#also pissed bc my issue is that i ran out of time not that i didn’t know how to do the stuff. which makes it sm more frustrating like if i
pallases · 3 months
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petitgalaxy · 1 year
#i ran out of tags on the last post AJSJSJS#SO i cant close my eye or use my mouth as well as i normally can and my eye hurts like a bitch#dr gave me 1) a second round of antibiotics 2) swimmer’s ear meds which my parents had to pay for out of pocket (like $90!!!)#3) steroids for the paralysis 4) yeast infection meds bc last time i got one#5) artificial tears to keep my eye nice n lubed up since it can’t CLOSE#so now i’m all full of meds that are making my stomach hurt a fuck ton and fucking with my appetite and making me hot and flushed and angry#i can’t see super well and i cant hear out of the one ear literally at all so stuff like retail job and lab work with classmates are hard#i’m exhausted and sick and have no motivation for schoolwork which I already was struggling w as a result of autistic burnout and PDA#i also do think that this is a hilarious set of unfortunate circumstances and yesterday i was very giggly abt it but today i’m just pissed#i can’t sleep well under the best of circumstances and tonight i rly cant#i tried to go to bed early bc i’m so tired and i need to force myself to go to classes tomorrow since i’ve been skipping a lot of them#my profs know abt the issues btw but :))) academia is hell if you’re at all sick or disabled or having mental health problems or whatever#no room for flexibility or adaptation in my experience#anyway i just wanted to vent for a while!!!#i am not in danger or anything and i’m not a threat to myself or others or anything scary#just frustrated and sick#the paralysis should go away within weeks to months 🙃#for some people it never goes away 🙃#so fingers crossed#but i am thankful to have meds readily accessible even tho they’re expensive and stupid#that’s all!! time to put my sleep mask back on and try to pass out#i tried taping my eye shut per doc recommendation but it wouldn’t stick#💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
something i’d love to see more of is angsty rebellious teenage dick grayson. i don’t know why i enjoy the trope but the image of dick “golden boy” grayson getting plastered with roy as he slowly sinks into depression before somewhat getting his shit together is an interesting picture
also he just seems like the guy to get impulsive piercings. dunno why
oooh yeah that fantasy's a guilty a pleasure of mine.
I am 1000000000% an enforcer of Dick was not an angry robin. And he wasn't because the comics show just how happy his demeanor was and how fun he is. But angsty teen Dick? 16/17 year old Dick?
Again throwing a little bit of canon in
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"When we started this you were open and encouraging. You were my father...but these last few years...all you've been doing is trying to control me even more."
This is so loaded.
The anger Dick feels when Bruce is trying control him, trying to lock him in a cage in the batcave because of worry, has so much ao3 potential.
Like angsty teen dick is so complicated to think about because Bruce acts a bit like an alcoholic father and Dick's compartmentalization issues come from his parents' death. So what would this result in?
I have no fcking clue.
Because Dick would totally get wasted with Roy, hazy blue eyes staring emptily into space, watching with a flushed cheeks as his short black hair fans out on the back of a beaten blue couch at Roy's place, just breaking down quietly as Roy rants and screams about life's injustices in the background, slinging an arm around Dick and jostling him.
Or maybe he and Roy would also go bar hopping, both of them sloppy drunk, laughing and crying at the same time while they max out their daddies' credit cards and then crash somewhere in someone's pool. Maybe they end up inadvertently on Katy Perry's Friday Night music video.
Or maybe Dick would be a hurricane of disaster, lashing out with knives of sharpened words stabbing the deepest, sorest spots of pain in people, his anger alighting a fire in all. He would be magnificent, ferocious, and catastrophic.
He could be any of these three and all three at once.
He would feel the need to act out if Bruce was becoming more controlling.
BUT AT THE SAME TIME, Dick raised Bruce and that perpetually sense of responsibility he's instilled into himself from a young age as well as his self-sufficiency is never erased so one night he would be blacked out from the excessive alcohol but next morning 6'o clock his body's walking up and he's going through his morning routine like a machine and out the door to work. He just keeps going like this day and day until he collapses and the titans intervene or Bruce drags him back to the manor, screaming in love and fear and Dick screams back and the cycle begins.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #135
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Like canonically Dick ran away from home at 16, got a job, got caught up in a major anarchist group, and did a whole freaking investigation while Bruce sulked in the cave because Dick ran away.
There's so much angsty dick potential that could go in so many ways because he's such a complex character that all of them apply.
LOL!!! I totally think he would get impulsive piercings too. Maybe when he's drunk and pissed and then the next day he would wake up be like wtf. He'd sit in turmoil and a little regret for a while and then be like whatever because these piercing are freaking cool.
Bonus: no one (except the og titans and Alfred bc Dick never keeps anything from Alfred and the titans are family) ever find out about the piercings and it's kept a tightly guarded secret until a decade later when he does something in the batcave and one of the batkids notice and they're like, "DICK YOU HAVE A PIERCING?!" The rest of them just about break their neck whipping their head around to look at him. Dick just shrugs nonchalantly because time has tempered him and goes, "oh yeah. I guess. I forgot." Bruce passes out and wakes up on the floor to Dick hovering worriedly over him while the rest of the family watches in amusement at his predicament and also half brokenly because their golden boy big brother has piercings. Plural.
Bruce gasped out a pained breath, "Piercings?"
Dick stared at him silently, gemstone eyes holding his gaze as the quiet of the cave melted the seconds into hours. His eyes slowly slid from Bruce's to where the rest of the family was standing, watching them with bated breath for his answer, before they met Bruce's hopeful ones again.
"No." Bruce, with all the strength left in his body after recovering, raised a questioning eyebrow as Dick continued, "I don't have any piercings and never did."
"Hmn." But he swore he could've seen-
The kids erupted in protests.
"Dick, come on!" Jason hollered, pushing forward. "We clearly saw it there-"
"Where?" Dick asked, spreading his arms wide and invitingly, offering them to see for themselves.
The piercing they had all gotten the barest glimpse of was gone from where they had seen it on Dick.
"But you said you! You said, 'yeah. I guess so. I forgot.'" Stephanie put her hands on her hips, "Admit it Boy Piercing!"
"Boy Piercing?!"
"Fess up, pretty boy!"
"Steph," Dick visibly bit his lip to keep from laughing, "I was joking. You guys should've see your reactions - they were so funny!! Dick has a piercing. OMG. You people were hilarious."
Damian clicked his tongue. "Enough Richard! Did you implement metal into you skin like a heathen? Richard, how could you?! Who dare touch-"
"No Dami!" Dick quickly interfered to prevent a possible murder on his behalf, "I was just kidding, okay? Besides, did you guys even really see it? Like full on?"
Harper crossed her arms. "Close enough."
Dick quirked his eyebrow at that. "But you didn't actually see it right? You thought you saw something shining and turned to look. C'mon you guys know what it is - peripheral vision hallucinations. Things you see in your peripheral vision that aren't real because you are tired," He pinned a look at each other, emphasizing the words, "and stressed."
Dick pressed his lips together and folded his arms. "Time for bed. Now. I know you all haven't been sleeping for the past few days so you all are going to bed. At the manor." Dick finished, shooting Jason a look when he tried secretly shuffling toward his bike.
The rest of them were unmoved for a moment but quickly caved under Dick's patented "I'm mom-ing you."™ stare as Jason liked to call it.
They trudged upstairs while Bruce and Dick watched in companionable silence.
Bruce turned to look at Dick as the sounds of their bickering and footsteps faded away.
"How did you do it?"
Dick hummed distractedly and tilted his head to look down at Bruce still sitting on the floor. "Do what?"
Bruce growled, impatience, annoyance, and apprehension swimming in his voice, "Don't lie. To me. How did you hide it? Now. And for so long?"
Bruce watched tensed as the tip of Dick's tongue ran over the ridges of his top row of teeth, the first sign of anger he had seen from him in weeks. The pink flesh of his tongue barely avoiding cutting itself on the slightly too sharp canines that Dick loved to call his vampire teeth since he was little. He had even threw a veteran-dentist-scaring-tantrum in the dentist's office when the man suggested shaving them down once.
Bruce watched warily as Dick crouched down, balancing on his balls of his feet like a cat on a fence, and forcefully tamped down the sudden urge to pull out a hidden batarang when the boy grinned, eyes lighting with the wild fire of joy and madness from his robin days that still had Bruce on edge for decades.
"How did you it?" He asked again, not sure if he really wanted to know anymore but the principle remained. There was no way Dick's activities could be hidden for so long. He didn't invest in his detective following skills for something like this to escape his observation. But at the same time Dick had evaded his tracking skills when he was seventeen and ran away from him. But something so obvious as a piercing would never escape his notice. But a whole 17 year old boy also shouldn't have escaped his notice. However, Bruce had improved. He had gotten better at his job and his skills. Right? Right, of course, he was the best in the world. Dick definitely did have a piercing. But...on the off chance...what if he really had just seen a flash of light? Sweat on a body? The edge of a birdarang? Peripheral vision hallucinations? "Do you?"
"Do I what?"
You already know what I'm asking. Bruce thought, frustrated with Dick for lying. Frustrated with himself for not knowing if Dick was lying.
"Do you have piercings?" Bruce ground out.
Dick laughed, his voice echoing like choir bells in the spacious cave and bouncing off the stalactites to create a ringing, haunting melody as he leaned in closer to Bruce.
"C'mon, B! You know every showman's got his own tricks," Dick grinned brightly.
And you're the whole damn circus. Bruce hissed viciously in his mind.
Dick's eyes twinkled back at him.
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tell about ur aus,,, go on
i have so fucking many aus so i'll ramble about a few
my latest one takes inspiration from this post and it's basically, dazai takes in atsushi and the akutagawa siblings, but realizing he can't really find a job to support all of them at once, he decides to go and (try to) reopen odasaku's favorite curry place. there are a few issues.
he is Not a great cook
atsushi can only make chazuke
aku and gin don't know how to cook
the place is kind of a mess
so eventually he goes and calls up chuuya and he's like "hey, you know how to cook, can you help me" problem is, chuuya's pissed at him bc THIS is when he calls him again and it's not an explanation of why he left, not a "sorry for blowing up ur car", not any of that, it's just another favor. so his immediate response is "fuck you, no" and dazai has to nag him into coming and helping, this being via taking some random pm member for hostage and specifically requesting that chuuya come pick him up
chuuya does indeed arrive, but he also breaks dazai's nose, so dazai ends up vaguely explaining with an ice pack on his face lmfao. this bit is what i have planned most vividly and is hopefully? gonna be a fic i publish. but also, later, ranpo ends up at the curry place and is like "damn you live like this" and dazai replies just kinda, "either order or get out" but ranpo offers him a better job (that being working at the ada), and while he hesitantly agrees, it's only a part time thing for the first bit. also although i haven't decided yet i think he might also end up finding kyouka before the pm gets to her and tachihara before the hunting dogs find him bc i am weak to 1. found family 2. BIG found families.
chuuya is absolutely fucking baffled when he runs into dazai during an ada job, btw.
"i thought you ran a fucking curry shop" "i do that too" "?? what the fuck" "it's called being a PART TIMER chibi" "i'm gonna break your nose again"
anyway next au!!
cowboy au (btw, they still have abilities) where nathaniel is a travellng priest looking for a doctor to cure margaret who's deathly sick, and he hasn't really been having any luck (he's been searching for months to no avail), and eventually at this one town it's like.. it's late at night, nathaniel's thirsty, he heads to the bar to get some water. nikolai promptly swaps their drinks, nathaniel drinks something really strong and passes the fuck out, wakes up to being in an inn room (with noteably less money) and storms the hell out of the building just to find nikolai petting his horse and acting all innocent about doing anything. nathaniel just tries to leave, nikolai follows, and they travel like that for a bit (occasionally trying to kill each other) before they get the third member of their dysfunctional little party
do you remember that one kid fyodor killed?
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this little guy (karma), is a pickpocket who steals nathaniel's bible in the hopes of selling it to get food. the two find him, both kinda realize his situation and while nathaniel is about to point him in the direction of the town's local church nikolai goes "fuck that" and just straight up kidnaps him, and they keep traveling. nathaniel and nikolai are mutually, regrettably, falling for one another, but this just manifests as more murder attempts, to the point that one night, nathaniel tries to strangle nikolai, nikolai wakes up and strangles him back, and when nathaniel passes out he fucking dreams about nikolai and is HORRIFIED. things only get worse and gayer from there and i also think they go on a train at some point.
karma's enjoying the horse rides at least, and there's some other characters that show up though tbh idk who besides this one dazai scene and gin at one point
okay this other au is shorter, but basically: ada kajii. this is built off of SO many headcanons, but essentially kajii's backstory is just the lemon short story. except that kajii never found lemons, bc instead kunikida (his old friend/school friend that fell out of contact with him) reaches out, they become friends again, and so when kunikida joins the ada, so does kajii. kajii works as a clerk bc, like, he doesn't. know he has an ability. Oh Boy Does He Get A Surprise during dead apple
okay i was gonna talk about my eternal winter au but that would be an essay /lh
SO instead!! shiburan au, an au i never. properly named beyond that it's a shibusawa x ranpo focused au. also co owned with my bestie @feralshadowdemon <33
basically, yokohama is a smaller, calmer seaside town, no abilities or anything. shibusawa moves in, working at the pet shop across the street from this coffee shop that's connected to a bookstore. the coffee shop is run by (most of) the ada, and the bookstore is run by yokomizo; mushitaro and poe work there. the members of the ada who work at the coffee shop are fukuzawa (he owns it), ranpo, kunikida, and yosano. dazai is fukuzawa's newest adopted kid, and ran away from home. (he was living with mori (and elise) before) yosano Understands his situation, having done the same years before.
ranpo starts going over to the pet shop a lot, both bc he's running errands (fukuzawa owns three cats) and bc he likes talking to shibusawa. they eventually exchange phone numbers and start texting. in the background of this, btw, is soukoku: they had a messy breakup years ago, they act like they don't like each other, etc etc normal skk things. the flags are a biker gang who are alive and well here, and chuuya hangs out with them a lot. dazai is a bit jealous of them, ranpo knows this, and so when chuuya starts volunteering at the pet shop, ranpo brings dazai along on an errand run so the two run into each other again. they start talking again, slowly bonding again by virtue of wingmaning shiburan
also misc details
dazai and aku are just. they are just friends here :)
aku and tachi are friends!! also higugin is real
the akutagawa siblings live with hirotsu
fukuchi is the hunting dogs' dad; except for tetchou, who's jouno's boyfriend. he has stricter parents.
fukuchi here is a retired military veteran AND ex movie star. his movies are awful /aff
shibusawa has a pet cornsnake named draconia
odango is engaged here but oda travels a lot so they haven't got married yet
ango works in an office in the big city, but he visits dazai sometimes. they are friends
bramcraft is married, they adopted aya
kyouka and kenji also live with fukuzawa!! twincoded tbh
kyouka has narcolepsy
there is so much more but i have been writing this post for an hour SO just shoot me (another) ask if you're curious :D
and yeah that's some of my aus!! i have a masterpost of all of them slowly being built in my drafts hehe
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gayleafpool · 9 months
Give me some Varian and/or Hugo related angst
Just rip my skin off with it
Go hard bestie
-i think all interpretations of donella are fun, she’s not real so ppl can imagine her in any way they’d like. however my interpretation of her is that shes. kind of awful. she’s cold and distant and imagine she likely had a rough upbringing but she’s the type to think it made her stronger SOOOO she subjects hugo to the same things she went through to try to make him stronger. perpetuating the cycle type shit. i think he got his eyebrow scar from her. i think as he grows older is capable of physically overpowering her but he is so afraid of her that he would never be able to do it because she has so firmly cemented herself in his mind as someone he needs to fear and respect. i also think that donella does actually care about him but she’s so awful at showing it that it doesn’t matter. and when hugo finally is able to leave her behind she’s kind of shocked and it prompts her to try to make things right but it’s just too late there’s nothing to salvage
-building off what i just said i think donella would be very adamant about hiding weakness and pain n stuff. so when hugo gets injured on a mission he learns he has to hide it or she’ll yell at him for showing weakness. so he learns to either take care of his wounds by himself if they’re bad enough or just try to pretend they’re not there. fast forward to him meeting varian and he gets injured one day idk stabbed or something and nobody sees bc he hides it but he can’t get access to stitches or anything to clean it for a lil while so it gets infected and he gets ill and then of course varian finds out and helps him clean the wound (his hemophobia ran away for the day idk. or maybe the wound isn’t bleeding anymore so it’s fine. or he’s not looking too close) and hugo is like. pissed tf off because he hates that he needs help and hates how it makes him feel and varian is just so kind and gentle with treating his wounds and it makes him feel WEIRD and i think after that he has a bit of a moment bc being cared for after so long of not being able to show pain just kinda makes him realize how sick of this he really is
-when varian finds out how badly hugo had been treated by donella i think it would help him forgive hugo fairly fast bc varian understands how it feels to be used and manipulated by someone who has power over u. i think i’ve said it before but i think he had a real bad time in prison. why did they put him in a cell with a grown man. that was such a bad idea. i will not go too in depth abt it but i think he endured a number of types of abuse while there and i also think he would struggle to understand that it was a bad thing. he just lost all of his friends and his father he’s got nobody i think he would be so desperate for someone to care about him that it doesn’t hit him how fucked up the things he went through were until a little bit after getting out of prison. i think he ends having major issues with dissociation after prison bc of what happened to him and he’ll just kinda space out. i have soooo many feelings about this actually this is something very personal 2 me i could go on and on and on damn maybe i should write a fic. alexa play hard times by ethel cain but heed the content warnings
-hugo has major issues w food insecurity. he spent most of his life having to struggle to steal his own food bc donella couldn’t be bothered to take care of him. adjusting to a life where food is always readily available and free would be hard for him. i think it would make him angry. it’s just been this easy this whole time for all these people? why did he almost starve so many times back when he was just a kid? why did he watch the same thing happen to other kids around him? actually just in general i think hugo harbors a lot of anger and frustration towards royalty which again. makes living in the palace very tough. i think it’s at a level where he’s not even annoying and antagonistic towards most people in the castle it’s just like this quiet hatred bc it’s a wound that cuts so deep for him. he doesn’t even really wanna speak to them. doesn’t wanna be around them. i don’t think he really ever gets over this and i think the only person he ever really truly grows to trust (besides varian) is cassandra actually bc she very much understands how he feels
-varian varian varian my bpd king i think he is so talented at forming unhealthy attachments. he’s a weird little guy who spends all his time in his lab so he did not have any friends as a kid and probably got bullied tbh i mean he’s a tiny little nerd and basically for the longest time his dad was his only friend thus u have his first unhealthy attachment there which would explain him going off the deep end when quirin gets nerfed. i also think he got extremely attached to rapunzel eugene and cass as soon as they were nice to him bc again. no friends +ough the disorders. and he puts them on a pedestal. i think this also happened w andrew while he was in prison. and this habit of his makes him miserable bc he gets upset when he can’t be the center of their universe or when other people take priority over him or when he’s not getting the attention he wants but it also makes him more likely to endure being treated badly bc he can have a hard time differentiating between good and bad attention
-i think hugo is scared of becoming anything like donella and he’ll often catch himself doing things to other people that she used to do to him the cycle she perpetuated is so aggressively trying to suck him back in bc she’s literally all he ever knew. he had nobody else to look up to and all she ever taught him was how to be cruel and how to use others and hurt them when they didn’t behave the way you wanted to and it sucks bc he has seen that it WORKS. it’s awful and it’s cruel but it works. and sometimes his brain will tell him that it would be so much easier to just scare someone into doing what he wants but then he remembers that’s what donella would do to him and he just kinda. spirals because he can’t take the idea that someone who caused him so much pain is becoming a part of who is he and he can’t stop it because it’ll happen almost unconsciously sometimes
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fandomgremlinlover · 3 months
My opinions on the ATLA Live action series (just from the first episode):
….I fucking hate it.
No, the visuals are not the problem. And no, the cast is not the problem. It’s the fucking dialogue and delivery. As well at the changes they’ve made.
I can tell you right now, as a hard core atla fan, LA katara is not the katara I know. Why the FUCK is this girl not RAGEFUL AND SASSY!!! There is literally nothing to work with, her personality is dry, and her dialogue and delivery is so fucking blaaaannnd. It literally makes me want gouge my eyeballs out. My girl has been RUINED!!! THIS IS MUTINY!?!? Not only that, but aang’s lines and dialogue make me want to cringe and cry and throw up. His delivery is NOT done well (I blame the fuckin directors for this) and his lines make absolutely NOOOO sense for his character. Wheres the goofy little boy I know!?! Wheres the kid who RAN AWAY bc he was scared to be the Avatar!?! WHERES AANG!?!?
His reactions to his people being dead and gone are NOT it👁️👄👁️ also that reaction for Gyasto came out of fucking nowhere. He ALREADY knew about his peoples death, and how the fire nation had something to do with it!? He literally went from, “IM GONNA FUCKING KILL EVERYONE WITH MY AVATAR POWERS!!” to literally, “sorry guys,😢😢 I don’t know what got into me, I guess I overreacted a bit😰😔”…..NO YOU DIDNT AND WHY ARE YOU SO MATURE FOR 12 YEARS OLD!?!? ALSO WHY DID THEY CHANGE HIM FROM RUNNING AWAY!?! TO “I think I need some time to think guys😕😕😔😔” LIKE—NOOOOOOOO YOUR SUPPOSED FO FEEL AFRIAD OF BEING THE AVATAR AND BEING SENT AWAY AND YOU DONT WANT FO BE DIFFERENT AND SO YOU RUN AWAY FROM YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES BC YOUR IN DENIALLLLLLL😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Not only that, but media literacy is dead. Bc wtf do you mean you have to explain ALLLL the lore and info dump in the first episode😀 What happened to show not tell, hmm??? What happened to people having to use their fucking BRAINS to figure out themselves!?!? WHY THE HELL DID YOU PUT THE ORIGINAL INTRO INTO GRANNY’S DIALOGUE!?!?
Iroh is a whole other can of worms that I will open later, but right now what you need to know is, I’m fucking pissed.
Now onto another issue, Zuko’s scar…Why the hell is it pretty-fied!?! Like, that is NOT Zuko’s fucking scar and anyone who wants to argue me about that can suck a lemon. Bc I’ve seen WAYYYY better makeup done by cheap ass makeup for cosplays. Let me say that again, COSPLAYS. Zuko’s scar is supposed to cover at LEAST half his face, and reach his ear. It’s supposed to be ugly and unsatisfying to look at. Because it’s a fucking fire burn. Also he can barely lift his fucking eyelid in the canon show, so what the fuck is that about!?! Like I don’t WANT a nice, aesthetically pleasing scar, I want an ACTUAL FUCKING BURN THAT DOESNT LOOK LIKE IT WAS DRAWN ON BY EYELINER!!!!!🤬🤬🤬
Sokka, my poor sweet funny Sokka…what have they done to you!!😭😭 They removed his most IMPORTANT character arc bc it was “iffy” and “was not relevant to the plot”…..it was fucking relevant you sick sacks of shit, he’s supposed to be iffy and then later grow threw Suki. He’s SUPPOSED TO BE SEXIST AND GROW AS A CHARACTER BC EVERYONE HAS FLAWS!?! IT WAS MEANT TO PROGRESS HIM BECOMING A BETTER LEADER AND MAKE HIM LEARN THAT UNDERESTIMATING HIS ENEMIES IS A NO GO!?!? LIKE, EVEN 9 YEAR OLD FUCKING ME SAW THAT SHIT!?!? BUT YOU CANT????? 💀
The only thing I enjoyed about this episode was the visuals, and admittedly, the air temple battle scene. It got to me, and it goes to show that the fire benders were brutal when they committed a genocide against the Air nomads. That was it….i…I don’t know how I sat through the rest of the episode….bc it makes me SOO angry. Like, as soon as the ending credits came, I started sobbing. They had the ability and the tools to make a great live action of ATLA, but they blew it. Because this show isn’t for the fans or for anyone who likes to sit down and discuss the meanings and implications of each scene and its significance for the show. No, this show is for people who only want noise in the background. I don’t care for it, and I’m not happy with what they’ve done. When I heard the original creators stepped away from it bc they were promised this show would be exactly like the original series, but instead they chose what they wanted to do and change. I knew we were doomed. I understand there are people who live the live action, and I understand. But I simply cannot tolerate the show when I know they could do better. I hate to compare shows and medias, but One Piece set my expectations really high. Bc the creator had full control or say over any and every decision that was made in the LA. The Live action ATLA disappointed me and I’m very sorry to say that I didn’t enjoy it. But I had a hunch, and for me, I was right.
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hostilemuppet · 4 months
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So, backstory. I (39M) married my husband (29M) a few years ago (I was 36, he was 26). We got together after a passionate night of lovemaking in a motel room after meeting in a gay bar. I realised the next day that the handsome stranger was actually the guy who had made multiple attempts on one of my brothers (28M, then 24) life (dont ask why hes not in prison, money can accomplish anything) and figured out pretty quickly that he was using me to make my brother miserable. Now since he was playing with my heart, I thought that at least I should have my own fun, yknow? So I started messing with him a little, encouraging PDA that he wasn't really that interested in (were both pretty high profile so public image was important to him, and also im not sure if he even liked boys?), "influencing" him to buy me things I didnt need. I'm not a monster, I was just fucking with him a little for funsies.
Anyway eventually I asked if he actually loved me etc etc so he bought us cruise tickets and the proposal was beautiful and the ceremony even more so. He moved in and I let him bring very few of his belongings (hes a hippie). Soon we had twins (0F, 0M) (he stayed home while I worked (my job is not important)) and life was great. Soon the cat got let out the bag and he found out that I knew that he was trying to use me for my brother (who was also in on the situation). He said something about divorce so I threatened to tell everyone every little detail, even that /thing/ he likes. What followed was 8 more months of constant psychological warfare and the best sex I've ever had, until the unthinkable happened.
We actually started to fall for each other. Now I'm not proud, what with the twins and all, but I instantly filed for divorce (i am also a child of divorce, okay, I've got commitment issues and it made it too real, weve all got flaws). He got full custody and I got to return to my bachelor lifestyle. And it. was. MISERABLE. I missed him so much. I missed pissing him off. I missed when he'd get mad and put dairy milk in my coffee to make me sick. I missed the way every time we woke up hed say "morning, my bitch husband who I hate" and id call him sweetie and kiss him on the cheek as he stewed in rage. I even missed the kids!
A couple years (and several rehab admissions, mostly mine) later we ran into each other at some charity event that I don't even remember what was for. I asked him how the twins were doing. He said they were good. He said I was looking well. I returned the compliment. We both had some wine. Next thing I knew, it was morning and we were married again. Now, I know what you're thinking, but he said he missed me too, and yeah he's the only partner I've ever had that's lasted longer than 2 months so maybe I don't have the best history but I really think we can make it work this time!
Tl;dr: AITA for turning my little brothers mortal enemy gay?
Edit: stop asking who I am, none of you know who I am, I am anonymous, that is the point duh
Edit 2: i am not Floyd [lastname]-[lastname2]
Edit 3: I mean it, I am not Floyd. I dont care if the ages and timelines match up
Edit 4: just bc my husband is a hippie doesn't mean he's the only hippie you guys know of
Edit 5: a lot of celebrities have fraternal twins
Edit 6: fuck you guys
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lakesbian · 10 months
how do you feel about rose and blakes dynamic and do you have a preferred thorburn of the two
ummm. sweats. ummm. to start with the easy part i like blake better bc he's funny. he's always getting into circumstances that are like if looney tunes were horror. out there running headlong into trees and shit. i don't know if it would be funnier if rose is 4x more competent at not dying than him and he was just having a Skill Issue or if she immediately becomes equally miserable and beset by horrors but i'm sort of getting the vibes that it's going to be the first one. not sans being beset by horrors but probably sans the looney tunes antics. i would love if she also ran headlong into trees though. or was like "i will solve this issue via exsanguination" as blake was wont to do before he died badly and then started immediately sniveling and shivering pathetically like blake did bc she's never bled real blood before and it huuuurts :(.
i would love if i had been paying more attention to blake and rose's dynamic this entire time instead of going Heehee Oatmeal. i'm genuinely going to have to reread this fucking book i'm not kidding. maybe even before worm. like i've been blacked the fuck out i have lost the plot. that said i did form literally all of my opinions about worm by incoherently rambling until i stumbled upon something i decided to actually believe so perhaps doing the same publicly about pact will work. towards the end there blake's paranoia wrt having his identity & body (theyre intertwined!) corroded was really getting to him in like a comically cuntish manner. out there being like yeah i consider rose a friend. wgat if she kills me with demons or creatures though. come on man yeah rose resents you a normal amount for being stuck in a mirror watching you make all of the important decisions nearly entirely w/o her input but she's not going to beset you with Beasts or Creatures. i love how hypocritical and bad he is about admitting what their dynamic actually is to himself while still being deeply afraid that said dynamic will result in him getting crazy murdered. i liked when they had the world's shittest hug :) "you hugging yourself but one of you hates hugs and one of you has literally never had one before" rocks. being so inextricably tied together means that you're gonna piss each other off forever but also have no other first choice but each other when you want a hug in Hell World or someone to guide you through a police station while you're about to pass out and die of blood loss. ithink theyre both like their grandma in different ways probably. i hope when blake gets better from dying badly rose is j ust like full on a straight up diabolist. i hope she's the reason he gets better from dying badly due to straight up diabolism. i love that rose (old) was sort of a freak about feeling Inexorably Alive during fucked up demon summonings i think rose (new) should get to do that also. god i wish i was a rose and blake understander i'm just saying shit. what reading a book too fast does to a motherfucker. i dont know i'm going to have to cook them in my brain after i finish reading there's an opinion in there i can uncover yet
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msookyspooky · 2 years
wifeyyyy if it’s possible can i have 21, 30, & 4 for my bb sev?? 🖤
Of course you can!! 🖤🥺😩 You picked such good ones too wifey oml! (This is like 3 weeks late srry angel 😭 I'm using she/her pronouns since you do; hope that's okay! Also I'm making reader human bc they are so hard to kill or even hurt as vampires. Severen can't square up with the sun even tho I'm sure he would if he could. There were so many different scenarios I just settled on this one.)
4: Slasher fights someone for reader 
21: Slasher finds reader hurt after reader goes missing
30: "Who did this to you?"
Human Fem!Reader • Near Dark if Caleb's Dad Never Found Them • Angst • Hurt & Comfort
Severen Finding His S/O Hurt
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"Yer gonna create a hole in the carpet; stop pacin!" Homer grumbled after a boot knocked over the card tower he was making on the campers floor.
Severen ignored him, his spur jangled every step as he paced. "She should've been back by now...Where the hell could she fuckin' be?!...The sun 'el be up any minute!"
Homer huffed, leaning his face into his hand with an annoyed look. "Probably wisened up and went back to her normal life before she became food. She even did it before sunrise where you couldn't chase after her."
"Hush now." Diamondback muttured, leaning against a chair near the front.
Homer turned his head slowly and shot a long annoyed glare at her. "Why? She ain't one of us. If he ain't gonna turn her, then her only purpose is to be dinner in due time. Face it. She was like a walkin', talkin' prime steak waftin' in our faces everynight." He looked at Severen before he went to work on his card tower again. "She realized she was bound to be a meal one day if she didn't get lost while she had the chance."
Jesse sighed and ran a hand down his face. "The old man's got a point, Severen...It's a possibility she saw what you could do, got scared and ran off. That being apart of the night scared her bad enough to go back where she belongs."
You both had an argument after he killed someone in front of you this evening. You didn't have too much of an issue at the shady bars or creepy old men after you but this time you were in tears at what you saw. Maybe they were too young or crying too much or something? He didn't truly pay much attention. They were food. Simple. There was no other option unless you wanted him to die of starvation...But this victim still severely bothered you.
The argument got heated and ugly very quickly before he accidentally hit the side of the camper, creating a large dent in the metal. He didn't even punch it as hard as he could, just smacked his hand against it. It was a heat of the moment thing no different than you slamming something when you got heated. Him yelling at you while doing it sent the wrong message...You took that as a threat, looking at him the way most humans looked at him. The way prey looked at him. It hurt him deeply to see you flinch back with wide distrustful eyes before shaking your head and telling him you needed to clear your head. Normally he'd refuse to let you walk alone at night but he was so incredibly disappointed and pissed and confused with you that he figured it was best if you took a breather and so did he. That was over an hour ago. With dawn approaching and you nowhere in sight; he was becoming worried.
Severen shook his head. "Nah...No, she wouldn't do that. She don't look at it like that!"
"Sure she wouldn't. She's just so special, ain't she?" Homer sarcastically muttured. Severen kicked his boot out and knocked over his card tower again. This time on purpose.
Homer closed his eyes with a long exhale through his nostrils before he got up, throwing his hands up. "FINE. If it bothers you that damn bad, go look for her!"
Severen gritted his teeth with a wry grin. "Not a bad idea, lil boner. First smart thing outta yer mouth all night-"
Severen went to the door but froze when he saw the handle turn. He straightened himself, fully expecting you and not wanting to look too desperate after your argument. His heart sank and his shoulders sagged as he saw it was Mae and Caleb back from their nightly feeding.
Caleb locked eyes with Severen as Mae looked around. They both had been gone longer than the others, completely out of the loop.
Diamondback called over to them. "You're late. I told you kids to watch the time."
Mae smiled. "Sorry, got...Carried away and lost track of time."
Homer sneered at that with an eyeroll. The room was errily silent compared to the usual shouting or laughter they came home to on the regular.
Caleb finally spoke up. "Uh...Everything alright?"
Severen didn't answer and no one else did either.
Mae looked around. "Where's YN?"
"Gone. " Homer mumbled as he went to his sleeping corner early.
Diamondback rolled her lips before slowly telling them after a long moment of silence. "YN took a walk and she's not back yet."
Caleb tilted his head. "...But...The sun?"
"Yeah we got eyes, boy." Severen snapped. Shaking his head and moving past them both. "Fuck this, I'm gonna go look for her and drag her ass back here-"
Jesse quickly put a hand on the door to shut it as soon as Severen opened it. Dark blue light to the sky and a pink hue in the distance. Jesse gave him a stern look. "Are you simple or suicidal?"
Severen glared at him. "Jess, I can't jus' wait 12 hours to go lookin' for her!"
"Yeah? And what am I gonna tell her if she comes back and you're nothing but ash?"
Severen gave him an outraged expression, his voice rising. "Ya jus' said she might not come back!"
Severen stared at him long and hard before lifting his hand off the handle slowly, eyes never leaving Jesse's.
"I said it was a possibility...Damn it, Severen! What the hell are you gonna do? Huh!? You gonna risk our safety for a human? This is risky enough she might run off and tell outta spite. I allowed her to be here unturned as long as you turned her in due time...That's been almost 3 months ago, Severen. We supposed to wait another 3 months or maybe 3 years till she makes up her mind? Now I'm not saying she hasn't been a big help during the day for us...But time is ticking. Your time squandering around her mortality is running out, Severen. "
Mae watched intently as she leaned against Caleb. Caleb looked hesitant before he opened his mouth. "I-I can help look for her once the suns down! At least talk to her."
Jesse looked at him a moment before looking back at Severen. "We rest then we'll all keep an eye out for her tomorrow night...But you are not going out into the world with the sun almost up."
Diamondback walked up and placed a hand on Jesse shoulder, urging him to their nook to sleep. Jesse gave Severen one more glance before following.
Caleb stayed behind a bit as Mae called for him. He walked over and put a hand on Severen's shoulder. The two bonded after that stunt he pulled with the van in the sun years ago.
"She'll be back, Severen. She was crazy 'bout ya. Almost as crazy as you are with her." He offered with a grin.
Severen eyed him and nodded. Caleb pulled his hand back and nodded as well. His own gifted spur jingling as he followed Mae to the back of the camper.
Severen sighed heavily and ran a hand over his hair. He SHOULDN'T give a shit. He never did before! He was single with the occasional fling for the better part of his existence...But you were different. He really bonded with you these last few months. He blamed himself not turning you on account of him just wanting to play cat and mouse with you. Wanting to keep that innocent pureness being tainted by him going for as long as he could as a kink at this point...When in reality; it was his own fears. He was scared he'd fall in love with someone that would walk. That he'd turn you and you wouldn't be as in it as he was...Ironic when he considered it now. His usual impulsive nature being tested with you.
He leaned his head against the wall as he closed his eyes. His chest ached and he hated it with a passion. This was an emotion he wanted to be rid of along with his humanity he tossed aside. He thought he did until you came along and won him over. It was love at first sight when he saw you that night. He wanted to turn you then and there, had every intention to but some type of excuse always came up on his part and yours. The more you bonded, the more attached he got. The more attached he got, the more he was scared of the exact thing that happened tonight; scaring you off or you resenting him for eternity for turning you without your permission.
'Shoot, should've just said the hell with it and done it had I known she'd get cold feet after this long.' He thought bitterly.
He didn't expect to sleep but he must have as his eyes snapped open and his head jerked up to banging on the door. He groggily forced himself up and covered himself with a stray blanket; not knowing what time it was. He readied his pistol, prepared for a cop or a random just in case.
He barely opened it just to have you barrel in. He yelped and covered himself from the sunlight pouring in as you shakily slammed the door behind you.
He shoved his gun back in his jeans waistline and ripped the blanket off with a growl; the skin on his hand sizzling from the sunrays touching it. Glaring at you as you had your back turned towards him. "Where the hell have you been?! You think you can jus' run off and come back in whenever you damn well please?! ...YN! Would ya look at me when I'm talkin' to you-" He cut his own sentence off when he forced you to turn around and saw the look on your face.
His eyes widened as he finally took you in. Hair a mess, clothes ripped, tears streamed down your face and bruises littered your body. The bruise forming on your eye had him bristling.
"YN?..." His voice softened, catching in his throat as he saw your lower lip wobble. He felt his brows raise up with dismay as you whimpered. He raised his hands up to cup your face. "Honey, what the hell happened? Where were you? Talk to me." His thumb brushed over a stray tear rolling down your check near your bruise. He gritted his teeth, voice lowering in his throat. "...Who did this to you?...Who the god damn hell did this to you?"
You sniffed. "Some guys. They stopped their truck when they saw me near the road...They...They..."
He stared down at you, his heart sinking so low he thought it would drop out of his ass at this point. He felt sick at the idea. "Did they...Did they touch you? Did those sorry motherfuckers-"
You shook your head and cut him off. "N-No, I got away...Severen...I'm sorry-" You whimpered, rushing to him as he clutched you to his chest. Hearing you sob made the rage he felt get shoved to the side.
He cradled your head to his chest, wrapping his arm around your entire torso to get as close to him as possible. "Hey, hey now. You don't have a damn thing to be sorry 'bout...I'm..." He hesitated a moment, not used to saying it. He finally relented with a long sigh. "I'm the one that's sorry here...I didn't mean to scare ya earlier, sweetheart."
He felt your shoulders shake as you clung onto him. Your fingers gripping his jacket as you sobbed against him. He swallowed, looking up and blinking at the sounds coming out of you before he picked you up and brought you to sit in the corner with him away from everyone else. He dragged the discarded blanket over with his foot before grabbing it and placing it over you in his lap.
"Yer safe now. Ain't nobody gonna hurt you ever again...Never, ever again, baby." He kissed your forehead while he cradled you. You and the sun were the only things keeping him from marching out of that camper and hunting down anyone and everyone that resembled men in a truck. He'd burn this entire tiwn to the ground and every town nearby if it meant killing those responsible for this.
Your fingers clung to his jacket as you laid your head on his chest. Letting sleep over take you, completely exhausted from running the whole way back and stress of it all.
A few hours passed, you woke up and realized you were on the floor along with a blanket tucked neatly around you. You looked up to see Severen and Jesse quietly bickering back and forth.
You sat up and they stopped, everyone in the camper was up and looked at you like you were an alien. Mae was the first to drop to her knees and place a hand on your shoulder. "YN, are you okay? We were so worried about you."
You nodded and tried to stand up.
Diamondback glanced over at you as Mae helped you up. "What did the fellas that did this to you look like?"
You straightened yourself, trying to piece it together. You described the two men.
Jesse folded his arms. "And the truck?"
"Red Chevy...Older."
Caleb asked. "What direction were these bastards goin'?"
"I...I don't know...Towards the East I think."
Severen walked out the camper, letting the door slam behind him and you followed. It was barely dusk, the sky still blue in the distance.
He called out to you. "Just stay here, I'll take care of it. Now I know how sentimental and shit you can be but I'm killing them for the both of us. I can't help it and-"
He froze and turned back to you. "What?"
You marched up to him as you heard the others come out of the camper. "I'm going with you."
"YN, ya don't need to"
"I want to." You swallowed, a wavering glare on your face as you stared up at him. "I want to make sure it's them."
"And once I know it's them; I'm going to rip em to shreds...You understand that, right?"
You swallowed and nodded. He sighed and stared a moment before shrugging. "Alright. I suppose I need you to identify em anyways unless we want a fire to take over the whole town."
Homer scoffed with a smirk. "God, you and Jesse are awful proud of that Chicago fire, huh?"
Caleb snickered with Homer, some inside joke as they all stepped forward.
"Then it's decided." Jesse spoke up, his coat on. "We're going huntin' for a special kind of vermin tonight."
You all made your way to the nearest town where you saw the truck go. You instantly felt sick, recognizing their truck parked outside of a business that was closed for the night. Both of them talking with another car.
Severen went to walk towards them and Jesse held him back. Mae flinched as Severen tried fighting to break free. The mere sight of these men making him feral with unbridled rage. Severen jerked away from Jesse with an accusing glare as Jesse gave him a stern glare back. "Not yet! Let's see if they leave the vehicle, we can't have a car get away and tell cops."
You all waited in the dark near the building. You anxiously watched as Diamondback seemed to sense your nerves and nudged you. She gave you a small encouraging smile and you forced a smile back that faded as quickly as it came.
Staring from a distance at the men that mocked and hurt you...You felt anger and shame and fear and disgust.
You all eagerly waited. When the car pulled away; it was on.
Diamondback walked out forst as a distraction, making a noise near one direction as they had lecherous grins her way...Then confused looks as Homer blocked another path... then concern when Jesse and Severen stood in front of the truck. Caleb and Mae hung back near the edge of the building to protect you as you watched.
The look in Severen's eye was chaotic, unhinged rage as opposed to the sadistic glee he usually had. His jaw set tight and a sneer on his face. You realized the minor annoyance he felt towards your argument the night before was NOTHING compared to what he felt towards these men for blackening your eye and attempting to do god knows what else.
The men shouted at them and Severen stepped closer. "You touched what's mine...You disrespected what's mine...You had the fuckin' audacity to hurt what's mine...Now, I don't have any other choice but to rip your spine out yer assholes." Severen growled out as he came towards them with a smirk.
You watched Severen grab the ones throat before Caleb forcibly turned you around and Mae covered your ears. You tried to fight them to no avail, beyond confused and irritated when she mouthed to you. "He doesn't want you to see him like that. He made us promise."
You blinked in surprise, not sure you understood her right but she mouthed it to you a second time while cupping your ears to poorly block out the screams and gunshots you heard. You wanted to be offended that they thought you were some baby that couldn't handle two men hurting you getting their just desserts...But then you remembered your argument with Severen, the look on his face when you backed away from him and your chest hurt at the thought once you realized how he must feel.
It wasn't long before she glanced over Caleb's shoulder and released you and so did Caleb. You shoved past them to see the corpses on the ground. Homer's gun out which honestly surprised you and Severen dropping one while furiously wiping at his mouth with his jacket. Smearing the blood from his lips to his jawline. His shoulders squared and a feral look on his face until he locked eyes with you.
You watched him a moment and he watched you. He didn't walk towards you, he didn't make a move. Just waiting patiently for your reaction to what he just did. You ran to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. Not the least bit worried about the blood getting on you. He bent down and hosted you up in his arm.
Homer sighed and put his gun away. "I got dibs." He pointed to the one he shot as he walked over to feed.
You and Severen ignored them all as you leaned back to look down at him as he held you up. His inhuman strength made picking you up entirely too easy.
You stared down at him, his eyes going to your bruises and black eye. You hated how your wounds didn't instantly heal like theirs did. You hated how scared you were, how helpless, how you seemed to drag them all down. These people that killed for you and the man that was enraged at anyone hurting you.
"...I'm ready."
He blinked at you. "Ready? For what?"
"To turn. I'm ready."
"...Ya sure 'bout that?"
You considered the alternative but still nodded. "Yes, I'm sure...Last night I was terrified. I couldn't fight back and thank god I had the opportunity to run...I never want to feel like that ever again. Besides..."
He raised a brow at you as a smile crossed your lips. "Nobody has ever protected me or fought for me like you have, Severen. If that isn't a sign that I should get bit and start a new life with you I don't know what is."
A slow, disbelieving grin crept up on his boyish face. "Well alright. Can't argue with that logic...Not here. I wanna do that with you in private. Make it special."
You wrapped your arms around him as he held you close.
Jesse and Diamondback stood side by side as Jesse mumbled. "It's about damn time."
Mae and Caleb walked hand in hand once the danger to their family was gone. All while Severen picked you up bridal style and led you off someplace private.
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stellarwaffles · 1 year
I am watching The Lego Ninjago Movie!!
- that’s not a lego :/
- oh the kid has a lego
- Lloyd!
- he’s missing an arm :(
- ok now they’re legos
- “who could the ninja be?” Bestie you can see Nya’s hair. Her mask is only covering her mouth. You can see the majority of her head
- ok now she’s got a proper mask
- Lloyd’s birthday! When is it? What’s the date? They didn’t say
- “I’m your son, Lloyd Garmadon.” “No, my son is bald and has no teeth”
- “How old are you, 7? You’re 7, right?” To be fair to Garmadon I still kinda think my brother is 6 (he’s not 6). To be not fair to Garmadon I think this is supposed to tell us he’s an absent father
- he is 16! First canon age ever
- aww Lloyd just wants someone to tell him happy birthday :(
- “hey mom.. just a thought.. what if I didn’t go to school today?” Me to my mom every day in every grade
- Lloyd’s mom is called Koko in the movieverse, right? I love her she’s amazing
- :(
- why does everyone hate Lloyd? What did he do? :(
- Zane!
- Kai!
- NYA!!
- and Cole + Jay!
- “hey, bro!” “Hey sis :)” “oh, hey actual bro”
- ooh Nya’s good at painting
- “it’s Garmadon!” “Thanks, Lloyd.” How is that Lloyd’s fault. What control does he have over his father’s actions
- miss teacher are you really bothered about grammar right now
- how does Nya fit her motercycle into her locker
- gee I wonder if Zane’s a robot- nevermind, he’s clearly just an average human teen
- “as long as we have these mechs, we’re unstoppable!” I feel like they’re gonna lose their mechs
- ..is Zane out as a robot?
- I thought the plural of ninja was ninja? Isn’t that what the skeletons said in the pilots? Bc in the movie everyone’s saying ninjas
- Lloyd deserves all the positive attention ever
- there are many benefits to being a marine biologist the water ninja
- I thought their identities were supposed to be secret? Lloyd just said all of their names
- ok about their voices
Kai still sounds like Kai, but Cole sounds odd. He doesn’t really sound like Cole.
Jay also sounds a little odd, but maybe I’m just not used to his voice yet.
Zane sounds like they wanted you to know from his very first line that he’s a robot
Nya + Lloyd sound fine I guess idk
- they took Jay’s anxiety and made it his main character trait (so far) /neutral
- why are there still students in the bus on the road? Before the attack started everyone was in class
- the green dragon mech looks cool
- “well if you can see me then why don’t you shoot me?” *gets shot*
- oh no
- he’s not talking about you Lloyd
- I knew it :(
- he’s still not talking about you Lloyd he’s talking about.. your mom?
- oh no not Lloyd’s mom either
- damn :(
- oh now he is talking about Lloyd
- damn :(
- to be fair I’d be pissed at Garmadon too
- skshsjs
- I can’t believe Kai or Cole or Nya or just any of the others never taught him how to throw/catch
That seems like something they would do
- “funny you ask uh NO ONE. >:(“
- he’s being made fun of by his dad on his birthday
- Lloyd does not know how to:
Ride a bike
Difuse a bomb
- seriously I feel like Kai (or any of them) would see dadless Lloyd and decide to do father/son stuff with him like playing catch + teaching him how to shave + whatever
Also if Lloyd doesn’t know how to shave but there’s no hair on his face does that mean he hasn’t started growing facial hair yet or is he just really bad at shaving
- “y’know what’s funny? I know how to do all those things” yeah you’re also the person who’s supposed to teach him
- “when I die. If I die. I will never die.”
- “you got a lot of issues Green Ninja, I hope you get a chance to work ‘em out by the time I’m back” Garmadon says go to therapy
- wow General #1 was promoted for like 30 seconds before being fired, rip
- “intimidation. We paint angry eyebrows on the troops’ faces.”
- “what if you just ran for mayor?”
- “for me it’s easy to fight him cause he’s. not my father.” Thanks Jay, that’s helpful
- “there’s nothing ‘ninja’ about you ninja” that is true
- “greeeen.”
- “so.. water, fire, lightning, earth, ice and..” “greeeen” “..but that’s not an element?”
- “can I be wind? Wind isn’t taken” it is actually, by your dead cousin
- “practice spinjitzu” *everyone starts slowly spinning*
- the ultimate weapon.. a laser pointer
- “I’m super, super… old.”
- someone give Lloyd a hug
- S7 LLOYD!! ALSO IN THE BACKGROUND on a billboard
- he has a hoodie
- she’s an amazing mother I love Koko with all my heart
- “yeah I was there” “what?” “W atching. with all the other regular kids.”
- he has a goldfish
- man she made him a cake and everything and he’s just going to bed :/
I mean I get it, I’d just wanna go to bed to, but man :/
- “we got a message from your brother” “oh yeah? What did he say?” “*dumb childish insults*” “that sounds like my brother.”
- for secret ninja they sure do use their real names
- “it’s time for you to ninja-go-away-for-good”
- why does his mech have so many missiles
- oh no not his dragon :(
- so why does being on top of a tower make one ruler of Ninjago? They showed the mayor being on top of the tower earlier. Why does it work that way?
- how did Wu not see Lloyd take the laser pointer?
- “are you crossing your fingers?” “That’s physically impossible I don’t have fingers”
- yeah I saw that coming
- :O!! Cat!!
- oh no
- oh this is sad actually
- identity reveal!
- wait do laser pointers break that easily?
- Lloyd “daddy issues” Garmadon
- oh she’s fired. That’s what you get for slurping your drink annoyingly
- yeah! You tell him Koko!
- oh this scene hurts more with context. Don’t be mean to Lloyd :(
- “if I was gonna die, it would be to teach you a lesson”
- they’re running around without their masks on they’re not very good at being secret
- they’re mad at Lloyd but realistically any of them could’ve done the same thing while staying 100% in character
- they’re doing a pretty good job at making Wu + Garmadon seem like brothers in my opinion
- “gasp.”
- well. It is called the bridge of fallen mentors.
- “one.. two.. three..
“Huh. I thought that was supposed to work with kids.”
- ok so 16 years ago Garmadon was 158 which means he’s 174. Second canon age!
- Master Wu is 167! Third canon age!
That means Garmadon is 7 years older (that’s how old he thought Lloyd was..)
- “Lloyd’s never asked me about my arms, have you Lloyd?” “Don’t talk to me”
- man Lloyd can’t catch a break can he. First he’s made fun of by his dad, now he’s made fun of by his dad and his friends
- noooooo listen to Master Wu + go on the right path
It’s literally called the right path
- gee who would’ve thought this was a bad idea
- “you gotta get yourself a volcano, kid.” Life advice
- “I got you, dude! I got you!” “I really could’a walked out by myself, but thank you.” Lava real??
- “oh no.. I can’t believe we ran off and just left him back there” well it’s not like he hasn’t been abandoned before
- ok so Zane is out as a robot
- “guys, no swimming. We just ate!”
- I know I said it at least twice but why did none of the others take it upon themselves to teach Lloyd how to throw/catch? I really feel like Kai would’ve done that within a week of becoming friends with Lloyd
- “throw like no one is watching except your judging father”
- Garmadon taught Lloyd to throw and Lloyd taught Garmadon what a smile is :)
- oh ok they just got rid of his arm no build up ok
- where did his arm go?
- “what does it look like?” “It looks like my left arm except it’s the right one”
- his arm was right in front of him. None of them saw it?
- reattaching your son’s arm 101
- “you.. you called me dad.” No, he said you put his arm back on like a dad
- well Lloyd is 16 now that is the age one starts driving in America even if he does already know how to drive
- :O
- why. is there fresh fruit out
- oh it’s plastic
- Lady Iron Dragon doesn’t look like a ninja? She looks like a warrior where did Lloyd get ninja from and how was he right
- awwww I love a good love at first fight
- Garmadon looks weird with hair
- Koko my beloved
- “this is the ultimate ultimate disappointment.”
- *really cool shots of the ninja with their elements* “and I’m.. green. :(”
- oh no. I can feel a betrayal coming.
- oh nooooo
- :(
- just be his dad
- oh so he knows he forgot Lloyd’s birthday
- oh no he wasn’t taught to catch yet :(
- no green? :(
- “I thought being dead would make you listen to me more”
- “he also decoded your needlessly cryptic metaphors :D”
- :O
- I love to see them use their elements :)
- yeah!!
- oh the cat just ate him
- Kai just offered to burn a giant cat alive
- ..so Lloyd’s identity isn’t secret anymore
- cat :)
- actually I think the cat is just a giant cat. I know this is an emotional moment* but I think from the cat’s pov it’s just a cat I don’t think it’s listening to the little lego guys calling it a monster
* and also he’s talking to Garmadon and not the cat
- are people gonna stop being needlessly mean to him now?
- he did mean it when he said he wished Garmadon wasn’t his dad. He might not mean it anymore but he meant it when he said it
- “ok you still don’t have fingers and toes! Good!” how do any of them know what fingers or toes are if none of them have fingers or toes
- yes! Appreciate your mother!
- there has been no use of green powers :/
- Lloyd learned how to catch!
- oh we’re back to the real people :/
- ok back to their voices real quick Jay’s voice was fine actually I got used to it, but I didn’t? Really like Lloyd’s voice? Idk I feel like it didn’t really fit
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gossamer-green · 2 years
any characters (beyond the Obvious, o7 Ashe love you) that you want to see return for pd s3? or any ideas of HOW you want them to return or scenes/events you want to see happen w them?
ohohoho well
i do have another obvious character i wanna see again, and that's tide. i'm really sad we didn't get to see any of the past 10 months, including william and vyncent finding out that tide had been depowered. i want to learn more about that, but from his end, and i want to know what's been up with him since. bizly better have made that one tweet just to be mean...
and on a related note, i wanna see the prime force again. or any of the other heroes who showed up at the end of s1 who william and vynce told to fuck off. it got brought up in one of the rolleds that if the issue with the chaos demons spreads enough, it might draw the attention of the prime force/other major heroes the boys know. i’d love love love for the PDs to have to team up with them again and to see some tensions between the heroes, a hostile william and vyncent, and dakota—the only one of the three who accepts the reasoning that the heroes were all always too busy to help them before. (i am lightheartedly shaking my fist at grizzly for the ending of the zeroes to heroes oneshot bc oof he wasn’t kidding in the rolled for ep24 he doesn’t get itttttt)
i wanna see summer again too! william kept going to school after s1, but what happened to her? the PDs tried to warn her how dangerous getting involved with their superhero business was, but she still viewed it as mostly something to spice up her otherwise boring normal life, and so she poked her nose in anyway. and then she got kidnapped. i want to see her again so we get even just a glimpse of how she’s holding up and if she’s been deterred from inserting herself into superpowered situations now or not. or maybe her memory got wiped, so she doesn’t even remember anything that would endanger her? (idr, was there a time range limit on the use of the memory devices, or no?) i think it’d be cool if she was put into some sort of witness protection program and the boys ran into her living under a new identity. (i don’t expect that to be canon or anything, just throwing it out there as a cool hypothetical bc we literally have no clue what happened with her!!)
and!! i wanna see mark again!!! really really bad. i know all of the guys hate mark, but i like him and i wanna see him again in s3, although idk what the context will be. i was really confused when he winked at the boys in the supermax?? because with the way the woman who was walking them around the prison spoke about him—that he hasn't spoken much and it might not be a good idea to let him have visitors—it made me think "aw man, he's in a horrible place. makes sense." i'm positive that mark is gonna come back, since bizly hinted at it when someone (i think charlie) brought up that they don't know what happened to him since the prison break, and surely he's not dead. i was hoping that we might have a confrontation with him later on where he blames the boys for ashe being gone, but that doesn’t add up with the wink. hey, beebo?? what was with the wink???
then there’s. mal. he’s definitely gonna show up again, and i’m excited for it, but in the “i’m excited to be pissed off” kinda way. i want to see mal looking even rougher than he did in his appearance in s2 so i can shout “L!!” and make the L gesture at the screen, because yes it’ll technically mean bad things because the trickster will be gaining power but also get FUCKED, mallard conway. smarmy bastard. also also, if he touches william again, i am going to Scream. i need that man to evaporate.
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mochipon-vt · 6 months
okay so i'm more than a little unsettled right now. i haven't been streaming on my twitch channel lately because not only do i not like the name i panickedly changed to in attempt to avoid people i thought had found me again, but i also have been pissed at people taking advantage of me wanting to give free art as thanks for being regular and supportive viewers.
but also. bc there's one person that weirds me the fuck out. they're like. always lurking on my channel. i'm fine with stream/chat lurkers, i have no problem with people who are low energy, shy, not up for talking etc w/e but this person is on my channel TOO much. even when I'M NOT.
they tend to lurk more than chat, which again i have no issues with, but weirdly interact with redeems and alerts which, in most cases, if someone's too shy/low energy to interact with chat, generally they won't like.. interact with anything else either bc they don't want to be called out, they don't want to respond to being addressed etc but like w/e ig that also wasn't that much of an issue i suppose. i'm just thoroughly creeped out by someone basically camping on my page or if they're not there, they suddenly show up in viewer list when i start working on my page, about to set up without announcement that i'm setting up, show up when i'm adding new things via bots and stuff and i'm not about to go live.
it's fucking. weird. it literally feels like being stalked, it's strange. like... there should be no reason for anyone to be camping my page when i'm not there, the only ways someone would be on my page when i'm not there is, if i ended and didn't raid out and someone lurking just forgot to close the tab (which most people would probably close the tab eventually or go elsewhere and certainly wouldn't still have the tab open for days at a time, i would hope..) or i've made an announcement that i'm going live soon and they've showed up early in which i would expect people to show up then. there is no reason.. to stay on anyone's page more than that. there's alerts that will let you know when people go live, most people cross post somewhere and say when they're going live. why is someone basically LIVING on my page.
i do not like it and i hadn't streamed in more than 2 weeks now and i thought i might would tonight despite having hadn't fixed up my channel yet how i want for a min and i was like what if i go ahead and block off the people i don't want there for cheating my giveaway rules or what have u and then stream cos then they would essentially not be following anymore to show up and lo and behold... i cut them off and started setting up my stuff, not quite necessarily on my page even, and they show up in my chat. what the fuck is this. please leave, you make me uncomfortable.
i do NOT want to make another channel. this is my THIRD channel now bc i kept feeling like i had been either ran off or would have been potentially stalked by other people who have done me wrong in life and i was afraid. i don't need some random person running me off my channel i was getting comfy with and actually happy with growing it. and also, i'm tired of giving up affili status or making people's sub dono's be in limbo for people making me uncomfortable with my space. fucking stop it.
0 notes
the-acid-pear · 7 months
I think I could call my dream this time a full on nightmare. And not only bc the scary ass back and neck and ankle pains I have going on.
I don't remember the precise narrative nor do I want to try make too much sense of it so I'll just list what I remember:
I was back with my mom, full on in her house w my stepfather. This is not the first time I dream I go back. I remember at one point my aunt (as in, my uncle's ex wife, as in, my father's brother, who has comically enough just made the baby cry nextdoor [she did it, not him, to be clear]) started talking about how I'd pick up some manual hobby like painting or looms or idk and I was like I'd like to but I don't have the money! This happened at a long table dinner like the ones I used to have w my mother.
There was a bit of insanity but peace when a fucking goat appeared. It was a really fucking weird goat. For starters it was a goat but the face looked akin to a borzoi. It also had hair, cute puffy round cherub like curls, and horns pointing back. She was also fat and she liked me. She also appeared to be sentient enough to be capable of drawing fanart of me w short pixie hair and a tattered crop top and shorts stretching like a dog w a fish in my mouth gollum style (which I absolutely adored btw) but was also animalistic enough for everyone to act like, well, she was a fucking 4 legged goat incapable of speech.
So then I got to thinking about that shit and I went off in a tangent about fairies being real and evolving to be full sized and also implied my oc Shira was Tinkerbell and there even was her brown haired big bubble glasses pal with her, it made 0 sense.
But about the goat's art; it was for this sort of giveaway or, exchange I fucking guess, where you'd draw something for the other person bc of Halloween. This came out of nowhere because it hadn't been said before it was Halloween but I accepted it. I tried making some art but was unable. The art the goat made was also in this huge poster like ones you'd make in school w cardboard.
Goat aside then it was just full blown nightmare shit involving my mother w first a time in the outside part of the house. There were she, my step father, me, and some other woman (my step father's sister?) And we ran back and forth trying to take a picture until I got pissed off bc my ankle as mentioned still hurts. And that's when I noticed my mother had this holes in her chest ranging from tiny to bigger than a fist and they were deep and hollow and the tissue around them looked dry and necrotic (think of the color of leprosy). I tried to point out the holes didn't look so bad earlier but everyone acted like I was insane.
The next unfortunate thing to happen is when the party ended. I was already exhausted despite being only 16:00 pm (clock said 15:51 too) so like, I wanted to go to bed. And they're like ah sure let's go and take me to a room where it's just, it's my fucking couch, ok? The one I was sleeping in before irl because my broken bed, it was straight up that. And it made me very fucking upset so I started screaming about wanting a real bed, MY bed, but they showed me someone else was using my bed, some random ass kid, so when I left the room I just blew out to my mother screaming about how I didn't ask for a fucking lot just the fucking basics just food and a place to sleep. The issue wasn't resolved before I went off to dream of something else (fairies again).
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taeyamayang · 2 years
Welcome back!!!!
I am happy to inform you that I FINALLY READ A BOOK ON MY BOOKSHELF!!! it was a book I got from my highschool fucking YEARS ago when they were reading out books. Oh my god you should’ve seen me on those days, I’d get piles of piles of PILES of books and struggle to bring them on the bus back home. My backpack was STUFFED to the brim and my teacher let me borrow a reusable plastic bag to carry the rest lol. One year the same teacher gave me some of her books from her classroom and I put them all in my locker, which you think is a safe space for them but NO. So towards the end of the year I was really struggling with my health so the school emptied out my locker when school ended and put all my stuff into a plastic bag and my mom picked it up. When I finally got the stuff from my locker tHE STAFF AT THE SCHOOL TOOK ALL MY BOOKS TO THE LIBRARY!!!!! THEY THOUGHT IT WAS THEIRS!!!! oh I was PISSED. The kicker is that HALF OF MY TEACHERS BOOKS THAT SHE GAVE ME WHERE WEEDED OUT BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY IN THE FIRST PLACE. So I emailed people in the library to see if I could get them back, but the thing is….I didn’t remember what the titles were. It has been weeks since I got them from her and I had bigger things going on then. So I did get get my books. UNTIL! the end of the NEXT year when they were weeding them out again and when I went to the library to print something I found them amongst other weeded out books!!! I was so happy!!! I ran Into my teachers room like 🏃‍♂️💨 “I NEED A BAG!!!” She was like 🧍‍♀️???? Ok? Lmao she was used to my shenanigans by then LOLOL and o got my books back!!! Yay! A little random story time lol.
I wish I could write more. I’m so fucking busy with everything and never feel like I have time to exist smh. I have a whole ass list of things I want to do and reading and writing is at the top of it. I still have an entire Pokémon game that I’ve had for like a year now that I haven’t touched ugh. It doesn’t help that I’m always tired too. I recently went to the doctor and he told me that all the physical problems I’ve been having for years are all connected somehow because of my nerves and since it’s a “functional” disease I was diagnosed with(? Im not holding my breath at this point) there’s not much I can do besides take meds. It put me in a sort of funk and I’m trying my best to get back on my grind, but it’s not the easiest yknow?
But! I have been writing a little! And I did not forget the prompt you gave me (the one that blossomed from the stories of me getting hit with balls in gym lmao) I’m in the progress in writing a little Kuroo Drabble, but the thing is I can never finish a paragraph without rewriting it all immediately. I can’t even get my ideas down!! It’s my toxic trait smh.
I’m glad I described your relationship with religion well! I was afraid I was getting a little too close for comfort especially since religion is such a sensitive topic. Ok I’m Ngl I was afraid I offended you or something but I had to remind myself like “pea has social anxiety too! Sending responses can be scary!!! Just bc your anxiety makes you feel obligated to respond asap doesn’t mean everyone else with anxiety does!!!” lol. Also my anxiety loves to screw me with the fact that I often say the wrong thing- most of the time, I mean something else but it comes off different. This leaves me in a constant fear that I offended people, which is fun at parties, yknow? But fr, I’m glad my words reached you. I have a hard time speaking and getting my point out physically, my adhd goes brrrrrrr, and my anxiety and speech issues don’t fucking help either smh I think everything at once and none of it comes out right). but I’m glad my words can come across to you right in text form lol.
This next part sounds weird but I have a point so stick with me here. I honestly think that people don’t really think about how much words can effect others and inspire people. We use them and throw them around like they don’t have any weight but don’t always realize what they can mean. I feel like I sound like an anti bullying PSA but I gOT A POINT I PROMISE. People use words as ways to get by in the day but I live for the moments where we break past the barriers of small talk and say something that really impacts each other and makes them think and feel. When we let words have weight instead of just being things we use and dispose of later on. But since people are afraid of being vulnerable that never happens. That’s why books are so important, and thats why I wanna write. When you read books you become a part of the story and you are able to take words in without it being personal enough (like in real life) where you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable, but they are personal enough to stick with you and make you stop and go “well, shit.” In awe, of course. LOLOL I hope you get what I mean and it wasn’t TOO deep and serious. But the point of the story is that I’m glad I said something meaningful to you, I don’t always feel like my words are really always heard or interpreted right and it’s very reassuring when they are. Also, if I didn’t make it abundantly clear before LOLOL that’s why I love writing. Now if I can actually GET MYSELF TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH THAT WOULD BE NICE 😭 ( that was laughing but also crying in pain emoji btw)
Oof that was a long paragraph, but anyways Interaction day???? That’s fucking weird. Like that was the whole purpose? Just interacting with the opposite gender? And they made you give each other pillows?????? I feel like if anyone else told me this I would be like “bullshit” but maybe this is common in schools in Asia? Or was it just your school?? Isn’t this the same school that you said was all prim and proper??? I don’t know what else to say besides “?????” Because what was the purpose???? Especially if you were told to date after Uni? OMG I JUST THOUGHT HOW WEIRD IT WAS ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY GO SO FAR TO PREVENT RELATIONSHIPS, BUT WHAT IF THEY DID THAT AS LIKE A DETERRANT? LIKE TO MAKE SURE YOU DONT “TURN GAY”???? I literally can’t think of another reason they would do that. Especially with the pillows? Like what else could it be referencing besides sex? And I found that especially weird since I know America is very “laid back” when it comes to social rules and norms compared to other countries, but teen pregnancy and sex in schools has always been kinda taboo. Like some teens have sex, some don’t,-which is completely normal. I know American tv shows make teen sex sound so common but honestly who has time for that????? The thing is no matter how much sex is portrayed in media or irl, American schools don’t want ANY OF IT. Like Sex Ed in America SUCKS especially if you ain’t cishet and some schools don’t even have that. Some books even mentioning sex are banned??? Because high schoolers don’t know what sex is, yeah sure. Also for school trips and stuff the boys and girls are ALWAYS separated so there is no chance of any “hanky panky” or anything. So the whole gifting pillows thing is especially odd to me.
Ok so just to clairify, since I know I referenced middle school before and middle school, or jr high looks different around the world, when I saw middle school I mean 6-8th grade or 11-14 years old. Most elementary schools are kindergarten-5th or 5-11 years old. Some elementary schools go until the fourth grade and leaves the fifth grade to the middle school but I feel like most are just kindergarten through fifth. My first day of middle school, I made a friend who had a boyfriend. I thought it was crazy since we aren’t even teens yet but then I found out that having relationships in middle school isn’t uncommon? Hell my little sister had a girlfriend for like a MONTH in eighth grade at 14, and they hated each other at the end of it. The thing is, relationships are hard, EVEN FOR ADULTS. Like I mentioned, people don’t like to be vulnerable because they are afraid of being hurt and everyone is on different wavelengths on what they want or expect in relationships. Not everyone wants or expects the same thing and a lot of the time it gets messy. Especially when it comes to sex. Not all relationships have sex and not all relationships know how to function with sex. By that I mean sex is a very big and heavy thing. Emotionally and physically. Not everyone feels the same way about it and it can hard to talk about with your s/o responsibly. And again, this is for ADULTS. You can probably imagine how hard it is for kids to distinguish what a relationship is, especially balancing in the sex part that everyone expects to have in relationships and that they are oh so curious about. Remember when I mentioned that I read a book from my bookshelf? Well the book was called Unslut and it was literally the authors middle school diary with side notes on the side with her giving more details on each entry. She was brandished a slut in middle school when she was coerced into sexual acts and or sexually assaulted. Most of the time it was sexual assault actually, but they were so young they didn’t really know. The author and a lot of other kids hopped from “relationship” (or just like holding hands in the hallway and sending flirty messages with the occasional kiss) to relationship, breaking up by phone calls and passed notes. And all of that took place in the late 90s, so you can imagine how it is now with the internet and such.
I love how you called you friends babe and such just to confuse people, honestly? That’s iconic. I LOVE HOW YOU WERE LIKE “HELL NAW, iM THE ORIGINAL GAY HERE. ME!” Everyone was thinking she turned you gay lmaoooooo. Break those stereotypes!!!
I’m glad I didn’t go to your school bc my ADHD ass looked eVERYWHERE during tests. Like if I really try to think and remember something for a paper or any task I’m working on independently I often look around. Never at another persons test, our desks were often separated anyways. But even if I tried to (which I didn’t) I couldn’t bc I have horrible fucking eyesight 😅. I couldn’t see shit even with my glasses on. I just KNOW I’d get in trouble for “cheating”
I actually bought another pair like six months later and still have them in my closet, but the thing is, even though my shoe size hasn’t really changed since 13 or so, I still have big ass feet 😭. I’m like a size ten in womens and I didn’t buy these ones in Chinatown, I bought them online and they were smaller and my feet barely fit and my heels touch the flat of the shoe EXACTLY. They don’t really fit 😢😢😢. I do sometimes miss it there, even though it was super fucking chaotic, just because I knew everyone and everyone knew me. We were all genuine and we were able to be authentic to each other. When I started high school not long after everyone was hidden to themselves and not really genuine with each other. This isn’t really bad, especially since it’s not a school of like 100 and everyone can’t be as close knit, but it got really overwhelming sometimes. I still wish for that familiarity sometimes with making friends and being social since meeting new people and making friends is hard, but my time there really did bring me out of my shell, nonetheless. Before I left, I actually got a composition notebook, decorated it and passed it around for people to write goodbye notes in it. I still look at it from time to time when I need a pick me up and it’s full of encouraging notes. I actually did go and visit a few times and donated clothes, and it was a very strange experience. I saw it as an outsider, but still with familiarity. I actually saw Daia when I went back and I gave her long hugs. The middle school I went to after was a special needs school and two of the staff from the residential also worked there too and I took a picture with them as I graduated middle school and they shared it with my friends there and they were so proud of me 🥺. Oh! I also saw Daia and Kayla at the Walmart I go to and was SHOOK. They were shopping for clothes and they decided to go to the Walmart closer to me instead of the town over since the boys dorm was shopping there and I got to catch up with them and take a few selfies. I’m still sorta in contact with a few people, including Kayla via Instagram but others I just have to really hope they are doing well, like Daia and the one friend I called my sister. And now I want pie too lol.
I do wanna watch Our Father, I watched the trailer and it’s very interesting!!!! I love buzzfeed unsolved and some of my favorite ones are the true crime, unless it’s when Shane and Ryan are exploring the supernatural, then that takes the cake. Speaking of true crime, idk if I mentioned this but the other day when I was working on something on my laptop and listening to a true crime YouTuber they were like this case takes place in (MY TOWN) and then she started describing it. I was like wait a damn minute and had to rewind like three different times. The thing is, my town is pretty big and well off. It’s not exactly unknown but it’s not known well enough for people outside my state to mention it. It’s also a very affluent town with people moving her to retire and raise families and such so you don’t really hear bad things about this place. EsPECIALLY IF ITS A DOUBLE MURDER THAT ALSO TAKES PLACE IN THE SURROUNDING TOWN. LiKE WHAT THE FUCK. It wasn’t too long ago, I think it was like the early 2000s? I didn’t live here then but still. It was trippy. I’m used to hearing things that happen closer to the big city in my state or maybe in the same county or one close. But never IN MY TOWN.
And about the haunted home bit. I think I might’ve??? Slept in a haunted home, at least. Ok maybe not haunted per se, but let me explain. As a little girl, like very small, four year old kinda little, I would frolic around my house and sometimes speak to people that weren’t there. It wasn’t really a big deal since I was so small and just playing around and it was make believe or whatever. Until! My mom heard me giggling by myself and she asked who I was talking to. I said, “Papa Ray! He’s so funny!!!! I never met a Ray before but The thing is, my mom was super close to her grandfather, Raymond. Her family was super abusive, but he was one of the only people who really cared for her. Sadly he got sick and passed away when she was ten or so I never got to meet him…. At least as he was living. My mom was creeped tf out. That wasn’t the only time I “played with ghosts” but it’s the only one I can distinctly describe. They say little children and animals can see ghosts, yknow?
My aunt, my moms sister was the one who kept getting engaged and calling off the wedding. The boys she keeps getting involved with aren’t the greatest and every time she says she’s getting married I don’t hold my breath smh. I’m glad you had fun at the wedding tho!
Oh I took photos of my cats recently! I also entered a picture of Thor and it won third place!! I entered a lot of stuff and even one first place for a few but this photo was def the cutest!! I also entered the Loki pic but it didn’t win :(
But I took pictures of the cats recently, including cursed ones of them sniffing the camera (aka my fav ones) also I gave Thor a box that was too small for him and he was convinced he fit 🥺
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hi i was busy, yet again 💀
it's good to here that you had finally touched your books!! and your crazy story about the school taking your books to the library tho,, why would they do that 😭 it was in your locker so it's yours why would they assume that it's the school's. idk why but i can imagine you bringing home bulky bags full with books and THAT'S heavy. back in the day, we didn't have lockers (actually we had but i attended a sadistic school so everyday we had homeworks that needs to be done so we have no choice but to bring a shit ton of academic books and notebooks one per subject home) and i also have packed lunches and a huge jug (i was dehydrated lol 💀) so imagine bringing a full backpack, my lunch, my snacks (v important), a jug and sometimes a yoga mat for p.e. SO I WAS TIRED AND LAZY BRINGING STUFF TO SCHOOL AND BACK also, i didn't like books back then because we were forced to read and like it. KUDOS TO YOU FOR THE EFFORT 😩👌🏼
ahhh don't push yourself too hard especially on days you feel tired. take small steps each day and it is enough :) OH I'M EXCITED FOR THE KUROO DRABBLE I'M SO HYPED OMFG LIKE LITERALLY SMILING LIKE A DAMMNED FOOL RN!! YOU SEE i know it may be hard but try to write all down without editing a single thing LIKE IT WILL BE HARD but you gotta trust the process. if you want to, i can help you with it! conceptualizing, writing, or editing IM SO SO EXCITED!! i get what you mean ith words being disposable nowadays, and that's where our love for books, writing, and reading becomes more apparent. being part of story is one thing but writing your own story, fueled by your experiences and perspective on life is something else. that's why i think on my part, writing is therapeutic. it has become my stress reliever ever since the pandemic started and shit stirred in uni. so, one day i hope to read your works too!! i'd like to know how you see the world, how words insipired you. I'M WAITING!!
oh nooo don't worry about it!! even if you accidentally said the wrong thing i still keep an open mind ya know language barrier and all that so don't worry, really. i'm like the most patient you'll ever meet lmaooo my irls know me for my patience. i take time to reply (bc of low social energy-had to deal with irls and online lol) but it doesn't mean i'm offended and i'm not the ghoster type so if ever i need to clear things up with you, i'lll say/ask it nicely SO DON'T WORRY! i'm a safe person. you can be yourself when talking to me :)
i feel like since i replied to this super duper late i feel like you may have forgotten the context (we had school interaction with the opposite sex and give each other pillows) AND YES YOU'RE RIGHT it wasnt outright said but before the school had issues with the students turning "gay" so it wasn't said outright that it was for that purposed BUT IT WAS IMPLIED. i know the gifts are weird i think i have them donated to a charity or smth LMAO. really??? im sorry but through media i always have this idea that american schools are open to sex like if you're in hs/middle school and is a virgin, you are humiliated/emphasized by your lack of experience
OKAY GOOD OMG thanks for clearing things ups regarding middle school and such becaue all this time i thought middle school is from 1st grade to idk (i had no idea honestly) here we call kindergarten as pre school, 1st grade to 6th grade as elementary school, then 7th grade to 12th grade as highschool but HS is sub divided to two: 7th to 10th grade called junior high school and the last two years are senior high school (but in our language-the students- 10th grade: sophomore, 11th grade: junior, 12th grade: senior). i think it's ironic how you started talking about relationships, your first friend in middle school having a boyfriend, and the sex talk in a relationship because...i'm actually thinking of breaking things off with an s/o FSNEVEKEBS I AGREE WITH YOU HOW YOU ILLUSTRATED THE COMPLICATIONS OF A RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE IT GETS MESSY i for one do not fancy labels cos you see when you put a label on a relationship you're somehow bound to concede with the societal norms of dating (ya see im not clingy, value my personal space, not a chatter, i dont flex on social media--literally the opposite of what i write (kidding, i express my feelings differently. im a head over heart type which i recently found is rare)) AND I JUST HATE IT YOU KNOW how you are forced to date just like how everyone else does!! even with being intimate like physically i just feel... ugh idk man it's hard to earn my trust and affection and that could be a me problem but im gsmehs (sorry i ended up ranting to you) overall relationships is a complicated route to take and i think for the youngesters they might find it cheesy the first time but when you've dated a few and been scarred i'm just- 💀 it's not simple SO I GET WHAT YOU MEAN!!
wait, before we go to the topic of your school you mentioned your shoe size and im surprised?? DO YOU KNOW WHAT MY SHOE SIZE IS IN THE US?? FREAKING 5!! it's actually embarrassing lmao but a fun fact! do you know that smaller feet means luckier in our culture? lol aside from having a short height i relatively have small feet (cos people of the same height as i have bigger feet) so the oldies in our family would always comment how i'm born lucky since my feet are small. i don't feel lucky bro lol anyway back to your school. it's nice that you have a mini memento from your old schoolmates!! you can always go back to the composite notebook and reread their encouraging notes from to time. it's good that you look back to the past with a warm heart AND YOU MET WITH DAIA AND OTHERS!! THAT'S SO COOL did you guys catch up? remained in contact after the meeting or not?
A MURDER IN YOUR TOWN?? HECKKKK that must be creepy!! was the case solved? what happened to the victim/s? OMG THAT'S INTERESTING but also terrifying 🥶 i never heard of a case that took place in my city nor in my country. i think there aren't much murderers here which is a good thing bc as much as its an interesting topic to tell it's downright frightening. i think the closest famous cases i know are from japan but even though i live approximately near it, it's still too far to harm me heh. OMG YOU COULD SEE GHOSTS!! yeah, i heard of that saying!! kids and animals could see ghosts maybe bc they have pure hearts/souls? idk honestly but speaking of haunted houses, i live at my grandma's house this has been up since AGES ago so it has an old style to it and many have died in this house. that's why we have experiences here that make us doubt if ghosts are indeed real (i think i have told you about that right? we could hear voices of a family member calling from upstairs only to find out that the said family member went out? OR HAVE I NOT? I DONT REMEMBER SORRY GSNDBENE)
i feel the same way! i like hearing from you tho it takes me eons to reply but i look forward to your replies everytime i check my inbox (it takes me awhile cos sometimes it gets swamped by asks or reqs)
OH BTW!! before i wrap this up, you're one of the first persons i tell you about this but i'm planning on opening a sticker business!! i'm almost done with the artworks and i can't wait to show you them next time i write to you... or should i post one here?....hm... MAYBE I SHOULD OMG it's genshin so you might not know him but this is a chibi zhongli i made and some artifacts and primogems i made :) im new on digital arts so i'd like to know what you think!! (the copyright thingy may be annoying im sorry!! tumblr is a funny place and i dont want my art to get stolen by someone before i could release them as my products 😭)
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thank you love for taking your time in waiting and talking with me. i enjoy our conversations:)
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inriospocket · 3 years
last request for now i promise! i love the idea of y/n as rio’s girlfriend meeting his family for the first time officially as his girl after he feels like she’s the one. she encounters nick and he ends up asking rio if she could be his plus at a charity benefit and rio’s just like “nah.” and then nick says “always taking what i want” which is what i think he says in the scene while they’re eating in the bar? SO NOW as the family trying
*ask continued* to eat, make small talk, and find out how in the hell rio could have landed home girl, he’s hella protectively jealous now especially since his girl and brother/cousin whatever tf is having a charming conversation and rio’s just seething 🙃. also the idea of this moment seeping into a few days of rio only being cordial with her and keeping her at bay /being assertive to her @ work intrigues me especially if either nick stops by their shared home since he knows it’ll get on rio nerves/or he catches y/n trying out dresses with the notion of attending this event with nick bc she doesn’t underdtand the big deal (+she likes when rio’s possessive but obvi not like this?) and rio’s mad mad but not at her😅. feel free to do whatever you’d like with this. it mostly sounds like angst and possessiveness so can you mush everything together if it’s easier for you.
❀❤ enjoy!!
word count ♡ 1,237
summary ♡ Rio finally takes reader to meet his family but tensions rise as Nick invites reader to a charity benefit.
warnings: possessiveness, aggressive behavior, fighting
situation ♡ angsty
You could already see how tight-knit his family was when you and Rio both walked into his grandma’s house. So much laughter and shared conversations. It eased your nervousness until they started staring once you walked in.
You started to feel a bit insecure but Rio knew they were just staring at how beautiful you were. As cocky as he was, even a little part of him wondered how he got you.
“Close your mouths before flies get in!” You heard an older woman coming from the kitchen. You saw the resemblance between her and Rio and figured this was his grandma.
You smiled when she first came up to Rio and kissed his cheek before hugging you next. “You must be Y/N. It’s so nice to meet you, carino.”She smiled.
“Likewise.” You hugged her back.
Before sitting down for dinner, Rio introduced you to everyone individually, letting you get comfortable.
You started to connect all the characteristics that Rio had to his family. There was a lot of subtle influences but you finally figured out why Rio was the way he was.
“You’re not going to introduce me?” Nick asked Rio, smiling towards you. You could feel the tension coming from Rio.
“Y/N, Nick. My cousin.” He said, reaching for the bowl with the rice.
“Brother.” He corrected, giving him a cold stare.
“Cousin.” Rio corrected again, dumping a ladle full of rice on your plate.
“Nice to meet you.” You said, trying to ignore the quiet battle between the two.
You continued answering questions that everyone had for you. What you did, where you met, etcetera.
“Oh, you’re a councilman.” You said to Nick after he was discussing a city issue that no one could seem to solve.
“I am.” He said, noticing your intrigue. You started to engage yourself in the conversation, giving pointers on the issue that no one had thought of yet.
Rio was proud that you had so much knowledge and insight about every topic but he knew Nick and this conversation made him seethe. He hated that everything he had, whoever he had, Nick always wanted it.
“I like this one, Rio,” Nick laughed.
Rio narrowed his eyes at him. “Yeah, I do too.” He said and you could feel the tension rising again.
“Say, Y/N. There’s a charity benefit next weekend. Why don’t you come?” Nick asked. He was charming, you noticed. Too charming and you realized that there was an underlying evil lurking.
“Oh, um...” You didn’t know what to say. You were so taken aback that he would make a subtle pass at you in front of Rio.
“Always want what I have, huh?” Rio pursed his lips. You saw Rio’s grandma shake her head subtly.
“Always get it too.” Nick smiled.
The next couple of days following and you noticed Rio distancing himself from you but also being unusually possessive.
“Rio, it’s just a benefit. Your grandma even asked if we were going to be there.” You said, placing the call on speaker while you tried on another dress.
“I’m not going to that shit and you aren’t either.” He said, his tone letting you know how serious he was.
You rolled your eyes. “What’s up with you? Your grandma’s expecting us so we’re going Rio.” You said showing him that you can be serious.
“I’m not going to say it again.” He said, getting more upset.
“You’re not my dad, Rio.” You shook your head as he laughed in response.
“That’s not what you were saying the other night.” You could hear his smirk through the phone and kissed your teeth.
“I’ll see you when you get home.” You said before ending the call.
You examined the dress in the mirror and decided to just take it off but before you could, you heard a knock at the door.
You hurried to open it and was taken aback to see Nick standing there. He made a quick glance at the way the dress hugged you before you said something.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
You noticed how Rio’s smirk was not just a him thing. It ran in the family and also meant that Nick was up to no good.
“Just picking up a package.” He said as he invited himself in, scanning the room around you.
“Oh, well Rio isn’t home right now.” You said, closing the door behind him.
He didn’t seem to mind waiting and you started to wonder what his ulterior motive was. “Oh, the issue we were discussing the other night. What you said surprisingly worked.” He told you.
You smiled proudly and you were just about to say something before you heard the door open indicating Rio was home.
You felt the tension in the room similar to the other day. Rio hid it as much as he could but he wanted so badly to put his hands on Nick. His house, his girlfriend. Everything sacred to him belonged here and Nick still found a way to weasel in.
You told Rio he was here to pick up a package.
“I told you I would give it to you myself." Rio said, dropping his keys. “Well, I was in the neighborhood.” He smiled.
"Your business is on the other side of town.” He said, not buying his story. “Like I said, I’ll give you the package.” He said, emphasizing that it was time for him to go.
Nick laughed to himself and walked to the door to leave. He turned towards you.
“You should go with the red.” He said, hinting towards one of the dresses you tried on. You already saw it coming but you were too far away to stop it.
You flinched once you saw the punch landing on Nick’s jaw.
“Rio!” You called before Nick threw a punch back near his eye. You contemplated how you were going to try to stop their fighting.
You knew it was a possibility of you getting hurt but you tried your best to put your body between them to stop their fists.
“Stop now! Stop!” You yelled, trying to push Rio away. Luckily, they had enough self-control to make sure they wouldn’t hit you and stopped.
“Nick, leave.” You told him. He shook his head while holding his jaw.
“You’re gonna regret that.” He said once more before he left for good.
You pushed Rio, visibly upset with him. “What’s wrong with you?!” You yelled again.
“Y/N, Nick is not trying to hear your opinions on gun control. Dude’s showing up to my crib knowing I’m not home, trying to get you to some charity benefit because he wants you.” He explained, wincing at the soreness in his face.
“I don’t see the big deal.” You said and walked to the freezer to get an ice pack.
“I know you ain’t slow, Y/N.” He said feeling like you weren’t even listening.
You walked back over to him and held the ice to his face, holding it there. “I don’t see how it’s a big deal when you and I both know he can’t have me. You’re so wrapped up in your head that you don’t even realize he’s already succeeding in pissing you off.” You said.
You could see Rio’s defeat. “Yeah, exactly. Look at you.” You rolled your eyes at his blackening eye.
“Sounds like you might be the slow one, dumbass.” You laughed.
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cpacs-blog · 2 years
Nobody asked so here it is: why i ship Petruo HARD
So there I was watching AOT and everyone is bleak and sad and Marco is dead etc
And then suddenly Eren is w a new group of ppl
And in a world of shitty, man-eating monsters, there’s this group of vets who supposedly know what’s up; Eren should be intimidated, yadda yadda yadda
And they are hilarious and ridiculous
There are two clearly messing with each other, gettin’ sassy
The other two spend almost all of their screen-time rolling their eyes at this which makes it even better
And Petra wasn’t like this before. She was dutiful and kind, but not a sass master and I love it
I like also how Auruo didn’t trust Eren. Everyone else we care about at this point was very optimistic but Auruo was like “nah you’re a short 15 year old w anger issues I don’t trust you with shit, let alone aaving the world”
(He was fuckjn right, btw)
And Petra, being kind AND spunky, was like “stfu idiot go die”
I like how Petra’s full personality comes out when she’s around Auruo; she’s kind but lots of ppl are kind… her fire sets her apart
I like how Auruo is apprehensive but also loyal; he never really trusts Eren, but he eventually dies for him bc of his duty to Levi
Auruo mimics Levi which PISSES Petra off; popular theory is bc he loves Petra and she loves Levi so
Add another trope that lives rent-free in my head: “why are you acting so different don’t do that i’ve always liked you for who you truly aaaarrrreee”
We find out later they went through training together and also peed themselves
Which makes them so much more human… I mean wouldn’t you if something was going to use you for dental floss??
Then we see them in the flashback, Auruo w googly eyes and everyone loving each other and having fun
And then they all die (rip)
But before they do, Petruo is BADASS. Like this Titan just killed half the battalion and they bamboozled her so good
(Literally died on a technicality is all im sayin im not salty YOU’RE salty)
When Petra dies, Auruo is HEARTBROKEN. And then immediately goes to “fuck u that was rude” and keeps fighting
Which, brave
To the badge scene: (and Rivetra ppl dont hate me I respect u and am anti-ship war just let me procrastinate on tumblr for a sec)
I think Levi took Petra’s badge bc her body was there. Not many corpses. Certainly not the amount for the ppl that died
No half corpses (sorry Eld). Guessin’ they didnt get Gunther from the tree either. Idk about Auruo and how broken his lower half is bc we never see it
But either way, Petra is either the only/ one of two of Levi squad on the carts, so yeah Levi takes her patch bc she’s probs the only one there
And he looks back bc she represents his squad and he misses all of them (clearly, since they’re in most of his flash-back panels)
And yeah I do think Levi and Petra were especially close. She was kind and he was getting used to people being kind to him
But I’m not a huge fan of boss-employee stuff. Lots of fics have Petra being super doting and 1-D when she’s with Levi and… that’s it. Her full self is kind AND spirited but she’s only half of that w Levi; she’s his suboordinate and therefore acts like it around him. She’s perfect, Levi is emotionally troubled, she fixes him OR she’s his worker and he finally starts noticing her
Her dad definitely is doing the typical dad thing and being embarrassing. Imo he sees how committed his daughter is to this captain (professionaly), and his dad reflexx is like “NO THAT IS MY CHILD U SHALL NOT MARRY SHE IS TOO YOUNG I FORBID IT”
And Levi is like “shit this makes breaking the bad news even worse”
Petra and Auruo probs grew up in Karanese together since Petra’s dad is there and Auruo’s ADORABLE family is waiting for him for dinner
So you’ve got: a) childhood besties maybe b) who ran off to the military together c) who are damn good at what they do d) but also are fun and witty e) until they die together, bravely
They are equals. They are their worst and best selves around each other. They mess w each other like an old married couple. They care deeply about each other. And they have such good hearts that they march head-first into giants bc they believe it will make the world a better place
Again, I only see either of them be their whole spectrum of personality around each other; they don’t share this privilege with anyone else
Petra is kindhearted and tender, but also intense, sarcastic, and fed up with your bs. A badass w a big heart
Auruo is ridiculous, arrogant (outwardly), pragmatic, and insecure. But he loves his friends and thinks his beating heart is a cheap thing compared to anyone else’s. All bluster, true to his core
in this house, we stan these things
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