#like same kiddo same
mumblesplash · 1 year
just saw spiderverse and when the ‘to be continued’ popped up at the end some kid at the front of the theater audibly gasped and cried out “you’re LYING”
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otaku553 · 11 months
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Quite frankly still obsessed with the three of them
A little procrastination doodle
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turtledotjpeg · 1 year
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killugon date at the park in the summer, drawn for @ov-rwhelmed for the greed island server summer exchange!! :D
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midnightmah07 · 3 months
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Was not gonna post this but!! Here's Yasmin, Bazel and Daim, Jeanne and Kalim's kiddos in the future 🫶🏻 this is a very messy and simple sketch and is 100% subject to change! But I still think this turned out super cute so I wanted to share :]
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akuma-tenshi · 6 months
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i would like to introduce you all to the family my friend and i have created through sheer love of these characters
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rebouks · 6 months
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Jude: I think I wanna do ballet. [Ivan chuckled, tightening Jude’s laces with a swift yank] Jude: Don’t laugh! Boys can do that too-.. right? Ivan: Y’can do anythin’ y’want, bud. Jude: I wouldn’t have to wear a tutu, would I? Ivan: Not unless y’wanted to. Jude: I don’t think I wanna wear anything frilly-.. none of the men in the video I found were wearing one. Ivan: Been doin’ some research, eh? [Ivan tried to hide it, but he couldn’t wipe the grin off his face completely] Jude: You’re still laughing! Ivan: I ain’t! It’s just-.. you wouldn’t suddenly be interested in ballet ‘cause a certain lil’ lady J is, would ya? Jude: No! Ivan: Right. Jude: Do you think she’d be impressed though? Ivan: What d’you reckon-.. would you be impressed if someone faked an interest in somethin’ you liked? [Jude supposed not, causing him to frown thoughtfully] Jude: Oh-.. maybe not. Ivan: In my experience, folk like it better when you don’t pretend. Jude: I thought that’s what boys are supposed to do? They’re always tryna impress girls in movies n’ stuff, and Gavin’s always telling everyone about the amazing stuff he does or buying mom fancy things that make her squeal. Ivan: I wouldn’t pay much mind t’all that nonsense, bud. Ivan: The best way t’make friends is t’spend time with folk n’ be yourself-.. the odd compliment here n’ there wouldn’t go amiss though, hm? [Ivan chuckled to himself as he guided Jude’s wobbling form toward the roller rink-.. ballet, pfha!]
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c-kiddo · 2 months
before i sleep: caduceus autismposting . i think when he infodumps he just gets into his Talking Abt Interest mode and its a little intense but tmn understand and especially beau or jester can handle it. but he like makes very intense eye contact and wrings his hands the entire time with his silly smile and follows whoever around if theyre doing something and tells them, in a weird roundabout excited way, that his family have a graveyard (not a cemetery) and they make tea out of the plants that grow from the bodies and didnt you know that they all make all sorts of different kinds of plants for different teas with unique tastes its all very interesting didnt you know that? and he has told everyone about this in detail several times
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doedipus · 5 months
Guilty gear fandom misogyny is so incredibly frustrating
Like you can pick any boy out of the roster and the entire fanbase is probably falling over themselves to hype them up; people pop off for their associated players' gameplay, they construct elaborate fan media that brings out the intricacies of the characters and shows off their best points, and won't take no for an answer if someone claims to not find them maddeningly attractive
But then with the girls, at best nobody cares about them besides the dedicated superfans, and at worst literally every other player only speaks the character's name to complain. They'll get nothing but vapid pinup fanart with no regard for character, if they're even on the radar at all. Whenever one of the female characters gets a buff or a player makes a good tournament run, everyone stops what they're doing to complain for a month, until they go back to largely ignoring them again. And then whenever a patch brings a new boy people convince themselves is cool, or gives an existing one significant buffs, half the players on a female character drop her to switch. It's like clockwork.
Also for some reason every male character has people headcanoning them as trans in both directions, regardless of anything about their actual characterization, but none of the not-canonically-transfem girls really get that kind of fan attention, which is disappointing. Except that one artist who thinks elphelt should be transmasc.
I think the only guilty gear girl to escape this is Bridget, by dint of being a little sweetie pie. But she's still like a purely auxiliary character to the canon, so there's not a ton to talk about besides decade old discourse, and she's underdeveloped at a top level, with the only notable reps being players who use her to try and scam opponents out of a few games before switching to their real mains once they drop one themselves. Like despite her popularity among casual fans there's still no daru for Bridget
And honorable mention to season 2 baiken, who attracted a lot of upper level players who were unsatisfied with their mains at the time, who then nearly unanimously dropped her for John or sin in S3 when it became apparent that it wasn't as easy to win with her as they initially thought
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corviiids · 1 month
sparknotes for chapter 9 of as you like it because a very kind commenter asked for a breakdown and if theres one thing im good at it's breaking down
(spoilers for the fic obviously)
tihs chapter gave me so much trouble. i sat on it for so long i literally hated it by the time i posted it but im starting to forgive it now. it was, as ive said, originally way longer, and the next part of the fic was supposed to be the second half of this one... but it was starting to get absurd and i realised that neither part would have the weight i needed them to have if they were lumped in together. (with some relief, honestly, because i kind of had wanted them to be separate initially but didn't think they'd be long enough. i dont know myself very well.) anyway, the next chapter should be a bit of a doozy now although hopefully not SO absurdly long.
this chapter picks up where the previous cliff hung off, which is to say, after the 'shadow' akechi reveals that he's actually just the real ass guy. akechi in the palace what will he do. the chapter doesn't immediately kick off with ren's reaction though and that is because ren is the most repressed man alive and does not know how he feels about it.
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so, akechi disguised himself to enter his palace, which is significant for a few reasons:
1. he's disguised as himself
which i think is ironic in a fun way, but it's also just a very basic nod to the fact that akechi pivots between which of his personae is his default. this isn't necessarily super meaningful, but he does later refer to the black mask suit as
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a costume, instead of an outfit. i mean, don't read into it too much, he's just talking, but i did think that probably points to how he feels about his appearance generally.
2. more importantly, his disguise involves taking off his mask.
so he's disguised, yes, and he's disguised as himself, yes, but that disguise is a literal unmasking, which is also kind of ironic. in presenting himself this way he has literally and figuratively made himself vulnerable. they're inside his heart, and the entire time he's in the palace, he is exposed... again both literally and figuratively because he also starts sharing more with ren than he ever has. look, i just think it's fun to have a character who has so many layers that he has to lie so hard that he becomes himself again.
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i only want to point this out because (this is also part of larger meta about mona lol) akechi knew about the metaverse, but there is no way to intuit the method of stealing hearts without guidance. it's such a specific and involved process. thje most akechi could work out on his own was that if you killed a shadow, that person would have a mental breakdown. no way to guess that if you send a calling card and then go in within the next 24 hours and take a physical manifestation of a thing that you didn't know existed (process) would lead to that person ahving a change of heart (result). so even if akechi had a palace and knew about it, even if he wanted to do something about it, he would have assumed there was nothing he could do about it - i also have no idea what the process would be for sending yourself a calling card, even if he DID know about the process. so basically in this fic akechi found his palace and just assumed that was it. he was like, fucked up lol. anyway
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this just straight up isn't true HAHA so i put in the silly little dichotomy of akechi gently taking ren's arm to protect him from slipping on the ice while telling him that he lied about caring about him. i think in this chapter as akechi begins to openly explain more and more of his thought process, this is probably the first truly clear glimpse you get of exactly what akechi's distortion is and how deep it runs.
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the things akechi says with total conviction in this chapter are just... not true, not a fair or founded way to view the world (or the art of performance haha), but he says them with total conviction, and hopefully it should show off how unreliable he is as a source of exposition. one commenter asked about this moment of akc's eyes going yellow and if it was somehting that happened in canon - not really, i was just thinking about those little moments in the game after you send a calling card where the game cuts from the person to their shadow to do a little oneliner about their distortion.
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akechi's IN his own palace, so i thought it would be fun to kind of make it a physical thing that can happen to him where he sort of merges with his shadow for a brief second in the moments when the distortion is strongest.
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OKAY this is one of my favourite bits of the chapter HAHA the deep soda lore. i dont expect anyone to remember all the way back to chapter 3 but:
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literally nobody asked about this but i love the phantom thieves!!! i dream of all the little silly moments of being a team that they must have that we don't get to see in gameplay, for obvious reasons of it wouldn't really work in a game, but i can imagine them in my brain. i can imagine their trickshot contests that get their asses kicked. i can imagine them chanting at each other to chug while joker and oracle compete to down an entire bottle of brand neutral mountain dew baja blast. i can dream.
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soda lore is gay.
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i dont honestly think it's inherently a bad thing necessarily but this part does kind of set up like... you can see akechi very early on in life forming this worldview that the truth isn't always what you want, you know? this was a 'lie' he and his mother both bought into, they both knew what the truth actually was, so it wasn't real dishonesty, but they just had this little fantasy. i just thought it would be fun for akechi to have a way to bond with his mother and feel closer to her, and that way is by buying into this white lie. idk
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akechi's mother isn't really a character and i don't want to form her into too much of one because i think it's very much the point that, like... he made this point in an earlier chapter but having lost her at a pretty young age i think it's quite crucial that akechi doesn't really have a fully formed image of who his mother is outside of what she was to him as a child. so i actively don't want her to feel too real or defined. im not interested in making an oc out of her because i think it defeats the purpose. that said, this line exists to maybe gesture very vaguely at the notion that akechi's mother was a very bright person who similarly was stuck in circumstances that didn't serve to foster her real potential. just the image in my mind of a person who's clever enough to get across algebraic notation in chess by flipping through a book in a few minutes, but was never exposed to the opportunity to learn chess until this moment in someone else's house, and also the particular situation of learning this skill WHILE at someone's place as a call girl, i dunno . i hope im treating this with the grace it deserves but i wanted to build just this particular image in vivid colour while also keeping the reality quite blurry and vague, just to give the reader a sense of where akechi came from while still preserving his limited pov.
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my thoughts on the phantom thieves' methods (and how they compare to maruki) are definitely too long and involved to put into a post about this fic chapter specifically, but maybe one day. i also wanna stress im not like... strictly anti-phantom thief or anti-heartstealing lol but i do have thoughts about the philsophy of it and the thieves' hypocrisy WHATEVER that's not for this post. i bring this up only to crow about finding a way to bring up the experience machine (ie maruki's reality) in this fic without it being royal compliant and have it be... hoepfully... sufficiently relevant to the plot. wa hoo! the experience machine came up for the first time back in chapter 4 and im just delighted that i finally got to close that loop. by the way, that experiment is also called the lotus eater machine after the lotus eaters in the odyssey! i dunno that it's actively my favourite thought experiment but it's definitely up there and i think about it a lot.
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i think i spoke once about what 'as you like it' means. it's obviously the name of the shakespeare play from where 'all the world's a stage' comes, but it has a couple more layers to it as well - akechi's palace is a place where he performs to what he believes other people want or need to see from him - so his appearance is as you like it. and his accusation of the thieves' heartstealing methods is that they twist a person's internal reality to suit their vision - that's the meaning he's taking here, claiming that joker is turning akechi into an unfamiliar new thing, as [joker] like[s] it. you get it.
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this running joke of ren really hating vents wasn't something i planned but im attached to it now. prayer circle for his knees
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ive basically given up on making sense of samerecarm, which is par for the course for any rpg or video game really where reduction to 0hp/revival are mechanics. like, im inclined to think 0hp is more equivalent to unconsciousness, because... well... otherwise it's pretty cold that they left akechi dead in the engine room without even looking for a way around the wall. lol. but one of mona's revival lines is 'being dead isnt easy!' or something like that, so i kind of just give up and assume it's video game logic you'r enot meant to look at too hard lol. the way i reconcile it for my purposes is to say it's a sort of metaverse-exclusive state of being which is not quite dead but sort of in a limbo state wher eyou can be brought back with specific revival magic, which i refer to as being down. that's uhhh, that's different from the battle status of down... which you get after being hit with a crit/technical/weak skill... look, don't think about it. joker in crow's arms.
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this is literally meaningless i just wanted to include a cameo of my very favourite persona q2 battle theme.
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sinful-lanterns · 6 months
Lisa's smoll babie that made drawing, just stick figures of their small family, and Lisa going full critic on it.
No, she did not smack down her child if anything she asked Enfer to help her frame it and hang in the museum.
Mommy was smitten with the drawing to say at least.
Lisa’s stick figure is drawn with like two strands of hair, a lopsided smile, and no clothes, but Lisa is smitten with how talented her little artist is. She probably shows it off to all her other mom friends with that egotistic attitude she always has, and definitely frames all their drawings on a wall somewhere.
No, not even tack them on the fridge, she full on laminates them and frames them 😭😭 she loves her little art prodigy 💕
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mishy-mashy · 5 months
Hey it's not the biggest detail but-
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—And Bruce,
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They have eyebags. Since their forms are from the time of the Resistance, they were probably tired and stressed. (Or they just have shit sleeping schedules)
"Even after death, we're still bound to our duties." (Kudo, ch. 414)
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moeblob · 11 months
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just gonna lay down and think about FE Fates for a while now... don't mind me
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crimeronan · 4 months
there's a place in my neighborhood where a lot of kiddos hang out because there are a couple cheap restaurants & convenience stores open late without any bars/age-restricted venues nearby. it's extremely well-lit and by several busy roads and one of the safest places i've gone when walking at night & the kids have always been extremely chill towards me. so i was completely flummoxed today by a review of a business there that says it's in a """sketchy area""". until justice pointed out that it's definitely BECAUSE the kiddos are there that this random asshat thought the area was sketchy.
.......if you are genuinely afraid of a bunch of sixteen-year-olds minding their own business in an incredibly well-lit parking lot. then like. i truly do not know how to help you.
Git Gud....????
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hikaru-hoshina · 9 months
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married to a squirrel king that stalked you since age 14
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c-kiddo · 29 days
finally read the beau tmn origins comic and i didnt like it very much T_T .. .. like it was fine . too short as per usuall (also i never like the very generic designs for the panels/speech bubbles/sound effects in any of these but whatever). anyway , choosing to focus on this wine selling scheme instead of the cobalt soul at all was weird, especially because it's so short. and also without knowledge of cr2 to back it up i feel like you cant even particularly tell that beau's dad is abusive until he's suddenly having her kidnapped. (tho i did like that they kept her mum's characterisation of being so passive abt it all. like beau actively asking her for help and her just saying nothing in return. heart breaking). i just think also the art wasn't very good. beau didn't look like beau, the faces would kind of melt, some of the line art seemed both stiff and clumsy at once , and that stamp brush for the entirety of the vineyards was wild to me. in a professionally published book.. the characters would just be laid overtop of it too, not even walking behind the rows of vines 😭
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savage-rhi · 15 days
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I haven't drawn since the start of the pandemic in 2020 everybody fucking clap its my Screaming Worm Boy (tm) from my fanfic Duality
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