#like they're SO soulmates but I just can't see it as romantic for some reason
hum--hallelujah · 9 months
something something Jet Star not experiencing romantic or sexual attraction and having this immense worry about that fact with regards to the idea of not being able to love someone the way they might want him to something something Dr. Benzedrine not really feeling affection for people easily/sometimes at all or it takes a long time to get to that point and having this huge fear that he can't be a good friend because he doesn't experience those feelings the same way they do
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astrologylunadream · 17 days
Do They Have Romantic Feelings for You? 🫧🌸💋 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream!💕 Here is a lovely reading on the person on your mind and if they have romantic feelings towards you!🥰 hope you find your message🎀 It's been a while since I've posted a reading! I've been taking care of my personal life, and working on readings as I can. Thank you all for your patience and love~💗
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~💌🫧
Pile 1🩷
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Pile 2🍒
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Pile 3🌸
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Pile 4🍓
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💕
Pile 1🩷
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Sign energy: Flame, Love at first sight, Late, First love, Teeth, 9th house, Earth, Sun, 12th house, Aquarius,💬🦀🤙💡
🫧Your person's energy: Okay so first this person could be in a no contact situation for some of you, no surprise this is someone that most of you have romantic feelings towards!🥰💗 They are very bright and it's like they can light up the entire world around them. Can we talk about this person's smile?🤭 It's just so attractive and beautiful. Twin flame/soulmate energy up in here!!!❤️‍🔥 There is a lot of curiousity about your person, you are fascinated in them and this could be because they are different than you in some way.👀 Your person could be from a different background/culture or have some unique strange quality that makes them stand out to you✨️ This is already so cute omg pile 1 you're so curious about this person~ So there is Sagittarius, Leo, Pisces and Aquarius energy for your person. Earth energy oh also there is some Cancer symbolism with the crab emoji so that may resonate for some of you.😘 For some of my pile 1's they could be born in a late phase of their sun sign, so like instead of being a leo in july they could be a late leo in august kind of thing so just apply that to their sun sign!☀️ Yeah so for A LOT of my pile 1's this is a twin flame or soulmate connection, it feels so fated omg😩🩷 This could be your first love for some of you, or a love at first sight kind of happened with this person. I just feel there is a lot of love for your person, it's really sweet you guys💗 Now some of your person's traits, they have special qualities about them. They're intelligent and have great ideas💭 They are also creative and communicate in a strange yet captivating way. It may be hard to understand them sometimes. Specific message for some in this pile you may have met them online, studying abroad or during travel and fell so hard😂😭 This person is so unique to you aha you see them as something special⭐️
💗Do they have romantic feelings for you: Roots, Winter, Chiron, Build, Head, Fire, Aries, 11th house, Leo, Neptune,🖤🤞🚷😮‍💨 Wow okay there is a surprisingly intense energy I'm getting. This is more of a deep physical attraction they have for you, also a lot of erotic desire. You could be in this persons mind, I mean deep in it😳 I feel like they may have a damaged ego or some sort of self doubt about their feelings for you guys, maybe they want to make wrong assumptions about you in their head for whatever reason? At the bottom of this is a lot of heavy passion for you, but I think they're trying to convince themselves otherwise.😕 Yeah they might be trying to turn themselves against you in their mind, or not letting themselves desire you because it brings out a more dark aggressive side to them.💢❤️‍🔥 Yeah you definitely set them on fire, their mind gets heated with you😭 I'm surprised by the physical tension on this one, I feel like your person is having a huge inner conflict about you. They may want you gone only because they can't handle themselves fantasizing about taking you over every night😭🔞 I won't go into detail but this person is fighting their demons about you LOL pile 1 your person is hooked🪝 Winter may be a significant time for their feelings. Yeah I think this person is loosing it about you, but they're just like telling themselves not to give in to their intense passion you bring out of them.🤯❤️‍🔥 Like they know you unleash a monster out of them and they're just like "god no please no" lol I'm hearing The Office.😂 They are unconsciously fantastizing a lot, some hot scenarios with you. They wanna believe you're bad for them, because you have such a magnetic pull on them my pile 1's!🤭 You are stuck in this person's mind, they're burning with passion yet trying to deny it. They get so fired up about you that it burns them out easily. They may feel you drain their energy, because you're so captivating to them. But they are like a moth to your flame I'm hearing🔥 Dangerous attraction vibes~✨️ Pile 1 you are deeply desired they can't even fight themselves!!😍
💌Messages from your person: This is consuming, Nothing is stopping you, I see us together, Don't tell me, You've been busy, You're the one that I want, Tell me, You're my addiction (Yess so much intense attraction for my pile 1's😭❤️‍🔥) Extra cards: Achievement, Together, Seen, Want, Art, 8th house, Gemini, Leo, Aries, Uranus (They want you, they want you guys to be seen together and not hide your connection you are like a work of art to them😭 hot energy)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🎀
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the pink heart emoji~🩷 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🤗💋💞
Pile 2🍒
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Sign energy: Past life, Nice, Question, Unhealthy, Anonymous, Libra, Eros, Aquarius, Juno, North node,🩱🐦‍🔥😁🕵️‍♀️
🫧Your person's energy: Wow okay so this is someone physically appealing to you guys, some of you find them really hot I'm getting😂 This person has a nice figure, there is a feminine touch to their appearance especially something about their lower body. They have a nice smile, actually it's really hot😳❤️‍🔥 Signs coming through are Libra and Aquarius so mostly air energy, I am getting a venus vibe from your person also venus-uranus aspects are possible.🩷 Oh okay so some of you may be viewing this person's social media often, many of my pile 2's are spending way too much time on the internet📱💔 Please take breaks from too much time online my lovely pile 2's you will feel much better I promise!✨️ Some of you could be frequenting your person's profile or photos online to an extent that may not be healthy, this could be you or them take what resonates. This may be someone you're interacting with inderectly or behind a screen, it's also possible that you aren't revealing your idenity to this person.👤🔍 Now that could be the other way around for some of you in this pile, they could be the one stalking you from online or looking at your photos it may even be both if that resonates!🫢 This person speaks very well and charms others easily with their uniqueness. They make you very curious and you want to know more about them, some of you may view this person as marriage material💍💕 You may want to commit to them in the future, oh and it is very likely that this is someone you knew from a past life! Your person is intelligent and charming, and that alone ignites sudden passion from within you🔥❤️‍🔥 It may feel like the tempature rises when you see them.🌡 Like all they would have to do is sit still and look pretty and just that makes you want to grab them and kiss them!!!😩💋 They can really turn you on tbh😳 And you wonder if they feel that way about you! Their figure is really special and attractive to you 🍑😉😉😉 They probably dress really well, they're so appealing and attractive!💗
💗Do they have romantic feelings: Eternity, Uniqueness, Guardian, Song, High, Uranus, 4th house, Chiron, North node, Taurus,💣🎤⚓️🕹 So they see you as someone special!🥰 This is really looking like yes honestly, I mean you are just so unique and unlike any other to this person.😩💖 You make them feel safe and healed, they feel a very comforting type of love from my pile 2's. They may love to listen to songs you like or share similar interests in music!🎶 There may be a song that will feel special to only you two in the future, could be a song that plays at your wedding😂🙈💓 Whatever the case there will be a song that is special to you and them, maybe they will listen to your favorite song and it will become their favorite.🥺 Aw another thing, your voice is really attractive to them. You are like a guardian to your person, they feel safe and protected by you. You are like the anchor that keeps your person from drifting far into the ocean, I also think they love your playful side🩷 I'm hearing "You're the bomb!" Lol maybe they find you very entertaining and fun.🥰 There is a lot of venus energy in this reading so there is many romantic feelings from your person. You feel like home to them, and it would be hard for this person to ever let you go.😭💔 You give them comfort and a sense of belonging, they see you as a knight in shining armor (regardless of gender) and feel saved by you. It's really sweet you guys this person has such pure love for you. They feel like you guys have a future together, and by future they mean possibly eternity.💗🥺 Haha they really care about you a lot and are so fascinated by you. Just know this person thinks you are so special and unique!⭐️ You are such an individual to your person, they admire the way you stand out and love this about you😭 I'm hearing "let you steer the boat" maybe they feel safe and would entrust you to take control of any situation involving you both. I'm also hearing "high hopes" so they feel very hopeful and confident in your abilities that is so sweet omg they think highly of you😢💕
💌Messages from your person: I have dark thoughts about you, What is love? Forget it, You're my angel, I would reject anyone for you, Is it too late now? Only god knows, I would write you a love song. (So cute🥰 Pile 2 you are their angel!) Extra cards: Conflict, Spring, Cafe, Myth, Words, Fire, Aquarius, Moon, 6th house, 3rd house (There may be a blockage in communication or being able to contact this person for some of you, or it was a hurtful conversation between you for some of my pile 2's but whatever the case your person wishes to communicate with you and be able to understand and connect with you better💗🫂)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🎀
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the cherry emoji~🍒 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🤗💋💞
Pile 3🌸
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Sign energy: Flower, Do or die, More, Note, Mine, Juno, Earth, Leo, South node, 5th house,🕳🙅‍♂️🤙🦀
🫧Your person's energy: Haha so the first thing I noticed is that Flower came out and this pile has flowers on it's imagery I think that's very interesting.☺️ There is Leo energy as well as earth energy for this pile's person! Picking up on 5th house placements from your person, also there is cancer symbolism aswell. Another thing is they could have earth over their 6th house for some of my pile 3's. they have a glowing presence about them🌟🤭 Their gaze just came to mind, maybe their eyes draw you in like a black hole lol🕳🖤 They are very attractive and noticable, people from their past keep coming back for more I'm hearing. To you guys, I'm getting you think of them as YOUR person like only yours.😳 Like they belong to you, because you wanna claim this person.💍😱 I am getting a vibe this is a look don't touch kind of person, like they know people staring at them and they're just like no touching.😎🖐🚫 They don't like people to get too close to them for some of you, but this is because they are actually very delicate🥺💞 That could be from something they've been through or going through. This could be someone you lost contact with for some of you and the connection may have ended but you persist!✊️ Your person is specifically very talented in their hobbies, and are usually open to the type of feedback that helps them grow😇 Okay for a few of you this person doesn't wanna talk to you take whatever resonates for my pile 3's! You may have tried to call them or contact them in some way, you could be someone from their past aswell. This person is very caring and protective over the people they love, also they're very cool😉✨️ Lol they have a nice vibe. This could be someone you had crush on for a while but you thought you were over it or things just blossomed very quickly between you two. Your person is creative and really good at whatever they do😂💗 They take care of their appearance, oh you know what I just realized the liking system on tumblr is notes so you could be noting certain posts revolving this person a lot whether it be actual posts of them or just many readings about them omg pile 3 that's so cute🥰!!!
💗Do they have romantic feelings: Dragon, Butterfly, June, My everything, Despair, Saturn, Fire, Libra, Virgo, Vertex,🍀🛗😌👊 Wow interesting so there is or was a big change in this persons feelings, like a transformation.🤯 June came out and the time I'm doing this reading it's going to be june soon so that is a significant sign of their feelings in the month of june!!!🙊💞 Maybe this person's feelings have changed or developed in some way that they're trying to resist or repress. They could be making a decision about you in june or the next month. Wow okay this is a huge message but A FEW of my pile 3's may end up in a relationship with this person in june, if not then romance will be in the air for the two of you!😩🙏 Your person thinks of you a lot and you are the world to them.🌏💗😭 Wait wait it's the year the dragon which is a sign of this year, guys something is going to happen this june for this person. They could be going through a change or transformation in their inner feelings and thinking🤯 This is a very lucky year and the energy proves it.🤭💞 Your person could be restricting their feelings towards you in some way, perhaps they're an overthinker when it comes to you💬🫣 They could have a lot of ups and downs about you, sometimes they feel hopeful and fateful and other times they feel hopeless and unmotivated.😞💔 But seriously guys, destiny is written all over this persons feelings for you!! Soon could be a time they rise up past their own doubts and insecurities about you, and there is definitely a sense of interest towards you.🩷 They need to fight their worries with confidence! This person can find you very cute, and you sit in the back of their mind a lot☺️🧠 If this person didn't feel anything towards you in the past it's becoming a shift in feelings for them. They could be making a descision about you, that could be opening up to you or accepting new feelings for you. Some of you this person may confess, or reveal their feelings and intentions.💭💕 Pile 3 this is so amazing there is so much hope from this person soon, I feel they will finally be able to rest their mind about you eventually and face whatever is effecting their connection with you.😇 They find you sweet and beautiful, also you could give them butterflies🤭💖
💌Messages from your person: For now, I wish I could stop thinking of you, I'm still the same person you loved, You don't need to take care of me, I think you're a great person, I would kill for you, You're so funny, Don't be sad (AH omg and them overthinking about you is right😫💓) Extra cards: Dominant, Surprise, Kabedon, Grey, Neptune, Scorpio, Uranus, Leo, Pisces, Virgo (Yeah they wanna take over your dreams and you're all up in their fantasies, especially dark ones😭😈)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🎀
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the pink blossom emoji~🌸 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🤗💋💞
Pile 4🍓
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Sign energy: Play, Lavender, Conflict, Liar, Found, Mars, 7th house, Earth, 11th house, 8th house,🚨🐙🚺🍄
🫧Your person's energy: Ohh okay this is someone that feels like you have a romantic drama with, I mean like you don't know if you should stay or go.👀🙊 Some of you are in contact with this person, others maybe not. Possible signs are Aries, Scorpio, Libra, and Aquarius, there is a masculine energy here. Your person is very captivating and attractive, but they have a darker side you may not have been aware of at first.👿😳 For a select few of my pile 4's I'm seeing this is someone who played you, or sabotaged your relationship somehow.💔 You might think they're a liar or they lied to you, maybe they got exposed for something too. Your person is intense and romantic but they may be in a bit of a red flag energy for some (be careful😬) Lavender may be significant, whether it's the color or scent. This person is slightly mischievous and may be susceptible to getting in trouble. You could be obsessed or in love with this person ever since you saw them, but there is a lot of tension around this person.😟🔥 I was picking up on a very masculine energy but your person has a feminine side also, which is a more grounded and attentive side of them. They can surprisingly be very detail-oriented and sweet when they aren't in a harsher energy.🥺💞 Some of my pile 4's had or having conflict with this person, could be through online or fights around friends. This person could have caused you to turn to escapism which could be spiritual practices that you escape through too like this reading.🕯 I think your person is all over the place a little, to be honest with the octopus emoji and female sign I'm going to say ONLY for some in this pile this person may be involved with multiple feminines at the same time and it's catching up with them.✋️⚠️ It is possible that certain people are just obsessed with your person and want to throw themselves onto them, but with Liar, Play, Found, Conflict, Mars, 7th house AND 8th house... I'm sorry it just sounds like a huge message😭 I JUST REALIZED the mushroom can symbolize illusions or deception😳 I'm sorry but some of my lovely pile 4's might be the ones deceived or disillusioned about this person. It feels like a really bad boy/girl energy, magnetic but very dangerous. But they're hot as hell🥵
💗Do they have romantic feelings: Rebellion, Broken, Role, Lose, My love, 11th house, Moon, Lilith, 9th house, Eros,🪤💣🖤😚 WTF😫 They feel guilty for something OML. So this person has a lot of intense emotions about you, their heart is broken or they feel like they broke yours.💔 They feel like they played the bad guy, the villain, and they lost you or are losing you because of this. They are in a really dark place about you, they feel exposed for their true nature.🔦 Like you're seeing a bad side of them. I can't believe Lose and My Love came out right next to eachother wtf... It feels like they might lose the love of their life, which is pile 4. This is so crazy. They feel trapped, perhaps behind a screen or they can't reach you.📵 If this is an ex, this person wants you back BAD. They feel like they messed up their image and destroyed the one thing they were supposed to love and care for. What is this😥😭😖 Maybe they feel like they have no part in your life or they played a bad part in it, and that really hurts them deeply. They may be running away from contact with you, or ghosted you on social media. They might not be talking to their friends either because of their feelings. This person is in love with you but they feel terrible, like everything is ruined.🌪🔥 They also feel like they lost their freedom? This person is a hell of emotions over you, I'm hearing "lost all hope". They feel desperate, they almost wish they could trap you and keep you because they're afraid you're going to wanna get away from them. They wish they could make you theirs, I'm not going to go into detail about it but they're freaking out because they're madly attracted to you on an intimate level and they wish they could tie you up and dominate you, keeping you theirs.😰🔞 They might fantasize about doing those things because they feel like they can't have you. Part of them doesn't want to look bad to you, but at the same time they feel like there's no going back and you've already discovered the worst parts of them.👿 You do turn this person on, and they want to kiss you and make everything right.☹️💋🖤 Whatever it was that put a wedge between you two, they want to heal your emotional wounds and play the saint rather than sinner. I'm hearing some of you may have dropped them or are going to, and they have intense romantic feelings towards you and want to keep holding on to you because they're so scared of losing you.😳🤝
💌Messages from your person: Look at me, I wish we could have met, I can't comprehend, You can't comprehend, You always look so sad, Don't let them bring you down, What do you think of me? Why would you want me? (Pile 4 they don't feel like you want them at all😫 They still care about you a lot.🫂 Your person is very confused about the connection right now, but they just hope you're alright🖤) Extra cards: Devotion, Inactivity, Boy, Self-sabotage, Family, Lilith, Jupiter, Eros, Aquarius, 12th house, (They feel like they weren't or aren't being devoted to you enough and it's destroying them😭 There is a lot of passion and intense emotions from them about my pile 4's)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🎀
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the strawberry emoji~🍓 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🤗💋💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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mcflymemes · 5 months
what do you mean? i've always been okay with you dating other people. for some reason, this time just feels different.
do you think you could ever see us as more than friends?
i compare anyone i ever date to you. is that weird?
did they actually think we were dating? that's a little strange.
do you get asked a lot if we're a couple?
you're my best friend. i would never want to risk our friendship.
our friendship matters more to me than anything. i don't ever want you to leave my life.
i'll admit. i've started looking at you differently... in a good way.
guess i never realized how beautiful you are.
would you consider this a date?
seeing you with them... it made me so mad. i can't explain the feeling.
i'm afraid i'll lose you. i can't risk it.
you're not just my best friend, you're my... nevermind. forget i said anything.
sooner or later you'll probably realize you've been in love with me this whole time.
i don't want to ruin our friendship. that's the main issue i have.
but what if you're the one for me?
do you believe in soulmates?
no one else compares with you.
of course i care about you. you're my best friend. you always will be.
wow. you look... absolutely breathtaking.
i know i'm not supposed to have feelings for you, but i do.
they said we'd make a cute couple, you know.
if no one asks you, and no one asks me... maybe we could go to the dance together. as friends.
i'm always going to be by your side. that's what best friends do.
i won't let anything happen to you. i promise.
you have no idea the lengths i would go through to keep you safe.
you don't treat anyone else like this. just me.
how long have you had feelings for me?
whatever happens, we can't let this get in the way of our friendship.
what's a kiss between friends?
best friends cuddle. this is normal. this doesn't have to be romantic.
i've always viewed you differently than other people.
you're so special to me, and you don't even realize it.
i've never cared about anyone like i care about you.
i just don't want them to get in the way of our friendship.
when were you going to tell me you were seeing someone? i thought i was the first person you told about that stuff.
don't you get it? they're not you.
i'm not in love with them. i have feelings for someone else, someone i can't have.
would it make things weird between us if i kissed you right now?
no, i'm not staring at your lips. what are you talking about?
my parents keep insisting that we'd make a great couple.
you've always been my first priority.
you said something earlier about the people you love.
could you ever see yourself loving me?
and what about me? do you love me?
maybe we could go on a date sometime. an actual date where i plan nice things and bring you flowers.
i've been in love with you since the day we met. there. i said it. happy now?
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punkeropercyjackson · 17 days
Batfam and Spiderfam dynamics
Jason and Miles are platonic soulmates,thanks.As a black dominicano myself,there is no reaction Jason would have to meeting the Spiderfam other then making a b-line to the lil nigga talking with his hands to someone who's not listening and asking him about what he's rambling about to genuinely listen and this applies to any timeline Jason cause the Lazarus Pit isn't gringofication juice.Miles takes an equally quick liking to him and they've got tons in common but enough differences to keep their interactions interesting and add some mutual angst(I see you in me and you see me in you but the feeling isn't exactly the same,not always but we're getting there for eachother)
Babs fucks with Miguel by hacking his Spidertech and dosen't even do any actual damage but pretends she has or is planning to to keep him on his toes.He is Screaming
Stephanie and Gwen hit it off almost as instantly as the Flowerghost Brothers did for the same reasons and Stephie calls Gwendita 'sister' first as the slang but then as a found family thing.Gwen convinced her to dye her hair like Hobie did her and Stephanie now has a split down the middle purple dye to her natural black butterfly locs and she brings her over to Batgirls hangouts so she can feel like a real girl as gender validation but also trauma healing and on first meeting Stephanie had a reverse to her and Jess' first meeting as Gwen chattered off about herself in autistic awkwardness and she responded with 'Can i adopt you?' to Gwen's touched shock and Steph's embarrasment(Gwen is still 16 and Stephanie was 18 btw)(Death may love you but i love more and i'll save you from it)(You're the Robin that flew the highest even though you flew for the shortest time)
The babygirlfication of Duke Thomas:By Hobie Brown.Duke was flustered and weak in the knees enough just from Hobie unmasking but the fact that Hobie found him equally attractive didn't help since he instantly started flirting with him.Duke powered through after getting used to it a significant instences of Spiderpunk rizz and Hobie was pleasently surprised that he actually wasn't a shy meek 'normal' boy but as chaotic as he is and that was when it went from attraction to real romantic love as they got to really know eachother and Hobie shows off Duke to his band's fans and they take care of eachother post-hero work and before it too(You're SUCH a punk........I can't fucking tell if i wanna be with you or be you or roast you/I'm Spiderman and you're Robin.We can do all three,Sunlight.This the part where you kiss me,yeah?/Obviously-Why else would i have done that 1920s toons ass shit to get you upside down?)
Dick and Peter B are iconic 'The ones who started it all and mentor the ones to keep the legacy going' solidarity but Dick's a cool hot tgirl about it and Peter B's a lame in a sexy kinda way tboy about it.Their friendship is healthy if weird and they do hero jobs together occasionally and exchange trans stories/jokes.Also:".........We seem to have the same type?" "You mean.....Redheads...?" "What?!No,black women!" "OH THANK FUCK,I KNEW THAT CREEPY RUMOR ABOUT YOU WASN'T REAL!!!"
Talia and Rio met through Jason and Miles and formed a friendship of their own.It was really nice for Talia to befriend another woc who's deep into and proud of her heritage and they do cultural bonding and hang out casually too and they're also both bi women with a past history of multiple girlfriends which is a nice surprise and they can be found drinking tea and eating tostadas together at least once a month.Talia and Uncle Aaron would've been besties too if he'd lived and her breath hitched when she met his 42 Variant and Miles G from the flashbacks to Jason's ressurection and her reconnection with him as he turned into Red Hood under her wing(It's like looking at ghosts that'll never really die)
Cass and Peni suffer from the infantalization and moefication of easian women and girls both in-universe and out of universe so they go beyond and Cass helps Peni go back to her authentic japanese roots by having a storyline with her that's a ref to her Nge inspo and this includes Earth 14512 and Prime Earth glitches fuckery and Cass briefly goes chinese cartoon incarnated which she's more than okay with.They listen to Mcr and participate in Cass' tradgoth hobbies and Peni gets her to embrace her hidden small love of cute shit and there's anatomically dehumanized child soldier bonding(Don't let them make you a rose without thorns)(Be beautiful to everyone you want to but terrifying to everyone else.You've earned both)
Kory and Jessica get black milf-y with it by increasing their hotness by 100+ with their combined energy and Kory teases her about the Spiderkids calling her 'Spidermom' as a half-joking mantle and Jessica just rolls her eyes playfully and says she's jealousy she's milf x 2 now.Kory also gives her free clothes she got from her modeling job and Jessica takes her out on motorcyle rides with her own pastel pink helmet and was confused for a Tamaranean a few times so she gaslight the media about it for funsies.Street food gyals too and get their nails and hair done together at different dimensional black salons as a quest of sorts.THEE Spiderbatfam battle duo,they are whole ass GREEK TITANS in damage level(Also jic no ion ship Peter B and Jessica,Dick was talking about 616 MJ who is black to me due to one of few mcu W's)
Maps and Margo be peppy girl geeks of color who're twinnin' on almost all their tastes,the only real difference being Maps' japanese ones vs Margo's haitian ones BUT they get to diaspora bond thanks to being inmigrant kids♡Margo has pretend drawn constellations with Maps' freckles and this my friends was the true beginning of Margomaps.Margo social media brags and posts about 'her girlfriend Maps' like the slang and Maps drags her into Gotham mystery solving and they're call themselves 'Team Birdbyte' know damn well that's a ship name.Maps once put her hairclip on Margo's hair and kissed it 'for good luck' because she was scared shitless for her on a life or death mission and Margo sweeped her up into her arms to give her a big 'ol smooch upon return and Maps had heart eyes afterwards as they went on their first 'date' i.e Sharing a bed for the first time as they talked out their love for eachother in detail over pizza and strawberry fizz(You're not my Player 2,you're my main girl)
I don't got fancy schmancy for these last two but Tim x Miles is so fucking real,,,,,,,,,Better than any yt boys only crossover ship for sure.They're just,autistic trans teenage boygirlfriends but like realistic ones not fake deep wonderbread and they're brown4black because Tim's biracial on Janet's side cause she was cherokee and Miles is an honorary Young Justice member who earned a Blue Lantern ring and they're so sweet and soft and sappy and cringe together...........Cool girl Miles and her losercore bf who loves her so fucking much and that she loves so fucking much back and she thinks SHE'S the desperate loser.And the other thing is Tiffany Fox is Batgirl here!!It only feels right considering it's Spiderverse and she hangs out the Spiderteens/Tim and Duke's age group/the older Batgirls!!She's a recurring major character i have for this in my head and is one of Miles' big crushes although not endgame since she realized she'd rather make friends for a long time first than date right then.And she grows up to have a happy healthy marriage and kids!!♡(Red Table mutual you know who you are,ADD TIFF)
Misc extras:Prime Earth has a Dairy Queen equivalent called Dairy Super,Miles and Jason have texting Tamagotchis that were upgraded by Margo at random because she wanted to see if she could and Miles' is a cat while Jason's is a bat,Gwen's mom was afro-dominican and she got her Atsv hair but in locs and Stephanie is specifically jamaican/korean and blondephobic as is Tim,Peter B's character assasination didn't happen cause the writers were so darksided for that,Jessica is trans as per her comics,Stephcass is a thing and share an apartment and basically act like a butch4femme eternally married couple(A la Bubbline in Obsidian and onward)and it's perfectly possible to make a Batfam crossover that isn't about blue eyes,incest or pedophillia shipping or spits in the name of superheroes and what they stand for in favor of propaganda,gatekeeping and writing that's so horny it circles right around to being sexless.And you just read one :)
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 months
Atsushi for the ask game.
Favorite thing about them: HIS SELFISHNESS. It's so so delicious to explore. Can you imagine a protagonist that saves others not out of simple good will, but because of egoistic self-preservation motives? It just feels counterintuitive for me lmao, and I found it quite messed up when I first watched the anime, but now it's so compelling to explore. His whole “everything I do is in order to gain the right to live” is crazy fashinating. Because lol, that's entirely nonsensical to me! There's no such thing as “gaining the right to live”; all humans, every person in the world is inherently deserving of life. All. No exception. So there's no level of “weak” or “worthless” that would make you lose that right. The fact that's it's a vision so distant and absurd from mine, idk, it just makes it very compelling to explore? “What if there was a little fucked up guy who believed the right to live had to be earned” just sounds like a very interesting premise.
Least favorite thing about them: When I first watched the anime, I think I found him low-key annoying? I just... Don't do very well with self-deprecating people and people who complain a lot in general, I usually suffer in silence and tend to (wrongly) assume others should do the same (this probably makes me sound pretty mean, I swear I try to be understanding irl). However, it doesn't bother me as much anymore, I simply think it's more of a distinctive trait of the character that makes him multilayered and unique. As of now, I can't think of anything I don't like about him if not the fact that I wish he'd rely on Dazai and others in general a little less. I know that has to do with his lack of self-worth, so maybe it makes sense,, but as of now he feels kind of stuck. I just wish we'd see him grow more on that front.
Favorite line:
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There may be better ones, but I really like the delivery of this one.
brOTP: KYOUKA AND ATSUSHI they make me go insane. Already talked about this in the Kyouka post but just to reiterate: in my headcanon Kyouka really is the only person Atsushi feels genuine, selfless affection towards. It's very sweet. They're siblings. Kyouka's happiness is really important for Atsushi. They really do have that feeling of people who got out of an abusive environment learning what normality is supposed to be like together. I also really like how they compensate for what the other lacks, be it decisiveness and coolhead for Atsushi and empathy and positivity for Kyouka. Although plenty shipping them romantically, I really like platonic sskk and atsulucy as well.
OTP: I really like sskk eheh. I think they're neat. There's a thousand and one reasons why I find them pretty great. They're objectively the only reason why I got invested in bsd as well as the only thing that has me keep up with the franchise to this day. Right now, I feel like the one thing I really appreciate about them is how you can be the worst person in the universe and still somehow be loveable to someone. I think it's sweet. I also find it very fun and enterataining to explore their various soulmatism antics. They're both very complex and multilayered characters with something deeply wrong with how their minds work that makes them very fun to analyze both by their own and in the complexity of their relationship. Their collective story arc and canon relationship progression is extremely engaging and nice to follow, too. I love dazatsu and atsulucy as well!! Both were ships I wasn't particularly invested when I read the manga for the first time, but really grew in me in the last six months or so. I really dig akuatsulucy as well!!
nOTP: Nothing?
Random headcanon: He really likes reading. There's some real meta-analysis to be made here I actually had written this is probably not the right place to talk about, but in a work that's all about literature, he's the character who reads.
Unpopular opinion: He's the hardest character to write / characterize. That's why people should probably go easier on other fans when they mischaracterize him. He's just very multifaceted and genuinely hard to get. I keep seeing people being like “Stop babyfying Atsushi he's an independent adult!!” then turn around to say “he can't be shipped with Dazai because there's too much unbalance of power :// [somewhat implying Atsushi can't make free decisions for himself]”, or “Stop making of Atsushi a soft baby who never did wrong in his life!!!” then turn around to say “Atsushi is the happy puppy of the agency who gets treats and pats from everyone ^^ ” like. At least to me, a lot of people's arguments sound self-contradictory all the time; but that doesn't mean people should stop having fun and characterize the characters as they like! Just, let's stop being mean to each other and try to be a little more accepting towards others' takes, shall we? And yes that also includes letting people find Atsushi annoying if they find him annoying (although like, I've NEVER found anyone call Atsushi annoying ever, so really, what remote fandom spaces is everyone visiting? Why are you looking for clothes (good takes) at the soup store (Tik/tok I assume?) ).
Song i associate with them: Common World Domination by Pinocchio-P, HIBANA by DECO*27, Ghost Rule by DECO*27, so on and so forth.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration: Look, there's too many beautiful illustrations, I can't chose. Here's a very good one though.
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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But also:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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hopeymchope · 10 months
The Legend of Zelda and shipping
I can't understand people who are like "I only ship Link in every game with one single character ever." What the hell... HOW?!
This seems to be most most common with people who ship Zelda/Link or "Zelink" — always wanting every Zelda to be with Link, because they're the main characters, though the phenomenon does exist with Malink and some other ships as well. And that’s not to hate on Zelink and Malink, because I love them! SPECIFIC INCARNATIONS of them, I mean.
Because there are a bare minimum of EIGHT different incarnations of Link, and you can’t tell me you think every single dude named Link has chemistry with/should have romance with every single girl named Zelda. Like EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.? I just can't with that. It's unfathomable, IMO.
I mean, OKAY, let me back that up: I get that people find it romantic to think that these are like... some kind of soulmates who always find each other through every reincarnation ala Hawkman and Hawkgirl or something, but it's not like they even display the same personality traits or share memories or something in each version of themselves. They just... act like totally different people quite regularly. Because by all accounts, they are.
Furthermore... shit - if we assume the incarnations are all descendants of one another and the same descendancy lines keep hooking up with the same partner lines, at what point do we wind up becoming dangerously incestuous with this repeated pairing? Because that shit seems INEVITABLE in such a case…?
NAH, my fam — I believe each Link and each Zelda are their own person, with their own traits. Their only unifying truth is that every person Link will ALWAYS look best in a green tunic and matching green, pointy flop-hat. (Sorry; I don't make the rules. Facts is facts.)
With that in mind, these are my sundry ships for various Links. And I apologize in advance for the fact that they're all boringly het. :P
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Skyward Sword — Zelink, absolutely. Childhood Friend Romance always gets me right in the heart. I love these two together. The casual playfulness and fondness they display. The lengths they'll go to in order to see each other/protect each other. And although Zelda loses some of her distinct personality when she learns she's a reincarnation of Hylia, she gets her groove back near the end, so it's all good.
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Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask/SC2 — Malink with a bullet. The singing farmgirl and the boy without a fairy, two people who felt alone in the world and find each other. The nicknames! "Don't be long, fairy boy." The fact that you can declare your romantic intentions for Malon while you're still a fucking KID! The Gossip Stone that tells you how much Malon pines to be saved from her daily life by a hero on a horse! It's SO GOOD.
Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass — I'm only mentioning this era because this Link is an ACTUAL CHILD. He's like, what? EIGHT? Maybe ten, if we're feeling generous? So I just want to say: Yeah... I just can't bring myself to ship this literal child with anybody. It ain't RIGHT.
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Link's Awakening — Marink. If you weren't feeling these two by the time their sunset beach conversation wrapped up, I don't know what to even say to you. This was probably my first serious ship from playing the TLoZ games. Plus this ship is a good reason why the original black-and-white Game Boy version's secret ending is actually the best version of that bonus scene.
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Twilight Princess — Ilink. Is there even any other contender worth mentioning? The writing and direction of the cut scenes makes it pretty clear that Link and Ilia are sweet on each other. You barely even meet Zelda in this game, and the only other option would probably be, well... Midna? You know - your partner imp that spends most of the game trash-talking you for her personal lulz and repeatedly slamming her body weight down HARD onto your spine? Mm, I’ll pass.
Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity/TotK — Miphlink/Miphalink, no items, FINAL DESTINATION. Their story makes my heart just ACHE. The flashback to Mipha healing him up... Mipha's diary (OMFG that diary)... the Zora armor and its descriptions... holy SHIT, fam. And even if that story DIDN'T melt me into a complete puddle, Zelda put herself out of consideration by stealing my fucking house. I don’t understand why she pulled that, but given her privileged upbringing, I doubt she understands the value/expense of home ownership. So maybe she thought this was like yoinking a french fry. :P
Haven't Played — The only major entry I haven't played yet is "Spirit Tracks" on the DS. So I can't speak to that incarnation at this point. But the two things I can say is A) The Zelda/Link relationship sure appears cute? but B) This is also the same style of Link seen in Wind Waker, so I won't be surprised if she's supposed to be a LITERAL CHILD again (and therefore not a shippable character for me).
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ghooostbaby · 10 months
i saw season 2 of the adorable little donghua 'no doubt in us' was released and i enjoyed it so much :) the first season was about an emperor and empress who dislike each other but are forced by a spell to swap bodies and as they are forced to live as the other they fall for each other ... although that season did the great crime of ending not just after they had acknowledged they really were in love and kissed and changed back - but a scene later where they're being all awkward and then in MID CONVERSATION the episode just ends and its like "come back for season 2!" !!!!!!!! come on! laziest cliff hanger of my entire life.
but anyway season 2 they do act a bit shy at first but mostly the long misunderstanding season 1 is based on is over and its so NICE to spend some time with a romantic pair AFTER the misunderstanding has been resolved and watch them grow together rather than just have the curtains close. there is So Much interesting bits to focus on in a relationship when they're actually together WHY do so many stories seem unable to try anything but keeping them apart (as they repeatedly betray each others trust to "protect" each other) to give the narrative spice. Anyway, it was really cool to see how they gradually got to know each other and trust each other more deeply, and became more comfortable being affectionate. It felt so genuine! but ESPECIALLY because in the political plot, they are able to come out victorious because they choose to trust each other and work together, even in moments where it looks doubtful, it makes their relationship stronger, the plot more interesting, and the ending more satisfying than pointless self-sacrifice and secret keeping between lovers for no reason i can tell but to bait viewers. AHEM FAIRY AND DEVIL AHEM.
anyway there's also something about ... when the series began the emperor was this quiet, rigid, studious man, and the empress was energetic, likes being outside and doing martial arts, uncomfortable and avoids official duties and navigating social niceties bc she's kind of clumbsy. they both kind of don't get each other, thinks the other despises their way of being and so is defensive against them for that... after their body swap is over they have an appreciation for the other it's like they can become more themselves and more confident in who they are because they are loved. there's this part where the empress bursts onto the scene (pregnant) in armour and the emperor (who can barely hold a sword) is just having a major "😍!! that's my WIFE" moment. and he doesnt want to try to subdue her anymore. i mean the empress also appreciates his political cunning and intelligence blah blah, i think it's obvious who I'm here for haha.
there's some iiiiinteresting very softly gendery sexuality playfulness i think too. first of all the emperor becoming so sweet and silly after the body swap and empress becoming so fierce and grumpy ... i was like, oh. and then there's a whole part where the empress-as-emperor goes to meet with a tatar queen and they go horseback riding, heavy drinking, sparring (all the things the real emperor can't do) and they GREATLY enjoy each others company. then later when the tatar queen comes and realizes the emperor is different she finds out the secret of the body swap, and is just like cool, so the empress is actually my soulmate (implied) then she and the empress spend every day together and seem to be very close. and i just think that's neat! (can the empress have a harem? well actually she kind of ends up with one :P)
also the emperor's brother is typical frivolous, chatty, pleasure-house-going, expert fan wielder, who has a very flirty relationship with the extremely sexy and mysterious imperial astrologer purple man who has robes where the sleeves looks kind of like feathery wings in certain angles?? very good!
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tinyjellyfishy · 1 year
I know people are going "KISS HER!!! WHY DIDN'T THEY KISS!!!" about that imodna conversation, and I would have been extremely happy if they did! But I'm a little saddened because calling for that feels like it misses the explicit and incredibly queer message given by their relationship because it's looking for what's been defined in expectation to be love. It misses the power that exists in undefinition.
"It transcends words, our relationship."
"You are my strong foundation." "You're my tether."
"i love you so much." "i love you more than anything." They say this while they're hugging. They punctuate this incredibly heartfelt and world-defining love by holding onto each other tight like they'll never see each other again. Women who fight for the other and have saved each other again and again. This is love. This is a love confession.
It just doesn't end with a kiss.
There is an undeniable love and care. You cannot miss how devoted these women are to eachother. It’s simply a fact. But Laudna says it herself: their relationship is beyond definition. Beyond label. It is all encompassing, all surrounding, like being soulmates. And Laudna says it doesn't have a label, because their love just-- is. Not friendship, not dating, might not call it a QP, not a mere partnership, not anything but Laudna and Imogen. Just look at it. They don't NEED to kiss to tell you how much.
I will fully admit i'm greyroace with a tenuous understanding on love despite being in my own relationship: specifically the lines in the sand between platonic and romantic feelings and what either entail. There are SO many psychology theories on various typings that frankly the best conclusion you can come to is "love is love slashy-face :/" it's all a nebulous strange connection humans being make. Love is beyond definition because man fuck, what the hell are we talking about.
And yet, without understanding it, love is powerful. It's the connection that makes two people think about living away on a horse ranch together peacefully, the kind that makes them plunge into eachother's personal hells to lead them by the hand to sunlight. It's cuddling in the night while holding eachother's hands. And it's Laudna and Imogen's. They’ve said it outloud: they are the other's better half to a better whole, and more important than anything else. You can't deny that. And it’s so wonderful to see such an incredible relationship. It doesn’t NEED to have The Big Kiss as its overture.
A kiss is not the grand thing of a relationship; weirdly, a lot of writers tend to completely STOP the story at The Big Kiss and not be able to let the characters have a functional relationship. Laudna and Imogen are unbelievably intertwined, they LOVE EACHOTHER. There's no "will they won't they" tension or dancing around the idea of dating and being girlfrienda and the squee of hot goss (which i do still enjoy btw c2 was very fun for many reasons). They are so wholly comfortable in the other. Like the old type of love between long time married couples, the kind where it's so ingrained it's simply routine. Sometimes prone to insecurity and bumps (rocks.) but every relationship has that, and the great thing is that their other friendships are there to support them, just as important to rounding out their circles, unlike some stories that would sacrifice or flander them. for the sake of the love story. They're Imogen and Laudna, Laudna and Imogen, close with their friends but eachother most of all. Imodna IS canon. Its arc is just something that isn't about what we'd call the romance of it.
It feels like demanding they needed to kiss in order to officialize(?) their love enforces a strange binary that makes their relationship lesser and unrecognized as meaningful unless they engage in traditionally romantic gestures. It's the same societal allonormativity that places a false hierarchy on romantic versus platonic relationships, that dismisses "Do you really think we were meant for normal?" Laudna asks. Isn't that ambiguity and lack of definition what queerness is for?
If they kiss in the future I will be very very happy! If you make them fluster and awkward in ur funnie fictions go wild. But maybe I've just been recently fatigued with fan culture in general ignoring the beauty and complexity of various relationships and character stories because of this narrow idea often rooted in an overemphasis on shipping culture. Denying the value in the forest because it didn't have your specific tree.
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epickiya722 · 5 months
Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it)...So I just have an interesting discussions with my JJK moots (also fics writers) last night. There are 5 of us and we all have different ships (A = nanami/gojo, B = gojo/yuji, C = gojo/utahime, D = sukuna/yuuji & itadori/fushiguro also an anti gojo, and E (me) = gojo/ geto).
One of the thing that interest me is, when I asked the first three people why they include Getou in their fics. You know what they said? "We can't imagine Gojo without Getou's influence. So we made Getou as the 'memorable and unforgetable ex- lover'. Getou also fit as Gojo's 'one and only best friend'." And when I asked the fourth one, who do you ship Gojo with. They said, " I really dislike Gojo as a character so I can only see Gojo with Getou as the most reasonable ship."
Until now I was still surprised that even among non- SatoSugu shipper and anti Gojo fan, they can't deny the special bond between Gojo and Getou. And that's why they are my otp.... Sorry for this long ask, hope you don't mind....
Happy Holidays to you, Anon! I don't mind the long ask, it's all good! 😁
That does sound like you had an interesting discussion.
Now, personally for me, I do like Gojo as a character and yep, I have my ships for him. First one happen to be Gojo/Nanami, like that was my first Gojo and Nanami ship. Still like it. It's the only other Gojo ship I like. And of course, right now, I'm a fan of Gojo/Geto.
The movie did it for me because ain't no way you recognize someone from his scent of his energy and you haven't seen him in 10+ years or you're going around renaming people with a name that sounds like your "friend's" name while also wearing a clothing piece that has his last name in its name!
For me, I happen to like the characters. I like how they are on their own and if I like the dynamic they have with another character then, yeah, I'd probably ship it romantically and still vibe with it platonically.
(There are some instances I won't though. Not all dynamics strike me as "they would potentially have a romance".)
It's always funny to me when there will be people who are anti-*insert character or ship*, yet can't even deny that ship's special bond between those characters.
I see it a lot for another fandom I'm in for a really popular ship and it will just tickle me to see some anti go "this character isn't gay" but then turn around and go "but their relationship with this character is kinda not normal... but they're not gay". They act like a character has to be strictly gay to actually have romance with another character. Honey, the word "bisexual" exist. "Pansexual" exists. There are so many options for sexualities.
Or even funnier when those characters don't even show interest in the opposite sex like that and/or treat characters of that opposite the same way.
And honestly, I need some people to understand the difference between characters hating each other or just one character truly hates the other (AND IT BE EXPLICIT SOMETIMES) and having just a complicated relationship and not hate each other. Just because two characters are at odds sometimes, it doesn't always mean they hate each other. Especially, if they do things they won't do with anybody else.
Like, let's be real, whatever Gojo and Geto have cannot be compared with other relationships they have with other characters because what the hell?! Platonic or romantic, those two are soulmates!
When they separated from each other, I just... oh my gosh! It started going downhill for Geto when Gojo was assigned to more solo missions and when Geto deflected? Gojo really lost his damn mind! He really out here acting like that! He was so distraught, man made himself bleed!
"My one and only", "My soul knows otherwise..."
And in the dub, Gojo says "My heart and soul"!
Geto literally choking out his own body from beyond the grave because Gojo called out to him.
It's like with those two... if another character told Gojo "if you can shoot that basketball into the goal, I'll give you a kiss" and then he'll purposely miss. Let Geto say it, he'll show out, shoot the basketball and get it in the basket ten times in a row.
Someone ask Geto "Well, what kind of people are you into", he'll probably go "definitely not you". Gojo ask? Heart eyes and "why are you asking? Are you into me?"
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amethystina · 5 months
If you had to put Yohan and Gaon in a parallel universe, what would it be? Bcs I've been thinking about how would they be in a zombie apocalypse scenario (it's definitely very angst)
I can think of several and my brain tends to let the ideas percolate at the back of my mind whether I want them to or not x'D So, at random, it'll present me with fully formed stories complete with a complex plot and everything that's been slowly pieced together while I wasn't looking.
Admittedly, I haven't thought of a Zombie AU, though, probably because I don't like the doom and gloom of it (she says while having written a 100k Zombie AU for another fandom where one of the main characters is a literal zombie x'D ).
ANYWAY. Here are some ideas that have been living in my brain rent-free for a while:
Soulmate AU:
While everybody believes in soulmates, not everyone is lucky enough to dream of their fated other half. Yo Han does, however. They start during his teenage years, as is customary, and he can't say he's surprised when it's Isaac's familiar face he sees. He's quite relieved, in all honesty, since he'd much rather have a platonic soulmate than a romantic one. It's less messy that way.
Fate proves him wrong the day Isaac dies in that godforsaken fire and Yo Han devotes the rest of his life to avenging his soulmate's death. That seems to be the only way to fill the void inside of him.
But then, just as Yo Han is getting ready to set his ten-year plan in motion, everything gets thrown on its head.
He meets Kim Ga On.
Suddenly, Yo Han isn't sure who he's seeing in his dreams. Is it Isaac or this young, idealistic judge — who Yo Han soon realises has been sent to spy on him? And, even if it is Kim Ga On he's dreaming about, does that truly change anything? Everything has already been set in motion and, soulmate or not, Yo Han wants revenge for what happened to his brother.
And what's to say that Kim Ga On — so brilliant and righteous — would even want Yo Han as his soulmate? His despise for Yo Han is evident so, clearly, fate must have made a mistake this time.
Someone that pure could never love a monster like him.
(Ga On dreams, too, and they're always the same. He never sees his soulmate's face, only roaring flames and a crumbling building. Ga On assumes that means his soulmate is dead. Why else would he find himself trapped inside that burning inferno every time he dreams? Surely he would have seen something else by then if the person was still alive?
Not once does it cross his mind that, maybe, his soulmate just needs to find a reason to start living again...)
Black Knight AU:
Joining a group of rebel refugees wasn't so much a choice for Ga On as a necessity. He hates to see the suffering around him, people dying from lack of oxygen and food, their numbers dwindling by the day.
Ga On wants a better future for all of them and he'll fight tooth and nail to get it — even if that means tearing down the old world order and demanding a new one.
Fortunately for the rebels, they have someone on the inside helping them. Ga On has never met this person — known only as the Benefactor — but it's clear that he must be from the core district. Only someone at the very top would have the kind of power and influence that the Benefactor does, providing the rebels with information and supplies through the network of deliverymen and military personnel at his disposal. Ga On doesn't know why someone at the core district would want to bring down the very system that keeps him rich, but Ga On will take whatever help he can get.
And then — as if Ga On doesn't already have enough to deal with — things get complicated the day the rebels intercept what they think is a supply delivery but turns out to be a travel convoy. And the man at its centre is clearly from the core district judging by his pristine suit and flawless appearance. Usually, that would make him a valuable hostage, but there's something different about this man.
Not only does he not seem the least bit afraid to find himself in the midst of a group of armed refugee rebels, but he also fixates on Ga On in a way that's downright unsettling. Ga On doesn't understand why.
Nor does he understand why he keeps feeling an inexplicable and wholly inappropriate pull towards the man. Ga On knows absolutely nothing about him aside from the fact that he's clearly very rich, unnervingly intelligent and, as it soon turns out, incredibly dangerous. How can Ga On be attracted to someone so ruthless and selfish?
The only core district dweller Ga On feels even the slightest bit of respect for is the Benefactor and this Kang Yo Han is the polar opposite. Ga On shouldn't feel drawn to him.
And yet, against better knowledge, he does.
And it feels more like a question of when he'll succumb, rather than if.
(This story has everything! Rebels! Eating of the rich! Delicious identity porn! Explosions! Elijah calling Ga On literal trash that Yo Han dragged in from the gutter!
... it would probably also be pretty long so let's hope I don't succumb to the urge to write it)
Historical Vampire AU:
After Ga On's parents die, he fully expects to end up on the streets and starve to death. Fortunately for him, a local scholar takes him on as an apprentice instead, teaching him how to read and write.
He feels incredibly indebted to Scholar Min and so, many years later, when Ga On is asked to accept a position as assistant to a rich but mysterious lord just outside the city, he of course does so. The position is a mere cover, however. In actuality, Ga On will be spying on Kang Yo Han in hopes of finding out if he's secretly supporting the uprising that's brewing in their region.
More than once, Scholar Min tells Ga On that he must be careful — that the mission is incredibly dangerous. But it's not until he actually arrives at Lord Kang's estate that Ga On understands why Scholar Min kept repeating all those dire warnings.
Not only is Kang Yo Han aloof and deeply unsettling — his gaze filled with something that could only be described as hunger whenever he looks at Ga On — but he doesn't seem to eat, rarely sleeps, and never ventures outside during the day. Only once darkness falls does he leave the estate and, sometimes, he doesn't return until just before dawn.
Before long, Ga On begins to wonder if Kang Yo Han isn't just involved in the uprising, but might also be the cause for the dead bodies that have been found strewn around the city the past couple of months.
And, somehow, Ga On has to find proof to support his theory — preferably without becoming a target himself.
(A.k.a. if you thought Ga On's neck kink in Who Holds the Devil was bad? Think again, bitches)
Aside from these, there are also the two parallel universe stories I have already started: Gravitational Pull which is basically meant to be a series of one-shots that divert from the original canon by changing one small detail in each installment. And then The Devil's Due which is a Different First Meeting AU where they meet when Ga On is still a teenager and that throws everything out of order (because Yo Han accidentally kickstarts Ga On's gay awakening a lot sooner than usual and, after that, all bets are off)
So yeah. I could probably think of several more but let's stop here for now xD
(And don't ask me why I chose to write these ideas as if they're fanfic summaries because they definitely aren't fanfics yet)
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boysthatlove · 2 years
Boss and Noeul rant
First off I want to say is that their relationship is a sight to see. I would have to describe as a more than friends less than lovers relationship because of how they interact with each other on and off screen.
With that being said let the rant begin.
Divine timing, soulmates, maybe twin flames, and magnetic attraction.
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These are the words I would describe their origin story to the present (in terms of their current partnership).
So first, I would say Noeul came back to Thailand from S. Korea after graduation and after the Pandemic ( the Pandemic could be seen as a reason to begin, prolong, or delay certain events in people's lives).
Second, the day they met at casting, Noeul approached Boss first, out of every other guy at casting, he decided to approach him and not only chat with Boss to pass the time, but they exchanged contact information with the possibility that they would connect and meet each other regardless of the outcome from casting. So not only did they speak, exchange contact info, but they also get casted for LITA as a couple.
So here we are, these two guys that have been casted as each other's love interest, and as you know with most BL shows/couples, workshops can only do so much and it is encouraged that you build chemistry outside of work. And we can see they definitely did that.
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That now brings me to the topic of soulmates, maybe twin flames. Soulmates or even twin flames doesn't necessarily mean romantic (Twin flames are much more complex than soul mates and I do believe that people are over using the word without truly understanding the meaning, but that's for another day).
From the a lot of their interviews ( Thank God for fandom translators, you have a special place in my heart), they speak very often of their relationship (friendship or otherwise) outside of work, where it is mainly the two of them. Overall, they have a deep connection built on trust, safety, and unconditional love (however you want to look at it).
Their soulmate or twin flame relationship is something that we may truly never understand, in it's entirety. And you know, we don't really need to.
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Now as any true BL shipper, we love watching them together and they have this attraction to each other that I would describe at magnetic.
As far as we know, they talk to each other everyday and they hangout with each other just as much, but what I will say is that when they are in each other's presence, physically, they are either touching in one way, shape or form, or they are in each others orbits. I believe that Boss likes being hugged by Noeul, he enjoys his warmth (giving small spoon vibes) and Noeul is often seen falling into Boss' embrace.
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You can say where there is one, the other is not far behind.
When LITA started and they had their events, and from their social media content, I really thought that they took fanservice a little too seriously, but I truly believe that they have deep affection for each other and they can't help but show it.
I have written before that while Boss and Noeul may not be in a romantic relationship, I do believe that they like each other and they both have different ways of showing it. I believe that Boss' affection towards Noeul is very direct, while Noeul's is subtle.
Boss likes to stare at Noeul, blatantly, not caring that they're in front of an audience and it is being caught on camera. But also let's not forget Boss will find some way to touch Noeul and he definitely tries to be less obvious (but the fandom always catches it). With Noeul, he catches himself much quicker, I feel like when he looks at Boss, sometimes it's in awe and I don't think he realizes it.
In addition to their height difference, they somehow fit really well with each other like a puzzle. You'll sometime see one or the other put their head in the crook of the other's neck and it fits like a puzzle. One last thing, when they hug each other ( from what I have seen on the show and irl), they look so safe in each others arms. I am not sure if I am describing it correctly, but that's how I feel.
So in conclusion to this long rant (much longer than I intended), I can't wait to see more of them. I look forward to the progression of their careers as well as their relationship.
Here is a video that gives a really good example of their relationship.
If you have made it this far. Thank you. Please excuse any grammatical errors and as a disclaimer, right now this is a secondary blog, so I can't really reply as boysthatlove. I read all the comments and don't want anyone to believe that I am ignoring them.
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x-authorship-x · 10 months
Okay so I've had this soulmark au thingy stuck in my head since my mind, running through multiple ideas at once like usual, accidentally crossed wires on "Shisui" and "soulmates"
Fair warning this is a bit long so uh,, sorry lmao
So! Au where the most of the shinobi population and a portion of the civilian population started developing what they called soulmarks because the higher entities got really tired of everyone killing everyone like idiots-
these soulmarks seem to form on your skin (Haven't decided what they look like) after you meet someone you can truly trust to have your back. Since soulmarks are about trust, loyalty, etc they have nothing to do with any romantic feelings (though they're probably romanticized in media). It is very common to have multiple soulmarks, and they aren't limited to just humans! Those with summons/animal companions they work with almost always get soulmarks to represent their animal partner(s) due to their extreme loyalty.
Soulmarks don't tend to form immediately after meeting but over time- though some get suspicious after a year markless. Sometimes people don't fit together as well as they think, sometimes they change and get along after time, sometimes one of them just can't bring themself to trust the other yet, etc. There's many reasons and cases of those who you think you should have a mark for not forming- while a clear reason is unknown, it quickly became a death/betrayal omen in the more superstitious shinobi communities.
Some extra info- Academy kids soulmarks with their classmates are often taken into consideration for team formations. If the person who's soulmark is in danger, it feels like pins and needles under your skin. If they feel extreme emotions, it either heats up or goes cold. Death causes soulmarks to darken and fade, but soulmarks only truly disappear when you can no longer trust them at all- often followed by betrayal. Soulmarks can be onesided- though more often in the case of one of them being very young (ex: siblings).
Now with all of that, some ideas-
• Kakashi's first soulmarks were his ninken
• Tenzo's first soulmark was Kakashi, i think it kind of freaked him out
• Shisui and Itachi formed soulmarks for each other as soon as they met, despite Itachi being so very young
• Shisui has soulmarks with his Yamanaka family despite refusing to realize he was practically adopted
• Shisui has soulmarks for his summons, which is a very big matter of pride for them
• Kakashi never formed soulmarks with his childhood team
• Gai has shed tears of joy, multiple times, for every soulmark he has
• Shisui and Kisame formed soulmarks for each other
• Kisame got a soulmark for Samehada and Shisui lost his mind when he found out because wtf
• at least one member of Squad Two has unknowingly formed a onesided soulmark with Naruto
• Genma has a habit of checking his soulmarks multiple times a day
• Raidou is fascinated by soulmarks and wants to study them
• Kagami never had a soulmark for Danzo, Sarutobi did and refuses to acknowledge what it means now it's gone
And now the one idea that started it all ✨
• Squad Two not having a soulmark for Shisui, possibly onesided where Shisui has theirs, until right before Danzo betrays him :)
Two main ways you could take this- Shisui somehow surviving the first attempt bc everyone who has his soulmark is pretty much alerted to that he's in danger
Or in hope au style, Shisui doesn't survive and wakes up in the past only for the others to get his soulmark and getting almost phantom sensations bc he's reacting to a danger that technically hasn't happened- maybe even his mark being unnaturally darker than it should be..
Also I'd just love to see how the others would react to having a soulmark from Shisui during his long mission bc it seems like it just kept getting worse for him LMAO
Do with this what you will, i just needed to write it down and get it out of my head so it would stop haunting me
Anyways I hope you're having a great day <3
Wowza!!! ✨✨✨
This is just a magnificent ask, I'm so impressed with the thought you've put into this AU! The delicious delicious platonic found family angst!!!!
What if 🥹 shisui had the squads soul marks the whole time 🥹 but they were between his shoulders (like wings) so he never saw them 🥹 and the burn just blended in with the pain of training, the buzzing chakra of Shunshin, the shame of sharingan eyes always watching him and finding him lacking 🥹 can you fucking imagine them begging to know why shisui didn't trust them with his problems and he breaks down and says they can't accuse him of that shit when he knows he gave them marks but they never gave him any back 😭 the angst, the gut wrenching whump.... This is such a good AU, anon!!!
Ino was born with Shisui's soulmark on her besides her parents'🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹❤️‍🔥
This is so beautiful and interesting, anon, thanks for sharing with us!!!! Have a great day, this was a lovely way to wrap up the week 🥰
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mejomonster · 11 months
Mysterious lotus casebook, just fun things~
Li Lianhua calling his old rival A Fei which is just such a familiar name (I'm only used to Zhao Yunlan asking a crush to call him A Lan so). Like what a choice. Can't figure out an alias for ur super famous rival? Call him an intimate nickname. Sure.
Fang duobing being the MOST territorial man to ever live. Grabs hold of li lianhua and won't let go and moves himself in. Doesn't like li lianhuas other friends. Actively tries to Beat the shit out of them and give them bad food. On a mission to drive them OUT. Absolutely enraged over said nickname A Fei. Ready to throw hands nonstop
Fang duobing being That Bitch who says "you're my partner" nonstop within like a week of meeting. He could shake hands with Wei Wuxian calling Zhou Zishu his soulmate by ep 8 of Word of Honor lmao. But like genuinely, while partner im gonna interpret only as meant to be "detective partner/work partner" I still think it's Mighty Clingy of him to force li lianhua to be his partner lmao.
Fang duobing being such a fucking little liar who lies. "Fine I'm going my separate way" proceeds to move into the guest bedroom and eat all meals together. "Fine I'm not going to ask you to solve a crime with me" except I'm absolutely going to drag you into my shit until I get you mixed up in the case anyway uvu then insist you MUST help (and you won't want me to die so you will... and eventually fang duobings strategy DOES work... because eventually li lianhua goes back for him, like in the tomb, instead of leaving him behind anymore).
Fang duobing being like "You're ordinary, I'll protect you!" And like while in a way he's right, it's hilarious he's saying that to the Once Upon a Time second best fighter in the world. I also love how he immediately took the job of guard dog to heart: he is ride or die ready to do anything to protect his new coerced partner li lianhua.
I also like that him being ADAMANTLY ready to save li lianhua and protect him at all times, means we get plenty of rescues that aren't even a big deal. I think it's funny to compare the rescues to Ultimate Note and wu xie for two reasons. 1. Because Joseph zeng is playing the rescuer this time, and fang duobing is way more vocal about wanting to save li lianhua than xiaoge ever is, so it's cute to hear how intently up for Heroics the rescuer is. 2. Ultimate Note, like pretty much all dmbj for some reason, goes Really Shippy whenever it would do rescue scenes (you know what I mean... romantic music, long gazes into each other's eyes, romantic framing). It's interesting to see this show NOT do that, despite possibly even more frequent rescue scenes. I think it's a good idea but like... for a few reasons? First, li lianhua is experienced in fighting so he's not naive damsel in the way wu xie is, and he assumes he'll die so he doesn't really have major fear when he's in danger. Second, the whole tone of the show is more practical. I think the positive of this is we get really nice emotional scenes between the main trio that don't feel like jokes, and feel important as major relationships (which would also I guess be good for ships), and while it therefore doesn't really hit romance tropes (making bl potential scenes thankfully not get overt attention but also making it more vague, doing the same with women love interests so their scenes likewise feel less overtly intense as well) it does mean the weight of all scenes feels more balanced. I would compare it to how The Untamed handled all scenes romantic, platonic, familial in extremely similar ways in terms of feel. It made the romance stand out less, but it also meant the familial ties and friendship scenes felt Equally weighted. Which is a positive trait for this kind of show, I think, to weight all relationship types equally. While yeah it means ships of any kind become more subtle, I think it also makes all dynamics feel like they're closer to equal importance.
Fang duobing being a rich boy hypocrite is just The funniest fucking. It's so clear he's used to getting his way and it's part of why he grabbed li lianhua and didn't let go. He's got a mix of "genuinely wants to help people" that drives him to do good things like try to stop murderers and protect people until proven guilty and pursue evidence and the truth. Then he's also got that inherent quality of he's always gotten what he wants, he doesn't think he should ever Stop getting it. He's broke and starving, but only Very Nice tasting food he particularly craves is worth saying yes to. He's arrested? Use his family name and status and Baichuan courts sway to get himself free and bully the suspects into cooperating more. Li lianhua doesn't want him? Insist he's a Generous Hero for offering to protect/help li lianhua and no one should refuse such a Gift (so fang duobing simply won't be refused). A fei shows up and clearly has an existing (closer) relationship to li lianhua? Be a complete bitch to him to the point where it's leaning into harassment, try to chase him away, because if li lianhua is HIS then obviously he should be HIS more than he should be close to anyone else. Like an extremely territorial pet, he wants the most attention the most given to him from li lianhua and he does NOT want anyone to get as close to li lianhua as he is. Or at least as close as he Wishes he was (which is partners in solving cases and Life that travel the jianghu together... which... its fascinating he's really locked onto an "ordinary" person for this desire, you would think he'd want a martial arts master for that... but I think fang duobing enjoys feeling like the powerful one who can show off, impress, protect, and teach his partner... especially because his ego takes a hit with struggling to get into baichuan and being a subpar investigator compared to doctor li lianhua. It's clear fang duobing is used to being The Best, and while he wants to learn from li lianhua to fix his own shortcomings in investigating, he also probably appreciates he's BETTER at this ordinary man at things like fighting and it helps keep his ego from tanking. He could go find a jianghu martial arts master... but then they'd be better than him in All areas potentially. And then he'd just feel like shit. Hed rather have a teacher to learn from, who he can also feel NEEDS him. Fang duobing wants to be a hero, a damsel who repeatedly finds himself in danger is a great person for him to have around as it gives fang duobing repeated opportunities to show off how he's Valuable and Talented and Impressive and Needed by others. And oh boy... there's probably a LOT to say about how fang duobing grew up sick, weak, struggled to make progress and put in intense effort to be the best fighter of his age and best baichuan candidate, and how that pursuit means he really wants to Prove he's valuable outside of his family name. Because family name was all he started with, and he wanted to be like his uncle who proved himself Outside of the political system. He wanted to be like li xianyi who was a hero among those people, who even wanted to bring laws and justice to the jianghu, who treated fang duobing fairly and equally even as an ordinary weak young boy. Fang duobing INTENSELY desires to prove he's useful, needed, and has proven himself as capable in his own right. Li lianhua Feeds into those emotional needs a lot, and that alone would be enough for fang duobing to want to cling SO hard to him.)
Yeah more of just. How much I love fang duobing the lying liar who lies. He will be against tomb raiding but want a treasure to heal li lianhua. He will say he's fucking off and not going to bug former suspect li lianhua anymore then turn around and stalk him. He'll get told to leave and barge in and eat the man's fucking food. He is very set in getting what he wants, and he's not beyond doing whatever he wants to Get those things. Sure, he wouldn't kill someone or steal from a living person (at least not yet... he does have a lot of upstanding morals). But he's not above bullying an ordinary person who can't push back except intellectual, or trying to strong arm said intellectuals close friends to back the fuck off Fang Duobings PARTNER, or strong arm anyone who starts refusing him with whatever tools he's got (from his sword to his family's power to baichuan connections).
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Ask game can you do kyouka
Yay Kyouka!!!
Favorite thing about them: HER EXISTING. The fact that she's one (1) fleshed out female character and for one I will love her for that. I also generally really like the trope of little girls facing unimaginable horrors and defeating them, it gives me hope. The fact that she was able to get out of an abusive environment by her own forces is very inspiring, too. More Kyouka love words here.
Least favorite thing about them: I feel I'm cheating at this with always mentioning things that are really not about the character but rather about the way they fit in the story but... I'm very disappointed when the author flat out forgets about her. 55 Minutes and the whole airport arc. I've said it before but I really wish she would have intervened during the Atsushi / Akutagawa airport fight because what were she and Yosano and Lucy doing the entire time. In general, I wish we'd see her more outside of her relationship with Atsushi which I LOVE but that is starting to feel quite limiting of her right now.
Favorite line:
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Eheh. It's been this blog title since day one. It's just that crepes is one of my favourite desserts too but most of all I really appreciate the feeling of carrying on living even if it's just for the small nice things in life. I may be worthless, and with no right to breathe; but crepes still make life worth living. I appreciate the sentiment. Ss/kk should learn from her it'd spare them a lot of trouble lol
brOTP: I LOVE LOVE LOVE HER RELATIONSHIP WITH ATSUSHI. It's really one of my favourite things. I think Kyouka is about the only person Atsushi truly cares about beyond his own selfishness and it's really heartwarming. They make each other's lives better every day and comfort each other that they're good people capable of doing good. I also think Kyouka really helps Atsushi in the way she's so blunt and straightforward, she helps him overcome his insecurities and second-guessing everything; she's a reassuring presence for him because he knows she wouldn't lie to him. And Atsushi allows her to be a child, and it's so sweet!!! They need each other in a lot of ways and they're so perfect for each other. Platonic soulmates fr. I also really like her relationship with Kenji, that too is so wholesome, I'm happy she has someone her same age she can do 14 y/os things with!!! Oh and I LOVE her relationship with Lucy, they're so much fun in their low-key animosity but I like to think they truly care about each other and that Lucy fully took Kyouka on as her annoying little sister she wouldn't hesitate to die for. AND the potential of Kyouka and Yosano, AND Fukuzawa. AND Akutagawa and Kouyou (more as like, relationships to explore rather than think they'd actually get along). I think about Kyouka's relationships with other characters a lot lol.
OTP: You know I'm fully convinced I would have been a full flagged Kyouka/Kenji supporter if only they were a little older, but the way I can really only think of them as children kinda makes it hard for me to say I ship them just because personally I don't really like to imagine them in a romantic picture in general (个_个) It's a shame because again I know what I like and this kind of sun/moon coded het ship is something I would have been really into ;;
nOTP: Likely Kyouka and Kenji for the reasons mentioned above :// It's just something I noticed I'm not very into when it's brought up in ss/kk fics. That said, it's not like I have any strong feeling against it either.
Random headcanon: About that, I really like to think she and Kenji are going to be partners when they're older.
Unpopular opinion: Not sure this goes here but right now I can't think of anything else– I do think that in the early chapters of the manga there was some level of writing Kyouka like she was Atsushi's love interest. Overall I think the manga verges way less in the “siblings” direction than the “eventually couple to-be living together” direction than the fandom makes it to be (I don't think they were ever directly associated to siblings in the manga, like, ever? I don't remember Atsushi ever saying he sees Kyouka as a little sister or something in those lines). Which I personally do not like, but in my reading interpretation that's the direction the manga was going for. That's why the chapter 15 opening is extremely distasteful to me, it really feels like pushing forward the stereotype of little dainty young house wife waking up early to prepare breackfast for her husband... And the way we know she's so young makes it downright disturbing. (But again, that's only as far as my understanding of the manga goes, feel free to disagree with me on this).
Song i associate with them: Shinkai Shoujo by Yuuyu-P!!!! It's just so her, both in the girly j-pop vibes and lyrics. It literally talks about a girl sinking in the darkness but managing to find the light in the end :')
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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butters-flower-mom · 6 months
Pepper is aroace but she doesn't discover that right away. She knows there's something different about her. She feels left out when the other girls at the lunch table talk about their boyfriends or which celebrity they think is hottest and she has nothing to contribute.
At some point one of the boys in class asks her out. For some reason, I see it being Jimmy. He's telling jokes in the hall to some of the other boys and Pepper overhears. Jimmy thinks her shy laugh is adorable and loves that she finds him genuinely funny (he's been a little self-conscious ever since what Butters said to him in Going Native).
Jimmy seeks out Butters and asks him about Pepper since he's seen the two of them holding hands, hugging, and kissing on the cheek before. He asks if Butters has "dibs" on her. Butters is confused so Jimmy elaborates: "Is she your girlfriend?" "Well, she's a girl who's my friend, if that's what you mean…" Jimmy is surprised to learn Butters and Pepper aren't dating and that, to the best of Butters' knowledge, she doesn't even have a crush on anyone.
Jimmy asks Pepper if she'd like to see a comedy movie with him (opening with a joke, of course). Pepper's unsure but Jimmy seems nice and funny so she agrees. While on their date Jimmy wants to be physically intimate with her (Don't worry, he asks first. I can't picture Jimmy being a creep.) but it makes Pepper uncomfortable. He doesn't understand, he's seen her and Butters hold hands, hug, and even kiss each other on the cheek. Pepper explains it feels different with Butters. She knows Butters sees her as a friend but Jimmy likes her romantically, and it just makes it feel different.
Pepper apologizes but Jimmy insists she doesn't need to. He's glad she told him how she feels. Pepper laments that she just doesn't seem to like boys the way she's "supposed to" and Jimmy asks if she's ever considered she might be a lesbian.
The next day, during recess, Pepper tracks down Tweek and Craig. She asks them a bunch of questions about how they found out they were gay and eventually asks if they think it's possible for someone to not be gay or straight. As they're just kids and don't really know much beyond their own experiences, Tweek and Craig remark you have to be one or the other or both. This upsets Pepper who keeps hounding them with questions, making them both angry that she seems to think they're walking encyclopedias on everything queer just because they're gay which results in them storming off.
Pepper sits alone, on the verge of tears, until Butters shows up. He asks how her date with Jimmy went and she informs him about how uncomfortable she was. Butters immediately gets protective and asks if Jimmy got handsy with her, stating he won't hesitate to kick a disabled kid's ass if he tried anything with her. Pepper insists Jimmy was a gentleman and that she was the problem. She thinks there's something wrong with her because she doesn't like boys but she doesn't really like girls either. Butters comments that it is kinda weird she's never had a crush, as he's pretty sure everyone in class has had at least one and that he's even had several himself.
He notices his words are making her even more upset and tries his best to comfort her, assuring her she'll find her soulmate one day and that he ("or she… or they…", he corrects himself) will be the best person in the world because she deserves the very best. This doesn't really make Pepper feel any better but she fakes a smile for him. Butters is then called away to play football with the other boys. He may suck at sports but they need another player. Before running off Butters tells Pepper if she's really worried something might be wrong with her, maybe she should see the guidance counselor.
After school, Pepper does just that. She's very nervous about talking to an adult about this so she's clinging to Baxter the entire time. She asks Mr. Mackey the same thing she did Tweek and Craig: Is it possible to not be gay or straight? He informs her that of course that's possible. There's a whole myriad of sexual identities out there, not just those two. Pepper asks if it's weird that she hasn't had a crush yet, which Mackey assures her is not weird at all. He's known people who didn't experience their first crush until well into adulthood. Pepper assumes she's only going to be told the same things Butters said to her and begins to tune out. What he says next, though, immediately grabs her attention: some people might never experience one at all.
This blows Pepper's little mind. Mackey asks if she's ever heard of the terms "asexual" and "aromantic". Pepper is all ears as he tries his best to explain them to her. Asexuals don't experience sexual attraction, aromantics don't experience romantic attraction, you can be asexual or aromantic or both, and then there's things like demi and grey identities too… it's an entire spectrum! He's learned about so many different sexualities and gender identities since PC Principal took over and sometimes he gets them a little mixed up, but he's got some pamphlets he can give her…
The next day Butters remarks he's never seen Pepper so happy before. He tells her that's a neat looking flag she colored but he can't recognize what country it's for. As Pepper tapes it to the inside of her locker she tells him it's an aroace flag. Butters innocently remarks he had no idea she was into archery as they head to class.
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doublel27 · 1 year
Anon is right tho. I mean it's lovely how much carlos loves TK and how he's not afraid to show it but we need to see the same effort from tk too. Now, don't get me wrong I'm not trying to hate on TK or tarlos I know they love each other equally but unfortunately they're not showing that. Like I was really hoping for tk to call carlos his soulmate but I guess we can't have everything.
Sorry for the rant but this episode is kind of let down for me and I'm sad because I was so excited for this episode and now it's 5am and I can't sleep 😅
Firstly, I want to start by saying that it sucks to be disappointed by something you were looking forward to. Especially something like a television show that is usually a comfort and is very much controlled by real people.
Second, dear nonny, I would like to say as much as I enjoyed this episode my feelings are not without some critique. I have sucked my spouse into Lone Star with me and our major critique is one that has been a problem with this show for a long time.
Tim Minear and the writers room over-write for their episodes and then film all of they and sometimes in editing/post production they’re so intent on fitting everything in that things feel very surface or not fully fleshed out. I felt that way about all of tonight’s storylines. There was more to mine, but it all got left very shallow.
That being said, I do fundamentally disagree about TK not showing love back to Carlos in this episode.
First, I’m going to start with context. TK was just told by his father that he has a 1 in 4 chance of having a genetic neurodegenative disease that could take him (if they have the gene) anytime in the next 5-20 years.
And Huntington’s is no joke. It’s like taking Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS and sticking them in a blender with steroids. It’s devastating and relentless and there’s a reason Robert is asking Owen to help him live out the end of his life instead of his wife and children. And TK is a medical professional who understands exactly what the progress might be.
And so he doesn’t lie and he doesn’t hide it, but he stays up until Carlos is off shift to have the conversation because TK loves Carlos too much to want to burden him with the reality of this disease.
But this is one of the first times all season that TK has been the one who needed comforting. So I’m not surprised that Carlos is the one that said the soulmates line. Because TK needs reassurance that this isn’t a line too far for Carlos.
TK has been doing that for Carlos all season.
TK looked Carlos straight in the face when Carlos explained the Iris situation and just said “alright, what do we have to do.” Many members of the fandom wanted him to be mad or petty or jealous or have feelings and while there were feelings, TK put Carlos first and helped to take care of the barriers in their way.
When Carlos was kidnapped and didn’t come home, TK was the one who tirelessly advocated that something was wrong. He figured out the pharmacy connection and then he literally saved Carlos’s life and had very romantic conversation as they loaded into the ambulance.
TK then, a man who has been having conversations about having kids since season one, faced with the fact that Carlos didn’t want kids gave up his dream and plans for fatherhood because Carlos is more important. Like…he cooked fucking dinner (how many phone calls with Tommy and Paul were there to get that together) and told Carlos it didn’t matter if Carlos was ever ready for kids because Carlos is all the family he needs. That’s a level of conflict that often leads to broken engagements and divorce.
This is all THIS season. Seasons two and three TK gave every romantic speech this couple had. Carlos is just getting here with words this season. And it’s beautiful growth for both of them.
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