#like the first shots where she was describing her love for captain marvel and it’s all animated? it was so good!
five-hxrgreeves · 1 year
im dYIIIINGGGG with the adam warlock x quill sister! when he calls her 'little quill'??? with that accent of his??? so soft and husky??? im screaming at my phone dude aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i need part iii right freaking now!!!
PAIRING: adam warlock & fem! quill’s sister!reader
POWERS: adapted from D.C.'s Stargirl, although in this instance, the powers are a part of you and the staff just helps you use them.
WC: 1.9k (woo a shorter one this time!) 
SUMMARY: your first meeting with Adam wasn't one that indicated that you'd become friends anytime soon. Your second meeting. . . wasn't great either. But, somewhere along the line, you would develop a soft spot for the curious man-child.
WARNINGS: slight gotg three spoilers, badly written original fight scene, possibly ooc canon!guardians.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: OMG!!! This is my first-ever inbox message- thank you, anon! You made my day with this <3 I love Adam's/Will's accent; I definitely hope that we get to see (and hear) more of him in other Marvel movies. As requested, here's part three (even if it's technically part zero, lol.) I do take requests if anyone wants to send me stuff! (I just won't write smut, sorry!)
I hope you guys enjoy this part, although I'm not very confident about it since I'm terrible at writing fight scenes. It's hard enough for me to imagine original content (like the other two parts) but scenes where people move around a lot without the movie itself to rely on are very difficult for me because my mind doesn't think in pictures, but in words and I don't know how to describe fighting. I'm sorry if this isn't as good as the other parts. 😭
And on a side note, the 'no shit, Captain Sherlock' is another reference to space people messing up Terran lingo :)
Part 1 , Part 2
You were admittedly not in the best mood when you first (officially) met Adam. Peter and Mantis had left only days ago, leaving you to sort out your feelings alone. You were currently in the training room, fueling your sadness into anger at their abandonment. You often used your powers to aid you while you were fighting, but they weren’t much use during everyday life— unless you wanted to fly. Now, however, they were very useful.
Brilliant blasts of golden light shot out from the staff that your hands gripped tightly. While your powers could be used without aid, the staff helped you control them; Ego had made it for you when you’d become old enough to serve as his protector. Although you were disgusted with the weapon’s origins, you couldn’t help but agree that it made your fighting much more effective.
Each of your blasts hit the targets squarely in the middle as you turned deftly to conquer the row. A scowl was prominent on your face as you pictured each of your targets as Peter’s or Mantis’ face. (While you would never really want to hurt them, of course, the sting of their desertion fueled your thoughts.) You were listening to a playlist by the Rage Against the Machine— which you had chosen solely because of the band’s name as it mirrored your feelings. The music that was blasting in your ears was so loud that, if someone had been standing next to you, they could have heard the lyrics as if they were wearing your headphones themselves.
As you moved up and down the line of targets, you were unaware of the audience of three that had entered the room. Groot, Rocket and Adam stopped by the entrance to watch you unleash your fury against whatever enemy you were envisioning. The new leader of the Guardians gestured to you. “There. See? I told you she’s nice.”
Adam hesitated, clearly uncertain. “She looks mad.”
“I am Groot,” Groot agreed.
“Shut up,” Rocket retorted, glaring slightly at the tree who was supposed to be helping his case. “She won’t hurt goldie. You’ve already seen her bad side, haven’t you? This is nuthin’.”
The golden boy had to admit that Rocket was right; he remembered only too well his first encounter with you as you’d jumped in to help your friends fight off his unexpected attack.
He’d just defeated the stupid tree-like thing and as it scuttled away like a demented spider, the faint sound of a whistle pierced through the air. An arrow shot out of nowhere, harmlessly bouncing off his skin and only annoying him more than anything else. He looked around sharply, but there didn’t seem to be anyone brave enough to fight him in the vicinity. “Hey! Who threw that?”
He scoffed when there was no answer, stalking towards where he’d last seen his target. But before he could get very far, a force came out of nowhere— this time much stronger than an errant arrow. It knocked him off his feet like a bullet and together they were sent flying through the town, which elicited more cries of fear from the citizens.
He landed harshly against a building that got in the way and debris fell on top of him from the force of the collision. Adam grunted irritably; this was the second time during this fight that his enemy thought that throwing him into a building would be enough to deter his attack— didn’t they ever learn? He stood and shook the dust off his clothes before he strode back out to the street to face this new opponent. Except— it wasn’t the same blue person from before.
The golden boy stared at the other person with disbelief, the only thing that he could come up with was: “you’re a girl!”
She scoffed. “Yeah, no shit, Captain Sherlock.” She twirled the staff in her hands expertly between her fingers before she set the butt down on the ground. It glowed softly as it lit up with her power, her face set. “Let’s do this thing.”
Adam had no qualms about fighting a girl, so they charged at each other without hesitation. He thought she’d be as easy to take down as her teammates but when they collided, she merely used her staff as a shield against his attack. They paced across the open space as they exchanged blows, the girl using her staff offensively and defensively interchangeably. As she flipped neatly out of the way of one of his advances, he began to see how evenly matched they were.
“You are stalling,” he realized. “If you just hand over your friend, we would not have to fight.”
The girl paused, flicking some of her hair out of her eyes. “Oh. Well, in that case—”
She charged at him again, her staff catching on his uniform. She followed him into the air and her swift kick to his stomach sent him tumbling away from her. It was then that he realized that she could fly— just like him— and that was what had powered her initial attack. In the time it took for him to recover from the spin, a blast of golden light was sent his way. Because of his more durable skin, though, the light only felt like volts of electricity rather than something that could do actual damage. The most effective part of her power was the blast itself, which he had to fight through to get closer to her.
Now that he knew where her power came from, he made to attack her staff in order to knock it out of her hands. She seemed to sense his plan— Adam figured most people she fought went this route— and she countered this by trying to fly above him to push him towards the ground. He responded by grabbing the staff in her hands directly while she was mid-swing. The girl was tiring slightly, her breath becoming shorter as the fight went on and she was now on the defensive.
She tried to yank her staff loose from his hold but as evenly matched as they were, he was still stronger. The girl then attempted to shake him off by lighting the staff up with her power. If he hadn’t been such a strong opponent, the golden light would have burned through his hands. As it was, the little volts were barely something that he registered. While he could have easily swung the staff to send her flying off the end and into the ground, he held back the true show of his strength as she didn’t seem to be as resilient as the two blue people or the tree.
Instead, he tried once more for the diplomatic route: “you have fought valiantly for your little friend. If you surrender him to me now I will leave your village in peace.”
The girl’s eyes narrowed with fury as she continued to fight to free her weapon. “Go to hell!”
Adam sighed, having partially expected that response. “Very well. Have it your way, then.”
He smoothly jerked the staff from her grasp and carelessly tossed it to send the weapon spiraling towards the ground. He turned back towards the girl to finish her off as he had her teammates, but he paused. She seemed to hang, suspended, in the air as time appeared to freeze around her. Her eyes widened and, for the first time since he’d encountered her, a look of fear appeared on her face.
Then, she dropped like a stone.
They were very high off the ground by this point and the fall would likely kill a normal being. He wasn’t sure if she would survive, so his reflexes kicked in before he could really think about what he was doing.
By now, the shock had worn off and she fell through the air, she reached up to him as he was the only person who could help her. Adam put on a spurt of speed to try and catch her but she was falling faster than he had anticipated. The girl slammed into the ground and lay still just as he landed next to her. He told himself that saving her wasn’t his mission, and her incapacitation only made obtaining his goal easier. His mother’s orders echoed in his mind, so against his instinct he turned away from her in pursuit of the squirrel.
You felt a tap on your shoulder, startling you. You whirled around with your staff in a defensive position only to be met with the sight of your teammates. With a sigh, you pulled out one earbud but didn’t pause your music.
“What?” you asked shortly.
“Don’t you take that tone with me, Little Quill. I’m ya superior now,” Rocket replied, unaffected by your attitude. “I wanted you to meet golden boy here.”
You gave Adam a once-over, ignoring how the sight of his. . . attractive features made your stomach curl pleasantly. “Yeah. We’ve met.”
The boy in question shifted uncomfortably, feeling once again ashamed of his previous actions. Before he could say anything, Rocket spoke again, adjusting the straps of his jumpsuit as he did so: “well, I ain’t great with humie ages, but I figured ya’d be about the same. I thought it might boost team morale to see ya two hangin’ out together or whatever humies your age do.”
While your first response was to dismiss the whole endeavor— you didn’t want to get close to someone else just to have them leave you, too— but a small, traitorous part of your mind whispered: he saved your brother. Another part chimed in: he’s not bad to look at.
“Fine,” you grumbled. “He can stay, but he better not get in my way. I’m not stopping my training because of him.”
“That’s the spirit, Little Quill,” your captain said, choosing to not acknowledge your reluctance. “I’ll leave ‘im in your hands. Let’s go, Groot.”
As you shoved the earbud back in your ear, you could faintly hear Adam’s protest: “wait! You’re not leaving me here, are you?”
While Rocket’s reply was drowned out by your music, the boy’s words hit you unexpectedly; it sounded just like your response to Peter’s and Mantis’ disinclination to stay with the Guardians. Some of your anger faded as you glanced at the boy who stood awkwardly in your periphery. Despite all of his strength and power, Adam looked a bit like a lost puppy and his expression made your features soften against your will. Fine. Whatever. It wouldn’t kill you to be nice.
You took out an earbud again. “Well, don’t just stand there. I know you can fight, so let’s see you use those skills.”
At the reminder of your first encounter, he sent you a guilty look. As he stepped up next to you, he said quietly, “I’m sorry about that, by the way. For almost killing you.”
You patted him on the arm companionably. “Hey, no hard feelings. You’re not the first and you certainly won’t be the last, so just add your name to the list.”
All of the Guardians had forgiven him with surprising readiness and it seemed like you were no different— only, you were. His gaze stayed on the spot where your hand had touched him. There was a lingering warmth as if your hand was still there, the sensation sending tingles (not unlike the ones that he felt during your blasts of power) through him.
@repostingmyfavs , @trashpenguin
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rowrowronnie · 2 years
coming in to say that i very much enjoyed the first episode of ms marvel, love the personality and style of the show, the vfx artists went crazy!! excited to see more, hoping it lands on its feet by the end!
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wenellyb · 3 years
Is Sambucky Canon or Not?
TL;DR: Yes, it is
I've seen some people saying that they only see friendship between Sam and Bucky, and I can understand that. Because depending on your education, the environment you grew up and the kind of media you’re usually exposed to, you will have a different interpretation of different situations, in real life or in TV. Just let me insert a short story before I dive into the Sambucky topic:
My best friend's uncle is in his fifties and has been living with his roommate (a man) for more than 10 years. They lived together, went on holidays together but officially were just roommates. My best friend wondered if they were a couple, but never talked about it to her parents because it wasn't her business. Two years ago, they decided to come out and get married. My best friend's parents and his parents were genuinely surprised, they were not expecting that, at all, not even a little bit. Let me tell you that it didn’t even cross their mind that it was a possibility, at all. For them, it had always just been two men who had decided to live together because they were single. And preferred to have a roommate rather than living alone.
What I want to say with this story is that people will see what they want to see, or what they're used to see, or what they were raised to see. It’s human.
What I mean is that you will have different perception of a same event, depending on your own circumstances. And I think the writers of TFATWS were counting on that a little bit when it came to Sam and Bucky’s relationship. They obviously didn't want to make some big announcement or big love declaration.
And yes, of course, I have my own circumstances as well, influencing the way I see things. I have shipped SamBucky since Civil War, when they were supposedly enemies. I never expected anything to happen between them on screen. But then they got a show together and I was so so happy about it but I didn't expect anything other than friendship between them.
I was perfectly fine with that because a show was already more than enough: my man Sam Wilson was becoming Captain America, the show was great, the characters were great, their interactions were great, and this wasn't a love story anyway but a superhero show. I thought that here was no way the showrunners would ever go there. I changed my mind after episode 5. I tried to stay objective, but it was clear to me that the writers were hinting at a relationship that went beyond friendship between Sam and Bucky. In some of my previous posts, I explained that there are some scenes and writing choices that make absolutely no sense if you read them as a scene between two friends. I can link them if anyone’s interested.
Side note: I would like to know if one person on this website can tell me what was up with Bucky's behavior with Torres (in episode 5)? What other explanation is there, if not jealousy? It's a scene they chose to keep, so it was probably written this way, there must be a reason. Please I’m begging someone explain it to me. I'm genuinely asking, because otherwise that scene alone is canon Sambucky.
After episode 5, I was convinced they would make Sambucky canon, one way or the other and I started speculating about the ways they could do it. What I said was that if they did make Sambucky canon, they would do it in a very subtle way, in order not to make it too obvious because that’s generally how Marvel movies deal with love stories. And also because they wouldn’t want to scare away their homophobic audience ( I guess Disney needs their money...who knows)
So here are the scenes of how I imagined SamBucky becoming canon and the comparison with reality:
- What I thought we could get : AJ and Cass calling Bucky "Uncle Bucky" - What we got: AJ and Cass running up to Bucky and playing with him. This point is interesting because it’s also related to the point I made about how the environment you grew up in influences your perception of things. I grew up in a big family and I know that, at least in my family, kids don't run up to an adult like that just because it's their uncle’s friend or just because he's nice... There's a real bond there. They haven't seen Bucky just that one time when he slept on the couch. They're obviously close. But some people might just see this as kids being kids. Also, if you watch at how the kids were fake punching him, they were really coordinated with Bucky. They have done this plenty of times. 2.
What I thought we could see: A non-explicit scene where we were supposed to draw our own conclusions. I thought they could show us Bucky staying over for the night, and the last scene would be an empty couch, meaning we would have to understand that Bucky slept in Sam's room this time.
-What we got: Bucky arriving in Sam's car ( A few people on Tumblr pointed out that it was the car Sam was driving in episode 1) So here again we have a scene that a lot of people will not notice. But they still chose to put it there. 3.
What I thought could happen: Sam asking Bucky to stay in Delacroix
What we got: Bucky wrapping things up in New York, as if he was leaving the city for good and coming to Sam's party as if he already knew everyone there. You can read my take on this here. 4. What I thought could happen: The scene in the trailer where we see them looking in the same direction and then we get a shot from very far away where they're holding hands but it’s not so obvious because they are being filmed from a disctance. -What we got: The scene in trailer and then a blurry shot of Sam holding Bucky and then fondling with his neck to find the best spot to rest his hand on. So none of the scenes I was imagining happened exactly like I had imagined, but it felt like all of them happened but in a different versions, which is still crazy to me. If it had been only one scene. I could probably understand the people who see them as just friends. Actually, I still do understand the people who see them as just friends, because everyone has their own interpretation. What I am saying is that they are NOT being portrayed as just friends. There are TOO many scenes in the 6 episodes for it to be a coincidence. One or 2 would be ok but friendship doesn’t explain everything:
The therapy scene (not the therapy scene itself since it was improvised) but the therapist saying she had heard a lot about Sam and wanting them to do a couples’ therapy
Bucky following Sam no matter what
Sam saying ok as soon as Bucky says "do it for me"
Sam asking "what about Bucky?"
Bucky starting to touch Sam whenever he has the chance
Bucky being the one to bringing the suit for Sam
The boat repairing montage
Bucky wanting to stay at Sam's place, when a hotel room would have been more comfortable than a couch
The second day of boat repair in closed quarters with an intense staring scene.
And there are so many other scenes, soft touches, looks,...
These writing choices are not a coincidence, it’s not involuntary, and it’s not fan service ( Fan service is the roll in the flower field scene, or the therapy session). This is them telling a story.
Let’s not even talk about the scenes in Endgame:
Sam comforting bucky at Tony’s funeral
Sam looking up to Bucky for approval before accepting the shield from Steve.
So yes, Sam and Bucky are canon in the sense that Peter and Gamora were canon in the first movie, or Wanda and Vision were canon in Captain Civil War. Meaning that there was no big moment, kiss or anything, but the show is consistently throwing elements clearly showing Sam and Bucky as a romantic item and hinting at a lot more than friendship between them.
It is normal that some people have a different opinion. Because it is extremely rare, in big productions like this to have two male leads with romantic feelings towards each other, so not a lot people who see it will interpret it as such (I don't think it ever happened). You’ll see what you’re used to seeing.
I guess it also depends on what you expect from a love story. For me, the storyline between the characters, their scenes, their chemistry, the way their feelings towards each other are described, are the most important. The kiss scene is just there as a bonus, but I don't need it when the love story is told perfectly. If you’re used to seeing love stories with many kissing scenes, that’s what you will be expecting to see in most love stories.
If you're only used to seeing male friendships in superhero or action movies. The 1000th time you see men interacting in that type of movie or show, you are more likely to assume it is a friendship and nothing more, no matter how many codes and tropes usually associated with romantic movies, the writers and show makers are using.
Add to that the conviction that Disney would never approve Sambucky in a million years, and there you go, I can understand the people who see only friendship.
But, just think about it, if we had the same show, same scenes, same dialogues, but minus the action scenes and the project was being marketed as an Indie movie, would you think they were just friends or a blossoming couple?
If you read Sambucky’s relationship like a friendship: some scenes don't make sense. If you read it like a developing romantic relationship: it all makes sense. "When you hear hoofs, think horse, not zebra" If a writer or a film director chooses a last scene with a romantic setting and the two leads are staring at a sunset, smiling repeatedly at each other and then walking away together with one of them touching the other's neck, with a love song in the background, maybe friendship isn't the first thought they had in mind.
Some people may say “I see them as just friends” and other people may say “ I see them as lovers” and both are fine, because people have different perceptions, and that’s ok.
What I am saying is this post is that the show and the writers are portraying them as more than just friends, they’re portraying them as two characters who are romantically involved.
Perceive what you want but that’s how they are being presented in the show.
Bucky’s therapist said that the exercise she gave them was for couples who want to figure out what kind of life they want to build together. Then, the show ends with Sam and Bucky, staring at a sunset together, looking in the same direction.
“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. “  - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
What else do you need???
This show had more romance than half of the Marvel projects out there. Not every love story needs a kiss (for now...)
We'll see in their next projects which direction the writers want to go with this. But since it was said that the writer on the movie is the same as the writer from episode 5, there's no doubt in my mind that we'll keep seeing this dynamic. I don't think they would have made the same choices if this had been a movie. But I won't complain that we got this. I hope they keep this going even if it stays subtle like in the show. Just hope they will add one explicit scene where one of the characters acknowledges their relationship. But even if we only ever get this show, it’s already a great love story. Let me know what you guys think and sorry for the typos and grammar mistakes, I was tired when I wrote the last part. I hope it still makes sense!
If you think they're only being portrayed as friends let me know why! I would also like to know about the way you see this!
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annathesillyfriend · 3 years
Anna's August Fic Recs
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Welcome to my August fic recommendations masterpost!! This has been quite a busy month for me but I'm holding onto last weeks of freedom. I am trying to read as much before uni starts and I had a pleasure of reading some brilliant fics this month. I am so excited to share them with you all! I hope your summer is going amazing and to those, who have just started classes - good luck!
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
✨ Tom Holland
revenges is sweet by @t-lostinworlds
series, social media au, college!au, football player!tom, fake dating, idiots to lovers, all of our fave tropes, i am invested in this series more than i am in my own life, it's just that good
sunkissed by @duskholland
one-shot, 18+, surfer!tom x lifeguard!tom, exes to lovers, h's great mind at its finest 👏
souvenirs of the heart by @veryholland
one-shot, brought me to tears no joke, such a beutiful story, mila did such an amazing job!!
heartbreak girl by @lauras-collection
one-shot, 18+, lead singer!tom, based on 5SOS song, this is so goooood 😫😫 this story lives in my heart rent free right nextdoor to laura!!
act 1: scene 5 and 6 by @youandtom
one-shot, best friends to lovers, helping tom with learning lines, i loved this very much!
happier than ever by @vendettaparker
one-shot, tom being the great lad he is comes to save an awful date and we stan
the trial of the eldest holland by @reawritesthings
one-shot, ex!tom, welcome to the angst town! this is so deeply heartbreaking but so beautifully written!
lucky to be in love by @hollandsvogue
one-shot, rose is going staright for my silly little heart :')
slide in by @uglypastels
one-shot, frat!tom, i fall in love with this story time and time again
white winged dove by @muhollands
one-shot, 18+, conuntry!tom, insert country boy i love you vine here (also, i'd like to take this moment to kindly invite you all to go through d's whole masterlist cause it's brilliant. this mj blurb has sent me straight to hell but it's so worth it)
abide by @hazofmyheart
one-shot, 18+, mob!au, tom x reader x harrison, this made me feel some type of way 👁👄👁
getting ahead of ourselves by @/hazofmyheart
one-shot, 18+, college! lacrosse player!tom holland x tutor!reader, this is soft, this is cute, this is hot, this is everything! 12/10 would recommend
✨ Harrison Osterfield
little lune by @dovenymph
one-shot, celebrating your birthday with haz, made me want a refund for my birthday cause it's so lovely 🥺🥺
it will come back by @greenorangevioletgrass
one-shot, part of the rich kid!au series, 18+, richkid!haz x richkid!reader x actor!tom, there are no words in any language that would let me express how much i love ava and this au
✨ Harry Holland
wild side by @softholand
one-shot, 18+, best friends to lovers, that trope was made to be written about mister harry holland, i swear
lost in your light by @spider-barnes
one-shot, 18+, best friends to lovers, bloody lovely 💛
falling in love at a coffee shop by @/spider-barnes
one-shot, college!au, oh to fall in love with harry holland at a coffee shop 😫
hope is frightening thing by @peterplanet
one-shot, writer!reader x first da!harry, her book gets a film adaptation and harry is being is wonderful self 🥰
my forever by @unsaidholland
blurb, talking about your future with him, it's just 🥰🥰
circles by @farfromharry
one-shot, rich kid!au, enemies to lovers, so wonderful!
🎂 Suz's birthday fics
this total babe @samwilsons-pillowpecs gave us four beautiful gift on her birthday! we adore you, lovely 🥰 these stories are all wonderful anddeserve their own category 💛
you're the glitter in the dark
one-shot, 18+, mob!bucky
if i could touch you...
one-shot, 18+, boxer!steve
love you in a thousand ways
one-shot, 18+, ceo!sam
miss your kiss
one-shot, 18+, biker!thor
🎂@rodrikstark ’s 1.5k follower celebration!
collecion of headcanons with our favourite marvel boys as well as some other characters, i bloody love them all but my numer one has got to be joaquin teaching you spanish 😌
✨ Sam Wilson
book smart by @indyluckycharlie
one-shot, librarian!sam x PhD student!reader, such a warm and comfy little story by my dearest cate who i love very much 😌
he we go again by @/xbuchananbarnes
one-shot, idiots in love 🥰🥰
adventures in babysitting captain america and winter solider by @princessmisery666
one-shot, reader takes the boys to disneyland and it's just so amazing!
stay awhile by @lacapucharoja
one-shot, black!reader, a saturday morning with sam 😌😌
slow motion by @ambrosiase
one-shot, 18+, sam in baggy grey sweatpants and no underwear, need i say more?
✨ Steve Rogers
bullies, bullied by @anika-ann
one-shot, my main babe is blessing us with protective steve and i love her 🥰
there's a peace in dreaming by @babycap
one-shot, i don't have the words to tell you how stunning this story is, please go read it
✨ Bucky Barnes
timer by @xbuchananbarnes
series, soulmate!au based on the movie TiMER (2009). i could go on and on about how incredible that series is but with dani it's a given, sooo 🤷‍♀️
the kids will be alright by @imaginationintowords
series, social media au, lawyer!bucky x interior designer!reader, single dad!bucky, single mom!reader raising their kid together as friends, also reader x clark kent. honestly this is one of my fave social media aus of all time. and it's got a sequel is coming!!
quick fix by @ocean-bucky
one-shot, tfatws!bucky x ofc, vidra is the queen of ofc's, you simply can't not love her characters!
grant (part 2) by @coffeecatsandsarcasm
two-shot, bucky's in a relationship with a single mom with a little boy, it's so soft, i love this little family!
before sunset, i fell by @buckysbiota
one-shot, modern!au, when i get drunk i get myself cake, when reader got drunk, she got herself a husband. a very fine husband 😏
alcohol you later by @/xbuchananbarnes
one-shot, is it the 4th of dani's fics on this list? yes, she's just that powerful
three flags up by @starbuckie
one-shot, 18+, campcounselor!bucky x campcounselor!reader, best friends to lovers, buck being a cute little puppy in love and i adore him very much
and he kissed me right there by @sunmoonandbucky
one-shot, veteran!bucky, age gap, this is so full of feelings and it's gonna steal your heart!
lost and found by @sunshinebuckybarnes
two-shot, neighbour!bucky, alpine being the matchmaker of the year and we love that for her
hazy dreams and good mornings by @angrythingstarlight
one-shot, 18+, firefighter!bucky, i think that's enough encouragement to read this gem 😏
✨ Joaquin Torres
red by @remmysbounty
one-shot, a truly exceptional story!!
hold my words, keep us together by @/xbuchananbarnes
one-shot, soulmate!au, just simply stunning!
✨Peter Parker
love lies by @rosyparkers
series, social media au, y/n is silk but peter doesn't know it, peter is spiderman but y/n doesn't know it, sarah is the brightest star in the universe and everyone knows it
sunset lovers by @duskholland
one-shot, college! au, soulmate!au where what your soulmate writes on their skin, appears on yours. i don't think i have to tell you that eveything written by h, my beloved is pure gold. the softest thing!
always waiting (for you to come home) by @peterbenjiparker
one-shot, reader comes to peter cause she needs him to patch her up after patrol, it's so funny and sweet and i just love it so much, m is the bestest!!
perfectly a little late by @/t-lostinworlds
one-shot, college!au, reader forgets about peter's birthday. or does she 👀 please, give a round of applause for this wonderful writer who's been feeding us so well this month 👏👏
this fic by @peeterparkr
one-shot, last kiss with peter :') nancy knows all the most beautiful ways to break someone's heart
the plan by @spideyyeet
series, aveneger!reader, reader likes peter, peter likes mj, mysterio shows up, lots of angsty things happen. it's so bloody good, my mates, go read it!!
burning red by @spideyspeaches
one-shot, avenger!reader who who describes people's personalities as colors, it's just a stunning story with wonderful writing and i love it!!
this fic by @mcumendes
blurb, peter brings y/n flowers and is very very adorable!!
kiss me more by @celestialholland
one-shot, first make out with peter and i'm just 😫😫 in love
the reveal by @cloudybarnes
one-shot, best friends!reader where she finds out about him being spiderman, so lovely!!
always by @ptersmj
one-shot, an absolutely adorable best friends to lovers moment
red-handed by @/vendettaparker
one-shot, stark!reader, morgan interrupts y/n and peter's alone time 😏😂
✨ Spencer Reid
as told by flowers by @reidingmelodies
one-shot, story about the progress of the relationship with spencer told by flowers (duh 😂), it's just wonderful!!
✨ Frank Adler
thnks fr th mmrs by @wiypt-writes
one-shot, 18+, reader goes to frank the night before his wedding, i love this with everything i have
will you hold on my love by @writerwrites
one-shot, don't come anywhere near this piece without tissues!!
✨ Ransom Drysdale
undercover boss by @chase-your-dreams-away
series, reader's working at drysdales' company and hooks up with ransom not knowing who he is. this series is so bloody good! i love the reader in here so much!!
a/n: if you catch some kind of mistake or if you see that i miscredited someone - please let me know so i can change that!
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Hey, I hope you're had a very pleasant birthday and birthday month! If the prompte are still open: Can you do Stony with Tony finally and sorta randomly confessing his love to Steve and Steve only then realizing that what he feels for Tony is romantic love as well?
Hello! Sure thing! Quick note: there’s a change between present and past tense for a flashback, for anyone who doesn’t like that kind of thing
As always, everything I write is also on ao3
“I love you,” Tony says, and Steve doesn’t quite know what to do about that.
He won’t say that he’s thought about it before because he hasn’t. But he won’t say that he’s never thought about it either—because he has, occasionally, glanced at Tony’s ass outlined by his perfectly tailored pants and appreciated the sight, and he has, once or twice, wondered what Tony’s warm, sparkling eyes would look like when hazy with pleasure. But a quick, glancing thought that he immediately moves on from is not the same as being attracted enough to Tony to think about asking him out or anything past that.
And now that he’s faced with that question, he doesn’t know what to say. Is he supposed to thank Tony? Is he supposed to acknowledge his feelings and say that he doesn’t feel the same way? Is he just supposed to ignore what Tony said? This is why he has so much trouble with his dates—he never knows how to act in a way that isn’t awkward. No wonder Natasha recently declared him hopeless after he came back from his last date covered in her sticky drink because he accidentally called her a dame.
“I love you,” Tony says and Steve doesn’t know what to do about that, but as it turns out, he doesn’t have to do anything, because Tony nods immediately afterward, says, “Good talk,” and turns and walks away like he wasn’t expecting an answer—or at least, not one that he would like.
Steve doesn’t know what to do about that either.
“Do you think I’m in love with Tony?” he asks Natasha later that day when they’re relaxing on the couch while some mindless sitcom plays in the background.
Natasha blinks at him and then caps the nail polish she was using and puts it on the coffee table. “Do you think you’re in love with Tony?” she asks carefully.
He frowns at her. “That’s not what I asked.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure I should just tell you what to think.”
He sighs and takes another sip from his Coke, only to realize that it’s empty. Yeah, that describes his life pretty well. “I’m gonna get another one,” he says, standing up. “Do you want something?”
She shakes her head. It’s not until he’s in the kitchen, grabbing another Coke from the fridge, before she asks, “What brought this on?”
Steve thinks about the vulnerable look on Tony’s face as he said those three words. He probably wouldn’t like it if Steve told Natasha what they’d discussed. Or, well, he’d probably act like it was fine but he’d secretly feel hurt and might put the workshop into blackout mode again. Steve hates it when the workshop is in blackout mode. He doesn’t like that he can’t get to Tony when he’s feeling so terrible that he has to shut himself away. He wants to be there to support him, and he hates it when he’s the one who makes Tony feel like he has to close off the workshop.
“Nothing,” he tells Natasha.
She gets up to come into the kitchen, where she eyes him for a moment and then declares, “Tony finally told you, didn’t he?”
How does she always know?
“How do you always know?”
She smiles enigmatically. “I always know,” she says in that mysterious tone.
Steve glares at her. “Tony told you, didn’t he?”
“Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t.”
“One of these days, you’re going to have to admit that you two are friends.”
“Hmm,” she agrees. “But not today.” She hesitates, watching as Steve starts preparing a ham sandwich. “So Tony told you he loves you and you said?”
“Nothing,” Steve says with a shrug. “JARVIS, do you think it would be a good idea if I took this to Tony?”
“Sir has not expressed an explicit desire to keep you out of the workshop but I believe he would not appreciate you down there at the moment.”
Steve sighs. “Great. Could you send U up here to bring this sandwich down?”
“Of course, Captain Rogers.”
With that taken care of, Steve turns back to Natasha, following her back out to the living room. “I didn’t say anything because Tony didn’t give me the chance. He just took off.”
Natasha is quiet, studying him for a long moment. He knows what she’s thinking, since it’s probably the same thing he thought: that Tony was too afraid to hear the answer to give Steve the chance to respond. Eventually, she asks, “So how do you feel about it?”
“I don’t know,” Steve says honestly. “I can’t say I’ve ever thought about Tony like that before but—we act kinda coupley, don’t we?”
Before Natasha can respond, the previously bright sky outside goes dark. There’s a bright lightning bolt right outside the window, followed by the crash of thunder and then a loud rushing sound. It dissipates after a moment, the sky lightening again.
“Captain Rogers, Agent Romanoff,” JARVIS says, “Thor has returned to the tower.”
The Steve and Tony story goes something like this: instead of going on his planned road trip, Steve returned to the tower the day after the Chitauri invasion to offer his apologies to Tony about what he said on the helicarrier. Somehow—and he’s not sure how, even to this day—he found himself getting wrapped up in the tower repairs with a room of his own on one of the lower floors. And by the time those were done, Tony had apparently also redone some of the apartments near the penthouse as a headquarters for the Avengers. Steve hadn’t been lacking for options after the battle (the Army, in particular, wanted him back) but he’d moved into the tower permanently instead.
He and Tony had clashed a few times in those early days but once Bruce came back from wrapping up his affairs in India and Natasha and Clint left SHIELD to join them, they settled into a bit of a truce.
And over the semi-regular movie nights and the training spars and the late-night conversations after they both couldn’t sleep, that truce became a friendship and before Steve quite realized it, Tony had become one of his best friends. Slowly, Steve found himself being pulled out of the shell he’d withdrawn into after waking in this new century. Tony dragged him to lunch at new and exciting places, places that Steve could never have even dreamed of when he was growing up. They planned missions and training days together. Steve had even gotten adept enough at handling the press with Tony to feel confident accepting interview requests with him.
He hadn’t realized though that Tony had taken it as something more serious though. And now that he does know, he’s not sure what to do about it.
He eventually goes to Bruce, since Pepper is busy dealing with a business merger and Colonel Rhodes is out of town in some undisclosed location (though Steve is certain that Tony knows where). Bruce’s lab isn’t quite the wonderland of light and holograms that Tony’s is, but it’s still impressive to someone who grew up with nothing. Tony makes sure that Bruce has all the latest equipment so the lab is a gleaming marvel of sleek instruments with silver and white colors everywhere. It doesn’t look like the most soothing environment but the speakers pipe out some sort of piano music that Steve vaguely recognizes and there’s a teapot on one counter, keeping whatever Bruce is drinking warm.
Bruce is currently examining something under a microscope. Steve can make out what looks like a purple smear on the slide from where he’s standing in the doorway, but that’s it. Bruce doesn’t seem to have noticed him yet, even though JARVIS announced him, so he waits patiently until Bruce has rolled away from the microscope.
“Bruce, you got a second?” he asks quietly.
“Hey, when did you get here?” Bruce asks, offering him a tired smile. He waves Steve over to the teapot and offers him a cup.
“Just a couple minutes ago. I didn’t mind waiting,” Steve assures him. “What’s the blend?”
“Lavender and chocolate.”
“Sure, I wouldn’t mind a cup.” Bruce hands him the steaming mug. Steve has to add the sugar himself (only Tony knows how he prefers his tea).
“What brings you to my lab? Tony’s downstairs today,” Bruce says, fixing a cup of his own.
“I’m not looking for Tony. Not yet anyway,” Steve corrects. “I did want to talk about him though.” He hesitates and then decides to take the plunge. “Has Tony ever said anything to you about—ah—”
“About his feelings?” Bruce asks knowledgeably. “It’s come up a few times.”
Steve takes that to mean that it’s come up fairly frequently. Tony does like to overshare sometimes and trying to figure out what he’ll overshare about and what he’ll clam up about is about as accurate as trying to make one of Clint’s trick shots. “He told me today,” he begins carefully. “But he didn’t let me say anything.”
“Well, he wouldn’t,” Bruce says, like that’s perfectly reasonable and not absolutely surprising to Steve. He must see the confusion in Steve’s face because he adds, “He only just figured it out a few days ago himself, even though he’s been talking about you for months. I don’t think he was expecting you to feel the same way as him right after he realized it.”
“But why would he say it then?”
Bruce takes off his glasses, holding them in front of him as he thinks. “Tony—he’s got a weird relationship with love. He told me once that he thought he’d lost the chance to tell Pepper he loved her, first in Afghanistan and then with the palladium poisoning.”
“His parents,” Steve realizes. “He didn’t get to tell them either.”
“Exactly,” Bruce says, pointing at him with the glasses. “He doesn’t like to wait. So even though he knows you don’t feel the same way, he felt it was important to tell you.”
“What, in case I die tomorrow?”
“Or if he does.” Bruce must catch the stricken expression on Steve’s face as he smiles gently. “It’s not just about getting the feeling off his chest for Tony. It’s about making sure that you know you’re loved too.”
“Oh,” Steve says softly.
Normally, he would go down to the workshop to think about something that’s puzzling him but he doesn’t want to bother Tony right now. Instead, he goes to his second-favorite room in the entire tower: the library. The library was designed specifically by Tony for Steve after he mentioned how much he liked the tablet Tony had given him but how he missed paper books too. He hadn’t been angling for a library out of the conversation but Tony, generous to a fault, had immediately gotten to work on one.
It’s a beautiful room, completely incongruous with the sleek modern style of the rest of the tower, but perfect despite that. It takes up an entire two floors of the tower with balconies, a spiral staircase, and several sliding ladders for Clint to reenact a scene from some movie that Steve hasn’t gotten around to watching yet. Tony had done the room in dark wood with enough windows to make it feel light and airy instead of cramped. There are little nooks hidden among the shelves and a few window seats for anyone who wants to gaze out over the New York skyline while they read.
It’s perfect, made all the more so because Tony designed it for him.
“Steve, you should have realized how Tony felt sooner,” he mutters to himself as he settles on one of the cushy armchairs with his sketchbook. But how could he have? According to Bruce, Tony hadn’t even known how he felt until a few days ago.
He sketches as he thinks, no subject in mind until he looks down to find that he’s roughly sketched out Tony at his workbench, arguing with DUM-E over something silly. Steve smiles fondly down at the drawing, rubbing his thumb over the curve of Tony’s cheek. He remembers this argument. It had been a couple weeks ago. Tony had asked DUM-E to bring him a wrench and instead, DUM-E had brought him two screwdrivers, three hammers, and a level before finally bringing the wrench. It had made Steve laugh, which had just encouraged DUM-E. Tony had acted frustrated but he knows Tony well enough to know that Tony had been secretly proud about DUM-E’s personality, both for DUM-E and for himself. After all, as Tony said, any monkey could design an AI. It took skill to design one with character.
In his sketch, he’s drawn something of that conflict in Tony’s face—the frustration in the downward turn of his mouth but the pride in the twinkle in his eyes—and it only makes him more beautiful.
“Beautiful,” Steve repeats, awed at the thought. Tony is beautiful, when he’s tinkering, when he’s flying, even when he’s going toe-to-toe with Steve over something stupid (usually Tony’s self-sacrificial tendencies).
He flips through the book, taking in each drawing: Natasha, Tony, Clint, Thor, Tony, Bruce, Tony, Tony, Tony. “Yeah,” he murmurs, looking back down at the drawing he just finished again. He thinks he’s got it figured out.
He stands, tucking his sketchbook under his arm. “JARVIS, do you think Tony would mind talking to me now? I’ve got something important to tell him.”
JARVIS is quiet for a moment, then says, “Sir would be happy to see you.”
He makes his way downstairs, thinking about what he’s going to say, but as soon as he sees Tony—wonderful, beautiful, perfect Tony—playing with one of those incredible holograms he designed, the words fly from his mind and he blurts out, “I’m not in love with you.”
And then he winces. Yeah, okay, so he’s a bit of a disaster.
Tony looks hurt for a moment, but it’s quickly covered up with dramatic offense. Before Tony can make one of his infamous quips that’ll just make light of the situation, Steve crosses the workshop and pulls Tony’s hands into his, rubbing them gently with his thumbs.
“I’m not in love with you,” he repeats. “But I think I could be soon. I’m not where you’re at yet—my brain isn’t nearly as quick as yours, Tony, of course you’re a step ahead of me here too. But Tony, you’re on almost every single page of my sketchbook. We go on what we might as well call dates together. We talk for hours. I know you almost as well as I know myself. I’m not in love with you yet but I think I’m only a couple dates away from it, so you should take me out, and we’ll see how fast I can catch up.”
Tony is smiling by the end of his little speech. “How are you always so good at that?” he asks.
“I was born like this,” Steve says seriously, only to crack a grin when Tony laughs.
“No you weren’t,” Tony argues. “You were born small and spiteful.”
“And full of good speeches. But no one wanted to listen to a little guy like me so I had to bottle them up to use on you.” He pauses and looks down at Tony. “Um, not to pressure you, but does a date sound good?”
Tony thinks about it for a moment. “Depends. Where are you going to take me?”
“Oh, am I taking you? You’re the billionaire, shouldn’t you be treating me?”
Tony’s eyes darken as he purrs, “Only if you’re very nice.”
Steve shivers. He hadn’t really thought about how it would feel to have the full Tony Stark Seduction TechniqueTM turned on him, but he’s thinking about it now and it is absolutely delightful. “What if I’m not nice at all?” he whispers, hands tightening on Tony’s.
Tony’s smile turns downright filthy and he leans up to brush a kiss over Steve’s cheek. “Hmm, I’ll think of something,” he murmurs into Steve’s ear.
He’s not going to act like a caveman and take Tony to bed. He’s not. He’s going to—“Sal’s!” he blurts out, immediately regretting it when Tony takes a step away, brow wrinkling confusedly. It’s really cute. Steve wants to kiss it away.
“Sal’s,” Steve says again. “Best burgers in Brooklyn. I want to take you there.”
Tony smiles again. “Sounds like a date.”
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sineala · 3 years
If you don't mind me asking again, I'd like to request commentary for Unmasked and Let My Hands Do the Soothing? :) I love the feelings reveal in Unmasked, and the "on the run" trope is also one of my favourites.
The funny thing about Unmasked is that it was originally going to be an entirely different story, actually. The opening bit where they are all wearing their old costumes -- it was just going to be a lighthearted party fic where everyone wore their old costumes and made fun of each other a little and it was going to be an established relationship story. I think I had Tony slap Steve's ass within the first couple of paragraphs.
Then I couldn't really get that to gel as a story because nothing was really happening so I cannibalized the first couple paragraphs, made it a get-together story instead, and added a bunch of pining.
One of the things that delights me about the Marvel Universe is how self-referential it is. Within the comics there are also comics from Marvel Comics about the superheroes who are, in fact, real in their own universe -- so I guess it's like RPF comics. (For an added layer of self-references you can, in our universe, purchase comics whose conceit is that they were made on Earth-616 about Earth-616.)
And we also know that there are shows! Avengers TV shows! And we know that Henry Hellrung played Tony! I don't think we know anything else about it.
So I got to thinking about what an Avengers TV show would be like in 616 because obviously we know things that the general 616 public would not know. So if Henry Hellrung played Tony, obviously someone else would be playing Iron Man. And then I started wondering what the identity reveal would be like, and what sort of identity reveal Tony might want to fictionalize if he had had a choice about how Steve found out that he was Iron Man especially if he was grieving his loss. So I went for something massively tropey where Steve has to pull off the helmet to do CPR and then they declare their love. I wanted to give Tony a happy romantic identity reveal!
And then I thought it would be great if Tony's amnesia meant that he no longer knew he'd commissioned a TV episode about how much he loved Captain America, who he thought was dead and would never find this out. And then they both find this out at the same time. Hooray!
Honestly I would pay good money for Identity Reveal: The Kissing Version.
As for "Let My Hands Do The Soothing," this was written at Phoenix's request; she asked for an AU of the IM v3 arc Manhunt, her favorite arc, but with more Steve/Tony content, because Steve is not in this arc at all.
So Manhunt is an arc that I would describe as extreme h/c except for the part where they forgot the comfort. It's very whumpy. Tony is shot in the chest, is nearly killed by an assassin posing as a nurse, is shot again (while wearing armor) by an actual missile, is on the run from the law because he was framed for a terror attack, and then he decides to go fight the Mandarin. He is walking wounded. He is a mess. I'm pretty sure this is the arc where he puts on the armor's autopilot and then passes out in the armor, unless it's the one where he just accidentally flies into the side of the building. He goes through a lot, is my point.
And he does it all completely alone. There's a panel of him, after he's tried to bandage up his bleeding wounds under the armor while on the run and checking into a cheap hotel in "disguise" with a trench coat over his armor. He gets to his cheap hotel room and there's just this... panel of him lying face down on the hotel bed, in full armor, still with the coat on, too hurt and exhausted to get up. (And then he gets up anyway, shaves, and dyes his hair blond. And then he keeps on trying to find the Mandarin.)
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So I thought, well, what if he doesn't have to do it alone? What if his good buddy Steve shows up to take care of him? What if Steve changes his bandages for him and brings him painkillers and clean clothes and stitches his wounds and dyes his hair for him? Wouldn't that be sweet? (My wife was the Hair Dye Consultant for this story.)
He'd still have to fight the Mandarin alone, of course, because Steve can't really just punch the Mandarin, but Steve would be there to support him (emotionally and physically) while he kept looking for him. So basically this fic is "Manhunt, the way I wish it had been, with Steve comforting Tony." And, you know, also they're queer but in my fic it is never really a big surprise that they love each other.
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
After spending over 30 years in the world of makeup design for film and television, Douglas Noe landed in the time-defying, creative playground of Marvel Studios' Loki. Serving as the Disney+ show's makeup department head, Noe not only designed the characters' individual looks, but continued to be Tom Hiddleston's makeup artist. Noe has worked on Hiddleston's Loki since 2012's The Avengers, carefully evolving the God of Mischief's look over time.
Loki isn't the first time Noe has spearheaded a makeup department for a Marvel Cinematic Universe production. Previously, Noe served as the makeup department head for Thor: The Dark World's additional photography -- making up approximately 20% of the film's final looks. He's also no stranger to the magic of prosthetic work and the intricate details needed for Marvel's epic adventures, having a creative hand in bringing both Captain Marvel's Skrulls and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Kree to life on-screen. In the industry, Noe is also known for specializing in palettes for actors of color and has worked on stars like Jackie Chan.
In an exclusive interview with CBR, Noe discussed what it was like bringing The Avengers-era God of Mischief into Loki and his approach to doing makeup on a production stuffed with special effects. He also shared which MCU stars have graced his chair and his advice for makeup departments looking for practical ways to de-center whiteness.
Loki's Makeup Evolution
CBR: One thing that I noticed -- which I'm excited to pick your brain about -- when we first see Loki, he has a really pale complexion. His hair is greasy. As he evolves, his skin gets a warmer look. Was that an intentional progression from when we first see him as a villain-ish and how he grows within the MCU?
Douglas Noe: Yes, that's a very astute observation. Of course, at the beginning of The Avengers, he's kind of a wreck, isn't he? And as he settles and normalizes, his pallor then indeed calms down. It was very nuanced. It was only a matter of maybe one or two shades difference, but you definitely caught something most people have not.
That was 10 years ago, but it was a very minor detail we decided would be important as the narrative and the dialogue and the intellect of that character evolved into the storyline. It became important to kind of mainstream and refine his appearance.
Since Loki kicks off from that earlier version of Loki, did you think about bringing any more of that paleness to his look? How did you decide on how you wanted to show him from Loki's time period/first episode?
Oh, that's a good question. The truth is, from the end of The Avengers also shot again in Avengers: Endgame, we change nothing.
We did exactly what we did on Endgame that we did for The Avengers. And in turn, that's how we started the Loki series. It was that that look from Endgame, which, of course, is the look from The Avengers. No alterations were made, other than -- and I can already tell we're not getting anything past you -- we did warm him up. We did bring some more flesh into him... The truth is, that was Tom's idea. I get it because it was an unspoken understanding between us that there's greater accessibility to Loki if he looks more like most people. Now, those are my words. Not his. But, he definitely wanted us to warm it up just a skosh.
How Loki's SFX Affected Its Makeup Design
With Loki, there's a ton of visual effects. With makeup, it's so dependent on lighting -- it can change everything. What was the biggest challenge about working on a show like this that has so many special effects being added in post?
What you just said, it's working on a show like this. Marvel gets it and they do it right. There's almost an aspect where we lean into these kinds of things. And we change nothing to take into account the constantly evolving and changing lighting effects. The approach was to keep everybody natural, or naturally beautiful. Whatever happened happened. [We] knew Marvel is going to give it the once over once it's all done. And if there was anything to address that did happen because of lighting, it would have happened in post.
But, to my knowledge, nothing was addressed. We just accepted that. At certain times, people would be pink because of the light. They would be blue because of the light or purple and we accepted that and didn't try to make any attempts to balance it or right it in any way. We leaned into it and accepted it made it part of the story. It was its own character, if you will.
Sylvie's Makeup Was Always Meant To Be "Natural"
Building off what you said about a natural look for Loki's actors, did you always know you wanted Sylvie's makeup to have a natural look?
Absolutely, absolutely. The approach there was less is more. We didn't want to bury her in beauty makeup. It would have been very easy to do, because Sophia Di Martino is gorgeous, of course. But, the idea was let's do just enough to keep her naturally beautiful.
Practical Ways To De-Center Whiteness In Makeup Rooms
You designed Hunter B-15's look, and you're well known in the industry for specializing in makeup palettes for people of color. Since you've been in the industry for so long, what are some practical things that people within the makeup department, or its heads, can do to make it less white-centered?
That's a great question. Get out of the way. You have room for everybody, especially with today's explosion of content. But I would say to those who are going to hold tightly that they may as well just squeeze it out of their hands, "Just understand color theory." And, have it in your head that if somebody wants someone to do their makeup that closer represents how they look, get out of the way. It really is that simple. As you said, I've made it a specialty, a rite of passage to learn the ins and outs of all color tones. For me, I bring that to the table, so I don't have to get out of the way; but I know enough to know when it is time.
I have an anecdote that relates. I just did the Netflix series [True Story] with Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes for eight episodes. And Tawny Newsome [who portrays Billie in the upcoming series] was our leading lady, a beautiful African American woman. I could have done a bang-up job, but that wasn't the right decision to make. She needed a female makeup artist because it was a modern beauty glam look we were going to do on her. Now I do get modern beauty glam very well, but I wanted somebody that would do it great. So I got out of the way.
What's one, nitty-gritty thing that helped in expanding your understanding of color theory? Any books or makeup brands?
Oh, well, I could talk about makeup brands all day long. But, again, go back to the color theory. Get a color wheel from an art store. If you don't know how to mix colors, how to make primary and secondary colors to get tertiary colors, get a color wheel and be a sponge. I'm, what, 36 years in this career? 31 in film. I've never stopped learning. I'm never closed off to garnering new info. And when I don't, again, I get out of my way. I'm not up to snuff on this contemporary modern book with the square eyebrows, so I hired somebody that was.
But, getting back to your point, there are so many books. I have countless books on this very topic. I would say, "Be patient, learn color theory. And accept that, especially now, we're in an era where you may just have to get out of the way. And let it be what the person in the chair wants it to be." Because, ultimately, that's who we're there for, the actors.
You've been working in Marvel's world for a long time. What's one Marvel character that you would love to do their makeup or prosthetics?
I've never thought about it because, to be honest with you, I feel like I won the lottery. When we started with doing Loki on The Avengers, we didn't know what was gonna happen. I'm trying to think, hmm. On Captain Marvel, I was doing Skrulls -- that was fun. I did some work on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. when they had a couple of episodes with Kree.
They were so cool.
Right? I'm trying to think -- I did mention to somebody before that on The Avengers I was given the choice:  [Jeremy] Renner or [Mark] Ruffalo or this new guy called Tom Hiddleston. The makeup was described to me and I was told that Hulk was going to beat him up a little bit and we were going to do a little something-something and they asked, "What do you want to do?" And I said, "I want to do a little something-something." So, I landed with Tom.
I'd have to really think, "Who would I like?" I've done Lizzie Olsen's makeup for the Tom Hiddleston film I Saw the Light. I've done Idris Elba's makeup a couple of times for a couple of Marvel films, but also for a movie called Takers. And I worked with him on a movie called The Reaping. He's a gem, of course... I'm really happy with who sits in my chair at the beginning of every day on these things. I've never thought past that. I garner so much pleasure and we have so much joy together. I'm happy where I'm at... I'm happy with Loki. I love Loki.
Well, Loki is coming back for Season 2, so you never know who will pop in the chair.
I've heard we're coming back, but that's all I've heard. That's all I know. And that's truly wonderful for me because ignorance is bliss. Whatever they dream up, I'm always eager to jump in and be a part of it.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer's "Hush" Monsters Were Hand-Painted
Digging way back into your history, you were once a makeup designer on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is one of my favorite shows! What's one thing about that era of monster-makeup that you don't think gets enough credit for doing?
I always refer to Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Buffy the Weekend Slayer because we would get off on Saturday morning as the sun was coming up and have to be back to work a couple of hours before the sun came up on Monday... What you see is what you get. You had to be on your game. We were real craftspeople back then and there was no margin for error. The words that go with CGI simply didn't exist in 1999. You really had to be on point with makeup.
I would say what's lost now is the notion that makeup always has to be perfect. We know now it doesn't have to be perfect because we can fix it in post. I think a lot of people would say that helps us, but I think it handicaps those of us that are able to deliver the product without a computer's touch.
I remember I did one of the gentlemen on Buffy's episode, "Hush." My boss, Todd McIntosh, was saying, "You got to do the back of the neck... You never know what's gonna happen. You have to make sure that the back of the neck has makeup on." And, sure enough, the camera goes by and they were supposed to leave the frame, but the camera follows them. We just had to be on point and I think now many artists who came into the business with CGI, don't understand what it's like to be grinding your teeth and clenching your fists on set, hoping it looks okay because there's nothing left to fix it for you.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "What If...Captain Carter was the First Avenger" from Marvel Studios' What If...
Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
Back when Marvel Studios announced the new lineup of films and shows, I was admittingly underwhelmed. Nothing we've seen so far has been poorly written, far from it, but during the announcement, nothing really popped out at me as worth getting excited for. That is, except for one series: Marvel Studios' What If... An animated series that changes the canon of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, all through the simple question. The question being, "What if this happened instead of that."
From the get-go, I was sold on this idea. I'm a sucker for hypothetical scenarios, thinking up all the ways of how some of my favorite stories in fiction could be drastically different thanks to one tiny change. Some might call that "Fanfiction the Series," and while you're not wrong, I fail to see how that's a criticism. Because fanfiction can be fun...just as long as you ignore the sick freaks, sure, but it still can be fun! So whether Marvel Studio's What If... is fanfiction or not, it still didn't change how excited I was to watch it. Was it all worth the hype? Well, to answer that question requires spoilers, so keep that in mind as we dive deep into Marvel's most ambitious project yet.
Now, let's review, shall we?
The Watcher: Gonna get the generals out of the way before I talk about what I specifically like about this episode. Ok? Ok.
Now, using the Watcher as the narrator for this series is just perfect. What If... already has a similar energy to The Twilight Zone: An anthology series that takes viewers to new and mysterious realities all through the guidance of an omniscient narrator. And using the Watcher as that type of narrator might just be the second-best choice...number one would be Stan Lee, obviously, but...he's dead now. May he rest in peace.
I haven't read that many comics, so there's not much that I know about the Watcher's character aside from a ten-second Google search. But something tells me that a character described as a celestial being that observes and records the events surrounding the galaxy sounds like the exact type of omniscience to guide us through the unknown. All added with Jeffrey Wright's performance, who really does convey a character that sounds like he's as old as time and wise beyond his years. Plus, it's pretty cool that such a seemingly odd character now technically plays a major role in the MCU canon. Comics are weird, and if the Watcher proves anything, it's better to embrace that weirdness than deny it.
The Animation: Looks like someone watched Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse.
That really is the feeling I got when watching this. What If... doesn't look as good as Spiderverse (Nothing can be as good as Spiderverse), but the idea is still there as it combines primarily CGI animation with a few hand-drawn elements. It makes certain scenes just pop and, at times, even makes specific shots look like they're straight from panels in a comic book. Besides, while Spiderverse still looks better, that doesn't mean the animation isn't phenomenal in What If... The scenery looks gorgeous, the CGI models moderately match their live-action counterparts, the expressions are fantastic, and movements are as smooth as butter. There was definitely some money that went into this series to make it look as good as it did, and my eyeballs were more than grateful because of it. Especially when it comes to--
The Action: Holy s**t, was it a good thing that this series was animated!
The MCU has had its fair share of great fight scenes in the past, but it always felt restricted to what the big superhero fights could be due to everything needing to look "realistic." That all changes in What If... Because now that this series is animated, we can finally chuck realism out the window and allow these characters to be as epic as they were in the comics. The movements are swift, the blows look like they hurt, and best of all, you actually get to see characters fighting each other! There are no random cuts to hide the stunt doubles or weird camera angles to avoid audiences seeing how ugly the CGIed replacements are. We get to see all of the action with zero restraint, thanks to the fact that animation is limitless and allows writers to get away with literally anything. And shows like this make me wonder, "Why the hell isn't the MCU animated?"
Peggy as Captain Carter: It's here that we get into the specifics, and by golly, do I love me some Peggy Carter making a return. And what a return she made!
Seeing Peggy kick Nazi ass as Captain Carter is as awesome as it sounds as she gives a new definition of a "Strong, independent woman." She took s**t from no one and was more than willing to destroy anybody who said differently. It's a ton of fun for fans (the ones who aren't sexist, at least) and even fun for Peggy as well now that she gets a chance to wreck shop. However, that in itself could cause problems. If you watched Agent Carter (a great show, by the way), then you'll know that Peggy doesn't act as...somewhat meatheaded as she does here. As she said it herself, she's "usually more covert than this." And she is, as she was pretty much the first superspy in the MCU, who's impressive through how she effortlessly infiltrates her way to winning the day with diminutive requirements for fighting. So stripping that away gets rid of a core part of what makes her character so interesting. Although, in fairness, you could blame the fact that the reason she's acting like this is that the super-soldier serum is messing with her brain a bit. We've seen through U.S. Agent the reciprocations of the wrong person taking the serum, and while Peggy is far from the worst pick, there are hints of why Steve Rodgers was the best choice. Still, even though it's not the same Peggy Carter, that doesn't mean Captain Carter is a poor addition to the hero roster in the MCU. She's cool in all the right ways, even though they're drastically different from what made her compelling, to begin with.
Howard Stark: Another character I'm more than happy to see again!
Howard didn't leave that much of a grand of an impression in Captain America: The First Avenger, but in Agent Carter (Seriously, great show), he was a blast. You can just tell he was Tony Stark's father through all the ways he fast-talks in and out of problems and brilliantly comes up with solutions thanks to being tech-savvy. The main difference between Howard and Tony, however, is that Howard prefers to stay on the sidelines, where Tony learned to be more proactive. You get a sense of that in this episode. Because even though he goes to save the day, you can tell that he would rather be anywhere else. And, as a bonus, Howard's just funny. Probably not up there as one of the funniest characters in the franchise (Paul Rudd's Ant-Man reigns supreme), but he still cracks me up more times than not. Howard may be nothing more than a side character, but he'll always win me over no matter how small of a role he has.
Steve Rodgers in the Hydra Stomper: Don't mind me. Just admiring the fact that despite being crippled and skinny, Steve Rodgers still finds a way to fight the good fight, which is who Steve is to me. One of the best things about The First Avenger is that it fully understands the hero that is Captain America. Serum or not, he will do all he can to do the right thing and won't give up despite how many times others tell him he should. So if Steve's going to fly around in a suped-up Iron Man suit that's appropriately named "The Hydra Stomper," then Steve'll f**king soar. Because he is a gosh dang superhero, no matter what name he takes at the end of the day.
Fast-Forwarding Through Events: Some fans might take issues with this. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see all the little changes that Captain Carter makes to the story, but realistically that's not the best choice to make. Let's be honest, there's not that much to show other than what this episode did, and doing a full-on rewrite of Captain America: The First Avenger would have rubbed some fans the wrong way. Besides, from what I can tell, most of the What If... comics are one-shots that very rarely branch out into longer arcs. The primary goal is less to write this large-scale story and more of this self-contained narrative that does what it precisely delivers: Show fans a glimpse of what would happen if this happened instead of that. That's what we were given, and I can't really complain that much. I would have loved to have seen more, but I can learn to be happy with what I got.
Colonel Flynn Taking Credit: This guy is sexist and an idiot, and that's why I hate him...but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't at least chuckle when he said everything was his idea. It's such a scumbag move that I couldn't help but find the humor in it.
(Like, what even was that scene where Peggy was pissed at Steve kissing a girl. THEY WEREN'T EVEN DATING !)nd Steve falling in love inThe First Avenger, which certainly wasn't helped by how they had these dumbass misunderstandings of each thinking the other was dating someone else. Here, they at least get to interact, confiding in one another about their insecurities and offer support when needed. And while it may be a little rushed, I'm more willing to believe their romance in under thirty minutes than I did in over two hours. It could have been better, but it also could have been much, much worse.
(Like, what even was that scene where Peggy was pissed at Steve kissing a girl. THEY WEREN'T EVEN DATING AT THE TIME!)
“I won’t tell you anything.”/”He told me everything.”: That's the Peggy Carter I know and love! Added with a solid joke, too.
Steve’s Pratfall: It's nice to know that no matter what universe we see, Marvel is still funny.
Peggy’s Sacrifice: Much like Peggy and Steve's romance, I buy Peggy's sacrifice way more than Steve's. Several fans already pointed out how it makes no sense for Steve to crash the plane into the icy waters when it seemed like he had enough control to land it or could have easily jumped out after aiming for the crash landing. Here, there's a more legitimate reason why Peggy sacrifices herself. The monster was undefeatable, and the only way to stop it was to push it back through the portal. Peggy, being the only one strong enough to do so at the moment, was the only option, and there was no way where she didn't end up going through with the monster. Even her return makes more sense, as I think her being lost to time and space sounds more believable than Steve surviving being frozen in ice. Something no mortal man should live through. Peggy's sacrifice proves that while the MCU can't change its cannon past, the writers learn from their mistakes and make something better.
The Reasoning Behind Peggy Becoming Captain Carter: So, the idea that one small change can greatly alter the story we knew is a great one, and it's one of the main reasons why I was excited about this series...but how does Peggy staying in the room cause the Hydra agent to detonate the bomb early? I understand the ripples that come from the Butterfly Effect, but I feel like that's too big of a leap to reason how Peggy ends up taking the serum instead.
Colonel Flynn: How is it possible that this guy is somehow even more of a pain in the ass than the general he replaced? At least Chester Phillips had the decency to respect Agent Carter!
Red Skull is Still on the Dull Side: Red Skull isn't an awful villain, but he wasn't really a great one. It's the same here, as he's just as forgettable and wooden an episode of television as he was in a full-length movie. But at least he had a cooler death this time.
Sebastian Stan is Not a Great Voice Actor: He's not awful, but his talent really doesn't shine in this regard. Some people think that being an actor and a voice actor is the same thing, but it's not always the case. Through live-action, actors are given a chance to express emotion through their expressions, movement, and voice. With voice acting, actors still have to convey emotions, but strictly through their voice. Meaning that actors like Sebastian Stan are limited to what they're used to and can stumble a bit when trying to perform in a field of acting they're unfamiliar with. You can tell he was trying his best, but this type of thing can take far more practice for others to perfect.
“Whew. Thanks. You almost ripped my arm off.”: ...hhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHA! HA HA! Ah...oh man...I, uh...I felt the internal bleeding with that one. Wow. Just...wow.
Bucky Leaving After Steve “Died”: Ok, now that's the biggest bout of bulls**t I've ever heard. BUCKY WOULD BE WITH STEVE 'TILL THE END OF THE LINE AND WOULD NOT HAVE LEFT THAT QUICKLY!
...This episode did Bucky dirty, didn't it?
I'd say that "What If...Captain Carter was the First Avenger" is an A-. It's still a solid start of what I can already tell will be a great series, but some elements could have used some polishing out. I loved it, but it wasn't as bloody brilliant as it could have been.
(And I meant it: WATCH AGENT CARTER! It's pleasantly surprising!)
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Just watched TFATWS episode 4. I have a lot to say to continue at your own risk. Also, I'm gonna be all over the place so I might start off talking about the beginning of the episode but it won't last long
-Opening scene with Bucky made my heart squeeze
-Also Ayo could step on me idc
- The scene where the Dora Millaje warrior steps on the shield and catches it really gave off 'and what about it?' vibes and I love it
- She... she took his arm off...
- See this is why people need to just listen to Sam. Sam knows wassup
- Yall.... he did the knife thing. Bucky did the knife thing and my brain shot right back to CAWS. Iconic
- Also, dude, you're not gonna beat Bucky in a knife fight. Sorry bro
- the parallels in the whole show but this episode especially are insane
- "They weren't even super soldiers." Kinda a hilarious line but seeing John really struggle right there was something. You can see just how low he is in that moment, being caught totally off guard.
- I know it wasn't supposed to but that 'pointy sticks' line really didn't sit right with me. Again, I'm aware of the intent behind it, but it struck a nerve.
- Karli and Sam: both struggling in a world that isn't willing to hear them. Sam knows that what Karli is doing isn't the way, but he's still willing to listen and make her feel heard.
- John and Steve: I saw someone say that Steve is everything American can be, and John is everything America currently is. After watching that end scene.... yeah.
- More that I can't think about right now
- So obviously we know how this thing with John is gonna go. The symbol of protection in the U.S. is seen doing something that goes against everything they stand for and nothing happens. I'd love to see John suffer the consequences, but we'll likely see the government sweep it under the rug
- The way Sam looks at the shield covered in blood... same, dude. It was jarring and while I wasn't all that shocked I completely understand why so many people were disturbed.
- I can't describe how much I hate John Walker. I wanna say that I do think his character is interesting and well written, and I know they want the viewers to hate him, but god is it working. Everything from his entitlement to his impatience to the way he lands while chasing over one of Karli's soldiers (more on that later I guess). He's written so well but I just ugh
- Real quick, the entire cast for this show is perfect, but Anthony, Sebastian, and Wyatt are killing it!! They're such amazing actors and couldn't have been given a better role in the MCU
- This could be a reach but the way John lands, while he's chasing after one of Karli's soldiers (for lack of a name/better term), reminded me a lot of that scene in the first Avengers where Captain America stops the fight between Thor and Iron Man. Once again, we see John as the antithesis of Steve, being a part of and causing the problem instead of solving it.
-Also, Captain America doesn't use guns, John. Fuck you.
- I will not ever be over Lemar's death. First R**ph, now him. How much more do I have to take, marvel?? 😭
I have sooooo much more to say about this episode just realized I didn't talk about Zemo or Sharon at all, they'll get their turn tho, But I need more time to think some stuff through and probably rewatch the episode cause it was just that good
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
For The Love Of Humanity’s Strongest (Part Six)
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be in a taglist for this feel free to let me know! Happy to do it for anyone!
(Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Summary: When all seems lost Y/N knows that she can count on one person to always be there for her brother, Eren Jaeger, and herself. Can humanity’s strongest not only keep Eren in line, but keep his relationship alive as well?
AO3 Link
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
Part Six: *NSFW Ahead!*
Word Count: 2291
The kiss grew passionate as Levi moved his hands from behind my head to my lower back. We hadn’t been together like this in weeks, we hadn’t been together since we had been back from the last recon mission outside the walls. The tension was a big reason for my temper lately. He wrapped his muscular arms under my thighs and dragged me closer to the edge of the desk. 
He broke the kiss, fumbling with the button on my pants. Clearly the tension was getting to him as well. I’d never seen Levi so desperate when it came to sex. I put my finger over his lips and stopped him. I undid the button to my uniform myself and then made my way to his. When I was done his hands started wandering. He grabbed my breasts, squeezing them some, making me throw my head back in pleasure. He chuckled and began planting kisses down my stomach. My hand grabbed some of his hair the farther he got and a small noise escaped his lips. 
“Levi, forget the foreplay.” I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him up. “It’s been too long. You don’t need that.”
I had never seen the fire in his eyes this bright. He stood back up and placed a hand on both sides of the desk around me. I pulled the front of his pants down and exposed his growing erection. Levi grabbed the sides of my pants, pulling them down with one swift movement. He positioned himself at my entrance, letting his erection glide across my wet sex before finally entering. 
He put his lips to mine in an attempt to keep me quiet, knowing that there were scouts outside the door. With every thrust I could feel myself getting closer to my climax, making it harder for Levi to keep my quiet. He took a hand off the desk and used it to cover my mouth, thrusting harder, having me almost screaming. I reached around the desk for anything I could hold onto, when I found nothing I grabbed onto Levi’s arms. The tighter my walls became around him the faster he moved. We were getting sloppy at this point, we didn’t even care at this point. 
He removed his hand from my mouth and grabbed a fist full of my hair, pulling it backwards. I tried so hard to keep my mouth shut, but it was too much, and as I finally reached my climax I couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Levi, oh god!”
I heard a cocky huff come from his mouth. Hearing his name being called out had always been one of the biggest turn ons for him. As I shouted his name he went sent to the brink. His thrust grew even rougher as he released into me. 
Levi collapsed on top of me, kissing the side of my face. I put my hand on the side of his face. “I love you Levi.”
He smirked. “I love you, too, Y/n.”
* * * * * * 
When we exited the room everyone had been gone already. We figured they had gone back to headquarters, so that’s where we headed. When we reached the common area of headquarters Mike was sitting on one of the couches, clearly wrapped up in the girl he was entertaining.He looked back at the sudden interruption and pointed toward the stairs. “They’re up in the Commander’s office.”
Levi saluted him and stepped behind me, holding onto the belt loops of my pants and he pushed me toward the stairs. Levi was always the clingy type after sex. I’d probably find him glued to my hip for a couple of hours at the least. 
We knocked on the door and were greeted by the familiar face of Zoe Hange. She opened the door wider and let us in, before running back to where she had been. Eren was sitting on the couch with Hange in front of him, tending to his wounds. It was almost like they had been waiting for us to even start their conversation on the matter. Hange looked over at me and smiled. “That went better than expected.” As she dabbed Eren’s cuts from Levi with a cotton ball he flinched. “Does it hurt?”
Eren put the cloth up to his face as she backed away. “Yea.”
“Yea?” Her eyes lit up. “Describe it to me.”
I walked up behind her. “Cool it Zo.” I walked over to Eren and sat next to him. Levi claimed the seat next to me, putting his arm on the back of the couch behind my figure. 
Erwin looked between the two of us and Levi nodded at him. He nodded back and spoke to Eren. “Sorry about all that.” He looked toward him. “But the theatrics did get you placed in our custody.”
Eren nodded. “I understand”
Erwin approached the window that was beside him and stared out. “I can assure you that the pain is worth it. We played our trump card at the perfect time.” He left the window and knelt down in front of Eren, holding out his hand for him. “You have my utmost respect.” Eren’s face lit up, he had always wanted to be a member of the scouts. He had grown up around Erwin, Levi, and I. He had always respected them to the highest of degrees. “Eren, I’m glad you’re on our side.”
Eren couldn’t get his hand to Erwin’s fast enough. “Me too. Glad to be here sir.”
Levi leaned forward some. “So, Eren,”
Eren looked over at him, clearly still afraid of getting beat again. “Sir,” He cowered beside me some. 
“You don’t resent me now, do you?” He smirked some. 
“No, I can see that what you did was necessary sir.” Eren crossed his arms. 
I looked over at him and mumbled. “Even if some of it was overkill.”
Levi shot me a look before continuing. “Good, then you understand.”
“Still! Don’t you think you went too far!” I leaned forward from the couch and turned to him. “I mean, you knocked his tooth out Levi.”
Hange walked over with a napkin. When she pulled apart the ball Eren’s tooth was wrapped in it. “Neat, huh?”
Levi was appalled. “You picked it up? How disgusting.”
“This is a precious sample, I’ll have you know.”
Levi looked from Hange to Eren. “Just be glad that people like that aren’t dissecting you.”
Hange glared at Levi. “Don’t you dare compare me with them. I would never even dream of killing him.” She turned back to Eren. “Hey Eren, let me take a look inside that mouth of yours.” Eren looked over at me and when I nodded he opened his mouth for her. Hange’s jaw dropped. “Your tooth… it grew back.”
All of our eyes went wide. I slid off the couch and bent down next to her, looking into my brother's mouth. “What the hell do you mean?” Where his tooth that Levi had knocked out when kicking him should have been missing another tooth took its place. My head started to hurt again. This was insane. My brother had regenerating powers too?
Eren looked afraid as the two of us stared into his mouth. Levi tried to help him out. “Hey freaks, why don’t you leave him alone.”
We both glared at him, but Erwin stopped the catfight that was about to start. “Captain Levi, I want you to take him to the abandoned scout headquarters. Get your team and set up camp there. Keep him safe until the recon mission.”
Levi nodded and looked at me. “Y/n, get the others. Eren, come with me to get the horses ready.”
I stood back up. I didn’t hide the annoyance in my words. “Yes sir.” I gave a sloppy salute and walked out of the room, leaving my brother with Levi.
* * * * * * 
As we approached the old headquarters Petra and I were growing very annoyed with Oluo. Oluo had not shut up the entire ride to the building. As we started to see it over the horizon he spoke to Eren. “She’s an architectural marvel, don’t you think? It was a proper royal residence once upon a time, but now it’s known as the formal scout headquarters. It was impractical once the scouts started using it. Too far removed from a river or the wall. This was the early days for us, you understand? Hopes soared high, now it’s little more than a holding cell. The place where we store our newest toy.”
I spat venom towards him. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop talking, Oluo? And how many times do I have to tell you that my brother isn’t a toy.”
Oulo completely ignored me and got his horse as close to Eren’s as he could. “Do not be deceived greenhorn.”
Eren looked over at him, confused. “Excuse me?”
He started berating Eren. “Don’t think for a second that you’re going to get special treatment.”
I started to draw my sword from my scabbard and I felt a small gust on my leg as Levi came closer to me with his horse, grabbed my arm and stopped me from charging forward for Oulo. He tried to calm me. “Let karma do it’s things Y/n.”
Oulo continued. “Whether you’re Titan or human don’t imagine for a second that we all share the good Captain’s thoughts-” His horse caught a rock and jolted, causing Oulo to bite a gash in his tongue. He screamed in pain. 
“That’s what you get for flapping your gums on horseback Oulo. I warned you.” I laughed at him. 
The horses approached the building and we all dismounted. Levi looked around. “You guys stay here, I’m going to see what we have to deal with inside.”
We all saluted him and sat outside. Oulo looked at me as we sat down on the outside of the well next to us. “The Rookie needed to know his place.” His tongue was swollen, causing him to sound funny. “First impressions are important.”
“Well you certainly made an impression on him, no question there.” I looked over at Eren who was taking the saddles off our hoses, giving them a break. 
“Indeed so, our exchange went exactly as planned.”
Petra put her hand on her hip. “What happened to you? You never used to talk like this.”
When Levi had taken over our squad and pulled me in it had just been Petra, Eld, Oulo, and Gunther. They had had another Captain who had met a fatal end in battle, and Levi hand picked them to form his squad. He knew they worked well together and he knew that they all had criteria that he had wanted in his members. When Levi and I had come around Petra had told me about how Oulo had suddenly changed. I had always blamed it on the fact that he had wanted to be just like Levi, but Petra had said he was just trying to make Levi think he had a little competition when it came to his girlfriend. 
“It’s none of my business, Oulo,” I sighed. “But if you’re trying to be like the Captain, it’s kind of embarrassing.”
Petra let out an annoyed huff. “You and Captain Levi couldn’t be less alike if you have been born into separate species.”
“If you’re going to hound me like a wife Petra and Y/n dear, there’s rather more of me that you need to be acquainted with before laying claim to the privilege.”
“You wish.”
I glared at him. “I’d tell you to bite your tongue, but it looks like you’ve got that covered.” Levi had come out of the building and was just in ear shot, listening to the whole thing. “Next time, I hope you bleed out.”
Oulo laughed. “Methinks the lady doth protest too much.”
“You disgusting swineherd!” I walked away from them and over to Eren. “You want the lowdown on everyone little brother?”
Eren smiled. “Sure. That sounds great.”
Levi walked up behind us, staring daggers at Oulo. He had never taken kindly to the shots that Oulo took toward me. I smiled at him. “Just giving him the rundown on the squad. Need us to do something first?” 
Levi put his hand up. “No, go ahead. I’ll tell the others to start cleaning.”
I pointed to Petra. “Petra Rall, ten Titan kills to her credit, forty-eight kill assists.” I changed my glance to Oulo. “Oulo Bozad, thirty-nine kills, nine assits, elite as they come, but he can be a total ass.” Eld and Gunther passed us as I spoke, so I pointed them out as well. Eld was first. “Eld Jinn, fourteen kill, thirty-two assists, and Gunther Shultz, seven kills, forty assists.” I stopped and pointed to myself. “Obviously you know who I am. Twelve kills and forty-four assists.” I smiled. “Every single one of us was hand picked by Captain Levi for our accomplishments in the field.” I hated what I had to say next, but I had too. “And just so you know Eren, if anything happens. These guys are your executioners. The ones that have no choice but to end you if you lose it.” 
I walked over to Gunther and Eld, standing between the two. Eld put his arm on my shoulder, using me as a leaning post. “This place has gone to hell.”
I looked up at him. “It’s been abandoned for years.” 
Gunther sighed. “The insides are in shambles.”
Levi walked up behind us, jumping all three of us. “In that care we have work to do, don’t we? You all best grab a broom and get to work.”
Taglist 💕 @gamegirl23100 @super-peace-fangirl @pjimochi @izzythefanfreak @echimozart @peachymochimochi @primusk @absolute-randomness-forever @omg-lexiloveyou @always394patronus​
Part Seven
Updated: 5/13/2020
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iwritesoimright · 5 years
Slip Up
Word count: 1,445
Summary: Chris convinces you to go on the tonight show with him and subject yourself to Jimmy Fallons curious games, specifically the spousal version of know your bro. And of course embarrassing secrets are revealed, just not by the person you originally thought would slip up.
Warnings: uhhhh it's just an interview my dudes, there's talk of a butt naked Chris Evans and like some curse words but very few, and like mentions of sex but nothing graphic. Oh. And the word Daddy... I'm sorry. lol not sorry. And like bad writing cuz I'm v rusty....
A/N: Ha! I wrote it! I finally wrote something in two goddamn years. So, to explain the bs that you're about to read if you so choose, I was on a Chris Evans/ Steve Rogers binge. This was mostly due to one @venusbarnes and her beautiful works Occupation: Brat and Heavy Is The Head. Both are amazing and if you suffer from the same afflictions I do you should definitely read them.  Anyway, so I watched that one interview with Chris and his brother and I had this idea and poof here it is. Soooooooo I hopes ya like it. I tried real hard. Also thanks to my lovely editors Andrew and Ashley whom this would never see the light of day without.
You had seen the episode with Scott and Chris. You knew how much Jimmy loved to get all the dirty little details out of Chris. You knew just how easy it was to get those details, Chris said it himself, he's a terrible liar. You knew if you went on the tonight show with Chris something was going to come out, and Chris knew this too, which is exactly why he begged and pleaded for you to agree to do an episode with him. And of course who could say no to those precious baby blues? Besides maybe Jimmy wouldn’t have you guys play the game that brought much embarrassment to Scott Evans, right?  
“So, here's how the game goes, well Chris you already know how to play, y/n, I assume you’ve seen the episode where Scott and Chris played the game?” Jimmy looked between you and Chris, who sat to your right. You nodded, laughing “yeah I've seen it and I'm going to be honest I'm just a little bit scared to play it.” Jimmy looked at you incredulously, “what why? Why would you be scared to play it?” “because of him!” you gesture dramatically to a very cheeky Chris next to you, his childish grin furthering the point you're making, “who knows what's going to come out of his mouth? He’s an actual child!” this caused an uproar of laughter from Jimmy and the crowd and for Chris’s grin to widen even more. He looked at you, eyes sparkling with mischief “yknow what's to say I shouldn’t be afraid? You're no better a liar than me babe” you scoffed at that, turning back to Jimmy who you could tell was itching to get the game started. “okay well since you both know how to play ill just describe it real quick for those who might not know, and we’ll let Chris wear the headphones first since its y/n’s first time playing” Jimmy said, handing you the headphones, which you helped secure on Chris’s head, while he sorted through the question cards. Chris immediately started bobbing his head to the music “i love this song!” he practically shouted into your ear. You laughed, playfully shoving his head away and turning back to Jimmy. “okay so while he's... distracted... I'll ask you a question and if your answer matches his answer then you win, simple as that capiche?” you nod, giggling as you glance back at your boyfriend, dancing horribly in his seat, he looks up and winks at you as mouths the words to what looked to be Stacys mom.  
“Okay so first question, what is the most embarrassing thing Chris has done around your parents?” Jimmy looks up at you as your brow furrows in thought, “the most embarrassing thing he's done in front of my parents? Wow um okay, that’s a tough one he's actually surprisingly smooth around my parents, at least around me he is” you pause in thought for a second before your eyes light up with an idea, “wait okay here we go here's a story! There was one time, my parents came to visit for a week or so and they were staying in our guest room,” you paused and looked at Jimmy and immediately saw what he was thinking, “no, I know what you're thinking stop thinking it they didn’t ‘hear’ or ‘see’ anything like that” you said pointedly, “however due to Chris’s habit of walking around ass naked they may have seen just a little bit more of him than they wanted to...” Jimmy gasped “no! Your dad saw his dick?” you nodded, tears forming in your eyes as you laughed, “all three of us did, we were in the kitchen when he came sauntering in, I guess he forgot my parents were still there” Jimmy eyes widened “your mom saw his dick?” “oh, she didn’t mind, him and Hemsworth were the only reasons we could ever get her to watch marvel movies,” that earned a laugh, “my dad didn’t offer him any sausage at breakfast and that might be the funniest part.” Jimmy was leaned back in his chair cackling at this point, finally fell forward, attempting to slow his laughter “okay, okay Chris, take ‘em off, let's see what his answer is.”  
Chris pulled the headphones from his head, eyes wide and staring at you, “yknow all that talk about you being scared of what I’ll end up saying, I'm genuinely scared of what you were all laughing about.” you grinned back at him, eyes sparkling, “don't worry babe, I didn’t go into too much detail.” Jimmy pulled your attention back from each-other, “okay Chris, let's hear your answer, what's the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of y/n’s parents?” Chris’s eyes widened and he let out a long sigh. “the most embarrassing thing I've done? God everything I do is embarrassing, okay umm god okay is it the time I-” he turned to look at you and see your reaction but Jimmy caught him in time, “no! No cheating! Don’t look at y/n, this is your answer” Chris sighed, turning away from you, “okay okay, god, okay uhhhh it has to be the time I walked in on you and your parents butt naked and your dad refused to offer me sausage at breakfast right?” you and Jimmy gasped as the crowd cheered, a look of relief washed over Chris’s face. “okay good sounds like got that right, there were so many other things I could've said that probably would've been much worse...” “worse? How many other embarrassing things have you done around my parents?” you questioned at the same time Jimmy asked “worse? What could you possibly do that’s worse than walking in on your spouse’s parents butt-naked?” Chris just grimaced at the two of you, “that's a story for another time.” Jimmy laughed, “okay well let's move on to y/n’s turn, shall we? y/n will you don the headphones?” you nodded and fitted the headphones around your ears, flipping through the available songs to play Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen.  
Chris turned to look at Jimmy, who grinned mischievously as he posed the question. “okay Chris let's get you in some trouble, shall we? Your question is what is y/n’s favorite thing to call you in bed?” Chris’s eyes shot open wide and he began stuttering “w-w-w-what Jimmy, c'mon man do you want me dead? This is the exact thing that will get me killed” jimmy just laughed and nodded encouragingly. Chris sighed and dragged his face through his hands, “okay uh well there's two answers to this question, there's what y/n’s favorite thing to call me in bed and what my favorite thing is. Y/n, well y/n is a huge marvel nerd so calling me Captain is probably the big one. It's like roleplay I guess.” a few wolf whistles emanated from the crowd, making them both laugh. “ooh okay, Captain, I bet y/n isn't the first person to want to call you that in bed.” Chris shook his head chuckling, “no, definitely not, but don’t tell y/n that.” “alright” Jimmy gestured to you to take the headphones off, “y/n you can take those off now.”  
You let them slide off your head and looked to Chris, “that was short, I only got through one queen song.”  “see! I'm trustworthy! I didn’t say anything bad!” Chris exclaimed. “okay y/n, the question was what is your favorite thing to call Chris in bed?” Jimmy asked as he leaned forward, his eyebrows jumping up suggestively. “your eyes widen slightly but not even a heartbeat passes before you're answering, “oh easy, I call him Captain like all the time.” Jimmy throws himself backwards in his chair, cackling. “you said that so casually I love it!” you shrug, cocking your head to the side, “listen I get to bed Captain America, you can bet your ass I'm gonna be calling him that, who wouldn’t?” Jimmy finally regains his poseur and leans forward one last time, “okay y/n, can I ask you one more question?” you nod for him to continue, “okay y/n, what is Chris’s favorite thing to be called in bed?” you don’t even blink and the answer is flying out of your mouth, “oh, Daddy.” the entire studio erupts into laughter as your face turns beet red upon realizing what you said aloud. You look over at Chris who's smirking triumphantly, “and you thought I was gonna be the one to say something embarrassing.” you roll your eyes, shoving his face away from yours. Your head drops into your hands and you groan, hoping to god your parents aren't watching.
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Sense of Memory and Desire
So @ad1thi and I were talking yesterday about this post and, well, I’d say my hand slipped but honestly, I’ve wanted to write this for a while.
Rated M
No powers AU//featuring Tony and Steve approximately the same age//also featuring Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker:
Gucci calls Tony first. 
They’re doing an ad campaign, they say. For a perfume inspired by alphas and omegas, they say. They want him to be the omega, they say. Tony knows how these perfume ads work. They’re meant to be sensual, hinting this could be you with a strong alpha or a sweet omega on your arm. They usually come off as oversexualized, almost tacky, instead. But they describe it to him and it sounds tasteful. They tell him who the photographer is and Tony’s knows him only by reputation but also knows that as an omega, he will make it sensual and not tacky.
Tony says, “Sure. Why not?”
And that’s when they spring the big one on him: they want him on the verge of heat, no more than a couple hours away, for the extra sparkle to his eyes, the youthful glow to his skin, the aura every in-heat omega exudes that says come here.
He could probably say no. But he doesn’t, too intrigued by the thought of how the ad will turn out. Instead, he asks, “Who’s the alpha?”
They name him a model. Tony’s worked with him before, even slept with him once back in college. He likes the guy well enough. For an alpha and a model, he’s surprisingly down to earth. If it were any other ad, or at any other time for that matter, he would be perfectly okay with it. But he’ll be close to his heat. That makes things different.
“You need to ask Steve,” he tells them.
They dither.
“Steve,” he says flatly, “or I’m walking.”
They agree.
The thing is, Steve is almost never possessive. 
Tony met the man who would one day become his alpha at a benefit Stark Industries was throwing to support and honor veterans. Steve had been a captain in the army—although Tony suspects he was a special sort of captain, judging by the deference often demonstrated towards him. They had met and talked most of the night; Tony had been smitten by the time they finally parted. He’d left Steve with a phone number and a plea to call though he’d fully been anticipating that someone like Steve would want little to do with someone like Tony.
Steve surprises him though by calling him when he’d walked literally two steps away. Tony had turned, a little in awe that Steve was that eager. They ended up going out for burgers that same night and then finally back to Tony’s penthouse where Steve had placed a hand on his lower back, drawn him in, and kissed him sweetly before taking his place on the couch.
It had been like that for months, fun dates and sweet kisses, incredible conversations that kept Tony wanting more, wanting to burrow into Steve’s life and never leave. The lack of sex had worried him though until Steve told him he was waiting for Tony’s heat, an old-fashioned, charming idea that left him melting like chocolate in the sun. 
And Steve had been sweet and wonderful and not at all possessive—until the week leading up to Tony’s heat, when he’d turned jealous and growly and eventually, Tony had locked them both in his penthouse. Steve had apologized for it once, after Tony’s heat had broken, when he’d still been tied to his alpha. Tony had kissed the apology from his lips, rolled his hips up into Steve’s knot, and wailed when Steve flipped them back over to drive his knot deeper into Tony’s willing body.
Steve is just like that before Tony’s heat and Tony loves him for it. No one else has ever wanted him enough to treat him like he was something to be treasured, something to be guarded jealously and kept away from the world.
Letting another alpha touch him, Tony staring up at him with the same adoration he reserves for Steve, ranks at the top of the list of bad ideas.
Happy ends up being the one to drive them to the photoshoot. Gucci had been willing to send a car, had even been discussing it with Tony over the phone when Steve had ripped the phone out of Tony’s hands and growled, “No,” into it. And that had been that. Tony doesn’t blame him. He knows how many pheromones he’s putting out right now. Steve had once described his scent as oranges and chocolate, an intoxicating scent at the best of times but when it’s as dialed up as it is before heat…
Well, this isn’t the Dark Ages. Tony doesn’t need to worry about being jumped by rabid alphas but he does turn heads everywhere he goes. Steve doesn’t like that.
They pull up to the studio a couple hours before the shoot for hair and makeup. Steve offers a hand to help Tony get out of the car. It’s something that Tony doesn’t usually like but he adores being pampered in the days leading up to his heat so he takes it and lets Steve lead him into the building. 
The photographer greets them in the lobby, right by the front door. “Peter Parker,” he says, holding his hand out first to Tony and then to Steve to shake. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Stark, Captain Rogers. Right this way.”
They walk down the hallway, Parker chatting the entire way. As they near the studio entrance, Parker’s steps slow. “I’m really sorry about this,” he says apologetically. “Gucci insisted we bring in the other model just in case Captain Rogers doesn’t work out.” He sounds sincere, which is why Tony stops Steve from moving forward. Parker eyes the two of them, at Tony wearing Steve’s oversized clothes so he’s practically swimming in his alpha’s scent, at the fire in Steve’s eyes at the very thought of another alpha seeing his omega like this, and grins. “I didn’t think we would need him so I sent him to a different shoot in the building.”
“What are you sorry for then?” Steve rumbles. Tony shivers. He loves it when Steve sounds like this. It makes him want to wrap himself in Steve.
Parker pauses with one hand on the doorknob. “He made it into the studio before we could stop him so the room might smell a little like him. But he was the only alpha on set, I swear. I don’t like it when other alphas besides my mate are near me when I’m in heat and he really doesn’t like it so I made sure to hire only betas and omegas.”
“Thank you,” Tony says quietly, appreciating the courtesy. Parker nods reassuringly at him and opens the door. 
There is the slightest hint of another alpha in the room but it’s almost entirely overpowered by the omega staff members. Even so, Steve growls under his breath, only stopping when Tony puts a hand on his arm.
“Just focus on me,” Tony murmurs. “My scent is the only one that matters.” And as he gets closer to his heat starting, his scent will start to overshadow everyone else.
Steve is led away by a couple makeup artists. As he goes, he turns his head so that he can see Tony, keeping his eyes locked on him until Tony eventually has to follow Parker to his own team.
Parker flits off to set up the camera and the lights, leaving Tony in his team’s very capable hands. They start by making him take off his shirt. Tony whines a little, not wanting to lose his alpha’s scent, but they let him keep the pants so he settles. 
“They’re hot,” one of them says, eyeing the way they ride low on his hips. “You wearing your alpha’s pants and all. Peter might even want a couple pictures like that.”
The other one hums her agreement but doesn’t look up from the eyeshadow she’s applying to Tony’s eyes. It’s something dark and a little glittery and he would probably feel ridiculous if it hadn’t been for the dark background he can see behind Parker. The eyeshadow will probably look fantastic against that. She moves on to the eyeliner, drawing a skillful wing shape that leaves Tony marveling at her steady hand. He’s got a steady hand as well, kind of has to as an engineer, but he’s pretty sure he couldn’t pull off what she’s doing. She finishes with a coat of mascara and then moves on to lipstick, a deep red shade that makes Tony feel silly until he looks up at where Steve’s sitting and sees the way they’re highlighting the five o’clock shadow he’s got.
Steve’s eyes are dark and hooded as he looks back at Tony, promising filthy things as soon as they get home. Tony clenches his thighs together and whimpers. He wants his alpha now. Why had he ever thought this was a good idea?
“Ooh yeah,” the makeup artist says. “If I had an alpha looking like that looking at me like that, I’d be getting wet too.”
Tony doesn’t blush but only because he reminds himself that he’s an omega with years of experience behind him. He wears that experience incredibly well for someone nearing middle age—money talks when he’s hiring personal trainers—but he still has too much experience to be blushing about a lewd comment.
“You two ready?” Parker calls and Tony stands, walking over to join him. 
Steve catches up to him about halfway across the room, wrapping his arm around Tony’s waist and pulling him into his side. Steve is shirtless as well, radiating body heat and making Tony luxuriate in the skin contact. 
“You look good,” he murmurs. Tony throws him a questioning look. Steve always thinks he looks good but there’s something about the way he says it that’s different. “When we get home, I’ll show you exactly how much I like it.”
Tony hides another whimper.
Parker is grinning at them when they join him. “Save it for the camera, guys,” he tells them but doesn’t seem too put-out by their flirting.
He gestures at the backdrop behind him. It’s a dark grey piece that’ll probably look black after post-production but likely photographs better than a pure black piece would. There’s a small set of steps that Parker ushers them over to.
“I really want to emphasize the size difference here so we’re going to start with Steve on the top step and Tony on the bottom.” He waits until they’re standing in place before he starts making adjustments. “Tony, move a little bit closer. Steve, I want your hand on his lower back. Tony, can we try you wrapping your back hand around Steve’s neck?”
He snaps a couple shots and then shakes his head. “Actually, lower that hand again.” Another couple pictures. “Look up at him for me, Tony. Tilt a little towards him, Steve. He should practically be supported by you. You’re the only thing holding him up.” Steve moves so that their chests are almost entirely pressed together, parting just a few inches on the side closest to the camera. “Yeah, that’s perfect. I want to get a natural feel for the two of you so feel free to talk, move your heads maybe a little bit but don’t actually move from those spots, ‘kay?”
Steve lowers his head so that his lips are brushing Tony’s ear as he mutters, “I saw what’s under those pants you’re wearing. Are you trying to kill me?”
Tony smirks. “Not at all. Just teasing a little, you know how it is.”
“Is that what you want, sweetheart? Want to tease me?”
Looking up the way he is, Tony can see the heat in Steve’s eyes. He shivers and presses closer to Steve’s chest, craving the touch. His heat will be starting soon. He can feel it creeping up on him, his hole starting to slick up and loosen.
“Maybe I’ll take you home, tie you up, tease you for hours. How does that sound?” Steve taunts. Underneath that, Tony can hear the shutter clicking away but he can’t concentrate on anything but the words Steve is whispering in his ear. “Shove a vibrator inside your pretty hole and let you scream. Bet I could make you come at least twice just from that. Maybe I’ll even draw it for you so you can see how pretty you look, fucked out and covered in your own cum. You want that?”
“Steve,” Tony whispers, eyes falling half-closed as he pictures it, Steve leaving him alone on the bed, one of their toys buzzing inside him, pressing against his prostate until he’s begging and overstimulated. It would be torture but oh god, what bliss.
Steve’s hand clenches and smooths out on his back, traces the dip of his spine, falls to cup his ass and pull him up tight against him. Tony’s mouth falls open in a low keen as his alpha’s thigh presses against his dick. He wants to ride him, wants to push Steve down and shove those pants off his hips, damn whoever’s watching.
“Perfect,” Parker calls, interrupting their moment. Steve snaps his eyes away from Tony and toward the camera, right as the camera goes off. Parker views the picture and lets out a low whistle. “Yeah, that’ll do it.”
“Are we done?” Steve snarls, gently urging Tony’s hips into a rhythm against him.
“Must be closer than we thought,” Parker comments as Tony bites his lip against a wail threatening to escape. “Not quite done though. There’s two perfumes and they want two ads to go with it. So, for omega, we’re gonna have you switch places on the steps.”
Tony doesn’t like the idea of having to move at all but he obligingly tries to make his legs work. Ultimately, Steve and Parker end up having to move him while he only sort of helps.
“Sweet omega,” Steve croons into his ear as Parker positions them the way he wants. “You’re doing so well. Gonna reward you when we get home. Gonna wrap you up in our nest, keep you as full as you want.”
“Please,” Tony begs. He’s ready. He’s on the verge of his heat, teetering on the edge. God, Gucci better fucking like this because he’s never doing it again.
“I know, sweetheart. You’re so ready for me. You gotta hold on just a few more minutes though.” Steve’s strong arms are supporting him, forming a line against his spine to hold onto his shoulders. He’s done this before, when he’s deep inside Tony and wants to hold him in place. The memories make him shudder, one of his hands coming up to cup Steve’s head, holding him in place as Steve scents his neck, placing teasing, biting kisses along the length of his throat.
Through the haze of his heat, he hears Parker mutter, “Fuck, they’re gorgeous.”
He turns his face to smirk at the photographer. Gorgeous is right. He and Steve have been voted America’s hottest celebrity couple for the last five years in a row. Parker’s right to be jealous of what they have because no matter how good Parker’s alpha may be, Steve will always be better. It doesn’t matter how jealous Parker might be though. Steve belongs to Tony. 
The camera goes off right as he starts to turn, capturing an expression that’s blissful and heat-hazy and just a little bit smug.
“Alright, we’re good here,” Parker calls, voice a little high-pitched and nervous. “Can we get their shirts?”
The shirts are all but tossed at them. Somewhere in the back of Tony’s mind he recognizes how embarrassing this is. Heat is supposed to be something private between alpha and omega, not flaunted in front of a screen. The majority of his mind is too focused on Steve bundling him into his arms to care.
“I want to see those prints,” Steve growls as he sets off for the door, practically at a run, Tony cradled in his grasp like they’re once more newly bonded.
“Yep,” Parker agrees, looking anywhere but at the two of them. “Oh and Tony?” The pair stops just a few feet from the door. Parker lowers his gaze from the rafters to the two of them. A slow, wicked grin spreads across his face.
“Have fun.”
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thearabkhaleesi · 5 years
On the second day of Disney’s D23 Expo this year, Disney hosted a huge panel on all the upcoming movies the company has planned. Here’s everything you need to know from the Walt Disney Studios panel.
A new poster for Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker was released at D23! It shows Rey and Kylo fighting against a backdrop of PALPATINE! (⚠️ He was confirmed to be in the movie when the first trailer was released months ago, I know some of you consider it a spoiler, I would too, but it seems like Disney will feature him heavily in the marketing so there’s no escape from it really).
We also got some other not spoilery news and some VERY spoilery news.
First, no spoilers:
JJ Abrams says that Leia is still at the heart of Episode IX❤️
Anthony Daniels says of IX, “what an ending!”💛
Keri Russell says her character is an old friend of Poe’s...
Now, VERY SPOILERY NEWS FROM D23 FOR STAR WARS IX⚠️⚠️⚠️ You have been warned. D23 attendees were shown a reel of footage where Rey was wearing a dark cowl & was wielding a red lightsaber. I have goosebumps typing this. The video is attached below. 
STAR WARS IX: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER is set to be released December 20💫
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Disney unveiled the first look at Emma Stone in CRUELLA!🐶 Disney’s Cruella ia A live action movie surrounding the iconic villain from 101 Dalmatians, Cruella De Vil, focusing on Cruella’s origins, similar to Maleficent & it’ll have a pop punk vibe. The film also stars Emma Thompson, Paul Walter Hauser, and Joel Fry. Cruella currently has a release date on May 28, 2021.🖤
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“Soul” is an upcoming Pixar animated film from Pete Docter (Monsters Inc, Up, Inside Out). The synopsis states: “Ever wonder where your passion, your dreams and your interests come from? What is it that makes you … you? [The film] takes you on a journey from the streets of New York City to the cosmic realms to discover the answers to life's most important questions.” The main character is a middle school band teacher who plays jazz on his off time, but unfortun lately life has derailed him from getting his big break and playing at a jazz club her dreams of getting into. He is the first black lead in a Pixar film. D23 attendees were shown footage. The voice cast includes Jaime Foxx, Daveed Diggs, Tina Fey, and Phylica Rashad. Soul is set to be released June 2020!
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A new poster & a still was just released for Disney•Pixar’s next movie an original story titled “Onward”! The film is set in a suburban fantasy world where humans do not exist, instead populated with elves, trolls, and sprites, where unicorns are as common as rodents, and the story follows two teenage elf brothers embark on a quest to discover if there is still magic in the world.
Click here for the trailer.
The voice cast includes Chris Pratt, Tom Holland, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Octavia Spencer, & D23 attendees were shown an 8-minute clip. Tom Holland took the stage & told the audience “Listen, I know it’s been a crazy week but I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, I love you 3000”. I’m crying. We love you 3000, Tom. Onward arrives in theatres March 6, 2020!🦄
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The Eternals cast made an appearance at D23, with concept art of their costumes, and it was officially confirmed that Gemma Chan is joining the cast as Sersi and KIT HARINGTON is officially joining as BLACK KNIGHT / Dane Whitman🤩💫💫
The Eternals are an immortal alien race created by the Celestials who are sent to Earth to protect humanity from their evil counterparts, the Deviants.✨
In the comics, Dane Whitman inherited a mystical sword that carried a family curse - he took the Black Knight name to help restore honor to their family legacy & was a long time member of the Avengers in the comics (very on brand for you Kit). Sersi is a member of the Eternals, & had a romantic relationship with Dane Whitman / Black Knight in the comics.🖤
The movie also stars Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani, Lauren Ridloff as the first deaf superhero in the MCU, Brian Tyree Henry, Salma Hayek,  and more.  I’m so happy Kit is in Eternals, reunited with his Stark brother :’)🐺 💫 Filming has already begun and it’s set to be released November 2020!
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We finally have some more details on FROZEN 2!❄️ At the panel at D23, it’s said that Frozen 2 centres on an important question - why does Elsa have powers? Additionally, the producers said that Frozen 1 and Frozen 2 come together to form one complete story. And Frozen 2 starts in the past” - confirming that they will be bringing back Anna and Elsa’s parents for ONE SCENE in the new movie. Two new additions to the voice cast are: Sterling K Brown who will voice a character called Lieutenant Mattias, and Evan Rachel Wood who will voice Elsa and Anna’s mother. The attendees at D23 got to see some footage & heard some of the music (& apparently it’s very catchy) Frozen 2 hits theatres this November!❄️
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Disney just announced an original new animated film in the works, Raya and the Last Dragon!🐉 The movie is described as a combination of classic Disney and kung-fu movies, but also Disney meets Game of Thrones. The film is set in a mysterious land called Kumandra, & the region is split into five sections, and Raya is a warrior on the search for the last dragon in the world.🐉 Here’s the concept art & logo - Cassie Steele is voicing Raya and Awkwafina will voice the last dragon. The movie is set to be released Thanksgiving 2020!
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Here are the final bits of news from yesterday’s Walt Disney Studios panel at D23!
BLACK PANTHER 2🐾 No official title yet but the release date is set for May 6, 2022, with Ryan Coogler set to return as writer & director.
BLACK WIDOW🕸D23 attendees were shown a teaser trailer for BLACK WIDOW twice so far during D23. A 4-second clip leaked but Disney is taking it down. We also know Black Widow takes place following the events of Captain America: Civil War, as she finds herself on her own & forced to deal with “some of the red in her ledger”. It stars David Harbour stars as Red Guardian (a Russian super-soldier), Florence Pugh plays Yelena (a sister-figure to Natasha), and Rachel Weisz plays a Red Room spy. The movie is currently filming & is scheduled to be released May 2020!
JUNGLE CRUISE🍃D23 attendees were shown footage/a trailer for Jungle Cruise, an upcoming Disney live action film based on the popular Disney Parks attraction of the same name. There are apparently lots of references to the ride that it’s based on. The film is set during the early 20th century, where a riverboat captain named Frank takes a scientist and her brother on a mission into a jungle to find the Tree of Life which is believed to possess healing powers. The film stars Dwayne Johnson, Emily Blunt, Jack Whitehall, Paul Giamatti, Edgar Ramirez, and Jesse Plemons. Jungle Cruise is set to hit theaters July 2020.
MULAN⚔️The live action adaptation of Mulan was discussed at the panel today, showing attendees clips that include the matchmaking scene & the recruitment of the Emperor’s army. Apparently lots of the animated film’s shots are recreated and the film feels like a Chinese epic. It only has instrumental music from the animated film, and Mushu and Li Shang will not be in it. Mulan is set to hit cinemas March 27, 2020.🏮
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racheljchen · 4 years
story vomit
-hong kong runaway idea reality in mental hospital? mr robot perfect blue -blue hour love "i wanna be scary" heart break shaves eyebrows red lipstick black panther for asians space? dreamjng of home story about learning to let go and putting yourself first story about choosing happiness, prolonged misery JYN AND CASSIAN IMMORTALS her fingers ruffled through soft locks of his hair, and her heart swelled. it was too little and too much all at once, after all the years apart, how could she have ever doubted wanting to be by his side again? Now that he was in her arms the certainty seemed to settle into an unshakable truth, that she and he were meant to return to each other, circling each other, standing by the other's side no matter the circumstances of the rest of the foolish world. the girl from before, who only knew of solitude, of running, looking over shoulder at every turned would have thought this new certainty unthinkable. it might have terrified her or disgusted her, but the Jyn of now was a different woman. his eyes caught her transfixed gaze and crinkled with a smile she knew better than her own. no words needed to break the cozy silence for the understanding to pass between them. there was nothing she wanted more than to crush his body to hers, to hold him gently and never let go again but the feeling overwhelmed her and she could only continue to cradle his head in her lap, stroking a finger down the jawline she loved. mine. mine. her heart said, touching a body that was not her own, this skin which would pierce me to be bruised, these bones which would shatter her to be broken. hours later, after many hushed words had passed between them, describing in few short words the many hard years that had passed for each of them, as the sky began to flush lilac with the rising  sun, they broke apart with much hesitance. after several failed attempts on cassian's part to urge her to the fresher for a much needed shower, she finally relented breaking the connecting touch betwen them. jyn couldnt contain the tiniest childish pout. how could she miss holding him within seconds of relinquishing the contact? annoyed at feeling like a childish teenager but still petulant to let go. "go!" urged cassian, his eyes crinkling with a grin, and then, of course how she resist grabbing his smiling face again and kissing those grinning lips. cassians arms could not help but to circle around her waist but of course he was the one with the greater self restraint and he withdrew them after a few moments, pushing her gently towards the fresher door. under the hot satisfying spray Jyn allower herself the luxury of a quick moment to just enjoy the comforts of a life not based on the next meal, next job, and the overhanging urgency of survival, before she got to work scrubbing off the unholy layers of grime on her body. as she lathered suds into her hair, the fresher door clicked open with a soft hiss, and she peered through the fogged shower door at cassian, who of course smiled at her again, and she marveled at the ease of his surrending unlimited smiles for her when he was a man of few smiles for the rest of the universe. and with that her traitorous heart was off again, squeezing with the overwhelming painful joy of having him by her side again. cassian rinsed his toothbrush, finished with brushing his teeth. with a mischievous grin he peeled of his under shirt and dropped his trousers to the floor. steam poured out of the fresher as he slipped in beside her, putting his rough hands on the soft slick skin of her waist. jyn hooked her arms around his neck and tiptoed up to kiss him, soft sweet and slow, and they stood under the spray, feeling each other up like teenagers until suddenly Jyn shrieked. "Ah! Sorry, sorry, the boiler tank is small, I've been wanting to install a bigger one-" Jyn laughed despite the freezing spray erasing her comfortable warmth by the second. "get out you horn dog i still have to rinse out my hair" one of them gets executed but comes back to life cassian? comes back to find jyn and their child // cassian as a fire breathing bar tender modern au where they're divorced drug cartel AU krennic and galen in the cia/dea jyn smuggles or deals arms or something cassian is an undercover DEA agent cassian riding a horse, wearing a cowboy hat, smoking patron notices cassian is into jyn and 'gives' her to him "you're a lucky guy" thats just a nice way to say i want to fuck your girl jyn if you do this i can't protect you ive known these guys my whole life and you think you can get into this game for a couple months and i need you to protect me from them i dont mean from them cassian joserra jerome antonio anglés andrez after they settle down: oh where did you guys meet jyn: tinder // divorced soulmates when they meet jyn can tell its something special. she's been around the block enough to know that this one wasn't for messing around, that they meant too much to each other. cassian tamed her and she brought him to life and his friends were all supportive of course, relieved he had found some joy at last, that he finally had a reason to leave the office without putting in overtime more days of the week than not, a reason for brief smiles to stsrt escaping his serious outward demeanor. all they saw was cassian hiding a smile in a tumblr of mezcal st the bar with them, watching jyn dance with han and kes, twirling around them with smooth confidence as they tried not to trip on their own feet. how could it be anything but good? jyn knows cassian would never hurt her on purpose so she lets herself fall too easily, then slowly her life revolved around him. he occupied her throughts, her space, and she became nothing more than a part of cassian, his wife, as honoured and respectable as the role was she became suffocated with being introduced as his wife, people telling her what a great man her husband was, and she became defined by him, strangers assuming insight of her. when she leaves she finds herself all alone, realising all the friends she had were gifted to her by cassian, and the thought infuriates her. not at cassian, never at cassian, but at her past self for allowing this to happen, blind to painfully learned lessons to always have an escape route in sight, to rely on herself first and foremost. when she leaves, the pain is unbearable. she cries and she cries herself to sleep, and when she wakes up she's temporarily soothed her mind betraying her with the false sense that all the pain was just a bad dream and she would roll over and see cassian there, soft and warm and comforting and ready to hold her close and kiss the nightmare away. but the realisation came quick and she would be sobbing again. in the end it was only her stubborn pride that saved her the indignity of crawling back to him on her knees begging. or maybe it was the stone pit on her stomach that said you did this. you hurt him like this, and for what? how can you deserve to try and salvage what was perfectly good before you picked it up and smashed it on the ground just to see how the splinters would fall? when the fog of misery starts to fade though, she is relieved. even as she sits in her crappy, hole in the wall apartment, eating left over pizza for a undignified amount of times in a month, she is so relieved to be free. even if the AC keeps crapping out and she's sweating in February and bodhi has been the only other person to visit her apartment she is so relieved. her thoughts were her own again and she was so happy she could cry "jyn you will always be my family. you know that right?" she doesn't deserve it cassian walking barefoot in the shore wash at blue hour this pain wasn't unbearable but it was a unique brand of torturous. knowing exactly what she wanted was right in front of her, seeing it, touching it in soft polite embraces that lingered just on the dangerous end of perfunctory hellos and goodbyes. she's already had a taste of exactly everything she wants (not needs, not anymore, and that made the pain tolerable but a new unique brand of torturous), and she couldn't have it. she threw it all away. no regrets could be had, she would have never made it here without giving it up, but it certainly didnt help when they sat on the opposite ends of the friends spanning a bar counter and her attention still strayed from whatever kes was talking about to start at his lips, soft  from worrying at the glass tumbler in his hand, hearing the memory of the laugh she only watched escape from him in real life as it was lost in the din of the bar. "i forgave you for literally tearing my heart apart the first time, but as much of a masochist as i am, I can't give you permission to do it again. so what is it jyn?" "come on jyn. it doesn't take an idiot to see how much we still care about each other" their scars are the only soft and tender part on them, new and innocent skin next to hard won calluses cassian's ex wife meet first time when cassian gets backup for his mission huge sexual tension competence porn celebrating successful mission, cassian shoots his shot she reveals she used to be in intelligence "understand this captain andor. i have a lot of respect for what you do. it's horrid work but it needs to be done. matter of fact i started in intelligence. but the one thing i know, is the kind of person that can stand that line of work, the kind of person i was back then, thats not the kind of people i want to break bread with" she pulls rank on him despite him being older and more experienced. "in my branch you get promoted fast because you die fast" cassian was being pessimistic/realist sbout expected bad outcome but young recruit is horrified more massive sexual tension at a bar or something, she goes outside to make out with some rando guy, cassian follows her and chases him off and kisses her. not nice and tender, hatefuck in an alleyway but it's so hot doesn't see each other again fuck in a tent, fuck in the showers start to bond, see each other's honour and kindess. after a bad mission she's doubting herself, unable to sleep, cassian takes her to a secret vantage point. "sometimes i think i'm a dispicable person" "not to me" he kisses her "what, really here?" where they're in constant threat of being walked in on "no." they just make out and its tender snd loving and it scares her off and she avoids him for a while cassian gets captured and held in solitary confinement for months, mentally tortured, starved. tries to escape, gets punished. gets fucked up in the head. draven and elkie are the only one pushing to find him and break him out.  after cassian is found and returns to base he's a shell of himself, spooked, makes intense eye contact with elkie as he passes her but no aknowledgement of their signifigance to each other. after medical checks he's left alone and starts to panic, but before he freaks out fully, she comes into his room with shaving kit and a peach. she cuts a few slices for him to enjoy because hes not really allowed fruit, talks to him and shaves him as he heals she arranges for him to be put in a room with a chatty old soldier who keeps telling him old war stories, and visits him whenever she back on base. after a particularly bad mission. she crawls into his hospital bed in the middle of the night. after he's discharged, she sleeps with him whenever she can, calming him down after nightmares. one night he knows she's sleep deprived and needing to wake up early for important things the next day and tells her to stop sacrificing her sleep to help him. she's quiet before she asks if he is making her leave. he says no, so she just snuggles up to him. he realizes she prefers being woken up all night to sleeping without him. one say when cassian's feeling like he cant stand being amongst the people on the base in the mess hall, she brings him back to the vantage point to have lunch. they fuck but it's making love. something in between she gets captured and tortured. breaks leg. cassian rescues her. cassian cares for her in the immediate aftermath, she wakes up to him asleep in the hospital chair after he comes back from his own mission back on base, superiors want to send her off base to recuperate and get better PT, she really doesn't want to go, she knows she might never make it back and lose her nerve and her mind. their sleeping in cassian's bed and she admits this. he says there's desk work she can do on base. "married officers get first choice of postings" she's stunned by the insinuation "i need to know you arent whoring yourself out out of some misplaced need to take care of me. just because you slept with me a couple times doesn't mean i'm your responsibility." "i need to know you aren't... offering... out of convenience. just a loophole to help me out" "i'm not. i can't live without you anymore" they get married, she takes his name. captain andor and captain andor she drops off the grid for an extended period of time, she sees him in a crowd and he thinks she's a hostile, tries to take her down but she takes off her mask and goggles she dies in his arms CASSIAN'S LITTLE SISTER/DAUGHTER cassian's 16 she's 8, he saves her and has to babysit her for a while around rogue one she's 18 starting to do field work as an agent cassian as fulcrum is not nice or friendly but mentors her and takes care of her she just starts acting like a friend even though she has no reason to treat him like one bonds with jyn they go to each other when they're concerned about cassian, jyn tells her about a miscarriage, she tells jyn about PTSD she doesn't want to admit to cassian later as peace becomes more viable and cassian less cold and jaded, he starts to act like her family and at first it scares her off a bit she's hostile, says you don't have any right treating me like a child considering how you treated me in the past CASSIAN JYN F1 bodhi jyn both trained by legendary race strategist galen erso (betrays imperial team and orson krennic?) bodhi was trained to to compete and be great, jyn was thrown in and not expected by others to be a real competitor jyn joins f1 with saw gerrera's partisans, low midfield team, strapped for cash bodhi drives with his brain jyn drives with her gut bodhi tells her she can be truly great when she masters melding the thinking and control with her raw talent jyn podiums once and is over the moon but cassian isnt happy for her and she doesnt understand cassian says she doesnt understand racing yet, put herself on the line for revenge, had no way of knowing she was gonna survive her dirty trick and she only won when almost half the field retired calls her hotheaded and not ready cassian was an excellent ruthless driver, would drive dirty to make the win very good (champion?) gets into bad crash (jyn saves him?) and retires, join rebellion as race strategist cassian suggests jyn as new driver leia backs him up jyn helps cassian with his PT and tells him he doesn't have to put on a mask for her and he allows himself to show that he's in pain jyn falls asleep in cassian's hotel room and when he tucks her in she grabs him and they fall asleep together at a party after a good win jyn's tipsy and grabs cassian and starts singing and dancing in his face and cassian is laughing and loving every moment jyn's championship title comes down to the last race she gets a rough bump that physically takes a toll on her she has a good lead but she blows a tire and limps home (krennic gets on the radio somehow to try and break her confidence?) cassian: "do your best, bring her home. i'm right here jyn, I'm with you to the end. I'm not going anywhere" jyn wins a championship and retires she's proved herself after no one thought she would, defeated vader for a season she knows she doesn't have a strong chance of doing it again and wants to make room for luke and han so they don't join imperial F1 STORY young hotshot female driver gets put into falling from glory ferrari with him he used to be eyed as the next great talent but in a shit car he doesn't have any accomplishments to show and is starting to lose the hype and his drive to win she idolizes him, after a race where she does very well for a rookie and he delivers good but not great results, she goes into his driver's room and congratulates him on a good drive out of a need to assert control he fucks her he's trying to massage his own shoulder, she says here let me help, get close, talking, he turns to catch her eye and realises how close they are and kisses her fucks her on the desk, hot and dirty after their lustful scramble he comes back yo his senses and is a bit ashamed of what he's done kisses her on the forehead and leaves, saying see you tomorrow they keep hooking up throughout her rookie season, and spending time together in the public eye, her sweet genuine humorous personality tempers his steely cold and focussed persona and media and fans eat it up, everyone loves them as old gruff dude and young hotshot jokester duo two seasons like that as they grow closer there's a picture of him as a f1 rookie giving 14yo her a trophy forehead kisses become a meme she tells him what he already knows, he needs to jump ship from the team he loves in order to win he signs with a top three team as she continues to get more experience at their old team throughout the season they continue hooking up and hanging out in winter break they spend a lot of time with each other, to the point it seems like they're dating but theyve never discussed it he wins a world championship, realises the only person he wants to celebrate with is her she gets signed to a title contender team next time they hook up he's being a tender and says something commitment related she freezes up "what did you think this is" "yeah of course anyone would jump at the chance to fuck their idols, that doesn't mean their idols would be a good person to settle down with" "did u think i would fall in love with you just because i look up to you? im not some groupie. as if you weren't just taking advantage of me the first time, cheating on your girlfriend. im smart enough to know I'm not special, if you did it to her you certainly have it in you to do it to me" "i think we should stop doing this" breakup, theyre both heartbroken he feels betrayed, thinking the girl he's in love with just used him she doesn't want to admit she really did fall for him he gets signed to the same team as her the whole world is super excited to see their chemistry again but they're super cold, barely together, barely acknowledge each other press conference she blows off the question of whether she's excited to be teammates again he gets into tabloids rumored to be dating hot celebs they have a bad rivalry on the track fighting for positions gets double retirement and other bad things eventually he realises she only pushed him away out of self preservation and she mist have loved him to have done so much and cared for him the way she did he apologizes and asks her to give them a chance she's shocked but she agrees, but she says they shouldnt be together until the season is over cue sexual tension she misses him too much and he comes into her hotel room to get a fright shes in his bed and they cuddle she wins the championship after 5 years of being together and racing, he retires proposes to her, to the shock of the world
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dailyfantastic · 4 years
Jack Kirby had a type.
I don’t mean the gruff, down-to-earth, hardworking types like Ben Grimm and Oberon that feel somewhat inspired by his actual persona. I mean, Jack Kirby had a type, in the “ooh, Jack Kirby likes a girl!”  kinda way.
We know a lot about Jack Kirby’s relationship to Roz Goldstein, and how she served as the inspiration for Big Barda. That says a lot, honestly, and is why I speculate that Jack Kirby just really liked tough, confident, powerful, fun-loving women. 
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Depicted: Big Barda fits into my favorite category: women who could absolutely kill me with minimal effort
I would argue that Jack Kirby was right about a lot of things and boy, this sure is one of them. This kind of character is a wonderful archetype in every story it appears, and also, real people who are like this are also wonderful. This describes Barda to a T, and I’d argue it also describes Sersi in The Eternals.
And this is why Sersi is the only good Eternal...
We met Sersi in the last issue, clad in her signature one-piece bathing suit getup, and reminiscing about how much she misses the parties of Ancient Greece. This is, of course, a huge swerve from the rest of the first three issues, which contain extremely self-serious lore and Ikaris knocking Margo unconscious because her dad told him to.
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Depicted: Eternals show up in the most unexpected places, like one of the most populous and diverse cities on Earth(?)
In this issue, we learn more about Sersi, specifically that she loves rearranging the atoms in things to turn them into other things. Such things include “doing close-up magic to impress Merlin” and “turning all of Ulysses’s men into hogs” because yup, she’s that Circe. 
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(Aside: Margo is told that Sersi’s name is spelled that way because the Greeks spelled it wrong, which doesn’t explain either the fact that the Greeks use a different alphabet than we do and the other fact that Margo had not seen Sersi’s name written down so wouldn’t realize it was spelled differently)
Sersi is fun, a breath of fresh air in a fairly stuffy series. Building off of what was discussed in the last installment of It’s Only Forever, she’s the only character in this series who feels like a Marvel protagonist. Honestly, she plays with a trope Marvel wouldn’t really return to until She-Hulk.
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Depicted: This is Sersi’s reaction to turning Deviants into lizards and folks, I love Sersi
Sersi isn’t largely important to the main plot of the Eternals. She acts as Margo’s bodyguard in this particular storyline and then kinda just appears to be a flirty, chaotic-good force throughout the entire run. She sticks around, because  Jack Kirby clearly likes her a lot. I’m glad she does.
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(Aside: Sersi will be played by Gemma Chan in the MCU Eternals movie, which feels like a good choice. However, you may remember she previously played Minn-Erva (That One Kree Woman Captain Marvel Fought in Captain Marvel), and folks, I am not ready for jokes / fan theories / fan works about this fact. I’m just not strong enough. Wasn’t Chris Evans Johnny Storm enough??)
Sersi’s not the only way this issue marks an improvement for the Eternals (a series I already liked, but still). The plot really picks up as Kro sends all of his devilish hench-Deviants to attack Manhattan. We don’t get a ton of superhero action; it’s more of a sci-fi B-horror movie as devils menace cops and Kro laughs maniacally about it.
Kro’s plan is that if he can convince humans that demons have returned to Earth (from outer space), they’ll start panicking and lash out at anything different from them, which will get them to attack the Celestials. (You’ll remember that Kro and his Deviants hate the Celestials because they like doing crimes and the Celestials don’t want that.)
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Depicted: Folks, I think I like Kro as a villain???
I’ve been listening to a lot of the amazing podcast You’re Wrong About, which spends a lot of time discussing the real-world Satanic Panic. (You should listen to the episodes on Michelle Remembers if you want more context). It’s fantastic that The Eternals is playing around with the same idea, tying fear of the abstract evil of Satan to escalating fear of anything and anyone unusual. This is where, despite all the sci-fi weirdness, the series finally seems like it’s trying to comment on real-world issues, which is always where comics excel.
Also in this issue, Ikaris gets knocked unconscious by a BRAIN MINE and then gets sealed into a torpedo and shot into the ocean, so that’s a positive as well.
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Depicted: he deserves it
The Eternals might be just the series I was looking for after all.
And coming next time: what do Eternals do for fun? It’s not what you expect. I promise that.
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Delinquents (Peter Parker X Reader)
Summary: The first halfway decent guy in the galaxy (Y/N) has met happens to be a disaster of a human being, Peter Parker. Unfortunately, both of their guardians are more than a little protective of them.
Requested by & Anon: Can you write a Peter Parker x reader where they meet in the final battle in Endgame and she’s, like, Captain Marvel’s sidekick/second-in-command, so Carol is protective of her?
Key: (Y/N) - your name, (L/N) - last name Warnings: mentioned kidnapping, mentioned memory loss, mentioned forced military service, battles, injuries, stitches, injuries being stitched, cursing definitely Word Count: 2,135
Note: i...had too much fun with this. Pls give me more carol and tony and peter and
    “So...they decided to find the stones and bring back past Thanos-- all without telling you?” (Y/N) questioned.
    Her mentor, Carol Danvers, sighed. “Yep, that’s about it.”
    Their conversation seemed relaxed, but the two were soaring through space in modified Kree uniforms, decorated in red, blue, and gold. Carol used the suit’s built in helmet only to communicate with (Y/N), who had to have her suit fully on for space travel.
Unlike Carol, (Y/N) had no special powers. She was simply a well-trained human being that had been taken by the Kree after she had a run-in with Skrulls. She couldn’t remember a thing of her old life, much like Carol had experienced a while back. When they met, Carol couldn’t help taking the girl under her wing.
So, there they were, mentor and apprentice, racing to the aid of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
“Approaching the compound,” Carol said suddenly. “Get your gear ready, kiddo.”
    “I thought I was First Lieutenant,” (Y/N) teased.
    Carol snorted. “That’s Monica. You’re Second Lieutenant and you know it.” They shared a laugh before she went serious. “I’ll take down the ship, you find the other Captain and see what you can do.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” she said instantly.
    They approached the compound sight and zoomed into the fight. Carol went for the ship, as she said, while (Y/N) flew down, using suit modifications that had been made for her, and looked for Captain Rogers.
    “Danvers, we could use the assist,” a man said.
She spotted the man of red, white, and blue and landed in front of him, knowing instantly that she was in the right place.
    “Captain Rogers?” (Y/N) asked, standing tall with her shoulders back.
    “Yeah,” he said with a tilt of his head. “Who’s asking?”
    “First Lieutenant (Y/N) (L/N), sir,” she replied, giving a good and proper salute. “Captain Danvers has me at your service.”
    He blinked a few times before smiling a little. “Good to meet you, Lieutenant. You’re a little young, huh?”
    “I was a Lieutenant with the Kree,” she shrugged. “It’s just kind of an in-joke now, since Carol saved me. Anyway, how can I be of help?”
    Rogers nodded and gestured down the field. “One of ours is carrying the stones.We gotta get them safely to an ugly brown van farther that way and send ‘em back to the right year.”
    “Got it,” (Y/N) nodded before pressing a hand to her wrist. “Captain, you got that?”
    “Loud and clear,” Carol replied over the comms. “Does their carrier happen to be a kid with a mess of brown hair?”
    Rogers snorted a little. “That’s him.”
    “That’s him. I’m on my way.”
    With that, (Y/N) flew off again, wind whipping through her hair as she did. She observed the ground below her as she soared, searching for the kid with messy hair, as Carol had described. She saw him a good distance from the central force of the battle, but he was headed right toward it, as he was supposed to. As she descended to meet him, she watched him get knocked off his feet and fall into the dirt.
    “You okay?” (Y/N) asked, rushing over and reaching out a hand to help pull him up.
    When he was on his feet again, he nodded slightly, looking at her with slight wonder in his eyes. “Yeah-- yeah, I’m good.”
    “I’m (Y/N),” she introduced. As soon as she did, Carol landed next to her with a rumble of the ground. “She’s Carol.”
    The boy fumbled for words. “I’m, uh, I’m Peter-- Peter Parker.”
    “Hi, Peter Parker,” Carol grinned dorkily. “You got something for us?”
    Peter almost shyly passed her the new gauntlet with the stones in it before glancing over at the masses of aliens headed right for them. “Dunno how you’re gonna get it through there alone.”
    “Don’t worry,” said a voice. “She’s not.”
    Both Peter and (Y/N) were in awe when an entire troop of badass women joined them, weapons tightly in their hands, if they had any. Despite this near army of reinforcements, Carol frowned and looked to her second-in-command.
    “C’mon,” she said. “I need back-up.”
    (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and glanced at the other women pointedly, but was ignored when Carol took her arm and dragged her forward. Without another word, they were thrown into the battle, barely given a moment to breathe, much less speak.
    “Really!?” (Y/N) shouted to her as they flew through the crowds, taking a shot now and then. “The first normal looking, half decent guy we meet and you get protective now?”
    “Shut up, Lieutenant, and focus on not dying!”
    (Y/N) sighed. “I hate you.”
    Carol scoffed, gauntlet tight in her arms. “Please,” she said. “You love me.”
    Post Endgame, as Dr Strange had become fond of calling it, Carol instructed (Y/N) to head to the medbay and take care of herself, seeing as she’d been pretty beat up in the battle. But who wasn’t, to be frank?
    After a close call with Tony, everyone was shaken. Carol and (Y/N) had barely put together a makeshift device using his suit’s built-in nano technology and their own old Kree rigs on their suits to heal his arm. He’d almost died in his wife’s arms. Luckily, the two were too quick for that.
    Peter was particularly shaken by Tony’s near death. When the man gasped for breath for the first time in a good minute, the boy instantly hugged the life out of (Y/N), thanking her through sobs.
    Seeing as the compound had been destroyed, there was an emergency aid center set up in the remnants of the battlefield. Those who weren’t as badly hurt could travel home with the help of the wizards. Some of the closer members of the Avengers travelled to the new temporary Avengers base-- which was actually old. Avengers Tower was back in business.
    (Y/N) sauntered into the medbay with minor injuries, glancing into recovery rooms as she passed them. Most of them were full of patients who had needed emergency attention, but in the fifth room down, she found a very different person there.
    Peter Parker glanced at her briefly, but drew his attention back to the needle in his hand. He was attempting to stitch up a head wound by himself, using only a mirror on a metal tray by his recovery bed. He was failing miserably. When he missed his mark and gasped in pain, (Y/N) stepped into the room.
    “Let me help,” she said, approaching.
    Without letting him protest, though he seemed too tired to do so, she took the needle and began to stitch himself up herself. Peter had to look up at an odd angle to let her reach his cut, but it gave him the perfect view of (Y/N)’s face as she worked; furrowed eyebrows, bitten lip. She was entirely focused on him.
    He had barely muttered a thanks before the work was halfway done.
    “So, Peter Parker,” (Y/N) hummed as she continued, “What’s your story?”
    “I don’t-- I don’t really have one,” he muttered.
    The girl chuckled. “I doubt that. Everybody has a story.”
    “Well...I was bitten by a radioactive spider. So I have super strength and can stick to walls.” He told his story as bluntly as he could. “I made a webbing solution and a costume and became Spider-Man, I guess. Then, Mr. Stark made me a suit and let me join the Avengers-- more or less.”
    (Y/N) stopped for a second, processing his tale. “Huh,” she said. “I thought I was weird.”
    “Yeah?” He asked with a small smile. “What’s, uh, what’s your story?”
    “I ran into these aliens when I was little,” she started. “The Skrull. The Kree fought them off and couldn’t wipe my memories of them, so they kidnapped me and turned me into a soldier. I got to First Lieutenant before Carol found me and freed me. I’ve been with her ever since, ‘cause I can’t remember my life on Earth.”
    “Wow,” Peter whispered, grimacing slightly as the stitches stung him. “That’s…”
    (Y/N) laughed. “Crazy, I know.”
    “Not that crazy,” he said in an attempt to make her feel better. “We just beat up a humanoid plum with a bunch of wizards and superheroes.”
    She burst into giggles at that, as did he. Her laughter only egged him on and by the time his stitches were in, (Y/N) was red in the face from laughing. This Peter kid was pretty hilarious and he thought she was great. Nobody ever thought he was that funny.
    “You’re pretty cool,” he muttered as she went to clean up around his now fully stitched cut. “For somebody who was a soldier in an alien army.”
    (Y/N) grinned and shook her head, wiping at his forehead with a damp cloth. “And you’re pretty cool for a high school boy.”
    She took the cloth and went to put it away, turning away from Peter. He took a deep breath and bit his lip, probably about to regret what he was going to say. That said, he was gonna do it anyway.
    “So, uh, I know this probably the worst time ever,” he said. “But do you wanna get something to eat sometime? With me? I dunno, maybe downtown or something or--”
    “I’m not exactly familiar with Earth customs anymore,” she interrupted, smiling to herself before turning back around. “But are you asking me on a date?”
    Peter swallowed. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, if you want to…”
    (Y/N) gave him a big smile, unable to keep it back at his nervous demeanor. “I’d like that.”
    “You-- you would? Really?”
    “Definitely,” she nodded. “But I’ll have to escape Carol first. She’s...really protective.”
    He laughed a little, nerves finally starting to wear off. “Tell me about it,” he agreed. “I think Mr. Stark would lock me in my room for the rest of my life if he could.”
    “Speak of the devil…” (Y/N) suddenly whispered.
    They could hear shouting down the hall. From the entrance of the medbay, echoes of two distinct voices reached their ears; one of a very pissy Captain and a less-than-pleased genius. Their parents were essentially arguing. What they didn’t realise was that each of their kids was listening in.
    “You keep your Spiderling away from my kid,” Carol huffed.
    Tony sputtered. “Yeah, well, keep your space soldier away from my kid.”
    “Did you hear that?” Peter gasped, drawing (Y/N)’s attention to him. “He called me his kid!”
    She grinned at his pure reaction before glancing out in the hall. She saw them in power stances, completely focused on each other. Smiling to herself, she shrunk back into the recovery room and looked over at her companion.
    “Maybe we should go on that date right now,” she suggested.
    Peter stammered. “Wh-- what? Like right-- Like right now? Right now?”
    “Yeah,” (Y/N) laughed. “Before they inevitably separate us for who knows how long. You in?”
    “Oh, I’m definitely in,” he said with a shy smile.
    She grinned proudly. “Good, ‘cause I have a terrible, terrible idea. But it’s gonna be hilarious in, like, 5 years.”
    “You know what?” Carol huffed. “I’m gonna go get my ‘space soldier’ and we’re gonna leave.”
    “Good!” Tony exclaimed as she began to walk away from him and toward the recovery rooms. “Good riddance! You keep her away from my kid, you hear? He’s been traumatized by aliens enough!”
    Carol scoffed and shouted back. “She’s human, genius!” She turned away to look into the recovery room and grab her kid, but realised it was empty. “Shit.”
    Tony walked up at her lack of argument and looked into the room, having the same realisation. “If she took my boy, I swear to god--!”
    Both heroes whipped around at the exclamation, staring out the massive windows in the tower to see their two wards having the time of the lives. Peter was fully clothed in his Spider-Man gear and had a string of web attached to (Y/N)’s feet as she used her formerly Kree space suit to fly down the street. She pulled him along, laughing her ass off at his mutual amusement.
    Meanwhile, their guardians were fuming.
    But she and Peter ignored their exclamations.
    “Where to, Spider-Man?” She shouted down at him, a silly grin on her face.
    He laughed, though it was muffled by the heavy wind. “I know a great shawarma place downtown!”
    “What’s shawarma?” (Y/N) asked, tilting her head.
    “You haven’t had shawarma!?” Peter gasped, almost offended before laughing loudly. “Oh, we are gonna have so much fun!”
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