#like we get it you’re boring you’re dull no one likes you
people like hannibal because it’s not so fucking exhausting. more and more books and tv shows and movies are being put out by millennials and gen z who are constantly obsessed with making sure that everything is morally correct. that their characters are morally correct. who are constantly worried about perpetuating this or romanticizing that. in other words just trying to push purity culture and making fiction absolutely fucking dull because people absolutely refuse to separate reality from fiction. and sometimes you just need an interesting character like hannibal lecter who manipulates people for fun, try to use his power as a psychiatrist to push people to their edge, and eats people because they’re rude. and is 100% unapologetic about it.
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wren-kitchens · 2 months
im literally so glad depression did not take my sense of humour away because if it did I would literally just be angel from buffy and I cannot think of a fate worse than that
#i’m sorry I fucking hate him HES JUST SO BORING#ALL HE DOES IS BROOD#IT’S SO DULL#I couldn’t care less about who you ship buffy with but I could literally never get into her x angel because he’s just so DRY#LIKE YEAH WE GET IT YOU HAVE A SOUL AND YOU’RE SAD GET OVER YOURSELF#he literally. does not fucking stop being Sad all the time#it’s all he does#he’s only fun when he’s evil#and those like three episodes in the first season when he was mysterious in a fun way rather than the always fucking sad way#yeah he’s hot but that could not matter less HES SO BORING#spike is one of my favourite characters#better than angel by far because he’s ENTERTAINING#HE HAS LAYERS#he and joyce watching passions is the funniest shit idec#also that onion flower thing he kept talking about#there was never a dull moment with spike because he was FUNNY#‘out for a walk. bitch’#buffy is the perfect example of someone who can brood and Not be boring about it because SHE HAS DEPTH#she’s funny AND SHE HAD TO CLAW HER WAY OUT OF HER COFFIN AFTWR SHE WAS DRAGGED OUT OF HEAVEN#SHE GETS TO BROOD#also FAITH oh my god I fucking love faith#s7 faith <33333#y’know I take back what I said about not caring who you ship buffy with her and faith makes way more sense than her and spike or angel#this turned into a rant about btvs but idec#I was complaining about depression earlier and made this joke to myself and I thought it was hilarious#i’m saying it to my mum tomorrow anyway idc she’d love it#wren wrambles#q
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kombuuuu · 11 months
Can I request Miles 42 bullies you at school and is always bothering you but he gets mad and tries to fight someone else who is bullying you because he’s the only one who can be mean to you😩😩‼️
Earth42!Miles x Fem!Reader
“I would get your hands off her if I were you, homeboy.”
This one is kiiiinda violent, not by Miles mostly be warned C:
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such a cute wife (throw me on an island to live in my delusions)
You were quiet, silent most days. Not stepping out of the very thick circle you’d made for yourself consisting of just you.
And yet, still.
Still, the mere thought of keeping to yourself as a permanent transfer student would make even the most daft of people scoff.
You weren’t anything special, you were void of attention, and happy that way. Acted appropriately and left anger at the door. Had nothing and no one to complain to, so why make problems for yourself?
You’re entire life was just floating along your schooling and waiting patiently for the day you left. Even if you were the rare case of “Got transferred half way through the year because the school saw potential!” girl, you’d just wanted to be left to yourself.
But even the premise of that seemed almost impossible now.
Because ever since you were pushed by some rushing kid straight into Miles Morales, tripping him over with you. Him and his asshole friends had made it their life mission to bother you.
“The cute new girl?”
“Yeah, the one that—,” The first boy glanced at Miles. “,—tripped on.”
“Oooh, shit—, She’s fucked.” The other man whispered back, laughing under his breath. You could feel his taunting stare at the back of your head, and when you checked your peripherals, Miles was sending a sickening glare your way.
You sighed.
The ache in your head was probably the only thing keeping you awake.
The day dragging longer than usual had you right about ready to get home and knock yourself out within a minute of being in your bed. Your hand slowly dragged down your face, taking a deep breath and stuffing your jacket somewhere in your locker. The heat of the school mingling with the temperatures the Summer was providing and then adding on the rain from the prior day? You cursed Brooklyn and its humidity. Reaching to close your locker, you finally fit the jacket in the already cramped space. A little piece of the fabric poked out, and you pushed it in while simultaneously trying to keep everything else in too. Pulling a face before you finally managed to get it shut, and slip your finger out before it can get trapped. You turned the key into the dumb metal and scowled at it before pocketing the key and turning to leave.
Being so engrossed in your feud with the locker, you had failed to realise the very man who’d given you this headache, leering over your frame. Turning straight into his chest and reacting in a pained groan, gripping your forehead in displeasure and glaring up at whomever was standing so close to you.
Which happened to be Miles Morales. Staring down at you with cold, dulled eyes.
“What the fuck are you doing, man?” The simmering anger in your voice was made known, and also promptly ignored. He tilted his head down at you, braids shifting with the movement, his expression barely changing. If only he had a conscience. Then maybe you could read his expression, the emotions on his face —, but in this universe? The thought seemed laughable.
He stepped forward, sending you staggering closer against your locker.
“Back off—,” You’re voice shook a little as you swore. Dropping his eyelids into a glare, he spoke, “You keep talkin’ to me like that, and we gon’ have a problem.”
“You keep creeping up on me like a fuckin’—,”
“Like a what?” Miles’s bored, taunting voice grated against your eardrums.
You let out a shaky breath, chest heaving, and clenched your jaw. Shaking out the annoyance in your bones, you kept your calm.
“Don’t get shy on me now.”
A surge of anger rose through you, before you willed it away.
He was antagonising you.
You tried not to instigate him. If you didn’t encourage it, maybe he’d go away.
“Never mind. Whatever, Why—,”
“Miles, my man.” A different man clapped him on the shoulder, giving you the chance to step back and away from him. The other man was tall and lanky, spindly in the way where he looked out of place for a high school. His blue eyes caught sight of you, smirk contorting the bridge of his nose and baring his teeth. “Fuck you doin’ with this thing?”
“What d’you want.” Miles diverted attention from you quick, his companion not getting the hint.
“Fuck, nevermind man,” The man sent a sleezy smile at you, looking you up and down slowly, a short whistle under his breath.
“Shut the fuck up, James.”
You glared are the taller man, something like bile clawing at your throat. The way he was talking about you was sickening, nothing more than a bothersome rodent.
Miles glanced at you, raising a brow, he wanted to see how long it would take before you’d finally fight back. Through the months you’d been at this school, not once had you actually lost your nerve.
On worse days, like this one, you gave him attitude. Snapping at him the moment he showed up, knowing if you didn’t, he’d take the chance too first. He looked forward to those days, where you would engage him. It sent some sick thrill through him. Watching the way your eyes unfocused, urging yourself not to roll them. How your composure surely chipped but never cracked, fingernails digging prints of a fine line when dug into your palms.
He watched your breathing stutter and counted your breaths with you, he’d basically memorised the pattern.
10 beats in, hold for 8, and 12 beats out.
Though, this was only on a good (bad?) day. Other days you just stood and took it. Letting him say whatever he wanted to you, talk shit right to your face. Spread rumours without repercussions and mess with you just because he had the urge.
And just like always. Through the heat of Summer and the full ache in your head, you managed to do nothing.
Just stand and stare as James acted like you were less to a piece of meat.
Miles scowled, dropping his shoulder and causing the man to fall from leaning on him. “Omf— Hey! What the fuck, dude.”
“Let’s go.”
James scoffed, rolling his eyes but following behind nonetheless.
“Miles, what was that shit about?”
“None of your fucking business, homeboy.”
Their voices faded as they walked away, the white noise of chattering people swallowing the scraping of James’s voice.
You wondered what Miles had really wanted this time, as he hadn’t gotten the chance to say anything with James showing up. You hate to thank him, but god. You might’ve lost your mind.
Four months in and you were losing your mind. Miles hadn’t stopped, neither had his determination. He seemed so eager to piss you off and do nothing but stare coldly as you composed yourself every time.
Just as that thought brimmed in your head, something kicked out in front of you, sending you flat on your stomach. Hands pressed into the hardwood of the gym below. You groaned, knees being knocked straight to the ground, landing with your arms outstretched in front of you. At least it wasn’t your face.
A voice was heard behind you and you froze, unsure what to do at that moment.
“Get up, [Name].”
“Yeah, I’m—“ You shuffled back onto your feet. Standing up cautiously and checking your uniform was in place.
“Shut the fuck up.” He interrupted you, and you turned around slowly to face him. “Ever since I made it clear how little you were fucking worth, that dipshit Miles has been a fuckin’ dog to me.” He spat at you, the anger rising in his voice, he gripped the polo shirt you wore, dragging your limp upper half closer to his.
You shivered at his breath on your face, wanting to gag.
“You’re a fucking freak—.” His group of even more childish people were standing behind him like some sort of team work movement.
“Please let go.”
“I’ll fucking gut you. I needed that motherfucker—,” “Woah.” “,—He’s lucky I don’t beat his ass for ditching me.” Seems like attachment issues. “And you too, cunt. I’ll end your fucking life.”
He pulled you ever closer, using his height to intimidate you, six foot four of an angry man standing over you, no thanks.
A whistle was heard from the main room of the Gym, prompting James to let go of you.
“You’re lucky you’re a looker, call it pretty privilege.”
“Next time I’ll fucking kill you.”
You dropped from where you had been dragged onto your toes, stumbling a little as James’s group snickered when they walked past, bumping your shoulder and wolf whistling.
The lesson ended, and you rushed to get out of there. Making your way to the locker room, and being the first in there, also the first to leave. Changing from your sports uniform and rushing out of the Gym.
You kept looking over your shoulder, Knowing that James wasn’t lying. He probably would kill you, or, objectively worse.
You tripped over your feet before righting yourself again. People around sent curious looks to you which you ignored easily.
Getting to the front of the school, glass double doors shut with a “locked” sign on it, you continued to shoulder forward. Ignoring the shout of the office lady, you pushed against the metal bar and opened the door. You’d already known about the doors being unlocked constantly, having seen many times teachers trying to check no one was watching before slyly slipping out. So when the door opened for you with no trouble, you breathed out quick, and booked it.
You praised yourself for the amount of cardio you could do, the school was three stories for goodness sake, the amount of stairs you needed to climb was insane.
You slid to the side, dodging the occasional pedestrian and making it to the main gate, another shout was heard from the front of the school and you slipped out the gate just as it opened for another teacher, thanking them as you passed.
“Thank you!” You shouted as you ran.
“You’re welcome?— Oh..”
“Kid, Get back here!”
The office lady watched you hit the end of the street and turn, no longer in her sight. She threw her hands in the air and sighed.
“I’m going to get fired.”
“No, Marlene. I’ll cover you.”
“Thanks, John.”
“Why were they running, anyway?”
“Dunno, maybe AP exam.”
Miles watched as James was escorted back inside the building. His scowl etched onto his hideous face. Two of their shared buddies trailed behind him, rolling their eyes at the teachers questioning them.
One of the girls in his group was pressing against him, Miles getting more agitated by the minute. His disinterest in her only seemed to fuel her infatuation more, and it was getting annoying.
The guys at his table were all laughing at some—, probably sexist joke one of them made, the ladies giggling along with them, feeding their toxic lovers the attention they so desperately want. It’s not like Miles thought he was above these people. He just was. They were scum, but the only friends he could keep. Hurt people hurt people, and all that sappy shit. So when you hurt so much, only a small portion of people can stand you, and you them.
But when your name was mentioned, he perked up significantly — his ears fine tuning to the conversation. Completely forgetting about the raven-haired girl pressing against him, and focusing on the words spat by James and his two huevos.
“She’s hot though—,”
“Fuckin’ cares ‘f she is? Woulda beat her ass.”
“Yeah, [Name]. Miles got all fuckin’ sissy I thought she was hot, and now we don’t talk.”
“So—!? Now I lost my chance with Imogen, she’s all fuckin’ over him cause I’m gone.”
Right, Imogen was her name.
“You want to beat her up over you losing a bitch? Just bag her instead?”
James rolled his eyes, debating it. Miles tensed, his relaxed posture straightened quickly, causing him to almost knock Imogen in the face. Too which she squealed at. An awful noise, really.
He quickly stood, chair falling behind him with a loud clang, and strode out of the hall, Glaring at James the entire time. His two friends laughed James’s sudden hesitance to respond, knowing how piss scared he was of Miles.
James stayed silent until the doors to the cafeteria closed, and the whispers started up. Then told his buddies off in a harsh tone.
No one had ever seen Miles do anything too bad. But with the amount of times he’s shown up to school with a busted nose and smug aura, you could tell—, whatever fight he’d had.
He’d won.
To say that Miles wanted to have the day away from school, probably wasn’t true. With the stuff he’d heard James and his dogs speil, he’d rather you not be alone.
He was—, worried.
But when his Uncle Aaron called him in for something urgent right at 4 AM, telling his Ma it was a work emergency, he couldn’t refuse his Uncle. He fit his mask onto him, faceplates slotting closed. Claws being turned and clicked into place, he flexed his hands, dragging the window of his room open in the early morning, and left with his Momma sound asleep.
The peace and quiet of the day had been rather disturbing. Not having Miles or any of his groupies bother you—. Was off, not unwelcome, but odd.
So when the bell rang for your fourth class, everyone heading from their lunch break back to their assigned classes, it was only by nature you’d be pulled into deserted corner of the school by some unknown figure. A hand placed over your mouth and the other gripping your wrist, pulling you back.
You struggled against the mystery person, a sickeningly familiar voice croaking in your ear.
“Be—,” You kicked your head back, knocking his jaw. “,—Fuckin’ bitch, be quiet.”
Your foot slipped under you, bringing him more leverage to haul you further from the light of the main hall.
You screamed through his hand, tears building behind your eyes when you heard a door unlock.
“Get in.”
“Fuckin—, Open it wider, dipshit.”
“Fuck off.”
James ripped his hand off your mouth before you could realise, pushing the middle of your back so you were forced into a dark, cold classroom.
You fell to your knees, a sense of déjà vu kicking in as you braced yourself with your hands.
Your chest heaved, James slamming the door shut.
“Keith, close those blinds.”
“Fuck are you gon’ do?”
“Beat the fuck outta her.”
Miles stuffed his claws somewhere in his locker, uncaring for secrecy. No one was there now, everyone having gone to class. He’d arrived fairly late, not an unusual occurrence considering his occupation, though. So the office ladies didn’t mind.
He slammed his locker shut, an image of you doing the same with a pout on your lips coming to mind. He had class with you now, sat right next to you, actually.
So he made his way towards the back block of the school, where you’d be.
A hit straight to your cheek sent you flying to the floor again, Mathew letting go of where he was holding you up.
“Dude your grip is shit.”
“Nod off.”
Keith muttered something about “Fucking brit..” from his seat on the prior teachers desk.
You groaned internally, eyes lolling to the closed curtains, the broken glass of the window letting in a sweet breeze. The only reprise from this entire ordeal was a broken window.
There’s some poetry in that, or something.
Blood dripped from your nose and lip. A cut on your cheek now present too. James, the creep, had rings on his thin fingers that, when used, hurt to no end.
You were picked back up by under your arms, closing your eyes in pain and hissing. You opened your eyes in time to see the small glint of metal in James’ pocket, and the wince on Keith’s face before another fist connected to your temple.
You weren’t there.
You had shown up to school, evident by your paper on the lecturers desk, but hadn’t shown up for the period.
And by the empty seats of James, Keith and Mathew. He could only guess what was happening right now.
Miles slammed the door to the class shut, ignoring the panicked yells of his teacher and started towards the darker parts of the school. Where no one used, a chemistry accident setting the safety board director deep in debt and a block of the school unusable.
He flung open his locker when close enough, snatching the prototype version of his claws from the locker. Small, sharp finger coverings that were something close to the claws he had for his Prowler suit. The knuckles were brassed and the wrist latch clasped easily to his skin. He slammed it shut again, not bothering with the lock, and honed in his hearing.
The walls were thin enough.
“Don’t you think this is a little too far?”
“Shut the fuck up, Keith.”
“Fuck you gonna do if she snitches—?”
He gripped James’s wrist, holding the knife away from both you and himself.
“—You gon’ ruin your life for this shit, man?”
“She’s been playing my fuckin’ nerves—, yeah.”
Keith gave him a bewildered look while Mathew stared on in disinterest, still holding you at a position you couldn’t right yourself.
The blood had stained your shirt now, bruising littering your face and body.
James had taken to ditching the knife.
“Fuckin—, Whatever man.”
It clattered to the ground with a large clang, the tiled floors of the science room made the echo ring in your head like the growing migraine.
“Drop ‘er.”
Keith glanced down at you, then backed off. An odd look on his face while he kicked the knife away from James, unintentionally pushing it closer to you.
He walked back to his seat.
Mathew let go, watching as you dropped to the ground and started coughing.
Choking on your own blood before you spat it out.
“You know how long i’ve been wantin’ to fucking do this?”
He raised his leg, tilting your chin up with his boot, how demeaning.
He swung back and kicked your ribs, sending you into another coughing fit while you fought the urge to throw up, tears streaming the blood dripping down your chin.
“Your family ruined my fucking life.” Another kick to your stomach, you gagged.
“Taking my dad, then my fucking girl too?”
What is this guy on about.
“Your fucking daddy couldn’t just mind his own business. Had to get involved, then you.”
A harder kick to your stomach, you clenched your abs and covered your head.
A sudden shock ran over you, a familiarity that always sat with James clicking in your mind.
James Ohnn, son of Jonathon Ohnn, a man who had a hand in the collapse of a still-in-construction Kaleidoscope that was said to bring revolutionary science to the new world. It’s framing shattered while the workers on it all went with it.
His father was the lead scientist of that Kaleidoscope, and by turn in of your dad, was promptly arrested.
“I didn’t do shit—,”
“Shut your fucking mouth.”
He kicked your ribs again, and you swore you could feel them crack.
“I’ll kill you, you fucking ruined me.”
He swiped the knife again, Keith shouting something you couldn’t hear amongst the ringing in your ears.
You shut your eyes, crowding your head with your arms.
A slam broke through the muffles of your mind. Panicked voices and accusations being thrown around before a thick accent curled around your head.
Miles Morales.
“I’d get your hands off her if I were you, Homeboy.”
Miles approached slowly, checking your face while keeping his eyes on the three men.
“Fuck off, Miles.”
“No.” His head cocked to the side, eyes slanting while he assessed the situation.
“What, you gonna fight us?”
James’s voice was shaking. He’d never seen Miles looks o absolutely pissed before.
“Don’t think I can, asshole?”
“It’s three against one.”
“Realmente piensas—, sabes que, no importa.”
Miles lunged at him, Keith and Mathew shouting in tandem while you struggled to keep your eyes open. The pain working its way past your adrenaline and into your bones.
He grabbed James by the wrist, twisting it back and listening to the sickening crunch of his Lunate bone in curious satisfaction. James screamed, trying to tear his hand away from Miles. Even with his right hand pulling too, he wouldn’t budge. The metal clicked together every time James shifted, and Miles gave an extra squeeze before letting go. The force James was pulling sending him flying back, he stumbled and tripped over your feet, falling back and smashing his head on the tiles.
The other two boys scrambled for the door, running out the hallway and whining like dogs.
James groaned, rolling onto his stomach, Miles deadpanned down at him. You watched through blurry vision as Miles picked his up, sat him against the teachers desk, almost slumped against it. Grabbed his hair by his crown, slowly bringing his head forward, bending him at the waist. Before slamming his head back against the wood with a dull thud. He repeated this sick, prolonged process until James had fallen unconscious. Standing over him, then going to grab the knife laid a bit from you. You looked at him from your position, not unthankful, but still—, he was evidently a contributor.
“Don’t move.”
“Wha— Why? I have to get home.”
Miles scoffed, crouching down next to you, knife in hand. His limp wrists resting on his bent knees.
“You gonna’ go home with a cracked rib and busted face? Nah, Chiquita. Vente conmigo, yo te arreglo.”
He stuffed the pocket knife down the side of his Nikes and took off his claws, putting them in the pocket of his jacket.
He hooked his arm under your knees and upper back, cradling you bridal style before standing to his full height.
You panicked a little— “Wha—, No. Miles, put me down.”
“Hh— Whatdyu’ mean ‘No’!?”
You hooked your hands over his shoulders and gripped him as he made his way through the back exit of the school.
“I said, I’m taking you home.”
You groaned in pain, shirt lifted to just under your bra line as Miles assessed the damage.
He had been joking when he said cracked rib, but there was an underlying sense of real possibility. According to him though, nothing had been enough to seriously injure you. Except the disgusting looking bruises littering yourself.
You tried to focus away from the pain. Or Miles in general, he was very distracting, the lingering attraction you had when you met thought to be squished, was bubbling up again.
He had an ice pack pressed to your skin, and if you were a tad less conscious, maybe you would’ve made a joke of how cold his hands already were. The sweltering heat doing nothing to soothe the bruising.
“Keep this here.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Watch the attitude.”
You huffed a breath, laugh being painful.
“Yeah, whatever.”
You shifted yourself to alleviate some pain, and took his place holding the pack on your stomach.
He grabbed an anti-septic from the small kit he had for first aid. When he’d pulled it out earlier, you’d questioned it.
“You get injured women on your room often, Miles?”
“Nah, Just you. Usually they can take care of ‘emselves.”
You’d giggled at that, not entirely offended but more so amused he’d decided not to take offence at your jab.
His hands reaching for your face brought you back to the present. Flinching back in surprise, you watched him watch for a moment. “Chill, ma. Just gon’ put this on your cuts. Needa’ touch your face for that.”
You cringed, the twisting of your lip having you suck in a harsh breath. “Yeah—, yeah, okay. Thanks.”
The callouses in his hands were made known the moment he touched you, spreading the cream along the cut on your brow, cheekbone and lip.
His hands were a nice contrast compared to the heat of your cheeks, and the gentleness at which he was using.
When Miles touched your face, leaning his body closer to yours, he wanted to savour the feeling. The softness of your flesh against his own, how he could trace the contour of your cheek without it being awkward. His thumb rubbed a small amount of cream onto your lip and he couldn’t look away. The sight of your blood stained skin under his blemished hands had him stuck in the moment. Unable to answer her last question.
The way her lips formed around his name sent a burning heat throughout his body.
“Is my lip okay? ‘M I gonna need stitches?”
You poured up at him and he shook his head. “No.”
“Mmh— Okay.”
You looked to the side, addressing his room and Miles watched the way your eyelashes brushed along your cheeks when you blinked.
“Okay, just this left. Gonna be a little cold.”
“Thank you.”
“No stress, Chiquita.”
He grabbed some petroleum jelly, spreading it along the cuts on your face and moisturising the wound.
He then placed adhesive bandages along the places necessary, and placed everything back into his first aid.
“Yeah, Mami?”
You paused at the name, he’d been using those a lot lately.
“How’d you know to find me?”
He looked down, shuffling up next to you against the headboard. You gazed out the window, ignoring the tension that was eating at the both of you. He did too.
“Gut feeling.”
tags :3 @gemma42 , @denuparxoume
my gorgeous translator @kissmxcheek !!
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nanamistiee · 4 months
loverboy. // megumi fushiguro x reader
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ooh, lover boy! what're you doing tonight? ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ megumi fushiguro x reader ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ━━━ ( ⋆。°✩ tw: n/a) ━ (wc: 1,015 ) ━ ( song inspo ✩°。⋆) ━━━
what kind of woman is your type?
ever since todo had posed the question, megumi hasn’t been able to get it out of his mind. at the time, he’d spewed some nonsense -- not having a particular type -- mostly because he’d believed the question was completely out of place and nonsensical; which, in his defense, it was. the other male was less than pleased with his answer, even going as far as to call him boring. yet, megumi couldn’t help but wonder if he’d even answered truthfully.
“gumi,” your voice finally breaks the silence between you two. he’d been so lost in thought he’d nearly forgotten you were a foot away from him, staring intently as you sipped away at your matcha latte. “you’re so quiet today,” you frown, fiddling around with your straw. has he upset you? 
he matches your frown almost instantaneously. “i don’t think i’m being any more quiet than usual,” he tries his hardest to coolly retort, an impulsive hand rushing toward you to ruffle your hair in a desperate attempt to act like nothing’s wrong. no, his mind totally isn’t waging an entire war right now. no, he’s not at all debating on, perhaps, one of the most crucial decisions of his life.
whether or not to dare risk ruining your friendship. 
──────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────────────────
“you make me sick,” maki’s voice, a disgusted groan, breaks his concentration entirely. as he whips his head toward the green haired girl, he realizes something. he’d been staring at you this entire time. you were several feet away, talking to panda. yet, the black haired boy is absolutely mesmerized. the way your eyes light up and sparkle every time someone makes you laugh… the way every time you flash your pearly white teeth seems to make his heart flutter. there’s something about you that he’s absolutely addicted to, but megumi fushiguro swears he’d never tell a soul about any of this. no, you two are friends. what if you didn’t like him back? what if he tells you how he feels and you never want to speak to him ever again? consumed by his thoughts, he fails to realize you and panda are waltzing right up to them. 
he clears his mind with a visible shake of his head, tilting his head and looking at maki with his best ‘i don’t know what you’re talking about’ look. was he really that obvious? he makes a mental note to stop trying to stare at you less, yet this feels like an impossible task.
“just ask her out already, loverboy,” maki sticks out her tongue. he doesn’t even have to look at her to know she’s got a shit-eating grin plastered on her face.
“ooh, ask who out?” you question, clasping your hands together as you sit down next to your best boyfriend. he heard your voice. your voice. you just sat next to him. 
he swears he nearly jumps out of his skin upon realizing you’d just walked into a conversation about you. could he play it off? act stupid? what kind of lie could he tell to get out of explaining that maki was teasing him about you? were they talking about another girl from another school? no -- something about even pretending to like another girl feels wrong. 
“‘gumi’ likes a girl, but he’s too much of a pussy to ask her out,” maki snickers. it seems she’s even poking fun at your nickname for him, and he silently prays that you don’t notice this. “as a fantastic and the best friend anyone could ever ask for, i’ve been trying to encourage him.” her sarcasm is nearly enough to make his skin crawl. she’s deadpanning and making it so obvious it hurts. 
“do we know who this girl is?” you ask. maybe he’s making things up -- imaging things to make himself feel better -- but he swears your eyes dull and shift from the beautiful, sparkling orbs they always were. “we do not!” maki clicks her tongue, and megumi can finally breathe a sigh of relief. or so he thinks. “say… what’s your type anyway?” she segways the conversation almost cruelly, staring you dead in your eyes.
you seem to take a moment. firstly, to inhale a sharp breath. then, you take a second to think, furrowing your brows together in a moment of deep thought. a few beats pass and you finally exhale your sigh, and megumi swears you three have been sitting in silence for eternity. “tall,” you start, and he swears his stomach is tying itself into knots. “reserved… smart -- gotta be smart,” you chuckle and grin. “maybe even a little stoic. like i can never tell what’s going on in his head, but i always at least hope he’s thinking about me somewhere in there.”
in his state of sheer panic, he nearly misses the obvious blush dusting your cheeks. maki could’ve smacked him right in the back of his head and he still would’ve missed it. yet, somehow, you still have more to say. “someone who’s always thinking about other people… protective, i guess. someone mature and who always takes things seriously, even if other people think he’s a pain in the ass for it.” he can’t help but feel a bit guilty about giving such a lame answer to todo now, especially when you’ve had plenty to say. megumi opens his mouth to speak, yet he’s not even sure what he’s supposed to say to that. he prays deep down you’re talking about him, but it’s not exactly like he can voice that out loud--
“oh my god!” maki groans, throwing her head back. “you two are absolutely disgusting!” “you know she’s talking about you, right?” she hisses aloud, giving megumi, perhaps, the dirtiest look she could ever muster. “it’s actually so painful to watch you two dance around each other!” with her opinions growing quite vocal, maki stands up and crosses her arms. “do i have to do it for you? or are you two gonna talk about your disgusting and obvious feelings for each other?”
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lqfiles · 10 months
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✰ dating lee donghyuck.
never a dull moment.
with donghyuck’s inability to stay silent for too long, there would never really be a boring moment with him. whether it be hours of conversation about the most random topics he can come up with, or unplanned adventures that he drags you along with such as getting on a bus and letting it take you anywhere, donghyuck would manage to make every single day one you won’t forget. his talent of turning the most boring activities into something you’d genuinely enjoy has you smiling for hours. donghyuck would feel a sense of accomplishment seeing you bend over from laughing as he told you a joke he had planned for a few minutes, feeling as if everything he has done up to that point was definitely worth it.
clingy… like REALLY clingy.
even though you were aware of how clingy donghyuck was, you never truly knew how clingy he was until you became his significant other. usual shoulder holds would turn into him slinging his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side. a quick hugs would turn into a full cuddle session as he buries his whole face into the crook of your neck. a small peck at the start of your relationship had changed into him pressing his lips against yours as hard as he can for a long period of time, you having to physically push him away to regain a bit of oxygen. his reasoning whenever you call him out on it is that he “didn’t want to turn you off and ruin his chances of getting you” and maybe you can excuse him for it, especially when hearing that makes your heart flutter.
donghyuck the jealous mess.
when it comes to donghyuck jealousy is something that gets different reactions out of him every single time. for instance, he could see you give your attention to one of his friends instead of him, and get all sulky and pouty, and when you try to divert your attention back to him, he would give you the silent treatment to “reflect on your actions” as he says himself. there is also that jealousy he has where he gets annoyed and upset and almost aggressive, such as that one time mark had accidentally bought too much chocolate, so he gave you one since he knew you liked the brand. unfortunately donghyuck hadn’t heard the full dialogue and mark almost went home with a swollen face that day. either way it’s very easy to notice when donghyuck gets jealous.
how he asked you out.
donghyuck probably didn’t like you at first, most likely because all his friends thought you were fun to be around, so his immediate thought was that you were competition and overrated. he would have a few opportunities to hang out with you and slowly realise that maybe, his friends were right and he judged you too quickly! then comes the part where he realises he has a crush on you and tries to come up with a way to confess to you. he would invite you over to his house and watch a movie with you before he would jokingly say something like “we would make an amazing couple haha” and when you seem to get flustered he would shoot his shot and admit that he was being serious and how he has liked you for a while! and surprise surprise you like him too! yippie!!
kissing donghyuck is like being on the edge of your seat all the time, anticipating what comes next. donghyuck is… a tease for sure. he will rile you up until he has a feeling you want to kiss him badly, and as he slowly places his lips on yours… they’ll leave, just like that. though it isn’t for long as you’ll pull him back in and it just turns into one passionate make-out session! kissing donghyuck feels like you’re floating on cloud nine as he seems to know exactly what to do to make the kiss enjoyable. he’ll softly caress your face, take breaks in between and deepen the kiss if he feels like it’s the right moment. it manages to drive you insane every single time, no matter how used you get to it.
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angelwhisp3rs · 5 months
∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒 obsession
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Pairing: ID!Leon x Fem!Reader
Summary: Training the rookies was a pain until he met her. His sweetest new obsession, he wouln't stop till he was buried deep inside her.
Tags: smut, fluff, age gap (not too much! i imagined leon being 37 and the reader being 23-25, so everyone is legal and consenting! Its not his age in ID but i use it only bc of the character background), p in v, eating out, riding, breeding kink, leon is obsessed!, a small housewife kink.
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ on repeat: exo - obsession
Notes: Got too excited and posted without proofreading it! If i missed anything, please let me know so i can correct it! Also, when will tumblr make a pastel pink theme for the dashboard? I hate that everything we have is either a sad/gloomy hipster or raging gothic theme.
From all his years working at the D.S.O, Leon was stressed pretty much all the time, never catching a break, too exhausted. That showed on the increasing wrinkles forming from his frowns, and the occasional white hair that appeared on top of his head. In his non-existent breaks, he had another thing on his belt: training the new agents.
At first, it was a pain in the ass, watching those morons do the same mistake over and over, it really made Leon think it was getting too easy to be a D.S.O agent. Some repeated the same mistakes over and over again, and because of it, Leon frequently lost his patience, soon getting known as a hardass. 
As time went by, he began losing hope for the future of the department, until she came through. Pretty body, voice as soothing as a canary and delicious lips that called for him. And the best thing was that she was better than all of these morons, throwing down even the experienced rookies.
Since Ada, Leon didn’t know what it was like to be this obsessed with a woman. He wanted to know her next step, have her by his side all the time, know how her soft skin feels underneath his rough fingertips. He dreamed of her, and caught himself checking her out more than he should. Chris always teased him in private, telling him “his star student is making him turn back to his twenties”. God, they had a small age gap, but thinking about it only made his cock throb. Maybe dealing with rookies made his mind turn him back to his twenties.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
As their “graduation” got closer in time, all the new agents began training more, but none were like her. She came in first and left after all of them, always using the training gym by herself the most she could. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Leon offered private training, becoming a private tutor to her.
Instead of making things easy, it just caused him to become even more addicted to her - he now knew her thoughts, her quirks and her perspectives. As they spent more and more time together, it was clear that she found him attractive too - he knew he was still successful with women, after all (even if he was more dumped than anything). Leon had cemented in his mind that he needed her, and now he just needed to find a way to approach her.
She will be all his.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
One of the nights, he had to spend in his office reading and filing boring documents, Leon heard a gentle knock on his door. “Come  in” he simply answered, and to his surprise - and excitement, it was his little star. She entered his office, and her usual sparkly eyes were dull, the poor thing was too tired, working herself too much.
“What happened, rookie? You look exhausted. Working too much to bring me down?” Leon said with a smirk
“Ha, you wish, sir.” Oh, how that term made his pants tighten. “I just came for help, I don’t know. I’ve been focusing on sharpening my skills for the admission test, but I don’t know…” she said unsure
“Hey, don’t tell the rest, but you’re the only one that I would bet on getting in” he reassured her, standing up and taking a seat beside her in his couch “You’re too much in your head, agent”
“I know, I just can’t turn it off…” she whined, making Leon think how she would sound if he made her cum around his cock 
That 's it. That was Leon’s chance to get his favorite student. He put a hand on her thigh, not too close to her precious cunt and said quietly to her “It’s alright, sweetheart… I can help you, if you want”
She knew where this was going, and it turned her on more than she thought. Feigning innocence, she pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear, nodding “But… How, sir?” and looked at his lips
Leon smiled, caressing her jaw “let me fill your mind, rookie. Why don’t you sit at my desk, hm?” 
She stood up and slowly went to his desk, sitting on it and letting her head fall to the side, as if to question him “what’s next?” with her body language. Leon follows her, standing between her legs and letting his hands caress the outer side of her thighs. His face lowers to her neck, his kisses and his stubble causing a warm sensation to run through her skin. A soft gasp left her lips, her hands caressing the back of his head.
Feeling him smirk against her skin, he kept placing slow and gentle kisses, adding some nibbles on the mix “That’s what my best student needs, right? A real man to touch her”
He lays her on his desk, pushing his papers aside, pulling her hips into his - his cock adding a nice weight to her sensitive wetness. He slowly pushed her shirt up, watching her beauty for a moment “You’re perfect, baby”. As he whispered the praise, her cheeks blushed more, a soft giggle leaving her lips. He finally kissed her lips and both were hungry for each other, to quench the thirst they had been accumulating after months. 
Leon swiftly undoes her bra, not wasting any time and circling his tongue around her nipples, sucking and lightly nibbling it. Underneath him, her breath quickens, as she whines freely as he teased her. Trying to ease their ache, Leon grinds their centers together, his cock so hard that his zipper presses against his member.
Soon, he removed her pants, kissing as her skin showed - inch by inch. Again, his stubble creates goosebumps in her legs, as he worshiped her body - she deserved it, after all, he wanted to make her addicted to him and his taste. Watching her panties so drenched as they were glued to her pussy, he couldn't help but nuzzle into her bundle of nerves, causing a gentle jump on her. He kissed and licked the wet spot, as if trying to eat her up. 
“F-fuck, please take them off, sir” she whined, not even realizing that she kept the term. Leon, deciding that he wasn’t in a teasing mood, guided the clothing down, letting his pretty star all spread on his desk - his to take, to tease, to fuck, to breed. 
“Shit, baby girl, you are so wet for your teacher… you wanted me to take you, right? You wanted me to go crazy and drench my face with you. huh?” He teased her as he got on his knees, aligning his face against her cunt. She was so red, puffy and wet, not even the most delicious candy could compare to her.
His tongue tasted her at first with kitten licks, causing a loud moan to rip from her mouth. “Keep quiet, sweetheart. We don’t want anyone coming here and seeing you spread out like a needy slut, right?” at his comment, and as if teasing her, he finally sucked and rolled his tongue around her clit, letting his index finger circle her wet entrance. Almost as if she was distressed, she cupped her mouth with her hand, rolling her eyes back at the pleasure. 
Pushing his finger forward, slowly, until he's entirely inside her, he kept eating her out with gusto, as if he was a starved man. Soon, what was one finger turned into two, her juices were flowing through his palm as he began to be more desperate for her - but he wouldn’t stop till she let him taste her entirely. “It feels good, doesn’t it, my doll? I’m the only man and only one for you, gonna make sure to keep this pussy satisfied till I die”.
His fingers and mouth worked more ferociously, pussy drunk wasn’t even close to describe how he was feeling.On the other end, she had tears in her eyes as one hand didn’t leave her mouth as the other one tugged his hair hard, making him moan against her drenched cunt. “S-sir, o-oh g-god…need to c-cum!” she pleased, looking down at him with glazed eyes.
“Do it, baby girl, give it to me” he ushered her, maintaining the pace till she finally coated his fingers, tongue and mouth with her essence. As her ‘little death’ came, she felt as if fireworks erupted inside her mind - none of her exams daring to creep up on her mind.
He praised and marked her thighs as she came down from her high. The girl pulled Leon into a passionate kiss, smiling in contentment, reaching cloud 9000. Pulling away, she whispered against his lips “Let me repay you, Leon. Wanna make you feel just as good”
“Not today, doll.” He whispered, sitting back in his chair and pulling his pants and underwear down, patting his lap “I know how to help you even further”, he said with a wicked glint in his eyes.
Like an excited bunny, she hopped off his desk and jumped into his lap, resuming her kisses on his mouth - casually descending into his jaw and neck, enjoying the pleased hums that he lets out. He palmed her ass and firmly grabbed it, giving some gentle smacks as she had his fun with him. To Leon, in all of his life, that was his happiest moment: having his pretty princess on his lap, all naked, hypnotized in kissing and feeling him up. 
“Go ahead, baby, let me finally empty your mind and use you” he calmly ordered her, caressing her cheeks adoringly. Soon, she positioned herself and slowly sat down on his cock, rolling her eyes back and holding into his chair behind him. 
“S-so b-big…” she moaned, her head falling into his shoulders as the girl swallowed all of him. She was so tight, wet and perfect, Leon almost came deep in her cunt just by her inserting him. His head got dizzy for a moment, his hold on her ass tightening, as he grunted and pressed his eyes closed. 
Dedicatedly, she began jumping up and down on his cock, their skin slapping as the woman looked directly into his eyes. If anyone saw them at that moment, they would attest that both had heart in their eyes. her tits jumped up and down in front of him, making his tongue and fingers play with them as the couple lost their minds in pleasure.
“Good job, doll… jumping on my cock like the good girl you are… it’s all for you, always for you” he said rambling in pleasure,  busying his mouth to tell her praises and roll her sensitive nipples on his tongue, as her cunt drenched his cock, causing a white ring at the base.
Holding tightly into the back of his chair, her hips worked even faster on him, making Leon moan more frequently in pleasure, slapping her ass, leaving behind his handprints on her pretty skin. His head falls back as he watches the goddess in front of him taking what's hers and milking his cock into her hungry pussy. He would make sure that she passed her admission check, so every end of shift he would breed her cunt, till she is finally all of his - the mother of his children, his pretty wife. But that’s a talk for later.
After some minutes pass, Leon takes over and thrusts from below, making her body turn into his own ragdoll, her moans flowing freely into his mouth. Some minutes passed, and both were on the brink of their orgasm, so close to reaching their true paradise “Will you let me fill you, doll? Make your womb so full of me, gonna make you get home with me drenching on your legs” he taunted her.
Not handling much more teasing, and his words serving as a catalyst to her peak, she nods and coats his cock with her sweet arousal, biting down on his shoulder to drown out her sounds. Her roughness and the new tight hold on his cock makes him spill into her gummy walls, emptying himself. Finally, he marked her as his. His doll, his love, his property.
Both were coming down from their highs, trying to control their breathing, letting their heartbeat slow down. He caressed her hair, kissing her cheeks and nuzzling their noses together, all smiles. “So, did I help?” he asked jokingly.
“Didn’t even know why I came here” she answers teasingly.
From now on, Leon would never be exhausted for the wrong reasons ever again.
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dmwrites · 9 months
“Pearllllll, I’m bored.”
Gem all but draped herself over a nearby chair in Pearl’s living room, dislodging Olive the cat as she did so.
Pearl looked up at her from her notebook. “So I see. Tragic.” She looked back down at the pahe in front of her, underlined something.
“Pearrrrllll! I’m so bored!”
“You could go play a few rounds of decked out.” Pearl suggested, flipping a page.
“I already used all my shards for the week. And two of yours.” Gem complained, face-down in the seat, legs flailing out over the arm of the chair.
“You what?” Pearl looked up at her friend again, eyes wide.
“Nothing!” Gem coughed. “I just wanna annoy someone, cause some havoc.”
“Well you’re already succeeding at that.” Pearl muttered, putting her notebook to the side and looking at the mess of limbs that was Gem.
“Ugh. Impulse isn’t even around for me to bother, he’s too busy ‘hunting ghosts’ with Skizz and Scar and Grian. Why didn’t they invite me? I wish I could, like, haunt them or something. Possess one of their bodies and scare them.”
“Possession is easy.” Pearl said offhandedly.
“Pearlescentmoon! Do you know how to possess people?” Gem gasped, scrambling to a normal sitting position.
“Maybe…” Pearl giggled. “Who do you wanna possess?”
“Oh my god, Scar would be so funny to possess!” Gem said.
“I think we could manage that…” Pearl grinned, holding up a vial with a few bits of dark brown hair inside.
“How did you- actually, I don’t wanna know, I don’t want to have to go to court as a witness one day.” Gem said. “So, okay, how do we do this, then?”
Pearl pulled out a small, stained book from her bookshelf. “Leave it to me. Come back tonight.”
Gem and Pearl were sitting on Pearl’s floor in the dark, surrounded by candles. Gem was spooked already.
Pearl checked the time. “Alright, they should be there by now. You ready, Gem?”
“You still haven’t told me what we’re gonna do to put me inside of Scar.” Gem said.
“Simple. Drink this.” Pearl held out a bottle with a dull-looking potion sloshing around inside.
“What is this?” Gem took it and swirled it, frowning.
“Well, if you asked Scar when he downed the bottle I gave him earlier, it’s an energy drink. But it’s actually an awkward potion with a lock of your hair in it.”
“What? Ew!” Gem exclaimed.
“And you have the other, the one with Scar’s hair in it. If you want to possess Scar, that’s how you do it.” Pearl pointed at the bottle. “I’ll guard your body, as I’m sure Scar will be quite frightened to be so short.”
“Wait, he’s taking over my body? I don’t want him in me!”
Pearl snorted. “Ignoring that, what do you think happens to the other soul? It just hangs out? No, silly, it’s got to have a place to go. Scar’ll be fine, trust me. So, are we doing this or not?”
Gem took a deep breath. “This is insane. I should have just gone and killed Etho again. Whatever. Cheers, you weirdo.” She raised the bottle towards Pearl, and drank the entire potion down. For a moment, she and Pearl stared at each other. Then, darkness.
“Scar? You okay buddy?” Gem felt a cool hand on her face, gently slapping her awake.
Gem opened her eyes to find a dark haired man standing entirely too close to her face. His own face split into a grin.
“Scar’s alive, guys!”
“I knew he’d faint out of fear.” Grian’s voice came from a corner, not entirely hiding mild distain.
“Come on, man, let’s get you up.” Another voice, Impulse’s voice, came warmly from her other side, and Gem felt herself being picked up. She was set into a chair, and looked up at Impulse, Grian, and Skizzleman.
“Hi guys!” Gem said in her cheeriest voice.
Skizz screamed. Grian screamed louder and higher, clutching to Impulse’s arm. Impulse jumped backwards, falling on Grian, and they both hit the floor. Gem found the wheels of her chair and began moving around.
“Gem?” Impulse finally managed to stutter out, with Skizz and Grian hiding behind him. “Where’s Scar? And how are you… him?”
“Scar’s safe, don’t worry. Let’s go hunt some ghosts, boys!” Gem chirped, leading the way into the haunted house.
“Wha- Grian? Impulse? Rizzleman? Did I die? Hello?” Scar sat up, looking around the candle-strewn room in confusion. There was a movement in front of him, and a shadowy figure moved into the candlelight.
“Hello Scar. This is your own personal hell, where you have to pay for the sins of your shulker monsters.” Pearl said in a creepy voice.
“Nooooo!” Scar screamed. “I always knew it would end like this!”
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writtenfangirl · 9 months
Jealousy, Jealousy
I am cranking out these Charles fanfics left and right. I have never done this for any other fandom ever.
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Y/N was bored. It was the only way she could describe it. She was bored. With her boyfriend currently preoccupied with his phone, Y/N couldn’t stop the boredom that crept up her spine, numbing her body and dulling her brain. Her eyelids were beginning to shutter close and if there was one thing that could prevent her from falling asleep, it would be coffee.
“Cha?” She said, fighting back the yawn that threatened to escape.
“Hmm?” He hummed, his attention still wholly focused on his phone, his thumbs flying across the screen.
“I’m going to go get some more coffee, yeah?” Y/N said as she stood up from their table in the cafe that Charles and Y/N usually went to.
It was Y/N’s grocery day, which meant she was suppose to be in and out quickly but with Charles offering to come with her, her usual 2 hour errand had spilled over to 5 hours. With Charles receiving call after call from Fred and the rest of his race engineers, Y/N understood why he was easily distracted and she had exercised every bit of patience. Besides their day had essentially come to a close so it wasn’t like Charles was doing anything wrong by ignoring her. Their groceries were already loaded in the car and they were just meant to spend the rest of they day together.
Still, her patience was beginning to fray and she was getting sleepy.
Charles glanced at her before his eyes went back to his phone. “Sure, cherie. Can you get me another cup too?”
Y/N didn’t bother leaving a response, not when Charles was already preoccupied with whatever he was doing.
Instead she went to back to the counter, looking at their selection of pastries through the chilly glass window.
The cafe had one of the best pain au chocolate Y/N had ever encountered in her life and Charles was always partial to their eclairs.
“Back for part two?” The clerk, who had wide eyes and a kind smile, asked her French.
Y/N returned her smile and answered in French. “Oui. Can we get a refill on our drinks but this time with an order of pain au chocolat and an eclair?”
“Of course. I’ll bring your orders out shortly.” The attendant said before he disappeared behind the curtain that led to the kitchen to bring out their orders.
From the corner of her eye, Y/N could see that Charles was still distracted by his phone, his thumb tapping this way and that as he typed out a message to someone.
The door of the cafe opened and the little bell that was tied above it rang a clear and crisp note.
A man around the same age as Y/N approached the counter, a charming smile on his face. He was quite handsome with crystalline blue eyes and a chiseled jaw but he wasn’t the kind of man Y/N usually would have gone for. He had an air of arrogance that she wouldn’t have been able to stomach on a regular basis. Still, he was nice to look at.
“Where is the attendant?” The man asked as he looked around the counter for the clerk.
“He went to get my order,” Y/N replied politely, “I’m sure he’ll be out soon.”
The man’s attention locked on her, his eyes roving down her body before flying to her face, an arrogant smirk on his face. “You’re very pretty.”
Y/N tried not to roll her eyes, her previous politeness evaporating at the man’s words. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Just the pretty ones,” he grinned. “You have a boyfriend?”
From the corner of Y/N’s eyes, she saw Charles look up from his phone, his eyes narrowing at her and the man before her.
“Why?” Y/N smirked, her demeanor instantly changing from mild annoyance to flirtatious as she became fully aware that her boyfriend was glaring daggers at them, “you’re gonna ask me out on a date?”
“Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?”
Suddenly, Y/N felt a familiar weight around her shoulders and her smirk turned into a full blow grin at Charles’s arms protectively and possessively wrapping around her.
“She does,” Charles said with a glare, “can I help you?”
“No,” the man said as he looked at Charles with mild surprise, his eyes alit with recognition, “I just wanted to tell you that your girlfriend is very beautiful. You’re a lucky man.”
“I’m aware,” Charles said, clearly unimpressed, his eyes still narrowed into slits. “Do you need something else or are you ready to leave?”
“She didn’t tell me you were her boyfriend,” the man said defensively, raising his hands in an effort to show he meant no harm.
“Now you know. Do you want me to get the door for you or what?” This time, Charles’s tone held the undercurrent of a mild threat and his grip on her shoulder tightened.
Slowly, the man walked away, leaving the store with a tinkling of the bell.
Charles turned to her, the glare in his face never leaving. But rather than cower before it, Y/N simply grinned. “I think that might have been the hottest thing I have ever seen.”
“Stop provoking me, cherie,” Charles said as he slightly pinched her shoulder. “Why are you trying to make me jealous?”
She gave him an innocent smile. “It was the only way I could catch your attention. I was feeling neglected.”
Charles’ glare melted from his face, his face now looking mildly guilty. “Mission accomplished, you have my full undivided attention. I’m sorry for neglecting you, cherie.”
“Apology accepted,” Y/N said as she leaned up and placed a quick kiss on his nose before she grinned. “I was just kidding though. You can go back to work.”
Charles rolled his eyes. “You have my full undivided attention now. You can’t get rid of me that easily.” And then, as if to prove his point, he flicked Y/N’s nose.
“Well if this is how you react whenever you’re jealous, I should do it more often.”
“Please don’t. I might end up in jail or worse if you keep this up.”
“Really.” He deadpanned. “I can’t believe of all the men, you chose that guy.” He gave cafe’s door a pointed glare, as if somehow the previous man would suddenly materialize back into the shop.
“He was nice to look at,” she shrugged.
Charles scoffed. “I’m nice to look at!”
“Yes, you are. The best view in all of Monaco. I’d never go for a guy like that so you have nothing to worry about.”
Charles grinned at her and she returned it with a cheeky smile. “It’s hard to be mad at you, cherie, when you say things like that.”
“I know. It’s why I say things like that. Now, I am being serious. You can go back to work.”
“You’re sure?” He said, raising a brow.
“I’m sure.”
“You won’t try to make me jealous anymore?”
“Well, if someone handsome comes along, then I might not have a choice.”
“Kidding!” She laughed. “You know you’re the only one for me.”
Charles smiled, wide and genuine. The kind of smile that had Y/N’s toes curling in her shoes and her heart beating fast in her chest. “And you’re the only one for me.”
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circeyoru · 2 months
Unwanted Soul _ Part 9 = Requested
[Yandere!Alastor x Owner of his Soul!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 2.5 (ask) — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9 (here)
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The days when you worked for Lucifer were dull and boring, you saw nothing to gain even though you’re the one doing all the information searching and collecting. You went belong Lucifer’s expectation when you said you’ll infiltrate and plant yourself close to the source so that the information collected was reliable 
Lucifer told you directly that he expected for you to just listen and gather what rumors were around and tell him, or what information was available then you report to Lucifer in a neat pile. Never did he think you’ll go above and beyond, considering your mood and status of wanting to get yourself a second death
Well, you didn’t really mind it all. Back when you were writing your novel, you had a ton of characters, each with different backgrounds and personality. You tried just researching online to get the information, but there wasn’t that feeling when you were writing them. You needed to get the feel of it. So you actually tried out part-time jobs from all over the place to get it
Turns out it worked since even a copy of the novel got such fame and wealth…
Now, you realized you didn’t need to create something for you to know what you have. With your new power, you seem to have something akin to photographic memory to the point you’ll be able to keep what you see and know like a compute file system. Very convenient and steal-proof
Your main target happened to be Vox, the TV Demon and an Overlord that is acquainted and in alliance with another two Overlords Velvette and Valentino. Lucifer requires newer information of the modern Overlords, so you went to the V Tower to sneak within their ranks
That was before your charm abilities from your pages developed to what you have today, so Lucifer gave you an entirely new look and some common powers so you didn’t make an impression on Vox or the other two Overlords
It was through Vox that you learned of Alastor as well. While you never saw him, you heard plenty from Vox to know they weren’t overly fond of the other. Alastor seem to tolerate Vox and didn’t even see Vox as a treat since it was all so childish from on outlooker’s perspective
But what you learned from within was even worse. Vox was controlling, very controlling. He not only hypnotizes the customer and reporters to boost his fame and gain loyalty, he treats his employee the same and than some. His people were treated as slaves, dehumanized, and worse than animals. All for Vox’s entertainment
“Don’t.” You firmly declined, “Let’s just get on with it.”
“Wow, you’re really into all that redemption thing? Goody-two-shoes huh.” Vox smirked condescending, “Can I get your name or?”
You glared, feeling the shadows riled up by the second, you back up away from Vox. “No. This is strictly business. I hope we don’t see each other after this.”
“Hot and feisty. I like that in a demon. Let’s see how you’re at persuasion.” He turned to the lift and gestures for you to follow him. “Well, come on then, representative.”
Throughout the entire time Vox was bringing you to the ‘meeting room’, he had been so annoying with his small talk. There were a few times he tried hypnotizing you already but you acted like nothing happened, it was fun to see him try
You declined any drinks and food he offered, he set them on the coffee table between the two couches you two were sitting on. This setting was quite perfect for him to try a more direct hypnotizes, even if you were to accuse him of so, he can say it was a glitch in the system or it’s just his screen acting up
Everything was set to give himself the advantage he needs and wants
As expected the only thing he had against the hotel and Charlie was the fact that his merchandise were all destroyed without his knowledge. Though he even come clean as to why he would be aware of they were gone or not, he lied and said it was to ensure his services were top-notch and that he could send his employees to repair or replace them with new ones
Why he was doing this was to show his appreciation to the epic battle Charlie and the hotel put up. To defend all of Hell and the other sinners even when no one asked, to give everyone hope that there was good in this hellhole. It moved Vox’s metallic heart beyond words
Such flattery. You know information that Vox tried to watch the battle, you panicked when you wonder if Vox saw your powers when you defended and saved Alastor. It doesn’t seem like he knows by the annoyance and degree he went to ensure the hotel was under surveillance. He’s finding that one demon that interrupted his show. He’s looking for you
To compensate, the hotel is to either send someone to work for Vox, of course without a soul contract but a business deal only, or give them Angel. What it means was that Angel was to stay at the V Tower for as long as it take for him to individually produce all the cost of the materials used to make the devices Vox installed in the hotel
It was basically a contract that would ensure that Angel doesn’t get redeemed, stays under the Vees’ or rather Valentino’s hold, and continues to bring profit or even more to the three Overlords. You heard that Angel’s boss was Valentino, you also heard about the little stunt Angel did to his boss outside of the studio. Valentino sworn revenge. This was it
When you weren’t agreeing immediately, you were in for a shock when Valentino and Angel appeared through the doors. They took a seat in the couch between yours and Vox’s, Angel forcefully gapped between Vox and Valentino so that if anything happened, they’d have a hostage. Because unlike them, the hotel and its people are oh so very kind
“Angel here volunteers to work on top of our contract on this little mishap.” Valentino grinned, playing with his pipe as he released a puff of red smoke. “Angel came all on his own too.”
“Then why isn’t he speaking on his own?” You challenged, it’d take a blind person to ignore the nervousness and uneasiness Angel was displaying. From what you observed, Angel truly likes it at the hotel. He wouldn’t willingly leave it and everyone. “Why are you speaking in his place?”
Vox raised a hand, answering as if it was all rehearsed. “Val is Angel’s boss, so it only makes sense he speaks on Angel’s behalf on something so important.”
Your eyes narrowed, “You got it backwards. On matters as important as this, the one directly involved should be the one talking.” You glared at Valentino, “Not to be spoken on behalf by.”
Vox laughed, “You forget. You’re at our mercy now, we don’t need to care for your wants.” He got up and strolled over to you, “You know, you’re quite talented. We could use someone like you here. If you agree to take Angel’s place, then Angel can go free from this deal. I’m sure with your talent, you can make up that number in no time.”
“That wasn’t what you offered.” You hissed, you could feel Alastor growing rage as well. 
“Oh, need more incentive?” Vox smirked.
The moment he said that, the doors opened and revealed Velvette though it was what was dragged behind that caught you off guard. Husk, all beaten up and bantered, was being pulled into the room by some hellhounds that was in servitude to Velvette, or maybe the Vees. 
Velvette gave a cunning grin, “You called?”
This was obviously a bad situation. Two hostages and three Overlords, one of them were in the worse pairing possible as well. This was all a trap
There was a high possibility that Angel didn’t want to answer Valentino’s calls and was dragged to the V Tower where he’s be powerless. Husk most possibly saw what happened and tried to stop it since you were going to the same place later on
In the end, two were caught and used as leverage to convince you into servitude of Vox. Maybe you shouldn’t have came, but you didn’t want them to get hypnotized again and this was their domain so Vox holds more power here
You’ll admit, you’re cornered. Do you call for Alastor? But Alastor couldn’t care less about Angel or Husk went you were on the line. He’d even agree with the deal Vox offered just because you would be out of harm’s way. You just know Alastor will do that. While he cares for your decision, but when it was your time away from him on the line, he’ll do anything to keep you within his hold
In that case, you’re left with one option
“You want compensation for your broken devices, yeah, I can handle it. But I will not be working here.” You spoke firmly, “The hotel has a 16 floors, each floor has around 10 rooms, each room has a VoxTech TV and a pair of speakers that were installed, in total that’s 160 TVs and 320 speakers. The lobby has a large screen made of 6 TVs and 8 pairs of speakers to provide high quality sound transperance, the top floor has a cinema that is made with 10 TVs and 10 pairs of speakers aligning the walls.”
As you were listing, everyone was surprised with how well you knew everything. Especially Angel and Husk since you were rarely out of your room or around. How you knew all this was a mystery to them.
“So in total, you require the compensation of 176 TVs and 356 speakers. I can provide all of them back to you in the newest condition, but I will not be working here.” You concluded.
“Wow, crazy math, but how can we be sure you can give us high quality goods?” Vox questioned, “We can’t trust that you’ll leave us high and dry after we agree. You can even give us cheap knockouts like some copycat off the streets.”
You opened your hand, “Give me something, anything.”
The Vees all looked at each other, then Valentino passed a gun of his to you. They eyed you suspicously while you plainly inspected the object, Angel and Husk watched in confusion of what you were doing
You ignored all the stared. This was your last result. You’ll show them your power and ability with a page, they wouldn’t know how you did it and they wouldn’t be able to control you since you have Alastor’s protection and you could always put Lucifer on the table. They wouldn’t dare touch a servant of the King of Hell
Your fingers brushed through the curves and texture, feeling where the edges were and how they felt. Then you began taking it apart. Vox kept Valentino in place when you began, Vox keeping an extra close eye on what you were doing. You laid out the parts in front of you, then you inspected each part like how you did to the gun as a whole
When you were done, you reassembled it all. You quickly aimed a shot into the wall behind you so they wouldn’t say you attempted assassination to add compensation. You got the gist of what was used to make it and how it was made. You remember the parts and you remember how to assemble and take it apart. The conditions are set. You can do it
You moved away your oversized coat and took out your book, writing the words ‘Valentino’s gun’ on the page before tearing it out and blew on it. Then in your hand appeared the exact same. You gave to Valentino to inspect them
He was surprised his gun was replicated to perfection. He didn’t mean to say it since he was shocked and covered his mouth
That’s all you need to hear. You took Angel and Husk to your side, telling Vox, without giving him the room to deject your offer. You will reproduce those TVs and speakers, Vox just need to wait patiently and you can have it done within a few days. Someone will come delivery them. End of story
“It’s you! Hahahaha! So it’s you all along!” Vox laughed, falling back down into the couch, “You win this! So you’re not bad at persuasion too.” He grinned, “Now I really like you.” 
“Well, I still don’t like you.” You snarled. 
“Playing hard to get, huh.” He waved his hand, “Sure, I’ll wait and see. If it’s not delivered in time, I’ll expect you to work for me.”
As quickly as you came to the bright studio that blinds your eyes, you left with Angel and Husk hand in hand just in case they tried something. The moment you were out of the building, Alastor reappeared and hugged the living daylights out of you, you returned the hug, melting into his hold
It was such a scary experience, but you know you got through it because Alastor was watching and listening all that time to support you
Alastor sent Husk and Angel back through the shadows to retell the message of a smooth negotiation and nothing else. They were to have the cover story of meeting you and Alastor on the way back and to pass the message along while the two of you enjoyed a stroll for the hardwork. Needless to say they agreed easily to that plan
You walked with Alastor arm in arm, leaning against him for a more physical support. You closed your eyes to rest a bit since it was way too bright in the studio and you trust Alastor enough to lead you on the right and safe path
Being the radio host he is, he talked and talked about anything and everything he could to fill the silence and give you the perfect voice to listen to. At the sight of Alastor, a number of demons left the area and stayed clear of him
Everything was very peaceful, just you and him strolling down the streets. It reminded the two of you during those days when you both were in your home area. You’d sometimes want to just stretch your legs and walk around. Alastor would accompany you to keep you safe
In the beginning, it was just you and your music while Alastor was busy with whatever bloody methods to keep the demons’ eyes off of you. Then you and Alastor made small talk so Alastor’s attention wasn’t on destroying some poor demon that was minding their own business. Turns out, that was one of moments that got you to see another side of Alastor
You smiled as you hugged onto Alastor’s arm, you felt Alastor’s miniature jerk before he relaxed again. You really wanted to tickle him, but you’ll save it for when you two are back behind closed doors to have more fun
“You! You in the giant stupid coat! Stop!” A voice shouted behind you and Alastor. 
Alastor looked down to you, you nodded as you opened your eyes again. Alastor turned around, shielding you from the unknown demon’s sight. “What is it that you need from us?”
“I’m not talking to you, f**ker!” The demon exclaimed at Alastor, “Move aside or else.”
“Else?” Alastor’s head tilted to the side with his smile growing to a threatening grin, “Quite bold of you to assume you have a chance here.”
You peeked from behind Alastor, this demon was unfamiliar to you, not someone you messed with nor did you gather information on them for anything in discriminating. You wonder if you should let Alastor have at her since you already dealt with Vox today. But something bugged you with how desperate she was acting, very familiar. So you stepped out, “What is it?”
Her eyes seemingly light up and came over to you, gripping onto your shoulders tightly with that crazed look in her eyes. “You’re the one he wants. It was never me. Whatever he wants with you has nothing to do with me. It was all a lie. The contract, the flattery, the money, everything!”
“Huh?” You glanced over to Alastor with confusion, Alastor didn’t return the sentiment as he looked ready to rip the demon apart. “Uh, what do you mean?”
“I saw your powers over the pages, you’re the one he wants! I don’t know how we have similar powers, but yours is much more superior. Trade places with me, I’m begging! I can’t work for Vox!”
You backed up and slapped away her hands, retreating back to Alastor’s side. “Similar powers?”
You wondered if it was her, that friend of yours. You watched she continued to rant on about the benefits of working for Vox like she prepared to pitch it to a customer. This desperate plead was like her asking (demanding) that you continue writing that novel she stole so she can go publish it in her name
Do it in the name of friendship, she said. It started small, she asked for some tips to writing, it moved to asking for character reference sheets, then ideas on a sequel, last was your help to write the entire thing
She knew you have written it beforehand, she was aiming for that in the beginning. Again, she stole it while you were distracted with setting up a sleepover for her. You remember that empty look you had when you saw the barely closed front door, the pillow you were hugging fell from your grasp
The next week or so, the sequel to her (your) novel was out. Millions and billions of people flooded the bookshops, mass sell out signs for that book was taped to the display for the novel. She came back and praised you for a job well done, you hanged out with you and shared so much with you
All that time, you smiled and enjoyed the peace. Anything to help a friend, you innocently spoke. After all, she was there for you when you broke up with your boyfriend. She was your closest friend, things like these happen. See? She’s back at your side
She appeared on TV, she appeared on podcast, she appeared in interviews, she appeared in best selling author signing sessions, she appeared as a professor to teach young aspiring writers. She was everywhere. That was because the novel was everywhere, it was adatped into movies, TV shows, cartoon series, it has audiobooks and was references in a number of places
People loved your work. You were content with that. It was fine. As long as your friend is by your side. You can take it all. Yet you can’t help it when tears flow down your face in the dead of night. You hugged your pillow so tightly
It was all supposed to be yours, yet it wasn’t… You gave it all up to someone that’s not worthy of it
“See?” She threw a bunch of papers into the air from her side bag, with a snap of her fingers, the pages turned into paper daggers and flew around her at command. “If you can summon things, then you’re a such better fit! Please, come back with me to the V Tower and take my place.”
“Shut up.” You spoke, your hands unconsciously gripped onto Alastor’s wrist tightly that it could have snapped. Reacting to your obvious hatred, Alastor snapped his fingers and fires burn down the pages that she was so proud of. “Ha, I can’t believe you haven’t changed.”
She raised a brow, “What?”
You sighed, “Karolina, so you died, huh. Did you have a good life? Must be good as the famous author, right?”
Kat’s eyes widened, now it was her turn to back up, “No way… You can’t be serious…”
“Dearest, do you know her?” Alastor inquired with a cute head tilt, his ears moving along. 
“Yeah, I know her.” You smiled, you know what will happen after your words because you know Alastor, “Meet Karoline, my former best friend while I was alive, but most importantly… The one that stole my precious writing.”
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Note: Another one~ There's one more part to this and the involvement of Kat arc is done. I think I might end this series after that. The unanswered questions could be counted as trivia or extra mini moments. Cause I feel like this series is getting a bit too long. What do you guys think?
Circe Y. 
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abibliophobiaa · 9 months
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Chapter Four: Elena Munson
summary: what’s in a name? (7.2k words)
warnings: blood mention (r gets blood drawn); needle mention (same as before); mentions of abusive relationship (eddie’s father toward his mother); talks of death (eddie’s mother) and loss.
eddie munson x pregnant!reader || strangers to friends to lovers, unplanned pregnancy, and then they were roommates, forced proximity.
masterlist | previous chapter, next chapter
“Sweetheart, the foot tapping is making me a little anxious,” Eddie murmured, reaching over your lap to press his ringed fingers against your thigh.
“Oh I’m sorry,” you gasped, clutching his hand tight within your own, straining the knuckles white as your voice dropped lower, “I’m just a little nervous. I hate doctors, and needles, and they called me last minute to tell me I was getting blood drawn today. So excuse me for being a little much.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
But there was no winning when it came to you and your hormones; he’d lost that battle willingly early on. Decided when you were right, you were right. There was no point in arguing.
You’d playfully shove him off, were it not for the fact you were surrounded by other women in varying stages of pregnancy. All of which sitting either alone or with their partners, some unspoken band of sisterhood when one glanced your way and raised a brow from over the magazine they’d been reading.
“Is this your first one, dearie?” one woman asked, her husband’s bored expression dulling further as he dropped his magazine onto a table beside him and looked up at the two of you.
“Yeah,” you muttered, a little forlorn, sliding a hand down your midsection. “What gave it away?”
“The look on your faces. All that nervous excitement.” She arched a brow Eddie’s way. “Do you know what you’re having?”
“Not yet,” Eddie said, his shoulder brushing yours as he leaned in closer. “But we’ll find out today.”
“We’re excited,” you told them, jumping upward as your name was called and a nurse appeared in the doorway.
The couple wished you well on your way as you grabbed your things and followed the nurse down the hall, clutching at Eddie’s hand for support as she led you to a room to have your blood drawn. Immediately, your lungs tensed tight in your chest, taking in the little chair meant for you, with a rolling one Eddie tugged over when he asked if he could remain at your side.
Eddie tapped on the back of your hand as the nurse went to work prepping everything she’d need, drumming out a tune you couldn’t recognize.
“So I thought we might get tacos after this,” he suggested, drawing your attention to where he sat. He was all dark eyes and messy hair pulled back into a bun. Handsome, just as he always was. “How do you feel about tacos?”
“I…guess I could do tacos,” you said, biting at your bottom lip as the nurse had you make a fist and wrapped a rubber band tight around your bicep.
“What kind of tacos?” he asked, stroking a soft line against the inside of your wrist.
“Uhm…” You faintly heard the nurse tell you to take a deep breath. Barely registered the prick of the needle sinking into your skin as you answered, “Not sure, but I know I need cheese. Buckets and buckets of cheese.”
“Cheese, huh?” He chuckled, his dark eyes glancing over your arm to watch as the nurse tossed vial after vial into a container. But you relaxed against him all the same, deep breaths falling from your lungs with every brush of his fingers against your skin. “I don’t know about you, but nachos sound good, too. Don’t they?”
You nodded, face a little soft and hopeful, and he glanced up at the nurse’s awaiting gaze, adding, “We don’t eat out super often. Today is a treat.”
“It’s a big day,” the woman agreed. “I won’t tell the doctor, don’t worry. And just like that — you’re done, hon.”
“Really?” you asked. Eddie grinned to himself as you glanced down at the bright blue bandage around your elbow, his chest burning when you looked his way and murmured, “Thank you.”
“Always, Buttercup.”
The walk down to the examination room felt like decades shaved off your lives. Eager anticipation brimmed as you clambered up onto the table and the nurse continued through your routine vital checks, her voice soft as she announced a sonographer would be in soon for the ultrasound.
“How are you feeling?” you asked, palm running along your jeans, wiping away sweat-slicked skin.
“How am I feeling?” He shuddered out a breath. “Excited to see them. Nervous. Mostly excited.”
“Any last guesses as to what it is?”
You’d both been playfully arguing about it on the way to the doctor’s office.
You thought it had to be a boy, given the unruly nature of the little one who had begun to kick at you all hours of the day in the past couple of days, just on the back end of weeks of endless sickness. Once that abated, it seemed like they were insistent on finding other ways to make their presence known.
Eddie, on the other hand, believed whole-heartedly it was a girl. Said he’d had a feeling all along from the moment you sat together at the diner some weeks ago now.
“I’m sticking with my guess,” he said, not protesting at all as your fingers slid back into his, tangling in the space between the two of you. “Deep breaths. It’s gonna be fine.”
“You’re right.” Your back leaned against the table, shoulders relaxing, tension sliding off your form as his other hand ran up and down your forearm gently, tethering you to reality. “They’re fine. We’re fine. It’s going to be okay.”
The exam itself was different from the others that had come before it. More clinical, the technician quieter than they had been at previous appointments. You supposed it was the fact they needed to look into everything, taking time to measure and inspect every little organ and detail. But Eddie sat transfixed on the spot, elbows propped up on the table beside you, still clutching your hand tight in his own.
He was meeting his child for the first time, and the sight had your chest breaking open at the mere realization of it. At one point, you’d stopped watching the screen and instead opted for the man’s face. Reached over and patted his cheek as the sonographer pointed out the little thumb, pressed in the baby’s mouth — a sight that had his eyes growing wide and watery, breath faltering in the back of his throat.
“Are we finding out the sex today?” the sonographer asked.
Your head whipped around to face the screen, heart thumping madly as you and Eddie simultaneously said, “Yes.”
Time seemed to halt. You could feel Eddie’s hair tickling at your arm as he leaned in even further, his hand gripping yours tight, trying to get even the slightest hint from looking at the wriggling form on the screen.
“It’s a girl,” they announced, “and we are all done here. I’ll print out some pictures and the doctor will be in touch with you soon. I’ll give you two a moment. Congratulations.”
The door clicked and your breath fell in a giant whoosh, releasing the air you hadn’t meant to hold in. Beside you, Eddie brushed at his eyes, laughing disbelievingly to himself.
“A girl,” he repeated, testing out the words on his tongue. “You’re having a girl, sweetheart.”
“We’re,” you reminded him, a choked sob spilling from your lips as Eddie brushed at a tear that escaped your eye. “We’re having a little girl.”
Later, as you sat in the front seat of his van and he walked back to the car with multiple bags of your lunch in hand, you marveled at the photo. Pressed a hand to the small swell of your midsection, feeling her roll around again and again.
Jolted a bit before settling into his warmth as Eddie leaned over and dropped a kiss against your forehead, fingers cradling the back of your neck, whispering a soft ‘thank you’ against your skin. Confusion warred in your mind, glancing up into those umber eyes to find him softening there.
“I never…” He exhaled, thumb running over his daughter’s cheek. “My dad wasn’t around. Had been when I was younger, but he’d — he wasn’t a good man. I’d lost my mom pretty young. I never thought I’d be cut out for this. For a long time, it was just my Uncle and I. And I…I already love her so much. It seems so weird — how can you love someone you’ve never met, right? But I know I do, and I’m grateful you’re doing this with me.”
“She’s really lucky, Eddie.”
You left out we’re really lucky, Eddie.
But the sentiment rang true.
His eyes softened, and you worried for a moment he’d get emotional again like in the doctor’s office. But instead he handed you the bags and turned his key in the ignition, curls bouncing about his shoulders.
“Can I take you somewhere?”
Hesitation was far from your mind. In fact, as soon as he uttered the question, you’d nodded. Found yourself sitting now at Lover’s Lake, aptly named for the famous make out spot (though you were sure Eddie was only joking about that).
The windows were rolled down, the winter air turning over into spring already starting to warm up. You sat perched in the front seat beside Eddie, listening as the lake water lapped against the dock. As animals scurried on by, a flap of a tail from a fish, the sound of a bird chirping in the distance.
“Wasn’t sure if you’d been here,” he said, reaching over to grab the bags. “I come here whenever I need to just get away and think.”
He started to pull out the various packages and opened the front driver’s side door, rushing around toward the back to open the vehicle up. A questioning brow raised, head turning over your shoulder, taking in the sight of the man scurrying about to gather some pillows and blankets, laying them out in the back of the van. He patted the surface, eyes on your face, and you narrowed your gaze in questioning.
“Have lunch with me?” he asked, waving you over once more.
With hesitant fingers, you pushed open the side door, rushing around to clamber up into the back beside him. Once settled down, he propped a pile of pillows near your back and tossed a blanket over your thighs, sliding over the tray of nachos closer to your bent kneecaps.
“Cheese for the lady,” he teased, sliding over an extra container of melted cheese for your nachos. “This place actually has really good tacos. Some would say that Taco Tower is the best, but I think this place takes the cake.”
“There’s this place back in the city that actually has really good ones,” you muttered around a mouthful of chips. A napkin raised to your lips, wiping at the remnants of your sour cream there. “All different flavors and types. The lines would always be so long. But this is really good, and the cheese is everything I could have ever dreamed of.”
He chuckled, smiling ruefully. “Do you miss it? The city.”
“Maybe in the beginning,” you said, really giving it a thought. “But I’d told you when we met that night that I dreamed of something slower and a smaller town. Turns out fate led me to Hawkins, I guess.”
“Of all the towns.” He barked out a laugh.
“I love it here,” you admitted, staring out at the lake.
You can smell the nachos below, the crisp air, the freshly cut grass. Back home, it would have been car exhaust, those untrustworthy water dogs, garbage pails. Different, but welcomed. Appreciated. Perfect for where you saw yourself and the little girl tucked beneath your heart.
“I miss Micah and Jeremiah. They’re like family to me,” you said, turning your head to glance at Eddie. “But here it feels like home already. Quiet. Peaceful.”
“I kind of resented it for a while,” he said slowly, breaking off a piece of his taco into a tin. “Moved here when I was twelve. Right around when my mom died. I’d been sent to stay with my uncle, which I hated at first — but I don’t know where I’d have ended up if it hadn’t been with him.”
“You mentioned your mom before.” He stilled, pushing his tray to the side. “Can I…can I ask what she was like?”
He remained quiet for a while. A soft, somber look slid over his face. Those dark lashes lowered a bit, head tipping downward. Fear knitted in the back of your throat; worried over having pushed him too far, the wound still too deep after all this time, the loss of a mother so young so understandably painful.
But as he raised his head again, he offered the slightest of smiles, a quick twitch to the corner of his mouth as he brushed a hair behind his ear that the wind picked up and curled over his mouth.
“She was, uh, she was really great. Always smiling, but I think that was mostly for my own benefit growing up. I didn’t know my dad was…I didn’t know he was.” He swallowed, and your heart plummeted. “He was a piece of shit. Put his hands on her, and she wore a goddamn smile on her face just so I wouldn’t have to worry about it. Obviously when I grew up and realized, I did.”
You shifted closer on the blanket, hand curling over the tattoos on the back of his forearm. Inky bats you traced the wing spans of, easing the tension in his shoulders, heart skipping at the audible exhale from his lungs.
“But she had this really pretty hair.” Your fingers trapped a wind spun curl between index and thumb, his beaming lips blooming wider at your arched brow, at the encouraging grin that slid across your lips. “Yeah, like mine. Dark eyes. She was really beautiful. She always had this way of making you feel loved. Just super positive, bright, happy. She was a spitfire. Kind of like you, in that regard. I can only hope our daughter gets that. She loved reading, and I think that’s where my love for fantasy came about; she’d read to me all the time. She’d also — well, I’d come home after school and she’d always be cooking or baking something —”
“Like you,” you pointed out, tugging your blanket up higher on your lap, feeling his dark stare on your face.
“Yeah, we’d cook together. Kind of became our thing,” he said, a little sadly. “My dad was in and out at that point. Came around when he needed money — for alcohol, drugs, to get him out of whatever bind he’d gotten himself into. It didn’t matter though, she was my best friend and we had each other.”
Until they didn’t.
It was the unspoken sentence that lingered in the air, your fingers reaching over onto his lap to curl tentatively around his fingers. He didn’t hesitate to flip your palm within his own, turning it face up, his index finger tracing along the ridges in your skin. Just tracing the curves and edges of your palm, silence extending.
“We’d been driving home from my school one day. The roads were icy and —” He lifted his head to the ceiling, jaw clenching. “I woke up in a hospital and my uncle was there. I don’t even remember what he said, my ears were ringing so loud. I just knew that I made it and she didn’t. We buried her and I moved here.”
“Yeah, it’s fucked.” His wobbly mouth felt like a knife in the chest.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, “She sounded so lovely. I’m so sorry.”
“She would have loved you,” he said, gripping the edge of your chin and giving it a soft wiggle, lips tilting upward at your wrinkled nose. “Would have been over the moon if I told her she was gonna be a grandma. Wonder if she knows; I’d like to think she does.”
“She does know.” Your voice wavered, eyes darting to the lake, tears blurring your vision. “I know she does. What was her name?”
“Her name is as beautiful as she sounds.” A swift nudge had you pausing, a watery laugh spilling from your lips, glancing downward. “I think she likes it too.”
“She’s moving again?” At your nod, he asked, “Can I…is it weird if I…”
“Uh — no, not at all. Here uh —”
He remained still as you shifted closer to him, the blanket falling off of your thighs onto the floor below. You cupped your hand around his, drawing it beneath the hem of your sweater.
A touch that previously would have had heat rolling in your gut for another reason, now suddenly became more intimate in a way you’d never imagined back when you met him on Halloween.
“You might have to give it a minute.”
“Not in a rush.”
He laughed beside you, his gaze firmly planted on where his wrist was draped in fabric, palm warm against your skin.
“She’s kind of like…down further,” you muttered, shivering as his fingers slipped a little lower, brushing at the line of the jeans you wore beneath your sweater.
Your eyes fluttered close, mind willing the little girl within to move. As though she were tethered to you — as though she could hear you.
Eddie had told you not yet, that she’d be able to hear him in a couple of weeks (and therefore, he also promised to start playing his music for her to get her accustomed to the life of a rockstar’s daughter). But still, you wished for it all the same, for her to shift, to give him this moment so he could feel connected to her.
“I think she stopped…” He exhaled, lips dropping into a frown, though his fingers still pressed against the warmth of your skin, spreading wider to cover more surface area. And then — “Wait, was that?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, grinning widely as she moved again and his eyes widened further.
“That’s so cool.”
His breath came out a little shaky, your eyes watching his beautiful features as he waited, as if he’d be able to see her, as if he could pinpoint the next movement. And once he’d felt one, another round was spurred on, and then another, each making his lips tug upward further. Like this he was all soft angles, the curve of his jaw, gentle slope of his nose, those dark eyes narrowing in complete and utter awe of what he was experiencing. It made your breath catch, lungs tightening, stomach rolling wondrously.
“Hi there,” he muttered, bending lower toward your midsection, and your chest ached with it. “I’m your silly dad. You must love cheese, just like your mom. She dances when she eats it too.”
You shoved at him, earning a barked laugh. “Shut up.” You waited a moment, his hand still against your skin, and asked, “What do you think about calling her Elena? I just feel like…she’d been calm up until we started talking about your mom. It felt like a sign.”
His eyes flickered upward, dark and scorching along your skin. “Really?”
“Elena Munson does have a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
He glanced down again to where he was connected to his unborn daughter, and sniffled loudly. “I’d love that. Thank you, Buttercup. You don’t know what that means to me.”
You both sat like that as evening turned into night. Him with his hand against your abdomen, relishing in those special moments with his daughter. With Elena.
And you watched as he realized fully that he was going to be a father — as he fell in love with his little girl. Tried to keep your tears at bay as he ran a thumb along your skin like he’d traced the photo of her earlier, muttering he loved her out loud, before wiping at the underside of his eye.
Your fingers reached up to brush at his cheek, thumb trailing along his jaw. “Now how about we go get some milkshakes.”
“Chocolate?” he mused, knowing you’d had one a couple days ago when you insisted you needed to have one at eleven at night.
And he could never say no to you, not really.
It wasn’t that Eddie hadn’t wanted to tell Wayne about Elena. He just didn’t know how to. Wanted to do so with your company, and in your own timing. And with the craziness of being in California, and then you moving in with him shortly thereafter, no time seemed like the right time.
Until now, that is.
He’d been working on your car in the garage, doing a quick oil change, when the phone had rang. His uncle’s voice spilled through the line as he’d asked Eddie to stop by for dinner — nearly yelling at him to stop being a stranger.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, catching your sleepy stare from where your head poked up over the couch.
He’d thought it adorable how often you napped; figured you needed the rest anyway, despite the fact he knew you would be apologizing left and right for it later since he’d been working on your car while you did so.
“There’s, ah, a reason why I’ve been a little MIA,” Eddie said calmly. “And I kind of wanted to talk to you about it. But it’s the kind of conversation we would need to have in person.”
“Well alright,” his uncle acquiesced gruffly. “Come by this weekend then.”
“Can I bring a friend?”
“Oh I see now.” Only, he didn’t understand half of it. “Bring ‘em on by. They special to you?”
Both of them, he thought, catching your form in the living room. Watched as you folded up your blanket and placed it over the top of the loveseat, snatching your slippers up from the floor and padding into the kitchen.
“Yeah, they’re special,” he admitted, grinning to himself as your head turned to look at him, a box of berries perched within your palm. He reached out to grab one, your nose wrinkling at him as you settled at the kitchen table. “Sunday sounds good? Our usual time?”
“Yeah, Ed,” his uncle said. “See you soon, boy.”
“See you soon.”
As the line went dead, your curiosity only piqued. He could tell from the little furrow of your brows, the way you glanced down at your berries as if they were the most interesting things you’ve seen all day. How you avoided eye contact with him, so as to not make it seem like you’d been listening in on his phone call. He hardly minded, but damn it he thought it so cute how you assumed he did. Hated that his thoughts ventured there more often than not as of late; ventured to that untouched, and to remain untouched, part of your relationship. The romantic part, the place where his emotions dwelled most days.
“You gonna ask who that was, sweetheart?” he teased, dropping down onto the chair across from you. His ringed fingers slipped into the container, grinning to himself when you reached forward and jokingly swatted at him. “I know you’re just dying to know.”
“Are you going to tease me or tell me?” you huffed, eyes lingering a little too long on his mouth when he tossed another berry within.
“It was my uncle.”
“The famous uncle,” you repeated, trying your hardest to keep your intrigue at bay. “The one who raised you that you speak so highly of.”
“Yes, the very one.” He chuckled to himself, tapping your chin when your bottom lip tucked between your teeth, worrying at it. Your bottom lip popped back out, eyes drawn high on his face. “He and I usually have weekly dinners. We haven’t because — well, I was in California for a couple months, and then we’ve been busy with…all of this. But he wants to get together this weekend. And I asked if you could come along.”
“Eddie, I don’t want to intrude on your —”
“I want to tell him about Elena. I want him to meet you.” He reached over to thumb at your wrist, feeling you relax a bit under his gentle touch. “I want you there.”
Apparently Wayne — he refused to let you call him ‘Uncle Wayne’ — knew right away when Eddie had asked you to come along that the news he wanted to share happened to be the two of you were expecting. Said he’d had a gut feeling, but that he was over the moon excited to have a little grand baby in a few months time.
The man himself was lovely. Rougher around the edges, and yet kind in a way that had you immediately comfortable in his presence. You’d even moved outside onto the front step with him, Eddie inside finishing up the dishes and getting dessert ready, a cup of steaming camomile tea resting in your palm, foot tapping on the ground beneath you.
“You know, I haven’t seen that boy smile so much in a long time. You’re good for one another. Always smilin’ and laughin.’”
You didn’t have it in your heart to correct him — to tell him your relationship with his nephew was strictly platonic. Not with the way he’d smiled at you both over dinner, looking so damn proud of Eddie it cleaved your heart down the center. Because this man loved your dark haired metalhead inside. Would defend him to the ends of the earth, if need be.
“I’m proud of him,” he continued, lifting his glass to his lips to take a sip of his coffee. “Worked hard to get himself to where he is, and finally starting up his music career. Now raisin’ a baby. His late Mama is smilin’, if I had to guess.”
“We decided to name her Elena,” you told him. You heard the sharp inhale beside you. “She sounded wonderful.”
“She was one of the best. She loved that boy more than anythin’ in this world. I remember her sittin’ right where you are when she brought him here the first time. He had this dark head of hair, even then. Screamed bloody murder; always had a pair of lungs, my Ed. But god she loved that boy.”
“He’s a good man,” you admitted softly, “hard not to, you know? He talks about you a lot. How you raised him. I bet a lot of that is because of you.”
“Thank you, sweet girl,” he said, staring up at the starry sky. “You plannin’ on staying in Hawkins?”
“Yeah,” you say, stroking along your middle fondly. “I think it’ll be good to plant ourselves here. I have my job over at the school, there’s a daycare nearby, we have friends here. Eddie and I haven’t discussed what happens when he goes on tour, but I know he intends to be here as much as possible.”
“I’m glad,” he admits, glancing your way.
“And we’ll bring Elena over as much as you want.”
His answer was a kind hand over yours on your mug, followed by the sound of a screen door opening and a fluffy head of curly hair poking out. His dark eyes met yours first. “Dessert is ready now.”
Eddie approached you from the front, holding out a hand you definitely didn’t need, but you took it anyway, allowing him to help you to your feet. He curled his palm around your cup of tea as you then helped Wayne up, warmth blooming in your chest as the older man gripped your shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze, slipping inside wordlessly.
“You two have a good time together?” Eddie asked against the crown of your head.
Shoulders slouching as he reached up to rub at the knots in them, you turned your head over your shoulder. “He’s really great. I understand why you love him so much. He speaks so highly of you, too.”
“Yeah,” Eddie huffed out, cheeks brightening a bit even in the moonlight. “He’s, ah, he’s the best.”
You spent hours together playing Monopoly. Watching as Eddie lost his composure when he’d eventually started losing to his uncle, and not just losing — paying up seemingly every turn. They were a joy to watch, an honor to encounter. What with the way they spoke, how deeply they loved, the strength of their bond evident and on display. And later, as you hugged his uncle goodbye and walked out to the car to get in, your eyes half-lidded in your tiredness, Eddie lingered briefly in Wayne’s doorway, heart clenching as his uncle wound him in a tight hug.
“Love you, son. Don’t be a stranger now, I’ll be wanting to see more of your little lady before my grand baby comes now, you hear me?”
“Oh, she’s not,” he swallowed, looking over his shoulder to where you scrambled into the passenger seat. “We’re…figuring things out.”
“But there’s love there. Respect. Those are good, strong foundations,” he stated plainly, waving when you did.
“I don’t know what you mean…”
“She cares for you. You don’t think in my old age I know what it looks like? That I can’t recognize it on the face?” Eddie exhaled, rubbing a hand up and down his neck. “Just give it time. You’ll know what to do. Always do.”
Just give it time.
Work that following Monday proved long and arduous. It also happened to be the day your feet finally started to hurt from standing all hours of the day, lower back aching as you stepped through the front door and kicked off your shoes.
The home itself was quiet, save for the sound of Eddie drumming his fingers along the kitchen table as you entered the living room. He had your notebook sprawled out on the table in front of him, a dark head of hair poking up to see you as you approached, fear furrowing his brows when you dipped your gaze downward to peer at what he stumbled upon.
“It was out,” he muttered rapidly, closing the book with a resounding slap. “I swear. I would never just read your personal stuff like that.”
“I know,” you said, stepping further into the room, palm rubbing against your presently aching lower back. “I forgot I left it out. It’s fine that you read it.”
“Sweetheart, you know that stuff is really good, right?” He lifted the notebook once more, fingers running along the leather binding. “Like — really good. You told me you liked to write, but you didn’t mention you’re ridiculously talented.”
You shrugged. “I always wanted to write. I went to school for it, but the issue was always…I couldn’t just write full time. I needed to pay rent. So I worked for a library and then…never had time to write once I started doing that.”
“And now?”
“Since I moved here, I’ve honestly written a ton. I wrote all of what you see there in a little over two months.” You rubbed a hand along your forearm, feeling a little bashful. “Sometimes it’s a sentence in the morning, or sometimes, especially now that she’s been keeping me up sometimes at night, it’ll be a few hundred words when I can’t sleep. But it’s the first time I’ve been consistently writing in years.”
“You need to talk to someone about this. Show this to them.”
“I really don’t think it’s that good, Eddie.” You felt your cheeks warm, hand coming up to rest over your chest, foot digging into the carpet below.
For years, your ex had suggested that writing wasn’t a real career. That it couldn’t get you anywhere, would lead to heartbreak and disappointment. Suggested it was a waste of time. And you’d started to accept that — for a time.
Hated that you did when you could see such excitement in Eddie’s eyes from your written words poured out onto the pages.
“It is that good,” he said, placing the book down onto the coffee table. “I know someone. Nancy Byers. She’s a journalist but I know she’s friends with publishers. She might even know someone you can contact to be an agent.”
Your breath caught. Held for a prolonged beat. You’d always dreamed of writing. Always thought it was your purpose, but it got lost on the way. Swept up in the wind, in the chaos of bills and plans, in business and lost naïveté, in reality in the form of a baby made after a night that was meant to be a one night stand. It seemed like a long lost dream — or at least had for a time.
But now.
Now Eddie seemed convinced you could do this, his eyes so bright and hopeful, voice strained in his excitement as he said, “Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t just say it if I didn’t mean it. Have you written anything else aside from this historical romance piece?”
You dropped down onto a chair beside him, snatching the notebook and flicking it nearer to the front of the book, turning to a children’s story you'd written shortly after you’d found out you were expecting.
A particularly rhyme-filled book for hopeful parents, to read to their little one, showing the nervousness and excitement about bringing a new life into the world. And at the end, though there weren’t pictures within it yet, you expressed to Eddie you pictured there would be a drawing of the parents holding their child at last, overjoyed to finally meet them.
“I worked in the children’s section when I was still in the city,” you explained, flipping the book a few more pages back to another children’s book you’d written about bears that go to fairs. “So usually we’d read all the incoming books to better make recommendations for parents. I’d get inspired and write something silly of my own. Like this bear book.”
“It’s not silly.”
And he wasn’t looking at you as though it were either. He held his gaze on your face as your fingers rested across the pages of your old notebook, regarding you with a look in his eye you couldn’t quite place a name to. Interest, intrigue, awe.
“You really think they’re good?” you asked, heart fluttering away nervously behind your ribcage. “Like you really think they could be something?”
“Yes,” he said, bringing a hand up to rub a gentle circle into your shoulder, “I really really think so. I’ll get you Nancy’s information. Her husband, Jonathan, is also in photography and design. I wonder if he knows someone who could help as well with the children’s books. Illustrations and all of that. You should seriously try and submit these.”
Heat crawled up your spine at his words. “Thank you, Eddie.”
He waited a moment and then asked, “Do you have any more?”
Giddy on riding the high of his sudden interest, the two of you curled up on the living room couch, flipping through the pages of your journal, describing to him how you pictured certain images in your head. Described what you’d want depicted on each page, color schemes and the like. You knew you wouldn’t have much sway in the matter, but it was still fun to dream.
Eventually, he’d asked about the end of your adult romance novel. Wanted to know all the sordid details of your Viscount who had fallen in love with his brother’s best friend, and you told him. Even if he’d be your first and only ever reader of the book, it brought joy to your heart seeing him so excited with every tidbit you gave him. So genuinely invested in a story that you’d written.
“After I finish this one, I did have a plan for a pirate romance as well,” you expressed after a while, when day had turned into evening, and your belly had started to grumble in your hunger.
Hearing that low grumble, Eddie lifted himself up off of the couch and extended a hand your way. Helped you up and off of it with a tug, his hand resting on the small of your back as he ushered you toward the kitchen, saying, “I’m going to start us dinner. But don’t think you’re getting away with just dropping that story idea on me without telling me all you have planned for it.”
You paused in your footsteps, eyes burning with the suddenness of your emotions. These unnamed emotions that constantly flooded your system as of late. Without a name to place to them, you turned into his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist instead, settling on running from them, pulling him as close as you could.
He didn’t pause. Didn’t falter or tense. Instead, a hand came up and curled around your hips, low against your waist. Another slid up and over your shoulders, stroking a line into the back of your sweater, warming you through the material.
“You okay there, sweetheart?”
Nodding, you mumbled, “Yeah, I’m okay. Just…can I stay here for a minute?”
Better than okay — you felt seen. For the first time in a long time, you felt wholly seen by someone.
Without judgment or ridicule, only acceptance.
“Yeah.” He held you tighter. “For as long as you need.”
The middle of March brought with it warmer weather and your twenty-second week. It brought a freshly painted bedroom. Pastel pink, gleaming in sunlight pouring in through the windows. It brought with it a new hamper, boxes of baby clothes gifted by Steve and Chrissy, and deliveries from furniture companies.
It brought with it fresh cinnamon buns that melted on your tongue that sunny Saturday morning, and the image of Eddie sitting on the nursery floor, pink tongue tucked against his bottom lip, tank top showing almost too many tattooed ribs (for your sanity) with his best friend Steve tinkering away across from him.
You’d insisted you had a ton of time to put everything together, but Eddie had been on a mission since he woke that morning, more than sure he’d be capable of handling it all on his own. A few hours later, he’d called in for reinforcements — and you called in an order for pizzas for the guys, swallowing your own heaping mouthful of sauce and cheese in the kitchen with a loud gulp as Eddie slipped into the room rubbing a paper towel along the back of his sweaty neck, revealing that tantalizing curve of his hip bone beneath his Corroded Coffin tank, that smattering of hair low against his abdomen, the soft of his stomach that you’d never forget you marked the path of with your ton —
“Smells so good I could kiss you right now —” He paused, as though he’d realized what he said. As though he caught the way your eyes nearly bulged out of your head, nearly choking on your lunch. “Not that I’m going to. It’s just a phrase. A thing people say. A saying.”
“It’s fine,” you laughed, even though the racing of your heart told you otherwise. “How is the room coming along? You really didn’t have to do all of this. We have a long way to go till she gets here, my friend.”
“We’re almost finished up. And enough of that. I wanted to,” he reminded you, your hand raising in a wave as Steve entered, wearing a white shirt, a pair of tattered basketball shorts, and a backwards baseball bat. “One less thing to worry about.”
“Are you good if I head home soon?” Steve asked, snatching a slice of pizza and a plate from the table top. “Melody is going to stay with Chrissy’s parents and I’m planning on taking her out to dinner.”
“Oh my gosh, Steve, absolutely. You already did more than enough,” you reassured him.
“Seriously,” Eddie said, “I owe you.”
“Pretty sure he was about to start crying soon if you hadn’t showed up with all the whining I kept hearing,” you joked, earning a half-hearted glare from Eddie.
“There’s too many pieces and the directions don’t make sense. Might as well be written in another language.”
Steve chuckled, taking another few bites of his slice before wiping his hands on a paper towel. “We’re still good for next weekend with the kids at my place, right?” His question was directed at Eddie, but your brow arched upward.
“You have more kids?” you teased, though you’d already met some of the ones Steve was referring to.
Eddie rolled his eyes. “A whole bunch of them. Though they’re not really kids anymore.”
“We started hosting DND nights a few years back. Some of Eddie’s guys from Corroded Coffin come, and the kids. Depends on who is free at the time. But the next one is next weekend,” Steve explained, moving to the sink to throw out his dish, catching the image of Elena from your most recent appointment on the fridge. “She’s cute, looks like you — good thing with this guy’s face, am I right?”
He glanced your way as he said it, and Eddie bent the guy nearly in half, arm right around his neck until Steve punched at Eddie’s bare ribs, both laughing brightly.
It dawned on you then, how much had changed in such a short time, and yet how much you loved that it had. This feeling of love and familiarity between them, forged in years of friendship, now an extension of your own life.
It felt safe and secure — the kind of place you could see your daughter raised in, a place for you to rest your head.
Chrissy, Robin, Steve. Eddie. The kids. Wayne. Elena. Different, and yet welcomed. Unfamiliar, and yet fond.
Your heart swelled with it, growing fuller as Steve left and you followed Eddie into Elena’s room, as you took in her newly assembled crib and the nearly finished changing table positioned against the wall. He’d already gone and put some of the clothes you’d bought for her in the closet, a kaleidoscope of color, each outfit cuter than the last.
“Well?” he asked, coming up to stand beside you as you slowly circled around and around in the middle of the room, taking in everything. He halted you with a hand at your side, his lip twitching at the perfectly aimed nudge that pushed back against his palm. “What do you think?”
“It’s perfect,” you exhaled, still overwhelmed by the fact he’d gone and done all of this, just so his house would feel a little more like home for you both. “All of it. She’s going to love it.”
And you…well, you realized then you might have the tiniest, most glaringly obvious, bit of feelings for the man who had gone and done it all.
please let me know what you think, and stay tuned for next weeks chapter titled ‘one bed’ 😉🩷
632 notes · View notes
kthecutest · 9 months
can u write ways that &team members being (kinda overly) protective of their s/o? thanks!!
✧˚ &team members being overprotective of you ༊*·˚
Pairing ➳ &Team members x gn!reader Genre ➳ Fluff ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ A/N ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Brain block wasn't wearing off for so long (╥ᆺ╥;)and this came out way longer than I thought cuz I got carried away; as usual ( ≖‿ ≖ ). Anyways hope you'll enjoy it!
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K : It’s been almost forever, catching up to the latest updates with your old highschool classmate. The hot coffee in your hand already loosing its initial heat, you were completely distracted in the chaotic chatter, and had forgotten that you two weren’t the only ones there. A set of dull piercing eyes were set tightly on your distracted figure and it wasn’t long before you felt an aggressive grasp on your snatched waist, turning to the side to check the situation in a surprised state. “Ah? Seems like you guys have a lot to discuss on… hopefully I weren’t much of an interruption.. right honey..~?” a soft tone spoken, anger and possessiveness dripping straight through each letter. Just that alone was enough to send out a warning to you; he’s jealous. The morning coffee cup in his hand is now being squeezed tight to the point the liquid was starting to seep out the lid. “oh babe um.. you’re done getting the coffee? Sorry I’m afraid I must take my leave now, Nicho” you quickly answered him while excusing yourself from your conversation mate trying to make best of the situation. Nicholas, your chatmate caught up to the situation fast, giving you a nod as a goodbye as he watched you both walked away with a slight stinging stare in his narrowed eyes, almost summoning invisible daggers at K’s direction.
Thankfully, you succeeded in separating you and K from Nicho but your sigh of relief was shortly interrupted by a loud thud as you were pinned to the wall of the alleyway, a tall strong figure towering above you.
“So.. finally done running that mouth honey~?”
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Fuma : The radient purple and blue dwelled on the sky canvas as nighttime falls. You were pretty bored but was also filled with a spring of energy hence why you dragged your boyfriend, Fuma all the way to the night bar with you. The original plan was to simply hang out on your seats alone with glasses of red wine in each hand and sharing kisses but it was all rudely interrupted when a sudden ‘hello’ popped out from behind you. “Ah! Euijoo..? Long time no see!” You instantly got up from your seat giving him a warm hug which he quickly reciprocated, earning a slight glare from the man beside you two. “Didn’t knew you would show up in a place like this”, you teased the young boy in front of you. Euijoo always had a pure innocent look to him. He seemed like the type of guy who have never even held a girl’s hand let alone date one and he sure is definitely not the guy to show up at a bar. “Haha I just saw you through the glass pane so I wanted to come in and join you” Somehow this statement seemed to have only pissed your already fuming boyfriend off. He came here specifically just to see you? Hell no not on my watch. You felt a hand snaked right around your waist as you felt a figure shift closer to you. “Dear~, it’s pretty late already.. maybe we should head back what do you say?” You didn’t think much of it since Fuma wasn’t a type to be jealous anyways but you only took his words as him being caring. “Sorry Euijoo, maybe we can arrange a day where we can talk properly?” “Sure! I’ll see ya soon!” You waved goodbye to the sweet boy as Fuma dragged you out of the bar in a very unusual almost aggressive manner.
The car was steadily parked in front of the apartment block as feet and shoes clashed in the door way. Your breath was directed right at Fuma’s exposed neck as he unraveled his tie. His muscular arms trapping you in between while your back stuck to the wall.
“You’re testing my patience way too much love~”
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Nicholas : You were seated cozily between the two taller boys, under a warm sky blue blanket as a horror movie played on the screen in front. The couch kept constantly swinging from the motions of your best friend K jumping and twitching at every jumpscare. “Seriously K, that was a really expected one you know” “Oh c’monnn! The face was still pretty scary though!” he defended back as he clinged onto you. “Oi you’re heavy c’mon get off” K was about to make another whiny remark when he felt the pressure of a strong hand gripping onto his. “You’re gonna end up giving her a muscle strain” a low voice followed by a chuckle arose from behind you. Still the teasing chuckle did not help on hiding the irritation in your boyfriend’s voice. The grip around K’s hand kept tightening until he finally caught up to his irritation as he let go of your shoulder, the grip weakening.
You three practically just coughed awkwardly and played it off as the movie kept advancing. It’s just been a few minutes until you felt a hand of someone on your thigh. The cold rings on the fingers sent tingles down your skin but before you could try to rule out the person, you felt a low breathy voice in your right ear.
“Don’t you think you’re getting too close to your dear best friend, babygirl?”
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Euijoo : “Yah! That’s cheating you can’t cross that area!” you screamed your hands set on the game controller moving your fingers on the keys in a swift pace. “Oops, sorry~ well you gotta learn how to work around the rules, you should learn from me” a prideful voice arose from the towering figure sat beside you. “Excuse me?!” It wasn't long until you started tickling him as he reciprocated the action. Fuma is one of your boyfriend’s close friend that he introduced to you since you two started dating. And well you’re a pretty outgoing person so it didn’t take long for you to get comfortable with Fuma in a brotherly way of course. You guys always bricker and share a lot of physical contact which you believed your boyfriend, Euijoo would not mind at all. He’s always been sweet and understanding and definitely is the furthest thing from being jealous or possessive. Well that’s what you thought until you felt a hand stop the bickering between you and Fuma, as the hand grabbed you gently but swiftly away from him. “Alright guys enough play fighting” the sweet voice of your boyfriend was heard loud and clear behind your ear and throughout the room.
You and Fuma just went silent with a pout on each of your faces. The boy sticked his tongue out your way as he turned his head back towards the screen to return back to gaming and you still a bit pissed off at the taunt, planned to do the same until you felt Euijoo’s whisper in your ear.
“Baby.. you shouldn’t keep testing my patience like this..~”
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Yuma : Even though your cat-like boyfriend could be quite chaotic most of the time but he sure does put all his effort into planning dates for you two. Except this time things didn’t went as expected. Your best friend had somewhere to be at immediately. This led to her basically yeeting her younger brother Jo right at your doorstep telling you to keep him accompanied for the time being. It’s not that Jo was a 1 year old child or anything, he’s pretty much almost 20 and a full grown adult. But he had a pretty overprotective sister who would either keep him with her or leave him to someone she entrusts so the age card didn’t really helped. And now here he was tagging along on you and your boyfriend’s well-planned date. Not that you mind it, you pretty much just noted it as a three-people hangout. He was pretty quiet and just listened to whatever you and Yuma had to say. He’s pretty much like a cute clueless little kid following you two but that same thought didn’t seep through Yuma’s head. Not that Yuma was making a big scene out of it all neither was he fuming from the head or something. But he sure was being a pouty clingy kitty.
And it wasn’t long until you felt his body heat on your back pressed up against you. You could see Jo being distracted by some kind of treat and you were glad he was. You felt a hand on your waist and fluffy hair sneaked cozily on the side of your neck.
“Hmph.. love~ you’ll need to pay me back with cuddles when we get back home~”
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Jo : The gleaming sun was already up and high in the sky. You turned to your side to check the alarm as it read 10:02am. As usual you made your way downstairs, sprinting straight to your tall boyfriend standing in the hallway with a bowl of Japanese white rice in his hands, hugging him in a whiff as he stumbled back from your sudden force. “Baby! I’m hungryyy~” you opened your mouth expecting him to be sweet enough to feed you some of his rice. Instead you opened your eyes to witness him putting the spoon in his own mouth as a cheeky smug formed across his face. Your boyfriend is the most caring one in the world but food is an exception. He’s too much of a foodie to even share which didn’t really ticked you off but still always earned a pout from you. “Hehe no worries~ your savior is here!” you heard a cute energetic tone sprang behind you as well as the wrinkling of the plastic bags containing milk buns. “Yay! You’re the best!” you whined, hugging your friend Harua instantly earning a surprised yelp from him.
That’s when you felt a sudden pull from behind as your back was glued to Jo’s chest in just a few seconds before you tasted the white rice in your mouth. Jo was tilting the spoon into your mouth with fixed cold eyes on Harua. The eyes that seem unphased but also a bit irritated in the same sense.
“No need. She prefers rice for breakfast.”
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Harua : Today was supposed to be the perfect food date for you and Harua; but things did not turned out as planned when you two decided to check out a dango stall around the corner.
Harua, your sweet boyfriend, is really keen on sweets and snacks so are you. Finally, you two came up with a plan that the very next date should be at a food market where dim lit snack stalls stand in a long line of queue awaiting for visitors. And as planned, the very next Sunday you both were at the location running left and right, an assortment of dishes sprawled out on each stall. Seeing the tri-colored dango stand on the other side of the line, the two can’t help but sprint right to there. “Hello! Can I have this, and this and that.. and-“ the orders were shortly paused when you caught a glimpse of the boy in front packing up the dango orders. “Taki!?” “Oh hey! Finally noticed me missy? Didn’t knew you would forget me that easily oh my” as dramatic as ever. “Haha jk! Anyways yea I’m just working parttime in the stall here for now, maybe you wanna grab a drink or two after work hours?” You smiled, a ‘yes’ about to leave your lips before you felt your boyfriend’s gentle hand on yours.
“Sorry, her evening is occupied.”
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Taki : Woo hoo! Amusement park with Taki! Nothing could compare to how fun that would be. Until you were proven wrong.
You two ended up running into your boyfriend’s older brother, K. You were now convinced this date which has just turned into a hangout is gonna be even more fun! I mean who wouldn’t have fun with such a funny chaotic playful K in the equation. But that same formula doesn’t apply to your boyfriend because an obvious shade formed on his face as soon as K popped up. Before you realized your feelings for your best friend Taki, you had a deep crush on none other than his brother K. Not that you had confessed or anything, but you simply moved on later onwards and you obviously did not take account or take notice that little Taki would be a bit possessive and careful about that past statement. But Taki knew about it all and he is infact not as friendly about it as you thought. And now things turn for worse when you’re smiling and giggling, having way too much fun with K at YOUR DATE WITH TAKI. He’s definitely fuming. “Taki? Baby you’re awfully quiet. Something wrong?” you finally took notice of his absurd change in behavior. Him not wanting to ruin the day and the vibes; “Yea yea, just maybe the heat is getting to me” Obviously, Taki’s lie did not get past you but before you could even reply to his excuse, you felt yourself get dragged in a whip right into one of the capsules of the ferris wheel.
“Finally noticed me now huh?”
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Maki : You never took Maki as the type to be a jealous person especially because he is always such a gentleman. The only image of him that filled your head was gentle, sweet, understanding and definitely the furthest thing away from the words possessive or jealous.
But it seems you didn’t know him well enough or he’s just too good at hiding it; he couldn’t hide it no more though, specifically when his older cousin, Nicholas paid a visit to you two. Just a simple helper who came to help out you two in your cooking session right? Except that the helper himself is a flirt; which was not helping the situation out at all. Nicholas unlike his cousin Maki got absolutely NO CHILL, and I’m talking he will rizz you up and flirt with you any chance he got, throwing smirks at Maki’s direction whenever he catches your boyfriend’s death glares. You were cutting up some Chinese cabbage when you felt a hand snaked around your waist. Assuming it was your boyfriend you turned around to find someone else. “Woah Nicho? ..what are you doing?” “Hm? Why? Can’t I just watch from here~?” a smug look on his face. Before you could recover from your shocked state, you were pulled right into a warm chest, far left from Nicho which pushed you to look up.
“No. No you cannot watch.”
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fumifooms · 16 days
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Helki compilation
Helki is a prisoner-turned-servant. He’s a criminal canary and was implicitly one of Milsiril’s charges, and now that she’s retired he’s become her servant.
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He must have gotten into Milsiril’s good graces, wether through attachment or convenience, which is a feat considering Milsiril’s a socially anxious recluse. Which is interesting because it’s not like he seems like the agreeable type, shifty upbeat delinquent style… We really don’t know much about him, not even what crimes he did, so there’s a lot of space for speculation on all grounds.
He seemed to be acting out of his own initiative in the Rin comic, he doesn’t look thrilled to be there in many post-canary comics but he also seems content enough. He restrains Milsiril in the Mithrun cleaning comic which is interesting to think of for their relationship.
It’s fun to notice how he’s the only one that didn’t get bored of looking after Rin, and then reports back about her condition… I’d say he was getting used to taking care of kids which would come with the job of serving Milsiril, but then, not enough for him to clean the blood off himself hah. In this way it’s interesting to think about his relationship to the idea of parenthood, he’s probably the closest thing to a father figure/male role model Kabru had growing up, without mentioning the other kids. I feel like he’d consider himself an older brother, cousin or uncle figure sooo much sooner than a father, but even then I do think it’s just his job and he’s not really invested or forming real relationships with any of them much.
It’s curious to note that he’s dressed in canary uniform presumably after having been pardoned and living with Milsiril? Which you can tell by the armor bits (the yellow strips of spider silk). In the Kabru training montage and the Rin comic specifically. It seems very implausible for him to have still been a canary while being a retired Milsiril’s servant and being with her all the time, and the cleaning with Mithrun comic (where he’s not in uniform) happens after Utaya so it could happen after Kabru was taken in but around the time of the Rin comic. So why uniform? It could be one of the best outfits he has, so it’d make sense to wear it around especially if you’re sparring or getting… Blood on you? Could just be because that's how Milsiril wants him to dress. But yeah we don't know when exactly Helki becoming Milsiril’s servant happened. We do see Mithrun’s charge Cithis be tasked with taking care of him, so charge being given a servant-caretaker role doesn’t seem all that out of the ordinary, sometimes even prior to retiring.
Imo, if he doesn't work for Milsiril he goes back to jail/the canaries/has to try and get a job instead of just tending to her, so Helki is staying with Milsiril because she's the best option for him. He’s her milsiril's personal servant and does mostly dull tasks involved in that. He’s not particularly suited to the role but they’ve gotten used to each other to him so she took him with her, and he does prefer it to canary work so it works out decent for him. I think he’s used to reading her and managing her moods and he’s one of the rare social connection she has.
Under spoiler is stage 2 interpretation stuff, bigger speculation, in a reblog I’ll make soon I’ll go over my thoughts for stage 3 interpretation lol. Helsiril I’m coming for you
Translation of the canary hierachy chart used is by Thatsmimi, here
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vampyrixdarling · 4 months
Okay so Sonic with a reader that he caught feelings for, right ? But the thing was, they were a big bad meanie guy out for BLOOD. They liked Sonic too, but refused to change their villainous ways tehe
HCs or a one shot is fine >:)))
— 「𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨’𝐬 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧」
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ MASTERLIST
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╰┈➤ Sonic the Hedgehog x villain!reader
: ̗̀➛ synopsis; Sonic never could’ve predicted that he’d be falling for the same person who would actively endanger his home and his friends. But it happened. Mutual pining with slight rivalry mixed in with playful fighting, who’s to complain?
: ̗̀➛ Type; romantic headcanons
: ̗̀➛ warning(s); brief mentions of fighting (not detailed), swearing.
Likes/Reblogs are always appreciated!! <3
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I’m like honestly SO embarrassed of the quality of this😭 please let this slide Orion I am BEGGING🙏🙏 my writing is normally SO MUCH BETTER I SWEAR
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→ Sonic is someone who prides himself on being able to save his world from any threat that dares try to destroy it or hurt his friends or innocent people. He’s a hero, and he’s proud to call himself one. Sure, the praise and the fame that comes with it is cool and all, but all Sonic really cares about is saving all that he can, and taking down evil. He doesn’t need a reward for just doing what he loves. Hell, he’d even get to hangout with his friends just talking about the fight he had, and try some of Amy’s delicious deserts of course. Except if it was strawberry shortcake. He’d stay far away from that if he could.
→ You, on the other hand, were just another villain. You found a kind of sadistic joy in the misery of other people— a sick satisfaction from watching all those below you suffer a terrible fate at your hands. It’s always been this way for as long as you could remember, really. There wasn’t a moment you truly felt happy. No moment where you truly felt complete. And maybe, just maybe, causing pain and suffering to those undeserving made you feel just a little better about the dull, boring life you had. Something like the phrase, “if I can’t be happy, nobody can”, as much as you hated it.
→ But, nobody could deny the slight excitement you felt when the blue blur himself stood in your path, eyes locked on yours as he got ready to attack. A fight with him was never boring, that much was guaranteed. and perhaps you felt the same way, unfortunately you’d never get to finish your thought before he spin-dashed into you, sending you flying into the nearest wall.
“Ugh, come on, [Name]… haven’t we been over this once before?”
“Three times, actually. Learn to keep track.”
The hedgehog rolled his eyes as he sped towards you again. Meanwhile, with a cocky grin on your face, you shakily got up.
→ Sonic would feel extremely conflicted and confused. On one hand, you were everything he hated. Someone who felt joy in causing terror and harm upon those he cared for. But, on another hand, there was an undeniable chemistry between you guys. None of you would ever admit that, though.
→ He hated how felt this way about you. He shouldn’t feel anything like this for any of his enemies. But, there was also this one flaw about him. The fact that he’s willing to give second chances and hope for the best. He does see the good in you, no doubt about it. It’s just that you’re being so damn difficult, he wish you’d just give up.
→ But you weren’t oblivious to this. You saw how the hedgehog briefly hesitated before landing a punch to you. You saw how his eyes lit up once he realized you weren’t dead from that landing. And, a part of you felt pity for him. You realized how hard this was for him, to hurt someone he’s grown to love, and you really wished you wouldn’t care. But you did.
Because you loved him too.
→ None of you took the realization well. You both hated each other for feeling this way, and while you both tried to separate from each other, you just kept coming back. You both would swear it’s because you’re causing trouble and Sonic’s just trying to save everyone, but you both knew it was different. But one day, during a pretty heated fight..
“Why can’t you just let me do what’s best for you, [Name]?!”
“This isn’t what’s best! You don’t know anything about me!”
“I know that I love you!”
→ Once the awkwardness was out of the way, and you two were finally able to confront each other… you got it all out. You both had a talk about how you really felt. He expressed his concerns, and you voiced your clear distain towards leaving your villainous ways. Which, he understood. He hated how you refused to stop, but you just wouldn’t listen to him. So after negotiating, you agreed to slightly tone down your attacks. Which wasn’t much, but at least you weren’t killing anybody.
Bonus: He’d LOVE chasing after you and getting into so many playful fights with you while you’re attacking the town. It would be so fun and exciting for the both of you.
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fukcnoplease · 2 months
Things always go wrong Pt2 :0
Pt1 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5
Dani roused from her sleep to see forests rushing passed and the sun beginning to dip behind them. The world was bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun and she basked in its beauty. This was why she loved traveling. The beauty, the freedom, the fun.
She turned to Danny to see none of those things. He was gaunt and rigid. Eyes pinned to the road in tense silence as they drove way too many miles over the speed limit. 
“Did you die die?” Dani asked, poking his cheek. He felt clammy. That probably wasn't good. Dani didn't feel great either. Tired and saggy, like all her muscles had deflated.
Danny just grunted in response. That was VERY not good. No Danny banter meant Danny really HAD died.
“So is this a drive to heaven or to hell?” She asked. Danny snorted. That was a good sign.
“Gotham.” He grumbled. It sounded forced, like it hurt to say. Dani frowned.
“So hell it is. Why are we going there?” Danny remained silent and his face fell into a scowl. “You’re doing a pretty good Batman impression but that doesnt tell me why we are going to meet him.”
“We are not meeting batman. We are going to Jazz” Danny said.
“Ooh, better than batman!” Dani playfully punched her arms in the air and Danny winced. Dani noticed but didn’t comment as she went to grab his phone. It was cracked slightly and was full of messages and calls from Sam and Tucker. Notably, it didn't have any directions pulled up.
“Do you know where you’re going?” Danni asked. Danny moved for the first time, shifting uncomfortably.
“...No.” He muttered as he kept his eyes on the road. Dani rolled her eyes at him and started looking through his phone, she had learned his password ages ago and as much as he threatened to change it on her, he never did. Though that might have been more forgetfulness than endearment but Dani would interpret it as she wished.
“You are so bad at road trips.” She said as she connected his phone to the aux cord and pulled up directions to Gotham. They still had almost nine hours to drive and the sun was only getting lower. “There is a rest stop about an hour from here. We can rest there for the night.”
Danny didn't look too pleased at the idea but he knew they didn't have any money for a motel and he couldn't drive the entire night. He didn't want to stop driving so soon though. Moving helped dull the pain.
“Are there any further rest stops?”
“Hmm… Theres one about three hours from us?and then another at the six hour mark. We could stop there for lunch tomorrow.” Dani said. Danny grumbled but nodded. He didn't want to stop at all tomorrow. Stopping for the night felt like too much, let alone pausing midway through the drive tomorrow.
The rest of the drive was Dani playing music and chatting away. Chipping away at Danny’s panicked and suffering walls until he finally relaxed into their usual banter. She played eye-spy and when she got bored of that she played twenty questions. When Danny chose a water bear as his animal she gave up on that too. They devolved into silly arguments about how water bears shouldn't be allowed or how it wasn't fair that Dani kept picking things Danny couldn't see in eye-spy. 
As the sky darkened and the car’s headlights came on they fell into an easy silence. Danny still hurt but it was better and Dani’s core was humming comfort at him which helped.
Dani was half asleep when they pulled into the rest stop. The lights still on but the cafes and restaurants, closed or closing. She woke up fully when Danny moved to look through the back seat. Shuffling through whatever he had thrown back there and forgotten about. 
Gloves, a box of tissues, an empty tote bag and an old backpack he used before he bought a new one. It had a gum packet in it and a pen but nothing else. Groaning, he went and opened the trunk, a black scorch mark from where it had been hit earlier that day. He had camping gear for when he went stargazing. A tent, blankets, portable stove and a lighter, gas for the stove, a pocket knife, a mess kit. He was rummaging through when Dani popped up beside him.
“You got twenty dollars in your phone case.” She said and Danny jerked up hitting his head on the trunk door. He rubbed his head and whacked Dani’s shoulder while she laughed, he was smiling but he wouldn't admit it.
He grabbed his phone from the car and Dani closed the trunk, whistling at the damage.
“Who did that?” She asked, eyeing the marks on the car.
“Some fruitloops after a kidnapped ghost.” Danny said.
“Kidnapped? Me? How awful.” She said, putting her hand up and pretending to swoon.
“You’re right. The poor kidnappers.” Danny laughed and Dani rolled her eyes. She punched him in the side playfully and he hissed in pain. 
They both paused and Dani poked his side and he winced.
“Are you ok?” She asked. He hasn't seemed that injured when he was driving.
“Yeah, just a bit tender.” Danny joked. Dani stared at him, waiting for a better answer than that and Danny sighed. “Leaving Amity was harder than I thought it would be.” Dani still didn't really understand but Danny looked like he would rather be sick than answer her and she really didn't want him to be sick in front of her. 
“Do you want to get food?” she asked and Danny gave her a thankful smile before nodding. 
They grabbed a snack each, bbq chips and oreos,  and a bottle of water to share. Dani nicked a portable charger and some jerky while Danny was in the bathroom and then they headed back out to the door. When they were back in the car Dani pulled out the portable charger and plugged in Danny’s phone.
“Where did you get that?” He asked, eyeing it incredulously. It definitely didn't look under twelve dollars and thats all they had left after the snacks.
“Same place we got the rest of this stuff.” She said dropping the rest of the snacks and jerky between them. Danny noted the extra snack but just rolled his eyes. They ate but Danny kept the jerky for the next day and then he pulled out the blankets from his trunk. 
Snuggled up, with their cores harmonizing, they fell asleep. 
The car shook and a bang followed by the crunching and scraping of metal woke them up. Danny shot up, the sky just starting to lighten, face meeting with the barrel of an anti-ecto gun. He lunged to the side. The headrest of his seat was evaporated and Dani sent out her own ecto blast. The attacker was forced back into the white van that was ramming them and they could hear some colourful words through their panic. Danny jammed the key into the ignition and turned it, the engine roaring to life. Shrieking metal filled their ears as the forced the vehicles apart and booked it out of the parking lot. The road bumps sending pieces of glass flying as Danny realized his window had been smashed during the attack. The back seat window seemed cracked but still intact and the windscreen had a spider web fracture but was holding up. His core shuddered at the damage but the pain was overridden by the need to protect Dani. 
He glanced over and saw a very shellshocked young ghost shaking in the passenger seat. She probably used too much ectoplasm in that blast. Neither of them were recovered enough and even with harmonizing he wasn't sure they would be able to recover enough to take another attack. He shook his head and focused on driving.
It took some maneuvers and some, maybe a lot, of speeding to lose the GIW but they managed. Dani pulled up directions and turned on whatever music she could find.
They spent the next few hours staring out their respective windows. Dani didn't like it. She didn't like the silence or the stress or the way her body shook in fear and exhaustion. Road Trips were supposed to be fun.
Danny didn't speak. His core was barely humming, barely responding to her, as they drove. It wasn't until the low gas symbol popped up on the dash that he said anything and of course it was just another curse. Dani was getting fed up with Danny’s shrinking vocabulary. 
She didn't say anything as she added a new stop to the directions, the closest gas station. Maybe a part of her was hoping her grumpiness would get Danny to snap out of whatever grump he was experiencing. Probably not a reasonable or healthy way to handle the situation, if you asked someone like Jazz, but Dani didn't ask Jazz. 
Danny didn't seem to notice though. He pulled into the gas station and turned off the car. His core buzzing with panic as he set up the gas pump and slumped against the car with a groan of pain. Dani frowned and poked her head out of the car. He looked pale, too pale. They were in their human forms, he shouldn't be that pale. At least she didn't think so. Though maybe she wasn't an expert on normal human medicine.
The gas pump beeped and Danny dragged himself up to remove the pump and go into the gas station. Dani suddenly worried about how they would pay, they had filled the tank up to full and that couldn't be cheap. 
Danny stumbled and fell into someone by the gas station entrance, a big guy with tattoos in a tank top, jeans and were those cowboy boots? Danny apologized and the guy shoved him, making him stumble again. Dani almost flew out of the car at him before she noticed a flash of dark leather in Danny’s hand.
No way.
The big tough guy waved him off and went back to smoking as Danny went inside and paid with a wallet he had most definitely not had five minutes ago. Danni stared at her basically brother, slacked jawed, as he casually dropped the wallet back into the guys pocket with some intangibility and then hurriedly slipped back into the car. His face was hard and he glared forward as he started the car.
“Did you just-?” Dani started, her excitement at her brother's newfound skills making her bounce in her seat. 
“No. Dont. Talk about it.” He cut her off, jaw set. She stilled in her seat and went back to pouting. When she vibrated her core at him he didn't even respond. She felt her core freeze at the lack of reaction and she tried again. There was a thump of something and Danny grunted but that was it. That was all that she got. Dread curled in her stomach as she stared at the road in front of her. 
They drove on and Dani didn't even mention the second rest stop they were supposed to stop at and Danny didn't either. There wasn't even music and the silence was only occasionally broken by a pained breath from Danny or an attempted hum from Dani’s core. It was a painful drive and Dani tried to sleep to help time passed. It worked partially, she slept fitfully for about twenty minutes each rest but it helped her heal. By the time they had found themselves in the midmorning traffic into Gotham she was feeling much more herself.
Danny looked worse and his arm trembled from being kept in a tense position for so long. A thin sheen of sweat covered him and Dani opened to her mouth to say something only to slam it shut at the waves of panic suddenly rolling off Danny. 
The car had rolled to a stop as the traffic came to a standstill. Thankfully they were in the slowest lane and there was a hard shoulder on their right but it did little to comfort Danny’s mounting panic. He didn't want to stay still, he couldn't, they were in danger and needed to keep moving. 
“Hey, are you-” Dani was interrupted by an explosion. They both spun to see billows of smoke about twenty cars back and a familiar white van barreling down the hard shoulder. Danny sucked in a breath of air and hit the gas as he swerved into the hard shoulder himself. He pressed on the gas as they went, coming up on a motorcycle attempting to skip traffic. Dani reached over Danny’s shaking arms and slammed on the horn as they gained on the man in red. He glanced back and barely managed to crash out of the way before they ran him down. As they zoomed passed the poor guy Dani looked out her window to give him an apologetic wave. His helmet was weirder when she saw it close up, less like a motorcycle helmet and more like a mask but for his whole head. She gave him a wave and he stared after them. The white van careening after them and obstructing her view. 
Danny followed the hard shoulder until it turned to grass and he kept going. The grass turned into a ditch and he grit his teeth as he maneuvered his beloved car to keep going. Thankfully the car, even turned at an almost forty five degree angle still kept going, if only slower than he would have liked. The white van on the other hand, hit the ditch and flipped, crashing to a halt behind them. Dani watched people crawl out of the van and try to chase after them but even going slowly their car was still faster. Though a lucky shot shattered the back window.
They pulled the car back into traffic, receiving honks and rude gestures before they went deeper into the murky city. It was only another few minutes of driving before Danny found an empty, unkempt parking lot to stop in. He shot out of the car and ripped the back seat door off its hinges trying to get the backpack he had back there. Dani grabbed his phone, the leftover cash, portable charger, and jerky before joining him behind the car as he stuffed his knife, lighter and a blanket into his bag. She offered her stuff and he opened the bag for her. As soon as everything was in he zipped it shut and went to pick Dani up.
“Woah! No! You’re not carrying me. I can walk just fine.” She said, glaring at Danny as he looked back at her. His eyes didn't seem totally focused and she grabbed his hand instead. “If you need to hold on to me so bad you can hold this. Now lets go.” And she was off, dragging a clearly not ok Danny behind her. 
Did she know where she was going? No, but she would figure it out. Unlike Danny, she was used to finding places to sleep in unfriendly and unfamiliar cities. She could recognize safe places to stay. At least she was pretty sure she could.
Gonna try and figure out how to do the Pt1 Pt2 links I actually have like four chapters(?) written cause i got sucked in last night
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passivenovember · 2 months
(sharing again because I'm so proud of this one)
When Billy Falls in Love
Max's hair is twisted into a rough pink towel when she answers the door. She’s got a berry sorbet sunburn peeking through the angry red flush on her cheeks, freckles looking like they could peel off at any moment. It’s the same way Billy gets in the summertime, but he turns gold in seconds.
Max stays angry red. 
She wasn’t at the pool today. Steve knows because he was at the pool fifteen minutes ago, and Billy wasn’t there. And if Billy’s gone so is Max, and if Max is here-- 
“He’s not here. What’s with the flowers?” Max wonders, with her teeth pulling at the wrapper of a Scoops brand popsicle as she eyes the poorly picked and assembled bouquet of daisies and weeds Steve managed to convince the gardener to let him snag. 
Steve can tell she doesn’t really want to know what the deal is. Maybe she already knows. 
Max is fourteen and a perpetually bored pain in the ass, already moving to shut Steve out of the house when he jams his foot so the door won’t close. 
Max tugs on it. Groans. “Steve,” Max says, sounding tired.
“Where is he?”
“I don’t know because we don’t keep tabs on each other, you psycho.”
“Bullshit,” Steve says. Neil’s car isn’t in the driveway, he almost points out.
Max almost cracks a smile, seeming to hear him anyway. If Neil’s gone that leaves Billy to play guard dog. “If you care so much about my stupid brother all of a sudden--”
“--All of a--”
“Get in your stupid shitty car and go drive around until you find him,” Max says, like. Get lost.
They’re so similar it burns. Chars licking over Steve’s skin in the shape of how they sneer and heckle the same, and they’re both so smart that Steve has to do math and study chemistry, and perform mental gymnastics just to keep up.
There’s a lot to latch on to, Steve’s hands slip over it like a gymnast missing the high bar. 
The way she’s looking at him, the way Max said all of a sudden like Steve’s done something wrong--
“He used to drive you around,” Steve says, like. Aha. “Don’t you give a shit?”
About him? 
About his bones and blood. 
Max shrugs. “Why should I?”
And. Steve’s an idiot but he remembers how it was before, back when this whole thing started. His lips, red and tender from sucking on any piece of Billy he could find. His fingers, tugging on worn belt loops and begging for a night on Loch Nora and that dull, exhausted phrase gotta watch my sister sinking a hole in Steve’s hope.
“It’s summer,” Max says after a minute, irritated, “We have an arrangement in the summer. June to Labor Day I do what I want, Billy fucks off for a bit, and we always show up here right when--”
“His car's gone,” Steve says. Because she owes it to him and his months and months of blue balls at her lack of self-preservation. She owes it to Billy.
“His car’s gone because he’s not here, Steve, we just went over this--” 
Max moves to slam the door and Steve holds it open, trying to ignore the hollow feeling that spreads through his stomach. “Why are you acting weird?” Steve demands.
“I’m not acting weird, you’re the one who’s trying to break into my house because Billy stepped out for five minutes,” Max tugs on the door, groaning dramatically, “C’mon Steve--”
Steve clutches the bouquet of flowers close to his chest. “We’re supposed to go see a movie.”
Max stops pulling on the door, all the attitude cut from her with something dull. 
Steve swallows. His nails dig into the palm of his free hand. Steve feels blood swell, but it’s probably just sweat. “Billy. He’s not on a date--”
“Look, Steve,” Max says suddenly, sounding. Much older and wiser than she did five seconds ago. “I like you. You’re cute and dumb but you’re annoyingly sweet and thoughtful. You’re tall, too. You’ve probably failed freshman biology a couple of times.--”
“Shut up,” Max tells him, and Steve swears there’s a bit of green swirling in all that red, embarrassment mixing like watercolor. “Can I be honest with you, Steve?”
Steve nods. He takes his foot from the door jam and rubs his hand on his jeans. Shudders as the feeling in his stomach ebbs and swirls and gets so much worse.
“You’re not his fucking boyfriend,” Max says, and slams the door in his face.
“Well. To be fair, she’s not wrong.”
Steve grips the steering wheel. The leather crackles and squeals with the skin of his palms, giving way to the rumble of the engine when he turns the car onto Park Avenue. 
“Jesus,” Eddie snaps, his free hand scrambling to brace against the passenger door while the bouquet teeters dangerously on his lap, “You don’t have to take the turns so fast, Harrington--”
“I can’t believe she said that.”
“--Fucking Evel Kenevil--”
“I mean. I’m practically his boyfriend, right?”
“Sure, and you’ll still be ‘practically his boyfriend,’ even if you drive at the speed limit.”
“Thought you said Max wasn’t talking out of her ass, Munson?”
“Look, I’m allowed to take things minute by minute. I’m just saying,” Eddie tightens the seatbelt against his chest, “You haven’t exactly popped the question.”
“You think Billy’s the kind of guy who--”
“Yeah,” Eddie says casually. “He’s exactly the kind of guy who wants to be asked out. I’ve seen the way he picks flowers and puts them in his own hair when he thinks no one’s looking.”
Steve snorts. “When has he ever done that?”
“We hang out, you know,” Eddie tells him, in lieu of an answer. “When you’re not around, we hang out loads--”
“Maybe you’re Billy’s mystery man,” Steve says only half serious. Mostly joking. 
Eddie flushes deep red, “Anyway. This bag of weeds is a good start,” He mumbles, twisting the fat head of a dandelion gently between two fingers.
Steve doesn’t have it in him to unpack any of what that might mean.
They’ve been driving for what feels like hours. The sky has turned hazy, floating in that honey-dipped place between dayglow and starlight. The world will be gold, soon, and then dark. Midnight black. 
Hawkins is a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it affair. A shithole. Billy only has a handful of places to hide.
Steve presses a little harder on the gas, knowing in the very pit of himself that this is crazy. This is insane, driving around like a bat out of hell with Eddie Munson, but Billy likes Eddie Munson. Steve tolerates him. And Robin’s at camp, so.
Eddie clutches the door again with another sharp, sudden turn. “Harrington--”
“I’m not dropping you off until I find him.”
“Alright,” Munson grumbles. He lights a cigarette and stares out the window for half a neighborhood block and then says, “How do you know he’s not at home, already?”
Steve grips the steering wheel, convinced Eddie wasn’t listening the first time. “Maxine said--”
“That was an hour ago.”
“Neil doesn’t get off until seven, if Billy’s gone he wont be back until six-thirty at the earliest.”
Eddie checks the dash. “It’s six-thirty now.”
“Do you wanna die today, freak?”
“God, you’re so unpleasant,” Eddie says, handing his cigarette over, anyway, “You’re the worst, actually. Worse than I ever imagined and I’ve imagined it a lot when Billy and Dustin yap their fucking gums about how great you are.”
Steve takes a harsh pull from the cigarette. Coughs and hands it back. 
Eddie takes it from him. Ash gathers on the cherry but he’s got no self-awareness. 
“If you get ash in my flowers, Munson--”
“Jesus Christ, would you give it a rest? He’s gonna love them. He’ll probably cry, once he’s done beating the shit out of you.”
Silence falls, lurid and uncomfortable, and Steve realizes Munson is watching him. Staring at him, 
“This is insane boyfriend behavior, Harrington,” Eddie says.
“So, you admit I’m his boyfriend?” Steve tries weakly, in lieu of what he means. Why Should I Take Advice from You?
“I’m saying this is boyfriend behavior but you won’t be a boyfriend for long, once he finds out what we’re doing.”
Steve grits his teeth. “What are we doing that’s so wrong, Munson?”
“Hunting him. Like a couple of crazy fucking bloodhounds.”
“We had a date,” Steve tells Eddie again. For the eightieth time. “Billy’s never missed a date so he’s either dead or dying or riding some other guy’s--”
Eddie bangs his head against the window.
Steve rolls the window down for him if only to protect the integrity of the Beemer. “Look, I know it doesn’t make sense to you, but I know Billy. And he wouldn’t just disappear without--”
“You’re not his dad,” Eddie tells him, and Steve.
Steve doesn’t have time to get into all the reasons that’s spot -fucking-on. He’s not Billy’s dad, because Steve loves Billy. To his bones and beyond, a little knob of heartache swirling around each nucleus of every atom in the very core of him.
Steve loves Billy so much it gets him into trouble.
Eddie sucks down his smoke again, like, “You’re really doing all this for a missed date?”
“What’s it to you?”
“I’m just saying,” Eddie shrugs, “I heard stories about you and the Wheeler chick. Seems like she missed a lot of dates at the end and you never did anything like this for her.”
“Billy’s not Nancy. Billy’s not like anyone, he’s--”
“Holy shit,” Eddie says, coughing. “You. You’re not just blowing smoke up my ass, you’re serious about him.”
Munson says it like it’s a shock. 
Like Steve Harrington’s not capable of loving anything but himself. His hair and his house on the hill and this stupid fucking car and maybe that’s what the losers at Hawkins High think, but they’re wrong. 
Way wrong. Stuck four years in the past.
Steve has to bite down against every harsh word on the tip of his tongue, tear the sentences apart and swallow them down because of course he’s worried.
Steve’s worried all the time about a lot of things when it comes to this crush he’s been nursing for a year and a half. Steve worries if Billy sleeps enough, for one. If Neil was in a good mood today. How many new bruises Steve will have to cover with hickies the next time they see each other, paint all that hurt over with something good.
It makes him crazy.
Steve worries all the time if Billy loves him. If actually saying it makes a difference.
Steve wonders most of all how much money and begging it’ll take to get Billy out of that house on Cherry Lane. Steve’s spent many restless nights doing the math in his head, staring at the popcorn ceiling as he imagines taking Billy away from here. And if Steve’s taking Billy home, to the coast, then he’s taking Max, too.
So whatever number, whatever dollar amount Steve’s gotta hoard to make it happen--he’d better take it and multiply it by seven, because. Steve’s going to lasso the moon and give it to Billy in a bouquet of yellow daisies. 
If it kills him. 
He’s going to find Billy tonight and tell him the truth if it kills him--
“We’ve gone down this street, already,” Eddie says.
“You’re not helping.”
“I'm just pointing out the obvious.”
“And I’m just pointing out--”
“Look, if you care about Billy so much, why don’t you respect his privacy?” Eddie demands. Somewhere, along the way, he ashed his cigarette on the dashboard.
Steve wants to check the flowers. 
Can’t find it within himself to be angry about that. “I just want to make sure he’s okay. If something happened to him and I wasn’t there to make it better and figure out how to stop it from happening again--”
“God, you’re such a brownie,” Eddie snaps, turning from the window. “What if he ditched you because he’s not into you anymore, Harrington?  What if Billy got tired of waiting for you to pull your head out of your ass and stop obsessing over him where no one else can see it? What if he’s sick of being the plaything you fuck in the dark?”
Steve swallows. Feeling so, so small.
“Everyone says you’re a changed man,” Eddie gets closer, somehow. Looms. “What if Billy thinks you’re bullshit?”
Steve pulls the car to the side of the road. In front of them, hazy with the dregs of the afternoon, a coal brown sign announces that Hawkins will soon be a spot on a map left somewhere far, far away. 
Everything in that shitty little town hangs over him. Feels so huge. Max and Neil and his parents and graduation and the last month of summer, sitting bigger than the sky. 
The engine thrums underneath them and Steve swallows, turning against his seatbelt. “If Billy doesn’t love me,” Steve says, easy and slow, “He can say it to my face.”
Eddie blinks. 
Steve can sense the cogs turning, underneath all that hair. Brown like his, curly like Billy’s. “It won’t change how you feel about him?” Eddie asks. 
And Steve realizes, like a punch to the gut, that Eddie Munson cares about this.
About Billy.
He’s worried, too, in his own twisted, guard-dog best friend kinda way. It reminds Steve of Robin. Dustin, too, always baring their teeth at Billy because they’re not fully convinced that this thing between them will survive the summer.
That Steve would survive losing this. 
He wishes, a deep ache thrumming in his chest, that everyone would either get it or fuck off.
“I love him,” Steve says easily, “Love isn’t something that stops just because the other person’s come to their fucking senses about how much of a loser you are. It isn’t something you say because you want to hear it back. I’ve loved him for a year and a half and I’ll love him even when he realizes I’m not half good enough.”
Eddie smirks. It’s slow and terrible.
“Alright, Harrington,” He leans back in his seat and nods, satisfied. “I think I know where our boy is hiding.”
Duane county used to house to the only mall within a hundred miles until Starcourt. 
It’s a small and bustling and annoyingly progressive city, compared to Hawkins, and Steve isn’t the least bit surprised that Billy would run to a place like this to hide for a while.
What surprises him is that Billy knows how to skateboard. 
He’s riding the half pipe, so focused on the concrete that laps like waves under the wheels of his long, colorful board that Billy doesn’t notice when the Beemer’s engine cuts and Steve opens the driver’s side door. 
Eddie doesn’t move. 
“You coming?” Steve asks, frowning when Eddie sparks something too pale and skinny to be a cigarette.
“Nah, you go ahead.”
“You don’t wanna give me your blessing?” Steve wonders, suddenly terrified that Billy won’t go steady with him if he doesn’t see the irritatingly awful face of his best friend giving the thumbs up. 
Eddie hands Steve the bouquet. It’s crushed and it smells like dope.
“Billy’s gonna take one look at these sorry fucking flowers and break up with me,” Steve grumbles, his nose scrunching, and.
Eddie smiles at him. 
It’s soft and real, and kind of beautiful, and Steve gets why Chrissy Cunningham is apparently head over heels for the guy. 
“He loves you, too,” Eddie says, like, “Go on. Quit stalling. Don’t think your big love confession will feel the same if I have told your hand through it.”
Steve slams the door, and Billy floats to the top of the half-pipe with the echo of it. He looks like an angel in the clouds, shirtless with his skin golden in the setting sun, jeans slung low on his hips. The curly, bronze tendrils of hair Steve will always remember the feel of are swooped back in a scrunchie.
Max’s scrunchie.
Billy squints across the parking lot and recognizes Steve, his expression clouding over immediately. “What the fuck are you doing here?” He demands.
Steve waddles across the parking lot, “Eddie’s here,” He calls, like an idiot.
“So?” You fucking him now?”
“No, I--”
“What are you doing here, Harrington?”
Steve almost trips over himself, knees with with nerves. Billy does that to him, always. Forever.
The half-pipe is huge up close, looming like the mast of some ancient, terrible ship and Billy is the pirate waiting to throw him overboard. “We had a date,” Steve says.
Out of breath.
“I had to get out of that house,” Billy shades his eyes with one hand, holding the long board aloft with his bare foot. He doesn’t say anything for a long, terrible moment and then he says, “Whatcha got there, pretty boy?” 
“Flowers,” Steve tells him.
“Flowers,” Billy mocks softly. There’s no bite.
He considers the moment. The Scene. Steve Harrington, with flowers clutched to his chest and the dingy little park beyond that and Eddie Munson, probably, hanging from a cloud of marijuana smoke as the afternoon crashes into nightfall.
As Steve crashes and burns.
Steve holds his breath. Billy glides down the half pipe, seeming to ride on the wind until he comes to a delicate, perfect stop in front of him. 
He smells like peaches. 
He’s been eating peaches. Billy’s hands are sticky when he grabs the bouquet, and Steve’s skin lights on fire from his touch. 
It’s so usual. It’s brand new every time.
“You bought me flowers?” Billy asks, pinning Steve with a clear, vibrant stare. 
His eyes are so blue. So beautiful--
“I didn’t buy them, I. I picked them,” Steve says dumbly, “The gardener was going to clear them away, but. I wanted to pick some for our date. I always pick you up on the way but I never bring anything, and I thought. Maybe Neil wouldn’t notice who they were for if it seemed like someone just picked them from a garden. Or the side of the road,” Billy snorts, and Steve nearly breaks an ankle trying to recover, “But I’ve thought about it, and they’re almost out of season, so the gardener--”
“And. I see them every morning, from my bedroom window, and they remind me of you. Pretty and. Golden, so. I caught the gardener just in time, and i had to pay him $5 to let me pick ‘em before he cleared them away. They’re pretty. Right? I wanted--”
Billy sniffs the daisies first. His eyes close, lashes casting long, noir shadows over the cinnamon freckles on his cheeks and Steve aches to live forever in this moment. To scrape the image into his mind so it can live there, in a house made in Billy’s image. 
“Some of these are weeds,” Billy tells him.
“Are you in love with me, Harrington?” Billy rubs the petals of one flower with his thumb, watching as the stems knock together. He’s holding the bouquet like it’s made of glass. Like it might shatter and crumble away if he’s not careful, and Steve.
Feels that way about Billy.
“I,” Steve tries again,
“Thanks for the flowers,” Billy says, and he turns to go.
“Wait,” Steve says. Begs. He almost reaches to stop Billy but he doesn’t want to hurt him. 
Billy stops. Waits. 
Something sharp and fragile sits there, just under the layer of indifference Steve was always too stupide to notice before, but.
“I love you,” Steve says. He sounds strangled. Drowning. 
It hurts.
It hurts and it really, really doesn’t when Billy flushes red. “I love you, too.”
Steve’s going to catch on fire at any moment. “You love me,” He repeats, testing the words. He doesn’t trust them to hold his hope. Doesn’t think Billy means it how Steve aches and dreams he does. “You love me, like. How you love Max? Or Eddie? Like a friend who you want to suck off sometimes--”
“Eddie and I are just friends,” Billy says, quickly. His gaze is steady on Steve’s face. “I don’t need anyone else for that, I have. You.”
He does. 
He really does.
Billy’s watching Steve like he’s expecting him to say something else, and maybe he is. Has been, for as long as they’ve been sliding inside of each other. Steve was just too dumb to get it before now. 
So he straightens his spine. Clears his throat. Says, “Well. I love you like I want to take you on dates. And introduce you to my parents. I want you to go steady with me and wear my letter--”
“We can’t do that sort of stuff, Harrington.”
“I know.”
“Well, then, why’d you say it?”
“Because it’s what I want,” Steve snaps. Like, “You’re so annoying.”
“It was your idea,” Billy smirks. It’s beautiful. It’s Steve’s second favorite thing, second only to his laugh. And the soft curve of his lips. Billy fiddles with one of the weeds and says, “You don’t even have a letter to give me.”
“Neither do you, asshole,”
“So now what?” Billy demands, his arms flaring wide, “You’re gonna say you want to go steady with me and we’re not gonna do it? Tease.”
Steve rolls his eyes to the heavens, grumbling as they plop wetly on the sun-warmed earth. Billy’s still barefoot and Steve wonders how his toes aren’t burning. “How are your toes not burning?” He demands.
“They are,” Billy tells him, annoyed.
And then. 
Steve gets an idea.
He sits on the ground and pulls both shoes off.
“What are you doing?” Billy snaps, but Steve can hear a smile in his voice, curling tendrils through the teasing annoyance that has made him so different from anyone Steve has ever loved before. “Steve--”
“Here,” Steve says, standing to hold the shoes out in front of him. He hops from one foot to the other as his heels start to burn.
Billy stares at the Nike’s as if they’re coiled snakes. Like if he takes them, they’ll burrow under his toenails and poison him from the inside out. “I don’t get it--”
“I don’t have a letter, but. People might see you in them and get it, right? When has anyone ever seen Billy Hargrove in a pair of Nike’s?”
Billy blinks, confused.
“You’re mine,” Steve says. “So they’re yours. Take them,”
Billy considers him for a long moment and then sets the bouquet on the ground. “Wait here,” He says, and skates off around the bend in the half pipe.
Steve’s feet are on fire.
He’s hopping dramatically, and in the distance he can hear Eddie laughing, and Steve’s going to kill him, but then.
Billy’s back and he’s holding his boots in his hands. “Here,” He says, “Eye for an eye, right?”
And Steve doesn’t need to be told twice. He slips into the worn leather, pleasantly surprised at how comfortable they are. His feet thank him, the raging fire finally simmering.
Steve watches Billy. 
The careful way his fingers lace the Nike’s onto his feet. How his hips shift his weight when he stands. Billy walks in a slow, timid circle, “Shit, Harrington,” He says thickly, “I’ve never been someone’s boyfriend before.”
Steve shrugs, “I’ve never had a boyfriend, before.”
“Think we’ll be any good at it?” Billy asks. He squats deeply, popping back up with a wide, beautiful smile planted pretty as a forest on his face.
It beams itself, magically, onto Steve’s. Startles a bright, hysterical laugh from somewhere deep inside of him. 
“You’re perfect,” Steve says. Nothing has ever felt more true.
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calisources · 2 months
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All sentences on these meme make references to royal balls, medieval ballrooms or regency, basically set during any period drama. You can change names, pronouns, titles and more as you see fit. Most of these were taken from different source materials found via google search. This meme makes references to masquerades, royal dances and partners.
Dancing, at its best, is independence and intimacy in balance.
Dance is the timeless interpretation of life.
Music does not need language of words for it has movements of dance to do its translation.
Masks reveal. They don’t conceal. Masks reveal your cravings, your passion, your deepest most secret desires.
It was you. I know it was you.
Look at me, Kia! Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not her.
And who shall you be once you don your grand disguise?
I don't like to hear you talk about yourself that way. Your scars do not define you, young lady. Your action do.
All the ladies must dress the same and the men have to find their partners. It’s a game of sorts. 
Even the smallfolk have their own version of the ball, at the steps of the castle.
Swoon, Dora. Every young woman deserves to swoon over the love of her life.
Dash it, Everton, how'd you know it was me?
A masquerade could have been a beautiful dance. 
 Oh, well. What's a royal ball? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and-and-and boring, and-and completely... Completely wonderful.
Each finds a partner, and upon the bell, we must change partner until we find the one we came to be. . .or the one we desire.
It has been a while since you gave me the honor to dance with you.
If the princess is not too occupied, I would wish for a dance, perhaps?
The Queen and King have to open the ball but the King is gone. No mind, I shall be in his place.
Sometimes in life confusion tends to arise and only dialogue of dance seems to make sense.
If we want our men to dance, we have to inspire them. 
 But with something more, something bigger, something that will give them a reason to want to dance.
But when balls are held for pleasure, They're the balls that I like best.
Will you be my princess for the Ball?
Keeping pushing, Andrei, and you and I are going to play a game.
Nothing like a ball to cheer a nation, give the old lords wine and the young boys the opportunity to find a nice woman and everyone shows up.
Where are you taking me? The ball hasn’t ended.
Royals is like a beautiful, broken angel: hard to look at, but utterly impossible to turn away from.
Attend the royal ball in all your glory and find out what fate has in store for you.
How many dances is one allowed before people begin to whisper?
You cannot behave like a brute. It is my duty to dance with every suitor. I am their princess.
I do not recognize you, my lord? Are you from these lands? 
It is bad luck to steal a princess.
Attend the royal ball in all your glory and find out what fate has in store for you.
There is nothing quite like dancing in the moonlight. It sets your soul on fire and your heart aflutter.
The beauty of a ball is not just in its grandeur, but in the connections it sparks, the emotions it stirs, and the hopes it ignites.
Just keep your eyes on me. No one else here matters.
I shall keep dancing with you until you stop being stubborn and go speak with me. Or you rather have people whisper?
The princess looks beautiful tonight, does she not?
Father, please, you must dance as well. Your dull looks are making people bored.
You promised me a dance when you were better. Are you?
I've loved you at every dance, on every walk, every time we've been together and every time we've been apart.
I can feel people's eyes on me.
Every time I walk into a ballroom, I know they are comparing me to Daphne.
You both get to choose your passions and adventures, while my beloved is chosen by me. And now I must join them for a dance.
Are you planning on running away when the clock strikes midnight? 
If you do wish to go away, I know a spot, secluded enough.
You wish for me to go with you, alone, unchaperoned. I am a maiden, my lord. 
Aye, but I am no lord, sweet maiden. And these masks allow us some privacy.
This is my last chance to find a match on my own accord. If I don’t. The King will do it for me and I would rather not.
 I'm only a girl, not a princess.
Believe me - they're all looking at you.
 They're all looking at you.
You are requested and required to present yourself to your king.
 I do not even know if that beautiful slipper will fit But, if it does--will you take me as I am?
 It would be an insult to take you to the palace dressed in these old rags.
How charming, how perfectly charming.
When I go back, they will try to pair me off with a lady of their choosing. I'm expected to marry for advantage.
Oh. Well, whose advantage would this marriage be of?
I hope you don't find our kingdom too confining.
I am. An apprentice monarch. Still learning my trade.
Our prince seems quite taken with her.
She went straight for him. You have to appreciate her efficiency.
Walk into the room knowing you are the best. Shoulders back, chin up. Their attitudes will totally change.
You dance love, and you dance joy, and you dance dreams.
The ball is about to come to an end, and you have yet not told me your name. 
I thought we agreed we would remain strangers.
I’m afraid my true identity would put you in danger. 
Have you ever been kissed by a stranger at the end of a ball? If not, let me be the first.
Put him on all the invitation lists, he's a divine dancer.
I’m afraid I’m more used to swordfight than ballroom.
You will ruin your pretty gown, princess. I would not wish to step on your toes.
 Silly, I am a great dancer, no one ever steps on my toes.
No. Let them dance. Interrupting would cause a scandal.
One of these men will be my husband one day. What a thought.
The art of husband seeking at it’s peak, during royal ball season. 
Maiden beware, a gentleman can become a beast when the bell strikes.
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