#like it didn't try to scratch me or bite or anything
boyslugs · 6 months
i am SO annoyed at my city rn... there is no way to report that you've found a lost pet after business hours unless it's injured, and even the non-emergency police line goes to voicemail. i had to leave a cat that was WAY too friendly to just be a stray on the street, because it had no collar, no visible ear tattoo, but like. the fact that it let me pick it up to check its ears for tattoos without getting mad at me? that's someone's pet! i made a pending post in the local group of the neighborhood i'm staying in about it, but because i'm catsitting i can't bring some random cat back overnight until the spca line opens again. i'm so worried about it but i really can't do anything with no identifying information and no injury. i could get up early tomorrow to go see if i can find it during daylight and hopefully report it to the spca properly, but the chances of it still being in this area are slim because cats wander, especially at night as rodents come out. i still might anyways, but man. i hate that there's no after-hours non-emergency lines for cases like this.
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yanderenightmare · 8 months
♡ TW: noncon/dubcon, bullying, reader wears glasses
♡ gn reader
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Thinking about jock bully hunting you down after the bell rings...
You hurry – haphazardously shoving your books and pens into your bag before slinging it over your shoulder – ready to get out before the chimes are even done singing.
Thankfully, it seemed fine for now as you couldn't hear the roaring of buzzing students in the hallway just yet, only your own class packing up their belongings with movements rather lazy compared to yours. 
But you couldn't afford to take your time – even with the free period following the end of your class. You needed to leave before he could find you.
"Where’ you off to in such a hurry, Specs?"
You ought to have knocked on wood before finishing your thought – you admonished yourself with eyes squeezed tightly shut and a punishing bite to your lower lip.
It's funny – you winced – how his voice is so casual, so breezy and laidback, all cool and friendly – funny how it sends such spiky goosebumps down your spine.
You ignore him, trying to squeeze past him – quick and dexterous as you attempt to slip away and disappear out the door – maybe be so lucky to lose him in the crowd.
"Whoa, whoa- you tryna run off on me?" He joked. His large hands held up to block your way. 
You watch the rest of your classmates leave – leaving you to fend for yourself. But you couldn't really blame them… none of you wanted to explain new bruises to worried parents at home.
He was like a shark circling, and if he smelt blood in the water, you were as good as done for. And you were like an open cut.
"Now, what did I do to deserve a disappearing act, huh?" He pouted. His head tilted, blocking out the lights in the ceiling, shadowing his already scary face. 
You nearly squeaked instead of speaking. "Please- I- I-"
"Calm down, will yah?" He dismissed. Flashing you a wide smile – the one that nearly fooled you into believing he was a good and decent guy. "I ain't come to pick on yah…"
You didn't listen. Once again, you bravely tried to push past him with your bag squeezed tightly to your chest – trying to rush to the door.
But his size was like the door itself. Big and squared. Muscly and tough as he blocked your way effortlessly. Though, no less bothered with your insistent attempt at running away from him.
"Now, when I tell you to do something-" He laughed passive-aggressively as his hand reached out to clutch the handle on your bag, yanking you back. "You should perk up and listen, yeah? Use that head of yours for something useful for once."
His knee rode up between your thighs – making you whimper where you stood, caged between his thick arms and the desk behind you.
"Wouldn't wanna make me angry now, do yah?"
His breath tickled your face, and you bowed your head under his gaze – unable to take your eyes off of the veins flexing along his beefy arms as his large hands gripped the table’s edge, sleeves rolled up like usual – the sight of his knuckles whitening, making you queasy with unease.
You tried ducking away once again. "Please, I need to-"
But he just clicked his tongue at the measle effort. Cutting you off yet again. 
"You don't need to do anything but stand here and entertain me." He decided with a voice a bit more biting than before.
You jolted, your eyes round and wide as you looked back up into his glare.
He laughed out a lighthearted chuckle before his hand broke off from marring the desk – scratching the back of his neck with an apologetic smile – serving a small effort at easing your worries where you stood tense and rigid in your place in front of him.
"Thing is…” He started once again, his tone back to normal – or whatever he wanted you to think was his normal. “Coach is gonna kick me off the team if I don’t get my grades in order.” He explained. “So’s thinkin’ since you’re such a good little nerd, you wouldn’t mind helpin’ me out.”
His hand reached out to tickle your chin.
“M’sure havin’ a cute little nerd-tutor like you is exactly what I need.”
Your throat was so tight you thought you might just choke. “I don’t-”
“Good!” He boasted over your pitiful protest. “Since y’got nothin’ better to do, how ‘bout we just head straight for my dorm right now?” He asked – though you knew better than to think it was a question. “Le’me carry that for yah-”
He yanked your backpack from your chest, ripping it out of the tight hug before throwing it over his own shoulder.
“I can carry you too if yah want?” He posed – smirk loud on his face as he placed his large paws at your waist – followed quickly by you shooting your arms forward to shove him off in protest.
But though you thought you’d put in some strength behind it, the boy in front didn’t budge at all. 
He just arched a brow as though asking if that was really all you had. And you hoped dearly he couldn’t see how the stiff muscles of his shredded chest had actually strained your wrists instead.
“What do you say, short stuff?” He leaned in, his breath foggy on your glasses and hot on your cheeks, as his hands clawed themselves into the fat of your waist, pulling you off your feet just a bit.
“N- no, thank you.” You stuttered out, stumbling a bit as you braced yourself against him. Your eyes squished close as you bowed your head away from him in a mix of fear and embarrassment while you suppressed the mortifying feeling of nearly pissing yourself.
But the tall boy realized little of your inner turmoil – rather enjoying it as he scoffed out an amused laugh at you. “A'ight then, come on.”
He yanked you along – his large paw gripping your arm as you struggled to keep up with his long strides. Nearly needing to resort to jogging where you otherwise tripped when the gap between the two of you became so large you had to skip a step or two to catch up – and before you even realized it, you were already standing outside the boy’s dorm waiting for him to find his keys.
He unlocked the door and welcomed you inside with the same grace of a warden showing a prisoner to their cell – with the weight and breadth of his warm hand on the small of your back as he nudged you inside.
The room had an overwhelming dank scent of both bodyspray and sweat and other things you’d only expect to smell in a boy’s locker room.
“Yo.” Came another voice from inside.
“Sup, roomie.” Your bully replied lazily. Grinning at how you gripped his shirt, all but jumping into hiding behind him. 
You’re cute…
“Who’s that you got there?” His friend arched a brow at you, where you peaked at him from behind your bully’s sleeve.
“I’mma need the room.” He announced, not really answering the question.
The roommate then scoffed with a grin, beholding you with slim eyes for a moment, then scoffed once more before he got up to leave.
“Don’t hit the books too hard – Coach’ll have your ass if you don’t bring your A-game later.” He warned, pulling his gym bag up on his shoulder as he excused himself.
You looked around once he was gone, spotting dumbbells and other equipment – and quickly realized how there must be many more muscles beneath his shirt than what you’d already borne witness. 
“So- uhm-” Swallowing the lump in your throat, you awkwardly turned to the boy. “Where're your books?”
Your bully smiled, taking a casual step toward you. “My books?” He asked, nowhere near even trying to sound the least bit genuinely confused.
“Your- uhm...” You paused, feeling uneasy. “Textbooks?”
His smile sharpened. “That’s cute.” He mocked sweetly while buttoning up the small black buttons of his white uniform shirt, giving a flash of those muscles you’d been anxiously anticipating. “You actually thought we were gonna study?”
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♡ BNHA – Bakugou, Kirishima, Shigaraki, Dabi, Hawks ♡ JJK – Sukuna, Geto, Gojo, Naoya, Toji ♡ HQ – Kuro, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Sakusa, Miya twins, Tendou, Ukai ♡ AOT – Eren ♡ DS – Akaza, Sanemi ♡ WB – Togame
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
Full fic with smut available here:
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wolviensabes · 1 month
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RQ: '(hii, I saw that your requests were open) It's no doubt he's an absolute FREAK in the sheets, but what if he were to show his softer side hidden within? Preferably comfort sex w/ reader after a long, stressful day if you will. And maybe some banter too??' - @graveyardgrrrrrl
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. F!reader, fingering, oral reader receiving, PiV, unedited.
A/N: This hit me because my hormones have been all over the place lately. So I can relate. I hope you like it <3
WC: 2.0k
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The day you had was dreary, you haven't felt so exhausted and tired in a long time. You trudged through your bedroom and practically fell onto the bed, groaning to yourself. The past few days have felt like a waste of time, you hadn't done anything in your free time, you felt like you had no interest in any of the things you enjoyed doing. You felt lazy and like you haven't really accomplished anything, and it ate away at you. You didn't know why you got like this, it was frustrating and annoying to you that you couldn't just make yourself do something. But a simple chore like cleaning up felt so heavy.
Logan knocked once before coming into the room, you both shared a bedroom but he still would give a single knock to announce himself before barging in. He shut the door and eyed you on the bed, his gaze narrowed slightly as he saw how defeated you appeared to be. "What's got ya frustrated, princess..." he walked over, fiddling with his large belt and pulling it out of the belt loops smoothly. If you weren't so upset, that would've been insanely hot.
You rolled onto your side facing away from him and exhaled. "I just don't feel good..." you muttered quietly. "I feel like everything lately has been so stressful, I have little energy, and the smallest things feel so overwhelming." You weren't sure how he'd react to this, but you hoped he'd understand, or at least sit with you and help you relax.
"Ah, you just need a little relief...I can help ya..." Logan's hand caressed your leg and as much as you adored his touch, there was just something about it today that made you not want it. Your thoughts went to the usual rough sex, which was something you had always loved before. But today was just...not the day for it. He sensed your hesitation and his hand stopped its slow travel over the curve of your hip.
"I get it. You're not feelin' up for it...how about I help you relax a little differently. I can see you're not in the mood for me." He moved his hand to your lower back and gently rubbed it. You sighed, feeling the sore, tense muscles slowly unwind. His hand worked slow and steady, moving across your hips and his thumbs kneaded the muscles around your tailbone.
You wanted more of his touch, you just didn't feel like being bent in half right now. Logan was a rough guy, and you knew getting into it would mean you'd have to give into the performance. You just didn't have that energy...
"I want to, Logan I just...don't feel good today." You reply defeatedly, your voice muffled a bit into the pillow. Logan's hand moved over to your front and he pulled you against him, your back colliding with his muscular chest.
"I ain't gonna force you. But I can try somethin' else if you want." He spoke slightly softer to you, he moved himself over you and he leaned his nose down, nudging your head and gaining access to your neck. "Just let me try...you'll like it."
It was hard to deny him, besides, he had been patient. You scratched his head, tugging slightly on his tufts. "Fine, fine...just...not hard."
"Don't worry about that...I'll be patient." He kissed your neck slowly, his teeth gave gentle nips instead of biting. "Relax for me...I'll make you feel good." His hands gently moved down your body, undressing you and getting you bare besides your panties. He leaned down and began leaving a trail of kisses from your sternum down to your belly. He got to your panties and he chuckled, "Aren't these the ones I ripped off?" He asked with am amused, smug smirk.
You, in turn, rolled your eyes. "Yes...god. I bought them again! They were my favorite pair! And you tore them off like you were a crazed man."
"I was crazed that day. You were drivin' me nuts, sweet girl. But you like me like that, 'bout had me drooling over you when I cut them off." He smirked, his finger hooking under the band of fabric and teasingly pulling.
Damn him.
"You can take a damn breath, I won't rip these ones off. If they mean so much to you." Logan teased further and slowly tugged them down your legs. "You and your expensive fuckin' panties. I've seen how much these damn things are." He tossed them behind him and crawled between your legs. "Open up for me...that's a good girl." He kissed your knee and leaned closer to your core.
"I gotcha." He slowly let his fingers tease you, waiting to see if you'd object before he pushed one inside. "Already squeezin' me tight..." His scruff tickled your inner thigh as he watched your pussy swallow his finger with each pump he gave. You held back a soft moan, it felt nice...not too overwhelming, not rough.
His lips wrapped around one of your nipples and he teased it with his tongue, making you whine and grab his hair instinctively. He was doing what he could to keep his movements slow, and he was surprisingly much gentler than you were used to. He never hurt you before, but he's one to get swept up in the lustful passion rather than take his time to really feel and enjoy. That didn't mean he was a bad lover, by any means. He was the only man to ever get you to the finish line, and he made sure of it.
"Feels good," you whispered to him, "Add another," your hips gently lifted into his finger and he immediately put another one inside. The second finger made you moan again, and you felt them find your sweet, spongy spot right away. Like they were drawn to it upon being inside you, and he curled them in a slow upwards motion.
You whined below him, his mouth changed to your other nipple, not wanting to leave it out. He suckled gently and nipped along your breasts while he fingered you before he pulled his fingers out and trailed gentle pecks to your pussy. You felt fuzzy, but in a good way, it felt so good and you laid there and let him take care of you.
His lips connected to your folds and he slowly licked over them, his tongue trailing from your wet entrance up to that precious bud. He suckled on it lightly and listened to those sweet sounds you made. Your hips squirmed as he stimulated your clit, his hands held you firm but not in an overwhelming or rough way like usual. His thumb tapped your hip, telling you to stay still for him.
"Can't...it feels too good," you whined, "You know if it feels too much I can't sit still," your eyes looked down at him and you gently tugged on his hair, trying to get him to come off you. Reluctantly, he did so, strings of saliva keeping him connected to your cunt for several seconds before they broke off.
"Alright, alright sweet girl...ya can't handle too much right now huh?" He moved off and he pulled his top and jeans off, you watched as his abdominal muscles flexed and relaxed, completely unashamed that you were staring. He crawled over you again, his cock heavy and erect. He sat up a little, holding one of your legs as he guided himself to rub on you. His cock moving up and down between your folds and getting slicked up for an easy penetration.
You whined, each time his head poked your clit it made you shiver. Precum oozed out of him, coating your sweet bud in a hot fluid. Your breath had picked up, and he put his hand on your belly. "I'll be easy. I don't wanna ruin you." He leaned forward, his cock head pressed against your entrance. Slowly, he pushed himself inside, your cock pressing into you further and further until he was hilted.
You held back a soft hiss, it always stung a little, he was thick and even when he was slow, your pussy had to stretch a bit. "Ahh...fuck, Logan..." you whined, fisting the sheets by your body. He paused, looking at you as you got used to his size. The burn of being stretched so much was fading, you felt so full when he was inside you, you loved the feeling after all the discomfort was gone.
You braced for him to thrust hard and fast, but he slowly pulled out and pushed back in, steady and controlled. He held your legs open, watching your wet pussy take him, your creamy arousal making his pubic hair sticky as it dripped down his balls. "Good girl...just like that. You're doing good," Logan let out a shaky breath, his hips stayed moving at the controlled speed so you could really feel every little detail of his dick.
The veins on the sides, the shape of his head, how your walls adjusted and squeezed him to memorize all those little things...
You whined, it felt incredible, like electricity shooting through your body with each gentle thrust. His head kisses your cervix each time, precum leaking out in thick beads, gifting your velvet walls more lubricant and fluid. Logan leaned over you a bit, his hands holding your hips once again and he kissed you, his lips moving against yours sensually while he thrusted into you.
He picked up some speed, you let out a soft cry and your hands came to his shoulders. His cock moving a bit faster felt amazing, you found yourself needing more after him being so slow. You wrapped your legs around his hips and he leaned over your body even more, angling himself a bit deeper. His cock moved in and out against all the right spots, sending shooting waves of pleasure through your body. You could feel it fogging your mind as you grew closer and closer to your orgasm.
"Logan, oh god...I'm so close, just...a little more..." You managed, your breathing was a bit heavy and you kept making sweet moans and gentle cries for him, unable to stop yourself. He nodded with you, his arms wrapping around you in a big hug as he pulled you up. He fell onto his ass, you now in his lap as he ground you against him, his pubic hair rubbing your clit so damn good.
You let out a louder cry, your bodies rubbing against one another while his cock pulsed and throbbed inside your comforting walls, squeezing and milking him desperately, needing him to fill you up. As stressed as you were today, this was such a good way to relieve it. Feeling him hold you, his cock stretching you out, his hot breath on your neck.
"M'close, sweetheart, gonna fill you up good..." Logan groaned against your skin, his arms tightly wrapped around your midsection as his hips desperately jut upward. You whined, your clit being assaulted by his pubic hair and it was enough to make you cum on his dick, squeezing him just enough to send him over shortly after you. He let out a deep, guttural moan and he snapped his hips up, rolling you on him as he came inside you.
His cum shot deep into your womb and drooled out of you, coating his dick and balls, staining the sheets where he was sitting. "Nngh, fuck," Logan groaned, finally stopping the movement. He held you tight and close to him, breathing heavily with you. You were completely out of it, it felt like all the awful stress you had felt was gone, and you could immerse in all of him. His body, his touch, his scent. Logan made it better.
"Let's get ya cleaned up now...stained the damn sheets enough, you're gonna leak out when I pull out." Logan grunted with a smirk, "How do you feel now, princess..." He glanced at you, his rough hand rubbed your cheek, admiring your disheveled appearance.
"Good...I...good...." you slurred, holding onto him tighter. "Five more minutes...don't pull out yet..." You whined, your voice soft and desperate. Logan was a little taken aback, but he knew you had been having a hard time so who was he to deny you something so simple as a few more minutes of this?
"Alright, alright...five more minutes..."
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Thanks for reading.
Dividers by @/strangergraphics
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Can We Get One
The youngest Leclerc loves baby Leo. So why the fuck won't her boyfriends let her get a puppy?
Norstappen x leclerc!reader
Okay I found out one of 'my' dogs died while writing this
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"Hi Baby Leo," she gushed as she scooped her little puppy into her arms. He was like a little shark with the way he went to bite at her sleeve.
But she didn't much mind, gushing over the dog that she had dubbed her nephew (well, if Arthur and Lorenzo weren't going to make her an aunt, Leo it would have to be).
"I'm gonna kidnap you," she said in that baby voice as she stroked under his chin. "Gonna steal you away from your daddy so you can come live with me and Lando and Max."
She was in her own little world as she played with Leo, her brother, her boyfriends, lost to her. Max tried to call her name, but she waved him off to press kisses to Leo's head.
Lando and Max couldn't deny how goddamn cute she looked, holding Leo close to her chest. She scooted around on her ass to face them. "Boys, I'm in love," she said and pouted at them as Leo went to bite her chin.
"Baby," Lando began as he joined her on the floor. "We're not getting a dog."
She turned her attention away from Lando and looked towards her brother. "Charlie, do you need a baby sitter?" She asked as she placed Leo in her lap. He happily sat there and chewed on her skirt.
"No way," Charles said. "You're not babysitting my dog."
A huff left her lips and she muttered something to Leo, something like 'you'd never be this mean to me, would you angel?' "If I move in with you, cook, clean, pay rent, can I get a puppy?" She asked as she looked at him.
Max couldn't stop the laugh that left his lips. "Um, excuse me," he called and tapped her on the shoulder. She ignored him. "Angel, just because we're not letting you get a puppy..."
"That's not it, Maxie," she muttered and scratched at Leo's belly. "Leo just wants me close, that's all."
The Leclercs had always had dogs growing up. It was one of the reasons Charles had gotten Leo. So, seeing his sister so in love with his little puppy, he knew he had to do something.
Charles picked Leo up and pulled his sister up from the floor. She put Leo in his harness, attached his lead and put him on the floor. "Why don't you take him for a walk?" He said and pointed her towards the door.
But she didn't leave. "Cha," she whispered, looking back at her boyfriend. "What're you doing?"
He whispered something in her ear, something that Max and Lando couldn't hear. Something along the lines of 'I'm gonna try and convince these guys to get you a dog'.
She couldn't help but smile as she walked out, Leo at her heels.
Charles began talking to Max and Lando. But what he was suggesting was unrealistic. How could they have a dog when they already have cats? It wouldn't have been fair to Jimmy and Sassy.
But Charles wouldn't drop it, wouldn't drop how happy she looked when she was with Leo. Wouldn't drop how happy she would be if they got her a puppy.
By the time she came back with Leo, they still weren't convinced. But Max couldn't get it out of his head. They were his cats at the end of the day.
It didn't take long for him to work out that he'd do anything to make her happy, including get a puppy.
Charles took her away for a week. He was in on it, happy to help however he could.
And, while they were away, Max and Lando brought home Baguette. The name was Lando's idea, a 'French Poodle for a French girl'. Which pissed her off because she was not in fact French.
It was Max's job to introduce Baguette to the cats. It wasn't smooth sailing, but the boys knew it wasn't going to be. And, by the time Charles brought her home, Baguette and the cats were coming fast friends.
The memory of the first time she met Baguette would always be ingrained into Max and Lando's memory.
She threw her arms around Lando's neck the moment she walked into the apartment, unaware. But then she heard the barking.
"Is Leo here?" She asked, clearly confused as she looked around for the puppy.
But Max didn't emerge with a puppy. Well, not that puppy anyway. The French Poodle puppy was a stranger to her. "We got you something," Lando said as he watched her expression.
"No." It was almost a whisper as Max approached, Baguette in his arms.
"Baguette, say hello to your mommy," Max said as he passed her the dog.
Her mouth fell open as she took Baguette from Max. "This... this is a joke, right?" She couldn't stop herself from asking as Max wrapped his arm around Lando's waist. "You guys got me a dog?"
"We sure did, baby," Lando said as he stepped out from Max's embraced. He stroked Baguettes head, touched his soft, curly ears. "Baby, meet Baguette."
(Baguette below)
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purel6mbie · 4 months
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'𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞' .. !
꒰ jiyan & aalto
꒰ angst, fluff, cw for blood nd injuries .. ty for the love on the first post ! hope you'll like this one too :3
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𓊆 JIYAN | 忌炎 𓊇
one second. it had only taken one second of inattention for you to get injured. he had taken a bit longer to kill that particularly annoying flautist, trusting you to take care of the other echo that had ambushed you both as you were walking back to the city .. before he could even realize, he saw you tripping over next to him, falling to the ground with a pained frown over your eyes.
jiyan screamed your name, crouching down and gathering you in his arms as his eyes frantically searched for any serious wound. 'i told you to be careful !' he bursts, not so angry to you than to the fact of seeing you in pain. and all you do is shoot him a weak smile, eyes fluttering.
'im alright it's nothing too bad,' you whisper reassuringly before chuckling. 'im the one who got hurt but you're the one needing to be reassured ..'
the man bites down the smile threatening to take over his lips as he slides his hand under your knees, carrying you back home. he can feel you looking up at him, trying to gauge his mood, but he'd rather not have you overthink.
'im just glad you're alright,' jiyan mutters under his breath, looking past the blue patches blooming on your skin and instead tightening his arms around you.
𓊆 AALTO | 秋水 𓊇
you had promised him your mission would be quick and that you'd come back home to him safe and sound. aalto had relucantly agreed to let you go; not without making you cross your pinky with his first, though. 'just for extra assurance, you know,' he had smiled before pecking your lips.
'im cooked ..' you mutter as you make your way to the front door, hesitantly turning the knob before stepping in. you take a deep breath 'aalto ? im ho—'
he's already walking straight to you from the living room, a dazzling smile on his face. 'how was your mission ?' he gingerly asks, not yet noticing the slight scratch near your left eye, hidden under a strand of hair you had carefully positioned.
'it was good !' you answer, beaming, but his smile immediately falters down, eyes growing suspicious at your over content tone. your heart stops beating when his hand comes up to your face, gently cupping your cheek, running his thumb over it .. until he inevitably pushes your hair away and his arm drops limp against his side. 'love, list—'
'you promised me you'd be safe.' he sternly reminds you, crossing his arms over his chest. 'and you broke that promise.'
you have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at his dramatic reaction. 'i am safe. it didn't even bleed. it's merely just a scratch, aalto.' you argue back, trying to win him over with a smile. 'cmon, are we really gonna spend the day arguing over something like this .. ?'
he doesn't have the heart to say anything more on the matter and instead bends to kiss the reddish spot. 'im coming with you next time, day off or not.'
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©purel6mbie 2024 | do not copy, translate, repost !
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buckyalpine · 11 months
Winter soldier x reader ft sex pollen
Unhinged winter soldier with sex pollen. This is wildly inappropriate (with some fluff?...) but I thought of it so you must all suffer with me. Imagine Hydra filling the room with sex pollen immediately after Buck is wiped, sending him out at in his most feral state in hopes that the winter soldier will lose control and give into the urges they've forced into him. They need him to breed another super soldier since they were unable to replicate the serum in his veins.
As soon as the dust fills the room, his pupils dilate, his tac suit far too hot, his veins pumping so hard they feel like they're going to burst. The straps holding him down release and his chest is heaving, trying to calm down the primal needs hes feeling, pain prickling his skin the longer he stays in the room. He grunts, striding out of the room and into the night, chasing a craving he has to get out.
He moves without a soul detecting him, until a sweet scent catches his attention. Floral, natural, innocent. Fertile. He's suddenly hyper focused on the thing his body is screaming for, following the unsuspecting woman, his teeth grinding through the pain. She enters a building and he observes each window before seeing a lights turn on, her nude silhouette appearing through the curtains.
It takes no effort for him to climb up the fire escape, easily prying the locked window open only to be met with the sound of the shower running. Her scent permeates all his senses and he nearly strips off all his clothes then and there, the pollen causing lust that makes his bones ache. The water shuts off and hes waiting like a predator waiting for its prey, sitting perfectly still while the door clicks open. She gasps and freezes in place and he sight alone makes him growl.
Pathetic little bunny.
"Who-who are you" she whispers, clutching her towel tightly together though it's not like she didn't know. Tears fill her eyes seeing the deadly soldier people spoke about, unsure if he even existed, the very rumor now sitting on her bed. He doesn't anything, groaning at the feeling of his arousal steadily dripping from his cock, palming his erection.
"Please-don't" She shakes her head, seeing his hardness pressing against his pants, his large presence suffocating because she knows there's no where to run. He slips his mask off, revealing his dangerously handsome face, his eyes wild with lust and need.
"But I have to" He grits out, stalking over to her and grabbing her by the waist, burying his nose in her freshly washed hair, deeply groaning at the scent of her bodywash, "mne eto nuzhno, zayka" [I need this, bunny]
"No-I-I'll do anything-" She trembles, squeezing her eyes shut feeling his warm wet tongue lick up her neck as his mismatched hands rip her towel away, pulling her hips flush against his cock. The rough material of his tactical hear scratches her soft skin, making her whimper when when he bites her shoulder.
"takoy myagkiy krolik" [such a soft bunny] He throws her like a doll, her ass bouncing off the mattress, flat on her back back while he undoes his pants, pulling his cock out. She squeezes her legs shut, shaking her head, his fat bobbing length taunting her as he pumps himself while crawling onto the bed.
"It hurts bunny" He groans, forcing her legs apart, her natural scent nearly causing pain as he stares at her pussy. Her button between her legs involuntarily twitches and he pinches it hard making her squeal, the sound causing a drop of precum to spill out.
His head is so focused on getting his release, he doesn't bother prepping her, shoving his cock into her tight cunt, grunting and forcing his length in when he feels resistance. He stars to fuck her hard, holding both wrists in his metal hand, keeping her pinned under him while he splits her open.
"Hurts-too much-to big-stop-" She gasps out her pained cries melting into muddled moans of pleasure, her own body betraying her, feeling her own warmth wetting his cock making it easier for him to slip in and out. "Oh god-soldat-stop-don't-
"You're wet" He hisses, almost accusatorily, pounding her harder, faster until the bed shakes and scratches the floor, the serum pumping in his veins making his cock sensitive.
"I need this-I need it" Sweat beads at his forehead, his balls feeling heavier than usual, the pollen causing his body to produce more semen than he naturally would.
"YA chuvstvuyu zapakh, kakoy ty mokryy, zayka" [I can smell how wet you are bunny] His balls throb painfully, his cock ready to burst as his thrusts become more erratic. He snarled against her neck as pleasure starts to lick up his spine, the bruising grip on her wrists tightening as he starts to pump her full of his load without warning.
She whimpers feeling shame for the delicious stretch of his cock, her cunt fluttering, swollen from his abusive pace. She finds herself flipped over with her ass in the air, her face pressed against the sheets, his cock rock hard again, prodding at her puffy folds.
"Not done-need more" he growls lowly, stripping his clothes off, his body heat dialed to 100. His crotch is covered in cum, a mix of his and hers, the smell of her driving him insane as he grabs her hips and slams her to meet his thrusts again. He has more power at this angle, fucking her like a mad man, groaning with his head thrown back, eyes rolled to the back of his head, only focused on pleasuring his cock.
"Ty shlyukha Zimnego soldata, ty voz'mesh' to, chto ya tebe dayu" [You're the winter soldier's whore, you'll take what I give you] He's at his most unhinged, grunting and groaning, fucking her like an animal, her muffled screams only causing his cock to swell more. "Make me feel good, make it go away bunny"
"Soldat please stop-too big" she begs and he fucks her harder, making her moan, pulling another orgasm out of her body even if she fought against it. His thighs meet the back of hers, rolling and rocking his hips, hitting her cervix until her sweet juices squirt out of her, obscene sounds of skin on skin filling he room. "SOLDAT"
"I have to breed you bunny" He shakes his head, unwilling to leave until he's sure she's pregnant with his child, forcing every bit of his cum into her. "My fertile little bunny" He nips your skin, running his hands over her tummy, imaging it firm and round with his baby growing inside. He loved the thought of such an unsuspecting, sweet angel carrying the child of he soldier, all of his cum making a mess in her pussy.
By the last round, the pollen has started to dissipate and the cloud is lifting. He pants, still rutting into her pussy, something tugging at his conscious, shaking his head when the lusty animalistic haze weavers.
"T-tell me your name" He rasps, his heart beating wildly, loosening his grip on her. She whimpers from pain and to her surprise, he slowly down, still grinding himself in, burying her face into her neck. "zayka, pozhaluysta" [bunny, please]
"Y/n" she whispers, unsure of why she told him, her voice catching in her throat when his lips press against her skin. She's limp in his hold, the smell of sex permeating the room, the sheets soaked with his cum, but nothing more full than her cunt.
"Y/n" He moans, his body trembling as he nears the end of his final release, stilling till he's milked himself dry, her soft body worn under him. Something is wrong, he can feel it, the emotionless control he had before, slipping from his grasp. He yearns to hold the woman in his arms but he can't .Something stops him.
His movements are robotic as he pulls away and slips his clothes back on, memories unfamiliar to him flashing through his mind.
He wasn't the soldier.
He was-
Her soft snores pull her from his spiral, looking up to seeing her sleeping form, fucked out from the way he'd ruined her. He frowns at the unfamiliar feeling of concern he's experiencing, pulling the covers over her body.
"Thank you bunny" He whispers, making her whine in her sleep, calling for the soldier.
He shakes his head, his previously wild replaced with those of a young man from Brooklyn.
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yan-lorkai · 1 month
ooh could you do something similar to your octa-trio with darling interested in marine bio but instead it’s darling interested in zoology with savanaclaw?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: This is feeding into my obsession of learning random things so well, I've been binge reading everything about hyenas and lions these past few days lol. I hope you like it, darling!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ "Leona, is it true that lions have a roar that can echo for eight kilometers? And that lions can't purr? And that female lions are the main hunters?" Question after question. Leona feels a growing headache, but also an urge to laugh. They're all such basic and silly questions, yet he's happy to know that you want to know more about lions, more about him.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ His tail is wagging and his ears are twitching but if you point this out, he'll stop answering you and is going to pretend that nothing happened. For each question answered, you have to do something for him; usually Leona asks that you join him for a nap in his room or that you talk about your day, as he likes your voice and finds it relaxing to hear.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A lion's pride is his mate. So Leona holds you close so you can't escape from him to go around Savanaclaw asking other beastmen about their features and habits.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ "Ruggie, it's true that hyenas can purr? Can you purr for me, please?" You ask, softly, shiny eyes looking into his as you wait for something, anything. A sparkle of pink rush to his cheek as he laughed a little. "Oh! And it's true that the 'laugh' is actually a vocalization used to communicate excitement, fear, or submission? And that up to 80 hyenas can live in the same pride?"
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Oh goodness, you are feeding a little into his ego wanting to know all sort of things about hyenas now. He can't give the answer you want for free though, you have to give him a little incentive, maybe a few kisses, maybe food or you can try helping him on his errands and scratch his ears for him, either way, give your best shot as he is rooting for you. If he feels satisfied enough you will have your answers, otherwise, you can try again tomorrow.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He like this, having you cling to his arm, asking him things, it's cute. As a hyena, he's used to be throw around, to sacrifice and give freely to feed the kids in the slums and work harder than most. He feels a little greedy and he doesn't hide it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ "Jack, I have a few questions... How do wolves choose their leader? Is it true that wolves have an incredibly powerful bite force, capable of exerting up to 1,500 pounds per square inch?" You squint at him, right now, in his human form, Jack didn't seem capable of such things, even more with a mandible like that. His ears twitched a little, he was probably trying to think about how to respond to you, already knowing how you went to his upperclassmen with the same kind of questions. "By the way, wolves have a wide range of vocalizations to communicate, right? And they are also great at adapting to another habitat?"
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Jack stares at you like a little dog, his tail wagging while a blush comes over to his face. He answers your questions to the best of his abilities, taking his time, so you spend more of your free time by his side. Your interest in wolves, in him more specifically, ignites a flame of interest inside him, maybe he really do have a chance with you and he'll do anything to get you to fall in love with him. For now, Jack indulges in your curiosity, he let you get close to him before trapping in his maws.
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missmeinyourbones · 1 year
we NEED "i'm just too soft for all of it." IWHT MEGUMI PLS IM BEGGING
I'M JUST TOO SOFT FOR ALL OF IT (m. fushiguro)
a/n: me making up medical shit LMFAO, repressed and emotionally constipated megumi, deadbeat dad t*ji, slight mentions and undertones of toxic masculinity
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Since he was four years old and still growing into his long-sleeved sweaters, Megumi has learned to heal his own wounds or almost die trying.
A routine that he now knows like the back of his hand, he'd returned from his latest mission with weeping cuts and exhaustion clear beneath his eyes, making a point to stop at the medical closet before returning to his dorm. With Shoko's workday over, he makes a mental note to visit her first thing in the morning when he wakes. 
He can make it through the night, he always does. Because Megumi is a thinker. He plans until he can't and covers all bases for when they're stolen. He gets by. 
What he didn't take into account was potentially running into you, of all people. Dormitory halls barren and almost eerie, he nearly curses himself for brushing shoulders as you turn the corner on the way back to your own room. 
Your timing has always been wrong, or maybe it's right and Megumi can't differentiate between the two. 
And now he's here, on the creaky wooden floor of the medicinal closet, with you kneeling beside him and prodding at his injuries with tender wrists. 
Never one to be good with idle hands, Megumi fidgets and tries to brush at the dried blood on his shoulder. The action has both of you hissing—him in a jolt of pain and you in reaction to his hurt. 
"Don't touch it," your voice falters to be stern, still coming out so gently. Megumi thinks about the irony of that—of how you can't even be sharp if you tried. You're too gentle, too soft to even sound hard momentarily. 
Humiliated at the mere idea of doing nothing, at needing help, he shakily exhales and returns his attention to the floor. 
When the damp cotton pad in your hand touches a bit too deep in one of his cuts, Megumi does his best to save face but can't help the grunt of breath that gets sucked into his lungs. 
Immediately, he feels you retract from his skin and coo your apologies. Carefully returning your attention to the burning wound, you do your best to soothe him. 
"Sorry, it's deeper than it looks. Almost over."
Megumi's response is quick and curt, like a cut of its own, "It's fine."
You nod hesitantly before grabbing the bottle of antiseptic and another clean cotton round. The cleaning of his wounds continues in silence, though your thoughts are louder than anything. 
His injuries vary in size. Some deeper, fresher, than others. Some looking like one-hit victims and others a repeated attack. You do your best to take note of where he's sensitive, where he's hurting the most. 
When you reach a certain scratch on his bicep, you're able to catch a glimpse of his face. Sweat beading on his forehead and damp hair sticking to his skin, Megumi bites the collar of his uniform to suppress any kind of noise (weakness) from you. 
When he slips up and lets out a guttural muffled groan, you think you might audibly whimper yourself. 
"You can yell if you want to," you try to help him in any way you can, "or squeeze my hand or—"
"I'm fine," Megumi attempts to bark again, but this time is different. It's not cold or sharp like it was last time. You can hear how it shakes against the echos of the closet, how it sounds like the burn of tears building in a sore throat.
And between the pain everywhere he still has feeling and the intimacy of you carefully caressing him, Megumi finds himself tearing up. 
"Hey," he feels you whisper, attempting to caress his jaw and prompt him to look at you, "hey, you okay?"
He can't find it in himself to answer nor lift his head, so he sniffles like a kicked child and crinkles his nose in disgust at his own pathetic actions.
Megumi is tough, one of the toughest people you know. You've seen him more beat up than this and barely break a sweat. Your head feels light at the realization that something's wrong. He shouldn't be in this much pain from the familiar burning of antiseptic he's felt a dozen times over. Maybe it's from a cursed weapon, or a technique where—
A stifled sob cuts you off.  
Like a glass cracking beneath pressure, you feel something inside you break. No longer caring about cleaning his cuts or avoiding sensitive areas, you can't stop yourself from wrapping around his hunched frame. 
Megumi's breath hitches as you hold him, feels your hair tickling his neck when you rub his back and whisper.
"I'm sorry, I know, but you're doing so good, okay? And I'm almost done—"
"Don't do that," he bites. 
Assuming he's referring to prodding at a specific wound, you flinch and loosen your grip, "Do what?"
"Talk to me like that," he snarls with a crack, "in that—voice."
He feels your head remove its weight from his shoulder slowly, "Why?"
"Because I can't—" Megumi's voice almost breaks before he whines, gritting his teeth when he whimpers, "I can't handle it."
And just like that, Megumi is four years old again. He's scraping his knee on the concrete of his front lawn, and a blurry father-shaped figure with dark hair and legs far too tall tells him to be a man. Not being old enough to use the stove without supervision, but still knowing enough to save his cries for his pillow when Tsumiki is snoring and can't overthink his tears. He thinks of Gojo—of the first time he broke down in front of him and was met with whispers of good intent and love that registered in his brain as pity. Humiliation.
He doesn't realize he's crying until he feels your fingertips on his wet cheeks, replacing the stinging of antiseptic with a fluttering and velvety touch. 
Between sniffled strings of apologies and a few hiccups of words that don't quite make sense, you piece together that Megumi isn't crying because he's in pain. He's crying because he can, because you're helping him in a way he never asked for, let alone known. 
"I've never...been allowed to, like, feel—"
"Hey," you're soft again, as if you ever weren't. "I know," fingers delicately brush his sticky eyelashes when you remind him, "but you are now."
"Are what?"
"Allowed," you whisper against his cheek, "to feel however you want when you're around me."
And Megumi doesn't know how you do it. How you remain a light in a world that's constantly doing all it can to kick you while you're down. Maybe you're just naive, so stupidly optimistic that it'll eventually be your own demise. Maybe.
But, Megumi can't find himself to care, because he knows that for as long as he's on this earth, he'll be damned if he lets anything happen to that light of yours. 
Back to reality and rubbing at his stinging eyes, Megumi softly scoffs. "Y'know, sometimes you look at me with those stupid eyes and I don't know what happens, but I almost feel sick."
Your laughter tastes like water, "I know what you mean. But in a good way though, right?"
"Yeah," he nods, "in a good way."
When Megumi's back finally hits his mattress at an ungodly hour of the morning—something he's been dreaming of since he'd left it hours ago—he's sickeningly sore and his eyes burn with hypersensitivity. He lets himself close his eyes thinking of your hands, the ones that soaked his now scabbing wounds and wiped his watery eyes. 
Megumi plans, sure, but he never could have prepared for you. 
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Summary: Anon request - "Could you pleaseeeee make a Colby Brock smut based off of the new picture that he posted on Instagram"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, flirting, friends to lovers, slight insecurity talk, unprotected sex, slight choking, hair pulling, fingering, oral (f rec), biting, scratching, filth
Word count: 3.1k | not edited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"I'm coming, I'm coming." You say to yourself as you rush to your constantly dinging phone. You pick it up, smiling as you see a few texts from your friend, Colby.
What are you doing?
Come over
I need help with something
It's me, Colby.
Colby Brock.
Did you forget about me?
You laugh as you text him back, Sorry, who is this Colby person you're referring to?
You roll your eyes at his response, Not funny. I seriously need your help with something.
You sigh, plopping down onto your couch, what do you need help with?
Your eyes read over his text a few times, Just come over and I'll tell you.
That could mean anything. That's how you got roped into going on that creepy investigation with him and Sam.
You purse your lips, fine, I don't have anything better to do tonight anyway.
You get up, getting your stuff around as you hear your phone go off again. You walk over picking it up, Bring your fancy camera please.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
As you pull up to Sam and Colby's house, you lean your head back. You didn't know what Colby was bringing you in to.
You were kinda nervous because as said, it could be anything and when it comes to not only Colby, but Sam, too, you could never guess.
You get out, walking up to the door. You knock and twist the knob, pushing the door open, "Hello? I'm here."
"I'm upstairs." Colby yells from far away.
"Okay." You yell back as you close the door. You look around and it's quiet.
No sign of Sam, must be just Colby.
"Where ya at?" You yell as you make your way up the stairs.
"My room." He answers loudly. You make your way up to his room and round the corner, slightly caught off guard by a shirtless Colby, "What- ah. Whatcha doin' Colbs?"
He turns towards you and laughs, "I'm trying to take a new picture for Instagram and I can't get it the way I want it."
"Oh so that's why you told me to bring my fancy camera." You let out a sigh, "I thought we were going to some abandoned building."
"No, that's tomorrow." He laughs as your face drops, "I'm kidding, y/n."
"Don't do that." You point to him as you lift the camera strap from across your shoulder, lifting it over your head to set it down on the bed, "So.. do you want me to set up the tripod or.."
You look up at him and he shakes his head, "Can you take them for me?"
You're kind of surprised, "Um, yeah. Yeah I can."
"Your pictures always turn out great." Colby walks over, bringing his phone up, "This is what I have, but I need your professional opinion."
You laugh slightly as you take his phone, swiping through the pictures.
The truth is, you liked Colby - correction.
You were in love with Colby, so no matter what he showed you, you knew you were going to like it anyway.
"Colby." You look up at him, "These are good." You hand him his phone back, "Really good."
He smiles as he takes his phone, "Yeah, but-"
"Get against the wall." You cut him off as you laugh.
He looks at you confused, "What?" He laughs slightly as he looks at the wall you're pointing at, "Go, stand there."
You bring your camera up, taking off the lenses cap before turning it on. You click through the settings, pointing it up at him to make sure it looks right.
"Hey, wait. I'm not ready." He says shyly with a laugh.
"I'm just getting the settings right, Colbs. Relax." You look up at him and smile before looking back down at your camera.
"Okay. I'm ready." You look up, "Are you?"
He moves around slightly, "Yeah, I think so. What do you want me to do?"
"You know what to do." You move over in front of him, bending down a little bit, "Remember when you took me to that place and I about fell through the floor."
Colby laughs and you snap some pictures, "Yeah. I do remember that. Sorry for laughing."
"No it's okay." You smile, "Look to your left."
Colby looks to his right and you laugh, "Your other left, Colby." He laughs and shakes his head, "Fuck. Okay. Sorry."
"No, you're doing great." You bite your lip as you focus. You stand up, "This might be a little weird, but tuck your thumb into the bands of your pants and boxers."
He gives you a weird look, but he obliges, "Oh..Kay.." he slips his thumb into the bands and you move back, "Now drop your other hand."
You snap a few pictures and think about what will make him laugh, "Think of something funny."
He instantly starts laughing and looks down, shaking his head.
"Got it." You whisper to yourself, "What did you think about?" You bring your camera down as you stand up and Colby laughs again, "You almost falling through the floor."
"You're a jerk." You laugh, "But that's why we're friends."
You hated calling him a friend. You wanted more, but you didn't want to risk the friendship because your friendship with Colby was like no other.
"Exactly." He walks over, sitting down on the bed. He grabs the back of your sweatshirt and pulls you back to sit next to him, "Let's see 'em"
You swallow, trying to compose yourself becaus what he just did turned you on.
"Okay." You shift around, clicking through your camera. He leans over and nods at each one, "See, these are better already."
"So. The weird pose I had you do.." You click through, finding that picture, "Take a look."
You hand him your camera and he presses his lips together as he nods "Yep. That's the one." He looks over at you, "That's.. wow."
He smiles and you shrug, "I'm good at my job, what can I say?" You smile and lean in, "I can get these right to my phone so you can look through and send yourself the ones you want."
You pull your phone out of your back pocket and start to load them up, "You know, you have a really beautiful smile."
He tries not to smile so he bites his cheek, "Really?"
You nod, "Really."
You can see his cheeks turning red and he bats the air, "Oh stop it. Making me blush."
You laugh and hold out your phone to him, "Here. Just hit select and then yeah. You know what to do from there." You stand up, "I'm going to go get a drink."
He nods and lays back as he scrolls through.
You leave the room, making your way downstairs and into the kitchen. You lean against the counter for a second because everything about Colby is racing through your mind right now.
You're just friends, you tell yourself over and over again, but a part of you feels like you should be more.
You've come to the painful standstill of just waiting until he makes a move or gives you any hints about him liking you back.
But, sometimes he's just so hard to read because your brain is going frantic with trying to depict whether or not that was a signal.
You take a slow, deep breath before grabbing a drink and heading back towards the stairs. You walk up, making your way to Colby's room.
"Did you pick a picture yet?" You say before taking a sip and he mumbles a quiet, "No."
You tilt your head, studying how his mood changed in the little time you were gone, "Hey." You walk over to him, "What's wrong?"
He shakes his head, pushing your phone away from him, "I just.."
You knew where he was going, but you decided to try and let him talk first.
"Colby." You lay your hand on his arm, "You can talk to me."
"I'm just nervous to post.." he sits up, turning to face you, "Something in me is just finding little things to knit pick at, not post. You know?"
You nod, "I know what you mean, but what I do know is.." you smile, trying not to laugh, "The hoes are going to loooove this."
"Did.. you just.." he laughs, "Did you just quotes a TikTok sound to me?"
You nod your head a few times, "I sure did, but it's true. You could post a candid picture of yourself, when you're mid blink and body wonky because you're walking and the people that absolutely adore you are still going to find it adorable."
He runs his bottom lip between his teeth as he stares at the floor, "You know.." he sighs, lifting his head to look at the wall, "You're right."
"I know I'm right." You smirk slightly, "You want to know how I'm right?"
He looks at you, leaning back to hold his weight up on his arms, "How?" He tilts his head and you lean in, "Because you're-" you poking his chest with every word, "Colby. Fucking. Brock."
His eyes move to your hand before looking up at you.
"Everyone loves you, Colbs." You lower your voice, "Including me."
He swallows, "You love me?"
"As a friend. Yes. In a more than friend's way, also yes." Your heart was racing.
It felt like it was going to rip a hole in your chest.
"It's about time you tell me." He pulls you over, connecting your lips to his. Your hand moves to the side of his neck, moving closer to him.
He pulls you over, causing you to straddle him as he lays back, lips still on his.
"Mm. Wait." He pushes you back slightly, "Let me post that picture." He smirks and grabs his phone and you smile.
You bite your lip trying not to laugh. Colby moves his phone out of the way and furrows his brows, "What's so funny?"
You laugh slightly, "Nothing.. I was just thinking about, you know, stirring the pot."
He smirks, "How so?"
You sigh, "after you post it, I thought about commenting something like hey, I took that picture."
Colby stares at you for a few seconds, a smile growing wider by the second, "Okay."
"Okay? What?" You look at him as he starts laughing, "What did you do?"
Your eyes move to your phone lighting up with an Instagram notification, "Oh no. Colby." You laugh as you reach over, grabbing your phone to see.
[yourusername]: colbybrock tagged you in a post.
Your mouth drops and you look at him. He smirks and shrugs, "Said you wanted to stir the pot, right?" He grabs your phone, that's about to blow up any second, and tosses it to the side, "Ignore that for right now."
You look back down at him and you nod, "Distract me."
"That I can do." He pulls you back down, connecting your lips to his. His hands slide down your body, gripping your waist before he rolls you over.
His body, now hovering over yours as your legs wrap around his waist.
He moves his head to kiss down your neck, his other hand moving your shirt out of the way. He moves down, your legs falling to the bed as he kisses down your stomach.
He looks up at you and you nod at him. He slips his fingers into the band of your sweats, pulling them down your legs and discarding them to the floor.
You bite your lip as you watch him kiss up your leg, moving to your inner thigh.You let out a gasp as his lips attach to your skin, leaving a bruise to where only you'll be able to find it.
His hands slide up, hooking into your panties as he tugs on them. He leans up, watching as you lift your hips for him to pull them off.
He drops them down on the bed, moving up to kiss up your opposite thigh, sucking a matching bruise into your skin.
You tilt your head back, letting out a moan, "Colby." A louder moan is ripped from your lips as you feel his tongue slip upward between your folds.
He moves to your clit, circling a few times before attaching his lips to suck.
Your eyes roll back, hand moving to the back of his head to tangle your fingers into his hair. You arch your back, feeling his tongue slip down to push into you.
"C-Colby." You whine, looking down at him as your face scrunches up. He tilts his head up, locking eyes with yours as he brings a hand up, sliding two fingers into you.
Your jaw goes slack, arching your back slowly as he curls his fingers up, "You feel so wet." His voice is low, cut by his lips attaching to your clit.
You let out a loud moan, tangling your fingers in his hair as his fingers move in and out of you at a slow and teasing pace.
He lifts his head, looking up at you as you whine, "D-don't stop."
His lips go back to your clit, speeding up the pace of his fingers a little bit, driving you more crazy, "Y-yes." You buck your hips slowly, moaning as Colby brings you close to the edge of orgasm, "F-fuck. Fuck."
You squeeze his fingers, closing your thighs slightly as you cum. A string of moans continuously leaves your mouth as he guides you through your high, pulling his fingers out to get up so he can take the rest of his clothes off.
You take off your top, watching as he crawls up the bed, keeping his eyes on yours as he positions himself between your knees.
"I love you." Colby whispers as he brushes hair from your face.
You smile, "You do?"
He nods, "Yes. I just thought you wanted to be friends, so I didn't say anything."
You laugh slightly, "I promise you, that wasn't the case at all." You lift your head up to kiss him. He slides a hand down, pushing your thigh up as he slips the head of his cock in.
You gasp against his lips, sliding your hand around to tangle your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
You sling your leg over his waist, pushing him into you, "Please."
He rests his forehead against yours, a groan leaving his lips as he pushes all the way into you. You moan, laying your arm over his neck. He lays his hand on your cheek as he slowly pulls out, thrusting back in.
"F-fuck." He kisses your face, "You feel so good." He kisses down your neck, sucking marks into your shoulder.
You moan, eyes rolling back at the pleasure between your legs and the bruises forming on your skin.
He lifts his head and you kiss back his jaw, down to his neck. You bite down on his neck, earning a deep throaty moan from him as you suck a hicky into his neck.
You tilt your head back, moaning out as he thrusts all the way in and stops. You look up at him, “You’re mine.. and only mine.”
“Always have been, babe.” He smirks, continuing to thrust again, “We just didn’t know it.”
He slides his hand up to your neck, gently closing it as he rests his head against yours, “I’m so close.”
You nod once, “Mhm.” You whimper as he tightens his hand on your neck, “M-me too.”
He kisses your forehead as he slides his hand down to interlock his fingers with yours. He pins your hand by your head, moaning as his thrusts grow sloppy.
You clench his cock, rolling your hips as your chest presses against his, “Fuck, fuck.” You lay your head back, moaning loudly as you cum around him.
Colby is quick to follow, pulling out to cum onto your waist.
He presses a kiss to your lips, “Hang tight.” He gets up and goes to grab a towel, “Okay.” He wipes your waist off and helps you sit up.
You smile up at him, “About time right?”
“About time for what?” He tilts his head and tries not to crack a smile, “I can’t.” He laughs and leans down, his hands on either side of you, “I know what you mean.”
He presses a few kisses to your lips and smirks, “Should we check and see how much damage stirring the pot did?”
You bite your lip, “Oh yeah.” You move back up his bed, getting under the covers as he grabs both phones.
He hands you yours before climbing into bed behind you. You cuddle back into his chest and take a deep breath, “Ready?”
He nods, “No, but I’m curious.” He chuckles as you click on to Instagram, smiling as Colby’s post is the first one that pops up.
Your eyes go wide, “over thirteen thousand comments. Holy fuck.” You heart it and you can tell he smiles, “I had to heart it. I mean, I’m tagging in it, right?”
He chuckles and nods, “Would be rude if you didn’t.”
You click onto the comments and you immediately laugh when you see Sam’s comment.
samgolbach bros tryna break the internet
User1 petition for Colby to be a Calvin Klein ad
User2 dont you dare touch that delete button
zachjustice My mom wants your number
User3 im suing if you delete
User4 thank you
solhardymusic It’s working
User6 he’s so pretty I want to cry
You bite down on your lip as you move to tap the comment bar. You giggle slightly as you hit send.
Yourusername whoever took this is lucky
Colby shakes his head as he laughs and brings his phone over in front of your face, “Well see about that.”
Since you’re lying on his other arm, you see what he’s typing in reply to your comment.
colbybrock my good luck charm
You shake your head, setting your phone down before you turn to face him, “Aren’t you sweet.”
“When I want to be.” He drops his phone and pulls you onto him, “Ready to go again?”
You smile and nod your head, “Again.” You lean down to kiss him, “And again.” You smile against his lips, “And again.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Thanks for reading! Let me know how you liked it, and yes.. those are actual comments from Colby’s actual Instagram post.
Love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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lucysarah-c · 4 months
Scratches down his back
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Summary: Repeat after me, nothing good happens in the common showers unless it’s Levi sandwiching you with the wet wall. Sadly, this is not the case. So, nothing good will happen.  Author's Note: I'm revisiting this piece, my second-ever Levi fanfiction, after Tumblr inexplicably removed it. I've made a few alterations, so if you recall the original, you might notice some differences. I've attempted to recreate it to the best of my memory. Despite initially intending it to be full NSFW, I've reconsidered; it doesn't quite match the tone I'm aiming for. This leans more towards being a Crack fic than an NSFW one. Warning: This story contains suggestive themes but nothing explicit. Word Count: 2.8k
She lotioned up, fingers deftly twisting and knotting the towel around her body to keep it from slipping. Annoying groans echoed in the humid tiled space as she struggled to finish her routine while maintaining modesty and not taking up too much space. 
"Holy Sheena," a voice called from her right, making her turn around hastily. 
"What?" she responded. 
Hange walked closer, seeming less concerned about covering up after coming out of the shower. "Those bruises... tell Shorty he's supposed to fuck you, not try to kill you," they joked. 
She sighed intently and found the well-marked fingertips around her hips, washing away marks around her wrists and the obvious hickeys and bite marks on her inner thighs and lower collarbone to conceal them from daily life. Y/N couldn't help but chuckle. 
"Forgot I had those," she commented, momentarily happy before furrowing her brow again. "I can't find anything here!" 
The former HQ of the scouts lacked a pumping water system, everything (despite her boyfriend's attempts) smelled of mold and humidity. The place was freezing due to the tall ceilings and lack of proper insulation, especially in the middle of the forest where temperatures dropped the lowest. Having to shower there, under shaky candlelight, with buckets of water and a cup to pour it on her body was a nightmare. 
"How could you forget?" Hange seemed less stressed about the shower situation, either because they had fewer steps in their routine or because they were less ashamed. 
"I got used to it, and I usually don't share bathrooms, so no one can see me naked," she explained, searching among her personal hygiene items for the next step in her routine. "I forgot how impractical communal showers were." 
"Ah, yes, because you and your hubby have all the space for yourselves," the brunette joked, making kissing sounds to annoy her further. 
"You're just jealous that my love life is very active," she retorted. 
"Don't point those fingers at me, save those assumptions for Erwin," Hange teased. 
Their banter made her laugh and nod slightly in agreement. "Speaking of which, did he send you here to help with something?" 
"Supervise a bit of the situation for him and fill out reports for the MPs and the military board," Y/N explained casually as she started to put on comfy clothes. 
"So, basically... a conjugal visit so Levi doesn't get blue balls," They quipped. 
Coughing loudly as the foam from the toothpaste made her choke in shock, she spat into the sink before looking up, blushing deeply. "HANGE!" 
The squad leader chuckled, unfazed by the outburst. "Your marks tell me I'm right. You arrived last night, and he jumped on you like a beast in heat." 
She scoffed, not saying a word as her mouth was still full of toothpaste. Frowning slightly at the squad leader and shooting them an askance look, but Hange didn't seem offended, taking the conversation lightheartedly. 
As they finished their dental routines, Y/N was surprised by Hange's efficiency. They clearly had different notions of after-shower routines. 
"Don't be so hard on him," Y/N defended her boyfriend tenderly as she rinsed the toothpaste residue. "He's stressed about the whole Titan boy situation. He needed to unwind." 
Both walked out of the room lethargically, as if neither had anywhere urgent to be. "That's the excuse Shorty gave you? But if Eren is so meek around Levi..." Hange argued back between chuckles. 
The empty corridors of the former HQ made her shiver, quickly losing the warmth of the shower as they strolled. When the name of the new cadet in Levi's squad was dropped, Y/N couldn't help but grimace and bite her bottom lip to hold back a chuckle. 
"What's so funny?" Hange asked. 
"Nothing," she replied. 
"Come on, just tell me!" 
"Fine..." she relented, "but this stays between us." 
"You know I can't promise that," Hange joked, indicating that juicy information wouldn't stay secret for long. "Just spit it out." 
"I met Eren earlier today..." she began. 
"Yeah, and?" Hange prompted. 
Y/N's subtle, almost innocent blush didn't match her sassy chuckles. "He's hella cute." 
Hange's loud gasp echoed in the empty hallways, prompting Y/N to hush them intensely. "You're a taken woman, Y/N!" the brunette argued, albeit without seriousness. "And... He's a kid. Have some decency, you creep." 
"Hey!" Y/N quickly protested. "I never said I was going to sleep with him or something like that! Can't a girl admit when a boy is cute? I mean, did you see his eyes? He's going to be turning heads around here before you know it." 
Hange chuckled, "If he survives..." 
"What a depressing thought, Hange, for Sheena's sake," both continued walking. "Mark my words, he's going to be handsome and will have girls swooning over him." 
"Including you?" Hange teased. 
Y/N shook her head softly, regretting telling the squad leader about it. "I could teach him a thing or two," she joked back, earning a shallow laugh from her companion. 
"Don't let Shorty hear you say that," Hange warned. 
"I'm joking, I'm joking," she assured. 
The heavy stone walls seemed to catch every little molecule of dust between the bricks as she swung the door open to the basement kitchen, probably designed to keep the cold temperature for food storage. Or perhaps it was an old castle, and the staff was secluded to the forgotten and unpleasant part of the architecture. Once inside, Petra and Eren were cutting potatoes while sitting on big, chipped wooden boxes. 
"Hey," Y/N greeted, rubbing her arms over her clothes as the humidity and coldness of the place seemed to penetrate every piece of clothing. "The bathroom is free if you want to take a shower." 
Y/N chuckled softly at her own words. "Well, 'shower' is a bold word for sitting down and throwing buckets of water on yourself," she clarified, jokingly. 
Petra seemed to understand, smiled at Eren, and stood up to clean her hands before leaving. They were taking turns for showers, mostly because the former HQ lacked a water pumping system, so they had to fetch water early in the day. For showers, the water had to be warmed up by the stove and then carried to one of the rooms they had chosen as a bathroom. Neither room was ideal because of the wooden floors, but they made do. 
She noticed the big, almost innocent eyes of the cadet looking up at her, both seemingly waiting for the other to make the next move. Eren continued with his task silently until she cleared her throat. 
"So... have you taken a shower yet, Eren?" 
"No, ma'am," Eren replied stiffly, making her scoff. 
"You can call me Y/N," she said, taking a spot next to him on the box. "Here, let me help you, or we'll be having potatoes for dinner the day after tomorrow." 
Her hands began to peel the potatoes with expertise. "You're good at this," he commented, looking down at his own pile and noticing a good part of the peel had taken the potato with it. 
She chuckled, "Ugh, you know how many potatoes I peeled before I was promoted," she joked. "You're showering after dinner? Make sure to rinse the water out of your hair if you're going straight to bed; you might catch a cold otherwise." 
Eren seemed surprised by the comment, or perhaps by the interaction overall. "Yes, ma'am," he replied with less self-assurance. "Captain Levi said the rest should go ahead, and then we'll go... I feel bad that he had to wait to take his turn because of me." 
"You're showering with Levi?" she asked, entertained, cutting off a bit of the self-hate speech that the cadet was about to embark on. "You're not planning on stealing my man, are you?" 
Oh, how quickly the blood rushed to his cheeks. It was priceless. "N-NO! I-I, no. I'll n-never," the poor boy began to stutter. She playfully patted his back while having a blast. 
"Relax, Eren. I'm messing with you," she said between chuckles. "It's just a silly shower, sweetie. Levi goes to bed very late, so showering last doesn't affect him." 
"But Oluo said–" 
"Ohhh, please," she interrupted him again, rolling her eyes as she returned to her task of peeling potatoes. Momentarily pointing at him with the knife, as if to emphasize her point, she continued, "Do not listen to him. Oluo is like one of those very tiny little dogs. They bark and bark and may even bite more than a regular-sized dog, but they actually hold no power." 
It was time for the cadet to have a short chuckle at her comparison. "Mr. Oluo isn't going to like that." 
"Well, I'm higher in command than him so." 
There was a brief calm silence as both of them continued to prepare dinner. "You're too nice to me, Squad Leader," Eren murmured, slightly ashamed. "The rest of Captain Levi's squad is nice too, but I can feel their fear..." 
Y/N couldn't help but find it endearing, the little pout on his face. "Oh sweetie, I'm the one who brings the first paperwork of the day to Erwin, and sometimes I even have to wake him up. There's nothing you could do that could scare me after that," she said while reaching forward to pinch his right cheek while wrinkling her nose. "You're a cutie." 
The side smile mixed with a not subtle blush that extended to his ears and the subtle shame in his eyes. Everything in his attitude screamed 'I'm not a girl or a kid, don't call me that.' 
But that was exactly what he was in her eyes: a kid. 
Clicking his tongue, cursing under his breath, he moved the shaking candle around, trying to find a good lighting spot against the old mirror while passing the razor close to his skin. The flame shook under the little insulation of the old rooms, and the humidity of the showers didn’t help as it rained little drops of condensation too close to it. Unlike Eren, who had finished showering and looked around ashamed, unsure how to even begin to dress up for bed without looking awkward (he could start by not standing still in the middle of the room), Levi seemed rather relaxed. Apparently, his only problem was shaving under that type of light. 
The Captain looked over his shoulder, found the cadet looking as if he wished the earth could swallow him. “Come on, brat. We don’t have all night. Get dressed so I can take you to the basement,” Levi spoke up. “Don't be so tense. I cleaned the place myself.” 
‘The cleanliness is not my problem,’ Eren thought to himself as he tried to carry on. But keeping the towel around his hips while trying to put clothes on that stuck to his humid body, nothing was going according to plan. 
“I bet you shared showers in worse conditions at the training camps,” Levi kept his usual stoic face as he cleaned the residues of shaving cream from his face and carried on unaffected by the situation. 
But Eren couldn’t unglue his eyes as soon as he noticed them. Yes, them. The red striking scratches down the back of his superior. Well-marked, five on each side decorating his shoulder blades. Eren swore he was trying not to pay them any mind, trying to remember to breathe or even to stop the saliva as his mouth hung open looking at them. 
Levi mentioning the shared showers at the training camps didn't help. Because all he could hear repeating endlessly in his mind were the stupid conversations Reiner and Jean would have about the hypothetical chicks they were planning to lay with. How they throw their heads back as they moan your name. Their nails sinking in your back as you pounded into them. 
‘Think of something else, Eren. Think of something else,’ 
“S-sorry,” he stuttered out a reply as the object he was picking up slipped from his clumsy hands, gathering his superior's attention, who was now staring at him as he kneeled to pick it up with his face as red as a tomato and nervous eyes. 
Levi raised a silent eyebrow for a split second before slightly shaking his head, not giving it much thought. ‘Teenagers,’ he thought to himself while sighing. 
Eren wished he could stop his own mind because it wasn’t just Reiner’s voice playing in his head but the created mental images of what he thought, in his inexperience, it looked like: his superior—no—his hero, fucking the sweet, caring woman who had just been peeling potatoes with him. Her hands that pinching his cheeks, sinking its nails into his squad leader’s back while moaning his name. Wrinkling his eyes closed, trying to erase the mental images as he could feel the blood pumping. ‘You’re not planning on stealing my man, are you?’ her voice echoing in the walls of his head, pumped lips and sultry eyes as she looked back at him playfully. 
‘Think of something else!’ 
“What could you probably be thinking of?” Levi’s voice echoed as his worst nightmare. Had he said that out loud? This time Levi had turned around to face him, left hand resting on the sink as he had his trousers on but hanging loosely on his hips as he was halfway getting dressed. He didn’t seem friendly, and his dead glance demanded an explanation. 
“Ehm- I,” Eren began to stutter, trying to find a logical explanation. His mind was racing miles per hour, how to explain. He was peeling potatoes, she made a joke, now he knows they are dating, Levi had his back scratched by her. She, her nails, her joke, her pretty lips— 
Ah- He shouldn’t have said that, but it was the first word that came to his mind. 
“What?” Levi’s voice seemed to source from hell itself. 
Heavy steps again on the floor, as he rushed back to his room. “Oi, where are you going so angry, shorty?” Hange rested against the wood frame while drinking a cup of tea. They had heavy under-eye circles and despite the dose of caffeine from their drinks, they seemed very lethargic. 
“Tch, to talk to my girlfriend about not messing around with my subordinates,” Levi had a heavy frown on his face as his hair still leaked little drops of water. “I just had the most uncomfortable conversation with Eren,” Levi said between clenched teeth, barely modulating. 
Hange chuckled while raising an eyebrow, blinking a couple of times. “Y/N told you she thinks Eren is a cutie? I’m surprised...” 
Levi, who had never stopped facing down the hall to his room, not even when he began his conversation with the other squad leader, slowly turned around to face the brunette as he heard that with a clearly confused face that turned into a frown as the information sank in. “What?” he spat out. 
Hange began to chuckle as they feared that they had misunderstood, “Ha ha... didn’t you say you had an uncomfortable conversation about Eren?” 
“Clean up your filthy ears or go to sleep already, four eyes,” the captain said calmly before clarifying, “I said a fucking uncomfortable conversation WITH Eren.” 
“Now, tell me what the hell you meant by that and make it quick because I already stood in a leaky bathroom for easily half an hour hearing Eren stutter apologize after he said my girlfriend’s name with a fucking hard on.” 
Observing out of the window as she admired how calm the deep forest was at the former HQ. It was rather cold, but she had only her nightgown on, a sheer translucent piece of cloth. The door of the room swung open, revealing an extremely angry Levi. He shut his door close and walked up to her. 
“What's gotten into you?” She questioned, confused. But before she could even reply, he was grabbing her face, pressing her cheeks together, and slightly raising her face to have it inches away from his. 
“You’ve forgotten your manners. I’ve been too soft with you,” Levi groaned, “First of all, you don’t go around playing cheeky with my subordinates.” 
She could feel the tug from his grip, pressing her closer as her hands touched his arm. Breathing heavily, humming a moan at his words. “Second, you truly think you could have a brat like him when I can already tell you’re dropping with the idea of me teaching you your place again?” 
“Your next words should be ‘Yes, sir’ if you know what's good for you,” he let go of her face just to slap her ass, “Go to bed and ass up, baby girl.” 
She moved excitedly in the direction he indicated but turned around as she bit her bottom lip, watching as he grabbed a belt from his uniform, “and that?” she asked curiously. 
“To make sure I’m the only one who leaves marks behind.” 
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out.
Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @kikarouflames @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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aryxchse · 7 months
percy doesn't know.
— leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader.
inspired from the song ;; scotty doesn't know by lustra
summary ;; percy is oblivious about leo fucking his sister at every chance he gets.
warnings ;; nsfw stuff i guess, no full smut though. percy is being oblivious as hell, reader is sneaky and leo's a little bastard <3
a / n ;; wish my english was good enough to actually write some good smut, but please don't kill me because i just implied it 👐🏻 OH and they're aged up, obvi.
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Percy doesn't know that y/n and me
Do it in my cabin every Sunday
She tells him she's in lake but she doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and Percy doesn't know
y/n l/n, percy jackson's precious little sister. she was only a year younger than him, but he still acted like she was a baby. he tried to protect her at all costs and sweared that he would kill anyone who looked at her wrong.
and when she told him that she was dating with leo, he couldn't help but get even more protective. but he did not have the right to say something, because he was happily in love with annabeth. and y/n just wanted to live that kind of love too, she deserved it.
so when she told him she was going to lake, to swim and meditate a little, he believed her. she was too soft and naive to do something secretly behind him anyways. at least, that's what percy told to himself.
little did he didn't know was that y/n, was going to bunker 9.
"finally," leo breathed out when he saw his perfect girlfriend y/n. "thought percy didn't let you be alone."
y/n smiled mischiefly as she approached to him, already seeing him hard. it looked like it hurt, and she would do anything to make her sweet boyfriend satisfied. "doesn't matter, i'm here right? let me help you with that." she said, pointing his arousal.
leo only smirked when she got down to her knees.
I can't believe he's so trusting
While I'm right behind you thrusting
y/n's got him on the phone
And she's trying not to moan
"h-hi, perce. what's up?" she said, trying to hold her voice stable.
she wasn't going to open the phone, really. but leo, being a little shit he is, insisted. appearently he wanted to see how much his girlfriend was capable of holding herself.
besides, leo was too heated at the moment that he didn't even cared when percy called. she was close, he was close, they were so close to having the feeling of paradise. percy would enter the room and leo would still keep pounding into her, that's how hot he was. he couldn't stop.
leo bited back a laugh, thrusting into her more. he bended her over at his working table, the metal stuff throwed on the ground long ago. she tried to scratch the table but of course, failed.
"no, thank you i don't want anything." she said, arching her back more as leo kept his speed. she was so close to exploding that she was afraid she wouldn't be able to muffle her moans like she did now.
percy was on a date with annabeth at the amusement park and he was catching some plushies now. and he knew how his sister loved plushies, especially sea creature themed ones. "well, m-maybe you can get the shark one, thanks perce." she said, tears rolling down as her voice shaked a bit.
"okay, love you too. kiss annabeth for me." she said before hanging up, and releasing herself with a loud cry. she screamed all of the voices she kept inside while she hit her orgasm, panting on leo's desk. it didn't take much longer for leo to cum after her, a breathless chuckle leaving his lips.
"you did so well, princesa." he panted, kissing her back.
I did her on his birthday
percy doesn't know
percy doesn't know
percy doesn't know
it was august 18th, percy's birthday. everyone of their friends were invited, so it was normal for leo being there too.
the house was full of people, that percy couldn't even look or talk with his sister more than two minutes. everyone congratulated him on his new age and how handsome he turned out. bla, bla, bla.
y/n wore a white skirt with a blue crop top that leo got her at her birthday. he didn't said anything while he handed it to her, but the low neckline was making her boobs look gorgeous. and he don't even mention of how hot that top looked with that skirt.
leo held her hand as he whispered in her ear. "i need you, right now." he whispered in a desperate tone, a tone she couldn't say no to.
"leo we can't— the house is too crowded and-" leo kissed her neck secretly, only making her squirm under his touch. "that's why no one would notice." he whispered in her ear.
percy was talking with annabeth when he saw y/n taking leo's hand and dragging him to somewhere. "y/n!" he called, making the couple turn around.
"w-what's up?" she asked, trying to sound not too panicked. percy didn't noticed, thanks to gods. "where are you two going?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. which annabeth was going to be mad at him for it later.
"i gotta pee man, and she's leading me to the bathroom." leo explained, hiding behind her so that percy won't see his boner. percy was going to say something, but was intrupted by annabeth.
"okay then, we wouldn't want leo to pee in his pants on your birthday, right babe?" annabeth asked, not caring if percy was going to answer or not. and not waiting for it either. "but-" percy tried to say.
"great! be quick though, we're about to give him his presents." annabeth said like she knew, she winked to the couple. y/n gave her a warm smile, in a way only she could understand what she meant behind it. thank you, you're the best!
annabeth dragged percy to the kitchen while the couple got upstairs, making out the moment they entered the bathroom.
a / n ;; thanks for reading, you really survived to here fr 🫶🏻
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cupidddd-d · 5 months
heart eyes
aww, they're in love with you !
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"h-hey," peter's voice cracks as he tries to speak, clearing his throat as a blush creeps up his cheeks. "i-i mean, hey."
his hands fiddle with something underneath his robes, his freckles slowly disappearing as his flush grows darker.
"hi peter, what's up?" you offer him a polite smile as you try not to laugh at how adorable he is.
"s-so i noticed that um...y-you're really good at, um, ch-charms. c-could you maybe...tutor me? i-i mean, i-it's fine if y-you don't!" he stutters.
he clears his throat again as he stares down at the ground. preparing himself to be slapped. for what? he doesn't really know. maybe for even daring to talk to you, let alone asking you for anything. why would he deserve to hold even an ounce of your attention?
"sure, that's fine. i'm free anytime, so let me know when you want to meet in the library," you shrug simply, your eyes widening in shock as he shoves 3 boxes of chocolate frogs in your arms.
"okay, thanks, bye!" he rushes off before you can respond, practically running away from you.
"um...bye, i guess?"
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"merlin-!" your neck almost collapses as james places his elbow on your skull, casually using you as an armrest and leaning his full weight on you.
"has anyone ever told you how short you are?" he ponders, letting out a quiet oomph when you shove him off.
"get off me, you...ogre!"
"sweetheart, i'm hurt. anyhow, have you heard of what happened to malfoy? i set his mattress on fire," he looks at you with a childlike grin, eager for your approval. "you said he was insulting you behind your back, didn't you?"
"oh, that's not...that's not really a prank. that's just, um...arson." you scratch the back of your neck awkwardly, your lips twisted into a weak grimace.
his smile dips slightly. "well, i didn't exactly consult the boys about it. was more of a personal project. for you. don't you like it?"
"um...it's the thought that counts, right?"
as dubious as your answer is, it causes james' spirits to lift once more, and he tackles you in a hug (which subsequently cuts off your air supply--who knew he'd have such a strong grip?).
"i knew you'd love it!"
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"ahh, good evening, love. sitting at the fireplace all by your lonesome?" sirius says loudly as he plops down on the couch next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder.
"not anymore," you gingerly pick up his hand as if it's radioactive, tossing it aside and leaving it dangling behind the couch--but most importantly, away from you. "what are you doing, black?"
"you're so cold to me," he sighs, raking a hand through his hair. "you didn't notice anything new about me?"
you shake your head cluelessly.
"nothing? really, love? shoes? haircut? rings? clothes? you don't notice anything?"
you shake your head again.
"i'm heartbroken! devastated! anguished! inconsolable, even! i did all this to fit your tastes, you know!" he complains. "can't i have a little kiss to heal my shattered soul?"
he puckers his lips, leaning in with a hopeful expression.
"yeah, maybe in your dreams, black." you snort as you get up from the couch, moving as far away from him as possible.
he bites his lip as he watches you leave, idly rubbing his jaw.
"oh trust me, i'm dreaming...hell, i'll do a lot more than dreaming..."
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"i couldn't stay for break, so i wanted to give you an early yule present, if that's okay?" remus rummages around in his bag and hands you a strange rectangle.
upon closer inspection, it seems to be a (poorly) wrapped gift, but it's the thought behind it that warms your heart and causes an involuntary smile to spread across your face.
yes, too much wrapping paper was used, and there's tape in unnecessary places, but remus made a gift for you. who cares that it looked like it had been constructed by a blind toddler?
"thank you, remus," you say sweetly, your voice dripping into his ears like warm honey. "can i open it?"
"o-of course, and if you don't like it, i also have a sweater in my dorm for you. i um, remember how you'd always compliment my sweaters, so i thought i might get us a matching pair." he offers you a shy smile that makes your heart melt.
"you're so sweet, rem," you say softly. you delicately tear the wrapping paper, not wanting to ruin his hard work.
"it's my favorite book. i thought you might like it, and i annotated it. i highlighted the lines that made me think of you, and i also wrote little comments in the margins," he explains quietly, picking at his cuticles. "but now that i'm saying it out loud, it seems stupid..."
"it's not stupid, rem! i love it! it's really sweet and thoughtful! thank you," you say earnestly. "i'm really excited to read it over break. i mean it,"
"you're welcome, dove,"
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lussiane333 · 1 year
hello friend, love the slasher posts
Ok so we all know that scene in Halloween when the nurse chick (I completely forgot her name) was kissing and biting micheals hand. Could you do that but with his s/o like how would he reacte if it was someone he ......likes?
Hello there!
That scene.. I'm jealous.
(Any version) Michael Myers x Reader NSFW!
(It's me, of course it's NSFW, what else did you expect ;P)
Kiss it better
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Michael knew that you liked his hands.
It turns out that besides the brutality, his hands could still give pleasure.
The way you ogled when he grabbed something, when he placed his hand on your thigh and circled his thumb on your skin, so light and soft. Or when he gripped your neck tightly, Michael savoring the sweet sounds you made, as your eyes watched his flexing arm. Your hand placed on top of his that held your neck, feeling his strong grip.. 
The way your eyes were practically heart shaped, when he came home all dirty and bloody, his hand gripping the knife so tightly it made his veins pop out even more.
Michael knows it all.
He also knows that he could easily crush you with them. One hand and you would be gone.. It's not only erotic to him. He feels a strange sensation in his chest when he thinks that you know about the things that he has done with his hands, and you still look at them like it's a holy picture.. He's aroused but touched too.
So now imagine, Michael coming back home with a big bruise forming on his knuckles. It was still red, maybe the victim kicked him or threw something at him, tried anything just to save themselves. 
"Let me kiss it better.." You said, giving Michael the most prettiest gaze you could. 
Michael's eyes were on you. It didn't even hurt and he was eyeing you for trying to baby him like that, but he gave you his hand anyway.
You felt heat creep along your neck as you found yourself kissing his palm. Then you began to suck and bite just gently on Michael's fingers.
His eyes widened slightly, all focused on you and the way your mouth moved, your eyes on his as you held his wrist. 
Oh he likes it. A lot.. 
When you softly moaned and bit down harder, applying the perfect pressure with your teeth, he lost it. 
He would put you against the nearest furniture and fuck you hard, pushing his hips forward to sink his cock into you over and over again, his fingers in your mouth, muffling the sounds you made. 
'You like it so much, now take it.' He thinks, as he pushes his fingers down your throat more.
He wouldn't be able to hold back the soft moans that escaped him. Seeing you sucking on his fingers while he's deep inside of you? Yeah, that does something to him.
Michael would definitely give you hints to do it again after this..
Coming home after another bloody night and you would see a big scratch on his hand. (He actually did it himself) He would stare at you, showing you his hand and if you wouldn't get the hint, he would put his thumb on your lower lip, pulling it down gently and lean closer to you just to whisper a soft, almost inaudible: "Kiss it better." 
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gyll-yee-haw · 6 months
Hi Maria!! I hope you’re doing well ❤️❤️
Do you mind writing Donnie and reader’s first time? He’d be so patient and careful with his girl the whole time, that if she ended up crying halfway through because of how good it felt, he’d be horrified that he hurt her somehow 😭 just something sweet for that poor man
Yes yes yes my poor sad boy deserves the world :(
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Warnings: I was too horny writing this, so I went straight to the point, sorry. Loss of virginity, implied unprotected sex, p in v, Donnie being so subbie and cute and unable to not cum too soon :(, masturbation (f and mentions of m)
Like 1.3k words
It was a brand new feeling. And you couldn't believe how fucking incredible it was... with every movement of his cock scratching that special spot just right... sending waves of pleasure through your whole body... and then you'd look up and see the prettiest boy who's ever lived, right above you. Eyes so big, so blue, so curious, a little crinkle of worry on his forehead.
Oh my god, is she enjoying this? - was all he could think of.
He was so nervous. And it didn't help at all that your expression was so hard to read.
Still, he was just discovering what pussy drunk meant, cause he was getting the same waves of pleasure as you... and he couldn't stop.
He had been holding himself back, until he couldn't anymore. He left out a loud and pathetic moan. The hottest fucking thing you ever heard. Your pussy automatically clenched around his length.
"Oh my god" You whined, tears escaping your eyes.
Oh no. Oh shit. You were so fucking tight around him... but you were... crying?
"Baby... sorry... shit" He tried to pull out, but you held him in his place, wrapping arms and legs around him.
"Donnie, please..." You begged, tears falling on the pillow under your head.
"I'm hurting you!" He protested, stopping his thrusts immediately. His cock throbbed inside you in need, making him feel like crying.
"You're not hurting me!" You tried to buck your hips, but he was too close and you were holding him too tight to allow that.
"Then why are you crying?" The crinkle on his forehead grew.
"Cause it feels so fucking good..." You sighed. "Love your cock, Donnie..."
"Oh shit, doll, don't do this to me..." His cock throbbed uncontrollably inside you.
"Love it when it does that..." You smiled, biting your lip.
"Y/N, I'm serious..." He closed his eyes, trying to focus on anything but the look on your face on that moment, otherwise the fun would be over too soon...
"Donnie, can we continue?" You asked, nails running up and down his back.
"Give me a sec." His face turned red.
"You're not hurting me, Don, I swear..." You insisted.
"Can't move." He whispered.
"Why?" You asked frustratedly.
"Cause you're squeezing me way too good." He admitted, face visibly burning.
"Oh..." You couldn't help but chuckle.
"Not fucking funny." He sighed. "Just wanted to please you. Such a shitty boyfriend..."
"Donnie, baby..." You cupped his face, forcing him to look at you. "Need you to move... want you to cum so good for me..."
"Come on, Donnie... I wanna see you cum... please?" You grabbed the hair on the back of his head, gently tugging on it. "Swear it's gonna make me feel so good..."
"You're supposed to do that first." He groaned, clearly mad at himself.
"Supposed to? There's no right and wrong. It's our first time." You assured him. "Do it for me, please? I'll let you do whatever you want to me afterwards, yeah? Promise it won't be over."
There was a new sparkle in his eyes after hearing that. He couldn't believe that he would get to play with your gorgeous body like he always dreamt of...
"Hmm... can I... hmm..." He got shy again, thinking of the possibilities. "Can I cum on your tits?"
"Fuck, Donnie..." You moaned. "Do it for me, baby, let me see you."
He removed himself from you and it was almost painful for both of you. But you didn't have much time to think. You got on your knees on the bed, watching Donnie stroke his cock. It was so hard... the tip as red as his cheeks, leaking something you couldn't wait to taste someday.
"Shit..." He moaned, desperation on his face. "I'm gonna cum..."
"Cum for me, Donnie..." You begged, just as desperate as him. "Cum all over my tits..."
He left out the hottest sounds you had ever heard as he painted your tits white. And your chin. And belly. He made an inexperienced mess... couldn't help it... he had never been this turned on his his life, his aim wouldn't be good.
"That was so fucking hot, Donnie..." you smiled, watching him fight for his life. You wondered if he would ever be able to stop blushing.
"Hm... everytime I... hmm..." He tried to talk, but was very distracted by the way your hand slided all the way to your pussy, starting to rub yourself.
"Keep talking." You said, eyes focused on his face.
"Everytime I... jerk off I... picture myself coming on your tits." He admitted. "Specially since you... uh... showed me them, the other day."
"Yeah?" You smirked, spreading your legs wider. "Was reality better than you imagined?"
He nodded eagerly. Your fingers started rubbing your clit faster and you left out a moan.
"I'm so sorry I didn't satisfy you..." He was still very disappointed. "I just... wanted our first time to be perfect."
"Shh... come here, baby boy." You chuckled. "Wanna touch me?"
It was stupid to be this excited about this, when he had literally just been inside you... but he didn't even care at this point. He kept his eyes glued to your face as he rubbed all the wrong spots. You had to direct his fingers to your clit. And when he got a reaction from you, indicating he was doing good... oh god.
"Ouch!" Your hips bucked. "Slower, Don... nice and slow..."
"M'sorry..." His eyes widened.
"It's okay, baby... just like that..." You praised. "It... it feels so good..."
"Yeah?" He asked proudly. "Can I kiss you?"
"Please, Don..." You smiled.
The way you looked at each other before the kiss... you both knew. That was the moment you threw all the worries out of the window. Fuck a perfect first time. You were having fun, discovering each other's bodies. When he kissed you, it was so romantic. So intimate. So good... so good.
"Hm... Donnie..." You moaned against his lips. "You're gonna make me cum like this..."
"Please... please, I really want you to..." He crashed his lips against your again, rubbing you incredibly right.
It felt so new... having someone else's fingers making you cum. God, Donnie's fingers... that thought alone could drive you crazy.
More tears escaped your eyes as you reached your peak, but they didn't scare him anymore. They amazed him. He wouldn't get used to this any time soon...
"Stop, stop, stop!" You pushed his hand away, way too overstimulated when it all ended.
"Sorry!" He gasped.
"It's okay, Don." You smiled, feeling like you were floating. "Just felt too good."
"Did you, really?" He asked, with that beautiful smile of his.
"Hell yeah." You laid on your back, letting out a sigh of relief. "This was perfect."
"It... it was, wasn't it?" He smiled, laying beside you.
Donnie became such a clingy little boyfriend after that. And I don't mean only during that post orgasmic bliss... I mean, that boy won't leave you alone for days. Weeks. He's addicted to you. He wants to try everything he always dreamt of. He wants to try everything he's never heard of.
He wants to try everything with you.
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entername322 · 7 months
Deal with the devil
Eunbi (ex Izone) X Male Reader ft Yujin (ex Izone, IVE)
Length: 12090 words
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Fishing is an activity that requires patience and experience. You were prepared to do a long game of push and pull with Eunbi to corrupt her further. Of course you can just blackmail her but where's the fun in that? It's much more fun to see if she would walk I to your trap rather than pushing her forcefully into it. So having a slow burn isn't something you're against. However, to your shock, Eunbi would actually contact you back an hour after you left her in her office. “What a slut”, You smiled seeing her text.
“Are you seriously checking your phone right now?” Yujin moaned, “Hehehehe, I thought it was someone important”, You carelessly dropped your phone on the bed before you grabbed her waist. “Fuck I hate you so much”, She let out another moan as she continue riding you. “You're so cute when you're in denial like this”, You teased her and started squeezing her thighs. “Fuck you”, She grunted, “Are you having trouble there? Should we switch places and I'll be the one moving?” Yujin feels offended by your question and starts to move her hips faster, “I got this, just stay quiet will you?” Her hand presses onto your chest to help support her. 
“I think you're just a tsundere”, Yujin always frowns and swears at you every time you tease her like this, but her pussy would always tighten around your cock as if she's enjoying it. “I. Hate. You.” Of course you just smile and caress her cheek, “Do you want another kiss princess?” Yujin struggles to stop herself from leaping into your embrace. “No”, She said with a blush, “I think you do”, Before she could react you grabbed her face with both of your hands and pulled her down for a kiss. Deep inside her, Yujin feels ecstatic, something about your kiss always makes her act up. You can feel her waist start to move even more aggressively and her pussy got even tighter. As you pull away from the kiss you can see her eyes are still closed and her lips reaching forward trying to find yours. “Say that you like me too”, Yujin eyes open in shock, her face turns full red and her words are failing to be formed, even her waist stops moving.
Taking the opportunity, you grab her body and turn her around making you lay on top of her. “It's okay Yujin, I promise I won't tell a single soul. You can trust me”, You kiss her cheek, which turns out to be her weak spot. “That's not fair, you can't just keep attacking me like this and- ahhhhhhh”, Yujin moans again as your waist starts moving. “Come on princess, I want to hear you say it”, But Yujin was busy, crying? “You're so mean”, God she actually looks like a spoiled child now. “Hahahaha, I always know you're a softie underneath”, Yujin frowns at you as her tears are falling down. “I hate you”, She throws a punch at your chest, however you can tell it is just a playful one due to the lack of pain you're having. “Like I always said, unfortunately for you, I like you”, You lean down and kiss her again.
This time her hands go behind your head and hug it close. “If I knew you were a bastard I would've never asked you out”, Yujin looks at you with a cute pout, “Ask me out? I thought this is just a fling”, You tease her again by kissing her cheek. “Just stop teasing me already. You know you wanted to go out with me”, She whined, “Do you want to go out with me too princess?” You smile and bite your ear. “Yeahhhh”, She moans, her hands go behind your back and starts to scratch it. “Fuck you're so hot when you're all submissive like this you know?” Yujin didn't say anything but inside her mind she starts to accept the dynamic of this relationship. “I'm cumming soon”, She whispers in your ears, her voice sounds so fragile that you swear she's doing it on purpose. “Fuck me too”, Your waist piston into hers in an even more aggressive manner. “What are you waiting for? Just cum inside me, pleaseeeee”, Alright she's definitely doing this on purpose. “I'm cumming”, You slam into her, her leg reacts properly and locks you in. “Fuck, you're so warm”, Yujin can feel her mind losing it's consciousness again. Her nails dig into your back as her teeth sink into your neck to muffle her screams. 
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As you finish unloading inside her you stay still, holding her close as her orgasm is slowly passing. Once she's done you drop down next to her and just lay there. Yujin looked at you with a frown, “You know I was just doing that because of the heat-”, You shut her denial with a kiss. Yujin doesn't bother by pushing you away…..
It's pointless to struggle, he won't let me go. I'm not enjoying this AT ALL. Where did he learn how to kiss anyway, it feels so- disgusting. Yeah he's disgusting as fuck. Him and his slimy tongue that would always reach in and explore my mouth. Him and his occasional biting on my lips and tongue. Him and his body pressing up to me while his hand just grope me wherever he likes. I hate him…….. Fuck Yujin why are you falling for him.
You pull away from the kiss, Yujin opens her eyes while looking at you displeased by your actions. Her hands are holding onto your neck and her body refuses to move away from you. “What were you saying again?” You flash your innocent smile at her and press your forehead against hers. “........ Do you mean it?” You can understand why Eunbi is so easy to catch, your chat history shows how much of a pervert she is and she's been pent up for a long time. Yujin however, you never really know much about her, so it's kinda surprising how easy it is for you to break her walls down. “Which part?” You smile and caressed her cheek, “That you won't tell a single soul about this”, Yujin is pissed by how much she's enjoying your touch, “I promise, no one will know. So don't be scared, you can be honest with me”, You leaned forward to kiss her again. Yujin closes her eyes ready for another make out session but you surprise her by kissing her forehead instead.
“Yaaaaaa, stop that”, She's bewildered by the fact that she enjoys them. “Heheheh, you're so cute sometimes. So, are we officially going out now?” The answer is definitely a yes but Yujin is struggling to say it. Being a nice gentleman that you are, you help her by grabbing her and pull her to rest on top of you. Her head comfortably rests on your shoulder next to the crook of your neck. “Fine, but I'm not telling anyone that we're going out”, It's much easier for her to speak when your snarky smirk isn't on her face. “Alright, can you be my sugar mama while you're at it?” Your finger gently traces down her spine making her shiver. “You wish”, Yujin leans closer and kisses your neck, “Now that we're official I want you to stop chatting with those girls on your phone”, Her demanding tone came off as a needy plea. 
“Jealous?” She answers by biting your neck, “How can you be in a relationship while still sexting and hooking up with random girls?” Honestly, for some reason you don't feel like she's jealous. “Wait, don't tell me your ego got hurt because you think I was spending time with girls you think are lesser than you”, Yujin growls before biting you again. “Is it actually an ego problem for you?” You laugh, “Maybe it is, you don't like that?” Yujin slap your chest. “Fine, I'll be a good boyfriend and stop flirting with other girls”, You're so fucking shameless you know that? “Good, are you staying the night?” Yujin hugged you openly now. “Is that an invitation?” Your hand starts to caress her head. Yujin purrs as she gets in a more comfortable position to sleep, seemingly with no interest to answer you. “Good night princess”
After a while you can feel Yujin drifting off to sleep on top of you. Carefully you drop her next to you before taking your phone and checking on the message from Eunbi.
PurpleBunny: Can we meet up tomorrow?
PorkCrackling: For what?
PurpleBunny: Just, to talk.
PorkCrackling: I'm busy.
PurpleBunny: Please?
PorkCrackling: Give me a reason on why I should.
PurpleBunny: I'll think about continuing our relationship.
PorkCrackling: ?
PurpleBunny: Meet me tomorrow okay? I'll send you my address.
PorkCrackling: When?
PurpleBunny: 7 PM
PorkCrackling: Fine, see you tomorrow.
All these girls falling for you can't be good. It feels like this happened before and things ended up terrible for one of them. Huh? Ahhhhh don't mind that, continue on with your journey of playing with two girls’ hearts. What's the next part of the plan?
Eunbi would be a nice sex slave. If I can continue having my way with her then she won't even think about defying me. Yujin on the other hand is not that easy to deal with. One wrong move and she might just blow up on my face. I think that's the play, have Yujin as my girlfriend and keep Eunbi as my sexual release. I can't let the two of them know about the other. Keeping Eunbi away from Yujin shouldn't be hard. If Eunbi wants to continue this then she will definitely keep this hidden the best she can. Keeping Yujin on the other hand could be hard. If Taeyeon decides to start some gossip between the teachers then I'm fucked. 
I need time to make sure Eunbi doesn't find out, not until I fully have her under my control. I guess it's time for me to start acting like the good stuck up students and try to lay low. 
First thing first, let's hide the chat between me and Eunbi. I need to erase my cookies and my login credentials. It's fucking annoying but it's for the best. As long as Yujin doesn't turn into a needy and overbearing girlfriend then I can talk to Eunbi behind her back. Perfect plan honestly, there is no way this would go wrong.
“Fuck it, tomorrow problem for tomorrow me”, Wise word to live by, until you no longer live. Deciding that you've had enough of the day, you close your eyes and have a nice sleep with Yujin. The next day you were woken up by a sharp pain in your chest. “Ahhh what the fuck”, You spring up and push Yujin away from you. “Aggghhhh, Jesus calm down”, Yujin grunted, feeling your sudden aggression. “What are you doing?” You scoffed, “I was just trying to mess with you, I didn't know you were such a light sleeper”, Yujin scratched her eyes before yawning. “Oh is that so? You're not scared I'm gonna punish you for it?” You grabbed her chin and pulled her for a kiss.
Yujin welcomes the kiss happily and wraps her arm around you. The change is a surprise but a welcome one, maybe Yujin won't be that aggressive from now on. “Fuck, what is wrong with you”, Nope, she bites your lips hard enough it bleeds. “Heheheh, you think you win just because I submit to you? Guess what, I'm not gonna make this easy for you”, Well you did manage to break her walls, that doesn't mean you change her whole personality. Deep inside, she's just a fucking brat, “I'm gonna get you for this”, A fun challenge for you to conquer. “Prove it”, Yujin bites her lips, excited with a morning session, “Come here”, You grab her body and pull her into your lap.
One of your hands grabbed her chin while the other was caressing her ass. “Say sorry and I'll forget about this”, Hey maybe you should deal with the bleeding first? “No”, Well, guess that lips are gonna drip some blood on to her during all this. “Fuck”, Yujin grunted as you spank her, “Count it for me bitch”, Yujin is not into degradation, but she cant really refuse you when you’re all dominant like this. “One”, You smile and raise your hand to spank her again, “Two”, It was at this moment she realised that this would be harder than she expected. 
“Three”, You weren't holding back either, her big and firm ass is so inviting for you to slap. “Four”, You watch her ass jiggle every time you spank it. You managed to spank her 10 times before you stopped, in fear of your lust overtaking you. “Okay I'm sorry”, Thankfully she also break, “Good girl, next time don't piss me off like this again will you?” You lean down and kissed her temple. “I'm sorryyyyy”, She whined in a cute tone, “That's the first part of your punishment princess, are you ready for the next one?” Yujin bite her lips in anticipation. “I'm scared, daddy”, Oh fuck she pull that card out of nowhere, “Don't be scared princess, your punishment is simple. For this whole weekend, you won't get any sex”, Her eyes widened in despair hearing your words.
“What?” Ahhhh, there's the punk Yujin, coming back to voice her frustration. “That's right, you're not getting any action from me. So have fun with those toys because I won't lay my hand on you”, Yujin frown seeing this isn't going in the direction she wanted. “Well fine, it's not like I don't have a line of guys ready to please me anytime I want”, She tries to make you jealous, “Go ahead, find someone to ‘satisfy’ your needs. Just so you know you won't find anyone who can please you like I do. While me on the other hand, I can find a lot of girls-”, Your words are interrupted by her kiss. Oh fuck, maybe she will become a needy girl after all.
“Just fuck me already daddy, I know you want to”, She sat on your lap and start grinding on your cock, “I'm not rewarding you for your bratty attitude”, You slap her again, contradicting your words. “Pleaseeee?” Since when can she make a cute pout like that? “No, I need to go for the day anyway so you're on your own”, You try to push her off if you but she won't move, “Come on, just one round, that's all I need”, This needy Yujin is not good for your sex drive. “You're gonna have to make it up to me”, Yujin nods before jumping off your lap to kneel in front of you, “I'll handle it from here daddy”
“Welcome”, Eunbi greets you at her door as soon as you knock on it. “I didn't buy any PorkCrackling, I'm poor”, She nods and moves out of the way, “Let's talk”, She leads you to her living room. “Coffee? Tea?” You look at her with distant eyes, openly checking out her body and outfits. “Water”, She nods and comes back with a glass of water. The two of you sat there quietly, waiting for the other to speak first. Seeing how distant and reserved you are makes Eunbi feel hurt. “I'm here, because I want to talk about our relationship”, You took a sip, telling her to continue. “Do you want to continue it?”
You stay quiet for sometimes, trying to inspect her expression to see what she's thinking. “Look I just want to know first, did you plan to blackmail me back then?” You shake your head, “I just want a one night stand. Don't mind too much about what I said during our sex, it's just a heat in the moment thing”, Playing hard to get is the way to fish her out. “So you don't plan to continue this? At all?” Why is she acting so desperate? Even you got taken off guard with that. “Why do you want to continue?” Eunbi sighs, “I think we can work this out. A part of me feels like what we had yesterday was the best thing I've ever experienced. Another part of me knows how risky it is but……. I don't care”
She lied, you can tell she just lied to you. There's more to the story and you don't feel comfortable having such crucial information hidden from you. “That's a little too unbelievable. You're a principal with a lot of burden and responsibility. Not to mention you're a psychologist, having this relationship continue definitely isn't going to be a good thing for my mental health”, She widened her eyes, yet you can see there's a little panic in there. “Do you actually care about my mental health?” She does, you managed to see that in her eyes, “I do, I really do, and….. I don't know if you're gonna take this well. But I want to continue this relationship, so I can keep you close. So I can guide you through your problems”
Remember that thing called ‘conflict of interest’ that you think about on your first session? Yeah maybe she just doesn't know about it. “Do you think it's a good idea?” She nods confidently, “We can help each other, I'm sure of it. Please just trust me on this one, let's try it first”, Eunbi is desperate. Her mind has been overtaken by her desire and her heart is overtaken by her generosity and empathy. It's pretty fucked up, but she genuinely belief that what she's doing can benefit you both. “Fine”, You can almost see her heart skip a beat the moment you say that. “Thank you, I'm sure we can work this out”, She reaches out and holds your hand. 
“I'm a little horny from yesterday, so get on your knees and suck me slut”, Like a robot she just kneels in front of you and looks at you with pleasing eyes. “Suck my dick”, She nods enthusiastically, her hand reaching out to unbuckle your belt before pulling down your pants. Eunbi leans forward and bites your boxer before pulling it down with her mouth. She really wants this huh? “You're so big master”, Eunbi pressed her face to your cock while closing her eyes. The heat, the girth, the size, it all imprinted on her face and memory, she needs this. “Are you gonna start working or not?” Your word woke her up, her hand gently held on to your shaft, controlling your cock so she could freely kiss it all over.
Teasing has never been your thing when you're on the receiving end. However, you let her have her way for now, besides, having a good top-down view of her cleavage is pretty nice. A moan escapes her mouth as she starts to pull your tip into her mouth. Her tiny mouth wraps around your cock nicely as her tongue is licking your shaft. A small grunt escapes your mouth from the stimulation. Pleasuring you is pleasurable for her, it feels nice, like a kid being rewarded for their good behaviour. Despite your size, Eunbi can take your whole length comfortably due to the training you've given her. 
Slowly she starts to push her head lower into your cock, without any trouble she easily lets your cock pass into her throat. Her movements are slow and sensual, which is a little disappointing because you've been teaching her to be a cock hungry slut. “You're gonna make me fall asleep, slut”, You stand up after 5 minutes of her slow and sensual blowjob. Hearing your words she felt down for disappointing you, but also giddy because you're about to ruin her. “I'll do the moving, get ready”, Eunbi nods enthusiastically and prepares her throat.
First, you hold her hair, then you start fucking her face aggressively. “Gghag gaagh ghag ggahg”, The sounds of her gagging on your cock make you fuck her even faster. Tears starts to fall down her eyes and she grabs on to your thighs for support. Being used like a toy, seeing your lustful face, having you choking her out with your cock, it's really too much for her. A muffled scream can be heard from her mouth, looking down you can see her falling down on her butt as she just has an orgasm. “What a slut. Did you just cum before me?” You slap her cheek making her orgasm got even more intense. 
“Useless toy”, You slap her again and starts to fuck her even harder. Eunbi's eyes rolled into the back of her head out of ecstasy, seeing this made you feel, strong. Being in power, it feels nice doesn't it? “Fuck take my load you slut”, You grunt before slamming your hips into her face. Eunbi groans as she feels your thick sperm travelling down her throat, shooting right into her stomach and filling it up. As your ejaculation passes away you pull out your cock. Her spit is coating it fully, making a trail of saliva between it and her mouth. “I'm sorry master, I just like your cock too much”, Eunbi wants to make it up to you and starts to kiss your cock.
“Get on the couch slut”, Eunbi smiled and stood up, she pulled up her dress showing off her bare ass and pussy. “You were ready for this aren't you slut?” You spank her, it's not as good as Yujin's but it's decent enough. “Yes master, I can't get enough of you”, Eunbi swayed her hips trying to make you move faster. “I want your ass slut”, You kneel down and spit on her asshole. “Hhhnngg, take it master. Take whatever you want from me”, Your tongue slither into her hole and starts to tease it. Slowly you push forward and start to prepare it. Her hole is already prepared by your training regime so you easily slip one finger in, then two, then three. “I'm ready for you master, please fuck me”, Eunbi let out a soft whine. 
You stand up and put your tip against her hole, “Goddamn your body is so unfair”, Hearing your compliments, Eunbi starts to push against your cock until your tip manages to get in. “I hope your house is soundproofed”, Both of your hands grab onto her hips, “Shove it in master”, Without waiting for a single second more you immediately push in and make her scream. As she's adjusting to your size you pull back and pound her again. The tightness of her hole felt so good, it's not so tight that you feel strangled but just tight enough to give you a little pain. “Fuck, you're so tight slut”, You continue pounding her while Eunbi can only let out moans and grunts.
As she adjusts to your cock you start to get even more aggressive, your hips move by itself pounding her aggressively. Soon the sounds of flesh slapping against each other drowns out her moans. “Fuck finish me off with your tits”, You pull away from her. Despite having her mind overdosed by pleasure Eunbi immediately jumps off the couch like a good slut she is. Taking off her dress you fear your eyes upon her voluptuous chess. You sat back down on the couch and Eunbi scurry to kneel in front of you. She spits on your cock before wrapping it with her soft melons, “Fuck that felt good”, You lean back on the couch, savouring this heavenly moment. Eunbi feels proud hearing you say that and starts moving her boobs up and down, “Are you gonna cum master? Can I taste your sperm again? Please feed your pathetic toy with your thick cum”, Your waist pushes forwards and Eunbi immediately takes the tip into her mouth. Your second ejaculation arrived, much more intense than the first one. Eunbi also had her second orgasm, the moment your thick white cum sprays into her mouth it's all over for her.
Eunbi squirts all over her carpet as she continues stroking you in order to milk every last drop of cum she can get. Once you empty your ball Eunbi opens her mouth showing off her bountiful harvest. Then she closes her eyes before gulping it all down and opens her mouth again to show there's not a single drop that goes to waste. “Good job slut”, You felt drained, literally and figuratively, “Hehehehe, thank you master”, She kissed your cock and just played around with it as you cooled down.
“I need to go get something to eat”, You said after chilling on the couch for a while, “You can eat here master, I'll cook you something”, Meanwhile Eunbi is still playing with your cock. “No”, Actually you really want to but you'll say no just to see what she's gonna do. “I insist, please stay the night. It's already late, I'll cook you something and you can even stay the night”, It seems like it's not Eunbi the slit that's talking but Eunbi the caring psychologist. Fuck is it even right to call her a psychologist at this point? “Fine, I need to clean myself”, Eunbi nods and pulls you to the bathroom.
He said yes, oh god he said yes. This is good, this is perfect. Now you can keep him safe Eunbi, he doesn't need to go home to his mom. Okay calm down now, let's make sure not to freak him out. If I want to shield him from his toxic household I should establish that my place is a safe haven for him. Let's cook him a meal first. I hope he likes pork cutlet.
“Pork cutlet? Aren't this expensive?” Are they? Or is it just you living in poverty for so long that you have a skewed view of living expenses? “It's not that expensive, come on enjoy it while it's hot”, Eunbi pulls you to the dining table. She sits next to you seemingly waiting for you to start eating. “I hate hot rice”, You grunted as you started blowing some air in order to cool it down. “Why? Hot rice is the best rice. Everything tastes better when they're still hot”, Clearly she's not talking about ice cream. “I hate them”, You try your best to cool it down with your breath before eating one. “Why?” The slut Eunbi is gone and now only the caring and supportive Eunbi left. 
“Everytime mom cooks something for the family she always ends up beating me up. I burned my mouth when I was a kid because she kept forcing me to eat steaming hot rice. I hate them”, You scoffed before you continued blowing some air. Eunbi felt her heart break hearing you say that, she reaches out carefully to caress your hair. You stay quiet, letting her get closer to you, also because her hand feels nice on your head. “Here let me help you eat then”, Seeing you're not repulsed by her affection, Eunbi decides to push further. You stare at her with a ‘are you serious?’ look and she just smiles. 
“Fine”, Eunbi smiled and took the spoon off your hand. You've seen this before, in the movies. Scenes of a mother feeding her childs are nothing but a movie scene for you. It's laughable to even think about your mom feeding you, as far as you remember your brother sometimes feeds you, most of the time you just learn how to eat yourself. Deep down, you want to experience it at least once. Having someone taking care of your needs even if it's something as insignificant as this. It feels nice, maybe Eunbi can be used as more than just a sexual relief. 
Eunbi notices your glassy eyes, but she stays quiet. It makes her happy that you're enjoying this. From the outside this is just a cute little moment between a damaged person with someone who would care for him. However, looking in, this whole situation is a catalyst. A little poison on Eunbi’s mind that would feed her twisted love for you. The sex you had with her fuels her depraved and lusty side. The vulnerable and heartwarming dinner would fuel her caring and loving side. This, this night will be the start of her new obsession.
“There, do you like it?” Eunbi says as you finish your dinner, you shrug and just stay quiet. “Make yourself at home okay? I'll be cleaning the dishes”, You sigh and walk outside, “Where are you going”, Eunbi said concerned. “You need to walk after you eat”, But she wouldn't let you do this little ritual, “Come on sweetie, just sit on the couch, it's late already and god knows how many dangers there are out there”, Eunbi holds your hand refusing to let go. “I'm walking around your backyard”, She smiles and nods, she's scared that you'll just run off to the night but if you stay in her backyard at least she can watch over you.
You walk around her backyard, trying to find a decent place to sit before pulling out your cigarette and starting smoking. As Eunbi finishes her dishes she goes to check in on you and her heart rate goes up seeing you smoke. “What are you doing?” She yells at you before angrily straddles towards you, “Burning some calories”, You said nonchalantly. Eunbi pulls the cigarette from your mouth and throws it to the ground and stomps it. “Listen young man, you're still way too young for smoking- No. You are not allowed to smoke. It's dangerous and ruins your health. No more smoking”, This is annoying. How come you never think about her stance towards smoking? 
“I've been smoking for years, it's not a big deal”, You decide to piss her off by taking out your cigarette box. “No. No more smoking”, She grabs it and squeezes it with her hand, destroying all the cigarettes inside. “Why do you that?” Calling her slut would be a bad idea as it is very clear she's not in the mood for it. “Because smoking is bad for your health. Go back inside, now”, It's annoying, but that's pretty much it, you understand her anger. As soon as you stand up Eunbi decides to grab your hand and escort you inside herself. “I don't want you to smoke anymore from now on”, She crosses her arm and glares at you, “Yeah whatever”, You raise your hand.
“Good, now….. I'll prepare your bed, wait here okay?” You open your phone ignoring her, Eunbi feels a little angry by your rebellious attitude but she understands she needs to be patient. Checking your phone you see Yujin is asking for your location, “I'm busy rn”, Is that all you're gonna say? “Your bed is ready”, Eunbi says as you are busy with your phone. “That was quick, did you prepare it beforehand already?” Eunbi smiles and grabs you to follow her. Turns out, there's a few bedrooms here, and she picks one closest to hers for you to sleep in. “I hope you like it”, It's very minimalist, the size of the room made this whole place seem empty, especially compared to your messy room.
You look at Eunbi who's smiling at you, maybe you should reward her. Yeah that sounds nice. You grab her waist and push her to the wall, before she gets to react, you lean in and kiss her. “Ahhhhh, sweetie”, That was not slave Eunbi that's moaning. In fact with the way her hand wraps around you it's much more reminiscent of how Yujin starts to hug you today. A smile forms on your face as you realise what this means, Eunbi is actually falling for you. Your hand got bold and grabbed her ass making her let out another moan. As you pull away you can feel her hands are caressing your head and back. Her eyes are unfocused but still glancing towards your lips, hoping for more. 
“Master”, She whines, “No, I'm tired, go to your room and leave me alone”, Eunbi felt disappointed, she doesn't want to end the night this early. “Please master? Just a quickie?” Eunbi leans forward and presses her tits to your chest. “I said leave already”, She flinches hearing your words, “Okay”, She sighs and nods before leaving you alone. It's been a long day, your whole body is exhausted and you want nothing else but a good long sleep. “When things goes too well, life will fuck you over”
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And behold, the universe decides to fuck you over in form of your new girlfriend. “What do you mean you were out with a friend?” Her eyes are filled with rage and pure disdain, “I’m out with my friends, what else do you want to know?” You are definitely not ready to have her turn into a clingy girlfriend. “You prefer spending time with them over me?” She turns her back to you, despite her words you can tell she's more angry towards herself rather towards you. Jealousy is beneath her, at least that's what she thought, “Listen princess, I'm just out for a day. Why are you so mad all of the sudden?” You hug her from behind and give her a kiss to the cheek which calms her down a little.
“I know your house is a piece of shit. So where do you spend the night huh? Were you having one night stands again?” Do you lie? “You could say that”, Should've fucking lie pussy. “You're so fucking unbelievable you know that?” Yujin pushes you away but your grip remains strong, “Look I'm sorry okay? I had a date already set up. It was the last time I'll do it”, There is no way you're getting out of this with that excuse. “Promise?” Holy shit you are, “I promise, I'll make it up to you”, Don't smirk, don't do that, you're not being sly, she's just being stupid. “What can you even do to make it up to me huh? Didn't you just beg me to be your sugar mommy?” Yujin scoffed but she does feel less angry now. “I'll come up with something. Anyway tomorrow I'm gonna be having a gym class so today is no sex for me”
After an hour of pleading and flirting you manage to calm Yujin down and the two of you end up cuddling together. Thankfully the needy and touchy Yujin would vanish the moment you two got back to school. For a while things are going great for you. Sleeping around between Yujin and Eunbi hasn't brought any trouble. Everytime they asked where you spent the night while you were with the other one you would just lie and distract them with sex. There's this voice in your head telling you this couldn't go on forever. Telling you that you need to make a choice in the end. And if you don't, things are gonna end terribly for you. Of course, like usual you just ignore it and enjoy the moment.
The first sign of trouble comes from Yujin, one day her bratty side starts acting up to get your attention, “You think you're better than me?” There goes your plan of laying low, “Yujin can you just shut up? It wasn't even a race”, She's absolutely livid by the fact that you beat her in the 200 metre dash. “Yeah? You think I was too slow to beat you?” Say yes, do it pussy you won't.
“Enough, go get changed and prepare for your next class”, Save by the bell it seems, your gym teacher swoops in and breaks you two apart. Unfortunately there was nobody who could save you when Yujin drags you to the rooftop and starts making out with you. “Damnit Yujin we're in school”, And I'm trying to stop the rumours from spreading out. “Fuck it, come on I'm so fucking horny already. You told me last night you're not gonna have sex but you just keep groping me the whole night”, It's hard to not do that when her ass is so inviting. “I'm not doing shit that could land me in hot water here. You know how the school works, rumour spreads like wildfire and I'm not taking any chances”, Despite the power dynamic between the two of you, Yujin is taller and stronger than you so she could easily keep you pinned to the wall.
“Just fuck me already, pleaseeeee”, She whines while her hands are feeling up your chest. “You're gonna have to wait until the school is over”, Yujin doesn't like that answer and starts kissing you aggressively. Her hand is doing their best to undress you but you keep stopping her. “Why?” She got frustrated and started yelling at you, “Because I told you so”, Spank her. Wait, would that make her even more horny? “You're not having another therapy session with that cow today aren't you?” The thing is, you do, which leaves you in a crossroads. Do you appeal to Yujin and make Eunbi suspicious, or do you appeal to Eunbi and make Yujin even more frustrated.  “I can reschedule for tomorrow”, Let's hope you didn't make Eunbi too mad.
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“What do you mean you need to reschedule for tomorrow?” Eunbi roared as you broke the news. “I need to meet up with some friends. You know how it is”, The two of you are in her office, thankfully it's Minho's class so you can ask permission to talk to Eunbi and skip class. “Are you smoking again?” Yes, but don't tell her that, “No, I just want to hangout with them”, Eunbi walks around her table before sitting on your lap. “You can't just leave me, I want to have another session here, in my office”, Eunbi rubs her head on to your neck while her hands are hugging you tight. “I can't Eunbi, I want to go out for a little bit”, You caress her hair making her moan. It's been a while now, but Eunbi has develop this risky kink and has been begging you to fuck her again in her office. It's hot, but you find her begging and whining to be hotter so you just keep declining her.
“Then you can come back to me at night right?” Eunbi gives some soft kisses to your neck, “I think we're gonna be out for the night for some drinking”, The kiss turns into a bite. “You're not drinking any alcohol on school night”, Is this what you want? A caring and overbearing mother figure? “Alright fine, but I'm still going out and I'll sleep in my place today. After all I'm gonna be exhausted and there's no point in coming back to your place”, Eunbi flinches hearing you say that. She doesn't like that at all, she wants her house to be your safe haven, not just some brothel. “You can still come by. I'll cook you some dinner and provide you a place to sleep like usual”, This time you flinch hearing her words. 
“I don't mean to belittle you sweetie. I just feel a little scared of you okay? Your house isn't a good place to stay in and I just want to take care of you. That's the promise right? You help me with my sexual needs and I'll help you with your daily needs”, The whole arrangement you have with her is iffy at best, maybe it's time to put it on paper so you can work things out professionally. “That is not what I signed up for. You said you'll help me mentally, not provide my daily needs”, Eunbi is taken by surprise seeing your sudden aggressive tone.
Her mind quickly connects the dots and realises what she does wrong, “Sweetie it's just that I'm scared for you. You're still growing and you need a lot of stuff such as protein and vitamins to make sure your body growth doesn't get stunted. On top of that a good bed is a must if you don't want to ruin your spine. A healthy body can lead to a healthy mind”, Pity is something that you've always hated. Being pitied by someone is the worst feeling ever, and on top of that you're too stubborn to accept help that comes out of pity despite how much you need it. “I'm done here”, You try to push her away but she clings on to you, “No don't be like that. Come on let me explain myself”, Eunbi pleads, “No”, Holy shit, you're becoming a tsundere as well. “Don't be so hurried, I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I'm doing this because I care, not because I pity you”, Is there even a difference to it?
If I make her fall for me, then she'll do it out of love, not pity. Is that the key? Make her fall for me?
“I need to go to class, let's talk tomorrow”, Eunbi sighs seeing your determined look, “Okay, see you later. Don't do anything stupid okay?” She kisses your cheek before getting off your lap. As you're about to leave you see a gift box on her dress. “What's this?” You pick it up and read the note on it. “Oh it was nothing”, Eunbi tried to take it back from you but you managed to read the Jinyoung? The gym teacher tries to ask you out?” An amused grin grew on your face but the moment you saw her guilty expression you immediately hid your smile. “It really wasn't anything, I didn't plan to accept it at all”, Loyalty is a good trait for a slave.
Wait, this could be a good thing. If I break her down using her guilt then I can use her, especially her house. Yeah that could work, that way she's not doing it out of pity, but because she wants to make it up to me. Jesus I don't know why you're suddenly being nice but thanks Life, or the Universe, or God. Whatever.
“I heard a lot of the students have a crush on him. He's kinda handsome you know”, You smile making her heart freeze for a second. “I, don't care”, Watching her body language you can see how nervous she is, “Oh? You focus more on what's on the inside rather than the outside? Commendable principles I guess”, Eunbi took the box out of your hand and threw it to the trash bin. “It's not important, okay? It's just a one-sided crush from him”, Eunbi felt so angry, she can see how jealous you are (Are you jealous?) which means her plans of making you open up to her are in jeopardy. “I see how it is now. You want me to teach you all the good things about sex so you can please your future boyfriend, is that it?” You raise your voice just enough to show her a sliver of anger.
“No I'm not, I really don't feel that way towards him. He's just a nobody, come on don't be mad please master”, Eunbi jumps to hug you while giving you a pleading face. You open your mouth before closing it again, then you show her some confused and conflicted expression before your face turns cold and glares at her silently. “Don't be so angry, you know I didn't care about him”, Eunbi poked your chest playfully while giving you some cute face to calm you down.
You grab her and push her to the desk before your lips crash onto hers and make out with her in an aggressive manner. Eunbi felt surprised, but also, happy. She likes that you're getting jealous, it's a sign that you actually care about her and don't want her to leave you. On top of it, she is weak to your dominant side. She hopes that you're not angry but it would be lying if she says a part of her wasn't looking forward to the punishment you're gonna give her. Just the thought alone makes her body shiver, her arms and legs hugs you tight and pulls you closer. A gesture she hopes can reassure you that the gift was really nothing to her.
Your lips trail down into her cheek then to her neck before roughly biting onto it. “Ahhhhh, calm down sweetie”, She said but her hand held your head and pushed it deeper as if it's asking for more. For some reason, acting like this actually makes you feel excited as well. Marking her down with your bite mark and hickeys feels so, empowering. This girl, this stuck-up principal that's definitely has been the target of countless classmates’ wet dream is right now squirming in your embrace. She's yours, an obedient slave that you won't ever let go.
As you pull back you can clearly see the red mark you left on her neck and it puts a smile on your face. You quickly hide it before facing Eunbi, showing off your cold stare to her. “You're mine, slut”, Eunbi felt her breath hitch, “Yes master”, Her eyes were clouded with ecstasy and anticipation. Fuck was picking Yujin was the wrong move? “Do you understand? You're mine and mine alone slut”, Due to the heat of the moment you just spit on her face, like a barbarian. Yet instead of getting angry or taken off guard she just moans and closes her eyes. “I'm yours master”, This whole fiasco is so much easier than you expected, perhaps a little too easy? “Good, don't you ever forget that”, You use her intoxicated state to quietly slip away from her office.
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“What the fuck are you wearing?” Goddamn she has such nice thighs. “Do you like it? I know you always wanted a good little girl”, Yujin raises both of her legs to the bed and shows off her thighs. Her pussy is blocked by her legs but you can tell she's not wearing anything underneath there. “Are you gonna call me daddy from now on?” You chuckled, “Is that what you want? Daddy?” Be careful now, you might just lose your Dom position in this relationship. “I fucking live for girls with daddy issues”, Only the hot one though, no offence.
“Do you want to see how wet I am daddy?” Yujin moves her leg side to side trying to tease you, “Ohhhh? Princess is already so desperate for me?” You walk closer before kneeling in front of her. Yujin immediately opens her legs showing her drenched pussy, “Yes daddy, I'm so fucking horny”, Yujin moans. “Is that so? Let me help you then princess”, You kiss her thighs making her quiver in excitement, “I need you daddy”, You kiss her other thighs, then you slowly trail up to her pussy with your kisses. 
You give her inner thigh one hard bite before you move to her pussy. Sucking in her clit gently is enough to make Yujin let out a moan, her hands desperately griping on to her bedsheets preparing for your attacks. Your mouth starts to get to work, licking and sucking her clit over and over again making Yujin let out a moan that keeps louder and louder each time. At a particular flick you managed to make her let out a muffled scream so you did the flick again, and again, and again, and again, refusing to let her have time to take a breather. In no time she let out a scream, her legs locked your head in with her voluptuous thighs pressing the side of your head. You can't complain though, it felt nice, especially with how soft it is. “I'm cumming daddy”, Yujin grabs your head with one hand and pulls you deeper into her pussy. 
As she reaches her climax she squirts her juice all over your face while involuntarily tries to crush your head with her thighs. Thankfully it passes soon enough and she drops her leg onto your shoulder and starts panting on the bed. “I'm not done yet princess”, You stand up and crawl on top of her, your hand moves to her pussy and your finger starts to rub her clit. “Ahhhh, daddy”, She moans but you silence her with a kiss. One of your fingers pushes into her, then two, and then three, then they start pumping in and out with vicious intent while you continue making out with her. Yujin's body is convulsing aggressively as you continue fingering her. “Daddy….. you're so….. mean”, She lets out some moans between the kisses. Of course she isn't complaining, after all her hand is tightly hugging on to your head while your hand got even more aggressive.
“Daddy I'm CUMMMMIIIINNGGGGGG”, She screams to your mouth as her second orgasm arrives. Her body lays down on the bed already exhausted, yet her eyes are locked onto yours with anticipation. “This will be a long night princess”
“Baby why are you so tired? Don't tell me you're actually out for the whole night”, Eunbi says with a concerned look on her face. “It's, none of your business”, You sigh and close your eyes, enjoying the soft pillow known as Eunbi's thighs while her hand is gently caressing your hair. “Baby, you can't be that irresponsible. Minho said you got scolded for sleeping in class, twice. If you keep doing this then I won't let you go out at night”, Although she does feel worried about you, most of her anger stems from her frustration. You left her while she was heated yesterday after seeing your jealous side. Last night was so tormenting for her as she finds out that her toys are no longer pleasuring her like it used to. Now, once your ‘therapy session’ finally arrives you just lay down there fully exhausted while her body is screaming for some release.
“I'll make it up to you later okay? Just give me a second to rest”, Although you hate to admit it, Yujin actually managed to get on the upper hand yesterday. Who would've thought getting called ‘daddy’ would be your weak spot? “Fine, I'll let you rest for now. But after this we're going straight to my house and I won't let you leave again”, Ominous, is she foreshadowing something sinister? “You have very soft thighs, you know that?” Your hand gently gropes it making her squeal. “Babeeee, don't do that unless you want to fuck me”, Maybe you should introduce her to edging soon, her whines is always so cute and enjoyable to watch.
“Stop calling me babe”, It's not fun when your fish just jump on the boat, there's no thrill or glory for getting a fish that way. “I don't want to call you master all the time. I like it but it always makes me too horny”, Eunbi pout, “Fine whatever”, If she wants to get caught that much then why should you refuse a free meal. ��Can you sleep in my bed tonight babe?” Eunbi moves from your hair into your cheek, “Hhhhmmmm”, You grunt with your eyes still closed. “Babe?” Eunbi refuses to let you rest, “Whatever”, You say before biting her thighs. “Ahhhh, baby please don't do that okay? I'm already dying from heat and you're just being extra mean by teasing me”, Eunbi pouts again.
“Lay down here with me Eunbi”, She looks at you for a second, some because she's excited, some because she's scared of what you will do. Reluctantly she let you off her lap before laying down next to you. The two of you lay there together, your limbs intertwined with each other while your torso is pressing against each other to accommodate for the small couch. You can feel her heartbeat as her chess is pressed against yours, you can feel her breath on your face, you can see every single pore of her flawless skin on her face. Gently you caress her cheek making her body shiver, “What exactly do you want Eunbi?” Looking at her ecstatic gaze you can tell she's way too drunk to think straight.
“I want you….. master”, Eunbi moans feeling your other hand caressing her thighs, “As your master?” Your hand slipped under her skirt and pulled it up, exposing her bare thighs. “Master”, Another moan escaped her lips as your hand started playing around with her ass. “What do you want, Eunbi? You know I'm not blind, and right now you're being overly suspicious with all your demands and behaviour”, Eunbi tried to focus but your hands are making it too hard for her. “I, love you master”, What the fuck? Love? Already? Even Yujin hasn't thought about that word yet. 
“You're lying”, Let's press her about this, it's kinda fun seeing so helpless in your arms. “No I'm not, I love you master”, To prove it she leaps in and presses her lips onto yours. The moment your lips touched you can feel her body shaking in a familiar manner. This slut just had an orgasm from a kiss. “Masterrrr…….”, She moans as her hands hug you, clutching onto your shirt desperately as you press your thighs into her pussy. This kiss, it's as arousing to you as it is to her. Your desperate need for control is your biggest weakness. After all, you'll always lose yourself the moment you find someone submitting to you. While her body is spasming out of control you decided to make her orgasm last forever.
One of your hands slips inside her panties and furiously rubs her clit while your other hand grabs her neck and gently chokes her out. “Ahhhhhh, master, more”, Eunbi breaks the kiss while her nails are scratching you through your uniform. “You're a slut aren't you? A slut so desperate for sex that you just fall in love with the first person who can satisfy your perverted side”, Your hand tightens its grip on her neck while your other hand starts fingering her. “Yes master”, She squeals, her hand stops hugging you and instead grabs onto the hands that's choking her. “Is that what you want? To be my slave? To be a cumdumpster that lives only for my pleasure?” Eunbi nods before coughing. 
These feelings, it's way too much for her. Her brain almost loses consciousness due to the lack of oxygen and the overload of dopamine. Thankfully you recognise this and relaxed your grip letting her take a breather. Eunbi presses her head onto your shoulder, coughing out loud as her orgasm passes. You take away your hand from her pussy and just hug her tight. “Is that all you want?” You whisper in her ears, “To be my toy?” You use a serious and demanding tone. Eunbi tries her hardest to hold her moan hearing how serious your tone is. “No baby, I want you. I love you, and I care for you. It breaks my heart everytime I remember about your home condition. I care for you so much that I can't help but to fall in love when I know you are PorkCrackling, my mysterious master. I love you more than anything and I don't want to let you go. I need you, my body needs you. I can't help it, okay? I just want you to help me with my pathetic sexual drive, and to ease my heart. I love you, master”
Eunbi hugs you tight, not daring to look you in the eyes in fear that her tears would just fall down. All emotions in her just suddenly burst open through her words of confessions. She didn't mean to say this so soon, she wants to take things slow. To make you feel comfortable around her and more accepting of her role in your life. It's just that, something snapped in her mind. She believes it comes yesterday when you turn all Yandere but she couldn't be further from the truth. Something in her mind snapped the moment you had sex with her in her office. Just like he said, the revelation that you're PorkCrackling actually awakened something inside her. Everytime she indulges her desires, things just get worse and worse. Day and nights she wouldn't be able to work properly without your touch. Today, after seeing that you actually have some form of feeling for her yesterday plus her frustration for not having sex for the last 5 days has made her desire boil. This confession, it terrifies her, she's scared that you would say no.
As the guilt and horror is overtaking her your hand starts to caress her hair. Immediately you feel her body relax, you can even feel her breath calm down a little. A smile crept up on your face, letting her hope rise for a moment before you let her down, “Eunbi, I'm in a relationship”, You can almost hear her heart break. “What?” Even her voice breaks, “I'm in a relationship already”, What's your intention with this move again? “But babe”, Eunbi clutches your body tightly, it's very subtle but you can feel her sudden rise of aggression. “It's complicated”, Oh my god, you're trying to make things harder for yourself just so you can savour the hunt. Very scummy of you.
“What do you mean it's complicated. Are you in a relationship or not”, Eunbi pulls away from the hug and both of her hands hold your face. “It's complicated, okay? I'm not sure what we are”, You look away avoiding her gaze. “Baby, just tell me, everything”, Yeah you're not gonna do that, “I need some time okay?” You pull away from her embrace. “No, stay here and tell me everything”, She grabs your hand refusing to let you slip away. “Eunbi, just give me a day, okay? I'll sort this out”, The way you say that makes it sound so ambiguous that she can't help but feel scared. “Where are you going”, Eunbi said as you stood up, “I need time”, You said facing away from her.
Seeing your back turn to her, Eunbi can hear a voice screaming for her to run for me. Begging her to not let me go, to just jump to me and hold me tight and never let go. Yet her body refuses to follow, she just sits there while you leave the room, almost bursting into tears. She's heartbroken, all this time you've been seeing someone else? No, even worse, she's the someone else. All this time, your heart was already in another place. The tears that's threatening to fall down hot stopped by a screaming voice in her mind. 
Stop crying you idiot. Follow him. He said it's complicated and he doesn't want to tell us, so we need to check for ourselves. Whoever he's fucking can't be better than you, wake up already. Get on your feets and start walking. We need to see who is this bitch that dares to take him away from us. Follow him, see if he returns to that whore's house.
The voice is right, well at least Eunbi thinks it's right. She packed up her things quickly before running off from her office. Her eyes scanned the school entrance and found you, she sneakily followed you, however much to her disappointment you just returned back to your home instead. 
Fuck, what now?
He always goes out at night with his friends. We need to wait until dark.
Just wait in that-
Her schizophrenic episode has to wait however as she hears a scuffle inside your house. “The fuck you mean you throw them away. You sell them in the pawnshop for money bitch?” Inside, you're fuming with anger and start screaming at your mom. “It’s my stuff since he bought it with my money. I can do whatever I want with it”, You can feel your face crumble further hearing her words. Your brother's stuff, all that shit he bought using HIS OWN money just got pawned off by your mom. 
“Where? Where did you sell them you fucking old cunt”, You scream again while she just spit on you. “Get the fuck out here you ungrateful bastard. You think you're hot shit because you found a new place to sleep? Fuck off and never come back”,  She yells at you and turn her back to you. “I said-”, You grab her hand to stop her but then she just swings the bottle of vodka she's drinking to your head. A sickening *thump* could be heard as the bottle connected with your temple. It doesn't break, but it might be better if it does. “Useless bastard”, You heard your mom scream while you're trying to orient yourself. Before you get to do that she takes another swing and yet again the bottle manages to not break, which means your skull just took the impact and caused your brain to be shaken inside it.
“Useless fucking pig”, She screams you fall down to the ground, it feels like you would just pass out any moment. Deciding to help you, she throws the bottle on your head, this time it breaks, causing glass shards to rain on your head and cut up your skin. “I should've fucking aborted you the moment I had you”, With a kick she completely knock you out unconscious, your body slumped down on the ground with bloods dripping down your face. Your mom doesn't stop though, she just continues kicking your body while screaming relentlessly. 
Thankfully for you, this is a good sign that makes Eunbi want to step in. “Excuse me? Is anyone there?” She knocked on your door, “Fuck off”, That's the answer she got, “Uhhhh, ma'am, is everything alright in there? I heard some screams”, Eunbi felt her body shaking. Some because she's concerned about you, some because the voice in her head is screaming out of anger, threatening to kill your mom if she touches you. “I said FUCK OFF”, What now? Just break in, save him. Obviously that cunt did something to him. “Ma'am I just need to talk to- '' Eunbi's words cut short as your mom opened the door, anger written all over her face.
“It's you again, what the fuck do you want?” Eunbi disregards the hostility and just scans the room inside. There's too much random stuff all over the face for her to properly find you. However her eyes immediately saw your leg, laying on the ground while your body is hidden behind a kitchen counter. “What did you do to him”, Eunbi's face crumble and glare back at your mom, “None of your fuc-”, Without waiting for her to finish her words, Eunbi forcefully push the door slamming it into your mom's face while she's at it. “Bitch”, Your mom screams, but out of pure anger Eunbi grabs the whore's head and slams it to the wall. Then she slammed it again, and again, and again until your mom's body slumped down on the ground, unconscious.
Seeing the threat is, neutralised, Eunbi runs to your body, and as soon as she sees your bleeding face she screams and runs to you. “Baby are you okay? Baby? Babe please wake up”, Eunbi pulls you into her embrace, but you're just out of it. She quickly calls the police, frantically screaming for an ambulance to come quickly. While she's waiting she just holds you close, trying desperately to talk to you and wake you up to make sure you're okay. Unfortunately, her effort resulted in nothing, fear starts to overtake her and tears start to fall down her face. Once the ambulance arrives she just jumps inside with you, hoping that you'll wake up.
That bitch, we should've fucking kill her right there and then.
NOT NOW!!!!! He's dying, fuck he's dying. What should we do?
You calm down first. They said he's fine then he's fine. His reading is stable so he's just passed out for now.
Fuck but what if-
Eunbi, calm down! 
I…… I need to calm down. 
Correct, we just need to stand by him until he's awake. Everything's gonna be fine, for him. For his whore of a mother, we need to deal with her later.
Ultimately her fear and worry didn't vanish, but it lowered tremendously. Eunbi stays by your side from the ambulance all the way to the hospital. Once you're there she just waits patiently in front of the emergency room as they check on your injuries. After what felt like hours of waiting a doctor finally came out and broke the news.
"Mrs. Mwon, thank you for waiting. The patient is stable and resting comfortably now. He experienced a mild concussion, which caused him to pass out briefly. The cut he gained from what appears to be glass isn't deep. Unfortunately some of them require stitches however all of the wounds are already closed. We've conducted initial assessments and scans, and there are no signs of more serious brain injury or bleeding. However, he will need to be monitored closely for the next few hours to ensure there are no further complications. He may experience headaches, dizziness, and fatigue as he recovers, but these are typical after a concussion. We'll keep you updated on his progress and provide further instructions for his care before he's discharged. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, and know that we're here to support both you and….. your son?"
Eunbi shakes her head, “He's not my son. He's just one of my students that grows in a rough home. Her mom is the one who did this, what's her status?” Deep inside she's hoping that your mom would have a permanent brain injury and just die. “I see, she's also stable for now. However the excessive alcohol level in her bloodstream made us think there's more of her that we need to check on, more specifically, her liver. If this is a domestic violence case as you've said we will need to contact child protective services”, Eunbi nods, maybe she could convince them to let you stay under her protection. “Can I see him now?” The doctor nods and leads her to your room.
As soon as she saw you Eunbi bolted next to you, her hand couldn't stop shaking as she grabbed onto yours. “He will be out for a few hours. If he's still not waking up by today we will do further check, but for now we'll let him rest” Eunbi nods and just stares at you, disregarding the doctor and nurse around her. Hours flew by quickly, she didn't realise it was already night until someone knocked on the door. “Miss Kwon, this are the child protective services, they are here to ask you a few questions”
Calm down Eunbi, now is the time for you to show your composure.
Taking a deep breath, Eunbi calms herself down before nodding. Surprisingly she does a pretty good job at describing what happens earlier. The hostility and hatred she has for your mom was hidden masterfully showing off only her concern for you. She even lied at some part feeling that she followed you home because you left your jacket at the therapy session. Oh right she also brings up the therapy session, thankfully she still has some form of professionalism and hides the contents, simply telling them you have a rough home. However this composure doesn't last forever as suddenly Yujin shows up at your door. “Where is he?” Yujin asked the nurse that's leading her, “He's inside, he's still recovering”, Yujin walked past Eunbi and went to your room.
“That would be all for now ma'am, thank you for your cooperation. We will contact you again if we need further testimonies”, Hearing she's free to go Eunbi immediately says her farewell and joins you back in your room. The moment she walks in her blood immediately boils seeing Yujin is holding your hand. The concern on the little girl's face tells her everything she needs to know. This bitch, this little whore is the one who's been snatching your heart right under her nose. Eunbi put up her mask, trying to act calm before asking Yujin, “Yujin Ahn? What are you doing here?” However Yujin doesn't fucking care about Eunbi. “Who did this to him”, Yujin asked coldly, for a moment Eunbi found a glimmer of joy seeing someone can help her take revenge. However, her…. Other side immediately takes over her mind with possessiveness. “His mom, now what are you doing here?” Yujin glanced at Eunbi with annoyance.
“Why else? I'm his girlfriend, his emergency contact, I should've been here. The question is, why are you here, you old cow?” Patience is a virtue, something Eunbi is slowly losing for every second Yujin is holding your hand. “I found him like this at his house. I tried to return his jacket but I heard commotion and found him lying on the floor”, Eunbi walked closer to you and stood by the other side of your bed. “You idiot, I told you you should've stayed at my place”, Yujin whispered softly, but Eunbi could hear it and something inside her almost snapped. Thankfully someone interrupted them, “Miss, please don't run away like that again”, A man in a black suit suddenly walks in the room.
“I'm busy okay, just cancel the dinner”, Yujin grumbles as her hand starts to fix your hair a little bit. “Miss, I'm afraid I can't do that. Your father insists for you to come by”, Eunbi is trying to find words to kick Yujin. Something to encourage her to leave but she can't find ways to do it without openly showing hostility due to her anger. “Fine, this better end fast”, Yujin let go of you before turning to Eunbi, “Take care of him while I'm gone”, Oh eunbi will make sure you're taken care of, and she'll also make sure Yujin will be gone, permanently. “I'll take care of him, be sure of that”, Yujin nods before turning back to you one last time. “I'll be back baby”, Yujin kisses your forehead and leaves the room. 
Silence persists for a long while in the room, Eunbi stands there like a statue. However despite her quietness there's a storm raging inside her. The other is slowly overtaking her. The pure possessiveness is making her insane. Right now, right at this moment, her mind, body and soul are attuned to one purpose and one purpose only, you. The world is cruel and harsh, and she knows there's only one way to keep you safe from it. She needs to take you under her wings, coddle you in her arms and hide you away from the world. She will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if it means she has to…… break some rule, and bones.
But she can't do it so suddenly. You're still scared by your mother, but literally and figuratively. God knows what type of trust issues you'll develop after that fight earlier. So Eunbi will take this slow, making sure you're more open and comfortable to the idea of being graded by her. You said that it's complicated, and even though she doesn't know much about Yujin she heard enough gossip about that bitch being a slut. Right now, she needs to dig deeper into that relationship, find things that she could press to make you second guess your relationship. Perhaps she wouldn't need to resort to anything…… physical.
Of course, all that can wait, for now she just needs to focus on keeping you company. Slowly she crawls onto the bed and lays there with you. If you're awake you'll find her body, the body you've embraced time and time again felt foreign and alien. This Eunbi, it's no longer the kind-hearted and empathetic therapist who always wanted to do good to the world. Her hands gently caress your hair and chest, she presses her forehead against your temple gently, making sure she doesn't hurt you. She embraces you, much like a dragon holding onto its treasures.
“You said I was yours only right master?”
She whispered in your ears.
“Then that means, you're also mine, mine, mine, and only mine. Master~”
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mieluscious · 7 months
beautiful liar. neuvillette
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ෆ pairings : neuvillette x female reader
ෆ genre : smut, fluff
ෆ word count : 4.5k
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ෆ warnings : mdni. judge!neuvillette, secretary!reader, teasing, fingering, biting, desk sex, semi public, unprotected sex, size kink, crying during sex, praise kink, soft sex (rough at the end), squirting, multiple orgasms, a lot of petnames, neuvi is a dragon but yk that hihi . . . ໑ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚
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you knocked 3 times on neuvillette's office door before hearing a "come in" from his deep voice. you slowly opened the door and the sound of your heels echoed on the tiled floor as you gracefully swayed your hips while walking to his wooden desk.
“monsieur neuvillette, what are you still doing here ?” neuvillette slowly lifted his gaze from the documents in his hand, his beautiful eyes gliding over the lovely curves of your body as you walked up to him. “everyone's in liyue to celebrate chinese new year, why didn't you accompany furina ?” you asked before placing a cup of coffee on his desk and your gaze fell into his.
“i don’t have time for that.” you crossed your arms over your chest and tilted your head to one side. you sighed as he turned his attention back to his work. 
neuvillette was a very serious and solitary man, he didn't like to mix himself with the fontainians and give them a chance to get close to him. he believes that close personal ties will lead to suspicions about the justness of one's judgments, while he must remain a symbol of absolute justice. what a cold and distinguished man, you smiled at the thought.
“i still think you should learn to have a little more fun. it could be good for you.” he brought his hot cup of coffee to his lips without taking his eyes off the lines of his precious documents. 
“who said i didn't know how to have fun ?” he asked and you startled slightly when his piercing eyes suddenly looked up into yours. “you ?” he blew on the hot coffee before taking a sip. "is there anything you know about me that i don't, miss y/n ?" he set the cup down on his desk and sank into his chair without breaking eye contact.
you couldn't tell whether neuvillette was annoyed with you or amused by the situation: his face was impassive, giving you no chance to guess his thoughts. you tried to pull yourself together and inhaled, not realizing that you'd stopped breathing for a brief moment, you couldn't lie to yourself neuvillette was a very intimidating man and he knew it. you tried to hide your discomfort and smiled at him, you tilted your head to the side, letting small strands of hair slip out of your bun, which didn't escape his sharp eyes.
“no sir that's not what i meant, i wouldn't dare.” an almost invisible smile played on his lips for half a second. "i just think you work really hard and deserve to rest as much as the other members of the seven sovereigns.” neuvillette's slender finger slipped down the arm of his chair, which he tapped slowly with the tip of his fingernail. you swallowed loudly as his eyes slid slowly over your body. 
his fingernail suddenly scratched the wood of his chair as his gaze fell on your chest. a button on your shirt was unbuttoned, revealing the beginnings of your breasts. neuvillette was a stickler for the rules, and even more so for the court dress code. 
"and you, miss, why are you still here, don't you want to have fun either ?" his question took you by surprise, your teeth caught your lower lip. “come closer.” his voice was even deeper than before, and you couldn't help the delicious sensation running through your body to reach between your legs. 
you stepped forward until the fabric of your long skirt touched his desk. neuvillette crossed his legs without taking his eyes off you, he could feel your stress for miles.
“are you gonna answer me ?” you raised your gaze to meet his, not realizing that your head was down on your heels, too deep in thought. why were you so stressed like a teenager who was about to get reprimanded ? you pinched the side of your thigh, trying to wake yourself up. 
“it was too late for me to catch the last boat.”  you cleared your throat “and my little sister needed me tonight anyway.” you clenched your fists nervously as neuvillette stroked his chin with his fingertips, analyzing your every facial expression. “so it’s fine for me, i’ll go tomorrow.” you jerked back when he suddenly got up from his chair and walked around his desk, warm chills ran through your body as you felt him close to you.
“look at me, please.” you lifted your face towards him and blushed as you saw him closer than you thought, his tall stature towering over you. you took a step back as he took one towards you, making you catch yourself up to his wooden desk. his heeled boot came between yours and the little voice in your head couldn't help but scream. 
“monsieur-” neuvillette caught a lock of your hair which he pinched between his slender fingers.
“you're really a beautiful woman.” your gaze immediately went back to his, and his attention escaped you for a second when he noticed the loose button on your shirt again. the fingers of his other hand ran up the side of your arm before grazing the collar of your shirt with the tips of his fingernails. your grip on the desk tightened as his darkened eyes met yours. “and such a beautiful liar.” 
it all happened very quickly when neuvillette lifted you onto his desk with one hand under your thigh. losing your balance, you caught yourself on his torso, your fingers gripping his jacket. you remained petrified, your face was against his chest for a brief moment as you felt the tip of his finger pressed against the skin of your neck and up to the underside of your chin, which he lifted towards him. you gasped as you felt his sharp fingernail dig slightly into your lower lip as your gaze locked with his. 
“does a pretty mouth like yours intend to keep lying to me ?” his other fingers grasped your jaw, delicately bringing your face to his. “should i remind you what punishment i give to liars ?” you mewled prettily as you felt his warm breath on your greedy lips. he pressed a bit more on your lip, making you open your mouth under his burning eyes. “answer me, pretty woman.” 
your fingers tightened on his jacket, the way he addressed you was always distant and feeling him so close almost made you lose your mind. you felt your body getting hotter with every second you were with him. you had been working alongside neuvillette for years and had always felt this attraction for him. he was probably the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your life. the way he spoke and the elegance of his attitude could only make you blush every time you laid eyes on him, but what you'd forgotten was that neuvillette was a very observant man, and he knew everything you've been trying to hide from the start. in one glance he could read you like an open book. 
“i’m sorry.” his forehead brushed yours as you stared at him, hypnotized.
“sorry for what, my dear.” his pointed ears twitched softly at the cute little whimper that escaped from between your lips at the way he called you. 
“i'm sorry, i lied to you.” his fingers tightened firmly on your collar at the sight of your pretty eyes getting glassy, you were such a beautiful creature. you leaned your head back, moaning right under his lips as you felt your clit throbbing between your legs. he was so beautiful, you wanted him inside you, you wanted to feel his skin against yours, you wanted more of his warm breath against your pretty lips. neuvillette bit his tongue inside his mouth at the sight of you in such need. he could read every single emotion on your face and it was a very dangerous game for him.
“what else.” it didn't sound like a question, but more like an order. you spread your thighs and leaned a little more against his muscular chest pressing your pussy against the wood under your ass. desperate to bring pressure to your clit. neuvillette soon noticed what you were trying to do and his hand went to the back of your neck, gently pulling a few strands of your hair still trapped in your messy bun. 
he didn't want to hurt you, he wanted to keep you under control.
you smiled and bit your lower lip, taunting him with your hypnotic eyes when a whimper escaped from between your erotic lips as your hips twitched, finally feeling the delicious pressure you needed on your clit. neuvillette snapped and wasted no time in laying you down on his desk, him between your thighs as your skirt was pulled up to your hips. you arched your back slightly under his dark eyes and reached down for the fabric of your skirt, which you pulled up a little further, revealing your black lace panties to him.
“and i'm sorry for wanting you.” he placed his hands on either side of your head as his gaze darted over every inch of your angelic features. “i'm sorry to have thought of you between my legs more than once.” his pelvis suddenly pressed against yours, making you moan under his burning gaze, you grabbed his jacket again and slowly unbuttoned it. “i’m sorry for being so wet every time you look at me with those pretty eyes of yours.” you whispered as something hard pressed against your pussy and a muffled sound was heard in the back of your throat, you needed him so badly you could feel yourself sweating under your clothes because of the heat emanating from your body.
neuvillette was close to losing his cool, seeing you almost trembling with desire underneath him was driving him crazy as time went by. he could see your buds sticking against the fabric of your shirt making your breasts even more delicious than they already were. he thrust his hips against your pussy again just for the pleasure of watching them jiggle under his lustful eyes. you mewled as you wrapped your legs around his hips, wanting to feel more of his hard length against your wet cunt. 
neuvillette straightened up and removed his jacket, which he threw behind him, leaving himself in a white victorian shirt with a collar plunging over his muscular chest. he remained silent as he watched your arm rise slowly to your head, your delicate fingers untied your hair which spread out on his desk, giving off a scent of vanilla and jasmine. neuvillette gritted his teeth as he felt them grow, how such a delicious creature like you could exist.  
you gasped as he suddenly grabbed your panties and ripped them off, bringing them to his nose, sniffing the scent as if his life depended on it. with his other hand, he pressed his thumb against your clit, making you cry out. he was having so much trouble controlling himself and seeing you so pretty under his caresses didn't help at all. your breasts jiggled every time his thumb ran around your swollen bud and his pointed ears twitched as he saw your wetness dripping down his pants.
“n-neuvi..ah!” a real smile spread on his lips for the first time and your heart skipped a beat at the sight of it. he slipped your panties into his pants and grabbed your hip firmly.
“what a cute little name you are giving me, my dear.” his thumb slipped between your folds and you arched your back as you felt him slowly caress your entrance, teasing you. “should i show you how i like to have fun ?” your cheeks suddenly burned at the sound of his voice, he was playful and wanted to feel you melt between his delicate fingers. he lowered himself to your ear and blew on it as his thumb made its way between your spongy walls, making you cry out as you turned your face towards his, looking deep into his eyes who fell on your mouth, which opened wide, giving him a perfect view of your wet tempting tongue. “hum ? my precious doll.” you caught your lower lip between your teeth, and none of your gestures escaped neuvillette's calculating gaze.
“did i upset you ?” his other hand came up to your face, tucking delicately a lock of your hair behind your ear. his nose brushed yours and you felt so small under his charming eyes. 
“no, darling. you've piqued my curiosity.” his thumb moved up to your clit, while two of his other fingers found their way back between your tight wet walls. a jolt of electricity ran through your body as you felt the tips of his slender fingers caress your sensitive spot. 
a smile spread on his lips as he noticed you open your mouth wide to let out a soft moan. your face was so red and the slow, delicious movements of his fingers inside you made you almost see the stars, even though he'd only just started to play with you.
“i’ve got the impression you still have some apologies to give me, you haven't told me everything.” he hummed playfully as you clung to his shirt with both hands, trying almost desperately to find support as you were taking each of his deep thrusts into your cunt. with his other hand, he delicately pushed aside a few strands of your hair that had fallen over your face from rocking back and forth on his desk. “tell me, angel.” his thumb slipped over your lower lip, which you caught between your teeth as you threw your head back, groaning as you felt the pace of his fingers getting faster, hitting your sweet spot perfectly. 
“i’m…sorry for-ah!-” you arched your back, pressing your breasts against his chest as he slipped his thumb into the corner of your mouth, whispering a soft "open wider" against your lips. 
neuvillette kept biting his tongue, trying to stop his canines from growing as you begged him with your pretty eyes, which became filled with tiny tears, shining like diamonds, as you were close to breaking under his caresses.
“i-i’m sorry for touching myself on your desk when you..-” you squealed as his gaze darkened at your words, his thumb dropped from between your lips as it slid along your jaw, stroking it gently.
“when i what, precious ?” 
“...ahh...when you were busy with-…trials.” he hummed softly against your lips and it made your heart race faster. he was so close to your face that you couldn't help but want to have a taste of his lips, which seemed so luscious in your desirous eyes.
“you’re so honest, i’m proud of you.” his warm breath brushed your lips in a soft whisper and you suddenly cried out when you felt his fingers arch inside you, stimulating the spot just above your spongy wall.
your legs tightened around his waist as you rocked your hips against his, greedy for more. his thumb pressed hard against your clit and a tear rolled down your flushed cheek. it was too good and the way he knew how to push all the buttons to make you feel this way made him even more attractive.
“behave, sweetheart. we have time, take it slow.” you nodded, whispering an apology between moans. you were almost sobbing underneath him as he remained calm despite his difficulties, you thought it was unfair and your urge to push him over the edge was growing stronger and stronger.
“please..” you bit down on your pouty lips, trying your best not to cum, when his cold eyes fell back into yours after he'd finished analyzing every feature of your pretty face. you wrapped your arms around his neck as your hands slipped into his long white hair, its scent invaded your nostrils and a sigh of relief escaped from your lips. one of your hands slipped over his jaw and you brought your lips close to his, neuvillette groaned deeply as he felt your lips almost touch. “i need more..” you whispered to him as if what you were saying was a secret, and the little sparkle in your eyes was the last straw for his canines, which had grown completely out of control. 
he arched his back prettily as he felt the fingers still in his hair sliding along his long locks until you pulled on them slightly, making him part his lips. you lifted his face a little more, making him look down at you as you smiled tenderly.
“don’t you think i deserve more ?” he opened his mouth wider and you gasped as his sharp canines revealed themselves. he chuckled deeply as he felt your wet walls tighten around his fingers, which were now fucking you harder, making you cry out under his sudden violent thrusts. he arched his back even more and pressed his pelvis against yours at each thrust of his fingers inside your dripping cunt, dry humping himself.
“with a face like yours, i think you deserve the world.” your juices were flowing through his fingers and you threw your head back screaming as his palm pressed against your clit, blurring your vision. you were so close and neuvillette knew it. “and i'm willing to give it to you.” you wrapped your arms tighter around his neck, moaning louder at his words. his hair fell loose, letting his pretty locks slide against you and around his face, all you could see was him and how gorgeous he was. 
“you’re..so beautiful neuvillette.” you noticed a pretty rosy hue coloring his cheeks and a soft smile played on your lips between gasps. you did your best to keep your eyes open as you felt your orgasm rising, your eyelids heavy with the pleasure he was making you feel so perfectly. neuvillette placed his hand above your head on the desk, which rocked back and forth under the delicious torture he was inflicting on you. you arched your back when you felt the strands of his hair tickle your neck as he licked his way from your collarbones to your chin. “i-i’m gonna-..” he nibbled the skin of your jaw.
“cum ? not now, my darling.” he whispered against your soft skin. and you mewled when he let his long dragon tongue run to your lips and licked them with a single stroke. his palm withdrew from your clit and you sobbed at the loss. 
he caught his thumb in his pants, which he pulled down to get his cock out, without slowing the pace of his fingers fucking your pussy walls. you suddenly startled, shaking your hips in excitement as you felt the tip of his cock slap your clit. your hands slipped over his jaw, which you grabbed to raise his face to yours, begging him with your glassy eyes to not tease you anymore. neuvillette pushed his hips towards yours, sliding his long shaft against your clit, taking care to appreciate each desperate expression on your face. one of his canines dug itself in his lower lip, making him bleed. 
you were his forbidden fruit.
his arm, which was above your head, wrapped at the speed of light around your waist, arching your back like no other, while his fingers slipped out of your wet pussy, letting a large quantity of your juices run onto the desk and against him. he didn't even give you time to get ready as he slowly inserted himself inside you, savoring every sensation of your spongy walls taking him in with tenderness. 
he threw his head back, grunting loudly as he felt you tighten hard around him as you came, screaming and unable to hold back anymore, he was just so freaking huge and feeling every centimeter of him entering you was too much pleasure to keep inside you. you were whining and apologizing for cuming without his permission when neuvillette finally became a part of you, inserting himself fully inside until his tip reached your g-spot, you felt so full. he was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling faster as he began to thrust slowly but deeply into you, fucking you through your orgasm. he straightened up to pull his shirt over his head and your vision blurred with tears as you felt him hit your sensitive spot with each of his thrusts.
“aren’t you a pretty creature, hm ?” his voice was like a melody in your ears. “look at you, already cuming when you are just starting to take it so pretty.” soft apologies escaped your sweet mouth again and he smiled tenderly at you. “don’t apologize darling, it’s fine. i’ll never get mad at you for feeling good.” his hand slid over your belly and you blushed even more when your eyes landed on his muscular stomach, which contracted every time he plunged himself deeper into you. you let out a cracked moan as you felt the overstimulation getting you.
“neuvi-ah ! …sensitive-” you placed both hands flat on his stomach, trying to slow him down a little and he grunted deeply as he noticed your juicy breasts pressed between your arms making them even bigger than they already were. 
“tell me you did that on purpose.” he grunted, grabbing your thigh to pull you even closer to him, sinking himself deeper into you. you threw your head back and whimpered mouth wide opened as you felt the tip of his cock repeatedly banging against your cervix. at this point it's like he was trying to get you pregnant. "you dressed that way on purpose to drive me crazy." 
you mewled when you met his gaze again, his eyes shone with a sparkling light as his mouth was wide open to let out his gasps, his canines were large and stood proudly above your eyes. the desk creaked underneath you as he was pounding into you. the pornographic sound of heated flesh echoed upon the bathroom, and you closed your eyes in bliss savoring the warmth of his length as he was rocking inside you like he was mad at you. 
“y-yes..yes…yess-” he grinned as he felt your hands scratch the skin of his abs while you were a moaning mess underneath him. “i d-did it on… fuck. purpose-” a cry louder than the others escaped your throat when you heard him murmur "i knew it." and smiled even wider. his two hands grabbed the back of your knees, bringing them towards your shoulders. this position made you blush even more, you were completely open to him and neuvillette's eyes were riveted on your breasts still trapped between your arms. the fabric of your shirt slipped from your chest with each thrust he inflicted on you, finally revealing your rosy nipples to him.
“you definitely are more flexible than i thought.” he lowered his head to look at your pussy clenching as it gushed around is cock, coating his pants in your wetness. he threw back his head with a deep groan, you were taking him so well like a princess. 
your eyes fell on his wide, veiny throat and neuvillette grunted even louder as he felt you clench multiple times in a row around his cock. one of his hands left your knee to grab one of your breasts, you cried out as you felt his long nail scratch your bud. you threw your arms out to either side of yourself trying to hold on to something on the desk as he suddenly fucked you more roughly.
“look at me, darling. i need to see you.” his hair slid over your breasts as he brought his face close to yours, he rested his knee on the edge of the desk as you could see his hips rise and fall with almost inhuman speed in the mirror behind him, this man was indeed a dragon. 
neuvillette grabbed your throat as he noticed you weren't reacting, a squeal escaping you as you felt the gentle pressure on your adam's apple. your tear-filled eyes met his, dark with desire. he was panting loudly near your lips as he watched you carefully, savoring each of his intrusions between your soft walls. 
“will you dare to lie to me again next time ?” you shook your head and arched your back, moaning feverishly under his burning gaze as his cock slammed violently into your cervix. your eyes rolled back as the pleasure was too much for you. your mouth opened to scream as neuvillette pushed his thumb over your tongue, opening your mouth even wider. “are you gonna cum ? let’s do it together, my love.” 
you nodded and he straightened up, his hands sliding up your thighs as his hips slowed, letting the tip of his cock rub languorously against the spot just above your spongy wall. your hands immediately lifted you off the desk as you screamed his name, letting tears run down your cheeks to your collarbones, your face red as your nose dripped snot, completely fucked out. 
and you were about to cum so fucking hard when neuvillette suddenly pulled out his cock from your dripping walls, you suddenly saw red and punched his chest roughly as you grunted in frustration his face came up to yours and his fangs dug into your chin as he whispered to you to calm down.
“don’t be violent, beautiful flower.” he grabbed your hands and slammed you down hard on the desk as he pushed back inside you making you squirt all over him and on the floor, trembling violently beneath him. more tears rolled down your pretty cheeks as his cock were bullying your tight pussy through your orgasm and he couldn't stop himself from fucking you harder when he saw your desperate look, which made him cum inside you. he thrust hard one last time before grunting deeply into your neck as he spilled thick ropes of cum inside you painting your gummy walls.
after a few seconds, he was still inside you, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, still trying to catch your breath. his hand slipped down the small of your back and you felt his lips caress the soft skin of your neck before he straightened up, taking you with him. you wrapped your legs around his hips as you now sat on the desk.
“i can feel that something is bothering you.” he murmured, brushing a few strands of hair away from your pretty face.
“why didn’t you kiss me.” your nose brushed his as his gaze softened at your question.
“i’'ve reserved something special for the first kiss i want to give you.” his thumb caressed the skin of the small of your back and you tilted your head to the side, looking up at him, stars in your eyes.
“special ? it doesn't have to be special.” you chuckled, while neuvillette's face was deadly serious. he brought his face closer to you, his lips brushing yours dangerously as his deep gaze never left your glassy eyes.
“everything about you is so special, y/n.”
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© 𝙢𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 ! 𝙢𝙙𝙣𝙞 — 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘭, 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘱𝘭𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘥 𝘪𝘮 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶. ☆⌒(>。<)
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