#like guys come on he comforted Dan when he was in shock
gothmoth21 · 7 months
rewatching Bride of Reanimator and God I'll never get over the scene where Herbert is literally giving Dan a heart
yes it's Megs but you know damn well that was his way of giving Dan his own heart
I see so many people headcanon Herbert as super mean to Dan and unable to understand affection but he did shit like this and is constantly giving Dan physical affection
he's not nearly as cold as people make him out to be, especially to Dan
He is so fucking in love its crazy
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keyotos · 11 months
well aware, you are always mine
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summary ⎯ bf headcanons w/ hsr men!!
includes ⎯ dan heng, gepard, blade, sampo, jing yuan
tana's thoughts ⎯ keyotos being active and writing?!!!?!!?!?!
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dan heng
⎯ TOTAL acts of service bf. cuts fruit for you, organizes your closet with you, helps you rearrange ur bookshelf. like all of that. he is ur #1 helper in all situations and is probably the most reliable person u know. if ur ever having problems, you always call dan heng bc he always solves them for you
⎯ considerate bf. listens to all ur song recommendations and also your book recommendations. never takes your word with a grain of salt (most of the time)
⎯ not a big fan of shopping trips, but will go with you anyway. he will carry all your bags and help you pick out clothes. AND HE WILL GIVE U ACTUAL FREAKING ADVICE INSTEAD OF BEING LIKE, "it all looks good on you."
⎯ like dan heng will pull up with, "that color washes you out," or, "that does not match your color pallete at all." he's detailed wit it too?? the only reason why he knows all of this is bc he pays attention to you.
you see something you like? let's find it in that color that matches w/ ur fav pants so you can wear it all the time. don't worry, i already found it.
you look dissatisfied? dan heng thinks he knows why: you think it won't look good. oh, he was right? well, he can help you style it in a way for it to look good. you can wear that with the shirt you like so much, with some added jewelry, of course.
⎯ does not spend ANY TIME in his room (but who could rlly blame him). he's always in yours and he's lying down in your bed. he takes the phrase, "make yourself at home," to another level. but i guess he gets a pass bc you literally are his home.
⎯ he's sarcastic asl. since his guard is down with you, there's not really a need to maintain seriousness at all times. his dry and sarcastic humor really comes out when you're around him specifically. dating dan heng would make u a victim of the sassy men apocalypse.
⎯ dan heng is the type of person to stare at you lovingly (like HEART EYES are coming out) while you guys are taking a photo together. and you wouldn't even know until you saw the photo. like picture this: you are over here smiling and being cute or whateva. and then dan heng is there. he's obliviously staring at you: like how the light perfectly bounces off your face and how perfectly your eyes crinkle when you smile.
⎯ when he feels secure around you, he is the definition of lovesick. longing stares from far away (even tho ur dating)? yes. touchy (you make sure to tease him about it)? yes. buries his head in the nape of your neck? duh. like he is the whole package and he can never seem to let you go... like ever. you are constantly stuck in his head and also his body.
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⎯ hilariously bad at taking pictures. like you tell him to get one angle and he gets the exact opposite angle. manages to always catch you off guard in every. single. picture. his excuse for this is, "but you look good in all of them :/"
⎯ when he gets super tired after work, sometimes when he gets home and finishes showering/etc, he just flops onto u. like. literally flops onto you. you're always shocked at first, but you move him into a position where he can comfortably sleep (and hold you) in and then you relax. he always apologizes for it later in the morning and makes sure to shower you in more affection than last night, but you always reassure him that it's fine.
it's only bc u take the time to take equally bad photos of him #payback.
⎯ you have to water his plants for him. we all saw this coming. but on the bright side, that means ur home more often!! and when you greet him on the couch after a long day... like you've never heard a deeper sigh of relief before. doesn't collapse on you like other days (thankfully). you two just spend the night eating dinner on the couch and watching reality tv. sometimes, when you fall asleep on the couch, gepard always brings a blanket from your bedroom and drapes it over you. and then he carries you into bed.
⎯weirdly good at cracking your back for you. like if he wasn't the captain of the silvermane guards, he could very well be a freaking chiropractor. like he knows all the right joints to pop, all the right places to put his hands, and all the right places to press down. and it feels SO GOOD. you've never asked him about it.
⎯ gets you really cute and considerate gifts since he isn't around a lot. sometimes gets lynx to deliver them for him. and they're always paired with your favorite flowers too. all his gifts r things that he remembered you liked/wanted (new shampoo brand, new book pela recommended, new plants).
⎯ still asks if you wanna go out even if you two have been dating long term. like he would text you and be like, "would you like to go out with me for coffee," all formal and wtv, and you would respond like, "gepard we have been dating for five years. you do not need to ask."
he would get all flustered when you would bring it up at the coffee shop. pays for your coffee so you could forget about it (you don't: you tease him endlessly).
⎯ learns other things for you. he's dedicated and loyal to you like how a soldier is dedicated to their general. if you wanted a specific kind of dish, gepard would learn how to create it. if you wanted to learn how to plant certain seeds, gepard would run to the florist (and pela) to ask for many tips. if you spoke a different language, gepard would be running to duolingo.
though there is always his duty, a part of his heart and soul will always belong to you.
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⎯ contrary to gepard, takes the BEST FUCKING PHOTOS of you. he should be a professional photographer or something because, all the photos he takes, makes you look like a MODEL. he gets all the angles perfectly right + he always makes sure the lighting looks good. and u look back at all the photos he took and ur jaw is DROPPED
⎯ hates going outside x goes outside 24/7. you're big on exploration and fun while blade wants to lie low. but either way, you two manage to have fun in your own respective ways. blade watches you from a distance (of 1 foot) and only intervenes if he needs to. other than that, you drag him around the entire place. he is not complaining: one stupid and cheeky grin from you, and blade realizes he is an absolute goner.
⎯ a little too supportive. it's a good thing in all aspects except for one: making decisions. this mf is like, "whatever you do, i fully support your decision." BUT THE PROBLEM IS THAT YOU CANNOT MAKE A DECISION. THAT'S WHY UR ASKING HIM.
⎯ this problem comes up very often during shopping trips. where dan heng excels at shopping trips, blade... not so much. blade is the type of bf to say, "everything looks good on you." but not bc he doesn't care enough: he genuinely thinks you look good in everything.
in his mind it's like: how could you think you look bad in that outfit when you are radiating luminosity from every crevice of the room??? does anyone else see that glow coming from you, or was it just him??
⎯ did not have a favorite color until you. he actually didn't have a lot of favorites before he met you. now his favorite color is blue (you like looking at the sky), his favorite scent is peach blossoms (the shampoo you use), and his favorite food is fried rice (it's the only thing you know how to make).
⎯ does ur hair for u. expert in hair care but it's not uncalled for (his only friends⎯not counting you⎯are silverwolf and kafka). you need to braid your hair? blade has already offered before u could even pull up a tutorial. a new cute hairstyle you wanted to try? don't worry, your boyfriend is there to help you part, section, and clip your hair.
⎯ pretends to give off big scary dog energy, in reality he is a small little lapdog. desires your love and affection so often. does not go out without you. grabs things n carries them to u like a cute little dog would. he's very devoted okay?? let him bring u stupid little trinkets and stay by ur side all the time.
⎯ you send him stupid ass memes all the time. one time u sent him one of those stupid 'good night' memes and he threatened to block you (lovingly). but he found that his reactions always make you laugh (and blade wants to keep you happy forever), so he just lets you send them to him atp. most nights, he sends a simple, "good night" text back. but when he wants to tease you, he sends a goodnight meme back.
⎯ those nights, he thinks that he hears your ecstatic giggles from down the hall. you sound so giddy that it makes his heart want to blow up. those are the good nights.
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⎯ bro is mischievous. he leaves little sticky notes for you all around the house and makes it a game for u to find them. they're not even super important too they're just little things like, "i miss you," or, "did u find all the notes???"
⎯ but he knows you get bored easily, so he made those notes so that you could have something to do during the day. his intentions are adorably sweet, but his execution is so. um. A FOR EFFORT!
⎯ most of the stuff he gives you... hate to break it to u but they are usually stolen. if you choose to ignore that, great! most of the things he grabs are usually rare and u have no idea how he gets them. you swear he doesn't leave belobog, but some of the items he gifts you seem a little too... outlandish. but yk, it's the thought that counts!
⎯ manages to distract you from every single task. usually disruptive, but sometimes, very helpful. after an entire day of work, you can always come back home to where sampo is, because he will always find a way to distract you from whatever stress you have on your plate. whether it be cooking you dinner or simply talking you through his day, you always find yourself feeling slightly better around him.
⎯ has a good relationship with your family. yeah this was very unexpected on both ends. your parents love him: they love his humor and his looks and literally are charmed by him. even tho is a CON ARTIST. anyway. sampo loves your parents and messes around with you by calling them as their parental names (mom/dad). you are not amused.
⎯ grabs dinner before he comes back home. always manages to swing by a place you like and he always gets free food (you've gave up trying to question his methods). before, when he brought home food, it was usually a special occasion because he would never be home often. now, it's a common occurrence: he's wanted to be with you more, and now he brings home food every day.
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jing yuan
⎯ the xianzhou's nagging king. this is not a good thing. he nags at you for a lot. did you take your allergy meds? did you eat breakfast today or just drink coffee? did you forget to clear out the pencils on your desk? he does it out of endearment. it does not make it less annoying (lies).
⎯ so accustomed to your little routines together that he can do it with his eyes closed. how do you want your tea? easy: he can list it within ten seconds. he can make it with his eyes closed. and he will always make it perfectly too.
⎯ lets you sleep on mimi (you could say you go mimimimi). not even gonna lie, sometimes he wishes he was mimi. you just sleep so peacefully on her, but you refuse to sleep on jing yuan. you make up stupid excuses like, "your bicep is going to be numb by the time we wake up." but that is simply not true (it is).
⎯ favorite times of day are when it's night. okay that didn't make any sense but he really just likes spending the night with you. it's quiet and the world is much less loud, and it feels like being with you redefined the definition of happiness. everything is so much more peaceful, and plus, you were there.
⎯ being a cloud knight general has its negative aspects. so, much like gepard, he would probably also crash into bed with you at night. but this time, he doesn't need you to move him, because he traps you in between his arms every. damn. time. it's like this man cannot fall asleep without you.
⎯ sitting down with him is like a chore. if you two are sitting down, jing yuan likes to grab your legs and move them onto himself, so you two would be closer. this isn't just on the sofa, by the way. armchairs, conference chairs, office chairs. the chairs don't even have to be connected. he'll just find a way to connect you two anyway.
⎯ you are the first person he looks for in a crowded room. in a place full of people, jing yuan's eyes will only scan for you. his height makes it easier to do so btw. but anyway, you are someone of great importance to him. he doesn't want to lose you like how he lost so many. and when he finds you, it's like the sun shines directly on you: it's always a surreal sight when jing yuan sees you, because he always thinks the sun has risen.
⎯ it hasn't. he was always looking at you.
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wysteria-bloom · 7 months
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honkai star rail x f!reader - random prompts
characters : caelus, welt, sampo, gepard, dan heng
warnings : none! :) sfw
a/n : im obsessed with this game and its characters!! Huohuo and sampo have my whole heart ❤️❤️ requests are 100% open for hsr, so feel free to suggest whatever ideas you have and i will write them! Be mindful that I am currently moving onto the second story chapter so i wont know stuff about jing yuan or blade!! I'm definitely doing one with the girl characters after this one-
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Prompt : ̗̀➛Caelus touching [name]'s face and telling her that her face is really soft.
When talking with Caelus, you typically notice the far-off look he gets in his eyes. It’s as though his mind is in a distant land and yet his physical form is present here, with you.
It was an endearing trait of his, but also irritating. Especially when you’re trying to explain something extremely important to him.
He was definitely an odd one…
I mean, the first time you had met him he was head-first in a trash can searching for… something.
But… his strange quirks are what drew you to him. The times where he seemed emotionless were actually the times where he was the most gentle… and the times where he is the most aggressive he comes across as seemingly unhinged.
You were definitely down bad for this strange raccoon guy whom had a literal nuke within him.
Yeah, if your parents were still around they definitely wouldn’t be proud of your choices.
Sighing at the distant look in his eyes, you clicked your fingers in front of his face, frowning when he didn’t even blink,” Oi- Caelus!” You called out, frown deepening further when he didn’t respond,” Yahoo~? Astral Express to Caelus??”
He didn’t budge.
Biting your lip in frustration you went to pinch his cheeks but you were found frozen in shock when Caelus had, in fact, beaten you to it. His fingers were rough from how much he’s been swinging that destructive bat around but they had a comforting warmth surrounding them, and when mixed with the blush on your cheeks you felt as though your face could be considered a heat hazard at this point.
He pinched at your cheeks with a concentrated expression, fingers rubbing your skin gently like he was testing the feeling of it, deciding whether he liked it or not.
It was weird.
He was weird.
But fuck, was it adorable to you.
A hum slipped through his lips and he stopped pinching your cheeks, seemingly deciding on something as he just sort of cupped your face gently in his hands instead.
You blinked up at him in embarrassment and utter confusion,”… You gonna explain what’s going on in that strange head of yours orr…?”
A small smile curled onto his lips as his amber eyes swirled with affection and warmth,” Your skin is very soft… I like it.” He complimented bluntly, his thumbs caressing your cheeks to further emphasise his point.
You were silent for a long moment before furrowing your brows,” I-I… thank you??”
“No problem.”
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Prompt : ̗̀➛Welt using [Name]'s lap as a pillow.
It had been a long day seemingly, and Welt felt as though he just wanted to collapse into a black hole.
Maybe even one of his own.
March was a lovely girl but her social personality was tiring… and she clashes too much with Dan Heng. It was like babysitting rowdy siblings.
When he had made it into the Astral Express with an exhausted cloud hanging over him, you noticed it almost immediately. You could pick it out from a crowd of people.
When he saw you his tired gaze seem to soften a little, an ounce of tenderness within them,”… We are never having kids.”
You let out a laugh as he made his way over to you, his head hanging ever so slightly,” Guessing the youngsters were a little too much for you?” You cooed out gently, watching his stiff movements with pity,” oh, dear… surely they weren’t that bad?”
“No, no… they were that bad.” He corrected as he sat down next to her huffing slightly,” I feel drained.”
“Hmm… thats the joy of children.” You teased lightly, gazing softly into his honey-coloured eyes as you pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose for him,” Do you want to sleep in my room for a while?”
“…” He watched her, studying your expression and feeling his admiration and love for you slowly consuming him.
Perhaps his exhaustive state was affecting his ability to think logically.
Or maybe that’s just what he wanted to beleive -
But when he found himself moving to lay his head in your lap, he felt as though nothing else in the world mattered to him except for how you make him feel.
You blinked in surprise for a moment at his actions, your hands frozen in the air before you slowly began to card your fingers through his hair. Smiling down at him in amusement you raised a brow,” Is my lap comfortable, love?”
“Well… I’m not uncomfortable.” He answered ambiguously, closing his weary eyes.
I chuckled lightly at that response, continuing to scratch at his scalp gently with my comforting fingers. He hummed in approval,” That’s nice…”
“Oh, yeah?”
I sighed a little,” You can’t fall asleep on my lap, Welt.”
“ I disagree… I think this is a perfectly optimal place for me to rest.”
“My legs will die.”
“… a small price to pay.”
Sighing once more, a weak smile curled onto your lips as you took his glasses off for him, setting them to the side,” Alright, alright… Sweet dreams, love.”
There was a small curve to his lips at these words as he began to drift off.
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Prompt : ̗̀➛Sampo teaching [Name] how to kiss
“Oh~? Well if it isn’t one of my dearest friends! [name], what brings you to the underground, huh?” Sampo cooed out with his usual easy-going smile on his lips, the sight of you filling his heart with genuine joy.
You blink up at him blankly before humming,” I came to speak with you, actually.” You answered honestly, arms crossing over his chest.
His placed a hand where his heart would be, a fake-shocked look on his face,” Moi?? Why, what a wonderful surprise!” He leaned down a little so he was looking eye-to-eye with you,” My heart swoons at the fact you think about me, doll! How endearing of you~”
You click your tongue, eyes narrowing up at him,” Don’t get too cocky, moron. I came down to make a purchase, not to see you personally.”
He ignored the disappointment he felt as he deflated slightly,” Ehhh? A purchase?” He repeated, raising an eyebrow,” I’m afraid I don;t have many valuable relics in stock at the moment—“
“I want to buy… a-advice.”
“Ehhhhh??” He was even more confused,” I understand I’m a veteran in this business and everything, but you don’t need to buy advice from me, doll. I can just give it to ya.”
You frowned a little at his response and just decided to rip the bandage off, eyebrows furrowing in determination,” Sampo… I want advice on how to kiss somebody.” You stated bluntly and full of purpose.
His eyebrows raised at that answer…’ Who is she prepping to kiss, I wonder?… lucky guy/girl.’ His heart felt like it was breaking.
“Huh? Why do you need to learn a skill like that?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively,” You planning on fooling around with someone, [name]? How scandalous—“
“No.” You interrupted instantly, bitting your lip to keep yourself from spilling information.
“What makes you think I would be good at kissing?”
“…. Do I really have to answe that?…”
“Yes, please.”
“No… you’d have to pay me if you want to hear that kind of praise from me.”
“Hmmm… I dunno…”
Her eyebrows furrowed,”… I will pay you handsomely if you teach me.”
He bursts into laughter as he pet her head affectionately before stopping himself,” There’s no need to pay me, doll, really!” Then he gave her a cocky smirk,” A chance to kiss you is payment enough~!”
You waved your hand dismissively,” Yeah, yeah, whatever you want… now teach me.” You seemed fairly eager.
Sampo is utterly amused at this, he shakes his head and gives an amused sigh. “Oh, this should be fun.” He says, his smirk turns into a smile. “Okay, come here. Let me show you.” He says and he pulls you close.
He puts his hand behind your head and he kisses you gently. Not too soft, and not too aggressive. You lean into the kiss almost immediately, shutting your eyes as you basked in the feeling of his lips against yours.
Sampo pulls away after a few moments and he’s blushing hard, his eyes locked on yours. “See? How’s that for a lesson?” He asks, his breath a little heavy but he smirks like he’s already planning something to do to you next. He was completely mesmerised by you.
“Hmm… I think I need another demonstration, I didn’t quite understand…” You mumbled, eyelashed fluttering up at him innocently.
Surprised and very eager at this response, he raised a brow and smirks. “You’re asking for more?” He asks. He shakes his head. “Okay then, have it your way..” he says and he pulls you in again. He kisses you a bit harder this time, his arm coming around you.
“Mphm!…” you were surprised by how much more aggressive this kiss was but you were able to adapt to it instantly, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck to pull him closer to you as you took complete control over the kiss.
Sampo is caught off guard by this, his eyes widening in surprise but he keeps kissing you, matching your intensity. One of his hands grabs your waist, the other hand running through your hair. He’s enjoying every second of this. “Mmm…” he says, between kisses.
Then, you pulled away, breathing heavily as you stared up at him with a hazy look in your eyes,” How was that?…”
Sampo’s chest is heaving, his heart is racing. He looks down at you, a big grin on his face. “I think that was perfect,” he says and his breath is shaky. “You’re a natural..” he adds with a smile, his eyes glowing,” In fact… I think you could teach me a few things… how about another try?”
“Sound good.”
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Prompt : ̗̀➛[Name] catches a cold so Gepard makes sure all her needs are met like an overbearing mother.
A groan left your lips as you stared up at your ceiling hazily, your nose felt entirely blocked and your face was burning hot.
You were definitely sick. From what? You do not know.
But what you are aware of us how much of an overbearing boyfriend Gepard can be when you're sick like this.
You watched in amusement as he ran around your shared bedroom like a headless chicken, fixing the pillows beneath your head for about the hundredth time that day.
"Gepard... The damn pillows are fine, leave 'em alone." You mumbled, your voice was hoarse and scratchy. You just didn't sound well at all.
Gepard pauses in the middle of fluffing up your pillows to peer down at you for a moment," do you have to be so cranky whenever you get sick?" He rolls his eyes goodnaturedly, but in spite of that, he was still fussing over you, pulling the throw blanket over you and turning the humidifier to full blast.
"I'm only cranky when you start acting like my mom. I've already got one, I don't need two." You watched as he opened the window to let fresh air into the room, and you would be lying if you said it didn't feel nice to have cool breeze hitting your face.
Your response makes his cheeks puff out in kick annoyance, letting out a dramatic sigh," so your mother is the only one who is allowed to care for you?" He settles himself into the comfy rocking chair next to your bed as he looked over you with a tender smile on his lips," I bet you're not even aware of how cute you look while you're sick." He observes.
You huffed, letting out your millionth sniffle that day," yeah, yeah... Only you would find me cute with snot running from my nose." You teased, still finding his compliments charming however.
He smirks and makes a clicking noise at you in response," I think your snotty nose and feverish flush brings out your eyes." There's that charm of his again before his smirk settled into a warm smile," how do you feel, anyway?" There was worry lacing his words.
He reminded you of a cute dog... His caring loyal attitude never ceases to make you fall in love with him even more.
Smiling up at him, you raise a brow," I feel like shit," you stated bluntly before your eyes softened," but you're making the experience more bearable."
Gepard chuckles and strokes through your hair, ruffled up in a way that was adorable to his eyes." I'm sorry you feel so awful." He murmurs," are you hungry?" He asks.
"no... I'm good for now," you looked down at the swathes of blankets covering you and opened them up, patting the spot next to you encouragingly," I think taking a nap with my wonderful boyfriend would instantly cure my fever." You grinned up at him innocently.
Gepard blushed, your expression and the invitation being far too inviting for him to resist," Of course..." He murmurs as he slowly, but carefully climbs up on the bed before nestling against you until he's under the covers.
His arms are wrapped around your body and he's pressed all the way up against you, like your very own heated pillow," is that all better for now?"
Instantly leaning into him warm and comforting touch, you nodded with a peaceful smile on your lips as you buried your face into his chest,” for sure…” you hummed out, already feeling yourself getting sleepy. Your arms wrap around his waist comfortably as you sigh in his smell of cinnamon,” Thank you… for taking care of me.”
Gepard holds back a groan of pleasure as you tuck yourself so close against him, your warm body just that much more appealing with your feverish flush. The moment your head rests against his chest, his arms instantly tighten around you, and he's holding himself perfectly still. He's not letting you go.
He kisses behind your ear, the tender gesture causing him to blush. "It's nothing," He hums, nuzzling into your neck. "It's my duty."
“I suppose it is,” you giggled out, leaning into the tender kisses he was giving you,” You’re like a knight in shining armour…” you hummed sleepily.
His fingers are gently stroking through your hair, the caress almost enough to lull you to sleep. The tender kisses he's pressing into your neck help, but not nearly as much as the loving expression on his face, one that's a picture of pure content. He nuzzles into you, as if to mark you as his, but mostly because he doesn't want anything separating the two of you.
"And you are my damsel," He whispers.
“Your princess,”you reiterated, blinking up at him tiredly.
"My princess." He echoes.
Gepard's arms are as warm and as comforting as they are tight around you. Your head is pressed right against his chest, his voice just an ear-hugging whisper in your ear.
"My precious and beloved princess." He purrs gently.
You slowly drifted off to sleep at his words, his warm and soft voice lulling you to sleep like the lullaby of a siren.
or maybe it was the fever that made you so sleepy.
Gepard holds you against him, nuzzling into your shoulder as he's content to watch over your peaceful sleep.
His fingers trace circles into your hair, and the warmth of his body, especially as the blankets he's pulling up to you trap the heat, are just perfect for helping you recover comfortably.
All this fuss over a simple cold. He'll make sure you're treated like royalty.
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Prompt : ̗̀➛Dan Heng doesn't like talking on the phone, but [Name] always calls him instead of texting. [Name] admits that it's because she wants to hear Dan Heng's voice.
Den Heng let out a sigh the second his phone started ringing, he almost immediately knew who it was.
Nobody else called him. Not even March!
Why did you have to be different?
Dan Heng answered his phone with a sigh,"Yes, [name]? What is it?"
There was silence before your light voice graced his ears," Hey there~! Long time no talk, buddy." God, he could hear the shit eating grin in your voice.
That stupid grin.
That stupidly charming grin.
"... I hate you, you know that?" Dan Heng murmured and shook his head with frustration as he rubbed his eyes,"What is it you need now? Money? Food? What have you done this time? Are you in trouble again?" He hissed quietly.
"You don't hate me! Den Heng, where are your manners?" You gasped out, acting as though you were offended by his words when you were only growing more amused.
This is usually how your interactions went. You being irritating and him being irritable. Himeko and Welt can't count how many times you both have had your little spouts.
You were like a married couple, honestly. Disgustingly cute.
"And I don't need any of those things! I'm on the straight and narrow," But then you paused then there was a chuckle," For now."
A small smile spread on Dan Heng's face as he heard your laughter. Thank god he wasn't talking to you in person he'd look like an idiot.
"... you're certainly not on the straight and narrow if you're telling me 'for now'..." He leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow, "So what is it you need, then, if it's not money, food, or my help when you've definitely gotten yourself into trouble again?" He asked.
"Welllll..." you dragged your words out, almost as though you were delaying something. But then there was a click of your tongue and-," I just like hearing your voice. Is that so bad?"
You said this so casually. Like it wasn't meant to make Dan Heng have a heart attack.
Dan Heng hesitated and coughed awkwardly as he was taken aback by the sudden shift in what he thought to be a light exchange between him and you. He put his phone close to his ear, his eyes wide with surprise.
“... I-I don’t know what to say.” He said honestly but then he deadpanned,“I was about to tell you that you’re a brat to tease, but I had no idea this was going in this direction.”
"I'm not a brat, am I?" You chuckled out, there was a somberness to your tone," I dunno, you're just easy to talk to."
He heard your clothing shuffle, you must have shrugged.
"But I can tell I'm annoying you, so if you want I can just start messaging from now o-"
Dan Heng was quick to interrupt.
“No, no, it’s fine,” Dan Heng said quickly, waving his hand in front of him as if he could see you through the phone.
“You call me whenever you want to talk. It’s just— your timing—�� He ran his hand through his hair again,“I thought this was going to be another prank call.”
He heard silence and then your breathy chuckle," You're so cute when you're flustered, Dan Heng." You hummed out teasingly.
Dan Heng’s face turned a bright shade of red and his cheeks warmed in a way only you had ever managed to achieve for him.
He couldn’t find the words to respond and sat there for a moment until he let out a quiet sigh.
“I wish you weren’t so… so… so…” He said, looking around his room as if to search for a synonym. He sighed again and gave up.
“I take it back... you're annoying.”
He heard the creaking of a chair," I'd like to take you out to dinner." You admitted rather bluntly, though there was a gentle tone to your voice.
"If you'd let me," you then added on as an after-thought.
Dan Heng’s face turned a deeper shade of red and his jaw dropped from sheer surprise.
“…W-what?” He asked you, and for someone who wasn’t known for stuttering, he was doing a whole lot of it.
Once or twice you'd joked to him about it, but in all honesty, there were so many times he wanted to ask you out but never did.
“I-… I would love to go to dinner with you." I said. But then realisation struck him and he cleared his throat," But..." He trailed off.
"Buuuut?...." You repeated, sounding a little nervous.
He frowned at himself for making you anxious,“There’s always ‘buts’ with me, it’s never just a clean cut ‘yes’.”
He looked up at the ceiling and let his head drop back down, growing more emotionally exhausted by the second, “In my defense, ‘you’ and ‘me dating’ are things that have never went together in the same sentence in my head.”
"Dan Heng! So mean." You whined out but you began laughing afterwards," You sure about that, though?" There was a teasing lilt to your voice," I see you and I together a lot.
“Well—” Dan Heng paused briefly and cleared his throat, his eyebrows furrowed cutely. Was he really about to confess this to you? Over the phone at that as well.
“…I have actually imagined a few times…”
He looked up at the ceiling again, his expression turning slightly red and he shut his eyes tightly, cringing at his own words.
“…it’s nothing I can say I ever thought would happen for real. But here we are…”
"Ah, I see..." you sounded almost touched,"... Well, how do you feel?" You asked, genuinely wanting him to express himself.
“How do I feel—?” The question caught Dan Heng off guard. As if he had a lot of thoughts going through his head at once.
“I-I feel—”
He was silent, trying to find the words. He couldn’t find the right words.
“I’ll be honest,” He said quietly, staring at nothing as he held his phone to his ear, “I feel a little scared.”
"Yeah?" She breathed out.
"Yeah," He repeated in the same tone,"...If you and I actually… you know… went on a date..." Dan Heng cleared his throat again, and again, trying to find the words," And you started to know more about me… who I truly am... will you still look at me the way you do now?"
He paused.
"Will you still like me? Or will you end up being disappointed?" He finally spoke in a whisper.
"I... I don't think I could ever be disappointed," you admitted genuinely, a gentle smile to your voice," I know you're closed off for your own reasons... but that makes me more drawn to you."
You sounded so enamoured. Affectionate. He's never heard you speak like this before.
"I want to shoulder your burdens alongside you," you stated simply," No matter what those burdens are. I need to make the weight holding you down lighter... that's my genuine feelings."
“…” In all his years of knowing you, he never thought he’d hear those words in your lifetimes.
The silence grew before Dan Heng spoke again, his voice still a soft whisper but now one of resolve and strength.
“...Okay then.” A small smile twitched onto his lips," Message me the details when you have it figured out."
"Nah, I'll just call you." You confirmed with a clear sound of giddiness within your voice.
Den Heng finally let a soft breathy laugh fall from his lips, his resolve evidently broken,"... I know you will."
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starry-bi-sky · 11 months
part THREE of the "Clone Danny" au
the first part is linked above
SO for the "cloning" thing. Danny finding out still occurs in the same way as @minnesota-fats described it as going in their post.
In all honesty it was never his parents' intention to clone Bruce. They were intending to clone Jack instead, actually. But they made Danny shortly after they met up with their old college friend Bruce and they guess some of his DNA ended up on Jack and the hair they used was Bruce's instead.
They never thought to inform Bruce of this mistake.
And Danny? Danny is furious after he gets over his shock. Mainly over the fact that his parents have been lying to him for the last 14 years of his fucking life (i imagine he had his accident when he was 13 instead). He's more angry over that than being a clone. He can't do anything about that. He'll be upset over it later, but for now he's furious over the lie.
He goes and stays with Tucker for the night, and brings his vigilante stuff with him. he tells Tucker that he's a clone. He texts Sam and she comes over for a sleepover. He even tells Ellie later on when he's had time to sleep on it.
After the rage fades though he just... feels unsure, and a little lost. He wants to reach out to this Bruce Wayne guy and tell him that he's been cloned. It's a violation that Danny knows from when he met Ellie. God he loves her like a sister but it doesnt change the fact that he was fucking cloned. If he was Wayne, he'd want to know.
It's as if Danny found out that he was born through a sperm donor and now wanted to reach out to his biological father. but at the same time he was scared of Wayne's reaction. Wayne is a rich civilian man with a business and many kids. He has his life and family, and Danny doesn't want to.. to intrude on that with his own existence.
So he doesn't reach out. Even though he is so tempted to ask Sam if he could come with when she's being dragged into some Wayne Gala by her parents that they managed to get into. instead, he denies her invite, and she tells danny about bruce when he comes back. he sounds like a good guy. This is only backed up by his deep dive into bruce wayne and hearing all about his charities and businesses and its drive to make the Gotham better.
(Bruce Wayne is the only billionaire Sam actually likes, even if she looks down on his personality. She tells Danny about his grumpy youngest son who Sam shares a bit in common with. he's a year or so younger than them.)
It makes Danny feel worse about not telling him.
(danny's obsession, despite popular belief, is not protecting the town. Its family. he can never have enough family)
Of course this one-sided avoidance completely fucking blows up in his face, as normal, when he comes home and finds Bruce fucking Wayne sitting in his kitchen with his parents happily chatting over their college days. it was mainly Jack talking.
"Danbo! You're just in time, our old friend Bruce dropped by for a visit!" Jack exclaimed cheerfully.
Danny made direct eye contact with bruce, and slammed the door shut with a loud bang.
"Bruce Wayne is sitting in my kitchen." he says calmly to the door, internally freaking out. And then opens the door again. Bruce Wayne is still. there. looking vaguely amused. His eyebrow raised in an elegant arch
its weird. He looks nothing like Dan. Its comforting.
danny is pale in the face and he smiles painfully, his teeth grinding. "hiiiiii" he says through his teeth.
"your son doesn't look too happy to see me" bruce jokes, and danny closes the door quietly. his long hair is falling over his face in strands. he prays that bruce doesnt notice the resemblance.
"he's just being shy" maddie says, giving danny a reprimanding look
danny shoots her a "what the fuck" look in response, and keeps his head turned away from him while walking by. there's a small boy sitting next to bruce with tanned skin and emerald eyes. he looks like danny. he looks like bruce.
he must be Damian.
"I have homework, i'll be up in my room" he practically announces to the room, and takes the stairs two at a time. if you asked him, he wasn't running.
he calls tucker, trying not to yell.
"Bruce Wayne is sitting in my kitchen"
aaaand.... my fingers are freezing off thanks to the ac so im gonna leave that there for now. I'll go more into phantom meeting the vigilantes or the justice league tmrw. hopefully.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 (Dani interlude) Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.5 (Dan Interlude) Part 8
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happy74827 · 2 months
The Way You Kiss Me
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[Travis "Trapper" Beasley x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: He’s called “Trapper” for a reason.
WC: 1443
Category: Fluff, Lime/Spice
I would say this is a fan service… but, truthfully, I couldn’t help myself. This is a service to myself LMFAO (enjoy the gif of Dan in The Guest since GxK is still fresh in theaters. I cannot wait for this movie to come out in hd quality 🤭)
Trapper was a bit of a wildcard, in your opinion. You'd known him since your teenage years and had been the one to give him his name. He'd always been a bit of a recluse, even back then. The man was more comfortable around animals than he was with people. The compassion he had for the four-legged beasts was something you had always admired. It was his love of nature and the wild that had drawn you in; you'd never been able to pinpoint why.
That had been over ten years ago, but it felt like no time had passed. You had gone to school, became what you always dreamed of, and moved back to your hometown.
And, of course, it was only inevitable that Trapper would have trapped you.
It hadn't happened right away.
No, it had started slow, like a creeping fog. You didn't even notice it until you found yourself missing the smell of his cologne and his walkman that he still carried around everywhere.
“Yeah, luv, not everywhere's got Wi-Fi, you know?” He would always say, and the thick Australian accent would make your heart flutter.
He was kind, gentle, and a bit goofy. He could sing like a dream (not really, he was quite awful) and was the best vet in the whole world, or at least in your mind. He was utterly perfect on the inside.
And the outside? Well, a pure accident had gotten you two together.
You'd gone into his office, just like every other time, to borrow another of his rare records. Usually, he was there to let you in, but when he wasn't, you were thankful he kept a spare key under the mat.
The office had been quiet, and as you walked through the small space, you frowned, knowing that he never missed a day, even when he was sick.
Turns out your suspicion was right.
His water got cut off, so he swung by the office to shower, and well, you'd gotten to him before he'd managed to change. So, there you were, in your scrubs and lab coat, walking in on him fresh from a shower, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.
It had been an awkward encounter, to say the least.
Trapper was not a big guy. Sure, he had broad shoulders and was decently strong, but his height was on the shorter side, and his muscles were more toned than they were bulky. He was handsome in his own way, and that was one thing you'd always liked. He didn't look like a bodybuilder or some sort of model. He looked like a normal man.
But the moment you saw him standing there, dripping wet and looking a bit shocked, it was like a switch flipped. Your knees felt weak, and the butterflies that had made their homes in your stomach started flapping their wings, making you feel all flustered and a bit embarrassed.
It made it worse when you realized he had his Walkman hanging around his neck. Dude couldn’t even make it a day without his favorite tunes.
And the fact that you had his favorite record clutched in your arms wasn’t helping.
You were the first to speak.
"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to barge in like this; I was just-."
He cut you off.
"Ah, yeah, forgot to call, didn't I? Water got shut off this morning, thought I'd shower here." He looked around. "Sorry 'bout the mess. Didn't know you were coming by today."
The towel was slipping. You could see his hip bones. You tried to look away, but you couldn't help it. He had such a nice body, and you'd never even noticed it until then.
You shook your head.
"It's fine. I, um, was just looking for one of your records; I didn't mean to."
He raised his hands.
“Settle down, sweetheart, don't get yourself worked up. No harm done."
It was only then that he seemed to realize what was happening. His eyes widened slightly.
"Oh. Sorry, I can just..."
"No, no, it's fine. Go ahead."
It was then that he noticed the album you had clutched to your chest. A smile spread across his face, and he gave you a knowing look.
"Fleetwood Mac… again? How many times is this now? Four?"
You flushed.
"I told you, they're my favorite."
He smiled and shook his head.
"You're lucky I don’t mind sharing. Come on, let's see which one it is."
As he took the album from you, his hand brushed yours, and you couldn't help the jolt that went up your arm.
He didn't seem to notice, thankfully, and instead flipped open the case.
"Ah, Rumours. My personal favorite."
Your heart was racing. You could hear your blood in your ears, and all you could think about was how good he looked in a towel.
He looked up and met your gaze. His lips twitched upwards.
"Welp,” He closed the case and handed it back to you. “Go ahead. It's all yours."
He stepped past you and walked to his office, leaving a trail of water behind him. You stood there, unable to move, just staring after him, the record still held tight to your chest.
"Hey, Traps?" You called.
He appeared in the doorway.
"What’re you listening to?"
He grinned and held up his Walkman.
“Toto. I was feeling a bit… nostalgic."
You couldn't help the laugh that came from your lips.
"Of course you are."
His grin was contagious, and he disappeared back into his office, leaving you standing there, feeling like a teenage girl with her first crush. Except the crush didn’t stay a crush for long.
You forget what happened initially, but one minute, you were holding the record out in the hallway; the next minute, you were on the couch in his office, the record discarded on the floor, and his lips were on yours.
You weren’t really sure who had kissed who first, but you had been surprised at his actions, and he had pulled away quickly.
The break was short-lived, and the next thing you knew, you were both making out, his freshly picked out plaid pullover discarded somewhere, and your hands buried in his hair, tugging at the ashy blonde locks as he peppered kisses all along your neck.
His skin was soft, and you could tell he put lotion on. His hair smelled like the shampoo he used, and his breath smelled like coffee and mint.
He had a bit of scruff on his cheeks, and you could feel the hairs brush against your skin. Ticklish, but in a good way.
He had strong hands, and they were running along your sides, pulling your hips against his, and the pressure was enough to make you moan into his mouth.
Nothing further had happened that day. It was his workplace, after all. It's one of the things he actually took seriously. But that didn’t stop you two from doing things in his office on the weekends.
Like now, for instance.
He had you pressed up against the door, his mouth working along your jaw and down your neck, his hands running over your back.
Your head was swimming. You couldn’t think straight. The only thing you could process was him: his touch, his smell, his voice.
You felt him push a leg between yours, and you ground yourself against him.
The groan that rumbled in his chest had you shivering, and you reached for him, fingers grabbing for purchase on his shirt.
He was a sight to behold. Hair mussed from your fingers, lips red and swollen, eyes darkened by lust.
His Walkman was never too far, and as his lips moved back up to meet yours, his hands were fiddling with the buttons. Honestly, it was a miracle he could still find the music while being preoccupied.
The sounds of the first few notes of the song had you smiling.
He pulled away and grinned, eyes sparkling with amusement.
"A fan of this one?"
You didn't answer.
Instead, you took his hand and twirled him, pulling him against you, chests pressed together.
His laughter rang in your ears, and the next thing you knew, you were swaying back and forth, cheek resting against his chest, his chin resting atop your head.
For a little while, you forgot about everything: no work, no big apes or lizards, no giant monsters or crazy scientists.
There was no need for them. Not now.
You were trapped in his arms, and you had no plans of breaking free.
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nogenderbee · 4 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔹ℂ𝕂𝕃ℕ𝕆ℝ𝕋 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ☕ anon request: Hii! Can I req yandere alphabets B, C, K, L, N, O, R, T with Dan Heng? Sorry if that's a bit too much!
-☕ anon (I kinda wanna join this anon but wanna stay anon lol)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hey!!! Absolutely!! So happy to see alphabet come back!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: yandere, unhealthy obsession, threats, mentions of murders, mentions and small descriptions of fight, mentions and descriptions of kidnappings
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✧ Both = You are a Yandere too, what's their reaction?
Dan Heng's reaction really depends of how much time you've spent together by now. If you've just met, he'll be a little bit shocked but more than pleased for sure! If you spent some time already tho, he'd probably expect it but still feels a bit surprised from that discovery.
It's easy to say you're inseparable. He can't bear being one meter away from you and you seem to just accept it so easily, and who is he to complain?
"So it's not one sided... I knew there was something with you. Well... now we can be together forever without anyone or anything separating us."
✧ Crazy = How easy do they enter crazy mode? How do they act when they are in it?
For Dan Heng it is both easy and hard to enter his crazy mode... it's enough if he sees some guy talking to you and you can just see he's almost there in his eyes. But he's also quite patient so as long as he won't use dirty line or touch you, it may end on just verbal confrontation.
But if he does loose it... he doesn't hesitate for a single second as he reaches for his spear. He doesn't care who is he, where you are, who's watching, what the guy was trying to do... all that mattered to him was the fact he had the guts to try taking you away from him.
"Oh he deserved it trust me. Who knows what he'd try to do it I wouldn't stop him."
✧ Kidnap = Are they willing to kidnap you? If so how will they do it, for how long will they keep you away and where?
Dan Heng most likely would be willing to kidnap you. Especially if you're not from the Expres. He want's you close to him, he'll convince Express krew and you? You can reject but that's the decision he won't let go of untill he get's it. If you are from the Express krew, most he'd be willing to do is close you in your room under excuse of "you being sick". And don't you dare shout or bang unless you want to get tied.
But luckily, he's not moving futher than that. And keeping in a room is more like punishment for wanting to leave him really... so as long as you cooraporate, he won't have a reason to do that!
"Don't worry. I assure you, you will find this place comfortable with no time. It's not like there are any dangers here. Especially with me around you."
✧ Love me = How will they make you say "I love you"?
Surprisingly, Dan Heng won't force you at all! He knows it may take some time but he'd rather wait eternity than hear fake confession. He may tell you how much he'd love to hear these words from your lips but that's all. He won't even suggest you say it to him if you won't mean it.
When it comes to your decisions that won't take you away from him, he's really patient guy! He plans on working fairly to hear these words, and believe me, he'll cry and squeeze you as if you're about to disappear when he hears these not forced words.
"I love you... still no answer? That's fine. How about we have another date so we can get a bit closer?"
✧ Non stop = How clingy they'll be when you're in relationship? How possessive are they? And how much free space do they give you?
Dan Heng isn't really clingy... in fact he almost never shows you physical affection. Not even handholding in public unless you initiate it! Though he may wrap an arm around you when he's feeling jealous...
Leading us to his possessiveness. He is rather possessive... not letting you go anywhere without him. You two even sleep in the same room! He won't force sleeping in one bed tho he'd really like it, so he sets on just sleeping in same room untill you get comfortable. It's not like he plans on letting you go! He's a light sleeper, so he'll hear your every move and immidietly get up.
"Who's there?! Oh, it's just you... What's wrong? Did you had a nightmare and need my comfort? Or are you simply going somewhere?"
✧ Other = Someone else speaks or flirts with you, how will they react?
Dan Heng is rather jealous type... someone is staring at you for a bit too long? He's staring daggers at them. Someone's walking your way? He's ready to walk the other way or get physical.
But if someone comes to you asking for directions or so, he'll do the talking to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Though if it's your friend, he'll try to keep it calm as long as you're not loosing your head over that "friend".
But if the said person is flirting with you... he won't just stand back. At first he'll try pretending you have plans or even that you're taken! But if that won't work... he'll be willing to get into a fight and cause few hurtful but not deadly bruises. Just to make him think twice next time he sees the two of you.
"We're going. It doesn't matter if you like them, you're spending time with me now. It's rude to forget about ones presence."
✧ Risk = How risky will they be with getting rid of rivals?
Dan Heng is actually willing to murder someone in a public place. He's always traveling anyway so he'll be gone before anyone can catch him? And Express krew? They're all family. They wouldn't kick him out, especially if it was one time situation and he'd promise so dearly it won't happen again.
But he won't let himself situations like these happen all the time or too often... he knows there are limits so he tries to be rational before giving in. He'd much prefer to talk with you about how he's feeling than risk loosing you forever!
"I'm sorry... I know I usually don't loose patience like that but he really said something I couldn't take. I'm sorry again and I assure you it won't happen again."
✧ Type = What type of Yandere are they?
When you're still just friends and you're not crushing on anyone, Dan Heng will be your silent protector! He'll stick by your side on every mission, refusing to let you go alone for even a second. Even when you need to go to the toilet, he'll stand right before the stall, like a bodyguard. He honestly doesn't mind and if it'll give him 100% sure you're safe? He won't think twice before doing it.
But if you ARE crushing on someone... that's when his more threatning side comes out. Remember the protectiveness? It's forced now. You two had LOTS of talks in private when he threatened you, he'll make everyone you care about disappear if you won't stick to him. Any time someone gives you an invitation, he'll stare down or up at you with look that tells you he's at the verge of bursting and you better think twice if your answer isn't him.
"(Don't you dare accept this bastards invitation... and if you have to for whatever reason, better tell them I'm going with you.)"
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Or, how an otherwise incredibly private man came out to the world because when I play-tested his first challenge he physically refused to flirt with women.
Kiss Me in Komorebi 🌹 New Save+
Below you'll find an explanation of why I'm starting this Challenge from the ground up, an apology for my former applicants, and the form to follow for your submissions! Thank you for indulging me for so long in my obsession with this blorbo of mine.
Why the plus? Because otomes will smack lil' plus signs on updated versions of their dating games, and I'm a dork.
Deadline for applications is April 1st! 🌸
Let's be real - I bit off a little more than I could chew the first time around! This new version of KMIK will feature gameplay-heavy storytelling with posed scenes in-between!
I want to make it up to the applicants who waited so long to see this Bachelor Challenge come to fruition, and I genuinely want Daniel to have a fair shot at meeting someone truly meant for him - so I'm opening twenty one slots: seven for my former Contestants (two of which are taken by Daithi Calloway and Josiah Bolton), seven for my former Outsiders, and seven slots for new sims! Of course, the final number will be decided by the number of slots filled!
These three houses will rotate group dates and challenges with Daniel as he whittles down the numbers. In-universe, Dan hates the spotlight of fame, and was an incredibly private man (bar his new cult following on SimTok) before being influenced to be the star of his own Bachelor Challenge by his (well-meaning) agent and siblings. He went into this in the hopes that the contracted work would mean he'd not have to worry about his mother's health bills or his nieces and nephews' college funds for a little while.
However, when he got actual applications in, pictures of real sims who had applied just for the chance to meet him, to fall in love with him... well, it gave him a cold shock of reality. After a period of radio silence, the studio released a statement that said Daniel was deeply sorry, but that he wanted to give this a fair shot, and that meant he'd have to be more open and honest about himself than he was ever comfortable being.
Name: Age: (lifestage and number, please) Traits: Aspiration: - please feel free to include any fun facts about your sim that you'd like to list! - i'm a dork and i love writing prompts based on the autonomous actions sims choose in-game. developing your sims' skills and likes will help them act more like themselves! - i will be using height sliders when i can, so feel free to include your sim's height! (for posing/gameplay purposes)
Please tag your application with #kmikapp! 🌸
Though I am excited for this clean start, I do want to apologize to all of my former applicants - both for the time it took for me to go through the acceptance process, and the time it took you waiting for me to get back to my desktop... only to learn that the sims you made weren't even going to be used. Believe me, I am no stranger to the loss of a Challenge sim: and I hope that by offering you all an automatic spot in this new save, I can make it up to you a little!
The two existing male contestants (Daithi Calloway by @buglaur and Josiah Bolton by @retro-plasma) will remain in the competition, seeing as they were already written to participate as contestants. But given that I'm forgoing the Outsiders concept for the ease of the Bachelor Challenge format, I thought I would offer all of my Outsider applicants the chance to make contestants! As some of my former participants are inactive, I thought this was the best way to reach out - I am really going to be better about talking one-on-one, though.
ANYWAY, I'm so excited to go on this journey with Daniel, and I can only hope you guys are as eager to see what awaits us as I am! Thank you for reading this far - let's try this again, shall we? 🌹
@hauntedtrait @kawaiishitty @wastelandwhisperer @occultpuppy @gothoffspring @foxsimthings @king-tower @morrigan-sims @akitasimblr @wormsimblr @10000and1dreams
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Actually I'm not done.
Telling a Story Through Touch Part 3 - Conclusion
Something kept bothering me.
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is after the turning point. But when Herbert goes to touch Dan, something stops him. I told myself it was just residual hesitation. They're not fully there yet. Herbert's not entirely comfortable with his former level of physical affection.
But it kept nagging at me. Because after the "Let me", after the shoulder touch, after the hand grab... Herbert SHOULD be able to touch Dan here. But he can't. Why?
It's because of this:
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When Francesca comes into the house and confronts Dan, she breaks the spell.
I'm going to go off on a Dan tangent for a bit, so bear with me.
Dan is such a complicated person. I see him as growing up in a happy nuclear family, popular in school, always following the rules and being a Good Boy. He dates the right girls. He wants to become a doctor.
But inside, there's this part of him that he has always suppressed. He's kind and caring, yes, but to the point of obsession. He's a nice guy, but he has a rage that slips out when he's stressed. He wants to help people, but he'll go far past the point of what is sensible in order to do it.
The first time he meets Herbert, he sees him tear into a highly respected doctor who should have power over Herbert by controlling his grades. But Herbert doesn't care about Hill's status or his authority. He is utterly fearless, brash, and rude. Dan has never been any of those things. He's shocked, but I think he's also impressed. He envies Herbert's total self-confidence.
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And then Herbert moves in with Dan, and ultimately presents him with the most astounding display of genius and arrogance that he's ever seen. Herbert West is so daring, so sure of his abilities, that he's going to defeat Death itself.
And Dan is hooked. This work scratches an itch he didn't even realize he had.
But he still thinks of himself as a Normal Guy. And throughout both movies, he clings to this idea that he hasn't changed. Herbert is the weird one, even though Dan is right beside him every step of the way.
In Bride, I see Dan as completely compartmentalizing two versions of himself: Normal Dan, who exists outside of the house, and Weird Dan, who only comes out at home in the basement with Herbert. When he's at the hospital or grocery shopping or doing anything else outside in the world, he doesn't think of himself as the passionate scientist fighting against Death by whatever means necessary. He is so far removed from that side of himself that he doesn't even realize that inviting Francesca to dinner at his house means that she would come to his HOUSE, where he LIVES WITH HERBERT and does HORRIFYING UNETHICAL EXPERIMENTS. It doesn't occur to him. Normal guys invite girls over. And Dan is a Normal Guy.
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(Dan: Oh. Oops.)
Even at home, he will bring that idea of himself inside - enough to feel repulsed by what he's doing and tell Herbert he's going to leave. But as soon as Herbert reminds him of the magnitude of the work, he's back. It's like a switch is flipped, and the obsessive, driven, weirdo Dan comes back out.
Normal Dan: I am charming and kind.
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Weird Dan: Hell yes let's build a new Meg out of stolen body parts.
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But Dan has been fighting that side. He keeps trying to hold onto his clean image of himself, and stop himself from falling headlong into the role that Herbert wants him to fill. It's Weird Dan that Herbert needs (that he loves). Normal Dan is useless to him, and kind of hates him. Weird Dan is the Dan that Herbert saw and drew out. The one who can be a real partner to him. His Dan.
When Dan grabs his arm and says "Let me," Herbert knows that that Dan is back in charge. And that's when he's comfortable enough to touch him again.
But then Francesca comes. And she forces him to confront the realities he has been pushing away.
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Francesca fighting the Bride is really like a fight between Dan's two sides; Francesca represents a normal life, and the Bride (of course) represents a life with Herbert.
And Francesca is winning. Normal Dan is resurfacing, and he doesn't like what he helped create.
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And that's what stops Herbert when he reaches out. That's not his Dan anymore.
When Dan fully rejects the Bride, Herbert tries to salvage it.
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Forget it. She's nothing. It means nothing. We'll start again. We'll do it better. It'll be better. (I'll be better.)
But it's over. At the end of Re-Animator when Herbert is in trouble, Dan reaches for him. Even with Meg there, Dan reaches out to Herbert.
But at the end of Bride, he barely even looks at Herbert. He's made a choice. And when he reaches down into the earth, he's reaching for Francesca. He pulls her out, and he lets Herbert get buried. Along with all their work - their life - together.
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preet-01 · 5 months
Daniel comforting Josh after the playoffs loss against the chiefs would hit
Josh knows that Daniel’s in Australia. Warm and cuddled up to his family. Probably watching the game with his dad and Blake while wearing Josh’s jersey and those tiny shorts that he loved so much.
Josh had wanted to play good for him. Maybe if he played good and won, then Daniel would grin at him in that way only Daniel does. That way he’s seen Daniel grin at the Dutch guy that won’t leave Daniel alone in videos or the paddock. Man does Josh not like that guy, but he would never say a thing to Daniel because Daniel likes him so Josh tolerates him.
But it hadn’t turned out how Josh wanted. No they’d lost by 3 points. And Daniel isn’t here. Josh had lost and Daniel isn’t here.
Josh does the things expected of him. Says a few words to the team, motivation for next year. He speaks to the coaches and changes out of his team kit. He’d much rather head home and shower in his own bathroom than stick around to commiserate.
“Head up, yeah, we’ll get them next year,” someone says as he’s leaving Highmark.
Fuck, he wants to be wrapped around Daniel. But Daniel’s in Perth, surrounded by his family and whichever one of his friends trekked out to visit him.
So he’s very surprised when he sees a bundled up figure leaning against his car.
“Dan? What? How?” Josh questions, shocked but pleased at the sight of Daniel. He’s covered head to toe, but Josh can see the slightest hint of his jersey peaking out.
“I have some meetings in New York later in the week and thought I’d come early to surprise you,” Daniel replies wrapping himself around Josh. “Would’ve been here earlier if not for the delays.”
“Doesn’t matter as long as I get to hold you right now,” Josh replies. He doesn’t care that he sounds like a sappy boyfriend, not when he’s got Daniel in his arms after that hellish game ending.
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planetatlas · 2 years
~ Cast Away ~ bill cipher.
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Summary: After a party gone wrong, you end up casted out of Gravity Falls. Bill appears to put you back on your feet and claims what is his.
Content: Kidnapping, framed drugging, mob chase.
Everything was going great. The party at the Mystery Shack was in full swing, everyone was dancing the night away. Even Grunkle Stan was able to let loose for once, dancing with Lazy Susan on the dance floor. You watched from the balcony peacefully, sipping on punch from your red solo cup. That is, until everything started to get slightly blurry, you started feeling sick, and ran to the bathroom.
You emptied your stomach for a while, coming out of the bathroom feeling much less woozy ten minutes later. Going back out on the balcony, you saw everyone going crazy. People were throwing up, passing out, and getting uncharacteristically violent. You’ve lived in Gravity Falls since you were ten, moving into the Mystery Shack when you were twenty and working for Stan since. In that time, you’ve never known any of these people to be violent, save for Dan who wasn’t so much violent as clumsily destructive. But here you stood, watching everyone who hadn’t passed out or gone home from being sick fighting like it was a fight to the death.
Terrified, you ran to your room down the hall from the twins’ room and hid until you passed out from crying. The next morning, you awoke to Stan screaming at everyone to get downstairs.
Blubbs and Deputy Durland standing next to the almost empty punch bowl, looking disappointed and angry. You stood in a line with the twins, who looked as if they’d been awoken the same way, Wendy, and Soos. Blubbs began speaking, So we investigated the party this morning after everyone went crazy last night. We found the punch had been spiked, which is what caused everyone to go nuts.” “What was in the punch?” asked Mabel, terrified and clutching onto Dipper’s arm for support. “We found traces of ecstasy and shrooms, and everyone had consumed too much of the spiked punch which made everyone either get severely sick or go into violent rages,” Blubbs explained while Durland cheered, “The punch was spiked with mushrooms!”, earning him a soft par on the back from Blubbs.
“What I want to know is who spiked the punch, and we’re starting with you guys since you set up the party. We’ll be checking everyone’s rooms, then when everyone here has been cleared we’ll expand to the other citizens of town,” Stan elaborated with a deep sigh of concern.
“That’s crazy, none of us would have done it! We would’ve noticed, and it didn’t kick in until the party was well under way!” Dipper cried with indignation. Blubbs looked to Dipper with pity, “Sorry kids, that’s how official police investigations proceed.”
With that, Stan, Blubbs, and Durland proceeded to the attic, going into the twins’ room with the rest of you following. You had stayed silent in shock and concern, until Wendy patted you on the back, “It’ll be okay dude, don’t worry. They’ll find who did this,” You nodded at her, feeling a little more comforted. The officers spent twenty minutes searching the twins’s large attic room, finding nothing which caused the twins to breathe sighs of relief. Everyone then moved onto your room, and you thought to yourself on how pointless this was. You definitely didn’t do it, and the twins obviously didn’t do it either. It was clear Stan didn’t do it, as he drank a considerable amount of punch himself. If any of you had truly done it, the perpetrator wouldn’t have drank any of it.
Blubbs and Durland began searching through your room. There was nothing out of the ordinary, and they were about to give a clear to move onto Wendy’s house, when Blubbs suddenly turned towards the closet. He moved to reach for the top shelf, which Stan aided him because of his height.
You were confused, you didn’t hold anything on the top shelf of your closet, you couldn’t even reach up there yourself. After a minute of grabbing around, Stan yanked down a bag. A bag full of shrooms and another of ecstasy. “(Y/N), what the hell is this?” He turned to you angrily, holding the bags up while everyone turned to you in shock and accusation. You were shell-shocked, how on Earth did that get up there?
You had never done drugs in your life, you didn’t even know where to get them! You stared in surprise and confusion until Blubbs cleared his throat, “This breaks my heart to say, as you’re such a wonderful young woman, but (Y/N), it seems that you were the one who spiked the punch and caused everyone to consume dangerous levels of illegal drugs. I’m going to have to bring you to the station for questioning.”
With that, you were out in handcuffs and taken out to the police car. You were so stunned that you didn’t react to anything until you were placed in the car. You looked out the window as the officers climbed in the front seats, and stared into the disappointed, shocked, angry faces of the people you had grown to see as family. You simply placed your hand on the glass and stared after them as you were driven off to the police station.
You’d been sitting in a holding cell for around twenty minutes when you heard a guard approach with keys and handcuffs. You look up and meet eyes with the kid you used to babysit, Thompson. “Thompson! Please, you have to understand, I didn’t do anything, I-“ “Sorry (Y/N), there’s nothing I can do about this. But, for what it’s worth, I believe you.” You gave him a sad smile, at least someone believed you were innocent despite the solid evidence.
You were brought to an interrogation room and sat in front of Sheriff Blubbs. You’re handcuffed to the table as he clicks the record button on a recording machine, and clears his throat. “(Y/N), I’ve known you since you were a child, and it’s painfully hard for me to believe this. However, you have overwhelming evidence against you. I’m going to ask a few questions regarding the situation. Do you agree to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?” “Yes sir,” you said in compliance. If I’m cooperative and go along with it, maybe my good behavior will help me convince them, or at least lessen the punishment, you thought to yourself as you tried to think of a way out.
“Okay, my first question is what were you doing when setting up for the party?” “I put up the decorations with Soos.” “Who made the punch?” “Dipper and Mabel, sir.” “Alright, where did you get the drugs?” You blinked in slight surprise before answering, “I didn’t get the drugs sir. I don’t know where they came from, I’ve never done or bought drugs before.” “Then how did they get to the top of your closet?” “I don’t know sir, I can’t reach the top of my closet.” He sighed in disappointment before continuing, “(Y/N), we found a step ladder in the bottom of your closet as well.”
At that you were confused. You had never used a step ladder before, Soos put up all of the high up decorations while you set up the tables and dj booth. You stared at the table, wondering just how exactly these items came to appear in your closet, and could not come to a conclusion. No one had been in your room that night besides you, as far as you knew, and you didn’t think to check the top shelf of the closet because you couldn’t reach up there anyway, so why would you check? Blubbs sighed, before coming up with a less painful solution that he knew you’d be able to fulfill. However, he also feared the public backlash you may receive upon news that you were the one being charged with drugging everyone in town.
He cleared his throat before speaking, “Okay kid, I may be able to just have your sentence reduced to community service, so you won’t have to go to prison, because it’s clear as day that even though those items were in your closet, you have no idea what’s going on. I can’t say I can keep the citizens at bay, however,” he finished while giving you a pitying and concerned look.
You breathed out in relief, you could handle community service surely? At least you weren’t going to prison for something you were being framed for. You paused at that thought, wait a minute you were being framed! It shook you to your core that someone would frame you for such a disaster, however you couldn’t do anything except take the punishment. You smiled weakly at him before nodding in agreement, and you were taken back to your holding cell.
You awoke the next Monday, slightly anxious but ready to get your sentence over with. It would last around two months, which wasn’t nearly what you were expecting so you thanked Sheriff Blubbs in your head repeatedly.
You ventured out to the park, where Blubbs and Durland were waiting with a shovel, surrounded by 15 young trees. “For your first act of service, you’ll be planting these trees around the park. We’ve already marked the locations with an X, but since this is a legal sentencing and is supposed to act as punishment, you’ll be doing it by yourself. The shoveling, the lifting, the planting, everything. Good luck kid, and whenever you finish whether that be today or Friday, just come to the station and we’ll assign you your next job.” They nodded at you then left after handing off the shovel.
You’d been working hours, digging, lifting the trees, planting them in the ground, watering them, the whole nine yards. It was approaching 6 PM, and you had only gotten through three trees. Well, at least I managed to get through more than one, you thought to yourself in pride at your work.
Around the time you finished the third tree, however, you noticed a large crowd of the town citizens gathered across the street from the park you were working in. You noticed them trickling in and slowly forming a crowd throughout the day, but you didn’t pay much mind to it, until now. You noticed they were all staring at you. Your eyes wandered over the crowd, finally taking notice of the various mob weapons they held in their hands.
As the puzzle pieces clicked together in your head, you slowly started backing away towards the forest, and the crowd began following after you. You turned and sprinted into the treeline, the mob following. You managed to lose them after a while of running, ducking, dodging, and hiding. You slowed to a stop in the middle of a clearing. You crumpled to your knees in despair and utter defeat, devastated that the town you grew up in would outcast you and chase you away like that.
Hours passed with you in a pile of tears on the forest floor, not knowing what to do with yourself. You knew you couldn’t go back to Gravity Falls, you would get chased out again. You had become a social pariah at this point.
In the midst of another bout of tears and frantic whispers, you heard a soothing voice calling out to you. Looking up from your hands, you were met with the triangle of chaos himself, Bill Cipher. You froze, confused as to why he had chosen to appear to you of all people, and why he seemed so…sincere? He looked at you, concern and pity in his glowing eye. This was extremely out of character for him, and you were worried that it was a show so he could take advantage of your broken state.
“That’s a little rude coming from someone who was just run out of their hometown,” he exclaimed, sass and mock hurt shining through his words. “I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re evil and you usually take advantage of people like me for your own gain and usually don’t show concern for anyone except yourself,” you deadpanned while staring at him as if he had said the dumbest thing on Earth.
“Okay, okay, I get it, I usually don’t play the nice guy, but I’ve taken a liking to you, you aren’t as dislikable as the twins but also not as manipulable as them either.” You stared at him blankly, wondering whether or not to take it as a compliment. “It is a compliment so take it.” he said, a little forcefully before catching himself and settling back into his concerned look.
The slip-up only made you grow more apprehensive, before exhaustion and desperation caused you to give in, slumping into him and finding him to be sturdier than originally thought. For a 2-D floating demonic triangle who didn’t have a physical form, he was surprisingly solid and didn’t even tip back when you laid against his form. He comforted you until your fatigue caught up to you, falling asleep in minutes. He sat there with you against him while smoothing your hair back, content with you finally falling asleep.
Content with finally having you in his grasp, he didn't plan on letting you go as everything had gone according to plan. He picked you up and faded from reality into the astral dimension, taking you to the godforsaken pyramid he would soon terrorize Gravity Falls with.
The shift had disturbed you, and when you awoke you were scared and confused as to what was happening until you realized you were with Cipher. You apologized if you had been any trouble, your good hearted nature taking over you and making you feel like a burden even to a dream demon, however he reassured you and promised you weren’t. “I will make sure Gravity Falls doesn’t mess with you again. You’ll be able to return home soon, don’t worry.”
Little did you know that Bill was actually the one who drugged everyone and caused the town to outcast you so he could safely get to you, and you’d be returning to Gravity Falls as his Queen of Chaos whether you liked it or not. But you didn’t need to know that last small detail.
A/N: Second fic!! Let me know what you think, and let me know if there’s a character I should do next.
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daiki98 · 10 months
been playing honkai starrail and im so much into this shit already and I needed to do a recap by advertising the game in my way
spoilers ahead
oh, wow! you were just born! do you remember anything besides hot mommy kafka putting a bomb inside you? nothing? well then, let's throw you into battle right now!
let Herta Space Station welcome you by using your newly aquainted powers to beat up a bunch of monsters and save the station. also, befriend the diligent, shopping-addicted Asta, the one puppy man she can't resist, and kurukuru with her boring simulations.
when you're ready, hop on the astral express and start a journey of miracles and madness to save worlds and seal Stellarons, chase the Stellaron Hunters, and simp for characters that do not exist in real life! starring the insuffering Pom-Pom, Manic Pixie Dream Girl with no memories of who she is, the silent-but-deadly traitor of the Xianzhou Loufu, Himeko (alive this time!), Otto's worst nightmare, and you, the Trailblazer!
set foot on the freezing lands of Belobog and flirt with the most beautiful of trash cans! but don't try to get too comfortable: you'll be welcomed by a enormously pleasant order to arrest you and your companions after you've just woken up. run from the Silvermane guards, get drugged&dragged into the Underworld by the the hottest&shadiest, blue, tall and most handsome of conmans and search for infos about the Stellaron; go around playing hide and seek with a cute deadly kid, help big booba do- Natasha with her clinic, negotiate with an ancient robot who only listens to a little girl in red who walks FOOTLESS on the FREEZING GROUND and also witness a true lesbian enemies to lovers trope come to life! oh, no! one of the lesbians' mother is actually evil and, under the influence of the stellaron, is dedicated to erase the current world to create a new one! Well, it's time to make another child an orphan!
(Do not worry, your adventures in Belobog aren't over! You'll get to run errands for kids, do a minecart puzzle like 100 times, make a grave in the snow, manage an entire museum, help families reunite, track down criminals with a nerd twink, and witness Serval get over her manic ex!)
get a call from the hottest of criminals and get persuaded by her to stop at the Xianzhou Loufu while one of your companions dreams about his ex-husband stabbing him! this is just the beginning of your adventure at the Loufu, where you'll be welcomed by the hottest of furries and dragged around by her. meet the one and only hotshot general who tells you to track down Kafka, who gets brainwashed by the most annoying and arrogant pink twink (who has the smartest of subordinates, i love you qingque) and tells you that you and your friends are just pawns obediently following the destiny a random guy named Elio chose, that you guys are here to get the Loufu in debt with you so they'll help us when we'll have to fight the literal god of destruction! Witness an insane group of immortality-seeking maniacs resurrect a forbidden tree from the ground while your friend Dan Heng decides to come looking for you with a girl, her chicken and Otto-but-not-him because he knows his ex is up to no good! shocking news! your totally normal friend is actually the High Elder of the Vydiadahra, a long-life dragon species which reincarnates over and over till the end of time. he has insane powers, can part the waters and gets to beat up a child with his ex husband and reunite with his other husband. Also, the hot furry is actually evil and dies in a very hot way, revealing that the immortality maniacs used the Stellaron to resurrect the tree, only to learn that they were being used by the Antimatter Legion and one of their leaders aka EVIL BOOBS to destroy the entire Alliance! how cool is that!
Meet up with Dan Heng and have absolutely NO REACTION about him being a dragon and help the pink diviner twink&the hotshot general kill EVIL BOOBS and save the world once again.
make friends along the way, spend money on stupid banners ans get the best relics and light cones just to have your favourite character not crit. it's all in the name of honkai star railing those bitches!
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jenyifer · 8 months
Crimes against Nick
I’m hopeful Boston won’t fuck up again. My ex says I just forgive Boston too easily but that’s not true.(I’ll probably do one for Nick on Boston crimes next just to spite her so haha)
So in honor of me rewatching all the BostonNick bits here are some of the worst mental damages Boston has inflicted on Nick in my opinion.
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1. The worst one in my opinion is the phone isle confirmation. Name a worse love confession. Boston completely rejecting Nick awful psychic damage.
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2. Controversial pick probably but next I’d put the Halloween party. Nick really thought he could talk to Boston again it’d been some time since their breakup (for convenience let’s call it that). But Boston questions why Nick would think he’d have any place in Boston’s life. Then Boston ignores him and goes off with Atom. Nick is so devastated he gives up on Boston coming back. He also seems to have lasting effects of this conversation in episode 9 10 and 11. It haunts him because Nick wonders what he could have done better Boston frames it like that and it effectively slices Nick up into a million pieces.
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3. Boston sleeping with Top. Also something I often forget Nick got to hear about MewRay before this. He got the full car convo. So everything is super fucked. Yes the audio does Immense damage on Nick. BUT I don’t have it higher because Nick can still justify being with Boston. He isn’t delulu he knows their relationship wasn’t closed. It just hurts Nick he’s not the one Boston wants. Nick can’t be top. Also the depths Boston will go to get his goal.
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4. Boston rejecting Nick’s comfort after Mews bday party. It’s a little thing but Nick could see his lies chasing him and Nick needed comfort as well. But he reached out to Boston and was denied. I feel like to Nick this cemented him back in a reality where he’s just a prop in Bostons life and not a person. (To be fair to Boston he didn’t mean to hurt Nick here He did want Nick at his side it was just he was so hurt upset with himself he couldn’t take nicks love and didn’t know Nick himself was tortured by the nights events)
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5. Boston calling Gap disgusting for filming him. Does make Nick feel awful idk whether to put this one on or not. Because Boston does except Nick’s comfort which is good. BUT I THINK THIS SCENE HAUNTED NICK FOR THE REST OF THE SERIES SO MUCH FORESHADOWING. Might write about it might not it was ep6
Honorable mentions: Boston calling Nick his friend at Mews bday party. Nick seeing Boston and random guy at the bar when he’s on a date with Dan.
Questionable mentions: Boston denying taking a photo with nick (he did take a photo). Boston calling Nick his customer(Bostons first ever apology in the show is to Nick here). Boston not answering if Nick could have extra men too at the pool date(Boston dodged this by talking about how he kind of wants to be with just nick).
Non Boston related injuries:
1. Sand revealing the audio. If that was to rank in this list I’d put it above the actual recording of Top and Boston. Nick really loves Sand genuinely. I think this hurt him
2. Top making Nick feel less than during Nick’s stay away from Boston speech.
3. Mew saying Boston couldn’t love anyone and Nick was a victim after BosotnNick Breakup. I think the manipulation tactics would hurt Nick extra hard while he was still in the shock hurt stage of breakup. And once Nick calmed down I bet he regretted what he did.
4. Ray being a dick either time. I don’t think Nick takes what Ray says too seriously. Yes Nick knows Ray is Bostons best friend so from that POV it does hurt but Nick knows Ray was already hurt not because of Nick what Ray said may or may not be true. Nick barely knows him. I doubt either time stuck.
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myveryownfanfiction · 11 months
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chapter 20
tags: @illiana-mystery, @eclecticwildflowers, @eroticaplush, @onedirectionlovers2014
warnings: hospitals, swearing, mention of sex, Dan is a grumpy old man, misgendering
I woke up the next morning when dan was getting back in bed with the nurses help. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and moving to help him as well. I nodded my thanks at the nurse and leaned into the kiss on the cheek dan gave me.
“what happened?” I asked. Dan smiled sheepishly at me.
“I had to use the bathroom. Didn’t wanna wake you up.” He said softly. I started to make a noise of protest but dan kissed me. “After what Abbie put you through yesterday, you deserved to sleep a bit longer.” He rubbed his hand down my arm. “I just couldn’t wait for that long.” I laughed as he smiled at me. “I’m glad you’re in a better mood.”
“knowing you are going to be alright does the trick.” I said with a smile as I moved to sit in front of him. Dan smiled at me and tugged the strip of fabric around my wrist. “Oh. They uh cut your shirt. To get it off. I uh…” Dan nodded as he stared at it. “Sorry.”
“what do you have to be sorry for? They had to cut it. So what. Just a shirt.” He said with a shrug. I nodded. “Really like that you’re wearing my jacket though.” I laughed.
“down boy. You just have major surgery. Not happening.” Dan playfully pouted at me.
“come on. I bet you’ve never had sex in a hospital bed before.” He teased. “I have. Pretty comfortable.” I looked at him in shock. “Oh. Pretty sure I had told you…I uh had an ulcer I think. Had to have surgery. Girl that I chased like a puppy came in and we ended up having sex. I uh went into a coma after.” Dans face fell and he rubbed the back of his neck. “I could have sworn I told you that. Oops.” I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at him.
“knowing that you still want to have sex right now in a hospital bed?” Dan shrugged half heartedly. “No. I’m not putting you in a coma. Or worse having you have another heart attack.” Dan nodded. “That’s a hard no my boy. Not ever happening.”
“understood dear.” He answered. I smiled at him. “So how long am I here for?” I shrugged.
“doctor never told me.” I said honestly. “But uh how about some breakfast? Or did I miss that?” Dan shook his head.
“uh I think my wallets still on my pants if you wanna head to the cafeteria.” I nodded and hopped off the bed. I dug through the bag to get his wallet out of his pants pocket.
“success!” I cheered as I held it up. Dan laughed and looked around.
“where’s my…” he asked and I pulled his phone out of my pocket. “Oh. Thanks.” I leaned down and kissed him.
“I’ll be back soon.” I promised and headed out of the room. I took the elevator down to the main floor and checked my messages. Kevin was in the lobby with a bag for me. Abbie had picked up dans parents. Gurgs asked how Dan was and I responded that he was alright now. “Kevin!” I called as I walked over to the lobby. He hugged me tightly before passing off the bag. “Thank you. So much.”
“of course.” He kissed my temple. “He doing alright?” I nodded.
“Yeah. Heart attack.” I fiddled with the strap on the bag. “Blocked artery and stress. Dan had surgery and he’s alright now.” Kevin nodded.
“I could only find sweats and tshirts at your place for him. Hope that’s alright.” I nodded.
“yeah. That’s perfect. He won’t like it a whole lot but I’m not going to try to get him back in a suit after this for a while.” I looked through the bag quickly. “Thanks again kev. I owe you guys. Big time.”
“I’m taking a cab back to your place. Here’s your keys.” Kevin handed over my keys. “Im sure Dan would appreciate you driving him home instead of having to take a cab or something.” I nodded and hugged him again. “Text us when you can. We’re just gonna stay at yours.” I nodded again and waved as he left. Turning back towards the cafeteria, I pulled his wallet out of my pocket. I opened it to grab some cash when something caught my eye.
“what…” I pulled out a picture from the pocket. “He has a…when did he…” I stared at the picture of me, smiling at a book. Blinking at it a few times, a smile grew on my face. “He has a candid picture of me…reading…in his wallet.” I bit my lip and pulled out my phone. Taking a picture of it, I put it back and continued my search for cash.
“(Y/N)!” I looked up and found Abbie waving at me, an older couple next to her. I smiled and waved back.
“Hi Abbie.” I said waking over. “Hi. I don’t think I’ve had the privilege.” I held my hand out to the man in a wheelchair. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), at your service.” The man looked over at the woman and shook my hand.
“bob Elmore.” He said with a smile. “And this here is my wife mucette.” I smiled at them and shook hands with his wife.
“nice to meet you dear.” I smiled stiffly at them, knowing where this was going.
“am I right in assuming that you’re dans parents?” I asked as I sat down next to abbie. Under the table, I texted Dan to let him know I ran into his parents and I’d be a bit longer. Mr. Elmore nodded.
“We are. When judge stone called, we got on the first flight here to see our Danny boy.” Mrs. Elmore said. I nodded with a smile. “If you mind me asking dear, who are you?” I looked over at Abbie and then down at my phone. There was one text and all it said was: ‘bring them up. I’ll explain.’
“why don’t I take you up to Dan and he can explain better than I can.” I offered. “Just let me grab some food and we’ll go right up.” They nodded and I ran over to grab something for the two of us to eat. “Abbie, you coming up?” I asked her as mrs. Elmore pushed mr. Elmore into the elevator. Abbie shook her head.
“I gotta go get some paperwork done. Tell him I said hi though.” I nodded as I got into the elevator and pushed the button for dans floor. It was a quiet and slightly awkward ride up. I balanced the tray as I knocked on the door and opened it. Smiling at Dan, I put the tray on the side table and kissed his cheek before his parents came in.
“Abbie says hi.” I whispered. He reached for my hand and squeezed it. “It’s alright. I just didn’t say who I was.” Dan nodded and raised my hand to his lips.
“it’s alright.” He whispered. Kissing my knuckles, he smiled up at me. A slight cough drew our attention to the end of the bed. Mr. Elmore raised an eyebrow at us and Mrs. Elmore had come to stand on the other side of the bed. She leaned over to kiss his cheek and brushed his hair back. “Mama. Mama. I’m alright.” He said as he cupped his cheeks, turning his head back and forth. I tried to stifle a laugh but the look on mr. Elmores face made it catch in my throat.
“oh Danny. Are you alright?” Dan leaned away from his mom, his shoulder bumped into mine.
“mama. I’m alright.” He whined.
“Mucette. The boy says he’s fine. Leave him be.” Mr. Elmore said. Mrs. Elmore stepped back with reluctance. “Danny boy, everything alright?” Dan nodded.
“everything’s alright daddy. Just a little heart attack.” Dan said. He squeezed my hand. “Another day and I’ll be home, I’m sure.” Dan looked at me and I shrugged.
“doctor hasn’t said anything to me.” I said.
“Danny, who is this girl?” Mrs. Elmore said. Dan looked at me and gave me a tight smile. I shook my head subtly at him.
“they,” Dan said, emphasizing the word. “Are my partner.” Dan kissed my hand again. “And I love them very much.” Mr. Elmore looked at me while mrs. Elmore stared at Dan.
“but she’s…” Mr. Elmore started.
“they! And barring that, use their name! (Y/N)!” Dan cried. He was panting and I immediately put my hand on his chest.
“Dan.” I warned. He tried to wave me off. “Reinhold.” His head snapped in my direction. “You just had surgery. You can’t…you need…please dan.” I said, worry in my eyes as I squeezed his arm. Sighing, dan nodded. He put his hand over mine and nodded again.
“you’re right.” He whispered. “You’re right.” Reaching up, he cupped my cheek. Rubbing his thumb against it, he smiled at me. “I’ll calm down.”
“(Y/N), could we have the room please dear?” Mrs. Elmore said. Dan held my hand tightly and shook his head.
“they leave, I might not. So no. (Y/N) won’t leave.” Dan said firmly. “Besides anything you have to say to me, you can say to them.” Dan tugged my hand and I sat down on the bed next to him.
“Aren’t…isn’t…” mrs. Elmore struggled with her words a bit before mr. Elmore stepped in.
“ain’t (Y/N) a bit young for you son?” Dan raised an eyebrow at his father.
“what’s your point?” He asked. “I love them. They make me happy.” Mrs. Elmore and Mr. Elmore shared a look. “What was I supposed to do after Sarah died? Stay miserable for the rest of my life?” Dans face fell when he saw the look his father was giving him.
“Danny boy…” mrs. Elmore said. Dan shook his head, pulling my hand into his lap and focusing on it.
“please leave.” He whispered.
“dan…” I whispered. He shook his head.
“Danny…” Mr. Elmore started.
“Just go. Please. I’ll…I’ll call you when I get out.” Dan said, never looking up from his lap. “Or abbie will. Thanks for checking up on me.” Dan looked over at me and smiled softly at me. I sighed as his parents left the room.
“Dan…” I shook my head and let go of his hand. “Mr. Elmore! Mrs. Elmore!” I called as I ran out after them. “I know you don’t exactly like it. But I love Dan. Very much so. His happiness is all that matters to me. He’s just irritable being stuck here. Hooked up to…all that.” I waved my hand behind me at the door. “Dan also loves you guys very much. I know he does. I…” I looked back at the room and sighed. “When I heard Dan had collapsed, I was with friends. Because he made me go. And I thought I was going to lose him. I screamed and cried and my friend broke so many traffic laws just to get me here. When he woke up, I was so relieved. Just because it meant I got more time with him.” The two shared a look. “I know I don’t have much time with him and I’ve accepted that. I don’t like it but I’ve accepted it. I know he’s older than me. I know not everyone gets it. I know people think it’s weird with the age gap and then I’m queer on top of it.” I shrugged. “But Dan doesn’t care about any of that. And I don’t either. We love each other. And he’s happy.” I smiled at them. “I hope that’s enough. That he’s happy. But if it’s not, I’m sorry. But I’m not going anywhere without a fight. I love Dan too much not to fight for what we have. But I also know that he wants you in his life. Without the fighting. Even if he won’t admit it out loud. You don’t have to like it. Just,” I sighed and tugged on the piece of fabric around my wrist. “Give it a chance. For dans sake.” Mrs. Elmore looked at me before coming over and hugging me.
“Danny boy is all we really have. So for him…” she said. I nodded.
“I understand that.” I said. “Thank you.” Mr. Elmore nodded.
“He’s lucky to have someone like you by his side.” He admitted. I nodded and ducked my head. “Let him know we’re open to meeting again after he gets out of here.”
“thank you sir. I will.” Mr. Elmore smiled at me. I watched the two of them head to the elevator before going back into the room.
“come here.” Dan held his hand out to me. I smiled at him and took his hand. “I heard all that.” Dan kissed me gently. “Thank you.” I nodded and sat down on the bed again.
“I’m going to find the doctor. Need to know when I can take you home.” I said, changing the subject.
“already called for a nurse.” Dan said with a smile. “I can’t wait to get out of here.” I nodded.
“I wanna hug you properly. Without worrying about tugging something out on accident.” I waved a hand at him and he nodded. The nurse came in and Dan asked for the doctor. We are in silence while we waited. When the doctor came in, I stepped back and let him look over Dan.
“when can I go home?” Dan asked, his eyes flicking over to me.
“hopefully later today. We just want to be sure that there aren’t any complications from the surgery.” Dan nodded. “Is there someone that can stay with you in case you need anything?”
“I can.” I raised my hand slightly. “I’m going to be taking him home and staying with him.” The doctor nodded.
“good. Now mr. Fielding, no strenuous activity. Try not to bend over for a week. And follow up with your primary care around that time as well.” Dan nodded.
“one last question.” He said with a smirk in my direction. My eyes went wide and I shook my head. “When can I have sex again?”
“Dan.” I groaned softly. I felt my cheeks heating up and covered my face. The doctor chuckled and looked at me out of the side of his eye.
“Within a few weeks normally. But that’s something you are going to want to discuss with your primary care.” The doctor said. Dan nodded while sending me a wink behind the doctors back. I narrowed my eyes at him as the doctor left the room.
“reinhold! You ass!” I cried as he started laughing. Dan reached out for me and I begrudgingly walked over.
“I love you.” He said once I was sitting next to him again. Sighing, I leaned my head against his.
“I love you too.” I whispered back. We sat in silence for a while before I pulled away. “So Elmore. Reinhold Daniel Elmore?” Dan shook his head with a chuckle.
“actually it’s reinhold Daniel fielding Elmore. Got it legally changed before I married Sarah.” Dan admitted. “Should have done it in law school but it was easier to just say my names dan fielding and that was that. Time went on, it got harder so I made it official. Plus I didn’t want Sarah to find out that way.” I nodded.
“did you ever tell her?” Dan nodded.
“two nights before we got married.” He chuckled. “She laughed. Then realized I was telling the truth. Never used it though.”
“not like me.” I laughed. Dan nodded and kissed my cheek.
“not like you do.” He agreed. We spent the rest the day going through the tests dan needed to do and a couple meetings with other doctors. Dan was given the all clear just before dinner. He got dressed while I signed him out. “Thank goodness your friend had the foresight to not bring a suit.” I nodded.
“figured you would be more comfortable with this than a suit.” Dan nodded and I went into the bathroom to change. “Going to take a nice long shower when we get to yours.” Dan nodded as he spotted the wheelchair. “Dan, don’t. It’s policy. Just shut up and get in.” Dan nodded and I went down first to bring my car around. He was pouting when I pulled up and helped him in. “Oh shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.” He grumbled. I laughed and started the drive over. “Am I going to meet your friends?” He asked as we passed my apartment complex.
“Uh…we could stop in. I would have to grab a few things anyway…” i trailed off as I sat at a red light.
“I’ll be ok. Let’s go meet them.” He assured me. I nodded slowly.
“alright. Let’s go meet my friends.” I turned around first chance I got and headed back.
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robotpussy · 2 years
I needed to tell somebody this and you seem like the perfect person to tell.
Y'know a youtuber a hate for no reason? Quinton Reviews, ever since he started making those videos about Dan S**nider shows he just rubbed me wrong. I feel like he had a anti-sjw phase and is trying to compensate for it and it really pissed me off that everybody listened to him about icarly and victorious being antiblack towards black women but not the black people on youtube who pointed it out before! I can't remember the name of the person who originally made the video, but they make alot of content about miraculous ladybug and disney channel shows.
im actually so honored that you feel comfortable enough to be a hater in my inbox 💕💕 i actually love confessions like these 😭
but i dont want to say too much but i lowkey understand why you dont like him I dont hate him but i dont love him at the end of the day he's just some guy on youtube.
But the person you are looking for is Harriyanna Hook! and yea i saw ppl on twitter saying quinton reviews made them realise that those shows were full of misogynoir and me and a bunch of other people were a little shocked, but im kind of used to white people just relaying what black ppl say and being ones to get the bigger platform to say it 🤷🏾‍♀️ but its lowkey not his fault, for some reason people will only listen to stuff about racism when it is coming from a white persons lips, and he has like a million subscribers so :/
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Dazed and Confused
I am on my second drink at the bar by the time he shows up. I am filled with guilt towards my sister and my partner, but I don't know where my partner is. It dawns on me that he has probably been doing the same thing with someone else. It dawns on me that my sister is probably doing the same. It doesn't help me feel any less guilty. The flooding of emotions roller coasting between guilt and fuck that was mind blowing was really messing with my head. I ordered a third drink before I finally spoke to him. All I can say is "wow and what the fuck". He asks me in a surprised voice what do you mean?. I tell him that was the first time I had ever had an orgasm EVER. I tell him that is the first time I have been fucked like that. It's the first time I've ever had anyone see my naked like that. He's obviously shocked. My partner arrives with "Jessica" and "Dan".. She tells me that my partner loved sucking "Dans" cock while she rode him. I am shocked, my partner then makes a statement to the effect of "So you guys just enjoyed the bar".. still in shock I responded "something like that"… I was still shocked at the gay dick sucking thing that he had been doing. He had always come across as being homophobic. Maybe that was why he showed so little interest in satisfying me sexually.. My mind raced. We left when I finished the drink leaving "Jessica" and "Dan" with my sisters husband.
On the way home my mind raced, darting between my partner of over 20 years being gay or at least bisexual and how I was going to break the news that I had fucked my sisters husband to my partner and her. I didn't sleep at all that night, I lay there in bed thinking sexual thoughts and guilt. My fingers found their way down to my clitoris and played with it briefly a few times, each time feeling more comfortable and enjoyable. I was rather tender down there from all the hard work it had done. I lay there thinking of a time where I had sex or any sexual activity more than once in a 24 hour and can only think of one night with my second boyfriend. I must have dozed off because I woke to my partner making breakfast. I walk out feeling hung over, my muscles sore and very dazed. We sit on the bar stools and I ask him how he felt about last night. It was like a weight had been lifted off our shoulders and we chatted openly for hours. Not once did he mention or ask how my night was so I refrained from telling him. I tell him that I am going to shower and that it would be advisable for him to come and join me. He looks eager as we head to the bathroom. We shower and caress each other before moving to the bedroom. I start giving him a blow job and then move to try and replicate the previous night. I am tender and I just can't seem to get his cock to find the right spot. Instead I ride him in big strokes awkwardly letting him cum inside me. In a first for our relationship he starts to go down on me, licking his own cum up from my pussy, awkwardly trying to use his tongue. I tell him to focus in different areas and then eventually he gets there. Holding his head between my legs and thrusting my hips he helps me orgasm for the first time in our relationship. He comes up and asks was that something that I learnt the previous night.. I have to be honest and tell him not exactly. I tell him what happened. He seems hurt and at the same time aroused, I can see his cock is hard as a rock again. I give him a blow job, he ejaculates quickly. As he lay there he starts to ask me questions, all of them centred around penis size, shape, was it good etc. I feel that I can not really be honest with him as I know it would hurt his feelings. He then asks me who it was with, I change the question and ask him about how "Jessica" and "Dan" were, he starts to tell me everything in minute detail, how Dan had a massive cock, Jessica was a fitness instructor/Personal trainer, they liked MMF threesomes. They had swapped numbers to meet again away from the club. I told him that was great news.
The next few days went by as a blur. All that I could think of was sex, how could I tell my sister and when we could go back to the club. My partner and I had rejuvenated our sex life but it was still a case of the blind leading the blind. It had got to Wednesday and I asked if we should invite "Jessica" and "Dan" over for drinks and some exploration on Friday night. I said I wanted to watch how others fucked so I could learn. Friday came and we had a few drinks, the kids had gone to bed and we started to fool around. It became immediately obvious that Dan was only interested in my partner and Jessica was a willing participant. I wasn't going to learn much but I watched anyway. It was arousing to see Dan's huge cock in my partners mouth, to see how hot Jessica's body was, all her muscles ripple in the candle light. Her body completely hair free, It made me wonder if I should get hair removal. While I was watching I was thinking of my sisters husband and for the first time picked up my phone and sent him a message "how you doing?"…
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realityjoey · 6 days
RED = lust / hot / tension / desire / dirty / overprotective
ORANGE = family / friends moments
GREEN = anger / jealousy / hatred
BLUE = sad / denial / confusion / isolation
PURPLE = romantic / cute / they’re so in love / caring / vulnerability / flirty
PINK = funny / sarcasm
Over a week later, Lucifer and Maze had decided to attend a fashion show, and were currently sitting on the front row, watching the models strut up and down the runway.
“I very much approve of Benny’s avant-garde approach to clothing.” Lucifer comments, smirking. “The models don’t appear to be wearing any.”
“The Benny Choi brand isn’t about the clothes. It’s the shoes.” Maze informs. “These guys kill for limited edition kicks. Six G’s a pair.”
“Oh, even the Mistress of Excess is impressed.” Lucifer replies. “Go, Benny.” He mumbles, as one of the models pause in front of him, teasing the sword under his chin seductively. “Oh, hello.” Lucifer grins, leaning forward as she traces it over his throat. “Mmm, dangerous. Lucifer likes.”
“You were shot and you bled.” Maze reminds him. “No sharp objects until we find out why.”
“Oh, quite the opposite. The danger of getting hurt is positively thrilling.” Lucifer disagrees, keeping his eye on the model who had caught his attention. “Fun with mortality. Bring it.” He shrugs, getting out of his seat, heading backstage.
“Since when does the Devil care about mortality?” Maze mumbles as he left.
“Great show, Benny.” Lucifer compliments the designer as he walks past. Lucifer had then found who he was looking for, and they had quickly become occupied in a heated make out session behind the curtains. “Now, come on, gorgeous, you tell me your most dangerous desire.” Lucifer says, seductively.
“Cheeseburger.” The model moans.
“Cheeseburger? Really?” Lucifer says, before grabbing her mouth, pressing it to his again.
“What was that?” She asks, pulling away from him as they hear the sound of shots firing alongside people screaming.
Lucifer pulls the curtain aside slightly, looking out at what was happening, seeing everybody running around and screaming. “It’s a bit early for last call. Never mind.” He shrugs, pulling her back into him.
“You need to leave. Now.” Maze interrupts.
“What’s the rush? It’s just getting exciting.” Lucifer complains, as the model runs off, joining in the chaos.
“Humans are playing with their guns, and now they’re running for cover. No reason to find out if your bones will break too.” Maze replies.
“What about my broken…” Lucifer looks down at his crotch, “heart.” Lucifer sighs, disappointed at having to break off from the sexy model.
“Move!” Maze orders, as they hear another set of gunshots go off. Lucifer sighs, following Maze as she leads him to the exit. As they’re speed-walking through the midst of frightened people, Lucifer notices a dead girl on the floor. They both stop, looking at her. “People really do kill for Benny’s shoes.” Lucifer says, shocked.
“We need to get out of here now.” Maze states.
“Why? I just found my danger.” Lucifer replies.
Later on in the day, Joey had been informed on what had happened at Benny’s fashion show, and was currently speaking to Mr and Mrs. Cortez, the parents of the girl who had died in the accident.
“She snuck out of the house.” Mrs. Cortez says, tearfully. “I thought she was asleep.”
“Mrs. Cortez, I’ll find who caused your daughter’s death.” Joey tells her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I promise you.”
Mrs. Cortez nods, then walks away. Dan takes his opportunity to talk to Joey, who sighs. “You okay?” Dan asks, concerned.
“Her only child was trampled to death, after some thug fired into a crowd. I’ve been better.” Joey replies, clutching her files for the case.
Dan nods, understanding. “Gang Unit’s piggybacking Homicide till we can figure out who wanted Benny Choi dead.”
“Is he talking?” Joey asks.
Dan shakes his head slightly. “Clammed up as soon as we got to the crime scene.”
Joey sighs. “Okay.”
Joey and Dan then begin walking through the precinct. “It could get bloody. You should probably stay as safe as possible on this one.” He advises.
“Oh, yeah? Stick to the nice girly murders?” Joey replies, dryly.
“It just sees that every time I turn around, you’re in another shootout with your buddy Lucifer by your side.” Dan says.
They stop walking. “Not an issue. He was just… I don’t know, uh, some mystery that I wanted solved.” Joey tells him.
“I could think of a few other choice names.” Dan mumbles, bitterly.
“Yeah, how about complete whack job?” Joey suggests. “Don’t worry, Lucifer Morningstar is completely out of my life.”
“Right.” Dan says, tight-lipped, pointing behind Joey.
Joey slowly turns around to where he’s pointing, seeing Lucifer flirt with one of the officers as he lets her put the handcuffs on him. “And he’s sitting on my desk.” Joey whispers to herself, as Dan walks off, grumpily.
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Joey walks over to him, as the officer leaves. “Please tell me I’m hallucinating.” She says, slamming her files on the desk, causing him to stand up.
“Well, I am dreamy, but try to contain yourself.” Lucifer smirks.
“What are you doing here?” Joey asks.
“I’m not actually here to see you. I’ve come to talk to your boss.” Lucifer answers, Joey looking at him in confusion. “About a shooting.” He says, rubbing his thigh and flinching slightly.
“Okay, I thought you had my back on this.” Joey says, leaning forward and lowering her voice. “If the department finds out what really happened, I could lose my badge.”
“What, you mean the fact that you shot me on purpose?” Lucifer replies, practically shouting the last part, causing a few heads to turn in their direction.
Joey scoffs, laughing nervously. “I told you I was sorry about that.” She mumbles to him. “And I feel badly, I do. But it was a gaze. I doubt it even left a scar.”
Lucifer gasps, placing a hand on his heart. “Didn’t it?”
“Mr. Morningstar?” Olivia, Joey’s Lieutenant, calls. Lucifer spins round. “I can see you now.”
“Splendid!” Lucifer exclaims. “Splendid. We’ve so much to discuss.” He says to Joey, before excessively limping over to the Lieutenant’s office.
In her office, Olivia and Lucifer begin speaking. “So, what can I do for you?” Olivia asks.
“Well, Lieutenant, as you know, I was witness to that grizzly death at Benny’s. I mean, it was only a matter of time before those gentlemen start pointing fingers and the whole… the whole thing explodes.” Lucifer sighs.
“And?” Olivia questions.
“I want in.” Lucifer states.
“In?” Olivia repeats.
“On the action. I got a taste of danger, and I want more. This case is the perfect method for me to explore my mortality in an exciting and dangerous way.” Lucifer explains. “And… help find out who’s responsible for that poor girl’s death, of course.” He adds.
“I realised you’ve been very helpful to Detective Anderson on her last couple of cases, but… exploring mortality is not really what I do here.” Olivia replies.
“No?” Lucifer questions, smiling.
“Uh-uh.” Olivia shakes her head.
“It’s funny, ‘cause you’re an ambitious one, aren’t you? I can tell. Brimming with desire.” Lucifer says, staring deeply into her eyes.
Olivia leans forwards, leaning on her desk. “If I’m gonna be the first female chief of police, I need a big close.”
“Of course you do. Of course you do. And how do you plan on achieving this grand goal?” Lucifer asks.
“I will never be appointed without the support of the minority communities.” Olivia tells him.
“Right, yes. Well, I tell you what. If you allow me to assist on this case, and… possibly others, I’ll deliver you all the support you need, eh?” Lucifer offers. “Just consider it a favour. From a friend.”
A few minutes later, Joey watches as they both exit the office. “After you.” Lucifer says, holding the office door open for Olivia.
“Thank you so much.” Olivia thanks, as they both walk over to Joey.
“Olivia, I can explain.” Joey says, standing up.
“Oh, you better explain why you have been keeping such a valuable resource all to yourself.” Olivia says, as Lucifer smirks at her.
“Excuse me?” Joey says, looking between the two of them.
“We have someone who can make Benny Choi talk.” Olivia says, referring to Lucifer.
“Someone with charm, likability…” Lucifer adds.
“And has real ties to the community.” Olivia says.
“Here it comes.” Joey mumbles.
“Lucifer Morningstar has volunteered to act as a liaison in the Paola Cortez case.” Olivia tells her, handing Joey some more files. “You’re welcome, Anderson.” Olivia smirks, before leaving.
Joey sighs. “What could you possibly have said to con your way onto another case?” Joey questions, frustrated, as she walks at a face pace through the precinct, Lucifer jogging after her.
“Well, I simply offered the Lieutenant a favour.” Lucifer answers. “She gets what she wants, and I get what I want— a nice juicy gang war.”
“You mean you offered to help prevent a gang war, right?” Joey replies, sternly.
“Tomato, tom-ah-to.” Lucifer shrugs. “But, see, that’s why we make such great partners. The ‘he said, she said’ of it all. The ying-yang, the fireworks.”
“Partners? More like glorified ride-along.” Joey corrects.
“Just think, you and me, close proximity at all times.” Lucifer smirks.
“Yeah, in L.A, we call that ‘stalking’.” Joey replies.
“It’s wonderful, isn’t it?” Lucifer smiles. “Uh, when do I get my own gun?”
“I wouldn’t trust you with Dev’s lightsaber.” Joey says.
“And when do I get—“ Lucifer begins, picking up Joey’s car keys.
“I’ll never let you drive.” Joey interrupts him, snatching her keys back. “If I’m gonna be forced to work with you again, I call the shots.”
“You most certainly do. Right in the leg.” Lucifer says.
“I only shot you because you told me to. In a moment of weakness, I somehow fell for your hocus-pocus and believed that you might actually be the Devil.” Joey rants, as she presses the button for the lift.
“I am the Devil.” Lucifer rolls his eyes. “Historically invincible, until now, and that’s what makes this case so exciting— real danger.” He says. “It’s the perfect opportunity to see what other mortal qualities I have.” He explains, as they step into the life together.
Joey sighs, pressing the button before facing him. “Okay, I get it— you want to feel new things.”
“Exactly.” Lucifer exclaims, before receiving a hard slap across the cheek from Joey.
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“How’s that?” Joey smirks.
“Bloody hell!” Lucifer says, cupping his cheek which was now turning red and tingling. “That hurt! Do it again.” He chuckles, as the lift doors close, the lift travelling down. “So, where to, eh? Stakeout, ambush? You know, I’m quite skilled at restraints.”
“No, I’m taking you home.” Joey tells him.
“Ooh, how did you know?” Lucifer asks.
“That I’d last ten minutes with you? I don’t know, call it a gut feeling.” Joey replies.
“Well, it’s a successful one. We’ll be right on time.” Lucifer says.
“Time? For what?” Joey asks, but Lucifer only smirks at her.
They had arrived at Lux, heading to Lucifer’s penthouse, when Benny Choi— the fashion designer— walks in. “Lucifer, my man!” Benny cheers, going in for a hug.
“Benny! Nice to see you.” Lucifer hugs him back.
“So you’re friends with Benny Choi and his blinged-out pet pig. Of course you are.” Joey sighs, looking at the pig covered in jewellery.
“Mm-hmm.” Lucifer hums.
“His name is Pig Diddy. This is my assistant Hector.” Benny tells them, pointing to the bulky guy behind him.
“Ooh, someone loves his mommy?” Lucifer teases, noticing Hector’s tattoo on his arm.
“Ex-Marine, bitch.” Hector bites back.
“Right.” Lucifer says, before turning to Joey. “Yes, Benny and I go back to the start of his very impressive career.”
“Huh, let me guess, you did him a favour.” Joey guesses.
“Lucifer helped me get my first show.” Benny nods, smiling. “He was a real inspiration. I try to reflect that in my art.”
“Any idea to who took a shot at you?” Joey asks.
“Nope.” Benny shrugs.
“No recent threats, nothing?” Joey adds.
“Look, I’m no snitch. Even if I did know, I can’t talk. I’m an artist. I process tragedy through my work.” Benny tells her.
“Would you prefer to process tragedy back at the precinct?” Joey threatens. “‘Cause I have a holding cell that could really use an artist’s touch.”
“Yes, Benny, that favour you owe me, I’m calling in my IOU.” Lucifer tells him. “Answer the detective’s questions.” He orders.
Benny hesitates. “Hector clashed with some punks in Latin Kings colours that night.” Benny reveals, glancing at Hector.
“We were at capacity, they wanted in. They were making threats, they were upset.” Hector continues.
Joey nods. “And you didn’t mention this at the crime scene because..?”
“My fans aren’t just buying shoes. They’re buying Benny Choi. Artist, activist, man of the people. You know, I wore colours back in the day. Asian Boyz. I was low level. You know, a punk. Got out before the cops even knew my name.” Benny explains.
“Ah, protecting your rep. Wouldn’t want to risk that seven-figure endorsement deal, would we?” Lucifer says.
“I didn’t talk because if a Latin King hears an ex-Asian Boy done dry-snitched him to the cops? Those thugs will retaliate on principle. I was trying to prevent more death.” Benny defends.
“Well, aren’t we the little saint?” Lucifer taunted.
“Latin Kings versus Asian Boyz. That really narrows it down. Did you get names?” Joey asks.
Benny looks at Hector. “Diego, Dani, I don’t know.” Hector shrugs. “A couple, I think. Joined at the hip.”
“Mm-hmm.” Lucifer hums, looking at Joey.
“Diego and Dani. Right.” Joey says. “You need to call me if you remember anything else.” She tells him, giving Benny her business card with her work number on it.
“Uh, yeah, I’ll call.” Benny nods reluctantly. “But be careful. Those Latin Kings about to raise hell.” He warns.
“My speciality.” Lucifer smiles, chuckling as Joey looks at him.
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Lucifer and Joey then exit Lux, making their way to Joey’s car. “Did it ever occur to you to tell me that you’re tight with Benny?” Joey asks, irritated. “That you gave one of your favours to a former gang felon?”
“Well, I’ve been giving favours for thousands of years. Would you like a peek at my ledger?” Lucifer replies.
“No, I’d like you to follow basic protocol.” Joey tells him.
“And I’d love to continue the debate on our opposing views of police work, so how about we hit the cop bar, and get dangerous with some bottom shelf, huh?” Lucifer suggests.
Joey sighs. “A girl’s dead and you want to go on a pub crawl.”
“Well, liquid courage.” Lucifer excuses. “I hear the Paddock Lounge is every new detective’s right of passage.”
“Forget it. We need to wait for an I.D on those kids. 150,000 active gang members in L.A.” Joey says. “It could take a while.”
“Oh, you’re right. No time for a quick drink, then.” Lucifer jokes.
“We’re on duty.” Joey reminds him.
“You are the oldest young person I’ve ever met!” Lucifer tells her. “And coming from an immortal, thats saying something.”
Joey steps up to him. “Look, I’m not gonna drink at a bar where everyone hates me.” She lowers her voice.
“Did you ever consider they hate you for that very reason?” Lucifer replies.
“Yeah, they hate me for several reasons.” Joey nods.
“Well, don’t let those Philistines inhibit your right to toast our first break in the case— come on!” He encourages. “It’s the least you could do. Besides, you know, I… need something to dull the pain.” Lucifer says dramatically, placing a hand on his thigh.
“Ugh, if I say yes, will you shut up about the leg?” Joey scoffs.
“No promises.” Lucifer grins, as they get into the car and drive to the bar.
Not long after, they enter the Paddock. Lucifer clears his throat, noticing people mumbling as they look at Joey. “Well, somebody’s not being crowned homecoming queen, are they?” He comments.
“Yeah, order. Please.” Joey pleads, trying to ignore the comments.
“Right.” Lucifer nods. “Uh, two of your finest swill, please, love.” Lucifer calls to the bartender.
“You got it.” The bartender replies.
“So, about this whole favour thing.” Joey begins. “What… what is it? What are you, some kind of loan shark? Con man? God father with a twist?”
Lucifer chuckles. “Surely you’ve heard the expression…” Lucifer asks, as the bartender places the shots in front of them.
“Deal with the devil?” Joey guesses, Lucifer nods, humming. “Come on, give me a break.” She scoffs.
“No, people come to me to ask for favours, and more often than not, I’m apply to oblige.” Lucifer answers.
“What do you get?” Joey asks.
“Well, sometimes, I have something in mind, but, usually, like with Benny, it’s simply to be repaid at a later date.” Lucifer explains. “A devilish IOU, if you will.”
“Who would take a deal like that.” Joey shakes her head.
“They all do.” Lucifer answers.
“Palmetto bitch.” A guy mumbles to Joey as he collects his beer from the bar.
Joey sighs, taking the shot. “Ooh, juicy! Do tell.” Lucifer smirks.
Joey sighs heavily. “That’s Anthony Paolucci. He’s partners with the guy who took a bucket in the Eastwood case— Malcolm Graham.”
“Ah, yes, the infamous Eastwood.” Lucifer gasps.
“Malcolm got shot meeting with some gangsters, and… Paolucci thinks he took the bullet like a hero; I think he was on the take.” Joey explains.
“Ahah! So you’re a snitch. A nog. No wonder nobody likes you.” Lucifer insults.
“Yeah, you’d think I was guilty of a crime.” Joey says.
“Yeah, you know what they say, snitches end up in ditches.” Lucifer reminds her.
“Oh, thanks, man.” Joey thanks, sarcastically. “I feel so much better.” She lies, Lucifer hums, thinking she’s being serious. “No, I don’t know, I just… was following my gut, I guess.” She sighs.
“Caught in the crosshairs of another man’s crime.” Lucifer acknowledges.
“I don’t need your sympathy, but thank you.” Joey replies.
“Fair enough.” Lucifer says as he stands up out of his chair. “Still, no excuse for that man’s rudeness.” He says.
“No, no, no, no, no.” Joey protests, grabbing his hand. “I can handle Paolucci. I don’t need you to stand up for me.”
“Understood.” Lucifer nods, making his way over to Paolucci and his gang. “Excuse me.” He taps him on the back. “Hello.” He smiles when he turns around.
“What do you want?” Paolucci spits.
“Well, firstly, let me state that I’m in no way standing up for my associate, Detective Anderson.” Lucifer starts, pointing at Joey who’s watching the whole thing unfold from her seat at the bar. “But on behalf of myself, and only myself, I think you’re a complete sack of ass.” Lucifer insults, before throwing a rock solid punch right in Paolucci’s jaw, sending him spinning to the ground as his mates catch him.
Joey rushes over to Lucifer. “Are you crazy? Let’s get out of here.” She says, as they leave together.
Later on in the evening, Lux was packed full of people as Lucifer occupies the piano, catching up Maze on his day “It’s fantastic, actually. The thrill of fighting humans has taken a whole new spin, now that I might get hurt. Although, sadly, the only thing broken was that incontinent troll’s nose.” Lucifer says.
“Your behaviour is foolish.” Maze comments.
“Oh, come on! You used to love danger.” Lucifer scoffs. “Since when did Hell’s favourite torturer become my mother?”
“You’re changing. Becoming vulnerable. Maybe even… mortal.” She lowers her voice. Lucifer hums in excitement. “If I’m not going to look out for you, who will? Hmm? Your pet cop?”
“That’s what partners are for.” Lucifer nods.
“Have you two been talking?” Lucifer chuckles. “Do you know, I actually don’t think it’s my mortality that you’re worried about. You’re just jealous that I’m exploring it with Detective Anderson.”
“Jealous of a mortal woman?” Maze raises her eyebrows, then lets out a scoffing laugh when Lucifer nods. “I don’t think so. But if you insist on continuing this exploration, maybe next time, I won’t be around to save your ass.” She says, angrily.
“Mm! Well, that is a shame. ‘Cause you and my backside used to get on very well.” Lucifer reminds her. “My front side as well, actually.”
“Things change, Lucifer.” Maze states.
“Yes, but you don’t, Maze.” Lucifer raises his voice slightly. “You exist to protect me. To know where I am and who I’m with at all times, whether you want to, or not.” Lucifer replies, as Maze storms off, bumping into Dan on her way.
Dan walks up to Lucifer, who stands up in surprise. “Pretty sure your name’s not on the list.” Lucifer says.
“It should be.” Dan argues. “Considering I’ve just spent the last couple of hours convincing Anthony Paolucci not to press charges.”
Lucifer laughs wryly. “Well, what if I want to press charges?”
“For what?” Dan asks.
“Stupidity.” Lucifer answers. “A drunk, on-duty cop— surely that’s a no-no. But don’t worry, I’m feeling charitable. I’ll let it slide this time.” Lucifer jokes, as Dan gets up close in his face, Lucifer lets out a sultry purr. “Is it my thanks you want, or a kiss?”
“I don’t want your thanks. Because I don’t do favours for guys like you. I did this for Joey.” Dan replies.
“Oh, stop raining on the poor woman’s parade.” Lucifer sighs. “It’s about time she got some spark in her life.” He rolls his eyes, going to walk away, before Dan grabs his wrist.
“Spark?” Dan repeats. “How about real danger? Do you have any idea how easy a gang vendetta can spiral out of control?”
“Well, I’m trying my best to find out.” Lucifer replies.
“Yeah.” Dan nods. “That’s exactly why I’m here. Joey’s one of the most important people to me, you imbecile. You want to work this case? Take care of her.” Dan tells him.
“Sir, yes, sir.” Lucifer salutes Dan, who is now satisfied, and leaves.
The next day, Joey had been sent the I.D for Diego and Dani, along with their address. “Okay, Latin King’s turf. You need to have my back on this.” Joey tells Lucifer as she pulls outside the address.
“You can count on me, Detective.” Lucifer replies.
“Alright, Dani and Diego Ramirez. Married straight out of juvie; real hotheads.” Joey tells him, unbuckling her seatbelt.
“Ooh! Do we get to kick in the door?” Lucifer asks, excited. “As your self-sacrificing partner, I volunteer to go first.”
“No, there’ll be no kicking in of anything, unless we have a warrant, or people are in immediate danger.” Joey shakes her head. “You better start taking this case seriously. If this escalates to a gang war…”
“Yes, yes, it could spiral out of control— blood could run in the streets, fire could rain down. You sound just like your lover boy.” Lucifer scoffs.
“Lover boy?” Joey questions.
“Why, Daniel, of course.” Lucifer tells her.
“What do you mean— you spoke to Dan?” Joey asks.
“Mm. He dropped by Lux. Kept rambling on about keeping you safe. Quite condescending, if you ask me.” Lucifer replies.
“What is it with the men in my life?” Joey scoffs, opening her door.
“I’m a man in your life?” Lucifer grins, as Joey steps out of the car, slamming it shut. Lucifer goes to follow, only for Joey to lock the car. “Uh, Detective, you seem to have left on the central locking!” He shouts as Joey walks past his car window.
“Act like a child, get treated like a child.” Joey calls back, walking up to the house.
“Wha…? Isn’t it illegal to leave your child locked in a car?” Lucifer argues, although Joey is already too far away.
“Diego and Dani Ramirez, LAPD!” Joey calls, knocking on the front door. “Need to ask you a few questions.” She shouts, trying to be heard over the music blasting from inside. She knocks again. “LAPD! Open up!”
Suddenly, Joey hears a frightened shriek come from the inside of the house, so she takes this as an indication of possible danger. Joey kicks open the door, entering with her gun pointing before her. The music is still blaring as she enters.
“Who the hell are you?” She hears a female shouts.
“What are you doing in my house, man?!” A male voice yells. It must be Diego and Dani, Joey thinks, as she follows the voices, walking into the room where she sees Diego and Dani lying in bed together, almost naked, as Lucifer is perched on a chair next to them, smiling.
“How the hell did you get out of the car?” Joey asks Lucifer.
“Child’s play, and good thing I did. There was immediate danger.” Lucifer replies, standing up and walking to Joey’s side. “He was about to leave this woman completely unsatisfied.” Lucifer points at Diego and refers to the scene he had walked into.
“What the—?!” Diego shouts, about to pounce on Lucifer, but is held back by Dani.
“Hey! Hey!” Joey calms him down. “Down.”
“He’s your partner?” Dani questions, shocked.
“Yeah, don’t get me started.” Joey rolls her eyes.
“Cops harass us no matter what we do!” Dani protests. “And now they’re breaking into our house! I should sue that pervert!” She looks at Lucifer.
“You have my blessing.” Joey agrees. “But first, let’s talk Benny Choi.”
“Yes, did you attempt to use him as target practice the other night?” Lucifer asks.
“That wasn’t us!” Dani denies.
“Okay, well, witnesses said they heard you making threats at the door.” Joey tells them.
“No, we— we just wanted in.” Diego clarifies. “We wanted a pair of Benny’s sweet kicks.”
“Enough to pay for them with Paola Cortez’s blood?” Lucifer interrogates.
“Paola was Diego’s cousin, okay?” Dani reveals, as Diego sighs sadly. “It’s whack what happened to her. Why do you think he’s so upset?”
Lucifer and Joey glance at each other. “I promised I’d get her in the show. There wasn’t enough room for three, so… we gave her our spot. She wanted to be a designer.” Diego explains, tears brimming in his eyes.
“Sorry, is that, is that flop sweat or is that a tear?” Lucifer asks, peering closer at Diego, realising it was in fact a tear. “That’s… oh…” Lucifer says, as Diego bursts into tears, turning to Dani for comfort, who lets him sob into her shoulder. “Oh, bloody hell. This is our bad guy? No wonder he can’t get it up.” Lucifer says to Joey.
“Look, uh… if you didn’t take a shot at Benny, then help us get justice for Paola. Tell us what you know, alright?” Joey asks, softly.
Dani and Diego look at each other, before Dani nods at Diego. Diego sits up, sniffling. “If anyone had beef with Benny Choi, it’s Yellow Viper.”
“Yellow Viper?” Lucifer questions, laughing. “Sounds like a venereal disease.”
“He got out of jail a few nights before Benny’s show.” Dani adds. “He was a big-deal graffiti artist, ran with Benny back in the day, then took the fall on some B&E: he got five and change, while Benny got rich and famous.”
“Well, it does sound like this Viper fellow has every reason to punish Benny.” Lucifer comments.
“We need to present a united front. Speculate later, not in front of them.” Joey whispers.
“Got it.” Lucifer nods. “So, Viper’s beef killed your cousin then, eh?” He asks, receiving a look from Joey. “What? That wasn’t speculation. That was statement of potential fact.”
“And if we ever run into him, he won’t have to worry about no cops.” Diego warns.
“So you’re just gonna sit around and wait for revenge?” Lucifer asks. “That’s rather lazy.”
“Okay, this is the opposite of helping.” Joey mumbles.
“What? I was promised a gang war. Instead I get a cry baby. This is boring.” Lucifer complains.
“Alright, tough.” Joey shrugs. “Right now, we need to warn Benny that his buddy Viper’s back in town.” Joey says, then looks at Diego and Dani. “My apologises for him.” She apologises, looking at Lucifer.
“Thanks ever so.” Lucifer smiles at the couple, as him and Joey turn their backs to leave, as Joey’s phone rings. “Ooh, let me guess. Anaemic sext from Sir Douche?”
“No, from Benny. Someone else is dead.” Joey replies.
“Ooh, less boring!” Lucifer cheers.
Joey and Lucifer had then gotten back into the car, driving over to Benny’s. They arrive about 10 minutes later, walking in. “Benny?” Lucifer calls.
“Some street artist.” Joey scoffs, looking around the room.
“Oh, dear.” Lucifer tuts, as he notices a pool of blood. He crouches down, touching it with his finger tips.
Joey pulls out her gun in preparation. “Crazy guess: that’s not paint.”
Lucifer licks the small amount of blood that was now on his finger. “Mm.” He says. “Definitely blood, though. But curiously, not human.” He stands back up.
Joey groans in disgust, then they hear the sound of sobbing nearby. They follow the sound of the sobs, seeing Benny. “Benny.” Joey says, as they walk over to him.
“Poor Diddy.” Benny sobs.
“This is the murder?” Joey questions, looking at the dead pig which had been covered with a small blanket.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know who else to call.” Benny apologises. “Ain’t no 911 for pets.”
“Bacon for dinner, I guess.” Lucifer jokes, peeking under the blanket. “And, my deepest condolences, Benny.” He adds.
“What happened?” Joey asks.
“Hector and I went to an opening. Came back to find…” Benny pauses. “It’s Pig Diddy.” He sighs.
“Were you aware that your old friend Yellow Viper was released from prison last week?” Lucifer mentions.
“No, I had no idea that he was out.” Benny replies, looking uncomfortable.
“No phone calls? No contact?” Joey questions.
“I sent him letters when he was inside San Quentin. Money for lawyers, too.” Benny declared. “But he sent the letter back, all torn up. Didn’t take a dime.” He explains, as Hector walks in, dressed in all white clothing as he carries a tray of candles. “I always felt bad for how things turned out. How I got lucky. Viper went down. He was my best friend—“
“Well, with friends like that, I’d hide the knives.” Lucifer interrupts.
“Yeah, Viper must’ve snuck into my show. He fired those shots. Killing Pig Diddy was a message.” Benny accuses, as Hector places the tray of candles next to Pig Diddy.
“Alright, we’ll get a squad car to watch your house tonight. Viper comes by, you’ll be safe.” Joey confirms.
“Aw, y’all don’t know him like I do. He’s fierce. He won’t stop till it’s my blood on the floor.” Benny worries.
“Thanks, Benny.” Joey sighs, as her and Lucifer begin to make their way out.
“You know, they really don’t make bad guys like they used to.” Lucifer mumbles to her.
“We need to get word to Viper’s parole officer.” Joey says, texting on her phone. “Track him down before he can get to Benny.”
“Finally, some real action. I’m more than ready to face the danger of the notorious Yellow Viper.” Lucifer says excitedly, as Joey makes a phone call.
Later in the evening, they had been told where Viper would be, so they were now walking into a community centre that was in need of a lot of work.
“I mean, seriously, a community centre?” Lucifer scoffs as they walk in. “So this is where we’ll find the deadly Yellow Viper?”
“According to his parole officer.” Joey nods.
“Oh, after five years behind bars, a brothel would be my go-to.” Lucifer says, sarcastically.
“You know, I’ve been thinking about that favour that you gave Benny.” Joey confesses, as they stop walking. “Did it also involve getting him off on the felony B&E charge that put Viper in prison instead?”
“Well, I may have pulled a few strings— why?” Lucifer asks.
“Well, if Viper hadn’t gone to prison, he wouldn’t have targeted Benny and shot up his show, which means Paola Cortez would still be alive.” Joey explains.
“Wait, you’re not seriously blaming me for that girl’s death?” Lucifer questions.
“Just stating fact.” Joey shrugs. “Cause and effect; intended or not.”
“No, no. I— I can’t be held responsible for what happens after I give someone a favour.” Lucifer argues. “I mean, if there’s one thing the Devil knows, it’s that people need to take responsibility for their own bad behaviour.”
“Yes, people do need to take responsibility for their own bad behaviour.” Joey emphasises, nodding at him.
“I just said that.” Lucifer replies, confused, as Joey walks down the stairs. “Are you hearing impaired?” He jogs after her.
Joey and Lucifer then walk into one of the large, dim rooms, seeing a man give a speech to some kids about street art. “Hm. Yellow Viper, I presume.” Joey says.
“He’s teaching art to youngsters. I mean, this bad guy thing’s gonna be all the joke now. What next— cuddles and ice cream?” Lucifer scoffs.
Yellow Viper continues speaking lowly to the kids, before he notices Lucifer and Joey. Viper saunters over to them. “Private class.” He states.
“I’m Detective Anderson. This is… never mind.” Joey dismisses Lucifer. “I need to ask you a few questions about the shooting at Benny’s fashion show.”
“You got a warrant?” Viper asks. “If not… beat it. I’m not talking to cops.” He looks the pair up and down, frowning.
“Ooh, do you have something to hide, Mr. Viper?” Lucifer asks. “Or do you go by Yellow?”
“Oh, you think I’m gonna let you bust my balls in front of these kids?” Viper replies, stepping closer to Lucifer. “Arrest me, or step off.”
Joey holds her hands in the air, as Viper walks back to the group of kids. “Ooh, charming.” Lucifer mumbles to Joey.
“Well, he’s right. He doesn’t have to talk to us.” Joey shrugs.
“He really seems to care about those kids.” Lucifer observes, watching him interact with them. “It’s odd for a criminal. Or anyone, really.”
“You know, if you spent as much time appealing to suspects as you do annoying me, things might go a lot faster.” Joey says, as they both turn around as they hear cars approaching.
The cars screech into the building, hip-hop music blaring from their speakers. Joey and Lucifer are positioned in the middle of the cars, and the people piling out of them, and the group of kids with Viper.
As the new guests get out of their cars, Dani happens to step out, noticing Joey and Lucifer. “Our lucky day.” She says. “Viper and the perv.” Dani looks at Lucifer.
“Bravo, crybaby. This is a bold move, isn’t it?” Lucifer greeted, watching as Diego and Dani, and the rest of their gang pull out their guns.
“Come on, turn around.” Joey orders. “If you walk away now, no one has to get arrested. No one has to get hurt—“
“Yeah, they do. Viper killed my cousin.” Diego interrupts, shouting at Viper. “I’m here to get justice!”
“As you should.” Lucifer agrees.
“Are you insane? Shut up.” Joey scolds.
“What?” Lucifer replies.
“Please, I promise we’re dealing with this.” Joey tries to convince them to step down.
“You and your perv partner want to get caught in the crossfire, cop, be my guest.” Dani shouts, as they all cock their guns.
Joey holds her hands up, as Viper stands in front of all the kids, protecting them. “Enough danger for you yet?” Joey mumbles to Lucifer.
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Lucifer looks from the gang of guns to behind him, where Viper is looking concerned for the kids safety, spreading his arms out in attempt to cover them all. “Right.” Lucifer gulps.
“This ain’t about you, it’s about Viper!” Diego says.
“Hey, now if you’d just give me that gun I’d asked for—“ Lucifer begins, talking lowly to Joey.
“Stop talking.” Joey interjected.
“Okay.” Lucifer obeys.
“Diego?” Joey calls, catching his attention. “Diego, put down your weapon. Don’t listen to her. This isn’t what you want.”
“Taking down Viper is exactly what he wants.” Dani argues. “We’re doing it for Paola! Step off!” She shouts, but Lucifer does the opposite, taking a step forward. “I said step off!” Dani yells.
“You know, as Master of Punishment, I completely understand your desire to make Viper pay for the tragic death of your cousin…” Lucifer agrees, now only a step or two away from Dani and her gang.
“Lucifer, you do remember that bullets hurt, right?” Joey reminds him.
Lucifer simply turns to glance Joey, widening his eyes and raising his eyebrows. “And furthermore,” he turns back to Dani, with his hands behind his back, as he signals to Joey to get Viper and the kids out. “You do seem to have this danger thing down pat, don’t you.” Lucifer chuckles, as Joey makes the connection. “I mean, the Devil could learn a thing or do.”
Whilst Lucifer is distracting them, Joey slowly turns around slightly, her hands still in the air, as she locks eyes with Viper.
“The Devil? The hell you talking about?” Dani shouts, confused.
“So, answer me this: so, you engage in turf wars, yet nobody actually owns any turf?” Lucifer asks, as Joey raises her eyebrows at Viper, glancing at the exit. Viper carefully begins stepping back slowly, the kids moving with him
“Get back, freak!” Diego shouts. “Alright, let’s finish this.”
“And— and those trousers. I mean, you wear them so low that, well, your ass is exposed to other naughty men, and we all know what kind of danger that can bring, don’t we? I mean, you can park your bike in there.” Lucifer continues, as Viper and the kids escape successfully out the back.
“You making fun of his pants, yo?” Dani shouts.
“Well, are we talking pants or trousers? Because it’s very confusing.” Lucifer replies, before Dani looks over past Lucifer’s shoulder, past Joey— who’s back to her original position— and realises Viper is now where to be seen.
“Where’d he go?” Dani asks, frustrated.
Lucifer looks behind him, then back to Dani and the gang. “Oh, dear.”
“Don’t matter. I’ll kill you first.” Diego threatens, pointing his gun at Lucifer.
Suddenly, all of the lights go out, leaving everyone in complete darkness and confusion. Joey takes this as her opportunity to prevent her or Lucifer from getting hurt, and steps forward, grabbing Lucifer by his shirt, diving to the ground with him. Joey lands right on top of him in a very compromising position.
“You had your hero moment— stay down, or you’re gonna get shot.” Joey tells him sternly, pinning him to the floor.
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“Indeed.” Lucifer smirks at her dominance and their position.
Joey slowly and quietly got off Lucifer, crouching down behind the metal stair case they’d landed next to. Lucifer dusted himself off slightly, then crouches next to her, as they begin watching each of the gang members get taken out one by one by someone. “What the hell is happening?” Joey asks, confused, but thankful.
“Maze is happening.” Lucifer realises, smirking proudly.
“Your bartender’s a ninja? Of course she is.” Joey scoffs.
“Yeah.” Lucifer nods, as they watch Maze beat them all up very passionately. “Shattered tibia.” Lucifer commentates. “Ooh, ouch— orbital fracture. It was first perfected in the hellfires of Tyre.” Lucifer grins, watching her. “Ooh, the humerus crush! Love that, Maze!” He laughs.
Maze had gotten through the entire gang, except for Dani. Joey, impulsively decided she wanted in on the action, so stood up, punching Dani right in the face. Dani falls to the ground, groaning. “Oh, bravo, detective.” Lucifer applauds, smirking.
“Ass saved.” Maze states, stepping over all the groaning bodies on the floor. “You’re welcome.” She says, walking through the gap between Joey and Lucifer. “His ass, not yours.” She clarifies to Joey as she leaves.
Later on, Joey had called the team down to arrest everyone. Dan had arrived, walking up to her. “Care to tell me what happened?” Dan asks.
Joey sighs. “You wouldn’t believe me if I did.”
Dan then holds up a gun in an evidence bag. “They found a gun in Viper’s bag.” He tells her.
“It’s a .38.” Joey notices. “Same caliber fired at Benny’s show.”
Dan nods hesitantly. “Um..”
“What?” Joey questions, worried.
“You should know something.” Dan states.
“Okay.” Joey nods, folding her arms.
“I talked to Lucifer about you the other day.” Dan admits.
“Yeah. I heard.” Joey nods.
“I mean, not that it got me anywhere. If anyone can handle themselves around that whack job, it’s you.” Dan chuckles. “And, hey, it looks like, uh… you got the bad guy.” He smirks, before walking off.
“Yeah.” Joey nods, unsurely. “Looks like.” She watches Viper get handcuffed.
Joey had walked over to the police car Viper had been put in, which also happened to be where Lucifer was leaning against the wall. Lucifer walks up to her. “What, no thank you?” Lucifer asks. “Well, I don’t know why you’re upset. I helped save kids. And we arrested our shooter.” Lucifer glances at Viper through the car window. “One might say I did you a favour.”
“Hmm.” Joey nods. “Yeah, I think I just figured it out, why you do these favours.”
“Oh, really?” Lucifer smiles.
“Mm-hmm. It’s about power. Makes you feel superior. In control. You’re addicted to creating chaos and seeing where the chips fall, to hell with the consequences.” Joey analyses, annoyed. Lucifer scoffs. “It’s like you have some kind of God complex.”
Lucifer’s smile fades. “I most certainly do not.”
“You do a favour for one person, someone else suffers. When you gave Benny that favour, you damned Viper to prison. Twice. Whether he’s guilty or not.” Joey states, as she opens the car door, sitting in the driver’s seat.
Joey and Lucifer are then driving Viper to the station. Viper sighs deeply from the backseat. Joey notices Lucifer smiling at her. “What?” She looks at him. “Stop staring.”
“You’re having another one of those ‘gut feelings,’ aren’t you? Like you had on the Eastwood case.” Lucifer smirks.
“This has nothing to do with Eastwood.” Joey replies.
“Au contraire. I think it had everything to do with it.” Lucifer disagrees.
“See? Addicted to creating chaos, talking out of your ass…” Joey trails off.
“Like I said: you were trusting your instincts on that case, just like you’re trusting them now.” Lucifer cross-examined. “I mean, why would a seasoned parolee bring a gun to a children’s art class? For all we know, Mr. Viper is innocent.”
“I am innocent, man!” Viper protests from the back.
“See.” Lucifer shrugs.
“What do you know? Our suspect has ears.” Joey replies, dryly.
“Let’s see if he has a conscience, as well, shall we?” Lucifer smirks, turning to face Viper. “Mr. Viper.” Lucifer calls, but Viper doesn’t look at him. “Mr. Viper…” he sings, Viper reluctantly looking at Lucifer. “Hello.” Lucifer smiles. “You’ve already wasted so much of your life. What do you desire to do with the rest of your time on earth?”
“All I want to do is my art.” Viper answers. “I swear I didn’t shoot up Benny’s show. If I hated him so much, why would I bother to go after him and miss?”
“Oh.” Lucifer says, spinning back in his seat. “Yes, he’s got a point, actually. I mean, to pop off in a crowd like that and not hit anyone, he’d have to be the worst shot in the world.”
“Or the best.” Joey realises, then turns the steering wheel round aggressively, tires screeching.
“Steady on, Detective.” Lucifer says, as he almost gets thrown out of his seat.
Joey and Lucifer had gone back to Benny’s, and he was in the middle of showing Lucifer a new piece. “It’s my Pig Diddy piece. Collector in Dubai offered me 150 G’s for it. I want you to have it.” He smiles at Lucifer, as Hector uncovers the art piece. “As thanks for saving my life, again.”
Lucifer exhales. “Yes, my favour really did pay off for you, didn’t it, Benny?” Lucifer nods. “You’re a huge stare.” He laughs. “But if there’s anything the Devil abhors, it’s a fake.”
“What are you talking about? I’m all about authenticity.” Benny claims.
“Sure. Except for the lying.” Lucifer challenges. “You failed to inform me that in getting you off the B&E charge, suspicion would immediately fall on your best friend.”
“I had no control over that.” Benny replies.
“Didn’t you?” Viper says, as he walks in, Joey behind him.
“Oh…” Benny says awkwardly. “Hey, it’s good to see you, man, I miss you, bro.”
“That’s why you never came to visit me in prison?” Viper questions, as Joey walks over to stand next to Lucifer.
“I wish I could’ve done more.” Benny sighs.
“Well, framing him for shooting up your fashion show surely didn’t help.” Lucifer interrupts.
“Viper was always the real talent. When you heard he was getting released, you tried to take down the competition before he could take down you.” Joey accuses, Benny scoffing. “Planned a simple frame job. Parole violation that would send Viper back to prison.”
“But when Paola Cortez died, you had to improvise, didn’t you?” Lucifer continues.
“‘Cause you know pointing the fingers at Latin Kings would eventually get back to me.” Viper joins in, stepping closer to Benny.
“How the hell could I have staged that frame job? How could I have pointed a gun at myself?” Benny argues.
“Because you didn’t pull the trigger.” Joey answers.
“So many bullets fired into that crowd. How did no one get hit?” Lucifer asks, then looks at Hector. “That takes precision.”
“I saw your Marine tattoo when I met you, Hector. A heart in crosshairs. Sniper unit. Best marksmen in the world.” Joey reveals, as Hector looks down at his tattoo. “Did you know firing a gun into a crowd is a felony? You’re responsible for Paola’s murder.”
“Unless, of course, you were just doing someone a favour.” Lucifer suggests, looking at Benny.
“No, man. Hey…” Benny begins, looking a Hector.
“Benny made me do it! I’ll testify, man.” Hector interrupts Benny, pointing his finger at him. “He told me he’d make me a partner. But then he made me plant the gun on Viper. And kill Pig Diddy.” Hector exposes, tearing up. “I loved that pig, man.” Hector sobs.
“Oh…” Lucifer pouts. “Well, the good news is the whilst all dogs go to Heaven, you’d be surprised how many pigs are waiting for you in Hell.” Lucifer tells him, as Joey handcuffs Hector.
“Okay, let’s go.” Joey says.
“You were never as good as me, man.” Benny announces, shoving Viper in the chest. “You were never as good as me. Never!” He shouts.
“What? Do it!” Viper shouts back, encouraging Benny.
“I don’t think so, Sonny G.” Lucifer interferes, grabbing Benny by his collar, throwing him through his painting. “Not on my watch.” Lucifer then looks at Benny who’s lying through the now broken painting. “Hm. Now, I’m no expert on L.A street art, but it’s funny… this piece seems a lot more authentic to me now. I think I’ll keep it.” He smirks, before flashing his devil face at Benny, who screams in horror.
Later on that evening, Lucifer and Joey attended the shrine donation for Paola Cortez, where heaps of people were placing flowers and such for her. They watch as Olivia speaks to the reporters, shedding a couple of tears for emotional effect.
“You know, I’d love to make that woman cry for real.” Lucifer mumbles to Joey, smirking.
“She’s gonna be chief of police because of you.” Joey sighs, as Lucifer hums. “I don’t know how you do it.”
“Oh, I simply made good on a favour.” Lucifer answers.
“Aren’t you the little saint?” Joey teases.
“Oh, no, no, no. This time, I called in my IOU.” Lucifer replies. “Olivia got what she wanted, and I got what I wanted.”
“Oh, don’t say it.” Joey scoffs, realising what his IOU must’ve been. “Come on, don’t say it.”
“I am now an official civilian consultant for the LAPD.” Lucifer announces, proudly. “Not that there’s anything civil about the Devil. What fun would that be?”
Joey pauses, looking at him. “Okay, then.” She nods. “You win, we’re partners.”
“What, you’re not going to protest?” Lucifer questions, looking her up and down.
“Actually, no. I may have no idea what your angle is, but… at least now I can keep my eye on you.” Joey replies, smiling. “Keep your enemies close, right?”
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“Close?” Lucifer smirks. “So, does this mean you’re gonna take me home and consummate our new arrangement, then, Detective?” Lucifer flirts, as Joey giggles, leaning dangerously close to Lucifer’s lips, sighing, before smirking and going to get in the car. “Oh! I’ll take that as a yes.” He smirks, walking around the car to get in his side.
Lucifer tugs at the door handle, only to realise Joey has locked it… again. “Seriously?” He knocks on the window. “What, you’re just gonna leave me here? In this part of town?”
“You said you wanted danger.” Joey reminds him, starting the car.
“Detective! Detective!” Lucifer calls, but Joey drives off. “I don’t even have a phone!” He shouts. “Ah, well, that’s just marvellous, isn’t it?” He sighs to himself.
Later on, Lucifer had eventually made his way back to Lux, and was speaking with Maze at the bar whilst people enjoyed themselves clubbing. “Humanity tested, homicide solved, gangbanger attire dissected… although, that one I still have questions about. Anyway, cheers. To you, Maze, for saving my mortalised ass.” Lucifer raises his glass of whiskey, about to take a sip.
Maze takes the glass out of his hand. “Cheers.” She says, taking the sip for herself.
“Yes, you may have a point about the dangers of becoming mortal. There are consequences. I need to be careful.” Lucifer comments.
“Yes, you do.” Maze agrees.
“Yes, after all, I almost got our pet detective killed.” Lucifer continues, as they both laugh. “Oh, Mazie… I know that you’ll always protect me. No matter how mortal I become, the Devil can depend on that.”
“Yes, you can. Whatever the danger, I’ll be there to stop it.” Maze assures him, Lucifer chuckles. “Whether you see it coming or not.”
“That’s my Maze.” Lucifer smirks, leaning forward, Maze expecting a kiss, but Lucifer simply takes the glass from her, walking away.
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