#like it’s cute but I would burst into flames if I picked it as my OTP
vxlkirayaxo · 3 days
Stuck like glue
Tags/ warnings: clingy Scara, attachment, kissing, slightly suggestive (?) violence, yandere-ish (just Scara beating someone up for [name])
Character: Scara
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When your mothers were young, they were best friends and they made a vow to make you two best friends,"pass down our legacy" they said
Well...you two liked each other too much, you guys were inseparable.
All though poor Scara was more attached to you than you were to him. For scara, you were his only friend but for you you had a lot of friends.
While you two were in preschool he'd follow you around while he'd hold your hand. A grumpy expression on his face as he held his plushie and watched you socialize like a little butterfly.
"His little butterfly." his mother would say when she picked him up from preschool.
...that was another problem, when he went home before you did. He'd cry and scream, throwing a tantrum until his mother would call to see if she could pick you up too and just drop you off on the way home. Each time he would refuse to let go of your hand in the car which just earned a cute smile and giggle from you.
One day in grade school a rude boy put gum in your hair, that didn't end well...he beat the kid up until the kid couldn't walk. Not without you sitting there in the same room with your eyes closed and your ears covered.
The more you started to get bullied the more he became violent, and soon in highschool he became a 'delinquent'. But you didn't leave him during his violent times. When he snuck out of his house, his poor mother thought he was sneaking out to go do drugs and drinking little did she know he was sitting on the floor in front of your bed while you put accessories in his hair and stickers on his face. He didn't mind though, it was you of course.
It got to the point that your mother sat him down and asked him "do you like [name]?" That made him realize that he did, in fact, have feelings for you.
After graduation he offered for you two to move into the same apartment together after all, he really couldn't go more than ten hours without seeing your face.
Pretty soon his feelings got so bad he couldn't sleep without cuddling you. Holding your waist, face buried in your neck as you peacefully slept not noticing the blush on his face and how his breath grew a bit heavier when he noticed how perfectly your bodies fit together.
One day he finally had the courage, he handed you flowers and asked.
"Please be my lover.." he mumbled his gaze avoiding yours as blush stained his cheeks and ears.
You giggled before taking the flowers, a smile on your lips you chimed
"I thought we've been dating since junior high." You hugged him and he felt like he immediately burst into flames from how much he was blushing.
It was true that he had asked to be your partner for a project but you thought he meant actual partner.
"Do you want a kiss?" You looked down at him before he nodded and closed his eyes waiting for the kiss, this was going to be his first one!
You gave him a kiss on the lips before giggling out of embarrassment. He, however felt like he was in heaven.
"Again?" He asked his eyes only partially open.
Throws you this and leaves to go finish another project 🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️
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prose-merlin · 1 month
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Writing Osvald/Temenos
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chuluoyi · 6 months
✎ rivals... in love?
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- gojo satoru x reader
gojo is in shambles—so suguru might have a crush on you too?
genre: high school!gojo being a menace but pls spare him he just can't take losing, you see... crack, totally jealous!gojo, justice for geto, enemies to lovers, fluff
note: people have been asking for this so this is up next! i'm writing this while listening to bigbang's bang bang bang and fantastic baby so if gojo is a bit unhinged... you know why
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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No way. There is just no way.
Satoru felt his eyes itch and twitch uncomfortably. Despite the opaque black tint of his sunglasses, he could still distinctly see you happily giggling.
“Geto-san, that’s so funny!”
With Suguru. His ride or die. Your massive crush.
Your crisp laughter rang in his ears, scorching his ego and igniting it in flames—that was precisely the reaction he had hoped to receive from you too!
"Aren't they just cute?" Yaga was suddenly beside him with a wistful smile, looking at you and his other student a few feet away. "What do the television say again... a perfect match? In this case, a perfect match made in jujutsu school, then."
And responding to your bubbly self, creating the very picture of perfect match made in jujutsu school indeed, Suguru was every bit as enthusiastic. “Nah, wait until you see this—”
"Perfect match my ass," Satoru grumbled outwardly, rolling his eyes, but he immediately dashed away before his teacher could bonk him in the head for cussing.
It was harmless conversation, or jokes, or whatever. Because Suguru couldn't possibly reciprocate your feelings. His type is women of gravure magazines—Satoru had deemed it as such.
At this point, he wasn't in enough denial to say that he didn't like you, because he had made it so clear that he was, in fact, obsessed. He wasn’t shying away from the things he did, which included annoying you constantly, asking you out after school, helping you in missions, and sending you few pick up lines here and there.
And he thought he was certain he could whisk you off your feet. After all, who else could measure up to him and win?
Heh, no one.
(or basically that's just him ignoring the intrusive little voice in his mind that whispered, “Suguru!”)
“So what's with the nice act, huh?” Satoru blew his bangs in a huff as he questioned his best friend with a twinge of dissatisfaction. “Do you like her or something?”
Suguru quirked his eyebrow at him. “What?”
“Don’t play dumb. I have noticed how you two have been joined at the hip lately,” and with deliberate intention to spite his best friend, he made the sourest face as he mockingly recited, “Wait till you see this~”
Instantly realizing what he meant, Suguru burst into a loud snicker. “Come on, Satoru, really? Surely you aren't that petty. We were just chatting—”
“Not that. I know. What I'm asking now is that do you like her or not?”
It wasn't a rare sight to see Satoru with a pout and a frown, and usually he'd humor him. But this time, even Suguru could see that there was something different in the way he asked this. And should he say something that irked him then—
“Heh, so what if I am?”
That's the wrong answer.
Satoru halted abruptly, whipping his head around in sheer shock. "What the heck?"
“She’s a nice junior, kind, easy on the eyes,” Suguru shrugged, flashing him a dauntless smile. “Only a fool would let the chance pass up. Satoru, if you keep dawdling, one of these days, I just might—”
“Wha—hey!? That’s totally foul—!”
“Nah, they do say all is fair in love and war now, isn’t it?”
By a mind-boggling twist of events, apparently his best friend was also a guy after his dream girl. Satoru was irked, challenged, and he would never admit it, but a tiny part of him recoiled because Suguru clearly had an early start and a boost—you favored him first.
This was unexpected, and now he was conjuring up various scenarios of what he should do. He must act fast or else...
Little did he know that Suguru was thoroughly relishing his restlessness.
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Everyone around you said that your relationship with Gojo Satoru... is intriguing to say the least. And especially ever since that one botched mission you two went, you also felt there was a shift in your dynamics.
And if by intriguing they mean him constantly blocking your way and invading your space, then yes, it definitely is.
"Okay, okay, but wait, just hear me out!"
You halted your steps and faced him with an annoyed frown. You really had no time for this. You were about to be sent on a mission. "Gojo, really, can't you just—"
"Okay, I know he's dashing, or whatever," he huffed, the last word he said with a hint of disdain. "But hear me out, and I'm sure you'll reconsider."
"Who are you talki—"
"Who else!? Suguru, of course!"
You couldn't possibly arch your eyebrow even higher, and before you could say anything, he somehow took it as his cue to keep going.
“First, he eats curses. Cursed spirits! He eats them like rice balls! Can you imagine just how foul the taste is?”
"Gojo, I don't have the time—"
"Then! Going from that, just imagine kissing him," he stressed, eyeing you intensely as your own eyes felt like popping out by the sheer suggestion. "What if you taste the cursed spirits rice ball?"
"You're unbeliev—"
"Wait! Can you even kiss him? What if his cursed spirits suddenly pop out of him? Are you willing to kiss his little friends—"
"He's your best friend!" you finally interjected, obviously and utterly in shock by his unhinged rambling. "How could you say all of that?"
"No, you're getting me wrong." Satoru's clicked his tongue. "I'm just listing facts why it's better for you not to end up with him."
You barked a dry laugh. "And? Better with you, you mean? That's awfully biased."
"Why yes of course! Self-promo is never bad," he blatantly retorted. "Let me just tell you aallll you need to know about me!"
He audibly cracked his knuckles and puffed out his chest. "You know already, I'm strong. I can protect you well. My cursed technique doesn't involve eating curses, so you don't have to worry about tasting the said curses on my lips."
How could he blurt all of this with that perpetually playful expression? A chuckle escaped you unwittingly and that only spurred him to go on.
"And I'm handsome!" he boldly claimed, pointing at his face with pride. "And obviously I don't need to say this, but I'm filthy rich—"
At that, you burst into hearty laughter, unable to hold it in any longer.
Satoru's eyes sparkled, lit as if someone had just made his day. "All in all, you know what I mean. Everything with me, all of it is going to be fantastic!"
Even you couldn't deny that all of this exchange had been so amusing. Hilariously so. "You're down bad, huh?" you tried to taunt, although it seemed like a burst of snicker. Yet, you were caught off-guard when he said:
"For you?" his little smirk made your insides suddenly all jumbled up. "Yes."
Huh? What is this? Your bravado faltered a bit as your heart did a somersault inside.
It wasn't supposed to thump this hard. You weren't supposed to feel this overwhelming urge to squeal too. And your face wasn't supposed to grow this hot...
Seeing that, Satoru celebrated his little win, a wicked smile on his glistening lips—that somehow looked rather attractive to you now. "How? Thinking twice now, are we?"
But he couldn't believe that after all this, you would still cunningly retort with, "Ha! You wish, Gojo Satoru."
His stunned face was so comical that you chuckled once again. You wanted to rebuff him more, but before you could, Haibara's voice called you from a distance. "Heeey! Let's go! Or we're gonna be late!"
"I suppose that's my cue," you lightly shrugged, and before you left him in a dust, you could've sworn you saw a flicker of brewing tantrum behind those glasses, which brought a smirk on your face. "See ya, try harder, and I might look at your way."
Satoru was at his wit's end as he saw you sauntering away. What more that he could do so that you could be his? To keep your eyes on him and him only?
And yet, little did he know, in that beginning of summer in 2006, even before you realized it yourself, you had already did.
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In another corner of the school, eagerly spying on you were...
"Wait! Can you even kiss him? What if his cursed spirits suddenly pop out of him? Are you willing to kiss his little friends—"
"Did he just..." Suguru gaped, utterly in disbelief at what his own best friend said of him. "Did he just say that?"
Shoko let out a satisfied guffaw. "Oh, he definitely did."
"I can't believe he's tarnishing my name over a girl."
"Well, you know very well he could do way worse than that just to get what he wants," she threw him a thin smile, while exhaling a puff of smoke. "And hey, you lose. You gotta pay me."
Suguru turned to her in surprise. "Huh? Oh—oh, darn it. Shoko, can't you be less stingy?"
"Well, whose bright idea was it to pull that stunt on him and bet on whether Gojo would approach her in less than a day?"
-> continue to extended cut !
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
Omggg i saw the new episode of jjk and it gave me such a big idea i think you'd love. Imagine one day sukuna finds his wife that he married thousands of years ago and due to their marriage his wife was granted immortality. And just like she never cheated or kissed another man just waiting for her husband to return and when they reunite (even if he doesnt say it) he is over the moon and just wants to never leave his wifes side ever again. Just much fluff and romance ahhhh
Sakuna x reader fluff
Sukuna scoffed to himself, the boy had finally allowed him to take control after all this time. Even in this deep underground it felt good to feel the air on his face and not through that brat. He continued forward. Thousands of year of stored power and he had been reduced to a fraction of it, despite the immense power he held he couldn't help but miss the time when he ruled over the landscape, unchallenged.
He had a partner even, the one human who he couldn't bring himself to kill, the one he realized he couldn't live without. You had married him, been granted immortality by his hand, and still he had lost you. His last memory before being split and exorcised, was you running to him, crying his name. He was happy that was his last memory.
Sukuna tore himself from his own thoughts, they so often drifted to you but right now he wanted to use the small amount of freedom he was granted.
He moved his hand foreword, fire erupting from his fist as he threw the heat forward, it crashed through a wall, tunneling through the train station. He heard peoples screams like music to his ears, he walked foreword through the rubble. People ran, screaming, away from him. Fire cast from all around him, bursting every human in his sight into flames, he hummed contently to himself.
"S-Sukuna?" A feeble voice trembled from beside him
He knew that voice, he knew that voice, he slowly turned, a truly befuddled expression on his face, his lip curled as he dare not get his hood up but...
There you were, you looked exactly as gorgeous as the last moment he saw you, nothing changed, your clothes were more modern of course but there was no mistaking it, you were here.
"I knew it was you!" you cried, tears streaming down your face. You threw yourself into his arms.
He was too stunned to speak, his arms unmoving, all he could he process was the blood running down your leg, he moved his arms to gently put you down,
"Did I do this to you?" He asked, his hand moving down to your leg, activating he reverse curse technique to heal the gash. He just couldn't believe that he had hurt you, it had been 1000 years and the first thing he did was hurt you
"Oh my love don't worry about that now" you smiled gently, you had always forgiven him no matter what he did
You moved a hand to his face to gently tip his head to look at you.
"I thought you would have found someone else by now, had a family moved on, I mean I'm sure you have" his voice grumbled low in his throat
"I would never" you leaned your forehead against his "I haven't touched a single souls since I lost you, I-I knew you would come back just like you promised"
Sakuna remembered the promise he had made to you that dim moonlit night, on the engawa of the palace you shared, that he would never leave you, even if the world fell apart he would always find you.
"I've missed you" he whispered moving his lips to kiss yours, he moved back to take in your entire person
"Your as beautiful as the day I lost you" he breathed
You smiled sweetly
"What the hell is going on?!?-" the onlooker was silenced as his head burst into flames
You continued to smile as if it was nothing
He picked you up bridal style, "we'll go find the house we used to share" he smirked to you
"I'd like that" you giggle
'Hey what the hell is going on' the brat who's body he had been forced to posses voice rang out in his head
Sukuna slapped his face "just shut it would ya" he growled to himself
"What was that?" you questioned from his arms
"I have a lot to explain" he breathed out
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xuchiya · 3 months
streets [c.san]
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₊˚.༄ || filth valentines m.list || hongjoong || seonghwa || yunho || yeosang || san || mingi || wooyoung || jongho || ₊˚.༄
₊˚.༄ We real life made for each other And it's hard to keep my cool ₊˚.༄
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"it's getting late, do you have someone to pick you up?" your head turn towards san, still in his uniform. his face mask were pulled down just below his bottom lip, emphasizing his cheeks; it made you want to squish his cheeks from being so innocent.
san was one of your fellow nurses. The crisp navy-blue scrubs fit him perfectly, the name tag reading "San Choi, RN" gleaming under the fluorescent lights. you cleared your throat; your heart was beating too loud for you that it hurts to taint this uncorrupted soul. you have hint after hint of crush on this man, this huge ass man that his face does not match his enormous body that you totally found yourself completely hidden.
proved when you stood behind him once and when you say, disappeared.
abracadabra, bitch not even a strand of hair can be seen.
"ah well i actually have somewhere to be ... what about you?" san looks at his watch, sighing, brushing his hair off his eyes, "my friend said he'll pick me up but he had an emergency call from his dad's company so now I have to wait for a bus..."
you frown looking at your watch too, its 10pm. Usually buses don't take this route anymore, "buses aren't available in this hour, san."
his heart fell on his stomach, double checking his watch, "damn it!" your eyes widen at his sudden burst of profanity. his eyes widen too and apologizing to you, "i'm sorry didn't mean to."
your lips curled up in a teasing smile, "your patient would not like it if she heard that one." San shakes his head laughing lightly. the small silence engulfs you both before you had an idea which will be a torture for you.
probably a torture for him too.
San was already an intern at a prestigious hospital near his family's home; owned by his grandfather though he is expecting him that he will continue his service even after his internship.
but when San came by a hospital that one of his friends were admitted after being confined. He found himself stuck on the reception area as his eyes were glued to your figure, up on hospital trolley, shouting dose of pharmaceutical. Your determine look and perseverance on your career what intrigued him to know you more.
so he left his family hospital.
San is pediatrician and so do you, the amount of love he gives on these children what also intrigued you in getting to know the man that suddenly left the hospital that you were trying to apply.
"hey i can give you a ride?" you mention, his ear perk up and reddens. his heart thumps inside his chest all of a sudden, "i-i .."
upon realizing what you said, your eyes once again widen and stutter out excuses, "oh my gosh! i - this is embarrassing, God take me!" you groan, covering your face.
for a while San chuckles at your reaction, composing himself, "I know you don't mean any harm but if you're going to drop me off then i hope i'm not delaying any of your plans."
When San agrees about you giving him a ride, he meant to be able to relax on the passenger seat.
He stares at the glaring matte black with gold flames on the Kawasaki Ninja 400R. That is one of the motorbikes he wishes to own and drive but because of his independence, San is still saving up.
"Holy .." You look at San as you place the glove tightly on your hand, "hmm?" Clueless on his reaction, you swing your leg over the bike, reviving the engine on and tune in the smoky sound of the engine of your bike.
San stares in awe as you hand him (set of embarrassment hue on your cheeks) a customized helmet. It has kitty ear with soft peach color as parallel of the inside of the ear.
"this is so cute." when he puts in the helmet, it dawned on him. You, arch back, hunch forward and him behind you, holding on tightly. His ears were once again red, frozen in place; his mind racing the same speed as your bike with filthy thoughts.
Like how could he not? Your ass is probably close to his (now) stiffening cock in his scrubs when he jumps in. the way it would keep brushing on his cock would probably have him cumming there.
"San? you okay?" You haven't feel the pressure or the weight on your back, so you turn your attention on San; standing with an incredible thickening boner in his scrubs, if it weren't for the eye shield of your helmet, he would seen you checking him out.
Or worse, staring at his firm boner.
San snap out of his thoughts and hurriedly swing his legs over the other side of the bike, after settling down on the leather seat. "You okay? Do you need-"
"Let's just go." San spoke clearing his throat and immediatly feels bad for brushing your concerns off, you understood why.
Without speaking much, you note that San would not hold on to you because of his hard situation so you did the initiative to grab his hands, in which he was taken back, and wrap them around your waist; patting his hand, "Mind you that it's night and I'll be taking advantage of the road."
You look over at San, "don't worry, I'll slow down if its too much." So without delaying much of your guys time, you kick off the stand and off both of you on the streets. San calling whatever can answer them make this ride, a comfortable one.
to say the least, no one grant his calls.
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"u-Ugh f-ufuck chakaman!" San gasp, holding on to the mop of hair on the level of his hips while gripping his scrub up on his chest in his other hand—exposing his toned stomach, his scrub pants pooled on the floor. Your tousled hair, lips wrapped around his aching cock left him gripping the leather seat of your motorbike as you continued swirling your tongue on his red tip. San cried, bucking his hips when you took all of him; fitting him in your mouth up til’ his tip hitting the back of your throat.
 You hum to accumulate more of his climax, which in your satisfaction made San whimper thrusting his hips in your mouth, “f-fuck …” Shamelessly, he started fucking your throat as his climax were nearing and sooner, his cum spurted on your tongue and down your throat. You pull away from him, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out to let him see that you have collected some of his cum before swallowing them.
  You gave him a smile before licking your salty lips, standing up proceeding to remove your leather pants; letting them rest on your knees along with your undies. You turn your head over to look at him with a smirk on your lips, bending moderately for him to see your puckered glistening hole with a small help of one of your hands to spread your cheek.
 “I know you want to get your dick wet, come on baby.” San’s eye twitch the moment you provoke him and have to look around the cleared parking spot you parked on and had him spitting his fingers and run them up and down your puffy cunt before grabbing his semi-hard dick and tap his tip on your hole; wiggling your asscheeks for him to provoke him more which he took the cue and slam his hips on yours.
You were quite taken back, his hips pace was something you were wondering if he has his dick wet a few times or he has this speed that you were looking for; nevertheless it had you moaning his name as his tip kept nudging. You rolled your hips each time he pulls away, leaving the tip then slamming back inside, “Fu-fuck Sannie— that’s so good! Right there!”
San’s hand crept down towards your clit, circling them rapidly and increasing the pleasure and the coil on your stomach, “You like that? You dirty dirty girl.” San stops circling his fingers around your clit and let you bend over your motorcycle as his hips snaps swiftly, placing the hem of his scrubs between his teeth as his hands knead the flesh of your hips then to your plump ass, spreading them as he watch his dick disappear inside your hole; a ring of your slick making him moan in his scrubs.
“Shit shit!” You cursed, lewd noises echoing the silent parking lot increase the arousal on your stomach, the fire of desire as San rapidly ram himself until you feel your thighs shake, “I’m g-gonna cum!” San drops the cloth and bent over to your ear, “Then make yourself a mess on my dick baby.” 
That it all took before you had a long string of ‘fuck’ leaving your lips as your orgasm washed over you, eyes fluterring close hips moving to chase your high. You felt San’s hand clasp around your hips and his broken moans reach your ears, “I don’t care if you’re on the pill or not but me? Get you knocked up? It’s been a fantasy of mine.”
His seeds spurted your walls, bucking a deeper part of your pussy. His hips halted as he let every drop of his cum stay inside you before pulling out, a whine left your lips but soon replaced by a yelp as San smacked your ass in his palm before placing your panties and your pants back on, “It’s cold and besides …” You turn around, he brushes hair away from your sweaty face, “I don’t want you wasting what we work hard on.”
Your cheeks flared, “You must have thought of this ‘fantasy of yours for a while now eh?” San shakes his head, a smile on his lips; securing his boxers and scrub pants back on before leaning on your motorcycle, shrugging, “Maybe but I should have taken you on a date first before I knock you up.”
You whine, smacking his arms, “Stop using that term.” San’s head threw back as he laughed at your reddened face, you groaned turning your head to the side. He stops laughing little by little before sighing, grabbing your hand; pulling you between his legs, “But it’s true. I had it all planned and there’s a step by step to it … but it looks like I skipped a step.”
You look at him, pouty lips, “a lot you mean.” He chuckles heartedly, grabbing your cheeks in his large palms, caressing them, “Okay a lot but it doesn’t mean I ain’t gonna take care of you. Let me praise you, love you, worship you and let me do those things because it is my duty to make you feel special and I want you to feel you are the only girl in this damn world. You’re my girl.”
You were left speechless and San saw in your eyes the appreciation, pulling you in his arms, “I’ll kiss you after our fourth date.”
“Why not now? You already got me knocked up and we are not even on our first date.” He chuckles and this is one of the reasons why he likes you; nonchalant or straightforward. He nodded, “Okay.” He pulls you in near his warmth, his lips landing gently on yours. He took the lead to make you feel special, make you feel the most important person to him.
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astolary · 2 months
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( Synopsis ) ✿ freesia – going on a strawberry picking outing
( Author's Note ) @xianyoon has created a lovely event called when the spring light hits the field! Please check out her event >< Ying thank you so much again for letting me write with these prompts :D Up next, Neuvillette hehehe
( Pairings ) Diluc x GN! Spouse Reader
( Content Warnings ) Reader likes strawberries, reader is Diluc's spouse, set towards at least 7-10 years into the future?
( Word Count ) 1.0k+ words
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DILUC DESPISES THE MONTH OF APRIL. It does not bring back fond memories. If anything, it reminded him of the times when he was sheltered, naïveté, weak, foolish. How he failed to stand on his own two feet to protect his father; how he pushed everyone away from him; how he ruined everything around him like a corrupt flame choking nature into black ashes. 
It was hard for him to create relationships with others after that incident. And if something was hard for him outside of work-related matters, indulgence in desires was something he did not deserve. That is too selfish and self-centred for a man of his calibre.
Diluc had everything; the Dawn Winery, mora, a stable business, a loving father, and a reliable brother.  His future was all planned out for him. And everything collapsed because of a birthday wish.
Of course, fate had plans for him. Or was it chance? After all, April showers bring May flowers.
“Good morning, Master Diluc!”
“Master Diluc, good day.”
“Greetings, Master Diluc.”
“Good morning everyone.” Diluc greeted his staff.
Quick footsteps padded the floor. “Master Diluc, here’s your coat.” Moco diligently stood behind him, coat neatly hanging on her arm. “Are you going to pick the strawberries today with (Name)?”
“That’s right.” Diluc nodded. “Do you happen to know of my spouse’s whereabouts?”
Spouse. If you asked him a decade ago if he were ever to find a partner, he would have promptly dismissed the idea and made a mental note to close the tavern early to resume his evening duties.
“(Name) has already started harvesting the strawberries,” Moco informed him.
“I see, they must be in a rush.” Diluc mused. “Thank you, Moco.”
Tsk, cheater. Diluc brooded in the back of his mind.
Hastily, he walked down the cobblestone stairs, quickly spotting a head popping out in the strawberry farm
The post-winter breeze tousled his face like a bygone dream, greeting the animals from slumber; welcoming the birds from the 7 nations; and the plants full in flourish. Spring has come once again.
Which also meant…
“It’s time to harvest the strawberries.” Diluc voiced out loud. He watched your head snap up from the strawberries quickly, freezing like a deer in headlights. “I thought we said we would compete fairly this year.”
Preposterously, you mockingly stood up and pointed an accusing finger towards him. “I would have competed fairly if someone didn’t eat my basket of strawberries last year!” 
Clutching your strawberry basket tightly to your chest, you feigned offence. You marched towards him, holding your chin up high in defiance. “This year, I will win, and I will get to be the one to spoil you for a whole month!” You kicked his basket with your hip
“Really now?” He smirked. Diluc pinched your nose, watching you scrunch your face cutely. 
“Of course! In fact, I’ll harvest more strawberries than you ever had.” You announced, “I’m winning this year’s strawberry-picking competition!”
As if ignoring the fact that he has always helped in the seasonal fruit harvests since childhood— just like every other year, you deliberately testified your demise. “I’m sure you will.” Diluc replied.
“Just you wait,” You laughed. “Because I have a plan,”
It wasn’t a pretend cackle, your laugh was a joyous laugh, a tinkling melody that burst straight from your heart and enveloped the entire area. A laugh that showed that you were enjoying your time with Diluc over a competition on who could harvest the most strawberries. (Because you both knew it was out of character for Diluc to have fun over a competition.)
(Years ago, when you both carefully strengthened your relationship through time—Diluc did not spare time, but for you he was more willing to take care of himself. And trust—trusting himself was so much more harder than trusting you. Because how can you trust someone wholeheartedly when you can barely trust yourself?
“It’s alright if you don’t trust yourself,” You spoke to him under the orange tavern lights. “Most of the time, we barely trust ourselves to make decisions. But that’s why I’m here.” You smiled, the most beautiful smile he’s seen you show him. “I knew what I was getting into by being with you, and when you don’t trust yourself, I’ll trust you.”)
He’s so, so grateful for being you being in his life.
In a daze, Diluc stood still, holding his basket idly in his hand— soaking in your happiness. Your laugh made him so happy…
You were comfortable living in the manor, with him. You were comfortable laughing, with him. You pushed him to be the best he can be, not because he loves you, but because it’s something he must do to become a better person. To be more worthy to receive your love.
You’re so amazing…
A gust of wind passed by him. Diluc snapped out of his daze.
“But of course, you can’t win the strawberry picking competition if you don’t have your basket!” You yelled. Your legs burned as you ran as fast as possible away from him. (Maybe you’ll reconsider working out with him.)
Diluc chuckled. “Oh you sneaky…”
And Diluc ran after you— of course, while deliberating keeping his pace slow. Because, you know, you should really reconsider working out with him.
Diluc does not despise the month of April.
He looked up from the documents in his hand.
Adeline’s gaze was fixed on the window, fondness swirling in her eyes and an affectionate smile touching her lips.
Curiously, Elzer rose from his chair and took quick strides towards Adeline.
“Master Diluc is chasing (Name) around the vineyard.”
Chasing (Name) around the vineyard…? 
He shifted his gaze towards the window. Ah.
“If Master Diluc is fond of grapes, then (Name) is certainly fond of strawberries.” Adeline sighed wistfully.
“Doesn’t it bring back such fond memories?” 
Elzer rested his hip against the window ledge. “It does.” 
“Just like when Master Crepus and My Lady were younger.” Elzer sighed nostalgicly.
“Just like when Master Crepus and My Lady were younger.” Adeline agreed.
Ah, Master Crepsus would be so proud of the man you became, Master Diluc.
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astolary 2024 — do not edit, repost, or translate. © genshin impact official art © @/h-aewo dividers © @xianyoon : when the spring light hits the field event
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pursuitseternal · 6 months
“The Second Day” of “Antics of the Newly Ascended:” staring Batstarion🦇
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Ascended Astarion x F!Reader |E| 1.3K Pure antics and comedy
🦇 art by @marimosalad Link to full art
Summary: You can’t pick a lock without your Rogue, even if he is Ascnedant now. So you wait… and wait… until a new unexpected visitor flies in.
CW: Banter, Poop jokes, Tav filtering Astarion’s threats and antics, sneezes, and cute fluffy vampiric bats with an attitude 🦇 (no smut)
Previous Ch | Ao3 link | Masterist
“Hells, what is taking him so…flipping long?”
For a split second, you think Gale might actually swear, but no. The goody-two-shoes scout wins out in the end. You giggle anyway.
“Said he’d be back quick with a new set of lockpicks ready to go, Mister Ascendant Lord and expert of the underbelly of Baldur’s Gate…” Gale huffs and folds his arms crossly.
Karlach snorts next to you, both your backs leaning against the alley walls. You keep to the shadows, eyeing up the house you need to enter… surreptitiously. Those Flaming Fist have been everywhere lately, and you still needed your Rogue to break you in nearly everywhere in the City.
“He’s probably too busy doing Ascendant things to hurry, Gale,” Karlach chuckles, peering her horned head into the street.
“Like what?” you ask, folding your arms and pouting your lips, “what could he possibly be doing but rushing back to be with me?”
Gale rolls his eyes, seeing the wry expression on your face, he realizes you joke. “Oh, good one,” he chortles. “Oh lots of things, I would imagine if I applied my wildest musings…”
“Get to the point wizard!” Karlach slaps him on the back. “More taunting, fewer words.”
Gale sputters for air after having it knocked from his body. And you laugh at that.
Suddenly, you feel a breeze pass your face. A blur of white settles on the wall beside your head. Hanging upside down.
A fluffy white bat. It chitters at you.
“Oh shit,” Karlach jolts at the sight. “That thing is massive.”
It seems to chitter more.. proudly at that. You narrow your eyes at it… your other companions draw away a step, leaving the beast with space.
“If Astarion were here, he’d probably call it a snack and snatch it from the air…” Gale jabs, a self-confident smile on his face, proud of his own humor. His own best entertainment.
“Naw… he’s too busy picking out new fancy clothes…” Karlach peers into the street.
“Too busy trying to burst into a sea of mist…” Gale laughs.
You giggle, thinking of something he did just that morning, for an hour, “Preening his hair into a perfect coif before kissing his reflection…”
Gale’s mouth snaps shut. The bat on the wall chitters noisily again, flapping its wings as it comes to dart around your head. “That bat is all over you,” his eyes narrow, “but I’m fresh out of Speak with Animals potions for now.”
You shrug, “I don’t mind, maybe he’s lonely…” You hold out your hand, an offering to let the little mammal rest somewhere soft. “Gives me something to look after until Astarion comes back.”
“Don’t let him see you’ve got a new pet…” Gale taunts, leaning closer to peer at the creature that now rests in your palm, “He might get jealous and snap it up in his fangs.”
Does… is the bat… glaring at Gale?
You look closely, but Karlach guffaws. “Oh oh, I’ve got it. I think I know what’s keeping the Vampire Ascendant! He’s probably stuck taking his first shit in two-hundred years...”
Okay, now that bat in your palm is definitely glaring, and chittering, and… pissed. You look closely at last, it’s white fur catches the sun in shades of silver, its eyes are a deep red… almost a crimson…
You stop. “Astarion?” you murmur at the little creature, patting its head with a single finger.
It… He… bounces on your hand, chittering away, pointed little face nodding.
“For fucks sake…” Karlach groans. “How the fuck did you turn into that?”
Gale leans closer… but not too close just in case. “I’ve read that some Vampires can take forms themselves, if powerful enough.” He grins widely, “Could be ferocious werewolf, or noxious cloud…” that grin twists, “Yours is adorable, if I do say so myself, Astarion.”
You can almost hear the ire in the noises that he makes in reply. Still nonsense chatter, but the emotion is clear.
He is not amused.
“Gale, you do realize he will turn back, and he will be pissed,” you warn with a shake of your head. You freeze, a whisper tickling inside your mind as the creature in your palm twitches and rests. “Astarion says it’s not his fault you're a pack of incompetent… oh,” you pause, patting him on his head with a finger, “I’m not going to say that part, my love.”
“He’s… talking to you?” Gale twists his head and raises a brow. “Like, mind to mind?”
“Yes,” you nod, “we are just as baffled at the moment, I will be honest with you, even if he said not to tell you…” the bat starts scrabbling up your arm, chittering even more noisily than before. “Stop whining, darling. You’ll figure it out.” He comes to rest on your shoulder, hanging upside down from the seam of your shirt. “And he says he would rather you never again speculate about his bowel movements either, on pain of… I’m going to say, a severe talking to.”
“That’s not what he said is it?” Karlach guffaws.
You can’t help but let your finger scritch under his little chin as he dangles from your shoulder. “No, no,” you giggle as you watch his beady little eyes flutter shut at the petting. “He used his regular ascendantly foul mouth.”
“Well, Vampire Ascendant or not, he’s not going to be much help breaking and entering in that form, is he?” Gale snips, rolling his eyes.
“He says he would be more than happy to talk us through it, if we… oh, again? I’m not suggesting that, my pet,” you shake your head, removing your scratching finger to wag it at him. “Naughty,” you chide.
“How did you get like that anyway, Astarion?” Karlach chuffs, folding her arms and swaying on her feet.
“He sneezed,” you reply. “Oh, I wasn’t supposed to share that. I’m sorry, my love. You really should be more obvious about what is for my ears… er… mind alone.”
“Maybe…” Gale gives a mischievous grin, “if we get you to sneeze again… maybe you’ll change back to a form with fingers that can actually do some good.” He reaches into his pocket, takes out a little bit of powder, and blows.
The little bat writhes, fur standing on end, flat folded nose twitching before….
“Achoo!” The sneeze echoes off the alley walls, a burst of black mist that tingles your skin as his tall, lean and wiry body forms against your arm. You can sense his irritation, out right, cuttingly sharp annoyance lacing his angry breaths. Once the mist clears, Astarion is, in fact, glaring at you all. Crimson eyes dart from one to the next. “I am… going to fucking kill you,” he hisses.
“Shh…” you cajole, raising your finger to scritch under his smooth chin, clenched tight in his rage. Instantly, the moment you begin your gentle petting, he eases, eyes fluttering shut.
“I think he likes that, soldier,” Karlach whispers a giggle. “Do you feed him little treats when he’s a good boy?”
“Only if he gets us into that house with those dexterous hands of his,” you chuckle and slide your hand to stroke his cheek.
“Fine,” he sighs, exasperated, tired, and annoyed. “But not one of you breathes a word of this to Halsin… or Wyll… or… anyone.”
“Agreed,” Karlach slaps him on the back.
He begins rummaging his lithe fingers through his pack, turning those crimson eyes on you as you watch. “And you, my consort, don’t think I’m not going to make you pay for that mirror-kissing comment earlier…”
“Don’t think you won’t have to earn those chin scritches, my love,” you giggle in return as he flashes that fanged smirk at you.
“One more, my darling?” he purrs, watching the others start into the street already. “One for the road, one in case we die today?”
Your fingers reach quickly to oblige, his eyes closing to savor your attentive care. And you giggle, “Who can argue with that?”
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matchavellichor · 10 months
AAAANNNNND another one:
Omi begs MC to let him help her whenever she goes out to slay poachers, ect. She never wanted him to get hurt, so she has always said no. After Omi starts giving her the could shoulder over it, she can't take it anymore, and she allows him to come along.
They bit off more than they could chew, however, and the last living poacher casts Imperio on MC and commands her to kill Ominis. (Poacher's injuries are too great to do anything else. Also just wants to make her suffer by forcing her to slay her friend)
She tries to summon the will to fight it, but it's not working, despite Ominis yelling at her, trying to snap her out of it. She disarms Omi and starts walking towards him. Nothing works until he pulls her into a kiss. It jars her enough that she breaks free from it and kills the poacher C:
bada-bing bada-boom. Happy ending <3
A/N: Finally getting through more asks, sorry for the delay 🥴 This was such a cute idea, ty for the request!! 💕
Kisses Against the Dark Arts
f!MC x Ominis Gaunt - Fluff - 2k words
Tags: Minor Descriptions of Violence, Use of Imperius, Crime Fighting Besties, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Banter
Summary: After dismantling a poacher camp goes astray, Ominis resorts to more unconventional means to free his friend from a dark curse.
“Are we almost there?”
“That’s the eighth time in the last half hour,” she huffs. “Ask me one more time and I’ll leave you to the Dugbogs.”
“Oh, excuse me for being concerned,” Ominis raises his hands defensively. “We’re already breaking curfew, we really shouldn’t stay out too long.”
She turns to blink at him. “You’re tagging along to destroy poacher camps with me and your concern is that we’re…breaking curfew.”
“Well, yes, it’s a perfectly valid concern,” he scoffs, as if it’s obvious. “Besides, I have a reputation to keep if I want to be made prefect next year.”
She shakes her head, incredulous. “I hate to burst your bubble, Ominis, but I think your reputation’s been sullied enough just by spending time with Sebastian.”
“Actually, I think it’s the contrary,” he retorts, looking smug. “I’m hoping that if Headmaster Black sees that I can successfully rally in the likes of Sebastian, he’ll consider me apt for the position.”
She considers this reasoning for a moment, before turning him with furrowed brows. “Didn’t he unleash a horde of inferi near the outskirts of Hogsmeade just last week? Is that what you call rallying in?”
Ominis looks unfazed, shrugging. “You win some, you lose some. I pick my battles.”
“Well, uh—now would be a good time to pick your battle,” she murmurs as she suddenly gets into a defensive position, wand arm outstretched in front of her. “We’ve got company, twelve o’ clock.”
“Why do you say these things as if I’ll know what you mean—” Ominis interrupts himself with a shriek as a spell just barely misses his head. 
She swiftly casts a few counterattacks while she ducks behind splintered logs and trees, shouting, “Up ahead, Ominis—I mean up ahead! Was the hurtling bombarda enough to solidify your sense of direction?”
Ominis narrowly avoids another incoming hex, a diffindo this time, rolling for cover into some underbrush. “Yes, thank you dearly for your help—you wouldn’t believe the wonders that near-decapitation will do for your spatial awareness!”
She sends a pillar of wooden crates careening through the air towards a trio of poachers, successfully burying them under layers of debris.
Ominis winces from behind her at the very audible sound of bones breaking. “Must you be so violent?”
An archer catches them off-guard from a surrounding tower and Ominis promptly sends a confringo in his direction, toppling the wizard from his perch in a fireball of flames.
“I hate to be that person, but I think that was arguably a bit more violent,” she murmurs, looking increasingly amused.
“Oh, quiet,” he scolds. “Minor lapse in judgment in the heat of the moment.” 
“Did Ominis Gaunt just make a pun?” she shouts over a chain of stupefies and expelliarmus, amusement and incredulity seeping through her tone.
He rolls his eyes. “It was not a pun, that would be terribly inappropriate.”
Even with a fair amount of banter to slow them down, working together they manage to eviscerate every last poacher with ease, and in record time. They free all of the captured animals with a few alohomoras, and she watches with satisfaction as they prance gratefully back into the forest.
Wiping off the soot on her cheeks from an awry confringo, she walks over to check up on Ominis leaning against a large oak tree, trying to catch his breath, doubled over with his hands on his knees. 
“That was…”
“Surprisingly smooth, right?” she beams. “I have to admit, I’m impressed. I thought I’d be casting a few limb reattachment spells by now, but you actually held your own.”
Ominis looks visibly unamused. “Well, you’re going to be casting a scourgify pretty soon…Gods, I’m going to be sick. Is it normal to smell so heavily of charred flesh?”
“All in a day’s work, my friend,” she pats his back a bit too harshly and he dry heaves over the grass. “Though, to be fair, I wasn’t the one going crazy on the fire spells.”
“They’re effective!”
“Effective at making human barbecue, sure,” she snorts.
He groans. “Dear Salazar, let’s just get out of here before I lose my dinner.”
She finally concedes, picking up her rucksack and slinging it over her shoulder when a jet of white light hits her from behind, nearly toppling her over from the full force of the spell that hits her square in the back.
All Ominis can hear is the Imperius incantation sounding in his ears from behind them, and a satisfied snicker from a lone surviving poacher, more than pleased that he hit his mark.
Ominis scrambles for his wand tucked away in his pocket, but the panic coursing through his veins at his friend being struck makes his reflexes unsteady. An expelliarmus knocks his wand out his hand before he can even properly point it towards the aggressor.
“Oh, this should be fun,” a grating voice shouts, and Ominis’ head darts towards the direction of the dark wizard. “Teach you meddling little shits not to poke your snout ‘round where it don’t belong.” 
The wizard directs his attention to where she’s still standing frozen in place, staring blankly ahead, her pupils a hazy white. A cruel sneer stretches across his mouth and he nods his head towards Ominis. “Kill him.” 
She charges for Ominis immediately, forcing the blonde to stumble back, toppling over a tree stump. She looms over him, wand arm outstretched and emotionless eyes staring down at him, before the wizard tsks disapprovingly from behind.
“Stop, stop. Use your hands,” he sighs, almost bored. “I think killing your friend warrants a bit more intimacy, no?” The evil cackle that rises from his throat is enough to make dread shiver down Ominis’ spine. 
Obediently, she discards her wind beside her, landing somewhere out of reach on the grassy field. She lunges for him, pinning him down with her body on his, fingers scrambling to wrap around his throat.
She’s smaller than him, but hours of training in the Undercroft has grown her strength significantly. Ominis finds it a genuine struggle to hold her hands away, her nails digging long, red lines down his arms as she thrashed.
“F-finite incantatem! Finite—oh, dear Merlin,” he attempts to no avail, voice frantic, her name tumbling from his lips in a litany of pleas to get her to snap out of the trance. “It’s me, it’s me, you can break the spell, just concentrate!”
“Uh oh, I don’t think she can hear you.” The poacher sits on a fallen tree trunk watching the entire ordeal, arms crossed lazily over his chest, a sadistic grin pulled at his lips.
Ominis ignores the taunting, using more force against her, collecting both of her hands in one of his while she still claws and writhes above him. 
“I don’t want to hurt you.” Genuine remorse bleeds through Ominis’ voice as he scrambles to push her off him, flipping them over and pinning her wrists to the ground underneath him. “Please.”
The poacher frowns at the sudden change in position, unpleased. “Use the dagger holstered on your hip,” he directs with his wand outstretched to ensure the full-force of the command. “‘Bout time things got more interesting.” 
She unsheathes the dagger in one swift movement, blade pressed against the pale expanse of Ominis’ throat, teeth bared in a vicious snarl.
It’s momentary, fleeting, but just then something flashes in her eyes. A brief flicker in the trance, the slightest stutter in her hand, color seeping through the milky haze of her irises. It’s gone as quickly as it comes, but proves useful anyways. 
Ominis capitalizes on this hesitation to wrap his hand around her wrist and keep her from applying too much pressure. A bead of blood runs down the long length of goblin-wrought steel, Ominis’ throat bobbing against the cold press as he swallows nervously. He winces when she tries to dig the dagger in more, cutting into unmarked skin.
“It’s me, hey, hey, just listen,” he tries to keep his voice steady, calming, but it wavers, his nerves an utter mess. “Your magic’s stronger than his. You can break it. Focus on my voice.”
“Oh, sure, that’ll work.” The poacher snorts, clearly entertained. “Maybe you should kiss her, lover boy, she might just be repulsed enough to snap out of it!” He doubles over laughing and Ominis grits his teeth in frustration. 
The suggestion doesn’t fall on deaf ears, however. 
Maybe he can blame the decision later on sheer desperation, a last ditch-effort to save his skin, pure adrenaline in the moment. Although, he would be lying if he said that was the sole motivation. He surges forward on instinct, lips crashing into hers, maintaining one hand in a vice-like grip around her wrist and the other cupping her cheek so she can’t squirm away from his mouth.
She freezes, eyes blowing wide, lips unmoving against his. The poacher is just as petrified beside them, in shock that Ominis had the gall to actually do it.
Just when he thinks his attempt was unsuccessful, the hand she has wrapped around the dagger goes slack, losing all pressure against his skin. She lets it fall to the grass beside them, blade discarded, before she’s bringing it back up to cup his cheek and pull him in for more.
Ominis feels his entire world tilt, his face heating, his brain too dizzy to procure a single coherent thought. It really is a terrible circumstance to have a world-shattering kiss. 
Thankfully, she’s somehow able to maintain better mental faculties. She outstretches a hand, fingers splayed open, casting a wordless accio for her wand dropped a few meters away from them.
The poacher is staring at them, mouth gaped like a fish, which is exactly how he remains when she sends a petrificus hurtling in his direction, another exhibition of impeccable wordless magic—because she absolutely refuses to remove her lips from his. 
He can feel her smug smirk when it hits the wizard square in the chest, toppling him over like a bag of bricks. He would’ve called her a show-off, if he had even the remotest capacity for words at the moment.
When she finally pulls away, his chest is heaving, a red flush creeping over his skin from under his oxford, over his neck and cheeks. She’s breathless when she finally finds her words, bottom lip pulled between her teeth. “That’s…certainly one way to break an Imperius.” 
He lets out an awkward laugh before sheepishly helping her up off the ground, dusting remnants of leaves and dirt off her clothes. He clears his throat, trying to feign an air of indifferent composure. “Are you alright?”
She glances at him sidelong, amused by just how affected he looks. “Not sure,” she smirks. “Might want to kiss me again, just to get rid of any traces of the curse. After all, you can never be too caref—mmph!”
While her intentions were just to tease, she can’t deny the thrill that courses through her when he actually wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his body. Her gasp dies on his lips as he presses his mouth to hers, her fingers curling into his shirt for support when her knees seem on the brink of buckling.
He kisses her hungrily, passionately, as if he wants there to remain no blurred lines between his intentions in kissing her, if the last one has left any room for doubt. This time, she feels her world tilt on its axis, her only grounding point being the protective confines of Ominis’ arms, his solid body pressed against hers.
She realizes she could spend hours like this, and she wonders why for two fearless, poacher-fighting mercenaries, neither of them had mustered the courage to do so sooner. 
“Better?” he finally pulls away, the ghost of a smile pulling at the corners of his lips, coated in smug satisfaction to rival even her own.
“I don’t know,” she grins, bringing her arms up to lock behind his neck. “Maybe we should be really, really sure.” 
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bro-atz · 4 months
xikers reacting to you flirting
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pair: xikers/gn!reader
word count: 1k
content: fluff, some established relationships (labeled accordingly!), some lines may be cheesy, most of it is just teasing more than anything, some nicknames (ex. baby, babe, etc)
author's note: inspired by this tiktok of seeun live
taglist: @yuniniverse @eyeryis @sinnarols apply for the permanent taglist here!
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minjae — established
minjae wants to act suave
but honestly he's super embarrassed
like he's doing his best to flirt back
but his face is beet red in the process
"h-how about you and i go somewhere nice"
"min, babe, your face is super red"
"t-that's bc y-y-you just got me all hot and bothered, baby"
"you're going to turn into a fire alarm at this rate"
but usually he's only like that if you catch him off guard
if he's the one that starts the flirt off
then you're the one that's all shy
but he also suffers from Chronic Dad Jokes™
so some of his lines fall through
"baby, are you from tennessee? bc you're the only ten i see"
"minmin, baby, go to sleep."
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junmin — established
junmin is so embarrassed
you lay one line on him
and he's all sorts of shy
like he can't even respond
he's covering his face with his sweater paws
and he's doing his best to remain calm
but anytime you give him the tiniest compliment
he's squealing
"you're so handsome"
"so gorgeous so sexy"
"who let you go on stage and body roll like that you were too sexy for your own good"
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sumin — first encounter
honestly this guy would start flirting with you first
like jinsik and hyunwoo bet that he wouldn't especially after pointing out how cute you are
so he starts flirting first
"hey there can you do me a favor and stick your finger in my coffee?"
"i need something to make it warmer, hot stuff"
but then he loses his composure when you flirt back
"i think your finger would be better since you're hotter"
he shakes his head and tries to stop blushing
"why don't i take you for ice cream—"
"as long as you promise to not melt my cone, you got yourself a deal"
he holds his hand out for your phone, and he puts his number in
"here's my number. text me, and we'll plan something"
"alright, hot stuff"
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jinsik — first encounter
nah jinsik's poor heart can't take it
like how on earth is he supposed to react
you're so freaking attractive
and then you just casually walk up to him
and tell him you must be dead because you saw an angel???
and that angel his HIM?!?!!?!???!
"your birthday is oct 4th it has to be"
"n-no it's july 30th"
"i thought angels were born oct 04— 1004"
it's such a surprise that he didn't burst into flames honestly
it's even more of a surprise that he didn't collapse and curl into a little ball
how can you flirt so openly omg omg and he's not that cute???
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hyunwoo — established
"babe, on a scale of 1 to 10, you're 3000"
"why is that?"
"because i love you 3000"
hyunwoo has the biggest smirk on his face
"what else?"
"lay it on me baby tell me"
and he's just pressuring you to put more lines on him
but you only had the one arrow in your quiver
so he tries his hand
"you're stellar, babe"
"hold on—"
"i'm going to pick you up at 8. show you a night you'll never forget"
"call me peter pan bc imma take you on a trip to neverland"
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junghoon — established
junghoon doesn't even realize that you're flirting
honestly he's so oblivious
"hey, i think you dropped something"
"what what'd i drop?"
"my heart"
"what? where? why would i have your heart?"
"n-no, hoonie, i'm flirting"
and he has the most blank look on his face
as if he's never heard the word before
"yeah, flirting"
"...oh, i see"
and that's the last time you try to pull lines on him
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seeun — first encounter
seeun can't handle it
like his mind is scrambled
your lines with him are way too subtle
and he's having an existential crisis
like are you???
are you flirting with him???
mans is O.O
"wait wait wait..."
first of all
you mustered all the courage to lay the line
and now he's telling you to wait???
"y es?"
"are you flirting with me?"
"...okay say it again i got a good response"
and then he flirts back
thank god he flirts back bc otherwise you woulda fully fallen over
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yujun — first encounter
yujun freezes
and he's just
are you actually flirting with him?
you like him?
he spotted you like minutes earlier and thought you were super cute
but you??? like him too???
"i'm... i... than k y o u"
he's just so taken aback that he doesn't know how to function
yujun.exe stopped operating
"you're really cute"
he's already not functioning??? and you're making it WORSE???
"y-you too— i mean, you are too— i mean i like you too— I MEAN"
just call him eggs bc he is scrambling
like there is steam coming out of his ears
"y-you're really cute too"
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hunter — established
you can't flirt with hunter
he already knows all the lines in the goddamn book
"hunter, you're 4—"
"yes, i know. i ate. i get it"
"you're no fun"
"come up with something more original then"
but he's grinning ear to ear
in a flirt off
you're fna lose
hunter is the flirting king
so even if you start with him
he'll finish it
and you'll be the one begging him to stop
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yechan — first encounter
first thing: he screams and runs away
but honestly it's kinda your fault for just laying it on so thick so fast
"your hand looks heavy. can i hold it for you?"
and he runs away
but then someone catches him
(most likely minjae)
and steers him back to you
but before he can even take a second to fix his brain
"i think i saw you on spotify— you were listed as the hottest single"
and he runs away screaming again
and someone brings him back again
this goes on for a while until he finally is able to respond appropriately
"g-give me your number and i promise i won't run away again"
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|in the name of fancy | (fred w. x fem reader)
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requested: Can you do a Fred WeasleyxReader where they both like each other a lot but neither knows the other likes them but it super obvious to everyone. So George decides to pull some elaborate prank to get them together?
warnings: swearing
word count: 1.4k+
for: @highlyselectiveextrovert​
 He was living in actual hell. There wasn’t any doubt about it, this was actually hell. George watched as his brother and (y/n) picked at their food, talking about the weather in the least casual voices ever.
 George hadn’t minded at first, he actually had thought it was hilarious in the beginning when his brother would blush by (y/n) just being near. Now it just pissed him off when Fred stuttered or did something stupid, hell it was actually embarrassing.
  (y/n) wasn’t much better but when she did it at least it was some what cute, Fred just looked like a twat. He would laugh a little to hard at something small or she’d catch him off guard and his voice would crack like he was 13. It was sad.
  George shared an annoyed look with Lee and there was a silent agreement that passed between them, they needed to get the two together before they jumped off the Astronomy Tower.
 George and Lee flopped down on one of the Gryffindor common room’s overstuffed couches and watched the flames dance around in the fireplace.
  “ What could we even do?” asked Lee with a huff. He stared cross-eyed up at his bangs where his fingers with playing with the coils, watching with bored fascination as the curl would spring back.
  George didn’t respond right away, the cogs in his head were slowly turning as an idea blossomed in his mind, “ Bloody hell, I’m a genius!” he said jumping up.
  Lee sent him an incredulous look, “ What is it?”
  “ I’m a simple man, Lee-”
  “ Bullshit,”
  “ - and so is my plan!”
  (y/n) held her books closely to her chest as she made her way to the library, she was supposed to be meeting her friends so they could begin studying for their potions exam Friday. She rounded the corner but immediately halted to a stop as to not run into someone.
  She looked up and felt her stomach do a flip of excitement to see Fred, she needed to get a fucking grip for God’s sake. He was her friend first and foremost. She hadn’t been able to have a simple conversation with him in two months. Every time they ran into each other it was like she wanted to run away, crawl under a rug, and scream.
 Fred’s warm brown eyes widened the smallest bit but he seemed to gather his composure somewhat, “ Oh, hey,” he said shortly, “ Heading to the library?”
 The slight lilt in his voice went unnoticed by (y/n). She nodded her head and let out a somewhat shrill laugh by accident. She bit her tongue and fought the urge to hurl herself out the nearby window, “ Er, um, yeah,” she chuckled.
  “ Potions?”
 “ Yeah,”
 They sat in awkward silence before (y/n) spotted her friends down the hall. They stared at her with pained expressions on their faces, obviously having bared witness to her and Fred’s interaction.
 “ Oh my friends are here, I’ll see you at dinner?” she said quickly with a smile she hoped wasn’t deranged looking but cute.
 He nodded his head fervently. “ Definitely!” he said a little louder than intended.
 She sent him one more smile before meeting her friends halfway down the hall. Fred walked off in a hurry and the farther away he got from her the easier it was for him to breathe, ‘ That was fucking horrid,’ he thought to himself as he stepped into the Gryffindor common room.
 The redhead flopped down in one of the crimson chairs and dozed off, he didn’t know how long he’d been out but he was awoken by Lee bursting into the common room.
 Lee looked around frantically before his eyes landed on Fred. He charged toward him and Fred held up his hands, “ What the hell are you on, Lee?!” he shouted.
 Lee stopped right in front of him, his chest was heaving and little beads of sweat ran down his forehead, “ I-It’s (y/n),” he wheezed.
 Fred jumped out of his chair and pulled Lee upright, “ What is it, what happened, is she okay?!” he asked frantically.
 Lee coughed and nodded before clearing his throat, “ Peeves locked her in a broom closet and I couldn’t get it open,”
 Fred sprinted into action with Lee hot on his heels, “ Why didn’t you get a teacher?!” he barked behind him.
 Lee scoffed, “Oi! Where the hell is any adult when you actually need them?!”
 Fred ignored his friend who caught up to him and led the way.
 George lingered behind a large stone pillar, watching as (y/n) and her friends left the library. After exchanging goodbyes (y/n) turned the opposite toward George.
  George to a few steps back, held his breath and spritzed water on his face. He then began running, almost plowing over an unsuspecting (y/n).
 “ (y/n)!” he gasped, “ I need your help, It’s Fr-Fred!”
 The (y/h/c)’s eyes widened before throwing her stuff down, “ Well c’mon, show me where!” she yelled shoving the redhead in his chest, telling him to get a move on.
 George turned around and explained to her how Peeve’s had shoved Fred in a closet and no matter what spell he used he couldn’t get him out. (y/n)’s face was panic stricken and George had to refrain from letting out an evil laugh.
 He was sure he was the smartest person alive.
 When they got to the broom closet (y/n) immediately took out her wand but was thrown off guard when George snatched it from and her and shoved her in the closet, “ GEORGE WHAT THE HELL-,” She didn’t get to finish before he slammed the door shut.
 George’s smile could have put the Grinch to shame and from behind a wall he heard Lee snicker. Lee stepped out from his hiding place, made eye contact with George and that was all it took for the two to let out the most diabolical laughs.
 He slammed the door in her face and it was suddenly pitch black, “ (y/n)?” asked a familiar voice. The person casted Lumos and she was met with the face of one Fred Weasley.
 “ Oh my God, Fred,” she sighed in relief, “ You’re alright then?”
 Fred sent her a questioning look, “ Why wouldn’t I be?”
 (y/n) opened her mouth to speak but then their predicament made her throat tighten, “ Uhmm,”
 She basically ignored him and turned back to the door and struggled with the nob, “ George you bastard!” she screamed at the door.
 Fred chuckled, “ Can you blame them?” he asked before sitting down on a box, “ We have been pretty repulsive,”
 (y/n) spun around looking affronted, “ How?!”
 Fred sent her a knowing look, “ I fancy you, (y/n),” he said quietly.
 The girl in question heart dropped to her ass and her face felt like it was going to melt off, “ Oh!” she said dumbly,
 Fred tilted his head slightly and rested his face on fist, “ Would I be crazy to assume you feel the same?”
 Oh God she was going to explode. This was the day she was going to die. Her heart was beating a mile a minute and her stomach churned with anticipation and fear, “ I. . . I do,”
 There she said it, she admitted it, now what?”
 The two teenagers stared at one another for a moment before Fred stood looking down at her, “ Can. . . Can I kiss you?” he all but whispered.
 Of all the times she thought about kissing Fred it hadn’t been in a moldy broom closet, but hell who cares?
 She fought back a smile before nodding. (y/n) allowed him to put a hand at the back of her neck and the other on the small of her back. He swooped down and caught her lips in a desperate kiss that took her breath away.
 Her arms came up and wrapped around his neck as she pushed herself into him more. The kiss wasn’t intense, if anything it was what a first kiss should be.
Sweet, hesitant, and curious.
After a moment they pulled apart. Both were a little out of breath but stupid smiles rested on their faces.
“ So. . . what should we do to Lee and George?” she asked, placing a hand on his forearm.
 There was a devious glint in Fred’s eyes, “ Not sure, “ he began, “ After all, it was in the name of fancy,”
 a/n: new account, old one is @themissinghippogriff​
also sorry this took so long, i was depressed real hard
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A Rather Magical Super Sexy Secret
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 711
Summary: Dieter surprises you with a magazine photoshoot, except he forgot to tell you about it
Warnings: a sexy photoshoot and the consequences when that happens
Check out masterlist here
While waiting at the supermarket checkout, you were aimlessly checking over your shopping list. Everything was checked off, but your brain just had to check again. And they had Dieter’s favourite snacks on special, so you decided to get extra. He’d been working really hard the past few weeks, mostly coming home late, only able to kiss you goodnight before completely zonking out. Tonight, you decided to treat him to a nice hearty dinner as you rightly assumed he hasn’t been able to eat properly. Your double-checking reverie was interrupted by a bunch of girls twittering like harpies.
“Oh my god, look how hot he is!”
“I want to be his controversial young girlfriend!”
You rolled your eyes and looked over to the offending culprits, but you stopped when your eyes caught the object of their desire: starring back at you from a magazine was the face of your boyfriend. It felt like you were suddenly hit in the face with a shovel. Before you got buried in six feet of confusion, your attention was called by the checkout in front of you becoming free. Again, Dieter’s face was staring at you from the magazine rack in front of you, so you decided to add one to your conveyor belt of purchases.
The checkout lady looked at the cover of the magazine while she scanned it. She had that look like one would to an indulgent bar of chocolate.
“Mmm, that is a man right there,” she said, “I’d like to cover him in whipped feta, feed him pomegranates and use him like a fine charcuterie board!”
Well that was a new, certainly interesting one.
You thanked her as you grabbed your grocery bags. As soon as you got in your car, you opened the pages of the magazine. You were greeted with arms. Very well-defined arms. You saw Dieter’s arms every day and you knew he’d been working out a bit more lately, but this felt like you were looking at your boyfriend with newly replaced eyeballs.
You quickly shut the magazine and threw it in your tote bag before it burst into flames, sending you into the fiery lusty hell you were currently feeling.
Dieter greeted you when you pulled up your car in the driveway. He seemed more well rested, and he just had to be wearing one of his Henley shirts. You hated those shirts purely because they made every muscle of his fine body stand out which you certainly did not need right now.
And now he was helping you carry in the groceries, making his arm muscles stand out even more. You could not stop staring at them. You would walk into a pole if there was one for how much you kept staring at his arms.
You followed him into the house, and he lifted the bags onto the kitchen counter, making his shirt ride up a little, giving a peek at his cute tummy.
“Actually, could you put the bags over there?” you asked him.
He replied with a nonchalant shrug and moved them over to the other side of the kitchen. You followed his arms, mesmerised at the material of the sleeves stretching and straining out.
“Sorry, I meant over there,” you said, almost hypnotised.
Dieter put the bags back onto the other counter and swooped in to pick you up, breaking you out of your state. “What is up with you honey cakes? You’ve been staring at my arms since you got in.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck. “Why didn’t you tell me about the photoshoot?”
The realisation slowly spread over his face. “Oh shit, that’s out already? I wanted it to be a surprise.”
He slowly placed you back to the earth, apology written all over him.
“It was a surprise, a nice surprise,” you pulled the magazine out of your tote bag and showed him. “I mean damn, I see you naked all the time, but this…” you started to fan yourself with it.
“Wow, you really are swooning” he moved, ready to pick you up again, “Have I made you weak in the knees?”
“Not yet. Did they let you keep the boots?”
“Oh, I got to keep everything.”
“Okay, now I’m weak in the knees.”
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187
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thatoneadhdseabunny · 21 days
Seven Minutes in Heaven
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Hey All!! First actual story post!
Note: This was written with an OC in mind, who has her own story, as well as will be the main focus of most of my fics. However, I'm thinking I might make a lil' collection of x Reader stories, so stay tuned for those!
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OC's Name: Miami Blue Lycan
Pairing: Miami Lycan x Garroth Ro'meave
”So, when are you gonna ask him?” Kawaii~Chan asked, holding the top of her cup lazily. And like I always did when she brought him up, My face burst into flame.
“I-i- wh-what?” I asked, turning to the pink haired girl. “Ask who what?” “Garroth-Kun, obviously.” She said, wiggling her fingers in a wave to Garroth. Who was currently staring directly at me. I pulled the skirt lower, trying to cover my legs. They were always too friggin’ thick.
“KC, Me and Garroth aren’t a thing! Haven’t been for a while.” We haven’t talked much since I moved in. Mostly it’s jusg been reconnecting with friends not…
whatever Garroth Ro’meave is.
”Well, anyway, I see Aphmau-Senpai over there, so I’m gonna go talk to her, m’kay?” Kawaii-Chan giggled, walking over to Aph.
“I love KC as a friend, but actually what the heck is she talking about right now.” She’s planning something. Most of the time at Parties, she’d be trying to talk to Katelyn, maybe Dante, but her and Aph plot…
“AUGH!” I jumped, putting my fists up. Garroth gave me some space, hands up, with a smirk on his face.
"Hey Miami." I deadpanned, as Garroth held in his laughter. "What?" I snorted, and I coughed, trying to cover whatever that was, and crossed my arms.
"Nothing, just you scaring the absolute crap out of me, no big deal." I groaned, rubbing my forehead. I caught sight of Garroth's smile and blushed a little. Pushing my sunglasses down. "Keep it cool, Mia-" I thought, looking away. I don't want to hurt him.
"Well, I think this'll be worth it. I have a game we can play~" He teased, guiding my chin back towards him. My heartbeat picked up, and I took a shaky breath. I looked away, cheeks flaming.
"What game would that be, Gar?" I asked, wincing at the wobble in my voice, stupid Garroth, always being so cute, and persuasive, and stuff.
"Well, Travis started a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven." Garroth suggested, and I smiled, expertly hiding the internal panic.
"Uh oh." I thought, my cheeks keeping their same temperature, barely feeling Garroth's palms.
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I sat in the circle, glancing around at all of the people around. "I have no clue why I'm so nervous, I've never played this game." I thought, looking over to Garroth.
"Alright! I'm sure you all know the rules to this game, so let's get started!" Travis shouted, causing a cheer to rise from the group. I spaced out, focused more on the beat of the music playing softly in the background, turned down in favor of hearing other's talk. I snapped out of it, feeling Garroth lightly brush over my knuckles. I looked down at my hand, before meeting Garroth's comforting eyes. He tilted his head towards Travis, making my head follow his lead, and turn towards the white haired man.
"You ready, M?" He asked, a concerned look on his face. I nodded, rubbing the arm keeping me propped up.
"Y-yeah, sure." I answered, a small smile on mine. I took the bottle in my hands, and took a deep breath. "What's the point of this game anyway?" I thought, mindlessly spinning the bottle. What do you do when you get in the closet?" I thought, before a weird noise tickled my ears, as I looked up, to see Kawaii~Chan, as well as others giving me a smirk. I blinked, confusion evident on my face, before I looked to Garroth. Whose face was completely red.
"Oh my Gosh, Gar! Are you oka-" I started, before he pulled me up to my feet, and dragged me behind him to the closet situated right before the front door. It was small, and cramped, especially with the four jackets taking up space in the already tiny place. 'Wh-what are we doi-" I was abruptly interrupted by the closeness of Garroth's face to mine. His breath was fanning over my face, and "Oh, Irene, why?" I blushed, as he didn't pull away, his eyes flicking to my lips, as I took a step back, and a hit to the head. "Agh." I winced, feeling the back of my head.
"Jeez, Mia, you alright?" He asked, putting his hand wehre I bumped it.
"Y-yeah. I'm good. Thanks for checking." I said, looking up to where his face is. It was quiet for a little bit, before a question ambled its way into my brain. "So! Uh, how do you play this game?" I asked, shyly, tilting my head so my hair would fall in my face, and getting comfy in my spot on the wall.
"You don't know?" Garroth asked, a bit of confusion in his voice. I could hear his heartbeat quicken. His hand rested on my cheek “When did it get there?” as he pulled me closer, “Is he gonna kiss me?”and I’ve never been this close with anyone but him, “Where do I put my hands?” and somehow, I’m not mad at it “WHY AM I SO CALM?”
“D-don’t know what?” I stuttered, looking up into those beautiful blue eyes. He ran his thumb over my cheek tenderly, as he thought.
“How dare he just casually give me a heart attack?!?”
“Most of the time, at least at these parties, Seven Minutes in Heaven is used when the group wants two people to get together.” I tilted my head, a bit confused.
“W-well, doesn’t that mean… that people want us to get together?” I asked, hands still chilling at my sides as a piece of curly hair dropped into my face.
“Maybe…” He chuckled a little, and I did too at the quiet filling the dark room. I felt his heartbeat quicken again.
“So… how to these people end up getting together?” I asked, and I felt his hand brush against my forehead. I heard his heartbeat quicken again, making me tap my fingers against the wall. He quickly stopped the clicking but gently grabbing hold of my hands, making my heartbeat quicken now. “Werewolf’s pace…”
“Is it okay if I show you?” I nodded slowly, closing my eyes, heart still beating quite fast.
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“Alright Love Birds! Come on out!” Kawaii Chan giggled. The door quickly opened to reveal a happy Garroth and a profusely blushing Miami.
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Hey All! This was actually a deleted scene from my version of Season One, and there’s more to come! (What are we thinking, Love~Love Paradise, or Falcon Claw University?)
Love you all, and I hope you liked it :)
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aalissy · 1 year
Pick-up Lines
Welcome to my daily dose of Adrienette fluff haha. That’s alllll this chapter is. Just Adrienette being a cute, flirty couple. It does contain some pretty general s5 spoilers so pls be aware of that before reading! Lemme know what you think!
Marinette and Adrien were in the cafeteria, enjoying their lunch break together. One of their hands was delicately entangled underneath the table causing Marinette’s heart to race. 
How long had she dreamed of this very thing happening? And now, she got to hold Adrien’s hand anytime she wanted. Could even kiss him whenever she wanted! Honestly, dating him was a literal dream come true. 
Finally, she felt comfortable with both herself and him. Her heart and brain knew that this wasn’t a prank anymore. Adrien truly did love her.
“What’s your favorite way of flirting?” Adrien asked her, chomping on an apple with his other hand.
Marinette blinked, feeling her cheeks pinken. Flirting? Before they were dating, she could barely even manage to stutter two words around him. Flirting would have been nice. 
With a quiet giggle, she dug her teeth into her lower lip before avoiding his gaze. “Well... I don’t know if you could call it flirting exactly but I used to come up with these elaborate plans to confess. Uh, and most of them were centered around, well, y-you.”
Suddenly, Marinette felt vulnerable. Yes, Adrien knew that she had been in love with him for a while but it still felt awkward talking with him about it. Like she should still be protecting this part of her heart as she had done for so long.
Adrien chuckled and she finally managed to peek up at him from beneath her lashes. He was smiling, his emerald eyes glimmering at her playfully. He leaned forward, a smirk on his face that caused her to relax her tensed shoulders. “Ah, yes. My code name was Buttercup, right?”
Her eyes widened with shock. Anxiety and amusement wrestled for dominance inside of her before Marinette shook her head and the feelings away. 
“H-how do you know about Buttercup?”
“A friend told me.” He winked at her. 
An air of smugness surrounded him, almost like he knew something she didn’t. Ugh, she was so going to kill Alya after this. How could her best friend spoil her secret like that?
Feeling embarrassed, Marinette began to move the hand Adrien was holding back to her lap when he grabbed it before she could. 
“I-I’m sorry. Was that too much? I just thought that those plans were really sweet,” he said. A crooked, shy grin was on his face, and suddenly he looked much more like Adrien.
“S-sweet, really?” Marinette stuttered, her face flaming. All at once, she wished she had gained the confidence to actually follow through with her plans. Maybe this could have happened much sooner if she had. 
“Mhm,” he hummed with a nod of his head. “My flirting style is a lot cheesier.”
“Oh really?” she asked playfully. Marinette leaned in, a smile on her face as she rubbed her thumb over Adrien’s. Suddenly, she felt much more confident and at ease. “And what is your flirting style?”
Adrien chuckled, his cheeks looking a lot pinker than they had before. He scratched the back of his neck before saying, “It tends to involve, um, pick-up lines. The punnier the better.”
Marinette threw her head back with a laugh. Oh, that was just adorable.  
Her younger self would have absolutely melted if Adrien ever used a cheesy, awkward pick-up line on her. Who was she kidding? Her current self would melt if he used a pick-up line on her.
“Any examples?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
“You’re the butter to my croissant.” Adrien squeezed her hand, a goofy grin on his lips.
Marinette instantly burst into giggles, shaking her head. “No, actually, I think you’ll find that you’re the butter to my cup.”
He got quiet, an even darker flush slowly spreading across his face. 
After a while, she frowned, tilting her head in concern. “Adrien?”
“I thought you said you weren’t good at flirting?!” He practically whined, a pout forming on his lips.
Her mouth dropped open with surprise. “I-I’m not... Adrien that was just a terrible joke I made!”
“Nope. That was adorable. Just like you. How am I meant to function with how cute you are?”
Marinette scoffed feeling giddiness rise up inside of her. Alright, if cheesy jokes got Adrien to flush like that she could definitely play this game. “Well, you better learn to function because I'm not planning on getting any less cute anytime soon," she teased, winking at him mischievously.
Adrien choked, his hand pulling away from her grip as he placed both of them on his heart. “Okay, that’s it. You’ve officially killed me. Yep, I’m dead.”
He flopped down in his chair, closing his eyes as he stuck his tongue out. Goodness, surely he knew just how cute he was?
Playing along, Marinette draped a hand over her forehead. “Oh no! We don’t want that to happen! However can I bring you back to life?”
 He cracked an eye open, peering at her. “I’m not sure. I’ve heard that, um, a kiss of life might help?”
Biting her lip to suppress a smile, Marinette solemnly nodded her head. “Right, of course! I’ve heard that they can solve anything.”
Quickly, she leaned across the table and brushed a kiss on Adrien’s cheek. Her heart practically thundered in her ears at the contact. She loved him so much.
“Oh, that almost did it. M-maybe one more and everything will be all better?”
There was a hopeful look on his face and she gave him a small, knowing smile. Leaning over again, she placed a lingering, long kiss on his other cheek. Pulling back, Marinette giggled at the almost dazed expression Adrien was currently wearing. “Did that work? Are you back to life yet?”
“Yep!” He bobbed his head up and down faster than she had ever seen it. “That worked! But, I may, um, need more of those in the future. J-just to make sure?”
He was such a dork. Giving him a fond look, Marinette took his hand in hers once more. “That sounds like it could be arranged.”
Adrien opened his mouth to say something else when the bell for their next class rang. They both sighed with disappointment, sad that they couldn’t continue their little games.
“Can I walk you to our next class?”
“Of course.” Marinette smiled back at him, giving his hand a quick squeeze. Standing up, they threw away their remaining food before heading to their next class. 
On their way, she quickly made a mental note to continue making cheesy pick-up lines already. She only wished that she had started using them sooner. Her old self would have loved to know she could make Adrien blush with a cute, flirty joke.
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s0nia246 · 1 year
This is really long. Longer then I thought it would be. For some reason I wrote this like a movie script. Like this going to turn into a Shrek movie XD. Anyway hope you enjoy.
A light shines down on a storybook, lying face up on a table in a room of some sort, the candlelight reflecting off the pages. The pages are covered in symbols in an unknown language that can only be read by touch, the pages were old and worn but there was some sense of beauty to the book.
Y/N: "Once upon a-Opps! " 
The page on the book is quickly lifted from its resting place by a magical hand,  looking around frantically until they spot the correct page.
Y/N: "How stupid...."  
 You mutter to yourself before picking it up again.
Y/N: "Once upon a time, many centuries ago, when The Land of  Oz was ruled by a Wicked king, he ruled his land with cruelty and brutality. Glinda the Good was a good witch, caring for everyone's needs, her love and kindness were appreciated by many.  Not wanting to see the people of Oz suffer under the cruel reign of the Wicked King, Glinda came up with a plan to save the people of Oz from their miserable existence as the wicked ruler's servants. 
Glinda placed the Forbidden Fountain on the grounds where the Royal Palace of Oz The Wicked King and all his subjects drank of it, and afterward grew wise together. The Wicked King realized his mistakes and tried to fix his mistakes, but alas, his greed had gotten him so far into his mistakes, he couldn't bring himself to change anything. With great reluctance and regret, he decided that he would resign the throne to Glinda."
While reading the story ingredients as each magical word is read out loud and the spell cast, you notice something strange. There were several spells used at one point, yet none of them seem like they have been written in a long time. The writing on the pages has faded over time, making it hard to see certain words or phrases. A single sentence catches your eye, it reads: "The fountain will not last forever.  It is now empty. I wish it was never created. The Wizard will return."
Y/N: "Well, that seems...interesting... but that's not important now. I wonder what familiar I'll get. I hope it's a unicorn. No a dragon! Or maybe both, they're cute..."
 You start giggling to yourself at how silly this all sounds but you continue anyway, because the more you think about what your familiar could potentially look like, the more excited you become. 
You gather all the ingredients needed to complete the spell together and then begin casting it. You take the paper from the book and start chanting softly, the spell is simple. 
Y/N:" I bind thee to me and make thee mine ally for my fight against The Wicked.  Though thou mayest hate me, if we part we shall always be true comrades."
 The fireplace behind you bursts into flame, and the cauldron in front of you fills with bubbling black goo.
Y/N:" That's not how-"
Before you can finish speaking, the cauldron explodes, and the smoke coming out of it turns solid and forms a man.
Y/N: "Not again..." You sigh heavily. "Not even a dragon?!"
Prince Charming: "Where am I ?" His eyes darted back and forth wildly, trying to take in everything in the room. 
Y/N: "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean-...Wait?" You cut your apology short and stare at him. 
Y/N: "No way..." You whispered and moved closer to Prince Charming. Placing your hands on either side of his face, you stare deep into his eyes, trying to find some kind of answer. "Prince Charming?"
Prince Charming: "Unhand me!" He snaps and tries to free himself from the cauldron he was trapped in. 
Y/N: "Yep, you're definitely him but...I don't understand...where's all the magical energy coming from.
Y/N: "No way..." You whispered and moved closer to Prince Charming. Placing your hands on either side of his face, you stare deep into his eyes, trying to find some kind of answer. "Prince Charming?"
Prince Charming: "Unhand me!" He snaps and tries to free himself from the cauldron he was trapped in. 
Y/N: "Yep, you're definitely him but...I don't understand...where's all the magical energy coming from..." You mumbled as you continued to stare at Prince Charming with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, unable to believe it was happening right before you.
Prince Charming: "Unhand your King!" Charming yells at you.
Y/N: "Uhh...King? I don't think you married Princess Fiona.  She married that Ogre.  " You point out.
Prince Charming: "She didn't marry me.  She married that Ogre.  Now please, Let. Me. Out!"  Charming tries to push Y/N away but to no avail.
Y/N: "I'll let you out when you explain why you'll still be in Far, Far Away," you chuckle softly. 
Prince Charming:" I don't need to explain anything! The only thing that matters, is getting me out of this cursed cauldron and back to my kingdom.  Now  Unhand me." Prince Charming said again more sternly.
You hummed quietly, thinking hard while still holding onto Prince Charming. After a few seconds, you let go of his face and move back, a small smile on your face. You look around the room for your staff. The staff was made out of wood, and on the top was a white crescent moon piece with a chain of a boy fishing on the end with leaves attached to its sides.  On the bottom was a broom brush in case a witch ever needed to fly, you always had a few in case of emergencies. You walked back to Charming and placed your hand on Charming's forehead.
Y/N: "To get you home you must allow me to see the last location that you were in." You started and began to tap Charming's forehead with your finger.  
Prince Charming: "Fine. Just  hurry up and get me out already." Charming snapped again, still frustrated about being stuck.
 place one of your hands on top of Charming's temples.
Y/N: "Now let's see.."
The magic begins to swirl up and around the staff. Charming squints his eyes from the intense light radiating off your staff and begins to feel uncomfortable due to how bright it is.
Prince Charming: "Hey!" He yelled. Trying his best not to shout.
Y/N: "Oh!" 
The magic from the staff turned into a projector screen with images of the stage, with curtains, props and costumes, villains, and an Ogre. Charming's jaw dropped and Y/N couldn't help himself. You burst into laughter.
Y/N: "So that's why you didn't want to tell me."
Prince Charming: "What are you talking about, peasant? This is nothing compared to what I have been through! How could this be funny?"
Y/N: "You're hilarious when you're mad, your grace." You replied sarcastically.
Prince Charming: "Excuse me?! Do you know who you are addressing, peasant?!"
Y/N:" Yes I do. Some who's wanted for Treason and Conspiracy Against Her Majesty."
Prince Charming: "Treason! Why on Earth would you even consider that?!"
Y/N: "You're the Evil King of Far, Far Away."
Prince Charming: "...You're insane."
Y/N: "Not according to my staff, Your royal highness. You snitched on yourself" You snickered."But enough about me. I should probably get home. I wonder what my reward will be for turning into a criminal. "
Prince Charming:" Wait! Turn me in?"
Y/N: "Yes Your Royal Highness." You smile at him. You turn around and place both of your hands on Charming's shoulders.
Y/N: "Don't worry. I heard jail isn't that bad. It's better than the death penalty ."
Prince Charming: "Death?!" Charming gasped loudly, feeling panic rise inside of him. "Wait for a second! H-How about we make a deal?"
Y/N: "I'm glad you brought it up.  You felt the magic from the spell from earlier right? That's all from you. Here's my deal: Become my familiar, and I'll protect you, and won't turn you in."
Prince Charming: "What?!  That is absolutely unacceptable! Never!"
Y/N: "So you'd rather go to jail or die than stay by my side?" You ask with a raised eyebrow.
Charming: "I don't like the idea of dying."
Y/N: "Then do we have a deal?"
Charming thought long and hard.   Eventually, after a few minutes, he sighed defeated.
Prince Charming: "I suppose if you're willing to give me a chance, I'll agree with you."
Y/N: "Excellent! "
 You tap your staff on the floor and it ejects Charming from the cauldron. He lands in a pile next to the cauldron and slowly lifts himself up.
Y/N: "Now follow me, your highness."
Charming groaned as he got up, but followed you anyway. He was confused,  confused, and just confused. Why was some witch helping him? Was it just an act?  No, you seemed too genuine. There was something off about you, there was something he couldn't figure out. But at least he was safe...right?  Right?
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵
Again. I hope you like it and thank you for reading my crack story idea. Happy New Year's Everyone!
Also here's part 2 if you want to read it.
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 8 months
hellooo 🫶 can i request a reading for EXO's soulmates / twin flames? maybe details and their journey together <3 just curious cause they're my favs 🖤
Xiumin, Lay, Chen's soulmate reading
Hi fellow eri!!! They are one of my fave groups too, so this reading was super interesting but also a bit hard. I need to say that soulmates/twin flames aren't always romantic partners, they can be a friend, a relative, anyone who allows us to grow as humans. There can also be several soulmates, so this reading really felt like looking for a needle in a haystack for some members. Since there's 9 of them, I decided to divide the reading into groups of three members, hopefully it won't take me too long to post all of them.
I wanted to divide by age groups, but then I decided to begin with these three because I feel that they already have this soulmate in their life and I could get more clear info and I wanted to post Chen's reading asap because it's so cute, so sorry to the third oldest who got his place stolen lmao.
I also wanted to use only tarots, but while for some members (these three btw) the reading was pretty clear, I really needed more info for the others, so I picked some oracle cards. I still decided to pick some oracle cards even for XiuLayChen simply because I like to give everyone a similar number of cards lmao
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously.
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Cards: rev high priestess, rev 8 of pentacles, rev 8 of wands, equilibrium, cheerfulness, bridge
They seem a very different person from him, their personality might be opposite of each other. Minseok is generally a calm person while his soulmate might be more chaotic or out there.
I feel this might be an actual love relationship because I can sense a lot of sexual attraction that they want to keep under control.
They probably have to keep their relationship a secret, not weird since Minseok is an idol.
I’m getting a lot of chaotic energy from this, so I’m sorry if what I’m saying doesn’t make much sense.
8 of pentacles is generally tied to work and effort so this might have two meanings: 1) this person works closely to him, they might be a fellow idol or a celebrity 2) it’s a relationship that will need a lot of “spiritual work”, if they’re keeping it a secret then they might be putting a lot of effort into that, they are careful when they meet, they try to choose places that aren’t crowded or that would attract the attention. 
It’s possible that the “spiritual work” I talk about is actually caused by the two of them being celebrities, he has direct experience of what idols go through when they date, even with non-celebs, so imagine the scandal if he’s dating with a fellow idol. You need a lot of mental strength to go through that and it’s possible Xiumin doesn’t feel like dealing with it atp
8 of wands indicates that it might’ve been love at first sight, or at least an attraction that began pretty early on. They instantly clicked, despite the different personalities. They might have similar interests, similar values, they might have fun together or they simply thought they’re hot and just decided to hit on the other.
I have this feeling that everything is a bit out of control, like they were overwhelmed by their own feelings and they’re kinda working on putting everything under control.
Maybe it’s also because all the cards are reversed, but I sense a lot of “let’s do things properly, let’s fix this”.
It’s possible that the imbalance I felt at the beginning also derives from this: Minseok might truly want to be careful, but the other person is careless.
It's funny that the first oracle card I picked was equilibrium while the other is cheerfulness.
I think this might point to these opposite forces, Minseok being the one who wants to be careful and balance properly all the aspects of his life, while the other person is cheerful, a burst of positive emotions that could be dangerous if they're leaked to the public.
Bridge is probably what they both need to aspire to, being more open with each other, Xiumin expressing his worries and the other person should listen to them, but also Xiumin shouldn't get so anxious and probably he should trust more his partner.
Cards: rev ace of swords, rev page of swords, rev death, self care, courtship, fight
They might be someone related to their past like a relative or a classmate.
I don’t think it’s a love relationship in this case.
This person is someone he can talk to. If he has any worry, if he has ideas or dreams.
Ace of swords makes me think of someone who is generally ready to have good theoretical conversations, but being reversed I think they’re better off just listening rather than giving advice (lmao).
I tend to lean toward someone either younger than him (so they lack a lot of experience), someone totally unrelated to his job (so unable to give good advice because they don’t know how it works) or someone who is just naive and with their head in the clouds.
I feel a very tender energy, like Lay probably doesn’t reach out for this person because they’ll offer him valuable help, but he probably just really cares about them and he just likes talking to them.
It might be something like a younger brother, or a nephew or a grandparent. There’s this very nice familial love. Even if they don’t understand him, they still love each other.
I don’t really know anything about his family so I can’t really say how close I am to the truth.
With the oracles I picked self-care. As I said above, he doesn't hang out with this person because he gain anything from them, but only out of love for them. I think he might just feel relaxed whenever they're together, like receiving healing.
There's a lot of love, probably they often exchange small gifts with each other (if this person is a grandmother, which is the main energy I'm feeling now, she might cook a lot for him for example), they might be the type of person who tells him to find a girlfriend asap and get married because he's an adult or something similar.
But as I said, these two live in two completely different universes. It's possible in the past they used to fight or they had moments where they were apart from each other. If the grandmother theory is true, she probably didn't want him to leave his country to train in Korea or he didn't want him to become an idol at all.
Courtship and fight are essentially two opposite forces and I get a lot of these opposite dynamics going on between these two. They lack mutual understanding, but love and respect won over any possible disagreement.
Cards: rev 3 of wands, 10 of cups, 4 of wands, attempt, cheerfulness, harmony
I love that these tarot cards appeared for him lmao This is seriously so perfect, I'm shocked lmao
Ten of cups is represented as a couple with two children.
4 of wands symbolizes weddings and families, so yeah I think we might have a vague idea what this is referring to, I don't think you need me to say anything more (btw congrats on his recent wedding ceremony!)
Reverse 3 of wands might imply that the path to reach their current happiness was very complex. They probably felt there were too many obstacles between them, it was probably hard to visualize an actual future together, there might have been some communication issue and it was probably hard to get a good balance between Chen’s job and his wife needs.
The oracle cards just fit very well with what I could see in the tarots, they probably had to work hard in order to be together as a couple and resist all the pressure they felt these past few years.
Cheerfulness is back (maybe a good omen for Minseok too? he might've found a stable partner too) paired with harmony (again reminds me of what Minseok wants to achieve with his relationship).
For Chen this means that he found his own balance. It's not easy for sure, but he made a choice, he knew the consequences and today he can probably say that he did the right thing, that he's happy in his private life and still holding on in Exo.
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
Hell Raiser
This is something that has been sitting in my wips because I fell out of love with it whilst writing. Maybe one day I'll finish it, but this is Part 1 of 4 that I have written. Hope you like it (it has nothing to do with the Hellraiser movies)
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"Look, maybe Kit is faster, but the car from Mad Max looks way more badass", Gareth enthused, throwing another handful of popcorn into his mouth.
"Kit can fucking talk. It's like sentient, dude. It's far superior to a trash-modded muscle car!" Jeff clapped his hands together to try and get the message through to friends.
"What about the DeLorean?" Grant offered. Gareth and Jeff rounded on him, faces contorted in confusion. He held his hands up to block whatever attack they might administer, "It can time travel", he said carefully, as he felt a thud on his back as one Eddie Munson pounced on him to gain a piggyback.
"You're all wrong, actually," he said, throwing one arm around Grant's neck, almost throttling him so he didn't fall off. In his other hand, a massive piece of cotton candy on a stick threatened to tangle itself into Eddie's hair every time the breeze picked up. "The Dragula is the best. It's a fucking motorised coffin!" He said, taking a giant chomp out of the spun sugar, as he was met with a chorus of groans. "You know that thing is actually gold? Crazy!"
They trudged through the many rows of lights. Wurlitzer music in surround sound being cranked out of carousels or some creepy-looking automaton on one of the stalls. Hawkins wasn't the most exciting place in the world. Actually, that wasn't true. It was exciting in the wrong ways. Kids and people's pets going missing, crops randomly rotting away, rumours of human experimentation at the lab, rats exploding and Russians. Hawkins wasn't fun. That would be more correct. You had to make your own fun here, especially after the Mall burst into flames. It was almost like the town resented anyone having something cool and new and destroyed it immediately. However, there was one thing the Hellmouth would tolerate: a carnival. Big or small, what the celebration was made no difference. The town allowed it, and Corroded Coffin seized every single one. They'd pool their money, most of which was profit from Eddie's nefarious dealings, in order to complete the traditional itinerary. It was simple. Go on every ride the fair offered, age suitability be damned. Twice over the last few years, at least one of them had to get yanked out of a merry-go-round car they were way too tall to have crammed themselves into. Eat as much carnival foodstuffs as they can possibly stomach, to the point of nausea, sometimes even past it. Win at least one prize each on the stalls, and last of all, bag a chick for the Tunnel of Love.
They made their way back through the last line of stalls to the far end of the site. Each of them had a cute stuffed toy to offer to a girl in exchange for their company on the ride. Had it ever worked before? No. Would it work this time? It was worth a shot. As they turned the corner, Eddie released Grant dropping to the floor, and they all took it as the signal for smartening themselves up, popping in a piece of chewing gum, or sparking up a cigarette.
Jeff pulled the stuffed duckling from his jacket pocket and looked it dead in the eyes, "Tonight, you and me. We're gonna find us a babe so hot, she's gonna evaporate the water in that ride, man."
"You know, Jeff. Lack of moisture is not really what you should be aiming for," Grant laughed, nudging him in the ribs.
"Oh, like you would know," Gareth said condescendingly.
"Hey man, I read!" Grant said, offended.
"Look, your mommy's romance novel collection is all well and good, but tonight it's only about one thing, my friends." Eddie pulled the plush kitten from the back pocket of his jeans, which he'd graced with his bandana, and hoisted it above his head, making the band giggle mischievously. Eddie tugged on his battle vest, "This year, I'm gonna find her. She's gonna be right around this corner just waiting for me with open…." Eddie looked around the band with a devilish grin, causing another smattering of giggles, before he smiled sweetly and added, "arms" and batted his eyelashes. As they turned the corner to look for the usual garish giant pink and red sign and the girls that hung around it hoping for their Prince charming to turn up, they were met with a view entirely different.
It was a tent.
An ancient-looking circus tent, vertically striped in red and black, guide ropes adorned with flags of the same colours. The entryway was packed with heavy deep red velvet draped material, with two equidistant poles on either side. 
"Oh fucking, come on!! Seriously?!" Eddie complained, squeezing the toy kitten in his fist, "Goddamnit!" He pushed through his gritted teeth.
Ever curious, Gareth moved closer, clutching his plush monkey. As he stepped towards the entrance, the poles on either side of him ignited in a burst of flame. He turned back to his bandmates, eyes wide, and threw devil horns at them. There was a pause, and the same excited smile spread across each of their faces as they raced one another to get to Gareth to set off the pyrotechnics again.
All four of them eventually stumbled through the entryway into a passageway. Which seemed impossibly long for the size the tent appeared to be from the outside. The corridor was lined with the same heavy red velvet as the boys bunched together, walking down the dim passageway to an illuminated table and chair at the other end. On the table is a plaque screwed to it. After checking their surroundings, they study the plaque.
"If ye be bold and true of heart, 
And ye be ready for love to start.
Tidings to ye on this fair day, 
Follow the arrow. Walk right this way."
With a bold embossed arrow pointing to another set of heavy velvet drapes to their left.
The four of them looked between each other and the plaque.
"Maybe it's a new version of the same ride?" Grant offered to the group for consideration.
"But there's no sign outside. There is none of that oily stagnant water smell. Not to mention the distinct lack of chicks" Gareth frowned.
"Well, what did we come here for, right? I'm not gonna chicken out now," Jeff said, squeezing the stuffed duckling close to his chest.
Eddie crammed the kitten half into his back pocket. "Yeah, but what if this is some kind of prank? We go out there, and everyone's standing around waiting to laugh at the next people that walk through?"
Jeff pulled a face that indicated to the rest of them he was about to do something stupidly brave. He gripped the duckling plushy and kissed it hard before walking through the thick drapes in the arrow’s direction. The curtains parted, and the rest of the band listened carefully. There was no laughter. There was a mumble of talking and the faint sound of a beat. Suddenly a stuffed duckling erupted back through the curtains, and the three remaining members of the band screamed in an unnaturally high pitch before clearing their throats and exchanging wide-eyed glances with one another. “Come on in, guys, the water’s fine”, Jeff's voice rang out as he puppeted the duckling at them. 
As they passed through the curtains, first, they were greeted by Jeff’s beaming grin, pointing them to someone standing at what looked like a lectern. In front of the podium facing them was a book stand placed upon it, an open binder bursting with pages. As they approached, the person at the platform thrust out their hand, “One at a time, please.” Their eyes shot up to the oddly dressed person above them. A midnight blue floor-length cape graced their shoulders, with golden embroidered symbols and celestial bodies embellished randomly on the fabric. On their head, a head wrap of sorts, made of precisely the same material, a solitary black gem pinned to the centre of it. They looked like a magician, their black and white suit underneath the gaudy robe, complete with waxed curled at the ends moustache and a beard formed to a sharp point. Yet, something else was curious about the person as they loomed over the lectern. It was impossible to actually remember their face. A strange feeling when you'd never experienced it before, and yet it was happening. But not only that, it was like their appearance shifted in the dim lights. One moment impossibly beautiful, ethereal almost, then glimmers of something else, something withered and gaunt, but they couldn't quite make out. Jeff turned to his bandmates.
“You gotta sing in front of a crowd, but um”, he smiled broadly, “I’ll let the crowd speak for itself.” He nodded at the person on the podium, who pulled out a long shepherd's crook and moved back the heavy curtains to reveal a mass of teens. They were all dancing, staring at the stage where someone was singing their lungs out, badly, but the crowd didn't seem to care. They either had their eyes shut, dancing like no one was watching, or their eyes were fixed on the stage in adoration. As their sight adjusted to the darkness, something else became quite apparent in the darker recesses of the makeshift dance floor as they edged forward, entranced. People were making out, not just sweet little pecks on the cheek, either. Some of it was verging on at least R-rated. The curtains were abruptly shut, and an infectious smirk spread throughout the band of friends. “We can sing better than what was going on in there. We’ve got this.”
“I don't think they are gonna feel the same about For Whom The Bell Tolls, Jeff”, Grant complained, looking a little unsure.
“So pick something else, man. I swear I saw someone playing tongue tennis with Crusty Nigel in there!” Gareth said, motioning towards the book.
Eddie planted his hand on Grant’s shoulder and announced in a heroic voice, “A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.” Grant rolled his eyes at the use of a Tolkien quote. None of them had any resistance to it. Grant shook his head in defeat.
“Alright then,” Grant said, causing much jostling and lewd noises and gestures from the band like they had completely forgotten about the other person sharing their space until they cleared their throat.
The robed one leaned over the podium, casting a long shadow over the book and the four of them, “So”, they smiled devilishly, “Who is to be first?” Eddie pushes his way to the front but is immediately bumped out of the way by Jeff.
“Hey, man! I did all the venturing. So I deserve the first pick, right?” Jeff explained, and Eddie's shoulders dropped as he conceded to the fact of the matter.
The person on the podium raised their hands high in the air, their eyes wide, staring down at the group, “I need the rest of you to step back” They all do so immediately as the apparent mage mutters some words under their breath, “Jeffrey I need you to clear your mind of everything.”
“Well, that shouldn't be too hard”, Gareth muttered, causing a quiet ripple of laughter to spread to Eddie and Grant.
“SILENCE!” the ominous figure bellowed, shocking the three stooges into quiet, “As I was saying, Jeffrey, clear your mind and close your eyes. Look deep into your heart, and think of not only the romantic partner you wish for but what that love is like. Imagine what it feels like, at long last, to finally find your one true love. Then believe they are out there, and you are serenading only them.” Jeff's face went through a series of emotions, concentration, sadness, happiness, and resting on an expression of pure dazed bliss. The booming voice of the caped figure dropped to a whisper as they lowered their hands to the edges of the podium. Long dextrous spindly fingers crawled up the sides of the lectern to come to a stop gripping the front corners of it as a wisp of words left their mouth, “What are you singing?” There was a pause as the now very creepy-looking person stared down wantonly at Jeff, slowly tilting their head from left to right. “Find it in the book!” they hissed sharply and quickly, making the other boys stand closer together for comfort. Jeff's hands flicked rapidly through the yellowing pages of the binder, inhumanly fast, until he stopped and slammed his hand on a page, dragging his finger down it until he blinked his eyes open as if awoken from a dream, a huge smile on his face.
Jeff looked down at the page and laughed, “Oh, it's this one, alright!” His gaze returned to a now peaceful-looking person at the podium, who smiled sweetly down at him.
“Now wait your turn, go on through, and may the power of love work through you,” They said with a gentle expression of serenity and grace. Jeff walked through the curtain, and the person standing above them asked, “Who is next?” Eddie stepped forward again, but they raised their hand, “No, not you, Edward Munson. You shall be last.” Eddie screwed up his face and stepped back in line, but after what he had seen, he dared not argue.
Gareth and Grant had their turns just as Jeff had done and walked through to the main area until only Eddie remained alone with this unusual being. They smiled broadly at him, “Are you sure you know what your heart wants, Edward?” Though fearful, Eddie scoffed.
“Yeah, of course I do,” Eddie said with confidence bolstered by the most fragile porcelain.
"You know why I saved you until last, don't you? Separate from your friends?" Their eyes bored into him as Eddie shook his head. Their eyes narrowed at him in curiosity, and suddenly he felt a small film of nervous sweat break out on his forehead. "No?" Their smile widened to almost suessain levels, "My mistake. Do step forward then." Eddie obediently did so and shut his eyes like the others, but being alone made his mind wander to what might be happening when his eyes were closed, and he was alone, with no friends to protect him, from this unusual man. The performer's voice seemed to swirl around him, shifting gradually from the left ear to the right ear. A rapid slideshow of anyone Eddie ever had a crush on flicked through his thoughts. There are so many, some so secret they were even a surprise to him when they appeared, and a twinge of shame runs through him as he tries to think of Madonna, Elvira, Lita Ford and Debbie Harry. "It's time, Eddie", the celebrity faces in his head said in unison with voices deep and warped, like something from a horror movie. His eyes sprung open, and he looked down at the book, a stinging pain on his fingertip where he'd gotten a paper cut, and a single droplet of blood threatened to fall. Eddie quickly put it to his mouth to save the soiling of the book, and it pulled a sharp hiss from somewhere in the dark recesses of this alcove. Eddie looked down at the page. The list of songs was gone. There was only one printed on the page. Brass in Pocket by The Pretenders.
He looked up, "There must be some mistake. This is sung by a woman. I can't sing this." The person at the lectern did that slow tilting of their head from side to side, and their fingers scuttled forward to the front of the podium, like they were stop-motion animated. Leaning forward, their shadow grew over Eddie, and with it, a chill sent a shiver down his spine.
"Book is never wrong," They said with a different voice, this time croaky and creepy like a goblin. "Sing or silence. Join in or Miss out. Love or Loss. Your choice, Eddie Munson." The worry of missing out and being othered was too much for him, and Eddie turned the pages of the book with his eyes open in defiance. A high-pitched creepy giggle erupted from the person above him as the pages fell open to reveal precisely the same thing. He turned another page and another, and the same thing was written on each page in what felt like the entire binder. The giggling above him turned to increasingly loud laughter, the words on the page from beautiful calligraphy to scratchy writing much like his own. Finally, he grunted in frustration, and his eyes glared back at the looming creature above him. It paused, straightened up and regained its more eloquent composure and beautiful appearance, "Oh, I see now," they said. Eddie huffed and stormed through the curtains to his friends, "See you tomorrow, Edward", the muffled voice rang out with a cackle behind him. He shook it off and quickly caught up to his bandmates again.
"You get your song?" Gareth said excitedly. Eddie nods with a forced smile.
"Yeah, I think it's a mistake, but I may as well give it a shot, right?" Eddie said, receiving a friendly slap on the back from Gareth, "So what did you get?"
Gareth gave him a proud grin, "Fat Bottomed Girls, of course!" They both laughed, and Eddie nodded in understanding.
"Of course. And the other two?" Eddie inquired, hoping that one of them might have had something as different as he did.
"Well, Grant got Great Balls of Fire, and Jeff got Good Vibrations. But, wait, you said yours was a mistake. Why do you think that?" Gareth asked, knitting his brow in confusion.
"Well, this has confirmed it. All of your songs fit. Mine is so vague. Like it's more about me than the person, you know? It's just a bit of fun, though, right?" Eddie did not dare to mention all the rest of what happened back there. He doesn't have time to reprocess any of it before the girl on stage finished singing My Guy to rapturous applause and cheers, and Jeff stepped up next. Eddie observed the reasonably large set, but all that was on it was Jeff, the mic stand and a large TV on a stool, which was displaying the words to the song.
I-I love the colourful clothes she wears
And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair
I hear the sound of a gentle word
On the wind that lifts her perfume through the air
Eddie let out a singular laugh of disbelief when he heard Jeff sing a song he had never heard him sing. In falsetto, he had also never heard before. Then the crowd caught Eddie's eye, swaying gently to the music in unison, like wheat in a field. All unoccupied attendees had their eyes fixed on the Stage, singing along with every word. 
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
She's giving me the excitations
Then the chorus kicked in, and the crowd started bobbing up and down in jumps or just from dancing more quickly to the song. Some people waved their hands around in the air to the sounds of the theremin on the record. Then Eddie heard a familiar sound, a metallic jingling. He looked down and realised he was dancing too, entirely unwittingly, he turned to Gareth, Grant, and then the others behind him in the line, and they all were doing the same.
Weirded out but encompassed in joy, he can't explain, Eddie looked back to the stage and the crowd as the song ended. That's when he felt the drop in mood, like someone had sucked up all the electricity in the air. Grant stepped up next. The screen flickered with new words as he reached out for the microphone.
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane
You broke my will
But what a thrill
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!
The environment became charged again, the crowd was fixated on the stage, and the singing and dancing recommenced. Eddie felt an itch on his arm and rolled up his sleeve. The hairs on his arm were stood on end. Something weird was going on, and Eddie was unnerved by it, but at the same time, he felt swept away in it too. Maybe it was like a gig when it was the perfect storm. A fully immersed audience in a crowded space full of raging teenage hormones.
Gareth was up next, and he didn't even need to look at the screen. Eddie smiled; this was one of Gareth's favourite songs, and he must have heard him sing it a million times about many girls in real life and through a TV screen.
Are you gonna take me home tonight?
Aah, down beside that red fire light
Are you gonna let it all hang out?
Fat bottomed girls
You make the rocking world go 'round
Gareth punctuated the last line by throwing the devil horn signal on his hand into the air. Eddie swore the ground rumbled when he did, and the crowd got louder, screaming some of them. Eddie turned back to Gareth, who was singing with his eyes screwed up tight in effort, and the beat thudded through the air vibrating right into Eddie's sternum. Looking back to the edge of the stage, Eddie saw a girl, her hair in pigtails high up on her head, her elbows resting on the stage pushed together so that her chin could rest upon her hands. Her eyes were transfixed on Gareth, but she wasn’t dancing like the others. Instead, she was swaying a little but not much else. Eddie noticed her mouth was slightly open, and her eyelids blinked slowly like she was half asleep.
The song ended, and Gareth joined the others in the crowd, and it was Eddie's turn to step up. He wasn't sure if it was the cumulation of everything that happened this evening, but the usual performer in Eddie was not available for business. He walked to the mic, looked out at the expectant crowd, and sang the words on the screen.
I got brass in pocket
I got bottle, I'm gonna use it
Intention, I feel inventive
Gonna make you, make you, make you notice 
The crowd danced slowly from side to side, singing the words with him, but it didn't feel the same as when the others were singing. He looked to his friends, who animatedly encouraged him to amp it up. With their backing, the performer in Eddie returned. He strutted across the stage length, acting out the words, and saw the crowd get more into the song. That electricity filled the air again.
'cause I gonna make you see
There's nobody else here, no one like me
I'm special
So special
I got to have some of your attention, give it to me
Eddie rechecked the front row as the song ended. The girl with pigtails was gone, and no one looked at him as she did at Gareth. He put the mic back and rejoined his friends, but when he got there, one was distinctly missing. "Where's Gareth?" Eddie asked.
Jeff and Grant exchanged a glance and smirk and gestured to further back in the tent to where Gareth was. Though not alone, the girl with the pigtails was there too. Gareth looked dazed, with lipstick smeared all around his mouth. The plush monkey deserted on the ground. Eddie laughed at a ridiculous thought but couldn't help but follow up. He walked around another group of people to get a complete look at the pair, Eddie followed the placement of Gareth's arms and hands, and as the song had predicted, she was very much a fat-bottomed girl. Eddie turned back sharply to Jeff and Grant with a wide-eyed toothy grin, running up to them, snatching up the monkey as he passed and throwing his arms around them. "It's our year, guys!! Finally!!" Eddie said, squeezing their shoulders, pulling them close to him as they laughed.
"I gotta go take a leak," Grant said, jutting his thumb to the outside of the tent.
"What? You're leaving now? Don't you wanna wait around for your girl?" Jeff exclaimed in horror.
"I'll be back. Also, the only other option right now is for me to do it right here, and I doubt that's gonna help me win anyone over, right?" Grant said, turning on his heel and walking toward the porta potties. Jeff and Eddie spend the next ten minutes or so watching the performers, and any girl that appears to have a trajectory aimed in their vicinity inspires much neatening of clothes and puffing out of chests. Still, every single one walks on by, not a smile or wave of invitation. Eddie grumbled and looked at his watch. Now he had to use the bathroom too.
He pointed at the exit so Jeff could see he was heading out. "I'm coming with you. I don't need to spend any additional time watching Gareth play tonsil hockey with Hillary" Jeff huffed and followed Eddie out but stopped abruptly when Eddie's hand planted firmly on his chest. Eddie then pointed over to the tent entrance. Jeff turned to see Grant comforting a girl with a tear-stained face and a scorched dress. He took off his leather jacket that almost drowned her, but it covered the problem areas of her outfit, and she pecked a kiss on his cheek and held his hand. Eddie turned to Jeff, and they exchanged looks of surprise. "It's working. I mean, the songs are working, right? It doesn't have to be in the tent."
"No, she was definitely in there earlier. I saw her. That's Yasmin from my Home Ec class," Eddie said. Jeff created a small huddle between the two of them.
"So here's what we know. The songs, specifically the lyrics, bring the person, providing they heard it, but you don't have to be in the tent to find them. Grant said he suddenly had to go to the bathroom, right? There is something instinctive about how this works. Grant might never have found that girl if he hadn't left the tent when he did!" Jeff worked through the problem like a puzzle in one of their D&D games. "So what is your gut telling you?"
Eddie's gut told him to make an excuse to go home and curl up in front of a movie. Only two of them were left, and Eddie's stomach churned at the thought of being the last picked. He was basically the leader of these guys, and if they all had someone and he had no one, he'd be the loser. No, this couldn't happen. Eddie turned to his acting skills and clutched at his stomach, "You know, dude, currently, my gut is telling me I shouldn't have eaten so much fairground food, and I should get home…quickly!"
Jeff looked so genuinely concerned. It had made Eddie feel rotten, deceiving his friend. "Well, ok, man. Get yourself home. Er, I'm gonna hang around a little while longer. See you at practice tomorrow?" Jeff asked, and Eddie nodded with a smile and headed back to his van briskly to head home.
Part 2
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