#like he didnt really have anything to say but we just talked about my dog and we kind of repeated stuf but ughh
disarminglybright · 1 year
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moon-0f-m4rs · 19 days
Mercs with a borrower friendo :3
(this is my 1st time writing anything so ummmmm...... hiii)
Yaps, yaps and yaps more,, and ya gotta bear it. Like, whenever he was annoying anyone else in the team, they'd just walk away or get him to get away. But now,, cant do nothing about it. At first he definitely took advantage of it, but over time i feel like he'd pay a bit more mind to not being too insufferable. Also, therapy sessions every now nd then. Man needs a bit comfort even if he can't admit it. Hes not that bad when it comes to handling, can be gentle, but also sometimes can get a bit too careless. Oh but he teases alot, alooot. Would get u snacks, but never try bonk..... u'll explode 😓😓
Before even getting found out by him, you had to have a tiny american flag in ur bag whenever you went out. If you didnt, this guy wouldnt adopt you as THE AMERICAN BORROWER YOU ARE!!! And since, say, you did.......... best dad ever. 10/10. Well i mean,, accidents happen quite some timesss.. (racoons.. or his idiocy) He keeps an eye on ya tho, 24/7. Also, youre probably his only voice of good sense that could shush him down whenever he gets a bit dum dum, thats appreciated by everyone.
Dress ups, tea parties and some arson on the side since he provides u matches. At first he was way too curious about you to be gentle, but over time he learnt to be carefull. Likes touchin u, prodding and tapping and stuff. Keeps him aware ur real and not am image in his head. He would definitely make crafts for u, like just minature sized objects or something like that. Would get really attached, so, you get scary dog privilege :3
Wee lil' friend you are hes rather fond of. Hes caring and protective all the time. When he gets sloshed, he just becomes grabby, clingy nd loud. At times, just cuz hes used to do so, tries to get you to drink sum with him (if you're an adult ofc). This guy stuffs pepole up with granades on a daily, but would never hurt someone smaller than himself. Sometimes u gotta remind him to be quieter, but tbh, if youre living next to an everyday battlefield, your ears should be well used to it by now.
A presence he doesn't rrly mind. When hes not in battle hes a quiet man, just going through his day, so having a tiny bud on the shoulder is no issue. He'd be pretty scared of handling said bud tho, ees hard to be careful when being beeg man. But you can always just stay in the pocket or as i said already, shoulder. Guaranteed food around him too. Heavy does not mind sharing sandvich with leetle leetle friend.
Workshop assistant :D Every borrower must know how to make tools, atleast the basics, and i feel like he'd be amused by these but in a positive way. He would definitely make tiny functioning thingys for ya. And now if we dont care about the amount of noise, a small wrangler to you and you can shoot with his sentry meanwhile hes occupied with something else on the battlefield. Super fun and caring guy, one of the few that know what personal space means tbh.
Rather antisocial typa guy, so if you're around him then its either just sitting in silence or a small talk about either his job or whatever you have to offer. I also dont feel like he'd be overly touchy in any situation. He sometimes can offer you resting somewhere on him; hat, shoulder, pocket, whatever you like. But thats for whenever he's not sniping. He'd rather not get startled by a move and miss the shot.
It all.. ALL depends on how he found you, what mood he had and overall what was his first thought he had about you. And if it was all somewhat positive, then another assistant you are. He could get a full review of how it is when inside of a human body from u!!!! fun ain't it? :D He wouldnt really go out his way to be careful, at first at least. Later on he might give some respect, if you prove yourself to be productive and entertaining that is. Archimedes would definitely be interested in you, taking you as their own.
He wouldnt be too invested in you, maybe sometimes taking you on the battlefield as a extra set of eyes or something. Also it would be a pain to even spend time with him since his smoke room would be a literal gas chamber. But maybe he'd let you just ride along in some pocket, as long as you kept it clean, and just.. do spy duties idk. Maybe if he got you some of your own mini gadgets then mini spy???? hhhmmmm??? im outta ideas for him idk
hon hon france
uuhhh... yea (this took me like 2 weeks my god)
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🍕to find this later
Aita: i called the pizza my husband was eating nasty
For some context, this will seem random but it may factor into emotions right now
My husbands best friend just moved in with us 3 days ago
My mother in laws dog was diagnosed with cancer today, and will be put down tomorrow. Everyone is very heartbroken
We were in the car after getting some groceries and my husband mentioned he was thinking of picking up pizza since he knows no one has eaten much today and definitely wont feel like cooking
I dont like pizza much, i especially dont like little caesers, im very very open about this and always have been. If im ever given a choice i never choose little caesers, but if i am hungry enough ill eat a slice or two.
We all have really dark senses of humor and often poke fun of each other and of each other's interests and laugh it off no big deal. We do this daily
So I'm sitting in the bedroom playing games, my husband and his best friend are hanging out in the living room. My husband comes over to the bedroom and says hey Im going to pick up pizza Ill be right back
Time passes and the pizza comes and everyone goes and sits at the dining room table to eat. Theres three boxes, two different types of pizza, my husbands favorite, stuffed crust, and my usual favorite thin crust. Everyones talking and I don't remember exactly what was said but my husband mentions something about thin crust my favorite or something like that. I say something like "actually with little ceasers i prefer the normal pizza the thin crust doesnt have much sauce and i like the sauce". I finish eating and get on to my handheld console and keep playing my game, half paying attention to the conversation. At some point, I honestly don't remember at all what I said or what was being said, but I remember vaguely my husband saying the box they got is "normal pizza" and i said no its not his is stuffed crust which is nasty. I was being playful, i dont like pizza to begin with, i like the crust even less, and stuffed crust just really really isnt my thing.
A few minutes later i notice my phone has a notification, i look to see a text from my husband saying I was being rude because his friend paid for the food.
I was at first extremely confused, was me playing games at the table rude? They were using their phones while eating and talking so i didnt think so. Was it because i said i didnt like the thin crust? At this point i genuinely dont remember saying the stuffed crust is nasty and dont understand what i did wrong. I text him back asking what he was talking about and he says that i called the food nasty. I thought about it and vaguely recall saying it Playfully but again i was paying attention to my game and not so much to what was being said so i dont even remember for sure.
I got really upset and kind of mad, I had just been joking and i never say ugly things to people ever so it hurt that he assumed i ment the worst.
Even then there had been absolutely no way for me to know his friend bought it. He told me he was thinking of buying pizza then he said he was going to pick it up. Plus it happened to be my and his favorite pizzas so it seemed like he picked them. I had been in a different room there was no way i could of known what they planned or who paid or anything.
Plus whenever he buys or cooks food i always tell him his is gross or nasty or w/e Playfully. And he calls my food gross too. We joke like this all the time.
And even still, weve been together for three years and weve known each other longer than that. He knows i dont like pizza. He knows i dont like crusts. Its not a strange thing for me to be vocal about it. In faxt itd be strange if i didnt because like ive mentioned we Always poke fun of each other's foods and of each other.
And maybe this is just a me thing but. I dont feel like its rude to call something like little caesers nasty, especially around people who know i dont like it? Itd be one thing if it was a strangers cooking id say something polite like "i dont think its for me" or just say it was good if i wont see them again. Or if i was at someone's house and they bought pizza for everyone. But for all intents and purposes it seemed like my husband bought it and, i cant stress enough how normal it is for us to pick fun at each others foods. He makes fun of my subway order all the time. I always call little caesers gross.
I dont know if feelings are just tense because the beloved family pet passed
Or if he's feeling extra defensive of his friend since he just barely moved in
Or if im in the wrong entirely for being upset and it actually is highly rude of me. Though. I genuinely dont understand since we make fun of each others food all the time. So if i am the asshole can people please try to explain why because i genuinely dont understand what made this different to him saying the black olives on my subway are gross. Or me normally saying little caesers is gross. Like i really dont get whats different so id really appreciate an explanation
What are these acronyms?
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on an outsiders kick so heres the main gang as things me and my friends have said
Soda: Your wish is my command. Be gay forever
Steve: I'm still straight but I'd fuck you now
Soda: Not that gay
Darry: I dont really like you. Why are you always hanging around?
Dally: I ask myself the same thing every single day
Pony: I know we're supposed to be saying embarrassing things about ourselves but before we talk about me i'm really upset Two-Bit didnt mention the fact that he was in love with thomas the train
Two-Bit: i watched ONE episode when i was FIVE go fuck yourself
Pony: You have a shrine by your bed
Two-Bit: irrelevant
Johnny: I'm not really scared of anything, no
Johnny: but cats freak me out. and so do dogs, sometimes, but mainly cats. and especially ducks. oh, and needles, and doctors in general. also loud noises, sharp objects near me, any sort of projectile, and stoves. but like, thats not that many things
Dally: I understand so much about you now
Pony: I'm going to write a novel and all of you are gonna have characters based off you. Any questions about it?
Two-Bit: Am I hot?
Pony: No. Next question
Darry: Am I going to regret reading this?
Pony: For sure. Next.
Johnny: Please dont make me a crybaby
Pony: You shouldnt read this. Next
Steve: Can me and Soda date?
Pony: You already are. Next
Soda: Can me and Steve not date?
Pony: Too late. You know you love him. Next
Dally: You're going to make my character really deep, arent you?
Pony: Possibly. Havent decided yet. Anything else?
Johnny: Is Dally as hot in the book as he really is?
Pony: I'll no longer be taking questions because I'm extremely uncomfortable, but on second thought, you might really like this book
Two-Bit, upon walking in on Steve and Soda cuddling: I leave for FIVE minutes and i'm left out of fucking everything. all the fucking time. i hate everyone in this house
Steve: Do you want to lay with us?
Soda: Yeah, come lay with us
Two-Bit, practically dropping himself on them: I'm still mad at you
Dally: For some reason Ponyboy is really obsessed with the idea of me being really soft inside and just not showing it so I dont get hurt. I think he wants me to be narrative foils with our other friend too
Dally: How do i tell him i'd change the narrative doom him if i could and feel no remorse without crushing that hope in him
Pony: I like to think its a secret but me and everyone around me knows im writing a slowburn, hes only soft to him trope, slight enemies to lovers fanfiction about Johnny and Dally in my head
Dally: the term fanfiction implies i have fans
Johnny: i'm a fan of you
Pony, whispering: they practically write it themselves
Dally: Here, i stole this. dont ask questions, just take it
Darry, taking the sleeping pigeon that Dally just handed him with a mildly horrified expression: where did you get this?
Dally: i told you i'd bring back souvenirs from my field trip. no more questions
Johnny: Not many people like me.
Johnny: its probably because im kind of a pussy, but i like to tell myself its because i'm annoying because at least then im not calling myself a pussy
Dally: Wait, wait. Who doesnt like you?
Johnny: Huh? Why does it matter?
Dally: No reason. Just, like, give me an example
Pony, in the kitchen and hears all of this: *puts the knives in the cabinet where Dally wont look for them* I dont really want to have to bail anyone out again
Soda, to Darry: I think Steve is kind of in love with me, but I really dont want to have to break it to him that I dont feel the same
Steve, with Soda in his lap: *stops playing with Sodas hair* What?
Soda: Nothing, baby, you're fine
Darry: I will never understand you
yes, one of my friends did bring a live pigeon back from a field trip. it slept a lot, and we'd hold him all the time while he slept and he'd stay asleep when we passed him around because we had to move. i hope he wasnt sick and is doing okay
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i swear to fucking god im not a hater but if i see another fucking badly-made thumbnail boring neurotypical straight guy with lame monotone voice talking over buncha mfb clips video of the worst metal fight beyblade takes ive ever seen with the unfunniest jokes im gonna rearrange the DNA sequence of the closest person to me to that of a Doto greenamyeri nudibranch because i swear to god just shut the fuck up.
how the fuck do you meatheads base how much you like a character over powerscaling and win ratio. would you prefer a wild bear over your own mother because the bear is stronger than her? thats how you fuckin sound like. i gotta rant this shit out because i had enough if i hear another fucking "ryūga da goat🥶🐐" "beyblade really is that serious🤣" "This show is so acoustic😵" "did you know that moses split the sea with a be-" WE FUCKING KNOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS AT THIS POINT. ALSO IF YOU DEADASS USE AUTISM AS AN INSULT LET ALONE USE THE WORD ACOUSTIC OR ARTISTIC FOR IT STAY 7 KILOMETERS AWAY FROM ME AND ALSO DONT WATCH METAL FIGHT BEYBLADE EVERYONE IS GAY AND AUTISTIC YOU KNOW WHY⁉️ which cishet neurotypical out there makin spinning tops fight with neon green or blue whateverthefuck hair half the cast looks like they been hiding in closet before their debut episode.
PRIME example of these bad takes is , because of powerscaling again the hate on masamune ? i thought people hated him because they thought he was annoying (like how i did when i first watched it when i was little) (FOUR YRS OLD) and like id get that as in he talks alot or whatever but people hate him because. fucking. "he has a low win ratio and claims to be the number one blader" BITCH THATS A 15 YR OLD. or like around that age somewhere you get the point. so what if the taco doritos colour palette guy a little confident in himself bitch you hate fun you hate sillyness. people also use him as like a tool to praise kenta? constantly i see takes like "kenta is like masamune if masamune didnt suck" or something as in they both try to rise to the top and get stronger but one of them doesnt talk shit like did you know you can praise a character without putting down the other one motherfucker. another one is "masamune isnt a legendary blader because he talks shit but cant actually back it up" Hey my brother in Allah lets play a little game. which one of the fucking legendary bladers talks big about himself. you have ten seconds. 10...9...8....KING. KING IS RIGHT THERE .
also saw someone say damian shouldve been a legendary blader⁉️⁉️mf that boy was on rearrangement stereoids the effects of that wouldve already worn off by the time of metal fury how does that even WORKK😭😭 he was probably off with 3 big fucking pet dogs to eat custard pudding or sumn idk .Ryūga dickriding has been a thing for for ever but right now for some reason people decided they didnt talk about that guy enough. theres so many videos on him guys there are other characters to talk about i can write a three billion word essay on damian but i dont think i can say anything about ryūga that hasnt been said at this point. also the people who claim hes alive BECAUSE hes alive in the manga is crazy like yall cant see those as two different universes? im not saying wether if i think hes alive or not this isnt about that dont miss the point. i wanted to make text posts about mfb for forever but i was embarrased for god knows why so i just posted my mfb fanart on my main but i cant take it anymore (eatina burger with no honey mustard) must speak this time im afraid
also sorry if this is hard to read im not good at ending sentences where i should punctuation jumpscare. powerscaling mfs will hear u say u like a character like for example tsubasa or sumn and immediately bring up ryūga like shut the fuck up this shit happened on twitter i dont even use twitter i opened the app for 000.1 seconds. you just jelaous ryūga will never serve like did mf also im not a ryūga hater anyways i reached the character limit fuck
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hiiii mackerellll my brains also bad soup rn soup brain solidarity BUT nhw.... winters family torment nexus..... i did have a question for u actually. currently wading around in the tranches (early game nhw) n i wanna write them doing silly like teen traumatized child soldier shit like playing truth or dare or shit like that... what do u think their two truths & a lie would b? also like. do u have any thoughts on their civilian life. when they are Not on the job or fighting extinction level threats or having panic attacks at school. u know. that 10% <333
ALSO. NHW WAVELENGTH..... do u have any thoughts on him. my only secret backstory caveat is that he has to have the fucking worst shit nightmare rube goldberg machine luck of all time. third & final question im just curious was danny phantom vivisection real & canon or just like a Thing??????
ok im going to start with the danny phantom question bc im dyinggg to talk about this. pun intended. also this is my equivalent of rent-lowering gunshots. if u cannot deal with my dp posting u do not deserve my pd posting etc etc etc !!!
THE ANSWER IS. BOTH YES AND NO. it never Actually Happens but it is talked about!!!!!!! the whole thing is like. dannys parents are ghost hunters and dont know about his powers so theres a lot of him like. overhearing talking about them dissecting ghosts and experimenting on ghosts and such. not knowing that he is one!!! prime territory for somes angsty ass fics. however i am of the small minority that doesnt actually think the fentons are monsters apparently. they dont know!! how could they know!!!!! theyre scientists!!! do you know how much scientists casually talk about dissecting things!! its a lot!!! also theres been a few different instances of them finding out about dannys powers (almost always retconned by time/memory shenanigans but its fine) and EVERY TIME THEYRE SO SUPPORTIVE OF HIM. AND THEY TELL HIM THEY LOVE HIM REGARDLESS. AND IN ONE CASE THEY EVEN APOLOGIZE FOR SAYING THOSE THINGS AROUND HIM BC THEY DIDNT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway. anyway. i digress bc i love the fentons. anyway! there are so many. SO MANY fucking fanfictions out there of danny getting dissected/vivisected. so many in fact that its one of the things the fandom is best known for by outsiders. enough that there was literally a FANDOM-WIDE DEBATE about whether to call it dissection or vivisection because dannys status as alive/dead is so unclear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao!!!!!!!!! worlds most fucked up fanbase i love it here
putting the nhw stuff under a cut. subjecting my followers to my dp ramble bc fuck you!!!!!! read about my ghost boy first
OK I AM SOOOO FUCKING BAD AT TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE. IM SO BAD AT IT I CAN NEVER THINK OF ANYTHING. so instead i am just going to think of fun facts about them. so actually im gonna kill two birds wiht one stone here and answer both of ur questions abt them. here we go !!!
i think it would be REALLY funny if william is the only one with a drivers license bc he grew up in Not The City (just because he has a license doesnt mean hes GOOD). dakota is lactose intolerant but chooses to be in stubborn denial about it (he canonically doesnt like ice cream!). virion, despite being compared to a cat so often, is allergic to cats. speaking of animals, william likes animals but animals DO NOT like him!! on the other hand animals absolutely love dakota he is friends with every stray dog and cat in the whole city. virion was homeschooled by his parents/the greats. virion also doesnt know much about anything in regards to pop culture/general everyday civilian life? because he was never completely removed from the cape world at any time growing up. no non-cape adults in his life. so he and william still have their movie nights where william introduces him to shitty b-movies hehehe. dakota tries to get him into more Normal movies like. disney or ghibli or whatever but virion likes the shitty ones more. ASSIGNING THEM FAVORITE GHIBLI MOVIES WHILE IM AT IT. this is not which ones i think theyre the most like, just the ones i think are their favorties. dakota likes ponyo, william likes howls moving castle, virion likes princess mononoke, ashe likes spirited away . dont ask me why. UHHH FAVORITE PLACES TO HANG OUT OUTSIDE OF THE BASE/HOUSE. dodgeboy memorial library. lightspeed hangs out there and they like her <3. antonios pizza. he lets them loiter bc they always tip really well. william likes going to the park because he has chronic Grew Up In The Woods disease and needs outdoor time or else he'll go crazy. hes not used to city life. dakota likes the park bc there are lots of little animals there and he can Run Around, virion doesnt like the park as much bc its a lot of Vulnerable Open Spaces and those make him nervous. speaking of which in my head ive grown so attached to the idea of him being so hypervigilant at all times. look at him ive given him anxiety!!! just like. the insane betrayal losing every important figure in his life immediately leading into a life basically on the streets alone picking fights with other capes led to . idk man i keep thinking about it like sleeping in shifts but its impossible to do that with only one person!!!!!!!! do u know what i mean!!!! basically translating the "growing up on fauna where everything wants to kill you" energy into this setting. HMMMMMM. I THINK THATS IT. THATS ALL I CAN THINK OF RN . SORRY FOR THE BLOCK OF TEXT
ohhhhhhh god. oh god oh fuck. i literally Have Not Thought about nhw mark yet like AT ALL only bc i know if i do ill get so sick about it. worlds most suffering man ever he is losing everything!!!!!! ok bc im thinking about lizard stuff tonight im going to answer your question with a question. we;ve kind of sort of talked about the existence of harttawa in relation to overlord and cauldron does he still get fucked up lizard mutations!!!!!! ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS POWERSET. i have a lot of feelings abt him being at least partially a tinker. i think before u also called him a striker (maybe? am i remembering that right) i dont think i know strikers yet what does that one mean. WHAT WAS HIS TRIGGER EVENT. OR IS HE A CAULDRON CAPE. SHAKING YOU. I KNOW I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS BUT. I NEED 2 GET TO THE WORM SECTION WHERE I GET TO LEARN ABOUT NHW ASHE SO BAD. actually i didnt get to read any worm this weekend so im gonna stay up a Little later just to get past this section where theyrre fighting the dragon suits. ouagh EXCITED.
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asexualzoro · 10 months
it's december 9th, meaning today is my 23rd birthday (which is my favorite number!), which means it's time for...
Lew Writes Wrapped 2023!!!
im including anything that happened after my last bday, so we have some works from december as well. this one's a bit of a weird one for the total word count, you'll see why
it's all treebark from my sideblog / alt ao3. i cannot change. i will not change. for these im just gonna specify the relationship that's the main focus bc thats easier than fandom bc all but like one are third life
dandelion wishing
(Dec, 2.4k, treebark, oneshot) (link)
op movie 6 au for dogwarts in which Martyn is the baron and Ren doesn't know he's dead
id actually plotted out a whole third life au for this movie like months prior and really wanted to write it, so i took it for treebark week and focused it just on these two. it's my fave movie of all time and i obvs had to give it to my fave completely dead team <3
i will admit tho. it did make me back search martyns twitter to see if hes ever posted abt watching this movie. bc i know he likes One Piece and i realized this would bring me into the danger zone (he hasnt ever posted abt it if hes seen it)
A Romance Route for the Doomed Villain?!?
(Dec, 5k, treebark, oneshot) (link)
treebark dating sim isekai parody that spiraled out of my control made in a day-long possession
im still baffled by this one. why was the response to this one so insane?? there was smth in the water the day i posted this bro. a 1:2 kudos to hits ratio for the entire first day is literally fucking unbelievable. 70 comments?? what hold did this fic have on you people. i got fic written about this one?? my friends goncharov'd me in front of my face
really fucking fun to write and the insane response was smth im always gonna remember. i appreciate you guys so much
treesekai also turns a year old in a few days!
Until the Angels Realize You're Not One of Them
(Feb, 7.2k, emerald duo, oneshot) (link)
a traitor phil au which was mostly just me talking about all the reasons i love technoblade
this one... wasnt actually written this year for the most part? i didnt want to not acknowledge it, since it's on my ao3 in this year, but i wont be able to count it toward the total
still. traitor phil au my beloved. hearing him say on his stream he and techno wanted to do a betrayal arc made me feel insane bc i already had this written at the time
missing or obstructed
(2022-present, 12.9k, Grian & Ren, ongoing) (link)
post 3L fic about Ren and Grian seeking out closure with a lot of funny little sleep metaphors
same deal as the last fic, i, uh dont think i actually wrote anything new for missing or obstructed this year either? just uploaded chapters i wrote last year,,, i didnt wanna now acknowledge it, but i wont count this in my total later
i miss her. one day ill actually sit down and write more missing or obstructed. in my doc im JUST at introducing Martyn and i havent written it yet
to reach my mangled debut
(Sept, 4.2k, treebark week, ongoing) (link)
it wouldnt be me if i didnt have an execution somewhere in here. another op au!
THIS. I LOVE HER. when rev and i were plotting out the whole storyline for smop renchanting i was begging please give me this scene i need it and i had so much fun writing it. i rlly need to finish soon but i haven’t had time but please. please check out smop. she’s top of my priority list to update
Three-Dog Night
(Sept, 6.7k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
BIG DOG. beauty and the beast au!
god im so fond of this au. there’s some rlly good scenes written for this and unposted bc i just need to link them together. honestly i think if i took a month and focused it on this fic alone i could fucking finish it but i don’t have the time ;-;
that said i’m so enamored w this au genuinely. o dunno what else to say i just think. puppy
Cover Me In Roses
(Sept, 3.3k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
lamplight roleswap! put Martyn in a flower pot
i don’t feel as motivated to work on this one when i have lamplight unfinished so it’s lower on my priorities but know i have like an entire arc of this written and unposted. we just have a few paths for this one and i have to decide which one to use
it’s so wild to me lamplight has like. aus. like this isn’t even the only one? a roleswap. that’s insane? it’s wild that you all like lamplight enough i can even get away with this
First Sign of a House Fire
(Sept, 2k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
i love superhero stories for two reasons: plots about secrets and adapting the characters to give them powers. this had smth fun for both of them
yellow rose isn’t super high on my list of priorities to update (i think the oneshot is interesting on its own) but one day,,,, it’s part of the many aus cherri and i have but it’s the longest for sure. the doc for just this au is like 100k words long on its own. at the time i draft this cherri and i are actively writing smth else for it in another tab. theres like 4 offshoots and im obsessed w all of them. we had to make ocs about this one. i’m excited to eventually add more to this series
actually that’s one of the scenes i’m most excited for and most dreading adding. we made a backstory oc and im SO attached to him and im excited to post a thing out there w him but. ough. whatever cringe is dead i’ll get there eventually and brute force my way into attaching you to our funky little robot guy
also love that this fic forced me to be decided on a docv characterization that i have to stick to. he may be a canon guy to martyn’s vtuber lore but he’s my oc now too
(Sept, 2k, treebark week, ongoing) (link)
pirate au and royal au based on a big secret and also stuffing a guy in a box and it's all stupid dramatic literally what else do you want or need in life
this is my wife. my favorite. my most beloved. blindsided gives me new illnesses and diseases. i have just one scene to write before i can update it and then i can continue unleashing her. god i love this fic the drama of it is SO fun.
the funny thing abt blindsided is i know all the plot chronologically but now how to Present it which is part of why i haven’t continued too much. eventually i will but until then know that one of the scenes im sitting on which has been fully written is one i think about constantly. hopefully when i post it cherri’ll let free the comic she did for it
i actually have the ending of this fic written i just need to get there lmfao. second on my priority list after smop i think
Cradle of the Leviathan
(Sept, 1.5k, treebark week, oneshot) (link)
i just love mer aus man. whats the point of it all if you cant have mer aus. just get a big ol fish
i have the ending of this au written as well and literally so little of the lead up. but this is pretty low on my priorities. i think this one stands just fine on its own. mer aus are nice like that
we actually have a few mer aus but for now i’ll be focusing on this one. i do have a few sweet post story things written for this one. maybe one day i’ll write enough to post em lmao
Lamplight AU
(2022-present, 47k, treebark, ongoing) (link)
renchanting dnd/fantasy au, martyn's a paladin and ren's a lamp
so i started this au last year. my wrapped last year said my total was 20k, so that means this year's total is.... 27k!
and… it was just lamplight’s birthday and i did all my appreciation for the fic and its readers then, but god. i love this fic so much and i love you all who have read it and been so kind about it. the amount of popularity it has makes it a bit nerve wracking to work on, but i still really want to see it finished. i hope to see the bulk of it done by this time next year!
Six Sentence Sunday
six sentence sunday is a challenge where i try to post six sentences i wrote that week every sunday, to keep me writing every week of the year! i do it over on my writing blog, @driflew
i did not keep up on my six sentences,,, i had a lot of sunday fencing tournaments. i did for ~33 weeks this year! thats a pretty good amount! i’ll have to be more on top of it next year tho
unpublished work
the last few years i havent included unpublished work, but with the extreme bulk of it, i wanted to note it down. cherri @/cherrifire and i have been writing a lot back and forth at each other in discord dms this year, and i wanted to include those in my count! bc holy fucking shit is there a lot of them
i didn’t include collab pieces, just pieces i wrote alone. i also only included the renchanting aus i share w cherri and scarian aus i share w flowey, nothing else—no unfinished lamplight or other independent pieces or oneshots, no original fiction for class, nothing. i also missed a few u haven’t moved to docs yet. so i’m lowballing by a few. thousands. of words
the total for those is...... 135k words! there is,,, something wrong with me
total and end notes
our total this year is...
187512 words!
that might be my highest word count yet! because i caught treebark disease. wild.
something really fun about this year to me is i really loved everything i wrote.
if you want to get me a gift or support me on my birthday… maybe try reading my work and reblogging it or leaving a comment! you can find my writing at driflew or skelew on ao3, follow my writing blog at @driflew, or even consider tipping my kofi!
thank you for sticking with me and supporting me this year! i really appreciate it! hopefully i can break 100k next year too!
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
hello! heard your drafts were empty, here’s a suggestion!
personal nitpicks you have about the characterization of class 1B/or just the characters in itself in any aspect?
also more of an ask instead of a prompt, but how often/do you do more full length fics? haven’t fully looked through your backlog yet xp
- 🎭
Not proofread we die like men
My personal thoughts/nitpicks for each character.
Awase - Honestly I have nothing to nitpick about his character itself (other than his lack of style) but I dont like how the fandom doesn't acknowledge how hard he has worked to become a pro (he litterally almost died for momo during the summer camp attack)
Sen - i have nothing to nitpick exsept I wish we could see his love for photography a little bit in the show instead of just having horikoshi saying he likes photography yk
Kamakiri - i dont like how he doesnt have a cannon backstory or cannon reasoning for being as loud and brash as he is. Bakugou and Monoma have their reasons for being dicks so I wanna know his.
Kuroiro - i have nothing to nitpick because he is perfect. (Seriously tho, i love his design, character, personality and quirk and it all fits him so well. I just wish we could see more of him)
Kendo - im not sure what it is about her character but theres something there I dont really like. I cant tell what it is tho so I cant nitpick it rip. Its been bothering me since ive first started bnha.
Kodai - my only nit pick with her is I have a hard time writing for her sometimes but thats about it. Shes kinda boring and she has no hard set personality traits so i struggled to wrjte her in the past
Komori - the only thing I have to say for her is we dont see her as much as we should in the show but that could be said about all of class 1B.
Shiozaki - i actually didnt like her when I started this blog and was originally gonna exclude her from the blog because she made me uncomfortable but the more i have written for her the more she grew on me so now I dont mind her.
Shishida - hes kinda boring to me but I like the memes that make him seem like the class dog instead of just a student yk? I saw someone say hes scared of a hairdryer before lmao. Not rlly a nitpick but idc
Shoda - hes kinda basic to me all around. His cannon personality, likes, quirk, ect. Its all just kinda bland in comparison to most of the characters in the show (especially since this show prides itself on unique characters)
Pony - i dont like how she stabbed ojiro in season 5 or 6 I forgot which one. But yea thats about it. Shes pretty fun for me to write sometimes especially when I talk about her being American. But yea all i really have to nitpick is her stabbing ojiro
Tsubaraba - his quirk and personality is more on the unique side when it comes to this show (considering most of the side characters are the quiet/shy type.) But his design isnt anything special. The only way I can tell kosei apart from a random background character is his eyes. If his back is turned I have no idea who he is lmao
Tetsutetsu - in my heart those things around his eyes is a mask. I dont care that the author said they're eyelashes, its a mask. (Same thing with tokoyami having hair and not feathers...)
Tokage - shes cool and all but she is so fucking hard to write (especially since im trying to not dumb the characters down to one or two specific details) but her entire wiki is just 'emotional girl that likes dinosaurs, she kinda smart too' yk?
Manga - i love him and there is nothing to nitpick because he is perfect. He has one of the more unique personalities and quirks out of everyone in the show (in my opinion) and it fits him very well.
Honenuki - i dont like his design all that much. I like the mutation and his quirk is ok in my opinion but I dont like most other parts of his physical design.
Bondo - i like him but ive struggled to write for him a lot of the time because hes kinda boring and lacks any unique personality traits. Talking to him would be like talking to a wall but idc i live him anyways.
Monoma - his reasoning for being a dick to all of class 1-A is better than bakugous reason for being a dick but people excuse bakugous behavior but not monomas for some reason. Not really a nitpick on him but oh well.
Reiko - all I have to say about her is her personality is a little hard for me to write sometimes. Maybe because i dont know as much about her as I do some of the other students but she lacks emotion sometimes.
Rin - he is called the martial arts hero so where tf is the martial arts? I wanna see rin do martial arts in the way weve seen uraraka do martial arts but we dont get that >:( also there is so little content for him it actually drives me insane.
And to answer the fanfiction question-
I have yet to do any actual fanfiction simply because I dont think I would be good at it. I have creative ideas and i can put it into words until a certain point but I am unable to drag things out properly and put proper care into longer writings due to impatience and my lack of confidencein my longer writings. I might think about writing short oneshots for charachters in the future but for now I will stick with headcanons :P
Anyways my life is slowly being consumed by sun haven.
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dissectedgrrl · 11 months
okay so a while ago i mentioned a the good place rtc au
n so i finally made one :D
keep in mind this is j kind of a rough idea thing so not every detail is there but here are my ideas !! this also includes some headcanons for the characters so dont mind certain parts
so it kind of follows the same plot as the show
karnak is like michael and he tells the choir where they are, what happened, etc
he got their names right + the fact that they were the choir n referred to as "the six saints" in the news
but he got their personalities mixed up with other students
he thinks they volunteered, helped out a lot of people, etc.
he doesnt know about mischa stealing wine, ocean bullying literally everyone, etc
but the choir knows its all wrong n have to find out what went wrong, how to get out, etc (just everything eleanor went thru)
cast of characters :
Ocean O'Connell Rosenburg
she/her , lesbiaB, learning 2 languages, can speak 5
Ocean is in COMPLETE denial that she doesnt belong in the good place. i mean why wouldn't she ? shes ocean o'connell rosenburg. shes perfect. shes supposed to be here.
she tries to remain as perfect as possible while in the good place
she keeps calling karnak "god" no matter how many times he tells her there is no god in the good place. sometimes she does it on accident
the soulmate she got matched up with is constance
^ when she was told that she blurted out "WHAT ? WE ONLY KISSED ONCE !!!!" and everyone just kind of . . . . stared at her
most likely says the "all neutral people should go to Cincinnati" joke
Constance Blackwood
she/her, bilingual and bisexual
Constance doesn't want to leave the good place but she knows it isnt right for her to stay
she loves ocean, but being her soulmate takes a lot of patience (that constance sometimes doesnt have)
she got SO excited about the free froyo flavors
"mmm . . . . warm laundry flavor 😍"
when ocean said the kissing thing constance was j kinda like "🧍"
("jane doe")
she/they/it, pan demisexual demiromantic (i swear im not projecting 😭 /srs)
i have a lot to say abt her 💀
since she doesnt know who she really is she tries to learn as much as she can in the good place
^ she always has a "why" to ask n gets frustrated if she cant figure something out
^ it LOVES learning
^ whenever something interests them they get really excited
karnak gave them their doll n when they asked why all he said was "shes nice"
^ ever since then shes LOVED dolls n just toys in general
its favorite thing to learn about is toys
it has a lot of toys n keep all of them in a toy chest
when she learned she could eat food she just didnt stop 😭
^ they LOVE food but their cooking skills arent the best . . . .
^ its favorite savory food is pizza. dont ask why they just like it . . . . all kinds of pizza too
she really really likes music as well
^ favorite artists are frank sinatra and edith piaf !!
its soulmate is ricky
^ she LOVES him like theyre so close (i havent decided if theyre gonna be platonic, romantic, or both, but for now lets j say theyre best friends !!)
^ her and rickys relationship kind of confuses her bc all the other souldmates kiss n hold hands n what not but her n ricky just kind of . . . . watch star trek and talk about their interests together
they HATE being photographed and recorded, the smell of smoke, big rollercoasters, and anything people use to smoke (weed especially)
it hates being called creepy and having people afraid of her
shes really nice and smart but no one (expect ricky n the rest of the choir) rlly gives them a chance :/
Mischa Bachinski
he/him, bi, speaks same languages as he does in canon universe
soulmate is noel
he loves music (we all know this) and listens to any recommendation he gets
has to try and keep calm while in the good place so no one gets suspicious
his weakness is animals . . . . show him a rabbit n he will cry istg
^ hes a dog person but tries to hid it bc noel prefers cats
he doesnt rlly like sweets but hes okay w the free froyo (only SPECIFIC flavors tho)
he asked karnak if his mom was also in the good place, but didnt get a straight answer, but karnak hinted at a yes
^ his goal is to find his mom while he has time in the good place
^ hes doing everything he can to find her and is convinced he gets closer every day
Noel Gruber
he/she, gay (and maybe bigender or genderfluid ? idk yet), speaks english n french
he rlly likes black coffee like . . . . a lot
^ mischa says he hates coffee, but hes never tried it so noel is determined to make him drink it
noel sees the good place as a second chance at life
^ she hopes to get to live out her monique dreams here
secretly hates mischa's music taste 💀
noel introduced jane to edith piaf !
Ricky Potts
he/they, pan + trans demiboy, can speak english n pig latin (when jane asked why he just said "itsyay ustjay oremay unfay anthay englishyay !")
he loves living with jane because he gets to ramble n he gets to hear her ramble as well
^ him n jane have cats ! :D
^ every other saturday night ricky n jane watch spiderman movies while eating pizza. they look forward to that saturday every week !
he actually CAN cook
he claims he doesnt have a favorite cat but Captain Butterscotch is always with him . . . . suspicious
one of their favorite pastimes is looking out the telescope thats in their backyard at night
^ he likes to name stars (even if they already have names)
okay thats all i got so far ! if you have any suggestions or anything feel free to tell me ! srry if there are any spelling errors i wrote this down so fast bc i had to get these idea out or else i would implode 💔
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riddlemethisjeremy · 5 months
"But its fine to be LGBTQ+ in Australia in 2024 Australia is such an accepting country"
Get away from me.
Here is an itemised list of shit that i see around me/has happened to me. Just in my little sphere of observation I'm not talking about online or anything just circling around fucking me. Organised from shit that bothers me the least to shit that fucks me off to an unbelievable extent:
All the shallow "LGBTQ+ safe space !!!!!!!" Stickers i see at places like target (I am not talking about actual queer spaces like Dangerfield oh my god i will never ever get over the time that the person at Dangerfield asked if i would like to see their "masculine selection" like holy shit ???? Yes i would love to see the "masculine selection" thank you for not making me a man in this store- anyways) it just makes me a little mad that they just have to put a little sticker in the window and suddenly they're a "safe space" like come off it mate no one's buying your shit
Those people who say they're like supportive and then go and bag out a highly minoritsed section of the community (example taken from my current home) "I support trans people i believe trans people should be able to live and be whoever they truly are" "if my child ever told me that they wanted to use "they/them" pronouns i would assign them a gender myself" "I think all these little "microlabels" like pansexual and aromantic are fake theyre just kids looking for attention" "well apparently you can identify as a tree these days lol I'll just tell them i identify as a dog and cock my leg on them"
Other generally passive homophobic comments such as "oh you're pansexual? Does that mean you're attracted to pans?"
Walking into class and getting slurred or called an "it" or being spoken about like I'm a creature rather than a person: "Sir, can you take that thing outside" "Its not a part of this classroom" "Someone should really put a muzzle on that thing" "oh, sorry, "IT". Got my grammar mixed up."
Possibly the more upsetting part of that is the teacher, who is aware of me being trans and has been since he took our class, has not done a thing about this despite stating that he was going to do what he could to support me.
The casual biphobia/complete erasjre of my bi identity that happens like literally daily? Like hello i like both ?
The younger queer kids being targets of creeps and harassment because theyre just "attention seeking queers" and no one would believe them if they said anything
Being clocked by customers at work and having to deal with harassment surrounding my entire identity despite the fact that I'm not even out and having to pretend to have a laugh about it with my coworkers while im literally shaking and like on the verge of an anxiety attack
People fetishizing drag queens/critisizing them for not doing drag in a "traditionally correct" way. Like ?? She's not bopping he bussy for anyone but herself fuck off
My own friends not believing me/taking me seriously when i try to talk about the harassment/abuse that I face at school/at work because "its 2024 and these places are safe places and they literally said they weren't trying to be offensive"
Being outed in the workplace because i was trying to help my gf get a job (which i didnt realise was a whole thing at the time) and then being punished for not telling people about our relationship to begin with (neither of us are very out and I didn't want to put either of us in an uncomfortable position so I didn't mention it because its not their business?) my gf is no longer getting a job and i am significantly less likely to get the promotion they were talking about giving me
The sheer amount of homophobic/transphobic parents that i know of in the area (mine and my gfs included) and the fact that "allies" don't seem to understand why we won't tell these people about ourselves (especially those of us with notably abusive parents (myself and my gf included))
"Well she can't like you very much if she's not willing to tell her parents" "i just don't think she really cares about you if she's keeping you a secret" shes literally let me give her kisses at the bus stop guys she just wont tell her mom fuck off
The fact that if her parents find out they could report me to the police for grooming because even if the age gap is literally eleven months she's still a minor and the courts are more likely to convict me because im queer. This would literally end my life.
the fact that im being encouraged to leave the fucking love of my life because its "too dangerous" and if my life is ruined by her parents its her fault some how so i need to protect myself ???? What the fuck ????
And finally "You cant save everyone you know" like ???? I know that doesnt mean that the people I CARE ABOUT should have to suffer to keep ME safe. Thats fucked up.
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mschimdt · 1 year
recom!quaritch +recom!mansk x recom!reader
very poorly written, dk how many words so bare w me
1579 words
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you were at recom training with wuaritch and the others, you needed the training because your avatar bodies are still pretty weak and in need of excersise and muscle.
the training was around 3 hours long which meant theres about 40 minutes left you were all running around the court like maniacs, the last part of the training was basketball because its a really good sport for your physicall health
quaritch put us in 2 teams so we can play basketball against eachother, my team consisted of z dog, mansk, prager , and lyle and the other team had walker, lopez, ja, and quaritch, you were surprised to see that he joined on the game because he never usually participates when hes training you and the others, he usually trains himself at the gym
the game finished after you scraped your knee just 4 minutes into the match, no one complained because none of them wanted to play anyways, so they just left.
you started walking towards the medical clinic to clean the scrape because you cant risk an infection because this body costs 5 billion dollars
the human nurses run away terrified for some reason, you order one to come amd help and she does come but shes shaking, she stood there for a few minutes staring at the floor and shaking and you were getting pretty tired of this so you finally spoke up to the little human "can you clean this up?" you were met with silence until you heard her speak "y-yeah sorry i zoned o-out" she walks over to the shelves and grabs some iodine aswell as cotton pads and a big bandaid, she cleans your knee and wraps it with the bandaid "thanks" you say and she looks up and nods
you stand up and leave and head to the cafeteria because you needed to eat since you havent eaten for 4 hours and your naavi body isnt like your human one, you sit down on the recoms table, the only spot being between mansk and quaritch, so you had to take it
you brought your food and sat next to the big blue men,it was arpund 4 pm now and you wanted to finish your food to take a nap, you rarely get oppurtunities to take naps these days because of the missions you have
mansk finished his food, unintentionaly putting his hand on your thigh, he didnt notice his hand was on your thigh, or maybe he did?
he was talking to lyle while his hand was under the table rubbing your thigh, so he did notice, he did it on purpose
quaritch then saw what was happening under the table and he decided to put his hand on your other thighx it wasnt unusual that quaritch does these things but it was the first time mansk did something like this
i couldny help the heat between my legs, soon enough i could smell myself and im pretty sure the others smelt me too, it was embarassing being horny whike with your friend
you noticed their noses twitching which means they must have smelled you, you devided that it was enough and that you were going to leave before anything embarassing happened
youmoved your thighs from under their hands and turned your chwir around and stood up
you started walking away until you heard quaritch speak,"where ya goin'?" you let out a nervous chuckle "o-oh um i need to go do a few things" quaritch stood up " im coming with ya'" you were getting even more nervous when you were walking around bridgehead trying to find something to do because you didnt want to take quaritch to your room,
"you know i can smell you right?" quaritch spoke and laughed after, blush appearing on your face you let out a inaudible "oh" "if you want me to help you youve got to speak up sweetheart, just say you want me to help and ill help you" quaritvh said still following you around bridgehead, you started walking towards your room and as your hand hut the doorknob to open it you said " please help me " "sure thing sweetheart"
you locked the door, the moment it clicked you were lifted up and thrown onto your bed, quaritch hovered over you and kissed your cheek, but something had to ruin the moment
there was a knocking at the door, you got up and opened it while quaritch was laying on your bed, it was mansk "uhmm im looking for the colonel i saw him heading in here, lyle wants to speak to him" quaritch got off the bed and headed to the door "well it can wait, tell lyle to wait" "whyre you in y/ns room, anyway colonel" quaritch looked mad while he spoke to mansk "long story, its none of your buisness unless you want to join" wuaritch let a small smirk onto his face
"join what? oh i see" mansk walked inside with a devilish smirk slapped across his face, similar to quaritchs he walked inside quickly grabbing you and throwijg you onto your bed once again, quaritch walked over and started kissing your neck while mansk attached his lips to yours soon turning into a sloppy makeout session while quaritch was marking you all over, you felt a tug at your top, you pulled away from mansk and sat up to pull your top off your head, you werent wearing anything under lucky for them, mansk moved to your necj and started adding his own marks to your bruised neck
both the men quickly followed and took their tanktops off revealing their defined bodys, you would have never guessed these meb were in their 40s and 50s as humans if you were never told, they looked majestic and you couldnt deny it
mansk quickly took quaritch's place, running his hands all over you while having a heated makeout session, quaritch was busy unbuckling your belt, one he finally unbuckled it, he pulled your pants down, you were wearing a red pair of panties
quaritch kissed inbetween your legs while shuffling to get his own pants off, mansk pulled away and worked on getting your shirt over your head
finally your shirt was off, you wrrent wearing a bra so your tits were on full display, mansk took no time getting to work sucking and massaging your delicate nipples, quaritch on the other hand was spreading your legs open grinding his clothed erection against your throbbing cunt
you finally had enough, you needed one of them inside you right now, you sat up slightly and pulled your red panties off, quaritch noticed your movements and pulled his boxers off, his hard on springing out of his pants
it was huge you didnt know if it would even fit, he was large even for a naavi man, mansk followed and noe you were all naked, mansk pulled away when he felt quaritch shuffling you onto your stomache pulling you into a doggy style position, mansk stood infront of you while wuaritch was behind you
mansk leaned down and kissed your lips "think you can take it?" he said in a worried tone, you nodded, quaritch was grinding his erection into your flaps, he finally held his cock inorder to position it with your tight cunt, he knew you could take it
mansk on the other hand had his tip on your lips, waiting patiently for you to take him, you opened your mouth and let mansk in, you slowly tried to take his entire cock, you ended up only being able to take half of it, he didnt mind
suddenly quaritch entered you, without a warning, once he was balls deep he stopped, mansk was fucking your face and quaritch was stroking your hair waiting for you to give him a sign that he could move
you pushed bacjk ahainst his dick and he took that as a sign to start moving, he started off slow, after a few seconds he couldnt take it anymore, he started fucking your throbbing stretched cunt has hard as he could
you were getting fucked from both sides and you wouldnt complain, you moaned against mansks dick, mansk let out whimpers while quaritch grunted
your legs were starting to shake and you were getting close, the other men clearly close to their orgasm too, their thrusts were getting sloppy and unirganised
"oh shit i-im gonna cum" quaritch said followed by a grunt, "m-me too" mansk said trying to not whimper as much because it wasnt very man like
you came first, you vame onto quaritchs cock, he was still going and it was over simulating you, quaritch finally came and manssk followed, you swallowed mansks cum, quaritch pulled out, a thin string of white liquud connecting his cock sith your hole
he saw his fluid dripping out of you and he stucj to fingers in your hole pushing the liquid back in
your hands gave away and you plotted onto the bed, quaritch layed to your right and mansk to your left, you could feel mansj looking for the blanket, once he finally found it he pulled it over the three of you kissing your forehead, quaritch did the same after him
you were sandwitchrd inbetween 2 huge blue men and you didnt mind, you quite liked it, you knew you were going to have a limp the next morning but you couldnt care less
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aroacesigma · 9 months
For the ask game ummmmmmm obligatory sigma but also chuuya <3
ok !!!
first impression - sigma
honestly i thought he seemed like a nice enough guy going off the whole thing where he let the man win . a bit bossy when he was talking to teruko but honestly i was kind of rooting for anyone but the hunting dogs at the point so i was like yeahhh go buddy . you got this . also thought he was very gender
first impression - chuuya
i thought he was REALLY fucking cool . loved his design instantly . like about half this fandom i thought that was a ponytail for ages but noooo . terrible mullet . look dazai was my fave at that point but i still laughed when he got his ass kicked by him lmfao
impression now - sigma
ok . deep breaths kai you can say this normally . i love him very much and he is my fave . as you can all tell . finding out his whole backstory and watching him go through the sky casino arc and the mersault arc was so fucking ... god . hes so tragic . i love him so much . he tries so very hard all the time and nothing ever comes out of it does it . i just want him to be happy .... he really deserves it . hes not a bad person but hes done bad things out of necessity which honestly makes you root for him more doesnt it ? its so heartbreaking every chapter watching him do everything , throw himself into danger, hurt people, hurt himself just so they can get a home... i really hope he does . very much . fucking hell
impression now - chuuya
pretty much exactly the same . hes so fucking cool and i love him . i think he should be allowed a weekly quota of kicking the shit out of dazai . stormbringer tore my soul to shreds that hurt which made me feel terrible for him also . hes a wonderful character and i really do love him and wish this fandom treated him a little better
favourite moment - sigma
oughh this is hard . uh . probably when we get his backstory honestly . everything really makes a lot of sense about him once you get that . its really sad but it really hammers in just how desperate he is to find a home. they dont really have anything else , their sense of being human is shaky at best because no matter how much he says hes just an ordinary man he knows he isnt . so having a place to belong to make up for the fact that there is nothing like them in the world and there never will be is something hes totally desperate for and their backstory hammers that in HARD . and just the art is just so well done ...something about the image of him just sitting alone in the desert really shatters my heart every time . honourable mention also goes to when he kicked the shit out of teruko , purely because its an excellent counteraction to people saying dumb shit about him being weak and pathetic
favourite moment - chuuya
ohhh..i think i really like the scene where the flags throw him a party . its nice to see him hanging around with his friends . even if theyre all a little bit fucked up . he deserves nice things even if he didnt fucking get to keep them god asagiri why
idea for a story - sigma and chuuya
ok i NEED YALL TO HEAR ME OUT on this crack theory that definitely will not happen but imagine if it did . now i trust dazai will come back for sigma butttt if he didnt . well dont you think mori , who sent chuuya into mersault , would be extremely pleased to have someone with an ability like sigmas . and sigma wouldnt really have too many options would he . being left behind again would probably kill any trust he had in the ada and really all his ability has ever been suiteed for is criminal activity right ? and that is how we get pm!sigma . which means chuuya and sigma interactions . they can bond over shared experiences like having somewhat funky relationships with humanity, terrible haircuts theyre somehow pulling off, and wanting to kick the shit out of dazai .
unpopular opinion - sigma
this is more of a bsdtwt / bsdtok problem but yall do know if you like a characters design but not their actual character you can just say that instead of making up an overused fanon personality for them right
unpopular opinion - chuuya
idk if this is unpopular exactly but it is blatantly obvious when people only like him in relation to dazai like it is not subtle at all
favourite relationship - sigma
ooh this is hard . if we're talking about shipping exclusively then sigzai is my fave (almost got put off it by the aforementioned annoying bsdtwt though lmfao) . but i do also find it very interesting how he interacts with and views fyodor and nikolai . i do wish we had more on how they were like as an organisation
favourite relationship - chuuya
again, talking shipping id probably have to go with skk , but even in a non shipping context it really does interest me how him and dazai interact . theyre so fucking weird
favourite headcanon - sigma
living up to my duties as ceo of transmasc sigma , thats obviously my favourite headcanon . hes soooo trans guy coded its insane . bless him . also my headcanon that he always has that new book smell hanging around him no matter what . cause . yknow .
favourite headcanon - chuuya
ok i also love to headcanon chuuya as a trans guy like honestly asagiri what is it with you accidentally coding all your funky little guys as trans . also i reckon hes a tea drinker . he will fuck that shit up . hes got all the fancy ones yknow those really weird flavours that honestly are barely even tea anymore thats just a fancy drink but hey the box is pretty so
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jounosparticles · 9 months
HELLO :D I an happy to see you back eheheh I hope you liked the break you took :3
ANYWAY. I dunno if you've seen, but in japanese bookstores if you pre-order live action beast (I think? I forgot but the important thing is that it's a campaign) then you can get a letter from a random character (dazai, fyodor, fitzgerald, etc etc) and that includes jouno and tecchou! they are. very silly BUT jouno's letter got my hamster wheel spinning
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now what I got from this/interpreted it was that jouno is (probably) the one that the hunting dogs fall to do PR things (if they do)
now with fukuchi: he has the most public support, being a well known war hero and generally a symbol of power and authority to people. but. I don't think he likes public speaking that much JDBFB.
it's not that he CANT do it, he has been described to command a room and even having rumors that the force of his ranting can literally knock you out. I think he is more of "god I hate this" to public speaking. he'll do it, but I don't think he likes it. also Canon evidence: the UN army of mankind conference. (also below) I wouldn't be surprised if he just opted to do super super important hearings on behalf of the hunting dogs/....anything else (again, UN conference)
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anyway moving on (the fixation got to me): teruko is.... teruko. I think she is the same as fukuchi in both ways. I feel like she can command a room but also thinks it's annoying (based on jounos letter). I'm not surprised. I would say who would trust a young girl but also shecan change her age but also idk whatever teruko is fucking crazy love her
I think tachihara is self explanatory (no one outside the hunting dogs knows him really and again. jouno letter) and I think tecchou would be self explanatory too. tecchou. is tecchou. I don't think he would like or be that great at public speaking. very blunt and straightforward, I don't think he has the right charisma to really sell a message to a huge crowd. I think tecchou is more of "say an inspirational quote and lets work with it" does this make sense LMAOO also "that's jounos job" is so fucking good SNBSDB
jouno is really a good option I think. he's charismatic and I think he could pick up a crowds emotion easily and change accordingly. silly guy.
anyway. the sillies they make me crazy
OHMYGODOGMYGOD. I KNEW ABOUT THE LETTERS BUT I DIDNT KNOW JOUNO AND TECCHOU HAD ONES?? i will go insane i will . what i would do for their letters.
ehem. anyway.
jouno being the pr guy is a good concept to me. he is very smiley when he talks and tends to stay composed, which is a good face to put on to represent the hunting dogs. i feel he could hold a crowd very easily. i’d listen to him
also the letter is so funny? ending it with saying he wants to kill tecchou is so in character. they can’t do a single page without flirting somehow yes i will say it that was him flirting killing is code for kissing trust me i am asagiri cough i mean. they’re so silly.
i like that interpretation with fukuchi. when we seen him at the press conference they acted as if he was some legend which definitely implies he doesn’t show up to these things often. he probably doesn’t like having all the fans ahahah.
teruko is definitely believable here too. she probably doesn’t work to impress people she does it to pursue what’s right. she’s also extremely justice oriented, the external stuff maybe just isn’t her thing. she’s also been dealing with a lot i don’t blame her for not wanting to hahaha. she’s also been around for a long time (probably) so maybe she’s fed up and done with pr stuff. she also maybe is taken less seriously which makes her doing that part of the job more difficult? like when she was introduced and the police’s faces dropped when they realized she was just a little girl. it could make maintaining a crowd difficult maybe.
tachihara makes sense. since he could write from the pov of a mafioso or a hunting dog. that would make an interesting letter actually! but maybe they didn’t wanna blow his cover or something idk. i doubt he could do pr in universe because of him being the only unidentified hunting dog.
tecchou passing the letter to jouno but still ending up needing to write his own is so funny to me like. okay good try. (also i haven’t seen his PLEASE can you send it to me i will have things to say i promise). anyways ive always seen tecchou being a little on the socially inept side of things which would make pr hard. (saying this as someone who’s similar to tecchou in outward personality ahaha). he likely doesn’t people please and is very direct with what he wants to say whereas in contrast i feel jouno is better at talking with people and being convincing which makes him ideal for pr stuff. the fact that he just immediately shut down the chance to do the letter in favour of training is so funny. he is everything to me.
anyway. i like to imagine jouno begrudgingly sitting at his desk thinking up a letter to write and the most he can do is complain about how nobody else wanted to do it for half the page. he doesn’t like the pr work but it’s what needs to be done. he can commend the agency for what they’ve done but he Cannot say anything nice about his coworkers. jouno is unintentionally so funny i love him so much. i want to put him under a microscope. i need a wan chapter of him going around asking the other hunting dogs about it.
i wonder if the letters are from characters in the beast timeline? like yeah the hunting dogs fyodor fitz etc weren’t present in beast but they still existed?
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lawtistic · 2 years
my ranking of mystic messenger main outfits except i know nothing about fashion and have really bad opinions
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10; Ray
minor spoilers ahead also i dont know how to work tumblr apparently so the keep reading is going after the first ranking label
i have more to say under this im just currently mentally absent right now
what the fuck is that. what. did he forget what century we are in? i like the magenta on him but girl who let you leave your cell looking like an elizabethan
i prefer ray over saeran but not if hes wearing this because to ellys smelly ass litterbox and back i will burn that ruffled collar if it the last thing i ever do in my life
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9; Casual & Deep Story V
why is bro built like a stripper pole??? hes just unnaturally long and its disturbing to a point that i cant not take it into consideration even if this is an outfit ranking
that haircut is not it for you man and get new sunglasses i know why you have them but pick something else theres something off
the outfit is so overwhelmingly basic and void of color and its really a spoiler for how hes blind because he could not have consciously put this together
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8; Yoosung
again hes built like a stripper pole but to a much lesser degree
ive always felt uncomfortable looking at yoosung and his big beady eyes. do not get me wrong i love yoosung but i always feel like he knows my sins
those shoes are hideous, get rid of them. get a better haircut because this one does not make me feel any better about him and its so horrenously big that i know his hair is full of secrets
the shirt is fine, i guess, and i like the jacket, i also have nothing to say about the pants. i like the color palette but thats it. i would have ranked it higher if he didnt give me carpal tunnel with a single glance
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7; Jumin
i have little to nothing to say about this. its a basic suit
i like the little bit of purple because thats his color and its cool
his legs are oddly skinny and long in comparison to the rest of him tho and its making it to where i want to classify him as built like a stripper pole but its just his legs so i cant
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6; Jaehee
same with Jumin but she's less basic due to the accessories and the tights
i fucking live for those tights. those are great tights. people need to talk about her tights.
i have nothing else to say except justice for jaehee kang's tights i love those on her
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5; Zen
he was originally switched with jaehee but then i realized hes wearing his own damn logo and i could not ignore that
only he would wear his own logo on his jacket like that and pose in the such a way to flex it the best he possibly could. i didnt even realize he had a logo but hes literally wearing it what
the rest of the outfit is bland and mid but wow hes wearing his own logo
also rat tail
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4; Another Story V
he looks physically functional!! wow!!
this is such an upgrade, i love the haircut on him now he looks like a wet dog and its amazing
the outfit is kind of mid but it looks better on him and its still okay i would let him leave the house in this
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3; 707
by most standpoints this outfit isnt that fantastic and hes only this high because i said so
its overall kind of basic but i like the hoodie and i love his funky glasses and for some reason cross necklaces make people hotter despite the fact im wiccan
the jeans are so... eh? but you cant really put anything better with this??? im a certified jean hater but i literally cannot think of anything else to put on him instead
also those shoes are fucking horrendous
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2; Vanderwood
this is why i have bad opinions because i like leopard print. fight me.
this is such a fancy suit that i have nothing negative to say about it
you can tell hes a whore just by looking at him. i wish he had a route
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1; Saeran
ah yes i have one alter in last place and the other in first. this isnt that funny i just think its ironic
"youre biased!!! you dress like this youre so biased!!!" yes i am. i am so biased. why do you think 707 is number 3?
the leather jacket is iconic as well as the black and red combo
the bracelet and??? choker thing??? what is that??? looks very nice on him and i like the tattoo (even if it means something i do not like)
"where is rika?" between my steel knuckles would you like a visit
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haemosexuality · 11 months
my thoughts on the movie UwU
ok first of i LOVED what they did with mike's character???? its different from the games canon (or different from the most popular theories??? i can never remember what is actually canon and whats accepted fanon) but its sooooo interesting. making him the brother of one of the victims was SO unexpected but it worked really really well. tho going into the movie with preconceived notions ab the story fucked me up somewhat bc i took so long to accept he wasnt michael afton 😣 tho i feel the movie mightve been setting fans up that way lol
on that note his brother confused me somewhat? cuz he was one of the missing children but he wasnt one of the 5 spirits was he??? maybe he was and i just didnt notice KSBSKDBSKD ill look out for it on my second watch
WILLIAM. MOTHER FUCKING AFTON. OH MY GODDDDDDD THAT WAS FUCKING INSANE and honestly seeing everyones reaction to it was SO cool. when springtrap appeared everyone screamed and clapped. when he started dying everyone screamed and clapped even louder. and when he said "I ALWAYS COME BACK" everyone LOST THEIR FUCKING MIND SCREAMING CRYING YELLING CLAPPING WHOOPING IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD
AND THE VANESSA REVEAL????? i think thats completely different from game vanessa lore mostly bc william aftons daughter in the game was elizabeth/baby and shes fucking dead but idk vanessa lore so who knows. all i know is that it WORKED MAN i did NOT see that coming but i HONESTLY REALLY LIKED IT AND AGAIN EVERYONE IN THE THEATER LOST THEIR MINDS WE WERE ALL LIKE "WHAT?????" (edit: i saw an youtuber point out that this cant be the same vanessa from sb bc this is set in like the 90s and sb's in the future. maybe this is something like, they put two vanessas so we know that sometimes different characters just have the same name and dont get too hang up on mike smith vs michael afton lol)
i also like how they did williams character. i usually dont like purely evil 2d villains but i feel that fits afton way more than "sad scientist goes insane cuz he lost his kid oh no :(". like it just fits fnaf!!!!!!!
another thing that was completely different from the game was the animatronics. like in the game theyre "like animals" but in the movie they all seemed very, aware??? msking decisions? they def had a mind and it was cheesy sure but i also liked it. i just loved this movie. and everything about it. i went into it knowing it was absolutely not going to be 1:1 with the game so i dont mind im just so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not gonna remember all of them but I WANT THE MIDNIGHT MOTORIST HOODIE
max did NOT deserve to die that upset me. she was fine!!!!!!!
also the violence wasnt anything super crazy but it was def more than i expected. also they swore
also golden freddy wasnt a girl in the movie. F cassidy
i like mikes character sooooo much ive said so before and im saying it again. vanessa too
this one is only for the brazilians in here but i actually liked the dub? this sentiment might change after i watch the og version but it wasnt terrible. williams voice was 10/10
balloon boy was funny every single time. fuck this bitch. also the cupcake
THE ITS MEEEEEEEEEEE i wish they did more its mes BUT I SAW THAT!!!
the scene were mike calls abby to the kitchen so they could 'talk' and the aunt was there.... actually broke my heart how dare you
i missed phone guy 😭
i thought i wouldnt like it but i love how expressive freddy is its so funny. chica bonnie n foxy too but him especially
ok i those were all my immediate thoughts!!! i wrote this a few hours ago when id JUST gotten back from the theater and now im gonna go watch it again so bye <3
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This has been a strange week, A. I mean you know I have to talk to you today on my break at work (taking at least 2 today because it's sloooooow).
The Boy wrote his English 101 Dual Credit essay about you this week. He warned me.
"Mom, I have to write about 'an experience that made me appreciate life.' I'm gonna write about A dying. I really can't think of writing about anything else that won't come out sounding like bullshit. I still need you to look at it before I turn it in, because you're a writer and it makes me feel better when you say it's not shit, even though it comes with the Mom Discount. But I know it might like...upset you."
Of course I told him to write about you. I told him I wanted to read it (truth). I told him to actually print out a copy because I don't want it lost to the ethereal, nebulous world of online-only assignments; it's something my son made to honor my best friend. I want to save it forever. I want it immortalized (also truth). But it was fucking hard to read it. He took it hard when you died, and I knew he did before reading his school work (obviously), but Christ, how connected the two of you are. The locket J got me connects everyone in the center but you and the Boy are connected on a hinge side, and that locket pops open on that hinge at work all the time. So I'll look down and have to close it back up, and every time it's you and my son looking back at me. It's never you and my grandparents or J and my son, or J and my grandparents. It's always you and the Boy. You helped him so much. I want you to know that. He turned it in yesterday after titling it. 'Loss and Acceptance.' It's hard to title things. Especially when you write something important to you; something difficult to say; something attached to a lot of complex feelings. That's why my essay is untitled.
Then last night I sat on the couch with J and he cried watching a YouTube video of a BBC news capture of Jon Bon Jovi (right?) LITERALLY talking someone off a ledge in Nashville, Tennessee where he was shooting a music video. J cried. He leaves for his bike trip with W and the boys tomorrow morning. So this conversation happened:
Me: You ok? 🥺
J: 🥺😥 (hands over his phone with the video restarted; it was moving, but it didn't make ME cry)
Me: I'm lost. 🫤 I don't know what's getting to you this much. Text me? (J and I often text each other when our bodies are literally touching. Sometimes it's easier to not say it out loud).
J: (both of us are texting now) I dunno, peaches.
Me: Do you feel like...that? (that = suicidal) 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
J: No. Just got to me how many people walked on by.
Me: He didnt. ❤️🥹
J: Yeah. ❤️
Me: Is the stuff with your dad getting to you more than you're telling me? I don't want you to go off Saturday morning feeling so down. ❤️
J: I feel guilty about going. 🫤
Me: Why? Won't lie. I don't like it when you're away, but I want you to go see your friends. W. Fuck, I'd give everything I have except you and the Boy for a week with A right now.
J: That's kind of why. If I don't go, what if something happens to W before I get another chance to see him? Or me even? I'd feel like shit. So I have to go. But I'm leaving you and the Boy. And fucking G. That damn dog. Because what if something happens to one of us while I'm away? I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
Me: We're fine. I promise. We just like having you around. Go be with W because...damn I really would give anything to be with A. For even an HOUR.
J hugged me until we all left the living room for bed. We made love last night before we went to sleep. And I dreamed all night about you. That you weren't really dead (again). Everywhere I went, when J was away on this trip, you were with me. 'I can't believe we're at a sushi place right now,' you'd say. 'What the fuck am I supposed to eat here?! Boy used to be on my side. What happened to pizza, man? Your mother finally infected you with her adventurous eating...' I'd look around at family dinner at my parents' house without J and you'd be there. Literally saying, 'I'm still here.'
I fucking miss you so bad. J has never gone away without you being there to text me off my metaphorical ledges and now you're not. Now I'm left with a bunch of people who will just pass me by. I'm so fucking ragingly envious of J that he gets a week with his best friend while I'm so desperately missing mine. I know the dream is supposed to be that I DO get a week with my best friend. That it's somehow 'better' in a way because you'll be right next to me, even in places you'd never ever go with me alive, but I still don't want you to be dead. I'd trade this intangible constancy even at the sushi joint for sporadic texts and bad Pearl Jam jokes in a heartbeat. I'd trade no sushi ever for pizza once a year with you. I'd certainly trade a visit to the fucking cemetery every few weeks to seeing you in person one more time, period. I'd still rather all of this be fake and you're not really even dead, just orchestrating a supremely elaborate scheme to avoid me.
There's every supposed stage of grief in one essay. Except of course for acceptance. That's why I had the Boy print his out for me. I'll keep rereading it until it takes. That still might be never. 💔😭
Anyway, love you, you fucker. I'll see you Monday at your place. ❤️
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