#like they’re not technically wrong because there’s no canon explanation about this is how a time lord dresses
Me seeing people talking about time lords in a way that contradicts how I see them: it’s fine, this is fine, people can have their opinions, the opinions you have on them aren’t even actually canon anyways, it’s fine
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directors cut for the tsaritsa's tea party and the confrontation after from chapter 10 of emminence grise pleasee???
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Sure! Let’s just go through the chapter!
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So she’s refused to think about it much but Mal’s silence has been a big source of hurt and insecurity for her. The uncertainty of like… why did he suddenly stop wanting to associate with her? Without even a single word of explanation. And it’s just exacerbated by the tenor of her relationship with the Darkling, where he keeps her so at arm’s length. And the constant creeping feeling that any sort of status or positive relationship she has is a result of her being the sun summoner, as opposed to anything to do with her as a person. Alina starts the canon trilogy incredibly insecure, but it’s worse here, under a veneer of learned confidence, where she has the constant nagging worry that like what is wrong with her? Is she inherently not worthy of love (of any sort) somehow? The one constant person in her life prior to her achieving her status apparently lost all interest in her and left without a backwards glance. The Darkling is currently the most important person in her life but he refuses to offer her any sort of emotional assurance.
So realizing that Mal had reached out to her, multiple times, that he probably thought she was the one that turned on him, is very jarring to her. And that’s the heart of why she finds this pretty unforgivable on the Darkling’s part. She’s at least currently convinced herself that Mal means nothing to her anymore, so it’s more about this well of grief and hurt feelings he’s caused her— on purpose!
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Genya’s being wry with her, but she’s very concerned with how Alina doesn’t seem to see actual stakes in this. And she’s right.
Alina can’t fathom that the Darkling might be dangerous to her. She thinks that they can bicker and she can push him, but that she’s seen the extent of his cruelty and can therefore handle it. But Genya is afraid of a situation where he goes gloves off with her. Or if they’re just not careful, and there’s a scandal, that he will likely be able to walk away from any fallout much more easily than Alina will.
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This is somewhat more her having absorbed the Darkling’s values, and hatred of vulnerability. She’s very embarrassed by who she was when she first came to the Little Palace, by how openly emotional and earnest she’d been.
And she’s just miserable at the thought that he saw even more of that vulnerability. That he pried into her deepest feelings and her insecurities. She’s barely even really considering the violation or lack of trust over him reading all of her current letters. She means to get back at him for it, but she does kind of view it as a game. I don’t think she actually understands what that suggests about his general controlling behavior.
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Here she’s rubbing it in his face that he’s encouraged her to develop any sort of power that he doesn’t have full access to. She’s technically doing exactly what he wanted! He wanted her to develop soft skills and ingratiate herself to Tatiana. To wheedle her way into favor with the Lantsovs in a way he cannot, because he’s always going to be viewed as vaguely a threat given his position as a political player.
But yeah that means he can’t just literally drag her out if she’s with the Tsaritsa, at least not without doing a little dance.
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They’re both waiting each other out. The Darkling knows she hates parties/court life etc as much as he does (both on her own as a personality trait, but also because he does, and he’s fostered that in her). So he assumed she’d get tired of playing chicken. She didn’t so he’s like ugh fine. I’ll do the dance.
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So in conversation it comes up that the Darkling’s been behaving a bit unusually! This isn’t necessarily like in a negative or barbed sense yet, but it’s an anomaly that’s been pointed out. And Alina is quick to jump on it, just to be malicious and make him squirm a little.
She’s had opportunity to tease him before, but she’s never actually had leverage on him. And at this moment, in this room, she can use civility and etiquette to force him to play nice.
Genya’s look makes her realize she might have pushed it a bit far— their exchange did get a little tense. So she changes the subject, though it’s still one that’s meant to needle him.
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Minkoff and Gritzki are both family names mentioned in S&S, same with the villages. A Lantsov summer residence is mentioned at all, I believe, but it’s not clear where it actually is. (It kills me a little to not convert it to like Minkova, but that’s how the books do it 🤷‍♀️)
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Industrialization baybey
Also it’s funny, the line about the ice court isn’t attributed, but everyone assumed it was Tatiana. I’m happy to roll with that interpretation though. I just wanted to get across the nobles’ general tone deafness. It doesn’t matter who says it— anyone might have.
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Her receiving bundles of letters fairly frequently is somewhat historically based. The way mail worked in the Victorian era at least, you could give a packet of letters to the next ship or caravan going the other direction. You could get mail while at sea because you'd make a point to rendezvous with other friendly ships and exchange letters from various sources and to various destinations, based on your route. So that’s why Alina’s getting stacks of them.
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centralcitylibrary · 1 year
Central City Library's Tiers of Canonicity
With a franchise going on as long as Sonic, with as many different writers handling the reins, inconsistency isn’t just likely, it’s to be expected. So how do we, at the Central City Library, handle canonicity?
Well, the best explanation is always the most consistent one, so let’s begin with an objective metric to organise priority for entries. This will be handled by way of “tiers”, so to speak.
Sonic Team canon: the core games (platformers developed by (or in collaboration with) Sonic Team). That list includes the following:
Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis/Mega Drive)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Sonic 3D Blast: Flickies’ Island
Sonic R
Sonic Adventure
Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure
Sonic Shuffle
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Advance
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Pinball Party
Sonic Battle
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Advance 3
Shadow the Hedgehog (NGC/PS2/XB)
Sonic Rush
Sonic Riders
Sonic the Hedgehog (PS3/360)
Sonic & the Secret Rings
Sonic Rush Adventure
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Sonic Unleashed (both the PS3/360 and PS2/Wii versions)
Sonic & the Black Knight (technicality, as part of the storybook subseries)
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1
Sonic Free Riders
Sonic Colours (both versions)
Sonic Generations (both versions)
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode Metal
Sonic Lost World (both versions)
Sonic Free Runners
Sonic Mania (explicitly ties into Sonic Forces)
Sonic Forces
Team Sonic Racing (explicitly referenced in Sonic Frontiers)
Sonic Frontiers
SEGA themselves appear to agree with this as taking the highest priority, going by the Steam page of The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. Yes this is an April Fool’s game, but they still give us a specific indication of its canonicity outside of the “everything is canon” gag.
Games canon: all official games not developed by Sonic Team, specifically those not rendered non-canonical. No list provided due to volume.
Expanded canon: all official alternative media, specifically those not rendered non-canonical. This list includes:
Sonic Forces (promotional comic)
Sonic Mania Adventures
Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW comics)
Sonic Prime (Television series)
Sonic Channel short stories
Miscellaneous shorts released on the Sonic the Hedgehog Youtube account
Miscellaneous canon: all official information put out that isn’t in a story in and of itself, including
Miscellaneous videos on the Sonic the Hedgehog Youtube channel
Miscellaneous information on the Sonic Channel website
Information books such as the Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-Speed-Ia
Miscellaneous tweets on the official social media accounts - primarily stuff like SonicPict, the gag posts are likely of little actual relevance.
Non-canonical information, the primary reason this isn’t excluded entirely is because sometimes it can be interesting to talk about these sources despite their non-canonicity. This list includes:
All Word of God statements (given the franchise is in constant flux, secondary WoG statements have suggested ignoring WoG as a legitimate source before, and, sometimes, people are just wrong)
Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball & Sonic the Fighters (makes irrevocable errors to the continuity, namely putting in more Chaos Emeralds than what actually exist)
Sonic Chronicles: the Dark Brotherhood (one of the few games to be explicitly confirmed non-canon without a WoG statement)
Games with no story (such as a majority of the Sonic Cafe games)
Media set in alternative continuities will not be mentioned primarily because if it comes up it would be as part of their own dedicated lore pieces.
But even within each tier of canon they’re going to be conflicting evidence, so here’s some more information on what takes priority:
Information that’s presented within the individual games/[primary medium] takes priority above all else, as those are the actual stories as they exist
Attached media (such as game manuals) would take the next highest priority, as it is indeed directly attached to the media.
Official books relating to the media (such as official game guides) come next.
Both English and Japanese will be used, due to the writers for various games in the series being Japanese or English first and (by extension) having their stories written in English or Japanese, though the original language will be given automatic priority.
Non-Japanese sources prior to Sonic Adventure (released in 1999 outside of Japan) will be discarded due to the three main regions (Japan, USA, and the UK) having different continuities outright.
Within even these tiers, the most consistent explanation (that is to say the information with the least contradictions) takes the next highest priority.
And lastly, if multiple pieces of conflicting information are equally consistent, the most recent explanation takes priority.
I hope this makes our stance on the subject of canonicity clear for the present and future.
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percabeth4life · 3 years
On the issue of the Romans using child soldiers, and Greeks to an extent, I see people defending the idea with appeals to history. The Ancient Greeks and Romans used children and that's why the Camps do as well. Now, I don't agree with these arguments, by that logic the Camps should have slavery and sexism in abundance, but I wanted your opinion on them.
I mean... yeah the ancient times used child soldiers... sorta... but also the age of adulthood was a lot younger than today... so technically by the standards of the time period they usually didn’t use child soldiers child soldiers.
And as the standards have changed, so too one would expect the camp standards to change, seeing how the Gods changed in many other ways. The camp did leave behind all the proper ways of honoring the Gods after all judges openly.
But onto my opinion on the child soldier thing.
Camp Half-Blood
Honestly, I excuse it with Camp Half-Blood. While I think there should be more to things, and will go on about how I would did design the camp... the truth of canon is Greek demigods don’t live very long.
They don’t have much of a choice except to use child soldiers, there’s no one else to fight.
And on top of that... we know for a fact that the Camp doesn’t seem to have quests very often, and that the kids want quests. You can (easily) argue this to be because they want to catch the Gods’ eyes, they want to honor them and prove themselves... but they don’t have to go on the quests.
The Gods were not assigning quests because they had things to get done, but because the children wanted them. Luke wanted a quest and Hermes granted him that, only for Luke to be angry it wasn’t a special unique quest. So it’s not as if the Gods are generally demanding the children fight for them either.
Percy basically embodies “main character around whom everything goes wrong”, cause it’s around him that quests crop up like wildflowers. And even then, he only had one quest other than the big war... two of the three remaining ones he forced his way on. The other Annabeth was picked for her unique basis of knowledge and asked him to come with.
So yeah, the Greek camp? Their use of child soldiers is excused by the simple fact that all of them are child soldiers.
Camp Jupiter
These bitches get none of the excuses the Greeks get. They have a literal fucking city there filled to the brim with adults. And yet their army is run by children and filled with children while the adults kick back and relax in the city.
This set up is so bad. So so so bad. I am infuriated by it.
The overarching explanation of “well it’s a book for teens so of course teens are the main characters” does not need such a horrible premise.
You could have teens be the main characters but still have the adults there not be lazy pieces of shit letting the children fight and die for them. They’re adults if anyone should be fighting for their lives it’s them, not the children.
The implication there that the adults relax in the city and watch their children fight and die for them- it’s horrifying. There’s so much wrong with it.
Camp Jupiter sucks.
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if I can never give you peace — one || Jungkook
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader // Word count (chapter): 6k // Genre: Mafia AU, Hybrid AU, enemies to lovers // Ao3
↳ It starts like quite a few stories do, in your world. Girl meets boy, who happens to be a hybrid, girl buys him at an auction where hybrids are sold, boy falls in love with her, girl gets bored of him. Then it’s not so typical anymore, when the boy ends up forced into illegal fighting rings, until he makes a wrong move and the girl’s father decides he needs to be killed.
Where does that leave you? Well, you’re the one who handled Jungkook’s fight and generally organized his life, and, when the girl’s father, your boss and mafia leader, tells you he wants him ‘put down’, you’re the one who has to get it done. Except, instead, you let him escape, and everything turns out fine.
Until he comes back.
Warnings and tags (chapter): Descriptions of violence, Minor Character Death, Guns, kind of dark in general
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The first gunshot takes everyone by surprise. Unsure glances are exchanged all around, “did you guys hear that”, and disbelief is clear as day on people’s faces. There’s no way this would happen here, right? People are mostly aware of the fact that they’re technically working for a mafia leader, but this is the legal side of the business, and this building is in the middle of the town’s business centre. This cannot be happening.
You stay perfectly still, immobile where you were standing. Out of all the people here, you’re the one who is the most involved in the questionable parts of the family’s activities. In fact, you were just about to go up to Mr. X’s floor to discuss said questionable things — in this case, the smuggling of a large cargo of weapons.
The gunshot is still ringing in your ears when it is followed by another one, and then possibly more, but you can’t hear them because chaos erupts all around you.
People get up, start running around, some towards the elevators, some towards the stairs. Your brain tells you those choices are probably bad. If those gunshots are for the Family — and who are you kidding, they are — then whoever is firing them is coming up.
“Don’t use the stairs,” you order, and some people stop to look at you, unsure of what to do. They trust your decisions, to a degree, but you doubt it’s enough in this situation. “They’re probably coming,” you explain, even if three of the employees have already slipped through the door and left, “and I don’t think you should be in front of the elevator when the door opens.”
Blood drains from people’s faces. Downstairs, there are more shots fired. A woman starts to cry. Your brain is going in overdrive, processing everything, trying to come up with the best decision, and yet it doesn’t feel like anything is actually registering.
“You should barricade yourself in a room,” you say. Your voice is eerily calm, even to your ears, and it feels strange to hear it. It’s like a curtain has fallen between you and the world around you. You understand that this situation is terrifying, that you should have a reaction that is not apathy. You just don’t. “I don’t think you’re the main targets here. I’ll be going up to see Mr. X.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” a man shouts. “You just want to leave us here to be canon fodder! You—”
He’s shut up by your bodyguard pulling out a gun of his own.
“I suggest you do what she’s saying,” he orders, voice deep and gravelly.
On top of being armed, Hector is a bear hybrid you hired about a year ago. He’s tall and large, very impressive physically, which is generally enough to discourage any kind of altercation. He’s also a calm and gentle person most of the time. This is the first time you’ve ever seen him hold the gun he carries.
“You should stay here with them,” you tell him. He send you a disconcerted look.
“Are you sure? Even if they’re not the target, you might be.”
The statement shouldn’t take you by surprise. It’s something you should have considered immediately, and it takes you a second to figure out why you haven’t. If you are a target, that means the attacker knows about the workings of the organization. That would mean that they’ve been planning this for a while, and that they’ve simply gone completely under your radar all this time. Which is a lot more worrying to you than anything else.
“Stay,” you insist. When this is over, it will be better if people here think you had their best interest at heart.
If you make it out, that is.
Hector ushers people inside a conference room, and you walk towards the stairs. From there, you hear gunshots better than you did earlier, and you wince at the sound. You’re not used to it. It’s strange, since you’ve been working for the Family for years now, but you’ve very rarely heard people firing guns. You’ve never even had a gun pulled on you. You’d like to think it’s because you’re too careful, or too smart to find yourself in those situations, but the truth is you’ve just never been in situations where that sort of things would happen.
Sure, someone could send a killer for you — they have, actually — and then the carefully crafted net of precautions you’ve woven around yourself would — did — stop them, but you don’t participate in drug deals and you’re rarely out in the street, and that’s where those things happen most of the time.
You glance down. You’re on the fifteenth floor, so you doubt the employees who ignored your warning have made it out yet. You doubt they will, to be honest.
Glancing up, you wonder if you’ll make it to the twentieth before someone catches up with you and, since it’s a useless thing to think about, you begin your ascension. You’re not the most in shape, most of your daily exercise consisting in walking from places to places. That is a lot of walking, and you can do it without getting breathless, but you never take the stairs. Soon, you’re panting, and you’re about to take a break after three floors when you hear new gunshots that make you freeze.
These were in the stairwell. They echo deafeningly, and, for the first time since this all started, fear actually grips you. You swallow, heart beating loudly, and you keep going. You hear some screams, down there, and the horrible sound of flesh — bodies — hitting the floor, and then nothing. You’re sure someone must be climbing up those stairs, but you can’t hear them at all, and that terrifies you. You have no idea how fast they are, how soon they’ll catch up with you, how—
You slam open the door to the last floor. The time is not to discretion, and anyway, whoever is down there is probably coming for the twentieth floor.
The second you walk out, three guns are pointed towards you, and someone is screaming at you to stay where you are. You obey, until Mr. X’s bodyguards identify you. You had told him that hiring hybrids would be a good idea, since they rely more on their heightened senses and tend to have better reflexes, but you’d been ignored, so you had just shrugged it off and followed your own advice.
“Mr. X is inside,” one of the men tells you, pointing at the door, but not moving to take you there. You walk by him, and they all keep their eyes firmly on the stairwell’s door. That makes you assume the elevators don’t work, otherwise they’d have part of their focus on there.
“Mr. X, do we have any idea what— Miss Xanders, I apologize, I hadn’t seen you there.”
“It’s fine, (Y/N),” Anna says. “We really have more important things to concern ourselves with.”
“Do we know who’s attacking us?” you ask, giving your attention back to Mr. Xanders.
Mr. Xanders is an old man, you feel that he was already an old man when you’d joined. He had Anna quite late, when he was nearing his fifties, and he recently celebrated his seventieth birthday. You would know, you organized the party.
He’s looked old for as long as you’ve worked for him, using a walking stick, small eyes hidden behind large glasses, skin marked with wrinkles. But there was always something sharp and smart, cunning, in his eyes. Despite everything, he felt dangerous, and you had never doubted that he was not a man to underestimate.
Right now, though, he looks tired. Exhausted. He’s staring at his laptop screen and shaking his head, utterly confused.
“I can’t recognize anyone,” he says, and your heart misses a beat. Not good, that’s not good at all. “Can you?”
You walk around the desk quickly, examining the view you get from various cameras placed all around the building, and your hands involuntarily clench into fists as you see how dire everything is. On several different floors, men with machine guns are walking around, and you know for a fact they’re not working for you. You can’t see what’s happened to your people in the low-resolution, but you can guess, and your stomach tightens at the thought.
“How is that possible?” you whisper. “How has no one intervened yet?”
You know the police isn’t too keen on coming here, but this is genuinely insane. The only explanation you can think of is that they’ve been paid-off, and again, you don’t know how you wouldn’t have heard about that.
“That’s not what I asked you,” Mr. X says harshly, and you wince, focusing again on the men on the screen. You scan the men again, quickly. Some are wearing masks, but a lot of them are brazenly showing their faces, and that is one more thing that is not good. They should want to make sure no one would recognize them. If they’re confident enough to do that…
“I don’t know them,” you whisper. Some look vaguely familiar, but you just can’t place it, so you’re sure they aren’t big names. You have definitely not been on the look-out for them.
“Dad, we should really go up to the helicopter,” Anna says urgently.
Mr. Xanders hesitates, then nods, getting up in a movement that is slow and clearly painful. You help him out without thinking much about it, holding his arm and giving him his walking stick.
“How will you do that? The elevators aren’t working and the stairs don’t go to the roof.”
“We’ll reactivate the elevators,” Anna explains with a shrug, and you stare at her in disbelief.
“That will mean those people will be able to move freely in the building. I don’t think—”
“They are already moving freely,” Mr. Xanders barks.
Then, a lot of things happen at the same time. You were standing in front of the elevator, Anna calling it with a special key, the bodyguards surrounding you, eyes and weapons still directed at the stairwell door.
The elevator opens with a ding. And the door slams open.
There are gunshots everywhere. You dive to the ground, or maybe you’re pushed down, you’re not too sure. You look up to see two men falling down around you, the third guard ushering Anna and her father in. You try to push yourself to your feet, but the door is already closing. You call out, you can’t hear your own voice, ears ringing from all the noise.
You meet Anna’s eyes, filled with indifference and a complete lack of remorse, and then the door is closed, and you know they’re gone.
And someone, someone who wanted them dead and just killed two men, is in this room with you.
Slowly, oh so slowly, you turn around. As you do, you feel your lower lip starting to tremble, and you sink your teeth into the flesh to stop it. You push yourself on your elbows, and your eyes fall on a man with bleached blonde hair pushed back with a bandana, a round face that makes him look younger than you suspect he is, and a mocking smirk. Once more, you’re struck by the fact that you don’t know him. He’s alone and he took out two trained guards, not to mention the people he must have killed to get there, and you have no clue who he is.
His eyes confuse you, at first, and then you realize it’s their color that is throwing you off, an unnatural yellow, and the slit of his pupils. He’s a hybrid, you understand, and you curse yourself for how slow your brain is at the moment. You don’t have time to wonder if he’s part cat or part snake before he takes a step towards you. Fear grips you, and you consider crawling back, but you force yourself to stay unmoving. You don’t let emotions control you. That’s not who you are.
Instead, you stare at him straight in the eyes, even as you feel tears well up in yours. You’ve never been afraid of death, and yet it seems that you can’t stop your body’s reaction as you understand that this is it. This is how you die, where you die, this is who kills you.
The man crouches down in front of you, and lifts his gun to press the barrel against your forehead. He looks at you like an animal playing with its food. The situation seems to be amusing to him, and you think he is waiting for you to beg. You have no intention of doing that.
“Just make it quick,” you say.
You don’t recognize your own voice. The man’s smile widens, revealing pearly white teeth and a set of fangs. Tears start to roll down your cheeks, and you’re completely unable to stop them. You don’t feel sad or afraid, you just feel empty, but the tears keep falling. Still, you hold the man’s gaze. You won’t beg for your life.
“What if I let you go?” he drawls, and you can’t help the way your eyes widen at the possibility. Then, he laughs, pleased by your reaction, and you’re horrified to find out that this had an effect on you. The treacherous hope you’d just felt makes the reality of your imminent death crushing. A sob escapes you before you can get yourself under control again.
“Please,” you whisper. “Just get it over with.”
A pout forms on his face, and he shrugs. Then, to your surprise, he removes the gun from your forehead. The next thing you feel is the grip of the weapon, violently connecting with your temple, and then you don’t feel anything at all, not even the floor when your head hits it in your fall.
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You wake up to the sound of soft, muffled sobs. It takes you a few seconds to piece things together, your head throbbing painfully and your mind in shambles. You lift your head with a groan, trying to take in your surroundings. Your thoughts are slow and you hate it. It makes you feel so vulnerable and defenseless.
Of course, that gets worse when you realize your hands are tied behind your back. That sends a jolt of adrenaline through your body, and you manage to look around you. It seems like you are in some warehouse, which, in your experience, is not a good thing. That’s where executions happen. They’re places that are accident prone, so the presence of blood could be explained easily, and they aren’t inspected that often anyway.
There's another sob beside you, and when you turn to look where it’s coming from, you find Anna, not just tied up but gagged, tears streaming down her cheeks. You assume that means her and her father were caught before they made it to the helicopter. On the other side of her is Mr. X, who seems to be in the same situation as her.
I’m here to be killed, you think. You can’t see another explanation. Mr. X and Anna are definitely here for that reason, so if you’re there with them— it means you’re here to die. You hope it will be quick, like you had asked that man, but you doubt it. If they took you here, it’s probably because they intend to make an example out of you. Intellectually, you don’t blame them. If this is a takeover of the family, they’ll probably need all the intimidation power they can get to keep the situation under control. It’s a ballsy move, certainly, and you would be at least a little impressed if you weren’t thinking about the creative and painful ways they can choose to get rid of you.
“Is she awake?” a voice asks. You turn your head quickly, too quickly, and another groan escapes you as your head painfully reminds you of the blow you just took.
You meet the mocking eyes of the man who knocked you out, before he looks away from you, at a large man you don’t think you’ve seen before.
“He wants to see her.”
The man nods, and then he’s on you in just a few steps, roughly forcing you up, his grip tight around your arm. You groan again as he drags you through the warehouse, to a large black car. You have just the time to think that someone must not want to be seen, if they’re in that, before you’re pushed into it. You lose your balance and land on your knees, and that’s when legs appear in your field of vision. They’re clad in black suit trousers.
You slowly look up. First, you discover elbows resting on spread knees, tattooed hands joined between them. Then there’s an elegant white shirt, unbuttoned at the top, muscular shoulders, a strong jaw, an amused, mocking smile and—
Your mouth drops open. Today is definitely proving to be a trying day for your reputation of never expressing your emotions, no matter the situation.
“Jungkook?” you ask, in disbelief.
Because it’s him. There’s something harsher in his eyes, his hair is longer, dark locks falling down to his jaw, and he’s lost any remaining softness he still had two years ago, when you last saw him, but it’s definitely him. He looks confident, and he’s more relaxed than you’ve ever seen him, clearly knowing that he’s in full control of the situation.
“Hey,” he says. “Wanna take a seat?”
He watches you struggle to get to your feet, something that turns out not to be that easy when your hands are tied behind your back, and doesn’t make a movement to help you. When you manage to sit opposite him, you’re still watching him like you’ve seen a ghost.
“What are you doing here?”
You know you should be able to piece things together to get an answer now. The deferential tone the man had when he talked about him earlier, everything that happened since these first gunshots… In another situation, it would be obvious to you. But because it’s Jungkook, you can’t bring yourself to come to the natural conclusion.
Jungkook had an out. He could have left this world behind altogether. So why wouldn’t he?
“Come on, you’re supposed to be smart,” he says, mocking, and his smile is harsh and condescending. “I’m taking over for the Xanders family. I think that should have been pretty clear.”
There’s a moment of silence, a long moment, as he waits for it to sink in. He’s in no hurry.
“But why?”
He shrugs, lean back against the leather seat.
“Because I can. Don’t you wanna why you’re here?”
That… would be a good idea, actually, and you’re bothered by how long it took you to think about it. You’re also bothered by how you lost track of that the second you saw Jungkook. You blame it on the surprise and on the fact that you’ve known him since before you became as— you’d like to say ‘efficient’, but the right word is probably ‘emotionless’. Empty.
“Why am I here?” you ask, frowning. If he wanted to kill you, he would have done it outside. It could be that he just wants to gloat, but something tell you he has—
“I have an offer for you,” he says, and then he grins and reveals his teeth. “It’s my way of saying thanks for how generous you were when you gave me five minutes to save my life.”
His tone is so abrasive it almost makes you wince, but you’re already falling back into your normal self. ‘Offer’ is a good thing, it means negotiation, conversation, things you can do, things you’re good at, things you can focus on to block out everything else, like the pain in your head or the guilt that settles in when he describes your actions.
“What offer?”
The grin disappears. He doesn’t seem happy he didn’t get a reaction from you.
“Work for me.”
That… makes sense, you suppose.
“I’m taking over for Mr. X. You know everything around here, and some people say you’re the best there is at what you do.” Then he shrugs, and casually pulls out a gun that you think was tucked in his back pocket. “That, or join him out there. I’m not sure you’ll like the outcome for that though.”
Despite the obvious threat, you can’t help but seriously consider the offer. If there’s one thing you’re sure of, it’s that it’s not a good one. Even if he manages to replace Mr. X, you doubt all the people who work for him will obey him. Stabilizing the whole thing will be a titanic task, but that’s not even what worries you — you can appreciate a challenge. No, the issue is that if you switch your allegiance, people will remember it. You will make a lot of enemies, and that doesn’t even include the people who simply will not trust you because you used to work for someone else. It’s a poisoned gift, really, and you’re sure Jungkook knows it.
“How do you plan on making the families follow suit?” you ask with a frown.
He rolls his eyes.
“Do people ever tell you how boring you are?”
They do, actually.
“This is not the only coup happening today. Some people who have already agreed to work for me will get in power. And the others… will take some convincing, but I’m sure they’ll come around.” He gives you a joyless, aggressive smile.
You’re still focused on his first words. You were already so puzzled that you wouldn’t have heard about what’s going on today — about how Jungkook is back in town, about how he’s been planning an entire takeover — but this is on a whole other level.
“How did you do that?” you ask, and when he lifts an eyebrow, you know you didn’t manage to keep your surprise out of your voice.
“Which part?”
“How did I not hear about that? I mean, Mr. X could sneeze and I would have known about it. People couldn’t open speakeasies without getting approved by me first — and they tried more than once.”
Jungkook looks at you, and disbelief passes on his face. This is what gets you? You couldn’t be bothered to give a shit about anything earlier, now you seem barely affected by the fact that he was threatening to kill you, but that caught your interest. Not just that, but you almost look impressed.
Okay, maybe you’re not as boring as he’d said, but you sure are fucking weird.
“We can smell you,” he says, tapping his nose. “It’s not too hard to figure out who you’re in contact with. Just had to make sure to avoid them. There were a few close calls, but we took care of it.” Then he shrugs. “It wasn’t as hard as you think it was. You’re not as cautious around hybrids.”
You stare at him for a while. He starts picking at his suit, looking annoyed by the turn the situation has taken, and you think about what he said. He’s right, you realize. You fucked up here — badly. You should have taken hybrids’ senses into consideration. You’d like to tell yourself that you didn’t think about it because there were no hybrids in high places, in the organization, but that’s not a good excuse. You file the information in your brain. You’ll do better.
“I’ll do it,” you say, and Jungkook glances at you.
“What changed your mind?”
“I’m— curious, I suppose. I’d like to see where this thing is going.”
Jungkook considers taking back his offer. He didn’t know what he thought would happen, but he expected it to be more interesting than this. Instead, you sat there, face as stiff as ever, and now you’re talking about being curious, which sounds wildly out of character, if you ask him. Yoongi’s told him you cried when you thought he was about to kill him, but he doubts it right now. It doesn’t look like anything can get through that thick shell of yours — and even if it did, he doesn’t think there would be a lot underneath it.
But the thing is, he was telling the truth earlier, when he said you were rumored to be the best there was at your job, and Jungkook is nothing if not a perfectionist. He likes to surround himself with the best. Which, unfortunately, means you.
“Suga!” he shouts, opening the door.
The man with the slit pupils jumps in easily, and looks at you with a disapproving twist of his lips.
“I’m not killing her, am I?”
He sounds disappointed.
Jungkook shakes his head in response.
“That’s Suga,” he tells you, pointing at the man. “He’ll explain how we work to you.”
You nod.
“I think he should kill you,” Suga informs you off-handedly, dropping on the seat next to you. “I think you’ll betray us.”
“If she does, I’ll kill her, if she fucks up her job, I’ll kill her, ” Jungkook says, and you have no doubt he means it. “Consider this your five minutes. Let them go, and you won’t have another shot.”
“That’s fine by me,” you say evenly. Betrayal has never been an option for you. You had no loyalty towards Mr. X, but the threat over your family was too big to risk it. And now, with Jungkook— you guess you’ll have to wait and see. You don’t think you’ll betray him, but if things turn sour… You suppose you’re not above it.
Maybe it should worry you, how little you value your own life, but you brush it off quickly. Thinking about it too much could compromise the way you do your job, and you can’t have that.
“So,” Jungkook says, leaning back, eyes watching you carefully. “What do you suggest we do with the Xanders?”
Suga opens his mouth, but Jungkook lifts a hand, signaling that he wants your answer. You wonder if this is some kind of test.
“Killing them would be the best decision,” you say, somewhat reluctantly. You know your decisions in the past, your suggestions, have lead to the death of people, but you’ve rarely been so direct about it. Then again, death is part of the game, when you work this kind of job. Mr. Xanders is about as close to an actual monster as it gets. And Anna… Well, maybe Anna isn’t. You don’t like her, and you absolutely believe that she was happy to enjoy everything that came with what her father did, but she’s not him. Which is a low bar to clear.
“She’s not wrong,” Suga echoes, sounding annoyed.
“Letting them live would be seen as a proof of weakness and they would try to come back. It’s just— a bad idea.”
You can see Jungkook’s jaw tensing. Next to you, Suga starts to make his leg shake. You suppose he has the same kind of bad feeling you do.
“What if we kill Mr. X but not Anna?” he asks, and Suga groans. Jungkook rolls his eyes and develops. “Yoongi, we’re not taking over the legal part of the business. We can just— leave that to her, and not bother about it.”
“We’ll have to figure out something else to launder money,” you say, because that was the main point of that side of things, legal just in name really. That is not your biggest concern, though. “But if you kill her father and not her—”
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Yoongi snaps. “She needs to die.”
He’s right. It’s just the smart thing to do.
“People here aren’t impressed by mercy,” you insist, and that’s when you realize you’ve lost that fight already. Jungkook knows it. There’s no way he doesn’t. He’s made his decision, even if it’s a bad one, and trying to change his mind is useless. So you’re quick to jump to the things that need to be done if he lets Anna live. “You need to get her to sign emancipation papers.”
Jungkook tenses suddenly at the suggestion and a low growl comes from his throat as he bares his teeth at you threateningly. Yoongi barely moves, but you see his hand settling on his hip, near his gun, which you guess serves as a reassuring gesture. The car fills with tension, and you swallow. You feel small and defenseless. It’s not that rare a sentiment, but you suddenly become extremely aware of the fact that you’re alone with them, hands still fucking tied behind your back, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do.
“Anna doesn’t own me,” Jungkook snarls.
“Legally she does,” you explain. You’re choosing your words carefully, making sure not to anger him any more, but you’re still staring right at him. “You may have forged an ID or something, but if she lives and she can prove she hasn’t freed you— the consequences will be bad.”
There is a second that feels like an eternity, Jungkook just staring at you, lips now in a tight line, before he shrugs and you can breathe again.
“Okay. Let’s do that.”
Yoongi groans and sends you a furious glare that you don’t understand. You agreed with him. What did you do to deserve that?
“I’ll take care of Xanders,” Jungkook adds. “C’mon. Let’s go.”
“Can someone— Can someone untie me?” you ask as they’re moving towards the door.
Jungkook glances at you.
“We’ll see when we come back.”
A grin flashes on his lips when your lips twist into an offended expression, and then he jumps out of the car, followed by Yoongi, and leaves you alone in there.
What an asshole.
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Jungkook walks towards his captives with long, confident strides. Yoongi is right behind him, of course, his shadow, the perfect killer. He may disapprove of Jungkook’s plan, if you can even call it that, and he sure doesn’t like how easily you dropped the topic, but he’s still loyal to him. If he fucks up, he’ll clean up after him.
Jungkook savors the moment when Anna’s eyes fall on him. He can tell she recognizes him immediately by the way they widen and how she tries to speak through her gag. It’s been years since the last time he saw her. Much longer than the last time he saw you, which leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He’s thought about this so much. A long time ago, he dreamt of her telling him she wanted him back, but over the years, it mostly turned into him finally taking revenge, and he intends to fully savor it now that it’s happening.
He removes the gag from her mouth, and takes an unhealthy pleasure from the way she sobs out, loud and desperate.
“Jungkook, Jungkook, baby, please, please…”
Jungkook only needs to glance at Yoongi for him to set her free, albeit after an annoyed roll of his eyes. The second he does, Anna falls from the chair, right into his arms. Jungkook knows that she’s only trying to save her life, doubts she’s thought of him for more than a split second since he’s disappeared, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to enjoy it.
“Hey baby,” he grins, and he watches as she winces when she sees his sharp teeth. Right, she didn’t see him after that.
Fuck. It’s been a long, long time. She really didn’t give a fuck about him, huh?
And yet he can’t kill her. And yet he knows her bright, pleading eyes, the light weight of her body, the curve of her neck by heart.
“I’m going to need you to do something for me,” he says, voice deep and eyes boring into hers.
She blinks.
“And if I do you won’t— you won’t kill me?”
Jungkook’s opinion of Anna is far less charitable than yours. He thinks she’s an opportunist, will do anything to preserve herself and, sure, she’s not personally involved in her father’s business, but she wouldn’t bat an eye if she was. She likes to play the innocent girl who’s horrified by what’s going on with her family, but she just isn’t. As simple as that.
“Nah. I won’t.”
It doesn’t take long before Anna is kneeling on the floor, writing down what Yoongi is dictating to her, reading from his phone. Jungkook could do it, knows the text by heart, learned it a long time ago when he still hoped for it, but he just stays there immobile instead, watching her at his mercy.
It’s not as nice as he’d imagined.
Finally, she hands him the piece of paper with trembling hands, a small smile forming on her lips as she thinks that her nightmare is over.
Jungkook takes it, reads it over, and nods. Then he pulls his gun out, and Anna’s smile vanishes. Jungkook thrives on her reaction, on the idea that he has complete power over her in that moment. It feels dark and twisted, but fuck, it also feels good.
“But I—”
He shoots and Anna yelps, protecting her ears in reflex.
It takes her a second to realize he wasn’t aiming at her, and relief washes over her, before she understands what it means. She turns around, slowly. And screams.
A clean shot, Jungkook decides, looking at Mr. X. The man had been glaring at him the entire time, and he doubts he would have groveled like Anna had. Now, his blood is splattered on the floor, head thrown back, mouth open, staring at the ceiling with empty, dead eyes. Jungkook doesn’t care when Anna runs to him, sobbing, calling for him, trying to shake him awake.
“We’re going,” Jungkook announces to Yoongi, who finally seems a little less angry with him.
He doesn’t look back at Anna as he walks away.
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You rub your wrists, then your shoulders after Yoongi has cut you free. Jungkook doesn’t say anything about it, just sits back in the luxurious car. You thought he would look content, happy with himself. He doesn’t.
When the car stops in front of your building, you’re not sure what to do. Part of you still can’t believe he’s letting you live.
“We’ll come and get you tomorrow to get things started,” Jungkook informs you while staring out the window. “You know, you probably should have moved two years ago,” he adds, and for some reason, that really rubs you the wrong way.
“I changed the locks,” you answer, and he grins.
“You still haven’t figured out how I did it, right?”
You frown. You haven’t.
He looks genuinely pleased by that.
“What should I call you?” you ask. “Do you want to be the new Mr. X?”
He growls at the suggestion, but seriously thinks about your question.
“Call me— Call me Mr. Jeon,” he decides spontaneously, without explaining his decision, and you nod. This should help make things more professional, isn’t if this isn’t actually a professional setting.
“Fine, Mr. Jeon. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You’re pleased to find that your voice is back to normal, calm and even, not letting anyone know of whatever you’re feeling.
Except Jungkook and Yoongi can probably hear how fast your heart is still beating, but that’s a problem you’ll have to deal with some other time.
You step out, and linger there a second too long, the door open. Finally, you gather the courage to turn around and look at Jungkook.
“Why are you back?”
You mean a lot by that. In the city, sure, but also in that setting. You’d always thought— you’d always thought Jungkook was better than that. You’d always thought he should get the opportunity to get away and he’d be fine. That’s something you can’t shake away, can’t push under the rug.
He couldn’t escape.
He stares at you blankly.
“Where else am I supposed to go?”
Then he leans in and closes the door, and you’re left alone on the pavement.
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Tagging list: @chaiwivluv​ @mintyrae​
553 notes · View notes
Love of My Life
It was then Katara’s turn to stare up at the fiery sky, the multitude of clouds glowing in red and orange glory. “Aang,” she murmured, his name falling from her lips like a prayer. “Please.”
After the final battle, Katara and Aang reunite.
(Written for Day 3 of Kataang Week 2021: Missing Scenes/Post-Canon, hosted by @kataang-week. Read here on AO3, or continue reading below.)
Azula was taken away at some point, maybe by the Fire Sages, but her bloodcurdling screams and broken sobs were hardly a pinprick at the back of Katara’s mind as she kept her attention trained to the lightning wound blasted across Zuko’s solar plexus. Her hands glowed with the water she was continuously pulling from the now-burst piping system in the courtyard around them. She had no enhanced spirit water as with Aang, but fortunately Zuko’s injury was less severe and—thanks to her quick defeat of Azula—no longer life-threatening.
Zuko winced, and guilt flashed through Katara’s stomach for silently dismissing his pain. “Sorry.” She moved the water further upward on his chest, over a spot where the skin was more blistered. “Better?”
A low hiss escaped Zuko’s lips as the cool liquid skimmed the wound, and he managed a weak nod. “Thanks.” His voice was raspier than usual. To be expected. “For this, and for… and for stopping Azula.”
The urge to laugh rose in Katara’s throat, which she immediately suppressed because Tui and La, what was wrong with her? How was now an appropriate time for laughter? “Well, you’re welcome,” she said instead, giving him a weary smile, “but next time, how about you don’t taunt her about the lack of lightning, hmm?”
Zuko grimaced, and Katara knew that particular reaction had nothing to do with the wound across his chest. “Let’s just hope there will never be a next time.”
Katara couldn’t argue with that.
The following minutes were quiet as Katara slowly moved the water up, down, and around Zuko’s injury, her hands themselves hovering less than an inch above his chest. While she knew it was only a figment of her imagination, Katara could’ve sworn there was still blue lightning—Azula’s lightning—flickering across the wound, sparking at her fingertips and prickling across her skin.
Maybe, then, it was this lingering remnant of the Avatar’s slayer that had Katara so on edge. Maybe that was the reason why tension still thrummed through her body despite that she and Zuko were safe now, despite that they’d won.
“He’s going to come back.”
Zuko’s words broke the heavy silence, startling Katara so badly her concentration flew out the figurative window. The water around her hands lost its glow and splattered across Zuko’s chest like she’d emptied a full bucket on top of him. Frantic apologies spilled from her lips as she bent the water off his upper body with similar haste, but Zuko—wincing—pushed himself into a sitting position before she could begin the healing process again.
“Zuko, what are you—”
“Aang is going to come back,” he repeated, staring at Katara with an intensity that probably shouldn’t have been possible for someone in his grievously injured state. A testament to her healing skills, truly, and also to Zuko’s general stubbornness.
“I know he will,” Katara said after a pause, bending the water she’d again collected around her hands into the leather waterskin that hung at her hip. “If memory serves, I was the one telling you that on our way here.”
Zuko chuckled. “I know. Sorry. You just seemed like…” His eyes flickered across her face, searching for vulnerability Katara refused to bare. “Like you needed the reminder.”
Katara sighed, not meeting his gaze. “Look. I know Aang will come back. I know he’ll win.” Spirits, maybe he had won already. “I mean, he’s the only one who can. But I guess I’m still—” Katara cut herself off with another sigh, blinking back exhausted tears. “Fine, you’re right. I guess I’m still worried.”
Aang would return victorious, yes, there was no doubt in her mind. But at what cost? What price would he have been forced to pay? Sacrificing his body through the loss of a limb? Sacrificing his soul through the loss of that which his people valued above all else? Katara knew, she knew that if anyone could stop Ozai without killing him, it was Aang. But what she didn’t know was—was how.
Spirits, Katara wouldn’t be able to handle it if Aang returned to her broken in a way she couldn’t heal. She’d already witnessed him die once, watched his body go limp as life left it. She wasn’t ready to watch his spirit disappear, wasn’t ready to watch hope leave his heart, too.
Zuko opened his mouth, presumably to offer more words of comfort to her, but he was interrupted by Appa’s body stiffening—the sky bison was so large it was impossible not to notice the reaction. He’d originally been standing guard, for all intents and purposes, while Katara healed Zuko, but now his eyes were glued to the sky as he released a bellow that shook the stone of the courtyard beneath them.
Katara grabbed Zuko’s arm to keep him from toppling over, but instead of resettling himself, Zuko tried to stand up, as if the giant wound on his chest was nothing more than a mere papercut.
“It’s Aang!” was the only explanation he gave as Katara relented with a huff and helped him to his feet. “It has to be. What else would get Appa acting like this?”
Privately, Katara agreed with him. Hope beat in her heart so rapidly it ached. But since Zuko had wildly, unexpectedly, completely out of the blue transformed into an optimist—seriously, had the lightning gone through his brain?—well, that meant she had to be the one to temper his optimism with a little realism.
“It could be a threat,” she responded honestly, not releasing Zuko’s arm until she was certain he’d gathered his balance.
Zuko shot her a doubtful look. “You sure?” He pointed at Appa, whose tail had started shaking—okay, yes, probably with excitement, Katara would admit that much.
It was then her turn to stare up at the fiery sky, the multitude of clouds glowing in red and orange glory. “Aang,” she murmured, his name falling from her lips like a prayer. “Please.”
Seconds later, those otherworldly clouds split open to reveal a Fire Nation airship, and on the exterior Katara could see flashes of blue and green fabric—Sokka and Toph, it had to be. Spirits knew she probably should have been concerned about who was steering the balloon, but once it was clear the ship was heading steadily towards the ground and wouldn’t face a disastrous crash, Katara’s mind returned to its previous mantra.
Aang. Aang. Aang.
“Remember to breathe, Katara.”
Katara shot Zuko a mild glare at his wry tone, but exhaled, because he was right—she’d been holding her breath. In fact, she was still holding far more tension in her body than could be considered healthy, but Katara knew that overwhelming stiffness wasn’t going to ease until she saw her friends alive and well, until she felt Aang’s heartbeat in sync against her own.
Katara’s breath hitched as the airship came to a stop far from herself and Zuko, hovering above the stone ground of the courtyard. It was much larger up close—no wonder it couldn’t land properly. There was a deep rattle as a metal plank, of sorts, some kind of steel pathway lowered from the ship and scraped across the ground with an earsplitting screech. Onto it stepped—
“They’re alive!” Katara gasped, blinking back elated tears as Sokka, Aang, Toph, and Suki—and Momo atop Suki’s left shoulder—stepped out onto the platform. One of Sokka’s legs was in a splint and he had to lean onto Suki’s side for support as he hobbled along, but— “They’re all alive!”
Aang was alive.
They’d done it. A little bruised, a little broken, maybe all around worse for wear, but—
They’d done it.
“Come on,” Zuko urged, taking an unsteady step forward and immediately wincing. He didn’t let the pain stop him, though, powering another foot ahead. “Let’s meet them halfway.”
Katara rolled her eyes, ducking under Zuko’s arm to brace him against her side, careful to avoid his injury. “Idiot.” Standing on his own was one thing, but walking by himself was an entirely different matter. She could already tell Zuko was the kind of person who made a terrible patient.
But Katara walked with him all the same, slow and steady. As they got closer, she could better see the physical state her friends were in. Toph had only a few scrapes across her arms and face. Same for Suki. Sokka had clearly done a number on his leg, as he was hardly putting any weight on it despite the well-made split, and not to mention that Suki continued to brace him while he walked. Aang was—
Well, Aang was getting smothered by Appa, Katara noted with silent amusement as the sky bison practically tackled Aang to the ground, nuzzling and licking him with unabashed eagerness.
“Buddy, I’m okay!” Aang managed to wheeze out amidst his laughter, giving Appa a tight hug. “I’m okay, I promise.”
He seemed to be telling the truth, at least based on what Katara could discern from afar. His orange robes were torn to oblivion, with only his Fire Nation pants remaining. She could see minor burns across his chest and one area on the left side of his ribs that looked to her like it would become a painful bruise, but overall—
“If you guys are here with no Azula,” Sokka joked as they all came to a stop, snapping Katara’s attention away from Aang, “does that mean Zuko finally gets to rule the Fire Nation?”
Katara allowed Zuko to keep some of his weight on her even as they stood still. He laughed at her brother’s comment. “Katara’s the one who technically defeated her in the Agni Kai. Maybe that makes her the Fire Lord.”
Katara groaned and rolled her eyes, ignoring the amused snickers of her friends. “Tui and La, no. I refuse. I resign. I—I abdicate. The throne is all yours, Zuko.”
She turned her attention to her brother’s injured leg as Suki began recounting the details of their battle in the air, including how they’d managed to pilfer an airship of their own. Up close, Katara was relieved to see that no bone had broken through the skin in Sokka’s shin or thigh—that would have made it much harder for her to heal. She made sure Zuko was stable on his feet before stepping away to study the injury further. But as she crouched at Sokka’s side and went to bend water out her flask for the preliminary healing process—
“Hey. That can wait.”
Katara blinked, staring up at Sokka in utter confusion. “Excuse me?” His leg was broken, she couldn’t just—
Sokka jerked his head towards Aang, who was busy freeing himself from beneath Appa’s weight. “Go greet the hero of the hour. My leg will still be here when you get back.”
Toph snorted. “Of the hour?” She shook her head. “Give him credit, Sokka—Twinkle Toes is the hero of the century.” Momo chirped before jumping from Suki’s shoulder onto Toph’s, as if agreeing with her.
Katara turned to look at Aang, her mind tuning out the rest of her friend’s teasing banter that followed. He was—Aang was more than the hero of the century, at least to her. More than the Avatar, more than an airbender, more than—
Aang must have felt her eyes on him, because he paused in petting Appa to turn around and give her a shy grin. “Hi, Katara.”
With those two words, the dam burst, and Katara sprinted over to Aang with all the speed of a roaring wave. Her arms crashed around his bare shoulders like water beating against the shore, and Aang wrapped his arms around her waist in return. Katara could only squeeze him tighter, his face pressing into her shoulder.
“You stopped him,” Katara whispered. Her words were shaky, or—spirits, maybe it was her entire body that was quivering. “Ozai. You stopped him.”
Aang nodded into her shoulder, and Katara slackened her grip just enough so he could lean back and reply. “Yep.”
Katara’s right hand instinctively rose to cup his face. She could see it in his eyes—tired, yes, but still so full of hope, the warm gray as rich as the shimmering moon. “You found another way, didn’t you?”
Aang smiled at her, laugh lines crinkling at the corners of his eyes, and spirits if that wasn’t an image Katara wanted traced into her memory for the rest of time. “Ozai is alive. But he can’t hurt anyone ever again.”
Katara had a million questions, the first being the obvious How? How did you do it? But no query fell from her lips despite her overwhelming curiosity. Instead, all she could do was stare at Aang, tears of relief sliding down her cheeks as she smiled and smiled and smiled and—
“I am so proud of you,” Katara said, the words halfway to a sob as she pulled Aang into another crushing hug, marvelling at how perfectly his body fit against hers. “I knew you would do it, Aang, I knew it. Only you could.”
Aang laughed. “Must’ve been your belief that got me through it.” His arms tightened around her, as if he, too, needed the unspoken reassurance that Katara was there, that she was real, that they had won, the same way she needed such comfort from him. “At one point, I’m not even sure I believed I’d succeed.”
“It’s a good thing I never doubted you, then,” Katara whispered, and Aang laughed again.
“Yes. Thank you.”
Katara wasn’t quite sure what Aang was thanking her for—her faith then, her presence now?—and in truth, she had a feeling Aang didn’t precisely know, either. But what did precision matter? They were here, together, alive. Beaten and bruised but not broken beyond all repair. Neither of them had lost what they couldn’t live without.
For Aang, the vestiges of his peaceful people. And for her…
Katara hadn’t lost Aang. Not like she had before, not like she couldn’t bear to ever lose him again.
“Alright, lovebirds! That’s enough time spent hugging the life out of each other. Come tend to the wounded, please.”
Katara rolled her eyes at her brother’s obnoxious interruption, but she released Aang after a final tight squeeze. She really did want to take a look at Sokka’s leg. Besides—she and Aang now had all the time in the world. All the time in a peaceful world, at that.
Aang followed her back to the rest of their friends, and Katara had just knelt down to examine Sokka’s injury when Aang burst out into loud, unprovoked laughter. The sudden sound made her jump, and it was only thanks to some quick thinking—and inelegant bending—that she avoided spilling the water from her waterskin all over the stone courtyard for the second time in the past ten minutes.
“What’s so funny?” Zuko asked, the apparent reason for Aang’s laughter. “What did I do?”
“No—you didn’t—” Aang cut himself off with a wheeze, and Katara couldn’t stop herself from glancing behind her to see what on Earth had him in stitches.
Aang pointed at Zuko’s chest, biting down hard on his bottom lip in a clear attempt to withhold further laughter. “That. Azula shot you with lightning, right?” When Zuko nodded, he said, “And Katara healed you?”
“I did,” Katara confirmed. Sokka gave her a disapproving look, probably because she was yet to begin healing his leg, but—well, this time Katara had no real excuse beyond her own intrigue. Whoops. But it wasn’t as if his splint wasn’t holding up perfectly. The expertise with which it was secured suggested Suki had been the one to fashion it, and that meant Sokka would be fine for a quick moment longer.
Aang’s laughter returned in full force, one arm wrapped around his stomach while his free hand gestured wildly behind him. “We—We match!” He turned around, and—
“Oh, for Agni’s sake,” Zuko groaned, and Katara found herself unable to contain her laughter. In a matter of seconds, they were all laughing at Aang’s revelation. Even Zuko, once he’d gotten over himself.
Tui and La. Katara loved her friends, she loved her life, she loved being alive with her friends by her side and—
She loved Aang.
Oh, spirits.
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cyncerity · 3 years
Going off the last ask by eyes but make it angsty
What if after a while of ignoring his instincts tommy starts seeing his family and the people around him more as food and less as friends.
Then The whole mouth watering at family instead of food bit from eyes ask
Eventually, when he finally gets a break he cracks under the buildup of instincts and attacks one of his family members, no ones seriously hurt but they’re gonna be shocked and scared for sure.
Oooooo angst >:D
It is definitely canon that Tommy’s instincts can take over in times of intense stress (the second story I ever wrote for this au has that happen when Tommy is too lost in thought to register that he sticks his family in his mouth), but I have yet to talk about a full instinct take over.
In fact, I’ll just link this story here because I refer to it for the rest of this explanation so if you don’t know what I’m talking about or need a refresher, here’s this, cause I’m about to ramble about how shifter instincts work because I have no self control!
When Tommy’s taken over by his instincts he’s usually stuck in his own head, stressing about whatever. When this happens and he happens to be nearby a cause of the stress (such as his family in the story linked above the cut), his pupils expand to the point where there’s no blue left in his eyes and his face freezes usually in a sad, tired expression (since that’s usually the look on his face when he’s stressed out).
It’s not that Tommy’s unconscious when this happens, he just isn’t directly controlling his body. He doesn’t even process that his eyes are too blurred to see clearly, only focusing on the words in his head. Shifters are more pack/family based creatures than humans are, so when there’s something wrong in that regard he tends to overthink everything, and his instincts want them as close as possible to him. And y’know what that means in an au where noms are established and normal. Actually, in fact, his “pack” is the only thing that can stress him out enough to fully lose himself.
But still, I don’t think he’d attack them with the intention or outcome of harming them, but at the time it might not seem like that’s the case. After all, having a technically unconscious giant lunging at you with the full intention to swallow you whole would be terrifying for most. For Tommy’s friends and family…unexpected and momentarily a little scary, at worse. But to say it wouldn’t startle them is a stretch. After all, Tommy has sneakily eaten them without permission before. But this time, its not sneaky, and its not a joke. He’s very blatantly not fully there, the the look of hurt on his face makes it worse, because they know it’s displaying all the thoughts he has that they might hate him or use him or abandon him. It’s not frightening to them so much as its heart wrenching. They did this, and they know it. Something they did led Tommy to this state. So really it’s a mess for everyone involved.
Now, going back to the story I’ve mentioned a few times here, Tommy “woke back up” before he swallowed his brothers and dad. That ended up being a conscious decision after his instincts has given him control back, but still affected his brain. This is because it was an intense amount of stress, but all it one time.
The longer the stress maintains, the worse Tommy’s instincts get about it.
For example, in the story, there’d been a slow buildup of stress from being told that his family didn’t want him or love him or whatever. But that wasn’t intense stress. Just a nagging voice in the back of his head that could be temporarily silenced by spending quality time with his family. The intense stress started when his family refused to take him somewhere and wouldn’t say why. This led to his instincts taking over for a very short amount of time, though they still affected him (more than normal) afterwards.
Now say for example, Tommy and someone got in an argument and they weren’t talking to each other. Tommy starts to stress about it, subconsciously starts finding more things to stress about, connects that back to his feud with a loved one, and it’s just gets worse in his own head. Soon enough, his instincts take over and before he can realize what happened said person he was feuding with has been stuck in his stomach for the past 15 hours.
It’s to the point where if anybody who knows Tommy sees him being more prone to anger or lashing out, refusing to eat or take care of himself, or staying away from people, or like you mentioned drooling or something while his loved ones are around, they know what’s going on and let whoever hurt him know that hey, Tommy is taking this really personally and if you don’t fix this soon his instincts are gonna go haywire.
So luckily it doesn’t happen that often cause Tommy’s friends and family care deeply about him and never want him in that mental state 💖
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enbylesbianism · 3 years
ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS: Simon Snow trilogy wrapped! (review)
Hi, there! It took me a while to finish this post, as I could talk about it for... a long time (not necessarily a good thing), but I got it! I like praise, so if anyone wants to tell me I did a good job... Also, I might edit this post later on. I don’t remember anything else I’d like to add, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I did after posting. My brain does not obey me. Anyways, off to it! By the way, I won’t give this book a real rating.
While this is a review on Any Way the Wind Blows, I intend on analysing some points of the overall series too. The book starts where Wayward Son left off, the end of the road trip, Simon and Baz having problems in their relationship, Penelope helping Shepard with his curse... and the whole situation of the NowNext vampires. Rainbow Rowell only seems to remember the first part. That leaves us with the second book of the series ignored almost completely, with the exception of Simon and Baz’s feelings as well as Shepard’s existence.
Don’t get me wrong, aspects of the book are mentioned, but never in a truly important way. Lamb, the Vampire King, is mentioned by Simon, but only focusing on his and Baz’s relationship, never about the fact that there are a bunch of vampires (supposedly ‘evil’) in the U.S. but I guess what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? I could count on one hand the times the NowNext vampires were mentioned (like, literally, this isn’t an exaggeration, I looked up ‘NowNext’ on the e-book and only got five results), all of them either being one of them considering telling someone else about it, then not following through with it, or dismissing it as a concern for Lamb. Which makes the plot of Wayward Son completely useless for the trilogy. Now, that wouldn’t matter as much if everything else had been properly developed, but we definitely can’t say that.
We are introduced to a brand new, poorly developed villain, Smith-Smith Richards, whose character arc is as ridiculous as his name. He’s one of the fake Chosen Ones that started appearing after the events of Carry On (and the only one to be mentioned and/or defeated, for that matter). It becomes clear that presenting as Simon Snow-ish is part of his brand, especially when Baz describes him as looking like the Netflix adaptation version of Simon, and that he was raised and guided by his uncle, who’s just... there. I don’t think it would’ve been hard to make him manipulating Smith-Smith into believing he’s the prophetic savior of the Magickal World, which would not only make both of their characters more interesting, but it could also serve as a parallel of Simon’s relationship with the Mage. Richards also has some special powers such as increasing a mage’s magic for a limited amount of time, but taking it away afterwards, as well as making someone immune from spells. It’s worth saying those aren’t skills that are usual in the Magickal World, or else there wouldn’t be so much confusion and shock from people (specially Baz and Penny, who would definitely have heard of something like this before), but we get no explanation on why or how Richard has them.
Then, we have the Salisbury’s. We, as readers, already know Lucy and Davy are Simon’s parents, making Ruth his grandmother. It’s noticeable that Rowell builds up to that discovery, by making Simon get along with Ruth instantly, him thinking about Lucy a lot etc. It makes us excited to read the part where they actually figure it out, to know how Simon would deal with that, him dealing with the fact that he’s the Mage’s son and the fact that, technically, he killed his father. I suppose that’s the point, but actually getting to that part was incredibly underwhelming. The way they discovered about Simon—being able to lift a family sword—hadn’t been mentioned or hinted at before. One would’ve expected Simon, who’s particularly interested in swords as it’s mentioned many times throughout the series, to notice a freaking Excalibur at the Salisbury’s place before. 
And speaking of noticing things: when it’s finally revealed that Simon is Lucy’s son and the Mage’s heir, Baz pointed out the uncanny similarities between his boyfriend and the deceased Watford principal. “Those narrow eyes. That tilt of his head. I thought... I thought he’d learned it. Was imitating it.” + “Merlin, Simon, you even look like him.”  (Any Way the Wind Blows, chapter 86) Simon was the Mage’s protégé for years and I assume the Magickal authorities knew that he was the one to inherit all of his money and personal belongings, but no one, in the whole British Magickal community, thought about them being related? I refuse to believe there were no conspiracy theorist teachers at Watford or that Mitali or even the Pitch’s alongside everyone who was against the Mage didn’t at least check to know if there was something behind those characteristics. Baz literally said (chapter 88), “I think it’s undeniable. I’d cast ‘Flesh and blood’ on them, but it would bounce right off of Snow (...)”, so there is a spell for that. Plus, we didn’t even have one whole chapter of Simon dealing with this information! The chapters (no more than five, out of ninety-one) were divided between Simon, Baz and Lady Ruth’s POVs. He’s the main character, so one would think he’d get more development.
Another point that felt rushed was the romance. While Simon and Baz’s relationship wasn’t, as it’s been a topic Rowell has explored for three books (we’re not counting Fangirl here, as their ‘participation’ on it was minor and their personalities weren’t as consistent as in the trilogy. Not that it is that consistent there), the others just felt like she wanted everyone to finish the trilogy with a pair. I’ll start with Shepard and Penny. There were fans who liked them together before Any Way the Wind Blows, but it wasn’t hinted at—it was more like a fandom thing. I personally like them as a couple, but it could have had development and, maybe, foreshadowing in Wayward Son. I mean, they did fight monsters during a huge part of a road trip together.
The next one I’ll talk about is Agatha and Niamh. I love them, don’t get me wrong. Actually, it’s precisely because I love them that I wish they’d gotten a better treatment. Niamh wasn’t introduced before Any Way the Wind Blows. I get why she wasn’t introduced in Carry On—it was interesting to see a character who wasn’t caught up in Simon and Baz’s drama during the school years—but a hint of her existence could’ve been left in Wayward Son. Agatha is an important character on it, and a mention of her father training an aspiring veterinary could’ve fit somewhere, as a hint, maybe. (Also, Lucy, the dog, being absolutely forgotten during this book when a lot of Agatha’s time is spent in a veterinary clinic...) Besides, we could get the vibes from them, but after they kissed, there was barely any content. We didn’t get them calling each other ‘girlfriend’ (or if they even like that label at this point), or the aftermath of the kiss, or a POV from Niamh. Or Niamh appearing the epilogue? If Agatha was taking care of the goats, I’m sure Niamh would have a part in that too. Still on Agatha’s character, but not on Niamh’s, it felt like Rainbow Rowell was setting up for aromantic and asexual Agatha, specially because of this quote: “It was like she'd pulled the feeling right out of my heart. I could have kissed her. (I still wish sometimes that I wanted to.) (That would feel like an answer to... the question of me. Then I could say, 'Oh, thats who I am. That's why I've been so confused.')” (Wayward Son, chapter 4).
And I was leaving the best (I need to be sure everyone knows I mean this sarcastically) of the romance topic for the end: Fiona and Nicodemus. It’s just... so forced and undeveloped. Not even because, to me, they’re both gay as hell. There was just... such a lack of development! I don’t think we had any interaction between the both of them before Any Way the Wind Blows. There was no foreshadowing or why would Fiona, a vampire hunter from a family of vampire hunters, would marry... a vampire! I’d already find it weird to see fanfiction of them as a crackship, but it’s canon?! Like, canon as in they’re going to get married and use Fiona and Natasha’s mother’s ring? Seriously, nothing will take from me that this is a lavender marriage (as I’ve already discussed with my best friend, which inspired this post of theirs.)
I’d also like to speak about a topic that’d been hinted throughout the series, especially post-Carry On, which is the criticism towards the Magickal Community in the U.K.. That criticism is very much embodied in Shepard’s character. It’s explicitly said that the British mages have some kind of supremacy towards other supernatural beings, such as vampires for example, gatekeeping literal magic. Up until relatively recently, mages with weak links with magic couldn’t attend Watford (and that’s a major plot point in the final book) and there’s a denial towards any other kind of magic except the ones that are part of their craft. Even within the Magickal community itself, there are more important families that are more likely to succeed, like Natasha receiving criticism for marrying Malcolm, as a Pitch. It felt pointless not to tackle the issues you’ve set up yourself in your own universe. Penelope has very strict morals related to magickal law and beliefs, something that she could’ve deconstructed, especially considering Shepard, her love interest, symbolises that. Another point related to that is, the trilogy is very clearly heavily inspired by Harry Potter, where many of those points are very clear (e.g. wizard supremacy in relation to other species, such as werewolves and domestic elves and the status quo that makes some traditionally magical families more influential than others, like the Malfoy’s vs. the Weasley’s), so it’s not an easily forgettable concept.
The series also had a lot of inconsistencies. The one I’ve seen talked about more often is Simon and Agatha’s... intimacy status, let’s call it that. Simon’s whole thing in the first book was that he struggled controlling his magic when experiencing intense emotions, which makes it hard to believe that he managed to have sex withount an... accident. Besides that, though, there’s this quote, “She (...) presses a kiss into my temple. No one has ever kissed me there. No one has ever kissed me anywhere but on my mouth” (Carry On, Chapter 27), but in Any Way the Wind Blows, when Simon’s about to have his wings cut, Agatha says, “It’s a strange feeling to look at someone’s chest and know it’s nothing to do with you anymore, but still to remember kissing every inch.” (Chapter 14)
So, we have established that Rainbow Rowell’s work, both character and plot driven, is flawed. “But we got the characters interacting for the closure of the series, at least!” Well... we got interactions between the canon romantic relationships, yeah. But besides that, we didn’t get much. There were no interactions between Agatha and Penny, or Shepard with Simon and Baz. Or Penny and her mother figuring stuff out. Or literally anyone with a therapist. And not gonna lie, the interaction we got between Baz and Dev was underwhelming, to say the least. Niall is nowhere to be seen, too.
Rainbow Rowell’s writing is beautiful: she writes poetic lines that make the book seem perfect at first glance, if you don’t think about it for too long. Her words are very shiny, but once you get use to that light and see what’s behind them, what’s between one shiny quote and another, it has so many flaws and plot holes that it reads like a first draft. There are many concepts in there that are genuinely good: the rest of the trilogy focused on the protagonist dealing with the trauma of being a child soldier instead of being entirely an adventure, Simon being unlabelled, a fake Chosen One that gives mages fake hope... Those are all good ideas, but so poorly explored that, despite being an entire book/trilogy, it still feels like a writing pitch or something among those lines.
I felt iffy about other things during my reading of the series, but they aren’t exactly plot points, so I’ll just list them below:
Mitali, Penny’s mom, including ‘discovering your bisexuality’ as a mid-life crisis thing 
As I’ve seen people talking about biphobia/bi erasure in the books, I’ll be including this post that features both unlabelled and bisexual individuals talking about the topic (it isn’t my place, as a lesbian, to talk about this, that’s why I decided not to do so.)
Romanticising of Baz’s suicide (a.k.a. chapter 61) in the first book. If you’re not in a good place mentally, like I was when I first read Carry On, I hope you know that a kiss or romance doesn’t help any mental illness you or others might have. Don’t let anyone use your guilt to manipulate you. Paraphrasing Alice Oseman in their graphic novel Heartstopper, love can’t cure a mental illness.
Any Way the Wind Blows was... very horny. I can’t point out how this makes the book bad exactly, but it wasn’t something I enjoyed. One of Rainbow Rowell’s strongest skills is that her quotes, when loose, are good. They tend to be poetic and just beautiful, overall. But in the... explicit scenes, these skills were barely used, and I felt like I was reading NSFW tweets off of someone’s private account on Twitter. Besides, the first two books of the series weren’t written like that, so the change was very sudden.
The older people could’ve been more explored. Penelope and Mitali’s relationship and how similar the both of them are compared to each other, Daphne and Professor Bunce’s insecurities and why they believed in Smith-Smith, Fiona, Nico, and Ebb... Also, the Mage and Lucy. We could’ve had more on them, y’know. 
The pop culture references. They made the book read even more like Twitter’s feed. Honestly, if I wanted to read prompts and nice ship content alongside memes from Twitter with some horny thoughts sprinkled all around, I would’ve opened the Twitter app. Or Tumblr, Instagram, whatever.
The POV switching felt lazy to me at times. It’s nice to know how different characters are experiencing that situation, yes, but sometimes, like during the discovery that Simon is a Salisbury, it read as if Rowell wanted to create tension, but couldn’t think of any other way to do it except the switching around.
Narrative wise, I think Simon and Baz should’ve spent more time broken up. 
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Curious and autistic-coded
Hello there! April draws to an end and with that I think it’s high time to hurry up and write this. What does April have to do with anything, you ask? April is the Autism Acceptance Month. So what better month to do this?
Unfortunately I didn’t make it. I failed. It’s already 1. 5. when I’m posting this. But at least I tried to deliver on time.
In this mini essay I’ll present my case about why I think the Curious brothers from TS2 Strangetown display autistic-coded traits and my personal takes on it.
It’s basically your average headcanon post but with a funny top hat!
0: Preface: What do I mean by “autistic-coded”?
When a character is coded as something, it means that they have traits that are associated with the demographics in question to make the consumer knowingly or not link the character with the demographic, although the character's "label” is never explicitly disclosed.
In the nutshell, it means that there are canonical reasons to read the characters as autistic, although you won't find the word "autism" anywhere in the game nor in the developer's commentary.
In this particular case I do believe that the developer may not even be aware of the code, as there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. If there is, I’m not aware of it and I would be happy to learn.
So, let’s start!
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1: “The white male who is very good at science”
Unfortunately autistic representation in pop-culture has a long history of being rather straightforward in which traits the characters often have. This stems from the belief that autism is “a boy’s disorder” (that’s why some autism charities to this day use blue in their symbols). Among popular examples of autistic-coded characters are Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper and Death Note’s L and Near. I’m sure you can think of more but you’ll find that most of them are men and either explicitly white or racially ambiguous white-passing. They also tend to be gifted in tech, logic or other science-y activities.
There’s nothing wrong with that! Nothing wrong with being an autistic with those “stereotypical” characteristics and there is nothing wrong with people being represented. What is wrong is the monotony and afab people/people of color being underrepresented which leads (among other factors) to harder access to diagnosis and resources for those people in real life. But! That’s a topic for a different day. (and not for a simbrl, mind you)
Back to the Curiouses! I just wanted to say that autism in media is traditionally associated with characters whose gender presentation, race and interests align with theirs. Those characteristic thus make a very convenient template for autistic-coding.
2: Inconsistent performance, huge gaps between strengths and weaknesses
Pascal, Vidcund and Lazlo are very skilled Sims by default, extraordinarily even for their age. Pascal has a skill maxed while his younger brothers both near maxing theirs.
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But as you can see in Pascal’s default skill panel, apart from Creativity, all his other skills are extremely low, 0 points for Mechanical, Body and Charisma, 1 point for Cooking and Logic and his second best skill, Cleaning, has only 3 points. The same situation can be observed in Vidcund’s and Lazlo’s, except their strong suits are Logic and Cooking respectively.
Huge discrepancies within performance in different cognitive areas is a common trait found in those on the autism spectrum. We’re often talking extremes here and the scale of the difference is the defining factor. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, it’s just in neurodivergent people those tend to be unusually noticeable.
I think that skills, simplified as they are, are the closest The Sims has to possibly simulate that because they track the character’s performance and expertise in different areas and allow comparison. In real life, of course, this comparison is not nearly as possible and exact, nor desired, but for all our analysis-loving enthusiasm, here we’re still talking fictional characters.
3: Struggle with social cues
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It is widely known that one of autistic traits are difficulties with processing social situations, picking social cues and successfully replicating socially desired behavioral patterns.
But these three are Sims, are they not? They cannot possibly display this trait, since they’re programmed the same way as others.
Yes and no.
It is true that there is no specific in-game feature that would allow Sims to behave with explicit neurodivergency in mind* but with the right combination of traits they can simulate behavior that really hits close to home for neurodivergent players.
*at least not in TS2, TS3 has traits that simulate some possible neurodivergencies but their names tend to be rather... ableist unfortunate and they’re not relevant to this post since they’re not autism related, and even if they were, we’re focusing on TS2 exclusively
Let’s take look at Lazlo here. He is, indeed, a playful soul. He likes to goof around, tell jokes, make others laugh. And since he’s very close to his brother Vidcund, close enough even to Tell Dirty Joke (an interaction that needs quite a high relationship to unlock), he autonomously does just that.
And oh boy, does Vidcund disapprove.
From my personal experience playing them, their relationship usually takes quite a hit from every cheeky joke Lazlo throws Vid’s way. They usually autonomously repair it very quick but it happens often.
But that’s a standard behavior. Vidcund’s very serious, he doesn’t take well to jokes.
No. I mean technically yes, Vid is definitely a grumpy old plant dad but, at least in my game, he tends to accept Lazlo’s jokes. All kinds of them, actually, except for the dirty ones. And Pascal, who technically has even lower Playful points (0 in comparison to Vidcund’s 4), doesn’t seem to mind Lazlo’s poor attempts at grown-up humor.
But! What is it that makes Lazlo try still? What drives him to attempt to make Vidcund laugh with a dirty joke over and over again? (and fail?)
I my interpretation, Lazlo doesn’t do that on purpose, he is just really poor at evaluating “dirtiness” of a given joke and frequently misinterprets Vidcund’s cues. The animation of a dirty joke being rejected even supports that as Vid doesn’t signal his discomfort with any exaggerated easy-to-read facial expression until Lazlo gets to his punchline.
No only that but as I mentioned, the invisible lines between spicy and too vulgar are often hard to thread. I can recall many times I thought I was saying a witty quip on an “adult” topic and was met with awkward silence or someone shushing me because “that’s not how you speak in public”. I can well imagine myself in Lazlo’s shoes.
A situation of social cues being misinterpreted or ignored can be observed also in Vidcund. Programming-wise, those are just his low Niceness and extreme Shyness showing but combined they again paint a picture of a very neurodivergent-looking behavioral pattern.
He often behaves like the concept of politeness or social rules doesn’t exist because the combination of the aforementioned traits makes him come off very blunt (lecturing and shoving telescope-peepers with no warning whatsoever) and distant (having a high chance of rejecting simple small-talk socials).
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(That’s Jasmine Rai casting the “Summon Vidcund” spell.)
Yes, I am fully aware that it makes a stronger case for him being an a**hole than autistic but... there’s no reason he can’t be both. Not all autistic people are sweet cinnamon buns, all personalities you can think of can be neurodiverse and, for some their neurodiversity can even amplify their inconsiderate ways, as I believe it is the case with our dear grouch Vidcund.
4. Their bios
“No matter what happens, Pascal believes there is a logical explanation for everything. In his free time, he practices home psychoanalysis and collects conspiracy theories.”
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(that’s how I imagine practicing psychoanalysis looks like, sorry Freud)
“Serious and exact, Vidcund strives to fit the universe into a nice tidy package. He has an unnatural fondness for African violets.”
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(let’s collectively pretend those are African violets)
“Not as studious as his older brothers, Lazlo got his degree in Phrenology. He likes to call phone psychics and spends hours trying to bend forks with his mind.”
*error: screenshot of Lazlo bending forks not found*
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(but here he is hanging out with Erin Beaker, the closest thing to “calling phone psychics” you can actually do in-game)
Both Pascal’s and Vidcund’s bios point to a pattern-focused worldview with a strong emphasis on rationality as the center-point that anchors the way they understand the world around them and build their principles on. This “pattern-ization” of thinking is a common autistic trait, with rationality being a popular theme because emotions tend to be difficult to access and asses for many of us.
Lazlo’s biography is an outlier. But it still has something significant in common with those of his brothers: All three of their bios allude to a potential special interest of sorts.
Special interests as an autism-related term are very specific, in-depth and long-term hobbies or areas of expertise that make an autistic person happy and they tend to go to seemingly exhausting lengths, often at the cost of other areas of knowledge and most likely the person’s ability to talk about anything else for a long enough time. (a loving hyperbole, no disrespect meant) Mine are my characters and cats. An even more intense but a short(er)-term passion is called a hyperfixation.
Them potentially having a special interest is yet another possible autistic-coded feature.
5. Wait. Why does it matter?
Right. What does it matter if a Sim (A SIM) (or two or three) is autistic? What do I hope to achieve, pushing my autistic Curiouses agenda down your throats?
I got to write a long rant-piece about some of my favorite TS characters and I feel like I can finally die satisfied.
Apart from that and me sharing my happiness of finding some good pixels I can relate to, it is a matter of representation.
Remember by the very beginning I wrote how most of the representation our community gets in media tends to be just a one specific type of character?
And how the Curious brothers seem to fit the stereotype to a point?
There is something I omitted, something I saved for the last on purpose.
The role. The role in their story, the role in the society the piece of media portrays.
We often see neurodiverse, autistic or autistic-coded character as children, students, villains, lone savants, victims in distress, comedic relief sidekicks, either very vulnerable and needing protection, or detached and having their role defined only by their academic prowess or their special interest/profession.
What we rarely get to see them as, are... parents.
That’s what many of us autistics are or plan to be someday in the future. The dogma around autism has started to dwindle relatively recently and there are little to no examples of autistic adults being the care-givers for once in the media around us.
The Curious brothers are just that. They are chaotic, they are eccentric, they can be a little too much... but they are dutiful and loving fathers/uncles to their little aliens they raise.
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They make it work. Even if they face difficulties, even if they don’t exactly fit the standard.
“Sometimes, a family truly can be three brothers raising alien babies, and it’s beautiful.”
It encourages us to define family by love rather than traditional structures and it shows us that portrait of a functional neurodiverse family we need to see.
And goodness, is it a powerful sight.
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mostly-mundane-atla · 4 years
Hiya! I really adore your blog and I don't think(?) you've been asked this, but sorry if you have addressed it! I've been watching documentaries/researching things and I'm curious if you have any thoughts/opinions about NWT/Agna Qel'a and its sustainability? Esp during the 100 year war when they're isolated, is it feasible to feed the whole city without imports? What sort of agriculture could work in an arctic climate?
So funny thing about cities:
For a civilization to build a city, the first thing they need is a surplus of food. This is what allows people to fulfil the city requirements (things like job specialization, which leads to some specializing in planning or building infrastructure, or a big population which allows for plenty of people to fill all these little niches in these specialized jobs). There's a little cultural problem here and I'm not sure how well it's been established or explained, or even if it's been acknowledged at all.
The Inuit, Inupiat, Yup'ik, and even some of the other groups, Native or otherwise, that have inspired the aesthetic of the Water Tribes 1) tended to be more nomadic than sedentary (so setting roots in a city in the first place makes little sense) and 2) don't believe in taking the amount of food from nature that would be needed for such a surplus. Speaking as an Inupiaq, it's seen as disgustingly greedy. If you have more food than you need, you don't hoard it, you give it to people who need it without expecting anything in return. You never take with the intention of getting more than you need so you can sell the extra. If you still have more to spare, you save it for a day where you might otherwise starve, not for some guy who says a canal system will improve things and wants to work on that instead of getting his own food.
So it's really strange to me when people treat the Northern Water Tribe like it's this sort of untouched safe place where they still follow the culture that's been forgotten in the Southern Tribe. They have what are essentially roads, they have grand architecture, they have a class system, and the concept of a princess. None of these are accurate to the people indigenous to the tundra. If you're anywhere near as much of a stickler for this cultural aspect of the Water Tribe and the irl cutures it's supposed to be based on (and I can't say I recommend it because it does make being mad about the franchise much easier), then the only explanation is that they're way more culturally influenced by the other nations, namely the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom, than the Southern Water Tribe is.
As for agriculture, in the same way that snooty vegans are technically correct when the say "you don't need meat" you technically don't need that many vegetables. Rather than the meat we tend to think of when we go to the butcher or meat and seafood counter at the store, where it's only certain cuts of flesh from animals specifically bred for centuries to produce this kind of meat or that, the Inupiaq diet specifically incorporated as many parts of the animals that adapted to the needs of surviving the arctic as possible. It's not possible to live on a diet of 90% steak and get all the nutrients you need, but when it includes fish eyes and whale skin, the tongue, the heart, the liver, fats of all kinds, and supplement the rest of your needs with things like fireweed, sourdock, wild celery, and berries, it will sustain you and get you through the winter.
Below, I've attached a video showing what subsitance hunting and gathering looks like in northwest Alaska. It's thoroughly informative but be warned that it does include footage of irl hunting and butchering. You will see guns and knives and dead animals in this video.
I suppose you could grow things like eskimo potato/masru or berry bushes the way people would grow, say, tomatoes or beans. You could apply selective breeding to get nutient rich crops and build greenhouses out of sheets of clear ice, double walled with folks keeping the moisture in the dirt from freezing so it stays warm enough for things to grow for as long as the sun stays in the sky. They have an oasis full of magic spirit water so maybe there's something sacred that could be keeping crops alive.
The question is, how do you take the land required to do that from social herbivores? Are you going to treat them like pests to be exterminated when you need their meat and skins to survive? That land is their home as much as it's yours.
I think personal gardens or even just bushes and such kept in pots in or around the home would be much likelier than full scale intensive farms. Grouse or ptarmigans or similar fowl (Sokka does mention "arctic hen") could be kept domestically for their eggs or occasionally meat the way chickens might be kept in the other nations. Grains and flour may be traded with stealthy Earth Kingdom merchants in exchange for pelts or ivory or even ice blocks for food storage.
And on the other hand, it could just be a densely populated village made fancy with enough signs of civilization for outsiders to respect while everyone is still otherwise living a hunter gatherer lifestyle to feed their families. There isn't really a "wrong" answer in any sense until canon gets its shit together (and maybe actually hires an eskimo writer so it makes sense) and gives an actual explanation.
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I'm. The new covers, op. The new covers. Gosh. Both of them hold so much symbolism. And technically they both are canon, they are both original ideas that could perfectly be valid. Horikoshi simply found something better. But anyways, I'm going to go ahead and ramble about it because Im- Op, prepare for a long ask! Hope you like it!
On the one where Katsuki's the one in the picture, he's not on his knees like he is in the other two covers. Instead, he has his face down, body forward, one hand on one leg, the other one holding out for something...He's bowing. Bowing in Japanese culture is a pretty big deal. Hes not just tilting his head a bit, his head and body are on full on commitment.
Such a tilted bow means a LOT, specially from THIS guy, Mr dont let anyone walk in front of me. Even more when hes not just bowing, but accepting such an open display of given help, Mr shonen anime lone wolf. Accepting something he always has trouble admitting to. Accepting the past, accepting the wrongs. Accepting Izukus help means so much, and that's what these three covers have in common.
His hand is sctretching out. He's ready to say yes to that hand out in the air.
(Ps. I wonder if he's watching his own reflection on the water in this panel, as well?)
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Hes in middle of the picture with those childhood friend at the back, which means audience. It means letting people see what hes done, what he's sorry for. He is being open and exposed and vulnerable. That's no fighting stance.
Remember guys, in case you haven't noticed before, Horikoshi puts lots of metaphorical value in his manga and on his covers. Sometimes you've got to dig in deep and think to get the bigger picture. And in this case, the bigger picture screams regret and wanting to make things right from the start.
This cover occurs in the past, at the moment where everything started, and Katsuki fully remembers this. Katwuki has thought of this, is thinking about this. He's had eye bags for gods sake, he's clearly troubled by all of what it means.
These three covers are the visual explanation of what's going on inside Katsuki's head, because this is clearly focused on him and his perspective.
(Ps. Rivers symbolise the massage of time. If that doesnt add to everything else, I dont know what to tell you.)
So! Next!
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Wow, if this isnt one of my favourite things ever. Okay. Christ.
I have two options here. Scratch that, three options. Scream into the void, scream into this post, or actually make a good presentation of my inner turmoil. I'll have to go by the third option. (Haha. Just like horikoshi did. Dont # me, I'm funny in my head.)
This cover melted my insides, froze them all over, and hit me with them like a hammer.
I know they're kids, but let me get this straight-so kids seriously look at their friends with these looks in their eyes and think "ah, yes. This is my very good friend. This gentle smile and kind look I'm giving him as if he was my whole world? Well, hes just a very good friend."
I looked at my childhood crush this way, I dont know what to tell you.
Anyway, let's actually jump to the information at hand.
This panel seems like it's making a reference to what Katsuki wishes could have been. And if that's not absolutely soul-crushing...this cover is Katsuki's feelings, guys. These are probably his very thoughts. This scene has gone through Katsuki's head at some point.
We've got Izuku in his stuck up pose all over again, in just an awkward angle. It's like katsuki isnt looking AT this katsuki right now, but at the spot where the actual past Katsuki, at some point, was. As if this Isuku is frozen in time. Dont believe too much in this paragraph, I still have my doubts about that, but I feel it's a possibility. Izukus eyes seem to be focused on the water, while Katsuki is just the tiniest bit back, reaching for Izukus hand. And gosh.
I dont think I've ever seen older NOR child Katsuki have this look plasted into his face before. He's...sheepish. Kindly, awkwardly sheepish. No hate, no anger, no shame, no nothing. His face is clear and sweet and has this "Whoops. You got me. But thanks." kind of expression on.
The hand behind his head, just the tiniest but embarassed? That little smile? It's all so soft.
Rambling about softness though- I really liked the hand scene in this particular panel. If you close up your view, you realise that theres no effort to pull anyone out of nowhere. In this panel, they are simply holding hands in frozen time for no purpose at all.
Katsuki has his hand around Izuku...simply holding there.
Again, because the angle is awkward, it's kind of messy, but you get the point.
It's all simply beautiful. Horikoshi clean likes give me life.
And lastly. The actual cover.
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I screeched so hard when I saw this. My first instinct when seeing this for the first time was to straight up go trigger happy fingers and write about it to my friends. Christ.
Everything is so...SOft. horikoshi made a good decision by mixing both previous drawings in one. We have parts of the two covers in one, which is amazing. In this one, Katsuki isnt alone, as Izuku's there too. But we dont have the audience either. Probably because the main focus on this panel is no one else except them two.
Again, Katsuki looks like he's bowing, but instead of looking all the way down, he's in the middle. Not looking at Izuku nor looking at the ground, like it shows in the previous covers. Instead, Horikoshi found a middle ground. He's looking at his hand. At the gesture.
Hes not holding hands quite yet, but his hand is there. At arms reach. Not close enough but there. Wanting.
Theres so much regret and again, softness.
Again, like you Op said a bit bad, the angle is off here. This is present Katsuki remembering his past. The angle is off because this Izuku isnt holding out for our Katsuki. This is a memory. A wish. Katsuki's wish.
(Ps. Izukus trousers drenched in the rivers water. This detail was so nice. It's a subtle action that describes Izukus characterization so much. Izuku went in the river with Katsuki in mind, not caring if he got his clothes soaked in the process too. For Izuku, only Katsuki was there. And for Katsuki, only Izuku is.
As a plus, I can't believe the cover of this is literally called Bakugou Katsuki rising. They named the entire thing after that one chapter. Actually, I very much, totally believe it. It's the moment so many people have been waiting for, after all. The moment so many scenes have been amounting for, little by little.
*dreamy sigh*
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this little thing, I had to get it out of my system and dont want to bother my dear friends anymore than needed.
Have a good day, OP! I'll stay updated!
You kinda just...took my heart and curb stomped it, not gonna lie. Your observations are so beautiful and so accurate. The sketch with little Bakugou taking Izuku’s hand is so...raw, and yeah, that expression is definitely one of love. Those eyes, the way he is HOLDING Izuku’s hand, not TAKING it. He isn’t taking it to stand up, he is literally just...holding it. 
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That isn’t the way you take someone’s hand when you’re trying to pull yourself up. It’s an awkward angle and just...wouldn’t work right. No, he is literally just holding his hand, and that’s exactly what Bakugou wishes he did all that time ago. He wishes that he not only took Deku’s hand, but held onto it. Held it as if it were something precious, something to be cared for and protected. 
These are Bakugou’s true feelings expressed in these drawings, and I think Horikoshi released them on purpose, to show us more of what he wanted Bakugou to be feelings through all of this. Since after all, we know that Bakugou expresses himself in action, not so much words. And because Horikoshi is an absolute genius, he thought to give us these other glimpses in how he feels through these actions. 
And the other sketch with him bowing his body to Izuku, and the way the log looks like it’s on his back with his ‘friends’ on top of it. 
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The pressure of needing to be the coolest, the strongest, the best. Those kids put that kind of pressure on him, even if they never realized it. They encouraged his behavior and fed his ego, and it never allowed him to see how he was wrong. But now he is realizing it, and he is bowing himself in light of that acknowledgement. He is lowering his head and putting his pride away, so he can get back what he lost all those years ago; the opportunity to take Izuku’s hand.
To take the hand of the only one of those kids that ever loved him unconditionally. Who never pressured him or expected him to be invincible. Who saw all of his flaws and was completely prepared to support him despite all of it. The only one. 
I’m just a mess over all of this, and I am so incredibly thankful to Horikoshi for creating this beautiful relationship. AND IN A SHOUNEN MANGA, NONETHELESS!!  
Thank you friend, for your beautiful thoughts. I think they’re spot on, and I am so emotional all over again because of this. 
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nikkoliferous · 3 years
Phase One: Avengers (Part Two)
Apparently I had so much to comment on this crappy book that I had to break this up into two parts (you can read part one here). No, I have nothing to say for myself. Lol
Let’s continue.
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Clint Barton and Loki’s hand-picked strike team were in a stolen Quinjet with a faked S.H.I.E.L.D. call sign, 26-Bravo. That got them close enough that by the time the air-traffic officer on the Helicarrier knew something was wrong, it was already too late.
Whoa whoa whoa. I thought you said Loki didn’t care about the details. I thought you said such things were beneath him. Make up your mind.
With a last heave and twist, she freed herself from the fallen beam and ran. At that moment, the Hulk turned and saw her. She vaulted up a stairway and onto the next level. The Hulk swiped at the stairway and shredded it into scrap metal. Loki had gotten what he wanted. He must have been trying to time it so he could manipulate Bruce into becoming the Hulk right as his soldiers came to attack the Helicarrier. The Hulk would do at least as much damage from the inside as the rogue Quinjet could do from the outside.
Yes. Yes, he did. Lol
Natasha kept running, and the Hulk came right behind her. For a moment, she thought she’d lost him, but then he came at her out of the shadows, roaring. He was like walking rage, a single-minded engine of destruction. She shot a hole in the pipe over his head. Steam shot out of it into the Hulk’s eyes, stopping him for just the moment she needed to get a head start. She ran as fast as she could, but she knew she wasn’t going to stay away from him for long. He came after her, smashing through bulkheads and doorways like they weren’t even there and roaring the whole time.
Mood, though.
Steve got to the edge of the turbine mount about the same time as Tony. “I’m here!” he called out.
“Good,” Tony said, dropping into view and hovering in the Iron Man armor to survey the wreckage. He had the suit on, and Steve could hear his voice through the earbud microphone all S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel wore. At least that channel was still intact; if they lost communications, they’d be done for.
Convenient. Clint would absolutely know this, which means either 1) he's incompetent, 2) he's not as mind-controlled as we think, or 3) Loki allowed/arranged for his own team's semi-failure.Take your pick.
“What’s it look like in there?” Tony asked.
“It seems to run on some form of electricity,” Steve said.
Tony was shoving loose huge pieces of debris that prevented the turbine blades from rotating. “Well, you’re not wrong,” he said.
Steve fumed. He wasn’t here for technical support. But that was all he could do at the moment.
Ironic for Steve to call out Tony for being useless without his suit when Steve is apparently useless at anything other than beating people up. Lol
Tony stood inside the turbine housing, looking at the blades. He’d cleared most of the debris jamming the rotors. “Even if I clear the rotors,” he said, “this thing won’t reengage without a jump. I’m going to have to get in there and push.”
“If that thing gets up to speed, you’ll get shredded,” Steve said.
Hey hey hey now, I thought Tony wasn't the type of guy to sacrifice himself??
The Hulk stomped around the flight deck, roaring. He saw Thor and swung a fist twice the size of Thor’s head. Thor caught it in both hands, straining to hold both the Hulk’s arm and his attention. “We are not your enemies, Banner,” he grunted. “Try to think!”
Now, where have I heard that before...?
In answer, the Hulk punched him through the wall.
Thor got up and watched the Hulk coming after him. Now this was a fight! He held out a hand, waiting for Mjolnir to return to him. Mjolnir smashed through another wall and reached Thor’s hand just as the charging Hulk came within striking distance.
What's a little bloodlust between friends, amirite?
The Hulk caught the hammer, and a fierce grin spread over his face… then he toppled backward and Mjolnir pinned him to the floor of the hangar.
None but I can lift Mjolnir, Thor thought. Not even this giant.
Yes, yes. You're very special, Thor. We're all super impressed, promise.
“You like this?” Coulson asked, meaning the gun. “We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don’t know what it does.” He powered it up, and rings along its barrel glowed bright orange. “Want to find out?”
But Loki wasn’t there in front of him. Thor saw it too late to do anything. That Loki was an illusion… and the real Loki was behind Coulson.
“You lack conviction,” Coulson said. He did not move from where he sat against the wall. Blood trickled at the corner of his mouth, and the enormous gun lay uselessly across his lap.
Of all the things Coulson might have said, this was perhaps the one Loki expected least. I have moved worlds out of conviction, he thought. Made bargains with beings who snuff out planets as an afterthought. “I don’t think I…”
“Tasha,” he said. “How many agents did I—?”
“Don’t,” she said. “Don’t do that to yourself, Clint. This is Loki. This is monsters and magic and nothing we were ever trained for.” Better than maybe anyone on the Helicarrier, Natasha Romanoff knew you couldn’t blame yourself for things you did while you were brainwashed. All you could do was try to heal and get things right the next time.
“Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I’ll give you that one,” Tony said. “But let’s do a head count here. Your brother the demigod, a Super-Soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend, a man with breathtaking anger-management issues, a couple of master assassins… and you, big fella, you’ve managed to piss off every single one of them.”
“That was the plan,” Loki said with a grin.
“Not a great plan,” Tony said.
“You’re missing the point!” he said, and his tone got sharper. “There’s no throne, there is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it’s too much for us… but it’s all on you. Because if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be sure we’ll avenge it.”
With those last words, he tapped Tony on the chest with his scepter, just has he had Hawkeye and Dr. Selvig. Nothing happened. The Arc Reactor in Tony’s chest countered the scepter’s effect.
Loki tried it again. “This usually works.…”
“Well,” Tony said, “best-laid plans. You know the saying.”
Uncomfortable with mild swear words and dick jokes, I see. Lol
Look at this!” Thor shouted, holding Loki and forcing him to gaze out over the destruction in the city. “You think this madness will end with your rule?”
“It’s too late,” Loki said. Thor thought he was beginning to understand what he had done. “It’s too late to stop it.”
“No,” Thor said. “We can. Together.”
Loki looked him in the eye… and then betrayed Thor again, stabbing him in the side with a knife hidden in his sleeve. Thor dropped to the ground, clutching the wound. “Sentiment,” Loki said mockingly.
OH MY GOD. HE'S MOCKING HIMSELF, YOU ABSOLUTE KNUCKLEHEAD. I swear to god, this author sat down and went, "Hmm. How can I systematically erase any and all complexity this character possesses so he's as generic a villain as possible?"
On a bridge, Cap huddled behind a destroyed car with the Black Widow and Hawkeye. “Lots of civilians trapped up there,” Hawkeye said, indicating the nearby buildings. A flight of Chitauri went over, and Cap noticed something different about one of them.
“Loki,” he said. He was shooting at the civilians fleeing through the streets. “They’re fish in a barrel down there.”
It can be admittedly hard to tell because most shots of the Chitauri vehicles firing on people are from too far away to tell who's piloting... but I checked the clips from the Battle of NY and the only person Loki can definitively be seen firing at is Natasha. On another Chitauri whatever-you-call-them. Not even aiming for the street.
Thor was still watching the Chitauri zipping overhead. “I have unfinished business with Loki.”
“Yeah?” Hawkeye said. “Get in line.”
“Save it,” Steve said. “Loki’s going to keep this fight focused on us, and that’s what we need. Otherwise those things could run wild. We’ve got Stark up on top—”
Almost as if... according to plan...
Look, I have historically not bought into the full "Loki formed the Avengers so he could lose on purpose" theory because I feel that it contradicts the canon explanation that he was being influenced by the sceptre. But... you'd have to be an absolute moron to think he wasn't sabotaging himself, whether accidentally or on purpose. I suppose one could argue that just because it was amplifying his negative emotions, that doesn't necessarily mean it prevented him from working against his "allies". But if it wasn't affecting his actions at all, I don't know why they'd bother to confirm the theory as canon.
Also, like... according to this book, Loki is somehow targeting civilians and not targeting civilians at the same time ?? lmao
“Dr. Banner,” Steve said. “Now might be a really good time for you to get angry.”
Bruce was already walking toward the Leviathan. “That’s my secret, Captain,” he said over his shoulder. “I’m always angry.”
Same, tbh.
Thor reached the top of the Empire State Building and lifted Mjolnir. Storm clouds gathered and lightning struck down, hundreds of bolts reaching for Mjolnir. Thor turned the Empire State Building’s iconic spire into a lightning rod, gathering the force of the elements into it. Then he thrust Mjolnir in the direction of the portal. All the energy he had built up blazed out in a single forking bolt. It struck and destroyed every single Chitauri between the Empire State Building and the portal itself. Hundreds of them exploded and tumbled from the sky at once, including several of the Leviathans that tumbled down to smash into buildings below.
...so why didn't Thor just keep doing this for the rest of the battle? Too draining, or not exciting enough? Lol
Satisfied, Thor nodded and glanced over at the Hulk. Perhaps the scales were evened from their last fight against each other on the Helicarrier—
The Hulk shot out his left fist and smashed Thor all the way across the block-long gallery. Then it was his turn to look satisfied.
Jealous. Again.
Maybe that was just Loki, but Steve was starting to feel like the Chitauri were going to absorb every punch the Avengers could throw. They had to close that portal, or nothing was going to stop the invasion.
Well then. It sure is fortunate that Loki allowed Selvig to install a failsafe, huh?
Fury stood and listened to the World Security Council explain that they had decided to take the operation out of his hands. They were going to use a nuclear missile to destroy the Tesseract and close the portal—but at the cost of untold civilian lives. Fury protested as strongly as he could and one of the councilors cut him off. “Director Fury. The Council has made a decision.”
These crazy motherfuckers would have killed so many more people than Loki it's not even funny.
...and tbh, it probably wouldn't even have destroyed the Tesseract, so they would have killed them for literally no reason too.
The Hulk paused, confused.
“You are, all of you, beneath me!” Loki raged.
Not yet, sir, but I would very much like to be. 😏
She knelt next to him and said, “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know what you were doing.”
Selvig digested this for a moment and then said, “Actually I think I did. I built in a safety to cut the power source.”
Of note and as alluded to previously:
1) The mind control over Barton and Selvig was not absolute either; therefore, if they are not responsible for their actions over the course of this movie, Loki is not responsible for his either.
2) If The Other could hear everything Loki was up to, it's very likely that Loki could hear everything Barton and Selvig were up to as well. Meaning that, at a minimum, he knew about the failsafe and did nothing about it.
The missile had a lot of momentum built up, and Tony’s Mark 7 suit was not operating at full capacity after the amount of energy he’d expended in the battle already. It was no easy task to get the missile angled up sharply enough to clear the tallest buildings in Midtown—especially Stark Tower. That was where the missile seemed to want to go. So, Tony thought, the World Security Council is jealous of me, too.
Look, I get that he's mostly just being witty, but seriously... this dude is out here accusing Loki of being an egomaniac? Lol
He got underneath the missile and angled it upward, straining against its stabilizers, which tried to keep it on course. But slowly he forced it up, and once he got its warhead pointed at an angle, pushing it into a steeper climb got easier. A little.
Steve Rogers’s voice broke his concentration. “Stark, you know that’s a one-way trip?”
So... you're admitting you were wrong, then? 🙃
The Avengers looked up. On the roof of Stark Tower, Natasha said, “Come on, Stark.”
They saw the explosion through the portal, brilliant as a new sun. There was no way Tony could have survived that.
I was wrong about him, Steve thought. When the time came, he did make the sacrificial play.
Thanks, Steve. That's really all I wanted.
Loki had just gotten himself put back together enough to get out of the hole in the floor. Painfully he dragged himself toward the door. Never had a mortal damaged him as much as that green monster. He would be healing for a long time.
He's literally in better shape now than when he came through the portal. And the author made zero mention of his health there.
But heal he would, and then he would have his revenge. Even though the portal had collapsed and he had lost the Tesseract. Even though his Chitauri army was destroyed. Loki would show the so-called Avengers they never should have opposed him.
Raise your hand if you watched Avengers and thought Loki was thinking about revenge right after getting Hulk-smashed. Why aren't any of you raising your hands??
Seriously, there are two emotions I felt from Loki at the end of Avengers Assemble: relief and anxiety. I have no idea why Alex Irvine is so intent on turning him into a boring, one-dimensional villain, but it made this book absolutely insufferable to read.
Anyway, that's it! I hope you all found this as entertaining and cathartic as I did. Lol
↩️ Back to Part One
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A hphm character tier list please!! Bonus point if added reasoning/ explanation!
Have a great day :3
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I doubt there are any placements on this list that would truly surprise anyone, but let's go through the different rankings. I didn't name them, by the way. Those were the categories that were already offered. I could have renamed or recolored them I suppose, but I didn't wind up doing so. Let's go in ascending order.
"Avada Kedavra." Self explanatory. Three of these characters are absolutely evil and irredeemable pieces of trash. And then there's Lockhart. He's just here because he pisses me off. Granted, so does Rita Skeeter, but she doesn't ruin an entire dating quest. At least when she shows up, it's because it's a quest about her. Fenrir Greyback purposefully infects children and describes them as "delicious" so...yeah. I'd put him even lower if I could. Albus Dumbledore's placement is also not a surprise if you know me. I hate him with all of my hate. Patricia Rakepick is also here and I doubt I need to explain why.
"Send to Azkaban." They don't bother me as much as "Avada Kedavra" but I am still not a fan. The Volde-clown Boggart is personally annoying in presentation but also as a plot device. For Peeves, there is the Prank storyline of Year 5. Enough said. The Weird Sisters creep me out, Filch and Mundugus are generally annoying, I discussed Rita, and the Dementor literally calls Azkaban home. That leaves Wormtail. I don't passionately hate him but he's not exactly a good person either.
"Kinda Sus" This is where I placed all of the characters who I, for whatever reason, do not trust or otherwise find shady, the ones who give me a bad feeling. This doesn't have to be plot related either, for cases like Ethan Parkin or Madam Hooch, it might just mean that their behavior is sometimes questionable. Of course, this is also something of a joke, like putting the Red Cloak on the list. For someone like Moody, it's more obvious - everyone knows I don't trust him. Characters like Bilton and Madam Villanelle are technically on our side, but they could be spies. If a character is a known villain, but their agenda and the depth of their evil is unclear, like The Dark Witch and the White-Robed Wizard, they also go here. Jacob and MC being placed here is somewhat of a joke, but it's also somewhat meta. Jacob is like Moody, his intentions are still unclear to me. And the game keeps teasing the idea that MC may fall to the Dark Side.
"Do you even go here?" Wow, do you ever stop to notice how many characters HPHM actually has? And this tier list included all of them, even the ones I would never have thought of. I literally just used this category to place all of the characters who do not technically attend Hogwarts school, though in a few of those cases like Aurelie, it definitely came off as more amusing. Additionally, I used this ranking for all of the characters who could be considered forgettable. Either by the fandom or the game itself, such as the prefects and poor Elora Dunn. Look, if the tier list has to actually list their name in the picture so that I can remember who they are, maybe they don't need to make the list, that's all I'm saying.
"Don't care." Mostly interchangeable with "Do you even go here." Again, the cast is so huge, that I'm not going to go through every character that I placed here. These past two rankings can mostly act as a summation for the majority of the characters for whom I don't particularly like or dislike. Emily Tyler hasn't returned or been developed as an antagonist in a while, so I don't care. Trelawney giving another prophecy is boring and conflicts with canon, so I don't care. Cedric Diggory is one of the most in-your-face examples of fanservice I've ever seen, so I don't care. But again, not all of these are negative. I think the Red Cap is funny, even if his storyline is brief. I love seeing Dobby, Arthur and Molly. I always love seeing them. I could go on.
"Ok." For the characters who, when I look at them, my immediate reaction is a generally positive one. I could probably get interested in a fanwork about these guys. For many of them, there is great potential to be explored but it just hasn't happened very much. Diego would not have been this high a year ago, but he's been fleshed out. Characters like Andre, Duncan, and Tonks...whenever they're in the spotlight and get genuine development, I'm interested. It just happens so rarely. The same goes for the Weasley boys, for Badeea. Other characters go here because I personally like them, even if they aren't that relevant. People like Aberforth and Percy. But two people can wind up here despite being very different and my having completely separate feelings about both of them, like Alanza and Ben.
"Like." Everyone that I would probably write a fanwork about someday, if I could actually motivate myself to finish my current WIP. Talbott, Chiara, and Jae are genuinely interesting and compelling. They might not make my top five, but they would make my top ten. I will always love Flitwick and what HPHM has done for him, I don't even care. Keep in mind, this doesn't mean I condone everything that the character has done...Ismelda has a lot to answer for, but it doesn't mean she's not interesting. And Penny can be very interesting too, but usually only when she's put under intense stress. As heartless as it is to say. You may also be surprised to see Myrtle here, but similar to Flitwick, I just love what this game did with her. Some of these could rise or drop a ranking pretty easily too. Like in hindsight, maybe I should have switched Duncan and Myrtle. It's not a big deal either way, I guess.
"Must be protected at all costs." Self explanatory. For the most part, these are all my favorite characters in the game, and the ones who I would lay down on railroad tracks for. Another character who climbed higher over time is Skye. If it wasn't for how much people message me about her, I may not have gotten quite as invested. My love for Orion is well documented, Rowan is the reason I started playing this game, Beatrice was the breakout character of Year 6, and Tulip x Merula is my OTP for this game. I could gush about any one of these kids for six paragraphs but the bottom line is that they are my favorite characters. It is at this point that we have entered "top five" territory.
"GOD TIER ~ ALWAYS" Characters who reign supreme and are factually flawless. It's not surprising to see characters like Dennis and Fang up here because critters are, generally speaking, leagues above humans simply by default. We can also see her majesty Queen Bean ruling from the sky, guarded by her champion, the arbiter known as Erika Rath. You are entitled to your wrong opinion if you fail to see the divinity of these characters.
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rallamajoop · 4 years
The Witcher: The Games vs The Books
Coming to the fandom this late, I can only assume the relationship between the Witcher games and the original novels has been long since talked to death by others. But I'm far too fascinated by the whole glorious mess that is this canon not to want to get down some of my own thoughts about how it all fits together.
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See, on the one hand, the games (Witcher 3 especially) are arguably only too dependent on the novels to stand alone. They do a wonderful job of picking up a number of unresolved plot points the books left hanging, and a woeful job of explaining so much a player coming in cold would really like to know – Ciri's history with Geralt, Yennefer, her powers and the Wild Hunt itself just to begin with. This is an issue that only increases as the games go along: cliche as Geralt's amnesia may be, it's used to good effect to introduce the world to the player in the first game. By the third, Geralt has all his old memories back and two extra games worth of new experience, and good lord is it all alienating to the newcomer.
On the other hand, so much about the games (again, the third especially) contradicts the novels in painfully irreconcilable ways. That wouldn't necessarily bother me – adaptations are allowed to rework and reinvent, stories can and should evolve in the retelling – except, well, see point one above. So you're bound to come out of the games with a lot of unanswered questions if you haven't read the books, and just as many if you have.
Spoilers to follow, of course, for both the books and the games.
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Here's one of the big ones: just how did the world – Ciri included – discover that one of her long-presumed-dead parents was actually alive and well and now ruling the entire empire of Nilfgaard? Fucked if I know. Neither the games or the novels have any explanation. In the novels, in fact, the world at large believes Ciri is married to the emperor of Nilfgaard. Naturally, this 'Cirilla' is a fake, but the scandal were the full truth ever revealed would redefine Emhyr's reign. Yet somehow, in the games, everyone seems to know he's Ciri's father, and that whole awkward incest angle is never mentioned. Continuity has been tweaked pretty significantly, and it's left to the player to guess how. If that wasn’t bad enough, the games apparently still included a Gwent card of the fake!Cirilla (artwork above) just to ensure maximum confusion.
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Before I get too sidetracked with all that stuff that doesn’t add up though, there really is a lot to be said for what does work about how the games expand on the plot of the novels. The Wild Hunt itself is the big one. The spectral cavalcade appears several times through the novels and hunts Ciri across multiple worlds in the final book before apparently losing her trail and vanishing to make way for the 'real' big bad, never to be mentioned again. While TW3 left me pretty underwhelmed by the revelation that the spectral Wild Hunt were just a bunch of dark elves in skull armor, the books had introduced the Hunt and let us spend some time on the dark elves' world before we get the reveal that the two may be one and the same. So for all the ranting I could do about missed opportunities regarding the Wild Hunt, they're the natural candidate for the games to pick up on as their new big-bads.
To my surprise, Geralt and Yennefer's "deaths" and subsequent recovery in pseudo-Avalon also comes straight from the novels. That everyone thinks Geralt dead at the start of the first game isn't, as I'd first assumed, a convenient excuse to have him reappear with amnesia, but simply how the novels end. Why Ciri leaves them and goes world-hopping isn't clear, but "because the Wild Hunt was after her again" is as good a theory as any. So, another point to the games there.
And there's so much more. The Catriona plague has only just appeared at the end of the novels, but we know it's posed for a major outbreak – one that’s in progress by the time of the games. The second game in particular does a terrific job of taking the ambitions of the expansionist Nilfgaardian Empire and the still-relatively-new Lodge of Sorceresses and building an entirely new conflict around them – even taking two of the least developed members of the Lodge (Sabrina Glevissig and Síle de Tansarville) and expanding them into major players. Dijkstra similarly ends the novels on the run from those in power, and having already taken the same assumed name 'Sigi Reuven' he's using in the games – while the books assure us that prince Radovid will grow up to pay back his father's assassins (ie. Phillipa) and become Radovid the Stern.
The twisted fairy tale origins of the novels are something the games actually seem to have gotten better at as they went on: the 'trail of treats' to the Crones is the great example, the monster-frog-prince and the land-of-a-thousand-fables of the expansions are two more, and many more are hidden in sidequests. And I'd be remiss not to mention that in again asking Geralt to pick a side in the conflict with the Scoia'tael, the first two games not only recreate a scenario Geralt repeatedly deals with in the books, but a major theme. It's interesting too how much the broad structure of the third game feels like an homage to the books, with Geralt searching for Ciri, interspersed with sections from her POV. You can nitpick the detail of any of these examples, but the intent is unmistakable, and a lot of credit is due for it in the execution too.
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Some of the detail that's gone into translating the world of the Witcher books into the games is just insane – not just in the geography and history of the place, but right down to the names of the wine you can pick up. There's the fact the Cat potion makes Geralt see in black-and-white, or the fact the basilisk and cockatrice monsters are clearly based on the same model, but the basilisk is reptilian where as the cockatrice is more avian – which is exactly how Geralt describes the difference between them in The Lady of the Lake. There's a point where Book!Regis recounts a detailed list of all the lesser vampiric species, ending with the only two violent enough to tear apart their victims: almost all can be encountered in the games, and the last two (Fleders and Ekimma) are indeed the most animalistic. This kind of thing is everywhere.
My favourite examples tend to be those that blend into the background if you haven't read the books, but will get a grin from those who have, such as a peasant in Velen who will call out to Geralt (paraphrased from memory, alas) "Sir, sir! We be up to our ears in mamunes, imps, kobolds, hags, flying drakes... oh, and bats!" – which is a lovely little reference to a couple of conversations from Edge of the World wherein Geralt explains that most of the monsters the locals want him to take care of don't actually exist. Or all those soldiers chanting "Long live King Radovid!" – natural enough, but it takes on a whole new life if you've read the passage in Lady of the Lake where the young prince Radovid grumbles internally about having to sit and listen to the city chanting 'long live...' to every other notable figure present except him.
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Really, it would be faster to list the things the games introduced that don't come from the original source material in any obvious form, because it's a struggle to come up with very many. The villainous Crones of Crookback Bog and Master Mirror of the Hearts of Stone expansion are the biggest ones that come to mind, along with a great deal of the vampire mythology from Blood and Wine. To the witchers themselves, they’ve added mostly game mechanics: the use of bombs and blade oils, the names of most of the potions, and three new witcher schools (all with their own specialised gear). There are a number of new creatures and monsters – Godlings, noon-and-night-wraiths, botchlings, shaelmaars and so on – and though trolls are mentioned in the books, the games take credit for giving them so much character. Obviously, there are new characters, like Thaller and Roche – but not technically Iorveth, because a Scoia'tael commander of that name is mentioned in the books, if only in passing. And already, short of just listing off every new character the games introduced, I’m running out of ideas. Credit where credit’s due on that front: most of the new characters and locations they’ve created feel authentic enough that Kalkstein or Thaller would be right at home in the novels’ world.
But for all their dedication to the detail, it's hard to feel like the games have really managed to capture the spirit of the books in their storytelling: the mundanely corrupt bureaucracy that does so much to bring the world to life, or their cheerfully cynical sense of humour, or the flamboyant wonder that is book!Dandelion, or their enthusiasm for putting women in positions of power, or the bigger themes about the differences between the story that gets sung by the bards and what really happened – or so much else from the novels that came as such a surprise to me when I started getting really sucked in.
And if we’re going to talk about all the little things they got right, it’s only fair to point out there are just as many little things they got wrong, and sometimes pretty glaringly at that. "I thought you bowed to no-one" says Emhyr to Geralt – almost as if book!Geralt doesn’t happily bow in most every situation where it would be polite or diplomatic to do so. "This would never have happened if the council was still around!" says Geralt upon finding a sorcerer's lab full of human experiments – as if none of his experiences with Vilgefortz or the wizards of Rissberg ever happened, back when the council was very much still around. In TW2, he mocks the idea of a woman like Saskia leading a rebellion – almost as if women like Falka and Aelirenn haven't led some of the most storied rebellions in history (and we can't even blame the amnesia, because Geralt himself mentions Aelirenn later – oh yeah, this one annoyed me particularly).
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 Book!verse 'Lady of the Lake' is basically just Ciri being surprised while bathing
Yennefer's studious aethiesm and willingness to desecrate Freya's temple is entirely in character – but only if we forget that she had her own personal religious experience with the goddess Freya herself in Tower of the Swallow. And then there’s the fact the Lady of the Lake is now a literal lake nymph who distributes swords to the worthy, as if no-one writing for the games ever got past the title of that particular Witcher novel (let alone got the joke). And the list goes on. It's easy to get overly caught up in contradictions like this – it's hardly as if Sapkowski's novels don't contradict themselves in places, as almost any long-running series eventually will – but it's going to stick out to those who’ve read the novels nonetheless.
While we're talking about how the games pick up where the books left off though, the big contradiction that has to be touched on comes in bringing Geralt back at all, at least in any public capacity. There's plenty to suggest that Geralt survives the novels' end and even goes on to have further adventures, but it's also pretty explicit that the history books record his death in the Pogrom of Rivia as final. The last two novels by order of publication (Season of Storms and Lady of the Lake) go so far as to feature characters far in the future with an interest in Geralt's legacy, and they discuss the matter in some depth. As far as the world knows, Geralt is dead.
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  Book!Geralt fanart by Diana Novich
But it's hard to blame the games for ignoring this – true, thanks to Geralt's longevity, they could have set their conflict many more years after those future scenes – maybe even used Ciri's established time-travel powers to let you pop quietly in and out of the past (and, okay, now I've thought through all that, I'm kind of sad they didn't). But there comes a point where that kind of slavish devotion to preserving the source material really doesn't do a story any favours, and I'm not sure I could name any other successful adaptation that's bothered.
Besides bringing Geralt back at all, most of the bigger changes pertain to Ciri. In fact, as much as I'm about to get deep into the nitpicks below, you can make a surprisingly good case that the games have made only one really big change, and that's in simplifying the prophesies surrounding her. See, in the novels, all those world-saving prophesies aren't technically about Ciri, they're about her as-yet-unborn child. Who gets to impregnate her is the big driving force behind most of the villains of the books – one that all the main contenders seem to see as more of an awkward necessity rather than the inspiration for violent lust, but even so. To Emhyr, having to marry his own daughter is a bug, not a feature – but he's willing to do it to become the father of the savior of the world. But if Ciri is capable of fulfilling those prophesies herself, then Emhyr is already the father of the savoir of the world, and the revisions to his relationship with Ciri start to make a lot more sense.
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Ciri's history with the Aen Elle elves seems to have been similarly revised – if not quite so cleanly. Avallac’h and Eredin are, naturally, both book characters – in fact, a lot of personality has been left behind in the books, since Avallac’h originally had a rather camp flair, and Eredin is less the power-hungry kingslayer you might imagine. When Geralt meets Avallac’h in the books – which happens briefly in Toussaint, for one of those "everything you're doing is going to make everything worse because prophesy" conversations – he's busy decorating a cave with fake prehistoric paintings in the hope of confusing future explorers. (Surprisingly, there does seem to be official art of this moment on one of the gwent cards – see above – though the Avallac’h who jokes about adding erect phalluses to the picture and admits his vanity won’t allow him to resist signing it hasn’t entirely survived the transition to the new medium).
We also meet the former Alder King, Auberon, whose death we see in flashback in the game. (Fun fact: Auberon is actually blowing bubbles through a straw in a bowl of soapy water when we first meet him in the books, hence the straw in the illustration below. The books just have more whimsy than any of the games would know what to do with.)
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Ciri spends some time in the final book as a prisoner on the world of the elves, who are as keen as everyone else for their king to father her unborn child. Avallac’h eventually convinces her that this is all for the greater good: her child will be able to open gates to allow the people of her world to escape when the apocalyptic White Frost arrives. But their king, like most older elves, is impotent, leading to multiple nights where Ciri allows him to take her to bed (in some of the frankly more disturbing scenes of the series) to no result. Eredin, moreover, doesn't appear to have intended to poison the king: the vial that kills him was supposed to contain some sort of fantasy viagra, and even Eredin seems genuinely shocked to learn its actual effects.
Regardless, Ciri eventually discovers that Avallac’h and the Aen Elle have deceived her, and intend to user her child's powers to invade her world, not save it. Neither world is threatened by the White Frost for at least several millennia, it's just a pretext to make her cooperate. And so she flees, and Eredin (already leading his Red Riders aka The Wild Hunt long before he was crowned king) pursues her.
With the books as context, why Ciri would ever trust Avallac’h is very hard to understand. It's a little easier if that whole awful episode with her and the former king is subtracted out – Ciri's child is no longer necessary for Eredin's goals. So it's odd that the game still references the deadly vial Eredin gave to the king. Are we to suppose the vial genuinely contained poison in this version of continuity? I'd rather it didn't – Avallach's ruse is far more interesting if he underwhelms Eredin's support by revealing a half-truth – but the games aren't telling us.
And then we have to factor in that one last detail I'd forgotten when I originally started playing with this theory: TW3 does contain one last, dangling reference to the time the old king spent trying to impregnate Ciri, when Ge'els very reasonably asks why on earth Ciri would ever trust Avallac’h now. It's a damn good question, and the game offers no real answers. So in Avallac’h, we're left with a character who is vital to the final chapters of the games, who comes out of nowhere without the books as context, but whose role makes no sense with that backstory in mind. Frankly, the writers would have been much better off avoiding the whole mess altogether and inventing some new character to take Avallac’h's place.
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The treatment of the White Frost is even more confusing. The books are ultimately fairly explicit about just what the White Frost is: a ice age, most likely caused by the same mundane climactic factors that produced the real ice ages of our history. The only escape is intergalactic emigration, as Ciri (or her children) might some day enable.
In the games, the White Frost has instead become some sort of nebulous, free-floating apocalypse which will eventually reach all worlds, which is basically fine – up to a point. We briefly visit a dead world that the Frost has decimated, and even the Aen Elle are now supposedly planning to invade Ciri's world because it threatens theirs as well (I mean, apparently – their motivations are so underdeveloped you could miss them by accidently skipping just one or two lines of dialogue). When the Wild Hunt appears, it's always in a haze of cold. Their mages can invoke its power still more dramatically through portals which can freeze you in your tracks. So obviously, the Frost has already reached their world, and time is running out, right?
Well, no – you visit their world too (again, briefly – to meet a character who has never been mentioned before and won't be again, for reasons which have also never been mentioned before if you haven't read the books) – and there's no Frost in sight, apocalyptic or otherwise.
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So why does the White Frost follow the Hunt around? No idea. It's never explained.
At the very end of the game, a second "Conjunction of the Spheres" occurs (possibly because of the Wild Hunt's appearance?), and the Frost begins to invade (or possibly Avallac’h summons it, so Ciri can go into it and destroy it?) It's all painfully unclear. The game is too busy pulling a bait-and-switch over whether Avallac’h's betrayed you to tell you what's actually going on instead.
But if Ciri could destroy the Frost completely (at great personal risk, but still) why is this not more clearly set up? Why did the Aen Elle think that escaping to another world (which will ALSO eventually be destroyed by the Frost) was a better solution than sending Ciri to face the Frost directly? For which matter, why do the Aen Elle need Ciri at all if sending enough ships to carry an army is no problem? Why does Ciri spend so much of the game questioning Avallac’h's true intentions, if they were ultimately so noble? When did he tell her the truth? If Avallac’h did summon the Frost, why did he pick that particular moment? And if he didn't, and it all just happened spontaneously, we're back to questioning why invading that world ever seemed like a good solution to Eredin – it all collapses in on itself.
None of these questions couldn't have been answered with a little creativity, but then the game would've had to dedicate some real time to explaining its backstory and developing its core conflict – something it's bizarrely reluctant to do. And if you think I may be drifting from the point a bit in the name of getting all my gripes about the ending down in one place, you're not wrong, but I feel Avallac’h and everything surrounding him is pretty much the ur-example of what doesn't work about the way The Witcher 3 depends on the novels: the backstory the writers are building on doesn't actually exist in any format available to the rest of us.
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There are plenty of ways TW3 could have incorporated its backstory into its own narrative (yes, even excluding the method "by expecting people to read many many more pages of text from in-game documents", because that's bullshit and always will be). There are times it does this brilliantly, such as in the quest ‘The Last Wish’: everything you really need to know is covered in Yennefer and Geralt's conversation in the boat, and without ever making the dialogue sound unnatural. In fact, TW3 has even more options here than many works with the same problem, because Geralt is famous and people already think they know his story. You could have bards singing Dandelion's ballads, you could have characters confronting him with misunderstandings about his past to force him to correct them. You could also have Geralt visiting people and places he knows Ciri remembers fondly because of the time they spent there together, or include playable flashbacks similar to the time you spend playing as Ciri. You could stick chunks of backstory in optional sidequests or scenes old-school fans can skip through quickly. So many of my questions (how did Ciri get so close to Yennefer if they were never at Kaer Morhen together? Why has no-one tried training Ciri in her powers before? What does the Wild Hunt even do while it's not hunting Ciri? Why is Ciri princess of Cintra if her father is Emperor of another country altogether?) could have been answered so easily.
Seriously, summarising the Witcher books is not that hard. Lots of things happen, but only a fraction of it is really relevant in retrospect, and you could hit all the major plot beats in a handful of paragraphs. (Heck, I’d do it here if this post wasn’t already ridiculously over long.)
But then, TW3 has a bizarre problem with leaving so much of its best material off screen, even from its own story. It's criminal that we never get to see any of Geralt's time (or Yennefer's) with the Wild Hunt, even in flashback or dream sequence. This is material that directly sets up the relationship between the main hero and the main villain, and the most we ever hear about it is a few vague allusions to it being like a strange nightmare. Really? That's it? What was it like? Was Geralt in a trance, unable to control his own actions – was he brainwashed into believing he belonged there, or was he merely unable to escape? What atrocities might Eredin have forced him to commit? Did he visit other worlds? Was he paraded among the Aen Elle as a captive? There is no way this isn’t a part of the story worth talking about!
We never see the moment Ciri rescues Geralt from the Wild Hunt. We never see how Avallac’h convinces her to trust him, we never see the moment he was cursed, or any of her efforts to save him – all these big, story-defining moments are left off-screen, to be vaguely recounted to you later in dialogue. Then there's the entire political situation in Nilfgaard – you hear about it second-hand, and it's all resolved off screen. And the list goes on. Yet you and Ciri still have time to run around Novigrad so she can thank a bunch of throwaway characters you've never even heard of before, nor will again. The priorities on display here are baffling.
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The Witcher 3 was such a wildly successful game that it’s obvious these sorts of issues didn’t seriously hold it back, and it’s such a big game that I could have sat down and written just as many words focusing only on the parts that do work without much difficulty. It boasts stunning visuals, addictive gameplay and some truly wonderful characters, and so many parts of the story work brilliantly in isolation that it’s strange to come out of it feeling that it ultimately adds up to so much less than the sum of its parts.
I’m glad TW3 exists – if it hadn’t been such a runaway success I doubt I’d ever have discovered Sapkowski’s universe at all, but for myself, TW3 will probably always be remembered as a somewhat-overlong introduction to the really good stuff, in the expansions and the original novels it came from. I looked up the novels after finishing TW3 in large part because I’d been left with so many unanswered questions – and I’m glad I did, but I’m honestly surprised more people weren’t turned off by TW3′s scattershot approach to its own narrative. You’re allowed to change and rework in moving to a new medium, but I can’t imagine it would’ve hurt games’ success to tell a complete story in the process.
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awkwardemons · 3 years
(this is all based on rp!) Okay, before I get into this I want to say I love Phil, both the character and the content creator! And in this, I am talking not about the meta reasoning for things, but the in-world reasoning for things. That being said the whole “Wilbur was lying in the letters and so Phil did not know that anything was wrong until the letters stopped” just does not make sense based on what has been previously shown.
Now I didn’t see the full stream where Phil talked about the letters, but from what I gathered here are the main points
- Tubbo became the president during the elections, being given the presidency after Wilbur won
- Wilbur left L’Manberg of his own choice
- Phil does not know Schlatt other than him being dead
- Was not aware of Wlbur’s mental state
- Was not aware of the button room
- Was not aware of Willbur’s plan to blow up L’Manberg
So that’s all well and good. However, here is a line by line analysis of the Button Room scene that now makes absolutely zero sense with this hot new spin on it. Now, you could argue that anything Phil said before he logs onto the server is not canon. I disagree, but I understand. I would argue that because he joins the server because of what happens right before, and what he hears, that it is canon. I will be starting slightly before he physically joins, so bear with me
Tubbo: I’m gonna be honest, I really don’t know what a president does! [everyone, including Phil, laughs]
Wilbur: I’ll be back, I’ll be back.
Phil: Wait, where’s Will going?
Wilbur, who cannot hear Phil: Chekhov's Gun. Chekhov's Gun.
Phil: Is he done? Is he done streaming?
Wilbur: I’ll be honest with you, chat. I’ve been wondering this whole time if it still works.
Now, this is important. Wilbur does not say any specifics. He says “it’. This sentence is extremely vague. Anyone who did not know exactly what he was talking about would have no clue.
Phil: [music cuts out] Oh no....
This reaction doesn’t make any sense unless Phil knows what Wilbur is planning. Theoretically, he should not be concerned by this.
Wilbur: I’ve been thinking to myself would- would it- does it still- Because I fixed it up for today, but [Phil: Mate...] as you know before someone- someone- Last time i pressed it someone had removed the redstone.
Alright, so, now all Phil should know is there is some button that is/was connected to redstone. That could mean so many different things.
Wilbur: There's um... I always- Whenever I’m here I’m reminded of the song that I’ve scribbled on the walls. Then, you know.. That there was a special place, there was. Was a special place where men could go and emancipate, you know? And there was definitely that special did exist once, it did, it did. But even with- I- Even with Tubbo in charge, I don’t think it can exist again.
Once again a reference to Tubbo just now becoming the president.
Phil: [Phil has deafened] Oh this motherfucker. This motherfucker. He’s gonna do it... Is he gonna fuckin do it? [Phil goes to join the server]
Is he gonna do what, Phil? How are you aware of what WIlbur was planning, but promised not to do? Because there should be no way he knows what’s happening based on what he heard.
Alright and this also marks the spot where it can’t be argued that the things said aren’t technically canon.
Wilbur: [we hear the end of his sentence after Phil undeafens] It’s over.
Phil: What are you doing.
Wilbur: Phil?
Phil: What are you doing.
Wilbur: Phil, where are you?
Phil: I’m joining the server right now.
WIlbur: Wait, you’re- How?? You- This is-
Phil: I’m hacking in.
Wilbur: [while laughing] What do you mean you’re hacking in? What??
Phil: I’m getting in, dude.
Wilbur: Do you want- Do i need to go get you from spawn? What? Is it...
Phil: It’s taking a while to load...
Wilbur: [seemingly remembering Phil’s original question and stuttering through his answer] I’m not- I wasn’t doing anything. We just- We just made Tubbo president. We- We um- We (led to?) Tubbo president and we won! We won the war. Schaltt’s gone. Schlatt’s gone, Phil, so it’s uh
Now there’s a lot to unpack here. The highlights are “We just made Tubbo president” which should not line up with what Phil believes is true, “We won the war” and “Schlatt’s gone”. Both of the last quotes, Wilbur is addressing Phil as if he knows the situation. As if he knew they were going to have a war with Schlatt. Phil, apparently, does not know who Schlatt is, nor would he have any reason to think there would be another war. But Wilbur certainly seems to be under the impression that Phil knows what’s going on. And, Phil himself appears to be completely in the loop.
Phil: [disbelieving, and overlapping Wilbur still stuttering] Uh huh. Uh huh. So [Wilbur: It’s good.] You are where exactly now?
Bit of an odd question with an odd tone of voice for someone who does not know what’s happening.
Wilbur: [unconvincingly] In... L’Manberg.... There’s so- The area- You wouldn’t know, I don’t think you’ve been here, but it’s the area around L’Manberg. It’s complicated. It’s geo- geography and that, you know it’s- it’s- it’s geography and stuff and- [Phil joins the server in the hallway leading up to the button room]
Okay, but WIlbur isn’t wrong. Philza should have absolutely no idea where to find Wilbur. The entrance was just on the side of a mountain, if I remember correctly. Phil should have no idea where he is. And yet he’s able to find him very quickly. Now, I know this was for dramatic effect. I know that. However, again I am looking at the in-canon consequences and explanation for things. Most of the server members didn’t even know where the button room was. So, How does Phil know?
WIlbur: Phil?
Phil: Mmhm.
Wilbur: Uh....
Phil: Yeah... “In L’Manberg” you said.
Wilbur: The- This is L’Man- The-... Okay. I will admit... Do you know what this button is?
Phil: [without hesitation:] Uh huh. I do.
There. Without a shadow of a doubt. Phil knows what the button is. How would he know that? This absolutely does not line up with what he’s saying now. And it’s a logical next step to assume that if he knows what the button is, he knows that WIlbur made it. And if he knew that WIlbur made it, he is at least decently aware of WIlbur’s mental state.
Wilbur: Have you heard the- the song on the walls? Before? Have you heard the song? I was just saying- I made this big point, and it was poignant, and it was that there was a special place where men can go- But it’s not there anymore, it’s not.
Phil: It is there. You’ve j- just won it back, Will.
Once again showing that he was aware of the Schlatt situation. That Wilbur had to win L’Manberg back, that he didn’t just leave to start over.
WIlbur: Phil, I’m always so close to pressing this button, Phil. I have been- have been here like seven or eight times I have been here. Seven or eight times. [Phil sighs] Oh they’re gonna come and- I need to block this off. I don’t want them in here. [Phil laughs. We begin to hear fireworks.] I don’t want them in here. Phil, I- I have been here so many times... They’re fighting. They’re fighting!
Phil: And you want to just blow it all up?
Make note this is the first anyone has said about blowing anything up. I know I’m repeating myself, but this just further shows that Phil knows exactly what the button does and what Wilbur’s intentions are.
Wilbur: [sighing] I do... I think- I-
Phil: You fought so hard to get this- this land back. So hard.
Once again referencing conflict he should not know about.
Wilbur: I don’t even- I don’t even know if it works anymore, Phil. I don’t even know if the button works. I could- I could press it, and it might...
Phil: Do you really want to take that risk? [he laughs] There is a lot of TNT potentially connected to that button.
How does he know that? (Also this is technically the first mention of specifically TNT)
Wilbur: Phil. There was a saying, Phil- I’m gonna turn down these bloody fireworks- Phil... [Phil laughs] There- There was a saying, Phil, by a traitor. Uh once part of L’Manberg. A traitor, I don’t know if you’ve heard of Eret?
Phil: Yeah.
Wilbur: He had a saying, Phil. “It was never meant to be.” [Wilbur presses the button]
Phil: Oh my god... You didn’t. [L’Manberg blows up.] Ohhhh my god... [Phil looks at the destruction] Will! It’s all gone! [Phil laughs]
Wilbur: My L’manberg, Phil! My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished! If I can’t have this, no one can, Phil!
Phil: Oh my god.
I could go on to explain how the next moments show inconsistency with Phil’s character and Doomsday, but hey. So yeah in conclusion, the story just does not line up, it doesn’t make sense with what we’ve seen. This entire scene does not make sense with this new angle. Everything from the tone, the characters actions and reactions, and just fully the scene itself would need to be completely different. Also, Just throwing it out there: If all Philza knew about the situation was:
- Wibur stopped writing
- Tubbo is president
- Wilbur just blew up his nation that isn’t even his anymore
- Wilbur wants me to kill him for what he’s done, but I don’t have very crucial information
to understand the situation
Then him murdering Wilbur is so much worse. Then, it only takes 30 seconds of convincing for Phil to blindly kill his son. It just doesn’t make any sense
If you want the letters to make sense, I think it would fit that Wilbur stopped writing the day of the Manberg festival. Then, Phil could have gotten letters from Wilbur, already spiraling further, detailing the button, the button room, where it is, his intentions, and his mental state. But, hey!
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cantfoolajoker · 4 years
You mentioned that Shinjiro's heavily implied to be apart of strega’s experiment and was wondering if you can elaborate more on that? It sounds really interesting
so pretty much this builds upon using evidence across different medias, namely the manga and spin off side novels, as well as taking things from the basic game.
(undercut bc this hit ~1.2k words oops)
first part is understanding what an artificial persona user is, which is what takaya, jin, and chidori all are -- artificial persona users are people who, through other means, were forced to awaken their personas. this concept exists in p2 and p3 (with special mention to sho who is technically one but had a different manifestation of the issue entirely), but p3 is what i am going to be focusing on since the info about them comes out of strega and mitsuru’s mouths in particular. 
according to strega in game and mitsuru’s explanation of the experiments, artificial persona users were forced to awaken their personas unnaturally which disrupts the balance between user and persona. remembering that personas and shadows are fundamentally the same thing in the world’s rules, this means rather than having a tamed persona under control, artificial users have essentially out of control shadows that just happen to take the forms of personas. the persona of an artificial user, because it is untamed, will attempt to usurper control from the user and murder them in the process in order to possess them, which mitsuru says will cause the user to become entirely in body a shadow -- this is why most of the people from strega’s experiment are dead.
so, with that out of the way, lets examine the times this happens in actual game. we see it happen with chidori, who we know this is natural to have happen because she is an artificial user and she was apart of those experiments. there is, however, a second person who also has this occur to them: shinjiro with castor! he even explains it to akihiko in the same terms during their conversation that castor wants to kill him and this is why shinjiro takes persona suppressants.  “but shinjiro has an evoker!” so does all of strega! using an evoker essentially channels the persona in a healthy manner and allows for a controlled appearance of them, which is why strega uses them except for the final fight where takaya will hold his head and forcefully summon his without an aid, which we know is possible for the p3 cast as a whole due to how the dark hour works in relation to real life (which is explained/stated in p4 arena). this would explain why shinjiro has an evoker and why castor is under control during these segments, since it also applies to other members of strega too.
getting onto smaller details, there is very heavy bias that at least chidori and jin, and even ikutsuki, consider shinjiro apart of strega as a group rather than sees. chidori is shown to trust shinjiro and jin asserts to akihiko in the manga during the moonlight bridge fight that akihiko “will never know shinjiro like we do”, which is a taunt to infuriate akihiko after shinjiro’s death. this is, at first glance, a very weird taunt to say if you only consider the meetings every time you see in the game and subsequent retold media. there isn’t really a way to interpret this other than strega knows what its like to have an artificial persona, which adds to this that shinjiro must be considered one too. this could also be interpreted further as the bond of trauma because of the experiments, since jin is telling akihiko that his relationship with shinjiro and shinjiro’s relationship with strega is not the same and strega must be closer to shinjiro due to some undisclosed reason. there isn’t much further comment on this in the fight because again, it’s a taunt and it does its job since akihiko is pissed off at jin for saying this and attempts to punch him without further comment.
on top of that, you ever notice how ikutsuki.... doesn’t really care about shinjiro at all? for being one of the founding members of sees, even when shinjiro comes back ikutsuki doesn’t care and focuses on akihiko and mitsuru. this is only added on when considering shinjiro goes to strega for persona suppressors -- suppressors which ikutsuki hand makes and engineered to be deadly to the people who needed to take them. there is an argument to be had the reason why ikutsuki doesn’t care about shinjiro is because he knew he was dead from the beginning for needing to take the suppressors. it’s also why ikutsuki knowingly lets all of strega do whatever they want -- they’re all going to die in the end because of ikutsuki’s suppressors, which again, were hand made by him and very likely were specifically made with the death of the people taking them in mind, especially considering that the death of sees was a command built into aigis ikutsuki had control over.
back to strega though, there is actually a spin off novel about strega! it’s called shadow cry, which features strega and a book specific character named izumi. izumi is also an artificial persona user who was deemed dead by kirijo group’s books because he went mia. funny enough, there’s actually a cameo from another well known persona character in this book despite it being focused on strega. who is that character? none other than shinjiro aragaki, who shows up and saves jin’s life when he’s suddenly attacked by a shadow and refuses to tell jin why he saved him. so this book about artificial persona users has shinjiro appear, who is heavily connected to strega already, and who demonstrates all the above mentioned traits of an artificial persona user, and he refuses to answer for why he let jin live when he very well could have let jin die and no one would have known he did this? you could argue on one hand that its shinjiro being an incredibly kind person -- which, as canon shows, he is -- but why did it have to be shinjiro who saved him? couldn’t it have been anyone from sees? none of them would’ve let jin die either. why is it so important its shinjiro who saved jin? why is it important that a spin off book had to make this connection clear?
i propose it’s important because shinjiro was also in the experiments, like izumi. izumi proves the number count of living people from the experiments was wrong, so who is to say shinjiro is not also an artificial persona user and was apart of those exact same experiments? it would slot in perfectly and explain a lot of his character and how he functions, especially with why he relies so heavily on strega and doesn’t have the heart to turn his back on them. there is also the added bonus of realizing that within the trio dynamics, strega is comparable to ikutsuki, mitsuru, and akihiko (akihiko and jin are even both the only noted left handed characters in p3 to boot!), and this leaves a shinjiro sized hole in both groups to complete them.... by none other than shinjiro himself in both cases.
obviously, because shinjiro never outright says anything about any of this, you can take it with a grain of salt, but shinjiro as a character is fair to acknowledge he wasn’t meant to be given serious attention due to his status as a fridge character for ken and akihiko’s development. this is what makes it all the more weird that there is such specific detail in this whole dynamic he has with strega and the concept of artificial persona users that fits him in perfectly.
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