#like great i don't trust literally anything else you said now
celepeace · 1 year
When you find a post/blog by someone who seems knowledgeable about your understudied chronic illness and you get hopeful that they might have advice for symptom management but then they start going into how using essential oils to "detoxify" your body can improve symptoms -_-
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demon-country · 10 days
I'm kind of surprised that this isn't a more common opinion, but I really do think that Blitz started coming over way more often than just the full moon for sex and also that he started staying the whole night as time went on. Like, even if you want to claim that Stolas doesn't love Blitz, he only loves the idea of being loved - which I highly disagree with - Blitz ain't that kinda person. He doesn't catch feelings after only like, what, 12-ish days spent having marathon long sex, and a couple of times spent being vaguely together in public? Ain't no way, Blitz is too guarded for that, and even though BDSM breeds a lot of trust just by virtue of it being about trust more than it is about sex, there's no way those things alone would make Blitz start to fall in love enough that he lists Stolas among the people he doesn't want to live without and die alone, or enough to do literally all of The Full Moon and Apology Tour.
On Stolas' phone there is also a picture of a horse that Blitz drew, laid on Stolas' bed, showing that Blitz felt comfortable enough at Stolas' palace and in Stolas' company that he was willing to draw Stolas a horse. That speaks of intimacy, that speaks of familiarity, and that speaks of trust that Blitz would share something he loves doing with Stolas. It also speaks of them having the time to do things other than sex when he comes over.
Now, to be fair, Blitz himself says that Stolas liked to do things like call him a lot to ask about his day and whatnot, and liked his sinstagram posts all the time. And while their now-defunct official Instagram posts aren't strictly canon, Viv did say that the stuff there was true to what the characters might do. So if we take what Blitz said in Oops and applied it to something Blitz posted on his sinstagram account, then Blitz used to book out an entire hour on his daily schedule just to talk on the phone with Stolas. Spending an hour or even half an hour almost every single work day for around a year and regularly talking on sinstagram is definitely significant and would also foster familiarity and plant the seed that Stolas does care for him, even if Blitz's self-hatred and Stolas' more unfortunate comments prevented him from truly believing it.
But I don't think it'd stop with that. Sex is the only way Blitz feels he can really spend time together with Stolas, and it's the only thing he knows for certain that Stolas wants from him and is always down for. If he was catching feelings - and Ozzie's, The Full Moon, and Apology Tour all show that he most definitely was -, he'd start desiring to be around Stolas more often, which would almost definitely lead to him making excuses to come over and have sex.
Of course, he couldn't just admit that even to himself, so he probably would have excused it to himself as something like being too busy to find someone else to sleep with. Oh you know he's just so busy with work and taking care of Loona, and going out to find a fling when he has a perfectly willing booty call he can go see basically whenever he wants is just way less convenient. Why put in the extra work finding someone he's interested in when Stolas is a smoking hot great lay who's down to do pretty much anything and everything? Not that it means anything though! He could totally go get someone else if he wanted to, he just... doesn't. Because he's too busy for that, of course.
And why go to some rando's place if he's just gonna have to get up and leave right after? With Stolas he can stay the night in a giant ass, comfy as fuck bed (with a super soft, super snuggly bird. Uh, not that he cares about that though! It's certainly not like he's touch starved or anything, haha no of course not that'd be crazy! >_>), and in the morning if he sticks around long enough he can either get another round in or some fancy brand coffee.
Like, that's all just an example of how he might explain it to himself, but however he actually did, I'm of the opinion that he used to not stay the night, but most of the time by the end of it he did. Blitz doesn't fall quickly, but once he does he falls hard, and given how desperately he clings to Stolas in The Full Moon and Apology Tour, I'm not sure if he'd be able to stop himself from spending whatever time he could make excuses for with Stolas. The only reason he doesn't post-Ozzie's is because of Stolas' supposed rejection and, after Western Energy, because he feels unworthy of it and is scared of what his perceived failure to protect Stolas might have changed.
That's how I see it, anyway. But I guess it's a pretty unpopular opinion? This got way longer than I thought it would...
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mulletmitsuya · 10 months
Toman Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, the topic of sex is brought up a lot, mentions of the r word (i don't actually say it i just say "r word"), gayness, mentions of depression, mentions of suicide, teenage boys. also snuck in a lot of personal headcanons so that might not be your thing
Desc: Mikey lost his V-card
Mikey: just had the sex
Mikey: it's not all that, tbh
Mikey: i didn't like it
Mikey: i was quite indifferent to the situation actually
Mitsuya: that's great 👍
Smiley: you're the last one to lose your v-card and you come back with a report like this?😒
Smiley: we want details
Draken: whose we?
Mitsuya: no we don't
Chifuyu: it must have been difficult tackling the whole issue with you being 5'3 and all
Mikey: you're an inch taller than me😐
Chifuyu: "taller" being the key word
Baji: what didn't you like about the sex?
Baji: i think sex is great
Kazutora: i think it's super nice until you get in over your head and freak out about your performance so you end up having a panic attack and she just leaves
Draken: that's actually kinda sad, you good?
Kazutora: no? i'll never emotionally recover. never again
Baji: maybe it should be with someone you trust and have been friends with for a number of years. maybe even your best friend who would do anything for you. that's just my opinion tho
Draken: just tell him ffs. anything but this
Kazutora: i have no girl friends?? the only women i know who're affiliated with this friendgroup are hina (taken), emma (mikey's sister and also taken), and yuzuha (gay)
Baji: why does it have to be a girl
Mikey: bro
Hakkai: 💀
Smiley: mention homosexuality once and here Hakkai comes
Hakkai: 😐
Kazutora: Baji i know you're gay and i support your lgbtq+ lifestyle but i'm not into dicks like you are man
Baji: what about assholes
Mitsuya: what's the point of this, like just ask him out atp
Mikey: you'd let KAZUTORA top???? insane
Kazutora: what's wrong with me topping? also who am i topping??
Smiley: well you're a twink so you're obviously a bottom
Chifuyu: Kazutora are you actually just gonna ignore what everyone else is saying
Kazutora: aren't you guys talking to Baji?
Draken: are you stupid or what
Kazutora: i'm really confused rn can we just to back to talking about Mikey
Mikey: yes actually. i've decided that i don't like sex and won't be doing it again
Chifuyu: bad day for Takemitchy
Takemitchy: what?
Chifuyu: well since you ride his dick so much
Takemitchy: HUH
Takemitchy: i've never done that with Mikey-kun tho??? i'm with Hina? also I'm straight so I don't understand what you mean by that 😥
Chifuyu: i don't actually mean-
Chifuyu: nvm
Baji: are we allowed to call people the r word anymore
Angry: no it's a slur
Baji: you're probably mad because people said it to you huh? lmao
Angry: yes
Baji: oh
Smiley: i didn't even mean it Angry it was just that one time
Angry: several, one times. but okay
Angry: i still love you
Smiley: can you not say that in front of our friends like idk what to do rn cause i can't say it back so it looks embarssing for you
Angry: 😕
Smiley: ...
Angry: ☹️
Smiley: i love you too
Angry: thank you
Chifuyu: very rare Smiley human decency moment
Draken: you guys are such weird siblings but that was great to watch. character development in a matter of seconds
Smiley: you should all kill yourselves
Mikey: man i really want to
Mikey: that was a literal joke before you guys get weird
Draken: you've actively tried to kill yourself tho
Mikey: yeah but like i won't do it anymore
Baji: we must just, believe you?
Mikey: i know that's hard to do because i lie all the time but yes
Draken: not a convincing argument but nice try
Mitsuya: terrible try actually. Mikey should we be worried?
Mikey: miss me with that gay shit, i'm fine
Mitsuya: i hate you guys so much
Draken: not me tho cause i'm your og
Mitsuya: 😐
Mitsuya: yeah i guess
Draken: 🤞
Draken: i'm gonna go out with my girlfriend now
Draken: also Mikey you're probably asexual. or you haven't found the right one to do it with yet idk
Mikey: what's asexual
Draken: google it
Mikey: Ken-chin c'mon i'm having a crisis rn
Draken: basically low or very little sexual attraction to others
Draken: there's a whole spectrum to it tho so you should probably do some research because that was an extremely watered down explanation
Draken: i'm ace too if that helps
Baji: Emma's a whole ass slut so how does she deal with that
Smiley: imagine bagging Ryuguji Ken with his sexy ass and he doesn't wanna smash. tragic
Draken: first of all, Baji i'll fucking kill you, never say that about Emma again
Draken: and fuck you Smiley
Angry: are you traumatized because of living in a sex orientated/obsessed environment so you eventually began to detest any affiliation with the act?
Draken: yes actually
Angry: i see
Mikey: i just don't like it. i'm not traumatized like Ken-chin :(
Draken: it's whatever
Baji: calm down i didn't call Emma a slut as an insult i just mean it as a describing word because she likes fucking
Baji: i've known her longer than you and she's been fucking since she knew what the thing was
Mikey: i probably should have addressed that as an older brother or something
Mikey: yk, cause i take care of my family
Baji: now she takes care of you with your chronically depressed ass
Mikey: 😒
Kazutora: is Emma also traumatized? like the opposite of Draken?
Mikey: wait should i ask?? her mom did abandon her and she did grow up without a father figure so like maybe i should talk to her
Smiley: you didn't have to dish out her problems like that 💀
Baji: she's got the Sano slut genes because wasn't Shinichiro falling in love with different people everyday? then your dad was impregnating people all the time. skipped Mikey tho
Draken: not everything is trauma related. also Emma just likes sex. it's not a huge deal breaker and if it was she would tell me and we'd talk about it
Mikey: what about having kids?
Draken: stop asking me this shit we'll do that when we're ready
Smiley: it's crazy how Draken is one of the healthiest people here. always reacting sensibly to situations and dealing with his trauma normally. he's such a good guy. hate him
Draken: love you too
Mikey: did he deal with it all that healthily if he beats people to a pulp most of the time
Draken: i stopped doing that
Baji: why though, you were an actual unit
Baji: wasted talent. i still beat people up
Draken: Emma said to
Mikey: fair
Smiley: Mitsuya could be on Draken's level too but something went wrong along the way cause he's a boy liker
Mitsuya: 🖕
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fuctacles · 5 months
Tying the knots
For @subeddieweek Day 6 | M | 2162 | established relationship, bondage, non sexual intimacy, subspace, switching, fluff, they are in love | divider by @saradika-graphics | Ao3 Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Ao3
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Steve tries to look at the screen Eddie has shoved in his face. Literally. He sighs, pushes his hand away, and takes the phone to scroll through the pictures himself. It's a week's worth of photos Eddie's been saving, scavenging the web to find those he thought might convince Steve to try the new thing.
Steve looks through the photos of models, their chests, arms and thighs wrapped in rope. He imagines similar stuff in their bedroom, and mulls over how to word his opinion. Wonders, with a pang of fear, if Eddie would want to try this with someone else instead, if Steve says 'no'.
He sighs.
"You know I don't feel comfortable with this," he says finally, knowing honesty is the best way to go at the end of the day. "I trust you completely, but I wouldn't even let Robin tie me up. Hell, I almost got a panic attack just getting an x-ray the other day."
Eddie lays his hand on top of his, where he holds the now locked phone.
"Darling, I'd never do that to you," he assures. "I meant myself."
Steve frowns, confused.
Eddie squeezes his hand.
"I want you to tie me up."
Steve's mind blanks. This was flipping the script on their bedroom activities completely. He's at a loss of words yet again. He opens his mouth and frowns.
"But you don't like bottoming." They tried it, of course, but figured out fast the dynamic that worked for them best.
At his astute observation, Eddie's soft expression sharpens into a dark smirk.
"Who said anything about bottoming? Silly boy, you think I'll let you? With that tiny dick of yours?"
Steve's breath hitches.
"No, I want you to tie me up and ride me like a toy." His tone loses momentum, and turns softer and hesitant. Thinking back, Steve's been seeing this side of him more often lately. Lining in time with his confession that he 'wanted to try something new.'
Steve looks at his boyfriend. Truly looks at him, at the reddened cheeks, the dark pupils, the nervous picking on his nail polish.
"It's not about the bondage, is it?" he asks. "You want to try subbing."
Eddie nods in affirmation.
"Holy shit," Steve breathes out, the realization squeezing his throat.
"I know it's a big change," Eddie says. "But just think about it. We don't have to ever come back to this if you decide you're not interested, but the offer will be open if you ever want to try."
They maintain eye contact for a long while. The time stretches but all they see is trust and love, so Steve brings their joined hands to his lips to presses a kiss against Eddie's knuckles. 
"I'll think about it," he promises.
"That's all I ask."
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Two weeks pass without mention of that conversation, which Eddie assumes is a 'no' from Steve. He's okay with that. The whole allure was to do it with him, and if he's not comfortable with it, then neither is Eddie.
The setting is the same, as every weekend - an afternoon to unwind with take-out and mindless TV watching after cleaning up their tiny apartment. This time, it's Steve who shoves his phone towards him.
"Which color do you like?"
"Huh?" It takes his eyes a moment to focus on the screen, and he takes a surprised breath when he recognizes what he's looking at. 
Colorful bundles of shibari ropes.
"Classic black?" Steve muses, like it's not a big deal to drop his answer in such a way, out of the blue. "They have this dark red that would look great on your skin, I think. Or we could go with the classic twine color," he wonders out loud, scrolling with his thumb with the phone angled so both of them could see. Not that Eddie cares much for what's on the screen. He has more important things right in front of his eyes.
"I love you so much," he whispers, taking Steve by surprise. He looks up into his boyfriend's huge eyes.
"I love you too," he says back, capturing his lips in a quick kiss. "But please focus, they have a sale that ends at midnight."
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They go with the twine after all. Eddie said it would make fantasy kidnapping roleplay more authentic. Steve lovingly smacked him about it.
He can tell Steve is nervous. Eddie's sitting there, cool as a cucumber in his favorite house loungewear (linen pants and an old Metallica shirt), while Steve keeps getting up and fidgeting. He gets up to get scissors, then to get water, and then decides some snacks are in order. Eddie chews on a cashew, observing him. 
"You don't have to do this," he reiterates for the umpteenth time. "I can tie my legs myself or something. A simple harness should be doable too..."
"No!" Steve protests immediately. "You trusted me and I'm doing this, I'm just...." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I'm just worried something will go wrong."
Eddie sighs. 
"Baby," he says gently, crawling forward on the bed. "That's what scissors and safewords are for. We'll be fine." He gently touches his hand where he's digging his fingers into the duvet. "And if we don't like it, I'll just use the rope for the next LARP. It's not a big deal," he reminds him, squeezing his hand. "Just something new we're trying out. No pressure, no expectations. It either works out or it doesn't. Like a new recipe. Alright?"
Steve moves his hand from underneath his to lace their fingers together.
"Alright. Just let me watch the tutorial one more time."
Eddie rolls his eyes lovingly.
"Of course, darling."
He leans on his shoulder and together they watch a professional rigger demonstrate the knots on a consenting mannequin. Steve is holding the rope in his hands, mirroring the movements shown in the video. Halfway through though, he sighs and pauses it. 
"You're distracting me," he says, turning to the left, where Eddie's head is.
"I'm literally just sitting here!" Eddie protests, moving away from his shoulder.
"Yes, and it's very distracting!" He sighs again. "Let's just do this."
"Okay," Eddie agrees quickly, unable to contain his excitement. He scrambles to the center of the mattress. "This alright?" he asks. Steve's eyes roam down his form.
"I guess so."
With this said, he walks on his knees up to his boyfriend and throws the rope over his neck. He uses it to pull him forward, making Eddie giggle in surprise. He presses a kiss to his smiling lips. 
"What's your safeword?"
"Demogorgon" Eddie answers in a heartbeat. 
They are just practicing today but that doesn't mean Steve would take it any less seriously than an actual scene. Even with a third guy present, speaking from a YouTube tutorial. Steve checks with it every couple of knots to make sure he's doing them right. Other than that, and the soft ambient music he had put on, the room is quiet. Just their breathing, the slide of the rope, and a quiet exchange of 'Alright? - Yes.' now and then. 
He gets lost in the methodical movements, in making the ties just right, and it takes him a moment to realize it's become too quiet.
"Eddie?" He looks up from his own hands to his boyfriend and finds his blown-out eyes staring back at him. "Are you okay?"
"Golden," he slurs back, giving him a wobbly smile.
Steve sits up with a worried frown.
"Do you want me to stop?" he asks.
"Don't you dare," Eddie tries to growl, but it comes out slurred and whiny. He sighs, letting whatever he's feeling right now take over. "Feels good. Like a hug. I trust you, Stevie," he says, closing his eyes to drift away into bliss.
Steve feels his chest swell close to bursting. He wonders if Eddie feels the same when he hands himself over to him.
He leans down to press a kiss to his sternum, near the center of the rope harness.
"I love you."
Eddie makes a sound deep in his throat that is probably meant to mean 'I love you too'.
Steve moves to kiss his temple next.
"I'm almost done, just finishing up," he informs Eddie before going back to the rope. This time he focuses less on the task itself, and more on the body under his hands. On Eddie's steady breath, even and shallow like he's falling asleep. On the calm beat of his heart. He lets his fingers linger when checking the give of the rope, when threading and looping it, and turns it into a caress of his lover's body.
Once he's done, he trails his hands along the rope, from his shoulders, through his hips, to his thighs.
"All wrapped up, baby," he announces, and Eddie's eyelashes flutter open. 
He's looking at Steve, but like he's seeing him through a window from another dimension. With a thrill, Steve realizes he's put his boyfriend in subspace. Feeling the heavy weight of responsibility, he reaches out to cup his cheek and caresses it softly with his thumb.
"What do you need?" he asks. 
Eddie licks his lips before he can speak. 
"You. Kiss me?" he asks.
"Of course, baby. Anything." Steve leans down to pepper kisses all over not only his lips, but his whole face, his exposed collarbone, every inch of clothed and unclothed skin peeking from between the rope, like his body is an altar to pray on. Eddie sighs at the attention, melting into it. When there is no skin left unkissed, Steve wraps himself around him and they cuddle, until Eddie comes back enough to request they watch something.
He refuses to be untied until he's seen two episodes of Hell's Kitchen and got hand-fed broken-off pieces of a granola bar. And even then he agrees to it reluctantly, only when he starts yawning and Steve points out to him there's no way he's going to sleep tied up.
It goes faster than the tying process, but Steve doesn't rush it. He rubs gently every patch of reddened skin he uncovers and kisses it gently. Eddie goes quiet again under his ministrations, but nowhere as far as before. Soon, the rope is put aside in loose coils, and they're staring at each other, Steve rubbing absentmindedly at his thigh.
"Did you like it?" Eddie asks, trying to sound casual. Steve knows he's eager for an answer, though. 
"I know you love me," he starts, making Eddie tilt his head curiously. "But this made me feel it. Like, there was no doubt in my mind, for even a second, that you're ridiculously in love with me."
"Fuck," Eddie groans, startling Steve. But before he can ask what's wrong, Eddie's pulling him in and leaning back, so he has to hover over him. "I just wanted to be pampered a bit. Switch up our crazy hot sex to be even crazier and hotter. And you pull this shit on me. Of course you do," he rolls his eyes fondly.
Steve scrunches his eyebrows. 
"I'm... sorry?" he offers.
"Don't. No. Shut up." Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and breathes through his nose like he's overwhelmed. When he opens them back, they are shiny and wet. 
"Marry me," Eddie interrupts him in a single breath.
To say he's taken aback would be an understatement.
"What?" he says like it's punched out of him.
Eddie's face hardens with determination.
"You're it for me, Steve. I trust you to take care of me and I'll take care of you right back. What do you say?"
Steve chuckles wetly, begging his tears not to start spilling onto his future husband.
"What? No ring?" he jokes.
"Hold up." Eddie turns between his arms and scoots on the bed to reach the bedside where a trinket dish full of his rings has a permanent residence. He fishes one out and straightens up, kneeling on the bed. 
Steve sits up, watching him with wide eyes.
"Steve. Will you marry me?"
The ring is smaller than his signature ones, a silver band with an engraved rose, its thorny stem weaving along the length. Steve doesn't recognize it, and he's become quite intimate with Eddie's collection.
"Did you hide an engagement ring in your trinket dish?" he asks incredulously. 
A blush rises to Eddie's cheeks.
"I've been thinking about it for a while, okay?" he explains defensively. "I thought if I didn't go for a pretentious diamond and forego the box and fancy dinner it would make it less scary, will you please fucking answer?" he blurts out. 
Steve laughs, and this time lets the tears fall freely.
"Of course I will marry you, you fucking idiot."
He grabs Eddie's face and pulls him into a kiss. The ring falls somewhere into the sheets but they'll retrieve it later, once satisfied with the number of kisses exchanged between the freshly committed fiancés. 
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leclerc-s · 7 months
track 005. jugaste y sufrí
─── ❝ yo ya no quiero sufrir, quiero ser feliz ❞ ───
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lando norris so i guess oscar unknowingly became a dad??
ollie bearman why is that where you brain immediately goes?
mae jones his brain needs to be studied under a microscope.
checo perez can i leave now?
dulce perez si yo tengo que sufrir tú también tío! checo perez ya me voy. daniel jones-ricciardo unless austin shows up in texas or vegas. checo perez mierda.
fernando alonso sergio! there are children here!
bailey winters have any of you tried locking them in a closet?
penelope trevino hmm. that might work.
ollie bearman what she needs is therapy. sebastian literally said she was afraid of falling in love. AUSTIN MADE HER CRY IN MIAMI!
arthur leclerc she would've cried over anything. she's an emotional person.
dulce perez have you see the group picture? max verstappen she was crying over tangled.
daphne jones-ricciardo i cry over tangled too. it's a beautiful movie.
pierre gasly that's because you are rapunzel and daniel is flynn rider.
arthur leclerc but yes, she does need therapy.
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logan sargeant has anyone seen oscar? we were supposed to meet up for lunch?
oscar piastri i forgot sorry. logan sargeant YOU DITCHED ME?
max verstappen go have lunch with zoya or something.
zoya torres what the fuck? why are you signing me up for things? max verstappen if you show up one more time to my apartment crying over your ex and hoping to steal my cats were going to have problems. zoya torres it was only twice. mae jones it's been 7, he started keeping track. there is a board on our fridge and everything.
dulce perez hey, you know who else is missing?
daniel ricciardo-jones SHUT UP!
ollie bearman she's with me!
isabella perez i am not missing dulce! i told tio checo where i was going
logan sargeant oh it must be nice to not get ditched by your friends. i wouldn't know BECAUSE OSCAR'S A TRAITOR!
oscar piastri how exactly is it my fault that thing 1 and thing 2 showed up at my hotel room at 6:30 in the morning and dragged me out to breakfast?
ollie bearman you're lucky it was 6:30 isa dragged me out of bed at 6. isabella perez WE LITERALLY MADE PLANS THE NIGHT BEFORE OLIVER!
fernando alonso i was unaware isabella and oscar had acquired a grid child
oscar piastri bella has a grid child not me. i don't want him ollie bearman you're a horrible father. ollie bearman i hope you dnf in monaco oscar piastri i'm not your dad! ollie bearman good. i wouldn’t want you as my father. you’re horrible and you suck! isabella perez oh great, now you've made him sad oscar!
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oscarpiastri, isabellaperez, and olliebearman posted new stories
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i'm going to die with her behind the wheel. that smile is plotting murder. what is it with drivers and showing up in team gear to everything? they will also sleep anywhere, as shown by ollie. i feel like i'm interrupting something.
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alex albon did you or did you not go out on a date with oscar?
isabella perez no, i did not go out on a date with oscar.
george russell i call bullshit! i saw ollie’s story! esteban ocon i agree.
charles leclerc wasn’t she out with oscar and ollie? how is that a date?
pierre gasly aww a family date! isabella perez i’m going to murder you gasly
natalia ruiz boys, leave her alone.
isabella perez it wasn’t a date! ollie was there!
alex albon which means if ollie wasn’t there it totally would’ve been a date
lewis hamilton when will the day come where all of you learn to mind your own business?
pierre gasly pretty much never
mae jones isa, it was a fucking date if i’ve ever seen one. trust me on this one.
isabella perez yes, i'll take advice from the people who had a fwb relationship, a situationship, and someone who broke up with her ex because she was afraid.
isabella perez really the only one's who should be giving me advice are esteban, george, alex, and lewis.
pierre gasly you're mean sometimes.
mae jones and for the record i wasn't afraid!
alex albon explain things i wish you said? charles leclerc or you're losing me? esteban ocon or exile? mae jones OKAY I GET IT!
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sooo, how'd the date go?
it wasn't a date logan.
oh sure and ollie wasn't third wheeling the two of you.
he wasn't?
how can i be in love?? i barely know her
okay, fine, you have a crush on her.
no, i don't.
yes, you do. i know you pastry!
you don't know shit. i don't have a crush on her.
oscar, either i'm fucking blind or you're stupid but you, my australian friend, have a massive crush on her.
fuck off
no, i don't
sure buddy, and i'm not from miami
but you are?
exactly my point.
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logan sargeant he's got the l-word
lando norris leprosy??
daniel jones-ricciardo how the fuck did your mind go to leprosy?
lando norris bailey and i watched ice age last night.
bailey winters max, you're performance in that movie was amazing
max verstappen i will take lando out.
pierre gasly the way his season's going he'll take himself out first. lando norris literally fuck you gasly. i know you and esteban are going to take each other out at least once this season.
logan sargeant OSCAR'S IN LOVE!!
arthur leclerc WITH WHO?? logan sargeant i cannot believe that sentence just came out of your brain.
dulce perez my sister i assume??
logan sargeant well, it's more like a crush but that counts right??
daphne jones-ricciardo and you came to this conclusion how?
logan sargeant denial is always the first sign, no?
carlos sainz it is like lando when he said he wasn't in love with bailey! lando norris we are not talking about me.
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isabellaperez posted a new story
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paddock dad isabella, are you okay?
super max are you depressed? honey badger did austin call again?
duckling i'm okay. i think.
duckling i'm feeling things. i don't know if they're good or bad.
paddock dad therapy helps. duckling so i've heard.
super max good things or bad things?
duckling I DON'T KNOW!!
duckling feels are hard. i don't want them anymore.
paddock dad sorry kid, you're stuck with them forever. duckling SEB! MAKE THEM GO AWAY!! paddock dad i can't isa. you have to face them.
duckling here's a thought, what if i don't? i could ignore them, they'll go away eventually.
super max you've already tried that isa. it's not working out that great for you.
honey badger already tried that kiddo. maybe it's time to talk to someone?
duckling i'll call my mom!
paddock dad that's better than one of us.
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isabellaperez posted new stories
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my mother won't answer the phone, who's more important than me?? her baby?? her pride and joy??
nothing like a good ole lana song to cry too.
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @cowboylikemets1989 @justtprachisblog @rmeddar123 @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @Smnthnclj @dan3avocado @melissayalene @nothanqks @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @chezmardybum @d3kstar @weekendlusting @anytimeanywherebitchblog @ragioniera @burberryfilms @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @lorenaskaspersen @sarah-thatstings-ann @My-fangirling-outlet
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¡leclerc-s speaks! OLLIE IN F1!! LET'S GOO!! i also couldn't help myself including that ice age joke. does this qualify as angst?? i don't think so? this has also been sitting in my drafts for ages.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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your-ne1ghbor · 9 days
Asha's Animal Side Kick
Now presenting...
the one...
the only...
BONSAI !!!!!!!!!
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It was either between a possum, ferret, or a great eared nightjar/type of bird, but either way, I had to go with the possum.
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I liked the light brown possum a lot personally since I thought it was really cute yk??
It was also based off of this possum:
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OKOK, you may be wondering why I changed Valentino, or Bonsai into a possum.
There are 2 reasons:
Numero Uno:
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I think my friend @sewerpalette said it best here:
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Nothing can convince me otherwise. His design is just SO ugly to look at. It is not pleasing.
And it doesn't help that I wanna punch his stupid fucking face like it is so punch-able
OKAY SURE, the concept versions of Valentino is cute...but ever but I didn't like how I drew goats in my style. It could be just that I'm not good at drawing them, but I also didn't like my color pallet I did for him, which was a lot like what Bonsai has color pallet wise, and it fitted Bonsai more than Valentino.
Numero Dos:
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It is basically a repeat of what we have already seen, which I didn't like.
Just because you aged down a goat does not make it ORIGINAL.
What I'm trying to say is that Valentino feels like a refrence to Huntch Back of Notre Dom, which this movie has a thing with adding stuck out refrences instead of making it subtle. I mean I know it was a 100 year aniversary, just make it more subtle though so people can rewatch it and find refrences they didn't notice first time watching.
Some fun Facts about Bonsai:
Bonsai is actually a little dwarf, and the runt of his family. Asha adopted him when she found out Amaya told Charo (Charo is a lynx btw) to get rid of them all since she thought they were rats (even though they are fucking HUGE) (PLUS IT IS TO EMPATHESE ON THE FACT THAT THEY ARE MISTAKEN FOR RODENTS WHEN THEY AREN'T, THEY ARE APART OF THE MARSUPIALS FAMILY AND THEY GET RID OF RODENTS/EAT THEM)😭
(I might actually make him slightly bigger than how I drew Bonsai, but who knows yk?)
So Asha took the responsibility of taking care of the little Possum, since she didn't want the possum to grow up alone, and so that she can have some company.
IT TOOK A LONG WHILE for Bonsai to warm up and trust Asha, but in the end, he saw her good nature and swore to protect Asha like how Asha protected him from getting eaten from Charo. Which is why he dislikes Star Boy A LOT (mainly because he doesn't trust how this creature can literally transform into anything and doesn't want him to end up being something like Charo 😭)
He is just a little guy that wants to make sure his friend doesn't get hurt by a celestial force.
This is basically how I imagine how they both would meet:
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(Just wait till he finds out Asha likes him. He is going to be so judgemental)
To get this part out of the way, if I end up having Bonsai speak, it would sound like a child, since I DREADED when the goat started...TALKING LIKE A GROWN ASS MAN LIKE NO PLEASE NO. And it would be more adorable yk?? :3
Lastly, here is the first doodle I did of him.
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@oh-shtars @annymation @signed-sapphire @chillwildwave @spectator-zee @uva124 @rascalentertainments @tumblingdownthefoxden
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I might also go with a different color pallet for Bonsai but idk yet
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r0-boat · 8 months
Cat hybrid! Ingo x reader x Cat hybrid! Emmet
Cw: slight yandere, jealous, and possessive Behavior.
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They owe you their lives for rescuing them. Ingo I'll never forget the day it was a cold snowy night him and his brother, who had been surviving outside for as long as they could remember seeking refuge in an old abandoned train tunnel. Emmet being stubborn, refusing his brother's torn coat no matter how cold he was. Him and his brother were tired cold and starving this town was unforgiving too wild hybrids and they were not cute kittens anymore and nobody was willing to bring home two strange men.
Thats when Emmet, trying desperately to huddle into his own clothing for warmth, noticed a bright light coming down the tunnel. As the bright light approached they noticed a figure, a human. Emmet hissed at the figure, all day they had been running from mean humans and other hybrids just to find a spot to sleep but Ingo did not want any trouble he understood his brothers frustration but responding hostility would only brew more hostility. The human had a green uniform and the light came from a lantern they were holding. They came to inspect the old railway tunnel as their boss was hoping to remodel and refurbish for future use. But they did not expect to find two hybrids cold and dirty looking glaring up at them. The one with a smile was growling at you, his tail fluffed and his ears flattened. The one who had a frown his voice scratchy husky as if he was suffering from a cold spoke quietly
"Please we do not want any trouble if we're trespassing; we'll leave immediately."
Your heart broken too technically they were trespassing but you couldn't just kick them out like this.
"Do you need help? Here come with me."
Ingo with speechless, unable to answer this was a random human who offered their help normally he wouldn't trust strangers but they are in no shape to decline help of any kind Emmet was confused. Surely this was some kind of joke? But seeing his brother take the humans offered hand, he was still wary, but he would have done the same.
Now, their lives have changed. Ingo smiles fondly, seeing his brother now practically begging for the human's attention.
Emmet hated you at first; he would stay respectful and cordial, but other than that, you'd always keep his distance. If he weren't with his brother, he'd be somewhere else. Now he's attached to you to the hip, insisting on following you around anywhere. And he can't blame him. You are as kind and gentle as your heart, taking in two strange hybrids, opening up your home to them and your heart. And their mind has saved their lives. They are indebted to you, and they'll happily do anything and be anything you desire.
Now they walk side by side with you, your scary "dog" privileges. You like they keep the creeps away, but sometimes…
"Ingo… I told you we were going to have a guest tonight. Why did you throw him back out?" You were sad and Confused. You brought home a date, and for some reason, you are normally polite and well-mannered. Hybrids started acting strangely, cold, and childish, squishing themselves in between you and your date. Literally and figuratively, as they squeeze themselves in between the two of you or cut into your conversations, anything to steal your attention until your date who has gotten fed up with their shenanigans and leaves your home.
"My dear, I don't know what it was about him, but he didn't feel right to me," Ingo said.
"What are you talking about? He was great, perfect even. Emmet ?" Looking over at his brother for his opinion Emmet who had a triumphant smile on his face, bluntly stated, "Good riddance, I'd say. He did not deserve you."
You sighed in frustration, resting your head in your hands. This was the third date they had chased off. It's not like going somewhere would stop them the last two times you tried; they were conveniently in the same place you were.
"Guys, please. If you don't stop chasing people the way I might actually get a partner. And not die alone."
Emmet wiped his head around, walking toward you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. "don't say that; you are not alone because you have us."
Ingo agrees, taking your hand in his, steel gray eyes staring into yours. " That's right, you already are a part of our 3-car train. You don't need anyone else."
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ninchen1909 · 1 year
Side by Side
Pairing: Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Warnings: Death, angst, fluff, best friends to lovers
Word count: ~2.800
 "Ivar, please think straight now. You cannot sail with Ragnar, you will die, he is no longer the great king everyone took him for. He has left you and your brothers alone for many moons, and you have always been loyal to him, always believing in his soon return. But he is no longer a warrior, he has lost his trust in the gods and they have lost faith in him. How can you still follow him like an orphaned dog?"
The steady sound of his crutches dies away as he drops into one of the wooden chairs. For the first time since he revealed to me that he wants to sail to England with his father, his eyes find mine. Ice blue gazes bore into my iris, making me forget to breathe for a few moments.
"(y/n), he is still my father...."
"Yes your father, the one who abandoned you and who now has to pay warriors to sail with him. Quite some time ago, it was everyone's greatest honor to go on plunder with your father, but those days are long gone. Your father's time is over Ivar, you are sailing to your certain death if you follow him."
Ivar's grip on his crutch tightens and I realize he is struggling with his anger. I am also aware that he would have killed, or at least maimed, anyone else who would speak of his father in such a way. But beeing best friends for many years, seems t to allow me certain privileges.
"No Ivar, why are you so intent on sailing to England with him. You can make a name for yourself here and achieve great things. You can stay with me, we will find a way to bring you glory. Isn't it enough for you to be with me? A plunder in England, moreover without a proper army, is far too dangerous for a man like you..."
As soon as the last of these words leaves my lips, I realize that I have made a big mistake. Horrified, I clasp my hands in front of my mouth, my eyes widen in shock, and I watch tensely as Ivar stands up with the help of his crutch and stumbles a few steps toward me. The look in his eyes squeezes the air out of my lungs and I feel like I'm becoming a blood eagle myself.
"Ivar, please..."
"A man like me? What are you trying to say with that?"
"Shut up..."
Abruptly, I close my mouth and bury my teeth in my lower lip, the vile taste of iron spreading across my tongue.
"I really thought that at least you wouldn't see me as a cripple, that at least you...my best friend, the person I trust the most and who occupies the most space in my heart, would see me as more than a failed man."
Everything in me cries out to apologize, to tell Ivar that I didn't mean it, but the look in his eyes alone tells me all I need to know.
"And coming back to your question, no, being here with you is not enough. YOU are not enough."
I can literally feel the color draining from my face and I'm sure in that moment that a blood eagle wouldn't have hurt as much as his words. My lower lip begins to tremble suspiciously and my eyes fill with tears.
"Ivar...please...you don't mean that."
"I mean every word I said exactly as I said it..."
The coldness in his voice makes me shiver and the first tears fall from my eyes, tracing a fine trail down my cheek to my collarbone.
"....and now go, I don't want to see you anymore. And even if I die in England, it's better than living an insignificant life here with you."
After these words, he turns his back to me and I watch in despair as he disappears into the back rooms of the great hall. Loud sobs escape my throat and I feel my legs give way as I fall to the cold stone floor. My desperate sounds echo off the stone walls and I bury my head in my hands to avoid seeing anything. A few weeks later, the news of Ragnar's next great raid spreads through the streets of Kattegat. Again and again I try to talk to Ivar, to convince him to stay with me, or at least to be able to apologize so that we don't part in a quarrel. But each time I am met anew by one of his brothers, each of them desperately trying to explain to me that Ivar must do this to prove himself a true Viking. I know they are right, I know that Ivar desires nothing more than to prove himself worthy in the eyes of his father. However, this does not prevent me from caring for him. To be scared for him.
So it happens that a few weeks later I am standing on the dock and watching with eyes clouded over with sadness as Ivar ponderously makes his way to the ship. His gaze wanders again and again, searching, almost longingly over the crowd of people that has gathered on the pier. It gives the impression that he is searching for someone, as if he is on the lookout for someone. For a brief moment I hope that it is me he seems to be looking for, however, his words keep coming to my mind, deeply burned into my heart. Which is why I quickly banish the thought of him looking for me from my mind and push further into the background of the crowd.
My heart sinks as I watch the ships begin to move and Ivar moves further and further away from Kattegat and therefore away from me, unsure of whether we will ever see each other again or if the news of Ivar the Boneless's death will soon haunt Kattegat.
Many moons pass, the pain in my heart seems to consume me, every day I wake up hoping that things would get better, easier. But rather the opposite is the case, every day I send pleading and begging to Odin, promising him a great sacrifice, all so that Ivar, my Ivar returns safe and sound. Even if he will not speak a single word to me in his entire life, I still want him to return in one piece.
Winter is approaching Kattegat in great strides, the few things that grow here have already been harvested and everyone is diligently preparing for the impending cold that will soon come over Kattegat.
Light sweat forms on my forehead as I throw the last ingredients for my stew into the large cast-iron pot in the center of my hut. The warmth spreads comfortably as the open fire casts mysterious shadows through the cabin.
I wince abruptly as a loud, muffled knock shakes my front door, puzzled as to who would be disturbing me at this late hour, I don't move from the spot.
"(y/n) it's me....please open the door."
A soft gasp escapes my lips as I move with quick steps to the door, a loud noise ringing out as I let it crash backwards against the wall. But all this could not be more irrelevant to me at this moment. Eyes widening, I look at the hunched person in front of me, half his weight propped up on my door frame, while his other hand holds a tight grip onthe crutch next to him.
My emerging joy however is quickly shattered by the sight of him, swollen, heavily reddened eyes staring back at me, making the blue of his eyes shine even more strongly. His whole form seems to have fallen apart, deep worry lines run through his beautiful features. At this moment, he looks like a broken man.
"May I come in?"
His broken voice startles me out of my dull thoughts and I take a step to the side, nodding to give him enough room.
With a loud sigh, he lowers himself onto the wooden bench next to the fire, for a moment closing his eyes in pleasure as the heat of the flames caresses his skin. Silently I watch him for a moment, soaking up the sight of him, trying to make my heart understand that he is really sitting here in front of me.
"Would you like something to eat? I put on some fresh stew."
His silent nod is answer enough and just a few minutes later, I fill two wooden bowls full of stew before holding one of them up to Ivar. He accepts it with a grateful smile and sinks the first spoonful into his gullet.
An awkward silence spreads between us, the quarrel before his departure still hanging over our friendship like a test of endurance, unspoken questions on my tongue but not daring to leave my lips. The sound of wood on wood startles me from my thoughts, and I watch as Ivar sets his bowl down on the floor in front of him before rubbing his hands together in a warming motion.
"Thank you."
Noisily, I swallow my bite before replying.
"You're welcome."
Briefly, an uncomfortable silence threatens to fall over us again, but Ivar breaks it faster than it could have spread.
"My father is dead."
With a loud noise, the bowl slips through my frozen fingers, the stew spreading at my feet, seeping into the spaces between the wooden boards on the floor.
"My father is dead."
A glazed expression enters his eyes and only a few seconds later the hut is filled with Ivar's sobs, his whole body is shaken with sobs and he buries his head in his hands.
 It takes a moment for me to really process his words, for their meaning to really settle into my inner being. With careful steps, I move toward the man in front of me and carefully place my hands on his shoulders. A silent cry escapes me as he pulls me onto his lap without warning and buries his face between my breasts. Without thinking about it for long, I begin tenderly stroking through his full, brown hair. The individual strands glide gently through my fingers, leaving a pleasant feeling on my skin. Again and again I whisper words of encouragement in his ear, but even when his body has calmed down and his breathing seems even again, he doesn't even think about loosening his grip on my body or putting distance between us.
Only when the fire is extinguished, and the cold has returned to the hut as the darkness is broken only by the few candles that I have lit, I lean back a little, causing his face to slip from my chest with a discontented sound.
A mixture of sadness and weariness lie in his eyes, any radiance gone from them as he presses into the motions of my hand almost longingly.
"When's the last time you really slept?"
A worried expression comes to my face as a guilty glint flits across his features.
"It's been a while."
With a careful movement, I rise from his lap, careful not to break his vulnerable bones.
"Let's make sure you get some sleep this night then."
 A short time later, we are now lying pressed tightly together in my narrow bed. What gave me a sense of security and friendship back when I was a child now comes with a fast-beating heart and an unfamiliar blush to my cheek. But Ivar doesn't seem to feel any different.
"It's been some time since we've been in the same bed together," he says.
"Yes, the last time was when we were children."
A hotter laugh escapes his throat.
"Yeah, everything was easier then..."
His words just a whispered sentence, soon lost in the darkness of the room. Silence overtakes us and for a few moments I think that Ivar has already fallen asleep. But the sudden emergence of his voice proves me wrong.
"I want to apologize...for everything I said to you back then. You were, are and will always be the most important person in my life. I'm sorry for making you feel like you weren't."
His words send a warm shiver through my body, a pleasant warmth spreads in the pit of my stomach, and a wide smile creeps onto my lips.
"An apology from Ivar the Boneless. Thank you gods for letting me live to hear this."
"If you tell anyone, I'm afraid I'll have to kill you."
The joking undertone of his voice elicits a bright laugh from me and I search for his with my hand, carefully sliding my fingers between his and then interlocking them together. Tentatively, Ivar begins to draw delicate patterns on the back of my hand with his thumb.
"You know what was odd?"
Asking, I turn my head toward the sound of his voice.
"During all that time, even when we were in captivity and my father's fate had been sealed. I could only think of you. At the time when it was not clear whether I could ever again perceive the bustle and smell of Kattegat, I could only think of you. Your face, your laugh, the way you squinted your eyes when I tried to explain something to you, your stubbornness, your gentle fingers running through my hair...it was all I could think about. I hated myself for not saying goodbye to you, that the last words I said to you were not the loving, tender words you deserved, but  the words of a scared little boy..."
With a jerky movement I sit up and look down at him . The light from the candle on the nightstand casts a, warm orange glow on his face, making his skin glow and his eyes sparkle.
"Please let me finish. I don't know if I'll ever be able to muster the courage again, if not now...."
A silent nod from me is all he needs in response, as all at once he lifts our still joined hands to his lips, leaving a tender kiss on each of my fingertips before continuing.
"...With each night that I have not been able to be close to you, I have come to understand the real reason why you can upset me so, why only your opinion matters to me, and why your doubts about me and my manhood, my ability to plunder have hurt me so deeply..."
My voice is just a hotter whisper as I wait in anticipation and excitement for his next words.
"Because I love you. Because the stupid crush I had on you as a child has turned into a real, true love."
Tears of emotion rise in my eyes and run down my cheek in hot, salty trails.
"I love you (y/n), so much."
My incredulous laughter fills the darkness and I can't help but bridge the distance between us, pressing my lips to his, lit by the candlelight. A surprised sound escapes him before he joins in my steady movements and returns my caresses.  Our lips mould together and moving in perfect harmony. A hot gasp escapes his lips, swollen from kissing, as I finally break away from them. He lovingly strokes individual strands from my face before letting his cool hand rest on the overheated skin of my cheek. Amazement and joy are clearly readable from his eyes.
"Does that mean....?"
"I love you too Ivar..more than you can imagine." With a loud, hearty laugh, he wraps his arms around my body and pulls me onto his torso. I can feel his pronounced abdominal muscles clearly through my thin sleeping robe as he does so, his body heat surrounds me and again and again I noticed how he presses tender kisses on the crown of my head.
My head, meanwhile, rests on his chest, the steady sound of  his heartbeat calming my senses and allowing an inner peace to settle over my body.
"I will go back to England to join my brothers in revenge for our father's death."
I can clearly feel his body tense beneath me after those words, much like he's afraid of my answer. Which I can't blame him for after our last argument.
"I know. And this time, I'll go with you. Side by side"
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jade4956 · 4 months
The only stupid thing I ever did was believing you would love me - Jessie Fleming
Jessie Fleming = herself
Niamh Charles = herself
Naomi Charles = Niamh sister
Naomi POV
She walking around the apartment grabbing things and shoving them in a bag. She just broke up with me before an argument was gonna start, really we've only been dating since January 2023 and it's now January 2024 and she's breaking up with me because of an argument. Sure we've had disagreements but every couple has arguments is she really that scared of confrontation.
She walked into our bedroom were I sat at the end of the bed putting shoes on. She stopped and stared at me
"Where are you going" Jessie stated
"Somewhere your not" I replied dry and tears finally finishing
"There's no point I'm going to Chloe's"
"It's not like this is our apartment anymore and beside you owned this before me so I'm leaving" I didn't bother looking at her this time
Jessie never thought of it like that she's always thought of "her" apartment as both of there's. She dropped the bag, to be fair she does hate confrontation but she had no right it break up with you because of it, in fact the second she said we should break up she felt like taking it back, it was the panic in her when she heard you get mad at her. She really regretted it.
I got up from tying my shoes, great a new wave of tears was about to happen, i was going straight to Niamh's I thought didn't care if she had company I had to be with someone a trusted so Niamh was the perfect choice.
Jessie started to follow me out the bedroom I was collecting my phone, car keys, apartment keys for when I collect my stuff and Niamh's spare apartment keys.
Jessie's POV
"Who are you gonna go to" she said (she knew exactly who you wear going to)
"Why do you care now you didn't care about me half and hour ago" (she did care)
"I wanna make sure you don't do anything stupid I wanna make sure you still safe" she said willing looking at me
"The only stupid thing I ever did was believing you would love me"
Jessie felt like she had been stabbed with a knife. She did love You she just was scared you were gonna break up with her first.
“I do love you” she has never said it like that before were she just new what to say or how to look usually when she said it was a quick goodnight text if they were on international camp or it would a kiss in the cheek goodnight but never about it in the day I love you.
“Well maybe you should have thought of that before you broke up with me” Naomi stops to listen to Jessie then stated something and walk away out of the door
Jessie went after and her over the elevator Naomi was going to
“Please can we stop and talk I didn’t want to break up with you” Naomi ignored her getting into the elevator and pressing ground but someone else was in there so when Jessie entered she didn’t say anything to Naomi.
Ground level reached and they both immediately got out, Naomi kept walking away as Jessie was following her to her car
“Please, please just stop and talk to me for like 10 seconds I want to explain please” please was the most Jessie could think of and she wanted more then 10 seconds but that was the first thing that came to mind
“Fine what do you wanna say” Naomi questioned
“I wanna say that I’m sorry okay I didn’t want to break up I just got scared” and she was ignored after 10 seconds Naomi started to walk away
“Hey stop please I wasn’t done I didn’t literally mean 10 seconds” They were both 2 cars away for Naomi’s car.
Naomi opened the car and Jessie ran to the passenger seat and got in.
“Get out” was all Naomi said whilst she was getting in, she had a blank face on had she spoke to her.
“Let me talk to you please” Jessie practically begged
“No get out”
“Please you don’t have to respond just listen”
“No I don’t want to even listen to you right now”
“Then I’m not getting out”
“Then I’m calling and Uber”
“No no no okay I’ll get out” Jessie hated when you got Ubers or anyone did because they’d always unfortunately be sketchy ones but she still wasn’t getting out of the car
Naomi gesture for her to get out but Jessie wasn’t moving. Naomi really hated Ubers but she wasn’t getting anywhere with Jessie in the car but she had to stand her ground
“I know hate Ubers Naomi” Jessie said to her “I Know you won’t call one and you just want me to get out”
“If I let you speak will you get out” Naomi said
“YES” Jessie said, she was about to start speaking but then Naomi interrupted her
“I’ll meet you at the cafe down the road from Niamh’s tomorrow then you can talk to me I think we both need some down time or we both might mess up more than we have. Naomi new in her gut that Jessie didn’t want to break up because she knows the type of person Jessie is even though at the start she was pissed and upset she chilled out and felt bad for dragging Jessie around the apartment complex with her begging to be able to speak to her but she was still frustrated and very upset so she need to be with her sister and just chill so that the next day they will both be able to talk together.
A/N: I suck at trying to finish story’s that’s why I do part two but if you want this to end in a full break up or they get together again tell me or do I leave it like this with no part two please tell me because I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways thank you
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the-flowerwolf · 2 years
Hogwarts legacy headcanons
While normal people go and socialize I wake up and think about ✨them✨
So there's some headcanons about my favourite Legacy Team (as I call them) for ya folks while I'm writing a really big fic about them. Careful, some of them are sad. And don't mind my poor grammar thanks.
Btw, collages are mine, feel free to use them💙
🐍Sebastian Sallow🐍
First off all, if you turn him in, I don't trust you
Literally a typical Slytherin
A nerd. Just a nerd.
Quidditch? Babe, the only sport for him is dueling
Felt absolutely helpless when his parents died. And that's why he's so protective. He just can't let anyone else die on his watch
Really is a small version of his father and proud of it
Believes that the end justifies the means
Hopeless flirt BUT a gentleman. Wouldn't do anything you don't like
And also most probably believes in true love
A proud bisexual
Everyone think that "he fucks everything that moves" but he's a virgin who "saves himself for the one and only"
As some fan said, he was probably born on 18th September. And it's a canon now.
A great friend but a terrible secret keeper, so for Merlin's sake, don't tell him ANYTHING
Knows how to braid hair into the most complex ways
Pro feminist! Treats women right and knows all important stuff thanks to his sis
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🔥Natty Onai🔥
I'm sorry but she's so underrated and for what??
I believe she really respect traditions she were tought as a child
Her favourite holiday must be her birthday. All because it was the only day of the year when her parents forgot about all the dangers and sorrows and they just got together, spending the best time
Most probably will return to the homeland after Hogwarts
Is the only member of the team who play quidditch
(as a keeper ofc)
She's a lesbian idk dudes
A very honest girl who were raised to be a good person
So she just expects the same from others
A very competitive. But not like Imelda. Natty respects fair competition and knows how to honorably recognize a match
Although this does not mean that she will not destroy you to win
Is always cold poor thing
Religious bc I feel like it
Has mommy issues and don't tell me I'm wrong
Will definitely become the best auror one day
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🌼Poppy Sweeting🌼
Her favourite holiday is Christmas lemme tell you that
Trust issues
She's trying her best to be gentle with every living being because she saw too much violence already
And that's why she thinks animals are better than people (agree)
She's definitely an INFP and I won't change my mind
Looks like a cinnamon roll but will kill you
A cliché but I feel like she's an excellent cook
Although she would LOVE to find someone to understand her (like us) she's totally okay with being on her own
Is into mind games like chess
But will go to see a quidditch game just to support Natty (and mc if they play)
Is always up to an adventure
Bullies? Girl grew up among killers, you really think she would care about some bullies?
I feel like she has the strongest personality in here. Doesn't matter what happens she will always stand straight while helping others
Is a cat person
Can't cry bc she was not allowed as a child
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💚Ominis Gaunt💚
Just an innocent little boy let's be honest
He may look like he can kill you but he's just a cinnamon roll
Jokes about his blindness as a defence mechanism
Had a crush on both Sallow siblings at some point and I can't blame him
Saw a theory on tiktok that his patronus would be albino snake. CANON
Just wants to have a simple quiet life without any drama
Protective of his friends BUT is more protective of his boundaries
Don't mind his blindness he knows EXACTLY how to be a fashion icon
Another cliché: Omi can play piano
And it's the only thing his parents tought him that he loves. Playing helps him to calm down
Is very private, but as soon as he starts to trust you, he will immediately blurt out his life story, dreams, fears etc
Though he can't see an actual game, Omi likes to go on a quidditch game, because of the happy energy around him
Is sick most of the time for some reason. Cold, stomach ache or anything really
Also a nerd. But unlike Sebastian he's a fiction lover. Helps him to escape reality, especially in his family's house
Clingy with everyone he loves bc they make him feel safe
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queerponcho · 7 months
Transfixed | part 3
previous part | part 4
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collage made by me with pictures from pinterest
moonknight!system x female!reader
a/n: AHHH- Thank you all so much for reblogging, liking and commenting on my past chapters!!! I just reached 50 reblogs and it honestly means the world that people are embracing a newbie like me (✿◠‿◠)
Warnings: no use of Y/N, fluff, NOT beta read, gushing about the moonboys, flustered awkward dorks, plot-twists, Jake being a menace, (eventual smut, the chapters will be marked individually), inaccurate depictions of DID, egyptian mythology and religion (although I did extensive research I took liberty in changing some things to adhere to my plot...), if I missed anything or made any spelling mistakes pls don't hesitate to tell me!
Summary: Steven and Marc have a little...carfuffle when Jake finally lets them front again, after days of taking over. The date plans are set and both parties eager to meet soon but are we surprised when things don't go as planned..?
2,200 words
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Steven at home
‘I can’t believe this- how does this even happen Steven?’
‘Mate, I don't know! You were there weren’t you? You know how it happened…’
‘So you’re tellin’ me that any pretty girl can just sit there and you will literally tell them all about our personal business???'
‘How else was I supposed to find out about Jake huh?? Say that he’s my identical twin brother and then have to explain myself-'
‘Steven you would never have had to explain anything! Because this was supposed to be ONE conversation over a non-committal coffee- not a damn first date.’ Marc replies sternly. He looks at Steven in the glass of the fishtank and notices him looking deflated and guilty. Great- now he feels guilty for making Steven feel guilty. ‘I-I am sorry man, I shouldn't've gotten this mad, you know how I am about…personal stuff.’ Marc says sincerely. He really has been trying to be better at communicating, it’s been a feat to get here but he would do anything to make Steven's life easier. ‘It’s alright Marc..you’re right I should call off the date’ Steven says while looking at his hands, remembering your touch on his shoulder. The way you made him trust you so easily, even though he barely knew you. How desperately he wanted to get to know you an- ‘Steven, you know we share a brain right?’ Marc says trying to stop Steven from swooning any further. ‘Look- clearly you like her and she seems to like you as well, so who says this won’t turn out well?’ ‘well- you know: “we share a brain”’ Steven says, mocking Marc's previous comment. ‘Okay okay I get it-  I messed up. I’m sorry. There, will you let me help you now?’ Marc looks at Steven expectantly.
Days passed since they had returned home after you left them in the cafe. Steven was pretty sure Jake had taken over after leaving the coffee-shop but he was finally fronting again after a few days. Steven squints his eyes at Marc but relents ‘alright fine, I don’t know what to text her…I think she might be waiting for me to initiate conversation…’ ‘You realise we wouldn't have this issue if I had fronted and you wouldn't have had the chance to fall in love like a desperate teen-boy’ ‘I thought you said you lay off with the mean comments! And i am NOT in love-’
‘yeahyeah, you’ve never had a girlfriend have you? You must be reeaaally nervous…’ he adds in a singsong voice. Marc won’t let up, he’s being dragged into this mess so he might as well have a bit of fun. ‘Okay now I know you’re just takin’ the piss- are you gonna help me or not?’ Steven says fully aware of his embarrassing situation. ‘Alright, you text and I tell ya how to start, alright?’
‘Oh bollocks- uum okok I-I can do this..’ Steven is fronting now sitting on the office-chair and stares at his phone screen, starting with a simple introduction.
steven is typing...
‘Hiya- it’s me Steven!’
He had written, deleted and rewritten the message about six times before finally sending it.
You answered very quickly, you’d been waiting for him to text since you got home a few days ago. Processing everything that happened between you and steven- and well, Jake.
‘hi:) glad to hear from you. I wanted to apologise for leaving so abruptly, but it was all a bit much to process and i was running super late for work haha…i hope you understand’
‘Of course luv. If you’ve got any questions you can always ask, I hope you know that.’
‘i do’
‘i was actually hoping to ask you some questions on that date you promised me;)’
You seemed a bit more forward over text and Steven did not mind it one bit, since it was just the push he needed.
‘Right! I thought we could meet friday? There's this great vegan restaurant, I'd love to take you there?’
‘sounds great! could you pass me the address of the place?’
‘No need luv- I’ll pick you up.’
‘that works too’
You hadn’t realised the age gap until this moment. They were probably around 10 years older than you with you being in your mid-twenties. You did notice the wrinkles and silver strands when you first saw Jake but hadn’t really thought about the fact that he was about a decade older than you. Just now as he offered to pick you up did you realise the generational difference. You didn’t have an issue with it, you’ve always liked your partners to be a bit older so this definitely wasn’t a turnoff. If anything it only amplified your attraction.
‘I’d love your address’
‘Whenever you get the chance to send it:)’
‘right! sending it now…’
You send him your address. 
‘Thanks luv. Alright, I’ll see you Friday at 7pm then?’
‘yes! see you tomorrow steven<3’
He sat back, setting his phone on the sink. ‘Alright there's your date’
‘Thanks for taking over, Marc- couldn’t have done it alone’
‘Relax Steven- this was just texting. But you realise I can’t just take over during the date, right?’
‘Of course I know that…doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand by just in case…’ 
‘So- wait, what are we gonna do with Jake's notebook?’
‘I uuhm couldn't find anything besides drawings and sketches of her…I mean at least we had those, otherwise we would’ve never found out about him loaning that book.’
‘By the way…we know Jake likes her as well, by getting to know her better, we have a chance of actually luring Jake out-’
‘That might be true but that's not our goal! I- I actually like her…she might become my first proper girlfriend, I don't wanna mess this up.’ Steven is adamant on getting to know you, very hopeful of the connection he feels towards you. An almost magnetic pull he felt between you, one he has never felt with anyone before.
Marc chuckles at the reminder but reassures Steven, ‘And we won't, I promise, you will do fine Steven’
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It’s 4 am. You’ve been trying to sleep for the past four hours but the thought of getting to see Steven and possibly Jake later today was not letting you relax. If anything it was causing a very persistent tension…in places you really dont wanna delve into. In fact, you’re trying really hard not to think about that tension, which might be the exact reason as to why you can’t seem to find your way to a peaceful slumber. You try to distract yourself by thinking of how this all even started. The way Jake intrigued you since the beginning and had you speechless every time he appeared. And you think about steven- steven who's the polar opposite to jake and is this shy sweetheart that can’t seem to even look you in the eyes but somehow managed to bluntly ask you out on a date. You keep thinking about them and their differences and analyse them, not noticing your eyes slowly shutting closed and your thoughts slowly forming into vivid dreams based on your memories with the boys…you sit up in your bed abruptly remembering your texts with steven. Realising you had shared your private address with a fucking stranger…you hold your head in your hands and push your palms into your eye-sockets trying to calm down. You don't actually know shit about these men…you really should’ve told your friends about them cuz literally no one knows about these encounters. But truly it was all so bizarre and absurd that you really didn’t want your friends to spoil it for you by using anything close to logic or realism. To maybe argue that they could have anything untoward in mind with you. 
You lay back down and finally feel a wave of exhaustion hit you. You want to believe that they actually maybe even like you…of course there is a possibility that Steven only asked you out to find out more about Jake. oh and marc, was it? You wonder what he might be like and if he's anything like his alters. You turn from your clock having hit 5am and finally force yourself into sleep.
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You wake up to your alarm blaring and prepare yourself for work. You start the day groggy and tired due to only sleeping four hours. But just the thought of your date tonight has you motivated enough to hurry up and catch the next bus.
Moonboys POV
Marc woke up around noonish since Steven took forever to finally fall asleep. Lately he’d been better but last night he was as jittery as a six year old the night before christmas. Currently standing in the kitchen brewing himself a cup of black coffee and prepping his mug with two brown sugars. ‘So loverboy, what are you planning for tonight?’ He says while wearing an amused smirk on his face.
‘Okay well first off, cool it with the nicknames yeah? And secondly you literally texted it for me yesterday. We are goin’ to my favourite restaurant.’ Steven replies proudly while also ashamed for not even having the balls to text you himself. ‘About that…I don’t think that place is open right now- in fact I think all the restaurants are closed today, no?’ Marc remarks and pours himself the long awaited bitter brew. ‘Wha-Whatareyousayin mate??’
‘Well’ He clears his throat ‘when I woke up I saw today's date and remembered that today is that weird holiday, the only thing open are convenience stores and the 24-hour Tesco’ he says, his voice laced in an amused tone and takes a slow sip of his sweetened coffee. ‘Bollocks- what am I gonna do?...I could cook?’ ‘Steven’ ‘No, I-i can't even make a- a salad! How the hell am i supposed to cook for her if I can't cook marc?!’ he says panicked ‘Steven’ marc sternly interrupts, carefully putting his half empty mug on the counter 
‘I can help you. I may not be amazing at it but I can remember a few things from- from what our dad taught us.’ Marc and Steven rarely talked about their past but recently they were kinda forced to deal with it. Just the fact that they, let alone Marc, can mention anything from that time so casually is kind of a huge step for them. 
Marc and Steven spend the rest of the day planning, buying and preparing the food for the date. The time comes when Steven has to take over the body to get ready to pick you up. He finds a shirt in the back of his closet- same oversized cut as his others but a bit less casual and more sleek looking than the usual shirts he wears. His hair is as unruly and fluffy as usual despite Marc insisting on sleeking it back. He convinces him to use some curling cream he had found in the back of the bathroom drawer.
Steven applies it sceptically, coming to the conclusion that it does look pretty good. He makes his way to your address making sure to ring on the right door. Basically buzzing from anxiety, Marc is doing everything to keep him calm and rehearse with him what he was gonna do and say when you ringed him in and opened your door, knowing full well, that all the preparation would fly out the window when he actually met you…Jake is silently watching this all transpire and cant help but be amused at all this, not admitting that he was actually a bit nervous himself.
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You came back from work tired BUT extremely excited to get ready. You had to stay a bit longer than anticipated and thus only had about one hour to get ready. Hopping in the shower as quickly as possible you try to calm down under the warm streams of water hitting your body, melting all the tension out of your back, shoulders and sore legs. Work had been exhausting and this shower was proving to get difficult to leave. But the alarm you had set to remind yourself of the time, successfully cut your relaxation short. You quickly exited your shower wrapping your body in a fluffy white towel. Wiping the steamy mirror to see your reflection more clearly, you start getting ready. Adding whatever products you use to your hair and applying sweet smelling lotion to your body, basically doing any- and everything to make you feel as confident and ready as possible for your date, who was supposed to arrive iiiin…twenty minutes?!
You hurried your makeup routine and rushed to your room quickly picking out an outfit you felt sexy in but also had a grounding and comfy vibe. You threw on a beige knitted sweater, which had an oversized fit with a mini-jean skirt. Paired with sheer brown tights, thigh-high beige cashmere socks and brown leather knee-high, high-heeled boots. Finishing off the look with your favourite jewellery and accessories, you look over at the clock. It's 6.50pm and you are just adding the last finishing touches to your look and making sure you've moved all the important things from your ‘work-bag’ to your ‘going out purse’ when the door rings. ‘He's here’ you mutter to yourself, running to the door making sure it's him and pushing the button to the intercom. ‘Yes, hello?’
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a/n: hope yall liked this chapterrr- in the next chapter you'll be able to read all about the date and i am SO excited for yall to read about it *squeals* don't mean to toot my own horn but GURL it's so good i already wanna post it ♪(´▽`)
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I liked Kieran, maybe only because he reminded me of myself as a kid. Constantly feeling left out and being both harassed for everything you do do and never being trusted with anything to even proof yourself capable, like the knowledge about the truth about ogerpon. I still am, working on that, but was way more jealous of other people hanging out with my friends simply because I had so precious few. Idk how much it would have fucked with me if my verbally abusive older sister (I do also have one of those) simply decided that one of my friends was now one of hers instead and kicking me out while my friend isn't saying or doing anything to be like "no, actually I want to spend time with [anon] too".
Obviously his obsession with ogerpon and the following Drive to get stronger is pretty hyperbolic but I did also have a bit of that. Just rejecting everything, throwing everything back at everyone since it was, or at least felt, like its always my family and the people around me just throwing shit at me too. Did I overreact a bunch of times? Oh yeah for sure. Teenage tantrums will get ya, but I really did need that. Without it I don't think I would have ever learned to call out my family's abuse and other people treating me poorly. Since as a kid that just radiates low self esteem you seem to get treated like shit from just about everyone.
Anyway all that is to say, throwing around things like "I think this kid would shoot up a school if only he had access to guns" isn't, imho, great. And I don't even really particularly care about your instance rn, like it's a fictional character in a Pokémon game who cares. So sorry for being the one who got my rant lol. It's just something I've been seeing more of lately, people throwing "they'd shoot up a school" not only at fictional characters but actual human beings. Which I think is fucked. Thankfully no one ever said that to me, but I cannot imagine how hurtful that must be, like if we ignore all the other negative effects it has for a second, when your actual school life was hell enough to make you consider ending your own life, like it was for me, to just get thrown another brick at your head that people think you would be monster enough to murder people.
...well there's a lot to unpack here.
So first up, you have my genuine condolences for your extraordinarily shitty school life. You clearly had the very rough end of the stick, and it's clearly still hurting, and that sucks.
However. I am not thrilled that you just trauma dumped in my inbox because you over-projected onto a fictional character, and I'll ask you not to do that again. Particularly when your "rant" is explicitly aimed at trying to make me feel bad for criticising a fictional character that you, once again, have over-projected onto.
Like listen, I too had an extraordinarily shitty school life, and I also had very few friends (and at three separate extended points, a combination of Literally No Friends At All, AND Being Actively Targeted For Bullying; the first time around, the bullying was led by the class teacher, even.) I have very much been there, done that and got an entire t-shirt shop. But I still didn't come away from that feeling that I was entitled to other people liking me or wanting to be friends with me, because no one is obliged to like or be friends with anyone else. I may have occasionally felt jealous, but I didn't throw tantrums and demand perfect loyalty from the few friends I did make, because that would have been abusive as all hell and would have justly made them want nothing to do with me. And, crucially and relevantly to the fictional character in the fictional world that we are discussing, I did not fixate on someone I wanted to be my friend, see that they were afraid of me and wanted to be friends with someone else, and then throw such a tantrum about it that I physically fought that someone else for the 'rights' to that friend regardless of their consent in that matter, apparently with the intention of abducting them if I won. And on losing that fight, I did not storm off and start amassing a collection of stronger and stronger weapons so I could take over my school and prove my dominance over them, emotionally abusing anyone who couldn't keep up with me because of family problems along the way. I presume you did not either!
And if I had, then the trauma and loneliness I received would be irrelevant - actions borne of trauma are still actions, with real world consequences, and you are still responsible for them regardless of how bad you felt.
(I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but school shooters are people who are also lonely and often bullied. It's very interesting therefore that you dismiss them as "monsters" while demanding that all behaviour from such people up to the shooting be excused. But the issue with such people is the entitlement they feel and the abuse they therefore dish out. Shootings are just the most extreme symptom of that - they're far from the only symptom.)
I cannot stress this enough - you are not the fictional character of Kieran in the game Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. You did not make his choices, or perform his actions (I assume). Criticism of him is not criticism of you. No one is accusing you of being about to shoot up a school. You state that you don't care that he's a fictional character, but I'm afraid you very much should, because that is the crucial difference. I am sorry that you're seeing a lot of people accusing real life people of being school shooters, but that is not what has happened here, is it?
You're welcome to write back. But I'll warn you very clearly - I am absolutely not at home to you trauma dumping further, or trying to make me feel guilty for talking about a fictional character because you have over-projected and therefore are taking it personally. That is a You Problem, and I will block you without reading if you do.
However, I am going to finish by reiterating my very genuine sympathies for your school experience. It truly was an appalling time for me, and it seems like it was for you, too. I hope you can process that trauma now, and find peace.
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yueasuka · 8 months
Marinette is a bad leader
There I say it...
As a leader, Marinette sure has... some trait that make her not fitted for a leader position. Namely :
Avoidant Low empathy Control freak
I don't care whatever character in universe preach about her being a great leader, the show show otherwise to me. Here some opinion :
Being a leader means she MUST communicate about pretty much anything necessary for the battle, her intend and strategy and also make sure her teamate have high morale. There's no "Follow me and guess what my plan is" and there's no planning behind someone's back, especially if that someone is an active participant in the battle. Being a leader also means she MUST keep your teamate in check, means asked about their well being, listened to their problem and being attentive to their need. She can't just "If you have a problem then good luck with it because I too have a problem" which is an occuring behaviour from her (NY Special, Destruction). As a leader she must put her teamate need first and foremost before her own because THEY'RE HER RESPONSIBILITY. Her avoidant trait make her literally avoiding all of it because she doesn't like "emotional talk". She's the type who's like "let's sleep and hope for all the problem just magically disappear tomorrow". She do this with Queen Bee problem, her delaying telling Chloe that she couldn't have miraculous anymore make Chloe thinking that she's still Queen Bee (her entitlement doesn't help). She do this again in s4 to Chat Noir and continue to do so in s5. Avoidant is basically the worst trait she has as a leader.
Having low empathy is probably not a big problem for a leader except, it is for Marinette. Her having low empathy caused her to make a plan without discussing it beforehand to her teamate, consent and boundaries tend to be forgotten and it is a problem as it make her forget that her teamate isn't just a pion in a chess game, they're human who have feelings and emotions. Her having low empathy make her freely do anything without discussing it before hand or, thinking about people around her. The recent case is her make a rain of rubble to fell down to Emilie's coffin, other cases is her bringing down Eifell tower (the Mime), make akuma destroy Arc de Triomphe (Anansi), and basically any plan that require her to throw Chat Noir to the akuma (Stone Heart, Backwarder, etc).
Her being control freak doesn't really help her to manage her team, which is also part of her role as a leader. Her "Follow me and just play along" is her being bad at delegating the role and communicating her intend, but that also her controlling her teamate so they're forced to focus on her and have no time to improvise beyond what she need them to. Control freak leader doesn't trust their teamate, they seek to control instead of guiding and this is what demoralise her teamate as seen in s4. Marinette control freak nature not only demoralising Chat Noir but also stunted his growth and performance in battle which resulting in LadyNoir conflict, she doesn't listen but people must listen to her, Her being control freak also what lead her to her decision in Ephemeral and s5 final, it has little to nothing to do with her being thoughtful of Chat Noir/Adrien, it's her with her way of thinking that her way is the only one right without thinking about Adrien's feeling. To put it simply, it's her way to control the information. Upset teamate is uncontrollable teamate after all.
That being said, I'm not saying she won't be able to be a great leader. She could, but only if she grow out those trait I mentioned. Try to communicate better, delegating role instead of controlling everything and mosre importantly, remember that her teamate is a human (or person) instead of just a pion. But as for now, I'd say she's the worst leader in the Mahou Shojo genre I've ever watch.
And also... someone can care and love someone else while also hurt them simultaneously, it's not separated thing. Just because she doesn't do it maliciously doesn't mean her action doesn't hurt the other people involved.
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inawickedlittletown · 1 month
Don't Make A Shadow Of Yourself (BuckTommy fic) - 16/16
Summary: "A man who's pure of heart...may still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright" - Howl (F+TM)
BuckTommy Werewolf AU. Throughout most of his adult life, Tommy had dealt with what he was. The duality of being a man and also an animal…a beast. Werewolves weren’t born, they were made. 
Rating: M
Words: 3,466
Read on Ao3
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three
Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six
Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen - Chapter Fourteen - Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Tommy didn’t remember much about the time between leaving the wedding and getting back to his house. He had snapshots of Evan helping him with his clothes and then not much else other than his pillow and the smell of Evan near him. He woke up slowly the next morning, felt a little too warm because Evan was still in bed with him and literally lying on him. He couldn’t tell what time it was, but he knew that it was later in the morning and that he’d had a full night’s rest. 
Months ago, he couldn’t have dreamed of having someone in his bed that he genuinely wanted there for more than just sex. Evan had changed that. He’d entered Tommy’s life and literally changed everything about it for the better. 
Evan moved, stretching a bit as he woke. 
“Hey,” he said, voice sleep rough and lazy. 
“Hi,” Tommy said back. “I wasn’t too much trouble to get here was I?” 
Evan chuckled. “No. You, uh, you walked on your own for the most part. I think my parents showing up was the final straw on keeping you awake.”
Tommy laughed. He did remember all of that. Out in the parking lot they had seen Athena make sure they got into their rental car and left, but he and Evan hadn’t hung out long enough to talk to her about how it had gone.
“At least they didn’t show up to the ceremony.” 
“There is that,” Evan said. “They, uh, they gave Athena a letter to pass on to me. I don’t know if I even want it, but she said she’ll bring it by. I invited her and Bobby to dinner.” 
“Here?” Tommy asked. 
Evan nodded. “If that’s okay?” 
“No, it’s…it’s great actually. We’ll have to go shopping if you’re thinking of cooking anything.” 
“Yes, I figured that. We don’t have to get up yet, though.” 
Tommy eyed Evan and he could see a glimmer in his eyes as he leaned over Tommy. 
“There is something we didn’t get to last night,” Evan said.
He leaned down to kiss Tommy with the same hunger that had been present when they were in that bathroom at the wedding reception. Tommy responded at once, his arms went around Evan, bringing him down to rest on him. Evan gasped against him and Tommy just kissed him harder. 
It had been more than a little shocking to Tommy how fast Evan had fallen into the physical aspect of their relationship. He was a bit of a sex fiend. Loved everything and was eager to learn. He had no hang ups about any of it, even though he’d never done anything with a guy prior to Tommy. He was eager too, and Tommy hadn’t known to trust that at first, had thought that Evan was putting some of it on. He had been so completely wrong because Evan was just that open about sex.Tommy had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted Evan and when he got him completely spread out, naked and his hole stretched out and ready for the first time, it was like a dream come true. It was always glorious. 
When Evan gasped out, “want you inside.” Tommy felt himself get harder if possible. 
“And what if I want the opposite?” Tommy asked.
Evan moaned. “Could be arranged,” he said cheekily. “Right now, though, I want you to fuck me.”
How could Tommy disappoint? He kissed Evan again hard and then flipped them over so that Evan was on his back under Tommy. He reached for the bedside table, still keeping as much contact with Evan as possible, and grabbed the bottle of lube. 
He kissed down Evan’s neck and chest, not making any stops until he was down to Evan’s hips. Evan wiggled out of his underwear and Tommy helped. His cock was hard and wet. Beautiful. Tommy couldn’t help but take him in his mouth. Evan groaned, spread his legs. 
“Tommy, please.”
“Turn over.” 
Evan did at once, ass up in the air, but his arms folded under his head. Tommy didn’t know how he managed to keep it together just at seeing Evan like that. His hands smoothed out over Evan’s ass. Evan spread his legs, arched his back. He was too much. Tommy was quick, then, getting Evan prepped and ready. He’d never met someone that loved having his ass played with as much as Evan did. 
By the time that he had Evan ready, he could tell his boyfriend was getting impatient, but Tommy knew what it felt like to not be prepped properly and he would never have Evan feel that. 
Evan let out a keening sound when Tommy finally pressed himself into him. He pushed back and Tommy let him, until he was bottoming out and Evan was begging him to move. 
It didn’t take very long. Evan came just seconds before Tommy,  grunting and moaning and saying his name in very desperate broken sounds, his hand on his own cock. They flopped onto the bed together sweaty and dirty and their mouths met in a lazy kiss. 
“I love you,” Evan said. 
“Love you too, Evan.” 
Shopping with Tommy turned out more fun than Buck had expected. Tommy really didn’t cook much so he was missing a lot and figuring that he might cook at Tommy’s house more often, Buck bought more than just what he needed for Bobby’s recipe. Tommy was apparently a fiend for free samples and he was also completely unaware of appreciative glances sent his way. 
Buck for his part, tried to keep the shopping list, but it turned out that Tommy got easily distracted by interesting looking items he was willing to try out. Buck, didn’t mind. He also wanted to buy everything he’d tried out. By the time that they got back to the house, it was late in the afternoon. 
“So, Bobby has been teaching you to cook?” Tommy asked. 
“Pretty much since I started at the 118. I’ve been trying to nail his lasagna, and I think I finally got it right the last few times I made it.”
He put Tommy in charge of a salad and focused on creating the layers on the pan. 
“Are you going to read it?” Tommy asked when Buck had finally put the pan in the oven. 
“I don’t know,” Buck said. 
On the one hand, he’d wanted to tell Athena to just burn it so he never had to have it in front of him. On the other, he was curious and it was also possible that the letter could work against his parents in some way. At the wedding, they hadn’t exactly acted like they hated Buck for what he was, but that didn’t take back everything else they had done. 
“Whatever you decide, I’ll be here,” Tommy said. 
Bobby and Athena arrived with a bottle of wine and dessert. 
“I’m glad to finally be here for a good reason,” Athena said.
“We are too,” Buck said. 
“And I do bring good news,” Athena said, “your parents were on a flight out this morning.” 
Buck hadn’t realized how relieving it was to hear that they had finally left LA. Athena patted his hand in understanding. After that they changed the subject and Buck got to find out that Tommy had been there when Athena and Bobby met for the first time. 
Bobby chuckled. Athena glared at him. 
“He just thrust this rooster at me,” she said. 
Buck burst into laughter and looked towards Tommy. 
“We were all out of our depth,” he said. “All of us were chasing this rooster around the yard and it still had knives attached. Nightmare. I wanted to just transform and bite into it, not gonna lie.”
Buck laughed even more and Bobby and Athena joined in. 
“That was my first day,” Bobby said. “LA was not what I was expecting, but it was definitely the new start that I wanted.” 
“It was definitely what the 118 needed,” Tommy said. “We’d gone through Captain after Captain for years before Bobby took it over. Definitely for the better. It made me rethink wanting to transfer, that’s for sure.” 
“Thank you for saying that, Tommy,” Bobby said. “And I’m not saying I wouldn’t have minded you staying, but Buck took your spot and we wouldn’t be here without him.” 
“No, we wouldn’t,” Tommy said and turned and pressed a kiss to the side of Buck’s head. 
Buck knew he was blushing, especially at the smile that Athena bestowed on him.
In the end, when he was presented with it, he opened it without a second thought. Bobby, Athena, and Tommy watched him as his eyes took in his mother’s handwriting. 
Your father is convinced you won’t even read this. I thought I had to try. We’re sorry. 
It may not mean much to you, not after everything we’ve done, but we are. 
I wish you had told us when you were turned, though I understand why you didn’t. 
It has made us rethink things. When your sister told us not to come to the wedding we realized that we were wrong. We had a lot of time to think sitting in jail and we’re not mad you put us there. 
You may not want to believe us, but we’re done with it. We’re heading home and getting rid of everything. I hope one day things will be different between us. Better. 
The last thing we want is to lose you or Maddie or Jee-Yun. 
I really do hope that one day we can be a family again. Your father and I are sorry. 
If there is anything we can do to make amends we’ll do it.
Love, mom 
His emotions were all over the place. On the one hand there was the anger that he still felt for them, and yet the letter felt like some kind of offering of peace. An apology. He handed the letter to Tommy and tried to figure out just where he stood. If there was one thing, it was that he didn’t want to see or talk to them any time soon. 
“Do you believe they’ll actually stop?” Tommy asked. 
“Can I?” Athena asked. 
Buck gave a nod at Athena and Tommy passed her the letter. “I, uh, I don’t know,” he said to Tommy. 
“Hmm,” Athena said when she was done. 
“You don’t buy it?” Bobby asked, taking the letter from her. 
“I just don’t know how genuine it is,” Athena said. “You would know best, Buck.” 
“All I know is that I don’t want to reach out to them. They’re not my family. You are.”
Athena shot a smile his way. Bobby did as well. Tommy gave his knee a squeeze. Tommy had never spoken about his parents much, but what Buck knew was that he had left home to go to enlist in the Army because he had no other options open to him and that when he was bitten he didn’t even think to go home or share the news with them. Instead he continued on his own. But he wasn’t alone anymore. 
“So, the question now is what you want to do about all of it?”
Buck and Tommy had sort of talked about it during their time grocery shopping. What it came down to was the Werewolf Division and their stance on the hunters. For a government agency they were doing more harm than good and all in the name of secret keeping. Who knew how many hunters were out there and how often they managed to actually capture and kill a Werewolf. How many people were presumed dead or missing? How many deaths were covered up? 
“I think we go right to the top,” Buck said. “What is good about keeping us secret if it means a portion of Werewolves are being hunted down and killed.” 
Bobby was smiling and nodding. “We’ll all be here to help you both however you want that help.” 
“Thanks, Bobby.” 
“One thing I will say,” Athena said, “your parents might help in making this easier. They will have some information that will be of use. We could use that.” 
She wasn’t wrong and it would be the best proof that they were willing to change. 
“You’re probably right,” Buck said. 
“She always is,” Bobby said. 
Athena grabbed Buck’s hand. “We’ll talk about this more another time. No decisions need to be made tonight.”
Bobby and Athena didn’t stay too long after dessert. When Buck hugged Athena, she gave him a good squeeze and then did the same to Tommy. Bobby pulled him into a hug as well and Buck got to see how surprised Tommy was to receive the same treatment. 
When they got back inside, Buck let Tommy pull him towards the living room. They collapsed together onto the couch. Buck was tired from all the cooking he’d done. He and Tommy still had to clean up the table and the kitchen and it just seemed like a lot. 
“That went well,” Tommy said with a grin. 
“I’m glad. I really do think they’re more my parents than my parents.” 
Tommy smiled at him. “I’m glad you had them. I’m glad we have them. It makes all of this easier. Athena’s right, you know, your bio parents do have information that could be useful.” 
“I know. I’ll think about it.” 
“And now, come on, dishes. I would leave everything until tomorrow, but I know you, Evan.” 
Buck laughed. He knew Tommy wasn’t wrong. He’d be annoyed if he walked into the kitchen in the morning and found piles of dirty plates and messy counters. He groaned getting up, but Tommy grabbed his hand. 
“We’ll be done faster together and then we can just watch a movie.” 
Buck let his mind wander as they cleaned. Tommy took care of filling up the dishwasher while Buck put things away and wiped everything down. They worked in sync and Buck couldn’t help but think about how easy it was for them to do things together. Maybe it was a bit early, but Buck didn’t hate the idea of living with Tommy. Of coming home to Tommy. 
“You look a bit far away,” Tommy said. 
“I’m just…I’m thinking about what you said.” 
“About your parents?” 
Buck shook his head. “No. About living together. We’re not rushing, not when we know this is it. I know it and I think you do too.” 
“Yeah,” Buck said and he’d never been so sure. “I’ll have to check when my lease ends, but I think that’s the next step for us.” 
Tommy grabbed him around the waist, brought him into a soft cherishing kiss. It said it all. 
“Have I ever mentioned how glad I am to have met you?”
“Maybe not recently,” Buck said. 
“Well, I am. I am so glad, Evan.” 
“I hated to admit it to anyone but myself, but I was really lonely. People tried to befriend me but I was always afraid to let them in because I’m a Werewolf and how do you get to know someone if you can’t be truthful about who you are. You showed me that it can be easy and that there are people that will accept you for who you are. But I needed you and I’m just so glad you came into my life.” 
“Wow, I don’t think I did all that on my own, but I love that I got to help you and make you less lonely.”
“A lot of it lands on you,” Tommy said. 
When they were done cleaning, Tommy made them popcorn and Buck grabbed them beer. They settled onto the couch, Tommy putting on a romcom that Buck hadn’t seen before. They sat cuddled up together. Buck wanted this forever.  
It was dark out, the moon was in the waxing gibbous phase, shining bright in the sky and almost full. A lot of the stars were visible. They were far enough into the forest that most light pollution didn’t affect what they could see of the sky. Their second night camping had left them all tired. Eddie was passed out on the hammock, tail wagging from time to time. Tommy couldn’t understand how he’d even made it onto the hammock as a wolf, but he had. He looked comfortable. 
“Do you know any of the constellations?” Evan asked, finger pointed at the sky. 
Tommy leaned back. “Some of the more visible ones. The big dipper.” 
“Not a constellation,” Evan said. “It’s an asterism, but those stars belong to Ursa Major which is a constellation.” 
“Oh,” Tommy said. 
Evan smoothed the frown on his face with his fingers. “Everyone thinks it’s one since it’s easy to find. But I guess the most seen is probably Orion since it’s so bright.” 
Evan lifted his hands and pointed them at the sky and Tommy followed the figure that Evan traced. 
“Is that the biggest?” 
“Hydra is,” Evan said. 
“And which is your favorite?” 
“Um…I guess the easy pick is Canis Major.” 
Evan began explaining Canic Major, complete with the story behind it. Tommy listened, eyes going back and forth from the sky to Evan’s face. He really was lovely to listen to and to look at. When he finished his explanation, Tommy kissed him. Evan smiled into it, kissing back. They both settled back on their sleep mats a moment later. 
It was a bit cold out, not helped by the fact that neither of them was wearing much. For Eddie’s sake they had put on underwear after changing back, but since then the sweat from running around had cooled off. Eddie had probably been right to shift to sleep even though they had set up the tent and it actually was big enough to fit all three of them. 
The trip had felt right after how the last full moon went. Tommy actually had no idea who had decided it would be smart to go really deep into the forest and camp for more than just the night of the full moon. It wouldn’t be doable every month, but it was still nice. 
They had even been talking about how maybe they could invite some of the others along and really make it a pack thing. Somehow, Tommy didn’t think that Athena and Karen or even Maddie could be persuaded to go camping but maybe Hen and Chim and the kids. Maybe even Bobby and Ravi. If he had managed to come out as a Werewolf to his friends at Harbor maybe some of them might be interested. 
Earlier in the night, he’d sent a picture to Lucy, Melton, and Garita who only knew he was taking a few PTO days. He’d received several questions about his naked activities under the full moon. Someone had started a rumor that Tommy was a practicing wiccan and that had almost made him cry, he was laughing so hard. 
He’d yet to answer, but he was thinking about telling them the truth on his next shift. Maybe on one of the slower days. With everything they were getting done with Athena regarding the Werewolf Division, it was probably about time he explained things to the people he worked with. 
The wind was starting to pick up, making the night even cooler still.
“I think I’m going to shift,” Evan said. “Unless you want to go in the tent?” 
“Shift,” Tommy said. 
Evan kissed his cheek. Next he got up, dropping his underwear and transforming on the spot. He climbed back on the sleep mat with Tommy, splaying himself out against him. His fur was warm and soft and Evan gave his cheek a lick before pressing his cold nose to Tommy’s neck and letting out a yawn, his warm breath falling over Tommy. 
Tommy ran his hand down Evan’s back and side and then up to his head to scratch behind his ears. Evan leaned into the touch. Evan was meant to be a Werewolf, he existed so well as one. He was confident about it, embraced every part of it. Tommy loved him for it too, for what it had brought out in him after he met Evan. He placed a kiss atop Evan’s head and then got out of his own underwear before transforming. 
They cuddled together under the stars as wolves. Tommy breathed Evan in and slowly he drifted off feeling more peaceful than ever. 
The next night, he, Evan, and Eddie transformed under the light of the full moon. When Eddie began to howl at the moon, Tommy tipped his own head up and joined him. Evan added his own howl a moment later. In the distance they heard other howls. 
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multiversemaker169 · 1 month
My Inside Out ship incorrect quotes.
Fear x Anxiety
1.Anxiety: We have a problem.
Fear: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
2.Fear: Babe, you're so funny!
Anxiety: We have 1492 days until your tragic premature death. You will break my trust three times before that happens, but I forgive you.
Fear: Awwww, that's sweet of you!
3.Anxiety: Fear and I are no longer dating.
Fear: Anxiety, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
4.Fear: Hey, about that love letter you sent me-
Anxiety: *blushes* What are your thoughts?
Fear: The fourth sentence-
Anxiety: Yeah, that’s where I got really emotional and I-
Fear: It’s “you’re” not “your”.
5.Anxiety, sweating: Fear, there’s something I need to ask you-
Fear: Finally! You’re proposing!
Anxiety: How’d you know?
Fear: Anxiety, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Fear: I even picked it up once.
Anger x Patience
1.Anger: We’re getting married, bitches!
Patience: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem.
2.Patience: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Anger: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Patience: ...
Patience: You mean ring bearER, right?
Anger: ...
Patience: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
3.Anger: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.
Patience: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.
Anger: I said within reason, Patience . How about I murder that guy?
Patience: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?
Anger: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
4.Anger: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Patience: It was autocorrect.
Anger: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Patience: Yes.
5.Patience: That was so hot, Anger.
Anger: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Patience: I'm so in love with you.
Joy x Ennui
1.Joy: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Ennui: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
2.Joy: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Ennui: Aren't you forgetting something?
Joy: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Ennui 's forehead before running out.*
Ennui: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
3.Joy: I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
Ennui: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal.
Joy, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.
4.*Joy and Ennui are in Paris.*
Joy: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny?
Ennui: But...
Joy: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and...
Ennui: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception?
Joy: Yeah.
Ennui: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe.
Joy: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION.
Ennui: Okay, alright.
5.Joy: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Ennui: Marry me.
Sadness x Embarrassment
1.*Embarrassment comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Sadness ’s bedroom.*
Sadness: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?
Embarrassment: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend.
Embarrassment: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*
Sadness: ...
2.Embarrassment, trying to flirt: So, you come around here often?
Sadness, confused: I mean, this is my house, so yeah.
3.*Embarrassment is crying after a breakup*
Sadness: There there, Embarrassment .
Embarrassment, still crying: Thanks, but how did you get into my room?
Sadness: Great question—
4.Sadness: So you like cats?
Embarrassment: Yeah.
Sadness: *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
5.Sadness: Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet?
Embarrassment: What? Like J F K W S Q X-
Sadness: No, like, U R A Q T.
Embarrassment: Awwww!
Bobby x Tyler
1.Tyler: Two bros!
Bobby: Chillin' in a hot tub!
Tyler and Bobby, in unison: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
2.Bobby: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Tyler: I wrote you a poem.
Bobby, already crying: You did?
3.Bobby: *seductively takes off glasses*
Bobby: Wow...
Tyler: *blushes* Haha... what?
Bobby: You're really fucking blurry.
4.Tyler: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you...
Bobby: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
5.Bobby: Do you want to know your gay name?
Tyler: My... my gay name?
Bobby: Yeah, it's your first name-
Tyler: Haha. Very funny Bobby-
Bobby: *gets down on one knee* And my last name.
Tyler: Oh- oh my god.
(I don't have any for Lance x Disgust because none of they quotes felt like they made any sense).
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abbysimsfun · 21 days
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 29 (Pregnant Again?!)
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When Spencer and Everett's dog, JJ, fell ill, they trusted no one more than Heather to care for him. So Spencer made the long trek from Oasis Springs to Brindleton Bay while Everett stayed home to take care of their son, Greyson.
Once Heather had worked her skills and cured JJ's sickness, she invited Spencer to her place to get caught up. "I'm heading back to Selvadorada soon," said Spencer. "I can't wait to start this dig!"
"I'm a little jealous! I miss the jungle, but even a sick pet is easier to deal with than a swarm of plasma bats!"
"I'm all stocked up on repellent! Now that Greyson's a little older and eating solid foods I can think about spending time away from him. It's a little scary, but I've needed a work trip like this for so long."
"I know what you mean. Ash still needs me for everything, but the daycare is a great help."
"Malcolm hasn't stepped up at all, huh?"
Heather curled her lip in disgust. "Who? I haven't heard from any Malcolm since I was six months pregnant."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm not. If this is what Malcolm wants, it's better for Ash not to know him. He's such a sweet baby, and every time he smiles at me I feel like a superhero."
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Ash was cooing away in a sunny mood when they picked him up from daycare. Spencer smiled at the infant with brown hair and green eyes. "Despite everything, you and Malcolm made a very cute kid."
"Baaaa!" The women laughed as Ash attempted to make conversation.
Heather let her son watch the world from his playmat while she and Spencer chatted about Greyson's milestones. "He's really clingy, but he clings more to Everett than me. I think he sees me as the parent who makes him eat his veggies and practice the alphabet, and Everett is 'fun guitar dad' who does all the voices when he reads him bedtime stories."
"Greyson should have both. You and Everett are a great team."
"And we've worked hard to be! It's not easy, but we started counseling recently, and we came to a decision about growing our family. We want to hire a surrogate."
Heather was surprised. "You were so sure you just wanted one kid."
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"Even if I could be, I don't want to be pregnant again. And I'm not a baby person, but I'd run through a brick wall for Greyson. I enjoy being a mother, even if I'm the sort of mom most Mommy and Me groups would shun, but we both want Greyson to have a sibling."
"Why surrogacy? If you can't have children, would the baby even be yours?"
"The baby will biologically be Everett's and I'll choose the mother. That's our deal."
"How do you decide something like that?"
"I did have one idea. Everett supported it, but...I thought of you."
"You loved being pregnant. I know you and Everett had feelings. In counseling he told me you kissed again when you found out you were pregnant. We discussed it for a while. I wouldn't find it strange to raise a kid who was biologically yours, if you'd even agree to such a thing."
"I'd do anything to support you two. I'd be honoured to help you grow your family, but are you sure it wouldn't be easier to raise a child with a stranger's DNA? What if the kid turns out to be a romantic mess like me?"
"And what if they turn out to be a badass business owner who saves lives and can switch out suppliers without getting sued by the Landgraabs?"
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With Spencer's affirmation, Heather agreed to be their surrogate. "But I really advise against letting any of your kids get tangled up with the Landgraabs."
When Ash was just a year old, the Pancakes returned to Brindleton Bay for Heather's successful insemination. Heather really did enjoy being pregnant, but the Pancakes visited throughout her pregnancy, helping with Ash and taking her to her appointments.
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But even as she bonded with the growing baby inside her, she knew in her heart his mother was Spencer. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: I know, I know, this is such a stretch and if I were Spencer I'd pick literally ANYBODY ELSE, but originally I had planned for Everett to offer to be her sperm donor when she had a science baby (per the Gen 2 rules), until they acted up when Heather found out she was pregnant with Ash.
They've all been friends since they were five years old (Everett and Heather since they were about 2), so they definitely have a lifelong bond, but I was mad enough at Heather and Everett for almost woohooing autonomously that I made them decide to be just friends and changed course. But I am a sick simmer who loves to play with genetics and I really wanted to see what would happen with Everett and Heather. Will Bob's genes win, or Neal's? (Bob genes are super strong but playing this legacy for 2 generations has shown me Neal's genes are pretty strong, too!)
I wanted to include a science baby storyline in this generation but with a twist on the suggested plot for the official rules because Heather being a messy romantic versus anti-romantic and single for life felt more her after all the pining for Everett since high school. I considered having Spencer and Everett adopt, which feels like the actual right choice, but but but playing with genetics!!
I also really wanted to try out the surrogacy feature on Lumpinou's RPO mod even though I'm playing as the surrogate, not the mother, which isn't recommended. BUT it went fine except I have six-day pregnancies on long lifespan set through MCCC - a year is about 8 sim days - and the mod is only 3. On top of that, as soon as I clicked it, Heather was pregnant, first trimester. It was instant, so it all went as quickly as this whiplash post suggests!
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