#like this isn’t even a headcanon it’s canon
inevesgf · 3 days
dating headcanons • formula one
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formula one masterlist here.
summary → what dating some of the formula one drivers would be like and their love languages. includes verstappen, norris, sainz, leclerc, piastri, and ricciardo. female!reader x driver, gn!reader x driver.
authors note ꕤ missed doing little head canons so i decided to group them all together <3 hope u lot enjoy. definitely going to start writing more for f1!!! my apologies because i wrote a lot for some drivers and not that much for some of the others, oopsies..
MAX VERSTAPPEN … will try to seem like such a casual lover, but is probably secretly obsessed with you. loves having you at every race because you overall uplift his mood a lot. he’s usually a bit stressed before races, being a perfectionist, but having you there instantly calms him down. he tries his hardest to see you immediately after every race even though press and his crew always gets to him first. if he isn’t able to see you after the race, he spends the rest of the night keeping you by his side rather you guys are staying in or going out to party. even though he can be very busy, he always makes sure to set time aside to be with just you. if he ever so has to cancel on plans, he is always sure to make them up ten times better than they were originally supposed to be. i believe max’a love language is probably physical touch. after a rough day, he just likes to lay in bed or on the couch with you. lazy days in are something max enjoys a lot, especially considering he is almost always busy. like i said, he loves to cuddle and have nice, sweet, and deep conversations with you about life, racing, etc. he trusts you and basically only you wholeheartedly with a lot of information.
LANDO NORRIS … lando is probably one of the most loving boyfriends in the world. when having you at his races, he always claims you to be his ‘good luck charm’ and having you there overall raises his hope and confidence for the race. after making pole multiple times and winning in miami, he always makes sure to see you right after as he treats seeing you there as a special gift. when hes not home and isn’t able to see you, he surprises you with little gifts that he sends to you and even makes sure he can talk to you on the phone as much as possible. when he’s home, he plans special date nights that are just you two without any interruptions. he orders out takeaway sometimes just so you two can have alone time and snuggle up to watch a movie. lando also definitely loves to go out on fun dates including things like going on a drive with no destination, or roller skating even if he may be horrible at it. he loves to plan stupid, small dates that involve going on rides or even getting takeout and having a make shift picnic in your backyard. lando loves when you show interests in his hobbies as he shows interests in yours too. he’s down to watch any movie you like and participate in your hobbies because what makes you happy, makes him happy. when you show interest and racing and even suggest karting together, lando is is over the moon to share a piece of his interests and specialty with you. when out in public, he isn’t afraid to hold your hand and even give you a small kiss or hug when it’s appropriate. he always makes sure you are comfortable with his small acts of love and wants you to feel nothing but comfort in his presence. once again, lando is definitely another physical touch person as he likes to be as close to you as possible. when he isn’t able to be around you, he messages you sweet words of affirmation and gets the point across that he loves you so much no matter how far away or busy he is. he loves seeing you wear his close, especially anything that represents mclaren as he finds it so cute. lando lets you borrow some of his clothing while he is gone so that a piece of him is always with you.
CARLOS SAINZ … carlos is the kind of boyfriend you have absolutely wrapped around your finger. carlos is extremely loving, and no matter how busy he is, he will always shows his love for you. like the others, carlos loves having you at his races and cheering him on from the crowd. he loves knowing that you are there as it gives him more motivation to push as hard as he can at every race. there’s no doubt that carlos likes to let loose and party, but if he had to choose between that and spending time with you, he would spend time with you instead. after races, not depending on how good or bad they go for the driver, he likes to spend his time relaxing with you. carlos’ love language is the perfect combination between gift giving and physical touch. the driver also peppers you with kisses at the most random to show just how much he appreciates you. he loves to be near you and hold you, but he also spoils you with gifts from other countries he has gone too even if there wasn’t a special occasion while he was away. during the off season, he spends as much time as possible with you. carlos doesn’t care if the two of you are having a lazy day in or a big day out, he treats spending time with you as a special moment every time.
CHARLES LECLERC … charles is very confident in being in a relationship. he knows how to be a good boyfriend as well as the difference between right and wrong. he is very caring, but knows when to give you space and respects when you need it. charles enjoys spending time with you as it allows and appreciates that you two still have a loving relationship when he’s away. if you cannot attend races, he makes sure he can check up on you during the day and gets excited when you get the chance to watch his race form home. he appreciates receiving messages after races of you cheering him on as it goes on. accompanying this, charles main love language is definitely words of affirmation alongside physical touch. he loves to be near you and shows a lot of signs of casual intimacy as well as general intimacy. being away a lot, charles always makes sure to send you sweet messages that get the point across of how much he loves and cherishes being with you. he plans small little date nights that involve you two cuddled up playing a game together or watching a movie. charles prefers to stay inside for most date nights as he likes spending time with just you and only you in that moment.
OSCAR PIASTRI … oscar strikes me as the kind of boyfriend who goes with the flow. if you show interests in seeing a movie or going out to a place to eat, he plans dates revolving around the subject. much like lando, oscar likes whatever makes you happy. when you ask him what he would like to do, oscar is the kind of person to always say he wants to do what you want. you feel bad about it, but he always assures you that he just loves spending time with you. oscar’s love language is definitely words of affirmation and quality time. he constantly assures you how much he loves you and that time with you is like paradise to him, whether you overthink it or not. due to being away so often, oscar loves to do things that you like because he knows how long you have been waiting for that quality time. oscar will sometimes take lead as well and plan dates to show bits and pieces of his interests to you which ultimately strengthens your relationship and bond. after every race, oscar is always eager to message you or see you, knowing you two know how to hype each other up and calm each other down. his eyes light up whenever he sees you and it is always like he has fallen in love with you over and over again.
DANIEL RICCIARDO … daniel is a massive golden retriever boyfriend. he is a very “go-along-to-get-along” partner and is agreeable when planning dates amongst each other. he is very into the idea of planning dates and events that the two of you would mutually enjoy and that creates wonderful memories for the both of you. daniel is very open with your love and isn’t afraid to show affection. he is proud that you are his partner and flaunts you off to his friends, fans, and family by expressing how much he loves you. though you may not be able to see each other as often as you may see other people in your life, he is very optimistic about your relationship and makes sure you feel the same way about it. much like a golden retriever, daniel is very energetic when he is with you. he is always down for an adventure, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to be. your presence relaxes him as well, which is why he adores cuddling. daniel’s love language is the perfect mix between quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation. he loves to spend time with you rather it’s going to hang out with friends, having a lazy day in, or a big night out between the two of you. he isn’t afraid of pda, but does not overdo it. he shows casual forms of intimacy in public by holding your hand and placing small kisses on your cheek or forehead. daniel always makes sure you know how much you mean to him and he appreciates the words of affirmation in return.
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simonsrosebud · 3 days
kevin day headcanons
he was born in ireland, not even a hc it’s probs true
boy had an irish accent as a child but quickly lost it after kayleigh died and moving to the nest
has sexual tension with the history channel
looks at men much longer than the average straight man but never does anything about it bc canon kevin is set on being straight for PR reasons
gains many celebrity contacts in the pros. like where did this pic of him on a run in new york with harry styles come from (a self indulgent example)
he or his publicist talks wymack into doing a magazine shoot or perhaps a sports sponsored shoot (nike, gatorade etc) together
remember the fab 5 olympic gymnasts? yeah that gets resurrected in exy form and it’s: kevin, neil, andrew, jeremy, jean
once he’s recovered and in a healthy space food wise, this bitch LOVES TACO BELL. but he limits himself to getting it like twice a year and each time it rolls around he talks about it like… so much
he eventually gets into yoga or pilates bc of someone on his team and he hates both so much but does it anyway
he gets sober after college. part of it is because of wymack
some ppl don’t realize he was born in ireland despite kayleigh day being so irish that americans sometimes couldn’t understand her (hc) and get shocked when it gets brought into conversation (immediately followed by ‘oh yeah i forgot’)
hates the minyard josten rivalry and tries dismantling it each time he’s asked, not by outing them, but by using logic that it is stupid since they spent 4 years on a team together
whenever press asks him ab his skiing comment or hand he isn’t dumb enough to outwardly blame the moriyama’s so he genuinely just plays innocent like he never knew people thought it was a skiing accident. “kevin u once made a comment about never being skiing despite reports saying that you broke your hand on the slopes, care to comment on that?” “yeah idk who they said that, i’m not big on snow sports”
idk that’s all i can think of rn
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the-au-collector · 3 days
Feeling a little chatty tonight so here’s some random LU headcanons for both the canon boys and non-canon ones:
I always headcanon Spirit to be around 18. While I love the idea of him and Wind being uncannily similar, I can’t get over the fact this kid is supposed to be an engineer at like 12. So an 18 year old coffee addicted engineering student he is.
For Tri-Force Heroes, here are some of my favorite Link combinations: Legend (Red), Age (Blue), Mask (Green) or Legend (Red), Spirit (Blue), Mask (Green).
Age, when he meets the Chain, feels like he’s less of a hero because he had so much help on his journey (he admires Wild, who traveled alone for most of his journey).
Wild, on the other hand, feels inferior because he failed fighting the Calamiry the first time, and he admires Age because Age actually succeeded (I love how f’ed up both these boys are someone please get them therapy—)
Neither Wild or Time take watch during full moons. The moon freaks them both out too much.
Legend has to take sleep medicine to go to sleep (though he often fights taking it, or just doesn’t take it until he crashes and someone forces him to)
Legend is the Link that’s most likely to tell someone when something is wrong, be it an injury or illness. He’s done this adventuring thing 6 times and was a sickly kid growing up. He knows to take care of himself.
Conversely, Warriors is actually the worst when it comes to injuries and illness. Captain though he may be, he’s had perfectionism instilled on him thanks to Cia and the whole War of Eras thing. He can’t fathom the thought of not being perfect at all times.
Warriors is the Link that’s most likely to make the really hard decisions, like killing an enemy, abandoning a mission, etc. He’s been to war, he’s seen The Horrors, and he wants to protect his brothers (some of which have big bleeding hearts) from having to experience The Horrors too.
Wind would be Down For Murder no questions asked
Age and his Zelda (Fauna) showed up during Warriors’ journey, so Wars spends a good chunk of early LU wondering why Wild doesn’t remember him before realizing Wild isn’t Age at all
Due to being trapped in the mirror, Shadow is still the same age as Four was during FSA, which I headcanon to be about 14.
First believes his only purpose in life is to defeat Demise. The Chain helps him realize this isn’t the case, but it would be such a shame if he died shortly after LU ended—
Sky and First actually struggle to get along despite their similarities. Namely, because Sky knows First is going to die.
I love the headcanon that Age can’t cook (even though he does in Age of Calamity shhh—)
Legend is Time’s descendant as well as being the secret Prince of Hyrule
The timeline split between the downfall and child timeline happens after LU. The gist is Ganondorf attacks Hyrule, Lullaby uses the Ocarina of Time to turn back time after Ganondorf kills Time, and voila—timeline split where Time dies in one and in the other he’s brought back and lives (but Lullaby dies instead) (if this feels familiar it’s literally my idea for Polyphemus from my Epic AU)
The Ancient Hero is the only hero without a Triforce mark (because he helped make the Triforce itself)
Hyrule is childhood friends with Cadence (yes Cadence from Cadence of Hyrule and Crypt of the Necromancer). They haven’t actually seen each other in ages though, long before their adventures both started. They’re both from Calatia.
I could go on about Downfall Timeline worldbuilding I’ve done but uhh we don’t have time for that right now—
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avonne-writes · 1 day
Your hs au college head canons sound sooooo angsty and good! I can’t wait to see what you do with them! While I was reading them, I couldn’t help but picturing like a scene where they each separately are talking with their new fiends who basically say something like “I’m surprised you two are together, you don’t seem like you are right for each other” which would add doubts for both of them because they are so used to people thinking they are such a perfect and sweet couple. And of course feeling those doubts causes more tension. And of course these friends only feel this way because they haven’t truly seen their relationship, only the way it’s been during this transition time. Ugh I love this kind of angst! Of course, only if it has a happy ending!
Hi dear! Thank you, I’m glad you like the headcanons.
Great addition, this 100% happens. Gale's friends would phrase it similarly to how you did, politely. They would go on to tell Gale that this happens to most high school sweethearts, and that a break-up doesn’t mean that the previous ~4 years were not meaningful or that they're bad memories. They try to comfort Gale. But they're not without fault either, because like you said, they don't know John and Gale's relationship super well and they see mostly the struggles in that first semester, so they encourage Gale to break up. They try to talk him down from investing more effort into the relationship.
But Bucky gets the short end of the stick here.
His social circle is made up mostly of his teammates. As you can imagine, some of those can be rude and extremely crass, boasting about their conquests and being hurtful out of mere ignorance. These guys would regularly poke fun at Bucky for the fact that he has never had sex with anyone but Gale. They'd say things like "don’t you wanna dip it somewhere else" and "how do you even know you're bi when you haven't even tried pussy". If he wants to skip a party, they whistle and boo at him that the missus has him whipped (this isn’t exclusive to him, they do it with everyone who goes home). Some might even try to comment on Gale, about his prettiness and how they'd tap that too. They think this is being inclusive but Bucky snaps and there's an altercation, and it takes a few days before the team dynamics reset again.
These are not Bucky's friends, just teammates. His actual friends within the team are much nicer, but they also echo some of the same sentiments. "Don’t you feel like you're missing out on something?" Bucky tries to keep most of this from Gale and he's not comfortable discussing his sex life with his mom, so the whole thing builds up in him. It doesn’t help that due to their issues, he and Gale don’t have sex that often or it just feels a bit off.
When he and Gale make up after their big fight, he tells Gale everything. Since this is exactly Gale's insecurity, Gale - much more gently this time than during the fight - tells him that he doesn’t want to hold Bucky back. It clearly pains him, but he even offers to do an open relationship for a while. But Bucky doesn’t want that, and he says it too. He snuggles close to Gale and basically just asks him to reassure him that it's okay not to want that. That it's okay to be with only one person and that they'll work on making sure neither of them regrets it in the future.
Gale is very pessimistic and thinks that's impossible, but at that point, he wants to help Bucky relax and he has the selfish desire to say yes too, so he tells Bucky that it's okay and that they will figure everything out. Ultimately, they do figure it out every time they struggle with something related to this, so Gale’s pessimistic fears don’t come true. And their sex life improves drastically after the fight. It’s the best it has ever been.
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bayzadas · 2 years
I just saw someone say that Tony is a perfectly written unlikeable character and. what. i mean yeah Tony’s sooo well written but you’re saying he’s UNLIKABLE??? blocked.
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Silly sketches I did like a week ago.
Idk but the way they’re framing Dark Cacao rn with the whole “a bunch of people broke in tried to my steal my (fake) treasure and called me a fake immortal” backstory for Mystic Flour combined with the whole yin/yang symbolism in that one frame from the trailer and the fact that she still seems to want what’s best for cookiekind added onto the fact that Dark Choco (a character about second chances and forgiveness) is showing up in BY book 4…. Idk makes me think that maybe she’s getting redeemed or something.
Not a serious theory or anything, I’m totally wrong but it’s fun to think about. The beast updates actually being about the 5 heroes Friendship is Magic-ing their way into helping the beasts like come to terms with their situation and learn to coexist with the two halves of their soul jam.
Maybe that could be what the “Awakened” states are- becoming the whole soul jam light thingy. Or maybe just accepting their place as a half. Like I said, not a serious prediction it’s just fun to think about.
#can you see me struggling with Mystic Flour’s face?#bc an old HC decreed the ancient heroes had to look similar to the previous owners of their SJ#this was like a year before the beasts were shown in game soooo called it#anyway but whatever#also the way she phrased the stealing treasure thing kind of made it sound like SA but like.#they probably didn’t mean it like that#nobody even reads my tags so it’s like. eh#I really just ramble in the tags bc I’m embarrassed about using actual tags for my posts so my rambling really just acts like a buffer#am I repeatedly saying this isn’t serious bc someone vauged my completely joking post where I said Dark Cacao was a bit of an asshole?#because it was a joke. and also in books 13-14 she is an asshole#and in the post I made several other references to headcanons I had like Choco being transgender and DC having autism and also calling her#SHE/HER which she doesn’t use in canon? like I feel like you can tell that I was joking.#I’m not even mad I’m just befuddled#like I like their actual game analysis and respect them as a blogger but like???? why am I catching strays I think the post got like 7 notes#whatever it’s not that serious but like ???? they reblogged my art 5 seconds before posting it did they WANT me to see it??? like?????#anyway nobody asked normal tags now#girlblogging#crk#dark cacao cookie#dark cacao crk#mystic flour cookie#mystic flour crk#teethart#cookie run kingdom#anyway next update MF should tell DC to kill himself
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art-from-within · 1 month
Thinking about the fact that aside from the obvious (having your limbs torn off is not a nice feeling), Grafting a foreign body part onto yourself may also very well be EXTREMELY painful, and that Godrick probably suffers alot but still does it anyway because going through magic surgery without painkillers feels better than his reoccurring episodes of crippling self loathing.
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twistedappletree · 21 days
sorry but i’m actually just gonna start blocking people who put zhuiling hate in tags bc yall will ship every incest ship in the book then trash on the one ship where they’re genuinely NOT related and it’s getting so fucking old
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clamsjams · 2 months
i think law would have a love-hate relationship with passover bc on one hand no bread but on the other hand no other things like rice or legumes and stuff
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moony-to-ur-pads · 9 months
regulus was given the middle name arcturus at birth and arcturus is the fourth brightest star in the night sky and THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE BECAUSE as a trans man, he was the fourth in his generation to be afab and so they were essentially like ‘oh shit. we have another one ig’ because sexism, and this absolute bottom-of-the-black-house-barrel situation that regulus found himself in was what eventually turned him into such a strong slytherin, and then into a power-hungry death eater, going so far as to turn his back on the brother he loved for the sake of reputation and duty and most importantly the power he was never given, AND IN CONCLUSION basically trans!regulus makes more sense to me than the canon one in every way shape and form so thank you and good night <3
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shittyelfwriter · 1 year
I saw a really good tiktok a while ago (that I will add to this post if I can find it again) talking about how jk rowling doesn’t have good execution of her own ideas and concepts in her writing (specifically harry potter series) rather, she made a good sandbox and that’s what draws people to the books. it’s the potential of the world she created, not the actual application of it that has people so enamored
and honestly? it’s so true, and applies to most media I can think of. that’s why fanfiction is what it is: it’s just us kids playing in a sandbox created by someone who didn’t know what to do with all that damn sand
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cannot fathom thinking your ship is ‘better’ because it could be confirmed by canon, bitch no
the crackier the ship the better imo, rare pair hell is my home; it’s the crackship life for me
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designernishiki · 1 year
The tags you left about autistic Kiryu are soooo true, your MIND!!!
ehe >:3c I have many thoughts about him and his autistic traits and experiences and whatnot. perhaps i will post some more of my own. who knows. we’ll see
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heavencasteel420 · 1 year
There’s one post from a while ago that’s like “it’s unfair and wrong to say that Steve has the least trauma out of all the main cast,” and it’s so annoying, because I agree, at least in the sense that it’s not useful to minimize trauma by pointing to someone with more trauma, but the notes are full of people saying “yeah! Lucas and Erica have the least trauma, because they have good parents” and “lol this is why I roll my eyes when people say Jonathan’s s4 actions were influenced by trauma, because they all have trauma.” It’s like, oh, so your problem isn’t that people are being insensitive about trauma; it’s that they’re acknowledging that characters other than your fave have difficult lives.
Because I do think Steve has problems, including both his multiple brushes with death (which are never really acknowledged as having long-term consequences in canon) and his more mundane young adult struggles (it absolutely does suck for your college plans to fall through, break-ups are never fun, and honestly the kind of bullying he experiences from Billy is extremely demoralizing). I don’t think his parents are evil or totally neglectful, but it seems plausible that they’re not very kind or helpful.
But it’s not minimizing his experiences to say that he’s, you know, white. There’s a whole lot of difficulties that Lucas and Erica have to deal with that he just doesn’t. And, yes, his life is objectively less difficult than Jonathan’s. That doesn’t mean it’s easy.
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year
listen. unless a character explicitly states that a difference in lifespan between them and someone they care about is a concern of their’s, lifespan angst is the most boring and meaningless trope you can add to a fic/fan work. like, yes it is sad to lose someone but that is not because of a difference in lifespan. an elf with 1000+ year life expectancy might die tomorrow, a goliath might live longer than expected. it feels extremely reductive to look at characters with different fantasy races and decide that the biggest concern is that one will outlive the other when those characters have expressed no concern about either outliving or leaving their loved ones behind. like, i get the fear of death and trying to understand that through fictional characters but just do it with the ones who have expressed an actual concern with it, not with characters who seem delighted to get to love someone at all, even if it is brief and mortal. we don’t love people because we think it will be forever, and it hurts when the impermanence of the people we love becomes clear. but if i spent as much time factoring together matters of health and life expectancy for the people i love to try to predict when they’ll die so that i’ll be ready to lose them, i would have a lot less time to love them and it will still hurt just as much when they are no longer around.
#this isn’t just about critical role because i’ve seen it in Most real play fandoms i’ve come across#but i will say that the cr fandom’s constant use of this pisses me off the most#like. Please give me lifespan angst stuff with keyleth and essek and caleb. because they have canon concerns about that#or like. even if u headcanon it. make it more complex that ‘oh the people i love will die someday and it’s somehow special in this case’#like the amount of times i see people lifespan angst with perc’ahlia or fjorester. i will stomp you to death with my hooves#jester loves so completely. she carries molly with her every fucking where she goes#you think she cares (beyond normal grief that Everyone has about people they love dying)#that fjord will probably die before her?#as if the traveler isn’t going to probably make her immortal at some point anyway if she doesn’t find a way herself#and you think that vex who rolled her eyes at so much of keyleth’s pain because she has an extremely different view of life#who faced her brother literally making a bargain that meant that the two of them would not spend their lives together without one dying ear#you think she . that woman. is particularly ruined by the fact that the man she fell in love with is a human? she knows that.#and . again. grief is normal. that is the price we pay for love and it’s one we choose willingly. but god . lifespan angst is BORING.#and like don’t get me wrong i love lifespan tropes n playin with them in fantasy. i think they’re extremely impactful on characters.#i just think that making it seem like loved ones dying somehow hurts More when there’s a different lifespan is . boring . and also weird#like. one of my favourite idc about u but im feelin it lifespan headcanons is that vex (and vax if he’d lived) have lifespans much closer#to those of elves than humans#which. yes does mean that vex would outlive percy by quite a lot#but it also means that she could disprove some of keyleth’s fatalism#and also like. most of the people you know will not die of old age in our world.#you think your silly little fantasy heroes who refuse to actually retire are gonna age to death?#you do you but yknow. unlikely#dnd#dungeons and dragons#lifespan angst#ttrpgs#real play
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sabertoothwalrus · 3 months
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here are some preliminary sketches I had done in my sketchbook for the peepaw chilchuck comic.
I wanted to follow it up with some worldbuilding thoughts I had while working on it, if that sort of thing is interesting to anyone:
- it’d take place 5ish years post-canon
- I changed almost everyone’s hair to show time had passed. Chilchuck and Kabru were the most drastic (I COULDNT STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT LONG HAIR KABRU THAT KUI DREW), Marcille grew out her bangs, Senshi’s beard is slightly shorter, and Izutsumi’s hair is mildly longer. Laios and Falin give me the impression that they’re the brand of neurodivergent that’d pick one haircut and stick to it for the rest of their lives. I almost gave Laios facial hair but idk he’s gotten over his daddy issue enough for that.
- Emertim Chils: I tried to follow both the half-foot and dwarven naming conventions for the baby, so Emer- comes from “emerald” (dwarven names are often gemstones or ore) and -tim because Chilchuck’s father’s first name was Tim :) Dwarves don’t have family names, so Emertim would take Chils, same as Flertom. Usually they’re named after their father but I didn’t wanna name a random dwarf man. thank you Chel for helping name him 🫶💕
- Initially the idea that Chilchuck would keep an entire grandchild a secret was just a joke, but it made sense when I thought about it. I wonder,, would dwarf/half-foot couples have trouble conceiving? Because if so, I’d imagine Flertom may have lost a couple pregnancies. Chilchuck is already such a private person, and I don’t think he’d feel comfortable airing his daughter’s grief like that. They wouldn’t wanna tell anyone until they were sure this baby was gonna make it.
- For the above reason, Chilchuck would absolutely spoil this kid. Not that he wouldn’t have spoiled his grandkids anyway, but I think after all that stress, he’d be extra extra doting. He’d be letting him do things he’d never DREAM of letting his own daughters do. Completely different parenting style.
- I think he’s still too prideful to take advantage of Laios being King (sidenote: is Laios even wealthy??? does a kingdom that sprung up from a previously-sunken continent even have money?? what the fuck is their economy), but like,,, if Laios offered any gifts he wouldn’t exactly say no.
- Izutsumi surprisingly really likes the baby :3 she’d like to take naps with him and he’d like her purrs and she’d have a lot of fun playing with him.
- SENSHI. meemaw mode. That kid would grow up not realizing Senshi isn’t technically one of his grandads. He is FEEEEEDING this kid.
- LAIOS DOES GET TO HOLD THE BABY!!!!!! just. eventually. They don’t actually expect a Tarrare situation LMAO they just wait until the kid is a little less fragile and a little more mobile. I think Laios would be really good with toddlers.
- Chilchuck is very thankful Emertim’s half-foot genes kick in sooner than later because he was getting too big for him to carry.
- Emertim would probably get the extended lifespan. He and Marcille would get to stay friends for a very very long time :’)
- my personal headcanon is that Chilchuck and his wife decide to split. He still loves her and it’s probably still a bit mutual, but after four years of almost no-contact, they decide their communication issues aren’t working well for their relationship. Plus, the Adventurer’s Bible says Chilchuck is renting their old house out to family, and he’d feel bad kicking them out so he and wife could move back in. They’d still be on good terms, and would be good at coordinating when to babysit.
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