#like it's very firmly not shipping and i know it's not shipping because i had to scale back on my favorite theme of the homoeroticism of wa
wutheringmights · 2 years
...Okay you joke about aroace Wind being horribly confused by the neck scene in Engineers journal, but not gonna lie, I'm aroace and that was literally my reaction to it. I was like "...ookay, I see why grabbing someones neck while they're unconscious is a bit much, but why is that being treated like a breaking point, nothing even happened, its just a neck." Had to be filled in by the comments section lmaooo
Huh, I guess it's time to talk about the neck scene.
First off, please note that this post is not tagged with anything fandom for a reason and I have made this post unreblog-able. This is meant for CTB people only, as you guys have the full context of the story and understand what my vision is (even if my execution is questionable).
Got it?
Ok, good.
Back in the chapter's commentary, I said I was going to talk at length about the neck thing and some of my decisions surrounding that plot point. Now is the time to do it, so let's go.
The idea behind this plot point is that I wanted Link to ruin the brotherhood in his pursuit to exert control over the engineer. I had the idea for this scene since the conception of this fic (and I will dig more into that in a moment), but I obviously did not want to risk being misinterpreted.
I tried to think of another way to destroy the brotherhood, but two significant character details severely restricted my options: a) Link could not stop "caring" about the engineer, and b) the engineer's limits for being able to call Link his brother have to be something that somehow surpasses extreme violence.
Having Link toss out the platonic relationship for a failed attempt at something more was the only way I could maintain both character details. Link gets to continue "caring" about the engineer while violating the engineer's clearly defined boundaries.
This also plays a lot into how both of them treat relationships, with Link looking to exert control over others (and himself) while the engineer is searching for relief. This conflict as been building up for many chapters now, so here was the time for it to clash, with the engineer being the decided victor.
Which takes us to why the neck? Well, I wanted some way for Link to express a non-platonic feeling without him needed to touch the bathing suit area. Touching the thigh was too sultry, but the neck was the right mixture of innocuous and creepy.
It's important to note that this is in part influence by my perspective. A while back, a friend of mine started to touch the back of my neck when he developed feelings for me, which is in part of why I view neck-touching as strangely intimate. The neck in general is just a very vulnerable spot that, when you think about it, a lot of people do not like to be touched at. I also just think vampires are hot, ergo neck-touching is kinda sexy.
I was hoping that even if people are not informed by the same experiences as I am, Link's inner musings accompanying the neck touching would help clue the reader into how they should feel about it. In retrospect, I can definitely see how readers can be kinda confused by what's so significant about it.
So, yeah. I played it a little bit dangerously here and really tempted fate in order to achieve this one plot point, especially when I really wanted to make sure that nothing happened in it that could be considered shipping.
To make it explicitly clear:
I am not shipping Warriors and Spirit
The narrative is not shipping Warriors and Spirit
Do not yell at me
"But Frankie, what did you mean that you had this idea since the beginning of this fic?"
Well, okay. Let's talk about deleted content. This is a plotline that never made it to the final product, so please do not consider this canon material the way other deleted ideas have been treated.
I talked a while ago about how even when I decided to commit to the toxic relationship angle for Link and the engineer, I had to pull back on a lot of my ideas in order to make it palatable. One of those ideas was a version of Link and the engineer's relationship that toed that no-shipping line by a lot.
Here's the basics: at the start of the story, the engineer was not going to know that he was bisexual. But after meeting Link, an objectively handsome guy around his age who seemed to care about him a lot, he had his bi-awakening. However, he really struggled with this awakening as he was already in a relationship and felt like he was betraying his Zelda. His goal was to not let anyone know about his crush and to get over it as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, Link realized early on why the engineer was both clingy and distant with him and started teasing him for it. The teasing was fairly mean as he just liked to see the engineer get flustered and frustrated without realizing that he was being toyed with. Link was going to be an expert at appearing innocuous whenever he teased the engineer to make the engineer think that it was all in his head.
But as the engineer got more comfortable in his role in the war, his crush went away and he affirmed his appreciation for Link's emotional support and the family unit he built with him by calling him his brother, which Link accepts.
That is, until Link starts cheating on Lana.
Remember that scene where Link got drunk and had to be hauled back to camp by the engineer? Originally, Link pissed the engineer off not only by telling him to cheat on Zelda, but by taking his teasing way too far by propositioning him (as a drunken joke). That's when the engineer realized that he had been toyed with for almost a year now. That would spark a fight between them.
However, the engineer would come to forgive Link, in part because Link convinced him he was actually sorry, and because the engineer did not want to disrupt the family dynamic he had built with Link.
From there, the relationship would continue as it has been in the final story. But with the added context and relationship history, Link's neck touching scene would be an even bigger "fuck you" to the engineer.
This entire subplot was based on the idea of the homoerotic nature of a soldier's bond. I wrote a thesis part about this in college, but basically wars can offer a way for men to develop close bonds with other men that could not exist in a heteronormative society.
This subplot took a very literal interpretation of it, but even then, it's obvious by the summary that even with a confirmed crush involved, this was not meant to be shipping content. This was meant to offer another look at Link's paradoxical cruelty and love.
But even I can admit that it skirts way too close to the idea of shipping. That's why I took it out of the final story. I just did not have the energy back then to argue with people about what counted as shipping.
Actually, I still do not have this energy, which begs the question as to why I would go include any form of this plot.
See here, I am an idiot.
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3nyasu3 · 4 months
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Okay, let me use this as an excuse to ramble. I've wanted to make a post about this for ages
The answer is: sort of. Because in SM114, he had a crush on Pheromosa.
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The thing is, Pheromosa is "gender-unknown". While it was probably not the intent of the showmakers to make Meowth canonically queer with this, I still believe that this is quite compelling evidence. I guess you could say they made him "accidentally canonically queer".
But while this is the most head-on evidence, its not even my favorite.
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In episode BW044, Meowth has an intense crush on a male Purrloin, only to quickly retract his feelings when Purrloin tells him he is male in the end of the episode. While this episode is clearly just homophobic in nature, I still call bullshit. You really want to convince me that pokémon determine another pokémon's gender by looks alone? And not like, by smell or instinct? I firmly believe that the thing that actually made Meowth retract his feelings was the peer-pressure of the twerps starting to laugh and point at him during the gender-reveal.
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Next, we have his insinuated crush on the boss. I am not going to say much on this, you know the images. James' words here confirm that it is always Meowth's imagination that we are seeing. Also, they had to cut a boss fantasy scene in DP030 in the english dub because it was too suggestive.
And I just have to add this because I ship them, sorry, but his interactions with Pikachu sometimes seem a little on the queer side as well.
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So much for actual somewhat queer material. But don't get me even started on the queercoding.
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The whole story of him being trapped in between the worlds of pokémon and humans feels like a very trans metaphor to me. Also the discrimination he sometimes faces, people calling him disgusting or a freak just for the way that he is. His trans voice actress Maddie Blaustein read his story as him being a human trapped inside a pokémon body, and it was the reason she decided to come out to her co-workers! If that is not transcoding, I don't know what is.
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The way he sometimes has crushes on humans also feels like queercoding / bicoding to me. He literally is queer on every side of the spectrum. Can't get any queerer than that.
And last but not least, considering his amazing trans and lesbian/ bi voice actress, it feels just unfair to label him as cishet. Come on, we can do better than that. It's what she would have wanted.
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Weak Ankles (Zoro x Reader)
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A/N: One big helping of Zoro x Reader fluff, full of pining with a healthy dose of yearning. Somewhat inspired by that scene in Hercules, because it just felt too perfect for Zoro <3 xx
Zoro has never encountered a fight he can't muscle his way out of.
Having recessed into the corner booth of some podunk tavern while armed with nothing but a dangerously low bottle of sake and a healthy dose of self-imposed misery, however, he feels his chances of winning this particular battle dwindle by the minute.
As his swig bleeds the bottle dry, Zoro groans and drags his hand over his face. He succumbs to his desire to wallow.
Hell or high water, right?
Zoro has never encountered a fight he can't muscle his way out of, but the swordsman has never charged head-first into mushy feelings either.
Perhaps that's why he's seeking refuge back on the Going Merry as the sounds of the party rattle on the breeze behind him, trailing him, like a specter.
Zoro grimaces.
Kunia had once explained sword fighting as a language, and the idea has stuck with Zoro ever since. Sparring matches had turned into spelling bees, each hit earning a vowel or letter.
The first one with enough hits to spell out f-u-c-k-y-o-u was always the winner.
Zoro knows the language of fighting well.
There is no training to be had for situations like these...situations that call for finesse with words that can't be spoken with the hilt of a blade.
The ocean is deep and dark with evening and yet Zoro's eyes are glued to the depths, willing divine intervention to give him a direction.
He gives the railing a small shake, mock-pretending the water is like one of those fortune-teller spheres. No reply but his own reflection.
Outcome is unlikely.
A stirring on the deck catches his attention, hand moving to his hilt as he stiffens.
A soft voice breaks through the night.
Zoro's eyes zoned in on a figure through the sake's warped glass, the sight impossible to miss even from his hiding place. Zoro's lip had quirked up, though he'll never admit it - another small defeat at the hands of his unsuspecting foe.
Who could ever miss a sight such as you?
No, there was absolutely no way a soul in the taverna could miss the sight of you - your feet planted firmly on a tabletop with your head thrown back in glee. You're a whirlwind of whipping hair and skirts as a maritime shanty pours from your throat. Grog splashes from the stien in your grip, ale sloshing and spraying like the ocean you merrily sing of. The whole of the island seems to be singing with you, the tavern bursting with music and laughter as patrons slur out the words to the refrain.
When Luffy argued that pirating wouldn't be complete without a bard to chronicle the legendary adventures of the Going Merry, Zoro had staunchly opposed the idea. What good would a bard be in battle? What navigation skills, if anything?
Someone can't sing their way to victory.
As Zoro sat mesmerized, he began to think he was very, very wrong.
This is true power, Zoro mused from his place of solitude, Swaying complete strangers with nothing but the sound of your voice.
When he realized he'd been grinning like a fool, Zoro swallowed.
He was desperately losing this uphill battle.
The deck of the ship suddenly seems miles long.
Zoro can make out your reddened cheeks in the darkness, alight with the warm glow of youth as a sweet smile settles on your lips.
"You left."
Zoro's heart clenches at the simplicity of your words. He doesn't move.
"Yeah, I did."
Undeterred, you begin to move towards him. It's stumbly, though the sound of your soft chuckle lets him know you're aware of how foolish you seem. He watches as you make your way towards him, your eyes never leaving his face.
A homing beacon.
"I was wondering where you'd gone,"
"I was saving a dance for you, Zo."
Your voice is quiet. Zoro's blood runs cold.
You had sought him out - he imagines your eyes twinkling, hair wild and free falling all around you like a halo as you reached for him from your makeshift stage only to find him gone.
To punctuate your confession, your feet seem to shuffle in a dance much too elegant for having been stomping on tables and slamming down ale, and yet here you are - light as a feather in the midsummer breeze.
The bouncing of your body keeps in rhythmic time with the gentle crash of the waves, and realization crosses the swordsman's face.
You're not dancing. You're moving through the seogi he has taught you during training.
Zoro's heart swells, a breath of a laugh passing through his lips.
"That's some fancy footwork, twinkle toes."
As if his words jinxed you, your foot catches hold of a divot in the planks. Zoro's reflexes are quick, securing you to his chest as you squeak out a yelp - an arm around your waist and the other on your forearm without so much as a thought.
A bashful smile blooms on your blushing face, cheeks dusted pink from the alcohol and the proximity of your bodies. You try to stand, pressing your forehead to his.
"Hmm..." You chuckle, closing your eyes tight. You bunch up Zoro's tunic in your fingers.
He wonders if you can feel his skin on fire beneath the flimsy fabric.
He holds his breath.
"Weak ankles."
The thick summer air is sucked from Zoro's lungs. You're near catlike in the way you seem to curl into him, nestling closer and closer...
Before the moment settles too deep, you're speaking again.
"Oh! That reminds me of a story...!"
"Haven't you told enough stories tonight?"
Although he teases, Zoro doesn't mean it. No. Not when the sky is clear and bright and your body is pressed so tightly to his and your eyes seem to glitter as they peer into his own.
As you playfully swat his chest and snort out a laugh, Zoro silently vows to spend a lifetime listening to your tales.
"N-No! No," You insist, "This is my last one - promise! Telling stories is my job anyway~!"
No one is around to hear the giggles from the two of you or to see the way Zoro's smile hangs lopsided, or to catch the slight flex of his fingers as he pulls you even closer.
"Well then," He gently butts your forehead with his,
"Go on."
You begin to weave a tale of a brave young soldier, born with great skill and undefeated in battle. You tell Zoro the hero reminds you of him. He stumbles out a "thank you".
You say that the "great soldier" had lived in disguise as a young woman, sparking a short, teasing aside about how he would make a lovely woman (which Zoro vehemently denied).
You speak of a great battle and your gaze is far away, your fingers tracing patterns along Zoro's chest, every tug and pull of the fabric between your fingers tightening the hold on his heartstrings.
You explain how the soldier's mother had dipped him in a river but forgot the heel, and in his final battle was struck down in the very same spot. You make a quip about everyone having their very own "heel" in life before proclaiming that the tale is very romantic and sad.
Your arms slide up and around his neck, fingers finding their way into his hair.
Zoro's jaw clenches. Your eyes fall to his lips.
There is no wind, no waves. The entire world seems to have stopped breathing in anticipation.
Zoro's mind desperately searches for anything from his training to tether himself to at this moment, foggy from the way your breath tickles his face and the blood pounds in his ears.
In an instant, he makes a move.
"Your...your ankle."
He drops to his knee, breaking all contact.
Your breathing shutters, arms wrapping around yourself in comfort.
Zoro is glad it is dark.
He takes in the delicate slope of your ankle in his hand, pulling the bandana from his head to prep a makeshift brace for your sprain.
You sit in silence as he works, though his mind is far from quiet.
Zoro cannot afford to have soft spots like weak ankles. All of his training will be wasted.
Zoro cannot afford to admit that he's in love with you. Not to you, not even to himself.
Your hand gently raking through his hair pulls Zoro from his stupor, eyes snapping up to meet yours.
"My hero," You hum, "Zoro..."
He can see himself reflected in your irises.
Your hand moves to caress his face.
It never happens.
Zoro grabs your wrist before you can even blink, gaze downcast, and grip uncomfortably tight.
"We should get you to bed."
Zoro hasn't slept in three days.
You've been avoiding him for three days.
Zoro doesn't blame you, though - he knows that he embarrassed you a few nights ago. Nami makes sure he knows just how badly he fucked up as well, throwing glares in his direction and spitting venom his way...
How could you do that to her?
Don't you realize how much she cares for you?
Have you transported all of your brains into your muscles, asshole?!
The Going Merry was certainly a far cry from merry.
Luffy was the only crewmate who entertained the idea of sparring with Zoro without an alternative motivation to beat the shit out of him for what he's done.
As Zoro countered Luffy's hook, the sound of your laughter floated through the air.
In a moment of weakness, he allowed himself to look.
You were seated as Chopper entertained you with his dance moves, clapping encouragement and cooing praises. The smile on your face made Zoro's chest grow tight.
Luffy had taken the opportunity to pounce in Zoro's distraction, sweeping the swordsman's leg clean out from underneath him.
"Ha HA! Gotcha! Victory!"
Nami whoops from down below, and Zoro mutters a curse.
"What happened there, Zoro?"
Luffy's voice is far away as Zoro thinks back to fighting lessons with you. He had taken Kunia's advice, using his sword to speak the words he could not. Every tap, every jab, each little correction of your form follows the sparring language he had made up as a child.
Every time, he finds ways to spell out i-l-o-v-e-y-o-u.
Zoro had promised to teach you how to fight for selfish reasons. He can't afford to let his weaknesses show, but helping you grow strong enough to protect yourself...that will have to be enough. Even if you can't see it that way.
Zoro sucks his teeth, giving his head a shake as he accepts Luffy's help up.
"Tch - weak ankles..."
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taintedtort · 1 year
Hi your stuff is so cute! Could I request anemo boys with a reader who's really touched starved and ends up crying when they show affection (like holding their face) cuz they're not used to it and don't know what to do?
prompt ✧ touch starved
characters ✧ xiao, heizou, kazuha, wanderer, aether, venti
warnings ✧ gn!reader, hurt/comfort ?, drinking in venti‘s part
a/n ✧ this took me so long to write for some reason? i was totally having writers block (is this all the anemo boys??)
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✧ the first time he initiated physical contact, he was so nervous. the most you two had done was hold hands and share quick pecks, but he had a yearning to hold you, even just for a minute. he wasn’t sure how comfortable you’d be if both your bodies were completely touching, so instead of hugging you he simply held your face in his palms.
✧ his heart was beating so fast and he felt his ears burning red. he realized that just standing in front of you holding your face while saying nothing was weird, so he leaned forward and pecked your forehead. when he pulled back and saw tears in your eyes, he felt like he had a heart attack.
✧ instantly pulled away and apologized, ready to turn and disappear any second. when you shook your head and said it was fine he sighed in relief a bit, but he was still mortified. when you explained that you’d just never been loved physically before, he knew exactly what you meant. it was the same for him, no one had loved him before you so he understood the foreignness of touch. he told you that he related and that he wants to get more comfortable— especially with you. he just hopes you want to as well.
"let’s learn together then."
✧ he‘s very touchy with people he’s comfortable with and naturally that includes you, so this happened very early when you got together.
✧ he hadn’t seen you all day, thanks to a very dragged out investigation. when he finally saw your face he couldn’t help but lunge at you, firmly embracing you into a hug. he told you how much he missed you and placed an obnoxious kiss to the side of your head, pulling away with a "mwah!" sound.
✧ when he pulled back from you to show you his big grin, it instantly faded. your eyes were brimmed with tears and your face was clearly shocked. he quickly asked you what was wrong with his hands sat on your shoulders.
✧ he carefully listened as you explained he took you by surprise and that you don’t get physical affection much. he shrugged and kissed your cheek with a dorky smile.
"i love you, and i’ll show you whenever i can."
✧ kazuha is another one who’s very touchy, so he found out very early in the relationship that you weren’t very used to being physically loved. of course, he reassured you like a good boyfriend.
✧ after two long weeks, he finally arrived back at liyue and saw you on the dock, waiting for him. he felt his heart swell at the sight of you, sitting with your legs dangled over the water, your gaze fixed on the ship as it got closer.
✧ when he put his feet on the dock, he bee lined to you. once he was close enough, he wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips to yours. he felt you jolt but assumed it was because you weren’t expecting it.
✧ when he pulled back, he saw tears in your eyes. he smiled and placed his hands on your cheeks and asked why you were crying. when you explained that his gesture completely took you off guard and that no one’s hugged you like that before, he just placed another kiss to your lips.
"i’ll greet you with ten times more love next time."
✧ he’s not super affectionate in the first place and he’s also touch starved, so you both are just a mess of nervousness to the foreign love language.
✧ he was out adventuring with you when you had suddenly tripped and slid down a hill. you were fine— just a scrape on your knee and elbow, and wanderer knew you were alright… but he couldn’t help his protective feelings.
✧ when you reached the bottom of the hill, covered in dirt, you busted out laughing. you figured he’d laugh too and scold you for being so clumsy, but he shocked you.
✧ he slid down after you, much more gracefully, and scrambled to check for injuries. urgently asked if you were okay while still scanning your body. when you said you were fine and laughed it off, he sighed heavily and hugged you before he thought about it.
✧ mumbled in your hair that you scared the hell out of him before coming to his senses and pulling away. when he saw your face he felt like slapping himself. you were completely taken aback, that was obvious, but the glassy look in your eyes made his heart drop.
✧ were you about to cry because you were hurt or because he hugged you? he prayed it was because you were hurt— he could fix that. but if he took it too far and you left him, he couldn’t live.
✧ you read the look on his face and instantly came clean about how touch starved you really were. he physically relaxed and sighed in relief. his head dropped to your shoulder for a split second before he picked it back up and looked at you again. he didn’t actually say anything and just got up while pulling you with him.
"you seriously scared me, you’re alright?"
✧ aether likes to show love in many ways, touch being one of them. he’s used to physical contact so it wasn’t really a thought that you wouldn’t be.
✧ he had just gotten back from commissions and found you waiting for him. it felt really nice— to have someone waiting for him and making sure he’s alright. he wanted to show you how much he appreciated you.
✧ he approached you with a loving smile, cupped your cheeks in his palms and placed a lingering kiss to your lips. when he pulled away he told you he loved you.
✧ he definitely didn’t expect to see your eyes gloss over with tears. when he noticed, he worryingly asked what was wrong. once you told him his act of love was completely foreign to you and you just didnt know how to react, he was taken aback.
✧ he didn’t pry as to why you were touch starved, he just nodded and asked if it was still okay to touch you. after gaining your consent, he placed a peck to your temple and pulled you in a hug while reassuring you.
"i love you more than i’d ever loved anything."
✧ he’s definitely a touchy lover, so you got used to it pretty quickly since it happened so often. he knew that people became touch starved from not getting physically loved enough as a child, but he honestly didn’t think that you were like that.
✧ he was tipsy— but when was he not. you’d gone with him to the tavern this particular time, you wanted to spend time with him and figured it’d be fun. you knew venti often over drank, so you were hoping to help him lay off a bit.
✧ you didn’t account for the fact that he was trying to get you drunk. he often complained how you never let loose and would try to convince you whenever you accompanied him at the tavern. you always would wave him off and tell him that it wasn’t your fault that he needed a babysitter. he figured he’d sacrifice this trip to finally get you drunk.
✧ eventually you were hanging off his shoulder and slurring your words a bit. he took you home after that, not wanting you to get hurt. once arrived, he took care of you. gave you water and food, pat your back when you puked, let you cuddle with him, and put you to bed.
✧ once morning came and you had the worst headache of your life, you were met with water and advil already sat on the table text to your bed. venti came back with food and asked if you were alright.
✧ he placed his hand to your cheek and kissed you tenderly, not minding your bad breath from the previous day. you asked if he took care of you all night, to which he replied with yes and gave you a brief play back.
✧ when he got to the part of putting you to bed, he explained how you were sooo clingy and were cuddling him the entire time. he then demonstrated, putting your head in his neck and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. he sat there for a few moments with you in his arms and placed a few random kisses to your scalp.
✧ he heard you sniffle and pulled back to look at your face. when he saw your tears, he rubbed your cheek and asked why you were crying. you told him that no one’s cared for you that way before and it meant a lot to you, he just smiled sweetly at you.
"of course i took care of you, that’s what i’m here for."
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Hour of the Wolf (2)
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Summary: The trials begin
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, threats of mutilation, death, I think is considered genocide because is a bunch of people, DRAGONFIREEEE. SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon 
Wordcount: 3.7 k 
Notes: Reader has purple eyes and silver hair!
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They opened the door to your chambers slowly, to not scare you, to let you know of their arrival
“Lord Cregan Stark”, muttered the guard posted at her door
You didn’t even looked at him, you didn't care, you just looked over at Blackwater Bay, where hundreds of ships were making port, the banner of the House Arryn was waving in the highest masts
Too late
You thought
The Arryns, The Starks, the Tullys, all your mother’s bannermen had come to the capital, to you
Important, unprecedented, powerful
And yet
it meant nothing
it was too late 
Your mother, your father figures, your siblings, they were all dead, gone, killed, betrayed, slain, devoured, sunk
“Your grace”, the wolf called, “I have taken the city in your mother’s name”, he said firmly, “in your name”, he continued, “and if you allow me, I will bring justice to her”, you looked at him then, and only nodded.
“I need your words, your grace”, he was not asking, he was demanding, he was at your service, and yet, you immediately felt like you had to give him something in return.
He got to look at you then.
Like all the women in your family, and even some men, your beauty was beyond what words could describe, you were there, emaciated from years of trauma, death and war, and yet, you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Your beauty did not belong to this world, he thought, you were a goddess in human form, with those silvery strands and purple eyes
And he was the most imposing man you had seen in return, he felt like this… God, a god of war and justice, wisdom and prowess, like the colossus of Braavos, nothing could tumble him down, he had been here for hundreds of years, and he was going to continue there for hundreds more. it felt like with him by your side, nobody could hurt you, with him by your side, you were safe. Invincible 
Nobody needed to tell you who he was, just by looking at him you would have known, even though you had never seen him before 
“... And I need it in writing”, he said slowly and calmly, “do you trust me to seek justice in your name?”, did you? your brother befriended the man and after he came back, having promised your hand to him in marriage, he had say he was his best friend, and the most honorable men he had met, and that you were going to be happy and safe by his side
There was no one better than him
You went to the small desk in the corner of the room, parchment and quill in hand, you had no clue what you were doing, but you scribbled on the paper that you gave Cregan Stark the authority to act in your name, with long, pompous and unnecessary words of politics, those you knew well, your mother had make sure of it
“Cregan Stark”, you called, turning to him, your decree in hand, he stood still, raising his head and straightening his posture, “I command you to seek justice for my mother, the late Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen” you said, your voice sounds strained, just because you hadn't spoken in so long, “I command you to imprison the ones who conspired and usurped her, and to punish them in my name”, you said then, giving him the paper
“I will be the hand that brings justice, my queen”, he sentenced, reading your words, he nodded approvingly. And you could not hide your surprise
“They named… me?”, you asked
“We did”, he said, “The Tullys, the Arryns, the Starks, the Tarlys, Tyrells…”, you only nodded
“I will come after, to make the announcement of the trials and those who will be put to them”
“Should I go?”, you asked
“A queen should not concern herself with such matters of justice”, he said
“Very well”, he nodded, and just like that, he exited your chambers
With him on the helm, you would be safe
You were a Queen know
Rhaenys, the Queen that never was, and then your mother The Black Queen
They had failed
And now, here you stood
Were you going to fail too?
Cregan walked slowly, the people that came across him would move away from him, letting him passed uninterrupted, bowing their heads
It was a good sign
The castle that had looked like it was abandoned, was slowly returning to life, people from all the most important families were here, and the first thing he needed to do was to send even more ravens, to all corners of the realms.
There was a New Queen, and all the most important families and their banner men had to be here for her coronation
The staff, maids, servants, soldiers, they did not had armies to fight of gold to use, but they had access to places and that access could be bought by enemies still lurking in the shadows
He had to make sure everyone who was to inhabit the Red Keep was completely loyal to their new Queen. A queen who just turned into a woman, if barely, a broken young woman, who had seen the death of everyone in her family but her baby brother. He had more work than he thought. He came with the purpose of installing the princess on the throne, make her Queen, and then pursue those traitors and turncloaks with his army, lead them to the gates of the citadel itself
But he was starting to think that this was going to be more politics and ink that swords and blood
Cregan Stark needed to relegate, and for that, he needed trusted men, loyal men to the cause of the late Queen and the new one now
And this is how he was going to accomplish that
When he walked into the throne room 
The small council, and their families where inside
It was to his knowledge that Baela Targaryen was also in attendance. The betrothed of the deceased Crown Prince Jacaerys. He basically know the girl, because of how much Jace would talk about her
As he made his way to the throne, he opened the decree and show it to everyone
“I have in my hand a royal decree from the Queen”, he said loudly, “In it, she declared me as her hand to seek justice for the late Queen Rhaenyra”
“Seek justice?”, of course Corlys Velaryon was the first to contradict him
“I will hold trials for the traitors and turncloaks”, he said, and everyone in the throne room began to either whisper nervously, gasp audibly, or said lowly words of disapproval.
His men entered the room, alongside the three of the seven remaining white cloaks he had send for, loyal to Queen Rhaenyra
“Ser Erryk Cargill”, he called, the man stood in front of him with his brothers, “Ser Adrian Redfort and Ser Loreth Lansdale”, the three of them bowed his heads, “do you recognize the true line of succession?”, he asked out loud
“Yes M’lord”, answered Erryk
“Do you recognize Queen Rhaenyra’s eldest daughter as Queen of the seven Kingdoms?”, he asked
“Yes my lord!”, they chanted at the same time, “we swore towards the Queen!”
“Great, do you recognize me, by this decree, hand of the Queen?”, he asked showing them your words, they look amongst themselves and nodded
“Yes my Lord”
“Very well, today, as my first act as hand, I will hold trials, to apprehend traitors who conspired against the true heir, resulting in a bloodied civil war and the death of thousands, do you stand by me?”, he asked
“Then apprehend Lord Corlys Velaryon, Lord Tyland Lannister, Larys Strong…. for starters”, he muttered
The court was submerged in chaos 
And he didn’t stop there
He arrested twenty men, including Alard Baratheon, who was new to court and also Gyles Belgrave, former king’s guard to the usurper 
On charges of treachery, conspiracy against the rightful Queen, and other charges.
To every man he placed in chains, he held trails for.
Those on trial had the chance to defend themselves, justify their treachery, present witnesses and evidence of what they had done and why, and ultimately, offer their repentance.
It felt to Cregan to stand as judge, and sentence to death those who were found guilty 
The first day was slow, mostly sentencing, and organizing the witnesses and defenses. The night fell over the Keep rather quickly, soon all servants lit up the torches, as Cregan dismissed them all
He wanted to see you
Rather, he needed to see you
“Ser Erryk, it is to my knowledge that you had been a part of the Queen’s Guard the longest”
“Yes my lord”
“You are the new Commander of the Queensguard, when all of this is over, you alongside the Queen will choose another four to complete the brotherhood”
“It will be my honor, Lord”, he said firmly
“Good”, he said shortly, “one of your brothers will be posted with the Queen at all times, another with the prince Aegon”, he continued
The guard posted at your rooms nodded at his sight, and announced him, entering in your chambers
He found you with your baby brother, having supper.
It was the first time he got to see the young boy in detail, he was small for someone his age, but his ghostly eyes had seen things no child nor adult should ever seen, and he could tell just by looking at them, the pain and sorrow he suffered
“My Lord Cregan, please join us”, you invited him
You and your little brother, all that was left of the greatest dynasty of Westeros
He accepted your offer, sitting across from you. The small boy didn’t meet his eye, he was just playing with his food in front of him, he noticed than when he spoke, he shook like a leaf in the wind
“I made twenty arrests”, he said firmly, “Including Corlys Velaryon, Tyland Lannister and Larys Strong…”, you nodded, “not sure yet, but many are already too guilty, like Larys, or a former while cloak of the usurper…”
“Any hightower?”, you asked. Prince Aegon rose from his seat then, and walk silently to a small door in the other side of the chamber, disappearing from sight 
“Sorry about that”, you said, “he barely speaks to me, and I’m the only one who he talks with”
“He will heal, so will you”, he said, you nodded
“So what about the hIghtowers?”, you asked again
“Those who led armies… are dead… Otto Hightower, his sons, his brother and his oldest son as well…”, he continued, you took a sip of wine, trying to gain some courage 
“What about Alicent?”, you asked, he looked at you
“The Dowager Queen is in lockdown, in the Tower of the Hand your grace”, he said gently. You took a long breath
“I want her dead”, you said brokenly
“You want your first command as Queen to be the death of the former one?”, Cregan asked severely
“She is the cause of everything that happened”, you said, finally looking at him, “she hated my mother, she made her life miserable while we lived here as children, she filled my uncles with poisonous hate for me and my brothers, she turned the entire court against us, she called us bastards and made everyone else say it too, she manipulated her children to usurp my mother’s throne, she was the cause, of everything, I want her dead”, you said, and he looked back at you with warning
“Many would argue, that she herself was manipulated by her father, besides, your mother forgave her”
“I won’t”, you said, “and because she was a cunt and a fool everything should be forgiven? Ignorance is not a crime, but perhaps it should be, why should she draw breath while my entire family doesn’t?”
“I am your hand, your Grace, you wanted it so, so as your hand, my job, is to advice you”, he said gently, “and my advice is to imprison her, yes, but not execute her”, you looked at him with eyes filled with tears and he looked back at you, worried, “The Hightowers are decimated, yes, but they still remain a powerful family… one of the most powerful”
“That could be easily fixed”, you retorted, he frowned
“What do you mean?”, he asked softly, you kept quiet
“You said you wanted to bring justice to the realm, I want the HIghtowers dead, all of them”, you sentenced, “Lannisters, Velaryons… Baratheon… they all riled to Aegon’s side because of them”
Cregan looked at you, and you broke down crying in front of him
You tried to wipe your tears quickly, you held so strongly, but to no avail, you were crying in front of Cregan Stark
“I’m sorry”, you cried, wiping the tears that just wouldn’t stop falling
“I understand your anger, your rage”, he said softly
“My entire family is dead!”, you cried, broken, weeping, you had been holding onto your emotions for so long that now, that you felt safe, the fake wall you had sustained for all these tumultuous months as a hostage in the Keep finally broke down. You cried for long minutes, taking it all out of your chest, freeing yourself, even if just a little, of the sorrow of loss.
When you finally calmed down, reduced to only sniffles, Cregan dared to speak again
“My own uncle betrayed me and took my lands from me”, he confessed, you looked at him, barely able to see him
‘I was very young when my father died, he was supposed to act as Lord regent, but he usurped me as Lord of Winterfell”, he told you, “my cousins supported him”
“What did you do?”, you asked, more calm
“I gathered the great houses of the North everyone supported me, I stormed my home, took him prisoner, him and my cousins”, he looked at you softly, gently, “I decreed them traitors, and took their heads with the millennial sword of my house”
“You did?”, you asked
“He who passes the sentence must swing the sword, my queen”, he said gently, “but that applies only to Lords I’m afraid”, you smiled
“I don’t want them dead”, you continued, “I mean, I do, but, I understand why I shouldn't’...”, he smiled softly
“Good”, he said
“But I want them to think that I do, I want them to beg, I want them to empty their coffers to please me, to reinstate the treasury”
“That we can do”, he said firmly, “we will use them as examples, of what happens when you mess with the dragon”, you nodded, “I will call them to court”
Cregan wondered what you meant by “that can be easily arranged”, he also thought about his army, it was great, yes, but he wasn’t sure it was enough to fight the might of the hIghtowers, it had to be, he did plan on marching to Old Town
“Tomorrow you will tell me, how much time passed between now, and when she went to sleep alright?”, he asked your Queenguard on the door
His second in command Jon Dustin was waiting for him
“Tomorrow before the trials but after the young Queen is tended to, you will gather all the servants and maids, everyone who works in this castle, and you will bring them to me”
“Very well my lord”, he nodded 
You were worse than he thought, you were angry, understandably so, but he needed to find a middle ground, punishments hard enough to please your rage, but not that extreme that the Kingdoms start to rebel themselves against their New Queen
The next day, the second day at court, Lady Baela presented herself in front of the Wolf of Winterfell, to plead for her grandfather
“Your grandfather is being charged of Regicide, he is the main suspect of poisoning the Usurper”, he said firmly, “Even though we repudiate his reign, the murder of a monarch cannot stand unpunished”
“He did it to prevent the death of a thousand more my Lord! he did it to protect the Queen, the prince, and me”, she fought
Corlys Velaryon was pardoned after that day, thanks to Baela, and then you, who approved of such forgiveness. Even though you did not wish to see your named grandfather and cousin
Tyland Lannister came then, and the Lion knelt before the wolf. Rhaenyra had him severely tortured, and some words scape him, but he had returned the treasury in his entirety, and pleaded for a space in the small council
He had been good to you and your brother, and Aegon made you forgive him, and you did
In the fourth day of the trial, Alard Baratheon was forgiven too, he belonged to a lesser branch of his house, now the main thanks to the death of Lord Borros, he had no part in the Dance, and as such, he bend the knee to the New Queen’s rule 
The other eighteen men were not so lucky, they were all found guilty of treason,  on the fifth, sixth and seventh and final, including and especially Larys Strong, the maester, and others. 
And in all those days, you were receiving updates by Cregan himself, and you were… meditating
People were being trialed and sentenced to death, they were going to pay for what they had done, this was your comfort, justice, simple and pure justice, for your mother, for your family.
You had promised yourself that this was going to be enough
If you kept punishing these lords, the people was going to reject you as their Queen
And you couldn’t fail
You had seen what happens when you failed
So the sentence of these Lords, and then the Hightowers, and then, you had to calm yourself.
Wanting it or not, the crown had fallen on your head, against all odds, for better or worse.
But here is the catch, the crown was now attached to your head, loose one is loose both
And you owed it to your mother, Daemon, your father, whoever it is, to Jace, Luke, Rhaenys… you owed it to your family to keep your crown over your head, and your head over your shoulders.
So as the days turned long, you were preparing yourself too
You only appeared in court the seventh and last day of the trial
You wore black, you were still in mourning, it was a fearsome dress, you too it from your mother’s coffers, and a magnificent crimson red cape dances behind you as your walked
Your hair was braided with magnificent braids, instead of the crown
You entered the throne room, for the first time as Queen, everyone there bowed to you, everyone except those on trial
Cregan wanted you to take the oaths of House Lannister and Baratheon.
And both lords, Tyland and Alard bowed to you, kneeled in front of you, sincerely, atoning 
You gave him the pardon yourself 
The eighth and last day, you demanded those found guilty to be brought to the cliffs on the outside of King’s Landing
Ser Erryk was holding Blackfyre, right by your left side, and Cregan with his sword Ice, was standing in your right, soldiers, all of them wearing your colors, black and red, brought forth the eighteen men who had been sentenced to death
You could see in the small crowd those who had been pardoned as well, along all the great Lords and Ladies of your households who had sailed to the Capital from Dragonstone in the week after Cregan summoned them
“Pass me the sword Ser Erryk”, you commanded, he nodded, and passed you the sword of your family, it was heavy, you couldn’t raise it above your head to strike even if you wanted to
“My Queen, I can…” Cregan murmured
“He who passes the sentence should swing the sword”, you said firmly, looking at him, the exchange was only heard by you three, not loud enough for the others.
It was a windy day, and you could barely hear the voice above the whistling
“My Queen, I did not mean…”, with one look, he kept quiet, you grabbed the sword of the Conqueror in your hand. You turned to the men in front of you, Cregan moved away, just like Erryk to stand by the side. 
“You had all be found guilty of treason against the legitimate heir of the seven Kingdoms, you conspired against her ascent and work to usurp her”, you said loudly
“Aegon was the true heir!”, screamed Gyles Belgrave, “I'd rather die than serve a bastard! daughter of a whore! you are no true Targaryen!”, those screams and accusations didn’t even bothered you, not anymore
“Oh I am not a true Targaryen?”, you asked
The whistle of the wind was dimmed by a way more stronger, menacing sound
You saw, with pleasure, everybody shake in their places when they heard your dragon roar
“All the dragons were dead!”, cried that small man you didn’t even want to learn the name of. Even Cregan was surprised 
Vhaelar growled in the air, you heard the flap of her wings, and she landed heavily by your side. She roared loudly, menacingly. You felt her anger, or perhaps, what you were feeling was the mirror of your own emotions. 
You caressed the side of her face softly, Vhaelar purred
You saw how the former King’s guard peed his pants, shaking uncontrollably. Larys Strong, you alleged uncle, was only looking at you and smiling sickenly, 
“I Queen (y/n) Targaryen, Queen of the Rhoynar the Andals and the first men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the realm, sentence you all to die by dragon fire”, you sentenced, grabbing the pommel of Blackfyre tightly, you were nervous, but this was nothing you haven't seen before
This was it, this single act had to be the outlet of your rage.
Soon when you look at those men kneeled in front of you, they all took the faces of everyone you hated, Alicent, Aegon, Criston Cole, they were all there, dressed in green, looking at you in fear and reverence, kneeling on the ground 
“Dracarys”, you said firmly
You felt the joy of Vhaelar who set them on fire, you felt your skin getting warm by the heat of the flames
You saw the men turn to inhumane forms and then to dust
You saw it like that day in Dragonstone, and yet… now you felt nothing.
Only relief
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@lyannesworld @tremendouswolfsaladranch @unlesshouse @mimsie95 @ostricx @amelia262006 @marihoneywk @ahristata @happinessinthebeing @dd122004dd @aestmilky
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weclassybouquetfun · 5 months
I see dead people and they are in the form of teenagers Edwin Payne and Charles Rowland killed in 1916 and 1989, respectively.
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Yes, all eight episodes (too few episodes, I say. A good 13 eps would have been fitting) of DEAD BOY DETECTIVES is available on Netflix.
Series stars George Rexstrew (Edwin), Kassius Nelson (Crystal Palace), Yuyu Kitamura (Niko Sasaki) and Jayden Revri (Charles Rowland)
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A bit about the series:
Born out of DC Comics' Vertigo imprint and created by Neil Gaiman with its characters being spun out of the Sandman universe, how divergent is the series from the comics?Not very. They have retained the trio's backstories, but there were story arcs they could not delve into because Netflix's SANDMAN needs to get there first. Other than that, things are twists on canon or new creations.
Of the characters themselves, Neil Gaiman has said Charles was "more or less him" as a boy and in crafting the series characters, the costumes lent a hand. With his buttoned-up attitude, the bespoked suits for Edwin Paine belies his closed off demeanor. Jayden Revri's Charles Rowland had a ska/rude boy looked that was of fashion when he was alive. This was a nod that Revri appreciated as he has explained in the past he's, "half Indian, a quarter Jamaican and a quarter English." Charles also always has red on him as a nod to comics!Charles' red sweater.
While the characters were first introduced in HBO Max's DOOM PATROL, once the plans for a series was announced, it was quickly let known that this incarnation is not in the same universe as DOOM PATROL's characters, despite DOOM PATROL's Ruth Connell reprising her role as Night Nurse in the Netflix series. This series is firmly in the Sandman universe with Kirby (formerly Kirby Howell-Baptiste, briefly reprising her role as Death in the first episode.
Should DEAD BOY DETECTIVES get a second series, Rexstrew and Lukas Gage (who plays Cat King)
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have already spoken of their love of Mason Alexander Park's character Desire from the series, with Rexstrew saying he would love to see Edwin's reaction to Desire.
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There's no malewife like him.
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Other cast members include Briana Cucuo, sister of BIG BANG THEORY's Kaley Cucuo. Briana voices Barbara Gordon and a sundry of other characters on Max's HARLEY QUINN.
Much too hot to be doing voice-work.
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Jenn Lyon (Claws), Joshua Colley (Love, Victor) and Max Jenkins and Caitlin Reilly cutting it up in a (literal) small role.
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Jayden says he can't wait for fan fiction and edits of Charles and Edwin and says their ship name will likely be Chedwin. Mans don't know what he's asking for!
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goayda · 24 days
What if… Izzy has a minor accident and falls overboard, in a s1 AU where Izzy joined Ed and Stede at the fancy party and there was no duel (see this previous post)
At that moment, Izzy is slowly warming up to Stede, but he would stab anybody who would suggest so (except Ed, who knows he is safe and keeps pointing it out to Izzy). Meanwhile, Stede is starting to grow fond of that angry man too, but he would blush (something that Lucius seems to find very amusing for some reason) and deny it if anybody suggested it.
So one day, after a strong wave hits the ship, a barrel that was supposed to be securely tied goes rolling to the other side of the deck (Izzy better not find out who was the fucker who did the knots) and hits Izzy in the back when he is by the railing and he ends up falling overboard.
And it’s not really very dangerous, it’s a nice, sunny day, even if there are quite a few waves, so the crew laughs about it because, honestly, it was quite funny, but Stede freaks out and jumps overboard to help him because he can’t believe nobody else has done it already.
And Izzy can swim perfectly well, thank you very much, it’s just that he hit the surface the wrong way and took a lungful of water while he was dazed and still trying to get his bearings. But now that he has managed to get his head above the surface and he is finally getting some air into his lungs, he sees Stede fucking Bonnet jumping not very graciously into the water to… save him?
And in an instant, because the stupid twat seems to be a good swimmer despite his lack of style, Izzy is being held by a surprisingly strong arm that helps him float.
“Don’t worry, Izzy, I got you!” Stede says in earnest as he swims slowly toward the Revenge, holding Izzy close to him.
And the whole thing has been fucking confusing, ok? That’s why when they are safely on deck and Stede starts berating his crew (They were all laughing and nobody thought about helping Izzy? He could have drowned!) with his arm still firmly around Izzy’s shoulder, Izzy… doesn’t move. He doesn’t push Stede away. He doesn’t curse those idiots that don’t know how to tie a knot. He just… stays there, dripping water while he stares wide-eyed at Stede, looking like a pathetic wet cat that has just had an epiphany.
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(After the well-deserved scolding, Stede decides it’s time to take off their wet clothes and maybe have a bath and Izzy is still apparently in shock because he doesn’t say a word when Stede takes his hand and drags him toward his cabin.)
(Lucius does have something to say, though, and seems very eager to do it, but the rest of the crew shushes him. Let them be, they say, they will figure it out on their own. Eventually.)
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geronimosong · 8 months
Okay, for a long time, I had a head cannon. Now that we have a great new adaptation, it is a good time to share it.
I firmly believe that the Neriad Percy meets after his fall from St. Louis Arch is Amphitrite, the Sea Goddess and Wife of Posiedon. Why do I believe this well? Firstly, she is the highest regarded Nereid, and after Amphitrite married Poseidon, the Nereids became part of their royal court.
I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I bowed. "You're the woman who spoke to me in the Mississippi River." "Yes, child. I am a Nereid, a spirit of the sea. It was not easy to appear so far upriver, but the naiads, my freshwater cousins, helped sustain my life force. They honor Lord Poseidon, though they do not serve in his court." "And … you serve in Poseidon's court?" She nodded. "It has been many years since a child of the Sea God has been born. We have watched you with great interest."
"If my father is so interested in me," I said, "why isn't he here? Why doesn't he speak to me?" A cold current rose out of the depths. "Do not judge the Lord of the Sea too harshly," the Nereid told me. "He stands at the brink of an unwanted war. He has much to occupy his time. Besides, he is forbidden to help you directly. The gods may not show such favoritism.' "Even to their own children?" "Especially to them. The gods can work by indirect influence only. That is why I give you a warning, and a gift." She held out her hand. Three white pearls flashed in her palm. - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
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Theseus and Amphitrite, Athenian red-figure kylix C5th B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art
Secondly, in mythology, King Minos questions Theseus's parentage with a ring thrown into the sea. Proving his connection to Poseidon, Theseus dives, carried by dolphins, to Poseidon's palace. Amphitrite treats him as a son, gifting him a purple cloak and a crown. Theseus triumphantly returns to his ship with these divine presents, reminiscent of Percy's encounter with a Nereid in "Lightning Thief."
Though Theseus proves his parentage to Poseidon, the god is not in the underwater palace. Theseus gains the ability to breathe underwater from Amphitrite. This parallels Percy's first underwater experience. You might ask why his stepmom would decide to help him; well, it is her kingdom that is at unwanted war, and Percy is her hope, too. In Riordan's own words, Poseidon and her have an open relationship:
“Most of the gods are jerks,” Delphin agreed. “And they have a lot of girlfriends even after they get married—” “Gah!” Amphitrite said. “I wouldn’t care about that. I’m not the jealous type. I just don’t want to be mistreated. I want to be my own person, do my own thing, without some man lording over me!”
As the years went by, Amphitrite discovered that Delphin was right. She did love her children even more than seabass, and most of the time Poseidon was a very good husband. He did have a lot of affairs with nymphs and mortals and whatnot, but strangely that didn’t bother Amphitrite so much. As long as Poseidon didn’t try to own her and tell her what to do, and as long as he was good to their three children, Amphitrite was cool. She was even nice to Poseidon’s demigod children, unlike some other goddesses I could name. (Cough, Hera, cough.) One time the hero Theseus came to visit, and Amphitrite treated him like an honored guest. She even gave him a purple cloak to wear, which was a sign of kingship. She’s been pretty cool to me, too. She doesn’t freak out when I leave my dirty laundry in the guest room. She makes cookies for me. She’s never tried to kill me that I know of. Pretty much all you could ask of an immortal stepmom. - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
The description that Percy gives of Neriad matches the way he describes Amphitrite in Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, Although it could be argued that all the Neriads are described in the same Percy imagines the Neriad to resemble his mom because of the warmth she emits.
She had flowing black hair, a dress made of green silk. Light flickered around her, and her eyes were so distractingly beautiful I hardly noticed the stallion-sized sea horse she was riding. - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
She came in riding a hippocamps, in traditional depictions Amphitrite is represented either enthroned beside Poseidon or driving with him in a chariot drawn by sea-horses (hippocamps). It is one of her queenly attributes that separates her from the other Nereids along with her crown.
Amphitrite was gorgeous. The more she tried to avoid the gods, the more they pursued her. Her black hair was pinned back in a net of pearls and silk. Her eyes were as dark as mocha. She had a kind smile and a beautiful laugh. Usually, she dressed in a simple white gown. - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
Amphitrite sat on a coral ledge, watching the sunset filter through the deep water and make rosy streaks in the seaweed forests. A seabass lay in her open palm, all blissed out, because Amphitrite really had a way with fish. Normally I don’t think of sea bass as cuddly, but they loved her. Delphin could see why Poseidon liked her. She radiated a sort of kindness and gentleness that you don’t see in a lot of immortals. Usually with gods, the longer they lived, the more they acted like spoiled children. Delphin wasn’t sure why, but that whole thing about getting wiser as you got older? Not so much. - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
Hestia is the only other God that Percy has such an honorable description of in this entire book. This is significant. So, I can't wait to see if the show proves my theory to be right or not.
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
So, I saw that thing you did in RID where buddy is basically Perrito from The Last Wish and I love it!
Not RID related, but is it ok if I request TFP cons with a buddy who is like Death from The Last Wish? Same personality, probably uses that creepy whistle of his, loves to instill fear in the Autobots. Thanks! Love your work!
Hi! Thank you for the compliment! We are back with the Puss in Boots characters again! If this is not what you wanted, please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy who has the personality of Death from "Puss in Boots The Last Wish" with Megatron, Predaking, and Starscream
SFW, Cybertronian reader
Megatron feels a bit embarrassed about this… he doesn’t remember recruiting this solider.
Truly doesn’t remember recruiting them. It’s almost as if they just appeared one day and just stuck around since.
Megatron can not deny the absolute powerhouse they are on the battlefield. A part of him shudders when he sees the damage his soldier does.
He makes sure that Soundwave always has tabs on them.
But there is no denying the fact that they get the work done. Maybe a little too efficient. Megatron masks this uneasiness the best he can, but he thinks that they might be onto him.
Over the course of the war, he has never felt so uneasy about someone than when he is with them.
Chills are sent down his spinal struts when he hears their signature whistle.
Megatron pity’s the poor bots that have to meet the end of their duel scythes while looking into their cruel red optics.
“My Leige.”--Buddy
“When will my next assignment be ready? I have some unfinished business with the Autobots, specifically the yellow one.”--Buddy
“The yellow one?”--Megatron
“Yes, perhaps no whistle for him the next time we meet.”—Buddy
Megatron is thinking whether to give the Autobots a warning that his nutjob of soldier is onto them.
Buddy is one of the reasons he wants to be leader of the Decepticon’s.
Either get rid of them or brainwash them to be loyal to him only.
He can’t remember when they joined the Decepticon army. They just appeared behind him one day and stuck to the shadows from then on.
Starscream can’t stand being near them.
He wants to run in the opposite direction every time he hears that whistle.
The only reason why he hasn’t tried to kill the soldier is because he firmly believes that Buddy is a supernatural being.
Not that he would ever admit it out loud.
Buddy whistling because they want to.
Starscream shrieking.
He finds the soldier very peculiar and a strange fellow.
Predaking hasn’t had much interaction with the soldier.
Some passing through the halls and quick exchange in words, nothing more.
But every time they cross paths Predaking feels a sudden wave of coolness wash over him. Not a pleasant one, a cold unforgiving one.  
They are more of a cryptid on the ship. He has heard more stories about this Con through the Vechicons gossip.
But he has heard the whistle around the ship from time to time.
He may be the strongest Con on board, but he knows that there is a higher presence on board, and he is not going to mess with it.
Buddy whistling while walking through the halls thinking about the bird they saw today.
Predaking a couple doors down.
Turns the other way and leaves the ship.
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hallowpen · 2 months
I know you said you're not talking about it anymore but I would like to invoke my special privilege of being your most favorite mutual who has suffered for you creating sh weapon references until visions of runes replaced my very thoughts
What is it that distinguishes general shipping culture from Thai-specific shipping culture? Because you mention Thai shipping culture a lot, and while I know there is a difference I can't seem to put into words what that difference is. I don't know if I'm making any sense, but like, under the umbrella of QL in Thailand, what part of it is culture and what part of it is marketing? Like the presenting of a "ship" as a "product" part.
Listen you... (Only because it's YOU asking... but be aware: You cannot pull this 'fave moot' card for the rest of our tumblr interactions. You had one shot! And you've now used it hehe)
So let's sort of break down the Thai QL marketing strategy, as you've put it: You have the 'production' and then you have the 'fandom/engagement' side of that production.
Production Marketing Branded Pairing - the production companies are going make a QL series and then present you with the leads as an easily 'shippable' pair. In Thailand, we refer to these ships as คู่จิ้น or 'imaginary couples' (จิ้น is pronounced as "jin" like imaGINE... cute no? hehe) These pairs are the product... the draw to attract viewers/fans. It's more common for branded pairs to stay working together once they've developed a comfortable relationship with one another. However, this can lead to some stagnancy within their working relationship and the types of roles they are offered. Companies like GMMtv, in my opinion, go a little overboard in this aspect. The logos and mascots are cute, but they're firmly cementing the fact that these pairs will never star opposite someone else in a BL production once they're established as a brand. It's very limiting for the actors involved and the fans who crave varied content... because at some point it all starts to feel very same. But again, that's just my feeling. It does work very well in some instances. And as long as production companies are gaining revenue, I don't really see that changing anytime soon.
Fanservice - the pairs' job is to sell the product: attract brand deals and increase fan engagement. The best way to do that for QL is to play up the fantasy (at a level that both individuals involved are comfortable with). They're going to pretend and have fun with their fans with a little back-and-forth. At this point in the conversation it's important to note that in the early days of fanservice, and even still, there was a lot of cultural nuance involved in order for businesses and potential viewers to be more accepting of mlm relationships which were heavily featured in the series that were being promoted. There's also discussion about whether or not the proco's allow their pairs any say in the level of fanservice they must perform. For the most part, it seems that they do... but that's not always the case.
Production Engagement Shipping - the viewers and fans are the 'consumers'. They essentially buy the 'product' the companies are selling, with both financial support and through their engagement. Now... in Thailand, as fans of these pairs, we are very aware of what is being sold to us. This is what I refer to as 'Thai shipping culture'. It's part of the 'game', for lack of a better word. We tease and we joke and we partake in the shipping... but at the end of the day, we know it's not real. Our support doesn't have any strings attached and isn't based in contingencies. We support the actors because we like the content they are providing for us. It's as simple as that. It's equal parts unfortunate and heartbreaking that this culture has been lost in newer fandom (from Thailand specifically). But it's important for interfans to understand, as well, that fanservice and shipping are not forms of queerbaiting. No one is trying to trick anybody... it's all very laid out in plain sight. And if you're buying too much into the fantasy, that's a YOU problem.
I don't really know how else to end this, other than to say what I always say, which is:
Please re-evaluate what it means to be a "fan" of someone. You are no more entitled to an artist's time or attention because you paid for it. You did that because you wanted to; you wanted to SUPPORT them. This doesn't give you any right to dictate their life; you cannot claim ownership over them. They are NOT your property. So if you truly "support" them, just let them be themselves...and love them all the more for it! The only thing misplaced anger/hate accomplishes is to create an environment where artists no longer feel comfortable interacting with their fans altogether, out of fear that every little thing they do or say will be misjudged.
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r4vn · 2 months
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kaı x reader
w.c: 3,066
disclaimers: nsfw, 18+, unprotected sex (stay safe out there guyz), fem!reader, withdrawals, praise kink, use of cannabis, da weed, tension, fingering, smexy time, missionary (bc we love intimacy)
—synopsis: you notice how irritable kai has been throughout the day, and it concerned you. later that evening, you make your way to his room, hoping you could help him out.
a/n: hola :D i am very slowly getting back into writing. this is a fic abt kai having withdrawals!! this is not my best work it feels so...meh. this was actually inspired by a post weeeeks ago by an account that deactivated BUT I KNOW @uch3na REPOSTED SO TY SWEETHEART.. but i hope you enjoy :) all love ♡
「divider by @/cafekitsune」
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everyone was off of the blue now. the air within the whole ship was heavy within this past week. new emotions and new feelings emerged to define everyone differently as the days passed. everyone began to show different personalities and likings. it sort of felt like, well, life was breathed back into them.
some kids ran the halls and some got ..busy with each other. you and your friend sela stuck to one another in the midst of the emotional chaos. you, her and a few others would keep up with your tasks and maintenance checks around the ship. chris, voted new leader, had a hard time trying to keep the troublemakers in check. the ones who would wander off during tasks or play around recklessly, affecting other's work.
"please, stop being idiots and get back to your plants." chris spoke firmly. zac dropped whatever he was holding in his hand and stepped to chris, scoffing.
"or what? are you going to throw me off the ship?" zachary taunted with a smirk.
"that can arranged." foretold chris, stepping even closer to the boy in front of him. zac's smile left his face after his words, wearing a more serious expression.
"enough! zac, take a break. chris, get back to your job at hand. for god sake, we don't need any more chaos." sela scolded while stepping in front of the two men. zachary reluctantly backed off, holding his hands up in a mocking tone. he walked off and the tension in the room immediately became lighter.
you looked at kai, who seemed to be on edge as he did his tasks. his forehead was glistened in cold sweat while tending to the vegetables. his fingers trembled ever so slightly. he looked agitated, anxious. you worried yes, but you decided not to bother him. you made a mental note to ask him later and walked away in the hall, sela catching up.
"hey, do you...you wanna do something ...risky?" you couldn't help but arch a brow. a smile threatened your lips and you nodded. sela immediately took your hand and began walking briskly in the halls. you two ended up going to richards room. you were amazed by all the things he had from earth such as photos, trinkets, and clothing. you knew nothing of this supposed beautiful planet and were amazed at the things he had.
"he showed me all these things, i don't know why. maybe because i'm chief medical officer, maybe i was most responsible." sela sighed before opening a medium-sized box of richards personal belongings. she dug under the photos to find an even smaller, wooden box and held it up with a grin. it was the size of her hand. you rose brow and grabbed it, opening the box to reveal rolled cylindrical wraps. an intense smell made your face scrunch up. it didn't smell particularly nice but it wasn't bad either. it had the slightest hint of floral notes.
there were 5 rolled, opaque cream-colored wraps with a grinded plant in it. you heard of it before, vaguely reading about it in your books. it was cannabis.
sela locked the door and turned on the room air filter. she then grabbed the box full of joints and the black lighter. you sat down on the floor against richards bed. it felt odd to you, to be in the room of the dead. richard's death was tragic, and it disturbed you whenever you thought about it. you pushed the thought away quickly.
sela placed the filtered end of the joint to her lips before lighting the opposite twisted end, igniting it. she inhaled slowly, pulling away from the joint to fully inhale to the back of her throat. her face tightened in discomfort before finally exhaling. she then coughed roughly, giving you thumbs up.
"im okay– i'm okay, it just burns." she strained.
"burns? what the hell is in it?" you asked, nervous at her reaction. you felt like a delinquent. you’ve never done anything like this before. "it's only dried cannabis. on earth, they'd dry the plant cannabis sativa or cannabis indica. when burned and inhaled, the active chemical, THC travels through the lungs to the bloodstream." sela passed the joint to you, causing a nerving ache to fill your chest.
"the decarboxylation process for the active chemical occurs between 200° and 245° fahrenheit." a staccato sigh escaped your lips, mentally hoping you don't die before you took a small hit of the joint. the hot air immediately hit the back of your throat and caused you to go into a huge coughing fit. your throat burned like hot coal and your eyes glazed over with tears.
"easy [y/n], easy. reel it back in, slowly," sela laughs at your reaction, slowly patting your back.
"clear your throat and take small breaths." you did as told, your hacking settling down to staccato coughs. you sniffled, wiping your teary eyes as you continued to clear the unscratchable itch in your throat.
"wow." you strained out, beginning to laugh. sela chuckled while taking another hit, holding it for a few seconds then exhaling.
"as i was saying," sela started jokingly. "the active chemical makes the human brain have psychedelic effects on the body." you get the joint again and take an even smaller hit, slowly blowing it out. "effects such as altered senses like slow movement and brighter colors, difficulty thinking, and psychosis when taking high doses."
you freeze and look at her with slight concern, glancing between her and the joint. the blonde giggles, taking the spliff out your hand so hit it.
"don't worry, this is a normal dose." she chuckled, blowing the fumes in the air above her. for the next ten minutes you share the spliff, occasionally tapping the ashes in the box.
the effects engulfed you like a warm fuzzy blanket. you quickly acclimated to taking bigger puffs, enjoying watching the smoke dance above you. as you continued, your eyelids began to feel heavy and your movement slowed. you and sela giggled every few seconds, feeling amazing physically. you felt like a cloud, but heavy like gravity was pulling you down.
"do you feel good?" sela asks, smiling with low eyes. you simply nod, suddenly beginning to laugh when realizing you didn't answer audibly.
"yes, i feel..good. i feel so warm and light." sela nodded and stood, stumbling with a giggle. she grinned and turned to you with a hand out. you grabbed it and forced yourself up, the blood rushing to your head. you took a deep breath to begin wondering how to look as sober as possible.
you were only 3 hallways down from your room, and you needed to look as normal as possible out there.
"thanks for this ..earth experience." sela nodded happily, opening the door for the two of you. you parted ways with her, and walked to your room in a slower pace. you walked closer to the ship walls to keep you from falling like an idiot. your gaze was low and you felt so suspicious. but you couldn't second guess yourself. you kept walking with your eyes to the floor. almost there..one last turn and–
your head collided with something firm, and warm. you stumbled backwards but due to being intoxicated you fell completely on your ass. your red, [e/c] eyes looked up at dark brown ones.
"kai?" you asked and stood up with a hand on the wall.
"watch where you're going." he replied roughly. you scan his person, noticing his shoulders moving up and down. his breathing was deep and rough, and sweat glistening on his face and neck. he looks distressed, and even more fidgety than earlier.
"are you ..okay?" you asked, ignoring his snarky tone. kai furrowed his brows, lips parted from panting ever so slightly. your low orbs trailed down to the beads of sweat on his neck, then too the veins of his forearms were more visible against the surface of his skin. your head buzzed and you gulped thickly, a warmth building up in your core.
"im fine–.." kai mumbled, blinking rapidly. "just...just watch where you're going." the brunette pushed past you, walking away.
you watched as he walked away, staring at his back.
he has a nice back...
you continued to walk and finally made it to your room with no more obstacles. sitting on your bed, you watched the stars out the window. they seemed much brighter, nearly shining in your eyes. you enjoyed this feeling. you felt euphoric and everything fell away from your troubles. finally laying down, you let the slumber take you.
waking up much more clear-minded, you blinked your eyes noticing they didn't feel as heavy as before. your mind immediately went back to kai. you couldn't help it. you immediately get up and out on your shoes, exiting your room.
you walked the halls silently. it was late in the evening and so no one was awake. you made your way towards kai's room and stood in front of the door. anxious filled you now, knowing that only a door is what separated you and the brunete. suddenly, his door immediately opened and were now facing kai himself. he immediately froze for a split second before slamming the door in your face.
your heart dropped before hurriedly spluttering over your words, knocking this time.
"kai– i know this is abrupt im sorry but–" you rambled.
"what do you want [y/n]?" he asks behind the door, voice laced with irritance.
"i–...i wanted to check up on you. i didn't think you'd be awake at this time heh– but you looked unwell all day today." you laugh sheepishly, fiddling with your fingers.
"im fine." he cuts in. you purse your lips and sigh, turning your nose up to the ceiling.
"heh, you suck at lying kai. just tell me what's wrong." there was a long pause. you were giving up on the door opening anytime soon and nearly took a step back before kai opened the door. he simultaneously turned away while doing so to walk to his bed. you enteted and closed door behind you rubbing your neck at the unbearable tense silence.
"..so," you sighed gently at kai's stubbornness not to look at you. "what's wrong?" kai doesnt turn around, nor answer.
you don't say anything else and instead examine what you can see. his breathing was still ragged and his hands clenched and unclenched into first every handful of seconds. the light from the low LEDs that trailed the space window gently outlined his figure. his nape was glistened from cold sweat. kai wasn't alright. something was wrong.
"..kai–?" you asked. kai groaned softly, rolling his neck out of agitation. your heart thumped loudly in your ears.
"[y/n]–.. i think– ..i feel weird. i-i feel hot." kai reluctantly explained. "ive been like this all day i– ive been irritated and uncomfortable all day. im sweaty and trembling and–..and my stomach right here feels.." he groans out, holding his core. it wasn't in a painful sense, but in a discomfort yet, yearning one. your body pulsed at the sound he made, causing you to take a step towards him.
"does it feel warm? too warm? do you feel a light fog in your head?" kai strained another whiny groan, holding his nape as he turned a 45° angle to look over his shoulder at you. he hesitantly nodded. he was trying so hard to be tough but had a needy look in his eyes, a gaze of hunger. you didn't know if it was the cannabis still in your system but you felt magnetized to him. the aura he radiated made you feel like small prey in front of an apex predator, but you enjoy the sense of thrill.
"well not to sound creepy but i've been sort of watching you all day. you seem to be having withdrawals, kai." you explained, walking towards him. his hand raised up to his forehead, humming. you placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling the brunette flinch then relax again. you then decided to walk around him so you faced his front now, your big [e/c] looking up at him. kai forced himself to look at you but it only worsened the warm feeling in his core.
"what are you feeling right now kai?" you questioned, your hand gently grabbing his hand to pull away from his face. he gulped, staring at you intensely. the way your hair was slightly tousled from waking up, how your skin looked so soft and supple and your eyes stared at him so enticingly.
"my head is all light, my abdomen burns, i have cold sweats, and–.." kai bites back his has words, looking away from you. you tilt your head and tenderly cup his cheek to turn him towards you again.
"and..?" you ask, genuinely concerned. kai swallowed thickly. he suddenly flushed a more prominent rose color across his face before replying
"and ...i'm so, horny [y/n]. god, you being here isn't helping." he breathed out. before you could even respond, both of his large hands cupped the sides of your head before kissing you deeply. you squeaked into his mouth, kissing back as your hands gripped onto the sides of his clothed torso. he moved closer to you which caused you to move back, falling onto the bed.
"i couldn't stand looking at you all day because i couldn't take this pent up feeling [y/n]," he gasped between kisses. "but i can't take it anymore now, i need you now." you blushed deeply as you began to fail at keeping up with his kissing pace.
kai slid in between your legs and pushed his warm body up against yours. he kissed down your face and neck, licking and sucking at your skin. you allowed him to do so before the two of you started pulling off each others shirts.
the tall brunette kissed hungrily down your chest as his hands roamed your torso. you gasped at the difference in body temperatures of you and him, closing your eyes in bliss.
"i've wanted to do this even on the blue. i just couldn't explain the feeling until i got off it." he mumbled against your skin. butterflies erupted in your stomach as he spoke in such a low, seductive tone. his hand slipped in between your thighs and you lost nearly all strength as he teased your already wet second pair of lips. he hummed into your neck as you let out needy gasps, the pleasure radiating throughout your body.
he entered two fingers, finally getting a broken moan out of you. you threw your head back onto the bed, nearly riding his fingers.
"good girl." he praised, leaving deeply colored bruises all over your skin as his fingers thrusted into you. you squeaked and moaned all over, trying to keep quiet due to it being so late. you could feel your walls pulsate around his long fingers, kai occasionally curling them to hit that one sweet spot.
"o-oh please– kai..kaiii–" you mewled, eyes watering from the amount of bliss you were in. he hushed you in a soft tone before slowly pulling his drenched fingers out of you. he lifted your head up to make eye contact with you and he licked his fingers clean.
"i'm right here [y/n]." he nuzzled his face into your cheek before planting a kiss. kai leaned up and pulled off his black pants and underwear, groaning as his hard-on bounced out from under the fabric. he stroked himself slowly to relieve some of the pressure before lining up at your entrance. brown orbs look up at you, silently asking for permission. you nodded eagerly, jaw slightly dropping as he pushed inside of you.
he was big, and thick. it burned ever so slightly but the pleasure overruled the pain. the ecstasy came in ways of pleasure as he slowly thrusted into you. your core tingled with warmth as he engulfed you. his sweat smelled like soft soap and you held onto his soft-toned arms for comfort.
"fuck–" he moaned out with a shudder. his eyes occasionally rolled back as he picked up speed. your moans became louder and you couldn't help it. you had never felt like this before. kai's hands trailed down to your hips and he leaned up to hold you in place as he rammed your insides.
"you're doing so good, [y/n]. there you go.." his voice felt like warm honey drenching your skin. it was like music to your ears and helped you edge closer to your climax.
"mmh– just like that, just like that–" you pleaded, nodding impatiently. you tilted your hips upward and it changed the feeling almost completely. kai was thrusting right up against your sweet spot. you moaned and whimpered and mewled all you could and became incoherent rather quickly. kai took notice of this and changed not a damn thing.
"you're so pretty under me [y/n]. i want you to finish all over me like a good girl, yeah?" he queried, a smile dancing on his pearly whites while erotic sounds occupied your mouth.
"yes. yes please– o-oh–" kai quickened his pace but kept his position, watching as you began to tremble. you made a face, signaling you were about to finish. watching you act so erotically made kai all pent up too. he tried his best to keep his pace, focusing only on you.
"oh god i– ..kai– ..i'm–" you cut yourself off with a loud shaky moan, your walls constricting around kai. your legs shook violently and your hips bucked wildly under his arms. your eyes flashed a brief white and you hear kai mumble a 'fuck' before feeling his cock puslate inside you.
"god–.." kai groaned, dropping his head below his shoulders.. his thrusts became shaky and eventually slowed to a stop. a comfortable silence fell over the room with only the sounds of panting occupying it. kai looked down at you, smiling cheekily. you couldn't help but giggle.
"you okay?" you asked, stroking his cheek with the pad of your thumb.
"yeah. i feel ..better," kai laughed at the slight coincidence. "round 2?"
you blushed and grinned, nodding before kissing the brunette above you again.
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© r4vn ²⁰²⁴, do not repost my work.
see yall later :")
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comicaurora · 1 year
Have you seen the new Superman show on adult swim? Himbo Clark Kent rights
It's off to an extremely encouraging start! Thoughts under the cut!
I like how they portray Clark's super-strength and how comfortable he is flying and using super-speed. They really feel like innate characteristics of his body rather than powers he switches on and off - things he keeps toned down when people are watching, but things that are always present regardless. The number of times I've pulled a push door or shoved something that was stuck and thought "if I had super-strength I wouldn't get a Take Two on this because my hand would've gone straight through that" is clearly something the showrunners have also thought about. This Clark lives in a world of cardboard and physically cannot stop himself from putting his hand through it at least once a day.
There's a physicality to the way Clark takes hits that really communicates how little he feels them most of the time. Eyes open, mouth closed, immediately getting back into the fight after getting punched into a crater. This is stuff I also think about when I draw supernaturally tough characters in combat situations, and it's cool to see someone else doing it - especially since one of my very few complaints about the older DCAU is that Superman always took every hit like it was a fully incapacitating blow, which Worf'd him pretty constantly.
I also like that we have so far never seen Clark angry. We've seen him scared, flustered, disappointed - but not angry. Even in fights where he's taking serious hits, he's only motivated by wanting to protect and save people, even his opponents - he so far has never been motivated by a desire to destroy. That feels like very good writing for Superman.
It's currently a little unclear how exactly his powerset is scaling - it looks like the blue-eye-glow-and-suit-emblem thing is a legitimate powerup that lets him hit harder and recover faster than his normal baseline, but how exactly that works isn't clear yet - although that is very obviously going to be a plot point later, since they keep giving him little flashes of the story of Krypton's destruction and what shenanigans they were getting up to when it exploded.
On that note, Kryptonian tech has never looked or felt so otherworldly. I love the distorted electronic backward-voice choir they use exclusively for when Clark is on the ship. I love that hologram Jor-El can't speak English, but can clearly understand Clark - also this is the coolest Jor-El has ever looked. Some comics wax poetic about how Clark is an alien space god who only pretends to be human, but I like how this show is firmly putting Clark on the side of the audience with regards to how unsettling the "alien space god" vibes truly are. He can't understand the nature of the ship or the words of its holographic inhabitant, he's not really interested in what it means or where it came from - he just wants to know who he is, or rather who Superman should be. And I like that he concludes that Superman should be him - the heroics he was already doing, except this time on purpose. Superman should not be this spooky glowing alien god thing, even if that's the vibe we get from Krypton itself.
I like that the ship gave Superman his modern no-underpants-on-the-outside suit and Ma Kent was like "we can do better than that" and added the underpants back on.
I also like how much setup there is for future plot stuff that a DC-familiar audience can see coming. Clark hasn't used any of his vision-based powers yet, and it's possible he doesn't know they exist. No sign of Lex Luthor or Kryptonite yet, two problems we know will become more severe with time. We've already got Amanda Waller being stoically nefarious in the background. Young Hot Deathstroke is a hell of a design choice and I am Here For It.
I also appreciate how many little referential jokes are packed into the dialogue, ranging from the obvious "it's a bird it's a plane" to some hella deep pulls like Jimmy Olson's youtube channel.
And fundamentally I love how this show starts from the jump with the thesis that friendly, humble, Normal Man Clark is the real person, and Superman is the job that Clark Kent does. The title of the show is "My Adventures With Superman." The POV character is Clark. He is the "my" in that title. This is Clark's story about Superman.
I really, really hope Batman eventually shows up, because this Superman would make that hilarious.
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layla4567 · 9 months
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Shanks x Mermaid!reader
Summary: You decide to stay with Shanks for a while and see what happens. You will discover that life will give you obstacles that you will have to face.
Warnings: Again fluff things (pretty corny), beta read, Shanks never loses his arm because I say so, kissing, sfw, a bit of angst near the end (but don't worry is a happy ending)
Wc: 4k
A/N: This will be the final part! I wasn't planning on making a second part but someone reblogged the previous part wanting it to continue lol (thank you for that I feel honored) So I got some inspiration, I hope you like it
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"YES! I KNEW IT! THAT'S WHY YOU WERE SO WEIRD!". Young Luffy said, jumping with his arms raised as he saw the two of you.
Shanks moved away from you a little and looked at the laughing boy.
"And when were you going to tell me that you were playing with a mermaid, huh kid?"
Luffy almost turned pale and ran away. You and the redhead burst into laughter along with the rest of the crew. Even in the pirate's arms he turned to see you again and give you a smile full of love. Your eyes expressed what words never could, they were shining in a special way at that moment as if you had the stars hanging from your pupils, shining just for him, like a gift. The captain, after looking at you for a long time in silence, swallowed and said.
"What will you do now (y/n)? Will you go back to the sea?"
Your smile faded a little and you could see concern in his eyes. An immense longing for you to stay with him. You didn't know what to say, was it worth going back to the bottom of the ocean after everything he sacrificed for you? Would you still call it home even if he wasn't there?
"Please stay with me… Just for a while at least". He begged in a low voice so that others couldn't hear him.
His tone of voice made your heart ache a little. He really wanted to stay with you, and honestly you did too. But you were worried about what could happen if you didn't return to the sea, your parents could start a war to search for you in the sky, land and sea. But when you saw Shanks' eyes you knew it was the right thing to stay.
"I will, I'll stay"
The smile appeared on the previously dejected pirate and grew larger. Very gently he made you wrap your arms around his neck and lifted you up holding your tail. He took care of you carefully out of the raft and put you on the boat.
"What are you doing standing there watching? Come on move and get something where she can be in the water!"
The pirates, as if they were dolls that had been wound up, moved quickly like ants trying to get something for you. You smiled amused, Shanks seemed like a good captain because his entire crew always obeyed and you knew that this was because they liked him and felt comfortable with him, otherwise a severe and feared captain would not have been able to obtain the same results because at any moment his crew could stab him in the back. He held you firmly against his chest and you moved the tip of your tail up and down, waiting patiently. Suddenly a pirate dragged a wooden bathtub full of water, it wasn't very big but you could get into it. The red-haired man gently placed you in the bathtub. The water was perfect, neither too cold nor too hot. You shook your tail happily, splashing some water as he looked at you smiling. The other pirates gathered around you, completely surrounding you and looking at you with curiosity as if you were a creature from another planet. Well, you certainly weren't something you saw every day, but it still seemed overwhelming to you. Shanks noticed your concern and ordered the others to move away.
"Oi cods, give her space, come on, move away and continue doing your tasks!"
Again, although somewhat reluctantly, the crew slowly dispersed to different areas of the ship. Only you and Shanks were left on the deck. He approached and crouched down to be at your height, he placed a hand on the edge of the bathtub and slid his fingers into the water, checking the temperature, moving them and playing with the sensation of the liquid on his skin. Without stopping looking at you with a smile
"I hope you can adapt and feel comfortable on this boat, and don't worry about them, sometimes they are a bit airheaded but they are harmless"
You laughed softly and he admired every inch of you.
"Do you think this will work?" . You said a little worried and your brow wrinkled upwards, always so expressive.
"We'll make it work, you'll see."
Your face relaxed, when you were with him you felt safe. Your fingers touched his that were still in the water and you took his hand, intertwining your fingers and giving it a gentle squeeze. They looked at each other smiling, sometimes words were unnecessary when looks could say everything, he didn't want to leave your side.. A couple of pirates had stayed in a corner looking at their captain with amusement while they laughed softly and whispered among themselves. Suddenly their giggles caught your attention and when you turned to see them they were shamelessly mocking each other by drawing hearts in the air with their fingers or pretending to hug themselves and cuddle while kissing the air. You couldn't help but burst out laughing and Shanks, who until now only had eyes for you, looked in the direction of the other two pirates and opened his eyes wide as he frowned and blushed slightly. Disturbed and ashamed, he jumped to his feet.
"Damn seaweed, didn't I tell you to get to work?!". He exclaimed exasperatedly as he addressed them with his hands up, chasing them away as if they were dogs while you were still laughing.
Little by little you were getting used to life on the boat. It was still difficult because due to your status as a mermaid and your tail you had to always stay in the water, but the wooden bathtub they had gotten you was perfect and they had also placed one in what was your new room, so the only thing I had was What Shanks did was pick you up and carry you to your room, and he was always happy to do it.
Shanks had decorated your room in the best way possible. I had placed some shells on a desk and hung starfish and seaweed from the ceiling, so you wouldn't miss the sea so much. That gesture had touched your heart deeply. Who knew a pirate could have such a soft heart? You imagined them to be heartless and malevolent but he was different. Fun, attentive, kind… your parents might have been wrong in judging humans. Every night he came to wish you sweet dreams and sometimes he stayed a little longer chatting with you until you fell asleep.
You were sleeping peacefully in the bathtub with your hands resting on the edge and your head resting on your arms when you heard in your dreams that a door slowly opened. You blinked several times until you opened your eyes. The morning light streamed in through the ship's round window. When you looked towards the door you saw Shanks standing leaning against the frame smiling at you. You finished opening your eyes and smiled at him.
"Hello sleeping beauty, ready to start the day?". The pirate said as he approached you.
You closed your eyes and smiled toothlessly as you stretched like a cat, wrinkling your nose tenderly. He squatted down and rested his arms on the edge of the bathtub.
"Did you sleep well?"
You finished stretching and feeling your body more relaxed, you sighed "Like never before, thank you."
"I'm glad to hear that. Well beautiful, how about we go on deck? Luffy is waiting for you"
I then slide my hands into the water and surround your tail to lift you up. You, who were still half asleep, let out a surprised shriek that made him laugh. As always, you surrounded his neck with your arms and, yawning tiredly, you laid your head on his chest. Shanks, who was not expecting this, felt his heart speed up a little. When you reached the deck, Luffy was already waiting for you next to the bathtub. He had his arms up to the elbows in the water and moved his hands playfully as he concentrated on seeing the inside of the bathtub. The redhead arrived laughing when he saw the naughty boy. Luffy, upon hearing his footsteps, quickly took out his hands, caught red-handed, and blushed.
"Oh hi! I was just uhh checking to make sure it's not too cold for you!"
"Yeah sure, and you looked like a lot of fun doing it". Shanks answered mischievously.
Young Luffy got a little nervous and the pirate laughed amusedly. After leaving you in the tub he shook Luffy's hair and walked away. The curly-haired boy sat on the ground while still looking at your tail in admiration. His little eyes were big and bright and you thought they were adorable.
"Luffy do you like my tail that much?". You said laughing
"Is that is so pretty! I've never seen a mermaid up close, and she looks like the color of Shanks' hair."
You turned to see the captain who was busy at the helm. "That's true."
And so I spent the afternoon with you and Luffy playing. He was crawling around your bathtub and you were trying to catch him. Throughout the ship the only thing you could hear was the laughter of the two of you. From time to time the red-haired captain looked at the two of you, smiling warmly.
"Catch you!!" . You exclaimed as you touched the boy's back with the tips of your fingers.
Luffy squealed laughingly as he felt the water slip from your fingers and wet his shirt. He got up exhausted from having been crouched for so long but as happy as ever.
"You're very fun, I like playing with you!"
"You are too, in fact you are the purest child I have ever met. You are like a little walking rainbow, always knowing how to come out at the right time and bringing joy to everyone". You said solemnly
The young boy smiled until his little eyes wrinkled and hugged you tightly, hanging on to your neck. You gasped in surprise and giggled and hugged him back, rubbing his back. Shanks watched the scene from afar, sighing tenderly. Being so good with the children, he couldn't help but think how good a mother you could be one day.
When the child broke away from your embrace, he whispered in your ear.
"Could you sing that song you taught me one day, please?"
Smiling motherly at his cute request, you nodded, satisfying his wishes. Luffy sat cross-legged on the wooden floor and clearing your throat you began to sing. Suddenly the entire ship succumbed in silence to hear your voice, as if you had put them under a spell. Without realizing it, the other pirates had gotten a little closer to you and had also sat down like children waiting for their turn to ask Santa Claus for their gifts. It was a beautiful lullaby, it talked about longing for the old days and enjoying the little things like the warmth of the sun or the blue sky. You intoned each note with your heart. Everyone was looking at you and sighing with their faces resting on their hands, the only one who didn't seem so surprised was Shanks himself since he had already heard you sing, even so it was always a delight to hear you as if it were the first time. At the end of the song everyone applauded happily, you shrugged your shoulders blushing and smiled shyly. You looked in the direction of the redhead and you smiled at each other, holding your gaze for a few seconds.
That same night when the captain took you to your room bridal style and left you in the bathtub, he stayed with you a while longer.
"It seems like you won their hearts out there, should I be worried that they'll pay more attention to you than me now?". He said playfully.
You laughed softly, shaking your head vigorously. "Never that. They love you, you can tell that you are an excellent captain for them."
He nodded smiling and then took your hand to kiss your knuckles "But I love you and no one else but you."
You blushed and smiled looking down as he massaged your knuckles with his thumb always keeping his eyes on yours.
"You know, I love that you get along with Luffy, he's someone important to me and…"
Shanks stopped there mid-sentence, suddenly not knowing how to continue. He wanted to share his thoughts with you but he was afraid that you would reject him or get angry with him.
"Yes? Please continue, what were you going to say?". You said anxiously
He swallowed hard. "Uh, I think… you'd be good with kids someday… if you wanted to."
You looked at him open-mouthed and you felt your heart hammering in your chest. Was he trying to say that he wanted to have a child with you? Your cheeks began to heat up slightly and you could swear that the water would begin to boil and evaporate if he stayed there with you any longer. You accidentally leaned closer to him and he did the same.
"Shanks.. do you meant it?" You breathed close to his lips, looking at them.
His gaze went from your lips to your eyes "Yes… but I don't want to force you into anything, it's just-"
You didn't let him finish. You crashed your lips into his in a passionate kiss. You swallowed his gasp of surprise, you just wanted to taste his lips and eat his mouth. He slowly slid a hand into the bathtub, searching for your tail. When he found it with his open palm he ascended, caressing you gently. His touch tickled your belly. When he reached your stomach he rose a little more and the warmth of his hand made you let out a weak moan. You placed your hands on his shoulders and circled your waist, resting his hand firmly on your hip. Before things could continue to heat up you separated, catching your breath. You saw that he kept leaning drunk and eager for your kisses and when his lips approached yours again you laughed softly and gently pushed him back.
"Good night Shanks, sleep tight."
He looked at you with sad puppy eyes and gave a slight pout that almost made you change your mind but you stood your ground, you didn't want to wake the others. He understood and gave up, walking away towards the door. Before leaving he told you
"Rest (y/n), and dream of me". He winked
You giggled at his playful tease. When he closed the door you sank into the water and closed your eyes, and as if it were some kind of visionary, that night you did dream about him.
For a crew to have a mermaid was a good thing and with your knowledge of the entire ocean and its depths, the pirates you lived with had to take full advantage of that. So since you couldn't move on land you would do it by sea. Every noon when the ship set sail they would take you down into the boat and you would go into the depths of the water guiding the ship towards safe areas or warning of any rock that could not be seen with the naked eye and could sink the ship and leading the way. You were their eyes while they were up there
That day, like so many others, they had put you on the raft and then lowered you into the water.
"Be careful down there, okay?". Shanks told you something fearful
He was very protective and not only of you but of Luffy as well. He knew you could take care of yourself but he couldn't help but worry every time he left you alone.
You placed a hand on his cheek, reassuring him. "Everything will be fine, don't worry."
A few minutes later, the crew lowered the raft and with a splash it fell into the water where with one jump you sank into the sea. You were faster than any fish so immediately the boat set sail and tried to follow you closely. You explored the deep ocean without finding anything alarming. From time to time you let yourself be carried away by the happiness that came from being in the water where you had grown up and greeting one or another dolphin that passed near you. Satisfied with your search, you stuck your head out of the water a few meters from the boat and shouted to them that you had found nothing and that everything was in order.
Relieved, they looked at you smiling and prepared the raft to get you back on. Happy you looked towards the horizon enjoying the view. You stayed like that for a few seconds until you noticed something was wrong. Suddenly a small whirlwind began to open in the water. At first it was small but as the minutes passed it grew. Like a black hole that swallowed everything. They hadn't noticed it yet but you turned pale and your heart raced, I already knew what it meant. The whirlwind now seemed like a tidal wave and the blue sky was being covered with gray clouds, as if a storm would break out at any moment. At that precise moment Shanks looked at the sky and realized what was happening. He ran to the railing of the boat, sticking his head out, and saw you there unable to move in the water.
Shanks noticed that the ocean currents were getting stronger and shaking the ship. Without thinking twice he let go of the raft, bringing the boat closer to you.
You swam with all your strength feeling like something was following you but you didn't know what it was. You jumped onto the raft and when they were lifting you something jumped out of the water and grabbed your tail, pulling it and pulling you back into the sea. You screamed and clung to the raft, when you turned to see what had caught you you saw that it was your cousin with her face twisted with anger.
"Traitor!! You went with the humans and abandoned us!"
"No! That's not true! Let me go!!". You exclaimed scared.
Shanks along with his crew raised the boat at full speed but now with two mermaids it was heavier and they had to use force. When the raft reached the top he leaned down to grab you and you clung to his arms, shaking your tail hard to get rid of your cousin who was holding you firmly like a tick. Shanks leaned closer and closer to try to lift you up and onto the deck but he made a serious mistake. By bending so much he was at the complete mercy of your cousin who was blinded by anger.
"So this is the damned pirate that took you away from us, YOU'LL SEE WHAT I DO WITH HIM!"
And with the strength of a thousand horses she grabbed him by the arms and threw him into the sea along with her, sending him to the bottom.
"NO CORAL DON'T DO IT!!!". You screamed in anguish, your face scrunched up in terror.
In panic you saw how she was taken to the bottom of the ocean and in desperation you jumped after her, while the aquatic whirlwind continued to happen and the sky continued to get grayer and grayer, shaking the boat. You swam with all the strength that your tail allowed you. Your cousin dug her nails into the pirate's shoulders and you saw how he writhed. Your cousin, who was older than you, was faster and had more resistance, so little by little she was moving away. Frightened, you watched as Shanks was losing strength and moving slower, closing his eyes. This lit a fuse in you and, frowning, you swam further and further until you reached her, you weren't going to let them take him from you, you weren't going to lose him. With a strong and abrupt push you pushed your cousin away from him. Your rage and determination were so great that the blow sent your cousin away and when she tried to follow you you were already swimming towards the raft.
You nervously placed Shanks' unconscious body on top of the wooden raft as best you could and then climbed onto it, protecting his body with yours as if you were a shield. They took you up quickly and when you reached the top they helped you get on and put the captain's body on the ground. He dragged you quickly and desperately towards him while the others gave you space.
Luffy approached, scared and distressed. "Would he be okay?"
Distraught, you turned to see him, he was in the middle of two pirates looking at you scared. You turned to see Shanks who still had his eyes closed but was breathing. You also wanted him to wake up so with all your heart you hoped and hoped that he would be okay.
You moved closer to his face and placed your hands on his chest, his wet hair sticking to his face. Your brow furrows upward and your face wrinkles with sadness.
"Please, please wake up! Tell me something!". He implored with moist eyes and a broken voice
But he was still unconscious and you didn't get a response. You couldn't help it and burst into tears. Luffy wanted to sit with you and comfort you but a pirate stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder. You clung to the captain's soaked shirt that was sticking to his skin.
"Please I want you to wake up. Don't leave me, I love you". You sobbed and rested your forehead on his chest.
A dead silence reigned on the ship. A couple of tears fell from Luffy's eyes. You felt terrible and deep down you felt like this was your fault. If you had not been so curious and so reckless, if you had listened to your parents and not approached humans, none of this would have happened. But another part of you didn't regret anything, because you had discovered a completely different and wonderful new world, you had met equally beautiful people, for the first time you had known what freedom was.
You were so deep in your thoughts and emotions that you didn't realize that Shanks had woken up. He slowly opened his eyes and when you heard a pitiful moan you raised your head with your eyes wide open. He began to cough and turned around to spit out the water he had swallowed. From afar Luffy shouted and clapped his hands happily. When the captain recovered he was still lying on the floor and you were on top of him. He looked at you smiling and a little tired but happy. You laughed and cried at the same time, relieved and letting out all the sorrows and emotions that you had saved. Shanks cupped your cheeks and placed his forehead against yours.
"I was so scared, I thought I was going to lose you and-". You said between hiccups
"Shh don't say that, I would never leave you, I'm already here". He calmed you down.
It was like a balm. They both merged into a strong hug while the crew, always happy that their captain was safe, smiled with relief. Suddenly the redhead separated a little from you and whispered in your ear.
"(y/n) I love you too much and I mean it since I saw you, you have opened my heart. When I was under the water I realized something and that is that I can't live without you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?"
You felt your eyes glaze over again and you broke away completely to look at him before you could answer. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out something. When he handed it to you you saw that it was a ring, a wire hoop with a pearl set in the center. It was simple and simple but it seemed like the most beautiful thing in the universe and even more beautiful than if they had given you a diamond ring. The crew gasped in surprise. You covered your face with one hand and crying with emotion, you nodded your head several times. Feeling like his heart would burst out of his chest with happiness, Shanks smiled hugely and grabbed your hand to put the ring on it. The crew went crazy just like little Luffy and celebrating their captain's achievement they all shouted happily. Suddenly when the red-haired man finished sliding the ring on your finger you felt a tingle on your tail and you noticed that it started to glow. Shanks got up and you moved away and sat down, watching as your tail began to glow more intensely to the point of dazzling you. You covered your eyes a little and out of the corner of your eye you noticed how the tip of your fins was disappearing as if it were becoming invisible and some toes appeared in their place. The transformation continued until only two legs were left instead of your tail, you tried to cover yourself, embarrassed since you weren't wearing anything down.. Luffy opened his mouth in astonishment and a pirate covered his eyes so that he could not continue seeing.
Shanks saw you stunned but when he noticed that your legs appeared and that you were naked from the waist down he quickly took off his shirt and wrapped you in it.
"I-I don't understand why your tail disappeared?"
You looked at him smiling "When a mermaid commits to a human, she loses her tail and her status as a mermaid."
"Does that mean you're human now?"
You nodded, looking at him lovingly. You noticed that the waters were now calm and the sky clear again. Shanks approached you confused and crouched down next to you.
"You really gave up being a mermaid for me?"
"Oh love, I would go to the end of the world for you"
And you two looked at each other and, touching your foreheads, you felt that the best was about to begin…
"And what happened next!?". Exclaimed a small voice full of impatience
"Yes! What happens next? Come on, tell us!". Said another with annoyance
A tender laugh came out of a woman's mouth, while the children looked anxiously. "Well, let's say that the little mermaid and the brave pirate got married, had two beautiful children and lived happily ever after. Did you like it?"
The boy and girl sitting on the floor of the ship shouted happily in agreement while the woman laughed tenderly. Suddenly a handsome boy with a straw hat and brown hair approached the anchored ship and jumped up onto the deck.
"How are little Nerea and Luca?". He said smiling and looking at the children
The girl and the boy gave Luffy a big hug and you got up from the barrel you were sitting on and looked at them, feeling your heart warmer. Luffy has grown so much and now he even has his own crew called the Straw Hats. Shanks had given him his precious hat and now he cared for it like it was gold, he was so proud of it. Sometimes when Luffy had time he would come visit you two and tell about his adventures with pride. Although you were now the mother of Nerea and Luca, you still saw Luffy as a third son.
And talking about them you couldn't be happier. They both looked so much like their father. They had inherited her hair color, red as fire but Nerea had your eyes. And they both appreciate the pirate's personality, especially Luca. Shanks finished his work and came to your side, putting his arm around your shoulder and kissing your cheek. When the children saw him, they ran towards him.
"Hey flea! Come here darling"
The pirate lifted his daughter, kissing the tip of her nose.
"What about me?". Luca said a little sad and jealous.
"Oh you too, rascal, come." Shanks raised his son with his other arm, making him laugh. Luffy watched everything amused and you got emotional every time Shanks played with them. He was a loving father
In the end everything turned out well, you got used to your human life and you had built a beautiful and happy family. And you had seen Luffy grow up watching him become a pirate and captain of his own ship. You were proud of everything you had achieved and what your loved ones had achieved too.
But if it was about achievements, you couldn't leave your husband behind. He was with you through thick and thin, during pregnancy and when the twins were born. You looked at him and he looked back at you with a smile.
"I love you, you know that?". You said
"I know because you tell me every time you see me." He laughs "But I love you more."
He approached and kissed you lovingly, earning an eww from his children. Laughing Shanks tickled them and chased them around the ship with you running behind laughing happily, spreading joy. Yes, sometimes life takes away, but it also gives.
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I'm a slut for Disney movies (the classics especially) so after doing a marathon of classic princess movies and some live actions this is what came out :P
I just love fairy tales and happy endings 😭✨
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artssslut2 · 2 months
Unexpected: Part Seven
Art Donaldson x Pregnant!Reader
Smut, Fluff, Angst
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Being on tour with Art was great… for the most part. The only downside is now you were 25 weeks pregnant. So far you have gotten to see two different countries which has been amazing, the plane rides were rough, you never liked flying but now it was worse. The doctors said you have to get up and walk the isles every hour, and on top of that you had to get up and pee like every five seconds. You were having a lot of anxiety latley, all you wanted to do was get a nursery together and buy clothes and organize them , but it was rough when you didn’t have a house to do that in. You had a bad habit of keeping things in so Art really didn’t know. On the bright side you finally felt the baby kick. Art however did not, she would move all day but whenever Art was around she didn’t move. He was getting really nervous that she wouldn’t like him or that she was scared of him.
“She’s probably just sleeping, baby’s need sleep too you know.”
“Well she sleeps too much.” He pouted
Surprisingly you love learning about physiotherapy, and you loved working with your best friend.
You and Art got home from one of his matches after a very long day.
“I’m gonna shower, you want to join me?” He asked walking though the hotel door into your suite.
“My feet hurt so bad I just want to sit down” you said dramatically collapsing onto the couch. Art laughed and went into the bathroom. You pulled out your computer to work on the list you were making for the baby. You looked at all the stuff you still needed, then you wondered where the fuck you were going to put all of this stuff. Your head started to throb with worry.
“Hey babe what do you want for dinner? We could-“ you felt yourself snap
“Art Stop!” You said firmly. He looked surprised kind of like a kicked puppy, he was use to your mood swings at this point though. He knew it was best to not say anything. “We have nothing for the baby.” You said rubbing your temples
“What do you mean we have that swing that my aunt sent us.” He said calmly
“At home. We have that at home we aren’t home right now art. We won’t even be home when she’s born.”
“We are going home, around your due date remember? We’re taking a few weeks off before we start traveling again.” He tried to comfort you and sit next to you but it wasn’t working,
“That’s not enough Art. Where will she sleep or play? How are we gonna travel with a newborn? dont they need like stability or -“
“Hey hey hey. Y/n take a breath” he tried gently interrupted you. “We are going to figure all of this stuff out I promise. It might be a little crazy and chaotic at first but we will get used to it. We can have stuff shipped to the house and then when we get home we can figure out what we need and how to do everything. I promise we will be okay. And the baby will have us as her stability.” You smiled slightly, he could always calm you down.
“Okay but can we start ordering things now. Because I’m going crazy Art.” You said leaning closer to him.
“Of course my darling” he chuckled softly kissing your head. “Should we get dinner first?” He asked, on cue your mood totally changed you didn’t want to eat anything,
“Actually I think I want something else.” You smirked,
“Yeah like what?” He asked not catching onto what you were saying. You giggled putting a hand to his face and pulling him in, your other hand slid down him abs to his lap, he watched your hand carefully
“Yeah?” He asked growing hot, you just nodded and climbed onto his lap. Your belly was sizable now, it was pressed right up to arts toned abs as you kissed. It grew hotter and hotter, you pulled his shirt off of him. You aggressively made out with him rubbing your hands all over him while grinding on his rock hard dick. You grew very close to an orgasm.
“Fuck y/n” he moaned as he watched you get off from dry humping his cock. When you rode out your high Art reached down to free his aching cock as you pulled your dress up. Art frantically pushed your underwear to the side and effortlessly slid himself into you. You both let out a moan in sync. You immediately started bouncing on him hard and fast. He grabbed your ass so hard and rocked you back and fourth.
“Please Art fuck me harder I need you.” You begged. This drove Art crazy, he picked you up still on his cock and flipped you on the couch so you were on your back. He started pounding into you so hard you could feel all of him inside you. You moaned like you were in a porno and so did he
“You’re so needy aren’t you? Fuck I’m gonna miss the hormones.” He said while throwing his head back,
“Cum with me art please” you moaned trying to hold on, he lowered his chest to yours and came with a heavy moan, you followed throbbing around him. You both caught your breath as he was still inside of you. He pulled out and flopped on the couch, you chuckled at how red his cheeks were.
“Ok I’m ready for dinner now.” You smiled standing up adjusting your dress. Art looked at you and laughed tiredly.
You and Art had decided to go down to the hotel restaurant to grab some food. Once you had finished you went back upstairs to unwind for the night. You both crawled into bed and were looking at the list on your computer. You browsed various stores and websites online for baby things like cribs and towels and bottles. Looking at all the baby stuff made you so antsy to meet your little girl. You felt the urge to buy everything you saw. Art did too.
“We should get her stuff in yellow so it can match her name.” Art said slyly referencing his name idea that you had shot down many times.
“Ha ha” you responded sarcastically.
“What do you think we should name her then?” He asked laying back and stretching.
“I have no idea but-“ you gasped sharply and put a hand over your stomach. Art sat up quickly,
“What’s wrong, what happened?” He said panicking, you didn’t respond you moved your hand a little then smiled “what?!” He asked growing frantic
“It’s the baby, she’s kicking” you smiled looking at him, his face lit up mabye now he could finally feel his baby move. It looked like he was frozen. “Cmon give me you hand.” You laughed grabbing his hand, Art was quiet and focused like he was scared he would scare her away if he moved to fast. You placed his hand where she was moving then slid you hand lower to find her. You both waited for a second and then…
“Oh my gosh.” Art breathed out, a tear came into his eye and a smile spread on his face “that’s our baby?” He asked sweetly,
“That’s our baby.” You beamed with peer joy, you wiped a tear that fell from his eye. The baby started moving around after hearing you and Arts voices. “She likes your voice.” You told him. Art looks more in love than he had ever looked,
“I can’t believe we made a baby. Me and you y/n” you felt nothing but love in your chest you kissed your boyfriend and overlapped his hand with yours,
“You know she moved when I said the name Sunny” he smirked, you rolled your eyes “I think she likes it, do you like it Sunny girl?” He asked leaning to your belly, he placed a quick kiss on your bump then your lips. You laughed at your goofball of a boyfriend.
The rest of the night you ordered everything from a crib to onesies. Art even bought a baby tennis racquet of course. You both slept peacefully with arts hand never leaving your belly.
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zoros-bandana · 1 year
Hi there :)
Since you ask me to think about another request, may I have a Zoro with his female s/O having some time together away from the crew? They are in a not so secret relationship, since everyone noticed how they act to each other, but they're still trying to keep it a secret.
It might be a little suggestive if you want/can, but s/o isn't in a smuty mood since she mostly just want the quality time she can't have with her boyfriend on the Sunny.
Thank you ☺️
Love u 💚
(*sanji voice* “gaby-sWan!!!” 😍😍😍) My dearest angel hello I'm so glad to finally do a request for you! (I hope this request isn't too boring for you I was after a really like soft and chill almost sleepy vibe. I will also get to doing the other request once I have caught up to that part) I truely love seeing your icon pop up in my notifications it truely makes my day. Love you sweetest 💚
Zoro x fem reader
Warning: slight suggestive touching, suggestive themes
Summary: wishing to usher your boyfriend for some alone time, you meet him in the quiet of the aquarium bar, soaking up the little time of remaining day.
Word Count: 1,300
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"What took you so long?"
You huffed at Zoro's tone, shutting the door to the aquarium bar, leaning against the cold wood. Your head pounded in agony, exhausted from defending yourself against your friends in a bid to escape their brutal attacks and questions.
"I got cornered" you admitted, blinking slowly as you opened your eyes. Looking down you met the eye of Zoro, an all but empty mug of beer gripped firmly in his hand. He had made no attempt to come to you, comfortably situated in a slump that arched him to look smaller than he was.
"Was it curly brow this time?"
You nodded. "And Nami"
Using the door as a lever you rocked forward, finally taking a step towards your partner. Your movements dragged, slowing your steps in hopes to exaggerate your feelings. "They wanted to know why you had your arm around me at dinner"
Zoro lazily sat back up, spreading himself out. He chugged down the remaining bitters of beer before setting the mug aside, tapping his lap for you to sit upon.
"Tell 'em it was because I needed the space"
"I did" you confessed, flopping into Zoro's lap. "I don't think they were overly convinced, though"
"Well, that doesn't matter. You're here now" Zoro reached around your waist, guiding your body to turn, facing towards the aquarium to your left. You let your head fall to his chest, once again shutting your eyes, the sound of his breathing soothing you instantly. Keeping you close his hand squeezed comfortably, falling back into the chair to recline.
His left hand found its way to your legs, drawing aimlessly over your skin in swirling patterns, almost grounding himself. There were very few occasions where you could be alone together, the feeling almost strange and overly quiet. The rest of the crew would stay above ship after dinner, occupied by various group activities and stories, however, tonight felt different. You craved being with Zoro.
Your friends' voices rung overhead, laughter, and the sound of clattered footsteps led by your captain no doubt. You had exchanged a small whisper to Zoro before dinner of your plan, using tonight as an excuse to have him alone; taking as much of him as you could.
A lingering fear would often cloud your head of his disappearances, knowing how vigorous Zoro could lose himself into training, unsure just how much time you would spend with him that day. You never wished to keep your relationship a secret, and for the most part it wasn't, but the overbearing nature of your friends played a role in how reserved Zoro was; especially with his feelings for you. It was easier to tiptoe around the blatant proposal of an overly affectionate and love-struck couple than face endless teasing from your friends. You both craved one another, and found, as much as you wished to fight it, being apart made you crave these moments more.
Zoro bowed his head down, nuzzling into your hair with a long inhale. He groaned quietly, letting your scent be absorbed fully as if to remember you. "Mmm, you smell so good"
"You would too if you took a shower more often"
"Maybe if you joined me?" Zoro teased without skipping a beat. His hand wondered up, tucking under the hem of your skirt to rest at your upper thigh. The pad of his thumb ran over your skin, fanning in to pick at the edge of your panties.
The contact made you snap your head up, meeting the smug look on Zoro's face. His lips were cracked into a smirk, tipping higher on one side than the other. The grey in his eye was clouded with lust making it hard to determine whether he was serious or pulling your bluff.
"Fine" you shrugged, playing along. "But I bet you wouldn't last five minutes crammed in there with me"
"Crammed?" Zoro laughed, a melodious and heavy tune. "Oh, baby you're sized like a bug next to me. I think you're the one that will struggle"
"But what happens..." you lifted your hand to mimic the action of turning a tap. "When I set the temperature to the hotter side"
Zoro shuttered, recognising your love for hot showers as a searing burn over his back. "Mmm, fine you win"
Letting his hand come away from under your skirt, Zoro retracted himself from advancing on you, reaching instead around your back. His hands moved you to face him, spinning you to squat your legs over his, keeping you as close to him as he could manage. He smiled at your small chuckle, amused by your voiced pleasure of victory.
His body was warm, soft, towering around you like a fortress. Being with him like this, so vulnerable and kind, you felt like you were the only two alive. It was clear in moments lie this how much he cared for you - loves you - willing to keep you safe and grounded in the storm of your life. He was no longer stiff and irritated as he appeared with the crew, easing into a life with you that make him seem relaxed, almost as if the life he knew before you was a distant dream.
Unable to control himself Zoro bent down, his movements too quick for you to process. In a heated rush his lips collected you in a kiss, his arms wrapping tighter to pull you up to him. Even though his lips were dry and cracked, there held a balance in the way he moved, completing you.
He tasted sharp, bitters of beer mixed against the sides of his mouth, curling into a lopsided grin as he felt you. There was still a hint of clumsiness to his kiss, familiarising himself with affection he was deprived of for so long. The edge of his tongue would scuff your lip, hesitant to explore anything beyond surface level, already so comforted by how your lips hugged him back.
"I'm so happy with you" his lips grazed softly, tickling your skin as he moved to your ear. His voice was low and raspy, whispering as if someone was close by, unwilling to interrupt a small moment.
His fingers found the hem of your shirt, tucking under the fabric to brace your skin. The heat on the pads of his hardened fingers moved you to fold with his body, embracing yourselves to become one. Your arms whipped around his neck, holding tight, letting his face linger in the crook of your neck. "I'm happy with you, too"
Zoro was silent to that, taking in everything he felt in that moment. He was at peace, so happy, he hardly realised the weightless effect of the alcohol that burned his throat earlier in the day. He wanted to stay here, like this, soaking you up in the most pure and simplest form. He adored the slight patter of water as it sloshed too the left of you, tangling dances of fish that weaved through the water. The slight bow in the ship as it motioned over the waves, creaking like an old friend retelling stories of the past. The way you felt in his arms, your heart over his, beating at a steady pace. How your hair tickled his skin, leaving notes of you that would last longer than this moment; but he didn't care.
For right now, all he wanted with this with you.
"Promise me nothing will change with us, Y/n" Zoro requested, letting your voice mumble back in inaudible grunts. He could feel the pressure of his feelings fading, understanding how important he was to you as much as you were to him. He didn't need to hide behind his glass walls, turning over the bitterness he had for others. It was you after all that made him complete, deeply and truely fulfilled with the life he feared would never happen.
"I love you too much for that"
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outlanderskin · 10 months
The Thing About Rationality and Logic
Someone who was stopping shipping once told me that she was doing it because she was a very realistic and rational person and her life was based on logic. So I asked her if by that she meant that people like me live in fantasy or are irrational. So, I patiently explained that what made me a shipper was exactly logic, more than imagination or fantasy. Because the logical explanation for many events in S&C's trajectory would be that they are together, but they don't want the outside world to know that they are.
I'll cite some examples: when you have a best friend and someone in that person's family dies, what logically do you do? You see, we're talking about best friends, very close people who publicly say how much they value each other and are close. The logical thing would be for you to show solidarity, post condolences and behave publicly in a discreet manner, in solidarity with the loss of that person you love so much, especially because you (by logic) probably have known the deceased relative. The logic would be stay by your best friend's side, support the family. But what we saw in that sad august days, (showed ostensibly for us to believe) was something that no logical answer about "best friends/siblings" could explain. The only way to explain the narrative created in those days would be that they are two people with a cordial, but superficial, relationship and I believe that from what has been stated by the two all these years, not even the Antis deep down believe that they are not close. . Again I ask: what is the need to hide that you were supporting your best friend in an extremely painful moment in anyone's life? Many people (famous or not) do this publicly, because after all it is not a crime, it is the expected logical behavior. So... Why hide it? We know what really happened because this a logical thing, but the others believe firmly he was not there for her.
Let's move on to another point: the man of the year award (or something like that); How can you logically explain that you chose your mother, your best friend and your co-worker to thank, as the most important women in your life? You who apparently had many "girlfriends", who still gets along well with your discreet ex-girlfriend who lives on another continent, who has others close female friends, but didn't mention any of them along with your co-worker. I've seen several men receiving tributes and the Acknowledgments always include the mother, another older woman of reference and the wives, girlfriends, fiancées. The only time I saw a co-worker mentioned (and that was after his mother, grandmother and wife), was when the achievement was due to his work at the company, so it was logical to mention the department secretary. What would then be the logical explanation for that speech?
Something that also defies logic: if I have a best friend and that person is in a relationship, I will obviously include that person's boyfriend/girlfriend on my list of people with whom I am always cordial. I'm not going to publicly act like the person doesn't exist in my best friend's life. We have a wonderful example of how CD & LL treat each other's boyfriends/girlfriends and they don't hide it. This is how it is when we think logically.
Another little point where logic calls us: your male best friend might talk about a female artist with admiration...you don't need to tell him "behave", after all he's not your husband. The most you can do in the case of friendship is admire her or say you don't like her, never act like you're jealous.
Maybe it's just me, but I never went on my best friend's social media to complain because everyone in the photo was wearing a suit and he wasn't. I also never apologized or justified why he didn't wear a tie. I do this normally with my husband. Because it's logical for wives to do this.
These are just small points, where thinking logically justifies what we believe. So anyone who thinks that we are not rational, live outside of reality or do not have logical reasoning is mistaken, or has not yet stopped to think logically.🙃🙃
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