#like he's just 15 minutes late with starbucks
odd-chips · 1 year
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Hey, it’s kinda weird that second guy showed up after the first guy left, huh? 🤔
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villain-crown · 6 months
needle | @jegulus-microfic | words: 786
critical care, part 2 | (part 1, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9)
a Jegulus nurse!AU
Sirius strolled onto the medical-surgical intensive care unit with a coffee in one hand and an exasperated Remus Lupin in the other. James had to hand it to them—ever since his friends started sucking faces and Remus had flatly refused to let Sirius sabotage his 15 minutes early arrival policy, Sirius was never late to work anymore.
“Hey, mate,” James replied over his shoulder, examining the patient assignments that he’d just outlined.
“Are we in charge?” Sirius demanded into his Starbucks when he’d come close enough to read the board.
“Yeah, I'm charge nurse for the medical patients, you can have the surgical ones. Looks like your brother’s floating up here today.”
Sirius hurried to gulp down the sip he’d already taken. “Reggie? Yesss! Put him on my team! I want to boss him around.”
“How is that different from any other day of the week?” Remus asked.
It was on the tip of James’s tongue to ask—why would Marlene warn me not to stare at your brother?—when the two-toned wail of the code blue alarm blared through the hallway, automatically pulling their focus towards the far side of the ICU.
Sirius sucked up the last of his coffee, attempting to simultaneously shrug off his jacket and stagger towards the action. “Fucking hell, okay, OKAY!”
James was already taking long strides towards the other end of his unit, his eyes flicking to the blue light over room twelve’s door and the controlled chaos unfolding within it. Three people were already present: his two Gryffindor nurses, Lily and Mary, along with a very slender man in dark green Slytherin scrubs performing chest compressions.
“We started compressions about fifteen seconds ago,” Mary supplied from her position performing rescue breaths via bag mask at the head of the patient’s bed.
“Do you need a step stool?” James asked without thinking.
Slytherin scrubs.
This must be Regulus!
As the petite nurse looked up to spare him a glare while continuing to stand on his toes to maintain his rhythm, James realized exactly why he’d been warned not to stare.
He’d seen it all in the course of his career: severed fingers, gaping wounds, and infested flesh. When Marlene had warned him to keep his eyes to himself, he’d figured it was because there was something physically off about Sirius’s little brother; a scar or imperfection of some kind.
He was wrong.
Regulus Black wasn’t some deformed hobbit.
He was fucking gorgeous.
Truly, James couldn’t imagine anything he’d like to do more than stare into those stunning silver eyes set in that lovely face. His eyes had barely swept down to register the man’s slender body and neat little waist when fingers clicked sharply in his face.
“Watch your fucking eyes, Potter!” Sirius snapped, having finally caught up, pushing roughly past him to join his brother at the patient’s side. “Hold compressions, Reggie.”
Regulus paused his movements, backing off slightly to come down off his toes as everyone in the room observed the meaningless squiggles on the cardiac monitor fade from the reading. A wavy, trembling line replaced the previously jerky chaos.
“V. Fib,” Regulus concluded, correctly identifying the lethal heart rhythm.
He was much smaller than James, which was exactly what James liked. It would make pinning him up against a wall by the hips as they fucked a lot easier.
“Yeah. Take over compressions, Lily. Reggie, can you give a round of epinephrine? Where’s Dr. McGonagall?”
“In a budget meeting, according to the intern answering her phone,” Regulus answered, drawing up the medication with a needle.
Fuck, even his voice was just incredibly lovely. James imagined how it might sound in a much dirtier context than they were in now.
“Ah. Pour one out for McGonagall,” Sirius instructed Remus, who obediently emptied a syringe of sterile saline into the garbage.
Regulus paused his own movements, watched this action incredulously. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“It’s good luck. What, you guys don’t do that in Slytherin?”
“We don’t need luck in Slytherin.”
James rolled his eyes. “See, this is why people hate you guys. Okay, one milligram of epi is in.”
“Hello, everyone!”
James looked up and scowled upon seeing Barty Crouch Jr., one of the resident physicians on loan to them from Slytherin, swanning into the room like it was a lovely day. He seemed distinctly unconcerned by his late arrival and more interested in sidling over to Regulus and throwing an arm around his shoulder, making James frown.
“Hey Reg! Wow, they’ve really got you slumming it with these surgical idiots, huh?”
“Are you here to help or hit on my baby brother?” Sirius snapped over his shoulder from where he was recording the code events with a dry erase marker on one of the windows.
Crouch frowned. “Where’s McGonagall?”
“Budget meeting,” came from three different directions.
“Oh. Hey, Lupin, pour one out for—“
“We already did that! Now fucking give us orders, you cretin!”
“Oh. Alright, pause compressions, let’s check a pulse…”
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jellybeanium124 · 4 months
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I need to talk about everyone's outfits here. first of all yayyyy they're color coordinating again just like 2x10 with the black outfits!!! ok from left to right
allison: slaying. simple, yes, but hella cute. love the white chelsea boots and turtleneck.
viktor: bro are you chilly? your jacket looks awesome but maybe you need something a little heavier.
five: fuck. his hair really is long. this is happening. he's wearing a suit. ok whatever.
klaus: OH MY GD HIS HAIR DOESN'T LOOK LIKE SHIT?!?!? IT'S GROWN OUT A LITTLE BIT AND LOOKS DECENT?? AM I GONNA BE ABLE TO LOOK AT MY BOY THIS SEASON WITHOUT CRINGING??? YAY!!! other than that what the fuck. where is the flair??? where is the sluttiness?? I'm sorry but those boots are so not klaus hargreeves. and the jacket is BORINGGGGG. remember his s1 patchwork jacket? the 2x10 vest-no-shirt fit?? in season 1 klaus was wearing skirts and boas and bright colorful tank tops and leather pants that laced up the sides and he was just overall a fucking icon. what happened to you??? who did costuming this season I just wanna talk. he would not fucking dress like that.
diego: babygirl pleaseeee you've been thru this already 😭 why are you wearing your s1 fit y'all're supposed to have grown!!
luther: looks like he stepped out of an LL Bean catalogue.
ben: dressing like a 16yo boy. I can't explain it but his outfit just looks immature. then again he is immature.
lila: showed up 15 minutes late with starbucks. did not get the blue and black outfit memo. does not want to be there. wants to go back to sleep. the sweatpants with the uggs and puffy pink jacket are a helluva look. I think it's hilarious to see her in this outfit but she better slay again. I'm not as mad about seeing her not looking like herself, unlike klaus, because it really genuinely looks like she just woke up and didn't have time to get dressed before the abandoned parking lot hargreeves family meeting. but she better not be dressing like this the whole time!!
in conclusion let 👏 them 👏 slay 👏 and I miss them 😭 tua s4 please don't suck please please please please please!!
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Hypergamy Beginnings: The best times to go out and meet new men ✨✨
The early bird catches the worm meaning that it is better to show up somewhere soon than later.
From 11:50am-1:30pm business men go to lunch with their colleagues or go get coffee if they’re skipping lunch. It doesn’t matter where you go as long as it is on the nice/wealthy side of town you will see them come in flocks. I’ve witnessed this on multiple occasions, honestly go test this yourself to see and then come back to this post. Go to Starbucks, Chipotle or a nice restaurant.
From 2:50pm-6:30pm is when happy hour starts or is about to start at nice restaurants. They usually start around 3 or sometimes 4 just check google to make sure. If it starts at 3 get there at 2:50pm and if it starts at 4 get there at 3:50pm. Get there 10-15 minutes early so that you are able to observe. Also when they walk In you’ll already be sitting there. If you get there late then sit next to a man sitting alone. If the bar is full then idk what to tell you maybe sit in the lounge or at a table until a seat is available. As long as you get there within this time span then you’ll be fine.
💌: How to know if a man is interested in you vs if he’s not: When a man is interested in you he will look at you for at least 3 seconds preferably multiple times if you’re in his vicinity but if he’s not then he’ll most likely pretend that you don’t exist and not look at you twice. I swear this is how you know that they’re interested in you. I work with 95% of men so I have tested this out. The ones who are interested in you are looking for a signal that you’re interested in them too. The way to let him know that you’re interested is to make eye contact for at least 3 seconds and smile. Just do a little grin not a smile with teeth. I have tested the eye contact thing out with men at work and they usually will speak to me and smile vs if I ignore their presence and walk past them and they won’t say a word. My friend tested this out at a coffee shop and she said it works and she was approached. Some men are super bold and will talk to you regardless of if you looked at them or not, especially if they find you attractive.
Example: I was on a date and our table wasn’t ready so we were going to go sit at the bar and wait but I went a little ahead of him because he was still speaking with the hostess about our table. I sat next to this older gentleman and he spoke to me right away but my date was right behind me shortly after so it didn’t last long. Try it out and let me know what happens. I’m going free-styling tomorrow so I will update y’all.
🤍: I wanted to let you all know that these men want us to enter their world. They want us to show up in their spaces so that they can find us. Be someone they’ve never experienced. You’re placing yourself in another timeline by doing this and opening your world to new experiences. Imagine him wondering when he’ll meet his dream girl and the boom you show up.🤍
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ericsprincess · 1 year
i can't stop for you and me
nc-17, Sung Hanbin/Reader, office au, lawyer!reader, also bully!reader (kinda), doormat!Hanbin, cunnilingus
A/N: Reparations ;) This is a gift for a friend. I'm not a ZB1 fan and I don't know them well, so I hope it’s at least a little bit of a fitting scenario for Hanbin.
Fucking CUTE. You think while spinning your pen between your fingers. You’re sitting behind your big wooden desk, peeking over the dossier that you’ve been pretending to read for the past 15 minutes, your eyes scanning through the office in front of you, until they find your favorite target - your new pretty assistant, Hanbin. 
To be honest, he’s not even doing anything particularly cute, he’s quite literally just doing his job, staring into a computer screen and typing occasionally. He’s that pretty and adorable just by existing, with his delicate porcelain doll face and black hair.
I should have hired that old lady, you lament, but you know it’s bullshit. You knew you’re gonna give him a job offer the moment he walked into the meeting room for his interview, all fresh from school and excited to start his career. He looked so proper and polite, thoughtfully answering every question, even daring to blush and sweat under your scrutiny. You took one brief look at his CV to check if he’s qualified enough, and he was. There might have been better, more experienced candidates, but you decided to do this thing for you, just this once. Treat yourself. 
And now it’s coming back at you in full force. 
This is not good. This is a problem. His presence makes you feel things and all of them are inappropriate at the very least. 
It’s not helping that he would obviously bend over backwards to make you happy. You don’t even need to finish the question and he’s already eagerly rushing to complete whatever unnecessary task you made up this time. No request is dumb enough for him to object, and you actually tried. He would just happily go about his way to fulfill it. You could send him to sort cases by alphabetical order backwards and he would just ask when it’s supposed to be done. Sometimes you like to ruffle his feathers a little more by giving him work that he’s clearly not ready for, like that one time where you made him give a presentation to your client instead of yourself. You actually thought he’s going to faint, but somehow he powered through it just by sheer determination, earning an approving smile and nod from you, going all red in reply. 
Not to say that thanks to his good looks he solved your perpetual problem of missing partner at every work function and dumb dinner party with clients. Now you get to drag your handsome assistant along as your plus one to every event, where you can not only parade him around, but also enjoy him fussing over your comfort, bringing you drinks, holding your coat or bag and even driving you home. You can see the jealousy in others and it makes you secretly happy. 
You wouldn’t be able to do that, if you hired that old lady. 
And even today, despite being already long past his shift, he still decided to stay working late, just because you did. The office is already empty and dark, the only sole source of light shining on his face is his computer screen in his cubicle and the light coming out of your glass walled office. 
He rubs his eyes. 
You slap the dossier down on your desk.
“Hanbin-sshi, can you please come here for a second?” you call out. 
“Yes, ma’am,” he immediately replies and gets up. He’s sluggish and obviously tired and you almost feel bad for him. Almost. 
“Can I help you with anything?” he asks. 
“Yes. I would like you to run to the Starbucks, I want some coffee. I’d like a venti pumpkin spice latte-” you pause, seeing as he’s struggling to fish out his phone to take notes. “with four shots of espresso, almond milk, light caramel drizzle, light foam, one pump of pumpkin sauce, one pump of maple pecan sauce and salt topping. Thank you.” you smirk at him as he’s dutifully tapping everything down. 
“No problem, I’ll be right back, ma’am,” he bows a little and rushes out of the door. 
Your stomach rumbles. Actually. 
“Actually!” you call out, but he doesn’t reply. You jump out from behind your table in hope of maybe being able to catch him, but when you run out of the office you can see he’s already left.
Oh well. Maybe I’ll just send him for the second time, when he gets back. 
You turn back to return to your office, when his computer pings with a message. 
Huh? He didn’t lock his computer? 
You take a look, and really - he didn’t. He must have forgotten or just didn’t care, since no one else is left at the office at this time.
Moreover, the message is not from your designated work chat app, but from a personal one. You lean forwards to take a look at the unread notification. 
matt says: so how’s the late hours with the sexy boss going? dude you’re a masochist. 
You blink. Without any hesitation you click on the chat and scroll through the last messages. 
hb says: fuck it's getting really hard to hide my boners from her
>every time she orders me around i can barely think
>i just go home and jerk off everyday thinking about her bossing me around
>if she ever finds out im screwed
>i literally stayed working late, just in case she wants something
>she could ask me to eat her pussy under her desk and i would just crawl under 
>matt i’m so fucked
Your reflection on the computer screen twists into a wide grin. Oh. What a beautiful bunch of revelations. 
You had a hunch that he must like taking orders and feeling accomplished by completing tasks, but you didn’t know it’s sexual for him. Much less, that it’s because of you, in particular. But hey, at least it validates your own interests in this little game. 
You do your best to curb your giddiness and return back behind your desk. Hanbin appears a few minutes later, with your coffee in hand and a little bag in another. 
“Here, ma’am. I also took the liberty to bring you some snack, since it’s really late and you must be hungry.” he hands you both. 
You open the little back and pull out a blueberry muffin. “Thank you, Hanbin-sshi,” you take a bite. “It’s like you’re reading my mind. I hope I’m not putting you through too much trouble.” 
“Oh, no, really, it’s not a problem,” he’s quick to assure you, shaking his head. 
“Hanbin-sshi, it’s such a joy to have you. You’re always so eager and helpful, I could not pick a better assistant,” you smile kindly at him. 
“T-thanks, ma’am, this really means a lot to me.” he stutters, cheeks already burning red. 
“Sometimes it feels like I could ask you to eat my pussy under my desk, and you would just crawl right under, wouldn’t you?” you ask with a smirk.
He freezes. Gotcha.
“I- I actually, I would,” he admits. He looks nervous, like he's sure he’s busted, outed as a pervert and will be fired immediately. It looks good on him.
“Okay,” you nod and push yourself off your desk on your chair. You gesture at the space. “Be my guest.”
He looks at you disbelievingly, as if he’s not sure if you’re serious or if it’s just some kind of a prank. But eventually, he seems to make up his mind. 
He slowly falls on his knees. He looks at you, as if to check whether it is really something you want, and when he sees you’re not putting a stop to it, he slowly crawls on his all fours under your big desk. 
You roll your chair back to its place. You look down, where two big eyes are staring right back at you. 
“I hope it were not just empty words, Hanbin-sshi. I’m sure you don’t want to disappoint me,” you warn him. 
“No, of course not, ma’am,” he hurries to assure you and visibly gathers all the courage to actually touch you. He runs his hands over your legs and leans forwards. 
He starts kissing your thighs, while bunching your skirt up, even daring to suck and lick a little at your skin. He slowly gets to your pussy and he doesn’t hesitate to lick over your panties, already wet ever since you discovered his true feelings. It’s like he’s trying to get as much of your taste as he can through them, licking until they are completely drenched with both your juices and his saliva. He’s kneeling in front of you, holding you around your hips, his whole face buried in your crotch, like he doesn't care if he can even breathe. 
It feels good and you’re getting more and more aroused, but you can’t wait for a more direct stimulation. You grab him by his hair and pull him off you by force. You quickly lift yourself up to pull down your panties, and he frantically helps, even tries to dive back in, but your hold won’t let him. 
You look into his eyes and wait a second until he calms down a bit, while he whimpers. He’s all red and clearly aroused and he looks so pretty, you’re sure you will never forget this sight of his delicate face, eager to pleasure you. 
“Now you can,” you say and let go of his hair. He doesn’t hesitate a moment and quickly leans forwards to get back your pussy. 
It feels like his tongue is everywhere. He’s licking all over your pussy and trying to push his tongue in. You have half a mind to tell him to use his fingers, but his tongue already feels so good, you want to see if he will manage to make you cum only like that. 
And it seems he will, since when he moves to your clit, it’s basically game over for you. 
He’s clearly bringing out his A-game, rubbing all over your clit with flat tongue in cruel tempo, building up your pleasure, until he can tell you’re getting close, then switching to quicker flicks, his mouth sealed around your pussy as if he was making out with it. 
You’re getting close and you know he can tell, just by the sounds you’re making. You’re so wet it must be dripping off his face. He’s tireless, his tongue never stopping, he’s even moaning a little, as if it was him being pleasured.
You grab him by his hair and push him even closer and then you’re cumming, smothering him with your pussy and juices and not letting him breathe at all, not until you’re finished. He’s not fighting it, letting you ride his face as much as you need, slowly coming down from your orgasm. 
You let him go, and he takes a deep breath. He looks up at you.
You roll your chair back a little. You take a moment to enjoy the look at him all out of his mind, kneeling under your desk, red, sweaty and disheveled. He’s breathing heavily, aroused and undeniably close to orgasm, without even touching himself.  
“Are you hard, Hanbin-sshi?” you ask. 
It’s a stupid question, his cock is obviously tenting his pants, even leaving a dark wet spot on them. But he nods regardless, eyes glazed over, face still wet. His black hair is sticking to his face a little.
“If you manage to drive us to my apartment without either crashing or cumming, I’ll suck you off. What do you think about that?”
You can see his breath hitching. He doesn’t even need to answer. 
“Go get your coat.”
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jocelynscrazyideas · 4 months
Summer lakehouse- Arrival | Quinn Hughes x Reader
Summary: this episode reads… Zoey, Trevor’s twin sister and Trevor Zegras go on a roadtrip to Michigan to the Hughes Home. Summer is calling!! And so is love.
Warnings: language? Not proof read.
A:N- this is the kickoff to the series!!! Also sorry to mention but Trevor’s actual sibling don’t exist in this story (sorry!)
“Zoey!” Trevor calls for me from my kitchen. Trevor and I are at my house in Minnesota. I’m currently upstairs getting packed for our trip to Michigan. Normally, Trevor would fly out to Michigan and I would be left at home.
Trevor, my older brother, only by 7 minutes has been super successful in his hockey career. He had just suffered in an injury so lately, Trevor has had time to check up on me, especially since I had just went through a breakup with a relationship that lasted about three years. I live in Minnesota, Trevor is in Anaheim, and our parents moved back into New York. I feel so special being able to literally be going to Michigan with The HUGHES brothers. I’ve known Jack for a long time, but I have never really considered us friends. I only talk to Jack because he’s Trevor’s bestfriend.
“Are you coming?” Trev bellows out for me again.
“Yes! Just calm down and eat an apple.” I yell back from upstairs in my room.
“Incoming!” I exclaim cautiously chucking my bags down the stairs. Trevor runs under the botttom of the stairs and catches my bags. I packed about three bags knowing I’ll be in Michigan for half the summer.
“Okay give me your keys.” Trevor motions for my pocket. “Um.. now.” Trevor barks back at my nasty stare.
“No! I’m driving.” I look him up and down, I pick up one of three bags and throw it at his chest.
���ZEGRAS IS DOWN!! ZEGRAS IS DOWN!!” Trevor screams out flailing his arms as if he’s trappped under my bags. I grab one and throw it into my car. I run inside and grab my other two and throw those into the car. I hurry to my side of the car and notice that Trevor isn’t outside. I unlock the car, knowing he may be tricking me and he could steal the drivers seat.
“Fine.” Trevor murmured in defeat as he walks out f the house. He gets in the passenger seat and he turns in the radio.
Umbrella by Queen Rihanna is on.
I open our windows as we are still driving in to town towards the nearest highway.
“Can we stop for some drinks and food?” Trevor, being a former big back asks.
“Yeah sure, you’re paying.” I say as I’m still locked in into one of the best songs ever.
We pull into Starbucks as he orders for me and him. We wait for 15 minutes, and my dragon fruit lemonade refresher comes out followed by Trevor’s black coffee and his cake pops.
“You know this song is going to be your summer.” Trev indicates as we approach the freeway.
“No, I’m going to have fun thi summer, and having fun is being single.” I say trying to get rid of the conversation.
“Well yeah never mind you’re still a virgin.”
“Trevor shut the fuck up. You can’t keep your girlfriends! You scare them off!” I say yelling back at him. Yes, I have lost my virginity, but I haven’t had sex in like 8 months. Which is normal.
We make it to Wisconsin and we stop at a rest place, I use the bathroom, Trevor goes to throw our trash away. “You know I’m serious. You could get a boyfriend this summer. Quinn throws seriously cool parties.” Trevor still not letting this go.
“No, I just got out of a healthy relationship, and I’m still hurt.” I explain, trying to give him signals.
“Good. You can get a rebound. I mean You’ve met Jack. Michigan men are hot.” Trevor goes on and on about me and the idea of “hot men”.
I drive for another four hours and we stop at another rest place. I get out of the car and stretch my legs and start to walk into the buildings for the bathrooms. I get some water, grab a few snacks and head back to the car. Trevor and I switch seats, and he drives really scary.
Trevor swerved in front of a deer. I punched Trevor in his right bicep, and he winced. He looks over at me and he drives off. He throws his phone at me telling me to turn on some music.
“Why do you get aux?” I reply in a snap.
“Well you get to pick the playlist that’s on MY Spotify.” Trevor sassed back.
I press on his “lover girl/wedding vibes” playlist. Interesting.
“What’s this?” I say as I laugh. I know Trevor was hurt when I told him he’s the reason he can’t keep a girlfriend. I felt terrible.
“WHAT IF HES WRITING MINE ON MY UPPER THIGH.. ONLY IN MY MINDD!” Trevor breaks out into song. And I follow.
“Taylor the woman you are.” I say as I hold trevs hand. We make it to Michigan. We both pulled all jighters.
“10 hour drives aren’t for the weak.” Trevor says as he pulls over into a parking lot. We switch seats once more. Trevor puts the Hughes address in my google maps. I turn in the aux and play Lovers by Anna of the North. So teenage girl coded. I back into the driveway, and I knock on Trevor’s head.
“Wake up.” I whisper trying to get him up but still he quiet for those around us in the block.
“Mhm” Trevor moans out in a sleeping bliss.
“Zegras?” Quinn says as he walks out of the newly renovated home.
“Oh yeah! Hey buddy!” Trevor instantly gets up and opens the trunk. Quinn helps us bring our stuff into the house. I get my own room, for now.
“So Trevor I didn’t know your twin sister was like super hot.” Quinn mumbles to Trevor.
“Uh, yeah she’s hot.” Trevor looks over at me and winks.
“Yeah she is! And she’s mine!” Jack says as he run into me and grabs my bags before I get the chance to.
“Hurry up! It’s cold.” Luke says. Luke’s hanging half way in the door way and half way out. He held the door for us and he walks me to my room.
“So you jack know eachother?” Luke mentions. Luke is 6”3, really tall, like taller than Trevor. I’m 5”2 and on a good day I’m 7”.
“Yeah, but only through Trev.” I respond, Luke seems so chill. I think out of all of the Hughes, I’d get along with Luke the best.
“Chill. I’m glad you could come this summer!” Jack says. I’ve never thought me and Jack were so buddy buddy, but I guess we are.
“So I’ll wake you up in the morning, so we can go down to the beach, and buy some avacodoes from the store. I know you like avocado toast!” Jack hypes up. We past their parents rooms and I settled into my bed.
Now that I mention it. Jack and I are actually best friends. Trevor met jacks through me when I told Trevor to tryout for USNTDP U18 because I knew the captain. It’s been years since me and Jack talked, I mean Jack and Trevor hang out, but it’s not me and Jack going on walks everyday.
I can’t believe I forgot Jack and I’s friendship. I feel terrible. Jack was the only person who really knew me for me.
I go to bed and I dream about nothing. Mind is empty. Except…
I’m thinking of how Wuinn called me hot. Maybe Trevor was right, maybe I could find a love this summer.
I wake up to knocking on my door, last night before I fell asleep I put all of my clothes and shoes away, I unpacked my hygiene stuff into my bathroom.
“Hey? Are you wake?” I hear from behind my door. I can’t decipher the voice but I know it’s not Trevor.
I get out of my bed and unwrinkls my bed sheets. I slide my slippers on and walk over to the door. “Hello?” I whisper. “What time is it?” I ask as I look up to the owner of the mysterious voice.
“Yeah. Sorry for waking you up.” Quinn apologizes to me, he grabs my wrist and pulls me out of my room. My door shuts behind me, Quinn pulls me down the stairs and I’m following the tall man all the way to his car.
“Jack told me to take you to get avacidos.” Quinn told me as he opens his car door for me. “It’s like 5:30.” I told Quinn. Just making sure he knows it’s way too early to buy avocados for breakfast. Especially in the summer.
“I’m aware. But if you wanted to go sneak out like Jack and Z told me, then this is the time. Besides, I know a sport downtown.” Quinn backs out of the neighborhood and he drives off to a small shop. Some farmers markets are open so we buy organic avocados, four of them.
“You like the ocean?” Quinn asks me. He places a blanket on the sandy stone. We sit on a cliff on top of a lake.
“Yeah, you?” I respond. I wonder if Jack and Trevor put him up to this. Or if Quinn genuinely thought of taking me.
“Uh- yeah no I love the lakes here in Michigan. I hear you’re from Minnesota, the place of 10,000 lakes.” Quinn mocks the Minnesotan accent.
“Yeah I mean it’s nice, especially during the summer because of the weather, but during the winter there the lakes are fun to skate on, and I have friends who ice fish- it’s really easy to have fun in Minnesota.” I explained, I look at Quinn and he’s staring into my eyes. It’s like he’s reading me.
“Yeah? Maybe I should drive back with you and Z.”
“You should, Trevor loves to annoy me.”
“Well he told me most of the stuff you’ve been through before this.”
“Like what? My breakup?” I say as I turn my head towards the lake instead.
“Maybe we should head home, it’s been a couple of hours since we left.” Quinn excused out conversation, knowing I was offended.
We got home around 8:41- about three hours since we left to get avocados. I bring in my favorite ingredient, and Quinn opens the door for me.
I set the avocados on the counter and I head to my room. “Zoey!” Quinn runs up the stairs after me.
“Sorry for getting in your biz.” Quinn apologized to me, he must truly care.
Jack comes down from his room and makes us our avocado toast that he promised us.
We went boating and I tanned on the deck while the guys barbecued and grilled some burgers.
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landofication · 10 months
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shows up for work 15 minutes late with a starbucks after probably 3 hours of sleep and starts to scroll twitter
yeah he’s just like me
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
Hi! For the Valentine’s Day drabble I was thinking there’s an office Valentine’s Day party and namjoon and y/n are both single but somehow they end up hooking up in a broom closet. 😭😭
boy oh boy was i glad to get an excuse to write some namjoon porn after this whirlwind of a day! mr. shows up to the office 15 minutes late with starbucks a giant ass hickey on his neck thinking his coworkers wouldn't notice....... hoe behavior.
this is rushed bc i've had brainworms since yoongi's tour announcement, my bad! unedited again bc we die like men.
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pairing: namjoon x f. reader
genre: pwp, crack/humor, office au
rating: explicit. minors dni.
warnings: swearing, catboy yoongi agenda, taehyung is a menace, mentions of drug use (weed), reader wears a dress and is a bit of a brat, one (1) spank, fingering, protected sex in an office closet.
wordcount: 1.2k
not taking anymore drabble requests, but feel free to come yell at me about how unhinged this week has been in bts world
(The party had been Taehyung’s idea.
A nice way to break up the afternoon, he’d said, because it wasn’t like Q1 was already slow as it was; wasn’t like you spent most of your workday typing gibberish into empty Word documents to appear busy. Point is: there was no soulless office monotony to break up, Seokjin just hadn’t felt like arguing, so he’d signed off on the Valentine’s Day party without even reading Taehyung’s harebrained proposal.)
“There’s a chocolate fountain in the cafeteria,” Yoongi says, voice bordering on stunned disbelief as he drops into his cubicle next to yours. “It has edible glitter in it.”
“Yeah,” you retort, because there certainly is a chocolate fountain with edible glitter in it in the cafeteria and Seokjin had signed off on it without sparing a second to think. “Taehyung’s idea.”
Yoongi scoffs. “Were the heart-shaped bath bombs his idea too?”
“Haven’t seen those. Where’d he put them?”
“In the toilets. He’s gonna ruin the plumbing. Seokjin’s gonna throw a fucking fit, and we’re accounting, so he’s gonna make it our problem.” Yoongi groans. Plonks his head down on his desk. “I bet he’s gonna cut the Cat Fridays budget to cover the cost.”
“Oh no,” you intone, “not Cat Fridays.”
Yoongi picks his head up only to glare at you. “Fuck off. Some of us need the stress relief.”
“So grow up and smoke weed like an adult, Yoongi.”
“I have asthma, you fucking prick—”
Yoongi’s tirade—which you’re sure was going to be effective and logical and would not, at all, devolve into baseless name-calling—is interrupted by Taehyung, who appears behind you out of nowhere and sprinkles confetti over your and Yoongi’s desks. “Surprise! Party time!”
“Taehyung, I swear to fuck—”
But then Taehyung’s gone, the copious amounts of heart-shaped confetti the only proof he’d been there at all. Your desk neighbor looks murderous, but the lure of the chocolate fountain is strong, especially when there’s little tea cakes, too, so it’s not really a surprise that he nearly bulldozes you into the wall to get there first.
It’s not that you hate Valentine’s Day. You don’t even dislike it, because you actually like those chalky conversation hearts so everyone offloads them onto you, it’s just a little hard to focus when Kim Namjoon strolls in wearing a silk shirt with the top button undone. It’s doubly hard to focus when Jeongguk zeroes in on him immediately, and goes, “What is that?”
You pretend not to hear it, because they can’t suspect you if you don’t react, and a reaction is exactly what Jeongguk is looking for.
“What is what,” Namjoon replies, sounding as nonplussed as ever. You’d buy it, if you didn’t know him as well as you do, but because you do, you know it’s a farce. Any second now he’s going to crack. Sooner, if anyone presses him on it.
You hear someone click their tongue. Maybe Jeongguk, but you aren’t turning around to check. You can already feel how warm your cheeks are; there’s no way you’d be able to hide it.
“That thing on your neck.” Oh, god, that’s Jimin’s voice.
Namjoon chuckles. Acts like this entire conversation is beneath him, and that’s definitely doing something for you. Definitely has you squeezing your thighs together as you stand next to the stupid chocolate fountain, trying to eavesdrop over the mechanical whirring. “I got hurt at the gym last night.”
“The gym,” Jimin repeats, and it’s clear he doesn’t buy it. “And what were you doing at the gym that resulted in a neck injury? You just said the other day you haven’t been working out much.”
“Wait, I’m confused. Were you doing CrossFit or were you at the gym?”
“He was doing CrossFit at the gym. He just said that—”
“No he wasn’t,” Jeongguk argues. “That’s like saying you were doing gym at the gym, it doesn’t make sense—”
You roll your lips to keep from laughing. Look up at seemingly the perfect time, because Namjoon’s already looking at you, gaze all but saying, see what you did? And, yeah, you do—you can see it loud and clear, all the way from the other side of the room, because that dark bruise on his neck is courtesy of you. Roughly three days old, given in the dark of his bedroom after company drinks on Friday.
So you tamper your embarrassment. Shrug a little. Dip a strawberry into Taehyung’s ridiculous chocolate fountain with the edible glitter and stare as you bring it to your mouth, wrap your lips around it. Jimin and Jeongguk are still arguing, and Namjoon is just watching, corners of his mouth quirked up infinitesimally.
Then he gestures to the hallway.
Mouths meet me there.
And you know what that means.
It’s frenzied and hurried from the start. Namjoon’s everywhere and nowhere at once—skimming, pinching, grabbing at every inch of skin he can get his hands on before they disappear, move onto someplace else. “This is gonna have to be quick,” he says, already breathless, and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“No shit.”
That earns you a smack on the ass. “Keep this out of the way,” he says, pushing your dress up and over your hips. “See, this is the reason I told you no marks.”
There’s a riposte on the tip of your tongue, something obvious like you weren’t complaining when I was giving it to you, and Namjoon must know this because he pulls your underwear to the side and sinks two fingers into your cunt. Embarrassing, how seamless the slide is; how there’s no friction, just his large fingers pressing insistently on your g-spot.
He groans. Aborts the sound halfway so he doesn’t get the two of you caught. “Love how you’re always so wet for me.”
“Not you,” you retort. “Got really excited about the chocolate fountain.” You can’t see him, considering he’s got you bent over at the waist, but you know he’s rolling his eyes.
“I shouldn’t fuck you at all, since you wanna be a brat.”
“Yeah, I think HR would be inclined to agree—”
He cuts you off with another swat to your ass. Stops touching you only as long as it takes to roll on a condom, and then he’s pressing inside. It’s all heat: Namjoon rolling his hips at a steady pace, careful to be quiet; his fingers immediately moving to rub at your clit, because this definitely has to be quick; him whispering pure filth in that deep voice of his.
You’re teetering on the edge of the quickest orgasm of all time when your blurt out, “Is Yoongi allergic to cats?”
Namjoon just groans again. Pure annoyance. Plays along. Says, “I don’t know, why?”
“Be-because he said he can’t—fuck—smoke weed because he ha-has asthma, but he’s really—oh fuck, I’m gonna come—really scared Seokjin’s gonna—fuuuuuuck—gonna get rid of Cat Fridays.”
Namjoon thrusts harder, reaches deeper. “Will you just shut up and come? Who cares about Yoongi right now—”
Then, because both Yoongi and the universe hate you, there’s a knock on the door. “Really weird you two are in there talking about me while you’re fucking.”
And Namjoon must have some kind of voyeurism kink he hasn’t told you about, because he moans low and spills into the condom.
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berryhobii · 11 months
Holly molly! I have just discovered you and let me tell you, you are fantastic. I think I speak for the readers when I say we can see ourselves though your work, and that makes us feel represented. Thank you so much! <3
I have an idea for a drabble, and since you are accepting requests I hoped you could write about it: a really independent reader having a horrible day but not wanting to let anyone know and fiance!Yoongi noticing and being her rock/support
Thanks for your request! Long haired Yoongi has been plaguing me for months and the thought that we won’t get that back for a while has me sliding down a wall😭😭enjoy this cute little thing about Yoongi being an awesome fiancé during reader’s small overstimulated breakdown. I also added a bathtub scene because why not?
Your horrible day started when you got to work that morning. You actually felt really good about how you dressed and did your hair today. It was a successful wash and go style. Months of trial and error had made you an expert in managing an effortless style. Apparently for your boss though, your hair wasn’t deemed “professional” for the workspace. He called it unruly and told you to get it together by tomorrow.
Then you accidentally spilled your morning Starbucks on your brand new blouse. The lid wasn’t all the way secure so when you lifted it to your mouth, it opened and got all over you. At least your pants didn’t get ruined and good thing you liked iced coffee instead of hot.
You kept backup clothes under your desk just for that though. The incident with your shirt caused you to be 15 minutes late to your meeting. It felt awkward as you slipped in the room, everyone’s eyes staring daggers into you as you shuffled to your seat. Thankfully, it wasn’t your turn to present so you still had a chance to impress them with your work.
But it also turns out that karma was an evil bitch because guess who left their flash drive in your laptop at home?!
Embarrassment couldn’t even begin to describe how you felt, your smile waning as you apologized for your mishap and promised to have it by tomorrow.
After a berating from your boss which was packed with micro aggressions, you went back to your desk to have a mini breakdown in peace which didn’t even get a chance to start since you found your chair gone once you got there. One of your coworkers explained that they needed extra chairs for a larger meeting so they “borrowed” yours. And was it just a coincidence that yours was the only one missing despite your desk being nowhere near the door?
Your brain was on overdrive, nerves overstimulated and tears ready to flow down your face. Everything was too much right now.
Deciding take a half day, you rushed out to your car, dropping your brand new scarf in a muddy puddle caused by the rain yesterday.
You wanted to scream so badly but you fought back the emotions. You’d be home soon.
Yeah. Home. That’s where you needed to be.
At least your parking spot was free…….and no it wasn’t. A moped was in its place. Great. Why the hell did those things even need full parking spaces? They were half the size of a car!!
You found another after double and triple checking it wouldn’t get your car towed because that would just be the icing on the cake.
Your apartment was warm when you entered, the scent of your favorite candles hitting your nose. That could only mean one thing…..
He was home.
Your body itched to seek him out and melt your worries in the warmth of his embrace, to let the world fade away under his nimble hands, and let your brain finally turn off as his deep voice lulled you to sleep.
But you couldn’t….
Growing up, you never had a very good support system. Your family often minimized your worries and needs, forcing you to care for yourself. You had no one to express your emotions to, no one to depend on in those dark moments. You only had yourself and while you convinced yourself that was okay, you knew deep down it wasn’t.
Then you met Yoongi. At first, you kind of ignored him, not feeling vulnerable enough to have a relationship yet. Your last one was with a guy who tried to guilt trip you into becoming a stay at home wife but that was never your style. You didn’t want to be dependent on someone like that. You wanted your own money and career to fall back on and develop. That guy kind of put you off relationships as a whole.
But Yoongi was never like that. He never tried to force you to do anything you didn’t want. He cooked and cleaned, did laundry and never complained. You did your part as well but even on those days where you didn’t, Yoongi would just pick up the slack. You’d always feel bad, insisting you’d do more housework but he’d just wave you off.
“It’s fine. I got it. I’m at home all day anyway. If you touch that broom, I’m gonna chain you to the bed but you’d probably like that.”
Yoongi was genuine. He never pressured you or made you feel like you needed to constantly be on guard.
A part of you wished you could be as laid back as him. He completed you. Calmed the storm that constantly brewed in you. Dissipated all of your irrational fears.
He was there for you. Always.
So why could you never stop that bubbling feeling that you were being too needy? Yoongi’s made it perfectly clear that you could rely on him to be a shoulder to cry on. You knew that. You did.
But you just couldn’t.
You could hear him clinking around in the kitchen, probably making himself some lunch. You could also hear music so there’s a chance he didn’t hear you come in the door.
You quietly shuffled through the living room and down the hall to your bedroom. Once inside, you softly closed the door, leaning against it as you felt your body ready to break down. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, the weight of the day finally crushing you.
You inhaled a shaky breath, tears pricking at your waterline ready to fall but you held them back. You wouldn’t cry. Not over this.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. 1,2,3. You’re fine. Everything’s fine.
A small knock to the door behind you made you pause.
Did he know you were home?
“Bubs, are you in there?” You used to think that pet name was so silly. Just use your actual name, right? But over the years, you’ve grown to adore it. You’ve never been called so affectionately before, not even by your parents.
“Yeah. Sorry.”
Yoongi just hummed. You could hear a little bit of shuffling before it went quiet again.
“I went to the grocery store today and there was a sale on those bulk yogurt drinks you really like. I almost got shoulder checked by this grandma. I didn’t know old people could move so quickly.”
You felt yourself chuckle a little, your fingers twisting your engagement ring around.
“But guess who got the last pack of them?”
“Did you really fight a grandma for yogurt? You’re a grown man, Yoongi.”
“Hey, I wasn’t about to let an old lady punk me.” You could imagine his cute little frown and pouty lips. “Don’t worry though, I gave her my signature sandwich recipe and she gave me a coupon for some meat. We’re having chicken tonight.”
He was so ridiculous. So silly.
He was yours.
Slowly turning around, you grabbed the door handle and opened it, finding Yoongi sitting crossed legged on the floor. He stood when you came into his vision.
His long bangs were tied up in a little ponytail with a tangerine hair clip holding it back. To most outsiders and strangers, your fiancé could look cold and distant and he sometimes acted it but to you, you knew he was gentle and cute. The most compassionate and kindest person you’ve ever met.
You two stared at each other for a few beats before he slowly raised his arms, a wide and gummy smile making his eyes crinkle up.
You couldn’t hold it anymore. The dam finally broke.
You practically threw yourself into his embrace, the tears endlessly pouring from your eyes. Your fingers twisted in the back of his crewneck, holding him tightly as if you’d fade away if you let go.
He wrapped his arms tightly around you, shushing you as he pet your hair gently.
“Today was awful, Yoongi! I s-spilled coffee on m-myself and I was late to my meeting…” You cried into his shoulder, words stuttering as you tried to talk through your tears. “And then I didn’t even have my flash d-drive and my boss told me my hair isn’t‘professional’, whatever that means….” His hand rubbed at your back, remaining silent to let you get everything out. “And I dropped my new scarf in a puddle and there was this dumb little moped in my parking spot! It’s just been an awful day!”
He kissed your temple, rocking you two side to side in an attempt to calm you.
“I know, bubs. It’s over now. I’m here.”
Yoongi let you cry, just holding you and whispering how much he loved you.
After your cries had dwindled to sniffles, Yoongi slowly pulled back to look at you. He pouted his lip at the sight of your wet lashes and red eyes. You looked drained.
His hands cupped both of your cheeks, gently rubbing his thumbs under your eyes to wipe away the streaks.
“My poor baby. You must be so tired.”
You sighed shakily, fluttering your eyes closed. “I am.”
His forehead bumped against yours. “Why don’t I run you a nice bath? Then we can snuggle on the couch? How’s that sound?”
That sounded absolutely amazing.
You opened your eyes. “Will you join me?”
His smile was sweet and full of love. “Of course.”
Your body sunk into the warm water. You normally preferred your baths hot as hell but Yoongi had sensitive skin and you didn’t want to irritate that. The temperature of the water didn’t matter much when the heat of your beloved was pressed into your back.
His smooth hands ran all over your body—not in a sexual way but in a soothing and grounding way. Although your body did tingle when he grazed over your nipples.
“Do you feel a little better?” He asked, kissing at your shoulder.
You sighed, “yeah. Thank you, Yoon.”
“Anything, bubs.”
“I’m sorry I’m still kind of bad at coming to you. I was already overwhelmed and I didn’t want to worry you.”
“Look at me.”
You leaned your head back on his shoulder, craning your neck to be able to make eye contact with him. And what beautiful eyes he had.
“Never apologize for that. If you need a moment by yourself, that’s okay. And when you’re ready to find me, come find me. I’ll never turn you away. When I proposed to you, I promised to help you shoulder all of your bad days and I meant that.”
You smiled, moving to press a kiss to his soft lips, your hand coming up to hold the back of his head. His hair felt soft underneath your fingers. “I know. Thank you. I promise to be there for you too.”
“You already are. Just do what you feel is right and when you need me, I’ll be there. You can ruin as many sweaters as I have.”
You snorted a laugh, rolling your eyes. “What am I going to do with you?”
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer. “You can love me.”
“I already do.”
“Yoongi, are you getting a boner?”
“I’m trying to relax, Yoongi! How can you get horny at a time like this? I’m getting out.”
“You’re pressed up against me naked! You should take it as a compliment. Come back!”
“Does that mean bath time is over?”
“Get in here before I change my mind!”
“Yes ma’am.”
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viscountoflondon · 11 months
College Kavinsky 2.0
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You drove down the street stressed that you were late. You arrive the restaurant and send an I’m here text waiting for him to respond as you sit in the car. When 5 minutes pass you think nothing of it but when it gets to 15 minutes you don’t why but your stomach sinks.
“Hello?” you say as he picked up and was silent  
“Y/L/N?” “Yea?” you confirm turning down the volume in the car, you hear a lot of commotion in the background
“Shit sorry Y/L/N”
“Ohhh kayyyy” you were getting stood up. “Shit happened in the club emergency meeting and I just lost track of time I was gonna text”
You interrupt “I understand” 
“I’m sorry” “Thanks” you respond nonchalantly “is everything okay?” you ask hearing a yelling match go on 
“I can’t really talk now mind if I call later maybe we can hang out. I will make it up to you I promise” 
“Sure” you respond in a flat tone “don’t stress about it, just call me back when you can” “Great thanks Y/L/N” 
You sigh and look up. Did you just get stood up or was he playing the forgot lets hangout at your place possibly hook up game?
“Babes? What are you doing here?” Ivy asks you 
You shrug “Peter couldn’t make it” 
“Oh shit what did he say?” 
“I don’t know something happened he lost track of time” You scoff taking off your shoes.“Some bullshit. Make up wasted, outfit down the drain” 
“Aww don’t be like that” she pouts opening her arms for your to hug 
You smile and give her one “Yeeaaa, i think he stood me up” “He wouldn’t do that!” she insists 
“Well only time will tell Ivanna, only time will tell. I’m gonna go lay down” “Okay I’m here to talk if you want” 
Ivy knew this wasn’t going as planned but she knew Peter just wouldn’t fake it like that only to stand you up she texted Cam only to be ignored for hours as well and he confirmed the same thing Peter said fight etc...
You agree one more time to meet Peter over the next weekend, it wasn’t the best time for you two but Peter really wanted to see you. So the best you could do was agree to a coffee date 2 hours max because you both had obligations after 
“Hey!” he says walking in 
“Hi” you greet smiling at him. He had managed to ease away the wall you immediately built up after last weekend 
“Man you know all the cool places, I thought we were gonna meet at starbucks or something” “Nope!” you emphasis the P “they have good coffee, bagels, and treats” 
“I don’t even know what to get I normally get my coffee from starbucks and its some latte shit” “Ooh I can order for you is  your starbucks order sweet or not” 
He shrugs “i don’t know like regular sweet” 
“Perfect, want a bite or?” “I’ll follow your recommendation boss” You blush “Here” he hands you his card “I’m gonna find a seat place is kinda packed” 
You nod and wait for your order to come out. It doesn't take more than 10 minutes. When he sees you approaching with the items he gets up to help you. 
“Here is your order” you say, handing him his bagel and coffee while you take yours. “I got you a bacon egg and cheese bagel, NY Style and a Half White/ Half reg Mocha, latte.” “MMM! So good!” he says taking a sip of his drink
You smile “I have to stop myself from coming here everyday.” 
“What do you have?” “Oh i have a white mocha caramel brulee iced latte and a cheddar bacon bagel with cream cheese, classics” 
“Classic kind of girl” “I try new things sometimes I just like the classics you know can’t go wrong” He nods in agreement mouth full of food “So how have you been?” you ask cautiously  “everything okay?”  you pay attention to his mannerisms 
He sighs “yea, i can’t say much but one of the sophomores got into a fight at the bar and the guy wanted to press charges it was crazy” 
“Oh wow!” 
He takes in a deep breath “I can’t wait for this to be over”
You tilt your head and look at him “I thought you liked being in a frat” 
“I do but I don’t at the same time. It’s a lot you know. You have to like  micromanage the freshmen and some sophomores make sure their are passing their classes, mentor them, Because that affects our metrics. Teach them to not be creeps. Some haven’t had a girlfriend and don’t know how to manage a full house with many girls and you know they make stupid stupid mistakes sometimes.” he eats a little before speaking “You know whats funny the brother I looked up to when I was a freshman said the same thing I am saying now and I thought he was just had a shitty attitude but this shit wears you down” “Sounds rough” you give him a sympathetic look “Don’t get me wrong it's good it can be great, it really can, but i put in a lot of work last year being the social chair. I’ve never networked as much as I did so much so I hate when people recognize me now”
“Really? I thought you liked the spotlight” 
“Yea I kinda wanna be invisible sometimes” 
“Aww” you pout seeing the exhaustion in his expression 
“But I can manage for 2 more years and then barely look back, that is my mantra now” 
You beam at him “You got this Kavinsky” 
He smiles “I will if you continue to be by my side” 
“You’re so cheesy”  You blush looking 
“Only for you Y/L/N” 
“So I was thinki..” You’re interrupted “OMG PETER IS THAT YOU?” You hear looking back to see Olivia and a few of her friends, you wave back at them as they waved first/ She walks over “Y/N What are you guys doing here?” 
“Talking” he says matter of factly answering for you 
“Ooooo about?” she  wiggles her eyebrows while sitting next to him  “oh mind if wejoin?” “Actually we were just” 
“Yoo Peetterrr” You hear Sean calls to him 
You see the annoyed expression on his face 
“Pull up a chair guys” Olivia instructs her friends
“So much for some alone time”  he mumbles you hear it and refrain from laughing
You look down at your phone after receiving a text 
Peter 🥰: Sorry about this
Y/N: its okay 
You look up and smile at him, he responds by giving you a sympathetic smile. You two sit in a circle, with one of Olivia’s friends sitting in between you two? How that happened you don’t know. Peter kind of gets caught up in the conversation that he doesn’t realize time is passing but you did because you had a tutoring session and you couldn’t be late for that.
“Guys I have to go, tutor session” “What are you getting tutoring for?” One of Olivia’s friends ask slyly you peep that 
YOu smirk “I don’t get tutoring sessions I am the tutor 3 years now” “Oh” you see the sly smirk fall “And I’m getting paid to do it so I can’t be late my client is waiting for me, talk to you guys later it was nice meeting yall” 
“Nice meeting you too”
“Oh shit I gotta go I’m late” “Where you off to Kavinksy.” “I gotta go to practice’ Although stanford didn’t have a men’s lacrosse team Peter was able to try out and join a club where they had frequent games, like a norcal. 
Oh yea, text me Mark wants to go over somethings later tonight “Will do Y/L/N wait up girl” 
You smile and wait by the door. “Bye guys” 
See Ya! He throws the peace sign as he walks out 
You two walk to your cars he had parked next to you  “I’m sorry about that”  Peter comments
“It’s okay Peter can’t control everything” He smiles “you're awesome, I gotta run but I’ll text you okay?” 
“Yea drive safe, remember the building is not running away from you” He gives you a quick peck on the cheek and runs to the drivers side of his jeep. 
You two meet again at yet another frat party. Besides the brief interactions on campus it was really the frat party where you two could interact 
Y/L/N what time did you get here why didn’t you text me
I just got here
“Cool cool, whats your poison tonight” “A few shots” 
KAVINSKY You both turn
Mark motions him over with his head I’ll be back 
You run into Olivia and her cheerleading crew you hang out with them a bit before you leave and move around the room 
There you are babes. I need a dance partner and Cam won’t do it with me
“Ummm” you chuckle “I’m not dancing” “Don’t act like you didn’t teach me how to salsa, come on pleeeaasssee just a few songs, here lets take some shots 
“Noooo” “Yesss and then like 3-4 songs” 
“Okay three and then i will leave you alone” 
You smile the alcohol works through you dance with her to the songs glad the third one is ending as you could see glimpses of Peter watching you. The songs switch tempo to a bachata song. 
She holds onto you tight “One morree pleeasseee”
“Peter is watching” you mention not liking his attention 
She smiles “Good so is Cam lets get them all worked up”  she winks. You can’t help but laugh and follow her lead, she pulls you in close dancing as a couple as you two move around on the dance floor. A few spins for you both a little foot work. The song ends and you’re glad its over with so that you can get away from the middle away from the attention(Peter’s) 
“Whoo I need some water” you think as you reach into the icebox
“I didn’t know you could dance Y/L/N” you hear Peter’s voice You turn to face him and you feel your face flush with embarrassment as he walks to you slowly  “I.......don’t?” He motions behind him “so what was that?” “Oh i was following Ivy’s lead” you explain trying to hide your smile He chuckles “LIAR” 
You smile and walk away from the crowd in the kitchen, he follows you to the backyard. “I know a spot we can talk come on” he grabs your hand 
You two walk a bit away from the house near the fence you find a bench 
“How you been?” he asks moving your hair behind so he could see your face
“Busy like you”  He hums in agreement 
“I wanna take you out to dinner” he says while playing with your fingers a little nervous you will say no 
“Do i need to dress up?” you ask 
He shrugs “Sort of”
He smiles “You tell me gorgeous” 
“Yo Kavinsky” you hear from the distance 
“Oh my gooodddd”
You giggle 
“I gotta question” the guy says as he stands in front of you two 
“Shoot” he answers nonchalantly 
Another guy walks up “KAVINSKYYYY! What’s up bro?” he shouts as he gets closer 
You hear him groan “Michael how you doin?!” 
“Oh shit didn’t mean to interrupt” 
“It’s okay” you go to stand up to walk away but Peter tightens his grip on your hips 
You look at him and smiles at you, before looking at the freshmen “what was your question” 
“Oh i wanted to know...” you fade away
“Finally okay about dinner”
KAVINSKY he Mark calls 
“I can’t fucking take this” it shocks you when you see him irritated “WHAT?” 
“It’s okay Peter”
“I’m gonna lose my fucking mind” he runs his hand down his face frustrated 
“So Dinner I am free Saturday evening and Sunday evening after 3pm”
“Cool I’ll pick you up at 5, I gotta go I’m sorry.” He pecks your cheek before running towards the house. You sit on the bench and contemplate ponder. Your conversation with Peter was mostly done via text. I mean the times you two were around each other it seemed that you two were constantly interrupted how would this work. At least with Cam and Ivy he made time for her. How could it work if Peter didn’t? That was tomorrows problem because tonight you were laughing at the antics in front of you. 
“You guys are cute you look up it was Olivia” 
“Oh Olivia! Whats up?  you scoot over so she could sit next to you 
She sits down before saying “Nothing just commenting on you two love birds”  she teases “So what you two discuss?”
“Oh” you blush “Peter wants to take me out to dinner”
She smiles “Really when?” 
You shrug “Next weekend I think” 
“Think he’s gonna make it official?” she asks 
“I don’t know maybe or maybe he just wants the chance to get to know me better no interruptions” you say 
“Yea thats possible”  she smiles. You two talk about other things before she too gets up and leaves. You hang out in your spot a bit longer feeling the last effects of the shots starting to fade before you decide to leave it was late you had to study all that shabang. You push your way through the crowd and see Peter having a very deep conversation it didn’t seem like an interruption from you would be appropriate at the moment so you send him a text. He wished you had done so, it would have given him an excuse to get out of that stupid discussion 
Next weekend arrived and this time Peter was not late. In fact he was early. 
You hear a knock on the door and look down at the clock. It's 4:30 why would he be here at 4:30? You were just finishing up the final touches of your makeup. You throw on a robe and  rush down the stairs tidy up the best you can before opening the door
“Kavinsky, you’re early 
“Early bird gets the worm” he stands with his hands behind the back 
“Do you wanna come in sorry for the mess
“Laundry adorned the couch as you were mid washing cycle and didn’t feel like carrying it up all the way to your room 
He scoffs looking around “Its nothing compared to the (frat) house you know that.” He pulls you in “how are you?”
Oh you blush “I’m good” 
“I got you these” He pulls the bouquet from behind his back 
You can't help but to grin “Aww Peter you didn’t have to!” 
“It’s my pleasure 
You smile and walk towards the kitchen “want something to drink?”  you ask as you place them in a vase. “I’ll read this later” you say as you place the card down
“I’ll take some water” 
“Okay, I’ll be right back. I don’t wanna be late I promise I’ll be down in 10 minutes” you say as you run up the steps
“No problem take your time!”
“Okay I’m ready” your heels go clacking against the wooden floor as you walk down the stairs. “12 minutes a little late.”
He smiles at you holding his hand out “Right on time to me. WOW look at you!” He holds your hand up so you can do a little spin 
You smile as you stop facing him “I look okay? i can change”
“Don’t I love those on you: he comments speaking of your heels  
You look around and see that one of your panties laid on the floor you hoped Peter didn’t notice and you become extremely bashful. “Okay let's go” you open your clutch  “keys, wallet. phone. Good all in there”
During the ride there Peter held your hand and sang a few songs on his playlist you laughed and snapped a few videos
“You gotta post those” he says when you’re done
You end up 1 hour away from your apartment in Berkeley, CA 
You see the sign Welcome To Berkeley, California when you turn to Peter “We are in Berkley” 
“Yes ma'am” You give him a look “I’ll explain when we get there”, 15 minutes later he pulls into a parking lot of a restaurant that had all the romance vibes. 
“Wow Peter this is” you look around “thank you” 
He smiles looking at you taking it all in “it’s my pleasure” 
The waiter comes and you two place your order. The conversation is surface level, until you were both done and now waiting for dessert. 
“Ummmm” the waiter interrupts looking bashful “I have drinks” 
“Oh” you look down at the drinks and back up at Peter who also looked confused “We didn’t order those”
She blushes even more “I know but um there is a couple around who wanted to buy you two drinks said you guys were so cute and I agree” she smiles 
“Oh” you smile and look around to see if you could tell who it was but you couldn’t  “tell them thank you!” 
Peter picks up his drink and you follow suit “Salud to us to life and to the lovely couple:  you raise your glasses in the air, clinking them lightly and taking a sip. 
You two stare at each other while he routinely kisses your knuckles while he holds a smitten look on his face
You blush before speaking “So we drove to Berkely an hour away because?”
He sighs and sits up rubbing his thumb over yours “I really like you Y/N” wow you didn’t know you could like the sound of him saying your first name as much as you did your last name “And I didn’t want any interruptions. I want to just focus on you, on us, I wanna make sure we are on the same page” he smiles before placing a soft kiss on your knuckles  You blush “Are we not on the same page?” “I think we are but, now I get to talk to you, like really talk to you without someone fucking recognizing me” 
“I honestly thought you loved that” He huffs “I am starting to hate it. I can't even get a moment to think, only time is after practice, at the library when I've locked myself in a room and late at night, when everyone’s asleep and the house is mostly quiet. But  then i can’t sleep because i’m trying to catch up on my thoughts, like oh I forgot to watch the tiktok you sent, coach sent us a schedule for next week” You reach over and caress his face “it will be over soon Peter” you try to sooth his frustrations
“I have dessert for you two” 
The waiter brought a plate, you watch as she places it down. Letters adorn the plate ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ It reads you look down then back up at Peter. 
“What do you say Y/N Y/L/N” he asks moving the hair from your face as he leans in closer in and speaks softly “Will you be my girl?” he pushes the hair behind your ear and caresses your cheek “I would love to be yours” 
“Peter” you say above a whisper 
“I need an answer baby” he insists in the most sultry voice you’ve heard from him so far
God when will you stop blushing you think before answering “Yes I would love to” 
He smiles and gently pulls you towards him and gives you a peck on your lips. Your first kiss A feeling he knows he will become addicted to. 
When you pull away you take it all in “You planned all this”
He smiles leaning back and taking scooping some of his dessert and eating it “I did for you, for us like I said”  
“You’re so thoughtful thank you Peter” 
“I wanted to” he smirks smuggly knowing his mission was accomplished  You blush “what is it?” he chuckles 
“Nothing” you smile looking away from him 
“I wanna be with you in ways that I haven’t felt in a long time” he pauses “I wanna be there when you’re sad, mad, happy i want to experience those things with you” 
You smile slyly “Even if i’m mad at you?” 
“Even if, because I know that we can talk it out and be better”
“You’re such a romantic”
“Can’t blame me, anyone would be especially when it comes to you” 
You smile 
His phone pings and he looks down at it and huffs. You're quickly brought back to reality which was Peter’s availability. 
You look away from him feeling a sort of dread, what if this would be the first and last time he did this for you. Not that you were wanting him to drive an hour and spend hundreds of dollars but what if this was it do you savor the moment or do you...
Your head snaps to look at him “Yea?” 
“You okay?” 
“Yes!”  you smile
“Tell me amore” he caresses your hands again 
‘Amore’  God why is this happening to me I can’t be going through this rollercoaster of emotions 
“Oh I’m okay” 
“You looked sad what is it?” You shake your head “Oh i was just thinking” 
“About tell me” he insists pulling your hand to his mouth again for more kisses
“I just got too lost in thought and started thinking about the people I’m tutoring” you chuckle nervously, avoiding eye contact 
“You sure?”  he asks feeling as if you weren’t telling him the truth 
Yea you lean in to give him a kiss “I’m sure” 
The night was perfect, you think to yourself, no need to ruin it by overthinking things. You to finish and head back to your place. The car ride is filled with jokes and funny stories. 
 “So do you wanna come in do you have time?” you ask as he parks in front of your house 
He looks at his watch and nods “yea” he had to be back to the house within 30 minutes but he was sure he could make because it only took 10 minutes to get there from your house
“Oooo” the girls say in unison  
“You guys are back finally” Ivy comments 
“Peter, you know Ivy but  these are my other roommates Daniella and Willow” 
He salutes them “Nice to meet you two” 
“I was gonna give him a quick tour is that okay?” you ask 
“Yes it is! Welcome to our home Peter, nuestra casa es su casa!” Daniella comments 
“He’s cute!”  you hear them whisper as you go up the steps 
“We can hear you!” You say and they giggle 
“So you've seen the kitchen and dining area” 
“Daniella and Willow occupy the 2nd floor” you say as you stop in the common space “we have a common area with TV also just in case someone wants to watch american horror stories and the other real housewives of beverly hills, and then their bedrooms are across from each other ensuite bathrooms, closets towels linen etc.” 
“Okay okay he looks around taking it in” 
“And” you walk further down the hall up to a third set of stairs. “This is my bedroom:  you say as you walk in you noticed the pile of laundry sitting by the door and didn’t pay it any mind
“I have the attic” 
“Wow”  he comments your space was cozy
“You like?” 
“It's very cozy I love it”
Warm lights and fake candles adorned your space 
“I have a desk over there you point to the desk across your bed, small lounge area where I can kinda crash and watch my own TV you point to the small sectional, slept on this sectional so many times, my lovely bed catches all my dreams, closet,I have shoe problem, don’t comment, and bathroom.” 
He nods taking it all in “This is dope, lots of space too”  you smile in response “And where is Ivy’s room” 
“Oh she has the basement”
“Cool, cool” 
“Yea the attic and basement are both bigger so since the previous seniors left we took the rooms over Ivy said she wasn’t gonna walk up all those steps”  
“I like it, it fits you” 
“Really how so?” not understanding what about your room fit you
“Warm and cozy thats how i feel when we are together, like i have safe space with you” he says matter of factly 
“Oh that's sweet of you”  you plop down on the bed, your feet hurting from wearing heels one inch too high for your comfort 
He smiles and walks over to you squating down “I got you, let me get these off” he works the clasps on each shoe and gently removes the heels
“I still don't know how you walk in these” he says looking at the heel 
“One step in front of the other, you can just drop them there” you point at a space near you 
He does so “Speaking of dropping” he picks up a pair of lace panties on the floor a pair you had just washed
“Oh my god!” you snatch it from him and shove it under the pillow “you didn’t see those” 
“Those look good kinda”  he reaches for them and you push him away giggling “ wanna see them on you” “Peter!” 
“What you’re my girl now, don’t need to hide anything” he grabs your hand “come here” 
You feel your face flush as he pulls you in. He moves the hair out of your face as looks down at you. “You’re so beautiful Y/N” 
You smile “not as handsome as you”  you manage to say before he leans down and gives you a kiss. This time it wasn’t just a peck, it was soft slow nothing rushed, he cradled your jaw and face, you feel light circle sensations on your cheek as he simultaneously pulls you in closer. You feel like you’re gonna faint his lips are so soft, you let him kiss you deeply, tongue exploring your mouth, you feel as if he is breathing you in taking your breath away your grip on his arms tightens, he pulls away slowly softly returning for another make out session only allowing you a few seconds to catch your breath as he peppered small pecks your lips he couldn’t resist he just needed to feel your lips on him once again  you don’t know how long you two kissed but you both jump when his phone rings. 
It had been 30 minutes and Mark was now calling his phone. He looks at the caller ID “Oh shit i gotta go amore” 
“Its okay” he leans in for another kiss you giggle “Peter you’re gonna get in trouble”
“Its worth it!” he declares 
You lightly push at his chest and reach up to wipe the remnants of your lipstick from his face and lips “you gotta go handsome” 
He rolls his eyes “trying to get rid of me” he argues 
“Nope you grab his hand trying to get you out of trouble” you counter 
He smiles and walks down the steps with you 
You walk him to the car he leans in one more time for a kiss you both smile as you giggle “you gotta go”  you whisper softly pushing him in the car 
“One more for good measure” he comments pulling you into his jeep and holding you tight
You give him a quick peck and push away quickly “you gotta go text me” you say closing the door 
A round of “oooooos” erupts as you walk into the house. You roll your eyes “seriously guys?”
“What you brought an adonis into our home and we cant cheer for you pshh you deserve it girly pop” Willow comments 
You smile thanks “oh i forgot i didn’t read the note” you state seeing it sit on the flowers , you slowly open it and it reads “thinking of you forever and always” you read outloud “Awwwww” they all say in unison
“Damn, what do i have to do to get  a boyfriend like that?” Daniella asks 
“You smile be yourself” 
A/N: Please Reblog, like but you don't have permission to copy. Let me know what you think, remember I am sensitive about my shit.
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infestedguest · 1 year
Overall the opening episodes of fmab are pretty mediocre imo (especially compared to their fma03 counterparts), but I do think that there’s one early scene that fmab did better: Mustang meeting Ed and Al, especially Al.
In fmab Mustang’s slow realization of what exactly he’s looking at and what has happened to Al as a result of what the brothers have done, combined with Al’s quiet, mournful apologies as well as Ed’s complete despondency make for an almost Nina Tucker-esque moment of tragic horror (which now that I think about it makes Shou Tucker claiming Ed isn’t any different than him that much more emotionally impactful).
In fma03 Mustang just waltzes into the house like he’s showing up 15 minutes late with starbucks. He either somehow already knows the state Ed and Al are in prior to his arrival, or he simply does not care. He’s like “Huh, That ten year old is seven feet tall. Anway, how do you kids feel about the ✨military✨?“
It’s serviceable, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a lot less impactful (plus it makes a little less sense). To be fair, the scene is also the first time the audience is introduced to Mustang in fma03 (if I’m remembering correctly), and while fma03 Mustang is a noticeably greyer version of the character, he was still supposed to be a generally likeable figure, and having a character yell at a freshly traumatized child at the beginning of the first scene they’re in doesn’t exactly ingratiate them to the audience.
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rhodeybugg · 6 months
Brainrot took over. Gathered some otp questions from pinterest and picked out some from each because it's my job to ramble about the random ships outside of envy and thuzi. I have the lists if anyone wants em for their own! [Maybe i'll open up ship requests for these questions :0]
Anyway, about these two because they've taken over my brain. Im not sorry.
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1) Who is the most affectionate?
It's a tie between both of them, although Mitchell is close to being the most affectionate.
2) Who apologizes first?
Ridley, because she cant stay upset with Mitchell for more than two minutes.
3) Nickames?
Rids and Chell. :)
4) Who initiates kisses?
Ridley, it's always ridley. She really likes to catch Mitchell off-guard because he gets super flustered.
5) Who leaves notes in the other's lunch?
They both do it, but Ridley's notes are little reminders of important tasks because Mitchell forgets things. Her most common note is "check the nametag before you put on your uniform", and Mitchell's notes to Ridley are filled with little doodles and "i love you's
6) Which one gets supper sappy when drunk?
Mitchell. Ridley has a higher alcohol tolerance and just coddles him while he rambles and showers her in affection.
7) Which one plays with the other's hair?
Mitchell. Ridley keeps her hair super soft and long so he's always braiding it for her.
8) Who reaches for the other's hand first?
Mitchell. Especially when Ridley is distracted.
9) Who hogs the blankets?
Ridley. She's naturally cold, so Mitchell has his own blankets in bed. (Spoiler alert, Ridley steals those too)
10) Who proposes?
Mitchell, or at least he wants to. It's not like there are any jewelry stores on copper-9, unfortunately.
11) Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
Ridley. She's a snuggler.
12) How do they wake up next to each other?
Ridley always wakes up sprawled out in the middle of the bed with one arm around Mitchell's shoulders, and he's always got his head buried in the crook of her neck, arms and legs wrapped around her.
13) Who presses their nose against their partner's cheek before kissing them?
Mitchell. He does it to get her attention, primarily when they're at work and she's typing up a bunch of science stuff.
14) Who accidentally snorts when they laugh?
Ridley. She hates it. Mitchell thinks its adorable.
15) who has the shorter temper?
16) who has the more complicated starbucks order?
Mitchell. Ridley will walk into starbucks, order a flat black coffee, and drink it in one swig.
Bonus ramble:
They met because of the company on copper-9. Mitchell needed a summer job, and Ridley moved to the planet because of a promotion within the company.
The apartment had accidentally been rented to both of them, but they agreed to share the space. After all, there's nothing wrong with having a roommate, right? She figured the company would be nice.
Nobody is sure when they actually started dating. Maybe it was when she started absentmindedly holding his hand every time they were together, or when he started making sure to fix an extra portion of dinner for her because she started coming home late, or when she started waking up in his arms more often.
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ohhicas · 1 year
I just want you to know that the way you draw the "less anime" characters like Even, Dilan, and Aeleus means so so much to me. Vexen was my favorite Org. Member as a kid (he still is now as an adult) and I was always picked on and made fun of for it because he wasn't "handsome" or "cool". Yet, your artwork of them make me feel so seen. How you draw Dilan and the Basement Boys, like you get it. Thank you so much from little 14 year old me, who just wanted someone else to like the burly and twiggy men as much as they did growing up. Sending you all my love 💗💗💗
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I wanted to draw you something cool for this sweet ask, but my brain has been [sdklfjewfhe] lately -- but I didnt' want it to rot in my inbox like hte other asks i've yet to respond to
I'm happy to hear it! It's not really a secret I got into the series late, so I was older than the average 'first time player' and the bishounen pretty characters you were clearly suppose to fall for weren't really doing it for me. Radiant Garden squad all had interesting varied designs and were interesting characters as a whole, I couldn't help but fall in love with them all. I'm always happy to hear my 'shows up 15 minutes late holding starbucks' fanart spam is well received since I didn't really do what was Popular or Generally Accepted as a Hivemind Fanon. These characters are SO interesting and I'm so happy to make fanwork for them that others enjoy and agree with, when it comes to my headcanons.
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Jurdan Headcanon (Jude Duarte and Cardan Greenbriar)
I’ve also published this on ao3 if you’d rather read it there, here’s the link. I’m making this a full series (Cardan in the Mortal World).
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Previous Chapter (Chapter 5)
Cardan in the Mortal World (Chapter 6)
Whips, Hazelnut Pumps and Green Brains
Cardan’s POV
I’ve been waiting at this tiny table for an eternity now, but the small clock on my hand says it’s only been 15 minutes. The door to this eatery keeps opening with a jingle of the bell on top but none of those who enter are my sweet villain. This establishment has a peculiar name ‘Starbucks’ however it displays neither stars nor buck horns as décor, nor some elusive creature named starbuck.
I finally decide that to entertain myself while I wait, I might as well treat myself to the delicacies of this eatery, which I’m starting to realise might be more of a tavern because the focus is on drinks rather than food. I join the line to order. The menu looks marvelously confusing, with delicacies I’ve never heard of (what creature’s meat is called a frappe?). The person ahead of me chants out at least 50 words, which the man behind the counter dutifully types into his screen (I heard him mention something about a whip, but I must be wrong, otherwise what sort of establishment has Jude brought me to?). It is then my turn and I mutter some of the words I heard the person say.
“Grande, no-whip, mocha...5 shots, with 2...of hazelnut, oat milk on top.” The man, Jake, as his tag reads, looks slightly confused but mercifully accepts the order. He asks for my name. I consider what purpose he has to know my identity and before I can ask him, I hear a name being shouted by another worker and realise the purpose for the name-asking. I give my name and pay him with some leaves I glamoured to look like the valuable green paper and take a seat.
My drink has been prepared and I bring it back to my tiny table. ‘Card On Green Brain’ the drink reads and I’d be outraged at how they have butchered my name but I find my mercy when I think about mortals and their miniscule intelligence. I take a sip, and immediately scrunch up my face. It tastes sweet when you expect bitter and bitter when you want sweet. It is a horrible, horrible drink but almost without my will, I keep sipping at it as I wait for Jude.
15 minutes later
Jude’s POV
I’m rushing through the streets because I’m a little late but with Cardan in the human world, even a minute is a chance for disaster. I burst into Starbucks, looking for my imbecile husband and find him sitting at a table looking suspiciously normal (for him). I approach and sit across from him trying to find some proof of whatever shenanigans he got up to without me there to help. The first thing I notice is that there are at least 8 cups on the table, all empty. Once I notice that, all the signs start showing themselves. His eyes are wide and shinier than usual, his usually elegantly stretched out legs are jingling beneath the table and he’s talking a mile a minute.
“-and then I decided to try another and another and I did not even like the taste at first, but then I suddenly started enjoying it. What is this white cloud on top of the drink? And also where are the pumps where they extract hazelnut syrup from? I think the pixies would love it. And why is this place called Starbucks, where are the bucks-”
“Okay! Okay, I’ll answer all the questions, could you just look straight into my eyes for a moment.”
He does and I almost lose myself in that intense stare as usual but then he starts blabbing again, “Your eyes are so beautiful, my darling god, my sweet villain, my WIFE-”
I put my hand on his mouth and wait for him to stop talking. I know I’m blushing but I ignore that and wait for him to calm down at least a little. Then I grab his hand and take him home because Cardan on a caffeine high feels like a dangerous thing to leave wild in the world.
We lie down on the bed, cuddling and he’s tapping a quick beat onto the back of my feet with his.
“Okay, you can ask me all the questions you’ve been hoarding up till now.”
He giggles gleefully and starts thinking so hard I’m worried he’ll break something. “Why does that tavern have such complicated drinks?”
And that is one question I have no answer to, which I tell him. He doesn’t even seem to care much for the answers, he just wants to ask questions. “Why do people have to clarify that they do not want a whip?”
That makes me laugh out loud, and I explain that it has to do with whipped cream not whips. He looks like a child, mouth forming an ‘o’ and eyebrows climbing to reach his hairline.
He asks questions and nods and nods and nods when I answer. And once when I can no longer resist the urge, I kiss the tip of his nose and he smiles so wide, it makes me blush.
Cardan’s POV
Jude falls asleep after sometime however my mind simply cannot simmer down. It races and races and I spend this gift of wakefulness to admire Jude when she’s asleep and at peace, one hand clutching his and the one crumpling his Wars of Star tunic. He kisses the top of her head and settles in for a long night of staying awake and refusing to move even one inch lest he wake Jude. It is the happiest, most delightful inconvenience he has ever experienced.
Next Chapter
Tagging @jurdanhell @nee-naw-nee-naw-beepbeep
Let me know if anyone wants to be added to the tagging list (or removed).
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
“Make Me Lose Control” (doctor!Kiyoomi Sakusa x nurse!Atsumu Miya) +18 MDNI
A/N: Based on a fanart, I decided to write something for it❤️
Warnings: Cursing, making out, Tsumu in scrubs
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Atsumu Miya arrives right on time at 6 AM to his day shift on Monday morning at the Osaka hospital.
With his coffee in one hand and his bag on his other shoulder, he arrives at the CPU, tired as hell.
When he walks into the break room, his two coworkers Tomas and Inunaki from the night shift, are sitting at the table. The latter with his head resting on his arms, appears to be sleeping.
The black-haired giant smiles at Atsumu as he rounds the table to put his food from the bag into the fridge.
“Hey Miya, how was your vacation?” Tomas asks friendly.
“Short. Way too short.” The blonde yawns as he sits down across from his coworkers.
Inunaki is snoring slightly but neither of the men dare wake him up. Inunaki is a sunshine on day shifts but he is a nightmare to work with on night shifts, his mood worse than a pregnant woman with mood swings. The poor nursing student Hinata, once made the mistake of waking Inunaki up to ask a question and just two minutes later, Hinata was crying to Atsumu about him.
Shuddering at the memory, Atsumu sips his coffee in silence, not really waking up from the caffeine in it.
Crossing his leg sideways over his knee, the tired blonde is scanning over the newly printed papers from the station, which shows that they have 5 patients in total.
Still drinking his coffee, he notices the sleeping beauty beginning to wake up.
Groaning and rubbing his face, Inunaki stretches through his wrinkly Mickey Mouse printed scrubs.
Hearing a few joints pop, he sighs out in satisfaction.
Finally opening his eyes, he notices Atsumu sitting across from him.
“Hey Miya, long time no see. How was your vacation?” Inunaki asks in a groggy voice.
Drinking some water from his bottle Atsumu brought with him as well, he answers the same way like he did with Tomas.
“Ah well, we can be lucky to get any vacation at all.” Tomas nods in affirmation.
“Before I forget, Hinata called and said he overslept, he should be here shortly though.” Tomas says.
Speak of the devil, the orange-haired nursing student has arrived.
Panting he apologizes frantically, saying his boyfriend had a Volleyball game the prior night and they celebrated their win.
Waving him off, Atsumu states it’s alright because a certain white-black-haired nurse hasn’t shown up yet.
The clock strikes 6:15 am and still no sign of the hyperactive guy.
“Can we just please do reports? I want to go home!” Inunaki grumbles.
They all agree and grab their pens to start reports.
Tomas grabs his paper and begins to read out.
“In room 506, a 58 year old male, came in two days ago with acute chest pain and syncope, got an angiogram, where they found a thrombosis that burst and clogged everything up. He got surgery and is doing fine now. In room 510, 19 year old female, got a pacemaker, diabetic. She threw up twice last night and Inunaki gave her some Metoclopramide and fluids, she’s doing okay now. Gave her some tea as well to calm down her stomach. Uhhh in room 511, we have a 40 year old guy, dude has had a burst aneurysm, had surgery and is currently in the ICU, they want to transfer him here after he stabilizes.”
“Yeah sure why not. Give me more problems.” Atsumu mumbles under his breath.
“Atsumu, can I take care of him if he comes over today?” Hinata asks with excitement.
“Sure, knock yerself out kiddo.”
As Inunaki is about to start with his patients, Bokuto struts in, not a care in the world for being 20 minutes late.
Whistling a happy tune, he sits down and takes a small sip of his Starbucks coffee.
Noticing the glances from his coworkers, he looks confused at their irritated faces.
“What?“ He asks cluelessly.
“You’re 20 minutes late Bo. We already started reports.“ Tomas scolds him.
Rubbing his hand behind his neck, Bokuto grins nervously.
“Sorry about that hehe. I saw Akaashi at the entrance. He just came out of his night shift from the lab.“
“Did you ask him out yet?“ Inunaki leans forward to watch Bokuto.
Pouting, his hair begins to deflate a little bit.
“No, I always chicken out when he stares at me with his gorgeous smile and his mesmerizing blue eyes. Makes me forget everything at that moment.“ Bokuto sighs dreamily.
“Yeah I know what you mean, every time I look into Oliver’s eyes, I could get lost into them. Aw man, now that I think about it, I haven’t had a good fuck in forever, he’s always in surgery and way too tired when he comes home.” Inunaki whines.
“Speaking of a good fuck, you guys never guess who got Syphilis from sleeping with the chief of neurosurgery! I heard that Hoshiumi from the Stroke Unit is the victim. Serves him right though.” Tomas gossips .
“I haven’t been intimate with Kageyama for a while now, is that bad? Does that mean he wants to break up?” Hinata worriedly asks into the round.
“Okay, can we focus back on the reports please? I don’t need ta know about y’all’s relationship problems.” Atsumu complains.
“Alright. Moving on then.” Inunaki accepts his request.
“So in room 505, a 89 year old guy, annoying as fuck as always, his wife is even worse. Weighs 300 pounds and had a heart attack. Doesn’t surprise me to be honest. Got an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 4 days ago and rings the call light like every 6 minutes. Did I mention that he is incontinent?” The light-haired nurse smiles in pain.
“Bokuto you can have him. I’m not in the mood for this shit today.” Atsumu says without looking at Bokuto.
“Got it Tsum-Tsum.” Bokuto salutes in his cartoon owl scrubs.
“Why did they give him an implant anyway? He’s probably staying alive for like a year max and then dies anyway.” Atsumu scratches his head in frustration.
“Because everyone deserves a chance to live Miya, regardless of their personality, age, sex or culture.” The station doctor Meian Shūgo arrives.
Making himself a coffee at the espresso machine, he turns to the nurses, as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“We’re getting a new resident today. He transferred here after he graduated from Itachiyama. Please welcome him warmly when he arrives. We haven’t had a graduate from a private university in forever. And he was the top medical student in his class.” Meian orders.
“Great. A snobby bastard is just what we need.” Atsumu has a sick-sweet smile on his face.
“Maybe he won’t be so bad Tsum-Tsum.” The black and white haired man encourages.
“Well tough luck Miya, he’s going to work here, whether you like it or not.” Meian blandly states while walking out with his freshly brewed coffee to his office.
“Uhhh anyway, patient in room 509 died last night from cardiac arrest, so yeah that’s it. Bye.” Inunaki crumbles his report papers into the data trash and rushes to grab his bag to leave.
“See ya losers tonight. Have a great shift.” Inunaki calls over his shoulder, as he heads out.
“Bye Inunaki!” Hinata chirps after him.
Tomas walks over to Atsumu and Bokuto and pats them encouragely on the shoulder, taking his leave as well.
Atsumu places his face into his hands and groans in frustration.
At 7:30 after Bokuto and Atsumu finish their rounds, the blonde writes his reports on the patient chart. Writing down the vitals and the skin condition from patient in room 506, he feels strange all of sudden. Like a dark cloud that is nearing towards him.
As Atsumu turns around, his fears are confirmed as he sees a young 6’3” man with pitch black curly hair and a medical mask partially covering his scowling face. His coat fits his figure perfectly.
Upon further glance, Atsumu notices that the stranger’s sparkling white coat and black scrubs are completely free of wrinkles, hair perfectly done, like he comes fresh out of a model magazine.
His stature is proud and Atsumu can already tell, he is a very arrogant guy.
Just what Atsumu needs on the station.
He turns back to the papers and the stranger is stopping right next to him, staring at Atsumu without a word.
“What?” Atsumu asks him with an arched eyebrow.
“I need the charts for room 510 and 506.” The hot doctor demands.
“And yer are …?”
“The new medical resident. Dr. Kiyoomi Sakusa.” He introduces himself.
“Well I ain’t done charting yet, so ya hafta wait ‘til I am finished.” Atsumu continues to write.
Sakusa peaks over Atsumu’s shoulder.
“I can’t read your handwriting. It’s chaotic and messy.” Sakusa bluntly states.
“Tough shit buddy, not my problem.” Atsumu replies back without looking at him.
Just by that comment, Sakusa feels a vein bursting from that comment.
“Why aren’t you wearing a mask on the floor? Do you know how many viruses, bacteria and whatnot are in the air?”
“Is the word nagger yer middle name? Sheesh. I can’t breathe right if I wear a mask the whole 12 damn hours. Also, cannot hide this beautiful face from the world.”
Sakusa doesn’t say anything, just stares angrily at the blonde.
Hinata comes out of room 509, noticing the new worker giving Atsumu glares that could have him burst into flames.
Deciding to save his ass from a possible intervention, he moves to room 505, where Bokuto currently is.
“Bokuto! I think the new resident is here! Looks like him and Atsumu don’t get along.”
The buff golden-eyed man finishes putting a new plaster on the surgery wound on the patient’s chest, before taking off his gloves and throwing them into the nearby trash.
Disinfecting his hands, he grabs the new IV bottle and hooks it up to the patient.
“What do you mean? Are they already fighting? Is it as bad as when Dr. Oikawa was here for his residency?” Bokuto asks intrigued.
Hinata thinks for a few moments and follows Bokuto out of the room.
Stopping right in front of the patient’s door, Bokuto and Hinata can see Atsumu and the stranger giving each other deadly glares while talking to each other.
Before the fight can escalate into something physical, Bokuto steps in.
“Hey hey hey! Are you the new resident that Meian told us about?” The over friendly man asks.
The dark-haired doctor glances at Bokuto with a scowl so deep, it sends shivers down his spine.
“Yes. And your awful excuse of a station boss is being very unprofessional.” He growls while looking back at Atsumu.
Atsumu glares right back at him, puffing his chest up a bit.
“It ain’t my fault this fucking idiot doesn’t speak manners. I told him that I wasn’t done writin’ the charts and he keeps demandin’ them like the spoiled brat he is.”
“Do you want me to report you Miya? Give me the damn charts.” Sakusa warns him.
“No.” He stubbornly replies.
Bokuto observes the banter with curious eyes, Hinata watching the scene while hiding behind his coworker’s broad back.
“Haha okay, I think we should all calm down. It’s Monday and it’s…”- Bokuto squints his eyes at Sakusa’s ID - “Sakusa’s first day here. Tsum just give him the charts, I am sure he’ll bring them right back.”
It’s an uncomfortable silence for a while.
Suddenly, the door to Meian’s office opens.
“Sakusa, I really need the charts now. What’s taking so lo-“ Meian interrupts his sentence as he watches his new resident and the nurse have a glare battle of death.
“What’s going on?” The chief asks with a deep sigh.
“He’s being a scrub-“
“He’s being a difficult -“
Both start, making Meian’s annoyance level rise rapidly.
“You’re BOTH being difficult. Atsumu just give him one chart at least, so he can learn about the patient’s diseases and medications. Just switch out after you are done. You’re both full grown adults, I expect high-skilled professionalism on my floors. Are we clear?” Meian scolds in a dark tone.
Atsumu looks away in shame, mumbles a quiet ‘yes sir’.
The other medical professional just nods, also keeping his head down.
Grabbing the file from room 510, Atsumu holds it out for Sakusa to grab, only to quickly snatch it back, as soon as Sakusa tries to grab it.
The cardiologist is about to lose his shit and is just mere seconds away from strangling the smirking good-looking nurse in his dark blue scrubs.
“Miya.” Meian warns in a threatening tone.
“Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.” Atsumu cackles.
Sakusa forcefully grabs the papers from Atsumu and walks into his own office that he‘s been assigned.
Without saying anything, the angry ravenette goes inside and closes the door for some peace and quiet.
Atsumu still can’t wipe off his smirk, kind of feeling proud for making the new resident so angry.
Meian returns to his office as well after having a quick chat with Bokuto about the patient that is currently in the ICU.
‘Well Sakusa Kiyoomi, you‘ll learn soon enough that things won’t go your way like they did in medical school‘ , Atsumu hums in his head, before preparing the patient that has passed away for inquest.
3 Months later ~
Not much has changed at the CPU in the Osaka hospital.
Well to be honest, Sakusa and Miya are on a warpath.
Whenever those two would cross each other on their path, it always ends up in a mix between spitting curses and insults at each other.
Atsumu is currently on his break while Inunaki is on watch out for call lights or questions from doctors or family members from patients.
Eating the bento box of fried egg and fried rice with steamed vegetables that his twin brother and roommate Osamu has prepared for him the other day, he scrolls through TikTok to watch some stupid shit that pops up on his feed.
Sakusa enters the break room, not saying a word to Atsumu.
Grabbing his own food out of the fridge, Sakusa puts his broccoli-beef dish into the microwave, after inspecting it for stains and remaining leftovers.
“You know, eating so many carbs is not good. And… are you washing that down with an over-sweetened beverage from an overpriced food chain?“
“I don‘ fink I ashked for yer opinion Omi.“
Sakusa twists his face in disgust, as he listens to Atsumu talk with food in his mouth.
“Your manners are atrocious, Miya. I feel sorry for your partner.“
Atsumu swallows, collecting the rest of the vegetables onto his chopsticks.
“Good thing I don’t have one then.“ The blonde replies without looking at his coworker.
To be honest, it was unexpected for Sakusa to hear that Atsumu doesn’t have a partner.
The blonde is fit, he is jaw-dropping gorgeous, his smile could cure cancer but then again, his shitty personality ruins the looks.
The distracting noise of the microwave beeping snaps Sakusa out of his shock, taking the hot bowl out of it. Starting to walk out of the break room, Atsumu asks him a question that makes him stop.
“What about you?” Atsumu asks while he stares at Sakusa with a spark of interest in his eyes.
Sakusa has his back turned to Atsumu but answers nonetheless.
“What about me?”
“Do ya have a partner?” He clarifies.
Sakusa waits a few seconds, wondering if this kind of information is okay to share with someone he doesn’t particularly like.
“No. I don’t.” Sakusa leaves after that.
Atsumu has a small smile on his face after receiving the information, packing away his bento box to get back to work.
A few months later during the night shift, Atsumu is watching a Volleyball game with Inunaki. Well more like Atsumu watching it, while Inunaki is snoring in the comfy chair in the corner of the room, while a thick warm blanket covers his body up to his face.
Rubbing his tired hazel eyes, Atsumu sips another gulp of his energy drink, trying to stay awake.
All of sudden, the annoying beeping noise of a call light startles the blonde nurse.
Inunaki jolts up at the noise but Atsumu tells him he‘ll take care of it.
Mumbling a incoherent sentence, Inunaki falls back into the chair with a huff and moves onto his side and pulls the blanket closer to his body.
Lowering the volume of the game, Atsumu stands up to see who hit the call light.
It’s room 510, an elderly man who has an infection in his pacemaker is currently hospitalized in that room.
As Atsumu enters the room, he warns the patient of turning on the light before turning off the call light.
Before the blonde nurse can even ask, he immediately sees that the bedside next to the patient‘s arm is wet, which indicates that the IV is not good anymore.
With a tired sigh, Atsumu stops the fluid from dripping any further and takes out the IV.
After changing the bedsheets and hospital gown, Atsumu disinfects his hands and makes his way to the doctor on duty tonight, which is Dr.Pain-In-My-Ass-Kiyoomi Sakusa.
Without knocking on the door, Atsumu enters Sakusa’s office.
The curly-haired ravenette is currently typing away with a concentrated look on his MacBook, not even looking up at Atsumu.
“Can you maybe bother knocking next time before you disgrace me with your presence Miya?”
Scowling at what Sakusa said, Atsumu crosses his arms and tells the cardiologist what he came for originally.
“Patient in room 510 needs a new IV.”
“Fine. I’ll get to it later when I have time.”
“Can ya maybe do it now? So the guy can get his antibiotics before he dies? And so I don’t have ta wake up the poor guy again at-“ Atsumu glances at his Apple Watch- “fucking 2 AM.”
“I said I will get to it when I get to it Miya. Get out.” Sakusa hisses behind his screen.
Scoffing at his answer, Atsumu turns around to walk out and mumbles “prick” under his breath and that was the final straw for Sakusa.
“Miya you have something to say to me?” Sakusa asks in an aggressive undertone, closing his MacBook.
Stopping in his tracks, Atsumu keeps his back facing towards Sakusa.
“Ya know what? Yeah I do have somethin‘ ta say.“ Turning on his heel, he whips around to face the pissed-off resident.
“Yer actin’ all mighty-highly like ya found a cure for cancer. I bet they kissed yer ass in med school because they think they found the eighth wonder of the world. Well I got newsflash for ya buddy! Just because ya came from an expensive as shit private medical school, doesn’t make ya better than any of us! And also, just ‘cus Meian thinks yer a special snowflake, don’t mean I think you are! Yer a rude, entitled little sea urchin!” Atsumu vents as he glances down at Sakusa.
Sakusa still has his death glare resting on his face, slowly getting up from his desk chair, around his table.
Atsumu can now see Sakusa’s dark bags under his eyes much clearer, his black curls messy and unkempt, with dark red wrinkly scrubs hanging loosely on him.
The nurse doesn’t like that his opponent is a few inches taller than him but as he stares into his dark eyes, he feels like he is being pulled into the eternal darkness of them.
"Get. Out. Of. My. Office.” Sakusa speaks slowly in a very dangerous tone as he takes a step closer to the nurse with each word. Normally Atsumu would punch a guy like Sakusa but for some strange reason, it ingnites a fierce fire inside of Atsumu’s heart. The blonde hasn’t felt like this in a very long time and it seems like Sakusa feels that wildfire spread to him because the next thing Atsumu feels, are fierce yet soft lips on his own.
The action makes Atsumu’s breath hitch in his mouth but it’s like his body is not listening to him and he automatically kisses the ravenette back with as much force.
The physician grabs a hand full of soft sandy-blond hair and pulls on it harshly. The action makes Atsumu want to moan loudly but it’s muffled by slightly chapped lips against his own.
Sakusa uses the chance to sneak his mouth into the blonde’s mouth and tastes strawberry flavor of the energy drink and skittles that Atsumu has previously consumed.
Sighing in bliss, their tongues fight for dominance, with the cardiologist easily winning it.
But all of sudden, as if Sakusa put his hands into a fire, he retracts so quickly from Atsumu in just a blink and stumbles back into his desk.
Both of them breathing heavily, the blonde is in daze whereas the ravenette looks as pale as a sheet of paper.
"Kiyoomi? Ya okay?” Atsumu takes careful steps towards him only to be stopped by Sakusa.
"S-Stop. Don’t come near me. T-This was a mistake. Please get out. I’ll put an IV in the patient, just please get out.” He manages to stutter out in like an almost panicking manner.
The words feel like a punch to the gut to the cardio nurse but he follows the request and leaves without another word or glance at him.
Walking back into the break room, Atsumu slowly sits down, still trying to process what just happened.
Inunaki wakes up at the sound of his coworker sitting down.
Seeing his flustered face while still having a shocked expression, the light-haired nurse worries for Atsumu.
“Tsumu? You okay?”
Barely registering his words, Atsumu nods without saying anything first, like he is in trance.
“Yeah, uh… yeah, I am fine.” The blonde assures him.
Shrugging it off, Inunaki immediately falls back asleep, while Atsumu is still trying to process in his brain what the fuck just happened.
Slowly raising his fingers to his lips, he can still feel Sakusa’s warm and soft lips against his own, as if they left a trace on him.
Atsumu can’t help but smile slightly at the fact that the grumpy and stiff Dr. Kiyoomi Sakusa kissed him back.
\(^-^)/ stay tuned for part 2 ❤️
@darthferbert @rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno @wake-uptoreality
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look I love being a bloke who does fuck all as much as the next girl but if you are the sole relief for someone who works 100% alone and are consistently late you're just a cunt straight up. it's literally driving me insane like if this dude was 5-10 minutes late even once a week I'd be like whatever but he's 15-30 minutes late at least once a week and 5-10 minutes late literally every other day. last Sunday I was here until nearly 2 hours (keep in mind my shifts are 10 hours by default and the am shifts aren't even a full 8) after my shift was supposed to end and he had the gall to walk in with mcdonalds a starbucks drink AND a fucking slurpee. like I'll gouge your fucking eyes out
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