#like i am well aware of how pathetic this sounds to everyone else but i honestly think i'd be perfectly happy like that
loveinhawkins · 4 months
was this written to solve my own inconsistencies because i keep forgetting Eddie literally hotwired the RV, they don’t need keys, why do you keep mentioning keys, you fool? maybe. do i also think they’d be this stupid? yes. ❤️
“Oh, son of a bitch,” Dustin says, midway to The War Zone.
Steve, who is used to this sort of outburst for things as mild as Dustin forgetting just one out of the eight pens on his person, does not react.
However Eddie—Hellfire rants aside—is not quite as familiar yet. He jumps practically a foot in the air.
“Jesus Christ, what now?”
All Dustin offers by way of explanation is an accusatory, “You,” pointing his finger right in Eddie’s face.
And then Eddie sees what’s dangling from said finger.
“… Oh.”
“What?” Steve says, glancing at the rearview mirror; Eddie quickly blocks Dustin from view, goes right up on his tiptoes and spreads his arms wide, curses when Dustin throws the keys—
—to Max, who catches them one-handed, who gives Eddie a grin that’s not so much pitying as it is evil, and then she—
—throws them to Lucas, and he somehow gets the metal ring to land on his finger, like he’s in a movie, and he twirls them round and round until Max snorts, and he grins like that had been his aim all along.
“Sinclair,” Eddie says, “I am begging you.”
“I’m not hearing much about what’s in it for him,” Erica says.
Aha! Eddie zeroes in on Erica and blocks her from Lucas, like a very unjust game of Keep Away.
“Dude,” Lucas says, affronted, “that’s not fair.”
Eddie has the decency to look a bit ashamed. Not too ashamed to stop because he is a pathetic man, but at least Steve still hasn’t noticed the—
“Lucas,” Erica says, in the aggrieved tones of a sister who’s despaired at him many, many times. “You’re on the basketball team. Just do a pass fake, nerd.”
Lucas feigns to the left, and Eddie falls for it—but, in what he’s sure is a completely unsportsmanlike move, he uses his height to his advantage, jumps…
And drops the keys with a clatter.
Steve must instantly recognise the sound for what it is, because he starts to cackle.
Eddie’s only saving grace is that Steve is driving, so at least he can’t see—
“Eddie’s going, like, super red in the face right now,” Dustin narrates helpfully.
“Scarlet,” Lucas says.
“Vermillion,” Robin pipes up from the floor.
“Ooh,” Dustin, Lucas, and Max chorus, impressed. Jesus Christ, they almost harmonize.
“Yeah, Eddie,” Steve says dryly, “you fucking moron. How did you miss those, it’s not like you had literally anything else on your mind.”
“You’re a real gentleman, Harrington, anyone ever told you that?” Eddie says weakly.
“Maybe once or twice,” Steve says, drawing it out teasingly, as if he means not often enough.
“Well, at least we got on the road,” Nancy says. Her voice quivers like she’s trying not to laugh—perched on the table, eyes shining with amusement. “And it did look pretty cool, Eddie.”
Eddie thinks this is an incredibly generous assessment, considering his main thought while breaking into the RV had been don’t get stuck in the window, Jesus Christ.
And then… like, he didn’t expect Steve to actually come up and watch him hotwire the damn thing, like, with rapt attention, so close that Eddie was kinda concerned he’d electrocute himself instead. Honestly, it was a miracle he got the engine started.
“That’s sweet of you, Wheeler, but I’m self-aware.”
“Since when?” Erica says.
Underneath everyone’s laughter, Steve grins and says, “Hey, don’t worry, man.” He catches Eddie’s eye in the rearview mirror, winks. “It was an educational experience.”
“Oh, wow, your face is even redder.”
“Henderson, I’m gonna put those goddamn keys so far up your ass.”
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glamoureddreamer · 6 months
Idea 3
Cross, Dream and Nightmare, hurt/comfort
I’m not really sure these are ideas anymore lmao, regardless enjoy :)
Cross sat alone at a bar, one he had completely forgotten the name of. His vision was doubled and if he moved at all it felt like he could barely see. Cross was sure he was swaying in his chair but he didn’t care. The drinks were making him feel nice, that was the goal.
Unknowingly to him, practically no one was at the bar anymore. Even the most heavy of drinkers knew they should get home at a reasonable hour. He didn’t have anywhere else to go.
Two figures walk into the bar, both looking so similar yet so different. They stand for a second looking around before they spot Cross at the bar. One of them smiles the other sighs.
“Glad we could finally find you.” A monotone voice says startling Cross from his blank stare at the bar counter. He looks up at the voice and recognizes his boss immediately, along with his brother.
“Nightmare! Dream!” He cheers with a slight hiccup.
“Man, am I glad to see you guys!” Dream smiles taking a seat at the bar. Nightmare follows suit, sitting on the other side of Cross however he does not look so happy.
“Yes. I’m sure you are-“
“Brother..be nice.” Dream interrupts him, he leans forward and grabs Cross’s hand cupping it in his own.
“Cross, are you aware of the time?” Cross stares at Dream for a moment before he looks around to find a clock. Once he finds one he looks back at Dream with a nod.
“Okay? And what didn’t think to tell anyone you’d be out this late? Didn’t think to come home?” Nightmare snaps crossing his arms. Dream pulls his hand back from Cross. Cross chuckles however even when drunk it sounded forced.
“Didn’t think anyone cared.” He picks up his shot and downs it before setting it on the table.
“What the hell are you talking about? The only reason why we are here is because we care.” Nightmare nearly growls.
“Well, you shouldn’t.” Cross forces out a laugh. He feels like if he didn’t laugh or smile he would be crying and they shouldn’t have to deal with that.
“Cross?” Dream asks sensing his pain.
“I’m a terrible person. All I do is fuck up. Make my problems everyone else’s cause I’m pathetic.. no one should love me.” They nearly get whiplash from his response, Cross was never direct about anything let alone his emotions.
“I’m not stupid you know.. I see what you and the others are trying to do. Get me to join the poly but I don’t belong.. I’ll fuck up like I always do and ruin everything. You should love someone else.”
Both Dream and Nightmare take a moment to think about how to approach this. Dream is the first to speak up.
“Cross none of us think that, any of that. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit or kindness.”
“Frankly you’re just incorrect. You never fuck up missions- in fact, you seem to do so well it fixes all the fucking up Killer does. You never come to us about your issues so you have never once made your issues ours.” Cross chuckles a little.
“And you don’t belong with us? That’s because no one belongs in this group. A guardian of negativity, a guardian of positivity, a murderer with no soul, an insane brother killer, a starved beast, the only thing that ties us together is our pain.”
“And our love for each other.” Dream adds. Cross had tears dripping down his face, he covered his mouth trying not to let the sobs escape. Dream notices however and hugs him tightly.
“It’s okay to cry, no one here will hurt you for that.” Dream whispers to him.
After Cross’s drunk emotions stopped he took a deep breath and turned to Nightmare.
“Can we go home?” Nightmare gives him a small smile, chucking warmly.
“Of course Cross, let’s get you home.”
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noodyl-blasstal · 2 years
TAZ Bingo for @taznovembercelebration
Taako [16:43]
Cha'boy's cha'boyfriend now. Don’t be weird about it.
Lucretia [14:56]
Hello Barry, if anyone says anything you think is unusual just be cool, Lucretia
Krav [13:11]
Hi Barry,
Just so you are aware, I have made a semi-public announcement that we’re dating. I’ll explain later.
Have a good day,
Maggie [11:27]
Barry!!! I’m your boyfriend! But in a friend way. Just don’t tell anyone that. Don’t worry about it.
Barry stared at his phone for a full minute. He’d left them unattended for 8 hours, and he was now dating three of his friends? He wasn’t sure the university would give him a plus 3 to events. Barry flicked through the messages again, did he actually want to engage with this? Maybe if he ignored it, it would go away…
LuLu [17:19]
YOU’RE DATING BARRY??????????????????
I know you said it would be easy to ask him out, but this is a sick way to prove your point.
What the actual fuck, Ko?
You’ve been dating 3 months??? And I had to hear it from Ren?
I thought we told each other everything.
Taako’s phone had been buzzing persistently, but he had been expecting a series of weird emojis from Krav, not this.
Obviously Taako was perfect. Obviously Taako never made any mistakes or missteps or did anything wrong. But this one time, just this one singular time, he might have very slightly fucked up.
Taako [17:23]
Pick up your phone, Lupita, Taako can explain.
“This had better be good.” Lup’s voice was verging on hysterical, and to be honest, fair.
“His ex is in town.”
“The bad ex?” Lup asked.
“The bad ex.” Taako nodded solemnly.
“And she was talking about how he was still single and no one else could ever want him…”
“Uh huh.” Lup said.
“…And she said she thought he’d be single forever because he was pathetic and unlovable.” Taako added.
Lup growled.
“Exactly! What else was I supposed to do?” Taako was fairly sure this was getting off the hook material. Everyone hated Lydia, they couldn’t be held responsible for their actions when she was involved.
“No, yeah, that’s totally fair.” Lup nodded, then grinned.
“Congratulations, I guess.” Said Lup, who sounded a lot less angry at Taako and a lot more angry at Lydia. Perfect.
“She’s unbelievable. He broke up with her!”
“Right?” Taako settled in, bitching about Lydia was one of his favourite sports.
“… and she wasn’t with anyone other than her dickhead brother either. It’s not like she’s come back with a fiance.”
“Thanks for meeting me Barry.” Kravitz passed Barry the cup of coffee he’d bought for him, paused awkwardly, then wrapped his arm round his waist and walked him to the outdoor table - may as well be seen together. Kravitz pulled Barry’s chair out for him and smiled fondly as he sat down.
Barry took a large swig of his coffee, and raised his eyebrows.
“This is lovely and all, Krav, but what’s going on?”
“Lydia’s in town.” Kravitz replied.
Barry winced.
“She was being mean.”
“Well, that is on brand.” Barry replied, huffing a laugh.
“She was being mean about you.” Kravitz stressed, surely Barry would understand why he had to do this.
“That’s not new, bud. At least she wasn’t being mean to me, if anything, it’s an improvement.” Barry’s mouth quirked up at the edges, amused by his own joke. He wasn’t taking this seriously for some reason?
“She said she thought you were still single.” Surely he’d get it now.
“That no one would date you.”
“I am, and no one is dating me.” Barry replied, then muttered.
“No matter how much I wish they would.”
“Well, fun news.” Kravitz said, then added some jazz hands for showmanship.
Barry raised his eyebrows.
“Yeah, gonna need slightly more explanation than that, bud.”
“Look, she was being horrible, and I hate her, Barry. I hate her so much. She was mean to you, and she was mean to us, and then three years ago she fucked off and it was wonderful. I didn’t want her to think that you were pining for her or anything, so I said we were dating. We’ve been together for the last few months, by the way. You asked me out at the library. I cried because I was so happy.” Kravitz should probably stop speaking now. Barry’s face was doing a lot of things and not quite settling on an expression.
The spay of coffee was unexpected. To be fair, Kravitz should probably have waited until Barry had finished drinking to start the last ramble.
“Fuck, sorry bud!” Barry choked through his laughter.
“That’s just, huh. That’s, it’s really sweet of you.” He cough-laughed some more, and shoved some napkins at Kravitz.
“Unnecessary. But sweet.”
Kravitz mopped ineffectually at his suit. Thankfully the black hid stains well… not that anyone had to know that. Kravitz definitely wore black for goth purposes and not practicality.
“I had some weird texts from Magnus, Lucretia, and Taako too…” Barry trailed off.
“Oh gods.” He put his head in his hands and guaffed.
“She’s going to think we’re a polycule. This is brilliant.” He wheezed.
Kravitz offered his cup in cheers, Barry tapped his cardboard against it and took a much more successful sip. There we go. Kravitz had definitely made a good choice here.
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trans-xianxian · 2 years
hmm feeling very weird abt my job lately.. I love the kids and it's a very easy and comfortable job for the kind of work that it is but I just always feel kept out of the loop on important stuff that everybody else seems to know. like the program I work with does summer camps and nobody told me that it might not happen this year until it was actually approved to happen. but all of my other coworkers were aware of this and nobody thought that maybe that was important info for me to have?? this itsnt even the only instance of me not being told work stuff that everyone else is made aware of
I'm also just so unclear about the rules? like for the kids? I've worked there since the beginning of the school year and there are Still things I don't know if the kids are allowed to do and not for lack of trying. this has bothered me from the beginning like. it doesn't make me appear to be a very responsible and reliable adult or authority figure to the kids when I'm always having to defer to my boss/co teacher about what is and is not allowed. I've literally never worked in an education/childcare environment where the rules were so unclear and flip floppy or where I have no input on classroom expectations
idk I just don't rlly feel like a respected or valued part of the team which is not only frustrating on a base level of like. that's not how you should feel at your job but also like... the kids pick up on that dynamic and take me and my instructions for them less seriously and I often don't feel listened to by them not because they're disrespectful kids or they don't like me but because they see me as less of an authority figure because thats how I'm treated by my boss. and it's like I Know that I'm not bad at my job. I am a good teacher and have literally never experienced this kind of thing before it's just so weird and uncomfortable
not to mention I always feel left out socially but like. that's true in most places. this sounds kind of pathetic lmao but I am used to not fitting in by now I've spent 21 years this way it would be silly of me to be surprised by it at this point but that doesn't make me feel any less lonely and down when I'm left out of social experiences everybody else gets to be a part of
these aren't recent things but I think w everything else going on in my life at the moment its all weighing on me more, and I definitely feel like my boss has been treating me differently and not as well ever since my mom died and I also get the impression that she's getting tired of me still not being able to do certain things because of my foot. idk it's like I came back from my week off after my mom passed and she's just been so much less friendly? I thought I was maybe making it up in my state of emotional distress but it's Only her being like this
but like... I don't want to make any dramatic career choices while going through a difficult part of my life personally and emotionally. I don't want to decide to not come back next year or work for a different summer camp while I'm Not Having A Good Time, but it's also hard to feel great at a job I don't feel like I fit in at while I'm also Not Having A Good Time. it's all made even harder by the fact that I rlly love my students and would feel sad not to see them again next year
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hanarchy · 2 years
i hate group events so much and it’s not because I’m bad at them or I dislike the people. I’m listened to, I can do small talk, I can do longer and more serious conversations, I can connect to people on some level, I know I’m respected at least by most of them, I even know that pretty much everyone likes me. I don’t fall out of the pattern at all, I can find something to talk about with almost anyone, I know I read social cues well. People tell me I’m kind and smart and they love having me around.
But I just also very distinctly feel like I will never be one of them. I don’t know how to describe it further or how to even quantify it and i know it sounds like some middle school angst shit but it’s just like. I’m just not part of the group in the same way as everyone else. And I know some people who have found their people and don’t care about that anymore and that’s all good and well but I don’t want that. I have also found my people. A few of you are a part of it and a few real life friends and I feel accepted by my family and it’s all ok.
But this kind of thing happens to me a lot and it’s like a new heartbreak every time. I really can’t describe it better than that because it’s not a passing sadness. It’s the existential knowledge and awareness that I am not like them and the realisation that they know as well as I do. I don’t think they can qualify it either because they also see a sociable, nice and present person but on some level they do recognise that I am just not there in the same way.
And all they can do to react to it is to extend the same kindness you would to an exhausted or overstimulated child. All they know how to respond with is a vague feeling of pity. I don’t know if it’s even conscious for them, but they do talk to me like I’m a child.
And both of these things combined just make me feel so pathetic. Once again I have no better way to put it but it’s just so damn pathetic and pitiful to be good at all the moves, to be a good listener and a place of comfort and someone people trust enough to tell all their biggest worries to and still just. Never be one of them. Never be part of the group in the same way, never be able to be understood in the same way as you understand.
Bc I think that’s the thing. I understand all these people, I really do. That’s why I don’t hate or dislike anyone. I have a lot of opinions on a lot of them, I have a lot of opinions on everyone, but I do also understand where they’re coming from. I can see myself react in the same way if I was in their shoes. But they never seem to understand me.
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downbadspanishlad · 2 months
Disclaimer: This post is only a reflection of my own autistic experience. My thoughts and feelings on this are only a reflection of who I am and what I've been through)
Trigger Warning: Possible trauma dumping
Hard truths I've written (for myself) about things I need to remember as an autistic adult:
1. You can't let your strong emotions influence you into interpreting a relationship to be more than what it actually is.
By that, I mean ANY sort of relationship. For me, it's been about my platonic and familial relationships. I'm one of those people who feel things too much. Having strong emotions is not a bad thing, but it can be bad when you let your feelings influence how you interpret the state of your relationship.
I've hurt my own feelings way too many times because I've repeatedly made the mistake of assuming people felt the same way I felt about our relationship.
A person who I thought was a close friend turned out to be someone who thought of me as nothing more than someone to consult as a "last resort" whenever there's no one else to hang with.
People who I thought liked me in high school were really only hanging out with me because of how pathetic I seemed to them. They only hung out with me because they felt sorry for me.
I thought my parents cared about improving our relationship until I realized I was the only one making an effort to make things work.
It's okay to feel things strongly, but you can't let your feelings lead your way of thinking. It's easy to get basic facts wrong when you do that - not just about general things but about your relationships as well.
2. You're going to be disliked by a lot of people you encounter, and that's a harsh truth you've got to accept.
Being who you are doesn't make you a bad person. It just means that a lot of people aren't going to like you.
Is the thing they dislike about you a harmful or unhelpful behavior, or is it something about yourself that is harmless and unchangeable? If it's the latter, then you shouldn't waste your time worrying about it. 
Not everyone has to like you, and that's okay. It's easier to accept the fact that this is just how things are instead of trying to change yourself to be something you're not.
Does it suck? Yes! Does it hurt to have to accept this about yourself? Absolutely! But it's worth ripping the bandaid off in the long run so you don't end up getting hurt even more in the future.
Note: I'm aware that a lot of allistic people (who make up the majority of people) dislike us autistic folks because of ableism and because we're different but that doesn't things hurt any less. 
3. You shouldn't assume how people feel about you unless you've got legitimate reasons for it.
This definitely could sound contradictory to my second point, but it's still worth mentioning. While a lot of people are going to dislike you for being who you are, that doesn't mean that EVERYONE is.
It's okay to have things about yourself that you need to work on (like your self-esteem and insecurities), but it's also important to not project your issues onto other people's perceptions of you.
Try to set your feelings aside and think logically about the interactions you've had with that person. Do your experiences with them show any sort of pattern of them being rude or mean to you?
Do they have a consistent history of showing social cues (that you can at least recognize) that show signs of disapproval or discomfort?
What about the things they've said to you? Have they told you they don't like you, or are you just overthinking things?
If you're too unsure about it, ask them! If say they do like you but you're still left feeling unsatisified with their answer, then try giving the friendship a chance to grow over time instead of asking them over and over again.
It's a self-sabotaging behavior to assume everyone doesn't like you and that you're an unlikable person. Will a lot of people not like you as you go through life? Yes, but everyone has to deal with that to a certain extent. You just happen to be one of the people who have to deal with it to a slightly larger extent.
It's okay to still not like yourself. Everyone has their flaws, and it's okay if you still have to work on that. But don't let that lack of self-esteem keep you from building genuine connections with people!
It's way easier said than done because it's really hard not to let your anxiety and low self-worth win. But meeting new people and forming new bonds makes it ultimately worth trying anyway.
4. You need to be careful who you're honest with (about disability stuff) because telling the wrong person could end up with everyone in an entire place viewing you as a child stuck in the body of an adult.
Infantilization is not your fault, and it's absolutely ableist. You SHOULD be able to ask for proper accommodations without people changing how they view you and your level of competence. 
Unfortunately, we don't live in a just world where things are handled properly. That's why you need to be careful who you open up to.
Also, you should acknowledge that most disabled people don't have the luxury of their accommodations being optional for them, so that's an area of privilege that you shouldn't take for granted.
Final Disclaimer: This post is more of a journaling thing than anything else. It should be worth mentioning these are hard truths I've learned for myself and myself only. But if I've said anything here that is wrong or harmful in any way, then I'm absolutely willing to consider any criticism folks have for me.
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angelicidiotsworld · 7 months
I have always wondered about the hollow feeling I get now and then. On a random Tuesday, a lucky night, an afterthought after I enjoy myself. The sense of having a void in my chest. When the whole world seems to stop, it becomes hard to breathe. How long have I been experiencing this? It's quite hard to tell, but I know it has been long enough. It starts slowly and gradually shows its depth; it's like a pit of void, getting inserted in the center of my chest and slowly eating me away. Waiting for me to give up so it can conquer the flesh of my body, the soul deep in me. 
I quickly try to hide it, avert my gaze, sound normal, look normal. But it stays on the surface, waiting for me to scratch it and unleash the demise settling on me. But it never does; it just stays on the surface. Sometimes, it seems like an empty warning, something eerie made up in my imagination. But sometimes, it feels so real; nothing else exists in that moment. That void seeks something urgently. I wonder what it is that it seeks. Satisfaction, company, isolation, change. It intrigues me, but my curious nature can not deny it harms me too. Even when it stops and I can not hear it, it is there, its presence heavily noted. In each step I take, at every corner of my shadow, every time my gaze falls to the mirror. It is there. 
Is it loneliness, the craving to have someone? or a fantasy made in me to satisfy whenever things go wrong? Do I need help to get over it, or is it nothing? All these questions plague my thoughts, and at that moment, it returns. It never stops. It is an unending cycle.
But it is not a new feeling at all. It is something I have experienced since I remember this world. Always there that unsettling feeling when something goes wrong, when everything is fine. It stays. But as you grow older, you get better at masking it. Talking about it to people seems so…burdensome. 
Especially when you are like me, always cheerful and bubbly, people tend to disregard you, feeling miserable. How can you feel so out of place when you shine bright in the room? Some people care, they ask, you tell, but it seems so….pathetic. Describing it, basically screaming through your words, “No, I am not as happy as I look. I am not that much of a sunshine. Honestly, I feel like I am standing naked in a thunderstorm, waiting for the lightning to strike me and end my misery once and for all.” But it never comes out like that; all that comes out is a dismissive laugh,  a reassuring “I am fine,” and sooner or later, people give up. Why shouldn’t they? You beg for them to drop it, yet you seek help. The problem with this whole concept is that everyone wants to urge you to be better instantly when all you want to do is let that feeling sink in. Let it drown all of you, to sit in it and feel. To feel it all, to breathe. Breathe in and breathe out; it becomes so hard to do that. At that moment, you do not want to get out of the pit; you just wish to breathe. All that person seeks in that moment is to live. But, the panic rush of getting up and outside the void makes you forget to breathe, and you fall deeper and deeper. It never ends. I wonder if it ever stops: one day if it randomly goes away, the parasite will not find you suitable anymore. But will its effects persist all your life? 
I am well aware I am not the only one miserable; I am well aware someone out there will find this written for them. Sometimes, you do not want to hear the tips to get better; all you need to know is that someone feels the same; they are coping, and so am I. You get so comfortable in the sadness you expect it, always. And when someone is willing to share that sadness with you, it feels like you will finally get better. But that turns out to be an illusion, too. So many people could be willing to help you, yet you will not feel better. You feel guilty for letting them down and disappointed in yourself. But, Oh God, what must you do? You are barely surviving yourself. You are barely surviving yourself.  I’d say cut yourself some slack, but it's easier said than done. All I can tell you is, just…be. Be you. I am unsure if it will ever end, but hopefully, you will shine bright and feel that way, too. For you are the child of the cosmos, a magical soul.
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prince-icarus · 3 years
honestly if i could just live my entire life without leaving my house i'd be alright
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luminnara · 3 years
Omega Depression || Alpha!Kiribaku x Omega!fem!reader
Hi! Can I request an alpha!Kiribaku x omega!fem!reader where she is strong on the outside, but sensitive on the inside. Then, some asshole alpha comes and insults her saying that she isn't worthy of having alphas and other super mean stuff that makes her go to omega depression. After that, she confines and isolates herself in her room, not allowing her alphas to enter. Days pass, she misses school for like a week, and her alphas are tired of waiting, so they bust the door and find their omega deep in omega depression and starving herself, and they're super worried and try to help her get out of it, cause she could die if not. The rest can be little angst with a fluffy happy ending!
Yo I live for alpha kiribaku, not gonna lie
Warnings: angst, mental health stuff, depression, eating disorder/starvation stuff, abo
Requests are open!
You were always happy with your alphas. Bakugou and Kirishima were the loves of your life, you were sure of it. The three of you got along well, and there was nothing you enjoyed more than spending time with your boys. You kept up with them easily, never having trouble when it came to handling Katsuki’s temper or Eijiro’s enthusiasm. They loved protecting you, too, not that you ever really seemed to need it; you were tough as nails, as far as everyone was concerned. 
You weren’t, though, not really. 
“What a useless little omega.”
The words kept repeating in your head, over and over.
“Two alphas? Yeah, right. You don’t even deserve one, not with an uppity attitude like that.”
They kept echoing, no matter what you tried to do. 
“What a stupid bitch. They should just leave your sorry ass. You aren’t worthy of anyone, much less alphas.”
You curled in on yourself. You felt sick to your stomach. How could someone say that about you? How could a shitty alpha go and ruin your mood, and your day, by saying something so awful?
“I am worthy!” You had argued. “And we’re happy together, so just fuck off.”
“Oh yeah? Then why haven’t they claimed you yet?” His lips had pulled over his teeth in a sick grin. “You know they’re just biding their time, waiting for something better to come along. You’re nothing to them.”
The little spat had been earlier that morning. It was rare that you ever went out alone; usually Eijirou or Katsuki or both of them were stuck to you like glue, but this had been one of those instances when you had absolutely insisted you would be fine. After all, you were just running a couple errands. You weren’t even going very far from campus. What’s the worst that could possibly happen?
Well...this, apparently.
You had rejected the advances of an alpha who had been eyeing you for quite some time. He was annoying and his scent always made you recoil, but you would never, not in a million years, have thought that he could hurt you so deeply.
Why were his words even bothering you so much? You knew your boys liked you. They made sure to constantly cover you in their scents, they happily gave up their shirts for you to tuck into your little bed nest, they held your hands and gave you sweet little kisses...
And yet, he was right. They hadn’t claimed you yet. There were no big bite marks on your neck to show the world that you were taken. Why hadn’t it happened yet? You always thought that maybe they were just nervous, and they wanted to wait for the right time. Maybe they wanted to wait until school was over and they were better established as heroes.
Or maybe they were just playing with you, maybe you were nothing more than their favorite toy for the time being. What if they got tired of you? What if they really were planning on kicking you to the curb? Without a bond mark, nobody would even blink if they cast you aside. It would just be a normal break up, nothing for anybody else to even care about or get involved in.
But your heart was already aching at the thought of it.
You huddled up in your nest, ugly sobs wracking your body as you clutched one of Katsuki’s hoodies to your chest. An undershirt of Eijirou’s was nearby, a few plushies that they had given you tucked in amongst the blankets and pillows. The scents of burnt sugar and cinnamon wafted around you, and as comforting as they usually were, they weren’t helping you now. Nothing was.
You heard your phone vibrate, but you didn’t reach for it. You didn’t care. You were too wrapped up in your own thoughts, absolutely trapped in your head now. You were plagued by those same words as they kept repeating, telling you over and over that you were worthless, useless, nothing.
When you finally managed to glance at your phone, you had missed texts from both your alphas. You replied to them with a couple of half hearted “yeah, I’m fine” -s, then finally slithered out of bed to make sure your door was locked. You didn’t want to face them when they came to bother you.
If they came.
You spent the entire day like that. When you were out of tears to cry, you just grew numb. It was the worst you had ever felt, and while some part of you knew, deep down, that you needed your alphas to come help you, you couldn’t stand the idea of them seeing you like this. How had you managed to grow so afraid? You usually told them everything, but now...now you abhorred the thought.
“Oi!” Katsuki’s rough voice came from the other side of your door, his scent wafting in. “Open up!”
You didn’t answer, curling in on yourself even further instead. 
“Omega!” he called angrily. “Stop ignoring me, dammit!”
“Go away!” you managed to squeeze out, your voice sounding weak and strangled. 
He was silent for a moment, his scent changing. It grew more burnt-smelling as his anger mounted, and as it reached your nose, you felt panic and annoyance spiking in your chest. 
“Omega,” he growled, voice low. You heard the doorknob jiggling as he tried to get in, but you had locked the deadbolt, and unless he unleashed his quirk right there in the dorms, there was no way he was entering your room.
“I said go away!” you yelled. 
On the other side of the door, Katsuki was fuming. The beginning sparks of little explosions were popping around his hands, and if Eijirou wasn’t there to hold his arms down at his sides, there was a good chance he would have done some real damage to the hallway. 
“Katsuki, c’mon.” the larger alpha said. “Let’s just leave her alone for a little.”
“Something’s wrong,” Katsuki pulled back as his partner started trying to drag him away. “She stinks.”
“Yeah, she definitely doesn’t smell happy,” Kirishima paused, frowning. “But...we need to give her the space, if she wants it.”
“Fuck that,” his partner spat. 
“Katsuki....” Eijirou sighed. 
Bakugou’s nostrils flared angrily for a moment, red eyes wild as Kirishima grabbed his arm once again. Someone was trying to drag him away from his omega, from his perfect little mate, and if it had been anyone other than Eijirou, he would have done far worse than simply dig his heels into the floor and growl in protest. Kirishima was right, though; if their omega wanted alone time, they couldn’t just barge in without permission. As much as it hurt both boys, as desperate as they were to get to you and make you feel better, they weren’t total animals. They respected you, and prided themselves on being two big, capable alphas who listened to their omega. 
They returned to their own rooms, expecting to at least hear from you within an hour or two. 
Hours turned to days. 
You texted them a few times, listless, half-assed messages that did little to reassure them. You would send a pathetic I’m fine or a It’s okay here and there, only after they had both blown your phone up for a few hours. It was the only reason they hadn’t tried to tear your door off its hinges; they knew you were alive, at least. But by the third day, Katsuki was beside himself, and even Eijirou was getting upset enough to consider using his quirk to get to you. 
You wished that he would. You didn’t want to face them, but at the same time, the fact that they weren’t tearing the building apart to reach you was making you even sadder. Your sad scent was starting to leech out into the rest of the dorms, and by the end of the fifth day, nobody could stop your alphas. 
“Oy!” Bakugou snarled, his fist thudding against your door. “Open up, omega!”
You didn’t answer, too weak and listless to bother. 
“Babe?” Kirishima asked, his voice strained with the effort of not yelling in panic. 
“We know you’re in there,” Katsuki growled. “Quit avoiding us!”
Still, you didn’t answer. 
Then, you could hear some shuffling, and the door was being torn off its hinges by Kirishima. Bakugou stormed in as soon as the path was clear, his red eyes blazing with anger, his hands balled into fists.
“You’d better show your face right fuckin’ now, or I swear I—“
He fell silent at the sight of you. His eyes widened, his nostrils flaring. Your scent was so strong and so incredibly miserable that a wave of nausea passed through him. He hadn’t expected that it would be so pungent in your room, and as he covered his mouth and nose with his hand, he rushed towards you.
“Baby,” he cooed, vaguely aware of Kirishima behind him, “what the fuck is going on?”
You tried to bury yourself in your nest, trying to burrow away from the world, but a big hand caught you around the middle and pulled you back out. Eijirou manhandled you easily, his eyes wide with concern as he sat on the floor and placed you in his lap.
“You haven’t been eating,” he observed, looking at your tired eyes. “Or sleeping.”
Katsuki was beside himself with worry. He was immediately sitting in front of his boyfriend, caging you in between them as he began looking you over. “What the hell is goin’ on?”
You didn’t want to tell them. Your throat was sore from crying, and you felt stupid for being so upset. So, you did the only logical thing you could think of and buried your face in Kirishima’s broad chest, clinging to his shirt weakly.
“Omega, please,” the big redhead pleaded, leaning his head down to scent you. “Tell us.”
You shook your head.
“We know Somethin’ is wrong, so spit it out!” Katsuki barked.
His voice was harsh, but you felt a warm, gentle hand on your back that could only be his. The familiar touch made you sigh, and after a shuddery breath, the dam finally broke.
“Th-there was an alpha,” you whimpered, voice muffled by Kirishima.
“What the fuck did they do?” Katsuki growled, his voice deep and savage. It sent a chill down your spine and you whined, clinging to Eijirou for dear life.
“Cut it out,” Kirishima snapped, snorting at his boyfriend angrily. “You’re making it worse.”
“I just wanna know what happened!” He grumbled, his hand pressing into your back.
You hiccuped as a little sob wracked your body. “A-an alpha I rejected, h-he told me…he told me that I wasn’t good enough for you.”
The low rumble in Kirishima’s chest was like nothing you had ever felt before. It was threatening and powerful, putting Bakugou’s growl a moment ago to shame. His arms tightened around you, the scent gland on his neck slipping over your hair as he tried to cover up your unhappy omega stink.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.” Kirishima snarled, uncharacteristically angry.
“Hey.” Bakugou slipped a hand around your waist, prying you away from the other alpha slightly. “Look at me.”
You faced him with teary eyes, and when you tried to shy away, he took your chin in his fingers. 
“We fuckin’ love you. Okay? I don’t say it much. Maybe I should say it more. But it’s true, ‘n no stupid, two-bit, shitty-ass alpha knows anything about the three of us.”
He leaned forward, pushing you back up against Kirishima with his head resting on your shoulder. You finally sighed, surrounded by the scents of your alphas, allowing yourself to relax as the dam broke and your crying started all over again. This time, though, it was freeing, and as your alphas rocked back and forth with you, you felt the dread and the anxiety slowly leaving your stomach. 
“Better?” Eijirou asked after a while. 
“A little.” you said, voice muffled by his tear-stained shirt. 
“Good.” Katsuki said gruffly, pulling you up to stand. “Let’s go get some food in you. Point that shitbag out if you see him...I wanna have a few words.”
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hornime · 4 years
watch and learn | iwaizumi hajime x f!reader x team japan
there were two things they all had in common: the growing bulges in their pants that they were urgently trying to distract themselves from, and the fact that their full attention was on you.
warnings: 18+, timeskip!everyone, BIG MANGA SPOILERS BASICALLY, exhibitionism, voyeurism, orgasm denial
w/c: 3.1k
a/n: now i don’t know if iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer learned about female orgasms when he was studying sports science at irvine BUT he def knows how to show a girl a good time which is reason enough for me to write this. also, i read this article to prep for this piece and it was super enlightening, so i do recommend giving it a read if you’re interested!
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in the middle of his morning run, iwaizumi slowed momentarily to check the repetitive buzzing of this phone, curious as to who was messaging him this early. when he’d left the apartment, you were sleeping, and you had the tendency to still be sleeping by the time he returned, so who else could it be?
he unlocked his phone, quickly finding the source of the notifications: the team japan group chat.
[06:43 AM] miya: hey @iwaizumi—you know stuff abt the human body right?
[06:43 AM] miya: cus like you studied it in college and shit??
iwaizumi rolled his eyes. i spent four years in america to earn my degree, came back home to support my country’s olympic team, and dealt with the biggest idiots of volleyball, only to get treated like this?
[06:44 AM] iwaizumi: yes, miya. i took many courses on the human body. in fact that’s the purpose of my job. to know the human body. because i am a fucking athletic trainer.
[06:44 AM] miya: okay okay i get it. dumb question
[06:44 AM] iwaizumi: why? is something up? you need help or anything?
[06:44 AM] miya: uhhh kinda
[06:44 AM] miya: @hinata i’m not fucking asking this
[06:44 AM] bokuto: bro just do it
[06:44 AM] miya: @hinata @hinata @hinata 
iwaizumi cocked an eyebrow. what the hell are they going on about?
[06:45 AM] iwaizumi: so am i needed or...
[06:45 AM] hinata: YES
[06:45 AM] hinata: we had a question
[06:46 AM] sakusa: by “we” he means him, miya, and bokuto
[06:46 AM] suna: yeah don’t bring us into this
[06:46 AM] hinata: don’t listen to them! both suna and sakusa wanna know too
[06:46 AM] iwaizumi: okay. what’s up
[06:47 AM] hinata: we wanted to know how to make a girl cum
he chuckled in disbelief.
[06:47 AM] iwaizumi: you’re telling me that you guys are in your mid-20s, literal olympic athletes, and you don’t know how to make a girl cum
[06:47 AM] iwaizumi: have you never done it before??
[06:47 AM] miya: NO
[06:48 AM] bokuto: ME TOO
[06:48 AM] bokuto: i think
he laughed out loud, briefly startling another runner on the sidewalk.
[06:48 AM] iwaizumi: you guys are unbelievable
[06:48 AM] hinata: i mean she says she finished but idk what i did to make that happen
[06:48 AM] bokuto: ^^
[06:48 AM] hinata: so like i wanna know how to actually do it
[06:48 AM] suna: actually im kinda interested in this too
[06:48 AM] aran: i pray for your future girlfriends. this is painful to see. im out
[06:48 AM] kageyama: i’m with aran on this one. you guys are dumb
[06:48 AM] hinata: shut up. you suck.
[06:48 AM] miya: cmon iwaizumi, help a guy out
[06:48 AM] sakusa: it wouldnt hurt for you to give us some pointers at least
iwaizumi sighed.
[06:49 AM] iwaizumi: @miya @hinata @bokuto @suna @sakusa meet in the locker room after practice. ill give you guys a lesson in the art of pleasing a woman
to teach effectively, he needed a volunteer, though he was sure you wouldn’t need much convincing. you’d always loved the attention, and the biceps, of the pro athletes. he spun on his heel and jogged home.
you woke up to the sound of your apartment door opening, your boyfriend creeping inside, forehead damp with sweat.
“hey,” you said quietly, making your way towards him.
“hey, baby. sorry for waking you up, i was trying to be quiet.”
you giggled sleepily. “s’okay, haji. you spoil me too much anyway, always letting me sleep in for hours while you’re off doing god knows what.”
at that, his eyes crinkled in amusement, and as you tried to step into a hug, he shuffled back. “woah there, baby. i gotta shower, ‘m all gross from my run. and then,” he gave you a peculiar look that you couldn’t quite place, “i got a proposition for you.”
after his shower, he waltzed out of the bathroom, steam wafting out from behind the door. his tanned body made you feel things you definitely shouldn’t be barely an hour after the sun’s risen, and you reached out to massage the tension in his shoulders. “so, what’s your proposition?”
“well,” he hesitated. “it’s a bit... unconventional. the team asked me to show them how to make a girl cum,” he took in your intrigued expression. “and it’d be a lot easier to explain if i had someone to do a live demonstration with. so,” his eyes flicked up to you. “that’s where you’d come in.”
“a... live demonstration? like you’re gonna make me cum in front of them?”
“yeah, essentially.” he gave you a devilish grin. “you want that, baby? wanna show those boys how a real man treats a gorgeous woman like you?”
you rubbed your thighs at his words. “yeah,” you purred. “i do. wanna show them how good you are to me.”
and that’s how you found yourself nestled between iwaizumi’s muscled thighs, back pressed against his chest, completely naked, with five of japan’s best volleyball players staring at your body in awe.
practically an expert in his field, iwaizumi knew the human body inside and out. this had many benefits; of course it allowed him to catapult up the ranks and work with the country’s best athletes to keep them at the top of their game, but it also had a unique side effect: an overwhelming vault of knowledge on how to make a woman feel good anywhere. 
you’d seen the proof firsthand; he knew exactly where to push, prod, stroke, and tease to have you cumming in seconds, over and over, as many times as you wanted. he was amazing, and you were well-aware just how lucky you were to have such a talented man in the sheets.
“oi,” iwaizumi snapped his fingers, drawing each of the players’ eyes away from your glistening cunt. “pay attention. i know more than anybody that she’s hot as fuck, but you gotta listen to what i’m saying or else there’s no point to this.”
he lightly pressed his lips against your collarbone, slowly tracing them against your jaw, the contact making you squirm. “if you wanna make a girl cum, first thing you gotta do is make her comfortable. if she’s worried about how she looks or sounds or smells she’s gonna be too stressed to let go.” he moved his hands to grope your tits, his calloused fingers brushing over your hardening nipples. “so reassure her, tell her how irresistible she is, how pretty her moans are, how tasty her pussy is. shit like that. the sexier she feels the better it’ll be.”
he leaned into you, whispering into your ear. “feeling good, baby? we can stop whenever.”
you nodded weakly, afraid to open your mouth, barely holding in your whines as his palms worked wonders on your chest and stomach, sending shocks of heat wherever they touched. 
you craned your neck up to observe the men before you. atsumu was flushed red, wringing his hands as if he was worried they’d do something embarrassing if he didn’t keep them occupied. hinata was bouncing his leg up and down, wiping his palms on his shorts as he took in the plushness of your thighs. bokuto was basically drooling, greedily tracing your soft curves with his eyes. suna maintained his indifferent expression, but the reddening tips of his ears showed that he was a lot more hot and bothered than he let on. sakusa stood quietly to the side, leaning against the wall, mask tucked under his chin as if he’d just realized how much the temperature had gone up in the room.
there were two things they all had in common: the growing bulges in their pants that they were urgently trying to distract themselves from, and the fact that their full attention was on you.
"make sure to try different things; there’s multiple ways to make a woman cum. only like a quarter of women experience orgasms just from penetration,” someone made a sound of shock. “yes, the number is that small, bokuto.” 
his fingertip slowly trailed past your belly button, dipping into the mess between your thighs, causing you to slightly arch your back into the solid chest supporting you. “foreplay with the clit is your best bet; even stupid fucks like you probably wouldn’t screw it up too bad.”
hinata opened his mouth to speak, but iwaizumi anticipated his question and continued.
“i know you’re wondering where the clit is. it’s around here, under this hood of skin,” he slid his digit between your labia. “s’not gonna come with a label so you gotta explore a little bit. i know where hers is like the back of my hand, but for you guys, with your girls, you’re gonna have to move your fingers around. slowly. and pay attention to her expressions.” he began to rub in a circular motion around your clit, causing you to make small whimpers of pleasure and shift your hips to meet his movements. 
“if she clenches up or twitches when you feel a certain spot, like this,” your legs flexed as he increased the pressure, “that’s the clit. be kind, it’s not a volleyball. be gentle n’ make small circles, whether it’s with your fingers or your tongue.” 
he thought for a second. “speaking of which, oral’s important. very important. most women cum when they’ve been eaten out, so use your mouths for something more useful than just dirty talk. suck on the clit, maybe tongue-fuck her a ‘lil, but your main focus should always be the clit.”
he removed his hands from your sopping pussy, and you made a pathetic noise of frustration. “’m sorry, baby,” he muttered seductively in your ear. “don’t wanna have you finishing too early. lesson’s barely started.”
he turned his attention back to your audience, his lustful tone being replaced by a more instructional one. “there’s other places that’ll help a woman orgasm, too: her nipples, her neck, her ears—”
“her ears?” sakusa questioned. he blushed profusely as everyone turned to look at him, surprised that he’d opened his mouth. “what? we were all thinking it.”
“s’a valid question,” iwaizumi said. “yeah, you can lick ‘em if they’re sensitive. hers are.” as if to prove his statement, he licked a stripe on the shell of you ear, making you wiggle helplessly at the stimulation. “‘n leave kisses everywhere else. feels good for them just like it does for us.” he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and forcing your movements to stop as he traced patterns with his tongue all around your neck.
“something you should know about an orgasm is that it’s something called a positive feedback loop.” he looked up and was met with five blank stares. shouldn’t have expected anything from these dumb jocks, he lamented. “basically that means that, once you start releasing sexual tension, things will feel better and better until you climax.”
“oh!” atsumu chirped. “like how my sets get better and better throughout a game.”
“no, not really,” he quipped. “your sets suck throughout.” atsumu frowned at that.
iwaizumi exhaled exasperatedly. “the general idea is that the body gets more and more sensitive, muscle contractions become more and more frequent, and touches feel more and more stimulating until you cum. all right?”
they all made noises of understanding except for bokuto and hinata, whose eyes had glazed over at the first mention of an academic term. whatever, iwaizumi thought. they’ll get it through example.
"don’t worry about it too much if you don’t get it, that’s just an orgasm on paper. in practice, though, this is the crucial step: listen to her. she knows what feels good. never forget that you’re just an idiot with a cock.” he took a breath, gathering his thoughts before proceeding with his lecture.
“if she tells you to slow down, you slow down. if she tells you to go harder, you go harder. if she tells you to keep doing what you’re doing, you...”
“keep doing what you’re doing”, they all chimed in at staggered times.
“that’s right. don’t go faster or else you’ll mess up the rhythm and she won’t cum. and you wanna make her cum, don’t you?”
they nodded simultaneously.
“so if you keep up the tempo and force that feels good to her, you’ll be fine. questions?”
suna spoke up. “what about,” he choked on the word. “penetration?”
hinata hummed in agreement and bokuto jumped in. “yeah, what if i wanna make her cum on my cock?”
iwaizumi made a weird face. “that’s some pretty advanced stuff, but i guess i can go over it. when you try it, though, you have to be patient. with both of your bodies. s’not rocket science but s’not always easy. also it depends on the woman but sometimes she physically won’t be able to finish from penetration alone. just make sure you’re communicating.”
his swirled two fingers over your hole before shoving them in, your wetness making it easy for him to thrust in and out as your entrance stretched to accommodate him. “f—fuck!” your eyes flew open at the intrusion and you body lurched forward, but you were held back by his strong forearm. “ohmygod, oh my g—ah! feels s’good haji, s’good!”
“i know, baby, i know. you’re taking it so well.” he turned his attention back to the men, each of who were gulping heavily. if that didn’t signal to you that they were evidently affected by your moans, the way they shifted in their workout shorts did.
“boys, focus.” he curled his fingertips, brushing at the spongy spot at the top of your walls, ripping a pleasured wail from your throat and causing tears to prick at your eyelashes. “when you’re fingering her, you’ll feel an area inside that’s a bit soft and squishy. that’s the g-spot.”
you trembled in his arms as he mercilessly struck the same place over and over again with his fingers. “when you’re fucking her, try to keep the pressure building there, but it’ll be harder to make her finish since you can’t see what you’re doing.”
your breath hitched as iwaizumi’s incessant movements brought your body tantalizingly close to your release. he suddenly stopped and you almost sobbed in disappointment, until he plunged his fingers impossibly deeper.
a guttural scream of ecstasy came from within you, and your eyes rolled back as he began playing with another part of you, your body putty in his hands. “hngh, haji, ah! so good, s’good...” you threw your hands back around his neck, nails digging into the skin as you desperately tried to keep yourself grounded. your soft moans filled the air.
“stop clenching,” he hissed. “can barely move my hand.” you tried to relax but failed miserably as the tips of his fingers grazed your cervix. 
“holy fuck,” suna muttered. “you’re a god.”
“she sounds so pretty,” atsumu said in amazement.
“i wanna make a girl feel good like that, too!” bokuto sulked.
“you can do it, bokuto!” hinata hit him on the arm. “just listen to iwaizumi. clearly he knows what he’s talking about.” 
their eyes refocused on your figure, writhing in pleasure, prompting white hot waves of arousal to pool in their stomachs. 
“yeah,” sakusa said. “clearly.”
“stop talking,” iwaizumi ordered. “and listen. beyond the g-spot is the cervix, which is basically the end of the vagina. if you’re long enough,” he briefly scanned each of their faces, “which i’m sure you are, you’ll be able to reach it if you bottom out.”
“haji—hajime, please.” the stimulation was coming absolutely unbearable, and you could tell he was sadistically holding you at the edge, refusing to give you the satisfaction of finishing. “lemme cum, please. please lemme cum, please, please, i can’t—i can’t take it ‘nymore!”
“what was that? you can’t take it anymore? gonna cum?” you helplessly bobbed your head up and down, hoping that he’d give you permission. “well,” he growled, “we can’t have that happening, can we?”
he abruptly halted his thrusts, pulling his fingers out of you with an embarrassing squelch and popping them into his mouth. pearly tears rolled down your cheeks as you grieved the loss of contact and relief.
your viewers looked on in horror, feeling immense sympathy for you; you just looked so dejected from being denied yet another orgasm.
“why didn’t you—why didn’t you let her cum?” bokuto asked.
“why do you think?” iwaizumi snapped. “don’t want you guys to see her when she does. that’s for me, and only me.”
“oh, okay,” he responded, disgruntlement clear in his voice.
iwaizumi’s glare could cut glass, it was so sharp. the possessiveness that had enveloped his mind made him hyperfocus on just one thought: being alone with you. “so, any other questions? if not, we’re done here.”
you pouted at that, not wanting the demonstration to be over. “but haji,” you mumbled into his collarbone. “i di’nt get to cum. and i wanna.” you looked up at him, eyes wide with want. “please make me cum.”
iwaizumi sent a harsh glance to the players that nonverbally communicated his message loud and clear: get out. they shuffled awkwardly out of the locker room due to the hardness between their legs that they would most definitely need to deal with soon.
your boyfriend turned his attention back to you. “’m sorry, i know i had to deny you a bunch of times. i just really hated the idea of anyone but me seeing the cute way you look when you cum.”
you made a small noise of acknowledgement and a little whisper of it’s okay, haji. he looked down, sensing the way your poor, desperate cunt was pulsing around nothing, the erotic sight injecting him with the pure need to ravage you.
he shifted his head to kiss you passionately. “why don’t i make it up to you?” he breathed between your parted lips before picking you up by the backs of your thighs, forcing you to lock your ankles around his waist. 
he delicately situated you onto one of the recovery beds at the back of the room, before murmuring something that made your pussy throb in anticipation: “i’ll make you cum whichever way you want, however many times you want, all right? all you gotta do is lay back and take it.”
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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ererokii · 4 years
Sooo... This request thing. You're aweosme 👉👈
Ooh boy it's a long one (changed it a bit)
-Erens so cute when he purrs and when you mention his curiosity and twitching ears ears and gentle touch, so as not to hurt the reader.
-when he kinda is paying attention to, analysing the reader or protecting them its SO cute
-It would maybe end as like cuddles and things and just... Talking. To him and him grunting or just nodding or thinking replies.
-Maybe be at night.
-Maybe it would start with... Eren In human form.
-Maybe he figures out that you don't think his titan form is so ugly but still a little new and scary and that maybe you like it
- Bam if you can somehow NSFW that... Uhmm?
So he... Turns into a titan and then. Some NSFW or just. Maybe he like. Scares or teases the reader on purpose for a reaction?
-And then NSFW somehow if you wanna put that in. Sorry for the way I type I'm kinda doing it as it all appears in my head lol
-I like your cute, and desperate eren, but also attentive and caring. I haven't seen you write a very cheeky or playful titan eren so maybe that would be nice.
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I REALLY ENJOYED WRITING THIS ONE. Here you monsterfuckers, take your TITAN SMUT.
WARNINGS: MONSTERFUCKING. Oral (f receiving), mention of voyeurism, overstimulation, dumbification, multiple orgasms, edging, characters are 18+.
If these themes make you uncomfortable or you rather avoid, please block the tag “AOT SMUT” WC: 1.7K
Also thank you to the amazing @galair for this beautiful art🥺 everyone go check her out
Eren stays deep within his thoughts as he hums to himself, staring up at the starry sky. His loose strands tickle the shell of his ear, itching to scratch away at it but refuses. He can’t recall the conversation before the silence. It’s always been on his mind, but he’s been inquisitive as to what you saw him as, even if he knew the answer.
Am I a monster to you? Or am I just like you?
You knew Eren was quite insecure with himself when it came to his titan powers; no matter how many times he asked you that, you always gave him the same answer.
You were never a monster; you’re just a broken human like me. 
For some reason, that has never failed to put a smile on his face. Being able to categorize himself with humans made him feel complete, separate from the monster people used to call him when he discovered the powers. 
But know that he’s aware (once again) of how you feel, does he scare you?
Maybe he could ask you--, but he doesn’t want to ruin the mood at all. Now that he thinks of it, he can’t recollect a moment where you’ve seemed scared to be in his presence, unlike other comrades who look like they’ll leak themselves any moment. 
Without even thinking, he blurts out the question. His eyes widen slightly when he realizes the words slipped past his lips.
“Am I scared of your titan form?” you ask, glancing over at him as you sit up, staring down at him from your position. “I mean, it is always somewhat overwhelming to see something so much bigger than me, and when I sit in your hands but no, besides that, I'm not.”
“Do you think it’s ugly?”
“I don’t,” you say with a smile, legs crisscrossed. “I think it’s unique. You know, just for you. I think it’s quite cute and--” you trail off, glancing over to the side. “--somewhat hot,” you cough in between words, hoping he missed that.
“Hot?” he asks, a hint of smugness evident in his tone.” You think it’s hot?” he leans up on his elbows, a smirk curled at his lips. “Why is that?”
“W-Well, I’m not going to tell you that! That’s too personal.”
“What if I turned right now?”
“Y-You can’t! Captain Levi and Hanji would come to chew you out if you did!”
“Hanji gave me the go-ahead to transform whenever I wanted to, just not to cause destruction,” he gets up with a grunt, backing up a few feet back. By the time he was in position before you could speak, lightning struck the earth, the ground crumbling from the shock. 
You dug your fingers into the ground, lowering your head from the gusts of wind. In no time, it calmed down as you avert your gaze upward, emeralds stare down at you from high above, brown tresses swooshing in the air. 
“You did,” you breathed out, releasing your grip on the dirt. Your hands are unsteady, still trying to compose yourself from the sudden change.
He’s not moving, standing as still as a statue before he drops to his knees, the birds sound asleep in the trees now awake and flying away from the commotion. Your heart feels as if it could burst from the confinements of your chest. 
Your left eye peeks open, cowering within yourself. Your body freezes when you see how close he is. His body is lowered to the ground; knees pushed in like a Sphinx. His eyes glow in the darkness, a new feeling taking over your body. 
His heavy breathing fans over your face, his head cocked to the side as if he was examining your small figure. He finds humor in your expression, nudging your body with his nose.
From the small force added, it caused your body to get pushed back. His ears twitch, the tips sticking upward. He moves forward, doing it once more.
“Eren, quit it,” you huff, sticking your arms out to keep him from doing it again-- which he’ll end up doing too. There’s no doubt that in that nape, he’s having the time of his life. 
He wonders what else he can do like this. He thinks for a minute, noises emitting from his throat. He sticks one of his hands out, shakily raising a finger, and places his hands in between your legs. 
He catches your gaze, his tongue peeking as he leans forward, barely pressing the tip against the bare skin of your neck. The new sensation causes your breath to hitch in the back of your throat, eyeing the pink flesh before gulping lowly.
Eren pulls away, looking at your skirt that happened to ride up your legs. His eyes seem to darken as his mouth closes, teeth grinding against each other. 
“Eren?” you question him as he inches closer, his head lowering slightly to the ground. You’re about to call for him again, but his tongue makes an appearance also, pushing the material up more. Your eyes enlarge, fingers curling around the fabric of your shirt-- to which looks like fear in his eyes. 
A noise of somewhat sadness comes from him, his ears lowering. 
“N-No, it’s okay, Eren,” you stutter, face heating up from his motions. If you were honest, you could feel a small wetness pool in between your legs. 
Before you know it, the tip of his tongue is in between your legs, the muscle lapping over your clothed cunt. Your arms are shaky as you let out a little gasp that sounds so cute to his ears; he can’t help but circle it around your clit. 
A predatory look is in his eyes, looking down like you were his meal. The muscle goes sound, poking at your slicked entrance. Panting, you glance down at the position and pull your panties aside, shivering from the chilly wind and hot breathing in between your legs. 
His jaw slacked; he works wonders on your needy cunt. The texture and saliva are enough to make you sensitive on the spot. Your eyes roll back as you chant his name, his tongue licking stripes up and down your folds, squelching noises occurring from his rapid movement. 
Your legs are shaking from the overwhelming sensation. God, it’s becoming too much, but you can’t stop him, nor if you wanted to. You felt as if you would fall to the depths of the earth but yet stayed in reality. 
The tip flicks at your folds, an incoherent noise getting stuck in the back of your throat when he begins to move it side to side rather than up and down. 
You’re so needy for him at this point. You want him to stuff your tight cunt with his cock, to feel him stretch you out as he fucks you to no end. Having him do this to you was on another level of ecstasy, but you would accept it if this came up again. 
The pressure he puts on your fragile body is enough to send you backward, but the way your heels dig into the ground and his gentle touches prevent that from happening. The slick left in between your thighs trickle down to your ass; the feeling becomes uncomfortable but erotic. 
“Fuck baby,” you whisper, head falling back, staring up at the sky with lidded eyes. “Fuu..p-please don’t stop,” you slur, thoughts clouding with nothing but immense pleasure.
God, what if someone caught you? The adrenaline running through your body wouldn’t even let you care about that. But the thought of someone hearing you moan out pathetically as Eren licks away at your cunt, have you moaning out. 
You wouldn’t be surprised if someone overheard. Eren’s tongue was a gift that meant to be cherished, even if that meant having him do this every day for you to get used to the sticky yet warmth radiating from the muscle.
The inside of your legs trembles, your head spinning in circles, rubbing small lazy circles on your puffy clit, desperate to be touched by his tongue. Your hole was being circled, his tongue barely pressing before retracting; the little shit was teasing you. 
One of his fingers gently places over your leg to keep you from moving so much. His finger alone is enough to make you feel weighed down. 
Your lips are moving, but nothing is coming out; no noise, no words. You’re completely out of it. Your fingers are clenching and unclenching around nothing, barely holding onto whatever it was you were. If someone were to ask you what day it was, you wouldn’t be able to tell the time of day or where you were at. 
“ ‘M gonna cum,” your voice comes out soft yet needy, shifting your hips side to side, bucking your hips to the best of your ability. “I wanna cum on your tongue.”
His eyes flicker, a stripe licked up between your folds before resting on your clit-- a place that desperately needs attention. 
Your delicate body is on the brink of defeat; an orgasm after orgasm washes over your body, and he shows no signs of stopping. You’re practically gushing at this point, your juices running down his jaw. You’ve made many feeble attempts to push him away; a growl would emit from him when you tried to do so. 
Sweat trickles down your face into your clothes, causing the front of your shirt to stick onto your skin—short breaths of air, hiccups erupting from your throat. Your eyes roll back as your body finally gives out, falling backward onto his hand that was keeping you upright. 
As you fall, a purring sound reaches your ears as his tongue finally retracts from your mess cunt, his eyes glancing at your slick sticking to you. His finger rubs the inside of your thigh, gently wiping away the transparent substance. His ears flicker as he listens to your heavy breathing, trying your best to catch the air that was taken away from you. 
He lovingly nuzzles his nose against your patella, his dark tresses tickling your supple skin. After being pushed through multiple orgasms, you weren’t even sure if you could walk or get up from this position. 
But he finally got his answer as to why you thought he was hot. 
Taglist: @trafalgar-temptress @galair @shisoaya @eremiie @bakuhoesworld @sweetdanibear @blueelionn @grabakitcata @erenstellar @onyxoverride @vinishsama @cellarhapsodos @connieswifey @murmikaa (please message me to be added!!)
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comfortbucky · 3 years
hey hey! can u do some fluffy bucky about having to share a hotel room w u and there’s only one bed!!!! and he’s trying to be respectful n stuff but man does he have the fattest crush on u! thank u <333
𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗱, 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗼𝘁𝘀 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 。˚
pairing: bucky x fem!avenger!reader
tags: enemies(?) to lovers BABYYYY, angst, fluff
A/N: i almost always write about tfatws!bucky in mind but let me try and branch out by writing about avenger!bucky hehe
i hope u enjoy🥺💗i absolutely loved this prompt and loved writing this!!!! (it is almost 4am for me as i am posting this :) i’m insane :))
this oneshot will not be following the canon timeline!
word count: 2k
my masterlist!
completed requests!
“Stick to the plan, Y/N.” Steve’s voice came through over the intercom. She rolled her eyes at his warning. He always seemed to be extra cautious with her, making her feel like an unimportant member of the team, and this mission was no different.
“I got this,” she said, completely ignoring his request and charging headfirst at the enemy. Her brash decision resulted in her receiving a heavy beat down, ending up with a split lip and fractured ribs.
Needless to say, Steve was pissed. He and Y/N developed a close friendship over the years, during his search for Bucky. She was oftentimes the one who would stay up all night with him, looking for any trace of Bucky’s existence online. She’d become one of the closest people in his life, which is exactly why he was upset with her, endangering her own life.
After the mission, he confronted her at the base camp.
“You could’ve gotten killed!”
“But I didn’t,” she snapped back. “And the mission was a success anyways, so I don’t get why you’re so mad right now.”
Steve closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing.
“It’s reckless behavior like this that’s eventually going to get you killed, Y/N.”
Bucky walked into the room and immediately regretted his decision as soon as he laid his eyes on Y/N. He’d come to foster an animosity towards her, after seeing her close friendship with Steve. After Bucky joined the Avengers, he noticed how much time they spent together, and jealousy started to fester within him. Steve was the only person he felt comfortable being around in the tower and she constantly took him away from Bucky. Everyone else seemed to have an aversion to him, or so he assumed. He never gave anyone the chance to get to know him, locking himself up in his room most hours of the day. Bucky didn’t think anyone would want to get to know an ex-assassin, especially one that killed the Tony Stark’s parents. She was the one thing that kept Steve away from him and he despised it. So Bucky did what he did best and avoided any sort of interaction with her.
Steve looked at Bucky and suddenly, an idea popped in his head. He had noticed how closed-off Bucky had been since joining the Avengers and refused to let Y/N be alone, worried that she might make another brazen decision. He hatched a plan to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
“Bucky,” Steve said, making his way over to him. “You and Y/N will be assigned to the same room tonight.”
Bucky choked on his own spit in response and Y/N began to protest.
“You’re not serious, right?” Steve turned to face her with a stern expression.
“You’re not giving me any reason to trust you to be alone.” She let out a defeated sigh and crossed her arms across her chest.
“Why me?” Bucky asked, trying to figure out how he ended up in this situation.
Steve placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder and looked into his eyes. “Because I trust you, Buck. I need you to do this for me.”
Bucky could see the desperation in Steve’s eyes and reluctantly nodded.
Steve was able to obtain another key card to the hotel room that Y/N was assigned to for the mission. He forgot to take into account the logistics of the sleeping arrangements, leaving Bucky to find a single bed as he entered Y/N’s room.
Bucky froze, his right hand on the door handle, keeping it open, his left hand by his side, holding his duffel bag. He racked his brain, trying to figure out what to do, when Y/N’s voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“Relax,” she started, motioning for him to come inside. “I’ll sleep on the floor, alright?”
Y/N knew that Bucky didn’t like her, despite Steve trying to convince her otherwise. It hurt her feelings a bit, especially after she’d learned so much about him through both Steve’s stories and the time she spent tracking him down. He was such an important person to Steve, her close friend, and Bucky hated her. At first, she figured he was shy and wasn’t ready to open up to anyone else, especially after all the trauma he endured. But she realized he actively disliked her over time, with Bucky always leaving the room when she entered or ignoring her offers to hang out with her and Steve. Eventually, she gave up on reaching out to Bucky, as she only seemed to upset him further, no matter what she did. She figured it was for the best.
Bucky stepped into the room and shook his head.
“Bed’s too soft for me anyways, I’ll take the floor,” he grumbled.
Y/N shrugged in response, knowing that Bucky would be too stubborn to try and argue against. She turned around and picked up the phone, calling the front desk to ask for extra blankets and pillows. When she hung up the phone, she turned back to Bucky to see him nod in thanks.
The rest of the night was silent, as they both prepared for bed, taking turns going into the bathroom to wash up and change. While Y/N was in the bathroom, Bucky arranged the extra blankets and pillows into a makeshift bed on the ground, something that he’d done countless times before. Y/N exited the bathroom in an oversized t-shirt that covered her shorts, and placed her toiletries bag in one of the hotel dresser drawers.
“Bathroom’s all yours.” Bucky grunted in response, grabbing some clothes and a bag headed for the bathroom.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” he stated, just before shutting the door behind him. Y/N scoffed at his comment, gently climbing into bed, in an attempt to not further injure her ribs. She winced as she tried to get into a comfortable position before settling to sleep on the side of her unaffected ribs.
Bucky emerged from the bathroom to see Y/N lying on her left side, her back towards him. He assumed that she had already fallen asleep and quietly crawled into his makeshift bed.
Approximately 10 minutes had passed, when he heard her sniffling. At first, he thought the noise was coming from outside the window, but he traced it back to her. He remained lying on his back for a moment, deciding whether or not to say something. Bucky sighed before speaking.
“You okay?” Y/N immediately stiffened upon hearing Bucky’s voice. She was hoping that he wouldn’t hear her crying, despite his super soldier hearing abilities.
“Yeah, ‘m fine,” she replied back, her voice wavering as she spoke. Y/N hated how weak and pathetic she sounded in that moment. Her fractured ribs made it hard for her to breathe and the adrenaline, that was previously shielding her from the pain, had faded, leaving her to lie there in agony. On top of that, she also felt that this mission solidified her belief that Steve had little faith in her ability to be an Avenger. The last thing she wanted to do right now, was to confess her insecurities to Bucky.
Bucky’s attitude softened, hearing Y/N’s voice crack when she spoke. He knew she’d gotten hurt due to her own, dumb, decision during the mission. Bucky quietly pulled his blankets off and stood up, leaving the room without saying another word. As soon as the door shut, Y/N burst into tears. Bucky did exactly as he’d done in the past many times before, leave. She wasn’t sure why this time upset her more than the rest. Probably because she knew that he was aware of her crying and he’d still chosen to abandon her completely.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, causing her to stop crying. Y/N listened to Bucky’s footsteps growing closer, and felt the bed dip under his weight as he sat on the edge she was facing towards. She peered over the blanket she was covering her face with, to see Bucky facing her, holding a bag of ice, wrapped in a towel. Bucky’s heart sank at the sight of her glossy eyes and tear stained cheeks in the moonlight.
“For your ribs,” he spoke softly, gesturing to the ice bag in his hands.
“Oh. Thank you.”
Y/N took the bag from him, attempting to slowly sit up. She closed her eyes as she grimaced, and suddenly felt a hand on her back, helping her up. Her eyes opened to reveal Bucky, with a soft smile on his lips. She silently thanked him again, placing the ice bag on the right side of her ribcage.
“Thought you hated me,” she mumbled, keeping her gaze down on her lap. He furrowed his brows, keeping his eyes on her.
“I don’t hate you.”
“Well, you definitely don’t like me.”
Bucky paused at her comment, thinking about his next words, before responding.
“I don’t like that you take up all of Steve’s free time,” he grumbled, causing Y/N to quickly look up at Bucky, his eyes averting her gaze. Her face fell, immediately realizing why Bucky had treated her so coldly all this time. He just missed his friend.
“I’m so sorry, Bucky.” She placed a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at her in response. “I didn’t realize, I’m sorry.”
Bucky didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t expecting her to be so kind and understanding, even coming up with multiple points to argue back at her. He realized then that he didn’t know her at all, but that he wanted to now. In an instant, she became an entirely different person. He studied her eyes and wondered if they had always sparkled like that, if her cheeks were naturally rosy, or if her lips had always been so pink and plump.
His expression softened and he cleared his throat. “It’s fine,” he muttered, tearing himself away from her gaze to look down at his lap. After a moment of silence, Bucky stood up to return back to the floor.
“Stay.” The words left Y/N’s mouth before she had time to process them. Bucky froze and turned to face her. “I mean, if you want to, of course. Just figured the floor must be super uncomfortable for you.” Y/N felt a blush creep up onto her cheeks and kicked herself mentally. She looked down at her hands, regretting the words she spoke, before feeling the bed dip again. She looked up to see Bucky. He smiled and she almost melted at the sight.
She shifted over, putting the ice bag on the nightstand, as Bucky crawled into bed next to her. The two rested on their backs, both staring at the ceiling in silence. Bucky remained at a respectful distance away, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. Y/N turned on her left side, her good side, to face him.
“I’m glad you don’t hate me.”
Bucky turned on his side to face her before responding.
“I don’t think I could ever hate you.”
A strand of her hair had fallen in front of her face and Bucky, instinctively, reached out a hand to tuck it behind her ear. Immediately, he regretted it, about to pull his hand back when Y/N took her hand and placed it on top of his, guiding it to rest on her cheek. He cupped her face in his hand and she leaned into his embrace. Bucky felt his heart rate increase as she moved her body closer to his, wrapping the arm she used to hold his hand on her face, across his side. He shifted towards her as well, wrapping his arm around her body, bringing her closer to him.
“Is this okay?” He whispered, nervous that he might have somehow misinterpreted the situation. He hadn’t been with a woman in such an intimate way in years and had no idea what he was doing. Y/N looked up at him and nodded, before snuggling her face into his chest and Bucky felt a wave of calm wash over him.
“Can you stay here tonight?” Y/N mumbled, her face pressed into his chest. He chuckled at the vibrations from her voice and kissed her temple, smoothing her hair back.
“I’ll stay as long as you want me to, honey.”
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MC’s half Demon, and they look AWFULLY familiar...
‘Kay guys, I got a different kind of stupid Headcanon to throw at you. Get ready!
Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Part 2.5 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
*ahem* picture if you will, it’s the day the exchange program is set to start. The student council (nix Mr. Kill All Humans, Weeb-supreme, and our Scummy Sweetheart) have assembled to welcome the new human student. All is going according to schedule, the portal opens up at eight am sharp, they hear the pitiful screams of the selected human who was not given a heads up about the whole thing, and the poor little human falls straight onto the marble floor.
There’s something a tad... off about this human don’t you think? After they’ve peeled their sorry ass off the floor they observed the assembled student council with an air of sophistication and self importance that no one expected. Their posture was perfect, their eyes sharp and calculating... they bared a striking resemblance to-
“Lucifer,” Diavolo looked to his right hand man, then back to the human. “The human kind of looks like you!”
And out popped four pitch black wings from the human’s back and two small horns out of the sides of their head, one horn was a bit bigger than the other. They even still had some of their down feathers! How cute!
((Content warning: Swearing (I have a potty mouth, forgive me), but that’s it.))
So, the MC is Lucifer’s kid! Of course Mr. Prideypants immediately tries to recall exactly what little romp in the human world uh... spawned this half-human half-demon child of his. Good thing MC’s got the other parent on speed-dial.
“Please note, MC,” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose upon hearing Asmo take even more pictures of his newly discovered hellspawn. “I was not aware of your existence, if I was I’d-”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not upset.”
Lucifer blinked a few times in surprise. “P...pardon? You aren’t upset?”
“No, my parent told me that my father was a high ranking demon, and they bare no ill will against you. Though, I am looking forward to this whole... exchange program thing.”
Oh wow, that was easier than Lucifer thought. Damn. Well, he was a father... (let’s be real, he’s been parenting his brothers for thousands of years, and a good chunk of you sinners call him daddy)
MC is probably the most protected student at RAD, despite the fact that they have no visible security detail whatsoever. They didn’t want to be seen as... weak and pathetic.
Something about this human just... set the lesser demons on edge. Any talk of eating them was stamped out on the first day when they walked by. It’s like Lucifer himself was staring at them, daring the demons to try and bother the human. MC’s powerful presence kept them protected and feared.
...at least until dear uncle Asmo decided to do their hair one morning. All those ribbons may have looked adorable but they kind of ruined the intimidation factor.
MC loved to mess with the other students, keeping their lineage a secret for the first little while just made it so much funnier when the other demons tried to scramble out of MC’s way without looking like they were running from the ‘weak little human exchange student’.
Oh wow, what a sadist. Like father like child
Flying lessons are a must. Poor MC isn’t terribly good at controlling their wings, and their horns are still growing in so when they pop into their demon form the first thing they get is a sore skull. Ow... it sucks that Lucifer isn’t outwardly very sympathetic.
“Ow!” MC crashed face first into the grass in the backyard of the House of Lamentation. “Father! My wings are cramping! Can’t we practice this tomorrow?”
The sight of seeing his dear child crash face first into the ground had lost its hilarity after the first three times. Lucifer slowly lowered himself to the ground and crossed his arms as he stood over his incredibly grass-stained kid.
“MC, we’ve been ‘practicing this tomorrow’ for the past month. If you want to learn to fly you’re going to have to actually manage to stay in the air for more than three minutes.”
MC shot Lucifer a withering glare that only preteens were capable of, Lucifer matched it with his own much more sophisticated glare.
“You’ve been flying for over a thousand years! Don’t you have any tips that can actually help other than ‘don’t panic, you’ll look ridiculous’?”
Lucifer dragged a gloved hand down his face and looked around, the two were alone as far as he could see.
“MC,” Lucifer began. “When I was a young angel, I needed to learn how to fly with someone else.”
MC perked up. “Who?”
“Michael. The smug bastard picked up flying quicker than I did.”
“What’d you do?!”
Lucifer smiled at his child’s intense investment. “I practiced flying every day for five extra hours until I could do everything that Michael could do, just better.”
MC’s starry eyed interest died almost instantly upon hearing about the extra five hours of practice. “Humph, I bet I could outfly younger you and Michael with only two hours of practice a day.”
“Really now?”
“Yes! Watch!” MC shook off their wings and took off in a running start before shakily making it into the air. Their form was decent enough, and they weren’t shaking as much as the previous attempts. “SEE?!”
“Yes MC,” Lucifer smiled. “I can see.”
You know what else Lucifer could see? MC crashing right into a tree.
Okay... maybe they could halt practice a little early and order a treat from Madame Scream’s. A little sugar to refuel is needed when the end goal is crushing a mutual rival beneath their heels. Just some good old fashioned father/child bonding time!
MC has a smaller seat right next to Lucifer’s seat in the Assembly Hall. I will not compromise on this one.
For all your fluff needs, I give you: Lucifer teaching MC how to play the piano. He has a proud little smile on his face when his kid finally starts getting it. That’s all. Enjoy the image.
That one Uncle who gives you Alcohol at Family Gatherings (Mammon)
Yeah, when Mammon burst in late to the party and whining about everyone’s spamming him with texts to haul his scummy ass to the Assembly Hall, the last thing he expected was to see a mini-Lucifer.
“What the fuck am I lookin’ at?!”
The glare the two Lucifers gave the poor Avatar of Greed was enough to make him want to turn tail (uh, wing) and book it down the hall.
“Mammon, this is MC. They’re my child.”
“...whaaaa..?” Mammon looked between the two, same glare, same intimidating aura, same annoyingly good posture.
Mammon scratched the back of his neck and looked over at his older brother. “Do I uh... still gotta babysit em’ if they’re not human?”
“The lake of Cocytus will melt the day I let you babysit without supervision.” Lucifer grumbled.
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
Despite Lucifer’s initial denial, Mammon and MC ended up spending a lot of time hanging out when Lucifer was busy with paperwork. Of course Mammon’s first thought was ‘how do I profit off this situation?’
MC is now Mammon’s designated babysitter after they caught him picking up their feathers that had fallen off with the intention of painting them white and claiming they were Lucifer’s from back in the Celestial Realm.
Mammon does end up spoiling MC a little. Just a smidge. They’re the kid of his totally not his favourite brother after all! How could he not? Whether or not these gifts are obtained legally or are legal at all is subject to scrutiny.
“Mammon, I can’t drink this!” MC placed the bottle of Demonus back on the counter of the kitchen.
“Why not? That’s a bottle of the good stuff! We gotta celebrate you gettin’ an A on that test somehow!”
“I’m underage! Incredibly underage. I’m not legally allowed to drink.”
Mammon wordlessly plopped a silly straw into the bottle. “...does that help?”
“No.” MC then inclined their head to the bottle. “And I don’t want to get hung from the ceiling, that bottle was in my father’s study yesterday, I’m above theft.”
“How old are you s’posed to be anyway? Never mind... uh...” Mammon wracked his brain for something else he could do for MC that didn’t cost anything (don’t judge him, the poor bastard was flat broke!). “I could... teach you to drive!”
“Yeah! Drivin’ is awesome! We can take my car!”
The bills for the damages done to the car and the Devildom were mailed to Lucifer the next day, and MC and Mammon got to keep each other company as they hung from the ceiling. Ah well! At least MC wasn’t upside down!
Mammon wasn’t that good of a flight teacher either, he also crashed into a tree (the same tree MC crashed into, actually) when he was cheering for MC. They were finally able to do a loopdy loop! He was proud and distracted! Okay?! Lucifer! Stop smirkin’ at him! It’s not that funny!
At least the vantage point from the tree was decent and the branches didn’t scratch him up too badly. Oh hey... that person walking by was wearing a very nice watch... he’d be right back-
That Uncle That is Always Absent From Family Gatherings and When He is Present He Leaves Early (Levi)
He missed everything. That is not an exaggeration. He was in the middle of an online raid battle and couldn’t look at his phone! No Lucifer he can’t pause an online game! That’s not how it works!
Okay, the human exchange student is half demon? WOAH! THAT’S JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME- W A I T. THE LITTLE NORMIE IS LUCIFER’S KID?!
Okie doke, he was fully convinced that MC just had to be an anime protagonist.
They binged every series that Levi compared them to. Sure MC might have missed a few assignments because of late night anime binges, but they were too good for this school crap anyway, right?
Nope. Lucifer put a ban on the two watching anime until both their grades improved. Surviving that hell brought the two together.
The sound of a pencil case being haphazardly thrown across the room made Levi peek out of his bed-tub. If his figurines got knocked over so HELP HIM-
“This is stupid!!I shouldn’t have to catch up with this!” MC crossed their arms and gave their Demonology textbook their best disapproving glare.
Lucifer Lite (tm) was having a hell of a time trying to claw through their missed work, and Levi sympathized, he really did, it’s just... he was playing Animal Crossing-
Levi paused the game to placate his anime-buddy when their wings popped out and he feared for his rare merch’s safety.
“H-hey, MC? Do you need help?” Levi’s offer was met with a bone chilling glare that lived rent free in his nightmares ever since. He had pulled a Mammon and forgotten he was talking to Lucifer’s child. Lucifer’s allergy to help must have passed down to MC.
“No! I don’t! It’s just... dumb!” MC hissed, she turned and looked over at the fish tank. “Right Henry 2.0?”
Henry 2.0 did not respond.
“MC, you need to finish your homework or we can’t watch anything together,” Levi sighed, he had finished his work over an hour earlier. He had mastered the art of all night anime binges and managing to do most of his work in the fifteen minutes between the time he woke up and the time school was supposed to begin. “We haven’t even binged all of volume 4 of TSL yet!”
“Mmm...” MC grumbled. “Fine...”
MC picked up their pencil case and began continued their work. Levi breathed a sigh of relief and went back to Animal Crossing.
The tiny normie did in fact finish their work, only after they caved and asked Levi for help. Swore him to secrecy, they did... very intimidating, they were.
Just saying, he most definitely sent that one Keanu Reeves meme with big Keanu and little Keanu but with Lucifer and MC to the wrong group chat. Poor bastard.
Flying lessons? No. Levi hadn’t flown since his time in the Celestial Realm, he had no advice to give other than: “Flap your wings!”
MC didn’t get to finish that thought, they lost their balance and fell right into RAD’s fountain. Ah well, Levi had a head start on running for his life that he squandered by laughing at MC. RIP.
The Uncle/brother/whatever the fuck that Starts a Fight With Your Dad at the Family Reunion. (Satan)
Oh... another Lucifer? Eugh. Gross.
Satan gave the kid a wide berth when they first met. Everything the kid said or did ticked him off. “Tsk. Look at MC. Making an omelette. So annoying.” “Oh wow, MC vacuumed? Roll out the red carpet, we need to celebrate their existence!” “Look at them. Breathing. Disgusting.”
MC’s pride wouldn’t ever let them admit it but... they knew Satan didn’t like them, and it hurt their feelings.
“Shhhh,” Satan whispered into his backpack.
“Meow.” The backpack replied.
“I said shhhhh.”
The backpack did not reply after that, which was a good thing considering the little princet of the HOL was nearby.
“Satan?” They asked. “Who are you talking to?”
Satan coldly brushed past them as he made his way to his room. “No one you need to concern yourself with.”
When the little calico kitten was safe in his room, Satan quickly realized a mistake in his foolproof ‘sneak a cat into the house’ plan. He didn’t have any toys for the kitten, and he didn’t want his books getting scratched...
It was alright, he’d just rush out to the a store that sold cat things and rush back! Five minute trip tops!
Well when Satan got back the cat was no longer in the room. Oh dear. He discreetly tore apart the house looking for the poor little thing until he ended up finding it in the library, happily chasing around a loose feather being held up by MC.
“Oh, hello Satan.” MC chirped as the kitten batted it’s adorable little paws at the feather.
“My... my door was closed. Did you let the cat out?”
MC shrugged. “I heard meowing.”
Satan ran a hand through his hair and grumbled. Stupid smaller Lucifer. Stupid original Lucifer. Everyone sucked.
“Let me guess, you’re going to run to Lucifer and tell him all about the meowing and the rule breaking.”
MC shook their head and glared at Satan. “Of course not. I’ve already gotten way too attached to this little guy anyway. We’re co-parenting this kitten like mature adults.”
With some coaxing, Satan did sit down and play with the kitten, maybe MC wasn’t... so terrible.
The two watch Unsolved Mysteries together, that’s their show. “This guy did it.” “Satan, we’re two minutes into the episode-” “Trust me.”
Thirty minutes later.
“He did it.” “See MC, what’d I tell you?”
Lucifer did find out about the cat, but with enough pleading, MC and Satan managed to warm up the cold spot in Lucifer’s chest where his heart should have been. The cat’s name is Detective Toe Beans (or just Bean).
Satan can’t fly, he has a tail, but he did read up on wing anatomy and how flight actually works in demons, his advice would be good in theory, but it’s full of so much technical jargon that MC can’t understand it.
At least MC didn’t crash into something, they barrel rolled through one of the HOL’s windows. Good thing it was the window to their room. The broken arm still hurt like hell.
The Best Dressed Bitch Who Brings The Booze to The Reunion. (Asmo)
Lucifer’s kid was SO CUTE! A thousand pictures commemorating that adorable moment needed to be taken! Wait- Lucifer- GIVE BACK THE PHONE-
Asmo, surprise surprise, absolutely adores little MC! So cute! So small! He was just so excited to announce to all his Devilgram followers that Lucifer was finally a certified DILF.
That post disappeared five minutes after it was made but the damage had already been done.
Asmo made sure MC looked their best at all times, if they needed help talking to anyone? Asmo’s got their back!
Sure, maybe he’s a little pushy, but pushy’s a good thing sometimes, right?
“No, these shoes wouldn’t fit you...”
“No, not these ones either...”
Asmo squeaked and jumped upwards, Geez Louise... little MC’s voice could sure be scary when they wanted it to be...
“I don’t need any fancy new shoes.” MC huffed, sitting up straighter in one of the chairs in Asmo’s room. “I thought this was supposed to be a sleepover.”
“Hmmm...” Asmo pouted. “Makeovers are an essential part of sleepovers... what’d you do with your human friends up in the human world that could possibly be better than a make-over?!”
MC began to list things off. “Ordered junk food, talked about people we hated, watched movies,”
“Greasy food is so bad for your skin...” Asmo cringed and shook his head violently. “But I’m totally down to watch a movie and bitch about people I hate!”
“Ah yes, human sleepovers, a tradition I never quite had the chance to enjoy.” Solomon said from Asmo’s bed. “Who are we bitching about?”
“Remind me what Solomon is doing here.” MC muttered as they sat down in front of Asmo’s TV.
“Because, I wanted to hang out with my two favourite humans.” Asmo cooed, reaching over and trying to pinch MC’s cheek, which they awkwardly dodged.
“Can we watch The Exorcist?” Solomon asked, propping his head up with his hands.
“Ew, no.” Asmo made a face at him. “That scene with the vomit? Hell NO.”
“Mm.” MC mumbled. Asmo turned to look at them.
“MC? Are you doing okay? You don’t look like you’re having any fun...”
“I’m fine.” MC grumbled.
Asmo pursed his lips, as much as it made his little narcissistic heart break, he nudged MC. “Why don’t you pick the movie, sweetie. I’m sure Solomon and I will like anything you pick!”
MC noticeably brightened. “Let’s watch Scream!”
The strangled noise that came from Asmo was... concerning, but to his credit, The Avatar of Lust held his tongue about his distaste for the movie, and the three slumber-party goers had quite the lovely time.
After the movie ended, MC went back to their room, sure it was a sleepover but their bed was right down the hall.
Good for Asmo and Solomon. Horny fuckers. We stan.
Asmo just claps and tries to cheer MC on when it comes to their flying lessons. (The idea that Asmo came up with to wear his cheerleader costume from the previous Halloween was immediately shot down by Lucifer)
“You’re doing wonderful, MC- WATCH OUT FOR THE POWER LINE!”
MC didn’t hit the power line, but Asmo’s scream of terror caused them to fall butt-first into a dumpster. Their injured tailbone served as a tragic memory of the incident.
Oh well, good thing Asmo had nice smelling soap to give that could mask dumpster-stink.
The Uncle that eats everything and tells you to eat your veggies while you angrily pick at your broccoli at the kid’s table. (Beel)
Lucifer... has a kid?! Beel choked on the cheetos he had snuck into the Assembly Hall when the kid’s wings popped out.
Oh wow, that’s nice :) maybe they can eat together. Belphie would probably like them.
Wait what is the gender neutral term for Niece or Nephew?
...Nibling? Uh... let’s not say that around Beel. We don’t need him to get hungrier and begin associating MC with nibbling on things.
The Underground Tomb incident probably went a little differently, but after all that nonsense, the two are closer than two peas in a pod!
Mmm... peas...
“Beel?” MC stepped into the Avatar of Gluttony’s room.
“Hi MC.” Beel was doing push-ups in the middle of the room, on the ground right beneath his head was a massive bowl of spaghetti that he bit into every time he completed a push-up. “Can you come stand on my back? I need the extra weight.”
“On your back?” MC padded closer. “Are you sure? It’s not going to hurt?”
“No, it’ll be okay.” Beel assured them. “Belphie and I did this all the time. Except Belphie is normally asleep.”
MC tentatively stepped onto Beel’s back. It was a balancing act to say the least, they eventually gave up on standing and ended up sitting cross legged between Beel’s shoulder blades.
“You did this with Belphegor?” MC asked.
“Yeah,” Beel sighed. “He was always too tired to exercise, but he’d let me bench press him sometimes...”
MC frowned and hugged their knees to their chest. Knowing full well that Beel’s twin wasn’t in the human world like Lucifer said was absolutely ripping them apart from the inside. Guilt felt just as rotten as their pride did when they were being belittled...
“Maybe you’ll see him again sometime soon.” MC whispered. “Maybe my father’ll come to his senses and let him come back down to the Devildom.”
Beel paused his push-ups for a brief moment, then nodded and went back to his eating exercising combo. “I hope so. He’ll like you, MC. I’m sure of it.”
MC nodded. “I... hope so.”
Beel’s a pretty decent flight teacher, but his wings are just so different from MC’s that it renders any tips he had next to useless.
“MC, maybe your wings aren’t flapping fast enough.”
“Beel, I appreciate the thought, but I’m not a hummingbird. Or a fly. I don’t need to flap my wings a million times a minute to stay afloat.”
Ah well, MC tried to take some of Beel’s advice, but their lower right wing cramped up and they ended up flying in circles until Beel was able to catch them. Ah well, better than the dumpster incident the previous week.
The Uncle That Passes Out in The Basement and You’re Not Allowed to Wake Him Up Even Though All Your Toys and Video Games Are Down There. He Also Picks a Fight With Your Dad’s New S/O Before He Passes Out. (Belphie)
Sitting in the attic was quite a drag, and this supposedly weak little human was quite the annoyance to try and call out to. It took a lot longer than expected, but when he heard little footsteps coming towards his prison, Belphegor nearly jumped with joy.
Oh... it... looked like Lucifer. Smelled like Lucifer. Stood like Lucifer. Quacked like Lucifer. Or... trilled..? Whatever sound a peacock made, this brat sounded an awful lot like Lucifer.
A... half-demon. Hmph. Belphie honestly thought Lucifer had actual standards. Not anymore, he guessed.
(Man I could fill a whole-ass fic with the Belphie betrayal thing, but for now let’s skip to post attic nonsense)
Okay so maybe MC wasn’t disgusting. They made a good nap buddy. It was cute when their wings came out when they were sleeping sometimes. Well... it was cute when they didn’t hit him in the face and make him wake up with his mouth full of feathers.
What Beel said had been true, Belphie made a good substitute when weights weren’t available, but Beel didn’t want MC to feel left out, so Belphie and MC ended up sitting on his back while he did push ups. MC once got bored and started playing Go Fish with Belphie on Beel’s back while he exercised.
Yes. MC is still a member of the Formerly-Anti-Lucifer League.
“Are you sure he’s not going to be too mad at us?” MC asked for the dozenth time that day. Detective Toe Beans was wrapped around their neck like a scarf (he had gotten so big!!!) while MC nervously sat in one of the Library chairs.
“Positive.” Belphie said with a toothy grin. “Besides, he’s like putty when it comes to you. Just give him your best puppy eyes and we’re not guilty on all charges.”
Putty..? Really..? Lucifer..? How strict was he before MC got there... they wondered.
“Sh! He’s coming!” Satan stuck his nose into a random book, it was the Oxford English Dictionary... and it was upside down.
Belphie pretended to pass out and MC decided that the best course of action was to stare deeply into their cat’s eyes. Yeah... that looked casual and not weird.
“Satan, MC, Belphie.” Lucifer nodded to the three of them as he walked towards the entrance to his study.
“Afternoon, father.”
Belphie let out a cartoonishly loud fake snore that nearly caused both MC and Satan to break cover and start laughing.
Side note, Bean had adorable widdle eyes! That cute little face was just to die for-
“You three..!”
Belphie, Satan, and MC peeked their heads into Lucifer’s study, their handiwork was perfect. Everything was covered in red post it notes. Perfectly not harmful, but SO inconvenient!
“You’re all cleaning this up or so help me-”
“GO!” Belphie and Satan each grabbed one of MC’s arms (Satan also grabbed Bean) and sprinted out of the House of Lamentation. Maybe they’d move back there in twenty years... they hoped that Solomon and The Angels would let them crash at Purgatory Hall...
Belphie had used up his physical energy supply for the next four years. He passed out the moment they stepped into sanctuary. Time for a nap...
Flight practice? Ha. Belphie’s napping. Though, he was suspiciously awake and filming whenever MC did something stupid.
“Try not to suck so bad.”
“I’m already there. Hell is every second I’m stuck here watching you fail.”
Well... MC mastered the dive bomb that day. Lucifer bought them a cake.
Bonus! Your Dad’s New Husband! That Has Managed to Somehow Make Everyone Hate Him Despite the Fact That He’s A Cinnamon Roll. (Diavolo)
A mini Lucifer? A mini Lucifer!
Diavolo dotes on MC like he’d dote on his own kid. MC wants a crown? They’re getting a crown! A damn nice one too! MC wants a title? Here! MC is now... idk Ruler of the area between Majolish and Hell’s Kitchen.
Poor Uncle Mammon’s got some financial insecurity, he’s still the cool uncle... right?!
He is very much that ‘how do you do fellow kids?’ Meme.
He tries to do stereotypical ‘dad’ things but he’s not very good at them. Once he tried to host a barbecue...
Barbatos saved the day, but Mammon’s hair was still singed, Solomon’s cooking still gave Beel food poisoning (SOLOMON EATS TOXIC WASTE I SWEAR-), Luke still got hit in the face with a frisbee, and Simeon got an unhealthy dose of DAD NERVES and got so stressed everyone was almost blinded by the holy light he suddenly started blasting. We do not mention the water guns.
(Seriously whose bright idea was it to give Belphie and Satan water guns while they were in Lucifer’s presence?)
Praise Barbie. He’s too good for them.
“Um...” MC awkwardly held up the baseball, trying to look at it from all angles like it was a completely alien object. “Lord Diavolo... are you sure you want to play catch?”
Diavolo clapped his hands and bounced on the balls of his feet. “Yes! It’s a thing human fathers do with their children, correct? We must make up for lost time between you and Lucifer, right?”
Lucifer massaged his temples and nodded. “If you two would like to play catch...” Lucifer grimaced. “I will too.”
“Okay! MC, throw the ball to Lucifer!” Diavolo instructed.
Lucifer half heartedly held up his baseball glove as MC tossed him the ball. He caught it, and looked over at Diavolo, who was applauding like he just witnessed the greatest feat in sports history.
“Okay! Throw it to me!” Diavolo waved his glove in the air, Lucifer rolled his eyes and smiled. He threw the ball at Diavolo with... a lot of force. Enough force to probably dent steel... Diavolo caught it like it was nothing.
MC suddenly feared for their safety.
“Okay MC, catch!”
Diavolo threw the ball with enough force to break the god damn sound barrier. Well, maybe that was an exaggeration, but the ball sailed way over MC’s head and crashed right through a window.
“Oh my...” Diavolo put a hand on his hip and surveyed the damage to the window. “This isn’t so bad, I believe in human world TV shows this happens quite often. Look! The glass broke in a perfect circle!”
“Yay... property damage...” MC murmured.
Lucifer sighed and pulled out his DDD. “I’ll phone someone to replace the win-”
“Lucifer no! Now according to human world customs we must,” Diavolo took a deep breath, rushed forward, grabbed both Lucifer and MC’s hands and started sprinting away from the Demon Lord’s Castle. “RUN FOR IT!”
“Di- Diavolo!” Lucifer gasped.
“Who are we running from?! That’s your castle!” MC squeaked.
“I don’t know! Just run! That’s what the human TV show says to do!”
Weirdly enough, Diavolo was the best flight instructor. MC’s ability to fly increased tenfold after Diavolo found out that MC was learning to fly.
“You’re doing amazing MC! That was a perfect turn!”
“Thanks Lord Diavolo, I’m surprised I haven’t crashed into anyone or fallen yet!”
“Well, I highly doubt you’ll be crashing into anyone anymore, your flying is practically perfect now!”
Mammon proceeded to fly past them holding what looked like Lucifer’s wallet.
“Oh... I wonder what he’s doing. Look, MC! It’s Lucifer! Hello Lucifer dea-”
Lucifer ended up colliding with the two of them and sending them all crashing to the floor.
That was the last time MC fell during flying practice.
(We currently have a Go Fund Me set up for Mammon to get the funds necessary to flee the Devildom after that incident. Please donate to save- oh shit hi Lucifer-)
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wackywritings · 3 years
Rafe Cameron - hurt
"Rafe?" Her question was uncertain, quivering lips doing nothing to hide her anxiety-ridden thoughts. She had nothing to be afraid of if it was the boy she thought it was. But if it wasn't, someone was currently breaking into her bedroom through her window, and she'd have no way to defend herself.
"Yeah." His voice threaded through the darkness of her room. She'd let out a relieved breath at the familiarity of it, but she had no reason to be relieved. If anything, the very sound of his voice, nothing but a strained whisper, should make her worry. The clicking noise of her bedroom window shutting making her so very aware of his presence in her room. Once again.
His footsteps surfaced, then, and it only took a couple before he was at her side. She could barely make out his form, the outline of muscular thighs replaced by broad shoulders as he crouched down next to her bed. For a second she thought she saw his hand reach out to her, and thoughts of him tenderly stroking her face with his large hands, perhaps tracing a calloused finger over her lips, which she would part to huff out a shaky breath she'd be holding way too long, surfaced in her mind.
Instead he reached for her bedside lamp. The light made her eyes squeeze shut for a second, and she knew he must be surpressing a laugh at how ridiculously pathetic she looked as she did. Her messy hair sprawled out across her pillow and the shirt he'd left here last time engulfing her body as it functioned as her pyjama top no doubt adding to that image.
For a moment she thought her worry over him had been for nothing. That he was finally here because he wanted to be, and not because he had to. But when her eyes adjusted to the light she realised she'd been wrong to think that way, and she quickly sat upright.
"Jesus, Rafe." Her eyes raked over his face, examining the bruise forming underneath his eye that blossomed far out to the side of his face, the dried blood underneath his nose that had dripped onto his lips. It must leave a metallic taste on his mouth that she wouldn't mind taking away at all. She'd stare at the droplets a little while longer if she wasn't so aware of his gaze being directly on her. So she looked into his eyes, concern written all over her face.
"It's nothing, Y/N."
"What even-"
His large hand coming up into the air as he angled his head signalled for her to not ask that question. What even happened? It was a simple question, one that he no doubt knew the answer to. But he didn't allow her to know it too. The second to last time he'd come to her, she'd learned later that he'd fought with JJ. He looked worse than Rafe did, admittedly because she'd iced his cheek to prevent any swelling. But she couldn't help but wonder if he had felt worse about it. Hurting her friends.
"Am I gonna have to lie to my friends again?" She questioned then.
"Y/N." It was pleading, tired, desperate, annoyed. Her question had crossed a line. If he talked to her more, perhaps told her more about himself so she could piece together what he was all about, she'd know he wasn't mad at her question. Simply afraid that whatever judgement she had towards him would stop her from taking care of him. From caring about him.
So he answered. "No." It was firm, and his voice was hoarse. But it was honest. "This was Topper." A dry laugh emanated from his lips, his gaze at her so serious it would be unbearable had they been in any other predicament then they were now. She was confused, sure, but she'd asked enough questions for the day, so she kept her mouth shut as she nodded her head towards her ensuite.
It was routine now. He'd lean against the sink, entrapping her between his legs as she worked on the cuts and bruises. Hisses leaving his lips involuntarily anytime she applied a little too much pressure. Softer touches would follow, as would her muttered 'sorry' and shushes as she took care of him. She'd try time and time again to find any sign of pain in his eyes, but he always had them closed. It wasn't pain, though. No. It was pure bliss at her tender care, at finally having someone there for him. It was also because he knew her well enough that with one look into his eyes, she would unravel him like a ball of yarn; all his worries and twisted thoughts and pain would be displayed to her. Most importantly, she'd see the love he held for her. And he was sure he wouldn't find the same in her eyes.
"All done." She whispered after a while, taking a step back from him. His sign to open his eyes again. "You gonna be okay?"
He nodded, swallowed thickly before smiling a wry smile. She was talking about more than just his injuries- and he knew that. But he couldn't bring himself to open up to her. Not yet, anyway.
"At least tell me Topper looked worse." She tried to lighten the mood. Sensing his discomfort, wanting to push further but dancing around it nonetheless.
"Nah. He kicked my ass." He chuckled. Swiped a hand across his lips to hide his smile, a habit that she'd picked up on way back when he came here the first time.
"Get him next time, then."
"Are you condoning violence now, Y/N?" He tsked at her.
"I would never do such thing." But the smile on her face betrayed the fact that she was, even though she was merely teasing him.
"Hm. Sure. Not as innocent as you look, are ya?" He pushed himself off the sink, taking a step closer to her.
"You're not as good of a fighter as you'd think, either." She crossed her arms across her chest.
He had to look away, then. It gave her the opportunity to momentarily stare at his lips again, only to realise that he was biting them at her remark. She had to look away a lot quicker than she'd wanted, sucking in a breath as she did. He would no doubt be surprised at the blush that adorned her cheeks as he looked back at her.
"You're really not afraid of me, are you?" It was an earnest question stemming from her challenging remark, and as he looked at her flushed cheeks, her doe-like eyes staring up at his figure, he realised he didn't have to ask it in the first place.
The shaking of her head only confirmed his thought.
He didn't know why he responded the way he did. He could've taken another step closer, engulfed her figure in a tight hug, kissed the top of her head. Thanked her for what she did for him. Really thanked her. But instead he felt bitterness. Tasted it, too, combined with the metallic taste of blood that suddenly resurfaced. His brows furrowed, and he just knew she noticed the tears that formed in his eyes but never once spilled. The anger in his eyes made her drop her arms to her side. His whole body felt stiff all of a sudden, his shoulders tensing as he balled his fists. Her expression changed as he did, her lips tightly shut together at his abrupt change in attitude. He scoffed, took an uncertain step backwards before turning his back to her. He had all intention of leaving without another word. But he doubted himself. Like he did all the fucking time. His hands were brought up to his hair, fingers raking through his locks before tugging on them in frustration.
He only turned his head halfway as he couldn't resist the urge to look at her. His jawline sharp as his jaw clamped shut, the dim bathroom light overhead made the contour all the more prominent, as it did to the bruise contrasting his pale skin. He knew with the way he was staring at her, he looked intimidating. He'd seen plenty of people sink into their own when they'd see him like this. The thought made his eyes roll back. She had dropped her shoulders, her eyes wide as she kept her gaze on him. Not in fear, but in disappointment. She, too, had hoped their little teasing had lasted longer. God, why was he like this.
"You should be." The bitterness seeped through, bordering on the line between a sneer and a threat.
And he left her there. Climbed out the window just as he'd come in. Sure, he'd come back as soon as he got beat up again. They'd never even mention this night. But it would play on his mind like a record player that had gotten stuck.
Truth is, he was scared. Not because he thought she was going to hurt him like everyone else did.
But because he knew she wouldn't.
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sneakerdoodle · 2 years
anyway i am thinking about Hunter really really leaning into his role as the oldest kid in his baby sister*'s weird little gang and being sort of pathetic about it
(*Luz tries to bite him every time he calls her that but he is secretly very sappy about the sound of it)
at first he's soooo awkward and nervous and comparatively gangly and does not know how to Behave but he's doing his best sort of muddling through it all. the gang can't figure out if their hang outs stress him out more than give him a positive social experience, but just have to trust him that he does enjoy their company
he braves into vulnerability ones and asks "so, uhm... would Ed and Em be good people to ask about, uh- sibling things??", and Luz and Amity reply "no" in unison, so he talks to Viney instead. she's like, "okay dude, this feels sort of too utilitarian for a friendly chat, but sure, if that's what you need". they get boba tea and lean on fences awkwardly as Viney tells about keeping her sister safe like making sure she doesn't fall down acid puddles, and Hunter's like, "do you need to watch them for stuff like that??" and Viney says "uh, duh, she's like, five", and Hunter has to realize the sibling experience is not unviersal. they still get more boba sometimes tho
he does end up asking the twins for advice out of desperation, and their verison is, "your sacred duty as an older sibling is keeping your lil sis and her dork friends out of trouble when you can, but making sure parents never know what they get up to, or you'll be getting them into trouble instead". Hunter's a fucked up little boy so he does not have a good enough understanding of what "trouble" would look like (Ed and Em's perspective is quite skewed too tbf), so the next time the gang like, sneak some knock-off snacks that make you puke fire onto their sleepovers when explicitly told to "not burn the house down" (a truly unfortunate use of the hyperbolic sentiment), Hunter spends the entire time incredibly stressed. at the end what gives them all away is his own fearful fretting, and Eda patiently explains to him in private that the way he was treated was not fair to him, that she would never subject him or anyone else to anything of the sort, and that the main form of reprecussion in the Bad Girl Coven is not getting to choose what ice cream flavours get included into the monthly treat haul shopping list. how kids make stupid choices, and a good chunk of them are the kind of stupid she enables, and anything else should mostly be handled via a calm and transparent conversation about personal safety. he has a lot of feelings about that
if they ever go to the human realm for an extended stay Hunter does his best to get a driver's license to drive everyone to the mall and stuff. i don't think it necessarily goes well but he tries his darnest. he ends up being the older friend others send off the get tickets to a gorey horror movie and he is incredibly confused about why HE is the one who has to do that, until it all clicks while he's already at the counter. so then he gets so so nervous the cashier actually asks for his id to make sure he himself is sixteen already. he doesn't really, have one??? he tries to identify himself as "the golden guard" and the person is like "yeaah, idk what that means. whatever tho here you go"
he basically volunteers as a near-constant chaperone and Camila is skeptical at first but accepts. she seems pretty serious about it so Hunter becomes slightly more aware of the dangers the Demon realm actually presents, and gets nervous about disappointing her. there is about a week or two where he seems pretty on edge but things remain their normal type of weird and everyone is still pretty good at taking care of each other, and he is very happy to be a part of that, but also very ready to be the one taking responsibility if anything serious does go down
i think he's very fascinated with and confused by this new form of responsibility: it coming from his heart, rather than something imposed on him. it's concerning the well-being and safety of people he actually cares about, who do their best to uplift and protect each other and himself, whom he is so ready to protect with all he has. if anything genuinely bad happened to them while Hunter was around he would probably feel extremely guilty (and they would all be there to comfort that). but at the end of the day it's that, no one is forcing a responsibility that he is not ready for onto him. he feels responsible because he cares, and because he believes he has the knowledge and skills to help keep his younger (and less, child soldier-trained,) friends safe. and no authority figure would actually punish him if he ever felt like he "failed" to do so; they'd be just as equally concerned with his well-being and safety
all that said, if something explodes during glyph experiments and the room is fully covered with a thick layer of green goo, it's a race between him and Luz to who can pin the blame on the other first
i really like the idea of Hunter watching these younger kids quietly, in more and more awe. he genuinely thinks they're amazing. there is so much to them, so much vibrancy and talent and vision, and there is so much honesty in their friendship with each other. he feels like he's learning a lot from being around them, about his friends, about friendships, about himself
once he mellows out a little bit from being a jittery wrangle of nerves, he is snarkier and snappier, trying desperately to get that cool older brother vibe going; but when it really comes down to it, he is their BIGGEST hype man around. he notices Gus getting quiet and prompts him to share in confidence, and it's tricky because for Gus, it's the very isolation from his peer group that makes him feel inadequate sometimes. talking about it to yet another older kid is a challenge because some part of him feels desperate to not acknowledge their age difference, to "fit in". but Hunter is so so understanding, because - hey, it's so lonely to be a severly traumatized teen. you don't necessarily have the same experience as any other of your peers - you've had to deal with shit they never even had to imagine going through. but searching for understanding from people older than him is not necessarily helpful, either. it's like he's living out an entirely different version of teenhood that only a person with a similar experience would be able to connect to
and Gus gets that so much. they can't give each other intimate understanding of what their respective experiences feel like - but they find solidarity in their weird isolation, and encourage each other to still enjoy other people's company, even if they can't quite understand them, cause, hey - they care about each other a lot. would be a bummer if they let their different histories keep them from nerding out at the library or mauling each other at flyer derby training (everything is fair game on the field and sometimes violence is a bonding experience)
Willow's been putting so much work into building a social life she is happy with, becoming more and more confident, feeling more and more celebrated; she's so much more involved with other students' lives and hobbies now! but it's hard to not get down on herself when things don't seem to work out, and her bullies are much less prominent now, but they're still around, and she spent so much time so deeply lonely that the feeling just, comes back sometimes. and Hunter is dumbfounded because she is genuinely one of the coolest people he's ever met. he sees how far she's come since she was lonely, isolated, rejected on the grounds of her perceived inadequacy, and he is bewildered by the fact that the rejection ever happened at all. Willow is a freaking star! that, of course, makes him have Feelings about whether he ever deserved his rejection in turn. they're a lot to process and he takes his time doing that. but he doesn't hesitate even for a second before showering Willow in all the validation in the world and acting out all of her greatest flyer derby feats in great detail with dramatic explosion sounds (Willow snorts as she reminds him nothing actually blew up but he ignores her). he gives her impromptu piggy back rides to shake her up while shouting Emerald Entrails cheers and it is incredibly embarrassing
there is obviously a lot of room for relatability for him and Amity, and it's more her inviting him in on the solidairty she and the twins already share. Hunter's been alone in this for so long, they want to give him space to express it all without necessarily unloading to much onto him. sometimes, though, Amity still needs someone outside of her family to be traumatized around. Ed and Em always had each other, and their relationship with their parents is different from Amity's in many ways; and even if things have been better lately, there were still many times their shared abuse made them and Amity act toward each other in ways that were hurtful
Hunter understands that; understands how a toxic environment makes it so much more difficult to be better to each other. he's seen it way too many times. he wants Amity to know she is safe to express and share that here, that she can hurt, that she can be horrified at the implications of tattling on the twins to their parents - without knowing for sure how severe of a punishment their mother would come up with. to feel awful about the way she treated Willow for years, and Luz for months. (weeks???? however long it was.) and he also wants to learn from her, because she's so grown from that so, so much. he wants to support her, to watch her grow into healthier and healthier bonds, a more and more secure image of herself - and he wants to understand what makes her current relationships so good, so solid, so mature and communicative
it's so easy to imagine him and Luz bonding over their shared passions, and... so difficult to imagine them relating emotinally fgdhjs, to me personally at least. it's the siblinghood of it all. their form of emotional support is elbowing each other and calling the other person "egghead" whenever one of them gets bummed out before showing them a funny pensta post. Hunter does worry about not being able to be there for Luz in all the way she might need him to be, and it's not like many people can understand what she's going through. she is learning to be more and more open with her friends, though, and Eda is in on most of her life events either way, and he feels pretty safe leaving his sister in the hands of a more experienced and very freaking cool adult. he's still on the lookout for low moods and always ready to cheer her up however he can. on a rare occassion, he'd offer her emotional honesty, too, but Luz is like, "respectfully, you have no emotional intelligence whatsoever, and also, ew, gross /aff"
anyway!!! i just!!! am so invested into him caring deeply for all these other younger kids and wanting desperately to be a good presence and influence in their lives; but he does not quite know what sort of Guidance he can give them, and that's sort of embarrassing at times; but also, his unrelenting care and adoration towards all of them and his readiness to relate to them and encourage them, showing them how amazing they are at working with their circumstance, how much he sees in them from his place in life and personal experience, is so so meaningful and good for all of them. also: stupid shenanigans
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levicanpunchme · 3 years
AAAAAA I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCHHHH SYEGHQYEHW can i request something where the reader tries to persuade levi to take a break from his paperwork?? aaaaaaa i literally love u some much jagduwyshdsj thank you<3333
AAAAAA, I LOVE YOUUUUU 🙈 thank you so much for the kind words 🥺 I’m sorry this took a while but it’s finally here~! And thank you for requesting babe <333
Levi X Y/N
Genre: Romance/Fluff/Angst
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Sharing Your Exhaustion
The hallways were eerily quiet, presumably because the members were drained off after hectic training; they couldn’t help jump into their dreams before they had to head back for more painful training. You took nimble steps towards the captain’s room and rushed to open the door, knots forming in your stomach in bustling excitement. Yesterday, Levi was so busy with paperwork, you had chose not to visit him, not wanting to disturb him. There were days when you had to ignore your feelings because you were in a relationship with none other than Captain Levi, the strongest solider who shouldered the burden of humanity’s right to existence.
As you stepped in, you realised the room was lighted up, which was foreign because by this time, Levi would be waiting for you in bed with lights off. Your gaze sauntered from the empty bed to the wooden desk next to the window and caught sight of your raven haired boyfriend, seated before his desk with a pencil in his grip as he sharply wrote something down. You frowned, staring at the clock for reconfirmation.
It was one am. By this time, Levi would have tidied up his messy desk, taken a shower and waited for you to come over-sometimes even making personal trips to your room to get you.
You lightly shut the door behind you, taking light steps towards your hardworking boyfriend. Despite making zero to no sound, you caught his attention immediately as if he sensed you around; his bleak eyes seemed to warm up like the moonlight, his thin lips morphing into a tiring smile.
“How was training?” His gentle voice already calmed your nerves. “Tiring,” you muttered with a generous smile and made your way to his chair.
“Tch, don’t work so hard, brat,” he gruffly muttered, his voice etched with concern.
Nearing him, you noticed the blue lines of fatigue on his pale skin carved under his eyes, his forehead creased from tension, posture seemingly uncomfortable with his back positioned away from the chair, probably from leaning down to observe papers. An awful feeling arose in the pit of your stomach. Your judgment stood corrected as you observed the stack of parchments bundled on the side of his table. Just looking at it gave you a headache.
You instinctively stepped closer behind his chair and snaked your arms around his neck tightly, recompensing for the time away from him. The smell of him on the shirt you were wearing was nothing compared to his actual embrace. The shower you had taken before had helped your nerves ease after practise but Levi’s embrace completely sucked every last drop of ache out of your body.
A breathy sigh escaped his mouth as he eased into your hold, his breathing calm against your frame. For a moment, it was only you and Levi in your own bubble; nothing else existed. Two aching souls finding peace in one another. And then a moment later, the bubble bursted.
“Y/n, turn the lights off and get some sleep. I’ll need to stay working,” he put his hand over yours which were resting on his chest and nudged his head against yours, encouraging you to go to bed.
You frowned, your chest tightening.
Ever since the commander’s announcement for a new mission outside the walls, the workload was piquing- especially for the captains. The pile of documents needing Levi’s attention were still toppling his desk and he hadn’t even moved an inch from the worktable since before yesterday night. You didn’t see him at practise, lunch, dinner or even in the meeting with Hange. He seemed to have disconnected entirely from human interaction, determined to get his work done.
“Levi, you’ve been here since the whole day,” you muttered, expressing your discern with a frown. Your arms only grew tighter around him worriedly.
He shook his head, giving your hand a tight squeeze. “It’ll take me one more night and I’ll be done.” You peeled yourself away from him and stared at the man with desperation. You had come to a realisation that Levi coped in different ways in tense times. When the atmosphere became grim, he spent days drowning himself with papers and refused to take breaks- as if he was punishing himself. Even when he came back from expeditions, you wouldn’t see his face until a week after. He stared at words for so long that they probably haunted him.
“Levi, you’re overworking yourself to the bone. You need sleep,” you argued, scowling at the lack of concern in his narrow eyes.
“I’m perfectly fine, don’t worry. Now, go and get some sleep. You must be exhausted,” his words were stern, commanding you and his gaze indifferent, holding no room for debate. His eyes remained cold but you could tell he felt apologetic as he softly caressed your cheek with his palm, stroking them. He limply smiled, then nodded at you and motioned towards the bed, implying you leave him alone.
You stared at him distraught. How could Levi expect you to turn away and conveniently slip into bed while his red-rimmed eyes were starving for rest as he pushed himself more and more? Again an unsettling feeling arose in your chest; even his fingers were inflamed from gripping the pencil for too long; he rubbed the back of his neck occasionally which meant he had been craning it for too long to read the goddamn papers.
Your fists clenched in despair as you bit back the curses you wanting to ensue; dating a workaholic man with zero awareness was a pain in the ass. You sighed sympathetically at the man you loved and then stepped closer to the desk, in front of him. You grabbed one large pile of his documents and brought them with you to the bed.
“Hey-hey! What’re you doing?” He immediately sprung out of his chair, and it made you want to cackle because it was probably the first time his leg muscles contracted since he sat down with these documents on that damned chair.
“I’ll help,” you explained as you sat cross legged on the cold sheets of his bed, picking up the first stapled document.
“No,” he rasped. “You are doing no such thing. Get to bed, right now,” it wasn’t a suggestion but a chilling command; Levi’s tone was dangerously low, making your stomach knot up with nervousness.
You glanced up and regretted it immediately because it magnified your anxiety: his misty eyes were staring down at you scornfully, burning your skin; his chest heaved impatiently and his fists were clenched like he would pounce at you any second.
“Every-fucking-one is beaten after today’s practise, I know that. Just because I wasn’t there, it doesn’t mean I don’t know shit. Hange informed me about your pathetically long training,” Levi’s voice was oddly rough but the coldness in his eyes melted. His face was scrunched in distress.
You loved this man so much with every part of you. How could he be worrying over you when he was literally starving and sleepless from the work pressure? Your nose burned, and you felt your eyes welling up, with overwhelming emotions, but you didn’t let him see that or he’d lose his sanity and flip the world over to know exactly the reason behind your tears.
You stepped out of the bed and walked close to him, edging to him until his nose was brushing yours conveniently since you both were the same height. At close proximity, his almond shaped eyes were tired-red and sully but there was also a strange glint of warmth in the dull grey clouds, reflecting the effect you have on him. His breathing was unsteady as he stared directly at you.
“If you’re too exhausted, we can share the exhaustion just like we share love, Levi,” you whispered, your lips meeting the corner of his mouth and landing it with a kiss. Jitters ran down his spine and his mouth tingled.
We can share exhaustion just like we share love. The words reverberated again and again in his head, tugging at the strings of his heart. At that moment, he wished to throw you into his bed and kiss your exhaustion away. He forcefully stepped back, his insides twisting in misery, desperate to have his way with you. You were always so understanding. Levi could never wrap his head around how you were so transparent and loving. You stood by him in miserable times, struggling to heal his endless wounds. Your selflessness ate at him because in this big, relentless world, he only wanted you to be selfish.
“I’ll arrange these documents, so you’ll know which ones merely require signatures and which need proper attention. It’ll decrease your workload and reading time to a great extent.” You were already on the bed, reading through the document with vitality.
He surveyed you for a moment, his heart drumming faster against his chest. “Come on, get going. We have a lot to do.” Levi timorously stepped back, watching you.
You already got to work and started assessing papers and reading through files. You almost threw in the towel by your fifth document but continued working, determined to help him. You mentally praised Levi’s great work ethics, his neat textura script making you smile.
Levi, on the other hand, stood frozen in his tracks; his chest felt strange as he watched you work on his documents. No one had ever done this-not that he ever wanted it. Hell, he was the strongest, most independent man, who never let his guard down which is primarily the reason why people didn’t bother with him. He alone equated to the strength of a thousand army of titans. He created this headstrong image for the world, Levi Ackerman, the hope of humanity, as he filled in gaps of weaknesses left in his trails.
Why did you see him? You knew he could take it, then why didn’t you let him be, like everyone else? Why did you want to shoulder his burdens by sacrificing your peace?
His head began pounding.
Before he saw you today, he was perfectly fine with his negligent ways: he didn’t feel his stomach rumbling from emptiness, his mouth as dry as the desert, his back aching from distress or his eyes stinging from sleeplessness. Now, when he saw you rubbing your red eyes, squinting them to read the documents and massaging your template in soft circles, he recovered his sanity.
As if he regained his humanity, his body which was numb from the moment he sat with those papers, collapsed into a surge of emotions.
He couldn’t bear it.
He treated himself inhumanely. But not you. God no, never you. You didn’t deserve it. He couldn’t treat you the way he treated himself. He’d rather throw himself off a cliff than give you a taste of his pain. Feeling overwhelmed, his vision blurred as he took heavy steps towards you. You looked up from the paper, hearing him moving towards you and your breath ceased.
Silver eyes were shadowy with a thunderous wave of agony, and a deploring frown weighted down his lips as his steps faltered towards you. You immediately stood up, your hackles rising in concern. You had never seen Levi look so defeated and beaten— not even when he came back from outside the walls. Your stomach twisted in despair. Maybe you had hurt him in your attempts to stick beside him. You felt tears choking your vision as you waited for him to throw you out of his room.
He was an inch away when his body fell against you, a squeal leaving your mouth. His arms were clasping around your waist as he pushed his weight down, causing your knees to buckle against the bed and you both fell. He was on top of you, his body completely attached to you like he were a part of you. Your heartbeat escalated as Levi looked at you, his red eyes drunk with exhaustion staring into the depth of your orbs.
Inside your dark eyes, he only saw himself. Only himself. His breathing hardened, mouth watering at the sight. He couldn’t take it anymore, his love for you triumphing over the last shred of common sense left in his brain. Drained and disillusioned, he found solace within you.
He attacked your mouth like a starved beast, every ounce of his being wanting you to feel the love bustling in his veins. Your toes curled in pleasure, the warmth of his mouth creating an euphoric sense of stability in your soul. You gripped his hair softly, running your fingers through his scalp and his eyes screwed shut in comfort. His lips kissed to your jawline and in the crevice of your neck, trailing downwards, marking your skin as his.
Your moans and his heavy breaths filled up the silence in the room.
“I love you,” he whispered and you swear you felt a wet droplet fall against your skin. Your stomach clenched; It was his first time telling you he loved you. You tried saying it back but no words left your mouth, just a stream of sobs.
Before, you felt him love you through his own unintentional ways but nothing could counter these three words falling off his lips just for you.
And then he rustled against the sheets, laying beside you and pulled you on top of him, your head resting against his chest. His heartbeat vibrating against your frame caused your tense body to ease in his hold. The documents sat on the edge of the bed, neglected. Soon slumber overpowered both Levi and your senses. Even though you both had to wake up within the next-six-hours, It was the best damn sleep Levi had ever gotten.
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