#like it's not normal barking it's top of their lungs barking
killbaned · 2 years
the dogs have started this shit where they start barking as soon as they get done eating and i don’t know why but it’s driving me up the WALL.
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trashmouth-richie · 8 months
𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰
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its absolutely miserable here rn but i enjoy writing these little winter stories so have another,
“why? why do we live here?”eddie grumbles, rubbing his red chapped hands together and blowing on them. 
the indiana wind blew hard against the windows, rattling the screen door and creating a draft that seemed to keep the trailer at a crisp 65°.
wool socks and long johns weren’t enough to keep him warm, the thick flannel he’d had since forever was threaded to the very top, his throat tight against the suffocating button. 
“ ‘t’s where the horses died, i guess.” wayne chuckled, cricketing his feet together as he lounged back in his squeaky worn recliner. 
the small space heater glowed angry red, drawing more electricity from the trailer. 
“get that van started up?” wayne asks around the mouth of a pabst. 
eddie flicks his lighter open and shut in a habitual manner, “didn’t want to, but finally gave in,” plopping down next to the heater to warm the apples of his cheeks, he lets out a small sigh of relief from his chattering teeth. 
wayne grunts in approval and they sit in comfortable silence. the howling wind keeping melody with the lonesome whistling of the ceiling vents, the garfield wall clock adding a chimed staccato. 
every business in town was closed. the gas stations, the diner— the weather man called for people to stay home: no travel advised. but healthcare didn’t operate around the weather.
his watch beeped at 9:45PM and he figured the van would be good and warm by now. 
“alright, i’m headin’ out,” he called to wayne as he shoved his arms through the cool leather and begrudgingly shoved a stocking cap on his head. 
wayne gave him a solemn look, “you be damn careful.”
eddie grinned his cheshire pearls, “always.” 
the steel door by the back entrance had a small window facing the parking lot. your co workers all had gone once the other shift had shown up to start their nightly duties of rounding on patients and stocking supplies. 
trisha asked if you needed a ride but you waved her off, “he’ll be comin’” 
you worried the snow might have been too deep for his van to handle, maybe it didn’t start at all? maybe the electricity went out in the trailer park?
 the nails on your hand suffered between your teeth as your brain concocted more and more things to worry about. things that could go wrong. 
but not long after a single headlight broke through the tree line and there he was, lining up with the sidewalk as close as he could without actually driving onto it. 
with one deep and ragged warm breath, you braved the weather. the snow scraping against your face in icy claws of unforgiving cold. wind whipping the starchy fabric of your nursing assistant scrubs this way and that. 
the dome light brightens as he climbs out from the van opening your door before you could reach for it yourself. a winced smile on his lips when he sees your chilled face. 
“get in baby,” 
he shuts your door and your fingers begin to thaw against the vents in eddie’s van, the warm comforting smell of rich tobacco and hints of weed engulf your senses. the smell of him singing a song to your soul. 
his door opens and shuts tight and he’s chattering his teeth loudly before grabbing your hands and kissing heat into them. 
“missed you,” he murmurs, “how was work?” 
“long…busy,” a barking cough creeps from your lungs and tightens your chest, “glad it’s over,” you say weakly, reaching for his hand and threading it between yours, “i switched shifts with diane so i have to be back at six.”
eddie’s eyebrows furrow into worry but he hides his concern. that place worked you like a mule, they didn’t care how bad the weather was or if you were sick… and he hated them for it. you looked exhausted, the normal glow to your skin was dusted over with whatever virus you were currently fighting.. but eddie knew there was no use trying to tell you to take it easy for once. 
“alright sweetheart, i can take you, wanna stay at mine tonight or go back to your place?” 
the small home you rented with your childhood best friend jonathan and his girlfriend, leah was on the outskirts of hawkins. and since your landlord was jonathan’s mom the rent was dirt ass cheap. the hopper’s residing in a desolate cabin owned by the chief. 
winter was rough this year and between eddie’s long hours at the factory that  didn’t seem to slow down, and your irregular shifts at the nursing home, you didn’t get to see much of your boyfriend, “stay with me?” 
the tv was blue when your key finally busted through the locks and you wedged your way inside. leah and jonathan both asleep, curled into one another on the oversized couch. 
tracking snow in, you and eddie toe off your shoes gingerly trying to avoid the unwelcome surprise of wet snow on your socks.
“i fucking hate snow,” eddie mutters hanging up both of your coats. 
“oh cmon, mr grinch, “ you tease with a small smile after hacking up another cough, “you don’t like how pretty it makes everything look?” 
“hard to look cool in this damn thing,” he says tossing the black stocking cap onto your counter, his hair a mess of kinky curls, frizzing into oblivion. 
“well,” you say, running your hands up his chest and around his neck, “i think you look cute.” 
eddie rolls his eyes and you scoff before he dives into your lips and kisses you loud and obnoxious. erupting giggles from you as his icy hands work themselves beneath the hem of your shirt. 
the laughing as your cough acting up again and eddie places a palm to your forehead worry etched into his eyes, you look back at him, “would the heat miser like a hot toddy?” 
eddie rubs his thumb into a circle pattern on your back. fuck he adores you.
“i’ll make ‘em, you go take a hot shower, alright? you feel sick.” 
you roll your eyes, “i’m not sick,” you garble through a coughing fit, “’m just sleepy.” 
“sure, sure, whatever you think.” 
when you’re dressed into pajamas and a long robe, eddie is stripped down to his long johns and the band shirt you liked to hold hostage at your house. your room is set up like a picnic, pb&’s and a twinkie to wash down the hot liquor. 
“pretty much a gourmet chef,” eddie says, licking peanut butter from his thumb, “i even ate your crusts for you.”
“my knight in shining armor,” you muse and eddie takes an exaggerated bow.
he sits crossed legged on your bed, “let’s eat i know your hungry,” 
eddie’s idea of a hot toddy is warm tea with double the amount of whiskey. yours he made sweet with some honey but his is kept straight and burning with whiskey. 
a light buzz clouds your head by the time you finish your drink and the exhaustion settles into your bones, the cough loosened a bit with your hot shower but now your sinuses were filled and you were only breathing from your mouth. 
“lay down baby, i’ll be right back.” 
eddie flicks off the light and sets the plate into the sink, jonathan is standing in the kitchen warming a a pot of milk on the stove. 
“that you coughing munson or her?” 
eddie finds the crinkly pack of cigarettes in the pocket of his jacket and pulls one out for himself and jonathan. 
“me? nah, she’s sicker than a dog.” 
jonathan stirs the milk and takes the cigarette from eddie’s offering hand, “leah and i had something like that last week, probably just something going around” 
the two smoke openly in the kitchen, both deciding it’s too cold to go outside. jonathan stirs the hot milk into the waiting mugs with chocolate powder, cigarette and spoon swirling in a dance of smoke and clanking ceramic. 
“there’s some vicks in the bathroom if you need it,” jonathan says, stubbing out his cigarette into the nearest ashtray, balancing the mugs in each fist, “ tell her to take a day off for christ sakes.” 
“yeah that’ll go over well.” 
they both chuckle knowing just how stubborn you are and jonathan disappears into his bedroom. flicking out the lights, eddie follows the hall to your room and sneaks inside, laying down next to your burning up body and sweat slicked forehead. 
he pulls you into him and you groan with the uncomfortable delirium from your fever. 
“eddie?” you whisper into his chest, fisting his shirt into your palms, “it doesn’t snow in arizona.” 
“you’re right princess,” eddie says pressing his lips to your fevered head, “it doesn’t.” 
you snuggle deeper into him, and speak a barely audible “let’s move there.” before you fall into a deep sleep. 
when morning comes and the wind hasn’t died down, you sigh a little relief when his van doesn’t start, and don’t object when eddie hands you the phone so you can call your job and tell them you won’t be making it. 
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here is the actual temp from my weather app— 🥲 also tagging @eiightysixbaby bc jonathan’s girlfriend is her, duh.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 1 month
Drugged Hero Whumpee used as Party Favor at Villain's Party part 5
Warnings: torture, blood, restraints, blindfolded, gagged, living weapon, captured
This story of mine had been left at a cliffhanger for some time, but here is a part 5, as requested by @emmarose2009!
"I... am good to my word." Archenemy pressed a single button... and all the lights in the mansion went dark at all once, plunging the party into chaos.
Shadow's head was spinning, but her world sharpened to a blast of pain as rough hands grabbed her and yanked her off the couch. She felt herself being slung over a broad shoulder where she draped limply like the dead weight she was. In any other circumstance she would have fought back, but everything hurt too much, and even though her mind was foggy with pain, she was lucid enough to distinguish help from hurt. So she let it happen.
The terrified screams of party guests rattled in her skull, along with the sound of scraping furniture as panicking people tripped and toppled over each other in the dark. But whoever was carrying Shadow seemed to have no problem navigating through the mayhem, though every step jarred Shadow's injuries.
Shadow gritted her teeth and focused on continuing to breathe with tight lungs, even as her body blazed with agony at all the sudden movements that her rescuer -- and likely enemy -- made.
The sound of a door banging open -- and then city lights, lights that scorched Shadow's retinas and made her wince as cold air hit her stinging injuries. She managed to conclude she was outside of Villain's dreaded mansion, at least. But the feeling of freedom didn't last long before she felt herself being carelessly stuffed like luggage into the backseat of a car.
She inhaled a sharp breath as she landed ungracefully on leather cushions, and a fleeting thought flashed through her mind that bleeding all over her rescuer's expensive car probably wouldn't be the best way to get in their good graces, but then she remembered who her rescuer was, and all sense of security vanished in an instant. Besides, it wasn't like she could help it! Blood was everywhere on her, and if she didn't have rapid regeneration, she would have long since bled out. Any normal human would already be dead by now.
She was flopped on her side, breathing hard when she felt air displace near her as someone else climbed into the backseat with her, slamming the door closed. She groaned in protest, but that was as much strength as she had, blood snaking from the corners of her mouth and flowing freely from her nose.
"Drive," a harsh voice barked, and the sound of tires screeching on asphalt followed as the vehicle lurched into motion. Shadow felt someone grabbing at her hands, and instinctively started to struggle, pulling away with a hiss.
"Come now, none of that," a terrifyingly familiar voice cooed. It made Shadow seize up in fear. Her vision was hazy, but her eyes darted to the source of the sound, making out a dark, blurry outline hovering over her. She moaned in pain as a hard elbow dug into her ribs, a body pressing on top to pin her down while cold metal cuffs snapped onto her wrists like the final nail in the coffin. Her ankles soon followed, shackled together by cruel, unforgiving metal.
Shadow jerked away when something dark and fabric-like was raised to her face, startled, but her head only hit the seat, there was nowhere to go as a cloth blindfold was tied tightly around her head.
"You won't be needing your sight for awhile," Archenemy chuckled into her ear, making her shiver.
"When I get out of these, I swear I will kill--mmff!" Shadow made a weak effort at snarling an insult, which died the instant a piece of sharp metal was forced into her mouth, making her gag and choke as it pressed down hard on her tongue. Leather touched her face, and she realized that it was a muzzle, as if she were a dog that could be controlled -- pathetic.
"You won't be needing your voice, either," Archenemy added, though this time his tone was flat, mildly annoyed. "I can't have you biting me, either - I know you have a reputation for it."
Shadow would have laughed, if the barbaric muzzle would have allowed it. He must have been referring to the time she bit one of his henchmen's fingers off when they tried to attack her. Served them right, though.
Shadow moved her tongue around the metal bit in her mouth, trying to earn some relief from the pressure and pain, but it was futile. The metal was slicing into her tongue and the corners of her mouth, and the taste of copper soon washed over her taste buds.
A scared whine slipped past her gruff composure when she felt Archenemy's hands slide around her head.
"Take a nap if it suits you, hero -- you sure need it. It's going to be a bit of a drive." That was the last thing she heard before something solid clamped over her ears, making her deaf to the world.
It was a gut-wrenching panic that made her breath catch in her throat, unable to hear, see, or speak, and trapped in enemy territory. She had no way of knowing where she was being taken, what Archenemy planned to do with her.
Her breaths came faster, she couldn't seem to get enough air in, her head buzzing with static silence, an empty void of nothingness cocooning her in total darkness. No sense of direction, all there was was pain, and the feeling of the car occasionally hitting bumps in the road.
Stay calm... Stay calm... Stay calm... She told herself again and again. It did little to ease the terror gripping her racing heart in its vise-like jaws.
She was embarrassed when a small tear leaked out of one eye, quickly absorbed by the blindfold. She was supposed to be Hero, a brave, fearless fighter! But she'd never felt more scared in her entire life than right now. Every second that passed was like a death sentence, bringing her closer and closer to her end. It went on forever, before finally... the car came to an abrupt stop.
Shadow didn't even bother struggling as she was roughly dragged out, bound and gagged, muzzled and blindfolded. She still couldn't hear, which made it all the more terrifying to be moved. A little overkill on the restraints, to be honest.
Either Archenemy was overestimating how dangerous she was by a long shot, or he knew exactly how dangerous she was. Shadow was one of the most notorious heroes, known for her morally-gray qualities and for being cold and calculating and hard to take down. She sometimes ventured suspiciously close to villain territory with how she went about fighting crime. It made her more feared than adored among citizens who were grateful to have criminals taken off the streets, but too scared to speak out about her unusual methods of winning.
Shadow couldn't walk on her own with how tightly she was chained, and she felt her face flush with humiliation as a pair of arms picked her up and started carrying her off. Soon enough she was tossed somewhere cold and damp, and she grunted as she hit solid concrete after an unfriendly shove.
A door slammed shut, and she was left all alone... blind to everything around her. She waited several beats, and when nothing else interacted with her, she quickly got to work twisting her arms and hands to try and get some of the restraints off. She pawed frantically at her head with her bound hands, managing to knock off whatever sound-canceling headphones had been put on. It was a massive relief when the sound of her own shaky breathing hit her ears again, comforting in all its simplistic familiarity. She took a second to relish it, savor the experience before continuing.
It was hard to move, both from the shackles and severe injuries inhibiting her movements... but eventually she got the blindfold halfway off so she could see out of one eye. She worked on the muzzle next for a good fifteen minutes with no progress -- she only succeeded in slicing her mouth up with the metal bit until a bloody froth was drooling out the front of the muzzle, blood mixed with saliva she couldn't swallow thanks to the cruel bit keeping her mouth slightly open.
The mocking click of a tongue from somewhere close by made her freeze and forget all about wriggling free. Archenemy was here. She'd never heard him come in. Or maybe he'd been here the whole time watching her helplessly struggle, but whatever the reason he was here.
"Have you gotten it all out of your system yet?" His voice drawled.
Shadow craned her head to glare with her one free eye, though she knew she must look ridiculous with the blindfold half on still. Archenemy was sitting nonchalantly in a chair in the corner, unconcerned as ever at her disheveled and haggard appearance.
"Wuff oo uunn wanff? (What do you want)" She tried to form words around the bit, but it was too tight and painful in her mouth and on her tongue, and all that came out was incoherent noises.
Archenemy just flashed a charming smile before casually getting up and gracefully striding over to her. Shadow's eyes widened with a flicker of genuine fear, and she quickly scooted back to the furthest wall from him, flattening against the surface as best she could.
"Shhh, there's no need for that. I'm only taking the muzzle off so you can speak. Got it?" Archenemy didn't give her a chance to answer before he was reaching for her face, grabbing her jaw in a tight hand to hold it still.
Shadow squealed in pain and jerked away from his touch, but he didn't yield, swiftly sliding his other hand around behind her head to unbuckle the straps holding the muzzle in place. He pulled the blood-soaked muzzle away in one smooth motion along with his hands so she couldn't bite them.
Shadow licked her cracked lips as she watched Archenemy's gaze lock on to the shredded corners of her mouth, watched him frown.
"Open," Archenemy commanded.
Shadow kept her mouth closed, eyeing him warily.
"Open your mouth now, or I will force you to. The choice is yours."
Shadow knew he wasn't joking, and hastily unlocked her jaws, wincing as the movement tore the corners of her mouth open further, leaking fresh blood.
"You shouldn't have tried to take the muzzle off yourself," Archenemy scolded. "You've practically ripped the inside of your mouth to bloody ribbons."
Shadow closed her mouth with a scowl, saying nothing. A charged silence fell between them, full of tension, before Archenemy spoke again.
"Well, like I said -- I am good to my word. I'm going to have you cleaned up and treated. However... my hospitality comes at a price."
"I would never expect anything less, coming from you," Shadow rasped dryly, her voice thin and scratchy. "What do you want from me?" She spat the words like poison.
"I want your power. To heal from practically any wound... it's an astonishing gift I've never understood. But I plan to. I plan to find the limits of your abilities, find a way to use it." Archenemy leaned close, eyes sharp and power-hungry. "You are mine. And I will find a way to control you."
Shadow shuddered involuntarily at the certainty with which he said it, the blatant confidence. It rattled her to the core. "What makes you so sure?" She intended it to sound defiant, but it came out shaky and weak, and Archenemy's smug smile broadened at that.
"Because I've already managed something similar once, so it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. I already have one living weapon right here in this exact base we're in, so creating a second seems manageable enough."
A living weapon...? Shadow's blood went cold as ice.
Archenemy laughed at her shocked silence. "Who knows, maybe my weapon will finally have some company!"
"That's outrageous!" Shadow sputtered angrily, finally finding her voice. "I'm a person, you can't control me like some pathetic dog!"
"Not yet, but I will," Archenemy said smoothly without hesitation. He stood up, straightening his jacket. "I'll give you time for your gift to heal you before I begin my experiments, and after I get you cleaned up. You are filthy."
Shadow wished she could argue with that, but he was right; she was a disaster. Fading bruises mottled her skin deep shades of blacks and purples, and dozens of vicious injuries were still knitting closed painfully slow, leaving fresh scars in their wake. Her clothes were fully drenched in her own blood that had puddled around her shivering form. She watched miserably as Archenemy turned on his heel and left the room, locking the door to her new prison shut behind him.
Shadow leaned her head back to clunk against the wall with a groan, her tender wounds aching and throbbing with pain as they healed. Even when the physical wounds themselves were gone, the pain would still linger with her for a few days, to her dismay. But for now she tried to rest -- she'd need her strength if she wanted any hope of escaping later.
The pain kept her awake, and she had barely managed to drift off when the lock clicked, and she instantly snapped to alertness as the door swung open. Archenemy strode in... followed by someone else. Shadow's breath hitched when she saw them.
It was Other Hero, the same hero who'd disappeared five years ago after an intense battle with Supervillain, presumed dead. But here she was, standing right before Shadow's eyes, very much alive. Shadow recognized her in an instant.
"Ava!" Shadow gasped in shock. Why wasn't she attacking Archenemy? Why wasn't she fighting back?
Ava just stood there at Archenemy's side, a glassy, distant look in her amber eyes, like she wasn't all there. Staring blankly at the wall above Shadow's heads, expressionless. Something was terribly wrong.
"W-What did you do to her?!" Shadow snapped.
"Oh, nothing much... just rewired her a bit, found what makes her tick, what pleases her, and used it against her." Archenemy shrugged as though it were the simplest and most insignificant thing ever. Then he gestured to Ava. "Kindly help our guest up and bring her to me," he ordered.
And to Shadow's horror, Ava obeyed without a flicker of hesitation, that frighteningly blank look still in her eyes as she came up and grabbed Shadow under the arms, slinging her effortlessly over a shoulder.
Shadow grunted and tried to push or kick her away, but with her ankles and wrists bound, it was nearly impossible to fight.
"Stop that! Let her go!" Shadow snarled at Archenemy.
"No," Archenemy said simply, "I think not. She belongs to me. Like you do now, only you haven't been... trained yet."
Shadow gaped at him in disbelief as Ava shifted her higher on her shoulder before marching over to Archenemy and waiting patiently for further instruction.
Archenemy smirked, and roughly grabbed Shadow's jaw from where she hung limply, forcing her to meet his steely gaze. "Do you see, now? Ava here is a perfect example of success. She represents what I want from you: complete. Full. Control."
"But... I gave you what you wanted at Villain's party..." Shadow protested weakly.
Archenemy let her jaw go with a cruel laugh. "You did... and I did what was promised in return. I got you out of there alive. I never said anything about giving you your freedom once you were out."
Shadow's gut twisted with panic and dread. She'd played right into his hands... she'd been so desperate to escape Villain's mansion and escape the torture that she'd fallen right into the trap. Put the noose around her own neck.
For a heartbeat she thought about bashing Archenemy in the face with her bound hands, but she knew resistance was pointless. She was hardly a threat in her terrible state of health anyway.
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Masterlist #2
@scoundrelwithboba @lumpofsand @isikedmyself878 @iamheretohurt @fleur-a-whump @ay5ksal @otterfrost @sausages-things
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spookyghouly · 1 year
goodevening ghesties
i luckily tested negative for covid this morning meaning i was FINALLY free from quarantine isolation just in time to go to the ghost concert!! this is my 5th ritual in as many years and it may have been the best (though, you never forget your first 😉). here’s my ghost kia forum night 1 concert breakdown of best moments, in no particular order!
cumulus and aurora ghoulettes twirling each other, blowing kisses to each other, stroking each other’s cheeks. this one was for the dykes <3
popia, drawing out the ending to mary on a cross: “are you guys still saying cross?? I want you to say MARIJUANA!!!!!”
Respite ALSO fucked like the BASS IN THE BEGINNING?? I FELT IT IN MY CHEST IN MY LUNGS, I THINK IT MADE MY HEART BEAT DIFFERENTLY. SOUL RESET. I almost cried when copia left the stage thinking about how this is probably my last time seeing him (I completely forgot the encore existed I was too swept up in It All ™ you know?)
Dancing Skeletons. They better release the film because I want to study it to learn their dance.
they had two stages set up, the normal one up front and a mini set up in the back with a grand piano and several chairs. more on that in a sec.
Seestor gave papa a boxing robe and gloves for “fighting” his way back from the small stage to the main stage. the crowd started barking at him to hype him up like he was actually about to enter a boxing ring lmaoo
when he got to the back stage papa said it was so nice to see the people in the back “in the stevie wonder seats” lmaoooo
then he said he wanted to bite us???? and had us all snarl at him like we were biting dogs. deranged behavior. love him.
okay no my true fav moment was the orchestral arrangement of if you have ghosts. it put me in such a throwback to the first ghost ritual I attended in london when he took time to introduce each band member just as ghoul. 5 years later and on another continent, it is an even more beautiful arrangement of the song. The band members were 2 cellists and a grand piano player—I couldn’t tell if the woman to the far right was playing a theremin or vocalizing—if anyone knows can you tell me?
the skeletons picked papa up at the stage right mini stage and had him like crowd surf on top of them all the way back to center stage it was AWESOME?? I hope they got a cool overhead shot of it for the recording.
they definitely knew we were all anxious he was dying tonight and there were many moments where papa faked us out that he was dying. after the first or second song he made a comment like “ah we are quickly approaching the end of this era” and later when he told us to “not be sad it’s almost over, you’ve had a good fucking time and then it must end” I couldn’t help but think he was talking about more than just the concert
on a related note, when the skeletons first came out in twenties they circled papa and I think it was a deliberate fake out/homage to when he ascended in mexico city last year when the nuns circled him.
met many delightful ppl giving away handmade bracelets, stickers, and trinkets, as well as someone who had scooped up a bunch of mummy dust bucks from the confetti gun and was passing them out by the exit 🥰💜 u people made my day
anyway here’s that haul:
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this has been the update from new plushia at the forum, goodnight folks!
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mystar-girl57 · 2 years
𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐦
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱
Pairing: widowed!jake x fem!reader
Warnings: reader has Thalassophobia (phobia of oceans/deep and large bodies of water), mentions of drowning
Comments: in the italicized bit Neytiri and Reader are about 8 years old also only skimmed over after writing so only some what proof read
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“Hurry up you slowpoke!” Neytiri giggled not too far away as you struggled to keep up. It was late, too late to be away from Home Tree. Eclipse had come and the clan slept. You and Neytiri however were too busy chasing each other along the illuminated forest floor, your feet leaving footprints in your wake.
“I'm coming as fast as I can!” You huffed hopping up onto a branch so you were above her. Running and bouncing over objects in your barked path you managed to make it so you were caught up and standing right above the young girl.
Neteyiri stopped at the top of the hill and turned around looking for you. She grinned when she didn’t see you. “Get lost back there?” She called down the path expecting you to come panting.
“Doing just fine actually!” You called before leaping down on her and tackling her to the glowing floor sending fireflies up as the two of you began to roll around rough housing.
It was a storm of arms flailing and tails getting tangled as the two of you laughed trying to pin the other down. But what neither of you noticed was how close you were coming to the dangerously steep hill.
You pinned Neytiri down with a triumphant laugh right their on the edge. “Ha! Got ya!” You exclaimed, your tail flitting behind you.
“Oh yeah?” Neytiri questioned with a smug look and in one swift motion she grabbed under your armpits and flipped your body. When you felt your body be moved in the air you expected to just be pushed to the grassy earth but instead you felt a sharp corner hit your back before you went tumbling down.
You were not able to stop the fall; there was nothing you could grab onto as rocks scraped your back. You heard Neytiri screaming your name before everything was muffled as you fell into the rushing river below.
Your body was tossed around like a rag doll as it dragged you down stream, you could not even try to move your limbs to get above water to see where you were going let alone catch your breath.
You felt a tightness in your lungs as the little bit of air you had started to slip from you. The current dipped, slapping you down on an especially sharp rock and you opened your mouth to gasp, that small breath you had escaping as water filled your lungs. Everything became fuzzy, your ears were ringing and you started to desperately gulp for air until eventually it became too much and your eyes closed, your body going limp.
You sat up quickly, your eyes wiped and your mouth opening as you panted. Your body was drenched in sweat and you patted yourself down to make sure that you were truly there. You let out a teary sigh and hugged your body tightly. On all the days that Ewya had to show you that memory it had to now in the midst of everything.
It took you a few minutes to get yourself to calm down to stop your body from shaking and to get your breathing back to normal for you to assess your surroundings. It was early, the sun had not yet awoken and everyone around you still slept. Even Tuk who got cold in the night had crawled into bed with you and Jake acting as your barrier was still asleep. You sighed sharply and rubbed your eyes before pushing the blankets off of you and getting up off the pallet.
Walking out of the marui you were not surprised to find that none of the villagers were awake, it was too early for even hunting parties to go off. You could see in the distance the sky slowly turning a deep red and fading to orange. The ocean crashed loudly in your ears at the tide came in and you glared at it.
You followed the woven walkway until it was met with the sandy beach fed into the forest. Not that you could really call it a forest, it was a few shrub trees and prickly bushes. No trees and vegetation that you were used to could grow here; the sand would not allow it. That was another thing that you found you did not like about the coast of Pandora, the sand. You hated the way your feet sank with each step you took making it difficult to walk unlike the firm soil you use to run on.
You let your feet carry you around the island as the sun peeked over the ocean. At this point you knew that the village was starting to wake up and the Sully family would to. So you turned around and followed the footprints you had made back to Awa’altu.
You were about half way there when you noticed a figure up a head standing about hip deep in the water. They stood with their arms raised at the elbow on either side of them, their face turned towards the sun. As you drew near you realized it was Ronal. Your body prickled telling you to go the opposite direction but she had heard you long before you had seen her.
“Stay.” She spoke, not turning to face you. “You do not have to come into the water but stay.” You looked around making sure that she was not addressing someone else but upon seeing no one you knew she was talking to you. You felt a rush of nervousness wash over you as you stepped closer, staring at her back from her spot on the beach.
“The Ilu told me about last night.” Ronal spoke and you tilted your head, ‘the ilu?’ You questioned in your mind as the Tsahìk turned around. “And Ewya. She granted me visions of what happened in your youth.” You felt the blood drain from your face and your body became clammy. That was why you had that vivid dream the night before. “I understand that you are afraid of the water.” Ronal continued turning around fully and coming up out of the water. “And I would say that I can help you but I can only offer so much. This is a battle that you need to face yourself.” She put a hand on your shoulder and squeezed it. It was a surprisingly gentle gesture and her eyes showed nothing but earnesty with the words that she spoke.
Ronal pulled away and took a step back, “I will come by your home after you and your family have had time to eat breakfast.” And with that she turned away fully and started her walk up the beach back to the village
You could not help but stand there feeling stumped. How was she so calm? So trusting of Ewya. After everything that had happened what you had been forced to do you found yourself losing your faith in your deity more and more. You shook your head and sighed. A familiar clicking and splashing sounded making you tare your head back up and to your surprise there was the same smiling ilu as the night before. A smile made its way onto your face and you walked a bit closer to the water where the ocean barely touched your toes.
“I see you went and spilled my secrets last night.” You grinned and the ilu clicked patting its fins on the ocean surface before diving down into the water. You waited for it to come back up and when it did it had a fish in its jaws which it threw up into the air and caught it in its mouth swallowing it whole.
“So much for chewing.” You chuckled. Your attention however was pulled away once more when you heard chattering coming down the beach. The first hunting party had been sent out. “Well, I guess I have to get going.” You sighed looking to the ilu who lowered its head. “Oh do not give me that, I know you will find me again,” the ilu responded with what sounded like a laugh before diving under and swimming away while you began to jog up the beach hoping to get back before everyone woke up.
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You did manage to get back and only Jake and Kiri be awake, Neteyam starting to stir. No one questioned your abcense, you and Jake did not even look at each other as you wordlessly got to work making everyone a subtantial breakfast before going out to their lessons.
Like the morning prior the kids ate quickly and Tsireya came to get them. Tuk gave you an extra tight hug and made you pinky promise that you tried to have a good day. Jake and Tonorwari left not long after.
You were in the middle of washing off the shell plates when Ronal arrived. “Are you ready to start the day?” The tsahìk asked. You eyed the water behind her and she followed your gaze before shaking her head, “We will not be getting in until you say you are ready. Today I will show you clan life and ask for your help with Tsahìk duties.”
You felt your body physically relax at her words and you wiped off the final plate and stored it away before getting up and joining Ronal outside the marui pod.
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It was a nice day to say the least. The heat of the sun was filtered out by the wind making the weather pleasant and bare able as you followed Ronal through the village. She showed you the main areas of Awa’altu, where the community weapons were kept, then where the food went that the hunting parties brought back. She guided you around little shops where the Metkayinan women had laid out several beads and baskets that they had crafted. One woman in particular had two amber beads carved, one big and one little and Tuk went to your mind.
Ronal noticed you eyeing it and smiled. “The Metkayina use the form of trade and service when giving items to one another.” She explained and you put your hand on your hip as you hummed in thought. What could you trade or give that would equal these two beautiful beads. Ronal put her hands on your shoulders and looked at the woman. “What would you like for the two beads?” She asked the older woman. The graying woman looked up at you and Ronal and shrugged. She did not speak, but made motions with her fingers. You frowned confused and looked at Ronal who put her hand up telling you to wait for the woman to finish. When she put her hands down the tsahìk cleared her throat, “She wants to know what you would do with them.”
You sucked on your bottom lip, “They are for my daughter and I.” You explained. This was your first time calling the kids one of your own out loud to someone and it a wonderful feeling spread through your body and you nodded turning to the woman. “They are for my daughter and I. She likes it when we have matching beads in our hair and I have not been able to put any in her hair for several moons.”
The elder’s face seemed to light up with Joy and she hastily put the two beads into a soft threaded pouch and handed it up to you.
“Oh but I have nothing to give at the moment,” You began to say but the woman shook her head and took your hand. She flipped your palm up and placed the pouch on it before folding your fingers onto it.
You watched as she leaned away and began to sign, Ronal translating.
“I lost my daughter at a very young age,” the woman explained, “She always wanted beads in her hair and so I taught her to make them. She was my only child and I am alone now so I have no more use for these beads. Please, the only payment I ask is that you keep loving your beautiful children. I hope to see you and your daughter with those beads in your hair one day.”
You felt tears come to your eyes at her sweet words. That was the first kind thing anyone had really said to you in regards to your relationship with the Sully kids- No, the first kind thing someone had said about you and your kids. You got down on your knees and hugged the elder tightly, your tears dripping down onto her shoulder. When you pulled away she gently wiped your tears and gave you a sweet smile and signed once more.
“Thank you syulang.” Ronal spoke in translation and you had to keep yourself from crying more as you said your goodbyes and continued down the path. Syulang, flower, that had always been Neytiri’s nickname for you. She was the last one to call you that name right before she died and hearing someone else say it brought you a sense of comfort.
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The next few weeks went by quicker and you found yourself starting to enjoy the village a little more. You did not love it by a long shot but you were growing comfortable to say the least. But you still had not gone in the water.
Assisting in Tsahìk duties with Ronal was what consumed your days and you had already learned so much. Their methods were quite different from from Mo’at had taught you. They had learned to adapt to their environment and found different ingredients for the same uses that you had treated. It amazed you. For the first time in a while you dared to say that you felt happy.
On this particularly day you and Ronal were working outside in the sun, the rays warming your skin as you dried the sea weed out on the sand and crushed up some beans into a fine powder.
“May I ask you something?” Ronal asked, glancing at you. You hummed a “sure” in response not looking up from you work as you poured the powder into the bowl between you and grabbed another handful of beans and disposing them into the large mortar and started to grind them up. “What is going on between you and Toruk Makto?”
Her question caused you to stop twisting your hand. You shook your head and kept grinding, a bit more aggressive this time as you tried your best to act normal. “What do you mean?” You questioned.
Ronal eyed your movements and your change in body language. You had gone from being lax and peaceful to now tense and worried. She reached out a gentle hand and put it on yours to make you stop. It was effective as you took your hand off the pestle letting it lean against the mortar’s rim.
“Jake and I are fine.” You sighed, shaking your head. “I promise you we are fine.” Ronal raised a brow. You knew she knew the truth about the two of you, you and Jake had not really tried to act like a couple in the longest of times which gave you a sense of relief.
Ronal tsked softly looking back at her work. “Ewya and I see otherwise. She tells me that the two of you are not even mated.” Her words were calm, she was not accusing or even angry she just said it as if it was a common fact.
You let out a breath of defeat, your shoulders sagging as you finally stopped grinding up the beans and rubbed your face with your hand. “You are right.” You admitted softly, “Jake and I have ever even willingly touched once. I am just with him to look after his kids.”
Ronal frowned, “So when you came-” “Yes, him pulling me to him, acting as if we were a true mated pair was just an act that we have put on often for our clans. He is the husband of my best friend. She was killed in battle. Neither of us are in love, and we never will be.”
Saying those words struck a pain in your heart. It was odd, you had said this countless amounts of times, to yourself and to Jake, that the two of you were not lovers and it would stay that way. So why did it hurt this time?
“But something tells me that you and Toruk would like that to be different.” Ronal looked at you expectantly as you stared at her with a mix of confusion and maybe a little bit of disdain. “What? No! He is mated to Neytiri! I would never do that to her and after how he has treated me I cannot just give myself to him! That would be like giving up. If he wants me then he has to show it.” And just like that your anger for him had returned. You went back to grinding up the beans showing that the conversation was over.
Ronal sighed softly looking out the water hoping that Tonorwari was having a far better time Jake than she was you.
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And the answer was, he wasn’t.
Tonorwari stood beside the omatikayan man, the two casting their nets and waiting before pulling their catch in. “So,” the leader cleared his throat, getting Jake’s attention. “You and your mate. How is she? I hardly see her around the village with you.”
Jake glanced at Tonorwari before shaking his head and heaving the now heavy net onto shore, a few fish leaping out. “She’s fine, just adjusting to Awa’altu.” He shrugged, knowing that didn’t answer the question why she wasn’t with him specifically.
“From what Ronal tells me is that she is doing just fine. Still timid around water but that is to be expected from what she has gone through.” Jake’s head snapped to Tonorwari. “Gone through? What do you mean gone through?” The metkyinan man chuckled. “I figured you being her mate JakeSully you would have been aware of what happened when she was about your youngest’s age.” When Jake still looked at him clueless Tonorwari nodded, that was all he needed to know to confirm his suspicions on them not being true mates. “She almost drowned when she was about eight back in the forest that you came from.” The leader explained, “The current was cruel to her and she was almost returned to our great mother. But Ewya deemed it was not her time and saved her. I imagine that is why she does not want to go in, she does not want to experience that again.”
Tonorwari deposited the fish into the basket before bunching up the net while Jake stood there speechless. That’s why you had been scared. Not because you were angry at him (you were) or that you thought you were too good for this place you were genuinely scared. His ears lowered some as Tonorwari watched his movements closely. Unlike Ronal, he did not have to come right out and ask what was wrong or call someone out one something. He could say certain words to get certain responses out of people, which is how he knew his son was lying most of the time.
“Was anyone else with her or was she by herself when this happened?” Jake questioned. Tonowari shrugged slightly, “Ronal mentioned something about a woman, or a girl at the time of accident named Neytiri but nothing further.”
Neytiri. His Netytiri was that close to you? He knew that she knew of you and had only seen you speak a number of times but he didn’t know that you two had known each other since childhood. His eyes widened slightly, you were also there when the RDA attacked Dr. Agusustine’s school. Just how much have you gone through? Jake wondered, but a better question was, how were you dealing with it.
Jake was so lost in his thoughts on you that he didn’t hear Tonowari calling his name. “Jake?” Tonowari waved his hand in front of the man causing him to blink back to reality. “Yes! Yes?” Jake looked at him, “I was just going to say that I am leaving to help Ronal with Lunch and to make preparations for the feast coming up. You may stay if you want but I am going to go.”
Jake nodded, still somewhat disconnected. “Okay, I’ll see you around sir.” And with that Tonowari left with new information to tell Ronal.
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It was getting later in the day as you made your way through the village. Tonowari had come not too long ago and left with Ronal leaving you on your own. You did not mind it though you were enjoying exploring. This was your time of freedom, no kids to monitor, no “husband” to put up with, you were free.
You came around a corner and just as you went to step a pair of arms snatched you up and right where you were about to walk fell and axe slicing through the walkway and the weapon fell into the water with a splash. You stood there (well hovered there) your eyes wide and panting slightly as you were thinking how it could have been you to go in the water. It then registered to you the pair of strong arms that were holding you. Their hands were calloused but gentle and soon they set you down turning you to face him.
It was a metkyinan villager. You had seen him around Awa’altu, he was usually heading the early morning fishing parties. He had wet curly hair that went down a little past his shoulders, a part of it was up in a bun on his head. A tattoo was etched into his skin starting from his shoulder coming out onto his chest. He looked very apologetic as he checked you over from cuts. His touches and looks as his eyes raked along your body were not at all sexual or malicious you could tell he was genuinely concerned.
“I am so sorry.” He apologized, his voice smooth like honey, “My friend Aluk’un is known to have slippery fingers.” He nodded over to where the axe use to be and you noticed another man collecting the fallen weapons and he gave you an apologetic smile. “You are not hurt are you?” He asked. You took a moment to look yourself over despite him having already done it and you found no cuts or bruises. “I am unscathed.” You chuckled.
Hearing you laugh his ears perked up some and he let out a sigh of relief. “I am Kaiman.” He introduced and you gave him your name. He said your name to himself and smiled at the sound of it. “That is a very pretty name,” he complimented. A grin found its way to your lips and you did your best to conceal it while the two of you stood there bashfully eyeing each other.
“Well, thank you again for saving me from the axe Kaiman.” You said taking a step back. “I hope to see you around.” The warrior nodded, “I will be sure to watch out for more axes when you are in the area.” He teased. You kept your eyes on him, feeling like a teenager again as you walked backwards which you ended up bumping into someone. Your face went dark with embarrassment as you quickly helped pick up what fell and gave him a final wave before disappearing into the crowd. Kaiman turned to his friend. “She is cute.” He hummed before going back to his tasks
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By the time you got back to your marui pod you rubbed your face hoping that would soothe it of the color in your cheeks. You had never felt that way before when speaking to someone. Your heart was racing, you were stumbling over your words, you had never done that. You had always taken pride in being sure footed and knowing exactly what you were going to say and saying it with confidence. But with that interaction it was the complete opposite. You felt giddy. But no, no, it was just one interaction, it was not like you were going to see him again.
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© 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫-𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬
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hanilessa · 6 months
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HALF AN HOUR FOR LOVE — Childe x F!Reader Chapter 23. Broken promise
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Waking up in the arms of the man you love was undoubtedly the most amazing feeling you could ever experience. Of course, feeling another person next to you, tightly hugging your small body in his strong arms, was a little unusual and new, but, as say, you get used to good things quickly. Your nose, buried in Ajax's neck, caught the characteristic scent of his cologne, the smell of pine bark and fresh cinnamon. This perfect combination enveloped you from head to toe in a sweet trail, giving pleasure to your nasal receptors. Your muscles felt a pleasant numbness, reminiscent of your moment of passion last night. Your heart beat rhythmically in your chest, and your mind instantly drew vivid memories of last night.
Your absent-minded, clouded with pleasure, concupiscent and love gaze, looking straight into his blue eyes, which reflected all your feelings and mutually returning it to you to an infinite extent. Your hands were tightly intertwined, he towered over you like the highest rock, actively moving inside you, spreading a feeling of euphoria throughout your body. Your chest, bursting with love and the lack of oxygen in your lungs, which continued to shrink inexorably, dispersing sweet adrenaline through your veins. Your moans, his sly whisper whispering to you the sweetest and most embarrassing words you could ever imagine. Praise flowed from his lips like a song that ended with your duet, woven from moans of pleasure.
Heat enveloped your entire body as the realization came to you. Yesterday was your first time. This exciting thought swirled around your mind, causing your skin to turn red in embarrassment. And your heart couldn't stop fluttering because of the realization that your first sex was even better than you could have imagined. And it was with the man you truly loved. Ajax's every move was laced with tenderness and caution as he bathed you in pleasure and love. Separated from him by the embrace of sleep, at that moment your soul instantly ached with the desire to see him again as soon as possible.
Having put your thoughts in order, you timidly opened your eyes and, as if embarrassed about something, raised your head to look at the ginger man. And a moment later, your cheeks were covered with a bright flame of blush, as if you had been caught red-handed. Your eyes instantly met his. He hadn't slept for some time, and his sly blue eyes watched your embarrassed face with rapture. His lips twitched slightly in a teasing smile as he carefully looked at your embarrassed and sleepy face.
Childe's hoarse voice broke the silence, "Hey, sleeping beauty." Watching your absent-minded face with a grin, he, still holding you in his arms, carefully rolled from his side to his back, thereby placing you on his body. Your skin was firmly in contact with his again, and you squeaked in embarrassment as you found yourself on top of him. Tartaglia smirked, "I like this view much better. I think I could get used to it."
Your cheeks instantly flushed — his teasing nature is back again. The embarrassing words made you furrow your brows, but before you could say something caustic back, your lips were at the mercy of his kiss. But could you resist him? Obviously not. Your lips greeted each other in a morning kiss as if it was normal for the two of you, as if you two had been a married couple for ten years and had two children. Ajax's arms held you closer to him in confidence. And in this gesture you could see his endless longing and desire to constantly feel you next to him. He had never been so thirsty for someone before. The way he loved you was overwhelming.
You timidly broke the kiss, feeling a slight burning sensation in your lungs that needed life-giving oxygen, and laughed when the ginger man made an upset face, and his lips continued to search for yours in order to press it again in a kiss, "Good morning."
Your beautiful smile instantly warmed his heart, and Childe couldn't help but smile genuinely as he admired your beautiful face. The gentle timbre of your voice broke the morning silence and filled the room, illuminated by the rays of the rising sun. Your home-style look was absolutely captivating, and Ajax felt like he could enjoy it forever. He leaned back on the pillow and smiled charmingly at you.
"Good morning, princess. It's not good to peep, you know."
You smiled shyly, lowering your eyes down, looking at the man's pale, freckled chest. Your eyes widened in embarrassment and you let out a squeak, causing Tartaglia to laugh loudly and abruptly knocked you onto your back, hovering over you from above. He nuzzled the hollow of your neck and breathed in the scent of your skin, making you hold your breath. Surrounded by soft toys that witnessed your love, you lay underneath him completely excited and innocent. Childe's heart ached with love.
"Gods, I love you so much." The man whispered, and at that moment it seemed to you that you had forgotten how to breathe.
"Say it again." Your eyes shone with pleading as you looked at him, the way his ginger hair flowed, the way his skin glistened in the bright sun, shining through the satin curtains.
"Hm?" Ajax smiled slyly, leaning a little closer to your face.
"I don't want this to be a dream. So please tell me you love me." You begged. The air seemed to evaporate from your lungs, and you had a feeling that if Childe didn't tell you right now that he loved you, you would completely suffocate. The ginger man couldn't resist how needy you were, so his eyes filled with seriousness.
"It wasn't a dream, Y/n. I love you." And watching your face light up brightly after his words was for Tartaglia the best gift he had ever dreamed of.
Your eyes sparkled with joy, and you happily replied, "I love you too."
Tenderness and comfort enveloped the two of you from head to toe for some time as you continued to bask in each other's arms. Your hands were intertwined, your breathing was even and calm, your mind was empty — the lazy morning was so comfortable and calm in the arms of your loved one.
Exactly until the moment when your mind finally cleared up after a sweet night and a gentle awakening, accompanied by words of love, and the realization came to you that your bedroom was filled with the light of the already awakened sun. Its rays fell on your skin, but the sun wasn't as warm as it was in the summer. You suddenly perked up and rose from your warm place next to the man, who lazily looked at you with a question.
"What time is it now?" You asked and buried in Ajax's body, deftly reaching for your phone to find out what time it was. The man, enjoying the weight of your body on his, looked at the phone screen without interest when you finally unlocked it. "Eight in the morning?! We're late for work!"
You instantly jumped out of bed, starting to randomly run around the room, collecting clothes from the floor that you both had scattered the day before in the heat of passion. The ginger man propped himself up on his elbows, watching with love in his eyes as you ran from side to side in your pajama top with wild hair. Even like this you were the most beautiful and sweetest woman in the world for him, so he couldn't help but laugh loudly when you once again tripped over a small chair standing next to your bed.
Your cheeks turned red when you heard your lover laugh. You pouted and huffed, throwing his red shirt and gray pants at him. "Stop laughing! Why didn't you wake me up?!"
"You're so cute when you sleep. I couldn't disturb your sleep." Ajax shrugged and grinned, noticing how cute you were pouting. You made a martyr's expression on your face and sighed, which made Tartaglia tense slightly and rise from the bed. He left the soft feather beds and came closer to you. "Angel, it's okay, don't be mad."
The new affectionate pet name that left his lips made your heart jump in your chest and you just sighed, biting your lip. The cool air of the room began to gradually irritate your warm skin. You looked into the man's eyes.
"Sorry, it's just very important to me. My boss will be unhappy with my lateness."
"Y/n, it's okay. Don't worry." The man smiled encouragingly at you and lifted your chin with his hand. You looked at him with your doe eyes and smiled too, letting him know that you weren't mad at him. Childe smiled mischievously, pecking your cheek softly. "After all, I'm your immediate superior. And I generously allow you to be late today."
You rolled your eyes and turned away from your lover, "You're pissing me off."
"I love you too!"
A stupid, loving smile appeared on your lips when you heard Ajax's words. At that moment, you were incredibly glad that you had your back to him, otherwise you definitely wouldn't have been able to escape from his stupid teasing. Warm hands circled your waist, and you felt Tartaglia's chin fall on your shoulder — your stomach twisted with excitement, you were filled with a feeling of boundless happiness. The ginger man breathed out.
"Baby, I really know how much it means to you. But you shouldn't overwork yourself. And you should be able to accept help from other people." His voice was smooth and calm, he tried to calm you down, and you felt some relief. "If I..." He paused briefly, tightening his grip on your body in his arms. You listened carefully to his words. "If I fully paid for your brother's education at the academy, would you mind?"
His words sounded like a bolt from the blue. Stunned, you instantly turned around to face him. "Are you kidding now?"
"No, I'm absolutely serious. If you would have just said yes, I would have done it for you."
"But it's a really large amount of money." You shook your head, refusing. "I can't ask you for that." Ajax turned you around to face him and placed your face in his large hands. His blue eyes looked into your eyes with all seriousness.
"Princess, money is not a big deal. For your sake, I'm ready to sacrifice every unit of mora in my wallet. You don't have to rely only on yourself. I want to help you."
You smiled tenderly and stroked his hand holding your cheek. Your heart trembled with love and gratitude.
"I know, but this isn't even about me, it's about my brother." Childe looked at you questioningly, raising an eyebrow as you continued speaking. "He was categorically against it when I told him that I would go to Snezhnaya to earn money to pay for his education. My mother and I barely persuaded him. Need I say that he would refuse your offer?"
The man sighed, accepting defeat, but then smiled and stroked your cheek with a sweeping motion of his thumb.
"Well, if you're so stubborn, I bet your brother is even more stubborn, huh?" He winked at you.
You snorted and pulled away from his embrace. "I'm gonna take a shower."
Ajax nodded and when you were almost out of the bedroom, he said to you in a gentle voice, "But I'm happy that you and your mother managed to persuade Xiao."
You smiled.
"I'm happy too."
And a moment later, when your figure disappeared into the doorway, the smile disappeared from Ajax's face, and in its place came the painful awareness of the deep hole into which he had fallen, dragging you along with him. A disgusting feeling of guilt ate him from the inside, and horror covered his entire body when he imagined the expression on your face at the moment when you find out about everything. The man grabbed his head and clenched his ginger curls in his fist, trying to distract himself from the mental pain with physical pain. But there was no salvation from this pain, just as there was no salvation from the moment when the whole bitter truth will be revealed to you.
Childe took a few shaky breaths to calm himself down and walked closer to your bed to grab his phone from his pants pocket. He needed to make this call, even though his throat was dry and the guilt towards you was incomparable to all his bank accounts. The sound of water coming from the bathroom convinced Tartaglia that you couldn't hear him, and the man was finally able to press the ill-fated call button. He was ready to burn to the ground.
"Ayato is listening." Ayato's joyful voice was heard from the other side of the phone. Talking to him was the last thing Childe wanted right now. But there was no choice. Ajax decided to get straight to the point.
"I did what you asked." His tongue didn't obey the man, but the ginger still uttered these bitter-tasting words, despite the big desire to tell Kamisato Ayato to go to hell. It was quiet for some time at the other end of the phone, but after a couple of moments Tartaglia again heard his friend's eerily pleased exclamation.
"Hm-m, what are you talking about?" The innocence in the tone of Ayato's voice made the ginger man tense and clench with his fist the blanket, still keeping the warmth of your bodies.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Childe didn't want the blue-haired man to notice the tremble in his voice, but nothing could hide how broken his words were. And Ayato knew this very well.
"Sorry, I don't quite understand what you're trying to say." The man with blue hair said mockingly. The ginger man's heart sank with severe pain, and a slight trembling ran through his body. The sounds of running water coming from the bathroom continued to remind him that he was still near the woman he loved, whom he was now so shamelessly betraying.
"I fulfilled the conditions of the bet." There was a buzzing in his ears, it was difficult to concentrate on reality — Ajax could only think about how he was slowly but surely destroying two lives — his and yours.
"Ah, and what were these conditions? Remind me so that I can properly reward your efforts." Ayato seemed to want Tartaglia to be in pain. And for his heart to break into pieces right now. Kamisato Ayato wanted Childe to voice what he had done with his own hands.
There was no turning back.
"I slept with Y/n." The ginger man felt like he was going to throw up. It was wrong, but he made his choice a long time ago. Ajax took a deep breath to regain his composure.
The silence that reigned in the room was interrupted only by Tartaglia's wildly beating heart in his chest and Ayato's breathing on the other side of the phone. The silence was unbearable, and the only thing Childe wanted was for Ayato to finally speak. He wanted to hear any sound except the voice of his conscience, which inevitably began to devour all his thoughts and blame him for all human sins. But before Ajax would go crazy, finally, after a painfully endless silence, the ginger man heard his friend's voice again.
"Oh, you talked about it!" The man with blue hair was sincerely surprised, but Ajax didn't believe his surprise with a single part of his soul. The ginger man tightened his grip on his iphone, not wanting to say another word. "It's wonderful!"
Tartaglia's lips curled into a sad smile as an unpleasant lump of bitterness lodged in his throat. Wonderful, you say?
"You have fulfilled your part of the bet, so I will unconditionally fulfill mine." Ayato continued to have fun listening to his friend's rapid breathing, and a victorious smile couldn't help but appear on the blue-haired man's lips. "You did a good job!" And, as if mocking, he continued saying, "Say hello to Y/n for m..."
Ajax hung up the call without allowing the man with blue eyes to finish, and tiredly leaned back on the plush feather beds of your bed. His blue eyes stared at the white ceiling, and his mind was clouded with thoughts. The image of you flashed into his mind as you lay underneath him, ready to fully accept him and become one with him. Your words sounded in Childe's head.
You always keep your promises.
Tartaglia clenched his teeth — a characteristic grinding sound was heard. In that moment, you trusted him like never before, and the only thing he did was take advantage of your trust so shamelessly to achieve his goals. He was never worthy of even the slightest bit of your trust. It was unimaginable how much the ginger man hated himself right now.
Could things have turned out differently for two of you? Why were you the one who walked out of the company building at the very moment when Ayato offered him this damn bet? Ajax would give anything for you to have the opportunity to meet each other under completely different circumstances that would never have led him to this damn bet.
Childe groaned in irritation. What was he supposed to do now that he had broken his promise to you?
"Still sleepy?" Your voice suddenly broke the silence of your bedroom and made the man flinch in fear. You didn't seem to notice how nervous he was, so you smiled gently and opened your closet of clothes. Ajax, humming, rose from the bed. "Hurry up and take a shower."
Tartaglia couldn't bring himself to look at you, because he was gnawing at the feeling of guilt towards you. He sighed and threw on a red shirt, slowly starting to dress. Silence fell over your bedroom, a contrast to how noisy your awakening had been. Noticing that your lover's mood had changed slightly, you stopped sorting through your clothes and turned to Ajax. You walked a little closer to the ginger man and looked into his eyes.
Your hands rested on his pale, freckled cheeks and you asked, "Are you okay, Childe? You look like you're upset about something."
The thing that made him feel bad was something you were never supposed to know about. At least until you find out that he's supposed to marry Lumine. He wanted so badly for this moment to never come and for you always to be happy together. Therefore, the ginger man decided that he would enjoy the little time that was allotted to him next to you, until the moment when you will found out about everything and hated his entire being.
So he smiled charmingly at you and said, "I'm fine, angel." Tartaglia was always proud of how quickly he could adapt to situations and hide his true emotions. And this skill really came in handy for him right now.
Your face lit up with relief and joy when you heard that your loved one was okay. And everything would be fine, but Tartaglia wouldn't be Tartaglia if he hadn't said the next words.
"Did you just call me Childe, baby?" He made an offended face and pouted his lips, causing you to raise your eyebrow questioningly. The most cocky smile appeared on Ajax's lips. "I thought you clearly remembered my real name when you moaned it last night, hm?"
The ginger man had never seen anyone blush so quickly in his life. Your cheeks burned red and you were about to tell this handsome, annoying and charming man everything you thought about him, but Childe's reaction was once again faster than yours, and he pressed his lips to yours in a kiss. His lips curved into a smug smile when you didn't resist and returned his kiss. Receiving the gentle caresses of your lover, you thought that this morning couldn't be any better.
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Standing on the street and slightly trembling from the cold, you held your lover's hand and looked around. It was cold, people passing by  two of you were wrapped in warm scarves and coats to protect themselves from the merciless cold. Also squeezing your hand, Ajax was talking to someone on the phone, but you didn't delve into the essence of the conversation, admiring how beautifully the white snow shimmered in the rays of the morning sun. Small crystals of snow shimmered beautifully in the sun, like beautiful diamonds of the purest cut. Lost in the clouds of the last passionate night and the gentle morning awakening, you didn't notice how the man finished talking on the phone.
He put his phone in his pocket and touched your cheek with his other hand, getting your attention. You looked up at him. "Princess, I need to pick up some documents, so before we go to work, we will visit one more place."
You nodded and began to look around in search of a black Mercedes, which was nowhere to be seen. Childe noticed your gaze and nervously ruffled his ginger hair.
"Speaking of which..." You looked at the man and he wilted a little under your gaze. "Yesterday I came here on foot, now my car is in the parking lot next to the penthouse where my apartment is located."
You froze in place upon hearing his words. Your eyes filled with a glow and your heart sank painfully in your chest as you remembered how sad the man was last night, how he cried in your arms. And he actually came to your house on foot just to see you? Just to hear your voice and feel your support?
"You came here on foot?" Ajax was taken aback when he noticed the change in your expression, but nodded, and a moment later he found himself in your tight cuddles. You buried your nose in his chest, squeezing the fabric of his fur coat with your hands and trying to take  away with your hugs all the pain he had to go through. Childe took a deep breath, relaxing in your embrace. This was the moment when he realized once and for all that a person had appeared in his life who would always be by his side, ready to share all his joys and hardships.
"Thank you, Y/n." You nodded, sniffling.
Walking holding hands with your loved one was a new experience for you, but it was very pleasant and exciting. The warmth of Ajax's hand warmed your skin, and a happy smile couldn't help but appear on your face. Your fingers were intertwined while the air around you was filled with words that flowed from your lips without knowing the measure. You liked learning something new about your lover.
"Have you seriously never taken the subway?" You were genuinely surprised when the man nodded affirmatively. "The fastest way to get to your apartment from my area is the subway." You explained.
It was funny to see how awkward Tartaglia looked when you talked about everyday things like the subway. He grew up in a world of wealth and luxury, so he didn't need to take the subway, and you understood that very well. The knowledge that you would be the one to help him discover something new gave you enthusiasm, and you pulled him towards the entrance to the subway.
The subway car was very crowded, people were crowding and pushing each other. It was stuffy here, and you tried to catch at least a drop of life-saving oxygen, with some embarrassment resting your nose on the hard chest of the ginger man, who covered you with his body and looked irritably at the people jostling nearby. Ajax looked so funny when he tried to shield you from other people and endured pushes in the back and pain in feet that have been stepped on by other people.
When you both were finally outside again, breathing in the fresh air, you asked slyly.
"Did you like your first trip on the subway?"
"This was the first and last time. We will never take the subway again." The man snorted and grabbed your hand, heading towards the big penthouse.
You giggled and followed your lover. The high buildings of the elite area excited your imagination, and you looked around with admiration. It was very beautiful here, but of all the buildings, the most beautiful was the penthouse in which Childe's apartment was located. The receptionist bowed in greeting to you and Tartaglia, notifying the ginger man that his car was parked in the parking lot. Ajax nodded and led you further inside the building.
His apartment was spacious, you could even say it looked royally luxurious. From the window there was a stunning view of the winter Snezhnaya and the sun rising in the blue sky. The floors were carpeted with expensive fur carpets, and the kitchen had only the most modern equipment. You approached the panoramic window, and the view of the city excited your heart.
"I thought you lived outside the city." You tilted your head, looking questioningly at the man as he walked through the living room.
"This is true." Childe nodded, his gaze dimming as he continued speaking. "I bought this apartment to staying here when I wanted to be alone..." He paused for a moment. "And when my parents were arguing with each other..."
You immediately felt guilty for bringing up the topic, "I'm sorry, Ajax, I didn't mean to..."
"It's okay, angel." The ginger man smiled kindly at you and patted your head. "I want you to know about every moment in my life, even the sad ones."
You smiled back at him, and the man turned around to head to his office and pick up the documents he needed. Remaining standing by the window, you couldn't see how he bit his lip until it hurt.
But he would never want you to know about the moment that will destroy your happy life.
Having taken the documents, you and Tartaglia left his apartment. The journey to work didn't take too long, because there were mostly no traffic jams and the roadway was clear. When the car stopped at the company premises, you both left the car, but before starting your work, you stopped in front of each other.
"Well... I see you later?" You asked shyly, clasping your hands behind your back. Childe held his breath — you were so fucking cute, dear God.
Carefully standing up on your toes, you touched Ajax's cheek with your lips, leaving a hot kiss on his skin and making the man melt with love. You could watch as Tartaglia reached for your lips for a kiss, but you playfully put your forefinger on his lips, thereby preventing him from kissing you. You couldn't help but tease him right now.
"Have a good day." You smiled at him and turned around, heading towards your office.
"Come on, princess! You can't just leave me here like this!"
When you heard your lover's disappointed voice, you couldn't help but smile, biting your lip. It looks like your life was starting to change in a big way.
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— taglist: @httpmitsuya @gojoandelsalovechilde @duckyyyx @i-x4o @chishiyawifesworld @ajaxstar @kiryoutann @xiaosonlybeloved @aloveablechaos @obervation-subject-753 @beyaaaafr @silverbladexyz @funicidals @simpfully-heartbroken @r0ttenhearts @cocoanvt @5sausefandom @yevene @hamsuigok @stxwpid @childeismylove @chickoritasy @randomhumans-blog @nxwiqv @kiokiee @lillunna @pookiebearcave
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
Ooh what if sanji grew up with asl brothers somehow? like the orbit couldnt keep a kid around and dropped him off on goa and he ended up cooking for a bunch of feral boys who teach him that brothers dont always have to hurt
I have a lot of thoughts about ASL+Sanji. A lot. (There's so much under the cut, so much)
Sanji who's dropped off in Foosha and is just, jumpy and frightened and runs at every breath towards him. I feel like Makino would tell Luffy about him and when Luffy's first few approaches don't work he tells Ace and Sabo. Sanji who is staring at these three feral gremlins who keep showing up at his hiding spot and trying to talk to him and Luffy who keeps asking about his eyebrows and Ace and Sabo hitting Luffy making Sanji flinch and cower from them.
Sabo would probably be the first one to Sanji warms up to. Both coming from nobile families that hate them. Sabo could recognize the way Sanji holds himself from a mile away so they bond and then Luffy would be next probably. Especially if Sanji has started cooking for them.
Ace would probably be last because he has the hardest to form trust with and Sanji is still skittish and jumpy and he flinches all the time. Ace can't even raise his hand for a high five without Sanji flinching. One night when it's just them Ace asks Sanji if he's a monster and Sanji says no, he knows monsters, was almost killed by monsters and Ace is blinking at Sanji who says that all with so quietly and with so much hurt. Sanji is small and quiet and the best behaved out of the four of them but over time he becomes just as feral.
When Sabo "dies" the three of them are heartbroken and Ace and Luffy go to the extremes of over protectiveness for a while. Ace sets off on his little boat to become a pirate and Sanji is working under Makino who makes him set sail with Luffy because of his dream of the All Blue(effectively making Sanji the first crewmate which Luffy is so glad is his cook and his brother). I feel from there things progress normally, they pick Zoro and Nami, fight Buggy, pick up Usopp and destroy the Baratie.
I don't think anyone would notice that Sanji and Luffy are brothers and then in Alabasta when Ace is visiting Ace is talking with everyone Ace just drops the bomb that the three of them are brothers. Zoro is like trying to wring Luffy's neck and Nami and Usopp are yelling at the top of their lungs as Vivi, Karoo, Chopper and Ace watch. Then Luffy drops the bomb that Sanji broke his back on the last island and Ace is yelling at Sanji for not taking care of himself better and Sanji is yelling back about the avalanche and everything and Ace is just watching with such a pained expression on his face. He thanks the crew for taking care of his little brothers and apologizes for the handful that they are.
Things progress normally until Marineford where Sanji and Luffy manage to show up to save Ace. Like this is all going, they can't find their crew, their brother is going to be executed for being born. Sanji takes this way too personally because of what his birth father did and well if he couldn't give himself up at Thriller Bark for Luffy he will give himself up for Ace and Luffy fuck this admiral. Sanji throws his leg into the lava punch and it still hits Ace but it doesn't kill him.
Law suddenly has three brothers, all of which have been hit with fucking lava, the blond is losing a leg, the one that was supposed to be executed is losing his back tattoo and the one who punched a celestial dragon like a week ago has liquefied organs and the Red Force is following them after Marineford has been sunk???? Is that the fucking White Beard fleet??? Law is the theater for 56 hours before being able to hand these fucking idiots off and hopes he never sees them again.
Shanks and Marco are looking at their respective brat/brother/son/person and the third one with tilted heads and Ace and Luffy keep trying to climb into Sanji's head which makes Marco snap at them for, Luffy especially because of you know, liquefied organs. Ace and Luffy keep crying because Sanji lost a fucking leg for them and Shanks asks Marco if he knew there was another one and Marco says he thought the blond one was supposed to be dead.
Skipping to Dressrosa Ace and Luffy meet Sabo who is there to help on behalf of the revolutionary army and Sabo is pointing at both of them and they're both pointing at him. Sabo asks where Sanji is and if he's alive and Luffy is like "yeah, he just fired on Big Mom's ship, traffy sent him to Zou because Mingo hurt him but he's fine!" And Ace is like "Sanji's fine, he has a metal leg now but-" and that makes Sabo hit both of them with his pipe and yell at them for not telling him anything even though he didn't have his memories and Ace and Luffy yell back at him for being dead.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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biohazard-inevitable · 7 months
You know what I’m also gonna post that Zosan fic on here cause its too fucking good not to anyways-
Why not let it be me?
Ao3 Link here
Rating: T
Word count: 2530
Post thriller bark angst
It was quiet, for once. The boisterous cheering and singing dulled to a snoring lull as the drunk pirates had all collapsed for the night, practically sleeping on top of each other among the rubble of the great ship.
Sanji, however, was not as asleep as the rest. He couldn’t stop worrying.
Slowly, his feet shuffled towards the door of the makeshift infirmary, cautiously pushing the splintering oak forward with a groaning creak before slipping inside, wordlessly. His tired, sapphire eyes adjusted swiftly to the darkness, settling on the broken form of the swordsman on the bed, swaddled in bandages and gauze, a choked sound lodging in his throat like bile that refused to come out all the way, sour and vile.
“Oh marimo.” He whispered out softly with a sigh, having stubbed his usual cigarette out before entering as he quietly approached the bedside. “Will you wake up soon?”
Softly, he trailed his fingers down Zoro’s limp arm, tracing lazy circles along each wound as he knelt at the bedside, searching the man’s face for any sign of consciousness, though finding nothing but the soft rise and fall of his chest. Well, at least he was actually alive, that was a plus.
Sanji laid his head atop the mattress, his golden hair splaying across the sheets beside Zoro as he ran his knuckles along his body, carefully counting every dip and curve beneath the wrappings, noting how every abnormality was a new gash or broken bone. Tears welled in his eyes as pain tore its claws through his heart, pain and guilt that this should be him in the bed, it should be him laying like this, not the swordsman.
His mind swarmed with flashes of yesterday, of Kuma and his offer before Zoro had knocked him out, of the blurry pain that blossomed across the bruise now settled beneath his ribs matching the shape of Wado’s hilt, the wheezed protests before his body had crumpled to the ground, his vision fading to nothingness around him. Memories of the panic in his chest when he woke to find Zoro wasn’t there, the rush of adrenaline in his lungs as his legs pounded against earth in a desperate attempt to find him, only to come face to face with the disastrous aftermath, the cross-armed swordsman standing as still as a statue in a endless crimson pool of his own blood, waiting.
The way Zoro had looked at him in that moment, no rage or usual bickering to be had from Sanji’s quips and teases, just stern, hopeless determination as his shaking form barely opened its mouth to speak, replying to only one of Sanji’s hundreds of questions.
“N-nothing happened.” He had spoken, body crumpling into Sanji’s the moment the cook had touched him, as if he had been waiting to collapse the entire time, waiting for it to be safe enough to do so.
“Nothing happened.” Sanji muttered with a click of his tongue, fingertips curling into the sheets as he snapped back to the present. “Nothing happened my ass.”
There was no point in chewing him out right now, and Sanji doubted he could even hear him with how out of it he was. The blonde’s lingering grazes slid down Zoro’s arm towards where his palm lay limp on the mattress beside him, calloused fingertips facing upwards to allow easier bloodflow from the IV Chopper had hooked up.
He was beat beyond what any normal human would ever be able to survive. His beautiful, warm sun-touched skin now looked and felt unfathomably cold and grey, the only color of it being dark specks of clotting black and tarnished rust that was what was left of the blood he had been soaked in. His face seemed peaceful, and unmoving like a corpse, the though sending another pang through Sanji’s heart as his fingertips tightened into a sharp grasp around Zoro’s fingers, giving a gentle squeeze as he laid his head against the mattress beside the swordsman, his own heart thundering so loud in his chest that he could barely hear the murmur of the other’s, if it was even there at all.
“Sanji…” Came the soft, squeaky note fo concern from behind followed by the soft but familiar rattle of glass clinking together as the door creaked closed. “I thought I told you to stay out until he recovered, though I understand your concern.”
“Sorry, Chopper.” Sanji spoke, almost surprised at the broken crackle to his voice, his cheeks wet and puffy with the liquid that stung at his eyes, tears he wished never fell. “But I can’t leave him. What if… what if something happens in the night?”
“Sanji, thats why I’m here.” Chopper sighed, laying a hoof softly on the blone’s thigh. “To make sure nothing happens.”
“But what if it does?” Sanji gasped through a sniffle, his hand tightening around Zoro’s fingers as he watched the faint, but steady, rise and fall of the swordsman’s bandaged chest. “What if it does and he- Chopper… what if he doesn’t wake up?”
“Don’t say things like that!” The reindeer pleaded through tears of his own. “He won’t die, he’s stable. I’m monitoring him, but I promise you he won’t die! Although… I don’t know when he’ll wake up, but he will! I know he will.”
“He has to…” Sanji sighed, threading his fingers together with Zoro’s absently.
A pause fell through the air between the trio as the cook’s grip tightened, his other hand rising to run gentle minstrations theough Zoro’s fuzzy hair as he cradled his head like a lover.
“Sani, forgive me for asking but… are you and Zoro..?” Chopper began, unsure of how to explain what he knew he was seeing.
“Are we what?” Sanji hoarsed through a whisper, not taking his gaze off the swordsman’s resting face. “We’re friends, aren’t we? I mean, I know I fight with him a lot, but never seriously. I never wanted something like this to happen. Out of everyone… hes my best friend.”
“I see…” Chopper mused, biting his tongue from speaking the obvious as a long, tired sigh freed itself from his snout and he found himself padding over to the spare blankets. “In any case, you’ll catch a cold if you fall asleep without a blanket. I can’t let both of you fall ill! It’d be wrong of me as a doctor.”
“So you’ll let me stay?” Sanji sniffled, finally turning to look at the little reindeer as Chopper flung a soft, but tattered blanket over his shoulders.
“Of course.” Chopper nodded. “Just dont mess with any of the tubes, and I might wake you up to take his vitals throughout the night.”
“Thank you, Chopper.”
“Get some rest now, Sanji. You’re just as worn out.”
“I’ll sleep when he wakes.” Sanji grumbled, choosing instead to thumb across the swordsman’s knuckles with his soft, well cared for hands, ignoring the huff the doctor sighed as he put some used bottles onto his tray.
“Fine, but take care of yourself properly when you get a chance!” Chopper scolded lightly before exiting the room, leaving the two alone once more in favor of treating the others who were still quite injured.
Sanji hardly paid attention to when Chopper had left, instead choosing to sleepily bring Zoro’s limp hand to his lips, gently kissing over each knuckle like a silent prayer to whoever would listen, a prayer hoping that Zoro would wake from whatever battle still raged inside his mind.
“Come back, Zoro.” He murmured to himself, breath ghosting whispers of warmth over the mosshead’s hand and his eyelids feeling heavier and heavier the more he tried to force them open. “Come back to me. I don’t… I don’t know what to do without you. I love you.”
He didn’t know how long passed before sleep inevitably sunk its cold, callous claws into him, before his exhaustion ridden lashes shuttered his eyes to the world or before his stiffled sobs stuttered into a soft, sonorous snore.
Zoro awoke on the early dawn of the third day, his whole body going rigid with the ever gnawing flames of agony that screamed through every fiber of his being, joints sore and bones aching while the stitches beneath his cause itched and stung like a thousand raging bees. Softly, he let out a long, dreary groan as his senses slowly came back to him.
After the fires of touch came the soft jingle of sound, the clinking of a stirring spoon against the edge of a bowl echoed from a table nearby while the faint scent of day-old secondhand smoke nipped at his nostrils. His eyes blinked open slowly, the crumbling ceiling coming into focus before him while his tongue smacked at the bitter taste of old iron at the back of his cotton-dry mouth.
As the swordsman tried to move into a lazy turn, a thousand spikes of pain roared up his spine, sending a soft hiss out from his teeth as the soft sheets underneath him shifted and he came face to face with a sleepy blonde head lain right beside him, a pair of undeniably curly eyebrows in plain view.
“Cook..?” He hoarsed, voice feeling entirely unlike his own as he spoke it, realizing the soft sensation caressing his fingertips was that of the plump, glossy lips pressed against his knuckles, a hint of drool pooling at the edge while those flawless, slender fingertips coiled loosely around his hand.
“Zoro!” Came the soft, whisper-yell from behind, the tinkling of the metal now ceased entirely as soft hoofbeats padded towards him. “You’re awake!!”
“Chopper…?” Zoro spoke with a groan as he glanced towards the reindeer, eyes wincing at the brightness of the lamp. “Good to see you’re alright… what about everyone else? Luffy! Is he?”
“Of course you’d be worried about that! He’s more than okay.” Chopper chuckled softly, motioning for Zoro to quiet down his excitement before gesturing to Sanji’s sleeping form. “You were the one we were most worried about.”
“Even dart-brow was worried?” Zoro grunted, maneuvering more to lay his head closer to the cook’s, admiring every little spiral his golden hair made on the mattress as he gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “Hard to believe he of all people would be worried about me.”
“I don’t know what happened back there… but it really messed with Sanji.” Chopper admitted quietly. “I’ve never seen him cry so much before.”
“He cried..?”
Oh… now that took Zoro by surprise, but he could see it now. The faint, puffy redness around his eyes, the salty crust that clung to his lashes, the phantom rivers carved into the rosy hills of his cheeks. The way his grip had clearly been so tight before he went limp with slumber, the soft stain on the mattress beneath his face. Had the swordsman’s state really done all of this to a chef who claimed to despise him?
“I don’t think he thought anyone noticed… so I wouldn’t bring it up. I don’t need you getting into a fight for at least another few weeks! Maybe months with how badly you’re hurt!”
“Mh… nah I’ll be fine by tomorrow.” Zoro huffed before rolling back into position with a slight wince, absently thumbing over the cook’s knuckles as he got comfortable again.
“Zoro!” Chopper scolded, droning on and on about the importance of resting and the severity of his injuries, but Zoro was more consumed by the thoughts that the one he woke up to see first was Sanji of all people.
The lovestruck blonde who called the swordsman a plethora of profanities and the most degrading of insults, who would happily throw his leg up in deranged attacks while growling professions of hatred, the same cook that was now curled up on his knees at his bedside, brows crumpled with worry and cheeks stained with the salt of his tears. Surely, on top of all that, the gentle lips pressed to his knuckle had to be a coincidence, right? Surely, of all people, the cook didn’t like him like that, did he?
Surely Sanji didn’t love him back.
“Chopper…” Came the sluggish, dreary yawn from between the two, interrupting the doctor’s rant. “Quiet down… its hardly even dawn and I don’t have to make breakfast for a while longer… what the hell has got you so worked up?”
“Well, now that sunshine here is finally up, I might be able to get my hand back.” Zoro joked with a low, tremor of a chuckle, drawing that blurry blue gaze upwards until Sanji’s eyes shot open and he was yanked to attention.
“Zoro!” He exclaimed, those bubbly tears welling up again as he stumbled to his feet. “Fuck- Zoro you’re awake! You’re alive!”
“Course I am curls.” Zoro winced at the sudden uproar of worry that came from the blonde, a soft annoyed scowl darting across his face as he slapped a hand over Sanji’s babbling mouth. “Now can it! You’re too loud for how fucking early it is.”
The swordsman half excepted that small gesture to send Sanji into one of his usual upity rants, legs flying and swears spewing from his mouth, so when it didnt come, Zoro wasn’t sure why.
Instead, the cook’s soft, supple hands reached up to tenderly grip around Zoro’s wrist, watery eyes averting themself from the swordsman in favor of the ground as he slowly pulled the hand away from his mouth, letting the fingers lazily drag against his plush lips if only for the briefest moment.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” The blonde apologized, really catching Zoro off guard. “I shouldn’t be so loud. I just- look, everyone was really worried about you and Luffy wouldn’t be the same if you died and so I of course had to make sure you didn’t leave us all behind! You have a job on this ship wether you like it or not and I sure as hell am not gonna let you throw it all away for nothing! Zoro, I-“
I care about you.
I couldn’t live without you.
I can’t see you die when I’ve only begun to want to live.
I love you.
All unspoken against Sanji’s lips as his confession died in his throat, unable to admit the truth tearing its claws through his heart, unable to admit that for once, his love was a man. A man he’d sworn he hated, a man he refused to bend to, a man that had nearly died in his arms protecting him, a man that was his everything.
“You… what?” Zoro urged, steely gaze locked in on the chef’s figety fingers, his teary lashes and the worried quirk in his brow.
“I need a smoke.” Sanji sighed bluntly, releasing Zoro’s hand from his grip, decidedly unready to say how he truly felt. “And to get breakfast ready. Come by later when Chopper is done checking up on you, alright?”
“Yeah…” Zoro sighed in response, watching as the chef left for the doorway. “Alright.”
So much for thinking Sanji liked him more than just a rival, Zoro mused to himself.
How stupid could he be thinking it was anything else?
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lovebugspots · 1 year
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How crazy can one man be?
For preface, the reader has the ability over nature. So things like plants, water, growth, healing, light are her powers. Think of a Fairy, and how Maleficent has that like golden dust.
It was normal to be chased out by a crazed man because of being a mutant, mostly… But what was not normal, was getting chased by two super soldiers, widow, and a bird-like human? No idea.
The not-so young mutant saw them, and sprinted off when the group of heroes started chasing her, little did they know, they got the wrong mutant.
11:26 AM. June 13th.
Y/n was trying to have a somewhat nice day. Just trying to get her weekly shopping done, getting groceries, some new books, new cleaning products and laundry. But before she even got into the local grocery store she heard loud footsteps.
She turned around and saw the group of men and one woman all staring at her. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rodgers, Sam Wilson, and Natasha Romanoff. “Earths Mightiest Heroes”.
Y/n knew better then to run, usually.
But this wasn’t the case, Barnes started chasing her so quickly she ran and she heard his rough voice bark out.
“Get back here!”
“I’ll pass!”
She screamed back and started running as fast as she could, adrenaline pumping through her blood as her heart beat quickens.
She pumped her arms and her legs as she dodged the poor men and woman just trying to shop.
“Sorry! Oh shit! Sorry kid!”
She yelled apologetically as she body slammed a kid on accident…She looked back and saw that all of them started chasing her while The Falcon was sin the sky. So, in the heat of the moment she created a bomb out of her magic golden glitter, and threw it up.
“What the fuck?!”
Sam yelled as he descended from the sky, slamming down on the top of the building. He definitely now had a few broken ribs.
Y/n kept running, and unsurprisingly, the only person left running was Bucky. He still yelled for her to stop, but she didn’t. The adrenaline was starting to wear off as she got tired, her lungs hurting and sweat stuck to her skin. Her clothes now felt sticky, and gross.
Bucky to advantage of that and ran up to her and jumped on her, pinning her to the ground.
“Ma’am you are arrested for- oh shit.”
His beautiful steel blue eyes, they now were filled of regret. His pupils small and he got off of her.
“Oh my god…I-I am so, so, sorry. We thought you were…someone else…”
He professed, he got off of her, he helped her up. Y/n…wasn’t happy…
“Excuse me?”
Y/e/c was filled with unadulterated rage, he thinks that he can just say ‘I’m sorry for chasing you even though you aren’t the right person’ and she would accept?
“Did you say ‘wrong person?’”
She spat out and puts her hands on her hips. He grimaced and nodded, he wasn’t happy either, he was ashamed.
“I-I did-“
She cut him off quickly, and seethed out bitterly.
“So are the Avengers after mutants as well?”
She rolled her eyes and scoffed and she backed away from him, but her shakes his head and said softly.
“No not at all! I-I though, I mean, we, thought you were Mystique…”
Y/n’s eyes soften at that name, an old friend of hers, Raven.
“Yes! You know her?”
“Of course…her death was impacting to all.”
Bucky’s eyes widen, his lips parted but he stammered out…
“Death..? She…died?”
Y/n nodded, she walked up to him and said.
“1992, Jean killed her.”
All Bucky could do was nod, he bit his lip and looked up at her. She sighed and asked delicately.
“Why are you after her?”
Bucky sighed, it was private S.H.E.I.L.D information. But she deserved to know.
“There have been reports about a shapeshifter, and the only person we could point to was her…”
He paused then continues softly.
“But her death isn’t in the system?”
Y/n nodded and answered.
“Xavier said nothing, so mutants wouldn’t get more hate then we already do…”
Bucky sighed and nodded, understanding her words. He stood up fully and puts his flesh hand (his right) out to shake with hers.
“I’m sorry about that. But I’m James, James Buchanan Barnes. But call me Bucky.”
He expressed, giving a beautiful smile…a smile that gave Y/n butterflies. She shakes the feeling off and puts her hand in his.
“Y/n Máxima, just call me Y/n.”
She smiles softly, shaking his hand.
Little did she know, he had the butterflies too. Except it was the ones where he wanted to puke from how harsh they were.
“What a beautiful name…”
He mumbled softly and takes his hand away, and he added softly.
“Hopefully I see you in the near future, Mrs. Máxima…”
She immediately missed his warm, and calloused hand. But all she did was smile and said.
“You will, I assure you of it.”
She looked around and when she looked back at him…he was gone.
Hii this is my first work, not the best, but it was on my phone and I am way better with a computer. I will definitely make a part two when I’m not busy <3
And I will take requests, and such. I can do other MCU characters but I am in the process on working on my blog. So please be patient. :)
Much love-
Ry 🩵
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dracomalfoy7 · 2 days
The Other Half | IV
Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader Fling!Marco Flint x Slytherin!Reader Harry Potter x Sister!Reader
Summary: Harry Potter's twin sister y/n Potter transfers to Hogwarts during the third year. With Harry being a Gryffindor being sorted into Slytherin was hard enough. Now having to battle the shadow that comes with being the twin of the chosen one. On top of being the only girl on the Slytherin Quidditch team. In the notorious cold-blooded house, y/n leans on the Bronze 5. Eventually falling for the pureblood prince, himself Draco Malfoy.
Word Count: 948
Warnings: Retired Voldy AU, Angst, Fluff,
A/N: Sorry this part’s a little shorter than normal😅. I will release the next part very soon tho and I promise it's much longer!!
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The next morning, the first rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains, gently waking you from your sleep. Your heart raced with excitement and a touch of nerves, knowing that today was the day you would prove yourself in the quidditch tryouts. You threw the covers off and headed straight to the bathroom to get ready, the excitement building with every step. After a quick shower, you pulled your hair back into a high pony and put on your old practice gear — black athletic pants, a well-worn practice jersey from Ilvermorny, and, of course, Nimbus 2000.
Pansy was still asleep when you left the dorm, but Blake stirred, glancing at you sleepily from her bed.
"Good luck, Y/N," she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep. "You’ll kill it."
"Thanks, Blake," you whispered back, grabbing your broom and heading out the door.
As you made your way to the pitch, the crisp morning air filled your lungs, helping calm your racing thoughts. The field looked almost magical under the early morning mist. You spotted Blaise, Enzo, and Draco at the far end, already warming up. Marcus Flint, looking smug as ever, was standing at the center of the pitch with a clipboard and captain cuff, clearly getting ready to evaluate everyone.
You walked up to your group, who were all dressed in matching green and silver. Blaise grinned when he saw you approaching.
"Look who finally decided to show up, nice jersey" he teased, nudging Draco. "Ready to prove yourself, Potter?"
"As if there was ever a doubt," you replied, flashing a confident smile.
Draco gave you a long look, his eyes unreadable, before he turned back to adjusting his gloves. Enzo, ever the enthusiastic one, clapped you on the back.
"Let’s show them how it's done, Y/N," he said, his grin wide. "You’ve got this."
Marcus gathered everyone around, barking out instructions about the tryout format. You were going to be judged on everything from speed to accuracy to teamwork, and it was clear from his demeanor that this wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. But you thrived under pressure, and these 3 days will be no different.
As you kicked off into the air, the wind whipping past your face, all your nerves melted away. The feel of the broom beneath you, the rush of adrenaline as you zoomed across the field — this was where you felt most at home. It wasn’t long before you were weaving in and out between the other players, dodging bludgers, and catching quaffles just like when you were at Ilvermorny.
After the first day, all you did was go to classes, eat, study, and go to bed. No one out of the 5 dared to distract you. Blake and Pansy didn’t even want to ask you how the first day of classes went. Every time you were in the air at tryout you could feel the entire team watching your every move.
You could feel the eyes of the entire team on you as you dodged Flint’s attempts to score. His smugness faded with every failed attempt to get past your defense. The other players, even the veterans, seemed impressed, and you could hear Enzo and Blaise cheering you on from below.
After the last solid two hours of intense drills, Marcus called the tryouts to a close. You landed softly on the grass, panting but exhilarated. Flint walked over to you, a begrudging look of approval on his face.
"I’ve gotta hand it to you, Potter," he said, crossing his arms. "You exceed my expectations every time I see you. We could definitely use someone like you on the team even if you are a girl."
"Does that mean I’m in?" you asked, unable to hide the hopeful smile creeping onto your face.
Marcus hesitated for just a second before nodding. "Yeah, you’re in. Tryouts officially end tomorrow, but there’s no point dragging it out."
You felt a wave of triumph wash over you, and before you could stop yourself, you let out a victorious laugh. The boys — Enzo and Blaise — walked over, clapping you on the back and congratulating you.
"I knew it," Enzo said, beaming. "I knew you’d get in."
"Well done, Potter," Draco said coolly, but there was a glint of respect in his eyes that hadn’t been there before.
The adrenaline still surged through your veins as you headed back to the castle with your friends, excitement bubbling inside you. Blake and Pansy were going to freak when they found out you made the team. You could already hear Blake’s squeal of excitement in your head.
As you all approached the Slytherin common room, Blaise turned to you with a sly grin.
"Guess we’ll have to throw tomorrow’s party in honor of our newest team member."
"Just as long as I’m not dead tired for our first practice," you said, laughing.
Draco looked at you, his expression unreadable once again. "You’ve earned it. Just don’t get too cocky on us, Potter."
You smirked, playfully bumping his shoulder. "Don’t worry, Malfoy. I’ll save my arrogance for our first match."
Inside the common room, your triumph was celebrated with high-fives and pats on the back. But despite the camaraderie, your mind wandered to Marcus Flint’s lingering gaze. The quidditch captain had taken an interest in you. But deep down you knew that there was something else brewing in you.
But for now, you were content. You were officially part of the Slytherin quidditch team, and no one — not even Marcus Flint — could take that away from you.
Part V coming soon...
tags: @venomsvl @kaverichauhan @marplest @ghayosdrafts @babydaddy69
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gravedigest · 5 months
Teeniest DS drabble.
“I need your help,” Doc had said.
Deimos scratches his head, staring at the problem.
What he’s looking at is Hank.
Splayed out, dead eye aimed up at the ceiling, jaw agape. Deimos didn’t even know Hank’s jaw could open, the only time he’d seen Hank fed involved a pump and a tube snaked through the hollow space of his torso, and he only speaks through a synth.
“Are we hiding the body, or…?” Deimos’ eyes slide away from the nearly normal image of what he assume is, once again, Hank’s corpse.
Doc’s got a cord in hand.
“He’s not dead.”
“He looks pretty dead.”
“I can assure you, he’s not dead. Sit down.”
“Are you aboutta plug me into a corpse?”
“I seriously do not want to interface with a dead guy, man. That’s gonna fuck me up. Like, emotionally. And I’ve got ethical concerns-”
Doc bypasses the rambling by gripping Deimos by the top of his head, forcing him to stare at the floor as he jacks the cable in like a man putting a leash on a misbehaving dog, complete with tugging on the lead to get Deimos to follow.
And Deimos really should be offended, outraged, cussing Doc out for the mistreatment, but his damned legs move while he’s still leaning forward and speechless
“He’s still running, you can hear his damned fans if you would listen,” Doc pushes him down into couch, next to Hank’s dead weight. “But he’s been unresponsive for an hour and I need to know if it’s a network error, or if he’s being petty.”
“You can’t plug him into a PC and figure that out?”
“Aren’t you my PC?”
Deimos doesn’t get to reply, because Doc pops the other end on the cable in before he can.
The connection is a weird feeling, not like tunneling, where he’s wholly sucked into the experience on the other side. He can register his own feet on the floor, see the room from his own eyes, feel his lips curl and his nose scrunch from the sensation.
It’s like having eyes in the back of his head.
And what he’s seeing out the other side?
It pulls the air from his lungs all at once…
… As a bark of laughter.
[fuck man are you serious rn]
[docs gonna get pissed as hell dude youre zonked like you bluescreened on the couch and hes like two seconds from vivisecting you to see what broke]
In that second set of eyes, neons flash by. Sleek, shiny graphics, an artificial city rolling out, the phantom sensation of the sports-car’s movement jarring Deimos’ real life sense of balance bad enough that he reclines in his seat, throwing his arms over the backrest to ground himself.
“What’s going on in there?”
[Shut up. Keep lookout.]
[yeah sure whatever put the pedal to the floor]
Deimos waves a hand to Doc, who’s peering down at him before he closes his eyes to focus on the race.
“Hank’s gaming.”
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nightlyrequiem · 1 month
Personal Assistance
Cross posted from AO3
Leading a non-descriptive dubiously legal business is stressful. It's your duty as Valeria's personal assistant to provide some much-needed relief.
A/N: I feel like an absolute goober writing smut. I also think this was my first attempt at it.
Tags/Warnings: Cunnilingus, Boss/Employee relationship, WLW, Graphic violence, Sexual content
Running a cartel is hard. Not that you'd know, but you've been assisting someone who does for a little over a year now. Helping a drug lord was not your first choice in career. Or your second. It wasn't even a runner up, but it pays more than the other jobs you've had. It doesn't hurt that your boss is Valeria.
Valeria yells as she shoves someone - you think his name is Pablo, into one of the stone walls of the basement. You think you can hear the sound of the breath being driven out of his lungs. He does kind of deserve this. He was caught selling trade routes to some lowly street gang. As if they'd have a chance against a cartel. Against El Sin Nombre. He knew better.
It's not like Valeria is a particularly weak woman, but it still Suprises you how effortlessly she can just toss around a grown man twice her size. It's impressive, maybe even hot. She rages like a rabid animal. Baring her teeth and snarling threats. Her face is dotted with a few scarlet splatters.
She slams his head into a wall aggressively and you hear the delicate sound of teeth clattering to the ground. You cringe. You think he may be crying. He's certainly making noises that sound similar to it. There are two men here as well. Deigo and some scrawny guy you never learned the name of. Deigo watches impassively and the other one watches with a jittery excitement you don't like.
Sure, you find it a little attractive when she gets violent, but you don't enjoy watching people get hurt. You do enjoy the way her back muscles look in that tank top though. Pining, or lusting, (you really haven't figured it out yet.) is not a good idea. Not under normal circumstances and certainly not under...these ones. But how can you not? She has a strong personality. She's brave, intelligent, hardworking, ambitious, and very, very attractive.
The man goes down and doesn't move again. That doesn't stop Valeria from angrily kicking at his body. She curses at it with vitriol, then turns to Deigo and the twitching scarecrow of a man.
"Clean this up." She hisses. Clearly still very worked up. Sometimes beating a man to unconsciousness or death just isn't enough. Sometimes the rage is buried too deeply beneath the skin to ever be fully released.
Deigo starts ordering the man around while Valeria turns and storms towards the door. You wrinkle your nose as it's assaulted with the stench of Iron and ammonia. You jump slightly when Valeria barks your name from the doorway.
"Stop standing there and follow." She grits out. Not wanting to piss her off further you follow her out of the interrogation room. It's your least favourite room in Deigo's home. You hate the whole basement, but especially the interrogation room. The rest of Diego's home is furnished and beautifully decorated. Not that damned interrogation room. It makes sense, you reason, you don't want the people you're torturing to feel comfortable.
The ride up is incredibly uncomfortable. You can just feel the simmering rage burning Valeria. You half-expect her to turn her fury on you. You can almost feel the phantom pain of getting your head slammed into the wall. Feel the rattle of your brain in your skull. The pain never comes though. Valeria does a very good job of keeping her hands to herself. And why wouldn't she? You always do your job well. You're loyal. A good assistant ready to do whatever she asks of you.
Your skin prickles and you angle your head to look at her subtly. She's already staring at you. Not at your face though. Her eyes seem to be caught on your chest. You look away. Feeling nervous and giddy as you try to explain it away mentally. She just so happened to zone out while looking at your chest. She's not checking you out. You aren't very good at convincing yourself. Not when you want her to be checking you out.
There's a small rustling of clothing as she shifts, and you know she's going to speak before she does.
"It doesn't matter how feared you become," She mutters. "There's always someone out there who thinks they're smarter than you." You don't know if she's actually speaking to you or just talking to herself, but you decide to play it safe and answer anyway.
"You'd think people would learn to not go against you," You'd love to be against her. "I mean, you've made examples out of everyone who has."
It's not even enough for her to just kill them. She doesn't bother with recording the executions and posting it online. No, she likes to display them.
Valeria just scoffs. "That's not enough, and it never will be." She sounds frustrated.
"There will always be greedy and stupid people, doesn't matter how much fear you put into them." You reply. "If there weren't, you wouldn't have any customers or employees." Valeria seems to consider your words.
'I suppose so, but I wish they could be stupid in ways that don't inconvenience me." She mutters.
The elevator stops and Valeria walks out with you not far behind. She storms into an office and you follow suit. You close the door and stand in front of it while Valeria goes up to the window. Staring out at the city in the distance. You can feel a tension in the air so thick that it settles on your skin like sweat. There are a few lamps turned on throughout the room. Casting it in a warm, homey glow. honeying Valeria's tan skin. She's so beautiful. It makes you want to start chewing on the desk before you.
She sighs and turns. You pretend you weren't just staring at her. Though with how intensely you were, you're sure she could feel it. Valeria sits down on the chair behind the desk and looks over the few loose papers strewn about. You make a mental note to broach the subject of finding a main base of sorts. Just so that she - and you don't have to go back and forth between her home and Diego's.
She looks up from the papers. Looks up at you. Her eyes are half-lidded, and her hair is a little mussed and you defiantly aren't at fault for the blooming wetness between your thighs.
"I'm stressed." She states. Her voice low and a little raspy. You know she's stressed. She makes it incredibly obvious. Most of her feelings are incredibly obvious. All the negative, violent ones are anyway. She blinks at you expectantly and you realize she wants a response. You can think of a few ways to help her relive some of that stress.
You aren't ballsy enough to offer any of those solutions though.
"...Do you want a drink?" You offer. She shakes her head. There's a look in her eye that you've seen a few times before.
"Come here." Something about this interaction feels different to the others. You find that you don't mind. Not at all. You always do as you're told, and this time is no different. You slowly walk over to her. Standing at her side. Valeria reaches out and puts a firm hand on your shoulder, pushing you down to your knees. Your heart thumps erratically with excitement. You think you know where this is going.
"Always so good for me." She murmurs. She turns in the chair and spreads her legs ever so slightly. You feel a little dizzy. "You'll help me out, won't you?" You don't think you can speak right now so you nod instead. Her mouth twitches but she doesn't say anything. She just leans back and looks at you.
You tense your thighs to try and provide the barest amount of friction. This isn't about you though. This is about the woman in front of you. You jerkily reach up and grasp her knees. You unhurriedly drag your hands towards her belt. You want this to last. This might be the only time you get to do something so special. You undo her belt and glance up her for approval. She stares back at you, expressionless. You feel a little insecure as you unzip her jeans and start tugging them down. What if you don't do well? It can't be that hard to eat pussy, surely.
Her pants are down to her ankles, and you're greeted with the second most beautiful thing you've seen. Her cunt is hiding behind plain cotton underwear. Like a gift just for you to unwrap. You're delighted to see a little wet spot already forming. You tenderly pull her panties down and you find that you were wrong. The second most beautiful thing is actually her bare core four inches away from your face. You shift so that your heal is pressing against your crotch, providing some desperately needed friction. You glance up at her again before lowering your head down.
You take a deep breath and take in her scent. You wish you could bottle it up and use it as perfume. Valeria's thighs tense slightly when you grab ahold of them. You take one last admiring look before closing the distance between you and your gift. You dab at her clit with your tongue and feel her relax. Encouraged, you add more pressure. Lapping at her like a thirsty bitch in heat. Her breathing gets heavier, and you remove a hand from her thigh. You trace two fingers along her entrance. Gathering up the wetness. You lick at her, tasting her directly from the source.
She tastes heavenly and you decide that if you were to die tomorrow, you'd die a happy woman. You rock against your heal as you return your mouth to her clit. She's wet enough for you to add a finger and she lets loose a low, short moan. A jolt of pleasure shoots through you at the sound. You set a good pace and soon add another finger. You pump them into her and feel her clench around them. There's a sudden pressure on the back of your head before your face gets shoved right against her pelvis.
"Good girl." She pants. Grinding against your face. "Good girl." You pick up the pace and feel yourself throb. You latch onto her and circle your tongue around her clit. Just the auditory stimulation is almost enough to make you cum. She doesn't bother with trying to keep quiet. The people in the basement can probably hear her, but if she doesn't care then neither do you. Her entrance squelches as you push your fingers into her, you find that gummy spot inside of her curl your fingers.
She stiffens. "Yes, yes, like that, just like that!" Her breathy words devolve into breathy mumbles of your name. You've never heard her sound like this. You already had a thing for her voice, and this is definitely helping. A keening whine builds up in her throat and her thighs suddenly snap close around your head, locking you in place. She sits rigid with you face in her cunt. You feel her pulse around your fingers. She finally goes limp and you reluctantly pull away. Your chin and lips glisten with her release. You pull your fingers out of her and eye the thin, wet strings attaching your index and middle finger. You look at her to make sure she isn't looking before popping them in your mouth. The taste is a little tainted by the saltiness of your skin, but you can still taste her.
The hand in your hair gives a small tug and you look up at her. The post-orgasmic look on her fcae burns itself into your memory. She gives you another tug.
"Up." She says. Her voice is raspy. You get off your knees and stand. Wincing at the sharp ache that attacks them as soon as you straighten your legs. She pulls you into her lap and rests her face in the crook of your neck. You relax against her. Feeling her warm breath ghost over your skin.
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detentiontrack · 2 months
I did not grow up with cats. I was solidly a dog person. I was never planning on getting a cat until CZ showed up and I fell in love with him. Here are some things I did not know about cats and freaked out about until I learned they were normal cat behaviors (shout out to all my friends with cats that I would panic message whenever my kitty did something unexpected like “IS THIS NORMAL???”)
I knew cats purred, but I did not know how LOUD it was. When CZ got comfortable with me and started purring, I got freaked out thinking he had a breathing problem and was wheezing, until I learned that some cats just sound like little motorcycles.
Cats randomly bite for no reason. CZ bites when I get out of the shower or just for funsies, and I thought he hated me.
Cats like to hide places. He constantly hid under the bed and I thought something was wrong with him.
Cats don’t often pant. For some reason I thought they panted as often as dogs and I thought CZ was constantly going to overheat because he wasn’t doing that
Cats shed like crazy. I thought they didn’t shed like dogs, and I thought CZ had a disease the first summer I had him and his hair started shedding.
Cats are really picky about food. One time I switched cat food brands and he refused to eat, and I thought he was sick and dying. But he ate fine when I bought his old food again.
Cats WILL find a way to entertain themselves even if they have designated cat toys. I learned the hard way that I had to hide my yarn and my rubber bands for bracelets or he would get into them and make a huge mess.
Cats don’t “go to bed” like humans and dogs. I was used to putting dogs in a crate or making them lay on their beds at night to go to sleep. CZ would just stay up all night catting around while I slept.
I didn’t know that cats usually don’t come when their names are called and you can’t teach them obedience like dogs (sit, down, stay, etc). I tried to train him like a dog, and he’s smart enough to know the commands, but he just doesn’t care about doing them.
Cats aren’t as food driven as dogs. He doesn’t like any cat treats, so teaching him tricks is difficult.
Cats don’t care about positive reinforcement in terms of training. No amount of petting and kind words would make him sit or down or do tricks for me.
Cats ATTACK when you touch them certain places. CZ would lay on his back like he wanted me to pet his tummy, but when I did he would bite and scratch and kick me. It is fun for him to trick people like that.
Cats aren’t as owner oriented. The dogs I grew up with (my mom is a professional dog trainer) will hang around you and cling to you, waiting for you to tell them to do something or pay attention to them. CZ would just do his own cat thing and ignore me most of the time, and only occasionally would approach me for cuddles or pets.
Cats will do shit just to see your reaction. CZ will climb up onto the shelf where I keep my pants, wait for me to look at him, and then make eye contact with me and knock all the clothes off the shelf.
Obsessed with eating bugs. Maybe this is just my kitty because he was a homeless feral cat for a year before I found him, but if there’s a spider or something in my room, he will hunt it for hours and then eat it LOUDLY.
Cats will attack anything that moves. Before I cut my hair and it was long, if he was in play mode and I wanted to play with him, I would have to put my hair up or he’d attack it (and usually scratch my face or neck in the process)
Cats are LOUD. The dogs I grew up with were trained not to bark unless it was for a good reason (like if they were a service dog who needed to alert their handler of something) so I wasn’t expecting for CZ to SCREAM meow at me if he ran out of food or if I was gone for too long. He will scream at the top of his kitty lungs if I’m gone for more than 10 minutes without filling up his food bowl.
Cats are dramatic. One time the guy setting up the internet had to come into my room to put something in there, and CZ hid for THREE hours.
Cats will wake you up for no reason. If I’m sleeping in, CZ will bite my toes very hard until I wake up. For no reason other than for funsies.
Cats don’t care about your personal space. I had to move my bed away from the window because he would use my stomach as a launching pad to get to the window to look at my stepdad leaving for work EVERY morning at 5am.
Cats have strange hiding places. CZ likes to wiggle his way into my dresser, and on MANY occasions, has climbed into the washer or dryer and bites and scratches anyone who tries to get him out so they can do laundry.
Cats hold grudges??? My mom and I had to syringe feed him for a while when he was sick and wouldn’t eat, and he gets angry and attacks my mom or hides if she walks into my room with any kind of thing resembling a syringe.
Cats DO NOT like car rides. CZ scream meows and complains every time we take him in the car to go to the vet.
Here’s is the famous Collector Zoloft:
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fixatedonfandom · 2 years
Mask Off
[I have a tf2 prompt I wanted to write but I don't have enough of them to make a prompt compilation so I figured I'd just write it here and hope everything goes well. I did the absolute most on the French so pls fix it if it's wrong]
BTW I HAVE SURGICALLY GRAFTED HUMAN EMOTIONS INTO EACH OF THE MERCS IN MY FICS SO THAT'S WHY THEY'RE 'like that' (normal). I have grafted double the amount of emotions into Spy as a treat.
Synop: Scout is sick. Really sick. 'If we can't get this fever under control it's the hospital or the morgue' sick, and Respawn can't help him this time. They'd already tried that. He's gotten so delirious he's fighting Medic every second he's awake, not really lucid enough to remember so much as his own name, much less that of any of the team. Medic is ready to put him under full sedation and try and work things out from there, but Spy has an idea.
"Hold his arms! Now!" Medic snapped, not knowing nor caring who listened. Demoman had been hovering near the bed, and latched onto Scout's wrists to pin him down before the thrashing began.
Scout was feverish, slurring out something incomprehensible, almost as angry as he was frightened, and was pushing up against Demoman’s hands with every ounce of fight he possessed. His eyes were open, but he wasn’t seeing, and nothing the Medic said or did could bring them around to focus.
”What’s now, doc?” Demoman barked. As Scout bucked against him, Demo laid down right on top of him, using his chest to keep Scout on the mattress.
Medic did not speak; he grabbed one of Scout’s arms and held it fast against the bed, then slapped the strap of a soft restraint around his wrist and yanked it tight. Demo fumbled for the one on the other side and did the same, and moved to Scout’s legs to keep him still. All the while, Scout was yelling out nonsense, interspersed with things that sounded like pleas.
“Jus-no, ge-get off! Get off me! Leave, no, please-” 
”You’re a’right, lad! You’re a’right, it’s Demo!” said Demo, with heaving breaths. “Demo? Scout, lad-”
“Ge-get- fuck- let-let me go!” Scout gasped in turn. His thrashing rattled the bed, only then being kept in place by the wheel locks, and he was straining his arms against the restraints hard enough to leave a bruise.
Medic was frazzled, composed as he may have looked. He’d almost made the decision to lunge for a syringe of sedative when Scout began to calm, by nothing but him exhausting himself, until his head lolled to the side and all that remained of the fit was mumbling and an occasional spasm.
Demo backed away from the bed, swiping a large hand down his face and clearing the accumulation of sweat from the rim of his eyepatch. “Tha’s a worse one. Didn’t say nothin’ compr’ensible.”
“Least he kept his hands to himself,” the Engineer cut in. He’d been sitting by Scout’s bedside in a creaky metal chair, and had one hand thumbing through a book of known ailments, and the other nursing a cold-compress- one of the few Medic could spare, given the circumstances -to a blossoming bruise on his jawbone.
When push came to shove, as it often did, Scout had a mean left-hook. He was so scrawny-looking that it was easy to forget.
“Not tha’ we gave ‘im much choice,” Demoman sighed. “I feel for th’lad. Cannae imagine wha’ he’s seein’. Wee lad’s prolly thinkin’ he’s fightin’ off ghoulies ‘n ‘his own personal hell.”
“That will be all, Demoman,” Medic sighed over him and ran his fingers, ungloved, through his hair. His black hair was dull, limp, and greasy-looking, and as unkempt as the man who wore it. Both had gone at least two days without a proper wash.
“Aye,” acquiesced Demoman, and picked up another ailments book to flip through with Engineer. Medic would have been doing the same if not for Scout needing spontaneous care. The Engineer and Demoman had offered to help him, overwhelmed as he was with keeping Scout’s fever down through the past two days and trying to find the source of the illness, and stayed in the infirmary with Medic.
Each RED team mercenary displayed his concern for Scout’s wellbeing in his own way.
Heavy had been one of Medic's assistants for the first day, but stepped away when the look of Scout in the throes of fever became too much for him. Too many memories, and none of them good. He spent his time researching for the doctor, much like Engineer and Demo. He'd also made a sandvich for when Scout wakes with an appetite, just in case.
Engineer and Demo needed to be useful, and stepped up on the first day to help. Engineer had no head for medicine and a piss-poor bedside manner, but he could read and research better than most anyone. He turned up to the lab, grabbed an armful of medical textbooks, dropped himself down in the chair besides Scout's bed, and remained there for two days straight. Demoman could comfort- he was a touchy-feely guy, and he was strong. When Scout first awoke two days into the fever and started fighting, Demo appointed himself to Scout's bedside to catch him when he flailed.
Soldier wasn't much for medicine work, and he hated the infirmary, but he became the one that everyone relied on for routine since theirs was so disrupted. He enforced breakfast and dinner like a drill sergeant, bringing food when Medic couldn't leave. In the absence of anyone else to talk to, he'd managed to clean the base spotless too.
Pyro drew pictures, and sent them in like clockwork. Doodles of the team, filled with colors, smiling scenery, and a healthy, happy Scout in the middle of each one. He didn't come by to visit. Knowing what Scout was acting like, he knew he might be too scary for him.
Sniper did what he did best- he kept his distance. Once or twice he came around to visit, but saw how overwhelmed everyone one was stayed out of the way. Somehow, though, the coffee pot in the kitchen never emptied, no matter how many cups were taken out of it, and the dishes were cleaned despite no one sticking around the kitchen long enough to do them.
Spy was different. To the outside eye his concern, if any, hadn’t manifested at all. He still smoked his cigarettes as though he had only a day left to live, and still holed himself up in invisible corners around the compound, only appearing when least desired. If RED were not a team, one could think him heartless and detached. 
They were, however, a team, and even the least observant among them had seen the signs of stress he carried. Spy’s aura was tense, and he carried himself with more urgency, when he was ever seen. If he was not in his smoking room, he was in the infirmary, watching, an unlit cigarette bitten between his teeth to satisfy the fixation but not disturb Scout’s breathing with smog. In the times between Scout’s waking bouts, he would step aside with Medic and ask questions regarding Scout’s health in hushed tones, like hiding his fears from prying ears. 
It was then, when Scout had settled into fitful sleep again, that Spy melted out of the shadow of the infirmary wall to approach Medic from behind, with his usual inquiries.
“Finally utilizing those restraints, I see,” Spy remarked, equally delicate and ironic. “How is the boy today?”
“Worse. Only getting worse,” replied Medic in a rough tone. He’d turned to his shelves of medicines and concoctions, shifting through the bottles and making them clink together. “Verdammt, where is it?”
Spy came around him and looked over Medic’s shoulder. “What are you looking for, my friend?”
“Fever reducer. I tried to give him one earlier.” Medic picked a bottle, read the German label, and set it behind him on his desk. “He spat it out.”
“Not surprised.”
“It was too weak, anyway,” Medic said. He paused in his rummaging to glance back at Spy, perhaps to see if he was listening. “I was a trauma surgeon. I have not treated sickness in many, many years.”
Spy’s cigarette had turned into soggy, unpleasant paper mache in his mouth, and the tobacco leaves had fallen out onto his tongue in bitter mush. He put the old cigarette in the bin near Medic’s desk, then pulled himself another.
“I hope you have some idea of what this illness could be, yes?” Spy ventured as he put the cig between his teeth. Medic sighed and did not meet his eyes, just shaking his head and whispering something. “Then how do you possibly plan to treat him?”
"I...I don't know. Verdammt, I do not know!" Medic admitted like he was spitting out a tooth. He clutched the sides of the cabinet doors, and the wood creaked under his hands. "He will not take fluids, he will not eat. If I cannot get him to calm down I will have to sedate him until he's not at the immediate risk of death. That alone poses its risks, but I would rather those than...this."
Spy glanced over his shoulder to trail his eyes down Scout's body, quivering and sweat-soaked, as he fitted in his sleep. "What kind of risks?" he asked.
Medic collected his thoughts and sighed again, a forceful huff through his nose, then replied, "Delirium. Worse than this. If his breathing continues to get worse he will have to be ventilated, which doubles the risks of prolonged sedation. Depending on how he processes the sedatives it could take him several days, maybe weeks, to recover. This is all assuming that I can fix him while he's unconscious, without having to resort to more intrusive methods."
Spy shifted his stance, his hands itching for the lighter in his coat pocket. He resisted it, naturally, but the urge was biting at the tips of his fingers.
"How would you suppose we get him to calm down, hm?" Spy asked.
"He does not recognize anyone or anything. If I could bring his fever down enough for him to regain some lucidity, that would help," Medic said. "As it stands, unless we can present him with something familiar, he will refuse to cooperate. Something his mind will recognize intrinsically, as confused as he is. He believes we are the enemy."
Spy hummed as his response, pretending to be distracted, and hesitated to consider the idea that had begun to brew in his head. "His mother, perhaps?"
Medic shook his head. "Nein. Not realistic. Even if we could get her to the state in a timely manner, by the time she’s gotten through the company's bureaucratic hoops to set foot on base, he might not be lucid enough for it to make any sort of difference. If I allow him to get to that point I may not be able to restore him."
“And if he does get to that point?”
Medic hesitated. He was given no chance to respond.
"Doc! Lad's comin' round."
They both turned. Demo was leaning over Scout's bed, hands primed to grab Scout's arms should he start thrashing again, and Scout was rousing slowly, turning his head, furrowing his face as he came to a no-doubt painful consciousness. 
“We have tried Respawn, and he came out just as sick as before. Respawn cannot save him,” Medic whispered to him, then turned once more to his shelves with his back to his patient.
“No…no, l-let me…s-stop,” Scout moaned out, already pressing up against his restraints and Demoman’s grip.
“Lad- lad, c’mon, stop- stop it!” Demo hissed back, straining to keep Scout on the bed while taking care not to frighten him with shouting. Demo tensed, with gritted teeth, as Scout started to cry.
“Pleas…please, please…l-let m’go… get- let me go!”
“No no no- aye, lad, c’mon. C’mon it’s me. It’s me, it’s Demo, lad.” Demoman leaned in close to Scout’s face. Scout reeled away as far as his head could press into the mattress, chest and shoulders still wracked with suppressed sobs. Even unconscious, Scout couldn’t let anyone see him cry.
“P-P-Papa,” Scout hiccuped. It could’ve almost been any other word, as slurred and warbled as it sounded, but to Spy’s ears it came as clear as the ringing of a church bell.
Spy’s thoughts left through his lips before he stopped to consider them properly.
"Everyone barring the doctor, please step outside," Spy announced. He approached Scout's bed, shooing Demo aside. "Now, would be ideal."
Demo stayed put with stubbornness and clear hesitation, and Engineer looked up to him confused. Medic fixed Spy with a curious look, but said nothing against him.
"Er, doc-"
"You heard the man." Medic was fixing another cold compress, distracted. "It seems Herr Spy will be taking over, Herr Demoman. Everyone, out!"
Scout winced, whimpering on the bed. Demo stepped back slowly and released Scout, though keeping his hand extended, but Spy shooed him again and he made for the door with the Engineer. Neither looked convinced they should leave, but did regardless, and Spy and Medic were the only lucid ones left in the infirmary.
"I should hope you have reason for disposing of my assistants-" began Medic, then cut off by Spy.
"I would prefer this be observed by as few as possible, doctor," said Spy. He slid off his leather gloves and set them on the metal side-table. "Should this even work."
At that moment Scout's eyes opened, glassy and damp, to the ceiling. Spy put his bare hand on Scout's forehead, expecting the flinch that came.
"No, no! Get...g-get off'me! J-Just-!" 
In a single, fluid swipe, Spy tugged his mask off of his head, and brought his face into Scout's line of sight before the struggling could begin. His salt-and-pepper hair was tousled and untidy, though obviously well-groomed, and his olive-toned jaw had a deep shadow indicating days of neglect. He startled Medic badly enough that Medic fumbled with the medicine cup and sent it splattering across the tile, but neither paid it much notice.
"Sois calme, mon lapin," Spy whispered in the most delicate voice he could use. "Sois calme."
Scout froze taut, staring wide-eyed at nothing but the ceiling tiles. Medic watched him, wrapping his prepared compress in a thick towel, and waited.
"P..." Scout murmured, unfocused. His eyes scanned the lines of Spy's face, sluggish, and a dull recognition lit up behind them. "Papa?"
Relief sent Spy slumping over the bed, closer to Scout, and he ran his hand through Scout’s sweat-damp, greasy brown hair. "Oui. I am here, Jeremy. I am here."
Scout said nothing, but his left hand tugged up against his restraints. He seemed surprised when his hand wouldn't move.
"Wh-wh’s…” Spy saw the panic building, and rubbed Scout’s scalp again.
“You are very sick, mon trésor,” Spy explained in simple words. His unoccupied hand made quick work of the soft restraints, and they fell from Scout’s arms to dangle off the sides of the bed. “You are with the doctor. He will take care of you.”
“Oh…” Scout whispered. Scout’s eyes trailed around the room, slow and stuttery, until they found Medic, still standing frozen by his desk. Like melting ice, clarity emerged through Scout’s bleariness, and it manifested in a single word as Scout whispered, “M...Med…?”
It snapped Medic out of the trance he’d fallen into, and he scrambled to put together another cup of medicine and bring it over with his wrapped cold-compress. For a moment he and Spy locked eyes, and Spy recalled that Medic hadn’t seen his face in the years since his initial physical. Politely, Medic didn’t stare. 
“Herr Scout,” Medic uttered, allowing Scout to get his bearings before lifting Scout’s hand and having him hold the small cup. “Drink this.”
“Fever reducer,” said Medic before Scout attempted to stumble through a question. Distractedly, he placed the compress alongside Spy's gloves on the table, appearing to forget about it. “I will bring you something to ease your sleep, if you will take it this time. And water. You may also need…” Medic trailed off and wandered to his shelves again, muttering under his breath all of the things he could have Scout take while he was conscious.
Spy moved his hand to support Scout’s and helped him guide it to his lips. “Drink this, lapin. You will feel better.”
He could see the hesitance screwing up on Scout’s face, and trusted Scout’s reflexes were too sluggish to resist when he poured it into Scout’s mouth.
“Swallow, Jeremy. Swallow, s’il te plaît.” Spy put his hand over Scout’s mouth when Scout tried to spit it out, foul though it may have been. He kept his hand until he felt Scout swallow. "Ah, Très bien, mon chou.”
“Has he spit it out again?” Medic returned with a glass of water in one hand.
“Non, he’s swallowed it.” Spy swept the sweat from Scout’s forehead. “Water, please?”
“He’s swallowed it?” Medic’s voice held a relief so palpable it was almost suspended in the air. He passed the glass into Spy’s hand. “Truly?”
“Yes.” Spy let silence fall between them and guided the water into Scout’s limp hand, then tilted his head back for him to drink. He took to the water much more readily than the medicine. Once it touched his lips he began to swallow like a man on the verge of death, and Spy had to pull the glass away twice so he wouldn’t choke. “Pace yourself, mon chou.”
“I have not been able to get him to drink anything in days. I would allow him some desperation,” Medic said. He’d removed his glasses, rubbing out the smudges on the edge of his vest. “I do not know how long you’ll wish to stay, but if I may-”
“I’ll stay until the boy can take a drink on his own,” Spy spoke over him, though only giving Medic half of his attention. “Perhaps after, if more problems arise.”
Scout blinked slowly, like a barn owl, and each blink after that was heavier than the last. It didn’t take long for Scout’s eyes to fall shut and for his breathing, though still labored, to come in even strokes. Spy let his hand rest upon the boy’s cheek, and a long-dead warmth that Spy had not experienced in decades washed over him like a baptism.
“This time, mon lapin,” whispered Spy, stroked Scout’s cheekbone, and pulled his hand away.
“Hm?” That was Medic, somewhere by his desk.
“This time,” Spy repeated. “I would like to stay for him.”
Also I did not edit this so...lol
tanks for reading :)
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a brief little thing I (belatedly) wrote to celebrate @shadow0haven's birthday! I know amai likes creechures so I wrote some little creechur fluff set something around S2! happy birthday, friend!
“Weren’t we just in a desert?” Arthur demanded, his teeth chattering. “How the hell is it suddenly this cold?”
Arthur, I don’t think rules from your world apply here. There’s places we could rest until this storm is over. Why don’t we –
Maybe it was John’s use of ‘your world’ that put Arthur on edge. Maybe he was in a contrarian mood. Maybe John’s new form was a constant reminder that, oh, yes, John used to be a part of something grander and terrible, and any semblance of a normal life for Arthur had ended the second he picked up that book.
“I’m f-fine,” he insisted. He grabbed the ends of his coat and pulled them tighter around his chest, trudging through the snow. Arthur swore the drifts were growing deeper, up to his calves from his ankles, and it slowed him down considerably. “Just t-t-t-tell me which direction to head. This way, you said, yeah?”
Something furry and fibrous from John flicked out, cuffing the top of his head inadvertently. “Watch it!” Arthur barked. “Christ, can’t you keep ahold of yourself?”
I couldn’t see. Sorry. 
“What, are your eyes at the end of those…” Arthur hadn’t asked John for a description of himself. John hadn’t seemed willing to give one, but the occasional brushes as he walked along didn’t promise anything mundane. All Arthur really knew was that John was massive, though whether he slithered, walked, or hopped along like a fucking Pogo stick was beyond Arthur’s grasp. The snow was blowing too hard for that. “Things?” He accused, frustrated.
Yeah, Arthur. What do you want me to do about it?
Arthur wanted to tell him where he could stick it, that might help, but a particularly cold flurry momentarily froze him in his place. He hadn’t felt his face for what felt like hours,. Though John’s temporary vacation from his mind had given him his hand back… well, what good was it when he couldn’t feel either of his hands? Arthur clapped them together, blew into them for warmth, and realized miserably that the very air inside his lungs was freezing. 
I can’t see where we’re going. It’s blizzarding, Arthur. You need to stop. 
“What do you mean, you can’t see where we’re going? You said the mountains were this way –”
You’ve been listing to the right.
“Because it’s fucking cold!” Arthur shouted, and perhaps he shouldn’t have, but the only thing boiling hot in him was his fucking temper. Might as well make use of it. Survived the forest, survived the desert, only to freeze to death. Perhaps the King would flit by and mount Arthur’s head on his wall – or John’s, whatever creature he’d become in the Dreamlands. “Because it’s fucking cold, and I’m tired, and I’m… I don’t…”
Too cold to cry. Far too cold to cry. He thought his eyes might have been freezing over; certainly when he blinked, he felt the ice from his lashes sting his sockets. 
There’s a snow drift over here. Again, John’s tendril passed over his head, guiding it to the right. It’ll provide some shelter from the wind. 
“It’s not the wind that’ll kill me, John. Is there anything we can do to, to start a fire? Something?”
No. I think the snow’s too deep for that, and I don’t see anything for kindling. But… I might be able to help with the cold. 
The ground shuddered underneath Arthur’s feet. With a jolt, Arthur realized that – whatever form John took now – he had just sat down, the mass of him enough to shake the earth. It’d been a long time since he’d been afraid of John, but there was a certain intimidation involved. After all, John hadn’t had a body for quite a long while, God only knew if he remembered how fragile human ones could be.
Something furry brushed along Arthur’s chest, followed by the slightest of weight. It felt like…
It felt like a paw. Four massive claw-tips pressed against his shirt, enough to break through the cotton but not the skin. Even with the blizzard around him, heat radiated from the skin of his paw-pads, the whiplash almost painful. 
“What are you, some giant lion?” 
What’s a lion? Something decidedly non-mammalian flicked against his shoulder, and Arthur decided against questioning further. Perhaps it was best not to know, given the creatures they’d faced before.
The reminder that warmth did exist in the world was not a very good incentive for Arthur to keep walking. Equally unpleasant was the idea of stopping, of spending a single second longer here than he really had to. All he wanted was to get home, god damn it, and the despair of it turned his limbs to lead.
“No chance I could just ride you?” Arthur asked half-hearted.
Uh… there’s, uh. Spines. I think they might be poisonous. John considered. I could pick you up in my teeth –
“Alright, where’s the drift?”
It wasn’t far; Christ, he was grateful for that. He swore the blizzard got worse as he stood, waiting for John to clear out what he could. While he did, he tried to keep an ear out for John’s movements – but the swoosh of John clearing away snow was almost imperceptible from the roars of the snow. Icy crystals embedded into his skin. Given the nature of the Dreamlands, Arthur couldn’t be sure that they weren’t. Maybe he was slowly dying, microscopic cuts from the inside bleeding him dry. A cheerful thought.
Okay, John rumbled, trundling up next to him. I think that’s all I can do. C’mon. 
Even if it wasn’t much warmer, a break from the wind was more than welcome. Arthur curled his knees up to his chest. If he could seek out an ounce of heat from his body, anywhere… but even his bones seemed frozen solid. His teeth chattered while he ducked his head to his chest, cowering in the cold.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. The ground trembled next to him as John grew closer. Christ, whatever John was, Arthur hoped he wasn’t about to be pulverized. That’d be an ignoble way to die, though quicker than the fucking ice! 
With a sigh that whistled in the back of his mind, John startled to settle. Arthur became aware of warmth radiating out towards him, almost tantalizingly close, before –
John squished him. A bit.
He didn’t think it was intentional, and didn’t raise much more than an ooph of alarm as something furry and solid knocked against his back. Arthur fell forward onto fur-covered ground – no, no, that was a paw. Arthur’s hands darted around, trying to see where he was, and he could feel the horrific curve of John’s sharpened claws peeking through the fur. Christ, the paw was nearly as big as he was, so what did that mean for…?
Will you stop moving? John growled, frustrated. If I break all of your fucking bones, it’ll be your fault. 
“What are you –?”
There really was a good deal of panicked uncertainty, not being able to see any of this. He tried, indeed, not to move until John settled, until a small weight came to rest on his head. Arthur reached up in curiosity, fingers passing through his fur, until he came across – eugh. What was –?
Get your hand out of my mouth, Arthur.
“Right. Sorry.” Arthur wiped his hand off on the front of his shirt. Gingerly, John curled his paw and moved Arthur with it. For his part, Arthur tried to cooperate in a way that wouldn’t get him inadvertently speared because John had had claws for all of a few hours. “This – this would be a lot easier if I knew what you’d looked like, you know. I understand, if you don’t want to tell me, but…”
He reached out, touching fur… and kept going. Jesus, how much fur did John actually have? He could lose himself up to his elbow and still didn’t meet skin. Eventually, the paw retreated, and Arthur was practically buffeted against –
Oh. Oh, he could hear John’s heartbeat, just faintly, ringing through… yes, Arthur fancied that he was pressed somewhere against John’s chest, with John curled up around him. 
(He tried not to think of the stray cat on the fire escape, the one he and Parker fed from time to time. How they’d come out one day to see her curled up around a litter of kittens, their little faces peeking out from her long, soft fur. Hell, he’d agree with the kittens on one thing - it beat freezing to death.)
As far as I can tell, I have the body of a lion. My tail is… it’s long, Arthur. There’s a poison stinger at the end of it, dripping poison. I’m not going to hit you with it.
“Much obliged for that.”
And… like I said, spines up and down my back. I have the face of a –
“A person?”
How did you know?
“Well,” Arthur said. His frigid bones were beginning to melt – already, the blizzard seemed so far away, the screaming winds so distant as not to matter. “It sounds like you’re describing a manticore. Tell me, have you got… wings, of some kind? Christ, could you fly?” This journey would get much easier if John could fly.
Uh… no? Oh, excellent. Arthur always loved when John acted like he was going mad. It’s just… tendrils. Lots of tendrils, some with pointed edges, others with… eyes. I won’t hit you with those, either.
“Eugh. Much obliged.” 
Able to get himself comfortable, Arthur stretched out. He could still hear John’s heartbeat, thumping reassuringly against his ear, and with the soft warmth of his fur, the solidity of his paw underneath his head… god, when was the last time he’d gotten to sleep somewhere at all comfortable? Nevermind a bed, a bed was too much to wish for. Just somewhere warm, like this.
“What’s your face look like?” He asked curiously. “If you’ve got the face of a person.”
I don’t know. I can’t… see my own face, no matter what I do. And you’re… 
Blind, yes. That made things difficult. “Well,” Arthur offered cheerfully, feeling peculiarly optimistic. It was good to have things to look forward to, amidst hell. At the very least it distracted the mind. “Soon as we get out of this storm, we’ll find a… a lake or something, you can look in. Even if this is all temporary, be good to actually put a face to you.”
Do you think it’ll be mine? Or… the King’s?
“I don’t think we’ll know until we see it, do we? See if it feels like yours.” 
Alright. John sounded more cautious than excited, but such as it was. You should get some rest, Arthur. I don’t know how long this storm will last, but it might be good to take advantage of the opportunity. I’ll wake you up when it stops.
That was sound strategy. When he’d first come over to the Dreamlands, the idea of sleeping here had been unfathomable… until, of course, he grew tired. Now he’d take anywhere that wouldn’t kill him as he slept.
He had no guarantees, here. Other than the big manticore tendril creature keeping watch over him. Hard to know if he could trust John here, given all that had happened, given all that they’d discovered John was…
But if he had to trust somebody, then he chose to trust John.
(At the very least, if John wanted to kill him in his sleep, he’d had plenty of opportunities before all this.) 
Arthur finally let the last muscle in his back relax. The curve of John’s claws rested on his head, but he didn’t flinch. 
Sleep well, Arthur, John rumbled, the noise coming from deep within his chest.
An absolutely mad place to sleep… but he was tired, and John was warm, and the fur enrobed him so completely. He could hear John’s breathing around him, he could hear the thump of John’s insistent heartbeat, and before Arthur could decide whether or not to give in and fall under, he drifted off.
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jplupine · 1 year
Day 9: Kensei Muguruma ~ Size Difference
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Pairing: Kensei Muguruma x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~4.9k Date Published: October 9, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Switch!Kensei, Battle for Dominance, Size Difference, Teasing, Handjob, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Feral Behavior, Begging, Hair Pulling, Creampie Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: Sparring with Kensei takes an unexpected turn.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  It was such a slow day, so there wasn't much to do. I hadn't brought anything to occupy myself with either since I had expected to be doing more. Kensei was even twirling his knife on his finger just to have something to do as he sat at the squat table with me.
  Sighing with my cheek resting on my knuckles, I glanced down and saw Kensei's other hand resting on the table. Balling my hand into a fist, I set it next to his and saw how his fist nearly made my own look like a child's. Kensei was a big man, so it wasn't all that surprising.
  Sighing through my nose, I glanced up and saw that he was staring off into the distance at nothing in particular while twirling his knife. Lifting my hand, I pushed his fingers open to lay my palm flat against his. The difference in size was even more apparent as his fingers went past mine by quite a bit. Normally, I wouldn't just do this to someone, but Kensei and I got along well enough to be considered friends.
  "What are you doing?"
  "I'm bored. Don't mind me, I'm just occupying myself." I replied while feeling the fabric of his orange gloves. He looked over as my fingers stretched out again.
  He didn't say anything nor pull his hand away, so I assumed he was fine with it. I boredly ran my fingertips over his fingers and then back down to his palm.
  "Fingerless gloves fit your personality."
  "Mm." Kensei simply hummed, and I traced circles over his palm, following the bumps and dips from the top of his palm to the butt.
  "I'm beginning to wonder what the Hell they fed you to have such big hands." I muttered, and Kensei closed his fingers around my hand to stop my movement. Looking at him with a questioning brow raised, I saw that his cheeks and the tips of his ears were pink.
  "What? Do you have ticklish palms?"
  "Don't be ridiculous." He grumbled while also not letting my hand go. I just quietly stared at him and waited, but seconds passed with him still holding my hand.
  "You're thinking of something dirty, aren't you?"
  "What?!" His head whipped in my direction as his grip tightened.
  "You know you're still holding my hand, right?" I asked, and Kensei jerked his hand back while letting me go. He quickly stood up and left without saying another word. Narrowing my eyes as I watched him go, I quietly hummed.
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  "Hands up, hands up!" Kensei barked before lunging and swinging his fist. I ducked under the first hit and blocked the second. We were sparring one-on-one in his spare room that he had converted into a gym with padding on the floor.
  He went to kick, and I jumped back to avoid it.
  "Good. Watch your footing. Stay low. Just like that." Kensei continued striking to make sure that I was retaining what I was learning. Blocking his knee, I countered with my elbow, and he caught it before it made impact. "Don't hesitate next time." He ordered, and I went low to swipe his feet out from under him.
  Kensei jumped to avoid getting tripped and caught my ankle when I went for a kick. Coiling like a snake, I used his hold against him and hooked my other leg around his neck. Dragging him down to the mat, he landed with a grunt and a heavy thud.
  With my ankle now loose, I tried to get space to recollect myself, but Kensei was fast despite his size. He was on me in less than a second, getting me in a lock with his arms under mine and his hands behind my head. He burst into laughter while holding me in place.
  "Your head is so much smaller than it looks! How much fuckin' volume does your hair add?" Kensei sounded utterly amused while patting my head and not loosening his hold on me.
  I grunted while trying to get free which only made him laugh harder. It wasn't often that he made such a sound, but the situation made me want to shut him up.
  Curling up, I used my flexibility to my advantage to nearly hit him in the face with my knee. He had to loosen his hold to avoid the hit, and I slipped free. Before he could get up, I tried to get him in a headlock. We ended up grappling and rolling across the padded floor.
  I managed to get the upper hand for a second only for Kensei to slam me down with brute strength and pin me to the mat. He had me by the wrists and forced them together to hold them in one hand as he sat on my hips to limit my movement.
  "All right. You've got quite the range of motion, I'll give you that." He grabbed his tank top to wipe the sweat from his face with it. "But don't try that again. You could break your neck if your opponent pushes down."
  "I'll keep that in mind." I panted as I relaxed to catch my breath while I still could. Kensei was wiping more of his face, and I glanced over him to try and think of a way to get loose on my own. Given how I was pinned, it wouldn't be easy.
  My eyes lingered on his thighs that trapped me beneath him. His thick muscles were stretching the fabric of his shorts that had looked much looser before.
  Looking back up when he dropped his tank top, his hand rested on his hip. I rubbed my cheek against my shoulder and waited to see if he'd give more instructions.
  "Now, do you think you could get out of this?"
  "How?" He smirked while his eyebrows raised.
  "Definitely not with brute strength. You're too big." I stated, but Kensei paused for a second. "I can't get my legs up either since you're sitting on my hips." I continued to think while he looked down at me.
  Kensei didn't move and had me cast in his shadow, waiting.
  At least, I thought he was just waiting. When I looked at him again, he was staring with the tips of his ears flushed red. He was distracted, and I took advantage of that fact.
  Bucking up, I managed to lift Kensei enough to throw him off balance. He put his hands out to catch himself, and I pounced, tackling him onto the mat. He grunted, and I couldn't help but laugh while resting my chin on his chest.
  "Guess I figured it out."
  "How the fuck did you lift me like that?" Kensei propped himself up on his elbows while his brows were deeply furrowed.
  "I do have muscles. Albeit, not like yours."
  "Mm. Easy to forget, shorty."
  "Oi!" I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees to bring my face closer to his. "I may be short, but I still got you on your back." He looked caught off guard and swallowed.
  "That doesn't mean you've won."
  "Fine." I placed my hands on his arms to pin them down before straddling his hips to make sure he couldn't easily get up. Kensei just looked at me before his eyes slowly widened.
  "Get off me."
  "Get off me!" He barked while forcing himself up. I fell back on my ass and hands with my legs still over his.
  "What the Hell, Kensei?" I was confused by his sudden change in behavior, and he just froze. His face looked vicious, but he was blushing since I'd spotted the reason for his yelling. "....Oh."
  The bump in his shorts was undeniably an erection as I could see it growing. I was stunned but not entirely surprised.
  "Stop looking, you fucking pervert!" Kensei covered himself with his hands while looking furious, yet I knew he was just embarrassed. His face naturally defaulted to a mean-looking expression, and his piercings didn't help in making him look less intimidating.
  Even so, how his blush was spreading as he tried to hide his boner was....cute.
  "Look, it just happens sometimes, okay?! It's totally natural! Especially when your blood is pumping faster, okay?!" He was getting defensive while being unable to look at me. When he went to stand, I locked my legs around his sides and slammed him down onto the mat. One of his arms was trapped against his body as I sat on him with my hands on my hips while looking down at him. "Wynter!"
  "You've got a thing for size difference, don't you?" I questioned while tilting my head, and Kensei's eyes widened. "I kinda figured when you ran away after seeing my hand compared to yours."
  "I didn't run away!"
  "Fine. Sped walked. Either way." I shrugged.
  "Will you just get off me?!" His free hand balled into a fist on the mat as he yelled. Having a flat expression, I slightly raised my eyebrows and shifted my hips, making the arm pinned under me move. And, as I had expected, the movement made his hand push down on his erection. Kensei tensed as his knuckles turned white.
  "Doesn't look like you actually want me to."
  "Wynter, what the fuck are you doing?" His voice was much quieter this time, and I hummed.
  "Teasing you. Thought that was pretty obvious."
  "You're cute when you're blushing like that." I shifted my hips again, and he clenched his jaw. I felt the muscles in his arm tense from him lifting his hand as much as possible, making me chuckle. "Go on, then. You want me off so badly? Get me off."
  "Don't say it that way!"
  "Put your big, strong hands on me. You know you're big enough to move me where you want me."
  "Stop!" Kensei's blush was spreading down his neck as I smiled.
  "Look, I'll even give you both your hands." I lifted my hips enough to pull his arm free, and when I sat back down, I could feel his erection pressing against my ass. Kensei grabbed my waist to move me only to pause while looking at his hands.
  He was noticing just how big his hands looked on my body. Grabbing his wrists, I gently pushed his hands lower to my hips.
  "Are you just teasing me or...." His voice trailed off, and I chuckled.
  "If I was just teasing, I wouldn't be sitting on your dick. This is an offer." Kensei's gaze snapped up to look me in the eye.
  "A-An offer?"
  "We're both adults, Kensei. You want to have sex? I'm down." I replied while running my hands up his stomach and to his broad chest. He swallowed but said nothing. "I'm serious. All you have to do is tell me what you want."
  "....So if I say....yes?"
  "We have sex." My fingers trailed up his neck to cradle his head as my face was inches from his.
  "And if I say no?"
  "I back off and let you calm down."
  "That's it?"
  "I'm not gonna make a big deal out of rejection if that's what you're worried about. Although, I guess it's now out of the bag regardless that I find you attractive." I chuckled, and it seemed to help ease his nerves as he scoffed.
  Kensei suddenly twisted while pushing me down to switch our positions. He had an elbow resting on the mat beside my head before grabbing my jaw. His gaze was on my mouth as he slowly brought his face closer.
  "Yes." Was all he said before planting a hungry kiss on my lips. Kensei ground his hips into mine, making me feel his hard length against my core. Opening my mouth more, his tongue slid past my teeth and glided across my tongue.
  One of his hands slid up my side and under my shirt, feeling my bare skin as the garment lifted higher. When he reached my chest, his fingers traced along one of my scars before his thumb swiped over my nipple. Taking in a sharp breath, I felt Kensei's hand go higher.
  My shirt was bunched up by my collarbone when he pulled away from the kiss. Grabbing one of my hands, he gently pulled it towards his face to kiss my palm. My heart skipped a beat at the soft display, even when he kissed my fingertips.
  I felt his warm breath against my skin while brushing my fingers over his soft lips. Hooking two fingers behind his teeth, I pulled his face closer to mine.
  "I thought you wanted to devour me. What's with the sweet shit?" I questioned, and Kensei gave a devilish grin while softly biting my fingers. When he pulled them out of his mouth, he licked them.
  "Lowered your guard, didn't it? You made such a cute face." He then kissed my wrist. "You like it, too, don't you? How I'm bigger than you." Kensei wrapped his hand around mine, engulfing my fist with his own. "I could break you, Wynter." His voice went lower, and it made my ears burn.
  "The potential is certainly....a factor." I swallowed and looked him in the eye. Kensei didn't look away as he nipped my wrist.
  "You know I'm a Visored."
  "I do."
  "So do you really want to ask me to devour you?" Kensei questioned with his mouth still close to where he had nipped. Grabbing his face in both of my hands, I brought him closer until he was only a few centimeters away from me.
  "You don't scare me, Kensei. The thought of turning a big predator like you into a quivering mess is what really gets me going. Not even these would deter me." I lifted his top lip with my thumbs to expose his fangs that were inhumanly sharp from becoming a Visored. "I want to hear you whimper, big boy."
  Kensei looked as if he'd been struck, eyes wide with his air of intimidation fading fast as he blushed.
  "Now that is a cute face." I smirked.
  "You want...."
  "Everything. Bite me, beg for me, let me hear your moans. I can be greedy, but I'm not a selfish lover, Kensei." My voice was nearly a purr as I traced his lips with my fingers. "People often assume things about me because of my size....but to tell you the truth, they're far from right. Still wanna fuck me knowing that?"
  "I think I wanna fuck you more now." He muttered. "You're really fucking with my instincts right now."
  "I'll take that as a compliment." I flipped us over and sat on Kensei to throw my shirt off. Grabbing Kensei's tank top, I pulled it over his head and tossed it to the side. His arms then wrapped around me as we rolled again to have him on top.
  Kensei kissed down the side of my neck while grabbing the back of my shorts to yank them off. His lips went further down my chest before holding my sides as he nipped and licked. His palms were rough against my skin from the boxing tape and traveled higher.
  He pulled away to watch his hands as they touched me. His fingers trailed down the dips and curves of my body, making me twitch as goosebumps rose. Kensei kissed from my sternum to my stomach as his fingers hooked behind the waistband of my underwear.
  The lower his face went, the more I began to hear a low rumbling. I didn't believe it at first, but as it grew in intensity, it was hard to deny the source. Especially when Kensei tugged my underwear out from under my ass and pulled them off the rest of the way with his teeth.
  He was growling.
  The sound made me melt beneath him. The way he looked down at me with my boyshorts dangling from his teeth as his chest rumbled fed something primal within me. Kensei dropped the garment in his mouth to the side while running his hands up my legs.
  He kissed up my inner thighs before spreading my legs more. Kensei huffed while nuzzling my inner thigh, then looked up at me with blown pupils.
  "You're so soft. Mmm. And you smell so good." His tone shifted closer to a growl as his face drew closer to the apex of my legs. Tangling my fingers into his hair, I pulled his head up.
  "Take your shorts off already." His hands left me to shove his shorts down along with his underwear. Kensei crawled over me while kicking them the rest of the way off. With his hands firmly planted on the mat on either side of me, his eyes wandered as his hips came closer to mine.
  Placing my hands on his broad shoulders, I felt the heat of his skin beneath my fingers along with the firmness of his muscles as he tensed and relaxed. My palms traveled down his chest and stomach, going over the tattoo on his abdomen and toward the patch of silvery-white hair beneath his belly button.
  Kensei's nose brushed against mine before he kissed me. His tongue slid into my mouth as my fingers found the base of his cock. One hand went back up to his chest, feeling his heart pounding beneath his ribs. My other hand circled his dick, feeling the heat and weight of it against my palm.
  He was thick and twitched at my touch. Moving my hand toward the head, Kensei's breath faltered. He shifted his weight to lean more on one arm to slip his hand between my thighs. Groaning into the kiss, he felt how wet I was getting as his fingers slid through the slick leaking from my core.
  His fingers were much bigger than my own and rougher as he spread me open and circled my entrance. I was stroking his cock as he let his fingers explore. When he found my clit, he slid a finger on either side of it in a way that made me shudder.
  Parting from the kiss to catch my breath, I looked down to watch while biting my bottom lip. The size difference between us made him look even bigger next to me in every way. His hand was like a bear paw with a broad palm and long, thick fingers.
  "Oh, fuck." Kensei muttered when he looked down and saw what I was looking at. "Your hand makes my dick look massive, what the fuck? Will it even fit?"
  "Damn, already chickening out? You haven't even used your fi- Oh, fuck~!" My head fell back with a soft moan when Kensei pushed two of his fingers into my pussy.
  "I'm not chickening out, you little shit. I just don't know if you could take it." Kensei slowly pulled his fingers out before thrusting them back in. My breath shook as I held the back of his neck and tried to not forget my goal here. "Fuck, you're so warm....and wet...."
  "Can't believe you're calling me a little shit. I thought you could take a little teasing."
  "I can!"
  "Poor Kensei. If I had known you were this emotional." I hit the hand he was leaning on and pushed him to make him fall on his back before straddling his hips. Placing my hands on his stomach, I rolled my hips and felt his cock sliding against me with ease from my own arousal. Kensei tensed with his head lolled back and his jaw clenched. His hands were frozen and flexed like claws as he grunted.
  His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, and he twitched when the head of his dick disappeared beneath me before being revealed again as I continued to rock my hips. It looked as if I finally had him exactly where I wanted him. Licking my lips, I tilted my head while watching him struggle to contain himself.
  The way his muscles flexed and twitched showed me how he was fighting himself. But what exactly was it he was trying to keep back? Was it moans he feared would sound pathetic?
  He huffed before bringing one of his hands toward his face. His other hand finally touched me, grabbing my hip firmly while still allowing me to move. His lips parted to let his wet fingers press against his tongue.
  Kensei gave a low, rumbling growl that I felt in my bones while sucking his fingers clean. When his head lowered and his eyes opened, I saw black flooding his scleras. I felt a smirk pull at the corners of my lips as I continued to grind against his dick. It was glistening wet by now, and my hands traveled up his stomach to his chest.
  "How cute. It looks like you've gotten pretty riled up, Kensei." I laid against his chest with my face only inches from his. And when I lifted my hips, I could feel how my arousal dripped from my core. "You can put it in now." I was still smiling while swaying my hips.
  Kensei didn't look away from me as he reached down to palm his slick cock and line the head up with my entrance. Even if his eyes changed colors, his mask had yet to form, meaning I didn't have much to worry about so long as Kensei was still in control. But seeing how close to the edge he was excited me more.
  I'd been telling the truth when I said having big predators like him become a quivering mess got to me. Having someone so powerful that could probably break me look at me the way Kensei was from beneath me was a power trip. It was also a test of trust that delighted me.
  His hands were on my ass once the tip of his cock was in. He tried to guide me lower, but I didn't budge while smiling.
  "What? You said-"
  "I want to hear you beg." I replied while hooking my feet over his thighs to have more control as I slowly lowered my hips and raised them just enough to tease the head of his dick.
  "Wha- Oh, fuck!" His voice was breathy as his head fell back. "I'm not....I'm not gonna do that."
  "Then you're not going all the way in. Beg, and I'll stop teasing you. Promise." I was at the end of my own rope, craving to have all of him so badly. But I wanted to see how far he'd go for me.
  "Wynter." He growled my name through clenched teeth.
  "Beg. It's that simple. Go on, Kensei. Tell me how badly you want me." I licked the center of his chest and up his throat, feeling the vibrations from his growls against my tongue.
  "Isn't me just saying it enough?"
  "I'm in a mood."
  "Fuck." He hissed under his breath as his fingers dug into my skin. Teasing only the head of his dick was driving him wild, and because of my position, he couldn't thrust deeper himself. I hummed while smiling and waiting.
  It was a battle of wills now to see who would crumble first.
  "Come on." He sounded desperate. "....P....Please?"
  "What was that?"
  "Please." Kensei hissed, and I went only an inch lower. "Fuck, please. Please, I can't-I can't take it. I need it, please!"
  "What do you need? Tell me." I purred while loving the face he was making. He looked so embarrassed while making a mean-looking expression with his Hollow eyes still glowing.
  "You. I need you. Please." His hips rolled up, trying to get any kind of relief to no avail.
  "You're so fucking cute." I chuckled before lowering my hips all of the way. Kensei groaned as his brows knit together. Feeling him inside me made me bite my bottom lip. He was hot, hard, and deliciously thick.
  "Fuck!" Kensei's hands went up my back with his nails dragging, sending sparks dancing across my skin. He held me against his chest as I continued to ride him, feeling him deep inside while his pelvis added friction to my clit.
  How his big arms wrapped around me felt good with a sense of comfort and safety. But I was too distracted to realize what Kensei was about to do. I should've known he wouldn't calm down so easily with how far I'd driven him over the edge.
  With his arms still holding me close, he flipped us to have my back on the mat while his thighs kept my legs spread wide. I cried out with a loud moan as he slammed his cock into me. His groans were just shy of growls with his face buried in my neck.
  Kensei had lost all patience and held nothing back. His balls were smacking against my ass with his nails digging into my shoulders as he snarled. The man was desperate and had no difficulty in getting me into the position he wanted me in.
  "Oh, fuck, yes~!" I moaned while clinging to Kensei for dear life. The wet smacking of skin and animalistic panting filled the room. There was no way for me to get back on top with how Kensei had me pinned beneath him.
  His grunting and groaning in my ear went straight to my pussy, turning me on even more while feeding a specific kind of craving. I was so wet and no doubt making a mess on the mat, but I couldn't bring myself to care with Kensei's cock pistoning in and out of me like a machine.
  My nails dragged down his broad back as my spine arched, and he grunted while snapping his hips. I was in a downward spiral with my brain focusing only on Kensei. His touch, his voice, his scent, and the warmth of his skin against mine.
  I wanted more, and so did he.
  Kensei reared back while picking me up with ease. His strong hands under my thighs positioned them around his hips as my arms wrapped around the back of his neck. He then grabbed my ass to lift me higher before dropping me as he thrust his hips.
  The impact between our bodies was like an explosion, making my toes curl and my thighs clench. Kensei used the difference in size and his strength to keep bouncing me on his cock. It was as if I weighed nothing to him.
  Cradling his head in my hands, I went in for a kiss that he reciprocated without hesitation. It was messy and hungry with tongues caressing and fangs flashing. We were moaning into the kiss and greedily taking anything the other would give.
  When we parted for air, he looked me in the eye with his eyes dark and full of lust. He hungrily licked his lips while panting.
  "You really are a little freak." His voice was low and breathy while our faces were only centimeters apart. "You clench and shiver every time I growl."
  "It's really fucking hot."
  "The Hell." Kensei chuckled as his gaze dropped and his head tilted. "Look at that. You really can take all of it." He had a lopsided smile while watching how our bodies joined.
  "You feel so fucking good." I panted and groaned with my thighs clenching.
  "Yeah? Maybe we should do this again sometime." Kensei bit his bottom lip while looking up at me and still smiling.
  "Be mine." My voice was barely over a whisper as my nose brushed against his.
  "Yes." Forcing his head back, I kissed his throat and up his neck to his jaw. Kensei groaned with his eyes closed. Nipping his jaw, his chest rumbled with a soft growl.
  He leaned back to reposition his hands to get one of them between us. My entire body shuddered when his fingers found my clit. The pleasure was becoming overwhelming, and my head rested against his neck as I moaned.
  "Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
  "Me, too." Kensei's forehead hit my shoulder as he groaned. Nails left angry red marks on skin as the knot coiled tighter and tighter. We were both desperate to cum and doing anything we could to get there.
  Kensei was first, going balls deep with his face buried in my neck to muffle the sounds he made. I could feel his cock twitching with each shot of cum as he groaned. His fingers thankfully didn't stop moving, continuously rubbing my clit as my thighs shook and squeezed around his hips.
  His warm breath rolled over my skin before I felt his fangs scrape my neck as he licked over my pulse. Kensei littered kisses and left hickeys, and I was so fucking close.
  "Please cum for me. I want to feel you. I need to feel you." Kensei panted near my ear as his own cum was dripping down his balls. "Wynter." His voice rumbled in a way that made me shiver, and it was the very thing to set me over the edge.
  I cried out while clinging to him with white knuckles. He grunted while making me ride out my orgasm to the very end. The intensity was mind-numbing, and it wasn't until it passed that I realized I was drooling.
  Kensei hummed while gently holding me with his face still tucked against my neck.
  "Just....gimme a second." I panted, and he chuckled.
  "I'm yours."
  "....Fuck, yeah." Relaxing against him, I wiped my chin before resting my cheek on his shoulder. Sighing through my nose, I relished in the calm feeling washing over me.
  "That makes you mine, too."
  "Of course." I was smiling while gently rubbing my thumb over the back of his neck.
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