#like his little antennae start moving
mooifyourecows · 4 months
me and the metric paper wasp building a nest on my front door have a deep, emotional bond built from making eye contact multiple times a day through the glass and so naturally i wanted to express my love for him by way of little treat and looked up if paper wasps like sugar water but the search results were all "HERE'S HOW TO LURE WASPS INTO A TRAP TO KILL THEM AS HORRIFICALLY AS POSSIBLE TO ENSURE THEIR LAST MOMENTS ARE PURE TORTURE AND AGONY" and like no, sir, you do not understand, we are in love
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“Call me if you need anything.”
Nico raises an eyebrow, glancing down at the phone, glancing back up at Will. The corner of his mouth twitches.
Will shakes it at him, gesturing vaguely with his free hand. “Just in case,” he insists.
“If I need anything,” Nico repeats, blinking again at the little device. It’s compact, at least, not even half the size of Will’s palm — although that doesn’t mean much — and appropriately black. There is a dorky little Pokémon charm clasped to the antenna, but it’s removable, probably. At the very least it can be stashed in a pocket. And it thankfully does not look brand-new.
“From you.”
“Thus the ‘call me’.”
“…From the Underworld.”
“Would you just —” He darts out and grabs one of Nico’s hands, prying open his fist and slapping the phone in his palm, curling his fingers back over it. “Take it. Please.”
Nico takes it, twisting it in his hands.
“I’m not gonna need it, Will.”
“That’s what you think.”
“What, d’you get a dream or something? Should I be worried about this?”
“Of course you should be worried about this! You’re chasing down errant souls in the godsdamn Underworld.” He works his jaw, gaze dropping to the ground. “By — by yourself, with gods know what after you. So.”
The smile Nico had been trying to fight back pushes through the last of his defenses, softening his face, and in one move he pockets the cellphone, swallows back the laughter pushing at the bubble in his chest, and reaches out, hooking a finger under Will’s chin.
“Will,” he says, grinning when those pretty blues finally meet his eyes, when he rolls them, glancing stubbornly away again. “Will, sweetheart.” Stubborn, stubborn boy; pulling away from all of Nico’s touches but leaning into the hand he uses to tuck his hair behind his ear. Melting into it, like he always does. Nico’s smile grows into something much more smug, and his voice bleeds something teasing. “I lived there. For years. My father is the king there, if you recall. I’m something of a prince.”
“Yeah, prince of being a pain in my ass.”
Nico snorts. “You know, it’s almost like we switch roles when you’re nervous.”
“I’m not nervous, you jackass, I am responding normally to a stressful situation. That’s logic.”
Nico glances down at the nails he’s chipping, clicking them rapidly.
“You’re clicking.”
His hands still.
“…Am not.”
“Well, now you’re not.”
“Just —” He blows an errant curl out of his eyes, mouth twisting in frustration. “Call me, Nico.”
“There are maybe four places with cell reception.”
“Well, you better find them.”
Nico laughs, pulling him down at the same time he pushes up on his tiptoes, kissing the worried line between his eyes.
“I kind of like worried on you,” he admits. “You’re cute when you’re grumpy.”
Will makes a noise in the back of his throat, something halfway between a scoff and a sigh, and follows Nico’s mouth when he starts to pull away, pressing close, pressing close, pressing closer. He tastes like mint chapstick and sunshine, as usual, but his lips are bitten, and his cheeks are flushed more than usual.
“I’ll call,” Nico promises softly. He pulls away just enough to meet his eyes again, holding his gaze until he softens, nodding. “Not a lot, ‘cause I’ll be busy, but I’ll call, tesoro. Once every couple days at least.”
“I’ll come find you if you don’t,” Will grumbles, scowling when Nico laughs again, smiling when Nico kisses him on the cheek, in the nose, on the forehead and eyelids and mouth. “Stay safe.”
“Love you too, azzurro.”
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No Light In The Darkness
Male Moth Fae Yandere x Gender Neutral Firefly Fae Reader Word Count: 1.5k (CW: Noncon, stalking, fear, dissociation, general yandere behavior, kidnapping, mentally broken reader, dead dove: do not eat, biting, crying, dacryphilia)  (I marked this one as dead dove because despite there being no physical pain or violence I tried to make the mental anguish and the rape scene and depression that follows to be a bit more realistic than normal, idk if I succeeded but I hope readers still enjoy this work. Also thank you to the reader who suggested the name for the yandere.) (This was a request in my stack from a year ago. Oops. Sorry it took so long.)
A firefly fae with constantly moving antenna, a chitinous exoskeleton covering your feet, legs, hands, and arms, and a brightly glowing thorax that extended from your back and bobbed behind your bare ass. That was you. Overall, you were a pretty average firefly.
Sadly though, you were of a very rare breed. There were very few other firefly fae out in the world, at least not in the part of it that you inhabited. But that was okay, you still went out every warm night and took to the sky, flashing and signaling in the way that your kind did to show you were receptive to romantic advances. You did, actually, have a suitor or two, but they were unfit. They seemed nice, but they lacked a certain special something. They weren’t firefly fae like you were. They were illumination deficient. How could you possibly be a partner with someone who was utterly unable to communicate and woo you via light? Being able to express yourself via your light signals was just far too essential an aspect of a relationship to be with someone who you could not share it with. No, you would be happier single than you would be relegating yourself to a relationship with such a person. The non-firefly fae men that you had to reject were all respectful about it and seemed to understand. Or so you had thought. But there was one who always watched you, stealing glances at you whenever you were out and about during the day and completely unable to move his eyes off of you as he stealthily watched you every night from the shadows as you did your half of an unrequited mating ritual. Orion, the muscular moth man that could never manage to take his eyes off of you. How could he possibly be expected to when you illuminated the sky with your enticing little mating dance. Especially since, even if you didn’t want to acknowledge it yet, it was all for him. How could it be for anyone else? There was no one else even watching, and those that had tried to court you in the past never stuck around like he did after you denied them. They couldn’t pass your test to show dedication in earning you as a mate. You probably didn’t even realize you were doing it, were probably in denial telling yourself you had to have another firefly fae, but really you didn’t fool Orion even if you had managed to fool yourself. There were no others of your kind anywhere near there. So obviously you were dancing for Orion. But he was starting to get impatient waiting for you to realize it yourself. He needed to be your mate already. To have his roaming hands explore all over your body. Orion was a master of sticking to the shadows, but even so you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched. You had this feeling in the past from time to time but over the past few weeks the sensation had become nearly unbearable. You could not shake, even for a moment, the sensation that you were being stalked. Hunted. Every breeze, every snapping twig, or rusting leaf was a potential assailant to you. It was especially bad in the woods. You surveyed all that was around you, constantly hyper-vigilant. But all you could see were shrubs, trees, soil, and flowers, nothing out of the ordinary. Even your little house, safe above the forest floor, hanging from the branches of a great tree, did not offer the sense of sanctuary that it should have. You even felt at times that you were being watched in your sleep. You even went so far as to get new thicker drapes to make sure no one could peep in. You tried to calm yourself down, tell yourself that you were being paranoid, but you just couldn’t. One day in the forest as you were searching for food things finally came to a head. You were walking along a gently used forest path, overgrown with grass and weeds, when you noticed a delicious looking clump of edible mushrooms at the base of a bush. You bent down and plucked them up, popping them into your basket when suddenly the bush rustled and shook. With a jolt of abject terror you dropped your basket and ran before taking off flying towards your home. You entered the door and slammed it shut and locked it, leaning against it as you caught your breath. Safe, you were safe and sound. An arm suddenly grabbed you from behind making you scream. The glowing red eyes of a mothy fae greeted you. “Are you okay, my love?” You shrieked and tried to get out of the door you had just slammed closed, shaky hands fumbling desperately at the lock. “If something is after you I will keep you safe!” He exclaimed in a voice that could only be described as eager and “trilling”. He pulled you close and held you tight against his abs. You tried to flail out of his grip, to kick and push but he was so strong, you could see and feel his muscles even beneath his lavender fur. One set of arms wrapped around you, squeezing uncomfortably tight, while the other two slowly made trails all over your body, feeling up your rear, gently touching your sides, and finally turning your head towards him as he kissed you deeply, making a sound not unlike a purr as he did so. You struggled against him, fighting the kiss, your pleas and screams muffled into it, but he did not seem to mind. You tasted so wonderful. “Calm down my little light, I am here for you. I know you might be in denial and nervous, but I know you need me.” He gently grinded against you from behind, his large warm erection slipping between your thighs and plainly visible from between your legs. Precum smeared your thighs as he continued thrusting really slowly, like he was afraid he might harm his tiny little victim. His words, obviously, did nothing to console you and his erection clearly showed his sexual intent with you, eliciting the only logical response. “L-let go of me you fucking psycho! Are you touched in the fucking head!? Get your nasty dick away from me you filthy pervert!!! What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?” As you said these words with all the anger and venom you had in you you were flashing angrily as well. “Ah you flash so prettily for me my little fire~ Someone’s just grouchy because they don’t know how to admit they want to be my mate and get my cock in them!” He completely twisted the intent of your words until they reinforced his skewed reality. His cock prodded your entrance, lovingly massaging precum into your hole to lube you up while one of his roaming hands found your chest and he began lightly pinching your nipple. “You don’t need to act all tough my sweet flame, I know you’re soft. You have a mate now, no use pretending otherwise,” he cooed. “You’re a goddamn maniaaaaah-” Orion stopped your words by biting into your sensitive neck just as he finally drove his cock into you. You moaned involuntarily and your legs probably would have given out had he not been holding onto you with his powerful arms. “See? I’ll make my mate feel so good~” You felt a growing heat in your stomach as your light started flashing like crazy, your body was betraying you completely but no part of you wanted this. Tears flooded your eyes and sobs broke up the gasps leaving your body. Of course Orion was oblivious to your plight. Another thing he completely misinterpreted. Your frantic light signals were a sign for him to continue, your tears were clearly of joy, and you couldn’t help but sob in pleasure because your big strong mothy mate was taking such good care of you. The overstimulation was way too much. The mouth all over your neck, sucking, biting, licking, and kissing. The fingers playing with your nipples. The arms holding you so tightly like you were the most important treasure on earth. You came hard. You went limp and your mind went blank, as if trying to spare you what was happening to you to some degree. It was, almost, like an out of body experience. He did not stop at your climax, he kept diving into you over and over, licking up your beautiful tears that he was so sure were caused by the pleasure he was giving you. At long last he finally planted one more passionate kiss to your unresponsive lips and filled you with his viscous seed. His antenna flitted over you and he held you even closer than before. He finally got to breed his darling. And when you next rejoined reality you would find yourself in an unfamiliar dwelling, the place he called home, leaning against him with your face buried in his chest, quietly sobbing, as he slowly made love to you again and again. 
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Hellu here with the idea of creator!melusine able to work with the hydro element and childe/foul legacy (and neuvi) showing them all the neat tricks?
*eats your idea in one bite* mmmm delicious and tasty :)
perhaps you're not even given a Hydro Vision- instead you have innate control over the waters of the Primordial Sea. in a way it makes sense, the waters being the oldest and most connected to the Creator, but you're still understandably a little spooked when parts of Fontaine's ocean begins bending to your will. Foul Legacy is absolutely ecstatic, however, chittering happily and gently cupping your mittens in his claws. your siblings curiously peek over your shoulders, oohing and aahing as they watch sparkling water form tiny shapes in your hands before dissolving again- you're just like their sister Sigewinne! except, you don't have a Hydro Vision, but you can control the water all the same!
Legacy admittedly wants to teach you how to fight as soon as he can, but Neuvillette lightly flicks him on the forehead with a frown, met with reluctant grumbles. they can both teach you, but first and foremost Neuvillette wants you to know basic control. he makes sure you never get overwhelmed, helping you learn and tempering the waves with his own power as the Hydro Sovereign if anything begins to get out of hand. when he's not here, Foul Legacy secretly teaches you how to make more complex shapes with the droplets, starting from a perfect sphere and moving your way up to eventual weapons- he WILL teach you how to fight with Hydro eventually, it's best to get an early start! although, his favorite thing to do is helping you make a tiny narwhal out of water, the miniature beast swimming around your antennae and Legacy's horns as he trills in delight
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catcze · 1 year
OKAY BUT how about matching jewellery with Wriothesley?? You could both wear a necklace or a choker to match his vibe or maybe earrings? (The fact he's wearing some is sending me 😩 His style is really good tbh, def would let him choose my clothes) And if they're embedded with each other's initials? Even better, let the world know you belong to him, the same way he belongs to you (was inspired by your other collar drabble don't mind me 🥺👌)
AAAAA that is SO cute wtf ?!?! And so true, his style is honestly immaculate !! I got inspiredddd and wrote this (even tho it's a little more 'secret relationship for now, but wearing little tokens of each other until we make it public' kind of thing tee hee)
warning for vv slight leaks (Wriothesley's birthdate) and a slightly ooc Wrio !!
Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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"Your grace?"
"Yes, Sigewinne?" Wriothesley hums, not looking up from his morning paper. He holds a teacup in his other hand, the scent of freshly brewed English Breakfast filling the room.
Sigewinne is staring hard at him, head tilted as she examines the change in the Duke's wardrobe. "I can't seem to place my finger on it but your new necklace looks rather—"
Wriothesley promptly chokes on his drink, loud coughing breaking the quiet of his office as he thumps his chest, sputtering and frantically moving his paper out of the range of fire of his choking.
Sigewinne hands him a handkerchief, which he takes with a wheezed word of thanks. She's squinting at him in suspicion, antennae twitching as she watches the duke squirm.
"I'm afraid I don't follow," Wriothesley coughs one last time into the handkerchief, clearing his throat in an attempt to get rid of the roughness in his voice. It doesn't work. "Perhaps you're mistaken, Sigewinne. Are you certain that you haven't just seen someone around the fortress using something similar? Or maybe you saw it in fashion on the surface."
Sigewinne is sure she hasn't. She just hums in thought, placing her hands on her hips as she continues to evaluate the necklace, while Wriothesley pointedly does not meet her gaze.
It's a simple thing, really. A silver circle on a thin silver chain, and from this distance Sigewinne can barely make out what looks like two letters and a date carved on it. It's this simplicity, actually, that makes it stand out amidst the Duke's otherwise chunky and bold accessories.
Sigewinne keeps staring, trying to remember just where oh where had she seen something like that before, and why does it nag her so much that she can't recall. Wriothesley doesn't offer up any information, however, having chosen to pour himself another cup of tea and resuming reading his paper.
Eventually, the nurse relents and turns to head down the staircase to leave his office with a word of farewell thrown over her shoulder, still bothered by the mystery that she just can't solve, but knowing what the Duke is like when he clams up.
"Oh! Hi, Sigewinne!" You greet, almost running into her as she descends, while you yourself are on your way up. You reach out a hand to steady her lest she roll down the rest of the way. "Leaving already? Everything alright?"
"Everything is fine," she says kindly, patting your arm in thanks as she looks up to your face. "Some patients to check on, but otherwise nothing particularly noteworthy. His Grace just refuses to answer any of my questions, however..."
But then her eyes catch on something shiny on your neck. Something shiny, and looking awfully like the object of her interest just a few short minutes ago. She glances at it, and as close as she is, she can make out what is carved on the pendant around your neck: A simple W and the date November 23 written underneath it.
She pauses mid-sentence, turning to glance over her shoulder.
Wriothesley is still reading his paper, but from here even she can see how he's trying to subtly glance over it in your direction. His fingers clench the sheets in anticipation and how his boot has started to tap on the floor despite his show of nonchalance. She looks at the pot of tea he had put out earlier, notices just how much tea there still seems to be in it, and the extra teacup that she had asked about earlier when she had first come in.
Just in case a guest stops by, he had told her, and nothing after that. Suddenly, she has a pretty good guess of what is written on his grace's necklace.
"Nevermind," she corrects, trying not to smile too widely. "But I certainly have to be going. Enjoy your... meeting with his grace. I'll see you later!"
You blink at her abrupt departure. "Oh? Okay. Uh... Bye, Sigewinne. See you soon!"
She nods, hurriedly excusing herself in an attempt to give you two some privacy, finally letting her happy little grin show once she was no longer in sight. She shuts the doors behind her and takes a moment, then practically skips her way back to the infirmary, her steps light and joyful.
I'm glad. They deserve to be happy together.
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semperamans · 2 months
I read your writing for Johnny I’m FERAL i saw that your on a trip hope your having the best time I understand if this isn’t written asap🫶🏽 but I had an idea for ( jealous) johnny
So you’ve always been around the outlaws not major close but there, then your friend kathy starts dating benny and you slot in with them permanently it’s no secret to anyone that your stunning like the girl on the block that everyone wants type of thing but a sweet heart
Johnny always admired from afar ( maybe you have a secret soft spot for him as well, you both steal glances etc like you know that one person you naturally gravitate toward when in a group of people) but he never made any moves
But then word on the street you’ve finally said yes to a date with someone maybe not a biker but a mechanical (idk) and Johnny overhears the boys speaking about it and he’s like wtf
And v stupid on your part you thought after your date you’d bring him to the bar with everyone and it would be good vibes lol definitely not the only vibes are rude unhappy and jealous Johnny ( everyone’s just sat watching the tension like it’s a movie 😭) maybe he makes your date leave idk
I hope this isn’t too much 🫶🏽
kinda ran with this!
(reader is younger than johnny! slightly nsfw! violence!)
johnny's momma made him go to church on sundays when he was a youngin' and boy he hated it. jus' didn't make any sense to him - believin' in something he couldn't see (and wearin' those ridiculous clothes) - so the minute he turned old enough to make his own decisions he was outta there. i mean, he hasn't seen the inside of a church since he n'betty got hitched years ago - but the strangest damn thing happened to him the other night. he saw a goddamn angel in the flesh and it changed his entire life.
september 1965
johnny always hated the soaps betty watched. fuckin' unrealistic, y'know? s'much as he missed betty, he was glad when she up and left and took the fuckin' antennas with her. time didn't stop whenever ya saw someone attractive. i mean, there was no dreamy music or fuckin' swirlin' sparkles. but then you stumbled into the clubhouse with your sweet smile and long painted nails and swishy dress and johnny was spellbound because what the fuck? he'd never seen you before - that much he knew. if he had seen you 'round prior to this night he woulda called his momma and apologized for not believin' her all these years. a fuckin' angel amongst all these sinners - who woulda thought? you were just so young n'precious; smilin' brightly next to a laughin' kathy. johnny couldn't help but stare n'he tried not to make it obvious, y'know, but who could blame 'em? then you spoke to him. turned your head just so and gave him a little wave and a "hello" that made his heart squeeze and his cock twitch and he knew he was destined to be fucked for the rest of his miserable life.
your big ole eyes lit up when he introduced himself. he gave you the spiel: his name, that he's the president of this rag-tag group of fuckin' bozos, n'like with kathy he made the promise that he wouldn't let nothin' happen to ya. he said it to kathy outta due diligence, y'know? i mean, she looked mortified when she stumbled in through the doors lookin' for dingy - but you? you weren't at all off-put by cockroach's stories or wahoo's slurred speech. you just giggled n'shook your head, wrapping your pink lips around a bottle of pop. maybe you were just too young and naive to realize the relative danger of bein' there, johnny thought. i mean, you were just this sweet girl who fluttered her lashes and saw the good in everyone an' so johnny told himself to let it go. to knock it off. that you were too young. too pure. too angelic. but, well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, right?
october 1965
"well, look at you," each word that dripped from johnny's mouth had been submerged in lust and coated with longing and he wanted to kick his own fucking ass but you beamed at 'em. you had spearheaded the idea to have a costume party on halloween n'of course all the guys voted yes at the meetin'. it was fuckin' cold that night, but it hadn't stopped wahoo and corky from rippin' their shirts n'jeans an' stealin' cal's earrings to look like pirates. cockroach's wife had affixed long, cloth-wrapped wires to his back so he could resemble his namesake n'sonny'd even found a rubber clown mask that zipco fuckin' hated. then there was you. you - of course - were an angel. it felt like a cruel fuckin' joke when johnny saw ya stumblin' through the door in heels that were a bit too tall of ya. you were a vision of white and wings and feathers and he was so unbelievably in love with you it made him sick. "g'head n'gimmie a twirl, peach. lemme look at ya."
so you did and you always did exactly what johnny said which was something he both hated and adored. you were always so good to 'em. whenever you'd come in with kathy you'd slide a chair right next to him and he'd fuckin' burn whenever your leg kissed his. he felt like a goddamn 16-year-old gettin' hard at the attention you bestowed upon 'em, but he couldn't help it. couldn't help that it made his heart soar when you propped your elbows on the table n'leaned in closer to hear over the crooning music. and it would be so easy to use that power for evil, y'know? to tell ya that he had a hard day n'just needed some lovin' and he knows you'd give it to 'em. such an affectionate girl you were, always huggin' on everyone n'stumblin' into his arms when you had a bit too much to drink. he'd felt your lips against his ear as you whispered drunken secrets to 'em but he'd never felt them on his own and he wanted to. he really fuckin' wanted to kiss you.
"well, what do ya think?"
you didn't seem phased that he had been staring. y'just stood there with a little smile n'your hands slightly outstretched like ya might actually use those wings to fly off. how was johnny to not eat you alive?
"think you look perfect. jus' like the real thing."
because you were.
after knowin' you for a month johnny was certain his initial reaction toward ya hadn't been an exaggeration. you were a goddamn angel - costume or not. at his high praises, you smiled even bigger. he loved your smile. then you were fluttering off to find benny n'kathy to show 'em your pretty wings and all johnny could think about as you high-fived and waved to everyone was how you'd so quickly grown to be an integral part of the group. a room felt empty without your robust laughter n'when you weren't around johnny was wishin' you were. you prettied up the place - prettied up johnny's life - n'maybe god had forgiven him for all the bad shit he'd done in life. i mean, why else would he have given johnny a gift? given johnny you.
but you weren't his.
you were never gonna be his.
and johnny accepts that.
kind of.
january 1965
he doesn't.
johnny doesn't know her name - doesn't care - because she wears the same perfume you do an' with his eyes closed he can almost imagine that it's you under him n'not some random from down the street. you're the one takin' him so well n'tellin' him how good it feels, not her. not this girl who means nothing to him. johnny even moans your name, rookie fuckin' mistake, n'the woman smacks him, which is deserved n'the second she tugs up her dress and leaves johnny is like a wild animal; fuckin' his fist, n'shoving his face into the pillow to chase the fleeting scent of you you you.
februrary 1965
he's ruined.
his thoughts are of you - only you - and they've grown progressively worse. he wants to marry you, to wake up to your sweet smile, to make you a momma, but fuck he can't. you're still so sweet n'young and you have no idea what the real world is like and he wants to ruin your life but he can't. he promised nothin' would happen to you n'he doesn't break promises even if it breaks his fucking heart.
the next time he sees you is at the family picnic. you've got a scarf in your hair n'you're so happy to see him - he knows by the way your face lights up n'you come skippin' over - but then he's shrugging off your hug and goddamn your sorrowful little pout almost breaks him, but he stays on course. when you come to stand by him at the fire, he moves. he doesn't let you sit on his lap when you all settle in and refuses when you ask him to toast your marshmallow and you're so confused. you don't know what you did; how you made him angry n'why he wants nothin' to do with you anymore.
he won't even acknowledge you when you paw at his arm and whisper his name. he stays locked in conversation with wahoo and corky who seem just as confused as you are, but they say nothing.
maybe that's all this was after all.
march 1965
johnny doesn't pick up when you call.
he swore he always would, but he doesn't.
april 1965
"oh yeah! she's gotta man now!" kathy says nonchalantly like she didn't just ruin johnny's life. the room feels too hot. what did dingy say? he didn't hear over the ringin' in his fuckin' ears.
"it's that, uh, robbie fella. y'know, the one who works in sharky's garage? yeah, apparently they hit it off n'ya know, now they're goin' steady." kathy's words lodge deep in johnny's brain the way a fuckin' bullet would n'his heart is falin' out of his ass and okay, maybe he wasn't so good at hiding his feelings because benny n'brucie turn to look at him, but he's fine. yeah. no. he's totally fine. he knew this would happen, knew that you would go on about your life. it's what you deserve. nice guy, close in age. yeah. that's fine.
he definitely doesn't punch a hole in the wall picturin' about robbie's face.
july 1965
"well, look at you."
johnny's got his back turned, so he isn't sure who sonny is talkin' about til he peers over his shoulder n'almost falls outta his seat. he's too drunk for this, so drunk he's seeing angels because there you are and oh, you look so pretty. how long has it been since he's seen ya? couple of months? my god, you've gotten prettier, somehow. hair is longer now and your eyes actually look happy. you give hugs, avoid johnny, n'then gesture over toward the door where that no good, low down robbie stands.
in truth, robbie's a good kid. all the guys know 'em. i mean, he can't ride - johnny isn't even sure he could hold up a goddamn bike with those scrawny legs - but he knows his way inside and out 'round a bike. the man's brain is like a fuckin' robot n'so of course he gets along with cal and johnny doesn't know why he feels so betrayed when all the guys go stumblin' over to greet the fuckin' traitor. you stay right where you are, though. lookin' over at johnny with unspoken words lodged in your throat. there is so much you wanna say to him, but all you manage is a choked
"get 'em outta here."
your eyebrows furrow, frown etching onto your mouth as you shift your weight from one foot to the next.
"because this is my bar n'i wan' 'em gone."
"he hasn't done nothin' to you!"
oh but he has because what's that glintin' on your finger? johnny rises from his seat so quickly he damn near loses his balance, but he regains it quick enough to snatch your hand n'sure enough...
johnny has no right to be upset. i mean, you were never his to begin with, right? but his fucking heart is in pieces all over the floor just like the beer bottle he busts over robbie's head n'there is fuckin' chaos. it takes benny, brucie, and whaoo to pull johnny off robbie. the poor guy hasn't done nothin' wrong; just gave you the life johnny always wanted. like, now, as johnny pants n'winces as kathy cleans up his knuckles, robbie's got your face cradled in his palm. he's kissin' your cheeks and rubbin' his hand down your arm and... pressin' it to your stomach.
johnny never believed much in religion, but he prays that there is some kind of god because he's going to need some forgiveness before the night is through.
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beneathstarryskies · 6 months
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Word Count: 4k (and some change)
Summary: Reno is forced to go on vacation after getting pretty beat up on a mission. He takes advantage of his time off to visit the Honeybee Inn, where he becomes enamored by one of the waitresses.
Warnings: fem!reader, shinra counts as a warning, mentions of sex work (more implied than explicit i think), alcohol, kissing, over all pretty tame
A/N: This is part one! I know for sure there will be a second part, but I'm not sure if there will be more than two parts yet. I didn't even anticipate it being two parts, but it just kept getting longer!
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Reno heard whispers about the Honeybee Inn for as long as he could remember. Especially once he started working for Shinra. Even the most button-down workers couldn’t resist heading down to Sector 6 to check out the shows. 
“It’s the perfect place for a guy to unwind,” he’d heard some middle manager say in the cafeteria one day. 
Pft. As if Turks have time for that kind of fun.
His luck changed when he found himself a little beat up after a mission, and Tseng had ordered him to take a vacation. There were many things for a young, scrappy guy like Reno to get into. He tossed around the option of heading to Costa Del Sol to hang out with the cute girls on the beach, or maybe even going to the Golden Saucer for some flashy fun. Then, he remembered the excited whispers surrounding the Honeybee Inn. He’d heard it can be hard to get into, but he was confident he could throw his status as a Turk around to get in, at least for a show. If it sucked, he figures he’d still have time to actually do something fun on his vacation. 
After a couple of days of mostly sleeping and ordering takeout, he headed down to Wall Market to see what all the fuss was about. He’d been here a few times for some missions, but he’d never been afforded the luxury of leisure time down there. 
There’s a crowd around the door, people trying to buy tickets or even just get a peek inside. Reno wonders if it’s truly that big of a deal or if people are just buying into the hype. He’s seen firsthand how easy it is for the masses to be swallowed up by something wrapped in shiny drapings and presented with the right flair. Hell, Shinra’s success depended on people succumbing to a bit of dazzle…Enough so that they’ll look the other way from the atrocities committed by the company. 
Now isn’t the time to get moral.
He pushes those thoughts aside and shoves through the crowd. He finds himself stopped by a security guard. If the guy up front wearing a bowtie with no shirt and an antenna headband could be called that. Reno was pretty sure he could take him in a fight, but he had to remind himself to calm down. 
“Come on, you wouldn’t say no to Shinra,” he says to the guard with a sly grin as he flashes his badge. The guard's eyes go wide and he swallows hard before moving aside. 
“Right this way sir,” the guard says and points him in the direction of the front desk. Reno is confident as he glides across the pristinely waxed floors to the desk. He leans on the desk and flashes a charming grin to the girl wearing a honeybee uniform. 
“One ticket to the show, please,” he says. 
“I’m sorry sir, we’re all full for the evening and…” 
“Uh, maybe we should talk to Andrea,” the guard butts in, and gives the girl a glance trying to indicate that Reno is someone who should get a ticket. 
“Andrea is getting ready for the show,” the girl persists. 
“I’m sure he’ll want to know who is here.” 
Reno realizes they think he’s here on business. It’s a little annoying that everyone assumes that just because he’s a Turk, but he also sees the benefit to it in this situation. The ticket girl nods slowly as the guard leans over to whisper something in her ear. 
“I’ll be right back, sir,” she says to Reno before going through a curtain. 
Reno looks around the lobby a little bit and peaks through the doors leading into the main bar. He sees the stage, vacant right now except for a couple of Honeybees practicing their steps for the performance tonight. He sees one girl wiping off tables. Her smile is bright and infectious when one of the girls on stage asks her what she thinks of their moves. He doesn’t have time to watch much longer before the ticket girl comes downstairs again. 
“Sir, follow me, please,” she says sweetly. 
Reno follows her upstairs. There are a few rooms closed off with ‘Do Not Disturb’ signs on the door. He imagined the illicit activities going on inside but did his best to seem disinterested. Then, she leads him up another flight of stairs into an opulently decorated dressing room. Some of the girls are gathered around getting ready, adjusting their costumes and applying makeup. A few of them coo at him flirtatiously, but before he can really enjoy the attention the ticket girl is leading him into a room off to the side with the nameplate “Andrea” on the door. 
She opens the door and ushers him inside. A man sits at a vanity, applying eyeliner meticulously. 
“Have a seat, Mr. Sinclair,” the man says. “I’ll be with you after I’ve made myself beautiful…Or should I say, more beautiful?” 
“Lookin’ pretty good to me,” Reno says with a cheeky grin before sitting down on the chaise lounge. 
“Ah, flattery. I didn’t know Turks carried that in their arsenal,” the man chuckles, then turns around in his chair. “I’m Andrea Rhodea, but I’m sure you knew that already.” 
“Yeah, I had a hint or two,” Reno confirms. “I’m Reno Sinclair, but I’m sure you knew that too.” 
“Mhm,” Andrea stands up and pulls on his waistcoat. “So, what does Turk want here?” 
“Nothing crazy. Just enjoying my vacation,” Reno shrugs. 
“I didn’t know Turks got those.” 
“Well, we don’t often. So you can see why I’d want to make the best of it.” 
“And the Honeybee Inn certainly is making the best of it,” Andrea boasts as he walks over to Reno. “You can sit in the VIP section. It has the best view, and is by invite only.” 
“And what do get from inviting me?” 
“Maybe a favor, if I ever need it,” Andrea smirks. Then, he snaps his fingers. A Honeybee runs in, the same one with the pretty smile he saw earlier. 
You smile up at Reno, “I’ll show you to your seat sir.” 
Reno’s smile widens, “Please do.” 
As you grab his arm, he feels his cheeks heat up a bit and he follows you obediently as you lead him out of Andrea’s dressing room. He keeps looking down at you, trying to figure you out. You seem so sweet and innocent, yet you work in a place like this. 
There’s no tragic backstory for how you ended up at the Honeybee Inn. However, sometimes you weave sad tales to interested customers to get better tips. You grew up in the Sector 5 slums, and had a relatively nice childhood despite living in poverty. The big dream was Loveless. 
Oh, how you longed to take the stage in a role within that masterpiece. 
But living costs gil, and one of the best ways to earn it in your opinion was at the Honeybee Inn. Andrea was a pretty kind boss compared to some other jobs you’d worked around the slums to save up for the move topside. If you fluttered your eyelashes and flirted just right, the people that came in here were willing to tip pretty nicely. Some of the girls were ambitious enough to offer further entertainment in one of the private rooms. While you respected their drive and ingenuity, you weren’t brave enough to go that far. 
As you guide Reno to the table at the very front, you put on your best carefree vibe. You have him sit down at the table and he leans back as you sit beside him. You caress his chest playfully. 
“The VIP section comes with your choice of a personal attendant for the evening, Mr. Sinclair,” you say sweetly. 
“Just call me Reno,” he blushes and bites his lip. “And uh…Are you one of the options, pretty girl?” 
“As it turns out I am!” you say cheerfully and lean closer. “Would you like for me to tend to you for the evening?” 
“Yeah, I think I’d like that a lot.” 
Despite his effort to play it cool, you can see a little nervousness in him. He’s different from most guys you’ve tended to in the VIP section. He likes the attention, but he’s not pushy about it. He’s not being as much of a pervert as most guys, even though his eyes do stay pretty well focused on your fishnet-clad legs. 
“Then, I’m all yours for the evening, Reno!” you say sweetly and lean against him. “Should I get you a drink?” 
“Yes please,” he purrs and watches as you stand up. His eyes are fixed on the graceful sway of your hips as you walk to the bar to get him a drink. He notices you don’t ask what he wants, but he trusts you to order something good. 
You talk to the bartender and one of the other girls comes up to you. 
“Got a VIP tonight?” she asks as she orders herself a shot to unwind before the show begins. Already people are starting to file in, and Honeybees are buzzing around to keep them entertained. 
“Yeah, he seems nice actually. I think it’ll be an easy night,” you smile. 
“Be careful, I heard he’s a Turk,” she whispers. 
“Oh?” you raise your brow. 
“Yeah, but I mean it just means he can afford to tip well,” she says before downing her shot. 
You watch her saunter away to deal with some of her tables. Before you have a chance to ruminate on what she’s said, your drink is placed on the bar. You try to shift back into work mode as you grab the drink. Reno’s eyes meet yours as he watches you come back, trying to play off the fact that he’d been staring at your ass while you were bent over the bar. You flash him a flirty smile as you slide into the booth beside him and set the drink on the table. You know this costume does wonders for your curves. It’s often been one of your greatest assets at this job, but has also been the cause of many issues too when creeps thought just because you were wearing the uniform that your body was for sale too. 
“So, how are you enjoying your visit?” you ask as you lean against his side. 
“It’s…Enticing, I suppose,” he smirks at you. 
Deep down, Reno finds the whole thing a little bit frivolous. Wall Market in general rubbed him the wrong way. This place was thriving with gil made off the backs of those in the surrounding sectors trying to escape the sadness and mundanity of their lives. Then, of course, he had to remind himself of his place in the world. Shinra was worse by far, and he was another cog in their machine. 
“Don’t worry, it gets better when the show starts,” you say and snuggle against his chest. 
Deep down you both know you’re buttering him up for a good tip, but Reno can’t help thinking how good it feels to have someone’s warmth against him. He almost feels like a shy teen when he drapes his arm around your shoulder. You keep him busy with light conversation, teasing him a little for how important he looks in his suit. 
Finally, the music starts playing. You sit up and clap your hands excitedly as you draw his attention to the stage. As the girl’s start dancing, preparing to introduce Andrea, he watches for just a bit before his eyes are back on you. The way your eyes light up and your body sways to the music he realizes how badly you want to be onstage. Your feet instinctively tap along with the steps of the dances being performed. 
You really come alive when the cue comes for you to jump on the table. As you do, Reno’s eyes are glued to you. He watches your body move to the music, but more than anything he notices how your eyes are lit up with pure happiness. When this portion of the performance ends, you sit back down beside him. You lean against his side and hold his hand as Andrea make his entrance and steals the show. Reno isn’t even intrested in what’s going on. He’s just completely enamored with you. For the first time in so long he wants to get to know someone, and maybe to be known in return. 
The music slowly comes to an end as the dancers perform their final steps and then take a bow. The curtain comes down, then rises a few minutes later to the house band playing atmospheric music. 
“Well, I suppose that’s that,” you say softly and kiss his cheek. 
“Can I walk you home?” he asks hopefully. 
“I’ve got to help clean up,” you explain as other honeybees start dutifully cleaning tables and sweeping the floors. 
“I can wait,” he insists. “I’ve got all the time in the world!” 
“Okay, I’ll be back in a jiff!” you smile before bouncing away from him. When you return, you’ve changed into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. The difference to him is astounding. You look like one of those cute college girls he sees sometimes in the city. Innocent and sweet and eyes full of hope. 
You help clean up the rest of the tables before going to the bar to collect your tips for the night. He fishes some gil out of his pocket and doesn’t even bother to count it. He just hands it over to you as soon as you’re close to him. 
“Oh! Reno, this is way too much!” 
“No it isn’t,” he chuckles as he stands up. “It’s not enough.” 
He reaches down to take your hand as he leads you out of the inn. You’re still arguing about the tip he gave you until you head out the door, and then you go quiet mostly out of the necessity of your surroundings. 
“I’m this way,” you lead him toward the shabby apartment building you call home. 
For a while, the two of you stand outside talking. It’s just innocent conversation, trying to get to know one another better. He holds some back due to his job but tries to impress you with some hints that he sees a lot of adventure. Throughout the conversation, you feel him getting closer to you. His eyes dart to your lips, wondering if they taste as sweet and juicy as they look. He stops himself from kissing you because he’s unsure how you’d feel about him doing such a thing. He has a fear that maybe even now you’re just humoring him since he’d been so nice to you tonight. 
“Well, I better get some sleep,” you say sadly. Reno nods weakly. 
“Yeah, I gotta head home too.” 
You both hesitate for a moment before you finally take the plunge. You stand up on your tiptoes and kiss him quickly. It’s nothing more than a little peck on the lips, but it’s enough to make Reno feel tingly all over. His mind spins just enough for him to bravely lean back in for another, deeper kiss. You’re both blushing when he pulls away again. 
“Do you think maybe I could see you again?” he asks, rubbing the back of his neck to appear nonchalant. 
“You know where to find me,” you giggle before kissing his cheek. “Good night, Reno.” 
“G’night,” he says dreamily as he watches you unlock the door and slip into your apartment. He stares at the door for a moment before shaking off the sudden coldness of the night that didn’t seem so present before.
“Go on a trip or something,” Rude says over the phone. 
Reno is pacing his apartment, trying to work off his anxious energy. He can hear the humming of a helicopter on the other line, and he knows Rude is on his way somewhere exciting even as they speak. His body tingles with anticipation, but he knows there’s not a target for it. 
“Goin’ on a trip alone is boring,” Reno groans. “Why can’t I just come back to work?” 
“Because Tseng says so,” Rude reminds him. 
“Maybe I could talk to Rufus?” 
“And have Tseng set you on paperwork duty for a month as punishment?”
“Fuck,” Reno growls. “You’re right.” 
“Why don’t you head to Costa Del Sol? You love all the girls in bikinis!”
“Hmph, that’s true…But…” 
He doesn’t know how to express it to Rude. It sounds crazy even in his own mind. The longing that he’d locked away for so long suddenly came rushing back the second you’d pressed your glossy lips to his. He can still taste the cherry flavor of your lip gloss, and the smell tickles his nostrils. The next day he’d had to resist the urge to run right back to your apartment. 
“But?” Rude pulls him from his thoughts. 
“I dunno, I guess I just don’t want to be alone.” 
Rude is taken aback by Reno’s sudden vulnerablity. He knew it was there, but Reno hid it well. To hear him express the feelings was surprising even after all their time working together. 
“Listen, buddy, I—” Rude breaks out. “Oh shit, I gotta go.” 
Reno doesn’t even get to say goodbye the call cuts out. He continues pacing long after he’s tossed his phone to the side, and then he gets an idea. He checks the time and realizes he can probably catch you before your shift starts. He throws his suit on even more sloppily than usual before running out of the apartment. On the way, he makes all of the arrangements over the phone to get the two of you to Costa Del Sol, including borrowing a helicopter so the two of you could avoid all the ferry travel. 
He’s running up the stairs to your apartment, taking two at a time, just as you’re coming out the door. You’re still dressed casually, but your makeup and hair is all done up for work. He practically throws himself at you, grabbing your hands as he catches his breath. 
“Come to Costa Del Sol with me!” he practically yells. 
“Uh, is that a question or a demand?” you chuckle softly. 
“A request?” he tries, and seeing your frown he put on his puppy dog eyes. “A plea?” 
“Reno, I can’t just drift away to Costa Del Sol. I don’t have any money, I have to work…I just—” 
“I’ll pay you!” 
“Reno!” you gasp. 
“No, no! Not like that!” he waves his hands in front of his chest. “No, I just meant like…Don’t worry about the money! I’m paying for the trip, I’ll help pay your bills if you need me to because I know this is crazy.” 
“But we just met. I don’t understand.” 
Reno sighs and places his hands on your shoulders, “I know, I know. But I like you a lot, and it’s been so long since I met anyone like you.” 
“So you just want to scoop me away on a vacation?”
“Yes,” he sighs. “I just don’t want to go alone, and I want to get to know you better. I’m scared I won’t get the chance if I wait.” 
“Okay,” you concede. “But I swear if this is some horrible trick!” 
“It’s not! I promise! I’ll even book separate rooms if you want!” 
It’s a whirlwind, but you shouldn’t be surprised considering how he’d arrived at your apartment. After packing a suitcase and calling a surprisingly understanding Andrea to tell him the news, you’re whisked away top side. You could’ve spent the whole day just staring at the immaculately designed city. You find yourself fascinated by seeing how the other half lives, but Reno doesn’t give you much time to take it all in. 
“There’s better to come, I promise,” he tells you as he guides you to Shinra HQ. 
You’ve never felt so out of place in your life as you did walking on those pristine waxed floors. Reno keeps his hand protectively on your lower back as you make your way up to the helipad. He wants to sign out one of the helicopters so he can fly you there, but the worker kindly informs him he can’t do that since he’s off-duty. Instead, he’ll have to let a pilot fly the two of you there. He considers making a fuss and calling Tseng or Rufus for clearance, but seeing you holding his hand excitedly he doesn’t want to ruin the day. 
“Alright, alright, we’ll wait,” he concedes. He guides you to the nearby lounge to wait for a pilot to become available. 
“So, you work here?” 
“Oh, yeah.” 
“You must be pretty high up on the totem pole to be able to use a helicopter.” 
“I wouldn’t put it that way, but I do have some perks.” 
The way you’re looking at him with such awe in your eyes makes him worried about what you’d think if he told you the truth. Almost everyone is scared at the mention of his job title because of all the secrets Turks know and their reputation for doing things a little more brutally than the average soldier is allowed. Instead, he distracts you with flirty comments and a kiss on your cheek. At one point President Shinra himself comes to the lounge for a drink, and you’re shaking from the nerves because he must know you don’t belong here. Instead, the President nods curtly before leaving the lounge.
“Wow…I thought he’d be…” 
“Taller?” Reno jokes. 
“I mean I was going to say more handsome,” you giggle. “All of the photos and TV appearances…” 
“They’re doctored,” Reno shrugs. “Don’t tell anyone though.” 
“My lips are sealed,” you giggle. 
Somehow it feels like it takes simultaneously forever and an instant before you arrive at Costa Del Sol. The sun is bright and you’ve never seen such a blue sky before. The harsh metal of the plates was the only sky you’d ever seen before this day. 
“Wow! It’s beautiful!” you gasp as you look around. Many people are hovering about, enjoying their vacations. The waves crash on the shore as the smell of sea salt fills the air. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty nice,” he smiles, enjoying your reaction more than the sight of Costa Del Sol itself. 
“Come on, we can head to the hotel first and then check out whatever you want,” he promises before getting your suitcase from you. The two of you head towards the fanciest hotel.
Once inside, he approaches the desk and true to his earlier word he requests two rooms. 
“Oh, I apologize sir, but we only have one room available at this time,” the desk attendant says as he looks over his computer monitor. Reno looks at you shyly. 
“Want to try somewhere else?” he asks. “Or I can sleep on the sofa?” 
“There is a pull-out sofa bed available in the room, and it’s quite cozy!”
You consider your options for a moment, then you kiss Reno’s cheek softly. 
“I think one room will do just fine.” 
Reno is surprised by your answer but feels a warm rush of excitement in the pit of his stomach. He confirms you’ll take the room available. He tells you to go ahead and check things out while he signs the paperwork. Mostly just so you don’t hear the price of the room. Someone comes to get your bags and begins leading you towards the room. You skip along happily, obviously having the time of your life. 
“First couple vacation?” the desk attendant asks as he helps Reno through the paperwork. 
“Oh…Uh, yeah.” 
“I hope you have a pleasant time. Payment will be due at check-out.” 
“Thanks, man.” 
Reno takes the keys and trails along to where you’d disappeared to moments before. When he enters the room, he finds you scurrying about checking out every last detail of the room. 
“This is amazing,” you gasp as you skip over to the window and look outside at the ocean view. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty great,” he smiles as he sets his bag down on the floor. “So, what should we do first?”
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milaisreading · 7 months
What if CD!yn gets hit in the the face so hard with a ball she forgets everyone in Blue Lock like the amnesia one with Manager!yn
🌱🩷: Hii! Hope you liked what I came up with! Thank you for the request!
Warnings: Reader is crossdressing as a guy here, so it's a mix between he/him and she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
The long-awaited and highly anticipated game between Bastard München and PXG had finally started. The spectators, and members of the PIFA board watched the two teams, all eager to see how the match will play out. This was a big thing for the Blue Lock project, and for the 3 specific players as well. Itoshi Rin, who was the current #1 and had the highest bid from PXG. Isagi Yoichi, taking up #2 and who was currently sought after Bastard München. Then, the third player being (L/n) (Y/n), Blue lock's current #3, with the highest bid coming from Spain's Re Al.
'I swear. I better get kicked out of the top10 by the end of this match.' (Y/n) sighed as she watched Rin and Isagi, then looked back at Gagamaru, who looked a little nervous.
"Gagamaru, are you alright? You look really pale?" She asked in worry as the goalie looked back at her, for a moment not looking at the other players.
"I am alright. Just nervous since this is our last game. And it is a big deal." (Y/n) smiled at him in sympathy and was about to to speak up again, only for Hiori and Isagi to scream at her.
"(Y/n), duck!"
"Watch your head!"
"Huh?" She looked back, only for her vision to go black as she felt something collide with her head. Whatever happened after, (Y/n) couldn't really process what was going on. She felt herself lose balance and a pair of arms grab her as something wet started to slide down her face.
"(Y/n)'s head is bleeding!"
"I am killing you, antenna freak!"
"Oh, so now it's my fault that Mr. Golden boy isn't looking?!"
"Shidou, Rin, shut up!"
"Noa-san! We need a medic!"
"Save my midfielder!"
"He isn't yours, gremlin!"
"Oh, shut up, Kaiser and Charles!"
"(Y/n)! Don't fall asleep now!" Hiori's voice was heard, but the girl couldn't see or make out from which direction it was coming from.
"I got some wet towels!"
"(Y/n), look at me! Don't close your eyes!"
"The wound looks bad."
"We need to cut off the match!"
'Kurona... Yukimiya... Kunigami... Isagi... I can hear them, but not see them.' The girl thought in panic as she closed her eyes, going limp in Gagamaru's hold.
"(Y/n) fainted!" Gagamaru yelled in panic as the rest looked on in worry.
While (Y/n) was sent to the medic room, it was announced that the final match will be resumed at a later time when she wakes up and recovers. As much as the JFA protested the idea, not wanting to lose money because of this accident, they had to agree. Ego and Anri arguing that none of the players were in a good condition to play to begin with. And while Anri was doing damage control with the media, Ego was losing his nerves with the manager of Re Al. As the team did put a lot of money into (Y/n), they naturally did worry about her condition in the future.
'Greedy and money hungry, a great combination.' Ego thought sarcastically as he rolled his eyes while the manager kept talking through the phone.
"What do you mean we can't see him?! Who are you to tell me anything?!"
"I am your coach, so yes, I can." Lavinho said as he stood in front of the door, preventing Bachira and Otoya to leave the place.
"But, (Y/n) is our friend, we have a right to see him. He was literally bleeding on the screen." Otoya argued as Bachira nodded his head furiously.
"That's right! We just want to see him and make sure he is alright." The dribbler said, trying to move past Lavinho, but was tugged back by the coach.
"You both are staying here. Noa and Ego both said to not let anyone see (Y/n) while he is asleep. I know and understand that you are worried, but I am not letting you leave. Not even his own teammates can see him right now." Lavinho argued, giving the duo a firm glare.
"This isn't fair..." Otoya sighed.
"Hmph!" Bachira pouted as he stubbornly sat on the ground.
"Barou, listen, I know that you are worried about your friend. But, the doctor said-"
"Screw what he said! I want to see him now! Now!" Barou glared at Snuffy, who gave him a stoic look as Aryu chimed in. The boy was a lot calmer than Barou, but equally worried about the midfielder.
"What Barou wants to say, we really need to see him. We all saw the blood and how he just went unconscious. We are all worried and want to see if we can help." Aryu said calmly as Niko nodded his head, holding back his tears.
"Y-yeah. Maybe he needs blood or something." Niko said as Barou was losing his cool slowly.
"If he needed blood, we would have been told that. Please, all of you sit down and stay here until Ego doesn't give us the green light to see him. The less you all stress out (Y/n), the faster he will recover." Snuffy said calmly as he patted Barou's shoulder.
"No, Nagi, you are not leaving the stratum."
"But, Chris-san, what if (Y/n) would want to see us. Nagi and I, his closest friends."
"Since when are you his closest friends?" Chigiri rolled his eyes, earning offended looks from the duo.
"What? You two were the ones to insult him, weren't you?"
"We already apologized for it. And why are you even being offended over it? It's something between (Y/n) and us." Nagi gritted his teeth, but before Chigiri could argue back, Chris spoke up.
"And this is exactly why you three aren't leaving. (Y/n) needs to recover and not listen to all of you arguing and blaming each other for this."
"Reo, no. If you all care so much about him, then you will leave him alone for the time being." With one final glare, the trip shut their mouths, not wanting to anger the blonde more.
"Nope, you are staying here." Loki said, grabbing the ends of Charles' shirt, stopping the boy from leaving for the German stratum.
"I can't! What if (Y/n) wakes up and is scared?! I need to comfort him!" Charles said back, earning an irritated glare from Rin.
"Shut up and stop being so much around him! Are you blind or do you just not see how uncomfortable (Y/n) is around you?!"
"And you shut up-"
"Ok! Ok! That's enough! All of you calm down." Loki clapped, glaring at Tokimitsu and Karasu who were about to leave the room.
"We are all to respect what Ego-san ordered us to do. For now, nobody is seeing him until he wakes up and is able to see all of you."
"But, what if he really needs us?" Tokimitsu protested.
"Or wants to see us?" Karasu added in.
"Then we will be told that. For now, all of you sit down and eat."
Now, while the other stratums were pure messes, the German stratum was uncharacteristically quiet. Noa wasn't really used to Kaiser, Ness, and Isagi not arguing. Kunigami looked even more depressed than usually. Gagamaru kept blaming himself for what had happened, to which Sachs, Gesner, and Grim always had to chime in and tell him it wasn't his fault. Noa noted that Kurona was also less enthusiastic to play, Yukimiya and Hiori just sat to the side, not saying anything. Noa knew that the players were worried, even Kaiser and Ness, which they would never admit to. He also knew that he wasn't making it better by banning them from seeing (Y/n), but for her own sake he had to do it.
Already, a few days had passed since the accident, the pressure from PIFA and the JFA was getting more suffocating on Noa and Ego, but they refused to contthe match without her.
Then, one night while the BM team was eating their dinner, all solemnly, the door opened.
"And this is the dining area. This is where you are mostly with your teammates, aside from the training area." The said team stopped eating as they saw Anri walk in, followed by (Y/n), whose head was still bandaged up.
"Ah... I see..." (Y/n) nodded, looking around the place.
"Oh thank God!"
"We were so worried!"
"Why are you walking around like that? You should sit down!"
The girl watched in surprise as Yukimiya, Hiori, Kurona, and Isagi ran up to her, followed by Gagamaru and Kunigami.
"Isagi is right. Please don't walk around like that."
"Do you want some water? Or my food?"
Surprised, and a little scared from the crowd, she hid behind Anri, surprising the team.
"Who... who are all of you?" (Y/n) asked, looking around the room in confusion. Kaiser's spoon slipped from his hand as he heard the question, his eyes widening in terror as he realized what was going on.
"What... what do you mean by that? Nice joke." Ness nervously laughed as Anri cleared her throat.
"(Y/n) has a temporary memory loss. He doesn't remember anyone or the events that happened in Blue Lock. Please, be cautious around him and try to make him remember what had happened. Ok?"
A silence fell among the players as (Y/n) gulped nervously, not liking the attention she was getting.
"Ehmmm... hi, everyone."
To say things were back to normal would be a huge, huge lie. For the next few days the German team tried their best to regain her memories. Isagi, Hiori, and Kurona would give her small tours around the stratum, telling her funny stories that had happened to them, but she just smiled apologetically saying she couldn't remember anything. Yukimiya, Kunigami, and Gagamaru decided to bring her to their monitor room and show her the different matches she played in, hoping that would help. But, that was useless as well. The Blue Lock players were slowly losing their minds, they knew they had to bring back (Y/n)'s memories somehow, or they would lose her in their team. Who would let a player with amnesia play?
Heck, even the German part of the team tried to help her out somehow, but their plans were futile as well. Especially when Kaiser and Ness started teasing and making fun of her. What was usually met with (Y/n) insulting them right back, was now met with the girl crying. That alarmed Noa, so he basically forbade them from talking to her.
Soon enough, the rest of Blue lock heard about (Y/n)'s condition, and they would have rushed to her side if the coaches didn't stop them. They knew it was selfish to overwhelm her now, but the players were just worried and wanted to see her. And they will do that, no matter what.
So, one night after everyone went to sleep, the Blue Lock team, plus Charles, Ness, and Kaiser held a small meeting inside the dining area of the German team.
"Does anyone have an idea what we could do? We tried everything by now?" Isagi asked, looking at the other players.
"How about showing him some pictures? I heard they help in these cases." Otoya raised his hand.
"We tried it with videos already, and that didn't work."
"But, maybe pictures will work, Yukimiya." Kurona protested, not liking the frown on the boy's face.
"Cooking his favorite food, maybe?"
"That's a good idea, Bachira. If there is anything he loves, it's food." Reo nodded in agreement as Nagi showed Isagi his phone.
"Or I show him some video games we used to play. He might not remember me, but he definitely remembers those." Niko could see the sad look on the boy's face, but ignored it as he showed Kunigami his manga stash.
"(Y/n) and I used to read manga together, that might provoke something."
"A nice spa day with me could work as well! We used to do them during the 2nd selection together." Aryu smiled as he remembered that time fondly.
"Or! (Y/n) and I could spend a day watching the anime shows he talked to me about." Tokimitsu smiled at the idea.
"I am still more for Bachira's idea. That boy loves food way too much, I think that will provoke him." Barou said.
"Mhm! Or, we could braid each other's hair. We always used to do that together." Chigiri suggested.
"Rin, do you have any ideas? You are awfully quiet." Karasu commented as the boy sent him a side-glare.
"I am mostly out of ideas. Whatever the majority thinks we should do, I will do it." Rin shrugged his shoulders, trying to hide the anxious feeling he had.
"Charles, Kaiser, Ness, do you three have any ideas?" Gagamaru wondered as the attention was now on them.
"Just let him spend a day with me! I am sure I can help him was better than anyone else can." Charles said while pouting.
"You don't know him that well to claim that!" Reo, Nagi, and Barou yelled.
"I don't care, whatever works, works. I just want him to stop crying whenever Ness or I speak to him."
"It's so annoying." Ness rolled his eyes, ignoring the heartbreak he felt when he remembered all the times (Y/n) cried when they spoke to her.
"You all don't worry, (Y/n) will be his old self again. Right, Isagi?"
The said boy looked over at Hiori, giving him a nervous smile in return.
"Yea... Yeah, of course! He will be back again."
"We should hurry up, then. If we don't get him to regain his memories, his journey here in Blue Lock is over." Karasu spoke up, earning alarmed looks from the others.
"What?! What makes you say that?!"
"This isn't the time for jokes, crow-head."
"You are not funny, Karasu!"
The said boy ignored Rin, Kaiser, and Barou's comments and spoke up again.
"I heard Loki and Snuffy-san talk about it in the hallway today. PIFA and the JFA are tired of waiting. They said if (Y/n) doesn't get her memories back by Friday, it's over. He is getting kicked out." An eerie silence fell among the group as they looked at Karasu in disbelief, but they knew the boy well enough to know he wasn't lying.
"Those money hungry bastards..." Ness clenched his fists as Kaiser and Charles just glared at the ground.
"But.... Isn't Friday tomorrow?" Tokimitsu asked in panic, alarming the rest.
"Don't worry! We still have time!" Kunigami gulped, now even more worried about the oblivious captain.
The next day...
"Hm?" (Y/n) frowned as she put Nagi's phone down.
"Do you remember now?" Nagi asked as Reo, and Chigiri looked at her in excitement.
"No... sorry. I wasted your battery for nothing." The girl said apologetically.
"It's ok! Don't apologize!" Reo said quickly as he took his phone back.
"This isn't good. My method didn't work. Otoya's didn't work, Bachira and Barou's didn't, and now yours failed as well. What now?" Chigiri whispered to Nagi, who for once looked genuinely worried.
"I don't know-"
"(Y/n), there you are!" The girl jumped in surprise as she saw two other players approach her.
"Oh, hi... Niko and Aryu, right?" The girl asked slowly, earning a quick nod from them both.
"That's right. I wanted to ask you to read some mangas with me."
"And I will put on a face mask on you in the meantime."
"Mangas? Face mask? I used to do those things?" The girl blinked in confusion as Aryu and Niko pulled her up.
"Of course! Let's go!"
"Hey, I am coming with you!"
"Me as well!" Charles and Tokimitsu yelled, running after the trio.
"How much time do we have left?" Chigiri asked in worry as he looked back at Reo.
"A good... 3 hours. The JFA president won't be here till 16 o'clock. Karasu, Kurona, and Isagi are keeping an eye out for him." Reo said back as Nagi groaned and laid his head on the table.
"I want (Y/n) back..."
"We all do..."
With (Y/n)...
"So, this is the manga I always read with you?" (Y/n) wondered as she sat with Niko while Aryu had put a face mask on her.
"And I used to put on a face mask as well?" She asked, looking at the two, who quickly nodded their heads.
"Do you remember anything now?" Charles asked, smiling nervously as he gently grabbed her arm.
"Yeah... is this working by any chance?" Tokimitsu gulped nervously. They all looked at (Y/n) as she looked around the place. Truth be told, she did see some foggy memories, but couldn't put a finger onto anything. Nothing was familiar at all.
"No... sorry..." She sighed, looking down at the floor. Charles and Tokimitsu looked at each other in worry as Aryu and Niko started panicking a little. What now?
But, before anyone could say anything, the door had opened and outside was Anri, looking at the 5 players in relief.
"Oh, you are here. Uhm, (Y/n), there is someone who wants to speak with you." Anri said sadly, which caused alarm bells to ring inside the other players' heads.
"And who would that be?" The girl asked, rubbing her head as she got up.
'No... it can't be over...'
'I thought we still had time!'
'This can't be it!' Aryu, Tokimitsu, and Niko thought nervously as Charles had an uncharacteristically stone cold look.
"You know, before that accident a few days ago, you actually had a huge bid on your name from Re Al, a Spanish team, you still do. But, considering we failed to bring back any memories of yours back, your football career might end today. The captain of that team just wanted to speak to you one more time. You are a huge fan of his. Leonardo Luna is his name." Anri explained, trying to hold back her own sadness as the girl numbly nodded her head. Seeing her stoic reaction to the Spanish players names caused the boys to flinch a little. Their are used to seeing her fangirl over him... not act like this!
"Sure! I don't remember really anything, but it sucks that I have to leave."
Alarmed Charles got up from his seat and ran over to the girl, not caring how fast he was going.
"Wait! You can't just leave me like that! This isn't fair! We were supposed to play against each other at the World Cup!"
Without a warning, he ran into (Y/n) and hugged her tightly, which caused her to lose her balance and fall down.
"Not again! Now he will lose his memories completely!" Tokimitsu yelled as Niko and Aryu ran over to get Charles off of her.
"No! I am not letting you all take hin away from me! No way!" Charles cried out as his hold around (Y/n)'s waist tightened. Seeing the boy cry caused the others to move away a little.
"It isn't fair!" The French boy said as Anri tried to talk some sense into him, but it wasn't working. (Y/n) groaned as she rubbed her head and slowly sat up.
'Now... now I remember!' The girl thought as a rush of memories went through her mind. Everything that had happened prior and during Blue lock, and even everything leading up to today.
"Huh?" She muttered as everyone looked over at her, minus Charles who was busy crying.
"What is going on? And what do you mean I won't play football anymore. I am completely fine! And... and did you say Leonardo Luna is here?! I look like a mess! I can't face him like this!" The girl blushed as she looked at Anri and then down at the clothes she was wearing. Aryu and Tokimitsu's eyes widened in surprise as Anri held in a breath, waiting for what will happen next.
"Do... do you remember everything now?" Niko asked nervously as (Y/n) looked over at him while patting Charles' back. The French boy had stopped crying as he looked at her as well.
"Yeah, now I do. I don't know how, but the memories are back where they should be. You can all stop worrying now." (Y/n) smiled as Charles, Niko, and Tokimitsu tackled her into a hug.
"I will inform the rest!" Aryu said, quickly running out the door as Anri let out a few relieved sobs.
"I will go inform Ego-san and Noa-san!" The woman said as she ran out of the door as well.
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dooblebugss · 1 month
Some very general buggy headcanons for Bug Fables, focusing on the Main Three and the Explorers Association. Spoilers for the game.
Kabbu: (Rainbow Scarab Beetle)
- being a dung beetle (despite the name he's perfectly happy with mushrooms and leaves and everything else, he's actually quite diverse in his diet), he is very good at digging. He actually really likes digging too! Take a little dirt nap
- related to the previous, he loves being COMPRESSED. To mimic the feeling of layers of soil, he'll pile on blankets and pillows until he's satisfied. (During cuddle sessions he is at the very bottom of the pile)
- when it gets cold, his tunneling instinct increases ever so slightly. Not enough for him to start acting different, but he tends to hoard blankets.
Leif (Technically a Fungus running on moth hardware, but sometimes old habits die hard lmao), Mothiva, and Yin:
- Bees don't need to 'dance' in order to communicate anymore, but Vi still uses a lot of hand gestures and moves a lot when talking, especially if she's frustrated or feels like she's not communicating well enough. If you bring attention to this, she will get mad.
- When cold, Vi will try to huddle up to bugs nearby. Typically Kabbu, but she's also done it to Maki, Zasp, Celia, and Stratos. (Leif is very jealous of this, but he's already cold, so-)
- they groom their ruffs, wings, and antennae frequently. For starters, this acts as a grounding experience that calms them down, and secondly no one likes having dirt on them. Yin isn't super good at it because she's so young, but she's getting better. Mothiva uses specialized powders and perfumes while doing it, but Leif does it the 'old fashioned way', aka with his spit, lol. Mothiva nearly fainted when she first saw him doing this.
- bright lights (especially artificial ones) can really mess up with their internal clock and GPS. I'd imagine Leif and Mothiva getting really really really lost in the Termite Kingdom and Bee Kingdom because of this.
Maki and Kina:
- they both have amazing reflexes, and they can go from a standstill to moving very quickly in what seems to be an instant
- they will track quick movement instinctually, especially from smaller bugs and critters. Most bugs assume this just shows how observant and skilled they are, when really it's a hunting trait. The two actually find it very embarrassing to suddenly interrupt a conversation when they see something move very quickly out of the corner of their eye and NEED to turn their head to see what it was.
Zasp: (I know the game says he's a potter wasp, but for my writing he's a paper wasp. He doesn't know this though, and assumes he is a potter wasp)
- when anxious, he will grind his mandibles against one another. It almost looks like he's chewing on nothing, and it would kinda be like chewing your lip or grinding your teeth. Chewing on things also helps.
- loves sleeping in little nest-like formations with blankets and pillows. He'd gather up all the bedding material, form a little "wall" with them, and climb in the middle to sleep.
Celia, Gen, and Eri:
- The three of them still use their antennae to help with direction, location, and general senses. This can lead to issues; Gen and Eri have accidentally followed each other for hours (cough cough ant spiral) and Celia, having a broken antennae, is terrible with directions. (If blindfolded, Celia will slowly go in circles)
- Ant Strength baby!!! The three of them are surprisingly strong, and can carry really heavy stuff! To compensate, they're a bit frail (it's why Celia has a shield, and why Gen and Eri rarely get into actual fights).
- My man fucking loves Aphid Eggs. Due to the tension between the Ant Kingdom and Ladybugs, he actually doesn't like buying them in public. He usually settles for mushrooms.
- his blood is actually toxic, (something Delilah learned the hard way during a spar) and is sort of a 'last resort' defensive maneuver. If a target can get over being covered in blood, they definitely can't deal with the toxins.
Stratos: (I believe he's a Hercules Beetle)
- He's a technically nocturnal, so he's a little groggy during the day. To others it looks like he's being lazy, when really he's just tired and a little out of it. During the night is when he really shines as a fighter and explorer
- he can dig like Kabbu, but isn't very vocal nor enthusiastic about it. Stratos prefers a shallow little ditch to lay in, which is something he might do if he's really really tired.
- She only actually drinks blood during fights as an attack, or if she's seriously injured and needs a pick-me-up (Stratos will usually step up to the plate for that). She's totally fine with nectar and plant juices and berry juices otherwise. Delilah is aware of the stereotype, and she just kinda rolls her eyes at it.
- Delilah can actually fly like Vi or Zasp. But she prefers to keep this information to herself, as she's worried it'll have people ask her to do more work.
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gatitties · 1 year
─One Punch Man x child!fem!reader (platonic)
─Summary: a small part of the beginning of saitama's career as a hero and… you being there to annoy more than help
─Warnings: bad language for a child, typical violence in opm
so… this was going to be another of my fanfics on wattpad but I left it on hold, but I thought I would share here the little that I managed to write 👍🏻
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"Someone call a hero!"
"Evacuate the area immediately!"
You walked humming, swinging the worn wicker basket you held in your small hand, ignoring the terrified screams of the people, more focused on remembering the things you had to get to eat due to your poor memory and poor ability to pay attention to anything for more than two seconds.
"Bread, meat, milk and cookies."
You mumbled, counting on your fingers at the same time you said the food, you almost tripped over a crack in the asphalt, your attention was stolen when you saw how a small plant came out into the light from the broken cement, you shook your head concentrating on your errand.
"Bread, meat, milk…"
You frowned, putting on a sour expression at the missing ingredient, you continued muttering the now three ingredients to yourself, staring at the ground with such concentration that if you had lasers you would surely have destroyed the asphalt. So focused on remembering what you were missing while you looked down that you didn't realize you hit something hard, someone.
"Hey… aren't you lost, girl? There are monsters out there who like sweet girls like you."
You frowned, looking up to see some kind of monster with no eyes, a big toothy mouth on what seemed to be his face and he was only wearing pants, you made a disgusted face when you saw how he smiled, they always told you not to talk with strangers.
"Bread, meat…"
You began to sweat when the shadow of the monster you had ignored was projected over your smaller body, although your concern was that you had forgotten another of the ingredients again, you didn't even flinch when he lifted your arm a few minutes after you accepted that you would never remember what you had to buy again.
"Don't ignore someone when they talk to you, brat!"
"Shut up, shit, because of you I forgot the purchase."
"Huh!? You have a big mouth for a child, mmh, one of my favorites snacks…"
Your face contorted as you watched his large tongue move from side to side, starting to salivate, and you completely lost your nerve when his tongue grazed your cheek to taste you. You were going to kick him but before you could, the monster stopped, he turned away from you as if you had the plague.
"What the hell!? Bleagh- that's disgusting, you taste sour."
"Heh, die."
"What the hell are you- AAAAAHHHH-!?"
You covered your ears so as not to hear the screams of the idiot who had tried to eat you, if only he had looked closer he would have noticed your pointy ears as well as the small antennae that appeared when he caught you, antennae which you took care of hiding again. The guy's tongue started to melt as if he had licked pure acid, it wasn't really your fault, he was the one who activated your involuntary defense method.
You thought about leaving the area, since people had fled and the store you wanted to go to was just around the corner, but thinking about it again that could only mean one thing… free food! You were already struggling to get the money, either by stealing it or searching in some places where there might be money, you had been living on the streets for as long as you can remember, but it's not like you remember much of it either.
One day you simply woke up in a collapsed building, you were completely intact but covered in a slimy slime that avoided and withstood thousands of debris, how or what happened before that is a mystery to you, the only thing you know is that now you are what that people consider a monster, you don't remember being one before either, so you assumed that at some point you were human.
But you got used to it, that happened about two years ago, when you were eight years old, in that period of time you got used to wandering the streets of city Z, you found several shelters with some friendly monsters, but they always got into trouble and got caught by some hero, luckily you escaped from the social vigilantes because your appearance was still like that of a girl your age, not counting the antennae and pointed ears. For one thing, you learned to hide your antennae, and pointy ears weren't so uncommon in this world.
As for your strange viscosity, it was not a problem unless your body detected danger, if that were to happen ─like now─ your body would react immediately, covering you in that acidic and strangely hard slime when you tried to hit it, as if was a non-Newtonian fluid, you considered yourself a slippery person because of that, you always managed to escape from all the trouble you got into.
"Let's see… bread… bread and… oh! Pockys!"
Your mind completely forgetting the mental list you made once you entered the empty store, having the palate of a child, your mouth watered at the sight of all the junk food you promised you weren't going to eat, but who cares? You already forgot that promise you made with yourself.
You left a couple of hours later, taking the opportunity to eat and rest there, the night was falling when you walked with a bag of groceries, ─completely different from what you were looking for at first─ you swung your feet while humming, singing a random song in your mind until, for the second time that day you bumped into someone, this time you tripped over your feet, falling on your ass to the ground.
"Oh? What are you doing out so late? We agreed that you had a curfew." you puffed out your cheeks, hugging the shopping bag, looking away as if you were angry with the person in front of you, who turned out to be an acquaintance "Mmhh? Have you gone shopping alone? Don't tell me… have you stolen from my savings again?"
"Of course not! I have my own savings, baldy."
A vein bulged on Saitama's forehead, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt as he dragged you down the street like a scolded puppy, though your brow was furrowed by his accusation ─which could have been true another time─ you smiled inwardly.
Wandering around Z city wasn't as bad as you thought, at least not since a couple of months ago you met a man who had a bald spot brighter than your future, you became attached to him from the first day you saw him for several reasons. One, he didn't seem to care about your appearance as a monster, two, he's bald, you didn't need a justification for this reason, it was simply a plus point in your mind, three, they had a place you could stay the night.
Poor Saitama tried to get rid of you in various ways, but you seemed like a leech, clinging to him whenever you could, and deep down in his heart, he felt sorry for a child having to wander the cold streets without something to call 'home' or 'family', even though with each passing day he lost more ability to feel emotions, he was still human, and he thought that maybe some company wouldn't hurt, of course, he was grateful that you were completely independent of him most of it.
"And then I ran into a fucking ugly-as-a-bit monster-"
"Hey, hey! What did I tell you about using that language?!" Saitama choked on his ramen as he listened to you talk about what you had been doing while walking the streets, scolding you one of many times for using those types of expressions or words that someone your age shouldn't be using "Have you been watching that show again? I told you it was for older people."
"No I don't-"
Before you could continue speaking, you burped, making Saitama step back, looking at you with narrowed eyes, you clicked your tongue, pouting because you had been discovered, Saitama discovered that whenever you lie your stomach fills with gas and it usually comes out in the form of belch, there had to be something bad with being a monster.
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You got up when you noticed how Saitama was stirring on his futon, looking amused at how he seemed to fight in his dreams, you decided to leave him to go back to sleep but your stomach growled, leaving sleep aside you went to the kitchen, grabbing a stool to reach the drawer where he told you that you could leave your food.
You returned to the living room to find that he had already woken up from his exciting dream, hitting the clock that went flying, shattering against the wall, voices outside the building made Saitama spring into action, jumping off the balcony looking excited as you picked up the remains of the poor watch.
"And there goes the fifth clock of the week… rest in peace."
You mumbled, closing the trash can, making a mental note to get another alarm clock at some point, if you don't forget, returning to see a Saitama completely devastated emotionally by another easily won battle, you patted him on the back to comfort him, he went to do his morning routine while you turned on the TV, hoping to find a good show.
After a while, you saw that Saitama seemed focused on watering the plants on the balcony, taking advantage of the fact that he seemed quite focused on his thoughts, you smiled maliciously, tuning into the program that you were forbidden to watch.
"What sons of bitches…"
"They've killed Kenny!"
You spent a while watching the program, even though you barely understood the jokes, or even the meaning of most of the words, but you were only doing it for educational purposes, knowledge is power and you needed to know more words to have a rigorous vocabulary, so even though you contradictorily only repeated the insults without knowing their true meaning or impact.
"Hey little bug…" you froze feeling the anger emanating from Saitama's body, you slowly turned your head with sweat running down your cheek, used to the man giving you the nickname 'little bug' because of your antennae "pass me the spray of mosquitoes, I don't know where I put it and I'm starting to get angry."
His teeth gnashed as he heard the sound of a mosquito fluttering around the living room. You ran for the spray, sighing in relief that he hadn't noticed the TV show which you quickly switched to the news, the anchor's voice covering the noise Saitama did when trying to kill the mosquito, although he was equally attentive to the television.
"Massive mosquito plague? Yeah of course."
You shrugged, you didn't care about the mosquitoes, after all you could eat them if they were too annoying, of course, unfortunately you partially lost your taste by turning into a monster, which bothered you a little but made it so you could eat any kind of thing, not only because you wouldn't feel the horrible taste, but because your gastric juices could melt anything.
You paid more attention to how there were more and more veins on Saitama's forehead when you saw that he couldn't catch the mosquito, you let out a snort of surprise when you saw how he was unable to kill the mosquito, you rolled your eyes, getting up from the couch.
"Watch and learn!" you patted the space right where that insect was, smiling proudly when you saw that the buzzing stopped, however just a second later your smile was erased "Huh?"
Once again the persistent hum echoed through the silent house, which became a battlefield to try to kill that small animal, you reached the point where you were not able to kill it either, getting on your nerves just like Saitama, so pissed off that you even went running down the street chasing it to kill it, although the only one who ran was Saitama, since you climbed on his shoulders while pointing and shouting at the fleeing mosquito.
However, while he concentrated on continuing to run after the insect, your eyes moved upwards, seeing a large black cloud, you grimaced in disgust as you heard the humming sound emanating from there.
"What is that cloud?"
The bald man stopped as he finally noticed the large black mass in the sky, your attention now directed towards what seemed to be a robot that was already there before, his expression was serious and analytical, he spoke with a bit of concern seeping into his words.
"You! hide somewhere safe, the mosquitoes are being controlled by someone, if she sees you I'm sure she will attack you."
"Oh Really…?"
Saitama sweated at the thought of the swarm, but before neither you nor he could react, the large mass of insects rushed towards the street where you were, however a great flash made you close your eyes, your body was covered in slime, although you slid off the man's shoulders because you had no hair to hold on to, ending up on the ground, admiring the robot's heroic pose, although your attention went elsewhere when you went to check if Saitama was okay, you stifled a laugh at the sight of his buttocks exposed.
"Hey, you saved me, you're great! how did you do that? Your laser is more effective against mosquitoes than the sprays I have."
The cyborg did not have time to say anything when he began to be attacked by the mosquito girl, almost destroying the poor boy until Saitama slapped the woman, killing her instantly, complaining about how the mosquitoes bothered him, leaving speechless to the blonde.
"W-Wait a minute!" you raised an eyebrow while Saitama turned his head to see what was left of the poor boy who continued talking "I'm a cyborg, I've been fighting in the name of justice! They call me Genos! Please tell me your name."
"Huh? I am Saitama why?"
"Let me be your disciple!"
"Ah… ok."
You put on a blank expression when you saw how the bald man left as if nothing had happened, stopping for a moment to see if you would follow him to return home, you sighed, shaking your head at his attitude, you knew that he had not heard anything of the cyborg's words, you already knew how was this going to end.
"Goodbye Genos, see you at home!"
You smiled at the boy, who seemed conflicted at the sight of you, his system detecting you as a monster but arguing with himself over the fact that you looked like someone harmless. He would have to look into it later, after all he wanted to eradicate evil and if you were, you couldn't be an exception.
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You hid a smile as you saw how the young adult showed up at the apartment, Saitama in disbelief as he looked through the half-open door.
"You really came… um, what's your name?"
"It's Genos, Master Saitama."
"Could you stop calling me master?"
"Don't call me that either…"
Saitama looked down at you, looking for silent help, you looked at him with a shrug, making him sigh completely exhausted, he opened the door letting the cyborg in, you smiled at his action, running towards the kitchen to grab three cups of tea, the two boys following you inside, Saitama pouring the tea into the cups while Genos analyzed his surroundings, glancing at you from time to time.
"Go home when you finish your tea, I don't want any disciples."
"Master, what kind of artificial parts do you use?"
"I don't use any."
"Huh? So what's that skin-colored armor on your head?"
You spit out the tea you were drinking, choking on laughter, coughing uncontrollably as Saitama patted your back with a blank stare.
"It's called skin…"
"But that means that you are bald even though you are young."
You spit out the drink again, choking for the second time, receiving more pats on the back a little more aggressively for Saitama's outburst at the mention of his baldness.
"So what if I'm bald?! What's your problem anyway?"
"My problem? Will you listen to me master?"
"Uh, no thanks."
Ignoring the lack of enthusiasm to hear his tortuous past, Genos gave a long sigh, beginning to tell his story, you tried to pay attention but halfway through the story your attention simply went elsewhere, ignoring his words until he was interrupted.
"You talk a lot! Summarize everything you have to say in a short sentence of about ten words maximum, you can't even get a child to pay attention to you."
Saitama pointed at you, completely oblivious to their chatter as you had grabbed some Legos to entertain yourself from Genos' boring story, the cyborg analyzed the situation, taking a few seconds with his eyes closed until he seemed to get the appropriate internal response.
"Master, summarizing this, what I want to say, please teach me how to become as strong as you."
"Yes, sir!"
"How old are you?"
"Nineteen, sir."
"You're young… I'm sure you'll surpass me easily."
"I am twenty-five but I started training at twenty-two in the summer three years ago, I have no problem teaching you… but it will be hard, are you ready for this?"
"Yes, sir!"
You blinked in confusion as you saw Genos moving quickly, crouching in the hallway of the small house as he muttered that he detected something approaching at high speed, you thought he was simply having a short circuit or something and continued building your Lego castle, unfortunately a monster shaped of mantis broke the ceiling, causing the pieces of your castle to scatter throughout the room, your antennae came to light due to your anger.
"My name is-"
You smiled as you watched Saitama destroy that monster before it could even introduce itself as some kind of villain.
"Pay my roof!"
"And rebuild my castle!"
You joined the violence by kicking the remains of the mantis corpse, angry at the intrusion that had destroyed your mood, you were prepared to spit acid at whoever had dared to destroy your work of art made of plastic pieces joined together.
"There are more of them outside."
Genos warned, they both left faster than you and when you arrived Saitama had already done all the work, kicking the butt of what seemed to be some frog and slug monsters, you sighed thinking that everything was solved, however something caught Saitama and buried him leaving only his head outside the ground.
"This feels weird… it's like I'm a plant growing in concrete or something."
You laughed at his comparison, ignoring the worried cyborg you pretended to water the bald man with an imaginary watering can, he smiled vaguely at you, the moment of tranquility was short-lived when a gorilla covered in armor appeared on the scene, without realizing it you were also buried on the ground when you were distracted watching the fight between Genos and the robot gorilla.
"Oh, a kitten."
You muttered carelessly as you saw how another Lion-shaped monster threatened Saitama with ripping his eyes out of their sockets, you also watched as a mole came out of the ground, probably the culprit for both of you being with your body underground. You enjoyed the strange sensation while the other two fought, almost falling asleep because of how comfortable it was, unfortunately Saitama and Genos finished off the enemies too quickly.
"Hey, can you get out of there alone? We are going to resolve some issues with a weird scientist."
"Yes, don't worry, can I go with you?"
The two looked at each other and shrugged, Genos did a quick analysis of your constants and abilities now that he could see your true form and knew that you would have no problem defending yourself, Saitama already knew that you were completely self-sufficient on your own. You took their indifference as an affirmation and covered your body in slime so you could better get out of the place where you were buried so you could go to that scientist's base.
After a brief interrogation of the robot gorilla, a few threats here and there to summarize the backstory of this whole situation, the boys got the exact location of that scientist called Doctor Genus. You climbed onto Genos' shoulders because at least you could hold on to his hair if you fell, it didn't take you long to reach that base of operations in the middle of the forest, although the cyborg destroyed the entire building as soon as he arrived.
"Dude, what are you doing so suddenly?"
"I found this most efficient way to eliminate them in one fell swoop."
"Yeah, well, but at least you could have given them the opportunity to try something…"
You nodded at Saitama's words, also because you felt like kicking someone's ass for destroying your Lego castle. You found a trapdoor in the floor that led to some underground tunnels and you entered without thinking twice. Your antennas began to move restlessly and the lights in the hallway began to go out while heavy, fast footsteps were heard getting closer. When you focused your sight, you saw a large beetle? With a guy in his hand, he was advancing towards you at full speed, although both you and Genos were pushed aside with a big slap.
"How rude, oh is this your right leg or your left?"
You whined even though your slime kept you from getting hurt, you were trying to pull the cyborg out of the wall but you accidentally ripped off his leg by pulling on it, his joints were twisted at painful angles if he were human, you put everything back together in place and you immediately went to the room where Saitama and the beetle were going to fight, but you couldn't care less, you knew what was going to happen so you decided to take a walk around the huge basement.
You didn't find anything really entertaining, at least not something that managed to hold your attention for more than a minute, except for a simple lava lamp that you found in a kind of bedroom, you stopped to look at the different experiments briefly and simply went back and hoping that they had ended the fight once and for all, you were beginning to feel tired and wanted to sleep if possible in a comfortable place.
"What the hell…?"
You muttered with a blank expression as you saw Genos' afro hair and how Saitama was being beaten, although it didn't take long for him to deliver his famous punch and destroy the monster into little pieces, while he screamed in frustration.
"Today is the special discount day!"
Of course, now you understand why the man's frustration, he couldn't miss a day of sales in the supermarkets, you didn't complain about the urgency when you left, leaving the doctor completely emotionally destroyed by the destruction of his most lethal creation, you walked towards Genos jumping with joy at coming home to take a nap, he looked at you in silence, crouching down since he knew you would ask him again if he could carry you on his shoulders. In this little time together he convinced himself that you wouldn't be a threat, despite being a monster, you had no evil in you, at least, not towards innocent people.
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loveydoveymonsters · 3 months
this isnt a specific monster but like a sort of humanoid praying mantis x reader?? I tried finding something similar to what I have in mind but I could only find aliens not actual mantis people, and I really want that forest-cryptid kinda vibe not sci-fi space. do with this what you will :)
Well my sweet dove lets see what I can do for you, I hope you enjoy!.
Praying For A Miracle
Hybrid!Praying Mantis x reader
You have strayed too far from your path. A little forest nymph that's wandered too far away from their God. The night is harsh and unforgiving as you stumble through the thick bramble and bushes, desperately searching for shelter in this magical forest. Creatures of all different shapes and sizes reside here. Creatures who are seeking refuge from warmongers and poachers who would rather see their heads on spikes than on their bodies. Most of them are friendly, but there are some strays that sneak in under your God's eye, corrupted creatures that go unnoticed until it's too late. Usually, they target little nymphs like you, defenseless, weak, and delicate, you have no way of defending yourself against an attacker should you face one. That's why you shakily wander the woods searching for a tree trunk you could reside in or perhaps a friendly creature that could bring you back to your home. 
It was your own fault, you realize that you shouldn't have wandered off but you saw flowers, beautiful flowers that never bloom. You foolishly got distracted and now you're in the perilous clutches of a corrupted creature that had gotten the jump on you while you were lost in your terrified thoughts. You can't even tell what it is, it's large, and snarling, and its fangs look like they would hurt if they pierced your soft skin. You shake and tremble quietly. It's not in your nature to scream or fight. Nymphs are supposed to show kindness and love to all creatures including the ones that intend to harm them. That's why you lay there, shaking uncontrollably ready to accept your fate, your brutal death at this evil beings’ claws. Your God is nowhere to be found, probably drowning in the wine that was gifted to them during the last festival of the forest. You're afraid, yet weirdly you're at peace. You've had a very peaceful life, while your death may be violent, at least you know you've never had to worry about anything. Not predators, not starving, not becoming so dehydrated you could barely move. You've been taken care of so you guess this is the end…
The creature cries out in pain when something bites its nape. It reels back and tries to swipe at the thing currently attaching itself to its spine. You catch the sight of something green before it's gone just as quickly, the creature spinning trying to whip the hybrid off of him. You can see human legs and roughly a human body but you also see antennae, wings, and large raptorial legs that act as its hands. You honestly don't know what you're looking at but regardless of that, you're thankful for the creature's aid. As the violent creature finally shakes off the hybrid and runs off completely terrified you shakily stand and make your way over to your savior. He stands as well rushing over to check on you. Nymphs are treasured amongst non-corrupt creatures so it wasn't surprising when he immediately started fussing over you and using his raptorial arms to check you over.
“What…are you my savior? You're a hybrid of some sort but I can't seem to place the creature you're mixed with. Please do enlighten me, my hero.”
You stare as his greenish-tinted skin becomes a few shades darker as he blushes. Evidently he's not used to receiving such praise from nymphs, being called a hero and a savior is new. He doesn't dislike it but he's certainly not used to it either, it takes him a moment to recover before he can speak to you without stuttering. While he is recovering you just stare at him, wide-eyed, curious, like a child staring at a brand new toy. 
“I-I'm a praying mantis hybrid…Your God created me this way when they were first experimenting with creation. I am the result of a few failed hybrids…My name is Bleez. No need to introduce yourself little nymph I've been watching you for a while. I'm well aware of who you are although I'm not a hundred percent sure why you're wandering the woods alone.”
“Oh, I strayed from my usual path and stopped to smell some flowers. I guess I walked too far away and couldn't find my path again so I guess I was just looking for a guide to help me find my way home! Or somewhere to stay for the night. I'm sure I'd have better luck if I could actually see where I was going.”
“You're welcome to stay with me, I don't live far from here, come. There are far worse creatures than that one in this part of the woods.”
Before you can respond he lifts you up and slings you over his shoulder, stumbling slightly at how light you are to him. All nymphs are light though regardless of their body type, they're essentially made of pure air and the spirit of the God themselves. You look back at him, turning your body and just sitting on his shoulder noticing how his wings stretch out and cover his body. You tilt your head, analyzing his features once again. It's rare to see a hybrid, let alone a hybrid insect yet here you are, riding on the shoulder of one, one that risked his life to save you when he did not need to. 
“So Bleez, you say my God created you? How come I've never seen you before? I've been alive for quite a long time you know.”
“I've kept myself hidden, I'm not exactly confident in my appearance. Other creatures run from me even though I'm not a predator, it started to hurt after a while so I just sheltered myself away. Plus there was no way a beautiful nymph like you was ever going to notice me.”
You stare at his face for a minute, just now noticing the extra long mouth parts coming from the corner of his lips. It must help him eat meat and prey if he does decide to become a predator. You don't see anything wrong with him though, you don't understand why other creatures are afraid of him. Then again you don't understand why creatures are afraid of predators either. You're designed to love all creatures equally and you find them all equally beautiful, equally handsome, yet there was something about this one, perhaps it's the fact that he saved you. That made you just a little bit more loving.
“What are you talking about? You look amazing. My hero is the handsomest hybrid in the world!”
He nearly drops you when you say that but thankfully he arrived at his home in a tree trunk, the tree is as wide as a small cabin. He opens the side of the trunk and sets you down on the soft padding that he uses as his bed before shutting the trunk behind him and lighting a lantern as well as a fire to keep you warm. The magic of your forest amazes you sometimes, the fact that a small home can fit into the trunk of a tree without any worry of the tree being set ablaze by the fireplace makes you stare at it in awe. He awkwardly stands beside you, before sitting on the floor and pulling out a cast iron cauldron to make you some soup. He's taking care of you, nymphs are precious, nymphs are everything, that's what he's been taught since he was little. He sees why, you're so innocent, so pure, you must be protected at all costs and he wants to make sure you're fed and kept warm and you enjoy your stay for however long you reside with him.
The soup is good and healthy, and you remain nice and warm throughout the night. He slept on the floor and gave you a ton of wool blankets to keep you comfortable while he slept with a small sheet that you could almost see through because of how thin it was. About halfway through the night, you woke up to his teeth chattering, looking over the makeshift bed to see him shaking and trembling. You weren't having that at all, you were a guest in his house but that didn't mean you had to be treated like royalty. You knew he would argue if you tried to get him to climb into bed with you so instead you joined him on the floor. Wrapping all of the large wool blankets around both of you before curling into his back, hoping your body heat would be enough to comfort him, the human in him must be ice cold. You flinched when you brushed against his arm and felt the true temperature of his body. Regardless of how uncomfortable you were you went back to sleep and you slept well, especially when he stopped shivering which reassured you that he was finally sleeping peacefully himself.
The next morning came soon enough, you awoke to the smell of eggs as he once again cooked for you. You realized you were back in bed and you looked out of his window in the trunk only to see chickens, cows, a bunch of barn animals outside. He does absolutely everything he can not to go into civilization which means raising these animals to get the ingredients he needs for food and nourishment. You find that impressive, he's built his own little world just outside of the outskirts of the center of the forest where most of the creatures live. You turn to him taking note of his abdomen and the scars over it and you watch as his antennae twitch before he turns to you having sensed your movement. 
“Good morning little nymph! I've made you food and here’s some milk to drink. I figured we could start heading back to your home as soon as you're done eating. People are probably worried about you.”
You eat your food, staring at him in awe. He's so caring, so kind. 
“Oh, no one's worried about me. Nymphs go missing all the time eventually we all wind up getting replaced. Hey, how'd you get those scars? Have you fought very many predators out here?”
“I would rather not discuss that with you nymph. Doesn't that bother you? That nobody would miss you if you were gone? I'd be so concerned I'd search the entire forest before even thinking about “replacing” you.”
“Aw that's sweet, are you starting to like me yet? Sounds like it.”
“H-Hardly…let's get going, you certainly did stray far because we're not exactly close to any nymph nests. Would you like to ride on my shoulder again? You were quite light so I don't mind.”
“Actually I think I'd rather stay here so that's what I'm going to do okay?”
He stares at you for a little while, a strange smile on his face as if he didn't really register what you said. When it did click though he looked at you completely shocked, he's dead quiet as he tried to ponder what to say next, he's got nothing, this was such a strange situation for him, no creature had ever flat-out told him they were going to stay with him before. This little nymph just pushed him straight over the edge into a massive pit of anxiety and confusion. 
“I want to stay with you! You have such a beautiful home and I'm sure I could be of use to you and helping to tend to your creatures! Plus you said you'd miss me if I was gone.”
“No no no no no. I said I would be worried if you randomly went missing. There's a difference there. Why would you want to stay here?...No it's absolutely out of the question I'm bringing you home now.”
“You absolutely are not. I'm not going with you willingly so you'd be forced to hurt me if you're trying to transport me. I will scream Bleez don't test me.”
“You are absolutely infuriating, if you insist on staying here then stay here! I highly doubt you'll last more than a day without any type of socialization. Nymphs are social creatures, I know all about them you need to be around people. You'll be begging to go home within a day.”
“Why would I need to be around people when I have you?”
He groans in frustration before storming off, leaving the small home in the tree trunk to go tend to his barn animals. Yet he did not argue with you after that, in the coming days, he found himself enjoying your company, willing you to stay longer even if you started getting bored. You didn't start getting bored, like you said before you don't need other people when you have him. As long as you can socialize with one person you won't become lonely, you won't start craving that social attention that most nymphs need. You thought eventually he would get tired of you and force you to leave yet he didn't. He in fact encouraged you to stay and cheered you on whenever you helped him reign in his sheep and cattle. He was proud of you, of how far you came in such a short amount of time. Little did he know you would only continue to grow, no longer weak and defenseless. You wanted to protect your new home so he started teaching you how to defend yourself, how to defend your creatures. Eventually, he found himself wanting to sleep with you more, wanting to be by you, craving you more than anything. His antennae twitch whenever you're around, and his wings stretch and hug you tightly whenever you're close enough. He's falling for you, and he's falling fast, his large eyes stay locked on you whenever you're out in the fields that surround his tree. His long mouth parts rub against each other in an attempt to stimulate him at least a little bit…This is starting to be quite the problem. 
It all comes to a head six months after you started living with him. He climbed into bed with you and for the first time in his life, he felt, hard, insanely hard. Painfully erect as he pressed against you. There's no way you didn't feel it either, the way your eyes widened and you turned to stare at him. It was obvious he had no experience, he'd been isolated since the day he was born. He had no interest in ever acting on whatever urges he had so eventually he just didn't feel them anymore. But now that he had the potential to have a lover, someone to mate with it was driving him insane. The mantis in him was also worried, aware that females tend to eat the heads of the male once they finish their mating ritual however he's aware you aren't a mantis so he should be just fine. He doesn't even know if you want him though, he's not exactly attractive to most people, to most beings that is. However, you never once shied away from him, you always treated him like he was special and yet also normal. You've seen so many creatures that you probably are attracted to him in the way he's attracted to you, he shouldn't be afraid but he is. He can barely stutter out the next words that leave his mouth. 
“H-Help me…P-Please.”
You smile, gently kissing one of the mouthparts. This beautiful nymph couldn't possibly be trying to comfort him yet you are. You shift between his legs rubbing your thighs against his slacks, knowing that he's hurting. You kiss his lips gently, reaching behind him to stroke his wings, your other hand moving to his antennae. You're stimulating every single part of him, he's losing his mind in pleasure, his hips moving erratically. He can't control it, he's sorry but before he can stop he finds himself spilling all over your thighs making them sticky as you continue to stroke his most sensitive spots. You don't stop until he's hard again until he's needy and aching for you. Begging for you to touch him, begging you for more and more until he can't take it anymore. Then without you having to even do anything he cums again completely untouched. Just a thought of being inside you was enough to stimulate him to the point that he was a panting, blubbering mess. 
“F-Fuck…Fuck more, give me more please I need it. I'll be good I promise. Please please please-”
He moans desperately when you lift your leg, keeping him on his side and letting him slide between your thighs. You don't want him to roll over and crush his wings. You traced the patterns on his wings as you took his hard cock and positioned him at your slick entrance…He moved on instinct, shoving himself inside of you, nearly finishing right then and there but not wanting to disappoint you. He forces himself to stop moving, panting into your neck, licking up the column of your throat before using his long mouth parts to bite down on you remarkably hard, making you bleed. You cried out in pain and he apologized but he bit you again. He needed to do something to anchor himself or he was going to lose his mind, he started moving. Slow grinding thrusts that had you feeling every single inch of him. His wings flapped and slapped his back, the sound distracting you but you're brought right back into the moment when he suddenly starts moving fast, hard, he once again can't control his hips.
“I'm sorry, fuck I'm sorry. You feel so fucking good so good I'm gonna-”
He spills inside you, his raptorial arms wrapped around you tightly as he prods at you, that's his way of checking on you, trying to show that he cares. He pulled out of your slick a mix of your juices falling out of you. The both of you lay there panting, it was quick, it was needy, it was absolutely perfect. He stares at you for a long while before suddenly breaking the silence, wanting to talk to you, wanting to hear your voice, wanting to know if you enjoyed him even though he was fairly new at this. 
“Are you…okay? Did you enjoy it?”
Your giggling was music to his ears. Your smile is his sun.
“Yes I enjoyed myself thoroughly…who knew your antennae would be so sensitive.”
You caress his head right around the base of his antennae and he shutters.
“D-Don't do that.”
You pull your hand away and kiss him softly, caressing his cheeks and then reaching down to caress his scars. 
“Do you still want to know what happened? How I got these scars?”
“Only if you're comfortable with telling me.”
He hesitates for a moment before sighing, caressing your hair, and finally speaking.
“I told you how your God created me right?”
“Yes, although you didn't seem too happy about it.”
“I was a nymph once. I used to be just like you until I stole from your God so they turned me human and kept me imprisoned until they decided to fuse me with a creature. I had a choice but I didn't choose the creature they wanted so they fused me with the mantis. It was painful, agonizing. I suppose I deserved it. I knew what would come if I got caught stealing from a god. The torture I endured is something I would never wish on anyone little nymph.”
“...I'm so sorry Bleez I don't know what else to say.”
“There's nothing else to say, my love. I simply wanted you to know because you were curious. Rest now when you wake in the morning I'll make you some breakfast and we'll go for a walk on the same trail we met. How does that sound?”
“That sounds nice…Goodnight, my love”
From that moment on everything changed, you were his and he was yours. All the trauma, all the agony, all the abandonment you worked through it together, and eventually he was able to overcome the fear he had of your God and rejoined society long enough to get officially wed to you. That was all he needed you. A little nymph that got lost in the woods, a little nymph that was praying for a miracle. He just so happened to answer.
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
a little lovin’
billy hargrove x gn!reader
word count: 600
warnings: none
a/n: it’s late. i’m emotional. this is a little baby something that i wrote very fast. i don’t know. i just need a billy hug.
You creep down the hallway, socked feet making nary a noise. You avoid the floorboard that you know squeaks, leaving your approach totally silent. Your hands are even squeezing the sleeves of your sweater, emotion filling your ever vein. You’re almost bursting with it.
Billy is bent over the dresser you share, one of the top drawers pulled open. He’s rifling through it, maybe looking for socks of his own. You pause in the doorway, notice the jeans and shirt stacked on the bed behind him. He’s got work tomorrow. 
He pulls out a belt and tosses it over his shoulder, the metal buckle clinking as it hits the soft of the mattress. 
You inhale and move towards him, watching the way his arms move, catch that sliver of tummy exposed because the arm holes in his tank top are much too big. 
You wrap your arms around Billy’s waist and give him a little squeeze. Just enough to let him know that you’re there. 
Billy doesn’t jump or flinch. He isn’t startled. You’re a quiet person, and he’s learned to expect soundless appearances from you. It’s the contact that pulls at his heartstrings.
It’s not as though you never touch him, it’s only that it took you so long to get to this point. He knows it’s taking a lot for you to do it now. 
Billy glances over his shoulder, a huff of a laugh leaving his mouth. “Hey, baby.”
He shuts the drawer and spins around, your arms still encircling him as he turns. Your face settles against his chest, just as it had between his shoulder blades. 
He rubs up and down your spine, squeezes at your hips, lets his thumbs drag softly across the nape of your neck. 
You let up a little and look up at him. The second his eyes lock with yours, you start to tear up, and suddenly Billy has gone blurry.
“Somethin’ wrong?” he asks, brow furrowing out of concern.
You’re quick to shake your head and blink away the tears before they can spill out. 
“I love you. Just wanted to tell you.”
Billy’s lips tip down at the corners. You’re being so sweet to him. 
“I love you too.”
Though he’s not sure what brought this on, Billy doesn’t ask questions. 
Really you’re not sure either. You were on the couch, staring off into space, waiting for Billy to come and sit with you awhile. Your gaze had fallen on a picture frame settled on top of the tv, next to the antenna. 
The image stuck inside was one of the two of you from your senior year, leaning against the Camaro. Max had taken it. 
You started thinking about what Billy had been going through at the time, how strong he is, how much he deserves. 
You felt overcome with love for your boy.
You lift your hands up and he immediately presses his palms to yours, knowing where this is going. “Too cold?” 
Billy grins. “They’re fine.” 
He always whines that your fingers are like ice, so you like to check. You don’t want to hurt him.
With his okay, you slip your hands underneath the thin and worn cotton of his shirt, fingers splaying out across his back. 
“I love you,” you say again. “You’re my whole world, Billy.”
“Shit.” He holds onto you tighter and blinks hard. You’re making him emotional now. “I love you, baby. You’re everything.” 
You kiss him on both cheeks and keep your eyes on his. You just wanted to tell him, to make sure he knew. And he does.
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omaano · 4 months
SW Hades AU May Status Update
I wanted to make a dedicated post about what I’m currently working on for the Star Wars meets Hades AU that looks more consistent than just sharing bits and pieces whenever I’m tagged in a Last Line Challenge. Because what else do I have but the poly sketch requests and this AU for my weekends? (If nothing else I know that the Hades AU has got me XD)
Other updates: June - July - August
For now Obi-Wan and Maul are stuck at the same stage: they are both lined, have their base colours down as well as the two adjustment layers of coloured lighting.
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I suspect if I were ever to get through the agonozing few hours of shading Obi-wan’s face it would be mostly smooth sailing from there. The problem is that there are at least 2 - if not 3 - separate stages where the shaded face looks like I have no idea what I’m doing, and you need to get through the whole thing before it really comes together 😅 on the other hand Hades 2 has a lot of the directional shading I might need for his character art so that might help to get me there.
It also needs to be said that Obi-Wan comes with the extra disadvantage that is the entire background behind him. I’m really hyped to line it finally, it is quite a challenge, but at the same time I’m slowly coming to the realization that I have no idea how I will colour it. Hades backgrounds are so so pretty and full of details and gorgeous colours, and while I’m not delusional enough to think I could match that on first try… I still wish I could, you know? At the same time I will have to erase or recolour a lot of my lines, which will hurt quite a bit, I imagine. I’m so bad at killing my darlings 😅 also I hate laying down flat colours. I just find it very difficult to immerse myself in that process, while lining and shading can have their flow.
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I had covered up so many lines and details in Maul’s spider parts it’s a miracle I didn’t cry XD However, tips on grouping my shadows and allowing the shape to speak for itself and the details in them are very helpful and on point.
Worrying over writing dialogue for them is also not as far down my to-do list as I wish it were. I have a good enough idea for a quip for Obi-wan, but Maul? He’d need a whole melodramatic rant of his own XD
Aphra has gotten some new lines and I had fixed the satchel I had forgotten the last time I shared the rough sketch for her, thanks to the new character art for Hades 2! Seeing Odysseus and Hermès’s updated looks were great helps here, so I might as well move on to lining her, and finally adding another female character to the roster on top of Ahsoka!
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And then there is the biggest update on these little guys below! I will need to clean up the ones I had drawn for Cobb and Boba (and Din) well over a year ago, but with these my version of chtonic companions are done, and thanks to @lesquatrechevrons I have a full list of keepsakes for each character as well. I’m not very good at drawing these little tchotchkes (I say with Rex’s blaster right there LOL) but I hadn’t been very good at lineart or cell shading when I started this project either, so through forced practice I’m determined to change that :D
(It’s not a screwdriver under Boga, it’s one of Cody’s antennas. “It will grow back, don’t worry,” he says as he snaps it off his pauldron and hands it over to Din. Rex backs him up on that one without question. They can't lie for shit but trolling the shiny is their thing.)
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Additional fun fact: the reason why I’d picked up the chtonic companions concepts was because I’d been poking at minor details in the background behind Maul (aside from the Chaos doors), and I started adding credits and recoloured nectar to the corner (before I realized that they wouldn’t be visible once the character interaction comes up oops), and I tried to figure out to whose keepsakes Maul would react favorably. I also mixed up companion dolls and keepsakes, so that’s why the Ahsoka doll came to being (I also forgot that that one belongs to Rex, and not Ahsoka herself but uh… they are close enough that they should count by proxy anyway. It’s not Obi-wan’s cup of tea and that should be enough!). Also bless @mapleowl18 for suggesting Lil Soka as companion for Rex ❤️
So this is the current state of this AU project right now. I have my lists and notes, a few scribbled pose ideas in my sketchbook for Sabine (she might be next, unless Bo and her Nite Owls make a comeback), Satine and Omega (with Batcher), as well as some angry scribbles and question marks for Quinlan (who has apparently made his way back into this AU even though he didn’t get a little icon of his own originally orz), and Obi-wan The Second that would stand with Cody post reunion, but I cannot make that one work for now 😅
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Hello, I have beeb following your account for some time and is one of my favorites, I am always looking forward for reading or rereading your content.
I would like to request for more dinobot buddy and Bumblebee please, maybe when they finally confesses or Bee being so oblivious that is almost painfully for the rest of the bots.
Thank you so much!
Thanks for the compliment! Happy to hear the positive things about my content.
Hope you enjoy!
Dinobot Buddy with a crush on Bumblebee: The pinning continues...
SFW, Platonic, Hinted Romance, Cybertronian reader
Buddy as of lately began making ‘bolder moves’.
And by bolder moves, she was just making the same ‘moves’ but adding trinkets to the list.
She would find random things on patrol, on missions, or around the base and give them to Bumblebee.
The minibot now has a couple shelves dedicated to the trinkets because he doesn’t throw them out.
Primus help her if she finds him showing the trinkets off.
Bumblebee showing a couple of shiny rocks to Hound and Jazz. Bumblebee: “I just don’t know where she finds these things! Oh wait look at this one! She brought it in a couple of nights ago!” Buddy was walking by but stopped hearing the minibots voice. Bumblebee pulls out a rubber duck with little bee antennas: “Just look this!” Hound and Jazz look at the duck before seeing Buddy ‘hiding’ behind the corner with literal heart optics. She sighed quietly before practically skipping away. Jazz flashing Hound a knowing smile: “Yeah, sure is a pretty little thing, ain’t she?” Bumblebee nodding: “Yeah, it’s a pretty nice duck!” Hound raising his optic: “And what about Buddy? Are you going to get her something?” Bumblebee: “Well, yeah! The holiday’s are just around the corner. Anything for my best friend!” Jazz and Hound: “…”
There was also an increase in free Dino rides.
Sometimes he doesn’t even need to ask, Buddy would just go right by his side and either lay down by him or simply pick him up.
Buddy becomes extra protective when they have patrol or missions together.
Refuses to let him go too far from reach.
Bumblebee looking from the ledge of the cliff: “I think there’s something down there.” Buddy nervously looking at Bumblebee near the edge: “Bumblebee…” Spike on Bumblebee’s servo: “You think you can jump to the other side Bee?” Buddy looks horrified at the little human while the other bot started thinking. Bumblebee: “Hmm—HEY!” Buddy gently claps her jaws on his shoulder and yanks him back. The yellow minibot lands on his behind right by her side. Spike jumps from his servos. Bumblebee: “Buddy!” Buddy just sits down next to him, with her tail curled halfway around him: “You too close. You could fall.” She points with her tail to the ledge. Buddy: “Weak edge. Heavy autobot.” Bumblebee: “Huh, didn’t notice that. Thanks Buddy!” Spike: “Yeah thanks! We might have been pancakes if it weren’t for you!” Buddy puffs her chassis a bit and purrs a bit when Bumblebee pats her helm.
Most of the Autobot’s have two main drama’s.
The one they see on Teletran-one.
And Buddy’s love life.
The Dinobot team are banging their helms against the wall at their teammates attempt to court.
Grimlock is dying on the inside.
He truly respect’s his teammates boundaries and personal life… but even he has his limits when it comes to meddling.
Action needs to be taken.
Grimlock calls for an emergency meeting with the Autobots. Optimus: “Grimlock! Why have you called us here?” Ratchet: “What a minute, Buddy and Bumblebee are not here yet.” Grimlock: “Meets start now.” Prowl: “Grimlock why are we here?” Grimlock: "Me Grimlock tired of Buddy weak flirting. Autobots and Dinobot’s must act.” Wheeljack: “Did…did you just call an emergency meeting… because Buddy hasn’t confessed to Bumblebee yet?” Grimlock: “It was this or Me Grimlock going to get Doc bot to fix Buddy’s helm. It broken.” Ratchet sighing: “Grimlock, she isn’t broken—” Grimlock: “Then why she like this! It killing me Grimlock! It killing everybody!” Tracks: “Well, he isn’t wrong on the slow burn…” Hoist: “Tracks now it is not the time…” Huffer: “And how do we know Bumblebee feels the same way anyway? For all we know he just like her as a friend.” Swoop: “What if Bumble bot and Buddy go on date?” Mirage: “Like we set them up?” Wheeljack: “…That might work!” Powerglide: “I know plenty of places for a perfect date night! I’ll get them a place in no time!” Jazz turning to Blaster: “We can make a playlist for the two!” Blaster: “I already have ten songs picked out!” Grimlock: “Then we get ready! Autobot get Bumble bot and Dinobot get Buddy! Date night is a go!”
Optimus shakes his helm a bit but just watches the planning unfold.
Maybe a little help would do good for the pair…
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bimobuddy · 6 months
how ticklish is soft Val?
if very, what about Vox tickles HIM this time?
Very, and he loves it
So for a bit of context, I hc that Soft!Val has both antenna. It's not specified how canon!Val lost the plumage on one side, but I'm pretty sure it is canon that he did have both at one point, so I'm just gonna go ahead and create a Soft!Val au where he kept both, and doesn't wear his wings like a coat, thank you
This is kind of short, sorry ^^"
coming up with titles is fun /s
CW: Restraints and suggestive jokes, but nothing explicit happens
Lee!Val, Ler!Vox
Summary: Val asked for this (I didn't know what else to write, I'm sorry, it's just affection basically)
Val tugged at his wrists, experimentally. "You know, if you wanted to have sex, you could have just said so." He joked. He felt the bed dip in as Vox sat next to him.
"The cuffs are for my safety, dumbass," the host replied, delivering a sharp poke to the side, "You have four arms and you're twice my size. Not to mention you tend to thrash, and I can easily get tossed across the room. Plus, I just got my screen repaired. This shit isn't cheap."
Vox reached up and removed Val's heart shaped glasses, folding them carefully and setting them aside. He didn't want them to get broken. He also didn't miss the way Val had leaned his head forward a bit, craving the touch. So he fully cupped his cheeks and held his face.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
Val nuzzled his face into Vox's hand for a bit. "Mhm." He hummed in confirmation.
With that, Vox let go of his partner's face and hovered his fingers under Val's lower set of arms, smirking when the moth tensed up. Looking up, the host could see that he was already grinning, head turned away and eyes squeezed shut in anticipation.
Well he couldn't keep him waiting, could he?
He could, actually.
A few moments went by before Val opened his eyes and saw his asshole of a boyfriend grinning back at him, just hovering his hands over him.
"Juhust start! .. Please?"
Vox chuckled. "Well, since you asked so nicely~" He started to make a clawing motion, lowering his hands closer and closer to his sides.. Before suddenly reaching up and running Val's fluffy antennae through his fingers, instead. "Gotcha~"
Val jolted and immediately broke out into frantic giggles from how wound up he had been from the anticipation. "Jahahackass!" His cheeks heated up, and his antenna reflexively tried to fold back, the same way an animal would fold its ears.
"Poor Vally-Val, you're so ticklish aren't you?" Vox teased, moving one clawed hand down to skitter at the ribs between Val's sets of arms, causing him to jerk away. "And you love it, don't you? You love having my attention. You love being able to just laugh like this, don't you?"
He brought both hands down to gently scritch down his sides, grinning as Val arched his back and started actually laughing.
Val was shaking his head, the teasing making him incredibly flustered. "Shh- hahahaha! Shuhuhut uhup! Dohon't tahahalk!" He giggled out, his antennae fully folded back now. His wings had even started to softly flutter against the bed underneath him.
"Oh you want me to stop talking? You want me to just tickle you in complete silence like a weirdo?" Vox chuckled, skittering across Val's tummy, making him squeak and press himself back into the bed.
"You don't want me to say things like 'tickle tickle tickle tickle~?'"
"What about, 'gitchy gitchy goo~?'"
"Not even," Vox leaned in closer, whispering, "tkltkltkltkltkl-"
Val's cheeks went red as he tried to jerk away, laughing harder from how flustered he was.
Vox gently dug his fingers under his upper set of arms, chuckling a little when the moth tried to yank his arms down, only for them to be stopped by the restraints. "Wow, I think the teasing makes you extra ticklish, honey. Does it? Do you get extra tickly when I tease you?"
Val was giggling hard, all four of his arms pulling now as he arched his back up off the bed. "Vohohox! Yohou're beheing mehean!"
"You think I'm being mean? Baby, this is mean." The TV demon reached back and gently kneaded his claws into Val's hip bones, right into where they dipped in.
Val let out the loudest squeal Vox had ever heard and started to beat his wings and drum his legs against the bed, cackling.
Vox did as he was asked and pulled his hands away. As Val went limp, panting and giggling, he reached up and cupped his cheek again. "You alright?" He asked. He knew the answer, but he wanted to make sure.
Val nodded, once again leaning his head into the touch, nuzzling his partner's hand, occasionally letting out moth-like squeaks that made Vox's heart melt. "I'm great."
The host set to work, releasing Val's wrists, only to immediately get latched onto and yanked down for cuddles, practically swallowed up by two large, red wings.
He dimmed his screen for Val's sake, and relaxed, knowing they'd be laying there for a while.
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rikiws · 4 months
꩜ single serving friend.
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hyung-line x gn!reader ┆ fluff!!
꩜ The one time when you met someone amazing- arguably your twin flame- until you part ways, never to meet again. Well... mostly.
warnings: n/a (i think)
ps: jakes one lowk hit so hard, my no 1 delusion whenever I go to some random comp I never wanted to sign up to... also my first time doing headcanons like this, please lmk what you think 🙏
. . .under the cut! ⊹
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𖥔 Lee Heeseung : a holiday getaway
clinking glasses, loud blaring music, and the feeling of the warm, humid air brushing through your hair: just what you needed to get some well deserved rest
especially with your friends, who seemed to have all disappeared into thin air, considering that you were now huddled around a fire on the beach with a group of unfamiliar faces
what you most definitely didn’t need however, was to see a rather irritated crab scuttling through the sand- it's antennae-d eyes glowering at you, pincers snapping ominously
then the crab started to scamper towards your feet and the SCREAM you let out
good to know that the guy next to you was just as terrified, seeing that he was about to break your shoulders from gripping them too hard
you could hold your dignity for a little longer
....until the crab decided to test your courage again, and the first thing you did was sonic far away from that little thing
guess who followed? your now holiday buddy- who's also super cute
10/10 wingman-ing, crab
.𖥔 ݁ ˖
"I'm starting to feel bad now."
"It's not our problem anymore, survival of the fittest- or something."
As similar screams sounded from the distant flicker of light of the campfire you had left behind, the two of you couldn't help but laugh. Heeseung was the first to speak up, a melodic voice to match his attractive appearance, which you could now admire in its fullest without having to worry about a tiny crab trying to pinch your toes.
"What about we stick together for the rest of our trips, for the crabs- obviously."
"Will you help me fight them off?"
Heeseung grinned at your question.
"I couldn't say no to you."
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𖥔 Park Jongseong : a tiresome visit to the police office
as if your day couldn't be any more unbearable, you get "caught" speeding
"caught" as in the car before you was speeding, but the automatic camera only took a photo of the number plate of your, very sensibly paced, car instead
so here you were, standing in a dingy office, aeons of crime-dust spilling into lungs while you tried to convince the half-asleep police officer that it wasn't you who was speeding
"you too?" some MAJESTIC looking man was seated right behind you, his face somehow displaying all five stages of grief at the same time...poor guy though, getting his car towed over nothing
at least he could keep you company, especially while you both bonded over your terrible luck
it looked like the police got the hint, since they ushered the both of you out without any apology
indoor road rage is real everyone
.𖥔 ݁ ˖
Your hand was gently moved away from the direction of the police station by someone else's, middle finger propped up just so you could give those wretched old men a piece of your mind,
"o...kay lets not do that now."
The other hand belonged to Jongseong, who offered you a kind smile to try and calm you down as he was...except for the very obvious eye twitch once he heard the double-doors slam shut in the distance. You returned his kindness with a small pat on his shoulder while Jongseong only sighed out a fraction of his frustrations away.
"I hate this city."
"Tell me about it."
"All this arguing got me a little hungry, though."
You chuckled at his fruitless attempt at lightening the mood, though your grumbling stomach had different plans. Jongseong playfully raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, how about we go get some food together?"
"You have a deal, I'll drive then."
"You won't speed, will you?"
"No promises."
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𖥔 Sim Jaeyun : a not-so-boring science competition
sure, you were good at it- sure, you liked it, but definitely not enough to do a whole competition for physics
squeezed between your teammates on a table much too small for a 3 member team, hearing out all the different answers your peers hurled at you at the same time, not to mention the fact that you had to correct them yourself as well, only then could you press your clicker to select the correct option
you kept a mental note to drop out of the team after this competition, secretly of course, since your teammates would start a riot if they found out
at least you could tell that cute guy from some other school about it after all of the academic events while your teammates abandoned you for a bit of socialising
sim jaeyun, bored out of his mind, and very much exasperated over his own teams antics, just as you were
the two of you decided to stick together for the rest of the programs: giggling at the jokes the hosts would make as they bought time to mark all of your mark sheets, making stupid jokes about the kids who participated in the impromtu talent show right after, complaining over the mediocre lunch you were provided with
you both made sure to stay right by each other during the award ceremony as well, with both of your teams neck-and-neck with the awards you had gotten
.𖥔 ݁ ˖
"And finally, its time for the individual quiz results.."
the host fumbled with the laptop opened in front of him. Jaeyun looked at you with a competitive glint in his eye; one which you immediately returned yourself. Though you had won 1st place for his segment 3 times in a row already, ever since you joined the academic team.
Yet, your confidence wavered when you heard your name.."second place" Jaeyun gave you an overenthusiastic pat on the back as you stood up, your eyebrows furrowed and wondering who in the world had beat you.
Only you meet Jaeyun's eye as went up to the stage right after you, a quick raise of a brow as he nonchalantly took his place in the centre, just next to you. He posed awkwardly for photos, you following in tow. You felt him lean towards you, whispering from the corner of his mouth
"You still thinking about quitting after this?"
"Not until I get my trophy back, Sim."
You broke into a smile, and Jaeyun seemed to have been caught in the crossfire, seeing that he harboured an even giddier smile after seeing yours.
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𖥔 Park Sunghoon : an energetic concert-show
you lost your friend in a crowded concert, the nightmare.
searching through the jumping crowd, bass-boosted music blaring in your ears as you passed by, you made your way through the swarm of bodies, only to feel an arm grab onto yours
turning your head, you face arguably the most gorgeous man you have seen in your life, far better than the band guy you had bought tickets to fawn over tonight
the boy quickly ripped his hand away from yours with a frantic apology, explaining that he had lost his buddy as well
poor guy was about to trip and your arm was the first thing he managed to grab onto to keep his trip
Sunghoon, as he introduced himself, agreed to stick with you for the remainder of the concert until the two of you could venture out of the crowd to search for your friends
though you ended up leaving the crowd much earlier than you anticipated, just to catch some fresh air after inhaling the stench of random sweaty people and nearly losing your eardrums
.𖥔 ݁ ˖
"You've gotta be kidding me."
"I think they hooked up with each other.."
You and Sunghoon stared at your phones, slack-jawed at the messages the both of you had received. Your friend had stumbled upon Sunghoon's mate, and now they were off to the dude's house to do- you didn't even want to know. You were left to drive on your own, while poor Sunghoon was left without a ride at all.
"It's just you and me then."
"You want me to drop you off?"
You heard the deafening drums of the concert the two of you had left behind, exasperated at your friends' rash actions. What if the guy was some serial killer, and not just a random college kid's good friend? You were shaken out of your thoughts by Sunghoon grabbing hold on your hand, steering the both of you closer towards the crowd once more.
"Finish the concert at least- with me."
You gave in, obviously.
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꩜ want to read more? check out my masterlist
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