#like drawings with scribbles & chaotic stuff
aeliem · 1 year
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for @hiro-doodlez's dtiys
not completely sold on the background so there's a version without it below (to be clear my entry is still the one with the bg)
timelapse & version w/out background under the cut
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saguette · 12 days
What do you think Johnny's art looked like before he was stripped of his powers? This is something that bugs me a lot, and I'm curious about what you think.
ok i needed to draw a few shitty pictures to demonstrate cuz i wanted to talk about more than just his previous art but his art journey in general IDC if there's some canon tweet that proves something i said wrong or out of timeline these are my headcanons and projections so you either like it or not.. anyways I think his style pre-pre-JTHM (lets say 15-18) depicted many things, He was good at realism and fluctuated just fine between stylized art and big hefty works with a lot of detail. His stylized works looking similar to Jhonens and the whole 2000's artstyle cuz its fitting.
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Of course he's like, a late teenager around this time so its GOOD but not perfect. If you pulled up a few of his drawings from this time he would probably be embarrassed by all the disproportionate limbs and goth girls he sketched and thought were badass. He probably has old sketches of friends in his style regardless if they asked to be drawn or not since his art was something he was proud of and people around him made him feel proud of. His old art also feels like it'd have anime elements unintentionally to add to that amateur artist swag. Johnny doesn't like anime copies but stuff he rips inspo from was anime inspired so it rubbed off on his work too. Moving onto PRE-JTHM (18-20) Is when his art started to get more serious and complex. In his happy era he took to drawing lovecraftian horror sometimes but it was always the secondary focus of any drawing.
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Moving out and growing up was around the time his mental state started to worsen and he started using art to cope with emotions rather than just use it for fun, drawing complex monsters was a subconscious way to depict underlying mental illness that's out of his hands. He cant depict what he doesn't know he has, he can only scribble things that feel someone close to him because there is no physical appearance to emotions. He never liked his art around this time because it always felt unfinished or wrong or like it just didn't interpret what he wanted right. Overtime his art lost coherent appearance, quality, and meaning which made it feel worthless. It wouldn't be all that bad but it reached a point not even he knew what it was trying to be and it was frustrating. How can your own art not make sense to you? Its weird to let your hands go and do their own and you not recognize what they're trying to say. Which leads to SHORTLY BEFORE JTHM-and later.. Johnnys NEW preferred method for art currently is a little abstract, it became two extremes of the same thing; nothing. his art lost alot of what it used to be so he says he cant draw anymore.
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Johnnys lovecraftian horror art slowly engulfed itself over time and always becomes an abstract mess. Its purposely made to be incomprehensible by having too much, regardless if its creation is poetic, an outside view not being able to tell what it is or how much work went into it is on purpose. its metaphorical or whatever.. Johnnys fucked up or something.. Whereas Noodleboy i imagine was made by him drawing a stickfigure one day to see if he can still "draw" and overtime gave him his features like angry eyes and that big hair, creating his own sort of vent sona to replace the sketchy abstract art he used before. Noodleboys chaoticness is too sporadic to rip any meaning off of, he also purposely represents nothing. His existence uses up paper the same way, just without all the extra effort. SORRRYYYY long tangent thats probably super messy i just winged it. but i cant help myself ive thought about this for a while ik i didnt strictly answer the question but i had so much more to say
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subsystems · 4 months
Do you have any tips for system mapping as a polyfragmented system? Every time we've tried to make one we've just gotten overwhelmed by how many parts there are and how much we don't know
Hi anon! I have some advice based off of my own experience. I hope it will work for you (I'm sorry if it doesn't, though). First, I want to stress that it's okay if you can't create a perfect system map. I've never been able to make one that felt 100% correct, and I've tried many times!
Being dissociative can make it quite difficult to understand what's going on internally. You might have a hard time understanding yourself as an individual part, let alone understanding the other parts in your system. On top of that, your system might have some complex inner organization, like subsystems or parts-within-parts. Don't even get me started on how amnesia can make this all even more confusing, too!
So, remember to cut yourself some slack when it comes to system mapping. Your struggles with it are completely understandable!
Tips for System Mapping When Your System is Confusing as Hell
Make your own template.
A lot of pre-made system mapping templates contain things that don't apply to everyone, aren't important to everyone, or not everyone knows enough about their parts to answer. Some designs might not fit how your system functions. So, if pre-made templates don't work for you...don't use them! Try making your own!
When it comes to your own template, I think it's important to be mindful of your current stage of recovery. If you don't know a lot of things about your parts, that's okay -- that's where you're at in your recovery right now. In that case, you probably shouldn't create a template that requires you to write down a ton of information. Allow yourself to include your confusion and questions into your system map!
Think about what you want to keep track of when it comes to your parts. What would be the most useful things for you and your therapist to know? Yours will probably look different but here was the template that I settled on:
Does the part have a name?
Do they feel younger or older than the body?
What are they associated with?
Anything else?
And here's an example of how I would fill this out:
Does the part have a name? I don't think so
Do they feel younger or older than the body? Much younger
What are they associated with? The color yellow, puppies, childhood, abandonment, crying
Anything else? Likes puppies and drawing, sometimes buys candy without our knowing, unsure if this is one part or actually several
Get messy with it.
I understand the desire to have a neat system map. I've always wanted to have a perfect list of all my parts, all the important details about them, maybe organized into some sort of chart too. But these things doesn't always capture the complexities of being dissociative and having parts. Sometimes, you got to get messy.
I feel like the closest I ever came to a system map that felt the most "right" was in my therapist's sand tray. I picked out different figurines to represent my parts, placing some closer together than others. I would also move the sand, making big and low hills beneath and between parts, burying some things, cutting lines around other things. Something like this picture, but way more chaotic:
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You can do this at home. You don't even need sand or figurines. You could grab some objects from around the house or outside, print or cut out pictures, grab some paints, scribble on paper, sculpt something out of clay, etc. Pick out something to represent certain parts or feelings or situations. Place them wherever, move them however, just let it kind of unfold naturally. Then take a picture of it and/or write about it (so you don't forget)!
Maybe put the trauma stuff somewhere else.
You'll probably feel tempted to record trauma memories and triggers associated with parts -- but it's probably best to write that stuff down somewhere else! You want your system map to be something that all parts can look at. Try not to jump-scare them with trauma that they may or may not know about yet.
This won't apply to everyone but, in my own experience, including stuff like this in our system map triggered our avoidance. Not only did it make creating the system map harder, it also resulted in some parts destroying/hiding what we wrote as a way to protect themselves and other vulnerable parts.
Aaand that's all I have to say, I think. Good luck with your system mapping, anon! - Sunflower
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lumiambrose · 2 months
Blue lock matchup for @hidden-oracle
I ship you with…
Rin Itoshi
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hear me out hear me out… while rin could rock the extrovert x introvert trope, i think introvert x introvert suits him much better.
mans does not need someone as loud as shidou shouting in his ear 24/7. which is why he loves you so much. you guys definitely match each others energy; quiet, attentive and passionate.
honestly, i think rin would be completely fine with your autism and anxiety. he certainly understands that different people have different difficulties and stuff that they’re going through so he’s very understanding.
althoughhhh you gotta give this guy some time to adapt. rin has only had rivals in his life so he’s like a lost kitten when it comes to comforting a friend, or better yet, a lover.
rin is a good learner though. give him some time and communicate a bit and he’ll have it down quickly. need a hug? he’ll definitely pretend to hate it but he could hug you for hours. want to go home? he’s already called an uber.
basically rin is the perfect boyfriend.
but this guy has his own issues too. poor boy is still scarred from his brother so him opening up to you could take a while.
he’s never had anyone to hold so close to him. but once he’s able to open up to you? this man wouldn’t leave you for the world. especially knowing you’re just as scared as him.
oh and his hugs? the best. now in public he won’t hug you, but god he loves it when you hug him. like yes, show everyone how good you two look together.
he’ll definitely pretend to hate it for the first few seconds but you swear it looks like he’s sulking if you try to pull away.
hold his arm while you two are walking together. he loves it.
and in private? my god he matches your energy 100%. he will not leave your side. being alone together is the only time you’ll ever wonder if he’s more touchy than you.
honestly, you two don’t even need to be talking to each other. your presence is enough for rin.
while mans definitely loves to spoil you and take you out on nice dates, sitting on the couch together while you read and he analyzes his matches is almost just as good for him.
now as to how you two even got together? i’d say you met at a cafe. it was a busy day and as there was no space left other than on your table, so he sat there.
now none of you actually said something (god forbid human conversation). althoughhh you thought he was pretty enough to sketch and spent your time drawing him.
of course he noticed (he didn’t seem to mind it) and before he left he scribbled his phone number on your sketchbook and asked you to send him pictures of your sketches.
and that’s how a cute ass couple is born.
he reacts the same to your chaotic behavior as he does with pda. he pretends to hate it. he really tries. but alas he can’t hide the smile that pierces his lips.
the fact that you can keep him on his toes and keep things interesting has him in awe.
horror movie marathons. he loves horror. you love horror. you at least spend one evening per week binging your favorite scary movies.
he’ll also play horror games with you if you ask nice enough :p
personal favorite of mine but the HEIGHT DIFFERENCE? ugh… i love it.
5’1 and 6’1? yes. he’s over a head taller than you and thinks it’s hilarious.
definitely puts stuff on the top shelf so you have to call him to get it for you
as you said you’re quite observant. rin definitely values your opinion on his plays and matches. even if you don’t know much about football, he’ll take your words into account and discuss them with you.
sometimes after his matches, you two will sit together on the couch with some popcorn and analyze the match together. (peak quality time)
i may have written quite a lot for this one… :p
what can i say? i really enjoyed writing your matchup. i hope you like it! <3
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toadinthechest · 2 months
First thing first! Some context:
Last year I've been introduced to Epic the musical which reignited my childhood obsession with greek mythology. Since then a lot of my themed drawings have been piled up. I don't think I will draw anything related anytime soon due to some "in real life stuff". So I decided to post most of them here dividing in two.
And this is the first post, which mostly contains drawings with Iris!
Why Iris? Let's just say I have never heard of her before, but after reading the Illiad I LOVED the idea of two Olympic messengers who counterpart each other.
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As you can see in this take on their designs I wanted to give Hermes rather dusty and faded color scheme, while Iris is the burst of colors! However *headcanon!* their character is completely opposite to their appearance. So while Hermes is very lively, energetic, outgoing and chaotic, Iris on the other hand is collected and composed, calm, kinda a withdraw person (brooding even over something *cough* Titanomachy *cough*).
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Speaking of the Illiad, while reading I've noticed that Homer used an interesting adjective to describe a brunete person: violet haired. So here's random portrait of young Zeus:
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But let's get back to Iris. Her origins are also very interesting. I wouldn't ever guessed that she's rather sea goddess than anything! You see, her parents are Thaumas (sea god who personified the wonders of the sea) and Elektra (cloud-nymph of the amber-trim), and grand parents accordingly: Pontos, Okeanos and Tethys.
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Btw I already talked how different scanners affect your drawing. It took me several days to convert next two pieces into digital format... Because I literally needed the SUN to do that. Why? Because the first scanner "ate" the colors from drawings and i couldn't restore them. And the second one made them incorrigibly dark. So I waited days for sunny weather and make a photo with phone. I have no idea what am I going to do in winter. But I hope I will come up with something!
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I'd like to tell more about these two drawings. On the first one I pictured several celestial gods: Hemera, Helios, Selene and Eos. Looking at them now I realize I actually want to change Selene's design (it's just waaay too simple) and maybe I'd like to make Eos a little bit chubby or curvy. By now you must have already realize that Helios's design is basically humanization of sun in sunglasses (I know it doesn't really fit his character in myths, I just thought it would be more funny and interesting). As for Hemera... I will explain hers and few other gods designs in second post.
The second picture is... Well... Iris and her twin sister Arke the traitor. Look now... I know that there is only one literary source where this character is mentioned, which dates back to the 1st-2nd century AD. So I'm not entirely sure that it can be considered part of ancient Greek mythology. Basically, I just like the idea of ​​such character and how her existing would affect other characters.
Anyway. Iris is also a sister to harpies! (I will show their designs in next post) So I was thinking what Iris would look like if she herself were one?
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Congratulations! You made it till the end of the post! Here's some scribbles of Olympic messengers:
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caramelcactus · 8 months
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Cactus casually sneaking in to drop some stuff before vanishing into the mist for another eternity
The bottom reference of androids Henry is ancient (aka from December, if not from November) and stylized William and Henry are very recent. Randomly scribbled them to motivate myself to get back to drawing
I don’t think I ever mentioned the timeline. In the present it’s 2017
Henry is older than William by ~2-3 years. They met almost immediately during William’s internship in 2009. William was a mental mess when they met and it was Henry’s insistence on Will to get therapy. He was genuinely concerned about William and his self destructive tendencies, especially after William opened up about his family drama. Henry is fascinated not only with William’s engineering talent and brilliant mind but with his strength and independence. He was heavily impressed with William’s boldness to run away from Hurricane and deeply felt for William’s struggles. His desire to stay by William’s side and help him out strengthened their friendship. He is humble, heartfelt, and orderly, which is opposite to William’s reckless and chaotic nature. Yet he shares his love for morbid humor with William. Can be brutally honest and sarcastic as hell. Prone to overthinking and anxiety, mostly when it comes to William’s wellbeing. Protective af and can get aggressive if needed. Henry is an ambivert. William is extroverted. He smokes(not a lot like William tho) but hates alcohol
Welp I’m attached to smol William
He had a dyed hair era. Though black isn’t his natural color, he started dyeing his originally chestnut hair as a way of expressing himself and rebelling against his family, but I thought at some point he would later go wild experimenting with it and dye his front strand purple. But he wouldn’t keep it for long
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baby--b4t · 7 months
Thinking about how a playdate between the three boys would go. Simon almost always regresses too young to play too rough with the boys, so he likes to sit and watch them for the most part. Soap regresses to around 3-6 and is quite the energetic little guy. Story telling with his toys is one of his best abilities! Then theres Gaz. He normally regressed from 7-10, but on bad days where hes impurely regressed he can hit 2.
With my headcanons now being put out there, play time for them is chaotic and never goes to plan. Gaz has cool game ideas he wants to do, Soap thinking it sounds fun too, but Simon feeling too small to participate. Whats the fun in playing if all three cant play together? Playing something that doesnt take a lot of energy bores Soap to death. They needed a medium that all parties could enjoy.
"Drawing contest!" Soap would shout, eagerly racing to grab some paper and crayons. Kyle would giggle at how excited Soap was, then he would help bring the materials out. He felt obligated to help the younger ones with every task since he was usually the oldest and liked to seem mature.
Crayons cover the floor as they all tried their best at drawing their own super hero. Gaz is silent, focused. He isnt very competitive, but drawing always made him zone in on it. Soap, unlike Kyle, is very competitive. He worked quickly and often restarted because he messed up. Simon is just there because he liked the way coloring with the crayon felt.
The timer was up and the boys dropped their crayons (Si didnt stop until Gaz gently reminded him). They looked over all of their drawings and tried to come to a unanimous decision on whos was the best.
"Mine is super fast and flies!"
"Well mine can see in the dark!"
Both boys were interrupted by Simon whining and reaching for a crayon just out of his reach. He wanted to draw still. They realized the drawing on his paper wasnt even any sort of hero, like what the contest was supposed to be over. It was just colorful scribbles. Si had always liked mixing the colors together and see what happened.
Gaz and Soap looked at each other, trying to figure out what to do. They wanted to know whos was better, but also wanted to have fun with Simon at the same time. This was supposed to be all three of them playing, after all.
"Whatcha got there, bubs?" Gaz would ask, sitting next to Si as he still scribbled away. Hearing him babble on was something Kyle would never get bored of. Regressed Si could talk for hours while normal Simon would hardly say a word unless necessary.
Soap eventually joined them and giggled as he listened to the baby. He cant sit around and watch Simon like Gaz can, but he does his best. Recommending colors, saying stuff like 'Hey, that looks like-', and so on. Although coming off as a little too loud, Kyle can tell Soap is trying his best to play with Simon too. It made him feel like a proud older brother.
(Price felt like a proud papa too cuz all of them were playing without a problem (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣U˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू))
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Ok let me ramble about the making of this challenge because I'm so excited.
I told myself that I'm going to take things easy this year and not do any challenges. The summer rolls in and I'm suddenly overwhelmed with ideas for characters I want to write summer smut fics with, but nothing specific comes to mind. I open my notes and try a new approach, writing down some locations. I'm always goofing around on there scribbling stuff and adding comments and all that, so what I did this time was circle the locations and write "top 10 hottest locations to fuck your ikemen this summer!". i snort and move on. Then i come back to it and I'm like wait.
So I really love things that are over-the-top cheesy and basically a parody of something (hello Cupid Parasite nation - the grand amount of 2 people reading this - I'm talking exactly that kind of stuff), i think it's fun in a very goofy way. so i thought wait that's perfect, I'm gonna make a challenge that's a parody of a magazine giving sex tips! I'm a genius!
and then i was like WAIT i can make so much for this, on the banner image. and i was OVERWHELMED WITH IDEAS. this is the first challenge that the creation of the prompt lists has been like 20% of all the work. I'm not even sure if they match the quality of everything else at this point, but my personal favorites are the summer wedding one and the abandoned mansion one - for the latter i got to write "(caution!)" which made me giggle and this one was actually a joke i decided to leave in there.....
so i get to the making of the banner and I'm like hey you know what would be cool? if i asked some artist friend of mine to feature one of their arts that fits the topic, on the banner. then i remembered I'm an artist myself............... and this was very risky because, i don't have any patience when it comes to drawing with my tablet (I'm working on this i swear), this might be coming from my writing tendencies but i need it to be done in max 2 hours and I'm mad because i don't have the skill to make it look good in two hours. but a miracle happened and Liam actually looks good. the coloring is very sloppy but oh my god I'm proud of it. i love Liam so much. I'm just halfway through his route but he's been on my mind a lot and you can say he's the reason this challenge happened at the first place, because HE'S the one who i want to write a smut fic with this summer the most.
then i had another great idea, of adding checkboxes in front of the "sex tips" which works both for the imaginary purposes of it as a magazine AND for marking which prompt you're done with as a creative!!! at this point I'm so excited to work on it
then i spent the next two days looking at so so so many pictures of y2k magazines for inspiration and they're so cool to look at oh my god have you seen them. i never had a thing for this specific aesthetic but suddenly i do? and i go to csp and i vomit all the inspiration I've soaked up into what is now the final product, and i honestly i love it. it feels very personal somehow because i made it in my favorite colors, it's chaotic and makes it hard to focus on one thing at first glance in a very adhd fashion, it has someone i like on it, it's basically a combination of all i love to do from art to writing to graphic making........ this banner is Me kdgkjhgkd okay what else was i gonna say
i also have a playlist of 90s pop songs that i listened to while making this! i might post it one of those days actually!
one thing that i didnt get to include on the banner: to give it a more authentic magazine look i thought about adding something that has nothing to do with the challenge, and that was going to be: something like "the weather this weekend" - basically Friday Saturday and Sunday but instead of degrees there are chibi heads of characters and it says "roger hot" "masamune hot" "gilbert hot" (the third one is marked to be deadly in some way)..... i ended up not doing it because, no space, too confusing, and too much work because likely i would've wanted to draw these myself too. but oh well!!
ANYWAY, i just wanna say, i hope you see the challenge and think "mo had fun with this", because that's the Truth. i have a bit of a problem with overdoing everything and making my projects too massive at times but i promise at no point did i overwork myself with this!!! and if i end up writing like 10 fics it would be same with them okay.............. i had a lot of these awful days in the past few months when i was completely numb and couldn't look at anything, so I'm trying very hard right now to cling to things i feel passionate about. thank you for your attention!! i hope someone has fun with this challenge as much as i do!!
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saltydumples · 11 months
Oh, goddammit, I came up with ANOTHER idea for an AU and I have NO TIME to write it so I'm just going to scribble down my notes here:
Ze is a human astronomer. He specialises in tracking constellations and planets, and mapping them out. One night whilst stargazing he notices something really weird. Like scientifically life-changing weird. Unfortunately, he never gets to share his discovery.
Chilled is the captain of the galaxy's fiercest space pirates. Or, at least, he's trying to be. He's got the ship, he's got the chaotic charm and charisma, but the crew is, well...questionable. That and the job itself isn't quite what it used to be: there are rules to follow now. And, one such rule, states that any lifeform that does not hold a universal intelligence level of at least 5 Caulks (a very precise galactic measurement not at all to be mistaken for the material used to seal joints) then they must be shielded from any knowledge of lifeforms outside of their solar system until they meet the requirement.
Chilled is a terrible pilot. Very wreckless driving - he has twelve separate accounts of wielding a plasma gun at the wheel. Against the advice of pretty much everyone else on the ship he decides to use the gravity of a small solar system as a slingshot. They're meant to be in and out in the blink of an eye but instead the engines stall and for a second the entirety of the Mungus System is on display right outside of a planet called Earth. And, after a moment, the ship's detectors show that it has not only been witnessed but recorded.
Ze is halfway through looking over the pictures he'd captured of the strange event when they suddenly disappear. Entirely. Wiped from his device - nothing to show for their existence whatsoever. So (panicking over the potential of losing the discovery of his lifetime) he starts to draw it down on a piece of paper from memory. And Ze's memory - when it comes to constellations, at least - is very good. So good, in fact, that the system in Chilled's spaceship warrants him as an immediate breach of law and does the only thing it knows how to in order to fix it: it brings him onboard.
Cue a whole lot of chaos and shenanigans - a space adventure packed with pirates, space nukes, galactic riches and a fantastic abundance of cosmic kitties. The main story will follow Ze as he tries to navigate his love for the unknown with his desire to return home.
That's pretty much the overview of the plot! I'm going to note down more stuff about characters under here:
Ze: Unwilling evidence of a universal breach in conduct. Homesick 60% of the time, curious for the rest of it. He's a fast learner and does his best to find out everything he can from everyone on the ship, even though they're pretty unwilling to teach him. Because, unfortunately for Ze, everyone low-key assumes that he's too dumb to learn it. In fact, given that the average intelligence for humans falls under universal regulations, Ze is not able to be classified as an official crewmate but rather more of a pet. However, as his time in space continues, he soon proves himself to be more competent than about 80% of the ship.
Shubble: Head engineer. This fungi-descended crewmate has a soft spot for all kinds of animals and a penchant for leaving mushrooms in the vents. She's also the second most dangerous person on the ship. She's the proud owner of a rare voidal cat called Starlord alongside her newly adopted human, Ze. If she didn't adopt Ze then she was 90% sure that some of the other crew might have eaten him.
Chilled: The Captain. Reckless and yet simultaneously paranoid; willing to accept ridiculous odds but inconsolable if one (1) space bug is found on the ship. He plans to one day commit the biggest space heist ever seen - legally, of course - and is always in search of the perfect crew to pull it off, most of the time not realising he already has it because half of the people he employs spend their days acting like they're consistently rolling critical fails.
Skadj and Speedy: Deputy Engineer and Assistant Enginer respectively. Really Speedy has the skills to be Head engineer but he turned every offered promotion down - more workload and more responsibility? No thank you. They both come from the same firey planet and have slightly draconian features - claws, tails and orange scales. They can seem a little intimidating but tend to care a lot more than they show. Fun fact: when Ze was abducted onto the ship, they were the first to suggest eating him because humans used to be an old delicacy on their planet.
Kara: Leading Medic/Biologist. One of the only people on the crew with an actual braincell, she's the main glue keeping the mess that is the crew in one piece. Half human, half snake, this space naga is not to be messed with (Chilled should know - she's threatened to crush him twice now): though kind in nature she used to work as an assassin, only switching to piracy so that she could conduct her scientific experiments legally (mostly).
Pasta: Assistant Medic. Less concerned about using shields to save people, more curious as to what they can survive while it's on. Completely unpredictable but protective when it counts, this apparent descendent of the Great Spaghetti Monster has a big heart and one of the best laughs you've ever heard. Chilled didn't so much as hire her as he did find her stowing away on his ship and deciding to let it slide. She's been a part of the crew ever since.
There are so many more people but idk how I would get through them all so I'll just leave it there for now.
Bonus fact: Ze spends 80% of his first few months in space wearing fluffy pastel onesies that Shubble buys him because until he's proven to be above the set universal intelligence level he can't legally make any purchases himself.
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Alright its time to introduce the first character of the "main group story". And even tho all the characters in the group are obviously Main characters, if I had to point at just one and say "thats the Main one" it would probably be her. Since she is the one who went on a quest and just "adopted" these other idiots on the way. So she is kinda the driving force. And the only one who consistently has a brain cell. So without further ado its time to write down some Information for our favorite "Angel of light"
General Information
Name: Rúnya Calanoré
Nickname: Angel, Sparky (By Lucina), Oversized Bird (this one, tho it might sound like an insult is actually meant as a funny term of endearment. Kallista is the only one that sometimes uses it as an insult or with a threat)
Age: 25
Race: Aasimar
Class: Cleric (Light Domain)
Pronouns: She/her
Romantic Orientation: Aromantic
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Physical Appearance
(You can also check the included pictures)
Eye color: Bright Orange (seems to glow a bit)
Skin color: Moderate brown/tanned
Hair color: Black
Height: 1,70m
Weight: 75kg
Body type: Broad-shouldered, muscular
Tattoos: Has the holy symbol of her goddess tattooed between her wings (picture at the end)
Scars/Birthmarks: On her middle and lower back old, faded scars from a whipping
Other distinguishing features: Wings on her back, a slight glow surrounding her (less noticable but her body temperature is slightly higher than average)
Fashion style: When she isnt wearing her armor she mostly wears vestment or similar clothing of her temple. You will pretty much only see her in bright yellow or orange colors
Accessories: Wears the holy symbol of her goddess as a necklace.
Other notes: Her wings play a heavy part in her body language (for example when she is mad or tries to be threatening she involuntarily spreads them out. Stuff like that)
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Drawing made by me
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This was a commission done by becks_art on instagram
Psychological Traits
Personality: Kind-hearted and good-natured, always ready to help those who need it. But if you mess with her or her friends she wont hesitate to pay it back in kind.
Temperament: Most of the time she is very patient (just look at her babysitting a group of chaotic idiots) and tries to solve problems in a diplomatic manner. Very slow to really get angry, but if you do manage to piss her off, she can become quite aggressive and violent.
Hobbies: Between the quest given by her temple, her desire to help people, and her having to babysit the other five idiots, she doesnt really have much time for any hobbies. However she started writing a sort of journal, documenting her adventure, writing down new information especially about demons and such. So in what little free time she has, she works on that. Also often collaborates with Elari and in rare cases Kallista, to make her scribbled notes into something decent.
Morals/Virtues: She is compassionate and empathetic, always trying to help people and do what is right.
Phobias/Fears: Secretly is afraid, that she wont be able to live up to the expectations everyone (including herself) put on her.
Angered by: People being unjust or unecessary cruel. People messing with her friends.
Pet peeves: When people randomly touch her wings without asking permission first.
Routines: Prays to her goddess at least once a day
Bad habits: She has a habit of trying to fix peoples trauma or other mental health issues, even when those people tell her, they dont want her help.
Secrets: The scars on her back and the Story behind it. She doesnt activley keep it as a secret, but its Not something that comes up in conversation that often and unless you See her without a shirt, you wouldnt know about the scars. So her group didnt know for quite a while.
Abilities etc.
Physical abilities: Great physical strength, flight
Magical abilities: Innate ability to create and wield fire and light; healing magic and other magical abilites gifted to her, by her goddess
"Special" Ability: Can deepen the connection to her goddess, which increasea her innate fire powers. The more she deepens it, the stronger they get. Hoewever her mortal body isn't designed to hold that much godlike power for a long period of time. If she takes too much for too long she starts burning herself up from the inside out. The highest point of this ability lets her turn herself into a small Supernova, which would kill her but also incinerate everything around her in a good radius.
Languages known: Common, Celestial, Infernal
Partner/Significant other: None
Parents/Guardians: Irene Calanoré (Mother, deceased), Henri Calanoré (father)
Key family members: Her great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother (sorry about that one) is the goddess of light and fire, Kaida
Best friends: Her childhood best friend from her temple, Lucina
Friends: The rest of her group, she is closest with Phi
Enemies: Any demonic or shadowy creature
Mentors/Teachers: In early years her father, later The priests in her temple
Temple/Goddess: She is a devote follower of Kaida and a priestess of her order
Other notes: When she was sworn into the service of her temple, she took a vow of celibacy and abstinence.
Short overview of backstory:
As mentioned above, she is a descendant of the goddess of light and fire Kaida (it runs on her fathers side), however through the years the divinity was "watered down" so her father and grandparent etc. Had so little of it, they were considered regular human
For whatever reason the divine spark flared up again with her, enough to cause her to be born as an Aasimar with wings (even tho thats quite rare)
Unfortunatley there were no magically gifted healers nearby to save her mother, so she died shortly after giving birth to her
Her father never blamed her for it and made Sure she didnt either, but her mothers family did
Growing up she had no control over her fire abilities and tended to sponaneously Set things on fire
This eventually escalated in a scenario that i will probably write a short story about so we are not getting much into it now
All you need to know is that thats when she got her scars and she and her father had to leave their village afterwards
Her father decided to bring her to a temple of Kaida, hoping they could help her to control her abilities
So from that time on she spent her time training and learning the rituals of the order, and to deepen her connection to Kaida to be able to fly, etc.
It was at this time, that she became friends with Lucina
At the age of 16 she Was sworn into the order as a priestess and made her vow of celibacy (she knew for years she wanted to do this, so she kinda "trained herself" to become aro/ace)
The order also tries to bring light into the World and fight of demonic or shadow creatures and due to her heritage the high priests decided, she Was the Most suited for the task and started an extensive training for that to later send her on the quest
And thats kinda what she is doing, why she is out in the world in these stories. Anything else that happens after is more "recent" and will be put in writing.
The symbol of Kaida (her goddess):
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(Drawn by me, could have been better but its "just" a symbol soooo...)
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b0xerdancer-writes · 6 months
@mika-no-sekai-blog asked me on my random blog this:
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~)🌈🌈
And i wanted to answer it here!
1: I love my ability to draw: sometimes if im having writers block ill draw out the last scene i wrote in a scribble and it normally helps.
2: I love being able to write! I love that im able to craft these intricate worlds of my own design! Whats cooler than having little dudes with their own complex emotions and relationships! All at your whim!
3: I love my hair! I recently died it a orangeish red and strawberry blonde! I love it so so much it makes me feel like im at home in the autumn court!
4:I like my dog, this is something positive about me since shes mine. Shes an english bulldog who is a little dumb but! None the less i taught her how to fist bump! Thats a thing I did! And even after she hadnt seen me for a year when i moved out of my parents house to help my other parents with some medical stuff she still retained that training!
5: My aesthetic! I love my aesthetic and weird vibes i give off. I find it absolutely hilarious my family was adamant to my mother i was a changeling or some member of the fae as a child bc id do weird stuff like bring coyotes into my grandparents house. This forged me as a person today, i was told too much about the fae as a child and now my room looks like its a blend of chaotic trinkets and fantasy.
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jamieedlund · 2 years
Okay but I love ur Aaravos art so much like it's so so dear to me I just spent 30 minutes showing all your art to my friend and giving them the link to your page so they can see it all here and reblog and stuff. It's literally so lovely, your artwork of Aaravos is 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 (also love him and Callum and how you write them it's perfect)
As someone who has been very very alone in my journey of loving these two, I thought long and hard about answering this because words cannot express how grateful and happy I am. I am so, so so thankful for your support (ง •_•)ง(ง •_•)ง(ง •_•)ง
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I've always been bad at replying to kindness because I don't want to sound either arrogant or too humble dusakjlafh but I have a profound appreciation for the ones who not only enjoyed my work but also took the time to share and talk about it with others (which believe you me that in of itself is not an easy thing for a lot of people, including me...) It is so, so dear to my heart and it motivates me to continue sharing the things I love. I think I have a very personal and specific take on their relationship as well as who they are as individuals that fuel my love for them. So when that love resonates with someone, it's extremely heart-warming (❤´艸`❤)
(I've been meaning to answer this ask for a while now because I wanna draw something nice for you but ended up debating between 6 different concepts so again, apologies for my delay, I cannot thank you enough (ಥ _ ಥ) You can see them under the cut if you're curious~ They all remained super scribbly sketches though because I am an idiot.)
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They ain't evil tho they're absolutely neutral. A small pet peeve I have is when people going "woah THATS EVIL CALLUM!!!" when they look at my art like pls no this boy is the walking definition of chaotic neutral I cannot--- sorry for the rant wheezes. Hope you enjoyed that at least---
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gomzdrawfr · 8 months
omg so happy to see ur ask is open again!!
I always wanted to know what's it like whenever you draw something? be it oc or ghoap
love you 😍
Im assuming you mean my thought process? Hopefully? (U can send another ask if it’s not)
I dont have a good flow with things bcuz im really chaotic with stuff but i hope u can somewhat get what im saying
Most of what I doodled are based on my own experiences, or from other people, sometimes they come to me unprompted
I think lately it depends on my moods as well! Which can be seen when I had an angst period lmfaooo
Honestly, reading poems helps too, I read them and go “yep this is ghoap”
Seeing other people’s art also sparks some ideas, like timelapse videos
Using said idea
So when i get an idea i either scribble it down or scream it to my friend, it doesn’t matter if im going to actually draw the prompt or not as long as i pour it out my head, it helps to visualize things and also make me go, “nwm this was better in my head but hey at least i know now”
Honestly though, 90% of the time once i have an idea i draw it immediately if i can
Im someone who’s very much dependent on vibes, so if the vibes are off i cant draw for shit(bad habit, im aware)
Like “having an idea of Ghost and Soap scuba diving at night, then i try to draw it next day in the morning and i just cant get it right” for example XD
Now i dont do linearts, or like, any thorough clean up when i post for fun, as long as it looks okay its fine, which gives a few problems:
1. Noticing i miss something after posting it
2. Realising that i forgot my signature
3. Mistakes, lots of it pft
I do have a check list before I post which i stick it on my laptop, like Ghost’s tattoo or Soap’s chin scar for example
I think what helps other than adopting the habit to check is if i posted the images into discord first, idk why but it works?! Like you could’ve checked everything when it was in the canvas and exported it, yet somehow some mistakes just flies passed your eyes until u post it somewhere else
Also im always on the move and rushing with uni and life, so i don’t really pay attention to a lot of things and just accept my doodles as it is, and that’s why it’s tagged as such, doodles
They’re not meant to be perfect, they’re just scribbles, which honestly shocks me how much people like them :) 💕
Extra: Commissions work
Same kind of flow except i work with prompts already given to me, though they’re more careful and requires more time and attention to work them through, and obvs the final check-ins are crucial too with every pixels double, triple checked xD
Lastly, love you too, i hope this isn’t messy to read
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corvidjuice · 1 year
I've been wanting to start journaling but I don't know how to start. Would you have any tips on how to get into it? What do I even write about?
Sorry it took me a while to answer this, it took me some time to properly form thoughts lol. Also I've never really clicked with "traditional" journaling, my journal is very catchall, so my tips might be a little chaotic, but hopefully some of them help!
Make your journal your go to book: Personally I've found it a lot more inviting and less overwhelming to just find one book I like and use it for everything. Apart from journaling I use it for poem ideas, notes, draft emails, doodles ect. I find it helps to get used to actually using the journal and not feeling like it has to be specific and perfect.
Don't feel stuck to one medium: Find what works for you if just writing isn't clicking try doing simple drawings or short summaries (eg. july 1st read [book], really enjoying it) or sticking stuff in ect. My journal is mostly a mix of little pen drawings/writings about things I enjoyed, writings about problems, and notes/ideas, but there are also a few pages just covered in cathartic pen scribbles lol. In my opinion the most important part of journaling is having an outlet to express yourself fully and privately.
On what to write about: I personally only ever write if i really have something to write about. If I've had a great day or experience I'll write about it (sometimes just clipnotes/headlines so I can jog my memory later). If I'm working through something I like to write a specific question at the top of the page and then write about it until it feels somewhat resolved. There's also loads of prompts for journaling online if you're really stuck/are interested in that!
Journal as a capsule: if you do want more of a capsule/comprehensive memory journal I would recommend finding a frequency that you find easy/comfortable, like if every day feels too much do weekly or even monthly. Journaling shouldn't feel onerous! I did monthly capsules for a while and I'd write a list of my favourite songs that month, stick in any tickets or photos I'd taken, monthly highlights/lowlights, I even think at one point I would put my favourite memes in lol. I don't think it really matters what memories/things you save as long as it's stuff you're driven to save.
In the end i think journaling is really personal so it'll probably be some trial and error until you find what really works for you, also you might find journaling just doesn't feel right for you which is completely okay too. Hopefully some of this helped/gave you ideas!
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daywalkers-fic · 2 years
jay. 26. asian. they/them. pan-aroace.
hi! this is a space for me to nurture a personal project of mine: a fictional story set in a world inspired by the 1880s amerikan “west”.
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as I adore fantasy/outlaw adventures, and misfit friendship tropes, I’m interested in incorporating elements of low-fantasy + gothic fiction + real material drawn from this time period.
I’m a big nerd for research and write a lot of non-fiction stuff offline. I’ve never written anything creative for anyone before so this is me having a go because why not! my offline life works with histories of Other-ness and legacies of imperialism. with this lil’ project of mine, I’d like to challenge: 1) the domination of cis, white, heterosexual, machismo in the “western” genre; 2) the romanticization of the “cowboy era” that overlooks slavery, genocide, racism, dispossession. “Taming the wild frontiers” literally required the dehumanization and extermination of Indigenous peoples from those Lands; the oppression and exploitation of racialized labour to build towns, railways, businesses… etc. I am keen on working this reality into my fictional world—subtle dark humour as commentary? main plot points? idk yet we are workshopping
that said!! I indulge in writing random “cowboy”-themed writing/drawing prompts from time to time (see tags below) the fictional concept of a cowboy in the popular imagination is so camp lol like a pirate
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“cowboy” is a gender neutral on this blog
I am taking up this corner of the internet to build a safe and creative space for myself. in these parts: we are for the total liberation for palestine; we are anti-zionist, anti-racist; we support land defenders and indigenous struggle for sovereignty; we support armed resistance of all oppressed peoples. don’t agree? keep it moving. i’ve no tolerance for bigotry or hate. get off tumblr and read a book.
there is no nsfw content (i.e. explicit nudity, sex, violence, gore) here. I will not engage in conversation or posts with nsfw content. blog warning for guns, knives, animals (horses), and themes of death and religion. I have a potty mouth and use it frequently.
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characters, meet the cast
the story, shorts and other scribbles
updates, mapping my chaotic imagination
things to check out while you're here:
yeehaw prompts / cool cowboy stuff / gothic west / more stuffs
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Wah this is a little embarrassing to write down but could I get an obey me match up? I’m super obsessed w Nightbringer atm haha
I go by they/them, I’m 5’10 and I tend to dress mostly feminine but I’m also super hairy LMAO (shaving is too much work), I’m not too confident about my appearance but yknow it’s whateves as long as I get to wear bright and sparkly stuff looool
I’m a capricorn? Dunno much about zodiac stuff, but I would describe myself as a cheery optimistic person!! I like joking around and being silly and I’m described as childish quite a bit 🤷 I can be a bit shy and nervous though so it’s not like I’m SUPER extroverted, I actually tend to be a bit of a hermit sometimes since I don’t like to go out much (ya boy also can’t DRIVE LMAOO) parties and stuff are super overwhelming and I kinda have a hard time making friends ☠️ but I do like talking to people!!! Especially about my interests, I’m super into games and cosplaying rn (currently on my 5th morrowind playthrough, playing all the mainline persona games, working on climbing in ranked league of legends, etc) but I also love to read comics and books as well as write occasionally!! Poetry mostly but I also roleplay online if that counts, plus I do DnD,, I love my character creation 🤧 Tangentially related but psychology is also one of my main interests I absolutely love learning about it!!!
Oh I’m also currently studying art, my skills are mostly in traditional drawing and painting but lately I’ve tried pottery+ceramics and I’m slowly cracking away at digital art too!! My goal is to one day be able to write and illustrate my own stories someday ✨🌈 My favorite genres are fantasy, mystery, romance, and horror!!!
I rlly love spooky stuff teehee, I tend to be a lil thrill seeking, mostly just for stuff like roller coasters, horror movies and games, haunted houses, escape rooms, etc, I find it SO fun I love Halloween sooo much
I guess my love language would be words of affirmation? Sometimes I’m not too big on physical touch but I do like being told stuff lmao
As for things I don’t like, I’m a super picky eater ig? Oh and bugs they give me the icks lmao (I’m so sorry Beel it’s not personal) I also don’t like when things are super chaotic, messy, or out of my control, I function best with at least some semblance of structure in my life 😭
Anyway uhhh I hope this is enough? I’m not rlly sure how these things work lol but I’d love to hear who you think would suit me best!! God knows I’m terrible at picking my men ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Hello Anon! You put a great amount of information! I'm trying to finish the original Obey Me game before I get too into Nightbringer, but with me only being up to Lesson 18, it could take a while. Hope you like your matchup!
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Okay, I know what your thinking! You're a picky eater and I pair you with the one character that canonically can't cook? But hear me out!
If you can cook, you'd be able to make things you know you'll like, and you won't have to worry about dying from Solomon's attempts at cooking.
If you can't cook, either the brothers or Barbatos would be more than happy to help you out, making dishes for you while also teaching you how to make them yourself.
Solomon loves spooky stuff so he's right there with you in haunted houses, cinemas to watch the latest horror movie, on rollercoasters...you name it, Solomon's up to the challenge!
He also loves sitting down with you and trying to copy whatever you're drawing or painting. He's probably not as good as you but he tries his best. He can always just use a bit of magic while you're not watching to make his scribbles look a bit better.
Solomon loves that you have the desire to write and illustrate your own books. He'd feel honoured if you would share your progress with him. But he's also happy to wait until the final product is finished. It just means more anticipation and surprise when he finally gets to see your work.
Solomon playing D&D would be an experience. He's got so many stories from his years of life that all of his characters are probably just him from different eras. I really want to write a fanfic about the Obey Me character playing D&D now...
Because Solomon's been around so long, he's also a ready reference for a lot of psychology questions you have. He's seen so many people and how they think so there are very few questions you could ask that he wouldn't be able to answer.
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