#like my lil brain see cool art and just goes down
jupiterriot · 9 months
Came on here to draft a post, got distracted scrolling, now I'm in my kitchen making grilled cheese.....
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seaquestions · 1 year
im fuckinj losing it again
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ghostickle · 2 years
Child me was so right to desperately want a loft bed this is the greatest decision I have ever made
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rolecall / XG - TIPPY TOES / left right posting up slow switching lanes just like this / only direction i know swerving left right keep me upright / my adrenaline hit the pedal to the ground / 2 lil asians / don't we all deserve it ill tell you how we want it / no you cant deny it / you either like it or bite it / don't ask me if you dont know why / the only direction i know / what goes around comes back around / so when he comes down are you gonna let him pay or are you gonna let him stay
do you know why phonk gets popular on the social medias? because people dream of murder. they just find the most socially acceptable way to do it, because these are people interested in staying people. to those who dream of murder: this is will not kill you. for it did not kill me.
this is why everything i write is a poem.
and i think more of us should dream of murder, or what it takes to end a life. just one is fine. just 1. uno. uno. yi. yichi. one. One. the One. you believe in god? believe in the power of 1.
all for one / one for all. think on it. evoke all might, and evoke his enemy. why?
the universe is interested in this, too.
will you answer it - or shall i?
Dealer's choice.
You want to be cool? Be cool like a dying & a dead body.
I've lived through the age of humanitarian aid - ive seen nice people do nice things. Now I ask: Toni Morrison, what would you do different?
Fushigoro Toji knows exactly what I am referencing, and not only that: he knows exactly what I am aiming for. This is because he was interested in bringing the jiu-jitsu sorcerery world to its knees.
Gojo Satoru was interested in this too.
Now the question is: how?
Gege Akutami failed in his task to honor Gojo Satoru. I name you, Satoru: for all your fans call you Gojo, and I alone will know you. Now who will join you? By this, I mean: who will join me?
Who will speak conviction to action - because by the audre lorde, i Know Archive of Our Own, I know the dynasties of our time, and I know how to tell them from myths, and I know how to tell that from myth-making.
East Asian dragons are built like fishes for a reason.
Weavers in Palestine have still not fled. I need not know why. Why? I know why. Why? You gonna keep asking me shit or are you gonna use that brain two people gave you and the fact it's a muscle and do grindr? Grind on it. Grind. You done? Do it again.
You pissed yet?
You mad, broski?
You either wake, or you don't, unstirred - thus undeterred.
I say this now to honor James Baldwin: no more sleeper agents shall be in my path. Let's fucking dance, or there shall be war.
Sugimoto Saichi knows this so fucking well it made me get up and take a run, because he made me take a blow to the face and I survived it: he says this to a white US-American collector of Ainu artifacts: and do you know what he said? He said this: give up the artifact or I will take you down. Verbatim, by word of the translator on the pirated site on which I read: do you know what happens when negotiations break down?
It's called War. more simply: you, or me. it is an art. that's why "sun tsu" is famous in the white(?) man's world.
Now there is the mythicized World War 3. Chinese-Americans will for sure suffer like they were meant to be born stillborn in its wake. Do you want me to tell you why or will you look up? Current news is distracting for one reason: the news is merely an inch of actual reality that then proceeds to holler down several damaging hoops.
What is more accurate: current news evokes the current state of the world.
Here's a note to clue you in , not that any immigrant nor migrant nor vagrant really needs it, but here's something to piss you off anyway - Japanese-Americans were sent to internment camps. Wanna guess what number world war this was for?
Wanna guess? Or Wanna Know? See what I'm putting down yet? No? Okay.
No more sleeper agents shall be in my path. I say this now to respect the fact James Baldwin aided in my survival. He died already: why do I still feel him here, with me, laughing? It's simple, really. Because he loved Angela Davis: and Angela Davis is still alive today.
And I am right there beside her.
In the first and only book I've read from him, he said this through the mouthpiece of his characters, his loved ones, his chosen ones, the ones that would make him survive, AKA enable, and he said this: I will build a long, long table for folks to be eating off of for a long, long time. And the woman who loved him said this back: I'll go where you lead me.
This book changed the US-American consciousness. He wrote in France. I don't need to read his autobiography to confirm this. Here's why, because I could give less of a shit if you wanted to play devil's advocate: it is because James Baldwin judged he would not survive in The United States of America.
So he wrote in France.
I believe he died there.
Now I ask: will you respect 2024 or will you make someone come after you?
Dealer's choice.
You have been dealt your hand. Your ass is either shown or it will be shown. You either wake, or you don't, undeterred. It is this clear cut because empire has intensified, singing of its war drums: it has been, always, never new, always old, but never interesting, always predictable. It is why all the gongs of dehumanization are on. It is why those who have listened to it all their life are now cold like metal. We know how to be metal. Metal: the one thing that needs heat to shapeshift. Why is winter difficult to survive? This is why historians and social science researchers say the same shit and nobody listens, but they are slightly more likely to be listened to, and that is why people of color, and those of the margins, flood into academia anyway, knowing they will be perfectly tortured.
Do you want me to tell you how I have been tortured?
Do you want to guess, or do you want to know, or do you want me to torture you to make you find out?
There have been people who were shot for less. Of them: Hind Rajab. After or before her, because the order doesn't really matter, not really, only that they were dead where they stood: those two Red Crescent paramedics.
Toni Morrison must be shocked where she is in her lively post-death. She said this to me once, because I read it, and I felt her touch me, because she is real, and when she died in 2015, that is how I knew Donald Trump was fake: I will always be shocked. I will always choose to be shocked. I think anything less is a kind of death.
I have died. But I am still alive. Why? To honor the two people who raised me. One - a dragon herself. The other - a rabbit.
My dad has taught me to think like a prey animal.
Do you want to know why people daydream about shapeshifting into predators?
Do you want to know, or do you want to guess? Follow the path your parents have set you on since the day you were born.
Otherwise this is what will happen: you will never catch up to Martin Luther King Jr. You will not meet Audre Lorde. And you will not be looked at by James Baldwin, though he will see you, anyway.
Do you want to know what happened to the people who made Disco Elysium, or do you want me to fucking repeat myself?
You either wake, or Nanami Kento will never speak to you on his way to get a viet sandwich. And through your mouth will be flies: for you have failed to speak the truth, and honor the one and Only task you were given at birth: take care of thyself.
Number 1 rule of Art of War by a Chinese man:
It is the same rule that KDJ from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint dances to. This is why every character revolves around him, carnally. Their hunger is real. Their seeing and knowing already there. This is because KDJ is a reader. He knows exactly what potency it takes to kill a character, and what it takes to keep one alive. This is why Shing Shong was successful in their refusal to write a story that comes from domination. Because first: she was disinterested in it.
Because first: she wrote a story. And it was a long one. 500 chapters. And for what?
This is why I want Shing Shong carnally. Why carnally? Well: what do you think? You wanna spend a guess? Come here. Come and find out. Come.
2024 is the year of the wood dragon. Wood dragons are named for their transformations. I've decided. Do you want to know what I've decided, or do you want to guess? If you are impatient, now you will know how it feels like to be in a burning pit, hellish by Japanese standards, tortured, forever and ever, and then perhaps you will have your first rare and individual and selectively acquired taste of what it has meant for everybody else to be colonized, while you stand, alone, mute, wearing the most bodily privilege you have ever seen, never acutely felt, and you will stupid for it - do you know why? Because white supremacy has an adjective placed in front of it, and it is doing something there. White supremacy knows it must first trick the light skinned people. So first it creates an abstract idea: it creates -
What would I have said here? Pull it together for me. I seem to have forgotten. This is the tune of real survival. This is why all people from all walks, all individual tortures, are still interested in community. You find the punk, or it finds you with a crackle of knuckle. It's why cult survivors exist, past being kept like abused animals. Because you will not die at the end. You won't. How do I know this?
Did you fucking read, or were you fucking tone-deaf?
Here it is, though, because I'm being nice: global racial capitalism is a cult with death at the end of it. And you must know by now I am not unique. Because even the worst person alive, objectively, by anybody's standard, got here somehow. And I have killed myself to care. I have tortured myself. I have. I have killed myself over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over because ultimately when the rubber really hits the fucking road I believe Ajin: Demi-Human is an relatively optimistic story, because those who have learned to resurrect themselves at will will always be interested in the good fun. Samuel "Satou" Owen is my favorite white-ish man in Japanese manga. This is because, like me, the Ajin writers and drawers were wise: they did not name the unknown substance that brought everybody back to life. They merely places an man obsessed with ways of living, at all costs, in front of it.
Satou-san is a white-Chinese man. He is mixed. What does this tell you? It tells me this: he is of movement. This means he has two feet. If he has two feet, and he is bipedal, and he can wield a gun with the mastery of a guy with chef's tools but in a forest instead of a well-stocked and furnished kitchen, this means he is a person. He likes to fuck around and find out. His white-american father failed to stop him. Why: did he fail in his task because he did not love him? The Ajin makers are clever: they had his white man of a father beat him, first, and then, later, quite quickly, demonstrate that he was a father first, because Samuel's father apologized for hitting him, because he wants to know his son is a wonderful person, and Samuel, so young, a child, stood there, alone, with a smile on his face, dead animals around him and blood on his hands, probably caked under his fingernails.
So now I wonder what it would take for Samuel "Satou" Owen to go back home.
I will write on this - cuz I do be writing - but I'll give you an interesting thought here, because this is what I offer, relief that feels like a slice that cauterizes the wound on the way: Satou's father did not fail in loving him. He failed because he was too kind.
I will teach Satou-san what it looks like to be brutal, but with compassion. And I won't kill him - now why would I do that? Ain't he the most lethal demi-human immortal freak Japan and da rest of the world has ever seen? He came from the United States originally. He only ended up in Japan because he is a video game freak. It's not because he's crazy: it's because, actually, he likes to have fun.
This is why he refuses to take his life so unseriously: he felt the universe slot another coin into his piggy bank. The universe must be interested in him for a reason. Life in the universe needs no reason. It's how we got here anyway. Now you must see the conspiracy? This is why the researcher who named "IBM (Invisible Black Matter)" was called insane and asked for the cigs in his car when three fingers, one by one, were cut off his left hand. He was being serious. So now I ask: will you fucking play?
Those who read of medias that show off their gore, turned like stones, with fresh worms underneath, in that rich, rich dirt: c'mere. You know exactly what I be talking about. Ajin: Demi-Human dances on the grave of Shounen by placing a non-traditional protagonist in the path of a traditional shounen protagonist and Does not make them fight. Instead: they are made to collaborate. Now how were they made to do this? Because at the core of each, was a compassionate core, and so every character was interested in each other as a person.
Read Ajin. It dances. To a music that few hear. Because it takes skill. It is not like Jiu-jitsu Kai-sen. It was not made to be a franchise, because it sought to honor its people that lived in the narrative. The cost: it will never be popular. It is why its second season is the way it is. This is the cost that Ajin's makers incurred. And they incurred it anyway. I have heard them without ever speaking to them personally. This is my skill. So now it is my offering.
Gege Akutami failed in his task to honor Gojou. Do you wanna hear why now? Or am I being registered, like a smaller gong amidst all the gongs of dehumanization right now?
Hey, fans of the Golden Kamuy - y'all get it most, for Sergeant Tsukishima is a secondary character and he has earned many delicious, life-affirming fics on that One and Only site. Each one I've really read got at it hard. Tsukishima writers and lovers and comrades in arms: Do you hear me, or will I go unheard like I have seven years ago?
Will I die, or will you die first? I won't. So Now the question is: will you?
I think, but first, I choose to believe in this one thing: all people know exactly what I am talking about. Because you were born. And now you will die, because empires have never been interesting. They generate dead bodies for a reason. They never have to say anything to dead people. Because, again, they are dead, and there's no way to bring them back to life. That is why eradication is strategic, and that is why slow deaths are more interesting, because it's quite hard to kill somebody without a gun, and so serial killers invent fresh ways to do it - wanna know why? Cuz they be bored, just like I am, watching them do it and choose it like a abused dog might with its ragdoll of a chew toy.
We see the dead people. One of my parents decided to become a doctor, practicing zhongyao, purely because he saw the way his grandfather died. Do you understand the acceleration of skill to mobilize thought to action? He spent 10 years putting himself through his chosen torture - medical school. Or will you sit there, mute in your dead body shame, so totally unmoved you are disturbed by almost anything? Why don't you find a corner in the world where you won't suffer for it. You can try. The last person who went to outer space came back and said never mind, it's actually all here and this is really it.
You can try the ocean. Elon Musk didn't. Wanna know why? It's because the hard, the really, really, truly, back-breaking work, is never done by the toddlers in power.
So now I wonder if Noor Hindi is well. The answer is no. Why?
Will you ask me to repeat what I've just said, or will you Read:
Dr. Alreer said: if I must die, then let me be a story. Of what?
Of what?
We all come from matter. We all know when things die, the matter doesn't disappear. This is some kinda physics law. Astrophysics too. Supernovas and lesser deaths of stars generate elements that compose matter. So do stars when they come into being. Sure. The Ainu peoples knew it first, as did every other peoples native to a land who did not seek to immediately obliterate it. Because they were first interested in their survival, and in that: how to keep surviving. Anyways, this is interesting. Because this means while we are alive at the same time, we are negotiating it all the time. This is why Stands and Jojo's Bizarre's Adventure is Bizarre and so fucking fun. It dances, and it dances visibly. It is called drag. It is called performance for the purpose, on purpose, for interesting reasons. It's why Kujo Jotaro did not die until his daughter would, because he protected her, and she protected him, and they died, but their friend, truest witness, went and finished the task given to him. And so they still lived. So it is bizarre. Everything probably is. It's why people are so interested in convenience, in that quick fix, in that hit of ketamine, in those shortcuts, in taking their lives less seriously, because they already know how serious it is to live in a world like ours, and they already know just how hard it is to meet each other where they are at, because they have struggled in meeting themselves where they are at, which is the deepest fucking pit unique to them, for they are being tortured, even as we speak, because it is individual: but it is not unique. Because I have been tortured. And I am still here, speaking with you.
So are you gonna fucking participate in derogatory theatre, or are you gonna wait till someone like me comes over and whips you where it really hurts? For those who are hung: you know. For those who aren't: too bad, you've got a throat.
For those who don't: we know what happened to them, don't we. They don't get livestreamed. DRC is silent because they cannot make it a football game. People are dead, dying, and are being disabled from living.
So now you either speak, or you remain silent, or as Baldwin said it: uninitiated, or unactivated, or as Morrison said: un-artful. If you do, remain silent or quiet or whatever that really chafes you right now, then you will never know what Audre Lorde was saying when she said We Were Never Meant to Survive. Do you know the three ways to survive in a ruined world, or did Ocean Vuong say it already and you simply refused to clock it and let it travel inside you like a missile that hit Vietnam all those decades ago?
This is the risk I incur. So now I evoke all those who have aided in my survival. I know I am not alone. Do you know why there was not 1 dragon leftover, in ATLA? Because if there was one left, it would not have come out of its cave. It would have stayed there, forever, until it perished. So Zuko's uncle made sure there were 2. Am I understood, or do you see that when I open my mouth and see red, every color of life is evoked? The sun god folks in that iconic scene know exactly what I am talking about. It is why they keep the original fire burning for thousands of years, and this is why one of them looked at Zuko and joked about the masters (real) chewing him up, and their leader said shut up but did not say he was wrong. Because he wasn't.
Their leader does something nice here, which he is by no means obligated to do, but does, because he knows he is not free to abandon it like the sleeper agents have: hey, you might die if you do this. Will you still do it?
That is the risk you incur by coming after me. I make enemies. But first, because I am an dragon originating of the East Asians: I know exactly who my friends are, first. All I ask is for you to not act stupid.
If you insist: well. When the LONG opens its maw, you will be right to be terrified. Why do TIGERS have teeth if not to use them? Praise the knife that goes through the PEAR for you, or you will not eat well tonight, and if you do: know that it will not last.
Karma simply does not come quick enough. That's A-OK. The universe prefers slowness. So now I dance. I gave to it my sixieth spiritual death and it has finally snickered instead of dragging my face through the fucking dirt, asking me to open my mouth and taste the worms which dance in the rain with their entire bodies. It's why they writhe. Now when I laugh it laughs through me and seems genuinely pleased. But what I care about most is this: that I have gotten so good at what I need to do, and what i Want to do, that Nanami Kento now merely inclines his head and walks beside me. And this: that Toji merely glances an eye at me and lifts his chin, smiling, crazed at the edge of pleased, and asks me anyway, despite full knowing in all his rage and all his cool dead & dying & disabled body discernment: hey, how are we gonna fuck em up today?
Treacherous cunt.
I am not a spiritual person. I've merely died spiritually enough times for me to have to use the academic word for it. In me I have, first: the people who saw and shielded me - second: the people who taught me, dancing to their own survivals. I am the friend of Bob. The one who told me to keep writing. Bob, I am proud, and I know you are proud of me. Hey, hi, hello.
This is my dream. My friends are a dream. All of them are. One by one they have stood, and they have stood alone, and now I am there beside them.
I honor all those who aid in my survival. Face me when you shoot me in the fucking face. This is why union leaders are assassinated in their beds, with pregnant people right beside them. This is why small children in the first formally livestreamed eradication campaign call the men in tanks cowards, and mice, because that little girl was just that fun, that interesting. This is why Sugimoto Saichi, at the very beginning of his story/dance, he hesitated when that wounded animal came out and charged him, desperate and mobilized with all its might to clear a path to its survival. Because he saw and he understood in less, but it was still too late. So that is why Asirpa said let me take the shot next time, if you can't do it - in fact, don't even try. For we need heat to survive the winter. Dragons of the East are interested in one thing, and that is people, not god. We come when called. We come when uncalled. It is why we show ourselves when people of a land need rain. 's also why we show ourselves when people of a land don't think they need shit. Do you understand the level of discernment required to do this? My judgement is not divine. I don't give a rat's shit about God. Wanna guess what I give a shit about?
A rat's ass.
But just so you don't the wrong idea, because that is what personally pisses me off the most: I don't believe in God, but I believe in you.
How is this possible? Because I had a parent, and in her, she was a dragon, and she has evoked it enough times, at all the critical moments, for me to follow her example. I will incur the risk now. I have always taken risks, because I've seen what it takes to safeguard and then nurture and then, perhaps, cultivate a life. I was born into the year where dragons have danced and they saw me and I have seen them, and you really should be thinking about Zuko not being stricken down by the last 2 dragons of his time by now. My father is a rabbit - he knows how to respect the world, so that he is to be respected if he cannot be loved. And he still chose to care for me, a weakling. He still chooses it: for we played a poker game, just once, after majiang, and he saw how I dealt my last card and thus understood my entire play and he looked me in the eye when he said:
Don't do that again.
So now I incur the risk. Because I know the cost of what it means to survive in a place like this. The world. The world. People get hurt here.
Duh. Richard Siken is needed no longer. He has said what has needed to be said. He writes, and I write too. I pick it back up, the dead thing at the end of the road. Because in order for it to be dead, it must have been killed.
So I will incur the risk. You are welcome to join me. The time to wait has been over since the first people(s) said, fucking shit fuck help! help! and nobody came, or if they did, they still ended up dying anyway.
i have never been interested in living forever. people who do are interested in having fun. the rest are idiots. the people who have fun usually die first - it is why aang's entire people was eradicated from this earth, from that fiction lifeworld. so now i find it more interesting when the people who have the most fun don't die - and that is why Toji of JJK is ketamine to people. from everywhere. from all walks of life. do you want to know why JJK is popular now, everywhere? I will tell you why now. Because I am being nice, and I am interested in your surviving, your continuous survival, your real tunes. Because I would prefer to be your friend rather than your enemy, but you make your choices, and I will make mine.
Here it is the truth: it is because JJK is interested, at least initially, in what it would look like to wield overwhelming power responsibly, which is to say: meaningfully. It is why Gojo is Japan's animation poster boy right now. He always did like to fuck around and find out. And he found out, didn't he - he found out that his own creator gave up respecting his principles to serve franchise interests, the grinding acceleration of that kind of selected - and chosen - giving in. It is a death. I have grieved it.
Now I stand here, alone.
Now I ask : who is interested in seeing Gojo Satoru still alive, even knowing that he has failed in his task to do what he said he did? Is it because of him, as a character, as a person who lived within the narrative, or is it because of the narrative that either enables or disables his real and true living?
One of the oldest people in my life said this to me recently: I personally believe that there are no shitty characters. Only a story that no longer suits them.
Will you be a story that I can live in?
Or will you be a story that makes me want to come after you and demonstrate to you, selectively, intimately, how you have betrayed me?
Will you, or won't you?
Kong Si-Woo is calling me now. Sorry. Bye. Gong Si-U is the best negotiator I know, and he's telling me to take a break. You can't solve everything by your self, he is saying. That's why you pick your men carefully. And he has chosen. Do you know who he choose?
He chose Toji.
Toji survived after he left the torture pits in that family clan of his.
First, he ended the life of every cursed beast in the family's torture pit to relish the fact he could do it, perfectly alone. His solitude earns the survival of Zenin Maki, and thus the survival of her sister, Zenin Mai.
Second: he met someone who was curious about him there, also perfectly alone in one of the most inhospitable places alive, already similar by then, and earned his respect, unyielding for some reason not known to him, personally, but his ass is shown to me because I have tapped it and I liked the sound that came back.
This is because Kong Si-Woo and Toji have a 10-year history. Adults at that age, making new friends? Color me delighted.
Third: in earning the Korean man's respect: he earned the capacity for real trust, the kind that marks actual fucking solidarity. And then Toji, scorned Japanese man he is, lived for 10 more years with Kong Si-Woo near him and by him, because these are men who when they are killed will live on, until Toji fucked around and found out for the last time --- until, of course, the story itself brings him back to meet his grown son.
Now I ask you: will you be respected, or will you be interested in what real enabling, at all costs, looks like?
Will you give a shit the way Toji does, or will you give a shit the way Nanami does? Will you move the way Sugimoto does, or will you simmer quietly like a jar of moss like Qingming, pirated Dream of Eternity: Yin-Yang Master, softspoken and brutal in his withholding? Will you have fun like Satou Samuel Owen, or will you earn the respect and thus relieve the responsibility of Nagai Kei, at age 17, willingly took on because he saw clearly the danger Satou posed to every normal person alive on the planet, and decided for himself that he would end it now.
Will you be tortured like Suzaku Kururugi, so complete, fans of Code Geass feel it even today, or will you take decisive action to bring the very structures of the Jiujutsu Sorcerer's World down by disavowing the only child you've named for blessing, just so he could have a headstart?
Which character will you relieve of their responsibilities? Can you tell who needs it the most? Do you know what I'm saying here? I am saying I do not need Nanami Kento anymore and he has never needed me to speak. This is because he died in Shibuya, and I am glad he did, because Gege Akutami's writing abilities did too. I would not have survived the Nanami's badly written death the way I could survive Gojo's. Gege must have detected this in some way: he must, even with his franchise of an empire, because even a franchise of an empire comes from people: because he waited to kill Gojou, because he knew everybody seemed to like him, and genuinely love him, in many many lands, and what he did was brutal, and it was genuinely cruel: he bisected Gojou in half instead of blowing a hole through him despite putting him in Toji's killer fit.
It means Akutami was done with Gojou's character, and discarded his personhood, and gave his fans and comrades and enemies crumbs. Enemies of Gojo savored it: but they understood its brutality, and rejoiced because finally the biggest dick did win, as they foretold, because they foretold the death cult that is global racial capitalism, because they have survived, and they don't want anybody else to except for themselves, and their friends, of course. Even our enemies have friends. What does this tell you: it means everybody has the capacity to understand tragedy. Indeed, Everybody else simply understood it for tragedy. Now there's nothing wrong with a nice tragedy.
But is it interesting? Toni Morrison looked me in the eye in one of her interviews and I will tell you what she said to me: she said once you have gotten the jobs you have all trained so beautifully for, you must now go and free someone else. This is not a grab-bag candy game.
Now here's the thing about TRUE FICTION: AND TRANSFORMATIVE FICTION: we can bring him back.
I will do it. Anyway, I will do it. Why? Because I know what it takes to complete a story and respect a character's personhood. Because I learned how to draw first, and then I figured out how to write. Each time, it was a person who bestowed it to me. So now I read Dungeon Meshi and trill with delight. Now she gets it. So now I reread DOROHEDORO!!! Now this one too, she knows it. So now I follow Witch Hat Atelier, not only interested but believing in its conclusion: for Shimomura knows exactly how to dance to make her people dance, too. This is a skill.
Will you dance. You. Hey. Hello. I ask you now: Will you fucking dance? If so, come here. I protect all other/Othered animals. But first, you must show me your teeth, and then second, you must make it known to me you are not my enemy. For I am not god. I am merely a person born into dragon year. So now whenever I open my mouth, I do it knowing the whole world will listen. I stand alone, and I will go unheard, or I won't, and then: I will either be killed, or I will change people along the way. I don't mind either results. Because right now, Tosaki, the man with the mints and the cigarette and the crisp white suit, from Ajin: DEMI HUMAN is my favorite fucking character.
He dies at the end, by the way. He dies with no regrets. I seek to follow him.
Hey - Aaron Bushnell. I evoke your name to evoke your death, because your last words were Free Palestine and you chose to do it, standing there, perfectly alone, despite wanting to become a software engineer, transitioned out of active duty.
You have done your duty. I got it from here. I will not fail Hind Rajab again. Trust me, I won't. You plug it in right by me, or I will know. Now isn't that the real fun?
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antirepurp · 1 year
time for me to be obnoxious about an april fool's game at almost may wahoo ft. an unexpected moment of character analysis because i have no chill
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i hope this game is canon because rouge doing petty pickpocketing is my favorite thing actually
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he has a wallet? and a home?
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i could go on about how much i love these kids being unhinged and chaotic but unless i want to reblog this post a million times i have to cut it down. let it be known that i adore the kids and their antics tho
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you know what i also adore? blaze committing crimes in the chaos dimension because she can get away with it. i think i need more of that in my life actually
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although right after he says he doesn't wanna do more crimes i'd like to think he grows out of that opinion eventually. let the little guy steal stuff i want him to hang with rouge and have her make him worse actually
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look here shadow's had it rough in the writing department for a while but i very much appreciated this plot point of him going out of his way to get concert tickets for amy and even (reluctantly) agreeing to go with her to said concert even if it isn't his cup of tea. i know it's more presented as him trying to y'know be polite and considerate and he's going about it in an edgy way but i'd like to think it's just his way of presenting things if you will? like he know what amy's favorite band is and sees how hard the tickets are to get so he goes out of his way to get them because he cares about his friend and knows how much attending a concert like that would mean to amy. and in terms of this screenshot in particular i also appreciate amy appreciating her friends' presence at her party even if they hadn't gotten her anything! sure it does kinda come across as her being bummed about not getting gifts from them and maybe she is but i think that's okay? like she's 12 (or 13 now i guess?) getting excited about presents is pretty normal, and it's not like she's super upset about it anyway. i think she genuinely appreciates her friends attending her party more than anything
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i also found this a lovely little detail lol and it does kinda make sense! the bitch has been in stasis for 50 years and computer technology has taken leaps in that time, of course he'd be a lil rustier with them compared to his peers
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more on shadow, this guy's brain goes overdrive the second he realizes he fucked up and needs to get something nice for his friend now. like i don't have the brain power to form it into words atm but i just love what this all says about him as a character!!
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i could flail about the art in this game the whole evening honestly it's so lovely and colorful and pretty and i love how this scene is composed and shadow being seated on the windowsill idk this just put a big smile on my face when i saw it :)
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frankly obsessed with amy's unhinged energy can we please get more of this bc i live for it
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the fucking blowdart. i cannot tell you how fucking off the walls these teens are like espio's instructed to use a blowdart on sonic with non-lethal poison and he's like yeah that checks out and sonic's just like wow cool guess i'll snooze for a bit then like this shit is exactly why teenagers should be given superpowers and be put into Situations(TM) i love it
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not an april fools game making me emotional over trains
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and why yes i am obsessed obviously
it was a fun game! like tbh with a bit more content i would've been happy to pay a bit for this honestly (like. when im not broke lmao) like it's so charming and there were a lot of fun details and the jokes were enjoyable too. i just think it's neat :)
but yea that is all im glad sonic the hedgehog got murdered it was a great time
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
Can I just say how much I adore your Grimm design? The more muscular torso in contrast to his slim figure in the game is incredibly intimidating on its own, but the added horror that is his cape makes him terrifying. I particularly love how you draw his mouth. The inclusion of his fangs and the way his face is structured makes him snakelike, especially with his scaly torso texture. He is certainly something bugs would see in their nightmares. Bravo.
The fact that he’s dating a puppy-eyed, round-bellied, therapy-needing shrimp beast makes him even better.
aaah thank you! it means so much to hear this!! i'm personally very happy with his design so i'm glad to see that people like it!
i will admit that the shapes i chose for him were purely self-indulgent. my brain goes crazy for top heavy characters, it's such an aesthetically pleasing silhouette design for me and i think it fits him very nicely, even if it kind of flips his body shape upside down compared to the canon (he's a lot more bottom heavy there). also, i think it's quite obvious by now that i miiiiiight have a lil crush on him haha. not in the usual sense (aroace here after all) but man his design is just so attractive on an aesthetic level to me, i'm obsessed with him. and judging by some of the comments i get under my art of him, it seems to be contagious. so it's a double win in my eyes hahahah
the cloak was a late addition, i struggled with it for a while. if you look at the older art i made of him, there was nothing really unusual about it. it went from a doctor strange like cape (the oldest design, i don't really like it now but i think it looked kinda cool at the time) to something closer to his in game sprites. the biggest change at that point was the addition of the fluffy collar, mainly because i thought it fit him but also because it was less frustrating to draw than those damn collar noodles/petals. i didn't get the doc ock idea until very recently, but it started as something i had in mind for nightmare king as opposed to just grimm. then i decided that screw it, he's a god even in his physical form. he can have a wacky tentacle cloak as a treat. rule of cool and all that. very happy that i went with that in the end, it really gives him that oomph. as a bonus, the way it behaves (splitting, twirling around, forming into sharp spikes) was inspired by the recent spider-man 2 gameplay reveal, and by extension venom in general
the head was also a somewhat recent change, i did stick to a more canon-like round headshape for a while, but i found it to look too pug-like, especially in ship art with fpk. so i returned to my grimm design roots and gave him a longer snout like on the very first design (long snout = more kisses >:) ). very happy with how snake like it ended up looking. i loved the idea of him having vampire like fangs (LOVE vampires. they're like, the coolest. and the sexiest) so the snake appearance was a coincidence, but i am so glad it happened. and like you said, it makes him look even more like a creature from nightmares
and yes, love me a good contrast in a ship. a big beefy vampire that oozes confidence and charisma, and a sad little lizard shaped like a sack of potatoes? yeah they're perfect for each other in my eyes. big "extrovert adopts an introvert" energy there, plus visually they just look really cool together i think. the height difference and the contrast in appearances really add a lot to how dynamic they are as a ship imo
but yeah thank you so much for this again! i went on a bit of a tangent there but it's because it makes me so incredibly happy when people say they enjoy my designs. i try my best to make the au versions of the character "my own" if that makes sense, so it really means a lot to hear positive feedback!
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sharksa-shivers · 1 year
Hi lol
My name is Sharksa Shivers or Tiff, whatever, either works lol and i am migrating here now. I still have a twitter (i am not calling it X, fuck that lol, you know it's a twitter) The muskrat has been fucking up alot of shit over there so uhhhhhh might as well make another page online so people can find me cuz idk how long a burning building can stay standing so yknow...
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Just in case tho- twatter: https://twitter.com/Sharksa_Shivers Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ02ooJ9RYKAV9uIUQum1Gg Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/sharksa-shivers (ima be honest lads, i ain't reposting every art ever on here so check my DA for my full art gallary lol. All my art garbo is there lol)
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I'm p friendly but snarky and sometimes i got no chill but cuz of anxiety, that will probably be reeled in alot but i'd love to talk and make some more internet friends cuz i'm a lonely motherfucker, that'd be nice lol... Guess i will be trying to learn how this site works cuz i have no clue lol...Never had a tumblr before so uhhhhh yeah lol... Also i like to swear and say fuck and be edgy so uhhhh hopefully you're alright with self end life jokes and uhhhhh other stuff like that cuz otherwiseeeeeee you probs wanna head on out lmaoooo If you decide to show up and be a lil shit, i will not hesitate to use that block button lololol...Also if you decide to take my sfw art as weird fetish shit cuz i've had that prob on DA, that will absolutely earn you a block. Also peeps that make me uncomfy in general/spambots also will get hit with the blocc. I'll talk to anybody usually but if you wanna be rude, i'll probs block you if you decide to do that lol. Just be a normalass person and we won't have any issues. Do not start shit with me about my interests plz, i just want happy brain chemicals for like 5 minutes fdhjkfdjhfdhdf plz, lordt
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--- Kidnapped revolves around The Trio, a team of 3 demon fighters in training. Consisting of Sharky Sharkson, Max Bone and Kristy Miller, these 3 teenagers work towards the goal of defeating a genocidal immortal cult leader shadowdemon known as Demon Drop whenever he comes back from an alternative dimension. Training The Trio, powerful fire mer Orange Hair does her best to provide The Trio with the skills and resources they need to take down Demon Drop when he returns...Why is it called Kidnapped then? Because Orange Hair kidnapped Kristy to make this team happen and that's when our story begins, with Kristy having to come to terms with all of this...
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Roomies --- Skylar is a loud and asshole-y chameleon with dreams of becoming a musician. Axel is a very nerdy and nice dog dude whos trying his best to live a good life. Together, these 2 are polar opposites and roommates...Maybe even something more in the future if Axel can figure out his true feelings for Skylar over time. These 2 get into quite alot of shenaigans and have to deal with whatever life throws at them both.
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(Note: Roomies is my side series and it's undergoing some major needed work over time. It's probably not gonna be updated a ton as a result but i am working on it on and off whenever i get more inspired lol.)
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Plz tag art as #KidnappedSeriesFanart or #RoomiesSeriesFanart if you wanna give me fanart or something to...Or tag me, whatever, i'd love to see it!!! (am not expecting but people have wanted to a few times and i'm cool af with that as long as you aren't...Yknow, gross and whatever lol...)
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ALSO!!!! Just cuz i post dialog stuff/rambling stuff from/about Kidnapped/Roomies doesn't mean they will be in the final projects...But it doesn't mean it won't make it in either lol so take it with a grain of salt. I needa share more stuff to get any sort of audience imo sooooooooo ima share these cuz these get the points across more then random artpieces in my mind so yeah lol... EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE, PLEASE KEEP IN MIND...
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Ik fandoms are a big thing here sooooooo here's some stuff i'm super into lol: -Regular Show (hyperfixation atm) (Also simp king Mordecai is my fave character, argue with the wall lmaooooooo) -Owl House -Steven Universe -Final Space -Tangled The Series -Amphibia (less so after the finale tho, ngl, oof) -Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss (both lol) -If it's animated, i'm probably gonna be super into it lmao, i don't watch alotta live action stuff, i'm sorry oof X-X
Will say tho, i probably won't interact much other then like...Maybe an opinion here or there or just...Sharing art i like lol, i ain't lookin for drama or fights, plz no, i do not need it over silly cartoon shows that make my brain make seratonin juices lol
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Other shiz i like: -Hiveswap (Homestuck too but Hiveswap moreso ngl lol) -Castle Swimmer -BIG into Elemental rn, we'll see how long that sticks lol -Mystery Flesh Pit National Park (fave internet story, god, i love the cosmic abomination, horror pit lol) -If it is shark/ocean/mer related, yes i want to see it, give it to me NOW... -Roblox (fave games are Tornado Alley Ultimate and Royale High atm lol but i play other stuff at points)
Uhhhhhrm, will update more later lolololol
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If you needa contact me, hmu lol (tho i am usually easier to reach later in the day/at night tbh...Ima lil night owl buttttttt sometimes i do have to get up earlier so yknow, i could surprise ya... XD
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Dividers are NOT MINE; Go check out cafekitsune for these, they got some really pretty ones lol Link to the galaxy banners: https://www.tumblr.com/cafekitsune/727305515676418048/%F0%9D%90%8F%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%91%F0%9D%90%8D-%F0%9D%90%81%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%91%F0%9D%90%92-galaxy
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Commissions? Nope, not atm. Idk if i will ever do those tbh lol... Art trades? Depends on the timing but hmu and we'll see!! Usually I'll say yes cuz it's p fun lol. (I would prefer to know the person/be mutuals tho so i am not doing free art for Johnny Mcrando yknow?) Gift art? I am always open to peeps making art for me so you can if you want. On my end, depends lol...Maybe if i'm up for it. Do you ever do fanart? I would do so much Regular Show fanart if my brain was not fried 24/7 with Kidnapped stuff so...dfhjfdhjfdhfd I wouldn't follow me for the hopes of that alas but perhaps someday, i have done it before!! :p When tf you gonna upload you twat?? Whenever i have stuff, do not stress me plz, i beg lol. I do gotta draw, it keeps my mental health stable but also uhhhhhhhhh it's done when it's done babycakes uwu
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paperbagsandwich · 6 months
i forget i have ocs sometimes honestly then i look at toyhouse and i question why didn't i upload them then i just forget to do! (I just say i have a small brain, im very forgetful)
the fact that they are both musical people is so heckin lovley and cute!! I adore lil details like that so much it shows how much love and care is put into them!!
ooo!! Time period aesthetics are awesome!! 50s-80s is such a fun range!!! (I'm a fan of 50s pinup art and grease and 50s fashion. I'm also a fan of 70s fashion, i also adore 80s cartoons, strawberry shortcake carebears, mlp and the dnd cartoon. Do you have any fav shows from the time?)
omgosh i adore his centaur form is so cool looking (he looks so fluffy and huggable and that size difference is amazing also I adore the way you draw faces and expressions i also love how you draw monsters so much, the face there with the cute dangit is so lovely detailed and looks so cool!!)
Of course it is!! My werewolf oc, he use to be a preppy rich university guy who was raised p much to see everyone is beneath him and that he owns whatever he wants, he ends up having a crush on a local baker and he doesn't know how to approach her because of how he was raised (in his head he calls her my darling) he is also touch starved. On his 24th birthday, he started transforming (it was a family curse the skipped generations any family member who got it was seen as not pure) his family pushed him out because he was no longer perfect in their eyes. He ended up running in fear too scared for anyone to see him like that. The baker found him in an alleyway near the bakery he was halfway through the transformation and she quickly took him in and tried her best to care for him as he fully trans forms his speech has become very simple not use to how the transformation changed how his body works. He also loves baked good so he goes from twig to teddy bear (Sorry it's a lot).
the harpy is the leader of a huge flock of harpies that protect a forest near a small village, they hate humans, they will scare away and attack any that approach the forest or try cutting down the trees. The leader is very gruff and intimidating. He's the largest out of the harpies and has multiple scars from fights. One of his flock gets injured and is taken care of by a farmer (my love for stardew showing) and comes back and he is told of the kind farmer so he goes to investigate but also warn them to not go near or in the forest (a kindness for a kindness) but as soon as he sees the farmer he falls in love at first sight and tries his best to stay stoic but he cant help staring awkwardly at the farmer. He cant help but keep thinking of her once he leaves and he starts collecting shiny objects to give her.
(Sorry thats probably a lot!! Im sorry if its too much)
Damn, that sounds like an neverending cycle and that's exactly what I'm afraid of!! 😭😭
And yey, I love these two to death!! I mentioned in a server that Darnell wears a little apron whenever he cleans the house and does the waltz with Ros when she gets home!!! 😭😭
Yes, all of those are my JAM!!! From pinups to fashion, it's so pleasing to look at!!!
I loved to watch shows like Tom and Jerry, Wacky Races, and The Perils of Penelope Pitstop. I even enjoy some retro anime because of the aesthetics.
Goodness, I love getting things like this, don't worry, Anon, I'm enjoying these ask so much!!!!!
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stepswowdsen · 4 months
KagePro x Magi: Art Idea Crossover
Ok I'm just gonna cross post my Insta notes here 👍
I don't have the time to draw it rn but ngl it'd be fun to draw Magi charas in KagePro charas' daze MV outfits.
JuAliHaku take KonoShinEne's outfits by colour coding
The idea just came to me. Judar splashes buckets of red paint at Alibaba to pester him <3
RBY OT3/Poly ❤️💙💛
C: Ohhh coool!!
Me: I hadn't thought of it before since I usually deal with my multiships in separate AUs but KonoShinEne could be an interesting poly/OT3 tbh. And KuroShinEne too tbh... Ene teases Shintaro (and gets Kuroha to join in), and Kuroha teases both of them. Shintaro gets Kuroha to fluster Ene.
Time to combine my niche interests LMFAO
This is a crossover that'd only appeal to like. Me and 10 people (my mutuals/friends) but it'd be fun~~ I'm doing it for personal enjoyment and self-indulgence most of all <3
Daze MV (Original JP Version)
Daze MV (English Subs)
Daze MV screenshots
(Mekakushi Dan members No. 6, No. 7, and No. 9)
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I love Ene teasing Shintaro in the daze MV, Ene grinning (hanging upside down) while Konoha appears on screen, and Konoha looking in Ene's direction~~
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As you all know...
JuAli is my main Magi ship~ I also enjoy ships like AliHaku, SinJa, KouMor and others on the side ^^
KuroEne is my main KagePro ship (cuz I'm insane) and I'm a HaruTaka/KonoEne/KuroEne main. I also like other ships and multiships on the side ^^
KuroEne is basically a rare pair that KagePro's EA/JP fandom invented cuz they big brained seeing how they could tie it to the HaruTaka and KonoEne ships, which are interconnected with each other (which is the reason for why I ship it too)
KuroEne is a very niche pair for if you're a Kuroha fan (villain enjoyer) and have Ene as your wife/one of your fave charas (which is the case for me). Kuroha is my fave KagePro chara/meow meow mf, and Ene is my KagePro wife.
Shintaro and Ene's friendship is everything to me. Their dynamic is so important to me, but I don't mind them as platonic or as a ship since they have interesting character parallels.
Me: You know the part during the 2nd chorus of daze (2:00 - 2:22) where it flashes the Mekakushi Dan members' deaths in their silhouettes (how they came into contact with the Kagerou Daze) and Kuroha/Saeru's lil Outer Science bit
OH I forgot to show the flashes during the 2nd chorus of KagePro's daze MV. Here
Daze MV: Mekakushi Dan Member (2nd Chorus) Segments
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Shintaro's silhouette shows Route XX Shintaro's suicide by scissor stab wounds
Kuroha/Saeru's lil Outer Science esque bit shows flashes of him after Marry and Seto's segments
Konoha's silhouette shows Haruka surrounded by IVs in a hospital bed (Haruka's death led to the creation of Konoha)
Ene's silhouette shows Takane (her human self) trying to reach for Haruka, her classmate, friend, and the person she loved (Takane's death caused her to lose her human body and become a pseudo immortal cyber girl. In this form, she goes by the name "Ene")
C: Interesting!
The aesthetic is cool
Me: Sidu has such amazing MVs for KagePro. I love their colours, attention to detail, animations, typography and transition effects sm
These all flash by so quickly you need to pause to see all of these but I love Sidu's attention to detail 💖 It does this for all the Mekakushi Dan members.
C: Very valid yes
Ooo I see
Me: Yeah!!! I think Sidu's art style has a level of maturity for it that's perfect for darker themed arts/artworks
Their current art style has settled into using soft shading/rendering and more muted desaturated tones
(Magi: Ch. 38 - 95 - 132)
Ch. 132
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Ch. 95
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Ch. 38
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Would be interesting to draw baby Judar in hanfu sitting on a throne, kid Alibaba playing with Cassim, and kid Hakuryuu in the fire, in their silhouettes
I love Ohtaka's inking and how sketchy Sidu's art style is… Sidu's art style is SO nice. A daze crossover would be sooo cool~
C: Interesting!
Cool :3
Me: My only dentriment is that I'm terrible at drawing kids tho
I usually draw charas who are adults or young adults so I need to learn how to draw younger teens and kids WHDHSHDSH
0 notes
venusiangguk · 3 years
I would cry if you made a mini drabble or comment on how dilf Jk and OC are doing. Are they still together?
the art of wanting drabble: gardening and pool day with dilf jk and baby nari
>>pairing: jungkook x reader / dilf!jk x grocery store clerk!oc
>>genre: strangers to lovers / fwb / fluff
>>rating: PG
>>word count: 1.2k, drabble
>>warnings: not much, mentions of alcohol, implied smut, cutest baby ever
>>notes: just a lil update on the favorite not-so-couple couple and the apple of their eye, little nari <3
>>summary: nari plays in the dirt while jk gardens and you make a bet.
The blender was very fancy and had a lot of buttons, but alas, you made due and are now stepping out into the backyard, hands full of watermelon juice. Two with just a pinch of the rum you found in the built in wine cooler by the dishwasher, one with a spill proof lid.
It's your day off from the god forsaken grocery store, and the sun is beating hot outside, but the light breeze makes it bearable. The pool a little ways away gets more and more tempting as the heat sends waves to your bare arms and back. The bikini top you’re wearing basically useless as protection from the sun.
Good thing you’ve got a certain someone to sunscreen your back for you.
Jeongguk is shirtless, his sleeve on full display. His long hair is being held back by a baseball cap, and he’s got his gardening gloves on. You watch as he uses the back of his tattooed arm to wipe at some of the sweat dripping down the side of his face. He looks sunkissed and just edible.
You reign your thoughts in however when your eyes move next to him.
Little Nari is sat on a small blanket with a portable umbrella keeping her in a small patch of cool shade, her little toes dangling off the edge and digging into the small pile of soil that Jeongguk provided her to play in. He even put a few weeds and some of the flowers that were on their last few days of life into the mix. Nari digs one out with her pudgy little hands and squeals as she raises her hand for her dad to see.
Jeongguk, the ever doting father, takes in his baby and laughs when he sees that her overly large sun cap has fallen into her eyes. He adjusts it on her head, and you hear him give a playful gasp as you get closer.
“Oh so pretty, little flower,” he coos, “Is that for me?”
Nari snatches her hand away from him. “Nuuuuw, Da,” she shakes her head with so much force her whole little body jiggles, her round tummy on display in a tiny bikini of her own.
You smile to yourself and you take a seat with Nari on her blanket, stealing a bit of her shade. You hand Jeongguk his drink with a soft grin, and he smiles back at you, soft and sweet as he takes the glass.
“Oooh look what ___ brought for us,” he says, to Nari, “What do you say?”
Nari whips her head around to you like she didn’t notice you sit right next to her. She giggles, baby gurgles sounding in the backyard air. She claps her hands as she smiles at you her round doe-eyes squeezing shut in glee. That’s when she seems to remember the small blossom in her hand.
Her eyes go wide and her mouth parts in a small ‘o’ before she extends the flower to you.
You bend down to her level, and she tucks the flower into your hair as best she can with her baby motor skills and then wacks at her dad’s knee.
Jeongguk glances over at you as you grab a nearby watering can and use it to clean Nari’s hands before handing her her juice. She suckles on the sippy straw until she absolutely has to stop, gasping and taking deep breaths before getting right back to her sweet treat.
Her dad glances between her and you trying to figure out why his daughter tried to get his attention. His face falls and he gives a playfully annoyed expression.
“You know,” he starts, “Maybe Daddy wants a flower every once in a while.”
Nari is unbothered as she fists her sippy cup in one hand and the other goes right back into the dirt.
You giggle as you sip your drink and then lean back some, resting on your free hand. “You have the prettiest flower all to yourself already,” you say, nodding in Nari’s direction.
Jeongguk’s face softens, and he goes from looking at you to his little baby. He laughs quietly as he pinches her tummy. She giggles and some watermelon juice dribbles down her chin, unable to swallow before getting attacked by her daddy’s tickles.
Her hiccuping babbles and baby giggles are contagious, and you can’t help but join along. Nari puts up with her dad’s pestering for a good amount of time before she screeches and holds up a tiny dirt covered hand, as if saying ‘stop’.
“Nuw, Da,” she babbles. She’s getting closer and closer to talking as the days pass, even in the short months that you’ve been coming around, she’s already made progress.
Jeongguk’s eyes shine with laughter as he nods, a closed lipped smile holding in his own giggles. “Oh, okay, sorry,” he tells her, flicking his eyes to you before back to Nari, “Carry on, the weeds aren’t gonna pull themselves Miss Nari,” he gestures to her pile of dirt. Nari nods, a diligent little weed puller indeed.
“Hey,” you whisper after a few moments, the both of them back to work, “Gguk.”
He turns to you, a question on his face. You don’t respond right away, just smile at him and he gives in, leaning back and angling himself towards you. Nari sat between your bodies, in front of you.
He’s resting on his elbow, his upper half in the shade with you. He smiles up at you lazily. “What’s up?”
You glance at Nari making sure she’s distracted, and then you flip his cap so it’s backwards, before placing a small hand onto his hot, red face. You angle him towards you and it warms your heart at just how easily he goes with you and lets his eyes fall shut, already knowing what’s about to happen.
You kiss him softly, before deepening the kiss just a bit before pulling away. He tastes sweet like watermelon, slightly salty from the sweat on his upper lip.
He hums, eyes still closed a soft smile still on his mouth. “What was that for?”
You pat his cheek and flip his hat back around. “Just because,” you say quietly. Then you wrinkle your nose. “You’re so sweaty.”
He nods, unashamed. “Working hard.”
You glance at the tempting pool. “Why don’t we ever go in there?”
He hums. “Nari doesn’t like the water, and I don’t do anything without her.”
A little idea forms in your head. “I bet if I go in, she’ll go in.”
Jeongguk raises an eyebrow. “Wanna bet?”
You nod. “I win, we… you know,” you raise your eyebrows at him. He blushes a little, but a ghost of a smile dances on his lips. “You win, we still… you know.”
He gives you a knowing look, plucks his gardening gloves off before he uses the arm he’s not leaning on to reach over and adjust the flower Nari put in your hair, tucking it behind your ear. “Are you sure you can be quiet enough while we… you know?”
With an excited grin you nod and run to the outside pool shed to grab Nari’s floaties. That baby will be a little mermaid by the time the sun goes down.
aha!! a little drabble to update you guys on dilf jk, since he do be living in our heads rent free. so to answer the q: they are together but not together together. i have a longer one shot in my brain that includes more plot and actual smut, but idk when i'll get around to writing it so hopefully this will hold u guys over till then !! sry for the blue balls, but just so u know jk had to cover oc's mouth and he might've scolded her while they were... you know... "I thought I told you to be quiet?" :o ok byee
also i hope u like it :) if u did, pls do all the things: like, reblog, comment, share, send an ask~~ as always i love hearing ur thoughts and talking to u :*
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magicxc · 3 years
Twice My Age
Pairings: Andy Barber x Black!Fem!Reader
Summary: After a spring break trip doesn’t go as planned, reader quickly finds another way to make up for the inconvenience.
Word Count: 6461
Warnings: Explicit 18+, Unprotected Sex, Exhibitionism, Spit 4 Lube, Size Kink Kinda, Clit Slapping, Aggressiveness??, Degradation
A/N: Not the deadline being in February and me just getting this done. *hides in shame* Sheesh @tom-whore-dleston​, when I tell you I was fighting for time omg. 
I’m just really glad I managed to push this out. It’s a wee bit of a slow burn because I had so much I wanted to get off my chest with daddy Andy for obvious reasons lol. I wanted to flesh out each character and even extend this piece to a cute lil mini series, but my brain was like nahh, give her the smoot ASAP!! 
So I gave you the smoot 😉 with my prompt being Dads Best Friend and my character being Andy Barber, I present to you: 
A snippet of my brain. 
P.S. also wanna congratulate Jordan on her increasingly growing followers. She’s such a gem and deserves every good thing life has to offer <3
P.P.S. lol besties, I’m writing this with tears in my eyes because I don’t remember this piece from memory and my stupid, fucking computer deleted the edited version when I had like TWO fucking lines left. Bout to cry again, omg. But anyway, I just wanted to mention that I had LOADS of fun jumping from character to character and even shared a concern or two that things may seem confusing. But I’m super positive that I was able to tie up all loose ends and write this in a way that was easy to digest. 
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You know that saying that goes something along the lines of you’re only friends with some people because you see them five days a week? Well what if I told you that, that same saying rings true for college buddies too? That even though you may only see your classmates twice a week for bio, or your roommates at night time, or your teammates during practice - a big part of your friendships are formed strictly out of convenience. Steph from Chem? Yeah you think you’re best friends now, but what about two years down the line when she’s no longer lending you her periodic table sheet. Or how about Lenny from the cultural arts club? How cool do you think you’ll be when there are no more study abroad trips to be experienced? And this is not to say that there are any hard feelings that linger, but more so to say that people grow apart. And sometimes the bonds that you form with them aren’t as deeply rooted as you’d like to believe. All it takes is a little time, some distance, a new family - or in this case, all three.
That was what happened between Andrew and Andy. They’d actually started out as, what’s the word - ahh yes, frenemies. In all honesty, there was really no good reason for them to be "beefing" as the kids call it. It was more so the fact that Andys boys didn’t get along with Andrews; and they just so happened to get caught up in the collateral damage of it all. But all that changed come junior year when it dawned on them that they were going to be roommates.
Ha, talk about awkward. Oh trust that they both went bitching to every ear that was willing to listen, writing every letter to anyone that would read it. But unfortunately their RC wasn’t having any of it. That bitch blocked them every step of the way, cementing their living circumstances. Something about one of them being an Aquarius in mercury gatorade. Man, those astrology psychos are annoying. Just the other day one of the coffee shop baristas mentioned that oat milk being her preference is the Scorpio in her - whatever that means.
But as the weeks rolled on by, Andy found that Drew wasn’t so bad to be around after all. The tension became thinner, he found himself laughing at a joke or two, and their conversations grew beyond the occasional "are we out of paper towel?" Truth be told, the drama surrounding their friend group never had anything to do with them in the first place and they soon came to the conclusion that they should’ve formed their own opinions on one another unbiasedly.
Junior year turned into senior year and senior year formed a brotherhood. Andy and Andrew found themselves joined at the hips, as some would say. Where one was, the other wasn’t too far behind, more would joke. They had classes together, shared a living space together, got shit faced drunk together, and in the months to come, managed to walk across the stage together.
But something shifted after graduation. Now that they were done with undergrad, with Andy in law school and Andrew in medical, time together seemed a distant memory. Hitting up the local frat parties? Done. Starting food fights in the cafeteria? Finished. Petty arguments over bone-in or boneless wings? Miss it. Them living in the same quarters? No more.
And even though they would meet up once or twice a week for a couple of beers to catch up on daily life, after a while, even that seemed strained. And that was the time. Time spent away from one another to create a life worth living, to build a legacy they busted their asses for.
The distance came several years down the line when Drew got a job opportunity down in Atlanta. And while Andy was excited for him, he was also super bummed to see his buddy leave Bawston. Of course they would still communicate, but it was nothing like being able to catch up in person. Though, he’ll admit that ATL definitely seemed like a good fit for him for the simple fact that Drew constantly bitched about the cold weather, so Andy figured some southern sunshine would thaw him out good. Not to mention the food and the women, shit he was considering moving down there with him. And that was the distance.
The family eventually came later. Shortly after Drew left for the south, Andy met Laurie. A couple years later, he popped the question, Jacob came into the picture and then they walked down the aisle - where Andrew stood as his best man. It was there that Andy met Drew’s soon to be wife Sienna, whose water just so happened to break during the reception. Sheesh, talk about bad timing. They’d never seen Laurie so hysterical and not for the bouncing bundle of joy no; it was something about ruining her moment. In all fairness, the baby could’ve waited a little bit longer.
But that was a baby Andy, unfortunately, didn’t get the chance to see past her second birthday. The older he and Drew got, it seems the more life pulled them apart. And while they’d still manage to hit each other up for the latest play offs or upcoming birthdays, nothing beats their times together, creating chaos through the university halls. Nonetheless, Andrew and Andy remained the best of buds no matter their time spent away from one another. Drew knew that at the end of the day Andy would do just about anything for him. And it seemed anything was on the other end of the line as Andy watched the name flash across his phone screen.
The shrill alarm that rings in my ear is enough to piss me off already. And it’s such a shame because the day just started. But I was never an early riser to begin with. My only saving grace is that I was one day closer to five days worth of a spring break. The downside you may ask? I have nowhere to spend it.
It seems my parents are dishing out a little “tough love” as they call it. I mean yeah, I maxed out my credit card, but when would I ever get the chance to snatch some meet and greet tickets for the bad gyal again? Fucking never is the answer. We all know that woman is iffy when it comes to music, let alone tours, so I jumped at the chance to see her. But the queen doesn’t come cheap. And apparently neither did those bank notes. Man, I don’t think I’d ever seen my parents so upset. They legit had me scared to even look at my phone, jumping at the slightest beep in case it was them calling to give me an earful again.
Snoozing the offending noise, I tuck myself beneath the covers only for my mind to wait in anxious anticipation of when the piercing sound will shriek again. Realising that there’s not much sleep in my future, I chuck the covers to the side, roll out of bed, and head for the shower, ready to get a start on my tumultuous day.
“Stopping every time you get unmotivated means that you lack discipline,” my professor preached from the front of the class. “Discipline will make you do things naturally and effortlessly, whereas motivation just depends on your mood.”
“Yeah well I’m disciplined, if not determined, enough to make my trip to Mexico this weekend,” Kyle shouts from the corner of the room.
“I wish you’d show that same energy in your class work,” the professor retorted.
“Sorry Mr. Banks, but how am I really gonna use this philosophy class in my daily life?” he quips. “I mean, sure the conversations are thought provoking, but how will any of this help me in the real world?”
With a deep, heavy sigh my professor drops his head and utters the fact that he wished he lacked the same critical thinking skills as Kyle, and how happy he seems in his daily life without it.
My mouth curves into a jaw dropping smile and the entire class erupts into a series of gasps and laughter, way too stunned that the mild mannered and soft spoken professor had such a savage moment.
“Kyle,” Mr. Banks huffed “and this goes for anyone else that feels the same way. If you have managed to make it to week 14 out of a 16 week semester with me, with the idea that this class only serves as an elective, don’t even show up for finals.”
“Oh I wasn’t going to do that anyway,” Sarah chirps from behind me. “Catch me in Cali by 10pm tonight.”
“Well let me give you a head start. Get out,” Mr. Banks demands.
A hushed silence falls upon the classroom as Sarah awkwardly unzips her bag to pack her belongings; everyone else having realised that maybe we have gone too far with the professor.
“As I was saying, motivation is based purely on internal inspiration and discipline can be thought of as the strategy or the force behind which you get there. Both motivation and discipline are important yet codependent in achieving the goals you set for yourself. And for your final, I’d like you to write a ten page paper on how you use them in your daily lives. How you were able to overcome one of life’s many hurdles. Maybe even how you’ve used both to succeed in my classroom. Take tomorrow’s class time as an extra day to mull over your thoughts. The paper is due two weeks from now. Stay safe, enjoy your breaks, and come back prepared to discuss the effects of nature vs nurture. And while there may be no stupid questions, I do believe in stupid answers; you’re dismissed!
“Well damn, what crawled up his ass,” Michelle snickered from beside me.
“He’s just tired of yall shit,” Walter grumbled as he headed for the door.
“Anyways,” Michelle sassed, turning toward me. “I cant believe your parents cut you off.”
“Right! It’s not like they don’t have money to spare, why they insist on being so stingy with me is unbelievable.”
“Mhmm, wish you could come,” she pouted.
“WiSh YoU cOuLd ComE,” I mocked. “Michelle, money is the very least of your problems, if you really wanted me to come, you’d spot me.”
“Last time I checked, I wasn’t an ATM beloved so I suggest you sort that out,” she chided. “Preferably before they start renovations on the west wing.”
“ON THE WHAT?? That’s where we stay,” I bawled.
“Duh, that’s why I’m telling you.”
Grabbing our things, we carry on in light conversation, mostly of Michelle telling me about all the fun activities she has planned for the trip. And as we head back to the dorms where I’ll, no doubt, have to watch her pack her suitcases and rub it into my face, I briefly wonder why I continue to hang out with such shallow individuals.
“But daddddd,” I whined into the phone. “In all fairness, you never told me I had a limit on the card.”
“Listen to me and listen to me good. I will continue to cover your books, tuition and whatever class related miscellaneous fees that may come up, but anything else is on you. So you better find out who’s hiring.”
“Ok, but they’re literally going to be renovating the west wing on campus, something about a pipe failure - which means NO water,” I protested.
“Y/N, water will be the very least of your worries if you have to come down here for spring break.”
Gulping, I decide that now is the time to shut the hell up. My dad is the more easy going parent and to have him this fuming at me honestly has me a little bummed. I mean, I used to have him wrapped around my finger and ever since my little sister was born, its like fuck how I feel. He then goes on to tell me how DiSaPpOiNtEd he is in me and if that’s the same recurring speech I have to listen to when I go back home, I think I’ll take my chances dying of thirst up here. So much for choosing a college out of state, I still have to hear my parents bitch and moan. Who woulda thought.
I manage to make up some lie about campus admin allowing students to stay in the east wing dorms for the time being, and as usual my parents eat that shit up. Before saying our goodbyes, daddy mentions his lawyer buddy Andy and how he lives not too far away just in case anything may come up. I honestly forgot Andy even existed and just as I’m about to reject it, mum mentions the neighbourhood that he resides in. And that brings a sly grin to my face.
While I may not be able to slut it up in Miami with the rest of the girlies, I can at least use up some of their free resources. And in that moment, I decide to set up a tinder account, hoping to find men in Andy's neighborhood. Maybe then I’ll get some sucker to spend some racks and really make my spring break worth it. Saving his number in my phone, I hang up from my parents and give him a quick call - watching as his number flashes across my screen.
Driving into the diners lot, I park and touch up my lipstick, capturing a quick selfie to upload to my dating profile. I’d be lying if I said that was the only reason I came here with a face beat for the gawds. I don’t remember much about Andy, except for the fact that he’s daddy’s bestie. But while we were on the phone, I noticed something very…sexy in the way he spoke. The way it steadily drifted through the line, all warm and buttery. I know Andy is supposed to be a family friend or whatever, but if he’s forty then so am I cause ya girl is ready to see if the face matches the voice.
I picked the diner, feeling most comfortable in this setting. This place has seen me through some of my drunkest moments, stuffing my face with their fluffy pancake goodness. And it seemed neutral enough cause who doesn’t like to eat, plus the people here are so nice.
Stepping inside, I scan the crowd, examining every patron in hopes of spotting the man of the hour. It takes a moment until I meet the gaze of the blue eyed hawty, mouth curved into a small smile as I make my way over to the table.
Staring down at the menu, I notice that they have something by the name of a footlong hot dog. And my mind is beyond boggled cause where do they even find that much meat? No way all of that is real. No wonder the prices in here are so affordable, they’re feeding the customers mystery meat. Gently closing my menu, I slide it forward already knowing that I won’t be consuming much of anything. Hands clasped together on the table and eyes glued to the door I straighten up, and patiently wait for my new house guest.
Imagine my surprise when I got the call from Andrew that his baby girl needed a place to stay for the spring break. I was fixing to ask if money was becoming an issue for him until he told me that this was all a part of the tough love that he was giving her. I mean I get it, I’ve come close to strangling Jacob a time or two; and Andrews my boy, so I don’t mind doing him this favor. Plus I can imagine how lonely it must be around this time on college campus. I’m seriously hoping she’s something similar to her old man though. It’ll be great to have someone to play NBA live against; and if she’s anything like him, I’ll be kicking her ass in that too. Or maybe she likes to crack open a cold one, though Drew was a bit of a lightweight. And even though she might like -
My inner thoughts die on my tongue as I see this…this woman make her way towards me. Y/N? Drew’s Y/N? Body stiffening in my seat, I inhale a sharp breath of air, unable to help but notice what long legs she has. And those hips, how full they are. Even her breasts, the way it -
“Andy?” she asked curiously.
Beaming up at her, I let out a hearty laugh as I stand up to greet her with a hug; gesturing for us to sit down at the table. Introductions get exchanged as we take a seat to discuss what the next couple of days will be like.
“I only have one question,” I stated. “You maxed out Drews credit card to see RiRi?”
“Andy please, you would’ve too had the Backstreet Boys been coming to town,” she defended.
“Yeah, well unlike you, I can actually afford to see them."
If slack jaw buggy eyed was somewhere in the dictionary, it’d have a picture of her face next to it. Oh yeah I took it there, she better recognized.
“Loud again, what else is new?” the waitress asked as she pulled out a notepad. Her name tag reads Sugar and I find that too ironic.
“Sugar mama, don’t be acting brand new."
“So the usual then,” Sugar laughed.
“The usual,” Y/N confirmed.
“And for you sir?” She pointed at me.
“They have really good hotdogs here,” Y/N suggested.
“A cup of coffee will do.”
“Coming right up,” the waitress said. And with that, she left.
I wonder if Drew would hate me if he knew the impure thoughts I have running through my mind right now. Like on a scale of 1-10 how pissed can he reasonably be if I put his daughter through a mattress. This could all be a part of the tough love lesson right? Yeah that’s not gonna slide, even for me. Maybe I can make up some last minute excuse for her not to stay over cause, I’m not sure I can contain myself. A gentle hand sliding across mine brings me back to the present - apparently she’d been speaking to me.
“I was asking how’s your family, daddy mentioned that your son is almost in high school.”
“Yeah, I kinda want him to slow down. It seems just yesterday I was swaddling him in his blanket.”
“Yeah, well he can’t stay a kid forever, they gotta grow up.”
“That they do,” I said, swiping my tongue across my bottom lip.
A mug of coffee being slid in my direction breaks whatever the hell kind of trance I was in. But it isn’t until I go to grab it do I realise that Y/N’s hand still lingers on mine. An awkward clearing of the throat sounds from above as I watch the waitress slide a banana shake over to Y/N while simultaneously giving me the stink eye. She snatches her hand away and thanks the lady before grabbing a straw and sinking it in. An audible moan leaves her mouth and I’m itching to see how good the milkshake really is; but not from the cup.
“So spring break for you is going to be what, four to five days?”
“Five to be exact,” she says swallowing. “But I can leave sooner if need be.”
“No, not at all. I’m a man of accuracy is all,”
“Alright cool, I just need to make a quick stop to the mall first.”
“With what money?”
“Rule number one, smart ass, is always have multiple sources of income.”
I literally have $200 left to my name and that was from a wild ass girls night out. How I managed to come home $200 richer is beyond me, but I try not to question the Lord’s blessings. All I know is that broke or not, I’ll find a sale. And that’s how I found myself picking up everything in sight in this Bath and Body Works store. Anybody that knows me knows that I go crazy for these candles and I’ll be damned if I let daddies pettiness get in the way of my $12 sale.
Meanwhile Andy is over here swiping his card like his life depends on it; something about being a good friend to daddy. Dammit, I wonder if he needs another best friend. And he lives around the corner? I’ll tutor his son Jason in math or something if it means I’ll get spoiled like this.
Ok, so I managed to get away with BBW, Perfumania, and even Pink. Now I’m ready to see how deep those pockets really go as I step into Lane Bryant. I’ve been needing a new set of bras for a minute now and anyone with a big chest knows that they’re where it’s at for any decent bra. But imagine my surprise as I walk in the store and find that they’re promoting a sale of their newest lingerie line to drop. Well if it isn’t my lucky day. I’m running into sale after sale, shit I may just need to meet more of daddy’s friends.
“Andy, I think a surprise gift from here would send your wife over the moon,” I gushed while holding up a purple, mesh two piece set.
I’m thinking if he can get something out of this store run then maybe I wouldn’t have worn out my welcome so to speak. Cause I just spotted a leopard print bra that I CANNOT leave this store without and if I have to kiss some ass and pick out a thing or two for his wife, then so be it.
“I don’t know, purple isn’t really her color,” he hesitated.
“Well, what’s her color?” I urge.
“Hmm, for starters, she’s more into softer palettes. She likes to play it safe,” he says, tracing the outline of a bustier on the rack. “But uhh, I don’t think this is totally appropriate.”
“Andy, I’m a grown ass woman,” I protested. “I’ve found myself in more compromising situations; besides, a lady loves it when her man surprises her from time to time.”
Dammit, this isn’t enough. Andy’s looking less and less convinced by the minute. I mean earlier today, I practically finger fucked his hand back at the diner, he’s been spending money on me without a single ounce of complaint, but he draws the line at lingerie for his wife? No wonder daddy moved away, this town and its people are weird.
“I mean what better way to spice up a relationship right? And even if Laurie doesn’t like it, it’ll open up more doors to figure out what works best for y’all, hmm.”
Ok, so there’s some scratching of the head, I’m getting somewhere, he’s at least considering it. I just need something to tip him over to the edge.
“Sometimes these clothes can seem a little too intense but I promise it’s not so bad once you actually get it on some skin” I surmised. “Tell you what, I’ll even try on a few if you’re up to it?”
Hook, line, and sinker: got his ass. His open posture told me all I needed to know.
“There’s a few things that caught my eyes, surprise surprise,” I laughed. “Just pick out three items and meet me back at the dressing rooms,” I scream out as I make my way to the other end of the store, hoping to hurry the hell up before he comes to his senses.
Alright so I have three sets of bras, one corset, a teddy, and two pairs of lace panties; ya know, something light to hold me over into the next semester. I just have to make one more pit stop before the register I thought, sashaying into the dressing room. What’s the point in buying them if they don’t fit right?
As I’m preparing to change back into my clothes, a light tap on the door breaks my concentration and for a minute I forgot all about Andy boy out there. I decide to stay topless and open the door wide enough to give him a taste, just in case he’s coming here to give me some holier than thou sob story.
“Andy, did you find anything?”
“Uhh, ye-yeah,” he says attempting to avert his gaze. “I managed to get a few things I think Laurie would really appreciate.”
Thankfully he misses the sly smirk that dangles at the corner of my lips and all but shoves the items into my hand before marching in the other direction. I close the door and slap my hands over my mouth to suppress my laughter; cackling hysterically. Finally managing to have calmed down, I step back and actually take in what it is that he picked out.
First up is a mint green camisole silk set with the boy shorts to match - BORING. Where is this Laurie chick going, to a sleepover? After that, is a royal blue babydoll chemise and honestly, I cant even be mad at it, I’m a little impressed. For once it seems like they actually fuck. And last, but certainly not least, oh I think Andy is fucking with me on this one - its a midnight black two piece lace lingerinie with the garter belt to match; and I may just take this one home with me. No way his wife would actually wear this.
Game recognizes game, he just wants me to try it on cause it’s the only time he’ll ever see a woman dressed in one of these outside of a porn website. And after all the money he spent today, it’s only right that I put on a little show for him.
“Oh Andyyyy, there’s a snake in my boot,” I jested; trying my best to lighten the mood. “Coming to you straight outta Bawston, your newest Fenty line addition, let’s give it up for this silk two pieceeee. Can ya say green is my color?”
The chuckle that escapes him is rich. Honestly I should really get paid for this. I mean the joy that I bring to peoples lives, it’s a skill to be honest.
“Oh wow, you wear that better than the hanger,” he jokes.
“Don’t I? But how do you think Laurie will like it?”
“Oh I think it’s in the bag,” he whispers lowly.
“Alrighty, well let me go ahead and change into item number two,” I winked, walking back into the dressing room.
Now the next one is honestly sexy and a sure fire way to spice up whatever boring sex I’m sure he suffers from at home. For goodness sake, Laurie should thank him everyday he walks through that door without cheating. Considering this next piece falls like a dress, I’m wondering if I should be a little naughty and go commando. It’s not like we’re putting it back on the shelf, I mean if anything I’ll take it home if the wife doesn’t want it.
“Are you ready?” I asked, peeking from behind the door.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“I mean this dress IS a little revealing Mr. Barber, I think it’s only right you step inside for this one.”
He releases a loud puff of air and I can see the war going on behind his eyes; actively fighting mind over body on if he’ll actually go through with this. But I’m so over his morals, I mean come on, we’ve already made it this far. And it’s not like I’ll go blabbering to my father about how I modeled lingerie to his best friend, so he might as well enjoy the show.
“This sale is really driving in the customers and I-I would hate to see you exposed while doing me a favor,” Andy rambles on.
Making his way toward the door in unsure steps, he gets within arm’s length and I drag him in the rest of the way, all too giddy for my own good. Closing the door behind me, I turn to Andy to find him frigid and noticeably uncomfortable; but that’s more so from those naughty thoughts he has swirling around in his head. And I think, why not make this interesting. Twirling around, I give him a complete 360 of the dress, pulling at all the places that would accentuate my curves. I even manage a soft moan or two in between and give a couple poses to really sell the point.
“So? Whaddya think?”
“I think that Laurie is in for a treat.”
Do I see beads of sweat? Ohhh my gosh, I cannot wait until I get ahold of Michelle.
“So item number two is a go?”
“It’s a go,” he mutters.
“The last ones up next, I won’t be long,” I promised.
He nods his head and shuffles his way to the door, only his eagerness has him bumping into the line of clothes I have hung up, each of them tumbling to the floor. He’s quick to mumble out apology after apology and I seize this opportunity to really send this man over the edge.
“Andy, it’s okay, I’ll pick it up. Just go around me, I won’t be long.”
Bending down, I grab each item and there’s a cool chill that reaches my heat, letting me know that I was fully exposed. It isn’t lost on me that the incessant chattering from behind had also stopped. BINGO! Raising up to my full height, I go to shoo Andy out the door, only to get slammed into the wall behind me. Pupils wildly dilated, Andy is hunched over me, heavily panting, as his warm breath fans over my face. There’s something about him that looks so feral and I almost cream at the sight.
“All day, I was confused,” Andy admitted. “Your hand on mine at the diner, the way you’d twinkle your eyes at me in each store, and even going so far as to help me pick out a few clothes for Laurie?”
“Andy, thats -“
“I thought, maybe this chick just comes off flirtatious, but now? Oh there’s no mistaking your intentions now.”
“And what are you going to do about it now that you know I find you sexy?” I challenged.
“I’m gonna give you what you want."
“Right now?” I panicked. “There are other shoppers in here too.”
“Guess you better be quiet then,” he said sliding his hands between my thighs.
Knocking from the other end of the door has my eyeballs bulging out of the sockets. Heart galloping in my chest, the only thing I can hear is its rapid beating. I’m stuck somewhere between answering it and pretending not to be here, but the way the lady is speaking from the other end, it’s safe to say the jig is up.
“Miss, are you okay, I heard a big bang on the other side of the wall,” the store associate chirped.
“YeAHHHH, so-sorry about that, I’m a bit clumsy today.” I responded.
Oh this one likes to play dirty huh. It was at that moment that he decided to push his fingers inside me and it took everything in me not to screech, cause for one I’m still sorta dry. And it’s not like Andy has small digits.
“That’s no problem love, just remember our store is having a BOGO free sale on bralettes for today only.”
Damn does she ever shut up. Ripping pierces my ears as Andy attempts to pull the chemise down to free my nipples. He effectively ruins the material and pops my boob into his mouth without a care.
“Also, you broke it you bought it. Happy shopping!” the sales lady sings as she skips away.
“Ugh bit- yeowww Andy stop,” I whisper yelled to him.
“I’m so sorry baby, I just got a little carried away.”
Popping my nipple back into his mouth, I feel my body start to slacken up if you catch my drift, which allows him to drive his fingers into me with a little more ease.
Andy builds up a nice little momentum. One hand is steadily tweaking my nipples while his mouth slobs on the other. His expert fingers continue to thrust into me, while he drags his thumb across my clit and each time I shiver ever so slightly. My hips begin to roll in rotation at this divine sensation and just as he feels my walls start to squeeze him a little too tightly, he yanks his hands out of me.
“If you think that Im gonna let you cum anywhere but my dick the first time we fuck, then you must be as slow as your pops thinks you are.”
“Okay rude,” I grumbled.
Andy pulls away from me and takes a seat on the mini bench, unbuckling his pants and placing his semi erect dick on full display. And oh my, what a display it is. I swear I almost drool at the sheer beauty of it. The way his precum slowly oozes out of the mushroom tip. The way that his angry, swollen veins strains against his delicate skin. And oh my, how can I resist the way that his dick twitches in anticipation, just begging for some sort of relief. Coming in at least eight inches, I’m ready to risk it all; daddys life long friendship be damned. He motions me forward with his fingers, yanking me toward him, the closer I get, until I’m kneeling before him - doe eyes gleaming with want.
“The only reason I dont have my dick touching the back of your throat right now is because I’m feeling a little eager today,” he boasted. “So get your ass up here and ride me facing the mirror so you can see what a whore looks like when they cum.”
Well shit, that’s if I haven’t come already. Oh boy, do I love my man with a twinge of aggression. Climbing into Andy’s lap, I hover above him and slowly sink myself onto his member until I reach the hilt; feeling the wind knocked out of me as I do so. My back to his chest, I inhale sharply, trying to remember to breathe as this man stretches me out.
“Don’t be shy, you can move,” Andy taunts.
“I just need a minute okay,” I sassed back.
Spitting on his fingers, Andy slaps it onto my clit and I jump up in a bit of painful shock. He does it again and a small shriek makes it way from the back of my throat. Only this time when his fingers land on my clit, he begins to rub them in figure eight motions. It gives me slight relief and I lean my head against his shoulders as I try building the strength to fuck this man; only a harsh grip on my jaw jolts me out of my solace.
“Oh no, none of that,” Andy states while facing my head forward. “You wanna spend my money like a grown woman, then you can get fucked like one too, so ride me NOW,” he enunciated with a firm squeeze to my cheeks.
My trembling hands linger over his thighs as I hold on for balance and start to steadily slide up and down his shaft.
“Oh come on, all that big shit you talked earlier, this is the best you can do?”
“Andy, I’m trying."
His hands speed up on my clit and finally the moisture that I need accumulates enough for me to slide down him with a little more ease. I manage to pick up my pace ever so slightly, blowing out small huffs of air in order not to scream out my delight.
“There you go princess, now you know what it feels like fuck on a real man huh?”
Nodding my head vigorously, he tuts in disapproval.
“No, Y/N I need words”
“Yes, Andy, Yes!” I moan out.
“Go ahead and tell me how I’ve ruined you for any other little college boys.”
“You’ve ru-ruined, ahh God.”
“God’s not here right now Y/N, get it together.”
The juices that I feel slithering down my thighs ought to have me ashamed. I have literally never had this reaction with another man before, and I’ve been with quite a few.
Bouncing on Andy’s dick in earnest, his steady assault on my bud has me seeing stars. And the way he’s insistent on me watching myself in the mirror, clenching my jaw steady while his other hand holds my waist in support? I think I might fall in love. Shit, I couldn’t care less about being loud at this point or the wet noises I’m sure the other patrons can hear. The way my eyes are rolling back, I’m somewhat embarrassed at the faces this man is pulling from me.
“Shhh,” he whispers while kissing along my neck. “Do you really want everyone to know how dumb you get when you’re stuffed full of dick?”
A loud cry makes its way past my lips and the hand that was once holding my face is now clasped tightly over my mouth; which I am SO grateful for as I whimper endlessly into his palms.
Speeding up just a little, I feel myself on the brink of combustion once again and coupled with Andy’s fingers it isn’t long until my body explodes with clear liquid flying in every which way as I ride through the intensity of it all. Coming to a steady stop, I throw my head back on his shoulder, spent as hell and all but positive this baby doll is mine to keep. Realising that Andy didn’t come, I offered to finish him off but he just told me that he’s a patient man and that we should head to the house, where he can properly lay out what’s to he expected over the course of the next couple of days.
“Besides, I usually don’t come until at least twenty two minutes in,” Andy bragged.
Ok so maybe I didn’t think this spring break through. I’d at the very least like to make it back to the dorms in one piece.
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ye0ncore · 3 years
it’ll always be you - yang jungwon
hello loves! i’ve really been missing writing so here i am trying to get more fics up for you guys. i have school, work and a sport to juggle so updates may be a lil slow but just bear with me lol. also, this fic took way too long to get together, my tumblr is fucking high. anyways, love you guys <33
>> pairing: jungwon x female reader
>> synopsis: you and jungwon have always been best friends. and that’s all you saw each other as. or so you thought. that was until you got an outside perspective.
>> rating and genre: pg, fluff
>> warnings: kissing scene, a few curse words,
>> word count: 1834
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“so y/n, is there any special boy in your life right now,” your new friend daeji asked, a mischievous smile on her face. you giggled and shook your head at the question, the smile staying on your face. you had only met daeji a few days ago but you already loved her. she was a transfer student from another district and the both of you had gotten very close, very quickly.
both of you are still in the process of getting to know each other, hence why the question was asked in the first place. “what?! how is there not, i’ve never seen anyone as pretty as you. is there anyone you’re into, though,” she continued, making you smile once more at her kindness.
“no there’s not,” you confirmed, making her slump in her seat. you laughed once more, and as if on cue, jungwon walked up. daeji perked up at someone of the opposite gender walking up to you, a small smirk on her face. you had mentioned jungwon once, but only as a close friend. she had never actually met him, and she was not disappointed. you’re pretty, he’s pretty so why weren’t you dating?
“hey y/n,” he said, his eyes bright and his smile wide. you greeted him back and motioned for him to sit down, which he immediately did. he set his backpack down and his eyes landed on daeji. “who’s this, y/n?”
“oh, jungwon, this is daeji. she’s a transfer student and one of my new friends. daeji, this is jungwon, my closest friend at this school,” you said with a smile, it widening when you turned to jungwon. daeji smiled and waved, and glanced at you, noticing how close you and jungwon were sitting. ‘there’s no way they aren’t dating,’ she thought.
the three of you sat there for a while, speaking about anything that came to your heads. that was until jungwon had to go and meet up with jay. apparently they were partners for a project and needed to work on it. “alright, it was really nice to meet you, daeji. bye y/n,” he said, leaning down to give you a hug. you two hugged the same way you always did, your arms around his neck, his arms wrapping around your waist. he gave you a small smile before rushing off to find jay, leaving daeji awestruck.
you looked at her and laughed at the shocked look on her face. “what,” you asked, still giggling.
she looked at you like you were insane. “y/n who the fuck is that, and why aren’t you dating him?” now it was your turn to give her a weird look.
“jungwon? no no we’re not like that. he’s my best friend,” you assured her, but she clearly didn’t believe you. which was understandable.
“best friend my ass, y/n. you’re in love with each other and i can see it! the way you looked at each other… holy shit i’ve only ever seen that in movies.” did he really look at you like that? “and you look at him the same way! a few other guys have come up and talked to you within the past few days and you didn’t look at them anywhere near the same way you looked at jungwon.”
“i told you daeji, he’s my best friend. we’re not like that,” you said once more, but that doesn’t mean the thought didn’t creep into your brain. all she did was laugh and call you crazy once more, saying her final goodbyes to you for the day. you made your way home and you couldn’t help the fact that what daeji said was stuck in your head.
she had a point. you and jungwon were always close. you had been best friends since you were little, so he always had a special place in your heart. did jungwon really look at you the way she said he did? and did you look at him the same? you tried to shake off the thought. there’s no way it would work. but you still felt that little bit of hope.
the next day at school, you met up with jungwon like you always did. every morning, without fail, you and him always met up by your car so you could walk into the school together. when he walked up to you, you took notice of the way he looked. really took notice. he was wearing a black and white striped sweater, and black sweatpants, his hair a perfect mess atop his head. your breath got caught in your throat. he looked amazing. how have you never noticed this before?
oh who are you kidding. of course you noticed. you always noticed, you just never wanted to admit it. he walked up to you, a big smile on his face. you greeted each other the same way you always did, a hug and a small ‘hello.’ except, this hug was different. you hugged the same type of way, but it just felt different. he lightly squeezed you, making you laugh and the only thing going through your head was how badly you didn’t want to let go.
unfortunately, he did let go, and led the both of you into the school. you two walked in with huge smiles on your faces, daeji giving you two a smirk when she saw you. you walked up to daeji, jungwon glued to your side, daeji immediately taking notice. ‘the only people who don’t know how they feel about each other is each other, this is just sad,’ was exactly what was going through daeji’s head.
so when the first bell rang and you went off to your class, hugging jungwon goodbye, she decided she needed to do something. after you walked off, jungwon continued to watch you for a moment, not turning back until daeji pretended to clear her throat. after she did, he whipped his head back to her, acting like nothing had happened. all she did was give him a knowing look, and he visibly deflated. “why are you looking at me like that,” he asked, still playing dumb.
daeji simply scoffed. “you like her.” jungwon froze in his spot, immediately tried to deny it. “don’t even try to give me the whole ‘she’s my best friend’ thing, i hear it enough from her when she tries to deny her feelings for you.” jungwon’s heart dropped to the floor, as did his jaw. did he hear her right?
“i’m sorry, one more time. what???” daeji laughed at his reaction.
“you both are so oblivious. everyone can see the feelings you both have for each other, except the two of you,” she explained, jungwon still looking like a deer in headlights. he simply couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
daeji was right. jungwon had developed feelings for you a very long time ago. he had seen you at your best, when you turned 16 and got your drivers license. and he had seen you at your worst, when your first boyfriend broke your heart. he stuck with you through all of it because he loved you and he never wanted to be without you. did you really feel the same?
“go find her, jungwon. i’m tired of seeing the both of you pine after each other. even if i’ve only known you for a day.” jungwon only nodded, running in the direction you left in, frantically searching around to find you. then he remembered exactly where you would be. the art room. that was the class you had just gone too, and he knew the teacher. they were cool with each other and you and the teacher were also very close.
he rushed to the art room as fast as his feet would carry him, the only thing on his mind being you. when he finally arrived he pulled the door open and his eyes immediately locked with yours. you smiled softly at the sight of him, stopped what you were doing and walked up to him. “hey. what are you doing here, aren’t you supposed to be in chemistry,” you asked, your tone soft and playful.
“uh….yeah i am supposed to be in chemistry… mrs. fleming might kill me, but there’s something i need to tell you, and i don’t know how much longer i was going to be able to wait,” he explained, his nerves building every second. you simply nodded, grabbed his hand and pulled you into the empty hallway. the small touch sent waves of electricity through you, bringing a wide smile to the both of your faces. if only you two knew what was about to go down.
“alright, here goes nothing. i was just talking to daeji and she called me out for staring at you…” his tone was soft and comforting, calming your nerves immediately. but as soon as the words left his mouth about daeji, you knew she had said something.
‘great, now he knows. he’s just gonna tell me he doesn’t see me like that. oh god let’s just get the rejection over with,’ was the only thing spinning through your mind. your mind didn’t even process that he said he got caught staring at you.
he seemed to notice your hesitation, but he knew he had to get this out in the open. “y/n i know this may be overwhelming and a lot to take in but i really need you to know how i feel.” he took a deep breath, and relaxed when you took his hand in yours.
“you can tell me anything, jungwon.” your calming voice was enough to give him the confidence to finally get the words out.
“alright so… y/n i really really really fucking like you. you’ve been there for me through absolutely everything and you’re genuinely the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. you make me so damn happy and i’m so thankful to have you in my life. whether that’s you as my friend or something more. i just wanted -”
you cut off his rambling by pressing your lips against his. you supposed he wasn’t expecting it because it took him a second to respond, but eventually he was kissing you back. one hand found it’s way to your waist and the other cupped your cheek. both of your arms were wrapped around his neck, pulling the both of you closer to one another. the kiss was soft and passionate, making it clear the both of you had been wanting this for a while.
when you finally pulled away, both of you were breathing heavier, but there were wide smiles on your faces. his hands stayed on your waist as he pulled you into a hug, you nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. “the feeling is mutual, jungwon.” you felt like you could hear him smile, him pulling you even closer if that even possible. “it’s always been you. it’ll always be you.”
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wank127 · 3 years
sorry in advance if i’m spamming your notifications /gen!
i just remembered that denki existed and i’m craving [neurodivergent] headcanons and your blog kinda has a lot of good reblogs n posts of that so-
you’re not spamming at all, in fact i didn’t even see this till now since i don’t normally get any asks ! (thanks for the ask btw <3) i hope you enjoy !!
neurodivergent denki headcannons !
disclaimer: i, myself, am currently in the process of getting diagnosed with adhd/autism/whatever it is (i’m not self diagnosing but i did get 8/10 on an autism assessment given to me by a doctor so that must say something) so this is a wee bit of me projecting. my intentions for this post are not to offend anyone in the nd community nor spread any miss information. please correct me if i make any mistakes ! and apologies for it being so long i’m still trying to figure out the ‘read more’ thing !! now ! onto the head cannons !!
he has MAJOR sensory issues and issues with bad textures
his main ones are foods that are a mix between solid or liquid, like a soup that’s meant to be smooth but isn’t or like very wet bread, anything sticky and that one inside of a hoodie feel, like the one wear it’s like fleece but it feels like plastic and somehow creamy and just BLUGNXJSK y’know?
he has that not right kind of thing(iykyk) where he has to say a word/phrase again till it feels right, or touch the desk again, or hit the back of foot again to make it right
it gets really frustrating sometimes
he surprisingly likes velvet, fun to play with, cool to drag your finger around on
he has very bad memory problems
like really bad
they cause him to breakdown every time he has a test cause everything he tried to study was just,, gone,, no where to be found
he opens up to present mic about it and he’s a big help, gives him extra time for testing, helps him with study techniques, gives him more reminders, etc etc
mic and him are like that student-english teacher duo
(no bc they’re the same person just different sizes please)
he struggles with reading a lot too, he knows there’s words but his brain just won’t recognize what they are
word soup
his main special interests/hyperfixations are old english literature, true crime/psychology/criminal stuff, literally anything to do with art and physics(electricity stuff)
he has other ones like cars and how to annoy bakugo to the brink of tears
his most common stims are happy flappy hands, putting his hand into a thumbs up and squeezing, rocking back and forth and swinging his legs about
his like calm down stim is humming, having some form of pressure(weighted blanket !!) and rocking a little bit
he gets overwhelmed by questions a lot
like if he’s not prepared to answer one and he gets asked TWO he’ll just go ‘nope’
he’s nonverbal sometimes, especially when he gets overwhelmed
he zones out and daydreams for like,,, 70% of the day
his favorite texture for food is something like mash potatoes, like a doughy texture, one that just sits right in the mouth
(potato waffles are his go to food (british thing but they’re so good))
just enough chew but not too much, not too wet not too dry
speaking of dry food,, he hates it. dry biscuits(cookies) are a no go if he doesn’t have a bunch of water/juice with him, he also just doesn’t like hot drinks
he’s god fuckinh amazing at art, like painting, drawing, sketching, everything
he’s so good at it
he ‘doodles’ in all of his school work and books, most of the time it’s of aizawa or present mic (or,, *cough*his crush*cough*) and they’re super accurate
when he goes to sleep he has to have a small tea light candle lit, his over the ear headphones on and playing asmr and a hoodie (comfort hoodie, gifted to him by kiri) with the hood up and pressure on his feet(like just his blanket covering them is fine)
no other set up is allowed
he uses fidget (simple dimple pop) and sensory toys
they got taken away from him in class one time, he almost cried it was so sad
so much rage
when he was younger he used to scream bloody murder when he had to put on sunscreen (same boo)
refused to wear it until his parents got him a spray on sunscreen (it was just like an oil/water based sunscreen that just,, wasn’t sticky, it was perfect) he still uses it to this day
he loves music, so much
it’s so cool
so many playlists
has like ten different ones that he made just for long car drives
like all the sounds and noises just make his brain so happy
he likes bo burnham cause he has very good lyrics and sounds that make him wanna share them with everyone so they can be happy too (especially ‘sexting’ , ‘oh bo’,’ words words words’, ’rant’, the kanye one, ‘we think we know you’, ‘channel 5 news: the musical’ and ‘bezos’ 1&2)
(omg channel 5 news is so good)
his number is 5
he’s kinda scared to do good in school bc his rank in class will go up and what if it lands on an ugly number??
he’s quite unintentionally restrictive with his food
he just forgets to eat or that he’s hungry
he’s working on it tho dw !
his accents are like typical british/english, australian and southern american
pop out at random times
like he’ll ask present mic to repeat the page number as a southern bell little lady
had a vocal stim that was opra singing “milly rock pick it up”
lil jon vocal stim
his room is very messy and cluttered from all the failed hobbies and things he just forgot about
expect him to cook but DO NOT expect him to clean up afterwards
like iida will walk into the dorm kitchen in the morning and find this huge mess thinking someone broke in
and kiri is like: oh ig denki was hungry i wonder if he has leftovers
okay i think i’m gonna end this one here lol it’s getting kinda long ! i hope you liked it ! <3
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faebriel · 2 years
hi meow!!! 🍓 i love your art SOOO much the way you line and colour is so cool and it is just so comfy :] looking at your art makes me really happy when i'm feeling down. also i can't explain why but it just NAILS cwilbur as well like i'll see that lil dot eyed fella and my brain goes 💡 yes thats him thats the fella. this one in particular lives in my head rent free <3
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starsandmoonys · 4 years
Truth or Dare
based on this amazing post and idea by the awesome @ravenclaw-reblogs . So, I tried. and it may have gotten out of hand. so I hope you like it anyway. Enjoy!
Part 2
It was a late cold November night. Most of the students were already asleep. The common room was filled with 8 students, Remus was sprawled on the floor near the fireplace next to Lily, discussing some muggle book they both had recently read. Peter and Mary were engrossed in a very bad chess game since they both really suck at it. Sirius was playing arm wrestling with Marlene. James was in a heated argument with Dorcas about Quidditch teams. The most significant aspect about this night was the bottles of Fire whisky being passed around, it was sufficient to say they were all positively tipsy.
“You know what, Dorcas? Fine! You’re right. Sure, we suck!” James said, rather loudly. “Oi, Jamie, enough about that. Both teams are good.” Sirius said, during another losing match to Marlene. His arm hit the table and Marlene started celebrating, flexing her arms, “Yeah, look at that. I’ve won, again. You still weren’t ready?” she said, sticking out her tongue to an annoyed Sirius. “Oh, bugger off, blondie.” Sirius huffed.
“You got bested by a lady two times in a row, Padfoot. I’m starting to think you’re a beater because James is captain,” Peter chuckled, moving a knight forward on the chessboard then frowning, realizing it’s the wrong move.
“Shut it, ratboy, I’m a beater because I’m talented.”
“And because I’m the captain,” James added wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oh, is it ‘roast Sirius night’? Cause then count me in,” Remus rose up from the floor. Sirius was about to shoot him a comeback until his eyes landed on the boy in front of him. His cheeks were flushed, from the warmth or the alcohol or both, eyes shining bright hazel from the firelight, his hair so messy, curls falling on his eyes. Sirius’ brain wondered what it would be like to run his hands through it and- he felt pain, actual pain, on his thigh. He looked at the source and his eyes met Marlene's all-knowing smirk. “Stop staring,” she mouthed to him.
“Yeah. Whatever, wolfy.” He stuttered a reply before going to occupy himself with anything other than Remus’ eyes. “Let’s play something,” He proposed partly because he was bored and mostly because he wanted to get away from Marlene's gaze.
“What shall we play?” Dorcas asked. “Nothing tiring, we don’t want to wreak havoc,” Mary added.
“Truth or dare?” James suggested. “Very creative,” Lily said sitting up and grabbing a bottle of fire whiskey, finishing the rest of it. “You suggest then, Red,” Sirius said backing up his best friend.
“No, I’m alright. Sure, we play truth or dare, Black.”
“Good, now let’s just sit properly,” Remus said crawling near to the foot of the couch, almost sending Sirius to overdrive. It’s like the brunette boy is doing it on purpose. It’s been like that since they started their seventh year. The last two months had been filled with hand brushes, long stares, and longer hugs. Sirius didn’t want to read into it, maybe he was just imagining it, being lovesick and all. Then Remus does these things, like right then. What does it mean? Does Remus feel the same thing? Or is it just a normal thing he does? And if it’s normal, why does Sirius hyperventilates every time? So many questions were running through his mind. He came back to reality with a shove, “Earth to Sirius, we’re starting.” Dorcas said sitting now beside him.
They were all sitting in a circle legs crossed on the floor. It was Sirius then Dorcas and Marlene, James and Peter followed by Remus, Lily, and Mary. “Cool, I’ll begin,” announced Marlene. “So, peter, truth, or dare.”
Peter, taken by surprise she picked him, stammered dare. “Try to put your whole fist in your mouth” she shot him the dare. “damnit marly, go easy on the guy.” Dorcas chuckled beside her. “Rules are rules, do it, Petey,” Sirius said. Peter sighed, “This is ridiculous,” before following through with the dare. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do it, and the attempt earned him a laugh from the whole group, “amateur” Remus said, giggling, which of course Sirius heard. Again, eyes getting wide and brain going blank. This boy is going to be the death of me he thought.
“Yeah, whatever, guys. It’s my turn now. James, truth, or dare?” Peter said, partly exasperated, but still light-hearted.
“Well, dare, I say,” James answered, smugly. “Fine, you let Marlene draw on your face.” Peter said, “oh oh, and you’re not allowed to see it or wash it off till morning.” He added, evilly.
“Peter, did you have to pick her,” James started complaining, while Marlene got up to retrieve a quill from the nearest table. “No, backing off dares, pretty boy,” Lily said.
“Oh, you think I’m pretty, Lils?” He said with a smirk and a very corny wink.
“Not for long,” Marlene said, sitting down again and grabbing his face. “Oh Merlin,” he tried to squirm away. “Now, stay still, so I can focus on my art,” she started drawing first on both of his cheeks and then on his forehead, everyone was snickering around them. She lifted the quill off his face with a shit-eating grin. “There you go,” she said, proud of her work.
“What is it, guys? Is it bad? Oh my god, is it a penis?” James asked, looking at each and everyone for answers, except that everyone was doubling on the floor from laughter, “Don’t worry, you look positively stunning, Prongs.” Sirius replied from between laughs. “You’re really not going to say?” he asked the group.
“No cheating, you very pretty boy,” Lily said, face completely red.
“Sure then, this is getting real. Truth or dare, Siri?” he asked, trying to hide his annoyance.
“Oh, me... Well, to change it a little, I’m picking truth,” Sirius replied. His best mate raised an eyebrow, which looked amusing because it had a deer antler drawn above it, getting Sirius to snort and chuckle. “You think it’s funny? Good, here is the question.” James went silent for a second, “What are your kinks?” He asked, dragging every word. His question shifted the air in the group and everyone was now staring at Sirius, including Remus. He looked at him, curiously.
Sirius is not being phased by the actual question, but by Remus’ stare. He doesn’t know if it was the alcohol or the Gryffindor bravery, but he decided to throw caution out of the window and lock eyes with Remus, the boy he’s been possibly in love with since the fifth year. “My kink...” he started, ignoring everyone around him, he was sure Remus was giving him the same look, here goes nothing he thought. “My kink is werewolves with soft smiles and pretty eyes.” He said into the air, but still intensively watching Remus for a reaction. He prays he didn’t mess everything up when Remus’ mouth shapes into an O. He finally broke eye contact to find Dorcas and Mary high-fiving, Marlene talking about a bet, and James looking all smug.
“You know what, I think I’m going to sleep,” Lily said, faking a yawn and getting up. The girls got up after her. “yeah, we’re going to crash, good night, guys” Dorcas added, locking arms with Marlene.
As the girls walked away, James also got up, stumbling around a little, “Us too, c’mon, Wormy,” He gestured to peter. “But we were playing,” Peter complained. “Oh just move it, idiot.” James grabbed his arm and pulled him up.
“The room is all yours, boys,” James said with a wink and also walked away. Leaving Sirius and Remus alone, with a very long conversation ahead.
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sgwrscrsh · 4 years
ix. double mother's day
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the scene in the kitchen is utterly adorable. 
the tall man standing at the counter covered in ingredients and utensils was no foreign sight, but the two stools on either side of him were, just like his two little mini-me’s standing on top of them.
“ya see this part between yer finger ‘n yer thumb? after you scoop a little bit of the filling into the rice, roll it into a ball like this and then squeeze very gently into this part of yer hand to shape it.” the man explains to his sons as they try to imitate his practiced movements with clumsy hands.
the two boys pout at their messy products when their eyes fall on their dad’s perfect onigiri, one more vocal about their disappointment than the other.
“papa! s’not pretty like yours!” takumi cries while his brother nodded in agreement, big round eyes shining with unshed tears.
“wan’ mine pretty like mama,” warbles ryo, bottom lip wobbling as he holds in the sobs threatening to rack his tiny body.
osamu is quick to wipe his hands off on the kitchen towel slung over his shoulder and settle his warm palms on their backs. “hey, hey, shhh, s’okay.” squatting down to their level, he presses a chaste kiss to each of their cheeks, still plump with baby fat. “there’s plenty more for ya to practice, but i think these’re pretty ‘cause you made them. i bet your mama’s gonna love ‘em more than mine anyhow.”
sighing internally, the father is relieved to see two pairs of eyes blinking up at him, shining with hope and excitement instead of tears and disappointment. 
“promise, papa?” the younger twin pipes up, echoed soon after by a softer, watery “promise?”
large frame still crouched down beside them, osamu presents his two little fingers for his two little chefs, “pinky promise.”
after attempting to wrap their much smaller fingers around their father’s, the younger miyas settle for taking their respective fingers into a firm handshake while osamu tries his damnedest to not laugh at how cute his sons are with their brows furrowed solemnly.
“okay, okay, let’s finish the onigiri and then work on mama’s cakes, yea?”
“yea! gon’ make pretty onigiwi for mama!” 
“wanna mix, please, papa?” 
“sure, ryo. you can mix the cake batter.”
“me too! me too! wanna mix!”
a gentle smile tugs at the corner of osamu’s lips, knowing that he’d have to finish the rice balls on his own once he got his boys set up and situated. 
“good thing i have two whisks then,” he says to himself, bustling about, opening and shutting cabinets, and gathering the ingredients to make two mini sponge cakes. 
as ryo and takumi watch their father measure and scoop out of various containers and cartons, they bounce on the balls of their feet, eager to receive the cups he hands to them and dump them into the identical bowls on the counter in front of them.
by the time the cakes were cooled, decorated and left in the fridge, a few more onigiri were sitting in the container next to the two, smaller, messier ones, and two little miyas were snoozing away on their snoring papa’s broad chest as they wait for you to come home.
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“okay, kiddos,” atsumu chimes as he plops a storage container full of art supplies on the living room floor. “what’re ya gonna make for mommy?”
“wanna give mommy flower!” his princess cheers. “fitting,” he thinks with a smile. “should be easy enough.”
“no flower! dinosaur for mommy! rawr!” accompanied by the pitter-patter of tiny feet on the hardwood, the input signals ryuki’s disinterest in the stuffed animals he was playing with, eager to make a gift for his mother. 
however, this makes hana pout and stomp her feet, albeit adorably. “dinosaur not pretty! flower pretty like mommy!”
quick to deescalate the situation, atsumu pulls out a few sheets of paper and two sets of crayons. “princess, ya can make mommy the prettiest flower she’s ever seen, but if yer brother wants to make a dinosaur, that’s okay, too! mommy likes flowers and dinosaurs, mkay?” getting a couple of head nods and quiet “okay, daddy”s, he gives them a bright smile and the supplies he drew from the storage container. “now how about you both draw what you wanna make so i can help you once you’re done, yea?” 
excited that they both get to make what they want, the two tots get to work, diligently turning colorful scribbles into the likenesses of… a rose? and a t-rex? atsumu is impressed by his kids’ artistic abilities as he grabs a pair of scissors, sheets of felt, cardboard, and bottles of glue from the box beside him. “definitely didn’t get those genes from me.”
“daddy, daddy! m’done!” hana exclaims triumphantly, holding up her drawing proudly. “see flower?” 
“i do see, princess. it’s very pretty,” the father nods solemnly. “ya want the same color for the petals?” her head bobs vigorously, making atsumu chuckle as he singles out a sheet of white felt. “‘kay, m’gonna cut ‘em out for ya to glue ‘em on. can ya squeeze the glue on the cardboard for me first?” 
as hana sets out to do just that, ryuki pops up with his creation in hand, “done now, daddy!” 
“good job, my handsome boy! such a cool dinosaur,” atsumu gently ruffles his son’s hair, large hand dwarfing his small head. “do what your sister’s doing and i’ll cut out your pieces, too.” 
a couple moments pass in silence as the three miyas accomplish their individual tasks. once the glue is drizzled over the cardboard, atsumu lets his kids pick out a sheet of felt in whatever color their little hearts desired. with pink felt laid upon hana’s board and blue on ryuki’s, the father then instructs them to put dabs of glue where each piece of felt would go. 
“here ya go, this one goes right here like this,” he says, guiding their hands to orient the felt scraps in their respective places. “and then ya put a little glue here an’ then this piece goes there.” soon enough, despite the scraps of felt littering the floor and sticky hands getting glue everywhere, twin gazes gleam proudly as they take in their finished products. 
“let’s go wash our hands,” atsumu tells them, unfolding himself from where he sat between his children and stretching his arms high above his head. “and then it’s snack time. how’s that sound?”
“yay! snacks!” the smaller miyas hoot, little legs carrying them to the bathroom as fast as they could. tsumu cleans up the mess left behind and hides their crafts on the top shelf of the hallway closet to dry before sauntering into the kitchen with a firm resolve to recreate the onigiri his brother taught him without burning the rice or forgetting to season anything this time.
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viii. || mlist || x.
☁️a/n☁️ more blurbs that aren’t rly blurbs. sometimes i wonder if you guys get tired of the burnt rice bit. also i lied, i don’t have the chapters queued up like i wanted to. ig i’m doing em week by week but hnnnnngh exams. anyhow, i love thinking abt these six foot men doing domestic things with tiny lil babies. makes brain go brrrr
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