#like its not anything i could have ever achieved at the time i was busy wearing tie die t shirts and scrambling around like a cat
creaturefeaster · 9 months
Mine annual Rocky Horror viewing hath commenced........... still one of my favorite movies of all time 🦇
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A DC X DP #18
You want a taste of my brain? Okay, it's yours anyway.
Imagine dis…
This time I get inspiration from an A03 fic, and some of its parts just stuck with me and now I’m writing about it, if some of you want to read it go for it. If you are asking for the name don’t ask, I am not going to sell my soul to the devil to find it in my ever-growing history. If you do manage to find it, kudos to them.
Credits to them as well. Also, as you’ve noticed I decided to post less, now it is due to a good old lack of inspiration. So, don’t go getting your hopes up on this one.
Ever since Danny Phantom had become the Ghost King he repeatedly entered the reincarnation cycle willingly to retain his morals when he was human. He still retained his ability to stay in the middle of life and death. But when he as the High King of the Infinite Realms gained immortality he found himself losing his ideals and values, he began forgetting. With Clockwork’s insistence, every few hundred years he would become human to experience a lifetime. Sometimes he would go another round in the same dimension, but only when he needed to finish an unfinished business.
Sometimes he is lucky sometimes he is not.
Sometimes he would be born into a loving family with either as the only child or him having siblings. He has experienced the life of royalty as the heir prince. He experienced the life of a knight who was known for his skills with the sword. He was born into a normal family which made him second guesses his every choice due to his lack of normality in his life. He was also born into some wild dimensions that of which could look like it came from a book. From wizards and sci-fi worlds, he never had the time to sit and be an extra.
But there were also times he was born far too unlucky. 
He was born in a salve ridden society, a parent who were core members of a rebellion so when his current parents died, he was expected to be like his parents. Born in a society where the rich trample the poor and he was forced into early child labor as expected in society to work at a very young age. Born where he and the people around him had never seen peace in a war-consumed country, a war that separated his family from each other not knowing whether one is alive or not, leaving only him and his siblings to stay alive. Being abandoned by a pair of druggies for his parents left alone inside a dumpster and died in the middle of the night, looking through the dimension he saw that some homeless people found his body and reported it to the authorities leaving his parents in jail while some prisoners seem to leave them at the near bottom of the hierarchy in prison.
It seems this time he was born in an assassin cult this time he wasn’t alone. A twin, an older sibling that was with him in the womb and both came into the world together. The moment he laid his eyes on his grandfather he can already tell that he is a major fruit loop from the way he both look at both of them. 
His name is too formal for his liking, Dylan Al Ghul, he already convinced Damian to call him Danny when it was just the two of them. Danny tries to downplay his abilities both ghost and human seeing that his grandfather is too power-hungry to the point of misusing ectoplasm that is corrupted but still ectoplasm to achieve some sort of immortality, he tried to give Damian a childhood in the form of showing him the stars whenever he could sneak him outside. He saw the absolute worship and awe Damian would give to their mother and their grandfather whenever they visit or supervised their training, Danny didn’t care for their approval nor their presence but seeing his brother seem to at awe and do anything to please the two made his heart shatter, his older brother never needed to prove anyone something.
Danny has repeatedly shown his disdain for the two most powerful people in the organization yet it is a miracle he still lives. It is because he is a spare, a spare yes not the heir but a useful spare one, twins one who specialized in stealth and espionage a twin who is a perfect copy of Damian aside from his eyes mirroring their supposed father. Both Talia and Ra seem to make it their life mission to drill his only purpose in his head, it may have never worked due to his adult mind but he pretended it would be as to not raise any suspicion.
The day Deathstroke attacked not only he dared to kill the demon head but also choose to kill the chosen heir, by removing an eye and some of his organs as a form of slow torture but also killing him as he made the organs unable to go back to their owner’s body.
Danny couldn’t look away from his bloodied brother, Talia slowly approached him from behind and put her hands on his shoulder, and whispered some honeyed words on how his role as the spare will be fulfilled at a much earlier date and promptly injected with a sleeping drug.
Danny was already awake when he noticed the cold metal bed behind him the lack of clothes as well the number of doctors seemingly in a rush to prepare for a last-minute surgery. He saw the unconscious form of Damian on the other side and suddenly heard the loud ticking noise of a grandfather’s clock. 
It seems that it was meant to be, Danny thought as an image of Clockwork flashed in his mind. 
He fell back asleep knowing that Damian lost an eye, kidney, a lung, some ribs as well an ungodly amount of blood, possibly more. Danny knew that this vessel of his wouldn’t survive at the sheer need and he already felt that he would not leave the room alive. So, he took one last peek at the sleeping Damian and promptly closed his eyes, the moment he opened his eyes once again he was back in his chambers in the Infinite Realms clutching his left eye in his face whilst looking at the mirror as he felt his eye be the first one to be removed.
It seems this time he died months before he and his brother celebrated their 10th birthday.
Damian woke up with a pounding headache being the assassin he is he immediately looked around seeing that his last memory is being tortured by Deathstroke.
He immediately took notice of his loose clothing and tried to walk towards the door but his knees immediately gave out. As he tries to gain his bearings, he noticed a scar right in the middle of his chest, it couldn’t be from the time when he was captured by Deathstroke as he noticed that this scar is too clean, too sterilized as if someone had just come out of a surgery type of scar. As he tries to loosen his shirt to take a better look at his scar when he noticed a mirror facing his way and noticed his eyes, instead of his usual pair of emerald eyes he was greeted with an emerald eye of his own and his brother’s icy blue eye in his left eye.
Damian remembered that Deathstroke took out his eye, as according to him it reminded him of the Demon head, and decided to promptly pull it out with his bare hands. 
Dread began to fill his very being and tried to go and look for his brother but deep down he already knew what happened to him after all, he is the heir while his brother his beloved younger brother is just a spare.
When Damian had met his father’s wards most of them commented on his heterochromia eyes and promptly greeted back with his sword in their faces.
The rest grumbled that Damian couldn’t take a tease or two, but immediately chased the demon brat as he chases each and one of them with the intent to kill.
Damian couldn’t tell them; another son was hidden from Bruce. Another son he had failed, another son who died before they could even meet him.
From the first few interactions he had with his father when he first met him, he knew where his brother’s bleeding heart came from.
Sometimes he could still see him, Dyl- no Danny, every time he looks in the mirror. The constant reminder that his brother was seen by the league as nothing but a spare. Whatever love he had for his mother disappeared the moment he laid his sight at his brother’s eye embedded in his supposed empty eye socket. 
The constant reminder that shows every time he looks at the mirror and the scar in the middle of his chest, Danny’s organs that were used on him to ensure his survival while Danny was left behind.
He was 14 years old when he went wide-eyed at the stranger across him and his brothers in a heavily populated area.
A teen looks exactly like him with a medical eyepatch on his left eye as he sits in a wheelchair chatting idly with an older man.
Damian heavily thought of a clone, did Talia, not mother never mother, make another clone after him after weeks of silence?
Damian still remembered the first time he encountered a clone with blue eyes, his running theory is that due to his new organs have bonded with him thus creating a batch of clones with blue eyes. Timothy had spoken up that since babies have a 50/50 chance of inheriting the colored eyes of either parent made a new branch of clones. 
Damian was already planning on disposing of the supposed clone when the said clone suddenly laughed exposing his neck that have a feign white line across indicating a scar. But that scar made Damian double guess, all clones he encountered are scarred free thus leaving him to have no trouble disposing of each and one of them but the existence of the scar he barely caught is something both brothers swore secrecy to it.
The laugh oh god, his laugh, only his brother laughs like that, Damian thought mournfully.
As he tries to look the other way, he suddenly faced the same doctor who was the assistant doctor that foresees his surgery years ago. He may have distanced himself from the League after he had fulfilled his debt but it was no mistaking that it was the same doctor that operated him that time.
A chemist they said, an insufficient man who is more cowardly than any other man yet his talent in poisons made him quite a gem in the League.
A clone who had broke out of their collective mind control? Possible, but why this clone? What made this look alike so special that this man dared to leave the League?
Robin began to follow the two, the other bats thought that he had a new case on his lap that requires recon. They didn’t question Robin’s new behavior as they have seen him do the same actions when he landed himself a case or when he was following a lead. Yet they couldn’t shake the feeling that something is not right, whether it is the fact that Robin refused any assistance or just the fact they have no idea what kind of case Robin is working on.
They should have listened to their guts then maybe they wouldn’t be surprised at the bat screen, showing a maternal and paternal match to a picture of a blue-eyed black-haired kid with a medical eyepatch on his left eye looking like Damian in a good day.
Danny was doing some paperwork when a flying thought passed by him about his last reincarnation. All memories from his adventures when he got reincarnated are usually put behind the back of his hand yet worries about the well-being of his brother made him distracted, and kept close a special one-way mirror to monitor his baby brother.
Danny felt nostalgic at the family drama and chaos that he can’t help but cackle at each interaction Damian has with their father’s adopted children and wards. He found himself majorly of his time watching for hours and hours, he can’t help but wish he was there. As if he was summoned Clockwork appeared in front of him and told him to go back, which confuses Danny since it was Clockwork who implemented that he cannot go back to the same dimension/ world if his body is too far gone to be revived by him, yet Clockwork told him to give someone named Alfred his regards and vanished. Looking bewildered at his mentor/ grandfather he tried to sense his vessel with little to no hope seeing that the League has his body, but surprises himself when he felt his own body submerged in a portion of the Lazarus pit. 
Going back, he was greeted by an assistant doctor that used to be in the League due to his ancestor’s debt. He explained that he cannot in good conscience do what he was instructed to after the operation, stole his body, and submerged it in an undiscovered pit due to its small size, enough to dump a child not enough for a grown adult. 
After an initial check-up, both he and the doctor discovered that the mini Lazarus pit regenerated all of his organs except his eye seeing that it was his entire body submerged excluding his head. The assistant doc theorized that those organs of his may be weaker since they were generated from nothing, Danny in all his eldritch glory as well as being the most powerful being across the Infinite Realms played his part perfectly of a now disabled child.
After all who would accuse this disabled child putting the daughter of the Demon Head in an endless nightmare by his command to Fright Knight? Who would accuse that innocent blue eye of his that he had killed any assassin in their tail ever since he and his now temporary guardian began exploring the world? Who would accuse an adorable child that he was the one who had put the Joker in a definite MIA? Who would accuse this child who smiles like the sun despite his setbacks be the one who tortured Deathstroke to the brink of insanity? Danny is pretty sure his temporary guardian knew of his secret endeavors but remained quiet due to his habit when he was in the League or just to prevent any grayer hairs from growing in. 
Now if only his brother stopped moping around the building across their apartment complex and just come inside, he made his infamous fudge to share with his brother. His brother didn’t have to drag the rest of the bat brigade in watching him across the building, he even made extra fudge, if only they could just go through the front door instead of rescuing him first in every rogue attack and pretend, they don’t him. Well, if they are playing a game then count him in to win. But for some reason all of them made a face of being constipated whenever they talk to him, Danny is so sure he used clean ingredients to make his fudge…
God dammit just enter the front door like a normal person, better yet tell Batman to stop looking at him as if he died! Those windows are not paying to fix themselves each time one of them decided to stop dropping and roll every other night!
PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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merrybloomwrites · 5 months
I Hear Them Calling (Chapter 4)
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Story Summary: Alpha Harry Styles and omega Y/N Y/L/N meet under less than ideal circumstances. Overtime their paths will cross and they will be drawn to one another in ways they never expected.
Chapter Summary: After battling the symptoms of touch deprivation for weeks, Y/N sees Harry again in Chicago and he helps her deal with the worst of it.
Previous Chapters: Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3
Word Count: 4.9k
“You haven’t had a nightmare in 4 days?” Rachel asks.
“Nope!” You reply happily, taking a sip of your iced caramel latte. You and Rachel both have a free afternoon and decided to meet at a local cafe. You feel so much better than you had for the last few weeks that you felt confident to order a different drink. No tea that reminds you of Sarah, no hot chocolate that makes you think of Harry.
“And you’re not using those coping mechanisms you mentioned?”
“Haven’t needed them in days.”
“And you’re still not going to tell me what they were?” You blush at this question, embarrassed by the truth.
“No, that secret may come with me to the grave,” you joke.
Rachel looks at you, slightly worried and says, “It was safe right? You weren’t like, drugging yourself to sleep were you?”
“Oh God no!” You reply with a laugh. “Nothing like that, I swear.” Though you think to yourself that Harry’s scent in its direct form would probably be so delicious that it would act like a drug to you.
“Okay, I trust you,” Rachel says. “So, have you heard from Harry?”
You sigh, slightly disappointed by the answer you have to give. “Not since the night of the concert. I’m sure he’s been busy.”
“Maybe you should text him first.”
“And maybe you are out of your mind. No way. And before you say anything, it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm the girl or he’s the alpha or any of that sexist bullshit. It has everything to do with the fact that he’s Harry Styles.” You whisper the last part, aware that you’re in public and anyone around could hear the conversation.
“So what if he’s Harry Styles?”
“What would I even text him?”
“You could start with ‘Hi, how are you?’”
“Very funny. I mean, I guess I could. Maybe. I’ll give it a couple more days.”
“Waiting for him to leave the area?”
“Something like that,” you reply.
“Speaking of procrastinating things,” Rachel says teasingly, “have you called your doctor yet? To find out why that alpha knew you’re an omega even though you’re on suppressants and scent blockers?”
“Okay, that I did not procrastinate on. I called her but I can’t get an appointment until November.”
“Yea. I mean there aren’t a lot of doctors who specialize in omegas, so they’re always booked. Anyway, she said that my body has probably just developed a resistance to the pills. She’ll try to change my regimen after the appointment and told me to use the spray on neutralizers until then.”
“That sucks.”
“It does. I am so not looking forward to changing meds. It takes awhile to find the right combo and then there’ll be all new side effects. But it’ll be worth it.”
“I wish omegas didn’t have to hide who they are.”
“Me too. But that’s just how it is now.”
From there the conversation turns to lighter topics until you part ways to continue your day.
Another week passes and you still haven’t heard from Harry. On top of that the bad dreams come back, along with the restlessness, and chills. You’ve started using the old coping mechanisms again, which barely work this time around.
The morning after his final show in New York City, your social media is flooded with videos of him receiving his banner at Madison Square Garden. If there was any time to reach out to him, now was it. He said he wanted to be friends, right? A friend would absolutely congratulate him on this achievement.
It still takes you forever to type out the message, and ever longer to find the courage to press send. It’s nearly noon by the time you text Harry, “Congrats on the banner!”
It’s a simple sentence, just four words, and you still find a way to overthink everything for the two hours it takes Harry to reply. You’re taking a walk, grateful once again that you work on your own schedule and can take a break when you need one. And right now, you need one. Because you texted a celebrity and he still hasn’t answered and you for sure made a complete fool of yourself.
You stop dead in your tracks when your phone buzzes and Harry’s name appears on your screen.
From Harry Styles: Thank you! Can’t believe I got such an honor. How are you? What are you up to?
There’s a bench nearby and you sit to reread his message five times before replying.
To Harry Styles: You deserve it! I’m good, just out for a walk. How about you?
The next message comes in much faster.
From Harry Styles: I’ve been doing well. Took it easy this morning, currently enroute to Texas for the next shows.
You can’t help but feel disappointed that he’s no longer just a city away. You know it’s silly, but it was nice that he was so close by.
To Harry Styles: Enjoy Texas!
From Harry Styles: Thank you! Have you ever been?
To Harry Styles: Once, in college. Went to San Antonio with some friends.
From Harry Styles: That’s a great city, love the river walk there!
And so, you and Harry Styes became friends who text each other about random things. You talk throughout his flight to Texas, and sporadically over the next couple of weeks. It never gets very deep, all surface level conversations, but it’s nice. You feel like you’re getting to know the real him, and he’s getting to know who you are as well.
The texts from Harry are the high points. The low points are, unfortunately, very low. The hot chocolate, and roses, and forest smelling candles are no longer helping you. Bad dreams happen almost every night, you’re constantly cold, and there’s an itch under your skin that just won’t go away. The voice in the back of your brain is telling you it’s touch deprivation, but you refuse to admit that to yourself. You’ve never needed an alpha, and you refuse to depend on one now. So no, you do NOT have touch deprivation.
You’re checking your email, and you see that there are still spots open for a job training opportunity in Chicago. You rarely go to these, but it’s been a while, and you think maybe it would be good to go. There are always new types of data software, and you found the last two training courses you attended to be pretty informative.
Looking at the dates you notice the course is the following Thursday and Friday. In Chicago. You also notice that Harry will be doing shows there at the same time. You don’t admit that’s what seals the deal for you, but it totally is.
After registering and setting up your flight and hotel reservation you send a text to Harry. You casually mention that you’ll be in Chicago the following weekend. You’re surprised when your phone starts to ring, and Harry’s name is on the screen.
You answer the phone and he’s first to speak, saying, “You’re gonna be in Chicago?”
“I am!” you reply, matching his excitement.
“Can you come to my shows?”
“Which days are they again?” You ask this to try and seem like less of a stalker.
“I’ve got one Thursday, Friday and Saturday. You’re welcome to come to as many of those as you want,” he answers.
“I think Thursday is an all-day thing, so I won’t be able to come to that one. The training ends with dinner on Friday evening so I think I could make it just in time for the concert.”
“Ok great, and Saturday?”
“I am free all-day Saturday. My flight back home is Sunday afternoon.”
“Wonderful. I’ll have tickets for you for those two shows. That is, if you want to come of course.”
“Harry, I absolutely want to come.”
“Then the tickets are yours. All the details will come from Jada. I’d be a mess without that girl.”
“You paying her well?” you ask jokingly.
“She’s compensated handsomely, I promise,” he replies with a laugh.
“Happy to hear it.”
“I uhm- it sounds like you won’t be able to come before the show Friday, correct?”
“Unfortunately, no. I’ll probably get there right before you go on.”
“Forgive me if this sounds forward, but would you want to hang out after? It would have to be at the hotel, I can’t really be out in the city after a concert.”
“Totally understand that. And yea, I’d love to hang out after.”
“Great! I’m staying at the Nobu Hotel.”
You quickly look it up and see that your hotel is close by.
“No way!” you reply. “I’m at the Crowne Plaza like, two blocks away.”
“Well, that’s convenient. I’ll make sure there’s a car to take you to Nobu after the show Friday if that works for you?”
“Yea that would be great. I’d love to hang out!” You cringe, hoping that didn’t come off too strong.
“I’d love to hang out as well. Listen I have to go to sound check for tonight’s show. I’ll text you soon. And look out for the email from Jada, it’ll have all the info you need.”
Harry POV
“You’re extra happy today,” Elin says as Harry bounces around the venue smiling so big that both dimples are showing.
“I am!” He replies. “Thanks for noticing!”
“What’s got you in such a good mood?” Sarah asks. “Because it’s definitely not how this sound check is going.” She has a point there. No less than a dozen things have gone wrong since they started, leading them to take a break while the sound techs work out a few problems.
“Just talked to a friend who will be in town next week.”
“Oh I see,” Mitch says. “So Y/N will be here?”
“Yes, and she’ll be coming to the shows Friday and Saturday. I can’t wait to see her!”
“Aw, someone’s got a crush,” Pauli says.
Harry ignores the teasing from his band members and says, “Honestly I’ve been a bit worried about her. I’ve just had this feeling that keeps getting worse.”
“Why do you think it has to do with Y/N?” NyOh asks.
“I mean, I don’t know for sure. But we’ve talked on the phone a couple times, and she always sounds exhausted.”
“I’m sure she’s alright,” Sarah says reassuringly.
“I know, I just can’t help it.”
“I completely get that,” Sarah replies softly, looking towards her mate.
“Fixed it!” One of the sound techs calls out, effectively cutting off the conversation as Harry and the band get back to work.
The next week passes in what feels like slow motion. Every hour drags on. Your apartment building hasn’t switched from air conditioning to heat yet, so you’re constantly wearing layers of warm clothes and burrowing under blankets. The itch under your skin only gets worse, spreading to new areas each day until there’s a maddening tingle throughout your whole body.
Amelia drops you off at the airport Wednesday afternoon. You know she can tell that something is wrong, but you don’t offer an explanation, so she doesn’t pry for details.
You put on your mask before walking into the terminal. It’s a habit leftover from the pandemic, and also a great way to block out the potential strange scents. Alphas and omegas might be rare, but there’s always a chance a few will be around in such a crowded place. You’re extra sensitive to smells at the moment due to the touch deprivation that you’ve finally admitted you have. But it’s mild. Totally manageable. Not a problem.
The plane ride and subsequent train trip and walk to the hotel is exhausting. You stop and grab some food on the way. After checking in you immediately eat your quick meal, take a hot shower, and crawl into bed.
You’re almost asleep when your phone digs with an incoming text. You’ve already texted your family and friends letting them know you’re at the hotel, so you’re annoyed that someone is interrupting your sleep.
That is, until you see who the message is from. Harry’s name pops up with a text asking if you made it safely to Chicago. You practically melt at how sweet it is that he’s checking in on you. You send a quick reply before immediately falling asleep.
The first day of the training session is typical- informative, but boring. Harry’s show is still going when you get back to the hotel, so you watch on a livestream. You’re still exhausted and fall asleep before it’s over.
Waking up the next morning is difficult. Your body feels heavy, like your bones are filled with lead. The chills seem worse than ever and you’re grateful you packed yourself a heavy sweater to wear that day. Not only is it warm, but it covers up the marks from where you’ve been scratching at the skin on your arms due to the incessant itching.
You have trouble concentrating on the training throughout the day. There was one alpha there, and he was somehow in every single session you attended. He didn’t have a bad scent per se, but his presence alone became overwhelming.
By the time the sessions are over, you feel exhausted. You debate skipping dinner altogether but know you at least need some food before you can start your walk to the United Center. The alpha, whose name you’ve learned is Andy, sits next to you at dinner. He seems nice enough, you don’t feel threatened by him, but you still want to finish dinner and get away from him as quickly as possible.
Once dessert is over you grab your bag, ready to escape. Andy stops you before you go, asking for your number. Without thinking you quickly say, “I have a boyfriend,” and hastily leave the restaurant.
You’re not far from the venue, only a few blocks away, and you’re so out of it that you barely notice where your legs are taking you. It only takes fifteen minutes to get there, but you’re on edge the whole time. Glancing at your watch you see that it’s just before 8PM, meaning Harry should still be backstage.
You’re tired, and dizzy, and a little fuzzy, but knowing you’re so close to seeing Harry again has you moving faster than you thought possible. You’ve even built up a slight sweat, and you feel warm for the first time in weeks causing you to roll up the sleeves of your sweater.
As you approach the building you hear your name being called. You turn to see Jada running up to you.
 “I didn’t think you’d be here so early! Glad I was talking to one of the security guards, you walked right past the entrance,” she says.
You smile as she hands you your VIP badge and leads you inside.
“Harry has a few minutes before he needs to finish getting ready. He’ll be glad you made it before he goes on, I know he’s been dying to see you,” Jada says, causing you to blush.
“Well, I can’t wait to see him either,” you reply.
She knocks on a door which opens a second later. The first person you see is Mitch, who gives you a hug as he says, “Hey kid, good to see you again.”
“You too!” you answer, somewhat surprised by the warm greeting.
Sarah’s there too, pulling you in to a hug next. The moment her arms wrap around your shoulders, you’re overcome with a wave of dizziness. Black spots flash in your vision and you blink rapidly to try and clear them.
“You okay, love?” she asks as she lets go and takes a step back.
After a couple deep breaths you answer, “I’m good. Practically ran here from dinner, still catching my breath I guess.”
Harry, who’s been quietly watching you quickly walks to the fridge and grabs a water bottle. You reach out your hand so he can pass it to you, and see his eyes focus on your arm. There’s no way he missed the angry red scratch marks there, but you immediately pull your sleeves back down to hide them anyway.
“Can we have a moment?” Harry asks, causing Mitch, Sarah, and Jada to promptly exit and close the door behind them. He motions to the couch, and you’re reminded of the last time the two of you were in his dressing room together.
Like the last time, you sit next to each other, but he seems to be giving you more space. This confuses you. If he’s so excited to see you, why didn’t he greet you with a hug like everyone else? And why is he so far away now? And why does he seem so serious instead of happy?
“Y/N, I have a question, and it’s kind of personal, but I’d like you to answer honestly,” he starts.
“Okay,” you reply, taken aback by this turn of events.
He’s quiet for a moment, seeming to think of exactly what he wants to ask. Finally, he settles on, “Where did those scratches come from?”
“My arms were itchy,” you reply. Not a lie, though probably not the full truth he’s looking for.
“And the dizziness? Cause I don’t think it was from your walk. You seemed fine until Sarah touched you. Until an alpha touched you.”
You know what he’s getting at. He’s no dummy. Just minutes after seeing you he’s figured out what you’ve been hiding for weeks. Hiding from everyone, including yourself.
He watches you, and you know he’s waiting for an answer. But you can’t think of one to give him. So, he continues, “Y/N, I think you have touch deprivation. Is that fair to say?”
You let out a shuddery breath and nod. “Yea, that’s fair to say.”
“It seems pretty severe.”
You finally decide to open up, saying, “It’s been getting worse the past couple weeks. I don’t think my meds are working anymore, and the soonest doctors appointment I could get still isn’t for a couple weeks.”
“I’m worried you’re close to a drop. Like, any minute now. Or that you’ll go under if I touch you. You realize that you were close with Sarah, right? That if you’d stayed in contact with her, or if she’d released any pheromones you’d be in a full drop right now?”
Part of you wants to snark back, yell at him for going full alpha male and acting like he knows your body better than you. But the problem is, he’s right. It’s been so long since the last time you dropped that you forgot what it’s like. You forgot what the signs are.
But now that he’s pointed out the obvious, you really start to feel it. He sees as you deflate, starting to fold in on yourself. His hand reaches out, wanting to comfort you in some way, but he can’t. He can’t risk sending you into a drop, not when he has a show to do in just twenty minutes.
“You’re right,” you finally say. “I didn’t realize it. I thought I was handling it, that I could make it to my doctor’s visit and get new soothers and I’d be okay. I just don’t know what to do if I don’t have meds that work.”
“I’d like to help you, if you’ll let me.”
You finally meet his eyes and see that he’s completely serious.
After a moment you nod and reply, “Okay.”
“Okay? You’ll let me help?”
“Yes. I don’t know what else to do. And uhm, I trust you. You’re a good person, Harry. A good alpha.”
He smiles at your words before glancing at the clock and saying, “I have to finish getting ready in a minute. I’d still like to hang out after the concert. I think it might be healthy for you to do a drop with me there, if you’re comfortable with that?”
“I mean, I don’t like dropping. It’s only happened to me twice before and I was alone each time, so they weren’t good experiences. But maybe it will be different if you’re there?”
“I can help you through it, if you’ll let me.”
“What would you do to help? Like, how do alphas help omegas through that?”
“It depends on what you consent to but ah, I would hold you, help you get the touch your omega needs. Most alphas will scent the omega. It lets them know that they’re not alone, that someone is there protecting them, keeping them safe while they can’t do so themselves. I’d also release calming pheromones to keep your omega relaxed.”
“Okay. I’m okay with all of that. I’d like that,” you answer. Truthfully you’re a bit nervous. Harry Styles has just offered to hold you, to scent you for goodness sakes. That’s incredibly intimate. But you’ve felt so awful for weeks, and there are still weeks to go before you can get new soothers. And this is kind of a dream come true.
“Do you want to stay here for the concert? You can hang in here or go to the VIP box. Or you can head to the hotel now and take it easy if you’d like,” he says.
“I’ll stay in here if that’s alright,” you reply.
“It’s more than alright,” he answers. “And if at any point you want to get out of here just text Jada. She can arrange a ride back to my hotel and I’ll meet you there after the show. Or if you change your mind she can get you a ride back to your hotel too.”
“Thank you, Harry. For everything.”
“Of course. I know I don’t know you all that well, but I care about you. Anyway, I uhm, need to get dressed so I’m just gonna step into the bathroom for a moment.”
“I can go in the hall for a minute, get out of your way-”
“Nonsense. You’re not in the way. I’ll be right back.”
Harry finishes getting ready, and you make yourself comfortable on the couch. A couple of people come in, touching up his hair and make-up and before you know it he’s heading to the stage.
You watch on the screen in the room for the first few songs. After a while Jada joins you and you ask if you can watch from the VIP section for a bit. It goes well until Harry and the band take a break. You’d been so focused on the music that you were distracted from everything else around you.
But now all you can hear are all the other people, and it’s overwhelming. It becomes difficult to breathe, and you start to see dark spots once again.
You turn to Jada, and she immediately leads you back to the dressing room.
“Do you want to wait for Harry, or do you want to leave now?” she asks.
“I think I should go,” you reply.
“To your hotel, or his?”
“Harry’s, please.”
“Okay, wait here, I’ll get the car and come back for you in a minute.”
You sit back on the couch, seeking out Harry’s scent to calm you, but it’s barely noticeable.
Jada comes back and you follow her to the car. It’s a quiet ride to the hotel, and once there, she goes with you to the suite.
His room is on the top floor. It’s big, basically a full apartment, and you stay in what seems to be the living room. Jada sits on the couch with you, and you say, “I feel like you have more important things to do than babysit me.”
She laughs and says, “It’s not babysitting. I like hanging out with you. And you’re a priority to Harry. Which makes you a priority to me.”
The two of you lapse into a comfortable silence for a while until Jada’s phone buzzes. “Shows over,” she says. “Harry’s just getting changed and then he’ll be here soon. He said you can borrow some of his clothes if you want to get comfy.”
You hesitate and she adds, “I have no problem going through his stuff. I can grab you some clothes if you want.” You laugh at that and nod.
A short while later you’ve changed into a pair of Harry’s sweatpants, as well as a t-shirt and hoodie. They smell like him, and you shamelessly inhale the scent you’ve been craving for weeks. The suite door opens, and Harry walks in, looking incredibly cozy in his own pair of sweats.
“Thank you, Jada,” he says. “Get some rest, you’ve earned it.”
“Night guys,” she says as she leaves the room.
You’re left alone with Harry. It feels different, here in his hotel room, surrounded by his belongings, while you’re wearing his clothes.
“You left early,” he says.
“Sorry,” you reply.
“Don’t be. I’m just worried as to why you left.”
“I was just overwhelmed. Needed some quiet.”
“I understand. Y/N, are you ready for this? You still seem on the edge of a drop.”
“I’m ready.”
“And have you changed your mind about anything? Or is it okay if I hold and scent you through this?”
You pause for a moment, scared at how vulnerable you’re about to be. “I haven’t changed my mind. I want you to do that. I trust you.”
He takes a step towards you. “Thank you, for trusting me. We’ll probably be more comfortable in the bed.”
“Lead the way,” you say.
It’s awkward at first, the two of you sitting next to each other in his bed, backs resting against the headboard.
He turns to you and says, “Can I hold you now?”
You nod, and his arms wrap around you, pulling you until you’re tucked under his chin and resting against his chest.
Everything starts to get fuzzy, and you feel yourself losing consciousness. It’s an unsettling feeling, but you know that Harry is there to help you through this.
The last thing you hear before it all goes black is Harry calmly saying, “I’ve got you. Let go. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.”
Harry can’t describe the helplessness he feels as you go limp in his arms. He doesn’t allow himself to stress, or panic, knowing that his emotions will impact you. Instead, he takes some calming breaths and thinks through everything he knows he needs to do in this situation.
He hears you whimper quietly as you start to shiver, and he doesn’t hesitate to soothe you. It takes some maneuvering, but soon you’re both laying down in the bed. He tucks his nose into your neck and begins to scent you, releasing calming pheromones until you relax.
It continues this way for the next couple of hours. Harry holds you, and scents you, his nose rubbing against the gland in your neck. During one moment when you seem particularly distressed he can’t help but place kisses there to soothe you faster.
Finally, you start to stir. It takes longer than Harry had anticipated, so he’s relieved when your eyes meet his after hours of being closed.
“Hey there,” he says with a soft smile.
“Hi,” you answer groggily. “How long?”
“Couple hours. Your inner omega needed the rest. Now you need some too. Go to sleep, I’ve got you.”
It’s the same words he said before you dropped. You wish you could hear that all the time. No one has cared for you before, not like this. It feels good, but you remind yourself not to get used to it. Still, you curl into his embrace, enjoying every moment of contact with Harry that you can get.
The next thing you know, it’s late morning. You’re still cuddling against Harry, and his deep breaths indicate he’s still sleeping.
You feel amazing. You’re nice and warm, your mind is clear, and the constant itch and restlessness are nonexistent. You’re extremely grateful, but at the same time, you’re annoyed that you need to depend on another person just to feel normal. But you don’t dwell on that. Because Harry is starting to stir next to you.
“Hey,” he says when your eyes meet his. “How do you feel? Sleep okay?” God, you could melt at the gravelly sound of his morning voice.
“I’m good. Feel better than I have in a long time. And according to that clock, I slept wonderfully.” The two of you laugh, seeing that it’s nearly noon.  
“I was hoping to treat you to a nice breakfast, but I guess I missed the window on that,” Harry says, continuing to laugh with you. “I do still have plenty of time before I need to be at the arena. Would you like to spend the afternoon with me exploring Chicago?”
“I’d love to,” you reply. His face breaks out in a huge smile before he leans down, once again running his nose along your scent gland. You go limp at the feeling, happily submitting to him.
You don’t think about the fact that this is temporary. That you leave to fly home tomorrow afternoon. That you’ll be without his alpha scent once again.
Instead, you think about the hours you have ahead of you, hours to spend with Harry. Nothing could be more perfect.  
AN: Thank you so much for reading! This was one of the scenes I imagined when I first thought of the story and I'm so happy that it's finally shared with you all!
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305@creativelyeva@daphnesutton@selluequestrian@lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely@eversincehs1@boomitsallie1@rose-garden-dreamz @fictionalmensblog @buckybarnessimpp
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jksslutprincess · 8 days
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The Enigma [I]
Synopsis: You are his everything. He breathes for you, lives for you, kills for you.
{college!au, strangers to lovers!au, obsessed crazy jk, fluff, smut, angst, stalking, toxic, family issues, making out, dirty talking, loads of hickies, hair pulling, voilence, both need help, strict 18+, alocohol, smoking, manipulation, blackmailing, kinda kidnapping, foreignerreader, a bit of dark,anger issues!jk, spitting, forced kissing,.masochist!jk}
w.c.: 1156
Looking out from the glass window of your apartment, you were busy admiring the city lights. It was drizzling outside and the weather was slightly cold but not enough for you to turn off the aircon. It was finally your favorite season approaching and you felt more than relieved. Living in a completely different country with people you know next to nothing about was tough. Especially when had no one by your side to accompany you. Sure you did have some friends from your university but that was it. Just a couple of baristas that you worked with thrice a week and nothing more. But it felt peaceful. You didn't have to worry about people betraying you, getting hurt by your friends and the people you considered "close". It was just you and your peace. And that's all you ever asked for.
Being a foreigner in Korea was tough, facing racism because you don't fit the "beauty standards", old people looking down on for having piercings, tattoos, Not being white enough and the list goes on. But it didn't bother you much because on the other hand you were admired by a lot of people such as your neighbors, classmates, colleagues, teachers and others.
Getting ready for classes was another hustle for you especially during periods when all you wanted was to lie down and rot in bed but seems like you can't. Being an architect student was tough but it was your dream to be a successful architect so no matter what you were going to do anything and everything it takes for you to achieve your goals.
Sighing for the nth time since waking up, you were finally ready to leave for classes. Stepping out of your apartment, you locked the door and strolled across the corridor to the elevator. It was pretty chilling because of the rain last day so you had worn a full sleeved turtle neck and a blue straight pants to cover yourself up properly to avoid catching cold. Reaching the bus stop you had hardly waited for a minute till the bus arrived. Stepping inside you chose the seat which seemed the most comfortable to you and waited for your stop.
Arriving in the campus you were just in hurry to get to the classroom. Even though you were 20 minutes early because of the shorter route the bus driver chose today, you were just waiting to get to the classroom and take a few minutes nap if possible because of the gut striking cramps you were getting. Entering the classroom you were thankful it was just you because obviously no one would come this early especially when they had more important business in the hallways than attending classes.
"At these connection points, we often see a shift from high-resistance insulation materials to lower-resistance framing members. This creates a pathway for heat to bypass the insulation, significantly increasing the U-factor of the entire assembly", the teacher spoke as she was busy teaching some important concepts. You were a masters student and it was your dream to be studying in Seoul National University. You had done your bachelors from the top most university of your country which was Italy. All thanks to your hardwork were the straight A's student all through the tenure of your UGs. Being an excelling student in everything had its own pros and cons. Every friendship felt like an act to you, felt like everybody was just trying to benefit from from you in some way or another. Maybe that's why you didn't want to have any friends.
Leaving the classroom, you were done for today's classes and it was weekend next day so maybe you could get some rest. But before that you had your shift at a cafe nearby. It's not like you were running low on money, you already had way more than enough for yourself. Coming from a business family you had everything you ever needed, affording the best education you wanted, being able to afford separate apartment and car. It was all you could ask for. It's just that you loved going to cafes and and being in that environment. You loved coffee, as simple as that. Infact you were the best barista in your cafe and the owner and manager really liked you. You were often asked to serve some premium customers because of your professionalism. Carrying yourself with elegance, having that sort of charisma sometimes made people admire you. You were the exotic beauty.
The bells ringing on the main door alerted your shift partner who was busy tying the apron knot around her waist. Glancing at you she chimed "Heyy y/n!!". Smiling back at her, you replied "Hey Nenny, how're you?". "Much better as my shift mate has finally arrived". "So it means you only care for me as shift mate and not as a friend", you replied in a very teasing tone. "I'll keep that in mind next time you ask me for you friendly favors" you said making her give you a "bitch you wanna get a beating". Her reaction made you throw your head back laughing. "Fine, I won't do it again" "You better not". Nenny was a business student in the same university as yours. She was in final year. She had the same reason to work here as you. Her love for coffee was ineffable. She had two shifts a week which kept on changing according to the manager's requirement. Actually the owner of the cafe was her aunt who badly needed the helping staff who could work for her in low wages as she was on the verge of going broke so Nenny had to step up to help her loving aunt. It was an year ago when she had joined and then bit by bit things got better and now the cafe was blooming all day. It was Nenny who suggested you the cafe as you were asking her about some good restaurants and cafes nearby when you had joined the university 4 months ago. It was then when she practically dragged you to the gates of the coffee shop and to say you were in love would be an understatement. The vintage cafe aesthetic had you in awe. That's when you decided to work here and were gladly welcomed.
Grabbing your apron and cap from the drawers you got ready to be serving as the best barista of the cafe. "Hello beautiful young ladies!", greeted aunt Byul. "Hello my sweet lady", you replied with a bigger smile than hers. "Ready for work?" "Absolutely". "Let's get to work then soldiers. As you can see it has rained yesterday so there will be a lot of dramatic teenagers visiting so be ready" "Yes Ma'am!!!" you both replied energetically.
The bells rang indicating someone had entered. All three of you turned your heads towards the main door and that's when you saw him.
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middlingmay · 15 days
“Let me get this straight: You’re calling me at 3 am, disrupting my beauty sleep on a workday, to ask me out?" - for Buck and Bucky please!
Hello Anon!
Thanks for the request - this one was so fun to write. I hope you like it :)
They’d settled near each other, after the war.
On that Florida air strip, where Wisconsin lay one way and Wyoming another, it had taken root inside Gale: the life ahead of him with patient, wonderful Marge, who no man could ever deserve, had stopped driving him on, compared to the life behind him with John.
When Gale had turned up on John’s doorstep, all his bags in hand and asking if he knew of any rooms to rent in town, he’d gotten to enjoy the sight of Major John Clarence Egan speechless for the first time in his life.
Gale had achieved what the combined forces of the US military, countless missions, German fighter pilots and a POW camp could not.
John had tried to offer him a room at his house, but Gale refused. It would have been easy, so easy to say yes and slip unspoken into this something between them. But Gale was sick of it being unspoken. He wanted to do it right this time.
In the days following his arrival, they found Gale a place to live, and like John, he found himself a little part time job to keep him busy and keep him from plundering his savings from his military salary, which remained largely untouched and offered a pretty little nest egg should he ever need it. (But not for the little apartment he and John found for him; that was hopefully only temporary.)
In the weeks following his arrival, they spent time together doing up the parts of John’s house that had gone without care for a little too long, and making Gale’s apartment feel a little more like a home. They went to eat in restaurants and John showed Gale his favourite haunts (not all of them bars, he was pleasantly surprised to see). They drove and walked around, perfectly aimless for once in their lives.
But none of it, Gale thought, could have been constituted as a date. And Gale did so want to date John. He wanted to take him out and make him feel special and walk him to his door at the end of the night and see if he could be lucky enough to steal a kiss.
He just had to ask him. Because apparently John was a gentleman, following this thing at Buck’s pace.
Gale had almost asked him that first day he’d turned up tired and hungry and John had taken care of him like it was the easiest thing in the world.
He’d almost asked him when John had dragged a heavy second-hand bookshelf up a flight of stairs to Gale’s apartment because he knew how Gale loved books and cleanliness in equal measure.
He almost asked him when Gale had a bad day and a worse evening, and John had steered them passed all the bars, up to Gale’s apartment, settled him with a poorly-made tea, and read to him from a physics book where he mispronounced half the words (Gale thought at least half must have been on purpose).
And now Gale was lying awake at some ungodly hour because he almost asked him.
Gale had been a cocksure pilot; one of the best, him and John. He had led squadrons of men in war, kept his guys together in a POW camp for a year and a half. He knew himself and what he was about. But here he was, flaking out, being a coward - a whole big pile of chicken shit - over John, who'd never made him feel anything but brave.
What kinda man was he?
Gale threw back the covers and hauled himself out of bed.
He was Major Gale W Cleven—Buck—goddamn it, and he could do this.
One of the selling points of his apartment had been its own private line. He padded out to the tiny lounge and picked up the phone and dialled the number he knew off by heart by now.
They were finally flying home, he and Buck. Just like he promised.
Gale grinned at him from the left. It was that grin he tried to hide sometimes, the one that showed off the apples of his cheeks and couldn't disguise his soft eyes when he looked at John.
When they both turned eyes front to enjoy the clear blue skies together that would take them home, Bucky saw them. The white far-off pinstripes of a hoard of incoming German fighters. But they were still a way off; they still had time. Buck still had time.
“Bail out, Buck!” They were so close to going home, he wasn’t risking Buck now.
But Gale just smiled at him. “Since when have you backed down from a challenge, Jon?”
The Germans were nearly on them.
“Gale! Go—get out! I’ll cover—!”
Gale petted the yoke unhurried. “Easy, Bucky. We’re safe as houses up here. Last two pilots left in the sky, just like you said.”
The Germans opened fire with a shrill ringing, ringing, ringing—
John bolted up in bed, chest heaving and heart beating hard and fast.
The phone was ringing.
He collapsed back onto the sheets. “Fuck.”
He almost let the phone ring out. It was fuck-knows-when in the morning. But then he remembered the very exclusive list of people who actually had his number, and he felt like he was jolting out of a nightmare all over again as he scrambled to catch it before it ringing stopped.
Buck. Buck might need him.
In the hallway, he snatched up the phone as soon as his fingertips grazed the smooth dark plastic. “H-hello?”
Whoever was on the other end was lucky to hear his voice over the thundering of his heart.
“It’s me, John.”
Buck. He knew it. “What is it?” He asked blunt and panicked. “What’s happened? What’s wrong?”
“Nothin’! Nothin’ John, I swear.” Buck exhaled slow. “Uh, I uh, god. I’m sorry; I wasn’t thinking.”
Sheepish. Buck sounded sheepish. He could work with sheepish. It wasn’t frightened, afraid.
“It’s fine, Buck,” he said. Heart finally getting under control. “C’mon, it’s fine. What’s on your mind?”
“I just, um. I was wonderin’. You promised me a baseball game. I was wonderin’ if I could take ya.”
Bucky frowned. Much as he was warmed by Gale remembering a promise he made what felt like a lifetime ago; and as much as something inside tingled and sparked at Gale asking him to one, he did wonder if Gale hadn't woken up from the same kinda dream as him. The kind that made it hard to fall back asleep and left you reaching for distractions.
But still, like hell he was going to pass up this kind of opportunity. “Well—well, yeah, Buck, of course. I'll take you to a game. “
“No.” Gale blurted too loud down the line. “No, I wanna take you. Like a…”
That tingling and sparking thing caught and used up John’s body like tinder. “Let me get this straight,” he sad faintly and cast a look at the hallway clock finally. “You’re calling me at three am, disrupting my beauty sleep on a work day, to ask me out?”
Maybe Gale’s blood was pounding as furiously as John’s, because that was the only reason he couldn’t have heard the delighted, tremulous, terrified disbelief in John’s voice.
Instead, Gale rushed out over the line, “No, no. I know. It was—God, I’m sorry, John. Go back to sleep. It was stupid—just—goodnight.”
John was left calling the dial tone Buck.
Stupid, Buck had said. Well, John felt everything he had ever wanted at his fingertips. If Buck wanted stupid, he would give him stupid.
It wasn’t far from John’s house to town, so he didn’t bother with a coat. He simply shoved a sweater over his undershirt and some boots on his feet and took off running.
By the time he got to Gale’s apartment building, the cool night had turned to fog, to a gentle spray, to a light rain. The thin pajama pants he wore started to stick, and his curls caught droplets of dewy moisture and sprinkled them on his face and neck.
He unlocked the door to the building with the key Gale had cut for him and headed straight for 1B. He knocked once and Gale didn’t answer within three seconds, so he let himself in the apartment, too.
The lights were out and Bucky headed for the bedroom, figuring Gale had gone back to bed to try and get some sleep. The curtains were thin and some strains of the street lights lit the room a little. John saw Gale, his back shoved against the wall, all bundled up like they’d never been able to do at the stalag.
He got close and gently shook his shoulder. “Buck. Buck.”
Gale woke quick and was upright in a second, eyes alert but mouth full and puffed up in sleep. “John? What’s wrong?”
Gale tried to get up out of bed but John pushed him back down. “S’okay. All good, Buck.”
“What are you doing here? It’s—”
“’Bout 3.20am. You never let me answer. On the phone.”
Gale cleared his throat and looked at his covers like they were some new textbook that demanded all of his attention. John smiled small and cheeky out of Buck’s sight and reached out to pluck up a strip of covers with his fingers to tease the material out of Buck’s grasp.
“Yes,” John whispered, smug and happy. “Obviously you can take me on a date.” He sat on the edge of Gale’s bed who now looked at him eyes wide and full of wonder. “But I want the whole nine yards: good seats, hot dogs, you desperately trying to follow along—the whole shebang.”
Gale smiled that same apple-cheeked smile from John’s dream. “You come all the way here in the rain to say yes to a question I chickened outta askin’?”
“Mhm,” John agreed cheerfully.
Gale laughed and collapsed back onto his bed. Only John’s damp clothes and the crumb of decorum he had left stopped him from collapsoing down with him.
“Thank you, John. I would love to take you out.”
“’Kay,” John said softly biting on his lip before collecting himself before it was too late. He stood up and slapped his hands on his thighs. “Well, g’night Buck. Sleep tight.”
He turned on his heels to make from the room and Gale called after him.
John spun round, hand on the door jam. Gale looked at him, exasperated and fond.
“It is 3.30 in the morning. It’s rainin’. You can stay till morning.”
John shook his head, droplets spattering the wall. “You gotta wait for that, Buck. Your girl isn’t easy.”
Gale gave an amused huff and leaned his head back against the wall, before John’s words took root. He sat up at the gall of of the man and yelled through the open door. “Since when?!”
He heard John’s laugh even as the front door to his apartment swung closed.
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Always By Your Side
Word count: 1.9K
Summary: you were friends with Jenna, but ever since she got famous she started ignoring you, even if you kept being her number one fan.
Warnings: angst
Pairing: Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
Posting this to check if I’m actually not shadow banned anymore😂 but Don’t get me started on this Idea. It has been stuck in my mind forever. I hope you like this
Growing up in California has always had its perks. Wherever you went, there were famous people, whether it was adults, teenagers, even kids and older people. It didn’t matter where you went, there was always a crowd around someone famous. Useless to say that this had its toll on your life, because eventually you wanted to be an actress, and ever since you were a kid you would find scripts online and practice them on your own or with your best friend, Jenna. She lived down the street and you were always at her place playing with her and with her siblings, you would sleep at their house, have dinners there and whenever they did something, you were always invited, you even went on family trips with them! It was safe to say that they considered you part of their family.
With time passing, you and Jenna grew even closer. Both of your dreams was still to be actresses as you kept on practicing scripts and monologues, but she’s always been better than you, and there was no one denying that. At some point Jenna’s mom’s friend was friends with a casting director and they tried giving both of you chances to eventually start on acting in shows or movies. Only… she got the roles, and you didn’t. You never did. Were you jealous? No you weren’t, because your best friend had achieved her dreams and she was living it for you too. She was away from home a lot, but she always found a way to keep in contact with you, at first at least. You were both still 14 after all, and her schedule wasn’t so busy so she was home a lot, and you went to visit her whenever you could.
Though things started changing when you both turned 16. She was never home anymore as her schedule was so busy.
You: hey Jen. I know you’re busy, buy can you call me when you have some free time? I really miss my best friend🥺
Jen: Hey! Yes of course! I’ll call you at 7.30 tonight okay? Miss you too <3
Those little things always made you smile, even if she was so busy and never home, she always cut some time from her breaks to call you and just talk about anything. She didn’t care if she didn’t have lunch, she WANTED to talk to you and this alone always made you miss her less. At age 17 though, having grown up and was now fit for harder roles, early morning alarms and what not, the time she cut for you ceased existing.
You: Heyyyy! Video call tonight at 7.30 pm like always?
Jen: I’m sorry I’m really busy. Promise we’ll catch up eventually. TTYL.
Only the two of you never caught up. She never found time for you anymore and it was starting to hurt. You knew that at some point actors leave their past life behind, but you never expected Jenna to do so to you. You never expected her to forget about you when you grew up together ever since day one, when you were in cribs. But even though she barely even thought of you, it was safe to say that you were her number one fan. You watched her movies, had bought the merch that came along with them, watching her interviews, Hell you even texted her supporting her of everything.
September 10, 2020
You: dude, that “babysitter killer queen” movie is just something else, I was so entertained watching it! You did a great job💕
March 12, 2021
You: your role in “yes day” was amazing. Katie Torres is so cute! Loved it✨
January 14, 2022
You: uhm HELLO? The new scream movie is fire! Hope to see you in the next one☺️
January 27, 2022
March 18, 2022
You: okay, that X movie was different. Not of my likings, buy you did a great job as always. Miss you.
Not once did she ever reply to your texts. Sure, she read them but you never got any kind of feedback from her. It’s like she was always too busy even for a text, or she just simply didn’t care anymore. It was hard, going on with your life knowing that she never had time for you anymore. You used to be her best friend but now, seeing from her posts she had new best friends and it was hurting a lot, knowing that she just forgot about you, and your head started going a thousand places, was she ashamed because her best friend wasn’t famous? And what if she simply didn’t want to be seen around with you? You were a no one, after all. Would famous people want to be seen around with a no one?
You had to get back to her, show her that there was no shame in being seen around with someone who isn’t famous. It should make you even more “honest” to show that you’re not only friends with famous people, but you’ve kept your friends of a lifetime, but you thought that this wasn’t something she’d ever consider. You posted a photo of the two of you hugging and a few videos, tagging her and writing under it “miss my best friend so much.” Jenna’s fans freaked out at that and reposted the photos, the cute videos all over the internet. Jenna wasn’t the type of girl to be on social medias but you were sure she saw your post when she liked it. It was just a like though, there was no “miss you too” comment or even a text, nothing at all. You had to find a way to see her, talk to her face to face.
You got the chance to do so when after her new series “Wednesday” came out, the premiere was in your city. You HAD to go. You even found the ticket to get backstage and talk with the actors, you had to talk to her. You dressed up elegantly just for the night and you made sure to go there REALLY early to be in front of the barricades, you had to see her and she had to see you. When actors started arriving, of course no one recognized you. Except for obviously Jenna. She looked at you as she walked by, and you gave her a small smile as you waved at her, she did the same but then walked away, to other fans and to the photo booth. She looked gorgeous to say the least. You had seen her on tv, but she hasn’t seen you in years and suddenly reality hit her.
You had been supporting her ever since and she has done nothing but ignore you these past 5 years, and she started thinking of how much it could have hurt you, seeing her realize her dreams while you couldn’t. She was scared shitless to talk to you, she was afraid that you’d yell at her, get mad at her or something like that. When the premiere was finished it was now time for the people who had the backstage ticket to actually go backstage. You were one of the lasts in line and you weren’t in a rush, you needed to talk to her not just for two minutes, and you knew that fans would absolutely want to talk to her, so you stood back and patiently waited for your turn. You didn’t wait really long because everyone only had a limited time with each actor, but you didn’t care because you knew that if you needed It, Jenna would tell the crew that you were allowed to stay.
As soon as it was your turn you walked up to her and she gave you a small sad smile. She didn’t know how to act, what to do. She was scared of what you’d say or do. “Hey Jen” you said as you walked over, you weren’t sure of what you could or could not do, but you were surprised when she hugged you tightly, hiding her face in your shoulder. You let her do, hugging her back and letting her stay in the embrace for as long as she wanted. When she pulled back, her eyes were slightly teary. “(Y/N) I-I’m so sorry” she started, you knew exactly what she was talking about. “I’m sorry too. But it’s okay, you have a busy schedule and it’s okay to not have time” you said reassuring her. “I was just scared you’d forgotten about me or that you didn’t care anymore. And it hurts because I haven’t been hearing back from you for 5 years Jen. You do understand that right? I was scared that I was bothering you and that you didn’t want me to text you.” You said looking down, and she looked down of shame as well.
“I never meant for any of this to happen. You’re my best friend, (Y/N). I just… got scared.” She said and you looked at her with confusion sprawled out all over your face. “Scared of what?” You asked, she took a hold of your hand and looked up at you. “When we started with the videocalls.. they made me really happy, and I knew you were happy too. But growing up my feelings towards you only grew, and not just in a “friends” way if you know what I mean. I was- and maybe I still am in in love with you. But I was scared, I was never home and I didn’t want to say that over a phone, figuring out that it would have been better if I told you face to face. But I always chickened out and I figured out that if I ever told you, the constant distance would have ended up hurting you. But I hurt you anyways, so…”
You looked at her as a smile slowly made its way to your face. “Jesus Jen I thought you hated me or something..” you said, giggling of relief, as she looked up at you “does that mean you forgive me?” She said hopeful, this even showing on her face. How could you reply to this? Deep down, you also had feelings for her, and they only grew. So you pulled her in from her waist, a hand removing the black veil of her dress from her face as you leaned in for a kiss, your first. She was shocked at first, not believing what was happening as she eventually kissed you back, closing her eyes and arms around your neck as she smiled and hummed happily on your lips, moving closer to you, if that was even possible. Managers had tried to get closer to you two and move you two away, but Jenna shushed them away and kept on kissing you, all while you just smiled.
Eventually she pulled back to look at you. “I love you so much (Y/N).. I swear to you that from now on I’ll take you with me wherever I go and you’ll never leave my side.”
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sporesgalaxy · 10 months
updated a little flashback Vladlence script thing that I started writing in like 2020. some of you may remember this comic
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Smile :)
[The year is 1990-something-- before Vlad betrayed and temporally displaced Silence that one time. Vlad and Silence (in human disguise) are at some kind of businesspeople shindig. They've stepped outside for some air and are basically alone. Vlad has a glass of wine.]
S: Lord. I'd forgotten how tedious these are.
V: They're really not worth it unless you can drink. It was so much worse when my parents would drag me to these as a child.
S: Hm. I didn't mind my father's business functions, but my ex-husband's were insufferable.
V: [chokes on wine] "Ex-husband?"
S: Well... "Ex" in that my untimely departure left him a widower, yes.
V: ...is he a--
S: [rolling eyes] NO, he is not a ghost.
V: Still! How have you not mentioned him once?
S: [shrugs] It didn't come up.
V: That isn't fair! I've spilled my guts to you for your research. You HAVE to tell me something!
S: You're being ridiculous.
V: ...That's it. I've decided.
S: Decided what?
V: The favor you owe me for bringing you along as my plus-one tonight!
S: Oh, please! All I've learned this evening is that you're still capable of being intoxicated by normal amounts of human alcohol.
S: Now, you've learned that I had a husband once, a very long time ago. I'd say we're already even.
V: [pouts]
S: Why does it even matter to you?
V: .........if I say, will you tell me more about your human life?
S: I--! Oh, fine. Whatever. Yes.
V: Because marriage is--! It's--! Marriage is everything! It changes your whole life! You finally have someone to always be there for you, in sickness and in health and all that.
V: How could you just...[mimes swatting something out of the air with his free hand] move on, after that? It makes no sense!
S: [tuts, rolls her eyes] You're insufferably romantic, you know that?
S: Marriage is not "everything." My marriage had everything to do with finances, and precious little to do with anything else.
V: ...Oh.
S: That's less common these days, I'll admit, but forgive me if I still feel you're overselling it.
V: ...Well...Still, he was there, right? At least you had someone.
S: [annoyed] Sure. Can we talk about something else now?
V: Did you have a family? [leans against the balcony, resting his chin on a hand, smiling expectantly]
S: [frowning] ...Not the change of subject I was hoping for.
V: [just keeps looking expectantly]
S: [sighs heavily] [trying to be annoying on purpose] Well, I had a mother and father, two siblings-- both of which died in infancy-- and on my mother's side, my cousins--
V: [impatiently] I meant with your husband!
S: [twitches] ...No. It was just he and I, and then I died.
V: Oh.
S: [snarky & bitter] ...Then, he remarried a nice young lady who got to keep all of our money. They, I believe, had several children together.
[Silence is quiet in a sort of uncomfortable angry way. Vlad, oblivious, gets lost in his own thoughts.]
both: .......
V: [CLEARLY thinking about Maddie. a bit dreamily] ...do you ever wish that you could do it all over?
[Vlad is looking at the sky, and doesnt see the judgemental, incredulous look Silence immediately shoots him]
V: That you had more time to make it work?
S: [humorless laugh] HAH! No!
V: [snapped out of his reminiscing, looks at her, surprised] No?
S: [like its an uninteresting, obvious fact] My life didn't have anything worth going back to.
V: [disgust directed at the percieved failure of the faceless husband figure] He was that bad?
S: [waves dismissively] No, no. Our marriage wasn't bad. It just wasn't--
S: ......well, it wasn't much of anything, I suppose.
V: [furrows eyebrows] Hm.
S: [after a short pause] I much prefer this.
V: [for some reason, his heart skips a beat] This?
S: [a bit frantically] My research! In the Ghost Realm. The achievement, the influence, you know. Much more fulfilling.
V: [nods, a bit spacey because of a weird inexplicable feeling he's having] Ah. I see.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Hi! i hope your having a good day. i love your work and was wondering if you could maybe do skz headcannons with an idol s/o who’s the main dancer in their group?
stray kids with their main dancer idol! s/o
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genre: headcanons; fluff, general, idol! s/o
word count: 0.8k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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chan is always keen on self-improvement and finds that you help a lot
if he feels he's lacking in the dance department, the likelihood is he'll seek you out
not that he'll ever directly ask for help lmao
but sometimes you can just sense it and take the hint
he appreciates how much of a perfectionist you can be with your art. he's the same, of course
he feels like your brains are more similar than he thought to begin with, and through understanding how you work he recognises how much you focus and try hard to be the best, which is so attractive to him
lee know
is intrigued by your technique
that's how you piqued his interest before you even started dating him
being a professional dancer, he can pick out the superior dancers from each group with ease
you were easy for him to pin-point as the main dancer of your group because of your raw talent
so, he wanted to work and even perform with you
and since then, he has never once looked back
currently, you're his dancer partner, and dare i say the best fan-favourite couple ever. your chemistry when you work together is seriously unmatched
people are always waiting for your next collab
he literally thinks you're the best dancer in the industry and stands behind that statement
anytime his friends wanna tease him he's like "okay but are you dating the best dancer in the business? that's what i thought"
gets a good rise outta wooyoung tbh and he gets super competitive but we move
he loves bragging about your achievements bruh
he doesn't have time to talk about himself when he's wayyy too busy hyping you up
he's so proud of you like?? he can't help himself as embarrassed as it sounds. you just gotta go with it
he just wuvs you and wants to tell literally everyone he meets about your awesomeness ;-;
similar to lee know, hyunjin would want to work with you
he can't help but be enthralled by your beauty when you're performing
encourages you to do solo performances just so you get the time to showcase what you can do
wants to learn more classical ballroom dances with you because he's a hopeless romantic and is cheesy like that
he's just so in love
will probably write poetry about you and draw a dynamic, abstract painting of you dancing just cos you inspire him so much
idk you get him so mushy it's so cute
probably cries buckets when you do a super emotional contemporary dance, because... you know... its hyunjin
i mean it doesn't matter what position you are in as an idol, han jisung is a supportive bf no matter what and is literally your biggest fan
if you're the main rapper? he'll learn all your rap verses off by heart
if you're the lead singer? he'll dramatically sing your own group's songs until you hate it
and you being the main dancer? well, you best believe he's learning all the choreography
especially if you do solo work, my gosh
from the minute your new music video drops he's like "baby, where do you get those hips from??"
he's down bad, basically
mr. heart eyes
he literally... oh my gosh
i can't even-
he literally is obsessed with the way you move like oh my goshhhh i cannot stress this enough
you got him feeling things he's never felt before, ouch
his eyes are always fixed on you during your performances, and yes the cameraman has both caught and exposed him for having his jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes sparkly and wide as he watches you dance
the fans and i other idols get a good chuckle out of his reactions
he takes such an interest in how your work is doing
and he loves it when you do the same
he finds you have the same love and passion for dancing as he does with regard to singing
and that common ground is beautiful
it allows the conversation to flow so easily as you bond with your similar interests
the fact that you're both idols helps too, of course
gets so blushy thinking about how stunning you are when you dance. he's like a little boy when he sees you in action
he doesn't know how to react to his soulmate being so effortlessly talented
amazed by you
but doesn't easily show it
lowkey wants to learn more from you but is too shy to ask directly, at first
so he'll get you in a dance studio and teach you how to do the iconic 'maknae on top' hips move, just for funsies
and then he'll casually ask you what your fave move is
and from there, he will learn how to improve from you
he admires you so much, sometimes he just has a hard time articulating that to you
so spending time with you and working on dance - something you both love - is how he expresses that
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herstarburststories · 2 years
the top of my list (steve harrington x reader)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: As senior year comes to an end, Steve Harrington has a list of what he wants to accomplish before graduating. Those things include you.
A/N: This is my first attempt to write a Steve story, so there's a lot of Steve's thoughts. ♡ I used a pick-up line that a boy tried on me last week, I just think it's Steve!!
Disclaimer: PINING!STEVE, angst, fluff, mentions of king Steve, unbeta'd
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This is all he ever knew. All these classrooms, the barely eatable food, the gym, mrs Bloom boring classes. Hawkins High School was his tiny world in a small town. The flawless kingdom to king Steve.
Or so it used to be. It's been a little too long since he felt on the top of the world when walking through these crowded halls, and Harrington doesn't quite recall the last time he collected all the eyes on him and his friends at the lunch table — not that he has many of those left. To think that his biggest issue was to pick a part some girls's numbers in the little notes in his pocket. Parties sound like a noise, he talks to kids more than to people his age, and he actually studies now. He tries to. His old self would mock him if he could. Not that he misses who he used to be, just what he used to have.
Somewhat, Steve keeps a grip on a couple of dusted dreams. Part of him remains craving for silly things that he used to gravitate to, even when he believes he probably shouldn't. Stupid teenager things, as he'd put. A piece of paper in his hands with all his desires is anything but a scarlet letter, yet he can't wait to achieve all those items, a fantasy that maybe if he can accomplish those, school would feel good again.
This place used to be his. This used to be his home, or what he thought that a normal home would be like: everyone knew who he was, everyone saw him. Steve was never on his own at school, he never had to beg to be heard as he did at home. He simply showed up and people wanted him around. No "I'm busy, Steve" or "I have a meeting". No excuses, no hustled demonstrations of plastic love through fake niceties that last less than a business call. Everyone liked him at school, even when he messed up— they even applauded him when that happened! Classmates saw him as a king, but the aspect that had a hold on him was that they wanted more. All the school girls wanted a call, and the guys wanted his advice as if he was some sort of role model. Every aspect of his caught interest. Once before.
Nowadays, whispers fill the hallways more than dreamy sighs when he passes by. Rumors about Billy becoming the new king, and how they haven't seen Harrington in a party or with a girl hanging on his arm in months. Someone even called his hair greesy.
When did the world turn so fast and tripped on its route? What did he do wrong this time?
He used to be the king, but their classmates never loved him. It was just adoration laced with idealization, with some quiet envy. Can't blame the poor popular boy for misunderstanding such emotions; he never met love, how is he supposed to know its face?
Steve is so tired of feeling alone, of starring at his walls and pretending to occupy his time when he's just wasting it. Since Nancy left, all his nights overflew sorrow, his body ached with the void inside. His big house with a pool always seemed like a dazzling prison whenever he was alone for too many days. It just adds insult to injury that it's been a while since his parents remembered about him. 15 days since the last call, 2 months since the last check up meeting. Not that he was counting, of course.
There isn't anything but an empty home and a boy just as empty living in it, a boy who is hallow. In the quiet of the night, he waits for a noise. Steve is never scared when he hears one, he's rather hopeful. Although, it is easier to be robbers than his parents, at least robbers want something from you, unlike his parents. He's vacant, he's sad, he's missing without being missed, he has nowhere to run to, and he attempts to find something inside himself, but there's a heart which behaves as vortex: hugry for affection, for care. Because there's no one to be around. He's just a star with no eyes to gaze at him, no person to recognize his shine in the dark. Harrington would call someone to ease his solitude, but there isn't anyone on the phone waiting for him. Dear God, he just wants to be wanted.
Steve just wants to be wanted.
Therefore, he glances at the small list in his hands, dropping his simple desires to his senior year at Hawkins High School with a sharp pen.
Basketball championship!!
College (or tech)
Win a fight (throw it at henderson's dipshit face)
Kiss Y/N, or call her on a date, or talk to her without sounding like an idiot. KISS Y/N.
It's not much yet, but it's enough to bring a smile to his battered face.
It doesn't take too long for his plans to pill up into a disaster. College tosses him away like some clumbled piece of paper, and of course his dad decides to remember that he had a son just in time— which means no more money and a stupid job to 'learn responsibility'. His basketball team conquers just the second place, which isn't bad, but wining that competition could've pushed him into a university with a scholarship. Not to mention his hand-to-hand combat ended up with Billy almost destroying his eye.
Senior year is supposed to be the time of his life, nonetheless, it feels like he's falling from a precipice, like someone pushed him out of his pedestal and he's just a face on the ground now.
Steve rolls his eyes, deciding that his idea was bullshit. Just like everything else about him. Nancy was right, at least she escaped, his mind coaxes the thought into his brain. Because he was an asshole who messed up everything and everyone he cares about. As always.
Inside his car, the overthrown king glares at his wish list through the music noises coming from the house he parked right by. That stupid list got his hopes up, made him believe that maybe he wasn't a fuck-up, maybe he deserved something. Someone.
The brutality of reality is more violent than the apocalypse he had to face. He'd take broken bones over broken spirit everytime.
“College didn't want you, your parents didn't want you, your friends didn't want you, nancy didn't want you,” he murmurs to himself, rotting away his delusion about getting one thing right. You. “she obviously won't want you either.”
His eyes are locked with the paper. every craving crossed out with red paint, every lime seeming to mock him for not being good enough. harrington groans to himself, about to rip it off and leave to his house when he sees you.
Y/N Y/L/N. Walking into the party with a beam and a tight skirt.
Steve observes you like you're in a film reel, mesmerizing every aspect of you rapidly. your beautiful hair looks soft, soaring through your steps as you enter. he could close his eyes and catch a glimpse of you in his eyelids, as detailed as the old posters pinned on his bedroom's wall. He was simply, undeniably marveled by you.
His eyes dart towards the paper again. One ultimate item, one try. There is still one chance to make his last year remarkable in a good mood. Attempt to make it right.
Harrington shoves the note inside his pocket and gets out of the car, walking through the garden gates, the same way you took to arrive the party. He usually isn't nervous to talk to girls, but he can feel his palms sweat when his brown eyes catches you grabbing a drink on the kitchen.
His heart has been collecting dust for so long, as some abandoned ornament that he forgot how to use. After Nancy, love just didn't make sense. Until he saw you, with your smart mouth and pretty smile, dappling his battered moments with a peep of hope, even though you didn't know.
You laugh at some dude tripping on his feet and almost bumping into you, probably a freshman. Steve rolls his eyes at the man blushing whilst he apologizes to you.
What an idiot, he thinks to himself. Still, he wants to be the idiot that almost falls and makes you laugh. Shaking his head, he tries to think of a way to approach you. This used to be so easy, why can't he come up with a pick-up?
“come on, you can do that. hey, you're going to college?” he wonders, mumbling, “don't be an idiot. what are you gonna say next? that you weren't accepted in any college?”
Man, even Henderson was doing better with girls than he was.
Someone taps on his shoulder and he turns around, a student greeting him with and starting a quick conversation. That would be a good way to cool down. The chatter dries after a couple minutes and he's on his way to talk to another classmate.
As Steve seeks around to see you, you are no longer in the kitchen. The brunette sighs, but a on his back requires his attention before he can leave to search for you.
“I'm sorry!” the woman apologies before he can even see where the hit came from, but steve turns to her in a heartbeat. it's you! destiny was on his side. “you okay, Steve?”
He can't help but think that his name sounds good on your tongue. Steve just wants you to keep saying it. He blinks to himself, regained composure before he throws words at you. Suddenly, the wish list on his pocket weights a million pounds, and his tongue is dormant. What is he supposed to say?!
You tilt your head to the side, eyebrows kitted together in an adorable frown. He knows he's taking too long to answer, but this is his last chance before you go to some fancy college and forget anything about the hell hole that's your hometown and about him.
Steve can dress it up, wear a masquerade and shoot his shot with a some pick-up line, which was his first thought. Although, the boy doesn't want to use his charm, he just wants to tell you the truth. He just wants to have a real chat with someone other than Dustin.
Thing is, right now Steve Harrington is glaring at you with stars in his eyes and a dumbfounded grin, there's just one thing he can say: the truth.
“You know, I didn't notice it before you hit me, but you look beautiful.”
It's true, because the sight he presenced from a far can't compare to having you this close. Steve doesn't want to pull away.
You laugh. He's not sure if you're laughing at him or with him, but you're laughing and it's because of him!
Take it, dude who stumbled on the kitchen. A sense of pride overcomes him, the sentiment drawing a smile on his face.
“I know, it's shitty. But it's pretty cute, ain't it?”
You cross your arms, traces of a giggle on the edge of your lips, “Did it ever work on a girl before, Harrington?”
“I don't know, it's the first time I've ever said that.” he shrugs, looking away before his eyes locked with yours, “Not many girls hit me.”
“I'm not sure I trust you on that one, King Steve,” you mock him, despite your fonding voice.
“I can show it to you,” Steve quickly takes the opportunity, leaning in with a lopside grin. At least you couldn't hear his heart beating the shit out of his chest, “You go on a date with me and if you feel like hitting me by the end on it, I'll take you best slap.”
You bite your bottom lip, pretending to consider his offer, and he can't help but stare.
“Make it a punch and we have a deal.”
“Ouch, you really want to hurt me that bad?” Harrington places a hand on his chest, his mouth contorting into a playful grimace.
“No, I won't,” through your joyful words, he trusts it.
You ask him about all the types of things, you touch him softly, you listen, you tease him, and chuckle at his jokes. You act as if he's the only person you wanted to talk to at the party, as if want his company as much as he wants yours. Reciprocity. He had lost the touch with it among the year, it's tender to have it back. And he does the same to you, resting his has on yours and smiling like a fool who found gold in the dirt. It's simple, it's all he craves for: to be wanted and not just needed.
Steve is a brittle soul after so much calamity in the past years, but perhaps his pieces can fall back together. Or so he believes when you touch his arm and nod at pizza on the table.
He knows he went through some bad shit, that he was hunted by monsters and all that freak stuff. But it doesn't seem that bad when your perfume hits him and you look away, presenting a shyness when he cupped your cheek. You don't push him away, you just pull him close. All the black-eyed peaches thrown away in the name of a kiss that's so sweet.
So you put your lips on his, it's the best year he has ever had with all the scars. Steve kisses you back, it's the kind of emotion thrill that will cause you to dance around your room all alone and keep him up at night for all the right reasons.
(steve tries to hide the paper and his blushed face when you slide your hand into his pocket to hide from the cold and accidentally finds his list, but you're quicker. you're beside him when he crosses the wish, and you wonder if he'd make another list for you two as you place a word)
4. Kiss Y/N, or call her on a date, or talk to her without sounding like an idiot. KISS Y/N. I kissed you, dork!
Did you like it? Comment and reblog! It helps me to know you want more content.
STEVE HARRINGTON TAGLIST IS OPEN! Send me an ask or dm to be tagged.
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mauesartetc · 1 year
While we're waiting for Millie's shine in later episodes, how would you develop Millie and how would you write her?
PFFF uhh I expect we'll be waiting indefinitely tbh. But I guess the first step would be to ask a lot of questions and figure out which pieces are missing from the puzzle. Here's a list of what's on my mind about Millie, in no particular order:
In "The Harvest Moon Festival", she hugged her dad upon seeing him, but not her mom. Was she closer to her dad growing up? Why?
What first attracted her to knives and axes, and who taught her to use them as weapons?
What was her favorite job on the farm growing up?
Who was her first love?
How did she meet Blitzo and Moxxie?
What occupations did she have before joining IMP?
Does she ever hang out with anyone other than her coworkers and her husband? What are her friends like? How did they meet?
Does she want to have kids someday?
What's her educational background? If she went to college, which subject/s did she major in?
What hobbies does she have outside of killing people?
Millie's aggressive, violent side is emblematic of Wrath ring culture, but does she have any traits that clash with it?
What's her favorite location in all of Hell, and why?
Standard job interview fare: Where does she see herself in five years?
Why doesn't she ever stand up to Blitzo when he berates her husband? (I mean, in a meta sense, we know why, but what's the reason inside the narrative?)
What does her extended family look like? Do they all live in Wrath, or are they spread out across other rings?
What does she love most about Moxxie?
What did she and Moxxie do on their first date?
What's her most prized possession?
Most of these questions are fairly surface-level, like the kind of thing you'd ask someone you just met at a party. But the thing is, we've barely been introduced to Millie through this entire series. It'd help if she spent an episode or two away from Moxxie so we can see her personality as an individual rather than part of a set. These writers seem to think true love = being attached at the hip, but that's not how strong relationships work. You need a balance of the partners spending time together and having time to themselves. If a relationship leaves no room for independence, it'll get stifling pretty damn quick.
Maybe at some point, Millie gets burnt out from work and decides she needs a solo vacation for her mental health. This would separate her from Moxxie and provide an opportunity to glimpse parts of her life that don't revolve around him and IMP, as well as delve into the fractured mental state of a character who's usually a pillar of strength. To co-opt and rephrase a meme real quick: Everyone asks "What can Millie do for me?", not "How is Millie doing?"
Ideally, the whole episode would focus on her, with no B- or C-plots. She could meet her friends for coffee, or maybe visit extended family members. Perhaps learn some things about herself she never knew before. This all sounds very low-key and lacking in spectacle for this show, but any plot can crackle with deft storytelling. It'd be preferable if the episode answered multiple questions (not too many, but multiple) about the character at its center.
But when all's said and done, it seems the most important question is: What does this character currently struggle with the most? What do they want, and what's preventing them from getting it?
One major problem Millie and the other IMP employees have is that they don't seem to want anything. There's not much driving their actions.
Blitzo presumably wants his business to succeed, but what does that look like to him? What specific goal is he trying to reach? The Goetia family has a bit more direction: Stolas wants a deeper emotional connection with Blitzo (God only knows why, but that's what's presented to us), Octavia obviously wants her parents to stop fighting (though we have no idea how she plans to achieve this), and Stella wants Stolas dead (though she didn't think the consequences through, somehow) but everyone else is a big ol' question mark.
Anyway, that's just a basic overview of how I'd approach it.
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drafthorsemath · 9 months
Antidote (TBB Tech x afab Reader)
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Tech x AFAB Reader (use of she/her pronouns), but all of the Batch included
Word Count: Five words over 3.3k
Warnings: Sex pollen but not the usual trope (no sex and an alternative is found), suggestive sexual language and situations but nothing acted upon, restraining for safety, some strong language, frank description of biological processes, creative use of a tampon, some feelings of shame but they are addressed, NSFW, younglings begone
A/N: I can’t read sex pollen fics. I tried. It wasn’t my thing, but then I got an idea and @staycalmandhugaclone encouraged me so here we are. This is not a call out or meant to be negative toward any sex pollen fics. This is just a different take.
Also on AO3.
You met the Batch on Pabu and in the months since, found yourself spending more and more time with them. This was especially true of Tech. You found his thirst for knowledge and direct nature easy to understand and get along with. Though, you were doing more than getting along. You weren’t sure how to tell him, but you had fallen for him.  His brothers all noticed, but he seemed not to. What you didn’t know was that he simply didn’t know how to bring up his feelings just yet.
The boys had decided to visit a nearby planet and since there didn’t seem to be any danger, no one had any objections to you coming along.  You hadn’t been on a ship since you first traveled to Pabu and you loved watching as you flew through hyperspace. Tech landed just outside of a city and you all headed toward the market. Hunter and Echo went in search of supplies while Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair all helped buy food to bring back to Pabu. You were particularly interested in the local fruits and vegetables that didn’t grow on the island you called home.
“I think this is enough,” you said, putting down the last crate next to the pile.
“Is it,” Wrecker asked. “I could eat all this in a couple days.”
“Yes, but we’re just getting what we can,” Crosshair responded. He didn’t want to make more than one trip back to the ship.
“Well, we can carry more,” Wrecker retorted. “At least I can.”
Crosshair gave him a half-hearted glare but helped purchase a few more crates.  Wrecker easily carried most of the load.
You turned around to look for Tech.  He was busy scanning some kind of contraption that caught his eye one booth over.
“Ready to go, Tech?”
“In just a moment,” he replied.
Wrecker and Crosshair walked ahead, catching up with Hunter and Echo who were waiting near the edge of town with some ship parts.  You knew a moment for Tech could mean anything from a few seconds to much longer than that but wanted to stay with him.
He put the item down and walked with you. “The wiring on this new style datapad results in faster computations. I want to see if I can rewire my own and achieve similar results.”
“That didn’t look like any datapad I’ve ever seen,” you replied.
“Ah, the outside is only meant to grab your attention. It is a new model. The inside is what interests me.”
You smiled at that.  Tech offered to carry the crate you still had, and you kindly accepted.
Once back at the ship, Wrecker took the crate from Tech. It was decided you all would spend the night on the ship and head back the next day.  Tech cleared his bunk so you would have a place to sleep, insisting he could sleep in a chair.  While you felt it was incredibly nice of him, you also couldn’t help but wonder what it might be like to share a bunk with him.  The thought left your mind as he asked if you wanted to come with him to document some of the local flora.  After dinner, the others stayed around the campfire while you and Tech walked over a few hills and to the edge of a forest.  He excitedly took pictures and samples, telling you about each plant and its properties.
“This one has several medicinal uses,” he said, handing you a pink flower. You smiled at it and then back at Tech.  You gathered several and put them in their own storage bag for transport.  Multiple species of flowers were packed before you looked a little further into the woods.
“Tech! Come see!”
He walked over and immediately noticed the large teal blooms that opened as you walked by.
“Fascinating,” he said. He took a picture and noticed that as he got closer to you, the flowers seemed to open even further. He scanned them, looking for any known properties. His face dropped as soon as the results showed up.
“We need to go, mesh’la!”
“What? Why?” You sneezed.
“It may be too late.” He took your hand and briskly walked you out of the woods. Your face suddenly felt hot and your throat burned.
“Tech, I don’t feel well.”
“We must get back to the ship,” he said nearly panicking. “I believe those flowers create an aphrodisiac that specifically affects females of several species.”
No sooner had he said that, and your limbs felt like jelly and you fell against him.  Something wasn’t right. You could swear you felt all your blood rushing to your groin and let out a moan. You tried to run, but felt a great weight on your ankles. Tech lifted you like you weighed nothing and ran toward the Marauder. Hunter stood as he saw his brother carrying your body. Preparing for the worst, the boys all stood up asking what was wrong and following Tech on to the ship.
“A large flower opened, spreading pollen,” Tech stated. “I believe it is an aphrodisiac and it has already started to work.”
He sat you down, scanned you, and confirmed your symptoms. The others stood behind him, looking rather helpless. He sighed and gave you a rundown of what to expect. Very brief fever followed by extremely high libido and high energy until satisfied.
Crosshair looked from you to Tech and asked, “Isn’t there a way she can take care of this on her own? You know? Manually?”
“Negative,” replied Tech. “Based on the information available, orgasm does not help in mitigating the symptoms. It appears this particular pollen only effects females and it does not wear off until either sexual intercourse with a male is completed or her hormones shift with her next menstrual cycle.”
“Next period?!” You really started panicking. “I can’t feel that way for that long!” You wanted to cry and yet you could feel that you had to fight to remain yourself even now. You knew it would only get worse. “Look I… Tech I…” You searched for words, feeling overwhelmed. This was not how you wanted to have this conversation, but it seemed like you had better get it over with. “Tech, I have feelings for you. I really like you, but I don’t want to have sex with you or anyone right now, for that matter and I’m afraid of what I might say or do in the next however long.”
Tech quickly processed the information and couldn’t help but smile. “I believe the feeling is mutual,” he said, still kneeling in front of you. “I promise no one will do anything you would not want done in your healthy state of mind. You have my word.”
“That’s great,” chimed Echo, “And I’m really glad for you two, but how are we going to fix this without waiting?”
“I have an idea,” Tech replied.
No sooner had he said that and the fever hit. You felt like you were on fire and cold as ice at the same time. Wrecker stepped toward you to hold your hand. “It’s gonna be okay,” he said. “If anyone can solve this, it’s Tech.”
You tried to nod. Your whole body shook with fever, but within a few minutes the fever was gone. You knew that you weren’t yourself, but there was no way to stop it. You looked at all five men greedily and started to take your shirt off.
“I want Tech first,” you said with a smirk.
“Now now,” Wrecker said, still next to you and taking your hand away from your shirt. “None of that.”
You tried to stand up and looked at each member of the squad. You giggled to yourself that you just thought about the word “member.” They would do nicely, but you would give anything for Tech to throw you onto his bunk and fuck you through the bottom of the ship. You walked closer to him and he adjusted his googles.
“I know this is not you,” he said.
It quickly became clear that you were going to be quite a handful.  Tech did research as fast as possible, finding flowers that reacted similarly.  Wrecker held you in his lap with his arms wrapped around you after you tried to jump on Hunter as he walked past to assist Tech. He was also trying to keep you from acting out your latest threat of walking up to Tech and sitting in his lap naked. You made several comments about each of the men, but would not stop talking about how much you wanted Tech.
“We know,” Crosshair said, sitting next to Wrecker.
You turned your head toward Crosshair and smiled like an idiot. “Jealous,” you asked him.
“I didn’t say that,” he replied in annoyance.
“It’s okay if you are,” you countered in a sing-song voice.
Your body then decided that since you were sitting on a man’s lap, you might as well start thrusting your hips.
“Nope,” Wrecker said, lifting you off his lap. He was strong, but you were giving him a run for his money with how much you were squirming.
“We’ll sit with her awhile,” Hunter offered, dragging Echo with him. “Crosshair too.”
“What? Why me?”
“Because you’ve only sat next to Wrecker. I think we’ll all have to take some limbs or something.” Wrecker sat you down on the bunk and Hunter held you back before you could lunge at Tech. You nearly yoinked him halfway across the Marauder. Hunter managed to sit you back down with Echo holding one arm, Hunter the other, and Crosshair sitting on the floor hugging your legs.
“This is ridiculous,” you giggled. “Just let me fuck your brother. Just once.”
Hunter sighed. He knew you were going to be upset later. Tech had already discovered that there is no lapse in memory for this particular drug, so you would remember every moment of this.  He hoped you would find solace in the fact that they all knew this wasn’t really you. 
They were all getting tired and while Wrecker wanted to help Tech, he knew there was little he could do, so he tried sleeping until it was his turn to hold you again. Tech worked furiously through the night. He grimaced when you hit the next stage and complained you felt throbbing.  You had gone from flirty to begging for someone to put your out of your misery “with as much cock as possible.” When that didn’t work you cried. He knew it must be painful by this point. He couldn’t stand to hear you cry.  Your body was simply reacting to a drug. He felt guilty for not knowing this plant was in the vicinity, but it had never been documented on this side of the planet before. How could he have known?
In the middle of the night, Wrecker woke to stay with you while Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair tried to get some sleep. You made a lot of noise, but they tried. Wrecker had to admit that he didn’t do any more than doze. They were all worried for you, but being in war and under stress, they had learned to sleep when they can and then get up and do their part when it was time. They got what sleep they could.
You wailed when Wrecker held you, trying to scramble away to get to one of the men. He just kept apologizing and telling you he was keeping you safe. You managed to turn in his lap and wrap your legs around his waist.
He sighed. “I know you don’t want that. Not really.” You started crying again and all you could seem to feel was your pulse between your legs and a chemical drive that would not go away.
At the front of the ship, Tech started to make some progress.  He smiled to himself when he found a research article on this species of plant. He needed one of the pink flowers you’d collected earlier along with two drugs from the med kit.
Hunter hadn’t done much more than close his eyes, but he sensed the med kit being opened and went to try to help his brother.
“Will you restart the campfire,” Tech asked.
“Sure. What progress have you made?”
“We are not able to create or obtain the hormones needed to trigger her menstrual cycle and end this using that method. However, it is theorized that the reason sexual intercourse causes the pollen to cease its effect is because of the presence of semen in the vagina. Specifically, one protein found in seminal fluid. Now, obviously that is not an option for us, but it appears a similar form of this protein can be synthesized using the pollen of some flowers we collected. While not ideal, there are some items in the med kit that can help this chemical process.”
“Great, but how do we get it in her,” Hunter asked.
“We don’t,” answered Crosshair, now standing behind them. “Put whatever you make on a tampon and ask her to do it herself.”
“Would that work,” Echo asked, joining them.
“I believe it is the least invasive option,” Tech replied.
They all nodded. Hunter went outside to start the campfire.  Tech sterilized some equipment and joined him.  It seemed simple enough. He only needed part of the flower and then the heated wound disinfectant along with bacta gel would cause the protein to be isolated. Hunter dug a tampon out of the emergency supplies.
Echo and Crosshair helped Wrecker who held your legs, while the other two sat on either side of you. You were tired, but still acting ravenous. Your method had gone even further in the direction of complaining about how you were hurting, and you just wanted all this to be over. 
“It doesn’t have to be Tech,” you declared. “I’ll take any of you. Please!”  You then melted in Echo’s arm and looked at him with stars in your eyes. “Changed your mind yet? Any of you?”
He simply shook his head, trying to show he cared, and held on so you couldn’t pounce on anyone.  You turned to Crosshair on your other side. He held your arm and tried to help keep you still as best he could. You quickly moved to try to bite his neck and he pulled away. “No thank you,” he said. “I’m saving that for someone special.”
You were trying so hard to fight the drug coursing through your system, but it was a losing battle. After what felt like ages, Tech seemed satisfied with the concoction. There wasn’t much of it, but once it was cool enough he dipped the end of the tampon in the gel and walked back onto the ship. The boys let go enough for you to walk toward him. Your flirty symptoms appeared again, and you wanted Tech so badly. You looked up and down his body with no shame. He really took your breath away.
Tech found your glances made him nervous, but simply cleared his throat.  Just as he was about to explain why he was holding a tampon, you started sniffing the air.
“That smell,” you said.
The men all looked at each other. “Can you smell it,” Hunter asked. “The protein?”
“Whatever it is, I want to sit on it,” you replied with a grin. You homed in on the tampon.
Tech cleared his throat again and explained, “I have created what we hope will reverse the effect of the drug, but you need to insert this yourself.”
Crosshair and Echo were still each holding your arms, but not too tightly. You seemed to calm and they let go. You took the tampon and went to take your pants off, but everyone stopped you. Tech opened the refresher door and you walked in. He closed it and everyone sighed.
“I hope this works,” said Echo. “All I smell is floral bacta gel.”
In the ‘fresher you regarded the tampon with a little suspicion, but your body seemed to be on autopilot. You placed the tampon and immediately the ache started going away. You took slower breaths. You washed your hands and realized your nerves had been on fire for hours.  You looked at yourself in the mirror and felt the heat in your face start to drain. Instead, you realized all that you had said and done, or tried to do. All kinds of emotions flooded your system. You were sure that Hunter could sense the change in you from the other side of the door, so you made no effort to report what was going on. You weren’t sure you wanted to see or talk to any of them yet. You were covered in sweat from all your activity and wanted a shower.  You stripped off your clothes and briefly stood under the water. Just enough to clear away the feeling on your skin.  When you got out, you noticed someone had left you the spare clothes you’d brought, and you slowly put them on. After a few more minutes of staring blankly into the mirror and letting the antidote work, you finally reappeared.
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly. “I didn’t mean all that.”
“We know,” Wrecker said, pulling you into a hug.
“Glad you feel better,” Hunter said.
“Been thinking we might all get some shut eye before we leave,” Echo suggested.  Crosshair nodded with a little smile on his face. For the first time all night, he popped a toothpick in his mouth.
You nodded, thanking them for helping you.
“Especially you, Tech.”
He wasn’t sure what to do. Should he hug you? Hold you? Keep his distance?
“Here,” he said. “If you find you need more to counter the drug, I will put this in a safe place.” He showed you a container with the small puddle of gel he had made using the flowers. You smiled at him.
“How did you figure it out?”
He walked you to the cockpit after closing up the ship as the sun rose. He sat you down, noticing how physically weak you looked. Sitting across from you, he told you about his research and how he found a way to mimic the protein structure that seemed to shut down the drug.  You smiled. Of course Tech would figure it out.
“I’m sorry again,” you said.
“Cyar’ika, you have nothing to be sorry for,” he said, reaching for your hand. He gave it a soft squeeze and smiled at you. “None of this was your fault.”
You returned the smile and sat back, looking like you might fall asleep.
“Let me help you to bed,” he offered. You took his arm, needing it to steady yourself. Your legs felt like jelly for a whole different reason this time.
You got into bed. In his bunk. The others were already sleeping. Tech sat on the end of the bed, but looked conflicted. When he originally offered to sleep in the pilot’s seat, he didn’t know all of this would happen.
“Tech? Can you stay? Is that okay?”
He nodded, but suddenly seemed a bit nervous. He had never shared a bed with anyone like this. What he said earlier was true. He had feelings for you and knew you had feelings for him. He wanted you to feel safe, so if you wanted him close, he felt it would be alright now, although he wasn’t sure what he was doing as he laid down.
“How would you like me to, uh…”
“Like this,” you replied, taking his hand and laying it across your middle. Not too close or tight, but just there. “But however feels right. I trust you.”
He softly smiled and relaxed. “Goodnight mesh’la.”
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f0point5 · 10 months
Esteban seeing yn as a nepo baby but being besties with mick is a bit hypocritical don't you think?
I can see lance and her being friends because they're definitely faced similar things during their childhood i.e calling as nepo baby by others.
I also think lewis and her wouldn't get along and thats purely because of how fiercely she's defending max. Like I'm thinking their crashes and even if they were getting along, after that and her comments about them there would be a fallout.
I want mick and yn to make up in their own terms but i kinda agree with yn said. There's nepotism in f1 world and f1 isn't just talent. Connections are a big part of it and lance, mick even max and other drivers i cant remember right now HAS CONNECTIONS. But that doesnt also mean they're untalented but there was a huge advantage to them being son of something important or relatively known and we can't disregard this fact.
Mick is talented (along with lance but he's not the important character right now) and calling him surname merchant while isnt fair but its also right... His dad is mf michael schumacher... And also there's more expectations for him but even in real life i dont see anything much from him but then again he's young and haas definitely fucked him up.
It is definitely hypocritical, but I think her close connection to Max is probably the tipping point for him. Esteban is also very good friends with Lance. But I think there’s a bit of a one sided rivalry between Esteban and Max that Y/N falls foul of in Esteban’s head. Also, Esteban has watched Y/N go from being everywhere with Mick to being everywhere with Max and I think he has somewhat taken that personally on Mick’s behalf, thinks that Y/N swapped Mick for Max because of Max’s success. Which again is because of his own resentment of Max’s success. But I think Esteban sees her very much as “had it all handed to her” even more than any of the other drivers because she didn’t even have to drive for it, she just comments.
Her and Lance have known each other a long time, and she is friends with his sister, so they’re cool.
I think there’s nothing Mick could ever have done or achieved that wouldn’t have had him called a surname merchant. His dad was one of the greatest there ever was and that definitely largely worked to his disadvantage in F1. While Max got all the connections but 1% of the pressure because his dad was a nobody in F1, Mick had the weight of his last name on his shoulders the second he appeared on a go kart track. Max made Verstappen a brand, Mick came in already carrying a brand (those two are such good foils of each other). But the Schumacher name definitely had a part in getting him where he is, Guenther even said it in DTS, that German sponsors want to be in business with the Schumacher name. I don’t think he’d have had that Haas seat if it weren’t for his last name (he would have eventually got a seat somewhere else but Haas specifically picked him up for the sponsors imo).
I think in relation to Y/N specifically, he’s just hurt these comments are coming from someone he considers family. Someone who has supported him his whole career, who now seemingly turns around and thinks he’s rubbish. He’s like “you always told me I was going to be great, cheered me on, but now you’re just listing everything I do wrong to the world”. And I think he’s partly right. I think what Y/N said when she was trying to be Mick’s cheerleader was different to her real/professional opinion and she wasn’t fully honest and Mick wasn’t fully prepared to hear those things. Then on the other side Y/N is thinking “what I said isn’t nearly as harsh as what I’m thinking, I went out of my way to take it easy on him, and he’s still mad”, because she knows she has gone harder on Max and he’s just brushed it off. It’s very complicated. Also consider that a lot of those quotes would have been massively taken out of context.
Re her and Lewis, definitely were not in a good place in 2021 (we will see more of that eventually) but now I see him being a bit more like “okay she’s the Max Defence League let her do her”, and he doesn’t pay much attention to her, nor her to him.
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beyonddarkness · 1 year
Sauron Unchained
Remember when Sauron mentioned "THAT first sunrise," on the raft in the Vision? (Not THE first sunrise. The sun already existed. He's talking about THAT first sunrise, after Morgoth was defeated.)
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"When Morgoth was defeated, it was as if a great, clenched fist had released its grasp from my neck. And in the stillness of that first sunrise, at last! I felt the light of The One again. And I knew, if ever I was to be forgiven, then I had to heal everything that I had helped ruin" (1x08).
That sunrise was a pretty big deal.
Let's review this moment Sauron describes from The Silmarillion.
(Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath.)
Before the rising of the sun Eärendil slew Ancalagon the Black, the mightiest of the dragon-host, and cast him from the sky; and he fell upon the towers of Thangorodrim, and they were broken in his ruin. Then the sun rose, and the host of the Valar prevailed, and well-nigh all the dragons were destroyed; and all the pits of Morgoth were broken and unroofed, and the might of the Valar descended into the deeps of the earth. [...]
Then Morgoth was bound.
[...] Thus an end was made of the power of Angband in the North, and the evil realm was brought to naught; and out of the deep prisons a multitude of slaves came forth beyond all hope into the light of day, and they looked upon a world that was changed.
Those slaves who emerged were not the servants of Morgoth (like Orcs, Balrogs, etc.), but rather Elves, the likes of Gwindor, who were captured, imprisoned and enslaved, sent deep into the mines to dig.
But Sauron described his experience from their perspective.
Sooo... why?
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"When Morgoth was defeated, it was as if a great, clenched fist had released its grasp from my neck. And in the stillness of THAT first sunrise, at last! I felt the light of The One again."
Some complain:
Why did the writers make it seem like Morgoth made Sauron evil, against his will?
-----They didn't.-----
Why did they change Sauron's character from liking Morgoth because of efficiency, to loathing him?
-----They didn't.-----
Why did they make it so Sauron only allied himself with Morgoth in order to survive?
-----They didn't.-----
They didn't change anything. They didn't even have to add anything. None of this came out of the clear blue just for fun. It's not even just for the sake of making the show.
Sauron manipulated Galadriel, but he did so with the TRUTH, making it easier for her to pity him than if he flat-out lied.
["And in the stillness of that first sunrise..."]
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(Meanwhile, he talks about forgiveness.)
Galadriel: "No penance could ever erase the evil you have done."
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Sauron: "That is not what you believe." [...] After our victory, you said that whatever I'd done before, I could be free of it now. [...] I told you the truth! I told you that I had done evil, and you did not care! Because you knew that our past meant nothing, weighed against our future. :D"
What is this 'trauma' he allegedly experienced? Sure, he was wary of the consequences of crossing Morgoth, but I mean ... he was the guy--Morgoth's #1--his right hand Maia--his most devoted servant. He would never do anything in disobedience or rebellion. Else how would he achieve such a status?
The implication of his tale is not that he was FORCED to Morgoth's allegiance, giving him this general fear that was finally lifted when Morgoth fell.
Something happened.
He made ONE mistake.
(And since Patrick said they're not in the business of pure Easter eggs, there's a REASON they showed this.)
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In Sauron's most humiliating moment, being in the jaws of Huan, Lúthien told him "that he should be stripped of his raiment of flesh, and his ghost be sent quaking back to Morgoth; and she said: 'There everlastingly thy naked self shall endure the torment of his scorn, pierced by his eyes, unless thou yield to me the mastery of thy tower.' (The Silmarillion: Of Beren and Lúthien).
Before that, Sauron had it all. Unbeknownst to him at the time, he already had Beren (who had a price put on his head by Morgoth) IN HIS PRISON. But hearing Lúthien sing to Beren in the hour of Finrod's death, he sought great reward for bringing her to Morgoth. When his dying servant told him that Huan was there, he was like, Oh. I got this.
Things went sideways, and he had no choice but to yield to Huan, or face Morgoth's wrath... so he let them go.
As a result, Beren and Lúthien waltzed their way into Angband, stole a Silmaril (eventually) and escaped.
So, um...?
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Charlie referenced what Lúthien told Sauron, when speaking about the 'clenched fist' line. His paraphrasing is quite unnerving, given that he knows what backstory we are going to see next season... and I don't know... but I would like to... and it makes me wonder.
"You can go whimpering back to your master and tell him that you've let me in. You've failed. You haven’t defended your kingdom." [...] I read from that this thing that Morgoth is so powerful and so scary, that it would've meant consequences for Sauron. - Charlie Vickers
Where exactly was Sauron after his failure? He dwelt in Taur-nu-Fuin for a while, but a lot of time passed between then and the end of the War. So...WHERE DID HE GO? Wouldn't the most devoted and powerful of all the servants of Morgoth be actively involved in the defense against the host of the Valar?? One might say things were trending upward for him...
...until Finrod, Beren, Lúthien, and Huan came along.
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How long would it have taken Morgoth to find out that everything was Sauron's fault? How long would it have taken to hunt Sauron down, as he fled?
Not very long, I reckon.
[...] there must have been an element to their relationship where Morgoth was someone he feared at times, or someone that would punish him when he failed. [...] there must have been some truth in [the clenched fist] line. - Charlie Vickers
No wonder he described the end of the War as if he had been among the slaves who emerged from the deep prisons..."beyond all hope into the light of day"...reminiscing the first sunrise after the overthrow of Thangorodrim, and the great, clenched fist that released its grasp from his neck as a result.
In the Great War, he wasn't just sitting in a tree, or even in a back-up tower, watching from the side-lines.
He failed Morgoth.
And was punished for it.
No wonder he was missing during the War of Wrath.
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"What do you know of darkness?"
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animekpopsimp · 2 years
First Word (GI x Daughter reader)
(I got a comment saying I should write more things like this, and this idea popped into my head, so here we go.)
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Kaeya sat with you in his lap, an arm placed around your much smaller body to keep you from falling. He smiled as you looked around his office, a look of wonder in your eyes, you always were a curious child. He had taken you to work with him since things had calmed down and he most likely wouldn't have to do anything dangerous, which meant he could spend some quality time with you. You were usually very quiet, so Kaeya never had to worry about you being too fussy, until now. You wanted your father's attention, but at the moment, he was focused on the work in front of him. A look of frustration formed on your face as you pulled on his scarf, trying to get his attention, though he only glanced at you for a moment, then looked back at what he was doing.
Seeing that he wasn't giving you the attention you wanted, you started to fuss, which finally drew his attention from his work. A small sigh escaped his lips as he lifted you off of his lap, a small smile on his face.
"What's wrong?" He asked, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You stared up at Kaeya, a happy expression forming on your face, and that's when it happened.
"Da-" You opened your mouth, trying to speak, but struggling. Hearing this, Kaeya's eyes went wide as he looked at you, were you trying to speak?
"Dada" you finally spoke, giggling excitedly to yourself, a feeling of pride found its way onto your father's face as he pulled you into a hug, placing a kiss on your temple. With newfound energy he continued working, wanting to go home soon to celebrate.
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Diluc was enjoying his time off from working at the tavern by spending time with you, his daughter. Charles had offered to take a shift so he could rest, which he needed. And it was a chance to be there for you, he had always felt guilty being so busy. He had taken you to one of the cliffs surrounding the plains of Mondstat, keeping an eye out for danger along the way of course. The sun was beginning to set and you were just happy to be around your fater, as the sun began to disappear and the stars became visible in the clear sky, a wide-eyed smile appeared on your face as you looked over at Diluc, who looked down at you, a small, warm smile appearing on his face. He chuckled quietly to himself as he placed a kiss on your temple, causing you to giggle. The sound warmed his chest as you reached up towards your father, tugging lightly on a strand of his hair.
Diluc was about to playfully scold you, but you caught him off guard.
"Papa!" You cheered excitedly, which left him speechless. After getting over the initial shock your father gently pulled you closer to his chest with a loving look in his eyes.
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Being a father wasn't something Albedo ever expected to achieve in his lifetime, but despite the odds, it had happened. Despite not expecting to ever have children, he considered you a blessing in his life. He was working in his lab and you were in your makeshift room, away from anything that could possibly hurt you. Things were peaceful until you started crying, your father got up, taking a break from his current experiment, and made his way to you. A small smile found its way onto his face as he leaned down and picked you up. Holding you close in his arms, your father bounced you up and down as your cries slowly quieted, before stopping completely. Albedo placed a kiss on your forehead, gently running a hand through your hair. You looked up, a smile on your face,
"pl-" your father looked surprised, were you trying to say something?"
"Pla-play" you finally said, a smile tugged at your father's lips as he hugged you tightly.
"I can't play right now," he said in a soft voice.
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Childe held you in his arms, trying to get you to sleep since you had woken up in the middle of the night. However, you were being stubborn. Your father sighed as he held you close to his chest, hoping to calm you down. Finally, your cries began to slow, until you stopped completely, and your father smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"Are you going to sleep now?" He asked in a playful voice. You looked up at him, a watery look in your eyes as you reached up towards your father.
"Dada" you suddenly said, and your father's eyes went wide. He was now wide awake as he lovingly pulled you against his chest. A feeling of pride swelled up in his chest as he placed a kiss on your temple.
"I'm here," he said, rocking you to sleep.
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You were sitting on Zhongli's lap while he sipped his tea as the two of you were out and about in Liyue. Since he had faked his own death, he had more time to spend with you, which he enjoyed. You were looking around with an excited look on your face, you always loved being out in the city with your father. He smiled as you squirmed in his lap as a god ran by. Zhongli wrapped his arm around you, preventing you from falling as he quietly chuckled to himself.
"Be careful" he warned you, a soft smile on his face as you pouted slightly. You watched as the dog sat nearby, you still wanted to pet it.
"Puppy," you said, which your father didn't expect. He placed his teacup down and held you up, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"Yes, that's a puppy" he smiled.
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authortobenamedlater · 2 months
S2 deep dive. The whole season. Bring the scuba gear for this one.
Negatives, positives, overall impressions, speculations about a possible S3 under the cut.
This has been sitting in my drafts for way too long and even though it’s incomplete I’m posting it. I’ll have more later I’m sure I just need it out there before it becomes irrelevant.
The bad:
It’s too short. I have pontificated about short TV seasons and long waits between seasons before so I won’t revisit it.
The fall of Reach felt more like a speed bump than the single most traumatic event in the Human-Covenant War. This is probably related to the It’s Too Short problem.
This one is entirely subjective, but I am here for The Chief & Cortana Show and this season was not The Chief & Cortana Show.
Much of the unfinished business from S1 remained unfinished or was finished lazily. The Reach for Life Project and the weirdness surrounding John’s childhood? Never mentioned. Madrigal? Glassed. Separating John and Cortana? Reduced to a one-minute flashback. This isn’t to say these threads won’t get picked up down the line, but having to potentially wait another two years doesn’t appeal. Again, this goes back to It’s Too Short.
The Spartan-IIIs made little sense. And why were they capturing kids if they can use adults to make Spartans now? Are there enough left to make up a Spartan corps?
Somehow, Makee returned. This isn’t bad in itself, but it’s never explained. The closest we get is Var saying “you live only by my grace.” OK, what grace is that? Did he resurrect her? Convince the prophets to resurrect her?
Speaking of Var, why did he exist? To make way for Thel next season? Why not just have Thel from the start? Especially since deleted dialogue from S1 had that Sangheili who ran out of the cave on Madrigal named as Thel ‘Vadamee.
Jacob Keyes is dead. It’s somewhat canon, but I didn’t want it to happen. I wanted him to live and face his music.
I did not like what they did with Soren this season. The Kessler storyline got draggy. And the way Soren acted at times didn’t really seem in line with the guy in S1 who made a promise to John and kept it even though he could probably have broken it without John ever knowing. Soren also gave the impression in S1 that he didn’t want anything to do with fighting a war and just wanted to hole up on the Rubble with his family. That changed in S2 without any real reason given.
They still can’t figure out Kwan. I liked the direction they were taking her last season, but that all got blown up, literally.
The Spartan-IIIs seemed awfully rushed. We don’t know anything about them, if or how they are augmented, or what.
The good:
Halo’s cast continues to rise above the show’s shortcomings, and the crowning achievement this season is Joseph Morgan’s Ackerson. Morgan manages to make Ackerson the bad guy, but never a bad guy. You love to hate him and want him to realize he’s wrong just in time to make that last-second pivot and then he does.
Laera might not be back for S3 (although hey, somehow Makee returned), but she got some great material this year.
For all its flaws, Halo does have a way of sticking the landing and the final episode of this season delivers. The introduction of the Flood was about as great as I could have asked for. That scene where the no-name bit part gets infected and the ironically happy music is playing while everyone goes about their business? Appropriately horrifying.
I liked Talia’s progression from jumpy regular Marine to confident Spartan-III, even if the show didn’t have enough time to do it well.
Makee and John continue to have a fascinating dynamic.
The back and forth with John and Guilty Spark (I assume) in the last episode was excellent and did a fine job setting the stage for season 3.
The big question: Will we get a third season?
Nothing is guaranteed in the era of streaming shows, but Halo has been P+’s most watched show since it launched. It’s been the third most watched original show in the US across all streaming platforms this year. Basically, no matter how terrible the show is sometimes or how much fan hate it gets, Halo is making money. I can’t see it not getting renewed. If Halo didn’t get renewed, another network might want it, or P+ might do a spinoff (thoughts on that at a later date).
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hello how are you
I have a request where lesso and r are dating but lesso is stressed with smt maybe tests? And so she kinda forgets stuff w r or just r in general so r picks up a hobby maybe something scientific ir like building smt (like an ironman suit but its okay if you choose something else) and so lesso finds out and apologises for being so distracted and distant and r tells her about her project/projects
Have a good day :) x
Missing your attention
*Authors note~ooo I think this could realistically be something Leonora would struggle with and a tad self indulgent whoops*
Trigger warnings~ abandonment? Slight mommy kink? Implied smut
Prompt~ see ask^^^
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You knew your girlfriend was stressed. After all you only had a class, the Dean of Evil had the whole school to oversee and you knew that must be such a challenge for her. So you expected to see less of the woman but what you didn't expect was how much she seemed to forget things. At first you passed it off as a one time accident and she was so apologetic that you truly couldn't stay mad at her, she's just too damn cute. She'd kill you of course ever you ever told her that out loud, you knew that but you still did so anyway.
Soon enough though, these little things became more frequent and it was truly starting to affect you. You knew she was busy, and you should be okay with that but your abandonment issues were starting to kick in. You'd let yourself get close to someone and now she was gonna do what they all do. Leave. Get you feeling safe and loved only to take it away. You didn't feel enough for her to even bother and remember your existence. You refused to fall into this trap, no you were going to battle the bad thoughts and keep busy. If your busy and she's busy then it will go super fast and then she won't be annoyed with you or call you clingy. She would have absolutely no reason to leave you, you were gonna do something, anything to make sure she would stay.
You began to spend your spare time in the lab, working on the mechanics of an Ironman suit but designing it to look more like the suit that the black widow wears. It was fairly obvious you had a thing for redheads, so it was no surprise your inspiration was Nat from the Marvel series you'd binged recently. The mechanics you felt were the hardest to grasp really after all you were doing this as a pure novice only using books to learn and guide you. You'd had setbacks after all crossing the two suits together was difficult. But you were making headway now and you couldn't be prouder of your achievements. Sure you had bad days, days where being without Leonora felt physically painful but you pushed through knowing that your girlfriend wouldn't come to bed until the wee hours of the morning and would leave before you were even awake for the day.
Leonora knew she felt bad, work had been piling up and preventing her from doing even the basic things like eating and sleeping. And more importantly she'd neglected you. The guilt eating away at her so much that she knew she had to find you. She'd been told that you snuck off somewhere recently and her insecurities grew. If you'd found someone else, she couldn't expect anything else she'd neglected you. But she loves you more than life itself so the thought made her heart shatter into pieces.
Thankfully, when Leonora followed you down to the lab this evening she was met with you adding the finishing touches to the suit and looking through sketches. "Sweetheart?" Leo called slightly worried of you being frustrated with her. "Baby! Hi, come see what I built" you giggled excitedly pointing at your creation and gathering the sketches you made of it.
"Wow, sweetheart this is amazing and you did this all yourself?" She murmured examining the suit and sketches, "this me love?" She purred as you flushed and nodded, "missed you baby" was all you offered in explanation. "I know sweetheart I'm sorry I've been so busy. I've missed you too so so much" she murmured before catching a hold of your chin and using it to guide your lips to hers. The sweet kiss didn't remain sweet for long, after all your bodies missed each other just as much as your hearts did. "Want me to try it on love?" She teased and you flushed red again, as she looked over the sketches once more. "Baby? Really? You do have a thing for that Nat then hmm?" She teased casting you to rush around the lab, putting sketches away and coming back to your girlfriend.
"If you missed me so much why don't you show me mommy" you whimpered kissing her cheek and running off to your shared bedroom, you knew how much Leonora loved the chase. "My little beautiful minx" she hummed before counting to ten and following after you.
Word count~ 854
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