#like not to say you can't be upset at sparkle herself
assmaster-8000 · 8 months
you guys do realise getting mad about sparkle 'slutshaming' aventurine is baseless when the fandom has been calling men whores and sluts pretty much since the inception of smutty fanfiction? why is it suddenly a problem if a character does it but not when real fucking adults call many 16 year old characters a slut? would you really be this angry if sparkle was a man and aventurine was a woman too or is that scenario a norm for you?
(also, if you genuinely believe she was slutshaming aventurine i feel like you have a very bad case of tunnel vision because its not the act of doing sexual deeds for sundays favor she's talking about. she's taking a jab at if aventurine did something outlandish and out of nature to pwomise his widdle corporation wouldn't hurt penacony (yea right wise guy type of tone). i feel like any other hyperbole would have gotten her point across. if anything it feels like she's making fun of his inability to be vulnerable or be on the end with disadvantages because aventurine is always big on being in bets and deals where he has the power)
((and yes im aware sparkle is the type to make discriminatory jabs at people given the sigonian situation and her masked fool status but again it does not necessarily mean this is specifically targeted at his sexuality because it's just very out of place))
also, if sparkle DID use a slur against romani people
why are you more upset at the character than the company?
you do realise sparkle can't code her own dialog, right? there's real people at the hoyoverse company building making her say these things. whether or not it makes her a good or bad villain doesn't matter because you're just targeting a fictional character instead of holding hoyoverse responsible. you do realise that by wringing your panties into debating about sparkle, you're just overlooking the real cause of it? it's like green shopping and carbon footprints all over again. we're so focused on pointing fingers at all these irrelevant figures that the true heads behind it get away scott free.
if you're upset about the use of the slur which is very much understandable so i mean this specific sentiment in the most genuine way possible; highlight hoyoverse's role in this. you already know hoyoverse does a bad job at handling cultures outside of their own so it's not like it's something outlandish to hold against the company.
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youryanderedaddy · 2 months
tw: female reader, obsessive behavior, captivity, fantasy lore, abuse, murder mention, suggestive (?)
"You seem to be upset."
He's leaning against the window not too far away from you. Not too close as well - just far enough for you to feel at ease.
"Aren't you a mind - reader." You respond under your breath, trying to focus on the book you're currently reading - but the letters are escaping you, and you find yourself re-reading the same paragraph for the third time. He sighs, much like a disappointed father, before stepping towards you. And if you flinch just slightly, he doesn't pretend to notice or care.
"What is wrong, my flower?" The man gestures theatrically, soft velvet voice unbecoming of the monster he is flowing easily into the open air. You don't know what to say, really. It's been two years - or so you think, there is no way to keep track of time in this kingdom, not that time goes the same way in the elfen world as it does in the human, yet the part of you still capable of logical thought seems to think so. Two years, and there is very little you haven't already said. Very little left to be said, so your conversations are mostly rehearsed repetitions of what you already know. What you already fear - that you're going to die here. Or even worse. That you've become incapable of aging, so very consumed by this foreign land you detest that you've given up death for a life of boring, purposeless immortality.
"Don't I shower you with lavish gifts?" The noble moves closer, stalking towards you - observing you as if you're a butterfly pinned to a wooden frame under a microscope. "Don't I buy you the shiniest jewels? Not even the queen herself owns such sparkling emeralds." He scoffs, painfully used to your lack of response. You clear your throat, turning a new page - having little to recall about the last. It's completely meaningless just like all the other pages in all the other books you read. How funny, you think. In that distant, dreamy past of yours you were too busy to read - busy with work, busy with family, busy with friends. Busy with life. Now nothing gets in the way of your reading, you have all the time in the world - but there's no one to share the knowledge with. No one to spoil the ending. No time limits. No goal to it all, no final destination. So you read, and you soak the pages with salty tears not remembering a word.
"I am grateful for all the treasures you give me, my Lord." You answer nonchalantly, keeping your pointer at the end of the paper in a desperate attempt to find the sentence exactly where you left it off. You can feel him move closer to you - and the only indication of your growing fear are the shivers that travel down your spine with the beat of your violently full, thumping heart.
"Don't I provide you with all the entertainment your little human heart could possibly bear?" The duke clicks his long sharp nails together once against the other - an ugly metallic sound echoes deep into the ceiling reminiscent of a dying forest clow. "There has never been a lack of wine or music or dance in my court. I've gifted you more golden dresses than you can wear in this life. I've written you more poems than you can read." He keeps going, describing every little thing he's done for you, despite the fact that you've never asked for any of it.
"I admire your taste for indulgence, my Lord." You repeat almost automatically, the praises sitting on your tongue just waiting to be spilt from parted honey lips. Your eyes are glued to the book, but you've given up on reading long ago. Now you're simply trying not to cry - focusing your eyes at one word at a time and blinking repeatedly, manically, feeling as if the world with end the moment you let him see your weakness. You can't believe you still have so much pain in you - enough to feel loss and anger and, what's even worse, hope. Hope that one day you'll be free again.
"And tell me, flower—" His fist wraps around your low ponytail, forcing you to look up at him and meet his eyes for the first time tonight. What's staring back at you might as well be the bottom of the ocean itself, misty and dark, cold and unknown. Human eyes convey so much affection - so much care that you can never mistake it for anything else. With elves it's different - you can spend centuries looking for a hint of kindness, and you'll only get lost in those beatiful bottomless pits. Shiny and sparkling and completely empty. "Don't I give you love? Don't I embrace you tightly every night?" His voice lowers dangerously, barely above a whisper.
"I don't understand what more you could possibly want. Should I prove myself to you? Should I slay a dragon for you? Perhaps I could tie the heads of your enemies with a pretty bow and give them to you as a wedding gift, hmm?" He's babbling incoherently, nails digging into your scalp with unyealding grip. "Would that finally, finally make you happy, beloved?"
"No, no, please let go." You cry out in agony, wriggling out of his hold - but he's too strong, too massive to move. "I'm happy, I'm—" You sob pitifully, weakly pushing at his chest. "I'm happy with you. Please, you make me so happy, just please let go. And please don't hurt anyone."
He slowly pulls away, chest heaving in and out wildly. The scariest part is always his face. It remains unbothered - cold and defined like a statue of a god, his true feelings hidden by a mask of barely contained rage.
"You're happy with me?" He raises an eyebrow, foot stomping on the ground impatiently. You nod hesitantly, too shaken up to comprehend what you're even agreeing to. "Then prove it. Show me just how happy I make you." He grabs your wrist, pulling you face-first into his hard chest. "Do it, and I might reconsider my other more... inhumane methods of courtship." His lips twist into a cruel smirk. "And may the Gods help you."
As you sink to your knees you try to think of what book to read next - but no title comes to mind.
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candy69gurl · 6 months
Bound by Ropes Love
Sub Gojo Satoru x dom f!reader
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Warnings- 18+, dark, reverse consensual (m!sub+f!dom), mentions of breakup, bondage, m!nipple biting & playing, dick squeezing, blow job, cum play, m!teasing & begging, m!harassment, use of threats, clit rubbing, cum squirt on face (male), use of nicknames, mutliple orgasms, raw sex (cumming inside), face sitting, cum eating wc - 4k requested by anon ART NOT MINE !
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Satoru saunters up to Utahime, smirking mischievously as she rolls her eyes at his approach. She leans back against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest. "What do you want, Satoru? I'm busy."
Undeterred, Satoru props himself up against the opposite wall, leaning closer to her until their faces are mere inches apart. His eyes sparkle with playful intent. "Oh, come on, Utahime," Satoru drawls, that same devilish grin never leaving his face. "I wasn't expecting such a cold welcome from someone as warm and lovely as you. Can't a guy just say hi without getting the icy treatment?"
Satoru chuckles softly, shaking his head at her protest, before continuing his flirtatious banter. "Alright, alright, no need to be so defensive. But look at me, Utahime. You know you enjoy these little interactions between us. Admit it."
He leans even closer, their lips almost touching, and whispers, "You'd miss it if I stopped, wouldn't you?" His eyes locked on hers, daring her to object. Utahime scoffs, trying to hide her discomfort behind a forced laugh. "Like I would ever miss your constant flirting, Gojo. You're relentless."
But even as she speaks, her cheeks flush a light pink, a clear indication that Satoru's words have affected her. Her gaze flickers away from his, unable to meet those vibrant blue eyes directly.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING !", you yell, your voice echoing in the hallway.
Gojo Satoru and you have been dating for about six months, and everyone is aware of this. Yet, Gojo has a terrible inclination of flirting with others. It upsets you greatly.
You walk into the hallway, startling both Satoru and Utahime, who are engaged in a heated flirtation. They separate immediately, catching you off guard. What the hell are they doing? Your voice rings out sharply, revealing your emotions.
Utahime meets your gaze, guilt flashing across her face for a brief moment. Satoru, though, remains nonchalant. Pushing his sunglasses up his nose, he offers you a casual wave.
As you step closer, Utahime seems to sense danger and quickly excuses herself, slipping away from the scene before you can react. You turn your attention fully to Satoru, who now stands alone in the hallway with you.
"Well, well, what brings you here?" He asks, still maintaining his cool demeanor. His eyes gleam with a hint of defiance, challenging you to say something. You clench your fists, anger bubbling inside.
"I could ask you the same thing," you snap back, taking a step closer to him.
Before you can react, Satoru attempts to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you close. His proximity makes your heart race, but you stiffen in resistance.
"Don't you dare," you hiss through gritted teeth, pushing against his chest to keep some distance between you two. For a moment, the tension between you is palpable. Your eyes lock, his vibrant blue irises meeting your own. In them, you see a mixture of defiance and challenge, daring you to push further. The tension in the air is thick enough to cut with a knife. His attempt to pull you close stirs a whirlwind of emotions within you. You feel conflicted - between anger at his blatant disregard for your feelings and attraction to this man who continues to toy with your heartstrings.
For a moment, it seems like neither of you will back down. But then, finally, Satoru releases a sigh and takes a step back. "I apologize if I went too far," he says, his voice a low rumble that sends chills down your spine. "But you know how I am." There's a hint of playfulness in his voice, as if he's trying to lighten the mood after such a tense encounter.
"We are breaking up", you hear yourself saying the words, feeling every ounce of them ring true. A heaviness settles in the pit of your stomach, causing your knees to shake slightly. Seeing the shock wash over Satoru's face, you notice the smile fading away from his face. His eyes widen, and for a moment, he seems genuinely taken aback.
"Breaking up?" he repeats, disbelief tinging his voice. "Baby, please I am sorry"
"I mean it," you say firmly, standing your ground. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill over. You swallow hard, trying to regain control of your emotions. "I can't do this anymore, Satoru. You don't love me, you fucking don't"
His eyes soften, and for a split second, he looks pained. But thenhe shakes his head, a determined glint entering his eyes. "No, no, you're wrong. I do love you, more than you know."
"Love me?!" you scoff, almost laughing at the absurdity of the statement. "How can you love me when you are flirting around with others. I've seen you doing the same with Mei Mei last week."
Satoru's lips thin into a tight line, his expression hardening. "It was just a friendly conversation," he insists, defensive undertones creeping into his voice. "You know that wasn't anything more than that."
"And I'm supposed to believe you? When I fucking saw you with my own eyes" you say incredulously, shaking your head. "I can't do this anymore, Satoru. You need to learn to control your urges if you want to be in a real relationship."
"Fine, fine please I am sorry, it won't happen again."He sighs heavily, running a hand through his hair, seeming frustrated with himself and the situation. "I know, babygirl, you're right. I was stupid," he admits, meeting your gaze earnestly. "I never meant for this to end up like this. I never wanted to hurt you, I swear," he pleads, reaching for your hand.
You withdraw your hand. "No we are done", you already forgave him but you want to make him suffer for what he did.
The sting of rejection flashes across Satoru's features, and he watches as you pull your hand away, the warmth of his grasp replaced by cold air. Tension coils between them, thick enough to cut with a knife. The realization hits him that he has lost you, and it stings worse than any curse ever could - because unlike those, this loss is permanent.
"Please? I'll do anything.. Please babygirl?" he murmurs softly, his voice a mix of desperation andpleading.
You try to hide an upcoming smirk on your face, "Oh really anything?"
Satoru notes the smirk on your face and his eyes narrow slightly, suspicion flickering in their depths. "Anything," he confirms, crossing his arms over his chest. "Name it."
You watch him, enjoying the game you've started. He's so used to being in control and having the upper hand, and seeing him on edge, unsure, is oddly satisfying. It feels good to finally hold some power over him.
"You mean anything physically too?", your mind racing with the evil ideas.
Satoru raises an eyebrow, a slow grin spreading across his face. "What do you have in mind, my little butterfly? You know I'm always up for a challenge." His voice drips with playfulness, but there's no mistaking the heat beneath the surface, the promise of pleasure and pain mingling temptingly.
"Tonight at my place , I'll test my dearest boyfriend's love for me", you chuckle darkly.
"Test me, huh?" Satoru chuckles, the sound low and husky. "I'm intrigued, darling. I accept the challenge. Tonight, then." He winks, the mischief in his eyes undeniable as he leans closer, brushing a feather-light kiss against your temple before sauntering away, confidence oozing from every pore. The kiss sends shivers down your spine, leaving your body tingling in its wake. As Satoru walks away, you can feel the heat rise inside you, anticipation building.
You nod, feeling a strange sense of power over the situation. Tonight will be different, and you're excited to see how far he's willing to go for you.
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You wait for Satoru, your nerves a jumbled mess of excitement and anxiety. Anticipation bubbles in your chest as you hear the doorbell ring. Taking a deep breath, you answer the door, and Satoru stands before you, looking every inch the charming playboy you fell for.
"Hello, darling," he greets, a devilish glint.
"Go straight to my bedroom", as soon as you gesture for him to follow, Satoru's eyes light up with understanding. He doesn't question your request, simply going to your bedroom, while you follow him.
The tension in the room is palpable, electric even. He takes in the preparations you've made, raising an eyebrow, but he says nothing, waiting for you to lead the way. The air is heavy with unspoken words, both of you aware that things are different tonight.
"Take off your clothes," you command, your voice steadier than you expected. Satoru's eyes widening slightly at your directness, slowly, he undresses, his muscles rippling under his pale skin. When he's finally standing before you, with only his boxers on, your heart skips a beat at the sight of him. His eyes never leave yours, a challenge burning in their depths. You swallow hard, trying to keep your composure.
"Now what, love?" he asks, his voice a sultry.
"On the bed, Satoru," you instruct, your voice steady despite the tremors in your knees. Surprisingly, he doesn't argue. Moving to the bed, he lies down obediently, eyes locked on you as you begin to strip down. Nerves threaten to consume you, but you push them aside. One by one, you remove your clothes until you're left in just your underwear.
Your heart races, but you force yourself to maintain eye contact with him as you walk towards the bed. "Spread your legs," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. There's a newfound power in these words, in this moment, and it thrills you. Satoru complies without hesitation, his eyes never leaving you as you move closer. Your hands shake slightly as you reach for the ropes you prepared earlier.
"Do you think you can handle me, Satoru?" you ask, your voice rough with desire and nervousness. "Or will you beg me to stop?"
Satoru's eyes gleam at your question, his chest rising and falling rapidly with the exertion of restraint. "Never," he growls, his tone determined and full of promise. "I trust you, my butterfly. Show me what you've got."
The warmth in his eyes fuels your courage, and you waste no time in binding his hands above his head, securing them firmly to the bed frame. His breathing quickens, and the satisfaction you feel at his submission is heady. You run your fingers through his hair, enjoying the softness of it, the contrast between his silken strands and his rock-hard body.
"Now," you say, a boldness creeping into your voice. With a wolfish smile, you straddle his hips, grinding your hips slowly against his erection. The sensation is exhilarating, the power dynamic shifting in a way that makes your blood rush. You moan softly at the feel of him against you, your panties dampening with your arousal. Leaning down, you trail kisses along his collarbone, his skin warm and smooth under your lips.
His breath hitches, and you can hear the rapid beating of his heart, pounding in sync with your own. As you reach his nipple, you gently bite it, drawing a gasp from him. He arches beneath you, and you feel a rush of triumph. The taste of his skin is salty, the sensation electrifying. Switching sides, you repeat the process, leaving no part of his chest untouched. His skin is perfect against your mouth, and your senses are on fire.
As you finish with his second nipple, you lean back, gazing into his eyes as you watch his reaction to your every move. They're filled with lust and desire, a testament to your growing confidence. A sly grin tugs at the corner of your lips as you take his nipple between your teeth once more, eliciting a sharp intake of air from him. You tease him, sucking lightly and releasing, repeating the process until he's squirming beneath you.
"S-stop doing that with my nipples", he rasps, his voice thick with need. You hum in approval, leaning down to nibble on the sensitive bud again.
"Is that a plea, Satoru? Or a demand?" you ask, your voice low and seductive. You trace a finger down his flat abdomen, feeling theplayful. "You know, I could keep doing this all night if I wanted to. Would you like that?"
His struggles become more pronounced, his hips bucking in need of friction. "No, please... Stop..." he groans, the word sounding more like a plea than a command. You chuckle darkly, loving the effect you're having on him.
"Such contradictions from you, Satoru. Such need." You pinch his nipple gently, twisting it slightly, and he cries out, his hips bucking wildly. "Oh, the strongest man mewling like crazy," you bite your lip, seductively.
His cock brushing against your wet panties, the friction driving him wild. His chest rises and falls rapidly, his skin flushed with passion.
"What do you want, Satoru?" you ask, your voice sultry and demanding. "Do you want me to release you and ravish you like my dear little pet, or should I continue torturing you with my mouth?" His eyes flicker between desperation and defiance, the struggle clear in his gaze.
"Take.. me, please," he finally concedes, the words rushed and desperate. You smirk at his surrender, leaning down to kiss him passionately. Your tongues dance, your hands roaming over his body, exploring every inch of his muscles. Your heart is pounding, the scent of his skin intoxicating.
Slowly, you take out his rock like dick, from his boxers, yanking it off. You pull away from the passionate kiss, reaching down to grasp his cock firmly. He winces at the abrupt change, his eyes widening in anticipation. A wicked glint appears in yours, enjoying the power dynamic that's shifted. Gently, you squeeze his shaft, eliciting a choked gasp from him. His body trembles under your grip, his breath hitching in surprise.
"Aww" you taunt, your voice dripping with mockery. His eyes lock onto yours, pleading for mercy.
"Just... Just stop, please," he whispers hoarsely, his body tense with discomfort. You chuckle darkly, tightening your grip further.
"Already begging me to stop? Didn't you tell me you will be able to take this?" You question mockingly, your gaze intense.
His breath hitches, his gaze darting to the ceiling as he tries to find some semblance of control.
"You love how much I push the limits, Satoru. Admit it," you challenge, squeezing his shaft again, the tension between you palpable.
"Please let me cum, Y/N, I beg of you", he begs. Your grip tightens, his breath hitching in pain.
"Only when I say so, mister," you respond coldly, your voice holding no remorse.
He writhes beneath you, his muscles clenching with each squeeze. His eyes plead for mercy, but you remain relentless. Your thumb rubs over the head of his cock, teasing him mercilessly.
You lean down, your lips brushing against the tip of his cock, letting the precum coat your lower lip before pulling back. You give his cock a few firm pumps, letting him savor the pleasure before you engulf his length in your mouth. Your tongue swirls over the head, your lips working up and down his shaft. His breath hitches, his head tossing back as you suck him off. He bucks his hips upward, seeking more contact, but you hold him down firmly.
As you tease him, you hear his ragged breaths echo in the room. The tip of your tongue flicks over his sensitive spot, drawing a groan from him. His hips jerk erratically, trying to push deeper into your mouth. You slow down, taking him completely in your mouth, sucking him gently. His breathing becomes more labored, his hands gripping the sheets tightly.
Slowly, you pick up the pace, bobbing your head rhythmically. You feel him growing more rigid under your touch, his moans filling the air. As he nears his climax, you pull back, leaving just the tip of his cock in your mouth.
With a strangled cry, he comes in your mouth, his release pouring forth. You take his cum in your mouth and force his mouth open with your two fingers, letting the cum spill onto his tongue. He gasps, his eyes wide with shock and lust. Your hand cups his jaw, forcing him to swallows hastily, his gaze locked with yours.
"That's for pushing me too far," you murmur, a smirk playing on your lips. "Now, we'll see if you learn your lesson."
With a wicked smile, you peel off your panties, revealing your wetness to him. He watches hungrily, his eyes never leaving your pussy. You start grinding on him, rubbing against his spent cock. His hands tugging against the ropes. He moans softly, his voice indicating his need to be inside you.
His cock responds to your movements, hardening once more. You continue your slow, sensuous dance.
You increase the intensity of your thrusts, your clit grinding against his cock. His hips buck wildly, struggling against the restraints, but he remains trapped. You watch as his expression twists between pain and pleasure, his cheeks flushed. Sensing that he's about to climax again, you lean forward, hovering above him.
With a final press of your clit against his cock, you send him over the edge. Cum arcs upwards, splattering across his cheek, staining his handsome face. A low growl escapes his throat as he glares up at you, a mix of frustration and lust burning in his eyes. You laugh softly, leaning in to kiss him gently.
"I wonder how Utahime and Mei-Mei will react after seeing the strongest man so vulnerable under my feet," smirking, you lift one leg, placing your foot on his chest before bringing it down hard on his still-softening cock. He winces, but you can tell he enjoys the sensation. It brings his cock back to half-mast, and your eyes gleam with victory.
"Getting hard again? Insatiable" You tease, your toes lightly tracing the underside of his shaft. He grunts, nodding weakly.
"Shall I sent them a photo of you like this ?"
He shakes his head, a hint of fear in his eyes. "Don't...please," he whispers, his voice hoarse. You chuckle and climb off him, sitting beside him.
"Beg me", you grin evily.
He swallows hard, his eyes pleading. "Please, don't send it. Please, don't humiliate me like that."
You lean closer, his manly scent enveloping you. "Do you want me to stop here?"
His eyes flicker to your feet, then back to your face. "No, please, don't stop. I want to be inside you," he begs, desperation clear in his voice. You run your finger along his jaw
With a satisfied hum, you climb back on top of him, positioning yourself over his hardened cock.
As you slide down, you feel his cock stretch you, filling you completely. He lets out a low groan, his body trembling. Your nails dig into his chest, your movement deliberate and unhurried.
"Please, untie me..." he begs, his voice raspy.
You smirk, "no not till I cum."
He grits his teeth, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows hard. "Please, they hurt," he whispers, his voice filled with longing. You lean down, brushing your lips against his ear.
"Take the pain if you love me."
His breathing hitches, his eyes locked on yours. With a nod, he agrees. You pick up your pace, your body slamming against his. He strains against the ropes, his muscles bulging. You could see the effort in his face, feeling his need for release.
His thrusts become frantic, his cock hitting your g-spot with every movement. You cry out, your orgasm building rapidly. But just as you're about to reach the peak, he releases inside you. His cock pulses, spilling hot liquid deep within you. The feeling sends shockwaves through you, but you don't cum.
He pants heavily, his eyes watering, back arching and finally falling on the bed. "Sorry, I couldn't hold back..."
"I didn't get to cum, thanks to you asshole", you pout angrily at him.
His drool dripping down his chin; he calms himself down.
"Ride my face, sugar," he commands, his eyes begging for forgiveness.
You straddle his face, his tongue sliding through your folds, his eyes fixated on your pussy. He tastes himself mixed with your sweet nectar. You gasp, your hand tangling in his hair, guiding his tongue deeper.
"Swallow everything you find," you command, your hips rocking. He obeys, his tongue darting in and out, his nose taking in your scent. His eyes lock onto your slickened entrance, his gaze intense. You groan, your core tightening as he flicks his tongue against your clit. Suddenly, you explode, your orgasm washing over you. Wave after wave crashes through you, your body quivering. He sucks harder, swallowing every drop of your release.
Once you've calmed down, you slide off his face, collapsing next to him. You trace your fingers over his ropes, slowly undoing them. As he rubs his wrists, you wrap your arms around him.
"Thank you" he murmurs, his voice muffled against your chest.
"For what?" you question, your arms tightening.
"For driving me insane, for making me realize my feelings for you..."
You smile, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
"Love you"
He returns the gesture, hugging you tighter.
"I love you too, sweetheart," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin.
Slowly, his breathing evens out, his muscles relaxing. A sense of peace washes over you, and soon, you drift off to sleep, too.
Together, secure in each other's arms, your bond strengthened, knowing that you both found something precious in each other - genuine love, affection, and connection. In the warmth of his embrace, you understand that sometimes, the most unexpected events can bring forth the most meaningful relationships.
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xluvablz · 3 months
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❀: "just for tonight?"
pairing: ellie williams x reader.
summary: you and ellie cuddle up for the night.
word count: 1.9k
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Ellie is behind a house in ruins, wrapping bandages around her arm. The blood piles up, seeping through her bandage. She seems tense and frustrated with herself. Peering from behind a rubbled wall, you cautiously step over the piling rocks scattering the moist ground. You advance towards Ellie, gently grazing her arm as a hello.
"Coast is clear, it doesn't look like there'll be any more surprises," you state.
During a routine surveillance of your assigned ground a couple of infected attacked you by surprise. It was an easy take down, but Ellie had been bitten in the process. You reminded her "It's no big deal el, we're both alive right?"; but she was frustrated with herself for being so careless. Ellie huffs and leans against the wall as you approach her, seeming frustrated and upset.
"…Damn, I can't believe I got bitten like that. I was stupid to not look around and see the infected sneak up behind me…" She says through gritted teeth. "You need to stop dwelling, what's done is done, besides we need to find a place to camp out before the sun sets."
A cool breeze dances through the sky at your words, causing a quick shiver to wrack your spine. Ellie, too caught up in her own head, fails to notice the cold change, and continues fiddling with the bandages. Her eyes glaze over in frustration, when you reach your hand out to help. Silently, you bandage her wounds with a light touch. Ellie lets you bandage her wounds, her expression softens somewhat as you do so, your caring and comforting touch helping to ease her frustration a little.
As you reassure her that it wasn't her fault, she looks up at you, her eyes meeting yours. She's a little surprised that you seemed to know what she was thinking, but she doesn't question it. She nods and swings her backpack over her shoulder.
"Yeah, let's get moving."
As you reached the lookout before sundown, Ellie glanced up at the sky, a small sigh escaping her lips.
"Damn, that's pretty…" She murmurs, her eyes tracing over the warm hues of colours painting the sky. The sharp outline of the trees stands in stark contrast to the beauty of the sunset. She leans against the wall of the lookout, taking a moment to just watch the sunset with you.
"Yeah, it is" you reply, eyes set upon the delicate outline of her face against the setting sun. Her freckles were dark, spottily kissing her cheeks.
Ellie notices that you're looking at her, and she glances over at you, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She can feel your gaze on her, and it makes her feel a little flustered, but she doesn't pull away from it. She turns her gaze back to the sunset, her eyes tracing over the dark, spottily-kissed freckles on your face.
"I never get tired of watching sunsets. Reminds me how beautiful this world is, even with all the crap."
“I guess some things never change.” Ellie chuckles softly at your comment, a smirk playing on her lips.
"Yeah, I guess some things never do change. The world may be a messed up place, but the sunsets are still pretty damn perfect."
Ellie watches as you turn away from the balcony to start setting up camp. She takes a moment to watch you, admiring your sweetness before turning away herself. She slings her backpack over her shoulder, walking through the empty, ruined building before spotting some furniture for the two of you to sleep on.
"Here," Ellie announces "nice and comfy." She drops her bag and pats down the torn couch. It had certainly seen better days, but it was more than enough comfort for tonight.
"Hell yeah, miles better than sleeping on the ground," you exclaim, dropping your bag beside hers and plopping yourself down onto the couch. You sink into the cushion with a sigh, relishing the little comfort the couch provided.
"I'm exhausted" you giggle. Ellie grins at your comment, a sparkle of humour in her eyes.
"Yeah, me too. It's been a long day. Plus, dealing with those infected earlier really drained us."
You hum at her "Speaking of which, how's your arm?"
Ellie shrugs nonchalantly, glancing down at the bandaged arm.
"It's alright. It still hurts a bit but the bandages are doing their job." She stretches out her arm, wincing slightly as she moves it. "I'm just glad it wasn't worse."
"Good. I'll disinfect it and re-bandage it when we get back to Jackson."
Ellie nods in agreement. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I don't want it to get infected." She lets out a sigh, leaning back against the couch. "How many days until we're back in Jackson again?"
"Three. Then we get a whole month off! I'm gonna help Maria out with the school, they're a bit out of sorts, and I want the kids to have somewhere nice to learn."
Ellie's face lights up at your words. "Three days? Damn, that's a bit longer than I thought… but hey, a month off is gonna be awesome." She grins. She perks up as you mention helping out with the school. "You're gonna help teach the kids? That's pretty cool. They could definitely use some proper teachers."
"That's the plan, I wouldn't say i'm proper though" You grin through squinted eyes.
Ellie chuckles at your response, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Yeah, I guess you're not exactly 'proper' teacher material. But hey, you're knowledgeable and you care about those kids. That's what matters, right?"
"Right." You sigh and recline back in your position. "I'm gonna rest, night el."
Ellie nods and smiles at you. "Yeah, same here. I'm exhausted." She shifts on the couch, trying to get comfortable. She lets out a yawn, shutting her eyes and trying to relax.
"Good night."
Your chattering teeth wake you up. The night had grown colder, and you were freezing. You wrap yourself tighter in your hoodie but to no avail. You shift uncomfortably on the couch, trying to find some warmth but failing miserably. The cold air seeps through your clothes, sending shivers down your spine. You turn to look at Ellie, who's blissfully asleep beside you, completely unfazed by the cold. A small pang of envy courses through you as you watch her sleep peacefully, her unkempt bun messy, and the steady rise and fall of her chest under the moonlight.
As you watch her sleep, you can't help but imagine what it would be like to snuggle up to her, to feel her warmth against you. You know it's not a smart idea. You're just friends; you need to draw a line, to keep your distance. But as you're sitting there in the cold, listening to her soft breathing and watching her sleep, it's hard to resist the thought of wrapping your arms around her and pulling her close.
Your thoughts are broken abruptly by a soft, muffled moan from Ellie. Her face twists slightly, a troubled expression crossing her features. It's unclear if she's having a nightmare or if she's just uncomfortable in her sleep. She tosses and turns, her hand grasping at the air as if searching for something.
You gently shake Ellie's arm, attempting to wake her from her restless slumber. Her eyes flutter open, dazed and disoriented. She blinks a few times, her forehead creased with confusion as she adjusts to wakefulness.
"Hmm… what's going on?" She mutters groggily, rubbing her eyes and sitting up on the couch, looking at you with a puzzled expression.
“You were having a bad dream,” you suggest.
Ellie nods slowly, her eyes still a little foggy from sleep. She runs a hand through her hair, pushing it away from her face.
"Yeah… I guess I was," She mutters, a slight note of unease in her voice. "I don't really remember much about it, though… It was just… unpleasant…"
Worriedly you inquire “are you okay?” concern lacing your tone.
Ellie's shoulders sag a bit, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. "Yeah… I think so. Just… nightmares again." She leans back against the couch, her expression a mix of exhaustion and frustration. Her nightmares were a common occurrence, remnants of her past haunting her sleep.
“What can I do? I wanna help you…”
Ellie's expression softens at your words, touched by your concern. She glances at you for a moment, contemplating your offer. She sighs softly, dropping her gaze to the ground before speaking. "I don't know… but just… just sit here with me for a bit, okay?"
“Okay.” you whisper, shuffling closer to her side.
Ellie nods, grateful for the company. She shifts her body closer to yours, allowing your shoulder to touch hers as you sit together on the couch. The proximity is comforting, the heat of her body a subtle contrast to the cold air around you. She lets out a small sigh, closing her eyes momentarily as if relishing the feeling of being close to someone.
Ellie leans her head onto your shoulder, her body relaxing against yours. She lets out a soft sigh of contentment, her eyes fluttering shut. It's as if she finds solace in your presence, her body almost melting into your touch.
Your hand brushes her leg. Ellie doesn't move or react to your touch at first. But after a moment, she shifts her leg ever so slightly, drawing closer to you. She's almost certain she can feel your hand brushing against her leg, but she doesn't want to assume. She keeps her eyes closed, her mind focused on the comfort and security she feels being near you.
Gaining confidence you rub her thigh. Ellie's body responds to your touch. Her breath hitches slightly, a soft, almost imperceptible gasp escaping her lips. She keeps her head on your shoulder, her eyes still closed, but her body betrays her as she leans into your touch.
“It’s cold, huh?” you murmur.
Ellie nods slightly in agreement, her head still resting on your shoulder. She lifts her head up a bit to look at you with a slight pout, a small shiver running through her body.
"Yeah, it is…" She mutters, her voice soft and laced with a tinge of vulnerability. She shifts a little on the couch, unconsciously moving even closer to you, seeking more of your warmth.
“We might freeze.”
Ellie lets out a small huff of laughter as you squeeze her thigh, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. The contact seems to relax her even more, her body almost moulding into yours.
In response, she slings her arm around your waist, pulling herself even closer to you. The heat of her body presses against you, providing a small but much-needed warmth in the cold night. As you rest your head against her chest, you can feel the steady rhythm of her heart. It's a slow and steady thump, like a gentle lullaby, hypnotising you with its soothing tempo. Ellie doesn't say a word, just continues to hold you close, her arm wrapped around your waist while her other hand rests on your back, caressing it ever so softly.
"Can we stay like this forever?" you mumble "Or at least just tonight."
Ellie's heart skips a beat at your words, a small shiver running through her body. She’s sure you heard it. She tightens her hold on you, pulling you even closer, as if she's afraid she might lose this moment if she lets go.
She lets out a soft sigh, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes. Yes, let's stay like this tonight. Just tonight."
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this is my first ever fan fic!! I hope you liked it :3
credits to @cafekitsune for boarders
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luveline · 1 year
Maybe a Eddie and Roan where Roan gets into an argument with one of her friend/classmate and she’s like really grumpy and reader and Eddie try and cheer her up or even defuse the situation??
tysm ♡ eddie and roan
Roan toddles out of her classroom with her eyes on the floor until she reaches Eddie's legs. He frowns at her in surprise, smoothing the frizz of her curls away from her forehead. "Hello," he says. 
"Everything okay?" you ask. 
That morning at the kitchen table, when you told Roan you'd be there at pick up with her dad (the two of you taking a much needed day off to waste together in bed doing alternate loads of laundry), she smiled and climbed into your lap. "Good," she said, her lips shiny with waffle syrup, "I'll make you a present in arts and crafts."
"You will? Thanks, baby," you'd said. 
The present isn't anywhere to be seen now, nor is your sparkling girl. Roan rubs her cheek against Eddie's legs without greeting you. Eddie takes the hint and leans down to take her into his arms. He sighs as he stands, ducking his head to hers. 
"Hello," he says again, gentler now. "Bad day?" 
She sniffles and puts her face in his shirt collar. Eddie covers the back of her head, his eyes wide. What the fuck, he mouths, surprise melding into something worse. He hates when Roan's upset like this. Her tantrums are loud but her real tears are always quiet, and you can see the moment Eddie's heart breaks, her hands gripping his hair urgently. 
"Hey, okay, don't worry, bubby…" He nods his head back the way you came, and you follow at his elbow, crestfallen. 
He prods at it as you walk to the car. What happened? and Talk to me, babe. Roan stops crying and turns silent, until the concern gets too much. 
"I'm sure whatever it is, we can make it better. You just have to tell me what happened, roly-poly."
"Nothing! Nothing happened, dad, stop." 
Eddie rubs her shoulders. "Alright. If you say so." 
You open the car door for them and Eddie covers the top of Roan's head as he tucks her in. She's definitely reaching an age where all this carrying is unnecessary, but Eddie always says he has muscles for a reason. You like to roll your eyes, and, secretly, think it's amazingly sweet. He's like that. 
"Want me to come and sit in the back?" you ask. 
"Are you sure? We can play pat-a-cake, or thumb wrestle?" 
"I don't want to." 
More of the same on the drive home. Eddie suggests ice cream, movies, McDonald's. Roan stares out the window and refuses to answer. Safe to say, you both hate it. It's your worst nightmare to know that somethings wrong but not know what that something is. 
"Let's go to Leaven," you whisper. 
Eddie raises his eyebrows at you, though he takes the turn, whispering back, "Why Leaven?" 
"We can buy her some fancy cupcakes and new pyjamas and stuff. And a tape, whatever she wants."
"We can't just buy her happiness," Eddie says. 
You park up in the family spaces near the front of Leaven and Eddie insists upon himself from car to store. "Please hold my hand, babe, I'll get lost in Leaven by myself," he whines, waving his hand at her. "I won't know where to go if you don't steer me." 
"Fine!" she says, taking his hand furiously. 
"Do you want to know why we're here, lovely girl?" you ask. 
"Roan, don't be mean," Eddie says reproachfully. 
"I'm not mean, dad." 
"You're being a little tiny bit mean. We should try to be nice to the people we love even when we have bad days. Work is very very hard, but I try to pick you up from school and be happy because you haven't done anything wrong." 
"I don't want to be happy," she pouts, twisting her head away from you both. 
Eddie huffs playfully and grabs her from behind. Arms under her armpits, he swings her around and chuckles maliciously in her ear. "Silly girl left herself open for my evil plan," he croons, the voice of a character from one of his campaigns that gives you and Roan the shivers. 
You grab a kart and push the children's seat out for Eddie to slide her in. "Trapped!" he declares, squeezes the arms of her vinyl coat. "And there's nothing you can do to stop us!" 
Roan struggles to pretend she doesn't find it funny. "Stop what?" she asks, exaggeratedly unhappy to maintain her grumpy facade. 
"We're going to spoil you, duh," he says, voice back to normal. "What should we get first, my love?" he asks you. "Cupcakes?" 
"Best get cupcakes before they run out of the pink bunnies." 
Roan's lips quirk at the name of her favourite ones. "Are we really having pink bunnies?" she asks. 
"We're having anything that will make you smile," Eddie says. 
You link your arm through his for most of the journey, the smell of his cologne rich and smokey. He doesn't smell like diesel, a rare occasion, nor are his clothes mottled by oil. You look like a family meant to shop at Leaven (sort of, you aren't so decked in designer as the wealthy Hawkinites). Roan perks a little as you pick cupcakes from the bakery counter, their gold foil wrappers reflected in the brown wells of her eyes. Eddie lets her eat one as you walk around so long as she puts the wrapper in the bag when she's done. 
From there, you choose pyjamas, a stuffie shaped like a frog, and a breadcrumb covered tray of mac and cheese. You pick up things you don't need as you go, fancy brownies in a tub and clothes softener. The best part is the deliberating, you and Eddie and Roan taking turns sniffing the caps and debating which one smells best. You settle on deep sea minerals, probably because Roan likes the seahorse on the front. 
"You're a traitor," you say, putting back the scent you'd preferred with put upon disappointment.
Roan giggles sweetly. Like a plug pulled, a levy unburdened, she laughs from the checkout to the car, all the way home. You barely notice how dark it's become, focused on the loving heat of Eddie's hand on your knee and Roan's renewed smile. 
Later, once she's had a bath and you're all in your pyjamas, Eddie asks her again what upset her, and she gives a teary answer. One of the Stacey's said her hair looked ugly, and Roan agreed with her. 
"Bubby, your hair's not ugly," you say, chucking her under the chin. Eddie, her chair, leans his chin over her shoulder to agree. 
"It's beautiful." 
She sniffles. "I said it was ugly, and it's not nice because daddy has the same hair." She sputters wetly, tears squeezing from the corners of her eyes. "I'm really sorry." 
"Aw, Ro." Eddie hugs her with both arms tight to his stomach. "Don't be sorry, you don't have anything to be sorry for. Stacy shouldn't say you have ugly hair– you have beautiful hair. So shiny and bouncy. I promise you it's perfect." 
You smile at Roan encouragingly. "Your hair is soooo super pretty. Just like your dad's." 
"You think so?" 
"I know so." You coil a curl around your finger. When you let it go, it springs away and falls against her face. 
Roan relaxes into Eddie's chest. He rubs her upper arm, a similar relief on his pert features. 
"Is there anything else wrong?" Eddie asks. 
Roan closes her eyes, dark lashes kissing her cheek. "I think I have a tummy ache." 
"I bet you do, babe. Why don't we lie down for a bit?" 
Roan agrees wholeheartedly. It's a tight squeeze, but the three of you manage to lay on your couch, the smell of sugary pink icing stuck to your fingers and the warm scent of mac and cheese floating in from the kitchen. 
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binilpol · 1 year
🗝️Guarding Hearts🖤
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Pairing:bodyguard!heesung x client!reader
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Heesung had always been a dedicated bodyguard, tasked with ensuring Y/N's safety no matter what. But lately, he couldn't help but notice Y/N's playful advances and teasing. It was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on his duty as her protector.
One sunny morning, as they were on their way to an important event, Y/N decided it was time to turn up the heat. She leaned in closer to Heesung, her lips almost brushing his ear as she whispered, "You know, Heesung, you're quite handsome when you're all serious and focused."
Heesung's jaw tightened, his professional facade wavering for just a moment. He cleared his throat, trying to regain control of the situation. "Y/N, please, I'm here to protect you, not engage in flirtation."
Y/N smirked, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, come on, Heesung. A little flirting never hurt anyone. Besides, it's not like you can't handle it."
Throughout the event, Y/N continued her teasing. She danced with other attendees, making sure Heesung saw her laughing and enjoying herself with others. She even exchanged playful banter with a few handsome guests, laughing at their jokes and letting them touch her arm or shoulder in a friendly manner. She wanted Heesung to see how easily she could captivate others.
As the night wore on, Heesung's jealousy grew more evident. He couldn't help but clench his fists when he saw Y/N sharing a dance with a charming stranger. His gaze remained fixated on her, and he struggled to hide his frustration as he watched her charm the room.
Y/N, savoring her small victory, continued her game. She whispered to the stranger she was dancing with, loud enough for Heesung to hear, "You're a great dancer. I should invite you to more of our events."
Heesung couldn't take it anymore. He excused himself from the event, needing a moment alone to collect his thoughts.
Y/N, realizing she had pushed him far enough, followed him discreetly. She found him in a quiet corner of the venue, his expression conflicted.
"Heesung," she began softly, "I didn't mean to upset you. I just thought... well, maybe I could get a glimpse of the real you behind that stoic exterior."
Heesung sighed, his guard momentarily down. "Y/N, my first and foremost duty is to protect you. I can't let anything distract me from that."
Y/N stepped closer, her voice sincere. "I understand, Heesung. But it's not just about protecting my body; it's also about protecting my heart. And, well, you've already managed to capture it."
Heesung's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Y/N with a mixture of vulnerability and longing. "Y/N, I... I didn't expect you to say that."
She reached out and gently touched his cheek, her fingers warm against his skin. "Heesung, I promise I'll never compromise your duty as my bodyguard. But I hope, someday, we can find a way to explore what's between us when the time is right."
Heesung's resolve wavered, and he leaned in, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. It was a promise of something more, a future where their feelings could finally be realized without risking her safety.
As they pulled away, breathless and finally acknowledging their true feelings for each other, Heesung whispered, "Y/N, you certainly know how to make a guard's heart race."
Y/N grinned mischievously. "Well, Heesung, it seems like my teasing and flirting finally got through that tough exterior of yours."
Heesung chuckled, his seriousness giving way to a rare smile. "I guess I couldn't resist you any longer. But remember, I'll always be your loyal protector, even as we explore this new chapter together."
And with that, they returned to the event, their connection stronger than ever, with a promise of a love that would endure any obstacle in their path.
Kinda inspired by "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith
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softspeirs · 5 months
These Heartbeats Clear (6): Rosie Rosenthal x OC
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A/N: This is quite a bit shorter than the other parts, but I thought it deserved its own time to shine. I hope you enjoy this part, Rosie lovers. It's been one of my favorites to write. These Heartbeats Clear Masterlist
Six. Confession.
They land back at Thorpe Abbotts in the mid-afternoon. His breath rattles in his lungs, post-mission adrenaline making him feel twitchy and on edge.
He wants a nap, and he wants a cup of coffee.
Mostly, he just wants to talk to Grace.
He's been too in his own head to seek her out since their disagreement two days prior. He misses her with an ache he has never felt, one that leaves him rubbing at the spot over his heart like it's a physical wound.
After interrogation, he doesn't even stop to change out of his flight suit - he just turns in whatever gear doesn't belong to him, and then gets the hell out of dodge. He has too much nervous energy, too much adrenaline to go to the mess, or catch up with any of his guys.
He changes course, heads back towards his plane.
On the hardstand, his heart kicks into high gear when he sees a familiar form standing there, arms crossed over her chest, assessing his plane.
Her hair is falling out of its pins, and he knows he must look the same - she's never seen him directly after a mission except for once when Pappy had to go to the hospital, and he's strangely self conscious about his wild hair and the sweat drying at his temples. The smell of cordite is still thick in the air near his plane.
"What are you doing out here?" His voice sounds rough even to his own ears. He didn't think she'd be here.
She turns around, and he can see the tears in her eyes from paces away, and it startles him into action. "Grace." He says, worried.
"I thought-- someone said they saw flares, and I couldn't find you, you weren't in the hospital--"
He shakes his head, hands on her shoulders to try to get her to meet his eyes. "I'm fine, we're-- we had two wounded men, but it wasn't serious."
Her eyes are wide and wild as she looks up at him, cataloging for herself that he's intact. It's caught him completely off guard to be the sole focus of her attention like this.
She said she wasn't angry with him a few days ago during their argument, but he didn't really believe her. Couldn't figure out why she'd walk away from him if that were the case. But she's here, and that's got to be a sign, right?
She takes an enormous, steadying breath. "I'm sorry." She says on an exhale, the words washing over him.
"I-- I made you upset, the other day. I'm sorry. I was too pushy. Too-- Everyone's always telling me that I can be too much sometimes."
"Everyone is wrong," he says vehemently. "You're not too much. And you don't owe me an apology."
Her words had hurt, yes, but they were also a wake-up call. She had been frustrated with him because he wouldn't let her in, and he's not going to make that mistake a second time. If there's anyone on earth that he's going to bare his soul to, it's going to be Grace Fleming. It's a foregone conclusion, already written in ink since the second he first met her, pristine in her nurse's uniform and sparkling eyes the day he arrived from the States with his unit and she had to declare them fit for duty.
He had felt it then, the electric current that ran between them with only a gaze, and it only got stronger the longer he spent getting to know her. Sometimes he feels like she's the only person on earth who understands him, so when she suddenly didn't -- that's what made him upset. Not that she was pushing him to be honest, be vulnerable, to let her in.
"I'm the one who's sorry." He says, voice cracking. "Grace, I have no idea how to do this." He can't look at her. He does a good job hiding it, but some days he feels unbearably unworthy of praise, hers or anyone else's. He feels shy, especially under her gaze. "I have to stay in a rhythm, you know? And if I let myself dwell on things in the past that I can't fix, I won't be able to keep going up there."
"I thought you died today." She croaks.
He takes a step closer. The tips of their shoes bump.
"I didn't."
"I know. I have faith in you, Rosie. Please don't ever doubt that. I want you to be safe. That’s all I can think about some days, and I never want you to feel like you have to keep all your feelings inside. Not with me.”
“I know.” His hand finds the side of her face, fingers grazing the shell of her ear, making sure she meets his eyes. “And I trust you to keep me safe, more than anyone else.”
“Up here too, right?” She asks, tapping his forehead in an echo of their previous conversation.
His conviction has never been a problem before - he's lucky that he's always been sure of his reasoning behind the choices he makes. He saw an injustice happening, and was determined to help stop it. When he became a lawyer, he wanted to help people.
So why is he so damned scared to make this one choice, even when he's sure of how he feels?
Looking in her eyes, he's starting to realize that this is what a good partnership is. Despite their disagreement, she was still here, still checking on him the way she always did.
Maybe nothing about that would change, even if he lets her in on that niggling voice in the back of his mind that makes him doubt himself. Even if he shows her that shy side of himself that people so rarely see.
And maybe that's how it is when you fall in love with someone - you trust them to catch you when it happens.
Mind made up, he leans in so there are only a few inches separating them. “Please let me kiss you.” His voice is so hoarse it's barely a whisper.
She nods, and before she can say another word, he surges forward, the frenetic energy of the day leaving him as soon as their bodies connect.
Her touch is a soothing balm, her heartbeat under his hand on the side of her neck a reminder that they’re both here and alive.
This quiet moment between them feels like a universe away from everything and everyone else, and when she sighs into his mouth, Rosie knows right then and there that he’s done for.
When they break apart, they’re both panting, her hands so tight on his lapels he can’t move an inch even if he wanted to.
“I’m crazy about you.” His voice is low and rough with intensity.
She laughs, a breathless thing that he feels all the way to the tips of his toes. “I just adore you, Robert Rosenthal.”
His grin is wide as he leans back in, their noses brushing. They just linger there in the in between, basking in this newfound intimacy between them.
He has half a mind to remember that they're on the hardstand where anyone could see, but he also wonders if at this point anyone would care. They're all doing what they need to do to get through this war, and it's not uncommon to turn a corner in the darkened light of the evening and find a couple trying to salvage any kind of romance.
Still, she's just been promoted, and so with regret, he takes a step back from her, his fingertips grazing hers. "Can I take you to dinner?" He asks.
They just end up in the officer's mess, the only place they can get to before dinner is over, but it's fine because it's them. No one raises an eyebrow or makes any suggestive comments. They don't touch, but a new awareness has sparked between them that Rosie can't get enough of. He's felt it for weeks, but now he knows it's mutual, and that feeling is a heady one.
They talk. Well, he talks. He's as honest with her as he can be about where his mind is. They talk about home. They talk about work. They talk about what it'll be like when this is all over.
Afterwards, he feels so stupid that he hadn't trusted himself to let go like this with her before. It could have saved two days worth of missing her, but then again, it lead them to right here, right now.
He walks her to the nurses hut as the sun is setting. Satisfied no one is around, he kisses her goodnight just as the field beyond them drifts into a dreamy twilight.
He flies again the next day, but this time the anxiety it normally causes is absent as he climbs into his rack later that night, the memory of the feeling of her finally in his arms sending him into a dreamless sleep.
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mirrorballhughes · 11 months
i miss you im sorry: luke hughes x adelaide hunter
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in between by gracie abrams
but make it about luke and el!! this is just gonna be short little excerpts about the childhood friends x lovers :) ( who then become strangers… back to friends then back to lovers.) but we are not discussing that rn :p
these excerpts correspond with the lyrics in the song obviously which is probably obvious but yolo. i hope you guys enjoy :)
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“I just can't come between 'em,
they got their own thing.
luke and adelaide’s relationship is very special. the pair are the only people who understand each other. they have unmatched chemistry, their mothers have always sensed the duo would end up together. no one could ever get in the couples way. (someone/things do/did..)
I wish he'd stop pretendin', he won't let his phone ring,
For more than a couple seconds, oh, I think maybe two.
as sooon as the pair got phones luke and adelaide were always texting and face-timing. jack would make jokes about how quickly his younger brother would answer, not even letting his phone get to a second ring. that became lukes thing, always answering el as fast as he could because who knows what could be happening to the blonde girl. (one day el stops calling, and even if she would call he wouldn’t let it get to a second ring.)
Two hearts just fallin' in and out of
love for somethin' new.
adelaide knew she liked luke in 5th grade. it took luke til 6th grade to realize he liked el, only because quinn was picking on him for it and told him how noticeable it was from the 4th grade. the pair knew it was love the summer before junior year. they couldn’t have fallen out of love right? (to them it seemed like it, to everyone else they knew love was still floating around.) they did fall out of with plenty others though, they just wanted something new, someone to get their minds off each other.
I wish that you could see 'em,
their faces lighten up.
whenever adelaide sees luke, her eyes sparkle and everything just stops. no one else gets ade’s eyes that sparkly. whenever luke sees el, nothing else feels right. he feels comfort and home when he looks at her. their faces both lighten up, seeking that warm comfort homely feeling they get from each other. but the two dont notice that at all, even with everyone saying something they just dont realize it.
Their past is cold and empty, they know it’s been enough.
Of waitin' on somebody, someone who doesn’t care.
the pair both have/had many fair shares of unhealthy relationships and heartbreak. they both made each other realize how those people were never good for them. luke and el both needed to understand their worth and that they they are deserving of someone better. which was each other, they were made for each other and everyone else knew that except them.
But he knows her name, she
knows he’ll always be there.
this really isn’t abour luke knowing adelaide’s name. he truly knows her. luke always took his time to understand adelaide. el had felt unloveable, but luke had changed that. the youngest hughes brother always ALWAYS listened to el. he never made up assumptions or showed that he didnt care about her unlike her past relationships. luke was the only person ade cared about. he truly cared about her. luke understood her well being, and didnt use her for her body, unlike past people.
He laughs at her eyes, at her smile,
at the glasses on her face.
luke just finds the whole girl beautiful. he cant help but laugh when he notices the little things el does. she only does them because of him. the blonde used to wear glasses when she was younger, luke would pick on her in a joking manner. he never ever wanted to make el upset ever. (he ends up doing so. but she ends up hurting him as well. a win win?)
She loves how he talks late at night,
when there's no one else to say
el is insecure and luke offers her the assurance and words of affirmation she needs to be at peace with herself. el doesn’t feel like she has anyone to depend on, to support her in times of need. but realizing it now, she does. luke is her safe haven.
How she's beautiful and funny and
smart like nothin' he's ever seen
luke has never met a girl like adelaide. she’s always just so bubbly and doesnt need to pretend to be something she’s not. the curly haired boy always thought she was the most beautiful girl ever. her personality was perfect, and she was way beyond smart even if she never showed it to anyone else.
He's good to her and she wants
it more than everything in- between
adelaide didnt want no one else, she only wanted luke hughes. ade just wanted everything in- between, not wanting to make those same decisions, like her past unhealthy relationships that have ended in heartbreak and trauma. el has a desire for someone who is good to her. it took some time but she finally accepted of a purer love, rather than her previous toxic relationship cycles. and she realized luke is really good to her and hes the only thing keeping her a float.
She toes the line between 'em,
he says he’s new at this
ade follows the basics of a relationship, being as though she was new at this not using to having a soft relationship. luke was very understanding about this and always took his time with the girl. both of them were very understanding about each other.
There's holy ground beneath them,
and sparks fly when they kiss
two taylor songs!!!
Holy Ground, from luke’s pov, he sees it about a whirl wind relationship that is full of memories. which he adores. he loves how much the pair works. the two still care about one another. Sparks Fly, from adelaide’s pov, is about the first stages of having a crush on luke. also the first time the two kissed, they both felt these very strong sparks. which always come out when they kiss. they seem to have never gone away. the two songs could also reflect on how the couple treated each other.
He hates it when she's crying,
he hates when she's away
luke hates hearing the girl cry. he remembers one time at the lake house, adelaide cried on her birthday because her parents werent gonna be there. the blonde cried so much that day, luke did everything to keep her happy. he never wanted to be the reason adelaide hunter was crying. (he had made her cry. one few many times…) he also hates being away from the girl. they would always spend hours in each others dorms, working on homework or just watching movies. mainly enjoying each other’s company. (it was hard to leave UMich because he just wanted el there with him everywhere.) luke wouldn’t admit he was clingy towards el, but his friends would constantly remind him how he was, also the boy knew he was.
Even at their worst, they
know they'll still be okay
el and luke never fought. the couple always communicated how they felt or if they were going through anything. (one day that just stops and they both start fights just because of stress.) even if they would fight, the pair would know they would be okay. nothing could ever get in the way. el got frustrated with luke at points yes, vice versa but they both loved each other so much to let any fights through. (they end up having a big fight and break up…)
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if you guys wanna see any of these scenarios lmk! even the (crossed out ones!!) i want to write ade and luke more soo whatever you guys wanna see pls just let me know!! i hope you guys are enjoying this :)
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 22 days
Sanguine Shadow, Sweeter Light
Doe promised herself she wouldn't.
So what was she supposed to do now that the captain was at her door, looking like that? She bit her lip, meeting his eyes again. They sparkled red as wine, his mouth quirking in a smug little smile at her expression. Her mouth is dry. She swallows hard, drawing herself up to her full height.
She grabs him by the front of his pretty sheer shirt and pulls. 'Get in here,' she says with a growl, standing on tiptoe to kiss him hard, almost angrily. 'You really fucking upset me,' she says, glaring at him. 'You don't speak to me like that ever again, you understand?'
Astarion is a little taken aback. Spitfire indeed. 'Loud and clear, sweet bunny.'
'Good.' With that, she tears the shirt from his shoulders, letting it flutter to the floor. Her hands smooth up his torso, his skin cool under her hands, digs her nails into his shoulders, pulling his mouth to hers again. He tastes of brandy and citrus, she the sweetness of plum wine.
'That was expensive,' he purrs against her lips. 'And,' he grins down at her, suddenly dangerous. 'What did I say about giving orders on my ship?'
'You said you can't have it,' she says.
'Mmmhmm. So... to make up for it...' He tucks a stray hair behind her ear, stroking down her neck and stopping at the laces of her sleep shirt. 'Take it off. That's an order.'
She blushes, pulling it over her head to join his on the floor. She's naked underneath, her hair tumbling over her breasts and down her back in a dark cascade. With gentle hands, Astarion moves her hair aside to press an open kiss to her throat. She sighs, her hands roaming over his back; under her fingers his skin is raised and rough; she pulls back, her eyes concerned.
'Later.' He kisses up her neck, sucks small red marks into her skin.
'My shirt won't cover that!'
He nips at her jaw. 'Mm. So?'
'You're mine, aren't you?' A harder nip.
She gasps. 'Ouch!' In apology, he presses his tongue to the bite.
''Sorry, sweet girl,' he says, pulling back. 'I was trying to be civilised. But I can't wait any longer.'
Without warning, he picks her up, forearms cradling her back as he slams her into the wall. She squeals as he hoists her higher, pulling her legs over his shoulders. She threads a hand through his white curls, her other arm braced against the wall.
'I'm starving, darling,' he says quietly, the hunger in his red eyes turning her stomach in somersaults. 'Let me.' His breath is cool against the apex of her thighs. She's wet already, bites her kiss-swollen lips and nods. 'Tell me,' he orders. 'Use that pretty voice of yours to tell me you want me to make you scream.'
'I've never done this before,' she whispers instead. 'Any of it.'
His eyes soften immediately, deep and tender. 'Oh, you cute little thing. Don't you worry. I've got you.'
Doe strokes his hair back from his face, is taken aback by its openness. He means it.
'Then I want you to ensure I can't walk without remembering you tomorrow.'
Astarion lavishes attention on her thighs, teeth and tongue and lips put to the task of turning her pale, delicate skin red. She whimpers, trying to be quiet.
'What are you doing?' he growls softly. 'You better not be holding back, my girl.'
'But they'll hear-'
'They'll hear what?' His eyes burn with passion, with possession. 'I said I'd take care of you. If I don't hear it I'm going to assume I'm not doing my job right. And as captain, I take that incredibly seriously. You hear?'
'Yes what, pretty girl?'
Doe finds herself grinning. 'Yes, Captain Ancunin.'
'That's what I thought.' And he dives in, tasting her arousal on his tongue, letting it flood his mouth. He groans, a deep rumble she can feel inside her, and she jolts against him. He holds her tighter, keeping her still even as a stream of whimpers issues from her mouth, whimpers that turn into begging as he refuses to relent, focused with an intensity that almost frightens her on bringing her to completion.
'Oh, gods,' she gasps. 'Fuck, Astarion-'
He snarls at that, breaking away to look up at her, his mouth and chin gleaming in the low light. 'Again.'
'Astarion, I-' She breaks off into a scream as a fang brushes delicately over her clit. 'Oh, gods, I can't-'
'Oh, good girl,' he purrs, gazing up at her for a moment or two, savouring the sight of her flushed face, her eyes screwed shut. 'Open your eyes.'
She takes a shallow breath and obeys, as the captain closes his lips around her again, a rumble from his throat quaking her whole body.
And then he bites.
A scream tears from her throat as she crashes into orgasm, his strong arms holding her up as he drinks, moaning into her. She pulls on his hair, sagging as her legs turn to jelly. 'FUCK!' she cries out, unable to do anything but cling to him for dear life.
'Keep going like that,' he warns, 'and I won't be able to wait until I'm inside you.'
'None of them here to save you, pretty girl.' He grins then, all sharp teeth. 'Not from me.'
'Fuck, you're so hot.'
'Feeling's mutual, little bunny. And you taste so sweet... here.' He lets her drop, catching her by the waist so she doesn't crumple to the floor. 'Taste.' He crushes their lips together, presses his tongue into her mouth, and she tastes herself- arousal and the coppery tang of blood, just a trace of it. He takes her face in his hands delicately, bright blue healing light flooding her body. 'There. Good as new. I don't want it to hurt.'
He presses his forehead to hers. 'I hope you know I'm not finished with you yet.' His half-tied leather trousers are straining against his erect cock; before he can, Doe's fingers make quick work of the knots, and he divests himself, throwing them to the pile. 'I hope you're ready.'
'I don't think you ate me out thoroughly enough,' she jests, smirking as his eyes go almost black. 'You better make-' she squeals as he all but tackles her into the mattress with one arm around her hips, a feral little noise muffled into her neck. She giggles as he attacks her neck and chest with kisses, marking her here and there. 'Not fair!' She laughs. 'You're still pristine.'
He pauses briefly. 'Don't worry. You can bite me to your heart's content next time.'
'...Next time?'
'Don't play coy. This isn't a one-time thing and you know it.'
'Well, I like you rather a lot,' she muses, smirking at him. 'So I suppose...'
'Cheeky.' Astarion throws her a half fanged smile. 'I'm going to make you forget your own name now, is that alright with you?'
'Oh yes,' she breathes, watching his face as he guides himself with one hard thrust inside her. She screams, still sensitive from his earlier attentions, feels tears gather in her eyes.
'I much prefer this,' he says. 'Tears of pleasure.' He tilts his head, watching her with a dangerous gleam in his eye. 'That's enough holding back.'
He grips her hips tightly, fucking her hard into the mattress, savouring her cries and sweet begging through tears. He brings her unrelenting to her second climax, not even pausing as he chases his own; the bed is in danger of breaking, and he would consider it a point of pride if it did. Burying his teeth in her soft breast, he comes inside her, leaning his weight on his arms to avoid crushing her as he falls forward, sweaty forehead to sweaty forehead. They share breath and he can't resist claiming her mouth again.
'They're going to hate us,' says Doe breathlessly, giggling. 'You evil man.'
His eyes glitter. 'I take pride in it, little bunny.' He kisses her forehead. 'Sleep now. I won't leave you.'
She is so exhausted. Closing her eyes, she feels him curl around her protectively, cool hands splayed over her belly, legs tangled with her own.
There would be consequences in the morning. But for now, she slid into sleep.
@bluerosetarot @dansnotavampire @further-than-forever
@forget-me-maybe @poetryvampire @sasha199 @wandawillow
@boufsy @owlseeyoulaterpal @lanafofana @amorgansgal
@auroraesmeraldarose @aryancunin @miradelletarot @marlowethebard
@crimson-and-lavender @reeseykins @medra-gonbites
@roguishcat @weaverofnetheril @galedekarioswifey @hyperfixationstation128 @lastlight-inn
@astarryvamp @feedthepheasants @dabigstinky @dreamingofthewild @ladyofcrowsandcoffee
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yellowhollyhock · 5 months
More O'Neil Technologies thoughts
Irma will of course still be boy/girl crazy. Maybe I will even think about some people for her to date.
Also more importantly she will randomly be like "I could do that" about the craziest things. Like I mean for a certain thing they're designing they're working with miners because they need this very specific mineral and it turns out it is usually mined unethically and so now they have a social justice side quest which they will approach by designing safer means but they are also in touch with the mining company's union and yeah anyway it's a whole side quest. And Irma is very involved because it's all very administrative, but the whole time she's very clueless because of all the technical language, following April around like 'what did he say? why are they upset? oh did we make the deal are we done? no? ah beans. well when's lunch'
But at the end of it when things start working out, what all she's been observing starts to sink in and she's like 'I could be a miner'
And other just random things like that. Leatherhead has her help him hold Timothy still to put a bandaid on him Once and she's like 'I am a medical assistant :)'
idk I'm thinking about Super Irma and Donatello's Degree and I just love an Irma who is a healthy daydreamer and a little bit full of herself.
April is used to this from their college years, deeply admires it actually, her general response is like 'cool keep me updated.' Casey takes everything anyone at O'Neil Tech says seriously except for Timothy anf the Neutrinos, so he's often scratching his head like 'is Irma quitting?? Oh no I get it she's just moving departments! Do we have a, uh, mining department?'
Donny gives her heck about it. Of course at first he's a polite little sweetheart but as he gets to know her and starts to feel more comfortable in his role as technically-her-boss, these two are going to banter so much
Irma: I think I could be a scientist
Donny: Sure, I'll train you right after Timothy becomes a ninja.
Irma: Thanks! I--wait a minute
Donny: lol
Irma: I could be a truck driver.
Donny: You know you'd be driving your own truck, not in the passenger seat next to the hunky men, right?
Irma: Hey, leave me alone. It's easy for you, you already have a cool car and a hunky girlfriend.
Donny: I'll build you a truck if you stop daydreaming on the clock (he jests)
Irma: I'll call HR on you
Donny, deadpan: No, please, don't, I'm terrified of mutants.
Irma 😈: I'll tell him how many coffees you had today.
Donny, suddenly sincere: No wait please don't call Leatherhead--I was just kidding honest go back to daydreaming I'll leave you alone.
Irma, picking up the phone
Donny: I'm going I'm going!
Irma: You know, I could probably learn acupuncture. Do you think I could learn acupuncture?
Donny: I'm sitting on pins and needles
Irma: But do you think I could?
Donny: I'm glad I have a shell
Irma: I could probably be a politician.
Donny: A politician? Are we that miserable to work for? Do we need to negotiate a raise?
Donny: Wait let me guess.. it was the men in suits 😑
Irma: You don't understand his teeth--
Donny: Aaahshd I don't wanna hear this!
Irma: They literally sparkled like a cartoon character~
Donny: You need to raise your standards.
Irma: I want a 15% raise.
Irma: What? I'm raising my standards :3
Donny, squinting: Well-played, Langenstein. Well-played
('No but seriously,' he will say later, 'We need you in the role you're in. You could easily be a politician or even a miner probably, but we'd be losing an administrator with unmatched negotiation skills, the ability to pick things up quickly, stay level in any kind of situation--we can't afford to lose you.'
'Alright alright I'm not going anywhere. But do feel free to tell me anytime how invaluable I am to the company.'
Harold, watching the exchange: 'Well Donny certainly can't negotiate')
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onceazzie · 1 year
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so i found a spunky au generator (find it here!) that gave me a slay idea. so, here's some pearleo for yall tumblr folks <3
"For someone who's standing face to face with a gorgon, and is about ten seconds away from being turned to stone and thrown off a cliff, you seem awfully calm," Cleo says, crossing their arms.
The newcomer-- who had introduced herself as Pearl, Pearlescent Moon-- simply shrugs, the movement lifting the large, bluish-purple wings folded across her back. "Well, I'm wearing sunglasses. You can't freeze someone with glasses, can ya?"
"That...is some sort of logic, but it doesn't really work like that."
"Why not?" Pearl smiles. "You can't see my eyes. Neither can the snakes. Problem solved, hm?"
The orange snakes that made up Cleo's hair hissed, not in malice but more in confusion. "Well, even if that were true, I'd easily be able to take your glasses and then freeze you. So make your choice."
"Ouch," Pearl mutters, shifting the bag hanging off of her shoulder before sighing and reaching for her sunglasses. "Fine! Freeze me then. You're mean."
And time seems to stop for a moment, as the woman pulls the sunglasses off her face and shields her face from the sun, before staring right into Cleo's eyes. And usually this would kill her instantly, and she would turn into one of the statues currently lining the edges of the mountaintop, but it didn't, because--
"Heh. Surprise! I am unfreezable!" Pearl grins, spreading her arms and wings, the action toppling one of Cleo's statues over the edge of the cliff. "Oh. Sorry about that."
Except Cleo can't find it in herself to care, not when this-- this being, who surely wasn't human or god or anything in between, was staring at her with what looked like an entire void hiding in the places where her eyes should've been. Stars sparkled within them, glowing and glittering, a whole universe contained within one person.
"Is it the eyes? Damn it, that's why I bring the sunglasses," Pearl huffs, wings curling around her body, a pout growing on her lips, reminiscent of a small, scolded child.
"Who...who even are you?" Cleo finally manages to say, head tilting slightly as Pearl fiddles with her sunglasses. "What are you?"
"Good question. I dunno, I was kinda born like this." Pearl shrugs. "My brother, my twin brother-- he was born as a normal kid, I guess. And then whoops! Weird void baby came right afterwards. It was pretty crazy."
The pieces were starting to fall together, Cleo realises. The bag slung over Pearl's shoulder, the sunglasses.
"They've sent you away, haven't they?" Pearl's shoulders sink as the words leave the gorgon's mouth, only solidifying their assumption. "You've been exiled...like me."
"It's fitting they'd send me here, hmm? Send me to another outcast." Pearl manages a small smile. "But, yeah. That's basically it."
Obviously, the subject what somewhat upsetting for her, so Cleo did what Cleo does.
"Oh, who would've known that the people don't appreciate an eldritch being with stars instead of eyes walking around their neighbourhood?"
But, also--
"Well. I know," Cleo says, holding out a hand. "Turns out people also don't appreciate a kid with snakes for hair freezing all the other kids to stone. So, you're safe with me."
Pearl's expression turns from sad to overjoyed in what seems to be a millisecond. "Wait, really?! Can I stay here with you?"
"I mean, if you don't take up too much roo-- hey, what are you doing? Off!"
Pearl didn't seem to hear and only squeezed Cleo harder, arms around her waist, wings covering them both. "Thank you thank you thank you! You're the best gorgon I've ever met!"
"You've met others?"
"No, but I bet you would still be the best if I ever were to meet any others!"
Cleo grunts in acknowledgement, and Pearl quickly lets go of her waist, jumping back with her wings extended, a huge beam on her face.
"I like the flowers in your hair, by the way," she says after a moment, eyes curving into a crescent smile, the stars inside them brightening. "They're really pretty. What kind are they?"
"Oh. Uh, probably...sunflowers, orchids, tulips...that kind of stuff," Cleo mumbles. "I don't really choose what grows there? They kind of just come out of my skull when they feel like it?"
The eldritch being leans in for a closer look, her form looming over Cleo's. It's...slightly intimidating. "That's so cool! I'm really excited about staying with you! We're going to be best friends!"
"No, we're not."
"We are now!"
"Hey, Cleo! So I noticed your comfy little cave only has one bed. Mind if we share?"
The thought of sharing a bed with an actual eldritch being, not to mention one with wings that spanned the entirety of Cleo's cave, was much less than appealing to them. Except Pearl was looking at them (or-- at least perceiving them) with a hopeful beam on her face, and suddenly every rational thought left their brain as they sighed loudly. "If you even try to touch me with your wings, I will find some way to turn you to stone and throw you off this mountain."
"Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll hug you to sleep!"
"Don't you dare."
hehe hiii, it's me, azzie again! thanks for sticking around <3 if you have any requests or anything feel free to pop em into ye olde ask box! i'm happy to write for you. if it's for the life series, anyway
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flowersfortheghost · 1 year
Ghostflower week day 5: fusions
(K-12 AU)
tags: @ghostflowerweek2023
summary: While Gwen and her friends make a plan to escape their school, Gwen finds a love letter in her locker. It has no name, but she does find it a lovely surprise. Little does she know it's not written by who she thinks it is.
Miles finally had enough courage to tell his feelings for another student he likes. Her name is Gwen and she stood out to him. Not just because she had dyed her uniform to a lavender purple color and had embroidered flowers on her sleeves, but because she was different, just like him.
Miles knew some of the students at this school had some kind of powers, which they were able to do anything they wanted. Gwen and her friends used this to their advantage a lot, and Miles used it too.
With this, he was able to write a beautiful letter to Gwen. He couldn’t exactly find the courage to actually say it, so a letter it is. He slipped it into her locker and hid behind a wall when we heard Gwen approaching the lockers with her friends.
“Okay guys, I think I have a pretty good plan to get us out of this shithole.” Margo started. Right, they were gonna make an attempt to escape the school on the night of the dance. If they wouldn’t escape, they would die, and all of the other seniors. “Gayatri, I need you to keep everyone in the gym. Keep them in one place and try to keep them quiet–”
Gwen found a letter in her locker, which she started reading. 
“I caught a sparkle of light in your eyes that day. I bathed in it, was transported to Heaven's gates by it, but I fall at my feet. My words shall only be composed, I can't speak. My inner voice calling my outer self weak. Admiring from afar secretly.”
Gwen folded the letter back up, she couldn’t help but smile and blush a bit when she read it. She didn't expect to receive a letter, especially not a love letter. There was no name on it, which disappointed her a bit.
“Gwen? Earth to Gwen. Are you in?”
Gwen snapped out of her thoughts. “Yeah, sorry..” She responded quietly, putting some books in her locker. “Your job is to manipulate Satan himself into letting you into his office so we can hijack that loudspeaker and get everyone out of here.”
Gwen nodded in response, not exactly paying as much attention as she would’ve. She kept thinking about that letter. Who would write something like that? Not that she was complaining, it was just out of nowhere.
Pavitr noticed the folded up piece of paper in Gwen’s hands. “What's that?" He asked. “I don't know. I think it's a love letter.”
“A love letter from who?”
“I don't know, it doesn't say.” Gwen couldn’t hide the happiness she felt. Someone loved her. She wanted to know who it was, but her main priority right now was escaping the school.
“Okay guys, back to the plan.” And with that, the conversation was changed. “We already got rid of the principle so that just leaves Leo.”
“We walk into his office, make a run for it and then-”
“Set this place on fire?”
“Exactly!” Margo said. “I don’t know about that guys..”
“I agree. Fire's too cliché.” Gwen said, joining in on the conversation. “I mean yeah, but at this point, what other options do we have?”
Meanwhile, Miles was still observing how Gwen was reacting to the letter. He was a bit disappointed that he couldn't know too much about her reaction to this letter, but he could tell it made her happy, which already made him feel more confident.
It was K-12’s 150th school dance, and all the seniors were going, including Gwen. That wasn't part of the plan, she was supposed to be in the principal's office. But she somehow got herself asked to the dance by Leo, who knew their entire plan.
Miles saw Gwen walk into the ballroom. She had white and light pink flowers in her hair and was wearing a long, light pink dress with lace accents around the sleeves and some more flowers on it. He felt like he was falling in love with her all over again. But he was a bit upset that she got asked to the dance by Leo, and accepted.
Miles was trying to find the right words to ask Gwen to the dance, but it was hard. “You got this. Super easy. Don’t stress. Uh, fuck. You wanna go to the dance? Do you wanna go to the dance with me?” He said to himself. Once he had the courage and wanted to go up to her, he bumped into Leo. “You alright?” Before Miles could even respond, Leo was already walking up to Gwen.
He watched their conversation, which would soon be something that would upset him.
“You okay?”
“Mhm..” Gwen wasn’t really paying too much attention to him, she didn’t care. It just felt weird that Leo came up to her like that. “You sure?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I uh, was looking for you because I wanted to ask you. I would like you to go to the dance with me.”
Well Gwen wasn’t expecting that. “Really?”
“Why?” Gwen was confused. Why would he ask her out? Plus, she had a plan to stick to. “I don’t know if you got my note but..”
Then Gwen drifted off into thoughts. “Wait, he wrote the letter? With that poetic touch, I just assumed it must have been written by a girl. Damn, well you know what they say; keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” She thought to herself.
“I’d love to go with you.”
“Okay, great.”
Miles then saw Gwen was arguing with her friends. They must’ve found out about the fact that she got asked out by Leo and accepted it. “Forget it!” Gwen said, walking out of the room.
Miles tried to go after her, but she was already gone. He shot a look at her friends, pure confusion in his look.
Gwen went to the girls bathroom and looked in the mirror. “You fucked up the whole plan. And all for some asshole who doesn’t even love you.”
Then, a ghost of a senior who died here appeared behind her. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it.” Gwen didn’t know she needed it. She was a bit shocked by it, but it wasn't the weirdest thing she has seen here. But now she had one more thing to do, save all the students and destroy the school.
They had all just done it. They managed to save the students and make it out of the school alive. Gwen and Miles were both lying down on the grass and slowly getting up. They had just jumped off the school balcony, seeing as it was their only way to escape.
“What the fuck just happened?” Miles asked, still processing everything. Gwen and Miles were now both sitting up. Miles was convinced he was going to die tonight, but if it wasn’t for Gwen assuring him it would be fine, he wouldn't have believed he had made it out of that school.
Gwen decided to make a move, now that she had the chance. She knew Miles was the one behind the love letter, and not Leo, who someone managed to manipulate her. So without hesitation, she kissed Miles, and he kissed her back.
Who would’ve known it took them needing to escape a horrible school and having a chance of them dying to have their first kiss?
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redbleedingrose · 2 years
Girldad!Eris handling skinned knees 👀 and/or tantrums (toddlers are ROUGH)
OMG Girldad!Eris when one of his babes is hurt I can't!!!
Okay, I think Eris would absolutely be a coddler when it comes to the babes. He is constantly vigilant of the girls, and making sure to keep an eye out, especially if you are taking a family stroll through the forest. You love taking the babes out whenever you can to experience the beautiful weather of Autumn, and they love nature in general. Anyway, you are out on a hike as a family, the hounds are walking ahead of the babes, and you and Eris are strolling behind them allowing for them to explore and taking pauses as needed. Twila, ever the curious babe, sees a waterfall ahead on the trail and makes a run for it. I mean this babe is toddling her way as fast as she can on her tiny legs, and you call out to her, "Slow down sweets," And the poor babe turns around to look at you mischeviously as she continues to run, giggling to herself, before she just pummels into the ground, tripping over some branch. I think Twila picks herself up in a little bit of shock as you and Eris jog over to her to make sure she hasn't hurt herself. She is already looking down at her skinned knee with fat tears streaming down her cheeks. She looks up at Eris, who has knelt down to look at her eye level, and points at her knee whimpering. OMGGGGG Eris would be sooo upset He is rushing to pick up his little girl, kissing away her tears, and brushing her hair away from her face as he rests her on his hip. "You're okay my little beloved, don't cry." Marwa begins to whimper as tears line her eyes, scared her little twin sister has been hurt. Ugh she is the best sister I cannot So you pick her up too, comforting her, "Your sister is okay sweets, just a scrapped knee." And Eris just straightens out his other arm to take her into his grasp as well.
Now he is holding both girls close to his chest, as you inspect Twila's knee and rest your hand over, using some of your magic to heal the tender skin.
Then you kiss it ever so softly, "There, Mama's kiss makes it all better."
Twila sniffles a little, fisting at her tears as Eris continues to coddle her a little, but also reminding her, "This is why we don't run without looking sweets. Okay? Let's be more careful next time."
And both the girls are just nodding up at their papa as he nuzzles into their chubby cheeks, while you press your own kisses onto their soft skin.
ALSO omg tantrums!!! Toddlers are scary!
TBH, I think Marwa and Twila are not having tantrums very often.
They are spoiled by their papa, and he rarely says no to them.
They want a tree house??? They are getting a fucking tree house.
They like the jewelry on display in the market because it sparkles??? You best believe Eris is buying three matching sets just for his babes and mate.
They want new stuffies?? They get it the next day
They want more puppies?? Puh lease, like father like daughter...
Despite being spoiled, you and Eris do a very good job at making sure the girls know how privileged they are.
You both are absolutely taking them to the women and children shelters, and they absolutely love volunteering and handing out new toys to all their new friends. They are extremely kind little girls who love their people, just like papa. 
I don't think that you shy away from punishment either. If these babes are misbehaving, Eris will be a strict father as he needs to be.
But he never ever is using the methods his father used.
You both use gentle parenting, and that works really well.
Most of the time at least.
But these are babes we are talking about, little toddlers who have big emotions and don't know how to deal with them properly sometimes, so they are going to have tantrums every once and a while.
This usually happens when the girls are pretty tired, haven't taken their nap, and are just overall cranky.
Dinner will be ready in less than an hour but the girls are wanting some sweets beforehand.
And they ask mama, you say no, reminding them that dinner is soon and they can have dessert after.
And then they try to be sneaky and ask papa who is sitting across the room from where you are, thinking he hadn’t heard your response, and because papa rarely says no to them.
So when they ask Papa, and he says no??
Immediate meltdown.
I mean kicking their feet, screaming at the top of their lungs, crying... it is not a pretty sight
At this point, both you and Eris are a little frustrated. The babes just haven't been cooperative today.
So you takes a deep breathe as you clench your jaw a little bit. They are just babes, you remind yourself silently. A sudden wave of love and affection is sent down the golden thread that wraps around your heart, filling you with a gentle warmth that causes a soft smile to tug on your face.
You look up to find you mate, your perfect fucking mate, who is already staring at you with a little mirth in his eyes.
You take a deep sigh of relief as Eris walks over to your babes who are having their tantrum, knowing he is about to take care of everything. Like he always does.
He sits down on the floor, next to the crying babes, before picking up his arms, opening them wide, waiting silently, patiently, like the perfect father he is.
The girls, who are still crying, launch themselves into Papa's arms, cuddling close into his chest as he strokes their hair, reminding them to take deep breathes.
After taking a couple of deep breathes, the girls are able to calm down enough for him to set the babes in his lap, "That wasn't very kind girls, we don't throw tantrums like that do we?"
They sniffle while trying to come up with excuses, "But papa..."
And he listens intently to all of their thoughts, allowing for them to express themselves, nodding along as you make your way towards the now settled babes.
You sit down next to them, and Marwa climbs out of her papa's lap to settle onto yours, snuggling into your chest, wanting Mama’s warmth and comfort. 
He gently reminds them, "Dinner will be ready in an hour, we don't want to spoil your appetite with sweets, my darlings. And papa didn't say no to sweets, he said you would be able to have them after dinner right? You are allowed to have big emotions my little beloveds. But I want you to be able to express yourself calmly, there is no need for tantrums."
And then he goes explains to the girls how they can express themselves better, without screaming or throwing themselves onto the ground.
He encourages them to take deep breathes when they have big feelings, and to do their best to explain it to mama or papa, because they are always willing to listen.
And mama and papa will always take the time to explain their reasoning to their perfect little girls.
You nod along, agreeing with your mate and husband, "I think our babes are just tired. But because you threw a tantrum when you know you could've expressed yourself calmly girls, I think for sweets, you will share a piece of pie between yourselves instead of having an individual piece. Okay little beloveds?"
And they sniffle again, both whispering out small "okay, I'm sorry mama. I'm sorry papa."
Eris just tugs you three close to him, pressing both of his babes into his chest and you into his side. Kissing their tiny foreheads and pecking your lips.
You smile down at your now calm babes, "We forgive you. Always."  
Anyways, so sorry this was so long, but I loved this ask!!! Truly, Eris is the best papa to his little girls and you are the best mama.
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mythandlaur · 1 year
Code: July Day 6 - Mistakes
A lot of people get on Jeremie's case for not apologizing for this one, so...here's that. It's a messy, imperfect apology--but it is one.
...And also some banter because I'm ship trash now apparently
They don't have too much longer until light's-out sends them back to their separate floors, not that Jeremie thinks he's going to sleep tonight with this new lead. That's just real egg on his face, isn't it--all of this trouble, only to find out Franz Hopper really is alive, somehow. XANA's probably really annoyed about seemingly being totally unable to kill him, but it works out for them.
Though, speaking of egg on his face...
His keystrokes slow down. There's still a loose end.
"Yes, Jeremie?" She's leaning close to him to watch his screen, but turns to look at him, the sparkle of triumph still in her eyes. Their faces are almost too close, forcing Jeremie to push his chair to the side just to be able to focus on what had been running through his head most of the day.
Jeremie clears his throat, making a great deal of effort to look Aelita directly in the eye. She's now giving him a puzzled look, but he launches into it anyway.
"I, uh, I wanted to apologize, for what I said earlier about your dad, it's true I didn't think it was possible but I got upset and said something uncalled for--"
Aelita crosses her arms, interrupting him. "Jeremie, how long have you been practicing that?"
Jeremie sputters. "I--most of today..." he relents, breaking his forced eye contact to stare at his hands in his lap. He starts rolling the sleeve of his nightgown between his fingers. "B-but I do mean it! I just...I've been trying to figure out what to say so I didn't say it wrong."
Aelita sighs, and out of the corner of his eye, he catches her shaking her head. "Jeremie." It's a reprimand, but not a harsh one. When he doesn't immediately look back up at her, she reaches out and tilts his chin up herself. "I don't care if you say it wrong. I just care if it's honest. Besides, it's not as if it would be the first time."
Jeremie whines. "H-hey! You don't have to kick me while I'm already down!"
Aelita giggles, releasing his chin. "Sorry, I couldn't help it. So, do you want to try that again?"
Jeremie glances over to his computer screen. Through the remote supercomputer connection, he's attempting to search for any other matches on the DNA string code. "...I'm sorry," he manages, resting his cheek on a hand. "I knew I messed up as soon as it came out. I'm not saying you should forget where you came from, especially since it took so long to find it, but..."
"...but you think it can wait."
Jeremie finally looks her in the face again, pained. "I still can't say I get why it can't. But--that's...not really something I can say for you, or anything..."
"I don't want to put my whole life on hold. That includes my past."
"I know..."
Aelita's posture softens. She moves over to stand parallel to him, putting an arm around his shoulders. She'd been a very touchy person ever since arriving on Earth, and it had gotten them in trouble relating to the school's PDA policy a couple of times--Jeremie had asked about it once, and she'd said something about touch not existing on Lyoko, and he'd never complained about it again. Now that her memories are back, though, he's pretty sure she's just like that. Not that he's complaining.
"Thank you for apologizing," Aelita says, frankly. "And for double-checking."
"If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't have bothered trying..."
"And I'm sorry for leaving." She leans over to rest her head against his. "I don't regret it, but I should've at least told Yumi or Ulrich, too. The Scyphozoa..."
She lets the implication remain unfinished. Jeremie scoots himself up higher in his chair like a cat trying to push its head into a pet.
"I gotta ask," Jeremie muses, "Were you getting back at me when you went along with that whole 'oh, Jeremie said he was gonna kiss you both' thing Ulrich had to bring up?"
Aelita suddenly bursts out laughing, standing up properly. "Why can't I just want a kiss, huh? You're the one who said it."
Jeremie groans. "But I also had to kiss Odd."
"And that was an issue?"
"Well--no, but--you all know I was being facetious!"
"But Odd would've been so disappointed~..."
"You aren't answering my question!"
"Maybe I wasn't." Aelita puts a finger to her lips. "Maaaaybe I was."
Both of them turn to see Jim in the doorway, an expectant look on his face. Aelita shakes her head, working out the last of her giggles. "I guess that's my cue. Please get some sleep, Jeremie."
"Well...!" Jeremie looks between Aelita, Jim (who's raised an eyebrow in an unspoken warning), and his computer. Surrounded on all sides. "...Apparently I am actually going to be doing that, now."
"You're welcome," Aelita tells Jim with a smirk, scooting past him to get out into the hallway. "We'll work on it more tomorrow."
"Understood. Goodnight, Aelita."
"Goodnight, Jeremie."
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How do you think each of the Cullens would dress if they didn't have Alice picking all their outfits for them?
I don't know.
We never see the Cullens not dressed by Alice so it's a big old mystery. But I suppose we can make a few educated guesses, why not.
Alice is already dressing Alice. She stays exactly the same. Beige, beige forever! CHANEL FOREVER!
Fuck it, she gets to be on the list. We know how she dressed, very not form revealing clothing like large sweaters and jeans. If she's being really classy, she breaks out the khaki skirt and the blue top.
That said, that was poor Bella who hated herself. Bella wants to become a Cullen and that means dressing like a Cullen. Bella will eagerly wear whatever Alice gives her, pretending to be upset, because she wants to be a Cullen.
She wants to look wealthy, fashionable, and beautiful.
So, she continues to wear Alice's outfits.
Probably whatever will make him look the most "normal". Now, given that he's known to be wealthy, he can't shop at the local TJ Maxx. However, I imagine he dresses in high end department store type clothing, where it's expensive but not out of this world and the thing he'd be expected to buy, and dresses primarily as a normal guy.
His goal is to not attract attention and given that he lets Alice dress him in the first place, he must not be too attached to any particular fashion.
Long sleeves, long pants, as little skin as possible without looking like a bank robber.
Edward canonically tells us that he wears long sleeves as much as possible because he despises the way his skin looks. Even among his family at home, he doesn't want to see his skin sparkling in the sunlight or just looking to angular and inhuman.
Edward actively hates the way he looks.
He wears cloths to hide as much of himself as he can without standing out too much which means he is always in long sleeves and long pants.
It's a major plot point for him in Midnight Sun when he wears the sleeveless blouse that Alice bought him one time telling him with a wink and a grin that he'd wear it someday. He had scoffed, but then discovers when he goes to the meadow with Bella (and decides to show her how ghoulish he truly is) that he does indeed need it.
But if Edward could get away with it, he'd be a blanket burrito walking down the street. Just a blob, covered in cloth, whose form you can't even make out.
He'd wear whatever.
I just don't see him caring.
At all.
Esme probably gets a little more freedom because she's rarely if ever out in public. So, I imagine she'd wear similar to what she does in canon.
I don't see him caring either.
Also, Alice is his wife, he's never wearing what he wants ever again.
She never gets a choice in what she wears.
And she will be forced to look ridiculous forever.
Hard to say.
She does seem to like the femme fatale look when she can get away with it and she has too strong of a personality for me to see her kowtowing to Alice's fashion choices when she doesn't have to.
So, I think that's the style Rosalie must like.
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glittergrubz · 2 years
Tumblr media
askldhaj this was super fun to make! But also took a decent amount of time, and yet I love it so much! I'm very proud of how they all look! I'm also happy with the changes my art has gone through, altho I need to do way more different poses,,ack my weakness lol.
All I ask is that you guys aren't to harsh about these headcannon designs. I personally hate that almost every Sandwing is the same sandy desert color. So I wanted to expand that, your allowed to like the cannon designs! Don't worry, just don't shit on my designs for being different, I want my designs to be different! I think it's fun to reimagine characters espically the WoF families. BTW: I plan on doing more in the future. Queen Glacier's family is next bc Dravvona gave me a great idea for Glacier's design >:]
Also yes these will be used for my Rainbow Sparkle Chaos AU/Rewrite. Even have some headcannons for each of these little guys. --- These designs are FTU! Here are just a few rules for the designs. I even have seprate files for each headshot so you guys can get a better look at each of these fellas! - DO NOT claim the art or designs as your own. Credit me with either a tag on websites I have or linking my DA profile. - Do not edit my headshots or trace these designs, you will be blocked and blacklisted. - Take inspirations! I don't mind at all, just credit me! (I love seeing people use my designs or inspirations hehe) - Do not repost headshot designs either
Stash Link -> sta.sh/210nk11kfs1c?edit=1
Character Headcannons -
Blaze - The blue jewelry she owns is from her girlfriend Glacier. She made it especially for her and she wears it with pride. - While ditsy she's gain some plant knowledge from her dead brother Scald. They were very close, spending hours together painting claws, tending to plants and trying on makeup! - She sounds like Pinky Pie from Gen 4! (I love pink characters so much agh!!) - She now spends her time with Glacier (I'm sorry but I can't let her die, Blaze needs her so badly) often helping healers with plant knowledge and trying to figure out how to get plants to grow in the Ice Kingdom. - I wanted her to look like a strawberry dragon, it just felt perfect! PINK PINK PINK!!
Blister - She's quite thin compared to her more plump or round family. Built like a snake and sounds like one too. - Her amber jewerly was gifted from her father, she loves her jewelry as she despises her mother. Giving all her attention to Blaze because "she's the baby of the family" while Oasis boasts about Burn's power in battle. Her mother tried to connect with her but she liked Char. He always knew what to say when she was upset. She was devastated when Char passed away. - She sounds like Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty 1959 - Has an secret obsession with poisons, although she herself is quite afraid of being poisoned.  - I wanted to stay mostly close to the pale snake motif. Although I just couldn't help adding orange n red to make her look fiery, almost like a super venomous snake. One that wears it's toxicity on it's scales to warn others. Also wanted her diamonds to look more interesting, I always though cannon diamonds were way to cluttered.
Burn - Had a fling with Scarlet, thought she was pretty and quite interesting. But really wasn't looking for a relationship, and after the whole face venom thing well they were not getting back together. - Def sounds like Lady Dimitrescu from RE8 - Despises her brother Singe. Everytime she looked at that awful weasel he always had something to say, either behind her back or right to her face. He always teased her for not being great at speaking or writing. Teased the way she walked, her slight mouth gape at all times. Till one day she ripped his neck to shreds, sending the dragonet almost to the heavens. After that day she was placed into fighting training where she became the power house she is now.  - Once she killed her brothers she took her time with Singe, torturing him for as long as she could. She gave Scald a more, "merciful" kill but anything would seem merciful if you saw what she did to Singe. - Yes she's a dark color bc I thought it was neat, made her look alot like her papa. She has also cut most her frill/hair off bc of dangers of fighting. Less things to grab! I tried making her hair kinda like a roman helmet but kept the theme for most the family. 
Oasis - Big boss bitch who knows exactly what to do! Smart, cunning and beautiful, she does have one odd thing about her. Body mods, she loves them dearly and enjoys her horn piercing's (altho they were a bitch to put in, their horns have a lot of nerves). She's also a adrenaline junkie, so her piercing addiction, lots of treasure and devious tactics are perfect for her.  - Loves her small man Char. If you walked in a room with both of them it's a lot like Mortica and Gomez Addams. She was devastated when Char passed away, become a more unhinged dragon in the process.  - She sounds like Mortica Addams from Wednesday (I just had to, sounds perfect). - I wanted a more light, warm theme with Oasis. Almost like desert terracotta, and yes hear scales! I thought it was cute on Blaze but Oasis HAD to have them. I also had to give her dark curly hair with highlights bc omgomg I loooove that so much. 
Char - Sounds like Gomez Addams from Wednesday (hehe small man n big wife gang) - Malewife energy all the way. He constantly embellishes himself in beautiful amber jewels while taking care of the look of the palace. Talking to his servants and giving all his children as much time as he can. His wrinkles and bags are from all the duties he does. Although he would never change it for the world, especially for his love for Oasis.  - Def has an addiction to coffee, I mean how is he going to help Scald get those new plant imports in, and buy Blaze's new makeup, help Singe hunt that beautiful beast he saw in the desert- (you get it lol). - I really wanted "im very tired" vibe with him. I also wanted to go with a dark/char look to him while keeping bright reds, oranges and yellows for fire! It gives him an intimidating look, but also has alot of warmth to it. 
Smolder - Hoenstly I don't have much for Smolder, other than that he was probably the straight man of the family. Although way more chill and with horrible sleeping issues! He's an insomniac and takes traditional medicine Scald makes for him to help him fall n stay asleep.  - Sounds like Legoshi from Beastars  - I had to make this dude greasy n tired. It was just a great idea imo. Like he has to be tired dude, and he doesn't have time to bathe!! I also made him more orange than Blister altho making sure it make them look like they come from the same hatching. 
Scald - I made him into a femboy- ENOUGH SAID, lmao. Seriously though I really wanted to give Blaze a best friend, she really deserves it! So: a very femine brother who loves beauty products but also looooves plants! He's obsessed with em and his mother made him his very own greenhouse. He loves his plants and takes care of them as much as he takes care of Blaze.  - Do not underestimate this small dude, he will kick your ass. Not only is he pretty but he will fight to protect Blaze and to prove a point. Although he is no idiot and will not pick fights, more so he fights for things worth fighting. Although he has a fear of needles so no peircings for him! - Sounds like Stolits from Helluvaboss - Blaze is a strawberry dragon, SO TANGERINE DRAGON TIME! I just really think the orange works very well for him, and I honestly wanted to make a femine male character bc I havn't really done that in a bit. I espically had fun with the flower necklace as I think it makes him stand out quite well against his family.
Singe - Awful stinky man, so smelly! He's two faced, lying, manipulating and egotystical dragon. Often picking fights with Burn as its easy for her lack of brains....well untill he was torn to shreds by her. After that he became way more fearful of the dragoness. Using expensive furs from the animals he's hunted. He's also very cowardly so no fighting or even peircings for him. - Obv sounds like Karl Heisenberg from RE8 - Honestly just a peice of shit, I have really nothing else to say lmao. - I wanted to do one more pink dragon before I finish the designs. I espically wanted a burnt pink dragon idea in mind, kinda like Char but pink! I was also done making jewerly so fur accessory sounded so much fun to draw.  --- ★ Not for Other's Use ★ ★ Feel Free to Take Inspiration but Credit Me ★ ★ NOT FOR AI USE OR NFT USE! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND BLACKLISTED ★ ★ DO NOT REPOST/TRACE/EDIT! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND BLACKLISTED ★ DA: https://deviantart.com/glitterbonez TW: twitter.com/GLITTERBONEZx Tumblr: khaleern.tumblr.com/
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