#like he legit gets treated like the devil
overqchiever · 11 months
izzy antis are always gonna nitpick everything izzy does because they need to be on a moral high ground so they can keep justifying their behavior towards izzy stans during the hiatus
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portgasdwrld · 1 year
Strawhat reactions to a chiropractor or massage therapist joining their crew? (Sfw) I know they get injured and could use it.
I love those random ideas lately 😭helps me out if my writer block💕
📂Strawhat + chiropractor/massage therapist reader joining their crew
Mostly them reacting to you proposing them a session
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He’s so fucking excited. He’s jumping everywhere, begging to be your first client. He’s already laying down in your office to have his body cracked, but then you realize as you do it that his body is literally made of rubber and it’s impossible for you to work on him. When you tell him the news, he’s whining and tells you to try again😭 He’s all pouty so you decide to massage him and that put him out to sleep real quick. He went from sulking to sleeping. When he woke up, he commented about how good this was and truly he never felt this alive in a while.
He would totally refuse at first and complain about how he doesn’t need it and how he only needs to rest a little (a good nap), and he will be fine. But then you actually try to convince him to do it, as you saw how much his body had to go through with his training, the battles, his poor sleep position… He finally agrees only after Chopper tells him how it can better his performance and make him feel more relaxed. He barely admits that it did in fact made him feel better, but now he jumps to the occasion whenever you propose it 🚶🏻‍♀️
Nami & Robin
The girls are so freaking happy especially Nami. She pretty much asks you for a session whenever she feels sore after working hard on maps or when she had to fight. She chats to you about life and tell you some gossips. She loves to make conversation and treat it a bit like a spa day.
Robin was down to try it, but she usually use her devil fruit if she feels sore somewhere and need to release some built up tension, because of stress or battles. Basically, she never needed someone for that, but after Nami told her how amazing you were, she gave it a try. She’s mostly silent and take this time to relax her body and empty her thoughts.
He’s a bit scared at first because he heard some people talk about horror stories at the chiropractor. He heard some people got their bones cracked with no going back to normal or how some doctor were secretly psychopath 💀💀💀 To say the least, he really didn’t see the appeal to risk his life like this 😔 If you poke fun at his ego, he might do it just to prove it to you that he isn’t scared (his legs are shaking the moment he enters your office). He has difficulty relaxing which put you off , You have to wait for couple minutes, make him sips some relaxing tea. When it finally happens, he’s bragging about how cool it is and how everyone should do it🙄 there is legit nothing to be scared off pfff???
I don’t know why, but I get the feel Sanji would somewhat be shy 😭 When you ask him if he wanna have a session to help with his stress, he would just look at you like 😳?? He would try to make analogy to food, like it’s a bit like how he hit(?) the meat before cooking it so it’s tender, but in that case it’s gonna make him relaxed. You kinda just stare and nod because whut 😭 He honestly could use it with all the cooking he does and the fights. He loved it but he got flustered a lot. He was red-shy when he left 🚶🏻‍♀️
He’s a skeleton.
Finally FRANKYYY, this man was BORN for this. He is so excited and is so talkative. He asks you when you started and why did it became your profession. He pretty much tell you to only focus on the back of his body because it’s less solid than the rest of his cyborg body. So you went in for a massage and he’s really vocal through it. As it ends, he tells you he’s happy you joined and he will be a regular which makes you laugh because you two are literally on the same boat lol 😭
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unreadpoppy · 9 months
I think it's funny how the narrator basically asks you, before choosing to sign or not Raphael's contract, who do you trust more: The Emperor or Raphael, the devil himself.
And, honestly? I have no reason to trust the Emperor more than I trust Raphael.
Because give it or take, Raphael has been more honest about his shit than the Emperor. The first time you meet him, he shows you he's a devil. He kept his part of the deal after we killed the orthon, and even now, he straight up tells us what he's going to use the crown for.
The Emperor, however, has been lying to us since the begining. Like, him lying about his identity was a HUGE no no for me. I "understand" that he didn't want to scares us due to being a mind flayer, but at that point in game (when he shows his true self), we've already met Omelumm, who is a mind flayer but who tried to help us. Also, his instance on the "eat this tadpole, embrace your powers" is very iffy to me cause like dude i'm not doing it. Like you already lied about your true identity, why should I trust you with this bullshit?
Also, since I'm comparing the Emperor to Omelumm, I might as well compare Raphael to the other devil who is out there offering deals: Mizora. Mizora lies, adds shit that only makes Wyll's life harder. We have every reason not to trust Mizora, beyond the fact that she's a devil (which, i'm not gonna lie, i feel like a reason there's such a push against raphael's deal is bc he is a devil and y'know how religion messes with that But anyways, i'm not gonna get into that).
The Emperor looks worse in comparison to Omelumm, but Raphael looks better in comparison to Mizora, is basically what i'm trying to get here.
Also also, if you talk with Korilla, she legit says that Raphael's a good boss, treats her better than a FREAKING GOD did. Like, honestly, I (and i really only mean I,me,myself) up until this point in the game have no freaking reason to not trust Raphael. Like, ffs, he didn't even ask for my soul in exchange.
Anyways, this is MY opinion, MY thoughts on the choice my character has done.
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lolotheparagon · 11 months
I always thought it troubling how Lisa always was portrayed as the golden child who had her parents respect and attention, had interesting emotional episodes about her hobbies and how they relate to her relationships with others (Lisa the Drama Queen, Lisa the Vegetarian, Lisa the Greek) growing up to have a successful career in every alternate future episode the Simpsons has had so far (Lisa’s Wedding, Bart to the Future and Future-Drama, Holidays Passed) whereas Bart was always portrayed as the black sheep of the family who’s got no unique talents outside of causing mischief, his relationships with others is nowhere near as focussed on as much as Lisa’s since most of his episodes are either him falling in love with some girl or doing something stupid and facing the consequences. And future episodes always portray him growing up to be either a depressed loser or a divorced man struggling to connect with his own children. There even times where the show was just cruel to Bart for no reason. Like there was a whole episode where the city of Springfield villified poor Bart cos he lost a baseball game. Not to mention there was a 20 year long running gag of Homer strangling Bart for comedic effect.
I think his fame of being a rebel kid from the 90s has really affected his characterisation, even to this day. People forget this but back in the 90s, Bartmania was everywhere. People thought Bart’s devil may care attitude and one liners was peak comedy but because of this, the writers realised that he should always be this rebel who’s book dumb but still had a good heart cos that’s what people wanted to see. Which is fine, but that doesn’t give that much dimension to a main character. And that’s gonna get old really fast. And it did.
He became flanderised and almost turned into the show’s second biggest butt monkey next to Homer. Homer’s antics and him getting his comeuppance is funny cos he’s a grown man with the mindset of a bratty child and that is something that will never stop being funny. But Bart is a kid who may not excel at schoolwork and likes to cause trouble but he is a legit good kid with a good heart.
And the show mostly treats him like the butt of a joke or constantly remarks that he’s never gonna amount to anything in the future.
Even in episodes where he develops new hobbies that would be ideal things to expand with his character are dropped quickly whereas Lisa gets a whole episode about Buddhism and that is implemented throughout the show whereas Bart gets one episode about him taking up drumming as a hobby and the show is like poof gone. Like has no one noticed that Bart got a LOT of episodes of him caring for animals? Why don’t we have an episode where he wants to be a vet or wants to work in a zoo part time but ends up in a crappy cleaning job and makes friends with a beluga whale or something.
I just think Bart gets way too much negative attention and is severely underdeveloped for a main character in a 30 long sitcom show
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saltygilmores · 8 months
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Can I have a donut too? *yoink* Thank you. So much going on with this outfit. Wardrobe Dept : Layers, people! I WANT TO SEE MORE LAYERS! AND I WANT THAT VEST TO BE PUFFY! And make sure his shirt has a skull on it too cause the chicks dig that. Milo:
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Jess informs Luke he has to run "errands" before school and the thought of this small infant kitten making a run to the post office to buy stamps and dropping by the laundromat before homeroom is just a delightful image. Of course we know where he's actually going. To toil in the Walmart Mines. But first, coffee and a donut and some petty theft.
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This is such a great line. Perfect sassy delivery. Perfect comedic timing. Totally under rated quip that rarely ends up in anyone's little edits and I don't know why. So under rated that I forgot about it. Luke and Jess are the best.
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He can steal a little bit. As a treat.
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There goes my teenage nephew. Off to his Gigolo Job. Sexually servicing the horny lonely women (men?) of The Hollow. I'd really love to know who Luke thought Jess had as his clientele in Stars Hollow. Miss Patty?
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*shudder* Luke goes to Gypsy's auto shop to confirm that Jess' car purchase was legit. She can't confirm the source of his cash flow. Not satisfied with the answer, Luke goes home to nose around some more and commit some serious violation of Jess' privacy by rifling through his underwear drawer, where he finds a mysterious box. I'm not clear what he's looking for. Money? Is he looking for the $10 Jess took out of the register? Kiss it goodbye Luke, it's gone. Probably already spent on a copy of Maxim and some Jergens. (Rebecca Romjin Stamos was on the cover of Maxim in November 2002, by the way. What other Gilmore Girls Watcher Person is going to look this stuff up except Ol' Salty?). Depending on whose dresser drawer this is, either Jess or Luke wear gray and white striped panties. My money is on Jess, striped boxer briefs are too sassy for Luke.
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Seen: Striped panties, Box O' Weed. A few moments earlier Luke had spoken to a waiter/undercover cop in the diner (a waiter I have never seen before nor ever again who looked incredibly out of place) asking him to narc on Jess' whereabouts. Luke then proceeds upstairs to rifle through Jess' shit without his consent, as one tends to do on Gilmore Girls. During this rifling, Luke takes a phone call from an unknown person. I don't yet understand the context of this odd phone call. It goes like this: Hey Randy. What's up. Someone's gotta take care of it. It's not gonna take care of itself. I understand. I get it. What else? Huh? Who the hell is Randy? The other time someone said "I have to take care of something" the Stars Hollow PD had to dredge a dead body from the lake. Shady shit.
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At one point in his little privacy violation mission Luke opens up an oddly shaped reddish box that almost looks like a heart shaped Valentine's Day chocolate box (the lighting is very dim here). Maybe the kind of box you'd stash your weed in after you finished the candy. (it was empty. Jess must have smoked all the weed already). Next, in anticipation of Creepy Sherry's baby shower, Lane and Rory have a walk-and-talk about the disgustingness of sex and childbirth. Rory calls the "Getting there" part of child birth a "big cosmic joke." So...is the "Getting there" sex? Poor Dean and Jess. The bluest balls in all the land. Rory stringing Dean along for two years without putting out may be the only sympathy I reserve for him. That's rough. Lane: My mom has never told me where babies come from. When my cousin got pregnant she said an angel brushed its wings against her. Rory: I could fill you in on the details. Lane: No thank you. I already learned it on the streets. That was funny. Lane is great.
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Welllp. I take that back. Jess and Lane could have been really great friends. Good thing she comes around eventually. In like...the last episode before Jess and Rory break up and he disappears forever she calls them a cute agoraphobic couple. A little too late there my friend. One day you might need a place to crash in NYC with your band and you'll wish you had his number. Let this be a lesson to you fine people. Never get into an unavoidable minor car accident while in Stars Hollow. Never drive in Stars Hollow. Never visit Stars Hollow. Pretend the entire state of Connecticut doesn't exist. You'll be happier, healthier and wiser.
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Here we go again. Rory's friends and family trying to fight battles for Rory that she really, really doesn't want fought.
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Incoming! My little puffy vested kitten. I'm going down a "what did teenage boys wear in the early 2000s" rabbit hole now. I'll bring you back a souvenir. I graduated high school in 2002. I just have no memory of the fashion at the time. Boys did not give me the time of day. It was for the best, honestly.
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Hey, look who it is! Mr. Rygalski/Brody/Cohen, you likely don't have complete control over your own wardrobe for television, but this outfit is a crime. Speak up, man. Don't get me started on Timberlake, either. My search results are skewing Puffy vests over dress shirts instead of puffy vests over tshirts. I want to leave the early 2000's now.
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Put that finger down, woman.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we have Upside Down Watch. After the lively recent Tumblr debate about UDW being some kind of tribute to military service members wearing their watches upside down, I asked my friend in the army if this was a thing she was aware of and she stated she had never seen any one wear their watch upside down. Admittedly a very small sample size. But it deepens the mystery.
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Please watch this scene and listen to how he lisps "Andy Griffith" in this sentence, it's really adorable, and cawr always delights as well.
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Cawr cawr cawr!
Lane proceeds to pontificate on the shoddy quality of his Cawr. Okay, Miss Judgy No Cawr or License. After you obtain a car, license and registration through dubious means like Jess did , then you can have an opinion on what he’s driving.
Maybe if you tried to befriend him, he'd be wiling to let you bum a ride with him to band practice. That is a quandry you're currently trying to solve, is it not? Use your noodle. There's a white tshirt peeking out. So he's wearing...*counts* four layers. Vest, beige shirt, black shirt, white shirt. Underactive Thyroid Betty over here.
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The best part of everyone being salty to Jess is that he doesn't give one single flying cupcake if someone doesn't like him. Plus he has a braw in his back seat. Probably several braws. Goodnight.
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oxianamello · 5 months
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🐍Oxiana Mello reference post🐍
New ref sheet and design up! 'v' See her info and backstory under the spoiler ‧˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹
General information:
Name: Oxiana Mello Age: 29 (Post timeskip) Height: 190cm / 6'9" Personality: Her easygoing nature and demeanor makes her seem very relaxed and.. well.. 'mellow', often making her a target for people and pirates who might be looking for an easy mark. She's very easy to approach, and emits a friendly aura that makes most feel welcome in her presence. However, they way she treats everyone with the same enthusiasm makes it difficult to know if she's being legit or just putting up a font. She gets her kicks from witty banter and sarcastic remarks. Devil Fruit: Hebi-Hebi no mi: model Samar Cobra (a highly venomous spitting cobra)
She can shed her skin to counter superficial wounds such as scrapes, scratches, heat and cold. It is also possible for her to layer it to deflect heavier hits, cushioning them with her own skin. Although it's a potent skill, she hates using it because it flakes horribly, like massive dandruff and dead skin.
Toxin secretion through her teeth and gums, under her nails, able to inject through her own specialized fingergun technique named "Shigan: snakebite" where she uses two fingers to emulate a snake bite. Can also fling drops over longer distances with high accuracy, or fling drops with little accuracy like a shotgun.
Her saliva secretes an antivenom, so any toxin applied along with her saliva is harmless, and tastes kinda sweet.
Like a snake, her initial ambush speed is explosive, but she is unable to keep up the same speed over longer durations. Strengths:
Rokushiki master, specializing in 'finger pistol', 'paper art', and 'iron body'.
Haki: Specialty is observation haki, and paired with her snake senses, she is able to sense certain things and people from afar by flicking her tongue, much like how a snake smells and senses. She's also able to vaguely pick up on people's intentions and feelings if they are within 15 meters. She can also use armament haki, but mostly for offensive means, empowering her 'Snakebite'.
Grip strength. Part of the reason she uses a modified finger pistol with two fingers is to be able to grab on to people better. She's very hard to get off once she grabs a hold of you, she would be excellent at rock climbing. Traits: She's hella expressive and emotional, but she has a kind of disorder where her tear ducts work overtime over the smallest excess of emotion, which has made her adapt a very "mellow" demeanor. Any emotion that is being felt a little more than normal makes her tears roll, not because she's sad or crying, but because her body just can't handle it and uses tears to process it. Any amount of extra joy, anger, excitement, or sadness triggers it. She's been described as a weirdo or sometimes creepy for "crying" while doing her Cipher Pol work.
Mello and Lucci were two kids from the same batch who were recruited by the World Government to undergo training to become Cipher Pol agents. Mello stood out for her relentless optimism, regularly cracking jokes and sporting a smile that brought a bit of light to the rigorous regime the litter of kids faced. Despite their contrasting personalities — Mello's cheerful and witty disposition clashing with Lucci's serious and calculated demeanor — they were drawn together, forming an unlikely friendship. The time came when Lucci, among others, was selected to join the more elite CP9, somethng that would intensify his training and isolate him from Mello and the rest. As he departed, Mello sprinted alongside his departing ship as far as the dock allowed, shouting out for him to promise a visit back to her — a promise Lucci made.
Years rolled by, and Mello found her place in CP7, serving with dedication. Basically she joined the intel unit of Cipher Pol, (I just happened to pick CP7 to be the intel unit), focusing on espionage, as well as gathering and handling of intelligence. But Lucci's absence grew heavier with each passing day; no visits, no letters. Her curiosity and missing her old friend led her to quietly probe for Lucci's whereabouts. This curiosity was met with resistance from her superiors due to the secretive nature of CP9, and ultimately they stopped her inquiries with a lie: Lucci had fallen in the line of duty. Shattered by the belief that Lucci was gone forever, Mello's spirit broke. After over a decade and a half with CP7, the hope of reuniting had fueled her. Now, extinguished. She took leave from her duties to recover, but her lack of income forced her into a poor lifestyle. Hopping from ship to ship, island to island, Mello did whatever odd jobs she could find, all while dealing with sad accommodations, from bug-infested motels to makeshift hideaways in the wild, living like a hobo for 5 or so years.
Circumstances led her to a war-scarred isle in the grand line where the government, stretched thin on manpower, had reluctantly requested a Cipher Pol member to supervise the building of a Marine outpost. It was here, during a confrontation with pirates from her past as an agent, that she crossed paths with the one assigned to the task -- Rob Lucci. The sight of Lucci, alive and now a member of the even more prestigious CP0, turned her world upside down. Overwhelmed with relief and emotion, Mello couldn't help but burst into tears. I like to imagine that all CP9 agents, especially Lucci, went through harsh indoctrination and memory suppression during his CP9 training, which stripped him of any memories that could hold him back, Lucci initially did not recognize Mello or recall their long-ago promise. However, their unexpected meeting sparked… something that was teetering at the edge of his mind.
Ofc they end up reconnecting, and even after 20ish years they are pleasantly surprised to rediscover their affinity for each other, and that the friendship from their childhood wasn't just a chance thing.
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kcuf-ad · 6 months
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Aight bet- I’ll start off with some things I like you may already know XD
Well written female characters given equal amounts of flaws and development in both character and strength depending on the type of media to the male characters, that’s given for almost any show I like really
MONSTROUS CHARACTERs. I’m not taking about like oh cute petite anime girl/boy with like a tail or some horns I’m TALKING MADOKA MAGICA WITCHES THOS GIANT WEIRD THINGS IN EVANGELION. I WANT MONSTERS THAT LOOK LIKE THEIR AN EXSTENTIAL NIGHTMARE!! It’s so gender envy ngl ✨💕 wish that were me
Also Father son duos are a treat for me, but I love father daughter duos more on a personal level (Haha daddy issues go brrr xDD)
SNAKE THEMED CHARACTERS! I know that you know I love snakes Fran XD
Symbolism in character design, the backgrounds, abilities names, I’m a sucker for shows and medias that have me over analyzing everything I could in terms of a character as a whole as well as their Morality, Psyche, biology, etc. just any character or moment I can just daydream about breaking down to their rawest moments and just analyze it til there’s nothing left for me to analyze over
The protagonist has flaws, and genuinely doesn’t win everytime (Yes even though I love Yusaku I mean this whole heartedly) XD
Angst bait and whump bait characters ig XD, I want to fall in love with a tragic character and immediately start hunting down angst and whump about them or just make my own ximssjsm
Also characters that I just wanna coddle and adopt XDDD
Bratty or cocky characters, that have utter fear of god instilled into them or absolutely gets knocked down their pedestal and it’s EMBARRASSINGLY AGONIZING FOR THEM, I’m not a sadist I swear :D
Theirs probs more but I can’t think rn and it’s already at ten I think that’s enough XDD
Oh~ This is such an interesting list, and I am actually pretty sure that Bleach has almost all of these.
Yeah, that is pretty much of a given. Orihime wants to protect her friends, but something happens to her powers and she feels horrible about it, she has real flaws that any girl would have.
Espadas, Just the Espadas. More specifically, Ulquiorra Cifer and his Ressureccion looks like a genuine devil in Bleach.
WE HAVE THAT! WE HAVE KENPACHI ZARAKI AND YACHIRU KUSAJISHI! And it is actually so cute, because this menacing beast of a man that loves to fight to death,
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has a tiny little girl on his shoulder, 24/7. And when he is angry, he just doesn't even think about harming her at all, he just thinks about the people he is about to fight.
4. If you count Isshin and Ichigo, then yeah, we have that. They are a perfect duo. Legit hilarious and Isshin actually loves his son and will protect him.
5. Yup! Cyan Sung-Sun
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6. Yeah it does have that with pretty much every character in this show, even the jokey characters like Asano Keigo. There are hundreds of videos just talking about these characters.
7. Ichigo gets his ass kicked like every arc, at least. Not to mention, the internal battle that he has with his inner demon, both literally and narratively. This guy has more layers than an onion.
8. Pick one. You want angsty antagonist? Coyote Starrk. Angsty protag? Ichigo. Angsty female character? Rukia Kuchiki. Angsty side character? Uryu Ishida. It is filled with angsty characters.
9. Rukia, Yachiru, Yuzu, Karin, Nel, Toshiro, Momo, pretty much, anyone that won't kill you, but knowing you, you will adopt all of them.
10. Renji FUCKING Abarai, this boy is the most hilarious boy on the planet and I love him for that.
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Soooo~ Interested?
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blazescompendium · 1 year
Blaze's compendium entry #7: Never deny tobacco to the Saci Pererê
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The Saci painted by Newton Cavalcanti to a stamp collection, 1974
Warning: Faith and religion are important real life topics, that tackles the culture and way of life of millions of real life people. It is a cultural expression, and must be respected by all means. Here, we use a video-game ( some times) and other media series only to ignite the flame of learning about the matter, using its art when well depicted, but we do this with all due respect to the cultures we talk here, grounded by real life sources, cultures and people. And i mean this with respect. Hope you all enjoy.
I can finally talk a bit about my home country myths after a brief trip around other countries mythical creatures. The Saci is an extremely popular creature in Brazilian Folklore, and if you are Brazilian i am absolute sure you have encountered its fabulous tales already.
The Saci is (regrettably) not represented in the Megaten game series, as most of characters from my Compendium series. But i want to pop this bubble going forward, and not be exclusively tied to this games, since Mythology is a much more expansive subject, and i like to use Megaten just as a welcoming gate to more casual audiences!
The Saci Pererê is a Brazilian folkloric creature, akin to the trickster ''gnome'' archetype, not considered an evil creature by any means, but very mischievous and a prankster. Normally depicted as a black skinned toddler smoking a pipe, red cap, and some times red clothing. It's most striking feature is his only leg, which he uses to jump around in a surprisingly agile manner. His mischief deeds are many, like he would tie horse's manes, startle them, move objects inside people's homes, etc... His most known power is his control of wind currents. He can summon small sized typhoons, in which the creature can ride on to flee or use to fight if he needs to.
The Saci is hyperactive and fast, always doing something. Some people can interpret this creature as malevolent since its mischief and pranks can cause serious problems, like stealing the breaks of a carriage. However, that's not exactly the truth. The Saci is, almost always portrayed as neutral creture, and it has been since it's inception into the public consciousness. As we can see, some times it can be treated as a little devil, but it's a beloved figure nonetheless.
The name Saci Perere cames from a theorized corruption of the Tupi Guarani words: Caa Cy Perereg, which means ''Jumping Evil Eyes''. That's stated on the book ''Saci Perere: An Inquiry Result''. I was not able to verify it independently because i do not speak Tupi, and i was also unable to find online translators. But, this wording is also verified by the book ''Geography of the Brazilian Myths'' by the legendary Brazilian folklorist Camara Cascudo, so it seems legit. There will be a lot of this book in this subject, because it is such a complete work and a vital piece of research for anyone getting into the topic. [2], [1]
Cascudo does a great scholar work, going as far as giving dis-ambiguity of the Saci from other myths, and even animals that could be related to the legend.
Context: The Tupi Guarani, or just Guarani are the biggest native population living in the territory of Brazil today. They live more from the central region to the south and south-east, relatively far away form the Amazon forest in the northern regions. In general they are polytheists, and today are around 57.000,00 people. [This is sourced by the IBGE, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics]
But, even being a very popular creature in the local folklore, and even transcending the boundaries of its homeland some times, (as we will see ahead) the Saci has a relatively recent history. It's impossible to pinpoint exactly who and how this legend started. But we know it started on the southern and south-eastern most regions of the country, but there's no mention of it on the old fables from native people, which makes scholars think that the Saci is not that old as its relatives of the regional folklore.
A fact that corroborates this assertion is that, besides being a very popular folklore in Brazil, Saci is absent form any mentions to ancient sources, starting to appear more from the 18th century and above. [1]
The name Saci is not stranger to Folklore in the region though. Saci is also the name of a bird, Tapera Naevis, which has a related myth according to the Brazilian National Museum. The Saci bird is treated sometimes like a demon, that can confuse travelers with its singing. Another local legend has that this bird can suck the dead's souls. Al tough both of those claims are backed, i personally did not hear about it until researching for this topic. [1]
This particular bird its said to be seen as a bad omen to this day, in the Amazon region. This is pretty far away from where the folkloric Saci was born, but it seems that a common association with the bird is that it asks for tobacco to its pipe, just like the Saci does. This animal has the habit to sing during night times, so the legend says that it means it wants tobacco. If you actually replies to it, its said the bird will come after your promisse. [1]
This particular bird can also be connected to another folkloric tale, this time from the northern regions of Brazil, a witch called the Matinta-Pereira. This is a particular demonic witch, that can transform itself into the Saci bird, (Tapera Naevis) to get offerings from residents of villages. When her demands are not met, she causes bad things to happen. She also wears a red hat, and her name also bears the ''Perereg'' wording from before. Scholars believe that this is because this bird sometimes jumps in one leg, and has red feathers in their heads, which would also make senses with the Saci! I personally could not find any visual registry about it, but i am sure most of birds some times do this kind of stuff. [1]
The Matinta eventually became a generic name for haunting and supernatural ocurrences in the Northern regions, while the Saci became a thing in the southern regions. The Matinta became more associated with its cursed singings, as the book mentioned before says: ''It trespasses villages with its haunting screams. It will not attack or go after people, thought.'' [1] It kinda resembled me personally of the European Banshee, which also caused misfortune and disasters, and possesses a terrifying cry.
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The Saci bird and the Matinta-Pereira witch. (Art i got from Wikipedia, can't find the artist ): )
But this is just one, of the whole ''Birds named as Saci''. There is also the Romococcyx Phasianellus known colloquially as ''Peixe Frito'' (Fried Fish) and inhabits most of Brazilian territory. It has myths around its singing. [1]
If you got interested in this whole rabbit hole of folkloric birds, there's a lot to go on around the world myths! Just some time ago we made an article about the Muh Shubbuu from the Buryati people!
Notably the Saci shares its notoriety and Brazilian legends Pantheon with other similar trickster spirits, like the Caipora and the Curupira. Both are protectors of the nature, both of those are tricksters, and both also asks for tobacco in some legends! Although, the Saci is not a protector of nature, his only goals are to cause mischief. In more recent times, Saci is treated like he's a friend of those two, but this has more of a childish connotation, when teaching about national folklore to children.
The Saci also has spawned some relatives in neighbor countries. In Uruguay there is the Yasi Yatere, which is kind of a gnome with a magical wand. It can shape shift, and it usually kidnaps woman. When its wand is taken, much like the brazilian Saci with its hat, its powers ceases and it becomes weak. It's described in great detail in the book ''Supersticiones y Lendas'', from Juan B Ambrosetti. [1], [3]
In Argentina the Yasi is described mixing the features of its cousins from the region. It is also a dwarf type of gnome, but it's red and also carry a magical wand that protects its powers. They also would kidnap children to play with them, but they would go insane after that. It is also described by Ambrosetti. But also mentioned in a letter of a European missionary called José Guevara. [1]. [3]
Many of these features that the Saci and the Yasi shares comes mostly from European legends, the old archetype of a monster that can be tamed by taking it's belongings. Like the Vouivre from France with its carbuncle. The Saci wears its distinct red hat, that its often taken as the source of its power, so capturing a Saci involves capturing his hat. This could have a Portuguese influence. [1] Theres myths in Portugal, like the so called ''Pesadelo'' which is a creature that when having its hat stolen, could be controlled by the assailant.[1]
-Interesting fact that i have found many sources for this Portuguese myth, and other books mentioning it, but when talking with a friend from Portugal, he could not recognize this specific legend. If you are also Portuguese, and know about it, please let me know!
The 1924 book from F.C Maytzhusen: ''Pigimeos en Leyendas de los Guarnies'' Roughly translated as ''Gnomes in Guarany legends'' tells that the own Gurani people from the region had already its own myths about small magical people living in the woods, which some scholars attribute to an ancient memory of a small stature tribe that potentially lived around. This concept probably mixed very well with the before cited European beliefs, brought by the invaders. [4]
As you can see, it's like the already established lore about native gnome myths got fused with the European equivalents, such as like: The haunting trickster spirits of the woods, small size, agile and mischievous. In the book Geography of Brazilian Myths, the author makes a lot of comparisons to Djins, Imps, Faes, Fairies, and in fact i believe the Saci can absolutely fit in any of those ''races'' of mythic creatures, specially a Djinn or Yokai.
But in that book, the author fixates on the European Kobold being it's main ''ancestry''. The Kobold is like a Goblin, gnome and other whimsical forest creatures like the Brownies, Knockers and Silkies. Kobolds are a bit more versatile than its relatives, being told to live in houses, mining sites, and even boats. The boat ones used to smoke pipe! Kobold are individuals and can be mischievous, haunting and tormenting Humans that don't do their will. Just like their possible Brazilian relatives, the Kobold encounters are not usually fatal.
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Silky, Knocker, Kobold and Brownies are just some whimsical European fae that can be the common ancestor to the Saci
While some of those European Fae often smoked, the actual academic theory on why the Saci smoked pipe, it's from the native smoking rituals and culture of the Brazilian Native people, such as the Guarany. In the book before mentioned, the native people from Brazil teached the European invaders how to smoke. This was quick considered to be a sin for some European priests and got demonized by some as well, while it spread quickly between their peers. [1]
The Saci being one legged is not something original in mythology. Going back further in time to the legendary book ''Natural History'' from Pliny the Elder, (i really want to come back to this book one day) where he describes the Monopods, humanoid creatures that had just one leg and a giant feet, which they used to cast refreshing shadows on themselves when it was too hot outside. This creatures were before described in the even older book, Indika from Ctesias, and supposedly spotted in India. Just like the Saci, this creature was extremely agile even if just having one leg. They continued to be believed and continuously described well over the middle ages. [1], [5]
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Monopod. A rather Silly guy from Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493
There's no consensus on its origins, but some people say that the first people from the Europe seeing Yoga practitioners in India stand in one leg, or have some kind of parasol confused. We will likely never know, but that goes to show one legged humanoid creatures were already talked about much earlier. [1]
In Chile you also had the Ketronamun from the native people there, a small gnome with just one leg, that appear in myths from almost every part of the Pacific South American coast. [1]
But there were also one legged deities around, take Tezcatlipoca from the Mexica (Aztecs) for instance. Being the god of moon and the stars, and one of the most important beings in the Mexica pantheon, he lost its leg fighting Cipactli. It was also related to the nocturnal wind, another connection with the Saci. But there is no scholar belief that the two were actually connected, they just shared a lot of similarities. [1]
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T ezcatlipoca misses his leg, or foot in many depictions!
But How the Saci was actually Born?
As we discussed the Saci Pererê was not cataloged by the first European Invaders of the 16th century. In truth, there are a lot of myths and tales that were properly archived by them, but the Saci is nowhere to be seen. So, scholars deduct the Saci was not that old, being actually born and popularized around the 17th century. [1] But the Saci would just gain character and personality around the 19th century.
The legend much probably, spread by word of mouth from south to north, while it would slowly absorbing local and foreign elements during its trip. From the regional mythical creatures like the Curupira, he inherited the ability to confuse and mislead people. From Caipora he inherited the haunting whistles and its relationship with horses. Its only leg could be from the Bird myths, and also inherited from European folklore as well. Its own red hat also coming from there. [1]
The red hat sometimes its a sign of supernatural entities in Europe. The name ''The One With The Red Hat'' was an euphemism for Satan himself and other devils in Portugal. The Saci some times is treated like a devil, in the Book ''Saci: An Inquiry Result'' at the page 83, there's a tale about the Saci appearing with a sulfur scent, just like demons would normally do. [2]
The Revival and the Controversy of Monteiro Lobato
When we talk about the Saci in Brazil, the elephant in the room is always Monteiro Lobato, an author from the 20th century. Without a doubt, his work was one of the most prolific and known authors if its time, and also dedicated a lot of his work to disseminate national Folklore. There was just one big problem: He was a terrible person. Lobato was a racist, aligned with the United Statian KKK, (yes) and generally treated people, specially black people, very poorly. So, if that was a text oriented only for Brazilians, i'd completely ignore his name, and would focus on the texts. But, for the sake of education of foreign readers, i had to mention him.
In 1917, this (awful) individual published an inquiry in one of the biggest newspapers of the country, searching for personal and regional tales about the Saci, which he planned to catalog and archive. The idea was to protect the national Folklore, since he would argument that we should focus on our own mythology, rather than importing everything from other countries. While the Saci had the ancestry of European Myth, it was a 100% modern Brazilian born legend. This kind of thought is pretty impressive from a racist dipshit, but ok.
Although Lobato did had the idea of collecting tales, they were all brought from other people, regular people, which i prefer to credit. With this rather than him. They published the book ''Saci: An Inquiry Result''. This book would be very important for the Saci lore, because it ended up skyrocketing its dim popularity, making sure he would survive for more centuries.
A funny trivia about this book, is that at the time of its publishing, the newspaper asked its sponsors to make ads using the Saci. Which had some pretty weird art that i rather not show. Thank you Monteiro Lobato for creating our capitalist version of the Dictionaire Infernal, very cool.
[EDIT] Lobato is also the creator of the work ''Sítio do Pica Pau Amarelo'' or roughly translated as Spot of the Yellow Woodpecker. I ended up not talking about it, but this is by far his most famous work that featured the Saci Pererê as one of the main character, as many other folkloric Brazilian entities. This work is often credited as many children's first contact with the Saci, and other folk Brazilian tales. This particular series is about a farm owned by Benta, an elderly woman that lived alone in the countryside. Her friend Nastácia lives along, and is famous for her dishes. She often gets visits of her nephew Lucia, which has the nickname Narizinho. She brings along her doll Emillia, which ends up gaining life and becomes a sort of tomboyish sidekick. They both live adventures along her friends and folkloric creatures.
Much regarded as the ''Brazilian Wizard of Oz'' this work was so popular it got adapted into several comic books and live action shows. The most popular of which aired during the 2000s from 2001 to 2007, and i as a kid often watched it. My favorite character had to be Emilia. (She will be present in the compendium, or a lesser post soon enough)
Al tough, due to Lobato awful nature as a person, the series is often pointed out as racist and problematic, being also written in the early 20th century it was filled with problems, which made a lot of people that grew up with this work depressed by those details. Luckily this is one of the rare occasions where there is an active effort from scholars and fans alike, to separate Sitio's influence on Brazilian culture and Folklore, from the awful person that was Lobato. The book is now on Public Domain, and each new iteration of the story deletes more and more problematic points, and as more decades went by, it gets more safe to consume and mixed with the Brazilian folklore, leaving the author in a sweet side note.
That said, not everybody is ok with this approach as well, and prefer to just abandon the literary work entirely. Which i honestly can't blame them for...
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One of the latest iterations of Sitio do Pica Pau Amarelo is a cartoon, produced during the 2010s. Here are Emilia and Lucia.
But, as the 20th century went by and more people went in contact with the Saci tales, now widespread, the once regional myth started to gain the world, and became a symbol of the country culture. For instance, in the 70s and 80s the Saci would be featured in the Japanese anime: Akuma Kun, from the legendary author Shigeru Mizuki, which i already covered many times here. Mizuki is an old acquaintance of us theologians, because he was not only a mangaka, but also a devoted scholar of over the world mythologies. Its studies some times ended up in Brazil, and that's how he got the Saci.
You may know this author from the famous Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro series. Mizuki made some mistakes, but he was one of the most important folklorists of its time, helping to protect and disseminate the folklore of his country. According the author Michael Dylan Foster, in the book ''The book of Yokai'' Mizuki was influenced by folklorists as such Yanagita Kunio (we already mentioned him here as well, for the Obayrion post!) And thanks to Mizuki, most post war Japanese people were thinking of his works, when thinking about Yokai.
But back to the Saci, he was a recurring character in the Akuma Kun manga. The series was about a boy that could control mythical creatures from around the world. Since Akuma Kun got a lot of sequels and reboots, we are talking about Saishinban Akuma Kun, from 1988. There, the Saci makes an appearance! The looks is very faithful, but the hat isn't red, and in the animation the character would have two legs, rather than the only leg always associated with it. Still, he controlled the winds and was very mischievous just like in its home country!
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The Saci in Akuma Kun Manga vs Anime
Mizuki's iteration of the Saci also just loses its powers when people take out his pipe, which differs from our regular version, where the hat does that. Besides this fact, Mizuki takes the artistic freedom to make the creature liking Football, which i particularly find funny but a bit stereotypical, and some people did not liked it. Overall, i thought it as a great representation!
Akuma Kun will get a new Anime in 2023. Lets hope that our Brazilian whimsicall friend makes an appearance.
There is much talk on how Mizuki found about the Saci Pererê, and the contact of Japanese with Brazilian folklore. I already explored that on my text on the Pokémon Whimsicott as well. However, the Brazilian Folklore in my opinion resonates very well with Japanese Folklore, so much that a lot of other Japanese artists that came in contact with it ended up using it as inspiration as well. A very known example is from the animator Ype Nakashima, that much probably had contact with Mizuki. The Saci was a character in one of Ype's most beloved works, the animation Piconze.
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Although the exagerated details in the Saci, that can be seen as problematic nowadays, this depiction is a product of its time, and i do not agree with it. It's here for the purpose of education.
While the Saci is not from Japan, we can see that it would get along very well with other Yokai, which ends up making it kind of popular with Japanese audiences. Other Brazilian Mythical creatures were also explored by foreigners like the Cuca, Caipora, (which appeared in the Demi Kids series of games, by the way!) The Curupira, and many others!
The Saci vs the Halloween a National Symbol
The Saci Pererê got the status of a national symbol. And as such, it was often used as a counter point to foreign interference in Brazilian culture. Since its rebirth in the 20th century, in an attempt to retrieve its legacy, the creature is often held as a protector of Brazilian culture.
As such, in 2003 it was proposed by Brazilian politics that the Saci should have a national holiday, and it should be commemorated in October 31st, in opposition to the growing Halloween culture around Brazil. The argument was that this was a foreign holiday, not from our country, and we should celebrate the Saci as a symbol of patriotism.
But the problem is that Halloween was never a tradition nor a holiday in Brazil, and both holidays never caught too much attention. Still, the Saci vs Jack O'Lantern fight is somewhat took lightly as a funny way to protect our national Folklore.
Notoriously, the beef between the Saci and Jack O'Lantern was commemorated in a song, from the 2013 parody metal album ''Metal Folklore'', sang by the Brazilian metal singer Bruno Sutter, acting as his parody Persona the Detonator. The album was pretty well received and brought attention to the concept again, with the song called ''Saci.'' which is a critic to United States imperialism and its forced influence on Brazilian culture. Bruno brought along the famous Punk Rock singer João Gordo to this track, which is a celebrated artist in the country, who even ended up in some Nirvana gigs, back in the 1990s.
I personally got to know Bruno during a concert, and even watched him perform live. The dude is amazing, and you should give it a listen!
You can listen to this particular song on Spotify!
''October 31st is the Saci day!
Do not fool yourself my friend
Halloween is american, which is far away from Brazil
Trick or treat is your fucking mother!
Saci is the red cape warrior!
Saci is a mischievous boy!
The Pumpkin is already shitting itself
Don't fuck with Brazilian Folklore!'' -Some Lyrics from the song
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This amazing artwork was provided by my great friend @atmaflare! Here we see the Saci having an argument with Jack O'Lantern, probably saying to him to stay away from his turf.
The comedic and critic nature of the song made it pretty popular at the time, and this canonically beef between the two creatures became somewhat common here. Still, both are dates are celebrated without any major incident!
Inside Brazil, Saci is also a major character of the amazing Netflix series ''Invisible City'' which is all about Brazilian Folklore, and supernatural occurrences in a life of a police officer in modern times. Give it a watch!
On Personal Notes
So, in this case the Saci comes from my home country and naturally i grew up with his tales of mischief and supernatural occurrences. In this sense, i have much more of a personal connection to my topic of study for this text, and so i can have my own verdict to it. It's natural for kids here to have contact with this mythical character. Or at least, it was when i was a kid in the early 2000s.
When i was little, the Saci was a particular mythological being that i feared. It was not that he was dangerous in a real sense of the way, but i rather not find it alone in the woods, or be bullied by him.
Still there was a grain of fascination by his figure, because there was the possibility to actually win against the Saci, taking his hat and making him do as our biding. And most of time, his mischief ended up as funny for kids.
Nowadays the Saci is still regarded as one of the most beloved folkloric tales of Brazil, inspiring newer generations of folklorists to protect and share the culture that they belong and grew up with, such as myself. For this reason, the Saci will always stay in the Brazilian collective consciousnesses, not only because of its supernatural powers, its haunting abilities surviving the current age, but also as a symbol of our own home in this planet.
As Camara Cascudo said in his book:
''Today the Devil that is inseparable from tales, from countryman conversations. Vague, haunting, unexpected, malicious, humorous (...) Now, diluted in the memory of those who does not have the spiritual age to fear it anymore.''
Sources and Bibliography:
1- Camara Cascudo: Geografia dos Mitos Brasileiros (Geography of Brazilian Myths)
2- Saci: Resultado de um Inquérito, Monteiro Lobato (Saci: An Inquiry Result)
3- Supersticiones y Lendas'', Juan B Ambrosetti.
4- Pigimeos en Leyendas de los Guarnies, F.C Maytzhusen
5- Natural History, Pliny the Elder
6- The Book of Yokai, Michael Dylan Foster (small Citation)
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blazinginferno626 · 1 year
My headcanon about the devil and how that effects his and Dice’s relationship
I have the head canon that the devil has bpd or borderline personality disorder. if you don’t know, what bpd is it is a personality disorder characterized by instability in mood, functioning, and behavior. Now it’s no surprise that the devil has serious issues controlling his anger but, there are other reasons that I think he may have this particular disorder. The biggest reason I think he may have bpd is looking at his relationship with King Dice. 
Now most of this is just speculation/theorizing but I do have legit evidence for this as well. First off I wanna talk about is the whole number one nickname that King Dice and the Devil use to refer as King Dice’s place in the devil’s life. So a while back on twitter Luke Milton Drake the va for the devil did a q and a, and whenever anyone asked what his opinion on King Dice was he’d always refer to him as his number one, except for one time when he says the same thing except he adds unless he crosses me. Now this is interesting to me because this very much aligns with the canon of the show. 
You see the first time we see the devil and king dice interact it seems mostly negative but, there are also somethings in that episode that also implies that they typically have more positive interactions with each other. There are also some implications that the devil doesn’t usually treat King Dice the way he did in roll the dice. The reason I ring all this up is because another symptom of bpd is that people with bpd tend to have the uncanny ability to switch between love and hate. This means that a person with bpd will treat that person like they’re the greatest person alive one minute but if they do something that upsets said person that person will seem like their mortal enemy the next. This kinda correlates with how he treats King Dice at the end of that episode.
Now something the devil said is that was King Dice’s first loss ever. Yet he has such an intense reaction. Now it could be summed up that he wanted cuphead’s soul. But at that time, he really didn’t seem as motivated to get it as seen in sweater luck next time. It also explains something dd said about the whole situation as to why the devil didn’t let King Dice get cuphead back to him in release the demons;
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I mean cuphead is the only time that king dice has failed to get a soul for the devil and yet the devil completely lost faith in him for that one incident. Which seems unfair since he cuphead was his one loss. This seems to indicate that the devil holds king dice in a very high standing which is confirmed by dd as well.
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It’s not until down and out do we see the devil act less hostile towards king dice. And that’s only after he proved his loyalty to the devil by still attempting to steal cuphead’s soul despite having his fame and really having no reason to do so than getting his soul for the devil. 
Now the next one is totally a headcanon as we haven’t really seen the devil act this way towards dice but considering how the devil wants the admiration of others it can be assumed that he is jealous of dice’s fame. I bring this up because anther symptom of bpd is people with bpd can often express extreme jealousy over their partners. I also headcanon that his jealousy actually goes both ways he’s jealous of dice’s fame but he’s also jealous of how king dice’s attention goes towards his audience rather than the devil. 
The next symptom I want to mention is mostly headcanon as it isn’t really show in the show but there is some evidence of this in the show itself is they can be overly critical of others. Using their criticism as a means to control. But cannot handle criticism themselves. Now we now that the devil has a hard time accepting criticism as seen in the devil’s pitchfork when he’s reading a review in the paper. But as for him being critical of King Dice the only thing, I can think of is how dd said that Dice was insecure and for all we know that has nothing to do with the devil. Also, how King Dice is eager to please the devil but, I don’t think the devil uses his criticism to control Dice I think he just really cares about his boss’s opinion of him. 
The last symptom I am going to name is very interesting to me as it would contextualize some of the scenes between Dice and the Devil. Men with bpd lack emotional intelligence. They are unable to regulate or express their own emotions and can often misread the emotional feel of others. This little headanon of mine makes me think that the devil may not understand just how badly his cruelty affects Dice. Like maybe he doesn’t really understand how his opinion and approval really matters to King Dice. After all he seemed really surprised that dice was willing to go after cuphead’s soul despite the fact that he was fired. And hypothetically he wouldn’t understand how much being his number one actually matters to Dice.
This is all just speculation decided to post about it because I liked the idea and I noticed some similarities between the devil and my friend who has bpd.  
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
Since we're on the topic what is your favourite kind of romance heroine? It doesn't have to be one specific type just what kind do you gravitate towards.
Hmmm I mean, I love a lot of romance heroines, but I've noticed that I tend to enjoy heroines who've experienced life most of all or are very determined to experience it. This doesn't have to mean a widow in historicals, or even necessarily one who isn't a virgin (though I do prefer a non-virgin heroine over a virgin--and it truly doesn't matter lol, I'll read either very happily, it's just that like... if I HAD to choose I'd pick a heroine who wasn't a virgin, and the hopeful? series I'm trying to write does not feature any virgin heroines, which wasn't planned and sort of just happened). I just like a heroine who's at least somewhat jaded, who knows how the world works. Someone who is closed off.
I do love an ice queen. The lady of the manor, as it were. I also really love an unrepentantly sexual and hedonistic heroine--like, I ADORE this type, virgin or not. Someone who's all "well what happens if I do tHIS?" and very happily teases her partner. I think both the ice queen who's seen too much of the world and is tired of this shit and the very sexual heroine (whether she's done it before or adjusts to it like a duck to water lol) are preferable to me than like... The true babe in the woods innocent who's like "whaaaaat" at every single sexual thing that happens. Like, as an example of how you can handle this with virgin heroines--Evie in Devil in Winter is a virgin, but she's very naturally sexual and doesn't have an issue with adjusting to St. Vincent's appetites and is soooo into sex that she's the one who "makes" him lose the bet. And she's so practical about it. She finds out they need to fuck to make it legit and goes "yeah that sounds about right". She's not all shocked or whatever.
I love very feminine heroines, and will usually gravitate towards heroine that give "divine feminine" vibes over tomboy vibes. BUT THAT BEING SAID. I can get behind most heroines. Very rarely will I turn down a book just because the heroine doesn't seem like my type. I tend to love heroines that people hate. The only things I really can't do with heroines is:
--constant insecurity
--constantly mentioning how plain or ugly she is like shut the fuck up Mr. 6'5" stunnah with a 9 inch cock is railing you at every minute, I don't buy it, this feels like such pandering and I frankly don't want or need it
--subset: heroines who are fat and are always like "I know that because of my ample body he probably doesn't like me" oh my god this romance hero is clearly one of those guys who likes to see it jiggle get ooooover it (I say this as someone with insecurities about my weight--I just can't get behind heroines who agonize over it every other page, she can have body image issues without it being 20% of the novel)
--heroines who fuck the hero over but it's fine because she's the heroine and he's the hero and we never confront these actions ever (ex: I just a read a book I was really loving with an NFL player hero who was a virgin, and the heroine deflowered him, they fell in love, and this Ashley Madison type site put out a $1 million reward for a woman who could prove she took his virginity; someone steals hero's phone and leaks nudes of the heroine she sent him, and it's hORRIBLE and she's understandably traumatized and depressed, but she claims her power by TELLING THE PRESS SHE TOOK HIS V CARD without TELLING HIM IN ADVANCE so she can donate the money to charity???? And when he's understandably mad it's treated as this overreaction on his part??? And dude I am sorry but how the fuck is very intimate info about his sex life being shared without his permission okay???? Anyway sorry that shit blew my mind.). I find that condescending.
Heroines I love that I think sum up a lot of this:
--Greer Galloway/Colchester/Galloway Colchester Moore or whatever the fuck from New Camelot by Sierra Simone. Greer is so self-possessed and cool and smart, but she's also like, this hedonistic wild woman who is fully willing to "why not both?" her marriage. Lol some of the best parts of the sex scenes in those books are Greer in the background like "GIVE HIM THE DICK!!!!!"
--Neomi Laress, Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole. A total temptress(ssss) who flirts first and asks questions later, but is also out for her own (understandable) game and accidentally falls in love with a deeply damaged Conrad Wroth and is like "he is baby". Both tough and jaded and deeply nurturing once her heart opens up.
--Ellie Peirce, Lothaire by Kresley Cole. I love Ellie so fucking much. (And she's a virgin heroine, so again, I love all!) She's tough as nails (her epigraph is literally "steel magnolia? TRY TITANIUM") but has the vulnerability to like, cry and break down when shit gets really hard. She refuses to be disrespected. She's very in touch with her own sexuality and uses it to get what she wants. I love a heroine who approaches a hero that is basically the equivalent to a massive toothy snarling monster and like, solemnly buckles a diamond collar that says "BRAT" or something around his neck, and then he's just her bitch from there on out.
--Eleanor Ramsay, The Duke's Perfect Wife by Jennifer Ashley. A new favorite! I love her your honor! Very fun and nice and perky and confident, but has been around the block and isn't super quick to trust Hart this time around. (Even if they did have sex THRICE like a decade ago, as he constantly reminds her.) She had the dignity to expect better from him and dumped his ass without crying (in front of him). She also, unfortunately, can't resist that dick. And wants to take Victorian photographs of it. The dichotomy of woman. But again, this heroine who just blinks at the hero unimpressed and goes "down boy" is really My Shit.
--Sara Fielding, Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas. Sara really encapsulates a specific subset of heroine that I love, and I think this is probably my favorite type of virgin heroine, which is "local woman cartwheels headlong into mortal peril at any given moment while very growly man shrieks in terror and runs after her like she's a priceless vase that just fell off his mantle". Sara is nosy, she's not afraid to learn, she is naive at points but in a very "my b" kind of way, she super doesn't care about cheating on her wet blanket fiance when Derek Craven is on the menu, and she does dumb shit like go "Should I get bangs?" (Derek: I WILL KILL MYSELF IF YOU GET BANGS.)
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kaunis-sielu · 2 years
A Payment: 11
A/N: smut
You’d never met Pepper Potts but you’ve heard of her. You’ve heard that she’s a force to be reckoned with and when she comes into your home with Tony you understand. She’s no nonsense, firm but kind and she and Tony compliment one another perfectly.
She’s light and airy during dinner but when Tony attempts to start to talk shop she shuts him down.
“Not at the table Tony.”
“Babe. This is a work dinner.” He protests and she raises an eyebrow at him and Tony lets out a long sigh, “Okay, okay.” You and Steve share an amused glance.
“So, this marriage, is it legit?” Pepper asks, “because really Steven I thought we’d at least be informed ahead of time.”
“It happened fast. At some point I think it’d be lovely to do a renewal of some sort.” You tell her meeting Steve’s eyes with a little smile.
“You’d want that Honey?” He asks and you nod, maybe someday when you’re ready to be really married to him you could have a renewal ceremony that is actually your first ceremony. “Consider it done. Whenever you want.”
“Adorable. Tony why don’t you do shit like that for me?”
“I do! I just bought you a bunny!”
“A giant stuffed animal bunny does not count as being romantic or sweet.” She glances over at you, amusement clear on her face, “It’s a fifteen foot stuffed animal. What in the hell am I supposed to do with that?” You laugh softly and shrug.
“I’m afraid you’ve stumped me.” You admit and she laughs, the dinner and desert goes well, you actually enjoy the time you spend talking with Tony and Pepper but once dinner is over the two men stand to leave the table. Steve presses a quick kiss to your lips,
“We’ve got some business to talk. Do you want to know?”
“Okay, we’ll be back soon.”
You and Pepper spend the time chatting, she pitches an idea that she has to you about getting a charity group started, something that you think is a wonderful idea. You know that donating money can help protect you and Steve, and you like being able to give back. You put a meeting with her on your calendar for after your next work week.
“You two are very cute.” Pepper says, giving you a sideways glance as she sips some wine.
“Thank you.” You tell her before your own sip.
“Did you know he was going destroy your family’s company before you married him?”
“No.” You’re not going to lie to her, she’s probably heard about your first meeting with Tony.
“And you’re okay with it?”
“They don’t give a fuck about me, my father is a terrible man, abusive and vile and my brother is no better. So yes, I’m okay with it.” She nods once, in understanding and you can’t help but wonder what she’s been treated like.
When Steve and Tony come back you hang out for a cup of coffee then the pair head home. You move to the kitchen and start to clean up from dinner, Steve joins you and your heart races. This is the first time that you’ve been alone together since your little announcement that you’re ready to have sex with him.
You can feel his eyes on you, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead he starts to help you clean up, you wash dishes silently and when you finish with the last bowl he takes it from you and places it on the counter.
“I’m fairly certain that’s not where that goes.” You tease him as he moves behind you.
“Honey, I honestly don’t give a fuck.” He says into your hair as he wraps his arms around you. “I’ve been dying for somethin’ sweet all night.”
“Devil’s food cake wasn’t sweet enough for you?”
“I’m thinkin’ something more like honey, with a little sass and just for me.” He rumbles before kissing you under your ear. Your heart is racing as you drop your head back against him. “What do ya think Honey? Can I have a taste?” He whispers and you’re pretty sure that your soul leaves your body.
“Yes.” You breathe and Steve turns you around, his hands splayed across your waist and he presses a kiss to your lips. There’s more heat to this kiss than the others you’ve had with him, probably because you both know what’s coming next.
“Jump.” He murmurs against your lips before pulling away. You do as he says and you’re in his arms, his hands are under your ass and as you kiss him again he starts moving. Steve only pauses when he gets to the stairs,
“I can,” you offer a breath away from his lips and he growls.
“No.” He starts slowly then up the stairs and you can’t help but be impressed as he picks up speed and carries you up the rest of the stairs. When you get to your room you reach behind you and open the door, Steve kicks it shut once you’re through and before you know it he’s lowered you onto the bed. Steve stands between your knees and looks down at you,
“God you’re so pretty.” He says, “But I want this,” He tugs at the skirt of your dress, “off.”
“You’ll have to unzip me.” You tell him, but before you can move he pulls a knife from somewhere and slices clean through the side of your dress. “Steve!”
“I’ll buy you another.” He promises throwing the knife over his shoulder and onto the floor. “Thank god I didn’t know what was under that dress earlier.” He murmurs looking at the matching lace set you’re wearing. Before he can touch either piece you hold up a hand.
“Do not rip these, also, I’m finding it wholly unfair that I’m the only one in my underwear.” You fold your arms over your chest, knowing exactly what it’s doing to your cleavage and when Steve pops all of the buttons of his shirt rather than just undoing them you can’t help but laugh. “Pants?”
“Then I’ll be the only one naked baby.” He says dropping to his knees, “Now, let me get a taste of my dessert.” He loops his arms around your hips and scoots your ass forward on the bed, he peels your underwear off of your legs then presses his mouth to your core. You can’t think straight with his mouth on you. You can’t do much of anything, even hold yourself up while he, enjoys his dessert. You can’t help but buck your hips and Steve laughs,
“Honey if you can’t stay still I’m gonna have to tie you to the bed.”
“Knew you’d like that.” You pant and he gently bites your inner thigh.
“Those claws baby.” He teases before going back to your core.
It doesn’t take long for you to snap, Steve has figured you out as if he’s known you forever.
“Steve, I’m, fuck. I’m gonna cum. Please, don’t stop, don’t.” You pant and thank god he continues and you shudder cumming hard.
“Fucking best dessert I’ve ever had.” Steve says grinning at you from between your legs.
“Fuck.” You breathe and Steve kisses you as he undoes his pants, you struggle out of your bra. Steve’s hand slides up your side, it’s warm and callous against your skin.
“God damn you’re so pretty Honey.” He murmurs before kissing you again, you whine softly as his cock brushes against your thigh.
“I don’t know Honey, I told you I wouldn’t fuck you until you begged me for it.”
“I hate you.” You growl and he laughs, nipping the skin of your jaw under your ear.
“Beg me.” He says teasing your folds with his cock, “Come on Baby, you know you wanna.” You glare up at him, how can he be so sexy, so wonderful, so loving and such a jackass?
“I don’t think I will.” You tell him and his eyes darken as you slip a hand between your thighs and start to play with yourself. Steve reaches over to the nightstand, pulls something out then grabs your hands and before you can blink he has your hands cuffed above your head.
“You wanna try that again Sweetheart?” Steve asks and you give a little tug at the cuffs,
“Steve.” You grumble and he kisses you softly,
“Beg me.”
Tag list:
@andahugaroundtheneck @connie326 @also-fangirlinsweden @lumar014 @loving-life-my-way @pagina16ps @emdying @dumblani @valsworldofcreativity @blackwidownat2814 @sky0401 @dontbescaredtosingalong @abschaffer2 @patzammit @inkedaztec @newdaynewyearnewlife @sophham @sass-masterkittenmama
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hi Hi, I’m not sure if I bother you rn and if I do, forgive me I don’t do it in purpose🙏 just wanted to know if you are ok with making me a headcanon with Law, Hongo and chopper (platonic for him, ofc) with a s/o who have the malady of Lyme. So it’s give to her some pain attacks from times to times? Idk if you write for hongo, if you don’t sorry! And replace him by an other doctor. Like Marco or an other one you like or just do for law and chopper, I won’t be a annoying person by asking many and many details… 😭😭 Though thanks for just reading it. 👌 English isn’t my first language so ignore the mistake please 🫣
Hey, don't worry, you're not bothering me at all. Sorry if this took a while and thank you for being patient. I've (obviously) never written for Hongo so I hope this is okay, I did my best. I assume by malady of Lyme, you mean Lyme disease (the advanced version), so I wrote for that. Even after research, I don't know much about it, so I hope I did okay. and don't worry, you won't be annoying by asking for lots of details... enjoy!
Warnings: Lyme Disease, chronic pain, disease
Word Count: 780
Is actually kind of upset with you.
How could you let it get this bad?
How could you not notice?
Still does everything he can to take care of you.
Despite scolding you, he takes very, very good care of you.
I don’t know the full capabilities of his devil fruit but if he’s able, he’ll totally use his abilities to help make you feel better.
Or if he can, he’ll just remove the problem entirely, I don’t know much about how or why Lyme Disease works.
Even though he scolds you once per attack, he only does it after you’re feeling better enough.
While you’re still in pain, he’s taking very good care of you.
He still seems like his usual stand-offish self, but he’s actually very worried about you.
If it’s just the two of you, he’ll be a little softer with you.
Gently helping you do things, helping with the pain however he can.
Definitely lets you stay in bed and rest. Rest will ease the pain at least.
Makes sure that you’re feeling better before letting you get up and do things.
As much as he talks about the crew needing you and how every crew member is necessary and needs to do their jobs, he actually won’t let you go back to work until he’s certain.
Really wants to just make it all go away like he did with his White Lead. 
If he can’t use his devil fruit to make you feel better, he feels kind of helpless. He hates it.
Refuses to do much drinking or partying while you’re having a pain attack.
How can he party when he’s worried about you?
Still does his usual doctor duties but otherwise takes time off to take care of you.
Will straight up tell Shanks to not bother him unless it’s serious.
If it’s anything less than a broken bone or needs stitches, they can manage without him.
You, however, need his attention right now. 
Thankfully the Red-hair crew understands
Another one that’s kind of upset that the disease progressed this far.
It’s fixable in its early stages, so why did yours advance this far?
Still, he doesn’t say anything about it.
He’s just worried about making you feel better.
Does everything he can for you.
He’s a senior member of a Yonko’s crew, if you need something and it isn’t too insane, he’ll get it for you.
Like, obviously he’s not going to invade Marijoa (Mary Geoise), but he’ll totally steal from marine admirals or other Yonko’s or whatever. 
So long as he knows he won’t get caught, he doesn’t want to cause too much trouble for Shanks.
Like, if it’s for you, he doesn’t mind causing some trouble, but he knows there are limits.
Even if you’re all better, he’ll tell you to continue to take it easy for a few more days just in case.
Will totally party and get super drunk once you’re better though.
You’re not sure if he’s making up for all the missed party time or celebrating that you’re feeling better.
This sweet little puffball.
He’s freaking out at first.
What should he do? How should he treat you?
Legitimately sobbing.
He feels like he’s not a good enough doctor because he can’t magically fix it. 
You have to reassure him that it’s alright, that he’s still a perfectly good doctor.
Absolutely stays by your side, only leaves when necessary.
The crew knows not to bother him unless they have no choice.
Once literally threw Luffy out of his office for bothering him about something that wasn’t your well being.
He’s such a good doctor, please give him head pats.
This isn’t like after Luffy fights a strong enemy or when Zoro is covered in bandages. He knows how to fix that.
He doesn’t know how to fix this, he doesn’t know how to make it better. 
Researches the fuck out of the disease.
Seriously, he’s doing anything to try and cure this.
It’s one of those moments where he’s like “I’m definitely going to cure all diseases!”
Because he wants to cure this. 
If you tell him the reason you got better so quickly is because of his care he’s doing that blushing “I’m not flattered, idiot.” thing.
100% keeps a very close eye on you for both flare ups and if you’re still in pain. 
One of the few times he’ll go against Luffy.
Like, if Luffy wants to play with you or do something stupid or whatever, he’ll totally throw Luffy overboard or something (If Nami doesn’t beat him to it).
Being a reindeer (and therefore an animal), he understands how this can happen.
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stleoshi · 2 years
Top 4 Fic Recs
If I could only read four fics per fandom for the rest of my life, I would choose these.
Under the cut are recs for Danny Phantom, Daredevil, House M.D. Rurouni Kenshin, Sherlock Holmes, Supernatural, and Thor, though I may add more later.
Danny Phantom
The Disparaged Series by imekitty (gen, rated T) Long
Maddie Fenton’s obsessive quest to capture Danny Phantom brings disastrous consequences.
A recent take on the classic “dissection fic”, with Danny/Maddie’s relationship at the center of it. The first two fics in the series are complete, and the third is currently being updated monthly.  The author skirts the limits of the readers comfort in an absolutely fascinating way which would not work in a lesser authors hands. I’ve been loyally following it for a couple years now and I find that I’ve never had to reread a previous chapter in order to remember whats going on. It’s very memorable.
Masks by Cordria (Gen, rated K+) Mid-Length
Sometimes, people hide who they truly are behind masks. This is a short story about the day that Lancer decides enough is enough when it comes to Daniel Fenton. Sequel is 'Plunge'.
It feels a little blasphemous to pick this Cordria fic when they have many, far more iconic fics to choose from (*cough* PITS) but this one just holds a special place in my heart.
Phantom of Truth by HaiJu (gen, rated T) Long
Locked away in a secret government lab with Phantom as her subject, nothing stands between Maddie and the truth... except, perhaps, herself.
Everyone and their mother recommends this fic, and that’s because it fucks severely. There’s a complete sequel now, but I find that I prefer this fic over it. The progression of Danny and Maddie’s relationship is titilating, you’re constantly on your toes wondering how he’ll make it out of this situation half-alive. 
What A Nice Surprise by DarkNymfa (gen, rated T) Long
A ghost and two ghost hunters, sitting around. Like a family. Which they were, but, well. The other two didn’t know that. --- AKA the story of how the Fentons accidentally adopt their own son.
In a fandom full of fucked up and sad fic, it’s nice to have this cute, fluffy series to come back to at the end of the day.
Lucky Devil by ChuckleVoodoos (Matt/Foggy, rated T) Mid-Length
Matt gets caught, Foggy gets a clue, and cases get won.
Emotionally intimate, loving and believable. I’ve read this fic a thousand times and can never look away once I’ve started it.
Of Monstrous Shape by RosaLui (Gen, rated M) Short
“Put me in the ring,” Matt said. His glasses were cracked like a spider’s web, and in the shifting shadows it looked as if he was raising hackles in disgust.
“The House doesn’t profit from quick deaths,” said the jailor.
This fic is dark, violent, dramatic, and insanely engrossing.  The author deftly paints the world of Daredevil and I am always in particular gripped by the climax.
Trial and Error by shyday (Gen, rated T) Mid-Length
'You're a lot of scary adverbs right now, my friend. Trust me when I say that "fine" is not one of them.'
This author loves to get into Matt Murdock’s head and imagine the world the way he perceives it, and they do it very well. Each fic of theirs is a sensory trip, but this one is my favorite. Very strong dialogue between Matt and Foggy as well.
Trust: Handle With Care by ceterisparibus (Matt/Karen, rated M) Long
Matt and Foggy's new client is a mother whose son was sexually abused by a priest.
This is a fic that deals with the heavy topic of abuse in the Catholic Church, but if you are able to stomach that it is an expertly executed fic. Not many authors would be able to craft a fic like this, but you can tell that every aspect of it comes from a place of deep personal knowledge and care. Also, the author is a lawyer, which is a rare treat in that the legal case is legit.
House M.D.
Codependency by debbiel (Hilson-ish, rated PG) Short
 It was the sort of diagnosis that wouldn't rate a sad-face on his whiteboard.  And yet it could change everything.
I’m a huge sucker for the premise of this fic, but none that I’ve found have hit quite like this one. Like a soulmate au, but more poignant ;)
Down to the Water by Blackmare (Gen, rated PG-13) Short
After Amber’s death, House and Wilson try to figure out their place in eachother’s lives.
So many little moments of this fic have stuck with me over the last decade, it’s quiet and beautifully melancholy. There’s a sequel as well which you can find on blackmare’s profile.
The Open Road by Pun (Hilson, rated M) Mid-Length
Wilson goes along for the ride.
Another road trip fic! This one is how I used to imagine the show would end, and somehow in the end it.. kind of was. This is still better.
Two Solitudes by mer_duff (Gen, rated PG) Short
"You were protecting me," House snapped.  "What would you have done if he'd had a gun?  Stood there and taken the bullet?" Wilson shrugged.  "Better me than you."
A short exploration of Wilson’s tendency towards self-sacrificial protectiveness for House. I come back to this fic constantly.
Rurouni Kenshin
An Unexpected Lesson by Conspirator (Gen, rated PG-13) Long
Three years after the end of the Bakumatsu, a chance encounter with a kabuki troupe teaches Kenshin an unexpected lesson in survival.
A wandering era fic that gives us a window into what might have aided Kenshin in developing his “bumbling rurouni” act. I’ve read it a hundred times over the years, it is a great story with believable OCs and balance of humor and drama. 
Out of Time by Siriusfan13 (Gen, rated PG-13) Long
During a trip to Kyoto with his friends, Himura Kenshin winds up in deep water... thirteen years in the past. How will Kenshin deal with the Revolution again? And how will his friends deal with Battousai, who has traded places with him?
This is such an earnest and loving study of Kenshin, who is my all time favorite character. This is certainly in my top fics of all time, and shares a  similar premise to my other favorite fanfiction Bargaining, which just goes to show I have consistent taste lol.
Recovery by hakubaikou (Gen, rated T) Long
As Kenshin recovers from his wounds after his duel with Shishio, his friends sense a threat and take precautions for his safety. Complete.
Kenshins characterization rings absolutely dead on and the tone in general is like canon . This fic always feels like a warm hug to me, and I come back to it often. Hakubaikou was an amazing writer and she is missed every day, I’m so happy she shared her work with us.
Twelfth Knight by an_earl (Gen, rated T) Long
A bloody street-side massacre has been identified by Saito as the product of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. There are two suspects: Himura Kenshin and his master Hiko Seijuro the Thirteenth. Unbeknownst to them, a third user of their exalted style has time travelled to the future: Hiko Seijuro the Twelfth.
A fic about mistaken identity inspired by Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
An ongoing fic that reads like a fandom classic (and I mean that very, very affectionately). The author’s Saito/Kenshin interactions absolutely crackle.
Sherlock Holmes
Bel Canto by bendingsignpost (Johnlock, rated T) Long
After years of waiting for wealthy patrons to faint, Dr John Watson discovers a far more interesting patient in the opera house basement. (AU through a Phantom of the Opera lens.)
The Phantom of the Opera AU I hold all others to as a standard. So delightful and entertaining.
How Sherlock Holmes Was Compelled to Remember One Festive Occasion Per Year:  A Reminiscence by John H. Watson, MD  by MirithGriffin (Johnlock, rated M) Short
Known to the SH fandom as The Turkish Bathhouse Fic. Charming as hell with ACD canon flavor, reading this fic has become a Christmas tradition for me.
Particular Peculiarity by saavik13 (Johnlock, rated M) Long
“How high is your regard for me, Watson?” He asked abruptly, his eyes still trained on the fire.  “If I were to confess my darkest secret would you leave? Would you abandon me here to my melancholy?”
A case forces Holmes to reveal the truth to Watson and risks both their reputations and their liberty.  Just how understanding is John Watson?
An obviously well researched and beautifully characterized fic. It feels very Granada in Holmes’ mannerisms, though it can be read as ACD or Granada. This fic is like a warm cup of tea on a cold day to me.
The Quiet Man by ivyblossom (Johnlock, rated E) Long
"Do you just carry on talking when I'm away?"
This is a BBC fic, as opposed to the rest on my list. It’s well worth the read though, ivy’s prose is so organic. It was a fandom classic for good reason.
a turn of the earth by microcomets (Destiel, rated M) Long
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run. Frigging fantastic.
(Or, in which Castiel gets stuck in Dean’s timeline preseries and Dean kind of hates it—until he doesn’t.)
This fic is overflowing with love, desire, longing and loneliness . It’s a time-traveling Cas fic which is something of a trope in this fandom these days, but the premise of Cas being dead by the time he meets a young Dean just lends something special to it.
I CARRY YOUR HEART (I CARRY IT IN MY HEART) by unicornpoe (Destiel, rated E)
“Take me,” Dean says. He doesn’t have to think about it. “Take me as your vessel, Cas.”
or: Cas is cursed into an endless sleep. Dean offers himself up as his vessel while they try to break it.
Compassionate, tender, and full of evocative imagery. It’s about being taken care of, and the act of caring for another.
Phantom Load by lovesrain44 (Gen, rated M) Long
Dean and Sam return to Boulder, CO, where they investigate a haunted school. The job seems simple enough to Sam, who has good, although vague, memories of living in Boulder back in 1992. Dean, however, has altogether different memories, far less pleasant and far more damaging.
Quiet, moving, and melancholy. The past-present scenes are woven together very well. Subtle where it needed to be. Just an amazing fanfic, though it deals with some possibly upsetting subject matter which is presented up front in the warning section.
So Says The Sword by komodobits (Destiel, rated E) Long
Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
Original, dazzling and creative, komodobits was an absolute force in this fandom. They took it upon themself to recreate the entire Destiel relationship timeline, and did so beautifully.
Bargaining by Proantagonist (Gen, rated T) Long
Faced with an eternity without his brother, Loki strikes a bargain to change the past. Post TDW.
This is a near-perfect fanfic, and one of the most emotionally satisfying stories I’ve ever read. Cannot stress enough how much this fic means to me, it’s possibly my favorite fanfic of all time.
Mirror, Mirror by Lise (Gen, rated T) Mid-Length
While poking around in corners of the palace, Loki finds a peculiar mirror that doesn't show his reflection.
It’s clear that I love Loki’s various issues, and this fic puts an industrial spotlight on them.
Slow Poison by Mikkeneko (Gen, rated T) Mid-Length
Years before the events of Thor and Avengers, Loki is working as a spymaster for his father the King. Or at least... that's what he  thinks he's doing.
I love miscommunication and fucked up family dynamics. This fic is like a friend to me.
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glapplebloom · 10 months
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Let's make Moon Girl's inclusion to the show of the year list legit.
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First, let's make this official. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is a must watch series. It is so fun, the characters are likable, the Glow Up of the Beyonder, the music is great, and that last episode setting up next season is a real nail-biter. I hope it gets that second season and does well to continue from there. It was not originally planned to be in One Shot because I was planning to watch and love the series as soon as I saw the preview for the opening theme. But then Superman showed up and made it seem like the #1 spot in the end of the year review will be a no brainer. So I’m putting in Moon Girl so there could be competition. And maybe I jumped the gun thanks to this...
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For those who don't know, Tiny Toons Adventures is a series about a young set of toons going to Acme Looniversity to learn to become toons. Thing is, you don't really see that story. The first episode focused on the creation of the series. Episodes have them going to school being a plot of a short or the surrounding segments. But ultimately it is a bunch of shorts with Looney Tunes expies. Fifi does Pepe's bit but with boys instead of girls. Plucky does stuff Daffy would do. And for some reason Elmyra got the most screen time despite being an antagonist. She also got a pilot episode for a spinoff series, a full crossover with the Warner Siblings, and said spinoff series with Pinky and the Brain.
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Tiny Toons Looniversity is a complete reboot. While they share similar traits, it is its own thing. For starters, there are five main characters to the originals' "it depends on the shorts": Buster and Babs Bunny (yes relation), Sweetie T. Bird, Hamton J. Pig and Plucky Duck. Plucky is the most similar to his original, as he's still an egotistical duck who thinks mostly of himself and at times wanting to make money. But it's a modern egotistical trait. Hamton is the second closest, just remove the cleaning obsession and crank up the anxiety. The other three, they're drastically different.
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In the original, Buster and Babs Bunny were not related. So their interactions range from "hummina hummina hummina" to "they're basically siblings". Buster is a Modern Bugs Bunny, which makes him now a Bugs Bunny with 90s mentality for the cool kids. Babs were the best of the two since she got a great gimmick of being an impressionist. And Fields of Honey is my favorite episode. So how does the Reboot treat these two as siblings? Honestly, I really love their interactions. They really do sell a brother/sister vibe and that first episode really sold me on them being siblings but willing to be separate to try new things. Buster is also a great improvement because he gets to be more emotional. Babs doesn't do the impressionist bit, but between her relationship with Buster and her relationship with Sweetie, and even that one time with Plucky really shows she's great as part of any duo.
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And Sweetie T. Bird is a HUGE improvement of the original. The original is basically Tweety Bird but louder. Sweetie is a rocker who is ready to cause chaos when needed. She bounces off Babs really well and seeing how fast they became friends really sold me on this series. She's like the perfect foil for the more professional Babs Bunny. She's messy when Babs is clean. She's physical when Babs is more methodical. She enjoys Plucky's Gossip Magazine when Babs saw it as a rival to her newspaper. But they're still friends because there are plenty of things they have in common. Sweetie is also very supportive. She helped Babs try to get a room with her brother even if it means no longer being her roomy. She joins Babs' newspaper. They even enjoy Vintage Clothing after Fifi Showed them off.
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As for the rest of the characters, some are basically the same (Dizzy and Max), others have some differences (Fifi no longer being boy crazy), and some very different (Furball talks more in this series than his one voice role in the original). This show also has more appearances from the Looney Tunes cast. Bugs interact more in this than I can recall in the original. Daffy teaches the hardest class, we even got appearances from the Dark Age originals like Merlin and Cool Cat. And while they used Space Jam's version of Lola, they made her Looney in her own way. And with Death Battle having Tom Vs Wile E. on the Tournament of Champions Poll, it gives Wile a new dangerous weapon against his other toons.
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Regardless if you like the original or never heard of it, I recommend Tiny Toons Looniversity. I can already tell you it's at the top of the list since I saw all the episodes. And I still need to see the rest of Superman and Fionna and Cake.
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bisluthq · 11 months
I know I keep sending you asks about the John thing and I apologize for that because the man is vile, but as you said, the Joe/Travis things are just a bit boring. Like honestly the most interesting thing about the Joe relationship was how it started imo (which is why she kept writing songs about it lmao). Anyway, the John Mayer thing runs DEEP. Like I honestly find it both very fascinating and very disturbing. Example:
I read an old interview where she was talking about Ours and she said that it was written "right BEFORE she turned 20 about a relationship she was in that she knew people wouldn't approve of and it was just a matter of time before people found out," which is interesting considering she randomly started spending a lot more time with the crypt keeper around this time (Vevo launch party + Jingle Ball).
But then I read the "official" breakup reports that her and boy Taylor's teams sent to PEOPLE and Us Weekly, and both explicitly stated that they (she) had called things off AFTER her 20th birthday. The Us Weekly kind of focused on how he was way more into her then she was but how they planned to stay friends, and the PEOPLE one really pushed the "it was actually never that serious and the media just blew it out of proportion" narrative.
... And then she proceeded to write Back To December where she apologizes for how terribly she treated him and goes over how guilty she feels about breaking his heart, which makes me think that it either wasn't super casual or was legit full on PR and she just wrote the song to make it a bit more convincing, because the timeline IS messy. The other option is girlie (in her mind) basically had two boyfriends, one that was like *perfect and one that she later referred to as the devil, and she liked the second one WAY more. Which TBF, the John thing predates the Taylor thing by like... At least a year.
It is made worse by the fact that the post her 20th B-Day thing is kinda proved by some photos that got taken of them the morning after, and by the fact that his dumb little SNL skit that they reference in the ICSY music video was aired/filmed the day between the Jingle Ball and her birthday.
It's also made worse by the fact that Owl City AND Boys Like Girls performed that night (alleged love Story guy/guy who thinks she wrote songs about him and didn't & enchanted guy who got GHOSTED). Honestly when she performs with BLGs there is also a bit of a vibe with Martin (though not to the same degree as John. The most stark difference is that when she leaves both performances she hugs J and doesn't hug M).
I know this is already ridiculously long but I will also add that there is an interview of John's from the night of the Jingle Ball where he says that he's "really looking forward to going down these halls and being like are you in Boys Like Girls or are you Owl City? Because I'm getting old now, and I don't know everyone's visage" and yes I am aware there weren't THAT many people to name but that feels a little targeted.
Also she said in an interview that was done 3 days before her 20th birthday that she thought Taylor Lautner and John Mayer were hot, and like... Thanks for the confirmation girlie but I could've told you that. Anyway have a good day, hopefully you find this as interesting as I do so I haven't just wasted your time🙏
she defs did have a situation with Martin because like photos of them exist and his ex said they dated and idk. She dated that dude. She didn’t date Owl City guy lmao but she never claimed to. She was just charmed by him and that’s the point of Enchanted.
John is a huge asshole for the stunt he pulled. I don’t think it’s cool to mess with 19 year olds if you’re over 22 tbh. I don’t think he ever felt deeply about it - he just liked her talent and her looks - and that’s fucked up.
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kindtobechurlish · 11 months
I don’t want people who come from a landmass to be in my country, and there are a billion of them there? The Hispanic had all this time to the Indian cornfield, this isn’t soain, and they have their language to say I deny justice. The natives were not smart, you didn’t know, they got reduced and you think it’s funny. Alright. These people and there are a billion of them, they didn’t have slaves, they are communist or poor democratic devils with a caste system pasted down from the English. I don’t want to teach a middle eastern Christianity, and no guy is trying to marry their women until me. The Wendy just sits around and entices me, to be a bitch. I don’t want to help your kind, I don’t want to advance you. I’m not fond of these US presidents. Idiots thought I was being cute until I sent the documents.. to keep sending them.
These idiots, a billion of them, two billion, and then there are 7B people in the world, 300 million in the US. One dollar from the citizens of the world, couldn’t make up for the losses in the shop. YOU INCOMPETENT FUCKFACES. These people, over two billion of them, the others are Islamic and I know about the religion - I hate it. I don’t want them voting so blacks may or may not get abortion. Whites. “I don’t like pro-lifers”, and it’s a tawny bitch who couldn’t motivate my son to marry so-called black. I don’t want their vote to consider health care or not, they don’t have an education to make the plan.
Now, the cream cheese woman sees me just to neglect a balloon and it is about her having fair child? See a white man who hates negro women, Brownlow made means for them.. he did nothing, was a lie who invoked violence, and daughter of Confederates supported that WENCH who told the negro all coons look alike to me. She woke up singing ragtime, did her work and chores singing it, and went to bed how she woke up.
I don’t need Robert E. Lee to tell me not to vote, what to do to personify study, you aren’t legit people.. and sentiment is just that. If you aren’t going to be direct, if you ignore what I say, move on and FUCK YOU.
She is so beautiful, why am I treating her like this? I didn’t do all I did so Asians, Indians, can practice power, and it’s a vote that condemns or allows abortion in white/black wombs. It’s opinion in politics, not fact and deposition, that proves a patron. I didn’t sign up for this, and I’m tired of engaging things and it isn’t for what I signed up for. Some bastard at a podium, on a stage, isn’t telling me how to act, or do, because I know what they do and they are not advanced. Stop talking to me, if you can’t be direct, you pussy bitch. Really. A 13 year old girl with a hairy pussy is better than you, she wouldn’t tell you she would do it with you.. and you are just cool? Yeah man. Promote the tawny and fat bitches. “I don’t know what I am to do in life, bunfight? Huh?”
Fuck those tawny women who were never for me, now they want white company. FUCK SHAQ. He is a bitch. You like Kobe? FUCK KOBE. Oops. Real talk. You wanna talk SpongeBob and why folks stop replying, you want to talk about Blake? Curse God when he has answered me twice, promptly? No.
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