" she cried, pointing off towards their wake. "There they are! Look!"
Dick couldn't even be mad about the interruption, grinning as he leaned arms on the railing, nursing his drink and watching dolphin fins break the surface of the water behind the ship.
He and Kory and the other guests oohed and aaahed appreciatively as the dolphins sent them off.
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dalchiid · 1 year
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 36
A story of obsession, fear, and lust. You're a maid whose Masters forbid you in meeting their guests for the night but your luck runs dry when you run into them and catch the attention of Lord Hoseok himself. He's smitten from the beginning and thus, your fate has been decided.
Pairing: Yandere Vampire Hoseok x Fem/AFAB Reader
Word Count: 6,660
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Obsession, Possessive, Angst, Fear, Blood, Biting, Dub-Con, Eventual smut
Will add or remove warnings based on what's in each chapter.
I do not condone the behavior being exhibited in my work. This is solely for entertainment purposes and I hope if any of you are ever in a situation like this that you have the chance and ability to run away from it. Take care out there.
DO NOT copy, edit, or repost my work anywhere.
Chapter 36 Warnings: Yandere, Possessive, Obsession
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The rest of the time spent with Namjoon feels like a dream. Hearing his voice is soothing. His presence alone keeps you calm and collected. For a brief moment you were worried. Did what you two did earlier turn out to be wrong? As in what you two did - was it too fast in a relationship? Could you even call this a relationship? The idea of it all and the labels had you thinking hard but you think it's best to go with the flow. If you did anything more than that it would just ruin your mood and you didn't want to do that. Especially when the object of your desires was here in front of you.
You're so into Namjoon's voice as he reads that you don't realize Hoseok's appearance. He makes you jump when his hands land on your shoulders. When you look up and see that it's him you freeze before directing your eyes over to Namjoon who pauses his reading. He smiles at his brother before he dog ears the page he left off on and closes the book.
"Hey Hoseok."
"Hey." Your captor's response is stilted.
"I'm assuming it's dinner time." Namjoon sets aside the book before standing. "Should we go and head off now?"
The grip on your shoulders grows tighter for a moment before loosening a bit.
"Uh, you go on ahead. I have to talk to Y/N real quick."
You don't like the sound of that.
Your pleading eyes look up at Namjoon begging him to stay but you know there's nothing you can do to actually make him stay. Nothing as the opposite would just make Hoseok suspicious.
Namjoon gives you a long look before nodding with a smile. "I'll see you then."
He makes his way out leaving you with Hoseok and it makes you grimace.
Hoseok pulls out the seat next to you and sits on it but facing you. His hands move to grab your one where he holds it gently within his own.
"Hey," he says. "How are you feeling now?"
You sigh and so suddenly a weight pressures down onto your shoulders.
You don't answer Hoseok. Instead you look down at the table unseeing.
Hoseok lets out a sharp tsk but not out of annoyance. Instead he uses it as a way to begin talking.
"Earlier you really shut down on me. Don't think it didn't worry me because it did." He brings a hand up to pull your hair behind your ear. "It really worried me. I had a hard time working because I kept thinking about you. About what it is I might have done wrong and how I can fix it."
Your eyes still remain unseeing even as he brings your hand up to his lips.
"Baby," he says. "Please talk to me. Help me fix this."
Your nostrils flare as there's a subtle roll to your eyes. "The only way to fix this is to stop everything that you're doing."
Completely ignoring your words Hoseok blinks a few times before speaking. "Is this about last night?"
"Last night," you say. "Everything."
He huffs a little but he doesn't seem to be annoyed. Not entirely at least.
You take the chance to look up at him and see the worried frown that overtakes his face.
"Be honest with me please. Tell me what's on your mind right now."
Licking your lips you look down to his own and see how there's a slight pout to it. It would be endearing to you but after everything it's hard to feel that way.
Your eyes draw up to his own and your lips purse. He clearly looks worried and a part of you feels glad that he does.
Should you be honest with him? You should. You could but the question is will he listen to you? You could try, right?
You give a deep sigh before you turn slightly his way. "You controlled my mind last night."
He doesn't say anything. He just stares so you continue.
"I hate it when you do that."
Hoseok sits up straighter in his seat before slouching a little. His eyes shift all along your face before he looks down at your conjoined hands. He clearly wants to say something but you guess he's taking the time to formulate his answer.
When his lips part he takes in a quick breath before speaking.
"Do you know why I did it though?"
Your brows furrow. "Does it matter?"
He looks up at you. "Of course it does."
It's your turn to frown. "What matters is that you did it and it's not the first time. I hate it when you do it because you take everything from me when you do."
Hoseok clenches his teeth and flexes his jaw. You can see a building argument brewing in his eyes but he seems to be fighting to keep it at bay.
"Every time I did I had good reason to."
"Hoseok," you start. "There is no reason for you to do that to me." Your eyes water but it's out of frustration. "How can you say that and take my free will away? How can you say that with a straight face?"
He looks over towards the side with a sigh. He seems done with the conversation but you don't let up.
"Things would be a lot more different if you had never done it in the first place."
"So what do you want me to say?" He looks back at you clearly irritated. "That I'm sorry? Because I'm not."
You flinch at his words as if he'd punch you in the face.
"If I would have never done it you wouldn't be here with me now."
"Wow," you say. "I would say you're right but knowing you you would have found a way for me to be here either way."
He looks taken aback by your words. Was he not expecting you to bite back? You cried your heart out to him - to Namjoon. Was he expecting you to continue on helplessly? Of course you can cry but right now you needed him to hear you out. Before you find yourself crying again.
"Hoseok. I know you're different. You don't see things the way I do but-"
"Stop. Just stop."
You look at him incredulously. "Why? Why should I? Why can't you just hear me out?"
"Because!" His hold on your hand tightens momentarily and he has to calm himself down before he makes an even bigger show. "Like you said. I don't see things the way you do and with that in mind you'll never understand that everything I do it's to keep you protected and here in my arms. Do you know what would have happened last night if you would have said something about us? How many people that would have been in our business though they shouldn't be? Fucking hell Y/N. I know it's taking you some time to love me but don't be stupid. Don't make rash decisions unless you want to seek punishment over it."
Your mouth open and closes in silent shock. Do you hear yourself right now is what you want to ask but you know he does. He hears himself alright but he doesn't care. Or at least he does and because of that warped and twisted mind of his he thinks he's the one who's right in all of this.
"Seek punishment," you ask. "So what? Do you admit that controlling my mind is punishment? What about the other times you did it?"
"Oh come on, Y/N. Don't put words into my mouth."
"Then what do you mean, Hoseok? What do you mean?"
Hoseok closes his eyes and breathes heavily as he tries to calm himself down. It takes some time and with each aching minute that passes by your heart beat accelerates. You're anxiously waiting and when he's finally calm his eyes open again to look at you.
"Please stop making things difficult. Besides my family you're all I have and you mean the world to me. I wouldn't be here with you if it weren't because I love you. Why is it so hard for you to accept that?"
You face twists into a slight grimace at his words.
Why was it so hard for you to accept that? Other than the fact that it's because you don't love him. Obviously. It makes your blood boil but you feel like you're arguing with the wall because he's insistent on you just giving up and accepting him. You feel like you're in a losing game because no matter what you say, no matter what you do, no matter how you act Hoseok will always be right and you will be wrong. It makes your stomach turn uncomfortably because you're left speechless.
There's not much you can come up with to say now. Why when he's going to make you sound like the biggest asshole. When he will just twist things around so you can see his way even when you don't want to. How has his family lived with him for so long knowing he's like this? How can they just allow it to happen? Up until now it seems like he's never had someone tell him no. If you're not including the one that got away. You wonder how she did it. You're almost tempted to ask but you know that will make you look suspicious. Maybe you'll ask Namjoon. If he knows.
Hoseok's hand comes up to caress your hair before he rests it behind your head. You feel his thumb swipe back and forth until it doesn't anymore and his eyes are deep with emotion. Emotion you wish he wouldn't direct at you.
"Can we stop arguing?" He asks you this and you feel yourself go limp.
Why argue with someone who never loses? Are you going to give up now?
You blink slowly. Your head grows empty. From ways to argue back with him to useless thoughts. You realize that to get back at him and win you'll have to wait and leave. That's the only way you'll win. Is if you manage to escape and keep him off your tail. For now you will be as placid as possible while he gives you all of himself. You will give bits of yourself up but not for him to control.
"Only if you promise not to control my mind again."
Hoseok inhales deeply as he sits back. He works his jaw and he visibly looks irritated. You're expecting him to say no because he looks like he will say it so you cut in before he can.
"If you can promise me that then I promise I'll tone it down with the aggression."
His brow raises in what you assume to be curiosity.
"You will?"
You nod your head.
His hand slowly comes down to rest on your lap where his fingers begin to play with your own.
He seems to be contemplating on his answer as he eyes you. You wonder if he's thinking if he can trust you. Can you trust yourself? No not really but you hope he doesn't feel the same way. For your sake.
His lips pout as he thinks some more before a small smile graces his face.
"I can do that. So long as you keep your promise."
You release a breath you didn't realize you had been holding.
On one hand you're disappointed because that means you will have to actively play nice with Hoseok but at the same time this means he won't take from you your free will. That meant a lot to you and so you nod your head in agreement with him.
"Words Y/N."
"I promise."
You bring up your pinky finger and it makes him smile. Your pinkies loop before your thumbs press into each other. It was childish but you take this as a solid promise between you two.
He brings your hand up to his lips where he kisses it before releasing you.
"Then let's head for dinner, yeah?"
You hum with a nod before you both stand up to leave. His arm wraps around your shoulders where he pulls you close to kiss the side of your head.
"So what were you and Namjoon up to?"
The image from earlier of you two tangled up in each other's arms comes to mind and it makes you smile.
"He was just reading to me. We're almost done the book."
"Yeah? That sounds nice."
Yeah, you think. You'll keep these memories with Namjoon close to you and hope you can make some more along the way.
When you enter the dining room you see almost everyone is there. Everyone excluding Taehyung and Jimin. You're not thrilled to see the latter and you hope he doesn't come by but you know he more than likely will be here to join you all. This is his house as much as it is his brothers'.
Your eyes lock with Namjoon's for a moment and he gives a barely there smile. You catch it and send one back but he looks away before he can see it. The action makes you frown a little but you have to remind yourself that you both are seeing each other in private. People know you meet one another but what ensues during these times everyone is unaware of. You have to keep it together and act nonchalant about it.
When you sit down you look at Yoongi whose lips stretch into a thin line. It's reminiscent of a smile and you don't know why but it makes you laugh.
"What," he asks.
He frowns.
"Seriously it's nothing. It's just," you pause. "The smile you gave me. It was cute."
His brow raises and at first it seems like you must have said something wrong because he just stares at you but then you notice how his cheeks turn red. Was he embarrassed?
He wipes his nose before looking away. "Don't let Hoseok hear you say that."
You huff a laugh to which he smiles.
"You seem to be in better spirits."
You look across the table to see Seokjin is directing his comment towards you.
"You weren't really all there earlier. I'm assuming things are better now?"
Your eyes shift to Namjoon though it's brief before you look back at Seokjin.
Humming you rest your hands on the table. "Yeah things are a little better now."
His fingers dance across his bottom lip before he smiles. "I see." He brings his hand down to rest on his lap before smiling. "I assume Namjoon had something to do with that?"
Your face falls a little at the implications. He doesn't know about you and Namjoon right?
"I'm just saying." Seokjin interrupts your thoughts. "I assume it was because of Namjoon since I know you two went off to the library after breakfast."
"Oh," you say. Of course he doesn't know about you and Namjoon. Why were you so worried? "No yeah. I had some time to cool off with him so I'm better now."
Hoseok's hand comes up to massage the back of your neck. When you look at him he smiles like a man in love. It makes you feel a little sick but you have to remember you have a part to play. You made a promise and as much as you would love to go back on it - for your own sake - you can't.
Suddenly the door flies open and reveals Taehyung and Jimin who go to take their seats. You try to avoid making eye contact with the latter but it seems like there's no choice in the matter because just the slightest look his way and your eyes meet with his. His eyes grow into slits as he glares at you. His nostrils flare in clear annoyance and your eyes shift in discomfort. You nibble on your bottom lip as the air around you seems to stiffen just the slightest bit at Jimin's entrance and no one is doing anything about it.
"By all means." Jimin says as he takes his seat. "Continue talking. Pretend I'm not here."
Seokjin rolls his eyes.
"How are you today, Jimin?" Yoongi asks.
There isn't an immediate response. It's silent for a moment until Jimin hums questioningly.
"I'm sorry. Are you concerned about my wellbeing? That's a first."
Seokjin rolls his eyes again as he sighs. "Don't start again, Jimin."
The vampire in question scoffs. "Start what?"
"Are you seriously still upset?"
"What do you think, Seokjin?"
The oldest tongues his cheek as he tries to regulate his breathing. Jimin is working him up but he's trying his best not to let him get to him.
You're feeling uncomfortable because you know he can easily direct this at you again and you're hoping he doesn't.
When the air feels like it's about to simmer into something hotter the doors to the kitchen are opened and out comes the food. It silences everyone for a minute as the plates are placed before you. You thank the servant that presented you your food as he works to slip Yoongi his plate as well. You grab your utensils to begin eating but you feel like there are eyes on you. When you look up and around you see Jimin's eyes glaring daggers your way. You look away with a bite to your lip as you sigh.
You're trying not to let him get to you. You want to eat in peace. Reaching out you grab a bit of kimchi from the smaller bowl between you and Hoseok and add it to your rice. When you're about to eat it all together you're interrupted by Jimin.
"So. Y/N."
You slowly bring the food to your mouth and chew.
"What were you up to today?"
He doesn't sound the least bit interested and it makes the food you try to swallow down feel like sludge.
You look at Hoseok and you see he's glaring at his brother but he waits before pouncing.
Looking back at Jimin you shrug your shoulders. "I was at the library."
He gives a wry smile. "With Namjoon I'm sure."
"Jimin." Hoseok warns.
"What?" Jimin asks.
Your heart is in your throat and it makes the next bit of food even harder to swallow.
Don't let him get to you, you think. It's what he wants. So you grab your drink to take a sip and ignore where he's going with the topic of conversation.
"You're heart is beating a mile a minute and all I said was that I'm sure you were with Namjoon. Care to share with the people what's on your mind?"
"Jimin." Hoseok is starting to grow irritated and it shows in the way he says his brother's name.
"You protect her too much. Let her speak for herself."
"I'd say he doesn't protect her enough if you got to do what you did." Jungkook mumbles. His words aren't spoken low enough so you hear his comment and it makes you swallow deeply as you place your utensils down.
"Can we have just one dinner where everyone isn't snapping at each other?" Seokjin sounds exasperated.
"I wasn't snapping. Just stating the obvious." The youngest continues to mumble.
You take the chance to look at Jimin again before taking slow even breaths and with a calmness you didn't even know you had you answer him.
"Yeah I was with Namjoon. Nothing wrong about that is there?"
Jimin runs his tongue slowly over his lips and glares at you. He clearly wants to say something but he settles for a scoff instead.
"Yeah. I guess not."
Hoseok's hand finds your thigh and he squeezes it. When you look at him he gives you a smile before proudly looking his brother's way with a smirk. He seems pleased with you responding back the way you did but if he only knew Jimin was on to something... You try not to think about it.
"Now that that's over with." Namjoon was quiet all this time. Playing aloof before raising his brow. "Is there something else anyone wants to talk about?"
You look around the table and when no one says a word Seokjin lights up like something just hit him.
"You'll never believe what I heard about earlier today."
"Go on." Namjoon encourages.
"Apparently Hyun-Woo is in the hospital."
Your face slowly drops. Hyun-Woo? Not your Hyun-Woo, right?
"Is he now?" Jimin asks in a bored manner.
"Yep." Seokjin directs his sights onto you. "Word is going around that he stopped eating. He doesn't even want to feed off the maids. His brothers tried forcing him but that didn't work. It's apparent that some time after we left the Baek's he refused to eat. Their parents got involved and had him admitted to the hospital for it."
Your eyes don't know what to focus on as your breathing accelerates. "What," you ask. What was going on?
"I know you two were close. I wonder if it has anything to do with you, hm?" Seokjin smiles
You don't hear the way Hoseok clears his throat in irritation. Your mind is just focused on Hyun-Woo. Eyes beginning to water and hands starting to shake. Your appetite is no longer with you after hearing the news.
"Who," you try to speak. "Who told you this?"
"Word gets around. There isn't anyone who doesn't enjoy a good gossip." Seokjin says as he takes another bite of his food.
A good gossip? You would be affronted on Hyun-Woo's behalf but then you remember that this is Seokjin. Why would he actually care? Not even his brothers are safe from him.
Your attention slowly draws over to Hoseok. He looks annoyed by the news and when he feels your eyes he looks at you. His gaze softens at your distressed state before cursing under his breath.
"I'm sure he's fine, Y/N. Don't get worked up over it."
"If he was fine I'm sure he wouldn't be in the hospital."
"God damn it Jungkook. Read the room." Hoseok curses.
The youngest eyes open wide as he pouts. When he notices why Hoseok berated him his pout grows more.
"Just saying," he mumbles.
"Baby. Hey."
You didn't realize your attention drew away from Hoseok until he calls you back.
"Hyun-Woo is fine. Right, Seokjin?"
Seokjin hums questioningly. "Sure yeah. Whatever you say."
You blink a few times to try and stave off the tears that want to be shed.
Hyun-Woo stopped eating? He stopped feeding? Was it really because of you? Because you left? Your heart breaks for him and the need to see him overshadows any other need you have right now. You miss him so much and it breaks your heart that he's suffering.
"Can," you start speaking before you can fully form your thoughts. "Can we see him?"
"No." Hoseok's answer is immediate.
"But nothing, Y/N. You should know better."
Your bottom lip trembles. "But I want to see him."
"Just send him flowers and call it a day." You can hear rather than see how Jimin rolls his eyes as he speaks.
"I don't know about that."
You all look at Seokjin.
"If he receives anything with Y/N's name on it he just might lose his mind. Well... more than he already has."
You think Seokjin might be right. Even visiting him might not be a good idea but you need to see him. You want him to know you're okay and that despite it all you do miss him.
Your eyes draw over to Hoseok and it seems like he knows what you're about to say because he gives you a look of disapproval.
"Hoseok please."
"No, Y/N. My word is final."
You grit your teeth as your nostrils flare. Your brows are furrowed in anger and a strong bite is about to come from you but Hoseok interrupts you.
"Remember what you promised."
That you would tone it down with the aggression. Yes, you know but this - Hyun-Woo meant something to you. Why couldn't he see that? Or he does see that and because of who he is he can't allow it. It makes you want to stomp your foot, cry, scream. Do something but you do nothing. You stare into your plate of food unseeing. You feel helpless and wish you could do something for Hyun-Woo. Anything to help get him back on his feet again.
"You could write him a letter."
Your eyes slowly draw up to Namjoon. He sends a concerned look your way and smiles something soft when you lock eyes with him.
"Let him know you're okay. Maybe it'll help."
The response makes Hoseok suck his teeth.
"Come on, Hoseok. It wouldn't kill for her to let the man know she's alright. She's here with you. You won already."
You hate the way he says it but he's right. Hoseok has won. For now. You'll find a way to win yourself. For both you and Namjoon.
Hoseok tongues his cheek before jutting his lips out into a pout as he thinks. He's clearly on the fence about this and one last long look your way makes him begin to fold.
"Fine, but don't give the man any false hopes. Just let him know that you're fine and for him to get it together. No more no less."
A sigh of relief leaves you as does a tear that slips between your lashes. "Okay."
Hoseok raises a hand to wipe your tear away. "Finish eating."
You nod your head and bring the food to your mouth almost instantly.
With Namjoon's help you managed to convince Hoseok to let you write to Hyun-Woo. You can't even begin to think of what you'll say. There's so much you'd like to but know you cannot. He said to let him know that you are okay. You can do that. You'll tell him as well that he has nothing to worry about. Though that's not entirely true you're willing to say anything just so Hyun-Woo can get better again.
It's weird how despite everything you and Hyun-Woo went through you still care deeply about him. Was it weird? You've known him for so long so even through the hardships caused because of Hoseok you still have a soft spot for him. He does mean a lot to you and if things were different you'd still have him in your life, but to settle for the reality of things. He's not in your life anymore and all you can settle for is a letter he may or may not reply back to.
What if he does reply back? What do you do then? You're not sure. You doubt Hoseok will allow for you two to continue writing to each other and now suddenly this makes you think. What happened with Sunmi? She said she would try to write to you but she hasn't? You wonder if it's because she's forgotten about you or if it's because Hyung-Won isn't allowing her. He seems like the type to do that. You wouldn't have guessed that before but then again did you really know your former Masters? No. No you didn't.
Everyone finishes dinner quickly and you're not surprised to see Jungkook still eating away at all that he's given. Yoongi is the first to be done and the first to go followed by Seokjin. Jimin doesn't linger around either and it leaves Jungkook alone with Taehyung as Namjoon accompanies you and Hoseok.
"Are you still busy with work?" Namjoon asks.
Hoseok stops in his tracks and brings you all to a halt in the hallway.
"Kind of? I just need to finish tying a few ends."
"Well if that's the case I can take Y/N again. Maybe help her with that letter."
You look up at him in surprise. "You will?"
He shrugs his shoulders. "Why not?"
Your captor grunts in mild irritation. "I'd rather read it before sending it out."
You frown because of course he'll look over it. He needs control over you no matter what.
"That's fine." Namjoon says before looking at you. "We'll head to my study so we can start on something."
You give him a grateful look before Hoseok tears your attention away from his brother to kiss your forehead.
"I'll see you later, yeah?"
"Yeah." You nod your head.
He has no problem departing from you now. After the two of you "made up" he's a lot calmer. He's not as anxious. He may be annoyed with the Hyun-Woo business but at least he's not taking it out on you.
Namjoon places a hand on your lower back. "Come on. Let's get this done."
You follow along close to his side as he leads you to his study. It's not a far walk and you have to admit that you're a bit excited. Not just because you get to spend more time with him but because you get to visit a place close to him. You haven't been to his bedroom or study and wonder what they must be like. You have an answer as soon as you get there and are hit with a sweet aroma when he opens the door. You note immediately he has a diffuser on his desk. The sticks stick out of the bottle and release a pleasant smell as you look around.
Almost all his furniture is made out of wood. His desk, stands, and coffee table. It gives a home-like feel to everything but also an expensive one. Like you're walking around a museum. He even has paintings hanging on his walls and miniscule sculptures that you know must cost a fortune. And just like Hoseok he has a welcoming couch fitted across the room.
"Welcome to my study."
Your search around you comes to a pause as you look at Namjoon.
"It's not much but it's one of my safe havens."
You smile. "I like it. It's so much like you."
Something akin to a blush dusts his cheeks as he looks around.
You weren't saying it just to say it. It very much feels like him. You can feel everything that makes Namjoon him in this room. It's welcoming to you.
Before either of you can say something he extends his hand to the desk chair.
"Go ahead and sit. Let's get this letter going."
Smiling you take your seat and rest your elbows onto the desk.
You see that he has two monitors along with his computer set up onto the desk next to them. He pushes his keyboard and mouse slightly off to the side before procuring a paper and pen that he pulls out from one of his drawers.
"Do you have an idea on what to write?"
You bite your bottom lip as you try to think.
Yes and no. You try and rattle your brain for a few thoughts but you're left empty. Unsure of what to say. Unsure about what Hoseok would allow you to say.
You shrug your shoulders. "Kind of?"
"Run it by me."
Inhaling deeply you look up at him. "I just know I want to let him know things are okay and that I miss him."
Namjoon cringes. "I don't think Hoseok will like that last part."
You pout but you know he's right. You have to be very careful otherwise Hoseok will toss this letter into the trash.
"Well tell me about your relationship with him."
Your brows raise in question.
"I don't think you've ever told me," he says as he leans against the desk.
You look back down at the blank paper and sigh. "We were close once. He used to let me get away with a lot of things."
You shrug. "I could talk back to him if I wanted." You huff a laugh. "He preferred it. Said he wanted to be able to have a real conversation for once with someone he cared about."
"Did you care for him?"
You nod. "Even though I started as just a maid he'd feed from he wanted to have an actual relationship with me. More than just a friendship really but he respected my boundaries. Well, for the most part really."
Namjoom comes over to lean back onto his desk right next to you. "What do you mean by that?"
"What I mean is that things were okay for the most part until Hoseok came and ruined everything. Hyun-Woo started to grow terribly jealous. I mean he's always been a pretty jealous guy. He hated it if I smelled like anyone else. Especially if it were another male's scent. He said it's because when it's time to feed it turned him off but I know it was for something more. But when Hoseok came he changed completely. His frenzy was being triggered almost every night and his jealousy made him do stupid things."
Small pause.
"Did you ever help Hyun-Woo with his frenzy?"
You shake your head no vehemently. "No never. Even though he really wanted me to."
You think back to that night where he nearly lost control and bit you hard. You swear you can feel the phantom pain of the bite mark on your arm. It stayed scarred and you look down at it to see the way it seems to mock you.
"He did this?" Namjoon gently grabs your arm and runs his thumb over the scar.
You hum. "Yeah."
Namjoon sighs deeply before letting you go. "To be honest," he says. "It doesn't really sound like he was all that good to you."
You wince but he's right. You had your soft moments with Hyun-Woo but he treated you more like his property than anything else. The only difference to Hoseok is that he drew away from you when you wanted him to. Well, for the most part. At least before Hoseok made himself apparent.
"Sorry, Y/N. I-"
"No you're right. He wasn't all that good to me but I still cared for him. I saw a friend in him and it's why knowing what I know now about him breaks my heart."
Namjoon hums before drawing quiet.
The silence feels loud in your ears after talking so much. You don't know how it makes you feel other than being forlorn and a bit confused. You briefly wonder if the feelings you have for your former Master can be justified. After saying everything out loud to Namjoon it feels a little weird to say you actually care for Hyun-Woo. After everything you've been through with him? Yeah. After everything.
You breathe in deeply before releasing it into a long sigh. "Even though he probably doesn't deserve to hear from me I still want to write to him. Help give him some peace of mind so he can go back to living his life as he should."
You can feel Namjoon's eyes on you and when you look up to him his expression is unreadable. You wish you could know what he's thinking but it's not like you have the ability to do so so you just stare.
His eyes jump across your face until he nods and gives a barely there smile. "Then let's get to writing this letter."
You pass him a grateful smile before you look down at the paper and begin to write.
There's not a lot you can say. You know this so you're careful as you write.
Dear Hyun-Woo,
I hope this letter finds you. If you don't know it's me. Y/N. It's been a while since we've talked. It's been a while for a lot of things. I heard that you've been unwell and I'm so sorry about that. I think I know why you're sick but I won't mention it. I'm sure it's something you don't want to talk about.
I'm writing to you to let you know I'm okay. I'm not in danger or anything so there's no need to worry. I know writing to you isn't the same as actually hearing my voice but you have to trust me. You can trust me, right? I hope you can.
There's so much I wish I could tell you but now is not the time. Maybe another time? If you want to write back to me that is. After everything that has happened if you don't want to talk I understand. Just promise me one thing. Please get better. If not for yourself then for me. You have so many wonderful years ahead of you. You have a wonderful life to live. Don't let anyone, not even yourself, get in the way of that.
I hope this letter can bring you a bit of peace so you can heal. I'll be rooting for you Hyun-Woo.
It's not a long letter but you feel like you put a lot of your heart into it without revealing too much. Without telling him you miss him or anything that will get Hoseok on his bad side.
"You done?" Namjoon asks.
"Let me see."
You pass him the letter and watch as he reads it. You bite your bottom lip nervously as you worry the pen in your hand. There are no expressions on Namjoon's face as he reads the letter and so your heart beat begins to beat erratically. Your eyes shift from left to right in nerves but before you can panic anymore Namjoon brings a hand down to rest over your own where he squeezes lightly to comfort you. Your breathing pattern and heart beat begins to regulate at the gesture as you welcome Namjoon's touch.
He nods softly before extending the letter back to you.
"This is good. Hoseok should have no problem with it."
You heave a sigh of relief. "I was worried it would be too much."
"No." He shakes his head. "You didn't reveal much so there's no problem. If he were to have a problem with anything it'll probably be the part where you wrote for him to get better for your sake but it's not bad. He'll get over it I'm sure."
You hope so. You don't know what else to write to help fill that area if Hoseok does have a problem with it but you'll trust in Namjoon's word. You'll trust him as you always do.
"Come here."
Your brows raise as you hum questioningly.
He extends his hand out for you to take and when you do he pulls you up and into his arms where you rest the side of your head on the middle of his chest. You can hear the dull sound of his heart beat and it forces you to close your eyes.
"Things will get better I'm sure," he says. "It's going to take time but it'll get better."
You don't know if he means that because of Hyun-Woo or for things in general. Either way you hum in agreement and wrap your arms around his waist.
He keeps you cocooned in his arms and places a gentle kiss onto the top of your head. You feel safe like this. Like you're out of harm's way. You take the chance to close your eyes and bask in everything that is Namjoon.
He made you realize that Hyun-Woo wasn't all that good of a person to you. You still care for him but you wonder what type of person that makes you. A good one? A delusional one? Namjoon doesn't seem to judge you for it so you guess it's not all that bad.
You hope the letter makes it through Hoseok when he goes to scrutinize it so you can send it as soon as possible. The sooner it gets to Hyun-Woo the sooner you hope he'd get better.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
the jpm angst i'd like would have to be something about the reader leaving him ORRRRR james ( or the reader ) cheating? idk just some ideas!! <3
Not Strong Enough
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note: sorry this took a sec! i am So Sleepy all the time rn
warnings: angst, talks of death and dying, feeling trapped in a relationship, JPM abandonment issues, sad themes of breaking up/leaving someone
In the midst of life, we are in death. We see all who pass into the dwelling of death, never believing that we too, one day, will follow. We will all go with them and we have no control over when it may happen. But in special cases, we do.
We make small and big decisions every day that prolong our lives. We eat and drink because we choose to live. There are rules against driving under the influence and certain drugs because we want to live. Entire studies are done trying to find the secret to the longest life possible. We, at any time, have the power to make ourselves follow the others into the shadowy realm of death, yet we don't.
Why? It's uncertainty. We don't know what comes next. Life is far too precious to simply throw away, right? No one knows what comes next. Or if anything comes next. But I did.
I did. At least for the ghosts of the Hotel Cortez. The long-term residents, as they sometimes called themselves. They got to live on. And for some time, it gave me a strange sense of home.
When James and I began our relationship, he kept me on a short leash. I knew the truth all along. He was dead, eternally living in his state, bound to the very place he built. It seemed lonely. He wanted me to be in the hotel as much as humanly possible so that I could be with him. I moved into his suite.
All of this, though, to get me used to the place. I was kept from seeing the world so that I wouldn't miss it when he decided to finally kill me. Bound to him forever. Mates until our souls float off.
I knew what death would be for me. And I wanted so badly to do it for him. I loved him so much that I was willing to decide to shuffle off this mortal coil and into the forever purgatory of the hotel. But it simply became too much to bear. For, I had a family. A life before James. A love for meadows and trees and fresh-picked tulips. Running my hands along sun-bathed painted wood and cute wild animals.
In my time away from the hotel, that is where I would go. Anywhere with nature, untouched by man, touched by the beauty of flora and fauna staking their claim.
I couldn't make that decision. I couldn't die for him. I was not strong enough to be able to live, but not fully. See the world but through musty windows and the stories of passing guests.
James and I had dinner together every night. I sat across from him and dreamed of our life together. That began to fade, though. Rationality kicked in. The rose-colored glasses I had been seeing him through shattered. He loved me, but he wanted to control me. It was too much to bear.
I looked at him through the flames of the candles in the center of the table. He was looking down, eyes focused intensely on the task at hand. His brow was furrowed. He held a cigarette between his teeth and his silver lighter in his hand. It reflected the flickering lights of the flames onto the ceiling as he wielded it.
It made me sad to think that this would be the last time I would be doing this with him. I still loved him. But it made me even more sad to remember why it all had to stop. James took his first drag and puffed the smoke up into the air.
'You look unwell, dear,' he spoke, looking at me through his brow. 'Is everything alright?'
'Not exactly,' I muttered, casting my gaze down.
'Whatever is the matter?' he pried, sitting forward slightly in his chair.
'I'm not entirely sure how to say this,' I began, 'but, I'll be forthright with it. This is no longer working for me, James.'
'What isn't working for you?' he asked in reply.
'This,' I gestured grandly. 'All of this. I know what you want from me, and I love you, I do. But, I can't live like this. I need to leave.'
A dark expression came over his face. Then, one of sadness. He sat back in his chair and looked down at the table, flipping his lighter in his fingers, then tapping the table with it.
'I know you can make me stay,' I continued. 'You make this problem go away by killing me right now, but that's not what I want. And I have to trust that you'll respect my wishes.' I wasn't scared of him. He had told me time and time again that he only wanted what was best for me.
James looked like he was weighing his options. He didn't speak for a while, didn't even look up to meet my eyes.
'You are the love of my life, Y/N,' he said, finally. His voice cracked, and when he looked up at me, there were tears in his eyes. 'You cannot leave me.'
I stood and walked to his side of the table. James' eyes tracked me as I walked across the space. I stood just next to him, looking down at his crying form. I had never seen him like this. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his head and pulled him into my chest. It was an embrace we both needed.
He sniffled into me, burying his head into my dress.
'My love,' I cooed.
'I know what I need to do, but I can't do it,' he cried.
My stomach dropped. His intent was to kill me. My mind raced with ideas of ways to escape without him finding me. I separated myself from him and began to back away calmly.
'I need to let you go,' he uttered up at me. He stood and smoothed the front of his suit, then rubbed his eyes. 'I don't know why I am the way I am.
'Wh-what?' I stammered, steeling myself where I was standing. Was this a trick?
He stepped toward me and placed a hand on my cheek. 'I have a sick need to kill, and a sick need to control people. I love you too much to hurt you,' he explained lowly. 'I can't condemn you to a life like mine.'
Tears sprang to my eyes. I couldn't believe what was happening. I wanted him. I wanted to be with him and love him forever. But that simply wasn't in the cards for the dead man and the girl who loved life and living.
'James,' I whispered. He pulled me into a tight embrace. The cradling kind that enveloped me in his warmth. 'I'm sorry,' I spoke into his chest.
'There is no need for apologies, dearest. I understand,' he murmured. He pulled back and held me at arm's length, taking me in one last time. 'Go.' He placed a kiss on my forehead and let go of me.
'I love you,' I said before turning away to walk out.
'I love you too,' he replied, his voice breaking yet again. 'And, Y/N?' I spun on my heel to face him. 'Don't ever come back here. I won't be able to control myself. Just, don't forget about me.'
I didn't answer. instead, I walked out of his suite's door, into the hallway, then into the elevator, and out of the lobby. As I stepped into the sunlight, I couldn't help but feel like I made the right decision. But a nagging feeling missed James more than I could handle.
Don't you love when I wax poetic in my posts? I get so silly goofy talking about life and death all deep-like. LOLZ
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cheerscoops · 10 months
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ship: Eddie Munson/Nancy Wheeler wc: 1.6k A/N: late post because the blorbos were blorboing, and I have emotions about these two idiots
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“I don't think I'm going to make it home tonight,” Nancy told her mom over the phone. “If the snow stops and the roads don't look too bad, I might try to drive home later, but Mr. Munson doesn't think it's safe enough to go out unless it's absolutely necessary. He already said that it’s fine if I stay here for the night. I promise I’ll call you if anything changes, okay?”
If Nancy had known that agreeing to tutoring Eddie at the Munson trailer was going to lead to her having to spend the night, she might have been a little more insistent about sticking to their normal library meeting spot. It wasn’t that she hated the idea of having to stay over there. She just felt bad being another person taking up space in their home when Eddie’s uncle already slept on a cot in the living room due to the lack of space. 
After getting off the phone with her mom, she moved to take her seat across from Eddie at the kitchen table again.
“So, how about we do one more problem set, and then we can call it a night?” she suggested, flipping through her chemistry notes to find some practice equations that they hadn’t done yet.
Eddie flopped forward to rest his head on the table.
“I will actually die if I have to balance one more equation. My head will explode. Can we please do anything else?”
“I thought you wanted to pass this chemistry test? You need more practice.”
“Think of my uncle, Nance. What’ll he do without me?”
“Probably get some peace and quiet for the first time in my life,” Wayne said without looking up from where he was sitting on the sofa tying his work boots.
Nancy stifled a laugh as Eddie shot back up into a sitting position and stared at his uncle with a look of pure shock and betrayal.
“If you really need a break from studying so much, why don’t you make your guest some dinner?” Wayne suggested. “If she’s staying over, you should probably offer to feed her.”
“Of course. Where are my manners?” Eddie said, resting his arms on the table and leaning forward to smile at Nancy. “Welcome to Chez Munson. It would be my honor to make dinner for you.”
“Real food, too. Don't go offering her spaghettios or whatever other canned junk you eat when I'm not around.”
“You don't have to go to any trouble for me,” Nancy insisted. “I'm fine with whatever.”
Eddie ignored her and turned his attention towards his uncle.
“Want me to save you a plate of whatever it ends up being?”
“Sure. Stick it in the microwave, and I'll reheat it when I get home.”
“Any preferences?”
“Surprise me.”
“Can do. Stay safe out there. Don't drive like I do.”
“Wouldn't dream of it.”
Wayne said his goodbyes, and as soon as he was out the door, Eddie was up and out of his seat searching through the kitchen cabinets and checking the fridge to see what he could make.
“You really don't have to go to any trouble for me,” Nancy said as she watched him start to rummage through the cabinet of pots and pans.
“Who says I'm going to any trouble?” he asked. “Maybe I do this all the time.”
“You do?”
“A guy's gotta eat. When my uncle started working nights, I started messing around in the kitchen because I found out he was never eating a hot meal. Just eating cereal or a bologna sandwich when he came home from a shift. And it's fine if I eat garbage, but I'm not gonna let him live like that after everything he's done for me, you know? I almost burnt the place down a couple times, but I haven't gotten any complaints yet.”
Nancy was touched by his story. Truthfully, she still didn't know much about Eddie. For the most part, he was just the guy that she tutored twice a week, but they'd slowly been becoming friends. She liked spending time with him, and finding out things like this - pieces of him she was sure not many other people knew - only made her grow even fonder of him.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked.
“I think I've got it covered. You can go watch TV if you want. When I cook for a beautiful woman, she doesn't have to lift a finger?”
“So you're in the habit of cooking for beautiful women?”
“You're the first actually. Now get out of here so I can work my magic.”
He shooed her out of the kitchen, and she went to go sit on the couch, but she was too preoccupied with the fact that he'd called her beautiful to focus on anything on TV. Since when did Eddie think she was beautiful? She was under the impression that their relationship was strictly professional, but even she couldn't deny that she felt something whenever he smiled at her.
When Eddie eventually made his way over to the couch, he was carrying two identical plates of food loaded up with breaded chicken cutlets, stovetop stuffing, and canned peas and carrots.
“It's nothing fancy, but I guarantee it'll taste good.”
They ate mostly in silence as Eddie channel-surfed trying to find something decent for them to watch.
“Color me impressed,” Nancy said after they'd finished dinner. “I didn't expect that from you.”
“It was because of my uncle's spaghettios comment, wasn't it?”
“You just didn't seem like the cooking type.”
“If it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't be.”
“Don't sell yourself short. You're good at this.”
Eddie smiled over at her, and she felt herself focusing on his lips. She couldn't let that happen, so she jumped up and grabbed their empty plates off the coffee table.
“Let me do the clean up,” she said as she headed towards the kitchen. “You cooked, so it's only fair.”
“Absolutely not.” Eddie moved to cut her off and blocked her from the sink. “You're the guest. I'm not letting you clean up the mess left behind by my cooking tornado.”
“I really don't mind,” she insisted.
“I'll never hear the end of it from my uncle if I let you clean up. He's used to coming home to my messes, so we don't have to worry about that right now.”
“Are you sure?” She eyed the dirty pots and pans on the stove. “It feels wrong to leave them there.”
“It's fine. I promise. You don't have to help clean up to earn your keep here. If that was the case, I would've been kicked out a long time ago. Just leave them for now.”
“Fine. But the second you're distracted, I'm doing those dishes.”
“I guess I've gotta keep myself fully focused on you then.”
“I guess so.”
“Wanna do something kind of stupid?” he asked.
“Depends on how stupid it is.”
“Put on your coat and shoes.”
Nancy quirked an eyebrow, but Eddie didn't allow her to question him. He just ushered her closer to the door before doubling back to grab a comforter from the closet. He took her outside and had her sit down on the edge of the stoop with him. He wrapped the comforter around their shoulders and held it closed in front of them to try and trap some extra warmth between them.
“Sitting out here is your something stupid?” she asked.
“Frostbite is no joke. Hence the comforter.”
The worst of the blizzard had passed but the snow was still falling in fat, fluffy flakes. The sky was dark, and there was a sense of calm washing over the trailer park. The only real light was from the stars.
“It's beautiful.” Nancy's voice was barely louder than a whisper as if she was afraid that her speaking would ruin the moment.
“I know.”
“Do you do this often?”
“Only when I need to think about something.”
“What are you thinking about now?”
“I don't know. That I like spending time with you, and I think you like spending time with me, too. That this is easy. That it feels right.”
Nancy was quiet again as she let his words wash over her. He was right. Spending time with him like this felt right. That's when she was hit by a somewhat startling realization.
“You cooked me dinner and wouldn't let me help or clean,” she started. “You took me out to your thinking spot to look at the stars. You called me beautiful . . . Was this a date?”
“Nah. This wasn't a date.” He turned to meet her gaze. “When I finally ask you out for real, you'll know.”
“So you're planning on asking me out?”
“As soon as I find the right moment.”
“And this isn't it?”
“You're stuck here for the night. It feels wrong to ask when you can't leave. Puts too much pressure on you to answer a certain way, and I don't want to do that to you.”
“Ask me tomorrow before I leave then?”
“I'll consider it.”
Eddie went to stand up and pulled Nancy up with him.
“Let's go back inside. I'll clean up the kitchen, and if you really wanna help, I'll let you dry the dishes. Then we can watch a movie or something. I'll even lend you some pajamas so you don't have to sleep in your jeans.”
“Sounds perfect.”
When Wayne came home from his shift, he found Nancy and Eddie snuggled up together fast asleep under the comforter on the couch bathed in the soft glow of the light from the television set. He microwaved his dinner - making sure to stop it without it dinging - and made his way back to Eddie's bedroom so he wouldn't disturb them. To him, it looked like his nephew had finally won over his dream girl.
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lostinwoso · 2 years
Better Than The Dream (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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A/N: Part 3 of Sweet Dreams (Part two Sleep Talking).
The day after Leah confessed her feelings towards you while being asleep and you asking her if she would like to come over for dinner today, you find yourself standing in the kitchen cooking while having some music blasting through your speakers.
Checking the time, you notice that everything is perfectly timed, and the food should be done the moment Leah was about to arrive.
Letting the food cook on mid-heat, you make your way towards the bedroom, starting to get dressed into more appropriate clothing for a date. After that was done, you went back to the kitchen to check on the food when your doorbell rings.
Walking towards the door, you press the buzzer that opens the door of the building, waiting at your apartment door for Leah to come up the stairs.
It doesn't take her long to appear in your sight, dressed in plain jeans with a blouse, flowers in her hand. "Hey, you look amazing.", she says when she is in front of your apartment, starting to blush, clearly nervous about tonight's dinner.
"Hey, thank you, you look amazing too.", you return the compliment before inviting her inside, "Come in, dinner is as good as ready.", stepping aside, so she could enter.
Stepping inside she waits for you to close the door before realizing that she still hasn't given you the flowers, clearing her throat she holds them out for you, "These are for you.".
Taking them from her hand, you thank her, "Thank you, let's go to the kitchen, so I can put them into a vase.", moving towards the kitchen, looking behind you to make sure she was following.
"It smells good, what did you make?", she wonders while you were putting the water into the vase, "That's a surprise.", you reply, looking over your shoulder to send her a wink, making Leah blush a little, looking away, so you wouldn't see the effect you have on her.
Setting the flowers down on the counter you speak up, "Alright, how about you got to the table and sit down, and I get the food real quick.", "Do you want some help?", she asks, "Nope, you are my guest just sit down, I'll be there in a second.", you reassure her.
Leah just sat down when you were already back with a pan in the hand which contains your dinner for the evening, "Alright, I made us some Fettuccine Alfredo, I hope that works with you.", you say while putting a portion on her plate and after yours.
"You can never go wrong with Pasta, plus it looks absolutely amazing.", Leah replies as she watches at the dinner you made. "That's good to hear, what would you like to drink? I have wine, soda and water.", you ask her with the empty pan now in hand.
"Some wine would be nice.", she answers and with that you make your way back into the kitchen to put the pan in the sink and get the wine out of the cupboard.
Walking back to the table, you pour both of you some wine, before sitting down yourself. "I hope you enjoy it.", with that the both of you start eating, holding a light conversation about the game yesterday and other things that came to mind.
After both of you ate your last bite, Leah speaks up, "That was perfect, thank you.", earning a smile from you, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, let me bring the plates back to the kitchen, and then we can talk about the reason you came here.".
Standing up you take the plates, declining Leah's offer to help, and make your way to the kitchen to put them away before walking back.
"Do you want some more wine?", you offer when you notice her glass now empty sitting on the table. Seemingly interrupting her thoughts as she jumped a little, a blush forming on her face before she agrees, "I would love to.".
You once more filled your glasses before sitting down again, but before you can start talking Leah starts, "I'm sorry about what happened at the bus, I didn't wanted to make you feel uncomfortable or make you feel like as if you have to invite me for dinner or anything really.", she stops for a moment, and you think that could be your chance to say something, but she continues, "And it's totally fine if you don't feel the same way, we can just forget it happened and go back to friends, no hard feelings...", at this point the defender was full on rambling with no intention to stop whatsoever.
The two attempts to get her to stop brings absolutely nothing, so this time you lean a bit forward over the table and put your hand over hers, "Leah!".
This seems to do the magic, as she suddenly stops talking while eyeing your hand over hers, turning a bright red from the contact and the embarrassment from rambling.
Pulling your hand away from hers, she immediately misses your touch, "Can I speak now?", you ask her with a teasing grin.
Leah clears her throat, "Sure.", reaching for her glass of wine right after, taking a big gulp from it.
"Good.", you chuckle, "Like I said yesterday, It's okay.", you see her opening her mouth probably ready to interrupt, holding your hand up to signal her that you are not finished yet, you continue, "And I wouldn't have invited you to this dinner, if I wouldn't feel the same way as you do.".
The defender just stares at you in shock for a moment, not believing that you actually hold the same feelings towards her, as she holds to you, "You like me?", she sputters out after getting over the main wave of the shock.
You let out a small laugh at her reaction, "I do, yes.", you confirm, "Am I dreaming again?", Leah quietly asks herself, but you still manage to catch it, laughing once again, making the blush on her face brighter than before, "No, you are actually awake this time.", you tell her with a wink.
"This is embarrassing.", she mutters, covering her face with her hands. "Hey, no, I'm sorry, it's cute.", you say, taking her hands off her face.
"Cute?", she wonders, not believing that her embarrassing herself can be labeled as cute, "Yes, cute.", you reassure her. A moment of silence comes after that, you two just gazing at each other's eyes.
"So, did anything else happen in your dream other than me confessing my feelings for you?", you break the silence, taking a sip of your wine.
"Uhm, you, I, we... might have kissed?", she drags out, deciding that she just admits what happened in her dream.
"Oh we did?", you tease her again, following up, "Do you want that part to come true as well?".
Leah let's out a little cough in surprise, "I mean I wouldn't mind.", she starts before rushing out after, "But only if it's okay for you too of course!".
Standing up from your seat, you walk over to her side of the table holding your hand out for her to take, pulling her up from the chair, you send her a soft smile.
You two lean into each, "Are you sure you want this?", you whisper to her, wanting to make sure, that this is really okay for her.
"There is nothing I want more right now.", she whispers back, with that she closes the distance between you two, sharing a slow kiss full of all the feelings.
When air became an issue, you two pull apart, taking a moment to replay the moment, before you quietly ask her, "Better than the dream?".
"Way better than the dream.", she replies, before placing her hand on your cheek, pulling you into another kiss.
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Hello! 💕
Can I request a fluffy long oneshot (no smut! Only neck kisses) with prompts: "U-um, H-hunter? T-there are something n-new I want to t-try.", [she started to give her gentle kisses up and down on his neck and shoulder made his face went crimson red then he instinctively moved his head to the side to make more room for her] & "S-should I c-continue?" about what kind of reaction Hunter (TOH) has when his shy!female!human!reader shyly started to give her gentle kisses up and down on his neck and shoulder for love affections in guest room at Luz's home in Human Realm? Hint#1: Hunter's neck is so super sensitive. Hint#2: Hunter really enjoyed to receive her neck kisses from her. I really love to see Hunter's blushing reaction to it! I live for flustered and touch-starved Hunter! Please??
Ooooo, neck kisses, gotta love em! Maybe this oneshot won't be that long but I'll try 😅
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Y/n sat on the couch, opposite from Hunter's sleeping bag as she fiddled with her fingers, overthinking the question she was going to ask Hunter as he sat on the sleeping bag, admiring the neat stiches that the sowing machine stiched for him
Y/n took a big breath as she opened her mouth to ask Hunter a question
"U-um, H-hunter? T-therebis something n-new i want to t-try." She said, as she cursed herself for stuttering so much
Hunter's gaze shifted from the shirt to his girlfriend as he looked at her lovingly
"Yeah? What is it?" Hunter questioned as he got up from his sleeping bag, only to sit back down, but next to his girlfriend on the couch
Y/n hesitated her next movements as she sat down on Hunter's lap, her cheeks turning slightly pink as she kissed his neck
The boy quickly turned crimson red as he leaned his head to the side, giving her more room to leave small, but sweet, kisses all over his neck
She does so and suddenly stops as she looks up a the boy
"S-should I c-continue?" Y/n questioned as her breath hit hunters neck at her words, sending shivers up his spine
"Yes." Hunter whispers as Y/n nodds and goes back to giving him gentle kisses along his neck
Every kiss felt so gentle and loving, hunter couldn't help but let out a whimper or two
Her kisses slowly traveled down hunters neck and on to his shoulders as his breath hitched
"O-oh! Sorry! I d-didnt mean to make you uncomfortable." Y/n apologized
"No! *cough*, no i was just... Caught off guard, pleas keep going." Hunter said- no, more like pleaded as he pulled his jumpers collar a little bit further to give access to his choulders and collarbone
Y/n just smiles lightly as she presses her lips on to Hunter's collarbone
The boy closes his eyes as he lets Y/n work her kisses from her shoulder, to his neck, and back to his shoulder, the action remeated for a couple of times when she suddenly kisses Hunter's scar
Before she could continue with the neck kisses, Camila yelled that dinner was ready
Y/n emidiatly got up
"I-i thing we sould get dinner." She laughed awkwardly as she lend Hunter a hand, he took it and pulled himself up to his feet
"Yup, we sould definitely go." He said, holding her hand and having upstairs
"Hunter, why are you so read in the face?" Luz asked as she took a bite of her food
"No reason!" He quickly replied as the whole table went silent
He cleared his throat nd repeated his words, more quietly this time
Y/n just laughed quietly as she continued eating her food, still holding Hunter's hand under the table
I'm so sorry if the fic is a bit short! I tried to make it as long as possible but as you can see i miserably failed
Either was i hope you enjoy this!
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s7nnydrop-flower · 3 months
*Every guest gets a invitation to a mansion, that says: 'Dear <Name>, I would like to invite you to my mansion. You will meet your fellow guests at the front of said mansion! - Lady Grace.' <My Birthday MM From DA, part one..>
They all decide to accept the invite..**The guests met up just outside the mansion that was mentioned..*
Blink: "These people must've gotten a invitation too.." -He said to Pine, his brother.-
Pine: "I'm gonna guess, yes." -He'd put his tail around Blink, usual Australian accent noticable.-
*Nyx stood not far from the two, looking up at the mansion.. He was talking to himself..*
*Fay was chatting with Phoenix and Lychee. Meanwhile, Dwindle was sitting with Riverside and Mirage.*
Siren: "..Well, this is.. .. Different for sure.." -She said to herself, looking at the other dragons.-
*Twig wonders over to Siren.*Twig: "I agree ^^!" -She nodded.-
Siren: "Glad someone here does.. I'm Siren.." -She turns to Twig.-
Twig: "Ooo! Pretty name, I'm Twig ^^." -She'd smile happily.-
Siren: "Nice to meet you, Twig." -She sat down not far from the front door of the mansion.-
*..Suddenly, the door swings open.. Everyone looks up from they're conversations.*
*There stood a dragon, with magenta, orange, and yellow scales. It was like they were from the sunset itself.*
"Hello everyone!" -She said with a smile.-
"Welcome to my mansion! It's a pleasure to have you here!"
*Fay glances at Lychee and Phoenix.*
Fay: "Thank you Miss Grace..!" -Fay said, smiling a bit.. She was trying to be kind.-
"Now, dinner is getting ready to start.. Follow me." -She turns and walks away from the door.-
Lychee: "..Who goes first..?" -She looks at everyone.-
Twig: "I'll go first!" -She answered.-
Dwindle: "I'll go in with ya' Twig.." -Dwindle said.-
*Fay rolls her eyes slightly.
*Fay: "..Twig is 'so mature'.. She doesn't even think about that something bad could happen.."
Nyx: "Well- ..It is what it is I guess.." -He looks at Fay.-
*Dwindle and Twig walk through the door. The others follow as well not long after.*
"The dining room is just down the hallway here on my right!" -Grace said, gesturing to a hall.-
Blink: ".." -He keeps close to his brother.-
-Mirage was studying the rooms in general.-
*A spider crawls across the floor, moving to Mirage.*
Phoenix: "Spider..!" -They'd jump backwards.-
*Mirage picks up the spider.*
Mirage: "Hello there little friend.." -She'd mutter, then sit the spider back down.-
Pine: "..Did you seriously just do that..?" -He asked, eyes wide.-
Mirage: "..Yes I did, Australian boy.." -She glances at Pine.-
Pine: "What did you just call me-?" -He asked, narrowing his eyes.-
*Fay steps between the two.*
Fay: "We have time for fighting later.. Let's go.. The others already left.."
*Phoenix nodded slightly, heading down the hall. Pine follows with Fay behind him to keep the two (Mirage and Pine) separated..*
*The four reach the dining room. It was lit with a chandler hanging on the ceiling.*
Riverside: "..Whoa.. This is fancy ^^..!" -She'd look around.-
Siren: "I agree with you, River.." -She sat down at the right end of the table.-
*Grace sat at the other end of the table. Mirage, Dwindle, Blink, Riverside, and Fay, the right side of the table. Nyx, Twig, Phoenix, Pine, and Lychee, sit on the left side of the table.*
*After a few moments, some other dragons come out with everyone's food.*
Pine: "..That looks delicious..!" -He smiled.-
Lychee: "Yeah, it doesss ^^."
Dwindle: "Fully agree.."
Phoenix: "Yeah." -They nodded.-
-Blink stares in awe with Nyx, and Riverside.-
-Mirage just gives a slight nod, as well as Siren and Twig.-
Fay: "Probably tastes better than it looks.." -She muttered, mainly talking to herself though.-
*The servants sit down the plates of food, and everyone starts eating and talking.*
*About thirty or so minutes go by, everyone has finished dinner, and were just standing around the dining room. Talking.*
*Mirage wonders over to Pine.*
Mirage: "Sorry 'bout earlier, Pine.." -She'd mutter, smirking a tiny bit.-
Pine: ".." -He looks at her, and sighs.- "..It's fine, Mirage.."
Mirage: "Do you wanna be.. Y'know.. Friends..?" -She asked, smirk growing wider.-
*Pine was a little unsettled..*Pine: "..Um.. Sure..?" -He answered, sorta unsure.-
Mirage: "Great-!"
*The lights suddenly turn off.*
Siren: "WHAT THE-?"
Phoenix: "Oh God-!"
*Lychee screams.*
Dwindle: "LYCHEE!?" -She shouts.-
Blink: "L-Lychee..?" -He'd ask, sounding terrified.-
*Nyx sorta was just trying to look around, trying to see through the dark. Fay snarls quietly, but it sounded like it was coming from the right of Mirage.*
Mirage: "Oi- Fay.. Stop hissing in my ear..!" -She'd hiss, before the lights suddenly flicked back on.-
*Lychee was on the ground, limp. She had a large gash across her throat, and a gash on her chest.*
*Nyx froze up, eyes wide. Blink runs to Pine, hiding his face in his leg. Mirage stares, emotionless.*
*Phoenix, who was right next to Lychee, jumps backwards. Fay steps backwards, she was right next to Lychee too.. Pine puts his tail around Blink quickly, trying to comfort him.*
*Riverside was next to Siren, she looks down. Siren turns away, trying to think happy thoughts.. Twig was with Dwindle and Grace, shaking. Grace was in shock..*
*The only one that spoke was Dwindle.*
Dwindle: "LYCHEE!" -She runs over, shoving Fay out of the way with her tail.-
*Fay snarls quietly again, this time it coming from the left of Dwindle.*
-Dwindle shoots a glare at Fay, before sitting next to Lychee.-
Clues? And other suspicious things:
1. Mirage randomly asking Pine to be her friend.
2. Fay being next to Lychee.
3. Phoenix being next Lychee as well.
4. Mirage staring emotionless after Lychee was killed..
Fay, belongs to FloofySherbet on DA, she deactivated.. You are missed 😭.
Mirage, belongs to Missymooch on DA!: https://www.deviantart.com/missymooch
Nyx, belongs to StarryForestofTime on DA! https://www.deviantart.com/starryforestoftime
Other characters: belong to me!
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lover-girl-estxx · 11 months
Angst/fluff with teenage Nate
(both 17) idk what i'm doing and the family names are dumb
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*not my gif*
"my uncles have issue they're the only one you have to worry about" I said wrapping my arms around his waist from behind "can't be to bad" I sighed "you have no idea Nathan" I kissed his neck before going out of his bathroom where he was shaving.
"this must be Nate!" my grandma said opening the door "hi" Nate smiled my grandma pulled him into a hug. I was helping my aunts, mom and grandma in the kitchen, Nate sat with my cousins and my one uncle Sal who I could just tell was talking crazy. "do you think if the earth did like you it would throw you off?" (my uncle has really said this. eye roll) I hear him ask Nate "okay we're done" I put my hand on Nate's shoulder "yep"my cousin Kai said standing up along with Nate, "want to smoke?" Nate asked we both nodded going outside "he's always like that?" Nate added "always" other cousin Scarlette said taking a hit from the joint.
"dinners out you guys" my aunt said we nodded following her inside. Nate sat next to me to me his arm on the back of my chair "you're a fighter right?" my Roy uncle asked pulling me out of my convo with my cousins boyfriend "yeah" Nate nodded before talking a bite "so what will that do for you?" "what do you mean?" "like you really think it could me a job?" "yeah I just did a BK a few months ago made money my brothers been making a good amount" "how much?" "he doesn't need to tell you that" I gave a tight smile and sighed "BK whats that?" my grandma asked "bare knuckle no gloves" "oh my god that must of hurt" she gasped I smiled "it wasn't to bad" he gave a light smile "okay fine!" Sal stood up Nate looked at me "you're this big bad fighter let's fight" he added, Nate laughed and shook his head "come on you don't want to?" "i'm not gonna fight you" "what?! are you scared?" he said moving his hands "Sal" my aunt said "no no really-" "Stop! you're being stupid he's not gonna fight you K?" "I don't think I was fucking talking to you!" Nate's face changed "don't talk to her like that" his hands turned to fist "what?!" I said "don't talk to her like and don't stand over me" "then stand up" he looked over to me I shrugged. Nate stood up "you really gonna let your forty year old husband try to fight a 17 year old" I looked to my aunt "really what man does that?" Nate said making my uncle come over to our side of the table "don't get closer to me" he added "just choke him out Nate!" Kai yelled "oh my god" I sighed running my hands down my face, my swung at Nate which he ducked and then Nate punched back "shit" my cousin said laughing, "nate come on" I said standing up "we will be in the guest room till he leaves" I added.
I let out a breath and fell on the bed, he sat on the edge of the bed "i'm sorry" Nate said "what?" "I didn't want to make a fight" I laughed "no this was like the best thanksgiving ever i've been wanting someone to punch him for years...But i'm sorry it had to be you" I leaned up and kissed his cheek "I kinda enjoyed it" he smiled leaning over and kissed me my hand went into his bleached tips before the door open. "ew," Kai said opening the door then sitting on the bed "that was pretty badass not gonna lie" I laughed "what do you want?" "he left and now we're eating ice cream and watching a movie if you want to join" "yeah! come on!" I pecked Nate's one more time before we got up | Nate's POV |
"sit, i'll get ice cream" Y/n said pushing me on the couch "oh it's fine i'm trying to do no dairy" I said shaking my head "I know they got you sorbet" "oh okay cool" I said taken a back. "here" she smiled handing me a bowl "thanks baby" I smiled back she sat next to me putting her legs on my lap and head on my shoulder, I pulled a blanket over us. "we're gonna smoke again want to come?" Kai asked me I looked down at a sleeping Y/n, I nodded lightly moving her off me then going outside with them. "by the way we all really like you" Kai said "thanks yeah sorry abou the whole- whatever that was" they laughed "we all thought it was great" Scarlette said handing me the joint, I nodded. "I was wondering where you went" she yawned and put her arms out, I smiled laying next to her. She kissed my head and rubbed my back "love you" she whispered "love you".
A/n: so sorry this isn't very good but plz comment and reblog <3
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daddycest-hub · 8 months
Minowhores, Part 1
The first thing Cordell did when he saw the new neighbor was moving in was go over with one of Emily's pies to welcome their new friend to the neighborhood.
He knew Minotaurs weren't exactly accepted in larger society just yet, but he didn't mind. A person was a person, even if they weren't a full person, and he was raised to treat everyone with kindness. It would just be wrong of him not to invite the new neighbor over to dinner.
"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose," Y/N said, taking the pie.
"You wouldn't," Cordell promised. "The whole family would love to meet you. I insist you come over."
"Well.... If you insist."
Cordell grinned. "Great! I'll see you tonight!"
He was unreasonably excited for dinner tonight. It was just meeting a new neighbor, but it felt like more than that. Maybe he was meeting his new best friend. He just hoped everyone would get along at the dinner table. He knew his wife, Emily, had been wary of the new neighbor and he wasn't sure how the kids, Stella and August, would react to their dinner guest.
When dinnertime finally came around, he found out he didn't need to worry. Conversation flowed easily and everyone seemed to get along well. He was even happy to see Emily and Stella insist on sitting next to their guest.
He was so focused on everyone's smiles that he didn't follow anyone's eyes. Otherwise, he might have noticed how Y/N's eyes lingered on Emily and Stella's saddlebag tits and his lecherous grins at their perky asses. He might have noticed how his wife and daughter, and even his son, lingered on Y/N's prominent bulge and flexing muscles. He might have noticed how Emily's hands stayed under the table most of the night.
But, he didn't notice any of that. All he saw was his family being welcoming to a new friend, and that was more than enough for him.
"Thank you for having me," Y/N said at the end of the night.
Cordell smiled. "Of course. You're more than welcome to come over again too. I think we could be good friends."
Y/N smirked. "I think I'll take you up on that."
And Y/N did.
Maybe it was just Cordell's imagination, but it felt like every other day he'd come home and find Y/N around the house. Sometimes he'd be fixing something Cordell hadn't found time for, with Emily thanking him profusely. Sometimes he'd be helping Stella with her math homework, huddled close over her notes. Sometimes he'd be doing some exercise with August, usually wrestling in the back yard.
Yes, Y/N became a fixture in the Walker household. And, if Cordell were the jealous type, he might start to get annoyed by the way Emily gushed about how helpful he was or how his kids seemed to spend more time at home with Y/N around. And maybe he was just a little bit jealous. But it was hard to be mad at his neighbor when he always brought over a pack of beer and sat down for a talk about the latest sports game or anything else that might be on their mind.
In short, Cordell had come to see Y/N as a friend and he was so very glad to see the rest of his family be so welcoming. It seemed that since their new neighbor had moved in, everyone was happier. Heck, a few months after that first dinner he could swear Emily and Stella were glowing!
All that to say, Cordell didn't see it coming when everything fell apart.
One day, he came home to see the house was empty. No dinner cooking in the kitchen, no kids doing homework, no Y/N helping anyone.... It was strange. He checked his phone, but saw no missed messages about where his family had disappeared to.
Just as he was about to panic, he saw that the lights were on at Y/N's house. Maybe his friend would have some answers for him. Or maybe everyone had gone over there and just forgot to tell him.
Only one way to find out.
He knocked on Y/N's door, hoping to find good news on the other side of it. Y/N called for him to enter, so he did.
And his world came crashing down.
Y/N was sitting on his couch, completely naked. His large, muscled arms were resting across the back of the couch, his even larger chest jutting out. His washboard abs were on full display, tapering into a V that drew Cordell's eyes right to his huge, hard cock and full, low-hanging balls. His muscled legs were spread wide, leaving plenty of room for all the people on the floor between them.
Those people were, inexplicably, Cordell's family.
Emily and Stella each sat on one side of Y/N's cock, worshipping it with their tongues. Both of them were naked as well, showing off everything Cordell had failed to notice earlier. Like the fact that they were both pregnant, just far enough along to have bumps. They also had new jewelry; nipple rings hung from their saddlebag tits and they moaned with pleasure as Y/N gently tugged on them. Peeking out from between their legs were a matching set of pussy rings, glistening with their own slick and droplets of Y/N's seed. But worst of all was a distinctly minotaur shaped tattoo right above their pussies. Unable to look away, Cordell couldn't help but notice they also had tramp stamps that read "MinoWhore".
Another moan brought Cordell's gaze lower, to where August kneeled between Stella and Emily. His son was also naked as he worshipped Y/N's balls with his mouth. He was also sporting some new ink, with "Y/N's Cumdump" written on his backside with an arrow pointing right to his ass. Upon closer inspection, Cordell could also see August was wearing a cock cage, though that didn't seem to curb his arousal.
"You have a lovely family," Y/N said, a broad smile on his face.
Cordell didn't know what to say, what to think. His entire world was turned upside down. "I-I don't understand.... What....?"
"Oh, don't give yourself a hard time," Y/N said, a patronizing tone seeping into his voice. "It's not your fault they couldn't resist. My species has a...certain appeal."
"A certain app-" Cordell sputtered. "What- So that gives you the right to sleep with my wife? My daughter? My son? Because you just have that much sex appeal that makes it okay? I thought we were friends!"
"We are," Y/N assured him. "And I appreciate your friendship. You've done so much for me, things you didn't even realize. I have to thank you, really, for introducing me to such willing whores. I've never met a more fertile pair of women in my life! And August... so much stamina! It's rare to meet anyone who can keep up with my sex drive and the three of them do it so well...."
Cordell grit his teeth and clenched his fists, ready for a brawl. But then....
"Please don't be mad, Cordi." Emily turned away from Y/N's cock to look at him. "It's really not your fault. He's just... So big. I just had to give it a try. And once I did.... Well, there was no going back...."
Cordell's mind whirred at a mile a minute, thinking over everything the last few months. How Emily kept gushing about Y/N yet rejected her own husband's affections, saying she was too tired. How Stella always took a shower after Y/N helped her with homework. How Y/N always seemed a little under dressed for his wrestling sessions with August. All these little details and more that he just let slip by because he just never thought his friend would steal away his family right under his nose.
And yet, here they were.
"So you belong to him now," Cordell said dully.
"They all do," Y/N said. "Willingly, of course."
Cordell nodded dumbly. "Right. Well.... I won't intrude on your family time." With that, he turned to go.
As his hand rested on the doorknob, Y/N spoke again. "Wait, Cordell. Before you go, I have an offer...."
to be continued.....
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mxstball · 10 months
Thanksgiving 2023
The residents of Sky Pillar and Spear Pillar were gathered together in a Mirage Island having dinner. Since it was a large crowd, it wasn't a big surprise that the host dragon decided to host it at a table in a grassy Mirage Island. The table that Heidi created housed the bulk of everyone, although those that couldn't sit at the table were off to the side having a sort of picnic together. All sorts of Unovan-type foods were served at the location: different types of meats for meat enjoyers, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, several vegan and vegetarian-friendly dishes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, mashed potatoes, and much more. There were also some specially prepared meats that were being served at the picnic, primarily for some of the Pokémon guests.
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Leaf was enjoying some of the macaroni and cheese. "So, you and Rayquaza made most of this? How long have you guys been cooking this?"
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"Oh, all day and also yesterday, too!" Jeanne nodded. "This is the first time Father and I cooked together at this big of a scale and where he let me take most of the reins!"
"Must have been a lot of pressure. Rayquaza's probably one of the best cooks I've met that's not like, owning his own restaurant." Leaf nodded.
"You'd think, but it hasn't been! Ever since I took up the culinary arts 30 years ago, I've always dreamed of a day like this -- where Father and I would be in the kitchen together for something of this scale. So, it's just a dream come true!" Jeanne giggled.
"Hehe. Then, I'm glad that you got your wish~" Leaf giggled, too.
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the table, Kathy and Tor were talking.
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"So, you said that Nergal likes to bake?"
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"Pastries mostly, uh-huh."
"What's your favorite?"
"Oh, uh... there's this bagel called 'Wishes of the innocent'."
"...Wishes of the Innocent?"
Tor nodded.
"What in the heck?" Kathy wasn't expecting THAT at all. "What's it like?"
"Oh, it's like, kind of a plain bagel, but with uh... four types of cream cheese together? It's really good."
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"Sweet and without blemish, just like the wishes of the innocent." Nergal suddenly appeared next to Tor.
Both Kathy and Tor jumped.
Nergal chuckled. "What? Does the name not fit?"
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"I guess, but that's some naming scheme you got there, Eternatus."
Nergal nodded. "Thank you. Thank you. I quite like it as well. Maybe I can make it for you someday, Katherine."
"....And risk you whisking me away to another world again? I'll have to think long and hard about that."
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Melony and Hel have been eating, they've been staring at each other. Ever since the battle within their Distortion World, they've quickly learned so much about each other. Who knew that they were essentially the same person, sharing the same Distortion World and sharing the same True Form. Who knew that they were just vessels of a larger, eldritch creature. The two felt whole together, and yet they each had more questions... not for each other, but for the beast that made them.
But that'll have to wait. The two friends would just continue to eat as they looked at each other.
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Lauren was looking at the duo as well. For a moment, she considered whether or not to say anything. After all, she did hear what happened when they first met each other. Were they rivals, friends, something else...? However, she did eventually speak up. "Uh, Melly? Can you pass the cranberry sauce?"
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"Ooh! Y--yes. I can do that." Melony grabbed the cranberry sauce and moved it within Lauren's reach.
"Thanks." Lauren served herself some and looked between the two of them. "Uh... Melly, Hel..."
Melony and Hel turned to Lauren.
"Is everything alright between the two of you?"
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Hel nodded and smiled at Lauren. "We are. It's just the first time that we've met each other since we received some important information. Don't worry."
"Important information?"
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Melony nodded. "Hel and I are but the same person. We are not the same as, say, Hera and Heidi. Instead, we are two pieces of a larger whole -- think of a relationship closer to Heidi and Lacey. As such, we are... still trying to process that information."
Hel continued. "While this information is new to us, that does not change the fact that Melony and I consider each other as friends. That's why I decided to visit in Hera's stead -- in part to check up on Melony."
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"Two parts of the same whole?" Lauren blinked. "But your worlds aren't from the same place. How does that work?"
Hel shook her head. "We... don't know. We're trying to understand that ourselves... but I'm sure that once we learn, you'll be one of the first people we'll share with our findings."
Lillie and Zinnia were eating together... well, it was more that Zinnia was eating, and Lillie was moreso playing with her food.
It didn't go unnoticed by the Lorekeeper.
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"Hey, Lillie."
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"Huh? What is it, Zinnia?"
"Something on your mind? I know you're not the type to scarf down a meal, but you're not the type to just play with your food, either."
"... No, I'm... I'm fine." Lillie looked down and back towards her food.
"..." Zinnia filled her own plate again. "...It's about your bio dad again, isn't it?"
"Lacey told me what happened. Said that you chased a rumor that your dad was alive, but when you found him, it turned out to be a Mohn of another world."
"H--huh? H--how--"
"She was there when it happened, though it was more to chase down your Ranger friend than anything."
"Oh." Lillie sighed but then nodded to confirm Zinnia's suspicions.
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Zinnia was quiet for a moment as she ate a little bit of mock turkey. "You know... I know how it feels in a way, though not with my father."
"What do you mean by that?"
"...I... have a friend that's in this world. She's... a faller, just like Lacey... but she's also the parallel version of a friend that I lost a very long time ago."
"Oh, wait. Is that--"
"Aster, yeah. Remember her?"
"I do. It's... been a while since she's been around. How is she doing?"
"Aster? She's alright. Said that she's keepin' it low in Alola, but that she'll probably be there during the holiday."
Lillie nodded. She smiled a little but went back to playing with her food.
The two were quiet for a while as Zinnia continued to eat.
"Hey, Lillie?"
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"Keep your chin up, alright? I'm sure that if he was taken through an Ultra Wormhole, we'll find him eventually. I know that he and the rest of your bio family mean a lot to you, so if Lacey's not actively helping you out, then if you don't find him by the time we're done this whole thing with Goldie, then dad and I will work hard to help you find him, alright?"
Lillie nodded. "Thank you, Zinnia. I... really appreciate it."
Aphrodite-Zygarde was temporarily taking her 50% Forme at the picnic. She felt as though it was nice to get away a little from the main group for a little while and enjoy some of the special food.
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Delphox, Salamence, Magearna, and other Pokémon were also there. They each seemed to be peacefully enjoying themselves.
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Aphrodite was silent as she was eating, but there was so much on her mind. She knew that Dawn was not long for this world... that sooner or later, Dawn will pass away and Friede would once again directly threaten this world. While she trusted Heidi to be prepared enough to help handle the situation, Aphrodite couldn't shake off the dread that came with it. After all, the stakes were high -- either they would defeat Friede... or this world and everyone in it would be destroyed.
Were their contingency plans enough to minimize the damage? Could this be the end of them? Was it even possible to try to fend this world off themselves without Heidi should she perish? Despite the planning and the assistance, Aphrodite still felt uneasy about the unknowns of the situation.
...But maybe it was just her nerves. Maybe she just needs to have more faith in Heidi. Heidi's her best friend and a dependable ally. She's smart, resourceful, contemplative, and empathic. She's sure that Heidi must think of this as much as she did.
Aphrodite let out a deep breath and continued eating, being sure to pet each of the creatures that she was with to reassure them.
Heidi, Rayquaza, and Lati were eating together at the head of the table. For the most part, they were silent together outside of a small interaction or two. It's not like they were compelled to talk, however. They each were just happy to see everyone else get along.
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Heidi grabbed her second plate before looking at Rayquaza and finally trying to strike conversation. "I'll give it to Jeanne. She's really good at cooking."
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That is my daughter for you. Even I am impressed by her techniques. She spent so much time preparing so much of this food. I am so proud of her.
Heidi chuckled a little. "Maybe she can give her father a run for his money~"
Rayquaza chuckled.
Perhaps, but I would like to see her try.
The two smiled at each other.
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Lati ate more of their own plate before looking at each of their parents. It was nice to see everyone together like this again. This scene made them really happy!
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Heidi looked back at Lati. "...Who knows, maybe even Lati over here may surpass you in time~. Now, that'd be a twist of fate, wouldn't it?"
Rayquaza and Heidi laughed together. It felt a little like old times.
"...Hey, Rayquaza."
Yes, Heidi?
"Thanks... for all of this. I remember when I experienced this for the first time. I thought that this whole idea of stealing a holiday from Unova was really stupid, but..." Heidi shook her head. "I guess over time I started to really like it, and now that I'm no longer here, it's... nice... to have a holiday to celebrate and appreciate the family like this."
Rayquaza nodded.
I understand. There is no need for thanks. I am simply... grateful that you have decided to agree to come, and that we have remained to be friends.
Heidi smiled. "I'm... thankful for our friendship, too. Lati, seems to be, too~"
Lati let out a little noise in agreement.
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"..." Lati looked at both of them.... "[(Th--thank you... Mama... Th--thank you... Papa--)]"
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Hearing the dragon talked shocked both of them, even enough to break Heidi's disguise! Did... did Lati just speak!?
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aldbooks · 2 years
The Temporary Roommate - T - Ch 2
7,616 words
Part 2 of ACOTAR Secret Santa gift for @poisonivy206
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Once they arrived at the house, Mor left Emerie to wander the garden she'd shown an interest in while she went inside to find the elderly couple, Bronwyn and Able, who looked after the estate while she was gone.
"My lady!" Bronwyn hurriedly dusted flour coated hands on her apron and dropped a curtsy while Able leapt up from the table he'd been sitting at, peeling vegetables to bow. "You're early. We did not expect you until tomorrow."
"Yes," Mor said, giving them an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry if I've disrupted your routine but, there's been a change of plans... I brought a guest."
Both faeries perked up at the news. "A guest? Oh, goodness. I'd only just begun preparing your room, my lady. I haven't opened any of the other rooms. It will take at least a day to prepare, the other rooms have been closed up for so long, they're frightfully dusty."
That was exactly what she'd been afraid of. She'd meant to send a note ahead of her arrival to warn the housekeeper but had been preoccupied with rushing the remainder of her preparations for the visit. With magic, it was the work of a few minutes to clean out a room and stock it with fresh linens but Bronwyn prided herself on anticipating her mistress' needs. Mor had thrown her carefully ordered household into a bit of chaos.
"Which room would you like to put...?"
"Emerie," she provided.
"Lady Emerie." Mor iddn't bother to correct her. Emerie could do decide if she was comfortable being addressed as such. "Which room shall I put her in?"
"Oh it doesn't matter," she waved a hand. "Whichever is easiest for you. I just wanted to give you a heads up for dinner."
The housekeeper's eyes widened as she glanced around at the ingredients she'd begun preparing and Mor could see her calculating if she'd have enough. She gave her husband a look and he nodded. "I'll gather some more potatoes," he said before moving towards the door.
"I was only preparing a simple stew," Bronwyn fretted, her eyes darting towards the larder which would likely not have been stocked with much meat yet until Able went hunting tomorrow.
"It's no bother, Bronwyn. I don't mind and I don't think Emerie will either. You can dazzle us with your culinary skills tomorrow night. I think my guest will wish to retire early this evening in any case," she added when the old woman looked uncertain. After a moment, she nodded, her spine straightening to military precision.
"Yes, very good. I'll start planning the menu now." She moved over to the corner where a pen and notebook sat for her use, and began jotting things down. "What sort of dishes does Lady Emerie prefer? Lamb? Chicken? Venison?"
"Oh, uh," Mor shifted on her feet. "I couldn't say. She's from Illyria, so I think she's used to simple fare."
Bronwyn's head whipped around, her eyes alight with curiosity. "An Illyrian?"
"Yes. She's a friend of my cousin's sister-in-law, Lady Nesta."
"The general's mate?"
"Indeed...." Mor hesitated, unsure how much to share. "There's been some- trouble in Windhaven, recently. The High Lord asked me to look out for her safety while he and the general sort out matters."
"I see." There was clear interest in the woman's dark gaze but she said nothing else as she returned to her planning. "Well, not to worry my lady, I'll take care of everything. You and your guest enjoy yourselves."
With that, she was shooed out of the kitchen and returned outside to find the gardens empty. She felt a brief moment of panic before spotting Emerie leaning against the paddock on the other side of the house.
A sleek white mare knickered and trotted over as she approached making Mor smile.
"She's beautiful," Emerie said, watching the horse nuzzle Mor's chest. "They all are."
Something warmed in her chest. These horses were her pride and joy, though she didn't get to spend nearly as much time with them as she would like. "Thank you. This beautiful girl is Ellia, my favorite. Don't tell the others," she whispered.
Emerie chuckled, tentatively holding out a hand for Ellia to sniff. The mare snorted but stuck her nose out further for pats. Mor let out a quiet breath, grateful the horse seemed to like her. Ellia was always friendly with her but had been skittish around Able when she'd first brought him in to help care for her. She hadn't been around too many other people for Mor to truly know how she'd respond.
"Would you like to join me for a ride?" The words were out before she could fully think them through.
Emerie blanched, pulling back slightly. "Oh, uh... actually, I'm still pretty sore and tired from- the other day. I think I'd like to lay down for a while, if that's alright?"
Mor's smile dimmed a little as disappointment burned. "Of course. I'm afraid we surprised my poor housekeeper by arriving unexpectedly so your room isn't prepared yet, but the chaise in the library is quite comfortable. If you need anything, just let Bronwyn know."
Emerie tucked her hands into her skirts as she backed away towards the house. "Right, thanks. I'll, er- see you later, I guess."
Mor nodded, but she'd already turned and started hurrying back inside. Mor frowned after her for a moment, wondering if Emerie's rejection of the invitation to ride was because of her, or a fear of horses. She'd seemed fine enough around Ellia, but she supposed petting one and riding one were two different things.
Oh well. There wasn't much point in dwelling on it and, despite her disappointment to be riding alone, Mor was dying to feel the wind in her hair. Clicking her tongue, she coaxed Ellia to follow her back into the stables where she bridled and saddled her before swinging up onto her back and racing out of the barn into the rolling hills of Athelwood's lands.
Emerie cursed herself for a coward as she returned to the house. The invitation to ride, and Mor's clear disappointment in her refusal had her stomach twisted in knots. As much as she'd wanted to spend time with the pretty female, something about putting herself on the back of an animal as large and intelligent as a horse terrified her.
Logically, she knew she was being silly. People rode horses all the time. Sure, there were sometimes accidents, but all in all, they were reasonably safe. Still, there wasn't a single horse in Illyria, not that she'd seen anyway. Why use animals to get around when you could walk or fly? At least, in the males case. However, if the males had no wish or need for horses, then neither did the females.
Nesta, she knew, had once owned horses when she'd been human, she hadn't been much of a rider, she'd explained, but they were useful work animals, helping to transport humans and goods alike. Gwyn, of course, was damn near obsessed with their winged cousins, the pegasus. Even Emerie could admit, there was something intriguing about the idea of them. She missed flying...
Emerie startled, swallowing a yelp as she nearly plowed over a smaller, fae female rounding the corner from the opposite direction Emerie had been wandering, lost in thought.
The woman jerked in surprise, carrying a stack of red sheets and several fluffy looking gold towels, then smiled. "Ah, you must be Lady Morrigan's guest. Pleasure to meet you, Lady Emerie. I'm Bronwyn," she said, bobbing a curtsy.
Emerie's cheeks burned pink. "Oh, I'm not a lady. It's just Emerie."
"My apologies, miss. Is there something I can do for you?"
"Oh, um, yes actually. Could you just point me in the direction of the library?"
"Of course dear, follow me."
She trailed behind the older woman, who lead her through a hallway lined in warm oak and lit by candle sconces. Emerie hadn't yet been inside the house, and only just now looked around at the interior. Thick carpets lined the floors muffling their steps, and painted landscapes decorated the walls. The entire house seemed to be done in warm shades of red, green, and gold that gave it a cozy feel, despite the size.
"Just through those doors, miss," the housekeeper nodded towards a set of carved oak doors with twisted iron handles. "If you need anything, just give a shout."
"Thank you." Emerie pushed open the doors and stepped into the room as the woman returned to her task and a delighted gasp left her.
She took several more steps into the room, turning a slow circle to take in every detail. She'd been in the library at the House of Wind before, as well as the massive archives of the Library where Gwyn and her fellow priestesses worked, but this one...
Books lined almost every inch of the two-story room, only broken up by the occasional door on one wall, a massive, roaring fire place on another, and several large windows on the outside of the house which let in lots of natural light. More thick, patterned carpets cushioned the oak floors and several comfortable pieces of leather furniture littered the open space in the middle of the room along with one larger round table near a window, and several smaller ones that sat between the armchairs and sofas with lamps and candelabras atop them.
For a long moment, Emerie just stood in the middle of the room, eyes closed and smile wide as she breathed in the smell of leather and books. This was heaven.
Trailing a finger along the nearest stack of books, she made her way around the room, scanning the titles until she found a few that caught her eye. When her arms were full, she made her way over to the chaise Mor had mentioned earlier which sat near the fire, a dark, woven blanket draped over the arm and sat her selections on the nearest table. Choosing one to start with, a mystery romance she remembered Gwyn recommending recently, she slipped out of her walking boots and settled on the chaise, draping her skirts around her curled legs and began reading.
Sometime later, Bronwyn returned to check on her, asking if she would like anything to drink. Emerie only asked for some water which she happily provided before informing her that dinner would be served in an hour. Glancing at the nearest window, she was momentarily startled to see the sun already setting before remembering that it was almost Solstice and the days had been growing shorter. By her estimation it was only a little after four in the afternoon.
Sighing, she returned to her book, only to be awoken- not even aware of when she'd fallen asleep- by Morrigan who smirked as she stood over her, her own book in hand. The one Emerie had been reading had been set aside by someone, her place marked by a strip of dark leather.
"Hello, Sleeping Beauty. Nice of you to join us again," she said with a teasing smile.
Rubbing her eyes, Emerie sat up, wincing as she stretched. Thankfully most of the lingering soreness seemed to have faded and she was merely stiff from the awkward position she'd been laying in. "What time is it?"
"Almost midnight. I figured you were probably still sleeping when you missed dinner and thought I'd leave you to it but, now that your room is ready and I'm heading up to bed myself, I thought you might want to relocate. Of course, if you're hungry, there's some stew left in the kitchen I can warm up for you?"
Emerie blushed, embarrassed by her rudeness in sleeping through dinner. "Oh, that's alright. I can manage. If you'll just tell me how to find my room so I can head up after I'm finished."
"Please," Mor insisted, holding out a hand to help her to her feet. She quickly stuffed her feet back into her boots before accepting and again felt that jolt of electricity when they touched. She could have sworn she heard a small intake of breath from her companion, but if she'd also felt it, she showed no outward sign. "You're my guest, Emerie. The least I can do is see that you're fed before I send you to bed."
Emerie couldn't think of a response for that that wouldn't sound like a dismissal which would be the height of rudeness, so merely smoothed her hands over her skirts and nodded. Morrigan led her out of the room and into the kitchens where only the embers of the fire remained. She quickly stoked them back to life, warming up the space and transferred a covered pot to the stove.
She watched in silence as Morrigan worked, somewhat surprised that someone who'd been raised in luxury was so comfortable in a kitchen. Then again, Nesta's own sister had also been born a lady and often worked in the kitchens of the High Lord's home. Was it really so shocking that a wellbred lady might find enjoyment in domestic tasks? What did that say about her that she had never considered the idea? Goodness, she was a snob.
Morrigan chuckled as she filled a bowl and laid it before her. "Don't look so impressed. I'm afraid reheating and serving food is about the extent of my culinary skills. The last time I tried to cook, I nearly burned down Rhys' cabin. He was less than thrilled."
She laughed, delighted to find this flaw in the otherwise seemingly perfect female. It made her goddess-like presence seem just a little less intimidating. Morrigan smiled wryly, pouring them each a glass of wine and leaning against the counter as she ate.
"How are you feeling?" she asked, concern creasing her brow as she scanned her like she was looking for evidence of any injury that might have been missed.
The scrutiny made her squirm a little in her seat. "Much better. I'd reckon a few more hours of good sleep and I'll be as good as new."
Red lips curved in a soft smile. "I'm glad to hear it. I was- worried after finding you like that. I'm glad Rhys sent me to find you when he did."
"So am I," Emerie said quietly, staring down at her food as she dragged her spoon through the hearty stew. "Why did he send you, anyways? I mean, I know he sends the boys to check on me from time to time- they try to be subtle about it but it's pretty obvious what they're doing when they drop by the store to purchase items they could easily find in Velaris. But Cassian had only been by a week ago."
Mor's lips twisted to the side. "I wondered that myself, to be honest. Rhys sometimes gets a little paranoid, something I can't blame him for after everything he's lost- and almost lost. I think he was just having one of those over cautious moments, only this time, he was right."
She sighed, sipping her wine. "As to why he sent me and not the boys? Probably because he knew that if something had happened to you, they'd explode first and ask questions never. I'm sure you've noticed those two can be very scary when they want to."
Emerie snickered, taking a sip of her own drink. The dark ruby wine burned pleasantly, the rich, spicy notes warming her as much as the hot stew.
"I think Rhys had also wanted to give them a moment to cool down before sending them to deal with the situation," Mor continued. "Though I have no doubt those boys received the beating of their lives once they found them." There was a dark glint in the female's golden eyes that told Emerie she was no stranger to violence.
Of course, Emerie had known who Mor was the first time she'd seen her visit Windhaven with her cousin when she was just a child. Everyone knew of the High Lord's legendary cousin. She was as renowned for her battle prowess as her beauty, something Emerie had seen first hand during the war with Koschei. Still, she sometimes forgot just how old she was, and how much she had seen in the multiple wars she had fought in over the course of five hundred years. That hint of danger in her gaze made her shiver in a not entirely unpleasant way.
"Good," she replied. "I'm only sorry I couldn't be there to see it. Or to help."
"So am I." She held out her glass and Emerie lightly touched the rim with hers. Their eyes met and held over the edge as they both took a sip and that shiver turned into a simmering warmth.
The temperature in the room seemed to rise rapidly for a moment before Mor lowered her glass and looked away leaving Emerie to wonder if she'd just imagined it.
Over the next few days, they fell into a pattern of sorts. Emerie was an early riser and would join Bronwyn in the kitchen, helping her prepare breakfast and prep the meals for later in the day while Mor stayed in bed until almost ten when the sun was almost halfway through it's trek across the sky. She'd tease her hostess about her laziness and propensity to waste precious sunlight which she graciously waved away and tried to coax Emerie to join her for a ride which she always refused.
While she spent a few hours with her horses, Emerie would explore the house- which was mostly closed up, the unused rooms dark and musty, their furnishings covered in dust cloths, or wandering through the gardens and the small forest that bordered the house. She'd learned from Able that the estate- Athelwood- was nearly three hundred acres which encompassed a goodly portion of the wooded area, and reached all the way across the rolling hills to the sea. The woods were mostly inhabited by small game animals such as rabbits, but a few deer could occasionally be spotted deeper in.
She'd found a lovely stream that wound through the pines on her first day and had spent some time following it to a miniature waterfall. The location was so picturesque, she found herself wishing she had the artistic ability to sketch it and wondered if the High Lady had ever painted it.
In the afternoons, she and Morrigan would join Bronwyn and Able for an informal luncheon in the kitchens that were always full of lively conversation and after dinner, they would retire to the library to spend the evening reading until bedtime.
Nighttime was the worst. She'd found out that first night that the housekeeper had decided to put them in bedrooms that were adjoined for convenience. She assumed that normally, they would be the master and mistress' chambers. Judging by the decidedly feminine decor of her own room, she'd been placed in the latter.
Every night, Emerie would lie in bed, staring up at the canopy as she tried (and failed) not to think of the beautiful woman sleeping in the room next door. Of her musical laughter and sunny smiles. Her bright humor and easy manner. Of her sparkling eyes like molten gold, and her plush lips that were always painted a tempting shade of red...
Little did she know that the object of her fascination lay on the other side of the wall just a few feet away, trying hard not to think of her own varied charms...
On the evening of their fourth night, they'd been sitting quietly in the library, as usual, when Mor gave a loud sigh, shutting her book with a sharp snap. The sound made Emerie nearly jump, her senses hyper focused on every move the woman across from her made as she tried-rather valiantly- to finish her novel.
They'd achieved a new sort of awareness of each other over the last few days as they slowly got to know one another and all it did was ramp up the hopeless crush she'd been harboring since the day she'd seen Morrigan strolling through Windhaven when she was sixteen and her previous hero-like worship had morphed into something more... mature.
Her heart didn't race every time she saw her anymore now that she was getting used to her presence, but she was painfully aware of her location in relation to her own at all times. The little accidental brushes of fingers or shoulders as they moved about the same spaces still sent little electric shocks through her and she was starting to go a little mad with longing.
Attempting to appear perfectly calm and not like she was about to crawl out of her skin from proximity, Emerie glanced up from her book to find Mor pouting towards the fireplace. Sensing her gaze, her golden head swiveled in Emerie's direction.
"I can't seem to focus on reading tonight," she sighed. "No matter how deliciously steamy the love scene..."
Emerie choked slightly, her cheeks heated at the knowledge Morrigan had been reading smut. She mentally added a new fantasy to the extensive collection in her brain, this one of them reading aloud to each other while acting out the scenes written on the pages...
Luckily, Mor didn't seem to be aware of the train of her thoughts as she cocked her head and asked. "Do you play chess?"
She blinked, a little taken aback by the question. "Um, yes?"
Amusement danced in her eyes. "Is that a question?"
"Yes- I mean, no."
She quirked a brow in question and Emerie took a slow breath before answering. "Yes, I do play."
"In that case... care for a game?" she smirked, nodding her head towards the larger table sat near one of the windows where a beautiful marble chess set was laid out.
Feeling her lips twitch into a smile, she nodded and set her book aside. They sat down at the table while Mor moved candles around to provide sufficient light and took the seat across from her. Leaning back in her chair, she smiled mischievously. "Shall we make it interesting?"
Emerie raised a brow, fighting her own smile. She'd been playing with Nesta and Gwyn for the last year and while Nesta was a formidable opponent, Gwyn was a devilishly tricky one who seemed to be a master at letting you think you'd won before executing a few brilliant moves that ended the game before you knew what had happened. She was fairly confident in her skills.
"Sure. What's the wager?"
Mor's eyes narrowed for a moment in thought. "If I win- you let me take you riding tomorrow."
Emerie's eyes widened. "And if I win?"
She shrugged. "Your choice."
She thought about it for a moment, then smiled. "If I win- we visit the beach tomorrow."
Mor scoffed. "I would've taken you there anyway if you'd asked."
She held up a finger, indicating she wasn't finished. "And you get to take a little mid winter swim."
Mor looked startled before tipping her head back with a sultry laugh. "Oh, you are a cruel one, Emerie. I didn't make my own stakes high enough it seems, but very well. I will accept your terms."
She said it so confidently that Emerie felt a flicker of uncertainty but accepted the hand she offered as they shook on the wager. Mor waved a hand, indicating she should start and she moved her queenside bishop's pawn two spaces in a move meant to feel out her opponent's strategy. Mor mirrored her movements and the game commenced.
The match quickly grew intense as it became apparent they were equally matched. They were down to five pieces each, circling one another's queens as they stared each other down across the board. Emerie met Mor's impassive stare with her own, her lips quirking in challenge. The air between them was charged, thick and heavy with tension, making it harder to breath. She was viscerally aware of every minute movement she made and knew their legs sat dangerously close together. She'd felt Mor's knee brush her skirts just a moment ago.
It would be so easy to just lift her foot off the ground and move it a few inches to the right to brush along her calf... Mor's tongue darted out to wet her lips and Emerie tracked the movement with her eyes, watching as the edge of her lip caught between her teeth and found herself biting the inside of her own to keep from launching across the table.
Her entire body was taught with tension, her skin warm and flushed and-
They both jerked as the door opened and Bronwyn bustled in holding a piece of folded paper in her hands. She smiled as she approached, eyeing the chessboard sat between them. "Sorry to interrupt your game, my lady. But this just arrived for you."
She held out the note to Mor and Emerie noted the official Night Court seal on the back. Mor sat straighter as she took it, instantly alert. "Thank you Bronwyn."
Ripping it open, she quickly scanned it, then relaxed. Sensing nothing was amiss, Bronwyn asked "can I get you anything, my lady?"
"Nothing for me, thank you." Emerie nodded her agreement and Bronwyn left them alone again.
"Is everything alright?"
"Oh, yes," Mor said distractedly, tucking the note in a pocket and studying the board once more, the tension of the moment they'd shared before they were interrupted disappearing. Emerie tried not to show her disappointment too badly. "Rhys was just letting me know Cass and Az have taken care of the boys that attacked you. They've been publicly punished and new rules laid out for violent acts committed in public spaces outside of training and tavern brawls. He seems to think it sufficient deterrent against future attacks."
Her tone seemed to suggest she did not agree but said nothing more as she finally moved her queen. "Check."
Emerie quickly moved her king out of danger, only for Mor to move her bishop behind her. "Check."
She moved her queen to block it's path then Mor's knight landed a few spaces away. "Mate."
Emerie flinched, blinking in shock. "Shit." How had she not seen that?
She looked up to see Mor grinning at her. "Meet me at the stables after breakfast. Did you bring your training leathers by chance? You can't ride in those skirts."
"Er-" she glanced down at the rough wool skirt of her dress. "No, but I think I have leggings and a sweater."
Mor hummed. "That might not be warm enough. I should have something you can borrow that will fit well enough to ride in." Standing, she winked. "Good night, darling. See you in the morning."
Emerie just stared after her, mouth agape as she flounced out of the room.
The next morning, Emerie shifted uncomfortably in the thick, suede breeches and wool coat Mor had given her to wear over her leggings and sweater as she stared down the massive black beast that had been presented to her by Able.
The animal snorted, it's breath fogging in the chill air and tossed it's head lightly, making her take a reflexive step back. Her movement was impeded by a warm hand on her back. "Relax," Mor said soothingly. Whether to her, or the horse, she wasn't sure. "They can sense fear," she breathed against her ear.
Emerie laughed nervously only to realize Mor wasn't kidding. Staring up into the beast's big, dark eyes, she believed it. She took a deep breath, repeating Gwyn's favored mantra to steady herself and met it's stare with a determined one of her own.
"Very good," Mor purred. Her hand trailed along her arm as she moved around her to stroke the horse's nose. Even through the multiple layers of fabric she could have sworn she felt the heat of that touch. "Emerie, this is Odette. Odette, meet Emerie."
At her encouraging smile, Emerie inched closer and held out a hand. The animal tossed it's head again and she flinched, but held steady, and was rewarded when the beast pressed it's snout into her hand. Mor's hand wrapped around her forearm and pulled her closer, urging her to pet the horse's neck.
She did so and both beast and rider seemed to calm.
"Well done," Mor praised, giving the animal a pat. "Odette only looks big and scary but she's a big softie, aren't you?" Odette snorted in return.
Mor grinned, stepping back. "Why don't you try mounting?"
Emerie raised a questioning brow and Mor gesture to the saddle. "Hook your foot there, and pull yourself up. Once you're standing, swing your other leg over and hook your foot in the other strap."
With a bracing breath, she did as instructed. It was a bit awkward with her wings, but once she was settled, Mor handed the reins to her. "There, see? Not so scary."
Emerie scoffed. "We haven't started moving yet."
Mor grinned. "That's the fun part. Moving around to her own white horse, she swung gracefully up into the saddle and turned her mount towards the door. Odette began to follow without prompting from Emerie and she gasped, holding on for dear life.
Behind them, Able laughed. "Have fun!"
Once outside the stables, Mor rode alongside her for a few minutes, correcting her posture and instructing her on how to steer and direct the horse to stop. Confident Emerie understood well enough, she kicked Ellia into a light trot and once again, Odette followed without prompting.
As they moved across the fields lightly dusted with snow, Emerie gradually began to relax, allowing herself to fully soak in the moment. The beast's movements under her thighs were strong and steady and she felt surprisingly safe. Then, Mor grinned back at her over her shoulder before digging her heels into Ellia's side.
She took off like a shot and a scream tore out of her as Odette followed. Once the initial burst of fear subsided, her scream turned to a giddy laugh as she leaned over the horse's back and felt the wind rushing past her face, pulling her braid out behind her. The cold gust moved over her wings, stimulating sensations she hadn't felt in years and she felt tears spring to her eyes as joy filled her heart.
It felt like flying.
Emerie laughed harder, not entirely sure if the heaving in her chest was not a sob as tears streamed down her face. Mor glanced back with a frown but she paid her no mind as her horse, sensing her elation, put on a burst of speed and ran past Mor and Ellia. Something primal and instinctive took over and she threw her arms and wings wide, tilting her head back to the cloudy sky and cried out, the sound equal parts joy and sorrow.
Eventually her horse slowed as they neared the beach, breathing hard and slick with sweat. Mor caught up and pulled alongside her. "Are you alright?" she asked, eyeing the tears Emerie wiped from her cheeks.
She beamed. "Yes. Yes, I-" she was more than alright. She felt- free. For the first time in a very long time. Probably for the first time in her life. Finding her chosen sisters and joining the Valkyrie had felt a lot like breaking the chains that her family had tried to hold her with for so long but this... this felt like shedding them completely. They'd tried to take this feeling away from her, but she'd found it again. All thanks to the woman beside her. "Thank you."
Mor looked bemused. Emerie let out another breathy laugh and explained. "I haven't been able to fly since-" she gestured to the scars on her wings. "And that, I think, was about the closest thing to it I've felt in a very long time."
Understanding lit Mor's eyes and they sparkled with tears of her own. "You're very welcome, Emerie. I'm glad I could help."
The horses slowed further when they reached the sand and Mor reached out to bring them both to a stop. She slipped smoothly from her saddle and Emerie mimicked her movements, her booted feet soon finding the ground, albeit a bit more wobbly, but she was still too high from the ride to care.
They let the horses wander as they grazed through the grass nearby and Emerie took her first proper look at the ocean. "Wow," she breathed, watching the waves build and crash onto the shore, rolling over one another in a churning mass of deep blue that reminded her of her friend's eyes.
"Have you never seen the ocean?"
Emerie shook her head, not glancing away from the view before her. It was breathtaking, a sort of violent beauty that stirred her soul and eased her mind. "We're not close enough in Windhaven. I'd only ever seen lakes and streams before I came to Velaris for the first time."
Mor hummed thoughtfully. "Another first... I'm honored."
Her cheeks warmed and she laughed slightly. "It's beautiful."
"It is," Mor said, glancing at her. "Want to see something even more amazing?"
She turned to her, giving her a curious smile and nodded. Her grin felt big enough to split her face when Mor took her hand and pulled her further down the beach. She tugged her jacket tighter around her body as they walked, the wind feeling much colder here as she followed along.
After a few minutes of walking, they approached a collection of large rocks and headed toward them. "Watch your step," Mor warned as they moved over slick, waved smoothed stones and around the side of the large formation, only- it wasn't a rock formation. It was the mouth of a cave.
Mor gave her a grin full of child-like excitement she couldn't help but match as she pulled her inside. The sharp wind cut off, for which Emerie was grateful as they moved deeper into the rocky cavern. The walls were rough and jagged and it got gradually darker as they moved out of the sunlight. Suddenly, Mor tugged her around a corner and she let out a gasp.
They'd entered a long, low ceilinged cavern, the floor covered in water. The walls- "It's glowing!" he said in wonder.
Tiny, bright blue pricks of light covered the walls and ceilings, casting the whole space in an ethereal glow, reflected back by the water below. It reminded her of the night sky.
"Bioluminescent algae," Mor explained. "It's everywhere here, even on the beach, but you can't see it during the day. We can only see it here because it's dark."
"It's incredible." They grinned at each other, still holding hands and Emerie didn't think she could imagine a more perfect moment.
Mor woke with a start, her blades instantly in her hands as she glanced around her dark room, searching for the threat. She was somewhat surprised to find she'd actually been sleeping. Both she and Emerie had been exhausted after spending the day exploring the beaches, riding back to the house just as the sun was setting and had gone to bed straight after dinner instead of going to the library.
Even still, once she'd gotten into bed, she'd lain awake for a long time, her fingers stroking over the hand that had held Emerie's all day long as they walked and talked and laughed together. She could swear she still felt the heat of it against her palm.
She heard a sound from beyond the wall of her room and realized what had woken her. Bolting out of bed, not bothering to throw on a robe over the tiny, satin night dress she wore, she raced into Emerei's room, heart pounding, for once grateful that Bronwyn had put them in adjoining rooms.
She relaxed slightly once she'd scanned the room and found no threat, but it was short lived as she found Emerie thrashing and crying on the bed. Dismissing her blades, she rushed over, and took her firmly by the shoulders, shaking her. She cried out, screaming in her face loud enough to hurt her ears but blinked awake.
Her eyes were wild as they darted around, not seeming to see her until they settled on her face and the haze of terror cleared. "It's alright," Mor whispered, running her hands over her trembling arms. "You're safe. It was just a dream."
Emerie's dark gaze searched hers for truth before nodding her acceptance of it. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, Mor stroked her fingers through the long, silky strands of her hair that hung loose around her shoulders, her braid having unraveled with her thrashing. Wild, dark, untamed curls that spilled down to her waist in a waterfall she desperately wanted to feel on her skin.
Blinking hard, she shook off her arousal. Now was definitely not the time for such thoughts. She kept moving her fingers through her hair and stroking her cheeks until her trembling began to subside. "Was it your attack?" she asked quietly.
Emerie's gaze had gone distant again, staring at some point on Mor'c chest though she didn't seem to actually be looking at her. Slowly, she shook her head. "No." Her voice was hoarse and small, making Mor want to cradle her in her arms.
She didn't press her for more details. She'd share if she wanted to. Instead she just kept running her hands over her in soothing gestures which she didn't seem to mind. Eventually she said, "It was my father this time."
This time. She had nightmares before. Quite often, if she had to guess. Not surprising given what she had been through between the Blood Rite, her attack, and the battle with Koschei. Not to mention whatever had happened when she'd earned the scars on her wings as they'd been clipped.
"He was always angry," she said softly. "And he was always drunk. And I was his favorite target... after my mother died."
Mor sat frozen as Emerie laid out the deeds of her father in a numb, distant sort of tone that she fully recognized. Because she'd used it herself many times. By the time she was finished, Mor was trembling with grief for the things this incredible female had endured and survived, and boiling rage for a man who was dead and gone.
At some point, their hands had found each other, and their fingers had woven together. It was through the strength of that grip that she found herself sharing her own story. The abuse and fear she'd lived through under that mountain until she'd begged Rhys to get her out. The pain she'd paid as the price of her freedom and the scars she now bore because of it.
When she was finished, both of them were crying. Emerie squeezed her hand, pulling her gently onto the bed and she climbed under the covers beside her without a word. In the silent darkness, they clung to one another for strength, crying bitter, cathartic tears for the innocence that had been stolen from them until sleep claimed them once more
There was a definitive shift in their relationship after that night. It wasn't anything sexual, at least, not yet, but they'd developed the sort of closeness that comes from baring one's soul to another living being.
After their trip to the beach, Emerie no longer needed Mor to convince her to come riding with her in the mornings and they spent almost every waking second together, growing ever closer.
One evening, during the second week of their stay, Mor returned downstairs after bathing to find the library empty. Emerie was not waiting there for her as she had every night and Mor, curious, had set off to find her.
She located her in the kitchen, groaning as she stepped inside. "What is that delicious smell?" she asked, eyeing the dark brown dough Bronwyn was rolling out on the counter as Emerie's focus was on the shapes she was cutting out of it and placing on baking sheets scattered around the counter.
Flour dusted every surface and a litany of spices covered the counter. Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves...
"Gingerbread," Emerie answered with a smile. "A recipe I learned from my mother as a child. It used to be a tradition every Solstice." She carefully lifted the shape she'd just cut into her hand and placed it on a sheet before moving to another. "We'd cut some out and decorate them like tiny faeries, while the rest we baked into larger pieces to build a house."
"For the gingerbread faeries?" Mor asked, amused as she moved closer to watch her work.
Emerei's cheeks turned a delightful shade of pink but she nodded. "We used all sort of candies to decorate with," she nodded towards the array of sweets in little glass jars. "It's fun."
"Hmm," Mor hummed, intrigued. "How long until we can start decorating?"
Bronwyn chuckled. "The dough has already been chilled. Once we're finished cuttting all the shapes we want, we can start baking. Shouldn't be more than about two hours until they're all done."
Mor pouted, not looking forward to testing her patience with so much sugar displayed before her. Emerie laughed. "Don't worry, we'll do the pieces for the house first so they cool while the others are baking. Probably less than an hour before their cool enough to use."
Satisfied, Mor accepted a large mug full of soup from Able and the two sat together at the counter watching Bronwyn and Emerie work. By the time all the pieces for the house were baked and cooled, Mor was practically dancing in her seat with excitement.
When they were ready and had all the icing made and the decorations laid out, Emerie patiently instructed her on how to assemble the pieces so they would stay and the proper way to hold the icing bag. At one point, Mor put a little too much pressure and the bag exploded, spraying her sweater and hair with globs of white icing which made Emerie laugh so hard she cried until Mor retaliated by squirting icing in her face and a minature food fight began.
The kitchen was a mess of powdered sugar and icing when they were done but both grinned ear to ear as they examined the slightly lopsided structure with mismatched decorations and the tiny fairie people they'd dressed in ridiculous costumes with silly faces. Mor couldn't recall ever having so much fun in her life.
"Not bad," Emerie said, tilting her head to examine the candy studded 'snow' that was dripping off one side of the roof.
Mor snorted rather indelicately. "Don't lie to me, Em. It's terrible. But I love it. We should do this with the rest of the group next year. Feyre and Elain will undoubtedly make the prettiest ones, but I'd love to see boys try. I can imagine the ridiculousness Cass would come up with."
"Or how Az and Gwyn would bicker over the 'right way' to build the house for so long they wouldn't even finish."
They grinned at each other and it took Mor a moment to realize she'd been talking about next Solstice as though she fully expected Emerie to be there with her. She seemed to realize it too and her smile slipped slightly.
Her breathing grew a bit ragged as they stared at other, studying the bits of sugar smeared on thier faces and trying very hard not to let their gazes linger on the other's lips. Gradually, as though pulled by some invisible force, they drifted closer until thier noses were almost brushing-
The clock in the hall chimed midnight and the spell was broken. Jumping apart, Mor looked away, realizing they were alone. Bronwyn and Able must have left them some time ago but neither had even noticed. She also finally took in the mess they'd made and grimaced. "We should clean this up for Bronwyn so she doesn't have fit in the morning."
"Right," Emerie cleared her throat, glancing around for a rag but with a snap of Mor's fingers, the mess disappeared. She wiped at her cheek, marveling that the sugar and icing was gone. "I still feel sticky," she said , wrinkling her nose.
"Yeah, that's the odd thing about magic," Mor agreed. "The mess is gone but you can still feel it on you. I'm afraid nothing but a bath will take care of that."
"Right..." They shared another charged look before Mor chickened out and quickly backed out of the room, faking a yawn.
"Well, we should get to bed, it's late. I'm sure you've noticed by now your bathroom has running water, so no need to wait for someone to help fill it if you want to wash up. I'll see you tomorrow!"
She dashed up to her room and shut herself in the bathing room, hurriedly rinsing the lingering stickiness from her skin before crawling into bed alone. A strange feeling as, ever since Emerie had that nightmare, they'd spent every night in the same bed, wether her's or Emerie's. Nothing ever happened, they just sat up all night talking and giggling until they couldn't keep their eyes open but it had been.... nice.
The next day, it was almost as though nothing had happened the night before though the tension between them had once more shifted becoming something thicker and hotter though both were still too scard to make a move.
Of course, eventually all good things must come to an end...
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior* Bad Batch Edition
Previous Chapter
Pabu Pt. 2
After dinner, Omega and Lyana head down to her boat to watch the sunset. Wrecker I'm pretty sure is in a food coma, at his place at the table. Tech types away on his datapad and Phee watches. I get up and head over to the edge and look down at the village below. Out at one of the docks a boat - probably Omega and Lyana - is going out to the ocean. Crossing my arms over my chest I take a deep breath savoring the view. I can honestly say I've never seen anything like this...Mandalore certainly did not have oceans like this... I instinctively grab my necklace. A familiar scent is carried on the breeze past me and I can feel the warmth radiating of his body behind me. I take another deep breath, basking in his scent - He lets out a soft chuckle behind me. "You know I don't need genetically modified senses to know it's you, Hunter." Two arms wrap around my center and we stand there like that silently, looking out into the horizon.
Phee jumps up from the table to join us "It's almost time." I hear Tech stop typing on his datapad "For what?" He asks. "See for yourself." He joins her over at the edge near Hunter and I, and looks around "I am not seeing anything." "Just wait. It'll be worth it." The sun had set enough that now it is almost dark. Suddenly the lights come on throughout the entire village - it’s like the stars fell from space and litter surface of this planet. I pull away from Hunter to look further down over the edge. "Pretty spectacular, right?" I'm completely speechless. "I suppose that is one way to quantify it" Tech tells her. I glance over at them and smirk to myself - I know Phee has a thing for him but I'd almost bet Tech has no idea. Glancing back, Hunter is looking at me. Not the scenery, me. I reach a hand back which he takes and pull him to the edge to look over. He looks over my shoulder and whispers "Ge sa mesh'la sa gar" his voice deep and husky. Almost as beautiful as you. Leaning into him I shut my eyes and for a moment. "You know—" he starts and I turn to face him, sitting on the edge of the stone wall. "—even though working for Cid has not been all that great...If it weren't for that...I never would have met you." Heat creeps up my face and I can't help but smile. "Hunter you guys have given me a new purpose...you have given me a new purpose...and I don't know if I can ever repay you for that." There's a spark of something behind his eyes that looks hungry. Hungry for me.
Shep speaks up, "I supposed we should show our new guests to where they will be staying!" Hunter doesn't takes his eyes off me as I hop off the wall and head over toward Wrecker and Shep, "That sounds good to me." "Alrighty then! Right this way!" The four of us follow Shep down a walk way - still on the upper level. He stops in front of an outdoor covered common area that is shared by 5 little huts. The four of us are unsure of what to do in this moment and we all stand there. Shep gestures to the huts "One for each of you. I figured this made the most sense after you spent all your time on a ship together." Wrecker is the first one to move "We each get one to ourself?" "Of course!" Shep says like it's so obvious. Wrecker heads inside the one on the far left. Hunter turns to Shep and shakes his hand "Thank you Shep. This is very generous." "It's no problem at all! I'm just glad we could help! I'll leave you guys to settle in." With that the heads back to his home. Tech heads into the hut next to Wrecker's, Hunter and I both just stand there. "I can share with Omega when Echo comes back. He will need somewhere to stay too." He doesn't argue and I figure it's probably because for once he can get away from all the noise. Wrecker and Tech come back out. "You guys have to see the inside! We even get our own bathroom!" "No offense Wrecker, but I am happy to not have to share with you for once." I can't help but snort a laugh at Tech's comment. Hunter just shakes his head. "I'm going to grab my things from the Marauder, anyone else need anything?" I ask, looking between each of the guys. Tech types on his datapad "I'll be up in a few. There is a couple things I would like to do first." I nod and head out "I'll come with you." Hunter offers and I nod my thanks.
We head up to the Marauder and collect our things - including Omegas - before heading back down. We pass Tech and Wrecker on their way up. When we get back to our colony of huts, I stop in the center. "What is it?" Hunter asks, confusion plastered on his face. "I think we should put Omega between us, just in case..." he quirks a brow at me. Now I'm confused, "What?" I ask him. "Now who's being paranoid" he teases. "Hunter...I'm not being paranoid. It's being practical" I put my hands on my hips, sassing him. He smirks and sighs "Fine." He puts her belongings in her hut before heading to his. He hesitates by the door before setting his things down and making his way over to me with determination on his face. I stop before entering my hut wondering what he's doing. Without a word he grabs my face and kisses me, dropping my things I wrap my arms around his shoulders and run my fingers through his hair. "Ugh can you do that somewhere else?" Wrecker complains. I break the kiss but Hunter doesn't let me go, he gives his vod (brother) a look. Tech with out looking up from his datapad or missing a beat says "you might want to get used to it Wrecker" before heading in his hut. I chuckle and Hunter turns his attention back to me - looking me in the eyes - "I'm going to wait for Omega." "Goodnight Hunter" I say before hissing his cheek. "Goodnight Mesh'la (Beautiful)" He grins like a little boy and I head inside.
I had planned to sleep, I really did...it was almost like it was too quiet though. Getting up, I decide to give my armor a good once over and clean my weapons. All of that only takes me a few hours and I try to lay back down. The silence is defending...I guess after sleeping on the Marauder, being in Cid's bar, or being under fire all the time is taking it's toll. Sighing I get up and decide I might go for a walk. Grabbing my jacket and throwing it on, I fling my door open and am met with Hunter's back as he walks away "Hunter?" He spins around "Sorry I didn't want to bother you. I wasn't sure if you were sleeping." "I'm not, what's up?" I exit my hut, closing the door behind me. He doesn't say anything for a moment but just stares at me, heading over and sitting on the couch I pat the spot next to me. He comes over and sits down, under the moonlight he looks exhausted. "What's the matter?" I try asking again. He sighs "It's too quiet...when it's too quiet my other senses seem to work harder and with all the new smells and movements...I can't sleep..." he looks down at his hands. Leaning over I put a hand on his cheek and turn his face so he's looking at me. "Then focus on me..." He closes his eyes, leaning into my touch, and inhales deeply. After a moment his eye brow twitches which tells me it's not working. I throw my legs over his lap and lay down. He looks over at me and quirks a brow. Reaching for his arm, I pull him so he gets the hint "come here." He lays his head on my chest with his ear over my heart. Wrapping my arms around him, I start to play with his hair like we've done this a thousand times. He hums in satisfaction, "If I knew you were going to do this, I would have knocked sooner." I let out a soft chuckle and roll my eyes. "Lyana and Omega are going back out on the boat in the morning" he continues. Pressing my lips to his head I breathe in his scent. "I'm glad she's making friends. She should be a kid for once." He hums his agreement. "You know I was thinking, about what Phee said about preserving cultures for these people who lost everything....Omega....she wants to know so much about Mandalore....I want to teach her....I mean you’re Jango's clones....Mandalorian blood....If you're okay with that?" "I mean if that's what she wants, yeah. You don't have to ask me, she's her own person." "I know but...she looks up to you and I wouldn't do it if it wasn't something you weren't okay with." He picks his head up and looks me in the eye "I want Omega to have the choice to be a kid and do what she wants without fighting for her life." Smiling, I nod in agreement. He looks over at the patch on the bicep of my jacket - which is...no...was...his bandana - and runs his thumb over it. "Not gunna lie, when she did that I thought you were going to be pissed." He chuckles "Actually I thought it was fitting." "Like in a marking your territory kind of way?" I tease. "It worked didn't it?" I smack his arm gently. He laughs and lays his head back down on my chest.
We talk and laugh for a while, and I can tell he is relaxing more. Not too much longer after that, he grows quiet and his breathing becomes slow and shallow - he must be asleep. I lay there awake for a little while longer, listening to the birds, waves, and the moon-yos chattering. I feel bad for him...having heightened senses definitely has it's perks...but, I can't imagine feeling what I do ten fold....or having my other senses working overtime...he takes care of all of us all the time...his turn to be cared for...it's the least I can do after all he's given me...
"Were they out here all night?" Omega asks. "How should I know?" Wrecker responds. Tech sighs "If you guys talk any louder, you are going to wake them up." My eyes flicker open and Hunter grunts "too late." He sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and I pull my legs off his lap. "Were you guys out here all night?" Omega eyes us curiously. I sit up and sigh, "Not all night....just about half of it...." "Oh...Lyana and Shep brought some fruit. Want some?" She continues. I shake my head "I gotta wake up first, I'll be back." Glancing over at Hunter, I notice he doesn't look as exhausted as he did last night. I smile at him, place a kiss on his cheek, and head to my hut for a shower. After, I take sometime to mess around with my armor so I don't have to wear such heavy layers. Forgoing my flight suit, I secure my armor pieces to my black pants, shirt, and my jacket - careful not to cover the patch. Mhm not bad.....if I didn't want to wear my full kit this definitely works...
When I come out, Omega is gone, Tech is typing on his datapad with Phee looking over his shoulder, Wrecker is eating - shocker - and Hunter is talking to Shep. He gives me a once over with his eyes - must be he likes what he sees. He whips around suddenly and looks over the edge. I head over to him, "Hunter, what is it?" "Something's coming." Is all he says, my heart beings to race in anticipation. The animals down below seem to be running in different directions in preparation. The whole island begins to rumble and shake. As quickly as it came on, it stops. "What was that?" I whip around asking Shep. "Uh, small tremor. It's nothing to worry about. Part of island life" he doesn't seem concerned but Hunter is stiffer than durasteel which makes me concerned. Hunter opens the comm "Omega, come in. Are you two okay?" "We're fine. We're headed back to shore now." "I don't think it's over yet" just as Hunter finishes the rubbling starts again. Citizens down below start to panic and run. Belongings are clattering. We crouch along the rock wall along the edge of the walk way until it stops. "That was not a small tremor" He almost scolds Shep. Tech shakes his head, "No, it was not. Hunter, I believe this island is at risk for a significant sea surge." My stomach drops at the thought of Omega still down below. "How much risk?" "Highly probable to imminent." Shep looks confused "We haven't had a sea surge in more than three decades. If we were at risk, the early warning system would've activated."
As if on cue the alarm starts blaring. "I don't like the sound of that" Wrecker complains. Another tremor starts. Shep hands Tech a pair of binoculars, "The water has already begun receding. We must evacuate all of Lower Pabu" he informs us. I stand up and grabbing on to the edge, look down trying to calculate my next move - the wall is slanted from here...it's quite a drop but I could slide down...thank Maker I decided to put some of my armor on... "What are you thinking?" Hunter asks seeing me look over. "Lyana and Omega, they're—" before Hunter gets his answer or Shep can even finish I throw myself over the edge and slide down the stone. As I reach the bottom, I push off the stone and land on the roof top of one of the buildings. From there, I run across them until I reach the edge of the village. Racing out to the waters edge - it's receding so fast - I can almost run out to where they are. The comms on my vambrace go off "Hunter...Raven, we're in trouble...There's a giant wave coming, and we're too far out. What do we do?" She sounds really scared. "Keep you locator on, and head towards the shore" he tells her. "I'm on my way Omega, I'll meet you. Hunter, get to the Marauder and get down here!" "Already on it."
When I catch up with Omega and Lyana - we’re quite a ways out from shore. "That wave is moving quick! Come on!" I yell and both girls race a head of me. Lyanna trips and I grab her by her shirt to get her back on balance. My comm chimes again "Omega, Raven, I've reached the ship. Hold tight!" Lyana looks back "The water's moving too fast!" "Don't stop running whatever you do!" I tell her. "Up there!" The Marauder comes into view. "I see you, grab the line." Both girls jump up onto the line. I aim my right vambrace at the ramp, shooting my rappelling line. Waiting until I see both girls making their way up, and I jump and grab it "We're on go!" Hunter flys us back over to the top of the island. All we can do is watch the water engulf the lower village before returning back to the ocean…
The four of us head down the ramp, my legs are ready to give out from sprinting all that way. Me and the girls make our way over to the tree and plop down underneath it in silence. Omega curls up next to me with her head in my lap. I gently run a hand through her hair and notice shes shivering - from fear or exhaustion Maker knows. Hunter watches with a solemn expression. Shep waves him and the others over. I watch and they seem to be deep in conversation. Lyana is shaking out of the corner of my eye and I wave her over, she too curls up and rests her head in my lap with Omega's. Hunter and Shep glance over at us and a warm smile creeps across their faces. Shep whispers something to Hunter with a mischievous look - Maker this is where I wish I had enhance senses...what did he say? I give Hunter a quizzical look and he just smirks.
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