#plus she gives me neurodivergent vibes
princessfbi · 1 year
okey so i need some tv recs for this hiatus 911 fan overall procedure fans i guess that's all the vibe i can think of to ask lol so hit me with your recs
EXCELLENT! So glad you’ve come to me Nonnie. I am honored. This is in no particular order but in terms of general procedurals with similar 911 vibes I’ve got a couple:
1. Sirens
It’s about a paramedic team in Chicago and it’s fucking hilarious. We're talking laugh out loud can still quote it from memory hilarious. There’s two seasons and each episode is about 25 minutes so it’s easy to get through. There is a British counterpart that is also funny but it’s definitely a different tone for sure.
**If you were a fan of Arrow then you'll recognize Josh Segarra
***Also you can scream with me and @lucydonato about the show
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2. ER
I always describe 911 to people as ER for first responders. Part of that is because it’s so episodic. It gets really melodramatic at times and there are a LOT of story lines but for the most part the general stakes keep to one episode at a time and the show gives you permission to let things go which is nice. I’m a fan of the earlier seasons as opposed to the later seasons but Angela Bassett is in the last season. Lots of great guest spots and very character driven.
**Characters do die in this show so be aware of MCD warnings. No one is safe in that show. Except maybe Noah Wylie but that's cus it's Noah Wylie.
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3. Numb3rs
It’s an awesome crime procedural with a twist on it. The oldest brother, Don, is an FBI agent who has his baby brother, Charlie, help him solve crime using math. This show has all the tropes too. Brother relationship, found family, etc etc.
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4. Psych
It’s a procedural with a much lighter tone. Shawn pretends to be psychic and solves crime. It’s chaotic and messy and wonderful and perfect.
**Gives me coming home from the pool and vegging on the couch summer vibes.
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5. Castle
On the same side of the coin, it’s another procedural with a twist. Castle is a successful mystery novelist who helps solve crime. Nathan Fillion for those fans of The Rookie and there's a lot powerful female characters in it.
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6. Murder, She Wrote
MSW walked so that Castle could run. This is an oldie but a good. Angela Lansbury is a mystery writer who solves crime. It’s super cool knowing that she insisted on hiring a lot of older guest stars so that they could continue to be in the union and get their benefits. Also omg the 80s/90s wardrobe. There's also a couple of episodes with other detectives and crime solvers when Angela started to get tired carrying the weight of quality television on her shoulders.
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7. Drop Dead Diva
THIS is such a good law procedural. It has the added bonus as having the same casting director as 911 so you’ll see a lot of familiar faces. But Deb is a model who died and got reincarnated in the body of a plus size lawyer named Jane and it’s the most wonderful little nugget that just existed in its own space. It was SO ahead of it's time on certain issues and it deals with a variety of topics such as body shaming, slut shaming, mental health, etc in such a kind and compassionate and positive way.
**Gives me late summer 'I haven't moved from the couch and omg it's season three' vibes
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8. Scorpion
A team of geniuses (with neurodivergent representation in action genre scenarios) who help solve crime and crisis situations for homeland security. Lots of found family feelings! SO MANY! Big time character driven show.
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9. White Collar
A white collar criminal agrees to help solve crime with the FBI agent who arrested him. Neal is so whumpable and it's one of the few times I've seen a fandom really embrace the idea of a poly relationship in fanon? Idk I wasn't really in it but the fics I saw all seemed to agree that no one would complain if Peter, Neal, and Elizabeth all lived happily ever after with their golden retriever. NOW, I will say this is a Jeff Eastin show and he has a tendency to take the amazing female characters in the show, throw them in a blender, and then bring them back as Frankenstein's monster bride and act like he didn't just ruin their character and it drives me fucking insane. BUT those first couple of seasons are fantastic.
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Ask Me for TV Recs To Get You Through Hiatus
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blubushie · 2 months
how does one mask
this is referring to neurodivergence
Uhhh... I'm gonna assume this is about autism and not about ASPD... Cuz that's a whoooole other discussion...
Iunno mate it's second nature. 🤷‍♂️
To clarify I was actually never diagnosed with autism, specifically. I was diagnosed with ASPERGER'S when Asperger's still used to be considered a valid diagnosis, and not just part of the autism spectrum. I didn't find out I was actually autistic until I was around 17 and casually mentioned my Asperger's to my therapist, who corrected me that I'm autistic, and I tried to argue against it (I had nothing against autistics, it was just my understanding that Asperger's and autism were separate and she was misremembering what I'd been diagnosed with) and she told me that nah, they're considered the same disorder now, Asperger's is treated like low-support "mostly social" autism. To clarify, I'm apparently a level 2 autistic. Or was. I'm probably like level 1 now... I got better lmao.
Anyway! Iunno. This plus the ASPD means that I'm pretty good at masking. As in, I am always masking in some way. I been called weird, unusual, odd, creepy, etc but I never been called autistic that I'm aware of (have had people call me a psychopath though which is amusing cuz. Yeah.) People I meet generally seem to get the impression that there's something "off" about me, but not that I'm autistic, or in any way neurodivergent.
So uh. Yeah. Iunno. Most the time I'm masking I just think I'm being normal—as in "being me". The only time I'm actually aware I'm masking is when I get some kinda urge or some shit (like stimming) and suppress it so I don't draw attention to myself. I used to be much more visibly autistic when I was a teen (such as rocking and shit when anxious, losing my ability to speak, not being able to make eye contact, having meltdowns publicly, etc) but even then people at most bullied me for being "weird"—I was never actually called autistic, just weird.
I've improved enough that I don't even have meltdowns anymore, or at least not in the way I used to. No thrashing, screaming, crying, panic, etc. I just get angry and hit things until the anger goes back to its usual level of "simmering but able to mask".
Anyway. I can't give pointers on masking, soz. The mask at this point is more me that whatever used to be beneath it, and I'm fine with that. It's only an issue when I'm around a lotta people and have to mimic the collective behaviour/attitude/vibes of the people around me instead of just one particular person I'm speaking with. So uh. Iunno, body language I guess.
I'll warn you that if you have to ask this question, you're probably going to mimic people so accurately that you're going to make whatever disorder you have even more obvious. Like some uncanny valley shit. Ask a behaviour therapist or some shit, I'm not one. Sorry.
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i am not trying to attack you i just genuinely have a question. i feel like people headcanoning nessa as aroace is a little weird because that tends to be a stereotype for disabled people. i understand that there is some evidence for her being ace (in the book) but i don’t see the aromantic part. just wanting to probe your brain about the nuance of it / what you think. again, a headcanon is whatever and i know it’s personal, just wondering your thoughts
It’s really not personal I’d love to share :)
I think it’s more for neurodivergent people than it is for physically disabled people, but it’s also very common for neurodivergent people to be aspec. Personally as an aspec neurodivergent person, I don’t care as long as you don’t use it as a way of either infantalizing neurodivergent people or implying that they don’t have any feelings at all. I don’t know about physical disabilities though. My head cannon doesn’t really have anything to do with her disability, aside from maybe this meme because the bookverse makes it really ironic.
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I see Book Nessa as aroace because she doesn’t seem interested in a partner, I don’t really see her with anyone, and over all I just kinda get that vibe from her. She seems like she’d be better off single to me.
For the musical it’s a little different, I just kind of have it as a sort of headcannon/au/what if scenario kind of thing because I can see her being aroace and Boq being gay (though I feel like he’d be openly bisexual in the book) and them being best friends because it would be nice to see them in a healthy platonic relationship rather than a toxic romantic one.
Boq is gay because of the queercoded relationship between the tin man and scarecrow in the original books. Of course I ship both tincrow and Gelphie so I think they’d make sense as a couple because Boq doesn’t historically have very good luck with women so maybe he was destined for a man the whole time (and I think romantic rivals to romantic partners is such a funny dynamic).
Nessa, I just don’t see her with anyone romantically and I think she’d he better off single. Plus something about her that’s just so aspec. She just gives me the energy of the flag colors if that makes any sense (Not to mention she can become the strong, independent, single ruler of munchkinland, which I think would be good for her).
In the books, they come from the same part of munchkinland and share a religion so they have a lot of culture in common.
I think that their religion or culture (or the way that they learned it) probably values getting married and starting a family so they both want to be in “traditional” heterosexual marriages.
Boq is more focused on finding himself a proper wife that his family would approve of (he’s kind of a daddy’s boy in the book I believe) than actual love, which is why he tries so hard to win over Galinda. He tries to convince himself that he really is in love with her because she’s beautiful, rich, popular, charming and comes from a respectable family, so how could he not be love her with all his heart? This is why he agrees to ask out Nessa. She’s beautiful, charming, and comes from a respectable family, so why couldn’t he learn to love her?
As for Nessa, she’s the same case as Boq, she’s desperate to find a husband and make her family and the unnamed god proud, but she also just wants someone to love and pay attention to her because she’s been coddled all her life, but she’s never had a real friend. She thinks romance/marriage is the only way that anyone will ever love her in such a way. She convinces herself she wants romantic love when really all she wants is a friend.
Ideally, they would come out to each other at the Ozdust and then over time they’d have to learn to accept themselves and they form a close platonic bond over it.
Though it can be switched. Boq can be aroace, Nessa can be lesbian, or they can both be gay or both aroace. This is just my personal interpretation.
Sorry for the ramble <3
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clock-of-the-leaf · 4 months
Hear me out
The younger Bridgerton could be neurodivergent. Eloise ? Impulsivity can be an hyperactive trait plus the fact that she has hard time focusing on thing she doesn't like ? It could be her personality or adhd. Francesca ? I don't think I need to say more.
Hyacinth and Gregory ?
They are really giving me the vibe. Well way more Hyacinth than Gregory honestly but still.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
oh the inherent autistic4autistic romance of harold and maude (1971). im gonna lose my mind
they. i. omg. look i've seen this movie 3 times and it always gets better. it's very good i love it dearly. im not sure what this post is im just gonna talk about them being autistic that's all.
sensory stuff (sensory seeking, in particular):
maude's scent machine (to "give her nose a treat"!!), harold's enjoyment of it
her "switch to the tactile" via things like statues, her encouragement to explore it in a variety of ways, which harold does in some unconventional ways, i.e. sticking his head in lol
when replanting the tree maude mentions a love of dirt for sensory reasons (i believe it's the way it feels but it might be the smell)
that scene where harold's like ooh the day's so nice i feel like somersaulting and she's like yeah!! go do it!! and he's like but id feel stupid and she's like everyone has a right to make an ass of themselves. and then he somersaults. very neurodivergent friend group of them that kind of enabling is literally me and my friends
in the above scene, maude declines harold's offer of a cartwheel and says she feels like yelling, then does so. vocal stim
maude's breath of fire morning routine could also be a vocal stim
arguably maude's fascination with art and them watching the fireworks and model trains could be visual stims, but that's a bit more of a stretch. still.
maude's clutter could also be kind of a visual stim. i like visual clutter for that reason; perhaps she doesn't mind it in her home
maude's focus on music and making sound, something she passes to harold via the banjo, singing (even if imperfectly), etc
they dance :) (harold's dance at the end particularly feels like stimming to me)
harold sitting upside down on the therapist's chair
harold's morning-after bubble blowing could be visual
maude likes stealing different kinds of cars for the variety. this, combined with how she comments on how harold's hearse drives, makes me wonder if it's a vertebral/proprioceptive kinda thing where she likes feeling the cars move differently, like the different leans to their turns and how they start and stop, things like that (mecore)
communication/self expression:
harold expresses himself through faking his death in a variety of gruesome and creative ways
harold drives a hearse!! and he likes it. even as his wardrobe moves from black and he stops going to funerals it's the one thing he holds onto
harold's affect is relatively flat. his smiles are pretty small and rare and he almost never raises his voice
harold makes little to no effort to hold conversation with others besides maude outside of performances (i.e. faking maude's death with uncle victor). a lot of this is because he detests the situations he's in (i.e. the dating service calls or speaking to the motorcycle cop), but even when speaking could theoretically add to the performance, he chooses not to, instead silently showing what he needs to, i.e. in the harakiri scene. in short, mecore
maude infodumps and overshares and i love her. it matches well with harold's relative quiet. like when she's walking to her house after harold drives her home for the first time and she talks about her friend who gave her the keys and tricks to car theft? unnecessary. but wonderful
not sure how to explain this one but when harold begins to cry when telling the chem lab story, maude doesn't say anything like, "im sorry, that sounds really hard", but instead talks about people backing away from life, and does her "give me an L give me an I" L-I-V-E cheer. it's not a typical response, but it's one that resonates with harold (not that saying the former can't be an autism vibe bc i for sure rely on scripts in situations like that Because they're unfamiliar, but it depends person to person yk)
harold falls in love and plans on proposing within a week, potentially suggesting very strong experiences of emotions
i mean. the whole movie is maude being like get weird be authentic explore and love life and then them being weird. unmasking journey starts NOW!!!!
harold knows that the only way to get people to leave him alone is to scare them away, or to make them think he's a lost cause that they can't make "more normal". he tends to do this instead of talking. obv faking his deaths, but also faking maude's murder, showing his mother maude's photo instead of explaining beyond exactly what's needed, torching the car his mother exchanged the hearse for, etc. he knows he won't be accepted and uses his weirdguy vibe to his advantage bc he knows they think he's weird anyway. and also because he doesn't want to talk much in general
when confronted by a cop about stealing a car she's like yeah i took it. and this tree. she doesn't bother lying bc she doesn't see a problem with it and/or because she isn't afraid of the cop
when harold goes to tell his mother that he's planning to marry maude he interrupts her even though she's on the phone multiple times because he Has To Tell Her Now
harold sending the hearse off the cliff at the end as a symbolic but ultimately useless gesture is another silent death he expresses himself with, but one he is rebirthed from
harold's interest in death and destruction are kinda his only hobbies for a while, and are ones that keep him isolated
they go to strangers' funerals for shits. enough said (they also freely admit to not knowing the deceased like they do not care)
maude chooses to end her life at 80. she has a very positive, loving view of death in relation to life and change, and does not see this as sad, nor does she consider her relationship with harold as a reason to stay longer. she's made that decision, and he's just one beautiful component of an endlessly beautiful world she's leaving behind. her perspective is not common, but it's something that drives her throughout the movie, that search for life and whimsy
the romance itself is unusual, but the only ones who question it are outsiders. they both seem unphased by the age gap. the taboo doesn't matter to them at any stage
maude's past of protest could suggest a strong sense of justice, and her disregard of law could suggest an "im not gonna follow this rule if it's not right/doesn't make sense" attitude (she also explicitly ties her unorthodox behavior to her protest experience, saying it's her own, small form of resistance. just against social norms generally)
harold's rejection of normal social conventions i.e. dating, hanging out at funerals/demolition sites, etc. as well as his disdain for the military (particularly the way it manifests when he's tricking victor into not enlisting him by pretending to be bloodthirsty and screaming at maude that she's a commie pig, reflecting how he sees victor/those like him) show a kind of disregard of/distaste for hierarchy and norm (though he does feel those pressures to mask, as shown by the somersaulting conversation)
maude brings a yellow umbrella to a funeral, not even trying to blend in or seem mournful (her use of color is tied to how live flowers are used at funerals rather than dead ones. it's another joy and life thing. this logic of "i don't get why everyone does this. why should i not celebrate life here/in this way?" is straightforward and unaffected by/in spite of norms but IS affected by/because of her world view in a way that's real autistic to me)
maude collects stuff
maude shows an unusual amount of empathy for the tree in town and moves to rescue it. this may be contrasted with her flippantness about the trouble her car stealing may cause people to show both an unusual amount of empathy for inanimate objects/non human beings and low empathy for humans
something so so very autistic to me about harold blowing up the chemistry lab at his boarding school and just. going home. jdjhsksg he didn't tell anyone he just went to bed im--
when maude says all the daisies are different she mentions all kinds of subtle details, which could indicate a higher level of observation than average
maude shows almost no sense of danger or fear. whether she's being questioned by cops in a stolen vehicle or telling her new lover she's poisoned herself, she seems carefree. that could be because of how much horror she's faced, or because of her knowledge that it'll end soon and she won't have to deal with the consequences for long. but it could also be autism
harold has a similar unusual relationship with fear. he's totally fine with the stunts that could easily go wrong and with maude falling into the ocean and with mixing random chemicals in a lab for shits but when it comes to other people putting him in situations he's upset
harold has no friends and is misunderstood and made to change to become more "normal" by everyone except for maude
just. the themes of societal oppression by demanding conformity. and resisting it by living authentically. they're Everywhere in this movie and that's inherently coded towards all kinds of marginalization, neurodivergency included (one way i haven't mentioned that this appears is in the implication that maude is a nazi concentration camp survivor, as evidenced by the numbers tattooed on her wrist. obviously, fascism and eugenics are heavily invested in removing difference, whatever it may be. nazis did focus on autism somewhat (hans asperger was a nazi doctor, after all), so that could be a sort of autistic coding, though it is (understandably) generally not used as such because they were not nearly as much of a focus to them. such coding is much more often for jewish people for that reason. it's more likely that she is/was jewish, or frederick was, or she helped others who were victimized, or resisted, etc. anyway, her drive to live fully regardless of convention could be related to seeing so much death and suffering firsthand, or to a complete rejection of the ideology that brought it and anything that resembles it. it seems influenced by that, at least.)
tl;dr harold and maude is about rejecting small talk and dating and the government and instead smelling things and rolling around in the grass and loving completely life and living weirdstyle. plus they both give me Vibes. that's all go watch harold and maude
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
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thanks for sharing!
honestly this is so relatable. so for me growing up i was always taught (not explicitly but it was just the general vibe) that religious people are weird and stupid. like no one would ever openly say that, but it was often implied through jokes or like when someone would say that they were religious my family would give the side eye lol. and plus, yeah, its a government backed institution yikes.
and yet! i was baptised, we'd bake cakes for easter, when people would ask me what my religion was growing up id say orthodox, etc. like there was always this weird contradiction.
what you said about after school activities i also have a funny little story to share. so when i was 6-7 yrs old my parents signed me up for this like art club after school. and once this old lady showed up and started an embroidery club in the same classroom. and so when i got bored of drawing, i decided to go over to her and do embroidery. and i really liked it, so instead of sitting with the art club, id go to the emroidery lady.
and she was super religious and would always tell us stories about god. and i found it super annoying and in my head i was like "oof granny is loosing her mind". i specifically remember her telling us about the tower of babel and i sat there like "damn, she is so delusional". but i liked embroidery, so i stayed and didn't say anything.
and turned out, she was there illegally! she was this like orthodox missionary who snuck onto school properties to convert the kids. it was a huge scandal. so yeah, that incident made me even more prejudiced towards religious people. that and also the fact that my favourite book growing up was дорога уходит в даль, which is basically communist propaganda lol.
so yeah, it's strange. because whenever id go inside an orthodox church everything would feel so familiar and yet so foreign. i never felt like i belonged there and plus, as you said, no one ever explains to you like what to do or welcomes you in any way. like i don't want to sound entitled and im not saying that im owed anything, and maybe, hey, it's my own prejudice. but the only thing people tell you there is "we won't let you in dressed like that". and growing up it made me even more hostile. like i remember we went to visit a monastry in montenegro once and it was like 35 degrees outside and i was 12 and i was wearing shorts obviously. and like 3 people came up to me to tell me that im not allowed in. and i never got an explanation as to why. i mean yeah, modesty, whatever. but instead of being so judgemental towards a child, an explanation would be nice..? idk, that really put me off religion.
but then, here's the thing. when i was 14 i was being neurodivergent as usual and i got hyperfixated on religion. idk where that came from. but i told myself that i would research a new religion every week. so id borrow a bunch of books at the library evry week and i kept a journal detailing all my findings. i went to the lutheran church, i even found a hindu centre here and scheduled an appointment and borrowed one of their scriptures. like idk what was going on in my 14 year old brain but i was fearless and i would like show up to all these religious centres with my little notebook. and id even interview people... likeee.
anyway, one week i was researching orthodoxy. so again, i showed up to the orthodox church here, absolutely fearless, no headscarf, wearing my desigual jeans. and i went straight to the choir and asked if i could sing with them. i have no classical training in music btw, i know how to sing but like as a hobby, i know little to no theory. and, again, i don't know where this audacity came from, but i went straight up to the choir director and was like "im singing with y'all bitches". so i started going every sunday to sing, but id never stay until the end bc id get bored. and then i stopped all together after like maybe a year.
and again, i have no logical explanation as to why. i was just hyperfixated and decided that the church choir was my new thing. and i didn't make any friends there bc i was still prejudiced against religious people. i wouldn't pray, i didn't respect the dresscode. id just show up, not say hello to anyone, sing for like 30 minutes and leave. 💀💀 at that age i constantly felt like i was in some sort of bubble, like id always be half dissociating, id do things not understanding how or why, things would just happen, it was weird.
fast forward to this year, i went to church for easter with one of my friends just like to hang out. and i heard the choir for the first time in almost 10 years and fell in love again. i couldn't remember any of the hymns (probably because when i was 14 i was just so dissociated). but i was like i have to join again!
except now im more aware of my own surroundings and im more normal. so i didn't really know how to approach things. but i was like you know what, if 14 year old me could just show up and not explain anything to anyone, so can 24 year old me.
so the week after easter i came up to the choir director and asked if i could sing and she asked me if i was classically trained and i was like "oops no, but i sang with you guys 10 years ago". and then she asked me why i had stopped and i was a bit at a loss for words bc like idk why i stopped. and then i asked her what brought her here and she gestured at the ceiling. and that was our conversation.
and the thing is, now that im more aware and awake, singing there is even more fun. because i haven't read sheet music in 10 years. i didn't know i was capable of reading music. but i am! and it's this weird almost like spiritual feeling. because i look at the notes and even if ive never seen that particular hymn before, i know exactly what to sing. and my hand moves up and down and i nod to the rhythm. i don't know how, i don't know why i know all of these things, but i do. and it amazes me every time. like i look at something ive never seen before, but i can read it. idk how to explain this feeling. like imagine all of a sudden being able to read a foreign alphabet and you don't even know how you read it, you just do. it feels magical.
but yeah, i totally get what you say about churchgoers being mean. i always feel like an outsider or imposter in literally any social setting, so feeling like an alien at church isn't something that scares me. and i haven't talked to anyone there or made any friends. but just from the looks of it and the way people push and shove each other there like i can tell that i probably won't get along with any of them unfortunately. and there's always people shoving when queuing up for eucharist and there's always passive aggressiveness and everyone is always on edge. even in the choir like i rarely get the music sheets handed to me for some reason. like when they're distributed they often skip me and i don't understand why. it makes me feel like more of an impostor but tbh nowadays im so chill when it comes to self esteem i literally do not care. it's just annoying bc unless i literally grab the sheet out of the person's hand, i always have to look at someone else's. but yeah, little things like that give me the impression that the majority of people who go there are kind of mean.
and what you said about people all knowing each other is very true too. because literally everyone is always in their little groups. and if you're not childhood friends with someone, you can't make friends. again im neurodivergent so i just like struggle with making friends in general. but making friends at our church seems impossible. people are always huddling together and whispering and i just know i won't fit in. because at some point in their little conversations they always point at the ceiling and i just don't know enough about god or the church to be able to fit in with these sort of conversations, you know?
but anyway, as i said, i love going to church nevertheless. singing there makes me euphoric. i love the aesthetics, i love the drama. i love the over-the-top-ness of like people falling to their knees and crying and the priest talking about the devil. it's so cinematic, im obsessed. and if i don't "belong" there or if i don't have the right relationship with the church, so be it. i think it's better to look forward to church every week and to truly enjoy it, than to be mean and go there to ask for forgiveness 👀
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I know that our modern ideas about mental health and neurodivergency don't really exist in the game world, but besides Alanna having what we'd consider ADHD today, I also get very strong ND vibes from Meissa, or even assuming they're not ND, I feel like they would just get my hyperfixations and that's why I am super excited to romance them uwu
I'm not neurotypical myself, nor are a lot of people who are dear to me, so I'm not surprised if characters I've written can come off that way! I certainly have no objections to Meissa being read as ND.
Meissa's scientific ability is partially inborn - each of the thirteen sages has an ability or talent that is particularly strong, and Meissa's is scientific aptitude. Plus, they just really fuckin' love science. I dunno if I'll show them hyperfocusing on it, per se, but there will be numerous "doing science" scenes between Meissa and Marion. She's a nerd too, after all, and M's route gives her a good excuse to indulge.
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oceanblueeyesoul · 2 years
hi! how are you? could i request a pj s/o & cabin matchup pls? x
i'm straight & my pronouns are she/her x i am an enfp and a sagittarius with a virgo moon. i would say i'm ambiverted - i have anxiety and i'm neurodivergent so i have to be around the "right" people to be able to feel comfortable being myself. but i'm confident meeting new people.
i am 5''3 with a petite hourglass figure, i have curly auburn hair (just below shoulder length) and dark blue/green eyes. i would describe myself as fun, witty, honest, a little dramatic, and empathetic. i can also be quiet and "philisophical" - i think i can read people well. i have pretty big mood swings. as a fictional character i'd be a mix of jo march, mary macdonald and lizzie bennett.
i like reading, baking, poetry, astrology, romanticising literally everything, and learning about new theories - conspiricy, scientific, philosophical, as long as it's controversial, i'll read about it, and probably make a powerpoint about it too lol. i also love music (preferably 80s rock, and lana del rey ofc)
i'm a hopeless romantic.
things that give off the same vibe as me (according to ppl who know me)
sage green/mahogany, autumn, being inside whilst it rains, oscar wilde books, pheobe/monica from friends haha, cottagecore/chaotic academia
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this!
PJO Cabin Matchup
You give me Cabin 10 (Aphrodite) vibes! You and your siblings would be romanticising everything together and would ship other people together a lot.
PJO Matchup
Your PJO soulmate is...
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He would definitely bake many sweets for you to enjoy and plus, he has lots of fun when he is around you.
He would listen to your theories and your PowerPoint presentations that you make about astrology and all things like that.
The two of you would have deep, fun and witty conversations together because you two get each other like that a lot.
ENFP x ENTP soulmates
Cancer x Sagittarius lovebirds
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zapsoda · 2 years
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Egoism vibes here
from a horror game I watched a let’s play of, I liked some of the characters but the game itself was kinda meh, this one is Milk and he kinda reminded me of egoism and expresso cookie for that matter
definitely heavy tw for that game tho there’s the obvious horror stuff aka death violence gore blood cannibalism (two canon cannibals let’s go) but akso like self harm and mental illness and the older dialogue between dumpling and cinnamon acidently came off as transphobic and it wasn’t clear that cinnamon was supposed to be nonbinary but the dev decided to rewrite the dialogue and contacted some trans/nonbinary people to read it
The game was kinda edgy and definitely has some other stuff that could be criticized but those sorts of things are common criticisms of horror media so
feel like tomatos self harm thing could have been handled better since the way it was handled was kinda shock valuey but oh well
bonus have an image of the protagonist sissy bringing a nice drink to Milk : )
This was cute to bad milk turned out to be such an untrustworthy asshole in part two lol
to be fair pretty much everyone turned out to be an untrustworthy asshole lol
I think Sissy is supposed to be mentally ill and so is everyone in the town, which gets kinda yknow when yknow, tho at least in part two most of them had understandable reasons for trying to kill/hurt/imprison Sissy, only candy and chilli (give it up for the canon cannibals) are really just violent for no reason from what I remember
after all most of them were afraid cause sissy said she was a human in part two, and tomato tried to kill sissy in part two after she broke into his house, plus he probably knew about the whole drama going on
and yknow sissy I think is supposed to be mentally ill to so
Neurodivergent hostility/j
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ooohhh whats the game called it kinda sounds right up my alley
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fagenthusiast · 1 month
Romulus: Minute by Minute
Today I watched Aliens: Romulus, and recorded what I thought about the film when I felt something cool happened. I arrived at the theatre at 8:00PM, all of these notes are unedited and were recorded as the film happened
Start: 8:00 PM Oh nice! Neurodivergency rep! So far the sound effects are the high point for me.
8:02 Oh.
8:04 Tyler? They named this bitCh Tyler? Good to know the upper middle class survived to the future Not a big fan of drawing a comparison between autistic ppl and synths. Like, just make him a guy, and someone else the robot. Or, better yet, don’t insert harmful metaphors into your work.
8:11 I hate Tyler and his bitch brother. They’re the sort of people who are „progressive „ but just don’t want ppl to know what they are. This fucking guy Is talking death threats to the synth, and the other is baby talking him. And then they said the synth doesn’t actually feel anything, and the girl is portrayed as wrong and guilty for taking care of him.
8:21: bitch
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8:39: If there’s anything I can compliment this film on, it’s lighting. The sickening yellows and clinical whites add a lot of character to each scene. Also, the lcd panels are hidden really poorly as crts, just some glass and an overlay. They aren’t even 4:3!
8:43: The use of practical effects where CGI would be more convenient warms my heart. It’s done so well too! That just makes me wonder about this abomination:
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Just make his face really burned or something, plus, why is he on the Romulus? Callback points?
8:46 Some of this mild horror during scenes where the characters need to be quiet is stellar. This movie handles it’s jumpscares fantastically. Still don’t like that that guy is alive. (The British man)
8:49 I’m glad they didn’t keep the autism thing, this new use of Andy as a direct arm of corporate shittery is much more effective. He legit doesn’t care. I don’t like that British guy lived and the pilot didn’t. I hate British guy.
8:54 Callback!!! Why does Brit have to teach her tho? I get that it’s for the sake of callback, but it would be both more creepy and cooler if Andy said all of that instead, having a machine explain to you how something it’s never seen in fine detail!
8:57 Again, why must he be gun man? Is it to give his character an excuse to exist? I’m neutral about the gun redesign
8:59 I love Andy’s permanent slight concern face, even in death he keeps it up. Must’ve been hard for the actor, I cramp after minutes of that face
9:00 Yes!! The Brit died! Huzzah! Huzzah!
9:05 I think in a way, they handled Andy’s death well. She removes the chip because the OG Andy is the real one. He’s not defective, he’s just Andy.
9:07 By god. That pulse rifle sound fx is holy. I would pray to it. Maybe it’s the theatre speakers but Jesus Christ.
9:08: I think somewhere along the line Ridley realized how shit the og depictipn of Andy was, and this is an apology.
9:10 You just KNOW this pulse rifle sound is gonna be used in one of Those arcade on rails shootemups with the crazy recoil
9:11: boy howdy do these guys not know what a planets rings look like
9:13: these practical effects, omg! That right there is the face of death. ( the alien ofc)
9:20 I. Hate. Shock. Horror. It’s pointless and cheap and dulls the experience for ppl like me, with birth and pregnancy shit being a specific trigger.
9:22 The cinematography and tight camera angles is really well done. Alien man!!
9:26 Dude this movie is callback central! I don’t hate it at all, and it relieves tension where it matters, but in tense scenes I’d rather be immersed in the scene plus, ANDY DIED what the fuck this is so tragic
9:30 Hoopla shit she lives!!! Ohh my god holy shit THANK THE PULSE RIFLE SFX!
The autism/robot parralel is unneeded and tacky. it bogs down the film and alienates people like me. other than that, this film maintains the alien vibe, and is a breath of fresh air when it comes to the slew of shite alien films. the human/human/alien hybrid at the end is pointless and confusing, and acts as an excuse to have a gross birth scene thats a little too much for me personally. its flawed, not as good as aliens, better than 3.
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heylinfanclub · 11 months
Texts to send to my brother about his neurodivergent wife who ran away to holland with their kid and how he treats me and how I think it reflects on his marriage—- plus a video.
Stuff that make me think of me and Kim and potentially [your kid]. Just cause. Hm. Lots of people in the family (not just you, but Scott, my parents, the church people who support me— under all the love they give—) give the vibe of ‘I’m not going to do any research on your condition, I’m going to constantly invalidate it and regurgitate misinformation about this thing you’ve had all your life and will have all your life, give you advice that you can’t act on because of your disorder I refuse to research, make you feel like shit, etc— then blame you for being sensitive and different’.
Older people think the ‘you’re just different, everyone’s different’ is comforting but it’s actually a platitude that stymies real conversation about an actual issue that they want to avoid because it’s ~confusing~ and they don’t want to ~bother~. They just want the other person to be ~normal~. They never actually accept that difference!
They don’t get that the differences mean they NEVER WILL BE NORMAL. and that it’s OKAY. And should be. ‘Different’ is not and never will be a proper definition of the real issue a person is facing!! It’s not!! They told you the diagnosis they have!! Google it bare minimum! Become an expert if you LOVE THEM. Otherwise it’s just a cruel show of a lack of care and compassion, an utter disregard for another persons struggles as anything more than a warped figment of your personal imagination.
If ya can’t quote Browns Model of Executive Impairment in ADHD (2005), ya can’t tell me what I do or don’t struggle with.
TLDR: My therapist once said that children get traumatized not because they suffer, but because they SUFFER ALONE. And kids with neurodevelopmental disorders are prone to being traumatized BECAUSE of their mental health leaving them stigmatized and ostracized and feeling like Nobody understands and Nobody Ever Will (let alone the people most important to them!). At that point. Being Alone becomes a shield from disappointment. So. I do think of [your cHILD] and what she might be goin thru. Cause I went through it too. And I didn’t have the words to express it for 26 years. Probably more still. And I never got to have a close friendship with my parents because of it. Why I could tell dad ‘you’re a good man but I’d never be friends with you if you weren’t my family. Because you could never be truly concerned with my struggles. Only concerned that I’m not meeting *expectations*.’
And despite this text being an agonizing call to action to PLEASE do some modern research on things impacting your family: the video also said ‘it’s okay if they don’t understand, as long as they don’t stop you from meeting your needs however you need to’ and Augh the agony of accepting that alsooo. But putting that into actionable words is like: I said I couldn’t brush my teeth so I made strategies to try to get myself into it. YOU SAID ‘OR YOU CAN JUST KEEP ON TOP OF IT (an IDIOTIC STATEMENT)’. 100% unnecessary and WORTHLESS commentary. I stopped being friends with people for less.
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rowrowronnie · 2 years
coming in to say that i very much enjoyed the first episode of ms marvel, love the personality and style of the show, the vfx artists went crazy!! excited to see more, hoping it lands on its feet by the end!
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oliveroctavius · 2 years
Do you have any neurodivergent headcannons for some spiderman characters in mind? In my headcannon I feel like Peter and flash give off some adhd vibes and MJ kinda comes off as autistic towards me which is nice.
ADHD Peter is practically canon as far as I can see. His greatest weakness is literally time management. He talks through his plans for the day out loud, he thinks best when he's physically active, and is chronically incapable of running errands without getting sidetracked.
I wouldn't be surprised if Peter's friends don't bother him about his double identity because they think he's autistic. He's an extreme loner (out of paranoia). He gets sensory overload (from his Spider-Sense). He's impatient, terse, and lost in his head (because he's under a massive amount of stress they don't know about). He's always making excuses to leave social or chaotic situations at random (and we know why that is.) Plus he's a science whiz—he has the perfect cover in just kind of being an asshole savant.
Speaking of asshole savants I don't think there's a single version of Doc Ock that's not autistic to some degree. "Octavius is a tortured soul oh he doesn't mean it" writing is bo-ring to me because I love him as a power fantasy/cautionary tale for a specific flavor of Autism Hubris. You know, the little voice in your head that says "human society is for fools, I'm too Secretly Genius for school, I should build a nuclear warhead in my basement"? SO relatable.
Peter seems to enjoy the responsiveness of Ock's absurdly loquacious counter-shit-talking. Maybe he is a little autistic.
You know what, screw it, Liz Allan autistic headcanon. She's so blunt and earnest and insistent and doesn't seem to care what others think of her. And I like her.
Deb Whitman definitely has something going on but I can't pin it down. Maybe it's just the trauma.
Dear Harry Osborn is an anxiety-ridden DSM alphabet soup but I usually stick with describing him as schizophrenic. Which, did you know that a common symptom is dyslexia-like reading/writing problems? That would explain why he was a struggling student even though he's pretty smart.
(snaps fingers) you know what. I just realized Peter has scrupulosity OCD. He's constantly dropping everything to perform a series of actions that will allow him to temporarily feel better about himself, to the point of constant self-injury. Pete for the love of god. THERAPY.
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annabellelupin · 2 years
As some of you may know, there has been a good bit of negativity on my account recently. I got into a bit of an argument with a couple of terfs. Pretty much everything is fine now, and I'd really like to thank everyone that reached out to me and supported me through the argument. I'm dedicating this post to all of my wonderful followers. So without further ado..
Positive Marauders era Headcannons:)
Mary is not only genderfluid and omni, but polyamorous as well and has two partners
He/They Trans masc and asexual Regulus (yes you all should've seen this coming, it's my most favorite hc ever lol)
A lot of people hc Lily as demisexual, and honesty I do too, but here me out:
Demiromantic Remus and Demisexual Lily
Also chubby, plus sized Lily and Dorcas is canon at this point right?
I haven't seen many headcanons for James but I feel like he'd be aspec
Alice is almost definitely aspec (probably aegosexual) and gives off queer femme girl vibes. Actually when I think about it she lowkey gives of bi wife energy lol
Frank kinda gives off bi husband energy but is probably pan
Also just,, Alice with vitiligo is *chefs kiss* (Ik for some people it can be an insuceurity, and I really don't think they realize just how beautiful they are *my friend Megan plays that's what makes you beautiful by 1d in background*
If Dorcas isn't an African-European, then my whole life is a lie (I apologize if that isn't correct term for it and feel free to spray me with a water bottle and correct me if it isn't)
And obviously Dorcas has the prettiest hair ever. they usually styles it in an afro or multiple braids and either way she looks amazing
i personally headcanon them as a pan, femme nonbinary, but ik most people hc them as a she/they demigirl lesbian and that's super cool too
Marlene and Remus are both covered in freckles and their partners think it's the cutest thing ever
Also if Marlene isn't a femme lesbian giving off masc energy idek what is
Andromeda is omni and a demigirl
James is a total feminist prove me wrong
He's also definitely a house husband and destroys gender norms with Lily (who is the potions professor at Hogwarts)
Honestly tho all of the Marauders era characters completely destroy gender norms
Adhd James just makes sense to me
As well as neurodivergent (probably autistic) Reggie and idek why
Frank is partially blind and someone made fun of him for it in 4th year and James and Sirius came to his rescue (and that's how they really began talking to each other)
Just jegulily being a thing (personally I don't headcanon this but think its super cool and like the polyam rep:)
Regulus has social anxiety and you can not convince me otherwise
also *transes all of your favorite characters* here yaa go
and umm *declares all of your favorite characters gay*
also we need more ace and aro rep so all of your favorite characters are now aspec and/or arospec
your welcome :)
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ravenadottir · 2 years
ooo boys with someone who has learning issues (like. dyslexia! i have dyscalculia which is kinda like dyslexia with numbers which is another example)
i can see a few of them being all helpful but others not so much y’know??
li's x mc with learning issues
꒦ bobby
i think he finds it endearing (even though it's not) and it can come across a little... patronizing. he doesn't do it with ill intention but sometimes he might baby the girl for that reason. granted, some people might prefer that method (i personally don't) but that's personal. either way, i think he's got loads of patience.
꒦ carl
i really think carl is neurodivergent. he gives me STRONG vibes of autism (i'm autistic myself, so there's a lot of me i see in him) and perhaps he would have more patience because he can empathize with certain struggles. granted he can be irritable sometimes, especially on stressful events, but overall i think he would actually be really patient and have lots of time to spare, which is not something he does for just anyone.
꒦ gary
well... i would love to say he's the most patient man in the world but like, that would be a lie! listen, yes, he loves teaching people about stuff, mostly the things he comes up with, but i feel he loses his temper quicker than others on this list. it's not that he would scold her or something, but he would have physical reactions to when she can't understand something for like the third time, pull himself together and continue. there are some signs of impatience for sure.
꒦ henrik
if there's an angel that doesn't care about repeating himself, that's him! i feel like henrik might be the same, he's a often slow sometimes, and i believe that could be because he has adhd. listen, we have chelsea as an example, but henrik's personality doesn't stay behind. he only focuses on things he cares about and that's a big sign. he might be sympathetic about learning issues.
꒦ ibrahim
he's a loving and caring guy... but i reckon there's a limit to his patience and it runs thin rather quickly. i'm sorry, he doesn't strike me as the type that could be a teacher for that exact reason. again, not scolding, but definitely losing the temper a bit. just a bit, enough for her to notice, but he regrets right away. still, it's his second nature, he can't help it.
꒦ kassam
you would think kassam is the type to even walk away, but for someone he loves? he explains it over and over and over, he doesn't care how long it takes for her to get it, or if he needs to change methods to make it happen. he also likes spending time with her this way, she explaining stuff to him, he to her, it's something he finds enjoyable. plus, he's another strong candidate and i think there's a certain understanding coming from him.
꒦ lucas
he might be the type that immediately realizes what's going on, and changes the method quickly, but there can be one or two reactions of impatience from him. he also can't help reacting like that because that's the reaction he would get from his parents when he was younger. he's trying his best but sometimes will come across as angry. he'll apologize and try again.
꒦ noah
this man is the embodiment of patience and it comes from experience. i reckon there were several occasions he helped his siblings with homework, and because of the age difference, he had to deal with toddlers/kids when he was young. patience is a skill and he picked up on it very young.
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heloflor · 2 years
Giving off my thoughts after watching the first few episodes of Hamster and Gretel (this is gonna be a long one) :
- So far, it’s a very fun show ! I don’t find it as good as PnF or MML, and it definitely feels more “kiddy” than those shows when focusing on Gretel, but it’s still a lot of fun. The writing’s pretty good so far and the jokes especially work well. Being initially part of the sceptic crowd, I was very pleasantly surprised by those episodes.
- Regarding the characters, it’s great so far.
Kevin is probably my favorite character for now. I think my favorite thing about him is how they didn’t try to make him jealous or resentful over his sister having super powers. Like sure, he’s not happy about it at first, but he’s also extremely quick to plan out a system that makes him help Gretel while letting her do her job. I also adore how much he clearly loves his sister and is so quick to jump in to protect her. They really handled his character well on this front !
And aside from that, I’d say he really feels like an older teen from the way he acts, so that’s a plus too. Lastly, I’m glad him looking like a brown-haired Jeremy wearing the Slushy Dogs’ outfit actually isn’t distracting and you very quickly forget about the design similitudes due to Kevin having his own personality that’s incredibly distinct from Jeremy.
Gretel is a pretty sweet character who works perfectly as a child character. You can tell from the way she acts that she’s young, but at the same time she’s not annoying, which is often the trap with children characters acting like children. As for her ADHD, I’m not on the spectrum so I can’t really talk much about it but, from what I know, she seems to be pretty good rep. She struggles to stay attentive with things such as homework or long plans her brother comes up with, and would rather do things her way or in a way that’s fun. Plus she has an active imagination.
And I also really like how this plays into the whole “she needs to learn that she can’t punch all her problems away” situation. Speaking of which, I would say “I hope they won’t ‘cure’ her ADHD by making her more focused, and instead will make her and Kevin able to come up with plans that are both effective and easy/fun for her to do (kinda like how in “Wander Over Yo//nder” Peepers started explaining his plans using toys because it made it easier for Hater to stay attentive)” but given Dan’s ability to make every character he writes neurodivergent, including by mistake, on top of writing Gretel based on his own daughter, I’m not too worried about that.
One criticism I have tho is the voice acting. Am I the only one who really struggles to enjoy her voice ? Like, no offense to Melissa Povenmire but you can tell she’s not a voice actor. Heck, at first I thought my issue with her voice was that she doesn’t sound enough like a child, but thinking a bit more about it, the issue is actually that she doesn’t sound expressive enough, making some moments of excitement or anger sound off. Basically her voice sounding adult is a bit distracting but if the voice acting was more expressive, it would work without issue. But because she’s not expressive enough, her having a more adult voice feels aggravating.
But other than that, really good character and great protagonist !
Hamster is a very fun mostly-silent character. I especially like how at the beginning he was mostly there to “clean up the mess” in a sense, which really makes me wonder if at some point he’ll be incapacitated in a way that will force Gretel to be more careful in her plans. And even in later episodes, he’s mostly there “just in case” so to speak, letting Gretel do most of the work without just abandoning her. Also, him having a deeper voice really works with that “caretaker” vibe he has (again, him stepping up to save the others when needed).
Fred is fucking amazing. Second favorite character right here. She’s an absolute mood and I love her. She also reminds me of characters like Maud Pie from MLP who isn’t as emotionless as people who don’t know them think, they just express their emotions differently. On that note, I really like how her being “inexpressive” isn’t portrayed as a bad thing. Even in the cheerleader’s episode, it was more of a “in this specific situation you need to smile” kind of thing. Kevin and Gretel weren’t judging her for who she is (heck, just look at how their react in understanding when she explains why she quitted gym).
On little thing that bothers me about her character tho is the fact that she’s Kevin cousin, which felt unnecessary. For those wondering what the hell I’m going on about, it’s just that, in the scene introducing her, we meet Himori, aka Kevin’s love interest. And it’s also at that moment that Fred’s introduced as Kevin’s cousin.
Thing is, this is a Disney show, and given how romance-oriented Disney is, I can definitely see the execs have the belief of “a man and a woman can’t have known each other their whole lives without any romance going on between them”, and that’s why the two being cousins bothers me. I’m very likely overinterpreting here, but I can’t help but wonder if them being cousins was done in order to shut down any possible romance between them, as if them being childhood best friends but having other love interests wasn’t enough proof that nothing was going on there…
But yeah, aside from that, amazing support character and I love how they managed to include her into the crime-fighting without taking away from the main siblings !
Bailey is…kinda meh ? The issue is that this character literally has zero personality outside of admiring Gretel. It’s kinda sad honestly given how she’s meant to be Gretel’s best friend. 😕 This girl was done dirty so far and I hope they give her an actual personality at some point.
Hiromi is pretty nice. We haven’t seen that much of her so far aside from being a comic books nerd and not minding seeing Kevin be ridiculous, but she’s still a good character, and I’m sure we’ll get more of her in the future (and I wouldn’t be surprised that she’s sooner or later going to learn about Gretel’s secret).
Carolina and Dave (the parents) are very fun characters, and I really like the scenes they’re included in ! Little fun fact : I usually don’t care about who does the voice-acting in cartoons so didn’t look it up and at first I was convinced that Dave was voiced by Dan. I mean, the actor uses a raspy voice that sounds so much like Dan doing his Doof voice but with his normal tone of voice ! But apparently, Dave is actually voiced by Matt Jones (whoever that is, I don’t know shit about voice actors).
Speaking of which, between Gretel being voiced by Dan’s daughter and having ADHD like her, and the fact that Dave has a design that reminds me a bit of Dan’s own self-insert (aside from the hair color), plus the voice sounding a bit like him as well, I started wondering if Dan took some inspiration from his own family in this show. And looking it up, he apparently did ! According to Wikipedia, Kevin and Gretel are based on his relationship with his younger sister, plus Carolina being Venezuelan is apparently due to Dan’s own wife being Venezuelan.
So yeah, it seems the whole family is inspired by Dan’s home life, which could also explain why this show seemingly focuses more on the family as a whole compared to PnF and MML in which the parents didn’t interact with the kids all that much, at least in comparison 🤔 (I mean Linda Flynn-Fletcher talks to her kids everyday but it’s more about the whole “busted” gimmick and less about them being wholesome or domestic).
The Destructress and FistPuncher (yes I’m including at least those two since they’re introduced like they are important villains) are kind of a mixed bag. On one hand, I like the thought of some random people getting super powers and being told to use them for evil. I also like the idea of one of them being an influencer. But at the same time, I didn’t find them all that interesting as villains so far, and FistPuncher’s gimmick is pretty annoying after a while.
So yeah, for the most part, good cast of main/major characters !
- Probably a bit related to the humor but I love how down-to-earth the villains are so far. For example, you have Professor Exclamation having no issue stopping in his tracks to let the siblings talk, or Thunderpants being completely fine with casually explaining his story to a journalist. And all the other villains are like that ! Idk, it just amuses me a lot.
- It’s pretty impressive how this show is very obviously set in our time while at the same time not feeling cringy about it, at least in my opinion. Like, you get Fred saying “ok boomer”, you have a keyboard cat reference, Gretel and Kevin communicate through their phones and watching the news, The Destructress is an influencer, the characters in general talk and act like you’d expect teens nowadays to act etc. I really like how they manage to make so many modern references without them becoming a pain.
- The songs are very catchy, though I didn’t expect anything less from Povenmire. Also the theme song is a bop and probably my favorite of the three shows Dan made.
- While I’m part of the people who get a bit worried about Dwampyverse crossovers due to the whole “Doof in MML” situation turning out very meh, I still can’t help but wonder if at some point Gretel is going to fight against a LOVEMUFFIN scientist. It would be pretty funny if she did ! (Btw yes I’m aware of Doof being present in the poster)
Now, to conclude with even more rambling, here’s a mini-review of each episode :
- Episode 1 (“Empower Failure”) was pretty good although it has a huge pacing problem. Like, the first 2 minutes are about the kids meeting the aliens and getting the powers, then we jump immediately to “the whole town knows about Hamster and Gretel being heroes”, and the whole conflict of Kevin being worried for his sister is shown through a few lines he says without Gretel around and then the whole thing is resolved in less than a minute.
Honestly, in order to have better pacing in 10-minutes-long episodes, I feel like they should have either pushed this episode to be 20 minutes instead of 15 + a 5 mins ep, or they could’ve done like Ducktales17 did with their pilot and have it last two episodes/40 mins.
Now the good news is, so far, the other episodes don’t have such a pacing problem since everything is already set up by the pilot, so the other eps can focus on their condensed stories more easily.
- Episode 2 ("Oakey Dokey") was short but pretty good. I like how they’re really setting up how Gretel needs to understand that she can’t punch every problem away. Also, when they first started rebuilding the tree I was getting a bit upset, but the ending of the episode actually works very well with that, showing that Gretel still has a long way to go to learn how to use her powers.
- Episode 3 ("Recipe for Disaster") was very wholesome. The joke of Kevin doing stuff he finds embarrassing felt a bit repetitive but at least it wasn’t cringe-worthy, I’ll give them that. And it did give the setup for a wholesome moment with his mom. And the plot with Hamster and Gretel trying to find the food was pretty good as well. Sure the whole fight is a bit ridiculous, but by now it’s pretty clear that this show doesn’t take itself that seriously and is more about fun episodic stories.
Overall, just a wholesome time.
- Episode 4 ("Math Punch") was also a lot of fun. For some reason I really like the whole thing with the dad trying to give the best gift, especially how the episode ends in that regard. The fact that this episode is so focused on the family as a whole is also what started making me wonder if it was based on Dan’s own family.
And going back to the episode, the whole conflict with the villain was fun. It’s also kinda funny to have the citizens complain about social media stuff being lost, as a “people rely too much on their social accounts” joke, given how much time Dan spends on Tiktok. But yeah, fun villain. And I also like how the whole “a train is going from point a to point b…” stuff is used at the end. It’s yet again a good episode setting up how Gretel struggles to stay focused but can slowly learn ways to make it work.
- Episode 5 ("Superhero Sibling Rivalry") was very cute. I really like how it shows that Kevin and Gretel aren’t perfect siblings and, like in all families, get into dumb fights sometimes. And I especially love how, despite those fights, Kevin spends the whole day worried about his little sister and immediately jumps in when she’s in danger. It’s all incredibly sweet. Oh, and again I love how down-to-earth the villains are in the beginning montage. I also like the office joke with the manual, it’s a good example of a completely random repetitive joke that doesn’t overstate its welcome.
Also Fred was very much stoned in this episode and I love it.
- Episode 6 ("Close Shave") is the one that made me laugh the most so far, which is a bit surprising considering the plot. Like, there was this Powerpuff Girls episode that also has the “evil teacher is actually nice” plot and I remember finding it very cringe even as a kid, but here all of Gretel’s suspicions were funny. I think it might be due to the dialogue/writing being handled better.
As for Kevin’s plot, I like the teacher getting more and more tired of the interruptions. The shit Fred was saying when taking over the presentation were great too (and that “ok boomer” at the end tho ! 😆)
As for the villain, first of all the fake teacher guy had such a weird design compared to the rest ! Like, even Gretel doesn’t stand out as much ! This aside, the villain was fun. He was a bit more on the cartoony side with his intent but the idea still worked and the fight was pretty fun ! And the way he figured out who Gretel was is very funny (and kinda fitting given how many Dwampyverse characters are left-handed). Also, the “finally growing facial hair like a normal man !” is such a transmasc mood (except no one told this guy about HRT apparently).
- Not much to say about episode 7 ("Cheer Cheer Bang Bang"), it was a lot of fun with good jokes. Fred is an absolute mood and I love her, and the villain of the episode was a bit weak but worked for what they were going for. Also the ending is making me wonder if Fred’s going to get a girlfriend, but knowing Disney I won’t get my hopes up for now. That being said, looking at duos like Buford and Baljeet from PnF, it seems that Dan would be open to making a gay couple (I mean, you’ve seen the way Dan talks about Doof and Perry), so not all hope might be lost.
- Episode 8 ("La Ballad of La Cebolla") was pretty good. I like the idea of a villain that gets underestimated due to her powers (also the more it goes the more I’m starting to love the journalist character that gets roped in every time), although the ending was a bit anticlimactic. Well, aside from the reveal that the aliens are preparing something bigger, not just giving people powers for shit and giggles/to watch chaos ensue. Also, the villain music slapped.
- Not much to say about episode 9 ("Comic Shop CopyCat") either. Fun action, villain with an interesting gimmick (I especially like the whole “I’m not going to have the same weaknesses ! I’m not an idiot !”) although the implications of his weapon are pretty horrifying.
One thing I would say though is that the relationship between Kevin and Hiromi feels like it’s going a bit too quick, but at the same time I’m kind of fine with it.
Thing is, looking at the Dwampyverse, it’s obvious that Dan isn’t used to write romances in which the characters barely know each other. In his previous works, either the characters were an established couple (the parent characters) or they were longtime friends or at least knew each other for a while (Candace and Jeremy, Phineas and Isabella, Milo and Amanda, Sara and Neil, Melissa and Zack since their relationship came very late into the show, way after they became friends).
But here, while the two know each other’s names, Hiromi didn’t know Gretel apparently and Kevin is constantly afraid of giving off a bad impression of himself to her. And those facts combined really makes you wonder how long they’ve known each other and when and why Kevin likes her if they haven’t interacted enough for Hiromi to know he has a sister.
What I’m getting at here is that, before this episode, you had the impression that they’ve known each other for a while. But here, it feels like they actually barely know each other.
And at the same time, that’s why I’m fine with this relationship actually going fast. The beginning of this episode makes their relationship pretty confusing, but now that we’re past this “awkward” phase, it’s likely their relationship is going to start being portrayed the same way other Dwampyverse relationships are, which is something Dan is likely more comfortable in writing and as a result will work better.
- Episode 10 ("Neigh, It Ain't So!") has to be my least favorite episode so far. The whole “oblivious bestie” gimmick got very old very fast, not helped by Bailey having pretty much no personality. I did enjoy Kevin as per usual tho, with his interactions with Fred but also him getting worried not only for Gretel’s cover but also for Bailey’s safety.
Also the horses party looked absolutely ridiculous and I love it (and at the very beginning of the rap battle, one of the horses kinda has Sunny’s color scheme). The rap battle was an unwelcomed surprise tho…
Overall, a very fun show so far. And looking at the first few episodes, I find it interesting how the main arc seems to be “Gretel needs to learn to think more before she acts”, but it’s presented in a way that shows how this issue can be brought up in several different manners. Then there’s also a few episodes not really focusing on this conflict but that are still very welcome in order to give other characters the spotlight.
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