#like someone should send help plz
r0yalstar · 2 months
★ Hello The Upturned community! My friend @funky-jester told me I should post these doodles I’ve been working on throughout today, so plz gently take them thx! 👍 ★
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mrshesh · 11 months
johnny cage x reader (gn plz) flirty intro banter heheheheheh TYYYY
intros with johnny cage - flirty banter
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overview: intros the reader could have with johnny cage - flirty banter edition!
pairing: johnny cage x gender neutral reader, romantic
genre: fluff, spice
a/n: i was hoping for someone to send in a request like this one! anon, i love you forever and ever - thank you for sending this in. i hope you love this as much as i love you.
Johnny Cage: Happy to see your favorite stuntman? 
(Y/N): I don’t see Tom Cruise anywhere.
Johnny Cage: Ouch. 
(Y/N): Where’d you get it?
Johnny Cage: The awesomeness? The handsomeness? The-
(Y/N): The audacity. 
Johnny Cage: I’m thinking of getting a new tattoo. 
(Y/N): You should get a tramp stamp of my name. 
Johnny Cage: Close to the ass for a reason!
(Y/N): I don’t understand why you’ve got so many fans.
Johnny Cage: C’mon, I break the handsomeness scale.
(Y/N): Which end of the scale?
(Y/N): What’s up, butterface?
Johnny Cage: The ceiling- wait, what?!
(Y/N): That shut you up real quick.
(Y/N): Your stamina needs some work.
Johnny Cage: Care to help me with that, baby?
(Y/N): God, I hate you.
Johnny Cage: You, me - there’s a connection. 
(Y/N): Your body count is higher than Genghis Khan’s. What do you mean “connection”?
Johnny Cage: Jeez Louise, no need to get all jealous!
Johnny Cage: I’m feeling brave today!
(Y/N): Like when you forced me to hold your hand when you got vaccinated?
Johnny Cage: That was one time. One!
(Y/N): Hey, handsome. 
Johnny Cage: Hah! I knew you couldn’t resist me!
(Y/N): Why do I even bother?
Johnny Cage: (Whistles) Someone’s lookin’ sexy.
(Y/N): Let me guess, you?
Johnny Cage: Bingo! You know me so well, honey!
(Y/N): Relax, Johnny.
Johnny Cage: I do my own stunts too! What’s so great about that fella?
(Y/N): Very bold of you to compare yourself to Tom Cruise.
Johnny Cage: The things you do to me, sweetheart. 
(Y/N): Like kick your ass?
Johnny Cage: Ooh, I’m scared. 
Johnny Cage: The things you do to me, sweetheart.
(Y/N): Watch your mouth, Cage. 
Johnny Cage: What are you gonna do? Date me?
Johnny Cage: Relax, honey. I’ll be careful with your pretty face. 
(Y/N): Don’t hold back, Cage. I can take it. 
Johnny Cage: Kinky. 
again, i love these so much, please send more in aaaaah!
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bandgie · 9 months
Pretty Boy
idol!BangChan x sexworker!reader
a/n: I have another fic in the works, but enjoy this one plz
synopsis: Christopher is a stressed guy. It doesn't matter what he tries to do to relax, he always finds himself planning and nonstop thinking. In an act of desperation, he finds himself in a sex club, wishing for someone to help him turn off his brain. You're more than happy to oblige...for the right price.
cw: NO MINORS 18+ ONLY, PIV, unprotected (no!), sub!chan, light degrading and praising, oral (m!receiveing and mentions of f!receiving), handjob, pullout method (no!), sex club.sex worker (obvi), mentions of alcohol, not proof read lmao, Chris's face is hidden, playful teasing, overstimulation (m!receiving), slight cum eating
4.7k words oops
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No one will find out, no one will see you. It's a mantra Chris finds himself repeating as he makes his way towards the low lit building deep into the night. He wears all black, a beanie and mask covering his face hoping that it'll disguise him. His hands are shaking as he open the doors, immediately hit with the smell of booze and smoke.
He should leave. Coming here was a bad idea to begin with, but the thoughts in his head were too loud, too persistent, he had to do something about it. There's no way he could keep staying cooped up in the studio, his room, that godforsaken building. It was his heaven, but his hell all at the same time.
The place Chris found himself at was a normal club, people sweaty and rubbing up on each other. He didn't come here to dance though, he came here to forget, to make bad decisions. Chris didn't know this place directly, but he's heard about it from Lee Know who tended to frequent here when he got stressed. If he went to the bartender, asking for a certain someone and pulled a good amount of cash out, they would let him though the secret doors. To the place where real deprived people went.
People like Chris.
So he walked through the bodies of people, ignoring how some touched and groped him. The decision he was about to make further solidified when he stood in front of the bar, watching the three bartenders who were busy mixing drinks. Make sure to ask for the bartender with black hair, Lee Know had instructed. The other ones don't know about the hidden rooms, I had to learn that the hard way.
Then he stopped the bartender with pitch black hair. They had no piercings, no tattoos unlike the their coworkers. They look unassuming, boring, the perfect disguise. The bartender noticed Chris's staring, their eyes snapping to his. They walked over to Chris, carefully setting down the served drinks to a nearby group.
"What can I get you?"
"Uhh..." Chris hesitated. This is his last and only chance to back out. Maybe it would be better to get a normal drink and get drunk with the sea of people around him. No, he came here for a reason. Chris didn't do all this mental preparing for nothing.
"I'm here to see Aphrodite," Chris managed to speak. He watched at the bartender's eyebrows went up, a lot of surprise on their face. "I think you have the wrong person," they replied, taking a few steps back to indicate that they were done with the conversation.
They'll probably ignore you at first, Lee Know predicted. Show them the money, and say Rino sent you. 'Rino?' Chris had laughed at the nickname. 'Yeah dude, can't use your real name at places like those.'
"No," Chris spoke firmly to the bartender, "I think I have the right person." With that, he discreetly pulled out his wad of cash. Korean wons bundled up nicely in his hands. The bartenders eyes went wide, practically turning into green upon the sight.
"Rino sends his regards."
That was enough for the dark haired bartender to tell their coworkers they were stepping out for a bit. They went around the counter far from Chris, beckoning their head in a come here motion. Chris shoved the cash in his pocket and followed the bartender to the back.
They walked until they were at the employee only bathroom, which was surprisingly empty. They both entered the restroom which looked normal at first, save for the weird paintings on the wall. Before Chris had the opportunity to question the bartender, they held out their hand expectantly. The money.
Chris shoved his hand in his pocket and put the money in the hands of the bartender who looked overly pleased.
"The sunflower painting is the door. When the person asks for the code tell them 'in the east.' You're good to go." The bartender didn't spare Chris another glance, instead counting the money they had. Chris took a deep breath, shaky fingers prying the sunflower painting back which revealed a small hallway.
He followed it, shutting the door behind him as he continued on. He was soon enough met another door, knocking on it loudly. The door slightly opened, showing a large man who seemed rather displeased on seeing him. "Where does it look?" The guards voice was gruff, annoyed.
"In the east."
The guard stepped aside, allowing Chris the entry he so desperately waited for. Chris debated on saying thank you, but he was too shocked by the secret room that he didn't have the chance to contemplate. The actual club was dirty, smelly, hot. This room was almost sophisticated, even in how the people dressed.
Women and men were dressed in fine clothing, Chris felt underdressed. Worse than that though, he stuck out like a sore thumb, something he was trying to avoid. The people nearby on sofas looked at him with disgust, it made his skin crawl. On instinct, Chris looked upwards to the ceiling to avoid their judging gaze, and that's when he finally noticed the women in the skies.
The were in large bird-like cages, performing in their exotic outfits. Some cages were lower than others, allowing the men and women below to throw cash at them. When Chris walked even deeper into this room, the women in cages were nude. He was thankful for his mask that hid his blush.
Chris was overwhelmed, his heart was nearly in his chest. He was thankful when he saw a nearby bar, this one much less populated from the previous one. He made his way towards it and took a seat at the booth, asking for a vodka on the rocks.
"First time I take it?" The bartender asked. He served Chris in a smaller sized cup, eyes attentively on his. "Is it that obvious?" Chris asked before taking a sip at the drink. The bartender chuckled, "Very obvious. What are you here for? Gambling? The shows? The drinks? The sex?"
Chris almost choked at his beverage, wiping his mouth as the bartender smiled. "Ah, so it is the sex then," he laughed. "No worries friend, no judgement here. A private room will cost you a lot, but if you ask for a low-grade woman I think they do it cheaper." The bartender then handed him a sheet of laminated paper. On it were names, and prices with so many zeros it made Chris's head spin.
"The backside has the women more in your price range I assume," the server guessed. "A lot of men come here asking for the main girl, but they waste their money too fast. Can't have your cake and eat it too ya know?" Chris nodded at the man's words, thankful for his insight.
Chris scanned the names, guilt eating at him for ordering women like food. The names were all from Greek mythology which a description of how they were like when it came to their service. It made his excited and nervous all at the same time.
It took a few minutes before Chris decided on a woman named Nyx. He didn't know much about the goddess, but he liked the description he read;
Nyx, the goddess of night, who prefers to be in charge. Don't let her sweet face trick you, she's all for the darkest dreams you have. A night with her will make you fly high.
Chris handed the 'menu' back to the bartender, tapping on the name. "Is uh...that a good option?" Chris anxiously waited as the bartender pursed his lips, thinking. "Nyx is not an easy woman to tame," he advised. "Most men like to take the lead, Nyx won't let that happen." Chris sighed in relief, "That's perfect."
It didn't take long for the arrangements to be made, for you to be alerted of your new customer. Your boss told you he was waiting in the room nearby, and to hurry up on getting ready. You ignored your boss, used to his annoying antics.
You applied your lipstick, ignoring the excitement in your belly. It's been a while since someone has requested you, since you've seen a new face. Most of the men that see you are older, too old to actually do anything than lay there. You needed something new, something that wasn't a fossil.
So when you heard that the man who requested you was in his mid 20's, you beamed with glee. A small part of you, though, was nervous. You have encountered men that came with the intention of making you submit, liking the challenged you proved to be. You would never though, unless they paid extra.
Still, you were hopeful that he wouldn't be like that. That this man, whose name is supposedly 'Koala', would let you do your job properly. It's why you dressed up extra nice, spraying your expensive perfume, and wearing your favorite heels.
You looked at yourself in your vanity mirror, satisfied. You left your room with the sound of your heels clicking, making your way to the room with the man you were going to have sex with. Once you approached the door, you gently knocked, waiting for the nervous come in that soon followed.
He sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his hands on his black jeans. He straightened up upon seeing you, his eyes scanning your body. You closed the door and smiled sweetly at him, "Hey there 'Koala', how's it going?"
You walked towards him, sitting on the bed. Oliver, the bartender that told you about you client, informed you that it was 'Koalas' first time. Basically saying to take it slow, to not scare him away. Even without Oliver telling you, you could tell it was his first time. He wore dark clothes, kept his face completely hidden save for his brown eyes that peeked through.
"Uh, ya know, it's going," he laughs dryly. You hum, gently placing your hand on his shoulder. He stiffened under you, not daring to look your way. "I get it, you're stressed," you purr. "How about a massage? Do you wanna start there?" It took a moment for him to nod, pulling of his shirt and leaving it on the floor.
Your jaw almost dropped to the floor seeing his physique had it not been for your Nyx persona. He was well-built, strong. He had lean muscles that trailed over his body. It took a second for you to take your place behind him, carefully kneading his shoulders. Still, he had his mask on.
"Are you gonna keep that on the whole time?" You asked. You moved your hands lower down his back, pressing your thumb into the parts that seemed tense. God, his skin is so smooth. He nodded, "Yeah, if that's okay." It was a dead giveaway that he was someone popular, someone with a big name. A lot of the people that came here were famous, but took off their mask once alone in the room.
"Of course that's okay," you soothe. "It does make me wonder why though. Do you think you're unattractive?" You leaned down to kiss his back, letting your lips linger on his skin. He sucked in a breath, "I don't think I'm...pretty." You kept giving him kisses, noticing that he shivered when you were on his neck.
"Do you normally care what people think about you that much?" You pressed. Your hands were exploring his backside, his arms. "Yeah, I do," he confessed. You were surprised to hear him admit that, but you took it as a sign that he's getting more comfortable with you.
You nodded, applying some pressure on his shoulders to lay him down on his back. The man let you maneuver him, his hands placed by his sides. "What a stressful way to live," you fake sympathy. You're positioned yourself over him torso, pressing kisses to his abdomen. "Is that why you called for me? Wanted someone else to take control of your life for a night?" You didn't see him nod his head, too busy with tasting his skin.
'Koala' had gotten less tense, even sighing contently you met the waistband of his pants. You unbuttoned the top his pants and he lifted up his hips to make it easier. You pulled them down to see his boxers, slightly tented up. You smiled, moving downwards to be face to face with his half hard on.
With gentleness you touched him through his boxers. He was warm even through his clothing, and happily rubbed him in appreciation. He groaned, thrusting his hips up to get more friction. You bit back your laughter, pleased with his desperation. It makes it all easier on you to take control. Not that you needed to try hard anyway, he was more than willing to let you take the reins.
"Do you want me to take these off baby?" Your voice was slurty. With a breath caught in his throat, he nodded. "Nuh-uh," you tsked. "I wanna hear you say it." 'Koala' lifted his head up his hooded eyes meeting yours. "Please take them off. Nyx, I need you to do whatever you want to me. If I don't like something I'll let you know, but you're doing amazing so far."
That's all the permission you needed to strip him nude. His words left you flushed, even speechless. It's been a while since someone complimented you in such a way, as if they depending on you. It was a weird power trip, but you indulged in it nonetheless. You placed yourself between his legs, grabbing his length in awe. His cock was a pretty color, slightly darker than his torso. His tip was flourished in pink, eager to be played with.
You weren't even touching him much, gentle hands squeezing and stroking. It must've been a very long time since he's been with someone because of how much he was moaning. A part of you felt pity for the man, it's obvious how lonely he's been. You start to wonder what type of job he must have, how isolating it must be.
Since when I start caring about their personal life, you snap out of your thoughts.
With his heavy cock in your hands, you angled it to your mouth. You let your hot breath waft over his dick, watching 'Koala' squirm from the sensation. A part of you wants to tease him, to ghost around him and drive him crazy. You know better than to of that though, he needs unbearable pleasure to forget his life, even if for an hour.
So you lick a stripe up his length, running your tongue over his sensitive head. He whimpered, a beautiful sound that encouraged you do to more. "I can't believe you don't think you're pretty. You should hear the sounds you make. So pretty," you praise him. The man responds well, smiling lazily.
You feel his hands shift onto your head, gently stroking your hair. Ah, he's the romantic type, you think. You place the head of his cock into your mouth to ket your mouth adjust to his shape. He tastes clean and you find loving his musk. You moan on his dick, pressing your head down a little further until you feel your throat tightening.
Chris keened at your lips as he pulled your hair back in a make shift pony tail. He watched as your head bobbed up and down in a fluid motion. He knew his cock was a little thicker than average, and to see you so desperately fit in all in your mouth was more than enough to make him want to finish then and there.
He can tell were trying not to gag around his cock, instead having your eyes water at the stretch. You called him pretty? You should see yourself. Lips red, swollen, glossy as you roll it over the head of his cock. How your waterline threatens to have tears spill every time you blink up at him. The way Chris can see the head of his cock poking out of your cheek. Yeah, you should be the one called pretty.
With his cock wet and hard, you've decided that it was enough to get to the main course. It took strength to pull away from him as your mouth begged to be full again. The man below you missed the touch too, he whined and thrusted his hips up to get you back on his dick. You giggled, using your dominant hand to give him a couple of good stroked before you sat up.
Your customer's eyes never left you, and despite being the only one who still wore clothes, you felt nude. He was looking at you, a person; not you, the object. It made you feel confident, nervous, shy, respected. Maybe it's the fact that because his eyes are all that you can see, it intensifies his gaze more. Still, it was a feeling you hadn't experienced since taking on this job.
"You having a good time baby?" You don't really need to ask. You can tell how eager he is when you straddled him, pinning his chest down with your hands. He reach up to kneed your ass, squishing the soft flesh. "Fuck, you have no idea," he moans. It was then that you notice a slight accent, information you'll tuck away for later.
"I think I do," you challenge. "Look at hard you are, you got my little pussy all wet just from sucking you off." To prove your point, you lifted the little flimsy skirt you had on to flash your cunt. You used one hand to separate your folds, showing your arousal to the man before you.
On instinct, he moved his hand from your ass to touch you. He literally moaned merely from touching you, playing with the wetness. "Shit," he swore. "Is that all for me?" A sudden rush of heat bubbled in your stomach and chest. He must've said it in the heat of the moment, but you couldn't stop the blush in your cheeks from forming.
You bit your lower lips and nodded. You pulled your hand away from your pussy and placed you fingers in your mouth. 'Koala' watched as you tasted yourself, his eyes desperate and wanting. "I would offer you a taste, but I don't think that can happen, can it?" You teased. A look of regret flashed in his eyes for a second. "Don't tempt me," he played right back.
You laughed softly with him, lifting your hips up to finally put his cock where it belonged tonight. You grabbed the base of his cock the angle is towards your entrance, rubbing it to mix your essence. You should wear a condom. You always wear a condom with customers, this man should be no exception. Still, you can't find it in yourself to stop just to grab a rubber. Next time, you promise yourself.
If there is a next time.
Chris clenched his teeth under the mask as you slowly sunk onto him. It was only his tip that was in and he could already feel how tight you were. His eyes were on you as you placed your hands on his torso, carefully relaxing onto him. He heard you loudly hum when you finally took him all in, cunt clenching sporadically around him. A blissful sound left Chris's lips. The feeling of being warm, hugged in all the lewdest way possibles was almost emotional.
Now that you were finally full of him, you rocked against him experimentally. He was girthy, much more than ones you were used to. 'Koala' let you adjust to him, keeping a firm hand on your sides as you grind on him. He really is letting you take fun control, your own personal, warm dildo. You could get used to that.
Your walls were finally accustomed to his cock. You could feel how your pussy molded with him inside pretty much perfectly. You started with gentle bounces, warming up your legs. It was already known that you client was pretty vocal, but you underestimated just how loud he could get. How much he could groan from mere seconds of your riding.
The man cursed, heavy breathing to a point where you thought the mask might be a hazard. "Fuck...shit! I'm s-sorry, it's just so- oh-" he cut himself off with a series of whines. Yeah, there's absolutely no doubt in your mind that he hasn't been getting any in probably years. Instead, you comfort him, something you wouldn't normally do for pathetic customers. "That's okay babe, just means I'm doing a good job huh?"
He nods frantically, half listening and half in a different headspace. It doesn't take you long to start riding in a rougher manner. You could hear how your ass slaps against his thighs. It does take a lot power to keep your composure. To not get lost in the pleasure this man is so willing to be for you. Even in this state, you need to keep it at least somewhat professional.
'Koala' just feels too good. With how his raw dick is sliding easily in and out of you, how he stretches you out in pleasurable angles, when his head hits the very deepest parts of you. Being cowgirl has usually given you the advantage in most cases. Like this, you're able to have your customer not fully settled in, just having a maximum of half their cock inside until they finish. With this guy, you just had to have all of him inside. It was a need.
Your knees were planted on the bed, your hands now placed to hold spill your boobs from the bralette you wore. You cupped your breasts, playing with your nipples as you rocked on him. The man below you groaned, using one hand to move up to also play with your chest. He gently squeezed you, feeling how you settled against his palm. When he decided he had a good feel, he moved his fingers to your nipples.
Not that you could see, but he was salivating. Mouth so desperate to taste at least some of you. He wanted to take your bud in his mouth and bite, lick, suck. You would sound so good, so pretty. You already did, truthfully. He could tell you were holding back though. You tended to barely keep your lips parted as you signed in pleasure. Your moans were soft, careful. He wanted more, he needed to hear how good you were feeling.
You weren't about to let him do that though, not when you bringing him so close to orgasm. His dick was turning an angry red with the blood flow and his hands had gotten more possessive. He helped you with your ride, bouncing you up and down on his cock even though you both knew he wasn't supposed to do that.
Still, you let him have an ounce of control. Plus it helped hit him deeper in your pussy.
"You feel it baby? Gonna come inside my pretty little pussy?" You were breathless as you spoke. You were sure he didn't even hear you with all the groaning he was doing, but he actually began to nod his head. "Fuck yeah....So deep," he whined. "Gonna give you all of it." With determination, he thrusted upwards. You squealed at the impact, biting your lower lip to suppress the moans you wanted to release.
His grip was strong on you, but you knew better than to actually let a man raw dog you and cum inside. You're not in love with him or anything.
So imagine the cry he let out when you grabbed his wrists to rip off your sides, lifting yourself completely off his wet cock. You feel empty without him, but it's a sacrifice you have to make. With your hand, you jerk him off. His dick is slippery and warm, like a trophy of the pussy you gave him.
Chris fisted the sheets, back practically arching off the bed as your soft hands stroked him. It hurt, he was overstimulated. So much pleasure that it was unbearable, especially on the head of his cock. You were merciless and you knew that you were giving him too much. Still, he couldn't stop the deep sob from his chest. The cum the shot through his cock onto his chest, your hands.
You purred at the sight, slowing your strokes at collect his orgasm. He was still crying under you, his pretty eyes glazed with tears. "Oh what a good boy," you praise. "All this for me?" You mocked his earlier words. He laughed, though it sounded more like a sigh.
"Maybe I could have a taste." With that, you leaned down to place you mouth on his semi hard dick. He hissed at the contact, showing how sensitive he was. That didn't matter, you still sucked a little harder than you should've. You could taste his cum in your mouth, surprised that it didn't taste bad. He's staying hydrated at least.
You let a few more licks take place before pulling away. The poor man looked like he was silently begging for you to stop and continue all at once. You wiped the cum off your hands on your skirt, and you felt somewhat guilty for wasting it. Your customer was still catching his breath when you hopped off the bed. You went to the bathroom, grabbing a rag and wetting it with warm water.
You didn't need to wipe yourself that much, it was really for your customer.
You made your way back to the room to see 'Koala' sitting up, seemly dazed. You knew that look, it was pretty common to see when you first started here. It was a look of disbelief. The 'I just really paid for sex with a slut' type of look. You sat besides him, rubbing the cloth in gentle motion on his tummy.
Snapping out of his daze, he looked at you. You glanced up at him, then back to your task. "You doing okay?" You asked. He leaned back so you could get a better view of his mess. "Yeah," he nods. "I was just thinking." You hum in understanding, "The post-nut clarity." His eyes go wide, as if feeling bad for making it so obvious.
You shake your head, "I get it, really. It's not a big deal. Just letting you know though, I'm not giving you back the money just cuz you regret it."
"No!" He almost shouts. "No I mean, I don't regret it. And I wouldn't make you give me back the money. It was good, you were great. It's just been a while for me."
You finish wiping, holding up the cum rag to show him. "Yeah, I can see that it's been a while." 'Koala' embarrassingly laughs, his hand reaching up to play with his ear. Suddenly, you grow curious about what he looks like. You can tell his hair is a dark color, but is it straight? Curly? Wavy? Not that it matters, he got his lay. He probably won't be back again.
"Well, we got about 15 minutes left pretty boy. Anything else you wanna do?" You question, flopping back down on the bed suggestively. He smiled under the mask, and you can tell by the way his eyes crinkle. "Actually yeah, I really wanted to eat you out." His answer leaves you a little shocked, but you recover quickly.
"Is that so? And how are you gonna do that with your mask on?" You playfully interrogate. His eyes blink a few times, then he comes to a resolution. "You have to promise not to look." He pauses. "You just can't look."
Damn, he must really be well known. "Fine," you give in. You grab a nearby pillow and hold it to your chest. You law down on the bed and open you legs. You can hear 'Koala' practically fall to his knees on the ground, his hands encasing your waist. It sucks that you have to have the pillow blocking his face. He would look so pretty with your pussy in his face.
"Let's see what you can do in 15 minutes."
a/n: hheeyy so this my first kpop fic lmao. took a while to write, I really wanted to make it realistic as possible, but that's hard. anywho, sorry about my updates being slow. I got strep throat lets gooooo. feedback is appreciated!
update: second post to this story here! update 2!: third part here
taglist: @whatamidoing89, @panda-wolf, @fatgumsbby, @nekohollowsychogoth
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I have to ask the question of:
Cuddle headcanons you can pick the links.
Cuddling with Time,Hyrule and Legend
He is the worst cuddler you'll ever meet in your life
This man doesn't know how to cuddle
He's never had much positive physical interactions and he's socially stunted due to his isolating environment
When the closest thing you've had to cuddling were cult members holding you down trying to sacrifice you for their leader, you tend to not be all that great with touching in general.
This guy is awkward as awkward gets with just hand holding let alone cuddling
He'll be stiff as a board just kinda laying there letting you do your thing when you first try to cuddle him
He doesn't know what to do with his hands so he keeps them at the side but he'll occasionally bring them up to give you a few pats.
It's completely awkward and silent
It feels like your hugging a manikin more than cuddling with a person
He's just looking straight up while you're laying on top of him & he's just trying he's hardest to learn to relax into it but he's just not.
He just isn't, I am sorry
He'll start overthinking the whole time he's trying to figure out how to do it
He might be sweating a bit 
Oh hylia, is he sweating?
Is he supposed to sweat? 
Is that normal during cuddles? 
But it's only been 1 minute 30 seconds in, oh shit does he smell now? I mean he always kinda smells but he doesn't want to be THAT smelly, wait what if you're just putting up with his bad BO this whole time and you're suffocating now
Wait no he took a bath in the creek two hours ago or was it two weeks ago?? Oh hylia suddenly he can't remember??
Wait, is he suffocating you? What if you're already passed out? Why aren't you moving? Why aren't you making any noise?? Hold on, is it supposed to be this awkward? Is it supposed to be this quiet??? Can people die from bad  BO?Maybe he should just end thi-
And then he feels you shift in your position and suddenly you're both on your sides as you guide his arms around your shoulders then moved yours to wrap around his abdomen 
Oh this is different
And suddenly he relaxes a bit and leans in with his chin resting on the top of your head
This isn't so bad
As he breathes in inhaling your scent he allows his arms to wrap around you gently
“I'm not suffocating you right?” He asks
“no, you're not” you tell him as you lean in closer to him snuggling into his arms
“You smell nice by the way” you whisper to him
His body goes laxed into your embrace as a small smile creeps up on his face
It'll take him a while to get use to this but if you're patient enough he'll get there
Absolutely not
He doesn't do cuddles
He doesn't do hugs or any touchy feely stuff with anyone really 
Don't even think about touching him if he doesn't know you or you aren't close and even then that's still a shot in the dark to even think he'll open up to the idea of cuddles 
He used to be a lot more open about physical affection in the past before life beat him into being a prickly jerk, but now? You'll have to catch him dead before he's shown being sugary sweet to anyone in a 100yrd radius
You would have to be someone who's REALLY special to legend or a very young child since he has a soft spot for kids but even then that's still a maybe 
It's not that he doesn't want to be affectionate it's just he has his own way of showing he cares without getting mushy & that usually involves sarcastic comments or witty banter
A lot of nudges with his elbow, an arm over your neck & shoulders,some pats on the back or maybe a slight playful punch is what you're really all going to get out of Legend 
He's built up a big hardened shell around him & physical intimacy just kinda breaks it all down leaving him exposed 
He doesn't like feeling vulnerable and exposed 
So he avoids it like the plague
He sees his vulnerability as a weakness and is disgusted by it to the core so he stuffs it away where no one can find it
But he's a complete tsundere & secretly wants it but at the same time doesn't want to get it
So if you want to cuddle with him you'll have to be someone he feels he can trust with everything that he is
You're going to have to slowly build you're way up before you start cuddling with him 
You start off with hand brushes, light shoulder pats, a hand on his forearm when your leading him somewhere
Move your hands down to holding his fingers,not exactly holding his hand but the touch is enough get him use to your hold before moving to hold his palms then the next thing you know you're holding hands with legend without much protest
You'll have to keep up that steady rhythm before you get to the cuddling stage
All while this is happening he lets you do it & he doesn't realize just how touch starved he is for more
He's a bit stiff and awkward once you do cuddle for the first time, he's not as bad as Hyrule but it's been a LOOOONG time since he's been this intimate with anyone in years.
He'll be tense at first but after a few minutes he leans into it as you both hold each other close while cuddling
His face might blush a bit at how close you're being but he's absolutely smiling softly like an idiot during the whole ordeal
Don't make fun or tease him about it if this is your first because he WILL get up & leave
Don't test him
I am serious
It feels soft & warm while your holding him
His head is resting on your chest listening to your heartbeat as you play with his hair
His eyes lull a bit and he feels at peace, like he's relaxing a muscle he's been tensing this entire time.
“I'll kill you if you tell anyone about this” he says but his soft tone of speaking betrays his attempt at sounding threatening
All you do is give a slight hum of agreement to him not paying any mind as you continue to stroke his hair by the fire at the cabin inn.
It's uncomfortably comfortable when your cuddling with Time with his armor
Despite the cold metallic pokes against your skin as you’re resting against his chest this wasn't all that bad
Time a pretty reserved person when it comes to physical affection which only gets shown to people he sees as family or mange to warm their way into his heart
You’d have to be someone really high on his list of love ones to get accesses to cuddle privileges from
He usually tends to keep his arms to himself with only a small burst of physical affection occasionally when the moment called for it and even then it's limited to a select few
He’s not as rigid or stiff as you’d expect him to be due to his stoic demeanor while cuddling
In fact he's actually surprisingly good at this whole cuddling business then maybe even you
He grew up in a forest full of children and Malon where hugging and cuddling was very the norm
Despite his dark past and somewhat limited experience with affection he’s still always been someone who’s had a knack for being comforting when the moment is needed
When he takes his armor off the cuddling experience gose from a 6/10 to a 100/10
But you only get Time without his armor cuddles at night,early mornings or when your resting in a town
If you want cuddles suddenly throughout the day you’re going to have to deal with cold edgy metal against your face, Hylia forbid the summer sun hits and the metal is burning against your skin
If anyone at all tries to make any snide remarks about your cuddling he’s shutting it down in half a second
It will be a cold day in hell before he allows someone to embarrass you or him out of your special time together
He can be a bit goofy while cuddling,it's the only few times he’s got his guard down and just relaxes
He’ll poke and tickle your sides to make you laugh, this sometimes devolves from cuddling into a semi wrestling tickle fight
If your someone he’s got a bit of a romantic interest in, he’ll sometimes lightly blow a breath behind your ear and tease you a bit to get you flustered but won't go too far if he’s making you uncomfortable
After all he’s a menace not a creep
He’ll rub small circles on your lower and upper back while your resting your head against his chest 
You'll feel his strong fingers press into the knots and a few satisfying pops can be heard
He does this throughout your spine & you feel your muscles ease against his touches
It doesn't matter how long the cuddle session is or how in shape you are, as soon as it's over your back always feels 10x better than it did before you came
You swear he’s using magic but it's just a few tricks he’s learned in his travels to help with his own back issues
His favorite positions are any where he has you under him or against his chest
He likes the feeling of being able to survey you as it feeds into his protective habits
If you fall asleep while cuddling that's all the better because it shows you trust him enough to watch over you and you feel comfortable enough to feel at ease in his embrace
Unfortunately cuddling with time is far and few, he’s a busy guy having to take care of a group of rowdy adventurers so any intimate one on one time has to wait in the back burner until the right moment arrives
So any cuddle time you get is spent in 20 minutes to an hour,maybe half a day if a miracle like that somehow happens 
Treasure the seconds you have with him because once it's over you're not going to know if you'll get it back again in 40 minutes or 40 days later
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aajjks · 11 months
The Conqueror (XX)
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Synopsis: He had conquered everything, anything but your heart.
Pairings: Yandere!King Jungkook x Commoner!servant Reader.
warnings. yändërê bëhäv*öür, töxīc!jk, öbsëssïön, mänhändlïng, mëntïöns öf cryïng, mürdêr, mïnd gämës, ässh*lë jungkook. D-RK THËMËS ÂHÊÂD.
series masterlist.
note. plz hi, forgive me for the delay xx send asks for tc characters, send feedback n ENJOY!
taglist: @mageprincess7 @starsggukk @sprinkleoftee @koremis @minshookie29 @sana-b @bangtannoonalvg @oonaaurora @jeonsweetpea @sugaslittlekookies @outro-kook @kthyg @lunaashes @debicaptain-saturn @laurynne5 @captainsjoongs @myblackconfessions @lanalanexpjm @namjooncrabs @shadowmoon21 @kookunot @natalie-rdr @angelicasdre @iwasfuckinginnocentonce @mermaidtea @foulnightharmony @ungodlyjoon @quechulitaaa @telepathytae @silversparkles11 @j3alous-ang3l @bunzom @1-in-abillion @breadgeniedope @jiminie-08 @artgukk @lovesthetword @bunijmin @pinkcherrybombs @afangirllikeme-blog @twilight-love-nochu-main @wedarkacademia @hollxe1 @bighitfics @darkuni63 @golden-thv @investedreader @sweetempathprunetree @koocreampie (I can’t tag anymore people, it’s full 😭😭)
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Jungkook hides his face into your neck and clutches your body tightly, not giving you any time to think about what’s happening, all you can hear and feel is his panicked breath and his tight hold on your body.
You’re freaking out as your brain slowly starts to process what’s happening, his body feels too hot so close to yours, he’s burning.
“W-What’s wrong, what a-are you doing here?” You try to move away from him but the large man doesn’t let you, you tilt your head back to look at him, and you can’t help but gasp.
He’s crying.
A monster like him is crying.
“Y-YN!” He cries out your name, looking at you with his red tear filled eyes, you cannot understand how can someone so cruel like him look so vulnerable like this, the expression on his face almost pulls at your heartstrings.
“I-I need you!” Jungkook can barely manage to speak coherent words, his voice is thick with emotion, you don’t want to look at him. He disgusts you.
But his eyes are begging you, you find it hard to keep your composure from becoming weak, you try to get his hands away from you, but he only pulls you closer to him.
“Let me go.” You demand, “I can’t help you.” You turn your gaze away from him, fate is too cruel, how can you even feel bad for the man who’s responsible for your ruin, for your family’s death?
You should be happy to see him like this, because the only thing he deserves is pain.
But yet, a small part of you is urging you to listen to him,
“NO! You need t-to comfort me YN!” You turn again to glare at him as the small glimmer of sympathy dies down within you, his tone is demanding and he’s looking at you like you’re some heartless monster.
The audacity of him.
How can he even demand your care, your comfort when he doesn’t deserve it, you want to strangle him, you wish you could but you’re not too brave.
You can’t kill him, even if you want to. Because you’re not like him, you’re not a killer. “No, get away from me, your majesty.” You whisper, trying your best to conceal your anger.
His gaze turns angry soon at that, oh oh looks like you’ve pissed him off. Good for you.
He deserves it.
“What d-did you say? HUH?” Jungkook glares daggers into your face, he gets up and pins you to your bed, putting your hands above your head, you immediately start struggling against him, he doesn’t deserve anything! Jungkook pushes his knee between your struggling legs and growls.
“Get away from you huh? NEVER!” He knows you’re not strong enough to stand up for yourself against him, “fucking heartless bitch!”
You hate him so much.
He’s crazy, selfish and incredibly self entitled. How could he expect you to ever love him or accept him as your future husband.
“LET ME GO YOU PSYCHO!” You spit at him, “I fucking hate you so much, you ruined my life!” You hate how he treats you, you’re not an object that he can play with however he wants to.
He needs a reality check.
“You hate me because of HIM! Don’t you? That fucking bastard better be burning in hell!” You bite the inside of your cheek, “I HATE YOU BECAUSE OF YOU!”
Jungkook starts to laugh, your heartbeat is rapid, your throat feels so scarify and dry, and this maniac on top of you is busy laughing.
“O-Oh wow…” he breathes, you can see his teeth clearly, his mouth is so wide with the way he’s laughing, you start to feel concerned.
Jungkooks laughter is uncontrollable, and he’s trapped you. You wish that he would let you go, forget about you, but when you look at him? You know well he’s never going to leave you.
Only if you die, but he wouldn’t leave you even in death.
There is no escaping him.
“I wonder how much you’ll hate your precious father if I told you the truth about him, eh baby?” He taunts you, the tears in his eyes are still there, glossing over his eyes but he’s smirking at you.
His words surprise you, is this one of his mind games? What does he mean by that? “W-What do you mean?!” You feel hot tears gather, he’s so cruel, “answer m-me!” Your voice breaks pathetically.
You know he’s enjoying this, Jungkook frees on his hands to touch your cheek, caressing the skin tenderly, he swipes his thumb across the liquid that falls from your eyes, not responding to you.
“Not now baby. Maybe another day, or..” he looks at you intensely, inhaling a deep breath, he’s got you holding your breath, you feel so sick.
“I’ll tell you about it on our wedding night. yes. So I hope you’re looking forward to us getting married, because I am.” He presses a kiss on your cheek.
“Now I’ve got to leave.”
A tear escapes your eye as he climbs off you, relief doesn’t come. All you feel is pain as you hear the king’s footsteps become distant.
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Attending the royal court was the most boring part of Jungkooks life, all he wanted to do was spend time with you, talk to you, and lay in your embrace.
But he knew today was really important, so he decided to attend, it was exciting. Even if he was exhausted.
Jungkook walked in with authority as the court’s doors opened, he cringed as the voice of the head guard graced his ears,
He was being too loud and Jungkook was sleep deprived.
But everyone needed to know that their King was here.
“Stand attentive, 주상 전하 [Jusang jeonha] of Jeon Dynasty is entering the 왕실 [wangsil]”
Jungkook walked into the huge hallway, looking around to notice all the governors and political figures standing up, bowing their heads to him.
He smirked.
“I am here to announce a very important matter, but before I go ahead. I do not want anyone’s opinions or opposition.” He sits down on his throne, and makes sure to assert his authority.
The voices of the people agreeing echo and he nods, “I intend on marrying.”
The gasps of surprise don’t bother Jungkook in the slightest, “Yes. And my bride is going to be chief consort L/N Y/N.”
Governor Lim stands up abruptly and Jungkook is quick to notice that, he clenched his fist as he watches the old man’s expressions.
He is in the mood to kill someone today. Maybe it’ll be governor Lim.
“Yes, Governor Lim?”
“Pyeha!” (폐하) the old man bows his head down, “L/N isn’t of Nobel blood, I would like to apologise for my words but you as a king can’t possibly marry a- “YES I CAN GOVERNOR, are you just mad that it’s not Lim Moon I wish to marry?”
Jungkook traces his finger on the thrones patterns, “sit down, old man. Or… I’ll make sure you and your whore of a daughter lose your head if you object to my marriage.”
He gives the cowering man a cruel smile, “like I said, no objections.”
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bun-z-bakery · 10 days
can we get some relationship head canons between dogday and angel? Who fell and confessed first? Going by your fic how would Angels friends react? Also maybe some spicy head canons if that's ok? Would dogday be a sub or Dom? How flirty is he? You can also add your own head canons too, I was just curious about what you think for those.
Absolutely! Also plz don't be shy about sending requests I love answering them! I'm very slow so I apologize! Also I have the worst memory so if I already mentioned something in this hc post I did in the previous ones. I'm just super forgetful, sorry!
Plz remember these are just my personal silly headcanons for fun :3
More dogday headcanons woo!
CW: MDNI a few mentions of some spicy stuff ahead, nothing super explicit but you've been warned!
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-Dogday most definitely fell first. He probably started falling for his angel once they gave him his legs back and from there it just snowballed.
-dogday is 100% confessing first. In subtle ways like staying by your side to protect you and helping around the house, lotssss of compliments, and probably being a bit more touchy with angel.
-If Angel doesn't get the hint, he'd just plan out a confession and an at home date with whatever you have.
-so going based on my fic, angel's friends/family would probably either be supportive or try to have some kind of intervention. There is no in between. That's either
“Wow, I'm happy for you!” (is happy you found someone who makes you happy but also slightly concerned)
“Wow, you should really find someone else anyone else, plz we're begging!”
(Is actually VERY concerned / calling the nearest hospital and government officials. )
-Soft Dom dogday anyone?
(Ngl I could probably see Ethan being like “I'm happy pookie but what the actual f*@k is wrong with you?” but just smiling through his state of panic💀)
-If vanilla isn't the type of fragrance you're a fan of or want to wear that day, he will have a collection of fragrances that he likes (and totally didn't buy with our card while you were sleeping) and will douse you in before you step out.
-he's touchy, he just loved the feeling of having his angel in his hands.
-If you have to go out, he'll try to rub his scent all over you and will say it's "just a hug".
-he would want you to wear something with a sun on it, whether it be a necklace, choker, ring, hair clip, orange scrunchie, tattoo, whatever it is, it doesn't matter as long as it's orange or has a sun on it. He can't be there wherever you go so why not take something that reminds you of him? Totally not his way of marking you of course!
-depending on what his angel is into, he'd probably be super hesitant to be rough or say anything degrading, I'd say he leans more into vanilla because of fear but if you're into it and are vocal about it then don't expect him to stop anytime soon if you're enjoying yourselves.
-praises you for how good you're doing. You're really his angel in more ways than one, especially when you're so obedient for him. How could he not praise you? You most definitely deserve all the praise and another round gift.
-on a scale from 1-10 he'd be like a 5 on the flirtyness scale, but would go into a 7, once he starts he won't stop and would most definitely become putty in your hands if you flirted back.
-he would crack dark jokes at the worst times, and he'd probably make some pretty bad normal ones too. A silly guy once he's comfortable around angel and would do anything to make you laugh, even if he had to embarrass himself.
-You're sad? Haha nope not anymore. Look! He's singing while doing cartwheels and failing miserably!
-Was a good cook as a human. He would try to help out in the kitchen and knock some stuff over in the process. To avoid making a mess he'd just hand you the ingredients or utensils.
-He would also try to remember how his favorite meals tasted so he could make and share them with angel.
-not sure if I mentioned this in the past hc posts BUT I could see him wanting to have some sort of wedding to make things “as official as possible”. He'd also want to pick out rings and would wear his ring on a necklace chain, never to be taken off. He doesn't have a need to anyways.
-At some point he has thought of what living as his former self would be like and what your lives together would have looked like. He would bring it up eventually in hopes of taking that weight off of his heart. Of course he's happy with you and what you have now. Doing things together no matter how small or insignificant they may seem they mean the entire world to him. Sometimes he can't shake the thought of how different life could've been though. (We still love him either way <3)
-he would pull the "your husband" card 100%. Need help reaching a high shelf?
"Your husband's got it!"
-he'd be so happy about it too.
-silly, but if someone's looking for you, and you're not home (probably a delivery man or person who stumbled upon your house) he'd most definitely answer from behind the door.
“He's a nice fellow! Take care!”
*delivery man knocks on the door and you answer*
“I came by earlier, but your husband said you weren't home to sign, here you go!”
*you blink in confusion and start to panic*
“Y-you met him!?”
*dogday creeps up behind you and laughs*
“I heard you have a husband. I wonder who he could be…”
A/N: that's all for now! Im glad you guys enjoy my silly stories and headcanons! I do appreciate you all! thanks for reading! 🐇
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 11 months
can you make one with matt murdock where they're good friends but one night they're drinking and having fun and then the reader kiss him but when they making out he ends up saying someone else name and the reader leaves, later on they talk and reader apologizes for misreading their relationship and continue to be friends but theres tension in it until bradley finally admits that he likes her and he try to make up for all the time lost
~Friends Don't Treat Me Like You Do~
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: none really, embarrassment?? Alcohol consumption, mentions of injuries (nothing major)
Genre: mostly fluff very minor angst
Summary: You've had a crush on your friend for a very long time and when you finally make your move it goes terribly wrong; And that's why friends should sleep in other beds // and friends shouldn't kiss me like you do ... // my friends won't love me like you - Friends by Ed Sheeran
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A/N: I know it's a typo of some sort but it's sending me to the moon that the name Bradley is jus thrown into this ask cuz I can't even figure out what it's replacing lmaoooo anyway thank you for requesting! I hope you like it anon! :3 (also I didn't edit this plz be nice)
Your friendship with Matt Murdock is in some ways rather unconventional. You've been friends for many years, but these days most of your interactions consist of him stumbling over to your apartment at odd hours covered in bruises you don't ask about- not because you don't want to know but because you're pretty certain you've guessed it and you're not sure what acknowledging it would mean. So you don't ask, instead, you give him food, and tend to his wounds, and talk to him about whatever comes to mind until he inevitably falls asleep on your couch for a few hours and sneaks out early enough to go back to his place for his day job as a defense attorney with his two friends. Both of whom you'd consider friends- although not nearly as close as you are with Matt.
Tonight Matt's invited you over to his place. Apparently, he's been feeling a bit guilty that most of the time you've spent together in recent days has been just him coming over in the middle of the night. As if you'd ever actually be annoyed with taking care of your friend. Your friend you feel for more than he can ever know. Still, he insisted you come over for dinner so you did, he ordered your favorite from a takeout place near his place and now you're eating and drinking wine you brought along with you. Well, you're drinking wine, Matt's been helping himself to the beers filling his fridge.
"Whenever you come over I do all that talking Matty so today you can do the talking this time. Tell me what you've been getting up to lately." You tell him once you've covered asking each other how your day was.
"I don't do anything interesting y/n- I go to work, spend all day reading or writing lengthy opening statements or discussing things with Foggy and our clients until ungodly hours according to Karen. Sometimes they drag me out to Josie's but- there's really nothing I 'get up to' and you know that."
"Why do you do that?" You frown.
"Make yourself seem so dull when you're not."
"Excuse me?"
"I've known you for a long time Matt and I can't think of single period of our lives where you had nothing interesting going on and yet you always talk about yourself as if you're the color beige personified. It's like you're worried that if people think you're too interesting they'll," you trail for a moment "find out something."
"What does that mean?"
"Nothing in particular. You're just way more interesting than you want people to think. For some reason."
"And what about you?"
"What about me?"
"You're not exactly an open book either."
"You got something to ask me about Matty?"
"No." He shakes his head. You stare at him for a long moment.
"We should play a game!" You announce.
"I don't really- have games?" Matt says.
"There are tons of games that don't require having anything Matt we just have to pick one."
"Like what?"
"We can play 20 questions- the right way, last letter first letter, I'm not a fan of Ghost but we can do that too, or word replacement- to name a few."
"I'm- not familiar with those besides 20 questions?"
"Well, last letter first letter you pick a category and we name items except the last letter of one item has to be the first letter of the next one so like if we're naming office supplies and I say stapler you'd say something like ruler. And Ghost is a spelling game, kinda like hot potato meets Horse the basketball game- so like you take turns spelling a word and you don't wanna be the one who finishes the word- if you do then you get a letter from the word ghost- first person to finish ghost loses. And then word replacement is just a silly game where you pick a movie or show title and change one of the words to the silliest thing you can think of." You explain quickly.
"Let's do the title one. Requires the least amount of thinking and I don't have to compete with you." He says.
"Then I'll start. Fast and Constipated." You giggle.
"Fast and Constipated!?" Matt's laugh is incredulous.
"Yeah, fast and furious but not so fun."
"Okay um- John Tucker Must... Juggle."
"That's way less fun than him dying." You laugh.
"What a Chupacabra wants."
"Goats- obviously."
"Shut up." You giggle.
"Now you- resent me 2."
"Oh that's- why would you say that?" You chuckle.
"I dunno I'm too drunk to think of movies." He mutters.
"All I've got are rom-coms in my head and those titles are not nearly as fun to fuck with. Two weeks- paleontologist?" 
"Paleontologist!? What movie was that even supposed to be?"
"Two weeks notice. Duh."
"I don't think I know that one." He frowns.
"It's about a woman who ends up working as the PA for some rich businessman when she tries to protest something he's trying to build- I forget the details but he turns out to be a giant useless manchild and when he disrupts her personal life for something frivolous she tries to quit but somehow they fall in love or whatever. It's been a while since I've watched it honestly." You shrug.
"Rom-coms are such a curious collection of movies."
"True but that one is pretty average compared to some others I've seen."
"Do you watch a lot of them?"
"I like to laugh at them mostly." You say. "You know what's a weird one? The Notebook."
"Is that not like- a classic?"
"I mean yeah but like the guy gets the girl to go on a date with him by dangling off of a moving ferris wheel."
"And that works?"
"Somehow! I mean I guess she didn't wanna feel responsible for him dropping himself off the wheel in front of an audience but I dunno it seems like he was just looking for reasons to die in that movie." You explain. "Although I never finished that movie maybe he does die. Except then it wouldn't be a rom-com I guess. It would be more tragedy, like in the Shakespearean sense."
"You are always somewhere else." Matt laughs.
"Not always! Oh! I brought that CD you wanted to borrow. We should play it." You sit up suddenly and grab your backpack.
"Are you sure all you've had is that bottle of wine?" Matt asks sitting up slowly from where he's laying on the floor.
"Where's your player?" You ignore his question.
"Should be in the bookcase." He waves absentmindedly.
"Do you want another beer while I'm up?" You ask walking over to the radio to pop the CD.
"Nah. I'm good thanks." He says. Music fills the apartment, and you can't help but sing along to the upbeat tune from Matt's CD player. You dance, well mostly spin, around the apartment giggling as you go.
"Are you dancing?" Matt turns towards you with a smile on his face although you're not looking at him.
"Of course I am- I love this song. Do you wanna dance with me?" You ask walking towards him, still dancing but less now so you can get where you're going.
"No no- I'll leave the dancing to you." Matt says before you make it all the way over to where he's sitting on the floor.
"Suit yourself." You shrug but when you attempt to change directions you trip on your backpack still on the floor and go tumbling towards the ground. Matt moves quicker than you'd expect for a blind guy off several beers but his arms shoot out and yank you towards him before your head hits the hardwood.
"Careful y/n." He says softly as he settles you into his lap.
"Do I need to be if you're here?" You joke smiling at him as you toss your arms over his shoulders.
"Y/n-" Matt's tone is warning in a way only he could get away with using on you.
"Relax Matty, I know to look after myself." You say quietly. Matt frowns slightly as if he's going to protest, but you don't let him get the words out. Alcohol coursing through your system, you seize the opportunity of his closeness and kiss him before you can talk yourself out of it. Matt lets out a noise of surprise, he heard your heart rate spike sure but he couldn't have guessed this was why. His lips move against yours for a second before something catches his attention and he's gasping out a name. Except, it's not your name.
"Karen." He breathes and it reaches your ears like a bucket of ice water dumped on your head. You jerk back suddenly.
"Oh my god-" You say scrambling out of his lap. "I- I am so sorry. I'm gonna go." You grab your bag and b-line it for the exit before Matt can even get to his feet.
"H-hang on a second y/n I-"
"I'll- I'll see you around Matt." You force yourself to say before leaving his apartment. You feel sharper than the amount of wine you've had should allow as you walk the few blocks to your place. Only once you're back in the safety of your own home do you let yourself wallow over how absolutely embarrassing that was. You might have just ruined one of the most important relationships in your life only for him to call out for another girl. You stumble into the shower in hopes of washing away some of the embarrassment you feel, or at the very least distracting yourself enough that you can shelf it and get some sleep. You spend hours tossing and replaying the moment excruciatingly but eventually, exhausting wins out and you do fall asleep. The next couple of days you pretty much ignore Matt's calls and texts. You really bury yourself in work to avoid dwelling on that awful night but you know you can't dodge him forever. Evidently, two days is as much as Matt's willing to give you to do so because on day 3 of avoidance he comes knocking at your door late at night as he sometimes does.
"Look- I know you've been avoiding me and all but-"
"Whatever you're gonna say Matt no need. I'm sorry I overstepped, I- I totally misread things the other night but hey- alcohol will do that sometimes. I'm sorry. We're good though. I'm good. I just needed a minute to lick my wounds of embarrassment. Everything's fine. Come on let's see the damage tonight hm?" You lead him into your apartment ignoring the confused look on his face. You let yourself settle back into your routine with him, patching him up, giving him food, getting him up to speed on the last couple of days of your life, telling stories, and just talking until he falls asleep on your couch. You're determined to shake this stupid crush of yours off and go back to the way things have always been between you. And if you're gonna shake this crush step one is putting yourself out there. Which you do, and for the next few weeks you find yourself on dates almost every night. Tonight's date is going surprisingly well all things considered. He'd planned to take you somewhere that ended up being closed after a freak accident the other day that he didn't know about. It was around the corner from Josie's so you brought him here instead and the conversation has been well worth it- even in a place like this. The one downside is that it's Friday and Foggy and Karen usually drag Matt here for drinks on Friday. You had hoped they'd skip out on that tonight but you of course could only be so lucky. When the bell over the door rings and you turn to see Karen leading Matt into the bar with Foggy behind them you almost want to groan. Dating has been nice but seeing Karen and Matt so close is like picking a scab. You turn back to your date with a smile, intent on ignoring the trio, except of course it couldn't be that simple.
"Oh my gosh! Y/n! Hey!" Karen beams at you.
"Karen! Hi! Foggy, Matt, good to see you all." You smile.
"You didn't tell us you'd be here tonight." She says.
"Well I didn't plan on it otherwise of course I'd have let you know." You tell her. "James this is Karen and that's Foggy and Matt. They're friends of mine. They all work together we've- kind of crashed their spot tonight." You tell your date.
"Oh! Well, any friend of yours is a friend of mine. Nice to meet y'all." James shakes each of their hands. "Did you guys- wanna join us? Since it's pretty crowded in here you might not find another table."
"That's so nice of you James!" Karen says. Very nice indeed.
"I'll track down some chairs." Foggy says. You shift your seat closer to James to make room at the table since apparently they'll be joining you. You try not to pay too much attention to Matt's silence as everyone settles around the table.
"So y/n, you told James how we know you but you didn't mention how you know James. Are you guys work colleagues or something?"
"We have a mutual friend that set us up." James offers.
"Oh my gosh! We're crashing a date?! Why didn't you say so?" Karen shakes her head.
"No no no don't even worry about it, we've been here a couple of hours already. I invited you to sit with us so the night could go on." He says.
"Asking me, also would have worked." You smile.
"You guys are just the cutest." Karen sighs.
"I'm guessing this is a first date since- y/n's never mentioned you before." Matt says.
"It is. Not that I have to tell you about every guy I see." You say.
"You tell me everything." He scoffs.
"That's not true and even if it were that doesn't change the fact that I don't have to."
"So you keep things from me?"
"Am I missing something?" James chuckles.
"Matt and y/n have been friends since they were teenagers. They fight like they're siblings sometimes." Foggy explains.
"Sorry about that James. Matt's just-"
"Like a brother- I get it. I have siblings so I definitely know what it's like." He nods.
"Exactly." You smile.
"Like a brother." Matt quirks an eyebrow at you.
"As good a way as any to describe us." You nod. Matt hums and raises his glass to his lips without another word. The five of you sit and talk over drinks for another hour before you're ready to leave and James is happy to walk you out.
"I had a lot of fun tonight." He tells you.
"Even with the date crashers?" You ask with a goofy grimace.
"Heck yeah! Your friends are great." He laughs. "Next time I'll have my friends crash us. How about that?"
"Next time?"
"If you're willing. I'd really like to see you again."
"I- I'd like that." You nod.
"Cool. I'll- start coming up with second date ideas."
"Hopefully this time the place you pick doesn't impromptu have an incident." You laugh.
"I will quadruple check." He tells you. When you reach your block, but not your building, you stop and turn to him.
"Sounds good. I'll see you around James." You smile. He leans forward and kisses your cheek softly.
"Goodnight y/n." He says and walks away. You make it up to your apartment, kick off your shoes, and take a long shower. You enjoyed talking to James and you actually are interested in seeing him again for sure. Soon you're showered and pajamaed and pretty much ready for bed but before you can flop into it there's a knock at your door. Who could be knocking on your door right now? A quick check shows you it's Matt standing in your hallway.
"Matthew?" You open the door with a frown.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Well- right now I'm wondering what you're doing in my apartment."
"Like a brother to you?! Seriously? Last time I checked most people don't make out with their brothers."
"Depends on where you are I suppose." You shrug. "But regardless Matt that was a mistake we both know that." You shake your head.
"A mistake? Is that how you feel about it?"
"How I- I'm sorry did you forget calling out Karen's name while I was kissing you?! Cuz I've been trying to so if you've got tips to share on how that'd be great."
"Goddammit y/n." He sighs dropping his head.
"Matt you really should go. I know you worry or whatever but- James is, nice and it's late I'd like to go to bed."
"Screw James." Matt scoffs.
"Um- it was only our first date- you're skipping a few steps."
"That is not what I- it's like you do this on purpose."
"What are you doing here Matt?" You sigh. 
"I don't like you dating him. I don't like you dating anyone for that matter. How could you kiss me like that and just... move on like nothing?"
"I dunno it's pretty easy when you call me the wrong name." You say.
"That was not what you think."
"I'm sure."
"It wasn't y/n. I'm serious. I could-" Matt stops and lets out a breath. "I'm Daredevil." He says.
"I know." You nod.
"What? You know?"
"You come in here at the witching hour every few days covered in bruises Matt how many explanations could there possibly be for that?" You roll your eyes.
"You never asked."
"I figured you'd tell me when you were ready." You shrug. "Why tell me now?"
"Since I can't see- my other senses make up for the loss. They're like- very developed. I heard Karen scream somewhere in Hell's Kitchen, she sounded like she was in trouble that's- that's why I called out her name. I thought maybe one of Daredevil's many enemies managed to connect her to me. It wouldn't be the first time, I'm always listening for her and Foggy these days and I just-"
"Well was she in danger?" You ask.
"Nightmare." He mutters. "But by the time I pieced that together you were gone."
"Of course I was. Having a man say someone else's name when you kiss him is not something that encourages-" Matt cuts off your snarky remark by cupping your face in his hands and kissing you. You react quickly, kissing him back, your hands wrapping around his wrists. By the time you pull away from him, you're breathing heavily.
"I'm in love with you. I have been for as long as I can remember. I'm sorry I wasn't clear about it." He says.
"Well in my defense I've spent the last few weeks trying to get over you-" Matt kisses you again, hard, possessive, fiery.
"Don't." He says.
"Obviously." You grab the collar of his shirt and kiss him again. You spent years thinking you'd never get to kiss him, now that you know the truth you fully intend to take advantage and Matt has years of pining he wants to make up for.
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What a (Not so) Strange World
A.N: I guess we can say this is the continuation of the (Not) A Whole New World series (?); that was supposed to be a two-shots thing, but I found myself scribbling the follows below.
P.S: Being honest I don't know if I'm gonna keep writing this reader insert with the reader as Yuu or not. There are some scenes that would feel 'forced' with the idea I had in mind.
Plz send help to this perpetually indecisive soul
To say that you were standing in front of the gates of a school wasn't entirely correct, actually.
It was more correct to say that you were already inside a school
You had come out of the usual forest – or at least to you it seemed the same as always – but this time you had found yourself inside a building, more or less, so this time the forest was inside a well-defined place, rather that on the edge of something, as you were used to by now.
(So ​​the forest was within school boundaries? Was it even a legal thing?)
Well, you were back, so there were two things to do: figure out where you were this time, and how far you were from Crewel or Trein and maybe let them know you were back in Twisted Wonderland and figure out how to get to them – so maybe things to do were a little more than two.
Among the various apps that Drizzy and Stacy had explained to you that were on your cell phone, there was a sort of digital map that could understand your position, you thought it was called 'Maps' – in your world people had made technology progress, but only in some specific areas far away from where you lived.
By activating it you hoped the place you were in didn't have any concealment spells of its location – back home, the Wicked Sea Witch's cave had been given this treatment to prevent other Merfolk from trying to play with her potions – otherwise you should have used the old method : walk until someone had found you and maybe explained where you were.
The Navigator let you know you were on the Isle of Sages, but didn't specify your exact location, so perhaps there actually was some sort of cloaking spell where you were.
So you had to go exploring…
Before "setting off on the adventure" you took a couple of photos of your surroundings - it didn't seem like a bad place, maybe you could post them on Magicam? – and sent them to Crewel
To: Fashionable Parental Figure
Morning, Hope you're having a wonderful day
[ Pic ] Guess I'm Back
Send Help, I don't know where I am
After looking around for anything that might indicate the presence of a path that would lead you back to civilization, you walked down a path that seemed to have been formed by continuous passage.
By doing so you found yourself in a very well-kept garden: the hedges had been pruned and some of the bushes on the road were already in flower (mainly irises and daisies), furthermore you had noticed several lavender bushes.
You couldn't see any water sources, but in the background you could hear a stream running by. After all, you were on an island, it made sense that there were rivers that flow into the sea.
After a while you managed to see a castle in the distance, was that normal?
Maybe you were wrong. Maybe you weren't in a school at all, but instead landed in some royal castle?
Were you in trouble? You had probably crossed some border, after all royals are always protected – it wasn't entirely your fault that you were there, and furthermore you didn't seem to see any guards.
With a deep sigh you turned in the direction of the castle, you were far away but this place didn't seem abandoned to you so you should found someone by continuing to walk.
Your walk continued peacefully, occasionally you chatted with the birds that flew around you, and according to what they told you, this was actually a school but they were all busy with the Entrance Ceremony.
At one point you noticed a little squirrel following you, trying to keep up with you, so you stopped, asking him if you could be of any use to him, and he asked you if you could be his means of transport for a little bit
(The idea of ​​traveling on someone's shoulder had always intrigued him, but he was still a squirrel, his was a shy species but you definitely smelled of something too good not to give it a try, and like so many animals this too chipmunk trusted his sense of smell to decide whether or not you were a danger)
You were in the middle of an avenue with several forks, and at that point you were surrounded by more animals than you remembered - the further you moved towards the castle the more animals were curious about you, and they didn't seem to bother you. In their eyes you were quite comfortable – when they started arguing about which direction to take you.
(if Frau Grimhilde had seen you she would probably have made a disgusted expression, your being a magnet for animals reminded her too much of that concentrate of disgusting goodness and puking kindness that was her stepdaughter)
Once they had agreed, you followed their instructions, finally managing to see the castle in all its majesty: it was pure white with several towers, some of which were lookouts, which stood quite high
To your eyes, it reminded too much of the castle that Maleficent, the old Fae who had taken you under her wing - quite literally - loathed with all of herself. You didn't know the details because she didn't like to talk about it, but you knew that that castle had been the place of her decay as a Fairy, earning her the definitive nickname of 'MIstress of all Evils'
You had done some research – as much as you possibly could since there was little of this event in the history books – and you had come to the realization that the event the Fae were referring to was the Feast to celebrate the birth of Princess Aurora . You weren't sure of the precise historical period, but you knew it couldn't be too long after the story of Snow White had been disclosed - there were too many similarities for it to be mere coincidence.
From your humble point of view Maleficent was not entirely wrong in doing what she did: she was still a high-ranking fairy and not inviting her to the princess's christening was a rather serious lack of respect that could even lead to a war.
It was bizarre, how that castle so similar to the one you had in front of you, had been the scene of Maleficent's only defeat and even more bizarre was how no history text ever spoke of what other evils the former fairy had done - in reality none book available to ordinary people was about your mentor.
As you approached the castle entrance, you heard a voice and also noticed how different animals were heading in the direction the voice was coming from, and before you knew it you too were moving in that direction
You were standing next to a wishing well – it might as well have been a regular well for all you knew – and right there in front, surrounded by a bunch of woodland critters was a boy who might be around your age, or maybe he was even younger than you, you weren't sure.
What you were sure was how absolutely he must be related to Snow White – or was a huge fan of hers.
Skin as white as snow and lips as red as a rose.
Even the delicate features made one think of her.
If for Lady Treimein and Mr Trein you had noticed a certain resemblance, but they were more than trifles, in this case you just couldn't help but think how even the boy's movements were too similar to how Snow White moved.
You were so caught up in your thoughts about the familiarity this stranger had with someone who wasn't technically supposed to exist in this world, that you didn't notice that the boy was watching you too
You were really pretty
He knew you were, the animals around him warned him that someone was approaching, describing you in outline
Their descriptions didn't do you justice.
You had your eyes fixed on him, but it didn't seem like you were looking directly at him, but the light had hit your eyes in such a way that they looked like two gems in how much they sparkled.
You also had to be very delicate in your movements, since if it weren't for the animals, Neige would not have noticed your presence so quickly.
Even the clothes you wore seemed to be specially made to flatter your figure; they weren't too elaborate at all, in fact, on someone else they would certainly have been rather anonymous, but on you…you really looked like one of those female leads from the romantic films Neige was starring in.
A little squirrel was perched comfortably on your shoulder! Those little creatures tended to move away from him too, and there you were in front of him, completely unaware of the wonder in his eyes
But as good as you were in that idyllic setting that was the garden of the RSA, as much as you seemed like a fairy in that situation, you were definitely in the wrong place
“Fairy-san. Are you lost perhaps?”
The Snow White look alike had spoken to you – even if at first you didn't realize he was speaking to you – and he had also tilted his head in an awfully adorable way
“Is it that obvious?” you chuckled back, making the boy across from you smile as well
“Well, it's not everyday you see girls like Fairy san in an all-male school like RSA”
The boy, who introduced himself as Neige, explained where you were, geographically speaking, and when you asked him if there was any way you could get to one of your guardians he said you should probably go to the HeadMaster, so to be able to use the Magic Mirror
“ But I think you should wait a little bit, Fairy san, at least till the opening Ceremony end”
Actually barging into a room during a ceremony that seemed quite important didn't seem like the most brilliant introduction you could make of yourself, so you had Neige escort you on a sightseeing tour, learning a lot about both the school and the boy.
Neige, in addition to being a second year at the RSA, seemed to be quite a famous person, if you had to consider all the times his cell phone seemed to receive notifications – the guy had set the bird trill as ringtone – but he seemed to be used to it, seeing that he hadn't finched even once.
"I'm not that popular" he was shaking his head quickly "I'm just very social"
(It should have been illegal how adorable he was in that moment)
After some wandering around the school Neige took you to what he told you was the presidency but before letting you go he asked if she could have your contact information and if he could contact you occasionally
(“I won't bother you too much” his face was slightly flushed and his eyes were traveling everywhere but on you “it's just that talking to you was…well…refreshing”)
After exchanging contacts with Neige - who had brought along a rather annoyed squirrel - you checked if Crewel had answered you, but nothing. In fact he too was a teacher, probably he too had to do with some kind of opening ceremony.
You hoped to hear from you soon
You knocked on the door three times before it opened.
You found yourself in a medium sized room with a huge glass window - the whole wall in front of you was taken up with that thing - one of the walls was taken up with several bookcases piled high with books, while the opposite wall was papered with photos of former students and various awards.
In front of the window was a large desk, in a decidedly modern style, compared to how ancient the castle itself seemed, and sitting in the chair was a decidedly elderly man dressed in blue who smiled at you
“Good morning, would you like some tea?”
His voice was very gentle and cordial, and as he spoke you saw not only one of the armchairs moving to approach the desk, but above all a tea set which flew quietly - minus the sugar bowl which followed its own rhythm - until it landed on the desk
After the tea was served
(“Would you like some sugar or milk?” “Mmh, two cubes, interesting choice”)
“Now, may I know who are you sweet child?”
You explained to him how you had found yourself in the forest inside the school, that you had no idea how you got there and that you were hoping there was a way for your guardians to come and rescue you.
All the while the Headmaster had kept his gentle smile, nodding at your story
"Interesting" he smiled at you closing his eyes "You know, Sweet child, there are a lot of ways students can get to this school, the most used are the carriages that cross the portals, but the forest you're talking about is itself a portal. In ancient times they called it the Enchanted Forest, but it has been in disuse for centuries now, in a way it looks like a sentient portal, which refuses to act as a portal, for many it is now just a legend of yesteryear. That definitely makes you an interesting subject."
And with that he crossed his hands under his chin
“You don't seem too shocked by this revelation so while I doubt you knew this little story, this isn't the first time something like this has happened to you, right? But that's a conversation for another time, I'm not going to force information on you that you don't feel like sharing. I guess you want to warn your guardians of the situation, would you by any chance have a name for me?”
When you gave him the two names, the man chuckled jovially
"I just find this situation very amusing" he didn't elaborate.
"You are very lucky Sweet child, they are also on this island, even if a little far from our position. I hope you don't mind staying here a little longer, feel free to ask the teachers or Housewardens to escort you to one of the guest rooms, tell them you are my special guest. I think it will take a while to get one of your guardians to pick you up"
Was this man locking you up in his school?
“As much as it would be an immense pleasure for me to have you as a guest, I doubt your guardians would be too pleased with the accommodation, although you are more than welcome to return whenever you like”
A little speechless for what had just happened, you thanked the man for the hospitality and turned -ran away - towards the exit
Once the door was closed Ambrose laughed happily shaking his head.
Dimensional Traspasser who crossed the Enchanted Forest even if they possessed dark magic, this was truly a story to be told
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ghouletteanon · 8 months
“Actually that sounds more like a you problem.” SCREAMS RAINDROP PLZ 🙏🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🙇🏻‍♀️
Yes it does!!!
Can it be classified as romantic slice of life if it's Rain and Dew being all murder ghoul-y about it?
Featuring mean!Rain because I said so. Rated M for mild gore. Word count 400+.
“Rain, come on, help me before someone finds out,” Dew pleads, a rag in his hand.
“Actually that sounds more like a you problem,” Rain looks down where Dew is on the floor on all fours.
Rain had entered the fire ghoul’s room only to see Dew on the floor, trying to wipe up all the blood that’s splattered across the room. It looks like the murder scene that it is. There are towels all over the bed, catching some of the blood, but the biggest blood sprays are on the wall next to the bed. No doubt the fire ghoul had accidentally bit an artery at the wrong angle.
The white chalked wall is definitely going to be not so white in the future unless Rain helps with the cleanup.
Rain’s tail whips slowly side to side. Seeing Dew on his knees, begging for his help awakens a hunger inside him. The blood that stains his face makes him look undeniably feral and Rain wants to lick it off him. There’s blood all over his jaw and trickling down his neck, tempting Rain like the most delicious sin.
Rain steels himself and puts on an air of indifference, setting up a trap instead of giving in just yet. There’s time for that later. “Plan better next time instead of making a mess.”
Dew whines. He’s come off the euphoria of a successful hunt, but now it’s time for the boring part associated with every hunt in a place like the Abbey. “Rain, please, Sister Imperator will send me back to the pits if she finds out I made a mess again.  I’ll do anything you want.”
Rain’s tail stills. His ears turn back. Dew should know better by now, but his mate is incorrigible when he is in a hurry and not thinking straight. But Dew’s loss is Rain’s gain. “Anything?”
“Anything,” Dew nods eagerly. “Please, help me get rid of the body and fix the walls and I’ll do whatever you wish.”
“I am going to enjoy this.”
Before Dew can reply, Rain stops denying himself and leans over, kissing Dew where he is still kneeling, gripping his hair to keep him in place. He licks deeply inside Dew’s mouth, his forked tongue chasing every drop of remaining blood and tasting the intoxicating blend of blood and what is purely Dew.
Rain breaks the kiss, pushing Dew aside as the fire ghoul whimpers and tries to break the hold Rain has on him. “And that’s all you’re going to get until we are done here.”
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yuzuna123 · 2 months
Story DLC theories
I believe Reina will be in it and try to get Eddy on her side by sending Nina ( their special Intro ) but he will say no. Then Devil Reina will appear interacting with him and at the end saying something like "we'll meet again Eddy Gordo" getting Nina and flying with her with Nina grabbing on her feet.
Then we see Kazuya and Jun having their reunion ( and a kiss plz Bandai ) and after that we see Anna. The next DLC ( prediction ) She took over a branch on G-Corp and sets of to Yakushima where she finds Jun and and injured Kaz and helps them set up a camp.
We see Anna telling them awhile later that they should he moving to Italy soon because Kaz would need help from Claudio after his Devil was removed.
Then we see them going to Italy. Angst with Anna and her hubby there and Anna and Jun interactions, talking about losing their lovers ( Jun at some point at least ) and a flashback. Showing us what her ex Husband looked like.
and possibly we see Lee as well coming to Italy with Lars and he comforts Anna.
We see Claudio and Kazuya training and after that we see Kazuya and Jun having a moment in the balcony, a long awaited talk and embrace between them.
The scene then cuts to Eddy, who found Jin, Xiaoyu and Hwoarang in the US and he warns them about Reina. And of course Jin and Eddy have a reunion of friends after what happened in Tekken 6, he tells him about his master, etc.
Then in the final scene we see Reina, thinking of Heihachi and how he found her. One Theory i have is that she was a lab rat, so we see a glimpse of her life then before Heihachi found her, angry Reina throws a dart the wall and says "Father i will avenge you" Nina comes in and tells her that someone who wants to see her.
It would be Miguel ( prediction for Autumn DLC ) but we won't know that until September where he would be revealed at the 2024 State of Play.
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aotdump · 1 year
can someone please help me find this one zeke fic
it’s like he comes back home from doing warrior things and him and yn eat dinner with his grandparents and then they go back home and you know do stuff
BUT while he smokes a cig he starts thinking and says “I think you should start looking for somebody else” something like that so that yn can be with someone else because zeke only had a few years left to live and yn refuses cuz DUH
if that rings a bell plz send it my way
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misscherrys-world · 2 months
Welcome back to:
Random things I think about.
Starring: The fourth prince of Kakin empire, Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou.
Tumblr media
Warnings : Tserriednich.
Yes that’s it he’s the warning.
Okay just kidding… but he’s a warning himself.
Warnings: nsfw, spoilers from the manga obviously, abusing behavior, spitting, rape mentioning. If there’s something I missed inform me about it plz.
This one took longer than I thought to have the courage to say my random thoughts about that man. Turned out he’s complicated.
First let’s talk about his amazing muscular body. He’d crash me with just one hand effortlessly.
Sometimes I hope Togashi would let Hisoka and Tserried meet and fight. I’d die from excitement.
Poor Theta, I’m genuinely worried about her fate. I think she’ll help Kurapika get closer to the Prince so they can kill him.
Also poor Pika, I’m worried what will happen to him when he sees Pairo’s head..
That man is worse than the five threats. I hope he’ll stay alive until they reach the dark continent so they let him die alone and painfully there.
By surprise he has friends? Like how did they tolerate his ass talk about male philosophers? Boring hypocrites.
So I ended my trash talk about him. Let’s start my random things I think about.
I think he does have skin care and hair care routine like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.
They look too much alike. The hair, the face, the body, the bloodlust.
I think he takes interest in music too. Not any genre of music. Classical music to be precise, his favorite musician is Mozart. Typical
He doesn’t like dogs. He thinks they are too clingy, useless and stinky. I bet a dog bit him when he was a kid.
Doesn’t like kids. Annoying, useless and stupid. Yeah Unma dropped you on your head for sure.
He gets grossed out when someone talks about women’s menstrual cycle.
He gets the ick when he smells certain feminine perfumes like “La vie est belle and Scandal” so typical every damn woman smells like these two.
His favorite perfume is Versace Eros eau de parfum.
His favorite feminine perfume is YSL Libre eau de parfum Intense.
He owns a big collection of hand watches.
Despite his “hobby” he wouldn’t practice it on someone related to him. Friend, family, mistress..
Speaking of his mistress. It would be very difficult to satisfy him. His lover should have certain qualifications that go along with the image he painted himself to deceive people, and of course his lover herself.
He’s homophobic. But he secretly takes liking in men more than women. I don’t make the rules.
Doesn’t mean he’s not into women.
His s/o must be a woman. Royal reasons obv.
When it comes to sex he is selfish.
Fucks you like an animal in heat, and insults your entire family line while fucking you.
He’s abusive. If you did or say something that isn’t acceptable to his taste expect a slap on your face when you’re alone with him. He would spit on you too.
You can’t get away from him, you’re trapped.
He will remind you how lucky you are, nobody gets the privileges you have or the insane amount of spending you spend everyday, all thanks to him.
He’s generous enough to let you do shopping and get all these clothes and makeup without asking what do you spend all these money on.
But he will not tolerate ignorance and misbehaved brats like you.
Of course you finally knew exactly who you are in a relationship with.
He doesn’t mind raping you, he sees you as one of his belongings he has the right to do anything he wants with you. Your opinion doesn’t matter.
Sometimes he gets a soft spot for you, after a “silly argument” and another abusive episode he will catch you crying where no one can see you, he will hug you and pat your head while saying he’s sorry.
After you’re finished crying he’ll give you a soft kiss on your lips, and says he won’t hit you again.
Of course he’ll do it again. Sometimes he’ll threaten you with a gun or a knife. It gets worse by time.
Tell me what do you think and send me your headcanons too. 🤍🎀
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catmansquad · 11 months
The Thirst (P4)
The Vamping continues. (Why the hell am I still writing this? I should be writing Looking Glass stuff)
Part 1  Part 2   Part 3
Miguel was not a picky eater, he was sure there were some Clans out in the world who were, by choice or compulsion- the type who could only feed on people of specific blood types, or even of certain professions or who had a measure of wealth. He knew no such weakness, no such compulsion. He was currently fangs deep in a young man, stood up at his own date and had found him drying his eyes by an alley, perhaps his first true heartbreak. It hadn’t been too difficult to twist his emotions and the man had all but wept his life story into Miguel’s chest, seeking some form of comfort after being spontaneously dropped by a woman who had been too far out of his league to begin with. It was why he loved mortals, always some new drama to keep his interest; the same issues happening in new ways. From how deep the man had clung to him, Miguel began to wonder if he had perhaps laid on the charm too thickly, as the man now appeared to have rebounded his affections straight onto him. It was appreciated, however misplaced, Miguel loved both men and women equally, and found it far too easy to guide the man into the shadows, hushing him with gentle whispers and then bit deep.
He felt the young man’s pulse begin to flutter and reluctantly dragged himself from his feeding, healing the wounds in a single lick and letting the man collapse weak into his arms. Blood with a melancholic temperament was sour, almost bitter, but not an unpleasant taste. Gently, he lowered him down into the alley. The man would be weak and confused, and out cold for several hours, but he would ultimately be fine. His thirst was not sated, it never would be. He could drain the entire city dry and would want to find even more people. The power that much blood at once would give him made a shiver run down his spine at the prospect, he cast such dark thoughts into the depths of his long memory, that was how a Vampire slipped into becoming a monster, and soon after, dead by one form or another. Miguel wiped his mouth clean and tucked the bloodied handkerchief back into a pocket before stepping out of the alley and glancing around. He stopped a civilian at random, someone who didn’t appear in a rush, and they became transfixed as soon as they looked into his eyes. ‘Listen carefully; In a few minutes, you will go down this dark alley, you will find the man lying there, and you will call for an ambulance. You will not remember me. Understood?’ ‘… I… I understand…’ Their tone was hollow, expression blank and unblinking. He patted their shoulder softly and they snapped from their trance, giving a curious look as to ponder just what he was doing before carrying on their way. The compulsion he had planted in their thoughts silently ticking away until it triggered. He was halfway down the street when he felt the phone in his breast pocket buzz softly. So few people had his number, and no-one would dare contact him without him making the first move. “U Awake?” He frowned at the message, irritated by the lack of proper grammar, and realized there was only one person this could be.
“Of course I am. Why are you awake at this hour?” You sat up in bed, pillows propped up behind you, phone glowing in your lap. Unable to find sleep, so you browsed your phone until the slip of paper had fallen out of the case and decided there was certainly someone who wouldn’t be asleep in the dead of night. Maybe. He had just proved you right. “>: Can’t sleep Miggy…” Your gaze drifted out the window as the message sent, the moonlight slipping through the gaps in the curtains. “That’s unfortunate for you. Would you like me to help with that?” “>: Plz!” You cringed after sending the reply, for how fast you had sent it. The exclamation point only made you seem needy. With your phone in your lap, you buried your face in your hands and groaned softly in irritation, only looking up when your phone buzzed again. ”Alright. Just leave a window open.” It had only been a day since you’d last seen the man and already you were inviting him back into your life, your home. You pulled back the covers and stood up, opening one of the windows just a touch. On the second floor. Your bedroom. Minutes went by in silence; sleep was quickly the furthest thing from your mind.
Not even memes and cat videos could keep your interest for long until you heard the terrible crunching of brick in a rapid rhythm and watched the feral apparition with clawed nails crawling through your window. D-Did you just climb up my fuckin’ wall?!’ You watched him stand up straight, the image of poise and power again, claws returning to short nails as he brushed down his coat. ‘Of course. What did you think would happen?’ ‘I… I thought you were… Gonna turn into a bat and fly in, or something cool.’ He gave you a look of incredulity, shaking his head slowly. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. First water, then garlic, then crosses and now bats- you know so little.’ He pulled off his coat, folding it across his lap as he sat on the edge of your bed, expression returning to that look of eternal calm. ‘W-well, it’s not my fault!’ You spluttered, pulling the covers tighter around you, as if they could shield you from your own growing embarrassment. ‘I-I… It’s not like I’ve got a good source for how actual Vampires are!’ ‘Heh…’ His little laugh was deep and soft, your heart picked up at the sound of it. ‘You have one right in front of you; ask me.’ At his gentle tone, all of the thoughts and questions you had instantly fled your mind, leaving you empty-headed, and in that moment, you put together a coherent, genius question. ‘Uh… Um… So… Does it feel good… When you bite people?’ An absolutely genius question. Miguel’s face fell into another incredulous look before he sighed softly. ‘It is a moment of indescribable hunger, it is something primal, the greatest yearning imaginable. A parched man presented with a crimson oasis…’ His words petered off into a thoughtful hum, and you watched him slowly lick his tongue along one of his fangs. ‘Then, it becomes bliss, for us both… Takes everything I have to not lose myself in it- my… partner for this encounter certainly loses it. They slip into a fugue state, unaware of the world.’ You heard the bed creak as he moved, crawling atop the covers towards you, shoes clattering to the floor as he kicked them off. You couldn’t pull your eyes away from his face as he moved closer. ‘That can be dangerous; imagine meeting a handsome stranger, and one night, the two of you hook-up and… “have sex”. It’s the most intense experience of your life… All other men are ruined for you.’ You sunk down into your pillow as he practically crawled atop you, you could practically feel the sheer heat that radiated from his body, eyes on those sharp fangs as he spoke. ‘M-Miguel…?’ ‘Hmm….?’ He hummed, smiling playfully. ‘W-what happens if you… You lose yourself in it?’ ‘Me? Well, dear one… Chances are you wouldn’t be waking up at all.’ His lips ghosted across your own, almost on the verge. ‘Sleep now…’ He breathed, and you felt your mind and body obey, eyelids and limbs growing heavy, and you slumped down into the warm, heavy covers, certain that your bed had never felt so soft in your life.
Miguel tucked you in softly, made sure you were comfortable and returned your phone to the bedside table. He pulled his coat back on, smoothing down the front as he lingered by your window, one foot on the edge and looking back at your sleeping form. He was getting hopelessly attached again, knowing it would inevitably end in tears. It always did with him. How many mortals had he loved and lost? His was a lonely existence. With a forlorn sigh, he leapt back to the street, landing in a crouch of swirling shadows and stepped away, unseen, hands in pockets again. It was two days later you finally worked up the courage to allow Miguel to spoil you, he gladly led you into the richer neighborhoods of the city, squinting behind sunglasses in the light of the sun. ‘Why don’t you burn?’ You asked, perusing fancy clothing that would normally be far, far outside your price range. ‘Hmm….?’ He leaned in close, pulling you closer against him. ‘Why don’t you burn, in the sun…?’ You glanced around nervously, checking that no-one else was close enough to overhear your conversation. He chuckled breathily, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. ‘I don’t get sunburn because I wear suncream… and because a very long time ago, I made a very special arrangement with Huitzilopochtli that he would not incinerate me, I will not disclose the nature of that arrangement… So, if you see anything you like, grab it.’ He stepped back with a gentle smile, and you swallowed, eyes racing over the clothing, over the eye-watering price tags. ‘A-anything? This is expensive, Miguel, I don’t want to…’ Your words broke off as he laughed again, amused. ‘You are worth it, and more… I said I would spoil you.’ Was it a bill or a phone number you had rung up on the till at the end? Miguel didn’t seem phased, the man didn’t even blink at the number. Just how rich was this Vampire?
As the sun set for the evening, he had taken you out, in your new fancy clothing. With one arm linked through his own, he led you to one of the fanciest restaurants in town that didn’t serve tiny portions. From what you had browsed on your phone, the place had reservation waiting times that were nearly three months long, yet Miguel had gotten a table for two on the upper balcony with little more than dropping his own name and watching even the manager’s eyes go wide at the mention of it. Miguel had a whole spiderweb of connections to tug the threads of, and here he was, tugging them for your benefit. The best table in the house that offered stunning views of the city bathed in the setting sun. ‘Can I ask you more questions, Miguel?’ His smile was charming, a glass of red wine cradled in one hand and he nodded softly. ‘As long as it’s not to do with quantum physics, I’m afraid I am rather hopeless with that.’ ‘… Have you ever, uh... turned anyone? Into a Vampire?’ You watched him take a sip from his glass pacing it down, his eyes not leaving your own. Eventually, he spoke up. ‘I have no idea what you mean. Did you want dessert, too?’ You balked at his response, trying to wonder just what had caused it. ‘B-but…’ He reached across the table and took one of your hands softly in his own, thumb stroking across your knuckles. ‘Do you want dessert, or are you sweet enough already?’ You felt your cheeks burn at his question, swallowing back the giggle that threatened to escape. ‘W-why…? Are you feeling thirsty?’ He gave your hand a gentle squeeze, chuckling softly before letting go and reclining back in his chair. ‘Goodness me, your mind. Let’s keep the roleplay in the bedroom, shall we…?’ Finally, it clicked in your mind and you felt embarrassment swell in your chest. You were treading on the toes of his masquerade. ‘Miguel, you make it sound like it’s going to be a fun time. Yes, I think I’d like something sweet.’ His smile was kind, his eyes glinted red in the light and he nodded softly.
Warmed by wine and filled with fancy foods, you only made it halfway home before you found yourself in Miguel’s arms, he was so warm, he smelled so good and gave you little smiles every so often. ‘My place or yours…?’ He purred with a grin. ‘… Mm.. Yours has the nicer bed…’ You managed, hooking one arm across his shoulders, fingers tangling in the soft hair at the nape of his neck and you could both hear and feel the pleased sound rumble in his chest. ‘Oh, it does… We’ll be making very good use of it…’ You watched him lick along one of his fangs with a suggestive glint in his eyes. His dark heart was about to thunder for you.
Enjoying this? Do let me know. Seems to be like catnip to some people in the community.
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blossom-hwa · 5 months
omg same anon here that requested the model soobin + designer reader that was so good aoaajddkjjjs&#@*kdj thank you ☆_☆
also i feel like i might have sent a similar ask to the following (maybe tumblr ate it) but if no one yet has straight up asked for taehyun fandancer au then plz taehyun fandancer au. and/or any other txt members in the same au if you want (no pressure to again though it's ok !!!)
I am so late...it's fine it's fine it's fine LMAO anyway idk if anyone is still looking for their drabbles from the summertime fest, but I'm trying to do them now - hope y'all enjoy :)
this is an excerpt from a fic idea I'm trying to flesh out; it might be a little confusing but here's the gist - fan dancer mc is trying to hide soobin, the missing crown prince, from those who want to kill him, and in the meantime taehyun is trying to court them and mc desperately wants to say yes but can't because caring for soobin is first priority (they promised a friend). horrible dilemmas I feel for mc so bad (I want taehyun too &lt;/3)
summertime drabble fest: send me an idol from the list (Stray Kids, Ateez, TXT, Seventeen) + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Title: In the Eyes of the Night
Pairing: Taehyun x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 2.1k
Genre: slight angst, fan dancer!mc and nobility!Taehyun
Warnings: mentions of blood
Once backstage you nearly fall onto one of the benches behind the gauzy curtains that frame the dais, dropping your fans and gingerly taking off first your shoes, then the wrappings around your feet. They come away sweaty and smelly, which is only to be expected, but a pained hiss escapes your lips as you peel cloth off the blisters that burst during your time on the stage, leaving stains of yellow and red on the fabric.
Your stomach drops. It's not as if you had expected anything less, not after what happened last night, but seeing the mess of blood and pus in the light somehow makes it all worse.
"Need some help?" Juyeon's deep voice sounds overhead. You meet his concerned smile with a wry grimace of your own. "Don't worry about me," you reply, already grabbing one of the clean towels nearby. "Your performance is next, right? You should go prepare. I'll be fine."
His eyes flicker over to the clock on the wall and a grimace of his own passes over his lips as he registers how little time he has left. "I'll send someone with water," he promises. "Clean your feet properly."
"Thanks, Juyeon. I'll be fine," you reassure him, even as the stinging pain threatens to bring tears to your eyes. "It's just a few blisters."
Juyeon disappears into the gauzy curtains, and you take the moment alone to stretch your feet onto the bench. Stars above, your legs ache something awful. Normally you would just attribute this to the endless cycle of performance and practice, but all that running around yesterday took everything out of you. The adrenaline of the chase, the fear that you would be caught, captured - or even worse, that the prince you were hiding would be seen -
Not for the first time, you curse your friend in the shadows for saddling you with the responsibility of a missing prince. How do you hide a prince in your own tiny room? How do you keep him out of sight but still get him food, get him water, get him the basic things he needs to survive? She didn't tell you anything when she dumped him on you, didn't tell you anything except that he was the prince who the royal family had declared missing and that you needed to hide him or else people would kill him. 
You're not an assassin. You're nothing special, not like she is. You can't use a knife. You can't wield a sword. You're just a fan dancer and nothing else and the responsibility of a prince is going to kill you, if it doesn't kill him first.
Ugh. You rest a hand on your heart, forcing deep breaths. "Everything is fine," you mutter to yourself, as though saying it aloud will make it true. It is true, in a way. Your prince wasn't seen last night, for all the danger you were in. He wasn't captured. He wasn't killed. You were able to distract those who would hunt him, even if your bare feet and legs took more cuts than you were used to on the sharp stones outside. Even if it took all of your remaining energy not to collapse in a heap of silk and fans onstage. 
Gahyeon comes running over with a small basin of cold water. You thank her, brush her away when she offers to help, and begin cleaning up the mess of blood on your stinking feet. As soon as it's all cleared away and you've wrapped the open sores in clean bandages, you force yourself to stand and limp to your room. With every step, pain hisses up your legs, but you make it there in the end. 
You tap the door slightly, knocking once, twice, three times in a pattern to announce your presence. When a few knocks sound in return, you slide it open and step inside, closing it quickly behind you. 
Soobin sits in the corner of the room, looking small and hunched over for all his height. His eyes are dull, despondent. "Hello," he mumbles. 
All of your previous curses about the responsibility of a prince melt away, replaced by pity in the face of the crown prince's misery. "Hello, Your Highness," you murmur respectfully. "Are you well?"
"I'm fine," he replies quickly, which is how you know he isn't. "Are your feet alright?"
"Just a few cuts and blisters." You smile a little, trudging over to the small mirror set on one of the walls. "I'll survive."
"...I'm so sorry."
"There is no need to be," you respond firmly, turning around from touching up your makeup. "You are my prince and I swore an oath to our friend in the shadows to keep you safe. If I have to bear some pain in my feet for it, no matter. I'm a dancer, anyway." You smile at him. "I'm used to it."
He doesn't look convinced, but he doesn't try to apologize again, so you count that as a win. "You said someone helped you last night," he says, changing the subject.
Your eyebrows furrow. "Yes," you reply lowly, unwanted memories rushing back of shadows and snarls and blades flashing in the moonlight - and above all, one familiar voice shouting for you to run as his sword slashed down, starlight shimmering on the metal. 
Your heart skips a beat. Taehyun Kang. In the moment, when you couldn't breathe and couldn't think, you couldn't believe it was him. But you've replayed those seconds over and over in your mind, and there's no question anymore. Taehyun of the family Kang, one of the middle nobility who frequents your performances and has been trying to court your interest for almost two months...
He saved you. And you can't even thank him, because he didn't see your face, and you can't reveal that that was you. 
"Did you see who they were?" Soobin asks. 
You wipe your fingers on a towel by the mirror, eyes carefully downcast. "No," you reply, and truth be told, you're not sure why you lie. Maybe because you want to keep this moment to yourself. Maybe because deep down, you aren't sure it was really him. 
Maybe because you don't want to acknowledge how hard this makes everything, knowing that you owe Taehyun your life when all he professes to want is your love - and you can't even give him that, however you might want to, for fear that your duty to a missing prince will come to light and all your shadow friend's carefully-laid plans will be ruined.
"I must go now," you say, turning back around. A pair of soft slippers waits by your door and you slip them over your bandaged feet, wincing. You cast the missing prince a soft smile. "I'll be back later, with some food and water."
Soobin nods. He looks exhausted. "Thank you."
With a final smile, you slip out of the room and step lightly down the halls, forcing yourself not to limp the entire way. 
. . .
Back in the crowded main hall, Jinyoung waves you over the second you step in his direction. "Can you take the section in the corner?" he asks, gesturing to an area close to the stage. 
For the second damn time that evening, your heart skips a beat. Because before you even look over, you know who will be in that section. At least who will be taking one of the tables there. 
"Of course," you say anyway, because while Taehyun's stare may be unrelenting, he's never disrespectful - in fact, it's cute when his friends tease him for his never-ending stare and his cheeks tint with more blush than you can attribute to the alcohol. And you can't lie - you like seeing him. You like being around him. He makes you feel comfortable in a way few other men have, and even if he's been clear with his intentions, he's never forced you to make an answer to him, only greeted you with kindness and care. 
Gods above, your heart aches to finally say yes to one of his offers - to buy you a drink, to take you for a meal, to walk with you on the shoreline under the night sky. How could you not, when those sparkling eyes shine at you with all the grace and care in the world? But you can't sacrifice your duty to a missing prince for even a few nights spent in Taehyun's arms - it's too dangerous, with your friend in the shadows gone. Until she returns, and who knows when that will be, you must stay put.
A wry smile curls your lips. Stars, it would be so much easier if he were less easy to fall for. 
Someone hands you a tray of drinks, and you begin to make your way through the chaos. The first group that waves you over isn’t his. It’s a rowdy group of sailors who laugh a little too much and talk a little too loudly, but they’re harmless as they thank you for the several glasses of alcohol that you pour out on their table. The second group isn’t his either, nor the third, nor the fourth. Slowly, you wade through the chaos, flashing a pretty smile at everyone who deigns to meet your eye, filling orders as fast as you can until you find yourself near the stage. 
The music is louder here, and it slowly thrums its way through your body, settling your heart. Beomgyu is dancing now and you allow your eyes to meet his once, an encouraging smile on your lips just before you turn to serve the table to your right. Then you turn to the left. 
Taehyun's small group is a friendly sight to your eyes. Your smile grows a little as you pour out their usual drinks, laughing and bantering as they thank you. By the time you've reached Taehyun, who is on the other side of the table, you feel somewhat better. 
"Good evening, my lord." You smile softly, taking in the empty glass before him. "Would you like your usual?"
"No, Y/N, I'll be fine for tonight." His voice, soft-spoken as always and so different from the commanding shout that rang through the air last night, fusing you with the energy and adrenaline to run. And all of a sudden you're back in that moment, under the dark sky, cornered, feet bleeding, breath sharp and fast with panic...
You force yourself to breathe. To come back to earth. You dig your foot into one of the floorboards and the pain that flares from one of the blisters forces you to focus. "I apologize," you say quietly, ignoring the strange look that Taehyun is giving you now. He can't know. He won't know -
"You're limping."
His words pierce through the fog of your thoughts, hitting your ears with a startling precision.
You’re limping. 
You straighten immediately, ignoring how the pain in your feet flares when you do. “I’m sorry?”
“You’re limping,” he repeats, and one glance at him is all you need to know that you didn’t convince him at all. The dark eyes that stare at you with so much intensity fall down to the floor where your feet stand, hidden beneath your robes. When he looks back up, only gentle concern floats in his magnetic irises. “Are you all right?”
Something in his voice almost makes you tell the truth, that no, you aren’t quite fine, you probably shouldn’t have danced today but you had no choice when the only other option was to explain where all the sores in your feet came from - and for a moment, you almost feel tears well up in your eyes. What is it with him, this noble with eyes as intense as his voice can be gentle, this son of a lord who has never once taken his eyes from you but always manages to stare with a respectful distance, never once making you feel like something less than human? 
Why is he so perfect, and why is it that for all he wants you, you can't have him?
But training kicks in, the easy, bland smile lifting the corners of your lips as your exchange begins to catch the attention of the rest of his friends. Just in time, really, though there is still a little ache in your chest when you nod. “I’m fine,” you say. “Thank you for your concern, my lord, but I assure you I’m all right.” You turn away from their table, then, making sure not to limp on your way. 
No matter how much it kills your feet to do so.
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Hello and welcome to Day 3 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies" everyone!
Today, my brain felt like dragging out a SVSSS crossover with Genshin Impact that came to me during the 4.4 livestream. (Gaming's trailer was the reason this idea came back with a vengeance to me)
Also, before I begin with describing the idea itself, a bit of a warning: I might start rambling midway through because my thoughts are chaotic (and I am also experimenting with some text formating to ease my explanations for the following fics. Plz, tell me if it looks ok or not)
Edit: As of February 6th, this fic has a title:
"Gaming's Dimention Hopping Master (and his annoying Harem)"
So, let's get started:
First and foremost, I wanna send Shen Jiu (who is still a deciple; basically just before he is named Peak Lord - he should be around 18 to 20 maybe?) to Teyvat via a portal opening during the Immortal Allience Comference (or during a mission - still haven't decided fully yet) and he land straight in the middle of the Archon War in Liyue about 2000 years before the canon events in Genshin.
With me so far? Good.
Shen Jiu was with Liu Qingge and, possibly, Yue Qingyuan (if you want even more angst in this than it will have) when the portal opens. Whether the portal aimed for Shen Jiu or he pushed one of the other two out of the way, the end result is that LQG and YQY see Shen Jiu disappear before their eyes. (Again, angst galore for YQY for the moment)
Shen Jiu, after ending up in Liyue mid-archon war, is more focused on getting back to where he was... until he saw some children that were in danger due to the active warfare around them (monsters everywhere who are very much looking to make as much carnage as possible).
Now, look, I am not denying that Shen Jiu is an asshole (to say the least), but he is also a cultivator whose job is to protect civilians from monsters/demons and who is send on missions to do these things. Him saving some children doesn't mean he is not still an asshole. It just means he has some morals and a sense of duty. That is all. He is still very much the sharp-clawed cat that spits poison when people approach.
What happens next is simple: some adepti/yaksha find him while he is fighting the monsters. The adepti help in defeating the monsters and - barely manage to - convince Shen Jiu to follow them to safety.
From there, Shen Jiu is on a rollercoaster of emotions:
First, he learns that no one in this place ever heard of Cang Qiong Sect, and that leads to the idea that he is from somewhere outside of Teyvat.
Second, neither Shen Jiu nor the adepti (of the God they serve named Rex Lapis) seem to know how to get Shen Jiu back to his world.
Third, Shen Jiu misses Yue Qingyuan. Like a lot. Especially so after he learns that there might not be a way for him to get back.
Fourth, this place (Liyue) is in the middle of a war. And that is terrifying because Shen Jiu might just die here, too.
Fifth - and this is the most weird point of them all for Shen Jiu - these adepti seem to almost... care about his well-being? Which, of course, is impossible in Shen Jiu's mind. Not only is he not even part of this world, but they barely know him for a little less than a week. There is no way people can care about him this easily, right? There must be something that they want from him, right?
All in all, this is stressful for our paranoid Shen Jiu. He is fully convinced the adepti and their God only saved him so that he (who is not of this world) could help them win this war. Shen Jiu hates owning people, so he will help them just to not own them anything. (Owning someone a debt is dangerous, and Shen Jiu knows that too well)
Meanwhile, the adepti + Morax (and Guizhong, if she is still alive) look at Shen Jiu and go: "This poor little child. He is so small and skinny. He needs to be somewhere safe and to be fed three full meals a day."
What follows is Shen Jiu trying to help the adepti (so he can pay his debt to them) and the adepti trying (emphasis on trying) to take care of Shen Jiu. It's a hodgepodge of both sides trying to help the other without making too much fuss about it. And not to mention that both sides become attched to each other - even if Shen Jiu will die before he ever admits this. And so things seem to continue like this for months, and everything is more or less fine. That is until Shen Jiu takes a hit for one of the adepti (or even for Xiao) on the battlefield.
That attack wouldn't have killed an adeptus (not that Shen Jiu would know that), but it can kill a human. And, for all that cultivation that Shen Jiu has, he is still fundamentally human. So, Morax gives him the option to make a contract with him so that Shen Jiu will live. The price is a simple but heavy one: Shen Jiu will not be human anymore, but an adeptus.
Seeing no other way out of this death situation, Shen Jiu accepts. He wants to live so he can go back to his world. If he can live, he will live. He is not picky about the method - he did way worse things for the sake of survival before.
Thus, Shen Jiu becomes an adeptus and continues to help Morax and the others in protecting Liyue through the Archon War. At the end of the war, many were lost, and yet, Shen Jiu believes it could have been worse. With Morax now an Archon, peace can come back to Liyue.
Since Morax is aware of Shen Jiu's love for the arts, he proposed that their newest adeptus settle down in a place where the arts and traditions are very much appreciated: Chenyu Vale. And that place has become Shen Jiu's new home for the next 2000 years.
Going back to the SVSSS/PIDW world, Shen Jiu's disappearance is a very heavy blow to Yue Qingyuan and Liu Qingge. Here are some exerpts from my own angst-filled imagination about them:
"He barely had his Xiao Jiu back for 3 years at the sect, where he is safe and within his grasp, and now, once again, he is taken away from him. And Yue Qingyuan regrets a lot of things - but most of all, he regrets not coming clean to Xiao Jiu about their past and his failure to save him. He regrets this so much, and yet he is unable to do anything to change it. He had so many chances to come clean - now there is no guarantee that Xiao Jiu is even alive any longer."
"Liu Qingge, for all he had hated Shen Qingqiu, is also heavily impacted by his disappearance. Not having someone like Shen Qingqiu - with a sharp tongue and not a very nice personality - should be a relief. And yet, it just makes him feel empty. There is no one to curse at Liu Qingge and yet there is also no one to fight him everytime he visits (read: barges into) Qing Jing Peak. After their searches for Shen Qingqiu yielded no result, Liu Qingge insisted that Yue Qingyuan let's him break the news to Shen Jiu's family. (Shen Qingqiu was a spoiled young master - there is no doubt in Liu Qingge's mind that his family is worried sick for him. They deserve to know what happened to Shen Qingqiu most out for everyone.) Hearing that Shen Jiu is - was - an orphan was not what Liu Qingge thought he would hear. That was not what Liu Qingge ever wanted to hear. Because that had to be a lie, right? ... but if it wasn't a lie and Liu Qingge was wrong about Shen Qingqiu being a spoiled young master... what else was he wrong about?"
For the following 15 years, all the Peak Lords felt Shen Jiu's absence - Yue Qingyuan, Liu Qingge, and, surprisingly, Qi Qingqi the most of all. (Especially so after a lot of information about their former martial brother came to light)
Luo Binghe still comes to Cang Qiong Sect, but since there was no Shen Qingqiu to be named Qing Jing Peak Lord and to take the boy into his peak out of spite, he is taken in by the Bai Zhan Peak Lord, Liu Qingge.
Ning YingYing also still ends up as a desciple at Qing Jing Peak - but she is very much bullied by her fellow brothers and sisters for her poor performance and young age.
Yue QingYuan is only alive because he had yet to extinguish that hope to see his Xiao Jiu alive again. Liu Qingge and Qi Qingqi hope to see Shen Qingqiu again as well so that they can both apologize to him - for the rumors that Qi Qingqi started, for the insults that Liu Qingge thew at him, for not being better martial siblings for him. (Even if Shen Qingqiu might be at fault for that too, they also can't excuse their own behavior)
But then, during the Immortal Allience Comference in which Luo Binghe participates, another portal, very much resembling the one that took Shen Qingqiu away from them, opens up again and takes Yue Qingyuan, Liu Qingge, Qi Qingqi, Liu Mingyan, Luo Binghe and Ning Yingying with it.
Now, all five cultivators (and a demon) are thrown into Liyue 2000 years after Shen Jiu has first set foot in this region. Can the Peak Lords find their martial brother? And what will the desciples' reaction to Shen Qingqiu be? Can they even leave this strange world and go back home with Shen Qingqiu? Does Shen Qingqiu even want to come with them?
We'll have to see!
So this is most of what I have for this fic idea, bit I wanna include some little tidbits here at the end:
There were 3 reasons why this idea started:
Chenyu Vale just screams "Shen Qingqiu" to me. This image in particular strikes me as a place Shen Qingqiu would choose as his adeptus abode.
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Since Shen Qingqiu is a shizun, during the Genshin Livestream for 4.4 my brain went: "You know how Cloud Retainer goes on and on about how "When Ganyu/Shenhe was a child" right? Imagine Shen Qingqiu doing the same as an adeptus master for Gaming towards Cloud Retainer when they have tea together." So yeah, Gaming is Shen Qingqiu's little apprentice. And with how Gaming loves Wushu Dance (aka a traditional form of art), it would make sense for him to have Shen Qingqiu as an adeptus master.
Last but not least, I am not gonna lie, I just wanted to force some type of therapy onto Shen Jiu. Why did I have to send him to Teyvat for therapy, you ask? Well, theoretically speaking, every single person in Teyvat has some type of trauma (some may have it worse than others but trauma is still trauma), and I feel like whatever type of therapy they practice in Teyvat kinda works because, for all the trauma the characters have, they don't seem as harden and callous as Shen Jiu. So, whatever they have been feeding on to help with the trauma, I want like 50 portions for Shen Jiu.
Some other things of note:
Shen Jiu has 3 options for a Vision/Elemental Powers: Anemo, Cryo or Pyro
Shen Jiu's adeptus form is that of a Jiufeng - an early depiction of a Phoenix that has 9 heads. I believe it is a good correlation because Shen Jiu turning into an adeptus doesn't mean he is not Shen Jiu anymore. It's not a full resurrection and new life altogether for Shen Jiu, just another WAY to survive.
Shen Jiu met Gaming when he was a child who got lost around the mountain/parts of Chenyu Vale that Shen Jiu protects. He helped the kid go back to Qiaoying Village. Gaming called him "Master Adeptus Bird" as a child, and it changed to "Shizun" after Shen Jiu decided to take him in.
I don't know if this might end up as a Shen Jiu/Yue Qingyuan or Shen Jiu/Liu Qingge, but regardless of the pairing, I wanna say that Shen Jiu will at least get some friends and family (new or old) out of this whole situation
Here is a little funny thing I thought about as I was writing this monstrosity of a post:
Cloud Retainer: When Ganyu/Shenhe was a child...
Madame Ping: When Yanfei/Xianling/Yaoyao was a child...
Shen Jiu: When Gaming was a child...
All Adepti + Morax: When Shen Jiu was a child:
Shen Jiu:... fuck you guys...
Either way, this is about everything I have in me for today (I have been writing this for nearly 2 hours, so please excuse any typos you may find).
What do you think? Good? Bad? A bit too much? (My brain is literally cooked after this post)
Let me know what you think.
Also, I wanna say that I wrote this literally 2 days before 4.4 is live, so I don't know anything about Chenyu Vale or Gaming's story outside of what was shown/said during the livestream.
See you guys tomorrow,
- TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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konniesreality · 11 months
What the hell happened to loablr it has become a full blown out warzone!!!!! What's with the two gossip blogs and their anons. They are coming at every other blogger and why are they dragging you in this whole mess when you aren't even in the 1% of it!!!! This is whole new level of messed up. The loagossip girl has no opinion and just posts hate asks and she has proofs against apparently every other blogger??but this moonlight girl she's the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen. She and her anons are calling you gullible but she supports winter and unique!??? Like girl you say minors should not be exempted but you just go uwu for winter a 20 something girl ???? She's been exposed for much worse things!!!!. I'm completely baffled and as for Rosie bcoz of her,pink,you and raven i finally manifested my dream life.So after knowing about her scandal I was shocked but maybe it's my bias towards her but I don't think she ever lied about her manifestations??
I came here to tell my success story but I see this place is not at all how it was once. It's sad to see those hateful anons from last winter now have a platform to just spew whatever nonsense they want...... I feel so sorry for you Konnie you're so young but you've helped many like me to have our dream life but the things you've to go through are just straight up disgusting. Just stay strong and don't try to justify them anything also it doesn't looks like they are hearing anything other than what they wanna hear. I mean they wanted to see Rosie's proof when she did now they call it false( which imo just looks like ss which has been compressed bcoz of posting here) but idk still her stories aren't adding up.....something was definitely wrong But she's not here now so why are you still being dragged in all of this??? You've been friends with some of the bloggers here long time and anyone's first instinct is to be on the side of people they trust.
Again I want to thank all of you who were here in my darkest hours and now bcoz of you all i'm living my dream life. Also looks like these two gossip bloggers didn't manifested shit so now they're at the mission to destroy every blogger otherwise who goes on ss every move of someone's blog? Don't they keep saying if you're living your dream life then why are you spending all of your time here then they just go on doing the same thing. I just feel sad to see this community go downhill so fast. So manyyy good bloggers left. Never thought those hateful anons will have such an impact on the community.
I just hope you take some time off and enjoy your life to the fullest you don't have to provide any explanation to anyone you've done enough. Just relax and stay happy and healthy Konnie ❤️❤️
Thank u and yes her blog is literally just posting drama!! No send ur success plz! 💗💗💗
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