#like the imagery and aesthetics are there but not the right place or time so.
pochapal · 1 year
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associating the gold with kinzo's occultism...thinking thoughts here. thoughts that correlate to some of the more obvious darker political associations of mid 20th century western aesthetics married with certain strains of occult practice and then also considering the intersection of gold with all of these things.
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bowtiepastabitch · 7 months
Let's Talk Costuming: A Very Professional Midwife/Cobbler!
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At last, the long awaited sequel to Avaunt! aka my post analyzing Aziraphale's (and by extension the other angels as well) costumes from the Job flashback!! I knew Bildad's robes reminded me of something but it has been hiding stubbornly in the back of my memories for weeks, and I was doing myself a little doodle and it came to me, so here we are, friends, buckle up.
For better or for worse (depending who you ask), Crowley's costuming for this bit does not mirror Aziraphale's Renaissance-inspired aesthetic. That is, he is neither buff nor naked, as demons are often shown, nor is he a fucked up little guy
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Scene from Michelangelo's Last Judgment, Sistine Chapel altar wall fresco, 1534–41 (featuring buff, naked, fucked up little guys)
The historical evidence that we have for the clothing of ancient Israel is spotty to nonexistent. To my memory, there are no real descriptions of clothing in the Old Testament aside from the instructions for priestly garb. (Note that I'm using "Old Testament" simply because Good Omens is based on a Christian interpretation of religion) None of the art from the period and surrounding time/geographic region, of which there is very very little surviving, depicts clothing anything like what we see in this episode either.
And then it fucking hits me.
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It fucking hits me like a sack of bricks.
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Weirdly specific Children's bible that stirred up childhood memories so I stole a photo from Amazon; published in 1972
We had this one as a kid, as well as several others, and THAT my friends is what Bildad the Shuhite reminds me of. Modern illustrations of bible stories, especially those used in children's materials. Now Christians are god-awful about giving credit for art, so please forgive me when these don't have sources.
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Goodsalt.com has a lot of this stuff labeled as 'religious stock imagery'
This is why the style felt so familiar yet unplaceable: I grew up expecting this as the default outfit for bible stories. If you grew up christian, you're probably at least a bit familiar with this weirdly specific style of art. (Side note: if you have any idea where it came from please let me know, but I can't find any older styles of religious art like it. Anything pre-20th century harkens more to Renaissance style than anything, which in turn is a refresh on Medieval) This is, more than anything, in fact best described as religious stock imagery. It bears a lot of resemblance to clothing worn still in areas thereabout the historical region where this takes place, but it has a distinctive flair that the costume is definitely emulating.
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The stripes and colors both feel deeply reminiscent of that art style, and it makes total sense considering this is in fact intended to have the feel of a bible story more-so than any other flashback in Good Omens has. Even the odd floofiness of his beard and hair make sense when put into this context and compared against the beards in the illustrations!
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We even see that 'illustrated bible' inspiration right in front of our noses, but my brain didn't even process that because again, this art style is so pervasive it doesn't feel out of the ordinary. It was everywhere in the church I grew up in: posters on the walls in the children's wing, in our bibles and our coloring sheets, all that jazz.
The cheery bright colors, which certainly would not be available as textile dyes for another almost 4500 years, add a definite stylistic flair that makes this not only inspired by modern imaginations, but historically impossible. This of course contributes to the larger theory of how the costumes betray the unreliable narrator which I explore in this post and will almost certainly expand on when the impulse strikes me. The angels can be excused as miraculous, but this is definitive proof that what's happening here is at least in part fictitious, and more importantly for our analysis, that its heavily influenced by MODERN biblical stylization.
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Those reds and yellows would have been available sooner, though not 2500 bc soon, but that shade of blue wouldn't be achieved until the industrial revolution and the invention of synthetic dyes in the 19th century. It is, however, very popular in biblical illustrations.
And so, friends, lovers, countrymen, we come to everyone's favorite part. What does this MEAN?
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When we talked about Aziraphale and his Renaissance-angel-drag-queen era, the biggest emphasis was on the accentuation of his angelicism and holy glory. He's set apart from the humans in a way we've never really seen the angels before, and he also fits in with the other angels in heaven, who are also dressed ostentatiously to the nines. Crowley, on the other hand, does not have his demonic nature highlighted but downplayed. Instead, he fits in among the humans *almost* flawlessly.
Aside from his incredibly amazing and goofy glasses, which I think are an obvious anachronism of memory, he's dressed in pretty much the exact style as the human people around him, a style hugely shaped by latter 20th century aesthetics of biblical times. From a storytelling perspective, it makes total sense for Crowley to be fitting in among the humans, since he's sympathizing with them and even passing himself off as a human midwife/cobbler right under the angels' noses. He even takes a human name!
From a meta perspective, the modernity of the stylings tells us that whoever is narrating is having their memories shaped by somewhat recent events. However much is true remains under question, and there's tons of fascinating time-fuck theorizing to go around, but whatever is being remembered here is being re-evaluated through the lens of the last fifty or so years max, a mere blink in the eye for our angel/demon duo.
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Whether it's the not-pocalypse, the arrival of Gabriel, or something that happened we haven't seen yet, SOMETHING has caused our narrator to reshape these memories recently. The overall character arc of Season 2 belongs to Aziraphale, as he struggles with himself to bring to terms the part of him that sees his own good as an extension of his being an angel and the part of him that can see how awful heaven is, so I think the importance of Crowley being more human than ever while he is more separated from than ever plays a big role in the story we're being told and that will hopefully carry over into season 3.
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rainbowdaisy13 · 1 month
TTPD The Anthology Summary Part 1 *IMO*
This is viewed through a queer lens because I believe she is fucking done playing nice so now she’s throwing it in our faces—FUCKING SEE ME
1) Fortnight—
I was supposed to be sent away but they forgot to come and get me/I was a functioning alcoholic till nobody noticed my new aesthetic
*MIGHTY GOD we start right out the gate sad as hell—no one noticed her queer flagging both quiet and loud and that pushed her from being a functioning alcoholic to a not functioning one. She then says to the fans who refused to acknowledge her truth “I hope that you’re ok but you’re the reason” FOR ME BEING INSANE
*Mentioning wanting to kill people that’s a first and I love it
*I love you it’s ruining my life OUCH 🤕 yes that sounds like something straight people deal with 😑
2) TTPD-
*I’m sorry I can’t remember what mutual said this, but I love love this as coming from Karlie’s perspective. It absolutely fits. She ground Taylor in a way no one else can
*First mention of suicide—both can’t live without the other
*Were crazy—owning the demons together
*The wedding ring line—GOD
*I see this one as Taylor viewing herself as a commodity, also as someone who is broken and needs to be fixed so that she remains lovable. It also gives me Cardigan vibes without the redemption arc
4) Down Bad—
*Love this Alien Abduction theme. Melody is even spacey sounding. The entire song uses alien motifs and I adore it. Fave line “they’ll say I’m nuts if I talk about the existence of you” Brilliant 👽 Also the concept of an Out of this World Love
5) So Long London—
*Cool opening—beautiful when they layer her own voice
How much sad did you think I had in me? 😫
*I see this song as a My Tears Ricochet 2. Taylor giving all her youth to someone for free. You say I abandon the ship but I was going down with it—I truly believe she tried and begged them to let her come out for years and she was always shot down—2 graves 1 gun, more murder imagery
*So Long London, so long Big Machine
Absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking song
These people only raise you to cage you 😫
*Sarahs and Hannahs/braided hair/church/Elders making decisions—giving cult/LDS vibes
Stay away from her -Elders are yelling this—to who? Taylor? So Taylor needs to stay away from HER interesting
*Shed rather burn it all down than listen to them complain about her sexuality and how it impacts them
My good name, it’s mine alone to disgrace —absolutely shots fired at Scott Swift
*Soliloquies line is incredible—“I’ll never see” is such a burn 😆
*This isn’t a phase, this is who she is!!
*This is my choice!!
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7) FOTS—
*Pretty Baby, much like Babydoll is reserved for women and gay men and theys and thems. We don’t call straight men this 😒
*Fresh out the slammer—realllly trying to get these idiots to understand that she’s felt jailed /caged/trapped
My friends…Watch me daily disappearing 😫 fuck
Wearing Imaginary rings 😫😫😫 Says hello to paper rings says hello to imaginary lockets
*It’s gonna be alright she did her time!! 🥹
8) FLORIDA!!!—
I adore this song—my second fave on the album and absolute fucking banger. So glad Florence agreed to this they makes an amazing duo vocally—main vibes—Florida is the place Taylor wants to go to fucking escape the mess she lives in day to day. Anything goes, everyone is there hiding from something—the law, family, winter—nothing is too weird or unaccepted—and a certain someone has a house there 😎
My friends all smell like weed or little babies 😆
Florence’s verse is chefs kiss—Earl had to die vibes, watching bodies sink into the swamp, just full on misandry I LOVE IT—is that a bad thing to say in a song?? 😆 GET THEM ALL
Also I bet this song made Swifties uncomfortable 😆
9) Guilty as sin?
The Gay Longing/Gay Sex Song
*Another* suicide reference—but she’s just joking right swifities?
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No no that’s fine she just described an orgasm and if she’s not touching the person, let’s assume the pic below ⬇️ is like HEY THIS IS THE SEX IM SPEAKING ABOUT—it’s very much giving The Man pose for getting dome👀
And then the Jesus reference is just chefs kiss—gay sex is seen as sin and unholy by idiots and she said ok then bitch, what if I tell you the sex is so good we ARE what’s holy??
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She literally said messy top lip kiss and got away with it like 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
I just……this may be my favorite song of hers ever. It’s absolutely incredible in its intensity, rawness, and truth as well as being a banger
Every lyric screams her pain
My bare hands paved their path/you don’t get to tell me about sad/ If you wanted me dead you should’ve just said
I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street —Witch Imagery again!!
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Shots fired again at Scott Swift!! Let’s hear one more joke—they mocked her pain because they truly thought they could convince her she wasn’t gay 🫥
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Put narcotics into all of my songs—“a drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally—a drug that relieves pain and induces drowsiness, stupor, or insensibility”
and that’s why you’re still singing along 😎
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Just WOW
Brilliant and Heartbreaking and RAW
🤍🤍🤍 We love you Girl 🤍🤍🤍
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atamascolily · 3 months
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Okay, so after staring at these two images together, I'm more convinced than ever that these are the same place, with one being "real" and the other illusion (inasmuch as such a distinction is possible in Homura's world). The arches on top of the school have the same shape as the arches of the gate (?) surrounding Homura and her orrery; even if they are not the same place, they are certainly meant to parallel and contrast with each other.
The gate (for the lack of a better word) also has shield-shaped pieces, as well as these elongate glass… I'm not sure what the right term for them is, but the long rectangular ones are vials containing spinal columns, and the round glass bulbs with red sand(?) remind me of simple sand timers and/or alchemical equipment. Together, they make up part of the gate, and their overall shape reminds me of knitting needles, which is in keeping with Homura's association with sewing imagery.
Given Homura's whole relationship with time, I think these are sand timers here, but the alchemical vibes are not a coincidence. Combined with the Tarot symbolism and the mechanical orrery (also a timekeeping device) in this shot, it suggests to me that this movie will draw heavily on Western esotericism for aesthetic and themes, which also includes alchemy.
The original Madoka Magica TV series was inspired by Goethe's Faust, with Homura as Faust, Kyubey as Mephistopheles, and Madoka as Gretchen. Now Homura has taken on Kyubey's role as Mephistopheles, but she is also still Faust, and her tinkering appears to be what's keeping the system working (for now, at least). This juxtaposition works in part because the two are not so different after all--one thing that both Faust and the Devil have in common is their hubris, which in turn is what leads directly to their respective tragedies and suffering.
Faust was also an alchemist, and alchemists, were, as a general rule, obsessed with the perfection of the human soul. Their physical experiments to transform lead into gold and the creation of a philosopher's stone were not merely literal, they were also spiritual pursuits. This is why I suspect that the "new girl" in the trailer is a homunculus (pun intended)--an artificial being created by Homura or her double, which would likely tie into the movie's larger themes of creation (i.e., "playing God"), replication, and individual personhood.
This is also why I suspect that Walpurgisnacht will be revealed to be a metaphorical and/or literal alchemical crucible--an attempt to reach the pinnacle of human power and perfection--though how much of this was intentional, and how much of it was the accidental result of Homura's meddling remains to be seen.
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toxic-transvestite · 7 days
Minecraft altars
Pt: Minecraft altars
Before this starts I'd like to note two things! One, I am not an expert. I am but a guy in the internet who loves to talk like one. Take everything I said with a grain of salt and through your own perspectives. Two, this is coming from a PCP witch! The altar I will be using as base example is for a PCP god. I'm assuming the same principles apply for any kind of god, but keep in mind that's where I'm coming from.
This post also uses altar to refer to a space for an entity. Similar things can apply for more personal altars though!
That's out of the way, here's some tips for building an altar in Minecraft! (Under the cut bc it's going to be a long one)
1. Pocket vs Bedrock and Java
There are benefits to both of these! I find controls on bedrock to be easier, especially if you're already used to your choose devices controls. Honestly Java is my favorite place to play Minecraft in general, but it's not always the best for an altar. Pocket addition has the benefit of being (easily) transportable. You can use it as a travel altar unlike the other two. (This mainly applies to those who aren't already versed in Minecraft) (also obviously price plays a part in this as well)
2. Building skills
These are obviously not a requirement. I just like everything being pretty. If you also like everything being pretty, watch a few Minecraft build videos! They can be short form on TikTok or long form. Try to observe techniques used and replicate them. (Only applies if you care about aesthetics and not just function!)
3. Inspiration ideas
This'll be the longest section I fear. It'll be a list within a list! Things you may want to keep in mind when building;
- Actual altars/temples. Whether these be full scale ones or in house ones. You can take inspiration from your own if you have one, or observe others! You can also take inspiration from architecture from your entity's time period.
- Associations. Are there animals, plants, other entities, ECT that your entity is related to? Try to include those! For example, the entity I was building for is associated with another person who's associated with red. So I added hints of red into the altar. I put bookshelves inside, and crops outside. Color magic also applies here! Minecraft has basically any color candle you could want so you can go wild. Item frames are an easy way to display items that are associated with your entity as offerings.
- Imagery. There might be a painting that resembles your entity. Or a mob, or any of the many things in Minecraft. Try having a scroll through the inventory and see what seems right
- Prayer/spell books. Minecraft has both a book you can write in and bookshelves you can put those books in. It is entirely possible to use this to create a library of prayers or spells.
- Paintings. While I've forgotten how to do it, it is possible to upload images into Minecraft. If you're like me and don't particularly feel like doing that and want a painting, go through the default ones and choose one that resonates
That's all! If I've forgotten anything please add on! I'd love to hear other's input on this. Thank you for reading this novel of a post. Remain respectful in the notes and have a good day!
(note: if you'd like to see the altar I built feel free to ask! This post is already long enough so I won't be attaching it here)
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toskarin · 3 months
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I got a few questions about what was going on with SUGARBABYLOVE, so I started typing it out and then stopped and realised it'd be much funnier to do an extremely granular point-by-point explanation of nearly every single reference and influence in it
how serious am I being? either entirely shitposting or being completely transparent. intentionally left blank as an exercise in reader imagination. nightmare post below the break
all lovers make the same mistakes
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Sugar Baby Love, Les Blue Belles - the namesake of the piece, and also where I colourpicked the original background from
Komeiji Satori, Touhou Project - the Łucja on the left's personality is inspired by Satori
Fuura Kafuka, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - not actually referenced directly in Łucja's design, but a later reference makes this important to point out now
Litchi☆Hikari Club - I didn't realise it until after I finished, but I was 100% unconsciously focusing this image on hands because of L☆HC
Las dos Fridas - somewhat inherited imagery from the Komeijis, but I did have it in mind
Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~ - the background, faintly visible at the top of the image, is based on a certain cool hideout. also note the Łucjas' eyes, for no particular reason
Thurible - the cross at the centre of the image rests on top of a thurible. because the top and bottom of the middle section are obscured, it rests mostly out of frame
Embryonic Rabbit and La Vierge au Lapin - the smoke enveloping the central cross is taking the shape of an embryonic rabbit, not quite fully developed, not quite corporeal
Fuura Kafuka, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - the X pins on Łucja's hat are actually hairpins that she moves up when wearing the hat. in this image, the second Łucja has swapped hers for straight pins
Komeiji Koishi, Touhou Project - the left Łucja's exhausted expression has been switched out for an empty smile. cute!
Altarpiece - the layout of the image is inspired by an altarpiece, albeit with certain sections obscured. accordingly, the piece centres on an (embryonic) rabbit wrapped around a cross
Berserk - it's kind of hard to include eclipse imagery without pulling from Berserk if you're poisoned. it goes without saying that I am poisoned.
Mushi, The Stalin - this album art was always really striking to me, so it was only natural to homage it. I'm actually a pretty big fan of The Stalin, so references to them show up in a (kind of embarrassing) amount of my creative output
Trash, The Stalin - the mass of gory hands is kind of self-explanatory here
De fornas likgaldrar, Bekëth Nexëhmü - this one requires extra explanation because I fucked up and got a story wrong. during the recording of an album, one member of this duo tried to strangle the other and they broke up the band for a while. the problem is that I misremembered, because it wasn't De fornas likgaldrar that got delayed, it was De dunkla herrarna. so this is an entirely aesthetic pull now.
Eastern Cross and Brazen Serpent - this one's kind of hard to explain if you don't know what Bartholomew's crosier looks like, but it's being gestured at with Ophian imagery as things get more chaotic towards the centre of the image
Gleb Sysoev - while the straps aren't visible in this image after colouring, the outfit both Łucjas are wearing is somewhere between a gakuran and the outfit Gleb often wears while performing with Ultar
Squigly - the snake wrapping around the right Łucja emerged after I got frustrated with how out-of-place her crab claw looked and opted not to include it. I still wanted one really confusing thing in the image, and I ended up landing on using Squigly's Parasite
That One Fucking Scene From Gokseong/The Wailing - another case of me misremembering something, except this time it was the context of the scene literally warping my memory of it. you know the one scene in the cave? I thought it included a much closer shot of the stranger's eyes. I might have mixed it up in my head with that one scene from Insidious, but oh well lol
Angel's curse whispered in the edge of despair, Envy - it got drawn over to the point where it's not entirely obvious, but the background behind Łucja was originally based on this album art
Melty Blood: Actress Again: Current Code Character Select - honestly kind of self-explanatory I hope
why'd you read all that
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witheredsnow · 13 days
How do stories come to be? Not too sure. I simply browsed some tags in Tumblr at one point then my mind started narrating in a melancholic tone a story in my head while taking pieces of memories of mine.
Anyway, TW! for imagery of some trauma that is not specified that much below. Feel free to think of filling in details to your liking.
-as always, Rei
Untitled, an aro/ace/aroace (depends on how you interpret) short story
On an ordinary day, nothing is out of place. Although, perhaps not yet.
I minded my own as I sat still as the world around me went by.
Right, your company besides me. A present presence. Did I bore you with my silence? Although I do not know what else to discuss... Not when I know where you wish to lead it to.
Hm. You look at me like so. A gaze I've grown accustomed to. Yet, I can not return the favor. I would not anymore, although that would be a question on whether I was able to in the first place. To add, I don't even think it's a favor I'm willing to accept anymore.
However, yes, I'm still here. Am I misleading? I don't know. Perhaps.
In truth, I wanted to know of something but now my question is answered as I've achieved it.
I stood up.
Gentle physical touches whether by accident or a purposeful comfort, lingering gazes that speak more than just simple interest, smiles and laughter that carry warmth that spreads, and words whether spoken with explicit intention to say or implicitly hint at the other.
All accompanied by that feeling, that sensation, that... Whatever it would be called.
I wondered if they were real.
I envied the feelings described.
I wanted to have that feeling myself.
But perhaps not. I don't.
Not when I fear?
It still hurts to remember, but perhaps time has numbed me enough to not cry and to fear... Less.
A plate broke. Again. Shattered pieces scattered on the outdated floors of the room.
The floors were already ugly, but the question of aesthetics is not what's wrong here.
It felt like my heart rate dropped in sync with another plate crashing down, then cabinets, chairs, the whole room and... Whatever else that is in the way of this maelstrom.
Oh how a young mind could comprehend what happened. I first thought before that was what life was, that was already what it would be forever after.
Strong, vice-like grips, rough handling inadvertently causing harm, furious glares and resentment filled stares, harsh tone of voice that causes one to tremble with a chilling anxiety.
For how long had that lasted, that scene which followed the general outline with variations.
Truthfully, I did not once question how it had affected me. I thought I was supposed to be whatever it was I was and am. Although...
The present. Right.
I heard you. Yes. Sort of, but I won't say.
You asked me a question, hurt and disbelief in your tone.
My answer was that now I know. It wasn't a pretty answer. Perhaps I deserved that projectile hurled at me. The only thing I regret is not knowing sooner. Believe it or not, I care. Despite the way I am, I do. Or rather, the way I am doesn't affect how I care about you.
... But I know it's not enough. Or perhaps not what you wanted.
Perhaps it is ill timing, but I am reminded of that time by my own mind.
Again and again.
When I've confessed to have that phantom haunting me, peers of mine would be so kind. My ideas on what ails me, and what it would mean for me, my peers have guided me.
You were one of them. And... Well, I still am grateful to you. What kept haunting me now has made me fear less. I thought I could function the way a "normal" person would because of you—however, I suppose I am not. Normal, that is.
Not to you, perhaps. Or even others.
Kindly. Please. Do not reason with me how I'm still in a choke hold by my own phantoms. Especially for the reason of chaining me to your ideas.
I know what I am now.
Not the haunted caused by them. But simply my own existence that has its own seperate identity.
I breathed out, exhaling slowly.
I hope you understand. Try to understand the me now, the being that I am.
I am placing myself in this world as I am and the details simply solidified who that is.
I'm sure you'd rather think of me as the villain now, so I do not speak after. In my limited ideas of fiction type villainy, I walk away silently while leaving you in your own turmoil.
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bioluminosity · 8 months
What did Witnessian culture look like? And do you have a name for the species?
I don't have a name for them beyond whatever I make up on the fly ("origin species"). If I had to make something up though I'd probably look at the choice vocabulary in the lore like Unveiling, Inspiral, etc., and etymologies related to them, but that's like a whole essay's worth of consideration, so I'll get back to you on that. As for aesthetics. Concept art from Bungie has notes on the disciples' appearances taking after its culture X, and we have the pyramids (in which apparently the mural styles of Rhulk's may be more Witness-aligned than his own work, but it's also more than likely the graphics were used in the origin cutscene for consistency, anyway that is less important), but something that interests me the most right now is Tessellation. There are visual references to that "artifact" vibe (and I am curious for the quests surrounding its catalyst), it shares material from TFS trailers (+rainbow roads in the Mars relic/some pyramid maps), and the flavor text/lore are formatted much like other "Witness" stuff we've seen.
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Namely the handle's spinal shape (think Mykel's Reverence from Root), the tassels, barrel, and the top is literally shaped like a pyramid. It looks crafted with the reverence of a species' dogma. That part might be biased.
Beyond that, though, there is a lot to garner from the pyramids and other Witness-aligned environments. Rhulk's has the horse statues and a lot of general cityscapes (plus a "Dark City" in Savathun's throne world), there are some greyhound-looking reliefs in the Witness' pyramid (but it does not strike me as a dog person lol?), strange floating lights everywhere, etc. Generally speaking, we see a lot of "tomb" architecture (+actual tombs which makes sense given themes of death + disciple lore), but also themes of conquest, so I use all of these in my visual library for picturing their home world and the fleet (where most of the AU takes place, thus the story is a bit grim). That is all to say nothing of the structures we got on Europa which feel a bit unique in presentation (garnering feelings of discovery, unlike stuff from LF's season of defiance which is more clearly meant to invoke "invasion", but of course the other stuff was still being worked on for TWQ+TFS).
If I were to try and extrapolate anything besides what we've been given in-game, though, I'd go back to the (alleged) utopia landscape of their "Garden" world along with a desert/nomad background, [which is what I started my AU with: literal travelers], as the idea of conquest -- if it did not already exist within their culture -- definitely arose from their...integration and newfound purpose with the Final Shape. (Cue separate essay about war, falsehoods in utopias, and paracausal resources.) It feels redundant to say religion and philosophy were important -- Unveiling is right there, and Inspiral has some parables from ambiguous sources -- but I like to think these disciplines were more highly regarded than war or economics in a society that would have had its material needs being met, or maybe just exerted itself with overwhelming force. (Edit: The AU expanded on the powers we now know were granted to them by the Traveler + the Veil, letting them be sorts of planetary/universal curators, though that's a surprisingly less developed portion of that story. It would allow these ideas of authority to pervade their culture over time.)
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Needless to say a LOT of the imagery hinted at in TFS trailers looks like really cool expansions on this "empty" empire, with a more personal effect with the hands and half-figures everywhere. like dont even get me started bc we will be here all day about design themes and motifs. But a lot of it also references the whole of Destiny rather than the species.
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Sorry that was really long and a bit broader than like, what they would wear in different time periods/decorate with/paint etc. Those sorts of things are very interesting to me and would be born from the foundations laid out above!
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osleeplessflowero · 11 months
Chance Encounter - A Dream Oneshot
// written in second person pov
Rain gently falls from the sky, landing any and everywhere in sight.
You sit at a bus stop, holding out your hand to let the rain fall onto it. It's cold..always cold. But it feels nice, so you won't complain.
You grab the book you brought with you from your side, an old love story from decades ago which has recently become one of your favorites. You flip through the pages to where you left your bookmark, beginning to read.
The words describe what's happening beautifully, making clear imagery in your head. If only it were possible to find true love like in these stories..but something like that's highly unrealistic. Especially in this day and age.
You let out a quiet sigh, before hearing footsteps nearby. You look to your right and see a skeleton approaching you, holding up a bright yellow umbrella to shield himself from the rain.
He has on a pastel yellow sweater vest with a white button-up shirt beneath it, along with some dark brown pants for a nice contrast. You can see that he's wearing bright yellow rain boots, perfect for the weather. He has some sort of crown looking accessory on his skull. You don't think you've seen anything like it before..
"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt your reading, but I was wondering when the next bus would get here." He has a very calm voice, it sounds warm to you. Pleasing to the ears to hear. His smile is warm too, inviting and friendly. His yellow eyelights glance over you.
"Oh, you're not interrupting at all, don't worry." You smile, gently closing it on your lap. "The next bus should be here in a few minutes."
"Oh, that's good. To both of those statements. Is it alright if I wait here as well?"
"Go right ahead, I don't mind at all."
"Thank you very much." He closes the umbrella and sits beside you at a comfortable distance, resting the umbrella beside himself.
You find yourself glancing over at him, observing him. He notices you and gives you a smile, and you quickly avert your eyes, cursing internally for staring.
"I'm Dream, it's nice to meet you."
You look back over, seeing that he's rested his hands in his lap.
"Oh, um, I'm.." You tell him your name, and he keeps it in mind. "Nice to meet you too, Dream."
There's a bit of a comfortable silence for a bit as the two of you continue to wait.
"What book are you reading? I can't help but be a bit curious."
"Oh, it's a classic from a long time ago. I've always loved romance stories, it's just something about the aesthetics of certain ones. This one's become one of my favorites with time, I find myself rereading it a lot."
"It must be pretty good then, hmm?"
"I like to think so."
He glances over the title. "Perhaps I'll check it out from the library and give it a read myself, I'm about to head there regardless."
"Oh, you're heading there too? I was just about to see if there's anything new."
"Oh, yes. I'm actually returning a book my brother borrowed. He doesn't like talking to people too much, so I offered to bring it back for him."
"That's kind of you. ..Well, since we're going to the same place, maybe I could recommend something for you and maybe him as well while we're there."
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind a bit. You seem to be nice company."
"I appreciate that. Thank you."
"No prob. Uhh..any specific genres you happen to like?"
"Well, I like fantasy stories myself. For my brother, he tends to like the horror genre, or something like murder mysteries. Can't put them down once he gets invested. Though I find those stories to be rather morbid most of the time..at least he enjoys them."
"I see, I gotcha. I'm sure once we get there we can find something with the right feel."
"I'm positive we will."
A comfortable silence returns as the bus finally arrives, the two of you standing up.
"Okay, let's make a run for it- don't want to end up being drenched."
"Yeeeah, let's hurry-"
The two of you quickly run and enter the bus, paying the small fee to ride and sit down beside each other again, Dream simply smiling and allowing you to ramble about your book as you wait to arrive at the library together.
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(this playlist is what inspired me to write this oneshot, although instead of waiting for a bus it's waiting for a train. highly recommended to add to the experience!)
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WAhhhhhhhHHH 😭 Thank you for 7k+ followers!!? I say this every time we hit a new major milestone, but I didn’t think we’d ever make it this far?? If you think about it, it’s really amazing that so many of us united over a shared interest!
I appreciate all the love and the support that has come my way! 🙇‍♀️ I hope you’ll stick around and continue to enjoy my works.
dbksbsk?)F)d)-!2 I didn’t really know what to do to celebrate this milestone, but 🥹 since “7” is a special number (ie 1k for each dorm), I thought to share some dorm uniform doodles and design notes of the blog mascot/muse, Miss Raven! I hope you find this at least semi-interesting!
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Heartslabyul Raven pulls inspiration from various sources, the main one being the titular Alice from Alice in Wonderland. To begin, Raven’s hair is down and allowed to be wild and whimsical like that of a child. The frilled apron and headband with the bow are meant to emulate Alice in many popular depictions, including Disney’s own. The style of the bows is also meant to invoke White Rabbit imagery (as it resembles his ears). You’ll also notice that a pocket watch similar to that of the White Rabbit hangs from Raven’s waist.
I wanted to go for a “fun-loving yet innocent schoolgirl” look, hence the pleated skirt and short, broad tie. The sash at Raven’s waist has a bow that is larger larger than the average Heartslabyul student; this creates the illusion of Raven being smaller than she usually is—an allusion to the shrinking and growing that young Alice does in her tale. The sash also just looks cute and playful at that size, jutting out on one side. I tried to keep true to Heartslabyul’s asymmetry throughout the design, right down to the socks. On one leg, it’s long and white, with a trail of card suits running down it. The other leg has a checkered leg warmer!
Her jacket is cropped to be shorter than her shirt and vest just to be a little cheeky! You can’t see it in the drawing, but pinned on the left side of Raven’s jacket is a Joker to indicate that she is a “wild card” in the deck. She’s sort of out of place compared to the other card soldiers; this is also evident by the mark under her left eye. Instead of bearing a card suit, Raven has a black feather and some glitter. After all, she’s not a card soldier, but a raven from a riddle with no answer.
This one’s definitely a favorite probably due to my own Alice in Wonderland bias! I feel like I captured the energy of Heartslabyul well while also incorporating very distinctly “Raven” elements.
It was very challenging for me to design a variant of the Savanaclaw uniform since it’s the aesthetic I like the least of the seven dorms (biker plus… cowboy??? 😭). Surprisingly though, I don’t mind the end product!
Since Raven was originally an actual raven/bird, I kept her pigtails as a nod to her animalistic roots. They’ve been moved a little higher on her head and they’re much messier, but the general idea is still there! I added some feathers with the same coloration as Zazu as accessories (since he, too, is a bird), and while that adds new colors to the overall look, I'm not sure how successful it was at blending with the Savanaclaw design philosophy.
Of course, Raven's wearing the dorm's shirt but since it's so loose and baggy she has something of a latticework camisole underneath for safety. In an earlier version of the look, Raven was in shorts and her legs were exposed. Then I thought, "it's just too weird to see her legs completely uncovered!" and I gave her leggings to go with those shorts. I toyed around with the idea of ripping the leggings at the knees, but I figures that since these are dorm uniforms, the school probably wouldn't want to hand the students already damaged clothes. I tried to substitute it by emulating "scratches and tears" in the pattern of the leggings.
There's a lot more jewelry than I expected in this design. There's the choker at her neck with a single pearl, then a bunch of bracelets on both wrists. Raven has gloves meant for fashion, but since it has little spikes on the knuckles, it looks like she's asking for a fight, haha... One of those bracelets might just break in the carnage and confused everyone.
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This one's simple yet clean, so I probably don't have a ton to remark on! The coat is way too big on Raven, so slips down her shoulders and creates the illusion of a "boat" neckline, similar to the dresses Vanessa (Ursula's human form) wears. Below that is a dress shirt and ribbon, a pencil skirt and a cummerbund. Very proper but also stylish, whether with or without the coat.
The obscuring wide brim on her hat and the peculiar boa-like way of wearing the scarf is supposed to help Raven come off like a classy rich lady that stumbled into a den of sharks--and integrates with those sharks. The longer ribbons are also meant to contribute to this sense of elegance; the tails look like streaming jellyfish stingers, no?
I thought to add pearl jewelry to make Raven look even more "rich", but jewelry clashes too much with Octavinelle's non-flashiness. Instead, I ended up incorporating pearls into her hat; they hang off in strings, so it kind of looks like they're falling down like "mermaid tears". DKJLLIDIBASDABSODAS The pattern on the socks looks silly, but it grew on me the longer I looked at it. I think because the rest of the outfit isn't super-eye-catching, I can get away with the pattern.
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This one had to undergo the most redesigns of the seven. The original didn't look that different than the standard Scarabia uniform--and while there's nothing wrong with that, I wanted to try harder to make the clothes unique to Raven. To achieve this, I thought of borrowing elements from Princess Jasmine. That's probably already pretty obvious from the random swathes of blue in the outfit 💦 Blue stands out against the red, but I feel the color is a more genuine representation of both Raven and Jasmine's headstrongness.
Speaking of, Jasmine really made this look "work"! For example, Raven's hair and hair accessory are basically the same as hers, save for the pinned fabric in the back that fans out into a little veil. The shape of Raven's top is also very Jasmine-inspired, from the sleeves to the triangular embellishments (meant to resemble Jasmine's earrings).
I gave up trying to perfectly recreate the golden pattern on the skirt and just freestyled it. There's a lot of lines, and a lot of implied movement. I think of Raven walking in the skirt and how nice it would look billowing out behind her... kind of like a man-made tail!
... Yes, I know the Scarabian shoes are usually sandals. No, I don't want to see anyone's toes. Therefore, I slapped some slippers on Raven and called it a day.
Raven also has her hair down for Pomefiore, but in a much more meaningful and intentional manner than with Heartslabyul. She has the hair tossed over one shoulder in a fashionable kind of way. I see her flipping her hair and it smacking people she deems unworthy in the face 😂 You can’t see it well in the illustration, but Raven has a half crown braid along the back of her head.
The flowers woven into Raven’s hair aren’t supposed to be any specific kind; she just picks random ones and sticks them in her hair for added effect. With the braid, it’s slightly reminiscent of Rapunzel’s sun festival look. Just as important as the flowers is the red ribbon tied in her hair—it’s the “red thread of fate” that connects her to important people.
Pomefiore, being a dorm of traditions, doesn’t change its clothes much for Raven. The undershirt is frilled as is the case with her original outfit, but the actual construction of the robes over that is largely the same. Perhaps the only major differences can be observed in the skirt’s hemming; it’s bunched up more to form ruffles, most noticeable in the opening slit of red fabric. It’s a small twist on a classic, which lends the whole look something borrowed yet something new.
OKAY BUT I HAVE NEVER WANTED TO CHOKE FABRIC MORE THAN WHEN I HAD TO RECREATE THE APPLE PATTERN ON THE RED INNER LINING. It was so difficult to do even in a very simplified manner… And don’t get me STARTED on figuring out how the heck drawing their sleeves works! This outfit is my Overblot origin story 💀
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The vibe I was going for here was “kawaii cringe otakucore uwu”. The only effort I made to be inspired by a Disney property was the high ponytail; it’s supposed to look like Megara’s! The ribbon in it is frazzled to resemble running electricity or electrical wires.
The outfit Raven is wearing has the futuristic Ignihyde jacket over it, but under is an oversized turtleneck sweater dress. The opening for the head is egregiously large so Raven can comfortably tunnel in it when she’s shy or scared. Think like a turtle retreating to its shell! Even the sleeves on it are too long (though not as long as Lilia’s Labwear coat); only the tips of her longer fingers protrude from it.
This iteration of Raven comes with a lot of accessories. You can’t see most of them because of the positioning of her body, but there’s various fandom badges and pins stuck to her sweater dress. Her hair barrettes/clips can also be swapped out for new designs. It all depends on what her hyperfixation for the day is!
Her boots are meant to be platforms. (Raven wants to be taller, darn it!!) Think of those little accessories you slap onto crocs; the sides of these shoes have similar accessories.
I have to say, looking at the final design… I can’t help but think about ninjas for some reason! Maybe it’s the pose or hiding half of her face in fabric?? I think I subconsciously also think of ninjas because of a manga I read where the main character drinks green tea and temporarily gains ninja skills! She wore a scarf in a similar fashion to the turtleneck collar Raven has.
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This one also went through significant redesigns on account of me not understanding how the Diasomnia uniform was constructed. I stared at it for a looong time before it finally clicked in my brain.
Raven’s Diasomnia look borrows from Crowley for the feathered shoulder pads, but the rest is pretty much all original. There was not a specific inspiration this time; I just wanted to have the image of a composed princess 😌 Her hair is again down here, but it’s styled a little differently than with Heartslabyul and Pomefiore. Instead of being curly all the way down, only the ends curl. Note that she also has hair buns on either side, which are meant to resemble rosebuds.
Ribbons are a consistently present across Raven’s various wardrobe changes. Because Diasomnia is more of a mysterious group, I went with a more lowkey ribbon than the usual one for her “tie”. It still looks authoritative but also has a little whimsy to it.
The puff sleeves, tighter skirt, and flowing coat give a regal and stern silhouette. Like a rose, pretty yet dangerous. vjsbsjsnsw I think “dangerous” is the right word to use here in another context; this outfit is probably the most revealing one due to the rose-printed stockings not being fully opaque. Raven could be standing in the middle of Diasomnia and then a breeze blows, threatening to knock her over and give her a cold 🥶
xvsjvsjwns I also really like this look, but I have a difficult time articulating why. It may just be the “fairy tale princess-turned knight” energy of it???
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vexxandra · 1 year
intuitive messages from your person (really specific so probably not gonna resonate lol)
first time doing this! a bit of practice, since im not good with listening to my intuition. but were trying new things this new year. lool lets get started :D
m tellin u its like super SUPER specific ;D
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pile one:
things that could have significance : genshin, but more specifically, wishing, debate clubs, when you wish upon a star, steven universe end credits (love like you), lavender or mint, milk, the name sofia?, sweaters or oversized clothes,  telephone (the song or the object), dial/tone, closet
hello dear. have i been away for too long? apologies, work is very hard nowadays and i find that ive been losing myself more and more. but ive been thinking about you quite a lot. especially at night. dreaming of you. ive been irresponsable, not answering your calls quickly enough and leaving things to pile up between the two of us. but please know that im working very hard and trying the best i can. you must be furious with me, and i can understand that. give me more time, and i promise i wont let you down. id never let you down. i love you too much to ever be able to do that. ive been losing sleep, and thats tiring because i get to see you when i sleep so i find that ive been taking meds more often to help with that. thats stupid, and id know you tell me the same. god, i wish you were next to me right now. then id fall asleep quicker than a light flicks off. music. ill speak to you through our favorite songs, and ill listen for things you say to me in yours as well. its time for me to say good bye though. know that nothing has changed between us, and i care for you as much as ever before.
signed, yours.
pile two:
things that could have significance: grocery stores at night, denki kaminari vibes honestly!!, mixtapes (like old cassette ones), guitar, dog or pets, crescent, artic monkeys, blasting music super loud, summertime, you get me so high - the neighbourhood, electric (or electric love)
gee, its really been a while since we’ve talked last. you’re my best friend, ill love you forever, yknow that? you’re super cool. cooler than popsicles on a summer day. cooler than penguins in the north pole. wait-- penguins live in the south pole? no one told me that?! hey! its not my fault, i never knew that. jeez... still teasing as ever, huh? sometimes i wonder how it would have been if i hadn’t moved away/transferred schools. we’d be tightknit! and we already are. there are so many stupid pictures of us in my camera roll that i jsut scroll through them when i feel like i miss you. nahh im just playing! i always miss you! we should totally hang out sometime soon! lets race grocery carts!
see ya! - your best friend
pile three:
things that could have significance: notebooks, preppy or academia aesthetic, fandom or into dnd, pearls or pearly whites, ‘shade’ colors (white, grey, black-- but emphasis on grey), 505 by artic monkeys, classroom, bunch of school imagery
dear you
why do you have to be so perfect? ive always been top of my class, such an overachiever, but with you, its like all of my accomplishments are suddenly fade away. you’re awesome like that, you know. stop letting your parents control your life. you’re a super smart person, dont let anyone EVER tell you otherwise. oh, and you can let your hair down too. im not gonna judge you, and plus, i think you look nice without your hair all tight like that. meet me at our spot. the spot that’s only ours. a place where we can just be ourselves. what? stop playing around, trying to get me to tell you again. what if someone sees this letter?! its just something between you and me, and i know i can trust you. id trust you with my life, pile three. im serious. stay the way you are. dont become a product of society. you’re absolutely perfect the way you are.
from, yours
pile four TW: Harsh truth! Please don’t read unless you’re ready and willing
things that could have significance: floating, or sinking(into a mattress, or in water), bath/bathing, milky way or space in general, being loved by a ghost, anxiety/confusion, salt or minerals. lots of comparisons here, so that could be something too. also francis forever - mitski and last words of a shooting star -mitski
this person didn’t have a letter to write to you. they were very blocky and choppy and took long pauses in between of answering. also, these are just sentences, so everytime there’s a period, its a sentence ending, and a new idea beginning
i dont need you. i have everything i need. so why are you here? what am i missing? what do i not understand? stop getting into my head. ive been thinking of you. you look nice. (dont) call me. please trust me, i can keep my promises. that, i can swear. bandaids cant heal my scars. sometimes i just want to fall asleep for a long time, and you cant stop or save me. they mean more to me than you. forever. i still care about you. they lied. im getting bored. you used to be the sun. what dont you understand? i still loved you. goodbye. (bonus message: they wont last)
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inverse-problem · 6 months
alright layer 7 first day impressions! (played each layer twice more or less so not first impressions but still I just need to get my thoughts out. do not expect anything good, I'm just stream-of-consciousness rambling.) major detailed spoilers under the cut!
7-1: oooh love the blood painting with violence aesthetic, it turned out so well. mannequins are really fun! bit confusing to navigate but I think that was sort of the point, given the layer name. loved the lore in the book
and then the minotaur. (nice house of leaves reference!) took me a while because I was out of practice and I fell off the platforms a lot but ough great lore, there. love that we got more details about minos, as tragic as it was. and the phase 2 at the end of the level genuinely startled me! anyway whoa, really strong start to a layer
7-2: cool to start with the gutterman right off the bat; finally, I am forced to learn to switch fists. really liked the gutterman design and lore, and the guttertanks were a nice surprise, also. the timing whiplash things were a bit tricky, because I suck at platforming, but I got the hang of them faster than I expected. I died a lot in the room with the stalker. the whole war aesthetic with the warheads and the sort of industrial aesthetic was really good, and I thought the bomb was a great addition. also seeing the earthmovers in the distance and bullets flying across the sky, very intense aesthetic, very fitting. also, cool level design, I the part where walls fall down in front of you! very cool! just got a bit confused about navigation in some places but it was intuitive enough, and easier to find my way around than 7-1
7-3: holy shit the beginning made me really emotional. the trees were so poignant, and they look beautiful also. interesting way to do a key hunt sort of thing, too. the little gates were a nice aesthetic touch, also. seeing the demons and the war machines fight was really interesting (and also made the fights easier when I was starting to get physically tired, haha). great use of the dual wield powerup also. fantastic ambiance overall, very evocative. the tree imagery and accompanying music is stuck in my mind
7-4: I love it when a boss is also the level! good shit! the platforming here was fun for me, which is cool, because I'm not always big on it. really solid industrial aesthetic throughout the level. loved all the greebling and the signs and stuff; curious to know what the japanese text on the signs translates to. was a bit unsure where to aim during the security system fight, but thankfully marksman revolver helped me figure it out. the rising deadly liquid freaked me out at first because I hate timing challenges, but thankfully that didn't end up being an issue at all. loved the level layout overall, really got the impression I was clambering into a giant war machine, which was a blast. the heart boss itself was so-so for me because I'm not a big fan of spinny arena-spanning things like that, but the healing opportunities with the idols were nice, and parrying the projectiles really helped me a lot! the timer at the end was also a bit nerve-wracking but gave me ample time, and it was extremely worth it to jump out of a giant exploding war engine. felt really badass. and the lore implications are fascinating, I need to think a bunch because whoa. the fact that humanity just lived on those for a while is very interesting
overall thoughts: bit of a difficulty jump, but once I got used to things again, the difficulty was at a good level, to me. and these levels were really fun and interesting! I need to actually find the secrets and secret encounter etc (only found one by accident so far in 7-1), but I'll leave that for later. holy shit, I'm so happy, though, what a great new set of levels!
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shortcakeart · 8 months
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Wings of fire tarot part 2, explanations below the cut! Part 1!
The Empress (Glory): this is one that I liked aesthetically and the meaning is a bit of a stretch. The empress stands for motherhood and nurturing which are not exactly traits that Glory outwardly shows. She is fierce and independent. However I think in her role as queen she displays these traits. She cares deeply for each rainwing, which is why she makes a challenge fo the throne in the first place. As she grows into the role, she’s shown as being a just and caring queen who gets to know every one of her subjects, which you could argue is nurturing compared to the previous queens. The card shows a woman sitting in a forest surrounded by animals, which reminded me of Glory in the rain forest with her sloth.
The Queen (Scarlet): she is THE queen of wings of fire. And she does embody some of the negative traits of the card: domineering, need for control, bossiness, greed. She’s a girl boss, ok?
The High Priestess (Clearsight): the high priestess is the card of secret knowledge and intuition, which works well with Clearsight’s advanced future sight powers. She has visions, she knows secrets, but she needs to use her intuition and judgement to sort out the right path. The card shows the priestess sitting between two pillars, so I included them imagining that they are columns in the nightwing palace. The card also has lots of moon imagery.
The Knight (Tsunami): This was one that I knew I wanted to do for Tsunami before I knew what it meant because the role of a knight fits her character so well. There are several different meanings for the knight card depending on its suit, but I found that the knight of wands fits Tsunami best. Energy, passion, and impulsiveness, that’s Tsunami for you.
The Hermit (Winter): Quite literally, Winter does isolate himself from others even in his group of friends. He’s a founder of Sanctuary, but he uses the town to hide out and study scavengers mostly unbothered by others. While early in his arc, he could have embodied some of the cards negative traits (isolation, loneliness), now he is on a journey of soul search and introspection (which are positive traits of the card) while he discovers what he wants in life.
The Chariot (Qibli): Qibli is a very triumphant character. He came from an abusive and neglectful family in a place where he had to fight for everything. His wits and ambition caught the attention of Thorn, who helped him survive the Scorpion den and he became an outclaw. The chariot can stand for overcoming obstacles, ambition, determination, and hard work, which fit with Qibli’s story. Despite his insecurities, he maintains a cheerful attitude.
The Star (Kinkajou): the star can mean many things, including hope, inspiration, spiritual renewal, enlightenment, and opportunities. Kinkajou is a bundle of energy and friendliness, which leads her to be a source of hope for others. To me, she appears enlightened. She doesn’t have much of an arc but she’s a surprising source of wisdom for her friends and brings them together many times.
Justice (Luna): Luna’s arc had a lot to do with justice. She has always been fighting the hive wings and the unjust situation that she grew up in. She believes in an equitable and fair society and portrays it in her art. She is holding flame silk to symbolize the sword in the card. The flame silk can be a weapon, but it was also the trait that marked her as both dangerous and useful. At the end of her book, she has helped to bring about the justice that she was always searching for, but she realizes that the hardest part is that she is unable to change the minds of those who do not agree with her.
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ghostfoolish · 1 year
As my header says my name(s) are Carl, Moth and Ghost. I’m a black, queer 24 year old artist. (My art tag is #moth art) and Im working on a podcast called Trashcan Apocalypse Beatdown where I interview and talk to artists and creatives alike so look out for that! This blog is all over the place lol blame it on my silliness 🥲. I mostly reblog aesthetic posts and memes and sometimes will dabble in fandom stuff if I have a hyperfixation. Right now it’s AMC’s Interview With The Vampire, One Piece and Psychonauts. If you’re into any of those don’t be afraid to hmu! I’m also a MADD (maladaptive daydreamer) and I want to spread more awareness around that and pure OCD so never be afraid to have a conversation with me about those things.
🧿The aesthetics that I’m into are:🧿
*Both the Victorian types and the goth rave types. Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines anyone?
*I know that punk is more then an aesthetic and it actually helped me navigate my gender identity and expression but it is also aesthetically pleasing to me so it’s on the list. Don’t worry I’m not a poser 💀
🩸Superflat Pop
*if you don’t know what that is think Jet Set Radio
🫀Darkest & Theatre Academia
🫀Dark Paradise
🩸Urban Core
*I grew up in what most people would call “the ghetto” and urban core definitely has its problems when it comes to aestheticizing low income areas usually populated by poc. To me the aesthetic reminds me of home so that’s why I like it ❤️
🫀Cathedrals, Churches, Catholicism
*Im not religious. I’m actually in the middle of recovering from religious trauma and I find that treating christian and catholic imagery more as an aesthetic is really liberating.
With that out of the way time for the..
❌No Bueno List❌:
If you’re a TERF, radfem, gender critical blog, or you’re lgbtqia-phobic I’m breaking your arms.
If you’re a MAP blog I’m just straight up killing you.
If you’re below the age of 18 please don’t follow this blog. I post and reblog explicit stuff sometimes.
Anyways…enjoy your stay~
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gctchell · 4 months
anonymous asked: I can just imagine the potential au out of that niffty alastor Pic you posted.
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Anon my brain has been buzzing ever since I saw it this morning, my GOD. The potential is JUICY.
"They say the family you choose is better." I thought this moment was a gross oversight and they completely forgot Niffty, because she is tiny and you can fit her just about anywhere - she'd fit perfectly above Alastor's head. But now that I've seen this little delicious piece of fanart, I'm wondering if it might have been intentional after all! Because Niffty is such a good family member to involve in moments like this, yet..
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Also, these little dolls. Originally I assumed they were related to Alastor's practice, but getting a closer look at them.. They're a little cutesy, aren't they? Alastor summons brutal tentacles and shadow creatures that seem more fitting for his personal aesthetic, but then he also summons these little devil doll helpers that feel a little out of place. I'm not saying they couldn't fit him, especially with the dapper aesthetic, but looking at this new theory it feels more like Niffty's style, especially when you look at the expressions.
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I can just envision Niffty sitting in her room stitching these things to life. I can see it so clearly.
I've been part of conversations that have thrown around the notion that Niffty is actually an Overlord, as well. In the Pilot, she was right there in the casting of the Overlords alongside Husk, who WE have found out is also an Overlord. There's also this neat Twitter post pointing out she has been in multiple imagery that I did not even notice!
My brain is buzzing with scenarios where Niffty is an Overlord;
What the Hell is going to put Alastor within a deeply binding deal to another? This person has to be pretty damn powerful, wouldn't you think? Or in the least, incredibly crafty and clever. This man is BOUND to whoever has him on a leash and it is driving him up the wall. Before Niffty came down in the 50s, he's been kicking around in Hell since the 30s, he has some time under his belt and he has some experience.. So, what does this upstart have to offer?
Well, what if Niffty was a demonologist & worshipper in life and like him, came down to Hell experienced in a different walk of life? She knew exactly where she was going to wind up and she was polished, excited. This is her chosen afterlife and she adores it. She was ready, and there's nothing quite like a soul who embraces her afterlife with full awareness and embodiment of herself. She knows what she's doing, she knows how Hell works, she is expertly versed in it and an infernal academic. She starts ranking up as she pulls souls beneath her belt (how, I don't know just yet!).
Alastor is the kind of guy who is like 'game recognizes game' and he is quickly enticed by her! She's pleasant enough as a personality, and she's delightfully upbeat to boot. They're both from the Golden Age, so there's some relatability there, as well. Meanwhile, she knows who he is. Niffty is obsessive; she knows all the bad boys that are on the map (and even some who are off), and she knows he's a dealmaker. She's not new to deals, either - she made plenty with various sorts of the damned while she was alive.
Her side of the deal is very simple: You be my special companion, and I'll lend you my power. We'll be so happy together!
Niffty struggles to make friends. She loves hard, but she has a personality that can be seen as completely obnoxious and off-putting, driving people away. She's a chatterbox who can go on and on and on, and Alastor is also a chatterbox who can go on and on and on. That lonely heart of hers clutches this opportunity like a fucking knife and drives the needle home in sewing her deal into Alastor's skin, her way of lending him power, but also binding him so damn fiercely to her there is no breaking it. It's a deal. We're friends forever and always.
This is something that does not really grate on him too much as the arrangement is quite profitable and does not really weigh on him, it's in his favor. She tags along wherever he goes and he has power. Yet, prideful creature that he is, he is starting to feel the pull of the deal as he is woven tight to the hotel.
Why is he tied to the hotel if the one who has the contract is Niffty? Well, Niffty longs for friends, and who loved her people? Lilith. Who is going to accept her and support her? Lilith. Who is Niffty going to be loyal to in return? Lilith.
Lilith blips out of the picture for seven years, and coincidentally, so does Alastor. What if Niffty went MIA for all this time, as well? Whatever happened wove them in tight with the Happy Hotel, and Niffty now has an obligation to Charlie - Lilith's daughter. Who has a better shot of being the more charismatic personality that can weave them into the picture more seamlessly? Alastor.
In Episode 8, we see Alastor finally forming something of a soft spot for the group and he has this tender moment with Niffty, confiding in her this truth. It's very sweet. Then later, after barely surviving Adam, Alastor almost died because of this sentimental attachment bullshit. No way, that's not how he is going to go out. He needs to get out of this deal with Niffty somehow, someway, he just doesn't know how yet.
Niffty is very clingy, as well. She said forever, and she meant forever.
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uroboros-if · 1 year
i just wanted to say i adored the demo so much! not only was the game so aesthetically pleasing and nice to look at, the writing is *chef’s kiss*! i just love your writing! it’s amazing and i was completely immersed within the first few seconds. your IF is very professional and put together and i feel like it should be put in a museum! that aspect is just amazing and should earn its own showcase. but now onto your writing and characterization. i. am. in. love. i absolutely ADORE the ROs so much! i just love how different they are from each other. each of them have their own charm that’s unique to them. i am definitely going to play multiple times for each RO so i can experience each of their routes.
like Salvatore, to me, feels like when you see a cat all curled up, sleeping under a spot of sunlight shining through the window. just warmth and happiness, but also maybe don’t mess with them either, lol. like i cant wait to learn more about them and get to really know them past what they present to others. it’s very exciting!
and Luciel! oh, sweet Luciel. i adore them and all their calmness. definitely feel like a foggy, somber pond with a weeping willow where the air is crisp and clean. having a picnic there would be very lovely and i would love to take them on a picnic to a isolated place with a nice view. i also want to understand them more and why they seems so separated from everyone. and why they’re always so nice!
Ciocana! they were so fun during the dance scene. i think that was one of my favorite parts, lol. to me, they feel like you and your friends on a late summer night after sneaking out of the house, going to an abandoned building with a chain-link fence with a ‘no-trespassing’ sign attached. and you just HAVE to climb that fence and explore that building. i cant wait to learn more about them! they seem like a very complex character and those rumors, however true, are just the surface. so i’m excited to explore that dynamic.
and Alessi! ALESSI! i’m in love with them. i loved their introduction so much! the fire, the passion, the defiance. the way they refused to bow down was very iconic. definitely a rebellious, passionate activist vibe. like standing on a flipped over car, a microphone in hand, speaking passionately about what they believe in. you get goosebumps on your skin at seeing them speak and you feel invigorated after their speech. i’m so very interested to see how MC interacts with them and how the whole investigation goes.
all in all, i’m so excited for your story! everything about it is amazing and i can tell you’ve worked hard on this. so congratulations on publishing your IF!
i hope you eat lots of food, drink lots of water, get lots of sleep, and take many breaks. you deserve it! <3
also, sorry not sorry for the long non-ask lol
🥹🥹 Anon, I want to give you a hug 🫂🫂 I'm a little obsessed with your ask
I am so so happy 😭😭 I wish I had words for this, but I am speechless. I cannot match your amount of enthusiasm and appreciation; my gratitude is inexplicable within the constraints of the language--flawed and so limited.
Again, it is super surprising to me that people can see that Salvatore is putting on a front, so to speak! Not that they're disingenuous or faking it, but they present themselves a certain way because they have to. I'm not sure how people are picking up on it, but that is exciting news!! You perfectly capture the happiness and tranquility of bathing underneath the sunlight through the window though 🫶!!
I also absolutely adore the imagery you have for Luciel!! Do you mind if I take inspiration from you? 😭🥹💕 I struggle to describe the exact image they bring to mind, but what you said is absolutely perfect!! Just the right amount of peaceful and yet mysterious and transporting.
I'm glad Ciocana invokes that vibe as well!! They are definitely the definition of teenage defiance, of being told that you can't do something and just wanting to do it even more (which... is probably how their romance is going to be!). I'm super excited to explore them further!
Alessi definitely brings that to mind with their fiery passion! With such strongly-held beliefs, though, they'd likely be hostile to MC at first... but MC is a little different from the gods. So we'll have to see how they feel about that!
Again, thank you SO much for all your lovely words, and your very long ask. Don't be apologetic! You yourself must have spent quite the time writing this ask, which is profound. I sometimes think about how I've taken just a few minutes of someone's life, just so they can say such kind words. When time and energy is so finite, I just... it's the most precious thing to be given of all things. Thank you for your ask 💕🫂
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